BY IdAGNETIc TELECIIAffi. P •.s.V.VEL? 6 TIG L ICUslh P/IRD COB THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE CONGRESSICINAL. Wasurnaros, May 2,1850. Senele—Mr. Butler, of South Calcium, report. ica la bill authoriz:ng the . de.titcat:on of lodges. in f Beare of the inabilit at the Menet Judge. The ilult wa• taken up nd pasaed. 1 Mr. thwiron o ff red a resolution that the Sec retary of the late ler be directed to tor irot the Bennie of the preareas,rxperire, Mid practicability of the Mcmcau boundary commlmion, Willa Wall •dup,en. :.. It was agreed, that when the Senate adjourn, it be until Monday neat. The Vice Preaident tiald ha would be absent (or acme time, a :or bloaday nest. Several pilaw:. and local bills were taken rip and plowed. The bill reps led by Mr., making • grant of land to tie Ilium. central rail road, U. takeo op and di sassed at length. It was mend ad, es an In ma 'c suntlar grants al lands to rail roads in filissia.typi rind Alab toot, and hoes es• leading tram Chicago to Mobile, and finally par sed by a owe ef :24 to IC . . The Senate thee Went Leto rte.:entitle tension, and r holey after adrouteed. Horse—Mr. Staunton, •.0 from the Corectiritee tre Steal Allier, reported a joint refolutiuu that hereafter Mieleian at the °orrery. Ivry at Watt& glen abed he bale; tee fur natfonorle• lest and geogrieph.e .1 purpneee, 'and pan of the computation aloe N,uwal Aim•rac, rsrlusirels far the on, of travigetiae„ Om° be mid:Writ to the 11 endian at Greener,. h. lie emit net many ree• mortal. had been rent to Coogre.• •••01•1 the change of the meridian, and also the .resointion which be had reported. Mr. MeL :an sated whether it would alter the American chart, Mr. &ammo raid—net the tenet, as they are all adapted to on American meridian and Engl.& Mr. McLean I marked tom there woe no uutitit the resolution contemplated an entire revolution. Objections lied been made by these engaged It Capping ahem?, Ito thought that a Lyle Item attoola he ninon far e.eareinfitien. Mr. Chandler !tied it was drawable a change should be mace, bet not no extensively salsas first proposed. Mr. Thomproe, of Mississippi, entombed that the change of meridian abould ant be made; it would be tar all time, and they should pot et t heftily. The remindon tow et Luca to .the Committee co the Stole of the Union. Mr. Siaeloo alto reported a Lill autherigeg the President to loeurporele the officers if 'he. l e , Texas roe! into the navy of the Uoited States. Mr. Whtte,from .ho Miele Committee, reported a joint resolution :or the rebef of manners detained on loretgeet tiuue, are their enlistment bad ase Aired.. Both resolutions wt re referred - to the Mound teeofthetVheleontleStat,a f the Maim. The Cemmst• c reported a joint eraolutmo iel.• tire to the free fritesiolion 01 rho river SI. Len. ranee. Toe resolut en to a t mud considerable debate, but we. Garrity Ind over, on Mr. Me. Lean's atavng that the corre•poodenco with the Beulah Motets, ma. f i.oreible to reetprechy, and was b-fne the Cemmittee on Commerce, who world or. repair a bill et, cordingly, The Mune in, n Went lam Committee on the Conan, 0:11. Several amendments weretaten op tuld dam:. I, when, without molehill irolrets. the H.tute, 0,1 motion,eiljourned. CINCINNATI MARKET., Kay 2 The river his fdien one loot witton the paw 24 hones, and sun mending. The weather Is ant. 1 4 Flour—The demand connate@ t q til toTbe sop.` ply, and prices ere neatly msintimed. Saks of good naiad brands az 5,1 535 20, choice at 5,30 and extra at 5,40 per Lb!. :rats, urcsen, wised, at 5,10, iodic Aces as •desove ol,fdl 10:, with. the nest tine day, , Grain—No ants of grain temper. Cure comes forward slowly. Vrinic shelled would command 50e per bushel. Recelpia of Ogle are also limited; and the demand is moderate over ;he. Batley and Rye arc without change Whiskey is reivaneing; with en active demand. Sates at 20;82i4e per gal. Provisions—Title is a good enquiry (dr bacon, at 31 for shceldere, and 4 r eider. Greireries—Snstir IA in active demand but with out any (Maw in prices. o.l.—Sting of I.' rowed oil at 102, per gallan. NEW YORK MARKET. Nzar Yo g. May 2. Ambot—Tim ms , het to q tiet and plicen nomi nal lor Pots at 501 per 120. Pearls continue Arm at 5,561 per Finer—Tie c ie leas bet yancy for Western and State, but !with , - are Ibltltlf 11.111.11111 b sales of 1200 bbla at 4.555 1,7:05,00 for No. 2, of.; slEa 5,33 tor comma,, to stralget State; 0,4105.59 for mined to fancy Michigan. Grain —Toe ennead. fur Wheat continent Fond, but boyars and sellers are stmt. Cam in active and prices a..13, Mizeti is be Id at ate nor bet. Sales of 5000 litho( Southern Yellow at 60c per bu. Whitey in doll, prices have declined. Sales at Ott for Piison. Drudge is nominal at 231 Provision.—Paris to firm, at 59;50 fee Prime, and 510,19.910,45 or Me... 134 el is in limited demand. lard is quiet at 61, Hatter Is in bet ter, demand, and caviar.- BUFFALO MANKE Burraco, May 2,2 P. M. Flour—The demand to g. m.l, hilt Iran...tutors light. Sees 502 tibia Michigan at 25 and firm. Grin—Corn is tied, in ~ tiopoien of larger reremm. and noide•. ail: 451 to-day. and boyars ofar 41n par be. One are •.tmee and in good demand. • Vitilekey 11 RIM, and pricey unchanged. Provisions—Toe resnet is Btrrt at former rate Sales 2001 be Yleas.Park at $lO per WA. RESTAURANT AUX FILICLiUS pßovir.Noxux, N. 51 Fourth. street. IDAVE the honor of informing th e e Worn. of Pitt. hue, h, that 1 have opened, at the shove terse and Convenient holm. a Restaurant a I . insuld de refl.. MI the delicacies the setwon can afford will always be 'served in the tonal apt...eyed styles, heetdes Im ported dish", such us Trete., hie/broom. Green p c a 3, Patel de tie k e., with which I wllialways oe ready to provide private fotnilee or patties. Table d'Hote at Di o'clock every day. Gentlemen wishing for privnte rooms Can atways be accommodsted ard and cellar will compare with any other In N ew York or cellar will few more hoarders eau he accammodated. A. NARDI • •.11‘4101 &co, C L enrinnor re co . , :MY toot. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS A. A. MASON & CO idarket , between Third &Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. TWOULD respectfully call the anentlon of city and merchants, to one of the moil eaten.. Stocks in the country,.complising over Penmen m u gged cases mei Packsees of Foreign mid Dame.- ~ Dry (Mods, conusdng, m part, of e•ses mei style Calicos; tdd " Meanie:Al Merlin, an grades. 413 " Summer nod Cottundesi " Male do Wm, CU ,• 11.0 tern and Introit.; na ^ Sonnetts and Tommie; 10 " Cassierree, CMOs; I (Xi " and balm of Ttelinxi, Checker he.; :pm " " Drown Muslin. Together with the most extensive assortment of Imported Goods in ibis andket, postrs.tng the most ample Meddles tor the be i ng of their business, . r ., r g o no ohm partners being constantly In Me e a s ter n markets, the, presenting every advantage enjoyed by eastern hOttscs They believe that a n can Cder greater pr i c e s ( tan rhnte Amman'', in styles, qualities. end prices, h anv mauls market- New gads constantly arnung. Merchants intending parr Mating gist, ere pardettlarly solicited to examine as c i s o ri mmtmem WI A A MASON & • Tko Power of llosalys E resd that the etrength of Sarum. all In hie 'IV hear, andthat when the yerlidroas Delilah had &ensiled him - of his flowing hicks, his powered dee parted from to.. When we eee a_yotmg and lOvely 9 e...A wt,b magnificent hair, bßont whine beauty all seem to bon, the history vf Damson is forcibly brought to email Let that proud lady, through sick: Ilt” Ot ht filet t he 100,11 Of her luxuriant ringlet...2A the power o'beauty is at en end. JULES EAU L 119711 a LE HAIR RESTORATIVE le, without doubt. the beet crude extant, for keeping the hair la keally mete, and reinvigorating bath which has be come thin and hsrvh. 11. COlntalit use will keep the hair suit, tilt , . cod I¢ollll¢lll to tie 10.0 advanced age. It entirely eradicates all dthdrulf and scurf, and keeps the army clean and healthy, while the hair Is not stable t. tam grey se soon. It will bring in mew hair On brad. wine. have become prcinaturly bald. and prevent the hair fatting out from the e ectt of =triples.. I here Itemired trstimoniala of lie bent. fthisl -me from persons of tht,hig heat reapectability. and some or the anoletwientaGe•gentlenten of this - city bare pronounced it to be unique. As every high!, popular dreenveer Is beide to be eeenterfeitod or lotl• oted, ea it is won this Eaa Idietrale Hair Restorative. An imitator. of. this a ll bat here mannthetithed In e au city, whirl. I would partkularly esulle.a the pub• egulest. for JULES lIAUEVS - Fad Laurie Hair it-eterative, and you will tben 'obtain rs warranted to termer stisfaction. a CLE.9 110001. •nd Chemist, Ithr C , •0•100t *tram betels , Pooch. Tor sale wholeeale •011 retail by It. A. Fehnertnek Jr Co, and It sellers, P.llitottott. and John Pare eov. .4", g --ricatii: a•liiierc•,, antrVesilnfia, ' L A N,, 11.rocce of ~ t ercr Blatt illy / a l . wo, and Ith air Dread Fop„ tilaek Fancy Cesanneere; sire, pryer uud veined tdoo.e. aid 11,• °rebin d b , end Fancy Cashmere Vu ra nga—. y m A A MA.9091 h. CO, e 17 6" • Mart et •I • • FWD. Dreg. Good. A. Ate.-OWN • CO •re receiving duty gddhi on . or 0,, (alms lb( etyles, to their, glendlil *tent of —S Alm Good., vit.olo , Moe , •nd Pene7 Silts, .Tioure. ilet•tan Alhetinev, Bu gr i d forego Us Ldlll., Book,, mind, Llmo•tr Lawn., de.; alto, Ideerning me .. thong. x .11 ihei! WatltlT•o pY7 OVI 0 19 TO OWN T 11411:1 T O rn,~d So•or.ry of Minot thl , lt mile. of .1. Ike Oh o rrsofloool. Roll Vona, extending,. .orestiVard from the $l.llO Line, Lied, ralestive. Will be Yet at Salem. C 041110131. nty, Ohio. on Vl'ednev. joy, the fith day I.( py, 1 , 50. Coronet.. can ob. rairt infeloistlon of the Open the line, or a , the office in Feli /11 By order of the Kilned of Director.. 11 , 51 .110IIINSON, Jr., Pteelde pauborgO:i.orilF6o.--ep27:41.4 . -- - Loadsod Mills for Salo. Amom.,t f " ...., with terg four ran of amnia—on, of the 1 eeeentlan• far batineo in the wen—and hr at tam Saw MIL on •• alumni never lulu% ttrealo, :011.10 tele" of /.and. good Develliup House, Tenor v o w, and olher voprov , rnetov, dilated seven mile, ftri. the Ul-in Cir.'. Monroe County, Ohio. Al., Amor the ahoy, a tr.uunti Form, well Improved, eon. . m4aag 2" ""' f.,./Ir,t,r,r,rit.A..zygv.l, - N, ~,,, ' OS Strand et, Pittsbesph. COMIERCLII RECORD. PORT . OF PITTSBURGH. •O*.SD OP TRLDV COIRMISTER FOR MAY• a Razz nos ...... ••• 4- ii 10••• Tea (JCIATIBM.111:112.—TOO i 01101.4 WM the data • f dept tam of the Oemm Steamers, aerie, the ovida, • C May =UMW tallx7olll l,ll / 41201. Avon., from Heston, Wednesday, Isl dJay•, from New Vert, Wednesday. May EU, from an.ten, Wednesday, IdnYiStat titan .aai from New York, Wednesday, Iday “111. L. 1.,1-1.-FOOM AM Ton TO LiVELOOOL. Palk.Capt. Nye, Bawds”, May I may LITWOOL To as. YOU. in wa.t, Wednesday, May IL ram., s.lapi. Nye, IVed eLesd ay; May 114. sitOn nor. CO.--ralMtn ram Mr TOIL flamataxl, Capt. Crabtree, bloaday,ll,./0. roan SWUM 103 NOW TOIL Maness., Caps. Ct gauge, Wednesday, May IS. FOl Clllo.l MIN XXVII TOIL. Cssacsers Cm, Capt. Stoddard, Wednesday, !day 1 0171C2 Prrrsacriaz Gam - fl, Friday monde[, Majd, yak The winner dankt yeeterda• was mild and pleat. • [,'and the market generally van guile !Moly. run; ORAIN—In the Flour and Grain market coking, so fu aa we could learn, was done worthy of' pun. Former quotations may be resumed. PROVISIONS—The market Is generally 5 m, with ides or western and city cured baconlin fair guano ee, at. for hams, 61e, sides se, and shoulders at 40 9 m. ales dews smokediause at 44,54, and d 4 for shoulders. Idea and ban*. Prime lunged and snow coma toms re selling at 1300 e • fa. /Wed Beef is firm wipe, for rime Western cored. tiROCERIE3—The growry market is generally un hooked, Wow last report. We quote N 0 Sugar, in '5 to 10 tads. at 4/05e; N 0 !dolma. continues t 47021 e, and S H nt 33840 c; Rio Coffee is a lit- tle firmer, in consequence of the improved Mahn a t the east and moth-11+012c may be nominally gamed, Riee is selling by the Me, at 4103 c; and Loaf Sagar at 8010 c, lb. A.StiliS —With the exception o(a eight Oath. in • me tlescriptlons, quotations reneralle, an bloat the same as given by 'us in our last (moral review,— The receipts of Potash have been more abundant, sal s pattial aeellne only be noticed In the article. Sod• .114 t ther descripoons of Aahes have come Concord Mom sparingly, and former quotations are folly sus• t ducal. The law sale was 15 tans Sods Ash at3lboasiti Sales of Pearl Ash .t 6c, of Salatatus tile, sad o Pota.b at lie t 0. BEiNS—%Va nottisale. of ;nine whitabeaus at 6747 it P DRIED FRUlT—Receipts of ,Pcect!es here Lee• moderate, and we note Wes at 411,13 N bit, for fait quality. Apples have advanced to stra2 f be, for pilule, and very warn.. WIIISKEY—Whiskey remains finnoriti altos at a1b:2043a a.' tail. 11=== Cattle—The supply of Beeves In the* scales to. day, showed en increase overate number offered lat week, in contemn:zee of which. Mtn. , ruled mmme• me, lower. Tim °defied&reached 3.5.5 head of Hence., of whieb . 2£9 were so to city betelters,•nd ea were left over unsold. Pe leas r • tided from 53,50 to Si 50 on 'hobo of equal to 5700,73 net, and gamed • led 01 gams. Hogs—We quote et 113,21 to 53,50—Amer. Ti. t Souse 01101. on Lon...a—We are indebted to Mr. I'. A. Criamponder, for • copy of Me eistemant of the Sega crop of Louinirdia, for the .coon 0(1540 SU. Thin tan highly Interesting and Talent.. work, a. re gards C. great sta.. of the Mate, and one winch has required lunch labor, care, and attention to collecting the correct detain; to .complinh whin!, Mr. C ban been unzemittedly employed futm.Y mow., end has vd 'alms. every sugar plantation, scattered thro ark no many pat..., it. every seed. of the State. The work a great man of uneful and interest. ing fineation, and rcold be still more saleable if a ruise compilation ern. published OICIT yea. Every c planer in the State .b old euerage Mr. C to eon• tour the wort annually, instead rte 01 which, we r egret to itrn, roar Mr. C. has not even been reimbursed for his actual outlay, to ray medulla kin time and la- bor. The peblicallen contain. eorrect 11.1. of all the mime plantations In the State, separately detailed, for each pariah. with the harms of the owners, quantity Meech crop, distance from city, he it appear. that :here ore to the Siam 1310 sugar plantations, of which there are EMI provided with steam power, and 571 everted by horse power. The produce of these plantailahs, dot ing , he last semen, ameantwil to 217413 hhds, the net mint of which is eon:mated or 5X0,769.000 b.. Thor .nr miles m Mimed weight of about It 500,t1X) lb. of wet auger, which is taken from the bottom of the me , lames elvers.. Tae realms. Is estimated at 43 gala is.soh 10 41 Or of sugar, or in the unmoral° avant ,070 of galls. Of the chose 1333 plantations, there am only 103 *bleb are prodaciug aces, and If whirh , hear bee , recently opened, having as yet made no crops. Of there Mum IN well produce crops to • lint. cad egret. next mason, audit bet anal 1851-31 Puree 1910 there ham been erected In the Stets 335 engines md slig•T 0141111, 00.1. of Mem to replaee old these or mem previously warted by horns power. 0 these amines and mills, the foundries of Crucinnsti have famished d9l. Prusburgli 47, litchrecad 7, Bahl ner e 4, Loirtaillc 3, New Orleans 10, Algiers (1.• ) t tit is f 1...) 6, and the Novelty Worts. New York, 3. We promote that these engines and mills, on an trem ens; coat al least 9.5.010..4 with the sager kettles, sue, told mate marry 1110W,000, which Lonisiana has pale to her • net States for machinery alone, dining the above period. „ Some of the plantations have refineries, and *Mem make their entire crop in white clarified sugar. Merry of these letter have very many &phonies... 4 usachtne re, Mr wintk SoallM to 40, 00, and saga as high as gluten base been expended, artieb add. greatly to Me lamer estimate. of Ma amonnt patd by the plants cr. of the Wale to Winans of the other States, for Mal kind of mph... Mr. Champonder catieriates the lamb th e sugar crop la a year, by the adreireut crevasses, .118013 Mids. Mr C. Bays from , he best information be has been able to obtain from Tacos, - there am not leas than 33 *agar plantations Mere, Mat will export about 910.00 ls of the from mop, of 10,01 X) lbs eace, and that the xpar* from thence next year. wt. probably be douLle that quantity.—N 0 Lint, April W. LAS ' A S—auff brls of sapertor qvaloy badly armada wa he, pore, and unadulterated, and able for hand, for sale loaf by W W WALLACE, 319 a all Liberia of. WC CEMENT for rale r.y W W WALLACE BURR AND LAUREL DILL MILL bToNes. beat q.lity, warranted, and at wicev lower Lb.n have before been offered in this market, ors W W WALLACE etonis, but k u' r"' wartalnled., and at madded WIC.' /5 W e W WALLACE vd'A RIME MANTELS of the best quality, my own m !wane tare, on bum and W wade Warder en Alum W WALLACE op a &Ara wtroS Y A YEN-10urms Metham Cllzaw %Prawns( Paper; MO tms Crown do do Al.• a large assonmeut of thirsting Paper of every Less ipsion, on Land, and tor GL sal l by A H EN G LISH I CO, 811eCt00111 to ELLIOTT I ENGLISH, •p 27 7e Wood street 1 P&P received —01) brls AI tot solo by J KIDD tWood CO, ea id O FF-1001bs jam ree'd fat bale by J KIDD k CO MEM Gflitkree /SCOTCH VINUFF-BCO lbs lb bladders, for saleby lapll7j .1 KIDD it co WarEvrntroino ibcrceaT ADDCO tj .113 011E1EN —43uo j oat on ttan i d,g l en e otp22 It,. 0.11 1 :V11 P . ' 6'77l4lTraralTADr. COO LIVER INI.--tnat zeeeived, and waohnted port white, toe sale by the ga/lon by eta; • 8 N WICKER/IRAN A K Ono Cr i alligAgA4V r al k a c Or L . a Corner rim & Wood au IN FOIL— , Ao .4,2 G A YARNS:STOCK & CO I.N. RED—W Engulb, tar seta b 1 satall A FAIINESTOCY 00 LCOIIOI.-70 1; and IbiT“ -- Dr cant, at eala by lord A FAH NEATOCK & CO UdTreo'd from Me Painspmdie Odi MO yards 4.1 Floor 600 do 31 do do; suo do S 4 do do; Ma do 6.4 . o -do; 210 lo 8.4 do do; For sale at the wardroom, Nos 7 and 0 Wood wrest, a 076 J /1 H P1111L1,11.8 FFURNITURE.CLOTH—Ida down amen elter and tlyles.e/f Table, Stand, •rl Sue Cover., for &ale. by AteLii & If ppiLtips mho ti 7 / 1 1 ES—A. , - 7,iTe - 11ed , c — ainelTt is ree'd, and for oak by • .1 & 11 PHILLIPS FL.OOII OIL ; Loni-ch Pazd, hoe as eortmeni or. and wide Floor Cloth, sill. did Patterns, of which aro will eat to order. any sire at reword wholeeale prices. J & II PHILLIPS masa issol REED HOUSE, (11150 & usamen, Propri•tare. Polite Smarr. Erie, Pa. GENERAL STAGE OFFICE—Eamen, Western, and Southern Stance, leave ibrs holm daily. Ear. Mg.. to and from Steam and Packet nom, Gratis. SI. W. Even, late *Cale Alamein. Hotel Elle, Pa. 11.1 m. I ate or the KiIIMILLI Hotel, , Ohio. aprti-dGm Changeable Ultti •taawie, arerent abadca. and vrff low quallw, lately "71:.'""4"11' 11 1 117ittir , a t'S • N E corner of Fourth and Mul ct 'or A _p_L_Fil 4 , o2l:o NEW FANILV CARRIAGE AND C?. Pogo trel-4111Vo C°"b F . " e& & , sold low, for coda or oo Woe, well wowed. .0 46 451 , . TSeceived, • saintly of Ladka , Mut, Wltlta, guyaLead, and tint/leaded Hosiery; Embroider. ed do; Spun Silk and Moravian dr, an d blen's Milt What., Unbleached Cotton do.• Merino ditto. Llate Glove• for Ladles and lientlemen; Embroidered Lisl o and ailk do. All at low cult prices. at flora of MURPHY s BUltellitELD. • opal H F. corn,r of Foal* and Myatt aut. 43 d dad — Whilie — Wa • looGALLI; aapulor jut weaved (rota anufacturer, on consignment, and for We at eastern m pnce, at the suanefse to refs mu , holm. gisSEY,FklibllNCi &CO, • • Da Wood et. obds N 0 ropr, oa coo Pt i t:kstoor Imubag from simmer Jetiertor, Igd o la y k g ), 121'1 119 Water AL mp'l3 N 4. olaßßal6o brim Mo i r A r j ara for sae by Dicimy 4 , co /1 - 1 - 0 4 1 , 1 bap Rio, to arnye, for ogle by -- riiM 111A1AH DICKEY k CO TAK--100 boat arrorc,ilArAtri k apxsco F brliiFlTS . o Maskers); s 5 brts Illarrinar 10 brls bbad, to arrive, and kW W. by COSH DICK RY Is CO 10AM lbs Shoulders, to rare , for sale 01 pO5 1941A/11 DICKEY As CO i"Ed..ll bat strays 00 li c anbi n sod i r c l i ka cy cfit co . t X 5i.25 Rm.—There ware 7 feet 8 tnehes water in els.n nal last evening, and felling. ARRIVED. htichigan, [Mee, Beaver. Feshien, Peebles, Elisabeth Atlantic, Sachsen, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Flrownswille. Deaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Camden. llenduckson. McKeesport Clipper No. V, Davol. Cincinnati. Farmer Murdoch, Wellsville. Lade McLane, Cannel. c Messenger No. I. Fisher, Cineinnua Buckeye State, Fteuo, Cincinnati Pcantrlvanla, Gear, Su Louis. }lmpress ' Coo, Statesville. Shipper, Dexter, DEPARTED. Michigan. Brie*. Beaver Camden, tlen.nick McKeespoit Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Bahia, Brownsville. Atlantic, Park mion. Brownsville. Beaver, Gordon. Partner, Murdock, Wellsville. Shenandoah, Bowman, St Louis. Vermont; Iteslett, Wabash. Cashier McMillan. Brialgepon• ordains, Grace, Cincinnati. Juries Nelson. Moore, Wheellbeg. BOATS LEAVING TIIIS DAY. WIIEELING—LouIs McLane. 9 A. m. ZANEXVlLL—fitoprear. LAIUISVILLE—Ohio, 1 r. r. ST. LOUIS —Kertnsby,lo •. At. ST. LOUlS—Panarylvada, 4 r. r . IMPORTS BY RIVER. Wheeling—P. Jos. Nosoa—al pkgs rod, For. sylb & co; 37 rolls towhee, O'Connor, Atkins & no, N hhtls lob, Lanai & co; 7 east wheels, Fowler & co; nO empty carboys, Owns & co, 28 0,01. flour, 4 lulls jeans, ekOfloor, owner, Foursta-1 Church & Combos:4 Ohl! scraps, =EMIZI2 ~ Plasma & an; I Ma atlas, Wick & Mc r.o P Martin; a , 40 swig. , potamet, 19 bbl. dour, Cum. . . gammas, Dali,ll & :30 Wm pew Candies; 7 bp flaxseed, 4 huts 0. Olds beans, Armstrong & Cross, Mae Shun & en, 14 du do, °swami mine &Balkh. St. Loarls—Pia 1 - krroSI4VAP..-13 cks nacon,lol irks feather.. 111cFadeo A no, 4 bir lair, .1 105100,1 no, 15 Milo alcohol, Clark to Thaw; 57 bin Leorp. meek &c& 617trla Was Oak rooter, Townsond, rlo do, Clog hao4 4 ohrla lob, IVallrogrord to no; 7 bat noise, wec n. nor a Arkin, Cincinnati—Psi Corn. No. 9-5 bbl. wills. key. H A Weaver; 16 bbl. nod oil, Yeller. & Nicol.; I ba &cake, Goa & co: 44 by, peanuts, A thelen:2 col s pot ash, Tat& & O'Connor; 'this J beet. 4V Dyer; CO do. broom., 1' McCormick; 44 ohs corn, bra cloth, J Dilworth. Louisville—Pat KostorsT-15 0 trale• cotton, D Local, & noi I bs, 100 till inns port, Inne= 4 bole• hair, Mc Fad. & to; GU bbd• stdes,Tns & O'Connor; MO Ws AA wines, Clock &num, 3 Ibis gnus, Young, Dimon & Plaskett. 17INDDW OLAS3.-30U boxes Silo; WO do Will i AO do jug received, 0,24 S d. W =261 1 OUISVILLE L1M12,-1011 bole In stole and (or sale 1-4 OY opal 9 k. IV lartllAtni II FOHL - AIM - 4411,KS—A most supertor toestanteut LOW openmy by ap2l A A .NIASON k. Cu BAitlioE3 t tISRUE9-2 eases elegant so l<s•re coked per late European steamer, and now *ono. atl4 A A MASON d. CO TII rrt: Saw., Hook, JaCanyb Mud Hotrod Mnalma, to great sanely, aP24 A A AIASOV A CO G ROCE9 I ES, A nit stf ar e , h y er at tirc t. du .11 ,.. Te. a nu bags sop'r Las usyra Coffee, as bags Ft.o athe; 10 boat old Go v. Java Coffee; 10 had. prime N it Sugar; 10 brls reload and boa( sugar; do brls N 0 Molasses; 1.0 bib! a It Molasses; 3 bets Golden Stoup, nu belt clarified Cuter Vinegar, Lin dot assorted Corn Oroomt; 40 do: patent ZineWasb boards, to bas Cocoa and Clmeolate. . 4 ho) Soperfino Moe Flour; bu OSA English Dairy Cheese, Foe saloly J D WILLIAMS lc CO opal Corner Wood k Frd, . BACON—AC[4Ib. Bacon Ham.; 30,ta0 Ibe do e‘; HOMOILts. do Sides, Joat teemstog from smoke holm., and for rale by tk. W lIAROAEUII WINDOW is. won assorted roars, in more, aad for , sale by HENRY lIANNEN k CO, klarket street. I A! iirrrr - . 1411-2t410 keys pate and not N bile T V Lund In 011,J. Munson/ Co.', braml, for sale ho apS4 HENRY HANNEN k CO 'DELI LEAD k uraeitog in store and tor sale by .1.1. a • 1 HENRY lIANNFN kCO PARAsuIA—A. A. MASON Cu,a CO Alert ci rt e have reserved per caps . .. 10 eases of putll2o. nf Oa ben mane Rennes. and of oil qualities,. eon JACNNETS & PRINTRD AIUsLINS—A Inge vane of the above goods received, and opening to pit, A A MASON A. CU I \RAPE SHAWLS—Another large Flock of Ctope N„, Shawls of the moat elegant embroider, received Ter erpreu, by A A MAYON rt. CO - Match Idlorsa• A BRAUTIFUL PAIR 1.11 , BLACK MATCH XL. HORSES for sale by J C EIREYFOUL -lit Second n neropricon e•eta, firt .ae by •yrtf 19A1A11 DICKEY & cV gaIIiEREL—*CU brla large ^lo 3, New Luc y pa llll•Pcalaor+, roar yrcelved. and for salc 1011ri Sle FM/EN & CO === for 0. K. CHAMBERLIN'S Con:nem.. and Writing Peon., in Paint/Mee build ing are now open for to reception of Papa., but day and evening. In ad - Jnon - tp bla regular wrangemrota, • lumber Of young ladr will be 'rectum' Mr aterra one month, commencing Pay Bt,. ill Vie pririlegla ef remaintcaat I roams it such town damns lb, day as will bes ma suit their conrenlenre, wiloot regard le tee camber al lemons, ana will be aught an elegant and rapid LaOrtes. Land- Stab 0 'cumin attend Mama die day can join the evening class, and rennin , every adeantage of a fall en. me a. nut:mM= liatiios inert Born two in foto to the be in a repo woe apartment lata tea uncut sad lemur.. on Bank lisaPialS as usual. _ _ opra •elbl)' Versalfare-4,The But now 1 EMBI=IZI • , Mr, R. E. ficttm—Dear Str—llainitg sited acme of your Veratifuge in our families, with great sureets. and believing, froth Ithe very great eatisfection it list given la our neighborhood. that It is the best use, we are 60110211 to procure the agency for titi. KentWe have told all we obtained of your Ono 116011 t Your., retpecthelly, IF R A JULIAN. IMPParent• thould always procure the n un M th/ le hle Worm Medicine.. Prepared and sold by R R SELLERS, No s,Woni• street, and mid by Better.. generally in the two •VeS ILIMOVAL. P ALMER, HANNA I CO. have removed their Fachange Office m north went corner of Wood and Third threes. iipe3 — M. IL Morla• itospleals SEALED Prot:weals will be received at the office 0 1 the Surveyor of the Port of St. Louie, Missouri. until the FOth of Mayne:, for the Cfooooll 01 a Marine klathital span the lot of ground on which the Marie:us net stands.. south of the Ambit'. The bid• will include the excavationa, thatonry, and loth penning of the carpenter weak as necethary while the walla aro going up. with the roofing of the build lag. Specification.; of the work, with the plan, will be exhibited anal the day of letting, EDWARD:WATTS, Sage, intendant St CAC C.a 11 .. Ap , ll ll. lE. 024-otw - - KuULD CAPIDLEII--SO box. • IlucidCremes. ram and 1 ode by el A W II AlltiAUtill V.lfflissl;l7l. so tollieTid OodUrorlir Rogan, jest reed, an I for eale by A CULBERTSON 8 00N -i 6 cask. itiboalders, Cia=rneti el - 7iF 6 66 Rider, do A do Ilantr, do . lust reed, and for ode by mild • I. 5 WATERMAN I SONS tioNtill VlNls,lAll—FiTakr, a superior articl e rjar neck A ed, and foe sale by sp6S CULBERTSON C. YEAGER, 11dr0.71111.11 AND 04.1t111 , 1 - AMERICAN, ENGLISH. AND GERMAN FANCY 000DII; HOSIERY, BIBtioNS. LACKS. fiLOVLN,IIIfIHADS, COMBS, uirrroria, SUS. TENDERS, Ae. Also. Batts and Panay V•sinng., BLACK ANL FANCY SILK CRAVATS, SONIGHT, BANDANNA, and LINEN MAPS. a general as• moment of FANS, and every variety of trimmings. spell A~QhllW Nt GULI7 TAO one Coins, Doubts Eagles and Gold Dollar', 12= ZXOLIANUE AND WINKING 110031: A. WILKINS & CO., S E CORNER OF MARKET & THIRD STREETS, Plit&bargb. , opYO SOUIIIII i 11AVVOILTII, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS Em side Diamiind, Pilubargh. apta TEA sawn sioi.•Lo. I,RECISELYtte same kind of Porno and Boron devoted Ten that are retailed in the GM country at ea and Asper lb. can be obtained for 5.5 e. end 75a per pound at Tuella Maas', east side of the Diamond, Pnleburgh, or at Morels & Ihmorth.• Moe Store, Federal duvet, Allegheny. 71t, above Boos Bello Tun, wereceive through our Bogluth novo, direct from the Queen's Bonded Wsreltsuaes, duty free. being rolooportation. _ _ npie Tan TE A A EILET, EAST SIDE OF 'VW IDIA3I.IIVD, FrnsouNuu. THERE Tea,g ono , re.reralng than a cop J . good bat tbeteit great difficulty to obtaining it . her l no ILtiele ,Imported on which th ro it greater deeeptlon practised. The BLACK. TEAS..aid by Oro ers generally, are weak and trashy:lnd the Green Teas with s few exceptions, a Cenian Marie racreimm andele, the Gab bloom on atIO•lt, bei• g a Compoution of Ilamnuats, in.. as atralyeation - will prove. Bach Goat caged to be expelled loom oar market as .Pottogonte We base commenced the Tea Trade in Pittsburgh with the fall determination of selling IMoreur. Tess off lli rod bating been dealers in that article upwards of twenty years, (Gee of which exclusiv sly In Tead we fistler earteloce to be Judges of h. Dad Teas, we consider anoi nt env MC., and a had name it often obtained by selling than; bat if selling • 0000 AMU.x et a returnable price will obtain custom, why we ate Ogre of OW share. Oar price, (quality convideredd snail Shear, be as low.. any Other Tea Dealers In she United Bates Our Prices per Pound. . Neel, oaten. Goad Black Tea o 50 Good Green Tea ..... 0 10 Pone Flavored do- 0 ID Sisongditto•--•—• 0 5 0 Strongroash flavored Strong and fine lord 075 -Foolish kind,?-• • • 000 ``Very saperier •-- • I CM Ilegaufol atoreabe Ilid 0 75 Ml:equality and beat - Very beet Imported.• I t. -,. Imported • . ...... ..- I OS Extra Finale and Bout' hi damned Blank Tea, 75 etc P ee lb.; this Terdare receive direct from the London Docks, duty frep, It being Tot exportation; It I, pre cisely the lame kind that it retailed by the TersDe al. era in England, Ireland, and Pentland, at Steer peend Tnose who study economy will do well to Um. lON , kind ale. The above Teas we retail direct from the original chests, as imported Gant Cluna. Those who prefer Psekag e Tess, ere love sorb Moray. on hand, from !gannet pounds samaras. £lOO, Coffees, Coe. , Chocolate, Loaf-and Crashed Sugars and deices, and I Pkkl'..l :Or? l o7 a tte. Tea r l:l o anl i et, lo en & tne V lL ßri o i nd . firtrae . i la P f ° ,L ; ;I A tr t ts —axe a by " l . B .' A l & I " ge in q ' AT; ti: " 7 ap29 LOCAL MATfERS, tirotrio YON. TEL inlisliCHAH DAILY Grearra Li:cream or Coors.-11 will besets from the following correspondence flint the Woo. William Speer has consented to deliver tae desired serifs of lecture. upon Chins,four in ncmlle•. The first will be delivered on Vlonday evening, (May 61 ,l st 71 o'clock, in the First Presbyterian Church. The pubic are invited to altend. Prmanson, April 25, Ihso. Rev Mos Speer—Dear Sir: The undersigned listened to your lecture upon "China," last night, with pleasure end instruction. Conn loot that it was hinposaible, to a single hoor,to have exhausted the mores of uncial and enterisining knowledge acquired during the years of your Manta in that gigantfC land, we respect fully regimet That you will deliver a genie, of lec turer upon China. at such times and places as you may suggest. With groat reaped, Your einem frauds, H. Paulson, N. J. Dorsey, J. Koos, John. D. S. Rea, Wil ,on MeCsedlrens,A. Cuthbert. Geo ()ern, P. tileCormieb, S. Hathatialli Jr , U. Hiram Keine, N. Vestler, J. S. Kuhr, P. J. Smyth, P. V. Veetler. Ftrrsatiaim, April CO, IKO. To Messrs. Joseph Knox, S. Herbal:loi, C. 11. l'aultion, N. J. Darrel , . and others; CiCatf.Vaaa—Beibra leaving the oily, Wm which I have been about for a few days, your letter, an ted April 2:arsa handed rate. contaiutag the re• quest that I aLoold deliver a of lectures tus China. affords me sincere gratification that so warm ■u interest is awakened for a laud whose welfare Is dear to my heart, and whose future Mandy mull be Immensely affecterl,l , good or evil, by ths Induence exerted by lie ..... pie of the United Stales. It will give me pleasure, as far as lam capable, by the divine assistance, to endeavor to comply, at once, with your desire. With sentiments ul high regard far you indlvid• Bally, I remain yours, WM. SPEF.K. Blots :Y.—The lecture of the Mews Burr, laet lea, at Willits hall, wee atieofied by • highly tellectoal audience. Their t were received with vest enthusiasm, nod drew forth sonic very high and well merited compliments (rain distinguished persons presort!. At ;he con blusion, rt having been understood soot Ito Messrs. B. were about to discontinue their lec tures, Mr. Jas. Dunlop tOse and called open tic embly to request then victimeu to rcm• . p another wert, which who catbuciactically ecd unoromongly rrepocded to. The ?Leuven; cum, tird their intention to comply with the rectuert. ney will hold forth again to rhea. MAY buy wms duly observed by the Catholic portion oi our population. Toe elder., bent de rial orders connected with their body, the Joseph's, Sr. J oho's, and SL Philornena'r, hod a vend proses...ea and s martiug in oae of the Aerobe., for the purpose of providing aid (or the German CJthelie Orphan Asylum. In the earn ing a grand concert was given a: tits Athaeneure by the flouter Pam:he, for the beteg.. of the smnc institution. The hall was crowded to eaten!, and the li , atnittil snort of the,' charming vocalists wore received with groat enthusiasm. SUAAILT VI. tiv rswoe.-0.1 Wedcepelsy, as Iwo or three pie,mc parnes were enjoying themselves at the beauntut neat or Kr. Craft, Buena they were annoyel by a party of young vaga bonds laum tad city, who, Idler Various hi/Saki', took a sack beloagiUS to one of the Indies, •ad amused themselves by pu:tmg It on, malting baler , to it, Se. Some of the young geotlemen belong log to one of the pleasure parties, rerwucd thy sack, and ehea,wil ode. of the punt rowdies. the latter ,mustered • reinforcement of tome twenty or thirty, attacked two of the gentlemen* ',they were leaving the ground in • carriage, and Ceat %hem with clubs and I , nce. rails. The friends of the gent:omen :eine preiriolly to their ud, und huffily ruce.ivided in driving nil their St•sailaratt We hope that it, poi:cc tviil make rsertiohe to and ill the, young B.i:condo:lc and that thty will meet with iiiiimmetry titutilmieda In thin city, boy. are allowed to in tiny rowdy. ram, with imp:lndy. I: is high time dial they ebOUIJ modem reel the restraint of the law. Wg, that the ^ lossal,” bad the pleasure of attending the sumptuous ehtsrietumeut given, last night, by our friend, binnaleur Nardi, at has msbnitinent new !testament. A highly aoleet company Were - present,• afoot% whose were several prominent members of the Prom Tae utmost cotilinbly and good burner plevadcd,. •od lt.c louver al.a a WWI at twatu paced tram rho 1,.•b1y intellectual aura:. r mart of the hued., t at:Leda:ply Malmo. Mau, doh at wit act the ruble iu a tsar, aud natty an eloquent remark was cheat d, oeluob .111 not be 11,011 f rantten. The elantee e.t.d.. of our worthy all prepared alter the moat op. proved French foohlon, it it n nu oda, re s netted ample juatietc. The criupany Mate up at an early hour, each one apparently le3hly pleased tottUhltuaelf and every body elec. DWI.: C.M.T.—The nopurtaat mire ut Dark, et al. re. Erth`ratan, which Sat been peudtag icr ,wverai days io this Gun, was tertmosted yettrr. Jay morning. The jury were dizetiurged, bring unable to agree. Num were to lever of plain Lige, three for defence. Dint Irmansto—Mayor nonunion of Alleg• bony, hob issued warmth. for abut way Pins. burgh &apnea, who hare non paid iheir, herosc on the Allegheny side of the river. EMIG/1031a lS n WY living to 000 01 the river towns, who drives quite a suceessfal cola in the daily Gazette. lie procures hie pa. per. every morning, by the morning packet. sod su a number °reveller subscribes,, when. ho -uppi.o. be fare a o . olooa, Aye which be gets on :he returning boat. to furnish the pron.:igen with .he Pittsburgh news before their arrival. !tea make a prem:net merchant, yet. Co,rronnmLC RASCALITS.-000 crlile evening papers has been informed of a case al almost uni paralleled knavery. A poor widow woman, who . had been engaged at making pantaloons for 151 cents a pate, sent her little gi•l with a receipted bill to her employer for her hard earned wages, which The latter took from the child, kept It, and refused to pay tho money. We can scarcely credit the gatemen!. . _ Tug Tea°mos gave another cf their edini. table concerts last night. They announce one also for this aveamg. All the beauty and (hellion of the city be in attendance. Pot.',r—Mayor Birker had the usual number, and rather more, of unfortunate offunders him yesterday. Tw.i poor wretches, who should have been women, wore brought up far vagrancy gad drunkenness. They bad got liquor Ina buck, et for Gee omits from two taverna. The jlayor sent Inc the keepers of the hourtes. and turd them 35 each for selling liquor to notorious vagrants and drunkards, in violation, as he said, of their license. Served them right. Ilsihuoso &TRILL—WO Iluderelatol that there hae been a strike antorg a lot of Irishmen who vie engaged on some private railroad in the honk. horhood of Chartler's Creek. The men whs re futed In Join them, have been beaten till thou lieu are derPaired 01. The Sheriff hoe been sent .or to restore order. There ie nothing going forworil title week in the Court of Q rarer Sensione. PROCEEDINas IN ALLEGHENY CQUNCILS. The regular monthly meeting of the Allegheny City Contleila wan held lent night. In the Select Courted, the Prenident took the Chair, and afier the cell had peon called and the minutes of the lent meeting had been tend and apprrived, the following Wincess we, trannacted. A petition for the grading and paving of Water Alley wes relented to the Committee en Street.— C.ttumen Canned concurred. A petition for the laying of water pipe. on Car rel street, was referred to' the Water Committee, with power to eel. A petition lot thc laying of water pipes en To. matslatent, MU fereffed in the We're COMM, A re.olation was read, authorizing the Street Gomm itsioncr to eyed the let on the southwest earner of the Diamond, trr ine admission of empty maitrei• w•zon•. Adopted. A res.ila lam ants adopted rojairieg all Commit. I've to ' , pi. to Cullgeall the proprieiy of all mat. ter refer,. it to them without insuuctiowro and that thu Water Committee report un most terms any or all pct honer, can have the avatar furniat• ea them. A motion was made to proceed to the tier ton of thty Coliretors. Oa mutton, the eke! on was postiictied until next meeting. The pay roll of . the mica erep'oyed by the Sinn Comoossomer was read, and ordered to be paid. . A petition for a bridge over tho canal, near the house of Nicholas Stainer, in Common Council, referred to the appropriate Committee. Con. coned. A petition for the opening of. on Alley through the property of Judge ltnv:o to Common Council 'referred to Committee( oo Storeys. Concurred. Monthly pay rod of the Writer Works In Corn. Council referred to the oppropriam curumutee. Concurred. A resolution requiring the Committee on Ma/- lets to report reenacting the rent of certain audio, in Common Counciladopted. Concurred. A resolution appointing a Committee of Five Members of Councils to examine and report a suitable plaAo for estabfi.hieg and boating the Depot oldie Penna. and Ohio Railroad in Common Council adopted. Laid on the table. Councils adjourned. Great Joy to lb. 'World I—Health and Happlou• to Mankind' Dr. N. D. DOWD'S 'SHAKER SARSAPARILLA! Icohreponu.l Prepared by Meant, and .put up In QUART POT , TLF.S, for the removal and permanent core cf all diseases tuistng from an Impale state or the blood, or habit a the system. els:— FEMALE COMPLAINER. Laser Complats.Pc no- Mt, Ull,l, Pimples or Veronica o the Fo rn re. Chrome Sore Eyes, Rtngerson or tetter,Scald Head. Rheum. Will. Pains In the Br nes or Joints, and all dileases miring from an injudicious use of ilereuly, he For explier told further particulars. call upon one of our scents and arts pamphlet, read it carefatly.and judge if Dr. S. D. HOWE'S SHAKER SARSAPAII , ILIA Is not the veryniedleine to cure you. N ll—Remember every lapel on the bottle has the Doctor's stgoatnre, °S. D. or None other acut e ne. Pe tre SI per bottle, or 6 bottles Mr RI. for sale by our agents —J. Selmonmaire & Co., 1 A. /nue, Psitsbutah; B A. Elliott, Alle6hroYi P. Crocker, Itromusville; W. R. NcCierrand, Man chester, and by dragg/sta generally. Also, by dm locum SSSSS , 110 WE & CO, oP2 3. IIIMMYT College Ilan, CleCinnatl, O. 11-/ - AO FAirna Mort., CS witli.r Pt Ili Laura I.lVIla Pmts.—Mc frightful catalogue of diseases that have their origin in a &visaed state of the liver, multi :.t themselves to a greater or less extent tn almos overt . homily. Dyspepsia. sick head ache, obstrac. hone of the mezecy, ague and fever, pains in the side. with dry, hacking cattail, aye all the results of hepatic derangement; and for these, Dr. laiLtnerrills are a sovereign remedy, They have never been know., to 'fail, and they should he kept at all ,isoce by facades. illASCrtulr —Take two or three going to Led, every teconi of third night If they do not purge two or three times ly Ho oat; mornlog,take one or two Mare A digit breakfast sitGoldingatithly follpar their use. The Liver rig may be used 0/11C1e purong is .tumly neeessery. A. an .0111.1110os forgotve they are m• (crier to none. And In doses of two or three, they glee astonishing relief to stet head acne; also in slight deter nemehm of the stomach. . . littoorve, none are genuine without the Inc simile of the proptiontOs ti.astute. .111.• by Y. E1D1.14 CO, No 60 W.oil “teet. ep27.d&Y.S Seated of Oh. Woo sod Aulaj• Cured Sta. Kiee—l em desirous of making known to the public the great efficacy of your PETROLEUM in my own case, which wail a severe aeahl of the loot and a Me; opon removing the stocking, the skin peeled ad with ii, and left nothing bet the bare surface. I expected to be Vold op al winter from the effects of thu realil, but we applied the Petroleum fleely, by name. o(o flannel cloth saturated with it; at best, the application was pwfifill. but in a Vera short tune the pun slotted. I had nu pain in one hour agar's - olds In five days from the linie of the ayplicanov critic I Petrol... I we, able to go to work. I take pleasure in swing these forts for the beact: of other «germ, and am desirous that they should be mode public. I would also stale, diet I hod itemedlate relief by the use of the Petroleum, to burnt, from which I arn a frequent .effete r owning to my business about the engine. I would recommend 1, as the most prompt nod cettaia remedy for burns I have ewer known. Inigited ) J R COIL Engineer, fehetpetru)gh, 41legueny Po. Pituteirett, Apt il. trod. Rut sale by Keyser I McDowell, 110 Wood street; It b Setters, 4: Wood at; D Carry, Allsiltcop city; D A Elliott, A llrsheny; Joseph Dhuglao. Allegitesi; also by the proprietor, Y. M. KIEH, ap.l7 Canal Darin, Scrtnth st, Pittsbargh jetty popits wirer:mug Penoleitn, please copy I traprov•in•nt• In Dentistry. 6. O. STEADNR, late of Dorton, is preparrd to innnufst to ym,l Ehrtes TCITII In whole and ;tarts ago, :Aron m.o. or Aintosphorle Suchon Plato.— Tturruonta realm .1,3 Ili/NUT., where the nerve te a or r4o c r a a ce, l l /Zig w an st 4 re t s , tr. o c s z u n ‘ e: h p door to the May. plaza act—J. B. M.Padden. P. 11. Eaton 110 o r Da. P. lIUXT, wt . ~.• orroat M 1,0 Decuivr. betaretil neat-term ISCELLANEOI kv ':lute:Op se< ..r udr, be•kr, Ctmappagne do do jpn r‘• d p, •p..g4.zr Novigotur. ucd for tale by CUI.III:RT3UN, • 1 1211.16,1, Fi.~hU a ouai SEI, CHI'S for Wron Carding Machines, comb 7 C plate Monsen,l by Cot " tililltGE Cr/CUR/11, 116 Wood (.) ban old cheme ocon me . Lion CANFIELD T.P2i " nFED 01L-155 ond 'or . oole by .1 .rt'i U CANFIELD ~iu.prelt.• P.... Nada A.h. 4 ~,,, , ,.1 grand r al er ; ~, tuna“.... triter.. Ini ahkr nun , on ar 11,11. Nes Urlran, 11.4 ex res.' herr On, sr. : mon :111 arrtyr sin lintuakore Oo n Jue...l3.Clarrapenic. Damns. n., am! Albusols n.o , n . s I be sold an nrri,ll, al the none. murk, for c•rh or irpr toyed l4n• . I! a M II Zn .:%.,1 1.01.11 , r my a.. Q 1.11.1. it as Ise.— ldy N U noystn oil ewe, :or sTrs:e by 1.7, ar.:ll %V re M 111111111VLTHEE I t.TrEn- 7 belTsnel 6 k rez.. fresh, :art read, am/ I for , et: by .0% .l 11 CANFIELD 14OLnezEs—Jusi OIL prosochi it glut a a aa ei,tooli harrele. so; .lalC, .1... , O , •n, by owl I . Wft M MaiIiELTIIEF. Alias q olio Danis g2tiliN DATION Mt ,LINS. “rowil liming. linea r, 1:4.11011 VOID Item to au, Mgr, WICK ING—Rem Sperm Braided Wick, Chandlers , Wick, Wadding, Bans, ke., mormfactured end tor mho On in , . lowest terms, by II aItiEWING, apaFAlm lAA Pearl rt. New N.Y. A 1. ANISETTE, GUIENOLET, )ust reed, and fit tole by men A CLLBF.IIIi -- N4llll - 1311C6OSEI - 110 1 0/11 t o LL gersons baaillit numbers put on their houses, th.. in retiring., to • resoled. of Councils, will please call at the Rooms of the Board of Trade: second awry, corner or Wood and Third -M. and pay lur ibe same. SAMUEL FAIINESTOCK ratsho rah. April W. Rd. spat 1,000 'IONS RAIL ROAD IRON. .1111 a; Ohio and Penesy !Tante Rad Road Company I wish to contract Mr eight thousand tong of Roil Rood Iron. Mr We err stern in eisien oltherr rood. extend. Ine westward nom Pittsburg h. Three ibous.d tons to be delivered on the Ohio River, a: Pittsburgh and Bearet . before W t clew ot canal navigation In the pees ,. ear. Into, and die Icalatini.CT in the spring. neat year. The runs ore h.q. of the II pattern, in lengths rd twenty feet, and are to weigh Epounds Per - d/ Intent yard. 1 bey are to be subject to the Inspection al Solorrion W. Roberts, Chief Engineer. For farther Ingenue tem please addrem the President of the eon, moy, at Pittsburgh. By order of the Board of Di reeler.. 1501 ROBINSON, Jr., President Pittsburgh, April Into. apg4 d3w To Soath•rst and Weatarea Marebanls. I I OUSSEL'S PREMIUM Pe.ReEMERY.— The mabscriber respectfully inches public attention to lii• eatensme moot of Perlumery, Soaps, Shama; Creams, ke., to which serum Silver and two Golden Medals hoer, within the hut six Tate., been awarded by t h e lostitates of New York, Boston, and Phila delpia, the latter bring We olil Golden Medals ever awarded for perfumery either ; ln Europe, or Wail, country Racemes Ergatvahran SilayiNG Cazaat. I Rom, and A rahrom s. wave rialtv rick nowledged to be superior to any Shoving Cre Me In this country or Europe. Ouorti.mis lOU Simet4o—llmmtirmly trnsparent,' and possessing highly Sono ode.. rod e. 'mono , . • properties; Simonds.. Carmine.; Ambrosial Mae ! tile Tablet; fililitary Str•lng evegunne Tomarilogor , -Altuntel. Rom, Milledentet Bouquet Pistachio, ARM, Pnieltooly. t Float- I ing. Transparent, Olive Oil, Windsor. and Circassian. I.:rase . . son ens Ilaapaila , ll[•—llogo, Ingrain, Bouquet de Caroline, Geranium, .1•.9 Lind. rdeome . lne, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Plemoute, Citronelle Nowt. and many other Variellea, in all Wily different perfumes. Ton.. W —Florida Water. Eausde Toilette, 0r..1 go rower Water. and • greet nutty 01 Oa k/pies stia Lavender Waters Pearsagetuas roe no. limo—Genuine Bear's Oil, l'Antique Mil. Itairdoloin, Eau Lustrale, Olcine, Conti pound 11l Marrow, Balt Dyes liquid mid in powder, no Philecoure. Iticinine, Llllll nllO.. itioarm.nic P tom—ilnlsamic Elixir, Rose Tomb Charcoal Octant/me, °dentine, 'Tooth I P.m', Toe.t. Puerile, Coma mu , —V•gemb C oleot.c Cream, C re me • la, anavitell bands. old errata of Rom. Creme It Lip Saler, Res , Cream, Irepastory rowdies, fcr removing roper fluous hair, Pewit Powder, Vinalgre de Rouge, Armin.: Vinegar, Men.. glair Compostrion, Prem. Salts. besides it stem variety of nth r r articles, too nuommtm to be ;ined in this advertisement. a ntic.bore, In maintain the reourallon ' this establishment has umpired. by disposing ot nothing but first rate %Rieke, and will lig taupe to turrogir Wore who may wise to, palm.. Pint entire I arlailesiVo or 'emit,. s • reamnabie teoms aa any et , tobli.htnrot in the United Mates X siVIER BAZIN, Successor to and former Director of the Ls bgt alory of. EUGENE ROUSDEL, ll I Chemed street. M. na,.i. , s p c e....y is for sale by .11 the priori p.l Mugge. or the country apl7ally CIE= GFORUE ARNOI.D AL CO. hoer opened en Excn.aan Omer, No 74 Fourth areentinest door to the Bank of l'irobureh, end ore prepared to trans. ftc , nn „.. pprg r r i o te rm, any host:leo to their lino Mat may he entrusted to them. Fachanne, Corn, Bank Note, ire i bought and sold. Caller.. made. In all the prineipal educe and tootle in the United States. Depotiree received in par Nada apd currency. They respectfully rolled a .heft of the custom of the biome,. community. Int2l.lm ICE I WE havetsu ions tee for sale, to Moire. Dealer and Hotel Keeper , . will Cod 1110 their advanug • to eall en O'CONNOR, ATKINS & CO, ante . Canal Dario. Liberty Wall Pap., Warattwoae, 0 47; 3IARKET STREET, between Third and N Fourth street., Piurburch, P. THOMAS PAL iithill would retpootfully call the attention of his friend. and customers. to hi. present extensive and general cock of merchandise. !twill be Wendt* ensl• price every d of American and Frenelt Wall Payer and Fordor'ior P.ebn, HMIs, Lliniug Room., tied Chasubeis, Counting Flooms,te, ranging from 101 rent. to 13 a piece. So great a dtrentty of pried. and .41.1.1111. Can bodily fall to .alt the elicarostaneee and tastes of purchasen who may ta.ou'vridt their oang i m m the old estaLliatted eland on Motet meat .e ST FAII BOATS PITTSBURGH £,ID LOUISVILLB maim mat ' " STEAM PACKET LINE. ECAMIIIAGED by the liberal patronage crusaded to all regular and well conducted Linea, the own ers of the tot lowing fuce a and bavearranged then into a Lino ...en Pittsburgh and Louisville. One of the boats will pommels . leave Pittsburgh rin every Moan., l'irsomosnar, and F.IOAT Evoubaa, at 6 o'clock—full or not full. The first boat of the Liam will slut On Monday, February dMh. Steam. Genesea•— Captain T. Moore. " Z. Taos••• ••• • • " M. Lueas. Hamb yl urg " J. Milnorelter. • " Farmer " Benedict. " Fairmount --• • %V. Ebben. For freight ur passageapply to fobil•nro tirgh B. MILTENBERGER, Airs. REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CINCINNATI, Captain WILLIAM J. Kovou. This 'splendid boat was built by the I owners of the steamer Isaac Newton, an d others, for tee Cincinnati and Pittsbarab acket trade, and writ leave every Wednesday, for Cincinnati, in place of the New England, No. st. For freight or passage apply on board, or to rural lIAIILTEN BERGER, Al _ rirrsituncii AND WIIEELINII PACKET. The splendid fart running arraIIICI LOUIS Aiq IrANE, W. S. Couwel, Cdriong ueone a noir. °nab mPaib) r nd t;ll rg tteresllcr •• • regular packet between rob rah and NVl.ecling," :caving 1...0bah even' Monday, Wednesday arid Friday reortungs. at 9 o'clock. For freisto cr passage apply do board, or to tool W. LI. WHEELER, Agenh al 0 EONGA FERL A ILOUTY INIANtia .ak 021Iy ,a 11111•• Stsirtng• Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Fart TO Ilsivisume—• • •• • —•111U 00 no. Put LAD .. •-•• 12 to TIM morning boat leaves th e white, above the bridge, Jail), al l o'clock precisely. Time to Baltimore, 32 bouts; time to Philadelphia, 40 Louts. The eysniug boat leaves Jelly, (except Sunday en. colors) at 0 o'clock. Passengers 1.) , leonine on the evetuog boat, will crass the moue Inks in stages nest day, and thus avoid night travel. eersre your tickets at the Office, Monongahela HOIAG, or et. Charles Betel. octi4.l) , .1. ME.SIEIbIEN• Lent /LEW AILIZANGEIIEII T 1850. _ PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Daily Lines lipress Pocket Boats, And Rail Hand Cars, (EXCLUBIVILY coo TA) PHILADELPHIA ANp piturTmottE, Via the New. Central Roil Road aid Penn'a Canal Time—Su hour. Vare—llla through. 230 miles Rail Road, arid 150 mlle• CanaL )N r th c e . tmi:nai Centelced u n n el g .1 Rour e 0 1 a1 .. C . 0 ea r p • • an seas. cat. (rein Jaelretown to Philadelphia, leaving there immediately after the arrival of we Packet Bette trona the West. By this arrangement Plastic- gets will go through without detention. A Packet trout will leave every morning at G clock, and every cwt.( at o'clock. Titt. taint, lot aafaiy. Speed, nail Comfari, I. not egealled by any now it me to the Eagan CAW.. Fur passage or inloonalloil apply to W surco, hlononeattels littutc D LEECii it do, PenaTiltain REIJCLAIL WHEELINO A bUNFIPIII PACKET The fam running steamer WELLSVILLE, co lait i Copt Youe4, trill ron as a regular helineen nusbargb 4 Wheel- Urldgeport, and SWIM., leasing Pinsbunrh eerily Monday afternoon, for Wellsville, Steubenville. and Bridgeport, and every Thursday afternoon for Wheeling, Bridgeport. coming, end • Sunfiah It elite, leer. Pride , - port and Sunfish every Tuts env afternoon, and Sunfish every Friday afternoon. Fur !might or prusage, enrol, on heard. or to sold P WILKINS. giviint. FOR RI. LOOM A ,,,.. Ti.. splendid hummer PESiIiSIMNAN/A, Greenlee, master, will leave for the *hose and all intermediate ports on Saturday, the 4M inst., at 41 o`elork. P. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to my 3 6 ft MI I.TEri HERGER. Ap REX:a:4.AR PACKET MR MARIEITA AND ... . . Z.I,NFddTib.T.X. maim ... Tie epletalki came ' F.51111P45, Cod, master, will kave for rte above and all tnteratediate ports, tat this dav, the 3.1 mob, at 4 o'ClOck• P. Al. For freight or pasatge, typly au bourd.or to 143 W f4ltt eftrCairvi= - 1 ta..a.nlls. The fine new Petit draught steamer hipTUCKY, hiseleeu, ta uster, str , i , leave for the shag end all trarrothidiute ports oo U is der, the 3d May... 4 n'ele , e. F.N. a.%3 rthISTRONG CRIIZFR, A gth FOR CINCINNATI AND LOCIeVII LE. The bile mea,ater mainollo, Stoop., =tater, will leave for oboe • port on day, Ike 1J lust, at 4 o' lock r DI., or foonohlik apply an board my 2 I=l m ay. The opleudid steamer JP.INNI L , ND, Gallagher. master. will leave • shove and all intenaldtate port. o • this day, 1)0 %Oh mgt, at t ittlacil!? e. M. . t or - freight or pedivre;apfdr.bettr i kr z to oiti —_ -- - FOR LAYPASEM:.,:: -: .",:1.., a Zi ggt. '. 41 The rplertdoa aloaitat- VERMOST, tic T h e Nl3ster,vrill leave Icr etc,: and in tcrmed.ate ports tem day . WESTERN INSURANCE CORIUM OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL 1100,000. J. Feeler. Jr„ eeoy. I IL Mild-la, ire Pellet- Will...ire &Fenix all kinds of rte., MM. IND ALL loam will le liberally wrinkled and promptly Ib p une invitation—manneed by Directors who are well known in the community, end who are determin ed by mummers and liberality to Inninteln Mt char acter which they litre assumed se offennx the best protccuoo to Mom who notice to be Insured. DIRCCIOU—IL. toiller, Jr., (leo. think, J. W.Batler, N. llolnies, Jr., Win. B. llolmes, C. Bum., Geo. W. Juckson, Wm. SI. Lyon, Jae Llppineoll, Th.. Y. bitch, James hEAuley, Alex. Nimick, Thou Stott. Gyn., No. IN Woter Street, (warthonse f Sp.( Co.,ip Marred ritmleire , zed ity BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, Broadway. corner at Malden Lana. ,ialis eller.. HOTEL has been leased by the soitteritter, and Om been completely refitted in t e mast elegant manner. Largeaddittone are now limns nude, which, when completed, wiiktnake it the most extensive lintel In New York. the detettni• nation of . the proprietor, to make it ert ,in cern. re spect, to any Other House in the United Mateo Its to cotton 11 the melt desirable and central in the city, he. tog In the fashionable own of Broadway, cc nVenlent to all the public built:ins, places of amowment, and tartness. Grateful fit •he tilwrm pstronave received from Ins westetn trtenda, .hole at Cumberland, Ma, and mare recently at the Weddell Maw, Cleveland, (thin, he respectfully soltelts a renewal of their patron- age, ha but new estabithhmont, at New York, and ben. to ...orb them that every effort on his pan shall Lc fiVell to administer to their .cernfort and pleasure. A. 9. BARNUM. New York, March, 1930.—frar213-3m BORUPOB•LS Oh i o mimeo./ at the otrsee edam I - Baltimore andßailroad Company, at Bain mom Citchbeeland and Wheeling, t o r t to Wednesday, th day of &Ina next Melanin., tor the grattention andm of the Donlon of that Head, extending from the bri d ge on the notth-weatern turnpike, over the Tygards valley river, to • taint on the .00th fork of Fish Creek, near the month of Long brain embra cing I ome 36 ...cone. Alen, th e eight 'fictions be cen We month of Cleve Creek and the city of Wecethg. A • rimy of work will be presented by the lane to I c Int, which will include light and moderately heavy trading. Several abort tunnels, eon a considerable amount of hedge muonry. Specifications may bn had at the above named ef t.s on and anerthe lei re . Atop ...rine, and (*fiber Information obtamed iroc l e Eagineer open the Imo. Lackeeptioriable leatimoniale of charterer mast af company the bids, and the bidden are requested to .rite whin ether work, if tine, they are engaged In, and when it will be competed. The work mast be eneracue•lly proaccuted. . . .117 opler of the Presid a rn . t Atn.lth r . rctor% BENJAMIN 11. LATll.oCth c fE ngin ee r. BALI/non, 'Apral 10,11150 apl7:.llm 1=1:21:= A• WESTERVELT & SON, N , 7 ELI. KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND MAKERS, 1 keep mown:111y on hand or mate to ardor the best allicle their line, at their old *teed, N 0.13 St. Clelr street; also, at Plat ket stree second marl, entrance in the 111119011t1 renitian Shutters made to order, and old blinds neatly repaired. spID _ ItZEIOVAL. I 111URCII. CAROTIIERS & CO. hove removed to No 07 Water .1., between Weed k Marvel. lo the brame formerly accepter' by Hardy, Jou. k. Co. 0p3.3m 1 Dirt:STUN k. STOCKTON have Just le volved far 41 •ole vulvas, 4 Ducar. , Melon , al Expand, Har• hos.' 0..• ag holt; cloth Vol. vol 5 tavoy,o Common Placa Doak. Cloth and p C lulin Cool,Doy Pamphlets, No. t. Subject— Sarong." Doi • or 4 Now Novel—Night and oyl7_ =MEM fore existin between j James Laughlin aml PAIIMERSIIIP lehere to tnes ritcelet,,onee g r the firm al J. Sw Ma r c h . w dissolved by mulnal consent, en g.Sth he bastes's of die late lints will be aettled,up by /antes Laughlbs at their (armor place el bwitiess, SL Clain trees. NTELLE. splb E:Et== and Orin World. DR I. 3. CAIIKICLL'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY: tor We cure of Colds, Coughs, Con wroptten, Bronchitis, /tweet Complaints, and all Dal mousey Affeetwes, Liver Comp Luau, raid Female Debility, and for Impetigo* of We Blood, Catagrh Fewer, Asthma, Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, to. For rale In qu amigos, or by the single bolds, at the Meg, geed, sod Pr , watery Wartboaw, Corner of 000th and Wood sue Filet only 50e per bomb apt? %VICICERSHAII IA RITZ 000 DI MURPI , Y re BURCHFIELD Invite the attention of bayerr to then . large stock of Whitehead% rush Atatobt ce and Jechonets, hlsotrook• and Mali :Berlins, Figured rwi.. Hustles Embroidered ditto, (Ala.'s Lawns, Book and Sarin Illuslies,Bened JACIIOIII . tll, Cambria Dunttles and Stripe% Valeria, ! Lisle, Egret., Thread, Bobbing. Jachonet. and BwinEdloge and leserenys; Needlewotk, Cellars, Re. Re. As there goods flee purchased pout the sows of the enreufecterets, they ca. he veld at low price. CHI"' CIIEEAV.,SOb.II Clam CU. KJ Of enra quality, in ittort and 10.1.111110, sod 101 Gam by DaLZELL I. CO, AS Libeny it. HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, A' . Dwelling Ilesseestd (Mee is Let. THE Dwelling No.e occupied by tLe robseribor, In Third rue.. a.. oithfield street, with Ruh House .4 Effl °Moo, from the Ist of hoe. &quirts of HENRY WOODS, Third. or WitIOS St. =E;= fiREE ACHES OF LAND, situate about 1 more T from the city, near the reticence of Rev. Richard Lee, on the Greenbelt& Turnpike; seitable for coun try residenes. Alto—Four Hundred Acres of Land, clinic in Franklin township, about 111 miles from Pittsburgh, near Franklin Road. 7lue will be wielded to snits, chasers. There is an excellent =beam on It. Alto—A Lot of Ground near the New Resin, Sec , enth Ward, being 100 feet pave, on which ht a two story Brick Dwelling House. For particulars and terms of sale enquire of DAVID D. BRUCR Attorney at Law, Fifth at bet , . Wood and Smithfield. —' ' '• ' • • ! Done , .11 !adapted to 11 ` t ii• A HANDSOME STORE. on Market sheer, befinea • ° •°•• "i -t•t•svi. vivil to lvs XI, Third and Fourth Musts at prevent ocersd by i vegetable kingdom dem the rtmon al man, as well as Timms WMia, as a Dry bkoda Sums i the Instinct of aid Mr, tont for antidinva,to p • Alm-11 loos mill amdtml DOOM - is the armad rtury, ' 0 ILL 0.0 door t. Me. MIN Monettca.g,. Thi, .....; i The S n ° P" ° " i " °ri° °°i ' i r vi und " ( 4. F.. 1 val or si.mted, and suitable for a misdeal mks. or Academy, ; uable•plants is More, entirsly frue.fioni deleleriona or could be sounatimally armaged as doable abr.+. ' ; and enervating mineral robemnee, 'and iai it napelt E OAZZAM, ••A -tf . 01k ... t u rd . 1, d 1L r ..., t . d . t wk .. i disease from the ayidem, impu. Is vigor and Crumb Ito Per Sale, ATWO STORY BRICK DIVELIJNG, with • fine CERTIF I CATES. hemostat story, satiable for a Grocery.A. efitaordifia 7 l fimo 1. 5 7 . 1 . 11, EM 111. b, Sad nve is substantially boa; and Is 24 fen front by b e ten, mired by the sole use of Dr. Guysoll'a C r owe fat deep, mooing back no an alley. It is now uceo- Immta Syttirb keilOw Dock and Saimiwt7fia ped by four faW.les. 'Emma very reasonable, and groosme. - 131v. 17, IMS. payments made easy. Da. Gorerwr . —Sim I tender; my sincere thanks far mat t( A. M. vVALLINGFORD. the great benefit I bare derived from the nee of your valuable eyrup. I bare bren troubled'erry bad wit To Let, A 1 , :,.7'7,1,7."."P'07°. 1 .`!',1:V,1rr. gaZ fi efo4. belowimmediately the Ferry. of ll , ni ce it to br notlonu . but a,, nupia. Ihnt appears Rau , ANs A. vire . GARRISON, on pereo ov far Llt bonny kir. to nirrease, toll gyres., to anapest of ten Lena.: 3 applged to a milfintf Found reread physiclem. who atiend tl,ooo mi me all to no' porfigate. -thud wi l l b e .n a amre l will be raaud law o t n o idar a . t . :Let t , e n n e a tt , d s oo n 4 W p. F . tz . 4 t o r p le o d f ef e e f l ,, stilne ---ra,"....c . 4 l 24kßFlfit#4l7V.Ple'lyLiterly at. maw for 1 torso le h ßoo :L T iVe l s•Zdte w ree Dos and oinlo: o f the bon:I/layout Syrup, cod from the use of one bottle, mould we • great chtman in my systafo. I continued to emit octal I waa a . well man. I now fret Ake pe a to person; my bloot ig per cleansed and Inn from all Moon since. Timm is not a quesuon but that your newly i l ls compound is lac engem, to anv gamma rills syrup ever sold . to at your dtgrosal to pultlteli yde lit., and nay one you may refer to rue I shall be hops• p t to give theta all the information I sens or, etst,i6C, : - :). - Tereoultin your obedient sensor, 60.00 6 ..luntsone 113 Illarket attars mIIE Dwelling Gown Third, above Swititheld, now OGtatted by Rev. adr. Bakewell. Alao—For one or more yearii, tome large Lots of Ground, in the Ninth Ward, on and near the Aver, nimble for I.amber Yards. &Notre of JOHN ht. DARLINGTON, or or mrAtf 8. - DARLINGTON. Dowd, et. To Lot' THE tarye th ree/ story Brick Wareham, on Ware,. below Ferry street, remain from Water to First street, on reasonable Isms. rottsession given tame °` VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON PENN STREE2 FOR 5ALE....../t Lot of (:round situate on Penn tree; Naomi Hay end Alarbory streets, adioicint the hone and lot now accorded by Eichssd Ed.erd+, having • front of El fee; and in depth 1.10 feet, snit be sold on favarableters.. Title unexceptionable. Fhts quire of C. O. LOOMIS, 4b st,.. Wood. Now Goads 1 I New Goods: I CLEAR THE TRACE! Nem Splint And Stox.a 71ry Mot , Joe 1 51 ; 0 . WILLIAMS L. 1113113ELL P I F(O W :Ot 'rn .llld ‘ llll "‘ ee d iCtlM ' C ' OciD i ;. ' l ",' g; street, between Third and n*oarth, sign or the Bin Bra Hive, tote lost commenced and opening one of the-most rich, splerdp,d, and extensive stocks of hPrineAndfloMmer Div Woods ever offered for .ate to the %Vector. ettentryt All of there Isapowed Goodg COS heal opened, and retched perfrom France and England an also Irish Linens, ImporAd dimes from Beifsw, all Liner bleached, and warranted the once &Wicket theme Linens are all impormd by the sebseriber, and ore nil Fire flax yarn, warranted. Also, Irish Lines. Ltawa.k rade Clothe, the Oen Emst cpwwfagtgrer and Irish Linen Gaels of a , litlndA, turponed direct from Seifert nz the subncriben, and will be found the real Eriamge brach, LADIEW DRESS GOODS. . . New style rich Turk Satins, all colors, splendid good.; black Turk Satins, all prices, xich _good.; black glees Stilts, all COlOOl4 lam Insportatimu, Kid Glove., all colors. the best imported; ptslil Week 509110011, per last French Geri new style painted Baruges, rplepC4d yir.ts." A ur lso, a soputh and Isme r i nedessrlde black Brussels Lace, for trimming ladies. dresses, very rich goodg plain Dames in all colors. extremely low, beautifal goods; black Silk Fringe, all widths and plices, very cheap; French Lawns, ;n styles, per last French steamer; plain 1; Gro Dc Rhine, high lustre, superb gouge; black figured Dro . D. gm' - Brougilg, club iptaifi; French and bngli.b Cashineres, raw Milt% beautiful good.; splendid figured Rinse goods er ball dresses; rich embroidered Swiss Malls for eyenlng drea ex Swiss Edging nod inserting. the beat'imparted; Sili ' llssnes in aR CARYOOO and qualities, new style, plain and satin strip'd black Ramses, ail pricer printed Lou"- new Mule% from 91.0 cents per yard; Films* de Lai., It new ankle ted ill for halts' dpgr i rs. Ise, a huge and superb mock of Ba Ribborm, the carp best D o . SHAWLSI. SHAWLS. Canton crape Shawl., all citices fruit from the Cu.- van% House; l'ark 844 kihnqtls gooda in all colors, Kr ;WM 111111144G11 beauti changeable lace silk filt Iris, fresh . Importation; white embroidered Canton rape Shawls, uperb go ody green embroider ed Canton Crape Shawls, splendid prod!, L.npin's French made Embroidered Mabel, knelt taLigattgoa; Paris painted Cashmere Shawls, all prices and quali ties i 81a02..if Ctawats and &arks in _great re sietY: Preach worked Capes, Collars, end Cuiks, a large 411101MICIII. • • ••• • • A Largo Stock of DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. 50 bales unbleached Paulin., from 5 to 10 cent. per yard; IS caws bleached Mullins, from 4 pee yard II eases Irish 'Linens, Imported direct from Kellam, It bales Tickle& lema eeme pee yet'. 0 ern. blUe Doll, Porn B to Ilk conk per yard: be aid.. a fall amonment of Summer Cloths Also. Cas. .imeres, Tweed. Svneetts, and Kentucky Jean., 54 eases dark Cale., fast adored, from 3 to 12k cent. per yard; 5 eases llopl /k Sons' Eng 11,1 Priors, beet Imported; 5 bales Rama and Scorch Diapers, extreme ly iow. Also, How ck ceping Goods of all kinds, very cheap; 2 balm Damn. Crush, from ff to lek cents pm 110, bables a largo stock of Chuck and Martin stripe. Also, Canton Flannel., ill. colors and quell. Ikea. at low pricey red, white, and yellow Flume; Val ebesp; pleeekted and 'unbleached Itrilltugs,, foil assortment; S eau, blue Ilertitasak eatlicoa, ex tremely low: black and notilearbed Tatde•Diapers, all prices; Bird's eye Diapers, all prices and rimiliusa, vy cheap; coloied Cambric., • full ,tent, teßierlltan ever. S bales llorlana from Ilk to 25 eta per yaidr — AlsoOt Ingo auvk area.° Table Diapers. Manners' Shirt/rig— A foil assonmenr, very cheap. PARASOLS!. PARANOLS • The largest cod men' splenthd Mock of Perms& ever opened by any one home in' Pittabarglijs this dm , reeetSed, and are all of the newest Armtek styles , which, for tielmamand Lemon Marmot be cupassed! A. we have a hargelat of these Perasols, they will be sold cheaper then any olbef hot= in the city eon ford to WI the um. quality of good. The Ladies are rempectluily invited to Atamine Mese Parasele, es they will find come of the richest and, newest style. trot Imported from Elmore. These Is ore oil of toe richest end most rashionatdo colors, and VC worthy of the attention alba ladles. All of the elmre Rotas will be sold off at prices Mr below any home to the city; and in order to prove dos Mot. the public will please call and price them Roods, end compare them with any other house in the city, and be convinced of the ribose essenion. The subscriber would here say to but numerous cos. looters Lod Me public to general, that teeny anstwo other bee hive MO. rn market ether Orttemlioe 10 cape with the Mcßee Hive, whieltir alone the only celebrated and bat famed Dry. Goodgmteblishment in Pittsburgh. T übscriber would therefore.recd parchaiers of Do, Moods, either wholesale or that the Big Bee Hive, on Market guest, between Third and Penne,ta new opening the largest, richest and most sp k lendid stoaof spring and summer Dry riches, ever offered for sate in Plasuumb BONNETS! BONNETS! New Sri mes ens lelO—The largestaml molt fashion able stock of Bonnets ever opened in this city, is jest received at tee sign of Ike Big Bee Ilive, on Market street, between Third and Fourth streets, where Dry Goods of every deseripUon are selling cheaper than •ny other house in the city. The panic wilt please take notice that there are two other bee Mee stores on Market street, who pretend to compete with the 134. Ike Mee, between Third and Fourth Mreets, where the yobbo will find, at all times, the largest and newest styles of Dry Goods, leech opened. f -Fleece take notice, that the store is between Third and Fourth demise, signet the BIG BEE HIVE, where Dry Goods of every description are soiling enthraa than at say other boom in the city. aptßdfim ' • WILLIAM 4 RUSSF.I,L. TIIE nbseriberseepeetfolly tnfonns Ms friends and the pobhe that he has removed his BOOT AND BODE AIANUFACTOBY to No 6 Market meet, two doors above Water, where he his on hand a very large usorunent ol Boors AND SHO6M of his own undtansetare whish he will sell now. than eta bg paretlased ttitho oily. DANIEL RHEA. told Mtn YuAtlricAL, 7 CII IS An excellent oppor- Sanity now ocean to a practical Machinist, of well established •repatation, and some capital, to en gage extensively In the evaist Esau% Bourn, ANS FIN:SOU BUstaalS. An establishment Is now ready for business, ample In all its details, including extensive wharf room, for any sized steam boats, and front its poalilon, if pro. penny conducted, will doubtless command a large share ol business. A praellcal MaCillaftt, as a partner, is required, to conduct the whole estabhatimant; and only those fully ennipotent need apply. Address.spost paid,) "MA CLIIN Box No MI, Philadelphia, Pa apl7.dlos FALL PAPER—W. P. Elaassa•• i. constaully receiving, from the largest manufactorier In New York and Philadelphia, utit alms from French agenc es, the nearest and moat anpioved Styles of F. ter 11 si.gtnas, together with Borders, Fire Board Prints, and Tester Topa For sale at 113 Wood at. be tween ranch at and Diamond Wan DurcoAsseir to S. C 11111) afl3 Nerradm of the United BMW Ripen:titian to Ms Rivcr Jordan sod the Dead Bea: By W. V.Lineh, U. la Nov.e Memoirs of Kntraordltury ropolir De lusions: By Charles Ala , kay. Women la Franco during Ma Eighteenth Century. Ilamooldte Aspects of Nature. Dietionsm of Poetical Quotations: al John T Watson. Ling of the gam. of :ftgl from the Norman Conquest: Hy Agnes Strickland. Flomson's Salami lewd the World. Manning 's Memoi este rs. Tim Nervy Bun D J Sly_ Gantoter S OOoongD D.D. For LOCKW, aola No 101 Fourth ALM/AM/S-100 bu and 15 auks reed and rsy 0 tabs by 0917 J B CANFIELD UIJAR-7I elide N O Balm to arrive by men= 13 Jefferson, for .ale by DiAIAII DICKEY &CO ardb lto Water et JUAN ult.le—rt cameo 104011011 of pun Brindle., D /ohs Darted re go. sterstraetere, kept ece• steady on hand, Rai for sale by ♦ CULBERTSON, a 4/ MI Liberty street JWINSTOII& STOCKTON havejost reed ferule, Valium ath HUIVIZT w nllBlllll,, Rupees new ediuon, °lath. Tors FBAs or teas WoanD, or Living far Appear utees, with Illastratirns. By the Brothers Maher!.. KRIM GEORGE E. ARNOLOTEL CO„ CELLE.% lIN ZXOTILAGZ, COIN, MANY NOTIVI, AG., No. 74 Fonnlt'aucet, as= door lo Ike Bank of Pina bomb. null-243 r D. fTART A. CO, of Philadelphia, will oleo 0• on he l m of Aril. in wire Pew rtork of CLOTHS, CASSIMEtt El, VEITINGS,' ' • Aud TA MORS' TRIII MING:S, at eiwicta piiithi, very' low fir h, et No. ltd Wood at, Dust to IlcAtnnit'a Auetion Howie. tiplitla.anet . i,1 MIAS. .111 WHO• .a.V.L. WS. IL tour 130.PAJATIIKALSIIIP. i... PALMER, lIAR NA 2 CO., HAVE Wren WM. CAB. tete ;memorable taiM t (Sueeew Il or• to uascv, liivant A. Civil . . Ime buoy buinen, .plea 'Mil from this darn NI t ..-.. ANEMIA EXCHANGE tint tit filltzt, ..d. dealers carried en ender the name of "John Parker A Co.' , ,n , Fore ign , • March let, IMO. JOHN PARKER a „, c ....„,,,,,,,,,,„.," k d N M ,„,'„,:7,;',,,,, F '.'„,',,T,'`,7_ , N e '. 0 , ,,1. k r` 00 job . p .,......... .............. wm . m ~.,.... eoro!ir of Wood and Third twee,. Gamut snowy received on deposite.—Aten Cheeks ter aaith awl JOHN PAWLS= Ai CO., al the Woo. al Dints io InoiesAfe Grave Dealers 'ix pra... Foreign i T e n t f,,t,T,r .d. '"'" 4 ' P 'Pi P States. . Wines, Liguori, Old Mourn gattelis The lushest premises paid for Forefgn and Mlle 0 - tan Dad Haquei WAArkge ' Clald. No. A CommereM l Hoer, Liberty street,' Advances made on ewwisnoterite of Pt oiltteeamp annn Pitt•hewb„ pi. t . 1_4..1.. too Itlicralwrani. i PA.feb,7 l ' - ‘,,,71:""" 1 .1;:au'!i `;.'utaTi.,°` 8/ NrALLIC PAINT-8 bds pastree , d per nearer , LV.LIS for .ale by a. banal or single pound at the Dm, Seed. and Pedbettery Wareheeeth e^=ar of 91.rth and Wood Creels. • 8 N WICKERSHLM. -We YEr 111:21X . by rkit v Azeirt zg a=l eirie MEDICAL 6S> aT IMPOICLIAT CIIEMICIL DISCOVERY CHEMICAL COMBINATION • From tA,Vegeablit Kingdom, to rept! Disemser Dr. Guyaott , ii Extraqt. of Yellow 'Dock wad Isrampairtlla: Cut roman-pit cnoicrofola, e ry•irtelat, then man., cone, liver compthints, ern nal factions. ulcer., sy philis, Onthry, oath., piing, sciavey,adactiona of lb. bladder and kidney., racteutial dm a iems, nor runt humors, non of blood .o the bend, fever aid ague. tamale complaint., remand debility.-f!Y•Prp sin, ims of appetite, temiaehe, splils,.comrvecom, nicht &meat, iviganie nfeedmis, palpitation of the Imam, bitre,.. pitina in the side,. chest, back, do. It is Infallible In all , dithatheaarising from an Ito• pant atata edge irregular action of the sys• tont. In the Vesentble Mintloanan Ali-vriee Iktrg deposited plants and tierU eoneental to oat conatint- The best female medmone known. The Extractor 'Yellow Dock and Solcapardia m a poeiliee, spendge at.d permanent cure cot all munpleints incident to Its mild, alterative crepetner tender it pecubstly," applicable to the eleuder and ;delicate cenetitudon of the female. It is unrivalled in its elects upon meth diseases et incipient consumptam, liattemet, conhoca, or whites, irrecalar raensttuatleti, inconti nence of [inn, and general pretest cit of the system. It twat edistely counteract. , mat nervous ness nail lassitude Co acumen to the tenotle rtarmt, and inmeta an enetur nod ldtor sant a...enrolee es, tuey see grate Mi. have creed., on file ernieb induces us me .rely treement 11 sc mud:eine to married people.whe have not been t he.,ca with car eptitig. fineu t eane tiviat. sr Peltier or the Win/eke( five year.' a:ending. eared by Or. Guyantrat Pierre. of Veneer Dock and Sarsaparilla, tater every oilier known remedy had Leen tried 'without relief. .1.0-rev, Ohio, Feb.. USIA. This certifies that rsy wife, aged v:yests; bee been mteiting ander the above eomplamt fat %Se . strarl years—y a 0 of that fine confined lei bed. have for issr years cans ently employed the I,o;mcd. talent Pm{ could he proeaved :n :hie section onhe euentrn with any benefit vehatorer. I have tdro purchased every iustrutne Ineensneaded for the cure of Gael. diseases, all a/which proved vrtirthle., In the Faris: of 1,4,1 way induced by my invade. to try Dr. Guyson‘i Valk, Dock and fearsepettacy which was: srroar month, After etc had uo.el 0 for about fo ur swelca. it war evident to all Una .be • 11•113 r...provin,. /sad from thin time she, improved rap eans, nd gained ante and strength, trait the disease, was anurely removed, and she in now arraying' most 12111COISIS2 excellent belltb: being . neighbors of W. mrd inns Monfort. • that the ahoy., “strfacnt, a+ to the sieltna•s of Mrinfov. 244 as to tFr cola , 614.,11; efriVled by Ott ,, Vebd. Dock and Sart•Dlnibt. to be strictly JADiE EDDY. SAILA!' DOWE-Y.4....., Genial. Cure et Consuroptlea. HAMILTON, January Y. lOW. • Mr. nell.n—DenrSir: The X rdal benefit which I heyr domed from your. Emmet of Vehow Doer and entsmporilla. Inducer me, as an net or to make the following .moment: Afterwasting for Geo years lions g,eacraldebilitl+ which finally tetraionted in earEuteptani. I w.a /Men up by toy frienda aed ph)siciaus as beyond •he utd al enedteino. A+ a last report, i wasndaced : 0 1 guar I..ctract, and having arc I but t•to trotftel,oe ottninig to sou. direction., I act entirely well. 11, would therefore eareeetly vetoing/tend trout unequal. led Compound to the afflicted wise desire a powexcul, Outward and safe tesidy. Gratefully your frieud, ht. WAITC. None genuine unless put op in large square fro tine, et . ..taming a quell., and the name of the syrup blown iss the glass, with the written ignalom of S.F. Sen nett ou the out.ide wrapper. Pesos -$1 per beftja, or six bottles for an. - • • • J. It sold Os J. D rerz, corner n(• rmrh yrul Wu) • nutstreets, IC:incises., 111/1, Geo*. Apensfor.sio South and Feet, to sstioni all misers won Do adds Sei- • Caner tr. Rho, Erie, W. P. indron & Cn., Niter ford; Olin ft nioni. Crcimnnri:le; Aka Toured, lontrone; Hamm Man. Town":“In; Robert Roy, Wells• bora; 1.. Roder:et, Csliconi.urrj L. Wilcox, Jr. 111,0, °amen of Matkct .trect and dm Dltnond. nplld&vrlynT 'Er Eurtrions aTit. Saes VIM. 1....—.1t0 (1, •,a cbemieat Ociayeauses a free fierspiretion, a ett Vie some tone tuolifivs, settees, eve wbaens the skin giving it the texture:sod benwy of en infant's. Satan, gat, flung age Nona, are soon norenly beitic4rbut caret by its use, as lit leastwven are cians in New Work ,know, who'vee it in such ruses, and fuel it unfrolinte—ar alrn to • rl r ,Ln, . EiLUTTIIC4 Flormaer, or any other at nelti tam The reader (a .snored thin this to Ma, elms poped rorstrora, :motto trial will prouo. -- 1 could roe merate at tenet 60 pit:Mons cured et' Boa. Man, Sono Lies arta Pone It.caute--• ay. and am it, end thc reader . 11 tonic needrod I ,artald rot cruelly rell it for We trot. unites 1 knen.. id L• at mats. l'Lese rvao arc Cit. rcu, ei.." • an, Olt Cat .ran Fos., will be On. Cur. Any era. ...CCdtts any of tiv, 1A.7. Jr MM. O e ur disessurs, u ill An tin, an 11111 i C% en ntere (nssimirete Lie in its propestiee) nun I •111.4 lint, re.ler,lle • urea at — e" doestAl with mil Wens, and b. KA for in /Julian C 7 taxicab Soap. Sebt by WAL JACKSON, 2141;iltett., Pitt3burgh Tnilll/1112 or • Vito Harr LE II cal more ttuttal rive than a bad, putrid 'breath, or dark, yens. ewera ad teeth. If pampa+ bar thew, it Ii then own taut:— titer earl, for two ahillinga, hay to ortlett that wal: matte /heir breath parr and attract its its Spiry lira ' - •• - - II Circa diseases of the Came, Rprogy of . uleerated,, and for the Teeth his em q tilled, re:Anoint: the Lariats fuletting the teeth in the gums. and clean thent sl *late Al the nolo of ait frozen Nort!... Bath, evader,- are the properties of Jones's Amity Tooth Paste, nod, will:oat raking • it atirzeiveei het f what one al our most respect:Jib.: and scienSsc lie non, Ur. K Field, of New Tort, a:fif : lizt,7, '4 byre botii used and antilized this ben 'Cul and lin palpapalpable 'rude, (Jones' Amber To Lb ',Cana art ble recommend it as poeses.ine nil the -Itinelaia - ad for tha ftrader, we can coy no in. re to crnyines, only shot if yon try dirt once. you will be well plea. , 1' It is tot op in beaotifol hurrah China Pi LI, f0r7,25 cents. Sold by the Agent, Wlt. JACIf-Sl . IN, 241/I.lleri ty street. Vinsburch rintaidAmT A.U. GO. CITIZENS 010 lISONNEEIT ,awedSS th i e r rlowmg am the actual qui:doles of at. Mottle o Join's Coral flair Restart:live. If they word. they eammt thee, htattly reapteOble C3.1.1A1 who have toed Mr. Geo. Beetet, 41 Elm IC Ilfra. Matilda Reeves, Mettle av, EronEyn: Mr. Wm. Towne:as. On King nr, Mr. Mae. Jackson, Eon...outs tal.l, near Pine', sla 11. E. Cullen, to barber stcaultaal S. AMMC.I. - - And more thus a hundred others nit., though. • oi must suffice, that at will force the hale to grow on .11 head or face, stop it falling oS, strengthen the r. removing reset and dandrefifrora the root., mai tog light, red, or gmy hair assome a fine dint look' std keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, soil, clean' and beautifhl, • very, very long nine. - - . Sold by the ATera, Wfil. JACKSON, 240 Litioey on. ritablligh: • Price ill, 00 centi, and one ' LADI IS ARE CAUTIONED AGAMST SING.COISION PREPARED CHALK." They are not aware hoer frightlinly imerians tke skin! how tonne, how vouch, how gal , .. low, yellow, and naticaltliTtlie skin ap pears tiller iming prepnred chalk: lic aides h i 3 imurions, containing. • largequantity of Load I .: We have prepared a beatinful vegetable ant el.; which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY Winn.. It is perfectly innocent, being pun Lied of rill delisen, ottionalities; and It imparts to the skin a itatural.,:temli thy, alabaster, clear, living wane; at the some Ulna Leung as n cosmetic on the skin, making it son ana smooth. Sold by tae Agent, WAL JACKSON, 510 Lib any at, riuslisirgh. Price 2.3 cents. The Beawaiville Water Cure Establishment, UNDER THE CARE. OF DR. C. BAELZi fIONTINVES to he open for the reception of tetra kj Ws. blmly improvements have been added for the coattail audieteomenitlanon of patients. This, to• gether with the recce, during -tic y cats' experience, aoahlep Ih. Bartz to give the assurance to the public: that his establixhinent cuniinue to merit toe. patronage of those WOO titei4Jilece themeelviss ander his core. • 71te dntiy interenurea between rittsbergh . and Brovresvd 0, With boons, anti. easy ILCQCSIAIIrum Ile Booth and Ili est. - wiz towels, tyro cotton sheep, three cam:hit; and.. linen (or ltasittgett, are 'neee“ary to untie:v:llM [Raiment. • • Terms—Six Dollars per week, payable weekly rate4Daw&w3mT usileit'V 151olial Laws', AA ITORNEY AT . I,,ANV—offkot • oa aood. ,ide of Fourth at, tuvrcul Cherry alley and tirarn at apt-clioLtardek J. LIAM:LIMON ATIORNEY AT LAW, ' (IynErT h A A T o E . C.IIIIMISSIONETt Me taking repo I dgments Verde, ike.. Mee—Fourth stmt ,). bore SmitbSeld. • mr.l4ltrAir • letroporty la Allegheny 'Clay for a las. TtsIIE soluenbets ollec loreuos number o. eitotec Lo, saint. in the Second Ward,frontin • on the iamon ground, on ea,. tcrtni. Inquire ot W. o'll. itOttINSON; A tly at tom, 8t C sit ot or of/AS !MEIN:A/N.on theorems • ' 1nv174k...t17 • Ltl. 301 IN MARTIN It ivri'lltlll7 announces to the Itixev of I . ols t urt 1, that he has permanently icsl himself in nos coy, lac the purposaor pros. tieing Medicine and F iteraricata brancn• es. Ilia ante is Cu Ydurtli *met, No 10n. /Widen. No 97 mime .5. _ IZW 01.OTh SIOUX.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers