The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 02, 1850, Image 1

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    - :_ -
!: 7 .:1 F. 'd i''..] ill 1.
W. - .1411 . .. c;.4,: C O.
N. Irma , ). ' Is. ausm.
lAazyner .pyralsi lurid) inn* !art' Dan 7,3
b•Dy_pa r-.•-•-••••••-•••••••117,011ptranniim
.Wnoirly,- in zoo • •
• -Da: •• • franblvate Toduce4 rate. • . 1
• .Ao l 4474k.fitoN
' "On•titinoCeCtle linen et igenpare 11 or kaa) •
nun.. •—• ••• •••40.50- •••
ilite Snot re,
additional toanytton. • 045
tbnee ureeka-,^ 1 , 2 5 ,e •
Do. ate
• -
DO. Deb montha•--•—• •• • 7, 50
threo t— 5. 00
" lent morons ,
Do. - six month.. • • - ^ - 1 1.1 22, , •' '
Do, , inreiro months. • - • •
StandingOlitd te 11nelen t len,innYn 555 . , t"" .
One Square,eltartgeablemplassona (par
116 M) 6261111i11e 1:14 . tho •paper--• ....... tn,On
For curb additional moan, innerted nyer ine month,.
lnn tonezebsddltional RUMS Itsurtei under the year
y rat., b.(
Advertiannonats exceeding. a-Kgare, and not over.
6fteCaltucsiitrice changed a...qua= and a ball • .
Patina/min-not sceountoblafet.kglditdadltlienients
beyond the *meant 51 1./VelfOr thga,5 5515 " 55 .
Announcing canal*. In; sikee, in ion charged the
sinte'aa other actieruseniiiita. •
. .
Advettimnerda pat marked on this topy fixt
End nantber or intertLuna, silt Nit-outlined till
and paymtniesacini accord. -
.Tna pflatteget pfypitdpiadirertiperalia.confined
rigidly in their tegaW,lipainces, and all other ad vet
tloementa tint tmtlax bat inea., at
acted tot, tote paid Nam '
advertittitnanlt' tor clintitabla institutions, Ere
comp acrd. township and other public merlin
and turn like, to be ' charged halfprien; payable striedy
In advance,.
Maatagenotlees to be avow! 63 cents. • • • -
Dente tonlett Insenied ssithoet chalice, nelc_es wets,
ponied by funeral inert... Lions Or 'pelmet . ) notices, .a •
hen's° eecotopamed Co be Debi lbr•
C Alta S
11.1111=1, • • ,31JUM, J. reatill..
EGIPSH HlMilleTT,Alato Enalish, Gallagher
4. Co.) Wltokoalo Grocers, Cconneassihn nod t'arn.
warding Merchants, and dealers in Praduke and_Pitla•
baron hranahchires, N 0.37 Wood•au,tiettocca 2_l and
La J. Aittirriel and 'Caine:eller ct ram;
tSnrinnadi Ohnni. Collection:. in Sonthern Onto,
mad in Indiana, and in Rentookyiliforapdp and care •
ally attended to. Onnotimaioner tke.thitut of Penn
eTivania, for taking Daporitienm,ainknoteledginentr,
&a. as.
llnica to—llon. Wm. Zell de Son, Garda Church a
CarotLera Wm. Ilape, Sap. • Willock. L. Darns
EiA MILTON STEWAYLT,lnanttfattutet ileslar..:
Shirting', Moth,' !W., • Rtbeeen Wee; city o
gheny. • - • - tovls-d Iv•
1 s lauccesa.?t to Morph & ,)•' • I
' . cal
° ii4ataleus, — LibsulT — ..o . P;2Bll4 fili il:,
• wu. wx.Lw4./.etu=o , .
a. r. V.CLlzolt; sosalt,l Satin,
iD. c.lll'4l=l,olc/M .O _
Eau) 11UCKNOR,TolfLto
iuLF: c.,Lanw, Noah' Wiageyt. r‘p «h pn tf
A.S. 141 St. • • -' • • ver., t. 13 , e- ,
ADDY, ZONES h Co.? (Keoe•sorsn Atwood;
Jonesft Co.) C4oW.Mlialorg and Pores * dm: Mer
e re, PittabarEll •Ide.mtact ed Good!,
Pitueburrh, Pa. • '
Ma. 11. Will/ams..--••., •—1 D. McVey .
NottlE.aiLearaer of 14a04..nd Third' tree.
.Jara. , , Pirreitint.
(wcemot to . 14.1tV19' c.• TuLTI.)
• yMPORTER•& Defiler lo Stencil sod liiildrte. Pe
per ilonglogs and Bonleni,
aoard Pricts,lco. Allo- , -ITtillog,Ynouno and Tgrap,
ping Pe per. No. &7 Wood oireet;Ocilretn Fbolth streca
sod Lnomood alloy, westPittaltargi!, ;Pa. . .
febl.l. •
1010LLT r -
fELMAII DICKEY • Co.. Wholesale tinker, Cum
& MISC. Merchants, anddenderam-ProdgiceDror:Ge
Water; and KT Prom greets, Pittsburgh , sttnid'
A. CAUGHEY, Agent tor' the Late Elie. an
Michigan Lill6 hlcaactiundthe Lad ea—Office
es the tor:wear Water and Smithfield his_ Jane
John S. Dilerenli•—•—,—.---r—doecrh ...or -in
T S. DELDir(iT4 Whalcialeptheerr, pad
el • Agetita for flash:ll Powder rO.i Se. Li Wood et.,
_ .
JOALI6Worn. tomatr
JJI3. DILWORIII & Co, Wholesale (3
. dace . and Commission Notham:l4
for ;he Huard Powder Co. of F. 4 1., - No.
tl 4r .- Market st, S rotee Bee n'nbooe. •
Oath, OPIIMISiyote% d
moment ado best sad freshest Meth*
will will on the mom toosonaliro tonn,
wilding orders, will lie p ro pptly attended
plied with' enrolee theY may retropen ai
PP . Physidns - Presorlonons will be tee
ptspered from the beernrotorodc
bo day. or nothl. .
Alto En WE: a role. stria ilvele - arld
way. . .
_ .
lIN.WATT, (successor to Ewalt'..
Wholossle - Grocer soul Commission
Cuter. -Produce and Pittsburgh 'Maud
Mr of Mem and I (sod streets, Pitubit....
1 Alai& A...III:ITCHISON, "&
Lelrtialutehi.on & Co, Commiagon
and Ageut of the. Bt....Louis Steam Sao
No. 45 walar &lain front sums, PiCaburg
1.1 .
101 IN U. MELLOR. Wholesale and •
el In Music and Musical Instnamenu, Se.
Popes, Slates, Steel Pens, quills, Printers'
Sununu:7 general] y, No. 61 Wood's:4l . lns
ET lasts bollEht Muter: in trade. •
toaxo„ 1110.
VIRM. YOUNG fr.. ed.—De-Omni In lealhe
143 Liberty a.
NvEr. sc. ISPCITTCHEON, Rliolcrele Gi
ler, in Produce, Iron, Nails, Glees,
burgh.Dlnnufactarei generalty,'lM LibeA
Butler, Ps
also sttood to ordloettoos an
a 4:l 7.1
W iL ess contrasted to tam to Bader ad dot
coantle ' s, Fa. 'Refer to
• J.RFlord,'Liberry et. l
• W. Wo•VC aflame; do I •
James Marshall do ( ritulargoo
day • Kay C. 0., Wood st. .)11,17
Omaucvz M. ALL keo, -
coal. '.Na. el AS'a r more .
' . ' W. IC' 11. - lIITOICELTHILE.
- Albe—hussortete of Bodo, Asb indißleaciarm
Powder, No. 10 Llbtrti .t., (opposite Sled( at.,) Pita
burgh. 1 eoudl •
max O. IVICI. • • - ViliVa, &C.pi&U
VCR & hPCANDLESS, (Etteee.sors td L. & J. D.
Wiek,) Wholesale Grocer., rammed./ end
Commiesion Revoke:us, dealer* istlroa,Neils,Glase,
UMW, Yuri, sad Pittsburgh blenufa antes generaldr,
eon. , of Wood tad Welt, .fleets. Pattebu ' IL
W—WV.. WALLACE, Mill. worse and lli I.,Furra.h.
log e.tabli.hment, Na 234 Libony s , netir the
este. utsarM
Neir-W mi 7W11:5 • .
metes, erne, aver live,
~ milituag . oode, earner of (strikes. tmd 41.6
creels, Piusbargh, P. N. IL—Watebess led Meg' tepuired. I dee4.. ' •
T • BOWEN—Cotanitssioe , sad Pot - wailing
ken?defeat; Na pa. Trott st. betWeers Wetwd and
'streets.. • • feb . ..l
grtg a ll biri-teri -1.1:,-,g,ii,.ir..„
is witer of hitaket end Fourth sta. - axed
P. sailaneaNlCHOLA, it/AILILEM
eVILLESSati NICOL 9, Produce and General Com.
1.7 rnhe.ion Merchant., ho. 17 Liberty at., Pittsburgh.
S , lnttn, Linseed cod Lard
0. Y. VON 130NNSIOILST., Wholesabs Oro
-171. aen, .Porshrding_ and Coramiasion Merchants,
Dealers In Pittsburgh hlannfae wee and
have t moved l? new honWsee ste l rn Pr.
N m 33. corner of Finbteand Cha ae y LaOe.d sand)
• •IL li. UNGI.II/ 1 & 00, . .
II:L0010411..; slid Smiday sr.bod
HooluelLeirs, lad dealers la all kinds of Wnung,
and Wrapping' Paper, No.: 9 Wood Meet, bll•
Mesa Youth and Diamolld Pidsbargb, P.
er.SSEY 11k.73T, WOoksale Grocers and Catena
Si. Merchants and.dcalars its PTO.lllf riO. 33
WoodrincherCh ' • • wan
WOOL . IIEoiLEA a Commission fdoitltaat for ths
sole of Amoroso NVoolon Ooods,lJeenY
• "l2±—'
- -
IATM. ILOACZY 4 CO, Wholesale _Grocers, 1
80 Wood creel Pittsburgh.
T ILAIMEON IiEWELL, Calm eel lor at Laur. - :.01=
se4ou Fourth st„litatire "rssq,
(L..: of Watson, Ohio.) Commis.
lkt nasal; and wholesale
Pawl Ash; awl Wentro e_9.,l4.4! " {liates
betweerpSmitl,fislO •n 4 WO:lnns...rah: .6
1 - 7 - 3 "1:107.141111=o7; Wholesolo
No. 64 Wood-soot. Pitub , ool. • ,
77 01111 0. 1101104111. 1 .1holeonio DMJNZ auddesl.
oin Dye 911111., Faints, Vannones. dna., N 0.53
Wood Ansel, ono door Saadi of Unwed ',Vito% Pi us
ORN D. DAV 81.7muencer;ecnizrariiiP., v — en•
• autwut.Plissburth. F .•
Trantiltti s 810CICLON.'ffootlellm.
and Paper Matialtetnrem'No. 44 Maria fft, Ping
dart Fumo. Ilacanto Pump.
i'Iar t AII D I ns!irCr 'rU c rit
nt fiup • " Woo l and
TAWS Dif.ZELLTlktuilesalq Groter, anamliTiou
el Ake c _dopier, rutcburgh
Thaufacturce., N0..4 IV a ter ci.:Fittibirgli. innle
swErrzsu,•Attom., It ti - w,ottee ad ny
." Chaflor rittabuish, will Sito
snood promptly to Otilietiora„ in
and Preen m 0011; FL •
Mseksteeir, 134,11 a. Ce.,‘-
Muth tc Curl:aut., Mush TO.
S. k W.,BARDAMAII,MOOI Nef<ll4ll, l=
a m in Vatn og il r w rod .z u tu ce tzfi ri er a s , lll 4 a ‘ n y t .f ir ur
-- ;:BUSINE . SSIICO. 1).,5.
,A,TaIO„,}INX:I477-CliSee, Faardisttekt,
V ,
.1 1;1t - AT m la, - 4'.
Ane° wantai6ationf pconspriy answered.
AMTS. Wuetman.
•"•' %. 116,WATICELVIANA11.1110311,
110LE5ALW980CElliari ikci For!
'Br• wudint Plexchan_ J ur dcalers
a - Phithate , Ma raractunit attielesi Agents
Jed Ittehmind UnclibM....Namsfaeuund
.11q^.0A4..131.T. T. #1.1.W:11 igl'e"
DM coops ,1.90147.8.3,1i0. let WOOD STEIZET,
illrhe'eetiitantly reectelog'
•.111.1 darted the scampi, at {aem.atl well selected as
sortment of Staple and Fancy Dcy Go !l which they
wilt sell for cash or apptheeddrelit ' •
.Westrin :Weidman - are invited 10 examine bee
-smet tatB
IWOV4441 13 " 10
NU. 10 pEp..meN pIEET,
,AGE - 141 ; SCM the side of SODA ASH I BLEACH,
' 'IWO POWDERS; have. `now in store, and will
“nlitle.4Lto reeei re, tall sappiles oftliefol towing +el l
known mandi. nopreits," "'Tenants," and 'Mar.
raw' rinfek they-Mfor for sato .market rates.
mttkuwl - - •
S0113„11. MAJ 1104 . 2%.
ATTOMNENamI Counsellor at =A Ceramis
:defier fo'r l iho Suite of Ileansylenaid, 81. Seceinel
of Putsbarga.) -
Itrferences—Fittsburgh: Mom W. Forward, Hamp
ton :Wean:Hess A:McClure, John E. Puke,
BiwW ICesmple,3lcCori aogi-ly
uou:sea f t;, pnd Retail Di•alen Groe•nts
tYV niid — Dry Goods, and commislion Merchants,
o.WfrLibeny , WPlttaliumb.". • mtlte
TM-40a p79ter
ATTORNEYS and Criss=lions at Las—Fourth at
betaineci34.h6eld and Grant, Pittsburgh, P.
, ~..lym. e. Friend.
lona 13.14,40
TTORNEY S 'AT. LAW, nut want
ATIOTCNit AT i..4.W-01rUe on Fourth' greet,
betareenVecuiblield and Grant, Ptuabargh.
TruRNBY•AT LAW-01115ca on acne,
I t
JOIEN n.a•micus a. Go..
" bi c iarnisixt,PiluCgireei: Pittsbnrth. mite
=}e •iABIZCB - fl 'IIOCO., *
P.PAUPE.ANA F_ 401:rik 74CTOR 3 .
.10:327 !Oskar:Asa GI Rammer. hthedelphist.
-• made, by either ettbe share, ogreonefire
r.,eete eCPX.defrt either,i!t*tro. mzeS
....4.9.4 1 . 1 iV444.905ATZA10N1
. 10.3mM/we, rag ••• • •
VirOULD•neveteaft - salleat the eortaigamms of
, Etarstablglstreghl, how Weaters•Merehanta,
sts 'they`gre •rptregt .reeeiree ant •araottet.•• Line
tree . ttrr au running eight and del, the freight
m111111)1 bergetained, &alley will =load such b
oatn oats at
all hours. , ,_„,•-
•-• • illaritharghl Feh-V,lB3rt: •
ir.170;17.0y Andre iv Fleming 'R. X. Elmolag.
aeasavl, aLsauga i CO.. •
_OO . MMIS7SION bik.IikiHANTES-..Por die oda of Do.
most! Woolen. sad.Cotion Goads; Also, doskrs in
od kindy Triminingo, No 117 Wood at, Itti
door Irma, Pittsburg
. Reim= o,tdoscra-Wco. 4.U.lfill.ilveity
pecariV,Scaith • a—Sane. D. Iliii — ter= •
0/40/10.*...W..01.111T4rat won
iinasviumsTgas.a.ruktiop nstaxas,
Pitt lima% Pittatningkn •.. .pry
/ 1 "F! ..11 *
PATTON t. 13iik1P.{=VJELE...
ARNEYS AT LAW—OtacalinTdirazaut
....OIL Grant at t near tati Coasttend
• .I.4a.Wilitanni • iihditaft.. —
_ J. D. viruaamis Ai zo.,
Etddianling maul CarricalsiVarshantn. and'
dank,, in Cour to Pradnet and Pi r 0
,tures corner of-Wood and Fifth la:Pittsbtingh.
J. c. Ilteyfagla.• •rt • . H. Clarke.
.E.'NelvirEkeeeed .I,.MRH•arth:-.
- A.zuswyAppro - dr. c can ,
C.9111./Vt==f4 4‘.P,"!-
errrimarcirtacts - k - cpcnic
.i..... .... JOBMIS At. mmo, -
:11;WLPMFACTURERS at gpting and
Miner mil
planes maelisteel planet wins, enar_h
lie hannaarad ironlizles, gad dealers in ' ;
amble a ft. maim la.arni easel trimmings
aensrallr, cart= of Sou and.Frmt oats., Pin OM
- W.& J. GUMMI, Root Illuderss
TVE are ablletirrancidirt the abovc . tnainess,nalvier
of Ward _and Third meets, Patutburgh, ashen,
we are repued tone
Any watt Inoue line with des
patch. We ancpd to our work Personally, mid sane
do -
Diction wail e giveo in regard to its neatness sod
431. k Book. reed tonny patient and Dania sot.
standzt. Docks In numbers or old books bound cart;
lulltfer repelred. teemerput on books in gilt lemurs.
! Twee that have work to oar Lino me. invited to call.
es, Caolelak-Stotrest, s enc.
WfIatALUNVALLACE & - CCI., Honed Chuch,
• Comer lAbertrand Wont ettecti, mem:rectum
'an - Oder Tor intle'Plerform, MOT 1121 d Collator Seeley.
of Memostimpramdttuallty; Conking Stover for wood
am/ - coal; .Ers. Steve, C" miters altos Parlor and'
coca:son Orates;• Hollow We.; - 20. tie! They also
anMelacturc the gatehen Range, whack has given such
general satisfied= to those ttnelrer It in use, - to eller
which -they would respectfully Melte the attntion of
the elite...tea the publics Icenentlly. .127-3 ff
spre — t dew
d Pills.
rue. WY. Z. OA.
WAslar.ti Iratux. - . .
jSztecessors to - Ildsley,'Slanna le Co.)
in Foretatt and DOMIWIC ittaftflin CertlLeaas
.cflknaSlis Bank . Notes, and Specie —Pourth street,
atulynernlittethe Bank -of Pittsburgh . . Correni mo
re,i.eksa:pf.otr po o ls is
sale, sod
the United Staler;
'Theldafiest-premlampaid.fof Foreign and Amertvor
Cold • .
Advances made °accosts:anent. of Produce, ship
ped Eta.s L on liberal terms..
- 7 - 114EIZilliri it -- •
Franksa Anr./tintraaeo Co, of 1111465 , 1eir5.
-1-11RECTOM—Charino Nalanlkeri. Thomas /fan,
ALJ • Tobtar Watnet.Bll2lllEl GOMA, Jaeob Bandy
itsorarda•Wordemd :I)..l4aris, Adolpho N.
DMus, David It Broteri t hiortis Patterson.
• , - Otero.. N. Barrow:a. Pressdant.
Charles 0.-Baneker,Seeretary.
. Condcmatornalo tnsarrance -perpetual or limitedi
on every-deaertption of prope rty fa town or country,
al rates 'MOW as are conststent vrith.aemuiry.
Corommi . hose massed Alamo domtinsentFund,
which with their Capitol and Pt emtnsna ,uf oly 017
4, edlonl ample protection to the armed.
assets of the cam'', any,. mannary Ist, leen, a
paLllslied.'aereeatly to in Cf Assembly, won a:
, ~ ....
,Tentporary Loans
Btocks •
Cash, &s.
• • $1,373,492 71
&tuellal . intorportuon, o(19 years, they
have paid uptrerds of oim million foot hundred thous
uid dollars, losses by fire, thereby afrording evident.,
cf die advantaged ofinentanee, as well as the ability
and dirptattion to meet with promptness W liabilltles:•
• J. GARDINER ....OFFIN, Agent,
mart-dly Office 7.1• E corner:Wood am! 3d its .
•Idf• and ilealth•lnistsaskoi.
PlV'Ednuisl We 'and flealllt insurance Company
oTof. Poiladelphia, IneorpormerLbluthe Legislature
Pemsylvania; !Jamb, lbag. Cheater prpetual.
Capital,lllloo,Coo. Ratko inertia sum AIM PLRICAY
7.loA,Cobsrvrt, Sind fall 40 pet eenLlowst• than the
Aisne rater of Lik Ineeiance, as the follerrlogkom•
perigee will skew That, a. person of Me o w! of 30 in
suring for 11100 Lk life, mast pay hi the Guard 12„30
Pennsylvania,ll2, 3 k Peen Pietas!, StlA • raullehle•
NewEngland,ll,3t l ; NOW York Life, 411,30; Al
-0107117,4% Lire sad Deg., Philadelphit,il,9l.
Dtaseros...—Busenel D. Cnick, Charlet. D. W.
F. Boone, Robert' P. 10,0 0 , Charles P. Hayes, AL W.
Baldwin, AL pl. Reeve, M. D. ChatO. U. Campbell,
Lewis Coo4,lloduimo 8..,6,, E. If. Elsner, Edwin
R. Cope , Pree pes, ident,-seunael D. Orrick; Vice Pres!.
dent= Rohs. P,Sinm•Pmeretury—Praneis Bleekbume.
Applications will ba remelted, and every inforination
given by.• . BAMIs PAIINE73TOCK, Al',
Office Comma-old Rooms, earner of
.oct.llll.dly ' Wood And•Tlard sts, Pittsburgh
TLISUKANCE".in 'of' Nonh America will
1r7P 567 47.7 .-11 . i .r 11:"'T7e9;
ulaillll"nsfeni, 7 a l tid or Tbe . p.urpe l rtiei
this Company are StreDinveated, and famish an elan.
able,fund for the ample indenmlty of .all persons who
desire to be peoteeted by Inserance.
• JONES, Age
Juir.aima.msouanrog, .116 Plothiburait.
-110:8Pligg:Gardon Health Insurance Co; .
racijKES I ! dales , and Females against the F.zpense
I,,,, r ,„`oianfoned by Weimer or Accident, by
a . tormainto• *Adman. of from Li to $1 per week,
to yea. we, three, or four years.
• lhe Method of. efecting this insurance, and the
• thenuer of awarding th e sink allowance, will be folly
44Plethed by Agclt. •
A person can lainudasolno Bicker. or Accident
tlejairt Wraith= Pt onlutary
Forlrkli yev ' • ,„ 6 .4 •
one ar, °ponying , receive IP♦week.
FOT" "
For th ree. •-• - • 4 70 ,5,
For roar • 4 . , IDA " 4 "
; OA Q
Or, fora perialtif fear years, the nun of 1114,40 plod
moonily, will meare $9 pm week while Ilea•
livery neccaugyththotta,ponarill.he landed On the
aubject Inattratalge,rahig
The PeteelteylWevils Compsely
F at i.ocv-vce en laves °Leann
the U. States.
e Ito.
111111 F: fan Uhrlnear l ance Company lo
Ineorperetedldarch 1.0,1 9 / 2— eba"F. r
CapholieteN:q.:-alipold In.
Having nathenved the ondentigewategw=ve ePP4O
melons f r
et levonocv, cut whiclipolleice pa in 2 .,
ILOConllng to thelv :pcopeeala sod tate% which will be
Weds 'moire epplicatus hit office, :No. hi Wood
• 'treat. . ' tea CiECIAN)CIINAN..
... ..,.~~~~r-,
Toonth Wholes/lc andretall moms, an• or er
re,,,p e akhle--bitalnest, - tb ael-arßook - -keepers, Bales
exesOnrizzlatar-keepersi.Wlitcts, farmers Ortch-,.'
met,, Car Aden% Gook and U.! Agents, Colie&oss,. ,
Overseert in all branches efbartness; tee. We hose
ainlltizanigabWftlidethottggOctislosstlons on bend,
w uch.rmy from
, M 0 to V.,Ow per annem..•Tbase
want-olvirdatlons Many - kind - *veld' do well to give
atteatSOM bliTe p lace ch of the &love el
tie s, which will enable so to every applicaat
satiable simatlorrist the Sherwin notice. We h..:
la in
rge aminaletarice in all I,tylthoysi named aides,
which mist ceaSbies to give intim standar
kialteallsstriSmayttelt &AVMs armll.
1, VsYMSTSit. TasYrdAlivilo. Become:ma •
• .•' between &nth and Gay.,
thaw bialFT son of ihe - firevo;
and,wishing m obtain • Mutation In
: ther'of the above titles; will little their wants imme
diately amended to w ill dagneats a lineAVost-gablY
as by so doing they curtail both
pease, which they otherwise wintle • loam by coining
du city, aid,scakblcmploynle at for themselves
Address, - TAYLOR a.. TAY.MAX . ;-
Baltimore. Me.
. • Tll3l ABIGOILIISIIOO •,' - -
tthE attentim of the . prblic resncoutity called
e folleodul Uurtift . " °c ggti of Gold
Sal®-4Laibg ' " d - q.,, .
__ighed by your Areonteter,
o l fin the od D
""th&r`unaku.r""*"' .. nA
ib llrel77l:lTOOterd e i tor Db.
tD those
7th g e rfir sloe of Itl y •Tu G urr id , uostdo.
Pittsburgh. March 9,181*. •
• k • Frrromenn, Match 7, 1 , 417.
Mrs. Emma—Dee:Sin Hieing araminedOes“Arce•
metir,” manufactered at year rooms, I do not hectare
to commend irtoche use of thOsa gentlemen who are
about removing to California in search of Gold.
Itgives a closeapprotimadon to the rpeelrm aravi
ly of mach, aria wthlecruunly enable .the adventurer
aseenalo when his placer as yieldmg Gold.
' Yours. resti , v, I. R. weLerrnex...
I N CTIllo B rg:- 13 Lp a c CI
diuor, i r cOmp,letetre r rt — Ene t V h ol
Sam Elastic Clothing, at prices talent horn SSA to
SHOP for snit of coax, pants and het. For sale at th e
led. Robber Depot, Ise Wood at.'
decllo & H PHILLIPS_
team rhrnaorroe:Bale.
rirsubwriber offers for sale., th e STE.I.II BRICK
4ORKS, above 'Lawrenceville, comprising •
Steins Engine, 9.lkileva 6 Moald Machine, eePuble of
mannfactunag wpm) Prepud Bricks (oat of dry clay,
as talrest Mat the bank,) per day;•lnth three sores el
Jandontb• Allegheny near, on 'Michas; 4 kilns sod
sheds, machine and clay sheds, wheeihsrpmmyuchs,
it?milai apedea, da,,vvery thing requisite to rem.
Menet operaorts et an holm notice. Pete. inchollog
the patent right to ILL mid machine,s7,ooo—trams of
payment made easy. Without the and, SZ_ ps_. For
particulars:address • HENRY
1100 .
anstfreltf . .. No LIS Mormoraiela
Wronght and. Cant grata //41 4 .9.
Esabseribers beg leave to leCorra the public that
'they haveeditained from - tht East ail the late and
We designs for Iron Railing, both for houses
anti cemeteries. Persons wishing to practise hand
vome patterns will plena call and entwine, and ledge
for themselves. Ratliag will he fumishedhil the short
est notice and in the best manner, at the Cortese et
emir and ' Rebeceasaneta Alleeny city,
aux2Pdtf . A. LAMONT& ENOX.
• , Oy *** gat ,
Bi l literiri & Cati S md T ger O ' YWr i gtr•fi e ttlr
texal dealer, and !sines at the /pavan price,
Quality wurraut , d equal to may brought to filo , mar.
'kat:a* for sale by , •
. our.vEl4,l:lW..T .•-
A1a0...—.•t the l'i.ltoning depow—iicir ;Iknier, cor-
MT Smalhiveld and Stroud Ilia F. lieuletan,lbamond;
Aletauggc Robinson. Federal at .allezheat. ..tl5
Wti h ave 1.110 Find ^ mule on an tisrproval
platy to as not to freeze tir the toblest.vreather.
Pareaosviautilic.suel articles,
toviteil to
sea them SCA IFI: & ATICISSON'S, •
ortSg • • let b.tmreeti Wood Warta , la.
HEW 0001E/11 .14EW 111_
TIME Conaddejton end Standard of the Aseoeorh
.l. Refonned Choreh in North America:deo, bound
ib: rtte OtherBn;s, or r Isoss (or die Emory of de War
between Mexico and the Us.ited States, Irrruen
Necdro, and translated Rosa the Spanish, with name:
lry 4, C. Runny..
dkaiches oT RoToinii and ILefortnera of Groot Bowe
and Inland: fly JCLL Stanton: • •
The Works of -President Edwards, in 4 yob; • re
print of the Worcester ediSon, with andittons, •od a
cap io s pan* init.
The Aloatuanis of Egypt, or Egypt • Witness for dos
'Bible: Dp r:L. - fitmic., L. D.
Menton, of Rand Hale,. Ono editor of Journal or
Commerce with ildGeliofri from his hltseellancons
Wntlng By Rev. P. Thom pea
Los Gn4ogos,.oPrainntide'`reW by
lforniso Hy Lieut. Wise, U. 5. Navy. •
Fkmitlar Osten to Young Men, on incisorsubteen ;
Solari orm.C.SPg•Drirlo the Young Plea's Gunk:
Bc.he7'Potfort'd"-PrOm. Ming% of Ft. A. Dann, es
P als and too Jtemah
For sale by
you _ No to Wood et
— A
riumat tel. Tons.. tfamily.
Pmiaaso Wx/raLT—U m •Axcr.
"rit. bent Mgr ta 1100 Unita , " (Eraolng Su.
'Mather pi Incoif Ann ire oritindai Oh (Beason Pogo.
• • • • •
New subscribers eau be supplied from Jaa
f lcuumdiste applie alien be made (either PersomaCS or
br letter) a the OM. of Pubileation, 6
3 %Coal ss
jantO 1. LOCKWOOD.
rjc!r! - 91T..rrT.
. .
TWIN WRIGHT k Co., are prepared to build Couto
tY" and Woolen Maeldoerrof every dee:urn., such
tar.=Tra=wS.l.P Kr 6
Droning Frames, Looms, Card Onnde”, Sc. rona,.
Iron Sbatung tamed; all size. of Cut Iron, Pah,. and
Bangers the Latest patterns, slide and hand lath'.,
and tools of all kinds. Castings of every des opoon
feratabod onahort notice. Patten:Ls made to o rder ' for
Mill (Scum?", Iron itudirlg,k.e. Sten. Pipe for heat.
jug Fantatl.4l,_Cast Iron VW Ilidaw Calla and *lcy Vai
tings generally. Orders lett al the velLoase
Palmer & Co., Ldberty etneets have prompt awn-
Refer to Illtickatock, Sell k On., J. E. Moorehead &
Co., G. E. Warner, John Irwin & tiouL Yount:fah , G. ]
C. & J. IL Warner, Steabenvilit. isnla
• iiAsls:
IHS Gibsenber alters for sale a large and splendol '
stallOrDnent of rosewood awl mahogany grand Ae.
n Piannsotrith find without Coleman's celebrated
Mel. Anachmenh . The above Inetraments arc war. ;
missed to be equal to any manufactured in this roun• ;
try, and will be auld Ironer Mae say breast:lt from the i
Haat. F. iILUME, No 117 wood at,
tut dad tower Mb
N. ll—City Berm will be taken at .par for • few of
kw above Milartrneet. . _ mr/ . F. R. ,
- 0
iiiiHRTYKALIGr. FLAN 1 , 1 -..- Gio - . —— !
WR. MURPHY condones to keep im hand a Itil
. aasertment af to Welsh Unahrwtable Mau
-la, and Isa: recently received a supply of me liner
qualities. Also Swansdown Flannels, a IMILIce arti
cle and welt adapted lee the seam of invalid., and
others wanting something warmer than banal. Alan,
rerittla . and li'Mists flentele for Infante wear , in.
gether with a fall 'apply at American manufartared
I/annals, of different qualities. Also, SHROUDING
FLANNELS, of all the different widths, at we North ;
East earner al fith and Market su.
. 1 1 . Fr
. W i tt . aje . s.l a lll.r.snls.talorsi,,,.,Vrwhe.yrei:eical et , : will
i y good
---- VilliiiS friir iliairiMil - Waitie.
, THIS Is to amity that I have apt
. Voln i g e L ff i tnrre ' • ile g o7l ent i Co,
- • Patent Diaprabgan Fiber, !or the ell
Dana( Pittsburgh and Allegheny.
for Walter M G1b50n.349 Broadway,
Oa. 10,1842.
W. h..e hem atug ono of the abode articles el the
Mien of the Novelty Work. for three months, on trial,
and feel perfeetly Gauged that it la • usclut invention,
and we take pleasure In recommending them as a um
fulattiele to all who love pure water. Orden will be
thankfully received and promptly executed. •
$1,047,438 41
..... 94,1.11 63
61,6 Z 21
Mow raisasittas
an s÷l amm lust reeelved,one elegant Romania
64 octave Phone Forte, from the cale •
MlMlorated factory ot T. Gilbert ik
Boston. This illftreMerit in remarka
ble for brilliancy and ermetnessof tone, and elastiettY
of much, The above firm is coutidered aye of the
very first In Conn, end their Pianos, tor elegance o
eXterier, beeely a tenet awl duration, are het sti
ed by those of my other make. For sale on Erit.ons
Me terms by 11. I:I,ENER,
Arad at .1. W. tVeoils.,l , .
nave tea EAU,
20 cams superior Fundy Blankets, t 0 by 12 yrs.
21)1/ parr Steamboat do 0 ity 7
200 do do do 4by
150 do rat and white Home do
lOU do colored Callfornia do
50 Nee. 64 'Flute Flannel, warlontediall wool;
100 ao 44 do do do do .„.
lOU do 34 do do do do
150 do 3-1 rod do ~o do
75 do 3-4 yellow do do do
Banned., Tweeds, loam and Woolen Tarn, at essl•
M Mani:A.:rel ., price..
oCe•Warstiouse, No 1n Wood at, 4111doot from Fdle
laflifillA.STlNkfl 001.11110.
comma 07 /Oa,. A.lll, 011/.= •1111311,.. FISISUOInieI.
iILTHE sabscnber respeettallY" , trial
he has now opened his new and excellent 'told
for the accommodation of travelers , boarders,
and the public generally. The home and fatelloto
am, end onrinser expense have bee El
and to render It One 0 the moot comfortabie and
pleasant 'Hotel. In the city.
The mbacriber is determined to deserre,n,and there.
fore solleita, a share of potato patronage.
0t04.117 • JACOB IIOUGII, Proprietor.
—l3-11Z1M—Aiginalliiill WO UNDRY•
AA PUL TON,llell and Ilmss Fatillter, ha. rei
ball?and commenced buelstess at his old nand
where he will he pleased to rec., his old ...amb
ers and Mends.
Ctutsch,liteamboat,arul Dells of every sloe, from ID
to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns tithe most approu. '
ed models, and warranted to be Grillo beet lintierilli.
Mineral Water ParalM,COuttleM, Hailing; Ire., lug,
Hsef VtilhOlrery Variety of Bran Casting., il required,
tamed and finished in the neateat manner.
A.P. Is the mole proprietor of Daily'. Aten-Arrat. ,
non fitsrate ao lastly celebrated for the reduction of
fried.. In machinery. The Hoke. and Compostnen
can be hada! him at aline.. tannin .
~---qC•;i.110a1:------- ' Jam u amuroon
1110/I.IIFE it; ATfiLISSON,
irskesi, tame, WooD Lau ?dolma, Prromeaott,
roMkTlNUlllo manufacture all kinds of COPPER,
o:malt Work.
Stem Dolts built to order.
Special attentiongiven to steam boat work.
Ilave on hands a fine assortment of Copper and Brass
Kettles, Tin Ware;llc. &o . SleaMbOatCoolElngStov o u , '
Portable Forge., nations sixes—• very convenient str
dela for stearaboamSalifentie.endgrants, or rail road
eidoinOeid respeafally joint MOM ball men end
othero to cell mod wee our snide* and prices before
porthuint el oeshere - M:l7
. .
- .A13 just returned from . the Eastern eine, and •
receiving • la: variety of seasonable Ges>ds ,
which he reersetthE Invitee tee attention at march
Mid darlian• „0.,.81 Wood at. • rabid
-to et 'ee4Apiett-ee'eeieor
41 P dal tsVet rf t h ee o h 7et
all pagelftlllll.slddlld State., our moat talculed end
ceolstont physicians,. have dully born testicadnale dar
leapertority, cue, and comfort of bits. BQYT'S town.
done for Ladies' sufering. They do.not COmilress by
h,oh'ifeel be encoded by -
bad-effeets. causlng.meretdigeu4ty thatt, befetbleatst
ed. flee hoot ,t.dlAg id Philadelphia, and law° and
ineretuing htoduers both: Wholesale end Itetall, - Is‘ a
guarantee of tho rrectness ()Law &boy. •
To prewar , ' he cor
Genfsbic Suilportee, apply only to
WM. Tl3olo4.rattealsro 33 blesactsli l'ambafgh—
all others arc counterfeits, . errrsi vvhateice Agint;
CLOVER SEED—II reetl am; fOr_Sikli
•reblq • •-•• • • • JAMES'DAti
111FALLIBLEder managing, Buttered: 1, ,ea
tyfying the removing Scurf, Dan nig, land all
• afeederm of the Sealp,and eating' ErnpUonvon the
Skin, inseams ; of the .Glanda, Weeks and !Mega. ,
mettle, and relieving , pang, Cuts, Bruises, !Igraine,
te. With lids 'fireperatloN Whew to no each
goal as Wl?' The erstioarnale Mode!, sordloal •
men of the highest etnreence, proud:mug eltisens of ell
pr elusion., and ladles whottave used •it for years in
their dressing mope mit t nypeglge, admit with one en
cord, that; Tor Imparting alto?, stela, lusurlance sad
mg d , W 0 Ihl 4 h . ale erkeu s o e nuarf and dandreff,
twain', stings. ay..
and relieving diseases Of the stin, 'Me glands, of
c d
anemic, It has no.opard among the Maltitude of curd.
pond. advertioed in the public ptiew,nr need,lnpri
ete practice. • In cheapness *retell ad efficacy, Bar.
rye Tdcoptereas a notsvalled. • . . •
The pliantly between; the =nehmen , which wean
grate the skni; and the hair which draw. tustenance
ITTt his PIP'S welopo itt very cloie„ diseases
o, tue unlr
sealstare in the shin of the heed. lithe
pewee( the p - telogged, If the blood and
other fluids do tint etcetera freely through the . as n
vessels which feed the roots with moisture and import
llfe tette fibres, th e result-is scurf, dendruff, shedding
of the hair, gnomes, dn - uess, and barsenrcs. of dis
ligaments, and entire baldness'. , the 'case may be
Bthanlate the skin to healthful at don with the Tricot.-
he roes, and the torpid smelt., reeoverlng their avlen
its, will annihilate the disease.
In all of %beetle, and of the atthitninedf
muscle. sod integuments, the pron.& and-ibeitgent
are the tame.
It Is upon the flip, the intacular:fibte , thq
glands, that the Tncepherous has its /geode action,
and in all erections and irdariee of these; organs, it is
• Novelette remedy.
Bold, in large bottleS,price't3'nenti, at the pane ipal
Oftee,l37 Broadway, N. •
pg-For sale by B. B. GEl.l.rist
IBloat Prinseisir
Tr NOW ell men who axe tick and enticed ninth die ,
cue of the bladder and kidneys, with theuthaiie '
plugs In beet or !lobe, eilfjointe, nld th ree, ' , mein!?
Weer's, dee, that they the. be cured by. takinc.the Pe
troleum! Yon nthy.laik ihow it, Icloy a 11101111 , 1131
much th yon pleue, bur this doer tor make it no, for
proclaim in the Into den Moth/ commenny,th,t
It has virtues which ore not contuned eon o th er
remedy. The teen who le necked with pain and sut"
forms from dines*, can for kftY cent., yet relief from
ea yof the ennomemted above. Reedef lit ethte
weerllltle to make • that. This Poitmleam is no nels
on the otgfcil,' P ruirt t r a th re ' in=l:lOra P thtl by
the master/mod of Ware, and bobbleatth a.
coM of oar mother earth i/3 original potity, and
to ndrettna homant y a raffle t el
and cheap cure. . •
It has cured Piles after .other medicine. have failed
fa vender aterve het It nffllttiem of tene
t... With& and Litt worn &mimosa omelet character.
St hoe cued Chclers Minims by one or two doses; It
bee cored old caathof Menke., In which every other
vppedy ham been of thy eyed. Mn local •mmedy in
Lams and scaldl, it br Lea. L1:411 any medical 'ern,
panne or ointment that we know ot• lewd! care ait
blame or frosted feet, In L few applioshotth dodo:1h.
ed testimony can be fandnhed of the troth contniniffl.
in the atones natentaot by calling on Emend ht. Car,
Canal lima, 7th Piro.; rithet of the vents.... •
Xeyeer k _k or
orner or Wood £l,:gt 111114
RVIIII.II. Alien IL E. Wiest, Er Wood greet, .1).
iot t 11. early, Allegheni city, ttto tho sloth ,
lentil - • -
IGNITION =iv/0- •..
A man by the name of NEEL CLAYS has mimed
wan a )oung roan of the name old. P. Tavirachd, and
one his name to pot up a Sorsanatilla, which' they
cell Dr. Toommend's dearSdlllath
GENUENII Ortgival, rte. Tim Townsend EA no onfr
or and never was, hover. formerly a imam' pa 714.,
roads, canals, and the him Yet Its mum. the title_
of Dr. for the purpou gitating credit for what he
not. Ile ix undme out cards headed Srecke of
tjAacks," to which he caps, I have sold Me use of my
mune GET AY • week. will give S.'S.TESanaend Saw
Shot prealne• on e s ghtgle solitary proof of
is lc mutton Eke pablle not to be deedied, and
mirehime vane bat the GENUI%II ORIGINAL 1114/
Dr. Jacob Town end's W7.aMrily , having on It the -
Old Dr.'s likenem, lan family coat of arkas,Eank
nature newts the mint °farms.
Priacipal OSee, UM Names at, New York City,
JACOB : 7 .
Old Dr. Townsend la now Moan 10 yearsof accrang
boa long been known as the ALITIIOW and DISCO
SARSAPARILLA." Being poor, he was comyched
to bran its muellestere. by whieheans it b. la-eu
kept out of market, mat Um sales -clrematenbed to
time only who bad proved its worth Wed:Yam. RE
•alme• Thi Casel Uff. U1114101\14..
manufamated no the lasitm eosgo, ;pad, I. Fulted Ur
threaghoet the length end breadth c and.
L'allne young S. P. Townsend's, It 139[161[3 wrth
5.5 e. and never ensiles, hat for tie LetYr hemose it
preestril en rte tde printiplef t; stirettio. roust.
The hot ktowi n edge of :henitroir, asp rot tains:
discoveries of the An, have e.t been brought s
teal men, contain. rarthelnal properties, witli setae tore
retries which one inert et timeless; and otherai vslochr
If trimmed Lrt preparing jt for nab, ermined terned,
out and arid which Is injorieas In the sysm. Scale
of thr properties el Sarsaparilla are to- Volatile list
they courtly evaporate and are last in the prepare
ton, If they are not preserved by a srientlin process,
known only to those esperleased in ensnatstrurre.
Moromer these volatile printhples. whir. elm
por, or of en elle:sten, ender hear, are the very es
sential urethral properurs of the root. whin h giver. Co
it slew value.
io se prepared; that MI the teen praperues of the ear. 'aspirins met amen: removed, every thing eapabie
of 'becoming aerd or of fermentation, t careened and
relemcd; then every prune. of merhcal virtue t tees.
red in a pare and enneentrated form; mid tin it is
rendered me:unable of , imang any of ns valuable an.
healing properliec Ilrepared i t R. we?. ri tt mete
the most twearerfal agent in the
H Me rerun° whs . we hear commendations on
eve ry
de iu favor by men, women arid chillren
hnd doing wonders tn. the cute of entisumptinn,
Dyspepsia, and Liver Comulalnt, and in Rileumantro,
Serail. and Pll4, Costive rat, it Culancen. trap.
Ficupttz„RlA:..tfkeJ.!!!!laduur..tirierne, item
' iiiiiiiiiiV . 6iiiillll,oloo
h posmssesk menrclione efficacy in 411 ramMaints
anoint from Indigesuou, from Acidity of the btomaeh;
nom unequal circulation, determination of blood to the
bead, palpimtion of the heart, call Iceland eakbando
cold chill. and hot flashes ever the body. It hes 1101
had to buoy cough. and colds; and prop:own easy
expectuand gentle perspiration, reittling Blat of the long., thrust, and every other pint
Rut In
and acknowl noth edgeing fad
then it. ex in cel all kinds and stvelonee mom inanliestly
of a o f
It worts le - noun in owlet of Saar Ohne or tattet,
Fading of the Womb, lffatructed, SuPpressed, or Pion.
ful Menses, Irregularity of the menardel pliciodn. and
the hey; and is effectual in eunrig all formenif the Kid
ney Dosesses. Ety mmoving obstruction., and rep.,
ring the genera system, it glees trine .0 {length to
the whole body. and cures enforces of
and thou pr or relieves a great variety °Vetter
diamiscs, Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia,' Kb Vito,
Deuce, t i ling Epileptic Kw. Convuloontv be. lo
not thle, then, To. M... 700 P/L.IIISIYIESert , is sold
But s ine any of these things o u rs aid m an's
6 P. Tow
send'srlor article Thin yg man's Squid q not
to he COMPARED W/TII THE 01.1313,1125.
because of the Grand Fuct, that the 011414 islcartable
of Detennrolon and NEVER SPOILS, While toe mit
er DOES; it sours, ferrlienlie, and blows Die hOttles
containing a into frognierdsi Me son, 00111 Mica es
ploding and damaging other goods! klustnottilln her.
obis rompound be poison., to the eysteint What!
ppet acid into • system already dinemed 'with and:
t% het empowDyspepslabut ocid! De ear cal al know,
that when food sours to our elornachs, who rttiochte.
it produce.! —gAtillr.rtee, heartburn, palpital
ion the
heart, her complaint, diarrhoea, dyttentent throb.. and
correpoon of the blood! Villain :left:tittle 11l I to 1,14
humor In the body! Whel produces ell An humors
whieh bring on Eruptions of the skin, Sl•ald Dean,
Salt Ithreun,F.ormpelas,White Swellings, Fiver-Sore,
and all elect - aon* Internet and ekternall lit is noth
ing under beeves but an at. substance, or ich morn,
win Haw spoils all the fluids of the body, ot tear Ices.
What causes Rheumatism but a 'lour geld I uld,WlllCla
111111.211 es Pself between We Punta and el , t , •Is4:e, Ir.
mating and Inhuming the tender nail delis :e mauve
it acts!, So of nervous discs,. , of owns
city altos blohd, of deranged eircalatiook, . tttl heat I,
all the ailments which Whim human nature.
haw, is n not horrible to make and nett, a “1.
ly W[l , s tODee ibis
....CID "CD.
and Cly he would fain have itAnulennuod tl
rob Pawits , nd's Genuine Orag.nal :hare'. it
monition of his Indonor preparatundl
/leaven turbid that we shoold deal in •; ,r•.dle
srladtt would bear the moot distant resersa• nu,. in ,
? Townsend's &owl , and which should , ....w.;
upon the Old lb'. snob ti mountain load el um.. ~,
and eriminatlons Dam a Usno wh ba
ud ,‘" • "' ' l''•
dm,. who Pave Used S. P. Tow o
iwu's I,ertie unity
Compound !
lye swish 8 understood, brutal. , it 0 thd abso.nte
truth, 111. SP. ToWltnelid, Atttioin slid 1 11 ,1 lir. J•tob
Touninend'n Sarsaparilla are Leuven-wad , /did., and
infolltnly diotrallari that they are unlike in het, ~.r.
Detillt, haring hut 0114 510g10 0000 10 0011101011 .
1/ /11 10 orient frauds upon the uolortllmitt, to pour
balm Into wounded humanity, to Limb , belie to the
despairing Limon, to 10.1110 Leah , awl blettll on vi
gor tuns tits crushed and broken and to lamb.h ruhrun•
ty—that old DH. 1 ACOII TOll NS CND; batirildllti ll I
and ROUND the opportunity and Inuans ta briny ins
within the reach, and In the inowleoge di nil who
need It, that they may learn 111010 hove, I.y JoYfili v 5
pettence, ill tuouctinhaur rowan tnes,:
For sale by J. KIDD& C. ..Vbolesalc!dlyent for
Western Pennsylvania; J. -,,mrrii, Ilionlowet, Or.
.I. SAELGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASS L,L s nub
ward. G. W. DAIIDNIIit nth ward. Pitt.. eh sod
LiV FA CMPLAlN'T.—Anotlicr cure perforvicit by
using the ongnml, only tom and Forint. Liver
Atirtancen, Blown to., 0., March:2o,lE4Z .
Mr. IL E. Behere—ln April levt ory wiroWas attack
ed with Liver Complaints, and had tee.adatee of two
physteians, who tried v erne reMediee without pro
ducing may good oiled. Having bettnl-of your ref,
tamed Liver Palo, I concluded to give Weal a lute
trial: I purchased eon bon of fir. Scott, of Abe rdebn,
and gave them according to the directions, by which
the greulf relieved. I procaved second lam,
which entirely nited her, and she flow cruet, e ace.t•
lent health. I hare used thempronounc e Meta the beat family medicine I ever tried.
Yount, he, Nam:
Prepared and told by V-&SELLER& a 7 s4 sold also by Druggreta generally ip eke two.eibee.
~....- -.'_',, '',.' 1.".,,,----A,...-,'..‘'':..".'.::',•,‘,r:2.. fi'''',7,;.•:-.4':.'',2,5-.'-:-.,",..,':?•,,,,r,''4`.1;'-':','';',.-..,-''":......', ~.-::-....---.:-.---4-;....,.:.L....--.....-...-.- ..--...-...-
• -
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. . ' fi. C. :
' • /..- ' . - . " ' . . fl_
1 i - -1- :' .. ' • i s - ' .
D 1 ' tie., •
.:7 --- 1 —... •
. .• i
. A - .r, -,.- .A- ki .., ,_ ~ - ,
I :,I 9 ? • ... • , ' •'a• —' •-. • . V ' .;'' ' i ~ - '''T • t:' •
- t . --.- -
t c• . _
.•sal. 1 "'"'" -
I , ' I, ,
CoOtininir illerury t iler Warr
ITIIIE, followinuteetboonird waalriven by the cafe.
',rated Ur. Wooeter Beech. the authored' the great
medico! work entitled I•Te"Anterlein Pontine:le
liktitelde and Family PhyrderientP • • •
"litiVing ban made acquainted with the Ingredients
which •conanoee Me Aliment ' Ointment,
amthaying pnweribed and mated lartacveral cases In
ivy Prirnte practice, I have no hesitation irrtaying or -
earbrylng that It In a Vegetuble Routotlyi togultung•
uo mlttorat sultsinneo wltmenroti bat Ingtothants,
cmbined a they arc, mar seed ow directed by the
Pr o oprietor, Dee not only bunnlatt, but air imps
/acing 11 ugly scientina flontedymt grdat power: ainil
cheer ally recommend It a* a comiroucd Which has
dons Muth good, and *blob It mlypind is the once of
a great varlet! ofroO/O. rittifili. I harp never either
rdcouthiendea or .nt.R.d nile of Mil.
Omraa l n s n - b anter M ef e tahnel yP b O o P n,nl4e l to
ho O n f tot e
.. .. .. . .
and lb nine or kir Alkdoonry, 'Oil
roach ketardlng It. . W
Near York, ARAI ad, Itt4l.
,SHlNdirt,-111 la on of the bin things In the world .
for liana
PILES..j-Thoueende aro yearly Cared 61011. 0 i n.
inent.. honor fella Illetint
For Tamers, Ulcer., and B kinds of Sores, It has .
no terl.
and Noma knew its ystlise I n eases of
Seollln 'h o * r re Dream, they would ai worn .Dolytl
In web, oases, I f mid according to directions, It:Eyes
relief in a eery few hour.
Smiled the Loa one direction for tiling AI a Allister.
. Totter for ISeroftila. Liner Gosaplated, EryslPelni
Netter, Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore Eye*, Rainer,
SoreThtoat, Drouchtica, Hereon Affeetunia, Paine,
Dimino of the Spine, Head Lebo, asthma, Deafness,
Fir Kelm, Barns, Coma, alllnease a of the Skin, Sore
Hee, iPlineles, he., Swelling of the Limbo, Sore.,
.RhCCUTOMM, Feet. Crony, Swelled or BM
ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Agne in the Face, &c.
. . Fria rho Reading Eaale.
There wee norm, perhaps, a Medicine brought be
.fete. the trabile, that has in no abort a time won with •
reparation a, lalckilisteria All./lealbro or World
Salve: Almort every person that hat Made trial of it
'peaks warmly in its pralm. One has been cured by
it of the most painful rheantatlam, another of the piles,
e third of • troublesome pain in the aide, a fourth of •
kwelliog inlbalkinba r tn. 111 it.-doss Oct give home
,titi"rft iii . dr , Vino I..MS do AW ialuM 14 016
1fPOI," eatwatd , •
••`6,1 'maitrer evidence tithe wenderkt healing paw.
no Potaewed.trit kb ktivcrwa soblain she following
certificate, froma respectable elliinn of Maidencreet
towaship, in this county:
• Maidencreek, Berke on., March a; 1817.
Meagre. Ritter & Cm—l desire to inborn you that I
was entirely cured of a severe pain in the back, by the
.114 a of kteAllistora All• Healing Salve, which 1 per
charted loom yea. I ant:fend with it for about 2. 1 Yet..
411 d at night woe unable le sleep- Mains pat pine I
tired remerites, which were presented forme
by phy.lcica and cute r rioan.t, withoot ft:relying any
relief, and at lost made trial of this Salve, with • ra
milt favorable beyond extremism. lam new enure.
free from the pain, and enjoy at night • .ocacefid
and sweet sleep. I have also nacelle Salve since for
tooth ache and other complaints, with mmilar happy
menhir. Your friend, Josollourronaco. •
Vole Proprietor of tee abov med l6 .*-
ph laincipal Orise, Ni Hi North Third gtregi,PhUmitelv
' Aularra ye Pyrrammos—Brann k Relter,corner, of
Liberty end MAU.", crams and L Wileog, Jr., cor
ner of Market street and the Diamond, also comer of
Pourth and Smithfield diem.; J. R. Casael, corner of
Wainatuad Penn umiak Fifth Ward; Old .1d M the
BOOkSleit in Smithfield Covet, fid doorfnam Second.
it Ajar Coy by_ll. P. Schwan: and I.9argext.
Earl I . ..l . he ° rtyn i tt h ilo p wWil ß c i litsV l 7 l .:=
ea e Qty; N. 11. Bowel. k„ Co, and
1. T. Rogers , Urownsville; John Barkley, Deaver, Pa;
lobo. Walker. Jr. Elisabeth. febtleodly
Judd.illtadlestad Liquid Catiol.
rfIMS Is endoubiedly the best preparation ever dts.
L entered. los dream. moron Ecidds Ca% Mai ..
ar kind of wounds, also for
This orttcle tateldartila acesacolubdoldb•
Mond in the pesseththn of every family in the I.d.
bleehannes who areitreennant dearer of injuryto
their per.. through widen,. and the improper or
cruelest ethe of tholsosill find this artiste tote invadn-.
able to thesn, and atter • fair trial will consider it in
dispensable. •
It le in exeellent substitute for adhesive plaster Of
• 411 binds, without any of its Inconveniences, • qd is se
tuedlessad auto Mrs all pain Immediately nod most
A very Men sp.ed soy whets on the surface dike
albt.intmedtately towns a firm, smooth costing. 0007
sintilar to the natural cud els o otter .tin; wheh
be freely washed wok weer and so•p,vrlthont any in.
tory to the wound. '
The artteio ig freely used and Liable weeottntended
by thOnthwectlnent physicians of New England, era
ether parts of the estuary.
Foroats sale oa by E s'ELLERS,G7 Wood n ru-N. it —The trsde supplied no the thannfacturer's
paces _ hp{
• .
11.1.9 hiNVE.II. Wt s Orithlv tristintle• biled
to rs•
I'pet Norma
Ccset,Conwr House, Va., Jell Pt ICC.
Mr, It. F. Seneca: late will tree:lees that when we
were In Pittsburgh; in November ht., yea prevailed
ea as to the to your
t l , erpurage, to mar its virtue& We
Id so, and throusti e winter we sold what we par •
chased, which rave t a fo,T montane.' In May hen
ry porch amd onore, heneh was disposed of inuttedi.
asely. We then onhemd more, which teethed vs on
the 17th erf the presets month, and On yesiethey we
sablyips leo of two Oxen battles. ..Wo l i r aso val •
table a thedieine, that every person of auly wish.
nolo have Is in timir
These who have purchased ,t weal& he perfectly
urang•to give certiscates of Ito cscelleuey. Out of
she quantity we ha...vended, It has hence, in a nog le
tecunce, ruled CZRC/ W
o ne,,
u. C. Musa & Ch.
• Prepared and sold by It. E. RELLMILY, 17 Hood st,
and sold by Draggioth generully in the two el..
Ou.P4al nensuip
T. having associated with hiss
rA. t; LARNE. for the Pel7olo of nt•
the ' Forwarstiee Coettni,sou tie:loess, will con
tinue thrir busters/rat the old stand of ..Cope A Iltry
toule,^ and respeetfelly est, • continuance of hde
ionner patrottaue et his friends and she public enter
ally Th e banners will he conducted under the name
and stile of IlltratoPL. a. CLsRu a.
A. C if. B 2l,T. ' l°R L'n
Pittsburgh, Jan,', IrTell.-131119
. . _
11....171.n0wt to store • largo antgeneral aorottrzent
of DRY ISUMbtf, wholtthay offer to Cita mut
County &levet ants at yedueed Frites: and which they
alit sell at st at iodate...mat to sub buyers, or tor
sporoseo sr., laujil_
tOgrllTblAN—klany facture r of all kind. of cot.
um and woollen maclo:nory, Allegheny chy, Pa.
'Fro above work. barns tow to fall asud successful cc
son prepared to emit: attars wurk depateh
for all kind. ot machinery in y Una, aseh as willows,
p,eher..preaderr, cards-crud:a' mutants, rallwayr,
drawing hanker,
.speekleia, thressile, looms, walen
card., double ar motto, fat merchant or country , work,
narthc,Jacka,A.e4.Ude and hood latheaand tool. to gen
rod. All koala rt . phoning made to order, orplan* gro.
CR for kronor ketonic. or mills at reasonable charge.
Hyrax ro—Kencedy Child. A. Co., Illackstcak, BeU
Co.„ Hour l'entoknici Co.,Jaa. A. Bra,.
B I ralaillam, lemur Fl ttabuilttl,) Ps.
oiT•v, No. 37 Water tt, LI wren Market . and
Mod, PatAragh.
g. 21 LL conetantly keep on hand a good seven
ment or V. of our own manutacture, awe
ea parlor qualtty. Wholeeate end country Mars
elianui are teepee Wally Invited to call and ez.
•.1112 for theauge,s, ui we are determined to sell
cheaper then b eeeeee belbre been erred to the pubs
ID"Vrtlerti sant by math accompanied. by the Gob or
oNI tcfcrence. wall be promptly .needed in. Ora
Atonal. iii ships. sr e, sigma% BiiiiO - iiiiiTri,
and ether..
L.IAPTA IN SakIUEL IL dMIT(ISIID , haying - been
/ *mutant! Inspector of :Steam Boat. for rho set Ge•
pignut Insurance Wompautc. in lbw city, a elawlfieu
don of Dews will be made. and nuts of prtmtvm
el! ntge.d accordingly. All shipment. ender open Poll.
errs subsequent to wits date, will be subjected to each
uses. and regulatume. es may be adapted under such
inspecwon. Every Infornwasowerill be niece tithe le
spccus e hots. I. FINNEY. Jr., &meter)"
Western Insurance Compeer.
P. A. MADEIRA, Agent
Del. M. el. Ins. Co. Philadelphia.
WM P. JONES, Agent
In.. Co. of North America.
A. W. MARVA, S•em . .r7
Citizens' Ins. Co.
JOAN It. M'CREARF, Printing Ink I,l •llltruSiu l e o
N..-- 3:11 and 335 Menton street, NEW YURA—De.
pat No 3 Spruce street—Would call the atteaton of
Printer. to hi. improved Primula Ink. of donnas
k teds.enm orders, at the billowing prices:
Eitra bee Jet Black, for Card and. Wood
- - 62 On and 3 CO per lb.
Pine Hoot Ink 075 " 1 00
Ilona rk 0.40 o b 001
New , Ink • U 16 omi 0 0 "•
Fine Fled Ink -75 e. I 0 150 " "
Irate, Vella, Breen and White 75e I CO 150
tad ism a' to per 11., and Bronze au sn, 75 II and
ft peror„
A ipSelluen rif Inir'enn bc'ecen OH paper.
Motto. Se prinwould, Louisville, Ky. cow dam
iur a WIIITE & CO., woald rimpeetfnily inform
the public that they hair eted ashopen
IA roe k, between Federal and etreets. They.
air now nothing and ore prepared to receive alders (or
every dera•ription of vehicles, Co.hen, CharioP.,
"wawa, Itagglea, rittetnnA, he., he., whioh from their
long the menufseture of We Atiove work,:
and the facilities they have,they feel confident they ice
ennbled to do work on the most reasonable twins with.
these wanting article. to Weir line.
Paywg panto:am' .M. 0140010 the releienba of mate.
Hal., 'alai having' none hot competent worlOneni they
Imre no hesitation in wnrranting their wbrk. We
therefore ask the attention of the nubile In Wm Walter.
N. 11. Iteptltlng done In the best - IlleteMr. enders the
most rensonnble term.: : imiUd
Thomas Parkinson,
ill. Tobacco, &lotto and large Eterarrs of all kind
liras* Comings and Mass Worts generally. Corot
of Ferry and First atteetS.
TIII sobscrlber,havloit - purchased the Factory of
James Patter Jr., located at the above StOl
would reopeetrally inform Ws friends and the pub'
the[te is prepared to WI any Gears ot We boa, oe tha
morreasonable tenor and with datpateh, and will
feel vended for Wain plktroArle ..
iustntrgi , tiat., tE6II
llAVlNltitsposedf MY estnblid.." to Dk
Thowas, retritinaon.. I take the:. totem CO • 01,0 .
for p atron•ge dl soy friends and th e public
confident - QM any favors conferred will b .
duty a?pusniatod and promptly attended tru
Ells:nisch lan I.l634b—fiastE•43.
Lll4 lIT and shottildln BILLS OF EXCILANG ;jay
Latda in CirlCialllti,Laulvdille and Si Loom, put on the mon favotabln tanna • •
opsl m.liotaumo soma,
• • GEE urcu Glie, WO '
iraf; g4
li"VAW4g..4•KinAriP .. -
Antall, 18;50.. _
B I NO itlier:ExiesrATii,ti '1.1,E,
. •
'Fifth/mesh wad Phtlatit
AEt ,the bustnest.on the canal is shoat plated
" for the settee,' we would inienrrebt,pu lie that
have agile brought the Conesleia-Wagettl later re";
'pithier", aed.will be prepared to forwareleeeepeonde
tlally t tendeth.neinl on AleederAlortath km.) A Car
'leaving PhtledelPAtadtiinhr.the tuallualwibrOsaa.
limbers, and the Wagons traveling day and night,
entree the delleeiy or Gebel le Ave drys: • Apply
• .. • WALJUINQHAII, Pletbarirh; •
DOCF, No• nellark tweet
elivs3" • . • -.2lglatielphle:
2: p4Ess - re tints
• ro ittarYao o x
Tom. Five pays, Wear exceptad,) Vstrilna Day
MHZ pablle respeinfally Wormed that thin Line,'
wlucb hat been in asecesafal operation the two.
preview. winters, will again calomel:en ronnint on '
htendety, sgsti. Alf Noyetaber• •
A Cu will knee Philadelphia andCliambersbargh
deal - vetch way with thAMail Traincend from Chun
berth* withrelaysof horses ntrqg day andnight:
• are prepared to forward 11000 tbs freight duty by
the alms Line. Apply to
D...LRECH CD, Pittsburgh,
Na 13 Soma "NM Wen, Philadet.hia2
Fri us OICITSTAIMI or iszcasnotra annzaclarlet,
GOOllB forwarded by this Line ve Carried in W.,
mail wenChambershmar, rrd =reedie
ly 'raided to Wagon, rang Mara and del throegh w
The hones aremmioned every 13 miles, which
insures the prompt delivery of goods within ike time
The Wagons will leave our wrath.= daily, (Pen,
dayaexcepted.) at o'clock. P. X.
Shippers are assured Wet no more goods will be
taken each day then can be „punctually carried
through. ;
J.enala DAVIS tc. CO,
927 Market street, Pkladalnlna.
r - Canal Basin, Pittsburih.
JOHN NePADEN k CO., FOW07•3151110 & Comm
on .11Lzscumm, Canal !Swazi Pc= Kiva, Pitaboset.
JAMES M. DAVIS . & CQ., noes Facrou .30 Ow
=mom khateusw."47 M u ..t 1
A CTH vane. made by either of the alteae,on MOUT,
wool, an d other merebetedise, coastgoed gm= fot
Na. jam{
1850. •
THEanbtcribers, now , having in metered opera,
A d dpits d. k i g a se . s . sly p a r m Lisr . atzl i i p la to r r l 1 6 bar i a b e .
&atria Eacb war deliverable 111=0 in air
• -
days, Sundays excepted.
•i eanat Ua.ln. Pittsburgh
lasaviitra 107 Mutat lb Plat. .
411Lorellants , Ttan•portntton Lln•
For the Tr•n+port.Uon of
litiehltullitzt AM MUCCI 11.011 t PthieWhorl to Mite
ohiPPlil. =4 " NALL ROAD,
ho I
TIME-10 Days. Rates of croaks &Arm as low
as Any other responsible Line.
4 k Ca., Psaarietatt,
Carol &WA; Anna at, Pitisbnigh
Mum—HOSE MORRILL & Ca, Elahimore.
CHARLES /LAYNOR, Philadelphia.
•Exelnaively for tha acessen=odanon of thei
Belween Plitstorgh, UlninrUla, Johnstown. Mali
daysburgh, anS all Intern:wile, , illCte.
'Sblll;xvir by this Line can always depend upon hee
lr their elxisla ptly forerarded and delivered at
any pant on the Coa t or Rail goad, at fair rate. for
JOHN 50L1.1.18, ittoormor.
Aocos—lt C t AN k Jolt lo osorn,
JOHN 11111.L1.11,111day Our;
TOIL' TIM tunarogramon OF Staclanntag.agrenos
THE PROPRIETORS of able aid estaWlabod' and'
to re ‘ tre ' g e e:lV:Pt:l ' p ea :ie . /re:M f f s ir ( P C• er. d
Having Math increeled Chair
facilities, their room for
storage ir ample and complete.
No arturthipment loges prate on Our Line; the goods
being put into section portable boort...tit dirtnebed
mini snivel at her
destinenon,—thua avoiding band.
M ar l: Vhe t i les points of /ohs:swam, Hollidaysburg,
No chore, moult for reerivieg or forwarding, or ad•
ran ,, at ~ n •rg• All toodeforarstdo4 promptly, and
W e
have, aCTIII. as by any ot,Or Line
Itcgttbor line, more 11/1 to I heir rrernsibtloty.
Wa, for the last Id years. bsen '•
no Reliance
I lane," en have never candled out tale; end we think.
wo have earned the privilege ol now changing our
vane to of "Tata RerritetaLe Lunt"
Canal 13a4n, ?Mb , .
2.11 Ilarkct aL Puiladeloh I
- 1.171 - Wii.m. &Rua ...adman .
1850. Ant.ligt,..
MIIE subscribers, having' suspended their canal rip
* erations until the opening of the Spring Naviga.
inn, have evniblished an bpret• Line by Ratßowl end
Wagon between Philadelphia and Puuburch, by
which they am prepared to forward OXS/ pounds eteh•
day, and receipt for the delivery of them. to 6 day.
Tkey be; reeve to assure Oar friends rad the pub.
lie that then arvangerneets regarding rates, regularity
arid despatch, cannot fail to rive satisfaction to all who
favor them with their comovinds.
Carpet renn and Wayne .14, Plate:iamb.
del 273 Market street, PhiladelPhot.
ilodernand Antique Farnitare,
ea, Tut. Ss, Prmattoz,
J. W. W.
INPM orm. the e3E
pane that
{limed his spring stock ofSlllwww...
FURNITURE, the largest and Mostearled assortment
ever offered for walnut Wm city, comptising several
Tens of Rosman), Manotwase, and Bract WaLawr,
carted, ornamental and plain, suitable for Parlors,
Drawing and Bed Rooms, all of which will boaeld at
Ole loosest prices.
Peons deatring FUrnittllß of any description ' •ro
spectrally invited to eallaoSexannws Ina stock, which
embraces every description , from the uhe•Pest and
platoon to the most ekgent sod wady, of which the
following cotorsiiel span:
Tete elate Sofas; Tate Tete Dianna;
• Conversa bon Chairs; Elisabeth'. entry.;
ROUPZIOrI do Louts XIV do
Extension do Duffel Enlgue;
/ What Non. Tailor Tables,.
Louis XlV ' Coutroador et hate of York., Coach;
SO Sofas with Plush and Hair-eloth divers,
00 Divans', do do do;
10 dos Mahogany Parlor Chair.;
10 Rosewood do do-,
12 " Birk Walnut do. dot
10 Cane Real do;
4 Mahogany Reeking dm
' 2 / do Piano Bum*
• 50 Marble Top Centre Table.;
20 do do Wash Stands;
Mahozatt7.RedSwad l i
11 do Wardrobes;
Id IRA Walnut do;
8 Cherry do.
A very large IMOrtaIIMI of Common Chan and mil
es Paranoia too tedlous to mention.
Ifs Steam Boat. famished on the_ahortest notice_
Aft orders promptly ttendnd to.
P. R--Cabinet Makers east bo supplied With all sorts
of hlahogany, Walnut, and Veneers, at censidorably
re dneed price.
zi • - lINDORD - 06 Cu, • I tot.
ISueoesson to AlTord &King).
•IF•ablountrlo Matter's,
Center of Wood and NI/ arrestr.
PARTICULAR attention paid to, one It Tiede.
r Gentlemen can rely upon getting fir r Raul and
Caps from our establlahment of the neer Msysatate
yr 0.21.• 21112 r, of the Lamm mTl.l3,and attire WWl=
Country Merchants, purchasing by rielnalesele, an
t aspeerfally.invitea to call and
that oar Steak; ms
we can my with confidence that is regards Queue,
sod rims, it will net eager In • eompariuni with any
house be Philadelphia. fold')
fiIGE-Secand.Sersion of Gls Inslibitton, under da
rare of Mr. -end Mts. Goanoan, for the
academia year, will commence on this day, Monday,
February bah, in the tame bailitings;No. frd Liberty
street .
Arrangements tiara been made by which they will
beetle to tarnish young ladles facilitiso aortal in
In the West, for obtaining a tborough English, Clot.
cal, 03111 Ornamental education. A bill coarse of Pb,.
isophibel and Chanties! Lectures will be delivered
during the winter, Illustrated ,byapparatus. The Jr.
'treatments of Vend and lattramental Mune, Modern
Lannu e t ges, Drawing end Feinting, will each be under
Gr een or. competent Yrol..t. Cy close attention
to the moral and Intellectual Improvement of their pos
pits, the Printipalshope on merit • continunlon of rho
Inland patronage they bent hitherto enjoyed. For
tertus, set circular or apply to the
32 CA
will shortly arrive, dircet from the
0 manalactarers, Vila New OtiCIVIN per chi p a
Maim, lioadlels, Jf•ldell, and Alllttifl, INtlrth will Beb
sold, on arrival, at the lowest market price, by
Ghat lid Liberty at
. ClGelitey will also receive large. eopplies daring the
'AUK via Fadallolphla and Baltonons.
V. se Market street, ere daily reCtiVidd new end
Ndesirable Goats from the leading marturaetories
of Oa. eooutrf, and of the infest itemittalions. The
feetlaiederblen they enjoy,le be nd connected:with a.
house in the e, enable. them goods at
the lowest .losuon, and kelp their tank fill ad de
creole at all aeasone.
nay have a IRO. moolnesent of. Haoie • Keephour
whisk %liar uttieit Atoll gear London of
=Mends and to Oolotolia. " • mrll
- ---ifiscELLANEoi* ,-.-
. 1 ,
. fell as, Imperial Collie' np._ , a Pn3;/4o of mach fit, when no 1
y of our own Monona wilintgly d ot
.Ity •=ity - tor-int ennahm'Oropertim.•n - nten_ ndd
WOO Yo9por r tetcndne,n,rnr %inn( 14Treed i bi•
IrriZrhttl'ajthitingo7oe= mi n!
, 1
:our daiy . mmewonmonAn omqaprityskirenlt in.]
my toose,eml nrould pm, od not, no , dnk.frk
10- MAN Conan/yin. nayirroun-sinlofind, alter
*Anal of,thsen . len; yam 4,-Iltm it ishans Mmt awed:
knodiclunitnyo evet nettn;eilbor ni the Did or . New,
Vimid..m.lf Tax hale swish; 'get* tooo.l6kn . d ir IF
.11mt 28 canta... ._. , !..........._
4, r ld.
! • . 71 , 14 1. •
LEXANDEIZA DisY t .eollsetatroll
Market rdsee},sos aotto oe/4 , //
eel,' sleek of Wider
• sets end Ladles , Dress Goods. AI
Algt,Bleakeui gs , ...l.,C h riC.'
ettl., , latt a' felt - oesortmdet "of an Cr
coolldem ihst beim bugellikzanmeal 1
invite the pumice of Via.
Snug Odd Fellow. shoold,:Oli,
Volumes Xll.—Xal" If O.
, . . ...
The Guano and Rile lea naw the eitnyern "of Me' .
.008 e IZI an /MOO mat Make* IndateniZti utt only..
to &mem th is approbation, butte add ly our
Rot of teadern and theretbre
swmgciesif to t a following
s c
whieli'are more liberal than ham ever ten offered
by eery on ~..,,,. or magnum - In the II twi
g ma
. We % re .gi n the - Garatter.and lintbs,, er year;
LlNGiinit etyfer that . eta he'
ra id:o forming,l
heelk .wittch Mk .Mar Make* er& le.. M,
character Of me Gantt. end Role
too el/ known
to need explanation hem, tad it is moo to remark
that It container from time to time, the p ceedinga of
.the 0 ritud,L r.s edam New York, and oleo Mother
Sanest aeoce of Celebrations, Institudons of Near
• • - indultsol_plevil*,:watarplatoMfractory of all
"i ii i i=ht/ l lAiii4st, .
is IlifteitiAtTi Cnigittj'talti Vithi 1701114,A .
.1.. , ..............i1.hr1a .11 , Poixavi
-7e"Tfrif-4—:ifoo-ta?l' eflP11:1
""Va: - liiitl d 'lioorartaii 67. "'''
1 1
Being costal in its Ltterary chancter Ita , y Weekly
in the country, and being thas.P.lrocs eia....
'menhir) depertment,-It-lswerthY Of re,p oon the.
table.of every brother nf the Grier; a. deed ii ay .
dispensible to all who wish to keep fogy fOrmott et
*et work of oar waren:lout Orden i
. One copy, one War, ...0.. ii OW
TWO come one yeah._ . . /-••• .add.: •
Seven cope , one year, each —'L;..=. - •-• , -1• • • ISO , .
Twenty copies-- --,......-...,-.• Pi/ 00
Thas reducing It so Mat every India oan get a int
Mass paper enesper than the cheapest meal paper.
Mewl. Mar .i/allekvatzsgt I
The particular and aspen:al attention of me bro r ther•
hood Md./red to tha following extract-Rohr stream .
(rau Mat distingulehed brothar c James g,. Rideely,
Esq., Orand Car. sod Rm. Secretary o the BW.
Grand Lod g e the United Stems, 0.0.'F.' '
"The GOLDEN RULE I 5 to me a moat welcome,
endvalued visited nod since it has fallopkinto your,
bonds,! have wimeased .1m gradual and; Reedy ha.
provernent with great pleasure. It a nowlbecome, in
my judgment, sr Sao ens alas eintOnlnar. to not
mums, and Ido tran, that ducenung; rod intent- '
gent Brotherhood 'will, by a Übirallty worthy of goer
great amnions, enahleyou still. more to 0 ugatent ite
wend knee to the Order at lug. Witnamat repent
your fnend and brother, JAS. LaLIDGELY.e, ..
Optielona OR Manabars of G. L. 14 M. Santos.
Dedieving that Om mums of the I. 0-331 . 0. F. as
well as of.soelmy st lugs, will be mote a/reit:MEP
promoted by the Publiatatort of an/LW-a deleted to the'
Mdmitetion .orite prittelptra, we rllllll Innlefftl7
recoannend to oar brethren the dAxtrrs oi nu toter
alm f 3011312. Ruts, as novieondieted by Crampon
& Clarke, es et valuable medinni for the esposition of
the designe of Odd-Fellowship, and us Worthy . dna
cordial support of the Order.
Thomas Wilde), P. G. Site: I
.. John A. Kennedy, P. O. Sire. . .......... _.
P 0 M James L Ridgely, of hid.,,R W O I L.„„. __
Pa M Rev. Eld P, Weds, of Mass , la 0 GCit.. ' -
P G John R Johnson,e(Ga , R W G. Mar. "•.”' '
P fl Peter Friar P G Al . J W Stokes, P 0 W ti AI- '
lea G Wm A Wells, Grand Representadves of Pa
Wm Carda, a Eke aro I. of Pore. •
Smith on r, P 0 Mar G L o(U S. ,
P 0 M John W Anderson, PG Solomon Cairn,
Grand Representativa ofGeorgia.., . .. 1 •
R G HE Henry L Wahater,i W R Smi th, Re of Pt I.
pG pp Theobald, P 0 IMP'
of Maine'. .
P G M. E C Robin/ton, P 0 Rep of Virginia.
PGIR Frost, jr., Grand Rep of Ma. as • '
P 0 Geo ft Dietmn, P 0 M John Fairfax Smith,
Grand Representatives uf Delawata
P 0 tf Samuel Read, P 0— Wood, Greed-pep.
eaten:edam aline, Jersey. . •
John II M ey,G 4
P ti Taloon Burro, .. p xi M rand
Repmentativei of N Carolina.
P ti John Slinky, 7,0 M B. 0 Shaw, Grind Repro
sent-tares of Alabama
POM WW Moore; P G Vidor T Tolima Gland
Represents:Mu of lantietof Columbia
p G p Stephen Brown, Grand Rep of N
i tinp .
P 0 II 'Notion Andreae', P q James" 9 Itbridga
Grand Reprezentalim of Lmlstana. . ,
PG ON Barrows, Rep 0L of Missizalpi: . -
P 0 Minh Porte - P
n, O Wm A Moffatt, medl ,
me: natives at Illesonti, .... ..__
Po' m( Geo W Wilson, P G Mdsh M aPM
J Pennons, Sips Lodge of Tennesece.
P 0 Fred 8 Gamin, Grand Rep of AM.. '.,
P G . John W Han; PG BF Zintmeritum, °mad
Representative* of Manriond.• ' - . .... .
Simeon S Post, Grand Mauer of NY. '
Thaddede David,D G blaster of N Y. '..
Benjamin l.Pena, G Secretary of N Y.-- '
P Giant .I.l3sem, P Gleam W Hale, P G V 7 W
label., Grand Rapreseorrives of N V. - -
IGo/.19 -Andrews, rablasher of N Y.
Palmerton. are authorized to resent money to pub.
Homers, ) and al: money mailed In pwrttnee of .0o Post-
Mager and duldrtormaded by him, is at odr,mak.
hi all eases whom postage on enbscription I, not
paid. it will be deducted (ravines amount Credited to
Meta Who tend tu Address
febadSltwaplsl3 - No. it Ann m., New :TOM.
althnOtO =oar as Won Rla OP TIM tai .
. en earn ON tthllol6o4l/1.
&rends or Mara Etli, Itheinnadam; °bibelot Cita
. . moos Emmons, Punplaser Pastelasen the Tax,
Staten., BC Mende Son E 9., Hint Wonn
or Tenet, Scald Bead; Enlargement and Pain of
the Bonn and Jobb, Malabo= Illregal Syphilde
Symptoms, Sciatica or Lumbigo,-ani diseases
arising from en initullcions tesis'of Plernay, -Lei
den or Dropsy. =plume or -Indestimin in Lifoi
Aleo-Chnue CottaUtutiOual Disorders, Ate. •
In this prepared= are stronglyreoneentrated all de
Dtedtelnal properties of Samapanlla, combined wok
the most atonal ed., dm most salsa redact:lea
the most potent &Rayne of thengstable
it has been so (ally tested, not only by patienm exu•
earns, but also by phyaiclara, that It han received
then miqualined recommendations and %MI ompleha.
den of the public; sail hes estabashed, cin au own
=erica • reputation for Vat= and Minn far sups.
tint to the varlons compounds beamm. the name of,
Sarsaparilla Diseases have been nun, mch as are
not furnished in the record. of thne pnt;'entli what it
has already done apt the thisuands_whe hnia used it,
it Is capable of defog for the millions still sp and
s t inting with dbense.• St yttriPtesi de ant.
aermbens Des. fountain aprin of lA, d informs
new vigor throughout the whole intent (ranee. • -..
The following milting. and-as will be Seen-par
'anent cure of an inveterate !near Scrofula, emo.
mends Melt b 111 sitallarly aZietade . • ! ~
Sournron, gem, Jart. 1:10M. .
!dram. Panda, Gentlemen; Sympathy foe the Ohm. ,
cd lances an to inform yea of Masan* able care
effected by your Sarsapanila in the ease d my wife.
• She was severely sfaletedwith the Scrofula on dhifoo
ent pests.of the body'. the glands.of the ten. were
greatly enlarged, end her Gabs ranch swollen • -Afore
suffering over • year; end finding o' elief frossabe :
remedies used, the Mn
ase attacked one
leg, end
hiss the tunsuppurated. - lint plink
h o t ladvitedit
should be laid or, which was done. Without any ,
b. 4.1
permanent ben tln this Mention we d of. and
Wel* Mdated to nee, Stale Sarsaparilla. The Sc, r.
node produced a decided and favorable ` ,sidle ,
hip her more Man any pmecriptiou she had ertaken
and before she used nixbonles-to theassonhimenv
and delight of lon friends-oho found bet health gees;
ui is now over a year since the mire was ef-
. reeled, and her health remain good,ahowin that the.
diwase was thoroughly eradicated front on system.
Out oulghbois an all knowing to these ficti ted - think -
' u highly of SandeSarsaparlins. - . -
YOU. WWI Mpefel, ',NI JU PBX.. i
Patric, from a lelret received freni Mr: .W. liar.
dna gentleman well known m.Louttionatio.,,Var...
"Gentlemen, I have cured a ncgro boy of tame .I , lt
Toot , yra es opolis; who was attacked wil i Sentfola
end of a lerefaloos family. . .
... . . ..,
"Yuan. t. 1.17, N. W. lliti.9. —
. ITtedcricks Ball, Va., July 17,1848. n I ... ...-
.' &s ant Samarmaths:-Itstkens alnistahnnene •
ry to direct attention town ankle towellinown, and
so &set sedly pt
cam utpanerus
Mien who means no the without Of,. .-Senta ann., are
led.. dto try worthier. cowman& beam the none,'
bet containing Ilttle ert bent nf - the elmte big val e ,.
able mon' nd we think we cannel
r IL gl.ii . ll
benefit on our teaden than in directing be r auenuen
le the advertence , 1 of the Moans. Sanded to another
colran. The bottle has recently been Sanded
'held a quart, and then Who wish a really d grade
, wilt Idd nOncentrsted la this all the mrds isle value
Of rho root. The elperrience of tboinninds n preyed
treedieseyri curing the ration disown swatch it.
ii revonththakdk andost tile relent 001=010 Out
soy otb.riPeTtk.ka, is this medicine ben in prepa-•
ring the system for 11 change of rearoo..-4 ?Ott , Job
nat,Sept. 1918. '
Prepared mid wild, wholesale is, retallj by A. B. Ss
D.SaNDS, Druggist arid Chemist, lib Penn mem,
comer of William, NEW York. sold slur by Drag
gbdi generally broughout Me Unitet Fl o ta
_red Gan
trot s al e
St per bWßlgjrbolutleiffrZfrimum
° T I ' Wit silt& ItICI.Pin haralt..S.
is Olt, and k.DWARDP . rd, .
. doodk.e . s ,
a be Dr-fl-fil ---" '"' '
V ET IL S reali "P:a:
...ranted net
itteili...n l • •••• iyi tor ma
Mambo:tiara Sot, a E
by Ma l i • -
inlis_:ol,4logilolo.. 20 ._
- -
A rataite.s..aor.x.
TtaraffirecexrDrat,rEacia ardi Gold D.i Lwi
Kibusavat %tat: sktrittra moves
'*!3.0 13 . ,
ixTlioLlmAlfF,-AND .11ETA11.. GROC:c ,
. For.
V - wardmr tad Deo a,, i
Comm . Produce and Pittebar(fb_Nlscatactures, cos.
, - rittenaig&
• thiseedotaleMerume at all tuna
+.l . l.pppliNt wilt. the PC , 0 41 . 44.0 Paper, of ace
Wed wo 'iliac at que lowest regular
. Aug .51.4 or sdealltPled ll . l . ,t. orduu
'Warr dotted." A'IPKVGLISH & 00,
113deduaars'otrElllotta Poille14)
turn • .
• It — la
nannond and
4 at reduced
• at. YUMMY.:
ton' -Good.. '
• taut
oenvs ot.E.ogiumr.
. 4 1ut5.4 , -Filem. °Namara; smillilaat e mmala a.=
Aril a tqw:k .o t sadforamarar at hlm "Es.
°Moo in Imo Iraq tarostf - 2.4 T
-4,700 t Wood amt. ritab h 6ARRI•
andenignety loHe6.i -unth entire ud
Isfanuon, the Cut Btecland .Vibm made by &maid
idniCelry, , at his !Atli - Steil - Mika in this city,tako
Onuana iansonmskanding tlkin tuboaai in quilt/ to
ur evertncd by ea, of foreignAnn4nnparr
• • 0 Pd1052033320ER &CO
. .I.lanusemrers of 11 . 013. d Nnils,Pinseak u t.
z /tun Fotaigkra and idnainbuiPinsbaritt, Pa.
COLEMAN . IlandiAli Er. CO;
Muninentren ofEfrings,,lAler,PplityrStoel and
.; • Pnlibmjcb: Pa.
£l4 - 1V Stn..' •
Engine Haddam and Machine - taxd-Zdamtfactn.
fun,,P A FU LTON,itubuorb. Pa.
• /km ?winder. Pissniusg Pa
-1.:1CAPP..1..111 WAYL W,
Manfacrtuers of Iroz
l oad N1y. , 40,i4,16. Pa.
.. 4 §hiP, l ;,V,Aire t r e f s. h .
213.rbloMunifacturer,Cdachtsio :d Engine Bild.
, , or. Piuslamtb, Pa.
. , ....._ . . - .., , . ~..... ... ..
THE sibseriber h is luitt rece.ived a
• neve - wad 'hesitant!! 'lttattament called
' Ifftf ‘ 4ll= lV tV i re ""44 tt_tt..c Ih.
Cie elegancooPesteridr of a Plief - Perts, and la pos
vaned ef,a. tone as ; onco , evrect.aud.powerfaL Zr,
Steer idirardage, bewiier, consists Li the repidtry of
sta. eon emotion, which . enables tliettertenmer to exe
cute epee It the most bnilient Altogoth
erjr maybe called the - best reed bistroment ever In-
Tonto& -. Cal Land &amis.- -.', ...- ~... ,)
, HENFLV.KLESER„ at WoodsoelPa.
Sae Agent for March & Whiten itanufaetnm.
. F. s.,Alsm.sairesalnew andwerflno Melodeons.
ma) [Journal, Chtealele, end Magoon copy.)
Cliturts•rot XdralsatletrualConnee.
'gin sciFts - rinc•SECPlON.—ttie Messrs. Chem-
L. hers Itatreereployedlhafirst - ProCerao. in Scot
land, te. 04. proparation of these 7 , ... , 44. They see
- dove offered Is the Scheele of the Owes, ender.
the Amerman revision...l , MS. Roelof M.. D. L. L. D,
late Superintendunl ef Pubile SsistStissin.ths orY ...1
County Or NewVark:•" •
I . . L. Charebeta' Trcesmy ittf.Enoorledgas
IL Clarke Drawing and Perspective; •
111. Chambend Elements of Natural Philosophy;
IV. Held la Ilointo Chemistry endElecuiteity,
V. Nemiltenkt Vegetable and Atumal Physiology; •
Vl..Chanthers , Elements of Zoology, whit platem
VII. Page'. Elements of Geology, illustmed.
.. II 10Wp..11 lcultwn.theLtheorigteal publothera of these
;works (the Messrs Chambers, of Edinburgh) are able
so command the talents lathe preparation of their
books, and that it is their practice to deal faithfully.
with thepubliel ' This, settee will not dtuipmet the
reasonatde exegete:ions thus ezoised.,!Pacy are ele
ttedtify.ordYks, prepared'hyagdibre fi relety way ea
. pable of akoSSWltstichtelthetrreopes' tiwoundertakings,
I stn,lsono.pstyp aralootlyisodosed4ol7.2rt. them the ne.
cessary,tune awl ii i thyr to adapt...lra Lo their purpose.
tverttniedfitha' ettertd.radfirkitad patents with
confidence. The first twined volume,in the hands of
'a teacher of the younger classes might tarnish an in
er.h.ansubleYo ill et amusement and...traction. To. ,
nether, }hey would ..atinno a rich treasure to a faro
ily'Of I ntelbenf eblldreit - hrid - impart' h thirst for
• • wledge.—lVentiont Chau:dee- , I - , .
Publiened by 0.. P. Burner tr. Co, New Vork; and
for lath by • ' - - .A.'ILENDLISH & CO.
. MOW. , . . , ... ~, ~... ~,Np.lll Wood at
Sollars' Gough Syrnps.Wlttbaull a Biwa&
Prrrsoeson that Want Fah. n5lll, 1830.
lull' Es' 'E' SP.l.L.rl:s;‘On'thelbffilalt, I caught
11.1. Imry.ensereeald'f The mghttollowlas I weal to .
bed earlier than usual, yet netwlthrtzmitur I had slept
none the night berate, my songtientle to r•vern that I
coda:not sleep, neither .eordtt Mao. inthe room swat
lele. The person stseping with me woo co mock an•
oared. by ray ...sorbing that he rot op-and went to •
d rag store and nought a bottle pf Post.. Cough Syrup. s
dors or Which, to My great astontslunbot. stopped
wry cough as ifiry magic: .t went tdwerkih the monw
tap, ond ant now spasm loosest ,
lows Data.
1 herebri lardfr OAST ant well itOrtdsbasa with the
abovAessencornutsms, that the mu,..mqra given
Contort:Masa nvigsarrairsocets, ' Sth Ward.
.1/7'Prepeted and soldbp,R E SELLER . .. 9, 57 Wood,
street, , And sOld - by Dr:Grata 'reitersllP to this two
einesmd r i..l: • Forth
• .
ALEXANDER & DAY, annieral the Diamond and
Maria areal, are prepared to oilier, at the low
est market prices; a etonceaasorunenteif Bilks, of Ma
best qualides and nearest style a. r /test black glossy
Gro de Rhine, of a celebrated Manurtintaier. warrant
tll to eat to Wee ri Back- ilree4d Ord Saks,
very rich. Rich Aril Silks and Satin Do Charms, to
choice colors; Cliaraelmi, Goo -do Mines; Ballade
Chaco, and Tara Satins. .
AL.F.TriNDRR & DAY, E 3 Market st,
Northwest comer of The Diamond
Englien, in the Book and Paper Businees, wag
limbed on the Wl'lar, by monad eftstla. The
bt:Mose .artll be coroinuod. at the.onLetand, N0.:9
Wood wee; under the firm of "A. , B. Engfi..h:. Co-"
byerboralhe bonito.» of the forteer - Termershlp grill
De realm , . • . sAnturz, Staarrr.
1 mr2l .. A
OF 'SCIENCE:, •LrrtrAtunt, ' & ART;
SVI3TEMATICALLY termed by C. RECE, with
fire hundred. onanoeseal.,platessbY the moat cis
turgatthed artists of Germany. - 'The Text translated
sad edited by:SPENCE:I . P. BAIRD,.Ve. D.,
Prefer.: of Neutral Sciences Art Ttlehloaort Collette,
Carlisle, Pa.
The Icenagraphle , Eneyelermita will be published
rota parre,...fach cooramong plates and En pages of
loner press, lowed to a eaavenient poet iili, to which
•übscribers can keep Mel nooelmAn perfect order un
til completed, when they ears be brood.
One pin is published everYinonil lithe very low
price of SUDO, . kick will enable all/avers of Inane
doe to th e most beacuful and practical 'form,howev
er scanty theircieum, re Lesotho' antamiters to the
Sabscriptione taken for the whole work only.
PICm the broston - Piet • •
The work should not ko4oupled for auxerneet with
any ore. Malty or popalarly ecierdific pnblicano.
From the New TorlaTribuno,
The r emecortog beirity of the plated tecommends
donate the suentionof the lower of art.
Yrom the Limrmy World.
LA ;anti excented solid work, orsilbstantial value.
o n e of alga work.into stmentleirenlation
among one school angl other libraries, public and pri
vate, earuyer fail to he productive 'of rulventaga
...Orem the Washington. CD. 0.) Union.
We manor too highly recommend the work. The
monsvings ate in the highest' saye of' arra' No work
hat ever. before, been nablithed ,conorry ao
splendidly lltustfathd, and th e printed miner is of an
signally tugh order IL la iestthewortfor
=NOS. of this Itivalnablellamyclompdia WO now
publishedh end ready for aubscribera
Bookseller and Importer, en Weed st,
— melt latAprlTFourth at, hear Wood.)
aAvnio .sociased •irst'lll3ll' W3l: - A. CALD
Cband Bom Store, and Oltyeersyriae Biness,
will be -conducted .st 33Wederstut, muter the
ple of
mr.sgEV Edatt) arm&
Itrittes • iv - . no • •a - 7.adlisfaetory.
subber .MlOnite his triends&nd the public.
I. that at be extensive estabdshatent, legmble et
employing front rem to threw bemired we Mien, and
here ho .keeps &Jingo gtonbcx of the best
machinist; engesed,) he is prepared to execute, in the
best aninner,soud with street despatch:J.3l orders for
MILL WORK and COnOti,ma , vogLEN Mt,
CHIPIERY, of ever*. de, etiphan. Teethe workman
ship.trui stybs of his hlaolimeirrhe &meld refer to the
numerous manufacturers to the NVestelli sad Southern
'Stitee, - savteil att Itlc3llddtdl3Fittl,""itilidro now op
en:dog reeezilx.ameotiippal tmpteor
Pln the tgte red Dtans of Lla - b[aehimA.
lA., et bothil
matins ficide.tintr, a.
team Sear - PIM tor Itearts
fralS•subscriber exert (commas Steam Saw Mill, le
complete tanning °W et: eiteem 0. the Rank of
tint Allegheny Titer; sirithl!vatti MSc 'OF Tamura.
The 'dogmas:ld other.iliteres_aos.thl&n.good order,
end capable of doing elute business .
'''fbe• Coil is 'ernmeniedt •to Ind Mere [ea
romittnADle Dynellisig.Hoose Espelt;id to the prelate.,
which sufficiently eta:on:Latices -or theme of We
L iter further ,psoicithistt eetleiro. of_the submnber,
on thit premise& or te Peter Yews., w&
Cot ho es
Mutes et the llierelmthle. or John *Mirada*
nal Oahu iustettga.,_
, _
'CITE ore romoreeeivioir out re lar supplies of Da
pyyyr. plot Frock," AVM GOODS, votaoh y r .
Oropirot Txe'rt: thE'lowest market prima to
ow& Ou and prompt-bastitesasorn.
wO would ask the attenOol. of-City and Westerly
11forobotooto Oor si-cY be lieolog we con offer many
ocoutonty to imretose ITOM US,
Dty <Ands So. • .•
SPILINGI 5...1111111.0116..
TEBB Decal-dui Isyle 0./.11023i3 now
Li received. and will be introduced on Bat
cr:ltryltdareB2l,l,7 '-• ItteCURD - le CO,
&X& Wood sr.
-8.11../ 'Jan 'Dieter V.; 'I" I,;Pnate4 nreng... lb.
-•P L.Dndlay • sisslellstellis;
r:m Jolto. & Lcwis
From Archer Sulßo
bert Merril; M .
Thom A <unit . Os . s% 11 King Ms;
•-Ebb.bwiekbs.; Lstoarilnelbsi
.Wm Bina s*. RiehuW Hamby Inn
Alf Ding :hi A D 7yrfee,.
A lA:t . on 57; - • Win Millet asl
The obcrro, w=e of The mon peptize
sod Riche:tar brsaiinTebsteo, on Cow
signalma nom,utoonfoey arm, and for sulo by •.
31 1 Nota ft Thoot
a ril f:.