The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 23, 1850, Image 3

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isurottT zu & TacLuaLuirissro
ADDI norum.
Pnum.,iu, April 22.
The private despatches by the steamship, which
came to baud yesterday, do eel materially differ
from the Reams! whieh WIMI published ea Sat•
Clorlon—The market fs firm, mad balm de-
Mad an advance on! the closing rates of kin
Floor—Tbe merketnontintta quiet. C0=11132
slapping breads are bold fionly si 85 121 pato!.
Tretimetione for,export bays been limited; far
oft, emonmplie4therOls a good demand at 85 12
0518, foe COM inelgood breeds, and lts 3705
62/ for extra. .
Rya Floor is lb it $2 8102 87 per bit
Cora Ede $2 62 per tat
Grain—There isa good demsadStr Wheat, sad
prices have Itra upward tendency, with sake at
yellaw at 112uSt 13e, acd of white at 119 a per by.
Bye is selling at 60e. Corn is name, with farther
limited stleMof Boutharn yelkrw, afloat, at 2sa per
ha. Oats ara io demand, with mks 011000 bit of
prime Pennsylvania at 10a, and of Southern at 38
029 a.
Wb!skey--Sales at 22iait234
Mom Macarr—tinned Sum 6'o, 1656, ara
nibs at 1991. U. S. 69, 1567; u WU. Eia!aa
Woolly[natio Watt 93,40.
prw Yorr, April 22.
Private advice' by the steamer are favorable to
Caton, end we have an advance in the article of
is goes the arrival of the gunmen •
Flaur—The market is ina, mud medium grades
have advanced 6012 e per tal; imiindatid tandem
braids are telling at $5 2;0,4.11.
WrlAlillirroll, April 22
Home—ldr. aithardnen asked the consent of
the House to ire:odium blo theolutiona.askiai the
&ppm:thither et • uteri commtueo, to inquire into
eedain — allowences of money by the Seefelar, of
the tote ,or, •fter the boo!, had bean closed on
the tithe:
. Mr. oMory had no objection to the enquiry, yct
he withed it no modified so to call upon the /3m:e
ta:yip state the particulars desired, and cot to di.
:Mr. Gentry "en) upitlireeelutions. which were
read. 4
Tio Sprat er said Mr. Gentry's resolutions
would not be cutet.ained, unless by ansohnous
Mr. Richardson said be mold not accept the
Mr. Meade thought the comae of Mr. Gentry a
proper one, as' Mr. Richartlson's resolutions as
sume the guilt of the Secretary.
Mr. Richardson cold he did not know whether
the reports were tine or not. He could not see
that the terms of his resolutions vielatet any emu.
may. The very object of tho committee is to en
quire whether the subjects mentioned be true or
not. If the Secretary be not guilty, the enquiry
will do no harm.
Mr. Grotty said that the gentleman from Illinois
makes no charge; then there is no responsible or
respectable accuser—the etqctiry is to. be made
on the groend of mere tumor and surmiae. When
the Seeretary responds it would be competent for
the House to : judo then, tt it be judged that be Is
guilty of misdemeanor,any menthol can move fez
•. committee of inyeadigathis, until the charges be
made. The . denrcuity stands ace:toed cif on mime.
He did not wish It to be undenecood that boor his
f, lends woad shrink from an ioveatigston.
The question ...hell We Inseminate for the put
lie good, or shall we make rumors in newspapers,
thatraments to binetthe she ctutiactervf a radio
officer," or shall we perform our duties in such
• mincer as shall comport with propriety.
Mr. Richardson remarked that unless he was
greatly dee.cived, every charge m the remit:Roos
would be established by prim( which no men
could controvert or deny. His information was
derived from responatida source. He had un
derstood fiom a gentleman who informed aim of
the facts, that Gibe Committee be raised,they will
support antler:gee by testimony from remade—
Mr. Ewing would 'then have an - oppeetuottyuf
coming forward and defending blothelf.
Mr. Gentry declared the rasolitlens a oriminsil•
ty, when no charges bad been made. ' .
Mr: itichiudscn said the resolution did not as•
some criminality. The Select Committee were
desired to inquire into particulars sad facts, and
it was for Mr. Ewing to show, if true, the reasons
for his eondurt
Mr. Violin Was dogmas of an izesatigation,
and was quite sure that the coarse of Mr. Richard
son was without precedent I. the Matmy of the
Haase. There was no responsible ccesuer.—
Let the inkruiers of the gentleman or the gentle•
man himself, come : forward, pot the charges In
proper Corm, and ask for as invigigation.
Mr. &Woo, of Tenacesee, said that it seemed
to him that the resolution ought to be adopted.
Mr. Toombs alluded to tho taegicieney of mere
rumor for such charges, and soid that the press
was a groat national common sewer of defamation
and falsehood; and, as one man of the country, he
PM not afraid to up It thua—howling scribblers
aro everywhere.'
Mr. Richarde:on said lathed his information from
other ware..
Mr. Toombs desired that the person In posei•
'ion of the facts, timid Goat Ids scat, at In ths
shape of a me moital. sat for an larrenigntlea.
Mr. M'Clerend remarked, that his colleague
had received his Information from those who were
entitled to belief.
Mr. BAchardson said his object wu to Wing
those veg. persons bilbm the Committee, and this
was the object he had in view.
Mr. Toombs—Let poor internment pride:chew
ea, and stand froth. be is • libeller, If he does
not prose' therito be tree. He contended against
the adoption of the reindation in the present form•
fisusig—Afiertbe preammionof petitionr.aed
the transaction of thermos! morning basica; Mr.
Benframoreeto take up his =mica Co instruct
the SAM Committee ofthittireu on the resolutions
of MG Ciay, and Mr. Ball, to report separately
on each outdoor involved, and not to rialto In ono
bill two or more cueougruous subjects.
any obicopsd to the oonsideration of the
motion in tIM ebrunce of the Cononatee of six,
who left the city this morning' with the remains of
ltir„ Calhoun, nod 'who went away under the km:
erasion Matt he Senate wooti act upon no layer.
tam batmen daring their sits' enee epos day
iltßeed upon them by the Sent..
The etsjority (said Mr. Clay) had already deur
mined, itY • decisive vote, to give the Committee
soy iatUnttkes, general or special, bat net In the
absence el so many Senators whom places were
vacant this morning. He could not say Menthe
actual amiality of body was now represented.
Mr. Bennet said he inked no vote, but simply
&sired the loam to come up for conaidentiott,
sod di combo.
Mr- Mr susteted,thet the appropoele Ilaio to
rape Me wreaths of unities. two or owe alba
jecte in one Wassail arise &Ger the committee
bad made • leper, joining two or more inestignw
eon acbjecia Ir. however, the Senates dented
to Tote at primal. Simply to meta a speech. he
bed no objection. • , -
The Senate then proceeded to consider the mo.
Mr. yr,,sgeo read several extracts from Ecgliali
was., Mt Par L:Demur law,te Wier that the
course takes oe Farming the car ent t e hut te the
select committee, sad the asking of old eoaimis
tee of two Of =fa lOCollgroon tob e e t . th the
le; if it should be done, At to halation of sh cor
rect Parliamentary practice.
lisvlog got through wail Ws &wigs, Kr. Lk..
too proceeded with some reanults aim the gone•
rid subjete 2 the relay nea of the odiforiiitt.
noas to a 63 mmlitee kooWS to ho agstast
of that great principle of parg.... / .,, tonna refers all subjects to a amanitas sop.
posed to be in favor of it. He &tended the mule
which be bad teketqa the.Rellgai io oppositlair te
',the action of ilia bW, and ita reference to • eelee;
committee of ao many sobjecui. He :darted to
the remade made by Mr. Rolland, designating hi t
(Beaton's) courts as a sott et expedient for eon•
it imiat the time of the &sate.
Mr. Benton mid„the Senator RomArammui and
litmaalf had not been upon.-spiking tarn! nor
p ima one. If that &mato/ wares • Judge, and he
I gentori) on trial for his lint below would
auk a champs of ,
Mr. Borland said the. Senator from Dranourr
~.„o , ga b. parkody his binds H. Iva, op
posed to capital punishment, end if called upon to
lassientanas of &silt be world prefer mtipting
- _.~*,
to,escqutini 113essiot's life =cad
be: mate, no :maw whether tried for hie conduct
The alit bete called the Senators to ceder,
aeJ coatiesed linaly b realms any attempt at per
souslittes. .tehr
Ur. 'Borland lessened in order, and declared
Moult entirety Inilitterent to 'either Mr. Benton's
psi env censure.
Mr.Betltalr. in reply, maid that tribe Senator re.
peat the expression alluded to, he would commit
• breach ands which turbid personal niceties's.
and would say a thing in Itself sauce.
Laud aces dream were kers uttered by thriv
en% Beaton, said which Mr. Benton took his
Mr. Clay said be had az present iniazdios of n
plying to the Pariumitatuy ariameat of the Se
Bator from Miami.
kr. Benton's motion to then laid on the table,
'the Senate then took up and paned the bill ro
la ivuto Indiana claims In Oregon.
Ater • ShOft time emu to et/entire wielion.
the Senate adjourned.
Chremern. April 22
The &agreeable weather has checked operas
arms to day.
Fkmr—The market is ateady.Witk sales at 4.90
lirsia—Sides of 5000 bushels Corn at 420. Data
anivier owe Staff, and picas are leas Arm.
No ask:a of provisions to-day.
Whiskey Is without change.
?be river hu risen 12 Wakes Waco Saturday,
sad is still swetlisig. We have vary heavy rams
to day.
fdozame, April 22-3 o'clock, P. H.
The weather lobed, and wa hear of netnews
lions IP Flour and Grain. Holders are firm, and
mom inclined to wait their Rubins advice; than
to put any thing on the market at present.
Grain—Corn is held at 48c, without sales There
Is no change in Wheat.
Fteu—Fluor may be quoted nominally, at 111 73
04 b7i , rhough we hear of none offered.
High Wineit—Hales of 300 bbls at 20c; small
`lots of 10 to 20 bbla at 210, and quick at this rate.
Provisens are in fak damned at previous rater.
Canal freights to New York NrekifiOa on lour.
Cumuun, April MI
Ashes are without change.
Float—The market Is anaaUled, tho alms of holders
Laing aloes that of blows. &Jae el ICC , barrels at
St drd
Whea—Sala of 1403 bulimia at 03e1 aad23o3 ba.
fair at teal 810 ba at 41a.
Fialtales of 100 bola No 3 Halifax Mutual al
to 64 SO bola white AA, IV 76 par brl.
Whiskey—galas 30 his at 18e per gal.
rvvrsnuitun DOW= OW MIAMI
• alga oulacivaes =num.
20gS allITER•• • -NIL L KLII/ii• • • 4.. 11[001HI11
Tan °etas Erasmus —The fellowtng are the dates
&pat tam or the Ocean Steamer., daring Ma month
• f May:
A lonics, from Boston, to May.
Cassette, from New Yeelt, Wednesday. May Bit,
Cessna, from Bowen. Wedneeday, May INa.
Nuns., from New Vett, Wednesday, May MM.
Orrice, Pennington Gans., ij
Teerday morning, April 211, MSS S
The weather yesterday was clear and pleasant for
outdoor boldness, and a Mr degree 'of activity wee
mauttested to Mg market.
. We have another line rise in the laver, iptincipally
from the Monongahela) and there is new a splendid
stars of water for the larger class of steamers.
FLOUR—The receipts of Mar nominee very Ilght,
ant very hole has been doing la the way of firm hand
cal e. The news by the Amities has had a marked
Ltd-ciente open this market, and reused ea edam.° of
into tie ♦ bbL We note sales yesterday ni a bathed
event, from store, at $4.67 ♦ bid. Sale. from Coy
!di la for the past few days, hare amounted In 100 bblu
as re quality, at S 3 ♦ Ind.
HIS Flout —Sal" to a moderate extent from store,
at 4404,12 ♦ Ltd.
coos lilsai.—We matte (Mr supplies is the iaarket,
arid, regular sales (math. villa and from more, at
30e tta
WHEAT—EttIe • 9:0 m. V City Mills m 9:4100. IP
PEED—Bran Is selling readily at I2SOlde i ba,
enoliag a steigli2 Zbans 2.2 e; Rye eboits 2k, ond
Clooped Rye aid Corn at 37be fy bo, from City Mills
PROVISIONS—We nodce no change ‘a the Provis
ion market. Daeon meioses move, at fatty qaolisd
W.mte We. icy= Ds Sides ask ly,b, on titan
Re 0 antokenows; and of M kbde limo sure, In dlrer
ern lots, arse Y. dmiders, 6a far and Ilia far
ka as. Sales Glories bagged at Se, ad of extra mtger
no sd at S., by tke tree Dried Reef be. Improved ,
art Stales of imams emit by tiktltreo, at Ile 1 lb
ol la bbl. I. reported Ito sa a UN* for elude°
No I, and 51062 for woo quadri in kegs-51/Pdo em
be gaoled fora fair solids in bbl. and kg.
OROCERIES—We melee no marked obange la de
Gt..) mark. N 0 Segar continuos ins, and Is geld
regularly lobs of ato to Moho,: Made 11 Rg sale.
of leo bbls N 0 Molasses, la kits, at Witt272e; S H may
be fairly gaoled at 400 V gall; Corse madame gals*
...led, and 'deco aro altogether nominal, ors note
Wes of good quality Ric, in small lota to country
dealers, at Itiell2 I b —kris loulsould fall ikon.
'those &gazes; Oka tendency S demised. No ohm's
• In otlist ankles under than bead.
WHIMSY—SaIe of 4 bbl. at tybo, shoo Waal eti
4112 k, moy be VTan as the radii dos kores for se
died, sad no crib
SODA ASH—he supplies at resent an snail; sal
else article is to good demand, and would saessaaaA
east, and 4o dm.
THOU DRISTLES—We now a sale oft bbl., at Sfe
9' IA
Pkitadelptita lieek Market.
PartSOZllll aza Auzaciaa =IUD the
following sales to Pailatlelplua, an the 18th Iza t •1699
Pittabarg9 city 6'. coop. at 95c; •C 949 Allnkcay city
6",; 85, st ek, mad 112699 Allegketry ao.6's, at Mc.
mum thoeu.—Chteinuad 1525,116; U 86%1087,
111., do do, OA Wet lio.l V., /5 50 , 60 ii
021;15 oho bk Pow., 1151; 5 ao book KY. 152 k; IQ sho
ontibaril, H A 113,.t 451, 100 .b. good ls l
Chi. nen Bonn—The amount of Oil and Bone impon
tad Into th♦ United EItWM daring .he erect einting
the Ida last, and since January Ist, ►are been as fol.
13parr,61.11. IVl=6ls. 1.1.=
Ibt4 week
Previsasly•••-••••17,1193 74221 11...11512
111,t33 81.671 655,1110
Elmstaervssa—The follawittg Is • statement of the
exports of Ores/Istats m Gnat Britain and Ireland, the tot Sept. last:
Bbls Bbl. 800 Boa
Floor-CAloaL Whom. I. Co
Tr'la.dr•lplua •••—• • • • 23.7t4 4,170 149 My. 333,6111
B Mitaws • • 13301 411 10301 MVO
13. tan 4 ,335 104,1Z1
Other pans . 04,1714
Total- 783,11 a 141f9 410,,T19 341.2,1a7
About 'the name time
last you 770,011611,32:19711,613 exeunt
Naar Brom., April 141830.
Sento—There Is • fair demand for Spate, tan de
tranaseneae rootlotto to a halted anon, and ladleato
gather less arenas. en lb. pan °Chola... We notice
asion .1 60 bbl. at line, aid parcels antownLag ton.
lan at prices not tfamepmed, bat nlieb are oadentood
to be at a decline from pianos. rain. Stook In mar
ket 950 bbl..
Wha market for IVles Is In an assented
state, bat prises, so faX as they kayo tams tootle know
lodge, kayo not •arisd. opposed of 70/ bles N
W toast 514.1%900 001. do,mum prier,
UN bids do sod 770 Shia Bomb sea, on private terms—
do market eliolng woth a bnsk demand.
Whalebono—Thanalu Inelude 70010 Obls Palm at
Tle;11000 do Sault sea at 30% •ot 07070 do, hal( Fo
ist. at 301 e IP lb, and 011,000 do , mostly Polar, no prl•
vato tem.
Proposals fee Coal, Cloak, aadl Liam
SHALED P 1101•0111.141 for deliveries in the moms
of the Works of the Pitabmi Go. Compasy,
MAO Meade of Bitoralnove Coa,,,OlXed bushels of
Sleek, and also (or all the Lon abide will be regain
ed for dm am of the Werke for one Tar will be re
ceived Male (Mee of the Compeer until Wedeaday,
the Nib lea., as I &clock, P. N. ne above mated.
ale to be death quality and delivered ai nett brace
and In snob quetitios m WWI leo slilinical of awl di
rected. The standard of comsatstiat for the .cal and
sleek la be 71 pounds per boatel.
Proper to be !entailed to non Patewall Eat
Fretown ef the Compashand endorsed "Propmals
for e Coal," "Mark" or "Lima" as UN GM ba
The payments UP be made matelly, tetairdmi PO per
coot n• wavily for performance .pr IMMO.
• i•At• Itt CHRIS rY. Treasurer.
TWIN BBAYAJLD tacitly this day associated with
hip ht a sae, BS ff spun. will coedited the Luther,
little, and Oil Itasiness, coder the style ef Jahn
Bayard th Bow, La litil buildings, earner of Pun and
weittet twee* Is the Fifth Ward. They would la
chortl, alleolletivef pareitaeere to Adz well edema
noel of Pipers Leather now being received, efalille
log of New York and &dolmens Sala Ludic; and
Luther Lod Aleroesai of every deseriptioo, toolbar
with every variety of oar own wanafaciara, etc
Arazialt and Sleepier Bole. 111,W, KIM Calf Skim,
l Lac im k Loes% Hairdos, Midis, and Bead Leather, &swig,
le. Also, Tauten , 011 and Cow
Went , Tools of the best qaallty. All of which Win be
sold et the lemon pottage tau for each.
Ptitibm — WZrity Inouslag Mao.
ireutinly the Yhteniz Cotton Vactinli a 6 ward.)
0. wnwszncl K. A. noes.
Com Kul;
BMA WAdo Rye
011oppoi 6nfa kr boon .01 omm h for gala hi
ti . •
14 60 '8 0 0 T 8.
Trabseriber , is any Ersndke= u i ter . :2l .
661.1 1 =6 Way tax !=jVa, go.
Na 6 Arsztot a. man& door Waal. et.
603 dna Mhos copy.)
tmv—Then o, sie 10 kat otne►as wawa la ana
W kit a•eoin<, atii at a stand.
eh Cope, Murdock, Beaver.
enelliten, WW, Bever.
VlMoes, Galloway, lilationgabela City.
o, Peebles, Elisabeth.'
AtlaruiPartisan, Brosennllle.
Bettie,Jacobs, Brownsville.
teeeieel', &seen, Welberille.
Camden. Itendricinsen. hleKeespoit
Lake Ede, Clark. Beaver. •
Louis McLane. Conn.!, Wheelie.
Jeing Lana, Calla/ha, Zanesville
Pilot No 2, Duval, Bm
Nukville. eekinapert.
LeYel Hanna, Kel
X 1161117, ClMeil2l.ll.
Imes Neleen,i2.... Wheeling.
Farmer, Mardeek, Beaver.
• • •
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Ream. •
IllGaandries srnet y, ea, Meßcos M carnigthela
Fashion, Peebles, Ensabeth,
Jacobs, Brownsville.
♦tisane, Parkinson. Brownsville.
Deaver, Gordan, Wkilkkilia.
Lake Erie, Clark. Dearer.
Keystone Brats, Stone, Cincinnati.
Unental, Parham, 81 Louie.
WWI McLane, Cannel, %lading,
NASHVILLE—Von Pitt 4 r. r.
MEISPHIS—Nihau, 4 r.
ZANESVILLE—Jenny Lind, 4 P.
LOUISVILLE Navigator, 4 P. r.
LOUISVILLE—HO Columbia, 4 P. N.
ST. LOWS—Yainamt,lo N.
We acknowledge the receipt, through the kindness
of Mr. Kerr, first clerk of the steamer Cincinnati,
river papers in advance of the mails.
The firm packet steamer Cineisnati, it will be borne
In mad, will depart for Cirleiallati. es 10 o'clock, to
morrow seaming.
Wheeling—P. Loma ATeLawn-18 finds tob, D
Leach &co; 84 ens glass wars, 64 bbl. do, 132 tin, do,
Carle & Thaw; 73 Olds floor, Brows. & kpairlek; It
Camplf; 3 bids de cannot. Jas McCulm, olywner.; I el muslias, McCandless &
Beeslllah—Pci Weuevtece —3 Obis dee seed, W
H M. 11oq; 3 'Ada tob, R DellaII; 16 do de, Bingham;
ea do do. Leech & coi 93 ski oats, been, PAW.% ccd
coed, I bbl ergs, W II Heys & es.; I box, J
Zanesville—Pau JFANT bbd. tob, 187
kg., lard. 171 bbl. pork tr. beeLEI 14 do pork, Leech &
co; la rolls loather, I:gingham; G 4 Wm bran & aborts, Si
Carolhano 17 Ica, a bar, khd bacon, Clark & Thaw.
Pt. Pleasant—Pala Plum No 4--0 bble beans,3o
bee cord, SO dog bockat. IS eta ngs, 34 peg bacon, I)
e T e t eh . tc , 404 . 6 h
16 gth 6 rde . : Shay , Benham. & co, a a
g lOO 0 10
backers Church tr. rotberz, WIWI kegs, Lorenz &
Sterling; 14 bbla scrap I n ,
4 bis do, Caddy, Jones &
/43;6 bbls beans, J fiehoonsnalter; esk bacen, 4 soks
feather., Vou BonaVont,• 11 kegs lard, 77 bags oats, 3
Mils do, J F Perry; 31 grind atone., 47 imke oats, 7 bdls
tram 10 bbls ar dee, tileCoanell & to; =head rbeep, 10
bble potatoes. 101 doe brtooms,4oJ a. cora, owner, 350
do do. I Ida.
Blubvlllis —P22 (drag Hama-1d bets, el hit do
lard, C 11 Brant, OD tins p maul, Fenyth t eo; 120 tee
hams, BMigham 191 hbds bacon, Chat & Thaw; to
bias wkiskey, a Watson & co; 10 do do, %V &
Mdcheltree; It bbls lard OIL Fahnestoet & eo.
Beaver & Wellavllio—Ps2 Ream- it Ws
gone, g lige lard, Bizet k. go; 2 bra scythe., Armstrong
& Crowe 1 bbl butler, J McDevitt 5 do do, J Black; 4
blots 1611 wed, 6 do e seed, l do gel dc, Murat & Ca
rothers, Y 4 kW. knob 4, Lrvingston & Roggen; 47 mks
matoes,Cammans & Smith; 2 bbls,l kg, 1 box eggs, 1
dir Ouse; I Black.
Cluelonaettl—Pns Bramuns-21 MA@ lard oil, 50
lee buss, Menden & co; 13 !Ads lard od, 9 A Fabos.
9545 44 / 555 'MIN W. Dyer; II has aaaaa ps ril le, H
D Blake; 3 has, I br coin, Baker & Forsyth; 30 toils
*what, Leech & co; 91 vincgar. English & Ben
sulk 1 track, boxes, 57 bales fan, Biachara, 10 sacks
5414 4 5 . Faheestock & co; 2 bbl. lard oil. Massey is
Caldircl4 6 bbl. plates Paris, Anlardo; 4 bores, 1 bbl
tads, Leech & co.
Pas Kaman ersys-4 packsges, Dans & Forsyth;
3 tots tools, Townsend & Cum 5 mos payer, Scott & to;
bit, Famestack & khdi bacon. Kell& Linen,
So bats whiskey, J McDevitt & 6.'0,42 W Lev
eler; tins mdse, J P Hanna, 3 Mils hccitiny,4 do eggs,
W Dyer, 02 empty LW., 25 bids whiskey, 53 bdts !NM
0 W Smith t co; 10 eks baiwn, 20 bbls d beef, Boilers
& Nitolr 1 ha md.e, a do tob, • sks peaches, 4 socks
...Dot, Graff & co; 1 bbl hums, Leech k no; 1f htffs tot,
C ark k Thaw.
111. Louts—PM Camara*-14 61. deer otior, 4
do fa closes & bro. 10 cla bacon, fl Mot:I ndian &
so; V d Mile,. kiloton A co; 49 ea. bacon, Crab' &
00, 6lt ,0 hi bbls mine, 6do brondy; Row list it Wo
rmy:. orolls loathe!, Clark & Team, 40 bbd. bacon. W
Ilingbasoi,33l In. Leal., J lldel'adon & co; 15 bbl. goo
oeml, 2 st • do,I do fosthara, 4 do rags, 6 balsa ulna.
Ilkley, Mantel. & co.
• Beaver —Ps • C.ll. Atoova—Obbla p .11, Sch...
maser ir. co; 11 dodo. 1 st wool, 3 do nip. I kg bees
wax, 1 b., axes; Wick & 11/leCandles.; I/ ale IV., A A
Wood; 2 Ho wool, V bp flan sd. %V & R bleCutehton;
0 tics loner; 1 bbl do, gotith & Utoclsar; 314 boat oars,
I Richardson, 11 eta eallck, Rake...ell Ps Pesrs,29 bbls
now, Wm Der, b.l. rags, Block & co; V bbl. mini,
Johnston k. Stockton; I bk. maps,lllePaden I co; lot
barley; G W Rabb & ca.
Pn blwatosa-23 bbs cheese, It Lkatzell deo; 1 Obls
bs26l,Caolbld; Ido do, Ikg luxes, 6 kegs Ostler,
47 bas cheese. Ledo do, 7 bbl, bolter, 7 est• salersius,
bbl Water, Lib boo elleete, 2 bbls maple sob., 1 kgs
amiabses, eabbald, 4 bukks rend sales, Wick is. 246-
IPs. Em—li MT., 7 brass kettle& !Sherif &
Blank; 1 eheue, Niller & Lehman..
Ma. S. M. licon—Alloar tee to ens.. to yea my
bentielt Hunks for the peat benefit I have received
Ikon nn ankle tallied PETROLEUM. or Roca On, of
hielt — yini Ma tI *Ma peaprtner. Ik. 11.1011i0.
WWII about do In of January, la a natal Cloak of
Rbeantatism, ',bleb was very Weal, flying about
from place to place, acconspanted winnows b melting,
es ao to keep NM is constant tonere. I and the Pe.
Dolma externally, a (. appbcanans of which re.
aglrral all polo, and every spew.m of the disease.
I am nom enUrely well, and mould take Mir cornice
to recommend the Parolee= to alt who may be coder.
log ender the agonizing pains of lineament. or kin
lord diseases. [Signed] °MOS Wmana,
near Petty Home, Pidatorgh.
8w visual adveromment tom soothes rotund.
lakstrunresestA u Dontiserr.
DL O. 0. frITJANS, tare of Boston, Is prepared to
otansfectere and no Macs Terms in whole and parts
of cue span Erection or atnioopticric Election Mm—
Toorescnit came or mm amuses, when the nom re
exposed. Otte and residence next door to the May
.t. race, Foul street, Plusbersh.
Una to—J. B. INFaddeo. P. H. DMZ. lelp
Dlll. D. nowr,
Dania. Come r ollronta
and Mesta/. Entanna
Matti ea Dna -dtrin
be received by the thebeeribers for the de
livery of thew fifty to exte hundred thothand
le of Coal m tbeir wareboage during the summer,
, e . l= to :be t. the bushel; the weight to be de
by the collector's Were et the weigh lest.
21 so si4, tamt4 Cary, r Oki, Rim.
rrHIS Hammer Retreat, haviai aadikane repair.
end improvremente. adding meek la ta. former
beastly, ie sow opt. for vivitars. lea Creams, Tem.
persist Wake, Fmk., Caateeilatiery, Lu. kept es
anal in Me Saloons
. .
• • • • -
Pablo attention la particularly invited to • large
collection of ever bin tog plant@ of all verieliee,
nansily fated In greenhouses; &Muth. ehoteew ' , men
of annual dowering plants and dahlias will be ready
for delivery the Ist of /gay.
The &ea= Boat FM commence winning from the
foot of Piastre. to the Gardena, the Ist day of May.
Two lines of Onininsawe.ani now remand front the
Oid Alleghter Bridgo Garda= kept ea teeeperanee
primelpies, and closed on &today. erd64l3ie
1011 t ROM
11ff E hare 140 tons lee for vale, to arrive. Dealer.,
TR and /keel Keeper. will And It to their advantage
to call on e O'CONNOR, ATKINS k CO.,
apt 6 Canal Hula, Liberty et.
SCHOOL FOR DOYB, IS miles from Pittsburgh;
Rev. Jammu S. Tasvim.t; A. M., Prtocipal,
The Summer Senior, will coalmen. ortWedamiday,
Ma yl, ISM. Terms-47S per Session oil mouth.
Pb. Circulars. enquire of tho Pnrmipat, Sewickley
Bottom P. 0., Pc, or of Masan John Irwin A 801711,
Water street, or Messrs. T. U. Navin A Co, No, IM Liberty street. Pittsbomb.
ASCOBIS SERMONS—Sermons tor the puiPitsy
BH R sscom,.l). D., L. L. D., for sale by
• IS TB Apollo 8a11010,16 Fourth st.
ADO? WANTBD—man bo a good reader. lo
quits at this Waco.
L IME-80trrls Lanbrviro W. Mae, for gale by
apIS VVatar Weal.
HULK WRAT-33811 pc: elseald7rs;
fICKLKO PORK-4 casks, • vary aapenor article
Oda day received, and for oak by
YTIIE BNEATIIB-3)0 Pcts patent, for We by,
PEARLS—bugt reesival iv allo i r „
.03 sztebAyrimns
UTADDING—A froth mtpply reeNl from the mane
• • Mennen by WIGIC & bIeCANDLESS
CANVASSED HAMS-310 Cod bun. reed
for .1. by WICK & McCANLILIOeIS
MOULD CANDLES—I47bornNuo loes Mould
.G.!! 00 for tale b 1 WICK & WAN DU:SS_
115 OtASV-11.eiCilirriedThild by_
rEerha—c.b. prlme nmad
lT for bed. WICK a. MaCANDLEBS
L3rkido=Klbie IleabaiTl a=m 9urob oX - 714,
for We by apl6 WICK WWI MASS
PIAUR-19 brill realists d.? far rm~ferl
ble for ale y
MI M r Fr 7 b seer ic e ii kW,
m 0 3 LIAITIMWS a co
PLOIJII-15 tals Wt uTep~
• L 5 1111EY, maxmws &co
D OTANI-16 casks Ant sort, fOr We by
PEARL IJS/TLE BI b U. jut robq oq consigloacau
for sale by (gni HARDY, JONES ACO
YrOBACCO-4 bbas - Leof Tobacco Jan lambast, for
by (.Pill HARDY, JONES t CO
BAC4o , t i t 11•1111-3 euks i tit ar it gr4al k e by
- klI
D-40 kept= ----- for sale by
f f
.$5 PIT IONE! at CO
rusrum:P" - tt Win • tut reed,
LAsd ter We , b 1 (epos -O CUNT
LiOlllSVItZli WHITE LOLE—ita tots huh brim?
ree'e ms_ Ouresee, for sale by C U 0114 NT
147 dos 8t001216 ter We by
rw pF •
ER —23 bp,M A R MS rToRo,Od;N G Mf C r R OER
OLOUVO-160 bel• nreatiTe.ll,Asi sal• b
E 004 _ 8 1 4"4 04 0 a viona
hlcaper, April 22, 1550
The death of Thomu Hamilton, a mem
ber of this bar, being 'trounced to the Court by
the Lion. C. Darragh, Atioroey Central, it war, on
motion of Hon. C. Darragh, ordered, that in order
to afford the Court and Members of the Evan op.
portunity to testify their reapret for the deceased,
thaLthe Court do now adjourn, to meet again on
Wednesday, the 24th Miro, and that - Ma order be
entered on the minute. of the Court.
The Members of tho Bar, of the several Cour:s
of Allegheny" Canary, met on Monday, the 72.1
Mat, at 2 o'clock, in the District Court Room, far
the purpose of testifying their respect for their
late brother member, Thomas Ilan - Lon, Ran , who
died on Sunday, the 21.1 inst.
On motion ot Jinn. C. Darragh, lion. Walter 11.
Lowrie wall called to the Chair, and John N. Mc.
Christy and John Coyle were, on motion of Col.
Wilson McCandless, appointed Secretaries. The
object of the - meeting being announced by the
Chair, llon. C. Darragh, and Col. Wilson bleCand
look made a few impressive and touching remarks,
relative to the atorling worth and abilities of their
daccaaed brother.
On motion of Hon. C. Darragh, the foloa•ing
rowlock.oa were u.aimongly o.l,pcod
Rewired, That the Member. of the Plitaburah
Bar have heard, with profound sarrow,ol the death
of their brother, Thom. listuilten, F.q.
Resolved, That by unremiuing opplotation loam
eiedy of law, united witti energy and indu,try
In the practice of hie profit's:on, Ito deceased I as
left behind him 4 reputation that will hve in the
favorable rerollect.ou of the Bench and Bar.
&saved, That we will attend his funeral in a
bo ll.; aired, That in token of ream et for the 01e
mory of the deceased, the Alen:Men cf the Bar
will wear the usual badge of mourning.
Rewind, That a Committee be appointed to
comminicate • copy of thew proceedmga to the
family of the deeeitacd,vrith an assurance of the
condolence of the blemberla of the Bar, fa. the lose
they have ituswitted.
Thsethe proeeedirgs 01 this meeting
be entered on the minutes of the several Courts of
Allegheny County.
That O. P. Hamihon , acid Whoa Mc-
Candles., EMI ~be to carry Ike lore,
going resoiunoli rata effect.
The Chair apphisted G. P. Hamilton, E,q., and
Hon. G Darragh, ■ Committee to communicate
the action of Mc Court and !tar to the fatuity of
the deceued.
On motion of lion. C. Slutler,
I?asolnd, That these browsed:oga he puhlishe.l
in tic oily paper, and that dila Encoltrg pc.jotta
to meet in the District Court Room on io mono.:,
the 23,1 low., at 9l o'clock, A. M., for the purpose
of attending the funeral in n bod y.
W H. LOW HIE Chairman
lona N. MoCcowaY,} s ,„ ‘ „,, L .
lore C.TLIC,
The last expedient that a lady would cram 01,
a. a means of livelihood, certainly, that of •
reporter or the gmbhe press; yet Mrs
Swisshelm, cl the Pittsburgh Saturday %%soot.
ravished with the mend 1a111C1101.3 01 the State',
reporiorial gallery, has abide apnlicali• r tern
as correspondent of the New fork 'Friiorne, rod,
better Wtl, aucieeded to day lu °braining 11. The
fair true rite upon the., marred rahte hitherto
regarded as sacred, het commenced her sway over
the riutP.—Ners York Errerrxt.
k&s. Ireland and daughter, ad Qatitty, lilinnis,
Pane to lit awful death by lice zof a n d e 1.....
Lon tin the mountains donne the put wsachr.—
They vete on their way in California. Ihe wife
and dug titer, nab the full knowledge of their nit•
nation, and after they had burnt op their wagon
for &elem!, imaged span the huthand and father
leaning them to their fit, and net kit g hi, aw e
ufety. The Ilurtingutin dun) Hawke, e say ,—
"We almost shuddered when our inform tat held
U. be did so
Usirco Srera Mn yr.--The Ptlade:pla Amer.
lean, in support of Inc uptown duo the petk'obed
receipt• of Califon:us gold Neese ehovr the true
amount, Nr•:
"It was atated by the last arrivals from Chagres,
bringing the San Francisco nizois •and •pecir slip.
memo of March Ist, Ilea upward of three indiums
of gold shot were r ereivedat N. l'mk. r Sims, den,
the treasurer of the railed States Mint in this mtv,
Informs us shot by these arm-slot he Ima received
only one million four hundred iliorniand dollars, and
it is not at all likely idiot there is Iliote tlun Ihnn
oat. to two hundred Moirsand dollars worth of dust
reuaiaing in private bands. "
The total amount of California gold received at
t he U. $. Mints, is thus officially stated
Total receipts at the blint
up to March 31, Isalio Sli 311
Ftearipts from la to:fah April, 13,000
Ise men Prenukee, Enc.
pm" City, he., bringing Mo San
FALLICIIII, shipments of March 1,1,
Total receipts at tbe Branch Mint
at New Orleans, up to February
Estimated receipt, from March Ist L.
April 15, ISO,
Add, is private hand
Grand total,
The mint at Philadelphm is now coining
two millions of dollars per month, and is about to
receive alterations and adchilmis, which, when
completed, will enable it to coin, when worked ni
its full capacity, at least three million five hundred
thousand dollar per mouth, or forty two IT Itioxv. per
annum! The didicigty, we fancy. will Ire ut tiud•
tag a supply of the pmeiotri metal, creel and neatly
an is the tnilux of California gold.
Bias Waturrna'e Lrrres.—The Boston papers
contain the following card, which, as we have
published the letter alluded to, we give place to—A letter of Mbar Harriet Webster has
bean published, and has goon and to going tho
round. of the newspapers, contrary to her expec
tation, or corium. The letter to which Ceram
an answer was from a town in New Hampshire,
and Iron. a person wholly unknown to her cr her
The letter contained strong repressions
of empathy and kindness for Dr. Webster and his
family, dec., and requested an answer. Granted°
se well as politeness dictated an answer, nf which
abe and her family sestet the publicity. There
paper. which have published it are requested to
insert this card.
Csaanidge, Apra 17, 1550.
Entatruant —The shock of an earthquake
in Tenneaseo, a kw day, ago, has had the ellvel
to atop, entirely, a large aping of yore water
which Errantly gushed from rho foot of a hill at
Mortise:), in that state.
The Massachmetts Semite has ndopled the fol
lowing resolution., by a vote of 23 to 13:
Rsseleed, That tiro opposition of the people of
Massachowito to the extension of slavers, in
country, sod la the mere.. of slave representa-
Wu in Canyon, 4 general and universal. It bin
no referee., to the hoe. or latitude or points of
the camp.... They will oppose all ouch eaten.
elan, sad all such increase, in all places, at all
times, under all eircurnotancos, againot all induce
ments, against all &opposed Ilusitatioce of meat
iatereata, against all combinalkins, against all com
Readied, That the people of Mamachusett ex
pect their Senators and Representatives fa Con
great to conform to the sentiment expressed in the
preceding resolve, whenever acting la their official
capacity, in all places, under all circontatanom,
agalint all inducements, ageing all combinations,
against all campromues.
Groat J.y to the World I—ltralth amid
'Utopia*. to N/1011tItid I se
- .
Prepared by steam, and put up. In tDIART COT
TLIEBI, fee the removal and permanent cure of all
disease,. &rhino from an Impure state of the blood, or
habit of the *mem mix:—
FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Lover Cornploitifs,Sero
fola, Piles, Pimples or Pa mules a t the Pore Chronic.
Pore Eyes, ~Ringworm or Tette aid Ilend,llbeuron
Pales In the Bones or Joints, and ell diseases
Mislay from an injudicious nee of fly •enty. &e
For elphelt and farther particulars. cell upon ens
actor somas and met epempbto,reod c errfull r, mod
Dolma If Dr B. D. 110WE'N SOAKER rt BSA PcIll•
MLA is not the very medicine to cur: nno.
N. D.—Remember eve.y label nn the bottle lusts the
Doctor'. sloneinre,"B. D. Howe:. None other Mr out
ine. Price lit par bottle, or II haul. for ?Y.
Ear tale by our agrotst—J. Ekbonnmaker &
J. A. Jones, Pittebergh; D. A. Elltott, 'Allegheny;
P. Crochet, Brownsville; W. H. ItleCtoliund,
chaster, dby druggists,generally. Also, by the
proprietors, HONE & CO.,
ap23.lltwlyT I College 11.11, Cineimustl, 0.
IrrAlcLenra %Foam Ilium:sm.-111e popuierny
which this oradielse has acquired in Westem Penns
aylvanla, in • sole guarantee of its excellence. The
following gentles:nem, highly respectable citizens of
Allegheny and Beaver emmties, have smut this Ver.
Mirage in their families, and offer am assurance of its
great saelleal properties.
James Stratum, Fourth street Bond, Pittsburgh.
Mary J Stirsuon, do do
Mary Stratton, do do
Mary Bart. Beaver Bounty.
Sarah Haeherger, fr4nebetter, near Pits.
Margaret Lindsey, do do
James Busk, Egoind 11111.
' Agnes Burt, da
(Orror Bala by J. KIDD& CO,Na 60 Wood street.
As; rho attention of poreharera in their
Pftl4lllEl /PILING 19,T001C,
Which they think will eompaoa favorably, both in
extort and COOMPOOSO with that of any
other Lonna ei th er here Or in
WI PLUM, Cita.,
~;; D•,:~r:....:n5: ."'fit - :-~;r.~
WZISMIIV7-1.7 . , ra.r l•. wrartamm, )111-
, V IL cop entintantly on hand or woke to order the
Intl truck, iu Moir li to at their old sand, No. 13 Kt
Clair strotti also, iINo.PC, Ala rltot strool, ge cord story,
cottosuce in the Dinntood. r,1.1.11 tinuiters oiLdo to
orgOr. and old Wirt& neatly reptorrd. oval
113 Jr. nunctinELD,
&pin N. F_ ramie of Foust!, ,t. Market sit.
NJ No 97 Wm., it, between Wood k Markel, In the
110. e formerly perupied by Hardy, Jones & Co.
LINSESD OlL—al bbld &Gahm* in prune order
For rale by apl SELLERS & NICOLS
ARlJ—Glbbla end: 9 kegs prison, 111, .a.• by
MOLASSES—IMO bbl• oak cooperage, for
. aide by
I. SUGAR-7—LO bbd. prim., for altle by
nil IWIIII 11050, WILSON & CO
bx. I. I. W Starch, B
oodearl Starch, re.
177,r:rd. In- ..d• by A C I/LBERTtON
I),At pirre6 Jun teed, and Inr sale by
/1 apt! J CANFIELD
fl `ALLOW—N brl, Tnllon. Justreed,•nd for •alcby
. 1131.5e0 TRAs—.7ii boll a P rrO
cne ouebong, ea
grad y
es nod Mles,
12 IA eke.. Wee blank, for rale by
reed. and for rale by
NIG W.ter •Geet.
I ILA RIFI Clarified Sow, junl
Virreflvcd, and fur salt by
arlloi. Oil Vitriol jien on hood,
- 7 f 1["174L a yO
/111(17A7,io 41 reed andfor.•le . by
12.2211 J KIDD & CO
.:;ti irt l•.Pir II.(o
lJ r jak i ep , y o
k CO
C I<I; ; JT m E—o lb. Ja ice ,I, and sOf ; n
lld .Niety.k.
LI POUTS OF TFIIPENTINF—:I6 brio in prone order
0 for note by LI A FAHNEST(ICK & CO
opt) Corner of 1 1 10.1 A Wood so.
Al: noDA-1.1 casks Eneloli, tar sale by
/ 40 Bohol:ore line Variegated and Valle,
for sale by
apt.l "' Fl A FiiIINESTOCK & CO
1 - 3111.:A CUING I`OWDER—blarroltr', in raal , r, for
1) ale by 11 A FAIINESIN/Cli &CO
A.. 4 -11—.41 cn.k • la a nuperlor brai.d, on nii.d
S " a 1 . 1 .;1 fist role by BROWN k KIRKPATRICK
PIACI bu .t•ert n prim. for vale by BROWN k RIRKPATRICK
ll ° ergjo s r save by " IZZNVPIgh ' IgAT I IVV .,
AISIN,I-75 or bin on hnnd nail for by
ing• liol'n No n im o
oi hand
andfor side, to BROWN.! KIRKPATRICK_
'Stenb.:mill. Water Works.
D NOPOMLS will be received by the Water %Vorks
1. committee.., the Ilillce i nnul Tuesday,
dn. 9c It d..y of Areal. et Y o'clock, I' hl , for furnishing
ca. n pipeo, n inilowo, to wit-15.5 pipes G inches
bore, iro feet lone, ii.,:chnis each 22Upnundsi
Inch One: In pipes 4 niche% bore. p feet lona,
i•iinis each:Al pound, tiii•h the cpliment
f a
otop, .lerver,A c. 11.- half In he deli Feted before
the lUw n 1 la :he balance ou or ben, the lUth of
Seplemlier. 'front, nod delivery et Siculies‘igle to
he al the ripen. o' the rut:tractor; for which, scout, y
will U required. Payment no follows: 2,110 dollar+ in
upiin the ileliveky 01 me amount of pipe. an/ the
linlonce in one your from the completion of the eon.
noel, with insetrot Ad lre.. Steubenville Wince
Work a Coma., lAt liS A %VA LIC a 11, Chair'n.
svtil be received at the office Odle
Cumin.", au.l Ohm Railroad Company, at Balti
more Cumberland and Wbeeting, tp Wednesday,
llv X.M day of Ms , next irelusive; IL/ th e yeaduation
and masonry a the 0.111.11 of tbnt flood, extending
'fourth,. brtder nn north,ireslern turnpike, over
Tsent,.. voile v rtver. a point nn the ..nith fork
nt Fish Creek, near the moo .
d. or 1..: !tram, coahra•
rme some LI. Air, the eight - .• mans hp.
twe the mou th of loose Creek and th e ony
When en
A varb-ty of wadi be , prevented by the line to
be let, swillob heft and enederytely bray
yr>, C rA abort tubnria, and a conaiderable
an.nabt of ,1"ly. nr,obry
Stit algl re, bnd at ibe alowe anyin.l
Cr, On aril a l
ibi the ly; of May v....ay, and further
hbottnat obtycned r ro u t r 11 , .r,nee• 1.-To the
l'elerpunable ty.loani..•l. of thane er matt
arealanany the I , bla. and Ice ladders ere itqaeued to
Ifebst otber they are eagaged in,
tly n anti Ihervinra,
111 , ,IrtMls: 11. 1 ATRUIII:, Met
rloworn. r: !..X, ta,l,:dlon
seer Cooda t I N•b Goodoll I
I.l*A ft Till: TRACK ••
. and 1).11
...,.. .... xr.........L. 1.4,1 u..... Denier in Driiirb,
ri eh. n i.I A erie en Din' "ODD+. Nurtet
. .
..e;r „, 7 ,,, 1i , ' .. .. , ... i. 1., 1 , 4 ; 1 „ 4 , and r 0,,,, ~,„ „, 0,
. ....rm...., d ~,,j"„,
.....,,....,.., ...•.. .1 11... ~,,, ... ri 4 sp!emile4
Ilred• ,e•lt epe, reverted
In•I •Icamer• :rota Ira•Er ae.d FW•ad.
1,11 1?1.4 lonen•, ed direct from Iteltra. all
CP ••• •leather, end e•e rm. tell the pure srUele; •Lcan
Iderar are arm,. •-.I the tab•cfrmer, and are all
ela• p,,,V14,61110,, Irretk Lawn Idains•lc
'able rler,• , the eery maeulartorr; and !rub
t:etel• WI Ired•Ortivreddireel (toe. Belfast
anaL•crilete. and will le wand Ice real
I.Amt l:1101,4
•i)lr rtt Tar‘. mloro, rptcml,4
Llark Tkrk :•1111, Oil purr., rich
rkt k lata ,1111,•:1 , 01,, , , late ipart Inca,,
I:l , , vra, all ~, o rktim ',tot impor.a6l, pled black
A rcL4Mt, ret t 4114, panted
p:r.rnit goOd• Alt, and fame
• ne.ek %Lir Work V. o
lal.ner. Cr.. 'foaming ledge,
r , 1t,,,,,, He all ralaro.
e„strmv,ly Mar. SOIE Fringe, ail
1 . :1•nri; oral., roe,' ;dart fro, 1)c
er,,•l•• heurvi Oro
Ik 11h;, .do ri .11 y,. nod 1 a. 11•11
r . r.rbructrs,r.• rr I..trc.fu. goods; oplrnaltil
inr 1.• I; nob crnble.sJered
Sr. tr. N:alte (or r - , :e Jtr• r•, •E.dem, end
Irreriwg, , ) , • bye l in ;” all velars
r1.1.,4111;rr, new •11,,. I. nod rAin rtrars`al Week
11areter, n / pratge.l 1.4 IV nr,r rtyles, ff 11.2
5 er,.. v., rd; 11 .....
; Ind;en* A 1.1., . 1, 1, mold ~;cll, a l n,•k of
i,par •1110 rprit g i;o1o1r1 il,r very Irsl Im
ported 1;11 it. ad .
. 11 1
Canton trrs.l get tt, t Wenn, net 4 rr. tLe Cus
wt. Ileute. n• to ShAr• ep
. Peonlni,
per one,: Lettutt'ut eLene•nnle lave
•likto , i ,
L. d
te • 11.1.
...I Vann,. rely snnvele. 0r.c.d.0l neat, lettnnto
rte.,. made 1 , ntittottletn4 'fLthet, Loe.t importation;
Itntts pntntrtd ttnetanere t-h•vrit. an inner I and gush
twit . letinte• onntmer Vs.:teats Irnd r‘r •rf• to vc•l ten
cif tr; Ftrnet. work.- tl7nnt,e, Cotten, end Cud.,o late
A lo rro Stook of
jjf/Sll , - , f IC A NI. KrAl•Lf: GOODS.
gO act,ldachrd Irnm sin lo cent. per
yard; 15 e.g.. blcriel,rd Aludina. from 4 to 124 ream
er ard. II ca Iran Loicus imported dirt, from
!Irv y .% 11 from r rn. per 0.04.
rn.e• I.lur• Dor. hnn , ed• rect. per yard, be
ard, a foil • ..scrielicia ol ' , roomer Cloth. Al. Co.
•iirolret, Twrerla. SaParlir, mod gerdociry Jr.
:Al car, dart Calico, lard colored, .rion 11 in 124 evois
per yard; 5 e.cre. Hoy] Az i•darileah Priam, Leal
poirnrleJ, 5 balcartur-ia 111111f 1 rotch ilapporra.ettremn
IS ow Aloe, elirrying liooda of all kind., very
cheap, 2 br;ro from CI to 124 aenta per
be•Lar• • large suleY of 11licell and Plirll4
At., Cuomo Flannel, ill colors awl quali
ties. at lon pner, tell, white, awl yellow Moue's,
very cheap, blerichrd and unblrachwl Imlllnga, fall
11/ 401101 ,11, A railer. litar. Aferli•rae it Cutworm; car
Irrsuely , Into, b lark nail ocblearlred Table Iliapera,ali
[owes 11,irr• rye 1./rapern, all prtece mod quail:int,
very cheap; colored Cambric., a full asvortmeat,
r Thad ever, J l.ale• Barter, from 1041e1.eta
per 'aryl A.., large ntoel, ofTolloll Table Diapers.
Mee teem' 24,1,anar— A full aesorien•lsl, very cheap.
The hopcst and most splendid stock of I'mrasols
ever opened by any one blown in Pittsburgh. is this
dity 'lect!, nodsre all of then ewest Poeneli tittles.
whteb, ree for richness and beauty, cannot he OM! 11320.1.
01, di
wo vent art, lot of the.. PllV•kb rt will he.
sold eber-or than sup why, house' to lb. toy ens of
fool to sr.! the enote1,11:11:y uoads.
.I . IIOL ad , . nr.. iesoreOu•l7 to vord borzoi/tine these
Pits. Is, 04 On, will lout s CM , . of the fiche. and
newrwl .1)1e/. aria itninnird from Putope 'Phese
,i ernvols err ell of leo tirli•••1 WO MO. 1 - 11411i011,tilia•
CO:01, CIA ere worthy or the 1:111GOIlq. Or the ladies
All of the •Inive gowila will be told off en poem far
below any linen tho city, end In order to prove
tine Intl, tine public will call and price the.
Footle, and compare diem with env other hone in the
Ott?, end I, r olt•Ple,4 of the lOW, assertion.
The subse..l,er won't , here sat to his numerous au.,
tooter• rod the public In itetternl. that there are two
other bee hive store. in market lintel, pr , tending to
corn th e Rig Den Mee, which Is nlette the only
eelebiated end for hated Ihr Stood. establishment In
Pittsburgh. The subserther mould therefore sat to all
petal f Dry tronds, either wholesale or tat 1,
then the Ills lire Hive, on NI nrlrrt street, Itatareen Third
nod Fourth," now apemen the largest, richett, and
most splendid stork Of spriog •nd summer Dry Mode
ever offered tele in Pitiaintreh
Nit , Senn: vex lekti—The luxe. and mon , fenhion
able clerk of Bonn.. over opened io thirt ottyr.j. lost
ceceivd a: the Finn of the Ilik Red Myer on Market
wnt, hetween Third and rourth ntrrots, where Dry
Goon of every dr., 4..11 ion %riling cheaper than
ntry other Im o
anIV v/IF Win p!eare
take nor. , :hut r ir e rn two other hen hi V. on
klkrket vireo, .01:., ereteret l'Oe'pett: with the Ikg
the 1 ,, ,v1 . 1 . 11 Third and Fourth tOreee
the nuhlie will find, RI Imo, the liagent..l newent
et, les o! D 7 Goods, nwl: Opened.
trre r.male notice, that the 11101 V in bytween
'Med end G oo h nireet, 'Gm of the BM HEE HIVE,
where thyd.. of every deneription nenillff
non, than et troy other horwe in the city.
- y• OUNI: DYSON, ihirinu AL, AND . G. D. TEA—
HI half chest. V. 11. Ten,
` do (1. I'. Ten;
IS do Imperrat do;
tkteeddwri EGG. Fine Y. 11. Tel;
30 do G. I'. and !nip, meg, and for role by
non it II GRANT
Hoye' Wear.
MGRPOY BURCIIVIELG, at north east corner
of Pourth a n d !Market sm., have rev - Used an ar
ta!ant of Tweeds, Merino, Versimeres, Sommer
Cloths ; •nd Satinet., of fancy colors, GPM rts Oise,
Omen, Mown. and new rt)ls. of boys , mixtures; sloe,
n varisls or style% of Cotton Goods for Goys' Wear;
Lrenots •uo I,mum Gtmoimus of suitoMe
rotors Mof ;ova' wen.. snit
THIS I , •teul.l style tq OATS O now
ecd. os,l w,ll lit Isinbluced Or. Sat.
rdby, Dl orb ,hl, by Me CORDf CO,
lest,4 nrr Sth h Woo., at
'1) VE FLOUR-140 Orla celebrated Eastern brand.
It just receivcd, and for sale by
Nola Coned Doubt, Perot st, Pittshurgh.
Q ALKlCAtirer—_w just broiling, for sate lir
opl3 J n DILWORTH A. tU)
hn.toartfie, for ands by
Lunt in store; Cod for sale by
L 'at°
,sll- du kg. Nu ILI . JY oo,morro Aco
TEA -120 la chrM•V: P.Josp LU
ast Team
(It Paddles do do 'do do
in More,
end for salety IR DILWORTH taCO_
S DO - A
1f. , 5 - bli it N. 0, .upii - frO3r,
A r t b ilAVolTSO
M "L lsta S 3 19—
Vi'AYNP. IRON WORKS ‘vAnimousE.'
DA !LEY BROWN tc CO. have Teroanvrd w Ne 120
11,1 %Valer at, 2d doer bclfw lb. Eleuancollelo Home,
11J {)q.:
" :.•
NCOURAGED by the liberal patronage extended
221 to all regular and well eiandueted Lines, the own
ers of the following fine steamer@ hone arranged theta
into a Lane between Pattsbumh and Louisville.
One of Me boats will peenuvely leave Pinaburgh on
every MON.T. WICONIMILT, and Form? Eysamo,
at o'clock—fell or not full.
The nisi bent of the Line will sun on - Monday,
Steamer Genesee.- • • • -Captain 7'. Moore.
" Z. Tsylor ••••• • - • " M. Leen.
Hamburg " J. klintfelter.
" Tapper "
Fairmount -• W. Ebben.
Fnr freight or passageapply to
tett l-irm DIMS B. IdILTENDERGER, Agt
Captain Wiliam. J. KOONTZ.
'Ms splendid boat wim built by the
owners of the steamer Isaac Newton,
and others, for the Cincinnarl and
Pittsburgh Packet trade, and will
leave every Wednesday, for Cincinnati, lo place or
the New England, No. r.
For freight or passage apply on board, or 10
mr2o 0 11 AIII,TENDEFIGER, Agt
The splendid feat running steamer
s t [mg'
lif 11 . 0 d n e
b rig:
feral. pactet between Pittsburgh
and Wheeling,' Pittsburgh every Monda n o
W ight or and Friday
based ,morning. at 9 o'clock. For
freight cr passage apply on , or 10
land W. D. WHEELER,Agent.
r •
Only 73 nu.. Banging.
Via Brownsville and emeberland to Baltimore and
ream m Beemetona— —BlO MP
DO. PUIL•1111.11••—•••—• 12 CO
TIE morning boas leave• the wharf, 10.1.11 the
bridge, doily, at 8 o'cloek precisely. Time to
Baltimore, 2.1 hours; time nVPhiladelphia, 40 hmers.
The eyeniog bunt leaves daily, (except Sunday ay
•L 6 o'clock. Passengere by leaning on the
n n boat, will men the mountains In mace next
day, ed thut avoid night travel.
Secure your ticket. at the °Mee, Monongahela
Home, or St. Chutes Hotel.
evitt4-1Y J. SIF.SKIMEN A not
The splendid steamer
G m. allagher, master, will leave for 1%5
bore and all intermediate ports o
Tuesday, The TM inst., at 4 o'clock board,
or to
.1 21
'" 1, 1" apqr g°W*LIEF.LER. Art.
The splendid packet menace
Capt. Hutchison, leaves farthe above
and all intermediate ports on Wed
nesday, tho 21th April, ail° o'clock, A. M.
For !toilets e. passiote, apply on board.
The lola feat roloOrte Unmet
Lucas, router, will knee for the above
nad allimermedrais landings oo Taeo•
diy, the Lid inn. at 4 o'clock, P. M.
For freight or passage •pply on board, or to -
u " te ..,,„... The splendid steamer
Capt. Ceps will leave for the above
and all intermediate parts on Toe.
Jot, the Rtd trot., at 4 P. M. positively.
For nviebt or mange apply on board. apßi
ra.. The hoe
z e 4 ie A w y m/e r tu ß ri , oh Calmer
l a y , :i ;, l:le ., , , ii il ines n ler, will leave for the
der. Ne April, et 4 o'eleenr, neutwe pee....‘"!
rot freight or pateage .pply els Were. ex/3
lee tplentlid steamer
thlteri, Pilaster, wilt leave for above
nod nt ermstlaato ports on tote day,
the tr.t.l of April, at 10 A. M.
For fretyla or passage apply on board. aptY/
Tee steamer
Green, Ingmar, mill 'nave Mr the
above and int, rraediate parm,
this May, :Ma into., as 4 P. II CM freight er pa.
'ate moldy to AlthlrrrlitO ir
NG ► caozEß. Arts.
4 ., The splendid vtAamer FORT rrrr,
Hiller. toaster, w il l leave for above
and all irAersuediew purl. on this day,
:he VA min.. al 10 o'clock, A. 31.
For ireia hi or patters. apply on board.
T "''IlDN,
Smitles. master, v 4.1 leave. for the
above and tatermediam polls oa Frl
dov. the 19 Ins, at 4 'clock. ,
For fretgit or parsago, apply on board. sr to
oft . ^_ J C PETTIGREW, Agt.
N I The fine nallle c ila
in . ght steamer
klecicon, nia.ov,,rnl leave for the
above and all iotemeidiete pens on
tf o day. the loth Aprd, u 4 o'clock, P. 141.
The steamer
I Parkinson. muter, will !eats (or
the shore and imennedirdo ports or.
MO ay. 2,1 J inert, at 4 o`ohaek, P. M.
Fa freight or pusago apply on hoard, or NI
Tbe splendid and tut rutting steams
John II Davis, master, von leave foe
be above and all intermediate Rona
Mi. ray 11,e :nal. anal , at 4 P. NI putdrely.
For tats ht or passsee apply ol baud, nr to
The entirely near and splendid
ial illiteamer
W. W. Munn, muter, will leave for
Om &huff •ad all intermediate hurdinga oo this day,
the yeti,inst ~4 r at. pornively. For orteht apply to
The fine steamer
Marter? . !2 . leare for thou
maiport this day, tha 101111 last, at 4
o'clock r X. on
For (fright or passage apply onboard spdfl
'he splendid steamer
Solidi, roaster, PAß wi ll leave for the
above and harmedlaw ports on title
Oak, Cie ''as inn. si 4 eicloek, P. M.
CAPITAL $200,000.
J. Fun's, Jr, Scel. I R. Pilaus, Jr., Prosk.
Will Imam ansinsi all kinds of risk.,
A home institution—managed by Directors who an
well known in the community. It•Id whowne determin
ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the char•
prowhich they have ...anted, as oneeiny the beat
tection to those who desire to be Insiared.
/nests. aas—lt. Miller, Jr., Geo. !Mack, / W. Roller,
N. Relates, Jr, Wm. IL Holmes, C. Hansen, Geo. W.
Jaekaan, Wm. Lyon, Jas. Ltppinron, That. IL
Lite, Jame. M'Anlay, Alex. Nonek, The/ Sum_
Omar, No. 32 Water street, (warehouse of Span'
Co., on otalraj Pittsbargh. Astelly
Of Pitaabinelfs.
C. G. 111.1SPKV, ••••A. V. MARKS, Seer.
Otßee—No. 41 Walter street, in th warehoure of C.
11. 1111 1. •414 . T. m
TfikifndLs CO MPANY
t t iftt N lL Y nn 6 b n o o n7orre .P an " u ' l d ac t :tn i e ' s7gOille l
mercbtudire In store, and tranritu
An ample guaranty for the ability and integrity .0
the Insulation, is afforded in the character of the Di
rector., who ore all citizens of Pittsburgh, well and
favorable known to the cammunity for their prudence,
intelbeente, and integrity.
U r, G. Hussey, Wee. Bagaley, hoe
inter, Jr, , Bryant, Hugh D. Xing, F.dwod
Ilearelten, Z. Kierey, 8. Harbi:o, 8. M. Kiev
.nmit•lf (Journal and P 0. 4 copy.)
BY P.M. , Prillloo/11 . AND P/[217 i.llll,eonner
with Livinipute, Fargo &Colt Great Eastern an
Wegern Cepa.. Vim ammgement will afford on
surpassed facilities fee forwardtee 'Mixable peekekes
Of limns, Oliver Ware. Jewelry, DANK DILLS,
SPY CIE, Ac. ,to the Lake. and from thence to any
of the eider, east or west from FA,. Panicle., atten
tion will he paid to COLLECTING ACCOUNTS and
rookies vomitus. for Mom who with to economise
Melt time, and more the erawnse of personal aneetion
to betiams at a dicanee. Trusty and competent
memengert will always eceompeny the express
Leases {limbered every VaDlj. morning, until far
ther tiellee. O AI lIAR YON, Agent'
Mersey. 1111 dc Cony, Psitzbergio;
Wm. N Wal lane, nt firm Walloce Lyon a Co, Pins;
/MEM, King, Ere , firm of King, Pennock a Co, do
It. U. Parks. Elm s Bearer,
Gen. C. AL Reed, J. D. William., 11. Cavern,
liabblit, and C. McAparren,, Pa.
I.l.lme.ton, Fargo & Co, Buffalo.
Well., Bouerfield & Ca, No.lo Wall sr, N. York.
01,10 dear
rieGURDIPI Furniture Warehouse,
Adjoining the Pittsburgh Bach, ors Third sire.,
rplios6 persons who davits, to taco front - lomat!
1 five to thirty per cent. In`urchasing Fernlune,
arc respectfully invited to cl at my warehouse,
where will be found large and well selected stock
of the most approved style of workmanship, both
modern and ancient, end calculated to please the
unto of all those who dente either elegant or substan
tial Furniture. Having determined to dirpevse of my
prement entire stock, Si very reduced prie., I feel
confident that those who desire any ankle in my 11.,
will not fail of being suited.
torn If A. MECUM:r.
• - • • -
tr P. kB. NELSON de CO., have removed to No
DI 3B Wood street, oppeaite the St Chutes Hotel.
They hove also changed the olio of their Al and
the Waslness will ho canted on oodu the DEMO and
style ef 'Tetley d. Nelsons."
hlanefacterrr. of Cast Steel and Hernatered Shov
1, ppyinc, Hx., nay and Alauare Foam, Solid BOX
Vices Gan Barrels, Se. Havinx entargedtheir work.,
they can supply their friends who ittortaat nonce
d lowest prices Ma masher will alrenL All on!
lales made °M
a but material* end latenstria. Met.
butts wishing to purchase will Ind it to their adv...
use to examine dons Hoek before pareitas else
here. ins
500 V,A"P"Kus2RTAIariVi I J77'
BlttX.ShlS--60 dos IdoneViSto I Con ptooaul
ee dos common do' do Just
received, and for stela by A CULT/FS/
rty MON,
eels HS Libe m
SelffCll lIEBIIING-20 bee No
&Den scaled. Jan received.
Wei for Ado by • lapil] A CII4I3BIITSON
Iran) BRICK DIVFMLIIII:9 corner of 11014112.-
J. lad Corti streets, Possession tusy
thee. Apply ro SOL'N SCHOVem,
.010 fie Seurnd street
A LARGE and comfort. OFFICF.. and it .
glared, some Roo In Warehouse No I is Seco ' nel
al; a &nimble location for business. Eociaire at tile
Por Bales
THREE ACRES OF' LAND, Mutate about 3 mile*
nom the city, near the realeenee of Rev. Richard,
t•ses us the Oroetnibargh Tneeptke; auitable for ertuny'
try residences.
Amo—Four Hundred Aetna of Land, eituate in
Franklin township, shoot 111 Mi. from Pittsburgh,
nom Franklin Road. Thu, will be divided to suit pura
chasers. Them I. an excellent routine on it.
Ame—A Lot of Ground near the New Rosin, Fey
enfh Ward, being zoo feet acture, an which ia a two
story Brick Dwelling Ilona*.
For partirolara and tennu of sole enquire of
DAVID D. BRUCE, Atmrney et Law,
agility Fifth at. linen Wood and SmittificliL
AHANDSOME STOREIrs Market storey between
Third and Foomh s[ilet4at present °moped by Tr ,
Thomas While, es • t ry °rode Slot ,
Abo—A losg men gaished ROOM in the second Mots,
neat door to Mr. D. Alermustile College, ',his room to
Dell .rented, sad meltable for • armies] or Arademi,
or could be onoreedently arranged ...double rarer,
E D IllZiA M.
Odes, Tiara 81, ower the Poo Dater
Par Sale r
basemestWY, suitable for a Grocery. The
house is substantially built,d is 21 feel front by 96
fees deep, ranninc back to en alley. It Is now occu
pied by four rambles. Terms very reasonable, oltd
payments made easy.
me2c.rf Ar ht. WALLINGFORD.
CO Lott,
ABRICK BUILDING, 2 by 30 feet, three metrics
high, with Engine, he; located in Birmingham,
immediately below the Ferry. Enquire of
mi'Mhf Pit:dough Foundry'
ribET—Tha store on Marketat, next dcaarW First,
j. will be rented low ton good tenant, end poem.•
an given immdiately. For tonna apply to
rorlAiltf WALTRR lIRVANT.L.:3 Liberty at.
rimiE Dwel li ng Reuse, Third, above Smithfield, now
I occupied by Rev. Mr. Llakevrell.
Also—For one or more years, same large Lets of
Ground, in the Ninth Ward, on and neuritic. river,
suitable for Lumber Yards. Seguin, of JOHN M.
DARLINGTON, or of l•-•
. . .
_ - _D. DARLINGTON. Fourth sr.
elillAT loge sod commodi s ous DWELLING 1101.1 SE
on Webster street. near Seventh, or present oven
pied byVankok. Possession is to be iriven on
the Ist April. Inquire on De presuises..or
M. D. LOWRIP, Wylie st,
reteXhif nese Chatham.
ei L •
IM large three ivory M Brick et.
Warehouse, on Water,
below Ferry Inert, running from Water to First
rife., on rearonable_ternw. Pnerescion given imme
diately. Enquire of
or i at or Halo.
itTHE euroeriber veld sell or rent his very desi
rable Comm Residence, in Ailey, beny city, sit
uated on Ohio Lane And Allegheny Avesnot,
west of the Common. The house is a largo double
brink buildiFg, in complete order. There is a Oar-
Olga House, &able, and good water on the grounds,
which compriva two acres, well improved, containing
every devenption of Pritib plea--a spring house and
smoke house. Po-session given derma the month
North. febldf JOHN OEI3IIART.
11 • eltle
FOR SALE. on very liberal terror Fifty Nino LAM
of Ground, situated on ?ono, Wityne,and Pike slit,
rod the Dmittorvo Way, seeprding to a plan to hem.,
st this office, where terms end so:Wallow will be mode
known. istra
ost Liberty Street. between O'Hara and Iths'nut streets,
.nh Ward, at preen! ix,o.tpied by the mbserltter
Pomiession given oteshe I it April—Enquire or
imte If WEL , vourio. I ii Liberty. M.
V FOR SALK—A Lot of Gronnd vacate en Penn
street, between flay and Marlinry streets,silioiney
the house and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards,
hue:ay a front 0(45 feet, and in depth Iltn feet, will b.
gold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En
gager of C. 0. LOOIDIS,Ch at, near Wnod.
Orphans" Court Male.
PttIiSUAN r v. an over or I. Unlit ant' Coma, bold
at Pittaborgh.:on the let day of Acid. A. IL lunh
will be arponied to pohlte sale, on the Mb day tif4PfC,
15aM, at threeWelock P. M., on the peerniee., all thet
certain lot of evened eltuate in the rdy of Pittsburgh,
and described as follows, to wic-11-ginning on the
earth side of Yeeend st. at the difitance of forty cocoa
(-et emitavanlly from Grantst, thence by the honor Ann
Sallivan's lot, and parallel with Grants. forty Mice ft.
to • three feet Ailey cr.mmen to persons owiiig tots
en either side, thence by PRId Mice and parallel with
Second or. twenty wven fee., to the hoe of William
Arthur,' lot. thence by the salt line of Wm Arthur. ,
and parallel with Grnt ere. forty Mice feet to
Remand street, thence alon a g Second at. twenty semi
feel to the place of beginning.
Terme of Sale—Ono hundred Jolters to be pail open
delivery of the deed, the balance in tam canal paiii•
meets at six and ten year. respectively from Mb date
of sale, with interestpayable anneelly, and to be se
cured by bond and ountrege on the prernbies. For
taner parueolario, apply to GI E Appleton, Arorney
at law, Fourth street, or to the undersigned,
Goonhan of Aim 4thr.ina to Christian J,toioors
Perms the Veteran, Kingdom, to repel Ditearra !
Dr. Extract or Tallow Dock
an 4
errata consamptioni acrofals, cry Pi nelas, rhea mat ism,
foot. liver complaint,, seined atteetiotUrolleem, if.
dtopsy, asthma. piles, seurvey, affections of
the bladder and kidneys, ruereurtal diseases,
human, rash of blond io the head, fever and
ague, female complaints, general debility, dp.pep
sin, lase of appetite, headache, colds, costive...a,
gravel, high. sweats. eplie, oratorio affections,
of the ham, Mies„ pains In the, side,
Ant, hark, /Le:
it Is Infallible in all disearesrarising foam •n
pore state o the blood. or irregular action of the sys
In the Vegetahle Kingdom, an Ali-wise Being ha
deportted plaid, and herbs. tangent]. to oar consptu,
lions, and adapted to ha gam of discoed arid to the
vegetable ktogdorn does tho reason et man,, well at
the instinct of am all. turn for antidotes to pro n.
The Syrup is a saientitto compound of the most val•
triable plants in nature, enttrdly free from deleterious
and enetraung mineral sabataneea, and as it expels
disease !roar the syttern, imp.ts vigor and strength ib
a corresponding degree.
An catreOrdleary cue - rife& rnfula. Cry•ipelat and
cenk eared by the tole use of Dr. Maysott'• Cow.
pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and Sari...peril!.
Duncana, Nov. 17, DM.
D. Deism—SD: I tender my einrere thanks for
the great benefit I have devised from the use of your
valuable .Trap 1 have been troubled very bad with
• serofolotth sere, which made its appearance on my
chin !did not ply much attention to aat firm, ears
young et to be nothing but an eniptoin that appears
on verso fan It finally began to increase, anttl
spread to the act part of , the bead. - I erplied to a
physician, who attended t.l! to no mirPolie hod
tried every thing that could be tried. 1 taw your Syr
up of Yellow [tack and Sarsaparla, and concluded
to use Mr 1 knew that Yellow D ank :sea one of the
meat veinal/1e articles in the vrorld for the blood. I
boeght your Syrup, and f a it he tow of one
could scoria-real changeisy system. I
to use It anal I was wgll.enat,, I now fie! like
new person; my blood is perfectly , cleansed and flee
from all impurities. There is not agaeslion but that
your newly discove.ied. eampoand Is far reverter to
any mrimparlll. eyrep fplo4. . - .-
Thu cerulthate tau your 4.posal to puldtsli ti you
Ike, and city one you may refer lalue I 424 be hoP
py to she th em all the tformation I tau t my
casc,ac. I remain your obedient
Geom. U. Juitssos,
113 Market street
The best female medicine known. The Emmet of
Yellow Dock and Saraaparilla is a positive, speedy,
and permanent cure ler all complaints incident to
- . .
Its mild, alterative eroperties render it peculiarly
applicable to the slender and delicate constitution of
the female. It is unrivalled in its mice ts upon such
diseasesam incipient consumption, barren:ices, btu.
corrhoen, or whites, lemmata, menstruation, inconti
nence ot Orion, and general plostrat sit of din wilco.
It im gaiotely tounterazi. that distressing nervous
nem and lassitude so common to the female frame,
and impute an energy end buoyancy as surprising as
they aro grateful. We have esideueo on file which
induces res nigly to recommend this medicine to
married people who have not been blessed with oft.
Panursv . • Prat% or Falling of the Wore, , of five
years' standing, cared by Dr. Guysottla Extroci of
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, otter es cry other
known remedy had been tried without relict._
Weasuiscron, Ohio, Feb
This certi fi es that my wife, aged u 7 years, h.
been ',sieving under the above complaint for lye
yeare—nearly all of that time confined in her bed . I
have for four years constantly employed the best med.
lent talent teat could be procured an this section Of the
country, without any benefit whatever. I have also
purchased every Instrument rmended for the
core crotch diseases, all of whi ecom ch proved worthless.
In the •PflOir of ISO., I was induced by ray friends
to try Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsapartila,
which was used for four months. After she had used
It for about four weeks, it was evident to all that she
unproving, and (rem Otis time she bivalved rap.
idly, and gained drab and strength. until the disease
was entirely removed, and she is now enjoying moat
excellent heal th ., WAL Mt iNFORT.
_. . .
We tieing rielahbort of Wm. and Joie bloafort,
know that the above statement, ss to the sickness of
Mt*. Monfort, and oi to She tine being effected by
Clayton's Yellow Dock .e Sartoparillo. to he strictly
Ct..t Cure of Cooloompt.loos
Ilmeihrox, January 2. IMO
_lSennett—Dear Sit 'the great benefit which I
have derived from seer Extract of Yellow Lloca and
Sarraparilia, induces me, as an act ofjnotice, to wake
tic following statement t
After waiting for two iyears from general debility,
which finally terminated in consumption, I was given
up by my friends and physician* as beyond ihe areal
medietne. As a last resort, I was minced to try
Pour Forrest, and hoeing cued but two bottler, at•
contrite to gout directions, I am entirely well. I
would therefore earnestly resommend your unequal
led Compoand to the allfitted who desire a powerful,
pbstsara and tufo remedy. Healthily your friend,
14one genuine anlen pot op In large square Wilke.
eontauang • quail, and the nami of the syrup blown
in the OM, with'the 'RISEN signature of S P Be,
nett on the
wrapper. Price Si per tattle, or
tie bottle• tor 45
It is sold Or J. D. Part, corner of Fouth and Wal,
not streets. Quirt/tall, Ohio, General Agent for the
South and West, to Photo all orders mambo addrise
Carter at Drer,E4*W. P. Judton A Co , IrAmer
ford; Olin A. Citnispea, Crosaingefile; AbslPurrell.
Montrose: Hiram Mb, Towanda. Robert Roy, Wells
hero: Roderiek, Callensherell. Wtleng, Jr.. Pins
berth, corder of - hlarket street and the Diamond.
T HAVE taken \VM. CAHE lino numeral:an with
MO in my tintinc”, which will (rem this dam be
carried en oinks die name of "John Parker A Co."
March Is; Me".' JOHN PARKER..
Jobn c.rr.
Wholehlle Onzets. ,Dealers in Predate. Foreign
Wino, ' Liquor.. Cl.! Monongahela
and Elestf n food Ifissa
No. 6, CoMmercial Ross, Liberty street,
i, Pa.
C uV atig H rB tia'obirni. co
.7. min.RxsorriszwELL,
e t lllo STATE COMESSIONFX. for taking Dope
1..) eitioas, Aeknowleeptreeds of Deets, de.
Mee—Fourth anet,.above Smetfield.
',AIL JOHN MARTIN respectfully announees to tho
chisen• of Pittsburgh, Riot he has pens...idly
looated himself in dna city, for the purpose of puc
e" ixoa L u ft g rt e l: y sis i e n e ' lc!TtVll . e b alile n o c c h o .
Pininix none ' act .ditsirdni•T
1,4 , TTORNEY AT LAW—Office on south cid. of
„1 . 1,:l Fourth at, too...iron Cherry alley and Grant et.
: 4 )D. STUART A CO., of Philadelphia: will 'opts
t s , on the let of April, 16 entire new crock of •
AirLTAILOR:PTRI3IIIIINGS, at eastern prices,very
lotrAir cash, at No. 1113 wood at, next to bleßenna's
02 E rr Tns sun Or • wits Itarr2a,. not El2Ollll writ
ewe than a bad, putrid breath, or dark, yellow Cacao
ed teeth. If persons have these it la thew own twill--
they San, for two shillings, loop an allele that wtt
snake tbeis breath pure and sweet as Epier.liro
It cares diseases of the Gams, spongy or ateernted,
and for the Teeth it Is unequalled, removivg the tartar,
the teeth in the gums, and clean th an as
I wha l e Ml the rune of Ma /mum Nand-
Such, reader ate th e properties of Jones's Amber
Tooth Porte, mid, without praising it ourselves, beer
what one of our most respectable and scientific Dee;.
Um', AIL E. Field, of New York, says:
"I have both used and finalized thts beat:Veal and ion
palpable article (Jones' Amber To ine,l an
min reconnoend on possessing all 01 Steelier!,
eirthr Readcr, we can say no In to convincri
only that if you tryonce you will be well please!.
IS is pot op in beautiful Eitglgh China Pots, for JE
cents. Sold by the Agent, Wld. JACKSON, hlt
ty Weed. Pirtehunth. augaitOrwl.
cn,zn. ere
e rr i r allo A rvt " nrge rt h :l7tre: b o7a Zs. bouhr o ' l
/ogees Coral Hair Restorative. II they . amid oar
.vropil. triedot these highly respeeutbra eltiretig
who Lave th
Mi. (:co. Becket, 91 Elm at. New York.l
Mrs. Matilda Keever., Myrtle as. 11rooklyn:
Mr. Wm. Tom ph loan King at, New York.•
Mr. Thos. Jackson, Mormons (Wand, aear rittaborgk
IL E. Callen, lam barber smart:root S. America.
And more than a hundred otl , nrs mate, thstigh ttliS
most salter, that it will force II': hair to grow on thy
hood or face, stop it (altos, Flicntthen the rr 'to,
removing scurf and dandruff :tont die roars, mei log
light, red, or gray hair womme a fine dark look, and
keeping dry, harsh or wiry flair moist, sok, clean and,
beautiful, a very-, very lowt-nur e_
Sold by the Akeot, AvatrJACKSON, RD Liberty ;at,
rittsbOrgb. N1[15371,00 gents, and Otte dollar.
ant d&wT
Easermsa atm Elm .Diresins— lON)lta
lan Chemical Mcap causestrearkespssatlem, •r.d a
the same nine rtiohfiely insrte a
ns, and whitens lb. aka
living It the texture and Leanly of an WNW,.
SCURVY, SA LT 1111.11,1 t AND 5031*, arc won not only"
healed, but cured bills also, an al least *even I oyes.
ela. in New York thaw, who uset it its such cages,
and find it unfailing—as &Me in •
. . . . .
rIMPLICS, livmmims, Fewbven, or any other st n els.
este. The reader is at,elsred that thin to no evelesa
naffed nostnam, as one trial si.i.l prove. !could ono
me ale at leapt En perenw volt d of
.1. ILL IliJ.n,.,:frlLS LTG. /.:11 .502.. a nUND.-- , try il,
and 11, it, and the realer In as in tainted 1 mmid
net anelly full it for the shake unless; tnewi.lo be
all! S., Those who are !bible to
Elissim, Clue.", ou ell.r. Stem; will En ibis
envy) Anv eve elbleiedwith any ot the shove, ..v aim.
itaiblinewes, till End Mi. ail and even more in !Wm.
bld b&
ice r,bpe , deebhan I retie.
Bid, reader, the 'totes ere 'flooded with imit anent
d be sure you aye for JONli:eiiS tuition CS maleal•
arth Sold by W El. JACKriON, e 9 IJbeity street,
Pinvb anreArt •rT
. .
They ara not. aware how frialitilifly inrusioax it 1/11
to the akiel how coarse., bow rough, bow ;al?:
low, yellow, and nol,althy the skin al.
pears aderotion prepared shall! Ile-
sides it Is ondrioor, , ottostnin a
large q. 01
W . bane prr - pamd a hereiblit reartable artrehlt:
It is psrfeetly innocent, being periled of nil dale mil
000 qualiti,, and it imparts to the ak 111 a notcral,:.ert.
thy, alahaster, clear, hat. , whos, at the urste dam
aeon, u cosmetic oo the rt,in, metoldi itsolt at 4
smooth. •
Sold try the WM. JACKSON, Lb
erty at. Pituldwah. oeids
A NEW remedy finely di...curie:ea in the Vegetable
allucclum—u sere .cl permanent cure lor all
Recumrdie Caumlundr. puce un. . .
Inflummucory, Chronic, Acme end Mcrcunal
Rheumatic. Gnu, LunMago,
1...111110 Alrecnon,
This medicine In, Imm Men nuoyht for. it has been
raid that Rheumatism c.tuld sot be cured; but there
• remedy derigord by notate fur die cure it: every dm.
care ihvt the human ...omit tuhject to. At last a rer
msdy but been r,..,,a•tblt curer In ezzaketim of the
we. , form—ono of, the room oaltishle vegetable, pro•
docUo. of the cartl.—the ore n.,: 1114 , [iimprlont
dlscovery of the uce, and u t‘snderful blsssivr, to the
human family, It curry without en:l:ening or debllnas
any, viol renew* strenedt and vigor to ton whole eyo-
Ire, It tin s, during the nut nitre month.; over
frrl rates that were considered iscuroble.
Cumin...nes of the curative pratetrties of this Medi.
eine can be ?ran by eatlioz or, the agents. ;
None genunle unless put up with an engraved label
ulron the out.ith, wrapper, kif,aed by the proprietor, R
TURNER. Ituti.ll., N. Y
1,01.1 by
,rorner Third and blorket FA, l'itub , tuFh.
Sold 0. by G. TIIONIAb,
No lbS,Mgan at, Ciocinnati, O.
No. 05, DIAIIOND ALLtN, - •
• • few doors below Wood street, ts
.-,fa..."" wards•zerket.
DU. 011.011/Ns hesang been
melthitltoducuted to the medical
- profevsloshasnd heen for same time
ifeneraV practic, nose confines
\ ttest:on to tbe treatment of
ii rir
those private end delicate COIL.
tj e: pl , tosits for which ins ormorttaropes
. ( ' ‘/Va. , n rs — a s P s ' islit ' o " t7el ' yWyt ' te "} d
to study treatment of those comltutv,urinva sw
time lie has had more praeuee end hue cored mole pea
teats than can ever fall to lot of any private prise.
ono:, rt amply qualsfies bins to oiler assurances of
. . •
I speedy, pr minute., mid rans ntOar r nee to all afflicted
th,thimate diseates, aid all thsecnes arising there
friortt •
Ili. Brown wet inh•rm those afflicted with pnvate
disever which Italie become ebronie by time or ag
gravated by the use of au) of The commaft 110FLIMIT• of
the day, that their complain* eon be rad testily and time/
mighty cured; he Laving given Lis careful attention to
the treatment of such eases, mid succeeded in hundred•
of 'exhumes in goring pg 1 .30115 of inflammation of the
reek of the bladder, and knotted discs rcs which ellen
:emit num those one. where others have consigned
them to hopeless derpatr. lie portieulerly mines seek
as hare been long and imanceerafully treated by others
to consult him, when every satisfaction will batmen
them, and their cases treated In a cateful,thorongh arta
intelligent manner, pointed cut by a long expertenet,
study, and Investigetion,whieli iris honor:dile further*
engaged in general practice of medicine to gins to one dlaar old/tease.
:3711crota or Ruptare.—Dr. Brown also Writes per
-80 &Minted will. He rn ia to nail, a. he haspaiil pang)
alas attention to ibis disease.
CANCERS ab-o cared.
Skin discates; also tl s,ndry,'ete.,.l , 4l•dily axed
Charges 'cry lour. I
N. 11.—faunal. of eithcr living at o distance, by
stating their discare ill Writing, giridg nil the symp
toms, can obtain medicines atilt dircetions for age, by
mlarelling T. BROWN, M. pot:, and •nchas-.
in. a fee.
Otte. No. 65 Diamond 81;61, opposite. lb* Waverly
rewly discovered reo.e
dy for Itheunlstism ism speedy : , ..deerlatill,remcily to
that pedu'ul trouble. It neer.l..ols.
alice And Prtvnte P.ot-mx, No. al DI.-
end alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Whit Docm itt alwaytt
Property hi Altech ay Glirfor Fate.
TIIE nublerthers oiler fo6iale a umbero chafes
Lou, Bunn< hr the Second Illsrd,frontin on tits
Cowmen rmund, on en•y tem.. Inquire ni
0 . 11. ROBINSON, Atty at Lass, Si C eh at
or of JAS ROBINSON, on th•prnitiene—
_ .
D LEAS.cNT HO( Mg, in a rdesynAtwart of the Pity,
busion.s, suitable lily a married la•
dy and gentle ainn, trom April 1.1. Alyo, btilAillg•fnr
a few young gentlemen. Enquire at this oak.
Broadway, corner of Malden Lane.
pins extensive HOTEL hen been leased by the
subsenber, and has been completely refitted in
the Most elegant manner. Lsren ad
beingditions are now
made, whon, when ccmpteted, will Make It the
eVell6llfr Hotel in New York. - It is the deleted
nation of the proprietor, to make it equal, in every I-c
-ac.-1,10 any oiler House in the ('cited States. Its lo
cation is the most deileutile And central in the city, be
ing to the fashionabh, non of ltrqedway, convenient
to ail the public places of antutmarott, and
biomes, Grateful th, •he 11.C.1 0.11.1131(t teeel•Cd
(rota his western mend., while al Cumberland, Ald o
and more recently at the Weddell House, .Clovehmd,
Ohio, he respeettulty Polhill+ a renewahoftheir patron
age, far We new establishment, at New York, and
hogs in arsons them that her, effort onhis part shalt
ha given to AdMlLlfter to their comfort . ..l pleasure.
A. S. I.l4.ltSUSts.
IN the Court of Common Lbw, of A:Wisner, Unmet,
ty: No: March Term, lzfAL
the inciter to the Petition or Win. Robinson. Jr..
Pteti4ent of the Ohia and Ih..tittaylvania Rail Road
Coototor —and The View , of the Beaver Road: .
Awl now, to win March 3 0 .1850—Itertert of View
ers bled, cnn&nneJ nod, nod noleiel that wailer, of this
be given. hy three weekif public:Atha ii,the
Ratty Ame,tooo, Journal, Gazette, and Post.
Uy the Court.
1t...] Stem:bed form the Record •
apt Zw GEORGT: O. HATS, Pro.
Ohio and Permayforment Rati nova.
PROVOSALS will be received at the office of the
tlhio and Pennsylvania Rail !toad CortmanYvia
tne City Of Piunburgh, until Wednesday, the 2lth day
of April, IS:B5, for the Gradin!! and hlasarry_of the
Nail Hood, from Allegheny eiLy to the mart, f Btg
Beaver, • distance of twenty four miles. Dm icy,
and Specifications of tbo work to I.e IV, my he t een
Bt Mc ethos en rillsbUr4ll, ter one went preteens the
antle:, on application to 140101140 M W. Boom., 'me
Engineer; mot talarsostleu may he obtained SI ..”T
:and at the wilco of Edward B erne, Fletldent-Enni.
ow cc of the lbdtateraDivivina, New Brighttin, Beaver
County, Ihyd' The work IS well worthy of the amen
.. of good contractors.
The Visiting and
t ry. &lam lino to Columbiana
County', Ohio ; well oe le at !Salem, on Wednesday,
'7 'l' l4 ' : a order .' o h P . tite 'Nat'l! of Direct... , .
of-td • IVA!. ROBINSON, Jr.
hlaasnatd. is consantly
Y I<CC/.11 , 7,, from lhe largeat casnothciones In
Nese Veda and Philadephia, .d also from French•
lIVOCICP, the LICIAVPI and must approved styles of Pa•
err llargheas, te4cdter north Borders, Fite Bona_
alai Testes fops. Cot rale at o 3 Wood st, be
tween Yocislh a and Diamond alley, (succuaor to 13.
C 11011 • ap3
T. Prrnretrrrs,
1 or Pittobergh.
S. J. Warartua,
of SC tats.
CnoNimissiori& ANM Nr.; MERCHANTS,
No O 7 Levee, and No North Conunorcial moot,
Sn Undo, No.
R F&.•le/NCo, St. LOWB;
Jumes Todd, Lo.isrtilt, My;
J. 0 . ,• 1 , I.ebtatr, I:inetnuati,
•c 11 Gran:, I.ll,,burgh. l'd;
1,1-M iv) John .Nl.llli.lelnun,
_ -
nteno VA LI
A NIT:S D LOCK Wtma., Liooksclkr and Importer,
t) 1 , 4 nkurth trect, • few Juoni cast of Woost• trcch
',.le as Wood atm I} apt