The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 09, 1850, Image 3

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szapoirrito e.,7ELEoilikengo"
. ooxcaucesxoshz..,
April a:
Smani—After the presentation of various rm.
ports rTosii Cdllllllftleel ‘ tad the transaction. of the
meaty morning Maine's, the Senate proceeded
reithetionsideratkin of the order or . the day, being
111 r. Foote's motion to refer Mr. Bell'a rembitiona
owlet! oammittee of tturtrin.
Mr. Magian gave nonce, that after Mr. Ben
ton obeli have ecticluddliia 'Meech, be .would
oak the Senate to take tip the Califernia EML
Mr. Benton thee proceeded to addresi tha Sett-
110 said st was proposed to make thetadtehreion
01'CaIlfornia a part of a 'pieta of ureisures for
the settlement of the whole question ot - the ale.
very, asitatlon.
Us was opposed to this mixing up of
ficv,og no affinity, and in favor of gliing Call
- *mule 'iduiluion with auparate constitution, and
deoision upon its own merits.
She was'• State, and should not Iv mixed up
with any thing below the dignity of • State. She
find washed her hands of the stain of .lately at
tome, and 'build not be mixed up with it abroad.
Hp *se oppond to mixing the . question of ad
mitnag Ceifornia with all the questa:Mr dint the
slavery agitation has produced, and mskiseciie
enema seulement of the whole, i_n the mama of a
compact, or compromise.
• The subjects are, first, the crettion ofa cum.
tonal government iu New Mexico,' and the re.
Staining part of Califarnia Second, the citation
• seta now State In Texas—the eduction of her
boundaries—the settlement of her .dispute with
New'hiexico,Und the cession of ber surplus terri*
tory to the United State. Third, the recapture
offugaive slaves. Fourth, the euppreseion of the
slue trade In the District of Colombia. Fifth, et
the abolition of the slave trade in the States. Sixth,
the abohtlein 'of slavery within the. boundusy of
the United States, "at ti the • unenumenued eats.
lope.' oppridudon, • digression and encroach.
mesa. upon the South.
This wan list of subjects, and he, was against
the mixture, for reasons applied to the whole in
the ;um p,end to rich separate Ingredient. Cali.
Unit bad the right to be treated as other States
have bruit, when isking fur admission into the
;Dalai: Nona which has. been eubjecled to the
adienitheef baying their, application coupled with
Ulm addition of inkrior tad finreign question.
The question of territorial governetents brought
Up the •Wilmet Proviso, the prim:JOS involved in
which bed already been settled by Califtinis !me
scal; fur the purpose of removing ell impediment to
her admission. How' unjust thin to connect it
with the,q motion of her admistion, to make leer
aduaitelos dependant on precedent settlement
with respect to two neighboring territories. The
Proviso involved the controverted constitutionali
ty, and therefore should not be mixed up with •
subject clearly, beyond doubt, constitutional.
Ha wu ready to vote Go governments to the
colonies. lied believed that slavery Wan extinct in
New ht. z ea , and all California, add cannot be
roc ri soy part of either, without positive en
let went, lie Was mat, to vote them govern.
meet. I without any provision Co the subject of
slat cey, Lilt would not mix the question,. He was
ready to cute upon the Tesu question, and to
Wan upon the proposition tor the recapture of
fugitive slave., hot not to tie them to er proposition
of knew Stale: - Califirania bad nothing to do. with
these qualm:lir-no -interest or connection with
them Gil sixty years.
. The qiit.tioo ..r. - I.lavery is ,the District of Co
lumbia, es.l slivery in the State., had remained
Putout! ; therefore thine sae no reasons fim the .
agitated.. sea the fears. professed its the slave
Suites. its desired to do with all these questions
as Congress had done for, the past sixty years--let
thus alone. .Tbe fact that the slave market is
es good and better now than sixty years ago, wan
an evidenet mat there is no danger to the rights
of the slave Stelae.' only was them no dan
ger, but he argued that .sitifrera had, by the set
of northern men, added slave- temitoey; sad this
showed its disposition to build up instead of der
eating the stavebolding interem,
. t bin Bootie commented mina the ancimaloa
condition of California, and the 'strong atieenity
far immediate measures tor her rellefi and Cbaed
wiskaa eloquent .aihminn to pub destiny of the
bib. illy submitted glewrentarks in relation to
podlicni on the Callinnia question. The Only
difarence between Mr. Benton and blamer was,
he believed Califoniii who'd be neat speedily ad
Mimed by a combination with other maulers%
liana* &ardor him !dime:tit believed that Cal
ibres would to mast successful as an sudepenns
Mr. Clay illaapprpveri moat the coop
Manion of the minority. lie vow in favor of meet.
lag the argament with reason,whro he found him.
self In the comity, to submit. He denied that
Califon:de was'a State, she nave, would he arteh
until she recanted seal and micron of Cougreas
who might 10;monote.coact her into territory. The
. proPoaltion now pending was to aettle the quota.
goo , id emotional, by comprOmito Ile was in
favor of honors* adjustment, eapecially emarg
Wands. Oars. if we, concede any thing. it la to
our own conntryften.
' Benton rejoined, eontandorg that the idol:Woo
of Miesouri wee provided htioini Irelcdri
Foote mmuked that hie motion to rear
to select committee vas alsOply to give the sob.
ject involved to a Committee who should revolt
by bill or otherobe, without say directions to eon.
neat two as more subjects in one.
Umlinaux, April 8.
A labs paper from sans Fe states that Sanwa , .
Foots has strike° • a later to bin Skianar, of that
territory, is whisk he adobes the people to ask
for a territorial govarruseat-rbaing silent oa the
••i • • Lonovotax, Apzil 8.
• 'Rasters and nits atitestoboats ue advised to
ran an close •t 8 the Indiana sham, at Jefferson.
villa, u possible, until they pus under the tele.
graph wires. They will thereby consult the in
tettesta ofthenueluto and tbe
THE alvtzacqui3A. EXPEDITION, dm
LOIII.IV4LIX, April 8.
?to steamer OSlo &relied from Orleans this
Morning, tu Lakeport. Bend, - "prang a leak, ind
shipped two kat water. Her into wu mould.
Baby slamseid. Ebe was used funs sinking hy
t►e prompt ezertloiui ofthe officer..
The Ohio brought up the passenger. of the Com
modore Perry, front whom we kern that eight pet
s= died of Cholera on hoard the Perry, on her
wig up from New.Oticans.
Some ten or tweive on have left this ray with
la the peal deg or imp; end others from above are
expecte)d wises thew, having In view a participa
tion In the Cuban expedition. flair. deennwien
Is outputted ' , tin ha Chum; large Wades have
been olnised theta. Is only known that they
go to Guitar., although it le generally antleritood
AA their tableau destination is the Island °fens
The Banks *snakeskin Ent at li Per et- 0 Be e '
a lma, and scarce. Exchanges on New !Meat i
sni, o3ll ln i cant premnua.
Tha• riser has risen B Inches in the last 2i hays
magi are eight (ret crater in the canal. Westin,
clear. . .
, BALTIXOU, April 8.
Badlot& I *th? more was entered. on
Soduclay ors6ooo worth 6(
pod; ladodilkiooe . busered gold jute et.
airmi April e.
p.4mas.(ntaily, on iatuninnpaid
kid the three thnnaand dollar* otared far Ile m
a:min of inn itanalni of Dr. Parknyto.
Nrw You. Aprtlt.
Plang—Notbio; ha. yet *.n dor.e' to aboithe
sled Of the ateasem's neva upon ttio maker, our
. ,
Porh—Thedarket is heavy, with light 'salon.
Otocerisi—LCodne la Inactive. Sugar Is in Mod
. .
*Ms dowsed, with small sales. -
Cotton haieoorieneed a declined' half oeut.
itoeishwth--thily aide of.Pnik intuit cd 190
brisconntry Meth at Stint?. There appears, to Ito
6 r deal:4'lll4th Salea'inessitattoida ,
.„ 0 at N osh pecked, sad 30 bbda S;dea; 'pinked,
at H.
No ulna loud worthy of notice. Bolden era
rber, awl :Sow held • abide above previous
ku - ouitiotile." '
ikiar-.letter teen* in =km. to 44 3 , 1 44144
amount Co 1400 brli, iniots =On` .6 II 65. 470.
and 4 7.5 i 70 brie choice 0.t1410.
Whi.keY, Merkel- steadyr-good aerated; Wee
170 brie le foie from 181 10
Meese-841n 450 bocce. /elected nov.
lacted,4l 71; 600 bones received by . river hut 48
Potahvo--Saloo 500 burholl, from *tore, at 60c.
Sagar--Salos 10 klub mime 41; 110 0 4 fair. 5I;
13 bbdsfolr 41.
Graft I:—Salso 2000 Naiad" Cora 330, and 2000
bashes Oats ii 37.
Meer risen 9 inehea last 48 bowie, and is suit
rising aloarly. Weather cool and plemni.
axn icumwrz , s 1193•BiOZ. ;
ran] KAMM. • • •WX. nun. • • .r. I. stoo4Esaa.
liorsitente of the Oeeiut Steamers.
• - The Meat., Gap. Ityrle, !eaves Heston for Live:-
pool, on the in April.
The Eaton, eltpt Lott, leave. &Won, for, Liver
pool ,oa the I.7thot
Corms, Primo:mon Gozgrix. ,
Tanday morning, April 9,19511. S
The readier yesterday area cold and disagreeable
fur outdoor operations, and only a moderate beelness
Its done lathe market: - '
PLOUR,The market continues very quiet, with no
Marked . change in prices Sales bare been ode Um.
Ited makes aboutour last quoted rates—say, few good
Ohio brands from store, In - dray lend load lots, j 61,6211/
4,76 We note sales to a limited extent from Oregon,
and from firer, at 111,5004,6 C, ♦ bbL
RTB Frou♦—Sale pf LO bble good brand, at 61,5 P
GRAIN—Salea of WO bashole Coro, at 434. from
ware. Solna 300 beetlatt, fe low at 320 ♦ ha. Of other
Grains we have no sales worth repotting.
GROCEBIES—SaIe. 97 hhda Sugar, at ileiamos
§sie of 10 lash do,niZe, °know. Molassesrrialas
alendy .147049. for N 0; and 40e for H. o Cot.
fee show. a deelinkyr modeney, and may be owed In
=all quaridei, m 1301 k. No change in Oho ani
PROVISIONS—In the. Provistan market ern have
no (Menge to notice. Bacon continua quite amis.., at
fully quoted prices-say. for Cincinnati and citeared
plain limns, f 10Se; Bides kSP In Salon hisda h cald
era at 4e, seek. Oates Prime bagged hems at &, and
creepr cured hams in tierces, at On rin tb. Niles of
Lard to bbls, at 340,14, sod in kg. at ft f th for No 1.
Salve of deed Ilee4 at Be, fIY the tree.
Prrnacaon an Ars.sonswe Penna.—Salsa at Phan
delphis, on the Ith VOW Pittahargh coop
at 0, and SIMI Allegheny county frit, BS, at Mac.
Tan Cass Clor.—The ' , rankle Banner, of the 21st
inst., onset—a We notice in may Places In the pariah
thatear.e is in hoe condition The planters have inn
emptied generally in getting a ranch better stand ahem
theY,expeeted tact winter, when the seed tom tot been
. eateraive enough . to do serious lrjury to the aselng
atop, which has beau an agreeable illeappoienatent to
the planters.”
Want ♦aa noel. —A earteepoodont of the Cleve
land Herald, writes final Chicago, ander data or Merck,
31,es follows:
• "la reply to your iaqtliry, we wal ant (Mt you th
Last year this time, there was wheat
ID store an line Lake
We bare how only
This mach short of last year 1311,00
Between that lime and harvest, we
received on the lake Non the conte•
it, —•—• —• /Paha,
Highen estimate to receive this year 400,00 e
We .hail have thia.amount ..... -- • 2,226600,
shone( last year up . ko harvest from this lake. We have
at Menge this year ,331,000 he, of this 32,...M0 bee ha.
been sold to ',ctn.% Louis, suld is notenhipplng. nonng
wheat tank here. at wrtneh the last 10,000 ha was sold.
dome 6000 Mils flour hare twee sold to the .use mar
int One travel has arrited at Milwaulths with wheat
and doer for St Loins, and there is another on the way
here; we eipeet that all onr:wrltiat and Sour will ge to
that market, holders would rather have It here than In
Floar Is blink at 114,23. Corn eau be bought
at3lo3scrrlltis will go GRP{ to some extent, bat it is
worth Mr in St Loula; Wheat, OS to lute, Floor, 1337
06,50 dr Inn"
Corron.—The Mobile Daily Adveruser contains ui
elaborate salient, under the denature "A Merchant."
on our leading staple, diseusnag lhoduct ion, Con•
eutoption and Proniectsyruld the reasons why it will
lonely advance thn acafen, and maintain. nigh price
the nest."
• In vitiation to the present crop, the writer stivanourly
contends tbat it cannot reach 2,0N4130 bales, and gives
the following,
Atlantic States 650000 bales.
Florida 16040)
Mobile sispuo
New (Means and - Taitis• •' • •• • -745,000 ••
. .
winch ie anoponaby teleran" to the receipteup m the
'lnert dory, and early deliveties in oonaeqsance ofbain
waters, emended railroad transpenation, and rezones.
ruing' prier. He allege/ that the production-Ist other
convenes te evidently on the decline, and era Telma
o the probeble future annual sapplies from this ever..
try, he ens damn 2,4214 f t. al bla.the animated amoinat of
the mop of 1018, dedneyteg from the total receipts the
quantity of old cotton, - included) aa the highest probs.
Kis polar —N 0 Bal. .
list.rotola, April 6, IVA.
Coffsa—TLe 111(Cli013 inc. or 1700 bg. Rlo,
for Theodor last, was attended by a tell company.
After the sale had gone ea fu as nOO b0g...50...W.1V
conimon to go. qualidoe, 1010101e,lt Ina stopped
by the wi.lrawatef.thebal.... UM the same day
thare was asala of 111X1 bgs gin, by - private metre.,
on in... not peerninsd Is transplre. Yesterday tbe
.1714112 h to gal March, by soar Earopa, went
tore... They say ,-"At London Coded Is down as,
°rine fnee the top ptiee of • few weeks •gall The
effect of these accounts bas bee. to give a - new de
modoa to lois mask., but to whet extent Is yet to be
seett,inasomeh u there are no transactions to indseate
prase. value.
- - - .
The Imposts of the amok am 7,720 4. Jaw, (3120 bg .
bj the bask Dateless - lan, aad4ooo bah by bask Menu
twse7 and sue 650 ban and 140 bbla frees fistawee,
andea,2l bp trent fkono Aim and 113 bre
(ram New York.—Amerd
Nor' lizawasta, April t , 19 30.
Sperm continaes in ro ad demand, airfoil pr cm, and
Was of UP bbls have been made, al lino • prance,
leasing bat X 0 bbl. in market
Whale—The brisk demand noticed In oar last has
'continued through the prevent meek, without any
change In Priem. The sales consist of 060 Ithls N
Coast at 4.50; 1400 do do at Ste, 200 do do at 400 do
do ground tier, at 4.21r, 400 4a black at 42. e. block in
mutat, 1500 WO.
• Whale Bone—We notlec sales of 23M)Iiia N W
Calm at 30c; and 21,000 eo• Polar at 3Ae.7-nhippicir
• -- Hammon, April 0,18541.
Thom is very UUI change to note Memo our Last
meekly report, exeept Mat the tranamollotti In Balk
Ateatabave been meek more active.
Pork—We nom ales of 200 bbls mbncal 1/0,50, no
time. Salm of 100 kbda prime bilk sides and 50,000
Ms dodo, at 44e, cub sad tbs.; 84A0 Lam do on pri
vate term; 133000 lba bulk Pork, awned, st 4.1 e, 4
mos:144000 Om gild 44 bltds balk shoulders, en 34 eta
Beet—Poritll sales of No I at 1110011,51 k Mesa at 1112
01.01, and Prime at 18,50449,50.
Bacon—Sales of MAO lha Wes 5051 e; 30 Ibdo
dodo at the mate rate; 37,000 b. Bides wowed, at he,
4 mom 50 hhd. Shoulders at 411:Hee; hhda do,atik;
lers at; 30 bkds llama at 51091 e; 25 tea do at 810
10fe; 410 Hams at 10e, and leo toes "Duffield^ Items at
Lard—We Mge sale. of =I 1,1,15, at ale, 4 mos; 110
bbla at 540,50 day. lit keg, offer. hare been made to
sell at tei4 woe. •
Bauer—There 0011thIllell to be a good latirdrl for
suierig prime qualities, sad It here 'world emomand a
fair price. The market Is overstocked with Ulterior
JD. STUART t CO ,of Philadelphia, min 'pie.
. on the In of April, an amid, now meek or
'-•- • - -
• -
And TAILORS'.THIMMINGS,at eastern priece,veey
low for cash. at No.llo Wood a, went to Mcgonna.;
Auction House, upl.llkorifK
T's MARTIN scaposafally winomees to the
eicirens of Pittsburgh, that ho hits persoanornly
loam himself in thin city, for the purpose of pron.
siting &laicize and lantgery, in an lu 'ulnae branch.
ea. Hi. Mhos I. on Poorth atrest, • Nolfik Rosidansa
N 079 some at. • spl.disanter
Wall Paper 'Warehouse,
V 0.47, MUSKET STRELT. between Third end
.11 Pearl streets, Pittebergb, Pa. THOWail
HER whald 'respectfully- cell the attention of
(deeds and customers, to hi. present esterishre aid
general stock of therebandisis It will be found to corn
ufasiery d tsckiption of American and French Wail
Paper and Herbaria! Parlors, Halls, Milne Room,
Red Chambers, Coasting Booms,he., ranging from ISS
cents to K a piece. So great a diversity of prima
and qualities can hardly fail to salt the circumstances
statutes of petcbsaere ho .may favor with die)/
pallir l atthe old eatabllsbed stand on Market street
tp,..airo,arsd. Starless liassramee.
uii: O FFICE, of the Inman. Company of North
An.eeiea, has been removed to Ne. et Front
east of Weed
The subset - They, agent WO. shove Old and nape o•
*Me Company, win lune Policies en Daildop and
their contents, and on sblymenze of Merchandise by
Steam Botts and other vessels:
ep3 W. P. JONlttl._
I.lll.l4nylvaskla flail HOWL -
11110P1113ALS will be weaned at Et'ermine, feel.
E ens conaty, until the Deb of April next, for grad
ing the Western Division of the Pennsylvania,
The work to be embracci tireeeheit
Tunnels, a amber orcontracted
thane Bri for keeandEshrorts, and
24610 TM/ heavy Cift/11110121 55033 embankments.
For farther btformatinn apply to EDWARD RIL•
LEB, Esq., Am:elate Engineer. at
J. EDUAB THOMPSON, Chief near.. gl
EagiareerarDapariannt, Pen n% Rat Read,'
Philadelphia, Mareh ADS&
inrhY•teptd Unarm. and Port 0013
• —4.-
N 0.74 Foanh street, next door to the Bank of Pito
bunk. . corel-not
TP• vs= Cana, Doable Bailer avid Gold Deal,
roa Ai
Vacua=lir AND BANKLNGvisIe
TilL4 'et HITS it no w nit
1:t brAVat:
to znaer oh i wood st
ilinFa,Tagna vete tl lee 0 inelsai , 001 u in chum°
l ad mains', and falling,
Caleb Cope, hlardoek, Beaver.
AUciallsa, Brits, Beaver.
Dallovray, hlo g
Fulton, Peebles, Nlzabeth. atela City.
Arlontle, Parktoon,Brovrasvine.
Baltic, Jacobs, Drownavllle.
Camden Hendrckson. hleEtespon.
Laka Erie, Clark. Bever.
Jame. Neisonchloore, Wheehhor.
Geerje W. KendaD, Norton, New Oriel..
Clansman, Yount:, Cincinnati.
Pilot No a, Duval, floekingport.
Lady Byron, Smith, Porfarnonth.
Caleb Cope, Ma dock, Beaver.
hhußiguni Erica, Beaver.
s vti =V:OT , " W v
Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver.
Louis McLane., Consign, Wheeling.
Zachary Taylor, Lucas, Louisville.
Keystone:Stain, Stone, Ciecknati.
Wellsville, McMillan, Ihidgeport.
WABASH—a ndevila, 4 r.
ST LOUIS—J. J. Crittenden, to A. bd.
ANEByILLE—Jenny Lind, 4 r v.
VT LOUlS—MiNentov IDA. le
LOUlSVlLLE—Ltalabarg,lr. r.
Lol.llB—Dentvylvnrais, v.
LOUISVILLE—Jeffers...44 t.
CLooteresatl—Pot KlM°.Tfal- I est hard
wash Whitmore & Wolff; Mane & box, Baker a For.
soh I abaft wheel, Miltenberger, Y bdls skit, Wen By
-123 bra cotton, King, Pennock & co; 1 bbl mdse, W
Honor 29 bg. rags, W Smi th ; 12 bblet lead on, raer
ers a Moots; be paints, J Howard; 9 bb;. mdse. 5 b..
hooks, Graff & co; It hltds lob, Clark & Thaw; 5 hbds
boor chi flempeill; 1 ok hams; Dr Dimmed; 1 thll pa
per, M A Miner.
Paz Htscerau No 2-7 bas mdse, O'Connor, Atkin.
& ern 25 is /auras, Leech & co; 22 bls wool, Bather; ly
bblo linseed oil, 2ellars & Mewls; 2 bes, 1 desk work
ing choir, I lounge, Craig & Skinner, 4 Iron Mho,
" 12 lord oil, Cuddy, Jones & e 0 . 12 bbl. whiskey, /I A
Wearer; 124 aka peaches, owner; ILa bbis whisker,
Parker tr. co; tet bbl. do, W Lehman, 5 !Ado tob, 4 In,
prisons" Clark & Thaw, 9 bbsls bacon, Hutchison h
co; 5 bb }. eggs,Jos Black; Ibe cadge ; 12 bbts color
oil,. Bingham.
tipalsyllle —Pa, H.01.01%—1 ho mdse, Leech &
co; 12 his fare, W B Holmes & blot 70 do hemp, J Goer
A co; 10 bbd. 75 to hams, do tongues, Graff &
co; ask indse.ilakearcll. Pears A co; 15 kg. Lob, .1 Dal.
it A co; 30 bbl. lard oil, 2 do eastor oil. Bingham; 00
WI& whiskey, Sutton A Leader.
GallispoPra—lWO nall kegs, 50
do. baacts, Ili a d
abs, 1 b& Ilaiseed,4llbble potatoes,
D T Mogan; 315 bgs earn, bid skies, boo !toga, by a
peaches, Wick A Idte.dleasi 11 bbd.tob 42 tibia
beans, 1 do eggs, J A Roe; dl beset., Bagaley & co;
10 doz bnantit, .1 & 11 Floyd4lt bbl. eggs. Jno Patunr.3
hbds tab, Leech & cc; 8 blots bacon, I pork, Dd.
won& 18 els scraps, W Voting A co; 2 bp mg.. it do
atzseed, 1 do feathers, 6 bla deer skins, J D
53 Itgo oats, The* Wood; 90 do do, At' H Johnston, 13
do do, 1 do bolt, 1 bbl lord, A Shetir la plough., 10
Points,l3 landsides, W A Gamut!, 3 ' Mid. lob. Clark
& Thaw; 50 hrs 000,43 bbls coin. II bend cattle, tHo
bac. corn, 290 white lead begs, 17 bble bean, owner"
1/Vhswllzsg—PraLoctsYcLasz—tstossa sots Ss
rare•. 13 ps eonn6. , Richardson, 2 has mdst, b 5 'red
Reazenon, to bbl• float, Wi,son
Dridgeport—P. Wye s-4I Ulla dour, k
kgs lard, Bch & Liggett:6 bads b. t kgs lard, lio
bseod, J .11:Foe, 8 bhd• lob, Lett & co, tO do do, W
St. Letal•—Pm PliNlnal.V•m•-30 Sc. hams, Car
NOtt & Idolishight; SO Mitts, 6.t, tens buns, Baker & For.
stab; It be,. 1 bx. for., DT Morg•n & co; 6 bbl.
Curling, Robertson & co; 269 d hides./ B Band; 13bb16
umr ail Fahnestoet & co;TI she lead pipe, 171.1 has
bacon, Wm Pines. 'es home, Holmes & boo; 166
do do, II 0160 1 co; bacon, 'IS to. hams, Red &
Portsmouth- , t Lao, I:soon—VA dos....eed,
Johoston: ti bass backs, O W 01 t 0,,. ins Iron,
Knipp & Tollen; tolls p metal, McCord , ' & Loomis;
164011 lumber, I.ln Ms cotton, 46 bbl. Blue Lick urn.
Mr, Wm Shore; 6 Gbh; cri.lnkcy, no do lsrd oil, 1 chest
tools, 4 boo mdse. 7 bbts molasses, I hi chests tea, I.^o
hos Motto pipes, 47 do candles, it do sosp, Bonus:, &
ID"Triamptuant tenumony to the value of Or Mee
Lens's Vernutuge. Read, all that doubt.
"A ferret, when planed at the entrance of a rat hole,
enters the apernare, travel.. Moil; the passage, wire.
upon the rat, externainatee bi. existence, end drags
the animal'. defertet the light. And in like
mender have 1 Maud Or. McLane's American Venn,
fogy to operate upon woe., those drciolfal and dan
gerous tormentors of children. Tin. remedy, like the
tercel, enter. the aperture of the month, travels down
the gullet, hoots mood the stomach, lam hold of the
worms, abate, the life oat of the reptile., swoops
clean their den, and earn,. their catenates drat Out
the system. Thla et least has been the effect of the
velinialge upon my children.
Napier, Jaaaar y ,
.111. it to tesuly Wit I Lave aa-J Dr. hleLace's
Vertultuge, and have (mead a 14 opera, to like 1511.14
ear upon my ebild/ve. JOHN LIEUGGY.
Naples. Jane, Pet:"
irrEbr we by J. KILOS CO, Nu N IVoo,l Plu m.
Ala Other Wlttiats enthe Staa.d.
Ma. S. M. Ktuni.—Allowi roe to eyprem to you soy
heartfelt thanks for the great bcer fn I hive Terme=
ham an article =Red PETROLEI.ISL or Rom 0., of
, which you are lb. sole proprietor. I bud =erode. to
um It about the let of January, in • violent attack of
Illteusnadam, Ninth Wan very gambit, OMR OW.
(ix.m place to place, ', min meeh sweilm
ae Ia keep ma in coaster. torture.. I used the 'pe
troleum externally, -a feiv applicanons of which re
moved, all pain, and every symptom of Its disrum.
yam now entirely well, and scot= tat e chi. =emote
to recommend the Feuer.= to all who stay be meet
ing order the agenizlng pains of Rheum.= or kin
deed disease. leognedl Gum. Wtram,_—
near Percy Howe, Pittsburgh
127Sce general adverumment In aminhar =lnure.
• table
CAPITAL $:00,000.
J. FUEIRT__,Jr, Seal. R. Prael
Wllllawe against all kinds of mks,
ALL Imes will he like;allY Mimed and promptly
home. Instiottlon—mansgett by Directors who are
wolf known ut the euerusintuty, and who are detersam
ed by promptness and libershry to 612.11.1.1 EL lb. char
acter which they bane assented as Be -
me the taxi
protection to those who amuse to be bound.
Dmarrosx—lL Miller, Jr, Gen. Black, J. W. Botlr, r,
N. Holmes, Jr, Wm. B. Holmes, C. lhossen, Geo. W.
Jackson, Wm. ?IL Lyon, Jas. Lippincott, Thee. ii
Lhel, James WAuley, Alex. Nimick, Tim. Beat.
No. 30 Weer street, (warehouse of Span,
I CampMalrs,)Pinsbursh. Pektlly
C. G. HUSSEY, enter l . ...... —A. W. MARRS, Seer.
Otßee—No. 41 Water street, in toe warehouse ur C,
miss 00.711'APIP I. now prepared to insure ell
kinds of risk., on Amiss, tilllarldaegOTlOS, good.
merchandise In more, and in transit.. vestals, to.
Mt ample gummy for the aridity and integrity at
the Inszlimion, I. afforded In the chvarter of the Di
rectors, who are all citizens of Pittsburgh. well cud
f bly known to Ike ooromanity for lath prudence,
Intelligence, and Intirity.
Drsamorta—B. U. umey, Wm. Beasley, Wm. Ime
Jr , Walter Bryant, Hugh D. /Dna, Edward
Bemellon, Z. Kinney, B. Ilarhaugh, M. Kier.
Pommel and. Post eery
IHAVF. Laken Wlll. CARR Into partnership with
we in my berinets, welch will from tins dam ha
carried on under the name of "John P Co."
Jobn•Parker - • —• • • • William Cur.
Pao ale Gras". Dodders in Prodaejt, Fumg •
'Wined, Liguori Old Mono's ganda
and Rectified RqeLry.
No.B, Commercial Row, Liberty Wert,
. m C31:1 Potaborats, Pa.
Powder, Powd•rl
tyi KEGS Da Yont's !WO Mlle;
UV oqr kegs do do do,
45 do Hating MUD FF14.1 Mlle;
efi/O do F, FF. S., Blasting,
1000 do Latlin'd 'd Blaming, ,
2:10 do do du M ado ining, extra;
WO do da do DI Y Re; •
XX , do do do /Metier= Ride
1001 and I kw do do;
10 eases ennnieter Jo Jo;
10 do do Prairie Shooting.
IS do do Duet do;
5 bbl. Safety Fuse.—ln rangaeine and to KV
WIC; Mt of which tendered to the trade onthe egnmi
&mettle term.. Deliverable at all hoar. of the day.
The quality and variety of the C•naimer Powder t•
worthy the atMutign •C
ay3 J. C. A•ent
rIE.A9A.NT ROl./1118, in a ',autism pan o(tho eigt ,
conaentent to bothaosa, suitable for a married
~ gentleman. from April Ist. Alto, boarding fbr
• few 'mutt gentlemen. Enquire at MU office.
Broadway, colour of Malden Lana.
lIIS extensive lIOTRI, has been leased try the
subsomber, and hsa been completely refitted In
i tt l e most elegant manner. Lerke ashramns are now
Wag made, which, when completed, will make It the
Mon extename Hotel In New fork. It to the detemul ,
nation of the proptietori to make it mr oil, in every re
olrect, to any other House biota United States. It. In
canon Is the most destrable and comma in the city, be
ing in the fashionable part of Broadway, convenleet
to all the public buildtngs, placeirof amusement, and
buten.. Grateful (or the liberal patronage received
from his western friends, while at Cemberland,
and more recently at the Weddell House, Cleveland,
Ohio, he re weedall y eollcite • ITLICWIti of their patron•
age, for his new eatablishment, at New York, and
beg. to assure them that every effort on his pan shall
be given to administer to their comfort and
New York, March, MO —fmrthhOm
THE subscriber offers for sale an um a
usually large mock of Everblooming
Planta tins semen, con sistinnin part of—
Monthly Rows; Haarlem Roses; Hamm, Vining, PD-
Mr. and Moon Roses, of many 'mettles; Meathly Ver
benas, of thirty setts; Parham. Camellia Japonleasi
Caemr, Geraniums; Dahlia., seventy sir of the most
tare and showy varivtie. is cultivation. Ornamental
Plea .; Sl:grabber", Eveignsens; Grape Vines; the cal
abl'aft'd ?wow KiLsi'fwfs7; Strawberry Plana; /opal
ragas sad ithobart,Roois, ke , he.
Orden by mail to Pittsburgh Post Other, or left at
our Mimi m the Diamond,on market days, (whets
catalogues may be had,) will be promptly attended to.
• irtralkhbvicarMT JAMES WARDEOP-'
0TA . 1 . 0 ' 6 1,16 , J. • •
ArtNEOAR—:..O bids pure Wier, in con 191.1_191 t ale
IMPOITID YOS Tux ernaktozaa DAILY am=
Notamy. A prilB.
Present—Judges Meekly!, Jones and Kerr.
The Court room was crowded this morning; in
consequence of the interest occasione4by sheltie'
of the rioter. at Bailey, Brown, & Will which
was expected to come of
As the evidence in this cue will be necessarily
very lecgtlty, we *ball not be able to afford space
for it ent.11,3 in OUT COIUMOS. We shall content ,
ourselves with the most important parts. The
trial will probably last several days.
Commonwealth vs. James Brat, mstrirk
Demon, re 01,
'ha Attorney Oeneral sad
blown & Sbaler and M'Knialg appeared on behalf
of the Commonwealtb. Colonel Blaen and Mr.
Soma far defence.
Mr. Darragh opened the cue.hrr the Drawee.
(ion, and stated in a very able and comprehensive
manner, the nature of the crime fur which the
defendants sta.l indicted, and the law in relation
to it.
The witnesses rot the prosecution Wore ea.
Samuel Bai ey , sialota—Witasss he one of the
proprietors of the Mill 11:00w0 as &alai, ti;cerni &
Co..' Was In his once on the morning of March
2d, and heard that a crowd of women and other.
were approaching the mill. Ran out and met'
them at the mill, and, with two or three taboret
resisted their efforts to enter, and drove them off.
They returned and walked round the mill to where
the paddler, end boilers were at work, throwing
brickbats, coal, and other missiles it them. Wit
nem sod men threw out at them again to defend
themml.m. Thin continued about two OOOTS.
Woe struck upon the head with • missile and bad
ly cut. Mr. Greismer, the manager, and Mr.
John Bailey, wetn also injured. Also two if the
puddler.. Could not any what amount of damage
was done to the toil tell that for the manager to
ea.mrtatn. D.d not know how many women
were engaged in the riot; should say mom than
ten certainly. A. large crowd of men and boy,
stood behind them all around the mill. The riot.
era forced the men from their work and took pow.
merlon of the mill. The second attack was so
violent that witness was obliged to take rektge in
hie warehouse. The calfskin/5mM in composed
of a rolling mill and nail lactory.
Cross examinanolrby Colonel Black—The at
tack was made about ten o'clock in the morn
P. A. °rebutter, .worn—Witness is manager
of the mill of Bailey, Stolen, do Co. About ten
o'clock an the morning of the day mentioned,
served a large number of men, women, end boys,
coming down Wayne Street towuda the mill--
Gave instrections to the pollee to prevent their
entrance. The women rushed past the pollee,
witness ran to a small opening about 4 fort wide
through which he was aware that they would en
ter. Wan attacked there by the women, Some 10
Or 151 u number. Pushed one women aside and
followed up to another,whilo trying to keep heron!
was knocked down. (300141 not say with what
weapon, was struck on the heck of the head, wes
stunned a little, but got up and ran round the mill
to get Inside. wham Mr. Bailey wsr. The women
then made for the upper part of the mill, where
the eastern men, five or Mt in number, were at
week. Ran to meet them there. Was struck 20
times at least, some of the a orkmen were also
stunk. The men were forced to abandon their
work. They left the mill and secreted therneelv“
iu their hoarding houses or where they hest could..
The engineer was driven from his post while the
engine was still mooing. Witness sent Mr
Cameron, a bar roller, to mop the engine. li it
bad been allowed to run without attention it
might have exploded. Sappose the loss sustained
to be $220, besideaLthe,condittou in which the fur
01C[11 were Jell. Theire were 30 persons at lust
got into chent' ill, at different limes. There were
mute men among them. Witness here Identified
Elan Morgan, Margaret Graham, Anna M'Der•
mutt, and Mrs. Riley, u among the party who
made the snack. The police made rule e errant to
• p the ROOM] out of the mill. There arcre
!caw pO(lmen, women, •ad boys, la the crowd
whickpftng down Wayne aWeet. Could not say
wbetber thi not the crowd mantling back gave
any encouragement to those who pawed (or•
Com examtnatiou—Mada no auempt to strike
any one before the attack was multi. The crowd
commenced throwing benartr they got quite up to
him. Did not me any atman with a child in her
Cunt adjourned till two o'e!ock.
E: accination for the pronaotiou vonuaued
Jineph Randolph aware—Wu... is High Coe
stable of Pimbergh. Heard of the not of er its
commencement. Went, to the mill of Bailey,
Brown & Co, and Mud a large crowd assembled
sod throwing atones into the mill. Women were
engaged in throwing stoner. Appeared to besot
aril hendred people on the ground. The Mindum
of part of the cruird toss riotous and disorderly:
others seemed to he merely lookers on. Attempt..
ed to area: one man, but the crowd rescued him.
Witneas identified Morgan t Graham, Ann Me.
Damon, Patrick McDermott, and Mn. Morgan;
look a large pair of tongs from the last earned ,
with. which she was attempting to pall out the
grating trout under the furnace. Sato Brett there.
advised him to go away, did not me him coma
mit any ace of violence. Spoke to him twoor three
times. Ho went off each nine, but did not leave
the ground. Witness did not are toy of the grab
lag pulled out, only the attempt. Wu there In
his official capacity to preserve the peace. Abou t
lb or 20 other officer. were there for the acme par.
pose. They were overpowered by the mob.
Cross Cilllkled.—Say McDermott first on the
east aide of the mill. When WiII:ICU challenged
Unlit. denied that he was amiating, but raid that
some one had either presented • pistol to one of
the wooer; or struck at her, and that the women
acted right. MeDermott uld that he was opposed
to rioting, but that a man should sot strati a woo
meta. Was engaged 3or 4 bouts with the police
keeptogity peace. The riot only lasted about
2 hours.
John U. Batley swoon—la employed at the mil:
of Belley,•Bresen do Co., as clerk. Went into the
m:Bibout the time of the Otto attack. Abcut 15
or :10 women were curled in the attack., The
number appeared to be considerably increased at
the time of the•second attack. There were men
■nd boy. engaged iu the second attack. Some
of the workmen were hurt. Witness wee Wreck
!outlet( with pieces of coal and iron. •Was marked
black from his hips up to his neck. Kept his led
for day.. Warr attended by Dr. Morgan. The
damage was from $250 to 5300. Should think that
from 40 to 5u person. entered the mill. Thinks
he taw two of the deferidenta iu the net. Could
not swear poadisely.
Mayor Barker sworn—Sent officers to the mill
of Bailey, Brown ilk Co. Heard of the riot and
went to the mill himself. Found the mill WV'
lounded. As he entered the milPHasnet went in I
with him, and protected him. Stone. were being
thrown into the mill very thick. Called on the
eit e. ins to insist in keeping the peace. Some
were willing, others were not. Saw amen throw .
mg coal from a coal yard Into the mill, permuted
revolvei to him and he abaconded. 'rho crowd
emitted the kw weges puddler. "black sheep," Sic
Mounteda pile of Iron and addreaaed the moti—
urged Motu to derriat. Shortly alter they retired.
Cross examined—Did not think the conduct of
Homer notou#, on far as !resew hip.
A number of other witnesana were examined .
whose testimony was aimilu to the preeediug.
Court adjourned.
Yesterday morning, at about tri o'clock, a roc: , el
houses, the property of Messrs. Curry & Dilworth,
situated on the west boundary line of Souih Pitts.
burgh. was discovered to be ou fire. The alarm
was given and the Pittsburgh engines were apeed
lly on the spot, but from the ditHeully of procuring
water, were unable to effect any !hies. The hou
ses, four in number, were burned to the ground.
They s wore three stone@ high, and Occupied by
eight families, who managed, to save the most of
their effects. The fire commenced lu one or the
partitleni, between the lath and Vaster, and
wu Rupp:and tro.i beim caught from rho ,shim.
any. The lons of the proprietors is estimated .t
51500, 6000 of which is covered by inanntotx.
AlTElart TO EMIT 17r•"S hiall..-018Cier
Hague hit emoted a young man for sending
threatening lettere to a gentleman of this city for
Mot purpose of extorting money by threat, of ex
posure of certain circnmotanceo. The individnat to
whom they andreseed, however, was nothing in.
tiandated, but gave aunts to the pollee, Sod bite
the anonymous Writer arrested. The patties on
both aides occupy a nigh position In went?.
Epic Boanerr.—The lecture of this diedn
sashed eettelas and philanthropist, last evening,
at Within.' Hall, was attended by a very lerait and
highly intelligent eudienca The lecture eras listen
ed to with' the moat profound emotion, and his
remarks frequently elicited bunts of enthusiastic
nOplause. Nis subject, the Brotherhood of Nations.
was one deeply Interesting in itself, but doubly go
When advocated by the world 'renowned' Apostle
of Pace."
Ha spoke with great beauty and force of the
natural connexion end dependence of the inhabit
tants of the different portiOnn of the globs, upon
each other, arising from the interchange of the
&Haut product. of the soil, of the daily thereat.
Mg ties formed by the rapid augmentation of man
ufactures and commerce, and of the peace and
harmony which ought to flow from such intimate
relations between the wrenl nations of the earth.
He adverted to the encoeragingstsms of the time•
in this respect, particularly to the rapid spread of
the Anglo Saxon race over both hemisptierea and
still more of the Anglo Saxon tongue; both ware
Mat tending to ement the world into one great
family of natio s—a commonwealth of republics
The Anglo S on tongue, without being irrever
ent, might be, Called the John the Baptist of infra- I
sal peace—the herald of ...the good time coming." i
It war destined to be the universal language of
mankind, and the grand um of many • .young
man Pursuit, wouldin all probability live to gee
the day when 800,000.000 of the Anglo Saxon
race would Inhabitt 'ff„.. globe, spreading the ' bless
ings of eiviliaation, chriatianity, and rams
throughout Us length and breadth.
At the conchae on of hie adding, ot the engage.
Lion of Thos. Bagwell, Esq., the meeting passed
■ unanimous vote of thanks to Mr. Balla.
Tawas—Miss Fanny Walled has been rev
engaged by the managers far two nights ginger.
The tragedy of Macbeth will be presented to-night.
Min W. as the high reaching lady, and Mr. Webb
so the runcirrecal Thane.. Mr. Mooriimme, will
also appear as Bangor The evening's entertain
ment will conclude with a favorite farce, in which
Mrs. Kent will appear.
blrum—Dr. Morris spares no pains to reader
this establishment an attractive place of resort.
Helms engaged the services of D doe band of mn•
we, who !redly DISCOURIS sweet sounds few the
gratiliCation of the visitors.
Conornr.—Oar madam will bear in wad the
Concert of the Swint Bell Hingnokto night, at Wlt 4
king Hall. It will be a rare Walt.
1 I I
ENCOURAGED by Us litOßloatronage extended
to all regular and well earithate4 Linu,lbe own,
ern of the fallowing hut SWUMn ban arranged theo
into a Line between Pinnbugh and Louisville.
One of the boats will positively leave Pittsburgh on
every bleanav„Wentimanav, and FRIDAT Evuine,
at d o'clock—dill or oat dalL
The be. boat of Ltis line will sun ea Monday,
February MU.
Steamer Geneses-- 1 7 "g" , ktt T. Moore.
" . Z. Taylor----. ..
llotabsuir J. Kliaefolter.
Fairmount • • " W. abed.
r* iet r il= P IItriZ P VL I ;ENBERDER, Artu
Captain WILL I= J. Koontz.
This splendid boat was bath by the
overieN of the rumor lease Newuns,
and olden, for the CinainnatD and
Usbargh Packet trade, and will
leave every Wednesday. htr Cincinnati, in place of
the New England, No. V.
For freight or passage apNyon twaid, cusp
The splendid fast noising Meaner
matLOUIS ItteLANE. W. S. cuttweil.
wester, Paving undergone a Poi ,
oegh repair,) will nut hereafter Ips
regalat pasiret between Piriebargh
and Wlteding,* leaving Pitubergh every Monday,
Wednesday sad Friday morning., eV oieleek. For
frelght sr passage apply on board. or to
jang W. B. WHEELER. Agent.
1101021101LIMLA /3017 TX
.~;: r ?
OMLir Tit BIII•• Staging.
Via Brownsville and dumberland to Bah/wore and
no. Pamancaratt • 11 en
TE morning boat lea, es the wharf, above the
bridge, Oily, at d *Vaasa Untimely. Mine to
iwitimene, MI hours; time to Phalarielphim tehoura.
Thevtningboat leaves daily, ieneept danday •
etungsa o, Moak. Passengers by leaning on the
<venom boat, will Caugh t the mountains in .ragas met
ney, mut thee avoi yowl .
&core your beton at the Otdee, Monongahela
house, or St. Charles Hotel. J. I.llZellhire, Arent
The splendid lest
Heßride, Muter, sell) IMMO for the
bona and el! intermediate porta ea
Filday the II'!. Inst, 614 o'clock, P. M.
For rreight Of passage apply 00 hoard, Or
. . . ..
oy.. The splesubd last steamer
Norton Mter, will leave for the
W nova
and ntermediate landinic
on this day, at 10 A M.
For'lmight . pa..., oply on board, or to
ar a 0 B SIILTENBEittiEII, Ageob
The rpleadtd steamer
R. C. Gray,Master, will leave for the
e and all Intermediate ports ea 1 '
thin dav, the Sib iota, at 10 orclock, A. M.
F l r pfr 4h l or ."
L% Iftli.I=EZ 4
_ V 1
mast W. •plerutid muter I FORWARDING MERCHANTS., ROCHESTER, PA.,
Wilkins, ?dawn, &B I (Denver P01nt.10. , . for obo••
frrAgents for 8/DWELL'S ITIMMIURGII AND ° int . r . l edi.l. P" ...41. h.. 4 .Y0 i CLEVELAND LINE ERIE AND EADVILLE.
._ • .
PACKETS{ towing and shipping. between Pittsburgh
and Rochester by steam boats Blichigan, Lake Erie,
and Deaver.
DT Good. received and promptly delivered to all
place@ on the Canals and Lakes, at the lowest rates.
Skippers will please direct goods to "(Unwell's Lute."
J. C. BIDWF.LIa Agrat,
%Fattest, Pittsburgh.
FOR LouisytLLE.
Thesplintaidii - Xainet
C:rigltnztelterzi . lll.l.ltr o aboz
Tsooday, at to'elock, P. hi, poslliverE. l.
ra :fg "" ' CIIMMAIIEFLOPR, Aireet
The splendid steamer
jat a tiounts muter, will leave for lie
and all intermediate pope oa
WedaerdeY, lOrk inst., al lb A. M.
For In or plume apply oo board.
The splendid steamer
1 : - ..7'.7`. Johnston master, Is Exceed we above and all /otormalians pbsta on
.12.a.P.1_LE. 1 hi• • ILO
Tha file
j paloargie . time!
Sterling, master, Will Dave ray 04
To and .11 intannediata pun.
OD this day, the ata Ina, at 10 o'oloek, M.
For (niigla and passage apply on board, or to
ap9 W WHEELER, Aei
. • . . .. .
The splendid st eamer
Capt. James 11. Maslen, lOC leave ae
ye, on thle day, the Kb April, at
4 o'clock. F. hl.
For freight or passage apply on beard,. to
The sr/teethe mama/ •
Cope, will leave for the above
nd all intermediate porta on lEa
day. the ent In.h, P. ht., pealilvely.
For Neiten plume apply on board. spa
31 °" 1 "lIftIND,
Gallagher, Inaßlar, ili laityn for We
yin and all intermadinta porno,
thin day, :ha 9Th inst., int 4o'clock P. M.
Fur Insight Of pas.age, •riply oriboard. nyiln
The fist; stittuarr COLUMBIAN,
44... Gres Mee, Idaster,wlll leave for Nash,
'llls, mad all intermediate points,.
is day the thh lash
For freight or passage, apply on board, or to
nociuciiit LOUISVILLE PACEET — . —
The splendid (ant naming steamer
Benedict, master, will leave for Na
n•a al
Friday. the YU nd
March, at 4 o'call.interme diate porta °° k, P. M.
For freight or passage apptuna Doan!. or io •
• - • C O. GEOHOE ARNOLD a C hue opened au
Fecutroa Orrica, N. 74 Fourth meet, nut door
to the Sauk of Pittsburgh, and are prepared to teen.
art, on reasonable term., any baldness in their litie
that may be entrutted tothem.
Exchange, Coin, Bank Note., bought and sold . :
Collection. made In all the prinelpsJ ehlaa and
towns in the Untied State.
Depaslies received in par find. and mummy.
theflay respectfally molten a share of the camera of
hirsute. manumit,. mrtislm
N the coax of osannan Pleas iTrlarialtisioTCoan:
ty: No. LM, March Term, PM.
la the matter of the Petition of Wm. RobleAcso,
President -of the 'Ohio and Penneylvanleiliall Road
Company—and The Vice of the Braver Road:
Aid L'l.7.`L'Utz="o,;
Vise ' be given, by three make , pablieulosi to the
Deily America Joumal, Game, and Poo.
UT the C o, oen.
Cerdffed Rim the Retard.
apt .3tv GEORGE P. EATS. Pro.
BACON—Aarorted fora ey
(lALIFORNIA bLANRETB—IOO ;miniver, henry
Illaaketa, manalactated expressly for theCanfor.
• trade. Fat sale by
IV Wood meet
Doer.* H. Mummy,
• n'AVING modated mat Mtn ,WIL A. CALI).
Chandlery, Dual Hors, and Queenewans BstlneK
will be conducted at No. SS Water event. WO., the
style of
• I
Two Daily Lines Exams Packet Foals,
/Lad Rail Road One.
' I (ExcLealviLy roz.P•sacsoluz•.)
Yin the New Central Rail Road and Pont.' CanaL
hours• ....... Farr-410 through.
936 nails.. Rail Road, and 130 miles Canal.
ON ny th m e i m s m t ta c t.S r e , i n e n vr ns Centra o l . Rail , R T. oa m d . Cor:pm.
tenon can tram Jackstown to Philadelphia, leaving
there immediately after the arrival of the Packet
Boats Irma the West. By thl• arrangement passe.
gee.will go through without detention. •
Packet Hortwill leave every morning at 6 o'-
eloqir, and every
cSentng.lo o'clock.
The room. for Safety, Speed, and Comfort, is not
equalled by toy now In ote to the Eastern Cities.
For passage or information apply m
W 9U
LE Monongahela House;
mad D LEECH & CO. Cristutl Basin
Via P•ossylvaiala Canal. & Rall Roads.[707%
O'CONNOR, AtRINO & Calla! Bamin, Mery
arm, Pit'sborgh;
ATIONP, O'CONNOR & Co, R,19& ISO Market moot,
• •
O'Gorman& Co„ 70 No 1012"; rth street, Baltimore; --
'R Worm, New Vatic'
F.xxiorr & Onno,ll Douse snail, Boston;
Howuone Oust, Maysville, Kentucky;
HALL& Co., Columbia 1.1e4 Cancinnatt;
E. Wog, Louisville;
Ham, & st. hula
To Shappor• of'N.erchandose and Produco to and
fro= rittlade4Aia, Baltswore, X Fork, Balton.
Our route being now in fine order. we am prepared
to forward goods as above at very Anson purr. We
knot el freightfmr of any charge having policies for
overllBoo,,WO, and with the following extentive stock
of Boots tool fanfident of geeing enure enusmodon to
all business entrusted to our ogre. Our boats are sll
new, and commanded by captains of experience, sod
one route linoss eandnoted on strict srmaath keeping
mad tonpnanct principles.
Boats. Captain. Boats. • Captsins
Iron City, Orman Pennsylvania E Layton,
Maryland, Marshall Bt. Louis, Cowden
Cinemnan Panda i Col. Roamed Ridley
Path AnTzii, Chatham hlaryDehorah Sires
Wen Mains, l'enroad • Enterprise, ;Ceylon
Import, hl'Quado Juniata Mown
Domain, Alter • Gen. Scott, Gore
Gadinda Riley
Celia Telegraplatia !Shields
Hawkiai Palm Mill Boyldquade
iiliveßranehOoster BalinACUpparßiley
America Perry Ohio Belle Kearney
Mermaid 51'Colgast Hunter !Lingle
The Fox hiNoade Jibe Aon 1 Layton
Aurora ArLowell Telegraph NoßOavia
Look Sharp Berry North Qeeen Wible
RX tageßPOra will find it to their advan to give ns
mill. ' • O'CONNOR, ATKINS& eo., ,
Quid Canal Basis Liberty .1., Pittsburg.:
Water.. Transportatids Company.
sAtirtmoyet Arkw romr,
By Permsrytyanies Cismal and Rad Road.
Tm Can and Ca of this Line have been put i
compete order, and wait the addition of saver
new ones to the Line, enables us' to tarry a lug.
Quantity of maisee and goods.
The entire stock of the Line is owned and centre.
ed by the Proprietors.
IJ4HRL9 & LEECH, No to South Thad at,
And at the %bocco Warehouse, Dock at,
Phi adephia, Pa.;
No 111 North Howard at, Baumoro,lild ;
OFFICE, No 7 West st, New York;
D LEECH & CO, Cant. Basin,Penn a,
Cntrid Pinshurgh.
aaagat 1815° ' oats
CLARK, PARKS & CO, Rochester, Ha., Prop's.
A fiV, den',
Mee eon Smithfie JOHN ld and WateCAUlri ani E , Pittsburgh.
Cleveland, Ohio.
1119 well known Line me prepa-ed to transport
freight and
TEELN. to any
The facilities of the Line point on the Conel and Lakes
we unsurpassed In namber,
quallty and capacity of Boma, experienne of captain.,
ollicieney of Menlo.
One Boot leareilhttsburgh and Cleveland daily. ren
nin, in notiton - With a Line of Swam Boma be
tween PrITSBUIRGH oL4 BEAVER, and a Line or
Fint ClactStmou Demi; Psopeilers and Vessels, or
the Lakei.
Clark, Parka to Co, Itochosacr. Po;
FAN Parks At Co, Youtigitowo 0h...
yell Taylor, Wolren. 0;
A N Clark, Newton F:alle,
A Miller, CapeSega Fah*, 0,
Whoeler.T.iia. CD, Ak roe, (A
eheroterlin. Crawford & Co, Cleveland, 0,
Ilubbard A Co, Sandusky, 0,
Peckhuo A Scott, Toledo, 0;
U Willieme ?a Co. Detre., Nioh;
Wdlieme & Co, Milwankin, Ma;
Murky 3. Dorton, Racine, Wie;
George A Gihbv, Chicago. ID;
Thom.. ,
Hale, Clearer°, 111.
.1003 , 1 n cAUGIIET ; degent,
3. corner Water and Sourtigald ear
aiiiE2 185°-
. .
CLSREF., PARES A CO, Rochester, Proprietor.
` I4F. Fri mrs oto of Ate old and well known I-11110
would inform thr public the they are_now to op
en for the present vogue: end have commenced
recessing Freight and Pusencets, whieh they are
fully prepared to carry to •Ilpoints on. toe Canal and
At the lowest rate. One of the Holm of the Line
will be ennstanny a tee landing, below Monongahela
Bridge, to receive freight.
Office, ear Water and Smithfield sta, Pittsburgh.
W Cunningham. New Castle, Pa;
klitcheltree & Co. Poluki;
W C Malan...Rime;
A 9 Hull, Sharpsbarg;
Wick, Achre /L - Co, Greenville;
WIS Ham, flatworm;
Wm Power, Coweatualle;
John Hearn ! Co. Erie;
Joan J liallitter A Co, Buffalo, NV. turNl
Pltteboroh Portable Boat LID.,
/01 rut T 11.4.011,11... Or YECati
Philsdelphit f / Pittsburgh.
Tllo Canal beingnow epen, the proprietors of ibis
long establlahed Line are as osiusl at their old
minds, receiving and forwarding Merchandise and
I Produce at few rates, and with the promptness, car.
ripely, and safety, peculiar to their system and mode
i of trapoportation, where intermediate transhipment is
avoided, with the consequent delays and probability
of damage.
Merchandise and Produce shipped Caster wear, and
Bill • of Lading forwarded free of charge for commis.
sloe, advancing, or storage. Haying tin Interest di
rectly or indirect]y m steamboats, that of the owners is solely consulted when shipping their goods.
, All commanicstiens to the 'allowing agents prompt.
', ly attended to:
- - - •
No re Neater WOO, Philedelptna.
Corner Penn and Wa y ne 'trek., Pmeburgb.
Co.& j el jr 11•01; I'. H. 1.12,1
I x 0435 j
'l6 Vow!, el, New York . ; /awe IVhee! ' ev r‘ ergYa, ' CitTo .
1850. ea= 1850.
111115 with oneorposeed it now
prepared to traneent Freight to Cleveland, the
'Lake ports, Ohio Canal, and intermediate pieces, on
the moat favorable terms, mid tenth the aresoest do.
Shippers are referred to those who have heretofore
patronised thi. Linn. Pond goods to 'Tidwell'. Line
Aament—J C flWwell, Water .•, Pittsburgh;
Burwell & Brother, Roebewer;
L 0 Matthew., Cleveland,
Rhodes & Green. do.
A D Jacoby, Youngstown;
O E LelOngwell &Co, Warren;
A & N Clash. Newton Falls,
J Brayton A Co, Karelian'.
Kent, Gamlen a. Co, Fran klin Alois;
Thomas Earl, do do,
A H Miller, Cuyabora Falls;
J W Stephens rt. Son, Akron;
Wheeler, Lee A Co, de;
J D &Jiff Edoon, do:
J liall9•11, Massillon;
Commian & Ca, dm
Wm Monteath k Co, Buffalo,
N J Gibba & Co, Sandustr,
B Higgina& Co, do;
K Haskell A Co, Toledo,
Strong,lll lbi rph in D toi, l f °" t
Ball A. Elkttu, filoaaport;
DO6/111/0 & Co, bldwindriel
D 0 Dietician, Little Pali
Kirkland & Taylor, Sheboygan;
Dole. Ramsey k Co, Chicago;
Thermos Hale, do.
POLbargh, March:lo,lsSO.
El•twess Flttstraxig aintOliliitel
- -
The Canal being now epee, we are ready to reettiTer
and forward promptly, produce and metchandtze east
and met.
Proinee tad =animating wil
warded cut and west, winnow
warding or advancing freight. o
Bills of lading forwarded, am
tally attended to.
Adann or apply to, WM. BINGHAM.
Canal Banta, co, Liberty and Wayne ku,ll4laborgb.
No !EC, Markel at, between Ilth &Loh, Phira.
No 182, North Howard at. Baltimore.
:aril No 10, won mot, Nam York.
7I be
rcg 15iy,;ema for
au,L ,
IPUREE ACR}9 OF LAND, about :: miles
iron the city, near the reldeenee Of Rev. Richard
Lee, on the Oreensbargh Turnpike: gettable for coun
try resideneec
Atse—Four Hundred Acres or Lend, tlmue In
Franklin township, about ' le miles hem Pittsburgh,
meg Franklin Road. The willbeillrided to salt pur
e/mem There le an excellent Xl= du"
Asso—A Lot of Grilifla near the New Beata Bev.
enfh Ward, being WO feet sonars, on *lnch le a two
story Brick Dwelling Hones.
For partlettlers and tones °lode oninilre of
DAVID D. BRUCE, Attorney at Law, i
Fifth et, bet% Wood end lireithdeld. I
A HANDSOME STORE, at Market gnu, bat
Third ur Soar& Wady at want usapied by Mr
Thum Wkaa, as aDry 00dd. Mara.
Alp—A Inn flanhai_lloou ia the mead Mary
ant Jar la Ma Dora 'Smut& Cam. Thh u
O aPaated, atitabla far a araied alma or Academy,
era:add b• aaareahatly =wad at &milk Men
• 0 Thiai ararlha hot ChSlaa
'or • sat.
MEAT property situated on the comer of Loaost
end Boller w e Fifth wart occupied as a She
newer. by) Newt H. P. k. S. Nelson Co. The
lot is 100 by 110 feeh (mating on two streets and Alle
gheny riser, with bundlers and Steam Enaine,l2 loch
cylinder, 41 feet stroke. The whole will be leased
for a term of years; possession can be 'mot Immo.
Manly... Apply to JOHN H. N,
001.11. Adloining too premises.
basement story, suitable for a Grocery. Tao
house Is sabatarnlally bollt, and Is 24 feat front by PS
feet deep, nominA back to oo alley. It Is now Ix:co
pied by (no families. Tenn. very reasonable, and
payments map easy. • A. M. WALLINGFORD.
rp lIE MANSION HOUSE, and pale of the Grounds
.1. known as Rosedale, on thelsolt of the Ohio riv
er. in Manchester, will be rented low, as a private ns.
smicnee. The situation Is oneof the most beautiful on
the Ohio river. and the Grounds arc uroamented with
Shrubbery, (Hope Vines, end Flowers,and Nutted
with the choicest Fruit 'Frees For terms apply to •
turn OEO. COCHRAN. 20 Wood st
A BRICK BUILDING, by GI feet,ybrpe morns
a. bleb, with Engine, kp Waled Hiarb4bere,
Immeduitely tllow the Ferry. Regain oar
carat( Piuslerygh Foundry
Per Ill Ant,
Tim Dwelling Hem, Comer of Pride .dDlnlr stn
Eighth Ward, new occupied by IngselL Poem-
Con given at any time.
This is one of the most pleastint residences shoat
the city; it In surrounded by a fine Tani unit narks;
Is free from the mooky atmeephorn-nf the city below
it, and Is only fifteep tWnnksurea from the centre of
busier.. • 4AOLEIty. BUCHANAN,
mtill•tt je - Orrie — r Wood lidginitits
rret - ZET - 7e stm - lort Market or, next door to First,
,g. will be rented low to a good tenant, and posses,
loon given Immediately. For term. apply to
in WWI WALT KR BRYANT. la; Liberty 0F
Ter Luttli _ _
TE Illsellmg Douro, Thin; above Smithfield, now
occupied by Rev. Mr. Batmen.
Alin—For -one or mom yearn, some large Lots of
Ground, in the Ninth Ward, on and near the river,
imitable for Lumber Yards. Enquire of JOHN AL
mit( B. DARLINGTON. Strunk at.
MOAT lame and GilU6litdio us DWELLING ROUSE
jon Webeter street. near Seventh, at present seen
pled by Mr. A. Vrorktrk. Preseraion In in be !pyre on
the lit April. Inquire on the premiers, or of
AL B. LOWRIE, Wylie at, •
("bal. tf neer Climber,
To Lona
THE lane Mtml ;any Eitriek Warehouse, on Water,
i.olon'Perry street, tanning from Wafer to Pint
street, on reasonable term*. Possenton siren imam•
Mately. Enquire of
febnatf P. LORENZ.
2 THE subscriber will sell or rent hls very desi
rable Country Hesideupe,in 44egaegY .07..1- -
uated Ohlo Lane sod ihllegbeny Avenue,
wen of
The lime as a large doubl e brick building, Lo complete order. There Is • Ca:-
rise, Hotom,dutble, and good water on the (minds,
which comprise two wires, well improved, containing
every description of emit. Also—a spring house and
house. Pensession given daring toe month
March. tebl.o JOAN OEBHART.
• undistg Lots.
FOR SALE, an very liberal terms —Flfty Nine Lots
of Ground, situated on Penn, Wayne, and Pike au,
and the Duquesne Way, aeconfing to a plm to be seen
at this oftec, where terms and condtuotts wall be made
mwn. )11M1
on Libeny nreet, between O'llara and Walnutatreets,
Finn Ward, u present ormrpied by the mbacriber
Poumaion Oren on the Isl April. Enquire hf
Jule{ tf Wh4. YOUNG. 131 Liberty 2.
It FOR SAL}—A Lot of Ground eituate on Penn
enact, between Ilay and Marbary gnash, *Mottling
the house and lot nom occupied by Riehud FArrards,
baring a front of 23 feet, and In depth 130 bet, inn be
sold on favorable terms. Title anexceptionable. Ea•
ocri of C.O. LOOMISoIth notes= Wood.
DEG Isere to inform biz friend. and maternal! that
.0 Os is just receiving Mutate swing stock of Goods;
“tthetnang, as usual, all the newest and moat fashion
robnlessl I l Ls e e n f
c el otha, , Casilm . f . an , e y Vs=
for gentlemen's west for sprung and summer. It being
totposathte to describe the beauty, quhry, or quantity
of the stock, the proprietor
all who are to want
of good, cheap, fuhtonable, and wellmads
will jrWe hint a call, as there is no aura this side of
the Alleghenies that cart compare with it.
The ready made &penman is aWY eAte mire, attar.
led to all tastes.
Ball toad “atrastora, toadtpy saesehatits, and all
who peach.* !way, ara patticulatly.Lavited to ca
=LAO the usek batons pareaaaing, as pardealar at-
VIM. is paid to theasholeasio trauma tat thin
Every article in the tailoring link made to order
the mast fashionable and beet manner, at the short.
notice, tontl
RANCE COMPANY.—Odiee North Room of the
Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia..
Fors honnauscr.—lslldings, iderth.dlsa and other
property, in Town and Country, insured against bum
Of damage by fill!, so the 101• Cit MO of premiss.
Moons also insure Vessels, Cir
goesaind Freight., foreign or coasnoise, uuderopen or
special policies, as the sanded may desire.
Dina. Twareurrsrusta—They also insure morph.
•lvfien transported by Wagons, Rail Road Cars, Capj
Boats and Steam Boats, ou men , and lakes, on the
most liberal terms.
DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Seal, Edmund A. Sander,
John C Davis, Robert Ronan, /rain R Penrose, Sum.
el Edwards, Geo G Lew, Edward Darlington, luxe
R Davis, Wm Felasi', John Newlin, Dr R M Huston,
Jar C Hand, Theophilas Paulding, H Jones Broom,
Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Serrill, Spencer
rdelivain, Charles Welty, J G Johns., Wm Hay, Dr
S Thomas. John Sellars. Wm Eyre, Jr.
Hugh Craig, John T Logan.
Othze of the Company, No. 42 Water street,
Pittsburg.] P. A NIADEIRA.AgI.
April Aagaataaa and N. Books,
Tonto Sr,,oor opposito the Pod Mee.
ODEY'S Lady's Book, for April;
k.ll Graham'. hlagassne, do;
Sanailds do do;
Ladies' National do do;
Holden's Boller do da,
Dlackwoodh Magazine, for Febraary.
White Jacket. or The World Ina ELan.of-War. Har
m, Melville's new work.—Mahomet and Hie Suc
cessors; by Washington Irving; vol L—New Eng
land Pontiff Breeder; with twenty Ave aceurale en
gravings.—Arr Joarnal, for February and March—
Webster's end Calhoun's Speeches, In matoblet form.
—David Copperfield; by Dickens.--he Serious
Faintly; a Comedy.—Explanations and History of
Ste Rocbester Korickings.—Con Cram, or the Irish
Gil Moo; by Lever.—Roland Cashel; by Lever.—
Winery of "leaden:lP; by Thaekartry; No 4.—Die.
Sammy of Meehanles; &gm* Work and.llngineer•
Jimart s.—Dark Scenes of History; by 0. P. R.
Esq. ntr97
- -
morning—Chin Perch Cobarp. Florence _Brut.
Chip, (Drab end White 4 Fluted Hurd, and other styles
of Panel` Bonnets. Aho—
H.3WERS AND CAM in great variety, and at ea
ecedtngli low prices.
China Pearl Bonnets u low,ae SO cents. mr2o
• allk few doors below Wood mutt,
ards market.
• DH. 111.0W111., having been
regalarly edneated to the medical
pro4smon, and be for some time
• - • In general practice, now confines
4 ' his attention to the treatment of
• those pnvate and delicate row
plums for which his opportunities
• and experience peculiarly gaality
. him. to years amide/only devoted
to ;may A treatment to those complainu4(dormoomm2
time he has had more practice and has cored more pa.
tents than can ever fall to the lot of any private prac
titioner) =ply qualifies him to oder aultrances of
speedy, permanent, and satisfactory mire to a/leafleted
with delicate chums, and all d. 11411.11“ arising thaw
Dr. Drown would Inform those afflicted with private
diseases which have become chronic by time or w
grarated by the use of any of the common nostmins of
the day; that their complaints can be radieally and they
oughly cared; he having given Ma cutlet attention to
the treatment of sorb cases, and *trundled in hundreds
of instance* In curing persons of inflammation of the
neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often
result from those eases where others have consigned
them to hopeless despair: Ile particularly invites seek
as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by Miran
to consult him, when every satisfactiosi will be peen
there, and their oases treated in a eir6fid,thorough end
intelligent manrier,ponued out by a long expeneace,
study, and layestigenon,which It in impossible for th ole
engaged ill general practice of medicine to give to
no class of disease.
Hernia or Rbpturs.--Dr. Bumf' Mynas per
sous afflicted with Hernia to call ,as he pans.-
tithe attention 10 Ibis &sew.
CANDI:29.BIm cured.
dieeasea; also II ' y stml
Charges miry low.
N. B.—Patients of either sex living at • Q4..4216%17
stating their disease in writing, giving ell the s y. = .
toms, can obtain medicines with direction* for ass, - gy
addressing I'. DROWN, N. D., post pald,and sada.
rig a fee.
Office No. CI Diamond filmy, oppoilis its Wave riY
. House.
Ritimerimasa—Da Dr
a ma's zwerlY dissavered nem.
d y for Rheastimiara ia • speedy and; certain remedy ter
• thnt pandal trouble. It never fella
Office and Private Conaultind Rooms, No. dl
Pittahardh, Pa. The Doctor is always at
IrP No own no DIM D
Agent far Claims a&ef Recovery of Property Ina
11111 'AVM(' -spent nearly a year in the sonata Pe
ll. cord Odle., Netlona Library, &e., donne hls
late wait a England, Investaming clams for persons
in this matey, and berme wand ellclenr and re
spot:table Apure in London and Manchester, he to
prepared Weald all necesaary information and ad
vice t 6 persons who seek to recover their propeny
that country. • •
L. keep alai of the Stank of England Dividend
Rooky WILICiI may be canalised far fa menu, or 23 for
each letter of tee Altana , .1
Referenea In Boston:
C. B. F. ADAMS, Notary Padre;
RV . 1 •
mtahlm JOHN W. EWA N
S. ♦. Pabaestooft f
Who* tad
I witii .x LlTALE wee Zr r 2=l,
100 bbla SibindS: go lbs. Crib. Arna oar lasia;
Sa do " Alum; 500 do ditaalbilds;
orm do Dpe Wood, SOO do Crude Tartar;
do Lampblack; 500
_do laanoside Zoog
20 do Ven. Red; 300 do laud; Kew ;
0 do Camphor, 1 5 0 do Mad Pooolpftmo
10 do Spa:1.11room; 150 do Calomel Amu.;
11:1 do Yellow Oabor; On do do
10 do Briaitoos; em 110 do Huber Lamm;
0 do do Clov 203 - Rhubarb Moog
Chato.Ploren; 400 de do
14 cases Ran Bonn, 30 0 do _Mattandes
13do Mani &MN 200 do g el ..e1.011.;
s do Priming:lEler; SG do Seldlli Ulm%
10 do Cole. Maseivra; ISO . do
.Pssil Shaba*
13 do Chrome Green; 1151) do do > glip , larm
sdo do Yellow; 100 ;do&Aim. ;
3 'do Am. Vermilion; 100' do do Vat;
00 reams Saud Paper; 15 do do j
bags Melly Samoa; 50 do do ALCayonza;
5 Pala Dottie Cork.; 2CO .dO Masi
Solpb. Morpkia; 300 do Bar "11a; ' '
ISO lb. Cope Akio; 50 do Tammtedm
1200 do lli-Chnon Potash; US do gala SSW:
MI do Fla Rom; CO do Omen NA
15110 do Tdrtey Umber; 75 de Cbakisord;
ISM do CIO= 1).1U; 50 do Mid Potada
MO do Tartaric Acid; GO do Ilacm
11,3 do' Ur. Una
1eb284.1w542. ;
do Granville Latta.
Ill' TIM GM Of, VILS Lanza as not ewer repot
sire than ■ bad & poisid broa', or dark, yellow caw
od teeth. I/Yarrow; baye thew it la theirenrn bubo.
&ay eon, for two Millings, buy an latie3a due 'KC
make Weir brook pore
sweat %sale $
idepair e
It eon illeetace of the GUIs, Vintegy or tleenued.*
ud for the Taith it ie eneutalled, muting the mar,
Guides the teeth la the gases, ud elan theta ea_
white sc the nine sJl.beinken Nereft.
Haab, reader, am Ile pa:perdu of :oath's Mabee
Tooth Putt, and, without pre/sing tt oespeleee, bur
what one of en athet rupectable and so-ads 11 l
W e n, Ida E. Field, of New Tork, suni
"I have binh lased and analitedthis u pthar
palpable ankle, (louts,
Too wed
ru ret ?cud it aa protiessing des
ed for it. , Readi, en say Do 10 eo n
flolY that irTott thieenee gulag! be well pleaae
It is put sit itt entailer Eittalith China Pote.• fee
yenta Bold bt the Agent, WM. JACKSON. BD ,
tr Omen PUthatreh.
ID" Au+ loos' crousa E . honorably an:rid Pal
the Wombs are the Ramat onalitiesof &la, kola of
Josses Coral Hal, Restoradra. If iMy &mat oar
aord, they combat the. llshly rafpeotabla etWana
whohare,uiod - lb—
Mr. Geo. Backe; M K i a k eNeveYorL , -
Mrs. Matilda Illaarsa, ar, Brooklyn. ,
Mt. Was. Toraykma, a, Now York,
Mr. Ilsoa.laeksol, Manama Islandosaai leadliatk
a Y. Calle - 4,lam barber steamboat S...baiorloa. •
bad acre. thee a hundred others .tart, Gogh WS
gnat surtee, that It will forte the DL, to tom ea
had or fa.tribLll at dnnd ns i f r , thh o uren the re AB.
ligW 4 , *rimy halt Imam, a Ilar=look, al
k tO• harsh 03.4 1 1 . 11, 0 s; KO% Mc=
baba a vary, very tons than
• cad
Sold GoApent, WM. JACKSON, Eli Marty lle,
. • prior i 97e, 30 cents, and one dollar.
Leernon one BMA losamm—Joilll3.pjta
We Chemical Soap erases aim* pe
the same woe mollies, soltera and=4,:akii
giving n the tubas and beary of an im=a m &nom &LS Ras= Boom, are won a* oely
krahs t hot ettled use, wag lean seven repo.
ofgea New Ymt know vbo ue . lt to sash easel'
and find
&Dm, &news, Firermse, or say other gill/Ist
eras. The reader le mooed nut this m eel rimless
puffed nosimm,as one trial will prove; !meld
menus at least BO prams eared of
5C , 1211/00,130.58 /AM MID Boas ga=ol'—kr . q
and use it, and the reader Is nabs sawed /
'kg wally wit it for the above =less I koewi to Ise
all I rade. Those who wettable to Queen, ea Qum Pura wi/i Ude
Azy ose akbetedwith any of ties above, JZsla•
n is ai s ., will find this all astray= mere (a kaino
bid in ite
Bw, lba &we am doodad with - bstit=
=odd be sore =Ur,
ion ask for JONITtaI Italian CI
Soap. W JACKSON, 1311 Ltbe_ kty AMIN
/antique, sigwrateT •
A Atir ifFritr Ab lrIVAZ l IMM N S
WILD üBERRY, the treat tamed? for
And the beat atedicilus known
-•- •
to mail for Astitioa every mega, Liver --
- Complaints, Bronchltia, Indaerma, Combs, Coils,
Bleeding of the Leers, Shortness of Breath,
Pouts and Weakness In the &de
Breast, he., and all other
_ diseases of the
A very important dime. over which thin llabara ex
erts a very powerful legume, is that of •
in this eoroploint it am ondoubledlySed more ,
edleac ions then our remedy hi th ene emit end
macrons insutimes when patients had ed long
and severe softener !Tomtit° dLsetwes, Without reeely.
leg the lent benefit from various motedles, and when
Mercury has been resorted to in vain, the um of Ude
Balsam has restored the Liver to •heolthy aedon,ud
in many insane. erected permanent emus, eget
every well known remedy had failed to produce this
&aimed amt.
Besides its estoalabhm eGe Ise* in the dlicaso ahoy*
mentioned, we also food ha v effectual remedy in
Asthma, a complaint in winch it his hem extensively
stud with derided emcees, even In ease. of year*.
goading. With the Moreau, oflntelligeneekai grown•
op a knewledge of the elements of health, and a re
gard for them, and emomensuratelywith tte sullies of
sciatica have we acquired the mans of amens,
ease, and averting Its ravages. Notwithstanding the
progrees we have made, stadadea mow that even
oow, Oat sixth of the *bile population die annually
of eonsumptim
One of the most imponanidiscoverim a it. .11111
ameliorating the cohditlon of this large clam of sof
tener humanity, to
Wit[WSLim or Chem , la a Sae Herbal
Medicine, ownposed ekkilly of Wild Cherry Bark sad
the genuine leased 110, Oho lariat line
_od express.
y tor Ude he rare methane, virtues of
' which ore =s e emed by a new ehewleal pewits,
with ctie extract of Tar, therrenderiny the • whole
evercomposed the ma cenain *ad effleacim hned!
discovered for
EMI farther evidences of the remarkabbsearativa
pmperdes of tide lnesdmable preparation:
Ecumm.vngs, Brown no., 0., Ang: 01, IS
Hearn Sandford & Park: Gentlemen, out az
week. aro I received the agency of Wistathr Edam
of Wild Cherry, btu with somerelectance on my mi,
for the reason that I had been the agent of so many
pills and other nolumns, which wens emoted up t 0
be wooden wonderful, but whirl tuned oat In the
and to be of no account whanneri except In the elllia•
rummer. Sat I candidly odedt that this time I have
been deceived, toe thsemnsordinary btu. effected by
Wistar4l Balsam have convinced me that "good can
come oat of Nazareth." Your agent left me one doz
en bottles, which are all reme—having hen the metans
of coring several obstinate eases of 'Consumption.—
and no mistake; for what I.seet and know I am bound
to believe. One ease to particular: Ayoung gentle
man in Wthebester. Adams county, 0.; 10 =Um hos
this place, was clued of. Consumption lotion the doc
tors has given him op, or at least could do nothing for
him, and it was the intention of his friends to convey
him to your city, and ;dace lum ands the out of mone
eminent physician there. But a friend told hlm Of
Balsam, and that he -- sts — old obtain It of ma.
Ha seat for it, and before the wooed bottle witsigesse
he was sound and well, and Ingathe r labia everyday
booklets. As there ace Novena Inquiries for the Moe, it would he welflo thrward an additional supply
without delay. Very LAMßEßTympecololly,loana mm
. The ghosts, from L. Newlani4Bart,oltighl jnapects
able comory merchant, commends itself threibly to
the candid attention of all those who kayo doubted
din great merit of Winer's Wild Cherry Balsa=
Remember the original and only cocaine Wistaria
Balsam of Wild Cherry, was I:streamed In Ms year
184 and has been weR tested In all complaint, Do
which. It is recammended. For 17 jeers it boo proved
mom effmaelous rm a remedy for Coughs, Colds,lnfis
eats, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consasuption in its in
cleleet 1.1.101., thanarriother medicine.
ow Idiom%Artg.lo,l34B.
Mr. S. W. lowle: Having aces many ernillessee
pablithed in relatianlo Dr. - Wenn% Ba/aanz of Wild
Cherry, I take Oils opportunity of alltdag a word In
its favor, whit!, yen an elertg a llharMeseablieb. A
few menthe since my wileit bee arißnielt af
fected with a sodden told, that lost her waft, and
Indered severely hem pans inSM breast. Her
don Caned her friends mach .arm. Having , load
year Balaton strongly recommended by that who
used It, I stereltawd a bottle from loot agent lends
I. laez i Mo . :i n t:do g es, and it 7 ,
hod comple meaverviher rho pens subj.
ed, and mea nly health w • soon folly roestablialtat
Voss, truly, HENRY G. BRIGHTMAN.
To Danaaerta lintams Mizactes—Thi• cel
ebrated and Infalbble. remedy for theme MOonsinalp
don, Asthma and Liver Complaint, has by Lts own *a
rils, been rapbßy, aunt and safely working its way
through the oppontion of quacks and counterfeiters,
anul, by its 1010 gala, and Bothniaexalt= n yea
gained for itself. criest enviable popularity, estab
lished melt in the confidence of aa Intelligent and cur
lightened public, tram one end of the tionnneatto the
other. The testimony of thousands who have Wins
tiered and eared by this valuable article, Will anal
that it stands unrivalled—at the bead of all other nee
shelties, for the care of diseases for which it.. mane
mended. The genuine Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Chong . is now for gala by duly appointed Agent., and
I peetable dealers in medicines iu all Large titles
and all important to throughout ilus United BLUM
onto. el per Bottle 1 Big Bottles for Sa.
Sold by J. D:PARR, leteeesior to Sandford A Wad
Founh and Walnut *Melt, Cincinnati, Ohio, Genoa 1
most ho
the FOllll and Weal, 10 whom all Orden
Mist teladdrgamel.
L. Wilcox, Jr; James A. JooeG J. ilidd
Paltriest:Net Co, Pittsburgh. L. T. Ressall, -Wuh
legion; W.. H. LambertonFrankll* L.
Uniontown; ILlValry, Greettsburgh; S. ffiin
set; Scou A Gilmore, Bedford; Geed
doo; Mn . Orr, Holliduysbm; EffidebrarllACOu
any J. K. Wright, KlUseelrig; EVII. ix: Co, Block.
Ole; A. Wilma I Soo, Waynesbanh; hPßotand
Co, N. Callender, Meadville; 81111012 I Co, Er* J.
Negate, Mercer; James, Kelly & Co. Boller SesMt,
Beaver; L D. Sammenoo, Wanes; EL./CAL/mum,
Cooderspore P. C
al rooke; Jr, Bdownseille.
Les KB Wood streets ' , MARRO.
attDEER AND LAUFMAN, Import*. • anicssJets
Foreiga end Demesne NANO WARE. In
a cane oe, are rieW prepared to sell se low sad
on as read sable terms as can be pureltesoleliwwhenh
We - sollelt. oar (!lends, and tho pablle goaelatilr
call and enrolee our noel, which eanants input of
nch ea Lecke, Latehea, Hinges and Saner=
with every article usually kept In Ilardwects Wes*
We invite the attention of ' , Carpenters an keel:tanks
generally in ma assortment of Tools,whiehneVebeset
selected with great cue, and which we are aotermin
ed to sell en as to Rine utisfaction. 'epfroiterT
'They are ant aware how Rightfully Wed*, st IR
W tke skin: how coarse, how rough. bow
yellow,; and unhealthy the skin
pears a/terming p.rePenal chalk: Be.
sides it is inteneus, ...again a
large qaantity et Lead I
We have prepared a beautiful vegetable amide;
It Is perfectly innocent, being purified ef all delcart 1
mot atlantic., and R Imps ns to the skin natersl,Seel•
thy. alabaster, clear, living white; at the wee dela
count a• • b y on the akin, making ir soft sad
smooth. Sold by the Agent, WU. YACRIIIIIi!. In, SP Lib
erry 0,, Pittaburgb. Emit El cents. ringtnitesT
Property la All City Mir Pal••
nalmobers offer for Belo • nambere - c6OISB
Lou, situate in the Second Ward t frontin• tie the
• =a remand, on nor ream: Trigtere 01 -
W. 0 ,11. ROBINSON, Any at Law, Bt Q atr •
et of JAB ROBINSON, on thernonlem
Acknowledgments of Deeds, Re.
sarktirmT , „