The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 06, 1850, Image 2

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THEN ilitPla GAzgrrg.
Pie 9 9 9n.:. Wpm
.1 6,;1850.
set r _avine benne 6 r.u., OA, inite die 11
IMITIOSUL Adennisetaaate ala insetted ter • Ki
!led,tliaa era 4.l'o4esel rated elm
ur Nam Alm= --Xdverciss•
maw and ea to the Nen% an and
UAW Emu° ttq Phllad•t .t• ed sad irev.
ivavdad Ines Ws Wise
dacanum Dane Warm— Of Crtilleat-0 4
•h d i p
nneeriliena, kw du paper, 1.111 received and
forwarded Inca this Om
fer i Ta Tabu bra , will ba teem ed and fo=
fritrOgrthis Oder, . . ..,
SattrwassAstorara—Babve gaud advara•
"" :3 1 . 2 Odr Inner received and forwarded fro* of
adirpqnnra this or6no. • .
• iCrIME , NETT PAGE FOR Lola.t. uaTElts
Indstiddi of the, And.idasesde Wag Whig
0•11111t7 Casswalttee art Corresponds= as
'The Delegaina to the lest Cennly COTIVEMSOO; of the
..401.11dansue and Whig pang, elf asthma are went!
barn of do Coanniane el correspendeate, are macs
ad to meet al the Now Coact Busse, Wednesday,
shatinhoLaptil au4 for the wan lon of business
.ALET. UIWi Chairmash
Thin =wens to • the deeply in.
Sageatting IV* of non. T. Boiler . , Nothing
.•af pod! 'impoitancei his bees- pahliskiii
isanni trona, It iodine (=std./Wire in ont..aatars
itai's Weakly, pnbliahed this morning, and can .
Oinisind at the etiumer:
ms's. litosmor.—"Ttre Mach number
-ar Ossedsbraled miscellany his been laid *pm
csruitia it ha an unusually Inuestiug 111100111
411 wow, which, like every thing • in IllsehrOod,
will amply repay perussL Mt. lexkwood, onsib
st., is the Una-
In our sauntered colenum {ha reader will find
-ea Adventism:rent of the le tti n g of the Ballekataine
eta ardhatid Gangway. Connecters will
nadildi work worthy of their attention.
• It to the Intention of the Directors,' to piano
VOW, =MUM &c., ands contract, at soon as
, I/milkmen bia definitely located. - It is believed
that the sabsexiptlons along the route wit W 14.0
the company antexing into ctentracm, almost, or
Arks as rlOl2 OJ the Ulla can be prepared fur let.
• • dog. At fit, it is call expected to have about
2keilles out of Marion, and about 23 vane. be •
mare thilkikinine and Sidney, and a few miles
audpriellg theheevf work, west of Sidney. pie.
pared at the Wiling In May next, as advertised.
The stock enheariptions are still going an, and we
tmdcrettod an eleellent feeling pervades thn re
gion of many most immediately interested In
the am= of the tall road
"wharsairmo ilsrorrs.-7We have but one ward
mare, to uy, by way of explanation, in regard to
this important anbject: We - again reiterate that
tra Made no . lmpotation of onfaireesa, or in . any
manner bliaed the Journal, in our remarks tell.
Me lo the Extra Minedby
paper, on Monday
• tut Oa the twestruy, ackuowlodged the per.
S tight otthet paper to do ao —by saying, that
we shinsiC have done the 'Canoe, had we been
aware in trine of the news basins been received.
If we het ~oY mason to be dissatisfied, it was
with the Telegraphic Company; lam they having
unified se that it was a mistake. Oast would , out
coma yule, we were not vrilliog to east blame.
upon any of the officera of that establishment
- whose energy, proropatinde, and tosparitalay,
mallentrelstiva to the Prises, is wallas to all other.,
we have good - reaion hi - know. Serena of oui
.eutempounell called upon us,l on the day that
the Jottraal famed Ito Extra, and remarked that it
was a breach of faith ; but we dissented (tura them
this, so we - did sot so understand it, and should
chains the right of laming an Extra, whenever we
I deemed it to our intereat to so: We, however,
ebjeeted to asy office being permitted to ottani
. ..She Dews before the other pspere, who were equally
2.: sada to at, were inintated of its haves anived.
This was considered Mk by itanejority of thus;
and the Telegranh Company promptly seqoleiceis
in Mb NIOW, by wraying—that uo news would be
Given em Wait ay the paper. belonging to the an.
'lo6lllioll were Warmed that .despatches - were
swilling them at the taffies.
- would not spin ceciar,'.we did for pea n to de.
. .
elan that Ms - Joutitit would not Mane any more
Or that Motild hare been ed übsuidity ;
. tdd,thid they workidoot,t - ai the future, be enabled
• tOprrinuie despatcheytetrnded for the. Press eat,
leidiredg,ta advance of the other► la allowed.
' Itur our reutarbr'eloa what we deem, • wawa
. • Matter, smfai an the poblie la coneemed,bat
*Mil* due to 0111Stivell M make, we be g
io observe, that we shall not, far, the purloin of
'lnducing our readers to itipporm that we possov,
more energy than our OtigUbaff, ialue any Extras
mithougrinernalder.the nears received as poste.
• -slog. sufflelent degree of interest, or Importance,
to uglify as fa taring atm/ their diste or packet.
• WACHS nestallartaTON
Correspondence OW Pittsburgh Thiseu
• ' Warettairros, Aptil 1. 1850.
Death of John O.
John ICCalhoun hoe a corpse at his lee re
don on Capitol HilL He dted on Beadily moms.
• tar, soon aftarseven Vara. He expired door
lbe tatommmkaindoe of datarei 'nitwit; pain, and
....':erithistit ceaselessness aids condition. The last
;,,garde be spoke were addressed to ilia son, and
the -disposal of certain manuscripts,
wilicti bp,bad been dictating. His age was slaty
eight ylsus, . sod thisteen days. He died with per.
feet eaktin*beisting his bead open Ins breast,
opealeg to breathe. He lies like a sick
tin, In deep wilettan aleei—not axone dead. Be
. dote beidrear the tan breath, he paned' ins hand
'eves ida,tirtost end tirnahed back his hair, as he
had been Mien observed to do in life. lies 'row
fast asyrhint that Land 1011, nerveless and motion_
huts forevar. Notwithstanding the alight change
of donne sad hoe perroepdbis4 tenseness° deep
ky imprateed with the terrible solemnity Of death,
tub keningupaa hie Micas ferret. To day all in
tneenaitillity, nothing:tem Yesterday,
f - tie fire of tatellect steamed flow those eyee!now
desk deem ; and the whole mats, now so' cold
• ' and Odd likn,erut animated by the sumac( wind,
and istatiant with the indomitable will that assets.
id imposrer oerne - all ono GICIO into ticiatienerith
• .
- . •
' ' 'The only teladva of Mo. Calhoun present with
'Ma at. Ma :death was. the sou, lits...Calbettß,, to
.. .
11141081 nitteaM has bake* been made. Mrs. C.
• 'is asiected Martin fa lime to take part In
'Us lama ionirio,s'Her of to Mrrow: 'Her haband
. .14 dashed dashed dum'she should `am be girt tor, as stir
• WMIIOIIII4 Witham who raquire9 iiag aryal . -
'..".• -•Tbeettr n gry,kudellearadnitin tbsitleocetv.,
05 thatgairte-gley, kiel4lr. Butler; tits -giirtiviast
_ltigOilifti. 64i pqr # 3o4 l ;fatiligx. i i tta Mr• it*.
‘•;t1 91011wilitai!a014 1 0g. .. - . 46.Whithrop, le !belies:se,
. . :loft itiamkimPresekre, dignitled, and appropriate., it Cluulestou,the senior teem.
, . lieettbnoutistageadeirmathm, in thektotee,
Itieog duty had bees ageigned 'or announcing his
dlo4lt. Thereat:my 'delivered by Mr. 11,...tmee WOO
.:06 king, pa) labored, and too moth like an
V . r . , :'.ltthe suitable to the occasion.' hate Senate,Mr.
' . . - Alabama. _AlM:emir,- added' tome remarks to
',.: . shiMeTtef the et:Um siesksza, 'Web were not in
k \ ilia2looll7 wohthe affecting eoletunity of the gas.
1\ ' ; 'TO 104ilrutiammketiza attaarfeatent of Mr.
I , '', t‘'43oo,olfitial services, win farads some lace
\ 4
Me44prt he has borne in the govertimeet e ra,
\ ' 19iiii *tar thells&m...:_ — •
: \ 'VrAkoniMitrehlt3tl;l7B?..-" '
• s•ta, li tradnedid at Yale Calltie.
Itsgen , gitik„ aglBo9, ha practised Law lathe'
s OotirtiotNitkituli Carolina.. -
From: 1810, he saved in the Legislature
-ad kds Miles State..
From 1810 to . NMI,. ha , was 'a
and walls "ogitliiac the Hewn of Represents.
From Pia to ru, he vii SeMetarl of WIT,
'..wader Mr. MoareeNtsdadni:
ircat lea; 44 1 591 : 1 * wait Arica President of
the tread Roam. • `-• -. _
From 1654' to 1849, he Mika Senator In Mei.
, . From -Febroary 19100 March424s, be was
eksmetary of Plato of the United 6tmes.
, • From 1615 to 1850, be sou Senator In Malign's.
Thu.. it my reconsetien of the &smile , ei be
billiantearserbammect,heems,rmveratter filen.
.tritathi_,wm the dines of pelMinal life, InOpektrat
-iiimblittetalletr for it - whole Yew it ore 'Mai . :,•=this
olif gaiiiiali in his big period of sentini being'
sling mantle in,1833, and spin - in mg; Hi.
'Mall will ho wino, 011 the which chrom•
Leis dud of ids country. Jura. .
i ':.
.. . .... . .
, alOst .- iumatiausa.
4...n"P0,41,iiiPS of thaniatateh Gssat.
.. HA131111710, April 2.
The doummia tee eoiegteeten , of I. 0 0 !,
wriga."4 's Associate lodge of Northam •
ton cou nty, itt 'the plum of SaMacl Yobs, Ng ,
whose tomb:Atm for the same office was rejected
a kw days no. The; souftrimatMn was unszt•
On sunion or Mr. Broker, Ike Sonata then pro•
larded to the consideration of the bill to fix the
number of Saimaa and Espreacatatives, and
Orris the Mato fain districts, in pursuance of -the
provisions of tbo constitution.
Tee &taken up an second feedlot,
id the qitestion talon separately on each di-
On the guidon of the adoption of the filet
vision of the at section, which provides that"un-
the next commotion of the iszableinhabitants,
and an apportionment thereon, the Semite shall
be eta rata of Goo:Seen thoucand ammo huridrod
and Rirty three members."
Mr. King moved that the bill be recommitted to
the special committee on the subject, With bourne.
tams to bring in a bill dividing the State tote twen•
ty warm eenatorlal, and eighty one reprewntatrve
: . .
'Mr. King gave notlce•that hi had drawn up
bill,spna his own respounibtlityoapon this basis,
without any reference whatever to the posittop of
pallier, which he ,intended ,to present when the
preaent bill came to its third reading. -,
The question vutheniaken With.: mottos' suit.
muted by Mr. King, and determined in the nega- .
tive—yeu 14, nays 17.
The question reciting upon the fun divides' of
the first section, Mr.-King, moved to amend - the
name by striking out 14,743,as the seesterialmte
of representation, and InsertinglB,327, and 33 as
the amber of Senators, acid inserting 27.. Not
The queasier' was then taken upon the division,
and was determined in the allitmative—yel. 17,
note 18—s strict party vote—Mr. Bost voting with
tka Igeofocus, as he continued to do OP ovary
question. i
The fa:owing is the bill as it passed the second
• rending, and as it will xi doubt pus the third and
final reading, to morrow.
.1t should he borne in
mind that this is the Senate. LW, and not that
which paned the Noose. In the exact respect in
which ltdiifers from rho Kenna bat, we have no:
taken the trouble to inform ourselves, but we
think the difference is very trilling. 9ertaialy the
Hoare bbl cannot be more infanta& or more OP.
Isle ii
• _ _ . __
1:111 - NATE.
PhilaJelpttta City— .• •
County. • •
3. Mintgomery
4. CaMster and Delaware..
-0. Barka and Schuylkill
6. Bneks..• •• • • ...... ..........
7. Lancaster •
8. Lebanon and Dauphin... • • ..... .....
9. Northampton and Lebigh
'lO. Carbon; Monroe, Pike, arid Way ne. • ..-....1
11. Adams and Franklin 1
12. York 1
13 Cumberland, Perry, and Jimmie. ... ...... 1
14. linistiairdon, Union, and 61'81 n.. ...... ..1
15. Lycoming, Gunton, Nerthumberland, and
Sullivan ... 1
16 Luserne nod Colombia ...1
, ,
77. Bradford, Sarquehmsna, rind Wyomma....l.
18. ZOir... Potter, hlcHeart, and E1e.....• • ..i
19. Crawford, Mercer, Venango, Warren. and
,29.: Erie ..... .... ............. ..........1 .
I IL.: Ballet, Beaver, and Lawrence .. ......... 1
122. Allegheny.. ••• . • ..... ... •.. ... s. ...... 2
23. Washingtoccand Girene.. .......... ....1
21. Westmoreland, Somerset ) Fayette, and Sad
25. Anr.wrong, Indiana. and Clanon 1
28. Centre, Clearfield, Cambria, and Blair 1
Haase of Representative..
Adam 1 Lyman. CMutos, sad
AllattLY. 5 faller,
BASSA and Cambria, 2 clabasse,
Sok% 4 lameater, • .
Bob, 3 Lennie, I.
Butler aid Learns., V1..a4222, sad C/01,111, li
Bair nod Huntiorda., 2 slonree, be, eat Wein, 2
Stegall, 1 Mercer, Vlo.lllo. alt
Bean I Wane, 3
3 Migia,
Coed...boa& Zorn and I Ilawavary, . 0
climate, . Tiwthaseae. ' ' . 1
Caen, 1 Nortlimsocriead,
• .Clostald, EA, and Me- Pspeldpicle City, •••,' •
Bees ' I. t: Omar, It
m, A. 1.341.4, and
3,S liorawat. 2
Columba Ind Sullins, llittuamkosaa led Wyomise, 2
Crawford, 2VTivo, t
Itansba.„..., • tiatnevegionossi Chan, .;,
Kra. 1
tonansa,•-•,..--"---"...-32344.254f5airf 'cl - '.4".•
14 th. Boil,. waning . aiintizest lovlc p 1. ., I.
&T. The privedo,citeudar occupied the entire,
Dr. McCHI:IMA letchdd on a tail, as ao amend.
meat to an oniqhms from the Senate, limiting the
'anions ol tgit Ceemy Commission:leis of Alle
gheqy Coun(y, to rani data in eanh week. and al
lowing them four dollars per (My, wbieh was pus-
A very large proportion of the pieces of gold
found in these situations have more or Iris quirts
adheriiii! to them.
lo many specimens they On no combined they
cannot be seperated without redochis the'who:e
mus to powder, and subjecting it to the action of
quiet silver.
This gold not havialy been exposed to the at-
Within oil smog curries of water, retiies, m a
great degree its original conformation. •
These digg ' ings,in some places spread over vst
lays of considerable extent, which have the sps
nines, formed by washiags from
Um adjg bille,of deeemcweed goons and Owe
earth and vegetable matter. -
In addition to these faom, it Is homed doubt
true thu several vein mines have beed discov
ered in the gouts, from which numerous speci
mens have been taken, showing the minute con
nexion between the gold and toe rock, nod Milts
eating a value hitherto unknown in gold rolling.
These mans do not present the appestuce
places whore gold rosy have been lodged by some
violent eruption.
It is combined with thequuts, in all imsginable
forms sad degreas of richness.
• The rivers present very striking, and, is would
seem, conclusive soideuce respeeting the
ty of gold mashing onatoovered in the quails
It is not probable. that the gold 'in the dry dig•
Binge, and that In the rivers--the former hi:lumps ,
the latter in dest—was.created by different pro
That wltiehis found In the rivers has team:ht.
1142 Ixoo
..ertibeiz rwerrteolmtsmhathreeveometion thcoen'u*Lretk:
All elitism 'opus to be equally rich. This is
shown by the rut that a I nborlog man may col-
Ilect nearly as much in one river as he can re an-
Th ot ey iaterseat •
and cut through the goldregion,
I searries from east to. crest, at inmgelar distances
*inns to rerrattyr and pathaps wan ti them
ably Miles ettari.i ' ..! .
neeoe appearsibat lee gold vides are finical.
l It y
rich la all parts of that most remarkable secede
at meetly. ,
Were it wanting, there are further eructs of this
le the ravine*
dry diggiugv, which uniform
ly confirm what nature ao plainly shows in the
I rsrare. .
For the purpose of farming some opinionrel.
pectingtim probable amount or value of torlants
in the gold region, it will be proper to state tie ea
drums which have been made of the quantity'
keted since its diactovery. ..
' Oeld woo first discovered oa the south fork of
the American river, at a place called Settee mill
hour Colome, late In May or esslyi in June,,lBo.
Information which could be relied on announcing
ibisdiscovery-was not received In this city until-
late in thy following autumn.
No Immlgnition into the mines oould,therefare,
have taken piece from the Old States In that
year. ,
The enmiter of trainers wu contegitently
ted to the population of the Territo ry . sour fire
hundred seen from Oregon, Me - lichee and other
firmigners, who happened to be in the country, or
Mee iota nearing the summer and eutemo, and
the [ideas who' west employed -by or sold their
gold to the whites.
lite supposed there were not far from:five
thousand men employed In collecting gold daring
than eau=
lime suppose they obtained an average of one I
thousand donate ffs.oh, which is regarded by well '
Informed person as sloW altainate, the aggregate
amount will be 55,000.0410.
Information of this discovery spread in all 'the'
dons daring the following winter anti on the mini
maneement citrus dry season in 180, people rove
into the Territory from all quarters, from - Chill,
PervAnd otheriitstee on the Pacific cum of South
America, nom the err tit tout a I
Mexico, the Saud-
with Island& China, and New Holland.
'Tea emigration from the United Statuette. in
lest, ii we except those who crossed. the Isthmus 1 ,
of Futuna, and &Met op the nasal In alearaers, 1
sad et few who elided early on um voyage round
Gape Horn.. I
Tbe Americo emigntioo did Out come in by
see, Id iamb brae, noel July hod Actium, and
this overland did not begin to arrive until the last
of Angest and first of September. The Canino.
sad .11huticane were early in tho country.'" la the
month - of lily It was supposed there were Aileen
thousand antigun' in the mines. At dp i l
called ...Sonoranian camp, It wee believe there
were at least ten thousand Mexican&Thryhad,
quite a city of tents, bash", and log cabin% kr
tarp:Useful& stone, and shops of all detain.
hone, famishing whatever money could procure.
Ice wu brought frOM gne Sierra, and Ice creams
added to =men= otheelltxmles. An etek•Xte
7 • . .
made:of the tt, :n • ere
n beches °fleas aed linedl
web cotton, rii.oto, —teed se a sortoof amid:Mimeo;
tie fee buill, 1 t ; uther atatueensente,ltheeldlledio
tin of the Mese:roam were to be Weal tilltlatreed
The foreigners reverted principally to the eon*.
eon mines, which rave them a great euperiority in
numerical force over the Areoridane, and enabled
them to take poem:lllCDs of come of the nebeet in
that part of the country. In the early part of the
newton the Americans were mostly employed on
theOtbrks of the American end on Bear, Übe, and
Feather ?teen. ' Ae their northers inereseed they
sorted themselves over the southern mines, and
collidone were threatened between them end the
foreigner.. The latter, however, femme cause,
either feu, or having eatlified..their• tepidity, or
both; began to leave the mines We in Atlgnet.end
by the end of Befoseaber many of them were oat
of the country.
It to not probable that during the brae part of the ,
season there were more than five or We thouwond
Amer:calls in. the minas. The would swell the
whole number, including foreign to *lto.'
twenty thousand in the be/filming or B eP t '''''
This' period embraced about bell of the treason d
during which gOld mss, be- euccenstully collecte
in the rivets. •••• ..t..
Very particular and extensive tenni:the respect. I
fog the daily corniest .red &eddied:one Onto! MP.
ners.leod to the opinion that they &veined an
per droy: This is believed by many,to be a' '
low a
nimate; hot, fronitidAbent !aorta:isnot I was .
able to procure, am of °pinto; it approaches very I
near actual results. The toad the seaiento, up to
the gat o f September, would give sixty Ave Work.
ing thdvv , and to each labeler, 'ot !Wiper ounce,
f 01,040. lf, therefore, we ansume•Alsolla no the
average collected by each laborer, to shall prob.
go beyond the mark. ate This would give an aggreg of SIDANIA,OOO
for the brat half of the Odeon; 1115,000A00 of
which woo probably collected by foreigners. .Ih3d
ring the last half of the season thenumber of tore
Menem was very much diminithell, nod, perhaps;
did not exceed five thousand. At this time the
American immigration had come io by !enclosed
the, and the number of one citizens in the mines
bad, as was estimated, introuseot to listween
forty god fifty thourand: They
nJ Werc moot 'at
them inexperienced in mining, o it ie prohnble
the results of their Inborn were not 114 groat no hai
been estimated for the firm port of the eeasou and
experienced miner's.' Astntatitlg that the everege
of half en odium per day costa to:be considered
at ressonable,itwould give on items ate of about
820.000,1 100 . If from this wo deduct one fourth
on Recount of the early commencement of the wet
season. we have an estimate of 1115,000,00 u, at
kart EVertif.WhiCh Was odilentod by foretsners,
who possessed many advantaged, nom• their
experience to mating and knowledge of the coons
Those eatimate• give, as the result of the Opel.
anoint in the mines for 1616 and 1619, the rouod
auto of 1340,000, 000 , ono halfof which wastirobahly
collected and carried out in the county by fa.
From the best information Icould obtain, I am
Indio believe that at least $20,000,000 of the 00,-
000.000 were taken from The nvere, and that thew
richness has DOI berusensibly diminish ed,ez cep' in
a few locations, which had early 'toadied large
bodies or millers. This *mount has principally been
taken from the northern rivers, or those which
empty into the Sacramento; toe southern titers,
or those which tow into the San Joaquin, having
be.o, cmpatsavely, but bole retorted to told
near the close tithe last se-aecta. These rivers are,
however,talieved, by those who stinted them, to
be richer in the precious metal than those in the
northern pan of the ...old region.
There to one riot which, from 'mod: , d toted
disooveries, and no ucluded in the de" •;miun of
those fleurMg Into the great plain west the M.
erre Neaaal. le an oath in ghld as any of them.—
That is the Teiotty, whirr, bees torch of the bead
waters of the Sumach., and discharge' into
the Tamila not far from the lot beth degree of north
There are, as neatly as ray raeorieermo aerte,
me, twelve principal ricer. to which gold has been
Wend; but moat of the twenty millions in the
above situate was taken from six or levee of
them. where it was. hat dimovend and most ac.
Adoptive the hypothesis that the gold found in
[ the brat, or these rues.% bet been . cut Cr serf„
from the ceionin the quarts through which they
.have forced their way, and considering the fart
that they too all rich, and ate said to henearly
equally productive, we may form some ides of the
vest amount of treesnre nunaming undisoubcd in
the voice which run thringh the muses of rock ie
various dirictions over a space forty or fifty miles
wide, end near fire hundred miles loot.
If we any be allowed to farm a conjecture re.
peeing the ocher.% cif thew veins from the quay
tilt of lamp or coarse gold found in the dry dig
gings, where it appears to occupy nearly the
v ile
grav ite.y fin' it did originally in the rook—its
SpeCi hems setlicient to resist ordinary
moving .'tunes—we will be led to en ertiteete
almost beyond human ollgulatice and belief: 'Yet.
as far at 1 cart perceive, there is co plausible rea
son why the vein. which rt main in the ourrbe-
may out be as valuable as that, which have
come separated from the deuartiposed r: ca. This
matter can OCIP.ho eatrafactority decided by actu
al di.overilw. _ _ .
The geld legion of Caltiothis heyJnir ett pieced a
huge shere.,ol-yschtio.altettsores-ii- war to ho ex
pccred that yellows Seggestione .21 propositions
would be Merle with Impact th Mu limper mode
laittiv',....-....,,-ei; ~. --
T101E1E634 in arranging a amiable plan hat
been the went of noel:irate inkrrmation on which a
well con side red opiate° might be formed. Its &s
-leet. from the sent of governmeer, the cantlict d
ion statements and reportss respecting it, wrve
only to bewilder and mystify the pittilre mind,
end reader a tborougit examinetion of it eremite..
ry, to eceerleill whether valet is such as to
render legislation necessary fur Its proper vette. '
lion and management. I
If it appear.. front the preeedlog part of this !
fa ' w r ift r , i' eu t i h t 11 i t
i t ' ll e " t i gi l' il j a . nrdl e p ic '. I t o; m ft e q u u t 1 n' o
it• wealth, we are naceasarily brought to Ike con•
.aeration of the proper rules and regulethat to be
1 1
mirrored tor that purpose.
The survey and role of that Wretch of country, ! ,
under our present land system, or any other mode
which may be devised, would, nodriabtedly, canoe
very serious discontent amend those who have
gone, and all who may denim to go there to col
le gold, end a moat uoureemnity sod unavolda
- W t( e
inequality in the ilistnbutiOn of wealth among
the plitChetere.
SeCtiCati and pasta of sectious of land, having
no indication. of gold on Me surface, bat passed.
I wog untold treasnro in the bewail; of the earth,
might he sold for what would be a mere trifbiin
compumon cf theiria.l value. Cepitalista would
overbid the dering,atroug erred day laborer, who
I had braved the amass ot Cape Huta, or the mi
-1 nations of a j uneasy across the plains ; and, , by
the pica tad onentanatron of resources, would
omens tbenwelvea of the moat valuable Att%
which have been discovered, and cloye tkilful
coiner* to examine the country, with a se.
creep MS postible, fur the purpose of nuking such i
discoveries as would enable them, to a great de.
gree,tolllOlLOpatiZe the most valuable portion. of I
the chantey.
It is triton easier to tangiest than describe the !
discontent. perhaps disorder, which wcuddSpritlg
up among an hundted thoutand ftersineu, depriv.
est the privtlege clan equal enjoyment of, or par. I
'tetragon in, what they have been in !she habit of,
regarding as the common property of the people '
of the whole unin.
It is, perhaps, MOM Ilan donbifol whether such
law. weld be enforced.
The employment of =Ope gts that purporte
would not only
tons odiun,but Mefferatual; they would ;
be more likely tan example of insubordias.
tiny, by desertion, than to seamed obedient. to , 1
The people would unite wl,th them In plod..
log anarchy and °aeration. :No tryntem, there.
-fore, which ia not In accordant , with the later.
eats of the people eta be earthed into successful
operation. ..
it In always Gottwald* when lbws coo he (ranted .
as to barnsonise thou , rateroWs•riththe policy and 1
fluty of the GOVerelitellt. It is believed that may
be accomplished in lids nose. ' '',
Whitt...every AtneeitatfCcitiate in the obits Is I
award that he .ion GeV/Meter property, and
would consider any attempt to delve him away '
Arlin not of °emanate*, ha at the same time feats 1
that aometbing Is due from him for the privileges
Ate enjoys, and he geoid willingly pay a mucus-
hle elite le have those privileges delised,snd to he
protected in the enjoyment althea'. I
The gold to the river., the 111 diggings, and
the twine., hll.llCCeeithle to any man who has
the strength to use a pan or washer, a spade and I
pick axe. ,
The e mployme n t of machinery may, perh.p., '
reeditste its collection, but ii:is not essential. Ey-1
ere man is master of his own movements.
The Glee will be very different with she vain
mine., which yet remain in Ore rock. To work
them shocensfolly will require machinery, with
horse or steam power, involviug an expenditure I
°teapot in proportion to the extent of the Spore
No prudent man will make such investments
until his rights and privileges shall have been
clearly defined by law.
In the ItheCCISCe of all legal regulation, If a man
were to discover a vein .mine, and incur the ex. I
prase of erecting machinery to work it, any other
perms, cite", Or foreigner; might roasonct an
ertehaehttleat alongside of hid, deprive him of ,
his discovery, and destroy the value of his pope
Hence it will be perceived that any law. pm.'
scribing the privileges and duties,' ruiners, should
be .o framed as to secure the tights of all.
Thera is some fertile soft to the gold region
beatniful valleys and rich hill alder-which, un
der rs red M.I nem favorable to'agricelture, would'
undoehtedly be sellable for the! parpoeo ; but at
present, and as lung as the collection of gold shall
continue to reward labor so much More dem•
dandy than the cultivation of the wad, the impor
tant matter to be conaidered in.
hoofpe mode
of the inetalllo weal the ecuntrc
The Ilmt step, to my opinion, should he to re
serve the entire MOM were gold Is (eand, from
the operation of the pre•emptum laws, and from
este, so that it may ho now regarded no the cow
roan Innortro of the Americau people, and here.
after ail a rich inheritance to their posterity. Then
provide Cut the appointment of a _commisaioner of
• the mines, and a sufficient number of asslcant
commiesiOnere to carry ihe LIM Into effect.
the miles of the cormolasionet be established at
Rime polar convenient to the mince, ley Sawa.
Menlo dlr. - nod the °floes of bin assistants on tile
principal elvers, and in the moat praluative die
. trims Provide that anyl and every Amnia=
Clasen, on application at the °flee of the or mmit
stoner, or any of hi. eutgati ll , end bY Y.Y44 "a
ounce, or 816, or such sum as stay be considered
jolt and proper, shall be entitled to receive a li
cense cc permit ' to dig wherein the Territory
in ow year. Italia, alw, that say owl who
, ~
vhs II rdisea... or pi:Cir:6. 01kt ffiarroverer. & Win
'mite, ihall be calitled gale& it, to acetate:ea
tents trader 'preip on paYisa' in ib l
021.0 2,10 = suck pedeldia. On the proceeds-Of
the mice as may be. e'. .-6,1 e t• • • • on the privi
leges granteA. - Itl hernemiem7 law w ' dim
the miner to cut and usa..seeitclimber and ether
boiling materials as his burin.. require.; and ,
also to allow those wb s work voila Perinils'"
Privilegeof execsingeribies for shelter
winter. Authorize the comrsoner to lay .
sites tor mama in convenient satiation* to ; the
mines, and offer the lots for w ho eseving . OM
tnwls.d mmeral, No that those make Min . ,
toe •
peer tinit may sccomulate around,
them the comforts p a n e jts of
Let those who desire. to cultivate gardens or Sum
„lots be
seed.acoommodet It - Will he neceseary, also,
to authorise the eof umber and other material.,
for boiloing and other frurposea. There may be
other suggestions which do not now occur to toe,
but •ito 'doubt will, to those who rimy be charged
with the prepatatiou of any measure which may
be brought forward on this subject.
I have suggested-ono made. 516, as oho ice
of a permit or Heenan to dig or collect gold for one
year.. This l regard . about the average vat.
of one day's b oll in the mines. This tax on Afty
thousurd mi Ms, the probable somber next sum •
tier. will gi a a. revenue of 5500,000. On one,
Itiludre4 , nd - Miners—the probsbts number .
of 1851-/-lit 11 gi 51,600,000, beside s the per
emu:dein e'veni mines, and the Me received
for town Is, t am &v., which would ' probhbly
swell the amount t t least $2.00,000. Any va
riation In the tar, ill, 01 mkt., increase or di.
calnishthis estimat .
A Bullshit , amount of the money the. collected
shoirld be expended In constrtictleg ends and
bridges to facilitate oommunleation to and through
the mtningalistnele.
Those facilities will eo reduce the coat of livers
in the mitres, that the miners will gain instead of
lota by Puling the tan. These lire nceemtneda.
tions which the miner. themselves will never pro•
vide, because of the want of concert of action
among them sufficient to accomplish suck °Upsets,
but for which they toil willingly pay any moder
ate contribution. A liberal per eentum 'hoed be
allowed out of this cum us n reboot fond, and for
the estshlitihtnett of n university to educate the
youth of California. Let it not be eousidered that
this will be doing Mir:vice to tba older States of
the Union. They will reap a harvest sufficiently
each is their inteteuutte with their younger sister
on the Pacific, to justify the toots Itheral 0001se of
' -
policy toward. her.
I have given 52.000,000 as the probable rove
cue tor 1431, wider the proposed system. TALI
would discharge the integral ott the amount 'Muti
lated iu the treaty to be paid to Mexico tot Cali.
Crude sod New Mexico, provide 5300,04.11. Per a
nuts for e school mud, and the ereeStll7 h
provetneula in the mining deducts, and Create a
oinking Undo( half a million pet .nom, to pay
the prineiptiof the indemnity to Mexico.
An' increase of the bumbor of Minors, or of the
Price or permits, would of course Increase the Ns
Waite. lithe vein Milne grail be found as extern
aloe and produll'tive as the best informed person'
sappier, the right to work %Lein, properly secured
.by law, and the opportunity i its offend of using
madden, to advents., •ft joelify the collec.
lien Of • much laser per cent on their grow pro.
dart, than It is proposed to reclaim from acme
who labor wall their own hands to the use of the
simple meads now emploied l he cal:Mica of
gold. Theamount, therefore, c o l lected from this
1,011 , 00, may ultimately he Ise largo, perhaps berg.
fir, thus that for permits.
If revenue is au-orptri, there :can be ItUlg doubt
that, by the idemidu or the system, the abiount
widened to • few vests will be larger than the
eotee dettrict would command era madtrilioney.
if adored for este; hod the interest-end privileges
of those employed to the mines, will be sheared
from the peeping and monopohxing spirit al Lodi.
'Wont proprietors, Cel.fornia and the whole Ila•
ion preserved from meows of anarchy and snafu.
non, diet bloodshed., which must result from a
ante al the deli, a reoian to speculators, and au at..
Inept to p• e.ct them to the complete -of their
caeca, t...f iha contnessemer nod his Vrtot•
ant, may c tidy be pied cut orate amount movie •
ed. in fixed tens, or in the hum of • per centom.
I have pord to exclude foreigners from the
privtlege of mrehrering permit., and from work•
lug a s di °cetera or peralstilreSs to the vein
mines. ?direst...l for recoannendieg this policy
are, that throw mines bektng to, soil in my Jade.
melt should be preserved tor, the use and benefit
I of the American people. 'I
Mae, of MUM, ell
citizens, cativo and adopted. '
During the mining season of 1049, more than
fifteen thanes:ld foreigners, mostly Mouton mad
Cleated., imam in in armed bands boo the two ,
tog disttlet. biing defiance to all oppeition, aud
dually carryin ddg
Out of the cmintry some twemy
millions of diallers' worth of gold d ust ,
tan teb I
t o .
lorged by Purchase to the people al Vete
States. If out excluded by law they will retort,
and recommence the work ot teneder. They
may, With as ,much right, gather the harvest 0
tn . ,
p e;s11101 , 1 he Co . :l , ff: tit:, the 0 ttpow e r
ht!isep 10. m
te it, would permit us treasure to 40 thus carried
away. I would tot alleVe them to poretioo per
mita, or work vein Inters, because lho contribu
tion* ptepolsel to be required ars AO tanierate that
they writ tint num the slightest mouoventende
to toe miners, and are net destined as an equiv.
eked fur these privileges. Fumigant,' therefore,
would wllop,ly pay these small morns ter pesetas
•ientri-.WieefUd owyyaratitifilicms Of doffs*
in value. The object re nut only • suitable rem.
nue, bet to present (Jr the uee of one own fellow
citizens the wealth of that region.
This system of permits will make sit who per.
elms them polies officers, to aid to excluding
from the mine. all who ere not entitled to, or who
do not procure them. TON Will prevent desert.
one from the army bud team , from boom harbored
and protected in the mines. Not being allowed
to amities penult., the twastant cernsulnioners,
aided brthe minter, would goon detect and at ,
mat them..leaflors belesgtog to the larteantile
merles. would bo detected 'id a Medlar 1:121100r,
and amp prOndliled from tooling away.
The commerce of the cottutry.would be prise
i led from the disiatrous consequences resnlthig
1 from the abrade:pond of gip. by their crews
which nenerearily imposes •• healy llis on On.
' learners,I earners, hematite combines. •5 5 incense of self
prometton, moot charge sock lessee 00 their Car
goes, sod consequently they felt ou those who
purennse. The array and navy would be win
s.* d
from demundwation, set wowed for semi tri
I care of necessity.
' 1 Many el the emi,granta ha CaLlorma, especially
those foot the Western States, will tomato and
' 1 form a resident peptide:M t , but there will be thou
sands and tees of thousands of young and middle
I axed %roast - amen, from all parts ut the Unian.
i totho will resort to the mines for the purpose of at..
1 truing the webs to puratisee a !arm, at establish
themselves in tome flavorist , pursuit, and as me
as they have secured a sufficient Amount, will re
turn, and Moir place. will be supplied by tone.
wt.' w ill go nod do likewise. 1
Tbie process has already ecrunienued. Many
who went out lam sprout have reiuroad with so
• amok reward for their label and privations. The
market to California he the rani:lets and tenor
Csotores of the other Stake of theiffalou tent ei
lieu,e pieces, which, with the gold collecred and
I brought Immo by laboring people, wall dads. a
' deg,ee of wealth and comfort hitherto unknown
among them.
The quicksilver mitt. 01 Calderon' ate believ
ed to be numerous, extensive, cod very valuable.
There In eon neer Sae Jose. which belongsor Ls
claimed by Mr. Forme, 01 Teple, in Mexteo. The
cattalo ore. which produces the gaickeiver, ties
1 near the meant, te Maly procaind, and believed
1 to he remarkably productive.
Discoveries of other mines are rep tried, but no
cedilla lekomation inquee dug them bag been mode
public. It la, undoebtedly, a fortunain Eirellte.
sten." that niter., la bestoWteg tio Caldera)* such
vast metalln treasure, has provided, almost in Ito
immediate neighborhood, utexhanellble stores or
quicksilver,which is ao assented In gold mining.
The policy of OnVernMent With respect tonic.
mines of chamber should, in my opinion, be quite
different from that whice I hove felt it my duty
to sggest for the mniagetneut of the gi d,t m oo.,
As soon 63 the necessary explornidris con lie
made, mid proper Infiernationebtaitied,,it will be
well to oar these motes for sale,mad et:welt
Moir developeruent to the hande Dmirel, enter-
It-la believed that there are extensde of.
silver, inati,and copper ores in the Torrit ive be ory; . but
but there is no intorrontion sufficiently toast/ale
'apaches' them to justify any statement of their
existence or Valle ,
I have already alluded tu the propriety of estab,
halting a taint fa Calibre's. This is important in
moo! respente At this time Mere is no Mtn In
Ithe country to apply a mummy. Much dans
wally Ls experienced in procuring enough to pay
the dotes oh imported goods. The common cir
culating medium is. therefore, gold dust, Which le
sold at gib fe to gig per ounce. In the mine,.
lit la frequentiy sold much lower. The miners,
the laboring men, we Ma sufferers from this slate
of thing..
Thom who martian, and ship gobs to the At-
Limb Saks make largo ?teats, hot those who dig
Imo what others make.
I have eatimated that these will be $50.000,000
collected during the current year. At SIC pet 1 ,
ounce, that emu will weigh 3,125,0 08 ounces.
Gold, at the United States Mint, is worth 118
per ounce, making a difference in value no that '
I fleantity,hetweert San Francium and New York,
of gb,250,000, which would be eared to the
mitten by the establishment of a mint.
I have also suggested its importauce as • means
Cl promoting and inoreentrut „mu trade with the
west plait of Mexico and Seuth America.
1 It is not doubted this the east:action of a rail.
1 way across the Lamm of Yanorna, and perhaps
the establishment of other knee of communication
between tbe two Weans, ald er S tates
to the produces
end manufactures of hp older States of the Uniou
command of the market of Oalifiornia to the excites
sion, In a peat degree, of Minato the west mast.
1 A mint will therefore becniate of the utmoet int.
Pntlenne. to give such mnrketable stelae to silver
bullion ea to enable the merchants of those coin-'I
tries to keep up end incrente their intereuursed
with our principal ports on the Pear.
The silver bullion shipped to Europe from the
west coast of Mexico amounte to more than ten
nollhoue of &hamper annum. From the contain,
on the west tom of Smith America, probably an
equal quantity. Th.% fro. Mexico gee. to ply
MtEuropean importations Into Me x ico g no the
Maude aides ,
A market at San Francisco for this bullion will
be the moans ot aultaluttlng Amencan and' Chi.
nese fabrics for lbcwit of European manufacture in
all none countries. This will greatly {norme the
trade between Obeli and California.
I hive the honor to , with great reaped, your
ectriat obedient aortrant, be
,-- - •' " iiii;'' •4pc *-
1e5...,c ,- -iiiiiii:su th.q***7; , ii .' ,
. ' e ri * e l , - 1 00 - 1 4- .ili!ea 1 4 do ..mog iit ,r l4 `.
'en 'Oentireelie; travels dOwN N OW , 1 . 0 "
s periths OK exterminates Ids e# 04 ."% . ' l4 # . " 1 "
' the:4llas dorimeintrsio to IltS:4or : x vd L s uke 1
,a.:40:0•0 feta DiXel: aneilitrusVierm V. 1 .,
i '144-_...41.11 *Pm , liinrwr, shOis'ar.idie 1.4 -ibm
-1 jp,, , ,,,otnaillgoes of iiiildven. This remedy, like ths
l ikThi g_.... 121 ; -' 4 1 h,e Whim of the mouth, travels down
um. . nett WW M resod the stomach, lays hold. of the
w,i,-.hlte. the life out of Me .reptiles, sweeps
41 .0 01 .ir de carries their_ mammas elms out
of thst system. This al kW has been the effect of the
va.;!ifvSe We!! cctiebil ' dren.
1:: ir. .- ' WILLIAIII 1101JL4TT.
N•PlesslartvroT, ISO..
tau testily that I have used .Dr.Lehe's
Vcri.Urgvi-Itad brie (band it to operate in like loan
hex upon cur children. JOHN MUCUS.
Naples. June, 1947.”
¢j For viie by KIDD d. CO, No co Wossl stroei.
Aselytter *Litgkenes as atm lidoad.
'engoNto•SIIIEIIhILTISM. • •
Ida. S. hi. Ifoiersti ina t• express to yno
liaartfelithaatifot the'greal beisifd I have received
from as ardobeealledtPFPßOLEUM, Or Rocs this, of
Which yellers the eitte Proprietor. I had occasion to
asi it about dos Yid Of Sanctity, in • violent attack of
Blicoundisor, wlitch airas wort' painful, flying .bout
heat plait; to place, aecorppanted with mach .welling,
fa is to keep ma in catultaot brume- 1 used the It.
[relearn externally, • few applications of which re.
moied all pain, and every symptom of the &scow
1 ant now entirely well, and would take this oeemlio ,
recommend the Petroleum Le all who may be ie..
Mir snider the agonizing pains of Rheamatiom or kin
dad diseases. 'Signed) (Stoma Wm.",
near Perry !loose, Pittsburgh.
D.'S., general ad V 6111.1311i11t in MOW'S( oullanil
1.2.0111.1 LCMIrI 3C.,ll.—rttptucd toy J. W. Kelly
Wtham wee' and ale by A. /eying, Nu.
70 i Fourth quee r . Thie wi l o
be (band a delightful arti ,
els of beverage la families. and partlealatly for sick
foam. „ .
itaima--Ars Improved Chocolate prapar
ton, being s conatnuation of Cocoa out; innocent,
algorating,sed palatable, highly recommended pull.
Wally for maandr. Prepared by W. Baker, Denbo!
tor, Mars, and lot lisle by JAVtriPS, at Ma Pet
Ts 3tore. ran:mirth at ntnblt
taarrovettemiata in Don 7.
b 0.0. STEATLYS, late of Bolton, la prepared
watuulacture md wet Iliac* Tatra in whole md pa
diem upon Suction or Atmospheric Suctim Plates
Tuortilcriz Learn trt pas tortuttn, where the nerve
*teemed. &Flee and reudence nett door to the 10
otla rubor, Fourth street, Pit ohurgh.
assOn td.ceddhn.F. 11. F.atun. tat
DB. 13. HUNT,
penti.t. Corner orPowttk
and Dcaa EelwuD
LOGA'N, WILSON /1.. Co.,
Ask the sum:Aloft at purchaser. to then
Which they thlnk will compote foam - ably, boia
trILIII and ebtartnew wok - that of arty
other mien, ehl:er here or to
the Ear." , Cities.
Near Ea. Libersnon Tuesday 3 Apnl :id, CA:
danglktor of Om Rev. J. J. ZWElti+s , ,y, ated
one yea, and 1b.., mouths
- _
:tuna Caratrt w dative& a IGCLI.I3 On Monday
evening, 4/1 Wilkins net t—tialatec . t, ..The, Brat
of Natio. 0001 open at 7, the lectors Will Com
mence at half past'. Adintatton, Ink cents
1. etieltl'ilON-AAIIINMME Reg ß ular MeeungLIBRARY I.. of be AA...-
Will Lego plaee (under tee Iff,P roast . .. Wont on
Monday oroniug, Ago! P. at 7 O'clock.
DAY ID W. DELL, Swett.. '
tlOil FISH-111 tea on Oa
SAIA.nd - a - id ll for male by
.P., Water end Prom Ids.
- -
SUNDRIEgd-W t,.. Rattost;
t ea.. Caron;
lANDieberts Madan Tea;
t 5 hall-ober. peeked do,
I Drlpelder: eled
Vin Peoeltdel
3 btla egar;
100 u Saleraloo,
1 , " 10 bisy•ziegal:ed Soap
DI ,
dor rate. Zino Wenbnoarde.
1 ' Stlot Mot:tried Plektes;
e 5 doe Flouts Tomato.,
i For ute by l D WILLI/O.lPu
i' MA . Corner Wood and Filth kte.
TOW/. - .
... .
1 • t
.Ir;.l.J..VifitiAL,l6, Mfg) t/ ,, l3 ,, t,fi , N ,v tl i t.V l . , th tlf,S. , ‘ .,n l i .
Vny's Otbee, in tildney7slltellry. Canny, Ohio, on and
ether Wednesday, May IStet, lan, for deiror ibe stun.
I.o',lta''ltltelfitinntti:gag rarra al • IfOad, h ar e ' n " l ' W '
Trr tweed for letlint by the fifteenth.
the ine extends from sennevnith on die etheelnd,
Valoartors, and llintionatt Rail Road, through Marlon,
thkltefor fain, and eta/nay, to the there /net between
Ohio w
expeol Inhans—• walla/Wu/en of aboat Mouths.
, 'thcia cted /bairn low front the eastern MMus.
. itilrft.4l.o"*ll.l4,Villi friaDakfailltlliutllT
.Ilidan —a beta 23 coin, will then be reedy to let; and
he remainder of the th aw as nn on th ereafter it can
be /mated wfd prepnei.
Ether/Seances nth pins will be ready for Inspection,
nran at nil earaanth intormanon may be obt
eer. athed
pltethe din or th e chief engin la Marion p ,
or to J. Pan:bertha, fel/dent engineer In It/deep, slaw
tee Rh of May:
Illy order of tha Bond of Direnors.
lc. hiII.ROR R01.1131T8, Cron gagmen
• Ir.sin,,e.1 r.sin,,e. (awe. Marion, unio.
Starch lith 1',9_0.
MiSaistalame Notice.
.111: modtasignmal hoeing obtefordtate of Hugh Boyd,
ItLawn Tettuatenom an the es
of Igitikistobittok,deatenedosoma whereby ale.
to all pompom havliog Riaiais again. raid estate, ,to
present Item to tithe. Of the mmiatetibere, for trill ,
nem, bad all parse. - odeb.ed am- tey aired to mete
immediate payment. . JOSEPH tegimN Fig, . > ,
1,1M50. i lart.w3rs
toortishlN AO.
/10,2teenteer'• Bailees
XTILITICF. le basally amen, that Lenten; Teclinentaf
IN have this dty been 'yawed .7 the Beate, of fa.'
County et Alfelibeny trjhe ondeesi•n•d•to We
of Franco. Me4nit Mt, Lott of bdiasbeti towiwhip,
etuaL All perwoos who on in .by way infiebfeof
gaol estate, are hereby requested to psy the same inf.
anediataly. sad any having ChM. will please not t
thcrrt uldantifflWKl, prepcsiv aaileuticaled, for
nobleman. on the lath Itillllll. the laic resideneael
Is deceased, J PAWSrENIGIIT,Eisewac
Aofil 4n. A. L. It _
60. tapfl-orlOS
-1-5111:911119fL'll /ALE.
BY virtue of a writ of le gat t facies, iffusloat of the i
JO Distnet (A' run of Allegheny faunnty,md to me di.
rfted, wal be erposed to public sale,
the Gillet
Ifonte, so the City of Pittshosga, ou Nondag, 7+4 day
r 1 Aptit,, A. D. Ihso, at 10 o'clock, A. AI, the follawmg
Ornegibo4 PeoPeri7 , 0 '":— -
All tits rtatet, hate, interest, and claim of /atone K
Speer, of, In, and to all that 000=1 let or piece in
(entail .longs 10 the City of Pittsburgh, conflating tee I
perm of lute No. 49 and bit, in Woad*. pl.of td Pitts- 1
bargb, being also lots No. 6,7, a:Kandla,. atalow i
'Proven's plan, wit) bounded and described as follows, i
c —helpmate( on lb. westetly use of 11. ..a streeh
t(ian:lefty It w•ri's alleyl at the gig stmggeo of 1643 feet
nomberlY from Peon atreet. t hence. northerly along
Hancock street 100 feet. thence weaselly parallel with I
Penn .hest, ICO feet to Mattocks eirey. thence along the
said alley southefly 100 feet ta alfrlyste alley an Feet
wide, end thence along the • ly edatatly, g stall." l
with Penn stre• 1 lee feet to t he place of begin:neg.
Doing the reale lot or ploeo ol groan/ which blattliew i
Drown by his deed bearing date Auc.7l. A D that, 1
and feeor/ed to the office ord. Recorder of Allegheny i
Canal , In boot 3 X, page ---, conveyed to do ,nut 1
.I.tnee P. Speer. Alio, 40.1_11 , a1 011ie, 10101 paces of •
ground. on 'Rai ilk Is ereepd , bring .Igrellin4 house,
si nolo - Ingo . City of Pittstrillga, being port of lot No.
Of ig Woods' plan of Pittsburgh, va nice plat is Ward
ed/WI deice:bed as faitoreuto wit.—beguining on the
sonlghtly Min of Pena closet al 1110 corner Offrorlit's
they, nod thence extending in front on Pearaotnyet
...tett, ad Metiand in depth on Imeltiltollay loather!).
wparollog li tam wzdth 11U Met, to ila alley 10 feet
wide. Dela e &
lbra same 101 of piece. of Igo:kind which
L O l/ 0 1 i ,:a ( t11,5 l' ilare Kept . 3 :ii, ' " r.. ' lo3, " an ' il l f o i .05404 11,
the office of the Resumer o f Allegheny ut L utatit ' , t l n ,
book ti Y. page N3l , and conveyed lintat alial to the
maid James P. Speer. &tied and tsiten in eteention
as the prof its of has 11 7 Speer, at dm au I of the Penn
nig.. Fire lneut on. Comps ny,
CURT and toIS, be sold by
1.1 Sheriff.
Sherif. Office, April 4, 10111.
TVRNPIKE LgrTlNGS—Sealell proponents atilt be
annoyed In Mama lodbma, until 8 o'clock,
A. Id, on 'Wednesday. April adtk. for Me raduation
and Without' of ten mile. of the Using Sun g Turnpike,
meddle& mme fdeAdannetne, heavy Masonry. and
Wooden fluperstracturee. The bee will be stOtwo,
nogg toad, and necessary explanations made o n the
grated derma the two preceding day. by
/NO SVILIAANI 4 , Engluesea Supettomeill
JUIIN F. nuvoutt, President
Ily,ortle of the Cod of Directors
A C.rtinned
Dowask, Seeretary.
Illptng yen, Indiana, March Bth, 116.50.
Settled pont/toile will be Saturday,n Veva., Mikan*,
until 10 o'aleak, A. Id., on Apol 07114, tor Me
graduation, brallong, and hicAdauttaltig of Odin fire
to eight miler of the Teeny Turupike goad. The lice'
wil Le e reuren nole read, mil nectsrary cant..ions
.101118 B,9l""frtue.T
137 coder of the board of Directom
Yar Dermot, Secretary
Artengetnents are to progres owes nd in annfidently
...peered that not earending miles of the Ghent
urele, ail Carroll o,lmin, Or Lucke, Pfnct. l l op
posite heavy, lndiaza, will A
be let on the awn- day,
under aintilar, clroolastarters Se Me \realty Tut:nuke.
The road also to he graded, bridged, and Me Adentlred.
Contractors will led It to their adrantege to attend
thews lettings, and gain a Uvulae herb, a. snob
i=iTg:ntlNt ' et i li 4tlarZtrgand'el"e:
among the most plenteens and healthy parts or the
country. There was no plownlent cholera as rusher
place Isst season; not even general derehnement of the
bowels as at other piscine
ap6.4.12, JNO. S. VP ILLJAMS, Civil Engineer.
Two Deily Liitt Exprtis Packt t Boat',
Mad- Wall Road Cares
( F .lO LUeivlrt.Y' l t oo'P•anaanste,)
Via she New Central Rail Road and retiree Canal.
Titee—GO Soo n•• ... .... •Fare-419 through.
2116 mile Riad, and 150 talks Canal.
s }tell rs
,R,ll.l,llead.Cot,o pa.
aaarlA case tong Jactowit Plutatlelphle, kering
there Immediately nose the arrival or the Paced
Road front the West. ibis •Irtuigcm. ,
pea will go Ihroagh •
detCatlath .
A 1 , ..ka Boat will leave every darning at al
clash, Ited'reett ervennleat 9 e'olnek. is not
This route, for Safey, Speed, and Capstan,
equalled by any now in use to the Eastern Clues.
Far posage or intoortabWit_elty
sp6 W OUP.= Ba sin
I'Vel.=-1.7 7 : 4 2.7b , .1, in" PI X;
Prior low .epply
epg4r3gO Corner of Wood and Thad au, Pittsburgh
TORN wimr.b. CO. have tomo•ed their stock of
U. Groceries'to tie opposite side of Lawny at.
W YNE IRON WORKS weamoo3r.l
Mir AILEY BROWN AL CO. tilVoll rtioe•Cd to No 120
kip Wow et, ad doer below tie Idonanaahela Noose,
— qo Let,
ALARGE and eMurenable OFFICE, and it m
nu lied, some Rooms in Warehouse No 1 12 Peeond
u a desirable lou.W 2 i 1 tor bniiiness.
Entire al the
TIACON-40,0 30 Urn Hams and Stunldetn, dIX
!T. ' S'*"
H111110:7471, CO, Libcrn,n
mime Cincinnati Cured Mame;
Evan. & SuireamlP 80 _
Miller, Uroarn & nankin , BLi ,
nee Shoulders. for milli by
31 Water and IN Frontsta
B A.coN-12 o a k:
N do
12 do
I bbls No Loaf Lank.
a'aS kc
g do do; for sale by
aos LS WATERAIAN t. 80:48
17 • VIERS —ln sks pri s ms, in store and lot 6p
L WATER3I ik .n kko c. :5 =
F _
1 FOR :o LE—td feet
and marls a a Co,
‘""P, """''ll
TENITIAN RED-25 bbls oo Flish. for sole by
DITCII-34 bills for sale by
1100.5p12 ottires=4lo - ...—ssis by
L AR o D WL—"B"' qu'lelgiVN7ll
IA RED solo bt
___—_-- -.-.---- . _,-----------
rIRUDK SALT FETKK-31 sacks to antre, and I Bennenata HOSInotS4
‘,/ for sate by IdtaAll DICKEY k CO, I FULL rupplb , of Cbina Pearl. Rooth and Ready,
•~' Water and Front Ms A .
------. Rutland It card, Florence Wad, and other tiller
. of Homo., turbropon slams north east 110M01 North
BACOri-E1 tacks Sides;
4 do Shoulders, . and Market etre_ alai - by
4 do Hama and
oroo :
raultuy a BURCHFIELD.
3 d o tot em to byrtoo
ono; o j oat ooy Gene• i Atto—Fare Flown, and ndt Caps, of near and
as, for sale by ISAIAH DICHISY 6 CO, I handeorao Pyle. • . __. t ..,_ ap3
'NWT and Fromm. I • • to.— -
bb No I,
I net. do; •
3 hi Ws du; toIS SIii•11 an lot Gala by
2alAH d
00111CYX, and for
BEKSWsaIe by [sp.%
'"41111 DICKEY
nREASE-4 We to arrivielaßnlxor k CD
-Eir.ATIEEM--131 aka to arrive ea neva,J or
r b spb I 15IaA Ge
* CO
;LATHERS -13 sacks Itse gees% prismsgsality,
reed on consignment, for sale by
.sos GllOO CCCHQAN ; 4A W_owl s'
riOTION YARN—Doran Yarn. anau -- stfactured
Econmy; abio, Batting, Candlewick and Twine,
a, / i g!! by iapaj GEO COCHRAN
lariAirk NAN UREEOREB —tltipertor ...lea, for
AU gain low by tapa) GEO COCHRAN
1 14 0030 Mill NI-14 J
KI lbs ost reel &
and for sale by
DD CO.OO Wood et
DORdX-470 ilia refined, for sale by
app_ J KIDD a CO
JUJUBE fla3el.K-100 lbs fur sale 7
GROSII ABeds Nerve and Bone
DDLi &t, COfor
hvtl ode hy_. Ispsl 1 KI
()WTI , . CORKS-400 gross superior Vol 1, for
__Nod] I KIDD 1 CO
sale hr
\VI7II 330 ACRES first rata Land, for wde on
ita wed side of Big BEILVer,
well wattled with
Strolls, and has about 300 henries Fruit Tows, one
large Frame Darn, ono Dwelling Boum, with Iwo Ca•
not Houser, lot which a good warranted deed wildba
teen any person vision!' ID DiIICLIDID wall ple•se
nail on the pow Letor, living on Or premise.
. .
Varlet: is hereby given, that ilia Comity Appeals,
.1.1 awn the T,lOOO a] Asiessinent of the year POO.
teas ho held w the tunes .4 places bolos. awned, IoW
teas , the hours of lu o'cl.k A. M., and 4 o'cJock P.
lil, iii each day, to Ws:
at and •h 1 Wards, Ptusbutgb, on Monday, April 92,
at the thinitaasiocerie Mee.
II and Oth Woods, Taesday, April V, Cora. °See.
hth and O W Watds, Wednesday, April 24, COlll. 01.
7th and lith Wards, 'Thursday. April CI, Coot ONea„
Celt Waal and Pat township, Friday, Aped WI, Com. i
Office. •
tit .4 2d Wards, Allegheny, Sainnlay, Aprill7, i
' 4:1; wards,.Mond ay, April MC.. DID. , 1 •
I.awr.resille .d
Ttiethlal , Ahal ZIO, P6.11.1\114 Pswordatl •
COOL Othee ! 1.60 V . Tkepi:P:: . do de,
s o „,y b,,,gb and Lower St. Clair, Wed.wlaY, i 40 4 do noon . mo ma aif i o;
May I, Com Other. WO Mo d do F, FF. Re, Ulattinr,
®.4.(00 00
am dad Esa Diriffl°o' ...,Th° " lol ' p ' IPSO dm J.Aflin's A Semliki., awl Blasting:
2, Cott, Office.
Dacus.. boorish awl /wens township. Friday ", :730 .do do do 11110304 , C ;
May A Dina. Offiee. 3W do do do N Y Wife;
do do do Antetic.. SiLIC
l'e Wes township, Rartalsy , May I. Cara Ohee. • 100 I
..d t kr....
Wilkins 'Pp., Mooday, May a, at F. Wilson a ,
Pt= and Patient, Tuesday, Mayl, In Phan, Little... Ili 00400 c.rdster ' do do;
Versailles sa d Ala Wednesday, May s, at 10 do 'do Prairie Shooting;
McKeesport, hl Ilearl'a 10 do do Net do;
illi.heth borough and township and West Rita- 5 bbl. Safety Fasc-la =win. and to an
t e . nee; II of which iii offered lii the trade on the moat
' la': T""'" ' Mop 0, ''''''''''''''''''''' IL '''---- ' Livia:hie mina. Dollserable af all boar. of the day
ert's w,, v ip j ss as,E; 1 The rotality ant vaciattaffisACa.bacr Pawilatitii,
.h ga, " ''''' - 31 " 4 ' , 1 .‘ i4.7.- - --, -t, ' --,---IsettastershosterstMactrpentssem,s.t....,-,°-,s-I.'
"likany's. la'liderson. ' 1. C. INDWELL. ArteriA
Snorrden nd Baldwin, Monday, May IA Ho b ert ' !P 2 __—....----i------- ---- 1
hlehee's to tasidwin.ClallifOr RIR Mlaalicallas
Upper Si. Clidr, Parader, May 14, lames Connot,s. I
Nardi .d eolith Maya., Wednesday, May 15, Had- A
, wn= 3.3. 1.. of DIM Drab ,ant flearlit
Blantett, very bertyrjrist We'd ft= Fayetle
elitirlitittVani"M.'"oon, Thaaday, May 16, liaiab Gars, k / "" t.""i"g C "Vglisljr, ;WANG 6 co,
io Findlay.
Robinson, Friday, May 17, Sandi McFarland's. No US Wood et
Mi. and Fainhlini M'sioNT , lidaY WI J•faa s Dian. 1 11010 LACK. AND DRAB SATINET - FS NW WA% from
flass.Triesd ay, May ft, Newers• r.m* ,lll . ,j h the Mafas loaf, .d for sale. at tha Mattsfsetar.
Pare see inst.., Wedaesday, ALT rt, Jar.. Uri - ' cl'• P 6.• 4 . r ' ' •
West Deer, Thursday, May 0, llowithi, thidtesstowm !
Raw Deer and Tateritans, Friday, May 24, John i 111.1.11E1.,,EACILIESIHR,TING CtIECIUS-Yor sale
Marlys, at Tarentura., at the Al.facturet • lowest once. .
'Opine anti Sharps:inns. Slanday, May IR A. Stow i apii
art's. in Indiana. . . I 1310wias rhUllginf i'Cirkp prinetpal Assessor is ffgalte4 to annul at the I „.„„, _,:„...,_.„,,, _ ~,,_,___
..„,_. „,,, ~,__
tine and piece of bolding ibe Appeals, for hit proper 1:1^.1.7.;7:c.,-..7-11.7;77.gnr.v01--p,
W ard, Townettin or Do as l sb.
Infos. Ph.IIKINS's for salt, of tads eastrufaciadng, a Intl assonment of
' ' , IronAgails; &pikes, Osstinp, and Hot Mast Pipes,
WM. DENSON, I.Costraisalwasra. : ~d . m sd lidipt Via host timidity, et the lowest prices.
I &MCI Goastat, 1 Mr44413S MISTof On lafei firm of Tway A Ben,
144."".3- :., ite•lne , 110111tesed p
an Interest in the Sreet edit tato
-..' avg. eithir.:Wartbansa, and will deem his entire
Verdian - Si Ihetwalitess, and endeavor:se render sat-
Isfactlne to the friends yr his Ism firs, and 411 ethers
who Ref Owi
mar no th thelrMosners.
W Water et. Pittsburgh'.
ir• young man, • EINSIIC. a. Kook Keeperoe
Genemt Clot, or o[a on • Blown Hoot, Owl. •
good knowledge of bownew, having had ten years ,
agpertenee; he feels cf.lident of giving every sans
(whoa; to • good aieountant, and wrdea a rood bond;
of • goal moral Character, and temperate: man Sine
thr best of city referenced Any coos...knot* ad
dressed .Ul, thin odlee, will kw attended to.
111311 SILT McKAIOfT,
ll'OliNFA' Al' LAW—Ocoeeloath side of
roatta au between Messy alley and Grants,
CIVIICIL CA/MVO:EA 6 Co. bare wastosed to
No 07 Water t. between Wood k. Martel. in the
boosts formerly o added by Heady. Jones k Co.
PAPEB—W. P. idsstsnsts. t. constantly
TT feceiving, (rum the largest usanufactories In
Now York and Phtladelplos, slso Iron( French
gear lee; newult and 610 It appeoved styles Bo :rd
per Heeding% new
odds Lkdders, Fire Board
Print., and Teeter Tops. For talc at B 5 Wcnod sts
menu Fourth s 1 sod Diamond alley, (successor to d.
C. Slat
-. last it, Ribbons, le.
110.11:11•tir, 11.014 tux.-
I) H. -PALME.II, No 400 illorket Omer, is penu
lt, ed to oiler very veat inducements to boners of
Stew at Miloomy Goode, of every description. His
s took r o ar t m of every chewable style of Plain and
Caney Straw. Braid. Gimp. 'french Lase =Jollier
Ronne.. Jenny Lind, California, Round and fedstaret ;
r op Rat Isr fames and Clients.
14.110' unto, In area variety. Men.. Leghorn,
.., Warr, China Comte and Sultan held.. Rib .!
non, Firmer., Bonnets, Silks, sod other
Artyllar, ire
1314Ciliala, Va. March 6, HMO.
All R C SCLLRFLS-1 have dispored Dealt the
.81 cough Syrup and Liver Pills you sent me, and
19 dor of the Vomiting..
I have awed all your Family Medicine. In my fo l
am utilY.
and hove also prescribed them in my pramn
very one, pleased coat them, and have Maud nothing
, to equal than, Send me don of yoor Veronfuga, and
10 dos each or taa Liam Pills and Chuck Syrup.
Respectiolly yovM,
(Extract of Lotter.' T. T./Lesson.
Thom highly popular somliernee may hod Of the
proprletor,A I 1 SELLERS, 67 Wood at, and Dragaista
generally in theifelles mid vicir
FOR PARLORS-06amole and Corn Colored Wall
Caper, for handsome rooms, eon be found al the
Paper Wareham., No 01 Weal O.
1/13.1110V Moo
h. el. NELSON b. CO., have mmoved to No
JUI 39 Wood 011001. epitomic the St Chattel Hotel.
The) have &leo charmed the style of Oleo firm, and
the emblem will be curled on *Macao name sod
orbs of -Pastier d Neleons.'t
Manufaencers of Cast Sil.l and Hammered Shov
els, npades, Ilan, liar and Manure Fot Solid Don
Vices, Otto flarrele,kc. Haring enlarged trier wiirs,
they e. supply theis friends at the shortest eiririta
and lowest price the manias will afford /tit aril.
cies made laths belt materials *ad larekistylo
clients wishing to purchase will pod, It to their adv an•
line to ensoitne their Min before putchnsing che
raetr '‘ofe.e, on canol moot awl Or
C " ,o,, r ;T i bt! L ino.ll S RORANT
MAR -60 bbl. To, yo core and for.
' y
- • - Ctt URANT
pyycir—b' ado for .ale by
.Pl.• _ _
sale by
S ' MLAL'B 9,7I=I)(7,VIZSON .4. CO
o. blot ntltiG~ IVW~Loak boo,o,yr, f or
II •rake " ULUClFiakill;
sp I _
N. l'i.,""K--11*Mil"nan
ILARIFIED SURAR—Viluzill4rth4og
"‘ .11111/fIRGE„ 4iwiox k CO
jurf i rlicAo r r a t i frao
1,-lo bb foi - .2.1i1y
of.ll 0 CANFIIRM
.R ru 5-1 u bxo - and uko for rale WI
"4'4) 1 13 CANFIELD
'IB. 10I1N hIAIITIN respeetfally galloon°. to the
eltlsermaf rialbl l / 1 0. that ho has permanently
Of 10-4 cl(in thm city, far the porposo of prac.
I'2 bledicioe and Forgery, in all Its Tarloas branch
. lila °Mee is on Fourth street, No 100. Residence
rf. 07sasse at. _
Sigi Att., STARCH, te —ld tilgs F N 0. 0 lima;
is !Rush;
_ 'a bbl
Clarified guitar;
Wilding this day and for tals by
4Cht 3AGALEY & Cu
1111431TARY 811AYINO 11011.1 . -3 am for “10
By Job* D. Icllovti.A. 2 6 ll on . e r.
Law St7l-a-if Dry Gsta--Perampeary Sae
(IN Monday neeminatprilB,, at 10 &oek, at tbe
kJ coonnerwal sal. rem, corner el Wood ad Fink
4lreelf, will be old wnbpot resarae a large sod gene
ral a.sortment of wuonable staple:and laney,foreign
and domestic dry spode. which are now ready for ex.
monad°. TernWs .ra n ntlVlS, Mellon. ,
. ,
Sure Fixtures,. Ir. .54. , ..4' 4 1 •
uriu. be added to tbeaale of Orneerlea and Fdrni
. I tore, nt the Commercial Sales Roma, on . y
.fk.won. t 3 o'clock-4111mo flung Counter, a qaan.
Illy of Sealeing and Drawert,larleTea Canistenykc;
also. 6 Fire Proof lum 13+06., ...... W " - '')i
ape JOHN D DAVIS, Anetlone r.
I Sae if iValuald•pfutilksioso r 404., '
2...,__13.1aN1ay avonaor, Aril 6th, nt Vecloe4O l
"'" ...mud.' Hales -Room corner . of:Wood)sad
Vdtle strews. wilt be sold- '
An exienalre 631.10T49011 or near Hooky
among Ike
colleen. will be round;-Standard Workion 1111sWIT,
1 Poetry, Theologyithe Thema, Romances, likstrit66'
• 1 B°° " , k•d , ( . 01 1 end poeket Bibles; al" in6y l,3
, , table miscellanea. works from private litanies,
.n 5 JOHN DWI% AeTt
I 3 ago, Dray, andl!nelarh /Wagon, at Am . :Siam
On Monday aftemorm, the bth inst., at 3 d'elneib in
front of th e Commercial Pales Booed., e 1.." °iN 1 1" "
and Filth ats,..will be sold-- -
1 substantial wend hand Boggy with falling t4p;
1 superior new Dray
, I
1 do do Peddler's Wagon.
Bonnets. Bounteta,
A. MASON & CO., Market / t. between 3d and
A. 4th, have Jam mee t and am now welting. 3O
ases Rocnctm among erldeh are Jenny Lind,l earl,
Florence Medea/OM Pedal Braid, Lonna, English Doe
etablee;Rogilals Straws, Rough and Ready, and a g
naval vuoely of all qualnle• and prices.
Itlbbons wad Plowors.
'iurrtr), i7 slv OW
.-30Mdo.,lograaool =t and motaahoo•
a ,
A A mAscrx
!dulcet in
. C 0, .. ,
A. MASON GO Markel Street, Ws..
Lt A Third and VOISTdI,I 4 1 . 13 IIOW reeelaing &large ion
sorts :lent of ULTIMO Do Laic& PerdlYl' 0005,2.9 en•
tin WM/ article; Pelletal& Cape De Lain, &et with
o f ge IMIOTUDEnt Of lawns a other 6.
o the Islam Myles and most fasndhionable colors.lo '
Osage Oran/a.
15 - .000
#r Rearing. per sale -
uelt llstaeek's Hedge Pena Nursery.
an 3 elk erlisT
- -
Wall Paper Warebemee,
N -.."' hiABIET SMELT. between Tina and
Fourth suers, Pitubargh, Pa.. 'MMUS P.AL
hiER would respectfully tall the attention of, his
friends and eowenters, to his prawn *Madden and
general mock of merchandise: It twill be found to c ode
Prise every dlrertption of.dmetieut and Preach WWI
Paper and Border for Psalms, Hank Dining Rearm
Bed Chambers, Counthut itoontse.,nuntieg irma 121
cent. to Si a peed.. Bel great a dial:Jewry of Oar.
and qualities eau hardly fall to Bait the e Immanence.
and testes of purchaser. who may favor with their
rummage, the old mmblishml stand on Marta street.
• .
IHAVE taken WA.wOhlr zr
f llttleatti d pzi t ti
panted my.'"ra.riente of "John Parker
?! " u nd er JOHN PARKER
etch lti, R,60. •
Jahr Parket • • William Caw -
Whotwit in Maio: in Prodder, Foreign
Tines; Liretors Old IlfoneragahrLl • -
and Rectified Whishy.
Na.s;Cotataereial Raw. Liberty rea
stt, '
O TUcKEltla3khl plena , call fal Ms bar.
at Fel of wine, 37 in mobs, pay Owns. and
take them away. GEO. B. hILTENDEROF 3I,
airV Fput weal
jan reelland
WEEP POIWIVEZ- 6 maitri6a.
b Y 1 ":_ 11
VINEOAR- 20 I,vs int
'One mad 1110.1.• lasiarsano...
qinE OFFICE of the Insurance Comp.,. of North
Arocrics, has been resumed to No. 141 Front I.
cast of Wooa
Tbe subscriber, it
for the oboes. old and4Aort.
siblo Coroosny, Issue .Yonetes'en ed
thelr ontents, and on shipments of Iderchandtso by
eesm.Boats sod other vessel.
---'nlWillift.:47,7o OW, No 122 sui b
73 . 11 61tANT .
F 43 1
VUISVI4L, JAME-70ztta' te, j
calved pat at Canal:mai, and for ageby
do FooAbors: Dist reed' sod for
s reel nod (or We by
Liberty noel
Por H—s e..
ot.L nurnat—a bt
_ .
IG "
t:timer ?Oak. to
.0 • • 'JAMW TOlVater Ft
EaMICE STONE-618 lb* Yea ned mid for sale b
R SELIARS, S 7 Wood et
r.:o . LT—act. I b fbr sole by stu
UAL ARABIC—X I O lbs foesalo vt
.—trAzzgy ,
r a uiciA LIQUORICE -40°141
MMANNA-1 tan fur szle by
ayl , , ,
WalmPets scram Nap Printresiter.
wAG 8RY1.16, agent for Febees Megnetie Geose,
has egain reterned to this city, and will 'remain
a short time, at. Christy'. ilotel"Penn 'Week. This.
wishing to mail themsd , is of thUt TWUSWe irtan , tnm•
men % to tanner the use of Mom safe from explosions,
will do well to o f . ta. ealL The Ganges are now
e pets tan Jo this OM tines press ollicet.the Water
Works, Willey is Drown'. iron Work ft, hlegueorane d
Donee.. Fleeing ?dill, Jones k. QtegiPs Marbles
Shop, Faber's Foundry, and the Cuy (Dist PALI of
Messrs. Willnianh k Noble. Muria Allegheny city,
et the Peke and Eagle 'Cotton Factor... Paltneetock
et Ca's Lead Factory, Wright k Lake' Machine shop,
and INV. Turning Shop,
The ;amusing tostimenal inlayer of "Faber's ]tag.
Ilene Water flange, coats from as respectable a
goatee on to trains it to great consideradent
• .Pane Ceerron Nur.,
Pittsburgh,,llB3o. '
Deer Sir.—Agreeably to requeat,.we will give you
our annum in taspeCt to the entity and partied work.
Inge of "Faber's Magnetic Water (tango," which has
bees in operation on the Boilers in our work, some
el ht menthe. • I
It .acrd. us great pleasure to state that in eri Anglo
ta u muou during this time his it felled to ....M.Litt .
Meats the quantity or position ef the vramylat the
boiler., as Intended, and for which IA is ea &doused).
adopted Its extreme simplicity places itst:MeaL ba
reed tar possibility of peel( betemine.ininged In an.
ono, while at Mu same tilitn.ilitlissiensi • valeta almost
en tasty, by giving , atom warning Of any deg'
stoney ot stream mina bonne, and as suo%itmtnm fall
of being sppreciated by all those Inlet steam: In Mots
kW sena 'could mdaw as to dispense with this Indies
tot Very trtillnri , cinun & CO.
Furniture Warehouse.
Adjoining the Pitirietrgh Beek, as Med Oren.
T HOM.: pe.ona who ilmilro to not from wren.
m seat c al ltcouls Furniture,
a. reFoteiltal isivil4 to at ay warelanath
bete 101 he handl ',huge and well salaried stook
at the most approved style at worksaausblp, bath
uualcao tad ancient, and calculated us please the
taste of all that, who duets µalas &mantas subotan•
Futnlttint. 'llatrig determined to ditimais of tax
Patient cadre Mock, at eery seduced pdceati feel
coaltleut that lapse mho &alto any article in my Ilse,
will not fail at beats milted. A. bIeCURDV.
IL ON & I 0
b 7.
NclCal AND znamas. •
mous & cry, 01 bracket street, between
Third and innortb, rus bow opetingt
4 a own* an widths linbinet Laces and _ kits;
11 1 dir'. I""
soroprimbs Ashburton, Loon, thread, Smyrna, Jae o
ne awl Voris% matins the most complete sasortinent
ever offered to tem mute , . ‘Ol
bole and= asp prime, for_ nes by -
C. OeflAd,q
0, al do Keane k Siwftin In Cote
and for sale by ispll
tun L D ERS-13 cube rechiper en. ham Newton,
and for sato by
rDDiti BrkelEr- 1- 1 1 stamp fine tbookmg,
jort reel and tor sale by
'DAWN-4 eauo reed per sly CW
El/ Sikh, b) D , PiL: •0 U GRANS
irrirEt — t - S , neat ste-Wat it in
0 lands, for bY .1 KIDD & CO;
60 Wood a
00/ .30 stems mortar lot sale by
M.. OW •1,11141110 S:
Drew Gael< and rarquette• ,}.•• •• • • 40
S.seceal and Third ie.
Gallery Gal colored para?Ml__
Door. open at 7:
Oa dintarday, April 6. mill be presented the play. of
1th..1 Du
Mr R loanttort
Fnit ay WsHatt.
To exiehada with - •
Fanny alra. Kern.
lrygonday, Benefit of Mire Fanny Wallach.
Throe Melts Only —.oostutasese tug ea
Tuesday Mag. Apstl 9Sh.
Or, Bears BlB : Ringers;
gesputfellY %Waimea a Unite of their chaste, Wee I,
and novel la6lllClll Ettlellgaint6l34ll.ll above, with
change putt e .
-• • ,
In adtlatort to sell Mde, Coneert will be en.
livened by a -Warren% dun, eompose-. of Htti
yueberissysex and Wilma talented sena. For per
. 411,11.T.,==b-i's.: Direeter.
Price of admission, SS emu. %New st be bed at
the principal nude stares, bete* ea oats door.
DOari epee at 7, Concert to tounenenee tuft &elect.
seadift • , _
PEN DLU—frose 9 toll In the owning; 1 to 0
Oto the afternoon; end Cann 7 ID 104'etoct la the
7 111 : r.Littn . nee 25 cents; Children 414;!LA mop
h Y d Teets
'TUE SACRED lIARMO.NIST, anew aellecdcm. of
1. Chord, Altaic. F.dited by.tieorr angel!. 1., hu
nter of Social Choir Jessedle Choir, &e. . , , d
Sabbath School Gem. of blush. and Poetry, designe
expressly for the Sabbath' School; by'J. & AirOnstk.
A nese Treatise on datronotnyi and the Me of rho .
Globes, in taro pun tlornaltarta Astronomleal and
Whet deinilic>=ooollpallusdpositious Ottawa:o,m=
sod planets: Kennet,. lays and.Tbectil of Gravitation,
reeds, Menaces, Phenomena, and Mem:Andes .of the
Heavenly __Balks compoalug -the Solar Spam; &e.i
also, wt extensive collect on of the most enrol 'Prob
lems en the of of the illasusted by 7
able variety of Examples, Gbh ; designed for the an
of MO Schoen and •cantrates. •By Janos hi dre,
M. Is, Prolenar of Mathematics and•Astranciany hi
the Central MO ea.. 0 1, of flaWatons: ... ."I
Cook and ort, or Imams of • Umisein tint united
I States Frigate
Wrenn; with Sheehan
if Rio Janeiro, Valperanarildnia, Holletala. MS Sal ...
Prawn.. Sy Bev .
.'atioltan,l.t. S. N.; ;tither
of eLV and Shore, &e For sahrtry
A. IL Ertataim a co, ,
Soccenots to ELLIOT & 7
N 0.9 Wend IMI-
i f A23 ; 1111. 1 IH,' Co/camas Mixplecta ‘a9
to tti Wulhouss . al No. 116 Mel I:23Zr Wo:11
and SmithISAIL. - .fit
• • For 5.10. • ~. ,
THREE Acaln OF LAND nituate . abont ataliu
from the city, near the Temente of-R
oe. 1116,1taird
Lee, on the Oreensbarsh Turninkei suitab for coun
try residences.
AL.—Font llundred Acres of Land, trusts in
Franklin township, zboot 16 Mlles htlat
13.41 Franklin Road. - Tans will be divided an manna , -
ehuern Then ill excellent auk aite on
A t tc
Lot of Ground near the Neur Elwin, Ins
tal Ward, bang 00 feet aquaria, on which is n two
limy Brick Dwelling Noun.
Inc parnealars and tonna of sale ennuire of •
• DAVID D. 1111001, Attorney ar Low,
Fink et, beCa lYood and
AThad ud Ton% Anna,
Thula Whin, az a Dri Ooad aloft:
alar-1 loot well Mani 800 nhathe wool !ux,
ant toot to Mr Lars Monatile Oitaga This nom va
sreandrand nilatea far musical melon or Andean,
anc aid unvaina7 urroged d let tr zi .
rt Ofru,Tairdst, over the Tut 0111 n.
Dow Books I New Boolist I. ." ' '
110 u L i t , LEt.' 1 , ..1TA.Et. HY DEZOT, Mr! rtider, op.
pon... r.
Era Du ODD, Z 0 r IL /arm: by
I l= cap, a ararldrpro, by Mr. rive
DialloassiMl= in'i. Waal ..., En 10.14,
Part 6,..
Mimi likmerewr. or tha Sant Order or Sena, toga.
0 .0 . -.
Dr Valcothae, and 21.1. RUM ADrtamorphaer.
The Sur of Us rams, Iry DI Al Corti, lip
Worms's Fricaishia, a Story of Derestre." Ufa ' .
MD . and 'II Wry kin into
MD. I.lll,'Wersti hislrilla
Wohoorot and her Barearaorr. by Wlralon
Maw Bookao •• : ,
1,09}109, a nook of • Phyoloallawriptiao of M Eat
%) TIM, by Lloollottio; J oar, C'etk awl 7apa. • •
&SWIM of alotootto, ilto Now Enema of tit. Nylatika
E Bermootorith map; t tot. Colima Papa.. • .
Life oadCotropowitoot of Booths?, ROB. ••
ltapkoolow Rio fssoo. tat Book ofLibu Tomati,:by
lam:twat. •
War its of Las ad 117calost of Vow Clbabiorh la BAY
Roo W Mans; DD; rot I, okoh. For sale ; •-•
" a itocrinme,.. ,
No 7d Apollo BOdingt,'lddrei
fIIGIRO-1.00,0X1 Comm. Ciprejost me& ood brash
itoe . n a irt y - r . ea,s tot s 'Fi . i,i4 , l4 , t r zwAr
6.J. Wrrll.lll2ll ..--.
of uL Loll. . • o u .
.senvzi: J. arir.Trukaii.L :di ;v0,,,
V No U 7 Lowe, and ND 0 :loath Commercial stmt.
ac Loa6.Aio.
iAtU-Li,l a aloy e C o
Ri.. , ..—FilLta 6.Bonn&t::,ltoi no,.
r, `4tA
Greely - k Gee, - • Co: .- ~. .- i.. 4
James Todd, Loulaville; Kr a ; . . ~.. ,- - ,
, Joann Lohmer,CloOinu.4;o; . ,1 - Itr' .-
• -C it crust, Final:are, Pa; . • - .i0r.;W., -, .::
9141tIoL__ Jobu Id Hadeburo, 1E21raya . 21p1 . 4.: ':. ...
fligtil) VA 10 , . '777.":.
TAmvs4l.t.oCKWOOD,Booktellir .a Importer, '. •-•'•,-.-
0 IM Forth sireet,&fe. door east* Wood moot,
Dile 6.3 Wood small.
11111110YED. . • r's
INGi v a,IIARTUAN & Dare removed to NI..
MI alba areal. tell, doors above IrVood,greet:
eitstlioli leen and Stool IS
SLNGER. lIARTIIiAN tr. CC:4,Na. MI Water lint,
monotactstrets of Spring, Plane, and Amer_
bteel, I.4lreirtp mad mica. anvils, .73104 11; •
Sloysa, dr-de- . : .• ort4t,
' ox
.c n GRANT
Wor natal. '
T iff ezri
vol FeClAtt. by Mawr. H. P. ft 9. Nelson h Ca Tin
lot Is 1I by 113 feel, fronting an two streets slat/111V
'betty riser, with buildings and Swam Emame,llllnao
cylinder, it fent strata. %a labels will 'be laanut
fat a teSUI.Of yea's; paSsession can be Ricoh 13233a
dimly. Apply to JOHN H. 11w0STON,
al I.lw . • Adjoining the breathe*: '
aut:4l.-1U boxes Hassell* h Robinson's 63;
3 cues Humes' I paands; Past seed
USWIIV t BUKCEIFIELD have received *loran
LU. assortment or Repka's Cotton Summer Wear for
Men and Boys, so well known for durability of metre
ond wear. Also, -. •
Wool Cessireares and Tweeds, In a!.y or.
styles and qualm,. • • -
Persons lervtdorr soy rutinl, in this
ly to be mailed at me north east corner or.Fdarth aJL
Matter amt..
Coantry alerehanta and other* selll,tiMumbu.V.
ft hturphy's Wholesale . Rooms, up stairs—eatrateo
from Fourth street.
fIOPAL VARNIkI=ST - ralilicali,d7aiires - iiiV a
goof qoal!ty, warranted. For sole br
'mem? 'CO,'
Freed arrest
WERKITOEzE, pio IL7 Front Laterta to mt. It-
eik-FERIEVOREW.:EFGasTRYWiir! went.
lj po:CATo . (0 1 :1;: f ie
4 111 "A
16. 11 . 111 7: ,
sPi --itifiranN6!..F OZER
W: -LW OW, la siarataVal
i Ly
,LARD bid* NoTtiikair•
No 114 sloe and, fatalaaa .
f INSP.K.DI.IIII.-3.1 bpit tioratiiarzNus
_La * g .mutprk,
W A LIV47IIIV.agre
ta t e' : " ail 04.1 1 ' . 61 - 21
L . D . O" . • IVICE tda.C.ArtULE245_. •
AfLOUN Nurs-vo..e.Tenottetroagr
ki fat We br
" O, II K 4 97 ' 4-6-13 . W i teln i aratSiDtg
sit • •
•-• ° • t°' Wles. & rtIeCANDLESS , • '
Ir e6° ;' .9,* * !t i r
(V Hams, rmelred and . - 4/4Ca & Y ea_
Ric — .... - 600" Utak Asa aecafatil and lzale
• n"
ITtibON-4 uste encato muted area;: otollna
Pfau nal IR:madam jut reoM and for usa by ,
ba --- e - sCjaat reel ud for a -
Li apt d. CRUZES ..
141C11011Y - PrOIN,IO - ia7M. In • s ore and forliat.
pumioElTO - NW;IN lbe 'Gimp, and for aanib.
- NOW Mod guest
1 - 14 . 001T0P. notirzloto - Ta - fliii t:inCastat ' i
i) ...Ie by apt JIfIDD &CO
Dir - Eir.i1t...41000 - 71 — mpitIDe viably. Yoe u.lebts ,
A 101- MO& CO f
4Col3tOlbs Hum jut out of latokq
•A,MO lbsSboulden ,
x5;200 lbs aides, ludo by
let SELLERS a ractir.S--
I RIED DEEP - 10,00 01W n.
l ut or .rook •
e,to calm be
• -• •I
ELA.Nos a racOLS
_ ,
VI Ead Yual —Cii( - ‘gldilacd — i - Poik — ' ' '.,-, ' , . i
al ._ 3,1 btds asap do, for We by
. ,
Iigt,L.FAS a Nl,'4oba
.--.. cuts, a siyi4lod sail n
. .
. .
els, let sale by
'I;T Wel by Inn
',loll7.olrlE(ti-Filßs..--.140 team Craven,
Clown, and Medium, for Ws by
Wl= & tdeO&N
V.VigiatEll b&LEATai).I.-Wend-,
!Lotto' cala by •
j,j -- g 'Am idete;[ I
to de Not 4p,.:0r!
.p - JAMES A 1,11. y. l.
— .A^D- - 70 - ariMMA•4 b ,
'P I -L. /*F"
" WICrirSIeCAN I 1) . LES -
E. 4 A g‘,ll.-Ai bin. •
Liber: - / street
---:mr C Webb
' tAtfr 7.2
w.tcx &mec&NDLEse
2P4 W{CI &Ne i i k '
11 t