MI.e,ELLANEOU.S - •---- Cheap' ataxidardi iltstosi: . HIATORY OP ENLAND ts .., pati, M 1 by Harper & Bra's, G in Il i vol • re s. e llo7 I, sad PO Mit 49 cues per vol. 'Three vo see, one fortrLlt HOPKINt, Croat Ana eeeee es alechaseleet 1.170sIt• DAPPLETON A . co. Nev p r ei h:or e k, e air See cents D. 01..131g4=1}17"4:tekilitrer7IslecTianieL Ens tea: l a and.Edrurinc rho .e rgur, tided m e th Profes e' Pdited by Oliver Byrne. . Ibis work to of large PTO tat, and will certain two thousand pages, • nd upward. or rig thousand ldustne Dona It will present working drawings and delenp dm of the pow important machines ./11 the United Sawa Independent of the results of American lo- SelteitY, it will concur.complete practical treatises oft Ideehentea, Machinery Engine Work, and Engineer. Inc with all that Is useful to more Men one Maumee dollars worth of folio spheres. magazine* and other Woks. Hu numbers teemed, and ror sale by the IVO; II 11OPILINts. atilt 78 Apollo BuLdings, ....---- -------___ --... ----------- NEW IPPOCIL OP PIANOS. . ING'S PIANOS CHICKLER.. Joh* Lileltor, Si Voad Strut, Pittsburgh, B . " AgllllicitaggsTatarkiTothe '* l 61•1031,1 l std Square plane ' ***** , BISCi3to Ud•co tic nentl• and tut tactical putille, alai lie has now invoices and will receive rgest end altpoa• tot Wile, antics the taco.% romp,, the la and mewl ilgainbla sleek of Piatio Pones ever be ff faced fotaani In dri West-•Witinig die :tamper will • Wil. oappl a( ytoearbiyy carped Rosewood Grand Plan Fortes, with WRY, retest improirCloclits in ateehanitm and 817844:ifirtegfived R stwao: seven oetaVe Sqoare rsso Pores , Geisha:lathe Eiliabeth. and Louie ,11,1 V. Myles a large meg of all ,he variant µlies of Pin- With ions., no In talon from fPnd to *We and go4,o6reyared by blr. Chlekedng for the pret,ent Pyear, Parehautre an waved that the gr;ess of Mr Chteg• stints Hanes have been, and wilt continue in I -c. th' *me as ai the stanatectory in 14.1011, with out chafe, For transoortagoa; and will he delivered and ant op Ii 'Wain order, in any part of the city, w.thout charge MA j____ _ — A — OWITI --- MR hadervigned bap leave to Inform the ;labile 1 Douala has declined bnabacse In favor of his Boa, 11 Darla, lobo will continue the A. 1106 ate'd Cont aaasion benne., at the old stand, corner ot Wood al Fifth moon, anol tot atom he would soiled • condo Kama ofthe liberal fa/Tonna hetemfore bestowed up on the hence. .1011b1 n. , /mil IDA, lOW. P. N. DAVIS, itiPCCESSOIL TO JOHN D. DA.Vid,) MEURER& MID COEMIIIRION MERCIIINT, COMO Of WOOD SOD OM. STD. TO. VITILL was sales, on liberal wren, ef Foreign and TV pee d° lierehandlle,Real rattle, etoche, k and hopes, by experience and close aeration to boats% to eerlta continuance of the ,Dppott and p eivosMan t rttended to the [elm oboe.. Batlo• to one Patrons. PORTABL.W. BOT LIEU. runs decease of the active partner, in A Philadelphia, J. lag Ws Jame. M Davis,) produces no intet - mtroon to the busineto—arr.semems have been made which Involves Dm same intetests precisely, which have learstatore existed The business is connected ander the Mom morn and firm, vier— .l /LIM fd & Co., Philadelp hie; Jane Al'Fal Darts ms b. Co., PtUsbarga. Theeontinomme of the pauonago of our many friends Ls respectfully 601/Cited. if any persona hese demands against the concern. they am requested to p vaent them forthwith. for payment. Pittsburgh, April iu, , so. JOHN MTA DEN, 17.1 f ap Surviving partner. Brinni—Wa;•Elitiltilbnosse, ame n h. PA Lktha, No Ica Market street, is proper. ed to Mier very fetal indocement. to buyers of Soar & atilitnery Goods, of every description His sleek co.ista of every desirable style of Plain and Fancy Swim Braid, Gimp. French Lace and other limmeta Jenny Lind, CaltAmia, Bound and Square Top fliats,Pr fames and Infants. Bays' Hats, in grew varlet). Men's Leghorn, Straw,Braid, China Pearls and had Hata Rib. boos, Flowers, Mamma. S. ilks, and other Millinery !snicks, ke Ste. apathy, Orivna, & Co., 'GATE removed to 1V M a rket. No. IM Water st bet Wood and Market, where will be key for Ij Mle. their s roartufeetating, • msor.meet o Iron. Nell% Spiks, Castings, and Hot Blast Pipe* seaman:A of the be quality, at the lowest prices. Mr. JOHN BEST, of the late firm ot Taney a rest having purchased an intermt in the firm, will Ilad Charge Of Warehouse, and Intl devote hie entire intention to the basiness, and endeavor to render rot. Breeden to the friends of his late don, and Women who stury.favor us with their patronage. BROWN...PHILLIPS & CO, . PO Water at. •-malmtrjrh DatalLIKL ICa"D IC wt. WOOD STILEL - T, Irtrgs,:pro•nd are received large gulch of , ODDS, selected with great care for the wutela "WI to which they invite the atienuost of city wmrtern merchant. (beat lath:cements altered to Cub bay,. jap9 """ & RU RCHFIRLD aro prepared to car oler their casement and haver. generally cr tan yeti best make of th e above goods, an will do t ty ta the old prices, uotwitlimanding the adv.te of east. Rome extra fits Bosom Linens werr.ted pare Bar, lately received; al., a rapply of Lateen Table Cloths, Darn, Crash, Ercolcat located. - Bordered Towels as low so 73 cents per dour', or Ge cents a piece, at north east corner of Fourth and /Market Ma. spilt • A FORTONS POD. £lO or £3. MPITTAAINIA PPORTING PORTRAIT CLAIR, Japarth.e, George street, Plymouth, England. The aseriagers beg to .quaine tbrir name.. martini that it e next Distribution of Portraits el Rare Hres, will compiles those emceed for nee farthrtherung Geand Nateirsal Derby Reece the number or shares to be Ladled to SAP oath class. Firat class member XII; NOMA stair diteo £3. Farb/ application Me the on appropriated shares is necessary. A party subscrib lug Ow SOOre than one share Tho s ethe chance e lf!aining eseal camber bongs.. me nacre draw the •litiOrio Portrsits vela be prmenthil with the fol lowing sums:— Portrait of 1.1 clam bonmea MI di. Wiener, or Firm name .L.A.00 &Levu S,eeee Horse- .• • 10,000 eon Mad Horse PACO 4lam m RiVided ongol bltanera• •• • 30tal 3,mer o Nan-Starters sAIO 3 Oro There are xO3 bonnets in each elms, that being the illsgrier borne. enthred far the race. The Drs.. will be conducted upon the same lesitimcm principles as those which characterised the late [Si. Leder, and other proceedings. Fall pardeulars of the rimalt wal be mat to atm at members latrrlediately after th e de cision, that each may tome his position. Sahara:sets registered and scrip forwarded on sr veletas re mama.. Rill. of Freaange, Ora., Bank I Notes, the 1 adder el .red male pacubm to the Managing Director. ter IA tks k CO. Yoe per Cent rentinirsion to be leder:el on the tn.. of boause • t . 6 tri.eru7 •e, roTe II 18r0Contentc—Neer k end Erin thnware. 00011/119ttilla SL ivah Pen rtsal Pencil, Th i,e effect Oteolllolefea Ancgi rang rertneriene open tenTrwth. B.A.g. Thf ; CeMneY—litterert—Prnnuzlarth Free ?redo vs Protective or or SUirtnrei upon the re peel elfin Secretary or Treasury of the United Kanter (or 1919, Maims to - ontocree, I.4.nstor , of the ans. sun Empire in rho Eno, ree. ice BLACKWOOD, far March 10.50. D:LECTIC AGAZINE, erre April. et 'rnein Depot. Third meet or/eosin. ten Pero IleMire. 1. AN pow prepared to Parni.h Spain Trees, fr.m the will korner. Nursery of Jeeoh N. Brown. The yea. 'nil be debarred at the wharf at Ystutotugh for W per hundred_ rename arishing good thrifty tree. shaeld leave their orders 'pea at the Dreg. Seed, and PatilMery Warehouse, corner of Wood andflizth we. &pit__ N WlCligNalloyd • • 11. A. Paboreatesek Ik Co, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, corner of Viral nod Wood meets, offer for sale, on favorable terms . 100 bbla Whitio4; GOO Ina Cmh. Ammonia; CD do Alo0; 600 do Assafraud.; WA do Dye Woodr, 607 do Crude Tartar, Td de Lampblack; LAM do Ligaoriee Rook. 1161 do Vea Red; 200 do Irish Hon; 8 do Camphor; 150 do Red Ereelpitate; 10 do Span. Brown; 160 do calomel Amer.; 73 - do Sallow Ochre; VS do do Ear.; 10 do lirramtons; 200 do Eicher Leaves, do cloves; 010 do Rhdtatb Rook 3 do COasa. Flowers; 6000 80000. do; la ...cagey. Dora.; goo d o do Gentians do; 35 do Castile Soap; WO do Sot 'Wheeler 10 do Pmssian Blue; Tro do aida. he el 30 do Cale. 61.6..51 a; LW do Ewald Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Green; 650 do do Slip. Elm; 6do do 'fellow; 103 do do 0. tannic Wdo Am..Verwilloor , 101 .do do Lig. Root reams Sind Paper, rim do d o. Jalap; kl Rio; a S 800.0; 550 du do Af.Criyanne; ney s Boole Corks; 200' do SWIM Zinc; 7802 Salpn. Moroi* MO do 11.0 TM; 1000 lb. Caps Aloes; 20 do Tamarinds; rmo do nom.= powaroso do (gala Silver; 4100 do Pink Rook 760 do (hoo Peel; I= do Turkey Urabek 76 do Cook loooli 1060 do Comm Tana, 2u do Hyd Poulin SA do Tommie Audi GO do Noce; 100 do Uva Um; 7:1 do Granville Locioa 60131341karfter PIETZOLLI7II, Oft ROCIL.011!. "flame me more to7e4lonestrenL7dirs Than aro dreamm of in philosophy.* T'' VIATIMUS of Om remarkable 'remedy, and the 110.2.12 CollllppileatiOP tor it, to the proprietor, bels and direc ladeced hitionsm to h for the benefit ave it pm tip of the pablic In both. with la- The PETROLEUhI Is procured from a well In this n imenty, at a depth of four handled fem,Ls • pure en EL talusrsted uuele, without my chemical than e, but 11Lst as lows from Natureds Great Labratoryn That" .conialos propemies reaching a number of diseases, is ne totteef • Mattel of uncertalrey. There are mei , / things in the &reenact natere,witich, if known,thio, be of net esefolnem in alleviating suffsmg, and m eaning the plane of health and vigor to many a suf. ferer. Long before the proprietor thmght of etg !teed ease. The IOtIMPI and dady increasing cells n, and envial rem.kable toms it has performed; sure Indication of its rotate popularity and wide spread application In the Lare of disease., We do cot wish to make a tom parade of eartig. cams, as we are ClMCioss that the medicine Cob 0 , 0011 work its way into the favor of those who seder and wish to be healed. Whilst we do not claim for it • applicau. In every disease, we mbesite• tingly my, that In • number of Chronic DiSCALCS It 11 Among these ram be entimerated —lll • &thaws gIgONC of the emcees owns, such as CIIRONIC cONSUM rTION tin Its early ethee.l Asthma, md AAUNCk &sees. of th e Mr passages, LIVLE COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diarbsem Diseases of the Bladder sod Kidneys, Pains in the Deck or Side, genoasotheasaidVear,ale., Patty, Mace otatie Paths, lie En . arge"44ll., U n t grit.r*'": .„„5„,,, u p." S ~, or tong md protr:erc o d c "" M " th &maws , this =Mane will bring relief. It will set as iterteral TONIC and ALTERATIVE In mch eases D.19,1j.1 Wen and energy Ul the whole creme. ~ m ,„„ °peeing the sluggish functions hich, &mese and a boa. ceustination, and giva4 locreased and renewed energy to all the orgnorfot LAO 710 proprietor knows of several comk of PI LP* that restated every outer tresumeot, get well order the ase of O V AETRI:IL for a abort Ohm Too proof ego be to any perms who demos:* ?tow nsdne withoel the signathre the proprietor: , .1 " la bgelindPllollllitial Dada Amor Seventh at Iso by _IL P. SELLER/3,P Wood et; sou—KPAI4Eit ratallOWELla bet Wood stand Virgin alley; whose. his striVil4ll tgralarly gavials! AVM __ ~~ -----Y_ .z--_ ~ _ __ - ~_- -TBANSFORTATION , LDIES - _ THEPENNSYLVANIACICIPLINOPE N. PITIEBURGH TRINEPOiTITION UN 1850 VI& Pennaylvants Cantils & tiallitenda mammas. G.CONNOR, ATIINS & Co., Canal Basin, LibertyO'CONNOß, trait, Pittsburgh; &MM., O'CONNOR & Co., 539 & Martel street, Philadelphia. " n OrCosuom tr. Co., Nl a Northern, sweet, Baltimore; E Wens. New York: Ettm er Zs rililo,ll Doane intent, B01110[1; 11.0001 GILLT, Maysville, Kenotteity; ilubt a Co.. Columbia street. Canetrualt; E. Wale. Lona...title; Mews, Ileum A Co., St. 1.0010 , To Shupe , " of 111:erckandus and repine, to and files lidadelpkut, Baltimore, N.Tork, t Maim, Mu route being now in fine order. we WO prepared to forward goods le above !at rery-rowast prom.. We nowt oil freight /Tar argot. charge baying polieieh fay of gOO,OOO, end with the following extensive stock of floats trot confident of giving entire antigenic:lt to all buiness entreated to rte; cern. Our boats are all and commanded by captains of experience, and our e ntire i line is conducted on Wirt manta keeping and rempoener principles. Dome. • Captain. Imo City, Moe Maryland, fiLsraball I. Cineinnatt. Sande Beth Anna, Chaos= Wm Atkins, Permed Import, fil'Quada Demon, Alter Gowned& Riley Celia Hoek,. thivellrancbGoe•cr Amerien Perry !Mermaid Itl'Colgast kux fill/lied° • Atmore tri'DPWPII • Look Sharp Oros . Shippers will find It to to call. O'CONI meld Canal. Boat,. Captains Pennsylvanla E Luytoa, aL Louis, Cow&a Col. Howard Ridley ' Mary Deborah Mena Enterprise, Kaplan /notate Down Ben. BMW, Gore TelegrapliNolablelda Point Mill lloynada BaltaNCllpporlbl AVQ ey 0100 Belle Kearney Hunter &ogle Julia Allll J Layton Telegraph NinWcorla 4orta ageen %Able alysitlere pp pee wr Non, ATRINS k LV., on lAbeny u, Pinsbarda. ...J Leto 'Transportation Coniston' , ehiMil 1860 . MAR* U. L&r...C13 & MPS LIKE, BETWEEN PirrantliZDß , PPILAPPATIII.d , BALTIMORE k NEW viniu, IJV Pasmryloanta Caudal and 841 , 1 Road. TBE Boats and Cars ht thin Ltne have been pat in compete order. and w.th the additloa of severe new one to the Line, enables us to carry a largo quantity e.f produce and goods. The rnpre stock of the Lim Is owned and contra b) C.; P.p , PauWed . ' BALEEN. d 1.1111, 10 Zonth jidul pt the °Lace° MlL:ebbe Dada phi edepu. N.; iosEr II TAVOLPEL So "41;1°F%V.°N7Itte'n,'.1°_,, PIT Yogi D LEECH tr.. CO, Cana Bann . Penn el, Kidd Pnwharth. Rana 1850 joafFNI., UNION LINE, • ON TUN PENIVA. AND 01110 CANALS. CLARE, PARKS & CO, Roches , . Pa., Proper. /OLIN A CAUG HEY, M. OS. cot Pralthheht and Water sts, Plurbate,. ChALMRLIN,CRAWFORD &CO, Ago, Cleveland, Ohio. Tins ~,e t l known Lt. Iwo uar.sport freight and . °Welter. frm[ pIFtIHNU and CLEVEhANO. to any porn,. the Cat. f Logo,. The facilities of the Line are wourp.s. voting told eap.ity Bow, crperiertee ol .d elheismy of AVMS. 0.90. Isnira!l rilli4l3l7b Chr.e." nine in conneslim wtth a Line of Ream Bova be mew. .• • o• of Fust Cia.•PIITSSUROIi Owattt Beatar od, Pr... Pip,/ Vesse lo l., on the Laker. CONSIGNMI: Clark, Park. & Co. Noeketer, M N Tayl Parko r, & • Co, Too 0; rmsMarra Onlo; Wane. A & N auk, Noorton Palle, G; I 13,10a1k. Co, Ravenna. 0; Kent, Grinnell t Co, Franklin, Gr, II A :tidier, Coyaboga Pads, ta Wheeler, Lee & Co, Almon. Ol Chamberlin, Crawford & CO, Clnieland, Hubbard Ir. Co. Gondmky, Ia Peckham & Sion, Toledo, 0 Madams & Co, Deleon. Minh; Willialm , ec Co. Milaankie, Wim blarfe & DUII9I, Raelne, Goorin y A Cobb', Chcago, Ill; Thosau limo , Chicago, IL Jolll,llm CAUGKEY, Agnm, • r. 7) corner Water and Smithkeld au 1850. LAKE EXILIC AND 11101110 AN LISP. VN TIIE ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. CLARKS, PARKS & CO, itOebt•tel, Propnetors. rr HE ?rept - Stars of this well known Lute woold inform the public ( that they are row in op. erwion tot the present eraser,: awl have commented retesting Freight Rad Paasenger% which they are folly prepared to earn- to all point. an the Canal and LAKIM ERIE. AND MICHIGAN. At the lowest ratty. One of the Mall of the Line will tie constantly al the landlci, below Monongahela Midge, to receive frelght JOHArk. CAUGHET, Agent, Office, rat Water and Srankfield as, Pittsbargb. CONSIGN RES: It W Ceunilutm. New Castle, Pa; Alitcheitma A Co. Pulaski; %V C Mnlan. Sharon: tt9 lint, Stsupsherr; Wick. tsetse & Co, Greenville; Wto Henry, Hartstown . Wm Power. Conueauteille; John Hearn & Ce, Erie; John I Hollister & Pos Buffalo. NY. usSII .ak, 'lB5O. R&M BIDWELL & BROTHER, FORWARDENO MERCHANTS, RDCHENCER , n FL , 10 Poiui V"Area° for CROWELL'S PITIBBURCIII AND CLEVELAND LINE; ERIE AND aIEADVILLE LINE. TO ERIK WARREN AND NEW CANTLE PACIEREn.i 110101 and tamping beivreen FinaberCb and Rochester by Hem boa° blitthgan, Lake Erie, And Beaver. 113" Goods receiptigl and promptly delivered to an pia,' on th e Canals and Lak e s. at th e 101.1.1 thus. Skippers will plc": direct goods nt "BA well . Line." J. C. IIiDWELL. Agent, meal Water et, lbsuburgb. Pittsburgh portable Baas Was. EatEa 1850 . Atga SOO IL 0l SILLOISORT.SION as 7111101 Sr ~.. 1 9 son flax PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE, NEW YORK, BOSTON, An. Tswana Boananaz,/ / T & CrCanso., Philadeiphia. / j Pittsburgh. THE Canal being now open, the propnetar. of this long established Line are as usual at Wen old stands, receivsng and forwarding slerehandise and Produce at low noes, and with the promptness,c.i . C . 1 tunny, and rarer, peculiar ns 10 their •yriem and mnae nf transportation, where nw o...dime transhipmentOs at led, with the roast quest delays and probstoldy of diatign hteir balletic and Praduce [hipped canon... Land LIM of Lading sorarardril nen of charge for commis. sinn. ad vanrirg, or ronge. Having to interest di -1 renOr or indirect], in steamboats. 10.11 of the Darwin It ally enn.ulted when shipping there goods 1 All eAnmeetralintes to the following agent. prompt I , ly attended tee raormeroas. THOMAS DORBRIDGE. No 97.9 Markel weer. Philadelpeia. TAA PPE & O'CONNOR, Corner Peon and Warne stream Pittsburgh.' John IdeCullogla A Co, 69 North st,Halt; P.ll Bari & Co. Sts Doane at, Roston, W.& J. T. Tannins & 9.6 South as, New York; James Wheelwright, Ciaeli nau. mens 1850. 1850. BIDWELL'S PITTODOW:4111 & cilicvxr.L&Nu LINE Tllll3 LINE, with nnserpmeed famlinee, fs on prepared lto trenspom Freight to Cieveland,idi Lake poor, Ohio Cartel, and intern:oBllam p.c., rho must ravoraole ten., .d with the genteel d • room& Shippers are referred to those who have hereicro patronized this Li.. Send goods to "Bidwell'. Line earairs—J C Dtdweil water s, Potsbargh; Bidwell & Brother, Rochester, L. 0 Matthew., Clerelead; abodes CO a-Green; do. NSIGNEES: A D Jacob.. Too rigstdarni CLeffmgerell & Co i .Warren; A & N Clark, Newion'Falls; J Brayton A Co, Ravenna; Gre.cll A Co, Fraught] Mills; MOM._ Earl, do do; A 11 Miller, Cuyahoga J W Stephens A Son, Akron; Wheeler, Lee A Co, do; J 11 &J a 1 Edron, do; eman, namillon; Cummins & Co. do; Wm Monteath Co, Buffalo; R J Gibbs fello, B.dasky; 11 Birgit. A 1M do, Y. Ilsekell &Co, Toledo; 11 N Strong, Detroit; Murphy A Gotten, Racine; Mil A Elkins, Scialbpom; Domman & Co, Malwank le; D Dickinson, Little Fort; Xirkl.d A Taylor, Sheboygan; • Dole, Ramsey& Co, Chicago; Thome. Hale, do. Pittabareh. March 10.1900. BINGHAM'S TRANSPUBTATION 4INN, atigallBso.'llll4l)a IlitireciaPliktsbargh an as atm Mess The Canal being now open, we are neatly In f.CIVO and f o rward promptly, produce and merelundue east Ana west. Freights always at lowest intte& charged by realm*. obit lines. Pritidnee an 3 merebar.dice will be received and for. warded cast and we. without any charge for for. warding nr advancing freight, commission or storage. Bills of lading forwarded, and all ditections faith. fully atunded to. Addreu or apply la. WM. BINGHAM. Canal Basin, nor. Liberty and Wayne MA Plttabatei. BINGHAM & DOCK, No IEO, Market st, between 4th & bill. Shil'a. JAS. WILSON, Agt, No 111, North Howard al.. Ballknota. JAS. BINGLIAM, mita No 10. West meet, New . York. atiP9bef Passenger ante flecalttamiell Offing. QII W ANRDEN k. CO. commas to bting persona , from any pan or Finland, Iryland. Beetland or • eirs, imam the most terms, with thei ustisiputtectabty sad auentioisliberal to th e wants nod cord r fort or =migrants We do not allow ourpassengers be robbed by the miCedling stamps that ittlest the sea. pone, as we mite charge of them the moment they am • port themselecs, and see to their well being, and de- Wateb them without any detention by the first ships.- e say this fearlessly, as we defy one er oar puska cers to show that they wen decilitre 48 hit's by us In Liverpool, whilst !bespeak. of where we detained months, until they coold be sent to mute. 4 unify ma els p rale, which too remittently preset Muir coons. 41re Intend to perform one contracts eenotably, east I•ltxt It mop, and not Lel as was the en.e season, 0fec,.1,-1/61:. either aerie:teed not all, e, Whiil it salted Our convenience. Orden d own a t Pi"A'"'th far any snit fnm tt to .10811 U./. ILOBMSON, &rope= mud Gene md eon; Rah west. otos door l ie Wryst, r be erode now laadine, and 118/lAll DICKEY & CO, U 9 Water et ALTPHTS.E.;- 1.7 Ws by splS ARE 140 148 E, S I, • GAII.PE.T V/i TWSITI.INIOCK Is no rlnuni r is P nn :h i l n .,:eosn: a p k o ri pi . 7 f ini lEnglish and Alnerie Extra Se insane Inn Superfine 15 constaiitly receiving . his CARPET OIL CLOTHS, e Carpets, canrial On 3 e nvels Tey Extra iopor pateraChomlle Aar.; Roperfirm do do Ro Rarar, n Tuned e; Floe Common Extra Wilton Common do Mien!llo Mot Meta; Tufted Snoop fttix rtdolatd Superfine Ingrain Carieut, Extra fine Common, all wool, " canon I and Tap Von Cu. 4-4, I and Twiti'd Corp. 44, 11, and 24 plain Car. Liat andßua tarpeut, 8.4 I' rtr.ted Cotton Carpets. 1.40. I 84,74, 64 A , 44, 44 and Oil Clothe; 44, 64,44, and I tasuti.r. is Inch pate 4 Oil Md. for •tun. Extra printed ono covers Edinossed Place Table Piloted woolen " Pathos.. Stand Linen uid wrostatd " Elsmosk Roo Linen; Turkey Red Chino.; Chtroe Dordetinr, English Chl Cloth Table Covers; Brown Llnen crumb cloths Woolen Dram finer Reds; Stair Doggett, Carpet Wading's. ,1 'de and Caro Mats; Alicant and SkeletoriMats; rIS and 4.4 Green Oil Cloth for Blind.; liacketack Diaper; 111;1 r4gOilia6lT;VVittikm E gi in wig h;*hisb wil e r t r ms, halls, and 'c.f.i. Drum sure or thane. The undersigned having Imported direct from Eng land, his Velvet Pile .dTapestry CkfIPETS. Tue.r wrpete,which are of the inert and most elegant style. and patterns. and of the most gorge°. colors ill be sold at prices aglow as they can be purchased for in any of the eastern cries. `ijatglo l i cater.l n.aavplit o . the tclant od . PLY a i nd llCO b liA a INaUC"ISPLFAhIwPbtcRbit, le quality and cheapness of price, any assottment ever before broaght Orthis city. Ile also Invites Steamboat Men and Conch Manufseturer. to hi. large and well neleetedusortmentofTßlllMllNGS, and other article. nreesmry In their business. The ant:coigne,' is also agent for d,e only Stair Rod Manufactory in Phdadelphia, and O prepared to .11 low" , tb.n eon he parebued elsewhere to this e;tv. Wit atult.lwrocfc. COACO 71011011011. Blue maid Drab Cloth.; Crimson Plart: coach 00 Cloths; I % :* . ho r, k l c,i.. carLinsnga; Buff Flollend for WShadeg Traheparent French Inn sp. n Venetian Minds; Damns far Flagg 74 and f 9 Table Linen; Russia Crash; Scotch Diapers: Brawn Linen Napking Gagman Oil Cloth Table Conersi • A e. M4SON 4CQ, BO stfeet, Letween 4 4. I, Third 004 FM* Itro now Te00I•10g 014110 PS ointment of Waage Do Lain.. Persian Cloths. withtire new uncle; ralloPts, Crapo Ds Latins, le; In lame assortment of Lawns and other Dress tioods, of the latest styles and most .4 4 of colors. tr. Er; - -SO bags prime Kin and .I.a, VCoanus-40 boo guard& dipped, and room; q_..;-169 bog Cream and English Dairy; Elltiso,,d•dox g t eop .d rilatollo; j" " Ctiortsl bans i Cloom—od NI Common and bolt epordolii bthiand hat( brio Mackerel and Salmon; assorlsd,sltes; Ho.-1200 PO= VolOoloni " Oat bag. Cored; lenoo-103 lb. tl F and fdardllai 1.-1 8 dot llarrisoroi Block iind Copying; /40...r.s—tD brio N Orleans; an 111 Mwxaar aceourn-50 lbs Dalkon; V....tit- 00 Ins do N0u..190 kego molted; Pcoras—d donors a...di ~ B Z o Poacclas-30 hotbeds halves; Porot-30 rem...vied; rt Ni 'l' 1 lb I ..lobrPl {Yost. Ltooons—. ao 1 s o , Ft), Salo by D YOLL.ItotilS a 6d orIN Cornet of Firth and W0.n,1 .akrriglas VURS! FURS: I. Ulan spporlbers will pay E for Coon, Mink. Mask Itst, Gsay earl Rod k and all kinds of shipping Far. the highest eastern eIeCORD CU, p";tb2o comer Falb and Wood sic DISSOLUTION. HE Partnersblp heretofore exudes between Jones T Trolley and John Hest, In Me Grocery, ricalece aod Commission bootees., was &seamed by mainal content, ou thollth mu. Mr. John Hot haring per chased the roam lowest of James Tosey, so die Erin, the bueinoss will be oule4 by him. st their old stand, No. 13 Wood sr JOhIES TSSES, bed JOHN BEOST. ---4Papar Ilmagtvirs. SPRING SELF/0 d choice be received, b en Li of st canal ehipinents, a new an ammo: Wall Paper, of the law. French and Rowel. vt)li e. in gold, etilinoEv, oak, plain and high color, W. P. MARSHALL, Haw B. C 111114 walk ; e. 5 Wood woi illemleleldT/ON• 'FHB Ca-porltterehlP heretofoge extutng belorern S L u Lluehted arid Jahn Nlclitll, under the fi , e4 oi SB. ilLonftel::'t. Ca, tbs. , 1•1' 0.••.,•ed bf Me , etel carom. The Luger:mos of the Li.tlf.to .111 setucd S Lloshflcli, lei the oal nand, No. 220 l.tbert7 000.. Pl:taboret. 9 B 'Balch I, 9. G DUSIIFIELD and GEORGF. RICHARD win ..net th e W•oiesaie • 4 arum: Dry Givols Grocery busineols, el the 0,1 stand, No IRO Li.trtr ender the Each of 0. It. BUNLIFIELD h March I. 1,0 —Erorl9 1 to v on any ••••IcSauCilerlttl sne, . tat salt. Grocery, Commtnion, Porwasdieg bun ness, my two sons. IL N. and W• Weteiman ettoese In mere will be conducted under the style of S. Waterman & Sons, at the o.d rood, So .11 :Tr tva and CS Ent. ave. P WeIk:KHAN. Ol."llfitffraillaosissehAlst. lean. A It'd GENuTstr'‘', , Al.',3l.l",u' WILD CHERRY. co the MO reolt. 4 ff for riSIVAIPTIOIII And the .ten meanies grown to man toe Arlene of every stage, Liter Compluints, Ilroncbans, Inileenn. Coact., Ceti/a, Dleieditti of the 16...0. :apeman"! ureue, Pions arid Weakness in the slide Bic. le . soil all other diseases of the PULMONARY OROANS. A very Important disease over whir h this Illitisam Co ons a very powe flin rful tuence, Li east of a DISF.ASED LIVER. In this complaint It has undoubtedly proved nin th efficacious th an any remedy hitherto employed, and at emit:sous instances when pnients had enduied long and sever t suffestog Rom the diseases, without reel.. mg the lent benefit from Tartans remedies, and tuber Memory bus teen rezoned to ut vain, tn. see of Wu liolsnin has restored the Liver to a healthy soden, and in many Instances effected pernisinnt cores, after every well known er o d e had failed to prodece Ous desired elect. Besides its estonlshlng efEeny In the disease above nuoned, we also find It a very effectual remedy in Asa complaint In which ithas been extensively end wi th deoded Emcee., even la cases of years` sanding With the increnen intelligence hasgrown. up I. knowledge of the elements of health, and a re gard for them, and commensurately with the strides 01 tetenea have wet tenured the moans of arresting di.- rue, ease, and averting Its ravages. Pommtbstassdleg ten progress we here made, stmts. , anew telt even nOel, One sixth of the whole populutton die annually of consempta. dm most important discoveries of the a g e. in ameliorating the condition of this large ethos of sull. loner hunthelty, is DL WISTAWC BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Wietel . • Balsam of U.. Cherry is a fine Herbal Medici. composed chiefly of Wild Chem Hark and thegennlin Iceland Uneaten lams imported expretm 17 tor this pawn ' ) the ran medicinal virtues of filch an Ow combined by a new chemical process, with the extmet of Tar, thus rendering the whole compound the most certain and efficacies , remedy 01/11 discovered U for CONSMPTION OF THE LUNGS. Still farther evidences of the remarkable curative properties of this mollifiable preparation: a...L.4., Wow. co., 0., Ang.ll, 040. Kenn Sandford & Park: Gentlemen, About six weeks no received the agency of Wester. Balsam of Wild Cherry, his with some reluctance on my pad. far the 11.011 that I had been the agent of to man, pills and other 110111111 MS, whieh were cracked op to manctlung wonderful, w hatever, which turned oat ln the end to be of no account hatever, except to the man. ensurer. Bat 1 candidly adroit that Moe time I love been deceived, for the extraordinary cares effected by i Wistarls Balsam have convinced ms that "good can come oat of Nazareth! , tome agent left me one dor. en bottles, which are all done—having been the means of coring &tette ehttellte eeseeOf C 0 1211110p1011— sod no =slake; for what I see and know I am bound to believe. One eats In particular: Ayoung gentler Ibis Winchester , Adams county, 0., ID miles s lb'. place, was eared of Consumpufm when the doe. too It given him up, or at least could do nothing for him, and wm the intention of his feiends to convey 610 ID 1,001 city, and place him under the rare of some crab:tent physician there. Bat • friend told him of %Vinare Desert, and Mat he cooid obtain Its f (o ne Ile sent for IL and before the second bade was gone be.. As and well, and attending to his every day Inertness. As Mere are several inquirte• for the env:U rine, lb would be well to forward any , ddital supply without delay. Wry respectfully yearr, L and , NEWLAND. The above, from L. Newland, &highly respect. IMO country merchant, commands ittelf forcibly to Me candid attention of a ll those who . have doubled Ms great Merit of Wistar's Wild Cherry Llaltam. Iterstenttor the original and only genuine Wistar's Baines of Wild Cherry, was Introduced la Me year • 1b33, and MU been well tested in MI complunts for 1 which It is recommended. For 17 years it has proved more efficarioue as • remedy for Coughs, Colds, soda• ens*, Bronchitis, Anima, and Consumption in its M. elpienl /WOO, dieo lather medicine. LOST VOW do., BESTOBF.D! row =memo, Aug. 10,1818. 11r.9. W. Fowles Haring Ken many ocAlficates published in MIRIAM to Ur. Mates Balsam of Wild Cherry, 1 take this opportunity of offering •word In Wfavor, which you tie also at liberty to publish. A few tOotilhe doge my wife'. lungs been:nese much af. (erred with a Oben cold, that site lost hetvotee, and suffered severely from pat. In the breath. /lei sltua• bon caused her friends much alarm. Having beard your Balsam Strongly recommended by 'Qom who used 11,1 purchased • bottle from your agent in.this pies SLe sunk It according to directions, aid It 0. dated a wondafni effect. Before wing one boilje she had completely recovered her salon, the pains enbsld od, and her health was soon fully re-established.. Yours, traly, HENRY 0. BRlCiliTalAt To Dammam sun DLL.= Ideolcura—Th I ebrated and infallible remedy for the mire of Comes*. ips o , b A een rapid ll d j, L r i a v e r C an om d p s l a a f i e n i t y , h w as o b r y i nltgs own me. Its grey through the opposition of sputaa and counterfeiters; until, by its tone valuated intilotie eiCellenee. a hat gained for itmlf • confi d e nce popularity, nod Imbed Itself in the of en Intelligent and en. lithtelied public, from one cod of the continent to the Cher. The testimony of Merman& Walkers been re. tweed and eared ay this valuable article, will show that It stands unrivalled—at the bead of all other me. Melees, for the core of diseases for which It is recom mended. The demi= Dr. Water% Balsam of Wild Cherryis now for eels; by drily eppolmed Agents, and all respectable dealers to medicines, in all large Coles and all important towns throughout the United &ides. Mee II per Route 1 Re bottle. for &Why J. D. ?ARK, (euccemor toSandfordl Fetid Fourth and Walnut Emote, Oblo, rienerel Agent (or the South and West, to whom all , orders moat biaddreased. L. Wilcox, Jr; James A. Jones; J.lndd Fehnestock e. Co, Filtsbargh. L. T. Rassiell, Wash. lemons W. 11. Lambenon, Frunklin; L B. Howie, Uniontown; 11. Welty, Greensbergh; 13.11fiounte,SOmer . eel; Scott A Gilmore, Bedford; RCed it So does Hrs. Ore, Hollidaysbarg; Midair. 1 Co,My . I: ant; J. R. Wright, Klitanninp Errata a ' U stile; A. Wilson & Son, Wayneeburgh; ifftFatiand Co. N. Callender, Meadville; Burton & Co, fd.e•• J. MagorbA Mercer, James, Kelly & Co, Bailer, Bmllb, Beaver J. IL Benonerton, Warren; F.L. AC El. Jones, Condenporn P Crooks: Jr Browneville. mA4mnythyr." .SLOAN , 3 COLUMN. to- Al. the hledrelnee vetused by W. U. SLOAN , Cie geld by R. F. SELLERS, Wood navel, and JOHN P. SCOTT Li t=il P t: b b7/11 ' HN G. SAUTE!. Allegheny any, by ICENRY P. SCHWARTZ ae D. H. CURRY. The Beet mad C'neapest Morse nedlelae IN THE WORLD SLOAN'S OINTME W NT AND CONDITION PODER, H. earned a maas *arm. • For Purity, Mildiadas, Sea ly,and Tioarsmanna SLOAN'S OINTMENT Eassls And is rapidly napantording all other Ointments and Liniments now io lase for the earn of the nallawiag !ABCS Fresh wounds, rano of all kinds, sprains, braise* cracked heel., ringbone, dbone, andirons, pol evil, cellos, somas, .weeny, fistula, oitfat, strait% lameness, sand crank, foundered feet, scratches Or Sr mange or bone distemper. The Powder will remove all inflammation and fever purify the blood, loosen the skin, cleanse the water .ovalgthen every part of the body; ad has proved • soveregn remedy for the following dlsemest Distemper, hide bound, loss of appetite, aware strain, yellow water, luilanunatlon of the eyes, fatigue from hard exercise; also, rheumatism. (commonly cab lid grill oomplaint,) which paves so fatal to many ••• noble horses in this eountry. It is also • safe and ecr lain remedy (or coughs and colds which generate so many fatal dmeases. _ tiF, F. (LOAN, Glqd - 1);{.1, 40 Wke st'aiLiTag7,7llll:l. TILE PROOF. Extent from the “Calena North Western Gazette.% BY the nor or Sloan's ithrnment and Condition pow. der, I have entirely cored a Smola on my home and otherwise Imoroved his condition more than Sun ye cent. on the cost of the medicine And a cow wince wu so feeble aa to be considered worthless by mysell arid neighboeo,waa restored to rood health and stromrth by the use of les. than half a package al the powder and is now doinp . better than nay otker mar I have. Small Pox, May 1;0AS W 51.. VINCENT. THE BUFFERING CHILD. • I bereby cent!) , that one of my children, when na keel, fell into a large Bre of live coals, and was borne, severely from head to feet. The best or medical aid and attention was given to the child for four or Ave days without any relief—each day's entreribga unrea., ed till his unions could be heard at 3gßal distance, at which critical period antra( my rat telsburs recommen ded and presented to Me • hut of Moan's Ointment and in leas then (thee° rulAules after the application of the ointment ho Om aggravated sore. of th e auffering elidt h i, the Vain ceased entirety, and he speedily began to recover. My residence is Is Hell township, Ye, million county, and Sumo( Indium THEODORE L TAYLOR. Chien°, August 94,1E49. EXTRAORDINARY CURE. April 13, ISM. Four miles north of Chicago ion the road to 11111wankie,1Cook county, Illinois. Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin Oue in my horses had a lame bony tumor on his breast bunt, immediately under Ma cello which lamed him and rendered his sern'oss al flora benefit. I then procured Wilder's Celebrated florae Olatmenr, and used that until I became fully satisfied that it would never relieve the anneal. ri. nally I obtained a box of your trill y valuable 0101. merit, and in feu than data from the Mat applies. lion the tumor entirely dmi s cze tt welt ours, POPULAR OPINION. If popular opinion ts any criterion of the worth of on }thole, we Incite the incrednlgnitg rood et Waal a leer IR the amay IrcatriCiar af , r4ffelliOS appear to not came by Um great variety of rematkable came effected by the use of ußloan'a Celebrated taut mega and Condition roofers. , Thew reMeilles no larger remain among thous o• Amadei Imlay, th ey have paned from the tide of ex p eriment. nt.and now wand higher in reputation and as becoming Mono artarablely Used than other and elms of the kind—hitch. City Nem. TIT 11. 4 4 ' F "43 WATIWit sine 1949. Dear ktioan—tdr: Please s and by • bearer a new ripply of you Horse Medicines. They are the beal enrolee of the kind that I have ever axed, never haa hog been disappointed In their affect, an I have been the am of others, .no the most celebrated Ointments Liniments, In., of the day, I like veal nisch Mi• fee. care In them, vim that they do ell that unrealised, end race • thorough trial one L. contramed aadd. %kr 'Atif be. hp{ he.a toLO ' //.9004,111 TITS DIFFERENCE The onit.2l” elnglistits and Ilagenno It is wad known are severe ore partial Ia their operation - Sloan'a Ointment to mild yet thoteagh—lt reaches and G the cease, he a wet real and yermarteut fella Fee parity, mild nce ness, safety, cerminty, ant thareaginiml,=en; edvfls , old I. I•PUIL) yumereedlag all other ebig 116111Ialty rays 41 Oa. WY DINT GET ALONG WITHOUT IT acne. Ga.., Ili * 1 .1 643 - Mr. plocn—Slr. I have tested the virtue of yam Canonsm in the core of rattlesnake !Dm, sore throat barna, and many other iniammv so da n C.o. ine".at,l a t e * : acia"tetrlrli, at ;or ' liejat.: 4 w ., S can't get along wit , it Years, ge MILER M. JOHNSON . EXCELLENT OINTADOCF (Jr.Sloan—Dear-go- For a considerable Length el ire a I was *enacts!), of antli rhstrunatie eon, 'stunt, and applied freely Me c.a. [LAMM; paint killers,* 0., Inthout obtaining any miler After which year ay., et at this place influenced roe rot ry your Ointment, and within two weeks from the thee I tone menced ming sh al l the pain ceased, and a re evy eared, mid shall recommend all who agularly 41 limed with the dlsteassing coololklall to Prix*. Veer CZCanynt 01:111,13 1111111-01 delay tYS yoen, CAR F MOTT. Priaccvlbe, Front CO, May 1,1,44 Canna Co , April 25th, till. (I 7 Prom the Ilan_ ll — . S Dthoth, Agent of the'. r .." ; ;:1 ..' 7: , P 7 - .. ° . f iki",7.4„,d'1C3'.."1.1.'6".'mal leb'o'llivor°:io:':'"i7;'C,,,-`2.! ..,..„J hitch/gen Cuard Planet Dont °entry. L . ,... , ',;4„.";;;..., awe nein, • had to, that ni C li 4" n , j i .' s4.' I ''' • i all '` 1 71 all the remedies which I had recourse to, still Dv W. P. Plooll—Deor ...e. .or ...a am Po yetlt• . , ... ,„., ~,,,7,1,,,,,,,..,,,,,..5kihned all the 1 rapttatte of' . have hid OCCO•len to ow irt•tty Ithmea. end have used ' ';',V e ' . " . ..., ca ,..„,;,,,,,,,,,; Easel noes I tried intoned the yrr at ',Amy of iiniments and ointments in use,' ....r . "' n d r„, and m 7 el so mope:raid-, bat have never found any thing rata n to loin mot. ' "''' ''' ',A, 'well ae myself. Y OOO I +P Ll '''' merit foi liveries on hews Wi the lug two If thoi D. '.,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,„. I „ re , y .,,,, m . s nsnc; th , th y =mins I have spoiled your onitrorra t oo othoe as .127 , -.lz b ,„ -- .;„., - „,,..• 1 ~, .. with tie m 4 for various iniunes and to every instance at has pru. Y."'' .. -- - .t u uus had the effect 15 brown e. red • sovereign nee of remit*. The law • • FINGER BITT --.. E2d ENTIRVLY OFF. . " ~,,,,'7 4 :,,g n :": 2" m " 1 i5: 71 a' ' :Fa IF .3 : t v * 7 *. T . " : i' '' i Ls spai ' i l o ' li ' . y well n dh . ': b y d 4 : Two miles south of Memo, Sept 14, ISIS. , • .,,.;4 be b a ne, to gthe any toren:moon vespecilthy Ely Dr Sloan—Sir ern the Sth innast my son had a an. ~.,„. „,,„, o da, e titteer, OM,' den.. dte behefit for pr bluer onttrely off by a hone. We imentheirty at. whi iy ; i.. n og eh refeL for the trnth of the above plied your celebrated ointment, width relieved him ol ' ~.., i Too to Penr Ithah. 00.541, We n pain in a few minutes and ptevente I the E nett !von 0 „.,,,,,,, p ot o( venom I porohoatal 0,1 %hot:auto. terelltno the le•st , arm le. and Or wound .• he -to . ~.p a lki,ny 1,0,, tattle W.A.". t avidly fles,'y yours, .4 lIMOCKWA 1 . 1 I Wiruisrful Curs of • ADdviviiit Member. Ur. Sureysie--Dear Ste: I feet • debt of traumas dew. to yos—and • dray to the afActed generally, to ofer. My bumble Imminet, In favor of yoar COMpentad Sy r rip of Wild Cherry. Some throe yes. since 1 was Moieritly attacked with cold • 5 4 . intiarani s aSon ., of the La. s, width Imo '....i ' '''' ‘",,: ri sour • Pallt HI the breast an b roil , a nor? WY 111- 1/10 discharye of offensive mesas from the .., lartle h r L esp i t 'W i l l fogeoe'al'irist s'O'lir co‘;''c'Oridi'tion,. but w.e 6 pretty 't:torn eauotneed that woe 1*P 41 .1 r'..ff ...v....P . ik, I g rew amp. , weaker, and at length was that.- ;7 et,,, to total obout, or spea above e whisper, such ~. th,,,,0.0g oeohltiteeS o f t r lunts Donny tthe tin. i t bad trteil various prq.114.0.5 and presenphoos, bar mend toi:,d.no.dr.endf—g....rozopeia,g...44l,4thebythintedr.rs(eadtilt Wt4tongtori to stake trial of Tont Syrup of N ile Cerro l 1 other eth that previously I hid been poem diced against patrAt medicines, and I am still against those eemlny as elitist handy of emperie, but under standing your eialsth to the profession and practice of medicate, and in implicit faith in trie one of my friends, 1 forthwith purchthed of Dr. Shaw, one of your agents, a few twill., and commenced its use. My die. mew was at ths• rime of ID er ad mon I ths' standing, con , sequently it we. deeply seated. found, however considerable retie from the sth of the fan four or five Mateo Hot each a public speaker, I frequently at tempted to preach with my increamny suength, , and thetehy rupture those anent. that had already begun to hest; in Cot' sy, doubtless, my cure was &really lln oneseqttence of ne.ing thos Ittlprodear I hod tO VW mane Olt MOOD 691k10 0 1,11(0111 hegh pp. Portly restored I have on•guestthin, • Mdcli small manner of Letth.s would have made me wood, ha the above indthercuon. The Syrup allayed the fey oti babiyoolt -way the dimtrossullt c d ga ough, pal on to the tlischorpo of matter from the loop, enr thorn end the caire eystem good health. I have dee reil offeriny this certificate until now, for the peeves. :thth.reb:,,,nuo‘Fria'*;"./lan'tefieTipTir'fic'eUdinvwcP7l Jl.l7o,'ffEr.Yttlwl:7oll Dublin count". N. a — . DOCTORING IN GA LENA Mr.Sloan—Dear Res About three )rare ago I yrs, severely Insured to one of thy less by the lathes of • pale almond sclueb occasioned lire runs:tog alcera Nearly every doctor in Galess• trsea core therm but trted et wash, until from sympathy and t o aar trees s...l soy other leg be ( ame RR to th One o r IT wounded. I despaired of ever Lestng vrell agasn bat la order that I aught neglect no means vest.. my reach. I purchased of year agent to Galena some se you moment, and you can Judge of my swims , an gratitude better town I ran exprra• tt,. to fete rt1)4,1 enueety betas, I hul fintabee the aceousl hi These facts I make known+ that other. allisclesd m•y helieve and not delay hong so ••I•ahte an 41010.11,1 as yours has premed to he. Dewey your grateful fed, Galen, Dee. IS, PSI& EVAN DA lasi. ONLY 90 DAYS. • - Before the following order, %Tenn Vaughn Is Co purchased a l a rge supp'y m oan'. preparanona Janne, Mich. lob. 04. 1e44. B. G. Hibbard—Dear Pin I .m out of nloan's Condo nen l'owder and Hone llinuncat The nit nr ex ceeds my eapeetanon_ If you etc manage to send me 4 dozen Chntilielll will pop for them die- host hem that you are here, ' and presume 1 6111 be inle to sell • nen enema) to the course of the year. It .wilt hr au object fo y as well as to myself, to keep me corn mainly gapplied. ea, Very reep'y you r., &S. VAUGHN k CO. MISSISSIPPI RIVER Ihr. Lora, Feb. w 020342. Dr. Sloan—Sur About two years ago, hile rafting on tht Nils...typo flyer, In passing aver the rapids, I was plunged Into the water, and by the raft dashing simnel • rock, crashing my left leg and otherwise Be• truartng me, so mock that I lost all sensibiltly. When comet...nem retained I fcnind strict( in St. Lou.. surrounded by my weeping family. Good Dare. It'OloiNdblen'edark:nidawidittintObekudsmstast"ece'll'o s'etro7torfollte woands only panlally beano " , histrong large, running sores at the knee, which for many months discharged blood and matter of the most °Tenure cheese., My pams were inexpr t soilde. at times my suffering we so great Dom death would have received a hearty wet route. to Mr Wilson, WIC of my neighbor.) advised me to try your Ottonteut. I obtained • bus applied it accordong ap pear direction —the I n soon began to ...awe a healthyayaace, and In three months euUre I y Wored - , 'tend enael;itte io bard leber. Teat obedient servant, HIRAM W. THOMAS. We, the andarsirted, neighbor. of H. W. Thomas, were acquainted with the case above mated, and know. brig the eircommancea, most cheerfully eonfinn said Thomas' statcmni. REV J . DOUG!. ASS, AAIES. GOOD NEWS. Citicaoo, San. Sith,lB4ll. W. D. Bloan—Sin One army boon. ...hoof bound and•also wounded in the stifle, in which he took cold, and became ea crippled that h ei could scarcely tinsel. LW the free application of your valuable ointment, hie hoof. ~ere anon softened told the stifle peranatouttly cored. I have also used the Chntinent in the cane of PoII.INII and on severe rolls with equal earnest. • 'On • mashed huger that mu eery pstnful, it opera ted bke a clay" loses, de , A. VAN ORDEN, TESTIMONY FROM LITTLE FORT. fitaan.• Moment and Condition Powder are ac , knqwledged by all who here used them to be be test rcutedy for horses god cattle that Itu been discovered. Froth wounds, galls, spavins bruises, ringbone, poll crib and in short every outward disorder or Injury can be eared by this wonderful remedy. The Powder is designed for inward strains distemper, hide bound fatigue from hard exercise, diseased eyes, 2c.—Lake County Chronicle. 'RATHER DOUBTIN LD TRGLY, Y IT."BUT I THOUGHT • WOU - Wtchurra, Cook Co. Feb. 13,11318. Mr. clout—N+: I ham • fine young horse that wee Lahti:l.4th the scratches hut fall. 1 paid oat about once doilars for medicine to care him, but be grew worse.l then bought a bin of your ointment at our office when in Chicago last, 11/111af doubtingly, but thought I would try It. Judge of my surprim and my oplinon of it. beneficial gallium, when I found my honed, legs tmooth and well In lour day. from the time I commented applying it. Your obedient, H. F. COLBY. FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE More than fifteen years or unrivalled mince. to the cure °revery variety of external dioceses and innate. such as sprains, brasses, cuts, burns, cutaneous era dons, sore ism more breasts, chapped bends, chill. blame, Wee, ulcers, corns, mons in the beck, sides, at other pims of the eystens, rattlesnake [sites, to., bear. staple testimony that Sloan'. Ointment tsyust the mint' for the hour. Crottbcetes without number have been received d etails Proprietor from disinterested individm els, givinge of remarkable cures by Its uses. A WISCONSIN WITNESS. Granville, Mintraukte en. Wis., Oct. 13, ISII. Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin Recently nay horses ran away with a log chain attached, widen cm and otherwise inland them seriouvly, so much so that I cons.derre my teem ruined for business. Fontinately • friend re commended the use of your a:lmm. 1 went to Nit. intakie and purebued a box. It won removed the Intlauttaation, and In a few days the wounds healed The great benefit derived from the use of your Ont. =A on my horses, Induced Me In acquaint you with the fact, believing its publicity would benefit you and the public. Respectfully yours, (MORRIE COMSTOCK.. IT IS A: POSITIVE PACT, dad ha become a C01110201:1 saying, that Moan', Ointment and Condition Powder am rapidly entaeme ding all other remedies for st, disease, of bones and cattle. The beauty of the medicines °omelets in then eerily and safety, s win they may be used over se t r .nty without any damper of tabby told, or any other Wary Meeting from dials =se, and saner fag ist alt»ilW.grendeM , 014m17111 MEDICAL. SELLERS FAMILY MEDICINES—"They ars do Medicates of the day.. flassaul Svaroa, Oh* Pu. ISM R. E. Seller.: I think It right ford: benefit of others to stale some facts In relation to year excellent Fermi. ly Medicines. I have need your Vennihrgel)vrgety In my iterrn fun. Ily, one via, frequently anweenng for expelling' ego dementia. tory Ito 2001 worms from two ehildwa I ;have also teed your Liver Pill. red Coogh Syrup to my family, and they have in every instance ',reduced the efleet dr lined. As lam Jrtgagsd merchandieing, lam able to state that tone yet to boar e t the first failure where your medicines have been used in my section of the country. lii eonclumon, I may state that they are Os medicines et the day, and are destined to have • very ostensive pspularny Yours, rot .redullT, ?maw Prepared and sold by R. I t EIiS,No 37 Wood street, and fold by Drugs. • a cite, ally in the two ci ties and vicinity, mvll / ilke.A.t-euktfb-, ei3miit, by ea I LT original, only true, and sonatas Liv er P ILL Soon ihrsa, Ohio crusty, VA March Mth, 1619. Mr.lt. E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe to you and to the pubberwenent IT, tq state that I have been &limed with the .Liver Complaint for a long tone, and so badly that an abeess formed and broke, which left me in e very low suite. Having beard o f your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A It Sharp, in Wer. Liberty, and recommended to me by my physician, Dr. E. Smith, I concluded mgt ve them a fair trial. I purchased one box, and found them to lust What they are recommended, THE HEST LI VER PlLdise L EVER USEIA and after takinaftr bole. I find the ase hes entirely left me, am now perfectly welL Respeetfally yours, 1) II COLEMAN. West Liberty, lamb I can't, that lan personally acquainted with sir totem and can bear testimony to she truth of the wit Yr ..enifieate. A It SHARP The iienutne Liver Pills are prepared and sold by aE. 4 LLERS, No 67 Wood street, and by dreggiats in thewo sides. TO rtiE PUELIC.—The original rally true and gen uine Li., Pills are prepared by R E Sellers, and have fps ;tome stamped in black was upon the lid of each lax, and hi. stamp ed on the onside wrapper—ill °Weis are counterfeits, or Lowe imitations. aunt R E SELLER., Pro! CiR:JAIf MR% CAI:22IIR ATIVE g,b RUM the Rev AvA SHINN, a well known and pop elm Clergymmini the Protestant Mentalist Church Pee undersigned having been addicted during the put yintes with aad sae niche stomach, sometimes pros great pet n in the susmachfor tenor twelve boon enthouttnterns • on,and after !Main( Wad ration remedies with client was furnished with a bottle of Dr D Jayne's G mauve Balsam: This be and aw cording to the direct 4 41• 4 • nd friend invariably that this medicine eatmdthe pain to abate in three or fear min. plea, end in Sheen or twenty UnnillelaVery areas aensauon was entirely gunned. The medicine was al. terwardmacd leinstosser indica:Smoot the approach of re'C'erttTleTti ' it ' sVh 'P Me n d 7* lne th e '' el: :reUn n : and e•eitetimea sr.' he mornsng, and in a kw week, health was m far ry stored, that the inlayer was eeliire td from a Imge asnou mot oppressive pain. FiC,4l es parienee,therelote. e can eonddently reconamei , d I) Jayeets Dammam. balsam, as • sa'utary for diseases of thestorn.o and bowels. A i t ND Ahsgbenv etty.lysll For gals In Pittsburgh at 't *PEKIN IEA t•tTuR 12 Fourth street, neat add r4o Si :he Urug Store ell P SWIM RTZ te• nal street. Al web., , CONSUMPTIVER. S, BE Oh YOUR OUARD. D SWATNIF 7S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CRERIII. TIM dna. ad.. TOI CoasusePtlon, Coughs, Cold., Asthma, Bronchitis, Lay. " o e' f o rn ira t r i in the Ida and decaor , P ot lha tl ' e ' art. Influenza, Croup, necked Coos alitattin,dore Throat,Liervon! ty, and all %COOTS C,‘ us Throat, WWI and Longa: the most of. Bahia] and speedy cure toner known to r any of Re above &seas- ItS. la DR• SP , AY NE'S Coanpommd Ilysvp at vutia cr..rTA This medicine is no longer among UK.. q 4dakihl !Marty. It has passed awn, lone Me P,,,,,,sisroda doily laenshed upon the _tide of elpeßtdrit. and now .rands LAl!"t"g gite L' r Preparation f m m ° 7 dret * • ". preniseed for the rebel el sudenng man. ever It has been mrodueed very generally through the United llama end Earepe, and there ale few towns of invent:one but what content pr ofa emarklble i deems of its good elects. For oof of the feregotng ...CCM., and of the value and efficacy of an medi cine, the proprleior mind a few of the many m m by sand testimentels which have been pre.o•A men of the heal tcapentabillty—ta;o2 who Late higher times of mom; TpsktOtnicint7 unt Jostler, than to err tlfP to BeN,Aceittisa it letli do another • favor, and Oatmeal... no injimuee. Bach testimony proves e o n - b y that its surprng eseellenee is established. by its intrinsle menu, and the unquestionable authori ty of public opinion The instantaneous miter it af fords, and the moothLmf Influence dilinsed through the eyed (fame by gas see, rends» it•• moat agreeable remedy for &theta. REMF7ABER!. • q ftiTto tt 4 t: ":, ag i.e r„1 lses, being contrary te Mgt, wettilly Interests and p Meads, coerces conmeuen of its truth, and corear.ends Itself in • special manner te, universal etedenee "—O'Mara:Pe Merl READ TIIF. CERTIFICAT. trett-s Amnia. Ccill of I.Claloacti CONSCISTMOsn— IIcee never main remedy don hm been as r s ;ex.misfet tn desperate c.c.s Consumptip4,, Rtnityneli Ca*V"'"'4 Tilt CI ‘ 7 ' . '"n'i . tet'.L. " ... "ll te *two, and ma to ea cream g new and rich blood; power p.w.yee4 by uo other clarinet. _ . CEIZE Jesponont etsurson—Rivad! The N bat to 0 genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, • and that Is Dv dWaynats, the first ever offered to we [l a n b ite be il S'otbsfsh sot:ireful' oirEs4Yopt,_"allltpthre! parson:to intlles by the baton of W il d Cherry have bean put out shiest this, ender Meer Of KIP deceptive c ,,,,,naisones, .0 order AO give corraney their Ole. Up • little obsdnittuon, na person ab ed mistake the genuine front Al false. Each bottle of the ratline to enveloped wit a beaouful steel engraving, with the likeness of Witoam Penn thereon; also, Dr. Bwaynet• ngliature: and s further security, the portrait of Ur. filmy ne will ridded bereatter,so Ao distinguish hie grea t `root all others. :Vow, zt was not tor the great couture properties and known virtues of Dr. woul d not Syrup of W il d Cherry, persons would not be ondeavonng to give currency to their t•Octilious nolo ems^ by stealing the IMMO, of Wild Cherry. Remootber, always bear In mind the name of Dr. Swayne nd be not deceived. Principal Othse, corner of Eighth arid Bare meets, Philadelphia. For stile wig...sale and rep; tail by OGDEN lc sNow. DEN, tor assl Wood 011 A FANSTUCK Co se; tat tyre Wood, and oth .14 W oo d Int; WM TIIORN,t3 afi S JUNES, PM t.ihcfty raj ti•L j rialrerlL'lVl'4, µa; UI N O a t 4 octl3 Dr. We gnlwwd a Pa...slant Plinatsr. TAR. W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College r a te Phil- ' adelphia, now offers to the public ht. Indian Veg mania Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, after. long and tried expenence, has been satisfactorily es tablished. To all women who may be afflicted with p.lapsgs Uteri& or Fallen Womb, he recommends his Phtvier, gattroniesing sine and speedy cure In th e short space of rrOM IWO ID thee 'wits If spelled with care said restiscarding lo ng he coantless instrument], and expensive bandages so in use. 'fins he feels CONCIOLIUOII. in statwg, Inasmuch as be has JIM failed In one one out of three hundred and fifty-three pa uei EUZ= u. Also for Rheomausto and Weak Breast or Back, m olded with pain, there ts nothing to excel his Plaster a affording reliefs , egeeting • cure. For t sale by L Waco', corner of Diamond and M•rbet st Bran. & lietwr," Clgir am Dr J Sargent " Federal at and Diamond, ABr 'Meng cilZ Jagging A Ca, " Denman and Diamond Binahar ham._ EXTRACT OF COFFEE—An article which is ra pidly corning into use as a wholesome, nourisiting and delicious revenge, being more plesamt and pal atable than COUllDollColfee,and far cheaper, as a sinlii paper cosung only _ten ents, will go as far as four ponds of cones. Mmulactared by Jt/lIN S. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa Sold at wholesale by II A FAIINESTOCK & Co, comer of Finn and Wood and Booth and Wood streets, Patsbargh iIALIFORNIA RUBBER GOODS—Jost recetved, 38 Camp Blankets; 60 officer co au; Id pm Pants; It pairs nett lined Manna Soots; lothmus 1.1 w; J armee Tanks, 6 anl/ Id gallons each; 111 canteens, gallon each; I dos Backsk.% Money Belts; 1 do oiled cambne do do. The above goods for sale at the Call for,,,h, mating Eatabllshment. No I Wood st. =hal J k II PHILLIPS Avas —Wrowita Inn. Ant* from the Temper. Aannevilta work., wnrranwth will Oa comma) on hand and enPP.e4 b order L) ante NW/ CI N. 1416 A N. 66 Wood st tg . lg , lLT i d i rrOlud, D 661361 4 6 1 6 esk6 N Rum, • 400 bbis Whiskey; for 'ale by noveW k Id MI reit ELTRRE BLEACTIM - PiikV e n oases J. u Vaal & brand, a superior eniole, for gala by nov6 %V t M MiTcliEurßF.F. !bras Ain, 100 lu eu4 laaaCtatig POlrde, Arne.' per ship by se Onbridge, end neer °smog on by cartel i for sale W k hl MITCJIELTREE N. B.—They will receive, during the winter, law 'applies via New ihimis. uovXI BOOK TRADE. SPXOIAL - NOTION: TO TEAOUNCIIIII. PROMSOR CHARLES DAVIES has Jest pre pared a new arithmetical work, • copy 'of which will be presented to math and every Teuher in the United States. anthout ciarge,apon Weir &optimal. to A. H. pai d Eng ne work lish Co., 79 Wood street Pittsburgh, (p ost io ann.. GRAMMAR OF serrumEnc; Or, An Antslyst• of the a L i ongusge of firma and Sci ence Number.. The following notice to copied from the New York Tribune of Jan. =l,l4.lh— uGathistsa or AN:RIM/RCM nos. Dann, LLD. (Ifinso., pp. 144.)—1n this work e langtieof figures, and eorstruction of numbers. a carefully attairted. The alphabet, composed at ten res—the welds do. rived from the alphabet. And the law. ky wide, the 1 . figures lee connected with ea lt other u are clearly rite n talysls shows that th re are but four bun ted thd eighty eight eleMen ry eombinationi in rithmthe, each eorresponding to sword of oar COM ! m.. lag age' and that these combinations ore so connected together as to be ell expressed by only sixty three different words. The system proposes 10 comit these words to memory, and then rend the reits instead of spelling them, as now practised. e el another respect the system P.P.w an import ant change, namely: to er aside,. and treat all fractions frillill tlungo, having &given relation to the unit op; rom which they were derived. .We scarcely need say that the Little work evinces the ingenuity and skilful analysis, for which Professor Davies' smiling on this scilicet are justly celebrated. We c ommend It to the attention of practical teachers, believing that they will find it crowded with new end valuable suggestions n From the Press:ors at West Point. 'Witmer ACS.O.i or U. S. Were Pacer, Jan.l7. "The Grammar of Arithmetic, by Professor Davies, Arithmetic the subject In a new light. It se analyzes Arithmetic ar to impress die mind of the learner with the first principles of mathematical science in weir right order and connection, and rho now rules for the reading of figures are of great practical value. !betted, W. H. C. Bartlett, Prof. of Plat fr.E.x. Phil. A. F. Church, Prof of Mathematics. D. H. Mahan Prof. or• Engineering.” In Paw. A. S. BARNES & Co. would respectfully announce to teachers, and to all leterested in mathematical in. struction, that they 'mil publish, on or before the Ist of AoruM, lOW, the fallowing sr erk:— THE lODIC AND UTILITY OF MATHEMATICS' Or, an Analyses of the Principles of the Science-0 tee Nature of the reasoning—and edam best blethod of Imparting instruction. By Chas. Davies. L. 4 LI Author 0f ... A Complete Systela Methelmltiee" NAL—A. 9 Dames & Co., ere the pubbahers o Davies , System of Mathematics. For sale in tins city by A. H. ENGLISH &Co., No 71) Wood street fr. bIY Fo•t:•e• Now lithloplas Elatedlea. Wto,; Golly Day; %.7 Ducey Gine; Go down to do Comm Field; Nally wet • Lad), to. ALSO: De Kind to the Loved Ones at Home; thy hoot IlittlY; Tone Love, by T. Hoed; Out way semv the sea, tat; A new , medley tong, by IL Covell; Jenny Gray, music by fitaller, Joys thou were crowning, Wedding hiletebi Uod bleu the hardy marine; Seltaylkkll Walt; Coroenptis Departure, by W. C. Glove; . Sounds teem Dome; Waltzes, Stelmmatkische Lout Rose of Kammer, essy vartatim.• by Germ Gutted States Polka; Ladies' Souvenir Polka; _Corn Cracker Quednlle; Louisville quadrille; the .tier of Italy; Davos, Tries, an. A large monument of New Moue timber& to which uhlmons aro made weekly. For sole b yy febnn J. it. MELLOR, et Wood et. NEW 1300821 WAR WITH 111117.1C0, by 8.8. Ripley; 9 yobs rh;Lares 'ffi dt o rjo n r k altv=ca and ' Itrera Richard Whately, D. A Emmy ou Chriatima !holism; by Haptirt W. Nradibl • The Ogilvie.. Novel. Fairy Tales, kola all NaliOnS; by Anthony H. Man WWI; *4 illasuations by Wile. „ban reo'd by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, icIY earner Tined and Market urea.. !Caw wad Ilrannsat, Olft yooR.I SACHED SCENES ANIL CHARACTERS; J T Headley, with eleven original des2in. by Harley" roma and Prom/ /A nous% Isy LehrarLl 11. Llana/ 2 lllaminated Gems of 9aoeN Poety, with ern tilt:must lions engraved on steal, by John tlarratn. Jon received by JOHNSTON a STOCKTON, earner Third and Market Ms. UCIL:=I . „ • ipuysicusi AND PATIENT; or a Prandeal 11n of the mutual Males, relations and 121.1.111 of the Medical Preirssnm and tho CommunitY; by NVords inFoin llooser, D. Else Wort. of Miedael De Montaigne; comprising his Essays, letters, tee. By W. Basics Nineveh and its Remains. By Anatea Henry bo ard, Esq., U. C. L. Glimpses of Spahr, os blues of an Unfinished Tear in toll. By S. K. D. nibs. T•pper's pairositunl Philosophy, new edition: Was- DUO; .I.t received OI b J y INSTEIN t STOCKTON, corner Market and Third steeets yOCKWOOD'S ILLUSTRATED VT CIIIKK—IIIn- Ld mutated Books—i.iloons in nett/ coned bindum, iltoonnamd and dlaunned—Doots superbly Lonna In Velvet, Sdk, %/awe°, and Coos, ositiort, iv rmitatiost of the ktitbna Anes—lbbles and Prayer µLoy bound in Velvet and Morocco, magninecutly or- Immennd and Illuminated. For mile by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, deed Dookrellor n Importer. Wood at. ninristmaas and Now Year. A pproaalslagl ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL, BOOKS, ja Anypeifinal /Wig. Ma:nag, for tin Liotizioa TASIES D. LOCKWOOD, ok eller am( Demmer, c) MI Wood meet, boo teem+ d a mautifal collection of Illustrated &oohs, bound is b most splendid than: per by the ben Landon and A: cocoon bin4llM—OoMag Must may be Wand: Fearing( Amen Poetry. • gnillemnly [Domino noted. Ley th• Wee, ep Wm iq orbs inanol in told and or.is Ironh's Gene.; neitly blustratra. The comber dlommaMd by Omen Jones, and trO.:11 - totted ;mad. Tno Song of Songs; illumlusted Ly /one. F.O wen and Moir Kindred Thoughts; Illasainatod by Peron. Shakepeard; Jsmesona's CharaMensues of Womem Musty. led. For sato by AMES, D dellni Wood meet N. Book. D ELMO:R.Ih II". Fos. Voyagl OT II croon, Melloill autLos 01-Tlpro," litotory of Ktng Alfred of Eraoantl,l7 Jamb Abbe vi one engroeugo. docta the Soreereor, MoiolkokL .101INSTON it STOCKTON, uovol comer TWO go/ hissict atreeto `Ow of the Mad ifirwor4e64 Work: glad Ay.." NIN EVEII AND ITS ItEMAIN9I, with an account of a ruit to the ChsAdiran,Clutonsas of giallo,- tan, and Ma Ifraidis, et Dreil-Werslalppers, and an Lollar! Into the blumen and Are of the Anemia A. lly Austen Doody Layard, Esq., D. With introductory Note by Prot I> flobumon, D. D., LL. D. illustivted with 13 plates and maps, and PO su ss cam. t vela fOro. cloth. 51,30. boob has a tut amount of graphic, vivid, pie marque narrative ”—Tnlratte. vibe work of Layard is the men prominent ennui. bubo° to the study of anneal), that bas appeared for many yeani.li—Chrisi Ing "Not one excels in interest the accentof Nineveh arid It. "Ruins, given by ! f r. Layawl..—Washingum Intelligeneer. A. we follow the digger. with breathless inuarst to their excavations, tune suddenly find Ouselseu b. lore • massive ftrat• caned will rainliae ace•racy, now Itfung ns manna head loom the dust of UOO3 years, we me ready te cry ow with the astonished Arabs, lWallah, is wooded's!, but It Is trael'^-10- dependent. For sale by _ JAYAIED D. LOCI2I 72 . 00810 - ow • 100. i w. WOMEN or lan (lid and New Testament T Edited by E. II Spr ,D.D. I vol. Imp. bro., eleg.l.ll boUti6, emprisbely Robbed migravings: with descriptions by celebrated American Cleryymen. POEMS IIY AMIILI ildn Welby, of Ky,) a new and enlarged edruoni Ulmumed by enyremngs from oripmel designs by Wier. I vol. square (Me, elegem ly bnend and grt Also—A variety of splendid Annu als and Gill Souks. Sewell's Chlid's First Book of the llistory of Rome. I 'out INMo. TIIE MECUANIC'S ASSISTANT, mitred forth. use of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Raw. yet's, beertnernann, Students, and Artisans generally: being a thorough and practical Treatise en hlensow non and the Sliding Rule. By KM. Raper, A.M. Boise's Treatise on Greek Prose Oomposii.Wrt. Otiendoen's klementiry French Grammar. By Prof. Greene, of Brown UniversltY. I vol. lame. I ttoodiger's Granular' Hebrew Grammar, by Conant. (resew.' Hebrew Lexie°. Loonant`Tftganometry and LogarltheMs Tables. I •ol Isheep.) The Englishman's Greek Concordance. I vol.(mas. nl Anthon's Crowded Series. Webster's Ihnionary, revised ed. I .1. live. do do unabridged. I vol. ho. Borne'. Notes and (anemia. on New Testae/eft When Loge. Medicines Ecclesiastical History. 0 vole. and 9 vols. oncost ' Vestiges of Creation I tot lino. Mornings among the Jesuits et Rome. I voL (cloth and paper.) Seen. where the Tempter has Trier.lied. I. vol. ' (cloth and paper.) Rogue's Titeologieal Lectures. I vet Sdo. (ninth.) Alder's Pronouncing Bible. Iloyers French Dictionary. tl Horace. For A R hT 4 HOPKINS, novil ARila Oulldings, Faint st EW 11001‘,2111 — STRECEIVE.D.—The o NMontagne, edited by 11. Huhn, eoceprising kis Essays, Leone, and /oodles through Germany and Italy, with notes from all the Commentators, Biograph ical and Ilibliographical Notion., Re. Theory and Practice of Teaching; er, the Motive, .d hlethoda of Coed Sehool•Keeplog, by David Plage, A. M. Palncipal of the Slats Normal School, Albany, Frank Forestet's Fish .d FlO,log of the U. Stales and British Provinces of North Amerlea, by Ilen7 Wm. Herbert. JOHNSTON ilk STOCKTON, novel eon!. 'Third trod Market sts The Olden Thoth TAXIED D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseuni. ...I h ono r,. N 0.63 Wood street, has for sale a few copies com pletes she remainder of the edition,) of this .Valueble nook, devoted to the Preservetton of Documents, and other authentic information relent, to the earl no. pinnate:ins, settlement and tropicrotr.eut of the country around the bend of the Ohio. By Neville B Craig, Ent, of Pinsbargh, in 2 soh Oho. 00010 J. D. LOCKWOOD. lit &WAS EivERTY: A History, Iv. a view of the .n, Liberty of other Ancient Nano.. LIT Samuel Elliott, Erq. Blustreted with twelve engravings, exe uted nt Rome. g vols., See., uniform with Protean '. Instance' Werke. Jun published and for sale by JAhlk.33 D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and novih Im p orter. r 3 Wood st. F CONSOLATIaI Thy reedipipf is book has immersed ns with a me. higher o Won f ther thso lusd farmed mompetunia (oth e r ) w r itings.. It d'asplayead.per tone of thought, united to more pure ' , Mil Inca of feeling than .y other production of the female mind with which we are aequainterL"—Eve. Mirror. 'it is a very agreeable and readable book,writtente Funny.ilelin beet ay le—bold, spirited .d enter taining We recommend It to our readers the ben publication of the season."—Reading 0u .1% contains the /clonal of a travel through Europe, no d non id no “ war, and is one of the pleasantest and most interesting Locke of the sernon"—Coot. and Enquirer. ort very characteristic book. We base read it from pdge Cirlophian with unabated interest. A vi vid pieurre of life in Roma. all respects eminently resoable."—Kriieherbocker. For wde by JAhIES D LOCKWOOD. Bookeeller At imparter, 63 Wood at and rlewrrr. 301 mt. ',tr..: !ale styles, reed Lau day .0 A A MASON CO, Masket M DRIED lIEFF-10,000 lbs saga. sands* • l• oat of awoke, for sale by apt • SELLERS t NICOLS M. BOTAILZIII i 110114 Hawlser•, W,lselsaag• ill . i . . A. 711, SLIMS IS pIoySDIthEIArCEPTANCES,GOLD ,BI LYER 13LNY NO Fri ; couscrioNa—uret. Nott et. s arid Accepumen parable in arty part edam Union, nalleeted =the most favorable terms. - EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and D.I. dmom; also, ,Cinati, Loalavill, Saint Loeb. and New Ohleans constantly for sale. BANK NOTES.—Notes on all solvent banks In the United Butes discounted at du lowest rases. All kinds of Foreign and time:Sega Gold and Weer Coin bought and sold. Mee Na. S 5 Market street, between 31 and 4th, Pittsburgh, Pr . ,mtZ -g-----311 " 6 FAMIC113 , BILLSd Scotland honght on England t Ireland, _ y amount at 3a Canmt f ß t * h• Old i go=es, also, Drafts parable ha =7' par: of Lo the A Sterling, front At to &COO, tho rata vrithont deduction or duconnal SON, tkropean and General ay..; 0 8 .. „,,,tEu drier arestnf mood. 111111gtuutza zunrWASSI WU, 11011ANKEED AND EXCHANGE lIPOItE3IB. dealers in Fweiaa sad Domestic &Xsof nab.lta• Hewes orDeposite, Hank Notes and Cot.. aowq°' &I sad Wood sterna dieretty oppodte BiCloaks m. tel. • w EST Kati* FUNDS— Ie imintelrypt., Uanl Notac parenaud at dm lowest tares, by N. HOLMES k SONS, aspl3 MS Market street. ov.unt-knoigii-cb.eic. — ii -- • New York, Mad.lnbla, anti Salomon., Constantly for ale by N. MUM & BONS. sepl.2 35 Marken rt. RIMEL NEOUIS. NOTICIE. TOIIN Wear fr. CO. have removed their rock of urneefie. ,0 oppoote side of Liberty st. aPS OMAN IN AMERICA—Her work and her re. vesnL By Maris J Idelmosh, author of "Cheross LrYloantercharms," .To seem and to bet' t vol IVIIIO. Latter D. Parophle,, No It—The present time. By Thomas Caararru.—felemeirs of Lets and Writings of Thos. Chalmers, D D., L. L.. D. .Prelections on Barter's Analogy, Paters Evidences of Christlaniry, and Hill's Lecture an - Diviuiry, with two Introductory Lectures sod four Addresses dolmered its the New Code's, Ildutburgle, by Thomas Cardoso's, D. D, IL L. D. I vol Isom. Casvm—Lite o (John Calvin, compiled from withers• tie sources, and particularly from his COTICSPLIDEOIIee By Thomas 11 . Dyer, wash ponrait. vol 12mo. Percale by R HOPKINS. s • 7 78 Apollo 'Mildly's, Fourth rt. F — ro . oa D• th a :t:V! — :iTr r i 7 tun , AFRIEND. whose word Is most reliable, and whe has uo posstble interest in the matter, but one ol gratitude, dashes us to say, that be hes been cured of mvetereie deafness, by the arca( "Scorpe'sCompound Acoustic Oil." a Phitadelptun medicine, which is not for sale in this city, but which ha thinks ought to he, for the good of the ellbettel. He hes a enter who bee are been cured by It. Ile urgently advises who are suffering Imm deafrums, to try thls remedy, with en assurance that. unless the cue he extraordmary, the "R:T.T.Z"pr'"IAVIIVA&Tr7.II , 76E, phy 70 Fourth st Pittsburgh • Gambit Cambia 20 GROSS super Polk.; 11l do do very fine; le " used Reddlog; IY "sopar English Hom Reddlnc 6 " Pocket Combs; dW "6m.d IMm dem oss'd Firte Ivory; tro " Shell Side Combs; so " “per large Balirdo; OM gross ased Side CoYK&G ER mbs; rec'd and for sole by febn C , IVO himket sr Duff liollaudl Buff flatland! rVinift: NOTICE—That W. McClintock hos this day received severolcores of the finest and best Buff dow Holland, to which he would most relpectfolly call the mtention of his costumers and the pubhe lu generaL trY.Cluyet Wye lidome. 73 Fourth at. kw% Guitar& A FEW very fine GUITARS, just we'd from the celebrated muitufamory of C. F Martin. and for ianS • J 11 MELLOIL.SI Wood Books Just Itsesivsd_ TII6 Complete Work. of John Dense; 9vole, Bvo, iu I vol, and . 1 0.• Ustchell'e and Sabbath &nom I.leoglophy .•. . . a near work; 1 vol, 120. Town's Analysis and Speller. • Ufa of John Q. Allan. by W. IL Seward; loot, Maw; muslon Poems by Mrs. Humana; I awl, RS , . South's Sermons—Sermons preached upon wen& oecanons, by H o n Sol.. D. D.; • • 11.11 , ed.. 4 trots; including Posthumous Disc-mines. Same-4 worts In 24 sheep, ext. Sao. For sole by IL HOPKINS, tebn Apollo Dulldusis, Fourth at.- ULM FOUNDRY ,0101 H1C1101.80,1 O. W. O. NA= USlJerWgned, ...tenon to Anima A NielAN I son, bog leave to inform the citizens of C.uabstrah and public: generally, that they have rebuilt the E.A.. DLL FOUNDRY and are now In fall operation, and have part of their patterns ready [or the market:— Amongst which are Cooking SLOT., 02111 and Wood Stoves, with • splendid aimight Coal Sus., wide!: is now tapereeding In other elbra the common nand Stove. Al., a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well adap ted for small families, with a foil assortment of corn owe and towel Drams We would parlealarly in ane the mention of persons building to call Si bur orehonse before purchuing, and examine a splendid article of enarrunelled Grate., finished in firm style— . . . umly new in Wu market Warehouse. No. 01 La r Za=ge p l A V yi lt" analSalit PITTIIIBIIB.I2IIInPORTATIONS. CYRAGFJI. Importer and Wholesale Dealer le a FANCY AND VARIETY GOOM: Sign of the Gilt Comb, 109 Markel st., Pittsburgh, Ps WeSttrcl Melthattll, Pedims„and others month , Pittsburgh ,o bureaus° Goods,. sae empeettally invited to call and examine the 0.00111110 .10r1.13.11t of Env htht, American. French and Gene. Fphey Goods. All Foreign Goods iflhta establishment are import. ei threat by myself, and . parehasers may self on get ting raids from int banns I have the larval amen ment of articles, in the variety line, In the thy of Pethbargh—all of whirl will be sold low for cask or oill).‘"re'C=,ll.o4ll.7°,lroges,"rittnisn pan, of Leer Cravats, Shoe end Patent Threads, Bessie( Silk, Sp.l Comm, Tapes, Saspenders, Buttons, Pins, Neo dies and Caller), Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all bras of Brushes, Combs and Razors. rCITUSSiOrt Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk k Colon Penes, Speetaeles, Steel Pena, Manic Boon, Carpet Bags and Baskets. ' Bindings, nodules and Trimmings. Toys and Fancy Geod.:tin/ether with • large varie ty of Follty and Staple DRY GOODS. C Yk:Ati CR Is also agent for the celebrated Lan. 39ler Combk novt7 Great Moralist' SQaeu7• F°J.l2"AlhAZtllttliateltil e fsforthePletTo7l: mace diseases, e HUNGARIAN D• u• 61 OF LIFE,, disooltered. by the celebrate! Dr. Buchan, of London, Eugland,Und introduced into the United Slams ander the unmedtate euperimendenne of the inventor. 11e eMraordinary amens of this in Core of PLLIIIIOVIII disemes,'wrarrants the A merican Aooot in mlietung ter treatment the worst possible tie se Mu eon be found In the cornmanit—ease• Meech Lenin front any of the common muesli. of Ms day, and have been given up by thol e. ee dimingnished physicians "confirmed and Incurab The Hanguri. an Remo be evelond will cure, the InDat desperate of cases. it is no quack naskre, bet standard Eng. Urh medicine, of known and ttiliahed efficacy. Eve family inlet United ewes shoed be supplies with Ll ry achintle Hungarian Helms of Liteolco only to meutemet the consumptive of La climate, bit. to be tel u s. ' reverdive medicine in all eases of cobla. apt; ay of blood, pain in the ude and chest, Immune anddsoretkes s of the bmgs, broehitia, d.tifieuitzdef.t,lrtimittlietoyil=tsih.leareatz, ernaoet. na eoTg ‘ h ' s euf ozone. Sold In large bottles, a 1 kl per tattle, with thll diem , dons for the fella:Oliva of teeth. Pamphlets, enntaining • mass English and Ansel. eon cenificates, and other <Menet, sheering the am equalled melts of this steal t7,Ehrh actliody, may b• obtained of the Agents, gratuitously. Foe see by U A FAIINkSMNE k CO., e 01905 0 stood Wood and Wood and 6th sta., 109.1kAird TILIB STAR Ow TUL WEST 40. YENTIIAN BLIND bLANUFACTIIVIT But side of the Diamond. tattoo Wawa, 1,11 . D dr al the did:frinl aMea and colors are kept on 440 as aorta to order .n. Dm latest Mid most approved Earram &M -ips:mod dm allonesi rodeo and en the moo reasonable terms. Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Tranapa repay and Paper Clltaila a( all the different sue. and pourers, on hand and for ears low formula Did. Vent. um. Minds painted ores and reparredver tsen in part paxment for new. aid WEelTEly 144 , P,lg. ri, D hmanehi—All wee. done Wi th i nf il e test Inasenal nod eeeePt and mar= taplowthemost foa -1 Mona. aultSay Allealaay any- MS. 10 10(0. SOELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGII SVIIUP—ToraWs Nututao Lme Pr! Prrnivzsa, March 47,1647. apr, R . ft SePent-1n Justice to and yettr Incom parable Cough Syrup, I beg leavTe r fog dtplstor eat of the community, that my tuts loon several dates al:Meted wttn • mast dtvregi cone,. I par. c h eg eo; re yummy lam. home of Ye r Syntp, which Wed a cOnl - 4 two &maths' standing: Abell one month since, the rough Mimed, and was to severe that she could Imill..reeve, from weakness In the breast; I sent for one tile of your Cough `Syrup, and • part of one Wale eared the cough I irafe thaotacr to a Mameymen who was severely afflicted, wkagad, LO bit own words, neaten enough cough. candy to cure all the people an Patsburgb,” candy had been as grad se reoresemed. Yours, respecifolly, Aware D. Kann.. Prepared eta told 17 E. SELLERS, 37 Wood street,' and sold by Diaggima geometry in the two eat..Jet _ • - ALLICOMANY VIGNITIAN DLLS°, • AND CABINET WA.- FAWN. J. A. DROWN vge -- maw.. f the p that he keeps mi onrsad lab's suod on the wen side of the thaisoud, Alle gheny city, a complete anon. meta of Venltian Hands; also Ve. Maw* Shutters me made to, ok der In the best style, %gonna:ad °Q.. , 1 ...1 La UM traiteJ lite lands can be removed with eta rte aid of • screw • driver; Having purchased thelank, tools, and wood of the abject es. utllishment of Heaney it Watt. lend, 1 am prepared to famish their ald onstoraers, as well es Me public at largth.ith every thing la Marline. Agency, No D Wood idliet, melee, 4...AIPATTh• TUT reed, no elegant phyla itpereoed 6 octline iffi from the celebrated manntsmerg Of [Ovum lc a na k, N. Y h at eqperior Mee, and am) mSlicsamipeige. Poe We by at KLEAI*., dell/ J. . Word! mla. IVOIY PR/ A L 710711 POWDER. YY for arum, Scorn', elate - ft, and all imbalances demactive IO tbe Teeth. ng Ilia &beim to use uolt, heali and leg the gam, sad pirating the bendy On Fr We, eabelasole and retell, by ' dad R E SELLERS/447 Wood et ATO 111013 It—CHEAPER THAN EVER ! V V Jut reed, wt invoice of toll jewelled patent le ver WatebeA,lB eaten Ana ems, which I ran ten u low. dun and tbizty dee dallan, and warranted to k Ter, g .fl u artlendld. anortnent IHIEWELRY: cow " ii lt . V m m a rty c lavu 'HIM and beat paunas. atenaotker and Jeweler, doll . sawn Mut@ NW row* *nits. DIPALLISTICIEL'S OINTMENT, Cantainurg eta Plenary, nor other .111intral. llli (ollowtn~,teuiedonial was green rboyf the medical woeels rk entitled “The American Practice " o s s hfedieiae and Fseadi Pbypielpp.n 'liming been made argnainted with theinendtents which compose Meatlloter's Ounscrla and harm, prescribed and tested it tawniest eases In my private praetire, I Imre no hesitation is saying or certifying that it t• a Vegetable no mneral mbatance whatever; that us Ingrediebo, combined as th ey are, nnd need as 'directed by the Prapnetor, we not only haraidess, bat of great value, being a only scientific Remedy' of grew powen sad I cheerfully recommend it as a compound which hair done moth good, and which is adapted to the ever of a great satiety of eases. Though I have neverenber recommended or engaged in the 'ale of secret medi cines, regard fee the Indy hoieri conaciennous, hg. mane character of Me Proprietor yr this Ointment, and the value of hts discovery. oblige me th my that mush regarding it. W. II Heim, 1): , New York, Aped ZAI, • HIMNS.-11 is oae of the best things in the world for Bums. PlLES—Thousands are yearly eared by this ChM meat. It rover fails in giving mile , . For Tamers, Ulcers, and alt kinds of Sores, It has a Ifli n to e t t kor: and Nurses itnew in ,alne In Cacti Of Swollen or Sore Breast, Hwy would always anpl In sad , easn.lf used according le directions, it gives 'relief in a very few beers. Around the box are directions for sins. c Allimer's Ointment vs Scrofula. Liver Complant, Erysipelas, Teter. Chilblain, Raid Head, Sore Eyes, Quiver: Sore Throat. Bronehites, Nervous Affections, Prins, Disease of the Spine, hoot Ache, Mann*, Deafness, Ear Arlie, Harts, Cdros, all Disease. of the Skin, Sato Lips, Pimples. Ac, Swelling of the Litehs, Smer, Rheumatism. Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro ken Brans, Tooth Ante, Agee in the Face, EC. From the Reading F.ar le There was never, perhaps, a Medicine braves be. fore the public, that hos in so short a time won seek • reputation as /McAllister's All.llealing or World Salve. Almost every person that bar made trial of it speaks warmly In its petite. One has been cured by lip( t he moat painful rheumatism, another ash< pile., a third of a treablesome pain In the side, a fourth of a welling in the limbs, Sr. If it does net Five trame• Otte relief, in every cane, it can do no injury, being applied outwardly. A. another evidence int the wonderful healing pow• er possessed by this s, we sulnoin the following certificate. from a respectable C1t4121.1 of Mailenereek township, in thitteountyt Itialdencreek, Rots co, Harsh 30, ISO. Meson. Ritter & desire to inform vie that I was entirely cored of • severe pain In the bank, by the are of McAllister's Ali.llealing Salve, whieh I par. chased from you. I suffered with it tor about Pt year% and at night was unable to sleep. During that time tried various remedies, which were prescribed tor no b in ,lift.ttcysiciansia.n.td.odiaLr rjoraliE,Ltl:flunter: salt favota and Ne beyond expectstion. ara ' nov entire ly free from the pant, and enjoy Cr; night n peaceful and sweet sleep. Ihave also used lite Salve since (or tooth ache and other complaints, with similar happy results. Your friend, /one IlUbblnaseit JAMES Men LUSTER, Sole ?reprinter of me above raetlietne. Principal Office, No 2,3 North Taira street, Philadcl phi PRICE 95 CENTS PER BOX. ' MUSS IS Pormsonou.—Sane t Reiter, corner of Liberty sad St. Clair sreet& end L. Wilcox, Jr., tor • nor Of blather ferret nnd Inn Diamond, alto COME, of Fourth and Smithfield strews; J. 11. Crum , . corner ot Walnut nod Penn streets, Fifth %TEM; and sold ht the Bookstore in Smithfield street, std door from Second. In Allegheny City by U. P.Schnint od J. Sorge. By J. G. Smith, Druggist., 13inniughant: D. Negley, East Liberty; ILRoorland, McKeesport; J. Alexander &Son, Monongahela City; N. U. Romman O. Co., and J. T. Rogers, Itroventsille; Jobo Darktey, Dcaver, Ptti John Walker. Jr., Elizatieth. febtleodiy U. W. LUDDLit., Deteittst-- REMOVED to a new three story It rie fla... a . on Smithfield street, out door below Sixth street. Teeth tanned from oats to an entire Bet, on the ruction principle, with a bean. o tl r fol io repreaentatlon of the natural gam—resto fa ring Per ta al shape of the re. N. 1.1 .—Teeth extracted with little or no pair, Decayed Teeth permanently saved by plug', ug, pro ven./ the tooth ache, which is much bca,r [Lau ca• ring it, sheath It shoal.% be done in btle tdtn ter, of oven instintly. .p24.l7 ------ - • NALTAGWIS GINSENG PANACEA! To THOSE SUFFERING Win! DISEASED LUNGS.—The unprecedented success which has needed the um of the GINSENG PANACEA 11.11 doe various forum which Irritation of titan comes, boolnduced the proprietor ugoitt cell non to 101 WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The changeble Irretheshich marks our fall en! muter mouths, in CO alway AND COUGHS. s a fruitful source of - LDS • • Them, if neglected, are but the procumors of Mat fall dcatroyea COSUMPTION. , The question, then, how eltelLwe nip the destroyer sa the bud! bow shall we get clear 01 our coughs and olds! is of vital bnponance to Me public. THE GIRT AND LS REMEDY • edit be found in the Ginseng Panacea. In pro•f of this we have from ume to time ,•selmited the certifies." of dozens of our best known eau... who We expeti. *need its curative powers. Then, with a mese elms Meetly from en_ pans of the country from MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, Ministers of the Gospel, to., together with commis all ices from he JOURNALS OP THE DAY, ere have =Gala ut pamphlet amend easy hear Mull of any jillifAtirmts,llthir,oalAttlA cosrAY. have been seed in this city THOUSANDS AND I : ENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Ututed States and Canada, and vs site lenge any nun to point out a SINGLE INSTANCE which, when taken according to Mreellona, esti he tre the longs had become fatally disotgatused, It hs., ever failed to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why, then, need the sEicted hesitater Why resezt is the enie•rable smarms, gotten up byone porn (cal, U. anise ler the assumed name of some co .loafed phy aletan, and pared into notoriety by certificate. nt pet ..os equally unknown? WS:An a medicine UNPARALLELED EFFICACY ts to be had, whose vouchers are at homer --ear milli hore,—many of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE (mew:. In order that this invaluable medicine may be plays/ within the reach of the poor as well the slot, a. have pat the price at ONLY PIVTY (=NT!, , just one half the usual cost of rough medicines. sill for sale by our agent. in nearly every . town and Maga over the west, who ere prepared to Rime fail inform.. aoe “lative ih%`" , T. SALTER Proprietor, Broadway. Ca nehmen, Ohl* Fact. for she Pantie. In relation to that unrivalled family Sale %) DILLEYI MAGICAL PEM EXTKiL TtizerINIONY of a respectable Phyriniao.—Readi the follovrin;, adaterred to ay Agent,ldr. F. Mee- Treather, Cincinnati • COCCTImeI. rub. 12,1912. SW: A sense of duty compels rue to give my tribute. 10 Dailey's Pam Extractor. 'Mille opposed to IPlCit ery and all nostrums having far their object sinister motives—but realising ranch good from the "king of Pain hollers"—..l ate indueml to tender you Mir certifi cate. Aimee used it in my family, in my practice, and souk all the happy and wouderial edema that could pomibiy be imagined. 11.1. Lisonis, M. 1X Ur. iodic Is the seder partner of Brodie A Lori, Druggists. -r in.ifsamsatary Rheumatism. The following testimonial comes from • were (01 miller to many of them traveling on our Western au tem. Mr. Clime, the well and favorably lemma pro primer of the Parkeraburg Hotel, is hashand the lady whose letter 1 annex: Psiumssautia, Vs , Apr 1113,19111. To' Henry Dailey Chemist. Having for merly been long aMicied with violent inflammatory Rheumatism which appeared an firmly seated as to defy all ordinary applimees to allay the Severe' pain encoding 141 was outueed to try your Magical Pain Extractoc and it having elected, almost as if by ma gic, Sr immediate relief, and also, to all appearances an entire anti perfect nose, 1 ant induced for the bene fit ambers who may be "Ahmed with pain, caused by any kind of inflammation, to write to you, doelpnnp that fa my opinion, founded an actual experiene.4 pm. Magical rimFAtractor is the mist stainable its coven' niche present age for the immediate extra ;Amn of bodily pain. It is analmost immediate . feet eme for Darns and heeds, and all extra.) in flammation. Having many acquaintances formed b timp, rpm. at my husband'. hotel in this place, 1 num. suppose... by your showing them these few hoes, hue)! possibly be of benefit both to them and yearson. EM.P.,arrn Guss. (I entertain the hope that Mr... Linen,: svilfpardon the publicity I give to her lettoi, as well on the rain. of humanity as of its being Itte sorest mode offiringing it the notice of hex Faces Csffif. ExtVlsl of &letter, dated 11Mbbiumr, Ky. Nov.:* VAS. Mr. H. Dailey: .1 havitricil your Extractor in case of felon, in or own family, vitae) , a relieved and cored in a very Gaon yours re= speetfully, J.s.sl.,Yornto. Cr Barna and Scalds, Pike, Bore Nipples, Woken Bream, Eruptions, batik, Cale, Wounds. and all in flammation, yial4s:eadily to the wendcrfal properties ef thia unrivo,Geil family salve. 1101, in Me lilloo pro Ponlno 015 t 55a will receive broth( (onto Um guanine, gun MJI ba injured by the deletertomi edema of Um. **unladen Woes. - liTiON—Be rot send apply only to the inventor„ 11. D•LI.Tp 415 Itruz, .New Vona, or to his au thorized agents. • JOll.l U aIORGAN, General Depot, Pittsburgh. henry P. Belmar., Alloglieny, Agent; J. Gut, Wheeling, Va.; James %V Johnston, Mayaville, Ky.;. P. Nervy either, Cincinnati, G., General Depot. N. 11 —ln the severest Berns and Sculls it extracts thiri 5 in a few minutes 7t152c r fain! CORE FOR WORSTS 11. A. rAIIiIiaTOCII. , S viiultsrucas... 1N order to afford all partible wearily in thnpaidins * as well as to the...vas, main. fiend, and imp.. Wink from counterfeiting., tie proptietorrhave made a change m the egWrau wrapper or table of,their The ant Mbel, which 4 a steel enstavius est the marl mpg.* design sod wotkmanship, has beta inifuthited at ,a very great expense. latd.,as from the b.c al an &Melo( the first Went. The dodge is row. and LW execution elaborate. Several times and a portrait WV to prominent, bat the word "ream nes," printed while as a red and fie., sit. rated gmandt *Amid ae )artimilarly exanweed.— When held a t to the tight the letters, sitsdied d the loner. and every lA*, however onnuir, throat:how UM whole of Ihtk ;dun tat the • agraving amt., as el wetly a t it the tattaemunt had been made taper cote ride or , 10001,4111 it I. ft...ally primtvi en t..s s ide.of .111 , 1: b&per. • This &bawd in all on.. olorreed. A la el Van each doss , ' is OM Panted in red anon bola sides, and should be thathiard La the came manner. Tblf pretion las now stood the test of sesuar, Yee. mei, ns' is Coattically recommended as Wu mid saisslilai Msditine for expelling worm Bea the ryal,tab 110 unexampled soccer. that has attended itteddaratiOtt Mammy ease where th e patient was • re aßlleted with worms, ce Mandy evaders ii v., thy t he summon of otrystelane. The proprietor has made it a point to lacerate the result of its are In such evert ascame within Mr 1W . knowledge and obsett.o—O he v. 8 ' 14 (.."' It "P.C....We MOM Wake') ellects—oot onfierment -4' ad= pear ly bathe ordinary preparauons teem mendeta fog worms had beau pleviously groaned am sg:iba rani Pentetneut advanteate. '1 his fact M at- KAN O.T line certificates andstatement e of handredo W rencetable Indigent par, of the error , 1 "7 aed eao bl induce fanatic. always to keep a . Ina {We Disitaraliark in their poetess/on. %Is mild teas r oyeAkAAA. and guy to administered with perfect NBt st dilleato Warm upmA 'lne only genuine Is prepared by , B A PAIL ' , Melt, tritsbastit2.. - Ittrad . l Rad ho t SELLESS , COLM.I SYRUP. -Fro W. K. littrv. Esq., Ciro as% Court oi QIII\IICI Denver Coot Mb- R. E. Sere • -11 Same new in the neater crir win was &Metro 'IOW. • save. and distremt ng rotte"!- and hearing of JOU attainable atough Syr up, .1 . 72: Chased a bottle froa 8. T. Trouble, of Bridge: trod after tektite • portion of tv twe . or three ca on raps ne hed i a be found anmedeain relttC Selene friends are been relieved in raven, earek,v am therefore ro tated that it tale and . routro hin _lf tondldne, and would recommend it UP those be afflicted with revere Cough, and Coida Muth Ste, lIW. K. BODO. Prepared and sold by R. E. 9P.LI/Kan, Wood a' sad euddby dragnets generally, }A rittil.4 1 1_,.., 401 WON.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers