MISCELLANEOUS. BMW aqm .MSZOB. Bola :ag ent In Western Peancyleaala,,for the sale a; CHICSRRING'S CELEBR ATED • • Gilead and Square Plano Fortes, 8V.013 to Inform his iriende and tee musicalpubLic , that he as. now insothem, and will receive •nd expose Mr sale, during the preseet month, the Went acid soma desirable stock I P nno Fortes ever orend for sale In the west—ante g the number will be Mend a fall Wpply of lixPentlf tarred R.Ol ood Grand Plano Fortes. witht all the recant imp ements in mechanism and rule of exterior. - 3Pleodidly carved Ro ewood syven octave Seen , ' Piano Felten, Settled n the Flithbethme and Louis XIV. an los , With a large *tack of ail the various Styles of Pie. no Fortes, "'minx id priers from IMIS to fine end COW, prepared by fir. Chlekering for the present Pod, WWI Perchaiers are enured that tbe prim of Mr. Clink - ering• pienee.neve been, and will continue to be, the M. WI at the 1111110 Naar, In Demon, without charge for tratuportatiorn and will be delivered and set Up ic perfeet order, in tap pan of the city, without nhaegn mil) Wall Paper Warehouse. PIO.47,9IARKET 8 ritEk.T. between Third and Fpontt Meet!, Pittsburgh, Pa. THOMAS PA l r M would respectfully call tha attention or his friends and customers, to his present extensive and general Shut of mershandise. It will be Wand to rem prise every d :script/en of American and French Wail 'Paper and Border lot Parton, Ilahs, Dining Ranch, Bed Clismbers,Connting K.., Ik., ranging from WI C ] to it a piece. So great • diversity of price. and goslings ean bardly Ilil to suit the circumstances and tastes al ptlrebolier. who 'ally snot with their patronage, the old estab li shed stand on Market street. mrlBd3m BM= TIIF • undersigned begs leave to inform the poblie that. hes declined hasinem in favor of his &o, M. Davis, who will conue iho Auction and Corti mission business at the old s .and, corner of Wood sod Fifth streets, and for whom be would solicit • cont., Unison( the liberal p•trousgo Immo:idols bestowed up on the house. - JOHN D. DAVIS, April Ildi,18:0. P. D. DAVIS, (SUCCESSOR TO JOHN D. DAVIS,) AUCTIONEER AND COMIdIRSION MERCHANT, COIN. OW WOOD AND MTN rretz•ea, AA - TILL make .alas, on liberal terms, of Fortiks and WV DOSOWIDO Merchandise, Real Estate, [sleeks, nod business, h t o omet bhae xpenrt i i e nncaen can o c t lo h s s a u t p t epnotrio na ntdo patronsac so liberally eziended to the fennel . house . April Oil, IkhO. - BoagamitiTlial a. Et Ibb ossa, Ate. 10P H. PALMER, NO 105 Barbet stock, is preper. od to offer very great inducement s to buyers of Straw k ktillatery Goode, of every description. Ho stock consists of every desirable style of Plain and Fancy Straw. Braid, Gimp. Frew& Lace end other Boon Ms. Jenny Lind, California, Round and Square Top Hats, for Alines and Infants. Boys' Hats, In great variety. miens Leghorn, Straw, Skald. China Pearls and Sultan Ham Rib bons, - Flowers, /Samuel., Silks, and miter Mathieu - B owe s Phillips & HAVE removed to Wareisuuse No. Water It betweeo Wood and Market, where will be hop foe sale, of tneir mumfmturing, a full anonment o Iron. Nail., Spike., Castings, and lioi Blast Pipes warranted of the best goallly, at the loweskprices Mr. JOHN BEST, of the late Gnu of Tamey nest having purchased en interest in the arm, ill take change of the Warehouse!, and wilt devote hi, entire attention to the business, and endeavor to render sat. isfaction to the friends of his late form and all other. who may favor us with their patronage. BROWN. PHILLIPS & CO, an.l.lm On )Vaier on. situiburgh. istsactriacri , dr. W I,IIIM, No. 101. WOOD STREET, HAVE. In store and are reeeryin t. g a large Stot o DRY GOODS, selected won great earn for the western trade, and to whteh they invite the attennw of city and western merchants. Great lath:cement offered to Cash buyers. Ladd lottainu. ly[UßPltY g ts. itCIIFIRLD are prepared to fur dab their costnmers and buyers generally with the very belt make of the above goods, and will do flit at the old prices, notwithstanding the advance of cost. Some extra floe Bosons Linens, wamoded pare tax, lately received; also, a supply or Witco Table Cloths, Diaper., Craah, be, lust tccetved. Btrolend Towels as low as 75 cents per doyen, or 6g cents a piece, at north cast estrum of Fourth and Market sta. apt° A FORTUNE FOR 110 or .LIS. TYRITANNIA SPORTING PORTRAIT CLUB, offices, George street, Plymouth, England. The te.trigers beg to acquaint their numerous patrons thei tie next Distribution of Portraits or Rare Borges, will comprise thoseentered for the forthcoming Grand National Derby Race: tee number of shares to be limited to SIM each class. First class member Elk second ciao ditto 1.5. Early application for the uu appropriated shares is necessary. A pony subserib• mg for mom than one share hes the chance of gaining an equal numberhonuser. These me neer. who drew the intones Pontlaita will be peeve:red with the fol. lowing aanti.:— Poland, or lit class bourses 'AI ditto Winner, or Fun H.L orse .0,1•00 110,01 0 Remind florse•-• • 10,0.00 3,000 Third I lorse Khan 4,000 Divided ronompt Sturters• •• • We 3,00 0 " Non-Starters GAB 9,111 There are 20X bonuses in each elate, that being the number of bola. entered for the rare. The Drawing will be conducted upon the'rame legitimate principle. as those which chareeteriseo the late Si Ledger and to eoLherprocedings. panieulars of the result Will be maul absent members immediately after the de. eisioti, that each may know his positioiL Subeenben registered and scrip forwarded on rc• eeipt of a monomer. Bills of Exchange, Drnfls,llank - Nate., Ae., addrested and made roiyable In the Managing Director,. W. JAMES tc CO. Five per cent eornns.....,e to be ,educed on the presentation of loin rte. melr.,n 111.1111 r. Vo r la f' YO ' A U anl ' Ara n :: Commercial Sketches with Pen and Pencil.' Tbe effect of Commerce in Abel/ king restrictions upontbe Trans. ferof Property; ThOAnatomyand Philoraphy of Rank ing; The Production of Salt in Newly.; Bankruptcy, Banking, de; Currency—lnterest —Pneleettoni Free Trade v. Protectiveraries, or Strictures upon the re Pen of the Secretary of Treasury of the United Slates far 1645, relating to Cometterce, Extenuon of the Ros etta Ear In the Earl, &c. Jae BLAC WOOD, for March FLO ECLECTIC MAGAZINE, int April. et Literary Depot. Third street opposite the root Office ISMMLIC= . .• IT AM pow prepared to ferniali Apple Trees, from the well known Nursery of Jacob N. Brown. The trees will be delivered at the wharf at Pittsburgh for 512 per bandied. Persons velititng good thrifty trees shoeld leave their orders irion at the Drug, Seed, and Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and .912th it. spit N WWI:ERBIUM O. A.F12111,0We. ; HOLESALP VP. ...I-T°, nII,I fli Vino Im Wood tarry., Wl,llivo.l 1211.11.6, qv. 60 do Atom; 1.0 A•sal....'m 200 do Dye Woods; but do- elude Tartar, 25 do Lampblack, 60 do I.Moonce Rtr4l, 20 do Wn. Red; M 2 do 1....11 kloir; 8 do Campho., 120 do Red Preespilate; 10 do Span. Brown; VA) do • ulamel Amer; 20 do Yellow Ue4yr, da Eng; 10 do briansimit; :44 do Bucher Leaves; 8 do Clolter 210 do Rkohark Rook 3 do Chaim Flowers; 41.0 do barsap. do; Hems Rat Boras; 102) do Goodon do; VS do Cattle Soap; 5120 do Sal Rocticale; 15 do Prussian Blue; 4 40 do Igeollitz 111101000 10 do Cala. 51.2aesia; 510 do Pow'd Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Breen; 650 do do NIP. Elo , do do Yellow; 120 do do U. Arabi 6do Am. Vermikom 100 do do Liq. Roc 60 reams Rand Paper; HA do do /amp; 25 bags Sicily &owl )8 0 do do AtedYddd 22 bale. Hatt. Corks;: 200 do Scdpk. Zinc; 7500 Soleil. Morphia;' 200 do Um Tin; 1590 Ms Cap. Alois; ; 200 do Tamarind.; 1212 do 11.1brom Potash:lso do Hoick 011002 0.221 do Pink Rook VA do o,aoge Peel; 1500 do Tovkcy Unthert• 75 do 1:0ak....; 1220 do Cream Tartan 22 do Hyd Potash; 603 do Tartaric Acid; 60 do Mare; 100 do Ulm Urns 25 do Orumille Lod° felddivlAwienT Framoi.w.upi; - titt - litioxol "There are more Unroll In heaven and earth Than are dreompt of in philosophy." HE - VIRTUES of Mu remarkable remedy, and Tthe constant application for it, to the proprietor. has Lodaced him to have it pat up so bottles ...I to. bell and directions for Me benefit of the public. The PETROLEUM is procured (tom • well In that county, at a depth of four toothed feet, is a pure ems. dalteratal article, without any chemical change, but ast as flows from Nature's Great Lobruany!! That. contains roperties reaching a number of discoosol no • m uter of uncertainty. There ore mane longerlre ut the arcane of uniure, which, if knovrn, might of vast usefulness in alleviating aUtanng, and re naming the bloom of health And rigor In tn.). • ref fever. Long before the proprietor thought of j.llPin, it up In battles, it hod excuses:on for the cute of do- The constant and daily ineresaing calls (or it, and several remarkable cores It has performed, Is a tare iodisation of iis future popularity mid nude spread imin in the cue of (Hoare. We do coteish to make • long parade of cern!, cal.,. we are etunteinus that the medicine causerie work its way Into the favor of those who amain uol wish to be healed. Whilst we do trot claim for It a universal applirthen In every disease, we unhook.- t lustytoy, that In a aster of Urania Dimas. it is unsalted._ Among these may be etanacroted—all direasett of the mucus Issues, such as CHRONIC I DRONCIIITIS, CONSUMPTION (in Ito rally alagr.) Asthma, and all diseases of the air psi "gut, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diaihmo, Dtseues of be ((ladder and Kidneys. Pains In the Rack or Side, Henroaslltoeucs,Neuralelo, Paley, Rhcomoue p o p, Goat, Eruipelu, 'fetter, Ringworm, Hams, Scald., Hullos, Old Sores, /m o ire. In eoses of debility-VC salting f rom espeoure, or long and prOlf•Clad cabala ol &Ilea., this Methane will bring relief, « will act as gei.rall:PONlC and ALTERATIVE its such eases imparting tone and energy to the whole fume, fem.,- tag obstraetions, opening the sluggish fonetbuts,whieli cause disease and a broken culotte:Wu, and &obis increased and renewed energy to all the organs of Irk! The proprietor knot. of several cures of PILES, that reamed every other treatment, get well uOder the use of the PETROLEUM for a ellen time The proof can igr given to any person who desires Nene reline without the rig...tare of the proprietor. Sold by.the proprietor, S. M. BIER, Canal Ilasin, near Seventh at. Also by fI IL. SF.LIGIRRS, 57 Wood at; d—fiEVSER AVDOWELL, corner W ood at. and Virgin alley; who are his nordollY regularly appointed Agee; lIAISDtriCN ft CO'. Passenger min Remittance Otatie. b. CO. continue to bring persona .atiwfrom mg Part of Ereland, Ireland. Scotland. r Wales, upon the mon liberal terms, with their setual punctuality and ttention to the want. and com fort of emsdarants W e do not ellostrourytamengers to le robbed by the ostedling moseys that infest the sea. ports, as we take charge or these the moment they sr vett themselves, and see to their well bring, and de• sprach them without arty detentiou by the first ships.— We say this fearlessly. its we defy one of our passen gem to hbow that they wore detained 48 hnuss by us in idtelimil, whilst thousands of others • ire detained months, emit they mould be sent la some Motet, at • chip sate, which too frestaentlY Pre•efi - Meir coatis. We intend to perform oar taatraCLl eartarabiy, east whet It may and not ant at WO the ease last *mien, henther alteera,—who either performed net all, or It salted their totwenience. . . Drafts drawn at Yiukbargb for uyievi from 11 1.1.1 n, pay Even any of tbe prorlsend auks it lud, ldndlatlend and Wales, JOSIIIIL • RODIRSON, F aar m an sad Our &al Ag _eta, 141 4 doortglow WogAi } M .. __ ~~ n I '27 ' 7f-7: TRANSPORTATION LINES:- ti /if•W PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Daily Lion Exprus Pada Hods, (Exoto•rveci yea PA saxelogas ,) TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the New Central flail Road and Pennqt Canal. Time—CD beam Pare-510through. 936 miles Rail Read, and 150 miles Canal. ON theist meth the new Central Rail Road ra se. [ maxi commenced running Two ILI,. rase. [mix. cans frcm Jacks:own to Philadelphia, leaving there Immediately after Ile arrival of the Packet Boats from the Woo. fly thl arrangement pasien• gem will go through without detention. APadre Boat will leave every morning ate o'i clock, and every evening at o'clock. This route, for Safety, Speed, and Comfort, is riot equalled by any now In une to the Eastern Cures. Far passage or informatton apply to 1V SU PCB, /lemengaliela Masse; ups D LEF.CII & CO, Canal Basin THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL ITOPI4. 'I7I4BORGII TRANSPORTATION LINE =bagk 1850 Vla Pennsylvania Canal. & Sall Roads. 1910/, GTONNOR, ATRINS & Co., Canal Dui n, Liberty _straw, Ploaburgh; ATKINS, O'CONNOR & Co., 2.19 & Market wee, Philadelphia. •OMm O'CoNIMEs & C0..70 North it, street, Baltimore; 11 Boma. New York: ELuovir & Conn, II Doane aloe(, Donlon; IIaMILION GaAs, Maysville, Itenrucky; (lam. ft Co., C.olunibia street, Cincinnatti K Wear., Louisville, Ilsmia, Mono & Co., St. Louie. To Mappers of Monk:nth:to and Produce to and from I Ittladolphio., Baltimore, N. York,# BATtotr. Our route being now in fine order. we are prepared to forward goods as above at eery towels yew.. We insure MI Weight/ire of any charge baying pinkie@ for over 6=1,000, and with the following extensive stock D of lloats el confident oigiving cotter sati. , acliOu to all badness entrusted to our care. Our boats are ail new, and commanded by captain. of experience, and our entire hne is eondueWd on min sabot& Miring and remperuneo principles. Boats. Captain.l Roan. Capon. Iron City, Hagar. Pennsylvania Layton, 10 tuTis Marshall PL Louis,. Cowden Cuicinnati, Sands Col: Howard Ridley Milli Anne. Chaos. 'ltaly Deborah Sims NVut Atkins, Penland Enterpnse, Eamon Import, M`Quade Juniata Iltown Boston Altar Gen. Ikon, Owe Garlimila Riley Telegraphifie (Shields Celia Flowkim Point Mill Boy fill:Diode OirveßranchGosaer IlaltnVeClippot Riley America Perry Obto Belle Kearney hlerniald hl*Colgan Hunter Riegle The Fos Arquade Julia Ann J Layton Aurora APLowell .Telegraph Nofithorts Look Sloop Derry Bonn queen Warr., Shipper. will find it to their eirantage togive us a nail. O'CONNOR, & CO, _meld Cvnal Resin Liberty st, Pittabarlta• Western Transportation Company. law= 1850 . lintaa, D. LEL7.OII t COON LINE, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORK, Bp Per:nolo:no Canal and Rail Road. THE Boats and Cars of this Line have been put in com pete order, and with the addition of sever new ones to the Line, enables us to carry a bole quantity of praluce and goats. The entire stork of the Line is owned and contra ed by the Proprietors. TTLT TO— HARRIS rt LEECH, No 13 South Third st. And at the Tobacco I'Varepgll t e d , , Li k o j e a k , A I; - TAY LOR P ot No 144 North Howanl at, !Illumine, hld ; OFFICE. No 7 Weet 0 New or I) LEECH tc CO, Cana Begin . Penn rl, 1850° UNION LINE, ON TUE PEN\'A•AND 01110 CANALS CLARK, PARKS h. CO, Roche., I n, Propr•e. JOHN A CAUGHEY. Arent, Oder cot . Sinitl. field 1111,1 Water sW, Pittsburgh. CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD & CXI, Act, Cleveland, Ohio. TIIIS well incise. Ltne are prepa - ed to transport freight and Passengers from PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND. to any pinta on the Canal and Lakes. The facilities of the Lme are uttaurpassett In number, quality and rapacity of Bonn, experience of captains, and ermieney of Ages.. One Boat leaves Pituhurgh and Cleveland daily, ram nine in conneetton with a Line of Swum Boats be tween PVITSBORGII and BEAVER, and a Line of Firat Clara Steam Ut a's, Propeller, n i Vessels, on the Lakes. CONSIGNEES: Clark, Parkft A. Co, Rochester, Pa. N Parka A Co, Younentown, Oho:. M LI Tal . lor,'Worren A A N L.laek. Ne wton Falls, 0, I Mallon A Co, Ravenna 11, Kent, Grinnell A Co. Frank h., 0; A 31111er, Cuyahoga Fa,s, 0,. Wheeler, Lee A Co. Akron. 0; Chamberlin, Crawford &Co. t leveland, 0, llabliard A Co, Sonduaky, It, Peckham A. Scott, Toledo, It; Co, Detrott. Mich; %Vahan. A Co. NI ilwsukft, WIN Alurrcy & Dutton, Karla, Wia, • George A Gila, Chfeaso, lll; 'Donau 11Ce, Chicago, Id. JOllla A CACGIIF.Y, Agen ratan corner Water and Snxithlield t, ni?M 1850. ,aa. LAKE ERIE AND nicntalat LINE, ON THE ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. CLARICE, PARES ic CO, Roeheeter, Proprietor. THE Preprletere of this old and well known Line would inform the ptiblie that they are now In op. era i in: the present mason` and ha v.• rannuenced Fre.eht Pardeneers. •ii they Sre fully prepared t. carry in all points the Canal and LAKES ERIE AND :RICO H. A.N. AS the lowest rases. One of the Gin of the Line m ill 'he constantly at the landing, below Moncnialiala Bridge, to receive freight. JOHN A. CA UG lIEY, Agent. Office, ear Water and Smithfield gee, Patabargh. CONSIGNEES: W Cunningham. New Caatle, Pa; Mltcheliree & Co, Puluki; W C Malan. Sharon: S Bull, Stiarpsburs; Wick. Active & Ca, Greenville; Wm Henry, Ilartionaen, Wm Power, Conneamville; John Hearn le Co, Erie; John J Hollister A Co. Buffalo, N V. noNi B.4Egin 1850 ' MEgla BIDWELL £ BROTH EB. FORWARIHNU MERCHANTS, ROCHESTER, PA Point.l 117 - A [ers for TV DWELL'S Prr rsmiarni AND r UN{; EIDE AND MEADVILLE LI SE II) Eh 1E; WA II It EN AND NEIV CASTLF: PA. EE II to Ing Yid I.l4.pping between Pittsburgh llocheoer by means boats Malign:, lake Erie, un.l Deuvcr. I,l.:Yriontl4 reee ten d end promptly delivered te all pie^. on the Canals an Lakes, et th.r. loweat MAO. Shippers u,ll please direct good. to ..trolvrell'e Line." J. C. BIDWELL. Agent. tarn Waterst, Pitt.bargh. Pittsburgh Portable Beat Li.... 1850.12ettila /OA ]LtAZTATION OF /MOAT TO AND FRO)/ PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, NEW YORK, BOSTON, An TOONAI Bonaumss, {Tsetse & O'Covnent, Philadelphia. / Pittsburgh. THE; Cala' being now open, the propnetora of this long ratabliabed Lineare as usual at there old stands, reemvlng and forwarding Merchandise and Produce at low rates, and with ,Ore prompt..., nee. unity, and safety, peculiar to their an stem and mode oftransporta where intermediate transhipmentis avoided, with the tion, ronaequent delay. and probability of damage. Merchandise and Produce ithlpprd Castor wen, and Bill • of Lading forwarded (lee ofcharge for comrnie• non, advancing, or storage. Having to intereat di• eectlV or indirectly in steambona, that of the cosine. is solely ea rutted when shipping their goods All communication:. to the following ugerar prompt ly attended to: iuiratenwas: THOhIAS BORIIRIDGE, No 27d Market street, Philadelphia. TA AFFE A. O'CONNOR. Corner Penn and Wayne steer., Pittsburgh. actors: John MeCuilogh & Co,As North st, Bath P. It Burl & Co. tole at, Boston, W. & J. T Tavern& Ct • MSouth et, New fork; JAM. Wheelwright, Comm Inn", 1850. = 7 ' l- 1850. BIDWELL'S PITTIiUVWJII & CLEVALLA&D L 1 E. guns LINE, with onsorpossed latilnier, 0 now prepared to transport Freight to Cleveland, the Lake 'Norte, Ohio Canal, NO intettntdiate places, on •he most favorarle 1,f1:10, and with the greatest de spatch. Shippere are referred to those who ante heretofore palrontred this Line. Send Ronde to "Bidwell's Line " Anewra C Btd we 11, water ao, rotsbutgh; Bidwell; Ilrenber, Rochester; I. 0 Matthews, Cleveland; • !Bodes & Green. do CONSIGNEES. A D Jeeolni.•Ventnestown; • CE LeGnivrell & Co, %Verret]; A to. N Clark, Nrdnon Falls, J Brayton A Co, lievenna; Kent, Grennell Co, Franklin Molt; Thomas Cat!, do . do, A II Miler, Cuyahoga falls; I%V Stephene & Son, &Stan; Wheeler, Leek Co, In, Ilk J 61 Edson, do; J 11. Colon, Marsillon; Comities & Co, dol Wm Monteath It Co, flues* J Gibbs & Co, Sondusly, 1 1 & Co, do, 10 Haskell & Co, Toledo; II N Sarong, Detroit; blerphy . & Damon, Marine; 1 1 :11 , t a IltIns, Southport; & Milweekie; • D t lheklnson, Little Fenn; Rirkiand Alc Teylor , Shrboy san• Doi& Rudtael &Ch rad • Thennuttlau . Ellishonth, Mardi 30 lEJ• WORDS'S TRANSPORTATION LINK, 1850.inna k . Between Plttsburtpla andltaa tern Ci eeee The Canal being now open, we are ready to analog, atld ford and promptly, produce, and - merchandma east and wert. Freight• always at lowan omen, charged by 'wan. sible Imes. Produce and merchandiae will be received and For • warded east and west without soy: charge for for Wardmg. , rnlgh4comnuo.ion or comae Bill. of lading farwarded, and all diteation• faith fully attended to. Address or apply te, WAL BINGIIAIT, - Canal Bmin, ear. Liberty and Wayne au, Pittaburgh BINGHAM tr. DOM No 15.3, Markets, between A l Phil's JAS. WILSON, Ar, No IN, Noills Howard se. Baltimore JAS. BINOHAM 16 . 10 No 10, Wont ma, New-York ht ANEOUS. -_-• - - QARPET W urth AREHOH-SE, No 73. Fo T R ' t ' aCt " Vr Truutidnuir, a a., entsoig in part 7lie fulloarlag, vim Rms. :Myer Royal Velvet Ptla C.! pttl, Tapertry b Engtivh and American I.lrumeln Extra Superfine Imperial 3 ply " Ruperkue •t. Superfine Ingrain Carpets,' Extra tine ruin Common, all wool, " ==l ; Ruperfine do do Rims; Tufted Rine; [Oa. 44, and Tap Ven C. 4-4, 4 and f Tari Carp. 4, fi and 2.4 plain Cur. Lit and Rag Camels, Primed COlLOUCarpeni. Fire Coconino Kum Common do Chenille Door Al ul•i Tufted Sheep Skin &delete/ 11.4 .d Oil Cloths; 44, ad g bluffing IB inch Nonni Oil Clains for mum Cana Tsarist... Blue ad Drub Cletus., (Inman Plush: Conch Oil Cloth.; Damasks far Lining.; Wasered I Extra printed Nano cover. lEmbossed Plasm Trade Printed ni onlen nnboostal Sland .I.lneo and aoettO • Dsortask Star Linen; Toney Red Chintzes; Chin Ire Bordering; English Ott Cloth Table Covers; grown Linen eromb sloths Woolen Ploff Holland for Wiabodes; Transparent French trui.9 Veltman Blinds; Bunting for Flags; 7-4 and 6.4 Table Linen; Russia Crash; Baritelt Diapers; Brown Linen Napkins; Getman Ott Cloth Table Covers; tZtt= mu Drug eit. earpet 14ding. 'Joie ;tad Coo Mott; Alicant and Skeleton Mats; 3-4 and 4.4 Wean 4.41 Cloth far Blinds . ' - Dueliebnek Diaper, Sum On. Charm from lisl. and American manufa II width, which will be c estilmtes of any MC or eh, The undersigned having and, hts Velvet Pile and Ta Carpets, which nro of the rpm, sod patterns, and of will be sold at prices n lea or in say of the came no cis the most approved Eng- Mum. trom 12 to 24 feet ut to fit rooms, ball., and Uuttorted direct from Eng apestry CARPETS. These a !rest and roost elem. 31 . the most gorgeous color•. oar es they can be purchased :hies. tuo, Having the largest MI most Imitionalde IIItUSSI and INGRAIN CAB in quality and cheapness of before brought to this city. Men and Coach Blanufactu selected Insane:tent ofTRIS necessary in their business. The undersianed is also agent for the only Stair Rod theorems). in Philadelphia, and Is prepared to sell lower than can be purchased elsewhere In thi• city m.lO IYII . IiPCI.INTOCK. ono:tent of the richest and rErs which far surpasses price, any assortment ever lie also Invites Stenurbost rem to his large and well and other articles Dross Goo A A. MASON it CO., 60 Martel street, between /1. Third and Fourth, are now receiving a barge sis sortment of Barege,De. Loins, Persian Cloths. an rit. tire ilea , article; Pabeeits, Crape De Lajas ac , with a large asiartmcm Of Lawns and other Ores. Coons, of the latest styles sod most fashionable colors. ap3 COFFER -56 bags prime Rio and Java; AN: sous-4U hos mould, dipped, Lod sperm; mor —l5O big l'rcarn and Eaglisb Dairy; Ce aos-01 dos Omni, end Minutia, Csasta-60 Malls; Cbovim-1 bared; Crones—On M Con-Mon and half 011anisic, Fran-05 brio and half brill Mackerel And Salmon; Gbass-66 bxaassorind size.; Imes—CAM Prime Venison, 1000 linger Cured; lautoo-100 lb. tl F and Tlantlla; Ina-16 doe ilarrisona Black and Copying; Alubssairs—to Orli N Orleans; •16 ball brls Sugar House; lids , sanri-01 dos assorted raniamrs; alscemioni-60 Ilia Itallan; VraIIACILLI-60 lb. do NAlLs—tild kegs assorted; Micabsa-3 dos jars assorted; PIA.E.-3U bushels halve.; Faria-60 reams assorted, I'urfi.-10016s Borden.; :tone-56 bas Rosin and Cast Steel; Sl:Gait-10 bbda N Orleans and Clanked; Taw-60 packages Green and Meek, Toitacco—L•ll bag 12,3, & I lb lamp; W•mt Bosuns-611 dn. patent 2,”t; For sale by J I/ WILLIAMS & CO mrl6 Corner /it Ftnb and 'rV,md at , uns! runs! FIIR , —TIte r•ul..cllsers woll ply fur Coot, Mink, Musk Rat, limy and Red tt4 all kinds al shipping Fun, the bight-it sit:sateen MeCURD . 1 / 4 CO P"" f . e . bN; corner Fifth and Wood sts. DISSOLUTION. l'omer•hip heretofore extenne between Jame Tursey and John lieu, in the I.rocere, I'roduc e...leurnon”lon bostnete, wee ,immered by uncut ent, Oct the I ith 'nib Mr. Job. Heel teletne pa el.3b cons ,ll line claire iof Wee, Tinny. Itt. brub the 1331.tbe.% nterest ha ecttled by horn, nt otter of Can& No Si Wood et. JAML.I 'I AS , I.W, fet.r.l JOHN HEST. Paper Hanging.. PRIM; SELECtION.—WiII ec received. by fit canal ahannter...., a near and Olen« to...orunctii Wall rapt, or Orr Ia a French and 1."-aptern •tylt r,01.1, hatiout, oak, pron and high colom MARSHALL, (fare b. C 111114 inrl3 c. 5 Wood timer =!=l2i3 I , Co-partteralop herctolole ex , s , sng brtwern v. I II 13u•1tf.,1,1 John Mcl,ll, ander th , oI S It S Ca, t. Olt. day dilAolvnl by tnutual ICL t• T..,0f tut. old fmn b) Ii t at the old .tand, Nu. 2,lll.l.rtysitect. S II lIVSIIFIELA :angel. I, IrSP. JOHN S II DIISHFIELD and GEORGE RICHARD vial enuave the Wholelmle and 11.30 Dry tic...nis .t,tl iroccry bonne", itt the o:d bland. No to Liberty at. wter toe Glut of S. D. 1/I.44lllritax & ex). niar,n I, 1-O0 --(mO2 lot WE tins nay associateiliwitti ma, in the Whole 1. sale Grocery. Conaug•io6,l and Forwarding boot neso, nay two sons, R. N. •ftti W. EL Wale MI.. Tu. oeineuu tuinte will be conducted under the .tile • • . . . . S. Waternmn et Sono and trl 1,13„t gA. Altarch.l.4, ' 1,50. A CAUTION-76.m the ONLY ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WI TARS BALRAAI OF WILD CIABRRY, tbd areal remedy for COSSMRPTIOAT And the beef inedletne known to in.l far Asthodb of every •tage, Leer Complaints, Itroneban, Ineacnza. Court, C-11s, Blecji. of the Lianas, '61.•.rtn,..• of nthatl, Dand Weabora• RAdo ream, be . and an other dome ues of the PULSIONARY ORtiANA. A very important dlseast over alarb 111. [Lamm er arts a very pnwarfal Influence, la r,a of . DISLIASELI LIV[ IL _ - - la tht• eamplatut_ It has undoubtedly proved more eflicsetou. than any remedy hotter., employed, and re cameral.kostanees when pane.. had endured Ion! and severe 111111 C nog from the ditteascs, without re,t, on; the least benefit from v remedtev. whir. Mereury hu been resOrred to to vain. vain. the use of W. Itolsaut has restored the Livc r to a healthy Orion, and la any trounces effected permanent cares, after every well known remedy had faded to produce tha desired edict. • • . Weide, Its ititonishing erhcary in the dims. above tied, we also find it • very effectual remedy in Asthma, a complaint ill which it has been extensively used wlth dreaded success, even in cases of year.' standing With th e increase of Intelligevce has grown up • knowledge of the elements of health, aad mird for them, and commensurately with the strides in *Meta. Lave we acquired the men. of arresting dis ease, and averting Its ravage. I , otwillutanding the proarem we havemade, tatistics show that even ow, one sixth of the who l e population die manually a c o One, nf Me most important dimoverics of the age, in ameliorating the robot:non of this large class of sot (trine humanity, is WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. !El Witter'. Balsam of ta no Cherry Is a fine Herbal Medicate, composed chiefly of Wild Cherry Bark and the gent.° lectend nom, (Mc latter imported exprew. ly for this purpose,l the rare medicinal taltliel of which are also combined by a new chemical proross, with the extract of Tar, thus rendenng the whole oompound the mom certain and efficacious remedy ver discovered for CONSUMPTION OF 711 E LUNO9. Still further evidences of the remarkable ceramic -properties of this inesnntable preparenom assert-wit... Brown co., O, Aug. 21, Iht2. Alcestis Sandford A Park: Gentlemen, About slit weeks ago I received the agency of Wier.... Balsam of Wild Cherry, bat with some reluctance on my part. Tor tor rea.ii that I lied been the agent of so many pills and other nostrum., whichwere asked op to be something wonderful, hat arbOzh turned oat in the end to be of no account whatever, except to the otan• tincture,. nut t candidly admit that this limo I have been deceived, for the ennordinary cores effected by 821101111 have convinced me that "good can come out of Nazareth." Yoar agent left me one doz en bottles, whsen aro all gone—having fires the means of curing several ob.llualc caves of Comutophon.— and no mistake; whit I see and know I onl bound to believe. One cave in partlealar: A younF geollc• Fn. In Winchester, Adams reality : 0., 10 miles fro tht• place, was cured of Can...thin when the doe. tors ha. given him up, or at least could da nothing for him, and it was the intention of his friend. to convey tofu to your city, and place hint nailer the ogre of infore eminent physician them. But a friend told him of Wr.ter's Solemn, and that be could obtain it of ma. lie sent for it, .d before the serond bottle was gone lie wn ”ound and well, and attending to his every day businc.s. As there are several inquiries for the medi cine, it would he well to forward an additional supply without delay. Very respectfully, your., LAMBERT NI:Wt./1N n. The above, from i. Newland, P.N., a highly respect able country FEICIThaOI, OOMStionds forcibly to the candid ott.tion of all Same who hove doubted the crew merit of Wistar's Wild Cherry Balsam. Remember the ungittal and arty genuine wiatars Celt.) of Wild Cherry, was intronneen to the year aad las been well rented In all complaints for which It is recommended. For 17 yenta it ho pi ond mote cdlessiona es • remedy for Coughs, Colds,lntru enrns Bina chine, Asthma, and Consumption In a in. elpient stages, than ui yy medicine. LOST VIAL . • ka., RFSTORF.DS Daproan, Aug. 10, Me S. W. Fowler likong teen many Certificates published in relation to D Wistarbr Bateau! of Wild Cherry, I take this °rottenly of offering ¢ word in Ire favor, winch you are also at liberty to publish. A few Siterillil sineo my wife's inn became an much af flicted war a sodden cold, that she lost her mac, and suffered severely from pains lit the afro. Iler anus. lion sputud bar friends winch alarm. Having heard your liars= strongly recommended by auko who used It, I woreknud a bourn from ON, can in this place. She took It according to direellonS, cad ;too dared a wronderful diem Before using one bottle she had completely recovered her voice, the pains airtight. ad, mid her health wu soon folly re.establlshed. Yours, truly, IlEflftla U. BRICIIITkIAN. Tu Uauuvurs arm Conan tm Alguieink—Tit cel ebratesl and infallible remedy for the cure of Consump tion, Asthma sad Liver Complaint, ha. by Its own me rits, been rapidly, elite and OKAY working to cosy through the oppoaltion of oraek• and conmerfeitcra, encl. by it. true value cod intrinsic eccellenau, ha, gabled for Itself a moat envie We popalevity, and ester.. Haas! dull' In the condi/once of ail lillalligent and en ' lightened public, from one end of the continent to the other. Th e intilmony of tbninanda who km; bonnet ', bored and cared by 11110 valuable article, al/P show that it suede ands:Ailed—sir the head of all other rue. diorites, feedlot cute of disease. for which $1 ts memo- Ittended.,Viggcnuirro Dr. Wiewr's flaisam pf Wild Cherry la neir far sale by duly appertain Agents, and, all respectable dealers in edlethes, In all large maw and 11.11 Important lartlis throughout the United States nit. per.Uottle INU Milks for 15. Enid by J. D. PARK, (successor to Sandford &Farad Fourth and Walnut streets, Clnelmau, Ohio, General Agent for ilia Smith and Wear, u 2 where all order" mast m addecacad. 1.. Wilcox, Je; Jame. A. Joner, Co; 11. A. Fabaestock fe, Pluaburgh. L. T. Witten, Week. Infant; W. Is. Larnbertan, Franklin; te Do nto wie, Uniontavnu Greensbnrgh Pl. Reen r ...o , oeU Scout Gilmore, Mulford; Rem it Von, Hunting don; Ora. Orr, flolliduyeburg; thldehran I & CO, Ind'. aum I. K. Wright, Kittanning; Evans k Co, Broo willm A. Wilton k don, Waynesburgh; APF•sland k tin, N. Callender, Meadville: Durum & Co, J. Masora... Mercer. James, Kelly &Co,Ltuder, B. Smith, Heaver; J. Raormcnon, WarreniF.L. /h. C. riLiones, Cat ti er`. Croaker, Jr, Brownsville. ejy(latt SLOAN'S COLUMN. c-r AI. tLe Me.L.n.- I adventsad loy W. LI. SLOAN ere ...id by sw,Ens,Woodstrent, and JOHN P. SCOTT LO.erty Pobrgh. Barnungbam, by JOHN G. SMITH. Allenhenv Cny, by HESZRI" P. SCHWARTZ an D. M. CURR Y. The Bert road Cheapest H Birdieing. IN THE WORLD. SLOAN'S OINTMPO ENTWDER AND CONDITION , Nan earweda rear mime. For Pmily. AfiNwere , Sat e ry,tswet ThoryttgAncol.SLOAN OINTNIF:NT Eneh And to rapidly rupernedine NI nib, luulmento mud Litement• new inure ior the cure of the renuwiug die Fresh wounds, galls oral! kinds, creams, healer, cracked heels. eingbone, iivindhone, vvindealls, pal evil, calla, fistuln, safest, strain. laineness, sand crack, 'pondered feet, scratches or grease mange or horse distemper. The Powder will remove all inflammation and fever and fy the blood, loosen the skin, cleanse the water and strengthen every part Lady and has proved a sovereign remedy for the following dist-ases: • Distemper, hide bound, loss of appetite, inseam strain, yellow wa.r,lndammatinn of the eyes, fatigue froin bard exercise; alio, rheumatism, (commonly cal led ;did' complaint.) which proves an fatal to many val uable horses in this country. It is also n safe and err tarn remedy for roughs and colds which generate se ninny fatal diseases. W. IL SLOAN, Grand Depot, 40 Lake st, Chicago, Illinois. Mil= Extract from the .G2lona Perth Western Gerette.', Ily the use of Sloan'. Ointment end Condition rum. der, I have entwely eared a fistula on my horse and otherwise imoroved his cond.on more than firle ye cent. On the cost of the mee,cine And n cow widen nas sn feeble as to be considered worthless by myself d neighbors,was restored to good health and strenath by the use ales. than half a package of the powticr, and Is w &Mg b•tier than any other row I have. Small no Pox; May 13,11 , 40. VM. VINCENT. I hereby certify that one of my children, when na iced, fell into a large fire of live coal., and was burned severely from head to feet. The best of medical aid and attention tent given to the child Int four or five dots without any relief—each day's suffers,. increas. ed his groans could be heard at agreat di,dance, at whi Is critical period one of my n. ighbors reettnamcm dad OW presented to um a lean of Slitan's Ointment an and leas than fifteen minute. after the anphention of thc ointment to the aggravated sores of the suffering child, the pain ceased entirely, and he sperthly heart to recover. My restdence to Ilell township, Vei. million county, and State of Indiana. THEODORE 1.. TAYLOR. Chicago, Angliat $7, 184 e. EXTRAORDINARY CURE. April 13, 1848. Four miles north of Chicago lon Me mad to Malwattkiej Cook county, Illitiont. Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir: One of my horses had It law bony tonic, on his breast hone, inur.ediately under the collar, which lamed Men and tendered his service. of ery little value. 1 fmthfnlly appplied OCT/C.l bottles of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Bone Liniment, without the least benefit. 1 then procured Wilder's Celebrated Horse Ointment, and used that unul 1 became fully cottoned that it would never relieve the Fi. nally obtained st hoz of your.tmly valuable Oint ment, and in ler, than GU day. from the first applies. lion the tumor entirely dimppeared. and the horse was well. Yount, EDWARD ARMSTRONG. If Portal. , ortttiOn to anyiritenon of the worth of an rdele, we invite the incredulous to rend at leant it few f the many voluntary cernheates that appear in out alumna respeebng the mat variety of remarkable urea edected by the use of “Sloan'e Celebrated °lnt • eat and Condition Powders." These remedies no longer remain among Mom ot doubtful utdity, they have passed from the tide of es periment,and now stand higher to reputation and ars batoming more extensively used than all °that Sri Cleo of the ht.—Mich. Coy News. THE HALF lIAB NOT HEM TOLD. Fox Elvin, June 12, IP(9. • Deer Sloan—Str. Please send by the hearer a new atpply of your Horse Medteines. They arc the tie s, articles of the kind that 1 have e•er us,l, ne•er hey ing been disappointed In then eSeet, as i have been D. the use of others, oven the VV. Wel.rated °minium. Liniments, &e., of the day. I hire very touch tlnia fea. tore to theta, Ott: that they do ail that a pronore,!, and upon a thorough tnal ona iv contratoed to .4a. that “half Dot been toll.`• Esepeolfelly, At DUDLEY The ordinary <unmet. end In ut peut• it la att•l known are aevere and rental In their operant:,— Sloan's Otannent I. mild y rt thorottelt—tt reacher nt.d removes the can, bent, it ei•e. ',II end remanent relief. For panty, mildnt-oa, 'tarty,eenatnty. ant: thoroughness, StuaN'a Ointment rinela, and to rapitll, aurpere,ling all other Ointments and Llnitr,.enta nu in age WE CANT GET ALONG WITIIOUT IT. 1212=6 Mr 51ne I hay, teced tun •trtue nl Ointment in the tare of TAII!..111:1Lf I.nry, .nre .roo. burn.. and many olbrr tmunes, attlrvrry ea, Ivo urpitoed our espertation, A. a calmly On, meat, n I. ite•er necn it 4 equal, and for Ln•c... ant caul artthont IL l'utto, Ac,, 1I11.1.:8 M. JOHNSON Mr. samn—lkar Str l'or a etoto.lernble lencO. e I watt orromx.y totl tries North thr rtteton.ote ,0111 pll, and applied thr varno" lintment., too. c.,tvaltout olttamtnx ant' reltcf. Attcr wine* your nto nt at tit.pyre 111,911 , .erd bit ILI try your Ointment. and Wll2ll/1 two seeks from the time CP,II• menred t ot., it, the pant et ac•d. and wasetreetnal., eure.l, and shall recomme ttot nd all who are 1 , 1111/111Fly Meted with the dot...tone comPiit Proro'e excellent ointructit ottuteut delay • lirNil* You, rcCAN F Niurr. l'eor,a co., Nifty 1,1,1, rrnm Ihe no:,. II V rI Brook, Arr. , ai Il i tama and Michigan rachrt haat Company. C0...mt./vim 21. lA,: Dr IN LI. Sloan—Dear I'm: For one Into 30 year. 1 Lave had 0(0'0.14110 11 1, many harm, and have orc,l the arcs" vartety ofollllllolll. mid o liar intment+ on um, but •Ve never found any Ming equal O. your 01/11- n 3,11 for na herwa. toe on - o for 1 have arphed your ociitin,,l to wine . . ..111iorsr, for •arma• minty,. and on •very itiatanca n. pro 'red a oaverrign cored/ =nutzsmallarza Dr Sloan--Str the the .Itt Instant my eon had a One ger boner entirely off by a hone. W.-Immediately ap rased your celebrated miiimeid, 'Ouch relieved him ol pain in a few sulaute.. and pn-yrnied 11,4:er trom ...lime lie least particle, aiid thew ound I. heeling Revp'y yoars, S DROCKWA 1. Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir: About three yenta ar,o I eras serereiy intured in ne of my lee• by the fallin, of • pile of whaad rancho retenoned Inre running ulcer, Snarly every doctor to Galena tned to core them: but 12124 01 2212, oahl from sympatht and improper tern - : ment my other leg become as had a. the one ortamul ly woo need. I deapaard of ever beeng well Kg met— but to order that I ought neglect no meant en with, my reach, I pureltaord of your rtent et your ointment. and y canjudee my vuneete gratitude better them I ceot erprea. to And tttya; II entirety well before, I had !embed tom, the •enend in 2 Throe fart. I male newe that ether. allbeted ne, belie and not deer) uelog so raluht,:e ao metturet yohrs halt proved to he Ite•p'y }or g retrial It Galena, 111., Dee. 19, lel-. EVAN DA VIA Before the following order, ales•rr Vaurber A co parelaued a large Forpl) of Sloan'. proporoncor Jr( Nlirh F. Al. VI K. Iltbbarcl—fear Sir, I a/a out of Slouq . • Corot. lion Powder .d Horse thou... The sale tar ez• geed.. my ezpectatton. If you V/11 manage ha mend me 4 dozen Innunent, I will ray for them the fast t tnt that you are herr, trot presume. I shall he able to sell alu g. quantity in the course of the year. It will be an object in you,. well all to my•olf, to keep me eon• scantly eupplmcl. Very resp'y youra, " r. homs, Fel , 1119. Dr Sloan—Sir! Al out IWO years ago, while ring on the Mit ...ippl river, 11l naming aver the rapid att s, I .edam plunged into the water, and by the raft thmlong agani•l mei - , crushing my let) leg nod otherwim se riously truonng me, so much that 110.1 all sensibility When consciousness returned I found my-ell to Sh. Loom, surrounded by my areeptng Neatly. (keel nurs ing and flied/eat aid, enahled me in about two oot. to hobble around with the ...ranee of a crumb. Tim wooed...ly partially healed, leaving large runntng sore. a% the knee, which (or many months di...hailed blood and nialMr of the most offensive character. My peons were inezpretrible at time. my suffering W 3, so great that death would have recetted a hearty svel coe. Fortunately Mr Wilson, lone of Mr neotlibor.l advised me to try)'oar Ointment I olnaiord • I,ox applied it •CCOftilllg lt. direction—the toren soon hegaii to was . healthy appearance, and to three nimulis wt. entirely mired, and enable ' s , ' to do hard labor. Your obedield MI yam, lIIRAM 1Y 1110 MAS. Wr, the undermgriod, neool,4lr, of 11. W. Thomas, were aegamoted with the rose above noted. nod know ing the eireuin.hatirc•, :non ronlinn raid ThOomi giate merit. REV J. LH/III:LA:1S, JA WILSON, LAMB. CIIICS 40, Jun. MI, 1.19. W. R. Sloan-.Stri One of my h0...a was haat hound •nd also wounded In tln ?olio, In a..hich he took cold, and became so cr.ppled 't..51 he enuld scarrely travel Lig the free application of your valunhie °mime id, his hoof. were sou:. softened and lite mulls perinanently eared. I have also used the Manus.. the ea, C of POli.E4l/ 211EI On severe rant with ...vial ..... • On • nartslied Luger that laws very painful. .1 opera ted like a charm. Poor, he . A. VAN 0111/F.N. TESTIMONY FROM LITTLE FORT. Ploun's Ointment and Condition Powder are at , knowledged by ell who hove used them to lie lee I est reinedy for ho and route Ilent has been discovered. Fresh wound.rses , golly, epavins, lerui.cs, ringbolt, poll vil. and 111 short every outward diror,Jer or Leary con be cured 11 this wonderful remedy. Powder is designed fur inward strains, distemper, Vele bound, fatigue from herd uzereisc, desoused eyes, &e —Lake County Chronicle. Fp') TiId.VCIIT. MEM= Wtexhark, Conk ht. Felt. 111, 18.19. Sioan—yir I have a bite young honewit was liken 'nth the scratche. tall. I pant out about Once dollar. for medicine to cure hint, but ha pew wore, I then bought a box of your ointment at you. office when In Chseugo loon, rather doubtingly, lon I thought I would try tt. Judge of toy ourpritte and my autumn of It. beneficial outdate., when I found nit horse. lege onooth and well to tour day. from the time Isommeneed Applying it. Your ultedlent, It:. F. COLBY. FACTS FOIL 'rift: P}IIP4E. Mitre 111411 MU ,/ Irate of unrivalled sneers. In the Niro of every variety of external di.eitte. and infirm. knell /4 pram., bruit, mat, burro, 4.1411/0/8 erup • tiontontre hot, rote brratts, chapped Imelda, chil. Limns, bile+, ulcer, corns, puma the buck, .blem, cos other parte alba sylartn, rattlexnake h bettrx amplit.tatunony llset Sloan'a 0/1/114,14ruel thing for the 40r. Carttheolcs without limber have been receive...fly the Prorrit , lar 'lrma tittintereated roiltvolib all, giving detail. or remarkable cure. LJ tta n.e. Granville, Milvenukie rn. Wiz., fief. 13, Isla. Mr. Sinan—Dour Yir. fteerittly my hureee ran elan, rilh p Mg chaimMuclied, which cut and •therwise thcio, arrievly, so much en Jim I roue deren my team ruined for businces. Porsunut,ly • friend re. cominended die use of your Cintment. I went In alll. ',rankle arid purchased • boa. It won removed the inflammation, and in • few day. the wound. battled Tbc real benefit derived from the use of yuur M. Meet, on My horses, induced me to acquaint yno vent die fitet,lielieving its publicity would beneGi you and the Iteepectfully yours, GEOIIGE COMSTOCK. rr Is A POITIVE FACT, And ba. become • common saying, that Sloan% Ointment and Condition Powder nte :tiredly supers:: ding all other remedies for CI diseases of horses and :wale. The beano , at the medicine.consou t in thelf gout sled safety, to wit: they may a ...! over rjeely •ny danger of miring mold, or any other Injury remain/ froes there frequent use, snd never WI lo am If thkenCUOU an followed. liitelll3 ktEIIICAL. Sblerit.r.v., FAMILY MEDICINE — . They are de dteines oi the day! , Guawes th,1.71071, Ohio, May r, aso. •., R. E. Smilers: I think it right forth. - benchtofetbers to state some facts in relation to year excellent Fami ly Medicine. I bare used your Vero:Oman lergety In my own fam ily, one low frequently anewering for expelhngt rge quantities (any Ito 21101 worms from two child's& I hays also seed your Liter Pills and Cough Syrup so mS fmuily and they have in every inetance produced the cdect desired. As I am engaged In merchandising, I me able to sm.that I tame yet to hear of the first failure where your medic nes have been used In nip section of the country lo conch:mom I may state that they are Ms medicines of the day, and ale destined to hove a very extensive pepularity Yours, fel •rroul!y, t.. 11. Pnewq... Prepared and sold by K. t ' RS,Pio 20 Wood street, and sold by Druggt, s c.:Emily in the two ci ties sod eicinny. mviii ut Fin:Al CURE of" LIVER LOMPLAIrier, by — l • tj original, only true, and gensine Liver Pill. snaky Cakinr, Ohio eviiiity, Va. March aGth., 1549. $ Me. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it • duty I oars to you and to the public mere ly, to stale that I have been air.= with the Liver Complaint for a long time, and so badly that an abcess formed and broke, which left me in • very ]Pillste Hawing heard ot your ce:eliroterl Ltver Drina for sale by A It Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by my physician, Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to give them a fair trial. I purchased one boo, and found them , lust what they are recommended, THE LI VER PILL EVER USED; and rifler taking four bon. I find the disease has inanely lest me, and I am now perfectly well. Respectfully yours, D II COLEMAN. West Liberty, March Al, Pi I .i. I certify that I am personally acquainted with tin •i , and eau bear testimony to the truth at the am re r A II SHARP Tra: r enuthe Liver Pills are prepared end sold by E J II.hRS, No 07 Wood street, and by druggists in kit wontdes. TO r lIE PUBLIC.—The original only true and gen. ante Liver Pills are prepared by R. E Sellers, and base los nisi. stamped black wag upon the lid of each fog,need his stenatare on the cute. wrapper—all rah= are counterfeits, or be. imitation pro epld RI. SELLERS, p or U Lt ter A C C A S IN; FaTIV rno a w A n i ; S n tp ni o p u riergvinan ot the Protestantlitedunlivt Char. rue under: haying licenalllicted dark, the past t Willis dinette u, the stomach, or pro. Jae ; sreat pa.ll , n the ntOtauelifor tenor twelve Imam with.: Met ne ou, and alter haviag tried ••rions remedies with tiled wa• fat - Melted with a bottle or D ayne'ae manse Balsam: This ho used an cording to the direct ens,•nd found invariably Diet= =dick...edit , panto abase in three or four mill ales, and in fifteen or twenty minatesevery uneasy sensation was eintrely quieted. Tim medicine was at terwards used whenever t he nionsol the ay.pioach ol rodnwerepernatirean and t pa , n was thereby prevent. cd. lie continued to. the medicine every evening and intrietunca it. -Itomorning, and in a (ow weeks health wane. tar r emircil,that the mita.rrr was relies ed froth • large maims of oppressive pain. From es peience,theremre. Van Confidently ,rnanlrun.i UD Jayne'. Carmine. iialsam.. are , sain Jail/ fold of theatotateli and bowels. A SHINND . A11e66 henv eity,iy'il For sale in Pittsburgh at t iPEKIN k • rTOR %Fourth street, near Wo / and sko at thelirog Sum! of II SCA IW• •Il rz. lie a ralstreet. Altrar V ALUADIADDitiCOVEifit- — tiae CONSUMPTIVES, BE Oh FOUR OUARD. DR. SWAI - Nrie COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CIIERRY. tilt aaliA Coasumptlon, Coughs, Col T ds, Asthma, Bronchois, Liv er Corrode., Spitting Blood. Lhfßealty of Breath. to El 't h il o n o i d n , t st , o I , l ., re .w at . st i.r.. l . llLitaji o n o n . of sorutrun, Sore Throat.ttiervous Dela!, 11, and all Dioceses of the Throat, Breast and Lungs: the emit stf. factual and speedy ears aver known lor any of Ws above discus. s, Is DR. StA A Y E Componad Syru of Wild Ch•oryi Thi m 04110.10 no long p er among throe of doubtful aulay. s It has btassed away from the thou.:lnds dully launched upon the Ude of expenment, and now stands m repetatiort.aud ts.hecommg more es MOW', by h,y 114.1 U.att say other prepare:ton of medicine ever prodaced for We relief tot ougeriag man It has been +traduced •cry generally through the Llaitad ...31.111• •nd Eu I , IN-, and there ore fear town. 0 , Inipollerec but vedut coolant some rentark•ltle est. &ace of its good edects. rot proof of the toregoitof ststruients, and or We value and efficacy of duu rued,. eine, the proprietor will insert a few of the mull! Woo• sand tout n, whtelt hole been 'mewl:red to hoa by snot of the first re,pectabiltty—men who have bigiser •ioarr 01 mom , revonsiinnty and justive,lllo. it vel- Illy tn lacy, he,oooo alvtll do another a favor end theontel re. lit truastAce. Such mstimotty prove , rot,• I t o 00 ,,0, cart-Bence I/ ...lab` .•:1...i by is it.trio•tc menu, nee the unquestionable au Mori. ty of pol.:10 column The Instatimnrous rear! tt sr. fords, and the toothlng influence dlthls..o through the whet,. frame by as use, 'vntlers It a moot agreeable "et:m.ly for the allbeted REM E7,1131:87 ot en, settne from eonscientious impulses o. . so;untarty bear testimony In the truth of • mg. portico lot fact, such teautunny, ,cmg contrary to Mot acrldty interests and narrows, coerce• enilvt,uott of th truth. and commends 0,11 In spread manner to cetwersal credence ''.—Arblogat , Mural Maxima. BEAD TIIE HOME ecirrwicATEs. ,[11.3. Cenu or t.adms as Coxat Krilam— TI ere never As remedy Utt , . .1, t, o• .octr deorewe ru•ro 'em.ucptwo e. Or, Corn..ount: nyrup of Wild Cherry, it tdrenethetts U,. •,,tr.rt and *rotas - . to 10, Mr 0,01 • on erre., t udrlch blood, ',ore, .. dther r Cuanza Co., Apr.l 1 , 49. 11r Sa ayar--Ileac Sa. I vet'', Art,-or nu' C.,ta• round a l rur of Wild Cherry been the raenno or o•tr mg my 1.0 I caught severe rola, vehten grado adygrew wane, attended with a sarere novel, that reetstrd all the remedte• watch I hod rceourm tth ottil ntereaotan until my cue exhante.l all the oymptorn , at Polcoottary Cotvatopoon Every Wog I trod .00mell La hav no client, and Foy romplemt inerenoed SO rapid• ly etat e frtendo a. fon-11 no snl ens , up all honer of my recovery. At tato tune I se.¢. reenthmended tn try your twollual.le 'anthem , I ,1,11 Oa vetth the most hap py 0 111 'rue firAbottle had the rdOet to aln the e nattlth. rest.l.o) that e.xpectoral,by th onus 1 Lind uord ova ottles.l was eattrely arell, land ant now as Pearly • than as 1 vol. ars. in thy tiro, 4,14 unti. happy to pot, ony mformallou respecting my hro. other sufferer. way Sere iLe ben 061 for o•htch f ant of, gratefttl. For We troth of Ma above statement, I refer 100 b Peter Born, Grooar, Wool Chestor, I'L L , of whoa , I purchaandmotheino. 1:. -orfally goon, .Ixsal. Mutton. Wo.aisrfof Cora of a i'llriAositat /Vintner. Dr Ilveaytte—Dear Sir: 1 feel a debt of gee:to:dad. ~, you —and • disty m the oglicted genermly, to offer my humble testonaity to favor of your Compared Sy ' rup of Wild Cherry. Sonic three year. store 1 wa• violently attacked told cold and einsonnation of the Lungs, which wu accoloparned with a doustssing ough, pain in the breast and Lead, • very den bit discharge of offenailie Lancia• from the lungs, espe cially spoo change of weather, hpwever slight. At first I tau o alarm about my condi sun, but was pretty anon convinced swas raPullY gang eoneump. lion. I area , dallY weaker, and iiil , length arils scarce :y able t w og aboot., or speak above a whisper, such mot the eaeer dtng weakness of ray Nog, boring ‘ 4,„ Ono. I had tried serums preparattons and pre vernl.", but found no true(—vo.ism all the time worse. Jun lirre 1 was attst-ed and persnaded by a deair fared Wilmington to make trial of your rtyrup of Wild Chre. ty I must con.eathat previously I had been prejah di. rid against patent medicines, and I am still againse those fonallig out of Me hands of emperle, but under. aloniluir{ your claims to the profession and lirliellCt 01 inedicinc, and implicit faith in the saying °fray friends, I forthwith purchased lit Dr. Shaw, one of your ka.lla, a few Lwalem and contaicnced ismise. My dig • ease was at thou time of Mar 25 months' ..mime,con sequently it was deeply seated. I Wand, however, constdcrable relief from the use of Me first four or five bottle.. Ilut being a public ',maker, 1 frequently at. tempted to preach with my inerauting inrength, and th e raptured Move vessel" that hail already began in Peal; In this way, doubtless, my erre was greatly retarded In coasequettee at acting thus imprudent. I had to tme {waive or fifteen bottles before I was pc. feetly moored I have no question, a much small number °fix...-. would bare made me round, ba the above indiscretion. The Syrup allayed the few, tali habit, WA ...ear the dialrensllng e0111(11, pure • et • to the discharpe of Metter from the b Ingo and Far ditto and the ee.tre system good health. I bare dela, red oll,rinr thia erroecate until now, for the toupee. of being peace satisfied with OW portp.encji Oldie :an, and now that I feel perfectly well I obi, it with pleuure. Dublin county. N. C. Hey. J. P. Jounam haprasnt Caution—Recd' Hera. Thos j. but e acetone preparation of Wild Cherry, and that is Dr. etwavio's, the hrst ever offered to the üblic whirl. been 'old latVly throughout the United ' States road •orne port. of I.uropri, and all pre. paraftona rune. by the name of Wild ilieriy bare been put out noon the., under cover of soup: deceptive emulation., .a order Jo glee currency lather, soles. oh .. .. non, no person need turstoic the genuine from false. ICaeli bottle of the genuine is enveloped wit a beautiful steel engravmg, with the liken eas of William Penn lkereOn; also, Di. Swayne's signature: and further security, th e portrait of Or. Swayne will 1., added hereafter, so as to dtaftegulah • preparaftov •tom all odic,. Now, eras not tor Pio great CUraUle properties and known airtece of Dr. )n •a Commuund Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons not I , e endeavoring to love currency to their :104...r05" ny Om name of Wild Hernaiolier, always bear in mind the name of Dr. Swayne -nd be not deceived. Prinelper Inbar, corner of Eighth and Race Hemet', Poe sole who...vale and retail by OGDEN & SNOW. 1.11.1 N, coy lid easi Wood airs 11 A FAHNESTOCK !a Co cur Ist am. Wood, and ' Gib and Wood sly; WH Ti i,,itN. JO lil-irket at; S JONES, Inn Liberty at; JAS A JONES, cot eland and Peon a.; JOHN MITCH ELL, Alleglici, city, and by all respectable de.altra in medicine. octla - Dr. W. W. P Pei p W. I. LYLAND, of the hledwal College bl Pliii• aslelphin, now oilers to the public Ws Indian Veg. etultin Plwacr, the qualthee et which, eller long and tried experience, has been sausiactoray c e. talitieltwl. To all women who way he afflicted with Prolapse', Uterisor Fallen Wetelb, he recount - inn& hie iitatarr, guaranteeing n sure and bilevey core in the tkurt lye.: or Bunt two to thee week. a applied with care and reet--discarding all the coon:les , . intl.:Me/lie and expensive bandagee so long in use. This ho fuels conectesitinun la stating. an he Nu not (ruled in one. ratio out of three hundred and faly-three pa nettle. Ai/Ptar iilli s ittth and Wee 7 Dream ar Back, at „,Lth.d with patriot..., is Iwthhtg to e.leeil . /iSelet It talidilig falterer effecting a cure. For male by 1. Wilcox, corner of Diamond end Market et Braun A Reiter,” Lawny and SL Clair sts Dr J Sargent " rcdcral at and Biamotal, Alle ghen .17 Jacques y re Co, " Denman and Diamond Ilinnaig. hale, Ira V 4 iTItACT OF COFFEE—An artiste which 1-4 pi auJ V; ola cvenge, being ~,,v,,irotlesloes.itto.,,rirlpanr arable than common Cone, and far cheaper, as a Pape conung unity ten tants, will go a. far as (our pounds of Codco. Tlinwfuoturcil by JOON at. MILLEIt. Pinshuroh, l'a - fiord at wholeasla by 11A EltilNP:orTtiCK S. co, corner of Finn turd Wean! and Grath :not Wood swoon, Pithalsorgb_ al2l 11A1.11 , 011.N1A tilllllfdt recasvc6 3S Camp II ui officer contra; It yrs Yana, In p.m nett hard filming llttotai 12 66,6,,, 1 RU. Tanks. 6 and LI gallons exalt; 5U canteens, attl , on each; dot liudrotto Moneyßel.; Ido oiled entalorie do do. The al.tve goods fur 61, at the fotnla truttding Establishment. No 5 Woal Pt. mewl J G II PHILLIPS AN Vii.,!--Wrought Ran Royals, from the Temper aneoville works, warranted; will be concantly an band and "applied W order, by Mr(ll9 Gi4p_ !lon iIR A N . WI Wowi er L IVUGRB .7 ofmiV i iratia l dj—tßa rd, Dopuy, tee; Sca N E Rum; ttal bld .a, Whiakey; for sale by nowS Wtc All run KIITIIRE Et.ll, — ..lllltitil.bWl)llll.-- 2 u , S e, iik i • u . I .. .1; ~ , 'ii L, . - :4; ''''' "444 ' 4 .41'4'4 17. ,' Al loM 0 r — 'Ash goal. AO, I llleaelliag Powder, urivedyer dap UzeohNdge, 4W nnw c.°° '"' S o" " lELTRtE N. 11.—They will receive, during We aria We. large @applies via Now Orlaane, llov31) / a BOOK TRADE. SPECIAL NOTICE TO TEACIIERS7 I)RHEE&SOR '6IIAREIM DAVT/id hasjust pre r pared a. new arithmetical watt, • copy or vrfuch rill - lie presented io each and every Teacher in Lac United elates. wothout claw, upon then' application to A. H. English & Co., Iv Wood meet, Plusburah, (ca. pawl The work GRAMMAR OF ARITHMETIC; Or, An Ana; els of Om Larlgoogo of figures ea. of Nurnberg. - The following notice is copied from the New York Tribuue of Jan. tel, 1 thn— ••Gasmasa or Artintlittnne, NI CHAS. Dawn, L. L. D. I I Onto , pp. this work the langange of figurci• and cot sanction of numbers, are carefully =Kit/ed. The alphabet. composed of ten figures—the w or d, rived lrom the alphabet. and the laws by *Lo e b the Burrs are connected with each other, - acne clearly ex pla he a nalysis"T shows that there ore but four hen dad end eighty eight elementary combine:loos in A nthroette, each corresponding to a word Moor com mon Ito:gouge; and that these comblannons are so et:tunneled together w to be all expressed by only sixty three different words. The system proposes to commit thou words to memory, and then read the results towed of spelling them, as now pracused. "In another respect the system proposes an Import ant choose, namely: lo ninider mid treat ail (romans as entire things, having a Oven relation lb the ann.'s, from which they wereilenved. "We scarcely neva say that the little work evinces the ingeoutty and skilful analysis, for which Profewor Devlin' wining oa this nottieel are justly celebrated. We commend it to the attention of practical teachers. believing that they will find it crowded with new and valuatileauggestionco From the Profasoro at Won Point. "ManAar AC, DZYV or U. B Was[ Polar, Jan.l7. ''The drammar of Arithmetic, by Professor Davies, present. the subject hi a new light. It so analyser: Arithmetic &PIO impress the mind of the learner with the firt principles of mathematical faience In tam right order and connection, end the new rules for the reading of figures are of great practical value. oigned, W. 11. C. Bartlett, Prof. of Eat & Co. Phil. A. K Church, Prof of Mathematics. D. 11. Mahan Prof. at Engineering." Its Press. A.S. BARNES A. Co. would respectfully amount,. to Mechem, and to all tun:rested in mothentattcal ta• *Mermen, that they will publish, nn or before the let of August, Itati,the following work:— VIE LUUIC AND UTILITY OF MATHEMATICS; Or, an Analyser of the Principles of the Science—on the N stare of the reosoning —and of the best Method, on Imparting Instruction By Chas. Davie. L. I. D., Author of -A Complete System of Matheinatacs." N.H.—A. IS Barnes ft Co, are the publishers a Davies' System of Mathematics. For sale In this city by A. 11. ENGLISH A Cu., No 72 Woolf street frb27 Foliar , . Now Ethiopian Illelodl•• IWINE to Run all Night; Dolly Day; kJ' Dory Joner.l.lo down to de Cotton FteW; Nally am a Litt)), &o. ALSO: — lle Kind to the Loved Ones at flume; How by boat lightly; True Low. by V. Llood. Our way across the sea, ducts; ; A new medley sorg, by O Covert; .• Jenny limy, music by dialler, Joys that were crowning. Wedding Merely. God Ides. the hardy marine; Scheylklll Walt; Sonaedipt, Departure, by W. O. (hover, unds from Home; Wallets. Nteyerniarkirelle Co Last ROW of Summer, rally variations by Item Domed MISILII Ponta; Lathes' Souvenir Polka; Corn Cracker Quadrille; Louisville quad rIlle; Beaurie• of Daly; D 0... Trios, At. A large assortment of New fleck on hand. to wine, addinuns are iumle weekly. For solo b y kulm J. 11. AM1.1.011, El Wood st. EMNUMI=M . Figments of Rhatotig; comprising an Analysis 01 We Laws 01 Moral Evident.° and or rersaaaton, Ly Richard Whately. L. 1). 11.1ovay un Chri.an Glaptim; by Dela. W. Nod, A. Tito °plates, a Novel: Fatty rains, from all Monona; by Anthony 11. Mon talLiat with 24 Mutilations by INty le Just rued by JOIINS lON A STOCIITON, dela earner Tared and Market wren s New amit El•gant oin Ilooltist LI ACHED SCENI.2.4 ANI) ellAltA by 'r 0 Headley with Ne vett original deign. by Doyley. Pet,. and Prow r.i.ings, by Richard 12 WON vol•., 111.1111 - I lloonntutt,d Gem. or Sacred Forty, with six illur Ira 110. engravcd'on steal. by John Sartain Just reret•rd by JOHNSTON b. STOCKTON, deed earner Third end 'Market PllY:fltli AN AND PATIENT, or • Praeucal Vtear of themmlutal Mama, relations and interest, of the Nlrdical Itio:cs•ion and the Community; by Worth• 1001011 Hooter, Al. D. wor.. of Mtchiel De Mordetanc; comprising Ktany,t. L(111 . 19. Ar. fly Wt. litalett. nintrarit and as Remain.. Ity kustcn Decry Lay aid, 1:11.up•e• of f.pazo, or Noir, or an 1.71,fm.1,41 Too 147 r w.!!“ tup ar'p, , l•ravarl•tai 1 . 1,,:olopl,y, new aditlon; illu tratc.l. Ja.l SVVINved I.y JUIINSTON & STOCKTON, nnvtl corn, Markt., and Ttistd lame. MED= L 0,W001,'.4 11.1.11KITATED WORKS—III • Hooke—M.ld 111 rectal y carved Im til id 11 •vprrbly I•ots,1,1 Vrlv. ;Intl Co u, usttiolt. in mulatto m“hu. ligeo—.ll,les Noel Rookr, hea u , ly Vr . oiet and Niorocco,nannilicently viml,nted and Ilillllltlllll,i I , nr 3,11C 0 I.INI FS D. LW: uoD, A: Imparter. Woad Christmas and New Year Approaching! I:LE:LINT AND SUII , TANTIAL BOOKS, La ,IlagmA.q. Antkiae thruh.rg„l, the Holidays. ..1 , 1e u r , Z ., 1 0 7 , 7 , 17 ,; Iltu.trated hook, ,oulkl it heno,t ,plend4,l wan k, by beat 1.4.00 n end A. one Nodal - a-2m0,, lh,n,ay be ;nu t, Pearl. of Art,,.. mgr. fieently mar.) f.ny.o ro Work:, mon:feled ,rrld um! CO , nrs Wor ',worth, lircrec; reeb . ) rl,olninsted I.y O , rlL loner, end bouod rorred wood. Sall Of Song*, illumenztrd I''nver r% nod the. litodred Too, faro; Ili unalnnied by Jo llrromeq of SMlnl,•oeorr; diu.lreled Jagne, , oli.Ceusrr ‘,l Women; Illystra. For pale by JAMES 1. , LOCK WUrIU„ del Wood A:reel I=! 0131.11INI: 111. Fosc VoysKe.bv Ilmemen11•411 I.:author M - Tynec.„" I ii.nry ul sini , Allied 01 larglund, , y hoot , Abbo with tine Clig - 11,141:, 6.10b1a the Ourcerests: by Wm. Membold. EEC= Ma=e=== "Ono of sito Moot Renaariable IVorks of the Age." NINEVEII AND ITS HENIAINS., with an account of a vi.tis to the eh:mescals Christians of Kurds. um, and the Trellis, or Deed-Worshippers, and an fuels., lobe dm Malllie" and All! , of the Anesont As. s) nano. Ity Austen Henry Lay eel, Est, D. C. 1.. With Introductory Note by Pros. ko Uohnuson, D. D LL. D. Illustrated with i 7 plates and maps, and MI wood outs. 'soleness. ninth, 51,30. - . "The book has a rase amount of graphte, yield, pie intestine nat./are "—TrAtne. •`lllO work of Larard is the rums prominent contr.- tintion to the etady of rtiquity, Wet hee appeased for *u •Totio ' :e " elrels hr t ' ,:tir ' elest Wen ecount of Nine•ch sn,l Bolas, given by Me. Layard."—WashingtOn Itarlhgencer. "As we follow the &agars with bresthlen interest in i • ration., and iuddenly fi rd ourwlves by , fore a merrier figura carved wan annuls aceurany now hang aw grenade bead trout the duit of :low re•r., sre ready (a ery not with the asionathen Arab., 'Wallah, It ts wonderful, but It Is troe!'"—ln dependent. Vur tale yy JAMES D. LOCKW001), novIG fCI IWooll at TshE WOMEN of me Old and Now Testament Edited by E. II Sprague, D. D. 1 vol. lam. cm., elegantly bound; In exquisitely finished engravings; with desenptions l,y eelelinited American Cern mea. POENIS BE Ahl ELI A, (Mrs. Wethy, of Ky,) a new and enlarged edition: Must:wed by engravings from original design, by Web 1 vol simare two, elegant y bound and el I. Also—A variety of splendid Anne. 144,111 a boil Books. Chtid`s First Book of the llistory Of Rome. I vet Moto TOE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the are of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw yers, Lumbermen, Students, rind Artimms generally: bring a thorough and practical Treatise en Mentors- Unll mud the Sliding Rule. By D M. Kiperi A. li. 801,0'. Treotise on Greek Peeve Composition- Oliendoffs Mententary French Orammor. By Prot Greene, of Brown University. I vol. Mono !Mediocre Gemini.' llobresir (grammar, by Conant. Oeseniusi Hebrew Lexicon. Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tables. I vol. (sheep.) The Englishman's Greek Concordance. I sot (mutt- . lin l Allllloll'4 Closure' Series- Welisiers Meth:wary, revised ed. I vol. gvo. do dounabridged. I vol 410. ItarneW Notes and Questa.. on New Testaiwint. W nutely, Logic. Mosheimbt Ecclesiastical History. 3 redo and 2 vol. ultimo./ u Veetge. Vestige. of Crcotion 1 vol. ISmo. Mornings wens the Jesuits or Room. I vol. (cloth and paper.) Scenes where the Tempter Imo Triumphed. t vol. (cloth and paper.) Ilague's Theological forettliell. 1 von. J.. (cloth.) Alder's Pronounewg Boyers French Ih-tionory. grunet's lion., Fur sale by R HOPKINS, nes El Apollo Buildinos, Fourth ot EW BOOKS JUST KbOrd TT:b.—The work. No Esldntaigne, edited by 11. Ilaxliti„ comprising his say Letters, and JOCV through Germany obit Italyltalyv IMI Ith note. from all the COMMEIIIIII.e, Biograph ical and Ilibltographical None., ke. Theory and PrIWICO of Tette:aim or, the Motive. and Methods of Omni School-Keeping, by David Plage, A. M., Paincipal of the Mate Nvonal School, Allieny, N. Y. Froth Forester's Fish and Fishing of the U. Stowe and Botisk Provinces of North Ainenco. by henry Wm Ilerbert JOHNSTuN A. sToOKTON, novel comer Third and Market w. _ Wig Olden Tlan•. 1 AMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer, U No. 0 Wood street, Lou rat Idle • few conic. cont. pleb-, (the remainder of the edition.) of Mtn valuable ink, devoted to the Preservution of Documents, and ether imamate Information relabug to the early c. 1•• piorationo, mulement and improvement of the country wound the head of the Ohio. By Neville IL Craig,. 11 q, of Pittsburgh, In 2 vela boo. sump J. D. LOCKWOOD, 0 17-74.` Elliott, Esq. Iliustrated widi twelve engrovnigo, cot , ruled at Rome 2 vols., no., uniform with TroscoWs o Historical Mak Just published and ter sale by JANIES I). LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and mrelli Wood el I,,TANN E - EVITIKINITALT: .12 12mo. Snot.. MRS. PANN V KEMDLE'S YEAH I W CONSOLATION. "Tho rending of 0.11. book Lbs tiopi.sed us with a mtteii higher opinion of Its author than we had farmed front penning her other writing a. It displays adm per tone of thought, united to more, pare womanly grace of feeling than any other production of the tamale mind with which we are acquaiated."—Eve. Minor. `lt is a very agreeable and tradable hau:g, vvrittchlu Palmy Kemblo, beat style—kohL oydrited and enter taining. We recommend it to our retailers the best yubli,etiou of the Martiti.T , -Readi Oar.Oar.-It contains th e JOMILIIi of I trav el thr o ugh Europe, cud residence in Italy; and Is one of the plot...mot and most intereotinglooka of the aterion.e—Ona. and Enquirer. "A very characteristic book. We have rend it from title page to Colophon with .11121.0(11 A vi. yid picture of life In Rome. In all respecto no readedile."--Knickerhocker. Far ogle by JAMES D I,OCIOTOOD, north lhrhoethel k lattteitc r IdUi Weed at Ribbons Audi Fl . . 4 n . ~...,4 m ~. a . 1.11 do.ill.Ci u s ' , P Olifl iii - e n at i st ßi al b rnietton• • ;cVI% 0 [WIZ thil day.[ ..p i A A !IWO& it: CO, hialket at; . 1) lEtTaEl4l74oolb• I.llt. oared .icoliiilr,li • 0 lI'l1t,D)I WW I TMMI • N. uO/.ass Ai lONS, Ziohneng• AND DZAT.NRIB NOTES, DRAPTS,ACCEPTANC,GOLD,SILVER AND BANK SUMS.' coLLr.crioNs—mdth, N oto Aceeptances payable in any part of Use union. cal.-led on th e 111014 rAble - • - F.XCIIANGIK on New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore; alSo, Cincinnati, Louisville, Bunt LOWS and New Orleans, constantly tarsal , . BANK NOTES..—Notes on all solvent banks in the United States discounted at the losses , rates. All kinds of Fore icn and Ainencnn hold and Silver Coin bmight and Fold. Mee No. 53 Slarket.street, between 11 and 4th, Plusiburch,Ba. 20113 AllCs - JRZIGN MXOIIA2IIO.-- lead oad S cotland Sought BILLS on ELLlttodt Exchange. . any amtnnno the Cement states o f the Old *wanes, Also, Dotits payable in soy Pon of -- front LI to IMO, at the raw of 15 to the X, Stet. p tog, without dedoctiem or dtuount, by JIXSIIITA. ROBIN SON, European and General Agent, oth" 5Lh at ow door west of wood. octlBll 4L1.13 Muni VAMP LIM 8 13. ANNERS AND EXCHANGE B RO K ERS . deslen in Foreisn and Domestic Dills of Exclizoge. Cer "fi.",` . 1 ' ,posite, Baulk Notes and Coin, con= of .11 and Wood streets, dacaly opposite St. Charles Ho le:. oSeTSRdIY WICIITIntur rummy—. ULo Indiana, gantanky, altwourt, parcbabed at tha lowan rates, by Bank Nolan, N. HOLMES it BONS, septa 35 Market weal B ILLS OW INICIYANCIkniaht algelYs oa New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, Conwantly for sale by N. 1101.5 Mi SONS. aryl] X, Market aL hi ISCE'LLANEOtIB. J(IIIN WATE h. CO. have removed their cock of firacenr. al the appal. ride of Liberf.l 0. WOMAN IN AMERICA-11er work and 'same. TT Ward. By Made J Mclntodhcmthar °rut:harms Counterchatins,l" . l l o ereern and to be" 1 vol Amo. Leiter Day Pamphlet., No Pr—The present time. By Thomas Carly... CMALMIII4.-51emoira of Lee and Writings of 'Thos. Chalmers, 1) 1)., L. L.l). Prelectlons on Butler's A wring y, Evidence. of Christianity, and 11)114 Lecture on Divinity, with two Introductory Lectures and four Addreare• dohvered In tba_New College, Edinburgh, by Thor... Obtainers, D. L, L. 1.- I Vol leinn. • . , Caavor—l.sic 01 /oho Calviu,mmpiled from When. he ...coca, ud particularly Dow ho correapoudeuees. it,. 'Moms. II Dyer, with portrait. 1 col 12roo. F0Y.31i13 by Li HOPKINS, apt? Apollo DuilLtrya, Fourth at. 'Deafness Oared. Prom the Near York Tame. AFRIEND, who. wend is meat reliable, and wbe Lev no pos,,ible Interest in the miner, Lot one of gratitude, desire, us to say, that he has been cured of mveterate deafness, by the ascot "ecerpa'sCorapOund Accrue. OIL" a Philadelphia atedicine, which is not for sale in this city, but which be thinks ought to be, for the gavot of the aillimed. Ile has o sister who has atso been cued by IL Ile urgently advises all who art suffeting train deafness, to try this rernedy,ivith ati stsurance that. unless the case be extraordinary, the experiment will prove abundantly successful. Per .v lc at PEZIN TEA STORE, lent 70 Fourth at, Pittsburgh Combs! Combo* 20 ti 0 111) , ..13S su . v d r 4 , t i l a lf: , ID do do very line; •• auto EnglisEll om ReAdinr, " Pocket Combs; 014 " " Word F lOW doeßPS . ti Fine Ivory; 3" " ellen Stdo Combs; lb " super 'ergo Duffing.; isrEE tom ass'd Side Comm, reed and for tale Ly tets C YE/111,149 Market at nut[ Holland! Mill' llollandi /11.0100 NOTICE—That N. McClintock has Mi. day 1 . received several emelt of the boom and best Sus t into cc Holland, to winch Le would most respectfully call Me attention of his customer. and the public in gracra:. I,7Carpct Ware 1t00m5.75 Fourth at. Jana FEW very fine GUITARS, Ittat ree'd from th• /I celebrated manufactory of C. F. Martin, and l a tte by • tang J If. MELLOR. 81 Woo./ at. nooks Just Roes'vs& run E Comp:me Wails of John Bunyan; 2 volt, boo, 1 in I rot, illimiramd; muslin Olt and gill edge. hlincheln• Biblical and Sabbath School Geohiraphy; • ticir work; I mil, "Imo. Amilynia and Slinger. Life of Jahn Q. AM.), by Wm. 11. Fmarayd; I vol Wino; mmlin Perms by Mr.. Iletattes; I vat, Mato; ratatlin; Soutt.'• 6ertoons--earnaoaa preached upon ad:venal arenoark, by Haler, South D. n.; • new editteatl vta, el Proahutunav Ihneourrea. vol.. en etterp, extra; bye. rnr tale by K. 110YKINS, teb,.l Nonni. at. MM=_72 10114 1411. 1.“4,1 nisder.mord, sueeensora to Arthur% ft Ntbol. g. see, bee Frey,. to inform the Cil.ll,llA of Pittsburgh and p, hoe venerally, Mat they have rebuilt the EA. Mt iUN DS V nod arc now in full operation, and have pen f their patterns mad) . for Inc snorkel:— Amongst o irh ne Cooking Stove., Coal and Wood with n splendid sur-neht Coal Stove, whi ch'is now sapereeding in other cities the common round stove. Al, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well adap ted for small families, vdlih tall assortment of eons m a in d mantel liratea We would partienholy i vi ns te [Met:Eton Of ,'watts building to call at 51.1 rchon., I,,fore porrhiming, and examine splendid itrtirle oleo:mm..llrd Unites, finished in fine style-style-- entirely new in this market. archouse, No. o. Ltherty at, opposite Wood at aa g va:dtINICHOLSON t PAYNE PITTSBUILOII IMPORTATIONS. 1 YEAGER, Importer end Wbolesale Dealer in Us FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS: Sign of the Gilt Comb, 104 Market es, Pittsburgh, P. Western Merchants, Pedlars, and others eluting ratasborgh to purchase Goods, are respectfully Invited to null and examine the extensive assortment of Eng lish, American, French and Gorman Fancy Goods. All Fete/gal Goods altkis establialament ere import cg dare , by myself, and purchaser. may rely on get dog goods from first lilted.. I have the largest assort -111,11 ofertleles, In the variety line, in the city el PaGbergh—all of welch, will he sold low for cask or city acceptatices. The Stock comb., to part, of Lere Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons.... Silk I vats, Shea and Patent Threads,Bewing Salk, Spool Cotton, Panes, Suspenders, Buttons, Plus, Nese Ole. mad Cutlery. Gold nod Silver Watehee, Gold Jewelry, all lands of Seethes, Combo and Saxon. Pct.lsion Caps, Revolvers, Pistol., Climb, Silk & Cotton rums, Spectacles, Steel Pa., Mosto Holes, Cnrpet Rasp and Basket.. Bindings, Eindlitga mid Irritittaings.• Toys and they Goods: 10ge... with • largo Mil, ty ai Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. C. YEAGER is also agent for the celebrated L.. cr.., Combs. ookl7 tirent limaglisla II•melly ITOR Coughs, Coble, Aniline and Conn ffiptionl The r GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of Ms above diseases, ta the (LUNG &DIAN RALSAM 01 LIFE, diseovered by the eelebrated Dr. Buchan, in London, Englimil, stud introduced into the United States ander the immediate superintendence of the inventor. The extraordinary mecca. ortiffis medicine, in On core or Pulmonary diseases, 'introits the American Agent in soliciting Conroe:m.l[lle went possible en ses that can be found in the community—eases that seek relief in neon from any of the common remedies of the day, and have been given up by the most distinguished phyolciane es confirmed and incurable. The Bunged. an Intsarn has cured, and will cure, the most desperate of eines It is no quack nostrum, buts standard Eng hall medicine, of known auffintablished efficacy. Every faintly in she United States should he supplin with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only le counteract the consumptive 'tendencies of the climate, be. to be and MI et preventive medicine is all cases sa Colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pule In the side and claim tati irrion and soreness of the lungs, brechitie„ difficulty of hreuung, borne liner, ought mean, camel. anon and geared debility, seam; induczna, whooping couch end crou. . . old in largo Lautea. nt 11 per bottle, 'rill hll dit lions for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, communing &marmot English and Mull can cernficams, and other evidence, elbowing Rao all. equalled me ' le of this great English Remedy, may b obtained of Me Agents, gratuitously. For vale by. B A It'AIINEL.STOCK A Co., corner o at and Wood and Waal and Rh sm. julhlgAirS TIIE. STAR OW TIE WEST *•VEffil'ffiAN BLIND MANUFACTORY East tide orate Diamond, vilmre Venni • Minch of all tho different aims and cola arc kept on hand or made to order alto the latest and moat approved &Went fash ions,at rho abOttcat notice and on the .141 reasonable terms. Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Tramp. rens) , and Paper Conains of all the different sixes told patterng, on bond and for vale low forcaalr. Old yeni mu, Minds painted over and repaired, or taken in part payment (or new WESTkiRVELT, Pra'pr. B —All trots done with the best material an( swiramanahip, and warrantoil to please the mitt In Allel pleny city, Aug. 10,1693. ELLER:P IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP—Tam's S Nututica Li. It: to o lPrrasta March 27,1947. Mr. R. M. Seliens—lnjustice u and your hmOtni tinfabio COUgh tiltahtt,l beg leave to Mate, for the ben efit of the community, Wm my wilt has been several tones atlheted ohm • most dui:residua , cough. pat> elinced, to January last, • bottle of your Syrup, whichcured a conga of tug 610.1311110 tostudjeg. About one numb >lure, the rough returned, cool wins co serve, that >he could hardly move, from weeklies. ht the breast; l .cot for one bottle of your Cough Syrup, and a part of one bottle mated (ho umiak !gave the other JOof „ ehtnan Wito was severely afflicted: ad who had, to me his own words, neaten enough cough candy to cure nil the psuipte Ptushoutgh,” if the candy h been as good a. r,oresented. • • • . • . . .. pared rcrin. crfull . Al./R.I4D U. Llzoort.. Prepared and mold oy It. E. IIP.1.1.1:118,57 Wood treet. oLd auk! Ly Druggiots geuerally in the toro chic& 171‘141.1P1API ILLIND. AND en.MET WAritlloolll. J. A. ilittlWN wee. reaph n. re I), Unbolt the pblic, that he keeps an hand at his at:.o4 the west aido of We Dymond, Ate• phew) , sit), a complete- ItSiert• meta of Venitiatallinds,.• also Va. ninon Shatters are A 3,11.0 to or ite..ite.7l.j.thsty.iueldercedarvs,a.nwtet • Qaal Made can be rerowied • out the aid of a screw driver. purehased the Atc , 4llFs tools, and wood °Palo caldnetea tntashrocatqf itcresityk teed, top pieptired to (tallish their oldcustomers, ab tae the public at hare: with thitlintheortlue. Agency, No 0 Woad sweet, J. A. DROW2... _ ir UST rcahl, an cols,µ•[plain Rosewoods bet. 1. aeon the celebrated scanufactorr o f Clerk, N. V., of soperior tane,rind eery moderate price. into by 11. KLEUSIL-- dole - at J. W.,Waidwelle. cV/LLIAMS' IVORY rgiat.TOOTIIPOW . for rrinovie:,. Yurm r, . euriry, Canker, and al .uhstunees deuiruative to itteTeeib. It au delleleipy to Me 4.1 e, uira.v.ing th., mouth, baling and tlyengui e ,, ma the gou ahti purifying lee , F saeo le, ar ts, bule.le end retalli dby Ra t•Rilßi; Woolfst . . . l(X7ATOVIIII/11,011EAPER THAN EVER!-- V Jain reed, an invciee fall jewelled patent ib lvcr Walelira, carets finiecastac.aritich I car sail as ow asand thirty Ave dollayi,and war a cted se leap good c• splendid two mural ur vIEWHLINY, 40111- prIPI!VS° and latest styles, and best Omens. w. wlLßON,Usteletsker sad Jewels,. - fiche • yams 14sirst sairssrilb Weft. MEDICAL. DIVALI.III7II:M . S OINTMENT. Contstionts: Pio i'llsrrarg, nor Odor • Tin following 'cabmen:al was given by tie ecle brated.Dr. Wooster Leach, the author Mthe gren medical werk entitled " The American Practice of Medina• and Family Physician: , 'Ragtag been made aegoaintedwith the in:ream!. which compose McAlltster's Otntment, and having mcsenbed agd testrdit inseveral eases .n my private practice, I have lio besitationliti saying or ' certaying 1010 It is a Vegenable Remedy, n 0n ,,,,„, no mineral substance whatervr; that its ingtoo.looo, combined as they are, imd tp , rd a. directed by the Proprietor, are not onlyharmless, but of great valor, being a trdy wientiho Remedy of great power and cheerfully recommend it as a compcond which hav done mueL good, and which ix adrpied In the cure of a great vanety of case. Though I buy, occardthrr recommended or engaged in the sale of creed meth. nits, regard for the trine boxrat, essiariCloollol, mita character of the Propriet?r of thin Ointment, and the aloe of his discovery, o__: , ge ma to any th e . mock regarding it. w New erg, April al, ISIG. BUltti.S.—lt is ono of the best things in the ieot:d for Bun. • • • PlLFS.—Tldwatuda see yearly cored by this Odd ment. It never Mite in gluing relief. For Tamers, Ulcers, and all Sind. of Sores, it has no equal. If Mothers: and Nurses knew it• value in cares of Swollen or Sore Breast, they would always imply it, In ouch caws, if used according to directions, it goes relief in a very few hours. Around the box are directions (or using Me Allister Ointment Scrotal . , Liver Complaint, Erytipelia, Tenor. Chilb 'or lain,•Scald Head, Sorn Eyes, Quincy, Sore Throat. Brocchiles, Nervous Affections, rains, Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Dentitess, Ear Ache, Duras. COM., all Dil[Ziel. of the Skin, Elora. lips, Pimp:ca. 3,c., Swelling of the Limb., Soren, Ilhenmatirm. PiLeal Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro ken Dream, ToodrActie,Agec in the Face, to. From the. Heathneracte There was never, perhaps, a Meßeam brought be fore the pantie, SW has in'so abort a time won etch a reputation as I.lc allisterhi All.llealtne or World Salve. Almost every person that has made trial orir speaks warmly in its prone. One Lae hem. cured by ie er ne most painful rbettralleiStit, another of the pile., a third of a troublesome pain in the aide, a lentil, of owelliog in the limbs, be. If it doe. not give Imme diate relief, in every care, it can do no injury, being opened outwardly.. As amyl,. e.dcw of the wonderfoi healing pew• er poises/tea by this ,Ive, we sos,aal the following ceruSerite, from • respectable entree of Alaidenereek township, in this county: Abudenereek, necks en-, Match 30,1017. Unisys. Ritter A. Cot—l desire to inform you that •••• ewsrely cured of • severe pain intim hack, by the chased of Ale/tills:asm I 1111-Ilealine for ab lve, which I pur c fro you. suffered wit hlt fout 1.0 yeses, awl at night was unable to sleep. Daring that time I tried venous remedies, which were preaeriPed ter mo by physieians•nd other persons, without receiving any relief, and at lest made Sria/ of tins 5.... wish ...- sett favorable beyond elpeetaltan I ant now enure. ayfree from the pain, and enjoy at 'tight a peaceful and sweet s eep.sl I have also used the Salve since for tooth ache tr complaints, with smiler happy results. Vous friend, louts HOLVINLACII JAM P.S. Mc A LLISTEIIt Solo Proprietor of toe above medici n e. Principal Mee, No al North Third stm:l,Philadel. phia. PRICE 25 CENTS PE:it ItOX. Aumus is Prresuenoth—liraurf& Better, corner of Liberty end St Clodr streets; and I. Wilcox, Jr., c ner of Market street and the Diamond, also Cotner or Cl Fourth and Smithfield Duettist I. IL Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn streets, Fifth Ward; and sold at the Bookstore in Smithfield street, ad door from Second. . . . . _ In Allegheny City by if. P. Nehwartz and J. Sargent. By J. CZ Bruit& Irregiurt, Birmingham: D. Negloy, East Liberty; 11. Rowland, hlerieentrors; I. JOezander & Bon, Monongahela City; N. U. Bowman te Co., and J. T. Rogers, 11l e ; John Barkley, Beaver, PE John %Talker, Jr., Elizabeth. tehtleodlY Os W. ILIDDLfig, Dew.lst-- REfiIOVED to a eels three story bries 71~t~~~~on Smithfield street, one door below Sixth street. Tenth inserted from one tl an entire set, on the ruction principle, witty • been. Ufal representation of the natural Rom—restrvng the on alarm cultic , fare. N. IL—TeeUi extracted with little or no pain. Decayed Teeth permanently greed by plugg poi• venting the tooth oche, wide!, is much better titan en. nog it, though It Shedd be done in Lye. untie!". or sevirEß — Ns OINSENG PANAC EA!, rrU) THOSE SUFFERLNO WITH DISEASED J. LUNGS.—The unprecedented ruckus which ttaa Uended the are of the a all the various forms which Irritation of the Pins es- Manes, hm induced the proprietor eigaild to call etym.. Con to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION.' The changable weather which marks our fall sad sinter months, is always a fruitful source of • COLDS AND COUGHS. these, If csglitted, no. but We precursors of that fell destroyer, The question, then, bow shall we nip the destroyer to die Lad? how shall we get clear of cur conks end olds! is of Vital importune to toe THFE-GREAT'ANO oNLY HUMEDY will be found In the Ginseng FanaceA. In Piot of this we have front time to time pcinehed the certificates of dozens of our bent known c:urens, who Rave egperi, *need its curative powers. These, whiz ethane of tes dmocy from all perm of the coeutty,,frOnt MEDICAL. MEN OF TIIE MIST GFANVING, Ministers of the Goepel, An., together witheopioss not ices from the. JOURNALS OF THE DAY,. ere have any of pamphlet Dam . , and may u be had finds " 71. 111INIM ;&14.. " 1r n"' lave been used in tlus city. THOUSANDS AND FENS OF THOVSANDS dinteshout the liatted Staten and Cumin,...) ye. et• Mag. any man 10 pond outgo, DINGLE 'INSTANGE n "which, when taken according u. &actions, end h.: fore the Wont had become fatally disorgantaci, t Its* aver faded to IMMMBE=EI Why,. then, need the Ciliate:l hooitatot Why moot to the uunerable nostrums, rotten up by Info own troditiolo eeV e ter the usenued one of some en 'Omni pliyo dein,. and puffed into notosiety by eernrieutes no pen ions squally unknown! Whilst a medicine of . UNPARALLELED EFFICACY ls to be had, whose soothers eta at homy--ear might rows,—many of whom it has SNAYEUED FROM THE GRAVE. la order IN this inuable medicine may be plaehi yet the price thin the reenh of he poor as we ll th e rich, we have at ONLY NUTTY GENTIS t inet one half the usual cost of cough medicine e ithe har sale by our agent. in nearly every . town and village over the west, who are prepared to give full inform.- :ion relative In it. T. SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway, r !Locoman, Ohio, — YZailfOr Ohs Public. In relation to that unrivalled family Salve, °ALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN lIITRACTOIL rgthisTlMO:ll - of a reapectable I . 4ysician.—Reed 1 the following, addressed to my Agent, Mr. F. Me, ryweather, Cincinnati: ether-var. ireboLS, Sin A sense of duty compels cue to give my tribute Dailey. Pain Entrecter. Being opposed to quack ery and all nostrums having for Weir heel InniLlet Motives—but realising muck good Dem the vEing of Pain Kthlers"—l am induced to tenth, you this ma caw. I have used it in my family, it, my practice, and with all the happy and wonderful edects that could poseibly be imagined. IL J Denote, <C - Dr. Brodie is the senior punkt of Brodie Druggists. iisfiantxuatory Rheumaisra. The followingsestrioui.l comes from a source fa:, mbar to many of those traveling on our Western wa ters. Mr. Clltima,the well and tuvarably pro prietor of lite Parkersburg Hot.l, 11 bliSband to the lady whose letter I annex; Pasksassavu, Ye. , April 12, 141. To Henry Balky, Chemist. &e. —ffir; Having for merly been bog afbicted with violent inflammatory Itheamatistn, which appeared so firmly seated no to defy all ordinary appliatices to allay the worm ppOill attending it, I was induced to try your Magical Pain Extractor, and it having effected, utmost as fitly ma gic,ar.imuiediate relief, mud also, to all appeartmem ag toffee um perfect cure, I am induced for the bear-, fipof others who may bo afflicted with pelt, caused by soy kind of inflammation, to write to you, declaring that iu myopon, founded on sumo! experience your Magical Pain IK:tractor is the moss valuable els. cover, of the present age fur the immediate extris i ,floo' Cuof bodily pain. It is rut almost immediate sod a per eure for Burn. and boalds, and all ex - sexual in ffsmmation. Haying many acquaintances fortard by their li/ii• 113 my busband's howl in this place, 1 hoe. suppowd by your showing them the few luta 4, it tatty possibly be of benefit.both to thew and Younw La/rra Gam. • entertain tbeitispe thot Mra fili.ce will pardon tbo ppublicly,' I give Vim letter.. as NO II on rife more of ma:my as ails being the 1114t10.t abate of bringingar to the notice of her frienda.-11. DA urr.l F.J. Cana Extract of • letter, dated- Balcony, Ey. Nov. Z,ISIS. Mr. R. Dailey: "I hove tried your fain Extractor in a clue °cretin, iu in own family,which at tasked aml eared in a very short time." 1., hot., yours re spectfully, • J.0.11175'011,10. Bs' . Barns and Scalds, riles. Soto pbpsks, Broken Smut, linipljon., Sores, Cuts WeNllll.l., and all in oethin Iret readily e. '" D ' uTi a o ' 2e ' irmir tk or: [tertian that you will receive benefit u se the genuine, you *ill ho minted by the deleterious eller. of the emmterfcit salves. our tend apply chide to the inventor, 11. JULIAN; .413,11r0r • ,Net Vatic. n: hie an tint:led agents. 11/11N General Imp.. l'huttnuchh II“ry Schwartz, AUegheny, Agent; J. Doter, P. Wheeling, Via.; James W Jultuatc,,, gy,• Alertyweather, Cincinnati, 0., General N. U.—ln Ilse severest Bums and ScAles A emeets the Nib., in • Am cuinuca—it Jar ye r fail," Int• CURE FOR WORMS. B. A. sramiiiisTimovi ;wenn-novas MASAI 011 silialitelatenSawerze. - IN elder ro afford all possible seconly to the pablb ra .„ Jb as well as to thwaselsoa t against fraud .4 Repo ague (tote ..Medellin, tee proprielora haw marls a change In the exterior wrapper or [able of their Ar c , serfage. The new label, which is a steel cagraving of the nro,rt exquisite design and worideauship, has bee. introduced at every great eXpense, and is (ma the brain of an artist of the brat tatenb The &mile le ' t ap. and the exceed,. elaborate. Severe( figures and a Portrait ere tsest prvadnem , bat tlia word vitamin us,`, printed m er to letters on n red arai h otly en. "av er t ground, should' be particulatly exanuned,—, \ Then held oP to the light the Inhere, shading of thl letter, and every lies, Ippwecorar duttere,throatscat the whole adds pate of the te me match al exactllS es d dd. onprendoo had bee nte. n =add upon one side Od• ly, Printed On both snlee of du paper, Tie, rl,Luld in ell sax, be otaerved. A la bel upon nary do/en it ana printed in red npou both end mboutd he ekutalned in the santots.seaer re. remised. hea how stn. the test of 'awry years trrads'ead .M(4=4 swocratervied a see airt elfeetuel bavdlelno for seek the system.. ItneXartiPled seek.. s• a a a anaoacd natelljP l "Al.. 9".7 naltent was really allhetei with t. untre' reaere war. thr the atteneortOf efoUltene. rhe PnW:evm 'Yu .4 • poird u, aieensie the • reallt ste e 540.11 ',jade his bb*Ali turariebly found 4 6, 9 4Ce,, n4brd ' Ur stutirryedrcts—ruit nafrequenl• ly atter tleadY dinary preparation. Meet.- secelita for evivits ha,( prilvietuly tlee' lU WOK., adaantave ' This fee t Laetested Irv.. certiflidileS and eta:ex:erns of banal:de o P•t'irreetable Persona In differ ev I. parts of - thee un try, end shonl4 . butece. femiliei always keep vial of the prepayallOrt Ist their 11011.411-Jort. lo 1, mild ditto operation, aid maybe, adannitter d with perfect gait. Ora most deli.. adsorb • The only dem.e is prepared !,••• . !pen II A VAIINES POCK, Prusbargb • Hewn . Itei 413 COUGtI SYRUP.. Prom W. K. Rallsa ties raPi Court of quarter SCSIOOION aoooor Coat • • Mr. R. SL delis • —Si Soon . 11 ice in the winter or' %We siliffetid alit a severe and distressing cooffir Lad hearing af year .avaistabla Cough Systrfli I Nl' °haled a bottle Lem 8. T. Tillable, of ktridseweiete arid idler tak i tr ,, ; . r i : - portien of two or th ree evenirda • on going oba /112 , 11.1i•te relief; st• den severe! Mandl ve been relieved in severe easel. - • eta Iherefoo-mtiefied that It iv a safe and minable stedLeine, and would recoaptend It to those who sal ' be afflicted with mivere Gentle end Coidl. Muth RA Ina W. K. BODLT. . . Pttyiire4 ibut bald by R. E. SE.ll,l4B;yi Y. u. d p o ut, &vest. 1 4. 1 4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers