THE EITTSBU 'GH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE de CO I=I3=ZEI 'THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 2, 1850 FOREIGN NEWS ramiuvAL OF THE STEAD! SHIP, CA M BRIA ELEVEN DAYS LATER NEWS FROM EUROPE. ADVANCK IN COTTON TlureatattedFdlealtica between Eng. 1 and 11nsetai. • _ . • MEETIA OF PARLIAMENT New You, May I . lB ' s °' .Tha Carribria arrived at Halifax on Monday sitaratkin at 2 clock, and left for New York at jetWolacir same evening. She left Liverpool on • • 'the 13th ultimo at 10 o'clock A. M., at which time the Niagara had not arrived. I Cornet has advanced Fair Upland is quoted at 71. Mobile‘Bl. Upland 81. Total miles 42; OCO bales doting the 'week. Speculation 1000; Expond,ooo. Themarket closed firm. Indian Cam is n trifle lower. American securities are ha fair demand. U. S. Sixes duo in 1889, 109109 i. Consols 0516 i 051. FLOOR—The market is steady at previous rates. Psovudorts—A. limited business is doing, but • prices are unchanged, except in Bacon, which is a shilling lower, and in Lard, which is a sixpence /ewer. Corns.—The market is dull, and prices are lower; Jamaica has receded 5c from the top price let January. Amu—Them Is a fair demand, and prince are I- a teals lower. • Minesses—Last year's crop is selling at a large redaction. Trutrastutx—Sale of 30 tuna at £32 sterling per Inn. Roans—Sales at 393 a 100 per cwt., which is a. redaction from former pricer. - Rlcs—No sales are reported. A moderate ha :, ••• sinew is doing, with no change in pries. lams—Thu Market coutiourn deitrest.ed. , • Paggitg Master—Coo,o'g clewed on Tuesday at 201305/. Bullion, in the flank of England, bee slightly decreased. The rate xl discount is 21 per cent. Doohloone nod pillar dollar. are much . wanted at full rates. American securities are in fair demand, wiiit sales of U. States We at 1003 'llO. New York s's, 1858 and 1640, at 96^97. N! York 6's at 109, and the highest city We at St@ 951. Maryland fi's at eogn. Pennsylvania s's at 829n31. Aoconnte from the manufacturing diatrictaex• bibu little improvement in prices of manufactured go: le. and do rot keep pace with the advert& cf thi- raw materiel, in a chart limo to ho resorted to. 'Ms English ministry having been defewed in Par Unseen!, oa two or three rale°, questions, gives force to the general belie) thnt they wilt he forced to resign. D'lsraeli, :be lender of tie Opp,tzon, having recovered hi. heni,h, the Protection:sin have been reinvcted Who renewed courage. FROM THE CONTINENT. The political news on the Continent is unusual ly quiet. The violence of femme, end the neat approach of the election, gives rise to fears for the conthitteuce of the present calm. The Greek quesnon hes not been a4justed, end in the event of the failure of the kindly offiees of France, there is every reason to apprehend stern.. all:tatty between Eniland and Rossih. as the lor• met . , in the event stated, has given Admiral Far her express orders to enforce a complete block ade of the Coast of Greece, and, thorn he do so, the EammWr of Russia has given positive 11Sra. seep of his intention to odvactee to the assistance of King 0:bo. No outhenste advuses, of n later date then March 2Sth, - have been received from Atbeity, at which time the result of the meence held two days previously, bete/den Baran Goon and Wise, had not itocapited. 'The meeting is said to have borne a very amicable character but if a telegraphic dispatch, undsr dive of Athens, April2d, published in the Breslau - eitung, cap be credited, the good offices °lnane., hove felled to ede•t a entiefaaory smtlessent of the ilaTieolly. MOM Parliament reassembled 03 Monday. Too supplies far the Navy and Ordnance were allow• ad, after a sharp contest for retrenchments, on Tuesday. Lord Duncan moved for n repeal of the window tax which proditd a revenue of nearly two million pounds, end which it is pro posed to meet punctually by the abobXon of the African Srpoadron. After a warm debate, the Reuse divided, when the Minister, were sustain ed bya bare majority of three. Four apposition members were shut out tram voting nn Wedees. day, It having been proposed to raised the pniver of recovery in the:Scotch Courts from 20 to fin pounds sterling. The Government opposed the measure,and in n tolerahay poor house, wore in large minority. Ina point of etiquette, which was proposed to ,raise assistant surgeons of the Navy from the cockpit to the cabin, the ministate iound them• selves in a minority of eight. On Friday, Lord John Russell brennhe. forward • motion Cu enquiry re!nti ye to the ',der.- n(eil 'l:Merriment ellicera. An 1313 .va,MTered to extend the enquiry to the :n.enrin n' the eccle- Sit:Flea! h was *1 by a majority of 113, atier'uiiiwn, car otioa;:i - rou:,on "rut pat and earkird. The London Tithes has adopted a Mho of much Severity against the CSlntin; government. The same paper devotes a ,nalderable space to the sub ject at Sir H. Bolwee's correspondenne won Mr. Clayton, relay° to a mod-Geation of the present tariffon iron. The opinion is advanced in several quarters that the ma:naive palmy of the 1.7 If motioned, will lead to still treater depression in tie iron business of Great Britain. The correspondent of the Times at Athens, ltes obtained cepios of the correspondence between 'the °neck trovernmentAntl the English complain ants, which aro f sr from en:at:dime/Cary to the tatter. Speaking of the claims of Don Pacific, the Times my), the worthlessness of such a subject is our best security that these difficulties will be brought to a devout termination; but the money which may be awarded to Pacific beyond the strict value of a hovel, ia. which he lived on private charity in Athens, is money which an English ministry should blush to receive. The commerce of Greece is said already to have suffered from the English blockade, LO the amount of two millinas sterling, which, with the deStruc• lion of the crop by the frost, will CAM, a large fall ing Off of the revt.nue, and is calculated to increase the growing disr_antent of the people. Tire a,gita,, lion against the removal or abolition of the LTA'. Lieutenancy and the sickly attempts of O'Connell so resuscitate the repeal movement on the leading polbicel queftions before the Irish people, but they 1p551%.1 no new feature. _ An At the qtrays at lemcWit, there are 12 vessels capable of oneammodating 2300 persons, taking in pumentient for the United States. The @snot cry of poverty and beard from such qvartera of the country. The witather, to day, In England and Ireland, Is mild and geninl. The craps look remarkabl y Letters of the 4th, from Rome, state that fical adraagementa hive been made f e the Poatlfra return. Ile would mire atTerceira on Sunday. Toth determination was made notwithstanding the contractor of the loan bad given notee to lim ttsheamount of the loan to the sum already paid. The Senate of Turin in debating a law for the abolition of •o &Aesthetic privilege. A largo French fleet, and an American tqund• rod, are at Naples. A letter from Florence, giving news from RMme to the 2J, tastes that the triumphal arch erected at Belle Terre, in honor of the Pope's return, had been bathed during the night. AUoTRIA The German "Raceme " give currency to the report that there has been an interchange Unotea of as unpiemaul nature between the Cabinets of &. James and Vienna, growing out of Ike relations between Auntie and Turkey. The 113,19f.<11011 In Croatia M at an end. The Ilungariau refugees have not yet reached their dcwhiation to Asia Minot. Coma Batthyany Is ill. The Austrian Cabinet he, intimated that, to regard to the attitude of Panda on teeCermatt question, Austria will no b. the Graf to meal, the peace of Europe,ltut that she Will not allow any other German power to at • tempt any thing contrary to the treaty 041815 The Protestant movement is progresaicr in Bo hemia and Saxony. Tat Len Texan Wire Eacma....—True to the policy adopted by the Loco Face oppositiee, to panne the Administration of Gen. Taylor by every weapon of assault, trim or fibre. to the "bit ter end," the press of that party has opened oot upon the treaty just concluded by Mr. Clayton, and Mr. Bolster, to relation to Central America, and the Nicaragua Canal. The Washington Un• _ii,n, of lest Smote morning. — for be 11 known that the great organ of the Loco Forn party is published en the Sabbath,—contalas a characteristic assault upon the treaty, which is replied to by the Nation al latalltgencer in the following dignified and tri umphant ...tit— . . 1 •• Yesterday morning, the Sabbath, was dese crated by the appearance ie the editorial columns ' of. the • Union' newapaper of a most unprmei ' pled attempt to misrepresent Abe character of the new Treaty negotiated between the United Stater and Great Britain, with a view, if possible, to In fluence the Senate to reject it. • We have yet to learn that there is any opposi• Von whatever in the Senate to this Treaty i or that there is any danger of the factions spirit die. closed to the 'Um.' ea far making its way Into the councils of this country as to Its beet interesia, in connexion with foreign Powers, on the altar of political partisanship. • We have no means of access to the new Treaty which it not common to all. But we have heard tense who have the means of knowing Oa whore merits declare—and that, too, without distinction cf party—that it is a Treaty in the highest degree advantageous to it...angry, and reflecting high homer on both the great nations which Ore parties to it. The mieernblo declaration et the llnicin ' that this negotiation has sold as to Mt Snag , . is only worthy of the sheet which mold publish such', a mieremesettation. We learn, from a geatleman who conversed with the Nicaraguan Minister, cow in this city. that the treaty negotiated by Mr. Elise—not only without but in opposfinan to his Matrucatons Itom Mr Bocnacati, am] negotiated even shim he was at of aim—wail never rattbed by the Cc:tigress NlC”liglar, whore,erten{ to a Treaty is jug ap neceisary •s that of the Senate of the United Stater. The Treaty Itself was a dead letter when it was brought here by Mr. Htee. and from what , we have heard of its e-iatente—nay, from what i has been disclosed of those contents by the Union fisep, we do nit believe Oat • a Ogle Senate:of Ile U idled States can be Mond who would have voed tar it, under any possible cmcumetanees. F. r it not only proposed to Involve this country in an , anaerssary and entangling alliance with Nicara gua, by guarantying the sovereignty and indepen- I 41.. donee of all Nicaragua and her terntorial clean. I from the Caribbean sea to the Pae do—thus toyed , vine . inevitably in n war with England without' ' the bligtuarel I ceeseity Inc it—but it wen predicted ' ea an a•eumpfieri that the Cons re%s or the U-tried states would mistier a Front Corporation to make it Canal, and enjoy property and franchise, um I limited, °Matde of the Territory of the United State., and beyond the Junedietion of the Gao. I ernment. The scheme was in this respect Just as absurd . . Would hare beep the preposition to make a corporation to construct o Canal in Bonne. `Bach wring constructionots as the I Editors of the Union proless to be, deny the I rah' of Congress, Caner any i'circoms'ancee, or for any purpose, to create a Corporation within 1 ode own territory; and we have never heard the 1 ' moat lattiodinarisn expositor of the Canstautten contend that Coagretia could create a C.orporr...' mon to make a Bank or a Canal in Coebin Cbins,' or in Nicaragua. The scheme If Mr I'lt.e, a. we have seen it dencribed In Ihe - Uvion and other kin I - dred prints, would, beeidce, have compelled the' Gatrocurnent of I. United Stitt, to eternise the .!..11thiee oa , nethlve over the Canal, devrevirg epo,: tmithe dnty and enormous expense of fora 'ring end echumuanding e; in order to protect i tram the ....on 4 the local Governmert., rind from the depredations of cater notions. Our Treaty re.te Great Britain. on the aaattatty, ac. cording to the account. of it, (and which.- Union it•eif h a s pebti s hrd,) avoids the nectesity nod ex pense of anoticatioa or prateza:n Or the Canal— rcqu,riug no naval or military farce for that pur pose—by procuring the protectine of il I nations which derive the equal tient of pasting between o:eta and ocean on the! highway of esti.n. The prine p'ea of the any. , Treaty me, as we Onclernlntol teem, in every particular fully sace• ii mad suill ematained by the Message or Pre,i/lerth Polk, on the 10:0 day of February. 1517, Carnal., niece, the Treaty of New Granadfito the Senate f r rondo it... In that Treaty prolec:ton is guar antied to a Panama asilread or Canal: and to the hl,esage referred to, it a expressly deciarFd that iall other Datong are to 1w invaeLl to protect the rail road or canal on the same tarot.. There I, note single principle maintained in the Lego , " ' Von eftea treaty with Great Ll,don—for making i welch this Administration is eberved by the ••Union" with Itsvme, sold them country to the I littluih—white is not tai ranged .d defended :n the Message, of Presideat Pith, Id w hich we have referred. flint Mew.. wet sad', the or quali• f , d bPPrabetirin of the • Untiin` at the time.— Nav, more the reeolut , on of the Senate of the 3.! o' Manta. 153:1, ahudecl 10 in that Mews., con. t•incilthe whole emend. , upen which the new British Treaty bait been negotiated. That resola• t .-rt peered the Senate be a uraniumus rote, mei with tie warm approbatioc rif P s •rjr!,,t j,k. m ., ...In n' . n . n D iiteemiti Agent to Crol.rl Ano•iie, aio! Er.. tr (lratieds. to do the very :bins whii•h tbs.. A Anis nt•otton Ivan succesaltilly arteompledie d, sod tar which the “Union" now condemns n' Tips Awn Amur fat•t..—The which hr. b•en for pow: time riling on At Hudwn, N. V. for tae purpose of ttri,boa Inc 'Fab 1.17 0! the Ur. Icgston till• to the Inrg•: tracts of tao•i Lcown es the;Llvings:on Manor, Les been than cisposed 01 I', the present: The court on Friday conning proceeded to give it, aerie:on on the thatton fora nonnut.; he eert• 111r11 OW t he patent of 1715 and vebd.— old the deletion wee geed undo: it. The Judge sAgge ged teat her era cuing e eon suit. the coup setl vhould wee. upon some r mofteoilisportrig of tee ea.. p. A fter 'enme dircueriuujiy, the codkaul, if wa• a t•ecd to.aohing to the decides of the, court the cute, and the trial by jurige rep vcd•by consent of 113/.11; al.a the time for t‘le . ..decition Af the court tv enitogrd six months by sttifulation7 Thu time fixed upon for toe argument In the fourth of May next. at Albany. Toe result is coosidcred favor able to the defendant. Hot Runner C. Scircunit —We regret to find ta the Dalcon Journal the subjoined oracle. lh transferring it to our we add the ra. prerstou of our emeere regret to that of We con eruntnta at the de:erensnat:on cf Mr. Schenck to retire from Coaster": •• The Whose of this diatriet :learn wi.Mderp tenni, that Mr. Senenek, who hst served on eo long sod well in Congr,es, will re-tre at the close of ate present term. Hi , serv:ea Legnn with toe pr,cut slyolllolll2lent law, and eloanugh local auslnVon presented various C•C dltliteS to toe Whig o.niventton on his first noutrnaVon, his subsequent norntuanons have been without epposuica and by medusa:ion. As no active, working member, as a ready and vigorous dabator, as a scale. and sterling Wh.g, as a true representative of it free State. OR a hold, honest man. true to nitnaelf in that high score tha.. he could net'-i.e false to any man," Mr. Schenck ass "made his mark" in the bode to which he has served, and toe Whigs of the State will regret with or, hie more immediate constituents, his Wrilidni.seal (ram the. Who scene." Tna GRINNELL F.LINKLIN ELPROITION.—The fol lowing Is the resoktkon pissed by the Roam of It•aresentanver, on Friday, relative to !bee tape alba 'shout to he sent by Mr. GrianeU, of New York to search for Eli John Fratklie . ellitkor!Lee the President to receive the yes. refs and detail from the navy', Poch cominiPpmn and warrant officers and Penmen as may be or ripmry nod witting to engrgc therein, •apply them with imitable ration, for cot exceeding three arid g:co the use of eh neeeerary lustre. men. incite he epered from the navy—the out. sera and men, ra .01 rehgentp, to he under the laws Of !Le nary. until their return, whet, the Velakle loaf be delivered bark la Mr. Oriaoell." As ameudmect, ntrered by Mr. hall, of Mis soori, "that the goverameat bbldi POI be hub!, to claims for darbagdr or deter,ration or V,E11e1.," We+ate, passed, mad in Ibis lean the joint resole• tint goes to the Senate, where its fate is by no means ceria In. For ad rtztAburgh Go,tee. TFIE CONGRESSIONAL NOMINATION. Mr. Eituar—Ezercieleg the privilege which you item to have conceded to your readers, of propping candidetes for the consideration of the approaching Antitunssante and Mug Convention, I her leave to propi.o Thos. M. Howe, Erg , as s very. suitable poreon to represent this important district m Cal.greas. I spec with your corres pondent , N,“ that the rear requires us to need ■ first me mar—if such a oat: eon by obtained. Mr. Howe has far a long iiino occupied a post of great deka, y and responalbility, and ban filled It with marked ability and illseresion, yet with hitch no , varying kindness and courtesy, that I think It may he tinkly said of hiro,that in this ecriumunity he is without no enemy. Hill JUdgmelit to a seldom erring one, and his power of systematising and despatching business, gods extraordinary.. llts preserve in Congress, where more such men are wanted, while it would ho n wombed IMnellt, could scarcely fail to promote the inteeesWorthe district, ts It would miatil ansurodly redound to ea credit. _ A CA goo.— 1 he barque Maria, Capt. Baker, of Boston, arrived at this port no Thor... day, in the abort passage of 120 days from Hono lulu, Sandwich Islanda,with antra° of 1,200 tibia Spero, oil. 1,100 Ibis. whale do., sad 220 000 Iba of whit:bone, together with 464 mint.. of sold due, the came cargo being valet d at 609,000 h In maligned to mercantile , hooter In this city, Fairhaven, Now leindon, nod elsewhere:— Arty #.lfold Arrteary. The Maria was one of the first vessels which tailed from Boston f r Celilomia, afar Ma break ing out of the gold fever. lithe W . lng Pretty. throughout the United State, agree in any anus, it is fu abusing the Washing". Ocorginn. 7 rade vrit h the East. The following commu nie•tlon, from the Secre tary of State, was gent isito the Smote on Tues. day last:— • ' LIEPIVITYLITT OF STATIL WolinlMOTOill, 23d April, 18504 - To the San= of the United States. In rompitanco with a resolution of the Kenate of the 21et of Febraary last, requesting the Secre tary of State to comentinkrate to the Senate ouch informattoo, or particulara, on may have come 10 his honwledge, respecting the detention, impriss entrant, and barbarous treatment by the Japanese, imperial and provincial authorities, of American twainen who have the mist - attend to be shipwreck ed on the coasts of Japan and its dependencies, which em now frequented by a large American whaling geot in the peaceful pursuit of their law ful enterprises ;" also, " ouch recent end reliable informakon in the pooneriainu of the Deportment of State, as relate* to the independent oriental Oa. tions, and their capabilities for a pre fitable Ame rican contmeree;" and, also, to report " whether the treaty between the United Staten and his Ma• • fetter, the King of Stem, of the 50,h of March. 1833, has not been violated by the King in the monopoly, by his Majesty, of toe trade in several of the ample products of that country, and which may require the intervention of our Government;" the Secretary of State has the honor to transmit to that body the accompanying document, which contains all the information which appear. tO Jse ; called for by the resolution. The first portion of Mere popero consists arm. tespooicnce fifranhed 'chiefly by the Keay De partment, and relotdo to the i,arbaroue treatment, by the Japanese, of the crews of the American whaling shins Lawrence and Ladoga. The record portion comprise. a aerie, of valti• able. J.:consents, compiled with great research and industry, by Aaron H. Palmer, Esq ,of New York, and commenmated at different periods by him to the Drportmeni of Stale; the whole cooompanied on a chart of the principal maritime countries of the east. These papers, it is believed. will be found to contain a great amount of useful event inform ton respecting the "independent oriens tal nstsas, and them capabilities fir a profitable Amencati commerce" In addition to these doe umests, the Secretary of Slate has the honor to submit a cony of portions of the correspondence of Messrs. Everett, Parker. Davis, and Roberti, I relating to Chita and:Japan. 'file third pordio inmate...of the correspondence of Jo,eph Bake ter, E q., United States Commit for I Nov a pore, who to now in the. East in the capaci ty nr special Diplomatic Agent of the United Sates to Cochin China, and other portioas of southerstern Aria, and who, it will to seen, bar received special interactions respecting our eels ' ID. al h Siam- in thin connexion, n (elec. is made to Mr Palmet's paper on "Siam." No. 10, on the subjesgot nur treaty with that kingdom. In Flow of the important iaformation presented j in the accomprinvica .d.cornents, and the coin's ! merotal and political interests now existing. in consequence of t h e extension of our possessions on the Pacific, the Seen:wry el State would re n ot:Faulty enuaeet tthe expediency of placing th e consulate at stmrapire—an lazipurtaal MI,. to our naval and commeimal manner-upon a higher and better footing than it in at present. The cons i imbue, for Mary rensone. deserves to be support ed by a minupetert ester,. The manual fees of the consul at Singapore bore narrated, roe tee lost foormen heats, during which Mr. Bolestier has fired that flier, a rum varying from $25 to $5O pot ra,rNm. !D that period, he has dtsehorg• ed the conaulor lunru,mn .rim ',teal boric, to him le If r rid aniace to his country—ode. net the Mimics of Inc United States. and dispensing a gen-ron. hasp:tally from hi• private reomitern. The iIoeUITI,Is herewith submitted, will also illustrate the iitipOrlonee of a enema I mission in 1110,4 L....e1 - Ili! nation' or arc nor embraced by the in. str , couns so Mi.foe tee pairpoSe of o,ol.init rote rterin thocui find • f ra•-ins the smile of our in "ion to China t o ono of a b oner etas, with the rook of envoy extraor dinary audituukientiary. These changes orc, it is ennceived, den:ended by tae pro•ipeet of so increased commercial inter course 'aim the i.ootora pert of the world. All of ist.h a respreimilv satruottrel. JOIN M. CLAYTON. lll= A 'ten' hae recently been put in csreuletton, the the Pn,.ideot of Inc L unat Claire will Vet,. the be tor the edntr.•wn of the State. of Guido-rota inn tim Coton, ehould it he aceoteptunhid by Terrtiortu bill+ or wiles it/c.a.:rye. The l'resssdent hasnever assumed am!, pooh ground tar of the createsa complains now made agatiest bun hr los s oppmentsi it, that he decline. to interfere witn to attempt to cout , ol the le:r. !sown of Congress. Ile lins performed hoi con•lttilt sweat duty, revotottlet)Jed. in regard iis the r.,wly acquired terrnor, such inea•tures ass in lit• mdunicitt Ise-t calculated to promote hot. nod teal W[. qy zoo:ding the mines:ems, ilso - u-aoin it the agitating spirnousro. of the da y Ile ha- not attempted to, any other axons to sudsi er:cc or cout/so it... opinion drum:ie.. , in ietereisee thevexed is:u•plion nor have any of h. 'ationet Minister* l're,ident, lwring performed l o s whim: duty to in.* 1,11 ,- etar, leaves the deem.. sit toe subject to the patriotoun of that enlightened Irody, wht.e gonistninional duty n ts iyi tuns ni the aauotltarallun of the Lioyeilattent. and to I hortt Ise took.. wiz!, confidence for a .tolas:ty ot at Use Wl...sts:oler Ainsd•l the storm psasay etr,lr. he hear. with hint the ainweisoioie-s• ot metal:de, which he hnowt wt.l crry llointritimpl.nhy through all dangers, and a sir a tnness of triune upon which good men May confidentli re) for the tafety of the Republic Ont. der any tootle unclgeney Vleli 741/i r:ACrI" , I '• lir J summary of P . frr .4 r•ed of a, elect.on L.'.lthts , ozy last, lor member. of tLe Legt.Lsir.rr W 31,1, nsssCIAS4. Norfolk beroco I Freddr,ek ...... Nanaernond.2. ...... ..I..3pultexlvana l'rineerr A n n e',Petersttlre (e'r le...crimond ere— ... •11 'hoar. , fielo Staitlrl 1, ince:baud (ran) Alexandra , :arolinc...•• Fautox ;cam) ...... •I, Nrdloll. Cu. (1 gem) ' Feeder:et 1 Kan G-.age ....... I rlerkeley•• 1• - • Loudoun Si 414.14•11(gun) 1 Culpeper Igt:o) I ; erookr 1 r..wbatan (qtic, 1 zmbeth ci1)'.........1 15 Combeslactl I fienriao ..... ....11 (4 1,1 .1• • • •• • • •• 'll The !oar and gain, an rim, appeal to be one net for the I.Pfvncrsta. Hanover and New Kent, re F. ',noted lart year by Whom, arc nnm doubtful; Sorry, Udall:Kw.uc haat year, roves the Whiff can d dote 0 major/iv on the Oral day'• vote, Crum,', Whig. is elected 'o the Senate 'tom the Norfolk adduct, hy &brut 200 te.jority, and E g. moon, Whig. to thought to be elected to the Sen. •:e from Inc Wheenng dotrict. The polls were kepi open three day. in teem! eminties en aceriont el had weather. Toerah Of Cos vention to earned by a large' met city in the counbes heard from. Trio vole lame, but there was considerable opposition to in the Western mimic, A tinged States Scooter in to be centco by th, Leg:Mature now elected,. The Now Orleans Picayune has Oaten from Vet Crux to the Nth, and from the city ct Mexico t. the Ilth The awassination n 1 the Deputy, Sr. Caned°, 11 which we hare already hod an rennet, has crest cd the greatest excitement. The crime a raid ti hove been dictated by intlivrt. A man lutionAvae introducad Into Congress to offer a re and of SI ...c.d. hut a iranlu boo passed pledging me Tile w °revery constitution al means Dr plobtng,the matter. The even acesion .I:Coppers in approaching It i. aa:d that the Government would COO robe north, r. The committer on public credit hal reported a hill fur the regulation ni fine foreign 11rlet. It pin vaii, fora ~to fund of El o,2ll,eirtb, at 3 per nt Inir.roo, to be applied t. x , havively to the Knoboh debt. Fur the turn of two noilioon of dol. litre a toceipt urloil 13 to be ;veto to the Undo.' Mate. Ihr the Ind...oily due in Mot, 1551;•rd r n million and a hall nrrecelpt le to be given fur the amount due in 1251. The Government ettp . oveen, St...only not hal their Palmy the. month. The trenrury ran Mott. The elminra had not oltruintahed. le had ap scared at (tier:taro, within tourieen lennuen o the In ••`/I, plena, an at Muroliti, La Medea, Mao and La L.h, the hurricane had driv en the epidemic away. At Picas& containing a popnlatton of 3.000, about 1,000 had died. At many other point. the diatom Wes raging, and in mime of them very vio lently. A eV, limo sin. Madame Monplaism gay.; Lath to a fine boy. , ImrottTANl To Pen,oolo Usteo PATIVITED Ma cute. —We learn shut the Supreme Court, on yesterday, to the rase of Wiiron, simian, al Woodisortn tor. retold) & Simpson, decided that a person in the lawful poFeeFlon and um of a pa, toted machine, when a patent ir renewed or en. end-d, a not merely ent.tled to the continued nor of the thing patented,areording to Ma utterert therein. by virtue of 13th Friction al the net of July, 1526, ea decided in Willem vs floimeatt, and in min yahoo when frrlnorly betore the court, in 1816, but h. alur 11,0 right to keep the merlons. in, tool, however. to the retell! Or drodroying Ile identity. And that aupplytog new cutter., and kowc. to Woodworih'e planing ruri• chine, when the old ono. become worn out, are lawful ',poop, which may by made without in. frooginr Pate hire's extended right. The The Court also decided that the allegation of Gaud against llri Emniene, in obtalop gnu Inter lorerl. he Woodworth -patent to 1823, (V. &5. &auto. in pail under Smarmed wet not main tained in Pik nose. The Court affirmed the de cree attic circuit court of the United States fur Loithonna, dumaeioß complalanteds (When[) bill. —Judg e Wayne delivering the epitome. The rano .°ll. argued by Mr. Webater and Governor &word for complainant. and Mr. H. D. Gilpin And 1.11. WeAteott lordeloohntL—Woih. Casing Hagsom rot. Smaseng.-Thomas 0. Atkitei s who tiss reemity hera oulikvd as losing, by sun at law, not only Lis 'vita, but considerable money.' to nay nothing of h. none reputation, wan Ynotnln day Weller rd SI,OOO by a jury of the Coma mac Pleas Court. fur siandming Mr. Charles H Wige'esworth. It will be remembered that Mr. Wigglosworth, some time slave, also recovered $2,000 of Atkins. for haviag charged him with porjary.—Bagoxrrasucrlyi 4 Ran. Roan Izemurr.—A ease of acme impor tance in regard to the liability of Rail Road Coin pao tes for baggage has juat been decided in the Cir. Court at Troy. N. Y. -Margaret Han bought at Wh tehal rake's through to Troy, over the Whitehall and Saratoga Roadonad the Renwelner ' and Saratoga Road. She delivered her baggage into the agent's hands, and on reaching Troy moat of it was missing. She sued the rtoono. e , nod S.ratoce ComPhtiV for damages to the amount of 5396 with interesc The defence urged that the two roads had no concoction with each other, that there was no evidence that the baggage had ever I been transferred from one to the other, and that the rood which had received the baggage should be respouathle for it, if either. Judge Parker charged that the company was reaponadde for the delivery of the baggage - at the end of the atlscla route for which they had solo tlcketr ' and tint they vertebra responsible fa r the acts of their agents. Part of the property lost conustedof soy ere,gu,—it was claimed that the complainant was I not entitled to recover for the 1031 of the sever. eigna, ro the ground that the company had *dyer. Used they would not be responsible for money of pansencere, and had forbid their agents to accept the charge of any. The Coon charged that such advertisement does not relieve the company, to long as they do receive the money. The rule is, that if a traveller travels with a large amount of money, nod give no notice of the fact to the agents of the road that they might take addtrional care for its security, then the company is not liable; but if from any act on the part of common carriers, passrusers lose amounts or money which may be considered but sufficient to defray ordinary travelling expenses, then they were lisble, for the amount lost and for any inconveniennee pawns gene may suffer to consequence." The jury, rifler a short absence, rebutted ever. I diet for thy plaintiff.—N. P . Courier. Doctor J. Lawrence Smith, of S. C. who ROMs four years hence received the appointment of Min eralogist (mm the Sultan of Turkey, fa now on his return for home, having betided his engage• meat with the Turkish Government. During hia absence ha has been actively employed In making exploration. throughout- Turkey and Syria, and his labor. have been distinguished by many very interesting and valuable dianoyeries to alience. He beats with him testimonials fr.irn the chief of the State, alike high animate they place on his valuable Inborn. The Sultan wishing to evincehis satiefaolion in the moat marked manner hat presented him with a magnificent snug bon, and boa also conferred on him the decoration of the Nardlon Unbar. This a disitontion eorres. minding with t he Legion of Snout and Similar or 4 7 ,m, in other European trmatries.._ FEARYTI. MOILTALT, AT BAUIA.—The brig Bos ton, Prom Bahl*, the 10th inst., arrived at Boston. anneunemi that the yellow fever LA been raging terribly at Bahia—sweeping off seaman belonging to the essela in port, and greet numbers of the eaves. A government report mates the total mortality in the provineo bOO. Prgvionts to the asilleg of the Boston, there !sad bean a severe thunder atorm, which had cleared the atmosphere and caused the disease to abate. It wee thought that it would he totally es tinet inn few day. Mesta CANIVIA Astatecti.—The bog Urano, Orhieh arrived at Nem °Heal. on the Me, from Made, brought a lot of eighteen camels, teem the coast of Afnca, cocain ned to one of the large Northern me. fiancees. They Rre, the Picayune learns, to farm part cube caravans., y teat to [MU to ntsempt the establishment of n noel line of tratriponation icir.s the great Western prairies to Califo,nia. Novna, undemmod ihnt lb. high ewes m whmn dour advanced ia thin inerke recently,todceed ehyments nom it quarter entire ly unexpected, an' that some 2000 MIN are no • on the. way from Fidnion, Rsltlnore, one. This I •.cerryins coals m New CarCc,' and as our mar but now ia, till b: 1 , 1;ely, we fear, to prone an sta p•ea slde srmilstmn, taough certainly • non one —N. Ir Drka Susrrn•tan or IKON EI'MNACM—The York l Pa.) Repuhlawn say., tocre to not a furnace in opera• t on in Y.,rk count, Cadorutt, Nieuwe:la, Wood ■ ock, York and Manor are all blown out, and no talk or oot,,Nr ,hem to blest ;gnc. The Lewis. town (Ps.) oaaeue says, Wro, tow in M Mtn ccun ry ttso firoare• are lying td:e, no pruapacs a twin,: pot In bleat. I LE," ZIONCECIN ♦NC . CPOTE • . 1 he fact is, gentlemen," said one of a party who were reps h ititag thesnsel Yea in a private rwom over a glass r ot , n a talking polcs. - there are mighty few who know him the Shoe of Lamisnana we. carried by the Whiz,: during the last l'rrnden nal ‘1111)pliCn " ..1104/ was asked the party "Well. tell you," said the spmaker, who had aO4 twinkling of humor on Lt. eve. - Daring the campaign of '4,, when tine prominent advocates of Dernoiit•ey and Wham:err w - ere canvassing the one of the distinguished men 1. - 11 - each party met by appointment e.t n small village. where the people were nearly equally divelerl in politics.— rtie Inrnirierit .poke alter the Whig, and it was the general opinion that the Democrat had carried the day . • .ther he had vomited,: his speech the were "Lout to disperse, when a tall, raw boned, -irsiking customer in up on the stand an y raid.ientiernen, afore y g ou disperse wrant to a word ar Iwo in reply to that last gentleman that talked" At Mitt the crowd commenced biasing and hooting. to put lam down, hat he mern't'une of the kind ta stay put "Fellow citizens'' shinnied ilie atranger, nt a /deaths°, • I aridintrodth, invwetf yw nto as a heol we hureati for Kenmetwy.l Thee .41{ . I: 0111 r a, \me.. tweed he the reektiri gee", Lott I dorm thwel: the /loom' of Rev of you here will waive Lowther, or old Zack l" Thwa sissies/II seam received with rounds of applause mad shouta of laughter. Ile had, won the erOWLI over ou Imo side. They pereetved ak,unce that he was a character, and they became mellow/id° hear catmens,'tiontinued the Kentuckian, .q tram a ebanee. of you wall given to aim, to put the gentleman that Imo talked to you about hminerel Case, through a of atrium," llsaughter, and ones el go owl courec Dere the stranger pot both hued. ono has mot pockets, and drew out of one the Cleveland Plaandeater, and out of the other the Noshmtle Union, and with a sort of sermacurutu et:promo:a of comet...a said. • Fel/ow-cat:ens, eon mustn't be down on me hecausu any talk iv like sawed plank In the rough. It is toe late now for me to commence pimple' my language theagh I ranee had a pretty Stuart apthok• I.n' of 'Arnie', but I have always thought when 1 was young 1 col aped a lie, and a right smart chance of it leaked out." lie then read teem the Plaindealer the moat strenuous muumuu. In the Democracy of the Nonti that Gen. Cass wan a Wilmot proviso man, and from the Delon ast urath. rea pal u positive that Gen. Can. was a pro-slave cry man. •Now, I am not good at atmakieg," continued the Kentuckian." but the Michigan man's positron pus me in mind of little cuicurnitiance which bappend In my neighborhood in Kentucky, some time age, which I most tell you Von all eemem• bee what • perfect manta prevailed some years ago on the subject of Durham calves, Beikahire pigs, donut Winn Sheep enc. Wall I bad a neigh• her by the name of Martin, who was •n uncommon clever phymian and an Importer of dee stork.— One day the Doctor slopped to get hi. horse !hod at neighbor Bird's, the blacksmith, who lived about two miles Imo the Doctor's house. The Doctor romnienece talking almat his beaulitul Berkshire pigs, and told the blacksmith, in of ithershly. that be woald give blot a pig out of the next litter that "Su" had. "la the csurae of two months or auch a matter, the doctor called at the whop and told neighbor Bud that "Su" bad hod a Gad later, and to mod and get hi pig. So bird porta hi, man Bob oft with bin wile'. large willow basket to get 'the pig. Between Bad. and klarttaht,Sam Sollth,Wbo tea • great qua, kept a lime grocery, and meing Bob coma poet Moue on h e unetaa torso. old Tom with the broke' on his arm, he mpg out.l . hcllot;, Both where are you going to ouch a hurry ttua morning? to Ile twine to Mem Doctor Mertin'a to ge Mean Tonic Burl:abut pit, what mails. dooto [dolman mesa lone de la.' nate he abod Eta hoe, sold the negro an he reined in his 'Well, Dab, you moot mop as you coma hack. and let toe see the pig." "kit I will, MIMI Sam; dat I will, anti away he went, at thump of "old Tom's" speed. In less than en beim Bat, returned, with m genuine swine, ' and alighting at the grocery, he Idled the cower of Ito beaker, end to the •stoninhed gone of the gms eery man, who Imagined a Berkshire to be acmes thing more than a mere beg, exhibited o very beautiful oriornen of a jet black pig. An Idea .truck San, Smith to play •jake on Bob, and know. mg km pritionsoty to imbibe, told him to go In the grocery and get a deem. While Bob moo gone, Sant Smith ran round the beck of the !muse and got a little black pop, nigh about thk mime belt, end !nob tke pig out of the basket sad put the pop in. When Bob came nut and mounte dhis nog, Ham 81331111 handed him the basket, and off he want.— On arriving at home, the blackens:lh eked him 11 bad got the pig. "Yen, mom, end a very Aim pig he Its loo:" said Bib, lifting up the cover; "Mack as • roil," when, to the utter astonishment or Bob and Bird, there lity a black curly puppy. eh that e lierkahire pig?" naked the blacksmith In meas. mem; •• Why it Is a pup, not a pie' "Bier. de Lord," raid Bub, "he he pig when I put him In de books!, bill he change to pup!" , Take Min beck, sir," said Bird, highly indignant, "and tell Dr. Mar lin that I don't wool to be tooled with has puppies, and if he don't want to give me:a Berkeldre pig, In my so." llob started hack, and naturally enough slopped nl the,grocery the iniahap to Sam South, heard hint opt with • esunten•nco exprealove of won• deq at the name time doing his lie•t to control his increasing desire to burn Into din. "Well, get down. Bob," said the grocer, "and take another drank,' Bob dld'et require a second Invite s andl while lie WAS among hn "bald fare," the grocer tout the pup fro e the hanks!, and -- pot beck the pig. "Manse Sam," said 13oti coming out to mount his horse, '•I ant mighty eihr raticatii'd 'bout dl. plit Fost,ll link him 1.1,1 know be is pig lust, but den I know be his pup ton. Awl you oartalu i . Mason be was pie Nor' asked Bob, an he moulded his cotton "I'll swear to I," repl i ed Smith, and away Bob rode f, i the do ctor'.. On arriving at the house, Bob delivered Ms man sage,but the doctor memoir somewhat torredu• lows um 11113 truth of the very, bob, with a flour. Isltt of insulled'verachy, opened lie lid of the hare trait, when to, there woo the identical pig that he Mohammed with. 801 l mood transtleed, and With not m o nth open, remarked, " ea, be lin pup or pig, Jos' os he !drive," Ihe crowd h•icaine minim I•eil with Is oalitiii, and d•ve the likentucks 'I 11 More cheer. h.' 4.11. V ., was hired ill tell the same story In the democratic parishes, which he did with auob powerful tiled, that the Whigs carried Ito &at& The Calgoraia foyer has nulled the public °Sees is Wasidnatim and a stampede to threat ened among the twelve hundred clerks Three or 4313 r intelligent clerks, with Wanes of thirteen and fourteen hundred dollars, resigned during tbe lost week, and are gone to seek a better lot m the land of promise. The well known and intelligenttranslator of the State department, Mr. Oreenhow, ibtoome time ago published a valuable memoir uponTCaltforala and Oregon, has resigned, and is about to go to Caltforala Mr. Clayton his appointed Mr. Walsh, who was formerly charge of affairs in Brazil, to the vacancy. Bsertss vs. Imminsx.—The Baptist eongrega. ' tions in Washington, hese in meeting expressed disappropation of the proposed publication of " • corrected version of the New Testament" by the American and Foteign Bible Society in Now York, with the view of rendering it more explicit no to the ordinanco of baptism. DErsirross or hlissionammv—The barque I. & A. Hobart, which was cleared at Boston on Wednesday. for Malta and Smyrna, takes the Rev. E. Bliss, wife, and two children; The Rev. H. J. Von Leonep and wife, end Rev. J. W. Parsons and wife, missionaries to the Easti REMEDY von Dxbuttust l tsuums.—Half a grain of the tartrate of ultimo:ly, with two ounces of Water and a drachm of tincture of opium, and an equal gainitjty of CltrOMl ether, or colchicum, are said to be an effectual core of delirium tremens-- allaying the excitement of the brain and reactio nng the healthy action of the akin and kidneys. • A small child of Mr. Bennet, Li colored mnn, died • . suddenly in Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania, on Thum day last. It had jumped the rope 250 times suc cessively, by which it became heated, then drank cold water and immediately expired. Another child lies dangerously ill from the same came. As Irish tailor, making a gentleman's coat and vest too small, was ordered to take them home and let them out. Some days after, he gentleman was told that kis garments happeued to fit a country man of W., and he had let them out at a shilling a week. LOGAN, WILSON *4 Co., 199 WOOD STREET, ABOVE FIFTH, IPORTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, At AIM the attention of parchment to their PIIV.IIII SPRING STOOK, Inch they think will compare favorably, both In (2.111 and cheapness, with that of any other house, either here or in the Eastern Cities. feb7A.d/rwilvT ENCOURAGECITI UODUCI BISI ' TITUTIONS. ZENS INSURANCE Pittsbu COMPANY, gh. C a. lIIIKKEY, rsu`s•••--s. W. NIARES,Sser. Officc—hio. 41 Water street, In the ware hOPM of C. 11. BRANT. COMPANY ., . prepared n hearer, o.f n i •7 . ll merchandito in stare, and In cusite marts, the An mule gummy for the ability end integrity al Me !mutation, is afforded In the character of the teeter., who are all citiams or Pittsbergh. weli and favorably known to the community for their prudence, intelligence, sod integrity. Dtuntrou—C. U. Hussey, Wm. Bageley. Wm. Lar inter. Ir., Walter Bryant, Hark D. King, Edward Mucha, Z. Ktosey, B. Blubaugh, B. In. Kier. apllfitdl - - To WS ANTI ?ileac= SAD Wale ileum 01 A 1.1.- n Comm.—Poem King, or the Seventh Ward ofamhurgh, le hereby recommended to the Convene called to meet on the sth et June next, as a cane MM. for the oilier of County Commtesioerr. so :0 ..1/kencouT MANY VOTERS To. 'Amu-elm:A.—moor lit .2, F/11 of Main totembip, mil be supported for netninatton, as • can eulate far the Ancotoly, before the Anu Masonic end COVlTOrttlon, 4y MANY VOTERS Ms, I.IkWILT Corn, Cosix,iosm- EIMMIt Mal., Noith Y•hcite will he a candidate for County aubjeet to the deelkion of the Whig ithd Antt Ma•nnie Nominviog Coorenwin mold liIANY FRIENDA. SOLOMON actiOVNlty CNUNIISSIU NIERCHANT,Stack and 11111. Brok 31 L.!r, No 110 Sotond enort:dly A(MM.; of S. a Co, onrAti Einbanire Bank, fur sn. 73, deed 11lar1at, No Ist, payment ce toe rime canna been inupped,the pablic are caution ad against receirtsg the same. 0t,C..131. IaNG, PENNOCK & CO laiirelivo.ce of loolord A A ' JASON & CO, t 2 Market si =ll2 Ad a a . ra M e k7n7b r en ' src ' tt " 4l 4 l . :72 ° :o h l ' also, arneral aseortaurnt oi plain do at all prier. ol led eak and Lisle Thread Giore•; to dos Mark and do iodic... and Gems' do dos black nod ackite Cotiou Hoar, 15 oox Jo doaria Hr dos Gera' Ha" 11c.e, :.1.1.1 bent.' Mown Col,on Ilatt 'loft flee-teed, and now opt ning by Ile=== YULI'I ICA L CONSTITUTIIJAS. 1" I.. , CICAN.AJD has n ryas. and .111 pu , oLI .hortly—ba Maul.. pp the LAY.> 0,/in of GOVCIIIMept, ttanslaOrd trout the Fscorh. by IL Slily:, it. U. ...ono. betond edit on, 1 vol. ,c J U ImCli M ACK' -44, bd. Large No 5, Ja.t ',erred tor t•l JOHN Walla CU, my% Lit.ctly iL 8 1 1 1 / 1.7 1/ T J.lbr... Non, I ow. m j s 4 lao:Jdu A r i ..7l . . i hj o Lj Enal \ Or.• No I, Ho. Ho .1, for *.lo by 1.1 toy 2 JOHN Vital' 41. CO 011.-19 b.lo privet, from Siewori t: Co Jots reed, for solo by JOHN WATT /t. CO eas aaaaa It d for . UT my: /WM 4 n'IT cf oLJ, prnar. NU 2 reed. to , ta:e by mpg JOHN SV ATI . A Co • --- IL( (,I.A.' , SE.A—LI, lot Is promo S. 11. fur ant, by 1.11 aka JUILS RATE At CO yAHD-3 brls prime, labt reed, for rale by LIm)Y .101 IN 'NAT r co DEA - ma-10 patited, 'act rred for .ate by to)t JOHN WATT &co TvA—za hi chew. Voong Mason, Gunpowder, and IPaA Tans, ILI hand, and to enure, tor rale by ••• • • A CULIIERTISOSit- May 2 Igbitty at - 5. PACK ED TEAS el ]l grades keptl.ronstactly rol and (or sale at reasortablerterolt to stir trade, by IMT,I A CIMIENTSON Lit:MY—IS bales Ilhoulla, toot reed t oral tor sale by surd A EL I.BERTSON Lyl , l)Eitt . LIUARD: , —SUGU b 4. uaorted Chuollmrsborgh seamgaelare, on blind, for .(.e by my, 6 CULII6K.MON FOIASII- oasts pure, for rem! by on V J deIIOON‘to,KER & CO 21 Wood a n t , tla \0 1, for .ale co by my!_ QA LeTPETRE-13 begs refined for sale by enyd SCHOONSIAfi EA A. CO PAR GREEN-20 caned! ee/ebsaud 8 brand my! J BCIIVONSLAKEB & CO bandies E.rdmare, a good article I Picini Straw Yam for coatoe II ordwaro; , Hardware paper made to airier af•ny Sze ur thick• br m 7 J rserIOONSIAKER & CO USsENTIAL OlLS—Bergamot. LA ram; Sassafras, ,Es Lavender. and Sommer I can each, warranted purs.lusr recerved by J sdIIIIONMAKIER*CII Mr—'u for sale be - P y VON PONNHORST &CO' CANDLES—nn boxes summer Cincinnati Mould Candins for sale by mays d P VON BONNIIORST Cc CO Fll3ll-24 brls Herring; to br,a sbad, now landing, and (or sale by ISAMU DICKLY fr. Co tuay2 1111 Water st. TOLIACCO--Yl/ Orbom Sr 6 na• Jews Ilair do; ==M 6 Inv Loiuer 6'. spun now landing oyd) 1,161A 11 VICKI S tr. CU r,.tTTflr!TI nowll m7Y t l iC riIIOCULATE-40 bro for rale by . nonl ISAI Alt DICKEY & CU ripnll-1. U bat tab, for •nin by non BAIAII DICKEY b. CO UnK3-5 bale. pr pan d Corn Host. for Up IT [lnn tore n, Jolloo'o on consignment, lot rale by turn ISAIAH DICKEYS CO MAtAhatAL Ysb f laSio 3110 wl nal 'it my& & CO VOR SALM, A VALUABLE int 111 ground containing about on /1. acre awl a 0•11 , —• good Bin for a .tore— i mac from Pittsburgh, nil toe hltddloturrrn road, nett !howdy's Ford. For particulars, apply on the pro pony, V. MARTHA HA V mf 1-d That large omommuou. Dwelling House and Lot, on Which area good Stable and DA Ciatriage House, being the property ol; andW. the residence of hits Jane Ma geh, situated. Webster at, nem eleventh street. lint letma, apply to &I kl LOW Rai= myitilif FM Wylie si. --- 111 AW PUBILIOATIONB. T B E Union thole Metronary.-The Child's Book of prrii.da-hltiedorield, or the Great !donate: a diary of Rent Lue.-Sho.grove; or age Sunday harmed Hoy. itaintleated.-The Bar of Iron; or the Moe.. or I lo ie•rtibr d .--Stotre. or Faro, ll o y . ,;,___Kr,..e,il, the Ilaima Chief -The Lie of Le,heri Nit eral ICiCicuCC to it. earlier period., id the °pew. RelortOGlOL by BUM. Sense, II Lt -A Valitiffairy or Biblical litaillatela, ror hoot. awl familia.. ii.hiraaed by Atmncan S S Gain. tar sale by A II ENGLISH 4 Cu, Successors to ELLIOTT t ENGLISH, role 7ll Wood WM. NSW PUBLICATIONS. litetuei's 'Werke, the Au th or's Fdition— M The ~,ir r g h ts s ,,, luie of Every Day Life. ' A and revised edition, with an introduction written expersaly tor tine edition by Alia. Bremer. ilhnis, cloth thslform with Irving's, Cooper'., and SaescwielCo; andlinustmted with Postrait and meat of be author's r l esidence. llooies'a lll.di translated by William Cowper. Lined by Ruben tkethey L. L. D., "rub inn. by Al. A. Dwight. A apieudid edition, on huge paper; /1. , lintrale4 until Melee tootrawuj. In 4/Cline, finci des slim by Flagmen. loyal two, cloth. Alims• cheaper edition tor whoolo. CouldasaitiCa Work.. including a variety of pi, on now Lost collected, by Jame. Prior. Complete In 4 40 1 4 , w s ue, Emily printed, uninwm in style with Winne, Cooper, ie. Toe Stwerocate Calender, or, Wit and pir4don, foe every Day in the year, Edited by W. C. Richards. lit a very neat volume, Tinlo, cloth, :19 coos, 45 ., &Cell:01M YU, sale byJANES D LOCKWOOD, mv.l Citookseller and Importer,lDS Frown, s s, ALLin,criglnNV GOV!. ' , IN the Osphans Court of mid Com v i.ol June tams lbfl/i N. a the matter of the estate or Reeisio Jon., deeeveed• And now, April 1%50, on motion of Robert Manus, 1:4 • /*tenet. C. Finneeen, , appoles 4 4 by the Court to aeon and tortribute the fund , in the hands of the trustee. 11l the CUrt. DANIEL MoCURin, O Clock. Notice t. hereby goren to all person. interested, that the A u thor will attend, for the demo. of dis chinging the duties of his appointment, et his raga., n Fointh street, in the city of Fltiehusgh,ounms, day, the Ist day of June, DM, at 10 evolock, A. Al. C PLANEOAN,AndOor, MADAME SONNAFON respattfally lam* the I.Wies, she will open French Milllnely day aezt,..ll.ay 34 also, a anxiety of other Franca, °dada. amyl dal W.A. a. st'acno.l [ono. noi o. WE. A. AVOLORO i CO, GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, No 2:4 Liberty urea, neon IVcod, Have Aiwa)... hand large oosonthent of Cimino Groeeries and. Fine Tens; also, Foreign Fonts and Nuts. Wliolziale end Retail Deelets supplied on the lowest termi. • malt NEW PATTERNS—More new panerha of Wall Pape, in Chamois, Gold, plain. and fancy cOlorr, have been rect., received, together with too Reflation of French Boykrs, Mee Board Prints, nod Teeter Tops in Gold and Velvet. W P MARSHALL mayl Wall Paper Store, Sa Wood Erect. SOMETHING NEW under the gun of Pittsburgh W ILL be opened about the Ind of Slay, a Family I .. timer; and Tea Store, In the Pluladeiphin t -•- The antiseribers here fitted up n Gore at No. TA Liberty street, in n style I.lll , erier to snrof the kind ill Ptttsbargh, hosbugh, where they vrtli always haven large as rortment of fine Groeeries, and superior Tae. to 'Flack they respeetfelly invite the attention of the pub- Or enC , T article, they will endeavor to keep •be best of its kind, and confidently recommend their T.. us ROT it. at sum mon, n E.QII•IISD LA 110 O. lye Their sesorbacet will comprise:—Green and Black Teas of all hinds, from 3 - k cent. to it d 0 Per Nm , . Coffees of every grade. • • L'i'.riilb s e Dego., Loaf, Crealtuid and Pulverized; Steam Symp.Shall . Hoot and N. O. blolosem Choc olates, Foreign Frets and Nut., Spires, Fibkie . s Ketchups, Essences, Sugar Cured Hams and Beef, Fishof all kind, Sperm, Lard and Whale Oil., 'geoid, vont and Woo Candles, together with many rarities which could not heretofore be bad to Pitts. burghnd which time would fail to enumerate. ([rands delivered free of charge in every part of the two eines. Dealers supplied on most terms. Wfil. McCLURD rk co , my I No. 2:41 Liberty street, above Wood. APAIR of Gold Spectacles, supposed to have been dropped to Wood street, in front of Uskewell tc Pear's Waretiouw. The find, will be rewarded on returning them to the owner, No. :NI Wood street. ap.lo • SABI. P. noes, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, Fourth Wed, mar Cram, In Lamarilue Buildings, Pittsburgh, P. ZOO dly 500 LABORERS WANTBD TIIE Connaught men having had control on the Baltimore and Ohio Roil Stood, the Rail Rood Company and Contractors have made arrangements for the establishment of en efficient police, whereby all pleases of laborers, desireus of employment, will be fully protected; .A 5 the Third or Cheat River Ditilsion embraces the heaviest work on the line.fore hundred laborer. would get immediate employment upon it. Cumberland, April WI, MO. epaffint BTIIeITED OR STOLEN, OThursday, OM inst.. floes the, traidenee of the k_f subscriber,tn Past Ward,Allegheny a Red and White Many Cow. Paid cow has certain marks on her car, but what they are te not dirt inctly recollected, owing to tier not haring heen in possession of present owner bat hir a short time. Any, person giving tnforatation which may lead to her recovery, wal be liberally rewarded. R MOPKINR. Methodist Book Stare, l 9 Apollo Buildings, Foanti st. .p3O ll= APROMISSORY NOTE , drawn by Jam. Ra tong, to the tatterof l) N. White, and endowed by him, dated April d, hes been loot or mislaid. Thn hinder wilt confer o favor by letwlng• it at the office of the Gazette; and all pert on• are IR r•rned taunt t parchastaa it. JAMES BELONG w ABEAUTIFUL suburban residence in Ms neigh boyhood of this city, possessing Moro Man or dinars' advantages. will be sold an favorable terms The grounds err .toe ked with fine Bolt trees in bear tog condition. shrubbery, e•ergremm. For nom. and location, enquire at this office. sp3i et AWAY 1300K/I1 N W BOOKS: AT HOLMES.' I,ATF.RAIIY DEPOT, opposite thw Post intret—lTsvid CopperLeld, put Is—Dm ). o f Mertn:lw., part r--Lineit's Living Age, No hi —Morning Call: Mrs Ellis—Women in Ann, a. Maria J hlintosh—llistory of Pendennim Thacharey—flowland Cashel: Lever—Windsor Co.. W H Ainsworth. sehii GLI e EKeE.--AS nom" Cream , ~.eonard, a p a ., • d, and foc Bale 6p' sTuear k em. 0001 __ 109 Wand 1t alt—l b4I Maple jaat reed, and for sale by STUART 71 Fn. SSE 6-3 kg. Maple ,a.,,t.treaii.7l apt. INE.L.A I(—lb bolc Pet , r! r l , ia.rk few bbla tu abut, sit..tuT . BACON-11/.WO Shoulders. Prtn.r; .1,01.0 Hum, ro sto•e. .1 for sale by MM= Tuits--R. Jot, impend,' alt , .1 hk-ELl:ii.s.f !az large, tr, (nr aale by =22E21 A ffli 1100PS—CD 61 6th II op.ot prime quality (craw - E.NGLI3II4.ItENNI7IT. tr..° Al Wood Lt. 31 e g" P"".P :Zg:. for role uurrut AND LARD-10 kcg. Butler, arA 4 Acga pLard, for We low by fo r 4p..TJ F.N61.. , 11 & B.NNIF-TT S2ptt; " L 7 111 a. 130 N ROCK INANTIER-I.t4`kerrs forr tale 803 0 r Ir VON BONN HORS .t CO Sl.T—tuu brig for gale by 0 .p S F VON BONNIIORST la CO QUDA ABll-143 cask. Alaspratia' brand. ram 71. tacrd per mama r Campanile, and for rale by W k U MITCHELTREE ar4e Liberty .tract: ItAp i r 4 iNg, ,, PgE n :— Pa tiLannatity al aunty from tne mnknina,ory, for .ale in lame or small Imo W I• 1d.110411A.1.L. Staceettior to d C HILL, N 5 Wood R. (11,0VER SEED-2 brit for race by ap3013 CANFIELD 11),UTTER-1 ban and twin fresh. in ninth, Just rt.. D coved at the Butter and Cher.a ikPb , . 1;3 Front ores; for nala by ap= 1 II CANFIELD bas aaw and 61./ his old, Want reed, A./ and for sale by ap3o 1 B CANFIELD LINSEM OIL-10 brio U Ware, and for See by o 3/ 1 B CANFIELD BACIIN-200 pieces in stele, and for sale by ap.3o J D CANFIF:LD 0 ALF.RATIS—= bxa and ?Scuba and bay, (or sale by WO J Et CANFIELD COTTON HOSE-100 dos black, while, and nxtd; lino dos half. brown do doi . C ARBUTHNOT unTO bb Wood al. ,i' 0() sale Standlna Collars In i t u ClaT;zi T UMURELLAS t PARASOLS—dSO Gingham and Cotton Va.hreilu, and .130 runsella .11k and count, for sale by C A RBUTIINCrr DRF2SOO BONE-200 lbs superior qua ARBUTHN bIy, for sale by . c OT xrfolasu & BIiCANETT, IVIIOLEMALE GROCERS ; No 11 Wood street o3er tor sate ; 120 pkes V. 11. Imp. lllaekr has N. R. Relens; and Gunpowder Teas; 1.0 km , Mos. , do; 115 hos Tolmero; 13 Iga do do; Ito begs Rio Colter; 115 casks Zulte Currants; 000 bit. N 0 Molasses; 13 bales E. We nuts: 73 hhds N 0 Sugar, . 13 do Brazil Note; 230 boom vaunted sidesl.l.3 do Filberts; Window Glass; ,iou do Pea Nuts; 40 boo Pipes; 1 20 his libelled Almonds; 400 his aospi I ird boa Rock Cand); uu l boo Candles; 5 ruses Lumonem 31:1111. Codfish; In 33 Prinopee I Regalia 20 bola Tannend Oil; . Cigar: On boo Chocolate; ;WOO 31 Half Poen:sin OD do: Bed Coeds;3 nos Clare .; :11 coil. Manilla Hopei I 2 cans Nidwiem; 30 ha *iced Choeolale; 1 3 remains Wire ID bogs Pepper; 23 earns Lemon S ' yrup; 6 bop la lee; 25 ems* Pe {Ter Pence; 300 hm Rennie; tu esms Tomato Cumuli; 10 bibs Vinegar; Ground Spires of Ell kinds. no bal. Crodlasnek; 40 Flurels powdered and tOlms Starch; . Loaf Poem; 10 Wes Pler,• 2 Midi, Mulder; 10 bolo Chalk; 10 hr's Whiting; 100 drains Pigs; As well a: a general nslortniaot of Pittsburgh 1113 , lifseturid articles. •mlO VOIIL GREENWOOD GARDENS. slain The .teem boat HOPE No 2, LCAIVI the Pm 'mem lending, near the Old Allegheny Hrulge, ate o'clock morning, arid at the beginning of each hoar until Si o'clock at Wald, Sundays excepted. Punctualityla time can be relied upon. Inc Creams, and all the delicacies of the season kep in the buttons, alto • large collection of' ever bloom mg greenhouse plum (or sale. apand.hto NEW PUBLICATIONS AtirattElZ—Lake StiperioN its Eby.lntl Character Vegetation. and Animals. 6vo. tar”mta—The Ett. Illustrated. Ova Itremoust—Cosszos. 2 yobs, Ilan. Itmanobot —A vents or Na ore. Oval.. lbw. Itauhrt—Tutkisti Evening Entertainments. 12mo. Macuss—Hogieel Anatomy. Colored plate, gto loa—Fuemo and Yam. Writing, Y vols. Mao. innanarnste-Tbo Optimin. 11mn W.7loN—Poadcal quotation.. tivo. ,Cowsru—ltomer t s Iliad. 12mo. NaCIAT—PoI alar Delusion.. O volM ISno. For sale by JehlES D LOCIEWOOD nreN llookseller b. Intranet, 104 Fourth at. SODA /0311-100 cask e superior brands Sod a / 1 4i just received, and far ante by JNO Not ADM& CO lOU • Cosl4l Clain, Penn .1. POWDER - =kz.V:,u7B„ 300 do Ky. oo; 200 bait begs Ky. RIDo; 1 - dst Deer WIN ; 011 0 bolo Nee Shooting; 450 can. Ky. MID; 230 do Deer do; 60.000 foot safety fuse. to arrive ibis day .1 8 DILWORTH &CO and for DOA by .BAOOO. fLim .. o l B l l: y oulders jam receirriog 1 8 RIOVORTII tc. CO .4 Wood st. roAR—.O OLIO N 0 Sugar recelatnu an yaw mbar, fur sale by J 8 DILWORTHCo • _ _ L"P — t tTir Nzoi LAT est ree'd, ad foi sale • S OIt..W . ORTII tr. CO Y BIT/TER.‘4O keg,s Butler fi. IC! by arik J ti DILWORTH & CO ROAR-4O bbl. N oSugar 4 8 rim; snit Mr sole by L .121 8& W [Will st'eill VentlO)-100 kegs Lest . Law fer lkiti ty , P.r. In a,,.. , -. , , l for sale by , 8 & ‘S il A itii.:.V.: 8 . _ _ LA - Ith OIL. fl DARREID LARD O No 1, far .o. A N by V Re IL !SOLOMON CHOYER • .• DAIIJS' PAIN KILLER—A bonnier Medicine— eo 4 . 0. an received:and tat nein be E BELLV.RS, 111QIUNCII RAISINS-100 hz. Kreisler's bran/. fo) sale by NB! BAU A LEY & CO, anzi & OWoed et. C O VORTII CAROLINA TAR-1.5 Vi 3 BAGALEY lt bes lam oite, far 1 . 1 ' "otel , • 9)1 SALERATIT3—V.:O bores' 11P Farland , , a toperier ankle, In sale by WM LIAOALEY lc CO ap=p ULACK- Ene asivartsconl of Black Sas JJ of rat endirm ' received at No 85 Marker fiord , west comer of the Diamond. _urn 'ALEXANDER& DAY 11#MELEON SILK SHAWLS—Rieti changeable C tilt crawls of a very superior quaint', by ap.D ALEXANDER & DAY DLACK LAWNS—Plain k Lawns at differsnt El qualities, lar sato by AL EXANDER A. DAY ap.2) H AMS a BEEF-4 4: 7 4 71 , 3. CC H i nz Evaus d t SwVeg. 20 do S. U. Hams, Dalfiald r, All put up for summer we, and for sale by nteß SELLER+ k NICOLS L ARD & LINSEED OlL—da ark No I Lard 15 brl• No :I Lard Oil; B brim Linseed Oil; SELLERS & NICOLE LINSEED OIL-4 bNs just tec'dand t'sr sate by ROBIStATn.c & co, Bp:1i 235 Libe , ty BEANS-10ssckslus 1 477°r bY Vt nnY9 Roaizo4:LTTI.FIVCO Gl•neral Tempe , site• Meeting: - TIIF friends n( Temperance ate generally invited At ettend n mecum. to be licld in Waled Hell, on 51fINDAY eveninv,lolll inst. liesysan • P.... 141. Esq., of Philadelphia, ;me other disuses ;shed speakers will aldress ;meeting. lEr . l.lihite!, Brass Band will be Kerma, and per form a number of approprime nirs - during the evening. ap-27.d1a RESTAURANT AUX FREILICIS PAOVIGNCAUX, • . No. SI, FoustAt strut. GAVE the honor of informing the citizens of Pilu- I burgh, that I have openedog thn above large and convergent Seine, a Restaurant a !limited de Paris. All the delicacies the season ean afford will alway. he served in the most approved styles, besides im ported dishes, such as 'Priam Mushroom.,Green 'Peer, Pates de foie gras, &en , with which I wilalways be ready to provide private Welles or parties. Table dllioie at lef o'clock every day. (knifemen wishing for private rooms can always be accommodated. My larder and cellar will compare whit any other in New York or Philadelphia A few more boarders Con be aecommodAat%lium Clotho, Casaltneres, star ileatings. ALARGE Invoice of Super Black, Blue, Brown, and Olive Broad Cloths; Super Black, Doesin, bliddlessz, and Fancy Cassimercip also. Super Black Sean, alsrsculles, and Farley Calkins., Vatings—ro mired sad now opardny by A A MASON CO, mar • 62 Markettat a. 12==3=2! AA MASON h CO are receiving tinily, additions of the following Myles, to theirs plendid steels of Mo. Goods, vSoper Black end Fancy Silt., TMAII, Pe is:— rsian Glenn., hilberines, eiiibenes, Donne. and Ltarego Ue Lain., Busk, Swiss, Ongsmiss Jaconci, .nd Dote. Limns, •c 4 also, Mourning Dress trosdti in till their widely. spin . _ BIOTIC 16T0 — C . 51111t11091 . 0 HS. TE Grading and Alasonry of about thirty miles of the One end Pennsylvania Rail Road, extending roomed from the Stale Line, near Saletuite. will be let at Salem, Colombian Carroty, Ohio. on %'ednee• day, time sa,d.y of Slay, Contraetors ob. tam information of th e. Engineers upon the line,. at the office in Salem. y order or Ihe t ord of Directors. %V 11L ROBINSON, Jr., Preeldent. SARI/urge. Apra 2.3lll,lPNl.—srer:Jld Laud and /11,1111 a for Sala AFLOUHINU MILL, with four run of steno—one of lest Imetions for barium In the west—and a first rate Saw Mill, on mtabous: never milingstream, and 11 acres alf Land. good Dwelling House, 'tenant Rouse. and other Improvements, situated moat mile. from the Übto Riser, Mont. Comity, Ohio. Alan, mar the above, a benunfol Fan:oven Improved, tan t sinia; 210 acres. For tartstr,A enquire of WILLIAMIf:JOHNSTON, artif: 112 Second al, Prosburgb, r)l i tS i fy i ß rou Pla w il:goD pu b m r , l: n o d fxarg quality. a mumble for land, Ac , to ,sole low by W W WALLACE; • , 21 312 & 211 Lit,CitY voueutac CEMENT far slavleiV.. WALLACE .II apt:. Tv, }CINCH BURR AND LAURELILL NICL .17 bI'ONRS, best qvality, warranted, and at prjees lower lb. have before been offered hrthls waiter, ares %V WALLACE B OLAING CLOTHS, all numbers. Letit• county. warranted, arid at reduced prices. at , 24 . . . t¢IV WALLACE ik 4 ARMY: hint:Tr:Ls of the ben quality, my own 111. ionmfeeture, onharet lend made to order an shot:: n IM ;J.rA ~,a 1.50 trn B 7l , ledlum Straw Wr.t.i.g.V.P,!.i A 1., . inraTaTto a irtna .ra e , l aa t a f o or t s i a ' d n l :nrig Vapor dorm' 4aaa"raaa' aaad. A a H ENOI,IBI & CO, Succesoors toI.:III4YDD lc Er GLIt3 11, _ . .apd7 79 Wood Nutt.• ~ JU.., ,, 1` received—Lb brls Ahab, ior sa:e by I KIDD A; CO, 0d27 00 Wood at. ' SACCMIAW•-• lba Dud reed for ash, by apn: J KIDD & G f t , 112:../ItC y J UFF—Suu i nzg i ta c Ts, lba tec'J; and for mido by V ann7 J KIDD &CO )111.13 Eili band, tar moo by :*ARO J LIDS e. C.O I I aark orperlor qtahlr, tbo thug, etcd, and Pasuniesy lA'areGoose. drr nzr of Platt ond Wdod aL S N WICKETSII.6II apt: OlL—jost received, and warranted 1,/ rare white, for sale t y the gallon by NrJ 7 _ N WICKERSHAM. L ARD 011.-25 brls I.lbokllng l s No 1, far gate by /3 A FANNY:3I'O .3:4/.. CO, ny2o Comer Vigil & Wood ay. TFOILZ:2h by I apt% II A FAIINFATOCK tr.. co VEN. 11.1:11-30 oda Eaglith, for sale by ar.9 II A IPAHINMTOCIC CO A .ufm ; ,..- e a:. - s l4:4te jo r co TUET P rro'd min the Philltp.reilie odeloth Faettnl: ~.11%) yard. 4.4 Fl Oil Clorhi . • WU do 34 d „Ath; ""'a s.s. ES do 64 do y do; . Gm do 64 Oo F to; AZ do 8.4 do i ON. , 11 For sale a: the wardroom, Nos 7 aad 9 W opt & H Pr tHHINITORE IIIL CLOTII43IU-dretre assorted saes and styles of labia Stand; and Haman f....yer‘, for sale by .p2O J tr. H PHILIy its IXI'IDOW Off spierreld assortment_ lasi ecbl, and for sale h J I I PHILLIPS— BITEETPLOOILUI .CLOTII—Ott tuned, a tole ae oontoont of 4 and 6 yard wide Floor Cloth, spit. did paneros, of which We will eat to order. any aim, at eartern "wholesale {Meet. .1 H PHILLIP'S span issoi REED HOUSE, 11950 KEITH & DABBER, Proprl•tors, Publia Square, Erie, Pa. ! GENERAL STAGE OFFlCE—Eastern, Westem, and Seashore Stages, leave this house daily. Car. Gases to and from tqcillila nod Packet hosts, Gnat, Al. W. Ecru, !aloof the American Hotel, Erie, Ys. G. W. timings, tam of the Khisman Hotel, Ohio. ' Changeable SHY Shawls, OP different shades, and my low for quality, lately received at she Dry Goode house..( MURPHY S. BURCHFIELD, arIS N E corner of Fourth and Nareet eta. — riar Salo. SPLENDID NEW FAMILY CARRIAGE AND II A ILNESS, at the Coach Factory NJ C. We.t & Co Penn street, will be told low, for cub; or On time, well tecurcd. M=l3l== JEST rcerived, a sow.: ni Ladies , Munk, \albite, Al,ist Lead, and thiblenelird llosiery,• Embroider. eJ do; :Lipari MIA and Moravian do; aud Men's Mai -Mte Eulmaeried Comm do; Mail.. .limn. Link. Glove. bar Ladies and Gentlemen; Embroidered Liz! .and do. All of low eachpr i ces, a t 'WT. of _ IMURPHY_rf, nugetqff.LDr_ sp2s. N E corns of Fourth, and Martel sta. 100 9 A UnalitY, Jan reeetred from manufacturer, on conrignn cm, and for sale at .41:za pnce, at the sannfacturcra' no image, lIUSEY, FLEEING &CO, aptS • 10 Wood rt. U 4.A lt_7t i,nds N 0 &gar, on cowl:moot ow latottg irons croon,. JWlenon, and los adobe 12.214 OICILOY Is CO, ap2s 112 Watt...l ' MOL - .4. - SS - For , —turib - rls mmom, iiita tor .de by nob ISAIAH LWOW &CO li 0r,5 ISAIAH DICKEV&;CO b oiCitcVk. co Al U/tllt3YattOlu iltellnant. A LI. owed. haying hewhern pot on their hornets. 11. in nor.furaidy ta. a 'cerebra,. of Conned., war please tall nt the Booms of Vie i1 , .11.1 of Truk; rend story, comer 01 Wand led nun! .t a nod p.„. than _ for the snow. AASIUEL FA BELE lauCK 11ACuN-2T,1Y1/ . lbn ilittle. I C Itsburnh, April 90.1.930 ~4, 161 ..-' - - 11 - 000 - 1 . 05831.A1LL - 110AD - 1110R. - ito,i td We obonldere, in shire fur nide by ! - In alAll DICKEY*. CO Obis and Penarsyllftynia Had dead Cow palm milt: ltt Ifd telt ti o d . l f 1 . 7. 1 1 : 5, / 11.1te' Yin.> n ett ha n d, "d T T'.. 4 .-br - - ittgliwtl,fe ' s "" thresarternd ' ontwonttTe ' a re r n . ; e ' ztert B' d! I.' r' ISALiII DICKCY Si CO or ~ jot oenternol trout Piton...b. Three lbeendel bona ..___ tre - 0 . 1.... , , -Ilowl new haeop s tri.:; ; C n tlig.44l 4 co to s he detwitred o n . n c l i tr o e w Oh . 73 ,. R . i . e . ef, , r , :t y P i itt• i t urgi end xi At. ' l l ELIIFL-the bd. ha et No d,' 3: an •r. d ' el ' eret ., and tie rehntede; nstdc'.4p4tho'f' Le tot peetion, Just rteelyett. ' ned tor stat ' d b ' y '''' "‘ LeGt Gf Th. .. 1. .. l o b e ° I "A / I •l• 9 lt'Tw. an /WET MeV %LIEN St CU k.,,,d,, or twr el feet, and are to welui Se round. rrt . np2l ' ' '"lln'' ''' Pc " " m " ',': l'‘V.,; r t } " , :' „ `. w el:.V.lnt.':,!"lt'r7`"°' 19 . 11 • , .. Vermino 0 --" Th• Hint now I. on 2 utmeti..n. pldna adi . .e.e. the Pr...lent of the etg: Vie." ; a t, , a I'd siurri. Ito larder of the Dowd nt D‘... Ur VIA Yin . .. 0, Aril 3. 1,1 t I..cta, Wil ROIDESON, Jr., Pt...dead NI, R. 11. Entlarns-Deur tio-litavote taaed Indic 1 ..t.hur, ti, April neth, 1010. 01)OUT In toilette to our fondles, with vent weer's, w 1NE5,..4,0 boat. Cl ore. t A t h . , ,, , cho ,,, h F . . d . : .. am het,. ins, num ,i he very peat 1.111.1...11011 it bon G 9 batleht Clain/tape do do given id our netyclabothood. iluat It is ,the heal DOW. past reed pet st.tinur Nwriptor. and for sale by 411, , A 0 we entioun to prueare the agency for Oak A Cl/LDERTSON.. lee: We have .091 1..1 we obtained of year 0010 ~..v 193 Liberty it nu. Yours, retpoetrelly, FKA JULIAN. lilac trt.... - 7 --- 13.,iii; - ---- s U p FEZ 21 1 c ELS . fa ,. r ., 74 far t it natiaines, comb. onditra: COCHRAN, id IA 0 .4 H. %oil—Ltd orto No It blacken ti bria )(mina; to lots ohad, to arrive, and for rate by 1.9/teall DILIKEY rt. Ca Op.. l'ar.nis 'alionid alWa'ys psoc - unTille Most se. liable Warm 310'a/rt. 1 FM . " " . 6,1 bY R 3:: SELLERS. N 057 Wood at and Pahl by lauggists generally In the two sics. . OP -- BUICK I nallaK I .B l,' i l : ' ot Ty:11 a:Ziolliolo ti ot ben r,fo th r r sae.. EtyL ... mo or lapatl SuLtrhipL4_ectiorEtt. i. — KIT iirOvAL - . DALMER, 111 NSA fr. CO. hart removed their r o:lco2o0e °moo ia aorili Trest corner of Wood ar.2 an_d Tnir,d-rt u te . o . l ... itwroi. ... ll. — iii -. 1. -- r 4 6 4 al t? 'l l i , , k B S P E TS t o rWe P a n t io t 1 r i 1 1. i t e e Bola ed A . b h rond and er te at, direct from the marinade:oo4m I:4 sw a nr ki,,z oo ,,eic will o b r e , r:5e,!,..t...1_ 1-I : . er,,Vi casks now on the way from New tirleaas. and an, ~ tu .th. i, nth ...,, I' Mal 1 .77 1, Irthe c ;,, , ,,,,7, -- x. n . er i eltre om th p i . e , w 4 a i e p t . r j, an n /211 will churilv arrive I , Ch. an Norms. Moine Hospital upon tba lot of sonond on which tha ' d. south at the Assang. ' The eti., and Alb., whien w i ll lns sold an arson! at o • b h i . d . r .: 1 ,,,,.,..,, ,, „ rd ,.. th . e n, x ,. v . d0 n.,,..,,,,,, and. 'cot lowest Martel mice fin cash or lip_nrrivr•d l , iti : ' W lc NI hllTeliEL.Tictm, No rim, L.,....r, •, l'i:1:11:1:1'1 1 C 117"fr"..alwr 07: 15 :k7 " 1: 5 11 "g tb e P rib p '7 1.. " 7 211 ,111 11. : . 4 17 MG h It- lal 01 - 14 I 1 all Sonar, In stoic, los s ------ ale br ing. '‘o7oia"" 'II o f ofl„tion. i 1,7 ar3.3 Wa Si 2.1 ITCH ELTREE ha. exhibited WWI a 3 EDWARD %YAW'S, Saphantandaat. I pIiTrER-7 64. and 6 kegalfresl7, ,s - n's s';' -- ,,, d.. - -os, A p ,i l 13,1650. - 3li OANFIEe n -,Unr"..Mr " ttr %Vri i it e u .' SUGAR-28-AAYeline. PVirdiiiessid G . U h7l 0 Sogars,just ree l / 4 1,1.3 Pale by pt.l A CULIIERTSON BACON -0i slsouldet. M ° b l itet! '" ltt strre b , ' lst i % p fh 7 r:a l' l T V ll°".7.l'"k dolt AV Iklllllrremr.LTßEH MOB qulto Miro; - ----- VOUNDXTION Alt SLINS. Crown I In;nds. Mot t' rams, Cotton Yarn irons Sto Crs. 41 , u , WON . ~ ..... _ . a du Sides, do ' , ING—Sot' Spenn !Honied Wick, Chattd!er ., 11'W1. ti do Hams, do ; Wadding, 13• , 15, se., manuractumd and for • tbs on Jost We'd. avd for talc by . . ; the lowest terms, by D 31cEWING, L S AN ATLIIMAN tr. SONS atoll dim 12 Pearl at. New Vert. . ''- f --- ICitik:llAH—trOitsks, • supertor arttclo . , 4 SHORTED FRENCII , X)liliiiia•AßSl - i vit. 1 4.. 'ivist ' received, and for tale by .13.. ANISME, GUIGNOLET Ir.. lust reed. and ni4,l A CULBERTBOII 1 ter aala by aVa i cutuarsos - AMUSEMENIS, -- THEATRE! Learee and Manager C. S. a'ORTER Dress Circle an — d - Doz quane ... 1. •:••••h ' sem, Second end Third Tiers DsilerY ifnr colored prronsl.- .. Doors open al TS: Cumin will rise nt ,o'c!ock. BENEFIT of AFr McIIRIDE, p7v Afire FANNING READ, thy dtvtir e d Shakrpevean Reader and A.m., havteg kictlty volunteered ter rervieer, yr ill appenr n. uphefta. On Thursday, May 'A will be presented HAMLET. M MII —yr Wchb Funning Read Jos II Nichols To doeclode with • A DAY AFTER TIIE WEDDING. Cot. Frertore Mr Taylor Lady Elizabeth Mrs /I Mawrls Ea' Friday, ne Strums Famfly WILWINS RILL 13101.0GY s ONDICIIf VIA AND AN VSLNO," their Lo tires and Er Ni k:Sn per S iorin i3 ts U o g n a the evr •ni nniirrful science of Biology, at Wilkins Hall, every e inn this week. A genes or astonishing experiinenir'with mind will be introduced. Single ticket, 25 tents; a gentleman'god two !lilies. CO cents: .10 tickets 61. Children,hcf.prine. Doors open at 7 o'clock, to nommen/nal 9 yreelsely. goys TYROLEAN CONCERT, • WILKINS TIALL, (Second Ploor.) THE HAUSER FAMILY that thilSalll aloe two B EG leave to announce, Concerto as above. on TIII7RS.arN t FRIDAY roaming% the x 1 and 3d mat. An entire charge of performance emelt eveni.g. Viet eta Zi ea nm each. Door open at:, concert to commence at 9 rectoek, 1072 WISIIINGTON HILL; PITTSBURGII, 137 & 139 Wood street, above Fifth. I.HAT sp lendid establlstiment Is noir o ff ered for Rem. It Is admirably arranged (or Conceder, Leetsres, Exhibitions, de. Zor terra sop!) , to JORP: A FITZ:1110NR. ep It-1m 137 Nytrol .t. .PITTSBURGH MIAEUM.. APOLLO lIALL.-F01117.T11 STREET. Cerb?grlzr:r„"dl. l2 .ln,thca:llm rn " ate 6 evening. p-Admittenee 23 cents; Children underl2 years bail pace. rart7 gO. IC. ciuMIIERI.INN Commercial m d Writing Items, in Post (Mee build ing are now open tor the reception of ~ rtFa l 6 n . Po o r il ' ili d :lg a ilt d r C a o i r rit ' u n g g ent e l n nis 'a n Number of young led. Will be received far a term of MO manila, commencing Mmyillit, situ. In. privilege of monition at Ins room at smelt hours during the day ma will best suit their co.anieoce, mil bout regard to the number of Mesons, and.oult he tvught an elegant and tepid business hand. Path as cannot attend during the day ern jolt, the eveiiinc class, and tereive *Very advantage of a fall edam et instrucCon. ',dies meet from two to four iu thy afternoon, in a remorse, npattment. Ilialrocioo• old lemurs on Ronk lit mine.. Oslo,. •A•.. 0 ♦ •.v...w h. co., prrrserau. C. L. ANYBP:. & CO. NSW TO.. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. A. A. MASON & CO, -- Market Btreet, between .Thlrd &Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. WOULD respectfully ealt she aventlen <teeny led enquirymerchants, to one or dm molt extensive Stocks in the country, compri-ing over Finumen ltundted Cases and Packages of Foreign and Wm.- tic Dry Good/he...listing, inpart, of :00 eases beet style Calicos; 100 " Bleached Almlin, all rade.- 40 " Summer Stuffs and Cottonad ' em 33 " Muslin de Leine. 40 " Limos and Muslin.; 53 " SOMME{ and Tweet*, 10 " Cagan:Dere., Cloths; 100 " and hale. of Tickingt, Cheek., a.; 3VO Brown Muslin.. Together with the mots extensive assortment of Imported Goods la this market, possesrmg the triOth ample faciles Mr the transaction of Oen Jimioess. and one of the partneri being eminently in tkiteanern ineekese thm peesenting every advantage enjoyed by enticed houses. They believe that they ean offer greater inducements tomerehents generilly, in stoles. quinines, •nd priers, than any eaStetii merles. Nee, - goods constantly arriving. Merehnnts iruendin# par : chasing Exit. nee particularly inlitititt to clams; an. nironment. (apt! I A A AIASOPI it GO vb. Power of Benory. WE read that the strength of zearithon all lay In hit Tyr her, and_that when the perfidious Delilah had despeiled him of biz flaring leeks, his power all de parted fredabfm ,. When we see a young and lovely w men, with' magnificent hair, before whose beauty _ all Kees to bole, the, history ..f Seinen lafeccibli brought to miod let thatproud lady, through midi ems or neglect, be nets her luxori,sat dug hees,•rul the power of lieaou is at AM end. JULES HAVEL/A -EA L' LL'STR*LEIIAIfi fIESTURATIVE is, without doubt, the best artmleextant, for keeping the lisle in a heally state, and reinvigorating hair which bas nine min and harsh. Its COPC/1113t life win, keep Ike hair son, silky, and luxuriant to the. most adynaceA age. It lamely eradicate. alt dandeulf and seutfind keeps the snip clean end healthy, subtle the heir is oet liable to turn grey so soon. It will bring in neer. hair 0,, heads whaeb have become peranitiarein bald. and prevent the hair falling out Ism the erseil of sickness. I have received Lestleionfals of itsUene ficial e -eta froth person al the,highest respectability , and some of the mast acicatific gentlemen of th hinny Lane pronounced it to he uniqtfe. As Beery hiSekr popular. discovery Is liable to be ennterfciten or tun• wed, to it is with my . Eva Laetralc flair Restorative. An imitation of thut entitle bat been manufactured to this city, which I would granitnlaely caution the rah lie assent. Alertly. ask far JULEO lIAUEL'S Lestrele Heir Restorative, and you mill then obtain au article which is warranted to render satisfaction. , JULES HAVEL, Perfamer and Chemise, • • 120 Chestnut street, below ' , earth. For sale Wholesale on, retail by 11. A. Falinestuck A. Co , and IL E. Sellers, Pittsburgh; and Joh. Sar gent and J. Mitchell, Allegheny city, Pa. andy Y GLAS9ibotestx4 • • di Eh do lexl4int re , ' tired, .p4ll y&IC; HAitfl•,toli mizrzei OVISVILLE LIME—IN bee In Ito rt,"And for to I,t by WI • S-kN Il AllUAUbti VOIJIXRD — FSIL/ib—A. ",n7r , t OP , .thtt bY ALiku?ozli h eu AlAit - F5 77 0 UES--2 cieba elegart ' tyles 10 caved per late 10,Moner,..irow open. inn /et , ap°4 A A masove, co WMTH cOOLtr—filutl, ot,isconot, sod Hatred .111 ulias, great voilety, 2_4 . A A !UPON 4t.00 G RINER/ ire- 20 b4eire7biGi - relVti.lllfick Tca 40 catty boo do , 00 bags sup'r Laguayea CoifiC; 23 bags filo td•lreci 10 bags old Oriv. Java Conee; 10 Ishii, prime N O eager - :di brit refined idol Loaf tiogai; . t 0 bob sN O 3loisoros; krbr is 0 H Molasses; 3 brio Golder syrup; 50 brls clarified Cider Vinegar, 150 dos assoned Coto Broome,. 40 dos patent ZineWssb Potwar; 10 has Cocoa and CooroltdM • 4 bee Superfinis Mort:Ws& 30 sea English Drury. Ciiresse;. Far sale by J D WILLIAMS k CO- . Corner Wood A Filth els,- • BACON—MA:OIW Bacon llamst =,OOO lbs do rhos:derv; 10,0001 b. do Sider, • Just receiving loom smokehouse, anti for sitle, by pOl- S&W RAH li dAalf W - 1V 0bt.&:. , 8-101i0 biz strela marriedam., in at3ir& and for side by • HENRY HAHNEN & CO, • • .511 Alureet surer. IA J 11111 , , LEAD—ZSis Legs aas,su •auf n u a IVbits VI , Lead In till, J. - }laumeh at Co.'s bsasil, ”le sy satit ' li6llllAlallw !SIN S'N D ED LEAD & LITHANOE In tbrn Ana , HENRY HAN'NEN it CO 1110ARA*1.1 A. A. MASON d. fkl Ise. et at., b ue termed per express to paces c , f Parannr orlhe hest man o fattei es, and of all qualitteu. spa ItiNETA - & - Pli/NTED - fatIPTINS-A 14rxe fn velee slab., above f oods-received; and opellorm by _rp2l_ A A MASOti I IRA:PE iilL&WL.4lnothii grape Phairls of the molt elegem entbr , ide.r. re,riv,ff • A A A.9 - 2 t CO A BEAVITPUL YAIR MACK hiATCLE Jog, GORSES for rate J C 1M1 7 .1 FOGLE, nets - - • • • 11 , a Second - W tus oh e hear, tecl at the butter and attic depot, 113 ' , maraca. ap.2l J B CA :WIELD J4INSESD hOa jut reo'd, • tl for by . az.= J LnuANFIELI)..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers