' ~ ~ - 9 _. BY MAGNETIC TELECRA°II AIGPIAIRTED .11 ratacomipusr,O , FOR m PITTSBURUII DAILY GAZETIZ CONGIMESSIONAJL. Wunmud, Maki 29. azaavz.—lda. Bynum gave nouee"c(a bill pa. vLirag lb/ the construction of • rid wad Clam Si. /Lail to Vrancisco. Mr. Clay's fumigation, discountenancing funeral batiorto members of Congress, was taien up and sancta ?ha Senate then reanmod the consideration of 7004sfa Ittotion to refer Mr. Beira compromise re• whams . to a select eommotee. Kr. Baldwin spoke open the general questions bivalved. expressise himeelf In favor of discos. WM* the quemion oldie admission of Califoriaia Somali other subjects. Ha consideted the ells:stances intending the eissdittionof California Is nd New Mexiers--ei awned the question ore very es conaccteithere with, and declared his u swerving hostility to the extension of slavery into territory now free. Withmatermelnding. Kr. Baldwin gore way thr the Execotire Senior', after which mo Scone =Mere= till ?downy. ' - Hrwas—Various reports were made from suni ng esimmittees. Ms. Amer= resumed his speech. • Hs Invoked gentlemen to come back to - tbe Oid Virginia doctrine of 17DS, the doctrine of strict ceustruenon, without which this government woldtgoon become a curie. Mr. Chandler replied to mental getakmcia who lad mended him, mid spoke of tho complaints of IhaSoath, io hia:opinion, were: not Well bawled. The poildejof the licyttonc Same war always to go fafreedom--what shall she . now dot Shonitll dolor share. Me beCered he expressed tha opinion of all - her representAset, whin he declared, that by`her vote, ye additionalslave.torritory should be added to the Union; alio is deterritined to prevent ii - by the ordinary meanie( lexialatten. She who sent legions to meet the British nod the Mexicans, will not withhold bei:sid to ymerve the lJnicti, if re. gained._She wul call her men from the moon. dur Ishor , eaWill apply to the men ;benenth , the monntalia, and will defend the century . in which sod; . W. iticbiirdros &rained Ike door, ilirr which tho Hasse adjourned. ' • , THE WEBSTER. Taint. Bomisc ide:r4 24. The defence opened for Mr. Webster yen erday dentyort. • A Lilts auzahet of witnesses have been aaata• bed, TIM testily) to the prisoners- guea-chaiai- This meriting his two daughters, Mary Ann and Catharine, were on the stand, end testified to their Gates being at home as usual on the day of• Parkmina dittappearanee. These young women are of the respective a pa ad le and Mk They behaved with great fors tan& and propriety, in their trying situation.— Thar spoke In low, bet remarkably distinct voice, and apparently with an Intelligence, and consuls asthma regard to erectness. Their deheany and a►tinkbg timidity were sufficiently manifest to ciao one to admire the strength of mind with which they overcame it, and controlled theirAtiel- Inga—eirldoutly keenly alive to the situation ofibeir bskived Giber. We did eat all to ,fte that tetheth face datiag thtt esaashudion. . . SA-Lows, March 23. The um:mom Saranak brmurbifrait fart Leaven worth, this roaming, the two in disnawho non. dated Pieltard, the Mail Carrier, last hdl, near Fart Loratida. They aro ceder charge of Maj. Wood, the Indian 'Agent. - . . The Mal of the blontesoniiin in progression slowly. Nothing new is chcited. The testimety Y conflicting to regard to the pardeipancy of Ray. mond Moment:deo. L00131 . 11.TX, March 2S. This river is 5 feet in animal, on the fsUl, nod receding dos.y. STEAM , BOAT ALCIDENT Sr. Lours, MatottSa. The steamer Cora was soak in the 2.113500 vim feW days since. CMCINNATI blarell 29 Floor—Tbe market is genet, and biayers artier illy ue bolding of in anticipation or Ineressed 1001414 by canal— Thin only sale , bea). of was tatty bards from wagon at $4 90. Proriskuus—Tho make li quiet, hot steady. No change is Ague. • iged—Bain sate up 1560 kegs prim No.l, at beams. Whiskey has declined to /le row gat. Tie river Cell seven bead since yesterday, and stW needles. The weather is cold and cloudy. NEW .TORE. MARKET. Nicw YOZIE, Mizd 29 noir—The weather has caused a dell mutat. Forar Is sold to • limited extem, at ti 1,75051, 81 ihr cortunos to straight. Panay and good Ohio is safari at $5O/215,31 per bbL Gesiar—Wheat is Jima, with a fait demand.— , Cora is in she Went -demand for !hippies.— &dos of Tallow 451035, and of mixed at 525 per Lo , Pork—The motet la dun, with sales at stoca 1M0,191 per bane' br Mesa Priam lard, loner, sad dowse, wain fair request, and pion are steady. The demand §nr whiskey is improving. pokes-110 and Java am quoted nominally at 1203113 1 t —& Domingo, for export, is selling at De . pm lb. Comm is dim, with sales of middling and up land at llo,aud of Mobile and Orleans al NEW ORLEANS MARKET. Nssi Oar.ssas, March 28. Cottoa-1000 bales were sold Lc( day at lotai 100. kir middling. ILILEIO9EITE.B, X THE rabsetiber offers for see se ao ',Smelly lap gawk of Evetbloossies Keats this season, eel:tatting in pan of— Nasally Howse Beath. Roses; Helmut, Vining t Pil• tar, and Mess Resew, of many varieties:Monthly Ver beats, a ally sons; Fuchsias; Caine Ilea /speak.; Castag Gerasissd. Dalt., seventy six of ;so sums rare and showy varieties to cultivatio, Ortmlacotai Z i a IPrabr ZiSTbri=U•rtVgaLid'Ag: tepee Etabarb oats, be , by mall to rumbas. Pelt 'Mee, et left at ear steal to the Diamond, en sauket days, (where sasilagess say be Loul,) will be premed y attended tn. tarlddtwkw3sT JA.htEd Wd.ILDHOP. WILLIAM DIGIBT. DIM leave to Inform Ids (rinds and customers ib az M taint secant( bit new spring m oa t f Gods, wornhaln, as anal, all the newest anfashion abh Mho of Cloths, Cashmeres, Canny Vestings, oat hs and linen summer guars, and every aniele saliabla be mhoneents mu for spring tad summer. It being e be thy, quality, or quantity rtf i r=otingrtiTtor :pea all who are in ant IKPedselesp, fantimable, h and well made. clothes, All fin call, as Inert Is no hock Win side of lie Wenn that oar, compare with It. 21to ymodsdepartmentlasepezmt ive, W a p - Wtoalltanna.un.. LAI net ntaneten, country silerelunt.o. 4 . 11 .4 Wane lam e ly, am paniallariT inbred to ez• aria the stock belon pandissint, as particular at. =ls Pald at in wbolosale basusesmn this etrin• • . . • Zloty ands In the ticiod at line made border in Innen fasinnahns and best manner, at the shortest wino. wmw'ior..eor om IMOALEY & CO s—a btbarioei'd sad for Mtn, A COLBIOMSON, at ow/ for oak by ATTINI3—= b Not, In rg nzEilmt , L arool - for ralo by ctinkr:ls l % A CI,I,IIEKTBwr u . ) .wi Lra WICI-10 • A P i Nun • iiioroaad, to rota and for sale 11 , • A CUMIERTEON Oularerueu • tubber Hi>Tsar utgrp received ilso following snicke— d ledrooss Bap. kr avatar; 04 PM COWS, IL epleodid 1131w1c; Z " : 4 :ef:t l t Ant; ,Ya 11 4 Mining Boots; CO CLtenr; 40 Haversacks; Air Beds, Mows, riro prose e, ataseladta goober repot. No 0 Wood sr. =SI • • 11 Pill LLIPS • • et• l . Joet reed Is Robber Depot, N o wood k II PIIILLAPS A R and tar sale alto .s'd shes, : • tale at the India Rehire kra l i k +A i rs . 47)ll. .uct ARTIL. do. oat Lally • banana'. liale.j..l what la wantedfot the exereloe et th I for sale at the Rabbet DsPe,' s s Wood .t. aul3& PMLIAPS • - BLACK SILK LACY.S. AA. MASON & CO., CO Aluket strew, •re new primer ametber lame Invoice of Black Slik of 111 widths, teopensing the ben . end they kaeorisneet ever <demi ix, thieritT. comas runes Wrol li.iron ,2 560 dodo Collyrr 9 do do do CM; 9 do Idosill Andleodon Oztoo LOU Calloys;"2 do Mourning Cot. , Im4 I do do Colic Al.a—A largo variety ~ of sit nob of ?nate, Itesbroktenes.nod • Laceo, received ap/ spy opening et . A A MASON &CO, tIytrINDOVAB -8- i OO .1. az , P; • • nu bill 101 VA _reed and for ‘ ' .:411 Nan " 8 &W.IIARBAUGH • 01 - 1 -- Ctres la ram and for s4l, by 11 k %V UAW/AM:III • ' - 1:40E3;:5"511-111570.-..-i-rr—.'iiiiTu 07aV,Fy ABM - , '-. ~ • ..-. 8/4 W kiABBAUG/IL "ileums—to bbls rced andVirllllFx_ . i . 'id ...2 WIC.. IIdeCANDL 48,' CONIIERCU RECORD. x!irmrsbliKaiu Soa3al;ol:4lWins d O I , I74ITTEE POR I4ARCIU. iQSZtt - 14.1111a•-••11. 7. 705 •ONSIt01n•••••117. 11111171 - - Novennitstts of the on.. Steamers. Tae teo•za., Capt. Rineylens f or loo for pool, on the 20..1 The ZULU,. C.o. Lou, loam Batten, Li t " pool, on the ttihoi April. CIA Pridiq morning, !klatch I= o . 811 weather yestirday was cold and unpleasant for 66 ldoer tranmetlans, astarlikstaadlog, however, a fart general business was doleg. FLOUR—Favor oeatlaaaa to arrive slowly, and far want' of onatertal to act area, sake have been very hula. We find roe change hi the market, and may eon• base oar geouttiona from ant bands; el 114,6604.84 and neon store in dray load lots, at 84,7604,67 bbl. Era 86.on—Etales to 4 =Narita SZI6III at $O3, and scarce. OROCEBIIB6The market remalui quiet, bin Arm, nt our troottilom—say, for NO Bntat 41186 M N ON. buses 27096 m 8 Ude, 680460 48 Lel. 61to Coffee 160 lb♦lD. Pales of .Ilica at NON, la mall low by the tierce. PIiIOVISIUNS In the Provision market nothing new hes nano/red, and prices generally reenain sta• th,cery .1 oor last quotatioll. (ft,a9ct—Pm the various articles of window glass, we Maine tut change. The following liar of Finnan:ay be given aialaint the »ling Agate. foithe nation. men 0 r coy und eoo•.tq brand. tl o 7 .0 110 by 11-111,00111,50 (.11,erauss Ja propopion„.... . z,y U by ao 11 by 14 •—•—•--...7,7.a 14 by 50 ----•-- 4 , 711 II by 11 , 4,50 19 by'l7 • 16 by 10 1450 LSI by 16 10 by 17 ----ant) 10 ny •... ...... PRIED FRUIT—BaIe, of 600 boa dried peaches, its ballear at 112,41 11 1 ' bit.. Apples cOntincte 0017 Um., with email Wet from more, at 1111,50010 p b.; 00 ' cording to qualltr. :: • FloH—The midget eontutaci 11lio,arldt WM • Pod demand. at the reum,—No 3 ItaeJterel. al 110.00 • Dal; No 2 Is selling -at 1111,06, and No 1 at $lO,Oll • 601. Other dascritnlinta of lislk tra folly quoted care.—say, forEtaimoo, SLOP bbl, arullo6 p tierce. :Wee of Balvtuler Hening at $6,23, and com mon Eastern. 63 V 0611 taloa Rea may b.qaotad at $7; Cod fun, SIM p 0r... • FEATHERS—We nodes a quad market,arith Man. , ad vales at 330340 a , m. Tee COYMIZCZ or T. ?Lane a=l7a Easre.—lt la now held that the immense commace of the Pacific Ocean, and the nations of the East, is desist. to pass &molly *mash the Uphill Massa, T. folios., tree t. e Wasiduaton eaten; li'aititenntot oft. popula tion of the countries •oroshed, by the waters bf the Po sits, unounuag to the . .giegato to o.r sta,ccopoor mar, or one half the GLUM population of the Globe: NORTH A. m. Population. Hdeah Possessions • • , KUM • ituatau • =AM Otos. Calforoia loo,tue ittexiso Central Atuatiel• • • ...... ... CbinesoEmpire Empire of Jap.,—. Empire or .A.un.•••— Itinaao.Elapiro•—•— £OCTIS ANZILICa. &tender Pere , New Grenada ktallein Gca • cladlog demean, Jan. Bo SW. land,Malacas, Neve Holland,Sandmich load, lad the out group Ow% Later/perm um Pacific Ocean In every dtmetion 2 0 •Me1 000 Grand Total • 4.11.0a4C 00 Tba commerce of these ea impish not • few /WM. eious minds ate eosreinced, are.y be entirely eons elled. by ear Republic, and the =casts by width we are td attain this important prize, are to be awl in the wi dow-at of Oregon and Caliconsia,end the censtmettia of the Pacific. Railway. TIIBI LAD CUMIN& PINE AND CEDAR WARE MANUFACTORY. No. 5 7, corner Market and PMln.—or 49 Markel, mean 'fbird and Fourth Ida T . • . IM subscriber keeps constantly on land, whole sale and retail, the followint snacks, vLs: Wash Tubs, Staff Mama: • • bleat Tuba, Banal Chem, 'hwy.* , Bathels. Wooden Bowls, . Peeks and Balt Peeks, Womb Maras, Bran &mud Rackets, Clothes Pres, . Towel RAW., Wooden Ladles. Bread Rollers, • Clothes Baskets. . •Alarkot Baskets, &0., de. • . • SAMUEL KROBBEN, No 6:lDissoondslyirptuabargla MaXMA=ZI ... • Ilesd ley's Miscellanies; I vol, bound lo cloth; Cosmos: • description of tba Universo, by Mon. bo:d1; I vets, bound in cloth; . Gray's Nouns/ Philosophy; I vol, cloth; Travels in Minnesota; do de; rife and Writings of Dr. Chsdatorg Soots, cloth; Comb's Physiology of Disestion; I yob Abbott's %Wl.= the Conqueror; t eel; The Wilmingtoni, a covet by the limbo, of, Nor man's Bridge, ie. Constaace Ideldssy, sr do ReOrneOS of Error.. by the anthor.of she Conte of Linwood, de. Roads, roc &novel by lanai W. Wilkbwou, no History ef Pert/icon* Nos I,; 3, and 4. Received and for sale by JOHNSTON do STOCKTON, tntri corner Martel and Third .1. COM=M2I NPLULIVIgq`r ; Cast Stool Foie* of dada and Blackaatith and Shoo (two, shoal o on hand and for Wo o ador at his "F.o, hie Stool Works," O'Hara street, Fifth Word, oral tba ofEco in the lion Boos of .BOLLfdANS k GARR'. SON, Not, foot of Wood Moot, Pinabalth corti-dim 0111001.&0. We, the andenigned, baring used, entire sat. iff NCO.. the Can laical and Files made by Samoal blegelvy. at his Eagie Steel Works, in this eirroake pleasure in recommeeding them as equal in qtualay to ear our used by us, of foreign manufacture. Pitishargt, March 13, Mt O & 7 H 8110ENDERGEA. & CO, IHanatastoters of Iron and Naha Maim h., Pa. KNAPP & lion Faunae rna Plcarrgh. COLEMAN, lIAILVIAN t. 00 arrneri . naafi, of Spiny, &Iles, Spring Patel abd lbw% Pliabondt, Pr. 'Pt W PADEN, Engine HaDderr rod Mariano Card Mrsafran.. rent, Phtsbarak. Ps. A P'ULTON, • Eno Fornder, Plurari, a. RAPP r LINDSAY & CO, Urnarnemiers of . Iron and NCI. Pic.borsh, Pa. JC*EPII TormaNSoN, .Loorrorave Englm and Map Builder, Pittsborgh, Pr. • . W W WALLACE, Marble alrantnetror, Madder and Engine Dail& er„ Piusbragt, GEORGE E. O.RNOLD.St CO"; . . DEtLERB IN IlitijeCllA.Bar, COIN, BANK INOTIIIIIO No. 7( Faun!. Milne, next door to dto IhutVotlquo bomb. GEORGE F. ARNOLD R. CO. have emceed . an Excusatiaosrses, Na la Faulk atreebnext door lathe Huth or Pittaborgh, and are prepared to trans act, nn reasonable terms, any beanbags in their Um that mop be entrusted to them. Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, he , bauaht end hold. Collectong mane in all the PnealPel chino ." towns in the United Suter. DePothes received In par fonds and currency. They reepectially conch a share at the eve= al the humus certunenity . car2l4m AMERICAN GOLD TlionseS Coins, Doable Earls, and Gold DOUOI EXCIIABIGNI £SD BLINKING 110CBID A. WILKINB 4 CO., A E CORNER OP MARKET &THUM SPAM% Pittsburgh. mdl EiaLODLOA PIANO imi lsi mm., THE sabeeriber hue jest received a new and beentilat Innrescums tolled TlTTlobleledcon Piano: front the actory el iblerch k White, CineinnatL II has the elegenee et' exterior of a flant, Tone, and is pee *eared or a one at onee sweat end powerlal. Itr - greatndvantage, however, cenobite in the MUMS of Its eeseclatlea, Irina enables the perforiner nee este open ft the le d brilliant planomeele.. Altogeth er, It may be celled the• beat toed buttentent rosy lo vented.- Cell end ermine. . . . . KLEBER, alWootterell's, t. ale Agent for Akre h Whinee mensfeeton. R.—Alee. seven! new and very fine Melodeon.. n,ren Monroe', Cltronlele. and - Mercury none - "yk • par aebesaa, "V0:47, MARKET STRUT. bemire Third and II Fourth streets, Piurbergb, Pa. THOMAS PAL, MER orould tospeetfally call the natation of his friends and committal, to his Present extensitve end general stock of merehaadize. It swill be Foodason prise every doseription of America, and French Wad Paper and !larder tor Parlors, liana Lantos Rooms, Red s mt.ot, Coooti.o Room, &a., ranging from Ilk cent to Ad a prem. So great a disarray of priees hardly. WI to astir the eire•msurnees and way of poreluarers who may 'favor with their p o tronase, the old establiobad stand on Muter street-1 ,j.mrl343rta J. D. WILLIAMS. & CO., ; virtiotxsatx AND RETAIL OROCgE!. V .r . azding utd Commission Nerchante, GottuG7 ?iodate .nd lAtubsolt Mansfactures, not net ot Wood and HMI &act% Tittsbagh., nubargl, Much IY, LSI& FA CY DUDS/ 0000 L LARGE supply of tacerAtyle Da Mines, Range, AOmar, Linen Ludes, to. Bonner Ittnons—A largo &Wye( DonnetS &Ina net Ethbonr, just &attend. .•uc.E4/ ALEXANDER & DAP, en Munst s wet Northwest owner of theD 4 4tum &skein &ars anent& sale to L. ulna ' HARDY. JOHIR4 Ar. go 3 & II PIIILLI pa `(IA Adll—A fete casks Jon roved and lot sob bl /3 men JOHN IiIeFADEN & CO fit psi Har — r Titit.:.tzLmt;-,..gr0rt:1411=.- .fike...t.. have now 'Da hind and wine:cations to ‘ P cP rd 4 ey 7 lefiTtVeite boa. of 'n th ."" 1:4". ea., will hi plomplly filled at all limo Just neetred, • large lot of L. Potersopt brand. NpIePADEN & COR at, BUM. P idabatrob. ViELTFOWIiaN ET9-100 - re ►aa 7 7 Blaskeu, alenataettued axpressly toe the Woo* . ala tri3a. For ode by I MERSEY, FLEMING/6 CP; 117 Wood One LANE—La Oa Mao, or t subs by • ' mrßl• • '7 D WILIIAM6 aco lIF. KINDLING:44O-ilaolio-Ciiii .&:, mai • . • 7 D WILLIAMS &CO W ag—. tee 'math, tot oda taia PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Wm.—There wane tend mem wand, In elimal nsinnennnt, and Laing. • ARMED. Caleb Oapa, Murdock, Beaver. Maim, Dries, Buyer. Vlroqua, Calloway, Monongahela City. Fashion, Peebles, Thsabcili. Atlantic, Putman, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacob. Brownsville. Camden. lienirickwan. Ategecaport. Lake Zile, Clark. Beaver. Cincinnati. DEPARTED. - Caleb Cope, Murdock, Deaver. • • Michigan. Bri m Beaver. Viroqua, Gallo. ay, Mononeskela Ceti. Caen, Hendrick ran, ftlekeempon. Pubion, Peebles, Elisabeth. Jaeobe,DrownsviLle. Atlantic, Parinnson.Drowessille. Lake Erie, Clseir,Beatrer. • James Baleen, Moore Wheeling. Brilliant, Grace, Cincinmin. Ilizesti Posen, P. Louis. Csahler, McMillen, Sanfish. Melberg, Colwell, tenthly-ilk, BOATS LEANING THIS DAY. WHEELING—Leafs McLane, 9 a- K. NASHVILLE—LoyaI Banns, 10 A. u. NEW ORLEANS—Empire State, 10 a. U Clarolstriatl—Paieurrcallo.ll=o Vold pearane, 16 aka do, 1 Rooder, 1 ta medielnel. McGuire, & Base; bar( book's, Graff & to; Edo medicine., 1 do mdse, 31 hbda tab, W Ms hemp, Leech &co; 03 do do, J,,aliG.; , *gift do a., !twilit son, 1/1 hhda tobaccojelark & The*. • ' B{{w 0/41,111111-1.51 PALMS 92/IT4 elir rope, J 51, oodward; & eke brandy, D Malik; 4qr aka do, P Hamptirao,• bf pipe brandy, I eks Clark ;15 aka ;lea, & n asks nee; E Hamblin; 15. tads sugar, Pinner & ea; el bbla hares, Taaffe & Connor; 58 lads sides & gladden, W 11Inglinin,3J Dlb deerskins, A 1306 CM 48 WWI ham, Baker & Rifortbi 5 news hams, 1119 bl• hemp, Forsyth & ea; 15 bra en. bark. O'Connor:lC Atkin.; 17 Md. sugar, owner. Wllesaltsg—Pas gaiptiNchic4-41 bbl. Crompton a: ea; 18 do do, A Wilson /sew; 45 sks woo', gut & Thaw, 50 do do, 11 Groff & co, I bo Woe, self wool, Wm Bingham; LI bal. paper, J D Davie; 8 bbl. Boor, / McCully; 19 Ora petatars, J Silt; Id do oats; 16 bbl. koobs, Lolngeon & Roggeo; 32 do door; kdo seed, 5 bbl. cads, 11: 1 [casaba. Daria Cor&-111 bbl a 11. r, J Potter; 50 do do, 1 do ewes, I set scraPa,4 bbl/ roll boner, 1 de d apples, owners; It bbl.. 1 kna lank 5 ebbe, l'hf do roll buster, 10 bagabarley,l3 !VW bsedb; a bbla butter, Church & iNrothers; 11 bbl. flmeed, Ido d peaches, kgs butler, Dalsell twee; tl bbiu Mawr, I be eggs, Bsolh &Bales.; =l3p. bluest, as cheese, I bbl botter,3 do; kgs 11.111,7 bbl. door, 191. rya do, 5 Ohio Seed, owners. WESTERN IMAIMACE , OMANI IMIM!WZMI . . Li. luau will be liberally adjusted lima promptly 11.. all home lanttation—ibanarot by Directon who are well known to the emtsman4, sod who are determia -03 by promproeve wed hberality to tubule the char acter which they have assamod• u canny the best protection to thou who dub* to be InearoO. levarrou-11. billleb Jr., Geo. Meek, J. W. Butler, Etalma, Jr., Wm. B. Holmes, C.Jhreaco, Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. K. Lyon, Jaa. LipCott, Thu. K. Limb, James bl'Attley, Alex: Thos. Seem, Ovum, No. bb Water Mniet,..4ware use or Bpin k.CO, VD StSllll,lPitttbillib;, JulAlY GltatitiAMS—A less cases basica sad Doiscsuc, hyr.b. by _two] _LARB 1 1. 1 M 0 1' l ' i "" WdelitisifebaANDLESs - 432,0LACC0 -•••• MACOAO3 • - - 1,407 OW Bmrl9 I r i,llul:o•.' • 4rn - rw - r.irr,t4 , 3, • DLEB9 CHOCOLATE -14 big tor gale by ad) WICK & bleC /SWIM'S • -•_ . - SCYTHSNEAT93-93 •t& sum. E 41 " Common; for We by oral WICK & tiIeCANDLESS SODA Aflii-41 etas ' .tand,tor sale by O JOON REST. Strie rte. 33, IVecti stmt. atNI FEJ) BY4U- 1171 " 111804 y a, Cn. n08N11:00u rose , O, Sor sate bY mrls W A JOHNSTON, US sth et (NAT/ 3:430 bas artsale by meta W H JOHNSTON EtS BEEF—In More, and lot we by al, ELM . W H JUHNSTON Q. HOAR CURED 1161116-3 suparior 1.3 ma for fo b NM.] WICK L bIeCANDLIng TIMOTRY BEER - 6 Dbl. Jost read , and for Ws by ,bd6 WICK & MeCANDLEBS NuISCO66-200 bbd. last r ~ dlor silo by tl5 W UACIALEY & al riiIi II fIRLICTINK-10 bisla on hand and for gala by L coon . W BAGALEV &CO NmuLalLik...—lroo Obis in store and far We b) m rI6 W BAUALSY it CO ROL = L ae tItrITER—LO bbai ree'd sad for utle by ' W BAGALEW &CO !i pLesst2s—ao bb 1 SGAS-eVerior N 0 5.1.0 for ". 1 t i t mils BUMS 8:10LL IpiptiCON—lionterd elry cart ; ihooldors, 4000 'do do; tides, MO do do, in sum , sod for sale by soda sEuarots•se NICOLEI COPPES-60 kw prime au and Jaya; oces-40 b. =aid, dipped, and specom Citcesk-UM bats cream and English Phu Coate -7p dos Hemp and Manilla; Cuu•-.38 Maus; Sacomm-§ barreh ethos:.-CO BS Common and half Spanish; bria and kali brio Mackerel:and Salmon; Gcsss-40 br assorted Uses; klasm-41100 Prima Venison; Sugar Cased: P and Macillai lam-16 dos !laurel:um Black and Crifild.gi likuusus-fu bits N Orleans; . 15 ball' bd. Busse Bow; Mustscu-Ni dos assmuid canisters; Mscr.sassi-30 lb. Italian; Vmmuicadc-Ou lbs do • Nsus-2(0 kegs assorted; t Pan-6 dos maned; Pucass-30 bushels he...; Psram-30 scams Assorted, Paco - M -1W lb. Borden.,boar-.11 bad Rodin and Cl‘t Steel; husca-10 bbd. N Orleans and Clanked; Ts..-60 package. Green and Black; . 7ossum-20 b. 12, 5, Y l lb lamp; Wart Boaana-30 dos vaunt Zink; For Wu by " D WILLIAMS 41r. CO .18 Comer of Filth and Woad stt IkArAD.II BoassimiN recpeafelly enneaneca te in. the cideens or PiWbargb• that che Inter de open ing her Siarlng School on the let of April next paytlt wilt be divided into chum adapted to their age, that talent., and omelcalanalnixentn. nicety ketone , tan be coctutenced Immediacy. Madam Bereatele can be seen *Tay elle:non, be swan 11 and 6 o'clock, at the Mealier of Mr Stack in /eh et. hataccen Market .0 Weal su. wirtdcal . .• SOVA Aftll-73 cult. Idneprarrs best qnslity.and .i., :e bi test,testlandter, from misuser Jefferson,..d W t N MITCHELTV-Ege easel ICOLieerty street AS-156h1 in good order, 101 We .7 . melt SOIIOOSISIAXES ar EILMAPI Cl 4 —3O tons for tale by oat J SCHOONMAYER At CO LitalEED OlL—to bbl for sale by tar2l JSCHOONMAKEtt & CO llarrblTO7d. HicaNfiVTitTiCall p 7,411 U and twiny mkt, a choice iasomont and • pare uteri, of varkno vicunas. put city old, to ealoed (ram A Bardeux Yu New (Weans. Lot üb• by untt CtIREIITfON.I I6 Liberty at LLALLADES' bow, cholas brarehe and an moment of Champagne end Whoa jam we'd par steamer Diadem, ad far sale by mr2l. • CULIIIISITSON, Liberty at Bann—+b del Tolr; /0 do Cotton; In moo and for Weby marbil J R FLOYD ♦ CAUD. • , SOCKS -10 dos (Coolass) OA hau l and fFLOYD or 11•20 by WV/ ATH , 41.8021 11AM11-3 nab reed per Master Ben V West, for sale by • =O9 WM BAOAL — EY k CO LARD -4 blots and II kelp ill state and kr tale by rade WM BAGALEV k CO bi.Vi3jl,lstst 111 krl9 WM DAGALEY k CO 0110 ell, MOLASSES, k RICE 1.7 160 Mats prune N 0 Sagan 20 bbl. Loaf Solari EMI do P/ 0 Mole's.; 10 dr. Golden Syr.; Wrrees Hick In state and for sale by J is R FLOY D. • =ISO Arland Chareh Balldini ~ LARD=ifELVISTo nein 10 kp do do; reel per Pilot No 2, and for sale by 000 ROM MATIOFTWII re CO CL.ovtit BEOD-10 Obb jag rFid and/or Y Ota.9 S. BAGMAN Pc CO RO . L;L; 9 IIUTTER-10 bblogly n anid o fliser CO TEAS -30 Iff abuts Yll Teo; 10 do Prmehong T.; S do Cbutad do ' 111 10 111 b do . b.Y G H do unpowder do Al 61ba do do do 10 filbt do Gunpowder do 12 Mb. do Imperial do • In .toris add for sale by , J & R FLOYD, torte Round Cloud , Rulldinc. T - CiiTi s Taifi - RioTolikTurfindTorsida - My %../ reslo J/cRIFLOTID 011 GAR-121 kluls inli 111TFediii-Ceiritita by 1.7 mr2o Oll GRANT 8. 0 LUEII9 & SI.DES-4 0 cola Flandeal LlCH4fri "U par ste S ame rltilot tto 4; ap a lb a t mo saic y b4 D mr2o ~ALRRATUS—aO Dbls Adam', In oloyelmAly_s_a_ la by (mr 2o ) & R CIZ m ASII-111 4 tut • pirial . nre, atom . , frAi.tl.Dby BUg a tB7s-2 , 5 Betves, On hand 1 GiugeD rm o2; r TO dos Beaver, an hand and ;140; IGIROORS-2 0 dos iv more =I for sole by mro i R FLOIT I mato WICK MoCANDLESS • TAUL& SALT—Ii eapenor Wade, in _paper., for We by [•11001 WICK & IdeCANDLESS_ WiIaCPWWICO.O-144 bases ell% 70 de 71V; • 14 do ese; for We by " WICK & MeCANDLESS 0 1. bbl 1.1 .4 p, .t • gte s t: ,7 „6 17 •Y eoa . bhp. C E SELLERS paresti—s T ARO OLL-10 bbla No 1, for sale bp ja tarn 11 E SELLER!! LUR MAIRS-70 lbs fay sae by ybyyo R ESELLRRS TS ro - tte - D=6Dco lb. Sort Galena Lead, (i.rey Sada •• G II GRANS. r •• •• N: I ••• I sloe) ler sale by Imr2ol J&RF ICON--09 cuts ana'd, prima quality, ne'd per JD Met No 9, bar gabs by RHEir NtkirEivive CO WOOL kYAJAN-3 mks Wool; 27 dna Taw sod Flax Yam: for gala 17L . ..1 10 1 kasy, MATTHEWS A. CO C ANDLE WICK-20 bales in stare amt fFLOYDor sale bi INPY3I/1 . 8 BY RIVSJI. OF PITTSBURGH. Clll7ll UOO,OOO. and for irate by WICK I McCANDLESS far sate by STUART fr. SILL Waglpg SekoaL LOCAL MATTERS. RUMS= 101 Tll prrraitusak DAILY ilsarrn 1441111 or Csrum Rue, or to Stuns BuOurrt Brars.—We are grieved to loam that thia amiable, and popular gentleman died—u la announced by Telegraph, at Cu, Broadway Hotel, at Ciuolinati, yesterday morning, alter a very brief BMus. HI. Banta wail Erysipilaa. Capt. Reno has been Meg and favorably known, not on• ly here, but in the West konerally, u commander °racoon! of our noble Steam Pankota, and his death will cause wide spread regret. He had just entered upon the command cribs now and epic.. did boat, the Buckeye Stith; and had bolero him every prespoet of a eon tinuances of a long and useful life; bat alas, who can tell, "what a day may bring fOrth." Condatia or Walla Mar—There to. scheme on feet is this city. to all together B."CeeVele of Working Men,' and committee has been sp. . • . pointed at the preliminuy Meeting .to make ar t rangements. This committals has issued an ad. dress to the "people of Allegheny aunty," In fun the, ace of the objects of their appointment, • copy of which hes been fornlahed oa, but as oar cab:mans were preoccupied, we can only give that plata which; sets forth - Me objects of the pro. posed Convettilen;whien is all In the address, of li•al interest. It is is ballewv— ` tike a preparatory matter, wo Would respectfully take the liberty of astramting, what we believe ')he workingmen can end ought hada. They ought to have a Hall or Lecture room of their own, where they could hear lecterns on sub jects Of u•efuliniumation - ' aid where there could he • renlptecily of opinion and sentiment, karleuly and freely discoing ea quake that might ara, without beige intimidated' by wealthy employers, or wily Political aspkante. They ought In have &Library and Reading room, where information, ind a knowledge of passing evants, eoald be r obeeply and easily obtained. But .above all, they ought tease a reinter and central organisation, .with, a sanding board of haat imitate men, who could be depended open; ad 'who would act as sentinels, earely watching the abates and matiouVering or the capitalize, io that the alone could be given; before their des sigma spoi4tion and pitman. could be pet Into operation. We believe amble a brief Dahmer what la dared to be secompi m baited, in cattier together a Congress of Workingmen. Jr eeemful, my hope to nee the day when they will have mare emaciates In thamselyea, when knowing that Labor Ile gra and primary law pomace—both a. it regards the embers Jemmied, end Its immediate .valae—and that labor and intelli gence, without money, mill produra all the norms, rim of life in saperabandance; while moues, altar labor, eau produce nothier,--thev Way know their raj standing in a/Mtg. and "what the world areeldi be eriMinit theme' .seat they are-not seetrodary being. coring around the primary tots of Capital. bat that they are Indeed Nature.. noblemen, and en eneh, mtut - ever consider the right to happily's.. and the tenure of t life, far more meted mid hokr, manta rights of Capi tal, and the wears of real muss. cover OF QtrARTEB. szatolls. Kush 2S, ita. Beton" J■diea McGinn', Jones and Ken. The Jury iathe.hf anslaughwito cue, came to• to Court, and motel Avalon: wu so prospect of to agreement. They were discharged. Mallen will he tried mils at the next Woo. Feu Duran, tete have been fa puma far WNW , time, on a claw of some sort preferred against themby citizeasofßazt Liberty, were brought to to Court. Runge rdeClaro mid they could not Im held, as no overt at was proved avant them. 'they were discharged with s reprimand. ' Con. vs. Jou id'eationary—This defoadnnt ia ■ boy. He plead godly to the indictment, which ohargn kilo with starling a large onmber-of gold pear, from Jackson Peaortek. He was remanded to piton. dome usantt and Battery MCI were meat dies pascal et Corn. vs. Fred. E. Isley.—This de&ndant woo indicted for stealing Jowly and money from.hbe karma ofJ. P. Stuart, Fag., Monongahela city. P. Stout, and Robert Hague, wore enaznined whose inhtimany seemed to eslablah the holy that the good• were amlen and round In the pas' seaman of the defendant. After ■ hdaringof all Me testimouf, the coup and jury, • verdict credulity" wu rendered: Ilkley will be tried on the indieunent far 't But• diary," preferred by Mr. !time., of Birmingham, this modeled. Tess Wuxi:La.—We have atl sorts of weather, about these days. Much seems disposed to blow ter and play the lion, ailong as pouibla. His diw solotiori, however, is nearly al bud, sad April moth her smiles arid team, will, we bust, berg ■ more agreeable .and helm, temperature. rattrawa—We an `l•d. to see tbettnsay Grout dwelling* and mores are being petaled. Thu Ls a decided tmpencemeat upon the nen:welly dull yet loan row. of brick and mortal,. which exittound 00. Our city, as are all know, Is naturally tome. what sombre, and any Wag which is calcelsted to ‘ mprore n, in this respect, should be hailed es • publto bleating. Tn. Sun Wistra.—We beg to call the attention of the proper anthorlties to the watched cosdinon of the aide walks on Third sweet, between Wood and Scolthileld. It is disgraceful to Win dimmer of the dry, that a prominent thoroughfare like this should be allowed to remain is it. readmit condi tion. Oor citizens ate Justly indignant at the total disregard which Is paid to their cordon, in rcipect to the side walks. Tan Unntruss.—This Among baud of engem are attracting crowded houses at Wilkins HA, by their admirable performance. Their negro bel• lads are admirably ealettlated to drive way the blue derils,or ay other disease. If you west to length, go and see them. Mumroua Dtasr mums . .—We yesterday re. mired Information that Mrs. S. D. Pryor (tbe well known hostess of the Pryor metro, on she Broglitr ville mad,) left her residence on Wednesday era nine, for this city, on some trifling erten& She got out of the omnibus itr Fourth street, and has not sloe. been heard flow. Her friends offer • reward of 3100. Mu. Pryor is about filly years of age. For some Ume put she has been melancholy, and kars are entertaised that she hu committed Weide. Tim gloom. or Corr.llorto--We =demand that the remotes of Capt. Nettoorbe died at Cie• drawl, yeaterdaj, will 'be boribtap on the Hi bernia No. 2. Issue:wt.—Two men wore brought boL3re the Mayor yesterday. charged with keeping 'soigne, tlon bouses. It seemed from the evidence that they have been using u procarenr—that they have young and beautiful girls into these beanie Is default of bail both were committed. A mrsu, Row, err, 0., Feb. le, INS. Mmes. J. Kidd & Crn—We wish to (Mona Yon. that we hare told all of your Worm Specific you lift with es. We with you to send es Some more as SOWS a; porsible, no a bar peen general eiftirfaetion bere. We bane many calls for it since we am net of the az. title. It boa sepereeded all orkei preparations in this calmly, and for this reason we wish to keep a supplY on hand. a & M. A.-P*I7EB93N. The above is one of the Madre& cif similar com munications which The proprietor. of ;his medicine ere daily receiving. Where I; has been introduced, it bay become the most popular remedy In in, Per sale by J. gIIDD & CO., No.oo, macro( Pounb a.; Wood 4 , , rillcbobo. mr9:1412m1..13 • Another Witness en the Stand: CHRONIC RHEMINTISM. Me. S. Al. Ifleat—Allove the to eapreas to you tor heunfoll thank, for the groat benefit I hare received from an article railed PETROLEUM. or Boca 0U... of which you are the sole proprietor. I had ortemiou to about Os Mt of January, in a violent attack of Rheumatism. whleh woe very painful, flying about from place to place, aecompamed with touch swelling, so as to keep tne 111 constant torture. I used the Pe- ImimmrseXtummilY , a few appbeatiorm of which re moved all pant, and every amorous of the disease. I an now entirely well, end . would take this occasion to recommend the Petroleum to all who may be suffer• log under the agonizing pains or Ithemnalism or kin. drod diseases. 'Signe...4 • Gutzon Mous, near Perry Moose, Pittsburgh. arSee general kilvannement In sander cello. leble PIILMEIV tjlloll Abb• i ii." - -trepared by .1. Kelly Wllliw .veep H . V., and for isle by A. Jay •e., No. Foutti. (area. Thu brill b., Cana a el 'alb of bseeraiie familierould pasucalbely lor sick FOOS, Bac.% i11101.. 7 •AZ improved Chocolate Timpani lion, being a combination of Cocoa nut: toncianttq In wigotiug and palatablm highly racommonibid panic a ra latly for invalids. Prepared by W. Einar, Dorehe Tai Maas., And for male by A. JAYLIES. itt Pehi Tat Store, N 0.70 Foam, at • whit Imprenramant• is Dentistry. DR. 0. 0. STEARNS, Wm of Boston, laprepared to mann lactate and Oct Biwa Tsar in whole and pans of sem, open Suakin oT Atmospheric Suenon Toomanns ens= to rya auttelaa, tit= the none la arposed. Otttut sad madame next deer to the May er% otke,Fonnh Welt, PillsbUih• RIM ro—J.B. WRlAden. F. 11. Eaton. Jan . DR. D. HUNT. Dnuist.Canner groan) and DecanY, 6c.•0117 ANPIEIZ s le ketii ex reoll ;Mr otaa If C mn &Mar, plr sib by Imr2l) .1 jra--anniXMta-tilacTist P reed AM for Ws by pun) 7CIANRAD STEAM BOATS PITTSHIIVAII AND.A.OInsviLLZ .agi...alL •• STEAM PACKET LINE. ECOURAGED by the liberal patronage extended to all regular and well conducted Lines, the man atee( the following Lee steamers hoe e amnged them bite a LIDO between Pittabst){h and Loolimille. One of the boats will positively leave Pittsburgh on every /donnas, Wmtunicay, and PatuaT Enllarr at o'clock—fall or not fall. The first boat of the Line will awl oa Monday, Febroary tiSth. Steamer Geneses•—••• " Z. Taylor....i• •• • • Ilaniburg Farmer Palma= • P o fl ! o r e f ' r i t! " o Ps 72 0 It P aLT . F.N BERG E =SW= J. Illoefelitr. " Benedict. REGUI AR WEDNESDAY P•CHET CINCIENATIr apltin WlT.a.ux J. KOllll7l. *sip This splendid boat ins built by the owners of the reamer l sue Newton, end others, for the Clive Lined end •Ittsborgh Packet - trade, and will lean:every Wednesday, for Cincinnati, In place or the New PaglatiO, No. Yoe freight or peony. apply on bondman , ' mra .0 D lIILTF.NBERGIF" AND WHEELING ?ACM. The plenthd hut naming Income, aptsLOUIS afcLANK W. P. cm.% mow, (having undergo= • as nib repwrj will me hereafter as • macho. packet between Plttallorgh and Wheeling,' laaaLug Pittabstrib every hionflaY, Wednetday and Priday recominga at 9 &doer , POT frewht cr passage apply on board. , or to lane W. a. WHEELEIL aseoL AIOIIOIICIAMILA ROUTS. mmfia, .osely 13 Niles Stagings Pik' Breseitullle and Camberland w Deblows' and Philadelphia. Puts no Itshinroasi-si•—• • • • - -•110 D 3 • 931-IP. Morning boxt Leases the +shad, above tha bridge, daily, at SI prenisnly. Thu to Baltimore; 32 halm; time to Philadelphia, bows. The even* boat leer., daily, (ueept Sunday es eningiid st &close. Passengers b7 leaning on the esuing . bsiat, Vi i rses nig h th ... e mortallts in stages nest d _ . geg l o Th y ' ntt . ht....ohe. puss, Geisha . ..Au prole'. 0rt14.17 I. hilaiill3lF.N, Agent BF:GI/LAE PACKET PIIR . M . ARIETPA AND ZANESVILLE. _ lila'4l7l; spiendida t eam s, Cog, waiter, will t Por t s , p 0,0 wad all totersoadlate ad Bat. ard ay, Ilse 3O inn, at 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight or passage, apply oo heart:or to miirk, W B WHEELER, AO FOR NEW ORLEANS. The splendid passennor amasser jet. EMPIRE STATE. Epoltraa • will leave for above day, 3tah isle, at 10 o'clock, For freight or rapr,et.titihsißEßCElL Aunt._. sa UEO B FOR NASHVILLE. The splen did LOYAL FIAN en NA, fanpeeecer packet Kinney, maser, will leave for • aboyo pad iniconediate pone thie day, •110 o'clock, A. M. For trench% or puma., ePeIY ort bona- • 1113=37123 . . m ai v+l reae foe reamer COLUMBIAN, G Th tleo,Marler l leave for Nub villa, and all Imermediato polo% on . Saturday Bast, the Bab i.. , - For frellat or psomr, apply on board or to • mrS - JU Aivi• 4 . FOR LOUISVILLE. Ttla splendid steamer HAMBURG, Capt. Ilinefelter will leave for above and all intermediate pone to morrow, Inareiale at 4 e1'e1 444 1 F. 41 Fogzitt.f i mg=7,llEE, A t FOR sT,LOMS. i • .. Mei= passenger meaner s at FAIRMOUNT, Ebberts, master, will leave fb r - tba aDote and all intermediate pore ea Tpssday, the Mb bast, sal° o'clock, A. M. r Par 4 - cilb; pad passage apply onboard, or to • ' ..as q B 1414TENBEEIGER. UNAVOIDAM ILE DEIPILIKER. Fcg staxrpvit.t.r. ni a lis i bb. s....... The splendidsteamer * JENNY 1.11"10. Galleabeo muter, mill leave for the vs and all intermediate pore an this day, ;be latt Ina , at IP o'clock, A. 2 , L For (relent or passage. apply on board. mr27 The eplendid steamer FORT PITT, • RAMbomou, rill leltve tor Ooya and all tuennediam particll this dlllr the ZVI insL, xllO COC/OLk t A- W. i For freight orlass_m j p . ly on board. _For PASSENGER PACKET FOR PRANK. The splendid fast ninnies messier REVEILLE, Rees, master, will leave for shake end all intermediate parrs dire May, the Via inst.,at 4 o'clock, P. 111. Far foeight et passage, apply on board. ntrii' MEOillart WhIISTILLE PACKET. . • 0,...... c The.pie.dia (.... mar.in; r...... IPARMEIT, Benedict,master, artli leave for the bore .4,a1l littertnedlate porthos Friday. the Mei Mareh.atiothleek, P. M. Fix freighter guano apply on beard. or te rort2 . (I lIIILTMBERGEIL pandas ---- --- -- --- air country RasldAnatie If ..-9 rrHA . ll.44anifigl brick Acura, wilA About ar "'" 4; .f.::::VAI'VZ;Iq„4‘ g . . y e . r . - 7: p 1 ,7 1 E! :g r, t , , ,.. 1. 1 Z . , cii.r ., l r A u the ae,npancy of t.:4.6r,v1,1.,-czAket. For PIIIIICAIAr. alll n efm " nr A pry " to "' t0r1.2.2wd WILLIAMS k. SHINN, Font above Smithfield sts. IHAVE fhb. day associated with me, in the Who'. nee Grocery, Commiarlors, and Forwarding total. ormsr uy Wfl Bona, R. N. and W. B. Waterman. no brainy. In Hiram mmilamed ander Um style of 4 B. Waterman A Vona, al um old Mood, No. 3t WI. ter .a E Front war. L. 8. WRTERLIAN. Einebargh, March lai, PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPER—PrIntinI piper of various sing &Vinyl au hand or made order. Manilla, dam and Tea Pagan Btra. and Wrapping Farrar, Cap and Pos. Wridng Paper, Par sale, wholesale and ratan by W P MARSH-ALI, one ES Wood et A. A. MASON t CO., IC. L. ANTIIChNy &CO. /2111=11.311 WNW 1050. WHOLNBALIC DRY 0001)51 A. A. MASON 4 CO., No. 60 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, WOULD resp_ectfally call the attention of City and Cow M entry erchutts to their eitensitto STOCK, eomprising 'probably the largest and mom varied as sortment of Foreign and Domestio Goods ever estib. Iced in this market. Footnoting the most maple faclll.. nee for theusnsamion of their boldness, and one of the partners being constantly in the eastern markets, thus presenting pyery qvanmea enjoyed by Eastern Moses. They believe that they bare elksrjy mtah tithed the foci, that they oder greater lndacationts to Merchants generally: in styles, qualluct, and PhpM than anyvastern market. The; Domestics, hoeing been.poreliased previous to the advance, eon be adorded at the low rites of last New Goods constantly arriving. Merchant. intending parChttaind COL Ost PeGjegile . ly solicited to elms= their misortoictlt. A. A. MASON A. 00. Flusbnnett, March ah, 183b.—{mrit.dtestwS - - - INFLAMMATORY RIRMOMATIEN. THE AMERICAN RHEUMATIC BALSAM!! ANEW remedy lately discovered la the Vegetable Ringslont—a sure and parlament cure for all Rheamaule Complaints, seal as Inenennatory, Chronic, Amite and Memorial Rhe Spinal Gnat, Lambagp, Mfections, deo. This medicine has lung been .ought for. It has been said that Rheumatism could net be awed: hot there la • remedy designed by notate (or theatre e: every di.- . .se e thes the human system Is subject to. At last a Te metly haa been found that cares Rheumatism of tips worst form—one of the most valuable vegetable pro• damsons of the earth-the greaten andl9C4t important discovery of the age, and a wonderful blessiug to the Inman family. It eaten without sickening or debilita dot, and mews strength and vigor to the whole eye tem. It has cured, dosing the pan three menthe, ever dD ease, that were considered incurable. Certificates of the curative properties of this medi cine eon be seenly calling on the t None genuine unless pail up with ap on:input Inkpl upon the outside wrapper, signed by the preening, S. TURNER, 130dairs, h. V. Sold by 11. RINSER, corner Third and Morita at. Pitiatturgh. Sold also by 0. F. THOMAS'S, No lOC Main at, Cineinnau, 0. febt-drewdmS - SIDDICAL AND SURGICAL OFFICE, No. 05, DIAMOND AIaLEY, dim few doors below Wood Mesa; to. wovdt, market. • • • DR. BROWN, knits( been • -- I regalarlyedoested to the medical A profession, and bemire.. some time ,t • . in general practice, now confines bb attention to the treatment of 'those ornate and delicateerns plaint. for which his opportunities aw:• • nod expertepca pectins/1Y quality • him. 14 years assidpopsly deyoted to catty & ucatment of thine complaints,(darlu( valeta • line he has had more practice and has eared ,tore pa. teats than can ever fall to the lot of any private prac titioner) amply qualifies him to oder assurances Of ay redv,pennanent, and aadatectory care to all aggoad with d e L e au dissuas, and all disease s arising thera• from • • • Dr. Drown would inform those etilleMd with private disease, which have became chrome by time or .g. granted by the tree of any of the common nostrums of the day, that their comphunm can be radically and than mighty oared; be homing given ids emend attention to the treatment of such eases, and succeeded inhandreds of instsneesin cueing parsons of inflammation of the neck of the bLudder,.d bindred.diacescs which often remit from those eases where omen kayo ttousigned them to hopetess despair. He panieularly Manes nob ms have been lour and unauccementily treated by othm to consult him, when every entiefaction will he given there, and their ea.. trusted in a eareful, th orough see thmiligent mariner, pointed out by i long esZptllttler, study, and investigation,which it is impeurible for there engaged in general practice of medicine to gleam one elmsof disuse. eoFi r ate r t n e i Nltint= " l:l l ll, m a7to s tll m Alr i Z: alar atm.. t o t oe disease. CANCERS also cured. Skin diseases; also l; Charaes very:low. ra.ll.—Pationte of either an living at a distance, by emthig their disease in wrting, giving n ityb.. 7 ., tome, e. obtain metheincs directions for use, by d r ,..eg T. DROWN, M. D., poet paid, end endow In fee OM. No. 61 Diamond alley, oppoeita tha Waitry House. Flannerrinc—Dr. Drown'. newly discovered TEM .!) for libeam.lluals a speedy and certain ratted, lot ualisfal tenable. It clever fails. peke and' Private Consulting Assam, No. IS at mond alley, Pittabargh, Pa. Tho Doctor Is slorsys at h orns. tr-rtto ems on ram. Qi;i;K==a= Trairoot tub - friends a^. day Lair .L outs .Iclr artablial 014ot in Pcittareeqlmor.: 4 du ranbaix• Wawa. Lavin removed Atli t 0 1 ,3 buun.s. td POW. y,ta Fir stals.l amets MEDICAL [Er Taw mirth or • =a Rams ts not more mew the 4„an a betd„, putrld breath, or dark, yellow dtheas sa meth. If pearl keys them it is thetr er . walault.— t t la: a u t . Jobrrilir pare buyetm.altri= It cures diseases of the Guns, spongy or Manned, and for the Teeth It le mequalled, reaming the thaw. fastening the teeth in-tha - gatut, and clam them sr whim no the now etas Amos North. Such, reader, are the properties of Jamey /lathe Tooth Paste, and, without praising 0 ourselves, Bert what one of oar most respectable and mientthe Dr • 11010, Mr. E. Field, of NeveYorb, says eI have both used and analised this beautiful and in palpable article, (Jones' ataltaiKaltal and can recommend it as possessing onUcsela . 4 (be i t p Reader, we eta say nom to convince, only that If ion try alle once goo will be well please 1. • ft ls pot up in beandful Mulish Ilblm Stu, for p citats. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, es Libe ty street. Pinsburab. aeurthekeT V" ALL cool. Mans are bouranty .name r the following an the Kemal qualities Ma h. bottle el Just Coal flair Remand,. If they dads ear word, they eannetthue highly rimpeemble Mamas who have triad W— AIL Gee. Beeketell Elm it, New Yook. Mn. Matilda Reuss, /dude av,lilmektga. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, all King at, New Volt.' Mr. nog. Jaelon, Nemours Island, near Pitfahmgh H. E Can, Into barber atemaboat 8. America. Lod more than a hundred othan stale, Month IMa mast sae., that It will fares tha hair to grow en Ma bud or face, atop It baling oC mungthea the et as, ume fi e tulltUv b . -, 1 . keep t ly dry, r baralt or greyy .riThair moist, so ft , Motu ' sad b!-;,:ei t:.7 1 6 , es Law', M, Tirts:Z . 3 ee 371, 1.0 IMAM, and ens dollar. V* A. & Opt, M1 1 001:110713. aoldor.O.Yilta t acid VT Wood .tracts, aim for tale, au favorabletricam 100 Ms Whiting; COO lOs Carb..AMMioda; 00 do 000 do. Assarmalda; MXI do Dye Woods; Me do' Cnada Tomo; 23 do Laomblask; 600 do Liquorice Eloo4 20 do Vea. Red; 300 do Iriah hlosm . • 8 do Camphor , 11 160 do .11Preelmoster 10 do Span. 110 do Calomel Amer.; 1 4 0 =T; 240 Po Bu i lt L. F g g m as; 8 do Cloves; 200 do Rhubarb Roo 3 do Cham. Flowers; 400 do Sans,. do; 14 cam Bet Borax; 060 do Condon do; 25 do Castile Soap; 221 do Sal Roe/mole; 15 do Pnnislan Bloc; sloo do fleldllis Miztore; 00 do Cale. Magnesia; sro do Paved Rhohorhe 13 do Chrome Mend Ote do do 2:;p. RIM; : Bu Am. . I ZAIII 12 2 lb. 80 . It . 6 ll ldq arl reams Sand Paper; 112:1 do do Map; 6mi 25 bassSaniu; 230 do 'do Af.Cayeroul go Defeo Book Cock; 200 do Salph. Zinc; 75 os Salph.kforphlo; 200 do Bar Tlo; lerki lbs Cue Aloes; 200 do Tamarinds; MO do 11-01101 , 1 Polish; 159 do Quick Killion 6 21° TorPlt Roo t; y 'eber 115° 15 J° 'go do Crear t e - Tartalt do o Ilia Potash; 61% , do Tartaric Acid; 60 do Blue; ILO do Urn 2/ do Orenville Lotion fbk-ktorloaT er ke harriloali .to On,. 1 , 131.1111,41.11 , C... , k. Ini meofiey sonny tad whine. 1W akln it the texture Lod honey of an Infont'a 860000, bus Ram am Sous, an Imo not only healed, bat eared by Its too, as at lout seven Dyer dans to New York know, who too ft In nook rases, and and it unfailing—as also in Pus= I=o= ii tne,:r . al i y . or i lie . uk . 2l pulled manual, as 0011 trial vedi prove. I weld 1112. morose nut 80 parsons eared of _ Sou Itosn,Bou Laos AND Son Ebeses..-1 on mad U. it, and the seeder Is again unwed I . mould not eroelly sell it for the above oasts I knelil: to be all slaw Those who tradable . Cuero, Cuckoo, oa Case so Plana, will in Ws ear tut ;44%1 1 1 We= ,?,t, 2 41 . .. bls lo Ito proportat rdia on stars. Roy ruder, the .400011 are doodad with Ise , stions, and be sue you ask for 501610313 Italian C l m i te. Soap. Sold by W JACKSON, t 39 et= gust ; rittsborgh ri AOADTION—Abant th e ONLY ORIGINAL AND GIiNUINE WISTAIDS BALI3AX OF WIMP CPsl , 4 ll l*l7.itclat 4 / GOXIMIGPTIOIII And the best ameba= known to man for Selma of every It. Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, Intinensa, Conetts, Colds, !Seeding of the Lenge, Shortness of &CILIA, Paltts and Weekne” In the Side Breast, to., and oil other donna of the . . . rDLMONAErOIOOI.IOII. A very Important disease over which thislitalaam ex• en. a yery powered indstence, is that of a EASED LIVER. In this e ompthint DlS It has andoebtedlyproved more adleesions than eny remedy hitherto employed, and la anemone instances when patients had soldered long and severe redefine from the disemsea without receiv ing the least berteAl from molt= remedies, end Idea klemusyhea been'othetted to In vent the Ma of tots Wirth has Termed the Weer tp a healthy aortal, and in Many Instances elected peeped of tares, after limy well known 1.1324iT had feled to peideee this cleared effect. Derides Its astonishing etheacy In the disease ammo mentioned, we also And It a vary effectual remedy In Asthma a complaint In which It has town extensively used wah deeded esteems, even fn cum of years , standing. With the theorem of intelligence has grown op • • knowledge of the elements of health. mid a se. gatd for them, and coinmenrosately with the strides of lemma hero sve ecisaired the means of inciting die. Lgee, end everting Ifs Rymer+ NtSwi th staathng the meths we haws made, matisneti slew th at even r w, one si g h of the whole population die madly P.o.9lRptino. Ono of the min *important disc-armies Oren age. in gebthithth SW 04.6 9f .8 1.- WISTAW BALSAM UP WILD MERRY. WWl...a Deism of Wild Cherry I. a Rae Umbel Medicine, composol chicly of Wild Chem Bark and the genuine Iceland Moos, (the latter imported camel. ly Mr this propose ' ) the rue =dieted virtues of !which are also combined by a MAW chemical proems, taith C:) , . 9rinct of Tar, thus =Adeline the whole eampeand the most cdthath arid clh.ohnine!e torned7 era &covered for • ' CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS. Still farther evidences of the remarkable torture properties of this inestimable prepanniern ECITILL.J.I.Z. Brown co., 0., Aug. et, 1801. Siena natistrove Parks Bentleesen, lams Mit :MI !g, far log T... that 1 had been the agent of se many plßa and other nostrums, which were ersekedop to be =mance livandetiul, bat which turned 0. lo the sal to be of no aver met whatever, ceeept la the mac steel:are. But I candidly - adult dud this rime I bane been deceived, Ihr ramsordirary awes effected by Meters Balsam have convinced no that "good can come out of Tlasereth." Your agent left me one dos ot bottles, which axe all gone—hang bees ilas means of eating eaves./ obstinate eases of Commotion— and no mistake; for what I me and know lam boand to believe. One case to paniettast Ayoug l i o gentle• man In Wiliam/Mr, Mesas enmity, IS es fa: Mi. place wra oared rif Consumption when ton bat given bids up, or at tom Meld dd nothing fes him, and it vs. the intention of hie Mende toesinvey him to your city, and place ben under the ears amass eminent physician Mere. But a friend told him of Moses Balsam, and that he could obtain it of cm. ye sent for it, and before the second battle wee gone he was sowed and Weil, and &Medleys hie noonday business. Al' Mere nee oevetal innattles for the it would be well to foobard an additional sepply intimt delay. Very to 71 Teach LAMBEBT ' NEWLAND. The 6or , s Bran la Nrarlaqd,Bau.,:thighly respect able SoPetry membrint, coMplemik lien iraohly dm candid attention of al them who have doubted the peat merit of Witter% Wild Clem 1ta151.11. Remember the mislead and only gamine Thrust!. Balsam of Wild Cherry, was in in the year IEO3, lad has been well tested in all complain for vehkh It Is recommended. For 17 year. it Lae proved more edleaeloue as a remedy for Coughs, Colds,lnlis cage, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Censereptiop in Its le elpleat stemo z .oll 3 epy . " NEW itr=4 - 17f. 10, IRA Mr. &W. Footle: !Laving seen may cerdieates published in relagou to DT. Wlatu's Baba= of Wild trite this opportunity of offering a word In Os fever, which yen are also at liberty to publish. A ley Months "Moe my wife'. bum bpoeme op much rtA ctb!tat die lest Nes Time, and alma lion calmed her frientinic i t? the al Ravin . ; haaho Tar Balsam strongly reeeennended by Dome who used 141 penetrated a bottle from your agent In this place. She took It awarding to direeti.A Lee it co wonder wended.' efeet. Before using one bottle ahe hod completely recovered bee color, the pains subsid- ed, and her health gm iron flatly reeetabiletted. - Team army, - HFNEIT 0. BRIGUTMAN. To Mem:rare son DZA/Allelg , ebrated and Infallible remedy forth° cote of Constunp ion, Asthma end User Complain; has by Its Own me tits, been ropily, mm and safely working its way through the appoeltion of attacks and counterfeiters, ROW, by Its true value and de excellence, alas gained for Itself most enviable popalartY, *stab batted itself in the out or en Well:gem and en lightened public, front ono cadet the continent to the other. The teetimony of thousands who/are been re bored and eared ay this valuable arable, will show that It stands urallalled—at the bead : of all other me dielnes, for the cernof diseases for which It tri teems. mended. The 110013300 Dr. Wirers Balms of Wild Cherry Is sow Tor sale he delY oprivlAtc?t and ' ini'n'sMUtgth,r3e.i.t6. , trel=Ettg P/Ilt. per Bottle Ste Wiles for AL Bold by J.B2PARK; (manger to Sandford & Perla Fourth end Walnut streets, Cmeinnatl, Oldor Gene. , ?ism 6:4 the Pee* . .1 4 e We", to 74Y1d 1111 trtyri n+t bed 4414 1 4*4; L. Wilcox, Jr Janus A. Ames; J. Riad & C 0,13. A. Fahnestock Coalusbzugh. L.. T. Russell, Wash ington; W. H. Lamberon, Frankllm• L. B. 110.11114 Delano:mg H. Welty. Greensburght Rounts,Somer set; Eloott & Gilmore, Bedford; Reed & Hunting- Om Alp , Om liallluyibqrs; 111144;:w I lie, le& i4la; .1: IC. Wn54,11440.1*; Beene 11..k -silly,A. Wilson & Bun, Waynesburgh; 111`Fetland Co, N. Callender, Meadville; Barton & Co, Prim J. MagofErk Mercer; James, Kelly & Co, Bader; EL Smith, Deaver; J. D. Bommeron, Warren; F.L.h.C.S.Jenes, 'Condempore P. Ctooker, Jr, Brownsville. _APi'd&TEf I WP laa iw pek.arooriiiic tor as SIGN OP THE PLANE AN!' SAW, we. TS Wood @tamed, Pitt burg 'krDKR AND LAWMAN, Imports. andc Were ill Foreign Vad Domestic RAMS. NAZIS:, In al to "wages, are now prepared to sell as low auJ on as reasonable tams as eut be porekualelftwhel. We solicit our (Wands, and the public gancrally, to call and eswitine oar stock, width Masts tit part of KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET and PEN KNhY SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Ttintoungs, sueb as Locks, Latches, Hinges and Perim, tonethu with every article usually kept In Hardwww Masa. We invite the attention of Ca evert and h. cc/outlet generally to our assortment of Tool, watch a tee twee actected with great ewe, and which we we te rad. ad to sell so sri? FirinLLWaction. ApSt:i. Seer LADIESARE CAUTIONP.WitGAIN - RM. SING COMMON PREPARED CHAIR. They are not aware bow fnghtfally Hanes. It la to the akin: how emcee, how tough, how se. 10. r, yellow, and no the skin as. palm afteCusing prepared chalk! De eded it fa hilarious, containing a large entortlty of toed I We have prepared a !minutia! vegetable ...alai _whimh we call JONES , SPANISH LILY %Vilna It is perfectly innocent, being',elided of ail dela en% oars quallueq and it impart. to the skin • natorni Leaf. 'thy, alabaster, clear, Suing wititai ail the .ow e arr. o 6 or toonetio Co the skin, maim it sob and l an , Ou .A. paid by thn,neent, Wit JACKSON, fia Lib any st,Pittsbantla Priv, RS cents. ang7nlJk .T 711 , r0s - arrallogrmay taw for rola.. rrinobrenton dot for rale a Wolter o chines Low, shams in the Second Ward, frantic on Ow vetted, on any twos. 'main of or ofJARROIH ROOIN SON NS,ONo Any n thspresols r allaw, .alr wvlTtOksinfl J. lIAILILIDON ATTOINET AT LAW, (11110 ESTATE% cowaserforrEt Deed taking Dap. IJ anions, Aelarrwiedgerata of Deeds, de. - ofile.-Teane areet. above gahletaid. e.raarT DEMI BaTIINO-15 Web No li NN IN d Ne; wan I i n ll .WsD y NIBCELLINEOI Pittsburgh Portable Beat Lima, MEM 1850•Maik PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, NEW TORE, BOSTON, Jar. Tennis Besearnerea S Tway k. °Toone; Shitsdelphla. t • / Pittsbargh. THE Cmial being now open, the propmeten of this long established Line are as usual at their old stands, receiving and forwarding Merchandise and Predate at law rate., and with the promputeaa, eer tarot), and safety, peculiar to their system and mode ' of transportation, where intermediate transhipment is alluded, with the remequeut delay. and probability of damage. Merchandise and Produce shipped east or westomd of Lading forwarded free of entro for commis sion, advancing, or storage. Having no interest di •reetiv or indirectly in stestrdomr, that or the owners is solely consulted when sbipping their goods. All e ommuuleationa to the following agents prompt ly attended to: THOMAS RORBRIDOE, No PM Market street Pbiladelptua. TA AFFE & O'CONNOR, Corner Penn and Wan. anent, Phtoburgb. ALM= John Methilloth & CA, OR North ot, Bath P. R. Burl & Co. 23 Doane ot, Roston, W. & A T. Tam= & Ct • BB Booth at, New York; James Wheelwright, Cowin TO TRAVELERS Pennsylvania Hall Reads end Canal. Tiro Bally Lines Baprou Pallet Boats, ESelpsively for Passengers ) POE PNILADELPMA AND 'SALVATORE, THE PACKETS atiaiMlOf this Lille will leave as follows, yin Lotnsiann T.Leech,istacter—Tanday sorting; Buckeye Stete•H. Trohy, ° Tuesday night; Keystone , State• Thompson, " Wednesday mot's; lowa. • --- A. Cralg, o Wednesday night; K , tnckY• —•• 4. 1 , . " Thmsday morning ; Indiana P.Beebey, Thursday niht; Omp.• • •.• • Creighton." Friday morning. A Packet vnll leave every naming and Evening throughout the pease.. Faas—Tan Dolan through. Tux—Sim, Hours. For passage apply to . 0 LE= I"'C'2.i&SliTC*llll:llline'' SP/lag Altli.aW litieM 1850. Inta PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE; Two Dail,/ Ling qf szvw Pada Beau, anal kali Riad Cars. np PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the Great Central Rail Howl and Pean'a Canal Tras—Stzty Hours. Pare—Ten Dave throaak. • Sae saes Rail Rand. ;f0 if* Caaal. THE PROPRIETORS bane built N addidoonl Line of superior new and comfortable Packets, to connect ite the new Central Rail Road. On the opening of oevigstlon, a packet will leave every mooning at six &clock, and every evening at mot o'clock; 27:0.10g the Portage Rail Road in doylight at Jacks - town take the splendid Con of the Central Cal Road, eIM miles to Philp pelphla • Ilaitsamnsiaber of passengets only Y ill be earsid do these paokets,so as to insure motors. 741. toots, for safety, speed, and comfort, is not scaling° by atm now in use to the Eastern Cities. For passage or Information apply te . W. HMCO, Ifonougehela Monte; Or to D. LERCH* CO., Catal Resin. N. It—Ott the Ist May next the ConWtil Rail Road will be open to Iluntingdp, wbolt will shorten the e *roost, woven/ beers. merle 1850.... , .. CIM=I=4M);II BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, FLIP AIIELINILS. BALTIMORE is rigve - rocs, B Pnywrioaaia 1N../ sod Ball &sad Boats and Oars of 11116 Line have been pot in rcomplete alder. and with the addition of several 1:11,11 01101 to the Line, enables us to CAM a large quantity of produce and goods. The enlistees* of the Lino is owned and controll ed by the Proprietors. • • HARRIS & LEECH, Pio 13 Satoh Third *4 4 1 14 Taoteo Watchcase, Doak 04 Philadelphia, Pay JOSEPH TAYLOR A SON, No 144 North !toward au Baltitooro, hid ; OFFICE. No 7 Weft New York; D LEECH tr. CO, Canal Raga, Penn at, rarl3 Pittaburali. THE Pr ENNSYLPILNIS CANAL IS OPEN. P1TT4 1 0 9 4 TAVISPOPTITIOB LIAR. Vse:Piatmaylvaatta Canals &Baal noted. raeratrrons, O'CONNOR, ATKINS & Co., Car_al Ruin, Likens' street, Parshorkitt ATKINP, O'CONNOR le Ce., 29 & CXI Market stralytt, Philadelpkla. C.trm, • OVS,a4_, gas 4Co 7p north skeet, Baltimore; Btaits.licts York: Eatthre aOstmo, II Anon street, Boston; lisatuaott GUT, M•Milit, Hsu. Co, Colombia street, Cmelromu; • E. Walla, Loutsyllie, _ I4Jou, Llamnu ft Co., 91.1.eata Ti S.&ppers Merchandan and roodsn to and inns talloddpika Bokurrora, N. lirrE,l Bates. Oar route being now to fine order, we are prepared to forward goods ma above at coy moo prow. We (WWI all freight/no deny charge haring gofieira for overlapped., and with the fo ll owing unettsive week of Beats feel confident ofgrring entire aulatudon to all begets* entreated to oat care. OUT buds are all gamins or ori r enee„ and on said *AMA kapioe Boats. . Captains Pennsylvania E Layton, ht. Loci% Cowden LaL Howard Ridley Slaty Deborah Rims Eau:Tame, ICayton ne.;,UblCorrsbanied by oar entire line Is condac bad alnYM!..Pri..iO 4,, Boca. Capum. Iron City, Hagan Maryland, blarlbel Cinemrtau, doubt+. Roth Met, Ctimemm Wm Ailunr, Penroad innisia B own Gen Been, OM Telegrephtin ISh Lelds Point Mill Goy M'Qoade BaltioleCtipperßiley Ohio Bello Kearney Hunter Binßlo Jolla Ann J.Litywn Telegraph No2Ditrit NO7III Wible •ir advantage to give u TB, ATKINS te laraon, Wcmade lAniinn, Alla'r Oarli Riley Celia nda Marking olicalkanchGosser America Pero' • hlermind hl'Colgrin The Fos Aaron til`Dorrell Lack Sharp Berry Shippers will find It O'CON =lO Canal Bari :ti2l BINGHAM'S TBANSPOBLATION LINE, tiftgailBso.s94a Votive.= Pittsburgh wad Bastard CIUm, Tbe Canal king mar open, we ere ready to Melee and forward promptlT, produce *ad tocreltonettre coat " ga. alictriist lowest raw, charged lry teapen able Produce ani mot - obsolete will be received and for warded east and rotli , rilltest• any choose for for. rs onling or odsoneislS eontesmion or arouse. Bills of 'adios forward and all directions faith folly attended to. Addreas or apply to. WliL BINGHAM, Canal Basin, too. Liberty and Wayne Ea, Pittsburgh. BINGHAht & DOCK, No 193, Mortal at, between Ith ARh, Phira. • JAS. WILSON, Ail, - No 194, North Howard w Baltimore. JAS. BINGLIA3I, Dale_No 10, West sleet. New York. GARRET WAREHOHSE, No IS, renurtls Street. WAPCLINTOCK Ismer eminently receiving his Spring Stook of CARPET OIL CLOTHS, Tringings, ao, earaprisinginprt the following, viz: t Ettre Sire ‘e Pile Curs, g English end AinerieanOns tr isels CRite Superfine lorriel 3E4 d &wane also, Superfine Ingrain CarpetsiExtra super pateniCheiull Extra firm _ _ SW.; RciPs:ri . so do do 1. Common, all wool, " cotton f fad f Tap Von Car. 44, f and f TwilPd Carp. 44,1,1 and 24 plain Car. Ustand Has Carps% 84 rnoted Cotton Carpets. Extra Extra WU Common do Chenille Dom MRS; Sheap Skin Adelaid • A.O. 134Z4, 6-4, Lc 34, 4.4 and 44, iumd I Maniac !Bd 7P. agr: " Co.! Tiwouna. mso, &Int - Mau:A piano cove " table " Earned Piaao " • Table • Printed woolen • Embound Stand Linen and erestind • Daman Star 14nen; Bine and Drab Cloths; Cnotson Plash: Coach COI Cloths; Dermal for Linings; Watered Itoreine. Torkey Red Munro Bordering; English Oil Cloth Table Coversi Brown Limon ermab cloths Woolen Bro.ss Bully. Hods; Barliollend toT Wl3hult.; TiOoparaill rmacii Veneti. Windt; Blintlris for Flag% 7-4 and 4.4 Table 'Linea; Haulm Crzh; Staub Dlaperii Wm , . Linen Napkin% , Oman , Oil Cloth Table Caren; - - • - Buic I=n ni E late mod Coeormts; . . . elleant and Bkelstandints: 34 and 4-4 Gram Oil Cloth fat Blinds; HanYeback Diaper; Sans Oro Cocoas from Use most approved Eng lish and tosusieus esiaosifeetaters Heat 12 te•2l feet la Vieth, which yid b shap e. to It rooms, halls, and vesigodea of any else el The andersigned having insperteak diesel from Eng land, bin Velvet Pile and ThPeafY CAEVETS• ,Theva Carpets, which are of She latest arid most • mum 1 41 0 b0 .' .0 4 1d P e ' ll '' ptice. so si d l.:V h a:they 1 c. be * prire= int in toy of the eastern cities. MAO, • Having_ the largest usartment of the riebest and most fashionable lIRUBSELS. IMPERIAL THREE PLY and INGRAIN CARPEL'S which ter earpasse• In attiallry and cheapens of priecomy assortment ever before brought to this city. He also invitee Steamboat Men and Coach Manutamurers to his large and well selected assorcesentotTßlMMlNGS,eadother anteing nceesrary In their business. The undersigned Is also *gent far Ike only Stair Rod u s enfacaory an Philadelpbaa, and Is prepared to .11 lower than can be purchased elsewhere in this city. male WH-TPCLEITOCIL ITOILTEDINI FOR LI 0 or 1.5. - 10011TANNIA - SPORTING PORTRAIT CLAM. J.) ea.., 0...ga Meet, Plymouth, England, The manger beg to acquaint their neaten: am oatrom that menest Distribunou of Permits ot Race normal win compiles Mom entered for the fonhcoming Grind leanest Dote Race. the !tomboy of mares to be bmited to lAA each elan. Pint elms member AIM second elms ditto 1.5. Early application for the Ott appropriated shares I. secesaary. A party anon' ing for mere than one sham has the eheoce of gaialna an equal number bonen. Those snembera wito doe the venous Pottrsits will be pm:anted with the fob lowing 1111=— Po ttralt of let clan bonsai 5i ditto Montt, or runt Horse Aro,ton ZIP Second Hone. •• • le,ooo Third horse ..... PAO 4,061 4,061 Divided amongst Stators— • • etueo • ;in-:Almon 0 , 000 , 01 . There are SOO bones, ' re.ll ems, that being the number of hems entered fsr to se a Dr_s_7l , Jai w i n be eatudected ON. tar Wh which characteri Me law M. ger miss, p om pe.pdinisa Sad pari sed lealere . of the remit - Intl be seta tes tabsent members inustedialely after we de cision, tha each sur anew positios Tda Salismilsrm registered and sena tome on re eipt of a rensinaeca Balsa( Peelmage,Dnifts,Naids Notes, aai isibirvised and made parable to the Mammas Dineen. • W JAllffi. & CO. One per cent. commission to to reduce on ahe preeeatallas olfberlases , , _: `Y- - Y dOIIBEB, LOTS, FARM& Igo THE second OM of !Note No ZS Wood emit. OP. pone the St. Chaslei HOW; entraneo of Weed st. Ergatte J DEBT. mode No $3 wood attest To Let, . • AA BRICK BUILDING, CV by 60 feet, th ree amiss high, with Engine, ale; Netted In ttlriltleges", istatedately tllow the Ferri. Eegeite at. Doi m•tio or. GuarlisoN, ritubsishlll2ll, F.? Rent, TE Dwelling ammo, et Pride ead,Bhdrili, blghth Wud, how .espied by myself. reeMee • woo given at may ma. Thus Is one of the suet pleasant residencies *bait the. city; lids surrounded by a fine yard end garillay is free (tom the smelly atmosphere of the dry beheer it, and Is only fifteen min InelEvraik from*. enure of tuirkes. : LIME'S W 1113C11/1 ASTORE ore Woad Meet., Oa* dear from Setined, at Mount Decanted hi George & Amami la ga're on the premises. aargbet FE SALE—The undersigned - Wren for Isla Ogg two story Frame Ham—three rooms Ind theirs erU6 • good cellar ander all—lot 20 feet frac; 00 feet deep, located. on &Waned° street, Alleghetry ail Tide made good to the pereluner. ee low. &pan* at No. 35 Wood street .10/Ef HFI T. math e'er Salim APaliid. on the Orno River. abort Y silo. Wow Wheeling, in Oble,.nialning2oosarcr. Mend rue river bottom. oboes MO acne =dart knee, goad dwelling beam barn, a line orehud; gird - odor boo procamenta This hum will be Willow s and la ems ad , the wort desirable on the the For ftrukor OardOl4. lees enquire eh WM H JOHNSTON, 11l and W. • arta t Beim Wearied. IarANTED—A two or three son Hoes% Add v dada parlors, 'Nitta 4 apotreseflbe eartar. I A good tenant cab be had by apply ard to Liberty it.. • • . LI be rented low to a good termatoodd yea inuordlatery. For tenor apply to • 'Oda WALTRR BRYANT. In• Melly oa To Lies TIIE Ilhernina Howe, Third , above Erithiold. sere- occupied by Bev. !dr. BakovroiL Also—For one or more years, some large Lou Ground, in the Nioth Ward, en and near the swor_. eniiabn, for Lauber Yirds. Enquire of JOHN ... DARLINGTON, or of D. DMILiffOTON.FoartI at. • • To Lay .... FROM Int of Arra mkt, tko WAREHOUSE !gal ....Pi•d by now" k, Boot, No 23 Wood t. b. quire of (tozll JOHN MT. Vor sal.,- - -- LAgog safe, Nub= Peal% Ceuta', Truk other usieles Decent. z tba W hoMW.flaw - eery business. latiaire at 55 Wood at. Pat lONN sEge. .• :roe 11,111c.E. TR'S andersigned otters for aalo the entlnitteekie Groceries of the late firm of TASSEY t 8111% - . - with the sore Snares and every thing writable* ar. conunedate the transaetion of • heavy baslneee,wirida has b-en built up by five years close Ithentitle, and !..,:ge canon. obtained, the geed will of ertdeb will be transferred to the purchaser. end pormarsima al Me tramboura given on the first tray of April Reeve,. Sooner if required. Tits tarok well tar reduced at fra: : cloned, and paymems wade easy for gear mar. good an oppertneity of an ertabliabed beldame Is eel. , dam offereo, sad bat for other engagements regaled" ;•' •'4 my *maiden, would not be given up. . Satisfactory information eon be obtained eadmpre • - Wren No.= Wood street Sena JOIIN : 11233:121 BE'lloue at promat occupied by King & bead, come of Diasumd and Diamond ANN %la t lIMi szeotd house from comer of Diamond la Weq For tem., apply to, , BOYLE BMW &WM= - THAT large and eon:atoll*. DWELLINO 1101718 1 Da Weems tenet rear Seventh, at mann war pled 'oe Mr. A.Vanittek. Pas.ession to greats ete the Let' Apt il. Lotto on thepractises , or or M. IL LOWRIE.; Wyne st,. te.h7G-ti tsar Umbra. VOR SALM. ALOT OP GROUND, 50 feet front = But LAC running kink to Rebecca sl, 1110 foot; at Out*/ House and Corrine House In good repair. ?btu pi. nerty In heautifolly situated on th. Bank of Wu All. bony river, and if eonsl.ered ono of tit* most desire le and plaisent ei gttinne lo the City of Allethally. Fot print and terrns apply 10 S. scanveir. JOAO No 110 Raceme • 111113 large three leery Trick Warehouse, re trate Woo Ferry street, nenaleor from Water la MU: wee,. itlMlnable tam. Yeaseasloa Warr Exeslre of feb.lOrf nosed"le To Lst. THAT bermitlfal sitoarlom for • !rival. AO bank of the Ohio rivet, la Um 13=1 1 1 6 i • Ittanebeeter. For term, apply to Irbil GEtr COCEIRAII, IS Weed et 127:C=1 VirEwill sell al •b. Faro, one of NATIIMSR'S nismar ACTING - STEAM lIABISIZA. sent ?derrick & Tonnes Improvement attacked. It Is hi Road order arid can be scan at oar worts.. It is ads 'nimbly a dapted to drawing iron, and atdog;lial blooms. For farther idot motion apply to ' (eta BINGP.R.HtItTafAkT lb 00. • V=el rr L II . E SECOND AND THIRD sToRIEsa W. house No 6 hinritet street, next door to &WM, & dlioNt GO= Store. Enquire of fabi - JOHNSTON & STOCXTO PI A Pima for Bal., • ' • ' CONTAINING IGO ACHES, about. la cleared, Mr:utak Washionort emmry, about. am =Ms from the Ohio hirer. Posremdmi lii7mtimmeMmoly. lamamize of feb7 Übe onset . ROSERT Dar.zzu. a co, C=l=2ll TETE sibeerlber wW mg or teat Itic ani . able O hio dene in Adepten) atry, rh. of en Lane Allegheny Avenel., meat of the Common. Tee hove to a larp doable brick budded, le complete order. lhankie ACM. rlsge Boum, dmble, and gad water on the groddb, whieh compnaetwo acres, well improved, every desenptien of Plult. Also—a spring= smoke home. Possession given dmn(the Math gf March. lehl•tf JOHN GERHART. UFORM TO ILENT-011 =load aory, weer 'IL Poulesciourenht%,. otto l ISAIAH CLEW& Fromm . Town TO azzirr-22 foitt Gun by 40 deep - ; No 107 Front Iouesslao Ova Ist JO7II. 1.49 ISAIAH DICKEY CO. To Lot, • '• • A desire:do Iteridanea, altarsd ea Oa Rpm Bank, Biro Ward, Allettbaay Qty. • ravdte , at tab =ea, or et-Mn. IffeAlwaps, *a Bat atttatf• F „ OR SALE, on very Mall mans —flity Ithisties of Grow!, clutzted on Penn, Wayneould Pat. OA, sod tho Davits. Way, teem:tin to • ran tollm,rom, at this ale% where moss sad madam milk iniSs known. NASA: Par nest, ROY the Ilya. day of Apt next—am storied BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, It altaausd oa the Ohio flavor, adjoining du baroogbof Manchester, with about war acres of fan& a ambit of Froth Frot%Toort oat largo buck Barn and Budd., sad other out .ass Apply to Janda JAMS 3 A. IIIITCMSONII 00. A MALL 01371 . 3.0 E 110U8A Ad. oa Faplasuas street Hanle.. Utak. - . 13319 : TASSEit d..833T 33 Ward Irylt*, Tome:LSI: A LOT OF ILOOND. - 041bie tor a Wok VIA. ..L1 and shamed neeribiesity Iles be Os elekeite Soho Ilsidelb will be remeilleeekiebb of Fein. 7 1 7 I. ED:W=O4 Tklrd ram; lasts Oglas One tbe PDS& Wks: For nit* AROOM the Bee.d. .tary'et 6s Waldman. N 0.26 Weod etreet. - • • tate I=l=l A THREE STORY BRIE- DVI,ELLING BOUM on Liberty wee., between Olfarashil Walstatittimm, nth Wud, .sat resew 0=.10:11 , V =burlier, Cauca tioll/I=tion th e Ist alma Ante a - mi. YOUNG. I LI • see Annie HE BASEMENT comer of the Dianna - tot - J. Union streets, well adapted to any subtle bumps. It has been ocearnea $3 a Cerroo, or Easing Establitti. dune, for IS 1111110 e? Of years. • 61,90-6030131 Meal and Artist% Items, smell lighted, with entrance from the Diamond, over She sterner the subscribers north west corner et tha DIM mend and &Saari sueet. At is to • • • Anti ALEXANDER at DAY.:. Oa Mr ft two Omaha) .!maid Bait Dwellintr Hams, with the groan& atlintsin t Oakaad. PoWshiha Jaw bet ale•a ea the Am at Awil heat Jszts • • HARDY. JON MX= . TBut rart of the Warclooss nowix4rol•oo myself; um fronting en Front street. . • • 0 H GRANT IllAsirid! A GOOD THREE STORY ERICK DWELLING.- DR. so 'Smithfield anon, four doom from Ilavenlty, wee. side. Inannt of • S. 'BOIIO4BIF, jon7.llllSeassa well fitted op for r Goals, onMatta et, between Mani .M Possunon given en the DA et April nitEL Aloo—Severel ROODS and OFFICES. Fosteellen given IS . P o t D. GARZA/AL &IS Wee over the P ktictiT.- - tbe vaastioUnit et tip wltlt occupied by Ofnogre. Holley, Bm.& di .9. on Water Goat, from ant of April amt.- novasJAMES A HUTCHISON &CO Ai, BALE —A Rest Rouse, (baroonTont built.) gad Lot, on Robinson moot, Allogtoon . or old Bridge. Peon low and tenon 0W.... • otho 104 BRR IRWRIL llO AsonoO Lunt SALD—PIve lots onendy mmateo an .....• .10 labluir torn of Ebnotmlbam- The lots ofo damp ted on Denman stress. numbered In F Banageill_ll3l 71470,N:4R and Ol—Lot No 73 treating 30 CamtantWfr r/ Ann stmt. 70 feet deep; the whet lose so rtatiOst east, by BO feet deep. Terrosreater part of IMP iiil main for nix yurs, segued yor t?Mi " Xl ie risrdgj ' 'alas, inqatin Or .., . 'WCI • =TM 110 g NTALUABLE REAL ESTATEONPRIMOVEREV V FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground &fume ea Plims otreet,betornen Hot rad Marbury otrratui the house and lot now ecenpxd by itlebard mead„ . Wring • front of LC feet, and to depth LSC NM:mall be told on Iltroroble terms. Title itnaiespS. quire of - C. O. LAKMIS, 4 1 / 1 1141MfilriaL ootal-elif • NV. R MURPHY J. U. Boaciiiteux T 1 1 •} N. 111 rt ,, and Martel Ms, Pittohntel, ADD on by the new Mbe • • mURPiii & BURCIIFIBLA . Whet torpeetfally 'Quit a academe= of the eat of the old cos.:men of the eatehlishetaot, and the eddies io vowel. A large and catefoßT. aaleataal Week a Gond. will al.oapa be kept on land. and farel7lh. duce¢tetif effend tq the way of low price& ••• • N. IL—W. A MURPHY wilt amanita the. Whale. wile bail..., benaolote, la the (13019/. Up alaill4 coulee* howl Youth at. ... i n. • 0. IfICAOSI94 ' /081 MARKa? and eA T . AZiorl ' ea/2, P1 4, 1 =4 7 , MIA Pansy Gorda Hasterk Tr , 91www,, T" ="g'et sad /Fancy V pW,oliosLOQ law Of nu, Lodn ThWiltatliiiirsoir rat uoartebeat r.e , :rr Toot , ..e, r blab. tiAp—ao tat Otataamai Itira colwr 0 Wl4 ..'- <- :: , 41 Y ,- -- ',.;.;-f-:;
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