The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 20, 1850, Image 2

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Ea =EIi
SATURDAY. MORNIN . 4 ", APRIL qo, , ado
itCrAlrvaimans aro austestly renamed to band lb
t tar favors before S ...Li, and as early in tbe der as
praete.ble.: Advertisement. not Inserted for a' 'pees-
Zed time Mill invariably be charged until ordered eat_
ii7Patiatactrata Nolan Avtaarear—Adveraser
meats and sabsertptlons to the Nenh datedican and
United dudes Gaudy Pldledelptda, received and for•
vrazdad from tali orb.
IST Crisman:la DULY Gazarrr.—Advenisements
oral sabseripikais, for this papr, will be received and
forwarded km this °Mee.
fa[ from *saleable pape C4 r,wW be " Fe la ce " Welitrfo ri g:r nd
ell from We office.
BurtnmuAxsapin.-9abrcrlDtio,•.nd advertise
-1"23 l" paper received and forwarded free of
*barge from this °Mee.
• • C7V.o. PALM% is Agent . tor this paper at his
several 'agendas in Nevi Rork, Philadrlphia , and
, daslon,.and is asthotised to receive - subseedtions
end advertisements for as.
&Reanimate:tate had Whig.°minty Cow.
vanillin. •
TN penitence of the call of the Chairman, the Whig
1 and Antlntaserde County Committee of Correspond
ease wet at. the Coen Dense. - The following resole.
Hon was eslopted, to
.Resolvwd, That the Whig and Antimasonle voters
.(the wen! Election Districts of Al
legheny.len County
be, and we hereby requested te mtheir usual
laces on balding elections, on Saturday,
the In day
In me next, then and there to elect two delegate. to
the County Cn
h n k tio b n d taoy be f bold
C oc u o t c H k, ous,
Sad Carmarthen to wake the meal and • necessary
natoinagens for the ensuing . October Elections, and
also to appoint five delegate. to recreant the County
In the State Convention, to be held in the city of Sun
da** onWednesday, the lath day of Jane..
The Prithery meetings in:the Townships to be held
between the hoar. of two and free o'clock, (except
Pitt) sad the. In thetVanl andl3oroughe between the
bows of poem end sine o'clock. P. M.
Ten. S PM;
Pitubsigh Apni IP. IPM.
1179E5. NErr PAGE FuR LOCAL meilluts
A latter having been published in the Journal
adds city assailing Governor Johnston, and char.
• ging his brother, who has been nominated Coasul
• to Gamow, with Intemperate habits, we deem it
hot au act of duty to fay, that we have been in
formed by a highly respectable sentlenihn of this
city, ant a member of the Whig party, that he
—;mtpantstretiral weeks in Washington during the last
winteroad was la daily intercoorse with Mr. Johns
100, the nominee to Glasgow, and thai his habits
as far as he madd judge, were entirely correct.—
Mt. Johnston, our fulcra ant asserte, la a gentle.
man in feeling and manners, and has not the
. slighteet appearance or being a person of inteue
gusto habits, and that he does not believe the
Usage lobe Sounded on any tangible basis.
The same latter assails General Taylor in
a manner calculated to render him ridiculous
la the eyes of all men of Intelligence nod wine,
who could be infinenced by its inuendoes. It
chasges that General Taros has permitted Gov.
itraor Johnston to exercise an undue indsence
over Wm, and that the appointments mode in this
• Sate; Wooer thatinfluenoe, are "miserable," toe.
Thus who nave not succeeded in obtaining office
for themselves or friends, may thinkthe appoint.
meets °miserable,' bet we have heard no cam.
plaints from the people, and - we think it would he
very difficult to show in whet sense there is any
Anne in' the charge. •
Admit the fact that the President has tliatened,
with respeet, to the advice of as shoe man, such
u Gov. - Johnston confessedly is, who has been so
• , highly fruited and honored by the people of hi
- • native State, and there is nothing disparaging to
his good sense, as a man, or his duty as first mag
istrate of the nation. It has always been mid,
with truth, of Gen. Taylor, that he possessed
patinas tact in selecting his athmrs and advisers,
and that to this rue and important faculty he tiered
much of kis great success as a military chieftain.
Thou is nothing in hie appoiatments, or choice of
• • advisers, since his inauguration, to destrotonfi •
duce in hie judgment, and penetration i the
• • character and abilities of others. Se cop
• evinced his usual tact in appreciatiog the value
of Gov. Johnston's counsel, than wham there are
fur men in the State better fated for fora 11/A 'idyl
. vises. '
We think, however, that much more Werth?.
' once in the appointments his been attributed to
Gov. Johnston than the facts in the cue author.
Ise. We know that the disappointed aspirants
eta wont to torn the vials of their wrath upon the
Governor, when, in nine cues out of tubitte had
nothing to do with it. If men would reflect a eso
ment,they would see that it is absolutely al:loos/1i.
blefia the Psesidest to satisfy the dercandlS of the
sassy if office seekers—that there mum tr some
disappoisted--and that the latter would display
fa mom sense and manliness by yielding to their
failure with etieerfulnem, than by vititing their
spleen uponlite President, his Cabinet, the Goss
attar, or any one else. For our putt we aro sick
of this alining, and would advise those who lo
dnlge in It that it will never give them office or
readers who have been inclined 'to listen to the
absurd remora end malignant glanders concerning
the Cabinet, to read the article we copy to day
front the National intelligencer. The deservedly
. high character of that paper,•for candor and troth,
gives to its deelaratioos a weight of authority
which scatters to the winds the inuendocs et let
ter writers end telegraphic despatches. The Loco
Fours, in and out of Conies', ore 'storing to
overthrow the Cabinet, or iceitoy ii. ieflueoce.
and they stop at nothing, holuever hew or mese,
to accomplish. their object ; and we are sorry to
say they receive tf aid and coutf.nt " from some
disappointed Whig oalci scelierg, whu measure
their deservinms and abilities by their own extrav
agant selresteem. As they have shown that their
attachment to Whirr principles was entirely et a
0 lams and rush' character, they 'should hasten
to rustle their (moues with the spoils party, which
.la famous for rewarding political renegade. All
tree, real Whip, will be bond- standing by the
Administration which they have created, octll
they have a tangible mason for withdrawing their .
confidence.. They must have better authority for
the charges daily made against the Cabinet, by the
Washington Linton, and papers and letter writers
or the same kidney, than the mere amertione or
• : perwttas who. are known to be wholly unacrupu
lona accomplishing a political object, and who
' • ' have sworn war against the Administration to
the "bitter end.. i
TaraWatittatrfort Mostacirr.—Our readers will
ho *and to learn, from the communication of
"11* that • stone Ls to be famished, from Brad
• dock's field, for the Washington Monument, to
examemorateene of the most remarkable events
of our history, In which the the? youthful Wash•
Mon bore a ilfsingaithed part. We entirelyrron
cos with mu Correspondent la the appropriateness
of the inscription he has selected. There could
scab° a betlef. and we hope It will be adopted.
with a statement of the time and circumstances
'. nodes which It was delivered.
For do Putsfrurpl atiftl4
Broadest's Field sod Wash!.4ton's
Idszaament. „
241 /- Wirri—Snia Inas ego.' penned a gnat
paragraph for the Gazette, expreraing my opirdor
that there was no part of our great cowry, from
',which &block of atone for the National Monument
to the Pattlezof 09/ liberties, could more property
be sent thee horn Western PenatairanKTiud
'PeciallYfresti Braddock's field.
I am pd. now informed, that Mr. Buchanan,
the'Mderriling and 'nubile. spirited proprietor
that lovely tract eland, immediately after the ap
pearanoe of that paragraph, wrote to our repro.
'sehtstisw,llol4 M. Hampton, requesting hint to
Ingalls whether such S block of limestone would
- be leeched, end that helms jut received a reply
Gatti would be r very gratifying to the Board to
;eagle &block of limestone from Braddock's Field
on the National Monument.° ,
intruder confidence am! a Meek will be pre
. pared, of the prescribed&Mean:ono. and with
IMO appropriate inscription,' take the ifbeny to
suggest that none maid be more suitable, or Gli-
MMUS, than the followin; extract from a sermon,
' delivered by the Rev. Baronet Dames, to Hanover
• Mammy, Tagil:do, on the 17th of August, M
,rhirristtnet days idler Braddock's Defeat:
"Al nveszterhable insteneo of this4ttriotic
:141110:1 m ay Oat met tet the 'Fedi.: that heron
Colonel- Fashingtcos, wheat. «mast gra
„I‘ridabu hat Wars Prisravedite se • sir
:pig" I - lila:Pk". Pr .sirTians hie
• , a reiarkable
ckw av ic bl e v e ne ffi hu,r t t o he
only °Seer, on horse +. n
that fetal day, and be had four bullets through his
corgi and two Woo Wed under him.
VW?, he was preserved for an "important ocr.
' 'Orr.p $14914!111ta-41 lil _WWl'
intim. ussiuilatnia. ,
co . rtesrn!miue albs Pittsburgh Gains ,
" .lissortslanto, April 16.
This is the day Ind by the Senate, two weeks
MP; for funladjoranment, and yet the prospect of
an early adytoomment in by no means as flatter.
log now as it was thee. Since that time, none of
the important business of the Session h. been
'takes up, and the veto of the Appod
even rtionment bihe
which' moat have bean anticitepa by t
LocoloCos themselves, has apparently pot the'
Legislation back beyond the point at which it '
stood when this solemn resolution was taken.—
Bet notwithstanding this, and notwithstanding the'
Senate as solemnly determined yesterday to make 1
1 the new Apportionment Bills the special, order of '
1 the day for to day, and every day hereafter till
di:posed of, the Loot:domes of that hotly refund to
take the lubject up this morning, under a call for
yeas and nays, by • strict party vote, Ms. Speak.
er Best voting with them as before. In reference
to this movement, it is presumed that the Speaker
could assign a mare urgent reason than any of
those who voted with him. , The new county o
Montour is everything to the Speaker; reason,
argnment,oonsetenee, all are merged in this one
measure; ind as the Locofocos seem daspoted to
keep this tell, no well as the general fappropria.
tion Bill,suspended until the Apportionment Bill
is disposed of, but little honest and conscientious
action can be expected from this intererting indi
vidual during the remainder of the saloon.
The-bill from the noose to annul the marriage
contract between Edwin Forrest and Catharine
his wife, was taken up. on motion of Mr. Stree ter.
and after a long and exciting discussion, lost by
the following vote, to wir.
' Yeas—Messrs. Brnerley, Drum, Fenton, Frei_
1 ley, Friel, Haslet!, Hulot, ives,Eins, Lawrence,
M'Catilln, Mohlenberg, Packer, Streeter, and
Best, Sp'r-1 5 .
* I
Nays-Messrs. Brooke, Crabb, Cunningham,
Danie, Forsyth, Felipe, Guernsey, Jones, Konig.
teacher, Malone, Mauhias, Sadler, Sashay, Sat, 1
cry, Shimer, Sterrett,Stine, and Walker-IS.
The bill from the House, entitled "a' norther
supplement to the act incorporating the Penney].
vaoia Rul Rood Company," was taken up, read a
third time, amended, passed, and returned to ti n t
House for concurrence.
On motion of Me. Darsie, the Senate then took
up and passed the bill from the House, relating to
the erection of dams in Red Bank Creek, and an
thotising the Governor to incorp.i , ate a charitable
association of ladic, in the city of Pittsburgh.
In the House, the committee on Books reported
the following Wit:
To extend rho charter and increase the capital
stock of the Kensington Bank; to recharter the
Easton Bank; to incorporpto the Fanners and Me
chanics Ralik of Easton; to recharter the York
Bank; to rcchuter the Farmers Deposit Bank of
Pittsburgh; to recharter the Wyoming 'Bank, to
rectiarter the Miner, Bank of Pottsville; to Techary
ter the Farmers Bank of Lancaster, to recharter
the Lancaster County Bank; to recharter the Me.
:Unica Bank of Pittsburgh.
01113 lUD LICZ.
Mr. IDliveger, In place, hitt to extend the chute]
of the Imbanoli Bank.
Mr. Downer, in place, bill to incorporate the
Fayette County Bank at Uniontown.
sutra acme, TV3!I.
grim bII to authorize the\ Manufacturers' and
Mechanics Bank of Philadelphia to change its la
cation, passed final aeading—yeas Si, nape 25.
The bill to amend the school law was taken up,
oad under a call of the previous question, passed
Goat reading—yeas 62, nays 21.
'fine bill to prohibit the Wane of relief notes of a
less denominatimathan fire dollars, alp gesTled
fined resdireg—yes 54, nays 91.
The bill, a supplement to the act to create a
sinking food, and provide for the eminguiahmere
of the State debt by laying a use on theatres, eh ,
erases, boiling saloons, mettgefier. itv . eamca
final reading—yeas 55, nay. 25.
The Hut. lames Buchanan made his appear.
once thin evening, and is now receiving the eon.
gratulations of Les friends at Buehler's Hotel—
This Domaine:es of aomething; bat what the par ,
tinnier object to be aesomplished is, has not yet
transpired. Some dough fare, truckling, base,
subservient movement for the Presidency, how
ever, is evidently under consideration. It is said
that Mr. Buchanan has had great trouble in pre
paring • truer od the Slavery qaertion, which
should be agreeable to sit parties, nod that the
said missive has passed several time. already
around the emit of Lancaster, York, Washing
ton, Baltirme, at.d Philadelphia, for the pommy,
Of revision, but without yet receiving the finish
pig week. Tee thing proves an finrolv eat.,
and very hard to take the proper ether. k may
be, that this visit is intended to give 'this impor
tent prodect i on Its law and Anal revision before it
is delivered to the faithful TVs skaU sea.
vaon.ariem YORK.
Correspondence of me Pittsburgh Queue.
New Tons, April 16.
The weather to - most uneeasonabll mild, and
we have an atmosphere like November,. with
peach blossoms before, our eyes, and a good share
of foliage ouster early alaratihery. All the months
seem to have run together, winter predominating
decidedly. - All the hied, sod boarding Louses are
crammed, and fashionable traveller. think them
selves fortunate to get a room with three beds in
it, and sty nothing against sleeping near the sky.
Speaking of betels 'reminds me to say that the
"Asia:," that beat of, has effected a reform:
that all travellers will appreciate. They have
abolished first the "gong nuisance" nod the pests
rind their way quietly to the dining room,which
Dever ready for them at the strike of the clock.
The "fees and servants' are also repealed, and
no one need* have his pocket picked unities he
fiela disposed. The same - !servant does not en.
ewer your bell each time, and thus acquire a pre.
emption right to a dauccour when you leave. to
short, the Astor is row like • gentleman's bonne,
you ale, dot rung up like a boarding house lodger
nor lefrat the mercy of malodour , servants.
Them has beta a panic In Wall Street, to day,
which, like all others there, can belraced to no
reasonable source. Fancy Stocks fell off one per
mot, sod at the board, brokers were half frantic in
their attempt. to aell. United Stales ti's of 1917
'close at 147. Coupon Stock 1191. Pennsylvania
n's 921, and TIM bends at the mane. The bear.
say money is scarce, bat such Is not the tact, for
on call loans can be made at five per cent, and
upon rail road paper the shave is only one per
cent a month—more money Is offered to the bro.
kers than they can use, and the squall will mon be
Some speculations in various branches of com
merce do not result exactly as people supposed.
and every day brings out the story of large losses.
Early in
season it will thought that a million
of dollars would be made upon sugar and mo
lasses, the result has been a lofts of half a million
at lent upon the . Importatioo. So with entree,
which rose told cents and.fell to 101 cents with a
doll romiet. Heavy cotton goods have shared the
same fate, and through a large clan of goods the
gamete-snit is men, advaatageorts to the consumer
but disastrous to those who perform the exchan
ges. The Ontowud result of these speculations
have not in any instance of note weakened the
credit of merchants, hut the Orals of the year have
been sadly reduced.
We are Co the look wafer the German steamer,
caned the British Queea, foam Hamburgb, whence
she tailed en the first of April, and folly due.—
The city of Glasgow also leaves the Clyde to day,
makieg with the Cunard boats of the Bth and 13th,
roar steamships bound westward, The "Atlantic"
is thalut ready for her trip, and the 27th inst. will
see her started to demonstrate that the Yankees
are filmy afloat and in the field, ready to cony
'Attie blast at their mast heads, and sweep the
seas like old Admiral Van Tromp. The
Collins' ship loots perfect, and will, no doubt, go
'rho San Jacinto meam propeller frigate of 1400
tour, was hunched at the Navy Yard this morn
log with all the usual ceremony, In the presence
M a concourse of spectators or New York dunce.
'ions. She was built under naval contractor
Hart, and will motile ale heavy guns, and will be
polio commisaion at once. Every thing about her
Is good and ship shape, except the humbug screw
propeller, which anon will be taken from her at
exlmMigarit coat. Had the Government built
a'altle.vitteel steamer, she might clear herself as
&passenger ship, and not be a regular bill of coat
as this one L.
A contrite bas been closed Dr 11,000 ton, or
nil mad bari for the Erie C 0.., at very low rate.
limed tmt he said that the Iron is English.—
'With a small exception this road is honed with
the produce of foreign mills which have run at
e profitorhile our own, ender the Democratic
ire rusted in idlanceu.
Od 'change there is cosiderable activity, and
sterling bias for the steamer c:ose sat at 1051
.010 0 .
Ashes—Sales at 606 for pots, and 5,15 for
pearls. Cotton is held firmly with stales at 111 for
middling upland, and 12 c. for N. Orleana Floor
' —4,62 k for Canadian, 4,8105,06 for Common to
straight State, 5,15A,1,37k for Michigan and good
Ohio, and 5,5033,681 for pore Genesee. Included
is the sales are 5000 bbleState foe figure delivery
Sonthens—Sales 200 Ibis common brands Ales,
andria, Baltimore, and Georgetown, at 5,25.
Rye Floor-2,75. Corn Meal—Jersey at 2,75
Gralo—The market for wheat to firm. Rye quiet
at 57 c. Corn in better; the sales sum up 8,000
he. at 50e. Provisions—Sales of pork at 10,060
10,1 2 1 for Men, and 8,37 k for prime. Sales of
300 Mils. and tee. lard, at 6k e. Cheese is steady,
at 61030. Whiskey 23 e. 0.
From the Notional Intelligence,
The Administration and Its Enamt•
In addition to daily ausults by the opposition
organ to this city—which, from the monotony of
its abuse and misrepreaentation, have ceased to
attract particular attention—the Telegraph hoes
and the Mails country n put in ref:pus:non to dia.
parse over the country In most unfounded and
unjust representations .respectlug the mignon,
which exist between the President of the United
States, and the membetro of his Cabinet, and bee
careen the President and the two Hermes of Coo-
The following paragraphs, for example, form
part of the Wukringtoti letter of April It, in the
Journal of Commerce of Saturday; which the
more deserve notice, because of the general or
curacy as to facts of the Washington Correspon.
dent of that paper :
"The truth is that a great number of disarm.
pointed Whigs, harming a majority of the party,
' [in Congress,] are hostile to the Cabinet, and
• moving every means of taming them and their
adherents out of office.
"Tory have made some progress in the scheoio,
ripest to acesinplialt It They have no.
' doubtedly woo the President over to them; for
' for be is very. much worried by the represents
' tions that his own honor is implicated in the
tfISIMICtiOtIf which are alleged to be of doubtful
' propriety.
'The President has intimated a strong dispari•
• lion to fellow the suggestions of his friends, and
'forme new Cabinet. to that case the old Cabl
, ' net must go out, as it came in, a unit."
01 these statements, we feel authorized to say,
every one is erroneous, in whole or in part.
That there are some • Whigs in Congress who
are unfriendly to the Cabinet, we do not doubt.
No Cabinet has ever existed, within one -knows
ledge, which had not enemies in Congress, even
Among those who emitted to place them in pow
er. Daring the pore and upright administration
of the late President Adams, - for example, there
was always a strong opposition, in both Houses,
not only to the Pnxsitent, but to the Members of
his Cabinet. But thkre Is no reason, as far as we
are informed, to suppose that the adversanes of
he present administration constitute "a rnaji
it" of the Whig part' is the two Houses, or in
.ither House of Congress. We trust and believe
that It la not tree that even those Whigs who are
unfriendly to the administration are "moving eve ,
ry menus" to torn the Heads of the Executive De.
partments out of office. Sure we are, that it is
no pad of the proper vocation of Members of Coo.
areas, individually or collectively, to turn Idam
hers of the Cabinet "and their adherents" out of
office; and not leas sure are we, that, should any
attempt be made to encroach open the (unction.
of the Executive, in that particular, it would meet
with a decisive and conaututional rebuke. We
should be very loath arid very sorry to liel , eve
that they Cale disappointed Whigs") hive made
any program in such a "scheme." If they ..en•
peel to accomplish it," they irately' occive them,
It is not true that the enemies a the Cabins
have won the President over to them ;" not is
it true that "the President hu intimated • strong
disposition" to "form a new Cabinet." There
exists, we have reason to know, entire concord
between him and his Cabinet ; sod there ia not,
we verity believe, a sir& member of the Cabinet
who would not retire from his station ilatlOtelle•
ously on diseeverittg that his presence to the
Conned Chamber wan not desired by the Presi
dent. There is not, we are persuaded, one o f
them who leant affectionately and deeply attached
to the President, and proud that he 00)011 the es'
teem tied confidence of that eminent man. Nor
is there in fact my dietsion, or any want of her.
army, between the President and the member. ol
t he Cabinet.
Sincere fiends to the Pre&dent, grateful for the
SCI,GOS rat eh he has rendered, sad (host which
he is sow pert f. .r hi, country we aro re
is.ed to be able to lay, am we now do, upon the
best authority, that there is not a shadow of truth
in the rumors respecting the relations between the
President and the Cabinet, to which we hare in
the preceding paragraphs referred.
The transactions" wh eh are represented to
have worried' the President are, we suppose,
the settlement at the Treasery, upon principles of
statute and public law, of certain claims, the
esti:wet of which eonstuntes the chief ground of
objection to them. To sdpposo that the
ofate President muLi be to any way " implicated"
in these transactions, is an assumption obviously
To understand why these claims have been ad
jested under the present Administration, it is suf
ficient for the reader to lean that there were me.
ay claims len unsettled by the late Administration,
and thrown upon the pruent Administration for ,
adjustment; the labor devolved by which upon
different branches of the Government bas greatly
embairassed the several Departments, and: the
amount of which has given rise to the clamor
which has been raised on the subject.
It is enough further to say that the chums object
ed to have been settled gristly according to law
and tillage and that, warm to what has been
pretended in some ynarters, no claim upon the
Government which had been settled and closed,
his been ro-opened, under this Administration, ex
cept in obedience to instructions by Congress
Moat Ann LLLL ion Paorosao.—There was en
important debate in the New Brunswick Colonial
Parliament on the sth UPI... the "state of the
province,. is the coarse of which Mr. End made
a glowing picture of the desolation and rum of the
coontry, which he attributed to the Colonial polv
cy of the mother country, and openly advocated
annexation to the United States, as the remedy
Ho treats the "gagging despatch" of the Colonial
Minister as a hoax. The St. Jobe Morning New.
exposesoa the opinion that a majority of Annexe-
Coultas will be returned to the next Pm d hament,
and says, "a master 'Tien la requited to embody
the seattered opinions of the people, and give
them substance in the shape of a well deflaed
principle, that can start upon some broad ques
Gov. JOHNSTON . . leasusaner.—The Lancaster
Union, in speaking of the appointment of G. W.
Harris, Erns, as Reporter for the Supreme Court,
naye there to 000 fact in connection with his ap.
oointment which is so highly creditable to the
head nod heart of Gov. Johnstou, that we minuet
refrain from mentioning it. It is pretty gunersity
holm to the gentlemen of the profession, that is
addition to the publication of two volumes pee
year, which the law required of him, the late Re.
porter, Mr. Barr, had accumulated sufficiency of
matter to fill the whole of one supplemental vol.
ume, nod a large part of another which he de.
signed to publish at an early day. ' He died before
the second volume was ready for the press, leav
ing his family in very straightened circumstances.
As soon Go Johnston was mate acquainted
with these facts, he determined to delay the ap•
pointment of Mr. Bar's successor until Judge
Jones, (the gentleman selected by the family to
superintend the completion and publication of the
upplemeetal volumes,' could obtain from the
Court aso cleat number of decisions to fill out
the, last volume. That having been done, Mr.
Harris was appointed.
Gov. Johnston deserves great crellit fur his se.
bon in this matter. Not only Mr. Barr himself.
but all his connections, were the active political .
opponent+ of the Executive, and on the score of
party bad of course no claims upon his kindness
or Orbearance. The delay In filling the vacancy for
the purp•se indicated, wu therefore an act of
disieterested friendship, the the widow and her
fatherless children, which mut cominand the ad.
miration of ever? one whop roperly appreciates •
good action. We know that there are those who
feel deeply grateful to the GOVCIZIOT for this Und
ue., towards an afflicted relative —Hu. Tel.
A etrioncas Ducovszv.—The Cincinnati Com.
mercial says there has lately been dug up, some
lourteen tett brloar the maraca of tho earth, and
more than My above high water mark, in the
garden of Capt. O. W. Cutter, an elephant's tusk,
which time and tho action of the elements have
reduced to a anbatance reuemblingchalk; It crum
bled when taken out of the earth, but a portion of
it entire, more than 20 inches long, Isla the pcis
maiden of the proprietor of the place, just above
the month oPLicking, opposite. The whole ani
mal in probably in the bank. if this proves is be
a MO elephant's tusk, which every evidence
now tend' to do, it will prove a singular zookuri
ell fact, that elephants did once belong to this
learn from the Philadelphia North ramoricas, that
on Monday afternoon. at 6 o'clock, at the Miming
of a couple of cola Mablca, Nloyamensing, •
terrible riot took place:—
The fire was evidently designed to draw the
Moyamonsing Hose Canniiiany into an ambuscade
that had been Isid for them. The Franklin Hose,
the bitter enemy of the hioyameasleg, was the in service. The bloyamensing
prde to the corner of Twelfth and Federal
streets, about • square and • half distant from the
fire, when they became aware of the hostile inten
tion of the Franklin, and turned to go back. Im
mediately, • rallying signal from the Franklin was
heard, aad the. Moyamensing found themselves
attacked with missiles, and fired upon. A dee
peruto hula ensued, which lasted kw upwards of
half an hour, the open lota adjacent being the
weer of strife.
Volley alter volley of pistols and guns were
heard in quick succession, and habit!s and stones
ware burled, and balls and slugs whizzed through
the nir. Thu combatants on the Franklin side,
from which come the most , of the discharges of
firearms, were concea l e d behind pig pens and
renew', and many of the
houses in Buena Vista Row.
A number of men and boys were injured. Noni
of the Moyamenaing members were hurt, and they
gat their carriage back to their house In safety.
On she Franklin aide, a young man named McKee
was seriously wounded with a brickbat, and a boy
v; t L
w nded with a shot in the knee. Three other.
w re slightly hurt.
man, whose name we did not leamovas shot
a badly wounded. • A boy who did not belong
t ,either of the companies, by the name of John
arley, was Ant in the hand and shoulder, and so
aerionslyArjored that it was thought he would lore
ha arm. The Native American Hose Cennpany
became involved in the riot. No arrests were
made. .
Tue BIDOILIII SIANDIR Cese —The Bull fee
slender, brought by the Rev. John C. Green,
snail:tat Mr. and Mrs Pierce, the mother and fa
ther in law of the late Mrs. Metal, in which the
damage. were laid at $lO,OOO, resulted tut week
in verdict for the plaintiff of ed cents damager,
and the came amount of costs The slander com
plained elms, spoken by Mrs. Pierce, who sta
ted that Omen took bar daughter to the museum,
von after bee marriage, and when they len there
tried to induce her to accompany !inn lo a haute
of mow:Lamm. Tra reverend gentleman's Suit
against Mr: Pier e, warm.' months since, for
alander, in his having called him • drunkard, atz.;
I resulted in the same verdict.
Sticanuno Sion wren Zinc—ft appears that
no leu than 1400 French vessels are .abenthed
wbh nine, and 101 English, and since the first of
January, forty American vesscls have been sheath.
ed, and the oreers ere increasing. The nine, it is
stated, will last six years, and sometimes nine,
while copper is amerced to last only four, and yel
low metal three yews. Zinc is et cents per lb.,
rapper 22, and yellow uTetal 171. There is shun.
dance of rich nine ore in Lehigh county, and cirr
i partitions are being made to tarn it to account.—
iser's Jaunts/.
Wreslll TRIAL aim THI Arraattay GePlll/r.
—The statement of the Boston Transcript, In re
lationsio the Attorney General, is thus contradict
ed by the Courier:
"We understand that Attorney General CU.
tord is ea preparing a reply to the .11trientrel
made in other cities,' and that the learned gentles
man concurs in the general sentiment prevalent
here among intelligent persons, that in all 'the
strictures made to other cities upon the manner In
which the trial of Profesr Webster as con•
ducted,' there has not here so one made y w et which
should call for • reply from him. Mr. Clifford's
management of the trial has received the appro
bation of every one here, whose praise is worth
having, and it matters little to his name or fame,
whether certain lawyers sod editors of New tort
Philadelphia and eleeweere,--esent who go for
admitting all doubts, and for shutting out all testis
moat',—are vexed, and seemingly astounded at
the result of the trial."
- Wrioor au° VatAs or Eitiaa.—lt it Moat ex.
treordinery, that the varieties in the weight and
ea:goof eggs, as au ankle of merchandise, should
bale been to universally overlooked. So far as
known. it has always been the custom every
where to sill eggs by number, without respect to
size, weight, or peculiar quality. Yet no damn
dity eau be greaier. It him been abeertairied, by
careful experiments recently made by the author,
that the tan average weight for a dozen of eggs is
221 os. Recently, on application to a provision
dealer, he made answer to the Inquiry addressed
to him, that he made no difference in the price of
his eggs. Oa examination or hi..teek,it appear•
ed that the largest eggs weighed hi es. per dozen,
and the sinalleo,ordy 111 cc In the one Mae. a
fraction over eleven egg. would equal the avenge
weight of a deter, and in the other, it would re
quire over IS eggs to reach the proper weight. It
appeared, to our mutual astonnitinnent, that the
difference In weight, between the two kinds, was
about one half, while the price was the same.—
Dr. Brevet's Potato,
ii:TMeLasehr Woes Thusurres.—the popularity
witch this medicine hal acquired to Western renm
sylvan., no a daze guarantee of D. tact Hence. The
lollowsng gendemea,. highly reapectable eager. of
Allegheny and Dearer comm., have used this Ter.
eaif@ge in their LaMiltes, and offer the assurmtee of Ps
great creireal properties.
Jarar• Stratton, Fourth C ree l Road. Pittsburgh
harp' -litrishon, • do . do
Mary Arm-two, do do
Mary Pork. Deaver county.
Furth ilartacrger,Manebmter, near Pm
blargarrt Ilruisey, do do
•IlD.v• D ort, Squirrel liar
Agri, Auk, do
ILTFor mde by J. KIDD fr CO,NotA Wood Weer.
. -
Anlathier liPlem••• ono glh• 111•34 ,
Me. S. U. Kan— Alb.. me to expos. to you my
heartfelt thinks for the great - benefit I have received
from an article called PETROLEUM. or Ron On, of
which yoo are the Kole ptoprietor. I had oecaslamo
on it &boot the Ist of January, in • 'totem attack of
Ithevonausm, which wu very peinfel, gong about
from plow. to place, accompanied with much
an ot. to keep me on constant torture. I used the Pe
ople= externally, • few application. of which re.
moved all pain, and evety symptom of the &s.a.e.
I ant now ntirely well, and would take this occation
to recomme e nd the Pettoleuen to all who may be suffer
ono ander the agonizing pains of Rnenniasiss , or kin.
drcd =cue.. [Signed) Grown
osear rem , House, Mistime , .
I 112 - See general advsrusenient In another column
1119 WOOD STHFX.E ABOVE Fll-711.
Mk the anontton of purehmen to their
Wino they Wink will compare faeorobly, both i.
extent and cheapness, with that of soy
other Muse, either here or in
the Eutern Cll4ea.
PIMIONLICIIO. ElVOML—rtepelttl by J. W. Kelly
Willlnm street, N. Y.. and for aale by A. -.
70 Fourth *Mob
le This,
,lad found • deligailitai
cof beverage in fie u nnparticalarly for sick
11..1 Iliaora.—An imd Chocolate prepara
tion, being • combinano• of Cocoa Ituti innocent, It
ricor•nou nod lislarable, tenthly recommended parde•
olarly for lit..lids. Prepared by W. Dakar, Dorche.
ter, Maw., uld for sate by A. JAYNES, at the Pekin
Ta• Store. N 0.70 Fourth et mehl4
anoprowessetau Ca LPantillietry.
DR. O. 0. !STE:ARDS, late of Elowon, Is prepared to
manufacture and set Blocs Term in whole and pasts
of sets, opal, Samba or Atmospheric Ruction PI•1811.
TOVIIII.C. CYR. IP 7102 Winona, where the newels
exposed Olisce and residence next door to the May
or's office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
Rara• ld'Fadden.P. 11. Rama. OM
D en um.comroji.o.,
and Decatur, betwun
oin.ll win
iiiranto • Situation.
advertiser, who thorough* understands th
J . busieess, wishes to procure rltuauon to tab
charge of therm. I. a practical farmer, and on
demesnes treatment of sheep, cattle, and home
and the ears of the several diseases to which they to
liable. Apply to W. 0. at this odic.. arted3i.
kURPICY k BURCHFIELD invite the attention of
buyere to their largo stock of White Hoods, mob
a. Cambric. and Jackenete Idansooke and MOB
blushes, Bleared Swiss, Hotline, Embroidered ditto,
Queen , . Lawns, Book and SIMS Plaslinsv Banta
Jackal:tete, Cambric Danitwa and Swine. iMalkti
Lisle, Egyptian, Thread, Bobbing. /lichened, and
Swiss Edgings and lose:wigs; Needlework, Collars,
/se. ice.
1, e l" in t a h nTla e g ur 'i re r ' r ,Te " an b f raT lo th ; p7:. ' " of
JOHNSTON & STOCKTON horsiest reed for sale,
Volume hth tharoar or Erias.sso. Harper's
new edition, cloth.
Toe Fsaa or our Woohn, or Living for Appear
one., with Illustrations. DI the Brothers Idaho,.
I,Cluonicle, Post, Amorkon, and Journol, copy
rgENEBURGS-1 0 bales Cotton Oanobargs, suitable
‘,..1 for grain and feed bags, tarpauliru, steam boat
bre setae., Se., juet received, and for sale by
• • 0 189 Libeety sweet.
BURLAPS-, bales chisels heavy burlaps male.,
and tor sale by ap2o: , II LEE
fin WOOL SAOKS—Brlap and Cowie W..
IULI Back. 012 hand.-and fot sale hi II LEE
fg • WINE-500 Its wool pin( and sewing mina, fo
sale by WO HLI E
'FiIIBON HAMS—I cut Ventson c lirar N ill.
CORN—deSl lid shelled, In stare, s s r o uA
i d i f ti o ltT k BILL,
BrtVrt BUCKEII373O dox litrittloikeitrzVielley
baks No I, to store, and for nolo by
LI.:11 floL—ld brio in were, and for saln by
nre,_ KIDD a Co_ I \
Fjy,ylrey?d, fur yak, by sp2U J KIDD CoA
pAT.peDENT OLACR-100 We ford.
i bY KIDD a c.,
L B , dos aqierlor flir,;ll
sod k
side by 1.P20/
B IC°N-500,
I almond
'3ooolb. ham., cal cu.d. I T & 81..1 .
v., E. AZ ELL'S S&LS
IJ R• • the cure of Colds, Co -- as, E.
"firl' " RR 48. al an al
The Ell:arspeirc:•794.ll::l:ll:6l7lllao7.7al7llir:
1.116001.13-1 1 0dar. direr= sin& la 181 4 t B I LL smal.. 81 . 01da L i,,. c,,,,,, atm., and Female
JOI sale by arelo
u .pzL______/10TTON YARN-1000lb. ano7Tudj_7foßt.rsakesbist.t. , De F. El ,..t t ri ty l idr i m d c :}r , c l n l u l ti r l ic.tia ß oo . h rtAL c us i
n ANDLEWICII-SCO Ib• • a sraresw,lit(Torizaßlea.bLy te•Dra";:lit'ragnd Pettometid Tl7Lrchrrsbegr, or
v .ps) _---.---._ the Dra b. d Woods=___ts. Pace o s 7 N
pEeau: 1 --------7— """ 1 1-7 casks in!l ra l e
imaz foal k e
rT):T.A.SII-3 casks reeeired,ratitz•4et.t.kco
Notice to our Patrons.
rilw decease of the active parther, In Philadelphia,
jibe late James 51 Matas,) rrodn hntre been mu ee• no interraption e
" " to the butkitem-1-4turamtemettls te...we
---- -.., .
P*P"—?4"::%17.97,7.:"."ng Plr, 'h".7. 1 7.7. th e e . , :." f1. 0 4',:'L'uu.i.P.';.l.". l !;'... , '" b .':l'utlil. °
Together with a large usortment of Printing Paper ~,,,, ... c ...m.Jaw. and fr boo. & Co, Philadelphia;
, every Ore, on hand and for sale by id
A H ENGLISH a CO. John lllTanvt & Co., Pittebtaga.
Successor. of ELI.IOTT & ENGLISH, . The c . .6,, „, p...n.g. of ...
No IV Wood streeL fttends
respectfully maticited. If any person. bane
—, demand. itgatost the concern, they are requested te
p ettent them forthwith. for payment-
Pittsburgh, April 10,'00. JOHN 51'FA DEN,
5p1741 urvivimt_ptlt-Emr.
01le-1 lat r tirrAss bite, warrante
.00 bY
Corner of First anCeginkeodlne.
~ ~.. ..
CO__, ' Cheap Standard III•tory.
tf. for sale by LI AFA lINEUTOOK & CO_ -QUI,II•I'S ins roar OF ENGLAND Is now pub
_____ _
—looll , a new crop,p7orpglaucK
co , pll...wlls.b,iialug 11/.laileraotci. flima'%,,lnaLTo:iptpcilaiictdh,:,:l4
°- ''''..'" ,fl whole.l'oVlUM. r 7 .l -- tor sale by
CIUIII ARABIC-IDi bs 'tr . (' I _ U.K . r_ c , opl!
_____ 74 Apollo Untidier... Folirrh at.
1.3" a p2O fil A fitaintzi,K ~,,, ,
• Orme , Onto & Panade K. R. Co.,Tnirk or. t
pTS-114100T=IiiruTosaupenoryablityt, n bar, , Poorioacut, April 16,1651
for sale by No ' I Z IED d . E , ° ,,,,,,,, , THE Stockholders of the Ohio and Pennsylvania
•PgtL----------------''--- , Rail Road Company KM heTeDy notified to pay th e
fifth instalment of Fire Dollars per share, at the office
BANK NOTE ENGRAVERS, have awe led with , r d l Ly rbo of C rZ y Pt s i i r a ...l.Trr, " .; o . o l,,%, b it ", : , :mr b,,,
the. CHARLES WEL" ' °':' fi ''''' lT k " * " Five Dollar. per ;bare each, on or before tee nth day
for the past fourteen years OA EllgraVET ill th6OI4CC ..., each
,aa whole
of Spencer , 11011 y & Danforth.) . enOmtner. The I of
order of Um Board of Directors.
Maine. writ In injure be conducted ander the film ' apl7-dtd • W. LARIMER, JT.LTMI.IIiai.
ROBERT DRAPER, I R POSALS will be received by the aubscriber
CHARLES WELSI I , p f ° ,,, t h e delivery of Fifty Thousand Bushels of
• April 4 1950.
___sin6,o , D , _ , coal, sortable for Go. ourootor; use cool to fro fresh,
I clean and dry, allowing eighty r owl& to the bushel.
Tor weight to be determined by bmColleeter'll return
at the weigh scales. WE. EDNGIIASI.
''insbuneti, Aorill6, 1450 spi7
The , Caine, Doodle Eagles and Gold Dollars,
Pittsburgh. 100.
GIEOROE I ARNOLD k CO. have opened an
Excemataa Ormuz, N 0.74 Fourth atteet,next door
to the IMutk of Pittsburgh, and are prep e red to tran r
m, an reamnabbi terms, any Moines. to their line
that may be entrusted to them.
Exchange, Coto, Dank Note., he., bought and sold.
Collections mude to all the prowl* eines nod
towns in the United litatea.
De:posit. received in per fund. sod currency.
They re.pectfully Boheit a nhva or the custom of
the Somess community. mal.ho
N 0.74 Founh street, next door to the Bank of Pall.
burgh. . sorn-das
Narrative of the Untied Sums Expedition to he
Elmer Jordan and the Dead Seat fly W. E. Lynch,
IL S. N.... Memoirs of Kstraordlnart ?op.!. 1 - 1.
loco.: By Chilies blackey. Women In France
dunng the Eighteenth Century. Ilemboldte Aspects
of Nature. DlCtio.l7 of Poetical Quotation. Dy,
John T Watson. Lives of the Queens of England,
from the Norma Conquest: By Agnes Buie kland.
Simpson's Journey Sound the World. Chanutny's
Mesnotra. The ?deny Seatßy Gard.'ner Ponca
D .D.
For sale by J D LOCKWOOD
apl9 No 104 l'oorth et.
row sICALISACHINISTS—An excellent cippo
i r. I
.1. tunny ocean to practical teinchiniat, of
well establiahed reputation, nod some capital, to en- I
Vet' Ort
aLteytecly in the STEAK Emma, Home., stir
MISE/LaL STARCH —3v hot superior Penal Starch, : OTC..obits:Melt la now ready for bierners ample
I. manalictured by hill. J Wood, Columbus, 0 ,to, in a it. deice., ii , iaidini . iiy..n.iyis wharf nom, co r
received on consignment, and Mr •ale by any deed Stettin Wale, and from its position, if pro.
1.19 _HARDY, JONES re to_ rrsy conducted, will doalidew command a large
DLALOGUE OF DEVIIS—A few copir• of Ms share 01 b0a..., •
work for sale by JOHNSTON lc STOCKTON. A ,P , .... , ilitivillnisi , as u P.M. , ' . vegottedi to
lu pl oo kodisn. corn er of Moryol,ood flied , 05 , conduct the w hole eatablahmenn and only loose folly
ad competent riply Addrerr. Most paill,) "MA.
CHINE CO" Hon No lal, rtalidelptun, Pa.
.... .
irmaxicorrs CONQUEST OF PERU:
A fur °ord. of each of the arum work. Ja. reed —-- _
by luta) JOHNSTON k. STOCKTON MOLASSII3-6 6 tails Plantation !Boluses,
flownal,' .hroniele, Amnia., and Pott„smi . 23 hds Sugar Huse do
d H Plt 7.-VIT .NII - P - it Bl..Trit IEEN al us ais l', " ;"" P" "."" V E ZIA I d V R VAVR ic gz
\X on band, and for aale'at the loAUNwest mire ETER.s, by . -•"-
--- - - - --• • •••• Jolee Hosterli Mau Irtgatzeilet Hale Ilaatt
PARIS auv l-4 ``"' o f I"nd° C " 1 ' d k" (so I )bei ORE producing • remedy for any
sole by sole
-r ledge, nut only of the taste. Itself but ol the pleysto
logy ot toe argon. sought to to artel uposs TOO
anove so tele la °lewd ru the public as a remedy to,
disease , 51 the Ha r, nod at the rotator many years
inIaRANDIFS--A choice selection of pore }Senate., caper enee and remark.
.9.9 job. Denial kCa .'t tc.....ctc", kept 00 .* Joan Itaucl'a Lumrele Ihdriteilorature It, probe.
!newly on hand, and for sole by u My, We atom effaced... and egreeablo lad ale thet tt
A IMERTSON, boo ever been th e lot or the chemmt to invent It pos
oPlaC_l9s Liberty meet- ...estb° most delightfol peduncle, and will render the
Tryildo3-sepeyiey eee tw e g of Cant end ch g . Saw glom., lokUneet •off bearttul, c l l t e . e . ti c oittit . tho.
" p p eg's Vim":l7".""'''"/tr bend,
yl c" toe e 17 e " :1 1 11Pe ot e s „:1. - .Fre -- ilir, , % .,;...,:z
übb .- _Lb—U±'—Eß- vigor before ut known It w,II alto Wally erythema
194 MILS LOUISVILLE LINE Flat teed , and or all scurf, dandruff, paroples, core., or other mount e 4
'''jbl-----±''''' 4CuLuLaT'4" 1 ' at:7;7o ' ; a that each heir . a hollow tube, hav
i7 ENISON HAMS /ND DEER SKINS I reed, , Ap Aon o thA.,,Ab„,,,,,,,,,e „w e e th e ", Ito e eon .
V sod for vale by app A CULRF.S.WON Cant lifllolllo lof blood, and when, from ockee..,
WORM= L HAWORTH. the ...Oa th 0 of daattrea, or other causes, the
rood.. lathes become clughed, thew organ. costae
TEA AND WINE ME It CII ANT S. . p&p.. fh.of fyy,foon, ~f 2 am Hsu b e eemcv
East rode Diamond, Potshergh BM, harsh, rutty, and graduelly OLIO, off, thereby u among
prematufe ooklnert It Is to noes oath es this ilta.
-- 4 - 1 - 01. piton icsoLAND. the Eau Lonnie Realerallie in adacted,
as s
and pa aft acg otopertice •t 110.01.0
LisiIAXISELY the 0500 Mad of Ssurto and Ho.. lt . .. A .... ..,,..,„ hi . A „,,, ' , AAA ... ~ ~, del
.A. Sneered Teas that are retitled to the old cartatry , 1. : ',,,,, ..,`„
at 49 and &pot Vac. be obtained for Me and 7.5 e per -,-, 1.,7„.1.,.„. eel oth" .“Uele toe a ,e.e,eg
, .n.a...4...1.T".71"., .lI,V tn..' out"4'
Thereof!sl%b' D",tta...l ' odor,
Haar, is it maul the 010,1 Celit ote and extrts.
r-! Fed int - I . 8 - tree . - cif - leg - hen - y .. . Th o it. Wove Wines
t .- M - 1 Notes ,
",,,,.:,. • ..4 4 ,17.P:Z 10 , U "', l . p ', l '" . ..t i r t t e . " 0 t1 1 . ",,,,, d ,,, 10 . c . s 1:
T 0.., we receive through oar Esglish Arent, 41.'0 amen cow ...Jed preptrenon row before the
frets de Queen'. Road. Warehoures, dory tree, ' • P . . a
~ pub ie amigo nere.ang popmeatty te a proof that the
belnk for.Pecka.. P P . ' `abbe myreetme Ile worth Enure setwfaroon green
r OUP:MLLE WHITE Lambe-4..1s fresh. aem the percheocr to very
ewe Prer•red eta) by
.1.1 reell, and for ale by CII (IRAN f, • /ULM CAULL, Pertuther .. 4 Ckrenort,
spin hi Water s t. ItO Calcite , . street, below Four th .
Sot ostewholemle nod retail by It A.Evh.stock
HAM -4-45 trt gorier eared hews, rat. toe d, 4 . c ,„ . ~,,,, gc.. F..
... . 1 / 4 ,,,., F .,,, e h em b, end Ja e n , se ,..
for rule by I/0W.6 A HUTCHINSON & COc gaol and J Ilachell, Allegheny clay, Ye apl7dlo
I E ta . - t
oor and P' fo l l ea G t 'a b; I.'"
P" ""...'" To Reathorm sad Westerin Merebertat - e - •
vaned nernhert tor rue by submnber respeettally invites petite atmnPon to
JAMES A HUTCIIIBON ACO bi• emmtmco .toes of Pe.oiti•re• Bee at
Cream& he , to which 'even Silver and two Goldot
DIIII2III BILKS. Mod+ have, within the last .45 }eery, then awarded
A AtAptocd & co. ~,,,, ... e ,,i,,,,, e y,erhey , ere , by the 1.1.1101 C-1 of New York, Boston, end
i ila•
Ja . Invoice deb Fancy Dress Silk. of all gavottes ad•Pkar , at. 1.000 Luanda,. 00 7 I•ol.imo Med. on to
and once.; Clvalneleon de, Phon Haelt e,, all width, ....rod , foe pre caldf la LofoPo 01 to llak
qualaMS, ezd price., Barred andt r Elgaree do, ex tr, eol'ot•T th t.,,,,. C .... , tA1 .... p,
Persons wtshing to (archon arc paracularly request- Ii.o•••• • •••..••••••°
of to call and examme their stock, m they will 6. it Rom. .. 4 Aoicro•iet I onl•ermillY eetromMedeed to
teach the largest and cheapest in Oats city be superior to any Shrtorg Cream in thrt coontry or
RIBIJONS, Se lee. larope
IM pes choice styles Ribbons, 150 do Cap 'lt-wrocj•c 'co. 8 .•• -• '"' °- . 8 ` . .: ° ". 6 1 4 . A r A .."% i ri.7 . :;
do, aloe 50 neh figured Silk Oriental Paravols, with co Immertme mItOY 5 no evo
propertie• Sarthoeous Compound, Ambrmial Shaw
heavy fr ame, 20 do wi th and without fringe, from ~
~.. .p .. 1 . 1. 7 , 1 1 .. 0 , t „.........
and upwards, reed and now opentog by
A A MASON & CO. Screen. TOIL. SOLle-Alirreed, Rose,thlittleurs,
Market Cl between 3.1 & Ith at Docceet,Pmmeh:oy,,Umn Ire,li,irt..F.lo.on6
Also, reeerted and °potato 3 eases Piloted Lawn., ict..•..:J,:cfr. r'-'0::°,!``..'°7.•;18....••••••p.5.' ~
every Varlet,. of styles a. Colon .1v
_ Bouquet de Caroline, Geranium, Jenn y Lto<laottaac•
Groat Amor/ten nootortllloal Work. hoe, Jockey CI.. lak9o.a. Cicakarr I-aako ll .
TIta I PLEroN a,. co, New York, have is course ~.R ' , n h red ''''''. 01h " .01 ' 0", ' " 'I 417° 00 01
J./. of pubhcahon, in parte, pmee twenty fie coral, " Ton. , Wortm- Florida Water. Eau de Totlate
each, a DICIIONARY of blackflies, echanic. En- 0 ,.,,,, 1 7 - now ., we,„. nod „„., eel l oo ~, ~,,2
gthe Work, and Enoineenog. dthllloda aa PI• c t •°•1 looms nod Lavender Waters
Woking Alen, and those Intended tint. Engineereig i ..,,,....,,,,,„ ,„. „... ii,,.. c .,,,,, 80y ,.. od ,
Profesoon kAfted by Oliver BM.- Antique Oa, Dandollne, Eau Lustrale, Oletne, COM•
This work le of large eve ore, and will contain two pound Ox Marrow, Ilan Dyes liquid .d ta powder,
thonsand pages, and apwards of sa thousand alootra ... pbd ,...,.. , R4A,A,,,A., and Jean? 1 ,,,, p a , A .,,,...
tot. It will potent working drosrunio nod• 0 . 00 „. A . 0 . if.,,,......n..._0.1..., FA .,, , R ...
Iloas of the mud lespooart osuselatec in the United Tooth Paste, CborcoM Deranfice, 04100Ime, Tooth
Metes. Independent of the resells of Amene. In- p.,,, and 1.,„,,,i, Powder.{entail% lt •mit eoutoto ...P l ' . 9 • •• " °°1 ....I.e.°. CoMisnes-Vegemble Cosmetic Cream, Am.dise
Mechanics, Machinery Engine Work, and Engineer tor clumped hands, Cold Cream of Roma, Cream do
leg, with ail 1111111 een/ in Mere thee one thouo.d terse, Up Salve, He ,,,,b er , c eee , ~.,
don• Ill WOW] of folio volume., magaelnee mad other De ',awry p0,k,.., for ~,,,,,,,,, bA ,,,,,,, b,,,,,,,
books. Six numbers fecerred, .d for •de by the Pearl Powder, VOlllitTe de Rouge, Aromatic Vinegaf,
agent. 11 110PKINts, VIEW!. Man Composition, Preston Salts, besides
apld 7 0 Arvin. Buildings, r' •• treat vanety of other oracles, too numerees to be
------ tamed to this ad.rtisement
Tlll9 THIS MARKET, The intbsCrlber hopes to moment the repatahon
EAST SIDE OE TOE 'DIAMOND, which this establishment hos acquired, by dooming
Ponta of nothing bet lint roe azuel .d will be happy to
fI•HERE is nothing mote refreshing th. • cup of tames those who may was
Is pattonise blot other
I good Tee, but there is great difficulty in obtaining wholrtale or root,. rt. reasonable terms ea any et
a .her • I no article imported on which there is tabashmeet to the Witted Owe.AVIER DAZIN,
greater deception practrted. The BLACK TEAIS sold X
by Grocers generally, ere weak and meetly, sod the Successor to and former ',MOW(
the Lobo wort
Green Tell with a few exceptions, a CAlleal Illano• of EUGENE ROUSSEL,
1•Cr011e article, the fine bloom on kta .It, ben g a 114 Chesnut even
compooltion of Vcoothets. ke as analysotion wit Mr 00.1041 Per/Ornery la for sale by all the prin.-
prove Such tra.h ought to ho evcelled Imre our pal Druggists 'tithe cou.ary. apl7 dly
market . cPottoltame --- --
We have commeneed the Tea Trade in Pateiburgii DRUPOSALS Will be received la the o , of the
with the roll determination of selling Oakum Tort I Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, at Rale
onty, and boons been dinners in that uncle. upward• more Cumberland and Whoehng, op to Wednesday,
of le rely Yea., liireet which exclusively
Teel the Yid dey of 111. next tnclusire, tor the groin/anon
we flatter elr.eleell. be tudgesof It. Dad 'le., we and tiotoonrt 01 the POrtlon of that Rood, extending
consider Inas .am tati., and a bad name ss often from the bridge un the not th•recothre turepthe, over
obtained by selling thew, but if rtoltug • ift.D eerie. the Tygert's valley river. to o Poet on Cm ormth fork
at a reascliable Nice, will obtaln custom, why vrt, am ra Fah Creek, uear the mouth of Long Orato r mama
ogre of our share. Oar praetor, Irolality,cortodereda clog some 50 st coons Alm, the eight secoons be
shall always he as low as any other Tea DeMers 10 mouth of Grave Creek and the city of
the United Blatt. Whee. the mouthling
Our Pelleea pot Pealed A •artety of work will be presented by the Imo le
Mack 0./.1 he lot, which will include bight and moderate!) heavy
Good Black Tea•• •- 00 0 Good Green ea .... 040 rading. Seven! shot tunnels, area tonstdcrablr
Foes Flavored do -- 0 Strongditto•— • •- oOu a m ount of bodge samoory.
Strongrougli Savored Strong and fine We'd 075 Specifications may had et the above nutd
"English kind,•••-• 0 5111Voll Impeller . tco Ores on and after the I.l of Alay ensuing, and (so
Beaaufolaromatte 6M 075 Estes quality and best thformatiou obtothed fang i.e Engineer 090
Very best imponed• • IDI imputed •- 123 hoe .
Extra Strong sod Roush flavored Black Tea,7scts Unexceptionable testimoniols of ehrt
par lb.; ale Tea we resolve direct from the London accompany the bide, and the holden are ,
Docks, duty G as, It Doing for exponsalon, 111, pre. state what o th er wort, if env, they ere 01
Maly the mama kind that le retailed by the TeaDea/- and when it will be competed
en In England, Inland, and Scotland, at Geom. pound. The 1101 k mus Tee ne r getically prosecuted
Tome who randy soma:ray will do well to use this By ord of President and DlreefOr•
kind of Tee, BENJAMIN H. LATROBE, Chief Fanctnee
The abertaTou we retail direct from the oriental Boluruore, April 10, IMO kV dim
chem., e• Imported from Chula. Thom who prefer
PaeltegaTom, we ha. such M. 0.. hind, from L
qearter penile. upwards. Also, Coffees, Canoe, O . U n l d S f ylL ., 1 1 E 0
blyl4/11TE LITH A I- u fO ut br u ls ua lus iu, t r , e N c . 'd,
Chocolate, Loaf and Croaked Strome sod Spices. asil 41_7 145 Liberty st
Plekle•of 011 kinds MORRIS , HAWORTH,
Proprietors of the Tea Market, east side Ihamend
w 11-7.-
aple.d3 _
EER SKINS -5 bundlee jun reel and for sale by
HEMP--58babsehlissourl dew felled, loot reeelVed D Apip A C LBEFITSON
.d far eale by
LT EFINED SUGARS-398 brls cruel:red, powdered, C A , S o r° o7 k OIL--715—h'ii'ed'142“-YUN & R6ITEIt
r•CHOHOL-5 brio reed, and for sole hy
lk a. for sale by JAMES A HUTCHISON kCO A ~, BRAUN & REITER
apt!, Agents et Leal. Bream Sugar Refinery. , u p l 7 -
WEET OIL-2 cask. reed and for sale by
0 LLTPETRE-45003 lbe evade now landing, .d for
A, sale hy kg.
119 Water et. ALTPETRE-6 kgs valued reed and for sale by
apl7 ___ ' BRAUN & REITER
A KETALLIc PAINT-5 brls Alamo a per steamer, q-Rbmg,,"N_lp A iiino c , ,t oA c (0, vA I A bp
.10. en d far ash e by tie barred or single pound at the •
Dru, Seed. .d Perfumery Warehous over of
BAS___. _l'
.. al , chi ma;
Sixth and Wood streets d N WICKERSHa M.
site Is do odes,
7 do shoulders, easy landing from Fort
SOAP -100 boo Otholonatl No 1, for sale by Pt L and for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY &CO
1.7 OM J 0 DILWORTH a, CO ' . 112 Water al.
--- i tat tj --- .
OST OR STOLEN.-Yesterday aftemoon, on (lOFFEE-30 bag. prime — lllth mo reed, tor c ol s by
LA Water street, between the Monongahela Douse L DROWN & KIRKPATRICK,
and Wood street, SIXTY DOLLARS. The finder spa 1411 Liberty acre
will be liberally rewarded by leering it at Om office -RAND BoXIM for iii . ,.w 4Cef...ltnCetut, by
apt 7 w p MARSHALL
..---!"1 W Cods
13.000 1 47. - .tud t itl7:;'": 7 " ''''-' , A -0 Dry G oods
' NuUmN,GerreAhNet: hli'd Sa l
:pc i r ' t ‘ en . ce. Th G e best
UOAR-S tads N °Sugar for su'e hy of reference required Apply at N 042 Marlon st.
STUCCCI PLASTER- 6 1 e . for isle by . - ILICSIOVJUs.
nR'S subserater faspeclulygarinotlirstiftZtlefft
DYE FLOUR-17 brie prime, In Store, for sale by .1. this ; pbritAutpa hic ha_
IL 91! ___ _ J a DILWORTH &CO ACTORY to No 6 Minket Oro% two
fIoA.N.!JROObIB-0:. doe tat I.v.d!vil[t.beirdae&,), :31 ,f7: fee :: r . ;;; V eztLef , f t ikralOTS e h :::: l /2.lll:ll;l l 23 o :l W it . :o ' Lat rY
‘-' P.l. po"rettued in ttth eity. DANIEL RHEA.
LIOAR-7I bide N Bow. to artier by ,
Jefferson, for tale by ISAIAH DICKEY 0
ayll, Ile Water st
T" : 40 WI. atom, mad iot
syle J
100 FIBII-1 drum for rale by ILL be received by the Subscribers for
Berllin of front any to ono hundred thonond
.he elo at their warehouse during the sommort
; snowing en Ins to the bushel; the weight to he de..
' —.mined by the collector's return et the valet lock.
• Oro TAAPSB a O'CrllPFi_
T.CYTAB 0•111. ilelditlC •Ni
. attit r . 08 & c oc
...._ .
sunam leirik links. I apt/ 4.
XXIMPUY & BURCHFIELD Invite anemia. to • i iiiig_tgAtardaat Stearn Pressed Brink or the ben
IYAllieir unarm...tat Of above goods.
o ' l7 I D qutlity; also vOO,OOO of Common Mink, for ssle.
.. nA - Ect; ,arri.t.EN — DA INIPIsio end pant- Eng.,. of 1 . 0 . 1 so i t omoN pciiEN ER.
13 nd Bsrages, Tissues, liteirsdhaes, •nd other dress i ____..._,—,..--._ 6. _ _
goods. An assottment of newest styles reed by_ _ S . .el , , ic
t R y ANU
.4 Z
James tr.glitrui9. Jha'm'es°Zree
al J. Steele h. Co., was dissolved by 'mutes' consent.
un 25di March. The business of the late hem will be
settledlnp by James Laughlin at thele former place of
L usiness, St. Clair street. JAMES STEELE.
"JOHNSTON b. STOCETON have Al n received for
0 sale volume 4 Humes' Hlstofil 01 England, Her
pers' new ed.don; cloth.
YnL thid Southey,' Common Place Book. Cloth and
er binding.
Carlyle's Latter Day Pamphlets, No. 2. Subject—
" Model Prisons."
Indwell New Novel—Night and Morning. l?
lloornaL Av'encen and Chronicle copy.)
WOMAN IN AMERICA—Her wage and her re
ward. Ily Maria J Mclntueh, author o("Charms
& Counicrehavms," "To seem and to be." I vol
Lauer Day Pamphlets, No I,—The present time.
HY 'nom. Carlyetc.
Castaseas.--Plemoirs of Life and Wahines of Thos.
Chalmers, D U., L. 4 D. Prelectione on Butler's
Analogy, Paley's Evidencee of Chrixtianity, and Rill's
Lactate on Divinity, with two Introdactory Lectures
and four Addresses doissered in the New Cohere,
Edinburgh, by Thomas Chalmers, D. Et , L. L. D.
I vol
Cahvnt—Ltle of John Calvin, compiled from authen
tic 011.C11, and pnrUcularly from his correspondence
By Thomas Dyer, with portrait_ I vol 12eno.
For sale by II HOPKINS,
alvt7 'PI Apollo Buildings, Founh et.
"EINISON adS-140U lb* V. li c ato• D in prime or
4IM lug "",f"'
Trenton Initial Lite Insurance Company.
wzo 01 rums= azzo=o ozz mom
Cap Owl, 11100,000.
JADES DURNO t C 0.,, .llgcou u Piusborgh„ Po.
AMOS, it TZT-'11 , 33, tQ,v =ln
Joseph O. Pons, re.
G. d Periiesrs, V. P.
Eli ribtriS,Setrotary •
James ilov,lr
Irjamta 11.11
HOII. Jamul-C=o4li.
David IL White.
A lexander Cumm
J. P. White, P.M.
. • .
Compt.ollee or Nem York.
George Wood.
•• • •
Dasid Dudley Field.
Joseph llozie.
lIIW tnen•
Ills Eon. Gov. Hunan. Ex•Go , Warn.
W. L. Darnall. S. Sen. bane Wildrtek, M.. C..
U. llf D.
1 /11. 1 eticY,.. 5. 07. n. 11, - ,,: la k irgita Mo . o
A. Sidney Doane, M. D. W. W. Gernard, M. D.
II Warren N. Y. MI W Want IL, Pella.
Wm. At' e Morgan. M. D, H. R. Bell, U. D., ,
Dun/. OcCuk, M. 11, Allegheny ety, Pa,
Pittsburgh, Pa I
Teo Asetmorthid Company, at Pittthenfibt ". ''''
thorized to take every fire c lam Hit on ILtfe at •
lernCTl. of I , enell-ell. en Ctn. from dui tinal
MM. of pre-minim, unhinged hi/other Companies.
Amu 50 years of age, taking • Policy of Inure nee
for tone Thousand Dollars.
To run for one year, pays only 10,18
do *even " " " 1117,611
do lifetime, " " " 1117,90
And In the same proportlon for any solo, to
95010, which le the extent taken on any one i n.
This Company coMmericed operations on the le
Ontoner,lB.l", and Its monthly basiners op lathe tit
ii,ohnr, 1847, shown a roveu nCnnin that cf
sty other. 1 ife Company on record.
The first dividend of profits ..11 be declared to the
assured on the let Janney , 1850.
Pamphlets containing the variou tables of tales,
and all the nennry tnformatlon on the important
std /net of Life Annenlee..iii be famished On •rei.-
' canon to JAMES DUILNO CO., Agents,
• . 7 Odeon Windings.
SURANcE CoMPANY A, al loose Policies a
Insurance oglirt.l Lop. Or Onion by FU., nye ,
Dwellings and Familare, Stores, Goods, o
apsllNtoon to JAhlEa DU itNo Od Co, Agoi
eon Madding.
P =P " --
GREEN-3 eases reed end fee We by
.1,31:-ED-OLL-1To br;sArea A ' VillatlEat
yI,ArOLEBBF.S-3e/ barrels' joss lending from steamer
11l Belle of the West, sod for de by
O ALEBATUS-200 Li. and 15 cub! ma% and for
sale by
ACON-19 cake awned Bacon, now landin
and for sate b) apl7 C H GRANT.
WELT POTATOES- 0 brio for 000dreed,arol for
rola by opl7 ARMSTRONG k MAILER
MOLASSES-50 N 0 Molasses in store. and
In for sale by pt ARMSTRONG & CROZER
COFFEE -1 00 lows 1110 Cal7ea laadirlf Doke, /Nilo
of the Wort, and for .ale low, to e ore coesigo.
snl7 70 Water rt.
rt. ,==.llR7rtrlT:UMo , in ,,. . 7
EAT lIERS-2/ SZCIIB landlog (ram stomer For
F , A, ALA for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY &CO
- -- - -
SUGAR -50 birds PyimeN 0 Bogy,
It hbds Broom Clartiod,
Jost received and for osier by
apl7lo Liberty .pert .
COPPRg=IocT6II Omen Rio, in Brom andilroriiili
by apl7 'J &it FLOYD
BACON, dre-15t0 Foo d Tyros w a ,
450 do Jowls,
5 bbl. No 1 Lard, In nom and fo
sale by .pt? JOHN WATT k. CO
MACKEREL, ao-4 brim No 1, •
2D do No 2.
20 blf do No',
30 blf do No 3,
0 drums Codfish, -
In store and for sale by JOHN AATT kCO
ULAXEISED OIL.-ICI WA* pile, la arrive f. am SOM.
1: cruet county, for male by
II .17 3011 N WAIT & CO
_I3ACO .O I 11-1-DE3-10.01301bs sly ,, e c lnd fdr i, /fait,r!.xy
LARD -90 kegs No 1, for said Br
11 0 7 — • 11 , 113 BILLS & ROE
CORN BROOMS-17S dor for sale by
spl7 MeGILLS & HOE
QUCAR MOLASSa4-4ntibdt N 0 Sogar,
17 bbls N 0 Nolusespolg bls
PEACIIIEo bomb for solo to &ore co
Dal,sifnElment, tot W b7apt? MeG11.4.1.A & ROE
TUBS -10 dos Patent Paioted Tubs, for sale. by
_spt7 AIsOILAS & ROE
D ICR—ss tiers. troth Mee, reed per stud . Cambet•
land No 2, and for sate try
S Up s;l: A."—.4 ".11Ill'Artr"ItIfIVARICE
BACON —lO er a Shoulders and Sidra,
teal blartirds Sugar Cured Huts,
In obre and for We by
.by arI7TOIVIRPATt t
t . - . 701 TER for salelonloos,,Kg
W •
i - LICEJ.INO SAND PAPER—worted, for irate by ,
CANARY awns -3 17=Odfigm & CO
E".EAY-'l-"lt'Ltt:PrimAKEß CO
Q Pllll Ts _
0 apt?
I NDIGO -2 cues Wu
cod? l';lllll`o2W,Vain co
MACERREL-10 0 bbli No 3 larii to anise by
canal, and for sale by Jk. CI FLOYD,
ap'7 Round Chore! , Raildols
DACON-630 pas assort# in store and for sate by
DI , opt? Jk. R FLOYD
D ,
OTABII- , 8 casks pure, 60 hand and for sale by,
1 192_ !lc R FLOYD
y A RD—lt bbl. No lin store and for sale by
I • ..` RIL lie RFLOYD
pi:WOO.: 7'
1.. boo Rosso, k Robinson`. lamp,
'5 boo. Jasper's 5s Play,
24) ' xs assorted brands, 51lamp,
in store and for sale by J b. It FLOYD
ICK3 I 1014 I
UTE hero 150 tons lee for tale, to arrive. Dealer
and Hotel Keepers will find it to their advantag
to cell an O'CONNO
Ca B asin,
Liberty& CO.,
G Canal at.
SCHOOL FOR 80Y5,151 miles from Pittsburgh;
Joan. S. Thavala, A. Id., Prmelpol.
,The Summer Sermon mall commence onWedoesiay,
May 1,19:0. Ternm-875 per Sermon o(6 month*.
For Cireulara. enquire or the Fn./FM, &ordain'
Bosom P. 0., Pa, or or Messrs John Irwin & Bone,
It Water street, or Messrs. T. 11. Nolan & Co. No. 125
Liberty atm.. Pittsburib.____ split-41s
Al COMS SERMONS—Seri:mu , lily the pulpit, by
811 B Bascom, D. D., L. L. I
s t., l trit N bi ,
apl6 78 Apollo Founh
TR ee. D—tnust be • good reader. In
quirs at this ollS
E.-50 Ws Lanlrriae W.
Water street
ULK 161EAT-3* pes shoulders;
. 2 1"miletrAlr , rial' N 'kV
PICKLED PORK-4 casks, a very soperuor lade
thls day metro!, and for male by
• 13 WICK do tdeCANDLEBB
ai'THE SNE&THS-300 1 Vatat l f . ltunea s
0 •4313
DEARLS—just received and for sale by
A IN up.Gl3 R 42 barels WICK
L i ff
the 111•11111
W AD"U" i'''" WArrirCINDLE 3S ,
. . by
NvAssED HdllB-340 Czavused V,
for sale oy WICK & MeCANDLESB
• —•
kMirg*Rtkill+l4l 4ll I ill.= -.A
_I3bTA 9
'' NVIt " I ra:gl°,lDwm_
GSOUND PECYEK—e3 prima Crowd epper
rer sale by . WICK fr. McCANDIASS _
LTlecital-:" . 43 b. 13claiiiii0. ertra Siarcla reed?
for we by , 15 WICK & AIcCANDLESS
ifTets brio W I C K •y, or rale • y
!hied reaches rowels to
Yea close consignment,
ags • WILY , lIEWS b. CO
POTASH -1O casks first sore, for see fis
r spls_ &HEY, AILTriIEWS . k. CO.
IF.A.IRCASiIE.2 O elks
for .de by 1.15
rpOBACCO-9 ads Leaf Tobsees laWilL4t.
sole by HARDY, JONES & CO
OACOLi 111a18-3 casks jut laud a 1 .aa nr
0106 NeBDY, fUNEit`"`
and t aale .
le r •p D-4 15 k".
i""mdin lfAHDV, JONES k. CO
Lbarrtaforfrf--iJblis No Leaf Lard, Hal HniHAT.,
Rah , by fapl3l C H IT
ICCKr We E—lug otls fresh Ds!Lab
/ re ' per Genesee, for sale by CII GRANT
glit10: 5 ,118-14i dos (1)1:2 ,
nee mites klete the Cup, oat tie Ohio Riau.
rilsSumrle'"ATi d'iP•i
cud impoVerigs,gitaNulls format
beauty, now open tor visitors. lea Creatent, Taw
;tome thinks Fruits, Confectionery. do, kept az
usual in the rtilocont
taltelllial lly invited to a large
collection of ever '
blooming plinths of Ali 'Giotto",
chow) , found erenahouses; also,Ote elmicest kinds
of ennui.' flowetirg plants and dahlias wit' be ready
for delivery the lot of MO.
The Swam Boot will commence raining from Itta
foot of I'M street to the Gahlens.the Ist day of May.
Two lines of Ortmlboaes are now reunite from der
Old Allegheny Bridge. Gardens kdpt on temperance
principles. end closed on Sander. . eolith*
_ _
k wad LI e.
Q P 71 P F! " 1 , _ 1. O r g
S Coal e: i d: II • eik ist la the in
0 8 of the D ifittba of the Yittsb_ ger It One Corernin "e y s ,
ilfo}oo beehele of BitamlnoorCoal,3o, lo ) baelzels
slack, and also for an the Lune which will be requlti
ed for the ate of the works for one Tear wilt be re.
abed u the Office of the Company wall Wednesday,
the Ikh inc., az Y &elect, F.M.r The above =WO;
ale to be remelt quality and delivered at sub thus
and in each quo:nines as shell be approved Of and di
rected. The amide:a et competadoo for the tail end
elsek to be 76 puede per basbet. t•
reap orals to be addraued to Thu. Rakeerell.risq
'President of the Company, and endorsed ...Propped&
for Col, "Sack", or "Lima ° se the cue PUY be:
The payments to be made monthly, retaining 4oper
cent we &acetify for performance of contract.
aptbaltd JAM At ClUillflf Tmuicer.
Auld *aleralas for
C. S..
Lena and 31anner
rum 01 .21111.07 C
Mess Curls and PaaPaiia ...... • • 4,0
neap:o and Third Tien "
lialtry (far colored4ersonsi.— —ZS
Dam open UT; Dart swill rive at Tf o•oloak
CP-Seeonii night of thp gnat Drama.
On Sator,d.nwAGWßl i b i e s prese g o; : itil T tlr e
',rued...... —..--- .......... • .. hlr Taylor
'staple ..--- .......... fdr R Johnston
lfre•— . ...... ---Mr 0 W Johaston
Cheap John W P Routh
Kinehen Mr Porter
Mrs Nichols
la ne
!e Mrs Frary
gyp-Tne !earth of this place mill not admit of any
other performance on the same evening.
Mr SILSBEE, the eelebraiett Yankee Comedian, te
waged for a few evenings•
__ _ _
.wine of the °deb - f ate Ratan Faire, will give
a grand
At 'Watt au 11.31,03 a T ,23dt gnat
ON which occasion, they will sing, in their National
Costume,. number of their Natonal it , ro, Nod
hog Doerr. Triess.Q.ointotiss, , accompanied be
Collar and Zillions, • Tyrolean instil:numb tntrodneed
for ths first t.e Into this country by Seppa Meow,
and pronounced one of the gi comet musical novelties
*( Sie c krt4fid con. to be had at Itiettatdron'a 'rocky
store, liar
ens, drug stem, Smith fi eld and
Fourth sheets, and at the door on the everting of per
Door open at 7, concert to commence at 8 o'clock,
em 2 ,11.31.
137 & 139 Wood above Fifth.
F itIAT oplondid establishment is now mitered for
Rent— It m admirably wronged for Concerts,
1-"M!"' ke.JOTtIttrrITIVIVONS,
137 Wood st.
OPEN DAlLY—front 9 tol9 in the weaning;
intim afternoon; and from 7 to to o'clock in the
O eentnt Children under lon
l 7
A. A. MASON 81. CO,
Market Street, hottrout Third & Fourth,
PlUaluiveigs, •
'WOULD tespectfelly call the alterulan'of city and
country uterentons, to one of As most extensive
Stocks in the country, nom over Fourteen
Hundred Cues and Packages of Foreign and Domes-
Se Dry Goods, meeting, in pw, of •
100 cases beat style Calicos;
100 a Bleached Muslin, all grade.;
fleetest, Stuffs end Commode.,
30 n dateline,-
40 " Lawn. end Mullins;
00 " Saunetts and Tweede;
10 Cassimerca, Cloths,
" and bales of Makings, Catchy go.;
Krum Idealism
Together with the most extensive 11201eleseat of
Imported Goods in this market. posse...tag the most
ample facilities for the transaction .1 their business,
and one of partnere being constantly in Me wines
markets, don peessining every advantage ee,en
easter. houses. The my
believe that met eau - .SS,
greater ind nen:neat , to merchants general iy, te miss,
hemlines, end prices, Men env 4Cera Mester. New
goods constantly untruly. Merchants Intending par
chasing East am particularly Solicited to extreme
their assortment. 10111 A A MASON ACO
00—PASTRIC1111111IP2 '• • '
TORN i 3 BAYARD having QUI day associated with
0 him ho son, DE Bayttd.will condone the Leather,
Ride and Ott Buttbsess,.• under the style of John ' B
Bayard re Sop, in Ins buildings, earner of Penn end
Walnut sweets, io the rtfilr . Ward. They would In
vite the Indention of purchasers to their well selected
stock of Ealltero Leather now being re celvcd,ooninst
ing of New York and Baltimore dole Leather, and
'Leather 'arid Referees 'of every descnotion, together
. 01 , e . r o r variety of our o own manafe L ev i np gli r ;
Tilun"n'en,4irting, Bridle, sod;dUlfil=l.tither, Seating;
Lace Leather. de. do. Also, Tanners , Ott and Cur
j Tools of the beat quality. All of which will be
mold st the lowest poraibte rates for cash.
I sold-02w •
Illuspratts. PatsAS BOOS Ash.
464 Ear. l i the , above
th eelebrot i trand
casks now on la ' iray front breiw .:" Vtieane r Ntd ex=
peeled her next week: arid 314 will ebonly arrive
via Baltimore per ships uniata, Cherapeake,Domaa .
ear, and Alb., which will
be sold CO arrival, at the
lowest market ice fur dub or approved bill..
No leo Liberty at.
PATENT plAcs—stoo lb. just
i nea D VAMal
No MI %Yoga mein
OFFEE-25 bap, dal
FLOUR - 160 brim received r •Plt
iilEtoosl3- 44 dos Manes Not Corn Brooiaii;
GO do...common do do joss
recolved, and for sale by CULUERTSON,
sold, 1431410011 at:
SCatCH HEi1 " 4 , 61 1 0 ° 2 Pt No 1,
...I, just reerir . Vlr
.1 for 5a1!.117.41947,..xun1VJ .:.. I., U b L/3 ., EA RTsci TBU n r.
r irc t - • . - A CULBE
Nf il
. " O . I I I I OLASS . ES -1: . b , rls in s A to c re u , Ma no r male N n7
'n..TR-1 ,, bbd. I,
rune to to mr. c r a t j ta r al l r
SllZTatil kip tmottia — Shoti kal
c at j t a ld e to c r r te N bY
'VIRE BOlRD'Prara nomo Prlmo of
r Preach rommfarour, from Mic in fl each. for see
gi Wood of,
iill;VI-rliorro ..hT •
or.d for (.Plil __ 3 Egjaik CO
CIT RI C ACID—la Unjust teed and km Wu It.) ,
• jj
TA 1U BUm j
C REOSOTE—n lbs just teed, and fa j r ;Wy k.
QPIATIBIiF Teit—PENTINE33 brill in plats older
0 for sale by '! B A FAIINEATOCK&_OOL .
.02 k. Ce.m t
S-AlsiTPb—A=6—i"l.-r—Ag WESII2IC LIXr
go AP-75
totn ii o
* re e nega t ed aad White, ,
aptg 11 " n /T Va AIINESTOCK& CO
BLEACIIINGPOWDER=Mooptattst. le mks, fon
ASH cVbran
--ot a supeitd,Orla
o ° .*Ulin sale by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK
"DEACRitO O bs. sweet beaches. a prbeterete
I for sale by BROWN & ItIRKPAT Wit
Fs-3 bales el W. N. York Haps ree'd de.
sad for eele by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK
1% 11/Jams4s i t t
Sterabeavelle 'Water Works.
PROPOSALS will be received by the Weer, Work.
Committee, at the TreasoreesOftee,until Tuesday,
the 30th day of April, at 6 o'clock, 1. M , tar furnishing
east Iron pmea, as follows, to win-462 pipes 6 inches
bore, a feet lamb weig bum eaehSApound= 18 branch
es for 6 tricky/tem in pipes 4 inches 1.11111, 9 feet loop,
welching erten 200 pounds, with the usual compliment
Diatom', sleeves, le. Ono half to be delivered before
the Rah of Join the balance on or before the 16th of
September. Testing and delivery at Smolteaville
. w
be at theespense or the contractor; far Which, mammy
will be required. Permed as allow,: MOD dollars m
r ash, upon th e delivery of the 'amount armee, and th
balance in one veer tram the completion of the eon-
Met, with. interest - Address Steubenville Water
Works Committee, LOUIS A WALKER, Chair.o.
apl3 dew.
at fl
TALOW-z brls Tallmijoed. and for nate b
•pil J 0 CANFIELD y
lAM now prepared to fendelt Apple Trees, tram Me
well k no w .Nersery '.l—Jecab N. rifO.IL The
trees wilt be delWered u Ike wharf at rtusbargh for
111.2 per hundred. PtillOOVlnOlting geed tbrifty trees
eMold leave Self orders wee at Ste Dreg, Seed, and
Peam.ry W. r .bopso,cotatt of Wood
&ma ele
apt! S N
I s tCo l
spit Watnr Mite
CIaiSIFIEDWCW t—l 3 bias CT fied Seger, lut,t
reetived, end for ogle br
A. warisras, ss.l wArnseur,
A. WEST,ERVELT .1.130 N,
Ye keep eentaaatly on - hand or make to order Ike
beat article In their boo, at their old stand, N 0.13 Er.
cbd r areet; alsoat No.Nl3larkettoreet, wood story,
entrance in me Utamand. Vcatumn Stoner. made to
and old blinds neatly repaired. • aplo
CORTI - 0 - 3LORED, max SHAWLS—wain and
em broidered, at store of
Mani, &
to N. Ir. sumer or.Fourtk k Market oak •
ja , “ reed edesusi
rt and rsigund bee tease. to inform Ilse bll5
L that he has declined bosioess in favor elite Sorg
. Davis, ho will continue dos A action and.Com
.,sslan basilic. at this out timid, candor of Wood sod
thh moats, and for whom he would solicit a cootie
112COrd dm liberal patronage heretofore 'bestowed up
rho huse. • Wahl D. DAVIS,
April 00. 1830.
(SUCCESSOR TO ".101111 D. DAVIS,),
cola" or WOOD AND was malt, '
;I7 mat sales, on liberal terms, elf Fond's and
SW Doucette Itlerchandiu, Real Estate• Rants,
&e s and bomb by experience and elate 'stallion to
business, to merit a ottotinuanee of tbs aquae ad
petronace llberaily extended to the formattsonst"
aeril lalt.183).
IA UN OS MEl.Xlielv
LLluso. Col:maw—New Tl 5
York for
stal Erie SW.' wvl:
Commercial Sketches with Pea and Pesci); The erect
e[Commerte in Aboti•hittgrittmvilsus span therms.
(mot Prow. TM Anatomy sad PhUosophy of Bash.
ing; TWIT s.stiost ofBsltinNew Tort llantreptsl,
Bashing, At Carrency—lntstest—Production: Tree
Trade vs Trolective Tariffs, or Btrietmes upon them
pun t of th.e o Bec . relsjy ,
c !: TntrattoLtlie . Unij.djittr ,
Man Espiwrin the East,
shi n;
BIACKWOOD, for Mush int ..*1
, ECLECTIC MAGAZINE, kur Apia, at Hawes*
Latvian' //Mot, Third
opposit. Pool
• • •
C I i
tYnatAt Tli bgg l ett fr iV e a I.`l4l:etif i rsts
house fo rm erly *cc opied by Hardy, Juries Y. C,
LINHRRD Olt.- lot. Oa~lh , e. •'f
For n 1 b .1 SP.LLERS k NV'O{ 8
for b
""!" VgoaArrr
iW I R'T k. "Vt'. -41r t