THE' PITTSBIIIItIE GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITH& CO THURSDAY MORNING, APHlted, 7850 nr - Ammacu ire auseiuy Pa:leaved laduad hi salt freers Define 6 r. a., sad ee early In the dev as actleable. adrendeeasem sal Inserted for e peel. dad time will amenably be charged anal ardepl oat. QT Pastanscroa.. Norm eximmar.—Advenise iitenn and cobreviptions to. the North American and Valied Own Citiette, Philadelphia, received and for lorardat from ibis altos. LT 1:113IAT D.O Ors—Adreniermeote I 14 " me 035 mbeemptless, for Mai paper, will be remised sod thrmareed from this odee. dednisdey, thin& of April next, for the ttiositetion of badmen ALEX. HILANDS, Chal.netaa ig7.II3.PiEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL prATPERE TELEOItAPHICNEWs,... tomemantn Itzaerra.--Oaring to the humidity of the atmosphere, at some other cause, the line was not In warkine order out of Haniataim, Mat arming; oonsequently we are without car turcisl Clotvesdcatal despatches. Telegraph Matters. The perfect disregard to candor which usually characterize, the statements of the 'Journal, ren ders It almost superfluous labor to reply to any of W deolualima, as but few are disposed to regard than uof any sort of importance. In his yesianlay, the editor busts of the wonderful ener gy which he had displayed in meeting a march up= his agemporaries, by obtaining matter In tended for all of them, before they were apprised of its having been received, and inning it in an extra Journal. This was certainly an astonishing elan, and especially so on the part of that paper, ' which, like alp Van Winkle,' has for once woke up! It lays, the corm of the oGuestiaartis per. fectly characteristic." Now, to prove how un true .this charge is, we reprint our remarks, by which it will bel perceived, that we did cot, a any • manner, censure the course of that paper, or ob ject to its perfect right to lame an eats, if they saw a; to do so., We merely stated, that owing tOa miatike—which mistake was, that the tele. graph compioy did not inform no that the news had arrival, In time to issue an extra. Our ob ject in szaidog_this statement, was in order to ex. plain to our subgaden, why we had ant done so, and also, that they might not be led to Mier than It was an decrlarive •nr•vPri+. d' than Costurrtal Jeered. "The telegraphic report, published yesterlays by the Commercial Journal, in an extra. was fors warded by the intent of the associated Pinsbrugh Press, at Philadelphia, for the benefit of the whole Press here. Oiling, however, to a mistake, the ,other paper wore not apprised of its having ars rived until after the Journal had abutted a copy and bused an extra. The:same dung will Bane. one again." We again reiterate, very emphaneally, that the same Ming will not mem. Duin or Wm. J. Term, Ettg.—lt will be, with deep regret,that opr community win sae by rekrence to our obituary head, that one of our most valuable and estimable citizens has passed from amongst us forever. Kr. Totten was the active buaincea partner of one of our largest and moot prosperous iron establiahmests, mid had be fore him, apparently, the prospect of • long, suc cessful and used career. Death has, however, craved him for his own, and he bar suddenly. and at an early age, been translated Dom a temporal, to an immonsl, and we doubt not, Dr happier atme of azimattec. 'ln his deatb„ our city loses one of her most efficient members, and bin family and friends a len which is entirely irreparable; "May hsaventemper the wind to them." Pasco Commeorrion.—Meetings aro being hold In various parts of our country, (nth,: purpose of appointing delegates to attend the "World's Peace Gowen," which in to convene at Frankton on the Maine, m Germany, during the mein sum. atm. The objects lobe promoted by this convert. doe, are no well known, that aro do not sweemaryto eater isle any expiazuniono is rept/ Its oidaf lmention, horrprer,ll to 'ode 'ag difftenkiei mien betweinPillfseent nations, by ofighlttation, and thereby do away with the nemesity of nuorday to our meant barbarous 4/Id . tmclaischui mode of twang those things. bp . Awns of stevedored cesium. 'rho end soughs for, Is noble one, and we shoal Weed so see every ahrielannatlon :muter the bresdklr-eaus, repro. =tad on Ltui, occasion. Philadelphia sends a large delswathm, and are should be proud to see our own dry repriedued at the Frankfort 0212., W• append a few mote incidents coo:meted with We deeply tab:rash* trial; together with mew of the cootassata of the Fest. Is will t• SOW that sae of the Witoesm who swore that hi saw Dr. Parham two of three hours attar the thee he wu uses goleg Into Dr. Wekter's mota, on tie WM, now retracts, sad says it wu CD day prwriocis that he saw biol. had hinahafts, mother vital:eh it appear', also =sets her stalesosate that it was Dr. Parke:ail that ohs saw. Thews Dais will go NO farther to cantina the, prolate of Dr. Webetes gallt. - - 11e jury retinal as fore miscue past 19 o'clock, and came into court at eleven dokrek. Chief Jutted Shaw called on the prisoner to stand W and hear the verdict.' %Whittier-Mr. Foreman, have von' agreed to a verdict? . Foesmas—We farm . .... . . Chteinstice—Do Ton find the Onuses gninT, or noagsdire Foreman—Guts:! .:i ancoucT OW TEI ?monis. The penoneriana back law his chair with his hands neon the radon, and his fate an his hands, and so sentained fin ten minute.. • • Si.oo/0075120 TO TILIMOLL . When be mewed from the shook, he said to alien Jonah owby ass you keeping me here to be agr' He was Itemediasaly carried up to sed locked up Err the night, the preamtion leg been taken to remove his razor and bate. ' 6 boggy eras at the door, of the Minh room; to ,coavey tsetiad intellmenee tors family at gain 'bawled. of this, tto deretaod keel the pion la ohm's, drat /Zan Webster • kaahot shed a tear, or expressed nay pmetteslar Waren for any thing but his table of so pplirm. His Int ardor to °Seer Lawrence, when hi Intl the jail to hear the verdict, was, 'Tell Parker to mend me some of lna best turkey for Mawr. to neetrow, sad a lot of good segue" Efinee Mr. Cleland was on the stand, we learn babas reasoned Ms statement as to the day on winch he saw Da Pszlowan. Ber.M.r. Wells has coavineed him the are was received on the 22d,. and DOlt on the 23d of November.. We'slso andaniand Mrs. Rhodes boa written a ham" t o ono of,the judges. in which alc rearsets statereent that it wastir. Putman whom site are, • 110111MOTBIef OP PROP. WEBSTER. , yesterday' received intelligence by tele. mraphi from Boston, that the jury in the ease of Protium Webster, chanted with the murder of Dr; . George Perlman, rendered a verdict of Nutt. ratunarditr in the drat degree," at lb o'clock, en y eight—s verdict which, we think, that foe Who have paid strict atrenhon to the maim. ny Intim case, will doubt Majolica of. A atom nowected and powerfial chain of elrenuestarcial evidence has acddom berm developed, on a crimi nal trial, whilst the masterly manner in which it wasliaked together by the Mooney General for the commonwealth, removed all doubts, and mud have esnied`convkilon to the minds even of dime _through friendship or conssegultdri, not Wombs induced to bailers in the possibility of the guilt of the aectised.—Belt. BUS. The New York Harald, in referring to the van. 45M,tirogrks: .11 is welt, indeed, that • mac on trial 63: Mich libellous chi:Bess that allegsd Malan Prokemr Webasr, be. had the nerve or fortitude to speak ' la Ma ohm defence alter he employed coon ' We lordly Mime what to think of it To Wire who ansider Ina graters, it will =fine them in theopinion Mgt he Is 111110Cellt of the mime kr which ka has bean' tried, while on the other hatui, dale Wl= fria punting the testimo. ny- halo made op' theiumiade that be iv Oafs will, In his addles/ to the jury, perhaps, be eon- Awned -lent* opinion.. Such will , ite the Ithirp. ono of the public on'thirl9lll lol `. Its ay he the desperation of innocenee, or the .elesbarEL" o f Pik, that hu Induced Profeiser Webster to take this rap; bat unitise ho wu posi tive orbit inixvonce, we certaisily thick Om on. der Os ercaniscenmes, his addressiter the J ury, wu rather injedloiona In feet, we should thlak so cider say olossiossone . raollulwasmscrros. ( klnasPoodetwe elute ihnohurgh Deism- Wasanarros, March 16.50- Cou'nfposastewee with the lilearagua••Hulloola's Bay Compassl'..7l l o . nalisatlosta.4lallellons Gossip. The nevramongers have employed themselves, kir acme time, in speculating Opal] the character of the cerrespondenee between the Smote aty of Stirs and Sir H. L. Buiwer, communieatid to the Senate, with the Nicaragua Toasty- Thor- gen. demen would have done quite as well te_34.metri ber Dr. Franklin's anecdote of the dead Mai. The question waa proposed to some learned society— Why is a OM when dead beavWr than while 'ahve This proposition was debated with great earnest-, new and heat, for a length of time, before it occur tato any of the wiseacres to enquire whether a dead flab toes heavier than a live fish, an enquiry which terminated in the discovery that some abandoned wag had been running a rig upon the' learned moiety. orlodona I forward. adwortow led free of The application of the story is direct and temple —the correspondence referred to has no character at sil--41ere to no such correspondence; not a line between the American Secretary and the British Minister. The treaties now bsfore the Sea. ate arefirree in number, having been negotiated by hir.. ,Squiers. with as many of the States of Central America, before Sir B. L. iltilwer arrived ,In the United States. They CI relate to one ob. leer, the rights, privileges, portiere And duties, of the American Company, Who, have obtained the contract to build the Atlantic and Pear Ship Ca. nal. I suppose they will be penned any It In trus that these treaties have • collateral bearing upon the subject Of one disputes with Cheer Britsin, in respect to her encroachments and pretensions in Central America, and If the stipulation's entered into by hie Settlers be CM. armed, we shall probably bs brought Into • con flict of claims with the superior power, that can only be settled by a negotiation between the two governments. • The statements concerning the propotial of the Erode:m . 4 Say Company, to . sell' out their pot. session's In Oregon, have been revived. Mt Munroe, the delegate from that territory, is moo , lag in the matter, and seems much disposed to deny that the Company tea any rights, of coulte• eneace, riererved under the treaty. A resolution proposed by him, and referred to the 'Committee Whig Inn*. an, of the 61.12. PAOLI. ma the Judiciary, some mouths truce, has pro duced quite antic among the gentlemen concerned in the etrort to induce Coogreun to buy the Com ny wit, at ■ good round sum. The price et the transfer of the tights and claims of this great mo 11,000,000. 1 may as well mention, too, that there has been a rumor of flit George Sono ma attempting to experiment upon the Integrity of one or two of the Senators, but it le, no doubt, ono of those Idle reports which seem to follow in the wake of capital, whenever it comes ID con nection with poblie affairs, as surety as carrion birds follow the hunts's. AI the last short executive session on Thursday, two manse diplomatic, nominations were inciden tally retorted to, but nothing decisive was done. it is singular that objections of newly the name character should exist to three or the principal nomtnations of this claw, to wic—thme of lion. Abbott Lawrence, Minister to :England; Hon. H. M.. Barringer; Minister to Spain; aod Ex Gov. tenor Letcher, Minister to Mexico. ;But the tact From the Gazette. Your readers will have noticed In some of the papery, foolsh and mg.°. Illegal°ns to the effect that Mr. Barringer lives la a cock loft at Madrid, far the sordid purpose of avoiding ex. perma that Mrs. Lawrence kissed the Royal babies when presented, in a CUM and untEracefol man ner, and various other stories affecting the stand. ing abroad of our representatives. They are merely stupid and malignant falsehoods. Mr. Barringer resides in an elegant and costly mansion, erected by General O'Donnell, formerly Governor General of Cabs, for his own occupancy, and maintains the position of a representative of our Republic with dignity and propriety. Mrs. Law rence li n e lady of cultiVated manners, refined team and agWeabie addreas, as little likely to commit , any act of vial tar/karst as any temak in Eng ' buid or America. Precisely similar tales, with, no doubt, precisely equal foundation, were told of Mrs. Bancroft daring her residence in London. lumina SILLIFORINLI/...ILILPOYLT OF ZION. T BUTLEB. KIND Contsawgi. Same lrotilollioo Or lfaelllol2ll, ea I am inform• ed, have been thrown.ont thatthe South one em falrlyirerommove,dte thm,„eCrx-etailez,, am r t",l 4 t!, girala..,:X? :° M - e ri nti;re of the C gress C ' M v =lit orate OM* seven delegates dettismated in Ore. proclamation,sixteenwens from slavehold tag Swig tan Lem nonelesstioldieg States, and Mexicali who wore citizens orCalifornia under the Mexicali Otwesument. aidattUti Of those elm , ea caMeilittendistrictsbekiar26ileg: M. So that therWereis ih'ibe oonvenSion 'Mimeo/ aiz of the thirty amen Members 'Vona the Slavebolding Statea,andfrom placeseiplfmt the Missouri mm. promise llne. • It appearaon the if/6010/0M Contention, that the clause in the eositßattoc exclading slavery I how proceed to glee so:ski/a:mutt of my io• quirks, observations and II astall*tr e EPP: II2 g the population, eli sall:loodiactient—the general Mande? of pants eked 'Sous Mexico —the extent and cpctdltion of the: Mte domain— the commercial resources and min eral and mtyallie westakof California. Ramboldt, in his Essay on New Spun. mates the population of Upper California, in Iteiin, to have eonlanni of— Converted Indiana, Other alma, Alenuider forte% in Ma titstory of 11npar and Lower California, publiabed‘in London, in 1839. alalea the mate, of converted Indians in the EA , . marl all e th er dto have bees uxe , Ins, a t 4 1831, ' 18,683 0,382 . . He enemas the opinion that ads • number had not vaned much up to 1835, and the padsbility le there went very tittle increase intim-White pope.Wien until the ensigr' anis from the United States began to outer the counuy in 1838. • They Increased, tram year to year, to that, in 1838, Colonel Fremont bad little 41fileelly in call.' nig to his standard some five hundred fighting men. . . Mile close of the war with Matico, it asap posed Mather° were,inehiding discharged ulna. tun; from ten to fifteen thcmund Americus and Calikulans, exclusive of congaed Indints,lo the Territory.: The inantastion of Lmeragneitiseas in 1849, lip tolls:. of January hut, sou estimated at 80,000 —of fintignergo 20000 . . The population of Celibate oncy therefore be rarely set downatlls,ooo at the commencement of the present year. It is quite impossible to form any thing like ati • Soconue estimate of the amber oflodianiin the Tistettoll• . Since the COMBICOLICISIa of the Wit. ISM espe elegy sines the discovery of gold In the monatains tharnombers at the .mitaimaind! In the valleys aurae coast have very ranch dunialahed. In &et, the whole race seems to be rapidly duap. Dearing. The retaalne ors rut number of villages In all the valleys of the Stara Nevada, and among the • Soot tdlisof that range of Manatees, show that at no distant daythere mat have been a numerous population where there is not epee an Indian to be seen. There are a few still retained in the see. vice of the old Californians, hot these do not a. mount to more than a few ttionsand in the whole Territory. It is sail there are lure numbers althorn in the mountains and valleys about the had waters of San Joaquin, eking the western base of thenierra entlin the northern part of the Territory, that they are hostile. A. number of Amerates were killed by teem timing the tut summer In attempt ingto penetrate high op the rivers in search of gold; they &leo drove one or . two patties from Trinity neer. They have in neural instances attached panes coming from or returning to Ore gon. In the action of country which the lament ed Captain Warner sou cianainlng when he was killed. It is quite impossible to form any estimate of the number oldies* mountain Indians. Some suppose there are an moor as three hundred thousand In the Territory,. but I should not be inclined to believe that there can be one third of that number. It is quite evidentthat they are hostile, and that they ought to be chutiaed for the murders already =omitted. The =all bands with whom met, scattered I through the loWer portions of the foot tills of the Sena, end In the valleys between them sad the coast,seemed robe shoes the lowest grade of Mr -4= beings. They bye chiefly on acorns, roots, sad the kernel alba pine hun—occalico ally they much Ash and gams. They use the bow aadanow, bet are said, to be toolazy and effemi nate le make successful bunters. They do not ep pear to hive the slightest inchostion to cosidysta the soil, nor do they even attempt It—as fu as L could Oxalis Information—except when they aro induced to eateethe service of the Whiteinhab. dents. They have never, preteoded to hold- any Interest in the soil, nor have they bees treated by the agoulith. 0-American Immigrants-au pawn ing The hdeetcan government never [rested with them au theism:hese of lan d, or the relinquish. Idle MOM of any claim to, whataver,They are lazy, the t o degree, and, al th ough they are sald to be wink( to live their services to anyone who will ISM& thela wig b10100t0,014 mat bzwid, _ , it La with Mr. ch Iftroty they can be =deb piit: film labor to reheard their tethOltrare rt . * theme vrry lute ed theAtte of itomFTI. t'' - Fortu.tly, at the tzunithellt those who wa le brought op cod nummeted by the Field,' made very good servant. Marty of thews now attached to families seem to be faithfol and intelligent But those who are at all in a wild and uncultivated state are most degraded objected filth and Idle. , Mete. it le posaible that government ought, by collect. iog them together, teach them, income degree, the arts and habits of civilisation; but, if we may judge of the future from the nut, they will disap pear from the face of the earth as the 'dilemmts of the whites extended over the country. A ve ry reorraiderable military into will be necessa ry, however, ttr protect the emigrants to the north• ern end southern portion. of the territory. =tam I now come to consider the climate. The cli mate of California Is eo remarkable la its periodi cal change. and for the long COIMIIIIIICO or the wet and dry !manses, dividing, as they do, the year into about two equal pan, which have a most peculiar influence on the lidoar applied to ag• riculturo and the products of the soil. and, in fact, connect theamlaes so inseparably with ill the In terests of tine country, that I deemed it Proper brio!y to mention the causes which produce these changes, and which, it will be seen, as this report .proceeds, must exercise a contraltos Mammon the commercial prorperity and resources of the country. It is a well establisned theory, that the currenta or air coder which the earth panes in its diurnal revolution follow the line of the nun's greatest aura... These currents or air ere drawn towards this line from great distance, on each side of it; and . the earth revolves from west to east, they blow from northeast and notetteut, meeting, and of course causing a calm, on the fine. Titus, when the can is directly, le common par lance, over the equator, in the month of March, therm currents of air blow from some distance north of the tropic of Cancer, and =mit of the tropic of Capricorn, in en oblique direction tow ards this line of the eon's greatest eursctroe, mid forming what are known as the northeast sod southeast trade winds. . As the earth, in its path ronnd the rum, gradua l to y brings the line of attraction north, is rummer l these currents of air are carried with it 413 that about the middle of May the current from the northeast has extended es far as the 39th or 39th degree of north latitade, and by the twentieth of June, the period of the sun's greatest northern ire elinarlou, to the northern portions ot Cells... and the southern section of Oregon. These northeast winds, in their progress across the continent, towards the Pacific ocean, pass over the reow capped ridges of the Rocky Moon. tarns and the Sierra Nevada, and areal corade. prived of all the moisture which can be extra had extra led them em by the low temperature of those r egi ons of eternal stow, end co.eque oily no Mai.Mni F. be preelpiteted from them, to the form of dear or rain, in • higher temperature than that to which they have been subjected. They therefore pas over the Lulls and plains or C.lrferuia, where the temperature or very high to =muter. in a very dry state and so far from being charged with moisture, they absorb, like • sponge, all that the atmosphere and :airtime of the earth eau yield, until both become, apparently, pertectly dry. This process commences, as I have said, when the fine of the sun's greatest attraction comesuorth in summer bringing with it these vast ateenaplier. ic movements ' and on their approach produce the' dry season in California, which-governed by these laws, continue. tutu' some time alter the sun re pass. the equator ii leptember, when, about the I middle of Novembe., the climate being relieved 1 from these northeast currents of mr, the *oath ' west winds set In from the ocean charged with moisture—the nine cum, nee and continue to fall, not constantly, as roam persons have Ares seated, Ma with autacient frequency to designate tutheidArollrifovth'emirber''re continuance, f m n' ifdle *s 7o ' bi t a b l e . in the latitude of Sao Francisco, as the wet season. It follows, as a matter of =urge, that tee dry season commences Mt, and confirmes longest in 1 the southern portions ot the Territory, and that the climate of the northern parts is itdneaced it • touch le. degree, by the mum which I have mentioned, than any other section of the country. Gensequentiy, we find that as low down ea lati- I mile 39 deg., rains are sufficiently frequent in summer to render irrigation quite tioneccuary to the perfect maturity of any crop which is suited to l um sell and climate. ' There ip an eztatadve ocean carnet of cold we ter. which comas from the northern regions of the 'I Pacific, er, perhaps, from the Arctic, and flows along the cow of Celiforela. It comes cursed with, and emits in its progress, air, which appears in the form of fog when it comes In contort with • higher temperature on the American coast, as the gulf =cam of the Atlantic, exhales vapor when ill meets, is say part of it progress, a laws! tams , perature. This carrell he, not been surveyed, nod, therefore, its wares, temperature, velocity, width, and course, have not been accurately aw certmed. I: is believed by Lieutenant Maury, on what be considers sufficient evidence—red no Mho, ao- ' Monty eau be cited—that this current corer; from the coasts of OM. and Japan, flemaorthrwardly to the peouwela of Ramtachatka, and making a circuit to the eastward, waren the Arne.= ' vast in shoat latitude 41 deg. or 42 deg. It pass es termer aouthwardiy, and aurally loses itself et 1 the wows. Below latitude thirty aloe, and west of the foot hilts of the Sierra Nevada, the fermi of Celifor eta arc Mined to some =altering 'receipt oakeil , the valleysand Mug the borders of the_gartmeas, ' 1 and erred mod on trarrid,pleoraden the trollearra 1 the billemoreetimei extending Agatha piales.flome of the hail are 'covered with dwarf Mtn.. which may he used es feel. With these esceptions, the weole territory preemie a mama whhout trees, 'or ehrubbery. ; It is covered, however, with earl out up, cies of gnus, and for may miles from the coast with wilt:loge which, ia me valleys, grow most luxuriantly. These grasses and oats mutate and ripen .rly In the dry Wales, and teen cease to protect the =II from the scorching rays of the sun. As the mummer admen, the meseure in the atmosphere and the earth, to 'ar considerable depth, soon becomes cabal:Wed; and =eradiation 'el heat, from the entanaire naked plates .nd hill odder, is very great. The cold, dry current of air from the northeast, after tuning the Rocky mountains and the Sierra Nevada, descend to the Pacific, and absorb the moisture of the atmosphere, to a great deathte from the land. The cold Milt= the mountains, en that which accompanies the 'rem ocean cue rent from the northwest, thus become tattled, end vast haute of fog ace generated, whi., when driv. en by the wind, has a . penestratiag, or Mae" of. met on the human sk in, much more gnomical.. hie Marl would be hilt in the humid atmosphere of the Atlantic, at a much lower temperament. As the sun rises from day to day, week =lee week, and mouth after math, in unclouded foight ce® doting the dry seam, and pours down bla uabroken rays on the dry, unprotected surface of the country, the hem becomes so much gresterln land than it is ort the ocean, that an under current of meld air, bringing the fog with itousbes over the coast range of My, and through their numerous paw., towards the interior. Every day, ai the heat, Inland, attains a =Mei. ent temperature, the cold,dzy wind from them= commences widow. This is usually from eleven to one o'clock; and tithe day advances the wind and continua to blow WI late at night.— When the vacuum is filled, ar the equilibrium of the atmosphere restored, the wind ceases; a per fect calm prevails mail about the itnie hour the following day, when the same gnomes commences and program as before,and these phenomena are of daily occurrence, with few exceptitum, through out the dry tenon. Thew cold winds and fogs render the dimmest San Frinehren, and all along the boas( of Calicoes era, except the extreme =Mere Pellon at it pro bably more uncomfortable,tothoes amaceurtamed tot, in , semener thee water. A few miles Inland, where the heat of the sun modifies and softens the wind from the meal, the chmate is moderate and delightful. The heat in the middle at the day la not so great sa to retard Warr, or render exercise In the open all accost fiatagle. The nights ate cool and passant. This description of climate prevails la all4ht valises eloper. must range, and extends Ilmenglaretthe country, nort ky soak, as far eutwuktira the valley of the SM.mmesitertad Idanlmmitt Maus vast plain themes breeze loses Its telgence; and the degree of beat In the middle of the day, does iag the summer months, is much greater than is known on the Mum° coast In the atone latitudes. It Is dry, however, and probably la mote tides. It On the foot hills ot the Sierra Neystla,se especially to the deep Mb. of the streams, the thermometer frequently ranges from 110 115 deg. in the shade, during the three or four-boars of the day, say from eleven until three o'clock.— In the everdeg, as the sun declined, the radiation of heat ceases . The cool. dry atemphem from I the mountains spreads over the whole country, nod tandem the ata cold and tavtgoealing. ' I have been kin dly famished, by Surgeon then-' eral Lawson, 11. S. army with thennatactrical ob. 'creations, taken at the followleg places in Califona ma, vis t At San Frsocieco, by /madam:lt Surgeon W. C. Parker, for six mouths, embracing the last I qcarter of 1847, and the Ina Tarter of 1848. The monthly mean temperature was so follows: Oct. her, 57 deg; November, 49 deg.; December, 50 deg.; January, 4D deg.; Febniary, 50 deg.; Marsh, I 51 deg. At Monterey, in latitude 38 deg. 38 min. north, and longitude 121 west, on the coast, about one degree and a half south of San Francisco, by As. ristent Surgeon. W. S. King, tor seven months, from May to November inclusive. The monthly mean temperature was: May. 58 deg; Inne r 59 deg.; July, 82 des.; August, 59 deg.; September, 56 deg.; October, 80 deg ; November, 58 deg. At Les Aogel., latitude 31 deg. 7 gain. longi tude west 118 deg 7 min-, by Assistant iggg.,, , ,, John 8. Griffin, Gar ten meattles—frem Jane, 1847, to Mardi, 1645, Inclusive. The monthly mean ' temperature was: June, 'l3 lief; .T ' aly. 74', deft) August, 75 deg.; September, 76 dm.' October. 6 de d ry , reggember, 59 deg.; Decrember,Bo deg; Jaw eery, 58 deg.; February, 55 deg.: Much, 55 deg. This place It ohout forty miles from the-math At San l/kgo, latitude 32 deg.4s mitt., knifed° saw 117 deg. 11 mtg., by Assistant Surgeon/. D. Seamen, for the following three menthe of 1819, viz: July. monthly mean temperature, 71 deg.; Aegust,'ls deg.; September, 10 deg. At hutterevabs, on the Sacramento river,. latls trade ; 38. 32 north, lougitudn West 1910, 31, by Alierilautillarlieen R. Money. for the following months ot 1849 i monthly mean temperature 73.; dogma, 70; September, d 5 . ;Octobers 65 P . The. Mammal:Mei Mow a remarkably high temperature at flan Francisco, during the at. months from October to March !Minim a varier lion of only eight.degrees in the monthly mean ' .and • mesa tempsratate tar the six monthior Si t. dogma. „ 17ZZ321 . , At M o n t erey ere fiellithe mean monthly tem pennant fens Mq tolittvember, inclusive, vatic tag only sin derees,ind the mean teinperitnte. oldie seven months to have been 68 if we take the thzesiententer tient/tn. the men heel vu 69 0 . ; The. mean ofthe Wee winter months au o little oyez 49 0 ; showing a mean inherence, on that part of the coast, of only II o between ate, and winter. The mean temperature of Sou Francisco, for. the three winter Moab., Wag precisely the same sear Monterey—a little over 49 0 . As these cities are only about one degree and a half damsel from each other, sad both educed near the oceini, the temperature at both, In sum mer, may ieryreasonably be su_pposed to be as nearly similar as the thermometel allows it to be In waiter. Ths mean temperature of July, August, and September, at San Diego, only. 3o 53 south of Monterey, was 12.. The mean temperature of the mane months at Monterey, was a liu7e over 59 . • &homing a mean dal - cream of 13.. Tits would seem to indicate . tsat the cold ocean current is thrown oir from the southern port of lb . . coast by Point Concepuon, and tbe islands south or it; and eonsequetdly na influence on the cli mate of San Diego is much less than at Monterey and San Francisco. At Los Angelo., 40 miles diatant from the nose, the mean temperature of the three months was 74 0 ; orthe three autumn months 67 0 ; of the three winter months 57 0 . At Suiteraville, about one hundred and thirty Miles from the oeenn, and four degrees north of Los Angeles, the mean temperature of August, September, and October, wan 87 0 . The mean temperstare of the some months at Monterey, was 59 0 ; 'bowleg a:difference of 8 0 between the sea Want and the interior, on nearly the same parallel of latitude. A much treater difference would me doubledly appeal, if we had observation for the spring end summer months at Sunersvdle and the gold mines. • These variation. in the climate of California, account for the vacua and conflicting opinions and idatimente respecting ft. A stranger arriving at San Francisco. in sum mu, is annoyed by the cold wields and loge, and pronounce. the climate intolerable. A few months will modify, if not banish his dislike, sod he will not fail to appreMate the beneficial effects of • cool, bracing atmosphere. Thuae who approach California over Mod, through the passes of the Mentailia, find the hist nt summer, In the middle of the day, greater than they have been accustom ed to; and therefore malty complain of it. Thine who take tip their restate.ue to the val. lova which ue situated heti:Veen the great plain of the Sactimeuto nod not San loaquiu, and . the crater range of Ufa, and the climate, .e.pecially in the dry season, as healthful and pleneut es IS possible for any, donate to. be, ...ehil...sus I sufficient heat to mature the cereal graih. nod blO rtuXs of the temperate zone. The division of the year Into two &pliant era aostr—dry and wet—nttpreenert these lintel half been aseuitaated to the variable elituate of th . _ Atlantic 4tates unfavantbly. The dry sepearattee of the country is summer, and the didieuhy ut mosiag about to wiener, seam, to oppose senutui difficulties to the way ut agricultural prosperity, while the many and au,he reDean ni Tant re ' rt i ltinhard ;Lee, on the Orcensborsh Turnpike; nimble Opt 4101 In• rubbeneet.....- •. ASD-Flnir iblbdted Acres of Lam!, Ciliate in Franklin township, about 10 =Ns from Pins/nosh, near Franklin Road. This will be divided to eultpur. 'chased. Thew Is an excellent rat.t. ennon - Auo-A igt of Ground near the New. Basin,4Sev. enfli _WerJ, being 100 feet Keefe, on which le a two einry Brick. Dwelling House. • For panicalare and terms of sale enquire of • DAVID D. BRUCE, Attorney at Law, ap3 Fifth et; been Wood and Smithfield: - - - ACKEREL -130 Ws No 3, In Dore. for eale by WI.. • C II GRANT VEATHERS-- - UninbiTir sale by • " ap3 . , • C H GRANT oul - svirCE LIAIE-70 DPI e gra re• eeived per str eintiertati, :jar late by ago U GRANT iiUNDRII , 24—b Drier PeLebes; G du Feathers; but reed and for emle by -H GRANT poT,ssit —5 Cita e'recNrsod - for side by street ROBERT DALZELL WCO, a• 1 Liberty et DUTTER-'"'" TekaZELL &CO PIG METAL—I 2 to 1122AIus , Rock, Teed p eu.mer P.cifc, sad far .212 by • aa3 JAMES DALZELL: 70 Watai pn ap hilce sTo , NE—oltt i rm nakag y fiz r r o sle ., by flußkur--nt , thy r 0 sule by %J spy _ R GSM - ARABIC-560 .1.3 SELLERS . _ . L ur euy siekaltrat. CA:Ct BHIA : LIRUOILICE—VOCiIb flar2.ltibLs A . N l. liA tato far sato by MLUTA Rl' AVINO SOAP-3 gross for sale by • p 3 RE SELLERS - UtIAR, STA Ile lt, ae-124 hhds N 0 Sagas; 20 bza Fez's Starch; '22 bbls Plestled Sagas; Landing tkis day and fur gale by . .23 BAG.lttgrec C 0 SAP.F O , 0.- rtiRMOICIST; sinew mtllcation of T Church Mule. Edited by George Kleitat‘ 3 , , An- Moe of Secial Choir. Javenhe Choir. SebbatliSchoolGems of Mesh, and Poetry, designed expreasty for to Sabbath School; byl. k A. Comb. shoat. - A new Treatise on Aitionomyl and the the of the Globe., to two ports. Containing' Maranon:teal and other definitions; moue= and poonset the sun, and planetsr . Keptert's laws_and Theory of Grovitanee, • .11tetten,Terilight, and - Y C,nectleas, Pe. dad., Distanees, Phenomena,' and *dation. of the Heavenly Bodies composing_ the Solar Same% k.f also, au ertentive collect on of the most ;mend rte. , le= no the yea of the Globes: Illoatrated by ta sad- , Ole - variety of Rumples; •ite dealgeed for dot Due' of HlgtrVellooliantrneteemlon . By limes lablettre, id. 1, ,'Profmeto of Matheatatlet and Astrodosay in -the Central High School; of Haltistore: • • Dan and Port, or landents of "Cognate IlitrUfllten States trims Con t CalilbsitMosiW noddies sfitletansisset ldea r Bsioahstabltsh Ham .817larAtiAsileViesiVet*a. art": tzucre &sat Cammismalcrehesta sal ti i ir 4 Ller;hl we slat stlkith etprodnes, ban ra ml le Ita+ Wartime. 6 la. LW %MO - Med, Ibmween Wool A 111.141)80246 , STORE, ma Mutat Oxen, kaftan ,a„ Thad ad ,Froarth stmt., at Tremor preapald by Air. Therm Dry Cicada Siam , • 14o—A law mall Amami MOM. ia tha mead dart', nett door my Pir. Dan Matlittall Wlrge. •Thia.rmaam wall &imam!, md milabia fa Aamairal dmaar Academy, ar maid coomMeaUy arraardas d Z aad D. ile alficer •- , tf 018as,14ard at, arm Om tuat Ogle, • Dow Deokat New Dock+ IP . ATEW O,EL LIT E RART D . E P OT, Tied gaop po.. . al B Call,boPßJars„Eg - aaeMitno,byarElr "i 30" _ • Diertaaary of oThanionagia• and Eadiaectiag i Part Willard lidoutreeirr, or the Bard Order of Sem; Komi Di Valinlim, The Star of Da Falleadry H M Wawa'. Fricadahip, a Ban of Daeleaialik Hart. mai Hmn, a Stay yMea liWe Whit. Juke. by Hausa Addrille Mahal:at and hi Saectuara. N Wuhan - km Ir COSMOS, a ketei of • Physical dear, of tba Dar kJ ram. by Raosbold4 2 was, Cott mad r. Pireattra of liDadaota, We New togburd dm. West, by E. 8 fleyaorororab ;alp; I rot, Polak sod Parr. - Lire aad Corr erpoadiara of Hobart Soiathay, N.L - Miami, or Pager from tkiltaok of LID at. Tangly. by. Laroarti. Mew Ira of Life and Wrdiag. of ?boa Chalsaars,D %by Rev W Hansa, D D; *al I, cloth. Fo R IL I OP by ILDSB, epY, . • .•.• No 78 apouo BaDdisilli Four th D. o .— , 4ut reel sailor rah CON BHOOLDE,- - 8 Hm a tio. a' nw ARS—IWO) Comm eigardost Toed, mad Aral. ki by , .. 8 t W 1181LBAUG81 , -- xOLL BUT7'OI-5 btds hob - 84 881118. la Mare;bad . stie ',lid! 8& %V tiARBAUGU THE AMERICAN RACING DEPOSIT BANK. OFFICE ti WALL STREW!, JAUNCLT COVES. ElliE=l Th. yeoprietan big to announce that I.leq thee o id, Chun for lthespetato, op. the .i gl u eli has obthio ed sa loge a absth of tho pablie ppoet Eagles' nal declaim; by width oo oppectasity as edsoled to all clone of obtaining, thethetting Oath mons or iodination of media th tamest is the posit spaniag onto of all parts of the weld where H.... doing ispnetbred. ne wraith was by lb. ..t0..4 putienbus, the enbierib. e the seisms wow peoPoed by the Anted= Resin De puist Huth my, by th • small oettayof ano &Oars Atha II MD of SIOAD! the secexity of his hoedown, being ettethithr cod by lb. parented of ir aptestionable Tradeu. An opporsonity via be drooled of modeling Jo el Ham of haportuee to /moth and elsewhere, to vide It a =do otarthan behrm *ha Wry of the botanize the diy of matins, to enable Do Floridan IA 'thelea slain clew' • ••• • The Sweepstakes ewe epee embed Tire Chase he'd.. Greet Decoy Ranho.up Tel he ram - oe the %eh day at blay,lleso, lodge tlosuperbelciteseee of the bteberde of the DglishJoelpey Club. 1;i 1 .1 7. •Subr.Dob D. Doh. 'Ws. Doh. D. CDs. 4150 CO 100,000 50,000 50,050 15A 20 1 0 . 000 DODD 55' 00,003.60,000 15,003 1500 WO C. 20,030 . 1 D /00,000 50,0 W 90000 15,000 10¢0. D:20000 5 50,000, ts,tmo - 10,5 co: zwa 5,0 a) " 20 ,C 00 1 0 , 00 0 • 5,000 DAD 1000 1,0:5/ ' Tin somber of hona . ..stsrod uprti e of MIL on T tirel i Alfylflll27ls.slrle:Zy onttdet i ro b. ma —Um Oh= a' soar bodarlln dub 4050,71 by•o -vr.o...oo.o;..shckthe nu msT the bum eatsest b. 'Lotted anahst thosatoreilms i5...14M 0 5d 00 30.4 day D ow /am wit, whi.b thee / Mat of tb• hill be laka. onll b. 41.tributed; bobhe of of Ow 000. of Übe wmalng bor.. ia Ch.* .4.. 0 reethiog • Priil of. V 00,000; Dal orthr mond gAtoo,a,-01., senardmes hub the ob.. &UP. At OM dnteriag. ell reesetibere IQ! be edoeitt' ea au Foe. J* 6, 4 their .4.3bru. To putknars of the Frey free ad mire. Irbil opine, dm are etery eteurity • L the sobeeribtes ead tbel • • . • , tedepaidesile f the ekes, the proprietere he'e'opeme Better, Lir% by which ley •lieired D44,04.401' thd state of the od,m) els) , be ebbing le the grad nein moth sad, Is 'valets sea by • mre drama ierogdotee ka- Inedirl to alletheeritess, Ow bolder of del Ibbtdite Ibbt•de le the Ohara Serve:thee, may issue the epic a( • eve.' eiderelee som whether Out Rome 'dm or on • Asoastabssices of 10 per rub, to awe espeoseloeill Matted 00 payment of ell reset Any.farthre Informatk• rasing will he siert d bv Wee Sea they, hie. A rshieeld Mutsu* et —4O whom all appreetioas Le drum% end aim amen r kid toes, no. be be eddreserd poet rid; asd aU nebibbereas either 6,134 tr• Noe, no be node,. Wes the wk.!, area.. bored grid be torwerded directed. • Lists of floe er• emoted for the Leo; end elder Seta of boporteeer, okay ber NCO et the office. es*, 10U1117 LITSEARY INSTITUTE. , HIS C [IDOL haebeea reatintlid from Wylie street to the large and conalodloas Mahal adJoladna Dr. Pena, between HallOtteatalatliymi . • aley. For t e nvie m ellta i giztratt a rlAr Lam FILM. IWO Of the' Paulo SlMLallrh 1444;17. Won. D. D., BeT.Wen.Prel26; 2 7'1:1.Jilddl.1 D. " " West. Gen. J. wwid. W. D. .04$ RIVI"Eig: ap WM. BMW CLOTH 5T011,1116.., y D. STUART & CO4 of PlallodofpXto, en the Ist of April. an calm new Met f . mormaaa-siltEar4, YESTAPS. And TAILORS' TIUMMINGSrat eaten Oleos, very low f task, at No. WI Wood itt, next to filelfeatos.• Anctiort House. • a•lLALtlrtfr M aCK6YYI` 7Y 0641v7e No 312"'ULIO • AMUSEMENTS. TH EATRE! L... awl -.4.C. S. POSSE • lilt's or aoinuorri. , &Dtaaroads Male alai Pidgin:net . . and Third 'Ti en. Golletrifor colored pirsoool.-..95.-. , Doors open at 7. Contin•rril rise 24 71 0'21022.. Fragti" wAL",s 4 .- }- On Thar.lay, April 4, is !4 , IM,44n_te,4 _Nu pestestatebrated •lay called PA NO AND JULIES'. FnmiWCiack. MGR—Johns*. .3fistraina. Romeo. Illematia- Friar Laarranea Janet— LADDER OF Love. Chenlist David— • W..Jobasum. Blliitttle•-•—• • • Nrs. rq. •• Ur Fritsy—Mks%Willitat anti Etra sp.-pea. PITTSBURGH MUSEUM. APoLtio 134.1.10—VOLULT11 STRICZT. O PEN DAILY-41=9 sole In the Mortal:iv to 6 1.11 th. afteman; and Ikea 7 to 10 o'clock nth. hs gteotl !este* 745 7,titls Chlltheertuute: 19 art AUCTION SALES. _ . 13y Joha l)..llLavls.Assiteitear. Variety. Goiscrein_dij- • Oa Thunder seartsleg. 4thi it US velmk; et the • c c .„.„,,,des ;kW aftfte,assess et Wend end eta • will be aid, esithisee 'arm!, lige ett•ek of, sad FaneyEley Oftelei oaer Macleod th.s tke,net, merge,' 74erts't sit! &metier iiegiellen" Freya; peieue tad bMt terms la w se ; efthsoftfts Ik, nenehmen; sle• esstl plieNt , ./sersle, yetis, !ilk, rent, ess4 a. Leas Ka* ellkeePr. , • 4 6 , ..Pg • tills,: lefts; edgier, trespeadfte, Liefiller„ 6nr mat* rot ft elebsssr, nib; apnea, haw , 00. - riivol Mk penes, •pe a thrfte; erg ad 'hat' fttlais4 Whig Cake; =sallies; esp. ealm% hops., A t ir: ftrestior. J. Wncanauz,l •, -. Pomnimzs, of at. Louis. t or eitisbatgh. samurai. J. NvwrifiEuit.i. a Co. CaNIMIEISION & FORWARDING hiNtICIIANTS, No 47 Lenny nod No ANnuh Comm tr 4 el-izeot, - .Rxeanr•a, —R al g sell, i n e k n ey& . .St. Lows. vl&Bnsu James Tald,Lonttile, Kt; , Jam., D - Lohnkoz, Or•nt, Yin,b3u4, Fs; nal , 4lmi John ht Halt bast, 'FhtLadelph.s. RIEIIIOS/ALt TAMES D. DUCILWOOD,BooksoIIer ond U 104 Fourth Id.rcet ‘ few doors east 41 Wood meet (late as Wood otseen. • .91 pp LNGER, HARTMAN h. Co.2tave simoveJ u.) No. Water Wm*, two doom noove 'Wood' Meet. . . . . . BINGE R, lIARTUS. 71, lietilto Wir;a • luee, . a:malamute:l, of. Spans; Plimett, Watt Steal, Bptiott twa .Ales /THAT propel* shunted on the corner of Leeast 1 and Saar, streets i Vilth ward, occupied es • tttt eel Factory, by bleinsa H. E. ,t S. Nelson d: Co. Tr.:, lot isloo by 11P) feeti fronting pa two streets and Atte. gbeny livery with bin/ding - sand Steam Eristne,l2 leek cylinder, 41teeristrote. 'An whole will be leased for sterns of yeargytoruSesSion ten be siege Home- Pisie/y Apply to : JOHN II HALSTON, , ;Adjuiviog the prmius (Post cony. and,elpirge Ibis office L ritUlSACla.s.7lWlteses Ittneelbat W!btunm~• ins p cones Ibtrratee.l pounds; lust ree'd and for sale by . APO:4r C H CHANT 111/1111011 - M . f URPIIY a. HUBCIIFIELD Late received a large ateraUcerdor FLepta'aCorloa noun. Wear fur Neu too Boys go well Itsmro s foridurabilityjaf, color Wool Cattimarea .4 Toreada - ia a erzai,variety of _ _ - Irrgo ' = " igarruttele CaUdallneariUbraika ly to banned as us north out coma of: Fourth .4 . Coaaup hlarattauts an d: others will lteutearber W. B. Mamba's 'Wlsortraula Roma, up .stairs—entnata from Fourth stzett. • • apt - 1.1101141' tarIrFAWLNIEIL . . . A ., A. MASON & CO, te Marks; rare;tame= /IL. 'third and Fourth, tire sow opehlor. , 4 sanoons silisidtbs.Bohisst'LSsss sadEirlir, ,do . do 441.3,1 ; AO o; 4 da i - imede4; 1 .0. ` - . — th do • 1 7 , , ,,, 4 4 .1 A'k uiskinfrila ' t r io ' adr sopleu, ewe onsed in this km. • •I _ -4tilacetwad.. . . 1401L1 bi 11s ONYlLl3og;'et a Young Cbrirdmer 111 autPeet &Narrative loandel on the Falifililltgel of a Ablest. blissimmen by C. IL Mostostrome Sf Modern lAterature and Literardrts, Wog a ses• and Gallery of Literary Possbalm-bg George 0116111 n; rettetatat calm firoosbisLOadtmedenottbortetlaogeLlt martin. . _ Ityroe4 Diedosesey of NaettinetObe, Ulna Zermatt, Meneriss moruor,p7 I .c 4 67. ";'" ,t )"4 7iC Pr‘eipighilaitratal pwcdaga m ogh i ZOINL ik i =map " W Junin. to Youth, suggested CrittYristaryot re eeriMlM 1 , 1•=1 1 4 , / Dy . .itignut Hutto; Tot 18 mo. eloselm . b ) il opms, apl No7B imoloßoltdings;Foatth street._ . . - NO TICS: TO oqls" irrio us . Soti Road. 101110YOSALS and Pennolunia Ba will be neared - at ihe akin, 'of the I. -Ohio n Road Coranany,.in toe City of Pitutratigh, WWI Wedanday, the NO day of Aril, 1850, for the Grading ehd Manual of rat Road, from AlleabeM .4Y - tattle =wit W. II I Beaver, • diMSOCe of twenty fee mile..; Dreamt. and Soca...dorm of the work iv beJet, may be men at the ogled InPittebutgb,dir Ono week Prlll'.llllo the !edam, on appllestion.mflolomon W. Roberte,'Ctie( Hit tweet; and - 1001121112011.31 1 4 bre obtained at my Oyu. al the office ray Edwar d, Werner., Residua Engl. neer-gibe, Eastern. Dialaiiter Ney , ,Brigatoa. Hence, lm Caly, Ye, The wail( le. lull ano ithy of !be urea. ton of good contractors. , '• The Grading atallßasenryofjhellne ha Columbiana County, Ohio, ? will be let at:Salem, - ea Wednazday, tkeettrdiyeßy order of the Baud of Ditrewre: aoltd • IVA: ROBINSON Jr , . fIOPAL,VAIIND3II , —In bbl., taaf dci and .k:cipt of a gaoi qualtty, crammed. Parsee by ISMAIL DICKEY IiCO, a t • Front meet G REASE AND , , LARD- , ltstalckuiloc, urii REHOUSE, (No ILT(Ffoni win) h TY ware of apt - 79d1ML IfICKEY k'CO .OF latalre BEipI—UPIEI=PIIKET&CO'4 OTATOE3-200 bu (Pink eyes and Eitn:uil - ARMSTRONG t CAGIER I.OtIR 7 OX) Wain atom, uld for anti, apt ' peuxvit Pbta al* No 2 ia mate, sod Cat ante by . • pt -SELLES Pi 100.1.51 /NSEEDOLL—aa bblalkakties, i prism, order. la Far sale by ..apt 3E.LLERaItstiICOLS. MUTAUDlNU—Viiiitrand illaakotatedrualeonsaaa, V V a baud and far We by • • apt "WICK & aIeCANDLESS MAR--24 half hbla ad hand. Ina d for silo by. • .1 ut • AltpUN la lot elle by apt WICK - McCANDLMS ack• rtetrred ind loraJe MeCANDI - W klic , EA/412713. V OL,AId.-2 - ..q • os Corn Brootor for taI,LIA iv.116.4-"EN-0;1113"vrrto• esnorred . IVICK&111iC0 1 41.4 : 1 4% Du . lt - k-10111.1 prat ,Jorr ree..t1 0. 1d4 0 74 . 1 - - A1t61.9180N DAWN-2 casks -cams satosed HaoTTR:0 -17- 4 Fides sad L.hoolders teed . by 611 - " 4-37:5 1 17 5 - lkoziG.teturix , R , 1 1,mC113 it r iNIS-441 lb. mote j szl ra, apt, •• __ i bis City. Jod street rikiwisit:t,ii%fF9rp" " 4 za t tor by _•. bY r i r l ,! -. , 1 .- "P s7. l's 4 KIDD & CO_ :LTACOI-0% II HA scatil sit or- ol 9 , lbs 51Low „,.„,,,Ao f SLt ur sale by E‘iPluiEplM--17.0Yar .Isn 1,1. We by out erELLEO at Dr' vats 3J bbls mob do, for rimaxas r mobs & - 16accar:u - nemsza. 5r4.4110r ob., tat ssL" WICK & Mcc sot 11ad123.9 T ILLS L 115-133 • Beevec Tabev, For by " . 1911 - WICK 4111eCaNULESS 1371fAVARD, PAFEN--446IGiardrikvii7Diri.;±-* Tif Craw., and !Sadism, rer.tole ' - 7CH fr.. I,I4CAN MVO' .• • puLvFatisueAdarkii.s9--1 77 0 Calks apt , nicba.voutsa - P RlFi gt —al3 - ci . . Le°3 tip " Vi/Cl.k 14c4NIK.sts 00T= azusaans— d pita os atent,lN. r • - WICK &. ELeatoiDLIALI IaPIIKIWW&LI•K—Stti bbls Lot stignmeaL Wl} W/CK k-DIeCaIiDLE23 &PI • • WIC Jr. ileCeriDiEiS 616' ryßet.'eu—to bm, Wm IA Gram'. J. S Gases Ballow'. *I; J. 4 CC'. l to , 't • • .A.ICVLkIEtatON. • Vi 114Serty MCC( EMU. EiTetie • makerpt nen sad fa sale - - • • • ~ • • & bLMITCIAFITREJAk apt Ito Mint str- Ltttir'CKl.Trti;tr 40 " ft. Uu 'rrf .Pl olla•Aorr 1..pAu1.) caw iseq vas nu Colsmbir LP Web,' ' LUAU'S -4 W oglind''si S l" litir " 4% nits by " " 'Ji JDDe CO, bpi mWocd « CUIIII3-40U gran losysolurs (or sale *— trig. - J KIDD iCP Kl=Earl LLIA rl-681 0 t • lot o by, COb t ISAIAH DICKEY 7k +C Front a buts an 4 ~ reitsl s •• • I.arist Q,C••• . aa4 Or .ale b /a do Evans & Swifts; In owe [apt] set.teas & NICOL'S,. .• at/ULDERS -13 beaks rat • per su haat Newla S arid for ate by Wall A gurcaisorr L co