LIST OF LETT/CRS REX&INING In the Pittsburgh Post Mee, from the Ist to the 15th of April, 1930.' Parsons calling tar them will stout say they are advertird• Adair M..T Agnew Adatine Allen BarsAA Adana F. JansAbetnewaylaatilsAllen Jana Adam. Catheliue Alerander Ann Anderson Nnney .• . . Armstrong Louisa BathlarldialtildaSßoe Am Blown Virginia BIM Era James Ilßarbidge BannyDDroarn Earl Barber Sandi :Boswell Even. Hazzard Margarsh Bates FAtilhoth Brook. Jails B Barran Isabella Beak Martha S Bro.or Jahmi Barrel Leman Bergin Mary Bradley Prudedeelturk A J I.lrantdary B Bader Miry Ann Beaty Bingham Josph'neßryan Anna Bann Sarah CagielebirsHadanCookaane Nary email!lon bl 8 Carroll Ella 8 Coleman Sarah Coder Lavirda Campbell Jam Copeland SarahiCooek C Chaenside Roes Corr Catharine Crawford Marne Cliford Ann T 031.1. 2 nary ACrippa Dizabeth Create Jane Jos% Detains C Idary/DePay M fdre M Dorsey lY LIU Darts Dixon argereth DODal Davis Mary Dimond Barbary Donne Mate /hammy Ann Desire Rosa Dunphy Bridget Dna. Mn hl tV Eimer MathildaftEdmond Sarah Mott F Easter Ft M =wad Eliza Evade Ann Eddy Elisabeth Edward Ellen Evans Elizabeth Evans Mrs ()Wei Fecal Bridget Fletcher hiathildaVesoir Fergan Rolabth W Foster MnM a Ferguson Bitola Fleming Madame Enema Emily R Et:kitten Kate Frederlka Frederick Mary Fitzgerald BridgetFater Rebecca .1 G Gallagher Maria Gillingham CathAGrau Martha nth Glass Julia/ R torculet Ann Gallagher Gildngham 0 A Ganef Gertrude Garrett Lucretia Glinford He GARlltilla Raley GaitherMagarethGlaw Ella Gray Elisabeth (Bamford MrsA Mimosa N D II Hackett tilartba HMIS Bush A Hal Mary Hamilton Arsoiah Ilastau Hued Howell Maria Have Hannah Haney Elizabeth Holtontu M Letitia Harvey Ally Ai liantittnatt MaryHuau Hartley ituoan Healy Mary Hall Sara tl Hulett Mary Herr Mary Jana Hunter Jana M. Hawkati Rubel Herr* Amanda Hamer M A Irons Mirada Jenkins ham Joiea N•l2Cy Johnson Susan Kane Sarah IrellY Anne Kramer Miro Keyno MOO . Fagg:. Moe Kynooti Ann Limner I.lri Llir Jane IS Knauer Eirabe th Kennedy gory Llinefoltor Ann Latinos Huy- Little Mrs JohnenLowny.Mary J Limb Bridget Limo Mary Lowry Ann hi Calmar Ann At • Meson Nancy Merlins Cadee Mortar Mary KW** Mn Means Anna Mutant Aliases Mark* Ellen Mealy Martel. Moths Mn Moloney Ellen Mitchell Must Mac Lean, Nancy Maloney Ann Middleton Ellen BMoore Band, Malley Vallee 0 Miller. Baran Marry Arne Marshall Eleanor Miller Mary F Mom Ann Marshall Mary A Mows ii.[Ulh Mullin Harmon WOO Beebet IN'Gili,g r an ?Sup 161 , Lease'Caih% Areardy ?d , Goorie blurt Fhl , Lease Rachel?. hl'Cotetiek 8,8 Itt`GberanThereeaMtLeren M B &Madden Agn ?Witco Wlaa IBlBillen Beater M'Dormell hatee Anne IkrQeeett J an , J Pd , °tare Pnn , Itt'Keogli Bridget teßoberts Jan,' ItVl3aban Bergh MlCeever Earth N.l.ork Mn itobt NiX Mn T Or, Martha 0 rabbit Manba Pearce Ann Pollock Mrs Palliser F.11:1111 Portia +Mary PoorNanby Pone" Nary Pony slt Prover Jane PattatsoaNsocyltrhelon Ray Elmh Riee Elissh Ross Mann Rankin fOlaninaß:ebards Ann 111 Rodgen Ellen Ranklns Reties Robinson Mn Wißookerelloos Ells Reynolds Ann Robinson Nancy Rodenbann Lae' Rears . Mary MO Rosa Ramos Jane Ranh, Miss M Rees Mary Ann Rom Sarah Ran Lurch Eke Mn Thos anskoWlanefled • Sands Ellen Smith Laszlo Salton Ann T Sherlock Wen tHaith Isabella H Burton Caro:lna Sohonton Jano Smith Ells • Stephens WOOS Skeen Mrs Wm Smith Sagan 9 Speer Barbara `, Sinclair Mary A Spence Mrs Stephens Amwida sassy Ann MargtSpeer Isabella Stewart nun , A Smith Loretta Snodgrass Mar B Stewart Eis Smith Mary A Steno Site H L Stewart Mrs Jas Taylor Elvah •Tmby leabolla Tamer Pr.eie Temlale Delia Tyrrel Raabe! Termer Harriett Vanamee Mari Warnock Agnes White Faisal Williams CharMe Week• Awe White Maga Wirt. M. tL • Wei•h Calms Wheateroft illtsCWilliems Nadi DJ Welsh Elisth Man Lydia' Young Lacy Ann Zimmerman Prance. GentleMOWS' List. Adarna hlcheer Amos Robe •Anderson Saw.' Adams Robe. t Albert Simon Anderson floe Adams John Aldridge AllrointAndonon /no H tkinson John WAllon Marra . Arnold Robs AtlnJohn Allen TAlrstd Arnold Wm 8 Abatis Jacob AnJames Armstrong AVM.' Th. II A lston Mag. Armstrong Tbos James loam JPA Co phor Armstnang Wm Maori Robe Andorran It+bert Armstrong Joseph Alexander A AVM Rev Wire Ban Bradford likeph - 11Brown George own John' W non John L. Bremen Napoleon ßr mon Alex Baird Wm Logan Blood Kennedy -Serum Dartd Barehrlek Edwd Blade y Bola Butane= Daniel Bander John Bill Samuel' Braddok PaDJ B.lderin Willla Billlogelcy John Brio Ro bert Bamford Robe Binger Win Brennan James Bacharaeh Edwd Baez Wee • Bruton John or Halley Wm Blasley B - Korth Bailey Robert. Marley Wm Brian Cherie.* Bay John Bolger Itobt Bremer E Bade Jacob Bokoffelter Jan Brame Joseph Baader k Geritaftßendng_John Brisben Lewis Bates D C Black Thomas Brighten P W Barnhart Levi Black* Broken Win Barely Jacob Bleck Wm A Bradley Thomas Ba Non Sand Black Wal• Breen Dente Bastian Wm Black John Base. Robe DI Barry Wen Boland Edward Mee Wm S Barry Ihehard lloien Beni Bride Thomas Barr James W Baden Remora II AredhrJemes Barnett Copt Cl:tasßeet Them43ragsden Levi Darnel John Baer& Broihersßnuter J J Barker PC BostonTaeob Bee neon Alfred Barker Wm Boyle Bernard Blue Samuel Bell James Boyle Owen BryentJeweph Bell John Boyle John BrukneaGellpeld g o .h. e nLegogy EBoyle Copt Jansußatoks Dorval Benson Dana Boice D>iJ ?V Butler Edward Belford P S • Bogue Wen . Byrne Joseph Ballad Wm C Bodon Mamas Barkle W Healer Henry Borland Imam Byer, Jules Butler Daniel BOlintarAbratiaMLlntk Wm Bellows John id Brown John Byrne Dula' . Berton Tenni. Brown L Buns Pew • Benedict CaPtOcyllwron Thomas Barns Philip Bendel EU Brown Dr J K Bormelle Burl Beggs Joseph P BByrne Jrown ames ll Burgess R oseph Callaghan Meld Clark Owen CeM Boni CaMoto Clinton Geo Cowan Robe Pen Coen Jo Clarke I 0 Coward ?distil Calolind .1110 Clapp Rev Com% Abe, Coral Wm Clark Hogh COMMOU M Carty Dennis Clarke Chas Craig Ws lion Caner Wm A Clasher Rev Jos et HMI Cameron A . Coltman Leigs mi , . Comb= B Coals Nelson trawl Jos' Coashay Joshua Weimer D E EsqCresum Park Cumin Joseph Collin Hasid Crispin Pster H Camp Wm - Colligen Joo Culler Cleo Canalehael Hy Colley John Crosson J k Carnahan 13 .11 Collins .101Ln H Crickart Bunt Cssailap jobs Cogur„Geo W EssCridge Mho w *moll Chao Collins David EsqCortion Ands, Cen Mks Cole lob. re , a e mllr Jiro . Cow C'r = r ; r 7 SoT r asillin C r. aorns Hair Casale, Joshua Cookrllon Co C r raig Edmmul CurellbLehl Conattihron Creator Wm Combat& pat Cook viorenee Craton J B Gradsnipm Cowan Jno Crania John Carlisle ?on 0 Condon Ise Crania John Candour Benner Condo Jim CIDCO Curearer nes Conway not Crocker J P Eon Campbell klasisCpruan ?Mehl Crooks Clark El Co Connell EMU CroWlelCOrmlins Childs W E Cook John Crouse Joseph Chew He Combs Abel . ..Cronin Dame, Chnraddis Thre Copeld Cunningham W ChasseenEdwd Caswell Goo Callen Park Chadwick Jos Conners Wm antler Henry • Malt. W Combs Abel Caller Sas Cromm Lob. cook. Wm Cowls Henry • CblverJeseph,, o,nnao C uria lo Mr Chardon Thos Conklin( IL C Trios Charlton Joseph' rg Cowin Autism Chunk Mean. JConrris . B Curtin Hem ik• Co cony ohm w mop iv. fazar Isakh CattenThos P Colbert E&Co i Dasrdson Sam Word Perry Donnelly M Aaiun, Palmer lk Lepers D.o Z• Dmagnerty Maid Co Delanis Hick' Downs Stewart D Dalton John Delany Sm . Downs hash Dan Mizell Id Deashan /ohn DortrJoshva DOM. 8.41 P Draft bt Mushy 'nos Davison Wm Deamited Alen tt Booby Nis 0 Dans Albert L Pose!, John Dow.. Than Dawns Copt W Basal Christian Doha= !Lehi Dnmar i naa n Dentdryr In,, B Dods John David J V Dam. Wm D Dutton John C Davies W Deerews ice Eaq Dosgan Peter in Dams Hash al Darter p Darboraw• J16,'14 D . ninE Decker JD Do Davis Chas &thins John 11 D ' Ajr A n "" Davis David Dexter Cant N S Dann Jss Davis Jas Dieter Wm Ewa Duman Wm DavisJormihan Dilleantosh D, $ Dumdum J 0 Davis Chas Dillon Maud Dwyer Palk Davis A.l Dixon Mathew Donn Waiter D Vo I VI j 2i i ll i or rdateTi 1 Dickson Colima E Eating D W Boa Entail John • Ewa, June. 0 parlyitlehael Edwards Wm Elias Calvin A Eakin Wm Esau Michael Mau Wm E Edmonds nibs Rion John Pallor Tha n . Edwards Jankans Samna Ests Eastland Jahn EmmartJohn Jamn Fahnestoettlen (Made L &Co Poem Jacob Furls Jure* f Flak Wm Ford John Jr Pagan J A Fiok At Co Faulk Wm L Lindero) Dasid Fleming IrampronFonlg • E L lamb' Hinted Flack Jan P. Frits Jam H Pardek.Cir. Robert Planing Western Franck David radid7 Vra Plowettlea dd D Friel Pad Francisca* en A G ' Felten rains Jnba Franklin Erbord A Fantod. ,lala Fox Alwits Freeman Nom. Fisher PeACLI;Iii:ForsyML F. Free George ens Forking WV, Finnan Moore polo Jae rred_ Fortino IS4ks Sider A Lear a - • "Al' """ Forty John pink MtCo. Fox ItieharlEol fjuli_cka W. album J. GrimiemagoliD OOaafsamem (Au Wm Griffith Wm °Oahu Edward Glau Ilamul Jr _Grua J en I) Gamed! irmbulGiumu James Graha:Cut 01101111 Jo** Dmi numb, Onkma.WMl Gearhart Chas WOlassford Ando. Gray S E Gateway Prim 'Glenn Charles Sr Graham John GaßaperPtan eisfteo offiblllton G ou l d John B G Gra ray h aJohnm John 11 Jr G Gerphiart Beaty Gormley Franei• Gray hoses Garrison Chan. Gordon Vito Gray Wrn R Gus John Gould Samuel Graham John Oallerd Edward Garton Robert Gray Elder Ovrison Mr Green Jame. Graham Griallonll GarenCerneliva Graham Philip Gannon Vt . m Glenn George Grant James Gsomnr "tt Memo Joseph Grace John D Gnffin James 11 Gish Abraham Gregory John Groff Rieheid Gila, John Green W Gruber Adam Gitaa Robert Granola CW Ohba p . n.,. Gibson Joan Es t Grier Henry C & 11 Co Gibson James Griffith Par Gibson John Glass Alexander Oxon Beard Hall Lewis Hazlett Dr Rohl Holmes David Hamilton D C Iltunivray ItichM Holmes Enoch hall Wm Ilayt CO2I A Holier Jacob Z Hamilton Wo P bays Akish Hagan Jas Hatton Dernard Hays John Hwy Chaco Hahn .1F Hays Sl3 Co llovrard Wns N H ar i Win T Itoward LC Hope kir Hu. .Wel Du A Hays F llowasd Abner Hammond Hugh Heaney He Hopkins Chas Hand Jos Debby John rd Hoops N Hon. Geo /leonine E.q ltoward Johnson Hattuall Jai. Henry Jacob Hobbs Geo 11 Hans n o , Hord Caps D Houston Sr Robin Hansom Henry Mishkin G D wan Hannan Sam Hoer Wm Hook is limidlen ?Muhl Heisler D H o C Hannon Owen Henderson W S Hopper Win .Harlay A D Honing Choy lloward Jim W Harwood J. A Ilesllne John N Howes R S Harper &Mr Ilerlinc Fredk Hopkins Jas Thos Hill John , owes &no Hut Honey JA EN Hughesße i ni Haswell E R /filter Henry Esqllwinn Woo Harmon Ham Werke) Falk . 11011. John Hardin nos C HSI A F Hunt 1) D Harvey Riehd Ilill tdmsford C llYams !no Hartley 0 C Esq Hlll Anson F Maim Thom Ilaran Meld Holt Adams Hughes los Hansel Geo Iloffin Jaenh Bunter David Hama John Holmes 0 /CDs Hastens (Mort Herkonm Sam Harman John C Hunter Sam Harriot Sans Hollody AL Halton Wm Hart Scudder EsqUallingsworth 0 Hummed Jno Hardin Geo W Harsh John Hastings Jail • Jae A Irvin inn F Irwin David in Jun A Ingrain Ch.* Irwin /us B • g r alLa Bernd Janis nos Johnson N Jones Jesse /oakum Pam Johnston Tilos lore. David 0 Jeffers Thompson Johnston C A Jones Fredk busy Wm Johnston N Jones Wm John Michael Johnston Isaiah Jones Edged F bons, Ptephen Johnston Rev P Jonas John II James John Jane. Wm Janes David Jenkins David Learnt Thomas Keeney F H Kline John Kennedy Juneis Kennedy intone AKlinefeltet Jae Kelly Junes Eno Menai Thee II Kennedy Peter Kline Tine D Kneen Wm Kennedy Peter Kelly John , King E ray Kennedy David HiCerr lone. King Wm H Kenning Samuel Knee D D Kennedy James Kennedy Pat Kolly inmes Erg . Keough Martin Kelly James Kramer Jonathan Keegan John Karr John D Rev Kennedy Samuel Kelly C L Knott Cant Ketsli John Kelly Drury Kninvies Lavereit Kenton Wm H Killbreath King Sohn H Ketcham Win .1 liimagoThomes Laughlin Samuel Lang Henry Lee Wm li Langan Patties Lays Henry al Lewis John Lambsub Joseph Lawrence Wm Lemon Patrick Li:mister Geo WLarkin Dierstril Lee Wm Vol Lawson Jos B Law Joseph Leaner R F Eoq Lay Wm Leech Thomas L'onerg. lames Laughlin On. Lee Wm Long Henry LastneaThomas Lent: Jacob Loiters Wm Lawm.Jasper FiLewis D II Lockhart Isaiah Leveler Dan Leonard Reuben Lock.: Richard Laski. John Leakon John S Long Henry Lewis & Butler 'Log. Robert Morgan Maj Jno Minter C W Macklin Henry Mulholland N s Montfort Wm Manning Ricbd llNlallin Hugh Morlees Chas II Monks Peter Miller John Nlorgan Thos Mallen Roadey Mitchell Wm Morgan Jno a g vebill John Nlitchell A D Morenge Ftlorinli Thos Kimbell Theo Moore F 0 E.g Malta Thu. Mitchell Ander Moore Jacob Ertl Martel Thee J Mitchell Sam Morrow Wm Nlacknll Wm Miller D C Moon Thm W Marehall W F Miler Edwd Eeq Nloore Sum D Martin Chrierr Marsh. Chas Murdock W J Martin Sun Norge. Wm Mullen Ju Macon Mervin Mok John Alyers Henry March Dared Monroe in.. 51 Mullen And's , Maheur /no Morgan Geo CoNlyers Jmoh Dr Matitswe S Z Moan Jae Mullen Hugh Maxwell Thu Monueern Micl Mono John Marks Cortland Mosley Jno Myers C T Mayeenkhm AI /Harris II r Mullen Andor Mathew. Jno Moreau Wm Motives Pat Marks Sam H Morgan Beni 'dotage° John Medan Peter lilo,loll Geo Rev Marry Woo velar Goo Mound Coo AlorphY 'no E.q Meweltur Wm Morrie John R hlurphy Satu Meagher MUM Morse Jos 1r Murry J Menem John Mohrsel G W Murphy Alex Mellon Roger Mortis Andw Murray Jos Melvin Wm Morrie Rota Manny E V InillicuTtme Morgan Inn D Milligan Jas Col Morrie Albert McAfee Thos 111c.F.1.d Jno McGrew R S McArmor David McDonnel Danl McHugh Mehl McAllister J. McDermott Pettk McFarlaild MeAtte Bernd McDonald Was kleFeelv Isaac hie Bane Ales McDo.l.lPaik &McGee) II aleßnamey Jno Thos Ale(rilcy Bernd Mcßride Jas McDonough Rich McGraw Hugh meadloughJas Melnmsh Jas bleGreary b Aln 'McCullough ThsaMcEllirce J. Curacy MeCiell.d Mr McHenry &Bahl Mellenryblark W McCullough liughhlclllaragne Gen Meth. Alicia Freeway JOo McKee David MeGrady Jno McClintock GeoSklcKown Robt McGlone. Wm McCoover Robt McKee. David hleGoirsti duo McCloiky Jay W kleKnirmer A McGory McClure Tbos McKee Tbos McKee. T M BleCaaland Them McKaine Jos McVay Saml MeClatin Wm Mc Kubbin II Wen McC.l.d Jno AlcKegioey Palk MctiamecCorre's Meednekan P hlcLangialin J. Medal. M McClure W W McLaren W E MeT.gue !lath McCleary Sarni klel.osky Francis McMorrow Pink McCormick J6' MeLessighlin AlnialcNeel J. McCort". Heart' McLaughlin TnosldeMallin las MeCenallyJaa McLain Hugh :McNeal Calvin McCracken Jac hlcLain NleMithon las klcFarl.d W B MeGunniele D Mcßoberts Wm McFadden Robt McGuire Sat. McCown Ina McCrady J. Nelson Jos Neill T Tio.k W Neeley /so Niehelst. 11 Noinn Fait Nabb Riehd A Nye Baenabtu D Nicholas A Nelson Geo Nobbs litatah Nolan Cam g e e i g el l y A W C ;Inn 3s " e grrn . 2.7 A Nelson A Norton E'A Norris Riley Neuron Orrin Nichols \V Olney loco Ottley Wm ' J O'Donnell Jos OltlaYy Jno O'Connor Jar O'Brien Thal Oro B A Ode H ISSltnagan Edmd Oliver 0 B o'Fßelly Th. T • OH:runnel inn Owens Jos O'Brian Al'chi Ot'stl II O'Neill Arthur O'Connor Dennis O'Neil Mark O'Neill Mr Ovreus Wm Parleg J i Piltter•O% I& A Plank Johannes Patton W Tbos Panenon Rota Plonk Robt Party Jos Pelett Alfred Phinips Parehlit Heigh Feeble. Geo E Porter Anthony Padden Jas Peirce mno Porter John Q Paisley Racal Perry (i re Potter Swot Pattnelno Perry II Porter A Patehell lib Mr Perry P Poorer Meld Pnl Jae J Peebles I McKee Potts Non Pagan Lewis Peanek R 8 Ports Petk Patterson W C Pettigrew W J Pelee /no Patterson/no Steers Th. Price Ater hi Patterson On W Phtllna Jno Pore David Pennies 1.1 Phalan Its Peery i.e Paster Jae Pile Thos Pyle Jas Patter Eared Paten Geo Pervianes Bann A Patterson Jag Philli Rind • Porker BM= C ps Pant Qum aPew Rollos Wm • Reed Hugh Brown Edged Rank lasso Reynolds Olivei Roberts blot. Itaulgan Peter , Reed A Ronny J. Rankin Chas !Rend Sam] W Robinson Jas Ramsey Wea L ‘Richards Jocob Robinson Benton Raymond P Mizell Wm Robinson Too. C Rapp Robs Rice Bra Robinson Chris', Rammell 1.4 Ridenour hi Robinson Jno Rhea Dant Richards Wm I Rodgers Rawl 'Rankin Martin WRichardson W Rodgers Dennis Renter Mr Rinehart Albew RabertsonAS Rev baiab Richey F M Robinson hl S goose Evan Riddle Wm Robinson hl Reeves R W Rita Jeremiah RolaerWon Levi Rendield Sarni 5 Richards Dull • Rebinvoo E Rodin' Pharlas RipleysylYenuslißogersJno 11 Redwood /no Richardson Alex Robinson Lys Rosa Tiros Riga Jan Rollege &son Redstreake A 8 Roberta Joa Ihumeil II F Rentger Chas Roberts Tkos Rowell C Raynoide Jo. 11 Roland Ina D • • . . Sliver Wm • Skin., Win Starnon Jas 11 liatztuels Nathan !Dillon Joe t el J. Sansborry Mei Smith Wm E Stafford Henry Salmon WJD Smith /no P Stevens F Sandman W D Stunk Geo Ste. Th. rances ScottThos Smith & John/ion Stevenson in S Scott Ju F Smith Dant Stevenson W E Scott Geo SmithWm Stevenson 0 X Scott Ales' . Smith S A Stowers Jos Scott Absalom . Smith W C Stewart Jeo D Senn! . Smith, hlorphy &Stout Chris Scott Henry CoStool 11obt 13CanllsiWns Smith Jno Siuchrield WI) Soon Jno Smith Jos Rev Strain nos 13 Scott Alex Smith W 1555 Storni Alenzn Scott in Smith S Stratton Jest]. &Minh!. la Simpso Th. Stone A Somata Thos .1 Stuipso Intl A Sutton Beni Snarl David Simp.n Th. I Sully Jon 13112.D80U Jag Simms F Sutton into Sharp/no Small ROW Sullivan Miehl igh.loGenry Snyder A P Swan. Golsen Shaffer David Sproul W Fliehd Seriader Joshua Bbore Wm Spralgun I Spencer W P Shona Gape Specter Peter Sterling Jno Shoekling &bast Speer Banal mermen Jno Stela! Arthur Speer Ale:tele Sionsum al ft Shugart). Sheppard RolitW Solon Jas Shivey p a in Sharma Caspir Tate Jay Taylor Douglass IldballAaron 0 Taylor Jno Thompson Jno W Towner Hugh Taylor Shelby Thomas J • Toner WMr Tolman Jno Thomas Mr Toner A a Talbott Claus Thompson Jos Tower Sins Taylor & Rook- Thompson?doer ftTopper Thos well Thompson Jna Men well Chas 11;1 " ; jj l in g' s jr Tifimehl Tonadalo Taw C Titan Juo Took. 'lsaiah Raw Tjhoo Jno UnderwocHl& Btlic ;tit. V. Bibb. Ily P Vivian Mehl Gen Vißon 1 II Vanden . ..relit Ii U Vandersteer A tj Wesley Geo VC. I V Vera. Melchior 'Validly Won Veeder 1 P Vaughan /no Vine. Wai Vardy Usher V Walter David Wells A Welch J. B Walsh Jug Whltehnad Wm .Wirt J.. C Walsh Pak White Beal Wl*. An W”stat) W it II Whoa Jna Wilkins Wm W Walker J A White 13 S \Fipple. II W a neee I.l)in Wheel, Wm H Wilco Bosh Wilkes Jos W filiams 011 Wasson PA 8 William. Col A OWensnyerDavidll warn., Ilenry Williams Jos Winters Thos Watson Bobs Williams Ihnl A Wilki.n Frank Wash Wm Wimeralllugh I Wlllboxisnn W W Warren Seth W WillianastairiusAlWilkinaJas Watson B Williams Rev Inn Willis Chas B W. h. Wlnillllll•Lniris FWllinot Johnson wnthp. Jos wilsonlno A \Folders Jos Wasson Tilos C Wilsonßnht Wood Jos W. Wm Wilson.)., Wood Ezra /r Woo Henry Wilson Wm Wool ley FAnfin Walt Rohl Mom las tr. Co Wolaratil Ben F Warnoik J L . Wilson/. Perry Woods Th. Warner )no Wilson j, Wemr Wm Wilson Wm Wright Jos welch Wm P Mega Hear, l'eroc J Weaver Abintin walk Lee Wright W Werrer David Wingaid Din' Wynne Mehl Weigh Jas 13 WUknot Wlllia &Wright Jaii 11 Weimer G W Wickograz II 8 Wells Abraham Vete. Peter Young Rabt A Young Peter truer, /no 6 W Yocum Neleon Young It II 24ler Dante.% Zoller Jacob Zimmerman RIM! Agent of the Sur Coif. "Ciairettro.." !Wain'. of Shaw, deed olceitaniea'Leclge No O. Hein of Col. George Gibson. Oce. Wave Divinon, on of Tcrocrance. Fort Duquesne Lawrenceville '• SAAPL ROSEUURG, P. Mll Prrromnau, Apra IS, 18 IJ. . . SI MAGNETIC TUFA; RANI i•OR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZ • CO3IIOIIXSIMOBAL. waranrorair, April 15, SW House—The Speaker said it became his painful duty to inform the House of the death of Thos. 7. Campbell, Clerk of the House, which occurred 641C0 the adjournment of the House, on Friday lst. He begged he might be permitted to acedm play the melancholy announcement by a single remark. Ever line° his 'official association with him, he had faithfully discharged all the duties of the important and responsible office which he filled, so far as the came ease within the knowledge and obeervalioa of the Speaker. Mr. Gentry remarked, that it wait the first time since the czietence of the Government that the Clerk of the House of Representatives had died while Congress wee to erasion. There was no precedent, the, eV:we, to give be Noose, to meet the occasion, Mr. Gentry then enlarged upon, the character of Mr. Campbell. He thought that the Indepen dent Oficial poeition which ho filled warroted some manitentatkm of respect on the pert cif the Home, in memory of the deceased. In Tehnes. see, the native State of the deceased, he see liked and esteemed by all. Ho had the confidence of a large circle of friends and acquaintances, and hod received distinguished marks of the people's con fidence, repeatedly. He wee elected Clerk of the House at Repro• isentstives, of Tennessee. He ins formerly a member of the Legislature of that Suste—wes once a Member of Congress of the United State. from the State of Telanaseee, and at the Inland present Congress won elected Clerk of this House. These facie testified to the excellence of ho. character, and were more eleenent in commendatien than any thing be could otter. Ho hoped it would be but in accordance with the unanimous Pang of the House, that it should adopt the usual resole , liens of respect to the memory of the deceased. The following resolutions were then rend, and unnimoualy adopted : Rnolved—That the House has beard, with deep sensibility, the announcement of the death of the Hon. Thomas Jeftenon Campbell, late Clerk of thin House. Resolved—That as a testimony of respect for the memory of the deceased, the members and officers of this Rouse wear the usual badge cf ramming for thirty dam Resolved—That the proceedings of the House in relation' to the death of Thos. I. Campbell, be communicated to the family of the deceased, by the Speaker. Resolved—Thu the House, as a farther mark of respect to his memory, now adjourn. The House acetirilingly adjourned. fier the presentation of pehtions, and the transaction of the usual morning business, the Deficiency Bdl was taken op. Mr. dcloason supported his mews in regard to the proposition to arrest the further progress of the Patent Office guilding. After much discussion, Mr. Chaim's amendmen t passed, appmpriming $70,000 for the purpose of completing the east wing of the Patent Office. ac cording to the original plan ; and placing in a State of security the west wing—the acme to be paid out of the Patent Office fund. Kr. Rush moved an amendment for the employ ment of twenty additional clerk. in the Post Wrist Department, in addition to the present lbrce. Ifs said it one eamorulely secuenary that these addi tion. should be made, and there errs no telling when the Civil Lost bill would come op. The Department was nook's to carry on effectual pose tat arrangements without more clerk.. This woe his own opinion, and that of Me officers of the Department. The amendment wn3 greed to af ter a long debate. • Other amendments were also agreed to, atter which the Sonata adjourned. Wastriiiicaoir, April iIL s.rothre—Alter the transaction of the regular morning bush:tem, the 1./..f.ciency Bat was again taken up, mad the debates resumed on the mend:Lents. Nothing of goners] interest was elicited. Mr. Can round to strike out the appropria lion for an omit Of the charge to Austria. Mr. Foote expressed the hope that a provision would be made in the amendment of the Senator from Miehigm, for the remstablishment of dtpb• matic relations with the central governmeot of Germany. Mr. King opposed the amendment of Mr. Case. and after some debate on the general principles involved m the amendment, It was rejected— yeasl7, nays 29. The b:11 having been amended in several pani.lars was finally passed. Mr. Foote moved to take up hi. motion for the select committee of thirteen. Mr. Ltsvon suggested that them was much pressing excentive bissineu claiming the atten tion of the St'lla . C--he therefore hoped the Senate would go into Executive Session. Mr. Fool.: inched upon hid motion, and in !ha course orbit remarks, read a portion of a song recently published in New York, advocating the - proposed referencuand the rutting of California with other measures. This he conaidercd the lat. cat authentic indication of public sentiment. Mr. Hale ouggested that the Senate sign it— [great laughter.] Mr. Clay ingested an a reason why the mo. tion the a select committee Amid be decided ono way or the other, that he understood the commit• tee of air appointed to convey the remains of Mr. Cdhoun to their final resting place, were to leave the city to morrow, to perform the duty mwigned them. If this were true, a was important that them gentlemen should have the opportunity of participating in the vote upon the pending gees tine, before they should leaver Mr. Mason sold that the commiuee referred to did not propose to leave the etty until Monday next. la behalfof the gen ttemen composing tt, he desired to express the hope that the business of the Senate would be so arranged that no vote should be taken during their absence upon the Important questions pending before the Senate. After soma farther debate it was agreed to make Mr. Foote's motion the special order for half pan 12 o'clock to morrow. The Senate then, after some lime spent In Es• ecutive Seaton, Adjourned. Manse—Alter prayer by the Chaplain, the sub. ordinatuelerk was about to read the journal of yestardity, when Mr. Hale wanted to know on what authority the Individual Wu proceeding to dories. They bad a door keeper and post master thrust upon them, and he was not willing to have a clerk imposed upon them In the same way. The speaker said that the Journal had hero pre. pared as usual, under his direction. The !adi• 'ideal at the desk was a euburdiaalo elli.ter of the late clerk, and now occupied the position which he previously occupied. This subordinate was not authorised to occupy the position al clerk o? the House, until the election of a clerk; the House is act organized, and no business can he transact ed. Tele, however, will not prevent the reading of the Journal. Mr. Hale said, if the gentleman read. the Journ al, not the clerk of the Houle, he had no °Nee- The speaker remarked that no ono was now ea• thorized to act as clerk. The Journal was than read. Mr. Harris, al Illinois, moved that the House prwmed to the election of Clerk. Mr. Brown, of Mississippi, wished to offer an amendment. The Speaker decided that the motion MS out of order. The amendment of Mr. Brown was read—that the order heretofore passed postponing the election of door keeper be reversed , and the House:proceed to the election of door•ieeper. The Speaker decided that no business was in order mad the election of Clark, who is necesaary toile organizational the House. Mr. Kaufman asked if the motion or Mr. Marie was debateable. Tile Spaslces said It It was only to a litisttd degree it might be allowed. Mr. Brown appealed from the decialon of the chair, declaring the amendment oat at order; and the question being taken, the chair was sustsined, and' the resolution, now to proceed a the election of clerk was adopted. Nortinationa wens then murk, and tellers 111. pointed, and the Moose proceeded to ballot a/ 6,110wa. FIRST BALLOT Priiadle of New York, 48—Young, (formerly Comma... Muter in the Land °dick) 22-01mutten nor, 12--General Walbridge, 17—Forney, 17— (tho Ugh not nominated) Mathew St. Clair Clark, 12—Bort, 1. The ballot was unsuccessful, 95 being necessary to ■ choice. 187 votes were cut. The following 11 the , re;olt of the 4th belloi fur clerkoftbeHooee—Forney 55; Prindle 45--Walk (lobordinekta cloth,) 31—tbe remainder lest. tering. Fifth baliot, resulted aa follows—Forney Prindle 32—Walker 51, scattering 93—no clec• lino. The Flouso thee adjourned. LATE FROM VENEZUELA Nyco You, Apra 16 By the arrival of the brig Abram, mohave Intel ligence that the Venezuela Congress had passed en act releasing Gen. Pies from minanemeat. His daughters had not been expelled from the coon. try, as no Ono could be Mucd to execute the com mands. The Government, It .euta, have abandoned all hanth metaures. Tho claims of England, and other .countries, against. Venezuela, have been Imietady settled, and there is now a prospect of a season of calm. HO! FOR CALIFORNIA Nem Yogi, April 16 The Empire City, which trailed from New York. yesterday, carried out 410 priasengers. Thiamakea about 12.50, who have ler, for the gold region. within the past three days. MR. CALHOUN'S REMAINS. Wmatisorial, April 16 The lamtly of Mr. Calhoun have columned to allow his remains to,be placed where the Govern ment of South Carolina shall desire, and they will be tetanal at Columbia, the Capital of the State. RIVER CASUALTY. Lomevuis, Apeil 16 The steamer . General Washington reports the tteamer New Orleans, from Cincinnati for New °flues, heavily laden, and hard aground at Cin cinnati Bar, in the Ohio river. She to said to have burst a boiler, but no live were lost. The steamer Fanny Smith took the passengers from the New Orleans. The river has fallen two inches in the last 24 boon, with seven feet ten inches water in Ito canal. Bwron, April Itl. Dories the two weeks the Boston Medical Cols lege buboes open for isspeetion, it is estimated that more than 50,000 persons. have passed thro' Dr Webster's moms. The steam ship America, one of the luteat of the Cunard Line, will be due at litahfax 13 more row, with Liverpool loteillgence to the 6th iota. THE FOREST DIVORCE CASE—PENNSYL• VANIA LEGISLATURE. Muumuus°, April 15. • The Ferest Divorce Hill pissed the Elmore to. clay. Also, the bill prohibiting the Issue of relief Dote.. thuArcts, April 13 There were seventeen fires in this city, daring the past week, and much property has been de stroyed. Large rewards are offered for the men. diaries. The steamer Ohio ended to day, for New York , and the Alabama for Chasm. New Yoaa, April 15. The Umpire Coy lett to day for Magma, with 500 passenger.. The *hip Inca haa Jost mired from Ca [doh PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Prtn.stizuquA, April 1:0 Money Market—Sales of Penneylvan% s'a et Grain—The supply cf Wheat is •malL Sale. of red st 109, .d of white •l 113 c per busheL Sale• of yellow Co at Ike per brthel, and or Oats at 361 per bualicl. Provisions—Solos of Pork at $lO fko per td— Sides of Lard, in bole, at 60, and in kegs at 70 per pound. Whiakep—Salea of Wkoakey at 23 pen gallon Groceries 1011 without change. P1111,11:11I1S/11A, April 16. F . /oar—The market continues firm; several hat• dyed bbls were taken, for export, st S✓, which is the tasking price. Grain—Wheat continues scarce, sod In demand' st SI 10 for prime Red, and Si 1341 14 for prime White, which is an advance. Corn continues in demand, at 53e for yellow, very little is coming In. Oats ate sauce, and much wanted; sales 3000 bo , prime Pennsylvanie, at 37e019e, which is an ads Vance of two cents per ha. Whiskey is steady, with no change in prices. NEW YORK MARKET. Nwor Toms; April 15 C.uon—The market's very active, with ■0 ad vance of full ie. Sales 3000 bales middling Up. land at I I 1, and of Orleans at 12e per lb. Floor—The market is duller. &duo( 4000 hrla Ohio at 115 12'05 25 per brl. Ontin—Sams 1000 bu Oeoeeee Wheat at 1300, end of 4000 bu southern white Wheat at 120e' Corn is improving, with sales of opoo bushels at 55e, for mixed, and 578580 for yellow. Pr ovisions—Are improving. Silas of 600 brls Mau Pork at 610 12810 37 per bet. Lard Is firm' with sales of 400 brio at 61011. Sugar and Mules,ea are unchanged. Wool—The market la dull, and there is nothing o report. Money Market—Treasuries are quoted at 15— Coupons 191--Sterling Exchange at 91 premium. Nim Yoirc, April 16. Flour—The market continues firm, and medo um qualities generally, are ale pence better. Sales of common and straight state brand. at St 87 a 55 06 ci4 per brL Grain—Supplies continua limited, but the Claw ket ts firm, with wile. of Southern at St 20, sod of prime Geneaseo at SI 30 per be, which I. • skeet improvement. Corn comes in slowly, and prices toad upward; sales of 12,000 bit, at 550 for Northern and .Southere Yellow. Oats continue firm, at 42eatte for Northern, 39:33100 for Jer sey, and 300036 e for Southern. Proviames—Pork to ia . bauer request, and prima nave stilfened. Sales of 500 bbla Mew at CO 121, and SS 35215 50 for Prime. Lard is in begat de. mend, with ages of prime at No per lb. In eel Meats therwre a lair movcmeot with some luv provemeo4 sales shoulder• at 31cOl1e, for ordina ry to good, sod of plain at 31e per lb. Groceries—Coffee is inactive. Sugar is steady, with .ales 150 htids, N 0, at 4 WO°. Whiskey--Sales at 23c1521e for prism. CINCINNATI MARKET. ' Chet tan, April Id. Four, the market is without change. Whisser la declining, with Be. at 191 a) 191 Nothing is doing in Provisions. Tho river to failing. The weather was clear during the day, hot it is raining this copulae. NEW ORLEANS MARKET Nzw, April 13 Cotton—The market is quiet. The week's ..lea amount only to 10,000 bales middling at ll is pot pound. Whiskey—Whiskey haa declined, with Wan at 1,03200 per gallon. Dour has declined 37i per hrl. Coffee—The market is Mtn at Pc. MlE== Cotton—Two thonitruld bales were taken, yes. terday, for Spain and the North. at 121 far fair quality. Receipts here are 217,000 bales loss Rise last year. Nio coffee Ls selling at slaP3 c. nj is dull at 30331 . 13nLTIMORE MARKET. ' Birtixots, April 15. Floor --Sales of 200 bris Oily Mills Floor at' S 5 and of 1000 brio Howard Soiset at St 07. Graio—Sales of red Wheat aL 1l0) of Coro at vic, and of Oats at aGo per Whiskey—Sales at 2.7 e. Cattle--The offerings or. Beeves, to day, Were 600 bead, 400 at ar bleb laurel sold et 52 7501 on the boa, equal to 55 007 50 nett, per 100 lbw Hotta—Sales at 5505 50 per 100. • BUFFALO MARKET. Born., April 18. Floor—This market I. tirm, mite sales at 5162* for Ohio Lod billeldisn. Gann—Wheat is bold at 95 10D, hag nothing is Doing. Corn lain fair request. Pronsione—Tne market is rather dull, salsa 50 belts mess pork at $lO par brl. !MI6 IDi Li M xail)Nis PITTUIURGU BOARD OW TRADE Jon) icranuares partams. COMMITTEE FOR APRIL. Review of Me PITTIIIIIIII.OII EIA*KET, /Mt VIZ Win (OLIO •re. 16. In reelecting the transactions of the market for the week Just closed, we have very little Of interest to no tire. The weather for the most part, has been cold and inclement car the season, which has had its Inge once In checking that general activity which migb, otherwise have prevalled , for the past kw days, how. ever, the weather has been clear end pleasant for out door transactions, and we notice an increased activity is the general market. The mar continues to good roirrgable order far all abuses of mutters, and fair degree of =Pray pre vails in that quarter. ASHES—The Asbelmarlct has been comparsturely quiet dartog the past week, and sales have been main. ly confined to moderate traumata. at the following figures:—Soda Ash, in lots of 5 to ID eke, at 3504 c; Pearl Ash, eillefe; Etaleratm, sfel Potash. 4/555c; and Seorchings, at Ditinf B ALE—We hare no change to notice In the prices of Ale--our Brewers are doing a fair regular buslitem at former quomnom—ray, fur common gushy $7, and for the best, Si, esk Included. . BAEOI-11,e market has continued steady and firm during the week jest closed, and we nouoe if my change from our lam quotations. Quite a brisk bminces has been done at the following rates:—West and env cored plain hems, di, sides Sc, and .heel dart Se fir Ed 'Prune bagged hams are sold regularly at Sc, and sugar cured canvassed, by the tree, at So IP B. We note regular sees of good country eared ba con in bulk, at :If for Moulders, If for aide., and 5505 for hams. The market is now we'd stocked with ba rns, and the shlpmerna east by the canal hero been quite full. BUTTER—Tha rertaipts of Hotter COStillae limited and sales bane bete Dornparatlvely light. We con- clime our quotation,' for ben W R In bbl. and Lot, at 12DIne fo !b. Keg Butter to nominal, at 80E1. BEESWAX—SaIes to a limited extent have been reported In no from atom, ato3ite a/ lb. BUCELTS & TUBS—We have no alterationeto nonce In figures. The 6161.11114 at now fully oupplied, with molar rales from stare, at, for Buckets, 53,400 sp, and for Tabs, $9,50029 ir don. BEANS—Thom I. a fair demand in the otarkst, 733/e7c b¢, according w quality. BROOMS—We notice Ifain eapplles la the market, with sales ranging according w quality, from 31,Sa to I/2,Z P doz. BRAN & SHORTS—Supplies are light, and ere have no large sales to notice. We eononne oar quo tations from the cats at 14GRISe, and Goat store et It to ISt► Da. CORDAGE—We note no farthermhange In price.— The following am the Maraffsetareret prices Manilla rope, by cod,--• •--,•-•l4c. IP lb. " Whim Ropo, by 110 " do cat,• ----••---••14e Tarrad Rog., by do 001,•----•—• • .110 " Packing Yarn, 90 " do connoon,•—• • • So " BLD COMI. $1,57011,81092,75 1 dos. • do P oil, —l4c " limp, 51,500245 MA f dot. do lb. 117.111 a, 871 . • •—• Hemp, 75e ► aaa. Kyaniced Cordage is told regellarly u 22K ► CX.ITTON TARNS—The following ie a corrected Wet the 'arena articles ender lltis bead T. bro. 13 ets petit, " 16 " "•--23 17 " "• -98 19 " " • --V7 13 " " 20 ". N OAelsloeidof "1090, " do Coodlowlekd —•l3 Bag . Fllling,.—•—do Buung,Nol,2,l-11,12,11 4Ms per @ de a a . -do 8, " •-• " • -do to, „ . - do 11, " " vi 12, " " • No. 600, ewer 1 , 1?• • • .1:1 000, " 700, u " Carpet Chain,. -- —23 Coverlet Yarn,• • • • —23 Twine, • • 25 We notice a decline in Penn Mille, watt sales of Nonstook, at Me • yard COTTON SHEETING' Pittsburgh muinfactured Ne I at eo, and common CRACKERS—A regnlar b.... to doing at the fol. owing quoted rate.: Water Crsakers, per bbl Rutter do " 7,70 Dyspeptic do Not Bread, " ---•••-•••••• 3,25 Liar Crackers, per lb —•—• 7 a 7 CHEESE—Th. arrtvale of Cheese to this market, have,. yet tieet limited, and suppltes aTe moderate Common W R, is selling at 60GL Cream .t dlelf le; .tad Goshen 710 e. • D. COPPER—We continna our quotations , —Cliff Mee eake and ingots, latli93e; sheet, "Me; .4 old cop?. at I. 7 6. DRIED FRUIT—The • polio. of peaches contrnuo lII= for beat onpealed, and first., Apples aro scarce, e from store, Cl 151,C01:11,O2 11=1:01 4,23♦ La, for pealed fro.. with sales to moderate lot DRIED BEEF—There kch, at 9c t ®, by the vu DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE STUFFIVE giv . • f wow of We princips: af4 We following limo( price• L.:ponce root• • • • 70 Lae bye '21640 Magneass Cub • • • .4050 Mulder thebro• • • • 4 ato My rrh. Turkey • • -163061.1 MI Votriol,•— —• • 40 6 Cuun,•earee, WA. Cassia. •• • .4,0004.26 Bt=:=tMl Aro;Flo34" • • • • 10012 Aquaroms, " ••- • MO I Bona. refind• • • .2.1 43•25 M=ld=M do . Copavio••3oo3.l Brimstone., rt••• Ii " Cloves • • • 4003,00 Lemon • • • .3,0003.23 " Repine,. • • 4,000340 Opiinvi,Turkey,3,soo6,o o Quinine • —•—•4,4004.10 Rhubarb, rool• • • •3/10100 Bel Ann . ---163thl Bel Soda-- 40 6 Benno Tariarid Acid 44060 Vitriol Blue 11012 Cammeod, bble • • •510 6 Rune " • • • .210 3 Logimixid, ehlppr-d, 021 • ••• •• Camphor, ref, 4143 Chloride lime, roh, nee, EMI - • Coppe — Ir t s,. lio Ohmiol3 Gtua Arat•lc•-• —40070 Copl.---38050 •"` SUO Rirac duth'. lbet Mastic 1,2 ''poadered,7pfg,. Ftm daring the week PLOVII—The reealpu have been very light, and we nollee no lieu car last meekly report. The sales at the mem buys been ton limited extent, at 04,5004,02, and from more at 111,4204,75 bbl. Erma brands fancily Boor have been sold from store and fmm the mills .114,0705 bbl, in moll lots. Rea norm—With light sepplies ta tb market, we notice a retailer demand from stare, a ,23 Obbl, for the better qualities. FISH—No 3 !Seekers] shows a slight Improvement, with sales at 117,75 • bbl; No gat ell, and; No let Ilitt p bbl. Item. I. selling at VAC for the best quality., Sales of Salmon at 11160111,50 ♦ bbl, and 156 for tens. Sale* of Codfish at 51,25 p Omsk FEATRERS—The ruling rates (rota store are 330 31a ♦ 70, for good quality wetter. FRUIT—Tim demand is fair, with sales of ratans at /3,00058,50 ?,box; Sales of Abnonds, at 15000 e 10. el Groundnuts, at $l,Oll Mal of reacus or.tio r Ilk of Filberts, ate.; 'of Cream num, at 70; of Zan. Currant., atslc, and of English Walnuts at Sop Octaves, $4,00.1 box; Fin., 1 1 00 7 . 14,00; Cocoa Net5,'.111,75 p 100. OROCERIES—We find no marked change in the Mashes from our last general review. We nom regu lar sales of N 0 Seger, in lots of 5,10 and 15 Ode, at 41050510 P 5,, aecording to quality and terms of sal. The supplies of Rio Coffee are light, and sales have been moderate. at 120130 ♦ s,—easne boldest, how ever, are asking bilker figures. We note sales of N O Molasses Ina regular way, m 1705. p gall, In oak bbl.; Bales of Sll Malanee at 40015 P gull. Satin of Loaf Sugar at 51310 c, and of Rice at 45030 SF 5 GRAIN—W.ov-Smeo the establishmentr Os spring el an extensive Floor Mill in our city, an improved tone and feeling has been given to Wheat In this mar ket, and our neighboring tanners now find a reedy market here, at improved price.. We no* quote at 010100 c • has, and firm. Considerable qu odors of Wheat hove been sold to miller. durlog the past week, at the above quoted Snore. nuttier gales of 000 ba. yesterday at 150105 per bushel, to millers. Rot—The receipts of Rye hare been to • moderate extol!, and we nonce a good demand at 070 1. b. Bombay—Tim amounts of Barley coming forward continue tight, sad we have hoard of no sales of largo f bo, is about the ruling figure. Co.—We note rides from store In lots of 300 to 200 bus, ra45045c, and from tlrsi hands at 420130 Oses—The market is fairly supplied with Outs, with sales from atom at 330340? bu. GLASS—For the earthes articles of window gime notice no change. The following list of prices may be givenas shoat the ruling *gums Or the various mom of city and convoy brands: B by ,u •—••5.1,73014 I 10 by 12-01,13611410 ()that vises ID prgartion. co ant •11.6.1176, • by to 45,5:$ 11 by 1 7 .---.84,70 OD by 12 ---•--•3030 11 by 15 •—• ........ —4,73 It by 04 12 by Mt 10 by 15 ' 4,50 Iv by 17 to by HI 4,50 11 by 15 10 by 17 ----OD la by 21 .—..... .....7.00 HOPS—We continua oat qaotatlona Ina mill way, at 20,3130 for eastern aorta. IL IY—The regular range for good drnothr fro agoo, a 1110,00011,00:e ten. IRON RRIAILS -Since the opening or the spring trade • pod business, has been doing iu the Iron market at the follosmog rang* of pricest—Flat 880,9 44050, ac cording to aim; Etoond k Somme Ear, 714'004; Band Iron, 11 4403 c, Hoop Iron, 4017 e; Sheet Iron, 4400 e. 5k,25 Pr -keg; SE to Id, 1143,50; mr to 70 se ; gd, 04021; 4d, 81,50; 3d, OPP keg. klemes—Cat, gi fi l ck,ll44o keg; 1,74 and 0 inch, 04,50, Ok and 7 inch. Pr 1.4 LEAD—Receipts of load cohlinue very baba. IVA light supplies in store, we notice a fit= market, with sales of Pig al6O, sad efßar at Ile f Fan—the present range of pliecsof Lead Pipe Is ok m 11l ♦ foot, according to ale. Pear Loan—Sales at 61e by the ahee4wd oi l p ZO when e Vileirra Laws—Pare lead Is selling at t7..nd NO al op IP Seg. LARD--Continces fhon, and *alas hats been to at 5100 far bbla and kegs. LEATHER—Ms market 'matraoln. 1. oznal arm• nom tor all deacrlpaoas. Naar York solo Up:Magna. a4/47.10MWMANIliamaraMWMUMWPW LUMBER—The rollawhig are rho rating price. for lambert, tram the yards i—Boards, clear, 8 . 4 da corn , Markin • AI; ;ffhingleo, 10,3702,50 P Scauelag, 11201341.111: MALT—The ruling figures for Maharanee for Bar ley, mid , 175 e Pby for Rye. OL.4—hissed 011 is sold regularly, at 81,05, cub. No 1 Lard oil is sold at 55c, and No 7 .4.5050ef 6.11 aalea'ef Tanner.' bil at 5150518 4p tinntersperm oil is sold at 81,4501,50 P gall Fall do at 51,1531,40 P gull Blenched winter whale oil. 850 1000; made whale at 000650 P Caster 011, it selling by the bbl, at Si P. gall POWDER—Hazard vnd Dupont Robe Powder may be quoted in large qautitica, 54,75; and by single keg, at 155,1503,50 P keg. Rack Powder a. 03,11 k to IFA (or largo and small quanuuo.. SPlCES—Ctinia,32o; Cloves, Wosoo,and Names. at 111,= P tk, for No. 1. 171101521—Teh receipts of Seeds are limited. auditory iale Is doing. We quote Palos is a Mall way, oo 5 4 17 01 for Clever; 52,0 for Timothy; miles of Flaxseed at 51,M1 P bu. pp SPIRITS TURPENTIN-Salas In bbl, at 4004 ea p ph, cub—kbb extra charge. SOAP S.CANDLES--Salcs of City and CI: annuli ruin coop, at 404t0 per R. City man . alhaturd Star Candles ara In fnir request, at 7100 e; of mould tallow at 10c, tad of coinmosa dipped all: P TA LOW—We:bear of no Int<e to any largo ea• tent, vt may continue oar onotatloom at 7c for dicey, and 77 71 for beef tallow. VI WAR—Regular data. of good eider •inegv, al SIDI , In bids, W t OL—The market nominal, Illsd we omit deo • tabu Wool a on the decline to the eat*. W ISKEY—Whiskey t. without chomp, Recti fied Is .old tegolarly u 214:123g0 P gall. Wo natio. ogle. in lots of 20, 33 nod 60 ale, at thing figures. Aurcazaf., Ann. 11 Cleens—The offer - tags ai We yard :on Monday au. owned only to about 150, all of which were urge at $50.3 I.'S pet 1%, net, onteb is an advance. Hod r—Sale at 64 50 per 100. No sheep offered. PORT OF PIT SBURGIL as. —There were 5 feet 0 inches water la charm vetting. and at falling. ARRIVED. lordock Waver. Michigan, ries, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Monongahela City. Fashion, ?cables, Ellubeth. Atlaniie, rarkwon, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Beaver, Gordon. Wellsville. Camden. liendnekoon. McKeesport. Lake Erie, Clark. Beaver. Lady Byron, South, Pof l / 6 10[1th. Ohio, Stoops, Cincinnati. Tuscarora, Ilemniull, Cincinnati. Diadem, Coles, St L.:nu Brilliant, Grace, Cinninosti . Loafs McLanc,Connel, DEPARTS:Ib Caleb Cope, Mardock,fleaver. Michigan, RH., Beaver. I c l=a cn a.. , lsl n liz c a i r ;o h n l , ozn i, eLte po lo n Car. Farion, Peebles, Elisabeth. Bab.. Jacob, Brovensvtll, Adage,Parktnsoo.lrv...wale. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsvtllo. Lake Erie, Clark, Draw, Hibernia, Bachelor, Cutelnns, American Star. t'lnderella, 11.1ett, Wabash river. Wellsville. Young, Bridgeport. Genesee, Moore, Locivville, North River, Catch., New Orleans. James Nelson. Moore,Wbeelllng WATS LEAVING THIS DAY. CI NClNNATl—Cintioa...i, 10 A x LOINIVILLE—Keasteky 4 r x. NASHVILLE—Fort Pitt 4 P. st. Washington 4 P x. ZANESVILLE—U.7 Lt., 4 ST LOUIS—IkII of the West, ID A ot. ST. LOUIS—Pony 10 A x . Fa COVN.II.—The epic:lMO packet steamer Cot mast, Capt. Koantz, anti lease as .Dove at 100' lock, Mos motniag. • We aekuowlege our Indebiednese to friend Kerr, h, of the Macron., for mere steed of the incl. IRPORTS BY RIVER Eta.!nasal—P. Cr:101,0.11—W fib hair, 2 bids, 1 g • 3 t is, 4 bsa books, 21 tails lard oil, 11 , Bingham; 57 bblis whiskey, P C Martin; 113 ro:Is trailer, 2 twee, mdse, 51 bbl, sugar cured ennessied *7l 4, Graff & ro: 1 bit booke, A H English; 4 tr. hems. Lyon. obarb & co; 12 bbla whiskey. 7 Grier, 25 boo Hiram Haarelloth 5 0 I I. Blue hiek water, Bingham; 12 Wp M Ws hem, rAn ll & no; 12 hid, tob, Clark & Thaw; 4 Nils laid ot , , bor ru; 7 Ida 3 I,lls, bg & Lox shins, I tibia tif do flak ace , Dilworth, I bd. deerskins, :Wk, feathers, Bate, h I . .whyth. E. Maxima No 2-100 ibis hams, M aks leatheit, L e ech & co; 110 {nil hams, 1 1110 b ar, 1 to McFadeo & co; box mdme. Loren:. Sterling & co, VS keg. Connor k Atkins; 5 bb , egg., W Dyer, box idnnts. do mdse, 1 Dickey & co; dr, Mat svlestey, lohn Dryer 1 Old bums; A Gordon; 60 Rd, seblmkey. II A Weaver, 101 blm cotton, Kennedy & Cl , llde, 10 bbd. bacon. Sell ars & Nicole; 10 [dam barns, IV dad beef, mune; 60 bds candles, Lyoo, Shortr & en St. LOUIS—PI., 81a.1.6 to rug WIZI-35u tierces hon. s,T.t no feather.. Grad h .; i 5 tcs hams, loon; Who d lades, O W Wong tr. co; a Las boo,• s, O'Can• nor & a kegs boner, Clark tr. b sor 7 rusks sLoolders, UtPuy, Browo h co; 111 tea rice r Mandan, Wilson & co; lands sugar, L m011...n0r, Drown klrkpouick; 5 Les rice. R Moors; If, Ohio hams; 2 do d Leaf, Intl be. coffee, Jr. sell; 33 I.lols molasses. J It Caofield; 107 Ire. barns, 40 kr. lord, WOLRInaLOM; Las mdse, Fahneslock & co, a Llols, I st ginr.g,ilso do '..enlitrs, Li fors, Ido linen, bdl do Murphy, w n a. no, (2 Lls door skins, I•ogs feath er,, Wrn Dagsley 5 co Pee PAIIIS , --6 has its, Brat* it rt.oti,s, 2 make scrap Iron. Memoir, thatch h co, 13 bin, J J Crossro,ser cS• bacon, 21 bis hemp. I,lle bacon, Urea & co, 3 Ws broken lass, Cur:tnt, Robertson t. co, 2 1,1,1 r ha., I do lard, J Itur•cr k bra, wreck ci treat Bos ton, J FroneY lr d co. Nashville—Pis Fine Flrs-50 bbls whiskey, P C Moron; I esk,y b.. bacon, J Rebardaon; 10 bin cot ton, C 11 Cimnl; 7 eke bacon, 10 bb's, 2 hi 11b s lard, J F Perry; locks baron, 10 hap feathers, Boller & bre; 3fl bp pennute, S lib's, I br beef tonpes. conk d beet. In Ibis laid. 113 cks bacon. 34 ibis lord.sleFonon o co; bbls 1.0.1,32 bg s (comet s, Y eke bacon, lOckey & ec; 5 bbs baron, Buie), W.F. 2 . on; 19 nne 1 4 .. 9 ere ,,07 Goer, II bp feather., A D Miller; 143 cka raga, 1 , 44 110 tons p Iron; 51eClorkon & co. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., 190 WOOD STREET, ABOVE FWFH, IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, LA. Mt the attention of unrshatera to their FIIKSII SPRING STOCK, Which they think will compare favorably, bath in extent and chat:looms, with add of my other Itobse,ertiter hero or to the k:stateln esum. feb2ld9arlyS • another Witness en tat" Stand. CII RO(IC RIIEUMATAhI. Ms S. al. Kim—Allow me to express to you ety heartfelt thanks for the peat benefit I have received from an article called FETROL,EIIbI. or Rom On, of which you are the sole proprietor. I had occasion to use It about the Is; of January. in a violent attack of Rheum/dun, which was very painful, flying about from piece to plane, accompanied withmuch swelling, te extef ro so as leap ein conceal torture. I used the Pe trernally, a few applications of which re move all pain, and every symptom of the disease. I am now entirely well, and would take this occasion to recommend the Petroleum to ell who may be suffer ing under the agonizing pains of Rheumatism or kin. dyed diseases. iSigsted] GM. Wilmot, near Perry House. Pittsbargh. flrEeis general advertisement In anotlier column. feblB NOT IC E TO CONTRACTORS. Okio and Penlugioanto Rod Road. POPOSALR will be received et die office of the Ohio and Pennsylvenia Ralf Riad Cornwall. In the City of Pinshurgh, oath Weduesiloy, the Nth day of April, Ina; for me Grading and Masonry of this Rail Road, from Allegheny coy to the mouth of the Beat • distance of twenty four miles. Drawing. and Spe er. cifications of the work to Go let. may be men et the office to Pittsburgh, for one week prevmus to the letting, on application to Solomon Si'. Roberts, Chief Engiocer, and information may be obtained lot fIZ, time at th ei office of Edward Werner Resident Eugi• neer of the Eastern Division, New Brighton, Drover County, Pa. The wort le well worthy of the atten tion of good contracture. The Grading and Masonry of Monne in Columbiana County, Ohio veld be let at Salem, on Wolacaley, the Mb day of May. By order of the Board of Directors. Md. ROBINSON, Jr. HAVE removed to Warehnnse No. 07 Wnter at beterere Waod and Markey where sill ho hop for sale, .of mei, manufacturing, a full assortment o Iron, Nails, Salter, Castings, nnd Flat Blast Pipes warranted of the best quality, at the lowest pncee. Mr. JOHN REST, of the late firrn of T.SCY & lest having purchased an intoreit In the Orin; will tub chew of the Warehouse, and will devote his end AlltiltiOrl to the business, and,trideavor tosender sat isfactlon to the Monde of higlite elm, end ell other who may favor tie with their prii renege. BROWN, 1.1114.1 PS & CO, Di %Voter at, ginsbrugh. NOTICK. 7 oI , N WATT /c CO. hove removed their cock c V intents to the opposite side of Liberty st. IIitIIIOVAL. WAYNE IRON At7ORKS WAREIIOIISI - : DAILEY DROWN A. CO. Love removed to No 00 .1) Water , at, Pal doer below tact .Monongahela :loam, !,6 T. ru...ciza, t or Pitiabagh of Pt. Loots. S SAMUEL J. WitTLIERILL & CO., fIOBIMISSION FoRAVINC eIKKCILLNITS, ‘,../ No 67 Levee, and No U h Commercial meet Bt. Laois, Mo. Ilnemsancen—rAgelt, registry et Co, D. Loulo; Russell it Llrtturn, do; Grrely Gale, Jamrs Todd, Loulevitle, Ky, Jaco D Latimer. Ciartnnen, 0; C ni Grant, l'lttebureb, Pa: a7l-dlual John NI Ilintrlnstri. Philadclahta. __ • 01,1 Wanted. To do Loose a, work. A plea.arO aud rerroavo wy o o o n, sod good wages given. Elopure at othOe opl2 MOZUI rtHURCII, CARUTHERS & CU bre° ramereed Vho V 7 NVater w, between Wood & hatted. la the trout/ formerly oceapmd by Hardy, loam& Co, nosameno, Ilibbonas he. n 11. PALMER. No 103 Market street, Is moors a. od to oder vary gross Indecent.. to buyers of Straw Millinery Goods, of every description. ' sleet emulate or every desirable style of Plain and Fancy Straws Braid, Gim p, ifreneh Lees and other Bonnets. Jenny s. l ; i . rstsll:& Round andtlyeare T lL K T Ph i gs, hh in grew variety. Menis Leghorn, Strew Braid, China Paula and Sultan Hata. Rib. eons, 'Mowery Sonnets, Silks, and other Millinery Alta., k.e. ' —lll-.10.b3 STARCH- 2 9 ble 1.1. Woad', Peed Surd, ILIAI re echl4. uld t 0:... 1, 7 A CIILEFATBON ST KAM BOATS - - - -- --___ - PrITIIIIIBMI AND, LOII/SVILLIIL'' l ag s m at o iii ii i i s STEAM PACKET LINE, ETOURAGED by the liberal pateonage extended to all regular and well condactuilLinea4ln d'F. - ers of tke following ftheateamers have arranged theta Mto a Line betweurt Pittsburgh and Louisville. One of the boats will positively leave Pittsburgh an every Ilfe,s.y, IVlttraltanai, and FirrnaT Engin°, at 6 o'clock—fall or uot fail. The firm boat of the Llne will stun oak Monday, February untlH. Steamer Genesee--• ...Captain T. Maim. " Z. Taylor.-- • •-• “ AL Lucas. 0 iremburg " .1. filinefelten 1" 1 / 4 _ " Firmer. • " Benedict. Fairmount • 0 W. Ebben. Far or "gilt it I' ' EHttT2IDEILIAgui ' NI F WEDNTESDAY PACKET CIIICIIIMATI, Captain WILLI= .1., Kamera .araa— This splendid boot was built hy the • owners or the steamer Newton, and whew, for the eineinnan end ittaborgh Packet trade, and will leave every WeAsesday, for Cincinnati, In plsce of the New England, No. R. ' For freight or mange apply on beard, onto wad O 1 MILT} N iIERGER. Ass PITTSBURGH AND PACnIT The splendid fast re...mins— . 0n..0r •' LOUIS hfcLANE, W. B. Consul!, muter, Ihavins undergone a tLor -`" P. °ugh repair,) will run hereafter es a regales packet between Ptsbursh end Wheeling,' lensing Pittetmegh every ended', Wednesday and Friday rnorniries, nt 9 o'clock. For freight cr passage apply on board, or to lest W.B. WHFIILER, Mena tfOrfONGAIIEL& lIOIITZ r" " Only 73 nfl.s Staging.— Cis Brownsville and Cumberland to Bedroom and Philadelphia. Vasa To Ilunnaoaa--:—. =3113 . no. PELGL.I3OIIII,-- , • 12 00 HR h e re'el7;l3l. thet Baltimore, hottest time to Philadelphia, 40 boar.. The evening boat learns daily, (except Sunday ea cnings,) at 6 , eclook. Pasacngen by leaning on the 0001111110 boat will moss the manntabas gape next d tc .'d th -y ' o ' ne sc L M lte ' in gh lt ‘' :l7o 'L' orwo, Monongahela House, or dt. Charles Hotel. octialy .T. UFSKLMM Asti t REGULAR FACKItT It 61.p1P1118 DIIIECT. - The splendid and fart running steamer MILTON, na irga t John D. Davis, master, will km for he above and all intermediate Dona this eay the 17th inst., at 4 I'. 61, For . . . Ireight or paarage apply on board, or to _lO7 B MILTENBERGER, Agt. FOIL CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE The fine nealnar OHIO, ~ ={,I;;LI€ Stoops, outer, will leave far at., • pen on this day, the 17th' , met, at 4 elect F.. at. For feneht or pimentos apply onboard apl7 WS.T. LOUIS. yam.i a The splendid sunnier BELLE OF THE WEST; sn o as tu ter ib tr jt o bo:r i e , . hi. apt? GEO MILTEMIZROER, 'The entirely new and splendid steamer WASHINGTON. N. W. Diann, master, will leave for Ito above and an tinetmediate landings ea 'Thursday, this lEnh inst., at 4P. M. For ficieht apply to ap:o 0 D 011LTEINDERGER, Artt The splendid steamer Gallagher, t i aL N te N r it aMl r le p rive for the above and all intermedlate ports on this day, the 170 inst„ at , P. M. For freight or puntage, apply or board. aprl7 FOR LOUISVILLE, CINCINNAT/, b ST. LOUIS. The Roe new light draught steamer KENTUCKY, Maclean, ranater,:srdi leave for the hove and all integroeidlate porta on Ris day, the Nth April, at 4 o'clock, P. FOR NARLIVILLR. Tho splendid .tri.U3loo FORT PITT, Miller, master, will leave for above and all intermediate ports on this day, a 171 h Inst., at 10 o'elewlr, A.. JI. For freight or pusage, apply on board. , The splendid steamer PARIS, Smith wester, will kayo for the abosogind iemedian. missal this dsg. th e 17th inst. nt 4 o'clock, P. M. jor freight or passage apply on ant. opl7 WESTERN INSURANCE PiIEPANY OF PITTSBURGH:, CAPITAL 1:00,000. 2. rum., Jr., Seely. I - IL Musa, Jr., ?rest Will insure Raciest all kinds of risks, FIRE AND MARINE. ALL lowaa will be Liberally minuted and promptly paid. A. haute institution—managed bd Director. who or. ewell known in the community, and who ere determin by prouiptnem end Ithemlity to maintain tha chew cuter which they hare assumM, as °Settee beat protection to those who fieslre to be Insured. Drasurom—R. Mi ller, Jr., Dec. Black, I. W.Buner, N. Motet., Jr. V. m. D. Hahne+, C. Ihmsen, Cee. W. Jackson, Wra: M. Lyon, i.e.. Lippincott, Thos. E. Lneh, James M'A y, Alen. Nimiek, Thos. Scot& Oren., No. r• street, (waretienthe of Spam fr. C... 12, smith, Patsbareh. IslNcolan.Aosr. ROBIN INSTiTIITIONs. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY' argh. C. C. HUSSEY, r 102 0 .1.• • • •—ti. W. MAILKS,Sseft. lA:lee—No. al Wafer street, In the srareamise of C. 11. or .‘\r . merchanci, in more. and in mouth teasel, to. An ample guaranty for the ability and integrity al the Insulutlea, I. afforded in the char - let, of taa Ci rce:ors. who are nil Cill1:1111 of Plealn,rs ars , : •:e, firoralily known tolhe community fa: prudence, anelliaento, and integrity. Darmon. G. Ilnwei, Wev. Bagels , , Nv imer. Jr, Walter Cryan:. Malt D. King, •Ileasellno, Z. filmy, S. Barbanel, S. atiffer. znraHl [Journal and Post eePY.I SPAPPOSIPS EXPRESS FROM PITTSBURGH- TO EHIE. • R 1( race EM311.1041 . SAP Pack. Lulu, connecting with Livingston. Fargo & Co'. Great Eastern and Western Express. Ten arrangement will afford on. rumaserd (actinic* fen forwarding valuable packages er Goods, Silver Ware. Jewelry. BANK BILLS, SPECIE, kc. tee, to the Lake. and from thence to any of the cities cast or west (corn Erie. Particular atten tion will he paid to COLLECTING ACCOUNTS and making purchases for them who emit to economise Maar time, and save the encase of parsonalintention to hastiest at a distance. Trusty and resupetent camscuscrs will always necompsmy the express. Leases l'lttabarg4 every Faxasz morning, .111 far ther nonce. G 14 112.11T0N, Agem, Monongahel* Ham. Menem. Hill & Cum. Patabargh; Wm. NI Walloon, of Arm Wallace. Lyon S Plnm Jo.neh Ktng, , Aleq Arm of King, Pennock &Co, do it. D. Yorke. EA., Beaver, Gen C. Reed. J. D. Williams, En, H. Cadmill, E.Liv Babbitt, and C. AloSim*Am Eno, Em ingston, Fargo & Co, Dail. Wens., Batmenoid & Co., No. In Wall M, N. York .010 , d2w ReCULLDYa Farnttara Wareacnum. 444eining the Pittsburgh Bent, ea Thiid amt. TIMSE persons who desire to save from twenty five to thirty per rent, in purchsslng . Furniture, are respectfally invited to cal at say warehouse, where will be found a large and well selected stack of tee most approved style of motkmansbip, both modern and ancient, and calculated to please the taste of all those who datum Esther elegant or substans dd FUllilllll<. Having determined to dispose of my ',infant entire etock,' at very reduced mice., 1 feel conedent taut them arab desire any ankle on my line, will not fail of being salted. A. bIeCIIRDV. Ul:M= . CO,P. is S. NELSON a O have removed to No Hs C 9 wood !veep opposite the St Charles Hotel: The) have also changed Me sty/e of their fines, mad the htislatm will be serried 014 ender the name and style of .Postley Nelsons" • POSTLEY t NELSONS, Menefee:mew of Cast Steel and Stammered Shay. Cl., Spades. tbres, Hap and Manure Folks, Solid Sex Vices, Sun Carrels, Sr. Caving enlarged their works, they can supply their (bends at the eltortestnell. end lowan: yriees the market will *Card. AUarti- GICS made of the best materials sad Went style. Mer chants wirhinp to purchase will dud it uutheir adren. Uwe to ermine their , stock before parehastne clea where.abl-lm 00.PAJITNIMUSILIP • T HAVE taken WALOARIt Into partneralp with I me in my balancer. which will from thin date_bis earned an ender the name of "Jahn Parker &C .e March let, IMO. JOHN PARVEII. litho Parker• • • -• • • Antis= Cam JOlll9 pelaraca & co., Wholode Owns, Dada: in Pnura., Fmign IViner Liquors, Old Afowonganda and Rectifiod Whiskri. No. 6, Commercial Row, Lawny street, mrlo Plosbomb. P. GEORGE-E. ARNOLD & CO., DEALERS IN EXIMAZIGE, COIN, BANE HOTZS, to. No. 74 Fourth street, next door to the Dank iof Pius entll-3oe . . . • THIS beautiful atylo of nKrs is now 4 4 reeeiwed, mind wdl ba introllia.ed art WM. why, March 14, by MeCORP h. CO. Coro, ab h Wood an Fire and Marine Insurance. BE OFFICE al Ihn !maroons. Company of North T Areerien, hen been removed to No. 141 Frontst, e tafoVooa. Tee anent for the above old and ?even- Bible Company. luxe Ponmes on Bulldogs and their co lant? and an eldpments of Mercheadlee by Steam font, and other wreath. _al.3 IV. P. JONPa. Wall Papas. Wart&Mass *7O. 47, MAIREEP.STRERT. between Third and Fourth streets, Piesbargh. Pa , TROMAI3 L. M.F.11 would respectfully Bal l tba attention of his friends and eIIstOPICSI4tO his melees extensive and general meek of merthundite. found to COLLY prise every d :eerintion of American and French Wail Payer and Bokonr for Perkins, Haug, Dining Rooms, Bed Chambers, Counting Rooms,te,rantrins f m.. 10 emus to 132 a pgme. to gnat a diversity of prima and qualitsca eagbard/y fall to son the drew:mance* and tastes of purchaser who may favor with their puroos o, tho old established mand on Market street.; mrld.d3m ALL PAPER—W. P. Mssartsw is conemntly rteeleitlf, (torn the IngestGrialltaiteloriee to )e V s: York and Philadelphia, and also from French were., the newest and meet approved olyteo of Pa• per Hargis:as, together with Bottlers, giro Beemd Points, and Tester Toss. For side al SS Wood st, be. twa.n Fourth st and Diamond alley, to i C. Hill.) _ pi — VAN J. fIFZeRY, (formerly of , Attorney and Coansellor at Le, r„z, ALL etre.. Cremes', 0. Colleetrona Girl pro (carmen' tneinem 3 promptly and cermet. ; cd to. apa HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, 84., TWO BRICK. DWELLINGS .eorner of 'Robison and Corry streets, Allegheny. Possession ot any., e. 'Apply to , SOVN - f3 - tar: ' nen) 110 Second street IL LARGE and comfortable OFFICE, aid if re ilinred, tome Rooms in ISarebous e Nal 12 Second in: a dutiable location for business. Enqabre at thy mon,. eio? T • IIREE ACRES ' OF Poe LAND, Saler, ituate about 3 tell. •, item the oily, Deal the resicence of Rev. Ricbard Lee, on tfteGreenabergh Turnpike; suitable for own-, try residences. Axso—Four Umdred Aeon of Land, 'imam in Franklin ‘eixeritit, smut le miles from Pittsburgh, near Franklin Road. Tam will be divided mobil par. chosen. There is an excellent aux site on Auta—A Lot of Ground near the New Basin, See. tt gy Ward, being NO feet rquaro, on 'duck IA a tiro • • story Brick Dwelling Douse. For particulars and Icier. of sale enquire of DAVID D. BRlME,Attorney at Lair, opt-tm Falb a; helm Wood and Smithfield. FOR RENT. AHENDBOIDE STORE, rn Midket Wwwi, IWheeist Third and Fourth streets, at pennant Davie& by Mir. Thom White, as n Dry Ocodr Shaw.. • Alto—• loner well finished RO Ow mond dmy, new doer tet. Mr. Don Mercanti OM le Collere. This wan ii well situated, and enitable Dr a wankel atom we Academy. nr mild be conveniently arranged nv doable orders E. D. GARZA M e 6 a.l( 0 • Thinrst, crew the Post Mae. For Sale. A TWO STORY BRISK DWELLING, with a fine ji basement story, callable Co. a Grocery. TM boast is substantially built, md is Itt feet front by 00 fret deer, FILIVIIDF back tO an alley. It la nom occu pied by four rambles. lerras very reasonable, and payments sande easy y- if A. AT. WALLTIN;C:FORD._ • .ass LOS. TPE MANSION GOOSE, and pert of the (Irelands known es Rosedale, on the bank of the Ohio riv , Cr. in Mar,eterter,'wlU be rented law,. e private re. wdenee. The ritantion Is one of the roost beautiful on the Ohio river, and the Grounds are ornamented with hrubbery, Grape Vines, and Flowers, end planted wall the choicest Fruit Trevs Forte.= apply to tertn OF.O. COCHRAN, CO Woodvt TO Let, ABRICK. BUILDING, 25 by CO feet, three storion ilgb, with F.none, tie; located le Ditonogbunte itumedhately below the Ferr - y. Enquire of DOM...DANS h GABUISON. mrM4( l'ittaburgb Foundry . Poe Rent, rrHE Dwelling House, corner of Pride and /Antral. I Eighth Ward, now octupied by myrelL Ponta; W OO gorm et any time. This is one' of the.mrat plcastait rendences about -the city; it Is surrounded bye fine yard and garden: Is free from the smoky eimonifiere or the city. below it, and Is only fifteen minutes weir from the centres of business. TAAIEB W. BUCHANAN, rer2l4 {corner Wood and Fourth eta Tn) LET—The store on blanket st,neht door to Tint, a will be-rooted low ton good tenant, auebpones. non given immediately. For term, apply to melt:Alt( WALTER I:RYA/ST.lth Liberty at. E Dwelling ROOM, Third, above SmiliPeldi now ocengirgl by Rev. Lir. [tabard!. Also—gtir out Or more yonze, 6000 larig4 tots Of Ground, in the Ninth Word, on end near Me tty,,er suitable for Lumber Enquire of JOAN Id ' DARLINGTON, or of " trubrf B. DARLINGTON. rourrYst: THAT Isvga and commodious DWELLING SIGUSE Webster -street. rear Seventh, at present ocess pled b on y M. A. Vonkirk. Possession is to be given ou the let April. Inquire on the premises. or of ' 11. LOWRIE:, Wylie et, fehibtf near elithant: rimlE !use three story Brion Warehowo, ort below Ferry street, musing neon Water to First erect. on reasonalik turn. FotLeasion given hint nintely. Enquire of feltlG-tf i F. 4.OBENZ. tni - 8.C.11t or Salo. - • _ _ . IaTHE inihreriber will roll or rent hie very devi cable Comm- Residence, is Atiertenyeit y y t stt• eaten on Ohio Lane and Allegarny Wvenue, win of the Common. Too hover It a- lerg a double brick boilding, in complete cider. Thereliw Wage Honnu,dtable, nod good weir, on vhe grotreds, - which compete: two nerce, wellimproved. contenting every desenplinn of ,Frult. spring h?nee and smoke hone. Po-nen:lion given derive terrecnth _ March. letol-tY JOHN I.IEHHAILT. Multi:Maw Lots. FOR SALE, on my Wirral mons—Fifty Stine Lots oC Ground, situntedonPron, Wayne,mid Masts, and the Duquesne Way, tmeonling to a Plo.lltonoseen at this tidies, where terms art&condmons will be made know. • . J mat 800 Plante A THREE STORY !RICK OWELLINO ROUSE,: en Liberty street. between (Mara end ‘Ordnutstreco, Fifth Word, at present a in.ipied by the subscriber . Possession R iven on th e Iti April. Enquire at Jtost6 4r Wll. 'OUNO. 143 Liberty st. "trALICABERREAL LT.rerzori EClN — S - VITV.V7 , 2 V FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground situate on Penn etreeb between lay and Marbury streets, athoinin; the house and lot now ocenpied by Richard Edward', having a front of nb feet, and in depth ED feet, will be sold on fuyorsiblnterms. Title =exceptionable. En; quire or C. 0. LOOT Ls,4th abbeor Wood. oettlellf Orphans , Court Sala ryITRSIIANT to on order of tliP Orphans' Coort, bola E at Piroburgh. on the let day of April, A. D. 18.50, wiII be enpoocil to public shin, on the :VII day of April, 1(50, at three o'clock P.lll_, on the premiees, all that certain lot of ground eituale in the city of Pittsburgh, and dmeribed . follows, to win—D.:ginning on the north side of Se and at. at the distance of forty eeveit feel outwardly from Gmet at. thence by the line of Ann Sallivanht lot, and parallel with Grant at' (arty threaft. to a three feet alley ccromon to persona owing low • n either side, thence by anti alley and parallel with Second at. twenty seven fee., to the line of William Asthma' lot, thence by the tail line lif_Wm Arthur.' lot, and parallel with Grant sweet forty three feet to Yecoad street, thence along Second at. twenty seven feet to the lace of beginning. Terms of Salti-Osse hundred dollar, to be paid upon delivery of the deed, the ...anat. to Yon. emi to pay cuts at six and tea year. tearer . .rely from the dam • f rale, with Interest payable enr.4-hy. and to be re. cared by bond and mortgage on to premix ea For Maher particulars ' apply to G E at law, 900011 sele ct, or to the tinderpigned, ROBERT DUNCAN, ' Guardian of Ann Almira k Christen J Wendt, minors. ap9-dwirD ILO BEELT AUK NIGHT, TTORNET AT LAW—('Nice on .„„t mth, of Fourth et, bememt utieur allay and Um.r... • awl-dloAw6m HEW CLOTH STOILT6. rD. STULAT of reiladelplrin, Trill open • the let of April. on entire nom CLOTHS,poet of OT CASsIHEHES, VESTLIGS, And TAILORAITRIMMINGS, at eastern prto;u,verf low for clue, neat to Alefiennals Auction Ilo* •" - ' ! , , opinlecortiT DDRJOHN ILitrf, aity annonnees to the entente of Ridiesiiihrt he has permanently located himself is nes cat, for - the-purpose of prac ticing, gedielne and Surgery, in ad ite canoes Mane,. ex. Ili. offtea is on Vaszte etreet,No 100. Residence No 07 elate xt. , ept Attenntnr, isstriCKNoE. TDELnwialsiitiiir:‘i. SAFETY ECRU. A RANCE COMPANY—Office Nosh Room of the - Erehangs, Third street, Phil adelptm. Floe Ins.anc-a-430 tidings, Merchandise and other property, m Town and Country, insured against leas or damage by fire , at the lowest rate of premiam. • 310una alm insure treawle, Cara pea and Frerghts, Port Its or cosstwitm,.der open or special pollens, ar Er assured rosy desire. blase Tea:tartar:taros. —They vivo [stare march •ndwo transposed by Wagons, Rad Road Can, Canal Boats and Steam BOLL., on Mel. and lOWA on the; 510.0 liberal tenni. DIRECTORS—Joseph II Seal. }Erna. A Sander. John D Davis, Robert donor, John R Penrose, Samos--- el Edwards, Gen G Laiper, Edward Darlingran. Isaac B Patio, Wm Falwell, John Newlin. Ur It Al Huston, Jas C Hand, Theophil. Paohling, II Jones Brooms, .• Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Serra!, Spencer Mellvain, Charles Kelly, .1 0 Johnson, Was flay, Dr 9 Thom.. John Sellers. Wm Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTS - Lb/R:ll—D T Morgan. Hugh 16 ' "h' AT,l T arthl MARTIN, President. RICRIRD S.Ntwnot.n. Seely. [l7.oilite of the Company, No. S 2 Water street,;, • Pinsbur a. P. A MADEIRA, JOLIN LYONS, NO. 9 STATE STREET, BOSTON, Apra far Clow and ftetorsery of' Property is England., HAVING spent :many a year is the valid. Res cora Cffieee, National Library, Sc., daring h.• late visit to England, Investigating claims for persons In this country, and having secured efficient and re. spousible Agents in London and Manchester, he is prepared to afford all necessary latish:Milan and ad vice to perms, who seek to recover their property in. that country. I. L. keep. • list ef Se Debt: of England Dividend Books, which maybe esemined for :0 cents, or 23 for elkCh letter of the Alphabet. References to Boston: ' • C. B. P. ADOIS ' Nam, Pabluy SANIF.9 WELD &Y HF.NRY IL MAY, flog; .1014,Y NY RIDGEWAY,fiaI. • IMEIMM a Calit; - Douai "Eagles and GoUtraitilr TO& VALE AT- TIT 6 ExonnsoE Ann Ermeisch A. WILKINS & . 5. E CORNER OF MARKKT & TIMID ETILEkti, Pitt•lburgh. mr2l. Darn FORGE te: seNoLD a., CO. have opened as GEuttaaaa 077TC14 N 0.74 Foatth otteet t next &set to the Ltank of rtttabatak and are prepared to trona aet. on reasnnabie terns, any badness In their line that may be entmetad to the= Exchange, Coin, Bank Nolen, &e, bought and aoid. Coilections sazde in all , the principal cities and towns in the United Slate. • Deposit. received in pu foods and eurmsy. They rerpectrally watch a shoo of ihe eneasio( ib has:nett connonan . • It a, N the Conn of Common aof Aucgaeby donn ty: N 0.135, March Teml,lis3. In the matter et of . Petit ion of Wm Robinson, ft.. Pwrident of the Chin and Pennaylvitala Rail Road Company—and no View of the Dearer Ronk • And now, to mit: March 30, I,4o—Reporrof Mow to filed, confirmed old, end ordered that arnica bit). *RIR be given, by three week.' publication by 11.0 Daily Mandela, loortd,Gluetie, nod Port: - By the Corn. — • a.] Certified form the Record. apf .31or GEDRGE S. HAVA.llrtr. C r ITT 13 ): * n e a t L uN in K 7 r eiT4 expressly or. i r • six trAdo. For epic by , SSEY, FLFINCi &TM, mrt2 Far 12/ , Wend nvect BOAItDING . . insLEASANT ROOMS, in 11 pleasant part of Ma ell, convement w bonamoramitable for-a maegienl L. de and gentleman, fromAinit let Atco, box:Ming foe akw yoong gendanten.s...Kugulte as this °lca, • : sami•tf BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, -• Broadway, corner of ltaldati Lase. Ills tneaeieC HOTEL has been kneed:by thn cubscriber; tunl ha 4 been co.f.plitely refitted in. e most elegant manner. Large aldltteni are noW bete.; made, widclweetica completed, on.; tehke It the, lehtst chtertswe lintel in New fere. It rs ho desehstis notion of the proprietor, to make It equal, in en., ow.. epoch to any other Hamm to the Craned Sawa: nolo, canon is the most desirable and central in the city r hoe:. one in the faahloneble put of hum:way, cr....acne to all the public builduttcs, pla‘ce.of ...crew., and- - bustnema blethefal foe the abet,: patronage rceei•Cd . rein tos wcuerti the at Cumbehand, UV, and more recently et the Weddell-House, Cievolaus, Ohio, he respectfully solicits &renewal of thetepauten• age, foe ti. cow Pi It • CIICTOrirs . 4 hers tost.4lllll tbrem.tltntcacrs.effert on his parti e . be wen to administer to throe cemfa S. rt and plc:Xi:7 A. UM.. Now Yeah, Karco,ls*-03140411 BARN
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