The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 02, 1850, Image 4

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    sonvinviif E
r.F.AsAIs-r 16)114.kaptiettiEs, Otter the city,
tatlVelllrlll IC I.lnillefl, Inn..LIC for I Ittertled In
dy an/gcntitz9Wlfrna Arrp Jct.! Mn,ia heetrOrg (or
a Leer yoirg leetteteel•-• - (3 at filet:act: - • .
... , . . .
art, kayo insour-o
each, a DICTION M Y:of It]tot Ines, Memanics, En.
gine Work, Emilie... il
erg e,Aigned for Emetic.]
Working Men, and them Intended for the Engineering
Profession. Edited by Miser Byrne.. . •
This pork [Sof large Svo nine, end will contain two
thousand pages,sni upwards of six. thousand. tinatra.
wins. erwill present working drtwingnand deactip
lions of the Meat teporlant tpuchlites tit the Et - tiled
State.. IndsPoriernt of the 'Melts of Jimmie. in
-tour. It will ceidel n contrtele t raetienl irespiemon
John IL Mellor, 81 Woad Strut, Pittsburgh,
sol. Agent In \Vetter - It Pennsylvania, for the talc of
Grand and :Square Plano Porte..
IDEGS. to insosm 'needs ornl2'..v irate:eat public ;
.D that he has now. invoices,
presentedr will receive and
expose tat vain, during the nth, the attest
and ...Irritable; stock of Primo Fortes over <Owed
for sale is the west—tan.g the cumber will bniound
• full supply of
Sapettdr-carved Rosewood Grand Piano. Fort.,
with all the recent Improvements In mechanism and
style of exterior. ~ •
Splentidly carved Rosewood seven octave Square
Pam Pones ; finished tithe Elisabeth. and Loofo
XIV. MI., ,•,
With a Istir, stock of all the varinmistyles of Pins
no Pones, varying in prices from . fref. to SAX/ and
SIPCO, prepared by. far. Checkering for the percent
year, (MVO •
Purchasers are assured that thew., of Mr. Chick -
enngs Pianos have been, and will ...a In be. the
same as ache mutable tory in Boston, without churce
for transportation; end will I,e delivered end set up in
perfect order, in any part of the may, without
ms 9
Man undersigned iICO leave trt infanta the refine
I AMA: has declined business in favor of his fin,
P. M. Dasloonditi will esiouratathe Auction and Com.
mission business st the,old amid, miner ot Wood and
Fifth winces, and for whenn he would oulicit canon
uoneenfthe liheral patronage heretofore bellowed up
on the linos, JUAN D. DAVIS.
April 9th, 19:fh
P. DE. yaws,
MILNE. Or 'WOOD .47“. 911 , 1,1
iiY krf ax sge%
ter, and bores, by, experience and close attention
business, to merit a ermttnaanee of the entiport and
pstromixe so liberally extended to the former bonsa i
April tah. IStat.
8otfo• to one Patrians
rime decease of the Rodeo partner, in Philadelphia,
(the isle ladleald Davis.) p,ednce, no interruption
to the business—arrangements have been medowhich
involves the same irterests precisely, which have
heretofore existed The hurinere is commit.] under
the lame name and firm, Viz:—
lames id Dive. & Co., Philadelphia;
Jane & Co., Plusborgn.
The conlinththee of the patrolmen of oar many
friends is respectfully • solicited. if any persons Love
demands against 11 , cnt. they ors rrtiOrrted io
portent coneee! them forthwith. for it:yin - inn
Pitolorgh, April JO hN
ap17,41 Surroing partner.
BaiiiMeta;llat 2, Ithlsbanst, au.
PII. PALMER, No (US Mather Moth, prepay .
. ed to °Ter eery meat indoectrentr to Lawn
lii , StmNu . AtillmeryLinods, ewer! detcr.ptian. lii•
Stock consists of every derivable style of Pim. and
Fancy Straw. Druid, situp. Frearh 1..1ee. unit other
Bonnets. Jenny Lied, California, Round end Square
Toe list fir Mimes and Infant,
Boys . flats, in great Variety. Meta's Leghorn,
Straw . , Braid, Chino Petals and Sultan Huts. pub
bons, Flowers, itherots, Sdk., and other Millinery
Mucky, Srk &c 091.0 1 v
Thrown, Phillips M. Mo..
"lAVE reMostril 10 Warr...pre No. Po Water st
between Wood and ,Market, silleto. will to kee
for tole, of their reamilthathug, n JUN .li..,orttneet o
teen. Nail., spites, Canting., .and Hot Blast Pipes
worranod of the Nest gusto!, m the !owes , .
Mr. JOHN BEST, of the late font of Timmy A Best
hams. purchased , an interest in fine, will take.
ehmou of the Ware hon.o, rind roil devote his entire
attenti is on to tha hums., end endeavor to seeder ant.
larcents to the I yends ho late hon. and all °them
lA. may favor n yarn h their ad — moth.
Ir. 'kV
No. ltd. WOOD irvUt:ET,
TrAVF. In PlOthund err rae,:ird lardr stock or
II GOOt/S, , ,,ted wen great tor. the
',relearn trade, and to ~,lord
iT,VIIC MC &unman,
of city and WC,,TII 01,iChapLi. Wear iaducrn,tas
09-red to Cash barren
I.lstrallegsesSosaa arid .risk l-iss•Esa,
the set/ best Make et tl a three goods, and gtat do to
at 07, old price., no:with atatdiett the tdvaner. at test.
extra for itatata tAacee, w..rtaa.....1 pure 'Li,
in,j trcetwcai n .0" Lint.n Tab . .e Cloths,
11.1 pets, Crash, received.
Bantered Tetrads to
lots as 79 Met, per dozen, Or
6 1 cents piece, at earth east cannot cf Fourth and
Market stn. ZOO
FOlt •Lto tee rEO.
8 111 AMNIA ti1 . 01:1lNG N,R,THAir cLur,
Georte I ,,, atand tic
manauern beg to atquetat InGe attnerout uroci that
Le 'ten DiGnhation of l'ortrund ot linrsra said
uompti.: tineentered ior the farthennunn. Grand
Nat and Decoy Race; me oauth., enarento 1•c
limned to 4,0 ,At Ftrel clans member Lltu
rented ult. , . nnto S 3. Varle uppltealron f4r the ea.
appropriated anarea nrceirary. - A paltl rubeert,
nt o for more limn one nnttre had the ahem, of gamma
an Gotal number bogs... Thule memorts rho draw
the vaGonaPorantte.l.l be preseiticti with the (GI.
Portrait of .
IV inner, or Fir - y:ller
end.] Hon,
cla ,, bonn::en Si di.
i.. 11 1131 110,01A1
11111110 R.OU
Pilot florae F. 1,11 4.1110
Do , 0,4 amongst Scarier, •• • 0.0 , 1 Nacre
There apt 1...9 1.M110,1 in e1 . ..a rIn•••• Oths•luortr, the
num'•er hurl., , for itt: race. Tot Drawroa
Will lie gondueted upon tho ••uthal,ritortat- prOtriples
W. those which elotraetertrea the loin era Lteaor and
other ormeodiner. Full parjraloru of Neee,ult
be rent to 4.rnt STl,llloer. rrUmeainiely after the de
melon, that each ran Irnow h.. pn..1,4113.
i 4 Otiaerrot4r. iegiMerrir 4...1 =cop iormnr , on rr ,
ceipt of a ritoitople, 11.1•
Noma, /cc . midrea on , I icy n lc;
ISlnonglim irecting, 2• 7 11
Fire per cent carrica:r
preremation or bone •
I 7 UN I'S Altai. 2..%
ICA COnicoir.--'
Commercial t9r.emi.ea
of Cournerre Aboti r•• • r :r Teens.
(hear PIOpgY; The Ar• i4ne•nv et 11,,L
-i or, The Prodnetion of SAltut Nrv. - YoS; Ltnne neon y,
HarkinK, •te Corrency—lnerent--Peonaction: Frec
Teede vs Pernertere 'ranee, or Stnetnres noon the en
port of the Secretary ne 'reeler ury of the United Sett,/
for 1010, erlateng oohnee rr, il.eel:tel of the }WS
also Empire .r Entt. an
ItLACK 117,00 D, for hearth - I.LO.
EcLEcTic NIAGAZIteh:, n• Apr.!, et tlom^A
Nteenry Depot. Third enure oonntelt- the l'ne Chinn
MC2 1:=1
lAM new prepared to fundrh Apple Tract, (rem , hu
well /metre Nertery rf Jonah N. Drown.. The
tree, will be delivered at the wharf at Pillsbury:l; for
WU per hundred. Perrone wiahingthrifty Men
rhauld leave weir order; •con at the ' th.g, Srad, and
Perfumery Ward:cure, corn, all:tied and SaW
npil S N
lolateato'ils to.,
DRllttrile.TB, corner of Eirtt and
T Wood streets, offer for Aille,onlavorable terms:
100 bids Whiting; OM Ilia Cart,. Ammoani;
10 do Alum; ' MO do Assahradre,
3Dd do-Dye Woody; -000 do CriplaTurtar
20 do Lampblack; OW do I:tamale, ILLS.;
01/ do Yen. Red; :WO do Irian Blocs;
0 no Camphor; 170 do Red Precipitate;
to do Spam :Roam: 730 do Catomrl Amer.;
rid do I show Ctelarc; 23 do do • Eng.;
ID do 'Minato.; 1.8./0 do .Bucher Leaves;
8 do Cloges; WO do Rhubarb Root;
3 do (Thain.Flowars; ICO do Sursap. do;
It cams Wl der Ueopan do;
03 do Cuttle Soap; 3100 do Sal Enclieclei
13 do 'Prossiau Woe; ,All. do tteidlltx Blialore•.
10 do Calc.:ffnceeslaf 300 Eased Rhubarb;
13 do Chromic Lerrot 115.0 do do Flip. Erni;
odo do Yellow; Ina do ido.i f;', 0 0 0 0 , 0.
0 do' Ara. Verthlller; I.o' do do Lin' ltwt
roams Sand.Pdpeir, 103 do We Jotap;
00 bags Sicay,Saindet 2111 do •do Al:Cayman ,
•23 owes Rattle Corks; nail do Solpla %loci
70 or Sulph.Morpkia; 01/0 do 1100 Tin;
IOOt lbsCapn Alter 03.1 do Tamarinds;
1310 a do Di-Clam:l &it:130;1W do gawk. Silvet:
ir..9 1 5 do Pink Root; 250 do 1 0 .0. C. Pe el;
1.000 do Turkey Umber; 70-l a t Conhino al:
NW do Creain'Tortar. 130 do 11)0 Potash;
G.CM do Tartaric Arai GOdo Mac.:
100 do Uva Urea 00 do (ianovilna Lotion.
"There are more tang. in he ,yen and earth
Than are dreamt of ni taalorophy.” •
rinlE VIRTUES of 1910trenetkahle retheeiy pod
the constant appireauon for a, to the propr ' imor,
hith induced him to liana tut op I. 1,;;;;,,.. with
bet; and threstiaris far the,tainent of the public..
The I'r.TROLEU9I is pit/cured (anis well in thin
county, at a depth of four hundtrd feet, it a pure 111111.
datterdied artielo, withon• any chef/not/ rotator, hut
just as fl ows fromillthareVi Great Labatt:fah Thoth
ca rains properties reaction dome.' of Ws/awe,
thlnn.rer manor 01 : unecrtunty. There are many
ing in the arcane:of . ..are, which, if katurn,insuht
staringnio...4. sillnianfir...„ nuncio& and re.
s th e bloom of health and door to many a 'suf
ferer. Long before the proprnaor ot putting
it up in bottles, bail a reputation for the cure d•s
es.e. Waste r 'dud dotty Inert-am% Coll, for It,
and ernaal immortal:le mane it hasTirfornicif, Is a
mare Indication of its future portilafity and wade
Epees , ' application to Oa wire of dacasa
We dn cot wish ito make a long Pt...1.1 0 f eordff•
eater, 0., we yon ren,clotto, that the medicine can soon
work to way inio favor of Warn who suffer nod
WO:. to he heated. l
a lirt we ido not claim for it a
Maiv^vcal epplm.ull l Corn dOrale,
tingly um In du t
h er e 0( (Minnie Direzlos it is
nortralled. , Among there May tie caumerated -all
disesirei ofthe motions strider, lath as CHRONIC
pRoNciffTIR, Eli:Ott/MP fifth( tlnitf. ehrty ithati.)
Asthma. aortal! thwores o f tae :Jr Niagara, LIVER
CO3II I I.AINI I , M.:PERSIA, Itiartutht: Ith o eelaths of
the Illuldet and Kidncer. lairs 'ln
llach or Sate,
N c „, ‘ ,„,,,tg,ayer;rienraletit,l l a/ry, Walrus,*
e mits,.
60 .,. } :„.,;,,,c1ar,'Ertte, inn Botha ekith,
Ratigei, t/Itl LK, ac In cafes of:d.hilq to, .
salting feat erpoiarthtii loot end rernintel.d-Cat.ol,
diseare, this inediothB 0:111
. 7 . i i n t ie vi re l l v ie t f If oral drt as
a (rural TOIOC .04r11. • • , . a a
I 0111:11 (MI fouganillJlergy to the whole, traine r remov•
iiro gßoas, obenote the loggithroactioris ;
eau -,
~due ends bronco eniatalttimb"nall giyine and renewed awl WI , W an' ‘htt organ. of
rorytteior. /staRTI, of •several;:turta of
terat gestated...7l7T rd.rr 1r ptncli6..ret reel
or , v) lire of rho :kon :no.
Ihir proof cant. givesti/ any periedyyho drum.
withrict the etattittac qL4yeproftitaof•
butt Ly tla Pthrotethtt rt: • • ' •
11 1:11-1. Canal Rider /war Seventh at.
i t : ; Alin by .Rli sEI.LER.I, Waal an
and—kith SLR 'LO WELL.,
eohneF yool ahmd , Vdxdkddryi who are ha
dori , dlp , . , cgaintly appuoLed Agents
- •
• •
ympiseq.emn maul: isclPPi
Yfaehniylyanls Canal /4 Eau Road*.
f r • 11[0,1.701/2.
& Co, Carol.; Rneily Llbcrty
street, Pittsburgh;
,&TKINO, ()CONNOR A; Co., 217 k riO Market 'trust,
• t-
°Tow:Soil k Co., 70 North meet. Baltimore;
E titswa, New Vote:
Ecuorrlt Roane street, Easton;
Juan., on GAUT, PI s v ntur k 7;
• 11.1. et CO:4 Coltsmlua street, Etnet asap; • •
E. Waal. Lonlireillei • •, flunk k. Co., St.
71, sh,,,p,r, Arffehandlne and Produce ro
Irani hilorie/phia, Bahlanare;N: York, 4 . Bwort.
Oaf roumbeing now in fine order, we tare prepared
to ninerstrd knolls at above chaff kart. prime. the
iov er P 130,000, and with the folnwrintr ertrouve stork
or Itcuti tsel confident orgivug 'audio satistaetton to
411 blnineto natrastrd to faunal., liar boats are ell
And earnintnded by captains exporienrs. and
our chars law is condneted on strict solnath kaping
Captain. I Boats Captains
Ironthy /s eem, Pennsylvania F. Layton,
Plaryisnd, Marshall 14. Louis, Cowden •
'" . .
rkaclaa.tit dkArids Col. Howard kidler
RoshChntkaa. Mary Deborah Sim:
Wnt Atkient, Pr.-1111d - 1 Entetpitce, kaftan lmport, Itl'Quatla l'akiata • ' 11.own'
Rottoo 3 Gore
Garlimla Itf.ay - Telegraph:llo Ilahlrlita
etclia flawkina .Yonmkttli ItoorNl'qu4dl
../ItvcltrancLijoant lialtstecetippet Miry
Attcrica Perry OluO WM! Itetracy
ktcrtaaid 11I'Colg,n Hunk r Ittucla
Tic Fnx kl'Otuatte I Jalic.Ann 1 Layton
Aaron. ,bl'ltotrellTticg - t.lpk Notch vi,
Lank Sharp .11ksty I North Qaten to to,
.rhippera Will andti it
ro:CM/It, ATKIN to thctr atlv.ntuktt S
t &
o fr..... is a
mrl6 , .Cnuql Basin Liltttly ft.,
ie. tlo1:11 - Cipmpr. y.
Mani 18504 Mija
D; Ltzon & GO'S LINE,
10114:13101IFI & NEW ym/g,
- •
Ry Permrylranza Cana! Rail Road.
T , llEllont , boa C., of ,hie S.ine Lave been pot in
o. ocuti order, and wait the toluifinn of .r , ert.
no.. one, ihr. Lin, could. on to carry ailarge
quitotity of rieditee and goofs
'rue enure Woolf of the !doe it owner and enniro
rd b) the Prop...tot,.
l!A [MIS A LEECH. No 1 :good Thin
Awl at toe Tol , aeco Wan:l . ..lee, Dock •:,
Fai ctlephla. Pa;
;OSEilli TAY Loll 2r. SON.
No 114 North &inward at, Itatnore. Ala :
OFFICE:. No %%eel el, Neve fart ,
I) LECII t. CO, C11:1W E 0 00, . Pena el.
I mai
aribt 18.50
ON PP. NSOA drill 01110 cmiALs.
CLARK, PARRS & CO. Rocifewel,. Prot•r s.
OClre car Smithfield and Vi gam' air, llittsboigh.
Cl-velsol, vein.
jLsfllil well known Line fire prrna en to tranvon
freigtit roil Peweneers Irma Pri`e:ll.7RUll and
EVEI.A.NU. to any point on the Canal 'and lasava.
Tb- facilities Ceiba lime arc imactplassed to number.
quality and capeett y
of experience of captains,
one Boa
and ereieney of Agents.
tle ea PitoLorch and Cleveland dtilY.rauf
Max in conucefinn vitaa Line of Site.. .Rout: ten
ovens PIITSBURGII rind BEAVER, and a Line of
Eltst Clues Steam Boca, Propellers and Vessels, on
the bakes.
- Clark. Parka & Co. Racticsier, Pa;
li N Parka & C., l'ocinerfemn. Chia;
Id It Taylor. Wairen, 0;
A A N Clark. No anon Fells. 0;
I Union. & Co, nnvennst. 0;
1.;•or. Gnoorit A co, rroahn.
II A Ntllcr. Co yanagn ff;
Wbeeler, & Co. Akron, 0,
Cuambrriln, Crawford & Co. Cleveland, 0;
/lebbard & Co, Sandusky, Of
Peckham & Semi, Toledo, 0;
0 ICilliama & Co, Detroit. Aliel.;
k Co. Milarauk.e.
blorfey A. Dutton. line r, \VO,
George A Gibbs, Chicago. In;
Thomas Halo, Citicap,o,
10Wa CAI/GORY .41,1,11.
orb • earner iVatee and Sinithfield .t.
EtaLt 15.50
CLARKE. YArt RS & CO. Rotbe.trr, Prom. tot..
j 111: Prtptletor% of 'hi: obi 12.1 well known Lull
would ruforen du; potoLc lltat they arc Low /n op.
era,ion Int the pre,cl., 151 , 1R011: aud havr roont-itcrd
recel•ivg Freight ord Pa,ona , r4, ta, are
fol:y prrpared to carry In all pointn on tro... Canal oLd
Al the Intent rat,. One of tar .
thr Line
vitt Le constantly at the taatitnit, taloa. tittnonxattcla
Brittge, to rocrise Itright.
Orme, no Wa.tar ondittcaithrteld ass, Pitubstrib.
V 7,, , aras Now Ca,Cr, Pa;
Nlitthellore &
C. PallAr,
AV C! Mcla:Shar.
J & S SlAnrpsburm
Wick. Atbre & Co, lirotnorite;
Wm enry, Hartstown:
Wm Poorer. Conne ni nomlte;
John !learn & Co, t:
mJ 11.01-n,o
4EiAL /850 ' Ag22lE2
FoßwAlga rikffi•t+.ll49,lT(Mria'rr.ll,l.,,,
rlnts for - nrnwr:Lvs PIT r::11 , :11 , ;11 AND
L1N2 , 4 I:rtn: AND. Asi.:ADVILLF
1.112;:T0 ERIE. WARREn AND b;/ I'ASTLE
an.l kocbes!cr by attar LoraLaiv rab,
an! lithver.
Good, rertipted and promptly Acliverol to all
pug re on the Canal.. and Laker, +t We lone, rate,. ,l..ppent will please direct good, to .“:tilVe i
.1. C. ICDWELI. Age,
melt Wat:r Ppt.burrn
Pittsburgh Pciriabbe that Llise,
NEW YORK, noetoN, tr.
T/11,0,1t . 130211r11)11 Ta•ror. O'
ttladelphza. (
THE enual hing now on. Or prupr.ctot. of 1 / 1
0 41
avg eatabil..l...l Lin enro act csual melt nW
recelvirg. and forward.; Merchandlre and
Produce at I v rat,, and wnl, thr r-r.
t4t..ty. onJ •,,et rrunnr:t. their md , .
IVII.I rottsrquer.tdoluys and jorota,titF
Norr gm] Pr ochre aiatcrord rnqcr wrol.llo
/LP 1.2[1,11,T irve of et. Art. far
,11.1 111.Vaafllif1. wormr , . /it" ing n
t r 1 .,x,t11, 4 140 Ersq,s,
t• cnt,tll...d ay:an P.l.opoin, Ulcer Can,
All 4.413.T.C11.1G61111.16 to Ills hit/awing avni• prompt
iy xttri,Ce4 '
TlignlA4 1101iII/1OG;;.
No 27a Flarty, nrrri. Polladr
TAAUFT. O'CrINNOIt. Perin and Wayne brer..., Yntsbargb.
110,01 C
John MnCuUogh h. Co, di Y4toth Ist, MO% I. IL th.yi
J. Co. 24 Lbs.. 'lt. ~ton, W. 'l' Ts o.ent•.
:YOukl% 0., Neve York; /mos \Vhe•.tvrght, Cio
nett. Tn , vs
1850. 4--
6_l DW E I- L,S
THIS LtiVP; nun enearpneteß i. nes
1' prepared in ft111:1 , 101t Pertain in Cleveland, the
Late pun., (Milo Canal, and intermeniato plate.. on
.I.e matt favorahle torn., an 4 nate Jae erenLer. 0,
.aroch. . ,
Steppers are referred loth.; who brace heretofore
patomard tbi I Line. Send easels to "Suisse Lane."
water at, Pittsburgh;
Ihdwell& Welber, Itoebeater;
J. 0 Matthews, Ole:eland;
Rhodes & Green, .10.
A D Jaeohe,Nnutorstorrs;
t, I; betbngorell do Co. Warren;
A A. N Clark, Newton
firayton & Co, Raenn;
.fiens °Howell A Co, e
Fran a klin Mill.;
- •ThouresEart. do • do;
`A 11 ADV.., Cuyahoga Fall , ;
J W Stephens no Son, Akron,
Wheeler, lees N. Co, dn;
J io & J ht Edson, Co;'
J 1 11 , ,g02111 Maryillon;
thisamins & bn, do;
Wes Monteath A Co, 'Bonin;
J Gibbs & Co, Sandusky,
it ltlaeina A Co, eoi
i II uakel I & Co, Toledo;
II N Strange Detroit;
Murphy & Duiton,Daelne;
flail it Elkins; Southport;
• Doueman & Co, Mitten ak le;
D (I.lbekineon, !Jule Fort;
g trkland 1.1 'raptor, Sheboygan;
• Dole, Ramsey &Co,
Thomas Mee, do.
Ihttehu reit. Notch In. moo.
iNaMi 1850,M1414
Between Pittsburgh Rua Pular,. atirs.
Tbe enn,‘l being now ipen, we. are few:) , in merlon
radio and pro.npLly, produce nod Meteliandtzu curt
.• matt. alarm:, at lotrett talts, charred by :clrpon
Produee ni Inerrhardlre rail! be received end for
rorldral cart and weu, onthent any ekerre for for
vriunlag or advantior counairraoli er surer,.
Mill. or Indinv, laraald,l, and oil airrclxne
Telly auerrled In
Addre•e or apply to. WM. lIINI.IIAkI.
Carie!'llarin, cur. La, e rry and Wayne att. Pate/antra.
lIINti RAM k DhrCK,
No IRI, Markel a, Laweeen 4111 & reh. Pail'.
No 1-2, Norlh !Inward n. Ilalumnre.
tllNlillA NI,
mria Na irk Wevc swat. Nee: York.
PaoSteiger n Remittance Ottleas
lIANILDEPS k CO. en.nue to bring persona
from Any part of retlessid, r-1.41. Scotland or
,Vales, upon the roast Illnstal :elms, with theit
own;passetuttlay awl attention to the wont. sod com
l., of estimOrfles. We dos not allow nue px e nice ra to
hr rnhifed by the soncsinut ...opt that infest the oeo.
prn I,or w it etsurge of them the moment theyres
port themtelves, and tee to their well beipi, and dee
them without ally titteutiva by (Ere trot abds—
Vie to v duo fearlesoly, at we defy one of nue posten.
gets tn . show that they were dotingd di ens,. by us In
Lsserpool, whilst thoutastile of oaten, • ere demined
months, until they could ho sent In Doter sruh, at
ot,s4 it vase, which too (reticently proves dinir rodnss.
Is , intend of perform oar contracts 'leitmotif], roost
watt it may. and not act as was the rote lost season,
wah, ether Odt.enhassiobo either perktmed not all, or
otheasst nailed their tcmvonledce.
Dead. drawn az Pinahoegd for any rues (root 21 to
flhdd, payabk at any orthe pfllfiAdili Panto it• lees
linsl; l!ntlard, Statism and W,dep.
I.l,opeon •I .
&An? 1 Grne Ar-tt.
{„,;!& ,, ravrak.—t&tu IL. crud!, nowloridin,s, &n 1 for
k) 410 c by . ,JB4IIAIIDICKEI & CO,
op? ll4 Want mt.
41.. L
N. 73, ' , worth Streivt,,
MI Ik , V , CU g NIZCA. ir r tozr A e l i t lvit f. oriP , re a ?tztvinet i lgi ,
Trinupoi n -ii. Po, eampritine in part she boning.
Extra eoper Etnytil Velvet rile Curoeto
" " Ts ' it .
, o English seed Aoneriesolt aperutryzgels
... '
..a .
Yalta Superfine Imperial 3 ply "
Superfine' • '''' n ',
O ;
Superfine Ingrain Carpet., Erlra super pateatChonale
1-11tra tine o Hags;
. " Raped. do do Rags;
CEUmon. all woof, " '' Tutted Bter%
canon 4 Fire
1-4, I n :Id 4Tap Von Car. Common
4-1, land 4 Toiled Carp. 4:ltru Wilton
4.1, I. I nod '2.4 plain Car. Common ilo "
1,051 and Ran Carpets, . Chenille Door Mats;
6-4 Printed Cotton Carpets.: Tutted
Sheep Skin "
6-4,74, 4-4, 5.4, 4-4 and Ikdch" n
Oil Cloilt , ; 11,0,
d mono cover.
G-4,4,4, 4.4, ...II hlattini V in ' ~,,k. t ,
1E snob patent Oil Clalls '• r ..., o
F:Masseas .°
for mire.
Sl am
CA.. Tatunntos. p;,,,,t 0.0. t
Blue and Drat, C,,,thf; Embossed Salad
1:1,1.01 , PillMI: LIMMI and ..told
Coach fltl Cloths; Damask Star I .Inert;
n1... 4 . 4 k 4 R. , I•tningti
Itod Chintles;
Watered Moreins. Cho too Borderig;
4 .4 ; 5 0 , 14:,,015h OR Cloth Table
Boirllallood fu r WSlteda , ; n i , ;, 17 0,...,
c .,,„„,,, c ,„,,
rona4putent ' l lo o m •
Fro Lon motor. '' kk onion
Vent-non Winds; 'Urn., 'ta'r Rods;
Malang tor Flat, Stair Druggolt,
7.1 awl tl 1 Table L.lnen; Carrot Bottling/.
Iluißa Crash; Jute and Coco Slott;
Scolch Mitten; Atte.; and Sk riot°. Men;
11r,.5 1t 1.i,.n Napkins ; .4aag4-44reen Oil Cloth
I,s,m,,l„c t .r.w,thn,i.
ololpul, Metelack fhoper;
On. Clatila from the Watt ft -proved Fng.
ii•:t n:.EI ma rut
nufdrove. tro 12 to t!I f.ct, whielt wt be cut to lit roc cl 9, hulls, n 1,4
ver.til.tilr• of any rite nr ehnpr.
The and. rrlgned having Imported direct from Eng
land, Lis Velvet Pile and Tapestry CA 1:1'1171 S. These
Carpets, which are of the la . cite and mast elegant
wogs and patterns, and of the most gorgeous colors,
unit stdd at prices or law us they run he purchnsed
(or at au) of the euatent cries.
. .
flavtnr the lar*..t n,ottrocat ct the richest and
PLY 5.1 I:sr:RAIN CAR rrrs vrtach far purpose.
In qucity and cheanne.s of pricc,.y a•eor Uncut cvcr
he.cre brought to tLia city. Ile alsoinvites Steamboat
Mutt awl Coach Manufacturer, to his iarfe and will
oc.celed as.ouncrit orPRI3IMINGIS, and other articles
ary In tberr bnsineta.
74c underlifned tit oho anent for the only Flair Rod
llonoc..c . ory nod la prepared to noll
lower than can he plareliased el.ctetterr in WI% city.
m .10 Wit 111,71.1N.11117.K.
Mff MM!
A. MASON a. CO, no Market street, between
Tlnt, and Fount. arc now t•ren,itne Ilor,e
4ortlnr al llarere D r Lain, Prtri an Clo th ., an en.
m new ornate, Pallet .11, trapn Or Loma 00; with
a larva assortment of Lawn. end mhrr Urns, Goods,
of tar /Mist style. and meet lartnonnbl: enlors.
FFF.I.-ZO boss pate ,;,d
k,,,C,rvi.t.a--to box mould. Morel, ot.d sperm;
Cus,,sa-1311 Las Cream .tit Drury,
Cr Ibr nip and Montt*
COCA-h 0 hlntl9,
Onans-n0 Corr.innn end half Spanict;
LllStend Lai I brls Alockelel and Salmon:
Lar• 1/in arlontrd su
Prime Verney,,,
IGO:agar Cured':
In-10,11be F DWI AlaniiiA;
INA-Itt des darroons knock sod Copy.g,
t10rt.,....-2.5 brit N Oilcan.;
" bail brls Sugar Mon..;
hlu,Tol.-.:u dory ,sortect eantsiati,
MA.cramom Itahon,
VLatiAllt...t--4. 11,. do
IN -.=al Arga ctraorte4;
hralar-Z, assorted,
bur be!: ltarcLo,
P.,. -40 reams assorted,
FurnEn-IVO lbs llordeaul;
Soar -53 l.a• Horn, and ea ,t Steel,
n-. 10 N Unrons hod thh/L1,,,,,
Green and Black,
* follA r t ,- Idr &I lb :own,
Ws. it Jo:pair:a ar.s,
For sale. by J WILL. , AMS CO
/or, - Coco, of Fat: Awl [yro.l Ate,
IV /1/111 •
C : 17L , 1 0 1: :
00pnd kw..u. /.11.1.g.,: I ore, .0 bigthret eastern
puree AIeCOHI3 t Cu.
fem . ° ter.r l'gth anti Wood eta.
- .
rp 11F. ho..twcen Jr in.,
Tet,cy ,11 li. Li,: I.roeety,
• C011... , a1.r.c5, y m.:
c0u. , 111.0a he I Ith u pa
• llic eAare of Jam. l'absty, 111 the
• the be-ize.. will be .cttica by ban.. iLeir on.l
st.t.,l. Now Wood.: JAlll i a
E hr .
lettu JOIIN
Pm per Hang/Lugs.
SELF:c.a rrce,el. by fast
etmal akirtaente. Hese knd tt•rititeni al
ratter.tte late. Free. h vett I:at.trtit aty:t
itt tte..l. you ~,, oak. Matt meet,
I. NIMZSIIAL.I. I ate I . h..:
1 1:173,.:
S 11 •.
0 . ....
S .1 athud. No clrc
I . ..,berr
1., 34.111-
1.1:,11111.1.1) and ur,ORGE
rontv.n. Watt.eatte. .11 Iletatt tioaflit 1,4
G t e,ay Neeflea, al the 0,1 mond. No .0 L/hrrly .1.
Ltt!...IFIELD 4. CO.
Niter. I. —(ntrltt
zu: au.l it
u•.r.84. :mart %NE led undrr stile el
8. lea tr .. Bonr, tr.c. eal• Na St Vin..
n.: IS run slrt, L. 8 wwrEHMAN.
last:11 I .L
, t CAUTION—About tr, ONLY UItio.INAL
WILD 'rent r..,7
u.c mr
lo PI; of L.v , r
11..1..1 of ;If
l'ams ond Mainc..• to me t.t.11
ae L.ll 411;
Al.emea of in.
A very tnapor:ant 41,n, over vrt..E this P.a.ram et
cr. a very pa.a.'e rful imat,nre, 41 mat of al
In lb.. ratnp.atat it ttal proved mare
eil , nar ann. than any remndy kaltetto rtnpitt) ed. mad tt.
nw . rot. ttimt:!rcn tattt. toot rnalated ant
anynte tutlyttt, ',not tne d,ca,e ta . reirtn
the lt,telit 11,13 vdsnant tts,ctltra ar.d wnrn
‘l,. ha. 6000 I! fatted. Oa ILc utx q.t.
h 01.2341 bal rr.tored Lt., to a CIL T twat. and
tn many tn.tannev reectc.l rerm,nent cuirg, ext
err ry na.,t doowu reu.dif had tuts. to ,nrlutc this
dentred ettnct.
neindea lm slOonooning ['Ler the dttease ahoy.
mentio,,,l, we alto hal e ['Lever
effertaal remedy in
apthros, a. complaint io whir II Les hems es tensively
used oath deritinol soreeta r yen in ruses e r gs
ktadasag With ala i s uf intelkirc nee Las grown
up u
knowledge or th , eblIlCll. of Ocala, attd . a re.
gant Sr., them, end comm. oturatelt WWI the otndes ul
...nence have oce a:guard she means at arreaung
to.e. add averting its ravages. f`oovititstanditg Use
proms . , vte ravn made,, 1,1,10 Ft . ll
at,/ nte math of the whole toculutaito die amtua,l,
one the matt important dltC.Ttle• ul We ace. on
amellotonnt, tSir cm:Ottani of this large Matt ...I
lene, hmtann
DEL WLSTA.C. , tt L1A.L. 4 ..5..4 OF WILLS CHERRY.
Th 3
r or SI .... Cherry a fine Ilerbal
Aloolseion,rou.rn,c.. rhollr of W11.101..111' !left and
,rtminv .oac :J{lflimpor4-.lexprcs••
ty :or tha tl.o rare Putt:VlA.: yin..., of
wfae!.....r. combit.ei 1.,. a or, ebnnotal pro:co.,
with too xtrqc I a TA,. •Tl..te
coolpootel . elcactous tenieey
errsrao. lor
Ittnert. Co., II „tog 21, 111
,nwitord Pala: 6,th:old, About ntx
ago I reerived the neeno y at W,.tor's lint •am
of IVl'd Cherry, bet with vote reluctance on toy pale
far the reaseo ILot I hod I,seo the aeent of co many
pets end caner no•vurn., wive, vv. r rfacted lip to
rano:Along wonderful, but whieti turned nut in the
red in Le of eo nor/tont wbntevrr, scorn to the Weil
seluter. Mt 'I e.indolll name 'hat tins lona I have
been deretved, for the extrioreinary rums oportod ey
Wistar's Bela:au Lave cone:nem: mr. that -good eon
oouto not of Nazareth 14
!' Yost ,[.. z
lift me one do.
en bottle, which ale oil anno—havie.gbeen them
of c. 0., ',vend sitzstiiinte COCCI st Cs . sesuoiptio
end no mistake; for what I se, Ind know I am bound
In believe. One ease in portitu:as: A young, gentle.
mn in Winenester. Adam. coning, ft.. 11, men, fro
Vei a t place, wan eared of .Connumption wiltl/ the doc
tor* hoe given Lim op. or at lead could do nothing ter
ensi it Was 11.1 intention of bin friends to ret
him to your eity, and place him under the rare of name
rintnesit•phyatetan therm. lid o brand told him of
Wi•tare Veinal, and that he couid oLtniii it of me.
cent for it, and before the sr ce.ul turtle wan gone
tin wan i,oand and well, neat stwrido/g talon every day
ilneve. As there aro ocveral income, lot the meth.
ria, it would be well to forward an additional .apply
withoui delay. Very rrnpectlully, year.,
• •
The above. Iron/ 1.. Newland, F.P‘s.. • blgbli ,
able roontry ;rev: h,st, eosnuicnsla tut:, foretot, I.?
Wee atand attend!. of all um, who I: Lee doubts,/
the great merit or %Vim:LT' , rid Cherry
neectemter me ottrinut sod only gentune Wttlat's
Osisam of Wild Cl , rry. oar , dused In the yea,
Itf.lj, sad hat been. te.ted In all complsruts Illf
IMIIICh It 1 , 1 re,onatnehrlt.d. For 17 yenta It tra.s proved
store ettiesetrnot as a remedy (or Cosghh, Colds, lolls.
enza, Itronelowt,iththota. nod Cunctorptlon in a/ in.
cip,ent Stare., than any other medicine
LttFa . iii NTORF:IP
Now Ifehrouo, Aug to !OE,
Mr. S. W. Fowl, Ilna,ne seen loamy eerldicuter
putd,hoo t o plapon to Ed. V.. Balsam of Wild
Cherry, I ~ rite Irk ',ppwm - ady of °tiering a word in
favor, which you ad , e..: al liberty to publish. A
few mur.l.4 rtore my wire l , longa became sumach of.
famed tan a sudden cold. that she loto her 'wee, food
rected to at rely horn pour .In the Mae,. Ilex situa
canard' her foetal, noteh Corm. Hoeing heard
your Inthtans Ittrontli recommended by those who
0 , 001 it, I purchased a aoute front your by
in Ibn
place. She took It wording to dtreettons, and it pro
dued a wonderful edge t Ilefure uatug one bottle sbe
hod completely wsrovered her Inter, the mins subsid l / 4
ed, nod her health wt. soon (idly re,..10/ehcd.
truly, lld iRY ht.
.To I/auto:1,10 man Peat,. rd Mantame erl•
ebridr.l and infothble remedy for the rare of Cordump.
non, Asthma mad 1.l veitiCompla tut,l:4l ay let awn me
rit,. 'been rapidly, owe col candy we), dtg og wry
thrtamh the oigeEtotiod of fpEacks and chtudedrders,
mad, ay o u ~u e value asoliodrimic ACC 'lever, II 1111
gaiffell toe ~Italllforotrntuiliepoputo• i ty. Intd
hinted tp.elf uk-rooLdenor or 00 tntrtnecul awl en.
heideue.l odd, from one clod of the cop tment to tae
other. 7he to•tituorty for Musa Ws who Imre hod, re.
heard and tot 041 1.7 llnk V. 3 ably article, wilt show
Mat ti Mau, our,vallod—al 1.1. e. brad 01 all 1•111(r me
dittoes. lor E ta, of thorns,. tor which ai l 04101/1
Mended. 'Etat ~cuu,not Dr. Wirt:ter Ilutoseu a Widl
Chorry p- wog I', sole 1, , duly appolnted Agents, and
ail re
cemble 'intern tuetheioe, ut all la,e fllll,
nod all teapot:ant torsor throughout the lladed elates.
rotor. $1 per dod. I Su llotnes foe GS.
flotd by 1. D. I'ARK, putecerinr to - Saddkdd Pela,l
Fourth and Walnut streets. Outeinnau,lllllo, Getter ,
Agent for the South and Wert, to whom alit orders
mum he addrerred.
, • .
Wilroz, Jr; Jame , . A. Jones; 1. Kidd & Cost p• /A•
nettle...A A Co, Plast•urglt. 1.. T. no•isell,..lVesli•
W. 11. LArdberion, FroAilio; L. IC/lame,
Uniun:nwn; 11. Welty, V rec nrhurthi A, KoluaL.Sorner
donSeolt A Gilmore, Bedford; Med A Son Iliri*idl
; Mr.. Orr. llollidayidairg, liildebrad I 4 Co, Ind.
NA, J. K. Wrlgla, Mauldin:4 Evan., Go,
gill, A. WasAn & Son, Waynent.rAln Al•Fulnii4
Co, N. Callender, Alerul vine; Bonen k Co. Cr A J.
sler er lame a, lir ALCd, Ilutlrr Hmak,
EICAVT, J D Surnrurrton Warren, F. L. & C.13.J04v.,
Cooder•oporr; I'. Crocker, Jr. Llforuurrille.
Wasp .
Attiteldettletne• ildvennedly R. lienchoi
ere add
R. F.; s Wood street, snd JOHN P. SCOTT
Liberry et, Patsburgh.
neh am, by JOHN G. S3llTit.
Ikel,r, Gay, by HENRY P. SCHWARTZ' on
T. Beet and Cheapest Morse Medicine
Haneamrda ge ea name. Foe Purity, Aribineta dais
ty,euul Mora-urinal, SLOAN'S OINTMENT Exerts
And IF rapidly auperuding all other Ostmente and
Lizamens now in use for the cure of the followsg did
preah around, lulls of all kinds, Spra iris, bruise.
cracked heels, ringbone, windbone, pod
evil, cal eness,lus, epavias, sweeney, fistula, Ufa., us},
lam sand crack, Sundered feet, scratches or
I rease mange or bone distemper.
The Powder will remove all inflammation ml fever
purify the blood, loosen the akin, cleanse the water
and strengthen every part of the body' and his proved
soveresn remedy ler the following disease.
Distemper, bide hound, loss of appens, Swan.
strain, yellow water, Inflammation of the eyes, fatigue
from hard ...cis' also, rheumatism. Icommonly
end' complawnSwhich proves so fatal to tromy •114.
noble horses in this country. It is also a ufe an eve
sin remedy for roughs and colds which reneraie so
many fatal dweases. W. 11. SLOAN,
Grand Depot, 40 Lake in, Chicago,
Extract (Wm the "Galena North Western Gazette.',
Ey the use of bilostria Ointment and Condition Pow
der. I hare entirely cured a fistula on nay horse and
otherwise implored kW condition more than 500 pc
cent on the coat of the niteeteine And a cow whica
was so feeble aa to be considered worthless by myself
and wig bliontwas restored to good health and strength
by the tow of lees than half a package of the powder,
and it now doing bettor than any other row I hove.
Small rox, May la, M.P. W3l VINCENT.
I Ecrrhy reraify atoneth CHILD.
of my children, when
keel, fell ism a large fire siltve coals, and was burned
.everely item heed in fees The best or medical aid
end nue.. sou given to the child for fniar or five
d P without any refief—each dare sin:resin. there..
nit till hi. g roa. coold be heard at grent distance, at
which critical period one of my at 1g.., recommen
ded and prevented to me a box yf Sloan's Ointment.
and in less than fifteen minutes after the applicattor
oldie ointnarot to the aggravated sores of the •uffering•
child. the pain ceased etiurely, nvl he speedily beg.
to recover. My residence to to Hell township, Ver
million comity, and &taco( Indiana.
_ . .
April 13,191 d. Four mile, north of Chicago too &f i e
road to Ahlwautied Cook county, Illinois
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin One of my horses had a Doke
bony tumor on his brew: bone, itarcedlamly ander Mc
collar, which lamed him and rendered his services or
very little value. I faithfully applied several bottles
of Dr. Taylors Nerve and Dane Liniment, without Me
least benefit. I taco procured Wilder's Celebrated
Horse Ointment, and used that until D became fully
saushed that it would never relieve toe ti al .
nally I obtained a boo or your truly valuable Oint
ment,.nil in leas tban CO days , from the first epithets.
Lion the tumor entirely disappeared, and the bouts. was
u r Pitlw olainoti is any criterion or Lee worm ciao
ante e, we Invite the incredulous to read at least a few
of the many voluntary certificate. that a'spear in out
cella:arta respecting the great variety of nunurkable
cure. eficoted Me use ot - Sloa.W. Celebrated OAct
mem and Condition Powdera."
These remethcs no longer remain among them o
doehtful utility, they have peened from the Ode of to•
pertinent, and now sued higher in reputation and a,,
becoming more eaconcisely used titan all other aril
tie. of the kind.-111Ich. City Nowa.
• _ •
_ tt
For Max; Jon; 1 1 4 IE , PL•
tiraf nloan—Stn Please tend by the bearer a new
apply' of your Horse Nietlinnee. They ate the 031
article. of the kind that I hats ever used, never hal.
jag brio disappointed in their Creel, as I Lave been to
Me use of others, even the most celebrated Oman.,
11.linouenta, g.e., of the day. I like very malt tit....
tare In theca, vim Met they do nil that a promised, end
noon • thorough mal one to contained to add, that
"half has not been told."
Raspectlhily, hl DUDLL,If.
- -
er.iii•ary gunmen. and liniments It is vs.:
known ate severe ay/ partial in t,,or oper6tion
Sloenh Ointnarnt is mild yet thoronali—it reaches nr,l
removes the cause, hence it gives real cad permuient
relict For purity, mildness, ssfety, certainty, and
theronahns., Smares Omunent escris, and is rspidll
surpereeding all other Ointments and Liniments nor
in use. •
Mr. Sloan—Sir. I have tested the vtrnte of your
Onttment in the cure of rattleanake bites, torn throat.
Wins, am: [play other lotorter, and to every came it
has surpassed our espectationa. Au a family lint.
meat, I have never seen as equal, and for bc.sse
can't get along without
Your., sc., MILES m. JOIINSON.
can—iklir sl For a ...deruble length a:
I was seriocely wnh.the rheumatic eorn•
p and applied fr,ly he various Itnnnents,
kslie hunt,
re,* say
Tour e - .:t Um: piece Induenard see to try your
Ointment. and within two weeks (rum the time I anm.
tnenced name tr. the petit ceased, and I w.te erlectually
cured, and shall recommend nil who are emslar:y at.
atcted with the lii.lICA., rompieint, to procureyour
execilent olutuient delay
It.e•p . yours, OSCAR MOT.
Pnneeetlle r . ,
Prona co , May I, PH.
011!.00, Jane 11, tear
Dr. W. B. Sloan—Dear Sir - For she :ast 30 yea,
have 6.1 m-cameo nae many borse, and have used
the relit vunely of .thinirnt• and ointn,ntg tt,
bat ante tw err found ans thing e,ln• to your pint.
:sent for inms h•rera %Vitlttli the last two
month• Iha e. an d
you r °iron-tent to some•til ho rms.
for vartou. aaal In every inttanes it Las rro.
ved a retried,
A FINt;ER 13177 F—N: ENTIAP:LY Org
Tyra mile loath °ICU:ea/a, ISVI.
Dr Sloaa--Sir th tar , inatant ion had a fin
ger Later er.t.rely MI by a bone. We immediately sp..
plied lons rearhrated anrung, rlli,ed him
pun in tea rpt.:ale..•nd pry Lhe finger (rain
Inge/Una to wDand
rapidly Reop'y hUCijW4
Mr. lortr,--L,4ltr St About tlren is, I was
werely,rmarml ou u9f 0: my lers by Ole fal:turr of f 1
,le of , nltMiwtoet nveepoollel large run..ine ulcer*
early every dor:. in (Wens Inr:t Its rare alern. but
, r•nt soy other leg byrant, as had ar the oot ortgiett•
• vitoutnn-d I tlesolurett of ever hem; wetl . arat,t—
ot In r that I alight ',Orel no usY-nn. ‘411,0
,trA. I ourrhaool of your agroi lia/roa
you, o,,,zrurnt. ao,I ,ou ran ”ol,so of y surproo. so I
Fro muur court I ran es,rou+ to bud IslY+) , l
elll:rriy %v.-11,401.'1E1U uothral uslo,:the •rrond s
?Dr, war„ I 111 J.k. know. to o‘l,l, ...1011.Clfd
believe urn de l ay L,ons eu Ifulunlilt torriolrul
as yours proved of Ir. [Lev) , our stuo.fto
Galrua. 11l , Ihr. IV; If lr. I:VAN DAVIS
- ONLY vu DAVI".
13.40 re the rolloart, order, 111a,r1. k. Co
purcLoacd a largo ..appry of s:oou'e preporatlon.
JAcaio4, Mleit Fen 04. le-te
ilibbard —Dear Sir: I ant out of telus.,o cow,.
.11 Pow,er and nor, Onitrocnt The wale tar es.
•loextat , on If youcoo mann, to eeno me
4 dorcti Ouorncol, I lat.l p 1.,. for I,ela tlto Grst ymt
that yoa are i.rre. and preemoe I .411 1.c.0t.1e to sell
o e l
.n th e coar•o a the year It till oc
ua erl a yeo, of well Ito to myself, to keep me eon
stotaly ropplied. Yen reep'y you r,
St :Amu, Feb ?2, 1348.
Dr—Sir Al cml two yeatx clln. Whtto
an the n•er. in force the ramdc, I
0,00 into the neuter, i.: tbe tan
ac woo or Y. coa•lung no le nt r leg cO.l othercrtoe s
eon, c.. 00
.ng me, 0.0 lunch neat 11.0. alt cmottaitty.
When etli..(lo.lllr. rrturue4 I ;and noteif in %L l.ooutrunndeAl I.y vreeptuclam..y. Goo.] nu,-
nilr ail •Ad. enabled •En:01 two month.
to Loht.lo •nond ...It the M.C.L..lllllte CI cnainh he
w0und...1.4 hented, leaving lithe roan .q
11011 , 1 tat the Ince. which i Ina, me.i.thc onehceyed
blond and matter oh the moct ngentatve eLiracter. Sly
pain. were .nciphle 01 Lithe. my ......Orrong was
,rat that death would have rewired A hearty .eel
nom. rontstot,nly Mr W61.n.1, of toy nerghbort)
•tivlrr‘l tn.. to try your Motinent. lalined a boa
ppiled ;i arra:lino! duccoon —the for • vcoan began
o sts.unie • l-sithy appearance, mot in there mon:131;
yam entirely cured. and insbleti m do Lord 1.1 , 0 r.
Vow oLtdigtnl germ., ,
Ina/AI 4V. 1.110211.0.
We. the 0tn10n.g3.6.1. rt.ghboro of 11. W. Thom.,
wrr .equaintrd wsits the ca.° above stated, and It now•
ri room mance., m0..1 ehrerfolly ronfirrn said
Thom ett• mutt Incfil. ItIN .1 1/01:1iI..ASS,
fluiraeo, Jan. WI, IBIS.
W D. Sloan-4 , 1r 010 of nay heroes wit" hoof hound
and Cs , / woulnled in the slide, in which he teak eald,
and.t,ecsme ou crippled that he could scarcely travel.
lay llOs4ree •pplieutian of your valuable tanuneit, hie
hoofs were 1.1011 softened and the ends permanentlycured. I have aloeused the Ointment In the ease of
Poll-Evil and en severe rail. with equal success.
On a mashed finger that wait very painful, it opera
ted liko a chasm. bonito, &C , A. VAN URDEN.
Sloan's °tonne. and Condition Powder are ac
knowledged by all who Lave used them to be the I ert
remedy far Inners and cattle that has been discovered.
Fresh wound., gabs, 'attains, Invitees, rinatione, pod
evil. and iu short every outward disorder or injury, can
be cured by this wonderful remedy. The Powder if
damped for •t, ward Illtrlitlls distemper, hole bound,
fatigue worn hard exercise, downed eyes, &c —Lake
County Cbrontitle.
Wtcattera, Cook Co. Feb. LI. !bid
Mr Sloan—en: I have a fine young horse that was
aken %Yob seratche• lust tall. I paid out shoal
Wren dollar* far medicine ix cure lion, but he grow
wor. I then bought a box or your 0111.Ellt at your
, ffico se when in Chicago last, rather doubtingly, but l
thought I would try it. Judge of my surmise and illy
opinoin of its beneficial qualities, when I found my
horses leg. 'mouth nod well In lour days from the time
COMIIICIiCni applying it. Your Oliedletti,
Mom than filleerhyear. of unrivalled acieees. In the
11, of every varreit of external dr.ea.e. and none.
acti ar spoon, broi.e., eat., harlot, rutativou crap.
loos, acre Inle Wm.. chapped hand. chill.
ulcer., corn., pa i n.
In the hack, aide, or
nto r part. orrhe rpotern, rattlennako bile., Ie berm
„ILI; ' ;i7nrr 'mr a.;re S at l e o .t . „ ( h } o " Uri ' iu n oTr ue l l ia " . ;. e ‘ i ' e. '" Z
ereived hp the Proprietor from dointerented
1., giving details et remarkable cu re. by It. nee.
bir bluan—lkar Re: Recently my horses renew.,
with a !tie chain attached. which cut and •therwise
didlured them wriouely, se much so that 1 cons tiered
team rutned for inmate.. Fortunately a friend m•
tho 13, of your Cintinent. I went to Altl•
vaalue and purchased a box. Ii awn removed
n dassmoution, and in a few days the wounds healed
The groat *WM detered from the use of ynur 0 nt.
, meet, on my horses, induced me to acquaint you With
the fan, believing n. publicity would benefit you and
tfie public. Respectfully none,
' •
i And has become •common saying, tha t MAW*
. 01tomcdi and Condition Powder are rapidly supers,
ding all other reenrdics for .II disease. of hone. and
cattle. The beauty of the medicines consists In then
parity and''. In win dins may ha used eyes se
freely without any danger of taking cold, or any abet
Injury fetal from their (=re, and serer fail
to .m n If 1ht. " 4004 ere ro Pllnfrllll
“Thy re t 1;
0 Medicines ot We dal..
listattasels ikLanotaOttio, Mal p. 11641-
F- &Pen: I think it right fertile benefit anthers
to state some facts in relation to year excellent Fami
ly Medicine.
I have used pole Verndluge lark., in tu7 own fam
ily, one via. frequently answering for expelling . Igo
quantities kiey I to Mil worms from two ehildtee
hay also usedyour Liver Pills and Oman Syrup .n
my family. and they have in every instance produced
ihe edect desired.
Jr aam seemed merchandising, 1 am able to
state Mat Mato yet to bear of the fix. (Ulu re where
your urethanes have been used in my metion of the
country. In conclutrOn. 1 may state that they are the
medicines al the day. and are destined se have • very
extensive pspulanry Yours. ter meduPk
Prepared and mold by R. l SS,No Er Wood
street, and sold by Druggu coetally in the two ci
ties and vicinity.. mr3l
origina4 only true, and genuine Liver Pill.
SIM= Cana, Ohio county, Va.}
March 20th, 1N47.
/H.R. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe
to you and to the public g,ners ly, to state that-I hove
been MEicted with the 'Liver Complaint for a long
taste, and so badly that an aborts formed and broke,
which kit the in • very low state. Oaring beard of
your celebrated Liver Pills being fon sale by A R
Sharp, In West Liberty, and recommended to me • by
my phystelalt, W. E. Sauth, I 001.1110 a to pre them
a fair trial, al,
parehtused one boa, and found them to
just what they are recommended, THE lIEST LI
VER PILL EVER USED; and after taking four bones
I find the thence bus entirely left me, and I am now
perfectly well. Respectfully your*,
Wen Liberty, March
I comity that I am personally acquainted anth Ur
Cohan ,and can bear testimony to the truth of the
curve .5 rtificale. A It SHARI'
. .
Toe ,00rne laver PIM aie prepared and sold by
E 4 LEERS, No S 7 Wood , atzeat, and by droagista
inure a., el.sra.
TO THE r onginO, only true and gen.
nine Liner Pills are prepared by HEScllers, and have
bo name stumped in black wax upon the lid of each
lma, and his stamped
on the outside wrapper—all
°theta are counterfeits, or bane imitations.
111:tIELLER.3, Proprieto r
tp RN the ne• SIIINN, n well known and pop
V clan Clergyman. the ProteManthlethadist Church
File 4 4dusignal havrng been allatemd during the put
h.., /With dweure o, toe momach, SOMetilnel pro.
Mica,' great ps in in the stomach fortenor twelve hours
without Mein. ,and after having tried various
remain. with effect WAS furniehetl with a bottle
Wilt //Jayne'. inaime Italia= Thistle used tie.
cording to the din—. r a, ro , d found tnvariablt that thin
medicine cituaed the pain to aoum in three or four min
odes, and m fifteen provenly minutesevery mina
sensation WU entirely quitaad. The maim. wan 11l
terwardensod whenever indicauonsor the approach of
pcm witeperce,ved, and the pate was thereby prevent.
ed. liooonunued to use the medicine every enenittg
and s•mdrimes red , Lod to • fnw weeks
health way to tar ;-.totrd, that the sulkier M 44 Itches
ed from a large arum, ut of oppressive pain. Front ea
parieneeTlierefore. re cart confidently recommend LI
D./One's Cart:Mhz:iv alnum,
• au' mar y medteri.
foe dimaaca ofthe COrtitelt and bowels. A SOINNII
Alice heitv
For gala in Pittsburgh at FL: liiN STOR
72 Fourth streetoter ttio •Ild IiVO 111 trininog
Siorcof II I. SCIIWARTA emll went. •
ins G11LLT1112139T10113,..h.m.,
Co.aa©pUan, Conch., Co elt,l)lf r fi:illt or firtittli•
" B'ao
'S O Par o.stiou
toe, lOn tbo 8010 and , 0.04
- of
Lb. Infloon., Croup, Broteu Cou•
. _
stitution, Sore Tbroal i Narvous Debili
mLan oil Marasco of the Threat,
Uncut and bongo; the most af•
factual amt speedy ota
aver known nor toy of
Ws above disc.-
•s. is
Dn. s‘‘ AYYsii'S
Conapelnad Syrup of Wild CharTyt
This methane is no longer aruong those of noubtful
hiny. It tom passed sway from the thousands daily
launched open the tide on expertment, and ties tends
higher in nepattion. and tatecoming more sr:en:sive
ly reed Main eny other preptatiou of medictos ever
praleced nor We relied or stirring man.
It his been , utraduced very ganstaily Wroogla the
tinted Sutra spa Esdrryerand Were are few tower of
itnponsure linTsrha t otwain same remargablo evi
dence of 0. good eget.. For proof attic fotegaing
statements, mad et the wane and efficacy of this meth
rate, the proprietor snit Moen a taw ofthe many 'thou
sand testimonials which Lave been presented to Wm by
men a the Gist respctability—men who have higher
views of morn: rcnponsibtlity and justice, than to .cr
ony on Igen, because It end do another a favor, and
themselves no injustice. barb testimony proves coo
clmisely:that ion sormisingeiguellence estsblisked
try Its littelnite niannl, and the nriquestionable matron
ly of public opaniun. Ile Instantaneous rebel' it st ,
fords, and toe [bathing Influence difinted through the
whole leitSe by it s oae, renders it a most agr eeable
remedy for the
"When men, acting from conrcientious
voluntarily bear teitimony to the troth of • thing, or
partici:dor Met, such teniniony, being contrary to the -
worldly totem. and purl:macs, coerces CpArtc Wan of
or truth, and commends itself In • apectul manner to
universal credence."--Oliniimia Morol Alumina
~,,, .......
iIEAD Tit - E
ItO E c cATEs.
Sr.m. Anorun Con or rCIALONA. Contrarnore.—
Thera fever was a remedy that On Iran tts successful
to dmperate cases of Conmonpuon, as lit. Swayonh.
Coronound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It mrenottlena the
Aymara, and appears to heal the Meets on tr, tt./.00.
cream • oew and nth blood; y.wer pesmased by n
Other plutne.
Canna Co _ , April Om, Lula,
Ile. prt zyne—Dear Son I verity nacre your Com.
pound Syrup of Wkd COMO) bar bleu the mons of
morn, my long:Xs resat cold, 'March gran.
ally'veur ono., stteoded with • severe cough, that
mussed all the remedtcs which I had recourse to, cud
mereasing unUI my cam cnibtred all the symptoms of
Pulmonary Consumption. Every Moo I tined teemed
to parr .to effect, and toy cemplomt increased w
ly that Inman as well at cpell, gave up all hope, of
& recovery. Al Do tome I was men:mended try
To cmsloslde medicine: I vhd woe, the moat bpi,:
ny msuns. The fast Lon. brad the effect to !nor, ant
foolish coon,. me to vopeetoratc by the
r0v,..0 I Loa unu U.( 1,4 . ..1,1 0.1.6 eakfireq and am
bow ea hearty• fa. cwr. was in 07 141 C, land
would he happy to gm any inform... veneering my
can, Ma other old e n.. may deny. the6.4l,
*Mal WU so ryltefaL For the troth of tne
•taleraell, ca., Ton CO Peter Inah, if Yno,,r,
Glertet. PL. of wont I mirehf,ll;44 mitheme.
RelpeNcary Jac.* .lleasam
sClaarclful Curs of a !eelkalif/ .11seasLar.
Dr. Swaync - - Dear Sir I feel • delt of gratirca• dal
you—and • slaty to the gamma generally, useller
my listable testimony in Sorer of Tow Sy
rup of Wild Cherry. *nine Mi., &lam .000 1 was
y.iaotml with cold mai lalammation of Mr
Lump. which was accompanied with a dun:rasing
couch, pato In the breast uul head, • very consider.-
hie dmehorge of offeinsive mucus from the longs, co p e .
malty open change of weather, however slight. At
fast I felt to &lona shammy condiuon, hut woe pray
soon 1,11•111 tea that I woe royally game into et...sum,
gl ow doily weaker, and ht las , dt• was se•ere.
ani to se , oa •Em lastsr, •oeli
weaknesa of my lo ng. Sorma tom
umc I hod tried unmans preparations and pre•cripuona
tut Mond no relmf—groortuit .11 the lane worse. Just
here I not adv•e4 and persuaded by • dmir friend lo
W,lmington to mate
a t M . p.h.' IIYmP or Wild Cher
ry. I mom eon tem that previously I had he ptemt.
Cep e,:yor,st patent Medirtr.ct. and lam agmn a r
those catalog out of the hands of myrtles, hot under
stamlyng goof claim. to the yrofemion and practice of
dletne, and haring impticit faith in the anying army
fdfends, I forthwith purchased of De Shaw, one of your
agents, • few la. ard commenced." use. y
was at M., time of :Nor lt.l C.lllllo,Z,eou
eNeenuy it a. deeply tamed. I found, he 'sever,
enuwacrOlt mire (rota the use of the UM four or ore
Wales lint Ming o triadic opelacr, I freinentiy
tempted to preach with my ItICTIO4I/111 strength,. and'
thereby roillorei those *easels that lad already begun
to heal, in this lusty, doubtless, my cure R. greatly
~a. of acting thus imprudent
Ir ,„, z '
La. 11,1 are Mame or Eileen bottles before I was re.
Italy rosier,' I hare Ito transtaen, • moth small
number of hostas would hone made me mood, tot
Me above indiscretion. The Syrup Cloyed Me One,
mh hobs, toot . nay the chttsastn• cough, pot ••• •
to th sciatra• of matter from the luogs and gar
thmr. stud the coare system good health. I ' have dela ,
red ogcrtmytluo certificate until now, for the pu
of hrtny perfee, mitixfiefl with the permr.r.cney ol the
rm, arid now .1.•11 Iwo pecker()) ell 1 ogler It with
Rah. J. P Jancon
P irgirri s count. N
ierporuang Caveson—Read' Read , .
There it holm e genuine preparation of Wild Cherry,
an d ma,,. or swears:he he first ever offered to the
politic, which .sas been geld largely throughout the
United State. awl sonic pats.of Europe, and all pre.
paranoids sans by the name of Wild Cherry have
been pat out mote thi ender Cover of some deceptive
circumstance. .4 enters give currency to their sales.
lip • bide obs ' isosagion, ne person need mistake the
fe'lliling • from S r folio. Eneh bottle of the geouine is
enveloped wit a beautiful ste - I rise roving, alb the
litcooes of Winston Penn Orman; •Iso, Dr. S ayite's
w illti • • further see•rity, the pontos of Dr.
Swaynn ti: added hereafter, so as to die ingtosh
hi. preparanot •toni all others. Now, il It was not tot
the great eurapve prom:rites and known issues of Dr.
Swayne's Costmounil Syrup of Wild Cherry, promo,
would not Co endeavoring togive earreney to their
"known 110••• •ITIN" by stealing the name of Wild
Cherry. Remember, alway• been in tetizil the name
ofDe Swayne nd be not decreed.
Principal - Mile, Corner of Eighth and Kara i ocon.,
E1. , ..;5ei„,,,.....:e and retail by WIDEN A SNOW.
DE, car 'ld ant Wood of., IJ A FAIINP-STOCK Cr.
Co, car lot en. Wand, amid gib and Wood sts; W:11
THORN, fig Al•wket at; 14 JONES, los Liberty sti .15S
A JONES, eel Wand and Penn see JOHN swell.
ELL, Alleghea n city, and by all respeetable dealer. to
medicine. _ emjEl
Dr. W• P. Inland's Premium Plaster.
Dlt, W. P. INLAND, of tbo Medical college bf
adelphia, now oaers to the public) his Indian Veg.
otehle Premium Pl.ter, the quid.e• of winch. after
long and tried capon..., has bean suusfectorby it.
tabloilied. To all women who may ho afflicted with
Prolapses Uteri. or Fallen WOlllll, he recommends hie
plaster, guarenteeing • sure and speedy cure the
s hort epece of from two to thee weeks, if epplied with
care and rest--diseardnig all the count.. motivate/its
and espensive L.:twinges eo long in use. Thl. lie kels
G 011.1.1101. in elistrne, inamiab as be has not htfcd
nerve out of three hundred and any -three pa
Al. for atop:bans. and Weak Breuer or Dart. •I
tended al. pl.lll, there to naming to curl..o nested
affording trite( or effecting a ono For enle by
L corner of Diamond and Marko: et
clan ae
„R r " j u g " n,g l; 1' ,117 . 1 '" 117". Lib e r ty
y nrnTsrn r d id, Ali .
I. ll . 4=t ei &, Denunati and Diamond I.l7ndl ci ng
OF . COVFEE—An article which is ra-
Xi puny coming...a ate as a wholesome, npuristong
and delicious aeverage, bumsmore pleasant and pal
atable than common Coffee, an d lar cheaper, as a small
paper costing only _ ten cents, will go no far as lour
pounds of Codee. Illanuractared by
JOAN 0. MILLEK, Pittslmrsh, Pa.
, Hold at wholesale by lI A FAIINESEVCK A. Co,
corner of First and Wood and !hunt and lb dell
Pittsbargh _ _ 'eardl
G "
liCassip Hismkets; 20 officer coats; 12 Pririnints;
18 parrs nen hoed tolionnos Hans; La l oo h nob ,,Al. g .,
water Twins, 0 and 17 4iilloow each; SO 7 21011480 , 1
fibrin each; 1 dos Iluekstaa Money Beltsl . Isla talc
cambric do do. The above goods lot sale et the Call
fordo (nothing Establishment. No S Woodlit.
incl.2l J k 11 PHILLIPS
Nclys.—Wrought Iron Anvils, fronstbe Temper. !
i. a...villa works, warranted; will be constantly
nn hood sod supplied to order, by
•1110 MN, fll O ll N oWpl W. 441.1
Liquort ir hr poPes °'
thpu tee
5 e. Or
to ppes Itillund l
s N Rum,
400 bbia Whiskey, (or hy
anvil w hi All PCIIELTIII4I,
BLKACIILING PH - 01 , 02;14—ct0
E t„., brand, a superior article., for side sy
_noon W SI hIITCHS: ,TRF:I4
wr,,, rISBKB ilospron's bona ASA, Irbil cos.
I Blenching Powder, unwed per ship Cambridge,
and now coming on by canal, for side by
N.o.—Tuty will melee s Clurthg She winter, Inrso
suppliep lie Now Orlaus, nava
1113110FT.-tiOlt EHARI.V.s, has VIM.
.L pared a new artthrneural a Copy of Which
...ill be presented to each and , every Teacher in the
United Plate, 'mahout charge, open their tapplicatton
In A. H. Enghsh & C0.,79 Han, novel, Pntsbnrgh,
(pont paid t The work is eraitk-d,
or, An Amyl) of the Language or rksoroo nod Sci
ence of Nora pens.
The ("Itemise notice se copied twee the Nee. Vert
Tabun- of Jon. 4,1' e
.C:assra•st or Attn.:mete, ref Coss. Domes, L. L. D.
(in t o., pp. I11.)-In this work We langmage of figures,
anJ elm .truction or numbers. are.eaterally atuitshed.
The alphabet, competed of ten figures—the words de
rived roan the alphabet, and the invs by which the
figures are connected with each other, are clearly
"The analysis shows that there are but four bon
' dred and eighty eight elementary combinations to
A rt thine tic, eve h corresponding to award of our com
mon language; and that these eombmettons are SKI
connected together as to be it expressed by only
sixty three dillerent words. The system proposes to
commit theme words to memory, nod then read the
results Instead of spelling them, WI now practised.
n t*ln another respect the system proposes an import
au[ change, namely, to ccusider and treat all (revuo.
as entire things, having given relation to the unit oat,
tram which they Isere derived.
"We scarcely need say that the lints work evince*
the inrenuny and skilful analysis, for which Professor
Davits' writing on this subject are justly celebrated.
We commend it to the attennon of practical teachers.
believing that they will find it crowded with new and
valuable suggestions"
Freon the Projentord at Wsst Paint.
^ !Mannar Acztman or U.S. Wssr Pot., Je0.17.
] •The Grammar of Arithmetic, by Pro , essor Davies,
presents the subject in a new light It en analyzes
A rithmetie a. 10 impress the mind of the learner with
the first principles of mathematical critter in tacit
right orZer and connrctiorti and the new rules for the
reading abeam, are of great practical value.
Signed, W. 11. C. Bartlett, Prof. of Nat. & Ex. Phil.
Chorch.Prof of Mathematic..
It U. Mahan Prof. of Engineering."
Jn Press.
A.S. BARNES & Co. would respectfully announce
to teacher, and in all interested in mathematical in.
ameba, that they will pabitsh, on or before the let
oh A uguo, lesh, the follneente workr--.
Or, est Almlytms of the Principles of the Scieitee—of
MC Nature orate reasoning—and of the best Methods
et imeartirg 'extraction. By Chas. Davies. 1.1. D.,
harbor nf••A Complete System of Mathematics?'
N. 13.—A. S threes & Co., are the publishers of
Sysmm of Alathemmics.
For vile in tin, city by A. 11. ENGLII3II A Co., No.
7a Wital itircet febtr7
Foster's Ness Ethiopian Melodies
f to Ron all Nigh ; Dolly Day;
X Du ley donet• tin down to do Cotton Field;
Neliy teas a LWI),
Re Find to it o Loved Ones m Home,
P.ow lay boat I:ghtly; Tine Love, by T. 11.1;
is. way arrow the sea, dam;
Anew medley song, by 13 Covert;
Jenny Gray, mime by Moiler,
Joy thmt were crowning, Wedding Morels;
Gad blew the hardy mellne; . Sebuylklll Weir;
Conserird'a Departure, by W. C. Glover,
Sound, worn lion.; Waltzes, Steve; warkuche Co;
Last Rove of summer, way V. 1 1 .1600.3. to? Herz:
United States Polka; Ladle,' Souvenir Polka,
Cora Crueler Quadrille; Louwaille Quadrille;
Beaune. of luny; Duet., Trios, &e.
A Inc., assortment of Sievelllustc on band. to vahleb
edit:urn:a aro wade weekly. For vale by
fe1125 J. 11. 51V.L0R, bl Wood et.
new uooicel
'rim WAR WITH 21EXIELi, by E. 2.,Ripley; 2
1 vols.
Elements of Rhutotie; .compiising an Analysis of
the Lass ot Moral Evident.° and of Petepaston: by
Melton) Whately, D. L.
Essay Baptism; by Eapttst W. Aloe:, 21
The Ottileies, n Novel. • ,
Fairy Talcs, from ail Naiiono; by Anthony R. Moo
Ea, with d I illuLtrations by Dolls
.111.1 teed by JOHNSTON & sToch-ro:s1,
dcw corner 'fiord and Morket atreo •
agkd Si:levant olft Hooka!
Ileadley, svith eleven original dosigto by Harley.
Poems and Prose Wounge, by !Hobart! 11. Dana; At
vat.., moidin
Illum:dned Gems of Sacred Pony, with six Illosnra
non. cbgraved oa et[4l, by John Smuts
Jos, 7 , ce,,red by JOIINSTON tc STOCKTON,
art.! earner Third and Market sa.
FtrAb , ..Nr
PtrYSICIAN AND PATIENT; or n Pennies! Vie.
of ton tem..: duties. telnunns end Interest. of the
ho:cesnenend th e Coututunigi by Worth
tartan Honer, M. D. F
1 . 1,, Wow., of M.ehlael Ire Montaigne; etoopnling
Lett..i.. kc. 1.3 y %Vila. Hazlett
Naioveli nod ita rien,una. By Austen Henry Lay
'ord. . D.
of Spain: or Spanner an Uufaushod Tour
in 040 liy S. T. Wain,
. .
Tapper'. Proverbial Philosophy, new edition; illus
trated. Jam: recemedby
cors! corner Market and Third streets
n.,wed Rook4-I.tionlra In ritnly carved Inr.ding,
tl.emin Ltnd end Ilinutrwca—Lloor. . superbly bound In
vrt. S:11t, Morocco. kn. 112.4, emition, In nnilunion
of th, A,..—Re..,41 and Prayer Etnoi.s. hcau.
molly L ru..d in Yriret and Slorce co, to ognsficentl y or
lie 0te.11.1.,4 end Por
./.1.11.E.9 D. LOCKWOOD,
Book,ert Itaponer. Wood n.
C 4 flats.. and New Year Approaching(
In IL Ignsficent Antique 8ind , . , ,, /or the Holidays.
rAmi:S D. I.LiI:KWIS34 U ok of ,ct and laiporter,
of 1 . 4 Wood erett, hal reeef c . .a • Lenialful collection
of I.4u:rated Book, Loynd in heMPSI splendid man
ner by the belt Lonna and en,..:1 Lindero—among
awns in.y be inund•
Portry: lut.f.errly
1..1$ r. %V... Fla World. xd wt.:tided ttt gold and
W:.n.•worsk's Grrerni riebly li:ogre:ed.
Th• rnelter; allammaied by Owen Jones, nod
bouna naired wool.
rung of Santa; tilunonated by Joncs
oorrre wad tr.c2l Kwartd 7'nougta,tlJusalobted by
• • •
Mr. amrann t•rmraetrrisur. of Wome rti Bluer+.
led Fur • ale• b, JAME:4IJ 1.1./C.F.WIAkII,
del I Al Woad .treet
. .
I) IVA/BURN, His Voyage, to Ilerma,
10 .4alG4 w * TyDa . vi ..l / 6 140,” kr.
I,L.vor, K. A:frcd ol Login:l.lM litrob Abbott;
fit, emtravis‘g.
sl Jot „the Sttrretcs, Ly Win. Melnhold.
nov,l corner Thud and Market atm.,
"One cf the itlcY4 lieraarlabieWoria ea, Age."
N AN') 11`..A REMAINS; 'Milt my account
lytt to the I:mm.lmeg ettnsuaos of Kturata-
. . .
sr 1 the Vend., nr Deuil.Weethippers; and au
Irepr. ,no, the Manners and AR* of the Ancient As.
t imns tly Austen Henry layenl, Keg. D. C. L.
With lutteauctory Note by Prot E. Robinson, D. D.,
LL. D Diustrated with 13 [dries and maps, and Uto
woo 3 cuts vets Fyn cloth, 1 1,50.
.The bona has a rare amount of graphic, vivid, pie,
turestoto.nallTC '—rtibUllo.
Qufl of Layard is Me most prominent towel
bourn to the wady of antiquity, lbat has appeared for
many ) ears "—Chnet. Inn
'll , set one carets in interest the account of Nineveh
and as Rains, given by Ur. Layard."—Wastangton
Intellive nee r.
"As we follase the digcers will breathless interest
to their etre, aline, tma suddenly find ourselves be.
fore al/illnren, Eyure oaredsarth minute accuracy,
'l .l its mig•ntic bead from the dust of lata
yeare, tot
aw ready to cry out with the utoniehed
Arcot, • WaLlah, m wooderfial, bat it is true!" "—ln
ro, tale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD,
nosit , fq IWood st
Nov llooko.
rikllll VVOMIIN f 11, Old adt New Tem.:tent.
1. Ed..d by P.. U Sprague. D. D. I vol. Imp.
eirgaboy bound, IY exmaditely finished engraving')
with di ...spud. by relebraied American Clergymert.
POEMS Hl' AMMLIA,(Mr.. Welby, of Ky a ) a new
and en: erred edition; daunted oy engraving. from
onions. design. by Win:. 1 vol. square . elegant.
ly boat.' and Also—A variety of splendid Au..
at and till) Hooks.
Sewell'. Child', Find Book of the 11.tory of Rome.
I soh
IDE VIE lIANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the
of , :nrpenirra, Shipwrights, Wheelwright', Saw
yer., Lin: mermen, Students, and Ann.. generally:
being a thorough and practice/ Treatise on Menton..
bon Clu the Sliding Rule. By D. M. Bayer, A. M.
Bot.e's Treatise on Greek Pro. Composition.
01.:dorill's Elementary French Grammar. By Prof.
Greene. of Brown Uuivenin. I rot. lead.
Rd-dire. licseinu.' Hebrew Grammar, by Conant.
Geom. Hebrew Lexicon.
Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarillanie Table.. 1
mil (sheep.)
The Englishman's Greet Concordance. I vol (Mid
Anthony Classical Series.
Web.ler'.l.),etionory, revised ed. 1 voL Syn.
Jo do unabridged. I vol. Mo.
Borneo Notes and Questions oh New Teorament.
No Whidely's Logic.
Ectlessaxtical Illstory. 3 vole. and I
yds. Ghtep.)
Vestiges of Creation. 1 vol. lean.
Mon tugs among the Jesmts at Rode. 1 vol. (cloth
and paper.)
see where the Tempter ims Triumphed. 1 vol.
(eloth mid policr4
Bayne's 'Plieological Lector.. 1 vol. Sao. (cloth.)
Aldr Pa Pronouncing Bible.
Royer's French Dictionary.
Smart'' Horace. For sale by R HOPKINS,
novl3 Apollo Buildings Fourth at
0 ENV HOOKS JUST . RKehiv Ka).-11. woe.; - 6
Montotgne, edlod by 11. Malin, comprising his,
l o e ‘ r e s :
( ii ro n t d e
ti r r, nej . u n t
. G . e3Lan os y . n p u b d . !
ice! mud Bibliographical Notice., Jae.
l'hcory and Practice Or Teaching; or, the Motives
and Methods of Good Sehool.Keeping, by, David'
Plage, A. M., Puirierpal of the mate Normal School,
Ai bony, N. I'.
Frank Forester's Flith and Fishing of the U. Stat.
and hough Provinces of North America, by Henry
Win. Herbert. JOHNSTON . te STOCKTON,
noon Corner Third and Market sts
The Olden Time.
TAMER U. LOCKWOOD, llookeellcr and Importer,
0 N. t.l wood surd, has for sale a lett-copies corn
plc., the remainder el th e eililion,) of this vnlualile
work. itevored to die Pre•ervatton of DOCUrnentr, and
other authenuc linemannn relating, to the early ex
plorations, settleined and Improvement ofThe enutory
around trio head of the (lino. By Neville II Craig,
Esq., f hitshurgli, in J vols Ova.
novinJ. D. LOCKWOOD.
MAN DOER CY: A Ilistory, onto a view of the
Lil.rly of other Ancient hallo.. By Simnel
Knott, Esq. Illustrated with twelve eograwngs, exe
cuted at Rona a voli., goo., uniform with Prescott's
Ilintnural Works.
Just pubindied and for sale by
JAMES 1). LOCKWOOD, n.,ot aellet and
nevi° Importer. 63 Wood id
.. •
IKENILILF. IN I'FALI;i aethiriselediOini
r loam. 73 its. MRS. FANNY KEntILE'S YEAR
rending of this book ha. impressed as with a
thaeli higher opinion of its author than we bad formed
from perusing bar other wilting.. It displays a deeper
nine of sought, united so more pare womanly erne. of
feeling than say other production of the female mind
with %litchi we aro aequabited.e—Eve.
“It is • very agreenble and teadoble book, written In
Fanny kemble's heel styie—tald, spirited and enter
taining. Wo Teraina:Lead it on our readers as the bent
public talon of tho scason.“—iitta4ug that.
°lt contains tie Journal of a trair though Euro
and reodence in Italy; and Is one el
of the r pleasant p e•t e.
and meat interesting Looks at the et . ..tin—Cour. and
i r II ,very cheralnkrlntie book. We have read It from
stint ruxe to CaltiphOn with obahated interest. A vi.
yid picture of lite in Koine. In all reaped. eminently
rT au e b lo.' • --linsekerbosier.
world Bookseller & Importer, 63 Wood et _
.. ~
T. . Iflbli-otalislifilViiiiratm,.
. a LIOXhA savories Canoed Ml:Mons, Also MO
I do. Flowers, of all be latest and most Miklos,
elytas,l,o%.l this day at
afl Market at
(COI ED BEEF-10,06016a sugar cared tor:La/kr..
JJ out of smoke, for solo by
• • •
I : 01414.441:3;9M14,1
A. nos 6 SONS, :•
Bsnk•rt, klichang• - B
COLLELTIONS.—Drafts, Notes and Aeeestaneei
payable in imy part of the UniOn.colleeted cattle mast
tavornble terms.
EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia Bal
timore; al., Cincinnati, Louisville, Saint Louis and
New Orleans. constantly (ornate.
BANK NOTFB.—Notes on all solvent beaks in the
Gutted States discounted at Um lowest rates. Ail kinds
of Foret;rn and Amerman Gold and Silver Coin boaebt .
land sold.
()flee No. 55 Market street, between 311 and Ch,-
Pittsburgh, Pa.
BILLY on England, Ireland,
, stty automat at the Current Rates of Fzehange.
and Seodand bought
lust", Dmlls partible In any part of the Old Countries,
Erea -LI to .0000, or th. rate 00 PI. the's , s. , linir ,
without dedeetion or thstount by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON, European and General en; arms Rh
done of wood,°COW it an.
auc easaM.— ' Imam= imam
1310ANKERS AND EXCHANGEB °Reis. 4. 1 011
.1.1 In Foreigo and Domestic Iblis ofExcasxye, Cer
tificates of Ikproite, Bank Notes arid Cobb comer of
.1d land Wood meets, doectly opposite St. Ckarlm SIO•
tel. Mar4 44 l Y
Mrgium.r.4z. pup - 754
"' nedun.,
patebased at Ms lowest rates, byank Noon;
sepitt 33 Market street.
New York,
Skiladalphhb and
ConateedY for sale by HOLM'S - & SONS.
septa StSitlarketst.
TOIIN WATT & CO. have removed their stock of
Groceries to the opposite side of Liberty at.
LY~jTMAN AkILBIC —Her work and her re.
YY word. fly Marie .1 Mc mosh.a thor of .. Charms
& Cohntereberms,” "To seem end to be." I trot latoo.
Latter Day Pamphlets, No It—The present time.
By Thomas Grime.
C11,1,11Mi11.-olemairs of /are end Writings or The..
Chalmers, D D.. L. L. D. Prelections on Bailer's
Aeolcg y, Bride aces of Christianity, and l's
Lecture on Divinity, with two Introductory Lectures
at& four Addresses delivered In dm New Coder,
by Thomas Chohnets, D. LI, L. L. D.
. .
Comm—Lin of lobo Calvin, compiled from anther.
tic morns, awl pantoulany from Jill correspondence.
Ity"rboorm Ii Dyer, with portroil I vol 12mo.
For gala by II HOPKINS.
Apollo Buildings, Fourth W.
Deaimese Cured.
From the Now York Tribme.
AA FRIIIND, whose word Is most reliable, amt who
has no possible interest In the matter, hat one of
gratitude, desires new ray, that be hes. been eared of
mve te rate deafness, by the am of "`carps 's Compound
Acousue 01." a Philadelphia medicine, winch is not
for sale in this city, lint which he thinks ought to be,
(or the good r( the afflicted. Hellas neister who hail
toso bone cured by ii. Ile urgently adelses all who
ace suffering learndeafness, to try this remedy, with an
essurance that. unless the ease be extraordinary, the
Core peeve abuadmuly successful.
N 'i s ' ale nt ar TILE PFJCIN_TEA STORE,
MI , 70 Fourth at, Pittsbargh
Combat Combat
girl GROSS super Polka: 10 do do very Sam
So • imsli Redding;
" super Engllsh Flom Redding;
. " Pocket Combs;
Prin " " 'Wood "
Gum doz lined Fine Ivory;
" Shell Solo Comae
" super largo Buffnim
'Nu gross said Side Combs; reed end for sal. by
feu, - C YEAGER, CS Market st
Huff Holland! Huff Holland!
rpm a: NOTICE—That W. McClintock has this dap
reoticcd several rates of the finest and best Doff
55'IndowIlollund, to which he would most respectfully
call the atteillllllll of his CY-O:MM and the public to
fryTarpet Ware Poem, 75 Fonnh sr. Jonah --
FIAT eery fine GUITARS, Just rce'd from the
cmenramd manufactory of C. F. Munn• and for
ask. iund I 11. MELLOR, St %Vaal at.
Books Just.•lvad.
rrIIE. Complete Works of John Batlvan . ; 9 sots, Svo,
m I vol, Ifustramd; tonslm all Schoolt edges.
alochell'alliblmal and Sabbath Geography;
a new :sort; 1 sot, 12ao.
Town's Analysia snd Speller.
LOO ..f John Q. Adams by \rm. 11. Seward; 1 not,
112 no; ...lin
Po.. by Mr. Beata.; I To1.12mo; muslin:
South's siermons—Senr.ons preashml upon nertial
occasions, by flattest South. I). lit a new edition,4
rots; . Posthumous Ihscourses.
Sams-1 vols. in ,t; sheep, extra; bvo.
I'vr sale by A lIOPKiNtgt
:cb a Apollo Duiblints..Founk
MUNN=lin.3o,l 0. W. O. Nall.
ri , tit undersigned, euccessora tO Arthur. IL Nichol
-1 um. beg leave to Inform the citizens of Pittsburgh
and public generally, thin they have rebuilt the EA
GLE. FouNDRY and me now in hall operation, and
have part of their patterns ready for the market:—
Smong‘t which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood
Stoves, with a splendid airnaght Coal Stove, which is
now et:perm-ding other air-clue
the common round
Stove. Alto, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well adap
ted for :mull families, tech a full as.ortment of com
mon aLd man ioc Gates We 'avoid puneulatly
,h.. attent of pnrsons buildin- to call at rpar
ACCla.ll.fe before purchasing, and Ust : .1 . nine a rplendld
article of enaramcfled Grates, finished:lu am style—
entirely new in this market. . .
War.huuae y No. 1.1
Libenyo, , polito Wood m
Co VEAG F r it i kdI 9? A ' INVARITPVI=D r t aI"
o, the Got Comb, 103 Market et, Pumbeigh, p..—
W.t•ro Merchants Pedlars, and others Saline
urea to pimettase'6ood3, are respertfolly invited
to can Axed examine the tllengliel assortment of Eng
sh. American. French and German Fano) Goods.
All I arngt: Goods at thm establishment are impen
d direet by myself, and purchasers may rely on gets
fink goads worn first hands. I have the largest assort
-I,l< I ankle*, ill the variety line, is the city of
et which will be sold low for cash or
city et ceptances. The Stock consists, Is pest, of
Lae , Goods, llosiery, Gloves, Ribbons
Sint Cravats, Shea and PateutTbrendaSewirk Solt,
Spool Conlin, Tapes, Suspenders, Bettoes, Pins, Nee
dles and Cutlery.
:old and Silver Wotobos, Gold Jewelry, all kinds of
Grimm, Combs and Helms.
Pr rr qrsion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clacks, Silk &
Cottot. l'ursce, Spectacles, Steel Peas, Music Boxes,
CAlp, flags and Baskets.
Ilnol.sge, Fushun% and Trimmings.
T. and Fancy Sionsl& local/. with a large yids
ty et Pettey and Step le SKY GOODS.
C. 1 ~.tuEn isedm , agent for the celebrated Last.
clots, . nova
FOR Coughs-Colds, Asthma and Coasomption: Th.
GI: EAT AND ON'LY REld MY for the cursor the
above diseases, is the lIUNGAILIAN Bsl Ms h./ OF
LIFE, dileavered by the cerebrated Dr. Buchan, of
London, Englimd, and introduced into the United States
ander toe inunedinte zaperintendence of the inventor.
The extraordinary snores. of this' medicine, In As
clue of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American
Agent in vatic-ding or treatment the worm possible ea
acs thiVeftrn be found in the comanolity—eases that seek
relief in rain from any of the entrunon remedies of the
day, nod have been given up by the most distinge.ished
physicians 43 confirmed and ineumble. The Hunguri.
anDsl.anatteured, and will cure,The most deep end
of rest. It 1.4 quack nostrum, butt standard Eng
lish rutobeine, of known and established efficaey.
Eve• y family in the United States should be supnfled
with Itichan's Hangar'. Balsam of Life, not only to
eountoyact the consumptive tendencies of the climate,
Mi. to to used tis a preventive medicine in all cases of
eolds, coughs, spitung of blood, pain in the Milo and
chest Irlltatlon and corners 0(1114 longs, broehris,
chair/Loy of brewing, hectic fever, night ow Ms, .42U.
Clan and lye oral debility, asthma, inauenu,vvhoopitts
cough moil croup,
Sold to large battles, at VI per boric, with roll dime
dons for the testotation of ies,th.
runanleta, containing II blogiteb and altnali.
aan cortificutce, and ode I centtlice, showing the urn
equalled merits of this gr,ai Rcitiody i May he
obtained of the Agors, gratu.uniy.
For sale by H A HAHN L.Tocit k Co., corner a
al and wood and Wood and Mb eta. iti9dEar9
) 104.
4 East ride of the Diamond, where Yunnan
Blinds clan the different sizes and colors
are kept on hand or made to order alto
the latest and moat approved Eastern rash.
iona,m the ahortest notice and on the moo
reasonable terms.
Alm., the cheap Easton re/I.r split Blind Tranapa
eary and Paper Curtains of all the &derma niece and
patterns, on hand and for sale low forean. Old Year
n.. int nds painted over and repaired, or taken In pun
paymvm for new It Pd WESTERVELT, Pro`pr. •
ri.. II —All wet. done with the beat material and
workinaustup, and warranted to please the monies.
I Moo, wain-411x
Allr,heny city, Ana. 10,11{4 .
No.uto Eats it!
Pitrrvauson, March 27,1617.
ItIO It. bh Fetters—ln Janine to you and your Mem.
parable Cough 5y ruo, I beg leave to state, for the hens
cbt of dm emamatitlY, that my wife has been several
tones afflicted with a most dtstressing cough. I pare
unseal, in Januar,' lash a bottle of year Syrup, which'
cured a mugs of two months , standieg. About our
month .111 e, the cough returned, and was so severe
that the could hardly Indite, from weakness in the
breast; I sent for one bottle or your Cough %rap, and
a pari of one bottle cured the cough I gave the other
to a Journeyman who was severely afflicted, take had,
to use his own words, "calm, enough cough candy In
cure all tt 0 pear., m Pittsburgh," If the candy hod
been us gOO.l es 1er1f.01.132.d.
our., yr. pee ;fully, MYlan B. Kiirvit.
PreparrJ and cold by R. It. YMI.I.ERS, 5t Wood
street, by Drurpcs m the tw"
J. A. DROWN would
_ (ally inform the public, that he
keeps on hand at hls stand on the
; west side of the Iharscoub Aso"
gheny city, a complete asaort•
went of Penman Blinds; Wm Ye
nitian Shutters are made to or
der in the best style, wv))".' ,64
equal m imy intim. United Sums.
His 'Abide can he removed with
screw driver.
7;'„ h g e p ol u d re ° 4 l ;:rd th e stock,
eble i , n and wood ofthe cabinets..
!st lishatesuot Ramsay&
Um prepared to furnish
tacit old customers, as well as
the public of large, with eeery dangAmele their lit..
Ago'. T, No b %V./d sows; Mut:s.
J. n. DROArPs.
le - Sri plata RosewoodG ont. Plano'
on oratory of Nouns
Irns the celebrated man
Clerk. o S. V., of superior tone, and very moderate Mee.
For sale by R. )(LEBER,
dell) at J. W. Wtudweol(s.
WV ,
Ins rec ,eies 'Porter, Scurvy, Canker, and all
onlirtancer destructive to the Teeth. It is delicious to
the Ittoc,cicamsne the mouth, hea ling and attengtbea-
the Kunz., and puff/mg the. bream.
For tale, wholesale and retall, by
detst R E SELLEfOI. 87 Wood et
iewelled EVER:—
Jost wed, an mantra of fall pntent le
ver Watches, Is carets fine eases, which I can se ri a
low a+ tinny tool thirty five dollars , and warranted to
keen good ume
hlso—n splendid tosortmeni of !MM.'SI', coo
pristag the miens and laical styles, and bestrannertu
W. W. WILSON, Wattdotaker and Jeweler,
dsth oamer Kra@ 04 rank loasete.
CentleinlOnVo 11.1ernag, nor ocher
THE COO=real was given by the
wee Vooatell3eatit, the 'taboret the greatl•
medical rle entitled .The 'American Practice of -
Medicine one Family Pbraletan.n •
, Ilaving been made acquainted with the incr.:bents
what einnpcme Diatment
and having prescribed had rated in sere re sues in.
my private prictiee, I have no hesitation in tayiust or
certifying that it is a Vegetable Remedy, e 0a , a ,„,,,,
no mineral substance whatever that its Inttrainentt,
Pombined as they are, and 0.04 as directed by the
roprietor, we not anti tlefrilless.'but. of met tut.,
being a truly scientific Remedy of great sweet: and
cheerfully recommend it as a compound which has
doneranch good, and which adapted to the etre of
a rat senor of caws. Though I have never either
recommended or engaged in the sale Of secret medi•
nines, maned teethe welt honeit, lontseiennOes, ha.
mane character of the Proprietor of this. Mumma;
and the value oI" his discovery, oblige ma to say that
mach retarding it. W. REACH, D. D. , '
New Vert, April 22d,1316.
1111RNS.—It is one of the bra things In the wo:Id
for norm
PlLES.—Themands am yearly cured by this Oint
ment. It never fails in giving relief.
For Tamers, Ulcers, and all kinds of Sores, It hes
o lflilo a lhorslmil PhOrres knew Bawd. 111 eases of.:
I Swollen or Sore BMW., they :would always imply it..
In such carte, if tosermeording redirection', it gives
relief in a very few boars.
Amend the bar are directimis for using McAllister's
Ointment •or Serofula. Llver CoMplaint: -
Tester. Scald - head, SOW. Eyes, Qumelt
Sore Throat, Brotehoes, Nervous Affections, Pains,
Disease of the S pine, Bead Ache, Asthma, Deafness,
Ear Ache, Burrs, Corns; all Diseases of the Skin, Sore
Lips, Pimples. be Swelling , of the Limbs, Sores,
niwinevirm. Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro
ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Ague In the Face he
. ..•
From the Reading r Facie •
There was nave., perhaps,* Nadir'ne brought be
fore the public, that has in so short a time won tech a
reputation as McAllister's All.llestia. or .WmW
Self,. Almost every person that has made trial of It
spea k s warmly in its praise. One has been cured by
it of the most painful rheumatism, another of the pales,
a third of a troublesome rain in the side, a Manna( a
awelling in the limbs, Se. If it does no: glee lame.
diate relief, in every ease, It can do no unary, being
applied outwardly.
As mother evidence of the wonderful healing pow.
er possessed by this sslve, we mbiolo the following
certificate from a respectable citizen of 'Mali.. ir
township, in this comity
haldrnereek, Berk. co., March Mk ISO-.
Messrs. Ritter Se Cot—l denim to inform:Tea that
wits entirely cured of * severe palate the beck, by the
use of (re m All-Dealing Salve, which I pur
, ehased from you. 10W:feted width for shoat 011earti
and at night was unable to sleep. During that tube I
vied e4/10411remedies, which were prescribed forme
by physicians and other persons, without receiving tiny
wile, and at last made trial of this Suave, with
cult fammble beyond moectauon. am no w M entire..
free from the pain, an enjoy at night a peaceful.
and sweet sleep. I have elan used the Salve loner for
tooth ache md other complaints, with similar happy
results. Your friend, ' Joan llomosermat.
. .
. .
Sole Proprietor of the above modicum
Principal thrice, No 23 Norttilldrd strcet,Phriagrol
. .
- • ~
Anima el Prersarson.—Bratin h. Baiter, tomer of
Liberty and St. Clair enema; and L. Wilcox. Jr., cor
ner of Market street and the Diamond, also corner of
Fourth and Smithfield wee's; J. A. Cassel, corner of
Walnut and Peno streets, Fifth Ward; and Bold at the
Bookstore in Southfield stow, ad door from Second.
In A llegheny City by B. P.Scharansand J. Sargent.
By J. ft. Smith, Draggist:Binakagband D. Negloy,
But Liberty; H. Rowland, bleKeesporn .T. Alexander
& Son, Monongahela City; N. B. Bowman & Co., and.
J. T. Rogers, Drownavil le; John Barkley, Beaver, Pat
John Walker. Jr., Elisabeth.
O.W.- ItILDDWD•iik IIi .
REMOVED to a new three story brie&
ill s in ...on Smithfield street, one deer below
Sixth greet. Teeth Inserted-Rom ous
to an entire set, on the notion principle, witha_beas.
tied representation of the natural gam—restanng Wi
shape of the fate. • • . •
R. FL—Teeth extracted with little or no pain.
Decayed Teeth permanently saved by plutchg, pte•
venung the tooth oche, which is much bettor than cu.
ring n, though It ahould be done In five athlete', or
even nodally. apdttl
J, MING:A—The unprecedented meows which hie
maul the use of the
a ell the auto. foam arhleh Irritation al the loop u
cameo, has a:lanced the proprietor span to call Elsa
don to this
The changable weather which marks our fall sat
winter months, is always a /Mittel soultet. of •
rh. nominee, thee, how dual we nip the destroyer as_
the Ludt bow .ha ll we 'net cleated our ocninha and
olds! is of vital Imporetnee to tee
will be found in the G:riseng rune. proarof /hie
we have from ume to Mee p.a.:tithed this "nine-stet of
dozens of out best known e:usens, who have experi.
enced Its curative powers. These, with a taus of tea
tirolL i frec
3 fig. ri rtsgir li czvaivl .,
Hinistere of a Gospel, do., together with eoplou nol
ices from the. . . _
he embodied m pamphlet tom, and may !Dolma
gratis of way °Cour agents throughout the country.
anao been aced in this ell), . • .
throughout the Coned Scotto and Canada, and an ala
lunge any man to point oat a
n which, when taken according to &rude., and Et
fore the tangs had baeosos Wally tisorgamsai, It ku
ever failed to
why; then, need. the &Eke tad hesitate Why. Mart ti
the minable nestmms, pAtim up by mn• onntLindkritb
ash 21 ler the assumed name of name en ohystsd
deist, sad puffed inte r tildedOW by nenthestAn e, pot.
tons sonny nninAnwat Whiin medical:wet
is to be hat), who. vouchers !re u homy-Mr
bers,.—mury of who= it hu
In order that this mvaleable medicine may bo placed
within Me reach of the poor am well the del, we have
pat the price at
last one half the anal eon of cough medicines. nto
toe rale by oar agents in nearly every town and viilagit
aver the wen, who ma prepared to one fall Inforataa
den relative to It. ". T.:SALTER, Proprietor,
Broadway, Cmcinnatt, Ohio.
• Vaasa for else Skskolla.
Jo relation to that unrivalled family Salve,
TTIhIONY of a respectable Physician.—Rend
the following, addressed to my Alien; Mr . P: !der.
rywoldher, Cincinnati •
Cmoornam, 2eb-19,18t8.
Sim. A sense of duty. compels me `to give my tribute
to Dal ley' s Pant Extractor. , lining' opposed to quack
ery and all nostrums barina• for their object skitter
motives—hut realising much good from the "Stag of
Pain lullers"—l am Induced to tender you this certifi
cate. I have used it In coy family,in my practice, and
with all 'the happy and wonderful effects that eauki
possibly be imagmed. . H. J. Dam; M. D.
Dr. /3nriie is the senior Partner of IMAM & Laid --
Druggists. . '
• .I . njommintosy Ribrasadrind.
The following testimonial crimes from a Mumefa)
wilier to many of those traveling on oar Western wa
ters. Mr. GUM., the well and favorably kneed pro
rietor of the -Parkersburg Hotel, is hatband to the
lady whose letter 1 annex
Paimassenaa, Va, Apri113,1%9.
Ta Henry Dalley,Chemist. ise.—Sim Having tog
sorely been tong addicted with violent inganunalaty
Rheumatism, which appeared an firmly seated as to.
defy all ordinary appliances to allay the severe pain
unending it, t was induced to try your Magical Pala
Ens - attar, and it having effected, almost as if by ma
me, en unineeliate relief, and also, to all appearances
an errire ann perket cum, I am induct] for the bean.
6t of others who map be afflicted with prdn,eaused by
any kind of inflame:whin, to write to you, deelariss
that in my, opinion, founded on-actual experience
year Magical Pain Extractor is the utast valuable 41-
eatery of die present age far the immeditue extractiors
of bodily pain. It is an almost immedill iate, and a nor
feet cure far Buena and kcalds,.and ester:alio.
dirommlork -
tinning many ummbitances forisid Ly their Thais.
at my hasband'i hotel in this place, I have soopoud
by your showing them these few Imes, it may possibly
be of benefit both to them and yourself.
• E7-12.01.321GLAYL
entertain the hope that hlri. Clime wlllpardon the
'PublienY / give to her tenet, as lecil'on the score of
as afire being the aorest mode or bringing et
to the mate of her t j
• Feloa Cased , • . •
ExUact era letter, dated •
• • Eamon, Cy. Nov. SJS Ida
Mr. 11. Dailey: .1 have tried your Pain &tower , in
a cease/I'4mo in my corn fantllywhieh st fd" , dd
and cured in a very Maori -qua" Jo S.W. Poore re
speetfally, ' isa M. Yams.
U . ' Barns and Scalds, Piles, Pore Nipples, Uroken
Dreamt, Eruptiona-Porea Cori, Woos's. and all in
flammation, yields readily to the wonderful properties
of this Unrivalled family sale. Bah it. the sawn pro
ponion that you will receive benefit from the genuine,
you will be trOured by the deloariva. r Saris of thw
counterfeit salves.
CAUTION—Pe ...and aPPir sel~ to tpc invents
11. DALIZT, 4t3 Bro.'Newl " ‘vrt
thudded agents. JOUN U atrips;AN,
General Depot, Pittsburgh.
Henry e.schviankAliegh , ./ , 4grr4; J. Maker.
Wh,eling, Va.. James NV Johnston.. Maysville, 14.,
0., General Depot.
N. U.—ln the merriest Bann and Swida r it extucts
the pain in n fewanintnes:itfeverforr. .14
mama or =omb. anthem. •
stN order to afford alr possible metrlty to, the pubbe,,
m well auto theft Ives , artier:fraud and imps.. • '
art from counterfeiting, the propnetars have mule
a change in the exterior Wrapper or table of their Vet.-
mif age. The new label, whim. Is a steal engraving of
, exquisite design and work manakin, has been
introduced at
s e very great expense, and the
brain of an errata( the fim talent. The design ta acte„
and the execution elaborate. Several figurer, and a - ~
Daman are most prominent, but the word 'Wt..
printed to wade lettere en a red and finely en. ~
rmg ed ground, should be panicularly eittuttned—
when held w , to the light the leut,t, shading of the
letters and every line, however mourn., th roughout the h,
whole uf this p irt of gagmen:, n on e tt As e”elly ,
c Si.- tinpresoun And been ma ll upon am side ad.
elMongh tt is sMoull7 Planted en bath mitre at tka
r apt,. This shounl lu all eases In, bl,eoe veal. A la
t„.l upon each dozen is also printed in rod upon both
aides, and should he examined in the some manner.
Tnts preparation km now stool the test or many
yeas* trial, end is confidently recommended as safe. . •
and effectual medicine for expelling worata (ram .
aystern. 'the aneastrepled armee. that km anendat
its administration In every case ieln•re We pattentwug -
really afflicted with "Mime, certau•Ar rcuden Itantta,l -
thy the attentton of phycian.
The proprietor has m ade It apeint to nmennla She;
result el its use 1,, such ea , . 4 cam.- militia knowledge und'obscrvation—end be Invariebly Mann:
I l t i m Li trod r
. it e r e t T he t lam e t 4 4 . 1 r u . L7 n r:4111 . c , t , 5— p.r v ,. . ;,
mended for worrni had tetonoo
withuot any permanent &drainage. This Met la at
tested by the certificfflea utd-In of handreste=" .
of respectable persons In different pare of the mans =
try, and should induce families uloam m ke e n n nuy
of the preparation in their possesstnn. YE Is mild M
Operatton, and may he administered with perfect ado.
ty to the most delicate infant.
The only gennine Is prep. red by •
sprS.7U A PAIINC-urOCK, Prttsbni
Raid! It end: .. •
CELLER.S , COUritl SYRUP. -Pram it'. Aider,
Benv Kayer ,
Olintt`k Conn of I.Zonnct Licafflons i ;
Mr. R. S. Sell, Some ;it In the "never my,
wife was ai9le:el WILL aseem illitithltrt,tillg COUghi :
11.11111ktaring of /Oar .araluable Cough etvrep, Loar
chased a butue S. T. Trim). re, of I;ridgeweter,
end haler Mama a portion of it two or three eventual e
oa going lo knandlottordium relief; nu also .
anent friends DIVE been Hieved in revere CS..
not therefore latisfied that it if a. taw ultd
medicine, end would reeorattiond at to lover who ntal
be alllietid with team Combs rod Colds. •
blurb 28,161.1. ' .W. E. BODE% •
Prepared and sold by R.. E. SELLERS, L 7 Wood
and sold bg druggists lr in Pittabargh and St Mill •
- :, ;!
Pl. a
; ; 4 • rrni.ll-t era% ma