THE; VITTSBIP4IO GAZETTE. trrsa.-:,,,r. PuIa..PEP) By WHITE ay. OD pITTbBUBOH PINLVTAIVCO: 4, nni ,cI:(O: t r,, t ,} Ll:rAnyarromms are earnestly requestee to nano in tint farm" before Gr. K., and ILO early in the der u ....-=4,mark.o4. Advertisements not /exerted for • •yeel - time will inunably be eharend nntli ordered oat. rrPsttiaounm. No Awmtleart.—Adverum • Wane and aubocriptions in the North American .d .I.lancd•Staica Gs ire, Philadelphia, received and for• I . wardedfrorethir olrite. • • itr Cracdrea t DAILI Gamarc.—Advertiremenis (teaabscri for ce paper, will be received and arded I offi. strnuCcixxxx.u.. LlllT.—Subscriptions Options fort valaabte pain; II roretrod and forward ed from this stem. - • • MitioollAtoreican.—Subrerleino••andadvartiae . 'neehee• for Otis pow received and forwarded free of shags frosa.iiinoMee• • M:CT nee FOR' LOCAL MATTERS 7tELEORAPH I C NEW , . ve. • -Nesting of the AnttaDlasosde and Whig feisty Committee of Correspondence. :.Tee Delegate. to tie Iwo County Convention, of tie Antl4llasonte and Whig party, all of whore too mem ; bona the Continiuee of Correepoodence, are request. •,' dip amet at the New Coon Come, CA Wednesday • the 10th of Aprll neat., fee the transartion of bovines ALES. lIILANDS, Chairman.. ;. Baum Tasurv."—The Post does not :Well that the Tulle.' DWI wee the remit of sr. ~. ..rengemeut made by the ediuhaistimion of Ur. with the Government of England. So fu • '••?•.• Dim this, that paper admits the chine, and delends .It.; . • t It wys,,epeeking edam Tariff.— itibe odious, UDilla, oppressive, antiEspubliv : scan restrictive ustein was abolished, by menson , - comust, both is Eeglend and the United States." Rein this, ye farmers, manufacturers, end tint men, who have Ind the price of your produos :Ain't and your wages reduced by this 4 Britill. Tariff," and many of you your business rained. t .,...Tb0 Pittsburgh Post does not deny that Mr. Polk • ' destroyed the Tariff of '42, under which you and -Lthe-eotourywereprospering, io putsusecerof an , _enengomeitt with our great rival sod competitor, --England, but admits it to have been done by a imination • esesent4 mad thee proceeds to defend it on the ground of Christian benevolence! as Gk. biaw— • "Nations am but families on a Large scan. All mankind are descended from the name common eneeitor._ All have brethren, and no one should - ""Ortpress eiwvang another. ° • MOW .excellent doctrine, but totally misapplied. . . • 'lt sounds very strange as coming from a paper applauded, and still defends the Mexican was, by the egency of which a weak republican • Xelglsbor woe hembimi at our feet, Led compelled — PRellgenish neeny one bat or her territory! "Na- Wits are bat ninilies,"—Mexico is then a pert of . the family, but the rummer brother treated her as '.4 stranger and alien, and the Post eings r,osannsel . r Pkit•that strong brother over the wafer, who is ibuodsntly able to manage his own affairs, muss "-be consulted, and a Tariff arranged to hls biting; ~.• •i nd the Post spolognev and sermonizes—call we, 'are brethren!" This. British Tariff," as it IS rightly named, elands es a sulking monument of the deception .....sad,hypocrisy of the In Peintsylv I..aki, That party, by its praises end leaden, created and maintained the impression during the iiii*eartvess, that Mr. Polk ants mend on the Tariff question—that he wee fe, be tier Tariff man ‘; than Mr. Clay, who avowed himself against the repeal of the Tariff of '42—that th ere was no den . 1, • t ires to Pennsylvania Interests from the election of ' Volk—and that the Tar itr of '42 would not be mphaled. No sooner, however, was Mr. Polk safe. in his gest than he beg an to falsify all these •• professions, and to enter into arrangements with " NOSS 'Britain to role cur Tariff. Poor, despised, elmated Pennsylvania, was whistled down the '''Whid,rittil the very Locofoco lenders and prestos • that had deceived the' people, turned a somenot, .and - instead of "Polk, Dallas, and the Tariff ot '421 — vieitext hear them singing [mans to the blessings of free trade, and the duties of universal benevo lence and brotherhood! • Tug Penney Timone& Cas.—The refusal r —the Senate to pass the " Fotred divor.x bUI" no doubt, prove exceedingly gratifying to moat or mitteadeta. The legislature of Pennsylvania has -.tendered itself somewhat nounious, and open to censure, for the easy facilities It has heretofore ' Beaded, to persons who desired to dissolve the ...l niarriege um, andithu became almosto by word ID ether States," that if you wild a divorce,: you' -, !Mina reside a twelvemonth in Petutsylvu;, Ma." Forrest, it seems, lima pain tired o 1 to:Aria Monied marl, or rather of his present wife, :.Ay desirous of getting rid of her, la the easiest „possible Manner: ti does cot appear. that nay thing aillectiog the lady's reputation has hcen chtiiged, or atlcast sustained, as this is the neuty. red inference to be drawn from the decision of the '.Senate, and we are glad to find that ourlegiabitive • body ate not disposed to sympathise with this gem ~tleinan's petition. • Nem all wo have read in reference to the subs we ace amazed to look upon Mn: onest - -as egteatly injured lady. Those who know her Vfat;lliieali,.of her in high lerMl, and ai . being a aceompliihed, end to every way lovely .women. ' There - ire - one or two other eases now pending - berme the Legislature, and we sincerely trust that they will share a Wadies fate with the Forrest crow Aptirt from our disbelief in the moral, or conatim• :141:1 1 1, right , ora tegiabitive assembly to diesels* the Mu !ilia vow, We look upon It as e business entirely out of their line, and every way Unworthy • :edam:we high purpcmes fur whiehtheswbodles were created. • The celcbrated tubular Iron Rail Road Bridge tams the Menai Straita, m England, hoe been fahked and tried and found folly proof agiiiast double the weight which will ever be required • upon IL Gann's Longo' Boos, for April, ie embellished eigroving.i end filth& with lu usual utuxititof pleagotit light reading. • ,CoL,We. C. Penman. Prceident of the Contra Ratiread-Compauy, arrived iu our oil , yesterday. PROM nsuannvaou. Carrespcadane• of the Pittsburgh ousels. ' - Flantrastron, March 23, 050. 'lln"thrt Rouse, to day, Mr. and Mr. Walk ' "eibtith *leaned petitions, numerously Signed —thrtnnfattuterr and hthincsa men of the city LI . Phjaburgh and - its Nit:deity, prayietinr the passage —ore'freerbanking law, booed on State The Couithineo oa &irks repotted a bill to es. Lend the charter of the Bank of Pittsburgh. "'Mr. Oxeye. from the Commiuee on the Judie!, ,eif,retithied the bill to incorporste so athociation toYetiblhh I.House of Refage in Western Penn . Tito bunitdder of the day wu occupied with the ftheassion of private bills, and the bill fur the rupithrilf the act of .'47,,in =thud to the threat of (cerise threes. It is thought that by virtue of Mr. SiOnthilit's dinner patty, on Saturday, this moat _infpmcaii bill will pass the lime. Ate fate in the relthathisitardsht, by erceseans certain.. I should not there should be Wend dnugh ftganc:dinditerristiboth houses to pus it through ..... tiV Win* Is44ethlin the Southern:vow in 1655. &talent te tdl what maj not be dine by men of t o the Peanaylva¢ta Lenislathre. hay-IluntloSp.of,thenn oonvinces tee that they se:_any _est et men in the ' Any &visitor from the insight pith of _-=d end principle, then; need not be • matt uof • ertader , —.tr the sedate M - .ptereoted • petits;:ct *: , Trod cittsene orminheny conch h In &ear of the ' • .4.pona** based upon Stile pleieritid - * peittierVf;a • M ' cUloeaa of -+' in ilthleneal of the 1130 0 ex. . : Mr. - amen him picot, a bill prescribing . - . manna of bolding the election; for ttlea'saitAn4ren4eivieotion of the amendment to il*74s4odigtT4-.73.!idtPir Inn elect= of • ijagaby eh people. The tell &signs:ea the te • nekt;ipi daY or the ge 'neestSelie ' . 3,11 Cf•;,Them:vlint'snetrotinnade tor "n tip the bill fur t eherdlierre Of Ed 'a Fonestiftoth Ceiba • *rdititit,es ii ro v i,ia - ii r obitoa !idle,. the a s 4t{ pins upanexs • fdl. It is xef .4oert ! ihedi. bill will pass the Senate.. -, ' • • ANll44ltlien called up the bill providing Laotian:lona Auditor il - Jsuerid, wed Surveyor . 141..rovie ends au elle and powerful , the =He add It would lead to plod_ glipentin norroprnma and buds th e Stop _ , . I had evevirriewu. am sorry that lonanet give You 'a full report of his eloquent and ftweibbs mute But it is, perhsps only unreaso, I 0 SRIs that he didtalljustice to himself, hie constituents. and the subject lie evidently startled • for of the leas hardened Lxofocos for the moment. A single crviicrie mill obliterate the favorable impure , sinus made upon than by this most excellent •od able speech. Mr. Barite Is not only the Cerberus of the Treasury, but he is the guardian of the true irsterelel of the people,every where, and under all circumstances. He does honor to the sterling t Whig conaltuency he has so long represented on the floor of the Senate. Mr. King moved an amendment In tha bill giving the •ppolatment to the Governer with the wanfirmationv of the Senate, whieh wu decisively voted down. Upon this vote Mr. Sing and Kr.. Frick moved a reconsideration, a motion which necessarily lies over one day ender the rule. It is generally thought that thin pus, and the Governor thus robbed of all the remain. log patronage he possesses. Thin In LOOOfOCO liberality, however,' and being in . perfect accor• dance With their past conduct, will excite no as tonishment whatever In the public mind. I am prepared new, for the remainder of thereadon, far the mast unscrupulous .Legialaticra that ever dbl. graced the Commonwealth. But it is hardly worth whde to anticipate—vwe &hall see what we shall COBDEN. nilt. wswurdws The following sre the remarks of Mr. Walter, delivered oo Thursday last, open the 'resolutions submitted by him several reeks :no, lastsuedeg Our Simmers and requesting our Bopresentu *lves in Congress to proems the passage of 'nett Measures As will Ind to foster and improve the sgricnitme of the country Mr. Walker said that the right to Mather oar Seeman in Congress, upon this or any other imb- Oct. he pthsamed would not be called in question; for he 'believed It was conceded on all sides, but especially , was aids doctrine of the Democratio potty, that they were as much bound to obey the will of the Legialature, as the members of that Hansa were to obey the will of their constirinsoth at home. Nor did he think It would be asked in that House, if it was expedient to pus the resolu tion raider consideration. He thought dote was merit enough in the resolution and the subject, to ammand the unanimous voice of that Home in its favor. When we take into ectudderation the perfection to which the science of Agriculture had attained at oh., countries, we would see the importance of devising some plan by which we could AM. marinate Information upon this important eubject. It with also important to gimlet* the efforts of the Ingenious inventor in his laudable enterprise of easing the Cabals of the truthandman. In order to perpetuate the fruitfulness which Providence had so lavishly bestowed on the soil of Pennsylvania, it woo necessary that every at. Imitate should be given to the science of Agricul ture. This was the only way to enrich the ex. hausted soil, promote the ease of the producing laborer, and add to the wealth and power of the c.ontry. Every caber branch of indnriry vim de. pendent upon the great interest of Agriculture for its existence. Thia simple branch of industry was the great fountain and source of all other prod's.. Lions. By the establishment ors National Board of Ag ricuhure' as contemplated. in the msolutions, cou• slating of men of learning, of science, and of mo dal knowledge, • system would be establithed by which every farmer in the -Pelted States could be made aapainted with the important and interests subject. to his preithmion,- . --from the plautlem of a stalk upon his native bills, to a full too 'ledge of the different ehakieteristim and goal. 'tic. of the collected seed. of • fruitful world. This great branch of our National industry had been too moth neglected by, the general gm cerement. While almost every thing eke bad ba endedg and fomeriag hand of government exo it, this great briefest bad been permit tedtotake care of itself—to &arab insane places, by the aid of individual eutemoise, but to languish and decline In others, for the want vilification. It was important tonic Pennsylvania farmer to know how the farmers of other States bad succeeded in adapting certain kinds of grain to their peculiar ear, and what effect a esetath temperature, 'or almatedas epos his sheep, and how It affects the quality codquazirity of their wool. The Midterm ofPennsylranie wished to become acquainted with all the anift friths of our country, in order that lie may introduce ,them into his own State; he is also desirous of- obtaining imago traits, that. he may try the effect of our soil and Anima upon t h eir different qualities. The hard• tiorthurie, of New York. is anxious that his State shall be the first in producing al goerergarden that shall rival in beauty those akin of the PAM. And every where throughout this fair domain, there Is • laudable thirst after farming knowledge, and farming statistic., which can Only be furnished all by the establishment of an Agricultural Bureau, which shill have knits object the advancement of amiadrine demand Swore reentry. This is subject so plain in itself, and I such importance to Penn Innis, that I need n t say to the differ ent members Maly heitthe . ,thar k appeals to them for lbar every vas. . THOM WASHINGTON. -- Correspondence Mita Pittabsugh Omene. Wevintemest, March 2t. Libels upon Homes. Clayton and Earth( —The Chaplain Clatits—salbri Coltman to. oovartng...Hr.tororard—NonatLti osa. A few days since, the Washington Minn, by may of sustaining & ehatacter for malignity and proclivity to slander, greedily snatched ups piece of scandal, and attempted to gills eonsequence by en editorial Rourish, imputing to the Secretary of the Interim improper conduct and motives in having allowed a very large amount of interest upon a revolutionary claim. The silegatictur thus adopted, by the paper referred . to, have excited some enquiry, and the regal' conclusively primes that Mr. Ewing could have had nothing whale,. er tn do with the case in gevraion. The facts appear to be these. . The amount of awed allowed lad paid is sta• led to bo $192,000. The claim on wide bit bad moored, was that of - Golphin *gnaw the Mate oftfteigii, and the General Government. Va rious accounts are given of its origin, some dui Mg it so far back as 1773, and others about 1191. The original claimant was a Scotch Tory settler in Georgia, a unit with the Indians within that &ate, or province. He made advancer to the Creek tribe, to tie amount of over fully thousand dollar. The debt was subsequently usnmed by Georgia, on the ennui by the Indians of a part of their tads. The United States eforwarde etude treaties with the Indians covering the same land,, and the confilinniClalms of the State and Generalgovnement were at length, as is user.. let, compromised, by a surrender calends on the pan of the State, and of morn pecuniary obliga tion on the part of the General Government. Golphin claim continued to be urged whin the Stole of Georgia sad the United Stales (or seven- ty years, until at length In Angus; 184 S, Conner passed an act imithoning and direetingthe See. rotary Mtn Treasury to settle with the heirs of Golphin, according to equity end good eminence. , Mr. Walker, the Secretary, and Mr. McCulloh, the Comptroller could not be prevailed upon to. allow the interest, bat on the 78th February, 1849,. the principal claimed was paid amounting to. 548,000. Al this time and far some ten years pre viously, Mr.Crawfoni, Secretary of War, had been Attorney end Agent for the Golphin estate. It 1.. awed that when Mr. Crawford went Into the Cato. loot, he appointed Judge Bryan of Georgia, te a ms Wr him lathe we. Alter • good deal of mediate action, Mr. Wkinleney, the new Comp troller, confirmed the decision of his predecessor against the allowance of interest. An appeal was taken to the Secretary of the Treasury, who rev fared it to the Attorney General. That °Seer Ms recently given an opthitm favorable to the Warm for Interest, upon which Mr. Meredith or dered It to be paid, and it was paid. Now the only quesuon of interest hem, la wheth er the government ought to pay interest upon claims, from the time of their origination until they are allowed. I have understood the rule to be Impenulve, and to have been long lad well es tablished,that the Government never pact inter .ostomeept where It was expressly stipulated for- Whether the Secretary of War retained any real. or beneficial Interest in . the claim thus allowed., doe. net appear, It Ia expected that the metier some ehape,be brought before the Hone to ataralw. It Ia also said that the &abject was din caned in Wino council yesterday, iorthat there are'amierens other claims dependUg open the same Important principle. Mr. Calhoun lino going to die, cad at length we have matter of fact accounts,' which, I pre mane, rosy bevelled upon, sin:mug dearly enough that the statenteats which have. represented him as in rumba perdoesand hopeless, ocmditimi were purnaventinti He basbeen, as it seems likely, preparing another speech, as a a eat et cowmen- . la!, to kW We, by width the Maine was dually repudiated. Bits author could n tterly modiste the sinks of that speech, it would, be of the high. oat advantage to his time. Hen.:-Waltar Forward arrived hate • Wiley, *moo an official visit, pier to his departure for the scene of his future dunes at Copenhagen. He wdlprobably depart for Ear opt in the next imam No better appoinmer a Guam of Mr. forward bas been made by this adminiatratkw. I Mara that the.nmalnations it Honorable Abbot Wabiter and Huu. H. M. Saminger t to be Minister to biyant, have seem tong op Or 'WPM& ed In the Senate, for more deliberate considers-. tion. lt seems to be expected that Mr. Burin. ger will be rejected, because his nomination woo not greed to by ammo of the leading Whip of biz State, Senator Mangum, of 24,C. being one of she pram:ants against it. Amos. Wastanioron, March 25, 1650. llegeieney 21111 psesedeelenportaut nal In the genstuelitossidaxtes of ctsti, New Maurits, and Taxes, 0031111131Atiolas ..11110112141M Treaty—The pest claim, all eishtv—Callgorass Gold. The bill for the supply of deficiencies in appro priations for the present heal year, passed the House to day, yeas 140, nays 44. The item of 214,500 moved by Mr. Hampton, for the pay ment of the services of the extra clerks is the de• parthnent of the Interior, paned, ayes 93, noes 83, majority ten. This, though not decisive, is a very algolfleut vote on the department itself Nearly all who opposed the payment of the clerks, seem. ed toy kodai their opposition upon their hosulity to Mr. Ewing, and the department presided'crver by him; so they had' their spite far their roarUd. Bbt you will notice ancithee important tact. The dis. unionist faction pee oit that they would defeat all appropdatiode, unless the North gave is on the slavery question. ell, the North has not given in, and this im t bill has passed, and yet the Union is not • • teed, either by the year or nap, or by simpler 4ution, as Was CalmAelt plan. There Is a good me coming, boys, when peace and good locling t. 'reign again. In Senate, Doughus, hairman et the territorial I committee, brought in wo very important hills. The first was • bill for he unconditional admix. won of California, the 0 or wan for the otasuira• lion of territonkl gayer. eats 40 Utah, tiho 1.1e. 1 1 sezet of the Mormons) and New Mexico. Tho boundary Ilse p •-d between the two loud.' tortes lithe natural e dividing the waters that low into the "great n," from the tauten. of I the Cot:wadi, of the West, and the Gil. I thick the superficial, of Utah will be about 100,000 square miles. The controversy Assn the heron dary between Texas and New Mexico is evaded, 'by simply p,oviding that the latter territory shall contein ell that may be log of our late acquisi tions from Mexico, not included in Caltforula and Utah. I think the extent is somewhat terser than 1 that of Ut.h. Then there is by way of supple. meat, a proposition to Texas, to cede to the U.S. l in consideration of -- millions, all her anima to territory North of latitude 34., which parallel I will be the Southern boundary of New Mean., I(Tc:es accedes to the proposroon. Of course Douglass proposes no Wilmot Proviso. The Senate had an executive session, to which I, James H. Clay, KM of Hon. Henry Clay, is stud to have tun confirmed charge to P adopt—and White, Postmaster of Philadelphia. The Nicarapa tree e was read, and the whole affair, including a 11..1 mass of correspondence, was referred to the committee on Fermin Reiss 1 1 tinna. It is said that the ..palliation of Major Lally, of Maine, a gallant width: of the Mexican war, wit received, as commissioner to run the boundary between Mexico and the U. S. The reports about the allowance of a very large l amount oflntereat, 9102,000, on an old revolotkiii ary claim, principal $48,000, in which the Seere. tary of war. Mr. Crawford, was interceded, is en plainer' to the perfect satisfaction of all who know any thing about the cue It appears that the Be. cretary l no otherwise interested, than that he was counsel and asstgnee of the estate of the de. ceased claimant, in behalf of the heirs. The al lowance of interest, I am told, is not normals', or against any rube. Ron. T. Butler Ring's report upon the gold of Callon*, ern read in the cabinet, on Saturday, and produced a sensation similar to that excited in the country, by the first wonderful accounts of the almost fabulous - wealth of that region. It will be Immediately eornmnnicated to Congress and from what I ben of it, 1 think it will produce a prodigious excitement on the public nose. For the Piusberg* Corso. I have been disposed to wonder why you end other editors havebeen not directing the attention of your readers in the county to the distmion memo& intended to effect a ¶der' of' the eldes and county, and the erection of the county, thus separated, Into an electoral and judicial dis trict. You areaware that a convention of dela. game Lately ifeac railed in the New Court Nouse, and laving reported progress, adjourned to meet same time In next month, and yet, you gentlemen. who are marled watchmen of the public Interest and security, have not sounded, as tar as I hrve reun, -- a eagle note of warning or alarm.— It is true, indeed, That the measure may not be ' fraught with consequences So appalling as the contemplated division ef the Union, but for aught I know, it may have resulted from • I spirit of a kindred characum. The only plea for I , the meassre which I have heard seriously put forth by Its advocates, is the allegation that your cities dent bear their due proportion of the ;pecuniary biudens; end OM, Ks Editor, Is I believe, one of the atandipg themes of complaint, by the South against thi Northern portion of our great confed eracy. lam free to cookie, Mr. Editor, that I was at Ant firm Oenalestably with the idea of the scheme, so being of vast importance to the inter. en"f "fi,inn in the =until. and although rather to my own shame, I must confess (knowing that you wont tell who I am) that I am &tided now that my Pleasure in its tiontempluion was not ma entirely unmingled with selfish views as aught to be deased by all who wish to enjoy this pleasure of having • good conscience. A new electoral distrlet,tbounta 4 that'. the very thing—there will be n whole new additional wit of county Grace's, and surely my Man for • place in which lean do more to promote the public lemma will be greatly ! increased. Befog neither architect nor mechanic, the thought of making profit out of the erection of! the public buildings,(a Meg which sonutories bap. pens) did - not occurto me, lint under the infineace, I fear ofthessame Insidious principlev, I dwelt most &mots:may, for tlime,outheir localiry,akind pro. videnee hat given us a homestead in the vicinity ol I the 'Waged Penyvville,ln Ross township, and I struck me with all the force of /miry (at least) that there must Inevitably be erected the new mart house and tall, with all the: concomitant appends, ges. Why, thought 4 where on the aurae of the whole . eounty,cen be found a location no delight fully desirable, for either public or private edifices, so high as to furnish the most commanding view of the a&romiding country. So perfectly level as to forbid-the apprehension that any future grading could ever roar our foundations. So far from your cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny as to dis pel the kw that the adudnietrahon of justice More could be In any way lojurionaly ,retied by their ietlnenihes, and withal accessible as It will Ines. tably be, In the course of a few months, by the ye. ry best road any where to he bond, and I .1i be. fleas la saying, Mr. Editor, that if the &sunk= measure be consummated, the claims of that very respectable village will be earnestly pressed by many In vulous quarters of the new county. t . I.= yet, however, rather a "fence man" in re. gird to the whole measure, and Intend to give - It more serious consideration, and toyto see which way the wind of political favour sets, before I 'de fine my position," arid will perhaps give you, at another time, the result (deny deliberations. Meals ticiiii,laubscrito myself. as beta, rather a friend Maori. to Ross township, March 24., IKO THE !MESTER w i th Thu trill inennuos in iiitarest with eseh day, and the eleitoMnt lo Boston has reached • high pitch. The testimony ofLltsleflald,which we pee yesterday, themeig clear, sad does not sp. pear to be lead Oaken. by the cross esemln- Reza. We do not think mammy to give the report of the cross elamivation,a, them Is nothing new us it, la regard to the clump of bia expect. log m Mehra the reward °geed for the recovery of Dr. Parkman's body, he saps in reply to an Lea terrogatimy made by Mr. Clightsh— "l =ever hare made say claim to any coward. I have said tins I never had made any &sins and =ever should. I say now that I never shall claim The menu:nay of Kra Littlefield does not ap• pear important, but goes to sustaut the evidence of the husband This concluded the , fdlb daft li e ' unit DAI. Berra, Muulay, Much 25. Thejuryenteredat Ere minutes before 9o'clock, sad Were h allowed by the Court Ultra minuus pact 9. Te names of the iery were called, and proceediniseommea 30th witness, Mn. Sarah Sewell, called by Ger. element and .swom—Am acqnslntsd with. and related m Mr. and Mrs. Linielield. km niece of Ur. awl' lbs. L. I visited Mr. and him L thel9th of November,l•l9, and Aga still the 27th. Beard of the disappearance of Dr. P. on Friday, fishorday, Monday. and Tuesday. On Friday a gentleman 'cum to the door betwixt' 4 and 5 o'clock-in the atternooa ; went to the door and let him In; it was Mi. Petty; I did not let him In at the hont door, the key awe% in and I didn't know where to find It, so I looked through the aide light of the door and saw a gentleman who asked for Mr. 1 replied to him that Mr. L. had laid down; but that if he would go round to the other door I would go and call Mr. L.; he went round, and I went down Main to call Mr. L., and whoa I got down there, I taw Mr. 1.. coming out of the bedroom in his atocking feet and passed into the kitchen, and Mr. L. went to the door. Grose examined—l knew that it was hetween 4 and 5 o'clock, P. a n dca it was after the lemma were over, nafier Mr. L. had laid down. I feat called these famit to mind about two weeks since. 1 waa al Medford, and Mr. and Mrs. L. were there; we were talking about it, and my father naked who went to the door, then I thought of these thing.. 31at whiten, Joseph W. Preston called—Am • ,rodent of medicine; mumaed the last enema of Prot W.'s lecturer; I saw Prof. W. on Friday. Nov. 23, 11349, after the lecteres were over; It was about 6 o'clock; saw Woo about 10 or 12 feet from Mr. Littlefield's carriage shed; he was goiog toward it; am not able to any whether he catered hatege or uot; am petly confident myself this w as on Friday eve s ing; I was coming tram the dissecting room. Cross examined—The eked was oaths opposite aide of the college into which the professors used to drive their carriages; the shed is called the east abed. I was to meet two young mediall students lon Ilanover street that Friday night, and told them couldn't meet them on any other night. I have thought of It several times; I thought It was a real malludile fact meeting Prof. W. that night at that time. k mentioned it as a remarkable tact to Mr. Richardson, a member of the bar in the cars. dolt remember whether it was before or after the dwappearance of Dr. P. 1 fix the hour from the fart Mat malty have my tea at half past six o'clock, mid was to have met the young atudents referred to at 7 o'clock. I came from the dissect• ing room at the time 1 101 l it. Duct examination resumed-1 thought the meeting Dr. W. Friday night remarkable because I never saw him before at that time. This was the second' course of lectures 1 had attended. 32d anmess,William Calhoun, called - drive a team for Mr. Falter. Am acquainted with Littlefield. Live at the corner of Fruit and Grove eternal was with Mr. Littlefield talking on the, Sooday after the disuppearanos of Dr. Parkm., and sew Protestor Webster in N. Grove street opposite the College. He comedown Fruit street.' I think It was about four o'clock. Ii was clear enough to we; he (Webeter.) came up to L. and said to him. "Did you see Dr. Pasktnan last 1 week I" Mr. L. said he saw him on Friday, go- I lug toward the College. Professor Webster ask. std where he. Liulefield. was, when he sew Dr. I Pahl.. LittlefielP replied that he was stand.l Mg at the front door of the College, bat did not see ' Dr. Parkway wben he went to the College, bad gone and laid down on a settee at a distance I lime d tbe on iNoFri r. ay Professor Webatar asked what afternoon Littlefield had seen Dr. Parkms rominfi toward the College—Little. field replied about half past one o'clock, P. M. Prof. W . raid, "that i athe very time I paid dos $483, to discharge a mortgage;" that the "Dr. grab bed the money and ran off as fast as he could," and as he was going, Pro. W. said to him, "now go to Cambridge and discharge the mortgage." Didn't sec any thing remarkable in the appearance of Dr. W. at the time. Cross examination of this Winces was declined. - , 33d witness De Jno.B. Jackson, called—l am Professor of physiological anatomy, at Harvard College, in the oily of Cambridge. Mr. Littlefield had an interview withene on Friday, at the Col. ' lege. et onc o'clock. The introduction of this conversation was ob. I jested to by the defence, but was allowed to pro wed 6y the Beach, to test the relevancy of the eubject wetter of the convened= That he wad not go into the street without being told that Dr. P. was within the walls of the Medical College, and that he meant to dig to tho privy rank and examine it. I told him to go on and if he dlr. covered anything, to go to Dr. Bigelow fin:, and then come to me—enjoined With secrecy upon him, in rase he made no discovery, and pledged myself to the lame. When I csme home that evening,l found him (1..) at my place. Don't kat now whether he used anatomical subjects in his de partment or not. Cron examination of tole wit. oem declined by 'defence. . 34th minima, G. W. Tresholme, policeman—My heat was in the meet front of the sty last Novem ber, new the Medical College; never knew Little field, the jeeitor of the college; knew Pro&asor W ; saw Prof. W. on the Sunday afternoon after the dirappearaace of Dr. P.; I was standing talk ing with Llulefield when he cement.; he(W.) sod to me "what about the $2O bill;" I told him I didn't know any thing about it; he then told the story of ths Irishman *tiering thets2o pill to change for • toll of one cent. Here witness old he wee auw taken, and said that he was talkieg with Mr. Jas. IL Blake, late airy mu.. inatend of Littlefield. W. came op and spoke to Mr. Blake, and said that the first he had heard of the disappearance at Dr. P. I.* the evening before; be said he bad read an account of it us • over, Prof. W. mid that on the day of his (Dr. P. 's) disappearance' be bad paid him 114.93 rind some odd seam to din. choece nmortgege, and that he (W) had come to the nth to tell his (P.'s) friends; did not see Prof W. during the interview between that Sandy sad , the Saturday of his arrest; Mr. L. told me on Fri- I ear afternoon about 4 o'clock that he had told the &Seers that every place in the Matte had keen touched, except that, and he taut kr penetrate the walls sad see if there was anything there; he said be (L) had felt the walla of the laboutoth ve r y hot wmetinie back. I I I felt of the wall, did not feet say heat there I then. It was anther:Way ate:lconwhen the to Meal were discovered. The couressetion k place about the 510 or 520 bill offered by the Biel man to payment of toll. Prof. W. said that the I City Marshal had Kota° bill from the toll:Danj red had unt for him (W.) to identify ft. He (W.eald he couldn't identify it as one p aid by him to Dr. P. Prof. W. then went away. just afterward DUMMY'? OSMOSIS and said 1 ha should be through the wall lo an hour or so. In 1 about an boor afterward, Littlefield came up and said he had found Dr. P. in the vault, red that be was going foe Dr. Bigelow. He vent of, and I went isto Mr. Littlefield's house, Intending to go down the cellar to see the result of We diacovety. Mrs. L asked me if I was notafrald to go dune— told he no, and she then gave MO • IMI4 , and openedr the cellar door. I went down, mid, look. I lag Into the vault through the hole In the wall. raw I the parts of the body.deutfbed. Shortly, Marshal 1 Tithe', Dr. Bigelow, and the others came down. To d., Court—The remaine were taken cot of the vault. and laid on • board. They were left these 011 the party came down. . Direct—l Yea. left in Charge ado College until I Profaner Webster was brought down by the pawl q. He (Webster.) was brought down about II , o'clock at night. I was not at the door when be, Webster, came. Liulefield came ep stairs ad I told me that Professor Webster bed come. The I pow went to the laboratory.the door of which was hoed tn. We Went to the privy and asked the key of it was. Littlefield replied that Professor Weloter had it. Professor Webster eatd he bad not got it but that It was banging up. on the shelf. We took down the key be showed us and went to the under laboratory and triod it, but it would not fit the tock of the (privy. The door of the privy was then broken open.— Protestor Webster. appeared to be contused; while in the tower laboratory was , more agitated Mae when in the upper one. He ialled for water, and when It vas brought to him, he snapped and bit attlmse who offered It. Officers Adams, Hibe, and myself leMlibea et the cell all eight. I te• wanted there tall Sunday alternotn—was relieved from duty only a low minutes are time. Dialog Interview I was am under orde to keep a strict I watch upon Mr. Littlefield or an rs y one else at the I ume. The place was pthweil y . and securely guarded. 'The remains were put In a box, nailed 'op and placed In the privy. An inquiry vu made for the hatchet belooging to the laboratory. I Profesur Webster replied, down the sink. I think Mr. Littlefield succeeded , in finding the hatchet. Cross Examined—Prof. W. eccomed me on Friday afternoon saying "whet about the $2O bilk s ' He raid something about the eny Myths' at l] Cambridge, in coneetion with pas bill. I was I sew:tinted slightly with the Pthificasor at that, time. I iatir L. on Saturday, the cloy after the ' ' disappearance of Dr. P. He waitalklagartth Mr.l BI ey. He, Littlefield, said he bid not seen i Dr. . for 3or 4 day. To the Court—Mr. Littlefield Was talking with) Mr. Kingeley, an Saturday afternOon, the 04 th of: November, and I understood Min (Littlefield) to say that he had not seen Dr.P. he 3 ore days. Attorney General—State ell you know about this conversation. . Wimen—ldttlefield afterward I corrected this statement to the city MarabaL Tkle was object ed to by the defence,' and riled fiat as thump& tent by the bench. ' .4 MOMENTS or TIM MAL. The Court mu crowded tbla morning at 'near. Ir hour. The jury took their sells a little before 9 o'clock, looking muck exhausted cad fatigued, after their long confinement. Tlur prisoner enter ell the dock about the same time, :looking as well awl turnal dace tha'oaramottoeMentat the WA. Re held • short coosallatiOtt with his counsel, and then resumed his wonted composure. Ssm SRUMDS AND RIMY o.avr--43eireral Shields, in • letter to the New York Clay Club, expressing his revel at not being' able to aloud the Clay Ball, on Friday evening last, eo lecdod of tne state of his health and official engagements. saw ' "It would afford me sincere pleasure to be able to unite with you In paying. a tribute of merited respect to one of the mat dlaingobbed 01 Svior statesmen whose transcendent Wats have been rfauployed . thie whole salon In balling for "The Onion—his whole eountry'sad country:" The Virginia Leinehome sdJOlngked MI Fri mi day evening Snot 315 ants and'etindry nion bons were passed. The bill condtsilag the rant of the Common Connell of Molnar* 01 0 1 right diva) throughtho town to the Oran° and Alexandria Marmot is a law. The Steamer Falcon kr, Naw Wm, on the 1512 t for CUM., with 31* pissOnllen• the fall :lumber she could accommodate. great wasubtus were rejected, but ke or fifty wipe ant board wbo had out secured heaths, of iwbolti*ould be pat chore. LIQUaI rn 'ham:i.e.—The CILIMI of the elan= Feld in Vermont, n deride the (pier non of licensing dollars to lied intositandni Wm' saes, slows e mejordy of 7,306 aipdast as gran• tiag of suck Llama , Olesmlogs tresafthe Pesaro lows, • ism= sr 'wrap= miaow. Tyr Grams trouldas7-47e Spanish Gooersirent and Ordw--Aypsnors order ow Prowl pars toot $21.1{616 asavessent. The steam ship Niagara, Captain %Me. art rived:at Boston at three o'clock an Saturday af ternoon, In fourteen day. from Liverpool. The advice, from London are of the 9th, and mom Faris of the Bth trot. The news are interesting to six points of view. lat. The state of the cotton market. 31 The Improvement in American lletalldel. 3d. The attitude of Bowe towards Eagland no the Greek question. 4th. The apparent reign of order in the Freoch BepabGa sth. The determmarion of the Spanish Govemment to prepare for any &wick upon Gobs; and 6th. The taped of the German waken. The acernints from the United State, in regard to the clinesl rude of affairs In Washington have not vet had soy effect on American securities in the London market. Indeed, according to the latest quotations, they were to demand at improved rate. There wis • report on the other side of the At. lantic, the Sir John Franklin hod been round. and convened with by some one who wrote to Eng• land from Kamantimka, via San Francisco and Panama; It was • cute deceptlon. ca On th e continent of Europe the subsidence of the popular movement bar been succeeded by n os . Ilona jealousies which tee to work more evil than the expressed de re of reforms. Bemis, is courting Franca in op tlon to England; and the Chu has written • plonago note for the pur pose of being shown expressive of his indignation at the conduct of the British Government in Greece. In the meantime the_ political bane ie kept open in Turkey and in Schleswig; Austria makes a new proposition respecting the Hungari an refugees, which the Sultan declines, and Pres. Ma take. her stand upon a point which ember ruses Denmark. The Effort Parliament is about to meet; and the federation ofGermany may show that the recent movement has not been without its effe. Austria exist* in the centre ore ne mies; and in the nature cif things Huogary is to achieve her independence. A new energy seems - to have been diffused suddenly throughout Ireland. All the popula tion am bury at work; and it is flags settled that the earn of Viceroy is to be gigged, • measure eueullal to the growth of better opinion in that country. It is repotted that Mr. Heald. buabaud of Lola Mantes, is now residing at the house of a medico gentleman at Westminster, and that he is safe.' leg from an abandon of mind, and raves Mont' his wife. I An importation of 'American smelted copper took I plea to the early prat of this month, of . great importance to the m int in t erests ot Great 130. I tain, being no less than hree hundred tons of cop. , per, the produce of the smelting works of the Uni ted States. It was taken to Swansea direct from , to Liverpool, and Is estimated as womb upward of 1 £20,000, or $1.00,000. With the copper panes of, Lake Superior, and the gold mines of Calilruia. America is likly to copper and gild the whole of I Europe. We learn that private letters received in Lon. don from Madrid, of the let instant, state that notenthstanding the assurance given by the goys iMtinent of the United Status, that it has no how tile views as remade the bland of Cabo, the Span ish government Intends to mend out a communion to the blind with instructions to have it fortleed In such a way as to secure it against attack any gender. Other letters, of the 2d, corn lion that at no period bar the Spanish government been more alarmed than at the present moment es 'peeing the island of Cuba. It appears tint de signs are imputed to some eitisens of the United Slates of taking pouredon by a coup if. main of that colony. To the existence of these team is anibeted the depothere of Cones Massed tO take the amomand of the Hasa., eceempanied by • brigadier end • colonel of engineers. The net is certain, say these letters, that It existed. • The new and powerful scene steam ship City of (Jingo+ Captain Hauge% late of the Great Western, isadvertised to leave Ghthrow on the 16th of April, for New York. The weakly trips of the Cursed steamers are to commence on the 6th of April, on which day the Hibereia will leave in LiverpooLThe Europa will be the last semi monthly Meaner. She eau to have left Liverpool en Saturday, the 234 in stant. Toe Europa, on her last trip to Lisen pool, made the passage hence in • little over elev en dap: The packet ship Albert Gallatin arrived at Lis, pool on the 27th nit., with two day. later news from America. . I Several verses were advertised in Liverpool for California. Among the number is the splinted, iron: steam yacht Tinter), of 200 tons beathen, and SO horse power. Price of patinae, fifq Pao - I coo to San Francisco. Speaking of California, , one of the English papers says:— "The wrathy member' of the Jewish fraternity I , appear to be embarking freely in the lucrative branch of trade In their favorite metal--gold— I opened oat ha them by the recent California die eoveries. Aanonpt the lest of conaignees in this mouy 01 gold from San Francnco, by a Ism sr, rival, the name Of arnbatitilld appears opposite • Warman of 10$13 3230,1300; and, seal the date of the ads - Rangier Nissan, 31,000,000 were mated as shoot to be forwarded home on English amount. we may predict, with Confidellee, Mat anozber considerable amonet of Me Same metal will dad its way to the agog tat of the same eminent capitalist. The trade is um good and safe to ea. cape the keen eye of has tribe. triatke all other stheinuf Import, there Ii always a market, with • axed pace sad an excellent etrucame fee this article. It can be picked op in Sac Francisco for from $l2 to *I6 an ounce, or at English money Gem £2 16r. to 43 Ba n kr ottnee;of standard fam ilia. whilst the of Engirded generouall opens bee coffers to receive ell . that is offered to her at .£3 17. 93 net. Tut trade, we repeal, ta, a good one Rar tbe: Lotbsehild tribe. It remains to be se e n whether h will pi ova an equally good one for the Bank. More Rewards for Ste John Praaakl l l. The following advertisement has been published by the English Adadralty r-- TarentrLasemaand Fronds reward will be given by Her Majesty's Government to any party or panices, of any orientry, who guilt render elßelent Wigan= hi the crews of the ffmcovery wraps un der the command of Sir John Fnakim. 1. To any pinny or parties who, in the judgment of the Board or Admiralty, shall discover and effectually relieve the crew. or Her Muth? s staps,"Erebus" and “Tenor," the sum of £20,000. Or, 2. To any party or mines who, In the judgment of the Board of Adrenal', shall discover and effectually relieve any of the crease( Her Majesty's ships, • Erebus" and "Tenor," or shall convey each intelligence a. shall lead to the relief of suet crews, or any of them, the sum of .£lO,OOO. ON 3. To any paste or pante* mho • in th e judgment of the Board of Ad. uoralty, shall, by virtue of gain their efforts, steal succeed to ascertaining their fate, 410,000. W. 1. B. HAMILTON. Secretary of the Admiralty., Much 7, 1660. Wendell Philips is out against Daniel Web• stet , * speech, in eight oolimas of the Boston LAP. auto?. The brig Augusta, ef New York city, of ISO tons, and about two years old,Ons been sold for the Franklin Exploring Expedition. The Hibernia Engine house oru to a Phila . dolphin by an incendiary on Bat arnay morning, and partly destroyed. - Ur. Calhoun was torn March 18. OE?. add was 75 years old on Monday last. Ravenna .I. N. Kat is preaching at Mobile, LOGAN, WILSON & CO., 129 WOOD STREET, ABOVE FWTU, IMPORTERS OP EARDWARE, CUTLERY, &e. mk the attendee of pawchasere to their FR IU lIPBIIIO STOOK, Which they think will compare favorably, both In anent mutekes:mem with that of any other house, either here or ill the Erman Cm.. febaltrakataYT YiAndel afternoon, MU Noose, wag! o Mr. Robert bloom, of Allegheny city. Her (meal will take place from the residence o her hstsbea, at the fawner of Laeock and Marge• masts, Allegheny, on Saturday, the 30th lost, at 9 o , clock, P. M. OUND—A valuable COLD WATCH. in PM town- Eship; near the twe mile no, en the Monongahela T. Any person having lost ths wraith, will pleas. come rotward, prove property, pay for advertisement. and he en get the ante anrtn. Any Information re nutting the above, rt4ll be received by W. GllMore, Woad street, neat Liberty. • R. PALMER, wag-M. Pin tomnsittp. E. C. TUCKE.II.IIA.PI will please all for his bar • at. of wins, 37 in number,pay elmrsos , and tato dors au/ay. CEO. U. MILTEN D 611.0 ER, . man c • B 7 Front went British Psi Wilma LI nEFICE of the London, Edinburgh, Westminster, k.k and North litldsh Quarterly flemsers, and Bleak woods hisseslee, fiesch, or IBC when taken Regatta er—assd flame Jourtal, t o lesr—hs• been remov ed from 03 Weed street, to MI Fourth street, • re doom east of Wood. JAMES 1) LOCKWOOD, urn Bookseller sad Importer, 104 Fourth st B AN K STOCK FOR WALE. WyOTIOE LB hereby given that, compliance with IN the requiettlons of An Act of Amiably, !Reproved the flatt day of March, lOC, there will be olfered, at "bletirUltl/11raina NEW STOOK , Of the Monong aloha Bank of Brownsville, Wathusdar, PM day ef gtso. On Bale tocommence et Bti o'clock, A Al. By order of Me Board of Directors, D. B. KNOX, Cashier. Drogmnllle. Marsh 23 , lea ma> •. To Lot; THE biAIeSION ROUSE, and part of the Oraands .1. known as Rosedale, en the bank of the Ohio Hs. :f fl anehesses, will hahateatad low, as a private re thelsl. This situation Ls ens °Ma lied healthful on the Ohio river, and the Onmads aro ornamented with tthrebbery, Grape Vloes, and Flowers, land planted wuk the choicest Enslt Tomo. Forams appLy OEO. COCHRAN, 111 Wood at . lasellaa wt Amorleas Beata. sumo, a rot dal ea oll :io ' lli l aV, ' Xife 63,3roodant has for PO— • e London Ainastatoaral ldsgsalna, 6 vot, Wood's Troths on Ran Roads, 1 . 0.-3parrs LLD and Wan of Washington, It solo, evo.,—Spark , a Lite ant 11/01w of Franklin, 10 yob, royal ea 0.--- Rigour of RodaA khcsuial edition, 4 Yob, royal Sao. --ShatsploassTh Mamma edition: 3 vol, road Bro. JAMES D. LOCWOOD, 101 Fav3th at TOBACCO -40 cedar boxes Harrows' 2% 13 bozos Halt. Nor, Jarper; 25 'do Pemberton", 35.:, 10 de 12116.11 k Robinson's se; do livery 3 v; do HardOls, 21..12 - 10 do Henry ta James' IC 3 do WarrotelCe le: for rale by CH G 9 ANT, 91 Water at of UFFULDIi 11.6aS—Lacrr c asks thlkeelebra %" °" l6.l 't °° 'WALLINGFOR W D ic en, Di ater st li:rftrllolL-10111) —l;t—s-sla WALyNG_FILItpLa.CO 0 :1 -0 ...k. f . o 41,1711 ----_______ TOBACCO -10 bolts %molls tr,Roblnson,4 s's; 5 cuss Barrows' I pounds; lost meld n'AL.°Llllin2?):-1!--- C II OR ViT BAtXIN-21,1(X) lbs ustcl, rea'd per steamer Cubier, and for sale by mri9 _ ___l!l l E7 . r , 5UL711.L..._-------'WB''' CO AHD-80 kegs No 4 80 PUS r" P teamer , Cashie j r, .10. by Cava] BLAWEIEWS &CO D HINTING PAPER—ZOO reams 24.136,44X3 8 . 2 !. 2, and other alzes, Io storaa;t i.. V s o i g mrx„ , corner Perix". YPE—A complete set of Type, suitable far all' kinds of Job `York. which has never bees , lased, Tor safe at a bargain, by fIEIiTiOLDS R 8118 E d rE71.1 1 1?.D 3 & SIIHE T U . 6I-20 lo store .e pia IRON-100 tons Raymittors FdMS.; lOD do Mahon do; IVO do Block Fox do; for s ;LLB 41 tras9 d t R FLOYD, Round ctrurela Y SEW—For sale by & R Fl.Ol DOTA 911-20 eaabs pare, in store and tor sale bY J R FLOYD torTSI WOOL -3 bales on eonaignment, for sal FLOYD e by tnr2l7 7 ie. R 11111108ANCE. THE DELAWARE hIUTIJ AL SAFETY INSU RANCE COMPANY —Office North Roomer the Evehs age, Third street,. Philadelphia. Fan fuseasones —Headings, Merchandise wand other PmrrtY, in Town and Country, insured against loss or &maga by fire, at the lowest rate of premium. Mallet leselett.Cl.—.They Ciminero Vessels, Car goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or special policies,. the enured may desire. Warm Tatutsvorrimmon —,They also insure 'nerd, andise tranaported byWagans, flail Road Cam, Canal Boats and Steam Boats, an riven and lakes, Co the most liberal tenor. DIRECTORS—Joseph IL Seal; Edmund A Roeder, John C Davis, Robert Barton. John R Prober, Seem. el Edwards, Urn 0 Lelper, Edward Darlington, Isaac it)javia, Wm Falwell , Job-u Newlin, Dr R M Horton, i.e 0 Hand, Theophilus Paulding, II Jones Broome, Haney Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Serrill, spencerSD r blellvain, Charles Kelly, J 0 Johnson, W S Thema., John Sellers. Wm Eyes, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGII—D Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, PreoldeaL 111011.0 8. Nramota, Seery. 1U Ofacit of the Company, No. 42 Waterstreet, Pittaburgo. lian224) P. A. XXIDOUTORIP NOTICS. ETTEHS Testamentary have been panted by the Register, to the undersigned, Executors of the last will and testament of James aliskintudos, Into of Plum towealdp.deeld. These hotel calms against the Estate of said deed, will plane to present them, properly entbemiested, tor settlement; and those In debted will male payment to either of she JAYVI M. JOHNSTON, C. SNIVELY, Exemjtosn._ ADDIIBUSTEULTOII49 NOTION:. ' T ETTERS of Administration, with a will attuned, Ls Maytag been granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of Wm. Lambert, lam of the Eighth Ward, PittAagh,dac'd; all person Indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment; and those w them, huutng elaima Wiest the note, will please present ithout delay, for settlement. JOHN MORRIS, Adorn • Allegheny flits, blurb .29,1950.—fmn9.w1itS 5111615.1Y5'S SALE. All the right, tide, Interest and elates of Jae A Gray, of in end to all the several lots or parcels , of groud, hereinafter mentioned and described, to wit: Lots No tn, 30, 31, and Ji in Rlchaed Gray's plan of lets, in the city oi ler o r . recordel In the lieeordetr'saffthebof et reiti o l it'll' pa n book s str;: .oh said city, SS feet and 7 lichee. and extendrag back, p r o-teine the same width. 140 feet to Gray's alley. and a n being without betiding. or improreenento Aratt, an that other lot or piece of ground, situate ins mad city of Allegheny, arid 'nambered 33 in Grafi. plan afores•id; and bounded and described es follo to ant :—llegiuning on Anderson street aforesrad, enthe cower of gold lot No 32, thence by the said street 23 ft 7 IN to the Berm Bank of the Penne Canal, thence by the stone 140 feet to the alley aforesaid; mesas by the same 32 feet auinches to the to of the said lot No 3t. sod t he byehe tame 140 feet to the pl•ce of begtuing—the said lot No MI being mahout impeoye- mum. Also, all those fear cautious tensor pieces of ground, situate al the corner of .Last Common A Lib erty street, In the said city or Allegheny, being cub tn front on the raid Common y 3 feet, and extending' back, preserving the same w ra th, 133 feet to al2 feet alley, and having melt thereon erected, a two stn brick I , dwelling heath, with the apputterthnees Aloe, ad l that other lot or piece of grhand, situate in the said 01. ty of Allegheny, at the cornet of East' Common and Avery rt, and adng the lota last aforesaid, being in front on said Common, 63 (band 6 in, and extendieg back slang tee grad laat mentioned street, preurving Me aura width 133 ket to the in feet Alley aforesaid, and berth; the n erected • two story brick dwelling house, with the epperteaucee. Also, ail that other rat. or piece of proud, eiteath in the saidCtrref Alleghe ey, aud bounded and described as followe, to wit:—/le grandia at the interment:mot the said 12 feet envy and L S akbertr street aforesaid, theoce be the stud street the to the lion of Wm us Rogers' lot; thenee by the same and at right to with Liberty street aforesaid, 157 ft and 6 inches to Avery eareet,thence by the tame and parallel with Liberty, st let lent to the 12 ket alley Fist and thence by the ume and parallel with Eest Common 157 feet 0 inches to Liberty street as the place of beginnrag, and haying thereon erected a two, story frame boast. end Uwe mewl/rick house. lately used and occupied sea Conran theory. Also:..11 teal other lot or place of ground, strode in the sth ward of the city of Piraborgh, being the westwardly half:pan of lot numbered 40. in Geo rse A Usyera's plan of lots, [weeded by Pike sr, by lot , Ne 39, lot No 'co. end the other half part of lot No Ilbeleg ut. fronton Pike st2s feet, end extendine back-of the same wiraltlGO ft, sod baring thereon erected nitro story beret dwelling bout the apportenue a, Also, ell their ether lot or elite of grazed Wreath In the said city of Alieghe , oy, and bounded and described as follows ,—Elegmc tug on the East Common, at the soeth east corner of lon Not In the plan of the said elm:thence routaratd: ly by the line of said lot No 23, 115 feet to • ten met thence by the same and parallel with - the said I Common, soadmardly 30 feet to the centre of. lot No 27, ru the plan-of said city; awl thence outwardly by the centre of nut let stn, to the said Common. end thence northwardly 3o feet'lto the place of beginning; and having th3teen erected a two story briekdorellieg house, with the eppurthetancu. Also, all that othee l ote o of guard, shuns In the said eim of Alkgbeny, bon of described as fellows Ilegineme on the east side of amnesty street, at the wro th wemern earner of said lot No 29, to the. Plan of said city, thence by Sondealty street soutlitenrdly, to the eentre of told lot No 271 31/ feet. thence at rlsbtongles with mild street 115 11 ea st. manly to the ten feet stierculd, thence by. atid alley mraltword'Y, 33 feet to tho lit. of said lot and thence westwardly by the same, Ili ft to Sendusky st, at the place of begs ben and haring thereon erected • two story brick dwelling house, with the emporia• n n the said two lost described lembeing the north. ern half part of lot No , a 7; in the said city of Allegheny, the Interest of Clot aGd Jos A Gray, in the aeverailets bereft:kw:ore desentied, being the ono equal andivided fourth pan thereof. Allman the rlght,line,lnterestand claim of the said Janina A Gray, of. in, and to all those twe low aground, sites,: In the city of Allegheny, lre• log lota Nos 163 101 in the orisinal plan nf said vim, and bounded and dureed es foloers,to wit r—llegto rung at the corner of rho East Common and :threw/Per. n alley, thenee northwardly along the east ummon 123 feet, to the line of lot No 102, theoce by the um o wmtwerall.2,lo feet to Nandesky strut, thence by the. same southwardly IVO feet to the alley afommtid, and thence outwardly by the game 1140 foot in the place of beginning; each of.tara lots fronting on asul Column end Sandasky street GO 11,11174 betty( in depth 1142 feet. Seined and taken in meted as the property of Jas A Gray, at the salt of Wm P Jones and Anton A Ban dy, surviving partners of the late firm of Atwood, Jones too; and to be mid by C. CURTl9,Sherift euOOrece. Much 29, 1692. - . BLAINS—I eau, choice Myles and colon Hafaga de Laing. lan cadre new ankle.) Also—Al amines, Ellibenn, Times. sod Barnes. re m ined and now opening at A A MASON A ‘lolg, tura ark. , / " d P'"ll‘ tl E Silts Ina Potion Also pea Mick Flgared and Plain do, sera high lustre; with a largo and well Wooed stook of Silk Goods, reed at A MASON k CO'S, saran ' Market G,Det'n Third and Fourth For But, A TWO STORY BRICK BWkILLINO, with a Eno basement story, eultable for Grocery. 'The house eubstarnially built, and Is 94 feet front by fro, deep, running bank to an alley. It Is now aces. pied by four (mules. Terms very reasonable, and payments made easy. tur24.lf Id.-WALLibIGFORD. • • ONff, . . NO. 9 STATE. STREET, BOSTON, Agree for Clams Elq and floorerry of Property see trand. A MINO 'pent nearly a year In the various Re. Elcord eSqes, National Library, he., daring his and, to tails:id, investigating chrism for persons In this pperary, and having severed efdeient end re. eponmble Aredts in London Led Manchester, he is prepared to &ford all necessary information and ad ice to persons who seek to recover their property M . thin connuT. keeps a list of the Bank for be Divend Booksocloch trlly be examined for be roots , or d (pr , sch letter of the Alphabet. References In Roston: O. B. F. ADAMS, Nowt/ JAMES WELD, EN HENRY K. MAY, • JOHN W. RIDGEWA',Esq. ToNtsadars sad Ms !ladles' Protasisleas TlNEtetweriber has lost received a large simply of Dr E. PRATT'S ARTIFICIAL NIPPLES. •Fley art wlthon egeepden, the only ante!, certain to af.. ford relief and cure sere or cracked Nipple.; and flout their particular coneurnetio livened will Nave levelers. tile when the Nipples ore or_iy, any mariner defective. Dr Prates Patent Breast Pump, a new invention erpresaly for the relief of Phinfel .11a Dreeat when dt.tendad with milk; they probe superiot to 711'7rIntu''Patent Malin( Bottle, which ts fast so petted ing—whou introlueed—all other kind.. Dr. Pran4 Copptng Apparent., thentott simple and the poste it snide muse for Copping. Poe sale, wholesale and retail, by wowt It E SELLERS, 57 Wood at trlue. Co• Partnership lurch:Kan , aiilting botwerk Jusa and BsCUSXIII ditalintrs, is this dsydissolvad by mumat coziest. The bustriess iats patinership setll be sealcd bp Junes OB ara. We JAMES O'HARA. DEM. SHURTUFF, fit b. Tlitch .19,1850.—inE2541& 14 ‘ •8 Co`ik. tor railife ,MS--ICO JP in consignor:War ,WINDOW 61..ASt--3001Obreo terlolderOktoark WY V Co's brand; OD do tyclirdo do; 50 do' Ifrol•I DO do 10D15,111.1012.415y1111,1s rum arid fbr uto Ly road • : DALZELL rIOIIN-Viiiiitle - folr to dote %,„/ , : [m23 JAMES DALZELL . Boonstet Bosmetat PEN AT MURPHY At BURCHFIELD'S, this Pat 1.2011%. Ffintl.ll.llllld, Yglsotfi.WhuAt , sad other styles FLOWERS Alp ClAre,tagresSrearleti;ei4orel. esedlagly e ery sows. , . • • Cawl,lolost ss W cents. L /MIPS' 11.411P 111 TUST remised and tot sale, at No 110 Fluid street, t/ • lamo and splendid assortment of Fluid Lard and Clampbeno Lam" width will be sold at the low est mum pectfall y riees foe cash. The Stlelllloo of dealess ls reop solicited. SOLOMON SCHOTEL DIUS.EMENTS ' .'4 m.wm H T R Ec.18.,r0- 1.33333 or 33.13.131301 C Pre•• Garde and Pannone•--- .... 60 emu., Srcond end Third Tier. 23 . 4 liellerthfor /Waged•,---a.t ~ • , utvnil rise at 1 Wel le. Doo:• open ! .. 1 . ! ...L ... . 0)% bat me of Mr. A- A. ADDAMS. - A. 011SIA.T BILL' Cia Friday, Marsh V, will be picsrp JIILIUB C.E3A.R. .... Addaaaa. .....Mr. R. Johnston. • —Mr. Taylor. • • •Mrs. Mack. Porter. Mums Alum Autony Car Juat.c...a•—• rorti. —• • Calphurum Ulu A. Voir& To conclude with CROWDED HOUSES wE:pSptuazday—Mr. ADDAMS aa Mr. O.IiVEBEI EiBURGH MUSEUMS APOLLO HII4.I.,—PCIIIIITII OPEN DAlLY—front 9 to 12 in the morning; 9to 6 an the afternoon; and from 7 to if/Valeta lo the c ad rerang. I:l7.ttuence 96 cent.; Children ander 12 ye halt pace. ret27 AT WILKINS•HALL, • (Low= Z 00.%) The Original and Otani" celebrated Washington Ellt•Tp010.11, CUTHORS OF THEIR OWN MUSIC:And who LI. tinge been pronounced, by all who ve heard loan, to be the isinT COXPANT IN THE U. liTaThS. Amer ` trollyeedented successful It.outhern Tour. respec announce that they will give a fear of their Chaste and inimitable Entertainments, at the above Itall,comateueleg On TUESDAY EVEN ING; March PS leso. ADMIOSIOPI, 10 crs. For particulars see bill' of the day: liaTO Warshonea, • Adjoining the' Pittsburgh Berth, on Third oot. ste re e to Witty Pe rpretftally melted to east isV my warehottere , where will be Mond large and Well selected stock of the most approved etyle of workmansidp, both modern and ancient, and calculated to pleaselhe. 'owe of all those who desire other elegardor sairstan tint Furniture. Havig determined to dispose of my present ,entire vett, n at very redoced pricer, I feel coolideol Was those who desire any article in my Ilse, will net fail of being suited. mr29.lf *pall. lisßostmes wad Now 800 AT HOLMES' LITHEARY DEPOT, Tam Dram, opposito the Post Office. GOWN'S Lady's Rook, for Aril; ' Graham's blagasine, do; ti.liteill'i, do do;. Ladles' National do do; Holdees Doll.. do . i Elsokwoon's blastulae, for Fibmary. •. • ! White Jacket. or Ws Wotld in a Idart.of,War. Her non Melville's new work.—Mabontet and-tlis Sac custom by Washington Irving; vol L—New En Wad Penkry Breeder; with twenty flea accurate ravings—Art Journal, forrobraary sad lidarch . - 6 Webster's end Calhotto's Ppeuties, to paroPhlet tol --David Copperbold; by Dtskerta•--The 130110 Fatally; a Coroedy.—Explusadoos and Minor, 1 the Rochester Knookings.— Cos Cagan or the Irish GE Blast by Lat,t.--.Bllllllld Cashel; 1 , 1 Lucy.-- History of Peodenehr; by Thackerey; o 4,....Di0' tionary of Meehanlett "...1011110 Work and Enspneer. hsg; part 6.—Duk &woos of ILIUM; DT 0. P. IL Janes, Fig.. ma/ Pennsylvania Rail Road. PROPOSALS will be received at Blairsville, bull. Ana “aurf, until the I , 2th of April next, tor gin& nig the Western Division of the Pennsylvania Ball Road. The work to be command toK ambitions three shot Tocoels, a number of lito t r i te ittidies and-Calnne, ia and "P'eerMbeertttle!mllton ttpya LER, VAttlartigA,Belid=near. Ensi,llllllloksznnenNlr Hand, •,„„ • mr274.dpie (Unmet and Post e0r4.1 OT ASH-40 casks lit store 'and for sale low to Pclose conaignotent, by • • ssi2l HALd:;2O, k But. Cured ..o'd .1.29 LpULli. POlilL-43.,M lb. for ude by mr2S 8 1 W It&ILBAUGII (11 . 12 EASE LAIM-90 bbls ri• ra and for sale by uL2 iyu EDPEACRES-300 Da la store and (aisle by lordd B it W SIAREIAUGH TINOI4'ER-1151.• Frerh Roll, lottra. I) And far sale atreBl J CAN' I T ENT UCillt 111USTAIID—We hue on hand a Ss, XL bozos ass'd cans, of this solobraulgastant , WALLINGFO CO, mr99 Water swot ENTLCAY CIGARS—Z O , OOO on hand, wtan we will bum' for almost any tilde of Pittsbafgh nomsfarlarea bartfil WALLINGPOIRDW CO 17)'ACON—a5 east. Shoulders and Sidon, Jl (14.. "'"*4. "r "lb qVALLIfifiFOID osrlS °rap's Vines. • WWI RALB-10,00 0 roots of Catawba Grape Vlnei, - as 65 per WA and 50.070 Catnap at 75 earn. per luo. Apply to JOHN N. 13211AC8, mrS74t Brewery en the Canal, Al'althea) _ •BACLIES-1 0 baps reeciarinioi iileby lIMAR-2 0 etas ND Bus.i H arn stove and for nate tri I tore 5 W ABOAO6II . _ • IDES-300 Dry Hides, reed and,lo”ale by - Para & W.IIAItB&UOR . ma.% IlatD-30D We and 100 kep Leaf, jart reed aid for .ale by tmern s TIUDC MEI-1.00,000 lb. to arrive, for eale bl 1.) men 13 & W lIARBAUGH . WINDOW GLASS— tOO borer ear% 141 boxes let; .; Al do lrelt, 210 do 1021 . ; 10 do axle; LIS do 10114; 12 do 10a11; 14 an 10010: 6do 11116; 4do 11=111; : Ido 10x17; Id do Itztfe Of Sado & Ilerron's roaratfeetore, equal 1040.011 to city Gin., whirh we offer for sale on aceorrnooda. Sas terms. Orders tor tiny deo Frei:aptly filled. . RILEY, MATTHEWS &CO, • No 00 Waterer CORN— 0u for sale by cara' Wit R JOILNSTON, Seea at ONTS-20 Dbl. In slops gra istrobthis7) bv IJA2bor.l3. "'" tVUi HJOHNSTON Pab•r , i iteam. Explodes Preventsr. W IBR Y 2:4f ef l , EZIC lf ? L .glrgix.P,2Yetl Congo, a Mon time, at Chrlsty's pout Penn street Those enshing to avail themselves of this valuable Improve ment, to render the use of steam safe fromegploalons, will do well to etre bun a call. The Gages tie new In epei otion in this e, at one prep office. the Water Worts, Colley & Br ny own , * Iron Works.blegaewans Douglass' Planing NM, /ones & gurgle* Machine Shop, Faber's Foundry, and the Coy tirist of Herm. Willmarth & Noble. Also In Allegheny elrf, at the Penn and Eagle Cotton Factenes, Vahnestock & Cote Lead Funny, Wright & Jinka' Machine Shopi and Hay's Taming gap. " ' The following testimonial a r "Faber's Meg cede Water Gauge? comes from so sespeetsbie a warms m 6 to entitle n to great emuideratont Pan Creme Mar, / Pittsburgh, Febraary 03, MO. C• Dear Sit:—Agreeably to Sagest, we will give yea' one Grantee in reepeet Witte alit) and practicalwok: toga of "Faber'. Water Hauge? which hoe been In operation eu she Holten in our works some eight meetha. duringreat pietism to state that m no tingle Instance this time bask failed to seemately in d.mitt the (merino , or position or the water in the bollers,as intended, and far which It is so admirably., adapted. Its extreme simplicity places it almost be. yond the possibility of ever bisected= demigod in se. thin, while at the tame time It regresses a value almost indispenmbly, by giving timely warning el any defi ciency or water In the healers, end as stele/neat fall Itheing appreciated by all those using sienna' In fact, v sum could Meow us to dispen rs se , with Ws Maier Very tru_y_l , you KENNEDY, CHILDS lc CO. ImrS744 BARN UM'tI•:HOTZL, NEW YORE arrissiway, perateir Of rtritlide* Lame. HIS extensive HOTEL bas. been trued 1y the anbserther, end bee been completely refitted In most elegant seamen Large addinme IWO 1,41111/ being made, elegance orb. completed, will the mom extensive Hotel In New York, Ilia tee dstermi nation of the proprietor, tomato It equal, in amen red speet, to any other Hemse intim Belted Staten MM. canon Is the most desirable and central lathe airy, be toLp the fashionable part of Breading, convenient g art the wades buildings, places of amassment, and busimis. Gratesl for the Mend patronage ree.eiven frost his western Mimes, while at Cumberland, bid., and more recently et the Waddell Haase, Cilevelaad, Ohio, he ?repeatedly toilette a renewal of their patron age, foe his new establishment, at New Yorkj nod begs to sante them that every effort m biz part Mall be given to odmioLter to their comfort and plammre. • • A. S. BASNUIL Nor T . ork, Mote EY, FL] • • 11K17112 FROM THE NANUFACI ' ERN MANUFAR Mite Fl d anoolo,..ll Wool. Rod o do Yellow do do Nrooro do do , Black Satinetto. Steel mixed do du'. Drab do Blatt Coosimere. do SBSPipeppn,:gr;GLlßT.rirro:::k.::tio odddo.Cloth Super Twilled • •do Suer Dina Doe Shoo So p per Drab Cestuerop. Soper Itroten do Soper Block do Caltiondo Bionteur. Poorlot do Blue Drab Grain ringing. WO.? qtrlr• n=n=l A Cti:gaTufacturere Pittst. tyyr CASKSlilbspran'y Patent bkda high est; yap C from tits:ben Bartol3lllState and Pslot Hornfor sale by 2S,MTCHFILIBEF, " GO LUNN SYRUP—NI DON lamilml Isom summer ky ° ctipper No Il i for sale by •• • Thing lILLZELL we! TANNENA r iNG Z . F EATHERS -WV MI Pk". tr azi gx JAm oALION to LARD--O cuts Slado do Ilog SAWA 1 do Ham; bbd Not Lard; ' I do Orem; V 3 artivo as the attomor Ostedonia. for ludo by ISAIAH DIOKRT t 00, Plow et mtl9 AUCTION SALES. Hy Jo!mit Aantismoe!. On Saturday evening:March OP.II, at Totclock. ot Ate. Conacqdal .Salep Ronnie, corner. of Woad and Finb .utrecte; orill;bc. A lorgo collection of valuable theological, .'ettl'uZilleitne&494.f.i.f.429999 brmha. —.complete mods of Thomas Dick, Andicen Diction." , of Greet and ' man Antidnidem Library o( Illmorr. 400 to. . Lemtb% lonian; WolVeldiecion to Mikha il: Latium , * Lectures on Science and Am. 9 Yolk plains; Matte liran's Universal Geognmby, P vole; Wandming ler, 500 Illutundam; Pope's Wook. Shaktpmre;.Woita of Roaseaa, in French, 93 tole, 6 Hawn, scam; Rollie's Anciont History; comploin Worts of Dr. Gail.. 6 rote; Pcomorea Chromate, Dickens , Novels and Tales, de. Pall pannolaca in malogues,wideb can be obtain ed at Um Auction Rooms. mrt9 JOHN D DArt.9, Auer . „ 52 Setrit I sittg 4 bl i e "* feb 30 " th .' ,ttt lim' o'clo.;k, od Waist streci, niert.ftdiliSabl,, addaion tee gook. of de Grocery era Boat Store of M. Jobe Hannon, 'rill lb &old, *alma reserve, for oast of who. it mbl epoeern—Sl slake Embers of good , orb tab !ma been elleolteret trimporatoon. Terms elasts mr..4 3011 N DIIIOIIS, ADDS /315001711A 013 MOILS CITIZEN INSTITUTION& S' INSURAN C Pittsbu h' rg E• COMP,ANY, • Of ' . co. HUSSEY, fuer: .... e. W. MARKS,SseI. Olfwe—No. dl Water theist, In the , watt boas. of C. H. GRANT. • -THIS COMPANY Is now prepared to %Wire all kinds of risks, on houses, waroifsewc ess good., n ,erehandire in wore, and Id casaba 'sire's, We An ample guanocy for the ability and tenuity of the Institution, if alfordad in the eharacter of ite rectors, who are all eitieens - Pionbargh, Welt and favorably kitoWil b tha eamiabeill for teir pradoron . h Intelligence, and Integrity. Dias:You—C.o: Husaery; Itagaley, WES'Lar. Inter, Jr, Walter Bryant, 'loth D. Singe Edward liesselion, Z. Mosey, B.llarbaudli,S. If. Kier. • 04 • I.Joarnal and Po M too, 1 The Ildltlidadre Weekly A lallitia&Tha Compoithwer or Noma and ,PriesHi• Commis. TINDER the above title. the Editors of the Maori can have commenced th s e . pubtleadoo of • 'Week- VoCPifirsionwchi'ird6ryllireaceiliestwoitlr, of pees fie4 " e u e ' t in =pie than conahr ell the cows of the week; selections of a asentl,eutertaming, and liter:meter. o f and ono the fall, complete arid thimble . thrieW of the 9.1110010 Martin published in the daily and trbweekly Manien. it mill tthe rant among the very largest meekly papers, and in thecantents of thisirmsereohatent wilt be found- La. much jeading matter L. will 411 a folt-stred dtiodeeiato WAYS.. Ile design I. tomato It as stoepinoie medium of in. formatbon, fothishcilat so low a nth at to be eCcel6- ble to alb The terns of sebscription to "The Bath. mom WllOll Albaricibei are blows One copy', Der thrintn. • ' • • •di 00 Three copies, when directed 'to one iddress, ago Biz co pier do .' do ,do 'OO Ten eopier, "ro •do 'do ' ma Tommy conics, do do do _ oo Dorado invuriabiy in sibianell, Wed the Case condoned beyomi the time for which II ingleld. fra plirs Boit Genesi for sale • • • }Mrs, lit:tri:ma a cO, ies Water. sUeet Be._ '" . dr CORNIN EAR-6W tint io sum sod fix ante mr•.'d STUART& 118 Wood at 113ACON-1011001be receiving from Smoke , time. niitt!___2lLl—"LALlT &,PILL, LIB Vilton_n TO= Lidlß-16M lbs on cansionient. — fi - ir sofa tq JD WILLIAMS & CO, W "dood Flak streak AXTOOPP BONtri/CO, • Sled lIA3I diei:".for vile by • ,T,ImIW"Co Ell BUTTER—For sale y rcirZ3, . 3 D WILLIAM'S al AOO BILK DRAMS GOODS. • A A. MASON & CO. ace Low °Omani a foie a...talent of fled. plain, and Cameleoo Dean slit.. comprising Pool do Pole, Gro de Nteler;Glaclo, filed* Africom, Oro deSmias, &a, an. Wulff:ha do 'Macs: of all orldthm black, pl ain, and plaid Arillielg MA; g htt *1311:1%21:g E= l t 9: b i g= and ' - • ' ada__ AWNS'S PRTNTED naana row Ltior 'neva . ['limed da Cunene" ea lansanns at . lilna,:lnara ll JanOnc an t AAMLPON _ wi t% na4s ; - : - Atanket; bit'a Mind and Faartit ata VIRE WARD 'PHIXTB—Of all kinds, Gold, and Uttar TVs, boa or Panel 1mp0n.11.7.4 at: P AIAUBIIkLL'A Paper Punk map wood at, be 419 k. arid Dimond alley JAMES DALZELI.. & W ICARBAMOH NDOW TAPE'R-.1 000 .piects m Lambema, Vimillim, Omhleould /whom Patmnio for We I r f i cule awl WAD, by , • ... ..... . . .. AV I' 11AB8ITAL4 IM - Weed 4,_ (Sseeesrorm 8C "-- ALL PAPER—Inn reel, innis-betiiiitiano wtem *tinayproptnins bender .: ninon anthill ly new in ibis mallet Yir I(OQIINDHIPS-30 bbd . pima NoBoFee~'? .. bags ruo and L.R.Y. 60 pkgaasa , d Tem; MO do. Corn Bomar, 150 bet Dry Feedbag; • rate% e i /VTdle 10 tads No 1 Mackerel; , • 92 do No 4. • do; • 30f do Nos do; ~.. • 10 do No l Late Tmoo _ , 300 bag litindoor Glass; 10 costa ar.periar Goshen MOWN la.tale and for labs by DAM WATT A ITA C VONNIA. Bt. A' a M ANSTI "e and oa eonakn~?ant andfF:Vtlur., mdvi inniticsir amt. NIMS-10 pes Seal se hl this daviidd for F W. frf • %LEE frif - FTsDIS=-3 cues ism sce , 4 Libanj direct froza musluismen. (NABSIMCILR74 ,aaaaa, flaw and for aata by aleZ E&NS-10 plecel! (or onla low by; •Itl LES, mr2s . QUICDRIES--Deeerg " • Dried Polk* 1 4 . 0•01t11; Won; . - 'Lard in bble end test ICIT bi . WGRANT MANNERS' OIL-4bbg fi r o VI NT.9I yaith -mom rNE I YIP , I ,. l . —l4(llme r, Nte Hoed,. A XDS-31: , boxex nolaue; Uppewead A Co* tor sale low by au2s OALRRATIJS-70 billy and bt for by. 0 lava ~; , , ~ WM43 fi rlit4lll . llON N ' OOk9T k CO ASH-83%) lighu used, far. tale by:. 8F VON BONN HORST &CO 131100ON—lu0 do: for atin - -• EIP mai . • -SF VON LIONNNOIRST4CO ClrrliE BNEATII.9-50 . des o.atrl3 . ?VON LIONNIIMMT h. CO .11 . 0 , 14 4.3 13137fp1i bbls for rate by. ~. 1 , YON BONMIOUST OES-10 tles Cast Meal, tar sale by.' , • sariS B , F VON BONNIIORtirk CO. oda Prtlr7lGlVrrOftalrgirtiOalf 60 . _ otrr—too Lox. ' 13pREIR198 1 E, svrt,son le co, to do Bldn. 4 do an0ti014.14'41 044 : Zrdo . do . uisrrivettn_lnaa DICKEY &Co MAIM T AHD--604 tads No to OlOok%:. JJ 7o Op do to autos swear bob by mrrs tssiso otaraw t. oo Elituurw trrs—soo Gnu anive4 f... ,1 * Or_ mr23 DICKIW &W. , , ISAIAH DICKEY-SOO rpOBACCO-10 boxes potodozWrpolinaboopt Riot, :11. • mood; aiR De NOP low toAfAH blow contlobwww b Y . n mcny CI3 SINEVAL Fire amt !Seer Proof Pent. Cornea by ....ISAIAH DICKEY IL CO • OBliEg"001.1" lR Stare sad*? .131301RDING. • 110LEASANT BOOMS, in a Otani% pitiful' the elm k - • convenient in suktablo for a mart‘ta la dy gentitanoultann Aptli Alto; toesding Con a Inlr 'oven 'tensity/en. Enonirie thincifice:, BAm -•• • • ders—TX.lo lb e lot•ala by mom;N- 11 ' - VONI3OIINHORSV CAIO .:4 D • "•,•"... he fay y • . .9 "'VON DONNHORST4 CO R=s= _ - vIRON . RAMS -I.OIX Ma for tale rl3 • SF VON Esommogsviioo 0& Co 10E1ACCO brasuis, fOr.aala • • ma/ • . IT VONZONNHORST dCO DEW, AND AT EAST 'AVIV PRICED: • TURPENTIN S stied exult 140 01'. 10 bete in prim pijaiiiatt • ' • Al PAiINFill'OCk tall 3 . corner Plrst and WoOdols. Blue DZlnq Bins Deming; Papey Cott011.4“; al sta °Cared as Postmarked. aomuisu.shirting , aeon, etriv.s. vert hi nn, Red Padding, super do; vest Padding. Iketram, TallorstCassoss,beando, Broom tame., !Wider, Drab Pow, billet det. and worsted; , Mask and Whits Tape; Black Twist, Drab do, Linea Owego - and WIN Bm&rt%o cord P_E'l Column do Lulea Tlinotd, a nppeerloT article; thir ivr i — r r ; gig BILLS; ttora, Cravat., &a., &rehouse, No N 7 Wood at, ANTEn `_--__a tmutet pitta by'.:-,~ mti7". B A : PABNESTOCQI£O sutiotttes-ac rit e = • • •Ws • aria Whaer Ilia OD; E - 90 dos P Townroad's Bartapallall 29 os Balpliate brorplari.for ardo 91 utreP ' I KIDD & CO, EA Woods! 15131DOCKIIIEKS, - harleg Dill,.l.geirs, • J„ leg the Priatleg Paper of • &ay establisboliael • eatermao br ibis vielalty, will be st shwa well supplied with different data of Pepair;9or porter quality; which we offer Sr the lowest alum . P ace • An s. y airs or quality be manafaeurna toortiir short notice. • & 0 ENGLISH &'W., r. ' (Bazemore of Elliott & Eitglia3" • 79 Wood ;DM NO l Dlig DZ 3 ...LAINMS•.. , 3 3 1 UV/WHY k BURCHPIIILD have, bast k ill apply of dew and iteat mks Perna kskok. , laks. Also—Berap Do Lawn or Laibk • Stlg r it . .Urritraki m uun b u tyl WiTigig i tAlgi s ag 4.9uablie Nadia.: Ladies Ittmoil '11 717.! ' t, " °9 . , B ;l3 b st . ZWlttsTe ri i; iteratiteri *l4 ter rate by • • - •• • ,wesAta INDIGO-10 moons 8 V, m stem see for mr2:l " JAISi ‘fi ADDEN-3 out* No I, in store and for .alo by 01.1 istrA WY 080ALEY it Co ID, LOS —Buperlor Tow andnup t ak v ala i EP Nun i i ...r... II MO_ ,nGtird C II GRANT
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