1111==alemmoi.w... rtir e:TEriECtaril. AILIGIP,I2IIMD a sicueasta rata • ' PIITSBURUH DAILY GATXrrE • OREIGN 1 11Y8. &1331/1. L • el; ;la E S ' ' 3* Kris lETJRO A. . 4; April 3, MO. Ths sesames , Ewers ed has halt ! past *Jock, this autumn. , , - The Ottaue•Uor of the lterrWlas Pemi l e d hist:44st l* the sushi yeir, sod, ratbaulth he bad the phrasal. of asisoutielag &Sutras else:sr. Is two arid s half tolllksts, still the Diallilef is lAA that surplus had bees disposed et is sap thine lel satbfasua to dm tiouturp. Illasisters are said to lad aides he a serf Promirktai tenure. The bust advleas from India ars Isas amours/. *I duel was sipsesed. Prom the Costliness there is huts sews of wee attest. The Mediu, is France have passed over quietly, The latest accounts IriXo Havre give tams:kg. bly favorable reports of the Cotton market, with ranch meediness In prices. COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. lemtswem. Musa.—Canoe—en desaiptions of Cotton, esout fair and good, had %leased oee In the Ili. Bales of fair Upland at 61 I mule, ei; 00cons, ai per lb. The sales of the pest iretileht had been 55.000 belts, of Which WM were taken by speculator', and 10,000 by export. us.' The sales of but week &wanted to 20000 bale Corte Is London is Lowe to 'tie Shiley ) or 15 from the top pries of a few week" ago. The Corn market is near, awl yellow hu voiced 50 .la the bushel. White Is unchanged, Flow--The marital to nachansed. The mossy •usarkst is Irma, and the quantity of Waal in the But/t has increased. Comb are quoted at 950 far mousy and amount... cal warbles we sad to tioneribut we bate no umitathhts to repOrt. Vag 12 Ow piastflatUAlf Wets is not to ,mOrIGISMSSIONLIo . Wantommte, April 3; label. sertate-;a swamp sras received from the Ps, Went, sicempalled by a copy or the tostracilons Wee to the agent employed to iialillingary,da yteg the recent war between that country up Atisltlu, That (oast oonsideration of Mt. Beare comp?, odes reaentiosiewu named • lar.Beddain concluded the speech commended by bin cm Thursday last. 1114."8eash introduced a bill prolvidies for alUl Rather redaction to the metes of pump, Mr. Clraerford, Seemoary 'of. War ' .asked fora tali atidmempt investigation of bin c oed et in it. teedtri the 6selp4a claim. a Committee ♦motion mu ,adopteded to appoint ca skim in roidgem the matter. hifeCleinud stibmilled to the Moue Ne plan for motley and compromising the waging dillicalties, which does tioi rail' tactually from s o ugro..Tht Speaker appointed a committee of tiet War of the Secretary of War. Lain as iever into his condiol, lathe settlement oat I Oamlpin case: A sesolutioa relative to hemp was dleisessed, The °mambas on elembine repotted mayor. able Oa .gbilairdt Fidel N. Balkh' and c.m.aeb: tem itakram Goo New Mateo and Dane*, et Sala the Heitea , The report we referred to the oreashoseof Me whole, and Dude the special order of the day for Split Stbdo The Monte Sou vent into committee of the whole an the Clahlyraia Message, , • Mr. Grata spoke ia favor of slavery. He would go rsr the Missouri Compromise Liu, and the adtalsaua of flahlomle, on certain conditions. Mt. Spalding vindicated the adadaistradria Sam the charge of unsonebteacy, end said than : dries. Talk/ would stand by the will of the pit*. He advocated the admission of California. • ; ' Mt. yrawi , obtained the floor, wbea the com mittee arose, and the House adjourned. • Wauascritsolpr ll.4 . aaamm--Tbs Vies rtestdtat appotated • ':. ChM otarterghbont br the reason! of the re. ebbs Caltauz. ?bey - will attend the i; ttd perfortithe ia“ led zinakcd'llis dead.' Tha9aoattt4ataak up Ms. Ileirsaaraptculalse MO** IPP,tradOidooa mums, ua c 03 011 0 .1 bi• - us iiiinaed the institation of. slaveryfrom the ohathe-of beteg Sitital,ana called noon the North to epsomite with the Bomb, In a measure which shah separate the white sod black ranee—the only plittlet!ble plan for:the estirpetion of use objectien.' ahlit inditatierb ge advocated the necessity or omen some Whereat low for the receptors of fairitihe Mend admlttei the power of Con. IP6PIO liths, slavery in the District of Colmar bikbat denied the inotalvista to do as. litoontilusies, Mr. Usdersrontl sad be would speak epos Mt. GleT's regatabiab at some Imre • gr. Corwin emitmitted • few remarks in reply ,to Utuktrinl4.s the ¬es 01 Ohlo Waging 'apemen= tot kidnapping. Ater aby tolditiout intoods . MG lisle: - mp!y to Mr. Modorwood. Mr. Foote moved to piegroo• . the farther comittetati on of the oubi•et untifteerktertr, intimminit bis intention then to pesso.uponreMs ,Setnato his motion fora Salmi , , Comintern:" Kr. Winter remarked an kw months of too Nest= had winked, and yid no poetess what. emir tad inn made it publie homes& When' eon omeiton had, emitted for this desk. the time weird to Idea to :have now otos in which the Sean° seed to 'proceed to some action: Latootdd retain week% and Perhaps monen. el thandstion and odes cinnabar of Contest to meson pa belitami neeesur, attar the queen* dike elegant's!' Cariforehi 4 atiall have been die _ Pow* ol . tignif as the &sad ought to take up the bill reputed ilbet the Temitorial Committes. fer the adadagen of c4arnis, end die9oo4 or if follt. sad Wm he Ires to favor of segos upon Um Ten choral Bill dared a settlement of all the questions in amunivany, thereed , 1,10 t°2'. mean at the beginnlng, staving through with atin mile avow numb, ftfr• Maki he "odd sit the canifttin af the beagOr w delve: illiPesillem at the eleven UO"w•• Ur. FOND connoted. and the Bents ad • PACIRIO HAIL:IWAD ELATION. Plertemtthrtule April 4. - Beselittioas were Mitred, and spode. co" , ptePostie Oi ' make It la Maiyidosl sea. Meilen, et Illissourt, said he asthma ..._ell oonesetios with vitae individdle. et cm" patties *lndividuals. U shoela be utioad . 1,1 r, ° 4 •1 sitti tat tilAl swan do in. ja 101 l num wu tad "(iota Col. Freinotg — the • =xi herotat docnuient yet presaged to the Oremadok Methatter. sbe pmethelattl of Ulm work, end that Meaty mandid ittdmid'andoa matins ll to be done. ad to be eloo• - st me; and as a molousl troth by the United Stites." The e p a tmitlre ea negations reported' the fol. knebti, which pissed theca unnlenentely— ' • swotted. Thu Is the opinion of this Conven. Mee, a ra mad communication ammectleg the minteside wows oldie MISILSIIPpI with the tires WIWI of as Peale Oesse,ts prseticebt, Iteeenetrodloa Is dogma tratotdhoety• t. thillrehne the dirty of 00egress, is SWIM ray, to o p, the energies of do 6=14 so u to statue the Wad ponitile complation of such a work. " ypreeeed, Thai the wink is eational to he ammeter, aid should thereare be constitmed by "dal cecina but to avert State lad kcal pm. itylkeeN the Goverlirret should eonim Ile open. • • aticett to Me emetrY Amite of the on ipaidd Woo, Irving the IMAM Wades CA.: Affiliate," to be constructed by Sea melee, tottiekes the States may prefer. ibTaseh•• • 'llkeiteleed Ilium ths BMW& eanylog nor , a their Iwo to the mat tract. therm aPPro• plieoksit tithe palm knis adtheenrs Omega be iMalgthe !plied as the Ststos msy wears , mote Ozs4/ 00. , et.iiieeheeri, That cosine' be yaeleadellied 161 ;1 0 - i sok ewe as is its misdeal Taalhe diesere9! toppiletzt scoompllsh the east oh** imam' v. .01 *tom qiiigNowilgmlow , . via team rialoviiv* *fall tba mks dat stity_le coadailla,lnsotka* "Mr: Cants, of Litre, *Peke warm favor of 110 Towlotiole.ood gave in hm.ziafloi Immo a the Ent Ides mod soggestloe of a rail Welk Wan the contintst from Pd. Leelo. Mr. Curtis opposed the plas of Ws. WPltoof • asthma rald. sod hof. U. Wag favontde to en.. ed Da iMtnedlate mastmetket waled beamed cps on Ounretkaad the govemmem. The folio tag • resohnion anantnemaly adopted. , • Iteselvcd,Thakth commitom recommend mo the Arnerki - m t People, fa all puts of our common country, tiorge npon.Conital• by ho ur ph onons, to maks al early and ample atipropriathon for servepi of the meg atadde routes Co the Con a m mo. ors /Met mil road to California and , Orgies from thevalisy elthe hlississippy the preedeutt,liki.Ogdan, before vacating the chair, delivered mos .ef the moo eloquent. and vivaria( addresses in favor of the, Pacific Rake road gam{ we ever listened to, aid teeeived the ...tha.s.ne thinks of the mmvesulon. Th. convention shortly afteawards adjourned. Th o peixeedtags are sovoluminous into make , L h h ot kropoesibhr to' give • faint idea by tele , . graph, ' ------- -- THE WEBSTER. GAZE, Borrow, April I A'powent cart is bsi made to sat the Webster esatenco catatonia to imp:tam:mat Gtr CONNECTICOT ELECTIONS. lin* Ham, gprll4. The. Whip give it up that the Democrat. have It all their ewn way. • There (sett choice of state officers by the people, bet the Denteetate will curl the . Benate and Rouse 'certainly. - Ttda eat enable them to elect their =di*. for Governor. Themut Beynnettr, and also • United States Senator In place of Governor retires In Iderett.lBsl. Lovtrtius, The rivet V stationary at ISOM feet Wee inch, et, in the e - anaL The weather is cool, and the market unchanged. • Owing's, who Wed Hew, in s rencontra In the greet. in this city, taw months since, has Vann tried and acquitted; in Midi county. CINCINNATI MiRKET. Ciscuawn, Apfll4 Plont—Tbs market remains without movement, or variation prices. The only sale 'hoard of this Morning vu 2000b:ism 114 75 per WI. Provialoda—;Sale 01 , 200 brio Mess Perk, eons. try pacted,at fa 00 per btl. Up to the present writing, we have pot heard of any operation In Bacon, Bolkmasta, or Lard.., Whiskey—The sates thin monsuot wore 112, 25,, 13,27. 15, and 901:41s, hom' :ism, at 1910, and 30 de from the canal at 2 . 10 per gallop. The market) drooPiod• • . Cheeze--Sales of 50 bases at 11c, to export to ICalifanda. 'Etalormus---A.ssie of 25 hibi at 4 to. mg- • Bags.—fides 33 blab fair at 41, and 27 hhds I good 41: at sill per at BO days. atilt of 113 brla N.-0. at 241, 60 Baia dnii--Xsale of 15 tons at 510 per lb. Teo river bunion ale haelies'ainc e yestrday, and L. afillswelling. 4reather is ehandy and • .FlaurrThe market COMM= dolt, with salai at 200 brie 14113. Nabs cll small Ist% Own sues, at 60 274 par bri. . . thiltt—Oore Is doeising—recelpts balm tarpi Bales 400 bush at 40q 700 !bash Waal 45c per ~ Prerigiany—The sagrket is inmates. Nothirg is data; in Pork. &las of Lard at 5 a Si. -Saks 00 cuts' bacon, shredders, at 3.11 er.aker gig= st 6140 per 100,,and of dues at 44 43/ 00. • ' , ;; NotdP-‘Ncithisis wits doge. ; • ; ' - ' ; Lesd—Saiesl 6oo Pigs Lead at 14 024 par tog.; -"Wheat has SUghtil 14=444, with salsa 4000 i tottitali at 85 OM par bush. The disagreeable sesem • he cheated mg door ; - NEW YORK MABEET. Nrir Yams. Ficir—Tbe mutts b wilbseu change. Orain—WlmngFet enquired eftemocens nai aso liniantani Wes. Cam ie Ann a . tohnekhr pea cute= demand. Penni:nice-4'611r - Wheel! - sea dna. Lyn la EMI at elifial fat. Inia and dams. sad siou br keen Idemi--Selas Sento Pig mina= par we. Ramp is dell. American has dullardo o Acne lamer raven Dew rotted Megaton atIL3OOII4O per toe. NEW YORK MARKET. 'New You, Apra 4 . no imam's news published IN. az Ortliag• hes not yet Lad a material street co lb* Market. Dealers. prefer welting 'flutter etleicos, berme tnomeoto4 to env extent. THE AMERICAN RACING DEPOSIT BAN offic. 11 WALL DEPOSIT BAN K COURT. 711 W 1011- I hog to at ratios emaeo dna Ow w km mold Char. for Imiptiam teat eta Mad W •WW- L re to hap •Om al ato pahho rapport la Imbue wel Moslem by this . .. cypress:ay is wised ei chew of oladoloa, hozonlay ta wawa or Mileatim dow.h,l so bosom 01 tha met trwati4 mats of all porta of tho awrif Mem Flom lAt Mille tom hy tho c io tals=lio spelt V i i i ra=4:... P lri afar &far. ph..." lof $ll4lllO dr 4st otnagth- MA by Ehe wearthi.V ?ream. weermilriaill ha maralatiegia all Darn or imettaws Are Mos eat la Midi a owel .haa. isairamo beteem Wry at the hams ma tap a trroalac, to saahlo Oa ,peopwars 1111 Wo re- The Ihnsplata sew em ereilad Tha Cowie fir Dial Dradtlarey Dam DM% Easiose—oho roa se the qty flay of etsy,lBlo,imior do sorthemiloso Itennato of tha DophohJockay Cob: • ... Dah. DM. DA. Dols. Moo A MA 10 = Zapf° 113,0 at 13.. . D D. MO is woo moo roxogAte c. sAcCio le MOD WO 25,500 LbAati ODD " %AMC nora "Ow sfito WO I.' 11:00:0 IA IO LOW 110 melba al home astend oranto et O oo' Tho Marine of lais sp lnn Mot Flaw paliboY. ...tad , by Of No =A betas-LIU pima. hear hoist Ant ealossawail ey atbeinalf; whoa smm or lb. WM adael a 41 b allotted usamst falwriosibail Jana elasig asO ea Mtb toy of Jaw aat, h wkirh tim. do task of tho row bo Mom. wil Arl ha diaries**, th• bean a of ion wowlllOO of tho 'dis hirs. loam wortiriog of Prise of PIP; that W .10.14 11150)X0, 1c.,444 AtMat tea Urn lama. . than Mob/. otawalars will b aiwillad as yro- AMR Mir mithima of tho Prim ha ad. wham will atne, 1 .4 affirdiai way recaWly to th. thipablie. lairptatintly • dr ale., tho yroprhaora 'bad a s ttair ihro, by which up 101.,(mmiA otsto of Ow awy ho MIMI la . 2 the ming math awl, lama bit ma by *owl 41.1.14= proweetts for wardoe to all soboalliels,tha WM of my fearito bomb la Ow abow laimPlotbio. my boor tho pia of dektab i a saw whitlow Qat Rom 'Mao oat A trossohdatt la hos mt., to 1/214 ammo, will ba &AMA at ati Prim. . mew'=vat lon tari,ldr.Arqdball tha arm siobora whom molawiwe Swarm, me Mar Mum ar• ha map a .lrotio9 Wy owl ratoltionow, by Dal or Dow 94 WM 119999 malty= Moro Po whirl, am-, hared ho lomal ilroctaL Galles of lima Moral for the ell shoroosil .40.1 35. l at Impartmoth was st the oda. !Stet_ iovis:TO:. COIfTSAOIO9/• - 11.4 zumi. r.sr..l-14.1411.frru1l load C0m.~7 to t suca r r or 11 9 9,1 . .1, hoer Alioichsay elite ho fobs.Of nOf Venyrs. e a (SOII far taller . DrAvisgs azd flpeelllcailo.ll Of tbsby Vast be be sem el the 0m... rdowk, ...a le Ow fisting, ois intlettialt Oolongs W 9, Mar ewaar; awl veerltewel.al.g,b• MtalfoldeadowelEW as the adles of WWI= ilfholidou% - O III•' rif,llplllattait.M...lDriabllirk wsuffale.ork, of Dr . ra . r . ° lmp " email:ly me Oetany Jr. ~..Ohlo Will be lat 901. 01 4 - M - M f the Haut of .1144'0r o BA " 11 ' - l c---rrE ' L Ft NV M - .... I . -. WranTOITA 13 ' at* sty sersar of Maass Luis. r ro _ exteini:ii HOTEL' kas totta_lsautl.by . I.lts . uksof tau, and has been compLia;.aq at__t_ttot ta mat Ineaszt wagon. ,41"guir5=1,...,1-, x=?„ , .. - 1, $S folk. it II tha ilstsrsti ostlem or th. proprietor, la sato "'" I:a. ' 1 , Put, t 0., ,, other House in ths Coital !Wok . Its canna Is the ma t &drab* surd esousktattot guy, be. 44 Oalaat b 4, th • able pan ofe of arli flroadutyi ooavasicot Ito all Ow pablie bylaw" aild ulastical, .ad hookas. w Waxed kw thslibstrat pausuhf' lomat (molds woos. Moods, Addis at Clallballtaair and mort mostly to the wooalat Oasis, Clitldara4 , as nopaaltally skan •zsaawal of IMO patraa• err.. hla as.. .stsb e uausaa. si lisof Tort, azd be "I"' them that avafa seat on his p r yU bat Floss to adallakast to theft tufo, % T:: , Now York, alai ' thak...totehasa p t • ' u , fu. fa— s y wool huf f lataskilta, maastataillial arytgslf let lb* Callcar• UM FLOWN° CO, . NOM= 0/ !MUM .m aszeirarts ZICILLSOL , coxiasTrEs FOR . APRIL. aOss aurra•••••ne...rtrarar•-•.4.. Elavamamata of-the' Osman Steamers. TM Macau, Gni. anis, leaves Sawa for Paolo= lhe tad Ma. Tie Emma.Capa Lou, leaves Baum, for pool, OA the 170 at April. Onws, Pnismou Getters, Friday morning, April A, 1850. • In reviewing the master for yesterday, we hare we• ry hula of importance to maim. We bad WO wind., 'accompanied by rain, consequently the market wes 'racially dell, and sales" few and far between.. la oar to-day!, upon, therefore, we tart only notice the Market so far =prices are eencermed. FLOCS—Very little Pleat is coming forward. and sties have been tontine d to limited lots. We nodes less imam. In the market, and piece are rather dis osed to needs. We Srathaadr, note Isles to Admired extent, from eta1i,6004,5 6 , and from store In dray load toter at 114,71104,87 p bbL The Joann/ Wadies the following report of the In speetem, of Fluor, showing the went of impection in this market, during the three months ending April 1, Superfre• • • Fine Catdrooned Middlings. • Aye Fleur. Condemned Mddllnp•• QM= Mat= " this (taner ...... -• • 9,867 tt, A STLPLEFORD. Rea Frourt—Soler are reported to es to small lou 64,t0ie5t,25, according to quality. It grill be scea by the above, that the number of bbl Imponed dating March, Is 4,13 a —only EMI of which his been shipped east by the canal. since its opening, oci the Igtkult,—larring 3,3oooibbla. to be operated upou ra this Martel. CO= MlLL77ll.ol.3oeipts of com meal have been to a lair Went, and supplies am quite fall. We note molar sales from woo az 43870 ir ..GROCERIES—We make mithing near in the gee eery market Sales yesterday were =alined to mod emu, lots, as ifolltring; rates—N 0 no; e Moencme:lb:4r to qoality, from t. 61.0 ir lames, 57iINSe for 11 0, and mom. for anguboa.o. lio cuffs. S ale sttled, with further Waited mks at.l3 Mae SP lb of rice at dieet, artd of loaf Mau at 8010.1 BACON—We notice no change from our last roper. Saes have beenfairouthafollogring mum phda hams, rig; sides" aulaboulders at 41041 go lb, Balesprimo bagged tams at Ile,,acd of estre'eared at ter n. LARD—We mines farther sales of lard at 01 for keg, and to for bills. Coisiderable finsatitie• bole bean received by river, within the port few Says. Canal Clammaree. n. ratmim i a lila of ankles panting over the renntylvenia Canal, in die month of Much, WO end 1819. PASSING WEST A( &l Product• )3artey .......... 'Ryap a y -•-• ........ ............ laatber Ileop -Paine ............... Bib; 1 - 6 - i i 1,.40 ;n and SU.-- • Ib. cra ,000 i 441.581 glnia Warn..--.... -...... VW ,N 5 147A4 600 ' lhagn and !laminas - - ...... I ESt.9 O akl.l3 D 0 0,,,,a, ......... .•---- ••, {,530,317: 3,400.12 W Mau ware ,- • - - .. ligi dsn Lul Crs . . .•...... , 6751 400 1 , 4744 O CW 4 armoris......-- . 4370,601, 1,113,031 vorrShoouter••• gall. •1110 1 Paints • lba 3,9011 13,0 en gait. --,---.-- - - 0 bus, ,000 1•417.1 .................... .:no must. • • ....... .Ilbs 03,061) 40.000 Tabs Anvils .... ' 00.100 ' 0 500 cap p ., ... ................... t,sco 1 exin 1.4 Iron ...... . .............. • 1 1,47436. 2,048,728 Ca -• • •-• • .............. i 7,900 14 200 Menem /1.-Anehor. les. --•• • • • . VI 400 404900 Hawes ................. --.! 77,0c0 Eq . ..1 ..... .. • . ................ , 1.24 Br. lama, ApzU I. fin. • ii 11,100 Floca• -- ..... i NI !oho •• • --- --`--HO: WACO link ..................... No ; 411,100 10,04 Agriel Latplement.• •• • —lb.; 4 000 • Franitare ..................... 1 04,41 k i 11,36.1 Ogl, (qeopg Isrd oili— ipaUsi 10,NN I L 1 AW Nig ,. ~, . , ................ Dm 11.800lOD , ,Xl4 ••• -- - ................ •• • -• 1, 60,400 •noos 'AAP . --- •••,---• •-•—•. .. , Tim ft, it.,4 ................ llOO flontOol. ••••,•••-•;-- ...... - ... 10,011 17,1,30 eirds'issodsas ........... lbs ..... Seas Tobacco...Ns DIN( nal.* &Xmas stins• • In:mbar Fars awl Viatica ............. Dry Uylbar "' .1:41 Warms— • ..... - • lilpr ....... eat i .......... Winstay•-- - Coal, alocral• •••• • n. . Calninfa . Ptcoal 'flacon Reef MO ........... Tn Batter .................. Cketse ......... ..... abblj lens Lard ..... fb• . Tepee. ----• • ........ MHO Lamle:len. ..... • Faraltate •-• •• • • • ............ a.p Sandrlas Claartnoss-11.10141 1 Tb,...-Ra,cl4lBll, a 1550. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. kwilmcs—ners.re.am.llg.frat Mae ARRIVED. IDash Com. Monica, omar. higan, larnm Damn. 1=.3. ?DOlos, jati=r, c"Y. *U .4i Putman, Droimmilla in -Z iZamovllla. Castles. II hlcßomport Lake Rcle, CM*. Seam. ifiloomgm No. 2, Woodward. Eiaelneei . MOW, Zamora*. Lail /Wane, CM.O. rnieeling. DEPARTED. (WMMoPo, _Mardock, Boma. Michigan. D ora, Moaeeaakde ci". Vandon, Meliccipon. 4= li rt 1 1=ayact , lor 3, = . Agana; Parkinson, Browinvilla. Lags Eris, Clerk. Boman . Jmism Malmo. gloom, Wheeling. Brinlant, Crave, Ci J Q Adagio. -. 81 Loots. 410/ITO LEAVING THIS DA . MEMFIIIIt-Navigalor,lo a. ON. NASHVILLE-Colnablan. • ST LOUIII-8ch07 111111 , 13 a a. fIOUVOILIX-.oldo, 4 r. r. ZAREBIIII,LE-Romedo r ar. WABABE-Cinderella, 4t. a. WMEEUNG-Loofa IdeLano, 9.. N. . ........ IMPORTS BY. 11.11712 11 . L4MMInkII.4--Pa Orno 2 -1 bores mdm h , ams, L s Sellers; 9 .bbls molasses, 2 khds anger, glom It bbls 11 Woodman; 03 do port, 38111 s t0b,115 boa *ono, Graff & ec; 33 ohds shredders, Tao& & 0 1 Connos; 12 do lob, Leech A co; 17 bls WAN II 1101001 &bra; 10 d & o :4llt k ,gttr. ° ,7 l V.Ta b .l 'A."l3lng,Lth= pork, Jos Jordan' Ode Ihne,33 do potatoes, 1 anchor, owner; 21 plals„ Blaakbant. St. Leals-Fas J. Cornamm-bsmds, Baker A Forsyth, bbls potatoea, ging, Pemoole& co; WI d lash Ibl akhas, W Bryant; pcs hams.CPComor A ;tartar, 20,030 pi b meal,lta kp 1.4,213 bids do, 11 0.11=41 dr. eo; 24344 0.114.11-41; Barons kb& lob, Wen Jottnaton; ll do bacon, Clark & Thaw; 3 do do. Woo I Bingham. ..... aC. B. Amiormrs-120 bola door, Zoktku. Walsvlll*-Pasi Cors-5 bblt tour, Dasalar eo;17 as, 1 mots ware, Ihnetans, 2 tibia bs, Dalai, • • Nears -18 Ohio lord. OConnor & ARM .21 bpi a seed, Baker Foraph; 7do cotton visor Wick & McCandless; Z 3 bbls dour, Brown A • 3011spatdo$ 5 do day Evans; 19 do whiskey, West: 3 101 bosom, 11 111. molatats,lo alto rags. Che 3 boas* mda. Flank; r 4 .141, 04/dams-411 Sam 4ilatodv46 ems steel; Mops, Nahum a co; 60 bblado,Upaneett & ea 43 Ass Ratans irogu,73 bbls mMassm, ta do sugar, Rig. Ohm &mg 43 khda nor, Cleo Jaokson, 20 do do, d* giddied do, lb bbla 1341snotames,• Barbridne, Wilson tea; MI hula. aw, JSltiCket•Onj 1111, 411660 mu, ljahall; bbht do, A Crasingbaro; Mt DR skins. Allen & co; 100 cka lams, Ore & eo; ift Ma skins, Holmes & bro; tea at rap, 4 bozos do, las Emma &so. Claidanatt-,Pa Curran No. 11.-31 boxes, Lam ban & 031Plon; * Odle oklas,l6 ters hams, Leech & co; bx mdse. Cask Thaw;llpkgs do. Joa Woodmen; 8 blo wool, 1 111 hams, Wm Barker; 211151 am. 2 bn Usna, 110 chasm, BBollock4bgs bap, W Brown; 4 4414 . 4440 7 , Pasker, 87 do do,_R Moore; 25 Mates hada. Grail la co; Bdodo ,L Waterman; 3 eke pot übt.r.uh.k.CPCcumor; 171 tes,_3o eta .bason.' °Con. nor, Plus A co;12 bla Immo, Broart A 11.1011,44d4 111113ANCS COS;Pillf OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. J•Foxil.4 l, 8..1. a mass, Jr., Fiat imayligg tilipAnf LL ymegs will be liberally .dinned and promptly sot., Illainstletst-mmtmsod by II who an wall known lath. community, end who aro dsossmlnt ad by promptness sod lstltlity to mamba that Gar intim wiles they bass assmoad, as offesinp the boss polled= to Mos. wbo amass to be Insured. tunarzsaa-11.• Jr., Goo. Mat, J. W. Butler, übbbos,/,.. Ws. 13. Gola's, C. D.Ukbon, Cite. W. JX332114 woo Iti• Lyon, Jas. Llp ltbos. IL Utsb,Jsates NteMtoa. Goat, • Ma th JO/ Wow dtrosS of &mai *MOW wits') . . • =Pair= Tog lug CAZErni Wonizaim, Awe Seiwirmaa Euxixds—Tki Journal Waved an'Extni, last evezdes;s greet ' I expense and labor, containing i very brief wastei seport, received per ateanset Eatispa, and tZtre of ttwee lines of miscellaneous sows; posseesing not the slightest interest to any body, LS ibmse'st4 Prod be it were, doubtless, convinced, and, rob , . ably, also reminded of Dr. Franklin's Wort or PAY. inn for the whistle. The Johrnalwlll,, doub less, issue an eitre to day, announcing tittle WOW• derful triumph over its /my anterasporanek COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS' Present, Judges hieClure and Kerr. Coin. vs. Wm. W. Campbell.—Forncsittoh 'and Bastardy. This case was resumed thus morning. The case was protected to the Jury without ex. &mining my further evidence. The Jury was addressed at ecinaideratde leugtk by the counsel for both sides. They returned a verdict of guilty contrary to the general expectation. Com. cc. Uriah Lahrighlio.—lndictment —For• niestion and Bastardy. Wills for prosectillen, Black fur defence. The defendant is charged with seduction of Sas rah Orr, sometime in April of 1819, who has since become the mother of a child. She teatifiCa that Laughlin promised to marry her, swore it toy Al mighty God, and that at his request she reliquish ed the society for:other men, and hipt with him alone. She appears to be a simple innocent creature, and at the time of the seduction, was but sheen years ADC bbls • 1,018 . 18 7473 HEMINGRAY ......3466 eels. of age. The evidence In this case was concluded, and tt will go to the jar) in the leaning. Five o'clock having arrived, the Coert adjourned. We learn that Flihrt Barrett, the foamed black smith, to, iq town, and purpaes delivering - a course of lectures the essalas weak. Ho will be lard with a great des! of lateral. Tux pIAND June 12 tbs Court of Quattar Bets Eons have ignored a great ontaber of bill* Oa present term. This is sight many of the cities carried into this Condors of so tririal a MIMS IS to be unworthy of consideration. Aar est empense will thus be saved to the county. • BEATING • WOllllll. --A colored WOUI4n wide complaint before Alderman IdelldwienNesterday, against a man with whom 'aim bed befit lining for some tree es wile, for severely bowing and 111 Uelitillg her. It meant that the aura had been desirous of breaking off be connection, in order to take up another art/Ulan. Complaisant retina totally demurred, and he took this method or on• forcing compliance. A warrant was issued far his i Silent. Poss.—a fire was discovered is the Theatre, yesteni ay evening, beta nen Ws and riven &clock. Fortunately Mr. Porter and some of the company had returned from tea and were preparing gie this evening's per formance. The alarm was instantly given, and the engines Immediately - arriving, the lire was extinguished wittiest any material Injury being done. It appears 'heti a lighted candle bad been left by tome of the servants under tho Waits Uniting from the bones to lbe saloon, from which she firm onginced. The play went= as moil. lbw 11113;40 bawl 10,, ..... LIM 72.7ri 6735 ..... , 910 it;;., 104: 4 j 9AG° ittraila....l? Tauls.—The trills of [beauso arrested tar hem; engaged in the late l the Leon Mills, wdl CotaMeet on Monday next. Tien are two indictments, one against the rioters at the ladle is the, anti ward, and generally; the other against the riolus in Alleglieney. As thereat' a great number of defendants and the evidence will ha for the most put reateeting each of them in dividually, the utak are expected to be very lengthyoutd will probably:occupy the entire week. hltra—The mod scrapers have matted their sorroureastooal operations, ere perceive. The pre sent point of amok :is Wylie street We can not see the great utility ef arming the mad into hole heaps on the aide of tire sueet,co4 lassie; it these for the inn rain to wash Ullack sL it coati to be Immediately carted may. lf oar oeisthring faxmore would haul it *Nay, they worti.ftad it of ievalnable. um fa meowing pots poses- PASSING 1 _....... .......... .... . , - ,a's ' Accromerr.—Ona a the laborers - unloved on 1 Itea the peon-vivant& Central Anil Road tad Nis leg , 14 m - 3 .15 Dobadly fractured, day beLare yestetday evar.tog, be' 9v, the i heel of a haavity !aliened cart mem' ovu %No la The 'cadent happened nearWilhlnahol /7,9 N KU mew is Tbrupson. • -- - - '- .-- 1414 125 ell 214 2C 4 37,5 X 67,671 00,177 4A7/ 3141511 I 9 11/Xl5 4041 U!! 431.4 15 11X15 4,71/5 24 .5 12 WI 00 64 21 0.1111 - 1,010 11,4214 A 17,131 37.615 Mss Pittrom—The Chmuncle has been inform. ea that thta lady, whose disappeatance tau canted 3,gm stet so much pats among a huge curie of blandly tag beed" wen in the Wen of SOlinelset, in Somerset ow County, in this Sig. tier ftteods have been Inv m 473 tanned of her whereabouts, and have gone so tt,llll neaten of her. It ts to be toped that the antottm " 0 , 3 nate lady will epeedfly be restored to bet afflicted sgtt family. 2,614 oat Tat alarm of tire, yesterday tacerainr, WaS aorsaW,4o7 false. ~411 GLOOM \ 67 °3'l° :Vl • tr0 G0 ,744 0 • 189,01 Tuunsnix, April sth Posms..—Thcro you nothing of inspolunes log oo lc soy of the pace oficss yesteolay. Music—Wu Wallack played Romeo lot sight,to■ very good house. She appears to sight as Dos Crew de Sam LOGAN, WILSON & 129 WOOD DT BEST, ABOVE Plll7lll, IMPORTERS OF HAEDWARE, CIITLERTSt. Ark th..utation of parebasers to their 6P11:.'1110 STOOK. WWk they dank will compote favorably, both ia event and elteaorteas, trith that of or Wet bow, either b e or la the Eastern OWL feblWetarllT !knottier Witness en the Slam& CHRONIC RHEUDLILTISH. Kram—,hllow me to express to Yoe naY heartfelt thanks for the peat benefit I halm received from an article celled PETROLEUM. or Roca On, of which you are the mde proprietor. I had occasion to use It about the tat of January, in a violent Munk of Ithelltlittilo), winch was very painful, dyieg•aboat , from place to place, at caromed with mush sweat, so as to kelp me to corimant torture. I used the Pe. antrum etuoually, a few animations of which re moved all pain, and every emapiord of the diseasa Lain now entirely well, and woukl take this occasion to recommend the Petroleum Mall who may he mim ing under the agonizing pains of Rheumatism or kin dred diseases. [Signed] • Omen Thous, ow Pan , House, Pittsburgh. IrrBce general advannement In uother entrant. tobld Du. 111.1.ests 1 lavas ?tun =New Yosal—'The n pldity with which this invaluable reedisio• has be k.stis known and stp?reciaied, can oaly be accounted for ultsi the ground of Its real valise.. It has only M odred one trial to establish its elaims to the tltie of the ouly medicine (Or the cute or Liver Complaint The (Oftener letter fains • draggist le New York, shows the manner to ',Adieu. Pill. are resettled in that iectloe of the country. Ilemkwit Lake, Livingston n0.,.N. Y, Match 1 Dr. MeLane: Dent Sir, I have sold oat all 7 our Li. err Pills, and am Naive, to have another lot lintne• Asixty. These Pills semis to take most wonderfully. I cold bare sold a conch larger quasdlTBl(l hell been provided with them. The inhabitants ate send• tog to Etoehenci (or them, hot whether there are any them or not, I do not know; Please send ate norther supply immediately. F. 9110111, Druggist. Iltestine Luton Ileas.b.—Prepated by J. W. William street, N. Y. and for sale by A. Jaynes, Na 701 ou* week. This will be found a delightful arti ele of beverage in families, and panionlatll 10, alai, arns. asa'a ElltoX4—Ao napremd Cbucalaw lion, bang a eembinatloa of 00001 41.121Xelit , rigerating and palatable, highly rtrommeadedpartie y for Invalids. Prepared by W. linker, Dorebc ler, Alan., and for ante by A. JAYraLl9,.at Ike Pala • tea Store. Na. 70 Velma at mania' paprovieumats es lliostUaFF. DR. O. o. isTEARNsoa. of Donn, Is pupated to isonufactuo and set Moos Torts to oriole Pow.— of NIA, upon Socilos orAtmoopherte Suction TOOTSIACJIN Ms. 1111fiantrnes, whore the nom it ur051.,7=14, - „pnotag. °— "'" wltana 13.11 , vaadolu t V. H. Eaton. - ' DD:. D. War% a J Dentist-Corael °Doan!, and Deentat, l•alsin berwees ma Qaoolitlrri/ riirntsur. Wnbowae, Adjoining Pittargh Ihrtk, ow Tdir.4 rtreM. pervona who desire, to save from lwahlif I. five to thiny perzot. in rethanncrairt. et " W fiegiilillYelailLi a lure s c ud •0.1ellli;l:ret1 stock of this wool approved style of workmanship," both modtne dod ancient, and calculated .to oembatas• duo tame of ill thaw who &strand/yr eler Redo embalm. hal Familtare. Having determined to dispinie of rov l toe ' Ve t o Zhu th s ore 'l l ' ihr d esire and allele is my how will sot fill of being muted. r LAVAS AND lADOINGIA A .4. MASON A c 0,450 Idorkidatrold, booms Ad.. TAW sod Poonti, aro coop _. • , 41:lana= otronduo Optith LSCItiI. I Atod; 4do do Lice. do ; • 4 do awned do k. , ',do; tomplidiod Adtbonoa, Loom Ildoodt AgdYnted sot. tiod Bwin, laaktog the Mon a:Witte Limerunsai airss - Oired 4%121118mM ... . , 1 1/ . • . • pkirtssracin Asp I..otrusymbiz iTEAK•PAC,K , E T VCOVILAGED by the liberal patrosage extended to all reenter and well conducted Lbses, the own. of the fa/swing fine steamers have arranged them Into a Una between. Pltubunth uti Louisville. One of the boats will poaluvely leave Plusbarsh on every faseseasy. WICOXISOLT. FILIDAT EVl,2=l,' 1116 eoloolt.-full or not full. The beet boat of the Line Will start ort Mandan 'Febtaarl aSM- Steamer Clenmee..--.• • Z. Taylor-- Liarabang• • farmer. Cassia T. Moon. "M. Lneu. " J. Rlioefelter • Benediet. • " N.IDt en. Fsiramoiot .aferfr " i ta b' P "4 " 4 . 87fi E IIt;EZMERGEtt, Agt REGULAR E D CINNATI,NESDAY, PACKET Captain •Wasaaia J. Soorrz. This splendid boat was balk by die owners of the steamer lu Cinase Newton, and others, foe the cinnati and itubargh Packet trade, and will lease N.. . every Wednesday, far Cincinnati, in plane of the New England, No. t. For freight Of passage manly on board or to tar2o 0 lIILTENBMEN. — PITTBOURO II AND NNEE7JN6 PACKET.' The spleralid fast musing sanamer IS& LOUIS lide LANE, e a that- W. 8. Coaweit, master, (having undergon cough repair,) aNI rau ttaresjar as. a zap packet between Patabargb and Wheeling,' leaving Pittsburgh emery etect. M For onday, Wedne:day and Friday morning., at 0 d P”"g° atoll W LLEEI• AR, Agent lane IMO-NONGAIIIIILA BOOTII• MI-MlWka Staging. Via Brownville anii=jias..d to Salomon and Fax: To BALTOlolog-o•-•-• • • • I DO 00. Peo.t.m.cma•— f DO abo ,. I MO; IC l'e prretral f ;. rano th to Belliutore,'39 e ham; tire a, rhiladelphla, 40 ham. The osOatil OM lentos WIT; tateept leueday es 'euloda,) at IS o'clock- Pasterigen by ITAOIYIS 0. OW mft ,OTerOng bOtt, min LIM the toottotehts to 415014 ;day, wadies avoid night travel Pecans your tickets at the Ode., Monongaheis 'Roue, or St Chutes Hotel. di eci 1447 I. ussensEN. fleet Tun NA e " The Fuse tomatoes COLUMBIAN , Breedee, Mester, will lease for Nash• illa, and WI Intermediate points, on day the EA lest Far 001111ot Wogs, •PPIY ee hoard, 4tarS --------------- .------ . POR Sr. LOUIS. '''''• Tb. fi" FIL I TIVLSILL. Illar:rhalaitster, will Blare for the all Intern ports BP 1 day, o f IP iPekick. A.ll. For reight or gawp, tpply on board. or to __4_3,.. OW B hULTENBERGIO___Mk : - - POW PIHW - OBLEMI 7 The splendid patentor steamer EMPIRE STATE. o Car ati ettirui, rill 4i l i eze d l p r o aba n F r i. day, bib last, at 10 o'clock. A. 11. • For freed or p....i.,•11 1 . 1_29.16 " ' .43 OW:1 B 11.1. W. stl ES Agant_ VOR CINCINHATI-ANBLOUISVILLIET The OH l Oama • jaltelitipaps, master, trill leave far *hop port on this day, the Cob tut, WA Valoch e. rt. For fresxhr • FOR IiEtIPHIS. TW bus Zr:VIVATOgV. .610L0 • the Wateea.r.da„..oas.aurZlipotan..a_••.(ar Ibis day, Os S 'clack, P. FL r. SA APR. •a 6 b e . r a TOT frdzi" """ g ti V SailrEri ° • 11' Ck C/111 d DEraU_ Omit. J ames IL Nisi. Ilatuday, the el AA 4 °tips*. . For @w et pause flo ri n 1111%1 4 ic r s r e, *psi • • et. LOWSAZIO U41:1*0 15 Tts glae uor sum= J - CBITITADE7 4 ustrelastyia...4.. f°,15:7 labilia 1850 . . tams T.IIIM AND IFIOFFIGAII LIND, ON THE ERIE EITTVISION CANAL. i "" E lry ". "I lu ttE . llr '. . ,„ nra ,1,e rZ . .. . .i. 1 WOOL regrna the public that hey are now In cp . enema for thoprellent omen: end base commenced receiving Rug) , and Pas r :eigni ts , which they are Dilly pm in pared carry to all on the Wel and LAZES ERIE A MICHIGAN At its weal Meg Opo Of the Boats of the Line will batonstanily at the landing, eclowilepongabele Hr - " 11;ENN A. caroms, At, FOR CINCINNATI in LOBOS - ILL S _ Goo, eat Winer end SenthAel its, Pittsburgh • s. The apierslid savener CONSIGNE all RINGOOLD, acc c.,,,g,,, , 5..m• New Pa, Coin. Cotr. ',mil tear* tar amok^.lslttelmbreo & Co. re.ki d all imermedtatapons on Sam: - W C edulan. Sharon. I BROIL RamPbutr day, the Cals Min. 04 P M., posnomly • le nasal or pump eyMy ea towed. sir' Wick dohs e 4 V 4. Orem:mac ..„_,...._.........- tu ir mi - 5 --,0:,. LE -----v--, ',sem Henry, tlartattome, Ti... 0.,,,...,...., r o t , iret,e c T4ew i t . vale, JILINY LIND, 04 . 00 .., ~,,,,,,., „ II 1 .., fa ,. ~,,, John J ifollizter k Co, /W • hile, N Y men vis wed atl GatUandlato pone on , -----------------..----------- iltiamtclittld itmoeL,Lhl...—., w ir m ar; ' 8 " eon' . 1-- REOrLAR....-ML0111154 I"AC -- ; 1 50' 46...."".,,e,,,4Arkit'itn"'"'"1::::,7,,,,' oawn zin ittam W o latal"Lctorrs,l3"arocligirjAva, P, , Benedict, IBerarer Point.t above and all r oman* dime ports as mr.A..,,, Ito ritDp,rEt,s,ss pITTARUP.I3II AND Fruity. the ted litorb, at 4 o'clock, P 31 ' a.VIELAND LINE ERIE AND MEADVINLE For IsS/1011 Of pasomaapply on buena. Of 10 .61 tO 11 MILTI-IBERGER 2.INETO I ItlE, • WARREN AND NEW CASTLE fAC.Elll,•to.ring and stopping between Pit 'bomb I ORCOCIAJLOW , I.IODIF. INSTITOTIONN. end Ro9lester by steam bow hi.chlNsu,l4to Erie, CITIZENS' and Beare. s .. Err Woods recalled and prompuy delivered U 3 all INSURANCE COMPANy. places on the Canals end Lairs, al the lowou rams Of Plat•Wrarigla. Rapper. will pkam erect goods so oft dwelt s Line •. C 0 HUBEI, norPr --A NY se or J. C BIDWELL. Agent [ Orßee—N. 41 Water envet, in the 'authorise or c .00 Wean, Pittsburgh II liftANT. --- --- ---- --- rllllll3 COMPANY is now prepared to Minim all DeaerskteeNk Demlehl• allaw Wesel ' J, kin of risk s, on houses, vo wel.mannie goods =Tr nudity In store, and in unmans el EMMA 1850.111031 [ All ample guareaty for the ebilny end integrity et the lestitouen, is eforded in the charisa'? of Um Di- Iron Tat TILIMPOSTATIes or einem reason, who ate all ClUSettS of Pituburgh, well and TO ABM TROY Um...1'1l hum , a 0 Wts fmnumt a f far thfirWhdulm'i OttTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE, 1 Intelliceneo and integrity - NEW 10111 C, DOS FON, de. Druarol O. Haney, Ws. Degalay, Wm Las Tatiana Rammesta! —I Toole & CPCcornsa. Imes. Jr. Walter Bryant. thigh 0 if.,iig) Ed.nrd rhil•deiplua. 4 I Piltststneh 1 Ileaseiten, Z.lE:hwy. S Hwheatis. If m• emt THE Canal being now open, the previews at am terra•tr IJeareel sad Feel mal I 1 Iwo nostillshed Line are im astral m their old umgc,umg,ruga me stands, reseirarg and lorwerdma Merchandise and 1 I Prtdoee et low ratee, and with the Pitmen... of r sick THE mbar:User odbrs for “le an un- is , .bui, .., ....k,. ~,, WI, , the, omen and mode MDeamtahr WT . M''.l' of Er.thhm.llWim of nenspenalsoh. where noonnedsaus tmorlopment is Plants , thie semen connetlee its Pm' of— ' avoided, with the connivent delays and probibility bloahly Roses Bourbo n hose'; Nolan., Thsiod‘,P4l- i of damage. lar, and Moss Roses, of many varteues. Monthly sr. 8i.„,..„...., p.,.,..,,,,,,, ...,..„,.., beau, of teltil wile' ....a.m ., Cm. e _t • ~.4 1 . k... , Hillier Leitrim forwarded free of charge for comm OmenleAst imwems .urfn s 7 m. o' ...' r '''''' shin. advancing, or stooge• Having en interest as . roe and shavry_vatieues to cultivation Ornamental motto or =directly in oteamboam, that of the owners Plantar Shrubbery, Etergraus, Crape Vim; the eel. 1 t w e t, eeee eted when despots their geods e hr ‘ l ' d f . '" l ' 'n.f,'"l.' Strawberry nom'' "I' . All comnumicattens to the following agents promp t- ! rain and Rhubarb oole. fte .40 ly isticaded to: 7y • Orders by mall to-Mat:nigh Post an or led at , TnOnllllll3llS oar steed Ide the Diamond, be m days, (when 'ft THOMAS BORBRIDGE, catalogeee may be hadj will be promptly attended to No 273 Market some.. Philadelphia eirladletraltT JAMES WARDROP TA AFFE & O'CONNOR , JOYINLYONI, , Corner Penn end Wayne streem, !Wiliam% NO. S STATE STREET, BOSTON, SOICIT. 1 John MeCollogh A Co, folNonh at Ilalt. P Titlark Agent for Claws and Scannly et,' Property tre ge oa. 03 p.n. at Boston, NV Whe e lwright, Tasmn & Cs Enema. I Mt Satoh st, New York, James Memo IOrATINO spent nearly a year la the vatioes Re. ' all. _ __ _ . r23_ 'OIL cord Came., National Winery, ke . during los I I"' "'" England I''"6""'i" f°' "*" 1 1850 iirg=l 1850. in this country, a basing seamed edleieril amlee- • &pourable Agents In London and Mancheete, be d ix , prepared to ward alb necessary Inihrteation end a BIDWELL'S vice to perwom who melt to ISOOTOS their property la PUTTRIDITILOTI A. CLOVIOLAND LIND. that eaollei• 'PIM LINE, with unsensemed radial., is now I. L. keep a Iln of th e Rank of E ng l a nd Dividend I Inspired to tnensport Freight to Clevelad, the Mohr, of they be clammed roe SO Cents, or 23 for LOIO3 pan., Ohio Can and intermediate plat. • on eech letter of the Iphabet. no 00111 restorable tetras, and anal Ow lirmw' m d e. Referenem In Boston: sprach C. B. F. ADAMS, Notary Pablte, I Shippers are Bend those who hese heretofore patron Med this Line goods to ollidweire Wm " Aelcm—.l C &dwell, Water r, Pilteburgh, .113"CTITIRTIDAD%711Y; .Eel I Bidwell & Brother, Rochester, VIII.Ier 'rola tairirliiiC--- I L 0 Monlievm, Clevelmid , TIIROPHSALS will be reeenred at Blairsville, loth ' Rhodes &Orme. do. CONSIONEL'e ,U Ina pommy, gall the loth MAW nett, fee Pd . mg the Weans Amnon of the Paws/ Wm" Hail; c A lbs " ,a b :,,,e' lt rat ifi to,Terren, Itha The stork to be contmeted for embraces MOO abort te&Zwelf&kb:„Ne'r",,,,,,,,,,VVl'' Tonuels, a number al Stone Brady. and Culverts, and I same no heave exert...nines and embankments , .ri‘K..,,,n0...E....11.1 a Ces nu do u ' llte hiLli , tb Ent Miller Infonamilon epply to EDWARD MIL• A li Alto r, CaYehogh Felle. LES, Esp., A sem tete Pngineer, et BielntmiN t J W Meehan. &Son, AMON I. P.DOAR THOMPI3O_ ,N Chief Easineor• 0 w k ,,,,,,14., Le e * co, d, EnetneeneDepartment, l'entOra Rau Road, 1 J ~„ k. , , Edna, d,„ Phsladelphsa,Matek 23,1t30 tApla " Pont ce I I N C' Y j ni lim rm .".4 eath C''s! & "6 Co ,doU'M /kU fal"ri, It .1 Oibbs & Co, Seeded.) , 1 1 H il a i tt? } ; ,Tol'ols % ibileNtpeh.r.Mills7,l 1 Ball A Mine, SeellinOrt. r Doane. ice, , Malty* hit , DO Dichinvon, Little Fora. litsklisal A Taylor, , rrantni , - -Doh. B ale r • 4 CO Chien% Thanes ale, Pittsburgh Mfrehrl l° . /BS ' BIIIIIiiii - 1 - I -1 TkiNl OftliTlON LINE', ~...... _....ii. witit 1850 j ". etzighe arm 01 les. 'The ,► Genet being sop we are mady to recce,' ,A pi forrnadpNeVl7,lpodese and nmrchandim CAW i, d west. 'Pitiable alwaya at lowest tau.,elterged by reopen. I table hoes warded and mcrehandlse will be received end for. \blrodail ran and erm,ent ally MuMge for for. weasel., advalseleg °Mnd pion or +tonne. MID of lading f , and all dinictions WM hilly attended ut. Addresser epplLt i t .ny vim BINGHAM, Canal Beath, coy. and IA apse eta ritual:nth BINGHAM & DOCK, N 0153, Market et. between gilt & gilt, NOB. N. al, ricnt lea. f WILSON ii, li d .i gt a.... JAS. BINGHAM, No 10,...Wei1".. WTamelLLl4,Gaaaiftey,::7,,swl abavAge• all saterlaadaw parts, au flat. arday,tha ash tot, at 4 a`41144 4 , F. AL Fortet ar pasaao, apply au b0a:4,1121 GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., DELLEILIS IN EXCIFIIIO2,OOI3. HANK ISCMI III , tto., No. U Fourth strut; nut duo to Ito tun at Pim , b viTtl4le, AMEILIOAN GOLD. The new Coins, Do ltte Eagise and Gold.Dolletre.l ENOS/01 0 El Arm umistara storm A. WILKiNB & CO._ S E CORNER OF WM= R 'MIRE S TREETS Pittsburgb. autt A CARD. • • (LIXORGE ARNOLD & CO. have opened a ExcanuotOvrtcs, N 0.74 we streetotert d • • to the Book of Pittsburgh, end we giewund to us n not, on wasmisble tams, any business in their line that taw be entrusted to than. Esetmuse, Coln, Boat Notes, ete., bousiti and sold. • Collections wade In all the principal aides and towns in the United Elutes. Deposita* received ha par (kids and aurteneP . They respetitilly witch a share of the cattails of the blames. community. nutilkut ni zaseNT R oo"Kr u i.. / ip il letart . part of the clin i couvortent to hosinessoultable for a c ar d ing In inn aT ...a gentian.. from April Lc Also, baring far a few 'ways gerainnen. . Enquire at this clam..„- rti \ ni 7N ma(Wen of Cm"' P '' " .."`lhristy Cosa- j. ty: No. IA March Torah rah la We tanner of the Padden of Wei. Hoblown Jr.. . Pividant of the Maenad Pennsylvania gel Read -- ' --- . ...—sad Tho View of the Beaver Bead: . 7C1,•:=1 ,tizAzt - trAll.vot ..,; , be siren, by three smote'. pa d iloa la the batty Ametius,.Tordual, Gown% and Posri ' - . -By the Cosa - it. it. 5.1 .4, C i:.... r z: srtilied form the lineo GEo rdr un B._ HAYS P. t - = = . . E CO•Partiv , ashli bantam asuman between Tdassas CPlias• and Eltill•Kill Sammy, V een this d a y di.atsed by mattnti sonsanb The basin.. at the late rutnasshlp will N21%111,4 br7,lll24llollasa. ' . . JAMES IYHARI, aeru..tinuaTUFF , ' Sharnsbardhatarch 20.1850.—{nsdEkLharWIS -• A. MeCURDV NSW CLOTH STUBS. 2 - D. STUADD..k. CO., of 1441..ahaphia., op.& J, . tatAienfotrarigangsnsg, ALIA TAILD6B7 TBDILKINO3. µ antatatryaa., , fa7 law fat cub. as Na. WOOdth illaDasass a. •iigotios Ovum • . ql4tirigT I • • TIE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL IS OPEN. i..,.11111801611 TILIESPOILTATION 1850 atiaral PonNlTlOraskla o•Amls a Sall VAASA _ . . G'COhiliolll.aab &MN& Caaal Basin, &lborty AKINP,CPCMCH & Co., 270 & 250 Mutat &tett, Philadelphia •01.3171, arCosenar A. Co . 70 North rucei.liallithate, E BLOCI,No. York; Ht.= lb 0311., it Doane street, 1)4,47.; HAM:U.3ON GNAT, !Any SY Hie, Kearneiy; HALL & Co.. Colombia tree', Cincinnatr. R. WAIII./Ani illesv; Mail, Hamar to Co, Si Louth TO Sioreffo ,411teroborodthe and Produro to and from. Fddadstpkia, Brltronme,./1". Fork, I . Barton. Our root. being now taboo order. are are prepared to forward goods as above et eery !mai ynces. ieerundel (=WON !deny charge baring ponder for over 1140,00 0 • and wi th th e follow:ea ertheeive otock of Boom feel confident *tarring enure vatiothetion to all brothers entrustad to oar pare. Oar bor. are all new, and coorraloneed by taptla. 9 r experience, and our entire line to coadaeled on aria sateerth kerpsnn and trorperanco Beath. : - .Captata ' Iron Cia l Flegy wi. I C 4 in i r Rands Roth Anna, Chatham Athlra, Penned Import, Id'Quada Baton, £ll.O GAttiMil Riley Celia HaWklas UligrellfinnehGoti er America Perry Mermaid bl`Colgan The Fox arg..a. son tarn 1 Slippersi wll fin to dit tin (MOM Canal Barb NUL ' Ali Western TrAnspartatlon Vela) EigiffialBso.Mitlila IN LEECH & MB LINE, I BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPIGA, BALTIMORE k. NEW YORK, By reausreanda Canal and Rad !Eta. 1111 HE Boats and C ot Ode Line have been, pnt In J. comp etc order. d w,th the addition of coven new ones to the , enables ea to catty a large • quantity or preheat 1 good. I This emire Mock of at Line I. dwindled come ed by the ?replied , . -,tIIST 1 20--j HARRIS A LEECH, Nol3 th Thiel ei. i And at the Tobacco IVarePM adephla, hoose, Dock Pal it, , JOSEPH H TAYLOR k SON, i No 144 0 1;1 h HI .e, T ard at. BlO1601V,Md.; I CE, N 7 West New art; D LEECH IaCO, Can. 13aan ,Nan Hg, &HI 1 Pingbah. nfie t ak 1850. UNION LINE, ON TEN PIGNIVA AND OHIO CANALS. CLARE, PARKS & CO, Roehostel, Pa., Propee 30111 • CAUGGEY. Anent, Mee eor 1304111dd and Waxer au, Pittsburgh. CHAMREBLIN, CRAV7FORD & CO, Ants, Cleveland, Ohlo. 1111 well known Line are proved to =Sport 2rfreight and Pa era from PITTSIIIIRGH - and LEVE.I:AND, to way point on On Canal and Lace. The Wades of OD Line are anampainted onittOcr, await, wid capacity of BOWS, experienco at copulae, and efficionco of Agents. One Bow loaves Pittsburgh and of dlly,rn ging in cfM6llololi Ifiat a Lion of Steam Boats be tween PUTSBURGII and GRAVEL mad * /AOC of Past Clais Steam Boats, Propellers and Venom, oo the Late. CONSIGNEES , Clark, Parks & Co Rochester, Pa; H 1 Parks & Co, lOIMISSWIVII, Ohlo; 110 Taylor, Warren 0; A & N Newton Fan., 0; 1 limo= & Co, B.oo a, 0; Kent, Grinnell & Co, Franiths, 0; H A Miller, Coprinega Palls, tk. - Fler, Lae ik. Co, Akron, 0; bwilo, Crawford & Co, Cleveland, Obeid & Ca, Bandooko, tit Peckham & Scott, Tolodo, 0; o 0 Williams & Gs, Detroit, Altai WiNus & 13liwaulne, WIN Mutiny a DOWN alei.o. WIN • Creme A Gibbs, Coin Ill; Thomas HVartielgo, 000001 "n igair ea r U art "n d Smid=sta- mrl.ll I,••is . 8 'PILE subscribe on to mat Stem Satif 1111, In .1.. RE running order, IIitIIILUI on th e Bait of the Allegheny *ether within cme udlo of Tarnto= The Iberia. , and ether linens are all In good order, and capable of doing • large business. • ' The Veal Is convenient so the Mill, and there is a comfortable Deralllng Hann anaclied to the prombes, ',bleb 13 infielontly evenoodloas for the use of the . _ For foram panioulare enquire of the subionber, to, plespiaeo, Ora rater Peict•Off, llta, eon be found at theit Warehouse of John Me S n a no &ETS MCo ,ON :a , gal Saila Puburgh. LEWII tes6-tut , . HAVING ateeetetee ' , nth him W j t. A. CIALD. Whyl, and JOHN CALDWELL. It., the Ship Clistellery, Goat Mon, end Qseenswate Basins,ill be coblected as No. 311 Wants meet, ttuder the style of mt9-lte MASSEY reCALDWELLN. WAIIIIIIOII6 ' THIS koala nyti-ef 14.114 ZOW lionwivt ra utt vnlt tn i za c t i ec a ti: stall ' • 111 . 1 . t.7 Ouser.l4 MEM L. 1, sT°' I.lll't...%ll,wrill'all'Graare'3.ty. ie d 24 feet front by 96 beise l, _ feet deercreinnier beet lb in alley..lk L bow be, u• pied by four (amulet. Term very . team:amble, Abal oeymenu made easy. mre,te ' A. IL WALLINGFOII.II., ririllE MANSION 110118/3, and pan of the Grolirl,a, known as Rosedale; on the bank of the Ohio riv 4 er..iti Manchester, will be Seated low,; as* private re. s•dence. The sinsatkin teens of this moat Dotty:Val On Me Ohio meta an the Grenade. are amaseedted with Htitabberf, Orape Vines.. and Flower., wed pLanted ivuh Ma ch.:pieta Fruit Trees • Pot tart= aye Uo GEO.COCEIRAN, O 6 Wood st To Let. Sr* . BRICK BUILDING, high, !Viei rm, immetheitely below t o rnri N r; . 4 uire of PlUsburg6 Fenedzy_ rfllb Dwelling Iloum, eonter of Pride and Bled els Eighth Ward, now °molded by mytelb Fuses. won given at any time. Tim Is one of thee most ploasmt residenCes about the city; it La surrounded by a fine yard and garden; Is free from the Wonky atmosphere of t h e reel be. no and Is only fifteen minutes walk from the emcee of bunters. JANES NY:BUCHANAN , mr2l.tt 'comer Wocd and Fourth ins T. irT lmk" g?:l l"t' o brrerted oaco7dieTtVps sloe given immediately. Fee term , apply to r0d0.4111 - WALTER BRYANT. Ihn Liberty Cl. Boeit, Copulae Papacyleant, EYteett Bt. lod, Caw& n Col. m Daiw Elaveea situpl Ridley la J Eamlat telPri., Itmara ( 4:44"l t ti„StVid. Plm 130Y3Pqattdo 34:1akelipperl ble y Ohio Belle Kearney Jana Ann • 3 LaYtaa 14. T 'H I:: in d u e t 4 7:t r Q w. 5_44 2 P y e h i e e t. ,Nnc"sp Also—For one or more years, some large Lots of Grsund, in the Ninth Word, on and near the river. suitable for Lumber Yards. Enquire of JOHN hr. DARLINGTON, or of narg4f . If. DARLINGTON. Ranh at. • - • WHA Webst e r d comma:How DWELLING BDWIE on etrent, near Seve3o, present anew pied by Er. A. Vinlark. Yorseu.non t• to be men on ApilL falba' • near Clutunn.. • • . . • • ,To tit, : r _ E large three story Brick Slforehonse;o rt Wine., , below Ferry meet, riranirrg from gi Watax. e to rust street, on reasonable terms. . POS/C60.1311 vn Immo. .iate res. lt - Eoqtnro of ~ • tr . . . . Foal Eliant isi Palo. ' ' TUE subscriber will sell or rent hie very dell. table Country Residence, in Allegheny eiry,all -naiad on Ohio Lase and . Allegheny Avenue, wessof the Octoroon. .The house is a 'large doable brisk budding, in complete order. There Is & Car riage House, linable, and good water on Ole grounds, which compose two acres, well improved, - containing every descriptionof Frith. Also —a m month boost. Earth. letila JOHN OEIMAIIT. ---- 1122 err of Cioand, Wto and the LhAtteAnn et Ws odin•, where known. • For Masi, A THREE STORY MUCK DWELLING HOUSE, on Mom street, Letweest, OTlttestod Walontatipels, Filth Word, .at vaunt ww.spzed by the sobsetibee Boeotia's:it men on two v Asti u l ti . o at leweubti, gL • !sold. • era= VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON PENN FOR SALE—A Lot of Grtmid littate op Penn stseet,tweereca Hay . and Al uhnry creels, atholoing the huse on lot now oe copied i haring.Tont of '4feet, and in d epth 150 feet, will hp wad on framable terms. Title unexceptiable. Ea: gram of C. o. Loomis, ch it, t ool Wood. oetllLdtf -WILLIAM .DIGHIi BEGB !tate to' inform his friends and customers that hi:West receiving dale's spring macho( Goods, ttlmal,all Ike camera and most fashion uble styles of Cloths, Gassinteres, faney Vamps*. eel• um aadilnen sumener stags, and every allele saitablo for gentlemen's *reef for spring midsummer. it beirg impossible to describe the beauty, qadlty, os quantity of the cock, the'proprietor hop..al who are m want of good, cheap, feshionable, end well made . clothe,' will give hire a call, as there ie no i tsork this aide 'Theghenies that can compare U. ready made department very easenaitic, saw ted to all tail.. Rail road eoniracters, country merchants; nvited antod WI who purchase largely, are partieduly i ex amine the stork before paretaxing, partledar nt tenuen is pad to the wholesale basiness_in tide CAW, hatrintnt. Every article In the tailoring line made to oder in the moat faslitonabte. and hutment:Ler, at the shortest • to nDUeC A. I . dAlt ON A CO., I L. ANTRON 'KS CO mTo.ro4O. turi , Mx. • DIIY Goon's' A. A. MASON & . No. eo MAREET STREET, Erma uso FL VV °C.3"..D.Zrgegf.l City 0 compuring plobsoly the largest and mow varied as• Icedof Foreign mid Donmtio Goods ever esltiti• invhis masked. ?miming the morn ample f.lll - for the transaction of their be iiileffb and eine of the ;anew. coattenily in the cation seszkete, thus presenting every advantage enjoyed by Eastern Roane. They 'believe that they have clearly estab lished fse tact, that they ogees, eater illd•Ctlattat te Merchants eaerally, tet styles, qualints, and prices, than nay e 1.1.71 Market. Their Demme', having been parehesed previous te , the advance, sant. ant ded'at the Ww rates of lams New Goads conytantly arriving. Merchant , 'Mending parehuing asst, aro particeder. ly so — h - cited to examine their assortment A.. A. IJA—SON a CO. Pittsburgh, March la) . DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY VAC. 71 RANCE COMPANY.-Odlce North Room of the Erelrenes, Third sweat, Plailatielp ea. Fax I ansanee-tiorldlogoteterobeee awl other lma property, in Town and Caner!. Mated ermet or dmilase by Ars, et the lawn. nue of premium. Manta Itorasamt-They elm insure Vessels, Car. go. •11111 VIT I gh., foreigner e'oeeteriee,.deropecoor epecial periwigs, es the awned may d etre. Iniario Tumr....laTioa.-They al. theme mere. motto, transported by Wagons, nail noralCu, Cwnal tbe Coate and Strom Boer, or Maas and lake. s. on Wort liberal 1111121 1)14W.:711./ -J.e p Seal. teutuol A Seeder, lobo c Doris, Robert Ironed, lotto R Peen., Suela el &Awards, ueoii Lather, Edwenr.Darlington. hose R Darns, W Falwell, John Newl., Dr it el Hoshm, J. 0 Hand, Theaphilos reeding, II Jones groans, Henry No., Hoek Craig, George Scroll, tipeneer Mermen, Cue. Kelly, J Johnson, Win Illy, Dr Thomas John Sellers. Wm E : Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGII-D T Morgan, Hogb Craig, John T Leg.. WILLIAM MARTIN. President. Ilnue. R. NeWivoin, It r Mee of the Company - . No. [Voter Creel. ['inshore°. IsanlAtf) I`. 1. MADEIRA. Alt, April Messaiste mud New Heados, AT 11 0 L2IIES' LITERARY DEPOT, orphan* the Poet ('due. CIODErta. Lady's Beet, for April. 4.7 rlr•bairt's Mageenne, do; Senates. do do, !Attlee Neronal do do; Widen , . Dollar do do; Blackwasee Magazine, for Febeeol. Whim Jack atter the World ro a Man• dd ad. War. I o ler. Ran :detainee new- Its caseate; by Wellington Irving; vat 1.--New Eng lond Poultry Breeder; with twenty five accurate en... guyiege--Art Journal, for February and Maren-a- Webster. sad,Calhaues Speech., tto Peoria. form —David Copperfied; by Dichrus.--The Serums Family; • Comedy.--Erplonstionr.., or e Ilistery tbe of tee Roe nester Esork C I Lit Rim, by Leven—Rola. C übe; by lover History of Pendennie; by 'Dutchmen P. 4 e -1 denary of klechammi Engl.. Work and Logi ter log; pan s—Dark bevies of Historl; br 0 .R. Heonetel Orern.e ..l rh,Ti AT bIURPHY ISURCHFI this O monolog-China Pearl. Coburg. Flo rencee red, CtitA(rtrab rod White,) Fluted Enid, and other MI. WM07.47;726 =in great varietWare et eX- China Pearl gro ' r!tate as low as dO emote nuint - INIM;AMBITCILY - 5 11111011600114. THE AMERICAN RHEUMATIC. BALSAM!: ANEW remedy lately . discovered in the Vegethble Kin ut-e sure and pemannent earn fee nil .ItheeonrComplaitala, womb as inflanumeary, Chronic Acute and Mereenal Rheumatism; dent, Lumbago, Spinal Affections, ne. Thle medicine has lour been sought for. It has be said that Abetment= could not be cured; but ther is • remedy desired by litter for the can el every dig ease that the human system is sateen to. At tut • re medy has been fund that emu Rheumelent of the worst form-otte of the mom valuable vegetable pro. at of theearth-the greatest and most imperent discoveryof the age, and a wonderful blueing to the human forolly. It cures without tickening or debilita._ nog, and rent ere sunned, and vigor to the whole Ow tem. It her cured, during %Impost three menthe, oven Oen cues the were considered Incurable. Certlliestesof the camvn properties of tee roe& eine eart be teen by ceiling on the Agent. l abel None germane unlempat up with Were leved MkrattieverTr..d,7aMiroad byoprieo eau 07" corner Third and Market at. Hold also try G. F. TllOllO, No Ite Mee al, Clocianatt,O. feb7AlteremS - Vii - ellleAke AND iILINOTOTOMTVICST No. 615, DIAMOND ALLEY, • as, dew doors below Wood erne, ta• wed. market. un- sacrum, having 'been regularly educated to the medical , profession... l becnfor somo time general. prunce, now confines , Ms attention to the treatment al thaw private and delicate ergo. l er plaints for which his opportunities • a and experience peculiarly 41..1 him. 14 leers asedueorly devoted to Many a. mamma oft/Lose eoreplaintaidanuqupgai time Le hu had more practice and bus cured mum per Serve) tents than clin over fau to tho lot of erry plinnite prac of titioner) amply qualiftes blot to Offer Osterintees speedy, pannent, and satisfactory Mire to all 'Mime, with delicate diseases, and all diseases arising there. Dr. Drum wouldinform those Meted Will inmate diatues Wutele hug beeome elirOrile by time or op araveted by the ass of any af the column mamma of Gm day, that their complalom can be adally =Meter: curly cared; be haying Irv. his c a refuluf =cation in the trinninern of inch eases, and eaceeeded in hundreds of inatancea In eating pawn cif innammation of the neck of the Madder, soul kindred disuses which ellen reset from Rowe ease]. where Cdter4 have consigned them to impales, duper. lie Pertiettlartf each ea hue been long and unsuccesehltlr Mined by other. to consult him, when only satisfactios will be given them, and their eases muted in a tu,thoroukaud Intelligent marincr,poutted cat by a lo ng o experience, study,and itereetiganon,vedchltistmposuble for them engaged in general pectic* of otaus to ewe to One class of giseala. . - • OTHernia or Ruptma-Dt:Hrow also thanes par sons *Motel with He te be duped parne• Mar attention to ;Ms Memos. • CANCERS a/so cured. . _ Skin &sumo; ea eta., speaddY sated Chirps very law. N-D.-Palleate of either Sag limns at • distance, by , steins their' ime. in writing, giving all llk 0 syrup. toms, can obtain medicines with directions Mr use, by eddreuMd P. 'BROWN, M. D., re t n Ing ed, lo4 ermieet - No. IS Dtaniond alley, *proem the Waverly House. RnregensoL-Pr.lowes newly disemerad reme dy for Rbearastiam is a spevry nod certain remedy tor the o,4ll4riolicruef,l n 0..., Ni. Id Din. tend alley, PinsLargh,ra. The Dociorm alweye at X ,„ 14 B. CO, tront at IM/UA.lb AL. labalistack , = VLBOLESIALE ARBOGISTS, carrot of TIM sod ,Woodspeem, odor for 5.515,0 n tsvond3le . 1.1155. • .1 0515 Wgi. .500 1135 Cart.. AM.1 , 11; . t N do .s.lhidOl6lt yO5O 41551R154517 1 Ltamtdseo.ROd dtLmorkeloo4 ) 10; do 13 do Camphori - 150 do', B e de Prempdao3l .- 10 do 95.33.8; 150 do. 1.1.10134103314 - , do. Yellow 11.• 35 do do- , Esg4 •,;; 10: do brimstone; 3531 do Bucher ./.411301 1 ,' s , do ,loves; 'lO do . Ithabuiritoog--. • • .3' do 1.11•313.Floroong 400' do Sang , ' Via, :_,. 14 cum get. Borax: SOO - do Gootios . 115: do Casulo $051; 201 do 551 Rodiream 35: do Pm30153.131ne; Be do 13eldlitelra0 333 ; 1 10 do C. .11.15 500 do INMl'd Rtotbaso; 115' do Chrome Green; 630 do .10 •8115.133.114. '5. do do Yellow; 100 do do G. 23.5534; 1 Ido Am. Vercolhom,l oo do do /33 3 U 6 4' 403.5.51 Band Paper, .101. do do ~ 1 . 15.033; - 311013 r bum.; ma do do .4.1.03•7433334 - 3.5 nom Bouto Coot"; Be' .10 Sauer' 1 ;so.B¢lph..Movphm; 300 do Bar 11.1; 1205110 Caps Alosm-- . do 1100 do 13.41br0m L 101551. 150 do 'Quick Silveri do rink row - 150 do '0,11.405 P0o 1 ; ; < 1500 do Turkey Vodlier. 7$ do Coolno.51; UM do CresatTartar; 0 onW H. &AFLX ICE US matt or. TIM PLANE /_\a' I b.W, Tg Wood 'treats WISEILANULAUFId.ANat e n d In Fertalr, Wad Dicrouus HART. iNAlgra. yAritueriscris now prepared wog *a low and 'on airetandabliftetsrs mesa b° the We, solal=lOdh t, whtaG uvi Y r j a „ P C FOS and • cissons, RAZOllgt: Kum TPO.ml a i s sub as Hinges and &run , louder , with awry {els,dually kept ii ISOM:0 Sinus. We lochs the WIWI= Cantentera sui kenloolch generally to sagoaartment of Toolsooath kura outs selected aid gnus um, and triad we au n'unnot• .ed soil ao lista give sagstantloo , asT 7 tCs^ , LOOM 611.CIUTIONSir.clilitlfglig SING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. They are not sands how B ally Wagon Ito _ . the akin: how auto*, ho rugh, bur tal low, yellow, sod tbc Oda sip• pears Ulu It la Hi latel lain a prepared OWL: rious, containing a buge utility at Lead I We bus MA bentilld veguable Wel which we cal .1 DOW seams LILY • la pedcatty Innocent, being pacified of all dela ut) coo °salines; and itinsports to th e slonanstand eat thy alabaster, clear, living white; !loth, sun Hine LCIIIIIIII etwasetle CO de Ala, mid* . it oft old woo Sold by the Meat, WALJACOON, Elk Lib arty 3. PlusbandL Paws aS moo- „ vT Pltoporty---'---.ti 111 for imbnribets clef for Ws • amber o came Cusco Lou, aimate in the Second Virast,frolgn 111 • "" C at H ROBIN SON . . N Awl , t or of ;TAB ROBINSON. On Wapremium styMadr•rtl7 ---------- J. 111•FITLISOSNRI ISERLIAL. ATTORNEY AT rilllo STATE COMMISSIONER Siitatistg nititica.Aolmowledgnuroul orlicedicae. 011ea—Foulkstreet‘ &boys eagAiield. , -r