The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 04, 1850, Image 2

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is - .debt ier. due peen kV his
several *rendes m New Rork. Prledriphia, 'and
Balla% and is garbed:ad IC receive" ealocimtioos
end adverdsemerce for as. •
entocripilotrtbe Non% Amerfeen and
.Valiad SusanGaud Iluisdelphis, received and for
warded from this ordes.
rr:ritir CPC11131.71 Dior Germu—Adeadreme •
sadesbeerptlea, dro for Ma parer, will be received and
envanied from .. di...
of wilnable paper, will tin recured Onward•
ittl from
A . .stlimpuionsa . sad
lOW Client? Ce
. . • . . ___ _ __
: • - • • . venatterm7
• 'te parguanee of the call of the Chairman. the Wide
and Antionsonle County Committee of Correspond
elms met at th e Court Roue. The trilletwing mesh.
tier tams adopted, to win—
.= That the Whig and Audiometer voters
r Eleellin Districts of Allegheny Coentl
and en hereby requested to meat at their weal
places for holding eleetkins, on Saturday. 'be Isr del.
et le at nest . then and there Locket two delegates to
the Comity Convention to be held at the Court House,
,' onWeetneaday the gbh day. et /nee , at II e' .l " k i . ''
`Sabi Corteetaton to make the astral and neeensry
Dominaliens for the enuring October Elections and
aloe to appoint Pee delegates he represent the Centary
in the State Conveollanire be held in the city or Min
delobia, on. Wednesday, the IBM day ot.lena.*
The Finery an
in the Townships tel be bold
between the bean or two and Asa o'clock, (except
• Pin) and those In the Wards and Boroughs between the
hears of eleven end nine ' , clock. P. M
A HU...AND% Chairman.
Yee. E Page;
AUX Paarzus,}Seeretuie.
-Twos 8101./.,
Pfnabargh, April Ift. Hai. -
At a me dot of the Whlg State Central Cotaaaluee,
• held at Ranirbar6.Bfare3 P. 1910,11 wee
it t puzp, Th ee the whipnf the •ereral eoon.les
o(tkle Mate be requested to select a mother of delll•
awes ape/ to their reveatire npreseatatiere la the
.1404atillre; I , • said delegates to meet 1.1 Coo oemion
-412 the city of Philadelphia, on the lath der of Joule,
1650 'bar the yorpous of noralnathot a candidate for
Canal CmmOstoner,to beveled for at the ensuing
&mend Elation.'
Goma 11 }Wm f.teereterr
Fars Bums° Sum—The letter of"Cobden,"
publfsbed to day, ellCOilitgeS US to hope that. the
Legidature will really give to a Free Banking
Lew before It adjourns ills would be a comer
Mates most devoutly to be wished for, but hardly
to be expected. If this bill does pus, however,we
shall be inclined Irkutsk for stitcher grocc—that the
free banks should have the privilege of issuing
small notes. Being bawd on state stocks, and
therefore perfectly safe, they would form a move
nerd, arid reliable currency, better even than sp.
cie. Wricannot expectthis, however, this year.
'Hammitt Teams cm nit SASS/MI.—A commu
. nicatloa, signed “Patriot," has been received,
strongly urging the Stockholders of the Pcansyl
rani. Railmiul to vote against a Sunday toile. Had ,
ow eurresporsdent seat in his article iotlme to have
had any effect upon the question, we should glad
ly have Muriel it; but the time tile peened fur
sod We are sorry to say that the friends of a
Sabbath train have Succeeded by a large majority.
We think they have decided unwisely, and hope
that by the time the mad is finished they will be
willieg to rmsoneider their decision, and send oat
Amtrak= Sunday.
The news from Santa Fe, of the attempt to ex
tend its jusisdictiori over New get ,o, which wil
be found in another column, is of a most startling
character, and evinces the reckless determination
of the South to extend Slavers at any and every
haimrd. Texas has no more right to New Mexico
than it has to California or Oregon, and we hope
the peop'e of that territory will drive the Texas
agent out admit. burden., and spurn, with proper
spirit, this attempt to exercise &jadeite:lots found
ed on mere pretence.
Mon; TAmarrACCORISS Stommo.—The
moreAmerian malt' the following announce
"We rgerct to learn that in COLOC10.11(11 of the
low price creation goods, and the hush price of the
rev material, some of the cotton factories in dm
vinintly—twire come to the determination to stop
thew mills, while other. propooe to troth "half
time" after the Ist of next month. All, or nearly
all the manufacturers of brown cottons, bare come
to this determination "
What la commentary on the glorious British Tar
iff of .4113! The people will soon get their eyes
open we thing, to the beauties of the free trade pol.
icy, which the Lecofocos are endcaverin to fu
ten upon the country.
Woman m ilarnuca : her Wink and her Reward.
B, Maria J. brlincodi, mime of l.Chutosend
Grunter Channs,"ete., etr, New work: D. Ai.
pnion it Company.
The chow of this wear, as the writer tells yr, Is
detennhie, from her peaftlon In America, and
her pottery, as developed by that position, whin
is the work designed for woman hare, and what
the reward which alumna its • perfarmacca. The
object she has pursued with skill and auxins, and
bas given as an Intermits and inanuctiva work.
Ehe does not endeavor to sestroy the peculiar
chitin and lovellitessof the female character, by
dainties far woman tights which God sod nature
never designed her to poeseer, btu elevates bet In
her peculiar 'phenyls a far mote Innuenttal end
useful position.
Weatan'e Frearefektit, a awry ci Dtartat Llat
By ones Avila:, meteor of Home leileence. N.
Yatlt D. Appleion dc Co. A oeillnlerestiaa mid
well told tale.
"Dim , via Pipit -um i n Cal;firrnia, being the
results of actual experience, including notes of
.qe Journey lry Lind sad Wsicr, and observations
osi the climate, soil, renames of the cruntry, tie
By , ,Tatneal...Tyroe. M.D., Yew Yolk: D. Apple•
toe ilk Co. A very readable and instructive bank:
7h Farsier'x' GrWit to SCiDlVitb sod P.artical
As*,m iD
%at, dataiUngt ni te, labo of the . farmer
all their Warfel, and adapting them to the season'
of the year as they respectively occur. By Henry
Stephens, F. E. S. E., assisted by John P. Nor
m, M. A., Professor of Scieutille Agriculture In
Yale College, New Nivea. New York: Leonard .
Stott de Co.°
Thls work will comprise, an we learn from the
prospectus, two large Loyal octavo volumes, coo.
tainiag over 1400 pager, with 18 or 20 splendid
steel 4 1 04 11 7 81 45. and more %ban COO:ertgravinp
on wood, in tho.htgbest style of the art, lilustrat.
log almost every Implement of husbandry now is
use by the besiTarmers, the beat modes of plough
tni, planing, haying., barveralugoko., dec., the va
rious domestic animals ki their higheu perfeello•
1n shot!, the rriceFeel karate of the book is unique.
and willvendevit of inealemlable Value to the go
dent cf_agricollure.
It w2I be published in semi monthly numbered
81 met, with an English steel engraving in each
number, of which there will be about 22 in all.—
Pico 25 mans per aacaber, or $5 la advance
for the 22 naer,berr.
Evirytooker who wishes to dert•O both plots.
■re sod prtfit by bis butte's, ahooW some s
copy of the work.
Tht Hoilttintiunat,' for April, hasjaat been pla
n dapou our table. This is one at the most valu
able periodleals in America, for every Pietist and
Gardener, sod ao American Gardener ahould be
withust It.
T.I. 021.:mater, for Aprtl, be/ •
la eve of the beat Agaieettetal klonthllea
eS Stales.
D'etkezary alelie.itl, BIWA/ ind. am ,
Elegienneg."—Thia torgrubeem wart bar now
d be 8 It number.
Elf:km.4 s Mairasiar, for April, one of the
meet mown* of for ferries lapnota.
All of the above ena as one been realm:Lane
are sale by James D. Loebwood, 104 Foonh
• Pmansenvarus litsmisomo Comssare.—Tb• 1/010
on the torsion ofSunday travel, yesterday, aims
-07 stockholders vote 1,234 shares for daily line.
50 stockholders vote 563 shares against daily
Majority for daily Knee 649 votes.
The poll so this question closed yesterday at 3
o'clock, P. It, and the total vote stands
Stockholders. Shares
. For daily lints 1125 17422
Against daily lion - 704 12 663
Idatority for daily lion 421 -
The total nmnber'ot Stockholders who voted is
Lev, and the nramberef shares polled 30,,a5, rep.
mentiag $1,524,250 of the capital of the Company.
It will, of mane, be remembered, that is Mae ag
gregate this shock held by the claimer Philadelphia,
Pausbomh,•ntrAllegbeny,4s not included.—Pkil.
North amerireas.
g tammus—We learn /tom Amm, ILL, Ow the
intim eaeld of Richard Flagg, of tbe Atm ot Mut
P tra:n k Co., wa• barn to death on bfo day
a, war; ‘Whl'e !Meg In its cab., A opal; from
the fire plate caught the clothes of the bed while
the mother-Wit below Mein, end the semimsof
the dying Intent /lot Rave the alum, bet too lase
.0 proaezeo to fire. The unfortunate molter vas
sea:ly fraatie.-18t. L uia Repub.ites.
41 - 7.
MOM 11A1171111111IIRCI. .
'Fr"Pf ira gne• WIN Pltuamit dkzen.
'lLUmitclw, April 30,1650.
The yen event to the Swage. to day, Wu the
Pante Of 110 hal entitled A sop - Pleases& to the
Act to Mete a sicking feat AO provide
thilP76ll,l4oehltthl 01:41:glthellt 01 the debt
of the Commonwealth.. to which was added; by
the Financial Committee in the Senate, the bill of
Mr Dante, advfaing the Govethot to aciPtioata
a loan of . 0,300.000, at a rate of interest not
above Saar per cent. per annum, to ran far thirty
leen, sad maiming epee the holdarra thereof
the privilege of banking thereon, under.
eiples of whit to generally known as the Free
Beakirg System.
Upon the deal passage ofthe bill the yeas were
IS, nay. 14. 1 have but litt.e doubt that the bill
will now pan the Houle. Both parties ire be:
analog heartily idea of the old system, and would
like to get rid of it at the present session. if It was
prunkatide to do n. It la the prevailing bop es.
slop, however, that the Immediate utbstaution of
the Free System, fur the Corporate System, would
probably lead to dangerous revulsioes In trade
and bullpen. They have, consequently, adopted
the policy of introduciog the Free System gradu
ally, so that it may work In why into public cond.
dance, and sopercede the other, as it were, by the
fume of pnblie sentiment alone. The NT which
has thus pained the will be hailed by the
people as the beginning of one of the greatest. re.
forms of age. It is emphatically the greet
meuure of the session, and Plaint the only one
that is worth the time and talk that ha. been ex
pended upon it.
Mr. Dante took pauage In an omnibus, for the
bill to Incorporate the Allegheny and Manchester
Plank Road Compatty. The road leads lieu Al.
legheny city to Woods' Ron, with the privilege
of extending to the town cc ...Beaver. Tha Ltd!,
however, requires Ike consent of the corporate
authorities of Allegheny city and Manchester, and
provides that it shall not Interfere with the lota.
lion or construetion of the Ohio and Pennsylvania
RAU Road. -
In the !louse, the Montour county bill was again
up. The miestion mow upon receding from the
amendment mode by 'the House, providing. (lathe
subeitution of the whole question to the r.aople of
the county. Upon the queatiotrof reced'av, II
vote stood, yeas 47, nays 32. So the bill hes
now parsed hith Humes, without any rutriction
or qualification, whatever. A motion to reconsid
er was lost by the same vote!
Ma bill to extend the chatter of the Wyomirg
Bank vas then taken vp. Me. Conyngbam ad•
dressed the Mono at considerable length in favor
of the bill, and it parsed second reading.
Oa motloo of Mr. F.otherfaid, the bill to extend
the chimer of the Himachal Bank, and reduce
the capital mock wae taken up, yeas 47, nags 27,
and passed eecond reading. The capital am re
aimed to 5710000.
The House went into Committee of the Whole,
Bkr. /sckenn in the Chair, lid took up this bill.—
Mr. Hoplet mooed ■ substitute f,,r the bill, a bill
it relation oft:hang, in the riser Delaware, which
was adopted, and was then reported to the House
under the title of the Exchange Bank.. The
Speaker ruled the amendment to ha out of order
wee. the original boll came op and passed.
Corempordea. dila* Nusbaum Citrate
Nrw Yoic, April 30
After two weeks of dull weather, we have at
lasi a day of !springlike pleasantness, and bininms
has assumed • new activity in consequence. As
'this if simmer day, the larger pan of our mer
chants are busy with their correspondence, though
the Atlantic took an enormonarttail, to the loss of
John Bull's ship. The demand for sterling ex
change is cot large, and good names sell at 109 1-2,
and a fair supply at the close albinism. Money
is very abundant, and the legal rates cannot be ob
tained upon good notes. The' closing prices for
Stocks are, 110 for Pennsylvania grs, 119 3-4 for
coupon is Linked States, and 118 1-2 for tinned
States Vs of 180, Pittsburgh Rail Road tends 97.
Some of the fancy stocks, long vary quiet, show
a great degree of activity, nod the market upon all
sides appears buoyant.
The advertisement of the Pennsylvania and Ohio
Rail Road company for Iron, attracts considerable
attentioe, and proposshi will, no doubt, be abun
dant_ Iron of the drat quslity purchased in England
for csah, can be laid down here at $42,50. en that
you can see what your own mills most work for,
to get the job. As pig iron sells with you at 526.
$27 for the best, the chance is small. Had Pats
, bush rolling mills tor rail road bars, ready to run,
.the contract could not be filled with you. It has
been-settled by the books of the Brady's Bead Rail
Road mills, that siuty dollars is the lowest mark at
which the milli can run, a rate that givesiise Eng
lishman the mirket.. As soon as this iron comes,.
the Locofocos who adtrocate the Tariff of 18-10, had
better "make a platform" of it, and hold a mass
meeting of iron makers, and show this iron as a
demonstration of the rascality of the Whip, who
aid the Pennsylvania mills mast atop.
On Sunday an attempt was bade, in the most
degraded part of the city, to gather the class who,
in London, attend what are known as "Ragged
Schools,"—near a hundred were gathered at the
firm spread of the net, end a harder set of custom
ers could not be found. However, a. the service.
of she Sunday school progressed, they gradually
yielded obedience, nod the pOicemen who had
been summoned to mitred, had nothing to do. The
gentlemen who bravo-assumed the labor of love,
are quite encounmed in the belief that a more ex
tensity missionary ground than . can be (mind in
ASIA, is to be well occupied. '
The anniversaries have commenced, by a ser
mon frau Dr. Dowling, before the "society for
ameliorating the condition of the Jews." Him ser
mon was brilliant, but his task a hopeless one.—
In all the operatic= of this society, and with ell
their expenditore, a solitary converted Jew is all
that can be shown aotheir visible rewards. A good
number of churches were supplied on Sunday with
strange preachers,and on Monday next the enemas-
ries will be under way in eardeit. The financial
affairs of the Bible, Tract, and General Missionary
enterprises are in good condition, and the multi.
sodas who make their annual pilgrimage to New
York, the Mecca of the western Continent, will
take home with them cheering news.
Jenny Linda concert room hubs.= commenced,
and will be all that is necessary to give the people
a chance to hear her notes. It js supposed that
Barnum will open at five dollars.. ticket, a price
Mat will make the natives stare. Ilowever,if peo-
ple eat green pea., in the middle of winter, they
must pay the cost, round as "it is, nor will
this price prevent her front having a crowded
A boat called the California, drawmg MO fist of
water, starts soon for California; when such egg
shells as these are seat on such a fool hardy expe
dition, there iu an opening for the stern wheel
boats of the Ohio. They are as **worthy as this
floating mem.
The continued absence of the steamer causes
confusion in the canon market, and holders refuse
to sell—good fair cotton sells at 14 cents, the high
ea yet, aid floe 14 1.2. Ashes are steady at 3,56.
14 for pots, and 5;75 for pearls. Good itfichigan
flour has sold at 5,44a3,62; the market is very firm,
and a considerable speculation going on. Hides
have risen a little, and a further advancement is
asked. Barrelled meats are nochanged; cut meats
are Arm, with sales of plain hams at 6 cents. Gros
aeries are without much change, el; are Linn, with
a tread trade doing fur this State and Quads, now
one if not the best customers we have. C.
Nam !atria To TUB Pactno.:—We pablished
some time sines an aeeoant of a nom room to the
Pwde Oasan, dhteerrered by Cam. I. P. Levy,
of Vera Cruz. Prom the following parsgrapb, tn.
ken from the Mobile Remoter of dm 224 instancli
will be Seto thin Copt. L.. bar arrived io this coos•
try, and that the object of his visit is the ranker.
into of his plan:
Among the pauengers by the Medway that arris •
ad at Itne port on Friday lam, was Capt. J. PL.
vy, Yen Cres. Capt. L. has recently obtained
from the Mexican Congress, the excluelve pawls
lege of carrying parsengere sod merchandise on
as entire new route, from the Gall or Mexico
to the Pao no. The route by the
of the Alvarado ricer in steamtmala to the heed of
navigation no that stream, a point named Ojoaco,
nest the osountalno, and from thence by land qu
eues. a d .ante of thirty Gamine on
onthe Paeidc.Hatulcd la nearly we hundred miles
aerator Panama, and this, with the wring otitis.
mace lo the golf side, mill give nearly Own bow
died miles la (seer of this route. Cep' L. bee
proceeded to the north for the pureose of making
the necessary arnagements to pot the tine in ac
tive operation. He prophase to nia la oonneaten
with it, a lam at itemiser, from some port on the
Golf to Yen Crux, and we here reasons in, be
:fells" that if the necessary meanies areadopled,
this pert will be seltdeel.
Came is rititansusum7From the re pf Hero arefors ulliortt,gr a dol/am lakenout of I,o_
Unite in the Philadelphia • isitehr;it ''''„Poceets of warbler men in a single brancbtr
that the
of hretherly.hrrea by es i ttai .. - Malang, Ins etagteStste ito ex. tear Apps, the
same ittlei to the whole Unica, and the sum *ill
orderly and immoral of say 0117 in *a United - nut n n to lent toter.Maromflion s ! This hi - the
Stater. The North Americas, Cr Tkatittlay last, Iron Workers' tax for Free Made!
In ag giteg , oo the iothieetjuu the radw,hi, Ttere would be a shadow of mese:anon forthe
Tron'Worker if he knew Mat these millions went
mot' ihirty boors t—
, Into the pockeniaof hie felkod bibacern Sir odes
s.l3 y . dur sit; ieeteltleY ;mating , it sp. branch. of businees in this country. Bra he is
pears that—not to speak of what the reporter mai comforted by no •coh telleetion. He know. that
"the usual Sunday stones" In the southern and • whet is mamaur re Air peat:Lego. rata eAs pextem
southwestern dialect., regal/Mg jhe preseice of ejsrstiga toongfaciairers.
the Sheriff and police, and a deien arrests—no l biers hut a single illustrition - of the effect of
lets than three ectoderm:lg firearen'a eghte took the policy so leoeciouely adhered to by the Lgeo.
place on that d.., at all or whtch deadly aren• foe° petty. Constantly professing extreme Iota&
were used and blood shed, with the Utah - 6f boos; ship for the laboring men of the country, they are
fords commuted at one, If not at two. That, be- doing all they.o to curtail the demand tor labor, I
twee . twelve and one o'clock, on the Sabbath ? and thus la deprive the hiker. of the meads of i
Enemies, • conflict occurred between two coats supporting and educatiog his children!:
panics in Second Street, stove Aroh, soda men "
was stabbed to death, eying from knives and pie. Freo n. the Si. Louis Republic., of Aprii at.
to( abate to the door cf a public house, which he' I
reached only mperish. About the llama time, an-
other man, a liftman, wu stabbed tube corner of . Ameolfrosn New Mexico— Amu:1010n of Terri-
Third and Dock Wrests.' Alm:tons o'clock, two retrial Government by the Authorities of Tmwr.
other companies had a bottle near Fifth and Cal.
Among the paaeengers home of the steamers
towblll streets, at which pistols were fired, sad, from the Missouri, .
as we are told, several of the belligments slightly s kinner, for eeeer.,
grounded. Oa Saturday night. but a Cow hours muion,s • is little ears
morethyo f
month from n.
before the unfortunate Meyers mus killed in Sees to Fe. We are indebted to Mr. Skinner for a
and street, a porter house keeper was webbed— brief accouot Of the condition of affairs in New
it is rested, mortally—in another part of Philedel- Mexico, at the timed his leaving that territory.
phis, by two men who refaced to pay for their The party which accompanied Mr. Skroner over
liquor. On the preceding night. a man was heat- the plains. was composed of Dr. Henry Connelly,
en nearly to death, at Sixth street and Franklin Messrs. James L. Collins—famihari known as
Avenue, by two bullets, and carried to the Ho. the"Squire"—Charl. E Kerney, Taos, Geo.
pital covered with wounds. H. Peacock,of Independence, F. Y. wing, W. T.
This is the history of thirty six boors in Phila. Pop., and Dr. J F. Hassel, of xington, Mr.
d an d it is one on 'a nkh the commoditycommodityt Frazier, of Santa Fe, and Henry Mar in, of Jeder
o son City, who with their servents and terimaiera,
; I P P li b i n tadelobis curt to do wmathing more then
ponder. The obaranterislic of these Sgthe—as of aittrehe' ti fie
Mr. Skinner left Santa Fe on the 19th ultimo,
are now
neuly all the breaches or pence with Which we I
teat deadlyiT he parry met with no interruption upon . the route,
arms weveuved at t h em. Ali our r e al. " in Phil from the Indians, and oral y saw a small number
adelphla now go armed. It would seem that all of in camp, upon the venters of the
the pet.aa connected with the fighting comps- Cimmarone.
nies do the eame 01 the stereons arrested in Sec-
The mail which left Fort LeavenwOrth for Santa
and street, two orthree of them, member. or roe.
Fe sham rho end of Februa woo met by Mr. S.
nets of one of the companies, were olevided with on the day of his departure, within 20 miles of its
pistols heavily landed, P i sto l s w ere the weapons destination; and the mail of the 15th ult. %Ili al
yawl at Fifth and Callawhill. They have become so Leavenworth.met
on the Citurnarone, then 11 days out from
so common ,that they are now carried aid em-
ployed by the little bole who, in the skirts of the Brown's train of Yrano., which started last fall
ate, form lawless Uriaciatiou la imitation of older from Independence for Santo Fe, and being over
desperadoes. . taken bye snowstorm, lost all the matte belonging
to it, found at its encampment, in en open prairie,
about 30 chiles on the south e'de of the Arkanue,
patiently awaiting the arrival of oxen from the States
to take them on to Santa Fe. They had been com
pelled to bum two of the wagons„ at a lime of ex
treme cold, for cooking purposes, and to beep them
from freezing.
A few don; prior to the departure of Mr. Si in
ner, an express had been teemed to Santa Fe by
( - ov. hlunror, which hro't a communication lethal
°dicer from Major Neighbors, Texan Commissioner,
who was then at the military post in the neighbor
hood of El Paso. The purport of the communica
tion is undemmod to have been merely on
of the fact to Colonel Munroe, that he, Maj. Neigh
bors, as Commissioner on the part of the Stale of
Tex., with plenary powers to establish the Mei.-
diction of bin government over NeW Mexico, had
arrived to the Territory for the purpose of currying
out the object of his commission, ,do., and trusting
that Colonel Munroe, Civil and Military Governor
of New-Mexico, would co-operate with him, and
lead him that aid which might be found necewary
is the establishment of the Texan laws, and the fol.
Humor of the instructions given to him by the ex•
ecutive and Legislature of his State. ,
The Sso.Przsect et Front ~,,, po the immediate
neighborhood of the Milavy Post, near El p...
where a strong Texan it theme is enppreed to
govern ) had resigned hie juri.diction to the Tex
an Commissioner, thus abandoning to that State
all territory lon D. Ana, (srrery: miles
north of El Paso.) to tea Presidio °IS. Etersrin,
a line bordering upon the Rio Grande, some 110
miles in length. Mr. White, the Sob Prefect ef
that portion of the territory, may he able to ex
cuse :himself to Ann Government for thee turning
over one of tho (etre. portions of New Mere°,
with as Population. to a government, the very of which, I Texaco,) is foil of lthhorm.nce
and a neveucebe-optocted repugnance to a Sew
The reception of loteligence at Santa Fe diet
Maj Neighbors had arrived in the territory for
the establishment of Texan jorisdietton, created
an introt, excitement in that city, where the In
tone, storms; portion of the community, in all pa.
Mimi matters, are almost exclusively A unerimme.
Agitation upon the niece!, o is raid lip our ir.for
mant, Ism:nerd to Sante Fe, In which place as
parr of the territory, msy *lore be said to exist a
difmnes of ammo relatmc to the rexaa claim,
which In es at a creature to a greeter or Inns de.
arts, of rruemeau;tor th roughout the entirelength
and bre.h of the land, wherever a nattre Mexi
naLl tow be Mond, or an Astrrsols whose feelings
nave tm. beenm crped t,y personal nishee auto.
'he pre rat rettl's men who occupy the dame.
.vii caeca, tbere".exise. but one tenement—that
f deep chagrin that the Governor of New Mexico
—the emit sod military commend.', Cot. Moo.
rce—should have touud himself to hamprted by
his instructions that he could not hare taken a
steed such as Ma position led the people aver
whom he holds rule to believe he would /eke to
this matter, and aft determined spirit of rceisteoce 4
even to the death, against the rajal ueurpeuon
ofTexes to the sod al New Mexico.
Poblic ateminga were bring called througheut
the Territory for the adoption of me.orcs to re
-Ist the action of Texas, at his lime Mr. &Sumer
From the Rarriabargh Telegraph. left Santa Fa.
Progrea• of the Apportionment Bill. Two =ethers had already been held la Santa
EXTRAORDINARY DEVELOPIIENTe. Fe—the only place where a eivistoo t f apinioa:is
found relative to the proper coons to ha pained
A now Apportionment Bill paced the Houma
in the emergency.brd op to the time of leavine, no
on Friday last, and was immediately sent to the
Senate, where ft still moralae tmacead upon. It definite action had been had, the meeting having
will be seen by on , repute e rs ana i n nroona dt ue hero ed)ourned ander a highly smelted state Cl
that two or three attempts have been med.* to get feelieg, by thy coming evening. The next amt.
It tip in that body, bat without success. The fol. cal will bring on further, and doubtlesa deeply
lowing eattu m eau a we, ',men w e copy from ieterestiog news relative to the matter, from New
the Mammon Derma., will convey some idea Mexi°3 *
of the &g na w °s t h e ueuue b u t o encounter i n Cal Menne hied issued the following order to
Ito various ate , ea t h roug h t h o two 'k now ,. W e the c00,..d00t0 of the diffiferit military paps in
were not before aware of . the fact that a monk.) boa Terdioryt _
The Tariff—Decay of the Iron amines.
From every quarter we bear of the dreadful
havoc canoed by the Tariff of '46, la the iron Susi
nen There will be scarcely a Furnace or Rol
ling Mill in operation in the county, in one year
from this ilme, unless something is done to relieve
the business from the utter ruin which harp over'
tt. Its Calflithlt in Araryla.4 Walbe area by the fol
loving communicaton from the Baltimore Ameri
I am much gratified, Meson. Ednore, to observe
that your journal and come others have directed
public attention to the letter elite 3d of January,
of Sw Henry L Balmer told. Clayton, Secretory
of State, oaths subject clan increase of duty
on Hannah iron imported into this cottony.
I am not disposed to censure the Hon. Minister
as others have done fir this move of Mr, intend , 1
to retain for the iron milkers of England and Snot.
land the markets of thi, country. For to Eng.
land it is a matter, of the fleet importance to keep
employed the thounands of operatives to whom
this breech of monjtacmre afford* labor and serer
port. It is a subject, well wartSy the diplomatic
talent f winch the Hon. Min , Mer aso distin
guished. I , is one which has caused between
France and Honiara as much negotiation. ns any
other, and which France has been unsviltiog to
yield, konwirg the i oportanee to, every nation of
the workings of IT, micenl resources.
It is evident that the Beglieh and Scotch tor
era have now the markets of the United Stales
The British Minister thinks that any change to
increase the duty would produce a very disagree
able effect on poolte opinion In England." I have
no doubt whatever but that it would cause a disci
greeable feeling. But are the sofferinge ci the
American makers not to be considered
Let us turn to our own Stale rod nee in what
condition our work. are at this time. We will
And that nearly all of oar estabtishments are step
oed--,pnest el' them because the basin's. is rnieed
and (there because the business has reined ann.
We have aft Rolling Milts for bars and rails to
this State. and they are all stoma but one, and
that one la not full/ employed.
The Faraacea in our State which have stopped
and to which others will be added as soots as the
stock on hand Is worked op, are Its follows, via:
Two at ..Monet Savage."
The b"cka"
"Pa eaa."
" • Cot ,e,n."
Syt eel i!!..."
" ,- Idoirtreh "
Two al Patnzetc*
The '•E ~ tndge."
" "Cprtis Creek."
One Gras "Ashland."
The subject may be continued by
induesee had been. or Wald be broeget to bear • -- Unto QOARIZer,OIit MILITAET Pier,
upon the subject. When members of the Ugly. Santa Fe :iti M., Mamie 12. Ig3o.
ththtet the.„treett, hoverer . nee fat„ the r, Sun Having been duly notified by MIL" Robert
• that money can be made available' in etch a coo- S. Ne.ithberNer hie etriMd a. a CoMM , or
test, and even go ao far as to commit themselves the Sate of Tose% lc , the PorPoso of ostabitshitte
by targreph to such • presuMpljent it IS net to be the civil jurad c JOG of the 81Ste over this terrace.
aid .... ry, liar command will Doses ve • rigid nce•inteff...
wondered at that disinterested parties s..o‘
Mane the idea, alto. ewes with him at me exercise of his function-,
When t h e De.,,,,,, Seat arrived h em the an. and equally amend coming in coon ci with !be ju•
thentioity elate dispatch was considered doubtful, . Mall authorities created by that Sane.
wad moot persona were inclined to pay no atten- I am, very respectfully,
lion le it whatever ft Is mow understood, how- veer °lit any 't,
ever, that the dispatch is not dlsanewa by soma Signed JOHN lbltiNROE, Dm Col. U. 5. A,
al the Bettie., It least, whore name. are teteltrOrt , Cosimuading 9.h Department.
ad in connection With it
be that it will readily be perceived, that New
From the Uninotown Democrat Mexico muallook alone to hersell for the means
®cured t Bribery 1 I
to resist the usurpation enter old enemy,
A telegraphic dlapatch wart received at this
Mr. Skinner kroner
it as his belief, founded
an intimate knowledge of the Mextcan pop.
place some days ago, addressed to Daniel Koine i
ammo of New s'exico, that armed mtgs.; will
and R. T. Galloway, Eats., from Lewis Robert., by made, If neeesamy, to any attempt at Meese
member MI" LegM /mens ~_fr e e,. am „, eee . Cemn Yt Wort.' 07C , {heir territory of Texan lase, and that
Mr. Webreet itteM. meen'erire 4 v. e,..„Miltee,t many American resialeom who , justly regard the
the two Members from lbie ...Wye nee ww , ... attempt of Texas as an assumption cipower ' will
Patrick, of this town, at preuot modstant clerk of b e r . ,,„„,d openly opposed. nod to say F. ,,,,,, , Is re
the Senate, to the following .irrel: aiming an authority which they cannot recognise.
"Haxairstrann, April e,_--, ISZO. Indian troubles continue to es Idol New Me mica.
t'A new .epportionmeat bill has been reported, the most daring entwines beteg; cons, oily perpt.
rankling a Sootuortal District out tithe cooper. of tented „,. n the et .. deteeee .„ ~,,,;,,,,
of tint
Fayette, Somerset and Redford,end another ou t unprotected reel tr. Gov. Munroe had ordered a
of Wa.htrietOO and Greene. Send es O NE detachment of-the troops stationed at Los Vegas,
THOUSAND DOLLARS, oodles mill defeat ti." under Captains Judd and Dickinson, to make a
This bill, so tar as this dictum I. concerned, has „e„„et„.„. of the R ., peeree. for
the perpme
been defeated is the senem by eneeb'ng Weal - of dimovering e suitable point for the cstabit,h
moreland to the du tier, 11 it was in the bill no. sent of • military pool. The detachment lett
toed by the Governor. . about the 12:h or Muck in the discharge of their
For whore use woe this money wanted) Who Agile.; tram the result of which some good may
was to be bribed? Who Mu been bribed? Have e„.,., es „ I . mate will corny the m tote the ver y
funds been °Maned elsewhere? How mach lona crate of the Apaches and jicarilles.
ney has been expended to perfect the- 'woodcut
coaspiracy against the rhrhte of the people.
_ .
. .- - • - Ms. W eeeeee 'a Speech at Boston.
, BOSTON, April 29.
From the Albany Evening Journal.
arre• Trade and Leber. Mr. Webster arrived al the depot a hullo before
. _ 6 o'clock, and wt. drawn to the Revere Hoot,. In
s.. 0,,,,,1 harcuche, •ecomnac ltd by the Ron. lie.
Every one profuse. sympathy with the Leone
er. Dot different men have different modes of fee Choate and others. Ile was received by a
embodying that sympathy, la this, however, as large crowd and with great enthualahn. ba Mr.
in every thing ehte,"the penal of the P o dd in g *m e Webster approached, U. E. Curve eddreised Mori
eeying that hie fellow citizen, had oratembled
eating." Ton polny that millet • demand
there to weieetne him home. Thera were not
for Labor is the heti, puisay for the btborer. The
poor epte's cep tel connate to Lin awn.; to work i ponCeiena, hot they t kad known his worth, and
bsd g Atheted together to greet him. Mere and
and what be wants it, opponondies fir kr steady
and profitable Mechelen'. lilt in altogether tio• nom . or. the northern jnhorern. at who ... had
heard to muck. Whew wad thorn a tiotthoth
like euh capital. Thai may be pet fl ablyseat
out In a thousand direction.; but sinews and man who wet nut .'laborer I Thiry pets sensible.
marmite can only be profitably employed la La- of his efforts to promote and deiced the labor of
bar. There, therefore, who with to give prattle the couutry. They were aware that the Internal
cal demonstranosa of the genuineness of their Improvement of the reentry had roved in him ad
sympathy for that Laborer coo only da so by ej•
uhle edentate. They knew alto, chit when we
vecanog the policy which creates a demand for were is dor:, of war . 44 .„.„, a,aaatatt,y, aii
La n 'to o. c.
as look
roacoofti erect
of the ,
endwlr e t
r and ,n well a_i. directed Tan a e a t l ai r t . s a h nia a had p i
teer vc ,, d a pe r
e e a cd i r
echoes polity of Free Trade. Take, by way of il.
einem,. of one
were their friends ; that there wet one great country, and that the friends
laino. the tingle interest of Iron, In the single or she 1.7al
State of Penney/vaunt.
, one grew( party In which all were nailed, no d'
In 1 642, there were 21; Purttecenln,Perat' 1 . ft .! Wes the party of the Caton. They were not
rodoeie* 15 4 889 men, of Pig lies. O'f°" t h e ted in eapreentr g the high consideration of his cr
oons of 1816, this number had increated to qo,
forta t, preserve the conentution—:hey knew that
Product.* 873,231 eons -4iti**m hr an increase i ii ' l Iherp ware many conga:nog Influencer—any ai t
' roar years, of 133 furnaces, and 222346 was of tempt to reconcile which criuld not fail to meet the
dietpprobaboa ol 'some. But Cher were pot about
Th,,,, E l ti g of the product of 1012, was In OD to Login rt. unreal one who, before they tram
• netghborhood of 53,000,000, and to 1810, sear
born, had peered the confidence of the netinnuni•
17,000.000. ty, and had eversince T a lintaned it.
TWotetras of this Pt Eros WWI panufectured , At the nohnktajoh of a. charier.
into hoepS. Haile ban, heitee'int • • w i Nr i . &-". , Weenier rose no the carriage and Apple foi about
in the hate of Pennsylvartie, at mice the cost, lot , ft, „,,
taint , tat,, tt ,
as fellows
labor of the Pig Iron noel( ' ( .ee.e2tielitiet if we 'lt was with !treat and sincerefi la friend,
at lature that he
add this to the coat of the Pig leen, we will have ate,,
Co ;,,,,;. as
... alma
at a
the following murex— time when his prtvaiss effete, had called him from
1648, value of Iwo linalltadoied—thhththk,,-,,,,,,
„- therm of Government to his on home. de
1818 do do d 0...•• .••, • .•16 008.. y o have ac i d, air, th e de fi es of the w
winter, In this
of these stuns, f00r.6116a imp 3 4th.) arryggus.
~, putlie coeval of the country have been •rduour ,
treaded In Labor. There wee, therefore, COpq, 1 ni , : , gerry`to Day those littilintiS duties are notet
cin Labor, in nit s single branch of Industry, ' in door wall. Fam lorry to nay that the public of.
Pennsylvania. is ' • SAS. elid, country have pot yet made an much
11912, $6 n5O 00d.
. orgasm toward tetiefac)rry pdiustment on to re
-1846, ............ .......17,300,003 .0,,,, •
.11 lb. anatomy eLich bile beep talc about
It regattas ao seater knowledge of polo:cal cope- their adjustment: hot I feel authorised .now to
soy to perceive the benefit which the laboring
say, there is 'ensue to hope that farther redaction
men of Penneyle•DM detien l hem the P h " ,, '
—a generout comptrison of - varlet. wiahee whtre
cy which induced this vast incrusted demand for
of ten million% in /ROA. Iron viilit ` i " . Fri "' the expectedona of useful discharee of publi c du
tabor. If the same policy had cautioned, instead a we po dr B ,o 7 e :T i Z , il l. b :r o g
t it a h a e , h a i d t a h a a t t ,o im a improved
w re b d i,. s h ta . w i
syleania would have pocketed at least/Ipm oil.
_ all
attt ,
at,,,, , aoat
roses/ dodoes 6), their labor in 1850.' Rut toot 'Y
~... depend. 6- 1 cahoot but reel; so, that I sped in the
pctey was aoperceded by those who Prefonna7r praseaeo of ,my ftiende. I moat regard the toil,.
most profound sympothy teethe pace
man. '""°' crier at the'petstinal tribute of your welcome , o
what le the result, intelligent men.,, eiVithet t e , ~,, You do not welcome the politician, and this
that che i r.lea al ii.ruou Sw." ... " •= O,,
..1.,,,,4 A i ppponnuity nor discerning those go.-
... eat /that 0. 16W. • cf,,,,,,,,rent1y the money ~,,.. w litelOi o w crone the community and the
to be pald for Labor will be reduced otte Marais o.— .'
. 0 ,,,,,„,,...,,, ; q ,,,,,, i ,.,„ ~,h 4, ~,,,, ka,„ t
the even though the pile. of labor 1s not effected by
i •
pane in the • mind of any iniellaca wal n, till the redhead demand for it. can the some probability that from their discuttien
To place this fast distinctly before the mind of , an ~di,,,,,im q ns may come, In favor of the prosper'.
the reader, we ambiolti the figurer:—
-' ~ ty, peace, phispinesa and connected union of the
18111-41oney paid to Iron laborers In
Peatt i a UOI4OOOO ell.,
ififiri_. 46 .• .. ~ .. .f tow MD -
makes, to .tto: some
Price paid paid per aonuto by the Iron Wor notation of that r acited feel , og on this sobret
k g , of Pemaylr aa f a fc „, Frim . Tr “... 0,2. xy o 4 o a, tab parade* lbe people of Mc country every.
gii - emu ; h ub dui!, on e
ee Mtn en ntrort in bring pbout
-• • oil' and Si*lt—to make no effort Mso
Govennient in ha proper astrifeitY
i•rther business of the coantty ; Let
enemy it unable to discharge that businessi•
that it lasi 'anon capacity, them is 6 non"'
alty for effoti boatin Congress and out of Coe.
mess; attar you boil shall see this Legisletare
of the country proceed to the old noncom°. way
until irMAtisctissidlis fa Corgretia n and oat cream
gross, op. the rintject to which you have slims
ded, shall be ha some way suppressed; take that
troth home with you; and take ft aa truth, until
something con be done &Hoy the feeling now
separating men of different sections, there can be
no useful sad satintactory legislation in the two
house. red Congr.s. Mr. Curtis, Staff !reran/nen.
the anomonwealib of Idnanclunetto has dune me
he honor to place me es one of her representa
re in Congress. I have believed that she would
tt rove to me any honest cautious sad sincere
e orbs to allay the discussion which we seer among
the people of the country, and to restore Congress
to its constitutional capacity for action. I have
believed that the commonwealth of Massachusetts
woe') support her representetive in that course.
I have believed that • general sentiment of the
whole country would favor and encourage their
efforts in It, and to that belief I shall not be di. $ r
pointed—(cheers)—however that may be, that cf.
fort I shall repeat—outlawed chaeringf—in that
course orpaeofication I shall persevere, regardless
oral] personal consequences. (Three chcars.;—
I shall minister ter no heal prejudice. I shall
',Upped to nsitsfooe, haying their foundation in
real gnostly olutraction. (Laughter and cheers)
I shall any nothing which may foster the orikind
passio.—separating the North from the South—
may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth,
before it may utter any sediment which Isbell in.
crease the agitation in the public mind on such a
subject . (Cheer's) Sir I have said that this isnot
se 00.111011 for political discussion. I roans* that
if the time and circumstances.gave an opportuni
ty, I should not be indisposed to eddiess the pew•
ple of Maanchusstur directly upon the duty which
the present exigencies of offairs has devolved up
on her, this get at nod glorious Commonwealth—
upon the duty at least w bleb it devolves upon tra
who represent her in the national legislature, this
will not be sack errs opportunity. I thrill have
ow-anion, to top seat in the Senate; -to which I
shall immediately ream, to give ore .0p , 01.,na up
on lame topics of an ietereoing enracter—top.
les in regard to some of which there exist both
minstemeut and missppreoeasion— this greatest
mislatement, Vie greatest misapprehension, as I
conceive. I mop simply mention Oct 01 these
topics—the delivery ot fugitives from service—
With ir"ard to that question there exist the great•
cot prejudices, the greatest misapprehencons.—
Ido not wonder at the misapprehensions. Ism
wel aware that it is a topic which most excite
orejediees. I. ran very well feel what the preju
dices are whir', it must very naturally bring up in
the minds of the grad peel In of this common.
wenllb. ; • •
But, Mr. Canis aid gentlemen, them are in re•
gard to that topic. duties absolutely incumbent its
the commonwealth—duties imposed by the cones
titution—Merolutely incumbent on every person
who herds office in Masischuseus: under her own
constitution and Jews, end thore of the nation, the
is booed, and persons are bound, in the discharge
of the duty—a disagreeable one—to discharge
that duty -as an affair of high morals and high
principles.—We ask her to resolve upon the Per
fermium, ofduty—though it ben diugreeable duty
Any into can perform an agreeable duty; but it a
not - everyman who can perform a diaapenahle
duty. Any man ran do what fa altogether piece•
ant. The question now is whether Massachusetts 1
—whether the old State ofMass improved hymn
center'es of civilization, renowned for bee
lectual charaoter, mighty in her moral power.
conspforrous before the world, a leading State in
ibis country ever since it was a country, o lead-
leg State to the Union ever since It was a Union
-the question is whether Mies schnsetta will shrink
I nom, or Mine to a fair and reasoniible and mode
rn e pert en:lance, and no more than ■ fair cud
reasonahle and moderate performanee of her
sworn obligations. I th ak she
Slr, the question is, whether Massachusetts will
stan•l to the troth against temptation—whether
she will be jest anoint temptation—whether she
will defend herself against her own prejudices
She has conquered every thing else in her time;
the has ronq nemd ISis onean wh:ch was her shore,
she has conquered her indezible climate, she has
tudsht her way to the universal teepee' of the
world, she has conquered every body's prejudices
but her narn—the question is. whether she lord
cm quer her own prejudice I Isbell return to the
Senate to pm that questinn to her , in pretence of
that common mother who aka deal it to her heart,
(cheer/ I
In the meantime, let me repeat that I dread no
step backward--(eheers). I am dev.ited to the
restoration &t peace, harmony, concord out of Con
an.., and such a degree of mutual cc-operation
in Corgress. as tong enable it to carry one° more
the legitionte briaineu of the Govern mew, The
Union, for the preservation of which I wive—the
union of Staten far w kelt I strive--is:not ore,c'y a
union of law, of ooef thou.. of compact; but
while h Is that, it is 4 union of brotherly meted,
el fraternal feeling throughout the whole country
Ido not wish that any yortion.of the people 01
thin country chill feel held togteher-,eoly by the
bond. or e legal corporakon—bond• which some
cf them might think restralued their limb.,
cramped their affectionr, galled end worried them.
On the ettetretY, That they dell be boned !clears
cr by three unseen, oft easy artily; amine, that
result trona gc nem, affection., and fre are
of common interest and common pride;
state of thingic produced in which liliug akin:t
am. with gratitude, all hearts with joy; fllumi.
Listing all facer, spreading through all ranks of
people whether rich or poor— whether North,
South:Etat or West, there shg4l rziot the balm
of all our suffering, ,be great solace of all our
calamities, in the real and elorione
future, and that Is the lone of a nulled Govern-
Mr. Webefer elated amide: rocifercos cheering
which hutted for some time.
Pc,rarroa Wrorrat.'• Casa.— It is reported that
Prokesor Webeter's mourel have taken out • will
of error, upon the ground that the ArJar of the NW
nkloal Coon for certifying the indictment up to
the Supreme Coon was OM fatly set forth to
the certijjesite mod: by the clerk of the Mantel.
pal Court.
The Boston Bost publishes the bilowleg letter.
which it keys came through the post office, pod
Insetted as dated. The tone of the letter will oat.
Isly any one of Its real character sod object.
Tam Hann, Apnl 18, 18.30.
To the Editors eJ the 8.0111 Pon:—Gentlemen
—I led it to be my duty to Inform you, and through
you the pebtic, that Dr. Portman, whole supposed
to have been muttered by Proteasor Weluter, and
for which suppperd murder Prof. Webster is now
coder sentence of deeps, wee ip this city on Pun.
day evening Int:
He eater to this place on a canal boat from Coy.
baton, and was recognised by a gentlemen here
who was formerly intimate with bun. He Rowel
ed him. but Dr. Portman tinned abruptly away,
and 11000 after loft fp the stage for St. Lpule, ea
der the Same of A. M. Thlstoo. The gentlemen
who knew him is Z. W. Dillieekemer, of this
place,.by profceelon a. dentist. He Is ready to
swear to the ideality of this person with Dr. Perk.
Hoping Ml:tibia statement may be of some el:
feet In at least restraining the two hasty execution
of the unjust eentence under which Professor
Webster Is now lying, 1 reinaininemlemen,
Your., - itegmectruilv.
lag WOOD siIIEET. 4 RYE F lll ll ,
Ask the atestionor patellae's to their
PIIESII espiiivra BT9CF,
Lich they think will compote (*Totally, both in
orient andoheapoets, sit t !th tholl or toll(
other ler Roso, vip bre or 41
the Vastgrp Cola.
Of Pittsburgh.
C B. lIUSSEV, Paget ......-.A. W. MARKS, Boer.
Orrice—No. 41 Wateb street, ip %be ' , animus* of C.
11. BRANT.
Illg potrAciv It opr iiirpstril to insure II
kinds of risks, op bopsys, amoofaelones, goods
merchandise in store, and In tramp,' wawa* Or
A', ample guaranty for the ablltly emdiptygrity ot
the Ittmoutlnn, is atrureed in tits character of lbe Di
rer:gm Who ata all cilia.", tat gittabarga, well and
Ply ornbly known to the cammunity for IfiC3f prudence,
I, Ilmenee, and intearity.
% ,, ,,„noon—t:ll.lluseey, Wm. Bagsley, Wm. Ler
imer, Jr., Mintier Bryant, Ilugh U. Bina, Edward
Ileasclum, Z. Biawy, B. Ilarbaugh, P. M. Kier.
opt If
To 711 C A'ATI nn 'Vain Wont. or ALL.
011101 T entrnal.—Robert King, of the Seventh Word
of pro.herph, Is hereby recommended to the Convene
ono, called 10 meet on the sth at June neat, its a can•
did tie r , . the office Of Cdurtty Conimitoioaer
ap dOwfronT' ' MANY VOTERS
T. Az4r-a..v.-111•••• ticus , Fq, of Blain
be supported for nomination, ag • can•
didate f , o die Assembly, before the Alai •od
Wi t ig Onnveniirp i by MANY yurEao
..y1.4.x.,er •
Corny COYXlo.lollllL—Esutszsz Bonze, of North towuship, WM be a candidata for Downy
Commissioner, ruteeet to the deeielon of the Wide
and Anti Namara Nosunatiog Convention.
mar2.erteeB SIANY FRIENDS.
taw A.amini C. 117. LI. VD the excellence of
M'Lute'. Verm
NMI". KIDD & Co—Gentlemen—Mar with pleasure
I hand this, my certiGeate, (wedging to the general
popularity of Dr. MrLane's A mericau Worm SpeUallic,
to yoot i t oiodlng •Ferit, Mr. Monroe. Spine time ago
I recatved from Mtn a .t all lot 12 zed on ern:daimon,
'I teed a few bottles in 'ely own family, to the good
effects of which I can fully leerily. The balance I
sold to my caste:nom and (mind, no inquiry, that it
gave very general eatiefection.
Auguew, Carroll co., 0, Jaly 117,1911.
I 4 , 141 ..le by J. KIDD CO,No GO Wood street.
At Weal Elizabeth, Pa, on the od that, Mrs !flan
Ane, come/toot E. Fortieth Esq., aged 39 years.
Nonni. s uewonsli,
1 - 3 FOrIEIIA.iO DISTILLBAS, and Ty,ind Wina
Idereliants,Ean ar Diemosiilub
11094 , 011 e ring at din •erv. 10•Vtgi , F ror tibu
du rg b, ,
Rectified Whitkey, Hinani:Donayea Brandy; alto,
Freticti Brandy, Holland MR, Jamaica Spirit, Lon.
don Gin, blab Wntriey, Runs, ie. rold,diticrry. Ida.
dein, Champagne, then, Animate, Malaga, Tena
pas and Lenin Wines, WAntdaslat Rote). mytt
ralyyp.)",'*: . '
cot:rim= a isioale.
Comer of Wend and Thud a to, 'ander St. Clad.
Putaboreh. So. eaeletit.9B
200 000 FEE
, ou l"°' . l o 4 t so,oof eetelaar
Crry lane-nab_ p',..thAr• •••L
• year, for
WC by JAMES n mon.AV,
.1114.41,0 Ninth W.
SUG . A4 7 I/50 Stbdyy 0 ISaAarjeC4 for sale by
II by
L OuSE BLACK TEA-6 hi' diem Boachong;
For sale by m)4
13A —II
•1. turg jiittrrecclfAstec6y
ATI oI..DEN'SYRUP—In buret', hale barrels, awl 10
LT gallon kegs, teed per steamer HIAOOO, and for
b - :U
11=11A Co
ml 4 y 4 Wood at.
1 4 1PIT 4 tb brls tis , r , ssje ky
T URPENTINE—WWI, sp. itarl i ns k tt 111:41t i ls by
CO AV cod sc.
lIOVERA of , GOOD TEA are lamed a altla
uial of the Tea for sale at the Tea Steam, east
e oldie Diamond, Plittbargi Wo nor DISCRYII,I
- 10 h• , 10 the rcpIIIIL/1011 01 seklog Too tone /In IN
otyl Proprietors of the Tea Market.
rilllll brine ofllonisoea, Latch & Co. m Broohvina,
Jeaerson Gamy, Pa, and Liteb,Morrisons & Co,
Allegheny County, have bterf.diseolved by Mina&
csent. Pen g, indebted. to Amid fi rma will make
payment to hitch t CO.. and dials. against the /MO
may be presented to Latch &Co,for .ntement.
ÜBOTASII.-1, casks for sale by .1 RIDD fr. CO m g , 2g. igkg,34l.7 .l ; 4aaaa la a '
6174 , • 'l,,
AVENNE PI PPFIR-300 lb* American Clyeraus
Pepper, Jan receivcd, and lot We by
1.04 J EIDD & CO
E.M.PSEED—Iu Otis jast ree4 for 6.1 G by
/-L rapt J KIDU&CO
S.eiIISAPARILLA-46 down Jacob Townsend'
dor slue by tt.Cct
AMILY FLOUR—ID brie Farmer k Nisk's
penes brand, in .more, end for e tle by
ORSE COLLARS-4 doo in RPM and for oak, to
close nonzngronen4 by
') OTTER—do teas In store, and for tale by
DEERS' LAIR-1 sea recd. and (or sate by
PM:a—Md. twilled, in sane and for sale by
LOI2I3VILLEI LIME-103 brie in store, for sole 1 y
Instil ARMSTRONI: & CHOZitit
/I"D—ID Imp inn reDM, and for mils by
my 4 Aitoisrnom; CROZ ER
- DA.CON-111,000 lb. hog round, rte'd, (Ursula by
11 my 4 A IthINTRONi: k fIROZ eft
VINEGAR-10 brie pore cider vinegar, for rale by
COFFEE -10 Junks Rio r c'd and for eale try
MOLZ4SES—IVO brla Sugar I lclure lor sale by
The meat Impolune Discovery on He.
<Ordl—Sure Itoznedy for the Piles!
Dlt. D. P. DROWN'S celebrated External Acme.
can Remedy for the Piles, his &tinnily proved
itself to be the only sore mire ever prevented to the
public. Pince rho discovery of this ••inable medicine,
sod the loge number of extreme eases with which
Dr. Drown has treated, no one has tailed to Leconte!,
cored L nate the many healing balms extant, after
mouth, sod years of expeiiinentaiiing, has too often
tettt me patient where they Cernilletaccd, or wont;
but: alter a few days will decide the case by Ceectilg
perleet CUM:
Fu.tawClTl2=fEE, I shall not enter into • labored ar•
run cot to prove my medicine. I introduce it upon its
own went., by its street I intend it shall stand or fall.
If yea point . that loathsome disease, the PILES, to me
value of a Ms, dollar s, I rest the cis with yen.
52 Lloyd suet. Buffalo, N Y.
Sold wholesale and goat! oy Ii K SELLERS
sort sy Wood et.
NI T tiFIZEAS, my wipe Sarah Jane, having left my
bed and board, without cause, notice is hereby
given that I wilt pay no debts of bar contracting knot
this date, and all penons are cannoned against 'rutt
ing her CEO. Mee. WHltiltr.
rem Townsalr, May 3. myl-dvt.
D virtu, of a writ of Vendlooni Expands, issued
D out of the District Connor Allegheny Gamily, and
to me diteeted, sod be exposed to public sale at the
Court House,. the City of Pittsburgh. on Frldisl r the
di.h dry of Vary, A. D., 12511, at 10 uo.loek, A. AI., the
following described prorty, to win—A l l oaks,
tide, interest, and claim of George di Evans, 01, in
and to the follows.. described properly, wit —A lot
of rowd situate in the city of Plustourgb,A,legbeny
socounty, Pa , marked to Idol Woods' general pian of
. city No Iddl, and bounded on the north by Front
street E
on the east by lot No 151 In add plan; on the
sou. by en atm street. and on the west uy lot No 100
in sold plan; crtendwg to width or bread. on Water
street to feet, and in depth to Front street 157 fees,
or less. On which are erected a book foandry
buildin g d and two small bnek houses or strops, which
Lave been used as plough ramps.
All that other 'en of Feud situate in the city et
Pittsborsh. Allegheny comity, Pa., and sulked In
Colonel Wood.' p an of said city No 111, bounded as
follow., to win on the north by Front start, ea the
rust by Reaoobt alley, on the tun by Water stree4
and u the west ky t. 4 , o; No ter, in said plan. extended
la bath or vale on Water meet ell ' feet. and to
depth pantie! with ado.. bt tmy IV net more or
Its., to Front s feet. Upon Lich m • two
story briek dwelling house, a ion the also or founds.
non au old stone intone .And also, all that
niece lot of croon situate in the city of Pittsburgh,
Allegheny county, Pa., and bounded and described as
tenlow a, to win bettering a' the corner of Liberty at.
ens lot marked Pei in Cal. Woods , plan of said city
and nutmeg alorg the line which divide. it from No
lel In solo plan, nerthwesdly 101 fent, more or Ins,
to an alley 18 feet wide; thane, along saki allay west
wardly Ito feet, theme eouthwardly on • line parallel
win tie line which =ides the afonsald lots, No. le3
and lit, In the pith eforerefil. ttd feet, more or Ides,
tinUtierty street and throne aloogllberty octet east
wanly to the piece of beginunig; On said Ism de
thnbed lot or petition ateround hems the outwardly
part of lot No toe insaid plan. Upon which ate
crewed two smelt frame dwelling bonus.
And also,
all that certain trees or parcel of land,
skean/ cot Chute& Creek, Allegheny county, Pa.,
inmate= 21 sores and 119 perches audit:4 links, he
the sa:6l, mere or tar the said tract of parcel of land
being madcap or an d counting of three ea RI con
tiguous pieces or parcels of land which are budded
snd destined as follows, to nee part thereof
ingle to St. Clair township. in 'said euray, and
bounded as fallow.. to will beginning et a pile of
• 1.., thence earth 421. west 31 perches, to a post.
I the creek beach, thenee by Scully land., and by •
road hereafter mentioned,north 61 degrus. eau
perehes, to a stake ' soon 414 degrees, t east 251.10
perches. to • post. thutee by Illospere land south 43
degree,, wesl934-10perchts bathe hamming; notate.
I tug 5 acres, inetuding GB perehuafthe creek; being the
same portion of ground which John S neatly and wPe,
Aby deed dated 20th April, 1005, end reeorded m hook
No V, 001 33,page 64, conveyed
ea Geono Evans,
aeceued. father of th e said George kt. Evans. An.
other, or ;cooed part ot the said tract or panel of land.,
being bouded mid destined aa folows, tale begin.
other at a gate post, thuce south de deem% welt 14
per to a post, thence extending on the same . line
: 4 perches into the channel
the creek, =nee ens
tending down odd le In—; thence 4
f r om to
a pun on the bank of the meek, and
from said
past south 21`1 dearer:aunt 111 4'lo perches, tone gem
post eforesald, the place of bedintllnfi eL
, perches, strael peeper", beteg the some which John 8.
' Scully and wife, by deed dated Nay 4, Oink and re
carded to deed book ad F, page 3, conveyed to Cad
well•der Erratum matter tee aW Ofollber thEenes,
and Geo. DI. Emus, &One= Ansa= or third pert
of the said onet or panel of land, being botended
and described ins fo loan, vist , ..beenning et it black
oat le Robinette lownehip, thence swab 1S deems,
Pat 10 perches Ind 6 hake, by lead of kohert
Baldwin it a sump, then. north 11 degrees
west IV perches, by the lands of Baldwin and
I Murphy, into Chattier's Cteek, to a make, thence
by the several counei of Chard= Creek. 00
perches wol 10 links, to nioust tree, thence by load
of Robert McCoy, south rendegren, west VI perches,
too hickory wee,thence all the followring coarses, by
the land of and APCoy to the beginning, to south
f 0 degrees, west 13 perches, south la degree, west
degrees, th • degnesegrest 9 perches, mob 13
degrees, east d permits, math 3 degrees eut 8 perch.
co, south to degreer, east unite', south e degrees,'
east perches, saute degfeel, east fl perches and
1, huts, Seale If degree*. emit 8 peahen, south 40
dames, `D cu pen-he., smith Ceder= cut 3 pereb.
es awl Onion, to a black oak, the plate of betnininti
containing la acres 98 perches and 191 links, with the
allowance; it being the same which Kotler( McCoy.
by deed dated October 11th, 15ni, node ended is,
book nd, vow Pete cP•naeped is George
Evans, Uncut d, father sald George AL Elm e.
The said Rail no pored of land, so, as altogether
Love descrtbeil, harm; tberun erected a dwelling
house, stable end other net belldings einem partly on
the first and panty ea tee -second above deaenbed
pun= thereof; and al. having an orchard on the
first inscribed portion thereof. &Pod aod Laken le
eseeatten as the property of Georle 111 Ernes, at the
Intl of P. C.Shanun, administrator CUM fest. annex ,
of gush T Coins, decinted. now tor ase o
ld Clain=
Myren and Frederick Lorene, and to be so by
C C 1.18128, Sheen
Sheriff'dt OElce, BI
p T , tr o ft e rdz n e . eet, tka ;antrriAn t eAtortll c 7ta,
more s . Frilladelehli, ' Zie VotL a ßeartrir Alay n ,
trio, Chicago, and Goreinnatt. Peered, intit - blvd.
nem in any or the •Lord cnietermedlate pla ce., can
have n attended to, by maiming the same with me.
Attorney at Law, Grant below Fourth.
A GOND far /MOO of Allegnenyeits,(CoupontlM
Inal by um mbserlbos,un the interning et Antos.
day, May MI, 18. M. As paywast 'ale same has
been stepped, /I v.,:1 therefore he ot uo am to any
persona but ossiellres The nudes min be liberally
rewarded by leaving it at Our mote, No Of Market at,
or dropplug it to on through the Post them
rky, titrOild—Jost received This inerbing, by ei
veer.. Crooner Ribbons, Black, F'l6 pp and v.,
math Carl corner of % ,,, irtb di•rker'sis.
19' 3 e Buncif Pit:Lß
NIMISSY k IIUII9HFIELD have reerived, thb
morning, hi expiera, Cloths, 131.ek Satin
Settings, Pllll Louts, and Silk Cravats, ea north tag
earner of Fourth and Market name, toy 3
T r e l d rit i i N.:7 . 2:47CW Co:: aril,
Sr4Slarici Wood street.' S N MIll ' 311E111:11 fl i t ifl a
j) ttriteET RIBBONS—IMO pieces Bonnet Ribbene
et the latest and most feettionable style. and
cceore are now openteg by A A biASON kCo
mrd 112 alszkat eh
COLLARS O. CUFF , I-1500 Lreochtharromt %long
l it'3gfei t t fach d o
palrgbrogrning do
Received ond nova pening by
tilitoDS 0, all their yuleties, Alan
,Ej SO chargeable Salk Shawls, Figured and Plain.
nowonenlmt d A MASON &CO
Land for Salo Isa Allegheny County.
f 2,60 c'tl .4 .7,ratglin
Traep 4, 6 pted about end sada W en of Canal, and
loot ut.t.ld lot guiles aboye PittsbUdg .
of Inquiry, be
_twice is Sp 'pee t wo
palable m heap, and the mutat, in one and tip
y•ally pay meats without lobate.. For It.inspeetion
alba draft, crupdre or the oeft.eb at N. et
between Wood tind Macau sta, rittarqh, where tte
will be found anal Mead,/, Gib
FITOII-40 brie N.
- 33 de Wilruntioe PArtr
ml 3
OIL-11164 e Lard 00;
do Tamers' 014 far Cale by
tall Ran, AIATTLIEV . I7B A IN
• r Ofts, Fossil strift,imsr, Graze'.
In L.:Bar:Loa Bsltdlnps, Pinsbugh, P.
Taw Partaatra Guide te Sciastille wad
Practical Agriculture.
TillitßlV Gateau: F. IL & E • ei Edinburgh, the
JLL celebrated author of the "nook of the Penn;
et , . Professor Norton, of Yale College, New Hearn '
are prrp.irimg for the press • book under the above
titre. It will embracer aim tattinti of blianiden
connected with Agriculture In all its swipes branobes,
both Theoretical and Prentice'. 'Science, in as far
" it has, ap to the present:thee, been sada available
Practice, by experiment, will be treated in its-rela
,iett to entry orention si it OCCIITS in the teem of
the "nee." ?be work will be arranged eater rota
dtatinet heady representing the stew", bedieeihlf
with Willir and endipg Irith /Lem.
erld Hetokusllsr and Importer, WS Fon* at.
DLACCWOODB Ihgnzine for AP!iil 11.b .61.44
1..) tills morning. • JAMBS D LOCEmOOD.
mr 3 104 Faulk et
British Periodical Literature.
THE 10.i4e. Cibsieh turteriy Review; , .
The Edotiew;
The blank Mdsh ßev Reviser;
The Weannintter Karim; •
illaetw000• Edlabotth Net tine.
Each, $ pet year; en taten together, fito Pee T 0...
my.l relak, D umcsvooD
: I
nO2IIIII3SION hLERCULNT,IBrock and Dill Bent
er, No Ito Second meet. ma *4l
ACOMA of S. Jones A. Co, au tbe Rectum:a Bonk
for 75, dated May Is*, No 131, payment off
the AMMO navies been moped, the pabllo Oro emulate
ed 61.10. t tteClVirtg tde,61119.5.
my 24:tto RING PENNOCE /a CO
SlLlitlei—A Imo invokes of
JV Silks armrest styles received 14y
ml7l SO Nukes id.
MASONCO" CM now Operdsif another A . large Invoice of Faaey Entbroidenni Parasnia;
also, a wend awortment Plain do at all prices.
600 eat snorted Silk and Lisle Thread Glos.;
60 dos Black and do Ladies' and Gents' do
3tn do. black and white Cotton Hose;
05 do: do do 011 k do;
OM dos Gents' ?ailed Ralf Hose;
Ludo: Gents' Brown Cotton Half Hose;
Received, and now opening
A y
mar: A MASON tit CO
JAMES D • LoCICWOOD has in ptesa, and will
pa [Welt shortly—Ds Mamas on the Dirine Origin
of Government, translated from this Freaeh, hy R. IL
baiter, 11. D., Lawton Second edition, I v 01.1250.
XNACKEREL—ek bets Larse .1 114i0j 1 u4t A r ir eqred f , a
/NJ. ;rile hy
myl YU Liberty st.
IIAD—Z bd. win. new, jurt roe , d. for Isola by
suyi lthriN WAIT k CO
LI ERRING-93 bris No 1, )art reed. for ogle by
.FLAXSEED OIL—IS bats prime, from Somerset
co uoty,jert received, for Ws by
URUI~JI~xm 2oa waned
JURN le by
ITG/ /7:;li ra'ATr*OT
VI OLASSES—tO prlms P. H. for,
myt JOHN VI. ATT:k. CO
AJID—P his prime, just me'd, for subs by
mpg JOHN IN itTr & CO
Di UTTER-40 legs packed, just ree'd br sale by
TEA-240Vehests Young Hoson, Gunn eerier, aid
Black Teas, on hand, and to arrive, for sale by
rare ISS Liberty et
PACKED TEAS of all grades kept eoestaally 00
bond, sod for sale ou nameable mom to the
trade, by (myl A CULBERTSON
77 IM —3 tw.. Ulnas, justreethlgad by
BINDEILT ISUARD . 3—!WO bd.-sum:oiled numbcn,
Chambersbargbennufastarihon hula for sale by
say* F A cuLskirraorr
DOrASH-8 casks Pam, forrt;t2/1 - by
II %Wail st.
1) = -2° "I'
SALTPETRE -15 kegs refined fbr sala by
RLd. GREEN —2O cans of the celebrated brand;
I) A PER-23 bundles ItardWare, a good oracle;
I Mary Straw Paper for coarse Ilardwara;
Hardware paper made to order of arty um or Mirk
r. by Imp!) J bCHOGUSIALJOba. CO
USSENTIAL 011.15—Bergamot, Lemon, Busarras,
Xs Lavender, and Rosemary, 1 can nabh warranted
P....10es received by J tIOtIUUNVaI
LARD—:y keg. far nle br
ft&NDLEB—x3 boxes masses Cincinnati Mould
Curdles for sale by
b•tilll—za brie Herring;
17 1U luta Clad, now Lax:obl, arta ter ash by
ISA/AH .111CILbY it CU
_ 1/1! Waxer rt.
eILoVER SKED—o brta (n 22,11,67 J il ' ' 4
BUTIZR—i Ors and S Ms fr cite, esh, In do jutt 1:
seised at the Butter and Mears Depot, t tt tonn.4
sate; Waal. by ~ !Bohn ' ' 1 0 CANFIELD ,
CHEIOSI4-110 be.. new,, and SO bra old, teat rred,,
and finials by op3o • Jls CANFIFA.D.
LINSEED Oily ber in More, and (of Aste by
ar3o 11l CANFIF„ 11,
ritalt—lttl barrels fora by — . l 13ACAtN-200 pieces in MAU, and tor sale by •
ale '
.1. , P 3)
..A. cob -IArtIAH DICKEY& CO' ~..---- --
TOBACCO -50 b. Orb.° s,ssi .
5 bra Jesse bleu dig.
5 b. Sherwood dog
6 bra Louler re spno, V limner.,
and for sale by tourp_lSAlLls DICKEY a. CU
.RICIV6 lucre. twor loadaorr, and ior We by
ittell DICKEY et CO
CLATE-9 an for sale by
11811L13-3 baits mimed — am
teed oo eausignmeaclor sale by
-23 OA. Nolnow lulitty7foT r infii
A- lot o
VALUABLE lginand. nonfatahar aboottia, acre and • half—a good silo for a atoro—t wins
film Filial:az.,on th e Aliddlatown -rood near
Braordy's Foto. For pardenlars, a pply fila
pony. to • MARTHA BAY
,± That large eammodenn Dwelling Haase
and Lot, on *hick are a good Wald. wet
,no Kaput) of,
and lota the reszdenee /dr. Jute
aeei sitasted oa Webatar at, Mat Salrelll/1
wee. For terms, apply lo'N N LOWREI=
toyedtt Wylie at.
TUnion Biala Dictiaarm.—The Child's Boot
.1. of Balisda—Mactlimaldi or the Gran Munn
• Story of Real Ltta.—Elconrove; or see Beaday
Bonet Boys Conirastad—Tho Bar of ho or the
Dan/ern Unsaanifird Affliction --Conies ofßehos I
Bojo—Kovno, On BASSIL Chlat—Tba Life of
Lather, nth nodal rafornas to IN mins periods,.
sad the coning ninon no Bolormatin: by Barna.
Brian. D Saromory at Biblical strmaiiies,
lot Bennis and Vanillas.
Yobbaked by American 8 S Union. Per sale by
A H ENOL1811& CO,
Secceserne to W
Wood imam
MIM Bremen Works, the Authors Edition.
The Nelighbors k • a T.I. }:, , rery Day Life. A
new awl revised edition, witt au introduction written
expreraly for thia edition ► 7Wa Bremer. lenict,eloth
Uniform with Irving% opcPs, and Bodiowitia;
and.tiloauated with Portrait and view edge anthar's
Homer's Iliad; translated by WWI= DO.P4i,
Masa by &ben Booth.) , L. L. D., ralin nates by hr.
iit. , Dta w L ith A , gi v e:itt .g d .unto ¢ 0A laip paper: D.
. d tr ou by f F , laz= rely al eso,ebieli. Also, • Waver
“Li.A %Yorks, inelod:ng • variety f pie
nave first “Ileeted, Ly James Prior.
4 vol.. Um°, elegantly printed, miliaria in itylik era
Dying, Cooper, ice.
Tae dbak.peare Calendar, or, W, and Wisdom for
very Day la Ito year. Edited by W. C. Diehards
lea very neat neirle4o,.Wsoo, 010714 DEI Cana, eta Ut
gilt, al cebbi.
Ser ts,la b 7 JAN= D LOCKWOOD,
in. it Bookseller and lm. • net 114 Fermi, .t.
MADAME KINII&VON respeetta4 Infonaa the
lAA% . ahg °pep Freud' 1111Uinery on Fr 4
day cm, hlay 3,d; alto, a nariotx at QOM Famiell
G 004.." inapt
war. a. santran4 tuns noon
• • . - woLtrao
No . Wlidrrey strut, atcro Wood,
Have alway on band • large moment of Choke
°Tomlin and Floe Tea.% also, Foreign Frabllrsmd
Mts. Wholesale end Retail Dealtas Lolled on the
lowe tonne
NEW PSITERNS.I.-rtew warns or vui
Poper, in Vuicatim, 031%C:0. and faze? eokora,
linvo tiro teceoUy melee together with an I.
&nano,' of Renee Borden, Board Priors, and
Tutor Top., la Gold &ad Velem.
nn oyl Wall Paper Store. SS Wood MTh ' I
INedar l i e l Mae Margit
tfilltfatfiaoat ue of wry,
nocery arm To• Store, le tba Plgimdelpitla
• Vo 'ettimptibere have fitted ea a apse el No. sip
Llbent street, is a et,yl9 mem* to au edam end la
I ateutose, tee) ...I Worse. have a Wire a.
emtment. of Om. .PllceT{tt, aid Au, cello; 1.... to
Wl Z th 'h Willa the anent on of Weed
every erfele they will endeavor
best of ire kind, Ltd confidently m endreco their
Tsar is .or to Is scaressen; u KUL= lo the oi
Their anortnient loin comprises—Gni. 'iCod iNs.k
Taupe oil kind', from 371 calk tooppe poen&
ears cleaver's - rade.
l'"n".. 'k r., LOA . Ornaked and Talnaired;
etram iZraip', ar flute and N. O. lifolasSee: C,h,oe•
4ote.ign tots .d Now,
Ke , ehose, Fuentes, Sae. Cared Slues and Brey
MA of CI kinds, Verna Lard and Whale Oil',
Mould, Pp aod W. Candies, tolein"!laW i r :'
nritlos• eh To dd net hereiotone = vv.. to
o% d e 741 e. ' i t
ed . 'n
Ve l it +7O I;
ihe two cities.
Dealers supplied ram ttivebr u nt
,nr No . od Mary strost.aboee Waal.
• LOST, '
A •
PAIR of Gold SPeouLdl. , OPHVllrbe 44
dropped In Wood raPHO,to pact Mall &
Pear', Wn rehooly. the Ude, will be esorruded 031.
mn , mi . i ,... i h o evoer, NO. II Wood ate
siILATIOD OR neciLss,
(A N Thu.d., l =A liov int raaav r he residence of the
:(1,7:,17V21. 1 11%; Co.w a :late=
reciigar narks an her ear, bu weal
ley are Is not
.Low to her nor been
in possession of vaunt owner but Grr a short Pm"
Any perms keigsp information whisk stas
„, r ,„„„.r,, be genially fewaided.
Wean:din Book eleato t 79 /Rego elapilgops, yoga*
PRIM or ODY111110:1:
Drew Chafe and Pargactre .
Seems; and'Tainl Tiers • •••••,-• .....
Gallery Gar eeloredpcisono— ......
Doan apen 7f; Certain will rise al S
On Satardal, May 4, orlll De preaer.Led
Clil 4447.1t10US FAMILY.
Charley Terme, Mr Taller
Car, ale Martin —•-- Mr 14RaT
Amina4ab Sleek ' Mr emek
Peas Debatable .—Mra II Ntehela
Lady Qeaally Carpel!
To ennead* with one set of lb:
Harry Bella —Mr G W Johnston
Mandesale•—r•-- Mr Smeaa
Peter ?wattle(' Mr W P Pod h
Mary Union Mills Portsr
la reteanal, a national Drama eeled NICK OF
137 L 139 Wood street, above Fifth.
'SHAI" splendid evisblislinent is novr oared for •
Rent. It is admirably artansed tor Concerts, ;
oares, Exhibitions, te. For tesms..tTly to
JOHN A FITZ:111110N% 1 -
137 Woad n.
09=4 DAlLY—front 9 to In in the miming; 2 to 5
d t‘ ,. 6 . 4 nut Item ? to in o'clock in the
” Ono"A r tinittance A 3 =tat ChtlThiten uaer It Tents
knit ;Wee.. ett27
Obi. and Pm:may/vansla nail Itanal
Oralca Moo& PICW4 IL It Co..Thinl
Rmeention, April 15, n 33.
TBE StrtehhoPere of Mt Ohio and Bennayleuta,
Rail Road Company autereoy manned to pay , he
fish lastalment of flee Dollars per Mare, at the efEre
of the Company, as heretofore, on or before tee thh
day of May neat; and the re tosioiLy timalments of
Ave Dollars per share each, on or Luton the AO day
of each ruteeeding month;ant.l thew hole sin paid.
By order crib,' Aloud of Direetom
m)3.4ltd W. LARMIER, Jr, Tremarer.
lIMR-441 bell Utica While Lime, for hale by
4 my: MIRY, AtAll'ilh.m . B 6Co
LE°'loooldia ea I'TG alma Lead, for said by
GIY3 ft HEY, bIAT I'll NW $ a co
DEACIIES--V.ssek. Dry Feotbes fer .ale by
FRALTHER.4-17 seek; prime Vesthen,
tot sale ep marrnEws a co
APIIOII/CEORV NOTE; drawn by lames Ro
lanAyla the order of U. N. White, end endowed
by Alm, dared April mit. tew, boo been 10-t or mislaid.
Trie finder will canter -a favor by fearing it at Abe
office at the Galena; and all J
are teamed
liiir PCbtlithg JAMES RULONIi
Country Seat for Sale
A BEAUTIFUL scholium wridenee In the neigh.
boyhood or tep tiny, pouroeung more than or
dienry advonteges. will be sel4 on favorable terror.
The moody ore stocked ad h fine nu:: MC, 1 , 1 befo
ul oondltioo, ihnthheyy, enetemers, ar . Foy unmo
of Owner and keation, enquire at thut t (nee.
Post lifficco—Uovid Copperfiettl. pna to---ine•
victim of Mechanic., pan e--Litteli's Living Age,
No 311—Morning _Can: Nra this--Women l n
Amen= Illavi•J Mlniosb--ithiery 1, r p„,,ft, ‘ „i, :
Tbaetaray—Rowland Cashel: Love —Miniver
W II Airumenh. •r3O
L i I/Mi....SG—SY tromm Cream, lkAte), ju,t
kireokl, sad for sale by SI Mb If I'
a 0.313 lIM Wood •1.
SUIiAR-1 btahlaplej;mt reed, ond for rot ir,7 -
.115:A. STUAar t ILL.
Mt4LASISM-3 kg. ar.pi. for m!
CODER VINEGAR-10 bble Furn-in Marc, ' and for
ule by
ap.7o. tat:AMY
YE—A few bbl. store
B ACON -10.000 Shoal/ern, Price;
3,000 ands, in coin. and for .alin I,v
TUII3-10 do; eoperlor article;
KEELERB-4 Cox large, to 4/Ore. atd for ecte by
ap3il fiITSA KT dr. bib?,
aD2O Wool rt
Aell IIOOPS-0 Ailk 'M t,
'Moo. of prime (moo.
for We by ENCII.I.III & 1114 , 114k1TT.
eye,io 41 Wood et.
Qi Cark• Path, prime, for sale br . -
1.D3. • 1 , 1 , :(:r .1.11 It iIROTOIPTT.
LIMITER AND LARD-10 kegs Butter, aLd 4 &coo
X)Lato. for solo low by
OA P-41.41 boa. for We.. . - •
"DOCK POWDER-ISO kers for see he
LIS sr3o S F VON /304N1101IFirk:CO
Q ALT—Umbria far sale by
1 0 1 ,• 'l5 F VONTONNHORST it CO
SODA A1314-148-euks 111,00ptati.' Ladd. 02.1
ceiir,ed per minter Companion. end . fan 0,10 10c , '
:0_ WtM MlTaltlF2oTitEk:
ap.lo Lin,rtv
W ILAIE: I r l PAPER.,./1. lisge yritY iitStkaiir
ham the mi . ufac . torg ' flr P .7l6l. ° R. ( ll-4 , V t ii. u . ,_. : 1:317:11 .,
nacecetor I* 8 C up,C,
. 85 Woo 4 .t. __-_
CALM/CLUE-21N b. /and auks me belt' toe
NCI tale by ay3l/ J WWINFIELD
COTToNlTOl4.lno — ifiTb hot, hite, whit nitaeTw
100 dot tali: brown do alai
Mad O 8 Wood se:
500 LADIEW Standing Collar:n.l.l Chimaera.,
torah agdS C AIIBUTINuT
UaISEIELLAS tr. SAICASOLS-3.s9liinghain arid
COPIIIII Umbrellas, and 4.10 Pnii.ntn, gilt and
nom°, for : • - C . dllßlll . llnl4Yr
MS superior go 411tV, for sale ST
ern los sale,' .
ISO pkg.! Y. H. Imp. Waal
125trattir d'r ci .
100 begs Rio Cone;
21:0 bale N 0 Molasses;
71. Itbds N 0 Kogan
to bons unneel Wets
No 4t Wood street,
19.0 bls Rf. R. Rlleak
la has clover do.,
1516 s do do;
'l6 asks Zane Cr.yraph•
/5 bolas h. Wa a.t.
IS do. Brali..lau ay
15 do Fais An ,
lUJ do Ilms Nat;
bla %dolma Almonds;
29 Ca,. Rock Cady;
5 cases Lanc rm
12 At Pcincloce Reveal:
low At Half Spanish;
3 Das Clones;
cans :Vaasa;
3 ccroons Indigo;
' 25 cams Lemon Syrup:
092 c. Y. Poor Calms;
IllosacaTommo Catsup;
Croond Spiccaof all lauds'.
49 barrels ..pots dom./ and
Loaf dossr;
2 Chow noldes;
40 bzs Pipes;
400 bzz Soap;
bzs Candle.;
MILD lbs Cod flab;
XI Ma Tanner& 011;
40 has Chnenlaul
60 des Bed C.aido; •
40 nada Manilla lope;
Mita. Spiced Clifoolite;
f ears *leper;
SW boa Bump
40 Lela Vinegar,
30 bale/ Candlineleki •
40 bre Muth; .
10 Una Rice;
10 brie Chatill
31:0 dralpa Bige.;
At wall at a genaeal
Haelifactared males.
asscraucitt of kquabyrik
A GABBIZ-Lake evasion Its Physics! ohmic:ere
Vsastshilm, luta Animals. 6va,
bemmas-Ths East. Illustrated, 43.
Ilmomia,h-Commas. *vols.
Ilmasours-Aspects Na usu.
Glaavm-Turtlsti Esciurm Emertshments. time.
Alseuss-austickl Ahatam_y. coloted plate. al ,
Dans-Pecim and Phuse Writings. u
s• azzals.-11ss Optimist. U. -
Waissi-•Paslsal 4hotatiec. tto. ,
Crortsza-.lllaases hied. AltEct,
his.csal--Porulaz Delusins. yes, limo
1..,. La by JAMES 11,1,0ChWaol—
uP2il Bookseller Imponer, 1(4 rause st.
41SH-103 cuts auFerior U.lll. lat.
1J Joal xecaiTed, and for gale by
]NU blbßalgaVi tC •
Prnn 14,
POWDE3-16m kep Ellootion • -7'
lUD di, Deo: 5"
600 do 14.
hil(tx‘x /W
U '
176 do Dar 11110 e;
JO km Sea Stfooliori
• 43.1
ups Er.
030 do Deer do;
03,050 feet...lcy row, Worn , . e llas dor
sad for tale br ' .1 5 DI;LWORT/1 ICO
Wood •c
or. coa•l7aamnyJ ACONaoruki
er bir
I Grab.. • • NBMW receiving 41 t
arm. &aura by. 9 191,Wureril & c
r ARD-50 — kirt No Hard;
10 1011 do do just feed, ir.rl for zsla by ,
sp9o : DILWOot f lc CO
D UMII-43 i"" ! ‘r A r Vita writ O .
Li e?" 1- 7;edie le 6 5 ,
Ci VOA a -1° h". ° . 94'" e1; V ';' ll l' &TO I/
RD—IOO kegs Leif Lard for fii,ZiliWsg
end far u+s by :
_Bt lv
. •
10 BARRELS LARD OIL No 1, for sobs by
• . SoLomON SeltoYEß
D• Y S Celli ue.r tlewcwr
09 dot ioo received artd for *We br
al% .17 W....01uet.
B UN N RA ISLNS-IUO iCtie.,:grwAyazt..ofor
mai IP A vell',ll,l.
WORTH CAROLINA TASK-150 tals latge &cat, fot
.•1• by •ptl •WM BAGALEY &CO'
ALEIICTUP,4.IO born 111• Pa clax6l`;, a. giperi or
snloJe, Sox .ale by WIIIIAUALtYy CO
LPLACK-EILKS—A Ina assortme.a f Black Silk.
°Call vidtly metived at No et. :Sark ci staor.a
ten Omar of*. Diamond. •
CialtdelLEON SILK SHAWLY—Itich change:kW:, ~
Bilk neva. of a very wen° r• liziatJty. by
BIACUL — AWNS:- - Plali Black 1.0114,111 of differ."'
(Ludlam* r tot sale by ALEXANDEA & DAY
H A.. DE/3F-40 tea iso Ham% &vas & 5 mice;
30 dog C. Dee 4 o I
20 do S. 0, llama, DutLe.l4';
All pat si. f" ilium" Oil,
VALzal &bY ,
Wain?, 0z09..)6.101. lan r•a%L. for Wetly
• 12 brta Na 2 Lard Oil;
8 brls Linseed oil;
Far rale by aplll .SELLERS & NICOLS
LII4IOZb OIL-411de jut reel, lad for