The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 17, 1850, Image 2
THE PITTSBURGH'GriZETTE, PUBLISHED BY ,I;WTE a: CO PlTTeßUltas WEDNESDAY mortslap..oatt VI, 1650. ra" . V. 11' Pockm is * Agent• fir 'flos piper irt hls „„ several azepoles rn New Itork, and Ti'tiqiiifited'in'rettemeiubiefiptrlia Lad isdvordsouseuts for us. -.,..Rallroad Connections 3Vertou!cl Boum ! . West. _ . . t , •We have hid lying du oortableilbreonte deli, awaiting gas torn, an Infeidsting letter from an ln. - 1, telligentPittsbingh genticman, - wholabiluteen tray citing extettalvely In the Writ and South. Wear, . , for the last year o ) J two. His letter is dated uNuhville, Much 6," and Is principellf 00 ..0' ed in - disc-awing o r littered,' In. relation to the treat aystem of internal improvements projected , and building in the South and Sootn-West. The knowing extract contains matter or information - and suggestiunof immediate Interest to this city and State:— ~... "You have no doubt watching, with inter est. th e rail d movement in Kentucky and Tennessee. I ar we do not attach enough ins porunce to this. i In the anxiety to connect with the Atlantic coast. and the Great Weal, there is datger of eirgetti g the "Grew South." Placed as I have been I contam with' business men, In this and:several ther States, I have had free Trent opportnnit' of observing the inclinations of trade and travel ; and I am of the opinion that, now that our noble "la belle Rivera n in brought into direct competition with reamed, we must not place Implicit confidence on that channel, lim it:ll and intimately connected though it may be, with one beat interests. The Ohio River I. now the only connecting link between the West, SotdhsWest, and Pittsburgh. That River is blocked 4 by ice and low wateros great portion of the:year ; and, unfortunately, at a time when it would be moat needed. Merchants in this sec uoti,and farther South, rather then risk the unoer• tairity Mille Ohio, and the mounds, travelbayond Pittsburgh, seek conveyance through the various Southern channete, to the Eastern alien. "Now, Southern men aro beginning to awake to the Imptirtanee of streichieg oat "anon of iron" to grasp this great trade, and offer great facilities tor the shipment of produce and merehudise, vie, Mobile, Charleston, fte. The corps of Engi. nuts are actively engaged on the "Nashville and Chattenoge Read, the greater portion of which In under contract. And Instead of Pennsylvania famishing the iron, I notice New Orleans steam ers unloading the Engiuls rail, amid the iron bound bills of the Cumberland, and in the very centre of the mineral region of Tennessee. This will, of courno he great canoe of rejoicing (I) to the educates of Free Trade. "To this may be added the Mobilo road, which la now being agitated up here, and will, in MI prob_ ability, receive the full amount of subscription thi n spring. With a complete line of rail road from Nashville to Charleston,—a, the road is now in operation to Chattenegs, at the heed of navigation, no Tennessee River, mid will be completed to Nashville the ensuing year; a road from Mcr bile to some indefinite point in Tennessee, togeth. 'CI with the proposed road from Memphia to TerC bessee River, it is not difficult to see that, mien we throw out counteractiag influences, we will ti,evitably lose the vast and fart increasing trade - of the South West. The certainty and low rote of freights to Charleston, from Philadelphia and New York, together' with the facilities which the Nashville Road will offer, connecting with the ' iTetitiMed and Cuntlihtiliatil : Rivera, and so with • . Memphis_ and the Ntissisaippi• valley, must and will, undoubtedly divert a. great portion of rue trade of nuthatch, unless epeedy measures are . th • . • taken to thereat. the facilities of commtmication, by that route, with the Atlantic eitiCa. "In toy' htimble opinion, the ' Great Central Read,' from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, will not be anfficient. Neither will tho Western extension of that road, Into Ohio—however necessary and ..atrial ittnay he—serve to attract the !Mite of the' .South West, or, prevent WILII. We eirearly hews fiteittibeing diverted by the Southern Roads. We -- must have.eomething that the (rosin of winter, or the drought of summer will not affect. "There are now three rail roads chartered by the • Legialatures of Tennessee and Kentucky—one to Headmen, one to Loliaville, and ono 'm the , direction for Cincinnati, Ohio.' The general spin kn here is that the Louisvdle Road is most likely to be completed, of the three proposed. Be that It may, is it notof vital importance to Pittsburgh . . as - io'Gruch out 'a portion of her slumbering cam.' gift, and inert capital; and, by commencing • - triad to ono of these points, above' named„-give _ thbatantial to the Nashville and Kentucky espanhets to meet them at the Ohio `river 1 This'imuld interest (hem as much as us; and, in this money locag and rail road building age, pectininly interest is every thing. . "By thus making a slight effort, Pittsburgh be . Mmes no important point on what might justly be 'Mined 'The Great Central Chain of Rail Road, —connecting not only the Atlantic cities with the Idiatistippi Valley, but with the great cotton grow log and Yankee notion consuming South, to the ' 'Gulf orMexico ! ' °Allow the Southern trade to be diverted to 'the extreme Southern and Eastern cities, and it will require a long time and a great effort to berg it bark, if, indeed, anal-would be at all possible. ~".I. will not attempt to show, Mr. Editor, what saline tee sorb inroad might have an perpetuating &se bonds of un .. rm wh ~..5 Lore I crs soil o're yet so' much tauter, .i ~.. i, Lr 1:II.G., Ito,l- its support any odds: e....! re. i , , , .!. I :to, ,is foe come better Inform:4 ti, iii, :roil tdt;:er per..' Ile suggestions of One cort..,meilent. is regard lathe importance to oa of the Booth Western Jetty, of the danger of its diversion to the South. ern Atlantic Bee boards; end of the necemity of having immediate rail road connections with that region, ere all cotrect, and are deseryiog of err. rat attention. Bet he ie mtstaken whoa he asserts that cur Weetern roil road will not answer the purpose of attracting to us the wade of the South West. He has been absent from Pittsburgh so long, that be is not probably aware, that by Mean. of:our Western extension, we shall have red road cointeetions with both Cincinnati and Louisville, within three yews, and probably before either of the nil roads contemplated from Nesbvdle to the Ohio river are finfatai'd. 1. Oar Western road will give us three trounces gone with Cincinnati: One from the line of the road, at Louisville, by way of Mount Vernon, to Columba. TIM will be the best and shortest route from the Eastern cities to Cincinnati. An other by the way of Kelly's road, and another by the Cincinnati and Sandusky road. '1 By the,‘Obio and Pennsylvania" read, the i:Reilfoulathe and Indiana" road. and th e Ladle. - polio end.liefiethotaineroad, MN, which 1211.110 W beitding, We have a direct mil rend thole to In. dianepolis. , From this latter pia. to Louisville there will be, in a shoo time, a direct rail toad connection, by means of the "Madison and India anaerobe" road, which is finished and working, to Colemb., and from the letter place to Louisville by the "Jeffersonville and Columbus" road, which L now more than hall graded, and the iron for 1 . 0 miles of which her been provided, and will be laid this leaven, leaving only 45 miles to finish, to complete 'direct Railroad communication be. tweeit Lodianspoliaand Louisville. Ode correependent will thus are, that the people, of have every encenragernent to pro. Geed willObeir contemplated rail road conneo: tioncwith the Ohio river, either at Cincinnati or we shall have:gaite direct rail road communication with both these places, before they can 'possibly 'finish their work. Although the commtraicatien with Louisville will not be es di. - reel a roe Be could be found, yet It will probably be the beet end cheapest,as it pawes through a Eno level country, well adspted,to the purpose, and can be couhtmeted very cheaply, and will prowls, withal, a filth local in de, which will el. able ir to carry so cheaply at to compete with ,any EMT= EOM WALTER FOIMAND. - Thi. gentleman btu returned from a virit to Washington and the caw tern cities, where he bat been mating preparations in Me departure to Copenhefen, to tate charge of ble ralarlor.. He is to leave to morrow, for New York, and will fail from that port on the 27ta inst.forLlecrPoo!. Mr. 0. O. Gregg, of Ihr tningbf er, Who /mends to make the tour of En.. rope, radll lecompany him to Copenbegen. • Cot 4.reeSers-will Sea in owttlyntliyjnrcglumnv to dopier...notice of the fitiltimoro itsiirond QM. pony, inviting proposals, which we referred to yes terday. They will find the work worthy of their attention. • • Oato ivy !ZlKNlnarank.lialacop.—lt will be perceived, In ear advertising columns, that the Direetors of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company have instructed their Treasurer to give notice to the StoUkbolders, for the Payment' of the frEfairaffireElials tUe •-ifiricirift'Shirel of ',Mt, ea the 20th of May nett, and of the further payment of the remaining instalments on the 20th of each aneceedingteenth, Intel the ',bole are paid. We have been given to understand that the Board, at Its reeent session on . 6104day...test, re- . 'Solved a press thematic. midi alithemesila at •theliebriimand, iavinti of completing the Road bed, ready the the rails, on the whole of the East ern division, td the intersection of the Cleavelind road, near Want Caine, a distance of 50 miles, at the earliest practicable period. With this spirited determination, on the part of the Directors, It Is not to be doubted that toe stock holders will respond to the cell An the. remaining instalments, not only with promptitude, but cheer fulness, Inasmuch as all their present means,not on ly of individual bet corporate subscription, will be required to accomplish that object in season. It will be gratifying to the medic, also, to learn that the Board has likewise taketiShe preliminary steps for the purchase of Iron rails, to be delivered before the close of mmlE:trios, in the Autumn, to cover the entire Eastern division of the road. A correspondent asks us where the Eastem ter minnsof the Western Railroad is to be located. in r eply, we Can only say, that as far as our informa tion extendi, it is an undecided question. We believe it has cover yet come formally before the Board.; other questions of more pressing import. anoe„having hitherto occupied their attention. We presume, however, (or the present, at least, that the terminus will be some where in Allegheny city. The company will scarcely undertake the oonstraction of an expensive Railroad Bridge across the Allegheny, until the road is finished, and earning money. Tee Nesear•• Convirsnort.--A letter from n well informed editor to Tannerwee, to n gerslemso of this city. says: . “Tba proposed :Southern Convention, to be • held at Nashville, is u goad as deed! Tennessee. ans could not brook the idea of making their soil a stamping ground for South Carolina nalltfisrs and disunionista, and Mississippi repudiators. We have, consequently, protested against it earnestly and effectually, and I think, now, it will never be held.” Ctr=kraus ate Onto CANAL. The impression that this improvement will be completed by the Is , ofJoly next grow. stronger every day. The Hag erstown New. settle— is the intention of the chief engineers, we no. dentand, to recommend to the Board of Direetors the drawing off orthe water on or about the ISth. of Hay, for the purpose of making the neceassrf repair. for the summer trade, and to accommodate the large trade anticipated after the opeuing of the line through to Cumberland. FROM HARRISBURGII Carrespeateuee of the Naomi's& Gale., Hainussuaan, April l IBS°. The General Bank Bill has passed both flow, rote day. and in now in the hands of the Geyer nor, awaiting his approval. The Committee conference reported late yesterday eveeire, en. both Housee adopted the Report this mormag after a long and spirited debate to the Seuate, be without much discussion in the House. Th committee adhered io the live dollar limitatie; as the minimum denomination 'ol note, which shall be lawful to issue or put in circulation.- They elsondhered to therovision which censor , all Banks to keep thor notes at par at the clue of Pittabeugh and Philadelphia. The individet liabilaty for dep.:mitee was stricken out. Then were the only propositions in d:spote; and wit! Min exception the bill now elands es it origicalt paned the Senate. Bat little else of general interont was done in either Home to day. Local bills occupied the attention in both bodies. In the Senate, Mr. Deride gat Op the toll to re gulate the storage of goopowder in the cities of Pittsburgh and' Alleg bony. It wee taken up in CO2IOiIICO (gibe Whole, and amended by adding' to it the bill to Incorporate au eisociation for the establishment of a House of Refuge in Western Penittrylvantai and then rend II secoml and third I , time and passed. That portion of thin bill which relates to the storage of gunpowder, has been en tirely changed from the form in which it was on ginally introduced in the early pit of the aettio but not having been printed I have, been unable n to procure aeon of it for you. Tt it understood to have been the result of a compromise between the Allegheny members. Its passage through the Hones in therefore quite certain. No tuition his yet been had upon the Appropri ation Bill or the new Apportionment Bill. The preveiling imprension is, that there is great trou ble amongst the high contending panics, in con. sequence of theirmulnal distrust drench other.— The Speaker, it is thought, in determined to re• cure Miniver, County, ,before he takes another step in the other business. Them the well known consideration offered for his treachery to those who elected him to the Speakership; and Me is, of coarse, right to secure it. - That he should die trust the vile plotters on the caber aide te not to be wondered at; for men who could enter into so corrupt and font a contract, would count the -he. trayal of their miserable tool as but another evi dence of their superior met and adroitness, and plume themselves upon It accordingly. The old maxim, that "when rogues fall tout, hone at men are apt Ingot their dues," may yet be verified in 't.hts ease. A hide Lit. yet will demeatine. We antli ognninly tree the end betore the lint of May, and frow present appearances, not much teener. The Governor's onto Message has raised Ins former exalted reputation still higher, if possible in the estimation of the hottest men of all panic,. lithe Locofeems had anticipated such an analysis, of their despicable prodoetion, they never would have carried it on to the last stage of Be comple nom Instead of being atenogled at its birth, ib would have been defeated at its very inception.— The messege though short, is one of the moot tho rough, comprehensive, and conclusive arguments that has ever issued from the Executive Daps mynt of this or any other State in the Union. - hazard nothing in laying that the Messages of Governor Johnston will go down to posterity as model of documentary elocution, unsurpassed by those of any of the great American Statesmen who arc either coteuporary with him or have gone before him; and this though one of the ahortest of his more important communications, for thorough sad searching analysis, soundness of position, force and power of argument, and purity and elegance of diction, will bear compluiaon with the best and ablest of the series. It is a platform upon which the Whig party may stand hereafter, without the slightest apprehension of danger or defeat; and ft should be pieced an the kande of every honest vo ter and tax payer in the Commonwealth. It is only necessary to show the people their rights to enable them to maintain them; and p basely wronged, outraged, and betrayed conabtuancy will not be slow to avenge the intlit offered to them in this bill of abominations, alter they have once been enlightened as to its grout and foul cm:minty. COBDEN. The following totter, although it has arrived some two or three day& &net the time, contains some matter, of Interest to our roaders. TBO3l WASHINGTON. Correvroadeneo of the fhtlabhrgh finseue. W/11111LNOTON, April 11th,1550 Certain very important votes have been token in the Senate to day, upon the California question. The proceedings of that body for many days Ost have turned upon Foote'. prepositive to raise a select committee of thirteen to prepare n plan of Att:tamest and compromise. To day Mr. Well. hter joined Mr. Clay in advocating its appointment, though both those Senators have frequently before declared their behel that the application of Cali. loreis wen entitled tea mount° consideration, and not be mingled up with slavery in any way whatever. Mr. Banton held fast to the ta. tegrity of his faith, and has interposed the mow determlned-resistance to what appears to be the resolatioe of the majority to connect these incun grunt's subjects. Bat for him the propagandise. 'meld have unitedly carried their point to day. The Scat, ote culleating that the streogth of mem. tiers was with them, was upon the motion of Judge ' Douglass to lay the whole subject relative to Foote's proposition upon the table.. It was de. funs) by the Inge of ayes. 26, .nays 26. Maws Beaton, Spruance, and Wales voted in the mfr. mauve, but five Senators from the Gee Slates co alesced with the Footites—Tber Vircre'Welister, Dam, Actium:, Whitcomb, an 4 Bright ofludiana- Whitcomb, it will be recollected, was elected two or three years ago, u • decided Free Sailer.— Bright b an atom! 111191) hOldfri Of Casa and DICE11[0:, ru••• CuP be laid. 1{11715 tool.'oniboly to Mr. Wel.ster In such company.— But he is Cooper of your State, was paired MI, I presume, with hie colleague the hope ful Soirgeon who would hove gone, Is a Matter let conetwerith tho - erotastonim. - Bat we should• have griped nothing by the return of ell the eh sent members. The other! were Berrien and ddserson of Georgia, and aC2I. 110061011. The/. would have voted with their Southern friends. The oextvote we, talan•op'n Mr. Bald wia's amendment .to except the admission efl'.alilom io from the subject ID he ECM to the committee. It was preesely the same as the how, as to the num' her of vote. road the clasilftestlon of Senators—by 26 to2S the Senate resolved that California should be fumbled up with the other dirputed qoaotiont, and Daniel Webster gave himself up to dile de vice also. But let me notice that Hr. Clay and Mr. Web. liter and dihers,attemPted to justify their votes hy saying that the Senate could proceed with the California and Senatorial hills just as if they bed not been referred to any committee. This is worse than a puerility nod absurdity, for to do so would beta treat the committee Itself with gross disrespect. It would be a trifling and undignified 1 rand? of proceeding, also, on the part of the Sele. I this did pot by any means decide the fray, for r. Benton came to the rescue with a etriag of p anions relative to slavery in the States, and . t 1 the lave trade between the States, which ho. sai he warded to see - referred to•the committee. T debate wits kept up until five . o'clock, when Senate adjourned. he whole matter will come up again to met' w and consume the whole day. I do oat s ee , however, how we can escape being cuddled with Foote's pretended scheme of compromise. Justus. The next day the whole subject was laid on he table, and had not been again taken up at last FROM WASHINGTON Careeepondenle of the Yieebergh Oneeee Weemeeros, Apra' 13. In my letter of the sth, I conclude name re nutria alum the Galrdon Malan, and the fact that 'Mr. Meredith allowed it to he paid on the opm• ion of the Attorney G:acral, with there obser. rations: "The public will not trouble themselves with nice reflections oh the matter. They will nay, if a member of the Cabinet has permitted nu la, moose demand of this character, to ho prosecuted against the Government, while he in in office, and shall funnier a large share of the proceeds, he cannot retain his place with out demagog the pop. ularity of the President." It has been suggested to me, that, in as much as these remarks Immediately succeed othern applied to Mr. Meredith, some of your readers may suppose . ' intended the last sentence (or that gehtleman. Though I do oil tarok my language can have any such coastruction. I take picas ere in saying that it did not rotor to Mr. Mere dith, and that I entertain (or hiss now the same high respect with which hi. disunguished repu tation inspired mu when he first took office. FELON NEW IeOELK Carregi..teuer Of the 04.c1, Ntw Apri; 13. The birth day leotival la honor of Henry Clay, last night, at the Astor honed. was one of the most entnustaatte 112[Cti01115 ever bald the city. A stranger would have ouppot,ad the orea.ten that of a National rejoicing, rather than a le,t,rn, tool to the gallant Stateeumn of the timer. It to Impoosible to dr,crtbe the tumul of enttimetasm that buret from the campanyot each went,n of the noble old man'', WU., which haft still a power to fire the opiriut of the White n' the Un:oo. never to bo attained by another, anti' the eon of Kea• tacky to g taffeta to his fathers. From one end of the any to the other, yesterday, the pohlte bnildingo, Me shipping, and nuttercus poeate dwellings di•alayed the National banner, in hen , r of Mr. C.ay, aie.-oion,' es rarely obtained as in this inotaree wortheg bee:owe to the'vray of acrosenienis, the Cie, has ,otne thing to tie way of f.opem" to offer to tor •rfere The Havaun troupe of Sigoer Marty nee row ea full blast at Niblola. They commenced with Nor. ma, as familiar to all musical can as our National anthems, and of couriie one in which the molt ertocisms would be applied. !Nosy and vs. Mila as hays been the artists who have warbled thus old Livorite, it has seemed pots new In the throttle of our pew , singer!, and it la not too retch to say, that we have 11,17 the best opera fleet is New York.. The este of Pitithargh nod Alloghtmy botol , recently affected by Cotom I William ft,,lAtom redact much credit upon hm tiuueul oct. Thy bond, of PittMargh hold at Matty i ¢and of Allegheny Coy at eigniy ocvca per at , :;!. A"liv twenty it:mooted aollatr it to Im loot! jo,o, a. tha balance to tat:talcum., wmrl2 , ll Tic h mace in the Itawdt ul W.nt4ov, I—tatcr to drew interest et the rate of five percent. Af er the trouble about Pittsburgh and Allegheny Away. it is remarkable that this ban should sell aq hum. It is ten per cent better than the last Erie nail Road seven per cents Bold, and about 83 Pied an the Hudson River booda eel!. The present price of Erie scrip is only one half per cent above this rut per cent loan of your city. Na nill road paler has acld better than this for three yearicand Pitts burgh may pride herself upon 00 character of the paper she makes. Another batch of five hundred Calliornia gold diggers lett this afternoon, in the steamers Georgia and Cherokee, for Chaves. The crowd of people upon the ducks to nee them Mr can be compered to nothing but a swarm of bees. No foothold was =occupied, and between sighs and gayety, the scene was =citing enough. le the Baptist churches of the city there to 1.18 , 0 a very great movement, and a more active revive , of religion than has been known foe years. Cant Sunday some filly ono were baptised in the open air, and to morrow a large concourne will cele, Ince this mutt imprenaivc ordinance of the church. Upon the subject of a revised edition of the bible, this denomination has renewed the discussion, into which the presses of other creed. have thrown themselves with great earnestnen—re much feeling has been roused that it is more than probable that the new liable will be made. The National Academy of Design opened Its new and elegant rooms hot night, and show upon their wail a COIIVCIIOII al painting. 01 which they may well tte proud. There are among them poor, very poor specimens, lon, as n whole, no collec tion, at home or abroad, i. more creditable to ca• !Iona! err. Nest month we ore promised MOM than Our usual eler..enletil from the anaivetsaries. Among the 111,1 prominent sources of lever will In, the annaalat cry. meeting, at which, we are told, ei movement will he made towards a dissolutten al the Union, and a new platform be estahluated for agitators, which shall be [lathing less than a de mand fir the ISlSlstaalluOtts and unconditional emaneipavoa of all lbs.ti2nof the Union. The religions conventions will he held early in May; and proTiso to be morn than usually interest ing. In financial affairs there is little new. There is no want of money, at low rates, and little really first dabs paper !lade lln way talc, the street.— Our hotels are crowded to a perfect overflow, and the rush of trade is at jis height now. Seine pane orthe west ore slack about paying up, and ray be money a all In usis tor California C. Tug Roams homers.—Private advices, rc• etived (rota Tampa Bay, by the Savannah Re publican, of the bth ivat., state that • •team boat left that place, a few days ego, for blanket, where 4110 will cabana board n coasulemble emigrating party of Indiana. Sam Jones and hit party are said to have goon to the Big Bypres Swamp; but it is supposed thin new emigrabob will have a favorable effect upon them. The Prch.tery of California, in connection with the United States General Assembly of the Pres bytenan Cherub met at Benicia on the 20th of February. Thu opening sermon was preached by Rev. S. Woodbridge; nod nu the orgauization of the body. 12ev. Mr. Williams was chosen Mod. crater, sad Rev. Mr. Woodbridge clerk. Much Iturrtant beanies , was transacted during the barium _ Trio Cats AIIEAVADOV.—The Now York Ex pro.ole!las from n'privato source that Gin Cooda do Mosso', mat. by tho Spanish Government to inrmiri into revolutionnry affairs In Cuba, hod arrived at Gavannem the 416, * and had already entered Orville, duties of his mfealon. The cliimes for theernhodral, of einctonatt,ai cost ti 01047,000 to $4,000. TtcY ero to be opc. cod by of ck work. Tne New York Tribune, noticing the late side of pe,bai A lti and Allegheny Bonds, in that city, mikes the following remaiki "The recent sale of a considerable portion of the loans of the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny to foreign capitalists, renders the following rum• mary of the condition and resources of those clues of especial interest. The bonds alluded to bear 6 per cent., ebd were given in payment of the aubscriptionx ol those tides to the stock...of the Penneyivania and Ohio Rail Rood. The popula. 'ion of Pittsburgh is upwards of 60 OCO. Her rev. cone from water rents, tone., dr.c, is '5129,600. lien coporate property, not including the mock in the Pennsylvania and Ohio Road, is worth shout 91,200,000. The amount of taxable propertywia in her limha is 822,000,000. The amount of ex ports, mostly of iron and mmufacturerarticles, Is 510,000,040. The balance of trade is in her fas vor with all parts of the country, 'excepting Phil adelphia and New York. The entire debt of the city, ineludtng the above bonds, Is $1,150,000. The City of Allegheny, which is improved from Pittsburgh by the Allegheny River, but connected by four bridges, has s population of 24,000, having Increased from 2,799 to 1930. The annual export. aro four and a half millions. Next to Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, Allegheny is the greatest menu (souring city of the West. The value of taxable property Is four and a half millions, and the metal increase $51,000. The entire debt of the city, in cluding the above hoods, is $515,000. The prop. env of the city, 'not including the Rail Road Sreek, is estimated at 5500,000. A sinking fund of $lO,OOO per year has been provided to pay a portion of the above debt. The inane of these bonds was authorized by the Legislature and they ate guaranteed by the Rail Road Company, which has • itin,ctbed stock of St .200 000 " Pa-von-vertu Dimmoracm.—The Pittsburgh Morning Mercury, a Democratic paper, of yes terday,inica the following truthful delineation of the character of our Locofoco Legislature, in on article speaking of the high charaeter of the Late Whig Legislature of New York ••In vain do we look to our Legislature for noeinomia of this character, bold, manly, demo cratic. We halo sot, to be sore, o bank hill which will only servo to bolster Up a vicious aye• term but the Idea of overthrowing wholly that aye. tem, and of COMLltUelii4 a BeW one, ax they hula in other places done, scents to entirely too do. inocratio for our Legiststort to conceive, nod quite beyond their capacity to accomplish. Mr. Laird's bill will undoubtedly bo productive of good, to far as it goes, but it is not tacit a bill no the public had reason to, expect." SIiDOVI SOD Are..len lissin —A young Man; named Charles Wtinoo, employed in the Quart Survey Office, died very suddenly un Thuraday morning, unScr the fellowing painful circumstan ces. Ile was married on Wednesday Meta at , Mrs. Little's 161.14. house. Mr. Wilson went to bed about II o'clock,land was found deed by hur wife the nett morning, when she attempted to awake hint. Having taken a mixture on Wed nesday evening, comiating of opium and ether, It no believed by many to cause his death. On a full investionon of thierdultreasiort mere, by a cots I oner't pry, they returned, atter hearing the testi mony of four einilent physicist. and a peel tone. tem eXellaillellan,ll.e following verdict •'That the Jemmied was a man of intemperate habits, and had been, for two weeks previous to his death, constantly under the inlitteuee of at. dent spirits, and on the night preceding the•more. ins of his death he manifested strong symptom. of del nnm trieenr, and while in that Meat., about 10 O'clock et eight, he was married andletired to bed abut 11 o'clook;„ that, after he got in bed, be •schanged a fete works with his wile and then fell miens, mil tone found dead en Thursday morning ;Wet light; and the jury be lirve, Dorn the cv alo.ricathnt.the dreemed came to Ls death by congestion of the brain and stomach, produced by the:mbdual own of min xicating drinks."—Nsitional letel. Nmete.L.L.¢ CO:Orville!. IN etalitoLthe (Vaal—We hear that at a msetinti of the people of this court ly, at Intl Court the appointment of delegates wee postponed indefinitely. Subsequently a small meeting wan held, which &Screened to send dele gates. Tlu• is not right. These small meeting• have no nuinotite to /peak fur the whole people, ober Om people have refined us hare any thing to do with the matter. Ii Virginia is to to represent ed in ibis way at Naativille, the whole affair will he a mockery Hite:bowed Whig. A StOCI IN OLD Masnacurinanis.—A year 000 a eat of Warnot Proviso resoluttons passed the Ma. mirchoneun Letuntuture with only one cliutentsng sow. In the Shente, on Tuesday tart, Mr. Buck. teghnio prenented a memorial tram 277 pernour, oinking the Legedatiree 10 instroet Mr. Webster to vote for the insertton of the Wilmot Proviso in the i.ein Territorial told, end egatiant the hitl of Mr. Mason. concerning fugitive ntaren. Mr. lid. lard ,ippon•il the referrore of trill paper to any crOnnetlee, and on cuotton of Mr. Hazen, it we% laid on the tulle. by s vole of 12 to 11. 631. , CaLll. , loll.ll.—irriiffiOu, upon Me Wyr . —We perceive by • the Weetern • paper:, that thooesedo of men, loom., and chit. dreo. ore mating prepare... io leave by the fiend Ly try- overload route to Caldera'a. Al. moat cvuv villarn or hamlet will tend forth air hon.••vt'a the rpruur. to NI. York eity, GI a 'ow day. hock, part:c. or O:o, Too, tweets, dee, bound to Coldorela, worn Amylmg by rm. road and eteato boats to take in the steam 1411113 Georgie, Ch;igo• bee and Eichlre City, Which will leave that port far Cheat., to. The Detroit Advertiser lays that not leas than 6,000 men hove already mado arramtementa pr leave that Plate for California, and ...pat. touch pecuniary ....ence therefrom, to tnoso who read.. Many mortgaged their farms, 4 &c., at s high rule of interest, and besides the, tatomg off me otnewa or credit and button., they Jut are moody young itrA antler men. Who Waif be e(pbsrnoingly missed from delda and work. `bole . . . The lowa Reporter nays that three thousaud eattaranta wall leave that State for Califtrum, thin waggon, heins thee, Mama the number who went 'artSpriag. Estimating that each emigrant will lake with him mans equal to s3so—it appears that the etniasaton to California, this yeas, will ho a Menlo lowa n(31050000. Toe Sc Laois Republican says rust there will probably be • emigration of from fifteen iodwen ty thousand persons from Missouri, for Call arms, during the current Spring. Eitimatina the num ber id 17,500, and each rinlgront's condi to aver. age 'MO, Adducer' will lie drained the torrent Spnay of over six millions of dollars. A meeting of the colored citizen, of Clueiatittl wee held on the 2lot ultimo, which protected a cain4 the whole scheme of African Golocinallon. Tney nay thin in thew home, where their Wtheto have died; and ihey will ever here contend for their eyhts la church tad State, till all are free. News received at New Orleans from Canapes clay, states that the city of Lstruna had been totally de'eeoyed by are, on the Ibith March, only two buddinvi left standing. There was great distr.,t among the people. Tao lona was estima ted at 92,000,000. Thu small pox, which ban been raging with ouch virulence in the neighborhood of Microns. vide, in Gales untrity, to North Comlino, from the latest reports, had nut abated m its malignancy cud ravogeo. It has extended to the attaining enantes of triinwan and Pergoiman. Josiah Kid dick, Esq., the wealthiest man to the county of (tire!, together with three grand children, Lave laden victims to the scourge. aft was owner o ; 150 Degrees, a number of whom had taken tit contagion nod died. The blockade of the African coast ,44000 miles is said to have test lee English Govern Meal, o.p Ito dun runt, wenty five or pounds alerting. Dr. Edward Spring, mon of Ray. Unrdicer Spoon, D. D., of Now York, tiled on tho 17/th of February, wt./0 coming haste I . rum Chinn on board On rip Murnnott. Mr. Welivelt,the venetable 'anther of Jarnea end Henry Wadei k. the acruna, pe• departed inia life, need 'I) yearn. She wen the daughter of the &mons btra. Booth. Tight sleeves are again ,n Inaloon. Between the abooldern and elbow Otero la worn a doable row of bullion fringe. Sunday Papers.—A bill to prevent the sale of newspapers on Sunday, was lost in the New York Assembly yesterday—yess 39, nays 53. SlAmf. at Nackez.—Snow two inches In depth, fell at Nathcce on the 27th ult. Such a thing is al most unprecedented. The Debt if Naturo.—No I:3:talisbmatt dies on. artily punt% for he knifes his snare in the National Debt to his children Vonth is moat generally inclined to the better pamiona; love, deem., ambition, joy. Age the wept; avarice, gref, revenge, Jealousy, envy, urparma. Dr. Valentine, a Prowtiao Jew, lima just beau oat:it - al:zed by the Grand Council of Dame , the foal Malelticy of the kind. The Abho raisin has been pinioned by tho au thorities of Boulogne, (or publishing a work ou the --:ilysteri6 art he Confessional." Large quantities of coal are shipped from New addle, England, to California. ID - vhivca Fius—No medicine ever corned for Iratlf a higher rcputation in no abort a time, as hen the Liver diacoviimil nod compounded by Dr. itliLaue, of Virg Ma. Although but n quart time comparatively liefure the public, it has already famed for I melf a deuce of hopefully hrdierni unsurpassed. The do. lofted for them has become immense. Meese.. Kidd & Co. the proprietors of the medicine, who tenido In ia,i, c herch, corner of Fourth and %Toed streets, are constantly receiving orders which thVy trod It utmost utterly impossible to aupply. The popularity of there Pia. is not c.".a - iit any particular linen. of Me entry, dm demand being general, horn the North, South, East, and West. Tte troth is, no defiance in more commie , m ail quarters of the toiled States titan Mat of the Llver. And these P 11 1 ,1.10 UM bent remedy ever yet discovered for Heparin derangement. urFor sole `,7 J. KIDD& CO, No CO Wcod ap11146.8 On Mostley evening• April 13th, at a quarter niter eight n , cinet, Els Thomas (hoard, 11. the 7 4 .Ith year of hi• age. • The funeral 'will lake plaee , thi. nftrrooon at two u'elort, P. 111 ; from the rentdenee of hie nephew, John Gerrard, in the Fifth Ward, Penn etrect, end proceed to the Allegheny Cemetery. The fnende of the family re reApeetfully !anted to attend. To Southern and Iffregtexes Iderehatata. DOUSSEL'S PREMIUM PERFUMERY. Tile C 1 aulderiber reapectfelly invites pub. attention to , "' 1 Ilk extensive stock of Perfumery. Soaps, Solving % I Creams de., to which thven Silver arid two Golden BAC[wAlit, Sumo,—The weather in this region 1 Medals'imve,witbia the last six years, been and .ed still remains cold and dry, nod vegetatio n is very ibe the lostitutes of New lort,llosion,;.nd i t. d Wee, theta. o , bend the only erten ~ eta a sem, backward. Peaches are not yet in blossom in the ...d e o for perfumery either ta E... or . di" moat favorable localities. Over coats and good ', .1 1 . , , , ,. 1 4 . ..„ th..,,,,,, a 911AVING Car...,a. ;Almond, fires um as Ewen lb request as in March and Feb- • lioro, and Ambrosial.) univ Cream ersa to this ) edged or in runty. We have had a long Winter, tad shell - talallhanla m any Saa Sharing s4o" 'Jove. hail the advent of warm weather with ple.nre• th-torllVlc snit Srmeivo—ticautifolly trnik•p drnt, and pe ..... tog highly Sepolaceous tad mocll.r,vl KiD./Pnll Asotia.—The Tribal. is informed r,rwouLt,.4lshuotlerryesorn,Co.ro4 ~,,,,r r a p ff; dm to °del tw. that persons from the State of Maryland, av r same Tod.. soser-al mond. Ro.c, iriirriptrs, supposed to be kidnappers, are inning abort the ~""r•P'''',V.l,7riir 17.11,7:1;'gi're".a.tell'irtaM-. City, and advises.. colored population to be on no ' .:rfr,..l.'r-r‘.P.'"L'a' ru n ' 11st:ester Jenny Lord, , t , loo k 0.. qet de Caroline, Ger.lien, T _____,,_ . line, Jorhey Club. Maguolta, r‘rdo.d . ; Reset, ad; many other varieties, in all sixty different Perfumes. Tether Wax:as—Florida Water. Eau do Toilette, Orange Flower Water. and a great variety of Co lognes and Lavender Waters Perv i ous - Ip. rot Otto 11‘12--Gcllttlne Dear's Oil, Anuque Oil, Dandoline, Eau Lustrale, Oleine, Com pound Ox Marrow, flair Dyes liquid and In powder, and Moron., Iticinine, and Jenny Lind Pomades. (I :r.LOIC P ...... 110:1,-11altdMin Kalif, Dose Too Paste, Cliarenal Dented., °dentine, Tooth Past , nod Tooth Powder. CI marem—Vegetable Cosmetic Cream, Amthdise tor hopped h.ds, Cold Cream °Mow, Cicala dc Pere, LqrSalve, Dewberry Cream, be. D inlet.); Peachy., for removing superthin. hair, Pe i Powder, Vinsigre de Rouge, Aromatic VinCgar, Vie milt !lair Composition. hewn Yells, besides a steal variety of other grottier, too numerous to be named in this ndvartitetrieni. 'The subscriber hopes tn meintain the repitation which this ennblishment has acquired, by disposing re nothing bat brat rate trader, and Intl be happy to famish those who may wish to patronise bint ember wholesale or relail,lM CI reasonable terms as any ee tablishment in the United Suttee X &VIER BAZIN, Successor to and format Director of the Laboiatory of EINYENE nuuEi, aphid!( lll Chesnut street. - . LOCAL iLiTTERS. ZIPOLTIS PO/ VIZ PlTllsisnsmi DARN r' AI LW amr,Cirr Soatv.—An action was brought some months since, by S. M'Clorkan & Co., a. Oast the Mayor, Aldermen, and citizens of Alle gheny, to recover the sum of 51000 for that B..'t of City Sonp held by plaintiffs, and al. for 20 fier cent interest thereupon, in pursuance of the int of Assembly of April 12th, 102.8, prohibiting the issue of notee under the denomination of $i— Judge Lowrie ha. given judgment for the plain tiffnfor the amount of the voter, together with thelnterest at the rate of twenty per cent per an- S GICALOI . IOIII7T ' that a larg encysted tumor, or wen, was removed from the eel: of a lady, residing in tho Fifth Ward, by Dr.N.J. Dorsey, yesterday morning. The ope• ration was an Important ono, from the peculiar M ention of the tumor, immediately behind the ear, sad consequently dangerous, from the circum stance of its pressing upon some of the main ar teries. The WorkingMen'a Congree,s adjourned, to meet on next Saturday evening. T.TATRI —The Serious Family war received, Tart eight., with great and well merited applause. The performer were all well up in their peer, and acquitted themselves with credit. It will ha re peated to night. Go end tee it, If you wish a pleasant evening's amusement. Pouch —7 he peliCc remitters is very dot/ at preiettt, nt all the offices in the city. We under. stand, however„lbst some "startling develop ments" are expected in a few days. We de net knew what is their nature, but understand that personnel high respectability are implicated. We shall look forward with iniet.t to their dian e. sure. CUIROOMBY .—A Lino spectate° of oeumau. ship has been laid upon our table by Mr. Cham berlin of the Gamtneretal Academy. Thlrtl Street. Nottattheimdinti the intricacy and apparent diffi culty of usenrcunon, it wee ilutle,we understand, in the spaceM4ve minute. and. half. II can Ito seen st our race. Stmosu Daamtr—A man who kept a driult og house on Chestnut went. near thu enrol, Alle. Own. went down into his cellar for tome trurpose, night feriae last, and not returning for boom length of time, bra link daughter went down and found him dear!. • TIII Trxmn. AND Csest..--A toleerapbie i h patch from Hanieburgh, signed by J. It. bleCims ' V rock, was read in Select Council on Monday ' evening, stating that the State will nut abandon the tunnel and canal between "seventh S.reet and iho Monongahela river, and Ingutring if the cmseas done.' to have It cleaned and men healable. The Select Cuenca peed a m,;•.•n to eatiCtf the every In the .ttirmatter. WAIIIINGTON 11•1.1. The e plcadia saicou, Nor. 137 and 159, Wood Street, has been eteganc ly refuted, and arranged for Cearctis, Lectures, sad Le.hitattena. It as admirably •dopeed fur the purpose as regards location, max, due., being to front by MI in depth, yeah a ceiling (Ulcer in h e ight. Thu wall, are toeteiully iresisned. A number of well furnished dressing rooms add to the convenience of the buitshae. e h wall ow/ he let for dancing portico, the scow bring moves. ALLEGHENY COUNTY, SI. . The Commonweal& of Pennitylva 'A'. d - t-I . to the brim' of Jesse Marmite. and 1 S , a V.7."0=4,,g.`,;.11:',F.‘,`:,. ° 1f."„%, 1 , 111 and Mr snitcoutcy, on tlte nth day. ~k,"}:,.....1: of A pm!, Mda, the portion of James r . Marred. Adminottrator of all end slugs, Mr the sends ' 00 . whieb and of Jesse Bu Mode,•late in• the c:iy of Pirlsoritgh. deed, was pre mo C.mrt. el.,,eirne. lobo 0./6 that sold Jr:..; 11,,agr ,l; I Ly toirgsrn or contra. M cs ritirg, bind himself to scl! n ot colorer a remora lot or ground ro um &roue., ef Law - rtn,stlie. veto S If burlier. Peter Irreco. Jomoh Mathok. John D Moreland, nod Der io ry rtlnn. Trustees for the Methodist Eprs• repel Church of the said Iteroiltilb Or. be., ebd them tore, praying : :e Court to designate mina day certain to wh.el, omit, may I.e given :a Me beir,of the said Jr..,' Curb., tent nil ~,her permos interested, to be m! :year befute Me 120011. and sti.wer ILI, bid or r ::e '..'' :; ' LLT':::::;',".l';.',', — .T:2,`:;;„ - ,r., — .% rorno: • burnt enlritramng torrent ; and authotim and PT stud petimaner to make and exectim to the said Churrh so incortmrted, as, a deed for the and lot of ground, tn elder to the completing of the the ot the said church thereto, steep:nog to the eel ol assembly 11l such case made and provided. ; Now. therefore, we command yam nod each of yea, ' that laying aside all glumness and exercises What.- 2A ever, )am be rod appe•r in your psoger , pe a rson o a t he i tre LaTl'ratet!n,trBeer."l:rTvr.q.':cin'lnon.gla"L.TlL:4' , our nc x t. " t ' o P a b n . s n w .. e ' r .' i this bill o th r e pl ' Uon, .."11.1 7 .. earls/. and Wood strum, SINE% DOLLARS 'Cam Muter . loot you have, way use prayer of the gaol Petitioner will be IlLerally revr,ardcrl by leaving it et this mfice. shoe , d not he granted. apt:. Wimess. the Honorable Wm: II McClure, Presi. dent of our sail Orphans' Court, at Patsburgh, lids Elooratng Waal. Snits. 15 I. day in April, A. I) I. yid. A i i, a s A BURCHFIELD Invite attentroo to ~,,,,,,,sTDAN I EL" Mr. LVA them assarOste in of above goods mid: . _. _ - ;AIIAG ES AND UR )::rii Al/INES-Plato and yarn, y 01:ISVILLE WIIITI: LINIFo- cabala rust ree'd, I) ed Ranges, Timms, tienadtnet, and other dross .1-) , I" for .ale b y A CULETSON, An assortment of newest styles recbi by apt 7 143 Liberty sr. - - - - -- -- apt: AILHE ORI LIIFIFLO 'r he Cheapen...and ID. III•dtellg.• in the ' V der, i...N 1 / '4 II"I N reed,A'l.l.7l';',?;" V. Ilex. rIC , II I E n Ifr P TS 6 "' O ' N ' - World. VEER SKINS-3 bundles rust reed, end for sale by 1 - 111 J. B. CAhIPBELL'S lIAL.:IANI or WILD Ly . p , A CULBERTSON 11 HERRY: for the cure of NW. Coughs. Cou ...puns, it,„„ms, Breast c„ sp i„p„, s „4 ..11 p,,,. t InsToß OIL -5 hris rec•J, and Mr sole by BRAUN & REITER nunary Affecriens, !Aver Complainta, and Female ‘-, N'" Debrltty, and for Impurities el the Blood, Catarrh A LCHOILOL-5 Las reed, and for sale by Fever, Asibrus, Croup, Inffuenss, Whooping Cough, ' fl ~ t BRAUN & REITER Ac. For sale to quantities, or by the innate bottle, •t . is, p s , ri.,g, and p c ,i,,my ty,„„ nosc ,, si „ of 4 - 0 wtxr OIL-1 rze'd and fur Mk by mid Wood etasrirce may sne per battle 0 apt . ; BRAUN & REITER op, " I' '' ' N''WICIKI:H+IIA.LAI_ ``TPETRE- 7 ) kg. refil.l. reed and for sale by 0 apl7 BRAUN & REITER - --_ . -_ Notio• to oar Patrons. RELIANCE PORTARLE I.IOAT LINE. / IHROME GREEN-0...s reed and for . sale , by , anode-10ra, 4._, a , I 1 BRAUN 0. REI lER r l fte d l ' ael ' a c r ' l ' e f t I:l e ltr c v ' i r s,?pTel n u7sel l tL P l mem „non , to the business-arrangements have been made which I P A 111 ' . ‘-'"'EN-4 caeca m e '' 'lnd (or "e b y invalves the sane Inte rests preemely, which have -.- apt] BRAUN & REITFR heretofore existed The business is contomed under •EVI.A.X SEED OIL-dU briar reed and for slle by I the same :mom and firm, errs 1 „II BRAUN A REITe.R Joust Al harts & Co., Phrladelphro, I - - - Jour. Mdratien Jr Co , Pi no MOLKSSES-31 barrels rust landmg from steamer Ile coutinuance of the patronage 01 our any . Belle of the West, and tor sale by (mends to rcopectfally solicited. If any persons has e nal7 JII CANFIELD , demands against 1110 concern. they are 101110F10.1 10 '", ALERATUS-.o . b p x , ; and IS cits i g s sa s e't i a , n l d ,D ror p ...rout them famhentb. for payment. entsburgh, April 10, 'W. JOIIN NITA DEN, - I 6 isle • by I apt: n Sum ering partner. : DACON-10 casks amormil Bacon : nowlanding, Cheap Standard History. J..) mid for sale by apt] C II (sILANT. I HUME'S HISTORY OF ENOLAND is now pule Cr '.v pl' POTATOPJ-G bids for seed, reed, and for li•btelY by IhePee 'I OW , in d vole ,Copt mot 0 sale by apl7 ARMSTRONG & CROZIiR i pep. , at Ju cents per vol. Three Is recewed, and Mr rob by R HOPKINS, - 10 OLASSES-1. loth, N 0 Molasses in store. rind apt') 7e Apollo Ituildiegs. Fourth it. 1 ILL for sale by 11017 ARAISTRONfI & CRUZ KR ___ • - llssam Ohm & PraWA IL E- Co..Thnd se t riOFFEE- lOU begs Rio entice landirg from Ilene Prrmtmoit, April Cr, Ibid. I ‘., of the West. and fur sale low, iv close cons , gte min: Stockholtters of the (thin and Pennsylvania mein, by JAME.S DALZEI.I., 1 Rail Road Company are herein untitled. pay the ' _ apl7 70 Water st. • faith instnlinent of ? lye Dollars per nhare, at the office -r.- of die Company, as heretofore, on or heron, trio gOth B ACON- 1 2 , ea'" 'tou do eider m.; day of Slay next; and the remaining rustalment• of 7 do shool ' de_rs. n i o: : : , l7 . dr: r g . f t roni Fort Fore Dollars per .0510 eachom or before the both tap or each succeeding month, until the whole an paid. Pm- end far sole l'Y ISAIAII DICKEY &CO • . By order of the Board of Director, apt? upl7-did W. LAMER, Jr., Treasurer . . . . _ - l l f .., A Ni e - r P rat 6 1:) ,"v o 1 ; 1 17 ,0 1 0 0.1711 . 111=‘ " ):Vt . ) ; COAL WANTED. pROPOSALS will bo received hy the subscrther I KATHERS-22 melts landing from a:earner Fort for Dm delivery or My Thousand Barbels of 14 p.„ and cs „ s s, b y ismmi Dreg Ey & e / y C n !, .midi for GA. Purposes; tan co.' to Le fresh. •-•--- oloti• nor dry, allowing eighty coon& to the bushel.FGAß -50 bads Prime N 0 Roger, 'Pt. weight to be determined by re Col:cc tr.T'A returnl.. It lands Brown Clarified, WM. BINGHAM. , It / r ust reed r dri and for sale say at r the weigh itrslll, ' A c e ' r l' il . l . 4 . , KW noI7BROWN & KIRKPATRICK, p ig 10 ',berry Street DISSOLUTION. CIOFFEK-.101 bags Green Riti;iitstienand for , se le r i M ietne ' 1 . Usi N gt r lii ; Pa ' rra r eTl . s '' te ' e art ent ' r b tre7r 'n i ' ‘-''.. I. Y - -. P 17 J & " f L')" ot J. :Smelt Ilk CO, was drssolved by mutual 0011•0111. DACON. isc-IM 0 Fondly linme, on Yorh March. The tmsiness of the tale firm writ he 1) fasi do Shoulders, settiedmp by Jame. Imughtur at Moir former place of , 1. In Jowls, • busiceis, St. Clair street. JAMES STEELE. I 5 Ws Nu l Lord, In store and fo Npl7 JAIIIES LAUGHLIN. sale CV a .17 JOHN WATT ACO . r_____ .... 5.11,1i1,40 AFP•III.—A colored roan rand• Itifur .lvaltuit agent. another. her Alderman Sol rior, yesterday, ter having rent art him with a p.eiul, ihu day Were, and woJded btm rather revete:y .The stre.r °retuned in the nelghtunthxd of Hayti. We hear tart the offender Wan been ermined. Laster:roc. —A man wascommuned yeetatiley, by the Mayor, for larceny et hat, from the more of Sir. McLain, value $l. Another man, ecilored, was wrested to; larceny of spa', of Item Imotr, Iron a s tore cu Smithfield Street. . . . . do I 1 ro , r oNT & STOCKTON have rust received for - IVI ACKEREI., & , .-6 this No. I. sale volume 4 Humes' History of England, Hat. al M 1 do No 2, pars - IV, tad don; cloth. titt blf do No 2, VoL 2nd Stuthey,s C. 1111011 1 .111. Book. Cloth a n d 30 hlf do No 2,, pa. or binning, 6 drum., Ca - lath s Catlyle's Latter Day Pamphlets, No. 2. Sabo,— In Hine and for stale by JOHN NATI' ACO "Model Hrltous " 1 s pure, to arrive f con Soo, Bulwer's New Novel—Night and Morning. ap l 7 FL,A r. :',0J1 0 E,,n 0 7,11, ; :),,th:„. (looms!, Aweriean and Chronicle copy) . pI7 . JOHN WATT &CO W 4LNl n trl t l y N m A . ll , l ,, l4 . rltt— . l .th le . rmr o k , t r t r tt d .e l , t , e . r .. r m e: 1 ,..., F ,....., , .91 ,,,,1 CM, 16, M slat at io ~,, ,,R 1 7 1! . , & Conntembittins," ..To semn and to lie." I vol thin.. _ ' .4!. _.... Latter Illy Pamphlets, No li—The present time. i AP.II-2U kegs No I, for tilt by - By Thomas Carlyale. _I, epl7 . blefilt.LLS A ROE - . - -.— Cuamtass.—Mentous of I.lfe and Wroings of Thos. - - ' '' . l l h riVrogy . :P D afta . 7 1', 1; E L ;i4 b en ti c ' es o ' f . C " lt h. n ° s ' li k. n . :l 4 lly o . ' a ' n i tl fi f IT II : : . 1- V "'l "i N fL Uß — °°Al-.."473 d" fonIZII('111,1.0"' &-. "1 ' --- Lecture on Divinity, with two Introductory Imetares 4, , , ,, A R & moLassat—&t Ithds N 0 Sugar, and four Addressee daliverod In the New College; , WO bbls N 0111olasWsmak his Edinburgh, by Thomas Chalmers, D. U, 1.. L. D. ir„, th le hy apl7 111eGILLS & ROE I vol limo. _ CaLvm—Life or John Calvin, complied from whew T\ It 1 El) HEACHES.-1 00 hash for sslo to el. , co be sources, and particulatly from hta correspondent... li Nlaninni , , ior solo by •pl 7 210411..1.10s & ROE By Thomas II Oyer, with portrait. I vol lento. - - - - For sale by It HOPKINS, apt? . To Apollo Buildings, Foutult et. OrphoW• Cl•ort Nolo of Real id INporao.. of at, order of the Orphan , . Court of Ali,,beny county, will be sold at public 'endue or ontery, on the remise, on Saturday, the flub dry of May, lOW, the following real estate, to tow—Too un divided one fif th part of certain memunge or truer of land, imitate In Elisabeth township, said rounty, con. Mining one hundred and thirty lil a c note., told one hundred and one MOM porches, with allowance, Mended - by Ma lands of 'he hats of Jaunt J. Applegate, J. Curry, ft. lien, ri &onions, J. Mumble, D. Ken F. Caldwell, WV. rienown, mad John Apple dam, yard property to be sold as inn estate of Co deon- Wall, late of said comity, deceased. HARVIrI APPLRSATE, JOSEPH WALL, I Administrators. April MO. nplrovilt 13RACTICAL MACIIINIrITS—Au excellent oppor- Co, 00 rotary now o°'•. '• • " ... O. M ' •atiotst, C • "",“ bCIINMAKER &co well established reputation, and some capital, to en• gage extensively In the 91.5 RM.; BOIL., •Nli London for sale by Feextrov MON.. 4 2 4- fo 7 CO M.ClotablifllMP/1 1 le now ready for bonier., ample . 3 sellu°NmAK " '` in all its details, Including cltension wharf room, for OEI HI rs TOR VENTINIE-20 tibia for sale by any stied steam boats. and from its position, If pro- .111100NAIAKER A CAJ petty conducted, win doubtless command a Imp shareof L.111[.. A Id eldom, a mom, is required, to condoet th e whole establabtoent; and only more fully competent need apply. Address , (Post paid,) oNJA. CHINE CO" Boa No 711, Pluladelpbta, Pa. 11 apVballai • • • M OLAbbLIS—Sa PlantabonlaaPep, 25 Us Saga, IlauPe do —• • per neeeeeeeDUTYP'Net&dlLlflleiCFsleAblyTlCk- tore ., mud toe sale by BAC.p° l l - 63° "n snorted ra & a FLOYD spit E)ROPOSALS will be received at the office oft c Balm:nom and Ohio Railroad Company, at Balti moe Cumberland and Wheeling, tp to Wednesday. the e : l day of hlov neat inclurivo, tor the recitation and masonry of the parboillfaae, of that hired, eateuding from the bridge on the north-western tempter. Once the Tygarthi valley river, to a point ou the smolt fork of Fish Creek, near the mouth of Long Drain, =im clog some 50 scene.. Also, the eight maims be tween the mouth of Grove Creek and the city of Weeling. variety of work will ha ted by the line to be et, which will include tight and moderately heavy gr. ding. Several short tunnels, and a considerable an• out of badge masonry. . peelhcations may ha had at the above named of fir s on and after the On of May ensuing, and further in °osmium obtained from t .c Etigineor upon the • nexcerninnable ebarneiee ata enotpany the bias, and tbe blade. are requeraed IC what other work, It any, they ate engaged i d warn it will be competed. • Yoe work must be enerretically prokeeuted. lly order of the ere.nlent uittl Directorlt, 111 , 4 , 11AM1N IL LATIII/13K, atter 1,0 10 , . 1.- Baltimore, April 10, 1850. Dales Hatters Eau Lustre!, lisle Rest ratty.. DEFORE producing a remedy for any disetow, It iv 1) always necessary to possess a thorough know ledge, not only of the utast.a malt, but of the physio logy ot .he organs soughtaetel or.. The above strode uttered to the public as is remedy Mr disease. of the Ila r, and as the result of many ) ears. toper etre research. Jules Muer. Lustrele flair Restorative is, probe. bry, the atom ellicacions and agreeable ornatethat it hss corer been the lot on the chemist to ilVeat It pas yesnes the most delightful perfume, and wilt render I. lies, glossy, luxonnet and beautiful, cleansing it roughly from ell impurities, aim by Ito Imo in upon nitnute organs n(the give to it I tone and vigor before unknown': It w.ll alto totallyeisdieste all sena, Modrelt paripMs, sores, or other mourn te front the scalp. It it unknown that each hair Is a hollow lobe, bay ing a root in the skin, through which there Is a eon ant circulation of Mood, and when, trim sickness, the Reroute:an, a of dandruff, or other causes, the capillary tuber become &owl:hese organs cease in perform OMIT W. 6011 J, the Rau becomes harsh, rusty, and gradually tats tr, thereby inducing , mature baldness. It toi to rases suett as this that tie Eau Lon ReYtoratire peruliarty adapted, ta its enlivening and prnifying plooperues will remove in impurities, and girt life an freshness to the dry Ind dead hair. . . . . . It Is far rut iron to any other ortiele for dre..sing ar Um, as it cam. the most debut. and canoodle dor, and moan+ to Inc Hate \beat/taut and oLan• riant appearener It probably the only trolly re, Itheatiy compoooded rrp•ratton row baton; lb, , audits , nerroo.tne pupa: many a pro o: that the üblir appreciate worn F:aure. sattst.o.Onnetven patella. rin every ease. Prepared only by JULES lIAUEI., Perroteer and Chernis Cacsinol street, below rutorlls. Por sale wholesale awl retail by If. A. Fohoestoelt Co., .ad It E. ..3aller.,,Plll%borglii and Joan :ant and J. :Oar hell, Allegheny City, Pa. apl7dly =EI r flu BA—iu dos Patent Planlnd Tnb,,flr,uln_by npll r ,‘ !'"1: lt"l'at—t''2,'"„'n:tinsor'notao7):"" lmr """. upl: DROWN Curobc & KIRKPATRICK S WD oi: A 17 '"H—'5 ra+Ya in amore o+J fob rule Gyy bp .lLCON—ln o c t r c tp j .ll;: r u u ld . r,.r e s. a g n a d i S i In able or.d int in., Ll v _,itpi: NAM_ zi KIRI,PATRICA 1: - ' 5 .10-s'l';'"l2oki,,lN KIRGPATICK OUN rui for rui J PCIIOO:4MAKER & lOU Wood a EELIN (SAND Agli=;ititr,,,,,,,,,tby " AP 1] lilliti4l--.J casco boot N. 114 for solo Dy J tJetiOONfiI&KUR & CO - - • • • --- DIPPED LOGWOOD-400 bd. for .ale by orl7 J SCHOONALAI2,AIt CO_ AcFrEtREL-100 bbl. No 3 large, to arrive by canal, and lot sale by Round Ca 1 & R•reh FLOYD, OW 11—'6 closS s Anse, on lend and for seR. spiS & R FLOYD L"1-12 bblr No I in aor. 11Zd fi.t sale , " spi7 J re. R FLOYD r itICCO-10 brs Rawl rt Robleson't Intrp; '5 bra laver'' , Nog. ' tXt'tirrorted brand:. 5, in story Isr.l for sale by Jrr R FLtliD WE I lONA L h 4 a l7,3l l l o l=pis . rs k evri (or fi'naldetit.o to C2ii r O'CONNOR, ATKINS' ,k,CO , Canal 13nOrt. I.lben, ACADEMY. A CLAhhICALAND COMMEUCLAL BOARDING L 1 C 001. Full BUYS, IlrisMs from Pill.argb; 11e,. /mum h. T.V.Z.I, A. M., PrluMpal. The Summer her con will commence oulVeduesilliy, May 1. 1 a:0. Terms-575per heasiirn 0(5 month , For Cireulara. enquire of the Frnieipul, Fewiekley Bottom 1' 0.. l's, or of !ileum John Irwin 3. Soria: 11 Writer Aleut. or Mews. T. 11. NCTiB d. Co, No, 11N1 Libiumy sum, Friniburelt. apt° dire - B.4SSCOMS SERMONS—Set-moat for the pulpit, by II 1111teccm, D. , for wale by ItCPYINS, _NAG 76 epon. Hwloin 5 rottrP72L. Steam Preseed Brick of the beat ypemalztr,VUO,MO of Coombe Brick, for rate. Enquire or plpt6l titi1.0:41777 SCHEYER. ABoy RANTED—mutt be a ygood reader. le ql4l/(J Al Ily„ °Me. L ime -: A bra lo ie!Ztefell'tr t yrig s 7 co apts Water street. R ubs 2.593 per hams, for pale by apls 8UR1113.11./(41 , , WILSON It CO ICKLED PORK-4 casks, a very superior InICIC 1 Oils day received, and for sale by apls WICK in 51eCANDLE6S L YTFIG SNII&TIL4-31 , 0 daz pettelt, for W. by p_apl4 WICK & AIcCANDLI.SS PEARLS -1.1 rxceiyed, And for sale by . 1. ROI , WICK & IdeCANDLESS _. . .. .. ____ . . .. II•i a lI p T11-4 . I. baltels for a I b yWlA'&:lteCANili7-4S %AT ADDING —A fresh supply reed from lbo mono V V loolorms'by WICK & bIoCANDLFSS. i lANVASSIIID iIAM.3-3ID Caarsimed boasred, 1.../ for sale by WILDS fr. wcANDI.ESS .. ___— CMOULU CANDIsEtI-147 boxes eu mer Mould ond es far fade by 'WICK. /b M a cANDLESS 1:3 TA d, .d for sale by .1 " spr —l4 r'''" r' cl'lCK ft bIcCANDLESS G""D''"'" -- ',VaTITIV/Iltg" for sale by OTARCH-4'l Botibrisk's Oilia — Slarri lerCl, 1.7 for sale by aria WICK & MeCANDLES b S RYE b'l" NYCI l iq d MVSZIg I IN I S__ VAR lEGATED SOAP-65b - i+ tor sale by opIS WICK 1: MrCANDLESS cocas Doc./ Peaches for sale low, to close consignment, by sett" RIMY, MATTHEWS & COS YD'I.OL R—IS brls tor sole by 11, .05 RUM', &co DOTASII-16 casks Lot sort, for sale by opts RHEV,IRAITAIEWS & CO EARL cots just reed on conslgnment, F for Wei.). tap/5l HARDY, JONES te co • TOIIACCO.-17 bbd. beef Tobacco Just loodlog. for - J, .nle by (gat HARDY, JUNES & CO BACON HAMS-3 casks just lendir.g, for Rafe Ity HARDY,JONES & T ARP— ' ll. keg. jtl.l landing nod r .pIc'C— AA nolL R A RITY . ° JON& CO L 1.1.1 V LA - It L,v:l brig Nat Lear Leall, Jun ~e 4 l, ..nd forrilth. lq reK , l4r C H GRANT L e r r. e c y...t t v lad , : vv 1 i!'r , n i f.n . : _„. t r a v, t4 , ri pt, BROOMS -11' for T sale by - '• W re " 0 ' II IS IIATU •• ..1 na, l a M i n i r A l ' l 4 :a l t ---S fo 01 : 11:by . . sap . m ' WICK & MeCANDLESS ILE .0v... terp«tfolly mairmi his friends and the public. that he ham remnant his BOOT!AND SHOE AIANUFACITORS to No c Market sir.% two doors 05000 Water, where be has on hand • very' jsrec 0. , “01030.10 of 1300 rg AND SIIOE.B of him own ninhancturcoeliteli will sell Lo than ohm to puretismenl the city. DANIEL EILEA• apt3-41Ini IpON .. tm , IIOXIIS for male, wholol; rie m egtl i, (Li W misted, of toirrenrca rc , purcd. Appiq at No 62 Market at. apt 2 Gl&kN WOOD GALIDIGNI, Tme ended Maw the Cuy, oa Our 0114 River mitts Summer Retreat, bovine [maw,e rep nn.l improvementr, ndOlteg much To hi. (or I.eauty, st near open rot 'than,. lea Creama r 7. ['era' , Mak., Fruits, Coutectionery, de., kept u.nikl In vac :tattoo. • • . . P0h1.,, 14 port eularly invited to a large collect/on leaver blooming plants of all varieties, uswally found in ercenhouses, oleo, the cholera kinds of anneal Gnomon plums and dohlioa wit' he ready for dehvery no- let at hley. Tar Strom Boat will commence running front the foot of Pot street to the Gardens, the lot day of May. Two it,' e of Omtobaset are now running' from the Old itt:ghent' Wider. Gan!cor kept on temperance primp!, nod c.otrkt an Sandoy. apt:tit:lt* ProOnaala too Coal ? Stuck, and Lime. S IL1) , 1:1:31 . :1 , :l r A t 1 ;, S 73 , , r u t 1 . 1 v r, crAf ( I , h ,. e nn s y s . o n re y s 12r.tabo l.u•Srla itaturronotot 30.000 bushels o Slact, and aleo for ill the Lime which will be requir ed for tic use of the work. for arc year, will he re. cessed . rt" the Cosopmy until ' Wednes , duT, the 041 , 1 as o'clock, E. NI. 'Re &Jye testers air, In .orth qualay and delivered clench times sod 0, , atoti tr.t , owls, es +hull' be typreved•of and ds roe:ed. Tt, 01 ~,, nousist,ott for the tool and sikek to he 70 you per hu.hel Propo.a.l. to t. oddre.tesl to The.. at j a, a .,,,n E ss , Preswent of the Company, .and endorsed ...Proposals for Ca.'," -P:aek” or 'Lime." x. the on. , may be. The paymPos. to he made monthly te•oimug LI) per tent a. maturity for penormonce of'dontroct. Japlipdtd inalk.fa M CHIOS Y, Treasurer. Boys' Wear. M& PPRCI WIELD, et north e.l corner fourth nod' Mari, huve,recetved on as aortmem Of Tweed, Mertou, Costumer., Stoner Clod, and Sail.., et fans, colors, aosh men. ;frown, and now atylei of boy.' minute.; alas, a variety of styl. of Cotton Good. for Boye Wear, aloe, raa.most Lasens Ann Lien 61.14.3 of anluhle colors for ho),' Wore. 12==a 10o:rzri.:Irej thoh or the de. Ludic:yet out their vgarehonyeduting the summer, allowing en tlia to the barbel; the weight to be de termined by the collector's return ft the weigh lock. 1011.12 w TAAFFE O'CONNOR N•wr Goods!: Nivar Goadatt N Spring a.: Sumner My God. Jor 18:,0 WILLIAM L. niossELL, 6• ... , Wnotaubm and Retell Duller in British, - Amens. MIT GOODS, 111.1ret queer, hersreen Third and vourth, elan of the Ito Ilex Ilea, hoe but commenced receiving and opening oue of the most rich. splendid, and extensive stocks of Spring and Summer Dry Goal. ever offered for sale in the Western country. All of there Imported Goals are fresh opened, end received per the taw steamers from Friume and; as airs Irish Linens, imported direct front Belfast, ell maw bleached, end sour:mica the pore article; these Lim are nit imported by the subscriber, and ore all pute ilno curry warranted. Also, IS. Liinen Damask Table Cloths, the very hem manufselurei and Irish Linen Conde of all kinds, inverted direct from Belfa by the subseriber,kend will be fonnd the real Erin-g. brag', LADIES' DRESS GOODS. New style rich Turk Satins, nil colors, splendid good• ; btnek Turk Satins, all prices, Bell -goods; black glace Silks, all colors, late imperialism; Frynch Aid Waves, all colors, the hest,mtported; plaid black Amuses, per list:French Steamer, now style paha:al Darters, splendid goods. Also, a superb end large dtact of wide black Brussels Lace, for trimming ladies , resses, Trey rico good.; plain Battles in ell colors, estremely low,. beautiful goods; black Silk. Fringe, all widths and pnces, very cheap; French Lawns, new stv lee, per lett French steamer; plain black GriT - De Rhine, high lustre, superb gcods; black heated Gee Ito th ine Brocade, rob goods; French and English Cashmeres, new miles, beautiful goods; eplendid figur e d Bwiss goods :or ball armies; web embroidered Swiss At for earning dres es; Swiss Edging end the best Imported; Silk Tissues 1, R/Iti qualdtes, neer et;le, plain lend perin sthip'a aweees, a.I twn.; printed Lawne, now stylee,lrom ? 2.5 cent. , per yawl; !tango de Lains,• new arliet for et &new. Moo, a large awl revery- mck new etylo opting Bonnet Ribbons, the very beet ',cued, nil new. Canton crape Shawls, GS rotors, freak horn the . Cas. to temper , I'nCo.r k 0 I S . a l t n in e S h b ael . , l sid / e c n h d a i n dg e o a is b d l a e , einla aearilk ll Shawl, (resat .tzportation • mint: embroidered Canton Craps Shawls, superb goody; green embroider. ed Canton Crape Shawls, splendid goods; Lapin% French mode Frnbroidered Thibet, finest importation; Paris painted Cashmere Shawls, all prices end quali ties , Indio.' summer Cravat, sad Scarfs in great va nes, Freneh workedCapre,Collars, cad Calls,. la-re. liSsOrtnlVl. , • • • A Large Stock of DONIESTIC AND STA PI.E. (N.IODS. 50 bole , unbleached Muslins, from 5 to 11l runs per yard; 10 cause blotched Mcslir., from dco 111 cents rmr yard. II cases Irish Linens, imported from lkdasr; 11 hales Toting, from a to 25 cons per yard; B c ares bloc Drill, tram d to 10k crone per yard be. a Intl assordneo of Summer Cloths. Also. Os,. sneerer, Tweeds, Smineds, and Kentucky Scone; Su Cafe' dark Calico, fast colo n red, from 3to to cents pmr yard ; treelish Print , Nan pened; S l c' •ll7l " e•Vo l. sL i a k arst Se s o ' tchbinpr.m.extremes ly mw. Also, llourekeeprng ('rods of an kinds, very Ford, I..dez Ru , *sia Cr.b. mom CI 00rd/tents per T;Yr d p . e. br A - Va ' ZC ' an ' t 4 o r r Fl s a to n c n k e I s o . f alf h gl k ors7a d nrq ties, at low prices; end, white. Add yellow Man u a:ls . , very c h e ap; bleached and unbleached Drilliriu, full arcoi; 5 case. blue Merrimack Calicoes, ex tremely loom black and,unblenebedVable Diapers, al; prices; Bird's eye Diapers, all prices and fisalities, very cheop colored Cambric., a full assortment, cheaper than ever; 3 boles Elculaos. from 11,/ towns ' per yard. , Ado. a large sterit MCollooTallo Diapers. hlartners• PARAS Shirting— OLS A. fall, PA ft A ntro Di SOLS nent, very cheap. The largre: and moat splendld stook of Favorite ever opened by r elly one haute in P140114:6, is Mid day-wreivcd, old are. all of the ZICWEALFre.cb %Oleg, which, fore Eeltne.• end beauty, cannot be eutp.towd An wC bay , • largo lot of thole Paraeolv, they trlllhe elnether than any other hence in the city can. af ford to :e.l Ole n o r quality of goals. The Led,* are reeneelndly Matted to examine the. pores la as they will End come of the 'richest and peeve., ~tyles ever imported from Eampo. Their varnsole no. nll of toe rielte.t and moat faahieitable colore, 4nd are wrirthy of the attention oldie Indica. All of um above goods emit be cold off at prieea far below aux hcuer m Am city; and in order to prove thin Inn t, tine in.hlir well plen.e Cell end price these goo.. end vcollpre them with any Ott. , home iu the mty, ~414,vt.w0d the above IWKIIIOII. The wont t bete err to Mgt:mm.l,ln Cos tomena sod Ito pith., in general, that them r! two other Lee Lire •t in insalet tare., prrtcluling to cev. tar men only eciebrre-1 wvt for !rimed Dry Ocala estahliabruent Pitobore b. The eubtenber would therefore say to A ll Parchasern of Dr, Goods, either wholesale or retail, that the gig Ike I live. an Market strert. berween TlO,l and Fourth,. now opening the larger.xkLat, cud emelt of oprnqt acnq .o=l pp , 0.004 ever °Jared (or tale In SiMthorelt BONNETS! BONNETS., 1- • • • , New Set t • e. re. Iplat—The lament and wait (gelatin. able stork of Bonnet. trio, ripened in thi° eityLie jest received at the rite of thotre y Hee Hive, an Market treet, between Third seal Fourth street., Where Dry Goods of every description era telling ehdaper than any other haute in the city. The public will please take Conte that there are two ether bee Eva elorte on kleiket went, who pretend to compete sal* the Si; Ikea Hive, between Third and Foonlit Greets, where the patine will findon all throce,the lergettand newest styles of Dry Goode, fresh spend. API ease take noun, that the Gore is between Third end Fourth creetv,viastn of the lilt: HEE HIVE, whore thy Goole of every descopuen ate willog onsets 1.61111 at SDI other hostse en the city. epl3ALlat WILLIeIhI L RUSSELL. AMUSEMENTS THEATRE! Les., aad Mrautser moss or AIMISSION Clrele ling Mugs.. Setenti sad T4irol.Tias•-• • Ge , ^r7 (for colored iwrsorml— ...... Door. open a 7i _qinlint will rise lki74-Welock ID . StfO:.4l c!¢k t Wa new, comedy called the Sono. I,Axtri on Welnes.ley; April 13th, will be presents.' t h e highly successful cowl- in 3 sets called the Charles Tamen* 4e Ta, tor Amgrldetti Sleet • Vt - it Small Mrs 'rnrttns ••• • • • Mr. Priiry Mrs Ormsby' Ilelessitte lira Nichols To conclude vrithshe TWO GRE4ORIak In rehearaal, a neerdrama entploi , ta, "Flown, of ~AVABEINWFON - BILL, Tirtsaussli, 137 4 /39 Wool .street, above Fifth. ITILIA7 . %Merollaostablialmint noar offored for 'Hem It is admirably arrangrl for Concert., Locums, Fahibitions, &c. For term.. apply to JOHN A FITZ:OP/OHS, 137 Wood al. PITTSBURGH MUSEUM. APOLLO lIALL,—POIIRTII STREET. d'APEti DAILY‘-frrut 9 to 12 In Itn morning 2to 6 kf , to the afternoon; ..ald tram . 7 16106'dt:ten in the eveni gn. h. c?;:tlittanee Cents; Children under 19 year. A. a.awon & co., AVITIOXT & .11711.0011... WHOLESALE DRY GOODS A. A. MASON& CO, Illarktt Street, brnmeak ThlrdTkpoorta, ' Pittsburgh, Pa. 'aline (Welty and WM l 47 '"l e ' retn " ts, r c trl i ta th e e ort;e Mort creative Stock. in me m . tontry, comprising over FOMleen Handfed Cues end Packages of Foreign and Dorm. tie Ilty Goods; constming, in part, of 000 cas es but style Ga ll us; 100 Bleache d Mashie, ell grates; dU " Summer Staffs tad Catkinetierg 90 " Mune do Lulea. • Oil " Lawns and Muller ; 50 " Erstmetts sod Tweeds; to Cauitscres, Cloths; " and bales orTirkiner, Chocks, AM; - 3t/0 " Drown Mulles. Together with the mart extensive nuariment r • Imported Good. in thjs . mvk o t , the most ample leeithins for the transaction of their buimess, and one of the punters being constantly In the eastera . markets, thus ;mummies every advutage enjoyed by narern - houses. They, Inhere that - they rander uratcrindace melds ranchards general y, o Mir. , alities, And prices.than one certain market. New good. constantly atrium. Merchutiintending par. chashig FAM, 'are . panicalatly solicited to exannem their austrtment. ;et A hpL'irlll24/sEL era • B- 0 0 tS . ii-i 0 gill E tub soribe r is-now manufacturing a beautiful SI/MSIER ROOT, of good mammals and work musitip., et the very low price of 84 50. DANIEL RHEA," ~ Na 0 Market steamed doer from Water at apl3. &Ma_ _lTrihane cope.) Pitt assrgh Clay FAo,riskg (Formerly the Phoenix Cotton Factory, sth is ard.l mt..5...5.) Fresh ground Family Flour, • oo Corn Mehl; • ee Rye•Flonri Bran and Shorts; . '' • - Chopped Grain for homes and cos, (or 6.i. by • 1.1 .._ -- -. • WILMARTEt ne k NOBLE CO-PA-6T/11*IIVIILP. JTOIIN B BAYARD having this day attsoclatuf with hhn his sn, B E Bayard, will continue the Leather. Ihde,and Oil Easiness, under of John B Bayard Son, in hie tolifilings, corner or Penn and. Walnut streets, the Fifth Ward They' would in. vile the attention of parehatters In their well .elected Deck of Eastern Leather now being reeelveil, cattalo log of New Yost and Baltiniore Polo Leather, and Leather and Ideroccos of every description, together with every lonely of oar own manufactore, , insi— Dpaniah red Slaughter BOIL Upper, iftpa, ad(' Skier, flatness, Blanker, Brbileohol Band Leather,Sealltni,, Lace Leather: . She., Sc. Also, Timers' 011 wtel Car riers' Tools at Cinch quality. All of which strillbe told at the limiest possible, rate, for cult, - • Plaopratts. Patent, Sala Asli. 464 fi ' lgTe "s et: " Sir th eel froat .' at ' et b ati m ulte d tlr ' teie Im calla. now Cu the way from Sew Orleans, and en pcmed here next week: and - 814 will shortly mire ,vin Baltimore per ships Juniata, Chesapeake, Damas cus, mut Alton, which will ho sold on arrival, at the . lowest market pace for each or aporoved bills. ' W m MITCHELTREE, apt I lao Liberty in- PATENT th,ACK—^W lb. last Teed 11341177 ale by • .1 KIDD tz CO opl2 No CO Wood argot COFFEE -2i bop, ads dog reed. ..a far Web) , 21;12 AIMISTRONG &CROZER VLOI;11-150 brio received, and for sale by pld ARMSTRONG& CROZER .600 t:;!'""I'N.;MT? ..--- gn`VgitZFAT,' -DR001,:-.5,0 dor. litorzo's No Corn Brow.; Lb CO doz corm:nor! . do. do joz. rived, and for tale by A CULBERTJQX, aplO 145ftiberty lIERRING—aObxs No I, • DlPlT'"'Tigiil3ll4St;f4 - n1 for par by AR— , Ai ben on hand, and for ..jrly !•• all 2 6 CULBERSISON NO. bIOLASS.ES-10 bile is Sore, Rad for.nle by • : apl,2 A-CULBERTSON r: SUGAR - 94 L i d. nme N U Saw In Inart,' and 4u A CULUEMON Iff4-18 tryarno.74 Pbot, cm handl, and rot' We by -- 0 so ep ' CIMBEELTSON-: ROARD — PRINI Foe Board Pr tuts of V French manufacture; from ..15e tio each:forsals • ' ' P MARSICPLL, . eS Wood at. . VITRIOL—LO oprboys Oil Vitriol just on b.nd, )_land for ~nl• by lapin) 7 . MD &CO' nrrnre A CID—IU lb. jolt rce'd and for sale by mull .1 KIVU& CO' IVANIDIS POTASSIUM-8 lbs for oudeby V gull J ICIDD &CO CREOSOTE -8 lb. jun rec'd, and for axle by 'plat I KIDD t Opb PI RIM TIJ RITATIN E:—Ott be. in priaurardee. II for sale by 11-ii FAIIINESTOCK & optit Corn or of First tr. Wool Us. A-13 euks Engll44 for on)* by LI A FAIINESTOCIC &CO SOAP—:S bxs Baltimore fine Variegated and :Mile, un tonsigruncid, tor sale by • • apU B A FAHNESTOB - Kik, CO. Batiellit:G . VOWDEß=llddSparisciiieisks, fm sale by B AFAIINFATOCkgecO 011.1,A511-01 cant. of a nnperlor brand, on band; and lor rale by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK EACIIM-150 bA sereei treacles. a prime article, lapp lar sale by !MOWN & KIRKPATRICK HOPS-5 bale% of W. N,Vark Hays reel Oda day, and for . mar by BROWN B. IMIKPATRICIC RATIEITiS-75 qr. bys on to sTandinc .. la by -- cola BROWN ic KIRI(PATRICN. GgeA No G twin ott i lged. T ° l2G A fiVelGe l : k"3 II7OW ' N ZuNIGKPATH liteubenvil/e Water AVorkeS • DUOPOSALS viillbe received by the Wide Werke be 1. Committee. d Treasurer's Office, until Tursdsg4 Mith dey Alopeet 2 o'clock.ll St ,fortamishins/ cent Iron piper, cm fellow, , to wilt-156 pipes 6 inept.' tiore,9 feet londVreigned each - TIO pour din 18 branch es forS Inch pure le pipes 4 teats. bore, v Mot lent, weithing each UV pounds, wllh the usual compliment of Inapt, sleeve!, fee. One half to be Judiremd before the.leth of Jaly, the balance on or before the 10de or, • September. ''thing and delivery at Steubenville to' be at the expentlo et the conentetell for which, security will to required. Payment as follow,: SOO dollen in enth, upon the delivery of the amoont of pipe, and the balance iu owe visa worn the completion of the eon- • tract with interest. Address Steubenville Want Works Committee, LOUIS A WALEKR, Chair's. ' Aida d2w pAC .p o!i—let3 pier. reed, but re adtbd.ligt,t., - . - TALLOW --8 belt Tallovirjuaz ree'd, and for We DT J /3 CANFIELD - 17 MING lITRO.I,IIdPEILUIL, AND O. P. TEL - Ed half chests ti.ll. Tea: _1 • -' YO Jo O. P. Tea; , I:, do ll:epeeist de; ec caddies Fstra Fine Y. U.Tes; , hp do G. P. end leap, He'g, had foi by son C /I GRANT B I.;AGIC •srioleo grades .d styles, H ht chests loom lassie, fir este by spit 11 GUA.NT , - APPLE TELIIMS. lAM oew prepared to tundra Applerme N frg. the, Well known Nursery of Jacob N. BMW. Ttoo trees will be delivered at the - witarf at:Pittsburgh for. PUS per hundred- Perwata wishing good thrifty t r u ts f should leave their orders roots at the-Drug, Peed sad Perfumery Warehouse, tomer of Wood .dhhath qua .Pll S N WICKER.III4_,* FLOUR=l. 2lol : ll aFiciiirjaicia i diird - friiiiits bT DV RBRIDGE,, WILSON d: CO spit Winer. sliver.. a_rreeeived, and for sole t r y spit CURURIDOE , WILPONA CO I=ll [a. W SRuvecs, n. A• WESTERVELT & SON, IxTta.l.lo.owN VF.MTIAN BLIND MAIIERS, keep constant:) , on hand .or mete to order the l•r‘i itaiela In their hoe, al tleif Old Mond, No. 13 SL -illeuradtem; also et No. 613 Market !Wool, necoarTetory,. aminow to the Diamond. Vellitißll Shutter* mode cadet. mat old blind, acuity {epaited. .p 10.• CORN COLORED CRAPE SHAWLS—PIain and. ame:moldered, at store of • hl URPIIV k BDRCIIFNID * opto N. E. cosmos of Fourth k Market rts. Bale arlndlgio. . • ON Thumdaki 1011 i Instant, at II o'clock, at the , Waraboascr, O'Donnell Mimi, Beiltimoro. 100 , lieroona Caracas P' Indigo, direct importation. Cala, to ,ryes and samples ready day picric... aplOdul W O,IIARRIOON TIP: undersigned bees Imre to inform the politic. AL Matte has declined businc. in favor orig. sat; P. M. Davis, who will continue the Auction imiCent in.ittlan busbies., at me old nand, corner et Vinod and Firth airects. and tor whom he would aoheit • condo' mace ntthe liberal patronage heretofore bestowed up. on ihr bens& 'JOHN D. DAVIS. '• Aptil nil, 1910. P. M. DAVI, iStOCESSOR TO JOON O. DAY/3,1 AUCTIONEMIND 011111188101116RCILEM ax. or 5.00 AND MVO enema ' WlLL co make sale,. on Itberal terms, o( Foreign and Doaystia Itlerehandlie, Real Fetate, Sumas, k" bop e., and aloe auealba at , esinetts, to merit a • eentelittaea Or. tha r suaa.. 4 palrent.le re Rini2l4 enerlded lo the (ureter home. April eth. C ° -FFEE-3° begs prime Rio pist meet ter mkt by BROWN KIRRPRITIJOR t aplil 144 Liberal Wee.