The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 03, 1850, Image 2

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frrawesnmens an earnestly respleana Dana m
tear hvanJ.ktere a sa, and as early in the drs
remletbls. Advertisements settesened fora eseei.
L ad time will invariably be until ...fend tat
ccr•V. B PALS. to Agent tor dun piper at his
mirraral armies In Ness Bart, Philadelphia, and
'Boma, and Is autboilsod to receive subscriptions
and adsiniseaseats for as.
Partszarais Norm Aissitcsa.—Advertiae
semis and tobteriptions to the North American and
uult,,d States Oasene, Philadelphia, received and for.
warded from this office.
fry- C 11.101.1 DuL' 01111111 , — Adverti , em mats
and eetweriptorm for Ws paper, Intl be received and
erararted hem this dice,
or We valuable paporodll be reeraved.and Wraard•
ed Ma n& Mir.
Da sngazaMowcmabanptio.s.nd ad.ertme ,
mast)" reed and fone.rded free o.
elms from !IL odes.
hlig Counl.7 Oen.
parreltinee of the eel! of to Chaimof Corre .. the Whig
and Junithasorde County resole. ease met at the Coast Heath Committee .
The following resole.
Oath eras adopted, to wit:—
•Itaashad, That the Whig end Andaman:tie veleta
atlas recent Election Diarists of Allegheny °nutty
be, and ass hereby reepteaol to meet et their areal
places for holdtag eleedints, on Bawds), 'he la day
elfin se nest the, and there waled% two delegates to
the Coaaty Counention to he held at the Coon House,
sinWecoesday the lith day t he e, et II o'clock, • te.
Sad Convention to ranks usual end, neeethart
neollealleth for the casein October Elections, and
1. t o appoint bye delegetes to tepresent the County
to ss. ewe Conyeuden, to be bold to the city of Phila.
&lob* on Wednewlay,the 1 lab day alone".
the odour PIM 'dm is the Townships to be held
between - the health of two and fire o'clock, (except
Plop and thee. in the Wards and Boroughs between the
heats aflame. end 'dad &clock. P.
• tilL4 ND% Chasm..
rift. o4 uT.b, Apnl 10. Has.
,Al. meeting of the VIM; Stye Central Committee,
tudd at Harrisburg. March Id. 1850, it eras
Hamm; That the Whip of the 'sacral court. lea
of Ms State be regarded to select a namber of dela.
"atm equal to their reapeotive representatives in the
Logielatare; ti e said delegates to meson Convenor
at the city of Philadelphia, an the 19M day of June.
5040 for the purpose of nornlnatine a candidate for
Canal mommissioner, to be voted for to the ensuing
Cameral Steeds...
Oust. H hair, Seeretery.
THE %%RIFF qtrzsTioN
What will Congress do to relieve the euTering
tteerests of the Northern States? is a question au.
Moldy asked by hundreds and thousands who ere
daily experiencing the injurious, nay, the blowing ef
fects of the Tariff of 1846.. From various causes,
the evil connemiences of the present Tariff were
slow in their developement, but they have steadily
and sorely, like a wasting and fatal disease upon
the human system, been embarrusing, paralys
leg and destroying the iodustrial interests of the
The Coln:nand Iron busineu are suffering great
ly, and through those branches, and by the direct
operations of the Tariff, every other business is more
or len effected. The Cotton Mills of Lowell are
pin on heir time, or entirely suspended, and those
in all our astern States, have already arrived at,
or are feat approaching, to the same etate. The
Cotton Mille in this vicinity will'acioner or later be
compelled to succomb, unless something takes
place to relieve them from the pressure of these
edverse circumstances. We have been informed
by one of oar heaviest manufacturers, that voles
some change for the better soon takes place, not a
Mill will he running in this vicinity, after the
present stock of cotton is worked up.
We shall be told by the Free Trade pany, that
thie Cale of affairs is not a consequence of the Tar-
itf, se curse cottons are fully protected already.—'
These persona reason very superficially. Al'
though coarse cottons are smEmently protected,
finer qualities are not, and, the consequence is,
that all the American Mills have been driven to
the manufacture of coarser moraine, thus, lacuna
ing the competition on branches least able to bear
it. The increased quantity of cotton goods, of a
ftionsycharacter,thrown upon the American market
from abroad, paying very little duty oar the ad vs.
totem and foreign valuation system, Etas further
tended to interfere with the sale of the home made
article. Another reason exists in the depressed
state of other lunches of business, also caused by
the Tariff; which ;cadent that class of community
which principally consumes coarse cottons, unable
to purchase as freely as formerly. These, and
other causes, &anent:tie to the ruinous effects of
the Tariff of '46, hove depressed the cotton busi
ness tothe verge of ruin.
The iron business, the great staple mune - gauze
of Pennsylvania, is still more depressed. to tor
eastern Butes, the furnaces, rolling mils, and
'nail factories, in nearly every case, present the
a slitude and desolation of the rains of Thebes and
Palmyra. Na fires are wen on their hearths, re
ham of ladastry, no indication of life end activity
greet tho poising traveller. The baleful woneco of
toe "Polk and Dallas" Tariff have pawed over
them, and heated them Into the eilence end horn
rude of death. In the west 0 is but little better .
The tolling mills of Pittsburgh are canning hell
time—one ferules after another le blowing out.
and soon there will be no supply of the TIM ma
terial to keep our mills in motion. The cmeire
men cannot live at the present prices, and the
rolling mills cannot glee more and compete with
foreign Iron.
These are plain, unvarniebee.
not be disputed by any who rep
present is embairassing and pe
(stare is gliscimy, indeed. Pin
By!Tanis, which drpand ro mu.
perity or 0111 T ovoufattur.og o
little enconragew.ent fur h^pe
What will C3ngres
that our wants will be cenbideicd, and our griev
ances be redressed While' our lending Sate.
men are willing to rise th‘tr reputation, far wur
doge and conaistency, bieoacocting unpalatable,
If not disreputable, eonaprommes, because a few
dissatisflwi spirit, hese hindered abou , disunion,
They seem to care/nothing or the desires and de
mands aud neee i ssities of hundreds of thousands
0f lofting freeten—which the present policy
fast Impoverishing. Oar Legislators and States
men should recollect that they may abase the pa
tiencepf the North to a degree beyond the line n ,
safeti. Not that there will be any cry of dieunieb
Far. people 'of the north have too much cense
d patriotism Gar thir—Set they may be driven to
exert the immense power of bombers which free
instilations have given them, not only for th,cir
own protection. but for purposes which nothing
bat a powerful reaction again.t oppression could
have led them to undertake. Ciegrest has now
been five months worried whir the question al
slavery—with the mad cifarts of men Who are no
strangely wedded to the great and every whore
acknowledged evil, that they prokss :o be willing
to risk every thing worthy of the hope and attach
meet of man, in this ward, for the sake of forcing
the auttsppy and degrading institution upon lands
hitherto Gan from its cane. Is it not time for
this drunk to sense, and for corr. awful legis
tenon to be entered apse f Why not pat a atop
to this alavery struggle at once, by the admission
of California, leaving the other territories to come
In, as Staley at their leisure. The North ben de.
dared that slavery shall not be extended to the
Gee tenitory, and Its representatives moat so vote
when the qoestian Mane to a decision. Why
delay that vote, Why not give the South the
ultimatum of Geemeu at once, and set the matter
at rat/ The people are wearied, we annuity,
and the rumbhngs of their indignation will soon
be beard at the Capitol, if theta patience is tired
/11104 longer.
DEPASTMIK or Ms. BSI/SM.—The Bahimore,
American, of Tamslay lut, anaminiza iha dep..
tare of our townsman, Mr. Beelen, for his Oman
late at Angostura, mu follows .
"la the brig Oroaoco, which sailed from this
pan yegerdlif for Venezuela, the newly 'appointed
Comsat for Angostura, Frederick A. Beal., Esq ,
went passenger. He is directly concerned in the
:important enterprise of the permanent eatahliah•
meat of steamboat navigation on the Oronoco river,
and possewes the qualifications which cannot fail
to render it games:dal. Mr. Beelen carries with
him the best wishes of his friends here as well as
*limb the congrogetton of Hely Trinity' Chu•ob,
Phtledelphls, were divided, came to Wow. at
bedews meet/14ml Seedily morph's . , whip ite.
Glenda of the HLthop were driven ow, and a bo
twioneing to the &melees taken from them,
toligioas Worker have been held for two months.
L.ccv gactroaetwrlt is stated that Mr.
Jam. &Tsai; a cerpeate•, who borrowed
Maw of going to Calumets, a year ago la Jaru
,y, Mnroed to the led de seer, and nas arrived
Is Breton with $90,000.
• Edward Hamilton, of Ohio, to be `.ecretary of
the Territory of Oreffol2.
Win. Y. Brady, of N. Y., to be Deputy Pommes.
tat at New Yoh city, N. Y.
. . -... _.
I= p....6„..b or . itruim t oiti a r a ti _.n . ,.. .1.1 4 ro,nOtlit.: that • ecitant laumla u f Sotath•
' - - -
fallowieg ii the teacilutleereferred to by “Janln ern members of Congress have eo ed them •
use Ifs object deeply einem.% it is said, the cal.' selves • ComeriltteetofSakty hide present crisis
tors of the u Washington Union," w h oa .. charged and have conferred upon themselves whatever am.
with being 'the Seal persons Who have taken the thority maybe needful In the premiers to art for
contracts, though third penone,owensibly, are the the entire South; and thin acting, says the story,
eentractern. It is also said that the minima°. 1 they have taken meanere, for setting op at this
charged $40,000 for • yob of pristing worth some pint a paper taped which they can rely atalls..
51200, end that Mr. Eltelde hotly decided that ' eons, which will mit be influenced by every chance
$12,200 wag enough, by which the contractor ! of improvhog Its own pecuniary condition, to telt
~:,,,, too ee eleven thousand dollars Inoineinely betweea north and smith, whenever •
more than he enu en titled to, though $21,500 lees prospect seems to arise beset:luring to itself some
than he vied torten Let the facts come out:— such boon as the printing to Congress: They,
"Mr. Wentworth now asked the House to agree therefore, have reset Ted to discard the Union, sod
to the following rel.:halloo, remaking that, if them to establish a perketly sound disunion sheet, to be
was any objection to I. be would emtmume the ~,,,..
...i.e... by tome politician of the Duff Greco Pat.
time of the House by calling for the yeas rid nay*
op a motion to suspend the rulei : i tern; who will be troubled by no scruple. of his
floaleed, That• select committee of nine mem• obligations to the Union. Senators Mason,
hers of this House be appoioted to intentional the Lb w . , sehmtatt, Yoke , Morton and Doris;, and
present condition ml the public, printing, and the .
route. of the deter, whether adequate pricer are the members of the House, Campbell, of Fine
paid, and, if no., what would be adequate pricer; Toombs, Morton, of V.., beside quite a number
and whether the present prices are the fault of of others,are stated to be comed In this prone.
me law, or of those bidding ander it; and whether' ding . - 1 , I . ~,,3 , h , ~, ... h... leviedh„.
the praeut printers had, at the time of their like • - •——' - - --- uponMg the contract, or now have, any type or presses 1 the slave ownera, and collected for this purpose,
of their own; who are their leveller; whether ! I do not believe aa many mute eat be made avail
those sureties me not the actual owners ci the able for any such scheme, if the character of the
contract, and used the names of two of their am. proposed enterprise be understood by those who
ployeea ielorder to get the centractand then keep
bast the public printing until they extorted from am to contribute the mesas.
Congress higher pricer; and whether the printing, It will be remembered that the 'Colon" has hot
aper, and binding, have been equal to that stipu. been quite so violent In its Mimi.. fur tome
Gar in tits conirect; and also whether there mo n th,
past, u before th e intganizatloe of the
has been a difference in the printing, peper, and
Hon., when the manner of its electioneeriog
bioding of the same document, when bud upon the
tables of the members of Wooten and when sent nininst Mr. Winthrop and other northermi men
to the foldiog roots; and also whether the present Inspired universal diegust. It is possible it may
printers have taken more Gan the pem stipule.
and reason in being deprived of all chute° of
fed for in their colorant for spy work find fOr • *
out of the conungent fond of either Houma of Pertegreig he ainAirevaltlnal printing at the old
Goatimui whether them exists One egrableerien Immensely proitstdo prices, to return to it. onto•
among any printers in the oily of Washington to raj tans, be Mr. Wentworth hes commenced an
break up the contiaot system, and, if se, whether _
intuit upon t he propslatoin of that Faint, which
the present public printers, or their sureties, are
a party to p; and also whether either of thd con. cannot fail to produces tetribie reaction in its feel:
tractor) or the sureties, or any one else for them ins towards the northern democrats. I hope you
will copy Mr. Wentworth'. revolution enure.
or either of thent,-orgell the preterit delay of the .
onI:lic printing as a res..; vr Ay the Price' sheltie
1 b.
whether ~. p ,„„., n u e Yon will had Oh the Globe of to merrier mot.
printer. or their sureties have not ample miteil. t ag. 4 more formidable thing of accused°ns
als for dales t h e public printing elerehesPenineen• was never pre fe rred neatest any public servant
ly than they now do; whether they run their
than these of Li ng John's. I have no doubt the
peewee all the lima Pa Gangrene Pointing , nod
whether they employ oil the ~,,,,.kt nen t h at it t. Guomitteo wilts conduct the invectigation in .
in their power to employ; and slap what Mures tho ro Pgh manner, and then we obeli know wheth
er $10,090 has bean charged, and $12.500 eettull)
have existed , or now exist, In the manner of do.
mg the public printing, what profits have been
paid f ur pnett .
p i. eli not worth one thousand dollars
made or !owes sustained coder the difereet
cos; nod whet alterations in the present law are sod whether apparently respectable men have co
necessary in order to secure greater expedition In tend Into • caution to pot in 'false bid, iti order
doing Me printing nod to prevent fraudulent or to trick competition and defrend tho government.
6ctittous bide, 4 .4 jhnt they also inqatre what
email ahments in this Oilier. prepared to do the This is the lacteal lit vesligation Committee oi
minden fir the present Congress; who No their Oared by the House, this session, and is the most
spatimportant m or pupltp of ell, net even eg :cone
propeiston, and what would be their Fumy;
teat theyales !squire what would be the tett .
on th,,,, , , ..
. 0 . or the p. t , u , of. Mat ciao the Galphici.eisim. They will bi,s'l i i
hoe report and other documents or Which owner. operation to morrow. , Thirty two me cabers are
ous topic. have beet ordered at tile wee., token from their active legislative duties, end de•
...mien to a price of twenty per cent , belotg ta itd lip ibi s ,p, 0, I 1 ;7, v i re ,
the joint resolution of 1919. And that the said
committee have power to send for lemons and There wan a !ePel" Mel morale. Met Mr. coy,
P•Pers cheweran of the compromow committee on Coll•
The resolution was adopted. Lien's and Blasco, had retired into the country, for
the purple of preparing, at his leisure, the report
upon the bills which are to be presented to the Se
owe forthe settlement of these q elation., but it
wen Incorrect, or at leant premature.
' The dime, on on the Census Bill to day, ma,
more inuaresung that it has teen at say previous
time. Some of tho northern members said that
they were the morp in favor of lie bill fur the ve e
ry reason that othirs in the booth were °prod to
it, to w 4, beceusf it Would enable them to get
some insight into the practical working. of the
pimuliar institutions of that part of the country.
Upon this hint agape Mr. Woodward and ether
members from the sorith,densika.ieg each icquist
neap., in unmeasured terms, Teem are yet
ao signs of the cessation of Ito detiate, but the
bill will pass, statistics and all.
AU antinipatious cf trounle from Duty's resole
hoe, for liantingdebate en tho Caltforma bill, mere
cat of to day, by the House going on with th,
Cessna B•II, instead of proctedirg to call the Stet<
for resolution..
Correspondek:e of tke Pitleberkti Gantt.
WA11112101911, April W, /0).
g. District Attorney 1' .r
Anticipated row In the House to mar
row—True questions at Issue—Shall
we fight or runaway.
I learn that in morrow, George 0. Bates, Erg.,
of Detroit, will be nominated as District Attorney
Eir Michigan, in place of lion. J. Norval], de•
ceased. Mr. Dates held this honorable and de.
citable ■ppointment, under President 111117i11011 . 6
administration, and Is an able and dietingnished
lawyer. Mr. Norwell, the bite incumbent, was
itirly homed down by the personal malevolence
of - polities' adversaries. Only think of an ex.
candidate Er iboPrMidency, consuming bouts of
the secret sealant of the Renate—that war cham
ber council - in the elTart to compass the defeat or
an opponent, of admitted ability and ammeter.
merely because in former times he had shown
himself - an efficient and unyielding menther or his
ova party:
Then are some anticipations of an exciting dap
indict House to morrow. The regular order of
business will ho the oalliog of States for resoles
doss. If that description of business be et:Ashur
led off by sumo mln.avre, oce of the Ant rests
tenons off:red will bo that of Gov. Mtn, of Was
crinsio, Gr the termination of debate in C, ,: ocorti
tee of the Whole, upon the retsident's e
relative, to the admission of California, and fatf itt!
eructing the Coormutce to report to they's° for
as action, h • bill for Immediate admissl o, wh Ich
hid been offered in con.ettoo %lib that message.
U lett,. Goyemor's intedttou to li I the Getter
discussion of the subject to the I of May.
Thts reaoletion, tiniest • feet cos opposition is
interposed to prevent ft, muse pus by • decided
am trity, and if adopted still give the real friends
.of California r `vaetsge. There oh be
no pretence' oppression of tho free.
kutjeet ha* beea vad<r
,with little Intezmiulan
Jam al delist
discussion U
denaood that the Le•
tor four mop
to dm lasi extrema
fit lobes Vp[lo.llOy
1.101311a5 "Ca
ty.° are d
propeattimi whatever, that shall bring them to a
vote, andribat, conseqttentiy, they will bring tato
requiaiiiort their revolt:mortar! tactics of cow Et xt
tngre by ealltog the yell and nay,. !ranch be
tb‘ir determination, it is doubly important that
this effort should be =ado to bring matters to an
is We have had wrangling anciagh. If ■
peat a:mature, upon which at lead two third. of
the counuy basset la heart, la to be &rented by ■
gang of revolutionists and diattoran , gera, ilia time
that the game of revolution should be exposed.
!t is time, too, that tb:s scheme of defeating Its
wpiAirationof California for admitsion, by mere
delay upon that and elf other business in Coegrei a
were bniter known. The obstinacy and deeper -
anon tribe opposition foss already paned all toe
Wands of realm* and decency. Thi l ohyiuns In
tention Is either to drive California to mutilate her
Preseui:admirable constitution, by striking out the
antislavery clause, or to force her to set up an In
dependent government If slavery is prepared to
attempt to early these and all Its other purpowes
by force, let the lone be made up at once. Even
now her advocates end champions have present
ed the alternative of the unlimited extension of
their institution, ander the banner of one Repub
lic, or insurrection in the very capital well Very
well, if they are resolved upon the contest, and
wiil begin- the attack,. in reality they will have
done, if they uodertake "to nullify the govern.
meat,° by preventing' it. legitimate action, why
should we wish to postpone ht The question
comes up broadly and diminelly, shall the majority
or a lean and beggarly minoriry rule, Will the
National Legislature bow and flee before a hand
ful of insolent upstarts who prate of -•bloodshed'
in Ps halts, and of leaving no quorum for healerss
on it. flans, unless their demands be complied
In my opinion we shou'd be ready to meet these
question. now, and decide them now. Let,
then the resolution to clots debate in a fannight be
putted to morrow, or it resisted to the lasi ex
tremity of factioe, let em sit out too day again till
midnight,end let the fact gala the coeetry,that thin
ty flee or forty partitive of slavery le Commas,
nave put their ban equally upon California and
all other necessary and lodiepeesnble legislation,
and in fact have partially ■bohebed the 11512ge of
Representstivel. I may possibly attach too mach
it:penance to theta indontloal of violent feeling.
The sombre cast of my reflection. upon the pre..
ant edit • in our national affairs, may Impart too
lurid a hue to my lodgement, and may render me
unocceiniarily an alarmist. I treat It la so, sod
that the events of to morrow and the crowning in
cident. of this session may light itp what appein
to Me a Molt gloomy pictere. Upon one point
my mind to clear, to wit—that neither polliy , nor
patriotiem require that we of the Gee States should
concede goy thing mote. We have yielded
enough, to say the least. We have waived the
proviso, though we believe Itjast, and fair,aad or' •
ecstasy, out of generous forbearance (Jr Southern
Grating and parodic,. We have cordially acqui
esced In the plan at a Southern President and a
large stave holder for the sat dement of the pent.
log querlon. But thl. :has only stimulated ag•
grestioo upon our patience:4.nd we are now ask.
ed to aid in or consent to the establiehment at sla
very, eat only in the territories, but In the argent.-
ed State of Calibrate, where the people have K.
pudiatad it. I sty let an now pike our bock to
the wail against which we hove been driven, and
let naditzt, if meesswy, for what wo have not
yet given up. /mum
Opinions and Decisions of the Supreme
Coact—Long John Wentworth on the
Union—ills Investigation Committee
-c.a... and California
.1 loam that it is expected that the Supteme
Court will occupy to morrow in the delivering or
opinh'es upon cases ugued at this end the pest
terms. Its probable, as the end at the term Is
close at hand,that judgements will be given in the
Wheeling bridge ease.
FROM 11•11111SIIVIla II
r.. eapandence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
uunadaannon, April 'A, 1.40.
I the House, to day, the hill in ea trod the char.
It i of the Ens!. Bank was taken up and passed
•ug - tt final reading.
The Heim also united upon its amendment to
the "Montour . county bill i referringlhe whole sub
ject to a vote of the people at the vent annual eled
tine. The bill was afterwards sent bask to the
Senate, where a CINTIMinfe of Conference wss ep•
pointed on the euhleet
Tise Senate having pawed a resolution Impel,
mg the Houses tereeturn to that body the bill tii an
nut the marriage ciontram between Dr. W. Weil,
erill, and Isabella Ips wife, the proposition was do.
Wed at length, by Messrs. Follower, Bowen,
noswer, Porter, aid Slots, and eventually agreed
to. It in probable that this bill will now he defeat
ed in die Senate.
This being the day set apart, several weeks ago
far the farther consideration of the resolution% rel
ative to slavery to thaterritories, and the ado...
aloe of California ass State, Mr. Allison called the
attention of the Speaker and the House to the feet.
and hoped thetthe gentleman from Westmoreland,
(Mr. Lialtd,) who tad the floor when the subject
wan postponed, hid had time to prepare hit speech
The Speaker, however, managed to give the .ob
ject the "go by," as being out of order, notwith•
standing a had been made the 'pad order
In the Senate, ee Apportionment bill was taken
op on second realling, and • scene of great coon,-
mama, noise, andronfosion, immediately ensued.
It named to be Well understood that-the Speaker,
Mr. Beg, would not co-operate with either party,
and that consequently nothing could be done, as it
Would be impossible to obtain a majority for any
proposition. The door and lobbies of the Satiate
immediately filled with anxious and ,excited ape,-
tators, end much disorder was the coosequence
! Several calls of 4ist yeas and nays were had opal
the drat sections of the bill, but darling it mop...
We to obtain any practical mirth, the bill was final.
ly postponed talus morrow morning.
The Senate then resumed the second reeding and
consideration of the bill from the House, entitled
"A supplement to en act to establish a sinking
fund," Aso., du, which was passed over without
discussion, until the amendment pin on by the Sen
ate Committee, authorizing a loan of $3,300,000 at
four per cent interest per annum, and conferring
upon the holders of such loan, the privilege of batik.
tog upou the Free Pnociple, was reached, when a
very animated end interesting discussion arose be
tas:en Messrs. TiarsierVensble, and Walker, upon
the expediency of adopting such a system. Messrs .
Dante and Walker both made excellent spcei hes
in favor of the drill. Indeed their arguments were
not only forcible, bat conclusive. And the result
was t h at they carried the bill triumphantly over all
opposition, very much to the surprise of every
body who was fitment when the discossion corm
The bill passed to a third reading, by a vote of If,
to 13, 51r King, in ardent and eloquent defender
of the bill, and the arum of which it is, the mere
forerunner, being unavoidably absent.
The bill will certainly pus the 13anate, and if it
has (airplay In the Howe, will probably pass that
body also. The System is rapidly coming into fa
vor with both parties, and will eventually swallow
up; the old rotten corporation opium wittioin •
doutg. •
The GOZIOVIIi Appropriation Bill has not yet been
reported in the Senate. The Committee, however,
have tweed upon several Important amendments.
among which Mr. Dorsie has kindly furnished me
with the following, in' reference to the Inclined
planes upon the Ahegheny Portage Railroad, and
which he is quite confident will pass both Houses.
"That the Canal CoMmissioners be, and they are
hereby authorized and required to locate and put
under contract a railroad to avoid the five Western
and the three Most Eastern inclined planes on the
Allegheny Portage Railroad, and directed, as soon
as the route shall be determined upon, to place the
conetructioe of the road under contract, and COlL
pieta the tame. without mammary delay.
"That the governor be, and he is hereby authw
Lard to borrow, on the faith of the Commonwealth,
and of the revenues hereafter meationed,end which
ere hereby apepifically pledged for the payment of
'the teleran, and the repayment of the principal,
the sum of five hundred thoonaod dollars, and issue
certificates of loan therefor, redeemable iu twenty
years from Macao be paid into the Internal Im
provement Fund, and appropriated, together with
the receipts from the sale, which Is hereby author
red, of iron andpld material. and buildings from
the portion of the Portage Railroad rendered use
less by the emanation of the road herein provi:
ded for, to carry out the provisions of this section,
the mid loan to bear an intense not exceeding five
per cent. per anourn, payable half yearly ou the let
days ofJanunry and July, and shall be exempt
from every kted of tuition, acid be called the Al.
legheny Portage loan .,
'That there shall be set, apart by the Commie
stoners of the Imemal Improvement Fund, out of
the revenue. out of the public works, for the
. per•
meat of the interest at the lan hereby author ised,
the bum of twenty five damned dollars per an
num, and there shall also be vet apart by Mid Com
missioners, the gross amount received from thee
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, for tolls on pas•
mega" and merchandise, passing over the mid
Portage Railroad, or nay part thereof, which, to
gether with the accumulating interest, shall be in
vested In said loan, of any other loan of the Com
monwealth, the aid investment to fOrm a sinking
fond for the redemption of the principal at matu
"Thal the Canal Commissioners shall appotot a
competent alp= to tak• charge of the work
hereby b uthoriso' NI, together with the completion of
the Western Reservoir, whose slaty shall not ex
ceed two thousand dollars per annum."
For M. Putsburi/s Casts.
T 4• Congressional Nomination
Pd. Ent - rex—l avve with your correspondent
on the vulducf of . the Cungreirional Nomination,
that • the Whig party of this district should this
DP nominate a find rate man." In addition to
the usual elective ofacers, we are likely to have
to vote for an Auditor General, and' Attorney
General for the State; and Prosecuting Attomey,
Deputy Surveyor, dec., for the County. We
should nominate for Congress a man who can and
will go through the County and present before the
people the importance of the issues involved.
In addition to the respectable name. already
suggested, permit me to add that of T. Y. Hinson,
Esq. Mr. 8., it Is well known, ably and faithfully
represented our county at Harriaburgh, durum the
exciting discussions in regard to the eastern rail•
road connections ; in all these he ably sustained
our interest.. So faithful was he to his duties,
that I have heard it acid that he never was ab.
seat from his etc during those three pears, fifteen
minute. while the Rouse wanly session. Ilia ex .
pretence would give him ■ decided advantage a t I
Washington. Mr. B. has devoted mach time to
enable him to fully understand the statistics and
resources of our County and State. It ie well'.
known that he is a gentleman of MOM than ordi
nary ta:ent 1 as a writer, the late Richard Biddle
pronounced him to be •the ablest and most fn•
irked in the country." lie Is an active and de•
voted Whig, able and willing to alliSt in the en
via on of our present law., so as to give protection
to our meohanies—sympathises with all wholesome
reforms calculated to elevate the workingman,and
would never willingly esneent to give an Inch of
free territory to the extension of slavery. p.
The President and the Whtg members
of Congress.
The following article, from the National Intnllb
gencer, is worthy of attention by every Whig rea
der. It is a candid sad convincing answer Kobe
complaints which have been so thoughtleisly and
unreasonably made by many Whip, in relation to
the policy and procedure of the President and his
Cabinet in the ,administration of the Govern.
“Complaints or the rourse punned by the Pre
sident and the Cabinet ere nut confined to the Vern.
°erotic papers. The:Whig papers seem to com
plain that the President does not keep ahc Whig
party in Congrect in a perfect slate ot discipline
and subordination.
it in” lung been raid, by the Whip party, that
from the necrocion of General Jacirsori to the Pre-
aidenry, our Government has taken n wide depar
ture fruln Ith trot theory, and that executive in 11.4.
encr, executive palm:taps, rt<Clltilie dictation, and
executive veto had resolved the Government into
the one man power, and almost annihilated the
Legislature. Congress, wader Democratic auspi
ces, had ceased to be what it seas intended to be
under the Constitution, the independent and only
legitimate organ for the expression of the public
Tu check this counse, to correct this great evil,
to bring back our Government to its true theory,
was avowedly one great object *ought in the elec
tion General Taylor. That the Executive should
keep within its own orbit, confining itself to giving
Congress otiimal informahon of the mate of the
country, recommending proper measures and en
erco4og the veto power only to prevent encroach
ment on the Executive, and cheek hasty and un-
conylitui tonal legislation, are primples which were
all fully presented be General Taylor, nod euwain•
ed by hi, election. . 4 3ducc his election, the Presi
dent has conformed hi. conduct to these priu.ples.
lie has not by himself or by his ministers attempted
to influence the action of the individual members
• Congress by sol leant tea prirni Wes, appointments,
or menace. This, surely, should not be matter of
Compintnt by the Whig party, the President and
bin hlinisters have laid before Congress q full
'Aztec-tient of the condition of the country and the
state of the several Deportment,of the Govern
ment. The Preoident has recommended such
measures as in his view are required far the cone.
try, and Inure has bran on hie liparthat ditgunte,
suppression, of concealment. It now rel. en.
Well . with Congress to promed ot the bisque,. of
Na doubt any member of Congress den:ring fur•
thee in , ormation from any branch or the Elect].
I.lSe, thy rignest, he frothy and cheer:tiny
supplied With ti; bar , , of the ptecutive nub eon
soUsuons and hold prottoulsr rtittrasay with par.
ocular Members, it gives ritieuee to others and
hittles OCellslJo to charge the President with
dtsressrdias the pcne , ples avowed iu his election,
by Gel leartng Congress and n. tn.:usher, unbiass
ed and Independent. This, however correct,
does out appear le Ire anufaclllty rn all the Wbit
poop, sod some went disposed to osaspLain that
the party n 001 reletle!rd, dictated to, sad dn.
gc0n...1 'ten olweleoen aid subirdination by lien.
Tarts In this *acne m•enet as ...cond.:oEl<d by
lb- \Vl,:sa In Me uppu•An
now stated iu sundry Whi r l paper., through
th ..r irre.pc•ndents tram Wedirteltel m Were
ea •, so 4 I:. otEiiia by tor, Editor., mat there I.
• want of esri!ti(Rf and concert between etiC•b-
ons I and the Wh:g Membent of Congress.; that the
Cabsne: a notated, tn•ecesuble„ and does not eon
an:l4" Wh'C Weathers, Miss La le:gusted aa •
eau. of eunaplasot or r411 , g, estop. the Cab; oct,
and doubt lea* . antuud-d by tbote she
have Ina' g trod it, and by tbs.aa no bays put
forth. '
The de•lr. among the Whig meutben for en
carat with the Gamut la alahOal earitee‘ely ■
to appointment , to office; mad itht obvious dist, if
such are conned by tilt C.i.f. it
moat be with a view In (JllOlll out the advice to
ohtain rd. Ti, sreh,and thee disregard ad virv.wculd
be Justly cotoodered offensive. Now,. to emirs
tog and iollowirot such .den, there its o hy i e r hy,
entirely insurenniantahle ty the Esi coose, sod •
ttirrecued of which clues 014 with the part., at d
pithier's is so, inherent sod ineurati a conduct of
the party ittet may be as well dimteedy oatrd
at disguised; and st 15 nut: A pan of the Why
party omits on as indiscortunsta mad entire pro.
•erfpltria and Chen:o to the officers of the Goes
I c rew, no, wit e Kenner puny finedy tiPP'..'• th."
as w cog to used, sod if ernsistent with Whig
prolelsionl. Again, Whenever •ny •ppninttneat
ir to be made, ih•na It, in the Woig party, an on.
compromising MOW... pi °seemed, ni to what
1 bate s had have it, what teed. of the State, and
wt. on. of the various atibriortooaa of the pars
ty m toe different Sofres. No advice can be pro
I cured *hien 0 tat lops Ohl a 011erti std no op.
.ointment can be made but what weld be uneatia-
I (emery to the greatest somber; and hence they
cornolam test their advice and tokalence a nol
Lonaht sod laved by Inc President or Cabinet
' This is rought by Whig papers. sad is repeated and
even made • matter of complaint and charge
I against the Eaecou ve, by profeesed fnenda Even
I the Now York lleollrier and Eutinircr" of the 26th
, instant, presents it in to. 401, the Editor saying
that he thinks it '`ohs dory of the President to can•
salt Jae lPAigpoeep to regard to all grey mess.
Irrs • Sur N uw, haw can this be doves To con
malt the party could be of AO sae Unita. Ito
opinion were tube followed And, we agen ask.
how can that he done, vita oe:opinions obtained
by such consndatio. •re utterly coMbeting
and irreconcilable one with soother I It is
difficult tepee bow •ey other course but that which
has thus far been pursued by the President and
the Cabinet can be talon; that is, to make such
appointment., recommend mach 100Sallres, and
mate each administration of the Department. Me
are tameable to well known Wog principles and
policy, guided by their best judgment, and with the
beat light they can obtaiu, leave it to the Whig
party w o placed them In power to modals and
support, IV in complain and Minden either
the Preffidect or hi. cabinet, ag shall by them be
thought beet. his probable that, while the parry
remains Mauled, some for Paul, tome Apollo*,
and some for Cephas, and so many each for At
self, complaint, defeat, and diapace Wow.
' Mach ho been eald of late about the allowance
0( elsitirth The truth tr. there Is much more red
dasarialaction about the rejection of elainas,atid of
late many who have (ailed m their canons appli•
cation. for office, for claim, for contract., and
projects, seem iincllned to throw their wart.*
domplaints Into a common stock, and mate agen
t.] charge on the whole Calmat, sad to procure a
ger nem/,lttat they may have mother chance
of ...ceding to the claim., contracts, and can
ons private pima and projects Which the slaveral
members of this Cabinet have rejected.
The number of Whig tnembenter Congress who
participate In this coot. Is believed to be smell,
sad, noticed of constituting the party, which re
mains mund and faithful, are but the exceptions,
who do not perhapa always disclose the true
ground of then' complaint.'
Irmo the Chu.lul liemid of Monday, dpill 22 I
Tremendous Explosion t.efireat Lou .r
Life I—Ste•isser Wayne Lost te..ttuty
known to be payed
From the Clerk, Mr. 11. 0. Voroo, who arrived
here to-night, wo Warn the following panmuleSt:
Thr Wayne tot t Toledo at 9 o'cloca, nu Saturday
morning, with about 25 passenger., and took on
some 10 more at Sandoali, on Saturday
leaving there at 10 o'clock. These and the crew
made the number on board from 60 to 100.
About bait post 12 this morning, met below Vs,-
'" million, and tome eight mks from Mower the two
starboard beams exploded, throwing them into a
perpendicular victim], tearing away the steerage
cabin above, and shattertog the hull badly bite
Sank In Almon minute,, going down head first
and earning awey the fore kitaal, on which were
six personr.
Tim yawl was launched end twelve persona
reached chore in it. The life bent half ailed on
launching and leaked badly, but ale persona got
ashore in her, alter atx bonnie/onions, by hall,, g
Dept. Gore, Jae Edgecomb, Ural male, the aeo
ond male, sod Mr Come Gera, am caved.
Ms. Jeremiah Edmore fleet, and Mr. Edward
Bombard, second engineer, ate bet.
Mr. D. A. Eddy, of Clayelani, We. on hoard,
and was seen afar the explosln t but whether he
was saved us not known.
The state Boom of the Captain, Dept to the
.u. en ge cabin, Was blown to memo, and Ms bed
blowy, muff° down, but be wan unhurt. Be im-
Itedialely went into the bold and found $ figura
water there. The clerk, before leaning the boil,
tore off mortal dolt, wbicn he threw overboard,
tar those who were In the water.
When the Wayne Went [own. she was on are,
and the dames welding& buraUng out
The cause of the explosion wa Guam .u4e--
The hailers were only a t, ear old, and were. in ■
good . A fireman woo escaped says that
test 1,-Ene the a:eideut he nod the boilers, and
there we. plenty of water to them.
The watch had been changed some twenty
finales before. ind the Second Engineer was in
charge. Tte night was light no this time, hot moo
became buy.
Some sea was running and the water we. so
cold that we fear nearly all who were in the water
most have perished.
The nurricatia deck is supposed to have floated
and was thought to be seen from shore this morn-
Two small vessels went oat from Vermilhoo to
plea up any survivors.
The Wayne was under moderate headway
When the boilers exploded, and as yet we esenoi
coojEcture the cause of an aceidient, the most an
iere sad terrible which has recently onurred OD
the Lakes.
Omen of DAILY Mtaaon.
Sandusky, April 29, 1920. f
The Wayne'. hurricane deck parted train the
hull and floated. The eutitivors were a xposed on
the wreck end daylight.
The schooner Elmira, Capt. Newgent, war
bailed, and brought the killed and wounded and
mewing to Sandusky. The Mate any. the Wayne
came to Sandusky with ten in the steerage nod
twenty in the cabin.
Front Sandusky and train and yacht' 21 more
went on board, and the crew numbered 30—totat,
91. Nineteen of the crew and 30 of the i,,ben
gen are saved, or hkely,to recover. Twat, lost
and missing, 3.5 or 4 0.
Prasa•agrro known to ha KilltaLtdyron
Dayton, O.; 0. W. Hart, over Perryshnig 1,, 0.,
formerlyof Lower Sandusky.; John Elio., wife
and child, Mt. Hope,Mich.; J. W. Doty, 'Warsaw,
Passengers dangettouslr wawa...4.-1 H. L fin
Chitionden Co. VI.; Robert Sbay, Divan, 0.
Badly, but nut dangerously, .e :ended —J.,hn
a Cray, Louisville, Ky C. G. Lawrence, Ange
liu, N. Y.; A. W. Gray,Silllwater, N. V.; a boa
of John Ellis, Mt. Hope, Mich.
Slightly Scalded—John Bradley, Cleveland;
Mathew Faulkner ' Sheffield, Maim; Henry Me:
Donner, Trenton, Mich.
Pavengers Sera—D. A. Eddy. Cleveland; C.
Moroni, de; H. 11. Pectinger, do; Baleonab, do.; J.
C. Waggoner, do.; Chu. J. Sus I tb, Mg.t ;
Daniel E. Van Horne, Alton, lo,; Juno %void, ()l
ined, O; Goioline Kimball and child, Springfield,
(3; Linn Ellis. Mi. Hope, Mien.; H, W.
wife and r.e children, Toledo, OW; a I,..enger
from St. Louis; Edwin Kellogg, w le end two
children, Lafayelle; Fitch, Peru, Hun. Cr. 0;
Mr.. Sou h, from below Cleveland; return,, g Irma
her lather's, in Huron Cu.; Edward linvenagii.
Troy, N. Y.
Eleven of the error Ipht, v
J. J. Elmoin'and E. Bombard, gem,: Heil •
ry Slimes+, Steward, 'IOW MI. Gleme., M•rh:
Fraalein Freeman, of Detroit; A 11. M,-u,l, bar
keeper; Willey Robinson, Jahn William..., s a d
Henry Kelley, Conks; two wailers and i.der
Guttered, deck hand, missing.
Mimes—John Brainard and James O'Net',
intool3; Whitney Persona, Porter, and Hein
Blanc, clerk hand.
Fifteen of the arm. Malodour Captain, !path
Maim Clerk, Saloon keeper, Me
three firemen, one porter, two deck handA, barb,.
and chambermaid, oared.
All the crew thus accounted tor.
The Alabama, to day, had on !ward tonic oldie
pusesiyers of the ill Wed Wayne,
Mr. H. A. Eddy, and Messrn. U. 91..1,1 and H.
Brom Mr. Eddy, we learn that UM “1/:0000
took place at one o'clock, on Sunday 1.0. aloe.
dividing the cabin and hurricane .1. ok id two
palm The life boat was flamed btiwc ,
wheal house and mica,ant 0111 Wllll
difficulty, and when Iminehed, hail blind, and
basted of' with ho one in it. Toe rpnipiii yrbe
Mobs shout him some direction., dirs.. in, me
water, reached the hunt, GA With lit, iiiheri
male for bbote in semeAot
The mare, w tb wacte do:2n others ie the yawl
espied el wisest In the distance, made 1.. r it cod
at last amcceeded to reaching-the achnoper Eartotu
lehiott Immediately commenced Leanne dawn ;.•
toe wreck, which .he reached about hail pa.: 1,
A. M., and took off the uutraased, scald.,l wet
dead from the wreck.
When the hull wen: down, the cabin (lasted •r;
two pmees, the smaller remaining winehm• ta the
mast by the shrouds, and the Jane , to In; c•cru,
by the tiller ropes. tin the fail way; Mania
len and Petitaccr, awe tome, ion or eight oda-se—
en the latter, Mr. E 1,4,13 a m,:
badly *raided, and 9 acad. The eatan a••
but the do.2m, panels, :cc. [-mots r ,ay
ciao aft door to Me top or hurricane deck as I.c:-
dre, et.a•ra, d:c. would allow, 'raki,( ihr
about 2 feet alcove water. tan this deck tear
visors, and the dead, rt awned, durina c x . ..he
hones, while this Ind support heaved with wane
undulation of the lobe, shaping inefin the w liven.
Pour women and two children erne on she cart
sod they bola up stably. Those on the futwavl
portion were most exposed to the action of the
wrier. and were gaudy (loses.
Mr. Eddy was aide to tow t the cahas nodes
the deck, and pull out the inatiresse,lanidris..Xe .
fur , he eon:start of stns... abuse Inanetoptina ; •
convey acne ••f thew to the other part of the ••• c
ite wen washed from his raft, and bad mime din,
unity regaintog his old protion.
The water where the his., aunt: was on al
Ic deep
^strpt deep. hich. W3l ekceed•oxi
water e d he deck vronid have lace pined
wader, unles. the shroud. and titter repel ;ma part;
ed—a thing by no means prnbable
After the Elmira look oft those; o the w•eca,
and the deed hodies p;elled up by n
the yaw , . she
nude for Sandusky, and now the attain Met kJ",
der. which she endeavored to overtake and and
but did nut succeed. Mrsniano Cuptom
had reached Sanditalty. and despaicled n son.: 11
haat ID Island, with orders to rend the I-•
tender to Mu avustance of thoec on the were
The Is:ander niet this hoot ea she was maniac up
Sandusky Bay, and toduntly returned. meeting the
Ennis.. The pasiumgere were truus erred ti• ;he
steam fowls, the wounds of the scalded •mea Jet
red, cud the others eared Ida tin arr•ving .
dusky the ready kind was estendecl o. u;I who
bad suffered from the audden and tertit•a• ea
Too Ilpectoone cro Ftna rue Our nV Y. k.v
too.—We have already given • Wier account, by
telegraph, of the hurricane and 6m which occurs
red of the city of Mexico on the 29th ult. Toe
following more extended account is tali u now
the New Orleans Picayune of the 22d lost
The city of Mexico won., on the '19:1, nit , 'roo
ted by • double calamity. In the fowl oiseo, at
shoot IP o'clock In the morning. • •oltthwest wind
commenced blowing with great Vtolynne, and
shortly became a perfect hurricane, rich as had
never bean experienced in Mexico in the mem,.
yof the ...oldest inhabitant." From old-dot hit
2 o'clock In the evening, the hurricane rrgesi
with rnernmeorable tory, walla were vertnruve.
sten. carried off, and twelve large uses o
in the AI..
meda were blown plan. The siesta were till
e./ with d Dkr. and were tyndyten 1.,, a Wive tin.
pusable. At Puebla, the effects of Inc hurricane
Irate les. severely felt Ihs it the caps&
At the moment when Tempest *loot its he yht
the loom sounded frourrill the phinclatis in Ore roc
and the pry of fire resounded through the wrtYir
ortoch lint a moment before almost tkeetted. ,
were 6lled with an affrighted crowd The cause
of the alarm was a tire which had broken out in Ilse
swrrage shop of Wolcott & Hope, Foro street, trim
so that part of the city where the hurricane raged
maw fearfully. In less than en hour that vlnabl.h•
meat End many adjacent houses weir dAWftlyrd
The violence oldie wind not only renden.9l
all efforts to extinguish the dames, bsti earned the
burning ernberatu a great distance. In tins man
uor the coy WAS set on fire jn two other places—
t the carriage shop of Mr. P. Desmond, New
Mexico street, nod at a point near the A lainciity—
The'ptunpa failed, water was scarce. the fire dejntrt.
mend was badly organized, and the WI/111 continued
to blow with the same fury, so that it was bebevvd,
not without tenon, that these three fines, nt ds,la
points, would lead to a general condagratron '
Happily, however, Ina general solidity witkch char •
Artelpel lbe communion of Mexican hoist, ship
ped the progress of the names about 5 o'clock
the evening.
About a hundred families were deprived of their
homes by this lamentable catastrophe. The dam
age estimated at 5.1011,000 During Me fire lie
French Foreign legion, under the order of Al Ire
Vapeur, the French Minister, did good seri
and one of its members was severally wounded
A young sculptor maned Jose Marra Mrrunda win
nearly killed. The Minister of Deletions had ap
pointed a eanumites of jour to sod nceeice
subscriptions in .1 of thersuflerers, and the Pres,
dent bad beaded the ha with a donation of SUM.
Sit.vga Mine in F.nomatrp.-4 valulble
silver lode has been dOtoorered on Ilbrldge •a.
late. the properly pf w. Wymond, in the par eh
of Landrilph, about four miles from Salia s t,
the dorm Callinaton road. Applicabons
g ene repeatedly made (or thp lett tweni y yews Lei
a grant of the eel, which, bpsvpver i could hot Ili
obtained tilt about • lortnight since, the ptoprictro
no: believing that his estate contained any ininerai,
and supposing that his land would be broken up
to on purpose. Operation. were lately eine wet:teed;
and when only three feet horn the surface, a val
uable lode of silver ore was opened upon, allow.
log that the opinion. of the practical miners were
assayed, produced 10 in 20 fur lend, tied !dun
correct. The ore taken from it fuming been ewe.
ounces of sliver in the lon of ore. Thu shaft hag
amen been sunk iambi fitir (whams, where the
i n i n i n four feet big, and the ore found to be of
much greater richness. This in one uf the richest
lodes eeeee een In our locality eo near the surface.
—Plymouth Guardia.
114.31:1115 of rite Poor Woonswlarn.—A private
le ter from 4,entdriaide, March tis, inhume the New
York L terry World or tee. danger.. illness of
the poet Wordaworth. Wore you remise da,"
is the Itiogesge of the letter, "Mr. WorAawneth b oor , recovered or died—he le verklio day,
no d 1r I. my fropteesion that we are to row h,„,
soon." The poet was born on the 7th of April,
17711, eousequelodl he woUld eocgplete:Clus eight
eth""nolhe y
' o P (r7lt u la m 5. 4 4 71 L0 h.
s w , wgt.t..—The Lnwed
Courier toys—"A portion tf the mills on the Tre
mont Corporation In this city, ao well ae on the
&Wolk and Lawrence, we believe, are tp l,r, M op.
pad .n the courro of the ensiling mon b, and
ge number ..1* o;u:relives necessarily will be I
dieeherged. The very high price al cotton end •
rho difficulty of dwiunriuir af manufactured good., i
at nay bat ruinous rate., arc probably the reams
of this stoppage.'
WI kayo from the National illtetharurer tbat
Henry Cray, yr. arra tithe gallant U. 631. C , •e,
the K.:candy volunteers, killed at Baena Vista,
has been appointed a Cadet to the United Staten
Magary Academy.
The extensive fanoery of Messrs. Conant
Brother, at Paducah, Ky., was eurireiy tleetroycel
by tire a tern days tine. Lot* s2oooo—half cov
ered by mama...
The tons of Paducah, Ky., i- reed m pr.•-ent a
cent o ;',,reer activity, in ronnequenee of the rum.
111er:cement there of the buatneeeel be %team.
Fonts. A bout of the !argent elate wan latteetted
In tete olaytt miner—the is called the the Vernon.
.nd 13 Over 1000 1003 13133111313, her catterae length
fa 263 feel.
TEe town of Danville, Ky., has voted a tax el
on,: pr r cont. per annum on all taxable properly
in the limits of the corporation, fur three btlere...
rise years, toward the ermsliuolion of a rail road
from that place to I: ablator, By those meat,. tt
is amid thr t about Si 50,000 will bo raibcd.
The fret for tie Pittsburgh and Cleveland Rail
road Ims term routraered for in Ergland. and 2,-
0110 tuna have l con ehinperl. The iron will reach
Chsveland by wry of Quebec, and rho work a to
be pu,bed leiward as rapidly at poarrible.
Tar Cannes." Ficrtgatn..—We learn I,y
Irtter froze a trend In Urine de Grace, that all
the tirlerier at the heart of the Cheani.ealie bay,
rx , ept age or tirra, have been tar Never:it day,
catching genet tree at the (nine!,
From filly to bre 11111filrli 1,6,06 or rerritig ore
earght of a Igo& lima—All, sun
Cll.lls, hay I eenne a city. Cep , . WK. Tay
lor. of Bedroom, has been Mewed Mayor. 'NI.
movement upon the pail of the Amerwens voll
:Palle the people of New Grenada open their eyr,
Cava,. Itanucron rtl TELEGIAPIC Trams—No
tice is given that, On toe Mollie Inn: Of ,el. graph.
on and oiler May tat, the rate cf toils betw . ern
Ildston and New Yolk, and between 143sten toil
Portland, will hi luvuly r-nta in.lend-ofAfry
the lira, Ito word% or each communicatiGh. Ta
New Yerk, two crate for each additional word; ln
Portland uuc cent, each added word.
Mrt CamtruGht R.3l.alrls.—The family el' Mr.
Calhoun have given up the enaludy a /it. no
ma:na to the Stale, I, make such of Mum
a. tae feeling,. and toteheit nt the Legi.lature to
dietlh. Tarn bare hero temporality driven ed
in vault Cl Charlerton, erected far the y Orpnre,
we it b the b inner of rl,r S ate waving over it.
A t mum, Facri—The blubler no a fat what,-
. rnmettzum, in its thickeat patio, from fitter, Fri
laarely Inchon think, though reldont mart. th.ln a
for:; it of aeon ..femme an much harder
than tat unit, Su r very fu.l of nil m tb that a ell'
parked with the clean raw fat °NW
will iot eon, in We nil larded from sod mr
ew• are let. hwaider, thin Ean been t Ileiptently
bmved by riper menu,
If the. Whig pre,' ihronghout the l'ilited t , tatri-
Liao, i any thing. it i 3 111 tibtoong the WaAtngtott
Lototi.— n
[ . .&tv. Georgian.
There'. sot didienti y in agreeing upon a point
where there'. not the rtt;titeid .pitentile eirottetrOl
being wrong. Allito•I every Ober quer.tiou ham at
len..t two nine, in It, and there may, therefoie, lie
different,: of opinion, but the bareness nod tow
Ili:nay of the I [lion are no trump:went on to leave
no room for tilnagreennetit —IN. Y. Courier
S In —A new Artrerean ides , bn•t been
n,: e llt New York. The following' I. taken
fr. I I pl. er Le I. Nut —Ll•rwn busy,
riwirere.onwb; ! nn onto, will 3104.140
o'ermat-hr (Pdto.v.,) Yei, do 1 heat:—Yen !
!her, are roomer t. in , 14,441 ertien eon/toren,.
It. f.'s . .. A uc-r. y (4.11.501, in ton, no, t..odtbie
inn,, tiler .11,4,4 ow, er thunder in
th, Irvine vtiir ••, Join lidsb 4 f e.dning ruiribu•
t EY lertlY., rimtar—ry teleyrn; , . rirn arc he
r. c yr-,rdny, wr. it nro .hat Gen. Pow,.
wa , prctrrl a , on Chat tiny'ir on: 1 , 1,-.4
o,i 1131.1 That Ira r.roriter4 norlerra , rl hay
bye:, Anton, nerl here to cr., Icor. ‘Ve rear. '. al•o r !ear. thy• frt. health I. Very low—to turel
rra r. to jorrl•lp d tilt. of hie I,nehrore h., :rap, :1
rrr —Arrr•ri,Jra
roc rh,„,
The. American iloy's Prayer.
I won.J La re.koln:e, aLd (Inortg, and Lout,
keep my nem., Idtntd.
dune • nom d, Dunk of o.d
11..;, II .d
I oohlttot tho I nmol the brat rid.y
i.h horo,n I =etc tor.,
orrorh notor on h .o
hnhie wny,
For &old, nor told, 1101 more.
I uonhlL.oh.l
A htoro laien .honi.: my ht - on•troohl.
l'rr.- nom the 'darer—fool!
11,4 Curley
Nct 4.11
vrcru'.l acr 'r I- to ro
?Itre ta.orti rrrrw rirat' • l'prs• urc,
, Irrr.ird yrarg I
`•., •e1..c0•1 rsn• cr... r 115.. t firec tvcri
.in.l LIN t`
leen e.L.. 41.-r.sor
Nttonot Por.noitetn •• n
WYY.cI tot.. in tint,
wtu,t) sTrtErr, BON'
the St,(1.011 purch rrrrr to thra
, v mpare favorml4, 1.01 a
rse tlt 1%-•vre., that oi any
Cll IZEN.,'
Of Pittsburgh.
t• 111' , 511.1 . ¢.'1 •—• MARK. 4 ,. )
S.. II Water me,. $.1,111,,C t,I I.
gt.p.1:4.1 •“,:e
Ktt•te. and iu trstowu.vel..,•••• lr
Art emptv ~rcala,:, tor
the iiinlay am: integrity nt
the I ninitiatinn, ritgnr , vg the etiningter i!ie lb.
retry, who gr. all riling,,.Pittigurgli, welt
147.- ,,, 1 Icor., in it, rgmgrito.,ty to; Unit,
11 a. tug. • II wary,lt.igu!ey, Win I.n
inn,. Jr. Waiter Ilugh lg. King, IrAnigril
Henan:ion. Z Ilnaiugb, S AI. A , rt.
up n
To rua Attitil;•Ot.tzlitto VOIMIS or Ai 1.•
ott•Av Cot Nil err are Soko.roh
or 1,..t0,0rg o treronnooroorl ro , Ire Coervol ,
cairn] lo turel on .I.e rirli or la., twat. u. • ran
riol•to .trr the n Mee of County Comtutmlo-or
ao .0 die.. tronT MANN Norris
Esq ul
tow •,, , ,ried fur Unlizionti , •ll, ds a “
.7..!.. 1,11, k•svably,
in... 1.4 A a lel.
CuitKe , 4loeele, of Noola
I „, n•ioe. 1.. e elmdid•tr for County
om.— towr ...I,” to Me decilkon ll._a•ot Soleineling Cnnerietnn
INI l'oetttlay ore., ~ the on.lnexikned will start on
kf pr..te...hmt.l lot.tor Wttehitketthe Cat:, Motu
New York, 1.1.e.t0n, Alb.., 1, Huh
Chtenett, aod C.h.touttt P[r.ll4 holier hue.
•,I,oote plat ca.
he... tt etiendrd te, hl.ntto.t.hg tite•nnie Ws. 114 C.
itongirr N Tat/ Ullte,
Attorney at Low. Want et, below Fitty
tor. e tt
A 111/Nillor Vl l O O 0 , Allentarot elle (Coupon) enn,
it 10.11 , , i •nlKeribevn,..n the port/won orl horn.
any. AL.y hr lnLo As p r)Olent of he man,: hr.
It wit thcrnbre hnor no in, in any
pr•nr.n• but our.rlven 71te al.r I e hnern , ly
renro7.lo,l U ienn inn 11 ni nor ;note No IV 31arkti st.
[4:wry" to in. thicugh
/MIN & ( ml
IL.. en, r •
1.11 nres•, llonnrt Ribbon, Illack.Figurrel, eatel
matte corn, of Fourth RIO,
ml MU I'llY A ItURCif MU)
m t x , j , n ., n o v . e . r , 1 , • i r . 1 , 7,1 ,,
a t
Ve.i.ngeo `tor Log . awl Sell. Crave., et north •.F.l;
.re.. r (Fourth and 111nrirt soy 3
rl , l'RrEvriNE-1 , reed and (no stele 11l
11010, and Prrfairicry Ware'ena,e,rorne r of
.01.tth nnJ 11'ond .trv, L v N WICKER:IMAM
pr nes
eNN FT IittIONS=IICO 1let:00 Homer. Hebbn,..
1) .1 Ow laleed and moat fa.tnonrul, .171 , 41 wtel
er•• 1111: fenu , opening 1.1 . A A 1t1A,41.0 & Cl)
en) Alarket at.
C IO a 01'1 , 1 , ..- Vdm
, L .,o ll .n W g roug tV. Collar,:
oll• • Fmnell wrolCulln
ar• ,
to° Alnurnti,g 4.?
,vdd rind now °prom 1,0
A A A , A . nN A co
L.A.1.1t0l POCH,/ l•OAJOZ 1,1 all Woo' vattetl,••,a'.o
xrahlr S,,Ptis, I ,t; turd nP.I
..•Pr r.t A A MASON A. CO
_ .
Land for bele In Allasheny County.
.260 Va ' r n tr i s:: '' t:lt h l7l l' et l e . ::rte l fl, coital I r e tl ' ro i c n ,l 4
'frac,. ritunPd about c.a. mil., wept Or OA, Caaal, Pod
;not nhout :notch titiovr PatiPhurgh. 'fuseve trouble
inquiry, ihr prier Is !IP rp . r Te —the one third
pal ni le in bond. pH the replant: or.e and Iwo
pourly rnv nri.14.u1111.1 or thr inPigNairn
the drub. rittpurn thr owLer, nt rio tit Po.nh Pi,
hrnnrro Wi od and 1.1.1;:cb utp. Lere he
win tpr tol•ti anal Mlinahy, the Oth nip!.
n,e):l-d3t• • __
TAR A. I'ITCII-60 . WI: N. C. Ter,
2) Jo %% dmington
ATtiiEw,, A -co
( ) 11.-121. 01. laird 011 t
dorur rAln bY _
mlO 1 AlATrnEws a, co
1 13[1 Su brt.
While Lime, for sale by I .Y 3 RIIEV W
LE.AII--1101 pegs yell Galen:: Lead, fan male b y
1111E1' MATTHEWS .t CO
Vct tEs—t.laar kit Dry P..telie , fa; by
toy 3 NtActi .. !EtVA & CO
I , ..l.[llEttlt-17 smells limbo Rema rk) Ffur male 1111E1, MATTHEWS &
Obto wait Perinaylv•nlis Rau noa k k.
• Oren, trio° O. t . 0014 It. R Cal
.1 Id, ISA
trlr StaekLol'era of the oblo and Pennsylvania
'Psi , Deed slemseiny'air hereby 11.101tril to pay the
liOlt In...lntent 1/f rive Dollars per ghat, at the office
~j Ctoto•tty, ati herr t0t . .., on or ttrturt. t .e luth
day of May itea•; and thr r•tttpto,,t• 31, Of
Five piniaii rat *Stare ea rlt t l.. nr br o m it 11,. :WI day
~eh .uret rain. mouth, ut,t.l Ilm vtlot.e lire p,:rd
Or order of the Roan./ of Docent.
1673,114 W. LA./WIER, Jr., Tieuisier.
5.t.1111 ROSF,
AT : A ►P,
yAee, Faun!, shertjfsear G>•au;
" In Lamartine Buildings, Pittsburgh, Pa.
ap.7o.l•Pr_ _ !
Tine num.'. Ould• to gclentigiraud
Practical Agriculture.
11'c'd"ri',....5,,':,".'.7,•.,' - or - ‘:;" , i"kEtbird'r,ntb,r ,
era FrPres../11' Norton, of Vale Car ege, o lVesv e lt:ven,
err moans for the prep a boat under the above'
title. It evil' enthrone terry subject of importance
eouneeted urth a n mall its various branches,
boo, Throe acct and practical. ' Science, in
as it ha, ep to the present time, beau mule available
erect:cc, by experiment, mill he. treated in Its rela
tion to every oneration v oceura in the coarse of
the mamas " Tee tenth will be arranged nurer four
tlittthet lumla re. ..settling M. revert', imgieeirg
web W.nter and end.. with AOtitrlln.
lloolMeller and importer, lee Keenh en_
_ -
DLACKWOOD'S Magazine fog AP , O , P."""
1).11. transzg. JAMES D LOOKKOOD
mv3 UM Fourth R.
h Periodical Literature.
'TUE t ou.lon Quarterly Itertewi
Thq Eltabotgh Rev go,
Th.. North In its‘h Review;
The Weatuon.ter
:Dar twoo OF Enntrureh ?I arming."
Eau h, per year; ad taken together, wo pper year.
ravd JAhlli.4 I/ LOCKWOOD
11111. firm, nP ?don irons, Liteh & Co. ea Brookyil'o,
Jetlcr,on County, , and Lnelt, :11,6AD. & Co,
Alh.gheuy, County, have been dissolved ey 1111111110
COlibe!II. 1 . .. f. oidebied Will mitre
payment to Loch • &
Co. and tiCO3.lltgainat the Fame
oily he itte,rond to & Co. for aeltkruodl.
P It 5101IRWON,
M•re 2.LlFs.—ruid.dtra
f lONIMISSIO,I fiIERCHANT,Stoek and 11411 Elrok
1. • er No 110 scennd mayl-dly
of 5.101.3 & Co, on the FacLm¢e Maki I
Tor rii:9 15, dated May Ist, No IV, payment Elf
uw E aze Iniving been troppcg, tbo pnblie nit cguilon
-0 ne th.lint receiving dm WSW.
2.41:/1 . EING, PENNOCK a. CO
Inegn in.Oite of Foulard
12 eilis in newest styles received by
A A MASON &eel,
"'"? C 2 Market st
% A. NTASIJti h CLN, fro now opening neintlier
Imre of I ot.oy Embroidered Patnaols;
n greeral worm,. of Plain do at nil Niece.
300 .'ux nr nnnl and Liile Thiend Gloss.;
nil Coe Murk and do Ladle.' and Gents' Co
00 dux white Gallon. liens;
:..doe do co bilk Cu,
tio doz Grins' Nliked Half Hose;
LO dot Gent.'Grown.4llloo II nlf Hark;
Ileeeierib and now opening by
7 A 1 ,11,4 I $ W toOD bus in, and .111
re•• •1, !11.$ , 'nine en the Divlnc o:igin
I,,nmentr.kt, trout iht. tV R.ll.
Yale-r,1.1 1.1 1 , , L.., t, ce,,ion, 1 vol.llllllo.
I.—LC bits L. 4. 1;1,1; , , 75 1 1 11 r
m .(i4,:170
L.lLMrty .1.
j .Z. 1,1;5 p.m. be c.c. jo A cg k lebj o
111:11 , 1 2 1Nt;—`2: Lc:. N.
OIL-1•21/ i 4 mime, from Smwcal
F';.-",,xfols'lc.D7cu, I.y J tclIN Werr S 01)
13%1•;.1 , 1S—ttrl ef L a n t i Ot ,,, llT T bi
1-1!.; , 11- I,hdp pin.< Nti j . .lfm r sm:A,.l! . .LimM CA by
_ ."
11,1 ULA lolr prima /+.ll.for sob. by •
011 la,
nal /011 N %%ATI' k. CO
I Alt brie pri,lu, reed, , or rale by
JOIIN %V nTr.& co
B " P""d: igi ' t & n:ll th i b tro
_ _
to lur n a ir, G g i nz ad
lutee r e, gad
Lllnny st
. _
I ACkF.I , 'l'l/An of all gredes kept eonrunUyon
.4 nor •t, lc co r, aeoncble to We lta..e, linyvj A CULIIIeRTS.4/N
1. 1 :damns. 3ttaticcc'dezidr.f;rissaJoeNby
1)1% REX,' IMARL.I,-001.0 bths &stoned nombcre,
) Clatooloern,orgli to.oloclareoun bend, for en, by
& CO
21 Wood I.
& CO
Al.l"..urcc-1.5 i.rgyt .... f , ile i , S u ro y r i g:ty „
I illtEldN—tu cans of the erlebiated S brand,
It.' CCU —tv 1..4 ea hardware, a geed article;
ji wly eiraw l'acer for co., .0 ilardwar..,
If mad: to order al ant rite or thick
• ty fn.) J •UNIM AKER & CU
I,` . .ent:N riAt. Lel/1.111. Sassafras
Laveccer. Kiel I eau each, warm:sled
id., received J
I &HU tee,
• bctee camlller Cincinuad Mould
l'a•.:11., far• al, by
L tlerrluai
1: lu brly 2had, lambus, and for sale by
LiCI:a.Y A. Cu
• 112 Wuzurst,
A"" to,
Vlacr Ualr
1, Las Luillor,, IT., nom landing,
41 .1 •1- by i !sot mcKEY a. Co
J rte/ LC . 141; 8• irme by
A Al2/1..‘11
. .
(1:100 for aa's
a_a ro) UICKFX S. CO
• o bur Fals fur sale by
rsl2 12.kflall DICKEY Jk. CO
yj iisCß.fclmes propOrid — Corl Huai. for Up.
pert rs. Just isc's oo enosianoltunt, for We b 7
) 2 irrAl h. CO
bd. Noa uoWiandrug.. r forirs by
k VA L,UA cdsrnee I vOntainial .Coal on.
acre I a hilt—a food .Ile tor n Aylre-1 mtla
Alial!clnern oa, Ikea
Fora. tar poLlcuLot, apply en the re ,
4,,,. 2..,T,,,,,....„.„D05zirt.,......,
ii:II Carnage Iton,e, bet. the property of,
il; and love Llo ruidenco of Mr. Jane Ala.
cr., wooled. WV.:O r st,noar tte•elith
I or ten., apply to Ai Is LOWREEZ,
ler2dtl 89 Wylie pl.
. .
II E thole Lactuntary.—The Child's Book
of Dalitdl.—MardOosld, or the Great Mistake:
a ::ary of Neal Lift--flizagrove; or or Sauday
Sebool Buy:. :eoira"ted.—The Bar of Iran; or the
Lla,,er el Ilti,sktbiard A tAirtion —Storm" of Sebtx
Ito;..—Koraogo, the 115.,1 Chief.—The lac a
La 1,"r; avbch "pecial reference to it• earlier period',
e.. 0 v,et it g kecia•kolthe Belorreauni by tlarras
L/ Aanta",ry o. Biblical Asitakulties,
n.rehocl. arbl
Publmed by Amencsn 9 S rnion. Pot sale by
..,,,easois to Ita.taurr
TI Wood Idle..
il7lee; Want,. Weets, Um Amber. F./iiion.-
1 Ti.e Ne.gelpoi., a laic of every Day Life. A
0;14 famed ea±tlt e r web to intrude awn written
•.I, i, r bf Ali., I/MUM 1.110,!/../1
lAJ inCauper:o. and ieedgeorl.
e.l with d view of the umber's
.....c,•• tr• :•• .."! by wi.iism Cowper.
t.. y I. I. /I, cub :met by pl
A 12...10.:. A 1... y lurge paptc; 11.
W•th s•iy,y• 1 4 i,uuttlYar. Irom 4/.!.
1.) to, t..y-v.ytiots,. Aiso, otaciaper
I We.rks, inrind rg a variety of peter
now !vat :alleazfa. IT Sowell Prior. Complete in
;inn, cle; wily printed, uninnini in style web
i Weer, ♦c.
- .
,ss,,,n.r o or o culrsolito or, Wn .oI %Wisdom for
rye, ISAy sn thr ) our rditcol by W C. Illeharda
In is wry sseat volume, Znn>, cloth, 3n.
.coal{ Cloth
sult. Gs ornt•
.0t •ttic tot' .1.011:4 , 11LCICKWOOLP,
tt.% 2 t!.l . n . k . pt!t . t, tputi Ittpporn_it4 Fotytt, pt.
SA DA F DONSAFON terpeetfully italotint tie
lAI I. , ene., eLr.wliPt pen Pteneh Mita/wry 4,ISE/i
-d/Iv ea
t, Slay ad/ alto, a variety of other Frmarh
Gond. mat I dal
wa • te•mrsod tuis a. nose,
tire!. A. 211!CL6ici,
Ala 2til Moly and, glare Mod,
have elway• On hand a lame 10 .1111.111 of Ciniea
tin., eta, and Fine Teas; atm, roteign Rata and
Nut Whnlesee end Itetadl on the
lowe, /reel,
I,W P iotiVe-Z?fare new patterns of Wall
m Vantaoil,ltMd. plain, aud Caney Calm,
a•ve teen memniv received, insether with pa on•
i'Orlti'lf II 01 Pieneh Ilwdere, Fire Bottd rom,, cad
Tester Tops in (told and Velvet.
onYI Wait Paper ut , o.s%Vogl street
IX7 It bo opeuall aiimit. Yntl of Mayor. Family
V V l.ocery and rei S:orr, in the Flalatlitlybis
•ulceriters h‘v • fried up a elate et Na.2LO
1..1 , ,erty .teee . ,l. etyie•uperiar etty of the Orals
I I:t•l.utel. Ihey wlil al.vatr Lave a lan!. sr
o,:inet.t of anc.:Groterses, tad - ttpo:ior
wh • dully in,. the •1te.1 . .13 011.1,141.-
curvy I , .ex will ern/favor to Loop he
itt 1 .4', end eut.fiilently recommend their
trot rorto an lICILPA.IIII.II, tP itICALLICD the ci
enrolment will eamprion:—Nmen and Black
Tra• , it kind, form :11 cents to 11l NI per powodi
fled •ui tints Ndite.
t•t in, • tin ow, Loof. emelt./ wad leedverised,
‘. n, 010 it Human .uti at
I.k.tri4n wild Nuts, Vlaices,
Er.rhg,os. Sugar roared litms.and
1 , 44 f
lord and Whale itlils,
Mon.?. lioini t sod %Vag Candice, together with many
vt Al not hereofore be had to •
bu• awl la ewe fail Imenwierate.
In - tint de de liveled roan of charge iu everg . 4
the I.n
Dcratra suppl;cd on tnrPt rra•nr.4liis -_ L
1V.1.;. 11,eC41174G 4 ea, •
1011 0 , 0 LilioNT otrunt , nbnnn Wm*.
. _ -
1‘2.1A of C o l.! spectoolcn, ..spemed iteS'
m ‘VOOO orect, Lo f;orti of Itakewell
l'cag's Warehnn.e. Thn Awl, will he rewarded oa
thcm ro tho owner, No. PS Wood Meet.
:nth itwi.:(torri the reititiattil 4.1
totbwriber, li•otg in Pint Ward, Alteifkrily
. Anil Mow Maley Cc, Raid cow atu einem
eo Joint on her pst,itiil whit litey frog not
ti, wet y mt.:lo , owing to tiro not Mining been
ill pretr owner but rtir eltart time.
0,, „ttory.turto which may lead to
~ter tee via! be .41,erallv
IttoOketatc 3 7/ Apollo flolld-oee,Foatah
T H E,A T Ft Et
Luse., masa Manager C., 8. pornm
tuns or AWCWWW.
r/reol Circle Wid Patqaatto•-- ....
Second and Thad Tkntt
Uttl!c , 7 (for colored penotta).--...15
Dear. open a 71i Certslll Will Ate at 9 o'clock.
O. Friday, 31.7 34 will be resettled
ClooleeTorrens Mc Taylor
tlap.alts Maguire ......MrLonyy
Atuniudat• Slunk
MT. Dennaine rs UNlckela
Ludy Creamly ....... --Urn Colwell
To conclude with
Jacob Earwig
Frank M r &Wilt
Miss M.iislilas Mr Taylor
Mrs Maggot!
WILHINS HALL. liwead Visor)
DEG leave to announce, that they will pure two
j) COncerto as above. on THURSDAY A FRIDAY
evenings, the 24 and 3d Irlst. AP cane change of
perfoimance each evening.
Tickets, t.. 5 rents each.
Dan oven at 7, conc.% to commence at R o'clock,
ere-.•etv. tay
137 - id 139 Wood street, *boys Fifth.
rimAT splsoditl establishment Is nor offered for
j Rent. It Is iuhnitsbly &ranged for Concerts,
Locher., Exhibitions, 90. For terms apply to
137 Wood in.
OPEN DAILY—Gem 9 to 19 in the morning; 9 io
in the niter:loam and from 7 to 19 o'clock lathe
[Er - Admit.. 23 cents; Children under 12 Tem.
'halt pace. Ma?
PROAIIiP.ORY terYig, drawn by daines_Ba.
to the order of a N. White, and enlarged
by tom, dated co n ferlB3o, has been lon or toil l
lue finder will a favor by waving it at the
mace of the Gaulle; add all pns are wonted
option purchasing it. J A M E S RULONO
Country Moot for Bale.
A BEAUTIFUL rubuiban resileare in the neigh
!unbend of tins eity t nossessing loom thin, cr
dinary advantages will tip - said on feirernble terms.
The grounds are mochas:ilk fine trait nu . hint
ing rouditiun shnibbery, evergreens, kr. For name
owner ardicention, enquire at this otter.
aunts.' ri
ziEw BOOlfitifliNV HOOKE
,1 T nuLmr.s , LITERARY DEPllT,opposhe the
Post Offiee:—Davul Copper6oW, pass te—the
*whore of Meeesmes, eon e—LAteirs Larlog Ago,
No Ml—Marring Cant Mu Ellis Woolen to
America: blasts J of
Thsetaroy—Rowland gasket: Leret—Windsor
Carl's: H Ainsworth. 4: •,p3l
csliLiSse—sii boxes endue, • eues.rd's Deify, ,11
reeW, end for sale by I • SI UA R le SILL,
assle I O Wood sr
Vll-1 tolklaple.i
, ak rec'd
. 1 . 311 , 11 . 1va1e 2 1iy a..
(MASSES-3 kg; Magic pan vreg..ird far raj°
• STUART a mu,.
C1 . 12 e 9t , V INEUAE—IO bb/. u
s r . gn A ;v3 r ft i Ar i d .L tor
ar:O. y_
13 WIZ - Afew bbls le store, '
Alkyd°. ST UART A. SILL.
B ACON -1%000 Mina!dem, Prime;
3,000 Huns, in aim, and for wale by
aO3O. • STUART fr. PILL.
TUBS -1D do; angetior ankle;
KEY-LESS-4 doz large, (saran. Rad for sale b 7
ap.7o - Wool rt
(1 611 1100P8-50 Al Ads Hoop. of prime quoins , '
fnr •ale by ENOLIdIi & HENINEIT. ,
uscd) 41 Wood ft.
31. IL r s Perismrhae.
LUTTER AND LARD-10 keg. Buuer, Ind 4 gegs
LArd, for 8010 low by
• p3U
SOAP— WO boxes tor *ale. •••
p n., oC2i ,3o PßWDEß s — r l:l) ir kjr
i t ,r ekle nn tor ws
O ALT-3w brls Mr sale 61
ap;;0 8 F VON BONN/10881 . a CO
SODA ASH-143 cask& Ma.prads , brand; yam f
eeived per steamer Companion, and foraala by
cp3(l meet.
li r RA PING PAPER-A. huge quality Incur
end Rag rlmping Caper - alai Member net)
from the mutemeeori, for nle in lute or will lots
by W T 111 A RSIIALL.
lineemsorto d C BILL
.p , 30
(ILA ER SEED—EI brt6 for nle by_ : •
'1 6011 ' ! I .1 D CASPILLD
I) UTTER-4 bz6 and! tide fnalk, la ants. int n
ived et the Dann and Gnaw Depot., Na Franc, ce fur tale by ROO , j 111 CANFTELD
CllEgsE—no la. nevr!and 'sub*. old, hoar fold,
and for syle by qv" . J LI CANFIELD
lIS SEED [lll.-10 brlitin •i ~o 4 for ..I. L 9
I 1 .... i r te ,
I,9ACON-293 *Yes in .tare, and far ..k by
p .939 • J D COIVIELD
SAI ERATU2—MI3 bx• and 23 es, 224 3 , 12. for
2212 by J R CANFIELD
cirroN 110?....E—W0 dot Week, lb hitt., and mixed
:00 dos halt broom , do do;
opld E 8 Wood st.
CAM LADIES' Stnndina Callan and Chladneaer,
tor ula Ly n C ARBUTIdNOT
v - r u MDRELLM.4 t PARASOLS—WA Wagitiso and
Coma Umbrella', and 43e Paramds, silk and
cotton, for sale by C ARRUTIINUT-
rt6,11.8' S BONE— lbs superior siaalny, for ride by
so3O - C • murratrurr
• • P, No 41 yloact eucct
1101. MALE GRO
oTer zee, .
I. pkg• Y. 11. Imp. Meal
and Gunpowder Tem;
173 tan Totowa;
ItO brio Rio Galen;
:vi twit N tr Nolusues;
75 Idols N 0 Boor,
•MI.I Imam matted' Site.
itao btu M. R. R‘..4insi
119 lota chimer Co. •
151 gs do de;
15 cults 2tout ()arras;
IS bales K. Wa nets,
IS do Brazil hinui
15 do Filberts;
I s% bzt do st Foa au4lesoads;
29 big Rock Cand);
5 case. Lignonar;
Window Wass;
40 b. Pip.;
4110 tots iesp;
11AU hos Quailed;
31•0 lbw Codfish;
30 1111*T...era' Oil;
boo Mondale.
, Jta Bed Cstrl4
00 uoils Manilla Rope;
"3/ boo apiee•Chneolnie;
Pi tugs Pepper;
• bags Atipiee;
£OO bas berme;
du brie Vinegar;
3i bales Ca:dle•nek;
40 bis Staoeb;
10 tree Piet;
in brio Cbait;
ZOO - dram.
A. wall as • genaril
Cl, ornate red onteles,
la 31 PA fatipte i Reatba
tab 317141 Saanist2 -
3 bat Clow.;
I ea. Matures.
0 tem.'s
25 eases Leman 231 . 42
2 cuts 1 , after P jta t i.
la cadet Tamale e t a t . it ,
011 ...aa
4, WT." , ..Motted and
2 Ilbdt ',tau t .;
la Ma yttaw,6 -
'AN:meat of Pitubarlb
NAM P 17131,
Ata#3BlZ-4.4ke Sup,.lL
Nezetalioo, and Antal
orsosas—Tba East. alto
HealeoLUl—Aspeers of Y
Baoals—Turklib Evenini
Alseusa—Bargseal Anato
r.N.—Petuls and rraa.
Tu KKKK MI K Optiatl,
WarsyM—P;olo/.1 Q./a
C sm. 14—Baraer% Wad.
dlarFsr —Portlier Pearl
For rale by
apdS Bookseller
ion itt Phys.*X Cliarse/tr.
uu eivo.
aurated. Sot.
col, 114 t,
ta ***ll.
4 Etaroutunls. /tax.
W4l. tWolt/1 plats. to.
It* ,'
Slat.. Vt.
dans. volt
baporter, VI Fourth sr_
QC.Dn ASH—ILO &asks evieriee trands'indt•eh
k. 3 inn received, and nit in -
JNO Alnb'a Doi k
•10:9 • CUM: Wk.* re. sr.
POW DER--1,54:A1ma /buoy ' -
MVO 46 Dear side:
SOO do Ky. 00;
an kali keir• Ir. Mir;
- 170 Rik
Wimp. Pea. siootinr,
IT. gide;
950 do Deer do;
end Obr eala b g f' l46.l ' d " r i r a rall '/N, u ft
w . O7 . 4l oo it a l: i Ga d ' 7
BACON -40 calks Pti..Shblildo. jk•At
DD nonsionntOON foo ,
aptl - =Nowt aL •
QI OAR-6 N 0 Sugar reeeniing
10 met, for bale by J IMAVEti ealla
fat N. LT ,
t.RE'=en:"..°ol d-r:7,Laeczt,R.c.
BLITITR-40 kegs Bauer foe rate be
ow 9 f 8 DILWORTB &CO ,
C VG Saw sa sinia — kadie;ekiaki
8k W IIARVaC011"
te . Ledif i r &
10 ti n A ,, 7 , IIIELS . LARD OIL N_ o I fa. late by -
% &VS. rale. kautasel.—,, ~..,...,,, ...y.s.e.—
jj 69 an !YU refilled I.lld An rib" by
NUtif"' 87 Wood rtreiB.
~‘.. h--
,riCli RAISINS -lo° bxs KrelWi's ht.& far
A sale by ' •WM BAO4T.EY & CO,
orp-11 18 h 20 Woad st.
sole lky a RTH CAROLINA TAK-13DAGALEY !CO3 brie large efie,ger
ALERATUS-1.50 boios Ml , lll,l=ll', n ospoyfor
article, tor oak by • WM It&OALEV &CO
ULACK 81L103-.A faq anortmeilt of Black Oaf.;
1) of WI %A W, reselved at No OS saki at, opt&
.nett coa,at of*.
spa* , • ALEMANDFR it DAY
.80 Saud, Oa very saperior qaa , fir, by
LACK LAW S--Plan Maar Lawn. of dificnina
ula by 40.4Lx&xpet & DAY
H MS Pc LIED\ . O 7 . 1. t I l lx : Erara d t Salary.
do S. C. Mau, Doarddl;
AR pat up for rummer on, and tor Pula by
apV9 BELLF.Ri kisicoa
AE D & LINSEED 011.--•/h P r., 1 . ; LIDS
9 Lai. Lituue9 Oil; •
12N3EIDL-4 Orli at a` di fa al ' b
111;148aXI'rfn; cL,
2LS Weedy on.
TATErrgEI /Faa - - - 44•41