The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 29, 1850, Image 2

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several eay.tPeslefasa N e er g ßo t
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Ph m ila d pa l p p e h r i a,t hie
Besion,Aud h authorised to receive subscriptions
"and adierdstuienie for co..
(Er Pxtr.Z.Awcateaw.—Advertiae•
lame . en.dallbeerlptiona to the North Anacreon and,
wanbil frog tide ogles
• Malted State. Gazette, Philadelphia, received and for
add stablierptiena,
lbw paper, will be received and
forwarded bun 0.1.
o:TPartanczawn, m ill
h a tor War trainable paper, will be rceuved and fc tyrant
ed (ran th in office.
rICAIL - 82beerip.i0^•ted advertise -
W. P.M received 'and forwarded free o ,
duns from calm
let al
al ad pa,
vet 1
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tie and Whig Cosset,' Ow.'
• tentlo
Legal.. c all ofv of the Ow ns Chapman, the Wide
. 1"d Ar'l. C.thiS Committee of Correspond.
mice me t tlt Court "loan. The following rem:4a
q= was ad P led, to win
-......_2...!. That the Whig and Andutasonie voters
set= sayer Eleettoo Maxims of Mei... County
be, and are hereby request.' to meat at their anal
Pines for Idles election, on Saturday, th e tat day
of Safe no I, thee and there to elect two delegates to
the Canty Connellloo to be WO at the Court Hone,
on Wequesday the sth day of line, at It o'clock.• a.
' - "'" ,-- ,Said - Convention to mate 'the noel • and neceesen
~-: ,111211thali01311 for the earning October Elections, and
Manta appoint Ere - delegates to represent the County
le the Skala Convent/on, to be held in the city of Phil.-
deth/a, on Wednesday, the 19th day of Jane
between tie oftt'wirhan6dTgewe'fkt% to he b.:ph',
lint an la thalVans math:nue. between the
hoar, ofseran and nine o'clock. P. M
Jae. E Palma
A 1111LANDS,Chairiese,
Taco. Ein
Pittsburgh, Apnl to. 'SSP.
NICARAGUA T/IZAIT —The, treaty nelotinted by
Mr. Clayton with Mr.Bnlwer, noticed by "Jul:grit;
in hts letter today, has received the almost united
anoomlamt or the press. Mr. Clayton has In this,
&smarm other instance of his foreign diplomacy,
exhibited a shrewd nen, tat t ar d abillw, which pla
ces him smug the mon brilliant Secretaries of the
B:ate Department wo have, river had. The honor
and battens of the country are perfectly safe in
his bends.
Toe Pam annouthes that the contest between
tha paddlers and boilers and tie iron manufacto
lon has ended, by the submission of the f,rmer .o
the prices offered by the latter. Some of the old
paddler. and boilers, as many we4reaume as can
get ennplennent, have gone to wort at the new
rates. Than, all their loss of limo and excitement,
and all the evils growing oat of them, bare gone
for nothing, except, ft may be, they have gained
' wisdom to gaud them in future against suites, and
the advice of those who have lured them to adopt
a mule which has worked to them so much evil.
The employers, we understand, are much pleased
torah their new hands, end their works are new
going on finely. Few of the old hands will be able
• to set work,and will have to resort to other places,
or ether employment.
Ohio Mid Penskayivanla Rail Road..
The line down to Beaver. has been put under
wanner, to g ed men, at rates, below the eat.
110 was of the Engineer.
0.1 the 6.h of May,the line through C6lutabiklta
Coanty,Oblo, is to be "iAtold Salem, itmladlrlif the
grading sad masonry, to the intersection of the
C.eveland Rail Road.' The work I marece the
month of Big Beaver sad the Stale lute, is in rap
id progress, tad the claims icr damages whirls re
tarded the Work at the.crossing anus Beaver riv
er, have been amicably. adjusted. It is expected
the locomotives and cus will be rosining from
Pittsburgh to Beaver and New Brighton in July
of next year. Arrangements have been made to
urge (toward the work as rapidly es possible on
the whole eighty miles of the Eastern Division,
from Pittsburgh to the COnntletiCita with the Cleve
lied Raid. The means now provided, for that
put of the work In Pennsylvania, are anillielent to
complete the grading and bridging in the State
line, and to leave a surplus of about one hundred
and nip thousand dollus, applicable to the an.
persist:mum° sod eqalpment. The amount Te
qu-led for the grating and bridging between the
ate lino end Salem, has been raised by the citi.
',Mot that town and Ito vicinity, and • sable:in. •
ties is now In progress in this city for the construe
tidy of the remaining thirteen mike west of Salem
to Alliance, near Mena DIIIOII. This last link of
thi Eastern Division run through a corner of
honing county, and the meux.far making It said
have to come from Pittsburgh. The amount wilt
' not be large, and the Directors are determined to
adhere to the policy of incurring no indebtedness,
-except for superatmctom and equipment. This is
essentially necessary. in enter 'enable the Cox.
posy jo obtain itairon on favaealde teem.
Bat few of our cilitens aro tally aware cf the
importases of the speedy completion of the Ent.
inn Division of the Ohio and Pennsylvania -Rai'.
road. As soon as it can ba completed, the Rai:.
loads in Ohio, with which it will connect, setil to
ready Ibr use, and rail rand can will be able to run
flora-Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, through Cleveland
and Columbus. The mate. It is true, will be
thrco hundred and niocty miles long, and will be
'somewhat circuitous, but it can be run readily
In from eighteen 'to twenty Lours, and will be
nearly ap handmi miles shorterthut the present
river touts. The complailon cf the whole of our
_Western Road will shorten threilistance from day
to 4i:rattler; hot the opecing of the eastern divb.
aloe` will be one Or 111, i,..tq:oat days that etre,
&tweet, upon Pittsburg l. I, v.: dpise us a cootie-
alms rod road COMM:I4x ad the Veer round,
With the bent of the S ate of Ohio. lily a unite d
and vigorous et art, tilt may be accomplished
aril year, and the care trim Ctneineati may be
souring In our streets be! re thaw from Malaital.
phis. Let us hope that both roads may be tea?y
to be opened at the same time, and as early nest
year as it can be -achieved. •
Small Motes..
fallowing are the sections of the now Bank
iin reint:on to the cirealatiolit of mall notes.
hvisious are of the moat attitigent character.
' • 'a' tin de not prevent the cirePlation of notes
'a less amount than five dollart, no enactment
/rim Great Inconvenience will be the each of
legulatkm, and much lan 'will &cane to the
.tionuanaty. In order to procure specie to make
erthanges, the holders of five dollar bills will be
r-compelled to go to the Brokers end tell them, than
. "'"nentitsitig their present a:re:whim! and exponent,
-- "etritt any profits. Tale provision of the Bank
• \ Pea into operation on the hat of Poem:
', • \4l . fin That (ram and the twenty•llrat
." . (aimed eight hundred and' •• ' • • ha be lawful for any p•raort or per
. nit or body corporate, directly
7, pay oat, pm, exchange, pot In
tier, Or cattle' tube booed, paid
.3 - 2 -- -,a—....-trratjd, or transferred,
t • t note, bill, certifictte, or any Cr.
• • . •if icdcbtedoca whatsoever, par
. „tiok note, or of the nature, emu.
*ace ore bank note, or calculated
, a bank note, Wood, or purport
!, by any bankir IncorpOrated
Aciation or pato not leered in
pf a lcu denomin Pun than five
violation of the provisions of this
, . • ,ey corporation or budy corporate,
inch corporation or boor corporate,
Mt of five hundred dollen; and any
ithaprovisions of this section by any
ice, batting any ofike orrippoiatatent of
profit ender Me constitution sad laws
; • xi State, shall subsitat inch officer toils. pay-
Prone hundred dollars' and any alcdat'on of
Satin by any other pe rson not being • pub.
'ter_ , shall subset such person to the ply.
tetenty-five dollop., one heifer widen, in
above tosotioad, shah go to the ta
d the other•half to the county in which
tls bandit, and may be seed Mi and re.
tis debts alike amount are now by law
, le In any action of debt, in me tams at
`atonwealth el Pennsylvanls,7,at well for
tproper connty, is for the person
'That in addition to the civil penalties
violation of the provision. of the /art
‘ol,...every person who shall violate
(that section, shah be takes and
ittoeunitted a misdemeanor, and
Imam thereof In soy criminal'
unwealtb, be tied in any lum
dollar, and not more than one
Pd the several courts of gnat.
A in their chorgei to the grand
ntion to this abject; and it
of the sours! grand tabu to
ent of any union within their re
- counties, who mar be guilty of a viola.
the proviliocut of !helm preceding section
tad MAO be the doty or the tavern! coesables,
aulathapeacsofileas within thleeommcnwealtb,
- ~.
Maki Wormation egalatt any perm gully o f
• bilkva end they shall be morn so to do:
Provided, Toad it shall not be necessary, in any
chit telt, or criminal prosecution under this see.
trep; mail the lap prePedlig section s :to prodtice,in
ntdeaae s Ikea:harts, of any bank, or &Maki, of
meciattioll Pray company nolaficaled lir this
Se w% alci*lied'Aditathlssars
cagsi 42d from danspolia, Obese - ha was mead
• tt• • • •ib Ali Hamer sad Yeti
IRIOD A Wailed fot NotfoLlr. •
The President
The Republic, of Wednesday, has a pungent
andableartiele, , reviewing the ciscumstanop pre.
cidinglnd enbiequent to General Taylor's elec
tron !elite Presidency, developing the .e.° rc
sortedlo by an unscrupulous opposition to break
down •lis administration, awl appealing to the
Whig member, of congress to rally end•organise,.
and act in'concert, and dale afford the President if
united and vigorous support. The Republic, in
commecaing its remarks, toys
'greyer a man came into the Presidency under
circumstances which should have entitled him to
fair and gem-rocs treatment from friend and adver- 1
eery, that man was Gen. Taylor. Ilia modesty, his'
moderation, his strict tntegrity, his purity of life,
his eminent services, had won for him the confi
dence, the affection, and the gratin:do of Is coun
trymen, am] had rescued the fortunes of a great par
ty which had selected him as their candidate '
achieved a signal triumph in his name. He was
out identified with the excitement or animosities of
political strife He had no prejudices or partialir
ties, no antipathies or predilictioon, to mislead his
judgment or preyent him from rendering exact and
equal justice to all the classes and interests in the
combined strength of which he hod attained hisem
inent position. In accordance with the uniform
usage of his predecessors, ho surrounded himself
with a Cabinet, fairly selected from the party whose
candidate he had consentedto become. In thatCal.j
inet it was believed that Ina views of different sec
tions were fairly represented; and whatever else
might have been said of it, no ono could deny that
n was composed of men who were identified with I
the struggles and conflicts of the great Whig party,
and prepared to give full encouragement and effect
to their measures, views, principles, and opinions.
•.To the Wuxi r. then, ho had exhibited an h 00.,!
stable fidelity. While prepared to teenrue the
President of the people—he did not forget, as ho
ought nit to have forgotten, that it was to his
Waust adoption teat he owed his elevation, and
that it was to then W n o party that he should look
for his corstUutional advisers"
Tae Domooratic party had no right to otject to
the adoption•of ibis policy by President TATIZII.
They knew that it was consistent with the usages
oldie country, and with the circumstances ol h.s
poution. They could not fir a moment have ex•
panted that President TarLoa would deviate
from the established course of his predecessor,,
or bring any otter men Into bin Cabinet than
those who were pledged to the support of the
measares and sentiments with which he had hien,
God himself, by all the actual and Implied pledge
es by which a candidate con bind hlcowli to his
party. Thu. far, then, the Democrats had no Pug
cause of compleint.
But no sooner had President Tam.= entered
; upon the duties ofhis office, than it became man.
Ifew that be wag lobe made the subject of the
most bitter and virulent oppcsit.on. With cans;
or without moose, his Adminbtration wants be as.
sailed and broken:dowel Whatever might be his
measure., they were to ho arraigned, condemned,
and stigmatised as the offspring cl folly and con
ioption. Ltel so areas that they .hocked the,
common sense of the c 'tinily—caricatures so ex•
travegutt that they betrayed theiernalneity and
faliebood an their face—vituperation entree be.
yond the coarsest in partisan controversy—base
mainnations—bold falsehoods—unsparing invec
tives—were showered without stint or forbearance
on the had of the gallant and good old soldier,
whose only offence had been that of covering the
Gag of his country with glory on the Gelds of
naito and victory, and winning in a pacific elec.
sive contest, tho highest honors that hie country
could bestow. Such wee his crime, and such ,
its punishment. " '
The Itputhc Thee proceeds to recapitulato the
cleans used by the opposition to render the Whig
victory of no avail, by destroying the ittgoenei of
the President and his advisers In the North he
vas charged with beiog io favor of the slave it.
tegest and with having ehOses • sJaveholding.t,
w:t; while in the South It was declared the eau.
of slaveqcouldr.evor be safe io the baud. of no
atisuinisUtatio4 is which threemomber., occupying
imiortaut deputtueutth were froth Oh Notbert
• ' , hit. Ewing and Mr. Collamer wore denounced
in no measured terms, day by day. a. Abandon.
he., and Abolitionists of the deepest dye, because
May had voted cr would have voted for a proviso
which had been recogulaed acd sanctioned by
President Polk himself. A little mischeviotte ca:
bet of intriguer. and faenoais4• were busy hero
all Inc streamer and (all, writing letter. and send
leg despatetch and communicatioas through all
am &Wham Slams, alleging that President Tay..
lop would not veto the Wilmot proviso, and Ma
it was necessary for the South to take immediate
end decisive mobilo to repel the aggressions of the
Nod. By these meehiohnoos, backed by the
induction. clamor and fa:tious setional appeal.
orate central organ of Lemolbsoiern. acme real
alarm and morn paper ex:element were created;
and in emir desire to uphold the banns, of the
Union and gasmen the Administration of President
Taylor, many gallant Whigs were avertstrown,
Fiction,, local, eectional combeletton., had tri
umphed ante South as at the North. Abolition,
Loenfooolein, and WO:IM= were to the ascecdata
in the Home of Representatives. The Nash
ville convention that was to be, and the Sorel.
convention that had beenbona of a common sea
ti nest, and looking toe common result, the avers
throw of General Taylor-4md nmomplahed ■
portion of their work."
Congress met, end a portion of the Whig mem
bers, node, the italuencea isehich had been brought
to bear Immo the nilminduration, abandoned the
Whig:candidate (or the Epeakership, and an
toy - oat paced m the Speaker's Chair. ar
tilos. between the Abolitionists, Loom . ,
Dionsimists was ronsurtiotated. .
"The uireotie clamor• the reaftision, the
hints, the invert:Vey. the menaces, that wo ha
so Wag listened to, both in Cougress and out of i
were nothing more then so many party vontrtran
coo to defeat snit break down a Nt. tug AdtitontStra'
Quarrel with as cinch seeming bitterness as
they may on this slavery questim—stiffer about it
wig se setracoity.—blaze•way wither
p' se at the North about R donut promsonin, and
at the Southabilut northern aggressioas,—the *hole
i• o merely.Pickwiekian opendion, and they are
ail ready lit run twether Vain and give the fretee
sal hog, the very manent they shalt succeed tone.
t Inc, themselves, on wane decent pretence, from the
calamity of the Nashville convention. The too
nand that matter is disposed of by some lucky ex
pedient,. we shall find the Abolitionist., Lomfacos,
land Disunionists in Congress, all marching straight
up to the standardofimpmation. and working to,
amber as they worked to' elect Wm. 3. Brown, and
in aiti worked together to elect a Clerk of
the IbMse, and in the rally on Mr. Birhardson's
For te evil conseqences which have dowed
from this Whig defectio u n. President Taylor is not
re-ponsible. For the disorgammtion to which it
has led—the seeming abandonment of all party al.
- leirissiee and (ally—the omission to recognize any
tlitag like en adminimration policy or platform—
President Taylor is not responsible. He is a Prow..
/dent of Whig clertion. He boa surrounded him- I
self with a Whig Cabinet; and it is not the mom
inconsiderable of the evils urhiehhave Bowed from
the defection of which we have been speeking,
that it has exposed members of that Cabinet to un
just sespiziona He stands up. Whig ground.
Ire has recommended in good faith the measures
which he has thought most likely to secure the eel.
Iv and perpetuity of the Whig party, and he is en
titled ton hearty, cordial, sincere, and undivided
11/hig support. We submit, with all humility, es
partici. counseling with old party friends—ea
Whigs, original Whigs, and ohm Whigs if you
pleare—thet it is the duty of theWbics is Congress
to rally and organize and set in coneert—leuingby
gimes be bygones among themselves--and stand
tog by the President of their choice and their prin
ciples. We ace no other way it which they can
dscope from being a permanently disorganized,
ispersed, and defeated party."
Of one thing we feel assured, that whether The
Whig members of Congress rally to the support of
General Taylor and his Cabinet or not, the Whig
masses have the utmost croLdence in the sterling
honesty of the President, and in the ability and pu
rity of the inembers of his Cabinet. if they desert
the Whig administration, or fail to do their 4ny
to it, the Whig party will desert them. It is nOILO
I, supposed that the party is going to give up the
fruits of its potations, beeause.cme few Whig mem
ber of Congress have the weakness to listen to the
slanders, or the folly to be cauglt by the wiles of
the Locofoco opposition.
We swam* conclude this uncle better thu wfth
the following paragraph, which cbses an able re
new of th - o manes of the existing difEcuhies in
the Whig party, in a letter by o Independent," the
Washington correspondent of the Notch Anted.
can. Its conclusions, will meet with endorsement
by the great mss. of the Whlg petty:—
" I have now ciente demonstrated all that I set
out to establish, that Gen. Taylor and his Cabinet
have discharged their whole duty to the party and
Ike cou".l, end thus the responsibility for the pre
sent emburassmen.• belongs excluairely to a por
tion of Congress. It is not charged that the PreaL
dent has defaulted one stogie Whig measure. It
is not alleged that the hrekto policy has been dee
fi dent in wisdom or Americo spint. It is not an
serted that the members of the Cabinet hare failed
Ito befit every official obligation. Bring the male.
data 10 the point, and every complaint Is trace.
able to • personal reason; to a cause involving tha
disappointment of Individual hope, or expecW
Hone. The Administration has, donbtless, com•
witted errors in the diatribution of painting's, and
been misled in the dispensation of favor; bat those
who ere newscast lukewarm have law occasion
to COMplatalfiar the only 11 C 110 Widlaelleettion which
estate to tee rank and file of the party has been
produced by a system of !Medias disorimination,
through which the CM end kin of le4deo have
been imposed upon the Administration, to the
disparagement of others far more meritorious
I ;lot if greater errors thin are admitted had cies
corned in dispensing patronage, does that furnish a
Jane :anon to Whip the deserting • patriotic Pie=
skint,, who his labored honeatty to nerve Osman.
try, and tar making war upon a Cabinet whose
worst holt his been misplaced confidence In Its
I assailant.? I think not; end I think, also, IMO
this will he the judgment of every flu minded
1 Wilk who feels Interest enough to utisfy himself
by in Yesugatioa,and to examine the ma tree which
have indaced the defection of inea la Conroy;
who were elected to support pea. Taylor and
Whig policy. Foroae, I prefers hope!essmlneritYl
to a nominal majority composed of false friends
and selfish intuguem. If Malone Whigamhe have
' no faith in the Administration, let them proclaim
it boldly; bat let as hare no more of the anctaklng
and cowardly miens which has been practised fir bus bar manias by dimialted once Seekers.
I, 1,1 WA imasaTos
pOt.rf.ponlcae. or
Vl'asturanser. Al r,l 211,
Mr. Clayton's Treaty.eDlsetnalltare or
Ms tanazation of Central
America and the .111.mgtalto coast...A
remarkable charge.
Mr. Clayton has crowned the labors by Which
his administration of the State Department have
been hitherto illustrated, by the conclusion of a
ty with Great Britain, which must be considered
a brilliant diplomatic triumph. This treaty was
yesterday Conmunicated to the Senate and read.—
It was received, I am informed, with indiaguised
pleasure and satisfaction by Senators of all parties.
The treaty provides, in the first place, that Great
Britain shall either abandon the protection over the
hlomuito crest, which has given rise to so many
complaints and jealousies, or, that she shall dis
claim all jurisdiction over those points and places
upon the borders of tha Mosquito territories, the
right to which have been disputed by Nicaragimend
essential to the construction of the greet ship canal
now in contemplation. She stipulates that she will
neither hold, nor fortify said places, and that she
will interpose no objections to the execution of the
contract now held by our American company for
that purpose, provided the work be begun within
a year. This treaty will be ratified, and, with that
confirmation will end, a dispute which, at one
time, certainly woos LI MOM serious and mellaring
The terms of. this treaty or convention will be
considered by the country a just reassert on and en
forcement of the celebrated Monroe aid Adams
dictum, that this continent should be no huger held
open to European colonisation. It may on remem
bered, too, that on the part of Great Britain, there
could have been no strong and rational desire to
convert the Mosquito territory into a permanent
dependency, for, after her experience in Jamaica,
lleniarara, and other colonies similarly situated,
she must have been thoroughly satisfied that it
would never have been or any real advantage to
her. Upon the other hand; it iscartainly not ealmv•
agent to suppose that at some not distant day, this
important strip of territory, and even all Central
America, may become, by voluntary annexation,
memben of this confederacy. Indeed were this
wretched slavery question but once scuttled, ten
years would not elapse before such a result.
wilt the UNION " now say, that exempla
ry sheet that has been rending glean. with its ulula
bons lest the Monroe declaration should not ho
maintained, and which six times a week for many
months past, has poured out the anguish of its soul
in the apprehension that Mr. Clayton and General
Taylor would be as regardless of the National hon
or and interests as Mr. - Buchanan and Mr. Polk
were, in relation to this identical ad . .u. What will
Mr. Morehead, of Kentucky, made an ab.e end
impressive 'peep!? io the Howe, to day, upon the
slavery question. The spirit of conctlialton and
compromise breathed through the whole of It. I
regretted, however, to hear Mr. Morehead say, that
pn maturer consideration, he had changed his opin
ion, as to ths constitutionality of the anti-slavery
proviso. He had at one tinio believed it to be nut
unconstitutional, hut he was not satisfied to the con
trary. Kotte of his views, however, were extreme
or incompatible.
It has lately rains out that the printing establis h •
meat of the 'Washington I'mon has been commit.
tom a mistake almost as remarkable as the tialphin
claim. It is that of charging 512,500 for a piece of
*ark dune under the orders of the Senate, which
practical printers assert, cost some S5OO or iatioo.-,.
Mr. lisle has called for no insestiption of this
caw, stigmakzing it pretty plainly in his place as a
grosaimpziattion. It mu,
FROM El AH111501780
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Geneve
llhataeauso, April 21.
The Montour count) bill came up the first this:
in order in the konad, tiiia morning, and. oceu
pied the entire day. In the worm of she
lion upon It, the Has. Mr. Speaker Best, came in
fir a good deal of evero and Weer haat:gallop,
from member, of bath parties. The bill wag final.
ly mountod. yid, • rider in the shape of • Prrei,o
to the elect that the who!. question be referred
to the people cf Columbia county, at the sent
electioa This is considered equivalent to a de
feat. The Dunedin people, I understand, would
as sone have no bill at all, and Mr. Beat will prc..
need with his machinatio4s ch trembler had co•
coned. Nothieg bat a naked prov4ion foe the
new costly will satisfy him; and this he la de
t •rmioed to have, if his vote should cumin!ue to
be of auricieut onnsequeuce to purchase it.
la the Senate, prorate brae occupied tbe day.
The bill to exteadthe charter of the Sabuylkili
Bank at Philadelphia kw the term of Croton years,
and trot as the staling of capital to 1500,000,
One taken np. on routine able Bre b, and pats
ed through abcoad end Anal readirg O. the
Baal pusage of the bi'd, the yeas wJIe nays IS
—several Senators deetiaing to vote
Darirg the pending of acme Hanle 14, Oe
tile of wh.rh I. do not now remember, Mr. Dar
offered the Cllowog stalvadmcat, ta cant ha
11 • new neetien, Which Wit •dalste.e, to SI::
'That too perieda limited of thirtydays is the
Craillection, and miry days In the third section, a
the tot, entitled "ran Art to limit, the indebted
sensed provide far the gradual .extinguishment
c(the debt of the city of Pittsburgh, and for the
improvement of the streets, lane., and aneya of
said city,' within which the Coancila of said city
are required to do certain acts, he, and the tame
are hereby extended, respectively to a period of
ninety . days, Com, and after the :pusage of tbia
At this petted of the ItSlllOO, thl3 is the only
way in which a private or local bill caw he got
During the pendency of the queation upon pm
cteding to the conauleration of the bill to extend
the charier of the Easton Bank, on Monday lett,
in the Senate, Mr. Sankey availed himself of the
occasion to put himself and ibe Whig parly . in
their true position in regard toff; present Loco.
foco system of Backlog which Mae undergone a
'sating end white-washing process during the
present Bes3loo, at the hand, of one alibi L3eo•
fees member. from Westmoreland.
Hr. Sankey rose, helaid, not for the purpose
Y e advocating or oppoaing the re-charter of this
little (awl:oboe. 411 the mischief that could be
done 0 the way of chartering these . monsters"
a, the prescht session, bad now been done, and
deco too by voice cf L,eok,oo Senator., those
who, at the hosting, had succeeded in frighte&ng
• large portico alibi people el this common
wealth almost to death, with their fiistuful pictures
of what these "monsters" bed already done, and
would connect° to do. For himself he was oppos
ed to the whole system. He considered it one of
the gmadest Locofoco Husn'iug., that had eytr
been act up m this or any other State—s
ble apt., by which that very honest party had
sacceeded In doping the people Into the belief that
they ware the exclesive Giends of the poor man,
while at the same time they clutched within
their grasp more than two thirds of all the bulk.
log privileges and chartered monopolies In the
Commonwealth. The general banking. law they
had just paned was intended as to encase for
the reincorporation, not only of all those now in
existence, but for the creation of an additional
batch of new ones. And yet at home, dune very
men were the loudest possible denouncers ot all
banks, all chartered monopolies, and all exclusive
rivilegee. He thought that it was high time that
Iles contemptible game of duplicity had ceased.
Ald with the view of breaking it down, if poses
bleat the present liellitan, an well am because he
wateally apposed to the present Locoloco
lent of banking allogettim, Le had voted against
every proposition for the renewal or creation of
another chute,.
The only salaam of bankit i Otdwould give the
people a sound nvealb e eurrency, was the
great Whig system of basing the !agues upoo
State and United &etas stock. This was a are
system, a,sound system, and an honest system
and now teat thent
pe0,...0 IVOR, aroused apps lb
subject, aid had discovered the duplicity and the
hambriggery ;bit had bean salons merited upon
them by the great antbbank, anti•monopoly,.anti•
privilege Locoroco pany, nothing else would seer
satisfy them
There Is Will no prospect of an early adjoer&
meat. The two great bills of the masion Will re
main indisposed or, mad I have baud game talk
amongst the more atubborn members, of celebrat•
log the Fourth of July in the Capitol. _
The Appropriation Bill was received in the
Senate this morning, and immediately referred . to
Me-Committee on Fiance for its proper could•
The apportionment Hill passed through Corn
:Mum, of the Whole yesterday morning, and still
remains In that position, no effort having been
made b day, to take It op.
—ln 0 e Senate, on the,thh, General from
the Canmittee on Public Lands, to wham was re
ferred the memorial of is Convention held at Van
dalia, asking a grant or land fora rail road from a
point oppm•ne Terre !lame, Indiana, to a point on
the Missessippt river, Zac., reported a bill to grant
land to the State of Illinois, to aid in the construc
tion of a rail road front a point opposite to Terre
pule, Indiana, to a point near Illmoimown,
nob, whieh was read, and posed ton neennd
.Mlnz.sterra —As this newly Organ zed terrreory
is but iroperfeedy known to many of our reader.,
a few part:enters aim leading fetters. will doubt
less prove acceptable. Minnesota m about four
times the est- nt of Oh . o, and meshes 675 Miles
10010 S. E. to N. W., and lies between N. lat. 42
deg. 30 min. and 49 deg. The centre of the tern.
tory is about 1200 miles Ina deem line horn et h-r
ocean. 1000 from the Gulf cc Mexico, and SOO
from Budron'a Bay. It ie chiefly a raying coun
try, well watered with rivers and lakes, sod the
highest hill dcco not exceed 2000 feet above the
sea, and 1000 feet above the as rrounding country.
The minim!, Si. Paul, is 15 miles by water cal 9
Mile. by land, below the Falk of St. Action , sad
the river Is natigalite to the Folio for steamers cf
considerable buithen. Si. Paul contains about
1200 intiabilania ' and se.eral large bottle, and
the new town 0 . 3.. Anthony, at the Falls, shout
19W There is ale., o town rimed SullWater, on
' the St Crux River, 15 nines from St. Paul, silk
900 people, break and raw mill, 'The Marine
Mi 1., Pond Lnuglaee, Mendota, or 5:.
and the F.lls of St. Croix, are II mining villager.
Day laborers obtain 320 a month and curchnnien
El 75 to Si per day. The pubic lands may le
taken op at Gt 25 per acre. The total number rf
Indians to 27,000, viol there is a strong military
postat Feet Beelbng, en the Mississippi. The
whole number of white inhabitants in the icrritos
ry is about fOOO. The distance from New York
to St. Pool, by Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago rind Ga
lena, in 1537 index—by the Ohio and Missinsippl,
Sr. LOWY, A:J. 1 .2229 miles The land of Mimic s
rota Is eery productive. Gae hundred and see.
enty twits of the Northern boundnry in along the
shore of Lake Eloperior.—Newert Asfrertirer.
Mu.w.cate—On the 2,1 inrt., the peopl e of
Mi!weekly, by a majority of 1,202 vote., eice:ed
Mt. Upham Mayor of that coy. Only a week
provi.•uk though then the Mayer of Abe city, he
heeded ri mob of rintotis and dirorderly tot acne,
and kept a meeting of the people in contusion
for three nr four boor. lie was re-elected,
and a. this was re4sirded as a full lucerne
to violence of all trade, on In , day subsequent to
his election, there was n regular built mob. About
2 o'clock in the ['lemon, a man by the name of
Herman Krohn was taken by a mob of men and
boys,' covered with tar and feathers, his hands
bound behind him, and to this pi.ltion he wee
made to rtr de ■ roil, and matched through the
prineripkl Street . No rdon was made to,miete,e
the IllifOrtilnete man, some time. At lose, two
or three of the PoLoe officers were gut together,
and the man was rearmed. It does not appear
that the Manor won .ny where to be found riming
this time. The alleged cause of this outrageous
treatment ma., that the Mori had neglected his
wife during confinement, in comequeace of wb ch
she died; but be had previously been tried, rind
exculpated born the charge, by a Coroner's jury.
Several attic Nader. in iii. molt were arrested
neit day, but, even if found guilty, the Mayor ie
almost bound, by his own participation in previous
acts of .05 violence, to ebleld them from punish
W.LW/U. ACCIDERT.—On Wednesday last, MO
• rues moo named Item Joriens, a rope maker,
of York, Ps., was retatning Lome io a
wagon, on the Brrogua rand, he met with • fright,
wend, nt. Mr. Vadentne Gahld was engaged
seer his house in feliteee lice , and Jurns was
oat sees tinproachiag uptil he bed reached setihip
• kw yards of the spot and the wee had coin.
moored falling. listruck the wagon directly over
tee head, Nursing over his face, crushed bath hi.
thigh. in an awful manner, flying one of the
banes of his leg into the seat ou which he wail sit.
ting. IJtu recovery is considered doubtful.
DLATiI Mrstarra —WeiC2lll that the Rev.
Peter Lee o;I1, of thelltUncnore Annual Coet, r _
once of the Methodist Epireoptal Church, died
very suddenly on rho inat.,ricar Phillipsburg , Pa., on the mountain. lie hod alighted from his
carnage to adjust somethieg that was wrong, and
cootptsised of • stitch to his aide, remarking that
in a row momenta he would tie a dead man, when
he almost inatantly expiied. lie had beet far
sometime in fable health, and was exceorively
known and cetremcd.
Tbo Atbenetun igrfulloaribg droll vary
Scut Oto 801 l
M. 0.0 Bull, who rarely opened his violin cue
hot out came tali overture to his ficidlieg) tome
sentimental personal history, such en lobe
l ryes to tell, seems resioluter not to fail in fur.
Milli silt the world of talit.o with rosea.oto sad
amazement. IN last is so truly drcll, that while
translating the i•le (ram the French paper• we
cannot ”md bong, "What It it prose 4 canard t
Thos rune the Faye :—M.O/. Bolt, the Founder sr
the theatre at Bergen, had let all the planea in it,
eritiont setting apart thfrasof the oest Fur the ' , Ohm
• • • • The feector of the tioiice announ
ced his Intention orresentles hiniselt and main.
mining hi. r/ehts by fares. OfFeoded at it. pro
ceed.• M Ole Ball arranged at one end of the
orchestra Arra place., abOwo toes used
• large back board wily these word* man'. to
g.situtic white letters, !• Vitro. for the Vol ce—
irarnittcy, Ihis Iwo on rather .:Idg with a lantern
an watrhmrn carry. Thc LI-racier !aline
poles cOtitleeting this measure an lo his
sutl oh's!, cam mooed M.Ol • 11,11. sod ia right titan
ofd sw el' 1657 on me I :th of last month, set.
tonged the famous v.oliniat to three months inn
Too Biome Mrestrx.—Tee Museum hal
reached its present unto through a very large ex.
penCiture et oolitic money. Ibe builitmo wows,
in which this vast ecl,ectan to deposithd, here
cow, •Fe 1521, nearly .1:700,000. The Staniir ex.
yarded in pdrehra., 'of the relater caw:ones,
either from axonal or at.cciatiran'ir ' Om' 1755,
indepcodently of the buildings since 1623, coosid.
really £1 . 100,000; add if that sum 2315,000, •1
lewd, has gone dire c!ty to the purchase or a t j.. ret•
now Lamm part of the collemo. The entail.
bo ions made by 113110i0zent and 1 sonde 111(11/id•
)1111.1 have teen 01 great value. The secretary es.
' homed those which have been received for the
twelve years preceding 1035, includion the mot
her et library colleced . by Majesty' Gem ge 111,
and presented by his Majealy Geoure IV., and the
bequert by the late Richard Payne Knight, Esq.,
of medal., rains, and brows, at a sum little short
of £400,000, and Mr. Grenvillesl late gift of a b.
brotli which coat upward. of 250,000, .bore the
silent of IniMello tail my no looked Inc from
similar sources.. Al present the goverment of
the nitrocurn, including the superioroodeoce of all
the departments, and the execution of all matter.
which do rot %it to be imineMtely conducted by
the heads of departmeott, to rowed In a board of
trustee,, in dumber 10, of whop; nhe in directly
named by the crowd, 23 are officiaboloo me paned
by the representatives or executors of psrticewho I
have been demote to the laslit.ion, and 15 aro
niggled ky !Ito ltddrd of traet,tte.
Taut SUBLMIITY.—The eloquent and thrilling
response of Koaauth to the Sultan's demand, that
he should renounce his religion and embrace Ma.
hommedanism, is worthy of a Luther, and of be.
log regarded among these memorable saying.
that in times of trial have hero uttered by the"
rho Kaye been encouraged no l nuainir,ed by the
unfaltering trust Maimed by the Cheimian faith.
"Illy manure dare not mina' of heritation. Ba •
terve death and chm Oltil the chorea eta runnier be
dilatant nor dyfifor't —Governor of Hungary, an d
elected to that high place by the conGJince of
eteen millions of nip countoymen, I knoly well
What !awe to my country even In exile. h Even
as a private individual I 41ve'an honorable path
to ounce. One, governor of -a generous COlldtry
—I leave no other heritage to mg children--they
shall, at least, boar no unsullied name. Oar
rod, be dons. I orn prepared to dm."
—That the King never Mo., end Lord Brougham
never ceeps, ere two leading features of English
eenaltnitienal denim Whenever the limo may
come, and wo sincerely true: it may ha for dismal,
when the noble nod learned lord is nominally re.
moved from among us, we have little doubt that
he will step raward in any capacity, save shit al
mute, to manage his own obsequies. He will
wrengto with his own executors; throw hie own
estate:at, Chancery, review lila own biography,
which is now lying in Lord Campbell's deok pro.
nuance his own funeral Oration le the House of
Poem, sad show huoseli visibly erected for fire
Would at ins owm death; sad when we imag
ine that we have mattes left for It but to reduce
our grief within the decent limits ofineely fortitude
we eclat be preFrolly convinced that our sorrow
wes premature by recetving,the intelligence that
the deported worthy heti just made his appearance
as brans tenure at La Scala, or is the head of
• Provisional Government at Thum—Louden
GREAT Nov.. W RUlllll—the
al February last, the oxx
great n•val 4, beam ln at Sobs..
/opal was completed, and the large.: ship, of war
in the Russian Navy cao now be docked with the
greatest ease at that port. Some idea may be
formed of the magnitude of the., works when it is
stated that the basin coven an extent often acres
ofgroond, sad has seven dry docks, three on 0 00
aide and Conroe the other. The water in the ba.
sin la 30 feet above the level of the Meek Sea, and
the vemls are taken into it bytneane attire es locks,
the Iron gate. of which were made by hles.or.
George and Sir John Rennie, and are 04 feet
broad, the breadth of the locks being 29 feet deep.
A large reservoir has been constructed at some
Maumee from the basin, and the former le con
stantly supplied with water, by allowing a river
to eater it, while the quantity of water in the ba
sin i, regulated by sluices from Mu reservoir.—
glen of the dry docks has a aloice, which ran be
spread and the waver emptied out, in a eery lim
ited period, without the trouble et pumping, the
plan adopted at the docks adjoining beans* in this
country when it Is found requisite to empty them
at high water. The Emperor of Resale is report.
ed to nave about 20 antra, at war at present at Se
bastopol, and has recently received the best de
w_siption of machinery fa making block, sod cult.
It, purposes.
A ruegular eironmstance occurred Ca Federal
11111, 6ammere, Monday merman The mile of
George Waldman decd, and the husband, While
looking at ber body. fell dead blaraeir GrilLL la
said brnke tail heart.
IS„ ou, Ram ROAD.
ilsownsvage, TEL,II—J. B. Bigelow has been
CieCiCel Mayor. A meeting ha. been held in that
miy, and no agent appointed to proceed to Weak- I
' fasten and press the location of a regiment of
mem led dragoons In south western Texas, to pro
teal ttio heluthnunts.from radius depredation.—
The valley of the filo °mode in rapidly filling op
With an America, population, and protection from
Indian marauders alone in wanting to mske acne
continuo. village.--N. a (Wawa.
Tim Wes••--
fur Woutis or Fna.‘cc —Those In the mid
dling emelt carry on the greater part of the
bounces; the energy end talent of the c uctry
:rem to be concentrated in them. They tend th e
suttee, keep the books, pay and receive the mon
ey, and take upon themaelves often the complete
charge of • large eatabluhment. to many house
holds the husbands teems to be a mere appendage
to the wife, a kind of eonvenfent and necessary
An English paper chronicle. the death of John
Wdlismo w Belle Isle, a membered the Methodist
Society for 50 sure. He is described as a man who
dearly loved bin Bible, and read it cicael►. He as.
certeitted by calculetioo, that the word , behold,"
occune 1000 times from Genesis to Revelation;
the came "Mosee," 603 times, ••Joshu." 211 times,
"David; 1006 timer; and the uered name or Je.
sos occurs In the New Testament 905 times.
Prckfaor Webster continues in good health and
spirits. and daily reoeives his meal. from Parker's,
a privilexe granted to all prisoners who can pay
for it. His rpiritual adviser, Rev. Dr. Putnam, a
Unitarian Clergyman from ftt xbury, visits him oc
casionally is his cell, and his wile and daughters
twice a week regularly.
A census has been 'lately taken of the cite of
Quebec, C) which gives its population at 37,-
0k), of whom 22,000 ow French Canadians, and
only o,tloll English Canadians; 6,000 are Irish, and
the rmnaitnjer from other lenge eon:uricr. Only
13,000 of (be popultdion.are married.
geaggl of Ma Poo. mad Ankle! Cared
Ma Ittga—l ant desirous of making known to the
public the great efficacy of your PETROLEUM iu my
con mita, which was a severe scaM of the foot and
aekle; upon removing the stocking, the skin peeled
`Off with it, and left nothing Lei the bare surface I
elpectol to to told up all winter from the eilfecta of
this scald, but we applied the l i etrolehm freely, by
means Ma flmnel cloth saturated with It; at first, the
application was poointl. hat In a. wart short time the
pout abated. I hag no pain In one boor arterwards.
In Cleo days from tbe limo of the applicatiol of he
Petroleum, I was ntilf to go to work. I zai• pleaeoro
in stating these has for the benefit of other rufferere,
madam desirous that they should he made puhte.
would Man state, Wet I find iihmeiliatc relief by the
ate of the Pe tr oleum, in borne, from shish lota •
frequent suireler owning to my bogs ness about the
engine. I would reeoramosd it as the most prompt
and coins remedy for Luna I have ever known.
(Stgoed ) 111 CUE, Engineer,
Ehhepthufgh, Allegheny Co
Hoe solo by Keyser! McDowell, uo lyood stem
g U Seller., ST Wood et; D M Corry, Allegheny city;
A Elliott, Allegheny; Joecyh Douglass, Allegheny;
Ceti by the peoprielot, P. M. KIER,
0p27 Canal Basin, Seventh n , PotAborgh
[City papas advertising Pettolcolo, *am copy
•••11.5 soon. as 101311101, Da lIPLeaCs
Ltrse—The frightful catalogue of dimwits that
have their origin in • diseased !tau of the liver, glutei.
psi llLClCamitil to a irealet RI iota silent In inmost
every leerily. Dyspepsia. sick head ache, °borne.
tioneof the menses: ague and fryer, pains in the aide.
with dry, hacking cough, are all the remit:, of hepatic
detai/emeriti and for these, Dr. SPLanubt Pills are
sovereign remedy Ike) Lave never been known to
Ltil, and they should be kept •I all .imes by (smiles.
Dtakestois—Tate two or three goloi to bed, evevy
,aapd op third niskt. U tiny do not porgy lo 'n Mo
'Seer time, by the nest morning, take one or two owes
A slight breakfast shoed invariably follow thelrbiur,
The Liver Pill toiy be used where purging in simply
necessary. As on anti bilious purgative They are in•
tenor to none. And in dusts of two or three, they
give astooishing relief to sick head ache, also in slight
a... cements of the stomach.
ObsFr7e, cone ate Kenulue whimat the fac stmi:e of
be proprietor'. lignatura
ID-For sale by J. KIDD /1. CO, No GO Wood street
AU the allentioa of parch to their
FIIESII dP/1:1.0 . /TOOK.
huh they thi.k mill compare favorably, barb "in
racist tel cbriapnc.l slth tbni of a ap
otheV imam, Other 'hare tor ie
the kulanit
feblYl direly?
MOLD. nor M.I.01 1 .111:11111.•-•WO &Yin to assure the
cane •of entsbargh, that ntology sad Memento:la
ate astiucc tunivery di/lemon/1, ger. Several !re
l. k." etl.3ltautorlam,vreo Vatm muter beinlair lec
turers nal aintu Otte esperionnt. have claimed the new
linen. as • maametie pltroameaon, amide order to
give them a thane. of making profitable work of pro
TTILL = I / 1 1 TIZikro:t=t ' at:rtiVZIf o tt2
• strode passage, from cal one aloe netnytoa; beige
on 104iterieur,
the turnip., of Biology, as
trunks by ga i n, the Vightett delete, ittalateit
Ric log hay tenably tie nearer retail.: to Veneer
le ta b ee hes to common Arithmetic. • fret
aro. h Will it once appear plain to arty intelugent
tenon ern, hears car lecturer.
M•ollitg •f Itoekbeldars.
r in/E AMNitlisf• ef 6edebtholdersof
A. Mc Pittatinrgh, Cincinnati,and I.ticl.witto Tele•
graph Company, art t be beta at the :haat Doren. In
the Cal at ColoNbas, on MONDAY, inn bat or
nen, at 4 tVrtock, T. , fur am polpme of electing a
Hoard .t Directors for thecanting. 'ear, and the
Daiwa: non of other beside.. that .n.) , ire laid hefoto
them. In AleCOrdallre Wlth the Chatter and Ll 7 I. ate,
at , oe et in,410,.
1101 J told
K !JOON MAD, Prey'
0. n. CHAMBERLIN'S Commercial
mid WriOng Rooms, iu Poet Office
tar are now open for the reception ot
_42l,"*tb'oftsdVal'adr 'a7ran'ttnetementus.,da
it amber or y yang 1.4. will be reeeived
for a Mon of one Month. etimmeneing May Ist, In&
Im privilege of temAinlng at his rooms et suers hears
during Ile da as will hest mut Oro converdence,
wiihoet regar d to the camber or lessons, and will be
tough, a. elegant and tepid &ici er ., b on d . boob as
carnet attend damns the day can loin the evening
elms, •nd receive every advantage of a fall coat, of
instruction. Ladies meet from two to fon d ia the
aitsr ooon , Ina aeparete apartment. Inn ructions and
Helmet! on Book Keening av&seol.
A HAFSI2-fake Superior; tie Physical Character,
201. egetadon. and Animal,. no.
Ll7ll-Nc.a-The Ham. Illustrated. ire.
Ihratooher-Comuoa. V wile. Iran.
I/ , lignin-Aspeem of S. are. 2 vol.. Irmo
Evening I.ntermiumeni s .
&Ism pm-Sargical Atialalay. Colowd pl•le• 410.
Drarac-Prems and Prose Writings. tl vole Idmo.
Tecaraumr-The Optimist. Irmo .
W•marr -Poetical Huotatiors. Mr&
C..urrea-llotner's Triad. Irmo.
Alreg•r -Po tier Dekuilea, 2 vols. 19mo.
an 2 9 Rookeeller & hoPerter, led Fourth sr.
_ -
ODA nBll-Im , yobs Ro 4
g crier Wanda Soda •12
sJust received, and ren d. by •
Canal Basin, Penn sr.
o Deer
WO •do Hy.' co.
WO half' ter, Ky. Ride;
176 d 3 Deer RIM;
SO kegs Dna Shooting-.
4.5. tuts Ky Rifle;
250 do Iker Jai;
C 4,431/ feet Betty (34,10 arrlvc llas day
4 41 for ra'a by
•CON-70 rooks prime 9bouldere Dret receiving
I on conelgnment, for sole by
PRI 33 Wood
LICIAB-0 idyls N U Sugarrbeerriny n.
a e4; l egla
10 Webb for sale by J 8 MEMO
It k
LL b N , n o I L d • o r
i d u ;
xi recd, and ler aid::
8 UT .7,4 R -4
13'"" ., ( 7; I,ll".,l'YoßTo & co
AVilt , PAIN gii.i.Eß—A popular Medic
.1.1 au &It y Jo.l recelyed and far rule br
appal a 7 IN'ood Ilr •
alilri.4-100 his Kreider'. brand.
IA & 90 Wood in
NORI% CAROLINA TA 11-151 Ws large ai.e, for
att'e by .p3l WM BAGALEY k CO
ALERATUS-153 bog. 1 1 1 . FarbtadV, abyperio
I. viler', for snle by WM BAOALEY & CO
DLACI: SILKS—A fine amosment of
Black S . ka
of all aridM received e.
meet emeal No 05 ',wk.., O
of the Diamond. u"'h
:I:IFTpILI4IIAT.D—RiSI chmgeab!G,l,.;gog.v.o “_ ? !P?? 29 ALEX AN D ER
BL,AnfiF,,l;,",',','N..T.7r,'" /I 1 , " . clall
I . ra of i r a. r;
_.2!P 29
if ARS P. 1.11169-40 o.t &C Homo, Ey...A B..up
9) do 9 C Qeef , do
20 do & C. llama, Doeteld's;
All put up for .comer out, and for sale by
L ARD & LINSEED 01L-20 bris No I Lard 011;
12 bel• Na 2 Lard Oil;
El brit Linseed Oil;
For dabs by ay= SELLERS & NICOLS
LINSE , ED 01L-11 bri.,l, 4 ags r2 l4 L ef b e z Z . L . tlitd , ; ,
WHITE LEANS-1O sack. ion reekl, for .ale
General Temper ant• Meeting.
lIR friend. of Tecriperance are atinentilyinvited
to bueod a mend. to be held In Within. Hall , on
hl DA lf evenine,t9di Inst.
Fakrsan Pssrtic Hag., of Philadelphia, and other
diatingolohed apeak t ers address t meeting.
[Er Whit's Maas Band will be prawns eventform a number of approptiare during o ' o llg.
Foora, strut.
r RAVl:the honor of informing the eliir.ens of Pitta.
I harsh, that I ban opened, at the above Wye and
convenient 001110. a Restaaraut a Plotted de P.S.
An the delicacies the mason can afford will always
be .er.ed In the most ac i tivil styles, besides im
ported dishes, nett se Manhrooms, !Green
Pros, Pain de foie rIVIB,IIIIIII which I will always
00 ready to provide private smile. or panics
Table &lime at 'n ine every day.
Gentlemen wishing for privara MOMrs can always
b accommodated .
11 larder and cellar win compare with any ether
la New York or Philadelphia.
A few won boarders can be aetosimmlated.
aySlALity A. NARA
( loth., Cassinscres, end Vesting..
A LARGE Invoice of Wooer Bleck, Wee, Bronx,
n 1 Olive Bread Cletus; Elmer Smote Deegan.
nand Pr am,
C... l Meretri 3 lnir RePer Blaze
Senn, !dyne li en, and Pram , Cmhmere Settings-re
ceived at d now airmails by
A A MASON tr. CO, - -
ny27 . _
___Or! Market an _ 1 L" , 13 . 11.11 .p R , 11 81 , LBS-4 2 ;neel A 33 A PII=EIM.
Fine Des" Good.. ...
A A. MASON ACO ore receiving daily, additions lIABECES & eJegant styles n
4 - 1. a edit. followine styles, to their.plendid meek or Al , reined per late Ennpenn steamer, and now ., zzt
Drees iit.o4l, Super Mack and Fancy silk., vein t. e 504 ...''' ..! , ' 4 ' ' ,
Silk Ttonce, Per Clothe, Allterinee, Sil -
.hence, WHI gE GGGPS-Mall, Smism . Book; /impact, and
Barer,. and Ilarere 1)e Laing, Ilm,tk, Serra., Ormind., Barred Alnahne, in greet warmly.
Jimonet, and Limnos Lawns, Ac; also, Monts/mg ~,,4 - A A•AIABON & Cl 3
Dress tio.d. in all their variety. non 7 "' •
Ai 02 It 1M - T - 0 - 00 . 31' 'PR GI , in if 111 . CIROCERILS, he-40 bf dotal. Green klilack Tea
THE tireding and Almon ry of about thirty nein. of AnrW 40 atty Ime do do
J. the Olt o and Permaylvonta Rail Rood, ettendinx 00 b
eg. rop`r Legusyra Mfrs;
wertorard ;non the State Line, llf or Palestine. trill be OS bags RIO to c c; i
let at Salem, Columbiana county, Ob., on Wedne.- L
Coy. the BM day of Alay, ISSO. Cant...tors can Oh. ; i l o t) h b tw eg . sol vi. d Ta N ir ro Jaz g Co . fisei
Grin information of the Engineers upon the line, or at ! .0 bell mfined and Loaf Sager,.
the orrice in Salem. 40 Mien 0 Molanes;
By order of the Dowd of Director.. 00 lab,. a 8 AI Molasses;
WM. ROBINSON, Jr., Pt celdent. 3 brls Golden Syrup;
P ttrburyli, April Tab, lair . -upridid Co bd. Modified Cider Vinegar;
(Cleveland Herald; Chin Sone Journal, Colombo.; ISO doe inserted Corn Broome;
end Combined Gesette, copy three timer, nod charge I 40 doe patent ZinOWleth Roan*
Company j 10 hos Cocoa and Chocolate;
4 boa superfine Rice Finer;
dr3 no. Raglish Dairy Cbeesc;
Coder Wood A Bildt sta.
A FLOURIMO MILL, with (oared. of stones—one
IV of te best locotions or bsneeein the west—and
a first rate Mew MA on nn f almo u st i nevi, feilingetream,
and to acre* of Land. good Dwelling' Hoare, Tenant
House. and other improvenente, situated seven miles
from the Ohin River, Monroe County, Ohio. Also,
near the above, a bennlltyl Farin,evell Improved,con.
tainiog acres. For mains, ie , enquire of
apt!? 112 Second et,
The Poorer of Dertalys
ur read that the strength of Samson all lay it, his
VT heir, nod that when the perfidious Delilah. had
despsilest bins of his Hawing locks, hissower all de.
patted (tom bon. When we see youg and. lovely
w noon, with magcent ham, before whore beauty
all seem to bow, the history Samson is forcibly
brought m mind Let that proud lady, through rkkr
new or neglect. be shorn other luxurient ringlets, rnd .
tbe power oI beauty Is at an end. /lAUEL'S
doubt, the best artinle extent. for kt e ping the hair in
a Acuity state , and reinvigorating hair which has bes
roma Min end harsh. It. constant WIC will keep the
hair son, silky, and luxurinet to the meet adveneed
age. It Muni). ern:neatest all ilsednalifand seafood
keeps the Amon clean and healthy, while the hair is
net halite to turn grey so soon. It will bring in caw
and on bends which have become premamrelv baldf
and prevent the halt falling out from the effects of
skim., I have received to.itomitiale of It.
.elit from persons dm...lushest respectability,
end mme of die mow sclentific gentle/nun of thls city
have pronounced
I ts o
he unique. As every highly
popular dscovery to liable to be counterfeited or Rim
lewd, to it is with my Eau Lastrale Hair Reworsti re.
An of this
w a d ele bat beer InlnutiClOrcd In
life city, which I oul parn,yolarly caution the pub
lic again... Always ark for JULES 11A MEL'S Van
Lustrale Ilair Rectorative, and you wi'l then amain
au article whirl, Is warranted to render vatiefaction.
JULES HAUEL. Pertatner and Chemist,
Chestnut street, below Fourth.
For sale wholesale toil retail by tl. A. Vabnestock
Co,A and It K Sellers, Pmetiorkh; sad Jahn Se
gent and J. Mitchell, Allegheny city, Pa. ap27
CASTER rARIA-5(2.1 brie of superior quality
finely groped, obi., porennd unadulterated, and
tuitilde for land, he , for sale (ow by
319 A WI Liberty al
11. 'ph] %INV WALLACE •
OTONES, hest quality, warranted, nod at pores
lower than hare before been odered In this watlfet,
5925 W 00' WALLACE
vberrwled. affd nl TeJuied ”t;ce..
AitgiAA N
TEt o f the
yM zanle reontanVanim on ow
notice. 'W W WALLACE
apfG dturd veinlS
A PER —1:.• tow Medkuto eteltar Wrepoin• raper;
tZla ma Ceara° do do
Al;., !area as.ornarot ot Printirg Paper of every
eaceipmn, ua borA and (or sale
vz4GLisit CC
• a:overgrow , o ELLIO k
er , d7 fy Wtmd titer t.
JUST received—L.'S WI. Slum, for eel. by
• -
Nj A F . C . 7 A HAW SNUFF—AO j tra re 0.1 for / . ac by
4Y. J UM)
Gte .
... 1 . 1 , ; COT:11 1.p e ;II LIFF—W1 3 11 i 1 11 1 ; 1 ;, d 4g r,
W HITS V frillol,-130 ree'd,
iiflalli—LVO - - -
JOE IS iift#l}.2ll—Ly.o 4 fiet nu hand, ljaal• Lr
PiNli ROOT—I .64 topraor quality, received at
the Drat, Peril, and Perfumery Ware /mtge. tur
ner of Plitt, and Wool al. 13 N WICKER:MIA/11
alti—juut teceired, .nd srerrsuated
pure white, for .*le by the gallon br •
_14117 wic4Eit9tinm
L ARD 011.--.1.5
ar-b I 4 lderner First & Weed sir.
. lINF,TuCJ: 1F C
i i,.'l.s ' r i7;; ) _;3 ., .21: &co
j u , Tree;djzott i le/ t t , P o h o i t l l Cloth Factors.
WOdo 34 'do 1.
%la do 3 4 do dn.
COO do do f
ill, do.
ror tote t ale itorerLoco, No. hhJ o Wood stre4l,..
..TCRE OIL CLOTHS—J, 0 dozn as,noved
ma. and atylea of Tatar, Ea.raa, andßareaal
Yaryan '0,10•1 h./ •aita J P
II .11.411'8,
Vk i 'Par!. a ' r.. l'74l .l l !l;; '''" ; ' ,:. II
F T wt
SliEnr FLOOR OIL CLOVII—On hod, a Toe es
sortmtht o(4 :44 G ya 4 ..i.l.lltibit Cloth, apltn a
did oaLierae, of *Steil vre•ortll eat to order. any sue
at cattalo wholesale pttece 1 Jr. 111 , Mill LIA PS
apt 6
isao) REED HOUSE, 11830
IL ITII & BAllnge . Proortato.r&
Padisc Solara. Rth,
tIENIMAL STAGE'. OFFlCE—Eastern. Western,
and Southern Stages, leave boom daily. ear.
nage. to and from SM.= nod Packet an, Grate,'
AI. W. listen, late el the American Hotel, Lrie, , Pa.
G. W. tints., late of the kiimman .Hotel,
apri ego.
Changeable SUk Bbwle
O P m d c iti; , e v r c eLy , D , tel i, a!i i ! very low for quality, lately
11,106 141t:71711 ° C r tiFIELD,
ardS N corner of Ponta, and &halm tis
For lair.
lIAIGNENtd, at the Cotten Poeta, of ft. &
Co. Penn GUCCI, *l l l tc rold !no. or on jime,i
well teeto,d
Merits /.111
Ura received, a runplc of Ladies' Black, Whi
tl Mat, Lead, and Unbleached !lottery; knabroid
ed do; Span Sllt and &G unman do; And Men'. M
Moo Unble•eted Conon dn; ltlerino ditto. LI
Gloves for :.noes and Gentlemen; Embroidered
and flak - du. Alt m low each poem , . at iron, of
hIURPIIV it IlUftellF
!la] N E earner of Fourth and Martel st
Colorad and While Wadding.
100 'IA tin' , c00. , y, last recelred fn
13.11101110.1,, on convinin eat, and for sale
cinnin price. at ilia nannfeetarers'
--. VVQ.k. 'l I
' ' lid iVoni ii - -0.
Sr —7l hbde & t
leb " gg hom eleam:r'rrisaonn neonntl"Ct:reTt'7
ISM& i picuuy k ( ' o,
LeFL , :In Water et.
IVl ""i*"'n''' "ii
in lV:lA n titgin P P
a' IOPPEP.--16trUng• MO, to imruy ---9-C-1
P VAM-100 brio, to mitten, for .ale by
1 apn.3 ISAIAH 1)1010 . V..11 . CO
Vl - 1111.25 brie b y rtliiiti; - ---------
VS brie Ilarving; -
10 brie Shad, to arrive, and for .ale 14
4—.503J0 lb. Him.;
151(131h. Phler,
iu,13,3 Shanteers, 'tarp, for
Ijkla 111E11.1 •Isvays on hand . , on'd fOr
ISwt l K. Cool near bacon eark.,,for by
ACKEIIEIIOO brie large No 3, Newbuy pan
EIrPE.H.3, !oil rreelyed. and far nle by
Canal /1..;n, Penn siyaer.
Sellers. yescortm•e—nThe Hest now Igg
Use: ,
litites, lOWA, April 0.1851
R SetLans—Uma thr—Haerag used acme
of y our ye unfuge In our families, with great forces.,
belinvingi from the very great eatisfeetion it has
given in oar neighborhood. that St is Me best now in j
a re,
we are anxious to procure the agency for this I
place. W e have sold all we obtained of your Ohio
agent. Yours, respectfully, Fe: A JULIAN.
n allre r i m its i, r t ha i d ne elways procure the mom Ttr
Prepared and raid by 0 G SELLERS, No 57 Wood
meet, and sold by Draggiits generally in die two
3 0 ., e 4v
k CO. have removed' *r
nd f:rob .smni to north west Corner of Weod
Marline IlloSpltal.
C 2 F.A D Yropouls *lll be reeefeed al the °Mee o
0 Ale Surveyor of the Pori of St. Louis, Missouri,
until the tO.I, of Noy next, for the erection of a
klarine Hospital upon the lot of ground on which tho
Magazine new rteodS. south of the Arsenal. TAP
bids will include the excaeatlans, =mil', and nth
portico. of the carpenter work as ik necy wt old'
the walla are going up. with the of the ess build
Ing exhibite. Smeld
until the day of l/catins oi the Work, with the plan, arill
EDWARD WATTS, Soperitatendus.
St. leek, Mull MUSS arki-S2tv
108 Market.ll ttttt ,(near Llbertii)
1111 , 01”13 AND 011 ALTAI us
PENDERS,/se. A 1.,.
Salta and Vane, Veallarca,
DANDANNe, and LINEN HpxFs. a general as.
sonment of FANS, and every variety of Snowing..
• .24
To lull Itaad C aaaaa eteWEC,, --
glrrE O ar y hand a large
Ty Crow and Sle d ge hinelde,Stone and Sleek.
mita Sledges, and Steel of every kind.
IV Prates et.
1 Slp;lii n E u lkd a ttlyhf r A s N pri t . T. Sleekld rattail
Vices, Boiler and Sheer hog, ite to, Astu 'waryto.t" No,
ICS Water creel. apl4dat
412Clitlil--IC 0 Sagarjactr i f iditor a s t te li by
k nal
T Ana—BM kegs Leal Lard for family ate, in stem add for sale by • 8 fr. W HARLILUOII
LIULD CANDLEJS-60 Daub hi. • 1241;.5)8
rem and for Bak by 8 W /IAJA UGH
Land and Mills for Sal•
P tr" " " V;uoN me - 4 and In
by s.eame
- 8 .0 .1 ; i t , ierron, for sate by 13.91 A iI Ii MET.A. CO
riA47:ll, Ittraullei
) John Darand CaJa manuhetareo 9 .0 9,9
...Ay on band and for oak ho
‘VI I NEJR— Superior Qllll/1. 07—G•Linnrh't'alrettatoL
pagan Wises ept constantly on hand. and to,
ra by apla A CULBERTSON
8.i11113;.L0U15Y.:14.e...L1A/9.,;Jgag andp
tri::/ILLE-4.l4 l ViTl ß rerb, Jost
reed, and for eole Clf ORAN r,
arrle 94 Water at.
Ahl Yl3 lea
AME earrd ha
tIINp ma V, Bpd
MORA, and for role by
II rt.g.yeAl
ItI..FINISH brig__
farnnru ge ; LY TIES uN . A HUTCHISON &
EA 011 7 11:: h
P 'I°.73PWAVEZZattra.
1) 'TTER—I3 brio prime paented-Fluttm—,----,
13' ' a a for sale by
8 -tO bags pram, prime
Timothy Peen Coe sat o by
pro !. 8
IVA,Tp . II r
(2%,lo";:..l.lisetniti, KEL.n—.o down patent
nn " 3O L d 1111 TE I'SONS
priiM , ll-21 mink. ree'd, sena for "ea
S ALEStATU:3 I 3 O ;nor:. Clevy:ndiateXasi
big itn do In payees
thin day teceived, ol
and Sr solo by
artn_ rtieNDLESA
20 halt - bele do, reed and Etc stale by
13 1 moms-128d. Corn 11rocon•for arde
T)IG II1133;-20 ton. ahi. 1
_ WICK ihrettr d 111% b yd
coFfEE TEA?—;sMaraßio Co
- hut Acids Y. H. Dm;
43 do G. P. do;
el caddy bra do;
30 half cheats Black Tea ; re
rein], ; er canal, and for rale by
A NINT EMS' OlL—ba btlyfor sale by
awn 7Ab1113 PA ILZF.T.I.
Want. d,
VIVE anJ inteldgent young mon to mist ln
r making prepared.. for a Directory of dm MT
of PittalA urg le, apply dant alla !alp to
Room., o f f Ilona or Trul., comer of 7611 d
er.Nl Wcwd au, vary.
E XTRA CREAM CLIRF—ttE-60 hi. Crease Cheese
of ewe quality, In store and to arrive, and for
attic by A DALZELL it CO,
nw ition cloth
Cr,.;'a Fla. 01 one W 4111.3, or LiV . Pir for Appear
Rocca, watt Khoo/ lions. 13y the tiro Imo Matteis.
(1111.icle, Post,AllittielaLd, and Journal, copy.]
( - II OVER k. TIMOTHY SEED-200 bushel prime
oeverseed, and 50 be Timothy in story, and for
Into b y apMl DALZELL I CO
r Lard in bent and half brie, in store,
I / and Inc rale by - R DALZELL dl CO
o:Viotti niin—ltt halos Cotton Osnahurgs, manage
for rain and feed bass, tarpaulins, steam boat
Are emeriti, be , just received, sad for into by
ont/ • VD libe rty street.
i 3 U RLA PS-1 bales 4u Iney base burinps rceeivnd
an l l tor sale by_
1 elllf
. 1 tin wool. saii - s- - -thuun sled Colton W Novi Smells on band, soul foe saki by teLEF:
1 1 1 1N1;78132 4 1b . 11 , wool tying and .owing tyrnre ,
Vr,,,,,,,30NmAk5L1<21;i112.12222.r, for We
2o Cf.I,I.Oi.RATNT
CORN -5 0 22 atieL, io {turd . 22M - -•---
IREA . pI .11UCCE1"8-20 dosh,
I_________ u r
2,_ 42_ ,,__ Er
ATTlNG—..iobalecNo I, m abre, and far We by
LI A Le tj 0/10L—I2 brls______in 1 ,1 0 , 14 ..41 r itLo n o b a y
luit reed, for rale by ODSO
PATENT SLACK-1/9lb, fo; bY
44,1) naDA R CO
~LTJND Glolse-3o* boxes elle;
11 , 0 do lOoldi
Le do IrrH jan rmired
opt. &
and forale b
LOUIS VILLE LIME-400 brio in acre, mad for
by aplll 8 k;WHARRALIGII
For vat: by
i-40,5t0 Ihs Bacon Haw;
lbs do shoulders;
10,000 Ms do Sides,
Jost leeeividg Irma smoke bow, and for wit by
•n 24 8 & W
ivt INDOW GRASS—IOW web uattca axes,
Tlf in store, and for sale by
tortil • b.: blokes street.
W HITE LEAD kcg. Date aotivoi White
Lead In Gil, I. Itanorn n Co.'s brand / for sale by
It ED LEAD & LITHARGE in store and for sale by
pARAPOL...4.-A. A. MASON A CO, ad Market at,
have received per tiptoes 10scares of Parasols
of th e beat menet:winter, and of all qaplities. lira •
voice of the above goods received, and epaulet by
the`l..P—Ahollier large mock of Cape
j chew!. of most elegant embroiders. received
:er express, by A A MAY.ON tr- CO
" 17.07ilEir
Apt. 27 ST. CLAIR STREET, liter the Eridge
Calve:mice Klima made to order promptly. Our
:thins ate made be meet the same ugat.
menu. Al' shirts warranted to fit, otherwise en.
ehanged, ar th e money returned. We keep in the
store a large astostroen; those wishing to parables..
their rettosure, 'elect shirt. to correspond,
and 'has they are roneetly fitted. We have shirts
with msga,fiee ait embroidery on the bosom, to which
am eon the mtention of gentlemen in the habitat
going to ponies, as they would add mach to their per
made heiwaby ourse lvinnee Nn es. N, Attie shirts roll nt Our store but
api3 dlar_
lll•tett Ii
ja. HORSES for rale by .1 C BREYFOGLE,
•Pga 118 Second at
'sun DEMIIO 110VBE8
A LL pc r.r.n. heeler comber. pat on their halma,
mn= ty te a Tertran ef CannelJr, will
'please rol l a the Bocci. of the Beard of Trade.
second mot y, earner et Wm" and Third it, and piti
Bituinal oh, April re. iwr. *pal
Pith . : Min and Pennsylvania Rail Road Comps./
I. 06/•11 LO contract far eight thowarti tons of Rut
Road Ir. n, for eastern division olthea road. extend.
too westward noon /bastion h. 'Dime thousand tons
to be delivered on the Ohio River, at Pittsburgh and .
Bearer, before the close of canal navigation to the
?present 3 car. 1850;and the remainder to the spring of
next year. Tile rails are to be of the II pattern. In
lengths at twenty feel, and are tp weiihnO pounds tier
o LICI2/ yard. 'they are tp be sulpect to th e luspeotinA
f Soiliimt.n W. Maher's, Cider Engioeco. Fey further
information, please whites. the Plosident of the cam
I arty, at I l ittethirsh. By order of the Board of Di..
rector, Wit. ROBINSON, Jr., Presid ent . lituthongh, Aped 10th, thOO. aplid3w
V tl INEB—I33 Coxes Claret Wines, choice Ito nits;
Cl baste,, Champagne do do
just reed get stesmor Migraine, god fur sale by
Ilth Wetly st
root:Lino cards.
Q 111 ET:CARDS for Wool Cirding Mach'
plate tool cleaners, for sale ly. _
tawinn comeeN,
20 Wood
e 11E5.15k.- 15 Oz. prbad sew abeam.;
su bzx old cbeeae,ian rethl ex tba bi
and ibecaa depot. ll3fraed meet.
lINSFED 01L-15 Ails Ant at 404, mad far ..le by
• apd3 J Uald &FULD
Xuaapratta , Patent Lida AO,
CASKS of . the a.. cadahricA4 Mead tad
hi g h t ea' , thih.i Tug rho
ear. now on (aE • mhy . rum New Orleans, and es
peeled here Mir week ; and Dli will shortly notice
We Baltimore per ildpn denim& Chesapeake, Dame,.
a. Alb., which ail be sold no airfield, at ihe
Moral market mice for each or apureved bine.
hr. 23 No lee Liberia at.
S Ctikft— tOtl hkor 04 10 berm, in more.. for One be
DLTITR-7 bria and a kegsfresb. Jul reed and
for pa'a by apD Jll C M F F J 4)
U homely in •tn
Moll aq al to Bars,
CSOT•11 Linings. Duet.
:NC—"Zite:p"onnn lt" L ' l r t 7 Dtt ' a 4 • ° ‘; ' qua , MA,
3Yadding, !leo: actinafaetayad and for sale 01.
lotrest terms, by D iIoRVIMS7G.
apaldlna 150 Pearl nt. Near York.
N S 17E. GUIG:IOI.E7, 4r.., jos t reed, aod
to. see by 1.0241 ' A CULBERTRON
r 4ort reerl cd,...altor seta by
ky Bona., loot reed, •+i! fair alea by d Cr"b*
_2I , W
SVP-Pk i Meh'i
p, . 7;: t t , do”.l . l6obrori cored;
6 do ' Halos,
Jost reed, oyd for oile by do
Lty2 .l
, Ho No Moles." )or[ 17.441 Ted
Le... and Manages
C. S. rORTF.It
MC. Or •01119320. -
Drees Ureic. and Pargoette• •••• •• ••.2u
- Second and Third 'Leer 2'
rier calored Pessror.•:••-•••23
Mos. open et 21; Curtain will MO. nelnek.
Gl-Ui of Mr. SILSLIES, utd Lit lan sp.
On Aloriday, Aptll bcprerent-d • new
drama called
whi, C u ltirAß HAUSER.
%If 9iisbe.
par Hauser 1 Mt, Nichol.
Eva Min Nner
Margatette Mrx Ulatsford
During the cvening, THREE YANKEE STORIES..
To be followed with..
To conclude with
Al kjah Fildato
paperor•------ , ---.—Aft a a' /0/instOx
M.MlifillDE,Ert,,wlll appear on Tuesday
61 perimem+ on BURR will give their Lectures and Ex
rho new end wonderful science of
Ws:my, at Wilkins MD on SATliltfLy,
upoisAY mid WEDNESDAY Evekinzs
April with,mh, Sink and Ably hi,
• A soros ...tusking elswilmenis with mind will
be introduced. • w
Dear. epee m 7 &dock, ta . 001311.1,C at it prediely.
Admittance, IS [Ante.- Callihan, hen" price.
Lc NS H. FANNING READ vvill yea I . - Tita /Rea.
W c.v.. re Yeller,. at WILKINS HALL, on
SATURDAY evt :gap, April:?.
Tarkete, emit.; to t.e htd at
fr. e t ook stout of
L LeOMlO, Kay A Co. and J tampon 'Mateo and
the AlonnegaLelalloom, Recharge lintel, n,.d di.
Chattea Retch end at the door
Doors open at 61, reading tOcommence et !I O'Cl.t.
137 & 130 Wood above Fifth.
MlLATondidesioblishment is now edited (or
Rent s i t is adiailably availed tor Couserts,
, closes, Exhibitions, de. For toms, rip's to
.1011 N A FITT<INCIi.V.9,
1.71 Weor • 1.
()PEN - DAILY-9eu, 9 9010 in the Inerrant; 210 3
LI 111 the 33ernoon; wid Ana 7 to 19 o'cloerin the
Ep•Adminuee /13 cents; Children .der 10 leers
halt price. ,
IHAVE taken WM. CARR pan psonerstup th
me in my blame., which will gram this da tebo
amid on under Janus me of "John Yorker k. Co."
March hi, Ibso. JOHN PARKER,
John Parker —• • • - William Care
Mardi Craws, Dtakra Pro dace, Fenagn
Trines, Liquors, Old Illaaangahla
and Rent/p..1 /VA it. Cry.
No. 3, Comae/nal Row, Libcrty street,
mr"33 Pittsburgh. Pa
• •-11/1•01 &CO., C . r . A.TIIOR2
11.-13=4111.- any 10,0
trarkeS r betwssis Third& Fourth s
Pittsburgh, Pa,
WOULD rectfullcall the
v merchant ,, to ono of the most e xt e n si ve
Sme.s io too co.olrYs comptiiing fiver Fourteen
Hundred Cases and Packs,. of Foreign_and Domes•
tie Dry Goods, consisting, in pan, of •
hOO eases Cost style railcar
100 Weached grades;
go " Summer &offs and CottunaderL
30 " blush; de Loins
CD Lawns and - 51usliits;
60 s flannelly and Tweeds;
10 Cassimmes, Clntyb•
100 " and bales of ThiSCONL, Cheeks, /Se.;
300 " Crown klaslitta
Together with tie most extensive assortment of
Imported Goods*, this market, possessing-She emu
ample facilities far the us.action of their lousiness,
and one eta. partners being constantly is ibasa, urn
markets, than presenting every advantage enjoyed by
camera haws. They believe that they can offer
greater Inducements to merchants smie ral into atyles,
qualities. soo priers, than any eastern market. Nora
foods eon at riygog. hts reheats integgliag par
ehasing„Emt. taro parglealarly limed to examine
tee& assortmeeL (apt' l A A worm &
...SOLI SYRUP-24 dos superisr quality. for 5010....4 bY . and) ' J KIDD*. CO
LITINtiIS-W tra - S6-71 7 ‘I b ni r s a . 7 00
.. i 4 ,
in store, end for
ale L --s c Isollfl .
DACON-51001bo nhouldan:' " -
LI- 3000 lbo basis, slip owed, In store, and
itp2O .. STUART &MG',
M l -O t 4 a"°•„%rm.'"l,riurizt.P.
C OTIUN YARN -1000 lb. banned. fil: able by
ap.o . STUART tc PI Li-
CLEIVICKZ44O.Ibi - ' - ; ;tor. , and ( oK . sale hi
._...y. STUART k. BILL
. __'
pEABL Affil_
7 casks jast med and for aaid
DALT l.4bry at. CLL &
apso CU
OT ASU- . 4 casks received, tar We bY
DA PER-15e rin/1 Crown Swim Wisophig
i 150 Medium Stra w di)
ith a la
Together wrgo awortscent a P do rinting Paper
or ewes, axe,. hud and far sale LT
A 11 EE ,
Siteeetwiso of EL N IA ° VTLISR
re ENGLP.I3,
No 'l9 Wood meet.
C OD LIVER OIL -60 gallons white, warrant.;
para, far We by BA FA ;INITOCK tCo y
larn Corner of & a O_tan IV.. str..
A 1:111E1IVE PLASTER—AW Tony,earesdr
for.le try II A PA lIN RSTOChq &
riPl u Tllll7loolbs near crop, for
& Co
CIUM ARAIIIC-130 wham 'or ODIC Iv
V -
V IA rwr
uutKeyr..-900perzor-q—ualii.imat odhasi
HlPur& CO, d '
No 64 WAed "Ma'
21 1/7 , 88118. .13.C.ARELt a ('O..
DANK fiSqEII)VORAVERA One etsociatedteiat
D them' CIIA RLES WEL: 1 1 1 ,110 kernel. IS ken's , a
for the past f. omen t etre es kttgraserin the css=
of fpetteer, Harty & Danforth,) e; copartner. The
)coinoss will in ware Le cot:Atm.! under the fitna
111:10 WELSH,
lelchin Eget CHARLII3 ii
manuartan.d by Joh. J Word, Column U J
~ o,
omelt ou cousigrunonl, and for • ale by
DIALOCUE—OF DEVILS—A ftw Oaf - jetif Uri
work for .10 by JOHNSTON& STOCKTON,
Booksellers, corner °Market and Third
it RI
.s F RE.Scorrs CONQUF'S"I.
A few riot.Ws of each of lit arrive jg,,4 we'd'
by !aril)] 40/Ill:SION A Sliierf
flo oi. 4rnaiele, Ame.kan, nvi N.., <eta_
Q ell WAllrs PATFINb N illwaj a
on bond, andfor rale al the oven
nn~eA Si
EiTOLELY.—lesieriVil .r: rite„
rnd 119= atrcn. between UP"
.111 be Jibarally reworded try lowring ofila.
3.000 `24g L l ßt 4`"k!'""";'' , l .f2Tl.i
sr VON I.NtillOBBT
d. CO
Nfor •
nil.for a. 11: by
Y 17 W 4 pr mq in
ml 9 JB myfp • Azil a Co
T A rt74 ° '
Call:T6=4 „,
--Jll3llwwo!trick. co
JO. i. i r b y ~......•r •
J 13 DILWORTH R. env
T814.'4,777F GF
ViyhlTV:o4 EiUdI . SI . II , ULD Zas. sues.l!...
Te d
..... .A.J.:::ltt G nrerest:l7/e " . r.. 4 14 *."
StOLASS bbb narTlialanlo/neaes, ,
13 Wm Sugar limpe r
c c: b
.Argeing per ""erB A R r .V4I . ,k I
OUfBV . LE LIAM—Ft, brie
ja and far rale by A CVLBERTIVIN,
ar,l7 143 Liberty et.
TrENFI3ZWIFAIN-100alibli—VaIams In bream ar-
V dee, tau reed, far rale by A C.IIMIpT3tON
D E by
fTTRip ree :ri
NB-41 rarolf, — ,
, nod ir .,
Et . N . ]; 0 L-5 bth teed, anidlt TEI!
~I 7 oftl ' IIITT R.
OiItgIEOREF.N-.-12 csorriroe'd o tt
,tairt.cortsi "Ea
10 do ido.;
ru La.dtry abdaido,o,_asw haft% from Fon
n kE r ru,itri: d slams lor.
0 ALTPETar.-=Tfjiraier. ter for 4 - 74 - 71 r
0 .pI7
lIRAUN ig. uErrER
RAND noses Gr iiii;w7o•l7 - CiA r d reokil,_hy
oratiman WAIL locilllA 'weft. WILY, that;
PA LOUR, 111111 NA da: CO.,
'(Snceasson to Honey. Hanna & Co.)
of ilnelgD .1.4 Domenic Ezehanse,
Ikposlte. Dank Note., and Bpettp , —N.:,,e,
Confer of Woad and Third stream
received an deptidte.--Idight Cheek' far anle msb
collections made on nearly all the Pram/pat imam is
dm United States.
a o h Tl i t ! bi dtteltPmnalltso Pahl f , 11 .- Taeho and Amadeus ,
&brawn" made on natolgnmaats of Predate's, dip.
MI East, on Um.) tense. addl.
Nay m t agaiine. and No se . Doane, — :
Sem; oPPosito the Post Office.
G0(1128 .t r ti . ire! , 34? cint
t Sonain'sVogortoo do
Morning Call, by Km Ellis.
Women In America; her work and her reward. Dy
Hallo J. &Ithaca*.
t r a y, rit y 4T .li im e
N ll:r uo, !(the I . V.rld.
Diary a•Pyp.ielsn Cabttmla..t a e
_mg therestdts
tyof annul a d :Fennme, Incis..nnv n . o:n a. r=7 . n oi z
.. land wate r.
Me -4lsbee
•)4r Trary