THE ellTSßUttall GAZETTE. PUBLISHED HY WHITE do CO IMIZ=M:11 /FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 18. 1610 . lEr V B Punrcs Is Agent tot thls paper at his atisszt, agsaaWi Bess , lbate, - PlithaelpenA And Banos. and is anthotized se rendes sabseriptions sesAnivettsentstna far u. MMiliMigM=l . .. . . _ TN ptriouto Onto cal Otto Illtatriout. the WV, I. ad Antianuocie Curdy Conuclutte erCerrerpece . mute amt al the Coat Mau. The following mute *kat was otlopted, to wit- • A.': eliaeolud, Thu its Whig owl Antitusenle rotate Onhe "natal Election Diattlets of Allegheny. Collet) In, 6.114 an 'hereby minute/ to meet at thew noel Urea Whalingelection& en Saturday, the lat de/ dials nett; Ikea sad there to elect two delegates to AO CootttrCeuvention to be held at the Coon House, 00%17e4aaday, the kb day ollaotO sail O'ck.k , ..'" ~... BEM Cktrention to lute the lanai and necessary ..tustiusiou Cot the ensuing October Eketions, and 'Om to appoint An 1141LIStai toterre=ll the County " ULU& Convention, to be bald In the city of Phil.- : . thtlphia, Wtoluudor,slo lath day of Joao.. Mu noettuto KIM Townships to be held -between Imre Si roc sad Sto deed , . t0...g.t POO and in &walnut% and Borougkabetwean the l' hosts of and Use Vault. P. IIL • , Jul.& UL ' •,• : ALE. IL PA lWXl4}4seretaries. L.... '•. - Pirtatasnit, Apnllo. ISCIA, 11:74966 NEXT PAGE FUR LOCAL KATTEALIS VMEMUWMCNEWS,xe. Oar amtiparideLt, . 4 1:70bdea,' compliment, Mr - ICAbt??ek wry, tdikly. It will sive as pleasure lii:desenres 14 bat we !mold thank ;,"Ntkitakte to shim on what principles a wan of ':atith high sad honorable feelinp—so Mach above ::!..:partragold vote Vor an Apportionment 8111 villa mania rentals a monument of Locofoco pafkly and folly! TVs most be satisfactorily ex. *eked before we min endorse our eorrispondont's c°8,141,e211. • .Baurvats.—ltevivals of religion, of conaldetable Intoned and power, ore reported as prorating in intions pens of the reentry. In no Ins than six colleges, there are variousdegrees of religious in. terest,vim Iv4hs *ashram Seamy at Middle. town, Connecticut, which also extends to the tam Prittecton„ New !may, which Is said to be Ihe Moat nontaxable revival since 1E115; tbla also extends to the town—ln the Baptist College, at Loalsburgh, Pennsylvania, a , new college, for which SIOO,OOO has been raised, there to said to be an liana religious Interest at this time; as there also I. In. Meßendrce College, Ithaca, end EartuolCialioce, South Caroline. It is supposed sat, In all these inuitaltoto, there ate not lets than ..150 conversions. la Poll River, Musachuseits, likewise; there Is envies] of Wigton, whieb pervades the whole tows,vrhere it la said there are six intuited con . versions. In Wayland, Sudbury, Olobe Village in Tmaton, Westport Dighton, Easthampton, Hatield, Fairfield, Ewen, Chester. Deep River, Northrop, Clinton, Madison, and Haddam, in Connecticut; and Norkak and Romney, In VW. glut*, revivals are' recently reported. In 60011 - of these the number of conversions is large.— These are Imuilying indications of returning pros-1 parity ?to-the ebonite% We trust that It is the .dawning ore brightei day afterthe long dearth the churches have experienced. ' Tan. Cuntay.—Never was an administration, L at this government, so violently and catalnualir assailed, u that of Gen. Taylor's. Although coin: posed of gentlemen - of high ammeter, rare abili ties, great acquirements, and of undoubted intre city, it has been made the continued object of ma lignant and unjostifiable attacks, on the part of • the opposition. From the character of the leader. . of tha Loco Foeo pasty, and from their well known adherence. to a system of political tactics which • juntilles any wrong against a political opponent. so it lament. themselves—the end macdrier the means—we expected, and will look for nothing . Lir e manly orjust, in their treatment of the Cobi. • ad. The people look for such vituperation, and ,• make all due allowance for it. From Whigst however, a different course Is expected. They, , • at feast, should wait for tabs troth, before they join la any clamor. In the matter otthe Galphin dale, • and the late deadens of the Attorney General, and tbe tumors about the dissolution of the Cabinet, which have down out of them, there should be an entire suspension of opinion until the fact. are fah ly developed. A. Committee of Congress, at Mr. Crawford's request, to investigating the charges Inregerd to the late allowances, and justiee de • muds that publid opinion should, at leut,awall the award of that Committee. In relation to the decision or the accomplished . and honorable gentleman who fills the post of At i•• ' true? °diem!, the Gollowlng editorial article, Dom fralidinal Intelligence; speaks a word ir. - 'so; arida will be appreciated by all reed or Isibgene . e and cinder. • . " °pains, side Agog noy Gomm! —Thera ' hat haver been an Attorney General of the United ' Stales whose standing as a lawyer, and whose • conduct as a private gentleman, more jostly.eati - - tied him to the respect and confidence of Cu glow, and of the public. at lane, than Mr. Jam. sou. No mu ever filled this high office who wit. • mote worthy to receive, and has more fully pos. teased, the esteem of theAdmioberation, of which . tee Ina member. Yet, as the means of assailing • to Admiolsantion, we find that some of his opin. • • buts are now called le question. As the proper law officer of the Government be is necessarily ealeated by the President and Heads of Depart. • ments'whenover a jedlcia question of sudden, importance in presented for their decision. The misfortune of pax Administrations hes too or,n coedited in the sac w Amnion it.. Attorney • General, attboegh Ilse general usage has been, co da mew Administratiou.. to oneesd on kepi! questions. 'nits is the safe and only true rule or action Ideal Administration to rely upon. It is todispermable to seem unitormity, harmony, and 'cionsisteney amens the Heads of Departments, In, administering the Government. Able lawyer. . as. other Cabinet alum may be, yet, without some common arbiter to whom ail are equally bound to deter, a claim might be admitted by one Department, within the sphere of its jurisdiction, and another rejected by some othe.r Head of De padment, or. Chief of a Dewed Involving a total departure boat the same principle. Teo President, who enjoye and desires to secure prefect harms '" ay in hie Administration; has wisely directed, ev er slate he came into power, an adherence to this genenh sage of the vernment. member a the Ca u binet, or Chief of a Bureau co No uld, with any propriety, overrule the deliberate and well Conwilmed opinions of the Attorney General, on qua:alone aflow. We are well assured, by those who bare bud ample opportunity of ascertaining the Dew, that no claim for intereat have been al. lowed by. the Attorney General, except upon fell eonsideration and investigation by him, and that `the whole profewhin of which he is so . distingual. ed a member will concur in the application which he has made of the principles of law to this sub. Jost. We have thought it proper to say thus much upoati matter which kasstimealiat excited public ' atteutiol, through thd gross misrepresentations and calumnies of a portion of the press.. We • : ham that in some of the cases where interest .hu been allowed on the opinion or the Murray , General, the same allowance hat been made by every Secretary that ever had occasion to consid •er causer the sameelaes". SIVAS Comma—Tips exr-Itsaient in Cinein. nut continues, In reference to a Smoke Con" sumer." The Gazette stye that - it is Proposed, by • , • amee, , to add ten or fifteen hundred daunt* the amount already offered by the proprietors of the Franklin Cotton MI, sad tlum make up • sum, to .offer ass reward, which will be large enough to 'simulate the inventive faculties of our Conn. wymen, and thus secant the cowttoetion of in iipperatus which will effectually abase the mei. ..siosee complained of. (klesiasays the Cianette,lnaiu that BurekhardYs prom of consuming coal awoke, which has been Is wilds tow leltiotes in that city, fos WVCRI plan, le`altotetber g emeitutt, and that any manufactu rer titsycl to abate the nuisance, and relieve howekaspe of a meat grievance, can do ao, with out exploding motley in the shape of rewards, end without !mount the ttleighhhY end ohnio• • tkie of say new invention. ~;.:_?;; - plan, LLD said, =moan the most of the mat, sad saves • great deal of • inel. In the Ishifahiffrwtca u. are first kindled, and at times odes they ere plentifully fed, soma smoke yr capes hum the chimneys, bat whenever the fres ea well ep. Moe la hardly a perceptible emis. ad tub is unbar Uoublesixos nor In any mum **loos fa t h e Oink, dam Factory. aloes, would be a great desideratum In nitabargh, woad as bettereas he band, we bops lt rieStii/epPid Imers. SUS we trust saute more podia Invent* kw* purpose will samba db. Wool, Wiatorte uy piss, ;of Ole utility u • mok• cow*" y porsmeed fa our adoption, Ire idraii mil ipso east eityeassaells to compel de .n 440149030 a *Wu. Satre pushy of bw , fns SiNikfaissisisoes. wa te*•,tbasitont, to Apo 044 4 04 NW* Gl* welter, kA/ beardk orso• • • 101 , 0 040 r 4051.6 O, 000 ma timpis da Don boo. RAW 4 1 , fP wbot , 4o.* 044 for into boil% 10 roma. wo "wool to be Ilosnal,' The Muleace to the Penitentiary an &0P... months of two of the persons convicted of being engaged et the puddler's' riot, at Plitsbunt hs le causing some cretement In that city, wing usuistatly severe, and • town meadsa is called bet to lognatutes to a memorial to the 00tentor tOr Pandlea. Pittsburgh is always • Pk f or The ..stew" In Pittsburgh to more In appear. and. than reality. There am men among us, some having the control of newspapers, who are always endeavoring to prOrinceencitement about something or other, bet the "stew" they create is without depth, strength, or permanency. The mass of the communhy is satisfied with the sem• truce paned by Judge ore In the riot cum, sad ft is believed it will burr • most wholesome erect. There Is a wittiest:ea to extend mercy whenever there is evidence of contrition, and pardon Is asked u a boon, and not as a nght.— While the petitioners denounce the sentence as unjust, and seek to extenuate the Crime of riot, trawl convinced Governor Johnston will outer grant a parditn. Sr. Pam.le Cactus.-The ground. on which Judge Lowrie decided against the Catholic Church in Fd'th street, is the salt against the city for alter ing the grade, are as follows—The Church was erected on a grade established by Councils, by an Ordinance pained In 11328, but which was nev er published, recorded, or executed, end therekire never became a law, according to the require. meat of the City Charter. It was Come months eller the Ordinance thus became void, that the building was commenced, and the lodge decided that - the owners of the Church could not profit by 'their own careleuness in building to the faith of an Ordinanceadmady void. U seems a hard caw, but we suppoie the decision is legally correct,— The reason why the Ordmaneo became void, we al:ippon., was owing to the cor•lesanea of the ci ty oaken, and we have no doubt that the True., tree of St ranl's thought they were pro ceeding on the faith of an actual law. They ought to have known that, however, certainly before they proceeded, and their neglect to do to, his deptived them of all chance for redress—un Ins, indeed, the . Supreme Cans should reverse the decision of judge Lowrie. FROM WASIMROTON. Carrespondeneekor the Paul:iamb thasite Wanizoltur, April 15:6,1E130i OnAMA for Clerk--B Treaty—Cab. net....llpeelal olalmi...Defleemaates and Expos.. The contest for de Clerkship, rendered vacs,: by the decease of M. Campbell, is as eager a can well be imagined. It will, however, as most fervently hope, be decided before this lette reaches Too. It is undentood that the treaty put concluded between Mr. Clayton and Mr. Solver, concera. lag the Nicaragua dispute., ta to be Immediately laid bake. the Senate. Mr. Clayton is In high %Mita, at the result of the negotiation. As be ex. wanes himself to his friends, he and Sir Henry have locked horns in the most fraternal manner in the world. This seems n altillff occulon for repeating wh I have before said, that Mr. Clzytou's adminis• tration of the Stile Department has been eminent• ly satisfactory and honorable to the country. In all that ha has undertaken, be has succeeded, and though on one or two 0te...10111% biz method o profeediug hen been severely criticised by the opposition, be has in the end been completely , sustained by public opinion, as well us by the judgment of those versed in Slaw affairs. The Senate, to day, after a long contest, pissed the whole of the amendments by the Committee oa Flounce to the deficiency appropriation bill.— It would have passed, but that Mr. Rusk wail oth ers instated upon the insertion of Item. of permit• nets appronriatlons, as for the addition of a eon. siderede number of clerks in the General Peal Office. Upon this a der-mailou arose which eon• awned tke. remainder Of the day. The fathering is the sate of the bill: Added by the Senate, Contingent fund for House and flew ate, Proviaian for Navy Mace'Mucous, Total of Senate amendments, 51,027,000 Amount of thn bd' A pretty round aim by may of additions to the expenditure of a year fin which something Ilko supoo,ooo had been presious4 appropriated— new territories hare brought great wealth, but also great trouble and. peat *sperm. Fifty six millions of dollars per 'eat! Imam FROM ItAREUSBURGIL Certespoonenee of the P1.a. , 11. Gauw. Eleattenrstm. Apri115, 1650 In my letter of the Bth instant ,in speaking of an ;effort wltich was made to get up the Appor tionment./ I have since round that I was in error in cig that every Locofeee voted against the proposition. I take pleasure in noting two honorable exception, Dr. McClintock and lodge Conylnghsua, both voted to tato it op. The gee. Semen are members elite Committee of Ways and Means, and I iin now informed that they have made repeated efforts to get this bill up dn. riog the Session, and have Insisted upon having It acted upon in proper time, but without einem- Toey have been beaten down by their reeldesr unthinking compeer+, who foolishly and vainly letsgine that they can inilucece the action of the Carouser on the Apportionment bill, by keeping ibis vital and important measure suspended over his bead. lam glad to learn too, that both there gentlemen utterly repudiate the puerile and con. temptible Legislative policy, which makes the fate of one measure dependent upon another. to the drat plaits they regard such s coarse as dis honest, unconstitutional, and violatiie of every principle of Legislative action; and In the second place, they consider It a very "weak invention,' >mdeed, and every way inadequate te the purpose; (the object is to coerce the Executive Into the formal approval of a measure which in his Judge ment and conscience he cannot sanction. From all that noire seen of Dr. McClintock and Judge Conyingharn, fend my means of observation. could not have been better,] I an - alined to look epee them as men, who in ever! noble aspiration of mind and soul, are entirely apart from the great mass of the petty, with,whom they are waist , ed hero in political action. Honest differences of opinion may be freely tolerated, for I would give to the conscience °revery man "a charter aa limitable as the wind," but the deepicable profess stone of a mere pretender, who huckster. out his opinions as • market women does her water, for the best price they will command, lea creative to be loathed, hated, and anathematised by every honest easels. The Legislation, to day,again, was of very lit tle importance. The monotony of private bills was somewhat enlivened, however, by the pre. eentstmn, reading, rod reference of another vets. The Loeofoces were excessively annoyed at this, though it was anion= entirely local, and tried to seminar their chagrin by motions to print large numbers of copies, made, however, only withdrawn, after they bad answered ittelr - Purpose of • little childish twaule about what they were pleased to term the Governor's abandonment of hie platen on the exercise of the veto power. This message was In reference to a bill. 'ONO , . inn to the Judge. of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia city and county, the power to grant licenses, and to discriminate as they may see fit In favor or against the applicant. You will mottoct that this Identical measure wasespealed last winter, and hence you wilt per ceive that the passage of this bill was nothlog more nor eta than unmitigated party move meet, to repesseasthe Judges of Vila Court with the means °featuring their own elections, when the tug of wu 'bailee= upon the choice offs. acid officers. .The message lakes this view of the wabjeot,aad like all the farmer messages of GovemarJoluiston, the argument la concladve.— liras Informed by one of the Senators from the city, that the veto of the bit would sender the Germs:nand the party infinitely stronger than it leis been since INS, In the city and county. lie ca ajojently expects teeurg the county next fell upon al l very issue. The Court of Quarter Eles. skras in the city and county oflthiladelptua is hats eat and loathed by the people of all parties, and the Governor will be unstained le this intones hi his Mod implaeabkt Gies. - in the House, the bill for the divorce of Edwin Porter Limo Mewl*, Catherine N. Forrest, wee Seely mod by a majority of two voting while the Wstberoill diorce bill was much more deeds aly voted down. 445 i/ urged that Mr. Forrest WO set ssoose4 Benue.The. publication gibe ttliben mated wills rirvalsioa of bail* Is his Ova. - all &Mete, the new :Appottionoteet Bile here bees sane the welt' Order of . the don for w maw, sad very do MstsMull Milispud of COMM THILATLIED Rum ai SotrntroAt. Wl l o , '"We leant from Milwankto papery, that on:the lathiest. dune was apprehension el a serious didll6.lllCo at Southport, Wieconsisbariatag from the dectec ficia of a fraud upon the farmers, practised_ by a produce dealer, maned C. J. Hutchinson. He had taken in wheat from several farmemdiapoted of the major part tint, and absconded with the proceed.. From 00,000 to 00,000 bushels less than there were outstandtcg receipts 6/1., were (01111 d atored when the premises were entered. Much excite ment was caused among the farmers by the disco- - , very of the defalcation, but the disposition tv mate x fair pro rata distraint= of What remained wail general. A farmer of Ohio, Mr. John Bolt, held receipts for about 15,000 baobab,. sod °buds:dog a writ of replevin sought ta remove that quantity, under protection of the State ontborities, but was compelled to desist by a large assemblage of the farmers. What farther steps would be taken was not known. ' frommathat a later hour on the same day, April 8, are, that two meetings had been held by the farm era and others In the Methodist Church, at which various propositions were made and discussed, but without any result. Tho stare was gnarderd by the city authariner, and no farther riotous pro. oecdinp were anticipated. . Tax LAT. Bangor SOO BIM= &rms.—The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania have appointed the 6th May to bear the exceptions to the report of the auditors of the Trustees' Aeemints of this Sank. The Philadelphia Ledger sap rr oConsiderable feeling was manifested on the occasion. JonaPßandall strenuously urged the Court to hear the case. Henry Al. Phillips, for Memos. Rothschild, opposed it. Mi. Randal mateltihat ample funds were the hands of the Tnratees to pay the whole circulation and de• positis siSth interest, and that Metre. Rtrtmettild had no equity. The question of paying the note. gad deposites depends entirely upon the question whether the foreign creditors shall be cut out of their claims, by reason of the limited time having expired before their presentation." . A memorial to the Filature la also sirens latiu to Philatielphia, to have the drains of the Bank closed, u the present crust Impairs the pus dnetiveness of the Girard Csilegn fond $5,000 per The production of Turpentine isl becoming a I largo and profitable business in Georgia. There are al present some fifteen per.oris engaged in it, and their entire product this reason will be near lytwenty one thousand barrel.. The Savannah Republican puts down the whole product of Georgia and Florida this year el 30,000 barrel. There are in Georgia ten turpentine distilleries. Heretofore the trade has been confined to North Carolina. SOOTS CASOLL. U. S. Scsavol.—Gov. Sea brook has appointed the H.. F. H. Elmore, at present President of the Bank of • South Carolina, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. Calhoun. Mr. E. has accepted. Demme. Piece Canr.—Tue ‘Vdmiegton, (Del) Journal says that as there has been no ureatte er ■efciently waem to cause the peach hleasoma to shoot in that State, the proepecilor fine peach es the coming season la very good me yet, The Telegraph Bill 2b Pmpl nf the State of IVreo Tort, repreuented is Senroda t ignd Asseutfy, do emir: aa Szonos I. Any person connected with any Tel. egrapb Company in this State,either as clerk, ope rator. messenger, or in any other capacity, who shall wilfully divulge the contents:or the nature of the contents, of any private communication en tmsted to him for transmission or delivery, or who shall wilfully refuse or ceglect to transmit or de liver the ume, shell, on conviction before any court, be adjudged guilty of rinisdemeanor, and shall sager Imprisonment In the County Jail, or Workhouse, to the County where such coo vowels shall be had. for a term of not more than three mouths, or snail pay a tine not to exceed fivo hun dred dams, te the &erection of the Court. Sac. 2. This Act .hall take effect immediately. lil r., mr INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE. Copy of a correspondente bewreen Honorable Dowel. Webster, of Ito Senate of the U. States, and the Hon. Hugh N. Smolt, Delegate Dom New Mexico— WAirmarton, April 9th, 1950. 211thA H. Hugh N. Sank, D :Legato front Nr Dux Stat-1 beg leave to present you with a copy of my speech, delivered in the Senate on the the( March hut, and to draw your attention 10 the remarks made by me on that occasion, op on the senetelcharacterot New Mexico, and its adaptation to slave labor. Too have been a teals dent in the cottony for several years, sod, at I have understood you to say, have travereed it from cad to end. You am a native of one of the slava States of this llntoo, and acetate acquaint. ed with the anal coat of slave labor, and the 'modes ofeattivation to which it may be profitably applied. You an, therefore, I ant sure, quite competent to express sa Opiplock ea the points which I have massaged, such as 0.11 be fatale. Wry. • Iwilt be obliged to you, oleo, to 'tale what the fact is, at the present time, respelling the ext. tense 01111•Wely to New Maxim awl whether the existing lhwa and enneinown o f: the ..ountry to. low IL I have the honor to be, my dear sir, your ob,dient servant, Dania Wterrit. Vlannaaram Apra 9th, 1850. To tAo Hos. Daniel Wager, d' the Milani Stat Dux Sm have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter orate 9th lest., and re. ply to it with great pleasure. New Mexico la art exceedingly mountainous ootadry, Santa Fe itself being twice as high as the highest pert of the Al leghenes, and nearly all the laud, capable of eel. Ovation, Is of equal height, though Knee of the valleys have leas altitude above the sea. The country Is cold. Imjreneral agricultural prodecte ere wheat and corn, and each vegetables as grow in the Northern Stares of this Union. It is enure• ly unsuited for slave labor. • Labor le exceedingly abundant and cheap. It may be, hired for three or four dollar* a mouth, in qumitity quite suffi cient for carrying on all the agriculture of the ter ritory. There I. no cultivation except by taiga. Von, and there to not a sufficiency of water to ir rigate all the land. A. to the exiasoce, at present, of slavery in New Mexico, it is the general understanding that it has been altogether abolished by the laws of Mexico: but we have no emabliehed tribunal. which have pronounced as yet, what the law of the lud in the respect is. It is universally eon• sidercd, however, that the territory altogether • Gee terrnory. ireow of no penman, in the eoun • try who are treated as slaves, except such as may . be tervante to gentlemen visiting or passing aro' lbe conetty. I may add, that the atrongest feel ing slavery unlverselly prevails through the-whole territory, and I anppose It quite impoa. giblet to convey it there, and maintain it by any means whatever. I have the honor to be, with regard, poor obdt sent. Noon N. Batint. FasatosTo ea HeNll9.—Tbis convicted mur derer is sentenced to be hanged; the petitioners for a commutation of the death penalty having fail& in make out a cape before the committee of the Governor's Council. The committee have closed the hearing, and voted on their report, 4 fur austalning the sentence of the law, slotted 1 for commuting it to imprisonment for We. The cane will come before the Council early next week, for final action. The Pow states that Pear. son, since hae confessed that he rose to kill hie wife tiller be had been lying by her aide three quarters of an hour. It waa. not his original Intention to kill the children, beton account of the resistance Ins wife made, they woke up before he had accomplished hts heat puts pose, and then It became necessary to despateh them lest they should :expose him." Gentlemen, suing for the clemency of the Executive, should bear in mind, that en anti banging speech, Is not alone sufficient to secure their object. Facia and heavy reasons must be adduced to justify the ex - °native to setting aside the judgment ef a high tribunal.—Bostos Courser. For dui Pittsburgh aaaaa ion of Mlod. M!=l Thy heart,thy life froth misery, ' And with a Spartan eoruege tend The slavish chains That letter rhea What blight or Wider stays so long The potent sway of Season's tonne,— What hurries thee from right to wrong With every trembling nerve unstrung Stay Ciehle slave In hateful dust, Far that stews weaker which !Mania be Thy ornament, thy elided atrial • A. strong as triple mail to thee! Do 'comfitl whispers come unknown, Nor Pity's tones neer math thy nut Nor Bartow from her mild waste blowu Ne'et haunt, arouse, or make thee beast A weary night, that thou should'it scota. Calm Honer. voice, thjbetter will r And darkly bow each night and morn, Embrace and love thy !dela still ; Aed walk the beat of senseless shame, Where all that's true and lair expirot; Where hope and joy Of every name Are swallowed, Mat in pinion's Area' Stop showing to the mass *mead How weak, or bad, a heart can be,— How much in leaming IA a nand, How mach in {arms, mocker}' I•._M EaItEAWAT Con Or nut /ATI Taonsum I'ltrin newspaper publishes ■ calculator of what the reaction eost.Europe durieg the Year 1849: It makes one shudder to read it. The east In men is lust gives, and is as tallowy The war of Naples sod Sicily, including the men who died in prison, or were shot them • 23000 Rome, theladiog the French" laidiem..7 - 9,00 0 Spoof erds. 'Winos We the glorious exte- dltfoo War of Hungary, (both aides). The parts of Poland.rehlek mingled vnh the mar of Independence Hungarians dead after the .pulatioli of Gloomy, and to exile In Torkef.... 3 5 1 r lonian insurrection 4 85 War of Ilium Independence—Hibui ye nice and Piedmont—, More than one hundred and eleven thousand ilizena sacrificed to the ambition of Kings and of To Froce. To Central linty, (Rome, act.). To Napier To Acatria, (Lombany and Venice in. eluded.) ........ .......• • • • • 69 0 . 000 . 000 ' To Honing 19 000 000 To .... ; ......... ...so3poopeo To Piedmont—material for war—.... 15,900 000 do. —ostlonal debt 70.000,000 A French paper republinhesthis,remarkingthia the calculation Is rather below the anus] cost, and that the war of Salem* to not included, which aru, however, very bloody and very eon pannier. COlll.llll AT ST. ttAKCINVILIS, LA..—The 01706 f. lei* of the 20th uh. says:—.While the cholera Nu visited many portiong of oor Stein, this region hue•eaped the desolating effects of it until w i th• in a fear day. past. We feel conetrained, bowey ar, now to say that neared deaths belie beencome ad brads fell destroyer. • Larran ►a ou Pac►. DAVOIMEIL The following letter is published in the Manche* ter bdesworer. It will be read with painful ,inte CAVIIRID9S April &b, 15,50 Dania None, thy. :—.44-1 this morning re• ceivod the very kind letter. you addressed to me, and which I buten to mower, to thank yen, In tfte name of my mother, my sifters and lapel, for the true sentiments yell entertain respecting my be• loved father. You believe him innocent, and you believe whet is tree. lie le the victim of citeum ,atancee, a deeply tojared man. That he is Innocent, we his family know, mid nothing. on, earth will aver take from us this conviction. We have no. vet, from the moment he was snatched from his home, hod a shadow of doubt on our minds; and whatever the world may say or de • wo shall ever have that feeling to support ue The knowledge of his innocence supported my father during the hours of suffering in the court room; that it is that gives him audios calmness now, amidst the many sources of sorrow that have overwhelmed .us. Far different from what we anticipated, 'seethe result of the trial; 4.r we had been assured Mt Gogh ont the winter that our father could not but be re stored to or, and that at the trial he mutt receive justice for the many wrong. that had hien heaped upon him. But justice fled from tho Court room, and prejudice took her place. I'e4 hope still lingers with no, for we matt that the ptiblic voice will he raised apical the grou injustice that has been committed, and will not allow our country to bear soot a stigma on her nameoluch an everlasting stain, no will be that of the sacrifice of one so testy Innocent RS my (ether. Aod if one word from no, air, can add a feather's weight to the efforts that are being made, oh, may we give you the deep assurance of our hearts, that we feel grateful far the Interest thatryon en emies and feel, and for what you are doing in our behalf May God, in his iodate Mercy look down upon you, and bleu the e fforts that mete:deg made, and if it is not hat will to Ming the troth to light, and to allow this awful mystery to I e enplaned, may he enlighten the minds cf those into whose bud. the sure will ease 1 moat again thank you, sir, for the kind feelug you enemas toward'. my dear father. Nothing that the world can do, now, giver as greater consola tion than the knowledge that other, believe him innocent. Sympathy hap floored abundantly from many heart. towards us, bin fatally; but bow much more wised by us Is that sympathy, when expres• ied fir hiss That our beloved fathemay be re. lamed to as, is the fervent prayer of our hearts, end we wait tremblingly in the hope that those who are now to decide is this case may am the terrible injosuoa that has bean committed, mid has Maimed no much suffering un so malty. Believe me, sir, gratefelly yenta; Mature W. Wattage. MSSlllartl. Steams - v.—The Rev. Dr. Duthie of Phdedeiptus, has been appointed Correspond ing Sometary of the Miuiortary Society of the Methodist EpiscopM Church, to ill the vacancy occasioned by the resigostioo ol the Bev. Dr. I'll. man. The Dr. has accepted the appointment, and will shortly enter upon the duties of his Mace. The Government of India have offered • peke of 5,000 rupees for an improved machine, (unrestricted by any particular mecha• olnl principle.) inch as, in tho opinion of the al:. veronienL shall have fully attained the pnecipal ohjecu described by the moiety, namely, tt to be eo perfect in its action in separating cotton wool from the seed, and possessing such qualities' of ex peditioe, simplicity, and comparative cheapness, 11. to reviler it likely to came into practical use." Couirvettors are to deposit at Calcutta on or be. fora the lit January, 1652, bill sized working ma chines. Venoms eon Simucnoe.— In the ease ef Bayley, the gold pea maker, at New York, for the sedan lion of Miss Carolina Runnel, the Jon, on Sa• tinday, gave a verdict for plaintiffs of 111,0130 &i -mages. • Tha Turkish Sultan has granted full toleration to the missionaries throughout his vast empire. Seven churches have been formed at Trebisond, Conuantinoplv, and other towns, embracing from two to three tinudzed members. • A Yen= Idasuits.—bir.leer. Colton saw at Sin, • women only 12 years old, who had two children. She was married at the age of ten to a man of sixty ave. LOGAN,,WILSON II Co., 1519 WOOD STREET, ABOVE VOW. IMPoRTERA OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, he Ask the attention of pares to their rftEssi SPISING STOCK. Which they think will compare favorably, both t• extent and cheapness, with that of .7 other house, either here or In the Eastern Cities, febtAtislAwlyT Pazunni Lug, Avaaa.—Prepareci by I. W. Kelly William inner., N. Y., and for sale by A. Jaynes, No. 70 Fourth Weer_ Thu. will be found a delightful uv ula of beverage in families, and particularly for sick MUM. • • •• . ilages'a Improved Chocolate preps tion, being • combinaliou of Cocoa nob Innocent, t • •Igotalslig end palatable, highly recommended yarn alarly for tavalida Prepared by w. Usher, Dorebe ter, Mar., awl Mr Cale by A. JAYethIS, at the I'ek Tea Mora. No.'Al Fourth sr crieltle I=2pretimmitate In Ilea y. DR. O. 0. KTEARNS, late of Melton, Isprepsred to manufaeture and set Box= Tom. in whole and parts of sett, upon Suction or Attnospherte Bunton Plates.— F001 . .C.111.. 1111.1V.111110111X, whore the nerve savored. Men and reettlehee neat door to thajday or's oleo, Fourth =rot =Piper... Karts vo-4. B. Ittlfuldeit.F. O. Eaton. lON DIL. D. [MAT, • • Dentin. Corner of Fourth - end Demur; ' between nettentrin another Wiliam en the Stud CHRONIC RHEIMIATIVIM. Me. 8. 61. Ktlin—Allow me to express to yen my heartfelt thanks for the great bench! I knee received from an article celled PETROLEUM. or Roca On, of which you ate the sole proprietor. I hat occasiou me It about the Is! of January, in T violent attack of Rheumatism, which Was very painful, dying about from place to place, aceorapamedwith so am to keep Inc in conflate torture. 11 used the Pe. trillium externally, a few epplications of which re. moved all pain, mid e'er: symptom of the disease. I am new entirely well, and would take this occuslon to mewl:mend the Petrol.= to all who may be euffer• ing under the agonising pains of Rheumatism or kin. dred dlsauus. poled) Gincon near Perry Minus, Pittsburgh. [l:7Kee general advemsement In &slather colonist. fable ELTLivn Paul—No modicisse net earned a higher reparation in so short a ticue,as has Ow ;Aver Pill, discovered and compounded by Di. ArLane, of Virginia. Although but a short time companairely before the public, it ha. already earned for itself • degree of popularity hitherto unsurpassed. The. do. mend for them has become hamente. fawn. Kidd Ca. the proprietore of the medicine, who reside in Pittsburgh, corner of Fourth and Wood smear, are census:atty . receiving orders whielt they god It almost utterly Impossible to supply. The pemtlarlty of the. Pills Is not coedited to anlPncticchl. ".iim the country, the demand being general, from ths North, south, FAO, and West. Tie truth 1. co doses. Is more common In all gushers of the Unli4d States than that of the Lifer. And these Ms are the Ames remedy over pat discovered for Hepatic derangement. For salt by J. KIDD t CD, Na IA Wood inve, epl3.4karlS 13006.1. Maratha of the United Stares Earaiiinse w rho River Jordan .d the Deed Sec fly W. L Lynch, U. S. Nave. Memoirs of Ill&Ofdinaly rope. De lesions: By Charles Mackay. Wpm. to France Miring the Etglitestrelt Cautery. Ihrenbeldt's Japeets °Matu re. Dictionary of Seetleal iMetailener John T Wan.. Liam of the Queens of Ragland, from the Norm. Conquest By Agnes Strickland. Simpson's Jearney Upend the World. Chanel:tea The limy Sean By Bard nor Sena, D.D. For sale by D LOIRWOOD. No 104 isearth st. received aft aonsigkent, nod far ma by_ HARDY, JONi CO TVALOGUE OF DEVILS—A few Ea .49.1)001L,88:73VEXP0R IiINfiv8.84881•18 If mode for aate by JOHNSTON & 8 ETON. 1.1.0 C :received , and ter lualeb, apni Hook 1.11.1488nel of nut et a Tklrd 'OlB 8 E VON BONN/10E8T &CO taN ctrrrs CONQUEST OF•PERUL' I N ° for Web mezanrs CONHUWer OF MEXICO; .- We s VON RO NNHOTLOT kCO P A few wise, of eaeh of Hut above_waskAeol.ree'LL4 ISYYSTEleteftwe , SobY [Journal...:hroo rA ie . l i e . , Ammeroan, and 1,1 % bo, pen; by Iny:9l JOHNSTON to SIOACYON ! vir l7 ). F YON BONNIMRST &CO prime, in CO wl, sal for sah al the •owe.l pd BRAUN& &ITIN-BlloolKfte. lo du ie. Intnlinr• *Ale by, VDAltid ORREN-5 eases of grade O. seed. and for • IP J H DI !' " D D TD lOW BRAUN se. REITKR ** —4O brit in store, ud lot sale by QUOAR-71 Olds N to arrive by neuter AIiVIB .1 SI DILWORTH A. CO foffenioe, for side by ° ISAIAH DIOKVY CO try - 7, - i — Fooyr f able by aplfs 110 Water o. d- d's or I DILWORTH &ro RANDIFJP—A choice selection of pure ilndies, John Durand & Co.'• manufacture, kept cen. -------------_ tULUERTSON, , Meournissyg, Wash Bilks. lllti Liberty street. 1111FIRPHY D. BURCHFIELD Insitc ' attention to M. Heir noorword of alrOlo goal. 'pH ElTlNKS—Ssperior qualities of Cstro .d CMo• _— _ _ Tif moo Wiues Sept eousbusly on hand, and .or - I . )ARAGFS AND GRENADINES—FWD and pra wn by apllt A CULBERTSON 13 ed Ranges, Tissans, Otenadtoes, and other Area goods. An usottment of newest and of by D /IQ EELS. LOUISVILLE LW k A linlo r ldg i t c. l , tor 1017 it" . .--. ' "' &lMRCn FIKL I VD , srtle by spa -- ' 'Weald. 'ENIPON HAMS AND DEER - E3 - K - IN;;:m - r 7 ;d, I and for iale_ll7 split A CUI.IIER retteg : . 11R. I. B. CAMPBELL'S BALSAM OF t , V19:1 . A GAHM. Th• Clasapezt wad Best MikaltOn• in the J_.7 CHERRY: for the cure of Colds, Co inlut Co . . 'amour's Bronchitis, Breast Complaints taw d all Po. GEORGE lE, ARNOLD & CO. have opened an r ,,,,,." iar„,th„,,, Liver Come .tams sod Female hacauuz Orrms N 0.71 Fourth street, next door Detelity, and for Impuritiet of the Blood, Catarrh' to the Bank of Pumburgh, and as prepared to trans Fever, Asthma, Croup. Inflocfrnt Wh.°BllL Co. g h, act, on reasonable. terms any business in theta Lae For ..s, in ..Fide., or by th e single ba ttle, at that may be enuusted to th em. Exchange, Coln, Bank Notes, he., bought and told. ' t s h , e . , o l:l " 4 ,,A Se w e ,, og l d ' so o ,l ll / 4 p t ,t7:o / y W iditTpa aa r aa b a 'ottra. aer at COUC . OOBI.I - mado in all the poncipru mums and . s7 S N WICKERSHAM ..._. -__. 429 000 000 23,000,00 0 . 84,000,000 towns in the Uld Deposit. tecei ad in par fonds an enneney. They respect( Ily solicit a sham of the cu.wm of the haameu community. GEORGE,E. ARNOLD t 5a2,000,000 - DEA.145118 IN XXOII/0101i, COtN, BANK NOTES. Ac., No. 7l Fourth mut, nett door to the 'look of Pitt.- burgh. mrtidlot 11.511.1A0lift, WELLS £ F ANUFATUJIMRS Or liftkltak GLASS WARE, 0.7 kJ ark y' rket creel, Pintlitt • order, keep conriani on hand, lut a main to all kinds of Vials Roulet, Ae. Porter and Mineral Water Bottles of ea perior quality. PATUCEdir attention paid to Private !lodide unrAll Iritrab sU tPi, COM. illsloll illelrehant3, Ultd dea:ers 1.1 i'msburKh biszorszalres. apt: Ron. anmax. TllO , UM. SAM 4 U. =swoon. IIOBERT MOORE, IN bolessJe Oreeer, Rectifyiee jk, Distiller, dealer is Produce, Putsbuich Month, tures, in alt kin4s of Foreign and Domestic Winen and 1.4.qu0m, Pio. II Liberty Streel. hand leery Mtge sleet of superior MO Monona . ..hell waiskey, w Weil will lee sold low for each. to .1 L. 0. 10,101... L. un. IDEYNOCDS & SUM For:waning and .A11114111 , - Jib slim Machina., for 100 Ail[gOGlly River Trade, calms in Geoectme, Produce, lattatturgh, lame, and Chloride of 1.1.11/11 Thu hlghelt price. 111 caeb, pail at all tones tor country 10C±,...1%0E101 . Penn and Irwin mot. mold TIOUF:AT DALZELL & Co., Wholesale lairocert J. 16 Commission Merchants, dealers in Produce non Pittsburgh. Mantifsetures, Liberty street, INusbucti., Pa. uplb 11011E11T A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Groc e r, IL Deal, in Produce an. Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 144 Liberty street. app GINGER. HARTMAN h CO., SI Slnld Iron and 5. - 17 tinel Work,htandantuter• no An. B. Spring and Plough &eel. Al on—eprins., A rho, Vices, Air be. They invite the attattoot or merchant. and conamen to thyir stock berate purchasing eine. where. They moment thetr one). to be roan to any made in this country or Imporod. r,b,4 JO . I . I I N e SZ . N . A ST il le e tTO , Ith ry •r of ju n. st receive d •C. 0111•CIISIT. rum. st. tome pert' new ed Ilan; sloth. SUACKLETT k. WHITE. Whale-sale De•lers In Vol, tiol 9 tatheys Common Place took. Clothmod Foreign old Dc no Da Goads, No. tn. Wood pa• or binding. sown. Ihtotbatilb. apt? Cbd) . lot . my'ratroplactt, No. Subjeet— "Model l IJo yoms." W BARHAM:II, Wool Merchants, Deem. 1.,j In Float and Prod..° generally, and Emma :ding rnal, A • eriC New en and Chronicle potty.) and Commtulon Merchant., No. 53 Water strtet, Pittaurgh. • a• 17 WOMAN IN AMERICA—Her work and her re ward. Dy Marla J Mclntosh, author of "Charms looantertharms," "To teem sod to be." I not temp. tatter Day Pamphlets, No I:—The present tune By Thomas Colville. Catata•.—aternoim of Ede and Writings of Thos. " -"- C. aiLLTIT, 11111.1.411. lout. Nieocs, SELL -EMS ICOL% Produce and General 01113 mtviioll Merellanu; No. VI Liberty street, Viva barna Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oder pl 7 Chubeets, D D. L. 1.. D. Pre!redoes on 13stler's Analogy, Paley , tandem...sof Litristlendy, andlliles Lectute an Ihrtnity, with two Introductory Lealaa“ nd four Addresses dohs end to the New Colleg e, jliohurgh, by Thomas Castilian, D. D, L. L. D. I vol lame. Cil.v.-1.1(4, of John Calvin, compiled from untie. A H o Theological, tissues!, tio sources, and meuraly fromkds correspondences. A. an d Sonday . Selmol Hook a. , Hers soil dealer. Hy Thomas 11 Dyer, onth portnut. I not 12mo. td all kinds of %Moil, 'Window ...a Wripping Pau For sale oy It lIOPKINP. per,No Na Wood street. hems. Fourth atm Pm. spl7 78 Apollollelldings, Founts st. ,and alley. Pittsburgh, Pa._ apl: lo br wncricm. MACHINISTS—An ekeellent °pa H ra. LEE, Wool Dealer slat Commission Nerchlut, 1 atty now occurs to a practical Msthinlst, oft . for be rale of American Woilen Grads, Loh- well established reputation, and same espbal, to mi m: streetsmbralle Filth. _ opt 7 gage extensively In the Stresx Eaolat, BoILIII, AND raaallaV Oraterats. WI 11.40,1LaT, togal „ CO.. to era, An estaldishment is now ready . ). hes:neat', ample se, a. IWOODWaIIa, '.'"`. .'""•• •in all its details, Including extensive ssioarf room, for W ht. SAC:ALFA( &CO , Wholesale Grocers. lb e,, y ~,,,,, ~, = t... .n, from it s p 0 3,.. ir p .. and go Wood Filar., Val-.lallt b. "I ' 7 krty eonducted, will doubtless command a large Dana WU arum share at husiraas. "'" l ' di ratANDLESS, (successor:4d L. AJ. 0 Apr actical Machinist, to a partner, Is required, to w,,,,,) ~,,„,,,,L, ~,,,„,a , F or ... H o ,: sp .( conduct the whole establistimeng and only taOLO riAllY Ommtraion Illerelissm; dealer. in Iron, Na 1 , .. Glass, d?dtah!d!!! Ilt‘ ,l ...PPP'. Addle.. (peat paldj "MA. c„,,,,, u y„,,,,,,,d p,ii,h,,,,a hi am ih a ,a,., ~,,..i s i. I.IIINK CO" ltog No 711, Plultdetylus, Ps. ly. cornit of Woad sad Watt, streets, r.tusurrh i _ spl7.dlin Gi F VON CONNIIORdir At CO , Ortodota Gro• . otos, Forwarding rd•• Commission Merchants, Dealer. In Finalitirga M•nnfacturno and Wortern PrOduot, at realleeti to their new wa rchouec, told nand,) No. NS, corner of Front street and Chanter? Lane. npl7 Ai - CLASSES-56 bbls Pianist'. 1d015.., UT 11. MITCHELTREE, WM.lessln Gower., All .a lids lope House do F . Heenfirtrg Instiller, and Wine Kee I. quer Arriving per summer MAW., and for male b Yrrehanu y Alan—lmporters of Redo Matron' IS rant- epl7 BROWN t EIRELPATHICK int • Powder, No. Lin Liberty • greet, 0vp...• B ..‘k JotIo• Lai. &astral. Haar Waste. vtleely tlitstarsh. spl7 cativo. IAT W. WILttON, Watches, Jewelry, ease, Wain IaILIEFORE producing • remedy for any 4insue,i x x and Military nanis, corner or Market and elweY. to-p••••. • thorough know- Feline streets. Panne , . r. N. —W ntebes awl ledge, net oitlY of the °Hew. lteMl; bat el the MT..- Clocks corollary moaned. logy or the organs sought to be send nison. The too. act., as offend to the public as a snetedy for damsel of the Ha r, and as the mmult of mazy yews , apecenee and re.... Juin Hasel's Laurel., Hair Reslorattee is, proba bly, the most ellierwlous and agreeable skaldic that It hoarser town the tot of the chem. waive.. It pen men. the men delnattful perfume, and will render the Ilan glossy, luminant and beanund, cleansing it tho reseal from all impurities, and by its tettou upon the minute organs of the Raw, wen lost • tone and slaw before laknown. It also totally , ell scurf, deride.; punples, ac r, ether Imprint es from an scarp it is unknown that each hair is a hollow lobe, hav ing • root in the akin, through which there is a eon ilant.Cireelarien Of bar., and when, from sickness, he accumulation of daedrutr, or other canna, the capillary tobea been= clogged, these organs cease to perform their functions, and the lilts becomes harsh, rusty, and gradaalty nits., thereby inducing race:lawn baldness. It Is to eases suah tbs. that the Eau Lust.. Restonnive is peculiarly adapted, as Its and pu•ifying prepernes mill rename all impurities, and stye life and fresh.n to din dry and dead ban. It is far serener to any ether article. for dressing the neer, as a main the most delicate and ...bele odor, and imparts to the Ilea a beautiful and loon. appearance. it is probably the only really mi. entifically compounded preparation now before the public, and it. InereaSkag popularity is &prom that the public appreciate worth. Enure satisfactiongiven the purebawr H in every real. Prepared only by JULES AUEL, Perfumer and Cheenn, Ile Chestnut street, below . Fourth. For aale wholesale and retail by A. Fahnettoek de Co, and R Sellers, Paystairgb; and Jahn Sla g-ant and J. Mitchell, Allegheny city, Pk. ap17.11.1 W.. 100,0. WW a. IirCONZ. WM. YOUNG k. Co, Dealers irt Lesinc , , 11 1 4 ts 1ke.,143 liberty a eet. ja,,5 NZ letTlCll.Olll. 11.0,1[1.30.1. 14r . • IdeilliTCUtiON. Wholesale ctoiers, p V „ubl,,,,, d;lL i rs . nod., Icon, Nails, Clara, and nufaetare generally, Liberty street Pittsburgh. rual7 P&TTIORICW & Mk STEAM 110A'r ANENTS Onus grove M. ALL. Je. apt; No. 42 Water orcet. MOBS'S a lIAWORTII. TEA AND WINE bIEILCHANTS. East stda Diamond, Pittsburgh. apl9 I Vice. vnon PACILAND PRECISELY the same kind of Slump zed ROUGH Seemed Teth that ate retested in the old country at de and Moir th.tall be obtained for Sec and yin per Piund at Ton Tea Mo is ter. east side of th e Dinsuoud, ttsburgh, or at Morris Jr. Haveront.'s Wine more, Federal Street, Allegheny. The .hose l'uze Cenne Tuts, ere receive through oar English Agent, direct . from tl.c Queen's Itonded Warehouse., duty glee. being for ears'kftatidn' opts LOUISVILLE WHITE LltuE—lsJbrls fra.h, just fer.'.l, mud for We by 0 II URANf, PplB P 1 Water st. H_ for ifirAg,tiv.scrZ,Vred=="' LEA D-1000 GalbOn Lead reel per , Bteame; L Mum, and for sale by apiti • JAMES A lIIITCSISON kCO SHOT—SS kigt ossoriedSunaben, (i 4 snie by epltl JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO AA A. MASON CO: are receivurg anorher large . Invoice rich Fanny Diem Silks of all quaes and pricer; Chameleon do; Plain Black t o, all widths, and prices; Burred and;Pigureu do. ere. Porsoo•wishing to ilirchme sto ck. rtcularly request ed to call and examine their as they Yeti; Mal it mach Ilk largest and clicapmt in Chit oily. ItIUBONS, de. de. 430 pet choice styles Bonnet Ribbons; Pdrn do Cap do.; also SO rich 15 gured Silk Oriental P Ih with bran? fr.!, 1k do•titltand without Imm, lifOrEl and upwards, rerload tow opening by A A MASON It CO. Market at. lictwean add 4th rt. Mso, received and opening 3 cases Printed lawn., every moiety of stiles and colors. aptO Great Ant•rican Mechanical Work. .I)APPLETON lc CO, New York, haw in coerce of publication, in puts, price twenty five cents reek, a DICTIONARY of Maehlnes, Merhanics En -sine Work wad Engineering; designed for Premien 'Volk MR Men, and those intended or the Engineering Profession. Edited by Oliver Byrne. This work is of large tiro sore, and will contain two thousuad Page and upwards of sic thousand illuxra coos It will r present working drawings and descrip tions of the most Important machines in the Ironed States. ' , lndependent of the remelts of American in. Ffluilli it Will online complete Pmetieel treatises nit Mechanics, Machinery. Engine Work, and Engineer. ing; with all that is awful to more than one thousand dollars worth of folio colonies, magulnes and other hooka. Six numbers resolved, sad for sale by the HOPKINS. aphi 70 Apollo !funding', Fourth st. TEE TEA mASILET, EAST SIDE OF THE IDIaSSIOND, Crootaas. faIIIERE i. nothing mote refreshing than a cup of 1.. good Tee, bandit re la greet dillinalty to Obtaining it. . her . t no Rotel° imported on which Mere t. greater deeeptloa practised. The BLACK TEAS sold Gy (Omen generally, are weak and trashy, and the 1.0 Tana with a tow exceptions, a Canyon Mario. carman article, Me fine bloom on whi In beleg a .111p0aition of V.OlOllll. A,. a. analymmen erol prove. Such traM aught to be expelled from our market at 0 1Nottoeurs. ,, We have commenced the Ten Trade In Piteburch with the fall determined°n of selling Gomm. Tu. only; and having been getters In that article upward. of twenty years, fern of which exchnively In Tea.) we Saner oar-elves to be Sada...Cif Had Tees, wit encoder Data Se ant meg, and It had name is Oben obtained by rolling them; bet if selling n noon eariusa at a reasonable price, will obtain custom, Why We OLIO core of our share. Our price., itiolditmouideredi shall always he an low. any ether Tea Dealers in the Veiled State.. Our Pries/ par Pound. owe. Good Black Tea 0 MOood Omen Tea•—• • 0 40 I Ihne Flavored do•••• 0 On Streagdida•—••••• n 50 Strong reaglfflavored Strong and fine davel 075 Eaglish kind,"•—• 0 501Itery superior-- i eg Dcatilifularouran it'd e 0 75 Extraquality and best Very beet Sepotted• •1 OU Imported .--.••.. 125 Eaten (Wong and Items b devoted 'Ruh Tea,7sent. pp er lb 4 this Tea we receive direct from the London 1,,,,k,,, gay free, it being for expertatiou; It is pre• sagely the same bind that le retailed by the Tea Deal ers in Enaland,lrdan 4 , and Sotland, at 5. per reread. Those who study economy will do well Wine thie kind of Tea. The above Teu we retail direct from the original chests, as Imported from China, Those who prefer foukego Teas, we have such alwaye on hand, front neuter pomade apwards. Also, Coffees, Cotes, ilbocalate,Loatand t..lashed Segue and Spice., and Pic Flo a kles of all Made. IS & I IAWORTII, ridan lb° Tea MORR Alukat, cut aide Diamond. apllit . Emp—sa halm Miami dew ratted, just mowed od for Ws by Ip ielttigEB A lIINCIIISON & CO 11. bd. trashed, powd d li and for gals by JAMES A HUTCHISON . C.ll FA cgs Agway St. !Adis Swam Sem ilsbnery. las antra now lanalac and far QALIT F ' Tnr " 4" mien DicKEO. co, Webb •11l Wain rt. WS' Krit.LlC PAI N T-6 brisk Jest rest`d per MOland for sale by the barrel or single peddle at the Mar, :deed, and Perlman Warehease, corner of disth and Wood streets. n N 'WICKERSHAM arid_ SOAP—too bin Cmoiaoatt No I. far We by spit/ J s rst.wsirruci cc , _ , ORT OR PlTOLEN.—Yesterday ellarsoon, U Water strew, betereoe the bleueniabele noose and Wood mem, SIXTY DOLLARS. The ceder will be fibetally rewarded by leaving si u Me office. Opl7. ""11-4 oats 3"'lnirtitgrKTTlTlL oplB Notte• to onr Patron.. RELIANCE PORTADLN BOAT LINZ. lIIHe decease of the active partner, in Philadelphia, j.ithe late James fil..Havia,) produces no interruption to the bradneu—arrangements have becnriadewhich involves the same intemsts precisely, which have heretofore existed. The bosiness is continued under the same name and firm, T.— .I.a&c. Id DAVIS & Co., Philadelphia; Joint 61'Fantx P . . Co., Pittsburgo. The (.011601.11(2C 1 3 of the patronage of 011 r many friends Is respectfully solicited. If any persona l have annanda against the concern, they are requesed to resent them forthwith, for Payment Pittsburgh, April 10,10. JOHN bEPA DEN, !MOW/. Cheap Standard Illstory. lIATSIF , 'S His TORY OF ENGLAND is noerpeb lishingg by limper & Owls: in 6 rots cloth and paper. at 10 cents per vol. Three Cols received, and toe Rale by R HOPKINS, apt 7 73 Apollo Buildings. Fourth at. Unrms Orno&-Paaaht U. R. CO, Third ell ratilßOViu, April 16, ids% pin; Stockholders of the Ohio and reermylvanta Igait geed Company are hcrecy modified to pay Mit firth Mclennan of rive Dollar. pet shure. at the erten of the Company, aa herciofore, on cr bolero the Huh day of May next; and the remaining undellnenm of Five Dollars per share each, on or before the 50111 day of each succeeding month, u nit! the Whole are paid. By order of the.lioard of Direetora. _5p1741,1 W. LARIMEit,_ Tit 1.511161. ___ COAL WANTED. PROPOSALS will b received Ly the subscriber fur the delivery of Mt,. Thousand Bushels o Cord, suitable for. Gls ostrposar; the coal tub e fresh vices and dry. . flowing eighty rounds to the bushel 'lle weight to be determined by 1"e Collector's rotor at the weigh wales. • WM. BltirellAhl. elorliSlVE .917 DISSOLUTION 11111 PARTNERSHIP herevofere existing between 7 Junes Laughlin and James Steele, under the firm girl. Steele & tro., was dissolved by lingual consent, on Zia March. The businees of the late firm will be sculcdprp by James Laughlin et their former place of business, 9c Clair itecca JAMES STEELE. . • Is JAMES LAUGHLIN. To Boneheads and Wearily* Menthansta. OUSSELI3 PREMIUM PERFGMERY.— Tbe iL subscriber respectfully invites public attention to his extensive store of Perfumery, Soaps, Shaving Creams, he., to which seven Silver and two Golden Meilen hove, within the 12. CZ years, been awarded by the Institutes of New York, Boston, and Phila delphia, the otter brine the only Golden Medal ever awarded for perfumery either in Europe or in this conry• Roessab's Unsurattan Stamm Corot. lAlmend, Ruse, and Ambrosial) universally acknowledged to be superior to any Shaving Cream in thin country or Europe. 013.0111•111 coo suardro—Beautlfally transparent, and posecesing highly Bapon action and emollient properties Sawniaceo.Coorpottud; AnbroandBh.- mg Tablet; Military Sieving Soap. Screarse•Toita , Boara—Abnond, Rose, filidelleurs, ro o g o ,= i srlt??3lP f t k (ll l l:V.g7l i, th' and 'i Nrc ' as kl at. Banners eon Harmaxacurxr—ltisso, lassnin, Bouquet do Caroline, Gemninn. Jenny Lied, Mousse line Jockey Club, litegnolia, Clematini Citronelle Bain, and many other varieties, in all any different perfumes. TOLL= WATM—FIeIIdLt Water. Pan de Toilette, Orange flower Water, and a great variety 01 Co- I Tit7if n aria d n i fl en r d all " TH W rlrmit—Gemilna Bear's Gil, Antique Oil, Bandolum, Eau Lestrale, (deice, Com. pound ox Narrow, Hale Dyes, and in powder, and Philocomejticinine, and Jenny Lind Pomades. Onowatide Prdeaurionw—Dalainne Er, Rose Tooth Paste, Charcoal neutral ce, Odontina, Tooth Paste, and Tooth Powder. Cosiernce—Vegetable Cosmetic Crown, Aamdise for chepped hands, Cold Cream allows Cream de Peres, Lip Salve Raspberry Cream, Re. Depilatory PoWderis, far removing superfluous hair, PCII7I Powder, Vmaigro de Range, Attuned° Vinegar, Victoria lisle Oamposition, Preston Salts, besides a great variety of o th er articles, too 1100.11.611 to he named in this advenisement. • The subscriber hopes to matinee the !etiolation which Ibis establishment hos aoquircd by dupes/rig of netbittg but best rate article., nod will be happy to furnish those who may wish to patronise him ether wholesale or retaken as Itosonstile term* LS any es tablishment in the United Mates. • XAVIER DAZIN, Successor to sad further Meett of the Lobel eery of EUGENE ROUSSEL, 114 Mumma street Mr. Ilesin's Derfamery la for see by all the princi pal Druggists in the eoutilty. 11311.0 PONALS will be received at W001f... of the .1 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Campariy,at Held man, Cumberland and Wheeling, kp to We dnesday, th...2ed day of Mar twat Inclusive, lot the graduation An d . ... oa r, of Use portion of that Road, emending own the bridge on the north-western turnpike over T the , hart , . oldie) fiver, w a point on the swab fork of F l ab Creek, near We mouth Of Long Dnun,embra. eine wine LI sections. Also, the eight seenona be._ Wten the mouth of Crave Creek and We city ot heeling. A variety of work will be presented by the line to be let, which will it:whole light and moderatelgheavy grading. Several abort tunnels, soda ean sw",„bb s amount of bridge masonry. Specifientiong may be had at the above named eh flees on and after the lat of May smog, and Weer information obtained from rue FLA/Weer open theline. Unexcelnionable teatimes:Ws of charactei mast the htds, and the bidderatte :squealed to state what Other work, If env, they are engaged in, and when it will be compiewL Thework must be energetically prosecuted. By order of We President and °motors, BENLIAIIN B. LATROBE, Chief Engineer. Baltimore, Apnl 10, aptlidlm - - - LT OUISVILLE WIUTC LIALE— a brim Jut retied for gale by ACULBERTSON. npl7 145 Libert y st. ITENIt 4 ON lbs V: Item inirisme_pr der, Am reed, for sale by A CULBE TIBON DEER 131INS-3 bumalleslnarso'4l,Nutpr_a_ale_ by A t CUL HERMON 1nti70 47 11. OIL- 3byla reem,, ,VIZUrraTYER n 7 - _ A LCIIOIIoL—O brio 'Ol uld for oalo ttv .43._ap17 • Hamm & glum EliT 014-a casks ree'd mad for mle by_ _ spit URAUN REITER • ALTPETES-4 tn'eb¢ed, reed and for sala by apl7 BRAUN k ESITEJL CHROME GRE/324.4.1e55in rabbi and kr Ws by 4117 - BRAUN b. 'Lerma B AcoN- 11 • 7 do udt.i do tamodet naw Medina from Fort ona for role by ISAIAH DICKEY .I 7 Da Water W. COFFED-341 bap prim Rio Mt reed, far sada by !HAWN a ivaaPeTatart. .13 t4l 'Abut, iffnal jp,Lv , i. ,l l . il:ED 0 IL-20 Les ie u tit i a i n n t (la z.arbtlß VLF-ttBF44— , IS barrels jest landing from steamer MBelle of the West, arid for sale by self J CANFIELD ALEILATITS—WO las and 15 •ti Teem and itor CI gale hy .01% J BACON -19 mt. annned.rtacon nowlanding and for salet9---------',7°"i{.AISIT. S%_i% .POTATOF.S-6 brit for tr.ed, ree'J,..a for 07 ARMSTRONG e!. GRAZER vrOLASSF> bra , N 0 Molasses in siore and far sale by apn ARMSTRONG & CROZ ER lOFFEE—Itar bags Rio Coffee landing from bribe of the Weal, and for sale low, to elope consige meat. by JAMES DeIItZELL, aplg Water AL lAR).)—d bzia now landing from'sw_a_m_d_r.b:o.rt_Piti, I And lon sale by nor: IS/ll.^-1I D ICKEY EATIIERS-1.4 rocks loodir% from steamer Fort Plaoto.l for 'ale by ISAIAH DICKEY ,x_F9__ SUC,AH-110 bbd. Prima N 0 Sugar, is bbd, Drown Clarified, Just reeeirrd .ml for axle by . .. BROWN k KIRKPATRICK. Wt? 141 L.ibertv . .<l _ COFFgrri6o .- t,T4l — Firiifil - 1113: - Iii51137011lIlli Ni sale by apl7 J & RFIAIyD _ BACON, 4'--"l7 F. V, IV A — ,..;:,—, tOU del Jowls, 6 bbl. No 1 Lard, In .late mid fur ..I by apl7 JOON WATT k CO Dlitt ACKEI.,.te T I b .lO l, LI/WU° blf do No 3, • G d'''' ltOre and for 0010 by .1011 V it 4 ,VATT .6_ CO ULAXiittIiDOIL-10 bbis pure, to arrive I out i‘nue• r Olet county, for solo lir , apl7 JOON WATT li. CO • 8".7-i HIDES—to too ins Lt Og l e: c l ot o f g i a , l3 l. 71,y LARD — W 'raga Na I, for sale by tsp.' Us!: I 1.1...,,5&J1 0 R (lORN,AIROCIMS-4 7 . 5 do: tor sale hr N.. , apt 7 Mac:ILLS & ROE SUGAR &. MOLASSFS-4 5 hbdn N 0 Sugar, WO Obis N 010ohvgriNank For este by 81117 111c011.143 & ROE 'WARIER PEACOES—I OR !met for tido to close c.o sivaueut, for solo by 14117 MeGILLLR A. ROE r dos Patent Painted Tubs, for sale by l npr: 111eINGLei ROE ICE—Onfierees free, Itlee:ieetl per sunrCoulber- ILL laud Na d, and loran's by appr BROWN is RIRRPATUICK Q 1.111.4. ASII—IS casks in snore and for sals by 1.7 opl7 BROWN KIRKPATRICK ACION-10 or Ss tdosalders and El S les Slllortin's Sugar Cured In atone and for sale by apt' BROWN h XIIIKTATRICK "0 - 01.8--5 bales Ebstern llops,just reed and for an.e by api7 BROWN is - RIIILTATICK VEltl' for sale non' y .1 SCIIOONfdAKER le _CO 10/ Waal at PEK—anrtea, for Pale by 6A141" ; A se scliOONMAKElt & CO_ lANA n n% . " FFI)S-4.: bags for sale by . SCHOONMA K lt & CO 1, Fit li—Lkst Lo (ormOY by • J SCHOONSIAKER 2, CO PIRI TS 'CIJCPENTINE-30 bbli for as le by 17 J L.CIiIIONAIAKERA CO NDICO-.2 Cl.e•lbeSt for Wel v .17 . l 2313[100N:NIAKER d CO LOGWOOpin c b4 3 V4rAlgp_ ) ,„ pl 7 CIl M . A c C zo IRLI. i aCO .. II . II. 7 No 7 J 1;; t 5 . , ( 7 1 7 ; api7. Round Bhareb Building . I„)ACON—RRO pea assorted in Barr and for mile by apl.7 J Jc R TLOYD POTASH -16 caska pure, au ba . nd and for sale by 1 t R FLOYD LARD—T ARD 7 I2 bbl. No 1 iu stun. stidinrzti F b& nD . it , !! Pi • TOBACCO -10 bus 1412.1 . KOhIIVIOIN lump, ' iO bus Jasper's Sr Mut, 20 Lis assorted brand., nu lop in *lam and forpide by J & R FLOYD 11E53E331 • C. have IN;th• lee far rale, to arrive. Dealer IL and Ilmel,Riepera vdt Rod it to !hoe edirenteh. to.lo call - Cana Oil O'CONNO I R, ATKINS h. t, CO, a - Mom, Liberty. et. HIaWIGECIAILIE ACADEMY. CLASSICA I. AND COMMERCIAL HOARDING /A. SCHOOL FOR GOYS, I. allee from Plusbergh; Rev./Do:EH 8. Canvo.u, A. 8, Eniteiptd. The Summer Iler.mots tar II commence on Welln.ndlY,l MAY 1, IEZO. Terms—En pet Scotto.. 0(5 .etenths. For Clteulatt.cuquire 01 the Eginr.pB, Eetwiekler ' bottomo P.O_ Po, sr of Mem, lain Irwin fr. Sort, II WSlcy OrretSur 'l'. lt. NeeB tr..B. No, RV- Liberty H.tect.eptrBll. kettl 13ASCIMS SERMONS—Setoon. Set the pulpit, by XII 11 11 Htscom, D. D., L. 1.. D, (et YK ?:S e by H. I. apl6 TS Apollo Iluiluinge, Foonh st. . Mena Precsed Brink at tbe b qvulity; 2tm of Cotton. Britt, fiar sal _Kovore of laisq SOLOMON SCHEYER , • AWV WAI4CII—mom b. a Sind render. In quirt at Ih.• efilre. 157 C-30 bd. LouissiEn W. Lime, car sale by LBURSIIIIKIE, WILSON In CO apla Water street. - BOIAT—IkO9 pc. .boulder; . .ar bona for wile by opls II RIM I:, WILSON &CO ICKI PORK-4 cute, et very sopenor wise P "ir rec<ircd, and r'ltE.ll apti !iteCANDLE.B9 Q VTIIB. PrigterllEV-3Co4 , , a , ..raa N uto by_ L. 7 .4.15 - TillFAßL. 4 l—last rceeired, and for sale by apla WICK fr. MeCANDLESS I\F-GAR-12 barrels for sole by • opts WICK b. AreCANCLE3S vx7 A DDING—A (red supply reed from rho moon fortarers by WICK fitcCANDLEISS CANVASSED HAMS-340 Caavacred barria reed, for wide by— AVICh &.McCANDLEc.3 11/10ULD CANDLES--117 boxes rammer Mould Mea d ,' en, c0!,,,a10 by WI(K & bIeANDLESS DOTA.9II--11 casks reed. and tor sate by 1. apt* iyEE h bIeCANDLESS CIROVP/ D PL.:PPM-83 bzo prince Ground Pepper T for sale by PITICk & MeCANDIMSS $4 aO B 00T S S. 'lt 60 in( subscriber is no manufacturing a beaunfa STEAMIER BOOT, o f mood mammas and work rturastdp, at the very inss price of 00 30. .DANIEL RHEA, No 0 Alarket ot second door from Water et. apl3-dtat ('Tribane coolr.) Pittsburah Oily Plentlis(g Mills. (Formerly the nrnin. Cotton Factory, sth ward.) 0.. wu.ssatent.) En a. non. Fresh ground Fondly Floor; ao Coro hlosi; . do Rye Flour; , • limo and Shorts - tllsopped Wain for horses and mom. fot ..I , by Roll WILAARTII a NOBLE QTARCII-03 b.r.s Bonbright`s extra stwalLed C2Sdr sale by WIS .WicK & MeCIABBLZS Y Erdr,l.l.ll--Xs btu reed this tlay's for sale 1.. V sat& WICK & bIeCANDLF Vrili I EG TED 30 - 41.1 41.1 brs for safebby salf WICK & bIeCANDLES S YEACHNO-04 sacks Pncd reaches formic to to close totutigatuent. by ' atils' ' RIMS, bIATTIIEWS J!.. CO 7) Yri EWUU--U"la I:171 ' 4, , t.I SIII7IIEWS CO pl 5 DOTASII-16 basks find bort, for bale-by lI apii RHEY, MATTHEWS &CO D EARL ASIFES.-20 rake Just reed 011 ennsigorobb X for alga by I apIM HARDY. JONES tCO TOBACCO -9 hhd• Leaf Tobacco just hunling. , for **ln LaPl , 5l HARDY, JUNEs fr. co BACON GAMS-3 casts' iasi landingg far sale 11 apli CARRY, JONE 3 k. CU LARD—o just landing, and for sale by L tipls WADY. JONFS dr Lr - , - L FA4ITii. rse, and for sale by C GRANT louisvtLLE brio fresh bunn . realg per Genesee, for Fete by CII GRAN . W 00313-14? dal Brooms for sale by WICK A hIetIANDLRAS b~ERATU• ale by 5 easka Cleveland taleratus.for .445 WICK Os MeCANDLIZS TIIE subscriber respectlally informs his friends snit the outdid.; that Lo has renamed his BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY to No G Market street, two doors above Wawa where, he has on 'hand a very, largo anoint:inn' of BOOTS AND 'II3HOES of his own mormfacture, which ho will sell worn than can be purchased inane city. . DANIEL RHEA: spl3.dlrn 7JAtvD 64MhZ tor We, whole Ca. and retail, by; I) spin W P AIARSIIALL: AYOUNG MAN, Salesman fa a Dry Good House, who has bad some experience. The ha odreHrences Required. Apply at No thl Market st. . aPIX • • GAMBIA WOOD GAILDMIIE, Dm mites betout the Clty, en the Ohio Eine, PHIS Summer Retreat, hodng uttdrgone and Improvement", adding mach to kis former beauty, tonow open for visitor.. lea Creams, Tem perate Drinks, ?mita, Confectionery, /le i kep t tonal In the Unloon. Pablo, at.ntioe t• particularly invited to .-large eollection of over blooming plants of all varietiett, usually mend io arcoubouses; also, the choicest kinds of annual doweling plants and dahlias will be read] for delivery Uses tat of Nay. The Steam Mat will eoinmence running from Iba foot of Pitt strrot to the Gardens, the lot day of May. Two linei of Omnibuses are near running from the Old Allegheny Bridge. Gardens kept on temperance principled, and, closed on Sunday. Rol:Ad:h. I Propoast a fox Coal, Illook, and LIMO. PiltditOdohLS far delutering in the stone 10 of. lb. Work. of the Pittsburgh Goa CompasT, ItAI.VI babel. , of Bituntlans. Coat, 30.000 Labels of Slack, and alb o for all the Atom which will be remar. ad for rho am of the works for one yesi,mill er4 eared lathe °flee of rho Comparty autil Wednesday, the kith ino., 0 2 &elect, Y. SI. The la bora =tab, alt to b e of . sob gO•lit y and delivered at curb time = aud in such ea allUtial to shall be approval of sad di-' reeled. The at stained °ramp:ltalian (or the cool and' slack to be 111 pound. per bushel Proposal. toile addressed to Thor. Raiteaen„ pt o ,, PrOridtOt °tato Compny t at dendorredli for Coal," alalsek" or Lime." a. the at. May he, The payments to be made monthly, nnaloing M per wood, ,or performance of conentt.,,„ • aaap 11dtd dn IHFs AI CIIRIB PA, Titan:leer. . - Bays' Wear. M, of BiItiWtIPIELD, at north eital _cornea o f F e e,* and Market ea, have received_ . an as. sortmwt of Tweed., Alerto Coalmen* Summer Cloths, and datteetts, of latteicolors, such • a.ollve ' uman,arld maw styles of boy.tmiztorear,also o „ o u t' , of styles of Cotten •Goods for Wry. , Wes?, e ba.,Fasactt LIMY. OM Utak. (ltaauala Of suitable atti.i:.(oniFt7YL...-____ • - &MT =tl TIErILL ba revaient by the elebeeribets for the de 1, livery of tam4fty to one laattlent thousand beads of Coal at their warehouse &tang the somata', allowiteg %lb. to the bohel; the weight to be tin tarsaluen by ihs colkouni rem. at the Weigh lock. itPla:d2w. 'MUTE COCONNOR TH EA TR E! Leann and Manager BEEMBEI Drees Circle and Parquet. rents. Gallery and Third Tier, Sae colored pereons)•— Doors open at 7;'Clarnon risk et 11 o'clock WI -Virg night of a ACM Drama called the 'Tot, ram rnz Founre." On Friilizy, Aprli IV, will b preoenteA W. ER:I OF TOE FON I:ST. . • . Mr Taylor Ishmael • mr Rlohastna o,ooed• --.—ISIr 0 W Jobrsiou Cheap John W I' [smith kinett•ss Nis forte, CyntLta Sin Nir:lols IstarliAht heat %Ins }'racy OCrTar leasth of this N ina Will no: admit Many ther performance:l4ln the 111 , CVtllttlg. , Sir the teiehreeed yank te-Coreedme..s enraged ter n icor eveuings., The Greaten llovolty •Amer le a. IGNOB APINETTO'S 100 . LEIRNED C 111 ARI BIRDS k Jill SPARROWS. IGNOR SPINEITO informs the eilitens or Pius- K 1 burgh and id:laity, that he will exhibit at PIDLI stmet. every day rho week, itaturilsy evening cgeepted. Doors open at 7, to commence at o'clock. pgs Enrearantwort—Doom open at o'clock, to commence at 3. ElTPrico of Admission, 0 cents; Cbildreo,l3 Iry will perform a yvvirty et pleasing and t. Ha Mats, Pod Moo rattled the at tonialanent and admiration of . all who brow wen them. Among the pre will be the DOVE, which. in obedience to order, will approach it 'Welder compomen, coo most sweedy, and totally awake theleignee atumberer, by ;welting at Ms limo; perch an n Piool Darrel till it Is load; Dep tbreedb Hoop ON lift represent a l i rom oil's!, • Chair and I pg,neir a P an tipe perforra Tight and Slack Rorie Dtmeirg; St on the Head; concluding with Ea. U •leon rind his litarehnisoind the Death of Martha) ants IVARIINGTON 11114, PITTSBURUII, 131 th 130 Wood street. above Fifth. XHAT splendid isTabliehment is .now mimed for Rent ft is admirably arranged for CCIICCIIY, 1 um., 'Exhibitions, he. For lama s. •rpi JOHN A FITZ:HMO:aII, ITT Wool rt. PITTSBURGH MUSEUM APOLLO FIALL,—VOIIRTO. STREET. (\ PEN DAlLY—(rout 9 to 12 in the ramming; 2 to 5 V in the nilernatmg and frrant 7 to 10 o'clock in 9. arenirg. Irrndonnanre 23 eras; Children under 12 years beir•pilee. nut: 11111010011. 7:IM . TOP.- WIIOLESALR.DRY GOODS A. A. MASON & CO, Markst ,between Third &Fourth, Plittalmargb.Pn. WOUI.D respeetfolly call the attention or city and cmixary merchants, to one of the Most extensive Stacks iu the country, comptising over kenimen Minds.] Gases and Packases of Foreign and Dome . . tic Dry Goods, constating, in nast i er -000 eases best style Catirost .100 " Bleached Malin, ell grains; itttti ". hnmsmerd S La a , Ctonad est 10 " Lawns and Alt:Dins, an klatinetts and Tweeds; 10 Gnosis.< sea, Clothe; • . Itat " and bales °Cricking., Cheeks, -- 3011 ' 'Drown Muslin. Together with the most extensive assortment of Imported Goods in this market, possessing the most env, facilities tor the transaction el' business. stud out alike partner. being constantly in the et.tera markets, thus presenting every arlarintge cringed I.; eastern houses. They believe that they can iffer greater Mil arements to merchants generally, in styles, 'goo co, and prices, then our .11([111 market- New goods constantly arriving. IDerehmas Intending ps. chasing East, are particularly solicited to examine trots assortment. faplii A A MASON lc CO "VAIN B BAYARD lowing this da y . auociated with 0 him tits son, DB Bayard,will continue Ne Leather, Hide, anJ Oil Business, ander Me - iityle of John 11 Bayard A Son, in Ins buildings, T hey of Penn mid Walnut strem, in the Binh Wald. They would In vite the attention of purchasers to their welt :elected stock of Baleen Leather now being received, consist. Ing of New York and Baltimore Sole Leather, and Leather and illoroceos of every description, together with every variety of oar own dose of via:— Spanish and Slaughter EOM, Upper, Ku... Calf 'Skins, Hantems, Skirting, finale, and Bann Leather, Seating, Lore Leather, he. rte. Ala, Tante* , Oil awl dm okra, Teols of the beat quality. All of which will be sold at the lowest possible rates for cash. •plkelker • • Dlospratia. Polecat Soda A.L. 464 CAttIL3 of the shore celehrerethrrand and b:(h test, direct from the menureetseene 130 casks new on the way from New 0i1..., and cx. peered here next week- and 314 will shortly arrive vie Baltimore per ships Juniata, Chesapeake, DIIIIIII. CIP, and Albite, which will he sold on 'snivel, at the lowest market price (or cask or approved bills. W & M zurreuELTREE, moll No 160 Liberty st. • PATENT BLACK-2.t0 lbo juol , r b el D at . dp a rrla by •pl 2 No GO Wood Wept • }OFFER—=i bap, tho dyy reed, and or ya. e hy ITO? ARMSTRONG k CROZEIt 4 10111t-150 Ms received. and for irate by apIC AILIVISTRONG b. CROZER MRS is store, and for 'ale 500 }ISUIN ARMSTRONG A CROZER BROOMS -Su doe Morse's No I,Coin Brooms; • ea dire eaounon ,do do Just received, and for solo by A CULUERTAOS, split " ,1111.1b!rly st SCOTCH HERRINO—nh bar No I. BB bar sealed, just received, and for sale by (spiel A CULBERTSON - TAR— . ...V Ws ou hand, and for safe V .. null ____ A Cl.. BERTSON ..A - Tot;ASEii=lb bag in mare, and for sato r.y apli A CI:I7I3ERTS.N S UGAR—W Abdo prime ft gultj t l i cassz=ur S LIM . i y lB kgs assorted Sbot, OIL bag,igauars:Jep 'VIRE BOARD PRINTS—cm) km mutt Pones of C French manufacture, from 2.5 c to /Meath:ler vale by W P MAIIPLIALL, npl3 e 5 Wood at. AI —. 081 Intrinl pen on bend, Mard for enle_by .11(1110# CO CITRIC ACI D -1b the Just reed and te reinle hir npli J KIDD & CO riTAW. POTASSIUM-8 /be foreinle by 1J aplrl J KIDD& Co (111E050TE-8 lbsjnet,rcekb and for ode by npl2 I KIDD &CO c.IPIRITS Or TURPENTINE-131,th In primeliqr fore by B A FAIINFATOCK k CO gi 'fF rt . 4 d - A=l —r kf. A : A - IN i7 BFFFTufrCO. O . Q AP-73 bx.s Bolfimore fine yarieented and Vgle, 13 on eoriaignment, for sale by optl. • II A FAIINESSOCK k CO EILBACIIINO I . olVDFlR—Bluernlbo. iteols, for Elude by B A FAIINE - ,ITOCK k CO CODA ASII-7Aenak. m d, en a and for*ele by BROWN tv i ItIRKPATRICK. PEACIII:11-110 to. sweet pefiehrs. n - pritne sruelp, for ule by BROWN. & KIRK PATRICK :117,,Pvte toy' Wdo ;gl4.lga RAISINS-73qr boa on bond and for role by 0013 BROWN& MIRUPATIIirK. pimlts•K‘nrwriz:rmylfreni " Steubenville—Water Nitorke. _ DROPOSALS will be received by the Water Works Committee. at the T.atie rer'• Office, until Toodat , the 30th day of April, •t 0 o'clock, 1' M far femishing cut into pipes, es fellows, to win-10 pipes 6 'ache , Iscre, 9 feet long, weighing cub M.lO pence's: 19 brace! , ea fdr 6 Inch pipe; lo pipe. 4 inches bore, 0 futlene, weighing teen eoo mends, with the wee] utcplinient f stops, sleeees, fr.e. One half to be delivered before the Itah of Jely, the balance on or before the linh of September. Testing and de Slcci.nne to be at theexpenront the conuesteu (Welk} , a'netifY will be required. Payment s• fellows: 000 dollars In cub, upon the delivery of die anteut of pipe, land the bat:omeles:lc year groat the eutPlenon Sr On eon tract, with intetest Addreu Steubenville , Water Work. coovoluo,s, LOWS A WALKER, etinieo. spl3 dew I)A.COPI-16.'f Wit—sceAT‘Sliln—r sate epl I J I/ CKNFIELI) • .LOW-:-9 brliTalleirinst ree'd.andforlele by . JII CANFIELD R ae . 1214 the1141100•C Week, tor sale by • • APPI.36 sacs. . AM tow prepared to furnish Appleyrres, from Mc ri e . K ry of Jerob h. Hownr. The tree. will be debarred at the wharf at Putchargh far MO per hundred. Proem wishing geed thrifty were Mould Mare their order. coon it the Drug, Seed, and p e cfemery Warehouse, corner of Wood and SUL npll S N IVICRERgUAM i,d6 by 13URBRIDGE, {WILSON & CQ .Water atm*. pli slater rarest U ?AW-Vat SVGA R—liads Clara Gad ttaitir, just Viessived, and for sate Itv pi I DURLIRIDGE, WILSON & CO /IL A. WESTERVELT SON, 1111.1. I; NOWN VENITIAN DUNI) MAI:I:PP, VI keep ,:r bend et mete to order h Mem lam, of their old stand, No. Et 9'. Miriam.; also, . No. ed Market ittreehmmoed 001 y, entmese in th e Disamed. Venitien Shutters msde . order, and old blinds neatly repaired. - ``'CORN COLORED CRAPE SIJAWLS—PIaiu as& vosobnAttered; at rime of • • tatIRPIIY k IiURCJIFIELD, • upto • N. E, coml. of Fourth A. Mooket aur- IMMO • • the peblie ralli!n d : N al! to b rd '7 b :IT L a s slt! ' fa k o m' o M. Davit solos will continue - the Mimi. andltom mission basin°n to the Old stand, comer of Wood and Fifth 1111VEle t end for whom he would solicit a comm. once oldie littandpattotiaggi bemonforo bestowed up on the tona. ' JOIIN D. DAVIS, Aptll 91b, i 950. P. M. DAVIS. (SUCCESSOR TO-JOIIN'D. DAVI3.I lOCTIONEEIL AND CORROSION MERCIINT, =lntl OF WOOD ONO nritif 1111(a0, TA - rILL make sales, on liberal term., erFertiga Red Domestic hlerchwitlite, Beal Eats., cluiets Yee., .11 hopes, by experience and close attention to es becinc, to merit. contiosatice of the WlPPari and pat April M enting.. N. so liberally extended to the to meeker. liberally ' • in - UN AMiIIoNIANT'n aIAGAZIN el ter A n la tontentn—fiery York am! Eno RM. I Commercial Pketehes with Pen and Peixil; The effect . • oCCornineree in Aboll.hiser restrictions open (IMMO.. gof y.miy; The Anatomyand Philoeophyofßepkr, int; TM. Production atrial: in New Wet; !tanbark/. Ari ; Currency—lnterest—Production; rt.' Trade TI Proteenve Tanta, or Nioietnrea upon theiVe• pen of Nevelt:" of Traaantp of the United fitalan„ 10, 1E4% ,ehattte to CASIMICTEC, gitillitOts of the Ho.. sum Empire Indio East, &.e. tee. A ct, wo01), for Mareb F.CI,WMC MAGAZINE, far April, at Literary Drpeit. Third infect empanel the Paai trieo. EIONOMY eLOTIIS, CASSIMERkM. SATI - EPPS, received on eonaignatent, and for .ale LPG inansfaetaral • Cavardar - a MUM • • • . .
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