8øIe&CI1lC EB!NU9 CEl.EllriA7'E➢ *rand Wad Square Plane Ferrell BROS to intone hts oriends end the musical p that helms now invoices, and will receive end expose for sale, daring the prewnt month, the lateen and Moat deoltible stoek of Piano Fortes ever altered for We In the west—among the comber will be fpond a fell sanely of SalPerbly carved Rosewood Grand Plano Fetus, with all the recent improvemeatz to methaniarn: and Style of exterior. Splendidly caned Rosewood wren octave iare Plano Fortes, Sashed in the Ellubethan and Ms XIV. Giles , Mb a largo stock of all the various moles oG no none*, varying in piece from 8173 to IMO and IRMO, prepared by Mr. Chlckering for the present Tow. RM.) Purchasers are wanted that the prices of Mr. Chick. strings Pianos have been, and will continue te be, the sante al al the toseursctoty In Roston, without charge for trusportation; and will be delivered and set up tr.• • perfect order, is any part of the city, without charge. cur A CARD. TRR undersigned begs leave to inform the public Mathshu deelined badness 01 favor of his: timn, n. Davis, who will continue the Auction and Corn =salon business at t whom he old stentd corner of Wool and Fifth streets,and for w ould solicit a censun nsucoofthe Maul patronage heretofore bestowed op. en alehouse. .1011 N D. DAVIS, Ara Sib, P. N. DAVID, • (SUCCESSOR TO JOIIN D. DAVIS,) lIICTIONESP. AND CONDISSION MERCDANT, CORN. 01 WOOD AND MIN 1110001., TAT ILL make soles, ort liberal terms, of Penns. V V Demesne Iderchandise, Real Estate , Stocks, ie., and hopes, by experience and close atlentisn baldness, to meth. continuance of the support end patronage so libernilY extended to the Comer house- AMU flab. IEGO. Notice to oar Patrons. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. 111110 decease of the active partner, In Philadelphia, .1 (the late Jameihl Beata) produces no interroption to the Imaineve-6etrrengement• have been made which Involves the same lotereris precisely, - whichi have hetelolom