The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 09, 1850, Image 4

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O r r„d c e;C:l4:l ,4
Irepd.o4lMatire,llleselt, or 610 ale ,, taboo tosteth
er—and itcrosioarro, EA per I,sr—has bee; rectos
editorat63 Wood street, to Oat troorth intact. fess
door; east ol IT owl. LOCK•VOOD,
tt sera Thank seller ani Importer: lo4 a earth •t"
A MASON & CO, CO Osoket meat, are now
elatrtoll soother large . !oar.. of Black Silk
Loess, of all vridllts, comma n[. bet sad most
varied assortment e•rr offered lams cap. mop-TrliWOlOKltii&--A Ces,
S do do Co collars; R do do do-Cutfst 11 to Muslin
Applicslloo Capes sad Collars; Y do 111011rnis5
Co. , rsi Ido do COT.. Also —A large variety of oil
lads of Trench Embroideries and Laces, received
sod Misr OpeNolol A A MASON d: co,
Market street
MIHIPHY & BURCHFIELD have jar opened n
lapply et new and neat Mies Printed Mouse de
Du": At..—Betate De Lames for Ladle. dm..
ea IL sopplp . of. new int les
Rea in MOilfning,__ln
ninnye on hand' er mode
ITeaPapon Pape r. [or
'd Pon wrrtirll~~ y
, Fs Wood
arth 5 ttttt .
301 f reasuntly reeeioing
ofilintiteallimowt:,ng, :in:
antmq y Ls
1 1 1 — ti'jtR - N - 17 — IG AMID!
' , iftlCllllllll.l, have ree
I.,..,CattOrie j!dhts,foqaji
TIDINTIT.A . D %yue:
Nig. P° L:.= rr.7...?'•
. Wrapideg P , Cop am'
We whaleeale ad retail r
mil 9 . . -
- 15, Fon
W hg . 1 1 .410 4 2f.
Triaging., .se„ entnpriAtini
• Elm er
I;nlhl4dr de
' 5, /
papertn e
soPeto Ingultri CtuX.ta,
Extra no
Fine • n
Cowmen, all wool, ~
4J,1 and Tap Von Cu.
4.4,4 nod 1 Terill%l Carp...
4-4, I, I,ond d-4 plaloCar.
'Litt and Bag Caxprti,
• p-4 Pructed Cop., Carpet!.
Ropostino do do Rom ,
Tuned Rogn
Rm.. Wi
Common do
Cbenalo Door Was;
ISbeep Skin
84;74'64, 64, 44 and f
Oil Cloths; I
+4.6-4,44, tmd 7 blotting;
18 Inch' patent Oil Clothe
for stotro.
Elora printed prone enters
. s . table
Embossed Piano
" • Table
Printed woolen'
Embossed Stand . "
Noon and vostatd .
Damask Star linen; ,
Turkey Bed Chinmer;
Cho tee Bordering;
English Oil. Cloth Table
Brown Unto numb eloths
Brass Stair Rodig
Stair Beagle.;
Carpet BiAdit , gl;
Joe and Coen Mats;
Ailment and Skeleton Mate;
a 4 and 4.4•Oreen Oil Cloth
ter Blinds •
tine:chime Diaper; - .
Won and Drab Clothe;
CrsmaOn Plash:
Coach Chl Cloths:
Damasks fur Linings;
Watered Mercier.
Beff Holland forW6hades;
French tit a r.
Venetian Mindr,
'Dentine for Flans;
7-4 and G 4 Table Linen; •
Re.rsbn Crash;
Scotch Drapers;
• .131 , M0, Linen Napkins;
German (NI Cloth Table
• ' Covers;
Sager Oth Cthras from the molt approver Err -
end American manna.. eta Mom 15 to el fret
In wieth, which will be era to fit rooms, halls, and
remil.alell of any Moe or elope.
The undersigned baring imported direct from Eng
laed, his Velvet Pile and Taputry CA Re LIS. There
'Carpets, which areOf the la eel end moat Mega.
Myna arid patterns. a nd of the mast gorgeous colors.
will be laid et prthcsas low as they eau be purchased
for in any of the camera cams.
thaeing the turret nasortment of lb. richest and
most fashionable [MUSSELS. IMPERIAL THRI.I
PLY LW INGRAIN caßPgra watch far surpasses
in quality and therirlitrt of priee,aoy assortment ever
beiore brought vi this city. Ile also invites` teamboat
'den and Coach Manufactu to hie lathe and well
ackmtedamorunentotTlithlMlre rs
NGS,ndother tinleles
neemthry in their business.
Thatmderriped is also agent I'm the only State ROd
Maraifeciory to PLiludelptte. and Is prepared to rell
lower Win can be prachamd elsewhere in Ilia city.
,melt Wll. tirCLINTOCII.
BurrititiNlA SPORTING P•rilrltAlT CLUB.
cans, George riaet, Plymouth, Raglan& The
managers lag to their earner.oa patrons tent
be next Distribullmi of Natrona el flare Horse, will
ootati.ire throve entered
the fortheomog thand
National Penn Rorie the Mee, of Mores to to
Maned to 5,0.41 each char. Part CUM Welebilt
%Creed ell. Mut £5. Emir applaotion for theon
upproprinted ,hates is rgaervory. A pony rutwerib
mg for more limo one Mom has the chance of gaining
an equal number boner en. Thosocrensberswho draw
the Pollen Portraits will be presented ormb tee fol
lowing soma—
' Portrait of Ist clue. Donates 2d ditto
Winner, or Fast Dorm Silklird 110,040
• • " Seeonel Ifone• •• - IEI4OI 5,100
rt.tra Ilerse eX10040 4 30
Ilivided among. Siariers• •• • 0.((0 5, , 10 . 0
" Nell•eltettees Ml,OOO 3,00 u
There are 100 bonuses in each elm., that being the
Munger of horses entered for the rare. The Drawing
will be conducted Ilene lee tame leciiiin•t- principles
a. More chore...area the loin St. Leeget and
otherproceedings. Full punirclars of the remli nib Seel to abeent membere iamedimely after the de ,
gluon, that
gluon, know h. wanton.
Subscribers regi•tereil cod reap forwarded en re
ceipt of a remittance. ILIUM' Pactionge, flralls,Ponk
.te adores et and made payable to the
•ralllltgaiX Directors W. JAMES & CO.
• rive per cent commas!. to be reduced on the
;unreal/aim: benc•ea mrl6-5m
— A7I2/4.1111r/1.11./I. iIIICSISCRIIOS( . .P.
Ijllßetail Goods !airiness bcretolore condoet•
ri ed by W. 11lurphy. az North Esateomer Fourth
and Marge! rts, Pairburgli, will hereafter lit carried
on by the new Rim or
• Who mspenifolly solicit a continuance of the calls of
the old curio... of dm establishment. and the public
in genera , . A uvra imd carefully relented surek el
Goons grill 01003. be bent on hand, and every
Miceli:tent <Remit in the ws7 of low procs.
DIURPIII7 will Ceneeite the Whole
sole Syrian's. or eetelOiOre, in ‘ the rooms Up Stairs
maronee from Faurth rt.
_ • nal
1/1Q! ]triiiliET STREET, PataburgS,
1.7.016 and D-aler in Al lietlCAll. wal Ger.
man Farley Goya.. llosivr. nit twill., Lar Wavy!,
Threads, Combs, Iluttot:s, 50. , 11,de C., Satin
Fonts , Vectuogs, c.ud ninny Cravot•-
. PnOgoo,Bandorini; and Linco flanlketchlefs, aa. grun
t*: assottolbut of FaILS, and every variety of mar
• eatern...01,14.7 ,- 51 , ,14+5r
fling subtenbers, nnvtnr. oden eppoimsd agents
the sale of bolt, by several of the vary twat mat
otattarers, have now etc hand scut and comp
keep a OMUltage =poly
order. hell at our wan
will be promptly fill
a~JOSE received, a large
JetliN kit
• tag 22
hottee,, or with Peter Pet.
bra at all times.
lot of. 1.. Peterron'a brand
FADS tr. CO, Peon at,
Ca E' nal Motto. Pittaboreb
• sOFFSt.--/u" mann onion N,o mat J..;
osss•-•-•10 ban mould, dipped, and cperan • ,
• Cittass-150111l Cream and Elnglish Miry;
Cenon-30 do. Hemp and Mnnills;
' Cnots.-60 blatbl;
e mus.—;
emou—bo M Cormnon and ball'Emmish;
• Frna—Ys brigand s tet; rikemlynd Salmon;—So ban assorted si
• Ilism-1310 Prin. Venison;
'loan ?Sign...Cored; •
iaMom--10 0 Ibs S F and Jbtni
' dos l Merriman Illnek and Copying;
• klot.nners— brie N Orleans;
• ' 15 bait loin Sugar Roam;
Muntamo-73 don assomed•onnisters;
- MaMnamer—Nalbs Italian;
Vssmamim—GO los do
• ' Nnua--200 tam , manned;
' • ' ?toxins-540z
Bon n marmlndi
P orn
—SO banhele halves;
' Porn" reams unsorted;
•," • • Palms-10 0 lb. Cordenanl
Saar•-• 50 bin Rosin and root Steel;
Soon-10 bads N Orleans and Clarified;
,Tan.-60 packagers Green nod Black; •
' Tonneco-20 tins 1;5, t. Ilb P•rup;.
1101..1.1,0 dOitnitellt 2,;
'For mile by / T 3 WILLI/131S /b CO
uml9- _ Came' of Pi , th and Wood RM.
• •
t-Auns , yams: FURS:—The aub,erlbera soli pay
I for (landy.Slink. Mask R t,an
a a d RidFon
and all kinds a akipping Fara, Grayn easteta
alcCollo /a CO,
entnar Fad, and Wood AS
'MUTH Patnenthip heretofore exitung between Jame
lawrey and John U. in the. Grocery, Proidue
and Goortatiden numnere War dismered by . mama
consent, the 14th inns. Mr. John Hest hewn. pee
timed the entire imerrm of Junes Teasley in ta,
•4nst, the burl." snit be settled by him at their •I•
stand. No.= Wood et. •OHN JANIEA
HP -11 I AS • KY,
- • -
7"" --- ItirrirTi:ri — e - ciiiitriyrup.
, bitho yammer Cough I.rup can con
'acleatiourly recommend it.
_ From the Evennm Tram re, Feb. tro,
b11314A.11.4 COCotI t'aser.—We can enarziesinausi)
reconsttmad this amnione for einlyit., an tt hes care.
tr at a must aggravated estaeg. 11 1. • very afferent
aria mom the ordinary patrol medir ince. If you here
Ahola try it.
Prepared arta sad, ilMolaaale and retail, hY
JOIIN 10ter.Itti, Druggist,
_ . mre Wood at. 1 door below Inereor
• muE eabeerieera, haring s.sur large fatekehourem
are prepared, at alt mare. to omen, hang wad
smoke Pork on re-moorage terms.
KIVA & JONF.3, Proprietorrt
Me:11 Gantt Intern neer 7th et
Paper Ilassigitga.
S P Cs ai n N al l sPd E lfp o' C u rj a ° n N a ' ; ' a V tg c o rm r Vroilm br en ' t
, Papa, of be ;mess French nod Eagan miic
lin gold, chamois, oak, pfahL and high colors.
• mrl2 . OS Wood anent
,Tll3V,Nri..'l:34jotn7orll,ToZ bge"Ton'''
S. 11•Broofteld 6 Ca, ta . this . day diwolved by mutant
eon... Tile hasioewl 05 we old boo will ba sewed by
S. 11, Dash aeld, at tan old wand, Nar.2o Liberty street,
• Plnaborgb. 11 13 131ISHEIELD,
Mama 1,1830, .. JOHN bIeGILI..
9. D. THISIT FIELD and 011.11GII RICHARD will
cont.= 0, Wholesale n d Rrtall Dry Goods
Groom. b • 'nett, sidle old stand, No eto lab." at.
under the At • of, 1.. 5 . li. 110*11FIELD A CO.
A Pisiiiiiffor Tony Famuy,
MORRIS 6 %MAAS'. 110S11; J
m OURNAL—pot.
Imbed Wrekli-82 per aanu.
sTao best papa to the ULloll."—Drening Star. •
.!'Rather get in cool than go onthont w'—Rota. Saab
?icor nbeeribere et. b eh p be made (tatterlted (tem Jadnary pc
16A, if immediate sipplioe
eddeilypr by leder) tjeit)LeutadtvcxplliglikiQd
J. D. 1.. has also received—
Ulm kweod , Magazine, Mr Folirstury;
• Estlnkorkh IteMem..for January;
. London Qum rteliy Review,feri...l;
Westminster do
Bookseller s nd Imam,
0. Wood At,
e whole.
:gria;WiltVVeße'''iglieg ri
pee, my two Sent. 11. N. and . W. 11. Waterman.
.Th e
. iteertese iIIIIII.IIIO will be eand °Cleat under Ipe at
S. S. Waterman to tt0.0., at me old nand, fro 31 Wa
ve and Gd Front Street. L.. S. WATERMAN.,
CIODA tett cask. latt 'tett and tor ealaby
.7 • PP), -Ettra ' JOON MeVADEN it CO.
IDMILITING PA ItER.,-MOreamattlx36,*Ullatattd,
and otbetattes, In ker. and far tale by
-• , • ItrArsoLos & SUE,
meg corner Pennandiradoete
D III.- PEACH tat In Mare and br
./. •
• • •
IMP tiL the MedlehlP advettued by W. B. 81,9 A N,
-7 1 9 4at1356,14iiii;;;,1271701111 -.- i.8 1 ; 017
111,7. * "
''' b Y Car by fIEtSCITWAIL:ri an
D. M. ,E 4 1711,ELY.
TEs• Best .ad Cia.asimrst Hero iiikitein.
Han earrusia rest emu. For Purity, Mildissici,s4 J
ty,ersuiThermigliams,PLOAPPS OINTSIENT Erre,
And is rapidly superseding WI other Ointments and
Liniments new In use forme earn of the following die
eT s
Smith wounds, galls of all triode, oprolos, braises
eracked heals; neghone, windbone, windasnor po t
spa•Ma, eoceney, fistnlo, sitfast, IltrahlAb
lareenessr-sand erect,. foundered .fret, mnitehes or
swam mm ga or horse distemper.
The Powder will remove ell Inflainotionm4 fiver
&do the bliend r .lamen the akin, cleanse the water
and strengthen every part of the boar, T .
hos pmmeo
remedy for the following diseases:
Distemper, hide bound, leas of appetite, lowan
roman, yellow water, lollantmation of the eves, fatigue
from head excrete. also, Ilie.eatinn. (commonly cal
lad e urreeeoptillni,) which proves m fatal to many vat.
walla horses is this country. It is also a aft and Co,
-min remedy foreoughs and colds which Keterate to
ninny fatal diseases. . W. B. SLOAN,
• Grand Depot, 40 Lake at, Chicago,
Extract hom the ictiniena North Western Gazette',
By - the-um of Sloan's Ointment and Condition Pow.
der, 1 hare entirely cured a fistula on my' horse and
othersise imemsed his condition more than 11:10 pe
cent. on the cost of the medicine And a cow winch
WWI so feeble as wt. considered worthless by myself
•. . _ •
and neighbonytrearesbared to good health and strength
by the ane of less Mtn half a package of. 0141 powder,
and in new doing better than nay other — OIW I bane.
Small Pox, May 13,1E4i. WM. VINCENT:
I hereby certify that one of my children, when ne
ked,yell into a lame fire of live coals, and woo burned
severely from head to fret. To boat or medical aid
and attention was given. to the child for four or fire
days without any relief--each day's sufferings gamma
ed till his could be heard aim great distance, at
which enticed period oat of my neighbors reemanten
ded and presented to me a boo of Sloants Oininiena
and to less than fifteen minutes after the eindiedilor.
of Me olnunensto the aggravated sores of the suffering
child, the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily began
to recover. My residence isle Melt township, Ver
million county, and &aloof Indiana
Chicago, Almost 21,1511
road to Milsrontial Coot co
April 13,19.19. Four miles
unty, Illinois. north of Chicago ton the
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sic One al my horns had alarge
bony mmof on his breast bone, immediately under the
collar. catch lamed him and rendered his services or
very little value. I fa:Wally applied aevernt bottles
of Dr. Taylorl Nerve and Bone Liniment, withat the
least benefit. I then procured Wilder'• Celebrated
Roan Crinment, and used that rind) I. became. fully
smisfiedthat It would never relieve the animal Ft.
unity I obtained a box or your truly valuable Oinb
ment:and in len than CO days from the Cinnamon.
non die tumor entirely disappeared, and the horse ma.
Inv.!. opinion to any criterion of the worth i er.
article, we Invite the incredulous to Tend at least t few
of the many voluntary
certificates that
a ppeara in mu
columns respecting M great variery remarkable
cures elected by the non of "Sloan's Celebrated Oint
meat and Condition Pewter,."
.These remedies no longer remain arcor.g three o
dont:Trill utility, they have panted time the tide of ex
periment e and now stand higher in lepittlltinn slid an
becoming more extensively used than lilt other art l
cies of Me kind.--filleh. City Now..
For Jo.n. 12, tack
Dear gleatc—l3irt Please send by the bearer a rev
lintroly 'of year florae Medicines. Tbey are the bee
Articles of the kind that I ban ever need, never tar
leg been disappnicited in their .Sect, as I have been tr
the use of others, even the most celebrated Otothsents
Liniments, the., of the day. I like very meth this tea
tore in them., net that they do all that Is Pconti=dl and
own a thorough trial one is eontrathed Is add, the'
half has not been told."
The onlinary ointments and liniments it is wal
known are severe and partial in their °Fermi..—
.Sloan', Ointment is mild yet thorough—it reachesanc
removes the Can't, hence It give. real nod fern:mum:l
relief. For purity, mildness, aalety, certainty, sae
thornuahriass, St.o COI Ointment excel — , and is rspolly
eurpereeding all other Ointments and Liniments eon
- .
(tativa, EL, Oet. 21,1E49.
Alt Sloan—tyre: 1 have toned the virtue of you
Oinuitent in the cure ofmulernake biters rare throe e
has, and many other iniurier, and in every case
has surpassed one <IV-Mations As a family Oust
'men; I have never seen its enual, and for hens
can't get along mishear It.
Yours, An, IsELF.S3I. rctirs.loN.
Blr.Sosn—Dear Sim For a considerable :length of
im e I was seriously calicos:. wan the rheumatic tom.
plaint, sad applied freely she vane. liniments, palm
killers, :iv., wabout obtairsing any rel. tryAf hic
your up. nt at this place leaden...l t ie tory pouf
Ointment, and within two weeks from the time eon,
mance./ using it. th e pam ceawd, and I waartfeetually
cured, and than recommend ail who are mitailarly at.
aimed with Me distressing complaint.. to procure your
excellent moment with,. delay
Resply year.,
Priticevale, Peoria May 1. °5 1(4/ A . a '
Freat Mellon. H. V. SAgent ot the
111111014 ennui Pacact bast Gow
CIIICAGO, June S 4, !
Do. W./1. Sloan—Dear Sin For the last Mt yenta I
hare lied occasion to use many horses, end have used
the great variety of liniments and ointments In use,
but have never found any thing•equal to your Gino.
ment for tabitriea on terse. Within the last two
months 1 hare applied youromitmentto some 801 torses,
for vinous injunes, and in trail ittrintee it has pro.
ved a soverego remedy.
Two mile. moth of Chicago, Sept. 14, ISIS.
D. Sloan—Rim On the Pth instant my eon had a fins
ger bitter entirely or byelaw.. We tmniediately ap
plied your celebrated ointment, which relieved him of
pain M a few minutes, and prevented the anger from
swelling the least particle, and the wonnd Is healing
tepidly. Resply mom', S. BROCKWAY.
Mr. SloriDelir Sir About three years ago I was
severtly ionised in one is toy legs by tee failing of a
pile tit wood which occestoued large reimme ulcers.
Nearly every doctor in Dadana tried to mire diem: hot
tried in coin, until from sympathy and improper.trew
meet my other leg become as bail ss the one anginal
ly wounded. !despaired of ever being well again—
bat in order that I aught neglect no mean:, within my
epoch, 1 purchased of your agent in G 1tie..6111 et
your ointment, and you canyugge of my surprise an I
gnomde better than I can express it, to find topsoil
entirely wellbeforc 1 had finished using the second br
These facts ! make known that others alilicted may
believe and not delay using so 'Doable au ointment
as yours has proved to be. Resp'y poor grow:Ill fed,
Deleon, 111., Dee. 19,1E49. EVAN DAVIS.
Before the following order, Messrs Vaughn ft Co
purchased IL large imply of SI01111'• preparation.
AM.. Mich. Feb. 14, 1643.
M. K. Hibbard—Dear Sir. I am out of gloaree coa‘-
, don Powder and Norse Ointment The late tar ex
ceeds my expeetavon. Irvin can manage to send rue
dozen Omunent, 1.611 pay for them die hest drot
Mat you ore here, nod presume I than able to sell
a !area quantity In the come of the year. It milt be
1111,111JeCt 10 yo m well as to rityaelf, to keep me con
stantly sapplied. u,
Very nmpl yS. Vurs,
Se. Lone, .214 1:119.
Dr. Sloan—Strt Abma two years ago, while ratting
on ths,llississippi river, miming aver the rapids, I
was pluaged Into the seMer, and by tke raft dashing
against a rock, crushing my left leg and Mbenrwe se,
eedy imunng me, on mach that I lost all sensibility
Rhea commonness returned I found myself in St.
Louis, surrounded by my weeping family. Good nurs
ing and medical aid, enabled me to about two months
to hobble aroand with the assistance of • crutch. The
amends only partially heated, leavtug large running
rta at the knee, which for many months ducherned
blood and matter of Me most offensive character. My
gams were inesprentible at times my mattering was
so great that death would bane received a hearty we!
come. Fortunately Mr. Wilton, lone of ray uelghbowi
advised me to try your Ointment obutined a box
applied it according to direction —the sores
to assume • 'healthy appearance, and in three be g a n
was ly c
entireared, an enabled to do hard labor.
Your obedien d t
We, dhe andetalpei, nebthbor• of H W. Thereat,
was segmented tub the care above coed, and know
g the eireutonameea, most cheerfully confirm mid
Dooms' statement. REV J. DoliG
PETER Livhlll.
0001) NEWS.
• Campine, Jan eth. l-IC
W. One of my horses was hoof bouni
and Rho wounded in the stifle, in atileti Am toot cold,
and became PO crippled that he could scarcely navel
tly the free application of your vslaabte *thistle., his
noes were soon softened and the stifle permanently
edred. I bare also used the 0111161 CM in ,he cau of
poll-Evil and nn severe halls with equal sucrose.
On a mashed nger that as very pVAN ainful, It opera.
ted like a ewe fi .. -Yours, t h e•
Sloan's Ointment and Condition Powder are •C
-knowledged by all, who hare used theist to be lie ere
remedy for horses and CO.lllO that ha neon discovered..
n e st, wound. spar s, bruims, outshone, poll
evilinad in ORO every maws.' disorder or injury can
be cored by this wonderful remedy. The Powder
designed Pm inward vomits . , distemper, bide bound
fatigue from bard exercise, diseased eyes, de.—Late
County Chronic!.
Manuals, Coos Co. Feb. 13,1848
Mr Blonn—Sir. I have n tine young horse that was
taken with the etratchee last NIL I paid Out about
three dollen for medicine to cure him, hot he grew
worse. I then bought a bon off our ointment y Oar
office When In Chicago last, ather doabiingly, butt
thought I would try it Judge of my surprise and my
opinien of iu beneficial qualidee, when I foUnd ray
horse's leg, smooth and well intone days from the time
I commenced applying It. Yourobedient,
- -
/Vase than fifteen years of nnrivalled eoccese in the
not of every variety of external diseases and MAIM/
such as sprains, bruise., cots, barns, enomeons erup
ting., sore lips, NM breasts, chapped hands, chill.
Mains, titles, ulcers, corns, puns gn the bock, sides, or
other parts of the system, rattlesnake bites, he, broil
ample testimony that Sloanls Ointment is Just the thing
for the hear. •Cernbeateavegthout number have been
received by the Propnoor from disinterested individu
als, giving details of mutat k able curve by Its line.
Granville, tdilwauble carWir., G0b1:1,1545.
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin Recently my horses ran away
witha log chain attached, which cat and @Mersin,'
Injured them seriously, attached,
much so that I unordered
my team ruined GM bushier.. Fenanately a friend re.
commended the UM of your Cmunent. 1 went to 11111..
eranklrand a hoed It wen, removed Ms
Indarnmation, owl .• kw days the IMOUTIOS healed
The great benefit derived from the um Of your Ont.
my homes, induced me tilt acquaint you with
the sant, believing its publietly would benefit yen and
the publir Reapectfully vanes,
And ban become n eoiemon slaying, di n ,
Ointment end Condition Powder nre Tonally wipe..
ding all other remedial. forme dmases of horses and
tattle. •The beauty of the medicines ronnists in Weir
- parityand safety, mwit: they May tor wed
freely without any danger of taking cold, or lay other
infaryif-Wilting from their freqacut am, and stayer fail
so can thottimettona anrfollowitd. jytamos
~_.. _~K....
• _
ll_0()S-11, s:d a wnCo itorite
heir onions and the
• of new lyric; goad', compriiidg
them•.• • •••• •,•••• nly!e• of miles, snaorla, pre.
good, Jo. brilliKkeepirig fr.e. New roods
constual.. r , ,./rcti. by the aonval of Wound every
packet .hlp and grimmer. mrU
Nit.vritPllbto soot's.
LESANDER re DAY, 75 Market st, North West
CI. corner of the Diamond, have commenced recta.
ing their nocs,,of Spring :Dry . Dodds. They have ,
opened a choice amortnient 'of Silk.. Linen, I usurs,'"l
and Other Drum Garda. Mao—Bonne. and Bonnet
Ribbons, a handmaid aimortment of French Worked
Collars, Ae.
Splendid French Clotha.Carcimerra,and Satin Vest.
Inca •
House Fbmithing Goods—a complete moment at
the lowest
T erk ;l2lll4DER &D&Y.-Merket
arkN W earner of the Dimond.
. .
rgMIE life of Ashbel Breen, E DM; 1 vol, 8 vo;
L memoir of lody Colgahourt DI J EsmdlonD D
The Ertglitth Pulpit collectionef scram., by the
Inngl moment hying Esh divines, 1 sot, en; -
Expository lectureon the Epistle to the Ephesmn. 11l
Bev Rota I McGhee, A M;
Brown's Concordance. outwore tilt fllc;
The Mountains of the Bible. By McFarland;
The common mums of infidelity. By B A R ..1.1° '
Daily Bible illustrations. being original nalmes for
• Year, on subjects from sacred notary, BiograPhY•
Geogrorday, Antmuities sed,Theology, especially do•
signed for the family circle, By Jobe Eire, D D.
Jacobus , : Notes on the Gospel, according to 81 Mat
, thew, with a bennony.
Th. Book. By Me. Sintumel, llionnted•
The complete work. of /no hi Mason D D, in 4 vols.
Edned by his son, E Mason. '
For sale by A II ENGLIStI k CO,
mfr.' ti Wood Street.
--- Bleakin P m Glove Ben
For effectually restoring soiled Kid Gloves to :hell
pristine elemilmesa.
TVIRECTION—Draw the glove tightly min. the
I_, hand. on on a frame made for the purpo , ther
apply the Renovator with a moot of clean Kennel
rubbing gently until the effects produced. r sale
by me? R F. SELLERS, 67 V: dnt
Groat tiperna and Mammal Media.
Dr. S. P. Townsends Sarum:cretin.
Isoof the condos Dr, Tasman '• Sitr
n npartila for .ale wholeaale Red retail by R,
&Seller, 57 Wood sheet, and by 1). M. Curer
Allegheny city.
Sankt., I Salo of Dry Good.,
AT ins on rows noel or
A. A. MASON & CO.,
'WILL commence, on New Yeses Day, I 'Oie, and
HlVcontinue through the mouth of January, during
which time the whole of their immense establlaintent,
(including all their Wholesale Rooms,) will be throw.
op. for Retail Trade; and their entire Wholesale
Stock will be edema at Retail, on this occasion, at
fully orts rota= Lien that usual prima.
Their Shawl Saloon contains moro th.3ooolthawle,
Wmprising every - deeception of Long and Square.
00l Shawls, Cashmere; Omelet, Ac. Also, Ymettes,
Cloak , ,M.tillas,,Sacks, kg, at an immense reduc
tion from usual lames.
Their Mock comprises mom than 1000 pieces Thibet
Cloths, Merinos, Paramettae, Alpaceas, Lio.e.: Op
en. and Pelisse Cloths, will be sold from 20 to 40 per
cent lees them used price.
Also--FM pieces rich plain and fig'd SILKS, redo
cod :711 per cent.
YO cams Cashmere. and De Lain., entire now styles.
Alwr—Whiie Goods, !dooming . do., Embroideries,
Laces, Ribbons, Gloves and llosiery,Trlmminge,ect
tai cases Flannels, 70 cases new style Cat ice., GUtn
nes Bteached Monline 100 bales Drown do. 70 bales
Ticking,. Alen. Cloths, a ce.. Jeans, Casaneux,
R.c., at extremely low prams.
Together with an immense varat, of other Goods,
tanking an assortment one of the Most ostensive to
the country- all of which have been marked down at
much lower ptleett.than their extender annual sale In
J.nary am.
1 her invite an early call, as many of their choicest
Goods win be sold
(17 . Ttie tweet price named at first
A A. MASON A. Co Gn stark. , al
LPAIII nAY, AND MVO V, will he ready for
the engraver in 10 days. remora who may wish to
have views of their country setnd put on the map eau
do . by nialung mpgtalon to the undersigned, ma
into before the 9411. 4. To defray the csnense 01
the view. a.. ill be restated roldaten
to the price..of the men.novri R Mcr.itiSAN
SF.LLF.RS'LIVER PILL' , war) MY DoCTOR... - - ,
Dora., Pa., Ssm 7.1,1e40.
Mr. R. E. Sellers—Dem li e I tees a Is a duty I ow.
to inc public, as well . to the meta of your Liner
POI.. to state the good edema produced by their use IA
my own an.. During the month of Jtme, lea, I took
very unwell, my appetite falied, and my ettength was
enurrly proartmea, with Str•ore pun to my side and
shoulders. I was told by medical men thattry disease
was a severe attack of liner complaint I took ,eve.
ral lase, of tiVLaue's Later Pals, and some syrups.
which I was told was good for that disease, bat gam
all I was seating worse. I finally .ueladed to pm.
.tuyst-it under um are of a physiciae for better to
...tem; but, fort.mely, lal MG time, I was told
by the Ron. I. liiblock. of this place, that a (need had
seta tam n two of Sellers' Liver Pills from Patsbargt•
which hal bmiefitted him veil much. I
seat for a box ot your laver Pals, .d by the time I
was done using them,
11 1 was satisfied that it was la. ,
the medicine that rotted my cam I sent for more,
and took hoc or sin boxes, .d found myself almost
<mutely cured; but in March last I caught a severe
cold, which brought back the disease, and in a elan
umo I was as bad aa ever. I .4 had reeeame to
your laver Pills, and took them every other night for
Gs weeks, end occasionally sinoaaa., .d I on new MY,
that I can now sap, that I feel liale lf any sympaille
of the Liver Complaint, .4 my general health Is ae
mood nos. it. it hat been for the km loycars.
My actenbers .1 ma who was my doctor. r ten
them that sellers' Liver Pills was the dem., and by
the blessing of Divine Providence the moans of canny
me. I am confident that when the publir become So.
net:tinted with Me val. of your Liver Pills, the dm
mend for them will increase. Marty of try neighbors,
to wham I have recommended the pills, can
ed Meaty to
Weir valve.e well as to the facts above stat-
Respestfolly yours, Gau.s
TO nor TrIIIIC.—The Original, only use end genet.
eine Liver Pine us prepared by IL led Seders, and
have his name stamped in black woo tusteu the end
each tiot, and hos squalor , on the oatade wrapper.
LI:rAll others are counterfeit., or knot 'mulattoes.
spur It. E SELLERS, Proprietor, 37 mood st
Batty, COIOtAbi6OIL C 0,0., Ape. 24, ttvt.
- TAIL D. JAYNES: Da.• ate.:-1 feel bolued to you
and the afflicted pidle, to avail myself of Ms op.
pornirdry of gaveng publicity to the estraonllnane edict,
of your Espectorant analyser. (laving been atßiewd
for several years with &severe cough, heretic fever
and it, <o.o.l3P.Oldisease•, and mune-0,0114 doomed
to linger out a short bot miserable elistenee, and' the
fall of ItgO, when, being more severely attached, and
having reported to all my Fortner remedies, and the per.
scriptiots of two of the moo respectable phyueians to
the isighborlioal without deriving any benefit, or the
coniolation of surviving hots law day* or greets a/
farthest—when the Is .t gleam of hope was adsout us
vanish, I had recommended do me your Expestbranhe
and blessed by that Lking who does all things in the
use of them ee—azd contrary to the of
my physicist nod friends, I was in a few days raised
front toy lied, and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to
attend to my !easiness, enjoy - mg sumo better health than
I had for ten year. Pm• 1 0.•
Respectfully your. fee., J. W. Emu.
For tale in Pittsburgh, ad the Pekin Tea Suere,7o
Fourth street. mare 9
DI JAYNE.—Thtscer tifies , that immediately afire
retying attended my brother, who died of cotwamption
in March, I was taken sick with the CAnsamprion
or Liver Complaint, and was redoced so low with the
theca., that for four yearn I was unable to attend to
my bonnets, either at home or •broad, being for the
mitot urne confined to my bed. During Me *bare peri
od of tune, I bad expended for medical attendance o
meninx Physicians nod medietocal =IMO of
MUM, without meetring. any benefit therefrom. I
July, it-45, I cow:mimed taking Dr. Jayne'. Medi
caino:e,twmt.briiii,i.e, va t ic , en w. thr mor e or leas ever
that I ciao now truly say n thit flt'avey'c'Zplentcl;ireco r !.
voted my health. believe that lily Sanative Pills
and E:spectorant are the beet family medicines now it
I reside in Spnngfield. Otsego county, N. Y., and
carry on a furnace and machine shop in that place
and amnot intereemd fit any manner in me sale of the:
above medicines, and make this certificate for the ben
efit of those &filleted. ELLIAII EA'PON.
ppongfield. N. Y.. Sept. PI Ivad. jai
TO DErviatirdv --- Dairobb - DSt --- '-
lir ft. MURPHY, at north east center of Fourth
IfY . and Market sus, is now recessing his looond
supply for the season, end ems offer inducements to
buyers rarely to met with. IIG OODS nt of
Dl bc
I. very full, consistiny of French Merinos, CaMmerm,
CoLurga Lyonese Cloths, super Printed french
mere', at prices considerably lower than they could
be bought early mason. C LU NG SHAWLS Hie stock of
Is large, and embraces many of the beautiful stylee
[IOW On eXhiliidOn Frankho Institute, FbibuFs.
Of aew and very handsome styles, Velvet Trim
mings, AA
01 venous Myles and qaainica, plain and embroidered
hark hilt 1-sci t s. Needle worked Collars and Cut,
Donnet,Seuns nod Velvet Flowers, Caps and Feathers.
Of the newest styles, and at lower Once. thanusual.
end nch eangenble Silts and Fades, for Sat-Alas,
; and n large cock of
RI lowest prices. Aod in the gentlemen's department
wdl be tousttl :Wish
Dlack Doeskins '
Winter Testiness, Fancy Mtssoneres,
underMinfl• and Dressers, till Cravats., Steckel Ilailds
kerchiefs, ice 7
are invited o visit Me NYliolcsal.
Roams, up seams. ne
M...., Mercer co, Fs, FePt. ettlililt).
It Seller. Dear•eir 1 bought one bottle of your
Veronfuge at the Iron :dry Furnace Misplace,
A hos performed what we consider out here • won.
ilerful cure ou one of my boys eight years old, lie bed
been unwell for some seam, to much so that I had giv
nup all hope. of his meovery. I strns adVired by rs.e
of to neighbors to try a boats of your Versnifege—
gad I am happy to tolOrM von of it Mitring the destred
effect of mbewngy son. lie pawed, in the short
spare of ti hour., ltd worm, some of them mewur
iog as timers at Id and 14 inches long. 1 feel bound to
lestice to give you the above statement, so as you may
make ant fmy name that you Mink proper.
ours,Y very respeedallY,
JO/Millen B.
..7'Prepared and sold by R. E.SELLERS,S7 Wood
street; and wild by Druggissa generally in the 'two
CMGS. 00.16
~.~..: ' Y
~ ~_
:V ..
l ,
V r
d t
I clam,
, t,
n.. IMP—From W. K. liodnn, Egg., Clock of the
Court of (Loaner Sessions of [leaver County:
Mr. R. Sellers, Sir, Some time In the winter my
wife was afillteted with a severe and distreaving cough,
benne & of your invaluable Cough 8 1 1111 p, I pur
chased a bottle from S. T. Trimble, of ridgewater,
and after tailing & portion of it two ar three evenings
on going to bed, 'he. found Immediate relief, OW 1100
several friends have been relieves in severe eases. I
am therefore Wished that it is • safe and valuable me
dicier, and would recommend it to those who may be
afflicted with severe emtghs and colds.
March Z 1,1,41. W. k. RODEN.
Resold by R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood street, and
1.7 Droglnsts generally In Mo two einem and •scitilly•
have ben e r r inormed by Mrs. Ilino of some per
formd onheby:Drs-Jaymeia Alterative, which
proves Its sopersorityliver every other remedy of the
kind. She hoe been afflicted for the lust al iteen years'
with ulcerations and enfolmtion of varioes
r. bones, do.
nog which time many pie..byre been discharged from
the mantel, bone of tl,e'crannon, from both her aims
limos and hands ,and front both legs, and from the ft
femora. bons. and from the right knee besides painfal
silents on other parts of her person, which have bathed
the skill of a number of the most eminent phsicians of
our eny—dorma melt of the time tier s uffer y ings have
been exerumung and deplorable. About three months
sic she was induced to try Dr.Jaroe's Alterative,
w i t c h ham had no astonishingly happy erect upon her,
by removing ell pain and swellings. and ceasing the
steers to heal, while at tbe same time her general health
has beeteseeempletey restored,. that she now
SS ins more thee she id before she cteentenced the aro
of this truly valnableprepation—Pdel. Ere• hot
Pet further information, imperil of Mts. No.
Mart at, Philadelphia
For we In Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
. • sob at. near Weed. lye
~Y~~~i ►9~l~IT;111~
-7 -- aint•riesr .
easonalgor saw ILomittaxe• Oats*.
AAHAMMEN f 03.'conunno to bring (persons
from any part of Enema, Ireland. &Mika er
Walen, upon the most liberal tens. with their
tasual pmtetnebry and attention to the wants and com-
Costs enttnigrants donotalkste oar passepgers
be robbed by the swindling scamps that infest the sea
ports, as we take charge of there the moment they n•
port themselves, and are to their well bolnitt.snd d."
y d' grn • Te i t=l;, ' Yazd detention
b o y ne th o e f fi cfri ' p h as * : — rt.
gets to show tint, they were detained 48 btirs by us in
Liverpool, whilst thourande of others • ere detained
month. said they could be sent in some .4 , ernft. at a
ch;p r ate, which too frequently proveC. their coffins.
We Intend to pe r form our contract, couorably, cost
what it may. sod not act as was the ease last newton,
with ether oacern,—who either 'performed not all, or
when it suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at riUshurgh for any soot from II to
mime, pay - able rim y of the precinct.' Banks in Icm
I n d, Englund, Scotland and Woks.
Earopean •bd gene tdAnent,
fsbt PIM , west. ono trot lob es Wood:
Steamer MICHIGAN No.ll—Capt.
LAKE ERIE, " Gordon.
T IKE above regidar ~:dwell known Censer Pack.
• els, have commenced making their daily trips to
and from Ileaver n und will commits to ran between
Pittsburgh and Deaver regularly during the season, as
Michigan No. 21e:tate Pittsburgh daily
N ato o'elock,
A. N., and Mayer at &clod:, P. . Lake ur g e
leaverfileaver deity sib o'clock, A.M., and Pittsburgh,
at 3 o'clock, P. N.
These steamers will ran in connection with
0 Parks' Express Packet Line, for Erie;
Taylor Lefithigssell's Warren Packets;
Union Line of Freight Goats ice Cleveland.
Clarke Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Lb
Prole ht
RG Parks daily New Castle roCketN.
cLAHIai, PASTS de Co, Soave; Agents.
JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pittsburgh,
, gg hgd mom Water and Smithfield sm
1849. Atgran
THE Proprietors of this old established and popular
I. daily lino condstingolSlXTEEN first class Canal
Boats, Gamed by therneelres and running al eonneet.
non with the steam boa. BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for
the transportation of freight and passengers, on the
opening of Cum! na riparian, to allpoints on the Penn
sylvania and Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes.
E. hl. PITCH & Co. Cleveland.
Agents, Benner.
J. C. 1110 WELL, Agent,.
ma y Water street,
MA" • 0. W. C. IiIDW.III
Pittsburgh. Sooner.
Forwarding Merchants, .
Agents for the PiurburgkandUetriandLane,Pins .
berg-- andErtr Line via Erin, and fin rtann
(pars Bearer and.Caleti Cox.
Having perch:nod the large and substantial Mal
Boatlnfil built for the Monongahela Pockets, have
with the addition of n -Warehouse, Um ntow. ample ac
commodations for receiving and foneardinc, and
pledge their utmost amention t proutputemo and despatch
to conwornmunta to their care, and rely on their friends
far trial. Mae:oily It. It 111 W
Ik:qr. second band Piano. fl octaves. price 1459
I 45
1 0 61 . 40
I " " 5 " 2to
For sale for cash at the above pie In by
.101114 II , 113.1.0R. ,, i Wombat
/41113 —Prong's Gunn Viobtor
I M 7 l 3cman. sussed end cannt cord (mat the tut Fon
ligh edition, to cornwrond with Spahr'. Original
8,h.. Of Violin
b i lw , Paint 41- P t•li
any armaments ern require to recommend this work,
It may be ohnervcd tlini r , pobr tonr.cif adlierci , strictly
to the aystrin tlin e 'work.and that
be has by the same mode nf instruction poodue•d a
gees bet of ilioUnainsittcd pupil, than any Odle,
ance in Pampa " -
supply of the •, ore Just rreC4, tante 57,1 and lop
7 I it MELLOR. at Wand PI
-izmti t :
,•.'"I r i"I "-T
7,/6..a till, ; 7 ,
t:- t L.U.A.r.vj ..-,,1.1.nag
.1.•••••!,, -,--.>-77,1:11. 4;,4,0;4, 14-, • t ,
._:,:ttz..-?...., -, 5. :,-,...
-'.X.,-.___ -....-,-,-.2,:z.0--Iff
.. ....., Eie-- • - ,v•-•1""'.
A N EMTNEOT sod ogpsocneed Plysietau aura We
•71. FAA of 20 years osnoing, offers to treat all Cale.
nf s Delicate Nature With sonaptuess nod secrecy
his mecca la Dotal° and other large clue. tar
been proverbial. His charges are moderate, and ht.
ems permanent Old caves of Glaet. Saloom. rent
fula,lluor Altos, Rhorntansm,ftgoe,dyslans, or ant
chromic or inveterate eases solicited.
A eons emanated, or chore refunded.
Orincu,St Clair areet,S. doors from the Briars.
Teeth Extracted ounce to the poor gratis.
N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the stoat oars of any dams.
rtmloarth to call. itortdir
rEirnoisr.vs, OR RocK oil..
"There am more trunk. in heaven ard earth
Than ere drearopt of in philosophy ''
ei thin wenarkat , reme .y. and
Tthe constant applicarino tor it. to the proprietor,
ha. unlaced him ta nave it poi up in boobs with la
bel, and for the benelit of We {sari,.
The 11:1110LEAMI. ~.prOented from a Well to
armory, at n depth of four hundred fect,lii a pure urns.
dulterated anima. without any chemical change, but
rust as how* from Nature's Great Labrateryl! Thrall
contain* propenrea reaching a number of dmealea, to
no longer a matter of uncertainty. There are marl
things in the m might
of nature, which, If known, inht
be of mist awfulness in alleviating suffenng, and re
storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a oaf
mere. Long before the preprietor thought of potting
it up in
h e r o ns t had a reputation fur the core of dio
case. T otant and da r t' i t ea. fur it,
and several remarkable maes ti has perm inmal, •
sure ;nitre:Moo of future populat ay and wide
raterapplication in the *are of thamoe.
We do mat wish to mate a long parade of eertifi
rate*. at we are that the meJno <ea soon
work its way IMO the favor of those wk.. auger and
wish to Le healed. Whilst we do not claim for it
universal application io every &cease, We unheitin•
lolly ear. that tot nuni , mr of Chrunm lbw - . i;
anrivalled. Amot,e, tlee.r nia7 room...tea
thoraces of the Marcum usaue, each CtlittiNlC
RIZONCIIITIS, CONSUkIrriuNA.. Its earl** mace.)
Asthroa, anti all dime,* of WC air posasea, 1.11111
INDiatlans. DmerSea of
Ito Bladder and Kidneys. Paine the Pack or Stdc,
Neer°. Diseases, Neuralai Palsy, Rheumatic Parma.
Gem, Erysipelas, Toner. litsigworms, Boma.
lirtnaex,c.d Sore, ate., ire. In rows of tiotonty re
salons from expomme, or long and protracted MSC. of
disease, Ws medico. will bong relief' It will act a.
a general TONIC agar ALTERATIVE In siren
imparune tone and rcerey to the whole frame, retnor
log obatruettona,oe-toniettko lloggloh fonenotta, winch
cause disemso and a
broken co...mown, and Kleine
tnereaull and renewed energy to all the organ,. of
Idle! The proprietor knows of aeveral core. of
Vile s t, that restated every other tromment, get well
under the tom al the o n to g
)I...cum lor a shot. time.
The proof eau im (mon any person who deaden a
None geneses. without the amiantus of the propneior.
hold by the pmprietor,
S. KIKB., canal 11.13 ' near Beer wh
Also sy R. E. tIPILLEtri,
and—KEYSER la M' l Iltrt 1T ;. , .,
I corner Wood at. mid Virgin alley; • los
nove-dly regularlyamo.. ....1
No. 671 t'ourth 6t - *11.341.5ar/gb,
Haw now In Store thou fullrolonent of
Trimmings, Glom, Hosiery dad Lace Goods
PARTED to the wants of every. class of Merchants
:I nod Consumers No runs have been poured to
r.., in tle ',ewe. nod most fashionable style of
11/ Weir line. ' Their stock consists in part of the
Fringes and Gimps. of every variety; new Myles
Se ured Galloons; Algerino and imperial Braldin wide
and narrow Silk and Worsted Embroidering Braids;
Snored and eat Velvet Ribbons; plain do do; Charted
Mantua .d plain Satin Ribbons, for trimming, black,
white and colored Silk Laceit, extra wide do do, for
tionisees; with a full astionmcitt of Dress Buttrana;
Dresses Pinked, Pumped or Embroidered to order.
Embroidered Lace and Muslin - Cam , . Chemmemes,
Nreakfist and Eltirrng Cepa and Sleeve*, Frersell
%Vera ed Collars and Cue*• g p.m van ely,• La ce.
Lappets and Opera Ties, Mourning Chemitelles, Cul.
lar, Calo and Half Sleeve., Lamm Lawn Mara,
plain embroidered and heins , liekeirril, pima Linen do,
real thread Laces and Ederings, , lm do, 80bbin,L.4.113, Lace Mason and Conon h.:riving**. Inactling•
lICIV &vie nnet ILtiatnt,s, Flo
Bonnet Tubs, Velvets, Nu ths d form,. Silk
Cr.. ththaw. and Tarletnets, Llannet P•t mu and Ti'. -
- - - -
manolietau. with Falai k approved
and choicest colon . An attentive a via y a
as hand.
great vanety of Soils, Wool, Cotton, .ierolo and
Cashmere, for ladle. 0101 Shaw, Tartan Pia Oa mid
$ aioortMent other atylea fancy and Child..
reit's Qom newest allies Iniante , Dome and Pont.,
Gents".Gramplart, Vigo:am, Merino, Cotton and lit e
Wool Ilalf Hose
A falkastorrtneni for men. women slid children,
aniong which are pretty Walled, Coltman , . and Os , .
ribbt d and plam Cashmere. Chamoi tru
Ctuninere, Merino, Fur-Cued Ileaver. s
hear) ed Iter
doe Ilackskln, Miloarr and bale Thread and Condo
Such at Ladies' and Chil , ren's Hoods, Children'
Woolen Sankt, Kni t‘earfs and 1101., eta
ers and Long t
Worsted Curls, Knitting Worsted
and Woolen tarns, California Comforts, also, In.
Cashmere &Ors. for Ladles
- - - -
Zephyr and Tapestry Winkled.; Commas Patterns,
Plops and EP3L.I Pitt, Bristol soul Petrel Boards, Pa.
per Marmots, Lamp blots, and F.o.
hroldered Work. A150..-I..tultep . and Merino Vests
and Drawer., BosUroislereti Sacks ondFlanneht, French
Worked Cpp•and Wools for Intantsi nod Syrup's-door ti
Fine Shins, Ctmt and Colliery, Merino, Silk and
Cotton Wnsipera and MVO'. Sospendert, Shou , der .
Bracer and Dr wing Downs: - arid Linen' Ildkfr,
Nieves and Ilmery.
French pauerns carved and plain Shell [tool Co.;mb
Buffalo and lot. do: Shell Sided Lions Combs; lin.
do. IluSalo, Satin and Dogewood flair Mueller' Shell,
MANI° and Eng. Horn Dragging and hoe Ivory Cointw;
with an ikwortment of Nail and Teeth Druidic..
Steel Bg. and Form&
Berlin Wire Basket.,
Fine Itooromod Berk. atid
Fancy Work Make.
Portfolios, Popiertres tool
Ladles' Stationary,
French Cork holey
Silk & litnem Umbrella.,
Papar Mumma& I lolland.,
Mamie Bands& AVebblog,
Comet and Sboa Laces a.
noomai - nooKs!
' -
Needles, Pins, Tape.,
Uncoils and Steel Goals,
Plane /*lst and Sowings,
Cottl this/Ines d: rlalloonn,
Cloak Card and Tassels,
Blind fr. Shade Trinunings,'
Pulpit fr. Banner Tulles,
Upholst.rer'. Frin&ex,
Bad Linen, awed widths,
Eastlea tril Clotbe,
ple'd Chintz Unsling.
u_ecf r . F AAtrii .u nkisl7sl.l7.C.Di LOUR ROOM,
j l t.e hl oi., 7lif b ood mw 4"%r w . ,, 1 5 h;
n l , Tr:Ve ro n , once st
R emenl
gionthe 0 5. 1116 , 1 2 1, Nwinder's 111.1017 of the Citrolot g n
trfho, 1410 ITII.II I I th d r., ' Ro n o M i t;
ris.wohy of the Gosp.ll, do Erjkloth do b d n orttoo . tt'a r
41e 6 Colo, Baton d i o n ni Parader Rosettes;
d t rorpects, Dr. Wood'. Loo!
tote. Swodenttorglaoloth,lloll's klisaionary hood.
adnlzt,old,Mowarg :her Interesting works, in no additton
0 Medice* ot the diy.”
Ottenast's Pr non, Ohio, ' , lay Ft, ISO.
B. &Sellers: I think It right for the benefit of otben
to state some facts in relation to year excellent Fax&
-Iy l boor used your Vermifuge largely to my , morn fseri.
By, one via. frequently answering for expelling': ego
quantities (my Ito 2124 worms from two ehildot 1
ham also abed your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup .e
my Mae, and they have la every tratanee produced
the etteet tird.
A. I ant in/raged in merenauising, I am able to
mem the
di have yet to hear ef the first failure where
your medic.... have been used in rtiy section of the
country. In conclusion I may stated. they are As
...ctn.e of the day, and ate destined .0 have a very
extensive monody Yours, re. et ilidty,
• . P.m..
Prepared and sold by R. 37 Wood
street, mid sold by Druggo to the two ci
ties sod "Hendry. melt
of original, only true, aped genuine Liver Pill.
Sttorr Cann, Ohio county, Vat
March 26th, ISIS. S
Slr. R. 11. Sellers: Dew Stf—l think it • duty I owe
to you and to the Public rifler. ly, to state that I have
helm maimed with the Liver Complaint for n long
tone, and so bade, that an aborts farmed and broke,
which let me in a very to mute. Having heard of
!holed Liver Fill. beteg for sale by A It
Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to rue by
my Optician, Dr. F.. Smith, I concluded to or them
a fair trial. I purchased cite box, and found them to
a loot what they are recominended, TIIE BEST LI
VER EVER USED; and titer taking four boxes
I taid the disease has entirely left me, sod I am now
perfectly well. Respectfully yours,
West Liberty, March 22,100..
I remity that I am personally acquainted unth
'Mein , and can beamteetimony to the truth of the
ea no .artifiettle. A R SHARP
TO, cenuine Liver PIN are prepared and sold by
it it :1 I.LERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
tto o tides.
"1. TOR PUBLIC.—The original, only true and gen.
aim Liver •
Pills are prepared by RE:tellers, and hove
his intim. stamped In black mts upon the lid of each
l and Ms eignsadre on the oumide
others wrapper—ail are counterfeits, or ha...imitations.
Id It EL: Prrprie.tor
VROM the Rev AsA 511155,a well known and pop
V Mar Clergyman-oldie Protestanthlethodist Church
'roe undersigned Imeing been afflicted during the past
•inter with • di...a - Oahe atomach,MiletiMel pm.
Mans great pa in in the stomach for tenor terclve hours
without:ll2er.nn,and after having tried Varboos
rot:mite. with rileM wa. f undated. with a bottle
of Dr 17 Jayne' tt mauve Balsa. Thili ined ae•
rding to the Roe: ens, and (pond invariably that this
medicine causedthe pant to Mow,: in three or four min.
Men, and in fifteen or twenty minutes evert , mmol
tenonion yeas entintly quitted. The medicine was at
teryeardsosed whenever Indira:an:sot the approach of
a m [nev i perceived, and the pun eras thereby preire rib
ed. Ile continued to use the medicine every evening
and ...Mimes .i.•he morning, and to a few weeks
health was en far r.•toreil, chat the loiterer was robe
edlroma large Wl:went of ova trasive point. From no
perience, therefore. ,ii can confidently recommend p
U Jaynes CarminatPue Salts. as a military medico
for dour. of thestraultet and bowels. A SHIN:2V
A I leghebv eily.odt
For sale in Pittsburgh a, PllailN I l'• STI ill
72 Fourth street, ricer cod Sloe f
Store(V V% mrem
1.6370...1AF1r.1111 D ISGUVCIIVI
atLT part. , rog
consumption; Coughs, Cold+, Asthma, Li-•
Comyslaint, Spitting Blood, Bro nchitis,
of Boat:.
ing, Pain the Side nod Breol., Palpitation .•
'he Heath talleensa, Comp, Broken ea
.villtson, Sore Throai,Nenms Den.,
•v, and all Disease , of the Thro• .
Mreast and Long.: the too.le .
actual and speedy vc.•
.t krow. .o. to
ve o e .
the abr. d.
—. . .
Getlisperwlld R7rw por lac t 11.1 Ohara,: !
Chia medicine to no winter. minor.; 'oar of des,. '
thirty. It has pri,est away from :he thousand. daps
!aatinhtil upon thepdc or eXpertment. and now • ts, .!,
Cipher repotatior.. ru.n ....coming mom en, :• r: •
ty used than arty other preparation af triedlcia•
oratuced fur t ream or satin-nig unto
It has been nradoced •cry ! generally !sc.. !
Drawl S.te• •nd pc, and there am few ;ow •of
importance hut what cantata sonic retroatab.e
I coca of 1(3 coal edects For proof of the lomm,
it:actinide. arid of the valor mad efficacy of
an toed, I
eine. the p:opnctor will trier.}l It few of Elm than, t o
Ottotesmortiala which have 4oco pre.ented to , Olp bf
•nrn of first seapecuthiltry —men who have higher
eh as of mom. respoossal.ity !sod ittsuce, than to err I
ify U. facts, Lucas , . it will do another favor and
themselves no toinatice Such testmiony proves con
' welt, that ip .ImPa:or, excellence la established
05 iroonsic menu, and the unquestionable atithon
of paddle opinion Tau topiantantoos rrhef an
toed., and the soothing into net , Unborn nhrougb tic
ifilink frame by •
Its dee, renders It • most agreeable
rilinsedy for the metaled.
"Waco men, actin: from commenhou. d amn.,
wol.tarny bees taming., to the truth of a 1.00.4. or
particular feet. ouch mgt.:softy, butt c.omar) to their
worldly Interest. and purpa.cs. corn-es conmentsa of
its truth, and commends itself in a Fismial manner
universal credence Moral 71 axiom
&OM,. Ammo. Cell or Pr4xolgato Comcairriost:—
Cton novo! era. a 11,01 has been Rs scee.mul
:a desperate rearm of t:ortstimpuom a. Dr. Sasyrie'•
Dairmsound Syrap of Wild Caere)'. It strengthen. the
ry ors, andappears to heal the ulcers on the lanes.
cresol r near road rich blood; power Pcww-ei.d bY no
other ',hand.
Curer. Co., April 0 7th, lblt.
Pe. syse—Dear fide: I retiiy believe your Corn
b, rap of Wild Clerri Ims heel. the means id
saving my We. I camibt • •cvere cold. orluelt smith,
oily grew worse, attended with • severe cough, Mat
resmied all the remedies which I had recourse to, still
increasing atoll icy cue exhibited nil Ms symptoms at
Polmonary Conf.:Mimi. Floury thing I tried seemed
to hare ito effect, and my complaint increased to rapid.
ly Mat friends A t as myself, gave up all hopes al
my Intl/VEIT. At this woe I was theoemonsided to try
your lithalutible medicine: I AA at with the moat hap
-17 roma,. The first bottle had the etlect to laden
emot to
ing me to expectorsta freely - , sod by 0,
a ct had Ftll.l at:10,11013 wa. mittre.y well,sod
now us twang • 6110 a• I [Tr, Ira* 111 1.117 111.1
I.olld he happy to I , lle sot to (ormisbonecspecting my
Net °Mei sufferers cry' derive the bensfit
lettieh Icm so Ignacio'. Far the troth of this above
sthuonent, I tele , you to Prim Roth, Grant, West
purchased 111
il'on4rrf al Curs of a Illettodirt Mintek
F.., I (eels debt 01 grautuils due
a duty rild leteit reneraily, to oder
my humble testa:mug in favor of your .Lompound Sy
rup or Wild Cherry Soler three year, mince I was
violently utrarked with cold and lugaitonmson of the
Lune, which was accompanied with • distressing
costs}, riain in the breast and head, very considera
ble disrtruge of °drawee 0300110 (70241 the 11131,8, cop,
madly upon ebauge ot weather, bow<aer slight Al
firyt I felt no sinful &beat ray randiutin, but woe pretty
aeon ri11010C[J11161.1..t• rapidly going unto couromnp
Uon. 1 grew daily ++'e''•<o, andst I.:oath was scarce
ly aide to walk about, or speaaalave a whisper, sec t,
was the <loading weaaliess at lungs. During thss
unid I bad tried <arious preparations:mil prefer:lmolai.
h found no relief —growing all the time worse.
hare I votozdturtil arid poreunded by dcar mend
Wilmington to mate
a l l of your Syrup of Wild Cher.
ry 101011 comets dna previously I had lwen par,
dicral against Patent niedirines, 1141,1 I aut •Ull arm.
tb<se coming Cut CI L the halals of emperics, but ander-
It-lading your etsiuks to the prOft.olll . l end preen,. of
Myti larstrig implied. Lath in the saymg al My
friends, I iorthwith of Or. Shaw, one of your
teems, is few battles, and r.oinmeneed its oar. 51) du<
ease was at ths. haw of ta/ or ,Mer.priths' stando,,eoa.
wto-nny wet. deeply seated. \ , round, however,
considdrable tatter (ram the use of t first four Or ftvc
bottles. but being a NMI/a speaker . , I frequently el
thereby s preach with toy inerrawng strength, aud
toruptured those vessels that had aircady vegan
lo heel! in dna way, dolankss, nay cure was greatly
retarded. In consequence of acting thus i s
!had to rise twat's< or fifteen tattle. netora I was pe•
reedy restored 1 hove no question, • much small
number of.bottiss would have made me wand, lin
the above indiscetion. The nyntp allayed the fey.
1.4 habit. took ~, way ille du:re-mug cough. put at:
I. the ditchers. of Mattel . front the Itiags, and gay
them and the eactrosyweta ginal neonn. I hume act<
red °feting dud peruticate until now, for the imrpo.
of bring perfeeLL satisfied
It fitly
w ell
at the
<are, and mow axial feel perfectly well 1 oiler it with
pleasure. _ Rae. J. P. Joasa.
Malin count!' N-C.
There is het e ;wawa preparation of Wild Cherry,
nd utar It Ito etwaysen, rho first over offered to the
obje t reltteb .an been wad largely throughout the
United Steles nod some part. of 'Europet and all pre
pnranOits calks by Ute name of Wild Cherry have
been put out stone this, under cover of wine deceptive
circumstances. n order to give currency to their sales.
By p 111110 ottecevauon, person need tatinake the
genuine front 14 Wire. Each bottle of the gerwine
enveloped wit • beautiful steel engraving, with
c I
Itketiess of WO .1.1 tkerto. g, with
rignaturet and s further seeurity, the paned of Dr.
pr o
will added hereafter,. as - to distingulatt
tn• pr y eprannor tow all others 'low, it Nea• not lot
the greet cureq no
ec properties and kwn virtue. of Dr.
wo uld ) not
Syrup o f Wild Cherry, person
would not be seek:worms to glne currency to then
'Gentians nos met by menials the :mote of Wild
C har s
lacmtother, always war in mind the mole
tt Dr ;teeny nd inn deceit.,
Urineion, Oft e. corner of E.g. , . sod Mace steee...
t'or raft g ri t
. ; w ir e octal, o,
tmtlN, ear MI • t Wool, mu. II A VAIIINIEnTUCIi a
, cot Ist nu a'utal. and dad oat
nod mtm, IV am
I 111111N,53 kei at JOIN Er, Inn Libem sh Lae
lit INES not mild and Pooh wt. doll IUIIN ntacii
Allegtmn city, and by all respectulite neuters
,neditine actltl
Dr. 1,17• P. Inland , . Pr•nattrm Plaster.
W P INLAND, oldie Methrul College Lt Phi. •
nova oiled to tto , public hi. Indian beg.
:tab!, Premium Pla.ter, die etiolate. of VITIOCII, oft,
'nog and tried docile:we.. ..
. been tali.tit) e.
tablished To all women who may be indicted with
Prolapds or Fallen Wood, he recommend. ht.
plaster, guaranteeing • sure and •peudy mire in the
'bort space of from two to thee wee., applied with
care and ,gamrest—diacardll the countless inWruments
a nd eg pensive bandage long in use. This ho feel.
conscientious in stating, nodinuch as he h. not failed
hi one ease out of three hundred and filty.thr« pa:
Ae tor Ilhetintautnn and Wed Wean 'or Bad, at.
tended with pain, there is nothing to eace f.this Piaster
affording relief.or edeellite a mire. For sale by
L edner of Diamond IMO hlarket st
±n Reiter," Liberty and :ft Clair sts •
Dr J ment " racial at and lhomovu, Atte.
glieuy city
Jacques k 1.0, • Denman and Dmniund Diming
VICTRACT OF COFFP - .F.—An wink wheel is E
pithy corning into uee a wholdsoinc, tiourisinna
slid nantiOun orveanke, Icing morn plemant end pal
amble Poen yeoman togrec, and far cheaper, as a email
paper ensung only ten cents, will go m Mr as Mar
pound§ of Cadge. hlmiontetured by
JOHN S. AIILLEH, Pittsburgh, P.
Sold at wholesale by II A FAIINESTOCK Co,
comer of First and Wood and Sloth and Agnod etreets,
Pittabirgh aphl
riALIFORNIA rcenved,
Camp Mulcts, M °Meer nimbi; 12 pre Panllli
lb P6117111E11 lined Mining Boot.; i g ini g o, Bugo;
Witte( Turks, 6 audill gallon. noel; 54/ canteens, i
gallon each; I don Iluckekiii Moony Ilene; 1 du oiled
cambric do do. The above comfit fur *ale at the Cali
fornia EaUtbluthiamd. Nos lVond
inch. 64 lb. 111'1111.14PS
Agill;l3—Vironghtlijn Anvils, front the Tons2rr
anceville works, warranted; will be constantly
nu hand and supplied Lo order, by
myl2 errs t 4:111:1111A N, IS LOrool .1
it/WAS:472 hspes arm,
11•21 Banrontld i y--oco, wruy, he;
480 bola %Vbiskcy; for sale by
ruo , W a MI CtiIIF.I.THER
ijLEACAINti PlADl4,lbinit nand. das aituprant &
Sone brand, a superior article, bir dale by
novflW 111 MITISIEUV REll
hirirprattbi Soda A.& land lu ausis
5 Bleaching Powder, arrived
saterip trecnbridee.,
and now cote by canal, ;orby
N. o,—They will receive, during tile winter, large
supplicants Naar Orlaanw novUir
r pared& now arithmetical work, a copy or winch
tub b ed pthers. resente
washout to eah cha s
e, sseryTescher la the
H. Foolish & C 0,79 Wood street, Pittsburgh,
pia) The wen* is entitled,
Or, An Attalmis or the Language of Scams and aei
erica of Number.
The following nodes '4 copied from the New York
Trant nu of Jam Id,eft
-13.00“.1. Aalreaaa , /, Ire Coss. Davos, L.L.D.
(Ism., pp. ,or
Ills work the 'nuance of figures,
and coustraction of numbers. We Carefully aualyr.,f,
The alphabet, composed Or lea figures—Me sirerd• der
ived iron the the lure by which the
figures are orinneeted with each otheraare eked) ,
"The analysis shows that there are bat four hun
dred and eighty eight elementary combined°. in
A rithoacue, each Corresponding to a Word of our eosin
mon language; and that these cominnations see so
connected together u m be all expressed by only
sixty three different words. The systeal proposes to
commit these words to memory, and then see d th e
resells instead of spelling them, as now promised:
hlo another respeat the system proposes an imports
ant clisuge, namely: to unlade, and treat nil frantic.
ascii.. things, having a givers relation to thc
(moo which they were deemed.
“We enamel) , need say that the little work evinces
the Mentality. and skilful analysis, far which Professor
Davies' writing ela dd. raciest au lastly velehrated.
We commend it la the attention of practical teachers,
believing that they will find It crowded with new and
valuable suggestion."
From cAa Pnressors at Wan Poixs.
"afilasall. /recant or U. S. Wier Porn, Jan.l7.-
“The Gralrlarla of Arithmetic, by Professor Davies,
is the subject in a new light. It so analyzes
Arithmetic as to Impress the mind of die learner with
the fint prinelifles of mathematic.' science. in lane
right onler and connection, and the new roles for die
ofr7l. ace of
gro'f4ol,..tits'efif av alor.
' ?hi'.
C.reo, %Zit' of mathematics..
D. 11. Mahan dlrof. or Engineering."
In Preys.
A.S. BARNES & Co. would reirpeetfully annoone -
to teachers, and to all intone:ea in Mathematical in
II Mai., that May 0.111 poblioh, on or before the Ic
of August, th2o, the folluMing work:—
Or, an Analyses of the Prineipko of the Seienee—o
00 Naturioftha ream:Dolor-and of the best Method
of Impurtieg Instntetion: By Chub Davie. 44 V.
author of Complete System of Mathematics."
N.D.—A. S Borne. & Co., aro the publishers o
Davies' System of Mathematics.
For sale in this city by A. It. ENGLISH & Co., N.
72 Wrioil street feb77
Pootorto Now ICADloplata Blolodloo
WIN V.lO Run .11 Nidbc Dolly D.y;
Duey Jones: Go down to do Caton FotIJ;
_ .
Nally was • lad), &A
De Kind to a. Loved ()net at Home;
/tow thy boat I.ghtly; True Love, by T. Hood:.
Our wuy across the itett, tined;/:: ,;
A new medley song, by H. Coven;
Jenny Gory, moue by /gallop
Joys that were crowning, Wedding March;
Gad bless the hardy marine; Schuylkill Waltz;
Conscript's Departure, by W. C. Gloves;
Sounde own Dome; Waltzes, Steyeatnarbsche Co,
Leo H /tu t e e r, cosy varlet/ma til/kftz
United Folk. ; Ladies' Souvenir F olko;
Cora Coulter (tendrils; Louisville CJaadrillet
ik o .t. Of Duly: Dacus, Trios, Ac.
A Inrac assortment of New Music on hand. to which
10131,0/1. are nods weekly. For sale by
feI,JJ J. If. ItIET.LOR, gl Wood at.
. . .
rl - 18; WAR WITH MFOCIgO, by R. 8. Ripler,
J. u'
. .
Eten.enta or Itbatorie; commixing an Anatraia et
the Lax - . el floral Evidence and of Yemen:on: ey
Richard WhatelY. D. U
Katy on Ciatonan fleptivnti by Deptict W. Noel,M
•ria. Ogii dtce, Novel
Fe.ry NO, bonddl Naarena by Mammy R. Mon
With d 4 tlhadralions by 134 y la .
deli reed by JOrrNSTYPN SIVOCATON,
della earner Terri and Market Circe a
N. and Faagase Gift ITlookal
ICI NES API qiimencizes,• ory T
C.:l ad d), xvl,h n original designs by 'Arley
Sam . a u f an d b Pram, t), camas, by Illabard II Dana; a
Ilk“ Monte./ lieu. of 2.4lCrctl Coney, lota, nix Sinatra
nowt engro . ” is on nu el. b) :ohn Sartain
Juin rere.ved by IuIINSTON a STOCKTON,
deed e met ten and /larkr , au
OANu PA II h.sT, or a Practical View
11 of we daunt relations and interests of die
WM. ai a .issiti and the Community; by Worth.
tugion. 11wwsr. Jl. D
1.. tat,. of Michael De Itlonwiariat compruog
nu _rtww, dc. By Win. Hallett.
Nonevrik end its IteMain, By A.ten Henry Lay
and .I.: L.
lionises of Pp In, or Noses of an Unbotahed To.
to Dirt' ByT
Tupper's Prtiverbtai Philosophy, new edition; Blow
tsaied. Jurt received by
JoirssTurris sTocirrai,
novll corn. Market and Thlwd airceta
KJ summed flanks—Roots in richly carved bond i ng
iLumonaled and Illnerated—Doom , superbly bound •
Velvet, B,lk. Morocco, royd Cum, action, on imitati• •
of the Middie Art x—lithles nod erayer Boots, beau
Malty hound in Ve,vct and Morocco,magnificently or
',unarmed and tlitlmlnale4. For sale by
drlal Bookseller a. Inaparter• Wood sl.
Gt;ri•loslns lwsiel New Year Appregmlatue
Lu Magmfurat Antique Binding, for the Holidays.
f MKS D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer,
I) nod street, ban recemen a beautiful collection
of Illustrated Boots. bound to the togs, spler.did man
y ley the best Loudon and At:aerie. bin —m
may he found:
pearls of Amen • Msetry; magnificently illumine
hays of r In World; illatninateal io gold and
Wohlso nob's Greece; richly Itlusttated. •
The t cacher, Allucturated by Owen Jones, and
honest carved wood.
Song of Swnest illuminated byJones.
rowers mud tbmr Kindred Thought.; Illumbmteslby
lernlne• of Sbakepeare; Illustrated.
Mew Jauleson's Clteraeterzenes ell Women. illustra
ted. For sale by SAM/Z . ll LOCK Wt . JOLL
63 Wood street
New Books.
EIMILYRnit nip First Foyage,lry Ilene= Melhrille
author of ..Typeeii . "Ornoo," &e.
thatory of King Alfred of England,lq Jacob Abbott:
wool floe etteraviore.
sido nt o the S O jr01,1111; I,y Wm. 111eintioki.
aconS eoraer Third and Marketatieeta
Oma of the kast Roourriablo Wort. old" Ag.."
n A 9.; a
atiana ,: t . s i I r e; :LI
lan, and Me Yeardia, or Degil-Worahippersi and au
Inquiry into the hannem and Ana of the Ancient Ao•
synods. Austen Henry Lapsed, Dol., D. C.
Will Introductory Note by Prof. E. Rohn:won, V. 11.,
I.L. D. Iliustraicil with In plate. arid mays, and fin
wood nom vale 4vo. ninth, Heir.
.Tbc book has a run amount of graphic., vivid, piro
turextue narrative "—Tribune.
Die work of Lague in the men prominent comm.
[intim, to the sandy of antiquity, that has appeared for
many yeam."— Chris, Ing.
"Not one rued. in interest die .mourn of Nineveh
at, its Runia,.gmen by Mn. Layard."—Waslongum
"A. we follow the diggers with breathless interest
in their excavation. and suddenly find °until/ea be•
fore a massive fimme named with =mote acearsoy,
now Wong Ito etgande head from the dust of MOO
years, we are reedy to try eat with the astonished
Arabs. •Wallsh, it is wonderful, bat it to trot'"—ln
For sale by
63 Woal g
Tuar"l'°.l.3t'rn*O 2 ,l)V.
bnun~ilo fnrd l r m a;
er. t i. :L f z i tl
Ry,l n new
and enlarged edon: illastrinad by engthvinge from
originul &roma by Wier. 1 sol. 'quart eve, elegant
ly truunil row gitt. variety of splendid AIM.
air and Gift kooks
Sewell's Child's Finn Book of the Dreary of Rome.
1 vol. !cm..
ose C¢,pc.err, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw
yers, Lumbermen, Students, nod Artisans.generally:
being. a th orough and proctical Treatise on factiwara
boo and the Slithrig Rale. By D M. Koper . , A. Al.
Bosses Treatise °. Greek ProseCompontion.
Oltrudord's Elementary French
mho.G Ily Prof,
Greene. of Brown Univertity. I
Floediger's Gement.' Hebrew Grammar, by Cannot.
Grsentus , Hebrew Lexicon.
Leann. Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tables. 1
The EaKliorhatan'. Greek Concordance. I yeti's..
Al Clamles' Serie,
Webster'e ll.etionarg, tevised ed.. vol. ere.
Jo do unabridged. 1 trol.4to.
Iterno'e Notes and Question, ou New Testament
Whately`e Lope t
Moshstnie 1-kmlemostleel Ilistary. at vole. and I
(sh ,, T.)
Veengos of Creation I 'col lSt.o.
mortttnes among the invest. et Rome. 1 vol. telolb
and popes.)
Scenr. where tee Tempter has Triumphed. 1 not.
•11101lin 4 papct
Boss. s Toeologteal bertures I vol. sin. (e/M11.)
old. re Prolamin tog LIM,
trocr , Err:whirl , unartry.
,art's Honig.: For lisle by R 1110PRIN4
0v,7 Apollo Building•, Fourth sr
auogs — l - ugy - Ittx,Avilu. -The winos
Molndigos, edited by 11. lierlitt, comprising his
i;assys. Letters, and Journey through Germany and
Imly, with notes from ail the P 011101.1.11..., Siograph.
teal mid thhilim mottled' Notices, gie
Timor) and Practice of Teaching; or, ihe Moser.
and Methods of Good School•Keepiug, by David
lingo, A 111. 1 Paincipal of the State Normal School s
Miaow, N 1.
Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing of the U. Stites'
and Unlink Provioces of North Amenca by Ilelup
center Third and Market an
The Olden Tanks.
eIAMES 0. LOCKWOOD, Boeik.ller and Imparter,
63 Wood street, has for sales Mw copies Conc
pletr, (the remainder of the colitmo,) of thm valuable
work. devoted to the re
latingf Documentry•nd
other authentic Information re to the early ex
plornuonA, settlement and improveent of the country
around the head of the Ohio. IV Neville U. Craig.
SAN., lhaseurgh, in volt coo.
r OMAN uurarry: A Morn. wan a Fly.w of the
IL Liberty of Ancient Nation.. Samuel
Ult., EN. illUstrated w.lh twelve r ol,•V,011. coo
cal.d at llama 11. vols., two., uniform with Presco.ta
llimeneal {Vert..
Jest priblishod and for sale by
JAMES D. LOCK MAID, Rattiseller and
navlU_ lutperter. Wood at
pANNVTEKITiriI-ilifrALY; aittitosiiodedlilolF
"Tim reading of this book he. impressed as with •
mach blgheroptuten of its author thee we had fomed
loom perusum her other writhms. It timplaysa deeper
tone of thought, united to more pure womanly grave of
kclhig [lion any other production of the female aiind
with which we. are arquautted."—Ese. Mirror.
"It Is s very agreeable mid readable book, written to
Fanny.liele's boot style—bold, spirited and Ciller .
tatuitig Wo recommend it to oar readers am the Lest
publication of the mmon."—Reading (lax.
"It cotiminathe Journal of a travel through Europe,
and residence in Italy; and is ono of We pleasantest
and most Interestios books of the seasou."—Cour. and
"A very characteristic book. We have re from
title page to Coolopeon with unabated interes ad it t. A wt.
'lei Inman of Ida in Rome. to all respect. emiumatly
tiovls Bookseller 6 Importer, 63 Wood at
Lithographic Zatabliattitiallt
/1F /VAL SCIIIIALIIMANN, Third at, opposite the
ll l'ori-Othee. Pitistiargh.—hlaps, 1.111..pc5, BtIV .
is.j#, shoa4llb, Latials,Aroditeetoral and Mecham
Ontertnes, Llusureitil and Visiting Cards, d.e l ititrilVed
Of draw 011 some, aid petaled 0010f3, Go ,1110000
Uf io the most approved style, and at the most
reasonable prices,
• •
11. sossass•ss soma,
partt•r•,, 116aultaag• Brellgrar•,
Lam Lmmms to t
COLLECTIONS.—Drsfea, Nun and AemeMee
payable in any put of the uniornialbuted on molt
Monads term.
EXCHANGS on New York, Ptuladelibia 'and Bal.
d ma ,e; L l L L,CiLeirmali, Loa/mils, Sant Lords and
New Orlean. <Usually for sale.
DANN NMM—Notee on an solvent butt N tha
Unnodetater diuouned al thalowear raw. All kinds
d eold.
of POTeign ud Amadeu Gold stud 'Nur Coin bought
°Mee No. SS Mast" meet, botween ad and ath,
Plunburatti Pr oects _
• •
oust at a ble .Curreeltates V.rght
Also, isYrofTpeuwatilo any part of tbe Old Countries,
frons Li to liooo, at the rolo at I . to Ow St 1110;,
without dednetion or &scout, by ./(*ITIA. ROBIN
SON. Europe. and Genertl Agent, ortee It ono
door west of wood.
- - -----------. _ itowaSO Rai.
_____. ___.
. •
ill"' U42 %111/11/111 * aktlolll3lls, dealers
LANRERS AND Excunziga P_
._ _ ...._.
in Foreign and pomade Dills of
. k? ... pa , !..a_t_74 ,f
es of d pnaite, flank Notes 1 5, , :1kL7,7 - 1 ,,,,.
34 and Wood snot, di.‘ ,ll° PP wte mar d l7
tel. ------------_
Oh;o 6l.Li
pereheeed at the lomat rides. DY
sepll 35 Mulct alma:
B iLL... Ch. on
New York,
Constantly for We by N. 110LBI.ESic SONS.
septa 35 Market et
Dean:men Cartel.
From the i.tete York ttibune.
FRIEND, whew word Is must reliable;and who
he, no possible IstUtron in the Matter, eat ens 01
gratitude, domes us to say, dist ha has boen cutout of
inwtenito destnest, by the ow of .. .SeispOsCompo.d
Acoustie Oil a Philadelphia medicine, widen is .t
for se in this city, bat which ho Mints aught to be,
for rho good of the stained. . flo has a ester who Isis
also been eared by It. .11c urgently sunrises all who
are sac 614 loom desinessoo try this y 0me gy,..,,,,
tumor.. that, gutless the caw be extraordinasy, the
experiment will prove abundantly successful.
IF - nr sale at THE PEMN TVA STORE,
Dube FOMM al, PittabOlgh
Comb.t Combat
GRGSsinperFolks; 10 do do very fine;
Id fiorn Redding; ,
Poeket Combs;
000 o Weed
1000 des need Fine Imp;: .
o Shall Side Combs;
10 o Ounce large Beffido;
azo grow , . 4.1. Side bs; reo'd and for sale by
lebs . . C Com
YEARER,I O B Market at
, Huff Holland! . HOS ilellandt I ,
MAKE NOTlCE—ahnt W. MeOlintocAbas thls der
I received & of the finest end beet Rolf
Winder. Goland. toe/hich ha would mast ropectfally
call the attention of his easterners and the public In
A7Carpet Were Pooms;7s Faarth st • • laiill
FEW. very fine GUITARS, lost reel from the
celebretedlatedulactory of C. F. Martin, , end for
snlo he 1,.9 IH. MELLOR.% Wood eL
Books Just Uses Mad.
THE Complete Works of. John Buoyani 9 vol., Sao,
In 1 vol,!aerated; mask° gilt and gat edges.
aMitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School Geography
now work; v01,19m0.
Town's Analysis and Spoiler.
Life of John Q. Adams; by Wm. 11. Seward; 1 vol
12mo. muslin
—PoZ-ma by Mts. llama.; 1 vol, Ifter,,sauslin: ROL
;South , . Sormoss—Sermons preschool upon severs
°tensions, by Robert South r 11; a new edition,
idle; including Posthumous DISCOUre<O. -
Sonte-4 sole in 2; sbeep;extra; Sao.
For sole by R. 110PRINS,
lebal Apollo Daildings,Fointh at.
tlll , lO - 1. •1..1.1. '
ItteUMW. O. W. a. 141:0..
rle/IE undetsigned,soccemers to Arthur. tr. Nichols
son, Legleavens inform the citizens of Panstairgh
and public generally, that they have rebuilt the EA.
(Hal FOUNDRY end are now be fall
tortperation, aid
here pa. of their patterns ready the market:—
Amongst whirl am Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood
Steers, with a splendid air-nicht Coal Stove, which is
now supereeding to other cities the common round
Stove. Also n cheap real Cooking Sum, well adop
ted for small ' families, with a fall anortment ocean. ,
moo and mann& Orates We would particularly in
.vita the attention of penions building to call at our
watchmen before parehasing, and examine &splendid
article of ensormelled Grates, finished In Pee style—
entirely new in this market.
_Na_ 111 Llleny id, opposite Wood at
suagtibild NICHOLSON k. PAYNE.
(1 YEAGER. Importer nod Wholemlo Dealei In
Sign of the Gilt Comb, lud Market st., Pittsburgh, Ps.
Western Merchants, Pedlars, and others visaing
Pittsburgh to pure-hue Goods, are respectfolly invited
to nail and Mannne the extensive nebOrtrnelat of Res
its), tonerieud, Freneh and Gentian Fancy Goods: .
All Etorigo Goods at this establithmeat see imp o rt.
ed direct by myself, and putelinsera may mly on get
ting goods from fast hands. I have the largest &Galt
meal of Mucks, in the variety Ilne, in the city ol
Yitsburgb,..all of which will be sold low for cash or
city anerplanCea. The . Stock el:Miele, In pert, of
Lace Goods, Hosiery, Glove., MM..'
Silk Cravats, Shoe and Patent Threads, Sewing Silk,
Spool Cotton, 'rapes, Slitegienrlara, IlUttane, Pins, Nee
dles and Cutlery. •
Goal and Silver' Watches, dal /ward ry, all handier
Denies, Combs and lissom
Percuation Caps, Ituvolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk S
Cotton Purses, Spectacles, Soul Pena, Ratio 13ores,
Carpet Bags end Ilaskew.
Bindings,. Modules and Trillenting.
Tors and Fanny Goods, together with a large 'MAW
w of Fancy and Staple DRY tsILIODS.
C. YEAGER is also agent (or the celebrated
easwr Combs. tatiVl7
Otsat hagfish-B.4mM,
10R Cough. tlildv, Asthma and Consompnon! Tim
GREAT AND ONLY Milk:DV for the cure of the
above diseases, is the HONDA/DAN BALSAM 0
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, 0
London, England, and introdseed two the tinned Buitet
ander the louneshatesuperimendenee of the inventor.
Theestraorditiary success of this medico" in U.
eons of Poletionmy disease.: warrants the America,
Agent in mill:emus for tresUment the wont :possible ew
th"ro"es be foundin the etionnanity—GSMl that heel
relief iu vain from any . of the common remedies of Me
day, tied have been mace op by the atom dimingnialice
phymetans as confirmed sad Incurable: The. II ongisi-.
an Malmo:lh. cured, and will cere,themost desperats
of cue. It ti no quack nostrum, but Ent
11th medicine, y
of known and established efficacy.
pile° .
Eve Manl Mae United Slates nila be n
with i ry lerhan's Ilangsriart Balsam oo f Life, mi u t only
eountoraet the consumptive tendensies of the climate,
ho. to be used as a prevenutro medicine is all , eases
colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the side and
chew, irritative. - acrd soiciress of tine longs, broehitie
&dignity of locating, her o n fever, night [Wcatfelnuet.
anon end nend dcbdity, ";toms, whams on
and ciW.
Sold in larg o e bottle.; al $1 per bottle, with felt dime
dons for thareatoration of health..
Pamphlets, containing a masa of English and Anted
tan eertificates, and other evidence, showing the on
ermalled merits of this great English Remedy, may br
cal o e f'he
B Ag r 1 41 AVV I AC " i l ek & Co., tenter o
mood Wood and Wood and 011 sm. liindhorS.
hefore—made onlhe most apPrased Eastarnplart
a s—
nd most fashionable. Eastetn patteraz and colors. Mee
THE CHEAP Emu,. Bosron BLIND, on hind
or made to order of all sixes,and at all pileem.
Country Merchants and others are Invited to call and
examine the above for themselves,as all will be sold
wholesale or refer!, and a liberal didnesion mode
wholesale purchasers.
East side of th e Diamond, where Vemdan
Mode of allthe diderent Mae. •and cetera
are kept =loud or made to order Me
the latest and approved Eastern rash.
lons, at the shortest node* and on the zoos
reasonable forma.
Also, the cheap - Boston roll ororplit Hand Trample.
fancy and Paper Cartalnaof all the different sires and
patterns, on hand safer sale low for cask. Old.Veni
nen Muds painted over and rrpalred, or taken in part
pant for new ' RIL WESTERVELT,Propr.
N. B —6ll Wm. done with the best mammal and
workmanship, and warranted to please the most for
dtons. • augludly
Allegheny city, Ang..ll/, ISO.
0 No ram* Lma It I
_ .... . . - •
nessavaaa, Marchh7;lB47.
Mr. R. P. tiellers—la Justice to yea and yourmeetts ,
parable Cough Elmo, I beg leave to'state, for Melia:t
eat of the comintunty, that my wife hot been several'
times altiteted wins a most distressing cough. I tote
chased, la January IWO, a tattle of your Srup, which
cured a tough of taro months` standing: 'About one
nonth the cough returned, and was, so severe
that she could barely move, from weaknesa in.the
breast; I .111 for one bottle of your Cough Siruptd
a part of eau bottle cured the cough I gave the other
to a journeyman who was severely afflicted, who bad,
to Out his own words, ' , eaten enough cough ro o d
. cone ail the. people to Pittsburgh," if the candy hid
been se good or represented. -
Vetter, respectfully, A Liam TI. Exam.
Prepsred and sold by R.. E. SELLESE,S7 Wood
arm., and ..old by Druggist. generally La the two
j ' jt. nal. " wiablil , a :` , • Pert .
folly'*Pl'::grh°l2,,,...dc.‘at ~.,
west aide al the Dtannond,..elle
gbeny ally, a cOrapleata assort•
meal of Venadan tilindsoaho Ve
nni. Shutters ore, wade to or
d..r ia the beat aryle, warranted
equal la any lathe tanned States.
Its* Blinds em be removed:wellh
ead the and of a .crew driifii.
Having purchased the suaien,
tools, and weal ofthe cabinet es
tatlishulent of Ramsay /b. Itt'Clel-•
land, I am prepared to Canada.
their old customers, ibraftell as
the pablicat large, tat* every Wag nt their line: ~
Agency, No ta-Wood tirest, PalSbargb.
setkl4 J. A. Bowl,
UPT act:hi, an .1,)3.01 Olin BTewoodl antPimp'
from the celebrated mauaticaoly of Nam, i p .
Clark, N. Y., of aupenor nine, and very tacatensurnarti.
Vor We by
dell at J. %V. W,psde.,..a..
, Tartar,f o r removing Tartar, Westr•if sow
substances destructive to the Teeth. It Is tlehelou,'n,
the taste, eleauslns the mouth, healiog ithratieugll ta i
tog the gums, and powfying the bream...
For sate, wholesale and retail, by • • :
des) E 5P1.1:61t8,37 Wood te
Wi T g lli f Ul
tn4otiMall qcitiralEginieZ
vec %VsLchcs,n cascuthr which I panned llll
WV/ 43 114irstibA'.01 . 4:i4 sad/warranted to
k Vo—A cpte:nilid uwttmaA4 .1.-
dotY' =ha rwil sports.
.11 CAL
Commixing so Mercury, war obler , iliineral.
T i t E ,.fg . i m wirn i Z t. .. , ,L j J .. fix , ty f ~ i . . : ecie .; A.
medical wort entitled "The AMmican Practice of
Mediate and FandlyTt ysiciac.": . _
"Raving been made arguslute , Twlthileinmedients •
w hi g gy gmapase kleAlltmetre All.lteuliug Ointment.
and having prescribed and tested k : ir.c en ral <toes in•
my private practice, I have no hesautio% to •ll]riti Or
eerufying AMR. a Vegetable Remedy., ...mug
I no mineral substance wharever, dud its ingredients,
co , z bi n ,d .g a th ey are. and rued a, directed by the , ,
p,pp.etof, AM not only haroalesa_but or great value, ',./
being a truly iwientifle Remedy o f great power: and I •.;
Mien:fully recommend it as a conapoand which has
dorm much good, and which is cirp...l to the mare of ,
gpeat variety of mum , . Thoti I have neeer either
recommended or engaged in th e-te of werm tordi- I
clues, regard for the truly boned., con. 1 . hu
mane character of the Proprietor of this Oirantem, r
and the value of hia discovery, timsno meta say that
mucla s regarslitia it. • REACII,D. D."
New Vork,•April "31, Idla . i
is one of the twat things in
.tie world
for Burns.
FlLM—Thousands m yearly rum! by on.
roma. It never falls in giv e
ing Tsiir C
ebr Torun, Ulcers, and al: kind/ orSores, It has
nI .L
oth ors: and Nurses knew it. value In eases of
Swollen or, SOre Breast, they wouhl always imply h.
In each ca ma, if used according to directions, it gives
relief in a very few Imo..
mound the box are directions for usingllcAllimees
Ointment for Scrofula. Liver Complaint, he' tyvipetan,
Toner, Chilblain, Nelda Bead, tSoro Eye., RtdneY,
Sore Throat. NeMlllll .4.IfCCUOOII, Paine,
Dieoase of the Bpi., Head Ache, Asthma, Menem,
Ear Ache, Brims, Conn, all threwn or lb. Shin, Bore
Lip', Pimples, &e Swelling of the Limbs, OW.,
131.40.1bID•Pil.:Cold Feet, Croup, SWCIII.4I or Bro
ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Ague in the Face, be.
Froze the Reatlitig Fame
There was never, perhaps, a MaNrine brought be
(ore the.publle, that has In so abort a time tam etch a
reputation as McAllister'. All-Healing or World
Salve. Almost every peraoritbat big made trial of it
speak. warmly to its prat..
: One lan been cured by
it of the mart painful Thew...ism, •nnther oldie pis,
a third of a troublesome talc in the side, a fourth eta
swelling in the limbs, he. I( It doer net give imme•
diate relief, in every case, it can do - no injury, being
applied outwardly.
As another evidence of the wandetfut healing pow
er poises...d r by this solve, we subtoin the following
certifieate, from a respeetabld citizen of Natdeuerrek
towns Lip, in this enemy:
hisidencreek,lterrit co, March 1317.
Messrs. Hitter A. Cen—l desire .infonn you that I
was entirely cared lane pa. hithe back, by ibe
use of McAllister's All•lleiding Salve. whielt par•
chased front you. !suffered with it ior shoat Ott (eats,
owl at tight was unable to steep. Paring that than I
tried canons remedies, which wore r rroeribed for me
hy and other permarl'inttireut tvmPeug anY
relief, and at last made trial of this Salve, with
sult favorable beyond agate...on. 1 win now entire
ly free from the pain, and cutup at night A peecefel
and sweet sleep. !have also used the Salve singe for
tooth ache and other complaints, with sunder happy
results. tour friends Joon liohlitaascu.
Sole Proprietor of tne above medicine.
Principal Oace, No M :font Third street,Phlledel
Aorm to Prrrranson.—/Iraun & Reiter, corner of
wlberty and St. Clair oorolo, and L. Nitric ox. Jr., ear.
ACT of Market ;street and me Diamond, alto !Diner of
Foorth and Smithfield mews; J. 11. Csasel..earoer of
Walnut and Penn Streets. Fifth Ward; and sold at the
Bookatoro in Southfield street. 3d door from fraeond.
In Allesheny City by 11. P. Seliwarts and J. Hargett.
By J. O. Smith, Druggist, Binalnehorm D. Needy.
Fast Liberty; 11. Rowland, hlcKeeanorti J. Alexander
& Son, Monongahela City; N. 11. man Co., and
J. T..Roxera, Brownsville; John Barkley. Beane , , Pr;
John Walker, Ix, Elisabeth, (callow:BY
three story bnos
fig on Smithfield street, am door below
Sixth street. Teeth insetted from ono
to to entire set, on the suction prineiple, Oct.-
tifol representation of the natural Qum—restonna tits
oriKinal shape of the face.
N.11.-:-Teeth ertracted pith little or no ain.
Decayed Teeth permanen4y savAd by plugghg, pro.
ring it , the tooth ache, which is much better than cu
ring it, though it should be done in five rolnon% O.
even tustrtlY. aptly
-T~) N 4;~Y•~
LUNGS-The unprecedented success wtdele has
ILCOYed the EISO of the
a all the venous forum winch Irritation et the limp se
sames, in Induced the proprietor again to eel atten
tion to this
The changable weather winch marks our fall and
ranter months, Is &lamp, a fruitful source of
These; If neglected, are but the presumes of that fell
The question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer re
the bed? how shall we get clear el coo cos& end
olds? lo of vital Importance to tan nubile.
will be found in the Ghtser.e Panacea. In presto( this
we hate from time to tmle .10. t: Mal the certificates of
dozens of our best known cduens, who hue mut.
roved its =relive powers. There, with a may of Me
m il ' rA 111 W of I'l I ' E " T
Minister. of the Gospel, tee., together with emplace no)
ices from the
• have embedted m pamphlet form, tun ihry Ital
grans of anyAsfaiatit
Odir RO gleranall.
lave been used in this city.
throughout the United Sada and Gans., and we eh.
tinge anyman to point ant a
n which, when taken accorthog to Ell:realm, lint be;
fore the loop had become Wally dieereenteeda It has
ever hided to
EFFECT A maser Com •
'Why, then, need dm athiedd Mauled?,WitY Mon to
the trow.rable nostrums, gotten up by an • owl Milvtg
eala o lee the usumed name of some en-sheeted pky
llama, and puffy! Mtn naloriety by cenillesfent ird per.
sous wally enknownY Whilst a medicine et
Is to be had, whose rtnteltera are at Looms-eV dueled
ken, -many of whom it ties
In order that Was invaluable i redmine may be placid
within the rends of the poor well the rich, we have
pat de pries
onnivxurry OZBITL
Don one half the meal costa cough snerdlehaut. tie
for sale by oar agents in nails
. eyery towhead - village
Over the west, who are prep Med u4, l gzo fall Inform.-
doe relative to IL T. SAL Proprietor
Broadway,taucinnan, Ohio.
'facts for the Public.,
In relation to that unweaned fatally Hwy . .:
1111,1,1n'el Bliglekb PAIN
rimiTimon . or o respectable I'hysicien.-. l lteed
the following, saUressed to ad Agent, hILF,
tywenther, Calm:man -
Commtam 'Feb:l2,lBla
Pin A sense of duty enamels me to give my, tribute
lialleyht Pam Extractor. Being opted to
ry o all nostrum having for their object - twister
—but renlising muck good • from "Ring Of
Pain - lisilersn-1 am induced to tender you lids data.
Cate. 1 have need it in my family, in nay practice, and
with all the hteriPYtand wondurtal edema that could
r' ll si rflirlettre a tienier partnc l itt U llgeb ' tt2.. ) ; „ i,
utaxanasory Ithrumatusa. - •
The following test/mantel comes Mom. manure (al
cantor to many of those traveling on our Westerman
tees. Mr. Clime, We well and favorably knout pro
outer of the Parkersburg now, is-huationdto the
Poly whose letter 1 annes
Paltalatiarla, Va Aprilll,.
To Meng ley, Chemist. iLn.—Sim Daum for
merly been t ong maimed with violent Influnnatory
Rheumatiam, which appeared u &mile stionetlaa
defy all °cheery appliances to allay ,the soymeipain
'attending it, I was induced to try you ehlagleal Palo
Rammer; and it having eficeted, utmost as if try mo
pe, ar immediate relief, and also, to all appeal . ..Cc
an tattre anu perfect cum, I am induced for the bene
fit of ethers who may be afflicted with pain,canted by
any kind of inflammation, to write to you, declaring.
Mat In my opinion, founded on utul experience •
year Magical - Paid katractat la the most valuable dis
very of the present age for the immediate unarm.
etbahly pain. It Lau almost initurdinte and d per•
feet cure for Brims and braids, and all external isa
Having many acquenatances farmed by their Ulan
at my husband's hotel in this place, I hove soPPetted
by your shearing them than few hues, it may posubly
he of bench% both to them and Tenurial: earnfliletarn.
ul entertain the hope that Mrs. Glint e with panty. the
blic:lly I pro tO her letter, u well on the of
humanity an of lts being the serest Mode of h"oging to
to the notice of her triends.—ll. DMus.}
Felon Carta.
liaise ors letter, (hued
Duatoork, Sy. 9,184 .3 .
Me. IL Dailey: .1 have tried your Pain liatractor in
a case of felon, in my own Wanly v'hieb it relieved
and cured to a very short lima. It, lute, mum re
.Peduallit, • • - Jas. VotWo.
(DM Berns and Scalds, Sere NIPPlea: Broken:
Dmwt, ErePtions, Some, tuns, Wonnbi, nod all In
flammation. rendii 4 to the wonderful propeirien
of tills uncalled fannt',, , setae, 13at, in Ina ant:e pro-
Perlin. that yea arl a . me... benefit from the g minute,
Yrio will be thlaw.a by the deleterioun effects - Of the
CAUTIMY_B e sue und ayplY onllr
DALue, 415 • Jiro , York,rorcto , his an.
thoriser4 J 0111.: 7 , 101.0A..1.
• Genera Demo. Pusbutgh.
Beery P. Pchwar,a, Allegheny, Agent,. L. mk t ,
Wheeling, Psi hones W Johnatnn, Alayavalo„
F. Merry weather, Cmclanati, 0, General Depot.
N. 11.—In the meatiest Bums and Scalds h.-extracts
the Patti in a few minutes-[t prom fait, 1,0
census or itaitatsal. .WU/ Pile. • •
N order to Abel all possible security m he palate,
nu well se to themselesa, agabott fried and' -Lupo- •
ettion from connterfeiting, the proprietom hove ramie,
a climate 111 the exterior weeper or labia of their Yes
midge. The new label, which lot, Meearigravlegai
the wort exclaim. , design and workmanship, Asa beer
at a very gram expense:and is from the
brain of au anistof thefirst Went.. The design is new,
and the execution elaborate. Feveral (mum end. a
Portrait are use prominent, but the word“ Vow .
rime,. printed in white letters on a red and Unskt-f , ;”
gee red ground, should be particularly cremator y
Whe held tie to the light the lateen,. ehatlinV the
letters and every Rue, however minolc, tit route mile
whole Of dila part of the engraving match tsar h eal,
as it the impression hid been made upon onn-f-;ide oc.•
• Although it is smelly printed on WWI On( n• of the
TaLs_ahnltla all ewes ho thscne -d. A In.
IA noon cacti dozen :snubs primed in. -«1' upon barb
sides, and .thould examitted in the Aso's', manses.
'llia preparation has note stood of mart
years trial, and is eonsdl'rce", m oiled as safe
and effectual medicine toe expe,i, o mm from the
wrote.: . 1 he .x.5...P 1 .1 stn that uticulled
its mluiltestratian in every reedl7Mhiet.d with worms certhnly- tendersit wor
thLthoraecutton of Abysm/ see.
. .
• TistrltroPr.tat It aloint hie . .stain the
knn ,MS.% cd Ws. Eeh awes an came midi" Ilia
tnowfedga +.44 a l . rerilbliol.4. 4 he I overichly forma
it us Pred...P•aretritaahrtary dects—votunfrerl....'
ly niter All the ordstran• preparations recom
mended Par mama had been' treeriaturtc resorted ta
any Permanent advantage. . ' 'Mite fact is at
.... - ay the emußcates and , rent GSCAIS of bemired,
. r .V7.o l .bihitershma in diffe parte of tae emus
isT, and chouldindurhimahrs satrap to keep a Mal
w. preparmitta iu thou poesession. Itils mild in to
operative, led may he administered wit/perfect safe.
ty Me =Old delicate intent.
The only gemune to 'moored by •
It A PrilliN'eNTOCF...
— ll.a - sidl 7 / 1 1.eisil 7 - , 7 - -
0. RUMS' COLia 51 - It LI P.—From W. tr .
Fie, eel - 'doom of Quarter °
liesact I•Ai,
R..V. , hcr-. • et SMme time la the siker al
wi wen,. i .ti. &SU malertolgtp
and bearing .1 FA, mvelaelle slough• itynsp,
chased a bona , if /Al 0. T. Trimble, of Aridgert..„... ,
and alter irking • portion of ii two or urci evens
ou going to bee she found lot mediate E
several. friend. have bean mile red In ...trete ease , •
Inttherefore satisfied that it •a; a rale and voluble
medicine and would ietoMlllo ul w More I 00..7
be allictedurtia severe Coates and Gulch.' f • '
March ittosa • w. E. En WI.
Prepared and old by it. E. 5 ELLERB,67 N ,006 1
and said b 7 &Misr. Sedler*R7e Jot MEM* , ° A, ' w