The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 16, 1850, Image 1
~ -,gfi,~r,~:r.~~y,~4.,"~^eE•~-*r a'r~:r-r"`^`" ~'~y'.~ie's^~~s,. ~:-xt,,k,. ESTABLISHED IN 1786: PULILISIIED DV WHITE:4- CO. a. a.'vristryi) (e. 11.111/1. TUMID nun, oar rooz To ----VAC per ann , 54)0 " In advauce—•—• •••• 20 • o)• Gleba, at • reduced nuo.. It* Cl OP ADVCRTIIIIIOI AGREED, UtON CY 71 C PITTSBULLOU PAW. - One Soar te, (10 lines of : Nonpreil or leer) Dour 1 isertion•—.—........--00,30 One Dour to, each additional iniettwo, • • 043 Do. one week 1,73 Do. two week•.---..•.—.—....• 3,00 Dn. Wien ereeko.-- I,W) tiontli•------r 3,00 Do. twit/ 7,W Or. thew enontaa•—• • 9" )lb. low m0nth........... 1010 Do.six months-- • •• /;OD INK tweet: months•-•• DiP 3 Planking Card 16 lines or leu,) p.r croon . " pleana. Dwr ntt . ABLOI AZGIASPLA or the paper 35,00 • -For each additional square, tweeted over one month, axle for each additional square Inserted under the year ly rates, half pries. • • •• ; Advertisements exceeding • rtiaarnr . ..! "S e en dfieen Mies to be charged as a Wane and e halt Publishers not Kr-ensemble for legal advertismoauta beyond the *meant charged the their publication.. Announcing candidates for ace, to be charged the. same as other advertisements Advertisements net marked on the copy for • speci fied smother of inscribe:is, wi ll be cordiened till forbtd, and paymeetexamed accord'. 7 hepnvilegea ofyearlyedverusers will be aordineh rigidly to their regalar brumess, and all other adver tisements Delp:mended to Melo regular business, as. agreed for, to be paid extra. All advertisements for charitable tustitations, fire eonmaniaa, ward. township and other public meetings, and each like, to be charged halfpriee, payable strictly . In advance. Marriage entices la be charged 50 eget., Death melees manned withoat charge, embus accom• waned by Amend Mullet:lees or obituary melees, and hen to eccompanied to be paid for. Rends, advertisers, and all otters eending come a- Meath/es, or remitting unties designed to call au ce de, to Fete,, Soirees, Coot erns or any Public tre VleeelA teooei r gAAeremadefo4deltire—g pr i es a.., noti ce do aimed to tali At t en y tion m Private enterprises eaa W Ip be Inserted Krim the understmellag that t tae n s ' e n to ' s le ia be paid for. If intended to be the the lo cal column, the BURP will be charged it MIA 01 API tea than 10 cent. per line. Rirhop sr Fist Notice, to be charged triple price, Tavern License Petitions, $2 A.A. Legal and Medical advertisements to be ekarged at poets. Real , Celiac Agents' and AUGLIPAPirIie advartiee• corms not to be classed under yearly rates, bat to be allowed discount of thirty three and one third percent. from the amount of bilks 'MLA= 05 Tll-11LICILL LA DAILY rum. Ono Square, three insertions. • ---•• • • .81 53 Do. each dditirmal insertion••• 37 One ADVAIATIMIENIAI Pr 4 1,17.7r Thom OnDo.B"."'e rte:ttfi n : l l . ,l " l:lllTZ: -4° .•-•23 transient advertisements I. be paid in advance. ~VEiITE t CO. Qareve. L iiearsrt, ROW? M . R DDLE, Journal. JADES P. BARR R CO., Chronicle FOSTER & BROTHER, Diapatob. JOS.'SNOWDENare JAMES W. BIDDL ,M E, A merican. RAM CAINE,. Evening ?rib.. PrITIIIKtIOII, De c.. IND. CARDS. 4Mr=l U 1 1 ,7641311 ➢ENNEIT, (I te uTt. -CI 4. Co.) Wholesale Gltoe.ey.:co—g.lifti. Gallat.het wa rg tdont lt h eltanw, and dealer, IP Ptdorts or -I.3l:.trett tares, No. 37 Wood at., between 2d and • J. HENRY, gnome) and Conneellor at Law, Xs. Cincinnati, Ohio. CWlections In Sou th ern Obio, and in Indiana, and in Henmcky, promptly and care fully nuended to. Commissioner for Me State of Pen. ovanis, for taking Depoaitions, acknowledgments, . km Reran so—flee. Wm. Bell Bosh Colts, Chard. a Carothers, Wah.Hays, Eso., Rillxk& D. MS COCIIIIAN,CootmIAsion and Forwardin 1,. 7 Aletchon, No. 23 Woalstreel Pitlyborth. , I/ONR LEAGUE{ FACTORY. TTAMIL,TON STEWART, manufaerom of Hem g thgngs, Cheeks, toe., Rebeecas o trm ~c ljy o ,‘ 1[ LEH, (eueeessor to Al orpb y Lee,) Wool Deal s. orsutd Commission Skinner; fin' U.-W. 01 Antennas, Woolens, Liberty, opposite bib at re bl 7 ntsm, Baltimore. a. Z. DUCIDurD =WAND =ADD D. C. Wessman, sonar a. orsania, $ Phil " .; D & DUCKNOR, Tobacco Commission Mar 4 E : AL thants, 41 North Wawa, & 16 North Whams, P nov3D4r wx. 1,..10R16. A ILDYI ' JONES t Co., Intoosnaors to Atwood, H bones d Co.) Comadmon and Forwarding Iler abansa, dealers. la Pitzsbargt, Maaatatipared Goods, Pdrabargh,Ta. mem? . - Wht. H. Wilms --•I. E. McVay U. WILLIAM/ & BANNERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North East mow of and Third Cm's, Jul PITIMIIIIIMI Pa. JIABSDA.I.I.“ (seccessee to saw= a mu.,) LDPORTER & Dealer in Free. and American Pa. per Hearin. and Borders, Window film.. Fire art Prints, /.. Alan—Writing, Printing and Wrap • ping Paper, N 0.97 IVood street, between Fearb street and Diamond alley, west side, Pittabaralt, Pa. fibl3 IUL D=ST loin. DICLIT, at, THAIAII DI & Wholesale Grocers, Com. J natation Merchants, and - deslern In Produce, Nos.3a %Qatar. and 107 Front erects. Pinahvgh. noted and . f,a ...a• on the calm', of Water unl Sasitlankt stn Jan{ _ -•, LWGHTn nd el • Aie p a l ts MT Hazard ?carder No. V wa " Otst., Pittsburgh. - - de3.7 JOIN S. DILVIOSTII.JOSIZEI I Pi. DILWORTII & Co, Wholesale Owens, Pro dacee and Commission Merchuns, and &gents for the Hazard Powder Co..( N. Y., No. V Wood at, Plunbargb. • ma TWIN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist aad Apothecary ep No. 45 Market st.. area doers abeyant:li M. Mud burgh, will have eminently on hand a wen seleeted 114 eortment °Me best and freakiest Medicines. which ha will ea on the nowt ressonible terms. Pk, Weise. atulding soden, will ba promptly attended to, gad sap. plied with ankles they may rely upon Os annuls. neolTPhydeians Presennuona wW be acerirmely end prepared from the but materials, at any hear of he ay Or night Also for sale, a larpa Moak of Perth and rood des. 1019 JOHN wart, (suoneasor to Ewalt t Gebbart. , Wkolaule Omer and Coninguion Merchant, lulu in Produce and Pittsburgh Maufactares, cor ner of Mart ud Hand attests. Pittsbur k Pa. laps JAMES A. HUTCHISON, & Ca—Snesiessors Lewis Machin. & Con... ',Sorghum, od Agents or the St. Lows Simon Sow itellaery. Ka. 43 vrator and 99 front 11211C11,Pinaborgh.. 1.1 Jour IL MELLOR, Vilolesals and Retail dealer In Music sad Musical Instruments, Reboot Boots, Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Printers' Cards, and etailoruary gene rally,No. 81 Wood st.,/Piusbarga. ILP Roos Leven or taken in trade. .915 . • . WI4YOUNG & Oh—Dealers In leather Wes, && 3 Liberty st "1117 & R WeITTCHEON, WholosOleGrooers, ".. .l;*- . v • knh L.Pradono. Iron, Naas qinor, end Pin. Margit Manuf9correorrenandly, 169 'Lrb Pius. ca r pi don '• ta. ATTOBAUCT AT LAW, Pada. Po IiVILL raw *nand to conettions and all miter bast _aW managed to him to Bader and Armstrong SliaZaiPs_ Refer to J. &R. Floyd, Liberty st.) w. W. Wallace, do -' • James Mankall do f Pitsdnargh. Ksr A. Co, Wood rt. j jar? ARLPYTTIGESIA STEAM BOAT AGENTS Omen /13012 M. ALUM a. CO, 0301 No. CI Water •treat 1-vr. a. NITOITMLTRZIE. WROGESALE ROC REcnrvino DIR. LtitElt% d LWl F ind LIQUOR MERCH• AN" , nuo—lsportero of Sods Mk and Bleaching Poontir, No.loo Libeny it., ( pposito Six th g -t) rah , - barer ° • et23 k hIVANDLEKS, inseeessars WI7CE D. Ititek,) Wltalesale Omen, and Commission Nereloutm dealers In Iron, Nails, 'NW, owl tau Warm, mad Phashargtillansfeeturs nensmllY, • eons , of Wood sad Ws. xi Ls. Pittsburg , . W. WALLAC¢:4II mad AWI Famish- TT easier lag litabllabsitat, N 0.2411 liberty es, news the =MS WS7/ ..Wri sterL rittsberk . ytti—wy c Ly cirKss y repared. deer! ' • OWESl—Comensosse and Porwardkot Frtmelant, No. 90 Float et. between Wood en. aTket etrets. WWI urxrof and Feu* M . ? " 6°*4".nh,orier t. RLLfS /11=1171.0/L /OVA MCILILS, lILLITLMILL SELLERS it NlCOLE . Produce and Genera! Coo, aim. Menek.ta, No.. t 7 Libany n, Pioabarah. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oila. CI .F7VON eery, fonmuding and uommisairm Merchant., Maim 113 Plitgiorgh Itionafaetarea and %monk Pro date. kayo remoaed to their new marekome,(old nand) N0..73, earner of From .L and Chummy Lau, mei A. 11. snar.isa & GO., XtIEOLOGICAL, Claralsal, ;and Pond.? &heed Booksellers, and dealers in oil kinds el Writing, idos. and Wran_Rlng Paper, N. 7 .9 Wlxld .vale ba mom Fourth and Dinatond City, Potsbargh, EIY &REST, Wholesale Grocers aloPfereltanta, and dealers In Probes, No. U. LUZ. WDEALEII & Commission Maras= fel th• VT see of .11acnesim Wooten Goods, Liberty meet, lekte I.i. m. v 1), ' SAL MIXT JOXSI L COS•XLIFIL Xr, X 1.001X11.33 SALM 1,••••=1r. AL ILICIALEY &CO Wkolowalo ,Oro ro and SO Wood area Pin.Ough. non" HARRISON SEWED, Comaeliar at L...—or lee oa Fourth et a above Saathliold. noddy LIA CANFIELD, (lets Wurea, DUNI Coml. s km end Attenuates Mucioun. wiwww . lin Wa545171 Yearn Cheen, BREW Pot ..11 purl Ash, mut Western Produce pandlyi greet, between elnatikUd and Wood, rim „ nii . ap , , THE .immunfinl .' BUSINESS CARDS. WOODWAYO- —1 1 .11 . 111.1•ALIET. BAGALEY, WOODWARD a Co, Wholonia art. cors, No MArket s, Philadelphia.. .94 Pltubargb Alkali Works. BF.NNEIT, BERRY k CO, Manulbsturers of Swim A.k Bleaeblng Powders, Musick arts Saltharie Hid e , wantn= No --, Water sweet, below orry. egna. IT Frederick Braun. - George Reiter. DRAVN A R . r..VER, WhoLamle and Retail Dreg• I Liberty and Si-Clair matte, Pitt. Preht!°' .• John A Craig. W.W:B Skinner. CReio A. SKINNER, Forwarding and Coma mann men hanu, No M Market at Pittabargh. Bpi slori A l lj e %Mt CO, t 2 B Pa. mr2 C. if•O=TiM',"AVZY.l.°lf'='.V°74lld. J frlinCtov2di Dtzg.p4g JOAN D /JORDAN, Paolodide Doigain, and deal. or in Dye Sten, Paints, Oil a, Vanua/ea, ao, No. 1,1 Wood cunt, oat door Sooth of Diamond Alley, Plosburgh. npi JOHN D. DkV(9. Auctioneer, corner lith and Wood etreete. Pitteburgh. TOLINSTON& STOCKTON,Seroksellers, Printer., te and Paper MIO4IIICIUICIS. NO. 44 Market weer, Pittaburalr. ap4 John Floyd. Richard Floyd. Th B FLOOD, Wbo'elude Crocco, Commieswe o • Blerdhente, and Dealers In Produce, Round Church Lioilding., ironllne on Liberty, Wood wril Sixth streets, t 'nub u Tet i Pu. . ap-1 TAM&SDALZELL, Wholesale Groser,Cootnission II Merchant, and neater In Froth.le and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No 24 Water st, PittsbttaLt. ak,l VIER: JONES. Forwarding and Commustolj ebsetti, Dealers in Produce sad Pittsburgh mann. wastmetrartielee, Canal Sasiu r near 7th is. .0 .AL'A d T co ElLX:fr o n a kkoleea e Grocer, Forward. a.d b ij aral i t il lilaa rran tr . if tures and Proruee ' , ' No D a ' A le l v Vate P r . . " r ar4 Wm. Millar, Phil I. C. W. Itticketson, Pittstior. .144 [LUMP. RICKETSON. Wholesale Grocers, and LYI. Importers of Brandies. Wines rod Segars, Nos. 172 and 174, corner of Liberty and Irwin areas, Pitts burgh, Pa- Iron, Nails, Collell Yarns, Me. de , eon • aurally on hand. • . John ?J'GPI. Jones D. AMID Walt. C. R.. A A GILLSA RUE, Whelesste Grocers and Commis. IVA sr. Mereb.ts, No DM Liberty St, Pittsburgh NHOLMES &SON, No 65 Starker et. second door . from toner of Fourth, dealers to Forelta and Doenesdells of Exchange, Certificate. of Deposit, Bank Notes and Spool. • tb roog h o boirreir e ons made on all the priotipal • cities t United States. • • 4 BUCKhIASTER, Ataxnuart—Offlea, Fourth at., 1N third door above Smithleld, .out Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greahn care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate examined, tn. MIMS' MILL. PITTIIIIOOII, PA. ITENNEEDV, CHILDS k CO., Mama(waren of very an for H Byeedngrj,,,w, Chain, 'name and Ham.. Vesuvius Irma TEWIs DALZELL t CO, Mantaletaren of ell Ls errs Dar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nags o f d the best (actable. Warehocee, 34 Water and 103 Front street onto Lithographic Establishment OF WM. 139111ie NN, Tient st, opposite the Post-Office, Pilule:trod—Mom Laodseapes, Bill bvltdvi Shavfbillv, LAW., .s.isr and Machine Drawings, Business and Visite:- Cards, ice.,•ograved or dray nail stone, and colors, Gold, Broom or Black, in the moot approved style, and at the most reasonable prior. 0ct15:17 T HARRISON SEWELL, ConmeSot as Law. , --01 0 • See on Poona 0. above Smithfield. nov: , 11, I. : 1 1.41tIONIIIA.alt II Co, Whotaut. Dreams • No.o Wood oreet. Pinaborgh. JD. MORGAN, Wloletale Druggist. am' deal t/ es in Dye 81nIN, Paints, Oils, Vernialies, tie., N 0.13 /0111.1 il,m. • •enaan 1.01 - 07. J. a m R- e.. F 4'.°1; D :„`Pf,':.7'.:,T,714,0 ,—^,=,°:l Church linifitings, homes on , Liberty, Worm and Gut sums, IMlsborrei, Pa. mire TAIdE3 DAIJELL, Wholesale Grocer, CCIMIIiSSIOU Ideichmr, end dealer in Prodnee .11/11Putaborgh Mmufaciares. No.YI Water ,L, Pimbnuch. janta - T 0. SWEITZELI, Attorney et Limos/Ilea gt y t- m Charles,llotel, Pittsburgh, will a and G uten drien F" " REFER TO litlacknioet, Beu a. Co., March & Cuotherz, } , Przttarnit. D. T. Mormon. - - k HARBAUGII, Wool Merelunna, Dealer 1:3 in Flour and Produce generally, and Fonenritng tal Coinne!anion blerchanta, No. 53 Waterier, Piro, berate. ALkSAINIDEEL a. WAWSCiII, A 770ELNE9 AT 14.39-oSce, an Fourth stn.< JOll. above Weed win DAVID C. TUTTLE, A TTORNEY AT LAW, aria Commissioner /11.. Pennsylvania, $L I,ollk, All commanieationa promptly answered. ontltY-ly 4 &Waterman- • R. N. Waterman • -W. IL Waterman. L. Z. IMATKIIRLILM dk loss, wHOLESALF: GROCVELL Comminiort and For 1R warding Merchants; deniers in all luadsof Pro• dusa Pirlaburgh blannfaclared Articles; and Agents for We of Richmond and Lynchburg Mansfactured Tobacco. tort INHALOKLETT t WHITE. AY GOODS JOBBERS, NO. 101 WOOD STREET, HAVE 4 h' Zearon d ,..:ll. il ig a":lV;lP:e7::::;Tsg sonment o r Staple and P aned vvy " Goods which they will sell (or cash or approved teeth. Western Merchants ere invited to examine oar steak. Ewe • ZffeILVAIN & WILLI/JAR, NO. 10 GERMAN STREET, BALTIMORE, AGENTS for the sale of SODA ASH /r. BLEACH IRO POWDERS, have now In care, and wil constane to receive, tell eappliea of the (encoring well known brands. shletprans " "Tenants," and tow which they.offer for tile at market rates. JOHN U. RANKIN, A rrf. K , Y esi e l:Tt,t, 1 1:1,rs e t.°I.T.;. Mo., (late of Pittston:h., ileferenom—Plusburgh Mori. W. Forward, !lamp too & lid'Candlem & MeClare,.John co. Parke Luella & Semple, McCord & Kiol. acorl&ly BX==l =ECM S. D. BIitSHPLEILD & WHOLESALE tad Retail Dealer. in Groceries gad Dry Goods, and Cointausion Merchant., No.= Liberty at, Pittsburgh. Enna • T. H. lOW I. P. Sterrett DAIRD & ISTECRELETT. ATTORNETB and C0°11.114,11. at Law — Fourth • between Stenineld end Grant. Pinaburgh, P. SOS John IL Lirgo LARUE I PRIEND, A TTORjyiAlfN E AT LAW, Paurth urea, nes, Om JAMES F. KEHM, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office oa Fourth . tre a t, between Sunda. sod Chant, Patebutgb. .p 111147 ALIENANDIIJA FRANKLIN, AWORN/A' A 7 LAW—Offoo on F oun t o i roo ,, Pittsburgh.. mat JOUN' IttoPADICA a CD.. PORWARDHYG. I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Rasin,Pana meet, Pinabarab. mre JAINDIII Dv DAVISs CO, PRODUCE AND FLOUR, FACTORS, No, 4/7 Market, sod Al Commerce sr.,. Philadelphia. Advances made, by either of the above,. consign. meal. of Produce to either Hoeft. mr6 FORWARDING COhIMISSHON MERCHANTS uhßJUsnalareL WOULD respectfully salient the ronsiumnent of Ilarnsburgh !req.!, from ItVrstorn Merchants, as Mt, are• prepared lu (term. aoy amount. Lisa and Portion Boats tannin,. lor, on/ dry, the freight will not he detained, m thoy enload sack boats at all /lowa. Ifeblld.des Darrishurgh, Prh. 1950. Ira llersei.-- • Andrew Fleming IL K. Eleiniug. 11/CUSHY, FLEDIND 4 CO., ('COMMISSION AIDRCIIANTS—For be salo of Do mesuc.Woolen, sod bottom Good.; Oro, dealers tn MI tines of Tailors' Trimmings, No I p Wood 4th dove from Fifth, Pittsburgh. Reference—Al . Wm. A. HIS A Co, Hankers, /any George Hr. OILOILGE W. BRIITII Ai CO., BREWERS, MALTSTERS AND HOP DEALERS, Pitt street, Pittsburgh. *ply Donjaotin Patton • William Dakewell - . PATTON tr. DAIEDWZI.L., ATTORNEN'ti . la LAW—Utter In Tashi,. Hall, Gran st, near the Court 1i0n,.. lebn J. D. Williams —John Haft — J. D. WILLIADS & CO., VICTIIOLIALE is RETAIL PAMII.Y GROCERS, VT Forwarding and Commisrion Meral./2, •84 dealers In Cotwor rename and Patsburgh Moneta.. torso, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. ono TU. Moyle& • AftwirrooLE A CLARKE, OftWARDIND AND COMMISSION MERCiI ANTS, and Dealers in Window Glass, White ad,&a. No lob Second at turn R. JouNwrois, FORWARDING b. COMMISSION MERCHANT, tin 119 &cam' at, Pitwburgh. ntal enneurnomui s inumea, CIOMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Donlan in Pta k/ dare, No .J Slaskofsttect, Pittsburgh. met' PTPTSBURCII — SPPM — PPORRA — ANIFRPRThiti AND AXLE FACTORY. /OM, 10MI P. tint.. 410100, IhKANUFACTURERS or spring and blister mei 111 plough steel, steel plough wings, conch uld eli tier prings, hammered Iran axles, and dealers in ma y teable euunn, fire engine lamps, and coach Inmate Morally, corner of Rues trk4 , Front sta, Pittsburgh, Pa. febbd J. D. WILLIAM' & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. For. • suasdutg and Commission Merchants, Denim in Country. Produce and Pittsburgh 141.11facturea, ear. err of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. Horeb I:flawless's gyring, Lilo, Sum!, snd Iron Works. COLVAIAN,IIAILMAN & CO, Manufacturers Comb anti Ellplie Oings, Hammered Azle Coring and Plough Steel, Iron, &e. Warehouse Water and Front streets, Flinbanich. Also, dealer• in Coach Triisortungs said Nailer& Castings. - - oetin • T D. CANFIELD, (late of Warren, Ohio,) Commis- Coo and Potwar:llns Merchant, and wholerale dearer in Western Reserve Chsere, Dotter, Pot and Pearl Mb, and Western Produce eeturally. Water street, batmen Sardineid and Wood, Pittsburgh. lIERCIEII. & AXT.ELO. GENERAL COMAUSSION MERCHANTS, ienlTTL la iberel advances made on eortsigaraeato 14-0 AffATIYIEW WILSON, Portrait and Minimum MI Painter. Rooms, corner of Post Office Ana] and PoenS street, entrance on Fourth at, near Market decfnild J. b. J. T.nraos, Commission Blerobamta. lk IN Old Levee st,N Orleans, keep constantly on 1.1 hand a large amostment cif Brandies or the mg brand& mined they offer for sale as agents for Durand & Co. Bordeaux, vim Mastery, J Brand, J Du rand & Co, Larookelle, J Jliorane, Coguas, Ado AI oo Whim (Vines In east • and cues, selectedtontlf ewe by John Durand 1:13o; besides Champagne Wine and Sweet Burgundy Pork feb7.l7. MBE partrirrraip herNetoforeOTlCE chiming tinder the firm 1 of A C BlLADLET,thdiseolired by the deraue of Mr. C Bradley. The bmloara I. carded an by A Bradley, who will settle the brainera of the late firm. 8111.91./T him removed his Foundry Wsuabouse from No 112 Second etrvet,to•No lU Wood Street, between Fleet and Second greets, to the ware house lately rweapied by ES A Berry, where he will keep e outuant/y 011 hand a general assortment of Cast. ttg., Crates, Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Ake. ryln 111: co-pastmnljphh:*retO'filore'Lexistin subsenbers, In the nenve of Constable, Duke CO, IN this day dissolved by dental consent. Men,. Berke tk. Barnes will settle the business of tho concern, for which purpose they ave militarised to use the name of the cone... NATHANIEL ()UNSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THCALAS HARNES. The undersigned have this day aesociated the msalvea In the name of BURKE k. ➢ARMS. for the purpose or nattnefacturing rice Proof Safes, Vaal , Door., ko. the., at the stand of .be late firm of Conmable, Berke •Co, where they will be pleased to recmye the patron• age of the customers of that boas. and their friends. EDMUND I.IU TIIOMAid DAMES. In taming. from the firm of Consteble, Berke k Co., I with sit:mete pl resommend Messrs. Burke I Banter to the eonfidermoof cry (Herds and the public. Feb 0.1050. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. febl2-dQ The Fronk/in Para !murex= Co. of DIRECTORS.—CharIes N. Daneker, Thom. Hart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, /and, R. Smith, Geo. W Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolphe k:, Dorm, David B. Drown, Mania Patterson. Gnaws. N. Bantus; Prealdent. Charles G. Danker, Secretary. Continue to make insure..., perpetual or limited, oa Onery dtilerlptioll Of property in town or country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. To Compaoy have reserved a large contingent Food, which with their Capital and Premiums, 'Maly invest ed, allord ample protection to the awned. The assets of the company, on Juuuury Ist, 1F79; as il lows Nnecably man act of Aram:tidy, were as NEI. Temporary Loans Sumas Cash. he. Since their IncorpOration, it period of 10 year., they have raid upwards of one million four hundred thin.- and dollar., N.M. by fire, thereby wconling ens Inner of the advuituges of insurance, aa well .• the h ritzy and dirpoiduon to meet with. prompmew all Itabottie. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Aiwa, marl-0b Other N 6 comer Wood and 3 , w. --- 11.1 - 14 and H.►lth►nea. trim Mantel Ufa and Health Insurarce Company 1. of PbiLadelphm Incorporated by the Legislature of Penneylvaco, ilaerh, leli. Char., perpiitdul. Capital, *OIO,IW. RATES towel 111,1• NT ',MIA', gams Cotara”, ar.d full 10 per cent lower than In usual rata. of Life lasuranee, as the followtar eon, patisoo will show: Thus, parson of the age la. swing um sltio Inn ilk., must pay in the Girard Pennaylvanas, 112. 3G, Penn Mutual, Eglki, Pavia, iiio, .11,111 a New Englaud, ri...16; New York Loe, Al bloat, 112,4 m Life and Health. Philailelphia,lll,sl. Dturrosa—Samuel D. Orrick, Charles B. Hall, W. P. Boone, Robert P. Kink, amine. P. Hayti, M. W. Baldwin, M. M. Reeve D. Chas. rt. B Campbell, Leona Cooper, 1. Rodm a n Barker, R. !LB ogle G it. Cope. Presadent—Samoel D. Ornek; Vme dent—Rob!. I'. Blear Secretary —Franew !applications wall be received. and every iniaraation given by 840.1L.PAIINESTOCK, Act, 0111te, Otiamiercial Room corner of 1 itior274l) Wood arid Thud sta, Pittaboargh PIU. AIM MARINE! INSIMANCIL. Tus INSURANCE CO. al North Amatlea will coke limited Insurance on pro perty , Rive t s ty and vicinity, and on shipments by Coal, Lakes, and by Sea. The poipertos of this Company are well mound, and fartaith as atoll. able land for the ample indastanity of all persons who detin to be protected by Insurance. myle WM. P. JONES., A, INIURANCIC, •t PIIUDarRD The Spring Garden Health Insurance CO, OFPEULADELPHIA--.-CAPITAL 8100,000 INSURES Males and Females avow the Expense and Loss oeensioned by Meknes or Accident, by an Immediate allowance of from 53 o, IM per week, for one, two, three: or roar years. The method of effecting this lammed, and the manner of awarding the sick allowance, will be fully explaine,d by the Agent. • LiaITLIL A person ma blame against Bickner. , Aceidee which will detain him from his ordinary business, foible., vie: For one For two year, by paying 14;53, end receive L3P week 640, Par three " " 7,55, " 5 For foar " " 10,33, " " I. Or, far a period or tow years, the ram of $1 4,40 paid ut Ore will *mere $9 per wee& while lock. Every necessary manmade= will be afforded on the subject of Insurance generally, by JAIdES DURNO k. CO, Agee's, dell-dem Odeon lltuldlats. The Pe Ivazda Company FOR INRRCANCIR ON LIeU ASO Caarruth Ann. - rm. rIMIS first Life insmance Company to the 11. States. Incorporated March Io,lel2—eliater perpetual. Capital 4500,101—a1l paid in. Having authorieed the undersigned to recrae apph cation, for Insurance, on which p01i0,,. will be isthai, iseconlout m their proposals and rams, which wall be made loom. to appheants al his office, No. MS Wood oFH Grit COCHRAN. IRE IOWAR1) PRINTS-0( all kinds, Coed andr Lester 'rota, ho hot French Importation, at W ?MARSHALL'S Pope, Store, =MI Wood et, bell% 4th and MitMond all. y - Pianos: im sabseriber offers for sale a large and splendid T wsortment of rtmewood and mahogany grand Ac tion PeILROIR, with and water. Coleman's celebrated &Mien Attachment. The aboTe Ineltymentd are war ranted to be equel to toy manufactured in t 0.,. coun try, and will be sold lower thee any brought from the East. P. BLUME, No 112 wood et, 24 dean above Nb N. B.—Ciry Panp tiii ba uteri at par for a few of be above auortsavat eaya v. U. - - ------ Irift4C.Tiiii — llipWa7. - CW - iiiii; THIS is to certify that I have apt 4. Cir A d gen U tret ' ke'ss i r o g k ning ; Patent Dinenderm Filter, for the clg lieu of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOHN GIBSON, Agent, foe VI Welter Id Gibson, 349 Broadway, O 10, DM. We have beeona N ing ct. one of the sheet artieles at the aka of the Novelty Work. for three months, on trial, and feel perfectly sattsled that it is • stsefel invert:mu, and we take pleasure In recommending theta us • non tut article to all who love pure water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly executed. ...,,, LIVINGSTON. ROGGEN & CO ElMai=l W. J. (ALEXIS, Book Binders. or W E o I:4enlenan4l4ttrodth.L'..".°,vf,i'z'.^,z earnerwcre 1105 lan prepared to do any work in our line with des patch. We attend to oar work personally, andsobs. faction will be given In regard to it neatness and de. rability. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub stantial!). Book. umbero or old books bound care fully or renal/oil Nunes porno books In Ihtf gilt let toper.. Prises Taose Gave work in our lino are invited to call. low! niya _ 840 DJI.LIAttieIkUerFt N CTtPIRLEO.TiII'A=. P Dudley roa; Jesse Hare lb.; A Thomas 6's; John & Lewis lb.; Horace & Archer Win Hobert MOMS Ills; Th. Metcalf 5 . .; . Oscar Du e. it's; Daniel , . unrivalled Ps; R King lb.; Pickwick IPc Latnertine WmSmith Sr -Richard Haw. O W King .Ts; A /Reason ft•s; . 11 . 1 s 11% ti l l Ran it Cog 6'6 Wm Spottsysclel lbs. The above, including soma of the most se.mtikr Lynchburg and Richmond brands Tobacco, on cot... - ignment Item manufacturers, end fur rale by WATFIRMAN, 31 Wales and fit Front rt• TUST received and fur stale, at No 110 Savona street. tl • largo and splendtd assortment of Fluid Jinn! and Catophene Lampe, which will be mild at Me low. est eastern prices for stash. The attention of dealers respectfully eoliotted. r 26 SOLOMON 801101tFIR. MEE!EMI== - • W. R. MURPHY J. M. BURCHFIELD. THE Retail Dry Goods business heretofore conduct. ad by W. R. Murphy, at North End corner Fourth and Market eta, Pittsburgh, will hereeter be earned on by the new Ann of MURPHY & BURCHFIELD.. Who respectfully solicit • onntinuance of the calls of the old canonic,e of the establtehtnent, and the public In general. st large and carefully selected mock of Gooey will always be kept on hand, and every in duennent °farad ot the way of low yucca. N.H.—W. H. MURPHY will centaur tee Whole. sale butane, as beret/afore, In tee rooms Up Maus, evilness from Fourth et. titre Morgan's alergaue• Gauss s yrup. T1,1°68.&-h...7,71,11T,..;' tS rap can eon- From the Evening Tribune, Feb.20,1E30.. 'I Cocoa Siter.—We coo p ea I t —td du. medicine for cough., aa It has cared a moat aggravated attack. It is a very dtfferent affair trout the otdinary pausal suadicines. If you have a cold try it. Prepared and sold:vokolevale and retail, by JOHN D. MORGAN, Drugglet, nerd Wood et. 1 door below Diamond they Islaskalsossaaa. erIIIE aabserlbera, baying laar largo Smokehouses, are prepared, at ell limed, to walk, bong and make Park oo reasonable Lerma. KiEa & JONES, Proprietors Jaa3l Canal Basin, near 7tli PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY' MCfitNENG. APRIL. .11; 1850, To Mothen tool the ' medical Profestion 9111 IE subwriber haa just received • large sapply• o 1 A. K PRATrn ARTIFICIAL NIPPLIN. The ) are. andiron exception, the only ardele cenain to of ford relief and cure wire or meted Nipples; sod from bletheir Pasuechir construitio i nve rte d l in inralua .hen thh Nipples aryi or in any m.ner defective. Dr Pratt. Patent Breast Pump, a new invention spressly for the relief or painful and sore Drees., h y en distended with milk; they are far superior to now in use. Dr. Pratt's Patent Nursing Bottle, which feat erred mg—when introduced—all miter kinds. Dr. Drnit's Cupping Apparatus, the mostsimple mid • e neatest snide in use for Copping. For sale, wholesale and retail, by mr29 R EsELLEn ,67 Wood et MATIO aMN. KNOW all men PROCL who m A e sick an d ieted with die /M. ease of the bladderand kidneys, with rheumatic MM. in bank or lisnirs, stidjoints, old sores,running Ware fa, that they min be cured by taking the To. Mama! You may,talk about Its being a noartun m muck as you please, but this does not make it en for we proclaim in the (nee of an honest that It has virtues which are not contained in any other remedy. The man who is racked with pain and suf fering from discus. can for Ally Gen% get relief from any of We ills emuntepted above. Reader: it masts - very little to make a trial. This Petroleum ix no ram nem—. command, put up for the me puma., of imposing on, the community; but ais • redy olabormed by the muter bend of nature, and babbles up from the fro ease of our mther earth In its original purity, end of to entering hummi y a ready remedy, a certain and che cure. It ban cored Piles after other medicines have failed to render any relict It has cured ttleramatiam of long Mending, and of dig - waist and most pantultharacter. II has cared CholenkiNforbus by one or two dowel It has cured old etuseaof.Dierrhers, in whirr every other remedy has been of no avail. As a kcal femedy brime and scalds, it latrine, then any medical tom iu pound or ointment that we know of. It will cure ail hie'. or frosted feet, In a few applications; undmbl ed testimony C. be furnished at. truth cor.iend in the above natement by calling au Samna M. Kier, Canal Haan, 7th street; or either orate menu. Vlrgter McDowell, corner of Wood street and a Alley; R. E. Sellers, 77 Wood street, D. A. El liot fr. D. Mll. Curry, Allegheny city, are the agents. jan3l GAUTTUN EITEL! A man by the name of RUEL CLAPP has engaged with a young man of the name of S. I'. Townsend, and oaes Ms mune to put up' n aterseparilla, which they call Dr. Townsend's Sarraparilla denominating It GENUINE, Ongleab etc., Townsend is no doc tor and never was, but was formerly a worker on rail roads, ettals, and the like. Vol he amines the title of Dr, for die purpose of gaining credit for what he is not. Ile Is th e out ttrds hr del “Tnekv of a / a uks,. which he says, I have eolil the use of my name for 17 a week. I will give S. P. Townsend 3700 Übe will produce one sing!. wither/ p dec e iv e d, This I. Is to caution the public not to lieved, and ruche., none bat the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend's Swttparilla, having on It the Old Dr.'s likeness, his family coat of arum, and his stu ntmen, UKu the coat dawn, Principal (X5c8,102 Nu. 2: w irvo'rlsLC'tzyr.).. OLD It t DOCTOR JACOB x ^ t TOWNS 110 ;. THE ORIGINAL ' DISCOVERER OF TLC! • TOVI7NSFLND 84LUSAPALEU4LA Old Dr. Townsend isms about :Dream of a,ee. and' has long been known as the AUTLIOR and D/CCO VEREII of the GENUINE ORIGINALuTOWNSEND SARSAPARLLIII.." Being poor, be yes compelled to hmit manufacnire, by which means it has been kept oat of [nuke; and the soles circumscribed to those only who land preyed Ito WWI add known its value. This Gaston URZQL.O.II-1, Passsysever ra comuifsetered on the largest scale, and Is called far throughout tile length and breadth abbe land. Unlike young S. P. Townsend., it improves with age, and never changes, but for shebettem ter curie it is prepared on scientific principles by a sen-nuic Mani I The highest knowledge of .11emistry, and the latest discoveries of the Art, have ail been brought Into re nts...min the manufacture of the Old De's ber.ape. rills. The Sarsaparilla mot. it Is well known to mod teal men, contains medicinal properues,and some pro perties which are Inert or useless; and others, whlch, if retained to preparing it for arc, prolate ferments. non sod acid, which is 'Mations tome system. Some of the properties of barsaparilla are so calmile That they r e ly evaporate and are lost in Me prepare. non, I( they are not preserved by a seiennfic p rovers, known oil. to Ow. unwrlenced in its manelmlore. Moreover these principles which ay So per, or no nit es balation, under brat, ere the very cr. semis; ermliral properties afore root, Which e, yea :a it all saiae The 11,017,43 11 41,711 13 170,001 • 51,,,113 TS &k,b114 37 0E21311 GENUINE OLD DEL JACOE TOW-N,ENIXESAESA DILL% prepared, its. a:I to prriprio, iluurcar. saianl, runt uru arnt retonred, over,. thing. capable uo beeuroinz •rul or of IrtLauniaaVro, rc,r...,ed 4.4 trj,ricet, tfiru :very p.Luele value in .eeo• tr 4 to • pure add roneentroied form; uod th. It t 1 reoderod incapable of lourig an/ of n. valuuitie urn tie ioo Lee.. propurtrea Prepao,l tat. we y, ols roma :t . poircrf . °l uzertt in the CL;11 , : or INNU EILPk L DIS EA SJ:S. Hence the reacnn why we hear commendations on every side in its hirer bs mem, shd ehthiCert. tVe Ind it dolts wonden in the cure of Count:lnnen, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rhenstalwes, scrofttla and Piles, CO•11•01.1111, all Cutaneous hrop. liooy P"" :?:n 11. ; ,"b :! . ...0 d .!!!!!• '1 75. 6 :111.r t "g fra' LHFURITY OF 711 F. BLOOD. ll s possesses a marvellous eSe asy in all eenuptalms ariing from indienton, from Acidity of the Stomach; from unequal eireelautni,determinalion of blood tante head, pearnation of the bean, cold feet std cold hands cold chills and hot dashes Imre the body. It itas not hod its equal in coughs and colds; and pronunes ea., expectoration, and gentle perspired., relaxing tute lare of the lung, throat, and every otherpan. Slut to nothing is its eseellente more manifestly taro and set nowledded nom in .11 t ind• and mattes of FEMALE CUM 1 . 1. A I IsTS: ft== It Work. wooden! In eate. o. dnor or white. . Failtng of the lVngsib,Ohavoett.d, Vapor-axed, or Pain rat Menses, Irregularity of the coe,..nraol perioda and the lac; as.d la in runt, all forma of die Kid. Vey Due•ses. By rrinovlng. o..sationo, and regula ting the genetal eysteni, (vl , , to u n e e and atmnrch to the Whole body. and cure. all of NERVOUS DISEASES AND DPEILITV, dsod Ulm prevents or relieves • green variety o (' the iseases as Spinal Irritation Neuralgia, SL Virus Dime, 4i:emoting, Epileptic Pas, Couvutitons,,he. In not this, Men, cm Alantmee TOO Pite-Escsavrie N•m? Lim can ans . aflame things be said of S. P. Town. .end's interior article! Thleyoung man's liquid la not to be COY PARED WIT H T 01.13 DR.'S, because of the Grand Fact, that theone otcapable of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the eth er DOM; it sour., ferments, and blowy the bootee containing it into fragments; the mine, sold itq.d el plodurg and damaging other goods! ISlust not this bor. nblo compound be puti.ottous to the system? What! pin acid into a system already diseased with mid! What rause. Dyspepsia but acid? Do we email know, that when food sours 112 . cm/ rtonzachs, what msclue. produce.?—flatuleneehaartbum, plEpitatioa Mate heart, beer complaint, dlinime, dysentery, ehohe atut I correpoon of the blood? Whet is Scrofula but an acid bonior in the body! Whnt p.mleees all the humors whirl brut, on Eruptions of the tittn, Scald Head, Salt Rbeem,Eryeipeles,ode r Whlle Fever-Seta., and all ulcerattons real and external? It is noth ing under heaven-but an sold sulnitance, which soure, and thus spode all the fluids of the body, mote What causes Rheumatism but a sour mid Auld, whirl Insinuates itself between the join. and elsewhere, ir ritating and Inflaming the tender and delicate o+l.ll spay which it acts! So Merrily.. disease., of impu rity of the blood, of deranged circulations, and Scatty all the ailments which adliet hum. nature. Note, .11 not horrible to mate and mil, and Infinite. lyvrojec m tee this OSURING, FEE WF.NTINO, ACID "CONIPOUND' OF S. P. TOWNSEND! and yet be would fain Lave it 1111deratood that OD Ja cob Townsend's Genuine Original Samapartile, Is an tositation of hi• inferior preparation!! Heaven forbid that we should deal In an article which would bear the most distant resemblance to P. P Townsend'. •rtlels! Mid which ahould bring down upon the Old Dr. anon • monntaln load of complaints and moninattons from agents 'ob./lave sold, ,tnd pur chaser, who have Sued S.F. Townsend's Fermenting Compound We wash it understood, because it IS the absolute truth, that S. P. Townsend'. article and Old Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla are heavetewide apart, abut infanittly dissimilar; that they are unlike in every par. titular, having not one single Hung ao common. It Is to arrest trends upon the unfortunate, to pen balm into woended humanity, to kindle hope In the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi. got into the crushed and broken and to banish Infiniti. ty—that old OIL JACOB 'TOW:MEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and means to bring Ids Glenn UNIVERSAL CONCETirRATeD aastm, with., the reach, and to the knowledge of all who Dead it, that they may !cant mid know, by ioyiut el. penance, its TS& nac.o.l rowan au tile.. For sale by .1 KILOS CO., Wholesale Agent for Western denzisylvimia; J. ammi, dirmlogiiiim, Dr. J. SAHOEANT, Allegheny! Or. J. CASSELL, Filth ward. G. W. CA lIDNER,th ward. Plusher', h 01.0 LIVER COhlPLAlAll.—Another care purviews,/ by lasing the engine!, only true and genuine Liver Astaidssart, Drown co., 0, March Pa, ISE'. E. S r ellars—ln April last my wife tuns attack ed with Li ve Complaints, and had the advice of two physicians, who tried various remedies without pro. ducMg any good effect Having head of your eel,. boated Liver Pills, I concluded to give them a fait trial. I purchased one boa of AIL ?colt, of Xberdcen, d=an ve them according to the Carcelion,.. -y Alll.lll she s g reatly relies . I procured a second box, which entirely eared her, and she now rainy. cue.. lent health. I have used them myself, and pronounce them the best family meJleina I ever tried. Yours, ke., Plants must, Prepared and said by R. E. SELLERS, 07 Wood et, gold al 1 8 by Druggists generally in the two cities. Mol Vermttage. 7T lIAS NRVER, in a vinglo inetnace, failed to el pel Mims. Caret. Coon. Musa, V.., July 22. 1f47. Hr. R. F. Sellers: You will recollect that When w.• were in Pillstiargh, in November last, you strevailt. I On es to Iry to Tore Vert:l4oMM lest It virtues.. MI did so, nod through the winter we aolitovhat sse pur chased, which gone it a lair reputanori: In May brit we perch e Ned wore, which was disposed of tenneth• lately. We then ordered more, which reached al an the 10th of the present month, and on yesterday we sold tha last of two deters hooka. We God It wt val uable a ...dime, that every person of a (amity wish es to have it in their pOssession. There who have purchased It world be periectly willing to give certificates of Its exclenc Out ef the quantity we have vended, it has n e ver, y in a aingle Instance, failed to cape/ worms. Your friend, {Vero C. Muni Fe Co: Prepared and sold by rt. E. SELLERS, .57 Wood at, and sold by Druggists generally in the two emus. Ntittt elin r i — aperitat Congo syrup. T. 7 oar P Z ' n 11 ." ow`i 17 in c g ra e nTr 7.1 nso h i cenity to Re curative propentee. An aged and highly respected Ml.O, after ming it, expressyd epon of this very popular rough remedy by mying, 'its worth Its weight In gold." An editor of one of mu daily papery elutes in note—.latarays keep It in my house, end would not, on any IILOCOUnt, be without It." An obi country man a m, am estlelled, !flee • trial of three or fent yeam, that it le tlao best caggh medicine have ever jned, either in the Old or Kew. World." If you have a cough. get • botch and New itcosts but tld cent.. ' nark come a and Coat Iron Italltist, rgthiE eubecribers beg leave to inform the pu b b e rho J. they have obtained from the East all the late and fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both for booths ann eennivernia Pumas ....king to procure hand some patterns will pleam call and examine, and judge for themselves. Railing will be furnished at the short est noticeand in the but manner, at the earner to Craig sneßebecea weep, Alle ono c 4. migth-dif A.LAMOAM• KNOX. MEDICAL Plettlflaelslam,llgfggiall $1414 flPfotagtdrlfs ITITIRDI2II. rs. TOHNWRIGHTGCo are prepared to Leila Cutting gi and Woolen hlachirtery of everv.dereyiptionomeh as Cudiag Machines Spinning Framer; rrs, Thawing Frames, It dams. *lnds, Waspeis; len Dressing rancs, Looms, Clad Grinders, kp. "rougiti Iron Shafting turned, all sins of Cut Iron, Pullon and Hangers of the latest penults, slide and baud Lathes; and tads of all not ice. gs of every description tarnished on short Patterns% made to order for MITI Dels.PlS, /rim Dallier, iSe. Bloom Pipe for bean ins Facto ri es. Cast Iron Window Sub and fancy Cas tings grandly. Orders left at the Wertheim of J. Palmeri Co., Liany street, will have prompt num. rims. Co Re G. fer tra Illackstee, Bell it Co., J. bloorehesdp C. &kl Warner, John Irwin & k Pittsburgh t J. 171. Warner, Steubenville. tulle THE AILSONKTJUIr TlEfilientlen of the public u respeatmily tailed to theifollowin esrtifinatas: ei a. . Easa—Having tamed a gauntry' of Good g had w bar y your Areometer, I find 'the remit prom your inalrnincat California reeommend tho use °flit thoo going to . as %ha ben nisthod for ob taining tho real 'aloe of Gold. Reap.youts. J. B. DUNLEVY, Gold Bomar. Piusbnigh, idarekfl, 1811. Prcronnes, March 7, 1840. • hie. Eatma—Dear. Sir: Having examined the "Are. metc;" Manufactured at Thy rooms, I do not hunate to eantmond it to the use of these gentlemen who ara about : replaying to California in search of Gold. It pees a close approxitta don to the apectfie gruel toof metal., and anti certandy enable the advento . amt to mcertain when his placer Ls ylelsling Gold. _ merit ." Team. reef, ). R. APCIANTOCR. CLOTHING—J . I7M rWeeiiTaTo7tia Callfernia Elpedilinai a complete assortment en • Gesn'Elimie Clothing, at prices ranging from $3,50 to 1111,511 for suit of coat, pants nod hat. For sale at the Indta Robber Depot, Nos Wood al. dec23• , kII PHILLIPS , sl.ll liE sobscnber offers fur sale, the STEAM BRICK T WORKS, above Ltivrencesille. comprialng • • Steam Engiue, 2 Boilers, °Mould Aloe:tine, capable cif ruenufactunug they Premed wills of dry clay, cc token from baik,t . per. dnyi th ine e.t.a. , land on the Alteglicny nyer,no which are. kilns and sheds, mushier and clay sheds, wheelbarrows, trucks,' shovels, spade., an,every thing requisite to cocas. mence opciazions at so hour. notice. Price, including the patem right to use Said machine; $7,000 - -.ewesof. pap...nude easy. Withoutilre land. SUDO. IS panicelars. address 11F.NRY MERS.I77, aur47-dtf • No Ile Motiongehele House. . Sit ACKLETT If. VIIIIT/112, H NO 099 WOOD STREET. ATE now c ore • trio and general acoruneet n of DRY 0000 S, which they offer to City and County Merchant. at reduced pncec and which they will sell aa gr vt Indacenten, to cub bayer or for approved ere Perna diatallassi Shop. Vi r lGllTlKAN—Mansfacturer atoll kinds of em. _U.° Sonoma misdlert fellllegheny nth Pa. The above work. being now in rid ...ening,. rationa am prepared to oxcart Wen with dispatch for all kinds of machine*, in my lint, doe!, as willow*, pickers, spreoden, cards, grind.mitailratilles,rairiny.. dramos from. *, speeders, thrbssils, looma, wminn do cards, able or single, for merchant°, eodomy . workj muled,jacks, &c.; slide mid hind lathe. and tools °, gem ern. all kinds of shafting made m ardor, or pims old. en for (oaring factories or mills at reasonable cholla. RE, , To—Kennedy, Childs & Co.. Blackstock, Bell & Co., King. Pennock & Co" Jas. A. Grog'. .BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEENSWARE MANUFACITRERS, I:lllrintagham, [noir Pittabiriihd Pi. Oft", No. 37 Walt" Ji.. &Items 21f.e.thi: and Wood, rottabirgi. lIFINVLLt. constantly k eep oa bond a podium* men WSirfi of OtIT own ItIIIIMUCIUTt .1i ..p.,jorgpalay. NVEtolau and eetintty Mer chants are respectfully tn vit.! to calliad vim*. Ger themeelves, we toe deICIIALSed *ell Ch.l,rer hart ccccc :before beea °cited to the pub thir.- • trronkrs..nt by toral,atoomputle4 by tkot elute. ~ .ttcrooso. . .ol2. l lt:o, promptly auontled to. toro M. il ie W p l . llT i yi t a C t l.) - I, ' ‘ fe r o t tLrelc . igu i llzi Info: Lacock, between Federal aralPandasty steets: Iham are now making amt are prepared to receive orders fur every dusenptton of vehicles, Cciachee, giasioN, ranches, !niggles, Plimsolls, ke., nt their Ici experience in th e mannfileture of the s hov e s...A, and the facilities they bate, they feelconfidentthey ate enabled to do work on the mast reasonable term, with mode wanting articles in their line. Paying ' , ailment, attention to the selection of mate rna', and haring time bet Competent workmen, they bone no Gammon in wit...ranting their work. We therefore ask the intention of the public to this inatta. N. Repairing dont in the best =ranter, and' on the retmenaidr, terra., lather Thomism P•rklia sob, 3 4.A.Ntif i bm.:PUitg.8—Lathei, rIISIC y ~ libusin and large Screws of al& knoLts Itress Castings and Brass Werke of Perry and First • 11140. genera ll . Coyo te' • THE same:neer, beetura• pare ate/ the Fluttery of EstentToo, Jr., totaled et the above inane, eresld reepeetfally inner= het 'needs and the pablie that he is Impure to Ell any °Nes" in rue lam, on the net masonable nrateenyoud urn thumb, aod wtll , e th ei'l"'" Alt ' Sl49 PARKINA3N.: P/Ita.b¢l4o,Jan.l, 1 1 / I VlMl — al4otad °raw' estretellralmorrt rais Thomas Parkinson. I tale the liberty to Mien for hem the pennonc of my Steeds and the yratehe, • kenos confide:et that any favors conferred win be duly apyrectated and promptly attcadrd to. JAMES PATTEIIZON, Jr. Pittratuerrah, Su. Iffed.--Den7efElm IGHT raned then time, 1111.1.0 OF EXCJIAIIeiGE, pay chasede en Ciescoosene, Loce.vole and miloule, pur on the moat ta•orablo terns. v Ile if SIVA SONS ef a... emu.rratrau ammo.. fiC.ll6l: h. AT/UNISON, Ph an. ILINVN,,, Worm AND hiAsirr, Pn-ennoe, TIN AND SHEET IRON %PARE AM, Week , south Work. • , Steam Boots built so order. frocctsi attention riven to MSm boat work. Hare on hand.. lane urortment of Copper and Br.* Kettles, Tmn Stem:W..oot Cookincbtoves, Portable Forges, various elzes—a very convenient ra nch, for steamboats, Conran:lla emncrants, or nil road cames. W p e w mat ould respectfully lords steam boat men and others to eon and are oar articles and pleat befont perelmstne el .embers 0.17 • ITAS Au return-a from the Eastern Clues, and j• recereteg a large wonety of ...noble Good.. to artnela he re4prctrulty Inviter the ottentlon of mere k ants and pcdiara. No S 4 Wood ot. febll W AIITIQD, AILV at the lIALTIAIORE, PHILADELPHIA, LI NEW )(ORR. DOS PON AND NEW ORLEANS ENL:RA L AGENCY AND COSINISSIONOFFICR. Young MENin wholmale and retell mores, and other respectable business, to netas Bank-keeper., Sales. men. loners, Ilar-Ireepers, Waiters, Farmers, Coach men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, Calleetors, Ovenicers in all branches of basinem, fro. We have a: all time. • large number of goal...ethane on bend, which pay from 300 to 163,0 W per mourn. Those In want of situation. of any kind would do well to gave us a call, so we have age* in 'each of the ISbee et tier,,which will cyanide as io plare every applieant In a suitable situation at the shortest notice. We have • large acquiaintanee in all the Mimic named nines, which we trust willenable us to give entire satisfac tion to all who may favor tai with a call. TAYLOR dr. TAYMAN, No. fib gocond between South and May. N. B —Persons living to any part of the U. States, and nobles to obtain • situation us Baltimore, or M aier of the above eines, will have their wants imme diately attended to by eddressang la a line, Ipost.patd) as by so doing they will o.lAlli both trouble mud so. prima which they otherwise would an by coming to the city, and seeking employment for themselves Address, TA} LOH & TAYMAN, N 0.69 Second street, Baltimore, hid Judd'. El•dleated Liquid Cadets. T H IS is undoubtedly the best preparation ever di. covered, for dressing Barns, Scalds, Cuts, Ctill bialns,lleurres, or my kind of fresh wounds, elm for sore Nipples a remedy uneemled. This ani ale is intended for family me, and Mould be found ill the posseseion of every famtly ro of in lmd. fileehantes who are in re too l danger of injury to their parsons through occident, and the improper nr cantles, nee of tools, will rind this article to bo invalu able to them, and Clint. fair Mill will eoneider It in. elmen.hie. It Is n excellent substitute fer adhnlve plaster or all blot. anthout soy or ita meow/antenna, mud la aei medicated an to allay all pain immediately and most perfectly. A very little applied any on the tartar. of the •kol, immediately!arms a firm, .moodt ...that'. ' , err eller ler to the amoral .uncle or hater akin; which may be freely washed with artier end Fear', without any la jury to the woend. Ile article freely atard and highly recommended by the mom eminent phymma. of Neer FA'hiland, and Other porn of the country. For note Orthr by H F SELLERS, 52 Wood at pr'`Nß — The trade .uPPLicd at th e aumfiumames prices. 1564 CON OOI7 .&PIIIO•PINCYCLOP2eDIa OF SCIENCE, lATERATURE, & ART; QYSTEHATICALLY arranged by G. HECK, with Q five hundred Vince steel plates, by the most ono. tomeohed moms of Germany. The Teal Inutslated and edsted by SPENCER P. BAIRD, A.M., M. a, Professor of Neutral Smenees to Ihekieson College, corltsle, Pn. The Iconographic Eitcyclnpecitta will be published in ed part, cash contatning to plates end de pegas of triter press, attest' in It convenient pen alto, In which •ti hi.critters can keep their copies In perfect order un• tit completed, when they can he Inland. • • . I lnc part is patrolled ever,.month, at the very low price of 81,011, bleb will adult. oil loseraof untrue. lion to the most beautiful and form, howev er acenty their taculw, to become subscribers to the work. i±ittiseriptiona token for the whole work only. From the Boston Post. The work shown not he Coupled fora moment With any of the trashy or popularly wientifio Fabheatioas 01 the day. Form the New York Tribune. Tire eseeeding beauty or the 'plates recommends them to the atimmoo of the Inver of am. Fnm the litrermy World. A well executed tohd work, of sabstantial The Intr./Lotion uf Olt work i n to general circulation among oar mbrol r und other libraries, public and pri vate, cannot WI to ne productive of aummtuge. From the Washuigron (D.C.) Usdou. We cannot too highly recommend the work. The engmvings era in the highest stlye of art. No work her ever beiore been published in this country to splendidly illustrated and th e printed manor is of an I equally high order t 'slum thermal* for families. six NOs. of thl• Invaluable Erteyelopmdia arc now published end ready far subscribers. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD. Bookseller and Impanel, 63 Wood at, mai (Alter Ist ArrYea r rlit st, near Woothl Jectill an Ish d Atnetitian T Am LOCKWOOD, Bookseller ate Importer, 0 104 Fourth intern, a few Coors tam of Wood, VW 63 Wood rtreeb) has for sale-- London Architectural Ilagarine, 5 vols./a tr.-- Wood's Tremlse on Red Roods, 0 ve.—Sparkra Life Imo Writings oT Washington, It vets, Elve.— , Spark's Life and Writings of Franklin,lo cols, royeTero---. Itistory of Englentli Pictorial eiltrioni voliMmyallito. —Shaspente, rietnrial edition. 3 rots,' royal 000 .. JANES yj. LOCKWOOD,. mrllo 104 Four* si . . . . . . . . . _.. . . i ...,,,..,:, - .... . . • , . .. . . . 1 -•-•-...,.- . - •••• _." '• • ,..-:i _.. 11. : .. .. - • . • . , .• ...... . . ____ =•- - • . " -- ._1 ~.i: i'',..,, , C.. :i 0 .°., ,:. ..a.......: .. ~. MIKELLIMOUS. AEU' COACLI FACTORY. Arrangements h.., been made by which they will be able to furnish young ladies facilities equal is any in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Claw: col, and Ormonental education. A full course of Pit kookiest! and Chemical Lectures will he delivered durum the winter, illustrated by.appnrmus. The de vain:tents of Voeitand Instrumental Music, Modern Lang - nage*, Drawing and Painting, will each be under theca= of a comp.:dont Professor. By close attention to the moral and intelleetind improvemeat of their pu pils, We Ilancipols hope in meat a continuation of Oa liberal patronage they have hitherto ennwed. For term.,see circular or apply to the Principal,. blo-dt, Itaspratt & Sons , Pstent. Seder Ash. 3;)1,2 CA.Slist nrol .deny) arrive, &rem from the rnAJ mennfacturvis, via Ncw Orleans, per .hi Attain, 13eadtcla, /erste& and Amsia, nrtuch will be sell, on armval, at the lowest market price by W & 1 1 11PC11111/11KE, St 620 100 Macy .1 frjelley will also receive large styptic. drams tho spites vla P.Ahllelphla and Baltunare. • J. A. A. BEASON £ CO., wpci. 60 Market street, are daily receiving WSW all DI definer." Goods from the leading resnantelOdes d r ad s eeentsy, and of the latest andortations. 'realities waist they eller, In bang connected with a bpose so te eut, eUrles Item to.orthasoeode at the lowest a valusuonS p , and keep th elr stock Poh l ad de sirable at all seasons.. They have • Ana assortment of None leerier 0 00 4, to which they .obey, Um early attention of Owls friends end the wadi& it:L:74w* TRANSPORTATION. GEE. WOl GEE. WO , WINTICIL sitlumaimatuarr. Mil& 1850. Mei* IIfeEITDI I 77ETTIL ' anriaIN LINE, • Plititslroggh Awl Phltadqlphlia. .4 13 .the Milieus orilhe enlist abodt Wine closed vire , worikt lam* the public that we have again brought the Conutoga Wegonsinto re g Maiden, and rill be prepared to forward 6013 pounds daily, (aommettaing on hlonday,lhe'Alik lost.) A Car leaving Philadelphladally by the mall train for Chant hersbn rg, and the' Wagons traveling' day and night, crudites the delivery of Goode in five days. Apply to 19111. BINGHAM, Pittsburgh, 11119011A19 & DOCK, N 0.193 hf ether street, aorYOPhiladelphia.. WIATEIL . AIIIIANCIZEICIM : • 1850. Nag EXPRESS WAGON LINE SO ND, riox PITTSBURGH AND PH ILADELPHIA. Tut:. Flea Days, (Sundays excepted,) running Day and T" public: le respectfullNighy lalortned Mar thrs Line, which has been In saccenful operation the two previous winters, will again commence running on Monday, Meted, of November. A Car will leave Philadelphia and Chamberobargh daily each vraywith the Mall Train, and from Chum bersbargh with relayaof horses:manilla day and ntgbl. Wo am prepared to forward LOCO tbs :might daily by the above Line. .Apply to a LEECH R CO, Piasbargh, or to—HAßßlttar. LEECH, ' • • No 13 Sooth Third Street, Philadelphia. nor2o-dtf Mitia I Mail ,ILELIANCE.FIVE DAY LINE oa Tlla comrzTA:sca Cr KIDDiLANDIZIS CID TA VITA 12110 LSD' ■timty9 . _ PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. LIMOS fomented by Win Line are carried is th g...1r mail train to Chanthershergh, and are immediate. ly loaded in Wagons going Weide. day through to Pittsbargh. The horses are rationed every le miles, which (ran nes the prompt delivery of goods wi th in the time 'Prondsed. • The Wagons will lame our watch.. daily, (Pen. days exteptisd.) at o'clock, P. N. Shippers day that no more goods will be taken eneh h. c. he , punctually earned JAMES DAVIS Ir. CO IV Market greet, Philadelphia. JOHN M'PADEN CO, • Canal lithalit,'Pituburgh. 1011 N hIeFACICY At CO., Fmniomonoo G Cow. mon Mmacommos, Canal Boils, Penn meet, Piumbutet. 'DUNKS N. DAVIS L CO.. Puma Fames eve COW Philadephia, mamma ,Ice •2 227 Mesta, and SI Commerce _.M . Advantas made by either of the above, en Viper, Woe; and Other merchandise, consigned 43 them for We. Jane 1711110 N LINZ. WINTER ARRANGEMENT; rtg, "1...%., ' " jr.b 18590 t:nrvi.2.7:4l; and rblladelpida " are prepared to receipt tor WOO Ns freight daily. Moth way deliverable through in Ail dam Modals ereci.d. HENRY ORAFF & Co , Canal Basin. Pittsbnrigh DUTILLE IIUMPLIREYS tr. CO.- io73tarkes st. Flora. atiaM..6 wastrobantas Tranaplartatlosa Lines For the Transportation of arYarnairolza MID IMO.. r Y ??0030103 10 Yin, AVICLVIA aro s vr VIA FENNSYLVA II VIA CANA LRAIL ROAD, Without roohiopLog. TIME-10 Days Rams of Froglat always as low It• slay paw re.puisiLde Idne. . C A MeADOLILTV,A , Co.. Proorietno. Cana Bowie, a Arian—ROSEMORRILL rom Ltalti Pa tmoraoburict. CHARLES RAYNOR., Phllaztelphi. WEEIGIIIT LIME Ex eta st vet/ ihr the seeointretelation of Use WAI FILINUIIT BUSINESS Bedanten Pittsburgh, Waireville. latuattessii. !Ulla Shp y b r Pa . s an n daella nin idepend nee. upon hav ing Luca pestspromptly tot:warded ned . delleereal of e r t m or gz arrt cm the Carat or Rail Road, tit tatr twin fur JOHN MILLER, Proprietor. A ne•—lt II Co NAN, lormovra, JOHN IV IbLEllllolllday Muni C A MOL lILTY .P. CO Pm ILELIANHE POLITAD E BOAT LIME : a:U=l/856e KM tag gltOralorkraost or 111111.C.010110 arnvevier ,_,EITTELIERG - 11 AND PHILADELPHIA. Ilar-Plorancroll* or op old earnblhhed • • L. Low Portable-Xmas Ilmii, ategoir fbnyprema -. to rotate, goods for eloputent on opening of Canal,. Having mach increased their (anilines, taste room feer storage la ample and complete. No tramhipinent takes place on this Line; the goods mg put into section portable boats, are not disturbed tit arrival at their destinanon,--thos avoiding band• n ril&th om e t t , tee points of Johnstown, Hollidayabarg, No rharKe mode for receiving or forwarding, or ad. rtaim charges Al! goods forwarded promptly, and open aa eg bur terms as by eny Line. Oar neighbor lines differ a utoheir reeprinslbibty. We have, for the last 10 years, born "The Aciiance. Line," an have levernev forfeited oar tide; and we think we have earned p 01 kOII.IW changing ago name to the rramarsta of " Tog R. 12170,13110111.0 Loran JOHN McFADEN t CO, Canal Bruin, Pittsburgh..JALILHAPDAV,IS &CO, ' bot , No PG fil.k.t.n. Philadelphia. ' --IriSTIEFrMELL --AtiLlftlft-.--" .i...k ! .5 . 1. . A:1" ' -: - ":- 1850. Skala' EXPRESS WAGON IJNE ....Tti HOUGH Iti FIVE DAYS I . • .. . • TILE subscribers, having suspended their canal entities until the opening of the Spnng Narviga.. iron, kayo established an Express Lint by Rudrouland Wagon between Phtladelphia and Pittsburgh, by which they are prepated to forward GOOD poonda eaci day, and receipt for the delivery . of Me awn. in 3 day. They beg leave to enure their Mead. and the pub- Ile that then arrangements regarding ratua, regularity and taToe thent waaespatch, h their comm cannot fail to command.. ive aallafacwin to all who ei 'fAAFFRTh O'CONNOR, aortas Penn and Wayne as, Pittsburgh: THOMAS IIk.HIHDON da7 278 Musket street, Philadelphia. Modern and Antique. Furniture, JAMS® W. WOODWELL, fa, Thum BT., Farm.. • J. W . Wei Respectfully inform. the 2: roadie that he has caul• pieted his spring' stock of FURNITURE thelargest end mos:varied amortincet ever offered tor mie in this city, comprising ...resat sans of Romwoon, Men..., and Ream ewer, mimed, ornamental end pinto, suitable Wr Petrlon, Drawing and Bed Rooms, all of whtelt will Le sold at the lowest prices. Lemons desiring Furniture of any deseription, ens apectfelly Invited to ceil andexamine his stock, which embraces ovary description, from the cheepest and plainest to the moat elegant and costly, of which the totlowirmcompnees part.: Tele a tete Doles, Tete a Tete Divarm Conversation Chairs; Elientiethien Crontst Memnon do Louis XIV do Extension do - Rutin unique; What Nets Toilet Tables Louis Xiy Dommadom; Delo of York's Couch; 60 Sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth covers; SO Divans, do do do, 40 doe Mahogany Parlor Chain; CO " Rosewood do do; • IS " Walnut du do; • • • • W " Corto'Scat do, 4 Mahogany Rocking do; 2 u do Pima eaools; 30 Marble Top Contra Table, PO do do Woots Stood.; w x.nogu,7 11 do WardroVer Id I:11'k Walnut do; d Cherry do. A very large assortment of Common Celan and oth er Ftz nun. UHF tealaill to mention. k 1:15. - Steam Baal. Iltrataled on the ralariebt eater. Ad orders promptly attended to. P. S.—Cabinet Masers can be supplied with all sorts ill Mahogany, Walnut, and Veneers, at considers alp reduced ;diem g bin XI 'CORO do CO., C fa' Corner of IVood and Fi :Sireae. 'EIARTICULAR attention paid to ma Nee, read, lien:Jewett can rel, span getung these llati and Caps from Oar tstablialoWlit of We now MATSMIALS and Womtanhfuh, of the taint MGM, and at thc. LOwl. Connuy Merchants, purchasing wholesale, are reapeetfOly lamed to edit and egandtte oar Stoat as wm can say with confidence that as regards oraurr and rams, it will not suffer Ina comparison 'nth any boom in Philadelphia. (ably Pt TVs 11 - 4ebrair. is wriViu ritilE Second Session of tins Instmolati, under the sare of Mr. and Mrs. Commas, for the present academic year, will commence ou this day, hluoday, February ISM, in the same buildings, No. Mi Liberty street PikiliNllMElD(ilid A LEXANDER Dia; comer tqi; Diamondand Martel street, •rti prepared to user; 'at the ;10•14 eat mute. Takeo a elicit. assortment or Silks, of dm ben qualities andnearest styles. Beat Week...glossy Gro de Rhine, of a eetebeated nnatinfietnrir,vtarranV. ed not to cat la wearing. Black Brocade ftetd Bast eery rich.. Melt Led Silks and Bean Do Cheney, Iu choice cents: Chanteleon, pro de Ithines; Satin de Chen., and Tare Swine. • • • ALEXANDER & DAY, S 5 Market st, mat . Nonharest venter of the Diamond • AIICLIAJPG oliMio AT EXILDUGRID P.RIOBBI A LEICANDER & DAY, comer of the Diamond and 13. Mattel onmet, en now selling of, at-rodueed pnees 'their stook of. Wbster..Goods, .00nsistino of Sham& atal Ladles' Dross Goods, In groat variety. Also—Blankets and Flannels, Claths,.Dassintio. fine, and a fall assottment of be Talton Goods. Confident that better harms. cannot . le, hid also. where; ma Invite die attention of buten: •- . •• • • • ALEXANDER &DAY, jalite • IS Market street: - 1 • =arra Mow all VEITZT. =TSAI Tai ISSOOD nitre or vita V . = Scrofula or Rie ea gle Evil, Rhdurnali ranee, mn, Obstinate Coup aeon ErepllonaPunplest or rustaks on the Face, Blotches, Bile,, C 1, 3 .01316 Sore Eyes, Rimmf Norm or Timer, Scald Head, , Eulaigement andPalts of the Bones and ,101211 S, SliabbOrn Ulcers, Syphiltle. Symptoms, Sciatica or Lambager-and - diseases! arising fleas an iniudicioua use-of Memory, Ar-i-1 thee or Dropsy, Exposure or Inthindence m LifM Also—Chronde Constitotional Disorder% Aka' Lo this preparatkra aro strongly concentrated all the, Medicinal properdm of Sateapartila combined nth: themost effectual aids, the most salutary prodactices,i the moat poteMslmples of the vegetable kingdom mull it has been In (ally tested, net only by poltents thent-1 selves, but also by phystelans, the It has received. their unqualified recommendations and the approba.! don of the mblim and has - established, on as own , merits, a reputallon formates mdannestes Mr Fem me to the various compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla' Diseases hue been cared, such all ant; not furnished in the records of time past; sad 'what It: has already done for the thousands who have used it It is capable of defog for the millions still sullering and; etmegling with disease. , It petrifies cleanses, and strengthens the Stamina timings of life, and Infuses' new ergot throughout the whole animal frame. ANOTHER CURB OF SCROFULA. .. mantel rem The foLowof an 'mete= ease of., and—as wilS cro l be m ta's; c onk.%en—per-: mends itself to all similarly afflicted: Socroloar, Coon, Jan. 1, 1. e 4 s. Messrs. Sande: Gentlemen, Sympathy bn the aftbet-', ed induces me to Inform you of the remarkable care edectad by your Sumpartlla, to the case of my wife. She was soverely'atUicted with the &MUM on differ ent parts of the body; the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged, and her limbs mach swollen. After waTeriall 'Mr Igu:, and Soling en relief from the remedies used, the disown attached one leg, and be low the knee supparetad. phystelan advised it Mould he Mid open, which was dom. but Without any permanent benefit. In this satiation we !Mani es and were indueed to use, Sande Pateripargla. no. ors Mule produced Ndeeided and favorable efeet, relies. ino her more than any prescription Me had ever taken and before-she mid six bottles—so the asthaidenent and delight of her friends—Me found her health quint restored. It is now ever a year slam theatre was ef fected, and her health remains goad, showing th ee the disease woe thoroughly eradicated from the nvitem. Our neighbors' are all keg-maim these (¢cta , arid thlt& very highly of Santis' Sarsaparilla. Yours with respect ' . JULIUS 111 E. Extract from a letterrtoeived from blr. bf.W.-Hars no, a gentlemen well known in Louisiana ea., Voz - -Gendetum. I have eared a negro boy amino with your Sarsaparilla, who was umeked with' Scrofula, andel' a iserefaloos l•Yourt, truly, N. W. 31ARESPi. .Fredeocks 11.11, Va4July le, LOSS: , PasearthithLe.irlt seems almost unoneeessa r y to direct attention tonl article se well known, and so deservedly rapider, a+ this preparation, but palmate omen who malt to use the Sawaof Sarrapari lac induced to try wonliless commands beariogtbs Same, hat tamale:An little or nom of the virtue of - this valu able roan and we think we cannot confer greater benefit on our readers than in dirmang their attention to the advert:unmet of the Meseta. guide s . In another column. The bolds him reeently been enlarged, to held a quart, aid those who wish amally good article will find mace:mated In this all the medicinal ;Value of the mot, The experience cf. thousands hen proved its efficacy in eating theearknsiellasmes for *UM it is recommended; and at the pine= Ume more than any other, perhaps, is this medicine rueful, in prep.. ring the system for - a change of scason.—[Home Joan. stel, Sept. Hite. Trepeted aid *old, wholemJii and retallthy D. SANIke, Draggisr ad Chian.; ICO Fallon mead,- comer of William, Now York. Sold alga, Dreg.• gists generally throughout the United Stales an Can, ado. PriceSl per bottle; sir bottles for ISS. •• ' Foe sale by L. WILCOX. Jr, B.A. FAHNkth tOCE CO., and EDWARD FENDER - ICH. Pittsburgh. Al a lir Dr 5. !mar Itridireiathe Idellattre,tes Every Odd Yellow shoOld tiabunbe. 17almes ' GAZETTE OF TILE UNION AND GOLDEN RULE. The Casette and Rule ha now the support of the Order to an extent that makes on determined not only to deserve this approbation, bat to add lareelpte ear lief orracaoll,.dilierefore we MPOSC the (ollowietg. NEW TICR.MS, which am more litterik than have ever been ofered by any newspaper or magma. in the United Mate, We etre to the Garotte and Rale, coma , m EMIT iiilriintED PAGES OP CHOICE GM, in • style that oats be ben., thee forming a book which rank year makes more valuable. The character of the Casette and Rule is too well known to need expl.ailon here, and it is enough to murk that It .maims, from time to time, the proceeding. or the Grand Lodges of the New York, and also of ether Mates; accounts of Celebrations, Inst... of New Lad L.lloldl 1o ethcssUionneolnly. , a t G mlete l Dlrec tory of al Literary Department I. filled with Original Tales of the lushest .celle.e, by the most eminent writers In our country; Popular tats; Choice Miscellany; the rarest Gems of Poetry from the English Poets; Sketches of Travel; Aloe dates, Jr.c., tax end oceasio.ll yy illustrated with Beautiful Wood Sugravitre. Deis eqttal in its Lite . rary character to any Weekly in th ecountry, .d being thus perfect in it. Odd. Per. lowship department, it ts worthy of a place on the table of every brother of the Orrer, and Indeed is in dispeasible to all who wish to keep fully informed of the work of oar now alone. Order One copy, one year, St 00 Two copies, onopeat . .---.._....... .—• Sap Seven copes, one year, • • 150 Twenty opies. Of CO Then reducing n so that every lodge can get a fast class paper cheaper than the cheapest Meat paper. Read the Po/lowing: The park cal. and Impede! attetWon of Me brother hood le desired to the following extract from a letter from that distinguished brother, James.L. Ridgely, Esq. Grand Cor. and Rec. Secretary of the IL W. trend Lodge of the United States, I. O. (XT. .The GOLDEN RU de co ro eta a most welcome and valued visit. an it has fallen into year hands, I have witnessed Its gradael and steady am. provement with great pleasure. It M now become, ill my Judgment, ar roe rue ear /.13011[Ca. or rex, and Ido mu, that a discerning and knell,- gas Eirotherhoml will, by a liberality worthy of year great exertions, enable ion salt more to 'augment he .efulness to the Order at large. With_ areal respect your !mad and brother, JAB. L. RIDGELY.' , Opinioai of Ellembers or G. L.of U. State. dickering that the interests of the 1.0. of 0. F. at well m of seelet* at large, will be moo etTecinally pi emoted by the publication of • popes devout to the pron:deaden of its minciples, we would esmestlY recommend to our brethren the Gamma or mut Union min Go.. Rout, as now cond.:tad by Crampton Clarke, m a valuable medium (or the exposition of the designs of Odd-Fellowship, and as worthy the cordial support of the Order. Thomas Wildey, F. b. Sore. : John A. Reediest), P. O. Sire. • - P G M James I. Ridgely, of Bid, R W P PI Rev. E P Weds, of Mass RW G PO John R Johnsent i ef Ga R WG. Mar., Peter Frio,P GM J IV stokes, PO W 3I AT. len, G Wm A Wells, Grand Repremntstiveiot - Pa. Wm Curtis, See of L. of Penn. • Beath Skiner, P Mar GLof U S. I' fl PI John - W Anderson, P G Solomon Cohen, Grand Representatives of Georg,. P El Si ileum I. Wenner, Grand Rep of R PG FP Theobsid, YOM W R Smith, Grand Rep. of Maine. PGhl D C Robinson, P G Rep Virgin!. PG .111Fmst, .r . Grand Rep f MI. .• P G G IJ Dickson„ G M John Fairfax Smith, Grand Represented.. of Delaware, P O M hanntel Read, PG Wood, Grand .Rep. resentadvca otNew Jersey. P G Tolman Darr, it. Pli M John /IManleY,Grand Itepresentatita of N Carolina.. • . O John Wary, G R Shaw, Grand Depr+ sea turves of Alabama_ p 0 h! Er %V Meer. PO hi Jam TTowen,Grand Representatives of Distrietof Coltunbia. PG P Stephen Brown, Grand Rep of N Home . P G Norton Andreln, P James Strawbrillso Grand Representative•of LOMMarla. P ti DN narrows, Rep G L of . IlllashaipoL' P La Forbes, P Adoffett,Graud Reg. reseruatives ot Missouri. P 0. .hl Geo W %Tilton, P Mmton, P " P=e k ri otArk. P G 'John W H.r,•P 0 Et F Zunmertnan, Grand Rept . ..tad.. of Maryfaud. . Maw. S Post, Grand Master MN V. Thaddeus Drags, D G Master of N Y. Benjamin J Pent; G Secretary of.N Y. P G John J Davis, P G James XV Hale, P O kV IV Dibbiee, Grand Representatives of N I Gee I t Andrew., P, 0 Abstract N V. Paatmastem ire authorized to remit money to Put; When, and all money mailed In presence. the Post . teautt, and duly forwarded by bun,i/ at our took. .• lu all aline Where pottage an subaeriptlon• is not paid, it will be deducted from the amount ermlited to those who send it. Addreas CbLi3IPiON t CLARVIE, Pin] rie. 44 11.4 Al.. Now. Ymk. DISSOLUTZON:It. • •• T HE Partherahip heretolore existing between ,EI(IOU & English, ht the Gook and Paper kleeftese, eris duisalvad wi the 11th loot., by =Ulla UM/IMM - The hamlets will beeondoned at the old stand, No. 70 Wood street, under the fine of "A. H. audit! & by orlon the baliteu of the former panitership wt I be. eettIed.SAMUEL ELLIGTP, turn A. H. ENGLISH. C•el A—is ax1e. 40.66 ... , Wt. , a'•ii.'''''' .. 7:t , ` , % •,':l'•...•',F;,''-'trl''‘l'.:;,tt-'41,.. *OL MikketAllEou&' , ..' l :':: : -.7 ! lIERSEY & ,-.FLEMING , GO. : ‘ , . „.111.VIA WOD.SALX, ''.- - " '...' FROM TTIE MANUFACTURERS, AND A? MUM aERN MANITFACTURERO.FRICEIR te Flandels, nil Wool "Ma Dolts; - • - , •,- • do Yellow do _ do Flume Congaed'; all , Sri Rroum do.'do - " aid:reels Feeling Idea,. Bloc• do ,_ _ _ Cheek. and' Stripe% um l a. Dtdd,....' i, `,, - t ta r .. - ' -.-"74,grttGoads.7-.- Faue3 - 7 - do- ' Red Padding, gaper les • F,,,,„, T wee d.. _ _ ~, Vest Panting, ihoskresa g StßanDlook Broad awl reCaroress.beavy i Soper Drown —do • . Reword LiairrosOßlteta% h Soper Green •, do Drab Serge, black do, all Soper Taßied do ' and wOnnedr '-. - Soper/Rae k D3O Skins. Bl ack Whire X . Soper Drab Cashmeres. Meek ?add, Drab % i Super Brows do Linea Matte and I Soper Slack do; - ' SlOards d coed 19 4. 01 NNE California Eiostets. .do Mien , ddr • d Souls; do • superior ardcdP, 0- , - Blue ,do : •Mk Figured Vilenswl DeahG do _ . Grain Ragging. - Brown Holland WE mum !Rosso Drills; - frames, Carats. te.,a,a.• Al the MausUetorers' boosdi No Ca Wood.. Pittsburgh _ • - , - anla `Dow Seek* New-Mask! . .AT DOLMES , LIVEILAKEDENT, 404 OE , Era SI. Whir, by° P 11. /moo Esq . Morning Call,•ororMspoine by Mu Ellis - ; Elietkiniry Put olltrofooks'Euiiiis mac.a Moran. r , .ar Bohot Orilitr.ot &nis taqm- DrVaintior i and Yank. HEl's Mist Star sr WoothohiDrirodship, a Story of DootoOrs Liz ' Marts sad Elam., i Story by Mrs Ellis White Jacket. by Herman Marino hlshoctst atothirehereoriono by-W. rnosslos,..Blol4 of • Pl.p•ica dowgztiok.t.4.l4.o7 k.r mat, bp Humboldt; 2 vab„ Cola sad raper. .fu Saddler of * moot., die Near Eoplatol'of tba Wade* Ee Seymour, mat nos Clothaad Paper. Life inidCornopmsdaus of Robert Southey, No , Raphael, oryagea Cam' the Exit of Lib at Tanti, 6 7 • Me:minor Li 4 and Writiage of roe Ctralran,DlNbi net ly Nam, E D; vol I, cloth. Poe ale by • • . No 72 Apollo Building., Fourth se. HE SACRED HARMONIST,a new colleetion of Church Mode. Edited by Ccbrae Kingsley, Asa• I or of Social Choir;/Beaune Choir • .:Sabbath School Goma of AlstalcandPoetryoloolonsal &sprint, for the Sabbath School; by - L . & Erna. Glnew Treatise on Antronomyi tai thither land bes, Ito two ports. Contninin Asir:ramie& ? otbdr detinhlorun mlstanaitod itheltoo,tattaa and planctr. Kepler • laws and Thepry of Orsynaders, - _ liethetion,Tsvilleht, and Parrallat ColutletroussPe. • liods, , Diganoeb, Phenomena, and 31agnitoolea of:ttaV Heavenly .Bodies compostng rho Solar Syatear-; aim, m erterusiva ealleet.oa of the need asefd , nob , ler. on the Ras of Um Glob.. • /11notrated 'moan,* able variety of Exaraylea t ; designed - far thellad of iligh Schools and economies. By Jams Mclntire, PI: 1,, Professor of Mathenudih and - est:owner, In the cat:dal lllgti School. of Holt:more. Deck and Port, or Incidents of aVroise In the United States Prigete.Connaess, to California; with Strataher Of Rio /sutra, Vedparluso, Lima lioelalo. and 'Pas Pronetseo. tly Rev. Wolter Colton, S. N.; atanat of Shin'and.Shore, &a. Far .1113 by A. IL ENGLISH & CO, ' Saccessore to ELLIOT & KNOLLS/10 . No. 07 , W00d &root._ • 4prll alsgaslinas And 21firor Hoola a ei T,IIOL/IfES' LITE/Z.ISY DER - .OT, II Twos Sta.; the Post °face. • • • - GCI.I 6 )Er 1.. , 3114 for d ezril;.. LSartain's do. do; adles' National do ....1a; Holden's Doll. do • • Illantssoon, Magasine, for February. - White ;ocher, or, the V.orld lnallan.of.lVoi,.Hea. loan r . ..• work.—tilabomot and His Sae. cessorg by' Washington tieing; vat flag. Isrui Pooltry. Breeder; wish twenty Ave aoenrate en. aravings.--Axt Jaamal, rorFebrar,t7 sad Nareh-~ 'Webster'. and CaJbouses Speeches, to pamphlet form. —Hasid Coppodeld; by. Diekena—The Redone Family; a Comedy.—Explana dons and History , of - the'Rneoester Knoctiaga—r'Coo Oregon, or the Irish Gil /Ids; by LOTtI , --1101.1. Cosbel; by Lover. History or Pendcmds; by Thackanry; No a—Mo naca/y of bleat:Wes; Engine Work and Snots:Leer, icy; part a.---Dark Sennef of History; by G. P. R. lutes, Ern. • ; • • • • 'miry . , Jost. Its eked..! • '• .I‘rtrce N t 11,9aNaGe tat 4' s of a Morariut MiLionary ' by C. IL Mortunuaiiiitio4 7 l Modern Lneraturn and Literary Men, betng a ace orld'Oadlery of Literary Portraits. by 9 , 3orge kiil2llan: 'reprinted nay* tuna the London canon, ono Largal2 mo - Ulrleßyrnes ft Dictionary of Machinci, ke, No , • trot Z wangle, the SarlanD i etiortnor,byHorD 13 , 120 i ot 19 moo, tottatia. . Anecdotea for the Principles Dammed by gator, compiled by Roe D Smitit,l rot Di nap runt liti .• • Warnroga to Youth, ruggrated tbernitifort Of re =trig abkt rieriptuto characters. By Robert Damon; I vol 19 mIY, ' rFor sale by - • '— - apt • . No 79 Apo,lo Buildings . Fiumb atreeL PHE SUBSCHIBErIdi haring the agency for sett ...l_ inFthe Printing Paper coma long established add detetwive laid,' In this vrp'enit be t.silltunrs well tenoned with the different dree of Paper, of inr• perior quelltyrwhlqrwe offer stitio lowest rcettlar Arty gra or (wily, bornanotaztared to oricrAt .hon notice. A It ENGLISH t Co; (Sue CCIIIOI. of Elliott k ErtgLish,) mat No 79 Wood suet.* /1.11 111Z14 ~141 t .4:ll , ( i tZ 5 'T...p., 4 j o! Na.l l east Steel Files, of sTsin c H and Sfisdkidttil oa4Shoo t o t lnl s ithlt ° s7 , tlVl d ars. d st f" ZA ; lfh 4 %Wont office la tbo Imo Blom of BOLLItIONS trOAltal. SON, No 4,100 of Wood street, riusbmh. - We; the andersi CIROILAIL. • • gued, haute; esedf with Mather Cat isfieUen, the Cast Steel and Files made by Samuel ItlcKelry, at his Eagle Steel Werke, in this city t tale pleasure in recommending them.. equal in quality to r ever used by cm, of foreign caluanfactare. • tiPahmilhi Aare:113.4839, •:_ . . . , •.- • • Jll iniiENnEnckirkto, Manurauturere of Iron and Nails, rittsburga, pa. Iron Founde — and Mac " hinit r ur, Pi L t a tablarulr, f n a: COLEMAN. II & CO, Illanulaetnrers ofSprlngs, Ask% Spring Steel and Rivers, Ihrtrburali; Fakine Builders and Machirek;CWardldbPleuraß'eni rare, i l itn i rM i la. Bras, Founder, PlUsburglat a. s, GRAFF, LINDSAY & 'Ma nufasturers °rim and Nails. Pittaburele' ' JosEpirromurigok, Loebniotive Engine and Sbip Builder. Piusburgb,rea.. W Marble Manufaerurer. Marline and WALLECR. Engl. Build. .. tarn er, Pittsburgh, Pa: X 11.LODEON INIFI• THE nbsoriherhks jail recelnd a new and beautiful instramerd oohed uMelodeon Piano," from the factory of RSfurch & White,. Cineinnath It has thee;"gance of exterior/If a Piano Forte, and Is pos sessed of it Inuni Eat A/ace:sweet and powerfaL Its great advantage, however, conslits in the rapidity of its enunciation, wines enables this performer to rac eme upon it the most brilliant piano music. Altegeth ci, it may be railed the beat reed instrument ever in vented. Call and examine. HENRY ELEBER, a Wooderell's, • Sole Agent for March A White's ramfacture. P. S.—Also, several new and very finOhlelodcons. (Jordnal, Chronicle, and Ohm:mbar.. *Lane at to nail Vorareo. m SCIENTIFIC SECTION.-The Mews. T ball 11.6 employed the Ent Plol.lloill A. Scot land, In the preparation .of these work. per new carat.] to the Schools of the Velteit Slat e, , the American revision of D. Al. Reran, hi. D.IL. late Superintendmt of Public Schools, fa the City and Comity of New Fork. I. Uttembers , Treswary of Enowledge; . 11. claw. Drawing and Perspective: 111. Chambers' Elements of Natural Philosophy; . IV. Reid h Belida Chemistry mdElestrithri • V. Hamilton's Vegetable and Animal Physiology; VI. Chambers' Element. of Zoology, with plane. VII. No'. Clements of Geotogyollustrated. It is well known that the originalpnblishers of these worts (the Messrs. Chin:obese, of Edinburgh) ore able to command the Lest talents to the preparation of their boots, and that It Is their pthetiee to deal fiththfally with the public. This series will not duldTdias the reasonable expectations thus excited. They are ele mentary works, prepared by anthers In every "mien. noble of doingmstlee to their respective moderothinge, and who have evidently bestowed open them the no. eessiey time and labor to adapt them to their purpose. We recommend them to teacheeo and parents with confidence. The Ent unwed volume, in - the handset a teacher of the younger classes, might famish an lh ozhaosuble food of amusement Uld , /111LTavisa.. To. getter, they would contain:de a rich treasure to a faro -117. ef.intelllent chlld t rem and i 4mparS a' thirst .for by A. S. Domes et Rto New Toil: did to , snit , bY • •• • A. LI. ENGLISH &CO. No Zit Wood as Or nem • • rg Manama Manufactory. TthatHE subscriber !Monza his friend. and the public. . at his .e.t lona,' establishment s 0.1 , 014 of that from two to dare hundred workmen, and whom do always keeps 'argamonberof ths Dern machinists engmed,) ha Is preparedlo ascent', In the bees manner, "amd with treat despatch; all order for 3111.1,1V0RK and. COTTON and WOOLEN. M 41.;. .CHllingY,.of every description. .For tb. workman. aldp mad stria or kis ht achnes, Wen uld and to On •onantroas manufacturers in the = and tioatham States, on well as the ?diddle States, who am now op. crating them. He has recently loader great immure. mem., both in the style. and Plana or is ildaMitanS , which will lie farmaliod. at ressorcab.e. ph.* j? 7 s ap. AL.ParO JAN. tord.fmr 11E3:=I seaum DRY GOOD= • . . . . NV're Lae n otean Vol: rsn o gar r e -offer U 4 of 13° Iva . era preparea to acil at toe lowest markat - prices cash buyers and prompt business men. We mould ask the attention of City and Weaken Merchants to one stuck, believing we eon offer map) Inducements to purchase from us. tiffo.CKLETrk. fah2l • . Dry Goods Jobbers, 00 Wool at • IVATIMMAN rust.. lttntA twos. W. Pass? "PALDIZIL, 'HANNA. & 00.. • . (Baccesecto to Hussey, Harms a Ca) IDANKERS, EXCHANGE DROKERS, and demote /5 in Foreign and Domaine F.ZThange, Corti!Wee olDeposite, Honk Notes. and Smeto—Foarth strict , nemily opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current goo. nerreetiVed difeeposile—stot. Cheeks &rale, and collections mode oo nearly all the principal points in the United Outer. SIM highest premiers paid for Foreign and • Asatizidan Gold, Advances mach on constr.:tents Of Produce, &IP Pod Eats on liberal term. • 1 tIOPAVVAIII4I:4II=in bbla, hairdo. soPcii. , s 7-4 lJ good quality, w•rraeled. For W. by opt t MILIAB DICKEY. & mesa cunt - t 7.1