The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 06, 1850, Image 1
',~3 s e c `.<24l3,?t'c;3r}.~,'~fi, +~ I.~ry~?~''~.'y ESTABLISHED 0 . • 111/, errant MILT 0001. td . WI? P.' pev 1Y Vet, ----- ... - 2.00 -•. -o Clobsou • s.oae..-J rate., • ,'lia.) ill.. . • . . , Ufr" Ellf_TP'lll7PlTTipl7Qoll pItESS. -- • , t- false pa; elatuteitollithillotitfor truf , ' :aft • ••••stiond.':,.:-..:a•-: so,ur • Ono Saps, IS, Oath adduion.i ituartion.- • O.y . S• ; WO. Pus 'mule I,S tare 0,00 thud" *eeko• 440' ISt three mantai.•"Z4••• .• .. .•• O.° Par•tutdba ' 1140 •• • ldh ant taanthm•:- . . !Vs; taraiaa 18,00 riuding Cud (I 1 hues as lex e,l per anaina • 10,Ps •f/aart‘q aari,ahaugeahle atpleasanraper awm)exclulea a( Uri paper 2 4S'd , • For each addiliaaal sqoare,lasetud our one =oath, .and tareaek additional .auratte lutned adder the year ly. sales, half price. ASsysliscldtata exceeding allquare,,,arl; not over &Acta 11•54.,.tritip elkiised ahhaquae and - a halt ' Pabllahera hal • male br 174 sderilmememta —••-- , beiond lbe *Mount ekmrsenir , t.str psh , .sadon. naasorlag illldidater'fbr airer to Le chlegai [hi mama as alter adverlisemenfs: Advertisement. not atarkeat on the ropy foe lea enlaces of Ineertiancerill fee coniinued tilt 'forbid, and peewee! exacted accord, The pnrilegee of yearly adveniie es will be eontined rlaidly le their regalor bnoineca,'abd all other-id vet , tjaojnojne not pertaining to their regular lief ineas, as' arresil ter, to be paid lutes All. adireniseinente for eliertiableknantunons, fire .•• enrapenice, ward. townehip and other puhtie inesiongs, and sash like, to be charged Lall price, payable itnetty . adroace.i * hint loge netie.s tote ell arged SO ems. .. I• 01,0.11 MiXartea WithOUt eborev, ontesa eoE[l• bb j ‘ .4 by (intern' invite/lona or obituary notlerai and • 80 tietOmpanisii to be paid tor: B — . aradyerttaers„ and all onieraaendine .nteliudniii tenvitinn nutlet. datignial to tell au en, Aim ao,ic e, G..0.c ens, or any public miler up.gpiaorlieria elourgen niu Hach for •dittitiane.— - ;,*ldencayer private anaeranons--tvery .notire de eon latientitua IC prince enterptlat caleul a. of in serted wi tended to p th rouloba Individual biterest, , csis on , 17 I , ethe undemanding tke tame my he and for. , If intended lo ba imerted in ur la. bbi.eplautn, the eau will be charged at the tbld of bbllearhanlC Cents per or aistlietices to be charged triple, place, • Tavern License Petitions, 112 tactL. • Legal and Medical advertisements to be chamcd ar Pante A and Auctioneer: , ade. - - Meow sca n g be clam ents' ed undo . yearly rate., but erntr to be showed discount of tbirly chlee and one dna yet eapL '.frog the ariatanntof bills. • • • • . 411..1.1 Olt a . ..weenie II coat PaPll4l . . :01,a Shave, Mete Lasentonsi.----..37. f r •, • Do. each addhional rneenlon.-, 77 • • aviviorrizueueve vla Pint Square, UU line.,) ode inseriion• • ... .70 etc DO. each lallillrinitl'lnsenlon , ...2s All rionalent adverriaelpenut io he paig is &demi." . CO. (hateue. L. /IARPER. Po•i. xi.nrr la RIDDLE, lacuna,. JAMES F..DAIIR& Cll., Chtehi7le. - • FOSTER & BROTLIER,'Dispoch. . ..Jo3.llNOWDEN,•llerenty. ' • - JAMES W. DIDDLE, AltleriC an. WRAAI EAINE, Evening Tribune.• Pirriacaaa, Dee. 1,.1611. • . • • CARDS. wmg. s. Actecrax, • SALA J. moth, VNGLISH A I.lENNE'reb 4- IMO Wltoletale'llrocera, Pothaur-siork ana I•=lliterrthintl, att.! dealiza in Plod oce ortufacnires, N 0.37 Woosl a. 14 Lemma 14404 • oonwE, m t z y Anm. t id - co.ecllor 'a La t,.z Co il uk9 araeliialata:ard aa' t ir L ank :o9arrta Ataatoaa, .ackaawle6eate Russ rv—llon:y/m. redger., Sm. Myr Dul •..Z. Clllollltll IXlCllitAti,,Ctatuninetan and Fa rwirdik Mewl/int, Ntt. WWl:4ll4mm.; rintl.trete' , , ey 1.104 77- .13[A2„.ropi .10:1 - c artorer et /Joey 41.0,,,P", . A ". 1. , Wt, (*totem, co - Eszyby &bee,' Wool Deal et and eatataiaitra tdetelteriti, tor the ail. of American Wucderta Libe &It mt. 4,1•12 A. s. summon,' mown: Incu., , / ~,,..-; , k ro ;.: D.c.aCcAstuun,..atfA. wa.,...4 . i It. lIIICEllO3l,Toborao ilkagnialorr Met ... p4AAIA, itticath Wamr 1,t,& 16 Mau, We,,,,,}, A..AUSUT.. , ' • " •-. . W. iara ii a , !la - AILDY, JONES & Co., (raraessers to - Atwood, .Ea JaztesibAril ComemaiotrAnd ForAr.rd . K Aft- - thazA.drAlerk in. Plrat , argh Manthetnneellgaxl4, W 4. • ••••-j. Mc Val : wjf. 34.44,14.11113:46 004, I BAXICIjiLS4ND .XCEIANCifi BROKERS.T •- IfectiSan eoinerif Wood snitThrd xtreellt wP 111a.R811111,14, , • (FOCUZIebR.IO , 11•3011X"C - ' r 11 1 ,01131111 -Rile, In been sad E' 4.„pct,lilyagirate4 !larders, W/ad,ole Shades. Fir o oorldl'Anuy es , Mege. , ...Wrunrg, rs,nung asd Ma pin P•Pqr.'N 97-WCWiipatt.A. be... EMILIA &treat r =FM:nand thld;Prttibingb; Ps. TIBAIAH DICICEY Go-iWtalesale Greens. Cora -1 Rmo Wrohanial and dinalersisxProdnea,Nor.4o • Warm and 1.U7 Freed etTeela. PttlebilMa. tors 11 NU. A. CAUGII4I4 Agetn for the Lake Ene an J dlleligan Line lo Bearer and the•Laltes.-01fie on the earner of Water and Smilltie4444. lan4 Jo, 8, • Jr. eph Dal J Coa Patabarch. ' • deSir 10011 a. Unmeant: . Joan% wriAnnerw DILWORTII.It, • Wholeiate Grocer., Pro. ad date and Commannon Merchants, and Agenw for the Hazard Powder CO. Of 'N. V., No:17 Wood .111N , M. .TOWNbIEND, potoesin nad. Aptithee v N0:43 gasket at, three doors above Third to, r hargiorill have constantly on band a well lett:clod aortasent of the best and freshest Malthus, vtitteh be -•— " _ • will Mil , on true mon reasonable terms. PhYsimans ~,,,r or in4 orders, will be promptly attended to, and sup: plied with articles they slily rely upon as genuine, • PP' ?brats:it Prescriptions wild be iterwately and Zpapered from Me Meat otanctials, at any total sl Or Diem • m eet. or sale,a brims stock of frisk ind.good rep t Perfal J°"l°.".l". iA en ;!:rd t Cro tt n s . I " c t ia u s: dealer-in Produce am. rittaburgh Manufacture ' s, cop, nes of Liberty and Hand streets, Pinsbntigh 1015 .JAMES. A. - HUTCHISON, Co,—succeseem r ij Unlit Itutehieou dr, C 0.., Corrnaluion Merchant/ end A. of A £l4. be ~.Lowie !Hewn 4ialteLt Refmer 4 VM 3tentat nadir] fibhisyeta,Pittehuntsb.. lanl - , JOHN K UEl.l.oll,Wholeinle and Retail deakr! in Missie.and Musical Instrionente,rSchool Biou Paper, Mases,Steel-Pens, Qdllr, Printers. Cards, and. Stationary generally,No. el Wood stAplusburgh. • fiD•Hens !monetarist - en lo eeply ' n; Naha, /Ica Z. WC9113.' iM. YOUNG 4 G.—Dealer sh lusherWu, 4a. IC Lilornyal. • . ,an4ly Ira& aa'cincasam. sari. IleCtitellSO.ll - APCDTCHEON, Waoletiale Orators, del -VP V len la Produce, lann, aad Pam bariOnitamfaeturea gear aslly, IV Liberty at, Pata dec2 wm_ rum" • - LAW. BAJIKr Pa, WILL 140 attend to cralleetlarti ind all *thee aid& oars a:decoded - La kiss IA Bader and italstraai ....W IL Floyd, Libertyit.) IPidaburib. - BY COY reCo, Wddd at. 1 Jae PETTICILMW & I STEAMBOAT AGENTS °semi agars M. Aussie , CI -`. Net. 411 Water street:, . „ W. 4611: gIIPPOIJIT.LISILIZIT, WIOI.I3SLE GROCERS, RECTIFYING DIS TILLERS, and. SVIIIRand LIQUOR. BlEUR ANTS..•Aleo—lliporitii.of &4. AO and Bleaching Powder, N 0.1.60 Litearry•al l lOSP. , Sixth • • .• D. Wirt, • . :nano arcaeauw ICW, _• inteeluastor.D. mug.) Groom. rimmaimg Neschasurh dealers la Iran, Nails, Glad, hualanrgh Naas factures Annerall, eosses .1117.4 and - Water •lreela. W WTVIA LACS. Nal atone and Id.ol Furnish '. Ing esiablishalen; N 0.244 t•lb,rtY m" ar Iho ". 1/17 -IrW MKWItialies,JewelryTKITST ,V S -74 • ,s 4 lialnary Coeds, earner at ins rket dal 41h PimblnEk, Pa. jN. 11.—Wattbes and Clocks odd ttpeped,' . .;• • DOWEN—Volasurno n and rorsratrini 21) .11 , rola st: between V.'ood and ytai wells. • fcb2 I • W — F -51-o "Wirs, grains and mums Dry Goods, nonh eon „rer ofjdpllet and Fount, sts. - ang2l . 11 , 1111 111.1ouida.11.71111). SELLAXSi NlCClLiFrodbee and General Com.,74etektaaia,:fc.47,Libtrty it,aitiabargh• BMW. LIPIISO arid Lard Oa,- ate 4sl,l 4 l LlSia — tiqi - e. ears, fterwardsng_ and .Coinsaualan Merchants, erd Pismburgh Bldmentattland lik.arn pro d.c., bele removed In ties Liald araminale,tald IWO) N.. 35, eomar of runt d 4 d 1 1 .4 9.0,4 mataLsinit..w cm. • . Chattiest,. aad fp.A' oo l =P ule" ' t" dealers la all kuula lab./ a ' aMil i r d pingraildr; Sito. wohl,a ' — '" tl: ewe.. _ - - /ALIT', Wholesale Liman gen Cowan Moe Merchants, and dealera to ?sedum N. 'l% .• 00 4 in-,Uslourprta. pet' • F. LEA, TZTOCIL DEALP.T enlillhhl2loo Merchant forte yr - salaof AlSigtlCBll - WOOIC!L G. 411, i4LnY / .. /Pts_ - • l 3, 1 wx, O. C. 1134111.. WI• nIOALUY di CrCi Wsokealo Gtorers; 18 nd 211.Woat atte.c4 Plitsburgh: • it 0.21 :ITARRIPUN ~3ES9HLL : Coaaeello~ u 7nw.:Of- dower Wco r u st islik m g" [ltalian ~ .. -..- -, , , c, , z , ,W'i":: • • • • . -- -. .. „i4.4 ,-- - g':;34l:•„fp.eitf.l.X, , :. . .....---,.. 4Q ' , V47.-- , •,,:.. .. , , . , .. .. . "4,ll *° "'::,•Rirg4o .) ; ", :g . r i.i .'-a.-. . ,"''''''''''''l, ', l•• 'n ...... -•••''''' ''''' ,-, •••'''' , '''' - i' ,- - . .-i , .. .. —.......,..----.. . ---- ,:.------ ---.., 1 • , / I -.,•':: . . '.' '''',:. : r . •-•-• . . i .. D . ... .. _ Ts , . ... 1, . „.., • Y . ... i...,,,,,... :,. .... ~ „Floor: - , z t i . ..... - ..,... . : .. .. ....._.‘ . ~ .. - . -,., ri . 1 1.• ~:. 9 :-.,.. ~ e . "" ;•' . ' --- ~ 41 T--- ••...: „...,... 7 .. 7... ,,, : , it ....,. ::::: _ z ......., ~. 7 i Drl7Bb:: .' . ':.:'...-..-, ' ...,' . .. ' .. • • • . PITTSBITRGH, .SATURDO MORNI N G . .A_PRIX, 0, . .1850. ! VOL _ri,.._ - • - • .........._ .._______. t. • ', - '•- • ........ .. . ../pa i woohwaso., • SAL. 1.01L.T. lIAOALLer t WOODWARn & co, Wholesale Gra ' 'opt 1/Ii.P.T osIFIC7.• . ptsisststrgts - Alkstll Worts. • - afs.fe BUl d r%t li tZVo slds31 1 ' Astir a1t741 ' ,.i. `' ,: Add.. tr &release plu —,Waler street, below Fen y. • inderick Braun. • • (eat. Reiter. D.RAILLN t REITEKAVboInide end Mewl Drug. g: tomer DI Liberty an.llsLClalr sizects, Pi,. bunil:P.--.! • ,• • I N. 8. (1/1818 k and Commumon ki Al ere Lknis, No % Miakel at, Pull burgh. .p 4 CC . A..MeAMULTIr CO, For•rardlon and Cent . mission Merchants, Canal Hawn, Pisbaret, Ps_ inr2 - - 11 GRANTWholesaltillrocer, COMII3 an forwisding"Merebut, No. 41. Myer n., Pts kly I Selif/ONSIAKSii t 00. • J. No hi Wocul %mei, l'ittaborgh. nPI 'IO4IN D MOIIOAN, 'Wholesale Diungint..ih 0. or in Dye•Shllf,Paints, Ws. Varnashes, tr. No Nhoiod otitis, ono door South of Diamond Alley, • 11.1 JOHN -D. Da.VlS,docnoozer, came, WS and Vl'no4 bileett . I 'FOLPOSTON k STOCKTON, Bookseller. Prins. *, tl , so übburgb. d Paper Nanufisciarao, No. 44 Bioko awe!, Pl aPI John Eloyd.Mohard Floyd. r AR. FGOVD, Woolosole 1.: r ...en, Comm/non V o 51ord.Usalu, saJ beaters to Frodu,!, Round I:!tkireo tioad!ogo, 1441;inc"9 , 4 . 1 -. 4 . , Y , W"' "" 4 4 1 1/ 1 1.suocio,!Ittal,/,0. Ku. 'Pi j AIII tu." , DA LZ ELL, Ikho'esetaLlioeer, Comm Ala 1417/41 ‘ e r,b Prod uce auVbr""i'l477h res ..-- i N- 7; 4 ° o 0 • ots, i t/ekrs ' iTTon d uTi f4r.r.",V,'...`,,,r: nat.:rod a moles, Canal Basin, nem 71h st. al 4 _ 1.. &IRATE/MEAN, Wholes* Gnaw, Fotwald ID ins and Commission Morobsa Dealer in Pvt.- hurs . l.l Manufastaras and Prodace, Nos. 34 Watts 1.1111 Mom at. Iy4 Wm. Millet, Philad C. W. Rieke... Pntsburgh 7sA ILLS:ask RICKETSON, Itinolasale Grooms, end Importoraof. Brandies. Wines and Began, Nos. 174 and 174, c owe r -of-Liberty and ['Win Om., Pitt , bursk, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton I(cyna. de. , cou•_ Blind) on hand. apt loan PPGid. Juries D. 11114111. Walter C. Rut Mc6ILLI3 .4 ROE, Weir. sve Grocers and Corn... Rion Platenu., No 194 Luberty St, Pittsburgh ap4 N,IIOIiME9 DON. No 53 Market second door . from comer of Fbarth, dealers m•Forefam and 'Domestic Bub of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Bank Notes and Specie fp•Coleictions Mule on ail the prinsipal owes Mriteghout the Unitrd States. DUCIBIASThIIt, A41041.11.4.11-01f..e, Fourth rt., .LN. third door abuse Stuntifield, south side. Ciinrepurting of all Ueda done with the greatest erte endless! aortic.) , Tti el to item Comm exansieed, lc. oct3o-ly T SWEITZER, kennel' at Law, office Jd et, c r P . °popsies St. Chariot Soles, Pcisnotab, will a so atiend proatotty to Collections in Washiergion , layette and Gseena noun., Pa. . REFER. TO Illockstock, Poll* Co, - ) Church k Carothers, t• Plunbusgb. D. T. Morgan, .lociJdiy ,PtisN lIILLy,PITT4BUBFi, PA. Vesuvius iron Works: 'Vet ' : a lj r A 4 - 1!: : a L , r e Pot i ld •O n tAtr. ' ot sh o e ' he a l: quality. Warshocan, 84 Water and tod Front strotl. idol, T. SIASRISON SSWSLL, , pouusallot at Law.—Or. . Gee On Foardi at. above EN33036e1d. uovf..l, I n.tito./12111/allll Wholesede Ibravglso, . Ne. 23 Wend street. ritlaburgh. - JOIIN 11. 110/OdN, Wholesale Drus 1., go ut,tl deal ex Dyel3o3l; Pala% Ms, Vernishe., Se., No.9J Wood sweet, one door South of Dialoood JJle9 Yso.- burgh. 'IISo I I ifirD. DAVIS, Auctiouect. Lth mutTSit streets. Pittsburgh. .TIOINSfOirte STOCKTON. bookseller, Suer./ and Nailer Mime...mem N 0.44 Markt. au, Pit.. bureb. , . _ T FLEW% Wbolorale Gemara Courmusiant Merchants, *la d neat,: in Pm:duce, • Round Church Bulldogs, (manna au Liberty, Wood 'ardl Orb surer, _ _ !nye jekhliN PALZELL,o 1 rs a e Grocer,Cenookasion Moicharn, and dealer in Produce and Pareburga Mansfattlaren IVater to, Pinaburgh. mote r SWEITZEB, Ahotney at Law, odds. 3d et.. tapped...a Sr. Marks hotel, Pittsburgh. will oho snood promptly to Oollr.ctiona, W ashington, Fayette tot Green cootraoo, Pin . . . - ri.. . 'IR I - WEIL TO . 131.netator k, Eat a CJ., CLurcb /c Carottuas, 11husharna . , I) T. Moreau. W. fIARBAUGII.,' Wool bleretocure, Deler 00. I n Flour =kJ Produce geuerally, and Forwardtor at. Cosararcaaaa.Aieretraras, No. 63. Water sL, Paul trace; Atxt.Annetvat. - Airmemcos - , • ATTORNEY , AT LAW—Office, on Fourth street '.Dave Wood. ' afar . DAVID O. TUTTLE, TTORNET AT LAW S d Coammtioner for (1, Pennsy Bt. lAuls, so All CCAAl34,llCltiOlLlptoreptiy aruwered. ' coati!) L. H. Weterman• - R. N. Waterman- •W. R. Waterman. 14. Be W ATEILIGAN a SONS, WHOLESALIC GROCER., Coaniesion•.l.l letrilingAletenent.; ere In all kind. of ?m -il-ace* PluOnnge Itleaufactered Article.; and Agents roe ula or Ricluncind And Lynchntirg Alanuiletared TotAkere. seri_ • .1311 , ,A08LIDT dr, WHITE. DRY CIOODB JOBBERS, NO. 101 WOOD STREET, .6VE in atom; and Wilt Do constantly receiving MIL dosing the season, a largo and well selected as. tortment or Staple and FloCXDry Goods, which they will Nell for tarnish or approved credit- • Wasterio Alarch.ts. are Minted to examine our NO. JO GERMAN STREET. BALTIMORE, .A. DENTS for the sate or SODA ASII'M BLEACH IINCII POWDERS, have oo in store, sod will condone to receive, eepylleo of the following well iknown brood.. .111uspralis," 'Tenants," vol *Jar ow,. which they offer tor sole market Mee. mrtl-d:rwi ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, and .Commir- Wooer for du Slaw of reialoyironie, Sr. Loot.; Ala, Oslo of Pittsburgh.) Referenees—Piruburgh: Hou. W. Forward, Ramp. mu &Miller, Weandless k AleCtaro, /oho 1L Parke, Bindle& Soupb, Meant & . .S. M.lMandeld•-• • ••••—• •• • • -George /Lenard. & CO, V171101.6.t.ALE and Retail Dealers in Grocanes T and Dry. Goods.d Com:simian Merchants. No. WO Libattre, Pittab&l ' T. H. D ....... • • •• •• • - ........... ITE-9territi. , BAIRD tr. STEDILETT, TTORNEYS and Goomellara at Law—Found u, Abetween &midfield and Grant, Plundurgh, Pa. "alb John R. Lary, A7roRNEI:I AT LAW, Foluill s!rect, near Ural. 016 If ATTORNEY AT LAW—chtee .0. Fetrth ,*reel between AmaGeld mid Wass, hilllugh. sptll-ly ALEXASIDER PILANKLIA. ATTORNEY AT LAW-Once on Focub sired, Piagbugh. . nitYl FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • Canal Balla, Penn MOW. Ph:abet/6A mr6 JAMMG DAVI,OO.. PRODUCE AND .FLOUR FACTORS, No 2:7 Market, and da Comateree sr., Philadelphia. Advance. made, by either of the about,. eantigo• moms of Produce to either Hausa mr6 :striteratALLoWlen t sun, FORWARDING t COMMISSION MERCHANTS Rasilmitan, IITOULD respecktly fallen the conalsoment of v Ilarrishurgh itelght, from IVeatern Merchant.. as they ore prepared -to melee any amount. Line and Section Roma mating night and day, the freight will not be detained, as they will unload stark home at all hours.' • • fetal4in 1 - . llarriaborgli, Feteld, • . Ira Der's). •Andrevr — R. K. FlomidT. • .iIIGELOIAT.' 'MOOING a CO, COIINCISION MULCH ANTd—Vor lAe sal e of Do-' sliesdie.Woolon, sad Colson Goods; also, dealer. in turd. or Tailors. Trimmings, No 1 n Woad it, 4d door Dom Mb, PiDearrals. -Deloreireortdassr... Wet A. 11111 A. Co, !Doke,. suit: A - Cie Ago'. D. Varner. 0140 ROW. W. SMITH i CO., 13Rgw EMS, bfiLVITCII.4 . AND 110 P rmatecon. fittsbash. , .ptO Ut1,1.1111:1 hate— %Meth Bakeweil. •'. PATTON & eaxervicz.L, LA*--Oftle• he Tile bat. I tall Greet sl,..eeas the Coon liceee._ ab? _ J. • • - .1. D. WILLIAMS.* CO. UrfIOLSSALE to RETAIL FAMILY OROCERS, VT • Forvflnling and Commission Merchants, and denten in Courts' , Ptednee anal Pitubsigh Manor.. mt., cornered Wood and Fifth care ss, Pitieburgh. enritti J. ' ' -=-• 11. inniiier HILETWOOLE & CLARKE, ODWARDINO AND COMMISSION hIERCII• 11: . ANDS;_nntl Dealers in Window Gin.., White mitt EC.x.iitiertrom, pRWARDING COMMISSION SIERCMANT, _u kquelqugh. mi 21 • AIMI ISTEOIO & 011.0 Z 11:111 1 , 10101 ?18ION Pro duue, No WI Market smut, Pittsburgh. vittstindirtintrr - Vio AND AXLE FACTORY. : - =ill I. {l , l/0.• Sc /0111:4 _ _ _ ... P.." , ' JOISkIIi 4 a,utoca, .1A A4 1 ,10, 4 14 ,. ,,e'1, _ ...el. preag7 , print u 4 essat b ram r and aptutal,tgannna:ea lyn; &rt., 101 d dealt,, In gp ; crlc tas.p, fice aeate lamps, and coach tfanwnsa vagralli, coinst Ef t al• and pqnnt at, { Plitsburdh, • rabid . 13USINESS , CARDS. E==2ll7l W. C. Friend. LAIAGIL k VAIEND, JOHN Xis di CO. Tlo lOyBxi J, 131 Itritmtions ••-• - - - ASP' CI:PAM teratCllllS. For. v veurdink dud edllllllll4loll 314,1et13111t, Country Produce nod Tierhuret , Monntor,ure, tur ner of Wood nod rum ;•lit-I.lerg.t. I . l.l.urgh, Ma[rh 1.,, 1, , .eel, erul leo Is Works. rIOLENI HAIIMAN R I`o. ~pr4Ag, Ilottontrrol *knew Pleogh. ewe], lope, Watrr :1. Front ntrect, Lure.. AI o; deal& in 0.1.1 ' " ty'll, j CAN 1 , / e(Watren, ..... ) Cam e ,„, . stun and ,Forararillna 111 , 1 - chu.n. nie Limier ul Western Itesnrve Itan, kna Vc•arl Amb, and Westarn I•nodoe , • ne it. Vat., 11Jd W. Pit.b.llo: 13,1 • . . •DIAGILOILIC. a nsTk:l.llr. GENERAL C05i1111,- , lls 7 , , M 1 Ittlf tvT Ir7 . l.itar•LaStitnern Adr tuts tn... 1.1114-Gm MATTIIEW ‘Vit,, ,, N. 1•-1 Painter ROOM,. rnn,rrt.. Wier• awl Fourth htroet, critrairoo r. 41. lit al • •s NI i•• - I • Jectr•titf • J. & Comas.. .alma Jn arc /dam,. NO. J 1./Id - Levenet. N aken eon. a, on Land larße 111,1. 1 01 Prdadn, ni foOmr lug brand% finer cunt to, !ale • ear , 1 Durand A Cu. liordeam !:.!a., an In. J In, rand &Co, Larnnhalle, , J /:al,l/a. t'odnan, ok (clan, A A do Nlandorn,Je in I k,ut , .. ?tei also, Anchor Cin, Runle,io a Ited and White Vdlnva in casks and case., eciectra w„h rare I.y John Durand A:Co; imaide• enamparne Saret Huernndy Von. • MOM TIRE partnetsliip rcz0t0.,...,...zin, :4- lain gn A & C rd 0. Y'. The bariltei.• u .11 I.c rag •.. A Ursalcy. will • firm. Ilaani.v t. Ws..rettoose irom N. lit stleal between Fun and , Er. el.. so hop.• lately UCCUplell A I.r, keeps onstanity fon Itunf: et . nesa.l n.wnw wlnrx.l• Ingo, Grstics nt.c!, Conßive move, hr rpiw, co-ponnersolp heretofore , the :sub.en b., in the name or Co.taole, MO, !c CO; Ihts duk dik•Olyn.l I.y. itmluffil causer., Ales,.• !Lake Q. 8.0.% ortllsettle the hu.torssot the 0;1,1., tar which purpoac . tboy •re nuthorred on, of the concern NATHAN IKL EDMUND UURkh, Tll,l 51A: BAH N The undersigned have thi*dny u , •neinted the M.C;VP. in the name of,lll/FIKE the rd:rnve of innnotneturinfr Fire .f . rr of f• 11,. V utz:r ae he., at the otatad .tie late fir, Or I,npt,lc. untkc CC% where they mill be plen*,a w reeei, the ea , r,m. age of the customer* of that heuse *tut their t nrnd. 1.3.1,1INI) BURKE. TiIOU nn lIA Tewing I tOlll &nzt I A C., I Willa plctt.ure, Nul. r A Barites to Ito: roofiLlener 111, 1 / 1 1.. -C. end MT Feb 9,1e19 NA lebl3-1,1 Franihn Fvr Inruranre C., 0" 1',4w DIRECTOKS.—Chsstr. N Tales Wagner, Samuel Gnaw, J.. R ze,xt,, Geo. W flachn.rd,. Mordccat It I. Bone, Davlal R. U,umn. 31.0 r TIP PFlllt n. INNIMIEEM=I Carotins... to us. e to•urant, oVcry popl h. 0 ;Et A, • r at rate, 36.% ate To Company I.syr rc.trve . .l u!arge rost/t.e rnt 111,10 adttelt with thcsr eapita! aIW 1 •".11. 9 a,:v od, ..lord ample. protect. n to the arautc.. The name, l • •. I - 1 , . 9.. publi.hed agi<cal.l9 , Si 41. 4.. IS u 3 :I , Ato.ignge ties! F.Latc .orare Is Siva. . Cash, Se SEP.,,C, 71 Stnee their Incorporation, a at 19 year.. t0...t. have paid upward. of one sollfihn 1..0r 121.'4,417,w— -and dollar+, 10..• e. I.y fire. c etdcoe: cud], tidvantaara rd mart raat tv,.11 ac the 01,1,,ty and dirponnon to Intel wtth_protriptoc... all J. GAM/INCE Aer,:h E Wilool or:4 :Id .ta LLlfia and Ll.nlr la gnaw ranee. filllE Alumni tee and Ilea,q , I,,,,arare j of Philadelphia, lc, arporat,l by the Lep, l atare of Permayiv•hia, Morel, it'd,'Charier tor titiaL Capital, Won Mi. It 4.7 tVI I. XS 1a • INT PIL.II p ".• I tranta ...;outt4tiv, and full :al per er.Ll lower • tumal rate. of Life la‘urithie, r lidlowin. pariaun .liove; Thu, n pet nen .1 .1.0 age, W., awing for 6IIM for life, moat pay the •• Pennaylvania, 6210 t, Pen., New England, New I hit., AI- Ginn, 52,4, Lite and Ilea.m, I'hlle.l-IVh.n Sit Diatecruse.—Sanniel .1/. 0,0101, Charles U. 11,1 , P. Boone, Kober! P. {Zing, 111,001er IV Eln/dwiti, Si. M. !reeve, :11. O. 1:.1,,r1,q, Lerma Cooper, I. Itt..linasi Harker, Bailer, Ed a... Cope. Preatideui..ennint Orrick, Vice Preri• dent-11d+ P. King; I.ectumil—Francis Black bez,Le, A pp tirations will he re e e voLLand every 111.1i1Alluti given by SAML. VAIINEST“CIi, Aet. 0151 e, C.nuimermal Houma, 1.., I of oetrAly Wood Will 'fiord at, Plit,•l,tiir YIN.AAU MAUS I. is INKUItA qOll.ll INSIittA.NCE N CU. al , ortb AffiefiCit will make permanent and Imaite4 Ihrumnre out pio perly nod elemity, and . •lapotri ta by Canal, Rivera, Laker, and by :+ea. orotwi,L. 0" dila Company are Wfli 'avenged. and furnish 1,1 qi An. able final fur the ample indemnity of all• dealer to be proireted by Iml:ranee mylr WM. I'. JOINTS, Arent. iI Woo, •I Itillt/LLANCE, Pitt•Larg , .• The Sprig Cardeu Health I usu mere I u OF PHILADELPHIA --GA Pi IA I. 5140,,,,,0, iNSOREN Male• end tremors Sit Wit. the El, t..• Sod Lots occaaoncd Lv siekner or lerole,, au waled/ate salikranee ni 11041 F./10 *a per for one, two, three, or lo.r year, The naelhad el edema, lb,dsanee. aaa manual . of awarding aa,./ck alit.wanra, explained by tue..agrul. A perecti c.n to.ekre, a,airp.l ...iero whiels detlun IraQ W 3.. y !allows, ,rtz, t=l 122=11 r, for a penod or 63. yests, the stu ol 414,10 e 3.01 .13.11 y, wilt secure tbl per weet wtul tc /ne Every necessary Lulea...iota will be afforded or OM ..Pica of Intoraac, geae ). by JAMES OUSOO/ A. CO, Auen'•, clet746co osleoo - Th• VOlllisylvanta Company Fon Xi...amino, leit - o A CD iimiervia riE firm Life Insurance tompiwy in the hemp...rated March It. jeo_,h,,,„ tApittal MA3,ooo.—alipaid In. Harrag authorised the undersigned to orth cartorfa for ineuranec,nn which polieict b e ewill .urd, according to their propeada and rale, which will he made known to applicants at his alto, No. Y WOO 4 street. rptl raffi L' , IIRE BOARD PRIII7S-0s all ',olds, 0010 •nd 1: Lcatel Tops, both of Franc!, mi/station, so W P MARSIIALL'n Papas mr . 25 Wood al, barn ash and Diamond all, - POW TIIE sabieriber offer. Co. aalc a large and enleatt;.l , oeltientufrascwocd and mahugany grand A , t so a pyattera With and ',taloa( Coleman's eelcbrated 4Eoliaet Attachment. The above 011.11211.1 nu are tour. ranted to be equal to any manufartured in this rut.... try, and will be sold lower they any brosaht lrum the East. F. 111.1/111E4140 112 weal .t. . 24 door above Alt N. 8.--.13.11 demi will be MSc, at pit. for at , ev of be above absostsueot.. tow.l It Ifirtiacfor llygraot -Water. THIS it to eendy that I Lave „,....: 4101 pointed Livinecton, Wien,. •.t. co. Sole Agents 1 0, th e, sale Cl J.ofetnr , t Patent pjaprottgin rillAr, I, 114” .- if nee of Pittcburilt sod it nepl.roy. .1011:4 tillintrOl, Al.ent, f i f i tr , t r lfalter AI (Itlitnn.llo Wood er• p, • Oct. 10, ISIS. Vie have been one one of the alone icilyc• A 1 16• so d ee l the Novelty Work. tor, t00.,,1,.. 01, ~.AI, sod feel perfectly aiin•aell that It ti la u.c1.,1 to .r... 0,,, 014 We take pleacure In ref...tie:oho, thent e. • hie thankfule t ee all who love Wan tent., 0rdr,..0,11 le thankfully eeincil and ptomptly etc...fle. oetto LIVINI:, - roti. iit I. .“ EN A C.. W J. al.lie.NN. Book U I nders. WE are al eugagr in ihe r of Wood andllord trerr, Prro.ursh. wi,re we are prepleed to der any work lu our 0:, 4 • patch. We:Snead 10 our work pre, ,, ,,, and •. yvatbr gisr?n or regard to te.ll/Ir ,, an 3 rabiltty. ' Blank libuks ruled many pato.. and bound sisolini:p. ,. lkuddl err number. ar old L.ook lament rMic roily or repaired. Name, put WI book. , in Edi riofie that have Work in our low udr. ro, tip Price. Sow. . :NJ II to ••, 0ra1... at • ARSHALL, WALLACE A MA corn.. r Liberty and Wood mrcri, and oder for side Platform, rloor trod Comm , d.,••• ; of die mom improved quality, frOoltsug t•, for a , —.A euld coal; Bur Stu., 01 If iVu• t 0,,,, Par./ 4 , , common Wares, !tallow Ware, .4., Ne Thrr manufacture tbr tille4rn Rau tt. geueful auttaf..ion to thus L 0 5 ..., I whtell they would rewpeetially 111 VI, the the 4 . l“Zellit .d publie gro•trAlly. • 8.40 it` , MAAIIWAIMIItEI) John Hooker Ws I' I. Vivtley ~,111111111 I I. IhOltoy J<l..• 11.0. Thoinno:....; John A I.owt , lloroort. A reh•.t Va; Ito ,r 1 !lor w Ti o7'hf.-trult ' ItanieN It Ft. I, Pict vile\ 3,, Win Faint. 5,, W King A 11 lyre. , A J0n,•0n,., ,VFn rod., 10•, The tibtivi,, S ul eume of 11. r 1., Out Lonebbing I.i bigiiineut Stela inattuSurtutrt-, Tr. 1..• IV ATI,I<A/ AN, frb2.4.11 31 %Vim , RIO v. 1 runs • lionoras Cough Syrup...W.lh°ur a vnl' (eku Went MR R MRI.I..b.RS-,-itri the 1,111 alr: I %mot AIL Very severe er.1.1. tits night gel 'Vin, I vie..l in bed eariier dmit yclzarriwit,tsm!me Ihad " l el . none the night brill . , my eoutt. r.o *evert: hart I could not Fleet,. oriiher rook, the, 111 rhr room With me. the proton eleepine with me woe much nn Died by my eni.gbinr dot Y Yal u diurg Coro •.rid bough: a hook ..1 one are of which, to my eta.l, Waist topm ny rough •i if by mat., Its ...1 t • tverlr 111 Ike lUD , Ie Mg, arid Mai now quit. Iv•ii I hereby relit,' iNet I .ro won ..:.mainned with ihe &Lova -I,eincro give!. .1 11/04. }. . A id...on, Conineo . llorn n 4 lb. roll . , 41er1.. ro Ward irrPrepricd nnJ .....14, It 1. :, 57 Wood men, end Vold by Lltuecc.o cruet any so tin , t lll cities nod vicinity. utl. LAMPS! LAMPS! i Tunr,e(i,,d and far 0n1 ,, , at No I to .s,wlJ•lrrel, , t, I. I,oiCiluilligcllCid %tuorttuefil Of / , :put Lord :.d Campli(ye nipo, which svltt he pad at th, t.,..• , esa eastorrit4 tor ..11. Thu of dzalerr 'ls seepesil Ipso 'cited own SOLOMON SCOOVEK MEDICAL. To Mothers amid W. Medical Prefessfon. wtheenlver boa Just received • large nppiv of I Dr. K Harre ARTIPICIAIt NIPPLES. They ore, without rzreption, the only article certain Id al . , tont relif gore or cracked Nipples; and from their particular catmint/ion they will prove level.. Mc when tha Nipples are ravened or to any mariner defective. • lb Pratt's Patent oftfre Pump, • new nosed.. expressly for dm relief painful and ante ltreeets, when di•tended wish milk; they are far euperios to tiny now in use. Ur. Pratt's Patent Naming Battle, whieh is rant ...- priced tug—. hen in all other kinds. In Primes Cupping Apparent., the Marl simple. and the neatest article 10 nee for Copping. For sale s wholesale sad retail, by iticAt E SELIiIiRS, 57 Wood at PRO L'ESS Olt BARRY'S WRAC° PRiU7. OOS •OR KED' CATER CORPOUSDo I NPALLIBLE for renewing, invigointing, and beau. 1 sy fying the Hair, removing Scurf, Dendruff, and all Inf e ctions of the !Yelp. and curing Eruptions on the Shin. Diseases of the Gland., Muscles and Integu• netns. and relieving Sting., Cuts, Braise., SPreinib hi' Sc. With dos 'preparation, there is no such word as Gil." The first journal* in America, medical tneti of the highest eminence, prominent citizens oral' pt as:melons, and ladles who hue used itier years in omit Messing rooms and nurseries, admit with ouel4C -4,,,1, that, lot 1111p111.10g vigor, gloss, luxuriance and earl to Ine hair, eradicating scurf end dandruff heel. egg wounds, curing conm.ions, secant., entigs,te., and iclieving dietetics of the akin, the glands, and the is tots., equal among the multitude of con, pounds , advertised in the public prints, OTiond vine prams.. In cheapness as well as clammy, .• ri Trtcopheions 11 unrivalled. The affinity between: the membranes which constr. mum the skin, and the hair whirl, draws to stagtentttca I /um tam tunic envelope is very clo e. All Mreewe no me hair originates in the skin of the tined. If the mites of the scalp ate clogged, ine if the blood r and other disam• do not misname freely through the small m , els mlnisit bed the IVO. with 1001101 re 104 impart ine 10 me foie., Mt result ...curl, dandruff, abcdOmg of itie,tossr. cram:teas, C/a..., and barsenese of Pin beanies...m.l entire baldesm••• the case may tie Anniniate OA shin to healthful •0010 with the Tilton heron, ens the torpid vessels, recovering thoir activ ity, will Finnstal.te the dis,ur. • . • . .. . . . . 111 911 Iltferttl".‘ of the skin, and of the sratsrrsite rit inu•eies and treekusearkiha process and the i efices ore the some. It Is upon the skin, the moacolor:llbria, and the ;Banda, Boar the Trieuyberotta has its specie sabot . , aril in all affection, a s of these; organ., it le rureign reedy. sold, i rr n !orgy m l.olllol, price 25 coma, at the principal traiee.l72 Broadway, N V. jt Por .ale by R. BELLE tsb SI2, Pituta PIIOCLAMAT/0/1 • - - • • - - IIINOW all men who lare Met and Mllieted with dm. ewe of Ll.e bladder and kidneys, with rheumatic w r oos trt bark er limo, miff prints, old tares, running: tatts. du, toot hey ! can be mired by miring. the ?c -m:doom! You mity,talk about Its beinga nnatrunt. as much no you plane, but this does ant roue It to,' - far 'OO proclaim in the face of an honest C.ollllOanitr, that It h. virtue, which ora not contained at say tulter remedy. 'The mon who I. rucked with puts and etif- I, tory Irmo disetiev, can for Ally cents, got relict Aorn any or the Ws ennumegsted than. Reader! it mists 'MTV' Ilnla to mare a trial. 'Mt Petso is no Mir. woe compond, put up Is the purp roleu ose of linttug on the emornonn; hot t tt Is • remedy elabora te d by We tirsoncl baud of nature. and baldrics op from the bo writ or our mother earth In its original panty, rind of ir, t• to voEcl y a ready remedy, • certain cur.. It hog eared Paw atter other nimilcinea have law/ reviler any lilts eared Rheumatism of bug urolosg. awl or the worst awl Moat painialcharacter 1 W 1 hot cured Cholera Morton. by one or two Jews; It I.a. owed old cases of Diarrhea, In winch every other reinnl a lias Leen of no avail. A• • lowa remedy in 1,L.",• nd ward% it it hatter than any medics! reo. pound or outtment that we know of. IL Will COM Mama sot frosted fret, in • few applications; nodes.- testimony men be fornilitied of the teach co tamed Ilse statement by cant. on Satueel 01'101 Doan, 0110 street; or either of the agents. Keyser A. McDowell. corner of Wow! street and Vudirr Alley; R. E.Seller-1.37 Wood Brent, D. A. Er. Rot A 11.11. Carry, Allegheny mty, ai r ;seam A man by the name of HUE!. CLAPP has engaged win, a young mgn of the name of S. P. Townsend, and ures lin. nouns td , put up a Sursaparttla, they rail Ur. Toornaead's Sarsaparilla, denominating it GENUINE. Ortgirml, ete. 'lets Townsend is no lino tad. nelfi never wait, bat was formerly • worker., rap ist..., canal., and the like. Yet be atilllEtel Its title of Dr , fur the purpose of gaining credo for weal ho i. Ile is uniting oat Soria beaded "Treks of gime k s," tit ',fuels Cs says, I have sold die use of lay 11\1111.. for V: a week. I win give S. P. Townsend SAIO if fn. will produce one tilogle..arelintry proof of Mit.— f•Illi1)11 she public Lot su be deceives!. and brae JUMP bat the GENUINE OFCGIFIA fi OLD Ur. !went. Townsend!, trarusparilla, having ua It the Ind In.'s likeness., his family root of antis, and his a11...10s ...los the sum of •Gas. l*Gee.eal Office, lei New., eGtiew Vert Gey. OLD PLICTOR J dCOB TOW/IMOD, ORIGINAL inscovEmga or T./I.Z SLNVIINI TOW ABED ILIHSAPARILLA. Old Dr, Tolerated Is now shout Myth...of age. and ha. i.n.F been k down as the AUTHOR and Ltilif4). VEll Ell of tbe t , A.FISAPAH/LI.A." lleinrpoor, he with eonhialled 111:611 irmoutherere, by 'which meant it hate been oat of market, and me hales circumscribed to Lbw., arty who had proved its 'worth and known, its valve Twon uaiaL too Urtanitaat Platraasinoti inumfartured en die largert utak, RAW It called Air thevaxbout we length nod brear4 of Unload. lhoixe youn• th F. Tenornsends, It improve. with lux, and oerer change., bat for the bexthr; 6.401210 it o pi,. red en oviehutir printoples by h selentlfte Aden. toxLvvi &mote*. or . - bendstry, and the thirst in woven.- oi Or An Lave ad been brotiyht into re• 0.0.h0 hianolieurre or the Old Dr.'s Sarenba• alit The ,varhapitrihrt nth, nth well known to whd rantaina medicinal proper - heat/ad some pro. ',roar a inch are lien or melon; arid other., which, ietaiord r pirpsying it for axe, pradhee tercesth ofand ilea!, which ia ihnitioaa to the system. dote the properties of klarsaparilla are so volatile that entirely comport. WWI are lost in the prephira• 100.,.1 they are nut pawned by a herentille proven, khowo whir to thaw experterwed to Ile marmlictora Alnrroyer these 001410 pnacipleth which fly atria va por, ot ran esLaistiath nutty beat. are the very it. venual methea/ properties et Ihhlhh kivh• ta it all no value. The tjLD DILJACOIITOWISPEPiIIS SARSAPARILLA i• to prepared: that all the tort , pinues of the fat :apnnlla root see knot removed, every thing capable bec,,,,jag att4 or of thrthentsuoth as extracted and ta•zi ,repy paithele of medical virtu is secu red to pule annii,thteated Com and thus it is rendered No . of Imititg ga valuable an I beating properties. Prepared in this ulna% it la P. O We mon poYerful agent la the CURE Or INNUMERABLE DISEASES. - - - - rrenca the reason why we bear commentlatmas on every aide in on favor be nos, seamen and children. We find it doing wonder. in the woe of Cononmption, Dyrocpetit, end Weer Complaint, utd In Rheumattem. Scrofula and Pans, Oilatbresteo, ell Cutancoto Entri , mins, Pimple.,Matches, and all altetitlnS seizing from I.PURITY OF THE BLOOI4. It ;mottos • marvelleua effmaof Mall cbete/Hntv timing fank.lmlnystion, from Acidity ofahe Stomach; ri um unequal culanou,deternsaianon of Mood to the road, palpitanon of the heart, cold feet and co d. eold chills and hot dashes over the body. It has not ran ito equal in coughs and colds; and promotes earl' expectoration, and gentle peopfradon, refacing attic. core of the langs, throat, and every other part Rut in nothing isTO encellone caeca mantfendy seen end acknowledged than in all kinds and stave of FESIALECOAIPLAINTEL li worts wailer• in CMS of floor alba, at whiles, rdalnr c of the IVointi 3 Obetranlid, Soppeeset4, or 14/11-' tai filense•, Irregoluiry of tho itheneenal penods, and the aid t. effeetoal in eating all foriatof the Hod. ney En.eneei. reniuting oliethuctione, and regale, ung th e general etaioni, it gives toile and airearli to the ri , tiole body, and Cotes all forms of • • NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEUILITV, end thlt3 [quire,. or relieves • great variety other disease, us Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, CI. Vises lamer, Saroouilig Epileptic Fllll_, CP11•11h100% Ac. Is Lai thee, , h 1 .1". ra-EMMEIRLI But can any of thew things be aald of S. P. Town. :end , onemor article? Thu young mates liquid is not to be COMPARED WITH TIIE OLD L/R.M. beenure of the tirand Para that the one a Incapable or Itetertotanon and NEVER SPOILS, while the OM. et IntES; it sour., ferment., and blow* the batik. rotimintsig it into Itaantenbt; the soar, acid ltdtdd to. ploding and damaging ollom goods! Mast not tha hoe. rltde romponod he poise:was to We matent! What! Stacid non a system already dmeaeed with kind! Sh hat ramie. Ityapepola but aind , tin We not all allow, Mar when Mod aunt, or our atimaehin what otimbh - M It prodtieee. -datulrnee, 'manhunt, palpitation ithe heart, liver ennitilatiminatilanu.alyeentery.eholte and earroyuon al tire blood! What ot armful* bat ail aria hamar , u,e body! 511.01 peodurea all We humors wail, Wine on Fannin.. of the ilbin. Slab/ Head, .t nheunt,Cryinpelaa.Whoe Swellutga Peret.Sures, and all li, ...non* ',Mental and eternal! It is otn. n, under heaven but an new oubatanee, which aunts, a,., mu. aped. all the fluids of the Leda, morn it t ia ra W hat ems,. Rheumauem but a soar and Bind. which iii , lnueses .all between the pinta and elaewheie, Ir. glinting and intimating dm tender and delteste nhosi seinen tt arta Po of °enrols. Masa., of spa. tit yor the blood. datangent eirculationa, and fowls an Me wlttett atilael bonne nature. :Wow, as It not horrible to snake and sell, and 11161111[ 1 Lnatl 111 tau 1,1;1111t•. AVID "COletPoUryik, IM===ll iii l t-rt ta• would laiu hare it undetatood that old 114. • •... 'lown-end, tlltutun Orig.:tat, Stitasranli, to au 1.01 hu thlotiot prepatotiotd! 1011 , 14 [hal we ottotild deal Ina n wla w1..e1. would bear the mom dialect telamblanda :1. P cruel.! and whir h should laced Jovra aaaall,e Old In. such moatitun load of eeelplese. ..r.mmutt. fro sea who !lave said, and par . u.rt. 411.• have e y ed aed S. P. Townsend, Fetateetatv I aloe."'" • olderotuod. byelaw it w the *haulm. W:. S Townreobs artlele and Old Ur. Jarol. Y.,. awed are howellwrode apart, at.J Jt•vwtlari that they are autilt a at every par• nem., I.JiVolig nut silo thing 111 t•owtaru. . It ”. to orroods upon unturturiale, la pout ha.. ion. woun ded homondy, lo kindle hope lo We d.. p tuirsop 40,1, w rretore LCsllll d bloom and Pi. pus row We p,o.died and broken and 10 ham. Intim. that ...Id 1111,4 ACOII 'l`olVNtt END boo .SOLIGIIT and I.lll l alll the opportunity mid mem. to W . 1.( hos a I.INI 1 - 31114 Ci 'SUNNI lucre 31 EALF.DY, will.. the resell, and to Ike knowledge u( allwho need gi, tip., th ey may learn and know. by Joyful ta• ,r nee. n....11.710gar ploWaiclo Illta 1' , ., e. by 1 InlllllA ul. , tVhaleaule.tot al for ette. 1'et..41 , ..m• POLITII, 0.1.141..1, 1 iti•t.A7a , ; DT: 4 , CASSF.L.L., 010 I. W. GAIL/WWI ward, Plltabarati .pt.l . . ha - A her ion, purlarated by 11 u•El.f,ILe ungtaal, Duly Iwo sad gelatine LAMer A easmacs, Drown fn., 0., March 20, 1947. 11, it • In Ap fit !see My wife was eitack• 'd 09h layer Co.P.louvut,laul badl the advice of tem ph. ,o 1,•, who toed various remedies without - pro. 1411, good effect. navies beard of your cele m wed 1e Ir. Vole, 1 concluded us glee Umiu slur end I nud,ar. d oae boo of /dr. Scott, of Aberdeen, rove ihrw seeorthng to the directions, by which ' , hr. we+grastlp relieved. S procured a second boo, d. It eDlartly cured her, and she now enjoys °heel leol health. 1 barn used them myself, and pronounce 1,/.1 the bets family medirine I ever tried. Your., to., Mu. DLitt, Prepared and .old by N. E. SELLERS. b 7 Woodsy gold sago by Druggists generally in the tyrosities. r.. r r EA..:11," CIGARS—IWO We D., ill barter Co. alawat soy snide of PiEsbargh tu.aaf w acuito4. Daritsl WALLINGFORD AOO IfISCELLANEOUS NMiMga= JTVIIN WRIGHT & are . .p teemed to hold Cotton and Woolen Prlnettliery Of e'er, description, ouch Carding Maihiney ' Retorting Frames, Speeders, Drawing Frames, Rallway'Head., Walters, Spoolen, Droning Frames., Loot., Card Gunder., &e. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all sites of Cat Iron, Polltes and Hannon of the InUist patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and bole of elf kinds. e.0.m... of every dverniptitto furnished on short notice. Pattern. node to order for Mill G`'.,4,6, Iron Railing, to. 812., Pipe for hoot. ieg Factotum, Cast Iron Window Sash and fanny Cu ung. generally. Orders loft at the IVareltouse of /. Pcmc , k Co., Irhnrty street, will kaire prompt Orion.tion. Refer to 131acksumk, Bell & Co., .T. K. Moorehead & Co , Si. E. Warner JObn Irwin & Ron. Pittsburgh ;IL e G .J. 11. Wsruer:SleUbe”llle. lanl9 • rue ARKOMETZII. - -- Tlll3 attention erne Junlic u respecuany allied to the following certification Ma. S. Easses—llayieg maletl • quantity of Gold weighed by your Ammeter, I find the moult prone.year in correct; and recommend the nee of it to non golny, m California, as the best method (or ob. toning th e real value of Gold. Insp. youn,' J. It. DUNLEVY,GoId Ineusi. • Pittsburgh, Match It, Pip, Yirramitan, Mardi 7,16 U, hh taltra—D ear Sir Hsiang caardined the "Also. inetc, , manufactured at your room, I do not hesitate to eoutinend it to the use of these gentlemen who arc about removing to California in search at Gold. Itglees. close ityproximation to the specific gray! Cl' of metals, and will cerianily enable Um adventiner ucertem when his placer is yieldnot Gold. marl* Yount, restos. J. R. lII.CLINTOCK. _ . pi c lll u tß rn ll2llF.R recs.:void for , the of Gum Elastic Clothing ' , 4 n o t n, pr * ice c ti on n4 e rno . flils " rrin 111,50 for suit of coat, pinta and hut. for vale art the Indic Rubber Dcpot, No 5 Wood to dee% J& H PHILLIPS ~ ~--~ filflE Subscriber corers for sale, the STEAM ARICR WORKS", above Lawrenceville, comprising • Steam Engiue,l Itoilersol Mouth Machine, capable or matosfattunng tw,ooo Pressed Bricks (out of dry Cl.;, as taken from the beak,( per dip . , with three acres of land oaths Allegheny weer, on. which are d grins and sheds, machine and clay theds, wheelbarrows, trucks, shovels,' *pad., Ire, every thing requisite In com mence operation. Cr an hours cod.. PM. including the pateturight to use said machine, 117,0 M-1011.3. el payment made easy. Wi th out th us land. 53,thal. 'For particulars, address HENRY MERRITT, _aught - t ! No Iln Monongahela House. Wrought and 013. - -iron TILE labaeribers Leg leave to infarm the she they have obtaioed front the Rao all the late nod fashionable deingn• for Iron Railing, Loth for braises and emaistarina. Persons wishing to tinware hand some putentswill pious, call arid examine, mid jadge Radice:l.lam. Railing will be famished at the short est under, and in the hest mutter, at the earner et Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny airy, ear' -dtf LAMOSff re KNOX. Judd's Bledloated Liquid TEAS ts undoubtedly the beet preparation ewer die eov_Veti. br &canna Pouts, beside. Cats, Chil blains, Bruises, or any kind of fresh wounds, *lgo (or mire Nipples • remedy unequaled. This article is intended for family nee, and atioald he found the peasoretoo of ever) , family in the lend. hieehanme who are ia constant danger of eq.y to their persons through accident. and the improper or earadeas me of tools, will finsithie artiele to he invalu. able to them, and after • (Menial will consider it in dmpensable. it in an eseellent substitute for adhesive plaster a' ./1 kinds without any of no soconrentertem, and IS Se medleated as to allay all pain Immediately and most perfectly. • very lane applied any whets on the ritrfiee of the ski. memedtatoly forma • Gem, smooth sooting, very storilay to the natant! Cuticle or outer skim which may be freely washed with water sod loop, wi tho ut any int jary to thee wound. The ankle is freely sored sad highly recommended by the MOH ralinent physician. of New England, and other parts of the country. For sa le oats by Ft E SELLERS, 07 Wood st B — Th e trade supplied .ti rs atanufaetarer's prier. feb4 11•14 re Versa!fag. IT lIA NEVER, in • single butane°, kilo! to ex pei Worm. Cs's,. Cover llotsse, Va., July Z 2.1917. Mr. IL F. Sellers: You will recollect that when we on in Pillsbutgb, $a November last, you vailed on us Us try to your Vert:Wag, latest its virtu pre es. We Jid so, and through the veinier we sold .what we par. chased, which gave it • felt reputation. May last tee Purchased more, whieh was divpoved of :muted, tel We then onlered more, which 'cached es on the Ifith of the prevent month, and no yesterday we void the last of two dozen bottles. We find it so val. liable • medicine, that every . per or a family wish: es to have It in their pomeesion. Those who have gurehazed it would be perieetly inilting to Mae eenificates of It. excellency. flat of stanceu have •ended. It has never, u, • single ins fi l edto expel worms Youiltiend, We C. Mugge & Co. Prepaied and sold by R. F. SELLERS, 57 Wood et, and sold by Diuggi.t• generally in lba two eines. ieb2l UIIACKLACTT i WHITE, NO. lat WOOD STREET, HAVE now to store a large and general masonnsent of OR GOODS, adorn they otter to Coy and County Merchants at restaged prices. soad Whiny theft %rill sell as gr at isdlltdrgents to cgs.% biyers. ur for aphrosed ore Omit/ Roan lgaotla WWIIT/JA.ll—Minafastyrer of all kinds of cols lon mid woolleo Maehinery, Allegheny city, P. The aboverwork• bell:4lmm, In fen sod socoesste/ MP eration, I am prepased to caviare priors with dispaseh for all kinds of machinery in my h no, mon as willows, pleb era, spreaders. cards, gciodrng fsaithnscs,yairways, drawing frames, speeders,. dap:mils, foams, woolen canbcdonble or single, for merchant or rosary work, amilcs,,acks,d.c.; sink and hand lanomand tools in gen eral. All kinds of shaftimy made to order, or plans eiv so for gearing lamorisior nulls at remouable charge. Hasa, ms—fCconsdy, Childs A Co., Itinekstock, A Co, tying, rennosk A Co, int. A. I:rae. BENNETT 4 4FISITHER, • ttoEk NtlWABk 3.I4pPIUFAPTURE6II, gigawilligthnnh,litelkg PittibAlrff ba Pa. (Vice, 14. 37 Waur rt e dauurn ilfaritt: and fp WlLLeonmantly k espoa hand a ie. mason meet of Ware: of our own manisfatture,•nd soperiorotality. Wholesale and country 10.- ehanto are respectfully invited to eaJland ea amine for them..., as we are determined. bell tom., than butane before been °fared to ttill pub lie. fr714,/ara .ant try .01,neeontinnied by Ula mut 01 0" to 5".."..4 ;i1k . PmmPtlY atiended to. mt. TO POINT CIW. TOUN D. SITREARY, Footing Ink Manufacturer No , 331 and lOll2.tanton area, NEW YORK—Lte pot No. 3 Sprite cract—Would call the attention a l'anken.t th o WI improved Printing Ink• of •annu loads aad ordera, at e following pocea : Eilra fiPt /et Black, for Card and Wood 043 . - • 62 00 .d 3 CO per lb Flee Book Ink p 73 " ICO " 800. rk • • 010 "40 " Nowa Ink - • 0 14 0 2/3 " 0 . . . lane Red 122 -75 e lIQ 120 " 2Ob Blue, Yellow, Gwen and Whlta 22e I IV I Sa Gold nee at ft pet lb, Bronze et, Uq 72 ets •1 per ae. A .pecimeo of News Ink can be seen on this pope. Tor tale by JOUNSTON & STOCKTON, C 5/o , glip k Co. Cineinnsn, Ohio. Vitiebni:sh, Morton & Oehinsenld, LanbreaSe, Ky. NEW COACH FACTOLIV, M. ",i,";',lgf ta a t ° ll' Lacock,tretween Federal at Puidesty streets. 'she, are now making and are prepared to necelve or lot every description of vehicles, Coaches, Ckariot's, lln roaches, Haggle., Keenan, an., ito., week from their long ripen.. in the mitneac tee of the above work, and the moil/ties they have, they feel confident they are tnabled to do work on th e NOll rm.:enable terms with hose wanting articles in thou Lae. Paying paNcalar attention to the Ileitettall of mate nes, and havinr none be competent workmen, they have no bemtaiton warranung thee werk. We therefore ash the &MGM. of the public to this matter. N Repairing done iu the beat flounce, and on the mast reasonede terms. intahtf Thom.. Parklmmo, 14ACIRNI4C AND hIANDFACTURCR—Lattic Ikra Tobanto. ilouain aad large Seisms or all kind Oran Castings and Brim Works generally. Corn of Ferry and Finn stream Tilt subscriber, having parchaml the, Factors' o httnae PatWreon, Jr., located at the above wend, woold respectfully inform his (Fiends and the ;while that he to prepared to hit any or'ent in his line, on the mow reasonable terms and with dispatch, and will krl grotalul for their patronage. THOMAS PARKINSON. ittsbargh,Jan. I, ltdal. HAVING dieponed or my extebheluncnt Or A Thom. , Martino., I tote the Ithegy to tPlo (or huts the pate/made at my friends end the pabh Whop confident Mat any lavors conterred wall I duly appreciated and promptly attended to. reTrEitzuN, Jr. Pittstratah, inn I, tEdd.r—ban7.o3ta (0 . 111111 end abort moo BILLS FIXCII ANai pay U &We in CmcputasL Loma.lle and Ha Lamm, par rhaaad on the most favorable tenni. OD= r.s aro., armor. WOOO Mann, roToneura, ioaNTINIIE m inotsurarorrooll koala of COPIER, lj TIN AND sumer IRON WARE. Alto, no,,k. toroth Work. SIC4I/1 ltoat+ built to order. Sparta! faleanion liven to , Team boat work. 'fare oa hfulds • Ult., •••ortment a f Copper and lira.. Kettles, l'irt %Yam/tr./re. Steamboat ed , liala Ytore4, l'ortualr Fortes., •Ilflolllstaaa -a very CFPI/011.1.11 ifele for Alrfkothosia, Califortu• etnistaradi of nal tus4 .11.4412.1.11 t, We would rispeetfully Inane 'team ',oat men' mf.l °Men to tall and see INC aruele• and Prams bell.. 11111e11Pli. el lowborn 1I:17 _ _ I rAq Mania (men ilia Eastern flittes, an . fi. 1. vtnl a large vatirty ul Deasona o ll , s o llt ueh e he ni otuto ,caelltilly Inv.. Ili.a allaitts Tor(l'ut, Oht. suit pedlars. No el Wood et. ME= lAILV at f o r HAVIIMORE, PHILADELPIII .1./ NEW YORK. 114.1SPON AND NEWORLEAN. tiENSUAL Ank:Ne V AND COMAIISSION OFFIC , Young MEN in witelcenle and retail storm and othe terpectablo bodily., to act as DooAkeeperettalem torn, Porte., Bar.keepers, Waiters. Faratent,.Coarlti men, ear Ayoub., itook and Kau Agents, llententoq neeraeers iu all branetwe of benne., ka, We pay,' at all times a Inge a u tuber of good etto o d oon on which h,joit pay trout :WO to SOW per 1 .4110111. TLC. lOWA of situations of any kind would do well to • lye en a cull, so we hire agents to each of the *boob Ca ned, n nogg will enable ILO to plane every spy/Natant a sun able summon et the shorten notice. We lowa A large em e puituoinee in all the above named cue , which w Iran will enable as to give notate Wild - tam to an who may fever in with a call. TAYLOR A. TA V hIAN, No. he Second et, y. N. B.—Penn. living in au between South end na y . pan of the U. khan - no d ~,,,ut o g to obtain anstalsOn in Baltimore or el ther of tbe above einem , will have their WentAmsee newly attended to by addrerumg ite a line, (plishpaid) as by ea doing they will email both .trou ble and at. /wow, whin: they other/rice would inane by Cond./ to Me etty, end Weint , s ..plovuens for themselves TAILOR /k TATMAN. N 0.69 Seeond anon, HatinOve, Md TRANSMRTATION. GEE, WO! GEE, WO' -- -- WINTEIL ARILANGIcaNh T. ft - Mlak 1850. StA4 nom coxisn ot.t, comrrro.n. BING H AM 'S EXPRESS WV ('.UN '7ll Avvr Paint • Pletabernalt and Philadelphia. A, , fl the bane.. on the canal L. about - being °lased CI Gar the sauce, we would inform the public that we hive again brought the Conestoga Wagon. into re quialtion, and will be prepared to forward gnu rounds teninmeneing on Monday. the Adh bap • cur leaving Philadelphtndally by th e wall train roe Quito. beriburg, and the Wegons traveling day and bighl. Cll5lll. the delivery or Goods in live doys. Apply to %VAT. ['INCH A Nl,l'ontbit igh, DINGIIADI & LOCK, No. Id.) aktket nov2o ' ' • Ithiladelplon. WIPTICR ARRAXObIaIIeNT Minfar. 1850. eft MEME=3ffM •xro vaom PITTABURGII AND lIIILADELVIIIA. Timm Five itaya, (r!dodays exedpiedd tunnord Mat an/ brht. THE balm rerneeifully lnimmed that rho Lore Width ha been tit roecenanil upermion the to previous winters sw .11 spun ccutinetnet, rislitpotg Monday, the 9ilh of November. A Car will Idave Philadelphia and ehmober.More, daily o h with Me Mail Train, and from Come bersiurch with with of horse. running day and 1,3 Me above cre pmpare Linnd to tonal Apply In linlar 4reight daily hf l) LEECIIIb Pitplion,M, or 1,-11A RIMS it LIVI:hIL,' No 11:14.nft Thiri Ere; Nula.d , •lo,‘, nort,dit . . V`llf/E.DA V LI In non non CONVIITAbI't or.nutmintioino ono euessass WIT errno /CID corrition. norwar, PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. b L , ?b i :Tg L . l 7 .s .7 e .,, ca L ri m et lw h c , ly loaded Wagons going raghi and Jay through to Pittsburgh. The horses are strulotmd every IS mile!, Which iusures the prompt delivery or goads widthu the time promised. The Visions will leave our mambos. Mon . , (Pun days excepted.) at 2 o'clock. P. M. Shippers are assured that no more goods will h r shrough.; taken each Mai than Call be punctually crried • JAMES d 1 DAVIS &MI. .20 MAAct strcet, Pcdad.tlJAA 7011A1 AITADEN Canal bneln, PittabuTh ICHIN PiIePALF.N d CO., Fo&wrortorro & ro=ors. on Mammon, Cane Burn. Peon moot, Parsburirlt. IA7bIE4 M. DAVIS f CO.. Fuca FArtrits 1 . 54 co„. wt.°, ?dun..., V" Mattel, and it Cmnw,rce rt. len made by aithe r of the shove, on llour, Wool, and tuerchandits, corootpted to them for •51. tun! UNION WINTER 185 ARRANGEMENT : 0 • anbactibera, now havin • g ,in toecap/hi oprrn- I. lionKA Exp!ess Wagon Mn. betarern citiehurals ddphs •rerared,' reccpl lot tOOO (501510 alli• Each w o ndeliverable through in to day., Spoil aTs c.crpted. HENRY GRAFF A. CO , k!anal,DoWn. DLTILLE lIIJAIPIIREYS A. Cu, lan.l.lto 107 Market el. • - • EWMII 1850 6 MSNI Diorcbants• Tranaportation Llue. === VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANA!. & RAIL Ito AD. Without re-xtuoplng. TEUE-111 Day.. K. of Frright al•ray. an as aLly °Wet responsible 1.41.1. C A AIeANULTY & Co., Proorwtorr, Catal Basin, Penn at. Pitt Owl& Acerrs—ROSEMORRILL & Co ' Baltimore . CHARLES RAYNOR, Phtl.delphia. WAI Eaclavively lor the accommodation of the WAY FREIGHT IIL;SINIUtS Between Pittsburgh, John.t.rt. 41. N, dersburgh. and all tntermdia:• 4hipprrs by thts I.ittm can oderay.Eri , nd ty"nl.3", fee !httt goods emmptly forwarded and •rltv.rrd, att p.•tnt on the t.enal or Rad Road, at io r tut, wr JOHN MH.I.ER, Propr,qur. Aclors-K H NAN, Johnatnwo, JOHN 11111.LE11,11611ulay.tow,1 tciAllA liVANULTY 1,0 r 111,5 niparolch: POILTABLEO4O47I4*IS4 Mailsso.lNaMa. rot Tot 7...1.011.1,1104 Or . ^ ....1.102 ECIWEVI dITISLIUROJI AND PIILLAUELPIIIA. • FROWiIIE.TOILI of tbia estutill,in.f 'and I own Portable lloat Line, are tans Clay prepared to reeelve . goods foratopaient on opening of Cana,— Navies much increased Melt facilities, their eitorn for storage 14 mop, and wwwlete. Notrsioltipment takes plate on iLni Line; the gnarl being put into a...0n portable bout, ere not distatle-d onto arSIVSI at thew di...thulium—ibex avoiding brine. an3~tthe three point. of Johnetown, flotiolayslintg. luoit.a. No 010wr,.. wade for re eet vi dit g or for, , sd. vaneing wiarges Ail good, ISiwaled promptly, and upon no fur bat •a ar; iiih . or Lino alai neig.tior linen tab or trio tbr E , " t i • C•i: We have, for the lan lb yeart, twen "1 Line," an I have never Int:cited out tide; 0i..1 we think we have earned the privilege or now eltaneind our ILIUM l 0 the avaormta of "Tits RUPOSSIZT-C JOHN hicRADEN tz Cu, Canal 13.41. Pitoili,ch JANET 51 DAVIS k. mid No 217 Market et. Philo:If:loom gleridit Anne ligidigti 1850. .n. 14111 EXPRESS WAGON LLNE 11'LiROUGH IN F r q !1 4 }•s, non, have established an Express trio by Hatlroad und Wagon between Philadelphia and Pluelturch. itv whien they aro prepared to foram d QUM poimas each d and d b r e en g p: o f o o r t,e lte delivery u,i r ok i ttla m nn e , o th t d v al t s .: lie that their arrangements regarding rater, regularity and deupateh annot togivelMlCllCllo2 mall .hr favor thrm ir k, their command, Td.tiFFE a IPOUNNOIL comer Penn and Wayne eta 13E , Main:ugh. IlionAs 1113IDGE:, de, modern and Antique Furniture. JANES W. WOODWELL, Timm fit., Prrranozaw. J. W. W. lileapettfuliy informs the public that be bat com pleted his spring mock of FURNITURE. the largest and mos. vant.d assertment ever cloned for mile to this city, comprising seem* setts of ftelawoon, &Wm... and BLAME Wsmine, emeed. °mammal and plait, amiable lot Parlors. Drawing end lied Rooms, all al which .rill be told at the Invest prices Perms, desiring Furniture of any derctiptinn, am spa dully invited to “ s s Iland examine hiome, arlitch emhenees every description, nom ;he cheapest and plainest to the most elegant and easily, of which the iollowing comprises a pare Tete • fete Sating Tete a Tote Aran.. Conversation Chairs; Eltrahmta. Comm.; Reception do Leak XIV do do Off leattgoo; • rod Tablvt; Lot. XlVCommudo.: Sake of Val.'. Courh 60 Sof. lush Plush and 111 ..cloth rover, 40 dox Alahogany. Parlor Chu.; If •' Bl'k Winttiiit do do; 112EMM=1 4 " Mahogany Rocking 44, do Piano Nook; 50 Matble Top Contra Table.; ESI=CIMM th. , Mahogany Iteds.adsi It Jo ..Werilrobec lo Ulk Wshilitdot ed.orry do. A very Wye emortment of Common Chem and rah Cr Parnduro too ladles. termini.. - • lU Steam Boats tarnished on the shortest notice. Ail orders promptly attended to. P. Si..—CaWier Makers ran 4i:supplied with nil sorm of Mahogany, Walnut, nod Veneers, at sionstsrality reduced pelves. . . . I. , Marces ta EVCORD.. la rs to M'C CO ord a. King) Wiri th !Wahlai. !latter, Vormer of Wow( ant Fifih Stroo:s. • PARTICULAR attention paid to ow( Kew! Trade. Gentlemen eau 'rely upon truing dime Hem and caps (min our establishment of the anus 111.1.1,311..1..1 and WONUILNIUIP, 01 the lATICY7 MALLS, and at the totem Mlle= Country htemhanla, parehanug by wbuleuale, an teopeatfully melted to call and elhlatlC 0.11 Stock; as we. eau duty with confidence that a• re,tardu Qualm alai meg, it win tot salter ut a euutpanant with any Inure in Philadelphia. PITTSBURGH 016 tiCA - Cie - INST ei L of Mr. Mrt: Grrouaen rot the pry mot umlaute year, will elannuenca,oll thtu day, MundaY. February 10th, 11l the came both/tap, No. at I.lberl) Atyangeinenta haenbepn ode by which they "MI be able to (antish young lotlieg (ambit. equal to ony ot the West, 11.1, obtalutag a thotnout, Eng lanh, at, and Ornamental edocalloti. A (Oil eouree Nu. MOWS.: sod Chatoical Lectures will be delivered donng the veinier, Illustrated by apparatus. The de • enamels 01Voeal and Intuntommal Ilusir, Modern ..•• • . . nguages, Drasittng and Painting, wilicsch be andel the career& competent Pn•fraitor. Ily close attention to the metal and intellectual nap. °semen, their pm pile, the Princip ti als hope to meta a euuousuun of the patronage they have hitherto enjoyed.. For terms see circular or apply to the Principals. • fAls-dtt mprat. & SUM' PIPM•1111. mans Asa, 3:1S1 CASKS W/U shanty arrive, direct from the m..l.olsiters. via New Orleans, per slaps Bher Jessica, awl Austria, which will be NW., an arrival , , at the tautest market price, by %V S. lit fill II:111.11,111EF, lOU Liberty at [l:7 rare mill alao terries large aspp:wag durlax . e T tise *wag a. radadalphsa 8.111111114., • • r A. A. MASON L'CO., I vo to m carrot, are daily receiving nanv and LI deArabi , : Goods from the !carrot' ntanataitatica eeantry, and at the rattan tratvectations. -!lte' raeillues which they enlah.b.t4 cntthattaat wait a haulm to the east, enable. them to parcluangotala at. the lowest allvanott , and.keep tank atocrfall add de 'tarsala at all saturant. They have • Su aelsonateat or Male Keeping to which they nlioit th• cull attention or. theit hued* luta th•Dablie. , pagointrnamlN TlllSSelloW:lmperlal Cone. Byrne' Pol mem he it preparation of mo eh Merit, ar Ott ri many of oar own eineens wiihnely WWI ltK comity to in earative propene bit aged rroprottil alter mine it, eggreartd It .1 . opll.ll nt thic nary pope!. courts remedy by airih '4l Ile weielit tugold?' Au editor of orte . of our doily parer. Mate, in rt note—.l always keel, it in MT how, and would not, Oil any account, be vi?tht.ut " An old country man cayn— c l ratiafied, iftee n trial nf three or years. that it is the bent tough medicine I been ever trod, either in the Old ort New World." If ou have u eotdh, get bottle and lary iG it roam hot 25 root. • WC CLING 0810 AT itEDUCUDPIigiO r ICiII A LEXANDER. A. DAY, corner of the Diamond anal Market greet, are now selling oft. at redeemprier, ltwir mock or Winter Cootie, covet...big of Shawl. and Deese Goods. ia great ninety. M.o.—Blank... tool Flannel., Cloth,Caotintel, Nahn-. elm tool it full 111.01101e111 of heavy Cotton Good.r. Co l n boner barrainv ewitiot hi.l Where, we invite the lotent!on of. buyer, 13411,:5 Market dtrat c~a~n~~.'-~.' • nixOa RAIRIT OV STAVIN, VIL, I Scrofula or litutr, Evit, Ilbeentothern, Matins., Cute -1..1 Fa option, rtniples or P. 11111.011 the race, Blotchy, Bile, Chronic Sore Mye., ging Worm or 'fetter, Scald Head. I:olurgentunt nod Pilo of thy floors and Joint, Stubborn • Ulcer.. Syp Symptom, Sciatica or Lumhatro t —and lieu area online from an ititurhenta ore of Mercury, Act. rte , er 1/ropyy, Papotture or Imprudence .. n Life; Also—Chrome Dirorderv, f to thiv preparatton arc vtningly eoneetitrated all the Medicinal htetherdrni of Sonar anti, erttabitted *oh the mart etfeeteal aid., the molt valutary produe4ons, the moat potent simples of notge kuldrelonit it boo been co fatly ttnnbdi only by [tattoo. thorn• aelve ond a, but alto by physician, !bat it hoe received their ut.queltlied tutmetidntionv and the oppdoba. limn of thy publt, cod ha. evtaliti•ltetn , Pn to own merit., u reputallon . f:ti vat.. ran/ evamarr faricpc. nor to the vonoc• colnpounda hearing 'the eof Sarsapardla. thoance have been mitcd, roch'a are not furnished in the tyctirtiv et tiota rogn nod It it,. alr•oilr deny not y ttoctands Who hoonibaed it, it is copo hie rf rotor for Sc nithioustnill valferinr crud straegling 'dt•tavc. It rutift-s. oltanaca, and ittrengthens the fountain spring • of hfc, sod lota:sea new or lhroochour the ..................... ANuTtina CURE ill' SCROf The fohow.rg ..trilitne, and be ocen.-iner molwat hi WI iniefriutech, Se.rofol,o, fain.mend, itsrlf to all 'unduly SocTurve, Conn , Jan. 1,149, 51ce.m.Sitndg: Gentlemen, ti7mpathy for the aft.. r.I dcce. me In talormyou of we remorkethie tore effected . I.y iota r.; tho of my wife. Site W. 12 reniiiel, arlii;ted the Ver'aula on differ ent loon.. of the tidy; the glan.l4 of Una neck *era greatly enlame,, and her Irmbn mans 510011,. Intrering hod finding no relief frond the remedtes u•ed, th , ottra.. , attact.ed on( nod, he t.. d,o her , .. .rt. rateo. tier ph) Alcmu udylsed ii null he CHILI nor:, Which W:im anti;:..ut u,thoulany pnrcuanynl In 11.4 ...aqua sec hemrtl tr. sind were t0.!u,c..! :‘,13.J.' I , renpariltm. 111 e 'firs hattle prod dnrii•-ti and oaturablr. ei , ct;n4le• f• her noir Mon en) uou .Le Ind ever ten bernre she st.r t.oltie..—to theh.onNtament no.l 4,-Irett of her frier.dhe'shOod - herbealt:, rjuite rc.torcd. It ',tow over n ye„ r tin,- at. curc-,.. et , ireterl, end her, health remhtns gond, thorting am the sva• tnornu,tiy crud /eared Item ,he itarare knownt, i.o far r: • jak t , ery bttnly on utth re4; , ,Cl, vr. .1111.11.7,3 1 . 134.7. F,tuart inner ri li•tr,et4velve.lfroel Mr. N. W. 41.1 , lino., 1.0.1-tana.eo4 Vur `,..ndenten, I Lvaecnr«d e c..erol,lls.funne With Your Suraparttla, who way .htneck.l With SzrOfula., and or 'wronging. faunly, - N W. L'ABRiS `l'Ledertvh.liuil,,i'.. Jo;y, 17, • - to tO c tenseerf,n ot:ect no.tuut to ra t a e t:ourn, who to to ettrart of ~t r, a _parilln,lnro 'odor, J try soiltilesteosaptiutalnbc,:irinstthe name, but co littic or non. of die volue of siatu. able mot; stol. Ilan,: not confer prniitei troneht on oar render 3 than anooyo4• t Ot the er column. tor Totakiy 1,005 rolarg. told II pirl 01080" tho wiAn teally gond article will tool convetttratiht in inia stit medic/nal:l4lde of tho root, 114 riperte in-.. of tioomvotis prsved Irr cliicacy la tooling rho vntio.ota fax whitill It . - emontanCk., and acid aunt than any toner, perhapA, tlo. to,:trino ts prapa• ring the t. yoteta nelan:e of :c-111oUre Saar. its., I . wpart-d end rnl.l..whnlr-ilie and retail. by A. U. D. SAN LX 4 , - I , rurxtrt aald, Int ntil•et, ranter of mitton. tiro, Yart. r3ohl &Oro' by Drag renrruil, tt.ruughout I:.ated St,tl,s .41 Om; .14 11 . 11.,. rat 1...1c. for SS ['or •alr : .11‘, Jr It A. FAIINESTOCK ll I.lrtl ARDUF.NDE.IIIL3I,I,II.hurr.h. r ler Vs, VII : t,.l,..rtar, _ _ =MMINffMI Vo l lomeeNll.—MM.lSso. GAZETTE OTTHE UNION AND GOLP'ENRULE The Geonite avg. Role hoe tiny the carport °lithe Order to so extent that motes us determined not qtly in,leaerse this anorobunno, but to add largely to bar her of reader., and these:too we_orspose the follovr t ng NJENV TEmalS, which are more than have ever boon oletud by any newreeer r nr suagaunte In the United :_;l3te.. We gilt , in the t' a.. and nosey year, £ll . llll` l'Alat:S OF CIIOICE INN, in a style tool s bouad, thus fermis a beet trehish noel. year mates-more valuables lie ebatacter of the tba:tetle eat' lint, is too wdl know. to need ezplmtatioa e , re, nod it rye ID remark that It con-lilt., from Ina, In time, thE gtoteedinglol the Otand t.cluVa of the New York 'end also of • ex S attn. coconuts of relebrattons, In.uMnans of New INdqes. and nee...lens:ly, a Complete Dircetory the Lodges in.lho Union. Ito , . . . Literary . Deportment. w Gllird with Oriainal Tales addle hlgher, eveellenhe, by the most eminent verihria• in oar errantry; Popular Toes; Chvire ;di, certhay; the rarest litme of Poetry front the Encash Corte; sketches of Travel; Ance- Joths. a.e., ha ; and neearithamilyillarrtrased with • DO •1141.11 . 1111 Wood Ifingroolatge. Lleing equal In its Literary character to any Wee Irithe country, and beirg Mir , . perfect in Ito Chid ebb lowship deportment, - it is svonhylf a place on c table of every brodicr of the Orter,and Indeed On dispenatine to rah who wish to heap folly informed rof the work bloat now grodpue Order: (too copy, ooc yea,.............. .... . ...... 84 09 Two copies, one year, - .-.-- -- 350 • i . Seven cope*, one year, cant, —....—... . 1 g Thus Tweed y t . reducing it so that every lodge can get a ft t clear piper H e ady than the chewaret local jiapern the Following, • ' , The particular and especial attention adze brothi, trwad is demred to rho following extract fn. a /Crier trona that distint r unhed brother, James L. Ridgely, 10., Grand Cut. and. Rec. Secretary 01 the R. W. Gerind Lod of the United Statue, I. 0 . 0. F. "The GoL ge pEN RULE is IC nth a Aims' Welcothe and valard visit.; and etee It h. (Ilion into Poets hoods. 1, have seitnetned Its gradual and steady, tin progetneut with great pleasure. It to DOW 1...M0. toy jedgmrnt, et no etts scar stuttooteit. In sag . neon. and Ido triteßthat a diaeerning attd intelli gent Brotherhood mill, er-. , liberality worthy of yarn great esertioral, enable you still more to augo.;its. .fulness to the Order at large. With great res t your (soul and brother, JAR. L. RIDGILL .1 Oploilona of !Member. of G. L.0r11.8%.1.1.• ' Believing that We interest. of the 1.0. of 0.. F. j. al well ar to of society large, will be atone effeeta y promoted by She poLiicstion of 5 paper devoted to t o . promulgation of to principles, see would owner y teeorateed to our brethren the Gia-,erva or THIS II too I,:ei.natt Hos.; an ocor conducted by Grampten &Clarke, se a valuable medium ter the'erpoeition lof the designs of Othl.relloweltp, and •e , worthy ibe cordial suppers 'Or the Order. Tinian. SValdey, I'. G. fire. ' John .1. Kennelly, P. (Lane. , P 0 hl denies P. Rif gely;of MI, R ISO ..S.' ' I' (1 al lien. lit al P Well., of ltlhos , 1.1. to' 0 CI,. I . 0 lobo It Johnson, of fln, ft %PO. Mar. P r: Peter relit. Pt; Al J N err. keo, WAI Ai• lot, P tr tVot A %Vell..rrrond ItoprearntaureAol r 4 Scc or I. DI . Penn. Smith Aunt, I'1: Mar U I. or US. I P John W Anders o n, P So!omon Oohed, Grand Rein ran Mauve.: of Georgia. I. II hi n.nry t Welteter, Grand Rep of R C. P Tinat,al,l, G IL Fannin Grand Rep. of hlaitte. P 31 Rolanaon, r C Rep cf Virgin!. P 1R Fret, jr., Grand Rau of Maga Geo It Ihraann, P al John Fairfax Safi Grand Hcp,e+enVilivem of balaware. . I' LC Id Samuel Itqad, of New Jereay. P thiPrif r., fllJohtil)lllondendrin Firprrientative , of N Garobna. P lf John Inlalty, X t: AI IL 0 Shaw - , cjan , i'Reitre settAti.t :of Naha:oa. G WIV Money., P G Julierion'era,Gjiti R C of Dntriernfi:olainbia. . 1 „ r ateahe it IP-own, Grand Rep of Y. ttim(t on/winner, V la Jaanes.Straletnidif Grand 'Rep tenant...ea of.Lou'adana. 'n I I' 1; N ltanuwa, Rea G or Mmiosipoi: t 1,, Fu, ban, PG Win A Alotku, iesnael. • " P AI Gen W NV' G jou Iv - ?tfU r tuif s J Peacock, Esp.. Loans of Temwsset. : I'a Frrd N armt, P I: Joho W Mut, P CI, Bk. Zieumnam - 411 12 , 1 , ww stub's siblssllsbn/: ~ Nswun N Ech,t,Mtbsd Unmet of N Y. 11 . 0sddeus Ilitu4s, DOI 14 rs of NV. ' " Esoissoth J. Pents,l; hseretsry 01 N, V . I'tr J °Lb J Thaw, P JAM. P W, Abblrs.ls4JSeptr.esstabtesut N Geo HAAS:x.Ii P 31bster - of NY. Pantos are ustbsiii , ,l In retail money pup= .Iwhers;autl all tbs..lmt mwenes of the Pow Maar. a; suck dhly wa Idea by tom, is m oar ns L .alt cases "Item bbn•sh ob,mll,..bMioO a Ol. baba'. fro. the maoma cscslize.l Mos.' who sesa II: CRAM . fsh.b...LNksh.A.plb - Ti No. IA As. , i,.lve w isikrZ, VI-11,.Prtnnianip VentworeorgailugbeLigitenlelban , , .11. - q Mslu4, $n the Llo:rk , ns,l raper th.goived ou th, nsls mu, by mutual C 4111 4, tinAiersewill s—s ' tied n• old' bland, No::9s "a" ' •'•A IL In Woad inteet, is ss.le gran or . g , former perlocroldp br 4 - iigIJFIL. FILLI(ITT will: be medal. mat 4-IL,ENGLI*-11. ITO; '205. ' MISGELLINEOUS. 'IIERAY; . FL =3l IIAV ,FRUa E.3lkg(tr _, FAIN, AldihiliFA White Ilaiine hi, alt 'Woof, I Bea I Yclloet_pH: • -!bd:I -Droord do. do. '.' Mt AND AT FAST /IRVLIZS ritICF4 MuelninE, Rice. ins: . paii Derain.:`y.C ouonados: W an . i . trqf Ham LeagnOßarting. §yzipes, 11 14=kOo Bed Padding, amp.. do; Yost Paddg. Doeknun, ailreCa ln nm,h“r/d.; Brown Linen., &Una's; Drab Homo black ,do, oßit ,untiarcwatedr . • • • Black slmetta. Steel miXdd_ Mae do. _ do • . • Mick' Cassizurre. Fancy Tweed,. Super 11/tele litorarelotb. Super Brawn' - 'de " • 33uper'GfaTal .Emprierrefled•,Ula'—C lamer aback Itala.ak Duper Drab Cashman, Super Ilrovro • do Wank andi.Widui.ropoi (Bork Twat,; (Anon Gr e eks rind Dnilo; sn:on's 6 eord toq.C.onoo; .. do :..Lima Sinvad, a itopetiotarnejez, FigoredNesnp,p; Moot Benin 'do , Brown Ilolland_Bo'g Saks; tinuco.s; Cravat., Le., &a. arebousa No IU7 Now t;. Jart Flmeats:ad. • Soper Black ' e .do Cahfantia kilankau Scarlet • do Grain Bagging._ Brown brit.; At the Manufacturers' R Eitubtrgb._ • . . • or a Moravian Missionety; bro. B. Timmer, one 1.1 •ul., Modei ALlteraiore anJ Literie s y.Men,betnyLF Asc. ond Gallery of Liiertiry Portraits. by'lleorge repro...l emir* from the Loudon edition, one large 14 m vol, media Dietianary f.e.'No Uide Zwingle,ibo Swiss Rebeninmitly Re.vDiMise; vol me, marlin. Aneedotey far We Tniing. Or i't i lneieley illefetraied by Racist eompileil by R. Dy9tedtb,l.Yol Lel Rio mut lin . _ ... _ . . .., , _ Warrants re Youth, suggested by the'Ronory erne markable scripture ebarnetsrs: By Robert Banton; I tor In me, muslin. _ForsaleßY : . _ .. .- R HOPKINS, • -.N No 73 epode Suildini. Ferrith.,,m, ritilE SUBAtfUlliblici, tinning Ate Agency ler its 'i• gizmo Ihe Printing Paper of n lend edi.biii , b 4 d nod well evens:re MIK ITT this vicinity,: will bent an tAneg aupplied_orith the different =Aso( Paper of su perior quality, which tee elreent the lowest regni•X Any oizei or quolity gilt De otonaftmiurodloorder nt thon notice. A ❑ ENGLISH roCCi;; (Soccoiciors of ?Alan k FAntich,t mai' 78 Wood ctrett m!AmuEtitlas.zpvlr, 11.1". ;AN'B2 Cant Steel Files, of all size.% Ein.d.Blanttodttand Shoe Roans, adoras aon hand and (or ,s In, ther at his "El ea Steel Works," O' Hare soca, Pifin Ward, or utile •O N o.a Iron Store of .1301.141 ANS RR4 SON, No I laokot Wood went, Pntab.cogh, o . tacuLau. We, me andersird, buying used, htutb entire sat. klaction, the Cut Steel and. Film node. by Samuel • McKelvy. et bin FAgle ;Heel Work.; In thin clW.,take pleasure to recommending them aa equal its 'Amain:Y. to n any ever used by ns, of foreign manufacture.., • Pittsbnrgh, :larch is, LSO ." • "• stioaNnenam& Manufacturer, of Iron and•NaSsi.Eillalslmit, Pa. KNAPP ft TOTTEN. lion Founder. end Muchtnisti4Pittsbmyrt. neiLAAN&OO,. ManntarturerscfSpnngs, Axle., Spring Steel and • Rivet., Pittebttrich, Pa. • ft W FASlsat, Engine Builder. and' Machine Card hlanufactie rera,•Pittsbounit. fa. • . A FULTON. • Ulm 41 Founder, - Pittsburgh, 'tiItAFP.LINDSAYIL CO, • Manta...ter. of Unit and Nail.. Pittsbmgb, Pa. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine and MO Builder. FiUsburgit,Pa. • • W W WdI.,LACE, Marble Manufactitrer, ;Skein. and Engine Uulid gird./ • nieLo2.lldON•PrAlscn , , ".Tnti “abscriber hiuJust gent:dyed • new and Lemi n! tinttrument ealled 'Melodeon Piano," from the.factory al March re Mae, Cincinnati. Ft haa the elegance or exterior of a Piano Porte, wed Is pos. - vecred.or a tows,at twee .sect Pa4,coovrerfal, Its Feat advantage, however, consigtv tat the rapidity or nil enuneistrion, whirl. tnables the perfoneteetiVoxe ewe apex it We it/nab/Winn% platinum:de- wreltogeth er,lt !nay he celled the lend rend 11131COILtnt cues in vented. Call and examine. , , , •• —, . - , KLECER, et %Cootßetire, Rule Agent for lurch &White , . attuifitentee. several itew setd.gery fine,Zilelodeoes. mr2o [Journal, Chrouiele. nod.hlercomy cop' , I Chanabata , Educational, Cassias. EIIIE SCIENTIFIC:IiIt:I'IO:4.-110 Menlo:thous bets Woos employed the first Peet:mom is Beet. land, 11l the preparatton of (11.0 seorkeare uow offered to the nebaols of the finked Statea, under the Auarrie an revision of alas Beene, M. 1.1, I. L. D , late Sane amend ant of. Politic School!, in the City and County of New York. ' 1., Utataberil 'Treasury aline/Madge; .. _- 11. Clark'. Drawing and Perspe; •C -be.. MentnotaTUSTO: .4015/bitlit, - 1 IV. Reid& DainbiChaniary 'lttatricity; V. Hamiltontir Vegetable and Animal ThysioloiN, VI: atatoberatEklements of ZoolOxv; Nom, WW>ueq . VII. Page's Clentenu of fleniescy, - • It is well known that the lawn./ Filrliatem of tbs., wort. (Om Matir4 Chan/bet-40f Win/MIT - onm abiti to command Ste best tolints in the Vrepanttiott of Mite. books, 'oaf that their practice to deal failltfoltr- Pith Ma public. - This series will not . Al.mppalnt ILe seasonable expectations Mos etched. They's" el.. ntenhay worts, prepared by nathars In ritzy way ta p•ble of dotaTiststim ibetereepsenveuridetabdaiss, and who have evidently bestowed upott them the ne— cessary time and labor to adapt them to theirpurpose. Ike recommend theta to macho:a-aid ,parents watt confide nee. 'The o'ol named irolume,in We hands of • teacher of the yoanger classes, might furniat at to exhausuble.nold of amusement andtortruatiOn. - To gether. they would romatute a rich trousers to a fan. of tottaltrot children, and imPart -- tbirst for knowle4e.—iliertnoin Carimiclei ; Published by '4. Banes &Co ; New York' and tor:sale by ' A. 11. ExpLisli & CO. at OS/ _ • No 19 Wood - .. • - Engnab 611Ld - A.axiEirtCa TAriMi u. lAW.KWOOD,lrookselier aid Importer, I) 1M Fourth street, a few oars ens( of - W o oo.liatu 63 Woos etrect,) has for eale— London: Architectural Magazine, 6 Toler, Bgro.'—•• Wood's Treitivo cro - tratllttrads,livo,—Spark's Life Lis Writing. of Waebington, 16610, tvo.--Spaik's ife and Wriunge of Fraqiin s .lo vols, royal thro— Ilistory of England; Pretanafrididair, 4 vole, royalBvo. --Shakercare; PletorinFeditiont 3 vole, royal Bvo. • 46.6ERS.D.LUCGWOOD, 164 rough At UIANCY SILKS A SAIL:VS—Kt pea inch fancy Silk•and Patint. Also-10 pea. Plach - Fi rg ated and Plain dryvero high lootrel with It Ktld selected cock of Silk Goods, reed at A A MASON* C011;' mrll9 Market et. belle Third and Fn. th ' 11OBACCO-46 caddy box. Borrow,':.; , - Y 1 bozos Bolt. Mg, lovers; 29 do Perabertoo's &s;•, 10 do- Rosner! 4'ltobinson's do Henry & /me.' 5. 5 .do Hart.* 10, obe op;: , • • 10 do Ilenry . & Jenne lo; '5 Wormk'd . t 0 ' idle by "9, C H CHANT.O4 Woo,. ett' it ALEXANDER A DAY, corner of the DiaroimA and Market street. are prepared to offer, at the low_ eat market pricey a choice witortmeat of Silky of the best qualities and nearest styles. Best black glossy tiro de Rhine, of a celebrated manurial:name. warrant ed not to eat in wearing. Want Brocade fig'd Yery rich. Rich fig'd Silks and Satin Do Chenes, in choice colors; Chameleon, Gro de ithines; `Satin de Cimes, and Tare Satins. _ ALEXANDER A DAS', 135 Marked - at,' melt_ Northwest comer of the DimiitTd ICONOGRAPHIC MINCYCLOPAEDIR' , .„ OF SCIENCE, -LITERATUNR,S. SIiSItitfATICALLY arranged by G. IiEG/t, with five hundred quarto ideal plates, by the KnostAns• ling-dished artist*. of Germany.. The Text temialated and edited by SPENCER P. BAIRD, A. H. M. D., Professor of Natural Science. in DlCkinsart College, The Iconographic Encyrlonmdia will be publ ohad in part., centairung ra plates Mut 690 page* of letter press, issued in s convenient ;morello, In which oubseribers can keep their comes in perfect edge on. completed, when that eon he boom!., to • One part is published every mont/wailleacry tow. price of 51,00, hick will reale earthen& of bistroca Oen tri theme. beautiful and ponatlMtli Corm, bower: er tcanly their mesus,• to become subscribers boll. wort: Sehrenpuons taken (or the whole work only , . Front the Demon Yost • , The work- should not be coupled for • maul* with any of the Amity or popidarly.selenilcopithliefuldno at the day. Prom the New York Tribuno.••- -, ',D. • The exceeding, beauty of the plodsx , rectintliend . r. them to the auention of the lover ef Art' • • . • Fleet the Lkerary . Wortg. - A well executed solid work'. of aotortannal value. The inundaetton of this work tato general elrodlitiotr oolong oar aehool and °doff lihraxisa, public:and jet. cannotfail to ale poulouileo of adrantage, • Vrnt the WaaltingreirlD.ll) trolod. We euntot too highly reconnuand tholoork... ,The• enKraviug. are in the Mew* ally* of art. fin wort . Irma ever boron been pobliahed to-thin - countrk" an' splendidly I.lliistrued, and the priatut Waller INI::an equally tugh order- 'lt he tont the work fonfamilsca t - ..' Ci SIX N , . of shit lonalualde Eneyeler-redia arenoW published and ready for anbactibera - //khZELID.I.OCirkt V 001). 4 Booltaeller and Importa r; C 4 Wood melt (Alter lot Mara—Fourth in. opal., Wor,t: . , Bri i s i rt - tt . fo i tc=: I fit d the is P V t:de las egtoosive ebtabliatunah wor my. , Or employing from two to three worths., and where he always keep. a large watsbet of thole - lit j trigas~e , l4 he prepared 10 tadellt.,l¢ the leer tamper, .Irod wa4o,oot dwpateh; all 'orders tor " • MILL, ..a c.,)rrupi Rod WOcitrltft. MA% guiNlair,...sCeyery Jesetiption. For the worksyr 'ShlPSest'slylß of hie thsehmrs he would•relet Ile anannfactorrrs intlse ' llrestersondSoraprm thy as sr. a s the Middle Starts, whamr!. now op- t. 'elstirrg them, Ho has Wendy mane great . meats, both tall:tops are,! pimp. of bis.IKY, "-tub orarbo furowted st.ressonabletidees lyfrap. ,ALYUIFIDIENES: • RetSrhotre. .------- :- ~ . .i ggo. . - - ....i?..7/35Q: -I. '• W P ;elU ' l r iTO:t 'g n ' girth ' iti___6 9 tft FA IS' a 1 ' ve prepared to sat at - d.....6Weet otatwel prte4:to oeb 4 ilyera end promitt totolltena m-,..a ~ We would ask the a Uentton'ot.Ciiy attd Wet:alien . SIP-wheats to our et. ek, belieria; we e. 14 offratllltay Ind.:Ts:wow to p... 1 . 5 e hota a ~i . . . ~ mue.csixrriAvnrE; ,, . rettllt - .. !HT Gorda Jobberwlft Wowlat . ' wait. 91"/...zo14,1 PALIIIEIteUANNA CO:` • (saceettori v Ilusx77 21 6 / 1 4 . 22:k.:Ca rtra:Flß9, ExtireNin ItROBLR.Y, and t nler. ro,cign and Dosatzde Exchange, Cerchria!Ltei eilßpozaetinnic Nom!, and Specia—f Meth jam.' Aes.rty oppance the Banc of Pictobargh.. ..earrent . nan: ncy reeereedaa deposgu , —.Sicht Chacki for saki and toacctiulta,caie nearly all nrepriaeipy rintn he Unitedllctien? • • " , Twhi g hi, , t prmitax mud 1.1" Foreign and tatuirdzait• • AdviecainuliCehviwigament. rot-FY.OII4S;I:V¢ lurmee—.!Llbeiss libli/by, baryale by . - kb: ki apt . , 13 A1Ali DiCgErkllQ G.°&, C 0: