INA EST 'I3LISHED IN 1786 41LISIIED By NI 1 1"ri: & C 0 . % ~,,,,, , i Is. futon". 0•INTT0 mu .01041, TMILD mar, KI:C1 0071/. 70 C E IZZ POINT 0771 CT. TtlYs: DeOr re r • ' ----117,00 per =num Tri-Wee' • i-----• 5,00 Weekly, In dvance).----- •••• 2, 1 ) 3 . Da. 0 IlbS, •I • evinced rate. Ica? CS OF ADVEILTISISOI AGREED UHIN DT TI IerITTISBOIIOII PIIEIII6 O.w .e,llolines of NOnperell et. Ices) ota •--•50,50 One Stlus •e, each additional insertion. • • Do. one week 1,73 ID , two weeks.. 3.P0 1 0. three weeks-- .... —• 5,00 Do. ... one month.--...--.-- It., tot monthe.---- Ya re Iry r month. ..... 10.9X1 Inc. oil comes 12 0 0 lip tweive 19.03 Standing Card (6 lines or les.) POT ( nnam• 10,60 One Square, changeable oplewure (Pee 10- „,.„„' num) exclueive of the paper•-•• ..... " For each additional sonere,lasened Onielol2e mo ana fer tack additional sonare inserted ander the year , ly raw. half price.' Advertisements eXceeding a more, and not over fifteen tines, to be charged as a srotare and .half. Pal/ashen not accewtible for legal ode beyland th e amount chanted tordreir publication. Announcing cendidates for offt., Ines charged the NW, an ether advertisement. Advertisements not marked on the copy for a epeci fieU naeht,,,, of ISseetions, tw continued till forbid, / accrd '''''4ll9:p"9:,t,'""'vlerly advertisers vvillbe cendned rigiillyl n o 01r e :0:elay . basinew, tad all other adver tisements eel pertaining to their regular !Mines( as agreed (Cr, to be paid arm. All advertleements for charitable =Stations, fire eon:penis, ward, township and other public meetings, and with like, to be charged halfprice,payable strictly 1r marriage netlees W charged SO'cents. . Death Wiens to *Sloan ebargeondess encore. bled by funeral Winnable. OT obituary notion., and when so accomp.ted to he paid for. &TWIT odTentstTa. and all others i.e./bur comma. e dgations, or requiting gbtices designed to call atten tion to Fain, Soirees, Concerto, or any public enter s.i,se,enta, where charges are made for admittance all donee. of private asswiations—evet7 notice des signed to call attention to private enterprises calcula ted or Intended to promote individual intoest, can on. to be Inserted with the underetandtng that the same NW be paid for. If In•ended to be inserted in Se law old column, the SPITie will be charged at the raw of not less than 10 cents per line. ishoor Fi Notices to be each. car . d trifle price, Tavern Lice at nse Petitions ! '_ Legal and Medical advertisements tuba charged at full prig.. Beal Estate Agents' end Auctioneers' advertise ments not to be classed under yearly rates, but to be allowed discount of thiny three and one third percent. from the amount of bill. One Square, Ones loserilona• •—• • • j 7 50 Do. . carßaddition inaertion••. 37 TS llt I,IIMITT PAZ.- One Rua..., liner.l one gosertlon••• ma. Do. rack; additional Insenlon.—.23 All transient adverrieemenn , to be paid In advance WHITE k CO. Gazette. L HARPER, P 0.,. Al RIDDLE, Journal. JAMES P. DARR & CO,Cvronicba ISTER unovirft, Dispatch. lon snownEN, Mercury. J A %IRS W. VI DAL!, Aleatielll. lILRAAI E, Eirculky Tribune. Pa - moral, Dec. I, ISN: 14110 E 2c FRIEND, TTORNEIb AT LAW, Fourth street, sear Grant. it I al ' JiitlES F. KERU, TTOANEY AT LAW—Ofice cm Fount, weer, Abetween Susithaeld .d Gram, nasbur66. eptll4y ALEXANDER FRANKLIN, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Odite an Fonts went, A Pittsburgh, mat Benjamin Pattou•— {PIM= Bake. 11. PATTON tr. DAKILWELL. A 7TOHNEYS AT LAW—OtE. knights!an gall, Grant st, near the Court Hons.. tett/ A lt d 1 S — . A.Aunday School t kselie ioor* and deal er. in .It kinds of Writing, Window and Wrapping Pa. per, No. :9 Wood street. bckreen•rourth and Dia mond stiles. Pitoormol, r/1. ant: A TTORNEY and Counsellor as L. and Commis 'loner for the State of Penns) , 'panda, St. Louis; Mo., (linear Pittstragg ' References—Pitutingh: line. W. Forward, Hamp ton & Miller, AVGandleas & McGloty, John E Parke, & Semple, McCord & King. ar. 6. woonw.a PALM] ItA•ATAI. BAUALE V, WOODWARD fr. CO. Wholesale Gro cers, No 221 Market al. Philadelphia. era Pittsburgh Alkali Works. ENNETT, BERRY it CO, Manors:toren of Salo B AJIII, Bleaching Powders tgurbole thilpionic Acids Wareboate No—, W. street, below Ferry. rtoVLly - E - r — edetteicßrann. tieoree Reiter. BRAUN & REITER, Wbobtaale and Retail Drug giant, earner al Liberty and SL Clair arena, Pitt. burgh, Pa. ape George Smith— • ........ • •Jarne• D. Verner. GEOLLOE W. SEITit & CO., BREWERS, MALTSTERS AHD HOP DEALERS, Pitt Street. Pittsbarith. Duque... Spring, Axle, Slat!, and iron Works. CtOLEMAN. HAILNL&N IL CO, M.noractarer. of kj Coach and Mille Sprier., Hammered /al., spring utd Plough Steel, Iron. ke. Warehouse on %Voter and Front street& rittrbargh. Also, dealer. in Coach Trimmings ald Malice:de astints._ ottlY Annwraolto & CROZEU, CIONIMISSION MERCHANTS. and Cutlers is Pro t, dace, No Market mteet., Pittsburgh. ' C Vri3.7B CRAIG FSKINNF.R, Forwardine and CAMIS tartan Merchants, No 261Neket at. Pittsburgh. apt --- C, nr.ANtrimy it CO, Forwarding and Com mission Merchants, Cull Bum, Pittsburgh • turd IL G RANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission minC . C Forwarding Ketch.; No. 41 Water et, Pitts. burgh. Ire Ilenrr Andrea. Fleming. • • • • R. K. Fleming nensicir, FLEanso & Co., OMISSION hIERCHIANTS—For the sale of Do me.tir,Woolen, and Cotton Good.; al sin, dealer. in al kind. or Tailors' Trimmings, No I IL WOod door from Fifth, Pittaborgli. eferenee—Menu. Wm. A. lIfB & Co, Bunkers. /anti K. W. 1 . 141.aff, "XVI J. NOLI3II h PENNETT, (lobs English, (tall/tithe , E 4 Cod Wholesale Groar,,,Contathalon and Poi , warding Oterehams, and deafen In Produce and Pius burgh Idonnfletares, N 0.37 Wood 12,6H/seen 2.1 and • streets. oell • .I C. Dreyfogle•••—••-• • ...... ••••A. 11. Cwt.., nanvFooLE & oLiatxm, FO(I.iVAIIDING AND COMMISSION MERCH ANTS, and Denim In McCaw Ulm. NMI. Lead, &c. No 109 Second at writ lkiN. If. JOUNSTON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, mat CO CHRAN.Cousmlssdon sod Forsr azd" No. 20 Wood street. Finials rrh. mOl7 110'31E LZAGITru VAOTORY. trAMILTON STEWART,taansfsattner of Heavy Shirtiogs, Cheeks, • Rebecca street.. city a &ilegheny. n0,15-411•• Tr LOX, issecessOr to Murphy & Les,) Wool Deal- ALL. rr Commission. Itlefebsot. for th e sale of Atoeritto Woolens, Libert9. OPDOO II4 . 15111 at. 1.1.17 Wm. 4e alL, nAlliMate. A. I. Iltercol, ADVIAID ELIA phu i d n ; V. , ....IMAM loirre A. WARNS% 11116ALD Tobacco Commissinn 6.ler • attax6.6,ll North %Valor 61, & 16 Nutt: Wharves, PLlll‘. • nn.604 •. 114.1 Mr. • lltl .t. T_TARDV, JONES' & Co* (ioectssors to Atwood Jon. k Co.) Commonoon Ind Fotsrardinz Mos &isms. t 1.414" In Pittsbutzh Msnstactstma Goods Pit:sarp', P. meter - . .... EL Y.°ID f Uenles tole...miss/on 1111;.sehant H s lot the rale onelle. Woolen Goods, IA soy street.norine . __as': W. P. nattssiALL, (.CC , O•011 TO .011). C. Mini IMPORTED tr. Dealer in French and AtOCfiC. Pa 1 per Ilanginas and Border.. Window Shadeo r. • (-hard MAD, he. Al.—Writing. Printing " d , tdfeblit t P h rej, NO. Si Wend street, between Fourth .tree 4 mon alley., weal site, Pittsburgh, Pt. •70113 Ii :61141tiAN. Wbo:esalc Druuglet,and deal Cr in Dye StraT, Paton, lily, Varnishes. a.e. NO 1.3 Wood •.r.a.t one door roam of Dimond Alley Pittsburgh. •o 4 TORN D n, corner cldt .d Wood nlreet. apl T AMEN Who l ..slollrocer,Coronlinsion d uwi In }Wow e awl l'ittod•orgll Manufactu. ... *I. VOA. Ws, .1 v. 11.;11117 1 - gAIAII Wilk V.Y & c", whotc.e. minion sod deelera In Prodoce,Nea.V. Water, and Oa rront ewe, l'iltaborth. na v a John S. •--• • ......—Joseph Dilworth. T S. DILWOOTH & CO., Wholesale Grocery sod ai • Agonla for Ilained Powder Co., No. 27 Wood rillabarah. flair 708118.”^'n•r•i. JOSVPII 1:141.01/0.111. • JS. DIW.PRTII A. Co, Wholesode Grocers, Pro , done R. 14 Comotnonon ttirrehuos, and Agents for the llattrd Powder Cn. of N. V., \0...17 Wood st, ttburgh ITM. i`OWNSEND, Druegist ale Apotheeery Nots Market fl three driers /shove Third w I t in4 burgh, wall hew renttartly on had a well eelet tell es{ torment of Ell, beet arts! (reeiest Metheittee.whieh Ise will sell on the leant receenable terms. Phylielesse ,ending order, eti/I he eramolly attended to s and lap , Plied with anielee they tee , rely peen as rename. nr.Pherieines Pre.erintions will be aceuretely p, neared from the beat 171lterilill, SILO, hoar of he day or alert. Ale° for stele, a larp Cock at (rub and lea/ sofa; az*Y. • JalJ ':~f~{r. ` r ef`+ ,'_li, v=~, ..,~, x "_'. ~~.:-.:. THE MTN:MOW :DAL 1 - .VAZETr% BUSINESS CARDS. T D. CANFIELD, (late of Warren, Ohiod Commi•- g, • sion and Forwarding Merchant. and wholesale dealer In Western Reser, Chuese, Ratter, Pot and Pewsl Nit, and Weswrn Produce generally. Watt suoei, between B=l=fleld and Wood, Pittsbargh. aw. _ 1 - 01INAToN a STOCKTON, Rook=llers, Printer, d and Paper Manoractor4,4, N 0.44 Market thew, Pittsburgh. aryl - . John h7oTd. Richard Floyd. J& &FLOYD, Wholesale Gincers, Commission . blerebants, and Dealers In Produce, Round Church Buildings, fronting on Liticity, Wood and Sixth streets, rinsiburgii. r.. np.l 0111.1 WATT. (sneessor to Ifimalt & ben ./ Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant /ester in Produce and Pittsburgh Marmfaemme. cor- Lihtrty and Eland meets. Pittsburgh PA jag JAMES A. fru - mum" & CO.--9tiereanOrs .0 Lewis liatchison & Co.. Commission Merchants, and Agents of the Pt. Louis Steam Sugar Refinery. go. 45 water and Oa front streets, Pittsburgh. lan/ _ _ 011 N 11. MusicsIELLOFI, Wholesale and arson dealer 4 in and Magical Instramonts, Sehool HOLM, Paper, Slates, Bteel Pens, Quill., Printers' Cud, and temredly.No.l3l Wood st4Pittatrrgh: It 7. Roes bought or taken in trade. eels INC'. A. CAUGIiEIi, Agent Co. the Leto Erie and Made. Line to Beaver and the Loam—Mee on the corner of Water and Smithfield me. land T : D. BCITEITZER, Attorney at La.'', othee 3 , 1 st opposite At. Charles Fittaborch Our au end promptly to Collections, k. WltabinCtr:u,EnToul. and Green emu: area, EA REFER TO Blackstoet, Belt Co., Church tr. ‘..rothers, I.Erttaborth. G. T. alorran. & CO„Wisolesale Dloggoos .1. No 24 Wood meet. Pittsburgh. ap4 R. etorts, Dealers inn=faCt rod PittWrglr menT untetured articles, "anal Basin, near 7.1, .5. up 4 PENZ - 11111L, - PrZWlll3l2ll;Par IT Eh:NEEDY, CHILDS k CO, Manafactarers or LL "ery auprtior 44 Sneeting, Carpet Chain, Comm Time and Itartina. ja2047 Vesuvius Iron Works. ZWIS DALZELL h CO, Manufacturers of al' alses Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nails I the brs quality. Wuchoese, 14 Water and ItS Front street janl9 Miller, Philad. C. IV. &tabour,. Ptttaburgh. ILLER & RICKEDSON. Wnolasale litoccra,antl XI Importers of Brandies. Wines and Smarts, Nos. in and 174, corner of Lobatty and Irwin 'treats, Pau burgh, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, &e. &a , con stantly on , bond. apt John BMW. Jam. D. WOW. Walter C. R.. h A eGILLS A. ROE, Whole... rocers.d I.U. &lon Merchants, No DM Liberty Et, Pi.bargh a$ . PrrratiillL6ll STEEL W011.K5 AND sPRIN3 AND AXLE FACTORY. MAI !MU, SOHN W. 00101. JONES N.ElllOOb 11hArAIIIIPACTURER8 of sp bog and blisaar steal, M. plough steel, steel plough songs, coach and clip 1 e spnngs, hammered Iron axles, and dealers In mat cable casungs, fix engine lamp., and coach trimmings Lb nerally,.mer of Flan and Proms sus., Piusbnreb, (Olds NHOLMES /SON, No GS Market .t.secend door ..froin corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Bins of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Bank Notes and Specie. Treolelenons made on all the prinsipal eines ----- " lodes •p 4 IIM!1= IVr BUCOLASTER, Ausgastax—Olflee, Fourth st, third doenfabove Sasstafteld,•outa side. Co a naeraneing of all bads done with tae greatest ease and legal aeettraol. Tit sit to Rtlll Estate examined, ke. RIZIOINGICIL, WELLS.* Co., ANUFATURERS UV GREEN GLASS WAR B, At O. ta Market street, Piusbu Rh, Pa keep constant ly on hand, an mate to order alt kinds of Vials. Bottles, mc. Porter and Mineral Water Bottles of mu ;wice, quality. Partmular attention paid to Private bloaldm. torraO,ly_ _ Llthographlo N..tabilahmeat OF WM. SCHUGHbId BIN. Third at, opposite the Post-OtSce, Pitubargh.—klaps, Laindscapes, Bill heads, Showbilla, Labels, Archltectaral and blambine Itrammga, Business and Visiting Carda Golds Ted or &non on stone, and printed in colon, Bronze or Black, in the most approved stylee and . th e 0 . 0 emsonable paces • nettlar J. C PVTTIOILMW, STEAM BOAT AGENT. Ornes agora Wm. alio.. &Sao, •pl 7 No. ZY Water stmet. SHAOILLSITT & WIIITIM, int GOODS JOBBERS, NO. 101 WOOD STREET, HAVE is more, and will be eortmandy renevving daring the ;mason, a large and well selected ax m:mot of Stara , and Facet' Dry Goods, whirl, toey wilt sell for each or approved credit. Wemern Merchants are Invited to examine oa; mod - & rani CO. ~o Ili Lf4eny street Irki rl bar ° ; l i ti Wit L ores k al . Comvassion Mamba:its, and deairn In Pitmbereb sinatifse urea epl: mum 1.111... THOS. LITT.. 1.0111,40, r"RT MOORES, 'l% holessle Grocer, Rectifying 1 DIVIIIGT,denIet in Diadems, PM:Month Manatee tares, n : kinds of Foreign and 'Domestic Wines and Li a quon, No. it Liberty sateen Do bend • very large Mock of superior old Itionongabete erMavY, search will be sold low for ens& aryl_ . " L L. Si= DETNOLUS & SUE& Forwarding and Commis -1.1. Won Merchant., for roe rtilreaeo7 Rigor Trede, Larders in firmer - we, Produce. - t [taboret, lii•aufar larer,.d Chloride of Lime. The &emit price, n cash, pild at all lien., kir roan on . Come , , i Penn and Irlcn .Pl_ 13011EILT DALZELL to Co., Wholesale I.OCCTI, 1% Col:mission Merchants. dealers In Produce and I•ntshorgh Musfsclares. Liberty street, kyle DGLIERT A. CUNNINGHAM, Who's , .le Grocer, lA. Demist In Produce an_ Putsbergh Manufactures. Nd. 144 I.,ibeny street. Apia ---- CII GER. HARTMAN A. CO, Sheffield Iron and A 7 Steel Works—Manufacturers of A. It, SPring •ad rieugh Steel. Apo--Sprincs, Axles. Vieee, An. os, &e.. They invite the attention at 6,o(Gbitllts and isomers to tteur stock before purchasing else- They warrant their articles to be curia to any imported. 1'614 oAie tlus mum o Watri MUM.. ,• raw.. SHACKLE= A WRITE. Wholesale Dvslers In Foreign and Datoeszle DnP I.loods, No. 00 Wood sti ems. Palsolugh. apl7 S is W lIARBAUGII, Wool 'Denham, Dealers n Soar and Prodaeo generally, and F orwardingandi C011261.1M0r1 Merchants, No. 03 Water. creel, P.risbargh. act? r. 111.1.123, I.Ir2IMINUM. 301. NlOOl.l, INIAKILL.TO. 0 ELLeaS & NICOL?, Produce and General Com• 0 amnion Wareham', No. 17 Elbert] street, Pin. haat.. Sperm, Lumed and Lard thla. apl7 §F VON moNsgossr a CO, WhoinalleGro e errs, Forwarding and Commiesiou Merehantr, :slam an Pittsburgh Manniaetorea and Western Fradane, have removed to their new warahoase, (old aand,) No. 36, corner of Final street' and Chwiteery Lane. L. S. Waterman• • It. N. Watannaa • • W. a Warcratati L. 111. WATER/KAN t 80NE4 nrIIOLE . I3ALE GROCERii, Conintissian and For , Y d i n` Merchants; dealers in all k o Pro duce & Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles; Agents sale of Richiaaad and Lynchburg Manufactured Tobacco curl WIL TOMLIN, ATTORNICY LAW, Butler, Po - urILL also [trued to collections mid all other busi _, yentreated to him in Butler end Strautrong count: Al, Pa. Iteler to IL Floyd, Liberty et. W. NY. Wallace, do James bluebell do FlUsburgb. dry , Key & Co., Wood si.. 1 J. 7 Hoshfield•—•—•— George Richard. 11. 11. BIISHFIELD & CO., WROLESALK and Remit Dealers In Orono:lnes and Dry ' Good., and Commisalon Wareham, No. 4:0 Liberty at, Pittaborgh. Intl? JOHN dIePADILSI & FORWARDING & COMMHSION MERCHANTS, Canal Basin, Penn stress, Pluaborch. nue JAISIGS M. DAVIS is CO., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. 127 Market, ma 64 Commerce et., Philarle lphlo. Advance. made, by either of the above, o 4 coosign• mania of Produce to either Mere. 1.6 --- Joliet INAY.LOWIati. S t♦ON, FORWARDING & COMMISsION MERCHANTS IlalitoBORCIP, PA., wOULD respectfully whet& We conNhoment of Harrisburglt freight, from Wentertl Ntetk:oll.. me they ate prepared to receive wty ILMOUIPI !At: and tecetion !loam running tmeht and day, the Itoteht will not be detained, so they will unload toed boats at all hours. futrf6.tim Ilarrisiburgh, Fob. IW, MC — .l. D. Willi.. .• ..... Haft. J. P. WILLIMIIS dr. CO., WI I ERa iTrt.l3.A tr ing ;. 1 , 1 fa . I , l .l l;:i b it . lg dealers in Cow try Produce and Pittsburgh Manufac tures, corner of %Peed and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. . Wed. 11. WLltiarrts----..... B. wiz: U. wiLLinnig & co., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North k:ast corner of %Wood sad Third streets, j6lll Y1Tt11.17141. Pa. . . W. MI. • COMILLV. 11l tali ...LIT. ItH U ' rak lc CO. Wholesale Grocers, IN Wood street, Pittsburgh. •017 - - ;ODD D. c WWII, Af3P uMeOsM w i l . sou ss. TiWck,) Wh ND s LE Groce cc , Fo o rw a r L in aj an D d CenorniGiOn DlerPODnlsi dealer. In f.n, Conon yalTs. sod Fitt.h u Gra blatinfacturrs genera, cordite of Wood and Water streets, Pittsburgh. p 7 IXT •L'ItIFCCIIELTREE, Wholesale Grocer, • • . Rectifying Distlllr fa, ond Wine and Liquor Merernuita. ',Po—lmporters of 'Soda Ash mid Bleach. Ing Powder, No. 1W Lawny street, (opposite Sixth • rest ) Fittsbargb, _ apl7 . W,WiLoON, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware W. •nd Military Goods, corner of Market and Foun aunts. Flashover. Pa N. 1 3 . -- WGb il Met a a easefully repalt.l7 1.11 102141. TORII 6 1n . 00116 WM. YOUNG it. CO, Dealer{ in Leather. Hides ae : , 143 I.4ltherr it. Warm-mom Guar. m'cricnzon. CII^OONT Wholesale Grocers W V i a M' o CI P " gee, ' Nalts• Glua, an Pittsl:are:VLlOfatto " r a • generally, 11.1bealY 11 n 7 7 Pioskuph. J. 0. WILLI/oils4 co., uur mum/we AND itgrAit. onocEßS.Tor• • • warding and Conanaiafion Itlerobatita, Deem m Country Produce tad Pfttabargb Manolantfardif ."- oar of Wood and Filth atraets, raistanoL. Plusbargh,liarch 12,1851 MICROMR. & A.MTELO. • GENERAL COMMISSION MEECH ...NTS, -1,111.1.1=1,11 , 1 IrTLMerel advance, made on con , l tamale I•RI4Gm MATTIIEW Portrait and Atini d twe Painter. Roortia, corner or Post Office Ai ay and Founn street, enunnee on Fourth n., near Market. & J. 'Pardee, Commission Merchants. m ...WI:l O. 51 °id Levee n, N Orleans, Loop opoinno,,,ty o n band slaento( Brandies of the (allow ing brands, which Mayoras for sate Asagentffor J. Domind I Co, Boolean... viz: Maglorli . J. pond; J rand Co, Laroctelle, J I Parana; Cognise. A 51 in ce:am A Lo Medlin, /a de Mendota . , Jean Lad Ant also, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and 'Whit Wine. in casks and tsar, .elected woh rare by John Durood &To; beside. Champagne Wino and Sweetßorguntly Port f 010,13-• =l=l LT WlGHTMAN—Alenefeettwer of all kind. of cow IL. ton rin wo d woollen mnekinery. Allegh city, Pa. The above rks being now fall and ne e.ssh.l op eration! am prepared to excte. intro with disnineh Per all kind. of machinery in my Ilea, Wreh or willow., pickers, spreaders, cants, grinding =armee, railway., drawing frames, speeders, thiessils, looms, woolen cards, double wangle, for merchant or countr y . work, meles,jacks,Aegell e end hand lathes wid tool. gen eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or piano gi en kir gearing factories or mill. at reasonable cherge. Rase no—Kennody, Childs it Co., Bleckstoki & Co. King. Pennock Co., ins. A. Gm), BENNETT 4 BROTHER, QUEENSW ARE MANUFACTURERS, 1111ralaghlam, as Pletsbargla,ina. OffulO, No. 37 Wan st.' &Meer. Market 121 Id Wpd, Patsburgh. IWlNTLlsconstantly keep on hand a good awort meet of Wart; of our own manufacture,and superiorqualtry. Wholesale and countrY Mer chants are respectfully invited to mill andel amine (or themselves, as we are determined to sell ft eaper than hasaver beton; been offered co the pub [[?Orders sent by mail, accompanied by the cash or ood reference. wall be promptly attended to curd_ COACH FACTORY, •14.1.31". . . 15 A. WHITE & CO., would respectfully inform 1.1. L. the public that they have erected a shop on Lneock, between Federal std Sandusky street.. They are now making and are prepared to receive orders Cot evety. description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Ha. a. Ungg,ea, Pluetons, &e. &e., which from their long experience to the menufaCture of the above work, and the (anilines they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms With these wanting articles in their line. Paying particular attention to the selecuon of mate. vials, and having none but competent workmen, they have no hesitation In warranting their work. We therefore ask the attention of the pabbe to this minter. N. B. Repniring done in the best manner, end on the most reasonable term& tatlinf •. - . SOAIITE & ATIC.INSON, Pm arm arrway. WOOD AND HAM. , Prrrommon, INONTINIJE to manufacture all kinds of COPPER, V TIN AND SKEET IRON WARE. Also, Black amid, Work. Stearn . Flown belt ro order. - - Spectal attention given to .team boot work. Have on bands a fine assortment of Copper and Dram Kertles, Tin Ware, &c.&c. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Pormble Forge", 'anon. o very convenient at bole for steamboats, Coltforma CCllgrall“, or tall road comrnies. We p would respectfully invite amain - boat menand others to call and see our articles and prices before pumhnsing sewhere W. i J. GLIGNX• Book WE age still engaged in the above bustnese, corner of Wood and 'Mid streets, Pittsburgh,. whore we are prepared to do any work la our line silt!, des patch. We attend to our work personally, •nd satis faction will be given in regard to its neatness and du rability. Maids Booksvoled to any pattern and bound sub ',tactually. Books to number. or old books bound eare‘ :fully or repaired. Names pot on books in gilt letters. 'Coast that have wart in our hue arc invited to call. Prices low. snyellelf • Pill illachlaaWnrks nadVeastdiy. inrinstrnau, TOON WRIGHT& On,sverl to build Cotton 10 and Woolen Machinery of every description, such Cavdlog Machines, Spinning Frames, descripti on, Drawing Prunes, Raifway Ileadt, Warpers,Spoolen, Dressing Frames, Looms, CafttOnriders, Wonted Iron Shafting tamed; all sizes of Cast Iron, Polies and Hangers of the late.t patterns, slide and hood Lathed, and tools 0101 kinds. Outings of every deseriptio. furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Rotlits, he. Steam Pipe for beat ing Factories, Cut Iron AVindow tarp and laaey Car generally. Orders loft at the Waschotme of .1. Pelmet dr, Co., Liberty street, will bate prompt mien- LOLL Serer to 111.1rotook, Co., J. K. Moorehead Co.. F- Warner, John Irdra, Sono. P:votrurgh ;U. C. I. I. Warner, Strul,enrillc lant9 - PIABil)81 'TIRE subsenber offers for sale a large and splondot assortmeot of rosewood and mahogany grand AC- Una Ptatota, rank and antkont Coleman's celebrated finnan Attachment. The anoveovum:ern:a an war noted to be equal to any manufactured tn tbs. Coun try. and will be son low, thrt.' any broaght Irons the Last F. BLUME,' No Ha wean at, . . ... . MI door aho•r sth N II --City Se rtp seal he taken at par for a few of he above assoranes, utyl E. II Filter. tol'ElydraiilArgitei: lIIIS is to cerhfy that I have a petated Limagston, Roggen k Co. Sole Agents for t h e, sale ofJenntaghs Patter Duapraligto Fitter, for the oil uesoffhttabargh and Allegheny. JOHN GIBSON, Agent, for Walter MGR:won, 349 Drosdirey, N. YI Oct. 10, ISM w e have keen aging one of the abeke Reticle. at lkll wake °gag, Novelty Works for three month, or. mai, and feel perfectly sausfied that it Is • awful marathon, ....4 we take ;ileums re sn recomussmding them as • use fr. ..vale to a:1 who lave pate wrap,. Or, ts will be thankfully reeereed and promptly executed. octlV LIVINGsTON. ROI Ii:EN 9. Co.. LAMPS! LAMPS! TEST received and for sale. at ' tie ItUtterond street, allaren and splendid assorment a Flout hard ant Camhene Lamp., which will be sold at the lots , en easte rn prices los cash. The anemia° a dealer. is respectfully solicited. melt SOLOAION 110110 VFR TU AH.NORIZTER• fr / the foIE attenwin g tion ef the pucertifiate s: blic respeetmay caned is 110 M. S. Esame—Haring lsOeda quantity of Gold -weighed by your Areometer, I toad Me reiell prove. poor insvoment comet; an drecommend the alie of it to thesegoing to California. as the best method for °b laming the real sable of Gold. Req. yours, J. B. DUNLEVY, Gold Beater. Pinsbarghi March 9. Prrnontrant, March 7, IMO. Escrint—Dear Orn Having curtained the "Areo- Inett:,^ manufactured at yoar l0.11:111, I do not hutting to commend it to the use of theta gentlemen who an about removing to California la search of Gold. It {lves • close approximation to the apecifie grant ty of metals, and will e, enable the rulvantarar aseettain when his planer It yield Gold. maga Yours, rear'!. 1. R. APCLINTGCK INDIA RUSHER CLOTRINGI— Iast received for the A California Expedtuon, • complete assortment ot (ism Elastic Clothing, lt pores mama from 15,58 to • 11,50 for soil of coat, }pants and hat. Fee tale at Me bugs Rabbet Depot, No 5 Wood st deet7D .1& II PHILLIPS rick Wink, for Sala. 71 7 11 E subscriber offers (or sale, the STEAM BRICK I. WORKS, above Lawrenceville, comprivnig • Steam Engine, 2 Boilers, CI Mould M.bine, capable of manofvottanng MLIAti Pressed Bricks font of dry clay, as taken from the bank.) per day; wok three act. ot land on the Allegheny 'tsar, on lab,. are 4 kilns and sheds, machine and clay sheds, wheeltiorows, trucks, shovels, sp.., Re., every thing trunklte to coon marace operations at . boars notice. Pnce, including the patent right to use said machine, 117,0U0—amos of payment made easy. Without the land, g 5,000. For . particulars, address HENRY hIERRI aor_S-de No IN Monongahela Ho se. ThOMMIB• Park 11111•013. ACHINIST AND MANUFACTURER— hes, en, and large Screws of kinds; C.Ungs and Brass Works genet. . Corner of Ferry mid First streets. THE eubseriber, having purchased the Factory of James Patterson, Jr, located at the above mand, would respectfally inform hot mends the pabllc that be Is prepared to GII any coters in his line, on the moot reasonable terms and with dispatch, and will gratefal for their patronage. THOMAS PARKINSON. Pittsburgh, Jan.l, PAVING ;disposed of ray esusblishment to Mr. The mu Parkinson, I take the liberty to soften for Wm the patronage of at friend. and the public, feeling, .nlident that any favors conferred mill be duly o ppreelated and promptly attended to. JAMES PATTEIEZON, Jr. Plasilarah, i.e. 1.18..—{jan7,13m ' NOTICE. THE partnership heretofore existing under the Arm of A to C BRADLEY, is dissolved by the decease ofMr. C ikradley. Tllhe business enll be carried on by A Bradley, who wi settle the bosirtess of the late fim. - REMOVAL—A DBADLIT has removed but Foundry Warehouse from No 112 Second street, to . No 19 Wood str e e t, between First and Second streets to the ware house lately f.ctipied by G A Berry, sitter., he r ill tee., keep constantly op hand a general assortmentof Cast ing., Grates, Mover, Cooking Stoves, dtc• Iyl3 Dissolution. TIME eo-partnership heretofore exlstin&hetween the eubseribere, in the nuns of Constable, Burke & 00,15 this day dissolved by mutual consent. Messrs. Dusk. , & Dunce will settle the busbies, or the concern, for which purpose they ore entwined to use me name of the concern. NATHANIEL cOlid F.DHUND BURKE. THHAI AS BARNES. The undersigned hoe Ibis day asociated themselves in the onto of BURKE tc It...SNP:V for the purpose of snainssetering Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors, /be. ,at the stand of late Beta a en, where they wilt be pleased to f re C c o eive the p a tron. age of the cods:dors of that house and their fnends. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke & Co., I with sineeto pleasure recommend Altura. Burke & Barnes to the confidence of my friends and the public. Febrp. BHP. NATHANIEL CONVTABLE: ir13.4 Ca AII.BUTHAIOT II'AS Om returned from the Eastern Cities, and i AEI teeetving • large variety of reasonable Goods, t Mich he rcrpeetfulty Invites the attenuon of mere h opts and pedlars. No 84 Wood at. febll - Wrought and Cast Iron nailing. rrilE .bstribers beg leave to inform the public the I. they have obtained from the East all the late and fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both for houses aim cemeteries. Norms wishing to procure hand some paten,. will plenae call and examine, and lodge for themeelvea. Ratting will be famished at the short est notice, and in the best m at the comer of Craig and Rebecca streets, Alleghenanner, y city. auar-dtf VCONORY CLOTIIS, CASSIMERE- 4 . & SATIN J• Ens, received on consignment, and Inc sole a too manufacturer's warehouse, by HFASKY. FUMING h - SPRINO FASHION. Tll9 beantitnl otyle orof HATS now Li t retalve4, and will bo intdoeed on Sat. . r d,,y, March 44, by kl,coaD & CO, & Wood at PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 2,: 1850. MEDICAL. PUOCLAIIIATION. KNOW all men who ate sick and ad:limed with die -11 ease of the bladder and kidney s. with rheumatic pains in back or limbs, niffjoints, old sores, yenning eleen, keilhat they can be , eared by taking the Pe troleum! tioamayttalk al/maths being a wean. as mach as you please, bat this does not make it so, for we proclaim lathe lace elan honest community, that It has virtues which are not ernitained m any other remedy. The met who Is reeked with pain and sof fining from dilease, nen for filly cents. get Mli4from may of the Ms ennememted above. Reader! It coots very Rule to make atrial. This Petroleum is no mix ture—re eampond, put ep for the purpose elle:posing on the esommtnityt butt, is a remedy elaborated by the muterhand °fracture, and babble! pp from the ho. no of oar mother earth Ist its original purity, and of. (7e ' re to sedating hareaniy • reedY remedy , Cenain and cheap care. It has cured Piles after atter medicines have failed to render any relief. It has cured Rheareatua of long standing, and of th e wont and roost painful character. It has eared Cholera Morton by one or two doses; it has cooed old eases of Diarrhea, in which every over remetly has been erne avail. As • local remedy in barns and melds, it Is better than any medical Pound or oirMnent that we know et It will cure chil blains or frosted feet, Ina few application"; undoubt ed testimony cau be furnished of the tenth contained in the above statement by calling on Bennet hi. Riot, Canal Basin, 7th strict; or either of the agents. Reyem A McDowell, cornet or Wood street and n r peD k .t r =, rlie t' grig; e7lr d , a re ' " O r ly ', agent'. Mani CAUTION MXTILA A man by the name of ADEL OLAF P has engaged with a young man of the name MB. P.Townsisd and all his name to put 947/neuritis, which ' th=r call Dr. Townsend'. arilla, denominating a GENUINE, Original, e m. Tewrotend la no &fr tor and never was, but was Comedy a worker on rail. roads, canals, and the like. Yet he assns., the title of Dr, for the purpose of gaining credit for wild ha is not. Ile is sending oat cards headed "Tricks of Quarks," Is which he says. 7 hare sold the ase of my name (.17 a week. I trill glee 8.. P. Townsend Mu Oho will produce one .100 solitary proof of this is to caution the public not to be deceiSed, and purchase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. lac. Townsend's Eusaparillai - basing on It the Old Dr.'s likens., his family coat of anus, Ludtis sig nature limas the coat atoms. JACODTOWNSEND. Principal Office, ICI Manasii at, lieni York6tri: OLD DOOTOR 0 JICOB TOWIIBE3II, THE ORIGIN/J. DISCOVERER 01 TSUI =OMR TOWIIIIZSD BMIJiIAPAHILLA. Old Dr. Townsend is vim about 70 years of are, and has long been known L. due AUTHOR and DISCO. VEBER of the GENUINE ORIGINAL "TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA." Doing poor, he was compelled to lined ire manufacture, by which means it bas been kept out of market, and the ages atreeprunbid to thoee only who had proved its worth and /mown kr TLh Gunn AID UanLICALLID Pauralannx is maaufaccared en the lugegwale, mad la milted for the :tugboat the keg* And breadth of the land- Unime young S. P. Trrerneendie, It improves with age, and never changes, bat for the better beanie it Is prepared on velimulle principles by a scientific man. The highest knowlrd.. of Mummesty, and We latest discovenes of the Art have all been brAushl into le• (petition in the mainlining. ot the Old MA: Barra... mils. The Samapari la root, it la well knottra to me,l - al men, contains medicinal propertka, and come pro per-tie. which are Inert Or ti.elessi and otharL which, retained in preparing it for aye; predate fersasp lion sod acid, which la illjlllloolll to the rystem. Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so mdatile that they . entirely evaporate and am log in the prepara tion, if they ara not prererred by • aciergille pltgers, known only to thaw eXpertenced gs utramfamse. Moreover them entente principle. whirl ay rain va por, or ea an exhalation, fouler heat, are We very vs. renusi medical properties of Wa Om., which [Nee to all In. value. The_ GZI7I3IIIS OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA is ea peppered; that ell the Meft praperues of the Sgt. =partners+. am first removed, every thing capable aslamonatag =d= of fermentation, extracted and rejected, then every panicle of medical virtac is seem red Ina pare ano peentrated form; =4 than Mx rendered Aneapalle laving eel of cal healing preperuev Prepared JD w•y, it Is atAllia the most powerful egent to th• CURE OF INNUMERABLE D I Eel. Hence the why we hear conastamdasosas on every sole= its favw by mea, women and children P:e find it doin g; the can or ConsamPttnnt Dyspepsia, end Lover Coma:atat., and in Rheumatism, scrofula and Pd., Coeurenew, all Cutaneous Pp. tiona Pump., Blotehea. =dal. trop. =Oat.= stints; nom IMPURITY OF THE 111.=1/D. It possesses a atuvellotts eifteacy in all ex.7P/antU easing from tmLgessten, from Addl. of the Stomach; front unequal etrealattortoLeterminetion of blood to the head, peirnattou of the beam, sold feet and cold,hands cold chills and hot dashes over the t.dy. It has tint Led as equal to roughs and colds, sad pa.a.e• easy to e: and gentle perspirstioa, na r k . lure the tangs, throat, and ere , / MIA , Oa= Bat in =Mott its ce itence MOM mantlestly saes and ackarporte F daed .1= tn Sines and stages of PAIALE COMPLAINTS. .o , k• ewes or fluor allots or orbital., Falling of the Worara t talatarueted. Dayoreatietlor Paw. rut Mamas, Irreyolaytty ui tl.r arunhstrtral peruala. anti the lAN and to effectual to earia(ili forma of tae OCT Maraco. Dy 'mono( obatruttioaa a 41 , 4 retro!. 1.114 the general ayateah (res Wm .11 11.41.5021 L the .hale eda. and eat!. all alma of • - • • . - riEnvoi:s DISEASOII AND DEDILrry., and thus preiena or relieves • grew variety or stint d/sease. as Btanal Isamu., Neuralgia, Mt Vislai Dance.. .Swooning, Epileptic Pas. Coosa/sums, ke. not this, thes.vits Mmascare son PaaEatierassrur Ns. Hut can any ela:me things be wad of 8. P. Tow. sends interior articiet TN. young mon's liosid u not to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD OILS. because of the Grand Pact, , bat as. o/m Is incapable of Deterioration and NEV ER SPOILS, wis4o lye oth er DOE'S, a eons. ferments and blows Mc Lail:. comairang a Into fragments; t he sur, arid iof uol •S -plortrug and rlarnagrog °tact goal , Mart cm tors hot sti, compound be porromms to me system? What: put wed into • ;Farm already Onseased •nth acid: West ceases i i i Dyssepsa Lot acid? Do we not all know, that when Nod soars oar stamaela, what =whit/. produerst—tlatulente. hems/W.l S.lP“au.'" sae hcart, liner com plaint, ? dialThrarf, dr..Marr, Caul. and horro r min of Me blood What is tderofdla but go setd humo in the body? What pa/daces all the humors ouch brings , on trupuans of the Skis. Scald Dead, Salt Rheutri,Ermapetis,Whae Fever -liorat, and all ulcerations Internal and external? It is neat inn under heaven but an sold substance. whigh soar., td this spoils all the dards of the body, mem or less. What cause* Itneumstarn hot • sour acid Mad, which tnatralatas itself Lemmas the Joint. and elsewhere, tr raating and indaating the ao.),:a and delicate tact.. upn which it eels? So of nervoira 14,47.15 ea, of impu rof the blood, of deranged ea...llama. sod mutt .11the ailments wheel sllltl latinan natant. Now, is It not horrible to make and sell, and Infirute- I; worse ID stn this LAURIN°, FD PE WT TOW ING. NSEND ACID! •'COSCPOI/N. , _ . • - and yet he would fain Dave it understood th at Old Ja cob Townserid . • Gramme Original tatasparilla, IS an iontation of his inferior preparation!! Heaven forbid that we should deal In an atildle which would bear the most dimwit resemblance to S. l• Townsend'. amnia! and which should bring down upon the Oid Dr. nth a mountain load of complainta and enminana. (tow ;gents who kayo sold, and par. chose. who have ago./ F. Townsend's Fersacnung Compound! We wish it understood, been... truth, that S. F. Townsend. anlele and D d Di. /mob Towasend's Sarsaparilla are hcaven.nde apart, and infinitely domudari that they are unlike in every pat. ticalat, having not ona single Ming I a common. li is to anent fronds open lbeunfortunate, to pout balm into wounded humanity, to kindle Hopein the despairing b crush e d restore Itcalth and bloom and al. got nuo toe .d broken and to banish infirmi ty—that old DR. JACOU TOWNUEND has SOUOIIT and FOUND the opportunity and means io bring h. Gunn UNIVERSAL CONCEN PRATED REMEDY within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need It, that they may learn and ha mar, by loylal es patience, Bs siwas m mum! Foraale by J. KIDD & Wbsilastla /t for Western Pennsylvania; 1. smuni, Birmingham, Dr J. SSRUIEUNT , kilegllenti Dr. J. enssEta., enft. ward. G. W. DARDS ER. nth ward, Ditudiunth mt.! The roamer Wafts Company Foe Instance es Waco Anti [litany.; ANNUIII62. lillE first Lae Internee Comp..) , tit the [into. . Incorporated March lli j tela—vitn ter perpetual atonal ssoo,UW—all paid to. lining auWormed the undersigned to reactve appli cations for Innrance, on which politics will be issued, according to their proposals and rates, which wilt be made known to acetic.te at his office, No. :'a Wood street._ spit GEO COCHRAN. _ _._ WILLIAIII DIGHT DEUS leave to inform his grinds and custorneV; JO he is just ceiving his new spring stocknif... 'd com re prising, as usual, all the newert end sent !mkt 1. •hle styles of Cloths, C....100m5. fancy Vestings. not. ton and into Bummer staffs, and every article suitable. for grittier...Ws wen for spring and au seer. It being coposeible to describe the beauty, quality, or quantity ? of the stock, proprietor hopes all who are an want of good, chez ashionable end' well made clothes, wilt gin him a call, as there Is no stock WI side of .the Allegbente that sacs compare with it. The ready made department is very emendre, adsp. led to all taste.. Rail 10114 CatalletOrl, country merchants, and all who purchase largely, are particularly invited to ex amine the stock before purchasing, as parnenlar at tenuon is paid to the wholesale boldness in this estab lishment. Every article in the tailoring line made 10 order In the most fashionable sod best manner, at the short rtA est m NO. S STATE. OTREF.T. BOSTON. Agent fur Clout. , and Recovery of Property in Englora. LI - APING spent nearly a year in the various Re• LiL cord Offices, National Library, Are., during his lam visit to England. investigating claims for persons in this country, and having secured efficient and re spourible Agent. in London and Manchester, he it ;impaled to afford all necessary information and ad etre to persons who seek to recover their property in tbot counvy. .1. L. keeps a list of the Rank of England Dividend Books, my be examined for 50 tents,. 23 for each letter of tee Alphabet. References in Boston: C. B. F. ADAMS, Notary Public, JAMES WELD, Exi; • HENRY K. MAY, Foqi_ mrtg:tm JOHN W. RI DOEWAY.PC• — Wasi•obarin THE subscriber Informs his friends and the public, that at his exteneive establishment, (capable of employing from two to three hundred workmen, and where he always keeps a large number of the best tonchinim engued,) he le repared to execute, In the best manner, and with Crest despatch. all orders for MILL WORK and COTTON and WOOLEN MA. CHINERY, of every description. For the workman. etas and style of hi. Macho., refer to the numerous manufacomen In the Western and Bouthern State., as wed Ilia Middle BMWs, who are now op erating them. Ile has recently made great improve ments, both in she style and plans of hls Machutery, is loch will be forcushed at r easonable prices by ap. ALFRED JENKS, plying to nird-Dite Bridimbort, Pa. Boys' Wear. MORPIIif & BURCIVIBLD, at nortbceive east earner of Fount. and Market Its., hare red an aw sortment of Tweeds, Merino, Casa.... , Sommer Clothe, and flanneua, of fancy colon, atteh as Oboe, Green, Brown, and now spies of boys' ottzturest_ahm, a variety of styles of Cotton Goods for Boy.' Womi also, Fara= Llama alto /AXIS 0 CIO MAUI of sultablo polars for boys' wear. apl2 WAYNE IRON WORK'S WAREHOUSE. BAILEY, BROWN A CO. neve removed to No tto Weser et, to doer below Cm Idononewliela Hone, oP3 INSURANCE:. LIF E—l SLI RAN OE! Trenton Dlutual Life Intimate Compoap• BAIL OF TEISOIO! ernrcrm 25 OM (WT. Calalid, 8130,000. JAMES BURRO I Co., Agent' of Piostourgb, Po SOAR 07 MITECTION, •T 177 ; t0Ef, no: 210005. lamesHOT, Jr. Jo C. Pons. Biesjoinin Fish. Peraissr.s, V. I'. John A. Wearii Fli hlorri,tiecreiary. Vl= EZEME! HMO TOIN• 1.1111-trlttrl. •cripollerof Neer York. lion. irolios Ceropt.”:l! •orge Wood. David 11. Wirt-. ho P. Mackie is irxiimler Cmm,. rld Midi.) , Field. IW. .I. P. While, P. M. soph llodies His Ern. Gnv. Ilames.Fx-Goo. Venom. W. L. Dayton. I S. Sen. lsaac M C. G. D Wall, Fx U S. Sen. Wm. A. Newell, M C. E.G.. M. Dlnkerson. I lion. N. R. Moulton. MEDICAL EX AbII NERD A. SAaey D.. M. D. W. W Gerbord, Td ware, 2(11 Witllllll V., Pains. Wm. BP Moro., M. D, H. R. Dell, M. D., George bleep., M. D., I Alleseheny a ,y, Pa.. Pitteromb. Pa T. Ago• on( thin ComnallX, thorium! un mho every first class tisk on Life at n 1a.C2100 or IwOrr,M9C coin. from lb - nuni rates of premium, . ebarged by other, • A man 30 years of age. taking g Polley el InsgrAnee Or One Thowand Wino. •• • • • • . • • - . To run for one year, pays only ‘9,fo. ' doneven Sio,to do lifetime, " " X 17,30 And In the same proporson for any wimpy. to ..1.50en, which Is the extent taken on any oria lie. This Company commenced operations on the Ist Oelowx, IWP, and its monthly business up to the lit October, IMO. stows a proven tact:same that rf stuy other I tfe Onmpsny on record. The first dividend of profs roll he declared to the 'assured en theist January, lajd.. ••• • - , Pamphlets committee the variant tatiMs or raiz., and all the necessary infarmation on the Important subject of Life Allfinfillle, will he furnished on aryl - Mon to JAMES DURNO/Venn Re adin Aurnis, del7 gs. mlle TRENTON MUTU AL LIFE AND FIRE IN BURANCE COMPANY will it we Policies of Insurunue, orobst Lon or D•11/10{ op Pita. upon Dwellings end Entailer., Stores, Goods, , Re., on .p d d ellwn to JAMES DURNO(Arun Ca, Ana is ng, Duildis. /016011LANCEs PIIE DF.L.AWARE MUTUAL fIAPETY 1. RANCE. COMPANY.--001ce North ROOM of Mc Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia. Imstriceact —llusldlap,Meretandiu and other property. in Town and Country, Insured loss or damge by fan at the !Owen rate of premium. Plows a . lascaltsca —They silo re Ve•sels,Cer• goes Freights, foreigner coutarise, under open or special gentles, by the assured may desire. letAno Thatuttotrzarnon. 7 -They also insure ire...b end.< transporwil by Wegetia, liten Rani Cars, Canal Boats and Steens Boats, on nom Lid Istiies, en Inn most liberal terms. DIRECTOR:tn.-Joseph 11 Seal, Ealinlnd A Semler, John C Davis. Robert Barton. John R Penrose, Sean, el Edwards, Geo 00 !Alper, Edward Do riingtoo. Inter It Dania, Wm Falwell, John Newlin. Ur R bl 110000, /* SC !laud. Theophilas Paeldine. II Jones Brew, Uk,11,,f Moat. flash Craig, George lic,ll, openere J G Johnson, Wm nay, Dr Snot... Jelin Belles.- Wm Ihyro, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PI7TSBURISII-1/ T Morgan, Itug h-114 Chdig, Joim W T Logan. .14MPIARTES. Rim. an &Nam...A Seer. . _ , [15, - Olimo of the Company, Wale, sneci Pittaborgn. loom.--if P. A MADEIRA, •µl. Life and Health Isasstranewe 17yiE Mutual Lile and Ileaith Inetirente Company of Philadeiptua Incorporated by the liegitinitire f Penuaylvenia, Mari h, Ifib. Chore, perpetual. Cap:y.l,ll4oX°. horn Lomax TOSS •or Pcitaatt.- 001110 COneiley, gpd Pill 00 per cent_ lower than the aeual null of laic lii_Conbae, e. the following com parison ad! show: That, peritn sge of IX) in ring for VW for hfr re , nal pay l/I the, Girard 1i11.2C Pennsylvenin, 1256, Penn Mutual. tiniteele. 10,101; New England, 0236; Now 'Cork Life, Chile, Al- Lion, 114,19, Wit and Realm, Philadelphia, al :.l. Diaccruaa—naiad D. Clench, Chitrlee II Ilan. W F. Mane, Robert II King, Cherie. P. Here.. M. W. Lea se erin, a M. R od eeve, M. IL CLIIL O. It Campbell, Lea Wake,. I 1 Cope- Preihdan , _,- . lnire•l 11 Orrick, Vier Pres, deet—Robt. Kiegi liklitsta.i—Wy an cnew lbw Hurl,. applications anti tio received. d 'every given by SASIL FALlNtiattliCK, ()Mee, Commercial Room, corner of Wood and Third ca. Plats burgh oertr.ollr FIR.p AND AAILI\E INSWIANCi. vna p-rn7 in this c ity ity and - AU sottoootts by Rim., Late, and by The properties ot Ada ilnnipany are well nverted,farresh an '• h l o able rand 4.‘ {to "maple inderrantr of ail persona who desire to be pros :AS by ins... , byl• WM. P. JidrilitZ 41 Water at. M===Z=M:T= • - • The Spring Garden Ilealth !ultimate Co, OF PHILADELPHIA—CAPITAL Stoo,ooo. Ititil.'RES Males and Ferrate. aptthn the !lapel,. 14%, iron N to 6+ tor., tw o ,o three, Or Farr ar4 ytafy. Tba rabthod at egba.rm t h in letAcr•ber. 1.0.1 the the MC will be WIT eXPl•thr toe yeGl A Ms. oao tarore agatnat Sletneas or •roident which ..u1 dotes from but ordinal . ) bouncal, Oahu..., at. For one year, by p0p...1.114.1M and rureive /P (11:1,1. %1•••• r.a.J Jr. for • perlod of Inur yi Y wsll score C. 7 per weet Every nece.ory Inforroaorm via toe aCorkled on the lal,es of 'wont renerally. Ly DUILNiii h CO, Aget.e, (Wenn Ilaildsnee. Firs amilllltarls• lonsurnimace. Lir net: .1 U. Insof aury 1.:03,30v of North 4. 0, 40 , Li. tiera re,uorrni bo LlinFroni si cost or WorG. The subscriber, ogrni WO above oiJon..lirrpon• slide Curnoany. wi.l noon Volleic. Ilcoldull asol their contents, uld on shipments 0 , Sirrrb ooo . o bY :Aram floats and otner ressris. W. P JUNKS. ----- trointificCM tor, L. Iv D. htso, Ana. S. on hand and for sale A. It. -lord IttU h co, Sureesturs of ELLA rr a. ENGLISH,. No. 79, NV tad tt Vowdort KEGS Du roe. rll.ll Bide; 11/V. , qr kegs do do So do Healey Drills P 44(1 Rifle; t4o do I', PE de, Blasting; WOO do Smith's ass`d IllastunG IDr du do do Istituto. extra; DM do do do N Elide; nOO dodo, do 00041000 Rid , . and ; kegs do do; I lityues connotes do do; ln. do do Praha Shornics: s , ID do do Duck doi I Ws Safety Faso.—ln maestrioo and to pr oves all of which is offered to she trade an the most favorable trams. Denserablo at nil hours of the day. The quality and variety of the Cannister Powder is worthy the attention of sportamen. J. C. BIDWELL. TA.NIES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller wtd importer, U IDA Fourth street, dow doors cut of WOod Meet, Wood suo . WI - Chambers. Edneatlemal Cones*. • TIME SCIENTIFIC SECTION..--The Demur,. Chira bent bare employed the first Profvmers in Sent. land, In the preparation of those' work. They are. now offered to the Schools o(lgnited States, under the American revision of D. Pil..Reere, M.D L.l), late Superintendent of Public Schools, toile City and County of New York. I. Chambers' Tnatiury of Enewledg e '; 11. Clark , . Drawing and Perspective: 111 Chamber.' Elements of Natural Phildsophy; ; IV. Reid & Saints Chemistry and Eleetriettyi V. Hamilton'. Vegetable and Animal Phyvielonj VI. Chamber.' Elements of Zoology. with pinion;, • VII. Page's Elements of Cenkigy. illestrated.' It is welt 'somewhat the origami trubltihers of there worts She Dessr. Chamber., of Fulinburghyere able to command the best talentsin the preparation of their, hooks, and that it Is their practice to deal faithfully with the public. This aeries will not diseppoint the roe soned< expectations thus excited. They am etc. nientary works, prepared by authors is every ...1i en. petite of doing Rodeo mama. respective undertaking., end who hire evidently bestowed upon Mint the no. tVe ry time end labor to adapt them to their putt , recomniend them to macho. and parents tent cOnGdemea. Tee not named volume, in the handset otik.e het of the younger ciaaaes, might famish an tit. exhaustible fund of a m us e ment and Instruction. To tether, they would constitute a rich treevare is a fam ily of intelligent children, and impart a Mira for knowledge --(Vermont Chronicle, • Pabilshrd by a. S. Berl. A. ski., New Tort; and for sale by A. 11 ENDLISH & CO. alcil) • No 79 Wood at A. -- PIiT6IGIAN*B TE6PIIIIOIIY. --- . "I HAVE FOUND 'NOTHING TO EQUAL THEBI. - Dunn:nun, Va.,filarch IrLO. MIL R. E. SELLERSI have dmposed of all the Congb Strup and Liver Fills you sent me, mud -18 don of the Vermlfime. I have need all year Family btediairteli to mi family, and have alto prescribed than in my practice; I am very much pleared with them, and have Maud nothler, to equal them. Fend me 8 dot of) our Vermifuge, and it eon each of the Liver Pills and CouFh Syrup. Respectfully loon, [Extract of Letter.] T. T. Jamsonf. Thom highly popular medicines mqy of the proprieum.R. ERELLERS, 6J st, and Druggists generally in the two clues and M: tAbitttl ilatuttum*T, a new c011..° of T Church Masi°. Edited by George KingsLy, Au thor of Social Choir. Juvenile Choir, Re, he. Sabbath &boo' Gems of Mans:and Poetry, deigned expressly for the Sabbath Schooli by J. A A. Clunk smk. A new Treatise on Astronomy' ant, Vre of he Globes, In two parts. Attronomfen. and other dullaiPum, notions add positions oldie inumnooti anJ pliklltt* ‘ )Ceplee. laws and. Theory of Gravitation, Refraction,TwWght, and Parrallax, Connections._ Ne rind., Distances, Phenomena, and Magnitudes of the Heavenly Bodies composing the polio System,..tcd also, an extenslye collect on . orthe moat metal Prob lem, oo ;ha Us , of the Globes lliustreited by a sorb able variety of Examples, An; dmigred for the Um, of High Schools and Academies. By Juam filcindre, Id. D, Professor of Afatheniatios and Antinomy In the Central High School, of Baltimore. Deck and Pm, or Incidents of a Collie ia the United Slates Frigate Congress, to California; with Sketches of Rio Janeiro, Yalparalta, Lima, Honolulu. aurSan Francisco. By Roo. Waiter Colton, U. B. N., acmes of Ship and Shore, Re. VW' 1.1 k: IC ENGLISH ken. Baccustora to ELLIOT-ft ENGLISH,. UPd No. 01 Wont street. ul7O lusuliCa.) ,LEXANDES. DAY, comer of the Diamond and Market street., are now selling off, at redLeed pricery-their stock of Winter Goode, consisting a Shawls and Ladies , Drone Goods. in great xatretY. Alao—Blcunkets and Flannels,Clothif,Cuvanica.Sattn. ens, and a full anortmend of Leary Coo. Goods. Confident Net Lager bargiuris cannot be had else wan t, see attention of buyers. ALEXANDER ft rosy, .. lanl2 7A Masker sweet Gress areerieSis Bit eiitistiTesi Wert" D. Arinisinn t New York, have In couriic of nub nrielon, in pail., prier twenty five coat. etch, A DICTiONART Of Machines, Mechansca, Enainn F,and i ram-rens, ; den gneel fee Practseal IVorksng Ilfen, and awe intended fir the Engi tiering lrejesnan TIMID IT OLITIM BTBIIt T . illS WORK Is of large too. stse. and will contain Iwo 70001050 rank& and upwards of vu your, sow. Ins-magenta., It 'MLR:moot working-draw logs and desmiguont of the most important machines to the United thaws Independent of the malts of American thlrebvitY. it will contain compretc pritcO. cal !mall es oo Mechanics, blueldnery, Engine-work, and Engmectioncrobt all that is antral score than 000 thousand dollar. worth of folio volumes, maga- Ones,•nd other books. . . The great objcot of this publication is, to place be. faro great men and students sash •n amount of theoretical and acientifie knowledge, In a condensed fond, as shall enable them to work to the beat adorn nice, and to avoid those mistakes which tad migot otherwise commit. The amount of useful Information thus brought together is almost beyond precedent in such works. indeed. there in bindle any sollict within it, tango which is nit treated with such dons and precksion, Mat awn a moth of the most ordt• nary capachy minuet fall of undersaneing it, and thus learning from il mach Which it ii important for him to know. Tat pabinthen are, in than, determined, reenrdlevii of cow, to mike the work as complete es pomade; and it 43 boiled every one &Mum. to obtain the work will proem. It as Wined in numbers, and thus encomage the orrielptiee. The work will be Issued in wan-monthly number., commencing to January, 16.50,end will prove*a with great regvlanty. Ile agnate wort will he published in 40 [umbers, at cents per number.end completed within the cur rent year, Iffiffi. A liberal discount will be roadelii genie Any one remitting the publishers 510 to adeance, .6‘ll receive the work through the post office free of expense. Opinions of the Pres. •To oar newer°. ?dant...wears. Mechanic., ra. poem. and A vitans, it anll be mine of eves.ltb: . - I,orkJettee. (13. I ) Journal • • • - -You-. men. awn voatwolsos tvithna tame:edge.— won eoohdence tecommeud our leader. IA p0..e.• Meta...lves of gs numbers as its: as thry pea —American Artisan. -W,gunliewmuroly cbrem,nd the work to those en. eaten ,n or interested in mecoanieal et scientific pur meetly worthy of their examinatton and study ."—Troy, (N. V..) Dodger -It w Italy a great wets, and the pals:Whets de reit, the thank. of Inventors, machintst, nod mum nieturer, and indeed of the public generally.r—N. V. Independent. “This Dleuonary will be highly useful to pramical melt salts, and valaable to all who with to acqualnl taenvoqvcs wnti , he provess of tovenvoo la the me chnow arta."—New Dediord Daily Mercury. . Young mechanic. might to keep posted up in the -0,01.001 as well es praet cal knowledge, and MI. work will chow them just how they stood."—ltozburi Mu, Advertiser. itSVe tato it to be jut the work that scores and hun dreds of our Intelligent met hank, bane desircd to pot- Po ample am ns descriptions, ana so lull and minute ita specificauon, that It weals to us that any mechanic might content atm machine it One cities, on he • oingth o fits engravings and intructtom.r—N. Y. Commercial Advertiser.' • taterensd in netictinnies should avail the. aelveeld its advantsgea"—Satatylkill, (Pena.,) Jou at& - A work ofelleaMM Matti.' utility and greet tut ponance and value to the rapidly increating interests of the enmity. We regard the work ns eminently calculated to promote the ce of science and the mechanical arm and to dommi am nate valuable informs non on these suLlectiitt—Fermer and Mechanic. "practical men in all tho varied widen of meeltani. cal and manufacturing industry; engineering. tee_ will find in this work a treason, which It will be 10 their profit to pones:"—Troy Daily Whig. "We have carefully paroled the numbers, .d tin no hes talon in molt g that it is the best work (Jr ink ebonies, tradesmen, Ind scientific men e eeee pablith cd. for it emitsinaminute information on every branch of the mechanical arts and sciences, cayman) in u ante and language intelligible to any reader of Ordi nary oapactly."—Oloucener, Ne.Vlll. "We nit sum we arc doing the =chaste, of Nor •nd other parts of Connecticut n service by biluai• g the work to their attenuon."—Norwich, (Conn ) Courier. •-11 sisal meha work as every mechanic should I poasess."—Freentan's Journal. Wo consider Bone ditto, most useful end important publications of the age. No mechanic can afford to be without ii."—Newant,lN.l.,)Commereial Colon, • Ot all the various publications hieing for alveoli. lent the elucidation and advancement of the mechani cal ens and sciences, mane that we have seen, i. so full of pro 1!p as this "—Buffalo Com. ilia "It is the bitit and cbespext work everoffered to the sem:tribe and preened engineer and mechanic. The plate are to...tidily execured."—Wnhlngton Globe. "This great Dictionary I. one of the mon useful works cam published far years, nod the low price at which u u told makes it acceptable to all."—`oath Carolinian. vWe rtgard it tenon of the moot eampreheavivn end chlable, u well as ehespevt works ever published." —Baltimore Advertiser. "Ought io be tonsil by coory one desiring to keep peen with the progress of an and science in every one of the Inborn of eivilirrel life,.—lrrondont . • "It Pi designed after the pnneiple cf Ure , Dietiona ry, only that It is more devoted to the meehameal and eticireering professions, and above all, n is vnlanhle n• wcomplithing for Amen. whet Ure has done for E •is describing American machinery and rcablari u—Scientific American. -it to published in numbers, and et • price an muds rot :, looking at whet is cortudned in cu., number, that no nine who has Me least M t :erest in such matters, need le deterred from pro tms curing ni and everyone who does en, will End that he in a condensed form sn amount of instrnction which would he Obtained, if at all, only by the pore hae e of very many oolutnee."—N. Y. Courier and Enquirer. " with which the sithjectv are tmic comp ed, the admirable manner in which they are Illustrated, conspire to mete this one of the most desi rable warts."—Denmerne Review. • -Ibis wort should be In the hands of every mechanic, arCsmt, and manufacturer, especially those who have the least aspiration to excel an their respeouve busi es...A. We here carefully canittird it, with a 'flew of recommending It to inventors. To them we would say to the sting language att. Thine: "It in good Baltimore Inven.ra l Journal. !Valet to the Preprutor3rf Newepapers throughout the United Stain and Canada. If the foregoing advertisement is inserted 6 , C tir during the yeas, and MO paper conialmx It u'Ol. to a copy of the wort will be sent eratis La payment. E=!Z= . . m9atc - T: n Moravinn Mk...loamy, by G. G. MonsMelOSIE lb too. 'soh, inreilid. Aloderil Idirratore and Literary Men, bring a re, ond Gallery tit literary Portraits. by George iiill3l.; mph:tied cult= from We London edition, one large 111 en° vol, muslin. Ily rue's Dictionary of Machines, ac, No G. . Ulrie Zaingle, MieSselay Returner, by Rev D Wise, vol 14 aro, amain. Anecdotes bribe leoung,ier Principles illustrated by Poem; compiled by Rev D emhb, 1 vol lb mo mime an Warnings to Youth, nuggeced by the History of re mad able seriptu.o ehuaeter•. By Rehort Union; / vol nuo, marlin. Vacuole by HOP IN+, No 78 Anoilo Dondione, Fourth meet itaw ---- riOsyloY, a Sketch ors .P e t, , sical slevcriptun of the UM HombobS; E . °B, asd rtMr- Sketche of Mmescce, the N. &glandihe West, by E 8 Seymocr nth mop; I rol, Moth eng Paper. Life mid Conerpoidenee of Robert e‘osiihey, No_ Raphael, or Pay* Does Om Dock of Life at Twenty, by Lemma., Mclntire of Life and Wriiiap of Thos CkalmersD D, by W Hamm, D I, do& Dor mLe be .. R Ho - aims, sp y 7.! Alia& Bullaap, yaao, M. _ , 4r.,,..1. ~. T., ..-.1 . -, '_-, ,-,-.. ~,u ‘•. , -:' - , -,--- ' il ~ i -s 44 11 . Pp i . 4", 4 , VOL. Mf/1. MISCELLANEOM el•°_, . .k. _-_:' 0f.p."*•..t.•,i ' '' .7l e .7.- i.:3;. ii,;;., I 1 '' 4 t:X .-. fr t, -\ll 4 U: 1 d ';',,c , ; '' • 1 ,. - — .IF ' r .: ' ':- ''', I% ' ' k\l ' • I • 4. .. t r -, t i ', . '''''.64 r 41).Z .L. 4, 11 .- I: : - -1 '': . ' -1 .• " •In iy,tki,...,b,.-.:_.,,,,,, •7 . -...... v ......... .1 Itl 4IIART BOTTUM& _ - AMAMI MOVIE as DOR. UM 07 =I IiZOOSS On nun or 2212 STlOnlas, VIL - Soroal a or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obrtinateleigln needs Emptier., Pimples br Puttalere Gotha rue, , Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Far Woo.' or letter, Scald Head, Enlmgamaut Pah. et the Roam sad Joints, Sulbberti , S= . Symptom, Sciatica or Lam anteing from an injudicious wit " reitry, sal ' Mee or Dropsy, Exposers or Imprudence °LIAM; Also—Chrome Consuunionel Direnier; to. This medmine has -acquired a very extende d sad established reputatiora wherever It has been molds • based mulrely on Ps earn merits, which itruparlier aeacy has alone sustained. The mforttatate Hodes f hereditary' disease, with swollen glands, contracted e inewl and hones half canoes, has bets teetered tr. health ' and vigor. The screfulons Italian; eared with. aleers, loathsome to himself aart-his Windows has been made whole. • Hundreds cf persoas, who bad groaned hottelossly far years miler cumnetolts and glantmal diaorders,chronic Alumna; and r"."/ ether snimPlatela Veering from a derangement • egg:, utorensa Organs and the circulation, have beat mused as it were mom the rack, of disease, Ind new, with' regeneratal epastitelion, gladly testily to the etheiey of thts tneentaidilepreparadon. .• -num; IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.. The, anent:en of the reader's called to the Rilowi roue ishing onto, cfeetcll by the Ole of Sande. Hans is in (=WV that Three n colored wan= who has been atEicied for the Matti-et gearswint 18c tofttai . , and all the remedies I used big °entreat in l arrarang toe progrer• of the complaint; en theiontriryi She constantly ercw.worss had otter expending bowman 175 and ire with jikycleiens,• beside. tieing other • popular temeatqa martin cane.; 1111 the diocese bpd eaten away tie cartilage or hero i Made Es pumice °heartens par', of her , and had SPLIT. Commenced its ravages Groo t of smolt • in thin dreadful slutathon, with the prospect eI ;death - staring her an the floe, Fumed bar case to Dr Disosway, mho agent for Suds' Santuatilin MVO,. Lem, N.C., by whom I was advised to use the orient root to my rum°. and *Hof my oeighbonheo whow her case was turn, atter using four and a hall twi nes the was re,tored to perfect health, and that in the epee, of three week; end was alai to work he two weeks from the time the ceaumneed taking Wee vitae. at the troth of this statement, I hart hereon., Mined my name, th is la th dal of September, 1.17. JudEr bIeCOITh.R. J. P.. • ' , Month of Neese Inver, Craven co. N. C. SORE THROAT. . . The following is an cannot from a loner. yeasiVeri from MD. Llevanovno had been altioted several years with Serofoloos Ulcers, Dyspepsia, ie., gad roaantly an et2serion of the throat and cheat— 93uuresevac,Va., Dee.l3.llMt. "Stem,. A. D. & U. Seem-11cforn. I comMedeted using your Sorroputtln, my sufferings were almost oast ergo °scion;myth-oat toms completely Wanted, I bad n dreadful con; 1, and thus ware frequently meets together that I • odd not speak above a whis per; and herd., the rodrimmenon (non my throat ex tended to my bend, en that my heatillglnl very Math Unpaired. After caking the thersaparsile • short time, Iy health was unproved, and my stunt is now well{ am as Meet-nog cough and tightness of the chat as ever I woe, and can hear finite thatinedy. - My throat boo been well count three month., the ClUe of which hes been elected entirely by the one of yam-Sarsa parilla. Your friend, LOIII4A Ile following teshmoeisl to the value oldie dans muffle, is from the Rev Luther Wright, aged 75years, thingregmional Minister, molding at Woburn. Wonsan, Ilan., Much 30, 1816. *Meagre. Sands: Ciendemen—Frons what I have a-S -permaceti, ami (tom the enformation I hue recently received from n .amber of persona of high Mem:teen hility who hove ased year Sarsaparilla, I have not die least doubt but that II lee moot valuble medicine, awl rho, the sinnterOng cenilicates you have received of its ethency are folly sustained by esperiertee, and although Ito rep lotion and aunty are very extensive, and shod In no need of my bumble efferti to 11211 K. • then, 1 moat nil who are &dieted by disc.& to bag come empounted wan the erheuy and power of your valuable medicine. hI nut, gentlemen, gratefolly sod very renteethrßy yours. LUTHER WRIGHT.* Prepared and ...old, wholesale and recall. by A. IL a SANDS. !hull/tog and Chenhsts, I%lEl:khan street, earner of Willtern, New York. Sold also by Drug• gots genernity throughout the United Steles sad Ca. ado. ?nee SI per bottle; am bottles for Sh. Inre-sale ny I. WILCOX, Jr., IL A. FAIINFZTOCE X. CO., and EDWARD FENDERICH, Pittsburgh. At% n. ho It. SNIrrH. Stridr•nttr, feeNdertelrrufP ( - MOVER Lc TIOIOTLI ,SEED:-:&& vennertned, 45d 50 bu Tuna:by In 4:ors, and for rde by apt! DALZELL & CO_ LAa'"-NO I Lord in kegs and half brls, in store, and for solo by II DALZELL 8 CO fig: ITt-rniti.7,-11, boles Cotton Woe - bogs, suitable, NJ for gram and feed bags, tarpaulins, steam boat fire semen, .Le , prat rgreiscd, and for sale by 11 LEA floai M LiberirstroeL 3'UUTZ. l', -'t bti:cs ~,c4 twavy burl4s seemed r). sad for , 4 , by spa° H LEE --- ---- ' -;(.. , A : 7!" , n.,-li --- p inrcYtirm Wool" .100 !I ja ' s . :* on - laLl s : 11,1 for sale by 11 LEE. . wiNt:—:;to tb4 WOW v.v. and sewingtetriTEX I sale by anal) H LEE ., V t: y n/130N HANI. , ,,i - ,:, ! , rasa Venasoa c tir 4 3, for N i! r a C OILN- - .4;Utu ,lac , :cd, to eta rn s a i nair ti tal a n - IT: nix Wood 11: • BaP47v/dFr. LILIC.ka:I-- aid.. In nor,, 4.t iiii — b:7,, STUII.Td 13112 13NG-5d boles No I, in st ore. ATTIore. and for ss'a by np4, STUART is BILL . A Le11 ..., 0110L-42 wris in core, ' ' 4 : f it% t CO FHENCJI IMITRTION GliaiteiPS-10tietistis iat ree'd, f..n. sale by • ara :. J Hird it CO DA.TEV 2I, T LILACI-456 lb s for rake tri a - Di ; co JL. ep. WONT SlatCP-21 J. ovediy. far ralo tiny ep29 5;11IDD & CO WMW S-1 7IY • "LA.' 0 7,s bzs itott, and !m male by [ ,, P2S) STUART A. SILL BACON—Wan shouldern; lbs ha in, city tine 4 in steTe,fn4 ' npnn ETUART SILJ, BROOMS -02o: different 61u4 in Stair. arid fat •Ce by STUART.& SILL Crro MO YARN—I lb. orted, foe sale by arra STUART SILL 1 niNPLZWICK—CeOII4 :Dator s e iv aa A d u f T orka s le m bi ap.2o PEARL ASII-7 cleks bun reic t 'd i raviBolo by sr . 2o Liberty rt. P— OT Asll-5 casks reached, and for sale by sp2o RDALZELL& CO pn ekat - 5 ,4 : ( do r:gmmtqjj,z,,,,ly.trging-PLperi together wi.ll a large arsortot•nt of kerning. Paper of ovary 1.110, on Lend and (or raft by A II ENC3I:9II & CO, Sueeeteors of ig.t.lorr b. ENOLIPH, No 50 Wood giver. fIOD L t 011.—GO don s IVCI white, warranted kipore, for sale by B A FAHNESTOCK k CO, art. Corner of First use Wood all. A Diter.ei VC. MASTER-3,V yards, Phis' spread, A tamale by Il A FAWN-ATS/CR le CO P1 . 1:..-Is3 Ibe new by INESTDOK IV. CO f\ Uri Alt&IIIC-11:0 lb, swell' , white, tarsal. kj apo 13 A MINES - 10:A &CO Y - 511CROOr-0D n 00stupcorquallITod tor get& by J KIDD &CO, • • No GO Wood sum, ;a` lOLA K. Dna:DM-a ••bat auperiot Pearl sumb,ll, : taaoa•setated by Julian 1 Wotd, Columbus, 040, ' rootivedon cantigaraent, and for tallaby a 10 HARDY, JONES & t.O Eal‘.of tho apiD Woo ite:lr rt. corm, o Ma• I: et and Ttmd A few copier of each of Z.. above worth ian reea by (slob) JOHNSTON k. SU:RION ileamnl, henilieie, Arneilean, and Y0eL . 557) LIDO W ART'S RA ULN DAMS GRE*I alwoge on hood, and for kale at the freest orient; by BRAUN REITER. oST uR srold..N.—Yelsieraay afternoon, on lid {Cater rime', between the Monongahela Room and Wood street, SIXTY DOLLARS. The Ander will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at this office. • •apl7. 13.000 LBS.. ;a PORN, pruao orderd“'' received. nr.d inr rale br nll6 v_k' ANON . 130NIN110116T& CO hh S ;;;;1•3 " s i, u ,"gr 1174iiiirrisT aco • , /r UV." • tor se le by • • app F VON DONNIIIMSTIR. CO" I) .• TB FLOUR-17 brit puma. In care. fat ma try laptS. J s DILWORTH &CO ir A a tt t - , - , IU ban eValty T i l i el;ll m r iv i.l owco k C 0D ,7 1; . 1,11.-.1 111u1U- 'or t: ;11 1113i two am co -- 'I"IitkOTTNI.O Blau, altar( 'Wash 8111111.-- IfiU111 . 1i1" ~ Ili itc . oll - ttA.D Invite azienarin to , VI 1b.., •••,..irrrnt r, ‘4,,,,, good. epl? 07.-WAZT-,•,;. li ...ikk...,...LAN11 S-71.1aniiiapiiii .) .1 11urve.,1 , ..ur.. iin ebarlines., ring OthenirCU good.. An nrinituair, 101 ntrreest riyies reed by_ •pi 7 MURPHY to BURCHFIELD _._ MULAteE.l—ern bbli_ent_r_ bloi_iv,_ , ttl bdn Sngar House .do Arriving per rteastrr Minim, and far sate. by ....T" - !MOWN - 0 lIIRKPATRIC6 BOYWANTS - It—mutt Lc.o good 'reader. In ./11,.' hums as this stit,e. 1M -30 bris 1.411 e . -for sale by DURtini min, WILSON & CO 11 err • T— , t-A9 pe. tuot;derit; •; 2503 pr. tor Kale by • iii.Tßltytil.,-.E.NV1L.444,71}..00 . _ ICKLRO PORE-4 ca.mi n v,ry taper ot arllel¢ Wit diirreceivcdoul4 for an!, by . • • __.WICKh SliteAtinalfi 'DEA/UZl:par received, and k.r tale by aPis- • AVICi:h ItdcOANDIS.Sa AIL-41Varrilr kr. Ws by • Y apti - WICK 411t0AK14.114