, ~.- • • e BY KAGNETIC, TELECII, cue, 1 . 412.1.1 4 1G1/ IF T ILL SCOti• POLED FOR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE ARRIVAL, OF THE WASHINGTON Ntw Yost, May The StF Ship Washington, Capt. Floyd, anise lea et thti putt this morning, alter a very good passage of thirteen day. and tea hours tom South ! =Plan: having soled from that port on the after noon rattle 40 h of April. • The Washirgien brings 140 passenger, and a very large and valuable cargo of French, Getman and Eczlith goods. • The Englian Moils:l7 still hold together. Account. tram France are more in detail, but present nothing t Importance. • Fo to Europa n Steamers have arrived at this port this Weer, The Cambria, the Canada. the City of lEa.gav, . and the Waskiogton. W RIT OF ERI OR IN THE WEHATER CASE. Ihorron May 4,18.50, There was a large attendance at the Supreme Judicial Court this morning.to hear the arguments of Counsel on application fort writ of error, and a new Mai for Protessor Webster,under plea of informality, in bringing the Cane nft the Mantel. pal Count. The Judges took the cam under advisement, and no decision v. di be announced for several days. 01 TFIE GALPHIN COMMITTEE. New You., Mu 4. Tho Tribune r.t" this morning publishes thelollow iog diipetch from Waohiceion. I,lruhinmou„ Maar 3—The Galphin Commit will report to the Rowe early zest erect. The majority will report that the claim wu Weald, both is principal and interest. The appgin'ment of Neil Brown, u talinWer to Hauls: area camfamed yesterday. At the conclusion of Mr. Wilmot's speech, yes- Surds)", the Route adjourned." THE MONTa , QUIOI4S ADMITTED TO BAIL Lovisaus, !day 4. , The St. Loeie papers received here to day, alive that the Mnntrattaioas have been admitted to bail—one io 530,000, the other $20,000. SINKING OF 11IE cotta,Lo.9 1n , 3 OF ay LI4.FE. Ss. LCt. M The report was current at Sr. Joseph, on the 30th ok.April, and believed to be true, that the steamer Coro. ou hor way to Council Bluffs, with Dumber or Californians on board, was sunk, and tificen persons drowned.!. • Lomas 144 x, May 4. I S.'. The river has fallen three inches within the het 24 boun, l.ring seven feet Water in the channel as the falls- The weather h rainy. CINCINNATI MARKET. Cleetrosavi, May 3 Flour—Thais is a continued fir demand, at folly quoted rates, say 55 10 0 5 25 per brl. Grua—Receipts cf Corn have increased, with shies at 50 0 ale per bushel. Sales of Michigan Oats at 40 0 421 ter bushel. Provisiohs—There is a lair demand ;in the market. far bacon, with sales of shoulders at 31, and of tines et di. all packed. Sales pliin hams (shti slop) at L / Whiskey—The market to active, with sales at • further advance 01240 214 per gallon. ; , GrOCCriCi — SURIIf Is active, with an adv i see of Ic no Ear quallt,ts. The elver hat risen 8 bides ha tha past 24 bears, and to 1.1111 ?HIE CANADA. Neer Tenn, May 4. The etealrahip Canada aurred u Bastan?yeeeu , day manatee. NEW YORK MARKET. Now You. May 4. Corion—floMers offer freely at 12012{ f‘r Mid i:hog Upland and Orleans. Flour—The market is heavy, with a fair bte sine. doing at yesterilsy's qootatnne. Grain—Some ealer of WbOal at prices which bare not tranepued. Coin is dull, with no change to price. Provistons—Ths market is doll, with sale. of Meat Pork at 5101E016,25. and of Prime Park at 56,5625,62 per bbL Lud in bbl, is gellirg at 6lc per lb. Groceries-1a Coffee, very little is doiag. Jaya Is mi 6 at na- t e.; St. Dstatilgo at 1 l 1011 ie per lb. A good business is doing in Sams.sa'eo of Middling to mild Orleans at 41$5ei and Potto 51G5{e per IL. Lena—Saks of Sptat - '4lt at 91,95 Per Rs. Whiekey—lint doing at a decline. Money Market—Government Stork. SIC-o,l[l. ex, Since toe Csonds'a new., Unite dStates Cho; port loon, IS6S, ease gone op to 120/631201;—• Prem. C. Stales 6,'67. 119; Prem. Treasury 111 ' bid—llk asked. Oruo Ts, 1011, Prusbnifllh, T 7 fl Penna. fee, 97:. ST. LOUIS 'MARKETS. • BT. LVI, Ml] 4 urana—Wheat cootiones in good request, bat the market at bore of re:me. Salts or 3000 bark at 900114 e per bu, ft: the dlferent qualifies.— Sale, 2000 hu Corn at 5.510 pet ho. Sales el Oats from store at 240. Floor—The market is firm. but tr Maaetions are limited. Sala 300 bbls at 5355,25 per bbl Provalonts—No antes of Pork. Lard is in ac tive demand, but smoke s- are too light to give ■ criterion of the market. We quote =1 to bble, and coot in kegs. Bacon lo in demand, with sales 0117 mks common Missouri at 3c for Shoal dare, rod lis far Hams; 22 mks Sides at 4.i I per lb. Sales IS .ks shoulders from park house, at 3c, and of Clear Sides at ti c. IS-ma—The market is uncharged, with Isles at 5852590 per ton. Lead—Sake of Upper Write at 04;30 per owl which is a decline. • A. IWO, b. 1 0 .1 . C. L. An.= & /1111 NM 1011. 111.11. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS A. A. MASON & CO, Market litrest, betwoest.Thlrd &Davit., Pattaburlgb, Pa. wOIILD respectfully call the attention deity and coantry merchants, to ono of the most estentuve Stocks in the country, notuprl/Iny aver Fourteen Handled Cases and Parton. of Foreign and Domes tic 1, 7 Goods, conitsting, in p.m, of 100 eases test style Calicos, 100 " Bleached Muslin, nil grades; tp " Summer Staffs and Cottoned= 30 Larne, 40 Laval, gad !dueling 60 " Bennetts and Tweedig " Cassimeres, Cloth,s' 100 " and bales of Tieklnga, Checks, he.; 300 0 Brown Matins. Together with the most extensive assortment of Imported Goods in this rassket,go sssss leg the molt ample facilities for the transaction of their business, and one of the partners being eon smetlY in Me eastern markets, Oleo pratendny terry &donut/Lye enjoyed by eastern hno.er. TLey believe that they can oder greater indarearents to merchants liencrallyLin styles, ganlineo, and pnees, than Ono, tatty n market. New goods tong:Ludy ntriving. 51erehants intending par. chasing East, ure plituraintly Annear d ronnilie their •••nrtment (split A A lt/ABON & co, ~... ~•:~ ~~•9 RESTAURANT AUX VILT3IIII3O PROVAR,O4IIOI,, No. 51, Fourth Ora& T GAVE the boner of informing the citizens 01 Fitts. 1 block', that 1 lame opened, at the above large an! convenient Muse, a Restaurant • l' 'eased de Paris. All the delicacies the semen can afford will slaty, be served in the moat ...red styles, hash.. to ported dishes, such . 'finale& glaabroem.,h &Ne Peas, Pates de foie gm s, Ac., wath winch I wit .be ready to provide private facades or moues. Table &lb. at We o'clock every day. • Gentlemen wishing far private rooms cr be accommodated. My larder and cellar wili In New Roark or Philadelphi A few mote boarders can . ' sr7.llw ----- •' lc. ./ . ENGIGISEI ik. w1ia.. , :1.,... CROCE ~.% 120 pkys Y. it.7mp. Meal and Gunpowder Tr.; .3 '..7. 135 bag Tzbaccm [.....--:. ~ 1. begs Rio Pelee; MD brie 13 0 Moksater, T5..19 0 %gam T. 1 ,9 hoses ammted tile, IV/3140W Glass; • ..; .., ; 40 bra Piper, 1 41 1 ' • ~ 400 bus Ca p; • lO9 bus ndle.; 9090 lba Codfidn, • . .70 bits Tamen , ' oil; 'S 2 , 9 bra Chocolate; ^l'..-•'l 00 dos Bed Cards' Co colts Manilla Rope; 30 bus Apiced at.,.4,,,,,,, 10 bogs Pepper, 1., 5 bale Alsplcc; ' • , A, gOO bus Iternazi 40 bale Vinegar, ' -- - • 3U bales Ca•dloancki '.• - ~ 40 bus Starch; 10 tree Rtee; 10 bets Cha; k; LOS drama Fly Ai well 'ea a geoew : - • ' blasuf.t_urrd article& by ___ -- NEW I'EIBLIGATIONB. ' •.. ' ' VAg G ASSlZ—Lstre Superior; its 14, ;7 .,, a ch ... AVegetal's, and ealmala. ey,. • - naratag—The East. lll.trmcd. gap, ii,,,,,,,,,,,ce. VllOlll. 12., 1 iitil•DOLVl—Aspec,s of Mi.. , Real& 12mo. ~,.`-..' 1 - ' ' rik.W74—Ttilkl3o Eames Fateromments. pada'. , ~.. 7 ,,, g pse—sal gnat Anatomy. Colored plates. 4. 1 3 ,,,,,—pm. m 3 .d Psose Writing& I co,. m.,,,..,. Tecaszazan—'fbe Optimist. Ilmn. ~. :- Warson—Pecticel gummier... eve. CJW(sl—Holurr's Wad. Ismo. Ma.... -1.33. ular Delusion& 9 vols. -,i, For sele by JAMES .1) LOCKWOOD a ,, ..ea Itooksellet b. hoPon.GlI4YOUrtb .t. ' , -7----..... w. ....,..,..T.6-1„ ...... „,,s. Dreamt 'a %%stag, the Authors Fdltlon.-- L. , ? - • 5. In The Neichbe re: &Ise or Every Day 1.7.. • A • ~ . e . ArA ~,,..d edition, veldt an introdoetion VeTillen . . ~p,esely tor thin edition by Miss Bremer. tentacled, . , •,' t ,lf.rm WWI Irving s, Cooper% and Sedgewicktm . .. ' •and illustrated with yortrait and view Mine author's ' "1,4444% Plod. translated by Willis,. Cowper. a ,,eigl; Eteberj&e,,they L. L. D., with notes by hi. • . . '• • .; ,a, F.,:„.P- I ghwLiti:' ,, glir „ td. ~, 4 .10,0; f'. o . l `ffrneP, ';,7.;:/.`: . .. - .... k.A •r„. .----ayliplaxmon. toy al itimantoth. Also, a cheaper " A :4,.....2°,"4t,144°t'04.ka, includisdr• ar' 7l' tees . , ... , ' ' ' . , ,,",-it aa-ariVt‘ co'lle,ctit.d,_yby Punted, Parti T: l rye e l l 15 . i to i, ... +4'o ;4 a vols. Item. ti,la., tt p ••,. i :1 I o T i ~, a t e 'C ° r h . It . , p c . ..- a - Calea d a r , or, Wit and , Whale,. for I, Dap in the ye,_-• Pdtted by W. C. Richards ,"). '''' • l ET 2e I th 33 loth In a yery I gat vo la . , ..upa, C 0 , tents, c a'',.! r_ • I g ti 4 ...63n f :I:by JAMES D LOCKWOOD, ;:a- HOOkl!f!j!l_rd Importer, ltt fourth at. •• _ _ a __'' . , 1 ------Or—..Prattni. P=411.1 8011 - 1111 /AIX* • =CI CAbliS of the above eekbrated brand and . - ~., : 7 464 high test, dime' frau the manufacturers; 150 Dow.on the way from New 0de.... and ai. ... tt, en5 55 ,,„ a3 this week ; and 311 will shortly arrive pit pacten„ . .....„, aer odaa Jo Mats, Chesapeake, Dams . 1 L , vi./ 3. "' - th r which will ba sold on .awthal, at the ''''' "4 °" ' F r ith far cash Or a Proved bills. v lowest ma ll et PT W&M Proved EuraEs, • 14 rag 3.s9unirqr it - COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTIBUBOR BOARD OW TAD AND YDACTIANIN crzsana. lOMMITTEE FOR MAY. ItOSIIICSON C. DL0..... Tax Unica* Snafu —The follecrtng wattle • ata t def a' cure of the Ocean btearnera, dufiage. meelh Maj codas.' tads—won /Iva:root. Atomics, from Heston, Wednesday, ist May. Catlett., from New Volt. Wednerday. May Bth, .0., horn Boston, Wednesday, May 115 m. Nutt., from New York, Wednesday, May 22.1 COLLATa , LINI-PlO,l TIM' TOTS TO LIVIZTOOL. Pectrtc, Capt Nye, Saterdsy, Nay It yaile urns...Ll° Tow Ton. TIANITC, apt.‘Vednesday, May li c e p!. Wet 1222262; M 22 20. aaa 11,2411 NAV CO.-4 . 01 4111. raaY EIMW YOU Caps. Crab..., Monday, May. ilk vacs sum. rai aaw TOM lIIIMOLS, Capt. CI abate, Wednesdiry, 6147 Po. clllOlll l PlOl OXW' sow Cauca" errs, Capt. Stoddard, Wednesday, Slay I • orrier rrrtannaan GAZITZE, I ?d , ntha morning. May 6,113 b. $ Patardny being Ike closing day of the week, and Ile i nc lement, the market was geneially Tea id Wes limited. FLOUR—The only avowal we notice Mace our lasi eepoit, was some 300 Little, which was received on comoignment. We have no reportable Italie from Grit hand.. Fttial More, prices have slightly receded. with regularl mite In dray load lon et Sip, ss,and 5512 g VA. The market closing firm. ORAIN—We notice a general Stamen in the mar. Set, for all deootiptione of train. Whoa I. sells. at SURMA f ba; Itge at 70075, and Barley et Elol9oe. Balm of 150 bas Cara from atom at &SC, ♦ ba, with an advancing tendency. Oats are very firm at 75040 e +I ba from store. GROCERIES—We notice a alight Improvement In &agar, with mles in lots of 6,10, and 13 hkals at 1051 6. Malanes remain hoot at 11/11 0 for N O, and 40 0 43e for sugarboase. Rio coffee remains station at 110111. with sales of 1110 maks in lots. Rice may be quoted at 41041 to um, Loaf sugar is mid raga holy al a range of Ei to 11t: PROVISIONS—We l:1010 sales an Saturday of 15 east, lumon at 30 for aide., 4o for shoulder*, andel hams. exclusive of asks, which is alight improve - at. Salds from smokehouse in low Of 1000 to 3000 at 41, 31, and 010, for shoulders, Odes, and bum— .—les of extra sago cured hame at ite, and of prime bagged tams at ke fc To Western cured dtied:heef la mild by the tierce at9e p lb, and firm. Lard to In moderate request at 310611 n Ohio and toga. hear of to large operattom in any ar ticle ',Mar this bead. With moderate transactions, we may continua oar quotatious as follows:--Soda ash, 31; Peartub,Ce; Salaratua 61; Potash at 45 p 6. WINDOW following are the ruling rates for city and country brands. 8 by t0..........51,13911110 by 14-44,Z4 , 5 , A 1 Other sins ittpropottinn. .C 3711 S.F.. .1 by 10 II by 17•----11,75 by 12 • II by Id , 4,73 13 by 14 12 by 20 ---.4,70 10 by 15 4,7 0 12 by 17 ID by 13 4,0 12 by 13 10 by 17 14 by 21 BEANS—Tnere a a good demand in the market at 11 bo, fora prime article. PEWS— very link lathing in the marker. The fol low ng may be given as about the rating rates front storer—Clover, 83,75; Tirnooy, 320, and Flozreed at 111.33 • be.' OlLS—Sales of Linseed of 11122; No 1 Lard at 530350 No 2at 429492 P gall. Caner 01l continues scarce at 82.509 gall. Eastern Blaney Market. Naw Y 0.., April Ip. The market for Stocks was firm to and Isere was graerally • good desuataL Tfie Flames had an upward tendency acne meat to 741, and Harlem to GS. no mutat wt. firm for Uoscumems mut other 60.1110 racks, UM the supply waft guile MICSCIMA 51.210111=1 b . s sold at 107. At the second bawd tka frsotatmos were trig+ cuter. Toe market for Eirehenget , or Urine for Appear. caeca, with lllust:aim , kV the Broth.. M.A... sr.t. • GEORGE E. AR S MOLD DELLER EXCHANGE, COIN, DANK sftprigs r - i.., N 0.71 Fourth street, next door to the Bent o =fd buret,. m PAINT=3 mkt per m e i, 11% and toe sale by the barrel or single pentad at the prur. Ssed. and Perfu Wareboase, corner Sad , one Wood streets.m ery S N IVICHERSILLNI. of allb T HAVE tolcen \VM CARR con permergup anb J. me in my borinem, eroirth will from this dmm be canted ort ander Om lame of .Jobo parker Much leWiao. JOHN PARKER Jolap .INTIIom Con. JOHN PAILIKEII di CO., indeilts Cram, Dealers ia rsreir* Nino, Licata'', Old Monongahela and Itstifed Mary. No. 3, Commercial go., LIM, %MO, Pouborto. P. ID CL IWUND EYI.EK bx.. prune iiroooo Popp iur? or sale y WICK liIeCANDLESS z n e d .117/C-Dh.ls.—Asplendul arm.% tu ll:t'2 W , _ or mortmccit of 4 ma a Vol. La 110 pm..., wtdah ca; gyhmAr as camera 'flack's'. Pnces• • GREAT IRPORTAITT CH EM DISCRVERT. CHEMICAL COMBENATIOS From t RgstsM. Xingyisca, tip mod DiactrAcr . Dr. Glasnost's Sitraeli or Tallow Dock sad Sarsaparilla. - • Coxes toxaemia:ice, ecrofol, erysipelas, diem:Wis.. took liver complaints, seized afections, elects, ty• paths. dropsy. estbeie, eeorceY• olleeliona of the bladder and kidneys, mercurial diree.s• tor rapt bunion, reek of blood to the bead, feocr sod ague, female complaint, general debility, dyspep lie, leas of appetite, headache, colds. cooliveness, gravel, Waist sweats, cholic, organic affeetiork, palpitation of the keen, tides, puns In the la, • chest, buck, fee. It is infellible in all discasesnazising from an irt• pare state of the blood. or irregular action of the ne tts. In the Vegetable Kingdom, en eli.wise Being has deposited plants and herbs: eougeniar,to oar eonstitu. t ee s, and jadapted to he cure of disease; and to the vegetable kingdom doe, the reasonot man, as well as the histinet and els, turn for antidotes to pain. The Speepls a scientifie compound of the moat vat. stable plants in nature, entirely Gee from deleterious and enervating mineral substances, and as it expels disease (roe, the system, imparts vigor ant strength in • a corresponding degree. • CF.ETIFICATYS. An extraordinary emus of Screfula,_Erysipelas sad ems, cured by the sole use of Dr. Deluges Com posted Syrup, Yellow Dock and Sarseparilla. Steelman, Nov. 17, - 1111 , S. Du. Gerson—Sin I tender: my sincere Meeks for ;*0 great benefit I have derived • from the use of your valuable syrup. I have been troubled very lied with I• scrofulous sore, which made its appear.. on my chin. I did not pay much attention to It at first, sop- Tieing it to be nothing but an cropuon met appears en pers.'s far a. It finally he to Increase, entillt spread lo .sult pert of the bead. I applied to a, physician, who attended RIO all to no propose. I hod . tried everything that could be tried. I saw year Syr up of yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and concluded le use n, Ihnew that Yellow Dock was 0118 of the most_valuthle articles in the world for the blood. I boaaht soar Syrup, and from the ore of one bottle, I could teen great change in my system. I continued to use it until 1 ell man. I now feel like a new pennon nty blood is perfectly cleansed and free from all Impurities. There is out a question bet the roar newly discovered compound_ is far superior t I any sanamirilla syrup ever sold. This ceniScmc is at your disposal to publish it you like, and any one you may refer to me 1 shall be hap py to g ive them all tiro infomnition I can cheat my ease, die. I remain your obedient smarm, Genoa 1131Slarket street The best female medicine known. The Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is e pornive, speedy, and permanent cur c for 01l complaints Incident to Its Mild, alterative Prone.es render it peculiarly applleahle to the slender and delicate coestination o I the fernale. It Is unrivalled in its effects& upon Fuel diseases as Incipient consumption, 'harrenness, len. torsi's., e,r whimn impala menstruation, inconti nence Marine, and general prostrate= of the system. , i , It immediately counteracts tho distre”ing nervous ness and busunde so ammon o the female frame, and imparts an energy and bee .ey ....rp.g.. they are grateful. We have vidence on els which induces us strongly to recommend this medicine in married people who hove not been blessed With off , spring. eliaLeras Urn, or Falling of the Womb, of five years' standing, cored by Dr. Guyentt's F.rtract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,. atter every other known' remedy had been tried without relief. WASIIIIIL:0", Ohio, Feb., IMP. This eereifies that my wife, rood l it years, hen been entering under the shove complaint for five yearn—nearly all of Illtat time confined to herbed. I have for four years constantly employed the best med ical talent teat could be preeteed to tros section of thc country, without say benefit whatever. I have al-o purchased every inetrumentommended for the ewe of saeh disease, ail of wh ich preyed wordiles.. In the spring of ISO, I was induced by my friends io try Dr. Gown's yellow Dock and etamaparitio, which manned for four months. After she had need Star about four weeks. it wire evident to all that elm was Improving, and from MIS uric she improved rap idly, and gained Oerh and etrensfh, until the disci.° was entirely removed, and she is now enjoyine most excellent health. WM. IIIoNFIIRT. We being nerchbon of Wm. nod !Min Monfort. know that the above statement, es to the niesners of Mrs. Monroe, and into the rare Acing effected by Nuyeati's Yellow Dock and Sareapardrc. to he strictly crue. JANE EDDY. • SARAH POWERS. Groat Care of Gontromptlon. Ilawn.ros, Juneau 2. 1915. Mr. Bennett—Deer Sir: The great benefit which I have droved from your Extract of Yellow Doev and Ear:apatite, induces me, as en act ofjustice, to make the following sietament: Alter wasting for two yeas" from genemi • • jell burly terminsted In conswepuon. I woe On up by my friends and physicians es beyond .he aid of medicine. As a last resort, I was minted to try your Extract, wed having used but two bottles, ac cordnig to your directions, I em enitrely well. I would therefore .11.41.1 Y re tommend vow unequa led Compelled to the alit:men who denim powerful, - pleasant and sale temedy. year friend, hi. WAITE. None genuine nulese put op in large square bo tics containing a quart, and the name of the syrup blown in the 1-,:aas, with Me written Oentunre of S. Ben nett on the outside wrapper. Price 51 per horde, or six betties for PS - _ It is odd hi J. Pk k,coiner of•Vourth'end Wal nut street, Cirtrinned, Ohih, General Agent fer the South and Wear, to ned, whom all orders must be 'dares, ed. Caner & Oro ,Erie, W. P. /when & Co., Water• ford; Olin & Clemons, Croaringeille; Abel Tonal!, Montrose; Silvans Mir, Towandn; Robert flog, Wells• boro; L. Roderick, Canonsburg . ; L. Wilcox, Jr- Pitu. burgh, curare of Market street and the Diaracrid. aplgel&satgnT t.1.117T10W1 Ant Bur irts....x.—./vm tee it. Ina Chemical Soap emus a teen persposuen, sad a the same tent moliGes, so ftetta,_sod whitens the akin giving n the texture and beauty of an intent's. Seven, SALT Baum AND Soma, are soon not only healed, bat eared by its Ise, as at least revel I era. elan in New-York know, who um It In such and Ind it unfailing—us Om in • - • Proarl.ll, Marna., Fa..., or any other sk n ilia eau. The reader Is assured that this,. no e.t.a puffed nostrum, as Oar trial l -will prove. I could coo , Menu at least e'o persons eared of Son liven, Sean Lees at Son Bann.-1. it, and not It, and the reader Is again mama I would not eraelly sell it for the above unless. I knows. to 1.4 all I state. Those who are liable to Cosine, Cracmg, pa Canon Fern, will Err , dd. care. Any one ettlietedonth any of the above, At disc..., find Mit Mt and even more (a ladrac. ble in its propernoslthsn I state. • Bat, reads:, the moms are flooded with imitations, md be sate yea ask for JONTZ.TS_ltslian 0 endeal SuaP. Sold by W hi. JACKSON. 21011Aterty sue., Pittsburgh .. mend?, sT Er Tug Maws or • via Reerthe le not more repel she than a had, putrid breath, or desk, yellow Mee.- ed teeth. Opera°. have there It is their own fault— they coo, for two shillings, bay an article. that wil! make their breath pure and sweet es Us drier Air te Arabia It cures diseases of the Gums, ,pang or ulcerated: and for the Teeth, It la unequalled, removing the fastening the teeth in the pun., and elan. them as white as the mew if As frac. North. Serb, reader, are the properties of Jonesql Amber Tooth Pasm; without pmwing it carrels., her r what one of Cur[6olll respectable and scientific De: - tins, E. field, of New Tort, says: 0 1 have both need and analised this bean,' fel and in palpable article, (Jonas , Amber Tie' nett an can recommend ppasessing al i the titSeain:• can fora" Reader, we c. say no to convince, only Out if yeti try dna once you vfill be well please 1. 11 Is put up In beautiful PAO. China Pete, fed ea cents—Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 240 Übe e l) street, Piusbureb. ausfed&lsT LET Au. oats =MS are norionnly 21,011 the following aro the aomal ;realities of a 3s. bottle o Jotms'y Coral Flair REStOTIIIIVO. If they 7. doe ht c cr word, they cannot these highly terIPCCIIO II II 411 4 12113 who have tried Mr. Geo. [locket, 41 Elm et, New York. Mrs. Matilda Rearea, Myrtle ay, Brooklyn. Ur. Mr. cvnnTanginnAn tang at. New York. Thos. Jackson, atontours Island, near gh B.S. Culler!, I ale barber steamboat S. America. And more than a hundred others state, though t of must sake., Mai It will force rho hair to grow on the • head or face, atop It falling of, arrengthen the rr removing mart and dandruff from the roots, =rak ieg llghi t rod, or gray hair assume a fine dark look, and teemng dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, +aft, dean and beautiful, a very, very ions time, Sold by the Aunt, NISI. JACLION, 810 Liberty at, , Pittsburgh. Poor 3n, SR cants, and one auratiorT jr LADIES ARE CAUTIONF.D -AtIAINST SING COMMON PREPARED CHALK.: They are not moans lam frightfully iniatiotta to the akin! how coarse, how rough, how sal, low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin ap, - pears after lain, prepared chalk! He-. sides it is iniursta,' feataiaing s - - large quantity of Lead I We have prepared a beautiful vegetable arbelaj which are ball JONEW SPANISH LILY WHITk It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all dele :4! nes qualities! and it imparts to the akm a m_kmral,Lcal• thy, alabaster, clear livingartibr;_at the snateuria scan as 11l COClnetie ' OO the skin, =kiln( it soh and smooth. !Sold by the Agent, Whl. JACKSON, 270 Lib any st, Pnuhargh. Price 23 emits .e7taft The Bicmanilla Water Care Ettablithment, - UNDER TIIE CARE OF DR. C. B&ELZ, • CONTINUES to be open for the reception' of lids. hinny improvements have been' added for the comfort and accommodanon of patient. 'fltis,te• amber with the success during six gem , experience, ensbles Dr. Beets to give the aunt.ce to the public that his establbatment shall still continue to_ment-toe attonage of thorn who may place themselves under is care. The daily intercourse between Pittsburgh in d Brostosvile, mull boats, affords easy access frorttho SOttlik and West. n towels, Iwo cotton sheets, three comforts, and linen fee bandetp•, are BECOalal7 to undergo the treatment. Terms--Six Dollars per week, payable sreebig. mill.dbasrlrmamT U=2ii==l ATINDICIEY AT LAW—Ottee on south side - of F'oarth st, between Chess 7 iI yhhn .L as+tllmtwGen J. senaispaasialAgbl.. ATIOILNEY AT LAW, 01E0 STATE COMEISSIONES for taking lk — po. *Mom, Acknowledgments of Deeds, at. Ceo—Fonnlystreet„oborf &WIS.W. mcloikArT a==l Property u 41locimpay city for rat.. subscribcr. 02Ct for•fill • inanberooss• eibuite in iba Second Wisnrtribenonr.eb the th'"'4,l"l"olr,itilE?,ll4Mi`,T4i ehd. or of a AS ECIELENBON, on theorem:nu. [ •. JOIDIT MARTIN respectfully annotate. :to the citiugs riusheralf, ha has asp ..4 t. LA himself is this uty, for the parr/nee of prac ticing !lei:tieing and Surgery, mail its inus Smirk eft 40 His ease is on Routh strecylio Iles:genes 4a.--4er ■gw CLOTH STOLZ. p STUART ts. CO, of Philuielphis IsOc• . ea the in of ApriL au enure new .toek CLOTHS, CA6SIMEMES, VESIINGS, And MILDEW TRIMMINGS, at eastern pneesora lose cw cash, u, No. Its Wood at, nest to SleKeana' /men. /loose. apt-slaw-LIT m s rtatrsa MAIM mica vans, MIL L It/111 PALEIMI4 ILIUSISA & CO, (Snecessors to Gown Hanna k, Co.) ANKERS, =CHANGE UnOKERS; and dealer JO in Foreign and Domestic Eschanr., Cestiteate noo . l , B.k and specte—North Wei corner of Wood and Thud streets. Cstrent moan received on depesite.—Sotht Cheeks for sale, si colketions rondo on nearly all the principa{ pailm the . United States. Tha.highert p remtnmptid foi Foreign and - Asserios Gold • Advances mode on consignments of Produce, Ail txd East. on hberal terns. :ea wiI.KES —6 easel; of emit u. reed le. P Salo by apl9 jilttaiN 4 stai ii