BY MAGNETIC TELECRAPH. sag , P.relq'lLll t TlCLuotteruso tUR TNt PITTSBURUKUMLY GAZETTE ONIa. Waixorrim, April 19. Hcisk—beir. Cobb being absent, Mr. Winthrop, by content of the liture,actod .Speaker. Mr. Alice offered • resolution as a privileged question, I to terminate the debate on the Pad• dent's Ca iforni• Message, on Friday next at one o'clock, if the committee should not money come to a conclusion: Then Amu to be taken on um severe propositions pendinfi. The Speaker said the gee nun could not offer the resolution, u Mr. Tho bad previously ob. tabled the floor, to move go into committee of the whole on the private ender. Mr. Thompson of Pon ottraoln, made an ef• 1,,,tual effort to make ■ port from the Judiciary Committee on the Sena bill for taking the ne=t COOllO6. Mr.•Vinlon wanted the committees to all for reports. The House then went into committee of the whole, and took on the bill fur the relief 0(0. P• Nide'Land Jame* Clinch of New Yolk, deleting il3OO fell payment for tea foraltmed for the ate of the Navy, and consumed In public service, which lase detailed at some length. Ssveral other bills were conSidered, end order ed to he reported to the House. The CosnmtUee then arose, when Mr. Olds of fered a reetilnuou, which woe adopted—that the Committee appointed to investigate the chutes against Mr. Horner, the Door Keeper, have power to send for pewees and paper.. The House then went into Committee of the Whole on the State of the Linton, and proceeded to the consideration of the Calitornht Message. Mr. Cleveland repested the history of the doings of the House since the commencement ct the sea- Unless the Proviso should be passed, Ida. very would go to the territories. He did not be. Wive there were a hundred men to Connecticut in fa v or of slavery extension. He had no fears of • dissolution of the Union. The NWhitille Convention will be ■ second edition of thi Harthild Convention. Slavery was • sits in the light of God, and he never would vote to extend it. The Committee then arose, and the House ad• jonroed XX' Mooney next. Stetaxs—Atter the. presentation cf petitions, Mr. Doostasq mooed that the 'California BM be taken up, which was agreed to. Mr. Douglass moved that the bill be made the special order cf the day, immediately after the appointment of the Select Committee. Mr. Turney moved to refer the bill to the Se. lea Committee. The. rocation of postponement taking the pri ority, was put, and a treed to. Tlts Senate than proeeeded to ballot for chair man of the Select Cimmitteo upon the I.:antrum. Ise re-eolith:tee of Mr. Bull and Mr. Clay. Oa the brat ballot. Mr. Clay bad 28 votes, Mr. Bell 1, Mr. Benton I, Mr. Mangum 1, Scauctiug 4. So Mr. Cloy was declared elected. Mears. Cate, Dickinson, Bright, Webster, Phelps, Cooper, Klux, Mason, Dower, Masser, Bell, and Bowen, were, ou the next ballot elected. The 'remaining members of the committee were elected-without opposition. Mr. Pkelps asked ID be excused, particularly on accotiat of his health. Mr. Mangum appealed to Mr. Phelps to with draw hi application. Mr. Bell eatd ha had other objections. He would, if planed upon the committee, IcTaal palled to throw himself entirely oo his peraonat views. He had so doubt that the whole pro• ceedinge would be unastinfaahory to the country. Mr. Webster hoped that Mr. Phelps would not insist. If the example was to beset of excusing, he should perhaps be compelled to follow it. The guesdon being taken, Mr. Phelps was not excused. It will be observed that. the opponents of the committee generally foiled to vote at all upon Its appointment. Mr. Douglass called for the special order, and the California State Bill was taken up. Ater tome conversation with reference to the absence of the,committee appointed to convey Mr. Calhoun's remains to South Carolina, a mm lion to postpone the further consideration of the Compromise Bill, to Monday two weeks, was agreed. Mr. Buder expressed hie surprise thatßleank7 jest of the edmlnaton of Caliroruia could not be taken up and d4cussed after it had been referred to the Contiolttrie, end before that Committee bad ' repotted. Mr. Clay said that Mr. Butler was much Inistak. en, if he suppeeed that the Calitornia bill could be acted upon without a struggle—and he hoped a successful struggle—to engraft upon it the terra. eel bill. Mr. Hale's resolution, referring petitions, memo. stets and remonstrance' relating to subjects refer• red to the Select Committee, to that Comsoluee, was laid upou the table—yeas 21, nays 23. The Senate then adjourned till Monday twit. DREADFUL STEAMBOAT EXPLOSION LOSS OF LIFE. The taw boat Hercules hunt one of her butlers in the Socithweet Pau, on the morning of the 10th Lessant, killing B. F. Miller, James Riddle, Second Engineer, and Wo. Hammond, John Ms fan, Wet. Haves, Thos. Murphy, Rufus T■rbon, dock hand., and wounding John Fullerton, 2.d En gineer, Oliver Arnold, Edward Hb.euson, and Jot. Miller, deck hands. The boat was blown to atoms. 4 Lornarnas, April 19. The river is on a stand, with 'even and • hal' Get la the renal. The weather is rainy. NEW YORK MARKET. Nrw Tolle, April 19. r The steamer's news being momentarily expect ed, has checked transactions in the market. nous—The market is very arm, thon o gb less is doing. Sales of straight state, and old and new inspection at $5 0 5 121 per brL Mixed Oki sand Indiana 55 001 0 5 151, of mixed PdLiteig•ci Si 1515 0 5 25, and of straight Michigan and Ohio at $5 25 5 311 per brl. Grair—Corn is:intim:les scarce, with vales of 1600 bashela at 59 0 69 eta for prime yellow. Wheat is firm, with sumo improvement. Wes tern descriptions are enquired lee. Rye is settee at 55 0 59 cis. per ha. Provisions—Pork is in better demand. with au improvement in mess 0119 cis., and in of 6 els. per brl. Lard is tiros at 61 ma. in brl. Cut moats are In grind request, at 51 OCI eta. .for haw, sod 31 for Plain shoulders. Orticerics—Colfee In drooping, wills sales of !tic. ot 8 1 0 10 eta.. Sugars halm generally advanc ed, i et., with sates of New Orleans at 41 a5l pert. Linseed Ott Ls unsettled. with oak** , 88 d.. to strive. Whiskefla without change. CINCINNATI MARE Er. Fiala —The market is quiet, k ut Lim, holders demanding a utght advansir on yesterday's quota tions. Goad hued& won) d sell readily .1U Fu ‘1 4 90 per n l. Orain—Saba 2000 bar dials Otte at 40 et& Corn is firm at 40 Ma. The receipts of Grain are in% creasing. 0 0, 4 induce holdi , ire m send rot. ward their supplies. Provisions—Lard Is in good request, and an in created firmness to na anifested. No change to Let.o m other articles Whiskey u dal t r sod yesterday's prices o"' barely aintaload—wler at 1018 201 eta. The river haa been ow a .wand daring the teat 21 hours. The weather to day hanbeeo rainy. Now Oatzmu, Apeill9. , An arrival loom Texts I ring. inuelligente of the dee th of Maj. O.P. 6. O'Brien, T.T. S. Army, by chri.ore. at I odianoLs. Ns" chez ems vi.ited by e Revere bad morn, on the 12th,eoing conch damage to the growing crape. Faille...jib City }nearing Urn.. (Formerly lb. Phants Cotton Faculty, 6th WIIMAYIII.] Rau. Fre. go , and eo Rye Flour, Bran and F.borts; Chopped Gram for horse. ant I coon, for rate by - VCILMA 11111 h NO.I.LE_ $1 60 B 0 0 T S. $4 60 rstArlig.RbagT'Yo7.l7olli isotlfs norZoll. saaultip, at she 'tell Maga: 4 . If). No 6 !data a acooil door t, cam Water a. 0p13.6661 Manua copy.) MtIMMMMI PITTIFIUBOO SOAR]) OF TRADE pan XIMCWreS lITCHLIG. COMMITTEE . FOR APRIL. men mrira....wv. L i91I[1••••I.L soon:can. Onus, Prmsarmod Gazwrrs j Saterday morning, Aprillo,lB Bo . 1 Very little of interest trsimpired In the market yn. teakl. The weather was clear and pleasant for out deer operations, and tea general way quite a lively business was doing. FLOUR—Nothing transpited in the Floor market 'showing any change to ouitation. from our Last report. In small lots the ruling figure from store, far good Ohm brand., is 114,6504,7501,80, and from the river M 511,50 04,56 f bbl. By. Floc.—We notice feraler sale. of Rye Flour yesterday, at 184614,12 i t bbl. GRAlN—There ts a steady demand for all descrip tion. of Ureic, at folly quoted rotes—say, for Wheat, OSOIDOe; Rye, 0.170; Barley, VI; Corn, iIS; and Oats., 32d134e f kn. BACON—Salcs td,ooo Shoolders, Sides, and packed, at, for Shoalders, 4e; Sides Se, and Sagercored hams are in steady dunand et Pc, and prime bagged at at fp lk. LARD--The market is gate!, and in good supply We note sale. to Lids at SIBS}, Lad to keg. at Ga"o DIED upsF—We note regular odes of .Ctnetn.' uati cored, by the tree, at &land to mailer qtlehuties, o h. ere made at elOalc s lb. sGITER—Very tittle is arriving, and the aupplie• on sale in the motet are light. Bess quality roll but ter is sellieg from atom sit 1.4016, and onlinary at 1110 13e; keg is nominal at eteeie GROCERIES—We have no change to at lice in dm Grocery market. Sive. have been confined to moder ate 0031010 es, at the following figures t—N O Seger 4105053, isa in quality; &foliose', P 7, 77i023e for N 0, end 400 for 13 II; Rio Cartr.e, nominal, et 0 1 0123. 1 , Riced,oose; and Loaf Sago, St Louts refined, at fie 10e ♦ b. 011.9--We note sale. to a moderate extent, of La. seed Oil, at 105 e; 050 for No 2 Lard Oil, and 53255 1. No 1; Tenneco' Oil, 510219 Pbbl. PIO METAL—We have reported sale, of 110 to. Wild Cat, at 522, 4 and IS moo; and of 4do tone Arne can, at 11161,40. 4 and d max Tits Teleurrote Banana—The Savaranah"RepublB eau, in an article upon the In Georgia, states that there are tome 15 or Id persons now engaged In its manufacture, whose united pro• dusts will amount to no less than 20,8110 bids, during the reser t season. There arc some 8 or 10 others who have recently Gahm ked 10 the business, whose labors mei I add very cousidensbly to this amount. The distill ation of crude turpentine 11 now rapidly tuoreuing to m State ; and the time to thought not to be very far drstant, when Georgia will be able to vie with North Carolina, in the production of the article. rm. °e we lige.Mrsts --The following are the date. depaitam of the Ocean $1.131.11, donog the month • f May Asses. t, from Boston, Wednesday, Ist May, Caudate, from New Yell. Wednesday. May Sin, esnana, from Boston. Wedneaday, May Om, NAG.., from Now York, Wednesday, May 21d. - - - C 0.111.11 1. Col.—The business of counterfclung gold coin appears to have been earned an to ...aside cable extent of late. Among the latest issues is an gnus maim Glib< well known doubloons of Bogota, in Nets On nat. It cannot be detected by nigh', its size hos tas been increased to bring it ap to the true standard, ab maid grains. It wants, however, the Woe comb, and perspire dealing In paint doubloons hare, them fore to beware of metes looking too pale or too mach like fine gold Amencan coin of the denomination of whole, halt and quarter eagles have also been imitat d, and large quantities bare been put In circulation. They are said to be so well calculated to deceive, that they hare p. _ I undetected through the hands of gond Judaea, into toe mint. to one instance as many as fire In a stogie depoilte. The coins bare rather a dull wand In ringing, but not as if dewed, althongh they are me tumly composed of three distinct pieces ol Iviere they are full weight airy are necessarily thick er than tree genuine. ..tar n Stock Ilarket. Now ioll,Aprd 10. Est.. or —SSA° U 56Y, ISM!, m 11 du ; Illa,( WU, Mt do dot. tudy, s 15; 113,1121) do do. 11;1. gaup do m do dn. I 171; 615,600 do d 0.1500, 090.1191, slua; 06,0 6'., 1 81 810 , 0111 Int er Insp. 1815, 01. 541,0.0 07 do do. 471; 8,7143 la 35: a Eleaditrd lidadar &SAO Y. Fs, WI: 1311.000 do do. At the board to day U 8 C. 01 1567, advanced I; nod Re Ad k it I; Farmers Trust Co deemed 1; Caotoo F. Co, 1; rve R. 11 shs 107'559, acd M Coa lonis Cal I icussoa—Farsign—Tte market is still firmer, and the iendency at prices is upward for sinning we qui... follows :—On Loudon. 10981091; Paris, 6f31; ittSr.iio for 00 days. ansi 3(,::{93(89} far alien hills: Anisisrdsia Bremen, ::30 Dirieurt.—Tbe Bank of Neva 'Cork ban declared annual dividend of 4 in aced, payable on the • Of !day. The Oneida Bank (Utica) hes accreted • semi no mad Dividend of fire per eco; payable on the first of April 15 Sauce or —51.700 Rumblers R n 310 R 11•10 We. 13, 510,000 city An, 1031; 1431410 Allegheny Ws, St 5 Faren & Wen ISt 074;35 do do, 07R 105 Penn A (This Ranal,-37;1/o,4ooPnegnehanna Rama Vs, 00 4 Penn bt 11 le. second Board—lo Ky b.k 1021: b Harrishorg la R. 451;1°° R °".^6 a R,011: SW I O dodo ..11 C9CP , IIs bk Sdiaki Liabighldo,7ol, BY Union Canal. 10t 510,0 W Bead It 111% 7.11; bk, 11ei 1 0 do Ira; 100 Monts Canal 161 Sava Goods II Nova Goodall CLEAR THE TRACK' Nth Sp tog arid ;Summer Dry Good, for IEi.O. WILLIAM:I'2.. ILVSS&LL, af- ..4F.w4.1..........d.....z....,,f)„;„?.,=DikiA1=ei street, between Third and l , ourto, sign of the RIO BIZ 11,8, has Dot esmmeneed reemaing and opening one of the moat nob. aplendid, anl erten/01re COCils of bonne and Sommer Dry Goods ever offered for te le 111 'be Weetero eountrr. All of these Imported Goods •re ircah opened, and received per the fart steamers from France and England . , a. ais 1 Irish Linens, imported direct from Belfast, all Kruse bleaebeil, _end warranted he pure onset.; these Linens aro all Imported by the sabsenber, and are all pore flay yarn warranted. Also, Utah Listen Damask 'reale Clotho, the very best tuanothelare; and Irish Linen Gordo of all kind*. imported direct froonDelfast by the subscriber, add will be found the real EriAgo• Laugh, .. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Now my le rich 'York Savor, all colors, rPlealtd goods; black Turk Satins, all prices, rich goals; black glees Silk., all solar., late importation; French Ei.l Gloves, all colon,. the but imported; plaid blast Armorer, per last French swameri new wyle paroled Brreges, rplendid goods. Also, a superb and large stock of 'ride black Brussels Lace, far trimming ladies' dresses, very riell goats; plain Beretta in sit color., extremely low, beuniol goods; block Silk F ri nge, all widths mid prices, very cheap; French Lawns, new stiles, per last French grouter; plain black Gro De Shine, high lortre, superb goods; black figured aro De nine Brocade, rick goods; O leoFch and k.nglish 15 starter., Dew . styles goils; splendid (Lured Paris. goods for b'all demur; rich embroidered Swiss Mulls far evening deer eel Swiss aging a nd inserting, the best imported; Silk Tissues to all colors e nd ;natal., new myie, plain and satin strip'd black Rueter, all prices; rinted L•wna, new styles, from si to 25 cents per As o, ar Barrie de Lains, • new Retie le for ladies' dresses. Alsa large and roperb stork of riot style spring Bonn et Ribbon., the vary best im- I ported, all new. . SIIAWLS. SHAWLS Canton erlpe Shawls, all colon, fresh from the Cur „tom Roue; Tart Satin Shawls splendid goods, In all eOlars, per lath StelMer; beautifal changeable a ll silk Shawls, fresh importation • white embroidered Canrou Crape/Smarts, eufwrb Iris ' ads; Peen embroider. ed Canton Crape Shawls; splendid roods; Lenin's French made C ashm erembrored Thtbet, Sneer Importation; Pail. pointed Shawls, all prices and quail. tier ; ladles' rummer Cravat. and Smarr in great ea Tao y; French worked Capes,Collars,and Cuffi,• large .2201tOterit. A Large Stock of DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. 50 bales unbleached 51.11n5, from 5 to 10 eenli per turd; T 5 cases bleached Marlins, from 4 to 121 emu per yard: 11 cases Irish Linens. Imported direct from Delman II bales Ticking, hero 8 to 25 cents per yard; B eases blue Drill, from 8 In 121 cents per yard: be anies a full astortment of Summer Cloths Also. Cep :inter., Tweed., Bennetts, and Kentucky Jeans; TAT cues dark Calico, rost colored, front 3 in 121 cents per yard; 5 eases lloyl fr. Sons' English Prints, best ...portal; 5 balesßuseia and Scoteh Diapers-extreme ly ow. Also, Boutekroping Goods of all kinds, very t heisp; is boles Russia Crash, from Sim 121 cents per yard; besides a large mock of Cheek and Shirting Stripe. Also, Canton Flannel., all colon and gush. nee, at low pricer Ted, white, and yellow Flannels, very cheap; bleacb ' ed and unbLeaohed Drillings, fall assorimeot; 5 cases blue Merrimack Calicoes, ex tremely lost black and unbleached Table Diapers, alt vetoes:r Bird'exie Diapers, all prices and qualities, ap; colored mbries, a full usortment, cheaper than eves; 3 bales Burlaps, from 121 to 23 cts pee yard. Aiso,a large stock of Cotton Table Diapers. Marincri i Shirting—A fail arsortment, very cheap. PARASOLS!, PARASOLS! The lancet end most splendid , tock of Parunlr ever opened by any one house In Pittsburgh, is this day received, and are ells:attic newest Prone., stoles, wide, for richness and beauty, cannot be surprased As we have a largo lot of these Parasols, they will he sold cheaper than any other house to the city can af. ford to etti the same quality of goods. The Ladles ore respeettully invited melamine there parutlr, as they will 'find some of the richest and newest styles ever imported from Europe. These r e ruols tire al wo rt hy richest itod most fashionable colon, and are of the attentioo of the 'adieu All of the above goods still b• sold off at pricer far below any house in, the city; and In order to prove ung iambic public will please call and price the goods, end compare them with any other hours In the I LripmanstlubbLeitavriwnezlot.thrt: s o a tt o y v , o e Ls: le n 1 , 1 . to: ; I rimer., and roe public in general, that there ' a ' re ' t ' Ve . o cother bee hive stores in ak to erope with the Big Bee Hier,market wldch is alo ne the o nly telebristed and for famed Dry Goods ertablishmer t in Pittsburgh. The subsertur would therefor say to all purchasers of Dry Goods, either wholesale or retail, that the Big Bee Hive en Musket strut, between Third and fourth... now opt ng the largest, riChert, ud most splendid sloth of arcing and Bummer Dry Goods I ever offered for sale in Pittsburgh i BONNETS! BONNETS! bine Dem. yob IBso—Ths largest and marl fuhion able stock of Bonnet. over aliened in this city, ie last reetived et the sign of the Big Bee Rive. on Market greet, between Third and Fourth streets, where Dry Guar of every destription are selling toeeper Mahan G usher boom in the city. The pabile will please I Take notice that there, are two abet bee hive stores on _iilarket street, wholsetendut9 ce o ut . pste . w r.e lth the Big tIVITHriDTme' It 72,:ftv..dIst.t , '. iz5.t.:3..-eb.r„ stylesa ry non ce ope .ned. . IV- de ns e takG ood e e, that the store to between Thud en 4 Fourth streets, riga of the SIG i re HIV where Dry Goods of creep derptipuel ore selling mum. hen at hey Other honor In the city. —,,,,,g2g, _ _ WILLIAM L. RUSSELL, yOlll q 0 IIVaON, IMPERIAL, AND 0. P. TBA-- eV half chests Y. ((Tea; ST do O. P. Tea; 15 do losperial do; Natalie@ Extra Fine Y. 11. Tea !el do 0. P. and Imp, ree'ff, e c od li for tabtly . 9 11._ _________-_-----------NT. Cm= ;A•11. April 19 Hoye Wear. MURPILY & BURCHFIELD. at norM oast comer of Fourth and Market sta, an.e aa* aortment of Tared., Merino, Cull/ogreser Clotho and Batmen., of fancy colors, go s h a. , Summer Olive, Green, Brown. and new 'tiles of boy.' nazturna shoo, • ••nets of style. of Cotton Goods for Royal Wear; alto, Fauex Lletas Wu Goons.= of soltoble coinr. for nor.' wear. a 912 COMOIOY CL.OTIIB, M - I ETTIt, received on tornigaraant., Geld for sale at I Um monoloctatee ma Apia n, nElictid 00 • PORT OF PITTSBURGH._ lnaa•—Then +ere 4 ket 6 inches water, .eam. Yn tunnel hut maim and faliln6. ARRIVED: Caleb Cove, Mardock, Beaver. Michigan, Brits, Buyer. Vlroqoa, Calloway Monongahela CAT Faahmo, Peebles, th. Atlantic. Parkmon, Brownsville.. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Beaver, Gordon, Wen's'lle. Camden. Hendrickson. McKeegan. Lake, Erie. Clark. Beaver. James Nelson, Moore, Medlin,. Backer, State, Peypard, Cincinnati. Navigator, Dean, LoaMaine. Fairmount Flbert, St Louis. Cashier, McMillan, Bridir.P., DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, !Sereneit, Beaver. Michigan, Rees, Viroqua, Gallows I, X monaabeta Cite Camden, liendrielsen, Neiman. , Fashion, Peebles, Luzabetli. Baltlo t Jacobs, Rrearneville. Atlantic, Piukuison.Bttrinieville. De-aver, Gordon. Wellsville. Lake Erie, Clark, Denver. maim McLane. Cannel, Wheeling. Clipper No. t, Den3l, Cincinnati. Kentucky, Maclean, BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. NASHVILLE—Won Pint r. a. SS. LOUlS—Diadems, 10 A. it, LOUISVILLE-01E4 ISESIPII.S—SHitos, 4 P. c Biota Feveis.—We acknowledge the receipt, by the packet steamer Iluckeye late, of Cincinnati ii pert In advanetriofthe mail. Caymin Samuel Dean, formerly of the New Fog land No 2. has purchased an interest in the Duekeye State, and has taken command of this packet. We congratulate Captain Man open his new position, feeling sure that a better selection could not hale been made. Boys —Wo learn Hoot the Terre Haute Courser, of the lab inst , that the sum Highlander, in ascending the Wabash river, struck a snag two miles below Clinton, and sunk In eight feet water. The engines and upper works can be saved. Tne Highlander was insured (or about half her value In Cincinnati; The Vermont on a trip up,got fait on a barabetween Terra Haute and Vincennes. The Wabash Mrs Gleams and Storm from N. Or. leans, ate aground at the Grand Chain. IMPORTS BY RIVER. Louisville—PA NAV...In-21bl , buffalo robes, A Beaten; cok soda ask, W St N ltlitiheltree; 08 baskm champagne, LIG bas claret, 12 caks brands cherries, 2 eases Absinth. I basket Guranolet. 0 cases cordial, bbls vinegar, A Culb,moa; 17 Ads bacon, Sellers & Nicola; 53 do bacon, 25 bbl. atcohol, CO do hams, 1 be indse, Clerk A Thaw; 28 bbl. whiskey, Morris & Bar worth; ati Ads lob. 15 do bacOni 1 170 hos Moat. onar a co; 11. WILMA O'Connor A Atkins; hz iron,. WI Bing ham; 33 aka feathers, N Allen tr. co 7 do do, Carson A McKnight; 63 slt• ottu,llar bough; As le MAI, &ono A co; 3 Aa rags, 4 Also:AB, 23 bblac meal, el hickory brooms, 4 411. floor. 5 kgs lard, S 3 ps boron, bbl eggs, wallets. Wheeling—Pms.Looss McLane-1 bale yarns, J Morse.; to OA .le. tiro Johnson: bbl. copperas, LI A Fahnostook; 19 sk• bhcon. 1 Jordon: 6 elm 060°0,27 kg. 1..1,8611 fr. Liggett; I Lx 6.h, 1 oo lot rook. c Gunman, 1 do asarkettog, owners; to this dogs, S hiceluskal dr. co • •• ' • - . Bt. Loala—Paa Rummest-40M p. bacon, Bell & Limiest; 4 tea d beef, ito elm pants W U Holmes; a cgs hums, 1 bb feathers, bf bbl lard, Forsyth & ro, 4 cut. can., Berlina & Robertscn; ILO tons Mo. mama!, di.- charged at Wheelln& —Pea Macau+ so-17 bdts paper, 3 Las As, Is Looms; 316 Ldl. wrerping paper, Reynolds k. ;ghee; Sbga Bar aced, Wick& McCandless; 3 sts uellers; 0 bbls goer, Commies & Smith; 91 po t s .b toes, owner. A 0101 Wasted () do honor t. A pleasant and tramline :te e itnation, and good Wage. given. Engou t apt 2 shirting Rlvnelins and lrivn Linens. URPHV & BURCHFIF.LU are per. la fur. .V alsh their coati/nen and buyera generally with the very beat make of the above goods, and will do as at the old price., notwithstanding the advance (least. Some extra hoe Bosom Linen., warranted pare Fax, lately received; also, a supply of Linen Table Cloths, Diapers, Crash, he.. just treewed. Bordered Towel!. as low as :Scents per down, or 6; cents a piece, at north east corner of Fourth and Inarket Its. Eau A FORTUNE FOR £lO ar /b. BRITANNIA SPORTINII PORTRAIT CLUB, ekes, George street, Plymouth, Dtgland. The managers beg to acquaint their memoirm patrons that tie next Disintration of Portraits of Race Horses, will comprise thoseentered for the forthcoming Grand Nattorral Derby Race: the number of shares to be limited to 6,000 each class. First elms member .6.10; second clam ditto LS. resit applreetuan for the no. appropriated shares ts necessary. A party subrenhs log for more than one share has the chance of gaining 44.11 number boottar. Those memtren who draw Ue canons Portraits will be presented with the fol . lowing gamy— ' Portrait of tat class bonmes 9d ditto Winner, or First Herse• •• •• • .£30303 LW 0.0 Second dorm •• • • 10,0011 &MU horse 5,mm 4,010 Divided amts amongst Starters •• • 6.00 U 33ku " Nern•StriGers ei,oau 3Mu There are PO bonuses in ach class, that betel the number of homes entered (o r the rare The Drawing will be conducted upon the same legitimate principles as thou which characterised the late St. Ledger and other proceedmra Full particular. of the result will be pool to abs•ol members immediately alter the de cision, that area may Miter his poen.. Subscriber. repo:sled and scrip forwarded on re rpt of a remittance. Rills of Premed, Drafts, Bank Notes, As L addressed and made payable to Laa Mooitgoar DirottOrs. : W. JAME—a & CO. Fire per cent commission to be reduced on um rocsaeisnten loreesea • torte-fro Wanted, • 2 000 000 FEET ""b"" OR PI" ille'Pinsbni:h and BrUi l lo r eTgldlll: 77,747" ,I, P r e i r:o . rts wishing to supply same obtain i or no iftgus"rat°ll67,l4..idt,"?' Pittsburgh, Apr.! 9. Hal: .MO-461 Urt-190 oils erlebrawg Eastern brands. " Jrig n hl h ri'ADEN.S . t.CO apl3 Cwisl Elwin. Prim at. riti C sonith Q ALERATUrt—su tasks tost isnding, for sale n .9,3 1 S.DILWORTiI k CO I teAllinitA•oll..--Ai•Gits to &wne, lor sale ty ro 913 DILWORTH , d apt., / DILWORTH A Ca r THA- 7 1 - 3Tbf nibs. I.ll c Y., Imp. 3i7iiTionf 60 caddies do do do do in wore, sod for 8010 by S DILWORTH & CO SU? , All-73 Maio N. 0. Bur s , tiii i mi u ffkita a b c y .,o M. P IT L-45° b" 'TEIDILWORTH k CO C UE r34"—".g‘ pnme ( or t.le by DILWORTII & MC= Caop,„,°.7;.tr:it=r" • ELEDIOITLL. WhYNE IRON WORKS WAREHOUSE. BAILEY, BROWN tr. CO. have removed to Nn Wow 41,2 d door below OA Monongahela House, ape S. J. Wrrgents.. T. Patens:us of St. L... I '''''' • • I of Pittsburgh. SAMUEL J. WETHERILL & CO.. ( - 10811118810 N a PtrRW ABIDING MERCHANTS, No? Levee, and No Ai North Commercial street, St Louis, 1110. Iturcuncam—Fdgell, Purley to Co, SI. Louis; Rinsed & Beuen, do; Gre & Cale, do; Jam el e. y Todd, L o uisville, Hy; James 11 Lehmer, Cincinnati, 0; C H Grant, Pittsburgh. Pa; apt Mal Jahn Id Hltdeburn. Philadelphia. NOTICE TO CONTRALCTORII• Okra and Peutryiodnid Bari Road. ROPOSALS will be received at the office of the - P Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail RoadiComoany, in the City of Pittsburgh, until Wednesday, the 21th day of Apnl, IPSO, for the Orat i ng and Masonry of the Rail Road, from Allegheny city to the mouth of Big Beaver, distance of .twenty four miles. Drawings and Specifications of the work to be let, may he seen at the office to Pittsburgh, for one week preVitilli to the letting, on application to Solomon W. Roberta, Chief Eugineer,• and information may be obtained at any um , at the office of Edward Warner, Residers Engi neer of the Ealgern Division, New Brighton, Beaver County, Pt. T'he work iswell worthy of the mien. lion of The Grading andotoet. Masonry of ll:aline in Columbiana County, Ohio, will be tel at Salem, on Wednesday, the SW day of May. By order of the Board of Direetots. anl-td Whl. ROBINSON, Jr. — Orown~ Phil — l//700., AVE removed to Werebouse No. 99 Water et Hbetween Wood and Market, where will be ken for sale, of their manufuntring, a full assortment Iron. Neils, Spiker, Outings, and 1110 Blast Pipes' warranted of th e best quality, el the Inwmit Pride. Mr. JOHN BEST, of the late fine of Term); to Rest, having purchased an interest in the firm, will take cheap of the Wallboard, and will devote his entice attention to the business, and endeavor to render ut• rtfaction to the friends of initiate Brea, and all other. who may favor or with their patronage. ' BROWN PHILLIPS & CD,A, a.0.1•1to Vittbargt_ WHITE, s No. 101, WOOD STREET, ll A L y i r. i , In tts s an , ja,ree,eqcwetiviing is rg , %:Stork o r , i e f western trade, and to which they invite lb e ; attention of arty and warmth merchants. Greet inducemestis °tiered in Cash buyer.. d faii9 NOTIOS• rE undersigned having purcha Alleg heny Bay ard, the !Rum Paw Mid on the River, above the Arsenal, are now prepared to MI all WI • of lumber of anyrise •nd length, from 00 B. downwards. Boat Siding. Deck Plank. Gunwales, Joist, ermthingti TrinfOleell, Boyd', &c., on the tbortelit ta notice Laths consnly so bu received d. Orders recved and any inforta• ation given by R Wlghtman, corner of Water and Liberty struts, or H hionuon, No 120 Liberty street, thd ea the office of the min. eplo-d3m_ WIGIITItIAN & MORRISON MO*, Ribbons, *o• Di H. PALMER, No 103 Market street, Is know . - Lt.. ad to offer very great indaeements to buyer. Hie of SlStrawMillinery Goods, of every description. stock consists of every desirable style of Plain and Funny Straw. Braid, limp. French Lace and other Bonaetz. Jenny Lind. Cehfornia, Round and Square To its n y:' ' ll f as oeig , rn 'r gr . fa a t 1 4 . r 2 isrtg. Men's Leghorn, Straw, Braid, China Pearls and Sultan Hats. Rib bons, Flowers, Bonnets, Silks, and other 311111tmry Articles, Re., Re._ tugger TARCH-20 I:l7:Sco — tod's Patti Starch, lust re- Scelved, and for solo by A CULBERTSON ROSE PlNK—Fine article Met ree'd indfoTialtsfy pd 1 SCHIOONMAKER &CO ALL-PAPER-W7P:113, constantl I y tecel•las, from the largest mattufactorics New York and Phtladetpktm and oleo Item French agencies, the newset and most aOgrO•eg styles of Pa. per Backings, together willWsrdere, tire Board Prints, and Teeter Tops. For sale at SS Wood et, be tween Fourth st and Diamond alloy, Incessant to 0. O litlL) add ARD quality for sale by La add • J SCHOONMAKER & CO R F GRANT VE lll7l2D—"b.lbarol:llCVry s 3 fr. H-30 tads forest; Z iwoNmA gER co !! claim; r3ALT 113,:1AH DICKEY co, for oak by ity3 Vratcr sad Front sts LOCAL RATTERS. tsnimra roi. TOO 4rrrauoito6 DOILY imam Conn of quarter SeSS101.11• FRIDAY, April 19. Prawn( Judge, lATltire, Janes, and Kerr. Com. vs. Moll= Grimfieid. Indictment A.• oault and Batter,. Mahon for proaecutionriSlaek for defence. Judge M'Clure stated that ae he bad acted as Counsel in this case, ho must leave the Besch to hie associates, Judges Jones and Kerr. The defendant, who is a teacher in the public school of the 4th Ward, Allegheny, in prosecuted for severely whipping one of her scholars. a little girl named Amanda Helvich, an orphan, adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore. Mrs. Gi!mom Sworn—The child is eight years old. She had been going to the 4th Ward public school of Allegheny about two year. Sho COWS home sod said she had been whipped—there were marks upon her person—ber Arm was quite blue. Char. bong, a young boy examined—Remem bers Use whipplog of Amanda Helvick. She was whipped for not knowing her lesson— she vet • .srhipped woks rod about a foot and a half lour, that had knots upon it. Miss Gleenfteld told her ,?lake her hand out of her mouth--the child hesi tated, but finally did so. Sbc was then told to put it back; she refused, and was whipped into corn pinnace., The whipping woo in rho recitation MOM. Josop✓ Scott, Constable, amore—Amanda Het viek Was' brought to the Mayor'a Qirtee in Ali, gheny, in May,lBl9. We etarnmed the obllti . and Wood block and blu, marks upon her arms, and also a cut upon her face. Col. Black opened the ease for the deleace. — Ile remarked that those dishes of jelly which had been promised them by the counsel for the prose cution hod not yet been served up. Those pa. trig notes had not been revealed, the case might safely be allowed to rest here. hut it way due to hb snout to alndicate her character from the htiv•brangte spinet her. Rev. Dr. Rodger.% sworn—la a D.reetor of the chool in Allrgheey; had examined the child on two several c.v.-cam:ens; there were mar • opo. her shoulder; the first lime ho examined tee child. the made were all of a reddish color; there were no braised or welts; the monad time he examined her; the marks had a blueish tinge; there Was au Intend of shout en hoot between the first and second examinations; Miss Greenfield cease to the school with an excellent character — he has never heard any complaint against her until this affair occurred—beflemper and disposition, he believe?, are mild. Cram Examined—Weat down to the Mayor's dime to give security for Miss Greenfield; heard Mei. Gilmore to say that the meant to have Wis hing-lA:and that if she could not knee It by law she would have tt some other way; witness rer osainended Mr•. Gilmore not to hting the matter into Gourt—that it would be done with no other object than-that o: wounding the iady'a fuming.. Miss lane liar sworn—la a teacher to he .anic yawl with bins Greenfield. The child returned to school two days after the whipping. Miss G. is of • quie(disposition. %%rd.» called upon Mrs. Gilmore to know If she would setae the affair. Ste related : said she woe determined to . have satins Gotten somehow. Jetta McGill sworn—Knew Mar Grectifteld In Meteor. Resider there himself. Mita Cr. was much esteemed there es • teacher. Mum/Lone Elliott stiOrn—Rao lured In the same house with Mist Greenfield. Flee disposition is mild. lice cronduri towards her pupil. is remark ably bind. Col. Mach addressed the jury for the defence. lie argued that a parent, a guardian, and a Mach kr, stand it the same position, u far ea the right of administering corporeal puolstiment is con cerned. The teacher Dia public wheal lied a pc cobs, right to iudiet chart, rowel, sr slit- had net the power to dismiss relractoty pupill. The pun- Whereat 101 l cud in this cue was not more than ordinary—the child had not-been injured. The object of Inc pr....tura, to dragoon this lady in. to • public Cahn, Was evidently to satisfy • coo. temptib t e desire of pommel reveogez and tel to promote the ends of justice. Mr. Mahon replied for the primestuioo. Ile had no doubt but tent the punishment bad been se. veto. She might Lave been culrabitr disobedient, Got a child of eight yeas rdd !Mould not boa subs jected to such treatment as she had received—her delicate deal had been hence soul it was bland and bite. • The.eturimon echoed svatem,l6 which his learned friend had referred, must not be made the Instrument of tyrrnny and itijostme. The ,vocal lady who mot defendant, he had no doubt poucued an excellent nod tic erascure regretted the holiness Cl her temper, and he bad no dude to ace her mulcted to ct, hut it was the duty of the jury their etsayrobe; turn of an outrage which, bad the perfictrati, been • man, repaid thirst properly: bete bi eit puns t.hod to another manner. If any man tied ihdirt. ed such sehasusement upon the child of hie friend, the counsel for the deiume, he bad en doubt ba it would have been settled, as it would deserve t. be, by • cowhiding. Mr. }flack said that he had received many worse flogging kmaelf. MY hlehon —And I have no doubt that you de. served it, sir. Judge Jones delivered the charge to the Jury. He said that to the eye of the law • master stands to the saute relation to his apprentice, end a teacto er to his pupil as a parent to bin child, la regard to the right to inflict corporeal punishment. In ether words rho teacher elands to the child In loco parrnor; but neither teacher -nos parent had riot to ingot excetirive punishment. To give efficacy to our haml etratem, it was necessary that anbonlination and discipline should be strict ly maintained. It was for the Jury to say, wheth er the punishreent to this case had exceeded the proper limit or not.' The female breast was pea culiarly the habitation of kind feelings—we natu rally expect that the droppings thence should be of sweat 'Weed of bitter water., end in the cue of the defendant before as, ono would look espe cial! • for that tenderness of heart which is wo• . . man's chief virtue. She hid come into court with an excellent character. The case VI ill the sands of the Jur, —the evidence was be4tre them and iu renderieg their verdict it was for them to say which party should bear the costs. The prepossessing appearance of the defendant and her female witnesses, seven or eight in num ber, who presented so array of beauty such • seldom sheds its lustre on a dingy court room enlisted the warmest sympathies of the numerou. spectator. The July retired, with instruction. to Wog sealed verdict to morrow morning. Court adjourned %MM.= sort Mar—Graham's, Sartain's, and the Ladies' National, lor May, have been ra• wised at Holmes' Literary Depot, Third etree•, opposite the Post Office. Mr. IL has also received The Fears of the World, or Living Coe Appearances, by the author og"The Good Genius that turned every thing into Gold." Mr. IL will receive Godey's Lady's Book on Monday. _ ..... NOT DILIII4—WO are happy to leant that cur initiation, as to the death of the child of Mr. on, who wes hurt by Mktg into the cellar the corner of Ferry and Fourth Streets, is toe reef. The little creature is to a fair way of very. Xllo hope that the city authorities will tee to the [novel of the naiunce of this open Cellar. Thew to/ lion Lae been called to a tepeattdly, they al now perhaps see its danger. • A Ytuno ROG LIE. -A young lad, stirnit four toen years of age, was arrested yesterday, by offi cer Low, for the larceny of a small sum of mon ey from the drawer of A. dr, P. Hulldigger, Die mond Alley. He is au old offender in this Hoe His mother, a respectable lads, livtog in Allegho ny, as we ale informed, wishes him to bo sent t. the House of Refuge, u she is unable to manes him. It appears that, though young in years, h is an adept in crime. Tbird Street presented a more brilliant appear. ance yesterday afternoon, than we have seen it do for some time. The fair weather and Signor Spineuo'a accomplished little canaries, attracted numbers of the fair see to Philo Hail, and Judg• tog from their gay countenances, they all went away highly delighted with the aagaciona per formance of the little feathered foreigners. The • NI OVLD CANDLES—nu hoe just reed, far sale by J 11CANFIP.1.1 3 . "! tl b: , ...llsu c s .ro ins n ; ; Viit!'pltDßlClC cans '''' ' '''' h r.tig d 4 o .zetff s -uNDR,Es-w. 10 half chests Chelan Tea; - 5 half chests packed do, 1 btl peeled Peaches; , 3 brie Cider Vinegar, Tamvram—The Flowers of the Forrest, a new, to boa Salerams; drama by John Baldwin Buekstone, one of the to bra Variegated Snap; 30 dos Patent Zinc Washboarasi first English dramausta of the day, was perform. " Idea auetted Pickles; to tart night at the Theatre, as we ors iaformed, i • 3 doe Fresh Tomatno• For sale by 1 D WILLIAMS. with great applause. It will be repeated to night. 1 ape . I Camel Wood and 888 , at. . . Signor exhibits them again to day, all our readers to give him n call. DVQOZILIE Wax.—We ue glad to observe that this street is beginning to be built op with hand some private ?evidences. Among others, we no. tics two very fine buildings now in process of creative, near Pitt Street, belonging to Capt. Beers , and Mr. McAuley. This street is in a very de. struts shention for residences, being private, yet near to the business part of the city, sod enjaymg the free and wholesome air from the Allegheny river. The only inconvenience lithe abutment of the Cid Allegheny Bridge, and we presume that this will soon be removed. . - Tux Lorbelooging to St. Paul's! Church in being graded. We saw ais or seven laborers at Work nidtyesterday,end twenty or thirty more busily employed in looting on. It is intended torrent a fine new church. Oor Friend of the Dispatch appears to he ex tremely sensitive upon the subject of scolding wives. We hope that be is not a victim. .......... The Trial het, in the Court of Common Pleas will bo taken up on ilia second Monday io Map. Warkbagrmen's Congress. At the first meeting of the Workingmen'. Con gress, held on Monday,lsth 'nat., the undersigned were appointed a Committee to invite all branches of industry, trot !already represented in said Con• gress„ to appoint rele g ates at 0110 e. We, Mete, fore, request all Workingmen, no. matter what their occupation, to meet together, and choose delegates, so that the varied interests al labor may be fully represented therein. Our aim Is to ele vate labor—to watch over our loteretta—aud ao. chilly Improve our condition. An organization. such as we contemplate—and independent, as it la, of politica—cannot 'but meet the tierce:Wien of all, sad should succeed. Our next meeting will be held at Wilkins Hall, on Satifiday evening, 20th Inst., at 71 o'clock, for the purpose of hearing and acting upon the re ports of the Committees on a Plan of Organize. lion, dm Respectfully, FL K. IL Dunune, W. J. !Ammo, JOllll boo, Pirtaßeaou, Apra le, '5O M ISCELLANEOI GREAT IMPORTANT CHEMICAL DISCOVERS • - CHEMICAL COIIIIINATION From tia VegetaEls Fingdons, to revel Diseases! Dr. Gaysoilea Extract of Tarnow Dock and Illasmaparilla. Coins consumption, scrofula, eryripalas, rheumatism, Cout.liver complainte, mina% olfaction*. ulcer., .7. dropsy. asthma, piles, mummy, affections of tho bladder and kidneys, memorial disease., cor rupt humor., rash of blood to the head, fever and ogoo , iemala eompiaints, general debility. dY.PaPt sit, los. of appetite, headache, cold., comivetteavi naval, night owe., cholla, organic affections, pa Mattoon of Me Imam, balm...sins in the aide, atm., bark, kr. . It to infallible in all direase.Lonsing flout an in, um state so' the Mood. or irregular action of MC sy.• la the Vegetehle fithedom, en Alt-wt. , Being hn deposited pleats and herbs, congenial : to mu commit- Lions, and adnoted to he Pero of diacese, and to the vegetable kingdom does the reasoner man, as well as the Instinct of ant els, tern for antidotes td pate. The Syrup is a scientific coinpound of the magi net. eahle pistols in nature, entirely free from deleterious aud enervating minuet gabsMaceg, uul sit .I. l * disease from the aysion, iinparta vigor am, nrength in • correrpouding degree- CERTIFIY.ATE.S. An extraordinary cane of tacrafuht. Erysipelas mid err, eared by the sole use of Dr. lilylloll . o Com ported Sysup, Yellow Dock aud Samaputlia. Nor. IT, Nat+. Grawarr —SI , I illy!er any sincere thanks , for the great benefit I here derived from the use of year •aluable synap. I here hid troubled very had with •serefulouc were, which medal its appearence on my cLin. I did not pty much intention to it at ben. sap. rasing it to be nothing but an crupuon met Epp.. . per.o tit fee It 6.11 y began to Mete..., until it suread to th- ark part of the heed. I •ppbed M a physician, who attended me all to no parpose. I hod tried every Dankat coeld be tried. I sew yoer Syr up of Yet:ow and Sarsaparilla, and concluded to nye it, far I toper that Yellow Dark ems cane of the mast valemble arichw to the world for Me blood. tmeght your Syn. 'and from the ewe of talc twitle. could sees greet um. in my ayatern. I continued to omit until I woes a well men. I ntivs , 1,1 Lie JIM permn, my bleed so perfectly cleansed end tree front all Mon There Is net • quyst.ton bet ten your newly thscaverea reatiteand Is Ise supenny to any tan rcapartita area vier gold TM., Certificate m et your disposal to pehlmit it Too lite, and any one you char refer tarot I shall be hap py to mac them ail the ittformatton t coshat my case_ Av. reamata our obedient finotaim 0 I. , ll7ntua, LI3 Minket street_ 111.• twat (whale mettlelnc known Ito FatraNt Yetow Itx It owl liarwpatilla te • posluve, epoody. at.dpormancot cote ,or ALFS. all ca camp, a d,. nt. Me to FEM Ile mild, &lunar., atopertwa render It peculiarly apple ante to etc siondot and delicate contutu.n of to female. It ta oanvalled to ita cdeets nowt such dtwasca a; inmolent cor.mompt,oe, tatrtenucas, let• rotthoeK IfTNtilldr liiet orate, and pelletal prostrabon of the a stem It nedsawly countaracta that Mate...sing neteoes new. and latancie to entronon to ;Otos!, frame. and Kunst. an entrity lna taldfaNcy as .Urpnlitni N. they aso &w.f..' We have evidenee on file watch wdleca o odd awl, to recommend this meddnne to Marodd vrtd balm not been tdcaaed with off a Nang errouo , o. or, ror.og tio Womb. of f e T•ers' mandAor eared hv Fairer of Ivo Yellow ~ and e.,.veartt , r, rr rr. Tv oth, s koown tentedy led tern limn ve.:Mm , / 5./el \Yafn:aattti lOno Fr 1.. 1. 6 1.9 Thesenates that wlfe I red '.a• bee. tatle , Ane. ander the alone enmetatot b.r 6ve years—nearly all 01IIIM line entfineAl her I.en I have for tom Tear. ron.tantly empin,d the br.t toed ...Mout any ben teal talent Om could bo prove...ea to Mt section e(the nountry. rltt whateVer I a., al-o ..,y for the cure ot such diteases...l of which proved arnttble.t. la Mr raring o f tad, was induced by my frtrnds to try Dr. Cay.oti , Vettow 'bet end Sartepartila. lAtth we. used for four moot o• After a l bad u.t.d it for about four weeks. a we, • etdem to all that the woo ,uranium. , red Iforn OA. woe she improved rap rJlY. nod rained Utah and streneth. anus the disease was enure!) , removed,&la! alit noW enthylrit Meet excellent health. WM SIA.M.ItIIT. We being netahbors of Wm. and Jolia Monfort, know that the atAoer ethleMent, es In the meltnetv of Mr. Monier, con ut to the cure being effected by Wallet A Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. to be ttrmtly atir.. F.Ol/If. SARAH YOWERS Gre•t Cure of Con.umptlen. Ilmatutos, January 2. 1019. Mr Bennett—Dear tar t The areal benefit which I hare denied trom sour Easract of Yellow Dues and Sarmpuill..ll,lllll,• me, lit an aOl olluat i ee,to mate the lalitiwang • Atter wasung for two ears from general debility, wi t ., finally termuisted in consumption, I was given a, by my animas and phrstaarta u beyond he mil of methane. As a last resort, I was induced to try your Earner, and busing used but men bottles, se: cord .g in )oar direction. I am entirely well. I watild therefore somat a, resoluta - EMI your unequal led Compound to the &Meted who desire a powerfal, ple 444 4 and um remedy lira - Wally your friend, WA in: None genuine unless pact; 14Itarge square [wales, containing • wa tt ( end the 1141111 e of the syrup bluer an me glass, i the written signature of P F. flea. nett on the outside wrapper. Price Si per bottle, o erz bottles fora It to sold be J. D. Park, corner of Fourth and Wit nut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, General Agent for th • ;South and West, to whom all orders must be addresa ed. Carter k rho . Erie, W. Y. Jadnon A. Co., %Tate ford; Olin k. Clednona, Cronging Abel Turret 51notroan , Iltrato NI ~ Towanda, Robert Roy, Well born; L. liodertek. Calleomburai L ell burgh, curter of Mayket SUCCI and the Unaniond. apl3:d3aelyaT 13"`"'N - 04`71Ok . !4hrol;derg, 4 do Ilam. and Shoulder.; 3 do seed; to arrive on s:earner Gets n, for role by ISALItIR:KEY A. “p 3 Wi D nter itlld Front out . LADD-3 11 lobla Na I; I treroe Jo; 'J Id Ida do; to poor. and for taln by aps _ . ISAIAH - DICKEY & CO . a . BEF.swAl—i Last. to arri .. ve on rm r/or, oa to II•i0 by Ind) ISAIAH DICKEY & CO riItEASE-4 bbla to zoom, for .ale by Ul a ors ISAIAH DICKEY & CO IpErATIIE;RE—OIak• to arrive on Geneva. tor as r by 1.1,41 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO A COD Floll—U tor on band and Kir sale by - - ISIAH DICKEI dr. CO., .. WOLICT and Front irt.r. Vgy INDOW (ILASS-11 1 0) too assinted sise• Ty snie by JAMES DALZEI . J. p . e.ATIIER.,--1 3 nark. hr.. geese, panne quoin) , spyon conrignment, for stile by nps GEO COCO RAN,26 Weed st iltinTON lARN,Desen Yarn. roannlnetured at k../ Economy; also, Balling, Candiewiek and Twine, ie. son In I apsl DEO COCHRAN AI tr. hi A NORM FORKS—Superior lobules, for El sale low by 0 F.O COCHRAN r b 11. ORO:A:NUM - 1 15 Ibit mat reed and for sae by k / spb 1 KIDD it CO. no Weini ei g ilrift . tX—etio lb. Marred, tar '''' " J KUM tr. CO j 1341?1 . : l'A : S11 - 1-101 lbs fur sale t/T K LI . IL MOLASSES -15 bbls pozne,fo rc r .A s i ll lo o D nb t::: U. 551 : LtURIMIDOK WILSON k y Co L iFl a i 5-41.11501. for ..i. 1. • 4,;.7:5&.15'r1J5-0/ bxs uud 5 J 13 CANFIELD 4, UGAR—W bilds N 0, for see by l ICI CANFIELD 'f's. 7_°°ll Wall Paper Warehouse, et , -- %T 0 41, MARkET STREET, between Tkird and , 1 Fourth streets, Patrburgb, Pa. THOMAS PAL MER would respectfully . call - the attention of his friends Ind customers. to his present intensive and gcnerahatock of merertendin. It will be Mundt° torn P rise cVeri d sr:option of American and French Well Paper and Border mr Parlors, Halls, Dining Rooms, Red ch g .here, Counting 110.1%,ke., from PO cents to Cl a piece. So Creel a diversity of prices end quainto gee hardly fail to suit the fireutbnances and tester ot purchasers who muy laver with thetr patronage, the old estehkshed stand on Market weal. - • 04V }44.11).0:W. 1 . 0 LOUISVILLE IT. STEAM PACKET LINE. - IVNIXtUR AGED by Abe liberal patronage extended .Es to all fernier and well conducted Lines, the own ers of the following fine steanturs have arranged there lob 11 Line Itceen Pittshorgh and Lonietrille. One of the us will positivel; leave Pitteliurgh on even . 610,111 AT WrONMAT, wad FEIMAT Evernaa, at 8 o'clock—fuller notion. fitst boat of the Line will oust OP Monday, Vehrottry tall . \ Steamer Genesee \-- Z. Taylou• • • • • HambargN• • FAMEr•• ••• Fairmoant For freight or yamu fithil•ion GEE. EL ILTENI3I.R6F.A. Art •Cap~wn T. Afonre. M. Luca.. . J. ICinefelicr. .. lienedict " W. Ebbert. KEGULAA WEDNESDAY PACKET CINCINNATI, Captain WILLIAM I. Rona This splendid bow owns built by the endof the etratner Isaac Newton o , end °there, for the Cincinnati end Pittaburgb Parket trade, and will leave every Wednesday, for Cincinnati, in place of the Neer Englund, Pio. For freight or p aaaa lye apply on toned, or la. mrlo G 11 NIILTENBFAIGIA, Agt PITTSBURGH AND Witb:El.l "Hi I ACh. . Tbr splendid fast miming steamer • • 1.0t21S MeLARE. W. S. Conwell, master, Having undergo,. a don . 4t. - , / nigh repair.) will tan hereafter as a regular packet between Pittsburgh .d karma Pittsburgh every Monday, Wodnesilay and Friday mornings, at 0 &clock. POT "'Mb' rr ""'" 'PPiY o iV b .VIZILER,AinnL mat MIC/309GAILICLA ROUTE. Only 77 Mile. Staging. Via Brovvorrille end Cumberlemd to Llaltimor• and Ptuladolphia. FORD TO ...... • SIO DO. Pomartbmits••. —l2 M rIIE morning houl leaves the wharf, ahove the bridge, daily, al - 0 o'clock precisely. 'I imo Baltimore. ad boors; time to Philadelphia, .10 hours. The. eveniog boat leaves daily, lexcept S . ttnalay ev ening -ad o'clock. Pathengera learitog on the evening tdsah will erode the ranurtains in stages next day, nod thus avoid &en travel. Secure your ticket. at the Office, Monongahela !louse, or Vt. Charles Hotel. ortoblv J. MESKINTEN. Meat fins new and 111.111•11 swam. NAVIGitkOR. Wro.Dcan. cosmic, will leave int the thuvi and interocedatir porta on lion den, din ?dl Aptili"mi 4 o'clock, P. M. Von freight nr patens npply board - FOR sl. LOtlltt. The tplendid steno, . FAIRMOUNT. t Ebbe:l,3lone, anti leave for Sib,. • iirennedlate ;or. on Monday, the lat of April, at to A. M. For ITryielperatge apply . on board 11,1'W -- FOR 'T. LOUIS. m ai The "'' WRIENTAL. ll leave for J Patttnann. master, wi the OW. and Intermediate ports on Monday. t2l tn.t a at 4 o'c'ork, on no For (n ""‘ 01 P""g' °°3l.l4ll°;iißEw, —.— ... FOR PEORIA, ILLINOIS. ii 'no: (inn , 11 , 1=r 4 1 , 1wcanter J. I Peru, tnnoter, rn :I lea.e tor Neu ta, dir,ct, on Ibis day, 00111 MIL at In A, 111., renitvirely. opt , GEO It lIIICTENIIERRER. Ave. REGULAR PACKET FOR MEMPHIS DIRECT. The splendid land Id •t running Geom.. 'MILTON, ViJohn II aets, mast, will leave for n e ahove and all intermediate ports Wit day the troth Ina., at 4 I• IN. goad/rely. For Ireight or playas, .pe7 09 t.ohrd• ... seßi . Glt siturrNiiEnGEß. AR, FOR LOUL,WII.I.I, _ may A The enhroly noel , and apiendld "I .learner WASH iNGTON. W. W Moron. matt, will leave fat the above and all Intermediate tandtnaa on this day, the . -1 , 01 lila, .t 4 r s. pp.:lively. Far freight apply to op/ • G U 511LTENHF.111314R. rn Poll LOUISVILLE Ttic st , ania, 11.4.1L . COL f 4:11BLa , and intr rmodiate porn, on tel. day. 70U. , •1 , , 1 For ereseht or prol. "lie apply to A Ithltallar & CROZEK, A nu. FOIL CINCINNATISI LOUND LISVraILLE. "fro:rteacr maatcr, trove for shoos port a.: dna day, trio lath ,a,t, at 4 oelocir r For frotahl pti•ilapr appla no boort irpVo FOR NAM!! VILLE. --_ % The optemUd .learner 1.1 , 11 T PITT, Millcr. marter, will k‘ve I, •ImAve nod allar:tenneJta.e port , on thra day, :he tOth tn.., at 10 o'r , oek. A SI. l'or 11,1911 or pamtage, oPPII on'_______ ron ,vv. Louis. 71. c opleodift errant, PARIe, abovel3ll3•l,. will lencr tar the and inirrencillate porta on aus dap. tie 14th init at l o'clock, I' M For freifht or pppiv on ~o a •oi. cw oLee . -------- - FOR ZANESVILLE; TLs ap4end,4111.11111.27 IAND. GallaaLer, nrwer wr.l leave the hope end Id in,lrrrwi l zatc poria on ILla Jay, Le lily ;rat, •t fa . tlock . lot freltld or paw.ace, app'y an board. aprll m - . }IR T. LOUIS. • Tr, steamer tilEgt, ni ADS:NT, ma ,74 te ‘1.0., and marrtte.tate 1 poet nu kr Fihl th,. dm In.n ts.l. n. I n•fmra. e ‘3 , For !mot +r p........te. nrp!y , s , '' 55 " , . , . . 1 .: I'I..TTIGRS.W. 4e. l'tiß I.OI.ISIVILLT CINCINNATI, & 'IT IA11)1..3. 4 , r ....- ' The Lid. rieve . lied k .I T . atikiit.:earns hI.NTIt. l. wave for the ....11111111 hove and ail invirteldinte pore on Ilia day. the kit, April, at 1 o'clock, P. lid • WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY Of PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL 1100,000. J. Finsfas, Jr , Seep. I R. Mitts. Jr, Preet. I WtD tesure aecinrt all Ends of oaks, FIRE AND MARINE. LL losses will be literally adlosted and promptly 2 . 1.. paid. A. tome insototion—manesed by Direct°. who ars It known .h the commumty, add who are determin ed by promptness and liberality to Maintain tha char acter wlttch they have •asorned ar offermr the beat protection to those who impure to be Insured. Dtaarroas—lt. Stiller, Jr, Geo. Black, J. W. Butler, N. Haltom Jr, Wet. U. Holmes, C. Ihrtmen. Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. SI. Lyon, Jas. Lippmernt, Thos. K. Loch, James APAnley, Alex. Ninuck.Tho , Scott. Orrialt, No. ale Water street, Iv...choose of Sputa &Co . up statrat Ihttsburgh totdlY ISNBOTJatAIDIR C IT 1Z ENV INSURANCE COMPANY, 22 surgh. C. St 1110.3SEY, Pars's. •• •• --A. W. SI ARKS, Office—No. it Water street, itt the warrhoure of C 11. GRANT. /pins COMPANY is now prepared ro insane all kinds of tusk r, sn houses, suanufaciortes. goods nit rchandtee in store. sod in transito verse's, he An mole guaranty for the alotity nod integrity nt the Insulation, is afforded in the character of the Di rector.; woo are all closens ot Pittsburgh, oral and Cororably tons. to the commutoty for their prudence, odelligence. and integrity. Dort - nms--t: U. Hersey, Wet. Blaaley, Wet. Lor One , Jr. Welter Breenh IWO D. Ring, Rdward ficesettnn, Z. Koury, S. Hashanah, S. M. Kier. mrtudf [Journal and Post copy.] SPAFFORD'S EIPRESS FROM PITTSBURGH TO ERIE. 'BY P•11.1' STILI../kT Co's Great Econnectingnd with Livina.ton, Fargo lutern a Western More.. rma artantement wsll taord on urpasaed lac:Hines tor forwarding valuable p,ek age, cl Goods, Silver Wit,. Jewelry, LIANK SPECIE'.no the ho lie. and Irmo thence to ohy of rue codes east or awe. trout I.:tte. l'arocular atten• 000 will be paid to COLLECTING ACCOUNTS and malting purchase.. for those who wtsb to economise their unte, and save the ezneuge of ye 050001 attention to twat,. at a dicauce. Trusty and tompelet,t a.rogera 0(011 alvrap. !trent - non ny the tante" rt ~. Lea , . Lt.sborgA cvery Fatnsa , mornin until far. *her notice. M lIA ((TON. Agent, Monongahela Iloase. ble•ws. ilill & Curry. Pato:arab; Wm, N Wallace, at firm Wallace Lynn & Co, Pitts, Jseieh King, Ebro , firm at King, Pennock .t.Ct., do; K. tr. Parka. Fay., Beaver; Gen C. AI. Keed. 1. D Williams, Esq, 11. Cadwill, E. Babbitt, and C. NletiPaorißelisle. o en• En, Pa. Livingston, Faro & C, Wens. Butterfield & Cu., No. to Wall st, N. York. apindyer —IIIcCU/LDIOn Varnlture Warebous;,— 'Adjotsti.g the Pilleburgh Bunk, on Third area. 1110 SF. person. who doiire to save front twenty five to Ittirty per cent. In port lining Femme, are retpectltilly invited to call rit ireprehoilte, where will be found a large and ....II vetreied stock of the most approved style of oorkmarohip, both inoiltrn and ancient, •nd calculated to please the 'sate of all those who deem either elecant o r sebstato nal Furniture. Having determ‘ne4 to dispose of my preterit entire Mock, at very ledimrd prieet, I feel cooldent that thew who desire any article in My bur, will oat fall of icing suited. rti•' A. McCUROV ILE.IIIOV A L. i 7 &S. NELSON rc CO., have reinnred in No :19 Wood street, oppoute the Eh Charles Hotel. They have alto changed Ikeatyle of their firm, end the biodnese t.e ranteon ander the name and oyle of “Posiley A. Nelsons POSTLEY 4' NELSONS, .;ilnufectnEe're fef Cent Steel gad Imminered Shov el., Spada., flues, ilky and Manure Fork, tdolid Sex Vice, Gau Barrels, de. fleeing enlarged Men works, hey can supply diet: friends at the ehortrat notice loam., prima tha market adord. All sm• ale elegy made orate hest materials .nil latestylc. Mer chant. examinet purchase wkll find It t their edeen• tale to their stock before purehastng else- RO4•11 1 1 IHAVE taken Whl. GARR into partnershtp with ran in my buelnees, which will Wan Om date be carried On under the name of "John Parker A.Ge.. March Ist, IhSe. JOAN PARKER. )ohm Pa ....... ......•Wnoun Cur JOHN . PAhK.CI I & CO., Whoiambi Grarrs, Dealers an Prolate, Foreign Legoore, Old illsaangahrla and Rectified 11 7 4.47. No. 8, Commuct. l Row, Liberty meet, mr3o P.mborgh, P. SPHING FASHION. LitTIUS beautiful style of HATS is now recurred, and stnll be introdueed crti Sat day, Hatch 'ld, by Nr.CORN it CO. fetuN Corner Ith & Hood au CIMIOLASSES-11110 bbl. oat cooperage, rir N. este br apt BURORIDOE, WILSON fr. CO NhEdi rime for Witt o. silo e— -94 , ausaMois, wiLeofi &co N TO L,et, TNO URIC& DWELLINGS Canter of Robin.. azd Cord savers, Allegheny. Poutasion at any time. Apply to SOL'N SCHOYEIt, 110 Second meet ALARGE and comfortable OFFICF, and if re - galled, wme Room in Warehouse No 1 tt Second an a desirable location for business. &tootle MINI sod • Weir Bales frIIREE ACRES OF LAND, situate about 3 miles I from the city, ear the eminence of Rev. Richard Lee, on the Greensborgh Turnpike; mitalde for Coun- try residences. ALSO—FOUI Hundred Acres of Lend, 'Mune in Franklin township, about 16 miles frost Pittaborge; near rennklin Road Tble will be divided to suit pur• chaser. There la an excellent max site on it. Anso—n. Lot of Ground near thenew Basin, Bev. ern Ward, being 100 feet swum, whichls a two moor Brick Dwelling House. For particulars and terms of sale adorns of . DAVID D. BRUCE. Attorney at Law, Fl rt. been Wood and Entith fi eld.. ccaTua - - AHINDSONIE STORE, en ?dui. Street. between Third end Fourth Steele,at present camped by Mr. Those. White, as • L'l7 Apo—• ion well flouhed ROOM in Ilut etteand slurp rs.. doer te Mr. Dun ble.reantile Wier.. 710. * O . 0 weal siluatad, utd re.itable kr a 'tweed glome ter Academy , or could be eouvenictaly arreagettl ite doable offices. E D. GAUAII, • • •11 Odle, TWA et, over the P. 0/11e, For Sala, A TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING, with a fine basement mnry,suitable for n Orwery. The boon is substantially built, and is 24 feet front by 96 fret deep, running back to an alley. [ha now otter Men by four humans. Terms very :reasonahte, and payments made easy A. N. WALLINGFORD. e, on the bank of the Ohio er. in Manchester. 0111 he rented low, as sprinkle re. s.denee. 'the .anion is one of the mow beautifttl on the Ohio liver. and the Grounds are ornamented with shrubbery, Grape Vines. and Flowers, and plumed with the el:tomcat Fruit Tree For mums apply to Ma), GEO. COCHRAN. tin Womi st L•s, . BRICK BUILDING, 25 by eb fee, three stories ; - 1.. la g& /Ineioe, he; loeb;e 4 in Rthbbthlbfheb ithinchisetely ',clout the Fein , . Enquire of 13OLLMANA & OAR BISON, thaehorth BoothßY VOIr , f I 111 , , Dwelling Douse, comer of Pride and Bluff inn 1 Eighth Ward, now occupied by naymll. Roams- Finn given at any time. This is one of the most pitsatit residence. about the elf) it is surrounded by a fino yard and garden; it free from the smoky atmosphere of the tits below' it, and is only fifteen minutes walk teem the item of ..1111!”. likhlES W. RUCIIAZiAN , mrOttt learner IVoed and Fourth eta rriirla y t. —The stare do ltfitritetst7 --- ie will be rented low in a good tenant; and posse.. sion riven For term. apply ta 'arid-di( WALTER BRYANT.IKI Liberty It THE Dwelling House Third, above Smithfield, now rKeunied by E. bit. Bakewell. Also—For one or more Tear., Kn. large Leas o Ground, to r tbe Ninth lVard, on end near the nem, sultab r Lumber Yards. Enquire of JOAN DARLINGTON, or of rurfi.if B. DARLINGTON. Fourth st. ot. rrIIAT large and commodious DWELLING HOUSE on Webster street. near Peveruh, al present occu pied by Mr. A. thanlurk. Possession is to be airman thn Ut "ul. "qu''' on FA)VITE, '" 4I; lle near blhethatn. ,To Ist, • TBE lark, three story Brick Warehouse, un Water, below Ferry tine., running from Water to Prior street, on reasonable terms. Yoesusion given Mme. Ointely. Enquire of •or • • • • . IaTHE Wweriber wild mil or rent his fiery deal. ruble Country Residence, in R/legheny err7l" ,- mated on Ohio Lane and Allegheny Avenue, wrst of the Common. The hoes u n line doable , brick knitting, comOn iv e order. Them • Car riage House, rattble, • and good water on the grounds, which complus° two arms, well Improved , containing every description of Fruit. Also—o.spring honor and smoke house Possession given dormar the month March. leht•tr 30111 k CIFJ3HART lbitalldtilly pass FOR SALE.on very Meryl terms—Fall Nina Lot of Ground, situated on Penn, Wayne.toul Pike ate and the Daguesne Way, according to a plan to be see at this oibee where terms and conditions wail be mad pura Tor Monts A TIIREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, on Liberty street, between O'Hara and Walnut stow* Fab Want, at present oio.ipied by the subscriber Posseelion given on the I 0 April. Enquire of jantn.if WM. YOUNG. 143 Liberty at. vALVAIILA - frltirEn r iagaN PP - SF: ragra FOR SALE.—A Lot of Gradnd sitnate on Penn areet,between Ility and Marbary &tracts, adiolning die house and lot now occupied by. Richard Edwards, having a front of tD feet, and in depth 150 feet. .11 bo ould on favorable terms. Title unercePtionable. gage of C. 0. LOOMIS,4h 0, near Wood. octlloid Orphans' Court. Bah. PUR_SUANT to en order of the Orphans' Court, held atTittsburgh. on the in day of April, A. D. 1850, 'nil be exposed to public sale, on the Mr day of April, DSO. at three o'clock P. ht., on We premises, all that m certain lot of greund •iate in the cay of Plusburgh, and described as follows, to witi—Deginning on the nonh side of Serried et. at the distance of forty seven Get eastworilly from Grant at. thence by the line of Ann Sullivan, lot, nod parallel with Grants{. forty three b. to • three feet alley common to penons owing lot. on either side, thence by mid alley and parallel with Strand et. twenty seven fee., to the line of %Vila= A rthoei lot. thence by the said line of Wm Arthand In., and Street. with Giant creel forty three feet to Sinernid thrtlea along Second at. twenty seven feet to the pi ace of beginning. . . Teraw of Sete—One ?notated &Mara W be Pladlizon delivery of the deed, the balance in. two equal pays, merits at six and ten year" , respectively from the date of sale. with interest payable annaalty. and to be at cured by band and mortgage on the premises. For turtle, particalam, apply to G E Appleton. Attonthr at law, fourth ate al, or to the undersigned. ROITSILT DUNCAN, Guardian of Ann Almina&Chriatum J Wendt, ruiners. apn-ttNragl IF' F.LD ha, rreelued a 1 / 1 1S , Mlm's 011111113, Wear for Pen und Bays, so well known for durability Of ebbs 6ficl ovrx, Woo: Casaiructrs and Tweeds, to a peat ustrielY of r,yle• and uus cs rs.. wanting any ort.sle in this line will Im like ly to •oucti at tus north cast corner of Fourth and Al, at{ ..xert. country Merchants and others will recur. Ise, W. R Murphy's Wholesale Rooms, up stalrs—entran. from Fourth street. apl CLARIFIED SUUAR-13 bbda lart meld on con ointment, per steamer ethos Wrsaht, and for tale by apil _BURIIRIDGE, WILSONA CO MR- C. TUCKERMAN will please call for Ms bar. rewof wine, 37 in number. pay charnel., and tote them away. GEO. B. MILTENBERGER, ulna 07 Front street .. . ARUM, JONFS tr. Ott. bane removed to No. L4l 4i 1 "" i' : C VOs ',:ifiTlO. .3- G I is a IC - • a a i - ANOTEF:ft large lot of Blue, Prab,`and Scarlet 01.1rets, very heavy, Past reed from Fantle hl.atacturing Company. For tale by HERSEY, FLEaIING & CO, , ap3 No ISO Wood se Bthe e .ll 4 l ... uPaeTr A er " :AL N . k. 7l' .IgrAlrazioondfaCrr et'. price. by . ap3 HERSEY, FLEMING &CO "JAMIE LEAGUE SHIRTING CHECKS-For ula Ij. at the Mad/enures lowest priee. HERSEY, ELEMING,/a i r . 20.. CA t : o r n e . t. ,s t l 3 , :i m i , n n, W e i n tlr , re pipes e Catalonia W aFS MILLER & RICKETSON. BACON-da est...ere'd t oos 7 landing from steatne Go..eva,fosaata by ISAIAH DICKEY &CO 7 AR D-33 belt rinell tierce No I, now Widens leo.. J.,., steamer Geneva, tor sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO FEATHERS -6 sacks now londlns, and for vale by sp9 ISAIAH DICKEYy A CO MOLASSES-3 briejest reed and J d B f* I CANFIELD 13U'ITER—'u mill tots for linay usejast reed, and for cola by I B CANFIELD BACON ElIOULDERS—Ja4Val s tr i al l ay spa No Data Arid B.B—luu,uoo Comuum Cigars put reed, and /orals C by 8 4. %V lIIRBAUGH jOLL Biatii is Wore, sill for Fes by sie 8 k W HARBIUGII REMOVAL! TAMES O. I.ooKWOOD,l3ookseller and larponar, 104 Fourth street, a few doors east of IVopl street, Cute 03 Wudl street,. %A/ Obtls-5 batss on ecunignment, for sale by mrag J Jc R FLOYD PORK—I 3O bbls Mess Pink 30 bbts ramp do, for sale by ou t SELLERS &TIMM'S prima Goods and Pashto's@ for 1830. P. DELANY, TAILOR. 40, LIBEKTY SThEET, iS put opened his Spring Stock, consisung of cc cry deset lotion of GOODS suitable lot city trade. 'theCloths, Cosinteres and Peelings have been selec ted with stern care from the latent importations, and cOmprise a pan of every than that is neat and hand .....u.segirio and SUSIMER WEAR. The own mem of Vestiogs is unusually large and varied, both In style and quality, and cannot be excelled, If equalled, by any other establishment in this city, either In Vale tee, gosxrrn.aa racer Also. a new, style of TWEED CASSIMERF, adapt ed for Milliner. Coats and Pants. Summer Goode of everysuch an Tweeds. Cadet/evens, Ital. ian Cloths, Drop &Res, de. The entire Cott will fa vorably compare with any stock of goods opened hereto:dire culaborgh. Mr. J. C. Worn' well knoarn *kill and mate as a Cutter will prove an ample guarantee to all who may tamer estabiLsarnent with their orden, that they will have as good and fashionable work as can he produced by any house in the Eva. and at much low an priers, as have been acknowledged by many who have trice both. I would further atom, that I wilt fur. Dish as good and fashionable Goods as can be foetid in toe Ewerit market, and at much lower prices. • -•- READY MADE CLOTHING A large and general assortment of ready. made cloth tog is on hand, made in the uresent Opting Fashiodiq comprising Dress, Frock and !liminess Coats of the la test arra., made of French, Englisti, and limcilean eloths, id all likalltuunbin colors.. PANTALOONS of very desenpUon or plain and fanny Cosstmeres of the latest style: spinet and Summer Opole, Vests of the best Satins and nilket plain and Taney Marselllcsi Cloth!, Caltmsere, the; end other aruelesin the Cloth ing line. All Gatineau Made at 49 aro warranted 41 be cot and made inn good scosktrusulike style, and will be sold low for cash. fufl - T.. N ge o s n p e ar b , e ATtattatti W lrXt above.o e gel o is e. warranted. tp- Wholesale purchasers will cod the stock it 49 most detirtble one to select a cheap and beautiful as sortment nom. intarl4.anfiyi e. DE2.4til". si XECUTO It X . NOTICE ITTRRS Tenementary have Imen granted by the LRegister, to the undersigned, Executer* of the lasi will and matament of Junes hlishitarelant lee of Plum township, IMO/. Thom haying „clams extolls: the Estate eland deed, will plc.. Predai2.! e r,°. properly authenticated, tar •cttlealoo4.! , !o_r,rl , , , F, dehted will maga payment i to m f=r b tr j 7 ki i*c di , cd. C. SIVELY, 15125= ICAGILZ INAMILIG wonus. anta.suas.lt32 at EEDMUNDVVILIUNS, No. pi L berty al bad. of Wood, Pittabanga. blanomen4 dorsal Vaelta, ToliCaa Mantel thanes Centro and N . O Top pgra=b:akc: d modsP. / Io ' ordt, N. —l. Ch I DtaWiala 344. 11 stillWl7ll , - B. A. Fahnessoalt A. Co, • - TITOOLE3ALE DRUCGIM, corner of Flnd and TV Wood stream, offer for rale,on favorable term.: luObblaWhitiag; 500 lbs Carh. Ammonia; GO do - Al 600 do Avaaketida; 350 do Dye Mooda; 600 do. Crude Tartan 05 do Lampblack; Ha do 14qaorice Hoag 20 do Yea. Had; 300 do Hap Nom; 8 - do Camphor; 130 do Red Precipitate; ID do Span. Brava; 150 do . Calomel Amer.; . 20 do Yellow Ochre; 25 do do Eng.; -40 do Brimstone; 330 do Bucher Leaves; 0 do Clovem 240 .do Itritharb Root; . 3 do Cham.Ploarers; 460 do Sanaa. do; 14 care. Ref. DMZ; MO do Gentian do; . a 5 do Castile Soap; HO do Sal Hachette; 15 do Praniaa Ellam 220 do Seidllm Mixture; ID do Cale. 01001e00; 600 •do Paved Rhubub; • 13 do Chrome Green; 050 do do ellp.Elro; 6do do Tallow; HA do do G.Arable 6do Am. Vermilion; 114) do do Liq..Rap;_ oet; 60 realm Sand Paper; Ital do do .lal 25 bap Sicily Samoa; 250 do . do Af.Calenie; 25 tales 13oule Corks; BR do Sulph. Zinm 750 a Salph.ldorpkia; do Der Tic; 1000 lb. Cape Aloe.; 200 do Tamarind.% 1200 do rh-ftrero Pawl:6l6o do Quick Silveri 2200 do Pink Boot; . 260 do Otani° Peel; 1500 do Terkel Umber, 75 do Cochleae%- • 1100 do. Cream Tan.. ; RD do Hy d Potavhf -_ 7 , 600 do Tartaric Acid; 60 do Mace; 100 do Uva Uno; 26 do Granville Latloa: feb2PdavetraT mant qv d vas R 10111.3 Is not mote typal sirs than a bad, putrid breath, or dark, yellow domes ed teeth. Ifpersons have these it is then oan , fault— they cart, foe boy. an article that nit make their breath pore and avnet as as SFiry Air • Arabia. It curesditto.. of the Gums, spun or ulcerated, and for the Teeth It it unequalled, removitig the tartars fastening the teeth in the rums, and cleat them as whim as the seer tJsisfrosas Nord. Such reader, are the properties of Jones's Amber Tooth Paste, and, without praising n ontrivett, heir what ace of our most respeeusble sad ementifte Dot fists, Mr. eld, of New Tor-, says: "I have both used and imalized this beautiful and lea palpable article (Jones , Amber Toit i f u rtes) e can recommend It possessing all th ales eta til ed as for n) , Reader, we can say nom to convince, only that If yen try tins once you will be well pleased. It is put up In beautiful English China Puts. for cent,. Sold by the Agent, Whl. JACKSON. R 7 Übe f t), arm.. Ftitudnurb. atureul.turT t co's re c trie acttal qtrasnbo7a bottolbc't Josses Coral ' Hale Restorative. If they . Plain oar word, they cannel there highly respectable alma who have tried In— Mx. Geo. Becket, 41 Elm at, New York.l ' Mn. Matilda Reeve., aa Brooklyn. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, OR King at, New York:. Mr. Thos. J•ckson, Nauman Island, near Manes H.R. Cullen, lam barber steamboat S. America. And mom thm a hundred othen state, though t must sake, that R will force the halo to grow on th• head or face, sum it falling off, strengthen the re ar, removing murf-and dandmd'frons the mots, maing light, red, or pay hair enema a fine dark look, snd keeping dry, brash or wiry bait. moist, soft, clean and beautiful, a very, very_ tong time. Sold by the Agent, Whl. JACKSON, e 9 Liberty In, pigaborah. Price 771, 50 cony., arid one dollar. audallbarlf cp- fseentorra min Suer Dureasta.—,lolo3 , Ito lan ahirdcal Soap causes a (tee pempration, •nd a the e one mantles, so ft ens, and whitens the akin siring the texture and beans) of an Want's. / Scorn, SALT Razor Ann Scran, are soon not only keeled, but cured by Its use, as at least seven i Ly s keane in New York know, who nee it in such cases, and find it unfailing—as also in Putnam, litotcusa, Faacirkm, or any other st • n dis ease. The tender Isasmred that Miss, no owlets puffed nostrum, as one trial will prove. I mall enu merate at le . ll Ea pcnons eared of Sou Hell , 8011 t LIM con don Beasa-- 1 tiT td and use' It, d tho reader Is ROA assured I meta not cruelly toll it for the above unless I knew, to be If 'WI I state. ose who are liable to Cost., C earn, so Cosa. PLASH, Will fin . this cure. Any e elhietedwith any old= above, w sim ilar diseases will find this all and even more (a beara ble in its pro nieshisin I star. Hot, made re stores are flooded with Imitations, and be sore O. sot for JONIS'S !tali.. CI emical. Busy. Sold 1 W Id. JAM:U.4ON, 69 Li be rty street, Piiudiunth ananidh .IT OP= ICT LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST U SING CONIMOIIPREPARED CHALK. They ans not aware how frhtfully injurious It la to the skin: how coarse, ho ot rough, how eel: low, yellow, and mhealthy the skin ap pears after using prepazedebal ! Re sides it Is injurious•• containing , We hmur i eff 6 w 3"2l a be t e r u 'o ti f fa L'"l l vee ' table AZT 'VW& we JR& SPANISH L ILY WHITT. It is perfectly itrawent, being pprified of all &leen) ens qualinen and it Imparts to o,ohp:innate o eal thy, alabaster, dear, living while; at the same "Me acting le a cosmetic. on the skin, making it soh and smooth: Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, SO Lib arty st,Pittsburth. Sown 05 cents. aut7nl&-ul' lIIIVLAMMATOSE RITIKERIATISMs THE AMERICAN RUES - NI AT IC BAL E A Aln• NEW remedy lately th-covered In the Vegetable AKingdom—a sure eel permanent cure for all Rheumatic , Complaints, such we Indarmtnetory, Chronic, Acute and Mercurial Rheuntabarm Gout, Lumbago, Spinal Affection.. fre. • This medicine has long been sought for. It has been Said that Rheumatism could not be cured; but there le a remedy designed by nature for theeure of every ease that the buman system Is subject to. At last a re medy has been found that cures Rheumatism of the worst form—one of the mast valuablevegetable' pro ductions of the earth—the urgent t and most important dtscovery of the age, and ?wonderful blessing to the human family. It cures without eickeniagor debtlita nog, and renews strength and visor to the whole sys tem, It hat eared, donna the past three months, over AM easel that were considered incurables Ceruficati s of the curative properties of this m eine can be seen ny calling on the Agent+. None genuine unless put up with an engraved label upon the outside wrapper, signed by the proprietor; R TURNER, Reale, N. Y. Sold by 11. 9114SER. corner Third and Market at, •urgh. Sold also by O. F. TIIOILAS, No leg tantam, Co rLnoatl. 0. feb7.ll/.okda • EDIVA.I. AND IDDLDICAL 011171014 No. OR, DIAMOND ALLEY, • • Ilk few doors below Wood street, to ' wools market. DR. larfr i ednemed ßW lit: . profession, and been for some time general praeuce, now canines NMs attention tend e treatment of delicate et:isn 'tle r troe,..rfor w th hia his oppornardue • " •.e a anduperirnee peculiarly quality fur- 14 years assiduously devoted to study & treatment ofthosc compleints,(durmqditlet , t time he has had more tenure and has cured more pas tents than can ever all to the lot of any private prac titioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances of speedy, pent:lancet, and satisfactory cure to all afflicted with althea. Ammon, and all &sueeo cried& there from. Dr. Brown woeld Inform those acted with private diseases which have beer.. ehroMq by lime •or of by the ass of any of the c o mmon nostrums of the day, that their complaints eu be radically end theta mighty cured; be having given Me careful extension to the treatment of each cases, end succeeded in hundreds of instance. In cluing renews of inflammation of the neck of the bladderond kindred diseases which often result from those eases where others have consigned them to hopeless devair. lie Particularly Invites such as have been long and nunecrerfully treated by other. to consalt him, when every saMbraeliollw ill be amen them„and their case. treated Ova careful,thorough and Intelligent manner, pointed out by along erpenence, mudy,and iniestgationovbieb ills imposble for thine engaged in seen] practice of medicine to giva to one etas. of disease. :;11711emla or Rutinans..—Dr. Drown also Invitee par. tons afflicted with Mln eik to call, as he hu paid pants; else attention to slue disease. CANCERS also cured. Skin diseases; also e, BM.), oto., VoodlD gyred Charges very low. N.B.—Patients of either mg Refusal a distance, by stating their disease In writing, gime all the odor. toms, can obtain medicines with directions for use, by tddresaing T. BROWN, M. D., postpaid, and omelet- Ise a fea. Ottos No. OS Diamond alloy,oprogite Qs 'Waverly Sans. lIIMMMIATOL--Dr. Drawee newly tilserniered reme dy for Rheumatism is a speedy and certain remedy tor that painful trouble. It never fail. Office and Private Consulting Rooms, No. ed mane alley, Pittsburgh, F. The DOOM," ILITVILTS at home. 117T10 cure no ooT. J. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 11100 STATE COMMISSIONER for taking Repo l.„/ *Mons, Acknowledgments of Deeds, he. Office—Fourth suem, above Smithfield. rera.dhaff DK JOIN MARTIN respectfully announces w the eithens of Rittsburgh, that he has permanently located himself is Ibis city, for the purpose or prac ticing Medicine and Barger:, in all Itsoaloes branch es. Ills °flee in on ninth snnet, Nolo9. Residence No 07 same st. ant gicsw9in.9 ROBERT D 1 KAIt3RTt ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on south aide of Fourth G. between Chewy alley and Grant G. apl-diuttkordm .~a ~ ~ . TD. STUART & CO.. of Philadelphia , will open . on the let of April. on entire new soak of MOTELS. CASSIIKEILES, VE3TINGS, And TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, at ensiern prices, very low for cash. at N 0.116 Wood at, next to hlettenna's Auction House. apl.i&ortfT Property to Allegheny City for gale. I. RE anbectthere offer tor valet number o thence Lou, circa. In the Second .Ward,frontin e on the mon trona, on easy moms. InnatLaw, of WROUINSOAuy el Sr C a or orJAS ROBIN N S , ON. on the Pfthlia, It m7l7:ditlettl BO 01.11.1.D1NG PutAgANTROoIdS, In a plerment part of the eitV, convenient to business, suitable fora married la• dv and sendennu. from April gst. Also, boarding for a few loons gerolerneri. Coq :drops this office. rar4srf BARNUM'S HOTEL, IiEW YORK, Broadway, corset or' Malden Vans. .T H a To c cf= e a r m i l i g Et bee b treo t Tp7e:: l 7 ' m a fi bi t y e dltte .11.0 elegant meant?. Lam! additol. •re near being made, which, when completed, will make It the most extensive Hotel in New la. It Is the detcrail nation of OM proprietor, to make it !meal, in every re spect, to any other House lathe United States. Its lo cation is the meet dealrable and central in tbe city, be ing m the frobionable pan of Broadway, convenient to all the public buildings, piece. of amusement, and bonne.. Grateful for the liberal patrororoe received from MS TreSte,,, friend* while at Cumberlead, hid., end mom recently at the Weddell Ha s e , Ohio, he respectfully molicits armament lmlr patron age, for his new establishinent, at New With, and impala insure them that everyieden on his pan ,f Welt cemfon and pleasure he g ives "n""" A. S. BARNUM. New York, Mareh.lBsll.--ininetatt •oaii rte. et twesaciis Loan. INW 12'0:Nen'alta''terMat'tb"ohIelitTIO'fliV.Woull—obinso- It. Preislenttho The View and of the De Pennsylvanave ia ßo ß ad: ail Road c o mpony—andT ocar, to 'wit: March 30, IS3o—lieport of View. essAted, confitoied n, and order:xi that notivs of the be goe,n, by three weeks' Fohlicatiotkin the Daily Amu:oe., Journal, Gated; and PO , . 14 the Ceart. s.) Combed (oem the Record. apl.3w GEORGE R. UAW. rrn. C ittilF!) , : t., _Art . brn—tuu plans err annoy va Trade. F or Bald exPteeely for the Califon- HERSEY, FLEMING & CO 112 Wend street OLWSN BYKUP—I3 !iris for gala km 10 One bonlisebooat, by JAMES DALZ , .P 8 70 Water , 'EWAN J. HENRY, (formely of Heaver . un coty. Pa.) E Attorncy and Commlior at Law: take, ILI d Mom meet, Cutetnooti, H. Collections and all other pro- tensional balloons, promptly and earetally egad ed ten , spit ET=