The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 09, 1850, Image 2

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    THE EmsßullirdaliTE.
rp?!!DAY MORNWi, APR1!.,,90850
iffemuni:or thfi Aioll-MasonlO and Whig
County ComOnlttoi of CoirroipanderiCT.
. .
- , XIII Delegates to the lam Crituti Cenverethe,ef the
litt•Nliierawind Whig piny, all tired.. are moa
t Wet( ilia Committee of Correspondenee, are request
to meet at the New Cent BMW, an WI:Almelo !
'loth of Aptilnext, for the transude:it or badness
. * ALEX. OMANI*, Chairman.
That/fel of the rioters la the late maiden at
iihinothing Milli, commenced yesteirday. A re•
.pittlaill In! found hi intr'lonal minute..
_ . .
Pitts!neigh city ds, cot:wont annexed, sold
feßluividelphisot the , ath hut., at 9S—ari . ad.
vanoe. ' -
. .
. .
i „leatte's L -.The maik have brought us
' Nereid of theee I rs .t epee, but they are all of 1
each Intend that our reader. will not regret the
:.large owe they oretuity. Let every reader care.
, fully that:die and lender them well. The clouds
which had: partially dispersed from the political
!melee:tat 'iltarblngton, have again gathered, and
&earn In biaetheusa upon the flume, What will
both. INSUIt It Is imposelle to tell; bat we fear
thei3outh wilt be Satisfied within fair and rem:
soluble compromise.' The North has rune as
fu Is spirit of conciaation eats pnelent and in
sonahle; to fact, as fu asthe people wilrendwe.
lithe Booth is disposed td manifest an uncompi.S,
'Wang ud 'esitiotts tempei, It II time the Bowl
fell back upon her original gronnd. -
, •
teeny event we-implore the Whig members
frotsi rennuivaois to be cautions how they make
eoncessionsto the ensuing 'demendsof the South-
:win them in supporting the just and conciliatory
plw of War President—ail eoneesalon beyond ibt!
iaazeoP 4 6 11 1 .7 . dangerous. It &futhent men will
...blaster and threaten disunion, !et the free Repro
nentativeseif the - North let tlitiiiLLles as flint, and
deolied jn tones of ticeition which Minim felt, that
they.nrill ask nothing bet , what tater and
_right. thee will submit to nothing wntrrg. althonsb
the dliairdord.ts mity proceed to cony their Muse
" 'threats Into excitation. If they provoke a arcs•
`le do such an tease, on their errs heads be the
eesseguences. .Tlas North will be ruthless.,
TasCmtcmuo.—Every remedy for the reran.
j L tioa or the ravages of this destructive luau has
hkbetto prated unarming, except the natant' and
simple anti of destroying its lite. A very little
trouble will' sulk for this, If our humeri and
gardeners willgaucatly attend to it. Tley .• taske
'their first aprievraole shout the middle ortitay
L and the best plan to'purcie iv, to spread under lb -
trees two or thrill.. shert% aud take a heavy bloct
. cif wood, oiveend covered alth Inha Rubber, oi
.some old carpet, so av not to injure the lONS, sod
Wilke the tree. a few beery blows, when the inn wI. fall as to the due s, and can be de.
styled: Repeat tale ev,rs day fora few week-,
we shall have as want of Plums end Apn
oats to the ausulog 1.11. It Is possible that the
catcalls may be entirely extirpated in this way.
Da. Wasatu.—A, cense:armed and pouredu
effort is now bola made m Boston, and all our
. eastemeities, to have,Dr. Webster's sentence atom
muted to imprisonmentforlite. Petlbans are Mt
mantic& in New York and Philadelphia, and arr
very. hfinteftwitl signed. receiving the signatmer
cud only of all those who doubt his goilkor.tha
justice ortho verdict, but. alto, of all lobo are op
posed to capital prinisunent. It is maid, however,
by !swam: Dom Hoetnn, that there is no piobabllitt
that the sentence frill be commuted, u Govern°,
.. tho past jear, has emplutleall,
taken graqud thittheESeetotre of a State has et
right to pardon a convict, or In any way am.
throw the verdict of army, oaten now testimony
'should di forthcOming that might, in his opinion
had it been brought herons taw jury, have came
them to byre rendemd a different verdict.
A writer m the Balton Bee tapes that Prof
'Webner haa been among the moat at:tam:nth ep.
posenth of the aboldlon of eaphal pa ntahment.
Fs= haiumirazon.- - latalligence from fluirlee
burgh is becoming exciting. The .Loecifeen mar
jonly In the Le. Osbourn has passed the Apportion
tat finally, and it is now In the hands of the .
Governor. Instead of being an equitable law for
the apportionment of the Senators and Rammer
tillage among tbe 'several eonmiea according to
.the number of taxable luhabeanti, tI is en net for
... the protnotion, sad preservation a the political
. power of the Loccifotto party. It nobi the Whig
einzette,Of their t o ot political rights, and renders
1 'Powerless to a ■ State where pinta.
aseneuly s loalanued. il,soore Infamous act of prili•
tied - pia lofty. Ina nen • been enacted Gee many
ant it calla for the indignant condemnation
letati outraged people. "
- : in order to fame the Governor to slot this hal,
talus been kept hack until the last days of the
.... , --Session, and the Appropriation Hit In held over
'.... Limits unmet. to compel him ro Yield ll>the wishes
7.cif the reckless .msjonty. We Mel assayed that
they will not succeed In this unmanly plat. The
Governor Is nth more accoantable for the public
- , - titian the Legtslature, and not as much so.—
- - /Mature who Ily controls Me roistter—lev
'fies tazirs,eWets the treasurer, sod appropriates
~. 11 =4, 'inapt th e Lomfaco onsjority chooses
' . to *PI without providing for the want* of the
clorinfron, let, them - answer far their own
- - ale tetheir coontitoentsti We trust the Governor
..- wIII 410 gun in this mitm,. - and sutra' no Appro.
.. petition-Sill to become a law which is not found.
ed ort the nrinciple or fitimesi, to ell sections of
the State. - We , ask for no favois, but we demand
jtutiete., Better teal the wheels. of Government
stand WI than that it great political (nod shag to
permitted. -
The relloirhag fi the bill, al it Inallypasedi and
WU scat to the Goeltrn . or: ,
- •
AlT0121,11:142:4T ULU
• 1112/44.212.
-; • .1. Phllsielphla 'City' . 2
• • Coumi' 3
Montgomery -1
• 4. Canner and Delaware 1
Berko and 'Schuylkill 2
Lat.-seas ................. ...... . ..
8. Lebanon red Dauphin
• 9. Nertharnyrosi and Lehigh
DP:" Ceb.e. relonre, Pike. and Wayne
11. Adam_ arid Frankbo ......... .. ........
13 Combo:tains 'Perry. nod Juniata
14.., T.Lien; and M t 8 a
15. - Lyeeining, lan, Nuithuinhartanri, mad
Sullivan -
ill.. lemeros d 11.1nuibia
-1,7 +.• B ader4, Sa.quebanna, - and WvOining••••
Tioga, Putter, U. Kean,' and Elk ..... • . • •
Cys• Led. Mon er,Venango, Wrrrect. and
- ...... • ........2....
91. • Biller, Beau, and Wte OCO
93. Waaningtoo and Brien . J.• 1
21. ,Weaunoresad. &menet, F.yette o. and Bee
. ford 2
'25. Artnerong, 1 ant. and Clam. 1
Centre, Cleinfirld, Cambria, and 81air.....1
Mosso at IlLeprematAtlvAs. .
• • Learehng. platen, mg .
A444n. • • 1 6
- ro ter ,
AD'IbM• ~..,,,...' ,4919948:
4 m.; • a
awkh • , 2 112811.01,
IhrkS 9 I, , tigh,lte4 earinth
/..'"n" L ' .. " . " '. ' 9 4,3 a cr, rW. and wry. 9
3 ."" "1 ' 46.4 drra•r: Tonna, OM •
4491.9al 1 L W• 1711•21,
3 -.lair
tii.brhaill, •
. • Jaeeta,
0r5,64d,,L6r, asa Ma-
I. ..
• - X....., •
'439i Irma Areaway, aad I.oarrra..
Idler arhylk
tteetaaaPia ea,
a.i Salina, ,it ...paha.ill,
mad Wraealea .
"rCnierfene, .• , „ter—
.llayalla, 3 VoMnitte, ma am, .:
Daimon, 1 airrimartJaad, ,
:Flaw, I 11.I l.
Paola* , RI
lakarea t 1 106
31;1e1g : 270o, 2
Vorthuse , 0r1.24, .
eresdilkhis City, 4
• Comity, II
01711. Book TABLIG.
.2:borer )finiusnea Atoorersar, for April, is
*'•" -pryistprud bend, aid is replete with foibles of
I Ultima telatitirri to the subjects of literature; come
Ate. A moo able and invalaable publics.
. -
.;.,:,.•!Loassomd Ms Astir, lot Muck
orn alamatalato c is acceptable. The veamatileeattor,
1. 44inaha Eel, worts and writes at pFeaent
&jibe animation and vigor ottipez
Viiiiktititie. good subaciriition ILA hiPitta•
• The Arndt Chronicle, for dprit, Lion stumble.
It U devoted to a good dose, told parson it with
untiring Imenft. •
CaTuPoodenui PituMugh Gceerte
Waixagrrwc API 3
The muenusis...._
The Suchanns platform was act up to day in
open public view. Mr. McClernard, of Illinois,
Introdeedletei the Meuse a bill, which he called
a phus of compronse,providing ,
Firs—For the admission olCalifornia.
Stinsil—Por the erection of territOrild govern.
meets in the provions of Utah, (the ikactot of
the Mormon) and New Mexico, without any pro
viso as to Slavery.'
Third—For the settlement of the bounduy die.
note with Text!, by determialog,the',.3lth degree .
Minton to be the line of &sin= between die
State lied New Mexico, and by the payment, to
Tens, of ten million' of dollars, in considerailo
of relinquishment by . ker full claim to tureen
beyond nal limit.
In the Brat place, let me remnithin It is Win
ed that this is the scheme agreed Upon by Bann.
an "'Shale South, which he engages to have tar
ried through Congress, tad in return for which
they ate to make him President, if they can.
The majority of the Southern men appear to
think that they can get Slavery into New Mexico,
ander a territorial form of grovernment,'lldminir.
used by omens appoints. under Southern Inge
enee, here at Washington. .They are therefore
willing to take their chances ander this arrange.
meet, as a set oft to the admission of California,
which It la imionibla to prevent at any rats. So
thatif they get little in the trade; they don't pro.
pose to give mech. Thus' Buchanan anus
himself at the Snub. At the north he weeders
he raring the votes of Pennsylvania la his Cult
Pekiir as so mach capital ever available to him.
Halo promised, dm, as I noticed the other day,
• little &neharsinid for the deivolopement of the
nil andiron Wang of his Own State, by ware(
guarding against any revulsion of public semie
menttlus might blow the promulgation of this
little business transaction. . •
Now, as the plan, be it observed, that through
the Wilmot Proviso, RP susaise, u given up, nottn
iny in regard to slavery is settled, nothing what- i I
era; For either Slavery will be admitted owlet
the territorial government, or it will be excluded.
If it be admitted, the North will have been cheat.
ed, if excluded, the South will be disappointed,
and exasperated,and the whole question will come
op with. ten fold accession of bitterness, when
the State comes to apply tor admission. It will
be another bilinear( contest, to be carried on with
realer animosity.
Then as to Snindary, the proposition is a pal
pable:fraud, In fact down right robbery of die
public treasury. Texas does not and never dui
o irs one fun of New Mexico, and• fur a hundred
and any years before Texas was known ever by
name, as • Spanish Province, New Mexico was
lefintsty bounded, on toe South,,by latitude 32
burns, and bad the war resulted lu no conquests
(cm Mexico, that would have neon the extreme
Reuben limit of Texas, if leer elan to ally
snag weat 01 the Nueces had beco allowed. Then
BeClernard's, that is to say. Buchartaniipropasi.
eon in, so substance, a grant to Texas of a strip of
the width of two degrees of latitude, and • dna.
f Ste 000,000.
They ay this' scheme, fiollsh, unreasonable,
and lisquircuts as u ia, wid certainly prevail in
Committee over lloy's bill fir the uoconditional
idmission of California—that it will be promptly
sported to the House, and poised ender the ma
ma of the previous question.
We had rather a good speech in the House to
day, from ?Nor Hichstdson, of Illinois, a Sen.
miler: by birth and feeling. He 'Showed very
scinclaiively the hollowness of the pretence Vast
.he frstalalPre prohibition of Slavery from any tei
runty was the excl....fon of tiro South or Southern
roes how it, by proving that, node, the ordinance
1 0f1769, Ono, ladies, and Illinois, were settled by
emigrama, three founts of whom were from Slave
to the Senato the Vice President did an excel
cot thing. He read to the Senete ,what may be
manacled a notice of bin acteriaination to pre•
-erre order, act-imperiled by an argument to prove
au right, es pmsidleig ellerrao tall Senators tercas
der, and 0 compel them w keep within the bounds
ifs one detorum. It will be remembered that
Ms right of the presiding Meer was denied by
Ile Calhoun, when Vice Prefecat, In 1/324—end
if smartie on motion of Mr. Km& the Senate
paid Mr. F.Umore the compliment of ordering this
exposition Mite rules, and of the dutke and priv
ileges of the Chair,to be entered upon its journal.
Werianicros, April 4, 1550
The Cablbet....ttr. Webster argils...po
The old atop about Cabinet changes is revived .
'Mimetic, of the opposition have been varied in
a remarkable MADAM A show time since Messrs.
Clayton, Ewing, and coilsmer, were the chief a.
Meta of their hostility; now their fiercest assaults
are made upon Mews. Crawford, Preston, and
ll:Mason. The text for all the diatribe. which
hart lately appeared In the Colon, against the Cab.
Met, has been the Galphin claim, and extravagant
expendimos and allowances.- Mr. Crawford his
called for an Investigatioa of his connection with
the Galphil claim, and a committee of nine have
bean appointed, by the Speaker of the Hamle t to
conduit it.
This is a matter it Is yet too early to Wit upon
with confide= sa to result. The committee,
which ts amide°ed to be fairly constituted, may,
report that the payment of the claini liras tritavoid•
able, and that Mr. Crawkird's coed.° in respect
to it has been correct, delicate, and honorable.—
Bat truth and candor:evil:a me to uy that Whip
u well as Democrats consider the Oct that the
Secretary of War should have been so directly in,
unmated in the claim, an unfortunate ciretamstaire
for the adnotaistration. I believe it to ben fact ihal
the article which appeared u a leader in the Ma
tt:l.l Intelligence', some days since, a:plaids'',
di:outman. with my own itatement made about
the mum time, that the Secretary of the Interior
ootdd have had no connection with the allowance,
was writ.en by Mr. Corwin, am an act equalled to
Kr. Ewing, bet without the consent of the latter.
Mr.-Corwin babied that the Secretary of the In.
calor should take =canoes effectually to repel the
imputed°ns of the Union, In reference to this mat
ter. He refused upon the ground that the charges
of the Udion spinal him were known to pre•
teed from sheer malignancy, and were not worth
replying to. Senator Corwin then prepared the
article alluded to, and had it pnbkthed as a matter
.1 - common junta.
The It...public says, with great truth and force,
that it is ease dial to the succeed of Goa. Taylor',
administration that the rungs .1 incorruptible pu•
ray, and of Meru, unbending integrity, with which
a came ts, should be preserved, and, on behalf or
the President and the Cabinet, called f.,r the In.
vcatigation whirth la row proceeding before it was
It Is not true, however, that Mr. Clayton has
soy Idea of exchanging his present position for Mar
of a foreign mission, or that Mr. !Meredith prepuce
co retire. At taut, it was not true a few days ago,
aid I have no reason to believe that the mutt of
.bingo has changed, with respect to those two off.
ears, since the date et the information I rely upon.
Bat It need excite no surprise if a necessity should
arise for remodeling the Cabinet, audio that event.
It is not unlikely that the retirement of any one
member may lead to the realimation of all.
We have had, to day, a very interesting debate
le the Senate. Mr. Webster hat declared himself
in favor of action, direct and eZcient, upon the
questions now bebre that body. With a ciearnen
of manner peculiar to himself, he has pointed on'
that the Senate Is now nod hat been for along
tome proceeding without method, and in away
that is likely to Iced to no useful result. Ho de,
muds., claselicalion and proper arrangement o'
those questions. He says California to entitled to
be admitted before other leas preening business In
considered. Mr. Foote took exception to Mr.
Webstee's remarks, and talked foolishly about en.
slating the admission of California, unconnected
revolutionary means, al
with other niessotes, by
lading to disunion, and so forth. Mr. Webster at
onee turned all Inch stuff inte eidleole , Ind turned
the !ugh of the Senate upon Foote by recalling
Ms previous alarming Intimatmet, and their I;sp,
This demonstration of Mr. Webster cannot Sit to
do good. It la quite Um° Mu the Senate should
Mara emelt, and show to others whether it can sot
.s.icedv or not on the great questions before it,
It is certainly something worse than foolish to go
'on, .month alter month, talking indult:umlaut:ly
upon a dozenonconsistent propositions relating so
the saute subject. and sating upon acne, and Mr.
Webster is endued to public thanks foe having so
Impulsively retested against Mayer ismaisting in
aunt a onset. /mum
;Stole of BOLOtoo!“—Boot Prongprota el oh.
Piave Qnsotiosi—Lot•TOSlLlTLE
The cabanes..lllsa's Trentr..Pelaasyl.
vanla Loa.
WAdaThotos, April d.
No bylines, of general interest yet. The
Hattie, however, has been endeavoring to do
something with private bilis, to day, find I believe
has got don pretty well, considering all dingo
11l is to be hoped that they have tot allowed coy
Galphin cue to clip through, as wu dose August
n the Benate there km bead • most interesting
:debate. Gee. Shields has made the most telling
Needs against thepretenslona and position of the
extreme slavery party, which I have listened to
for a hug lime. He exhibited a degree of talent
and capacity -as a thinker, and a debater, far
which go body bu given bim credit. He took ■
bold, but statesmatt like view of the whole sla.
very question, insisting, however. the C.ha... la
was to a° way Mixed up with it, and that she
ought to he admitted withotti'deley, and without
`As the debate progressed. it became apparent
that sit important vote was expected this after.
noon. Mr. Masao, of Va., es helms done sever•
al times before. solemnly announced that Veen
is, South Carolina, and Georgia, were prepared to
secede, in case California were admitted without
compensatory legislation In favor of slavery. Mr.
authority to speak for these States, on such
a point, being very doubtful, this Solemn seaming
produced no partiMtlar erect. But when Mr.
Clay rose, after the yeas and nays hod been called
Eir„ on a motion preliminary to Foote', proposition
for a select committee, and declared himself in
favor of sending California before that committee,
atom, - with all other subjects of diffdrence, there
was a general feeling of surprise end regret. It
will be remembered that, on a previous erection,
Kr. Clay said he thought the appileetion of Call.
fomia for admission was a quearon that ought to
be decided quite independently et all others: Had
be not to day shifted his positron on this point, ■
great advance would have been made towards
sums decisive action. But the loss of Mr. Clay's
vote, and Ms speech, rendered It necessary that
Mr. Benton ahould throw himself into the arena•
He commenced a powerful and creative speech,
after four o'clock, but gave way to e motto. to
adjourn. Bo that the result of the day's and the
week's work has been, that no material progress
has been male.
The prospect is cloudy and dreary enough. We
seem to be this day as tar from an adjustment, as
we have ever yet been, and that is the opinion of
the most reflecting and eltservant members of
both House.. Compromin le seen to bo almost
out of the gammon. The Booth want. to mufti
power, While destiny and the march of events des
Blare that power shall reside elsewhere. What
the inane may be, I almost dread to think. No
concession upon our part, however great, can
avert it. It the South will not submit to her fate.
which is, to be denoted Moms tyrsonical aoprem
acy, to a store . eqnslity with other eeetio.a,
then we have out to keep firmly on in the course
of right, nod knave the rwult to God.
The spriolations concerning a change In the
Catimet continue. But they are premature, and I
do not think M worth while to repeat them. It u
probstle that soma change will be made within
' ninety days. There is no mistaking the tendency
of the leading article* of the Republic, which I
Wee good tenon to behave speaks the sentiments
of the President. The Republio has from the W
yoming, called (Jr a thorough invastwatiom of the
clieumstances attending the, payment of the Gal.
phut claim, and has gives evident glens of deter•
nunation that the enquiry should be cooducted in
the moat rigid manner, in order to show that
Gen. Taylor knew nothing at all, even of the tx.
Mance of the clubs. That scrutiny has been or•
dered, and is now going on, at the request of the
Secretary of War himself. The handled thing
that any body has ventnced'to utter against the
Seeretwy of the Treasury. in
this business, is, that he has suffered himself to be
controlled by the strict maxim of legal seenee,
and hat ordered the payment of the claim, be
cause the letter of the law authorized it. As a
politicise and ststarmac, they say he should have
looked to
. oanwNuenees. the public will not
trouble themselves with nice reflectioes on the
matter. They will say if a member of the Cabinet
has permitted an Immense demand of this char
acter to be prosecuted against the government,
whale Its is in once, and shall receive • large
share of the preened% he cannot retain his place
without damaging the popularity of the Presl.
• dent.
The Senate have before them Risers pretended
treaty with Nicaragua, and all his correspondence-
The Ant does not amount to soy Ming at all, and
the correspondence Gall interns that the lut ad.
minim:anon abmtdoned the Monroe doctrine in
the mostsitral and abareeful manner.
Mr. Mates Butler, of the Lucerne thstriet, has
presented, in the Nouse, a very able mansonal,
from persons imerested Is the iron Niece's, In
Pennsylvania, from which 1 take the following
facts. Emilio:id prod•oes more iron than all Ea.
rope besides, and the eousumptien Is equal to 100
meted' for each individual of the population. The
contomption of Belmum is in about The same pro.
portion. France oonstunes about thirty ;pound.
' meech Inhabitant, of which she Imports about a
air& The consumption of the United Blame Is
equal in proportion to that of Oreat Britain, but
the caner production, fee., leanly huffs, gnat in
the latter 000titi7 as m eon.
To show the fluctuations of the English price of
iron,tt la stated that the 1,000,000 ions cntaumed
to the U. Sums would have con, in England, In
IE4B, three and a hair million of pounds sterling,
In 1840 it would have tan £1,000,000, showing •
difference of 1130,00000 in one year's coon:imp.
tion. Bat lam inskitig my. letter too long, I will
notice this Important piper fartherps my next.
ormsponiencs of tlke "ItUlbargh Garstuo.
Itusustrani, April 5, 1850
In the Senate, yesterday, the only matter of gen.
eral Interest, was the resolution fixing the day of
goal adjournment. The debate upon this sub
ject woo not continued. The day Axed loam res.
olatioe, so mlginslly presented, was the 16th Inst.,
50.11 W to give the Governorien days for considera
tion of the Apportiooment bill. Upon the host
passage of the resolution, Mr. King moved to go
In Committee of the Whole for the purpose of in
serting the 12th Instead of the 16th. Tb.s propo•
anion, however, woe defeated by a strict party
vote. The resonation was then adopted as origi
nally offered, fixing the day of final adjournment
on the 16th net.
11 the Governor el mild now bold oo to the Ap.
portionment bill ofoo days, as be he. • right to do.
end then veto it, the day of adjournment will ei
ther have to be !epotted, or an extra erasion.
which it la thought the Locofeco• dnere, wart
be the noneequence and, Indeed, I do tat tee
bow an extra session is to be avoided to 1111 event.
That the Governor will awe the Apponiomment
etil cannot be doubted for a moment And the L.
cokeos have mem not to touch the
Lion bill maul that eihjont is finally disposed of.—
They hope to this weir to prove Circe Jeep: roue
and damnable bill upon the Executive and the
people. They will find, however, that there is
bo t little to be mode not of Governor Jainism° le
that way. From all I know of him, I e b oold take
him to he one of the hardest men to coerce to.
to. any meunre that In the whole range of my
acipaintance, and to far as standing not is con
cerued,l presume the Executive Departments can
withstand the want of supplies quite Wong as the .
Omni Board, and its subordinate.. A fedora to
make an appropriation might do good in one Te
-1 epect at least; it would atop the pray of tha hot.
pies of aoretpuen, who swarm around the public
works;i and many an excellent Locofoco's =cepa
tion, like Othello's, would be clean gone, at lent
far the ensiling year.
to the How., yesterday,the Apportionment bill,
as amended by the Senate, passed, by a strict par
ty vote, and was immediately compared and sent
to the Governor.
In the Senate, to day, nothing of publki Interest
was done. The day was consumed with the con.
aideration of the local and private bills. Many
omnlnsses got Ihrough,some of them embracing
as many as ten or Aileen baconvuona and differ:a
elk amnions. This mode of Legielation
larly reprehensible. am it is almost Impossible for
the people to obtain any intelligible view of the
&abject, passed upon. In one of these omnibus
bills, • section of some intoner to
tour readers
was hitched on by Tour able and indcattlgeble
Sepator, Mr. Dusk, and after a brief explanation
by bim, pared without a dissenting voice. It was
e torsion a uthorising the Cleveland and Wells.
wills Rail Road Company to connect with the
Ober and rennsylvsnia Rail Raul Company at any
Point WWI weak signed upon by the maid
nowt:mule. lam rot very Wallin
. srlth these'
roads myself, and theivdarn canna; explain the
particular erect of, this bill. I have nil doubt, how
ever, that the fide itself; mill clearly indicate to
your reoders the object. add Cnteptiopc of the
bill. -
. •
In the Rouse, to day, the amendments to the
general Bank Bilt.wereeeted upon, and several
co:lel:Irma In, while other quite a. important
were rejected. The provision limiting the ironic of
bills to ■ denomination not leas than five dollars,
was concurred 10, though I was a little surprised
to nod that poor very intelligent and gentleman
ly democratic Representative, Dr. McClintock vo
ted to Maim upon the limitation of ten dollars, as it
originally pawed the House. As the Doctor tow
been connected with the mint, however, it is per
bop. not very remarkable that he ahould prefer a
hard money currency. To a man who ban hen•
Bled the mint drop tor years in their'atate of vie.
gin puray, letore they had been moiled by the I
touch el the ignobil• vulgssa. • specie currency
has no doubt a peculiar charm. Bat as the veal,
ores of the mint have not yet proved aufficlently
abundent for all the demands of business, we ap•
prebend that In the estimation of the people, even
a dirty five dollar bill, In the absence of a better,
will be a very respectable and - Convenient animals
tote. This is a matter, It is true, about which men,
may heihestly differ in opinion, but we must say
that it surprised us a good deal to see agentleman
who represents o largo commercial community.
such as Pittsburgh, lolling in with the tragaries cf
Jesse Milleri , and pursuing this ultra course upon
• Walter of no importance whatever. I have
heretofore tried to convince lease Miller, and
Will now tell Dactor McClintock than it matters ve.
ty little what the standard rereeenowive of value
is made of, so that it ts• ease.—
If the five dollar nom is properly eecured, sod
worth what it purporse lobe worth, it may be mom
derdrable than,a five dollar gold piece, beonnse for
many purpolea more convenient. The security
is the main thing. Bank note., baud on Stale or
United States smoke ate the best elmulating me
dium that can posaibly be devised.
11,110111 SZW' YORK
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Casette.
Nro Yazd, April 4.
The arrival of the commercial news by the
steamer has, in .connection with a heavy storm,
checked business. Upon chtton in ordinary times,
the fall of half a cent a pound would have made
trouble, but it has no effect now. The diminiehed
receipts at the &militia ports, and the ability or
merchants to hole, their Mucks, keep the market
Wig; and they calculate will enable them to es
tablish a large advance before the mouth closes.
Among the novelties eve petitions for the corn
mulabon of the seuterice of Professor Webster,
which are moat indueirtotiali circulated in the city.
A good many of the presaes here are meek excited
at his convictton, and chagrined that their pre.
dittoes of arquival are naiades). Some of them
so tar forget themselves as to charge the jury With
dtshonesty, from. the fact that the test.motty was
so clear that they were, ready to agree as tioon-ss
they left the boo.
The engine. of Col:ins' mammoth steam ship
have been started, nod the workmanship pnered
to be infest, so far as snob a trial eta demen.traie
it. I. is reported that the ship will go to Washing
ton, on bar intim,. apd let Conarrs; see what hes
been done with the enemy. She is hued up with
all the luxury of • private mansion. and will be
eon of dotting House" and dust faster
than any ship now upon salt water. New boats
are now building Gm the Cunard line;and the Bu•
sash post oaoe department has been RO.lettei to
allow the ship{erbteri are tO too pets With Cohlos'
to come to New York direct. The attempt to bead
the Yankees' is idle s and so sore at steam ships
matinee to bossed, Jon Bad mast drop astern,
and stand as eafaverablk compared tom's snip•, as
their sailing ship*.
Hooey has grown ■ little mare in demand, and
the qu'dations of the 2d are repented, troth the re
mark that they are the Inside dearer. Dealer. In
fancy stocks are musk troubled, and the markets '
decidedly doll, and fairer in camsegeeuce of the
famed 'asks. The accumulation of ewe in the
sub treasury and hanks is very great, bot:the Me
mer will aeon be depleted. Mr. Belmont, the
agent of the Rothchild'', has made arrengementa
to receive the Mexican indemnity to the extent of
two millions, and it in understood that the emu will
net be shipped.
The Hudson River Rai l road Comp•ny knee
purchased alarga s square rinsed, and one of these
days intend to erects store depot, or station, en.
tbeioommettanraie with the costly structures open
the working pen of the road. The earnings of
the road continue ciarfactoty, but until the cnn.
'metier is made with Albany, it caned be aspect.
ee to *how its fall capacity and compete wak the
A rich carpet manalsourrer, Mr. Thompson, of
Thompsonville, COlne client, is now building a son
of isondescript steamboat for the Hudson river,
and a confident he can best the locomotive. The
boot is out of water almost, and has her boilers en
deck, an anomaly here. He now owns the swift
er boat on the river, and will, to the event oh fall.
bog to boat the locomotive, at least beat all other
The City Comptroller last eight gate the pee.
ple t 7 Ida of the coat ef the City government.
For three 'month; the expenses have been E,f133,-
649, Including • - quarter of a million r r paving
alone. The total east of our City re .-14reett
[darted at the atmual cam of arms r, Noes of Jol
tars The expooditures of the Un.t,l 6,aten go
ternment w only about Ave time• a- 'orbe a. that,
and coder the administrate:s of lulao Q. Adam.
was only four time. greater.)
In markets no great activity, la cotirequeueJ of
the Moro. Favorito State Il,or and good Michigan
sells at ft 9tH5 121, and about $5 00 for choice
Southern. Ontin la firm, with a moderate bald.
arms. Whiskey Is 231 c., and dull. Pork dull, at
0 00 for meas. Lard le firm, and • good inquiry.
Iron has sold to ■ moderato extent at 521 en for
Scotch pig. Hemp has-fallen at lout I coot ■
pound. The stook ie large, sod bolder. axeious
to °lrma. Lend is doll. Oils of most kinds are
dull. Flaxseed I. wanted 60. Tobacco to
firm, and • good export trade. A good' deal of
tea is now selling, but the market le weak, and a
dreline has been submitted to. Saar* are doll,
and ttfltan" bar reduced his prices for refined I
coot a pound; other greaten dull. C.
ADZ—By the arrival on Tuesday, st New York, of
the brig Catbierine;Whlclileft Curraccoa on the 7th
of March, we learn that a Venezuelan brig o f
war had arrived at that port on the previous day,
sod reported teat • British fleet of twelve sail had
anchored oil legtlyra. One of them objects was
to awn £50,000 so indemoinvatum 'or the lEn
prisonizent sat Mr. Ward: the British Ministerated
ine Admiral threatened au immediate blockade of
the Waal, COM Comma to Snaiiiinthis. Its the al•
ternAUlre in CAW of refusal, and if full and ample
' compliance with ail h a government's other 'de.
mends was not grouted on or before that day.
A. hag been before stated, the English and
Deitch Mincers also have demanded the repesloi
lie law which the last L:ginlo ere pawed, allow s
mg nine yes. grace, dunng whien Venezuela
debtors could not bat called en by ,heir creditors
fir payment, nor could any legal amps be taken
assent them.
Lord Co.:wane is In command of the English
dee, Cel. Wilson to aid, end according to
alt accounts (26th ultimo) from Carew., hue pin
on thAD, non' the Site of March to repeal the law
or Qutete Sayers, and •Iford settalaction far the
inehrestinent of certain English subjects Jul
June, in Caracoae. • •
Parma Imam ELErnos.-11 , nry 13. Anthony,
the worthy Wtog Governor of abode Wand, has
beta re•elented by • large larjority. The vote la
light and the Loam made no fight worthy of the
Cob. Fairstorer on TIM Pacnno Rwuao•n. — The
closing procecothis of the Pacific Railroad Con
amnion. to Philadelphia, took place on Wednes.
day. They embrace a letter from Col. Fremont.
The Cot, is, perhaps, the highest authority In the
country upon the subject, having traveled over the
whole route Noun and again. , He contends that
this continent can be crossed from the Mississippi
to the Pacific, without climbing o siounrain, and
on the very line which every national considers.
lion would require to connect the great valley of
the West with the Pacific Ocean. He say., more
over, that in his opinion, it will be found conve
nient to divide the entire lino into there parts—the
Eastern, reaching from the mouth of the Kansas
to the head of the Del Norte; the Middle, from the
bead of the Del Norm to the ran of the Great Ba.
sin; and the Western, trom the rim of the Great
Basin to the Ocean.
EleiliaiD.—Trie Methodist Episcopal
ConGsrenee, at Philadelphia, sat two says with
closed doors on the ease of the Rev. Weiiam R.
Gentner, charged with attempting to seduce one
Mrs. Norton, a married lady of Lancaster county.
The Eel. gentleman, it *poem, had previously
been tried by a committee of preachers. who pro.
hire guilty, whereupon the Presiding Eh.
der caused big outpeasion. He appealed, and
brought the mailer before the cookreace, which
body hes confirmed the charge, and &wanted all
farther Connection with the accused.
The Ikrattin Daily Advertiser eontuns a letter TEE ASURZWS /ALT..' •
of commendation addressed to Mr. Webstr i n OFIcE . herby Rim. that agreeably to ant Of
N General. Assembly of the Connsenwealther Penn.
reference table late forcible anti Wilmot P 14391110 s ylirnent, f lamest the 18th day of 111.,,,y A. D. 1815,
Speech, end signed by eight hundred influential eanuled nn ite
the ..t .d r o e i reene the let entitled an act di
ctisens of Baton and its vleinity4 among whom a ,,d n i:r ether mows, :rfd7,rttlgttfi r : r =
we note the names of Thomas H. Perkins, Wiliam tootled u art
2,7. l t r,,:"L',,,lf' d " e t l i m ° r i f,l e g l th laste lend. for
Applelon. Postmaster Hayden, 0. A. Browneon and for ethernet-pose: ri posted the Ilh day of klarc,4
Francis Bowen, Hon. !Infos Choate, and most t;,/ d ) . 1 .7 1 1 d 7 C,7' . 0 1". e j our T i f - fr", s ,r t '; . %.l,g I slsdod
of the heavy merchants and camtaliste of the City
I r f o o m r ie ni e l n ., ee
d e o n e dtaxi o.
th u s io . l;::: : O ty ffi r e tih e, r :; : tb ... e ;
or Notion. it is a most respeetable teattmoutel. 7°l llOth daYI
111cattur MAN Int ViOli..—The Washing. 1,14 and Inht, Inelositng County, Reboot, Road, elate.
insults corresiondent of the New York Journal or :2,..l ru P ,'„7,r e Z , o ," ou ' r with nil coal ' " .....11 Y
Commerce says, gentlemen Iron, California, sow Find Brant, City of Pittsburgh.
in Weehlogton, mate that CoL Fremont ie the Jamie Gray, 1 lot out Market sblnlty RZ No 1:912700
rich= unto in the world. Ills gold mine wi lt llus
s - 4 ompson, I I°l oo rdarke"mel, 22 by MI
probably be saleable, in a few years, at six 1e1a b 1;11,4. , heirs, No 179,1 lot on Market street '
loan an ante. Me. Wright .I..*Y° that be knows ton e Wtekersham, 1 lot on Mashes st,ol by 53, "
of spots belonging to the Goveroment which are No IN'
G Senora and
wank Oa Millions of dollars an acre, nod wil l 7,7!,,7 4 8 3 n .a,7 "o'o- FerryFerry63 :e
reduce from 10 to ';0 per cent. a year. co tha t W o = Dirbir 1 let on Second at, 33 by 80 part 's a
jaunt. - • -
. Jonathan II Smith, 1 lot on Third at 20 by 100 19 251
lannosraten.—The Nam York Teiblitio don- JamesChadwicktalicirail !pt.:innards] 15by60 873
tains the following interesting shingles] paragraph ß O, tt b .i " , .101 on „
conxtning the immigration into the port of New Frederick Wendt'. helm I let Pa Seoond arrest
York. During the month of March loot there 25 by 95 3.3
were: .
From Great Britain and Ireland
Haute Towne— •• • • •• •
Other pore
Total 6165
The whole number of arrivals for March of last
year, wan 10,303. There is a falling off io the
last month, compared with March, 1619, of up
wards of 4000, or 60 per cent. The number arri•
ved in January, 1819, was 8026; in 1850, it woo
13,014; in February, 1819, the number was 9523;
in 1050, ii was only 3903. The following are the
total, or the numbers for the three wombs of the
"Nears 1819 and 1850,rerprenvely:
riot three moat,. or 1819 29,462
First three months of 1950 ,
John 51 Campbell, Ile in liaWe - Plan, No 103 139
City of Pittaburgh, 1 ge lot of groom! to•Den
y'e field. 13 91
Militia. Huffman, 1 lot in Brown or Irwin's
pints. No 7 4 C 5
John Loughlin, 4 lots in Denny's field. 05 by HO
each I 6 20
Thome. Milligan, E of a lot in Denny's Geld, 71
James Old, 1 lot In Blaeles plan 8 36
James II Mclean. 1 lot in Hart'. plso 4 25
Da. Witll72ele ELI.. Dethattign • Luti•ltc. Denial'. 8 Scully., to. in Denny's Geld 15 95
-A ditpatch from Bast. says, that the eldest Jam. Stewart, / lot in Brown's plan 270
daughter of Prof. Webster with yesterday con- .54.4.7:47,,,..8,071,7m,N.7.35:.3::(3370:35A.::44.
Sped I. a racing lunatic. liar friends were cum.
polled to save her from self dealmerion, to mai. , AVilliam Ward, 3 lob in liar. plan, Nos 6 7 , 6 6
her limbs. We hope there W come exaggeration fry ,
in dde,thougls It is certain the .le and daughters Werd A. r1a110y.,13 lois In Heath plan,,Nos 37,
19 62
of the condemned moat die a thousand deaths jw, 4 ”, n n r .r 3 3 . , ; ,,,,, 1 , 1 ,,,, 4,1 , .. 1 ' 0 4 : 4,.
iin a: D.. . , 44 in, , ,n 41 .,,, ,.4 .6 6 : ... r 47:1P,• 4 . 5,
while he will die but one. God pity those who Fie
3 20
longest survive of this atilieted family, for the ear. i John w iiiina „ n iota in Th . iincnini , pl. 3MI
Hest gouts will have the quickest release trout rin-
rm. , If men could but see the hoinble canoe- . pone,, Rail. 1 lot in B22 " DiLiri nth . ,
p W i.n ord •
cptenees of theirl crimes both to themselves and , nel.t P Crooks, 2 lot. in Dante' also, Nos 7.6, 1 37
otheribefore they are committed; it seeing to Os John Peens. I lot in Colwell's plan, No 159 133
they would shudder at such wrong doing. Ina ;Cr Eager., lota In eolerell'splan.NostOO , tet.
ease Ii
it that of Dr. Webster's, hutonn sympathy, ' G.f.',..t2,1;1,:".',..„.0,:ait,,,t7;•,,e1c5,:i..NX,4.1,11L4:14.5a.• 3 5 ,
while it ts most grateful, cannot relieve the load iai ` ii i .,; • • 110
which weighs Upon the heart. Pride is hue:. ear Mr K%,,• end , I lot to Fetterman's plan. No 39 05
fidence lost, love misplaced, and on aching void 's Mr !McCracken, 2 lots lu Arthur. , plan, No 7
'eft which oottilig but God end the grave inn fill. nnd 165
One each, trm ..
iln .temple as Ibis ' ought to 1.12 ;_ n 1 24 MeK21227. 2 lots in 1 " 2 " e• 9120' Nos 12 R I
nn '9
tell fox all 'Me 0. 0 the vntoten.nitY as a '.'" ,, iina Fredenek Train. 1 lots in lIIIIIICP plan. Nos 0, 1, 1 10
Irmo evil todedgenoe and unholy tcmpinttoc, acd lame. , •nlitn, 0 lois in Fetterman 's pl., Nos
yet we daub', each nee 'he paradoxes , I nICII•2 Is. 17.1 0 . 19 eri 21, 2 2 13.2 1,
13 NJ
earebtuttootal charnel., II ouch a trial der. not Thrze
. /;il . le i r.B . ln4 to Millet's plan, Nos 19,20,
rstoer. mere.. eras dttnin'ek come. Anr rand "
'Mr Karon! I fat - ft:Davie. plan. No 4 1 6.3
appetite for the horuble is gnat lied by fent. a g n b ar , e 5 ,,„1,,,.. , 01,1, in padre plan. Noe 7.P, 201
crime Who:n toothed of p onsoting one to Ily from Richard 11,8, pert oriole Nos 19 and W i th A,
c 0
end rattier • crows by what AY,. upon" and tu- thor'. Plan 16'0
data an acqbt.ruce to the wrist g on condemn.
i ;',..",..T.. 2 iia 1n. I n CA. " P '2. • N. -% 42 .- 12 '
or .1 lot fn Irenn's plan, N o 42 in
How true It lit to r• gard to vice- Francis Hall. 1 Int In Davis' plan, No 15 1 00
'We 11. 1 end... then pop teen embrcce." John Lae,, s lota In Miner's plan, Nos PO, 17n
The wily safety as shun 'ti n very beginning and Daniel Mahoney, I lot In Colerelthred.
Si en FO
appettiance ofevil.-N Y. Erp.r.s.t.
Jena. kleDeviti, lot in Arthur' i., 1 9f
vc,,, iiliver, 1 tot inColwell', plan, No 140 ea
'Mr Kinkead, 1 Int in Fetterm.a. Men, No 5 190
A poorce recorder tel mon is In pragre. at Sir Struision.y lots in Conk'. plan, Nos 117. 148 800
Os. go, cW York. Th• first Methodiet church Fred Train. 9 line 01 Wom' pia, Noe 5,6 IGO
has •n additiou of nearly 200 within a raw weeks John Wilton, 0 tote m Irerln's pl., No 12,45 168
The Met. god Presbyterian churches have oleo Eighth Ward
.. John Amberson, 1 talon Floyd'. Hill, 20 ft from
large acceasion.
In WolsOn'• line 55
Mrs Clark. 1 lot in Magee's plan 55
F• Cauca Pouter. - The New Y or k Philip Fogies, lints in Greer. plan, No 61,63 2 Mt,
Journal of Commerce .notince. the failure of David Gethrldge's heirs, 1 lot in Pipelown, Sr ft
Messrs. Richmond a: Carr, Cabou pouters, Pro.. (root to the Tier 55
" ft 0,001
dense, R.l I. business They commenced busine three B °:"G nihrnoh r = lOO to Mom ...1 05
... '
warn''.n's line
year. 2,10, With a capital of between one no d un° Mr worden,2 lots In nte,re plan 270
hundred thousand dollars, and after struggling David Greer, 95 lots In Greets pl.. Nos 1,3 4,
bravely for some time raciest Tow heroes, have 5. 0, t . , 10, x 1.21. 21,1 n 36 31.73.741 75 , 7677.
been obliged at last to go Irl Ihu board. They will . 7 ", 7 6E1, 1 ' 1 .. 3 , E 1 ,14 to 8 1, !Pr Em. 90 . 1 603,
matte a matement of men &truth to their creditor. : 0 .
, 9 ,' i
r ,
,( ' 4 9 7 , , : :;'. , 4 1,; 1,
i i
. ril, :
, o: a 0 1 1, 2 , Il i
7 , : 7 S it,, , 114. ,
0, a few day. 14 40 r PH, 122 123, 1.. 125,110,127, 120,130.140,
141,142,143, 141, 115, 111, 167,1411,1 4 6 1 5 6 151 t
Firma Cancel -A oriaH .
os 10 rin the Dooms "'i 152 113,139.156 170, 157, 61
Journal, dated the 110 Or C,Enh , r, eau, that :Mr. Mr. Hemili, I
of in yi re sossa,g3 lest &on".
Das, U. S. cdmonseadner, was then at Csidon, , Wnnln n 's 460
Henry Hartman, 1 lot in (Imes plan, No 16 53
e 2 P 221 ,; 2 4,,i ° , 21.47 5h .. 10 . • .. .. n. ''''..... he ' .. ' d James Hood. one lot In Greer's pl.. No 71 35
get nO. S . snip to take him. Air. nelneler, en. c a , n ,„ K ri um i,,,,,, i lot in timer's plan N o ig as
coy to 904th Dowse Asinovas also there wading John Johnston'. beim t lot in Greenooglee 9150
eke 'beet cf Coro. Vcutheer, to proceed in ono .; PMMorro. 50,3 ft. , to Ya'wn's line PO
i as
et We shim, the Plymouth or the St. Marys, to ~ ,, L ,--,4 1- m p r n o h. h , ,, ,,, , , .. , . 0-
y, lot to lilac wp SO 1 33
&am, AM, 03 Isis minion. .. - air Me Kee, 1 lot in 111• Leo l's plan, No 0 110
i Francis Nevm, 1 lot in GreElt . • plan No IS as
Tie Wheat crop of Ohio. which b.. bees a p u s. Jscae• Patterson, 1 lot in Magee's plan, Nos 33
two reeepor, as l. to
Ual failure file NI kat a the i T 17651 ..1 1 i lot in Ulna'. Plo 6 . 0 1‘. 1 Perm.
AWE... CS , by 111. end I lot upon Ho7'4 , hill 175
'tenor of Virginia, proms. an abundant yield w„, ~.s o , s 1„, i,p,ide. pi,,,,, I tie
this season, _ • Malec. of U S Batik , one huge lot in Papemem 1 75
Thane:sowed of foreign Imo tuwortett into Phda. Ninth Ward
delphos, dttring the months of Fehruaty and !Much, M " M ` l '''' , ' Wu.'" Peon 2 1 ' 2 ' 17 '33.n."4'. to
Mulberry' alley . I
is Haled to bare been 3,115 tons. Ara Word, Cary ti Allegheny.
John Serena. one lot on I.aeoelt et, 27 by 123 700
LOGAN, WILSON & Co., :•.4...a Ward
e tor to by Soon Middle alley 21.0
109 WOW) 07KKILT, Allot/ F. FIFTH. ' I r l Z,, " rt i tril,T, ' c t .i o 1.., Nos 06,9490,
Ask the attention'of purchasers to then Then'. Monllll, one 101 in !thdenort's 91.0,20
virb,cli ehey chink will , iiiniiinn , inria , nii ii. 1,011 . in
_ John McFarland, one lot In RoLinson's pl., 26 1
I 17u
extent , .d chez..., milk non of one ' Ole Inmeil. 1 lot Co notnnson 'l s plan, 20 by 100 eri
/Mot room, cotter here or in ' ' ertll4l Rhodes: one'. on Sheeteld tit, td by 103 64
the 1.211. in Cm.. John Sown.. one Int on demon alley 7:
1,1,1.2-41.kelvT . C I: /labiate, one lot on Sherfteld st 67
' - t e park, one lot en Swap". n, 20 by EC. NO 111 135
DIED, Hach Conniver, one lot in Mechanics Retreat,
On the evening of Saturday, the Wri mH,nis o'clock, =, hr 1 , . '
at the hoe. of her John, Mrs. Jane Alexander Joseph Heath, I tot n Anderson". plan,lo by ES 1'33
Altegheny City, in th e
e 74. year ot her age. ' 'Motu. i Daniel., 1 let Ea 11/eds./es' Kemal, 37
by I.O CO
The fn.. of the family are ansited, withal. fanner Ju a n 11011, on , an in Aniinanan, plan , 00 by to 5,
roue, to an. d her 1000,01, on Toreday afternoon, Hugh Lecann,one Ice InAnderson's an :4
100 liii l ain. ni s n . n i naki to „ na „, to the i i ii,,,,,, 1 A 51.1.11, one lot In Anderosubt plan, 20
by Flas
c,,,,,,,, • Lutes McDowell, oar lot in Andereon'e pl., 20
Falling off In the present year ...... ...5 355
February and March 0f....... ^lO 088 and ,March of 1650 10,0'13
Del:reams in the two wombed this year 9,763
So the arrivals for February and March this
year are little more than ball that of last yenr.
A T.llail Wale tail. Hugh MoutgoMery, 1
N o m
rist) do house work. A pleasant end pentium:lT W b m M atholland, 1 lot in Grave Yard plan, 2
1 sitiuma, slid good wages given, Enquire ei ibis b ~,
.... T •
offire s s_ _ . . P r" Adolph.. Alatthews. 1 lot in Davis' plan, on Ilea
--__--. _ _
To /camel Dlrooters. yet mid Jackson stream
‘bb . of James Airs:oll.y, 1 lot on !Ina ver and Vmo at„
AN tti7PC ' ily " isi 'd i il ' re ' l. i g ViVe l Itir S iro h i T f l 'rET ' e R Mr meXinisity, I lot in Grave Yard plan.
Rooms, at Dougterty, I lot on Cum!! street. 9U by 100.
1,114 Tneri 9 T•Pd l i .e .... 1 ..eieeb i es P" °P i a. "' Tbibetl DoteMisti,l lot in Andenon's plon:20 by
tarot 2201 alt. Punctual attendaime is portico:wily i ,.,
"corned " all. as bPs ' Pe " a. h.....". is ' e. be Lydia Fsglish, IPt to Timbals'@ plen,2o by lOU,
brought before the merlin,
30115 AIeQUEWAN, Cliairrnso. rifseii Word.
W 11 Seamed. reeretnro Mary rlomins,l Mt on Fleming sueel, an b TO,
Jane Robinson, taloa Flenung anent
A CAIID. Ali Milliken, one lot oty Uoyle street, 20 by 00, 1
rr lig nudemigned beet leave to intone the public lot Fleming street, 1 0 by 110, 274
i that h • has declined businesson Moor of he Sten, William Brown, I lot on Fa mama street, No
P. AI. Davis. who will continua the A action end Corn. au, d 5 by lin, ,
Fifthbusinom at Me old mood• curlier of Weed and Jones Se Clark,l lot on Third lime!, GO by 110, IGo
Fifth street , , and for whom lin would solicit \ ennuis John Alertin, I lot on Fairmount one.. 23 by
mince 'Mite liberal patransge heretofore bestowed up. 150, 213
on the beam. 30115 D. DAVIS, Nancy McCullough, I lot ou Fairmount street
April nib, lain 25 by 120,
Adam Simms, 5 tom on Steep street, No 14,10,
id, 111, Sy,
(bUCCEiSOR TO JOHN D. DAVIS,) • FourlA Ward.
gall i lerr,l lot on Liberty Tact and Virgin al
comae OF WOOD ASO liria etas W. lrwin, 2 lora on Maio meet, 11l by ID)
IX/ ILL melte sale., on liberal term/. of Foreig• and e tch. a .
aai Domestic m ere tg e thae. H e al Haw, gmeka, W.ll,Mil Slaraltall,l lot on ‘ifsaltlngton etre& ,
he . and hopes.lty explrienee and glom atienti , si D• 73 , Ifei, 300
busines merit a oominvanee of the mpoort and %V, ham Jenkins, 1 lot on Liberty mKr eet, by
patronag to e
sr, liberally extended to the former home IS'', 37)
Anril tilt. 16.53.
Ifratigh rt_Hlnniognans.
David Britten., 1 lot in McKeel. plan, 9-03
James Berms, 1 lot in fildßee's plan, 65 by EU, sut
DY a young moth n Kiltunion as Book %erre, or j t'inton Rounick. I 0 lot in McDonaldnoolon, 37
DB General Clerk, or Cork on a gleam Boat, has n 207 „ 0pp . 0 , ,k of ota No 22 . 00 27, 4o Brown ~
good knowledge of business, haring had ton years' .„,,,,,, , 210
experience; he feel. confident of gioing every mu.. l''
T rollivam, 1 lot In Breed'. pion, 3 ee
faction; is a good atteountent, and writes a good hand: R A Ilauswen,l lotto Greue. phut N 0.123. 431
et • good mor al 'W..", and temperate; can g"' Joseph D tkee., t for . Gregg'. plan, N 0315, IST
the best of env reference.. Any comenonicenons ad. Jentiatt Lewis, I lot In Brown'. plan, NolG, 01
droned to 30, this offide, will be attenoed to Girona' MeGeory l s he rts,2 lots In Gregg's plan
op9.3t* Nos 117, 11. F, 4 40
BACON—SeouI. priwo Sugar Cored Um lil
.; Junt•s eCobe.l tot In Breed's plan, Nog, lan
j o in momoo, k of lot No 0; Tech's plan,
1"U P"'" ""hk" ' i*" ""I"d "' John Williams, 1 lot in O'Cootterbt plan, 2.0 by CO, 412
Roomer Hibernia, for sale by
spa' , JAMES A HUTCIUSON 2. CO c,,,,,,80chmn,1 ACM 10lin 440•42'4 plan, 940
South P4u440r,44.
IiEESE-100 ems Ctssm Cheese lust toed. and ftr c OO ,, Do , 11 1 . 0 C oa l 1104
tnne Cby (ap9l 111 CANPIIFD.D O n Ebberomm„,,, 1 lot o on Coal Hill,
B U r a i l e I. :Y R-4 ” (7;14 n cthth''
jrllB7N't,ra.g.t r,..,,,f:r.t,'„7,TicYonnt'ar37:,er,
Th ., R0t ,,,,,,,„, , lot on Brownsville Pao,
• TPLAc,,c I )- 10 ta:bN4BOu7ArG:ndtt'b b y"n d, "''g
' lot ' t ' lrrt ' lrs,VloT_o o n o o C re.. " .eVi i l o h r s d ' l road,
op 9 JAMES DAL7F.LL ,', BorovgA rf IlicKouport.
r All.r"01/. 111 brls reeeivkg from steamer Lady David Bra eltloeber, / lot No -
l_g Syron, and for Jr o by JAMES DALZLLL samuei Itrtmert, 1 lot, N. 47.
en way, 2 lots, Nos .79 and 40,
OR BALD —A pair of SMALL SLACK MARES, 2 . ,,, '" 1', if, ' I
lot, No 140,
well matoli•d, and gam/ 1111VOitIll Inquire or 'pp frame. I i n , i n R 0 0... p 00 ,
aMS.LN II GLYDE. lof ~Wood st wp ,",,, , , 10 , , N o lag,
Orphans , Court Bale. 'Thos Listen, 9 lots Nos 213 and 914,
0 eire,l lot No 29,
-P1TAF,4',N.,T.C.,%"°d;d.e1.7(1,9,121741',0/:01: it ' ll ' , 'l'
: l ii o mTvi ' lii:rt i,' II lots, No. 5o 53, 21, 119), 132 115,
will be esposed to public rate, on the 2911 day of April, 147 149, 151,59 and !!, . 1
WA, at three o'clock P. AL, on the premiso., all thm John Noe), . 101. : N .",!.. 4hi
.. 3-% 109
COlOlOlOl of ground olioate In the etty of Paw' uryh, W" Penniman. "... 9101, 's° i... 1
l 00
ann.dnhdeaviedleilioe d i. as ,„ f o o n ll d ow . s , ,i , o l, :r ne ir b l y le u gi , ion . in . g ,
. 9o f
,n ti , l: 3 1, 0 11 1 , ... 7 5 2 11 7 ,..t . .. 1 i.i2 p ,'" N '',, N ,, 0 ~r,:,,,, 1 ,, p., _ Ito
t S o 'l a l " rr e . * e
i o f
ee '' t a n a d i I P - " ye ' e l 1 i li d m w o i n t ' t
o U " ri ' s ''' aln ' h Gel
o ' L ' i s j *.
t ; 4 1 Vi o r i m i 1 . °3 % I N ro ' I : 7 N . 8.: "07' . I. "'
. P 1 . n .
...ohm. ode, MCOOO by Slid alley per:d paralle, with famish Wilma. 1 1.1. N.. WO ,
ss o ood rt. twenty seven fee, to Ma line of Willtam Sinelmrts lkirs, 1 lo g No 1.11, 10
.gednomi lot thence by the sool lino 1.1 Wm Arthur.. Pia TutowAsp.
1 0 ,, ..d porallel with Grant 'reef forty Iblee feet rt. Geom. Knipe. 1 lot °a Illinerwillo Piae, in h
Second sweet, thence along Second st twenty Aesop win.. p i., 41
feet. the pl•se el beginmng.
Aker /amps.. 2 Is,. Up.] Pe/1111111M. Ave•
Terms of Sal hundred dollars hsbo prod opon nue in Irwin'. Man, 69
delive of the deed, the balonee m two equal poy- up . e,,,,,,,,, I l ot anM. ~,,, s o hi re, i. Le .
.00. and lea years reageetwely from the date ...,,,, o pion, 54
of elle, with interest payable annual y. and to be ie• Matthew Stewart, 3 sere. land, Wiaterallald, 7 'Ai
cured by bond and morigago on the premises For An„„,„ Nano. 5 i o n, on klmemmilo Pike, No
north.' particular., apply to 0 E Applton, .1:10171Cy ax, , pg, 2,,:4 01
at law, fourth street, or to the undersigned, Thom.° Regan, 1 lot on Pcn.9lwartia Ave•
Ganrds. of Arm Alms le Chr. J Wen d t, mmort no
Bereb,9 lots on P.nsylvard• Avenue,
6040 1 0 9 N. 23,243 99
me ACKLETT & WIIITIA, {Yolier Meldrther, 4101100 M 1110111•1110 Pars,
No. 101, WOOD STREET, No 2e, 27. e . ,, MI, ea
.. A_VE ., :i d s . :::::: 4 ::::::c e ll mv a . :.:::::: a k :
javt. : B.tirli 4 P . 9:•:e: . re:s .j la d n' n o d n o m n ntl iP ul:ze ,h l d., l/111 9
„d ie
jut intrGooDs,.. l "'" " ..h V .. 1 ... for . 1. j."'" rr s s lens Innd on Sq;dlsl Hill ' 5 411
0 .7 fi ri , 1.1 .
c d . aie h
b ot: i 7 m rtioretiatas. Great inducements L . ,, ,, , . krona.,,
E B ' t ".^ n.-1.2, Noble') Ilmm, 1 sere of land, 40
1N ... 7 g 6. "' *d_S_lji*Gr : All:9Y bhdi'.UN l L 79 l.Q •B ll ,d 1 7 . 1 1 1 1,1 C be g Ty ' 5 (: 1. 1.4P: " rt S 'll E j ys . ter, " ;l i o n' t R I
I n ' Tb :"" orn . s h7 s d p . lan: P. tO3 '
SUGAR I ; u ! m 1 . 1, .?
.1.1.10E.91.0dLi t io r tz E 9 —3o ;ab
n b i
c r ! K s
E S T .
, l . lo si o m J P .: , rd p ac Chadwick , I I N; , lot i o p....,. plan, 3.41
' John
.11 s a
Lr. y 11 .,
. 1 1 1 0 , 1 9 1 nC
loon.. plan, ls e ts ", ~ 5
1. .
!T_ _
VE.I3 Burma -it k f . Osier on .66,1,i,,..nt..'
d , Pins 7buntehip.
11 for eale by (W a I bill.LElt RICKIMON. . Jo h n Kenwn.lsl seers 611.nd,
. , 'Thorns. Kennedy, .1 e —.• land,
O HINOLKI—EY N ehlnYles far sale by oennetly, 73 sere.
•k-1 NILLKa a iticKETSON. ;
Franiim MowAip.
wP_Er hl , WINN-400. cuts 9. M. Wino Samuel Wgisbb 3 ten son low. eubbitung lands of
v 3
S fat .aly by 1301 DULLER R RICEETSON. I N H Crabs, .ad others,
Third Ward.
Samuel Paisley, 1 lot en Prospelit at II by 40 901
911 Joseph Bowman. I Int on Fountain .1. 49 by .37 It 63
5 '.,,,.; Robert Bailey.' lot on Poplar alleYtW by 20 0 "
• .'" '
Edward flume, I lot Prospect stle ny 99 9 32
44 Issue Riley, 1 lot back or Canal at. 93 by 36 418
676 Bier:nary a McCarthy, I lot on Tomei street
R 6 03 by 39 403
Jamen Prawn, I lot in Cook's pion ent Webster
st, 20 by CO. No 6 4 03
FOwth Ward. I
3 It Speer, .3 lots nn Haneock 00 and Mattocks
0110'40 by WO each 413 73
South Todd, I lot on Band 04 40 by au 13 54
F(11A Ward.
William Macro., I lot nu Penn st 88 by 100.41
lota on Me et 20 by 71 each, 23 lota in Brink
Pond 20 by 71 each 91 61
Willtsm Demi.. 1 lot b Pine 0110 by 60 t :11
Regis Penest, I lot on Liberty et 23 by I
0 MI UV 2
1 II SleFudder, 1 lot on Quarry st
Richard Simnel', 1 lot on flarriton at 20 by 100 160
1 Smut! Sloan, I 101 on Liberly et 2 00
Sixth Ward.
.East / 1.
Sll I
Asaßnweer7., he.
ChihttY IChUhrer
Pittsburgh, April P,1'70.
BLT-ICobris NO: 1 Salt for tale b• • •
• s- MILI.EIt b. IlICKEIBON•111
UGAR--.1 0 hbds N. 0. Sugar just laudbur froti,
10 steamer Jetranani and for rale by "
OL S9R9-4 0 brla N lialwes eta ree'd and
.1,11. for sale Ly ' lapsl & EUIRBAUG
C °F7 apP l7lo
"Ili6 Codee
C$ and ret .•fie by
SURCIRIIHAaM — ms -- ,lin caks Henr Am
SarCara 6
.p 9 8 &W 13ARBAU08
Fri Exp PELTS— . 1000' theep Pelus In istore • r
IRAHH—C....on and rood melbas lust reeelved,
4,b4p.r.#e by SHAC WHITE.
ncrrroN DIAPER—Brawn and bkaelynthui
ki Damask, and Diaper poinAggere.n to ,
CASSIIIERZ3-4Ltur r e lf t
MOM fashionabla and j . !..e0 10 ,„.a,,
~7~4T YADIi[NGS—Two 6~IN bad bl~ct p~d~
Y dlnß~rceei~e667 BBACRL6ITt WA
VRFNCII CLOTHS-45 two' treof
aoc! Drown Frenok SloAoiarE4VhirrE"
COTTON BAITING-50 bgei No 14
AO baler Fardltilamaj m
• .
C/TtIiAiNITACTRE-16 pipes Catolnia Wino on
consignment, and for sale bY
MILLS. tt a iticicsrsotc—
ACoN-21 , este aosortt, now landing tins — downer
Oe• eon. for wee by ISAIAH MOWS &CO
LARD -3O brio owl I twee No I, tow landing from
Woo.. Genova, or sofa by •
o .8 ISAIAIi bICKEY t 63,
EATDERS-61 nets nourl.odlor, and for Weep
It if OLASSES—ta brlo jog ree'dind for sato by
LITTER—W bye fur Wetly Ise, but
end for mac by B CANFIELD
MOIILD CAN DLEN-20 bee jest rec'd, sale by
GOLDEN SYRUP—IS bris for .1.10 law to cis
consignment, by JAMES DALZEILL,
apS 70 Water n.
FIRE BRICK constantly on hand, and for sale by
WlZnyw r•
a hula and for a y k
apG Water sad Root sta.
SUNDRIES -50 b: . s .. ll.a c i=
10 half chests Chdlia Tea;
5 half cheats panted do;
t brl peelerlPeseher,
it bola Cider Vinegar;
10 ban SaleTantS, '
10 bee Variegated• Soap;
30 dor Pa te n Zino Waakbherds;
I do. assorted Ploßlre
5 don PrediTornator; _
For sale by D WILLIAMS.
antil3.2 Comer Wood and Flfib eta
..L1 Sealed Propene& will be received at the Coat.
penile Office. in Sidney, Shelby County, Oblo, on and
after Wednesday, May 1.5M,18513, for doing the grab
bing, clearing, grading, and masonry, cinch pc:tunas
of me Belief...mine and Indium Rall Road, aa can
prepared for letting by the fifteenth.
1 he line extends from some mint on thogiereMod,
Columbus, and Cincinnati Rail Road, through Marion,
Benefott ;me, and Sidney, to the State line. between
Ohio and Indiana—a total distance of about
It is expected mat the toe from the eanternlenninlia
to Mallon about WS miles, and from BellefOntalne to
Sidoey—td.out 13 miles. will then be ready to leg and
the remainder of the roam es aorta thereafter as it can
be located and prepared.
SpeelficalionS and planer/nil be ready for inspeetinh,
and all neeessary inlormstion may be obtained on ap
plication at the other of the thief engineer, at Marion,
or to J. Pemberton, resident engineer in Sidney, after
One tab of May.
By order of the Board of Direetcra. •
W. hIILNOR ROBERTS, Chief Engineer
Pagineethr Office, Marion, Ohio.
March Bolt, IESO.
PURNPIEE LETTlNGS—fielded pregame! , will be
I received in Maim San, Indransom:rill o'clock,
A. Pt, on Wednesday. April 04th. for the - graduation
and brideing of ten miles of the Mama Bun ?anionic,
including, some MeAdanazing heavy Masonry. and
Wooden Superstractures. Trio War will be shown
notes read, and necessary explenallOns made on du e
grimed donee the two_preeedlng days by
JNO. IL WILIAAMS, gineer ,t Stinunal. •
F. LITIFOUIt, apa President
By order of
Down Seemanectont. -
A. C. ,
Hieing San, Indiana, March 3th,1860.
Sealed proposals will be received is
until 10 o'clock, A. M., oa Saturday, April 27th, for die
graduation, brasier, sr . MeAdarmantg a ol from five
t . 79e line
w o i f i ltt e rt miles
, a . 11 . e Vreend=pcte.24, asplaasuona
given, during tbehwo previous days by
JNO. S. WILLIAMS, Engineer k Superintend . t.
JOHN F. DL POUR, Prelate'.
By order of the Board of Directors. _
Palen Bones, Stever.). •
Arrangements are In progress and It is cenfidoatly
apemen that not <acceding five miles of the Ghent
Tempik c, in Carroll Comte, Kentucky, preelselY op'
Vevey, learn., will be let on the same day.
anger similar circumstances as the Vevey Tarepike
The maid also to be graded, bridged, and MeAdmased.
Contractor. will fled It to their advantage ,to attend
these lettings, and gain a footage here,. each im.
prevemeres am nearly apriV throurost the
whole country hereabouts. - - above p lates are
among the room plenteous and healthy parts of the
couetry. There was no prevalent cholera at either
place lest season; noteven genenldereromertern of the
barrels gut mac, places
ape-du . / NO. s. wii4rems, Civil Enginee r.
JOHN WATT CO. have removed their mace 01
Groceries m the comma aide of Liberty. st.
1110AILEX Banwist a CO. toms notoved to No ItO
JDot,li door bolOor t. Olooongatutla Noose,
. . .
LARGE., and comfortable OFFICE, and rr-
O. qui red, some Rooms la Vi'azohouse No 111 Vs. soma
sti a desirable lodation for badness. OnAaire at the
. . _
• •
BACON-SWI) Ms Hams glad itholiden,' dlroo
from Boots Holm, for by •
13°'"Nrgr. c aVjg..`"a a c a tr'
ado Miller, Theme b. Rankine' S'e 41o;
it do pnwe Shoulders, for sale by .
31 W. and 6Y From. 6111
on kegs do do; for sale by
- ,
VP-ATOMS-I , i sk
s prim., in store and for see by
CANTER FUR SALE-1.6 cot oaf, wan, e• e
top, handsomely made and nearly new.
I deldOONl4.lS6a CO,
Wood street
- -
'MAN RED—Y 3 bblg Foglia.. far .11.3 by
)ITCH -30 belie for sale
J 1391100NMAKER ac CO
OSE PlNK—tine Wide jut/ reed and tor sahib,'
ape .115U1100NMAKER &e.:O
OIL- st formic tly
• . ' J SCIIOONBI/111:ER J•
ARED rEACIIMI-4 be for salt
%ME FETW k trnr , C dAlttiEto,
epl Water end Pmet
DACON-,4 cask. Bides, -
1111 • 4 dd '96ouldersC
:. 4 do !Hams and ShOalderrf ,'
3 do axed, to a rrive on steamer Geo
va, for de by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO,
~p 3 - . ~ , - Water and Front .to-
LARD—Sd bbl. Nall- . .
I lance- do; .
- llnts. dot to arriva and for sale by
10EFSIVAX-2 arks to airtrion Geneve. And
111 Nilo by !Z/11 ISAIAH DICKEY &CO
REA& E-4 1,61•141 iurrlTe, far We by
HA - 111E10-43 .k. to zill i on °mai: for sale
BATHE/18—n sack. lira Ames; prima onelty
X reed on entirlsoment, for vale by
OTTON YARN—Dniett 'Yam maneactuted at
Enononty; alma. Batting, Candlewick sod Twin,
for main by 1.1 4 1 GEO COCHRAN
HAF & MANUIIEFORKS—Ibsperior arueles, for
sale low by [spa) GEO COCHRAN
OIL ORIGANUAI—IZ Ibs pat reed andode b
0p.5 J KIDDi CO. G01V044
E LV . R p: X-f-00 Ws refined, for efile 1? . ?: 1
j'141 , !1 , 0 • E• PASTE,—I CNIIb:' for
20 irr cad Boa; ftrugrool•
uTTLE CORYS—ScI gross sapsular Vslsm for bg
IjN a young man, • Situation as Book iiesP'l of
IP General Cleat, or Cllr en a Steam float, Ilias •
good knowledge ef basinew, having had ten years'
expewenea; hwiecla conGtient a( giving .nry... 6 ,6*
&e 1. ,: D.'. gelid mteountunt, and sestet slow d and.;
of a good mural character, and temperstioi con g'‘'e
the belt ai rity references. Any cosessunlcations ad.
30.:, this °Mee, will be attended to.
A TTORNEV AT LAW—Office an sounCsido of
AFonnh Ft. herereon Churl allay and Gran mt.
nIitIRCII. CAROTHERS & co. have
tt remov o ed to
011 , Water ft. botomon Wood & Mao. I.
boom N ['aloofly voettpal by lloolY.Jdsds Co. •
Al.l. jiPAPE.R—W. P. Assm_ la_ ,... easta r
ti,5 ..., _
TV Trestvir. fro.C.o o - 1 • 1 11 °. !
New Yo,k mu m d P1.1..16100, rroin
o and west snproved styles of Pa •
eteeeim newe l lii Borden, Fire Baud
• nnts, and Mier
-cop. a" TS, r otla uIS Wood st,be•
tween Foginh n mid Vi woad alley, tneemoria &
8....te, Iktods, Ittiolbe;as .
I) H.
I te; t 4; No 105
11 .
rue "' .' " d;
I. pride•
rancleyltniThlgd, 0:t n =
Li t, l nl P/21ta
licanea. Jenny /al: Cnalanans Round and at=
Straw, amid, China Peseta 'an: anuelly,_,yah,
hone, fower. Bonne% talks.
alneice, At , c. a "
LL Q. TUCILY.KMAN wut meanie eau tor ha ear
*go. o r 37 in number, pay ehargound
teem away. bULTENBERO.
" area
67 Prune sae.[
S _ . . . ...
pyr.. Circle'ood
rdPae T le Oucue U. , cents.
• ' Second
Gollcry (for osloren personcl•—.—••2s n
boor, open at 7; Conant Ind tine U 71 o'clock.
U7'Mios FANNY WALLACK for tyro nightsenoie.
Mr. MOORIIONSS will emu.—Youth nighAo(Mrs.
lm Tme.lay, April 9, NI be presented Stnaspeare's
Unsnap of
..... --Mr C Webb
Ur 11Ieoatceue
--Mu rub, wa.a.
Maebdth • • •
B•aque •—•
Lady Macbeth
To eamilade with
Three Iltihis Only —Cosnmsnelan
Tuesday Rms. April 9th,
. Or, Swiss Bell
Respectfully =men a aeries of their chute, select,
and. nova idederd EMenalamenttiu above, with
change of ptogranune..
In addmen to Bell Music, the Cencen will be en.
livened. by a Q 13.1122321. Mu, composed of Ilan
Ptraborshyser sod his three talented sons. Pet per
tiaelare see ptorrammits. -
fete Conrad Preebennower, Mol e st Director.
Ptiee 43 , 233 2 !b 32 , 23 cents. 'Packets to be had at
the pnricipelmum stares, bowls, sad to the door.
. noon open et 7.,Coacen to commence at d o'clock.
(VEIN PAlLY—from to 12 In the mauler , 2 to
1,./ in the afternoon; and from 7 to lu o'clock in the
. "eni4
V—A . df fit.. un
cc 25 cento; Children Jer t.t yeal.
ball pilc. mrl7
• _
flntiMA2l, a Meath of a Physical Deem tenon of the
1, +Universe. Dv AterenderVon H sintoldt. vol121:62.•
Memoirs of the Life of hVillittra Wirt By J. P.
Kennedy; new editien.
Memoirs of the Life end Writituo of Thomas Chal
mers D. D. Bo his eon in-law, Bev. tVinlam Hanna
L L. D. 3 vela
• Sketehoi of Illinnesnto, The 'New, Desiond at the
West, with Incidents of travel in Dior Territory duri.g.
11116110. el Via, in two pans.. • By E. S. Seywnno,
th map.
Nlerl Ynnelples of Blorl,l end Polilletl Phiiotophi
1 vol 12mo:
The Fairy Boot, Illaetrtted with con on stood. 131
ftparkta Americium iliollllolY, 10 vobi l3no, 75 cants
per volume. ' •
The Whale and his Caplan, or dm Whale man's Ad
ventures land the Whale's Blogrephy. By H. T.
Cheerer...with engravings, 53 cents. • •
Redhum,hieFirsiVoyege,belog the valor boy: coo
(erelong an& reedniseences of the son of a gentleman
In the merchant vendee. By 11C561.11 bleletllo. author
of'TYN<A"Nb.c..o,,ike. -
Thorned.= Minsk Plutarch, natives of Men Die.
tingui.hed in the went Mutely of Fatainua. for their
Talents, Tinge, on Achievements. BY W. C. Taylor,
I. 4,D. Also, km. ft i %Coot. unhand for gale by
Succntrort k. ENGLISH,
No. 19. Wood at
Ohio oral Panrisyheintio Ann Zuni.
•TIBROpOSALS will be, received sti the office of the
Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road Contemn. to
the City of Milbank, until Wedroodayrthe 24th day
of April, 165µ for the Grading sod Masonry of the
Road. from Allegheny etty to the mouth of Da
Beavers dhoti:me of twenty four miles. Drawings
and Specifications of the work to be let, may - be seen
at the office In Pittsburgh, for ore week pjaVMOV to the
letting, 1311 application to Solomon W. Roberts, Chief
Engineer; and inforreanon mmy Le obtained at ana
tinie et the office of Edward Warner, Itecident Engi
neer of the Eastern Walden, New Brighton. Deaver
.Caante, Pa: The work Ia well svollby of the atten •
don et road neallatielani, •
The °radii* Lad hlasonry of the Una Columbiana
COon•y, Ohio, mill be let at Salem, on Wedoes lay,
the tab day of Slay.
Dy order of dos Board of Director..
atil•td R
IaARDY, /ONES tr. CO. have removed to No. lit
Front mesa ofMieLL___
Calif*: Wm,
A.N 110. oTHE. largo- lot of Btoe. Drab,ima 9carter
Blaokeu, very heavy loci ?CCM from Payette
blbaniseturing Com pany. For rob , by
No I:9 Wobd
LACK di6 DRAB . seTitierrs pea 'd from
R We blasatadusres. and for sate Little A117:112flICIUZ•
Cel prise. by
a • Il
I at the Idnotacturet , d 'molest ptles,
Brawn, khillsita
101'AYE removed to Warehouse • hia.! - 99 Water at.
Di. between Wood and Market, where—trill ho kept
for isle.oCutelr mannfacterlng, a fall assortment o
Kids, Spikes, Ca.dag.....CEot Blur Pipe;
warranted of the beat quality, at the tn... Prima
Mr. JOHN BEST, of the late firm et-Taetey& Best,
having parehased .an intemet in the: arm, will sate
charge of the Wareham., and will devote ht. entire
gu.aop It. the butinelt, and endeavor ta render gal.
i.faction to Mel:needs of Weigle Stet, and all when
ho may favor as
-11ith11Q petrel
w %
for tale
M . A . C p I , ZERtIL-13 0 . bbl , l No 3, la
T UTH§VILLE LIME-70 bbiiiiiii — Ciiilte,lue rt
J.l ceived pet su Cinetwual, arld for ule by
u/H - NAPeathes; .
sUNPRJE-S-6-1. • re ,, Abem ~.d .4
pur ASH —6 . e,sll:srli'd . and , for mit, by
DirtEL ' tr. CO
BUITER-4 bblx
pig e ragrm.— i r 1. 1 4i r tg . .g Itattono'd p.
ap3 "'"l* hirIEWIIALZILLitIIWater
plvE isTONE- . 4 . la Matt:ralt:Z;v3r,:dalery
BALT—I:OORn for solo by
01..1 ARABI4-309 TheukA
fat a ~ •
l 31" .pa 1; SELLERS
144UORICS-30 .mall stiekomperlor quality,
1..4 for ••16 - 67 110.1 • R
GWBILIA , LIQUOIIICE-21A . lba rwanz,ts
Me A-Itaw for .alt by
.LY.L ai4 • • R E StI.LERA
AIoCURDIPII W•istiaas.,
Adjoining the Pittsburgh Bstesk, on • Third stress.
HOSE persons who desire us. 'aro front twentY
five to thirty per cent, in porchaatutramirato.
are - respeethdly invited to call at ray .warehouso.
where will be round a largo and well selected stock
of the most approved style of w art - rasa:tip, both
modem and. ancient, and calculated to, Please the
Sub or all those who desire either eicgantessubstan•
dal Furniture. Having determined to disp6w or my
Present . entire mock, at very reduced prices, lies,
confident thou those who dame any artiel• to my Iles,
will not fall of being salted.
met S-ti
Blacksorio, Vat, hisrekh,
ML R. E. SELLERS—I have dioptued of all th e
Cough &rep and lAvet pills yen lent me, nrA
td dos of the Versnifoge. ,
have used all your Family Medicines 'cosy dually,
and have also prescribed edam in my priclite; I am
very much pleased with them, and have foetid nodded
us eq.! them. Pend me Blies of poor Vermifoge, root
Weise each of the Liver Pills mid Coaslityrey.
Respectfully yours, , • •
tExtrsei of Letter.] Patens:iv.
Thom highly popularmedleines may to Lad, of the
proprietor, R H SELLERS,d7 Wood st, ood Prafetm
cesterally to the two eides mud eieloity . ,_2/
per for O liandsoree ro o om d es * :Ve L fo o med az W' site U
Paper Warehouse, No ISS.Woosem:
H, P. & B. NELSON & CO., bave removed An N o ,
29,W00d wee; opposite tha & ChaiiF. u O ,O
'rho) have Klan Changed the 4410 .Of their fan, and
the bn+theas will he. rallied en auJer the. name and
style of ..:„Poatlery k Naiades!'
Manufocturess of Cut Red aziE thwEacred Skov
el., Sped.., Coy and :Eason Forks, N.olid Box
wee.; 00. Bartok, A.c. Hiring entorrod Emu works,
they con sopoly - lbelr /Ewa. tbsikborasi notice
'nod. !moult prices a. scutin mil afoul' AM ot ti
cks mado ukthe roar wile. Mer
chant. wukiknjurporohosw wilt find u to limit ativan-
Use to extoutos Emir stockbefore pot chosing
wbere ' -ftra-Ito
- •
I 101.14:&—IDt gar • . • 011 corals m.e
oak low I,lr '
A . R p VO . Tau', ill
T -L
ÜB4ipi SBRll3{lat Co
'EYU, NOLic_csk...4-IWu bras .ordr cooperage, 10,
t ale by
t — ruMr—bOVerle — for evar7b3 - 7
CLARIFIED SIMLR-13 lehd . e_ Jest' reehl ~ ..Z-iagnwei,
i a gn wei, per steamer -Selas Wright, - a ed for sale
by • 1041
BUTTER—II cii Freak Bali, An - reed eneeVreeile
by •
. LNIAEgb bpi& for tale '
J e t iNFIEI.O
ALfßeirlitt bziiilaTiet - kileieePe
ePSiti • ,Vlt CANF,IFL
1. NO, (ot otalTr" •
• G.011111.1>
, C11547-7r41.1
60 - bay Fos'a rgr
4! 661 a Clamed ,_
Lf p i l q d•Tina for sale by
XEILITARY REAM° WAY... 4 you far Ple 1 1
in •• 1 RE SELLERS
.. Renaults, Bonus's. • •
• - •
A A. MASON & CO., Market Su, between 3p yid
/1., An, nave lull ree'd„ and are note elpanra, Srr
eases Bannon among which ate lenar m, l l 76l east,
'Florence andVirlas Pedal Braid, Laden, Tao.
atablasEsoliisit Straws. Ronan sad Readci; t o.
nerd vancor of all • nahtles nod micas. •-• •AnA
301 Llf.s. -8 '477,1 Sr" " ; h 6 t*,...;=
able styles, rce'd la. • 7 .
4 B 24,180NekiXt,
tinn.. at Boasetat;
A FULL rupply .11 einna Pawl, Roush luuMol .
IS Rolland up.
F...renaa Bnid, in( fitiPrjs7 l . ,
11,,mpetu.w up... , lb. noni tastPAPF•
. "d / 4 "i'L `"""' by
atultemr & BURCHifigIL
Alat-Pace Hower and Honest Cap,* ^WI
, 1 1 4 1*
/1. turd uldTcorib... . 16 4. 0-
sortssent of Elaue Da Loins; Prnian Cleasoua en
tire New arikkr. Pallants; Ctape De Lens, /to;
a largo apartment a Lamm and Eller Dress Goodi„
of thn haw sryhoi and =oil liaskkomelble polar!.