•:=:• . 01,4 141BLIBLISDBY wi4 IT Z4:00. a a. owns) • oAzirs sal ;opal, TtflD . irmr, larr DIX,' TO •s can Day pa r . ....5,11:1 Per Td-Weef ' Wettly, m asinnee)--;-. 11,4). Clubs, eta nsdnelld rate. UAL/ Or ADlerat'llilElGl. AGREED til-UN . or TI c incirinsvcou rictus Otte Fqva m, DO line• of Nonpareil otkr.) ones tank,.• ..-;•-•Itit_ Ora Sear .a„ each addidetnalled • W. Do. one week ..... , 1.7 5 • '' • ' • two weeks.--• -- :••• 3. 013 - To. three week..— ••••;•••• atO Do. •ommaha. 7,e0 70.01 • Wes mount* Yost, ... .. 70.01 Do. tw elo.oo lve sconth...• •-• 18. 00 "Funding Ca r d (0 Ilaes'ortese,) pet acad.. 10P oae Square, e hatereable atphwatte• - (Per antal exelaelve of the paper.... ' Rot each additional square, •111WIlleg over one month, am foe mush additional some imaged muter the year. , ly taus, half price. a • . • • Advertisements exceeding m oue, anti not over - r nsuoßnes, to he aimed art amum and a kelt Musette het secoantable ter letal adrardecteadta Inroad the meant chimed kir tbetirpablicatiOn: Adecnuteing eandidaum tok ogee, to be charged the - same mother sAveroserseete. • Advardstementa =twitted en the copy for a sper.i. • Mid number of 11116nluasorill be continued till forbid; , and Pelverda o o." o u'rl7l. • • rl tiermesta eat emulate,: to their regular Milanese, ar avetA for, to be paid extra. • All advertisements for charitable untitations,tfire • eampardes, ward, urestrhip end other public. mammas, nod meh likeos be caused hailmiem peyebio strictiy In advance. • Marriage notes ta be charged 00 • Death notices Maned without charge, melees memo* c - • pealed by teem] invitetions or obluary =dee., and • • when so areenummed '0 be paid for. • CARDS. GUSH & IJENNEIT, (lain Pndliab, Gall her { Co.) Wholoos.lo GOO.ll, Coosonalon and k wudoot Mere/Mots, oad deem in Prodoto and Pots- Oargo Manufactons, No. 37 Wood at., between VA and 74 stream. IMO EJ. HENRY, dimmer and Comm*nor at Law, . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections In Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, and to Konmety, promptly and care fully attended to. Condalasiones artho Sudo of Penn sylvania. for toting Depositions, aoltnowledgmemo, Alaaa. . lama W. Bell tr, Son, Carta, Clause a Carodiara Wm. Hay last.. 'Mama k. Davis) G • OEWE Cf./CIIRAN, Commission cod Foiorording iterthost, No. Wood lorcet..Pituburod oryl7 HAMILTON STEWART, stunfacutret Beziy Bhlrtinss, Cheek., 6c., Sell co ea stm!3.,c iilegbeci. H .LES,(soceenor to ?dupla &Lots) Wool LletU Mu;lam wzlnaza,Damara. a. I. avcc:va a, ameauntzaa, D. c. amr.wq, roan a. wa112.3,. . D & DUCU , i OR, Tobaa o commute= Mar jMita, It Aloft Maar ace la North Wharves, P ov3ll-tf to tE A RDYr JONES & Co., 01211111101 , 1. Atwood, Jones & Co.) 001111IIIMINI. and, ' , annuli.= als, doalnn , ia piztabuth Pim/nava. Pa. , w.h. tl. WilLtnas---=•-•• • • . /I. McVay U..WILLLIA,IIIII CO., , BANKERS - AND EXCHANGE BROWS, North East minor of Wood OM Third susets, Jaht Prrrmnis • NV, isulastma. &memo& TID• ILLICOIL‘ c. sat.l4 fDI PORT & Dealer In lillook affi deoerierizi J. vet Rutin. and Border., lollitgr Saute. Fire operd Prima. La Also—Writiag, Priatinir end Map pang Pape, No. 87 Woodimereekeemeea Foul& street Diamond &Ley, west dee, Flosbargh, ,; febl3 SWAB DIM.. KBA.LAII DICKEY • Ca;Vilalarate Green. sanian Mere ales, ard dealers in Praise% N0a.65 Water. aselle7Froet streets. Plea • um? : ti.A.CALIOUS for Ike lake Rae and Matsu Lim to Deaver cad the Lats.—Oak the comer of Water and Saledfield au. Tom 9. Lawone•- •—•—• • • --Jewel, Dilworth DILWORTH & CO., Melanie Cowers and ' . Aroma for Haunt Powder Co., No. V Waid et, doe. y MUM S. DLIAMI2II. SOUP* DI:MOM. dull. DILWORTH & Co Wbolemalo Grouch Pro. tIV o ud Commleas , et Meretuut, sod Ageuts for the llama Powder Co of N. T., N 0.27 Wood a, Plasburait. and julfri It. TOWNSENDONsinnst mad AnalNres4 yNo. SS Marketst, three doors above Third mt. P it. bargkortU hoes constantly op hand a well @dossed sortosent etae best and fraincsfMcdselnesslshich be grin sell on *a anon fesossuals terns. Pkysicians sentrusg - ordersosin be rowdy atsuldesito, and sup ska.witt aredatkey snak Mg awn as genahms .- Pnescsipuons srill be .anomaly and of osp ...._:. asaagokii 6*-lastassinnianass anyksal AlsoNs c, a tarp stock of Conk sad good Psras: NOM I OEN WATT. lima:eases to Ewan & Gebtnn ef Wholesale Grow and Commission Mershon &ales In Übe Produce and Pinst tree argh lleusl sh aesare Pa. sanl ear we of liand s Piusber l 1 AMES A. ITUTCIEESON, t C,.:—lnkeeempon tl Levis Hutchison ts_Co., Coanusion Merehnztg, and Ageals a tin M. Lovas Bic= Buss Refinery. MO. 116 want =AN front gums, Pittsburgh,. fowl LO:Cf IC NELLOR, Malagalei and Retail dealer In Mule and Alasioal Imatznutenta, Sehag B oo z e. T. Slam, eteal Aga", Quill,, Pr WWII' lauds, and Budermy renenay,No. Wood sLAPsnablurtr... t Rain to • .t at taken la trade seplS I YANG k 1.43 Liberti aVVXI. 11;CUTCHEON, Whole ..vie kirocew4ie•- 11V ' lora in Prodsen, Don, Nails, Glus, and Pips. bugliliaanfanuires generally, 109 Liberty al, Flu*. batik. • doe 2 ma.....•••• 1•0 vsgroiaiir, i 'Ai , LAIN. Bader, Pa way also attend to cone-eaten tad all other boat: I'zees at to War he Butler aird Matattoaa so de, ra. Rater to c J.Flo W. W. Wa11a..., do James Morahan do( , 1 1/Y palet,,,,mh, diy Shy & Co., Wood at. I=7 PaTTIOGSW i CO. JELSTEAM BOAT AGENTS • • • Orras•lo.l M. ALUM& C 6, • octal • • . Na 42 Watar • erect I_ . . llrfll W. , It. SU ISITOILIELTIIIM, ' iOLINA LE GROCERS, REGTIFTING Dl ' TILLERS, and WINE aid LIQUOR MUCH i ANTS. Alm—lmporters of Edda Ash and Menehing Powder, No. 100 Libertyrrt., loppothe Bath ,d...) p ath , banh. , 00123 kW, D. WICK. Ds= areancouen TIME & bkNEILESS, (new:mows if y Wick,) rO Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Ocassaisslon harelterde, dealers In Iron, Nails, Elan, Loam Yana, and Pittshlugh BantAnnlron IroLUI, AlOsnor of Wood and Water events. Pitobant - . ALLA NW SAone US sh. Ing erabllantont, MANI LanitT st., =Ks the math 167:-"V"ila---117—aii 311119M1‘.—neV"thes Indo/kaa''''' rareilienrlllt . deed , BO dozonslon and lithrtand, lin," Front It. Dam. Nyar b r rm -..lvy tad bomsstie Drl Goods, :tenth taxi So rnel of harkeoad rndith cl. =VI .. .. . . cp • ...., MUMS, SOUS 3601014.1LLIMMED It . 0 . .10,,LEAS 6 NICOLA Prothro* oarl °moral Com. Kr .sladoa Mordants, No. 17 Liberty eL,Pirobarth. Linseed and Lard Oda . . , . - 0 HOOT. k. Coo Oro. tom Fonvardlosjand- 00=001.01.7ohrlorr la Idtuloolb aaaaafrodaras and or raloya Pro. *al... .rmerft totbelrom waraboosrOto alaild) 'M. wan af Froat 0. sad Ctorneory Lana, . . - , • a. U. sarcalut & CO.; =Wawa., musical. and Banda? labor ts and &Wets no all binds of Wrung. woo. Na lb Wood moat, bo mon V W ann an/rWalan Pinobardb, ra• LA • n.. %It Bun, rale Ome* and Goosed 66 ' )14 mh...ae, sad desists to Produce. N0..33 Pen ord rr— Plcsbandg. 8: LLLe virrom. DEAL= i Colotatailen yv of Anemia Wcaten Goods, Libert7..." - pit. llt 1i.4121 • • IL 1:1181)1AVS W. It. WiIOWSIMO BWAIXT 41. CO, W m- Ote.mh and 20 Wood woret Pi:Wm-ft, • caT27 laddilLlSONSlNVELl4Coonoonoo Lonn—OF . n o . on Fong. atom &Witold. .041 Tg. CANFIIIMMIdta .rWanen.Otddal o = o ' : i nirattVl4l,merinhvirtugnsil• Puzl Aah,sad Women ltradaa. canaaally%. oaal between &Millet& and Woad. PluabariC ar , JsctioontmAgSit.ir.v., *blew. Drama:a, . Now Wand Weed. Pauba,h. OLIN J Dnistim„d ir I. D T . mei, Paints; Ms. Valuta. Sus., N 0.113 Broad mon, otkekil,/ of Pam.. Alley, Pit. 1.1 - TOMS n nAVisiAlm .. wr,.mtria.saa woo 0 str.... pitubm* - VOUTON.... Booluelters, Pctngn a and Paper Ilanalaanarath I.* 4.4 Alataat k 4 /6 . ' • ro, & B. FLOYD, Vino .lasala Goons, Corindroo, . blationte. and Prods., &nod Cnlnda Bedlam, (mann . 4 tab.% Wo and sow" Plusbnoln, O* ilitaffL Groner, Conanoon J Am Oto, and dealerin Praised and Posmiron Iliondarterns. NO 24 Won aL.Piusbars& to D. SPirilfii - FJ I , Miami at Louvaq ad Si., ...lippalagLEL:Cht Pitt66lll4 Lt&) ',gond promptly to Oolleetions t Worlingtro,Fmyant and Ones =Odom, Pa. Slant Only DA dr. Co., 1 • March & Gunther!, , PingOrmt. toladlyll. R. tiiontan. & S 9. lIARBAUGH, Wool aterelonts, &Wen !allin Flour and Prodnot pentralin and Fooolltdatli Ckdoadomion alsoduzia," No. &I Water 111., Plan BUSINESS CARDS. a. vvvremg, A.b2L,Ety Fourth te,tr seet, tl9 DAI7ID C. TUTTLE, Awoarces- AT LAW, nod Cormaissioner for Powaylvsn, St. Look, Aro. s AlI eormoimioatloos promptly An5,,,,,r,d. • LS. Waterman—R. N.Wateriaan • • W. R. Waierman. G. 11.1NATIGILDIAN & SOdhlis WHOLESALR OROCE&d, win and For warding blereknatE &Oars ist all kinds of Pro dace k. Pittsburgh Manufactured Arleta; sati Agent. hot aata oh Richmond a 4 Lynchburg hlanufactured Toacco. 811/101ELBOTT • W BITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, EC0.1.01 WOODisTREEE 11Cr " 2 ". and *011..b0 constantly .recerrizor "m a e o a f IST; ieT;4l ' itte l 7gl eV: selected d" they uri ull for care or approved ere4it. Written, Merchant• axe invited to ersmino our add MoILVAIN a, WILLIAM, NO.:10 GERMAN STREET, BALTIMORE, A GENTS fov the sale of SODA ASII & BLEACD. LNG 121.) D $ 8, ha ve now in aloe& and w il l continent to 'receive, lull ropplies of the following well knoirn brands. Ahletspratte,. 'lnnards," and “Jar row," which they ore, lot sale at market rates. witS-dnari JO= H. uaisKlN, A "ITOILNEY and Comasllor at Law, and Com ft stoner for Ste State of Pennsylvania, St: Lau* Mo., (late of Potabungh.) • . - Keferentes—Pittabarghi Ilan. W. Fannin], Ramp -tan & Biller, IVCandless & McClure, John E. Puke, ifuella & Semple, McCord & Riex. auxl4.lY_ 5.13. BuaHeld George Richard. - - • O. B. BUSEIPISLD & CO.. WHOLICSALE Deafen in Groceries • 1111 and Dry Geode, .end Co:nmisslon iderettants. No. 410 Liberty at, Piusbuott. r0r1.2 T7ll, Baird J. P. Sterrett. • ..13AIRD A STERIISTT, Jk TIORNEYS and Counsellors at Law—Fourth st„ Lt. between Sistlatfield• and °rent, Pataburgh, l'a. jell John& Large LARGE & PRIEND, TFORNEVS AT LAW, Fourth greet, yaw Giant. Jylertf JAMES F. $M=, A TritEtNE.Y . AT LAW—Onlee 'on Fourth Awn, ItL'between Smithfield and Grua, Pittsburgh. sISI3-17 • A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Feurib s;rect, A Pittsburgh. JOIIN IffloVADiral & CO.. FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Basin, Pa= meet ritubmlth. mG JLIIISS 11. DLIT'S dt. CO.. . PRODUCE AND FLOUR - FACTORS, Na 297 Market, and 54 COMMei. at-. Philadelphia. Advances made, by either of she above,. centiorn - menu or Proclaim to either House. mr6 & lON, • FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS RagimalMluor, WOtILD reapeettally itoßen the consignment or Ramabargh height, from Wuteu Merchants, u they are preyared to receive up Z 9.11.1111. Line and Section Bum tanning eight and day, the freight willed,< be detained, as they will wales! mach !mete at all.hours. fehS gett Rartiebergh. Feb 2e. Igßo. Ira ousel. •• •• •Audrew noun,. R. K. Flaming LIIICAISET, PLUMING 41 CO, COMMISSION ALLRCHANTEL—For the adlei or Do acmeatle.Woolen, and Cotten Hood,, also, dealers in kinds of Tailors' Trixemings, no 117 Wood at, 4th door Item FM, Fillaborh. Referened—Messrs. Wm. A. Hill A Co, Bankers. linen bog W. t3multastr — Viimer • Gammas. w. irsazm s CO„ PREPPEI3-11,. MALT/3T' ERB M 0 HOP DEALERS, DI 'pm emu. Pittsburgh. sputa Baniamin William Blame PATTON t BARAIWEILL, ATTORNRYS AT LAW-01Enote Wean= Hart, Gram et, war the Coen Het be. I. D. Trallianot ............ mit .1. D. WILLI/01:111 & WIOLESALE tr. RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS. 'annardiag and Camatianien Marclano, and dente. in Car try Smitten , and Pildtbargh Mhanfae• sates, earner of Wood and Fifth Streta, Pintabargh. aurAl . • t 4 ------- •-•— -/L IL Mask. lIMETTIPOGLE. a, (MARE:3, OSWAIXDING AND commissicys F ANTS, and Dealers Window GOAL Whit • lead, he. No ICA Senond in st Yll .awaaxiiNG a COMMISSION MESCILANT, No 111 - Second irt.:Ystsbursh. . ARMSTRONG & CSONSM, CONGUSSION MESCRANTS. mad Dollar is, Pr. does, No Market meet, MmirS• mA PITTABUiIdri — MELNitiIICICRITICIIFEI ATO .AND AXLE FACTORY - was AuszA drama • .10111:1 41417100, • -4grANIIIPACTESAS or Braise mrt - hlister UM plough steel, steel plangli wings, conch ..id eel lic sonairs, hammered iron axles, and dealers in malf feeble casting., fire engine lemma and mesh trimmings guustslly,comer of Ross and Front sta., Pittsburgh, febdd W. t J. 01.11.11 N. Book Binder. WEare still engagod in the-.bore business, owner of Wood aid 'Mir& stree Pittsburgh, where ore are prepared to do nay work tu g , .ur line with des patch. We attend to one work pew oaall7, endsous tandem will be give. in regard to it , neatness and da- • rabilay. Blank Books rain& to any portent and bound set stantialty. Books in numbers or old books bound ewe fatly or repaired. Names put on books in gilt letters. Thous that base work in our line are Invited 'to rail. Prince —JM" —ger Scuba. Cooklad Stoves, Grate., sc. IkArARSHAIL, WALLACE& CO., se Church, AIL coiner Liberty end Wood streets, manufacture and ader for sale Pthtform, Ethos end Counter Scales, of the =at improvedquelny; Cooking Staves, for wood and Clei Egg Stoves of various sixes, Parlor and erntsmon Orates, Hollow Ware, de. de. They also manulacture th e Kitchen Range, which has given inch general satisfaction toshose Elvin, it in We, to all of the they would respeallilly illVlte We attention of the eitthenoand the public generally. oeinfl-dif irAnarallay ?ALMS. l's:ft, VAI Jaw. N/L - 4c C ONV. L. Ma Paw (BatteslMS to Hum). M.. & lb.) reMeaSto kNa t i lfT 4B l Velirl:tes. of DepOlate, yank Prote t r,.an ' d flpere ant. Sfrftl, nearly opposite the Bulk of Pittshargb. Current mo ney received on depositc—Siset Ch , eks for sale, and colleen°. made on nearly all the principal points in the Veiled Stoles. The highest premiere pald for Fore tan and American Gold adianeet made on consignments of Produce, ship. peel PALA o liberal terms. erre The Franklin Pao Inanrantz Co. of Pkiladdpkia DLDECTORS.—CIiarIes N. Ilanekw, Thomas hart, Tobias Wagner, Saninct Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Coo. W Richards, Mordecai D. Loins, Adolpho E. Dorm, David S. Brown, w asnis Patterson. Cnam N. Elsramms. Presidont. Charka G. Ranker, Secretary. Cantinas to make instance, perpetual or limited, 011111eri delialiptiOD of pepperq in warn Of country, as rates as low ume consistent with 'omit) , To Company haveresorved alone contlngontnned, which wi th th eir Capital and PM...4 .1.11 int...l -w. •ford scuttle protection to the seemed. The assets of the col:snoop, on la'raary 104 1813, • publishes? agvecably to au eel of Amembiy, wets • rea .".7 /: Tentav Ismus Colt Cult, lea.. 111,31 . A03 71 Bates their incorporation, alieriod of 10 years, they have paid upwards of one million four hundred thous anddollars, 'mita by fire, therebT affording evidenee oldie advantages of insurance, ns well as the ability and dirposalan to weal with prowiptnesa all liabilities. . GARDINER. COFFlNokgent, trartall4 Ofira N E eor.ter Wood and 3d sts Lit. sad lloallh Inca came. 11 IV 'lathe life and 'Hearth Insurance Company of Philadelphia, incorporated by the Logi.Wore Pennsylvania, lamb, 1948. Charter perpetual. Capita, 11100,000. Ram tams Imo AXT Peanut. rstarißmassti, and hll m per cent. lower than the ssaal rues of Life losorance, as the following com parison wW slum Thus. • person of the age of Sala aming tat girrl far hie. mst my In the Girard EOM— EeMAlmaia, 11321, Penn Itt o r de f t Equitable, bricit;lllla; altd=iN,llltiladeiphla,Ar. Drsurross.—Smul D. Orrick, Chutes D. MB. W- F.Booosi Robert P. Xing, Charles P. Hayes, M. W. .Ballwin, M. M. Ream M. D., Chos. O. B. Camp will, Lars& Cor• kJ/adman Darker, F. FL Itallor, Pd R. Cope. Pr...ram:lcl D. Orrick; VI. Presi dent—RAM P. King, Secretary—Francis Blackburn, hyplicatlons Mit be reeelsed, and euery Infonaut. .icy by MAIL. FAHNESTOCK, Ass, Mee, cosonotaial Rooms. comer of Wood and Tturd sts, pitz4ll.lk. . FIRM) AAP. PLAR.IIII INSUALNCE. co. ni:Noic, America will make permanent Fed iimlmd Insaranee on pro-' mi ea tirazgull 11: a lt y y, se afil shiriega n by r gas Comparrjare =II invested . , mit= avert ible fund tor ample indemnity of all persons srlar denies to be pretended by Insurance. Ar ensaiern 1150111111.180 Es at Pittsburg]. • The Spring Garden !leant' Insurance Cll., OF PIiILAVELTSIA--CAPITAL 8100,000, TNSUILES Monts anti Female. against the Enpen. and ,Loss occasioned by eknes or Auldut, by an immediate elloontoco of kola 13 to SS per woes, Lot ono, two, three, or four years• lye atetLol o f electing tkis Insuramm,an4 rio Wanner of awarding en sick allowance, *km be folly ezplyiasd by the /OM. . A 11 Initure against Sickness or Accident wide& aria detain Diva from his ordinary business, as Tir: 'For one yeas, by paying 1114,40, and rondo° V. wonk. Far two o knO, " " 4 " For tam o 704, " 6 For four 10,10, o 6 Or, for a period of foot yam, the nom 6l. 63 ' 46 P "6 aannalla, will mean 19 per week addle Wet. E. 4.7 natenary information will be afforded on t h e aatdetter Inaoru j tea generally, by FA DUO & CO, Agents, de17416m. Odoak - • Th• Peansylvasita INlsapasy Vex Inman. on lava son Gs...wino A Snartzt. Z le oee Life limn= Conway in the U. &gm commeed Mane 10, 1801—ettal tei PeIPWOO- Oold tn. Giving ...meson the welerilgoed to Teeny, styli. Rotten...we, on which policies will be Will iceman; to that prop/rub and nem Irkiett be :motto kW= to apphconta la his cake, No. VI Wood . 21266 t. GEO. commit. MISCELLANEOUS WAISTED, IThenx at the lIALiIhIORE, PIBLADELPMA, 1./ NEW.YORE. nosroN AND NEW ORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE Young BEEN In wholesale and retail mores, and other respectable business, to act as Book-keepers. Sales. men, Porters, BeokeePere, Welters, Fume., Coach men, Car Agents, Book and Map . Agent., Collectors, Overseers in all branches of heatless, Le. We have at all times a large number of good situations on hind, which pay from 300 to 52,0 00 per anmrm. Thos e want of &neaten. of any kind would do well to give as a all, as we have stems In each of the above ci. ties, which will enable as to place every applicant In a suitable situates at the shortestnetice. We hove a i s:Ugh%:l= l :2gatl j ett!letre:W=L 7: don Mall who may favor as with ' a call. TAYLOR &TAYMAN, No. MI Second at, between South and Gay. N. B.—Peasane Bring in any part of die U.Slates, and wishing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or el. ther elute above cities, will have their seams lame. dialed) attended to by addresaing us • Ilse, (pot-paid) as by so doing they will cattail both trouble and es. pease, which they otherwise would incur by coming to the city, and sceking,_employstent for thereselver Address, TAIL LOR & TAYbIAN, . N 0.59 Second street. Baltimore, Md AIREORISITICH• ellentlito of the pane Is 'respect:any tolled to the following eartlfieetoc ML . Ere,—Haring tested a quantity oefrold welghed by your Proorneter, I find the resets proves; TM/ instrument COl2OCt; and recommend the use of it to those going to California. aa the bast method for oh.. [Lining the me value of Gold. Reap. youry 3.11. DUNLEVY, Gold Baster. Pittsburgh, Moth 9,1010. Prrtattull, Mareh 7, lalt. * M. Samna—Dear Sim Raving examine “Are, mew; manufaztured at your rooms, I do not brunets to commend it to the use of those gentlemen who are about removing to California in search of Gold. It gives • close approximation to th e apecilla gruel ty of metals, and certainly enable the adturtuxar o ascertain when his place:isyields. Geld. merle . Yours, restol. IL neCiarr°K' TISDLL RUBBER CLOTHING—Just received for the .L Cglifornin Expedition, a, complete amortment or Gam Elude Clothing, at prices ranging from 15.5. to 411,50 for snit sitcom., pants and tint. For sale at the India Rubber Depot, No S Wood st. decant J & II PHILLIPS for Sales FiIEIE subscriber offers for sale, Ike STEAM BBICR ScootWORKS, above Lawrenceville, comprising Boilers, 6 Mould blachine, capable of manufnetartng WAS Pressed Bricks (out of dry Mel, u taken from she bank,) per day; with three acres of land on the Allegheny met . , on which are 4 Our. and sheds, machine and clay sheds, wheelbarrows, tracks, shovels, spades, &u., every thing requisite to cam menee operations at an hours notice. Price, Including the patent right to use said machine, S7,oo6—imons of payment made easy. Without the lend, SOMA For pattlenlarly address nu . -Mt Reran' atEsitirr, No Itosme._ Wrought. Asa Cut Iron B*~ rlVllßmluieribera Mg lease to inform dm public I hit, 0107 ham obtained from till, rall all tbe lamt md fashionable tieng. for Imo Railing, both for houses amt entnetenna Persona arishiag to prmare hmd mem mamas will please all and examine, and judge for thenmbres. Railing will be furnished at the shoo eat noticeand in the belt manaer, at the comer at Craig and'Rebeecaatreem, Allegheny city. atigin-dtf A. LA.MONM & KNOX. - - - Oystsrill y•tersl UREE & COB Daily Expras M now regnlarly B liming Can end Shell OYSTERS, which are of fered to dealers ;tad fanake at the lowest pike.- Qnality warranted equal to anybrought to this max. het, and lot sale by J. C. BIDWELL, Agt, Water to. Also—At the fallowmg &pow—Reis*. Ikrser, cor set Smithfield and Second mai E. Ilsaskton, Mamond; Iterrara-Robizeon. Fedarelat .Alleshany. scat Ti hare some—TUlCYbritiade oe an maprared W' plan, so as not to freeze tn the coldest weather. Perseus . .Dung such articles, are invited to call and see thew at SCAIFE a. ATKINSON'S, brterost , Wood Verbal Its NSW BOOSJII NSW MEE Conciliation and Standard of the Associate Refonste4 Chant in Rooth aro, bound In sheep. The Other Ride, or Metes for the Moiety of he War between Mexico and the Milted States, wrtnen Mexico, and transtwed frees the Spanish, with notes: By A. C. Hassey. &belches of Iteforms and Reformersof Great Britain and Ireland: By IL o.ltbanwri. 'rho Worts of President Edwards, in 4 'elm • no print of the Worcester edition, with additions, and a looscop general nelex. tains of Egypt, o Egypt a WM:teas for the Bible: By F. L. Mosta. D. D.. r L. L. D. Memoirs of dlsold Hale, late editor of leemat at Commerce, with selections fro. his Miscellanea. Witionm: oy J. P. Thompson. The Puritans and flit Daughter: by J. K. Plaid:tic. Los Gimps, or an Inside View of Mexico end Cal. gamic By Lieut. Wire, U. S. Nary. Familiar Letters to Young Wives various objects; designed as a Courpookin to the '.ones Men's GUWe: By Wm. A. Aleott. The Poems and Prose Wrinegs of IL A. D.A.: 11 rs Iginevea and its Remains: By hayard. For sale by ELLIUTf dr. Wag fie 79 Wood at A Pressat or Tour raga 7. MORRIS/lc WILLIS , HOME JOURNAL Przsmaln Warty—ai pas an.. "The hest Over in the 1.1 elan." (Evening P tar. "Rathe get m coal : them go without lt . "Illoaton Pam. New rubseribers ean be sop plied from Jan. 1, tEM if immediate oppdeation be .ado (either personally or by Muer, 'at the OZ. of Pablizavoo, 03 Wood ard6J, V: LOCKWOOD.. - - - - New nooks net Arelved. S ACBED 'SCENES AND CRARACTIMS, by J. T. with original ilmigns by Daley. Tim Poems and Prom Writings of R. IL Dana. Ph gmuisA and Patient, or a Practical View' of the .Idori: Dimes, Relations and lattices of the Medical Proles Man and the Community; by W. Hooter, M. D. 'lto i ouritan and His Daughtor. by J. IL Paulding, &labor MA Dutchmen's Ilreslde. LA. Go ago, or rut bailie View of MEXICO and Cal ifornia; w %Pam:Wrings In Pent, ORD and Polynesia; by Lieut. 'Wise. Fur sale by dal ELLIOTT & ILNGLISH, N Wood it - MERIELLANEOUS LITERATURE, AT LOCACSVOOLIPS, 03 WOOD STILENT. pfIOWN'D emerieso Angler's Garda; full of Dins. -LP Donor's,. Wow. Paaldiner Puritan and Ili. Daughter; Mow Dr. Hooke: Y Dori mian mid Patient; lamo. Mr& Mai of and 110enca; bro. Neenderie fe of Christ; . Wro. Neanderia 11, Wary of Christi. Church; 3 rola, boo. am Dr. Darin g's Memoir. of Mi.. Marren Oro. 111100011.6 Alecutnae,lolo, frra. AOCKWOOD 1.10 rioeller tI. i. DE row, 03 Wood W. Now la %be PlateC . :. FFICE pri Bootee Ro the . Poor Quarter. Ohos and 51.etwood; SI r• ear. blorria & Willis' Horne Joarnal, pnbitahed in New Tort meekly; DJ per unman. Downing'. iimcaimmtio, m 0 0 ,171 13 P.? Ye.. The Cultivator. monthly; RI POO annum The AgricultoraiNt, monthly; BI per year. The Democratic Review, montrly; Si per annum. The limikers' Magazine, do .3_ do JAMES El LOCKW 00D, lent Rocaseller tr. Impactor, 63 Wood st Plat Machiaseturen, Woe/. wd liessdrg. rirm TA. TWIN WRIGHT &Co, are prepared M bode Cotton al and Woolen Machinet7 of every description, men as Carding Machins, Spinning Frambs, Speeders, Drawing Frames, nallIVILy Heeds, Warpers,spooers, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, &e. Wrought Iron Shafting tamed; all size. of Cast Iron, Prillies .od lion of the latest panerns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every deseription tarnished on short notice. Patterns mado to order for Mill ocanng, Iron Railing, &a. Steam Pipe for beat ing Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash nn d fancy' Cm tings e-roll). Orders left at the IVarehouse ofJ. Palmed lc CO., Libeng street, will kayo prompt CUD- Refer to Dlzekstock, Dell & Co., J. H. Moorehead & Co, (1. E. Warner, John Irwin & Sons. Pittsburgh; 0. C. &J. H. Warrimillc. Meth PIANOSS TAE aubsc fiber offers for sale a large and eplendid assortment of sad and mahogany grand /te non Piattosoirith and without Coleman% celebrated Roll. Attachmer,L The above instruments are war nulled to equal to any manufactured tts thbe, coal, try,•nd wilt ba WO-lower than any brought - hem the F. BLUME, No lit wood al, EarL • td door above eth N. EL—Ciry Scrip al ill be taken at par fora few of ha above assortmeol. mg 2 F. II _ -ikiilWerLs WIL MURPHY co...ulnae. to keep en band a fall • amonmant of the Welsh Utultratkable }Uri nals, and hat rere ad? reacived a aupply of the finer qualities. Also Swansdos• a Flannels, a scarce an, ole and well adapted far fa rmer ar ef inkaltda , nad others wantlng something wa than visual. Also, reffi. and dune Flannels far Infants wear ; to gether with a fall supply el toperican ream:factored Flannels of different qualities. Al ao, SIIROUDINti FLANNELS, of all the different width s, at the North . East cotuer of gth and Market sta. IQ-Wholesale Rooms up stales, where dealers we' always find a good amortize:a of new style goods. tang _ .• 11,047,4313 .11 • 94,751 UZI . P 3,031 BS 61,623 - 38,301 37 Nair ,- for — ltitri ii; TIII9II to oettlCY s i: 2. 1 . N I 40 ret dire L e i te 'in firrievi egtff/ennlne: Patrol Dit,40.6X19 P.ll4ltifoglte cif ties of ?liar o Z oN, o o lc , for Waller hi Gibe., 349 Broadway, • N. Y 1 . .11'1,1,‘fltro 'go7ertAco'rlet;lothr 'tlt.reob*Vonal,'73llSilriV, and fool perfectly satteled oat It Ls • meld umeehoo, told we take pleat - axe Itt recoauneutelog theca ea a lite fat article to all who love pore water. Orden will be thatto w lly received aottirotogy aseori vs a Co, New Pianos. fifimpt J ustroeelved,orm elegant Rosewood Git octave Plano orte. from the rele bmted factory or T. lbert k. Co., Boston. This instrument is remarka ble for brtlliartcy and sweetness of tone- and clasachl of touch. Teo above firm is considered ono of the very first In Boston, and their Pianos, ter elegance o exterior, beauty of tune, and duration, are artisans.. ea by those of any other make. Par sateen nano.. blc terms by If. KL.F.SER., 1.21 at J. W. W00d...W. ILLVZ /art WS, FROM FAYETIT MANTI FACTU limo co MP ANY 90 caws superior Family Blankets,lo by It ors 900 purr Steamboat do oby 7 te; 250 do do do 4by 7 Ils ISO do rod andrabitellormo do 155 as colored Cahromia do • 1213211E1 . ALSO, 150 pieces 6-4 white Flannel, 7 . 14,7 .didg ai1. " 1131 110 44 do do do do 100 do 3-4 do do do do 430 do 3-4 red - do do do 73 do 34 yellow do do do ALSO: Setteems, Tweeds, Jeans and Woolen Vern, In esst- TM mentafsemrer's prices. pCp.Waretuanse, No in Wool sr, ate door from Fink •• ---- il Doulci fTh - r - irZi - by feb•l3 —______l D WIGIALLaS cr M raDAT FLOUIt—A pare 3 t arV u tra ti IriDIE WOW litiaWrgr- - 11 , faKM for sale by, WILLER AL 11l =TOOK Al?! awl 174 Liberryist = == ITRGH,' FRIDAY PITT MEDICAL A CARD TO LADIES AND PIITSICIANS. — No AMeommendation is et, completely watisfactory, as to the e reellenee and complete oneness of any ftruu• - Uon, as rite united testimony of those who have expe rienced he benefits. Derma the last fifteen yews, la all parts of Me United States, our most talented and eminentphysleinne, have data born testunorty 'n to the superiority, ease, and comfort of Mrs. SETTS em , - done for Ladles' angering. They do not compeer , by steel pressure, +Welt le now proved tube encodes' by bad elects, eausluumort , difficulty than before exist ed. llet long standing In Philadelphia, and Urge and increasing baldness both Whelearie and Retell, Is • guarantee of the eorreetnes• of the abate. IZITIV2P6TWZAPT :=4IPiI:gbI.. all others are jaunts's:lt. a JAMES BETTS, Wholeutle Agent, Philadelphia. feta-Mood C fable SLED—It bbluaerfl A a r n d d forEttAlep.u. PELOVICSSOR BABILDS TICIOOPHER. ovit eranosTsro CORIPOTIND. TNFALLIBE for invigrating, aud be ! tyfying the L Hair, renewinrerativing g, Snort. Dandruff, and a an ll ffeetione of the &Bp, and miring &apneas on the Skin, Diseases of the tGlends, Mamie, and meat, and relieving Stings, Cuts, Bruises, Sorts , an . ae. With this preparation, there o in X. finc h word as W' The first Journals In America, males% men of the highest eminent A prominent alums stall pr °fusions, and ladies whopa.. used It ion years la .their dressing roams and tanneries, admit with sue tio :i'rttoht.ii4eltritur,P=lstritr vigor, eM k grlgehell log wounds, curing contusions, spraini T atings, , a. and relieving diseases °file akin, the glandhard the ressele. it has no ectml &me:laths makimds of doss. ppounda sdvertised is the militia prints,. vaut_practice. In cheapness as well as Obesely . , Ilsr o _ rYbiTriceeherons is unrivalled. The sanity between: the membranes which em a il. state the shin, mad the hatraddels draws its sustenenee from this uiple envelope is very clot. All &males of the ;hair originates lu the akin of the head. if the pores of the scalp eien slogged, or lithe blood end other fields do not clreulate freety through the innxl! smuts which feed the toots with asoismal and impart Riese the fibres, the Moil is scurf, dandroCalieddius of the hair, grayness, dryness, and hear-nest of the ligaments, and entire baldness as the ease ran he..- Wm.'s , ' the shin to healthful action with the Trieop. heroes, sad the torpid vessels, recovering their astiv• Sy, will amilhilate the disease. In all alretuons of the akin, and of the substrata of mercies and integsmenu, the process and the effect are the same. It a upon the akin, the meseulartfibre, and he glands, that the Trieueherous has its specific action, and a .11 eami.a inaaa. a these; organs, it is a soverelinmemdl , Sold, in largo bottles, price CS cents, al the iinsLvel ; Clffice,l37 Broadway, - N. Y. (13 , 71 r gr sale •by . IL E. SELLERS, PI:101MAX A's KNOW all men who are sick and &Meted toritlidl. M 1 sue crew bladder and kidnap., with ammonite. panut In hack or babe, stlfrjatuts, old sores, rnening ninon, dteOast they can be cored by taking the 'ffe- Irtni may talk about its being • costram so each ea you E:easc, bat :his does not Make info' for weproclaim the face of no honest commttnity,, it has virtues which are not contained In any Cater remedy. The tae who is naked with, pans and cof , fermg from aeon.. can for fifty cents. get relief tom any of.e ills emarnareted above. Reader! It man., very little to make a trial. • This Petroleum is no ads ture—oo compenid, pat up for the purpose *remelting en the community; bum Se a remedy elaborated by the master head of lama, and batibleallP Wags the la sem of ear mother earth in is original panty, and of- , fen to suffering kernel y a ready remedy, a certain and cheap curt • It has cored • les alter other medicine. have failed to render any relteL It has eared Blieuntatient of loon muslin', and oldie worst and matt paintal cnanietee. It has cored Cholera Mo.. by one or two Maar; has cared old eases of Diarrhea, in which every. nlber remedy boa been of. avail. Asa Meal weedy in bar. mod welds, It Is Dauer.m any medical tom ponnd or fees s we know of. It will awe <la bial. or Wooed ins few applicatiotts; undosb , al wallower can be tarnished of the troth contained is the above statement by calling en ecaleel M. Kier, Cenal Rash, 7th inettel; or either of the Agent. Kayser a McDowell, cornier of Wood street a. rgi Vin AllalL E. Calera ST & D. ]L T Carry, Allegheny thy, are these Woodmrsed agents, lanai CAUTION ENTN.A A man by the name of DUEL CLAPP ha. engaged with a young man of the name of 8. P. Townsend, arull ewe hie name to pm op a Sarsaparilla, which they call Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, denominating it GENUINE, Ur:grind, etc. Thu Townsend t• no day. tor and never way bat Ina formed b y • se on rail. reeds, eanals, and the like. Yet e sworker r h ea the tale of_Dr., for the purpose of gaindia credit for who ho is nat. He is semling mu earth headed .Trieke Queeks.t" in which be toys, I have sold the use of 1211113 e for 117 a week. I will give P. Tow - nosed SW Who will produce one sthele solitary pone ( of this.— This le to caution the public net to be deerred, and parches , ' mut bpt the GENUINE: ORIGNAL OLD Dr.. Jacob TootrusentPs Sarsaparilta, baton* on Wither Old Dr. , * likeness, his family cost of Greer, and hishig nature acres. the costa Was, JACOB TOWNSFAD. Principal Odlett, le? Naomi it, New York. CUT. OLD DOCTOR.: JjCOB TOIVIISBIIO, TIM MUOINAL • DIS:Or.VEIItER TOWNSEND SAILSEDASUL4.I. end Dr. Townsend is how shoot TS years or age. end has long been known no the AUTHOR m.d DISCO. VEBER fthe OMIJINE ORIGINAL lITOWNSLINII tiAttSAPAIOLLA." Wing poor L hew e* ream led -to hem les manafantam. - •by-whlct" mearafEb as neer kept out of mantel, and the tams circumscribes! to those only who bpd proved ns worth mid leaven its vaMe. This ti no L.. UneprellAXik reerelessells manufactured o the largest male, and is called fur thonirchniat the length and breadth of as land. Unlike young S. P, Townsend's, it Improves with age s and never changes, bat for the better, because n Is prepared on scientific principles by mlentifc ern The highest knowledge of . - ,ennui, and the I aiwi discoveries en the e ail howl broasktoilim re. unhinge to the masmriseture al the Old Dr... Moseys. MI. The Saraaparilla toot, aLs swell known to med. Mal men, contain. medicinal properties, and some pro perow which Me Inert or useless; cud other., which; if retained in preparing it for one, peedere ( eturtvni. - don and said, which Is lideritme to the system. Some of the properties of Sarnapouilla and so 'wiggle that they entirely evaporate and we ton in the preprint. uno, If they are not preserved by • mientille proems, [wean only to Mom; experienced in ts ineelnkelard. Moreover these volatile principles, which dy elfin vs per, or an an exhalation ander hest, see die very es sential medical properties of the root, which gives to It atl Its vette. The COSPIIIINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNCEND'S SARSAPARILLA Is so prepared; that all the Inert properties of the Sar saparilla root Ye GM removed, every thitg capable of bevoming geld or of fermentation, is extracted end rejected; liken every particle el medical virtue M sees. red Lo a pare and concentrated form; and than it is rendered tocepable of losing any of its saleable an beefing properties. Prepared In this way, it is maim the mote powerful went to the CURE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the reason why we hear wasineridations on seep de to lea o r n e d b e e rsuf %e w o o u me ro on sad f Constron, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and In Isheamatism, Scrofula Led Piles, Costiveeess, all Cutaneous Erop - hens, Pimplei, Blotches, and all affecuons arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. Itpossesees • marvel°. MSc., In all complaints arising from Indigestion, from Aridity of the Stomach; from unequal eirealetton, determination of blood to the head, palpitation of this heart, cold feet and cold hands cold chills sod hot gashes over the body. It has nut had its void in coughs and colds; and promotes easy expectoration, and gentle persplrinlan, relaxing shin. [ere of the low, throat, and every other part, ' Bat in nothuss la its e teener...a more manifestly seen ° F ° "k°°.'le itt= tilltl i tAlN to r i dO 'r" of It works wonder. In cases of floor albus or whites, Palling of the Womb„Obstmeted,Somressed,w Patn- Memos, Irregularity of the menstrual periods., and the nee; and is ekectual In coring all forms of the Xll ney Dilute.. By rensomas otatractlatur, and erg'. t Ung the general eyrie., it gives tone and straisth tea whole body, and cares all forms of • NERVOUS DIFIEJLSWI AND DEBILITY, d thin prevents or relieves a great variety of other diseases,as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, Vitas Dance, trocalas, Epileptic kin, Convulsions, do. Is not this, than, Tea liteinclai Too flax-Essencerle Kern? But can soy of these things be stud or S. P. Town send's Were. Wield This young liquid Is not to be COMPARED wrrit.Tne, OLD MI.'S, because of the Orand Fact, that the p is inimpable of Detertoradon and NEVER SPOILS ar. while the oth er DOE; It soars, ferments, and blows the honks containing It Into fragments, thh soar, sold liquid en. plodang sod damaging Other goods! Most not this hor rible compound be polonuous to the system? Whad t sad into • system sliest, dlseared 'with acid! RV hat curies Dyspepsia but acid? Do we natal! knave, that when food won In our COMIC* what mischiefs it produces?—ttittulence. hawthorn, palpitation of the heart, liver es:imolai in, dlanittes,dymoutry, eholie and corruption of the blood? Whets, Serofulabut mscold humor in the body? What produces all the humors which bring on. Emplane of the Skin, Scald Heed, Salt ItheemErysipelas,WhiteSwolllnga.Feser-Sores, and all ulceration. internal and external?. It ts noth ing sailer heaven bat an acid substance, winch sours. and thw spoUs all the golds of the body, more or lass. What caw. Ahem:alums but a soar acid fluld,wltteb insinuates itself between the joints and elsewhere, ir ritating and indenting the tender and delicate tissues upon winch It acts? So of :servants disemes, of Impu rity of the biped, of deran ged circulations, and newly W Ma &Unmet, which willies ham. Winne. ly m Now, is It w not hor ri ble to make nod sell,and infinite ono no e this irSURINO, PERMESIDNO, ACI D D "CONIPOUND I OF S. P. and yet he world fain have it understood that Old Jai. oak Tosmmudis Oen.. OriginO StnimPeriii.. Imitation of his inferior preparationll (leaven forbid that we should deal In sin article which timid bear the most distant resemblance to a. uldTownmnsils Intend and which shos Ming down pon the Old Dr. sunk a mannudo lose of complaints and erbainationa from agents who kale sold, and par. chwers who,haee rind P.Towtriend's resteceltne onspons.—.. Wet with It andentood, because It Is theubsolute truth, thnt S. P. Townetted's article and Old Dr, J meal Townsend 's Samaparilla are heaveshtirlde cyan, Infinitely diasinialar; then they are anlikoin every Pat bout at, haunt, not one single than in dawn , . It ts M arrest (made upon the union's..., to Poet balm into wounded humenity, to kindle hope is the despairing bosom, ta restore health and bloom anti 00 got into the crushed ainf broken and to banish intinni. o — mat old 101. JACOB TO%VNBEND hue SOUVIIT and FOUND the opportunity and means to met lilt Gum , UNIVERSAL CONUENFRATED REMEDY. within the reach, and to Me knowledge of all who heed It, that they may learn and knew, by jOylut ea• penenee, its kaslesczansur rowel ea nem.: For sOe by J.KIDUt. CO., Wholesale Agent for Western Pentoyleania; J. want, Ihrusinghts.7 J.RARLOSAN7, Allegheny; De. J. CASSKLL, 'Fink sorard.l3. W. OARDNER. rah wank Fitts suet i V Eilt LatlikLei:cr.—ArTitiber citotiPy 1.., using the anginal, only true and rename Liver iii. Mama, Brown en., 0., Mirth 00,121 7 . Mr. R. E. eAtlleir•—•ln April last my wife eras alinck• ed with Leer Complaints, and had the advice of two physicians, who teed ...Uinta remedies without pro. eating any good effect. Illerlag heard of your eel,. " L.°Lover Villa, I, oottoloded to give them • (alt trial. I porchued one box M Mr. Scott, of Abe Which rdeen, and !Mee them according to the directions, by the was greatly relieved. Ilseured a second box, which calmly eared lief, so now enjoys excel- lent health. I have seed theta myselt, and pronounce them the bort familyossdicdne I eats toted. . Yeats, M., Janette BUILT. Prepared and sold by 'ILE- SELLERS, SY Wood sn sold Moo by Drugglsla generally la Witten chits. - Isaill - - . . 'f' .„,..,.4..-r,-;•'&.--1!-.5A.=A;T:t.,7„arP,,n-,F,....,--;,p-.•-•,•-„„, 4 - : , :z .,„ , • ~F . 1 . „.,,; , ,,, • 41-. . ,,,,: , -,-.. ; ,- r,•-• - ;_ - _cr. - .. , .:. - -,,i•''...-. - -.1 -- ;... - -'.'.'''. -."P".:`,--;'..rt,r-!`7'f 'Z',---.,•':--":t'-'`::;:‘•f,r7l'sl...l''7-`..-'''' .'r z P': ;-2-- -r`... : -r,irC - '' ,- i.i• - :'l ' ' ':: 1 , • . _1 • d :"......- ' ' • t ..: , • 1 I . KK • .; .• - r I 1 0 , , .. , -- -.. ',•-;• . Lr. . ~., ------•....."EPER1111111P E. , ',,,..L ' .`, RATING, MARCH 2 REDitkl , • WALLIKTEWS 01EITZIK.ST, • Coatdining am Illsreary, nor other TifF.. following testimonial was given by the brated Dr. Wooster Desch. theantivarof the great medical work entitled "The American Prentice of Medicine and Family Phy•iolena .-Having been undo acquainted with the incrithents which compose •hicAllimerts Ointment, and hiving preamihed and tested It in several cases in my privets linme no hesitation In saying or certifyirw &Witte a Vegetable Remedy, comairung no rational substencp whatever, that its ingredients, P•s they ate and used direemd by the Proprietor, are not mai; Wakes, bat of greet value, ..being a truly scientille Remedy of great power: and I cheerfelly recommend it as • compound which has dram mach good, and which Is adapted to the acne of a year variety of cases. Though !have never either reconutteuded or engaged to the sale of scent medl• eines, regard for the tralv honest, ...Mead.... hu mane character of the Proprietor of 'ail Ointment, and the value of his discovery. oblige me to say thas much rsierding it. NV. BEACH, D. D." New Stork, Agfti kV, late, BURNS—It Is one of the bent things in the world for Burns PlLES.—Thousande are yearly cored by this (Nut eg. It never faits in giving relief. .For Tones, Ulcers, and all kinds of Bons, It has mei equaL If Methara and Pinnies knew its value in eases of Swollen et Sore Breast, they would always atipty it. In sack cams. If hoed according to directions, it gives tells( in a very few Loon. Around the box are dlrectionsfor acing fdeAllisler'S 'Ointment for Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Tetter. Chilblain, Scald Head, Som Off_litar. Sons Threat. Ilronehites, Nervous /aconites, rains, Disease of the Spine, Bead Robe, Asthma, Deafness, 'Fir Ache, Beres. Corns, all DiSCAACII of the Skin, Sore Lips, Pimples. he., Swelling of the Limbs, Sdfkai Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bra ken Breast, Toni holm. Ape the Fa r e, to. . From the Reading Eagle. There Was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be fore the labile, that has in so short a time won seat a npotation All-Healing or World Salve. Almost every person that has made trial of It *make warmly stun praise. One has been cored by It of the mow painfal theurnatism, another of the Allen, a third of a troublerome lain In the side, A hot Hit swelling in the limbs, A.e. If 'deno pot PT. ' diattarellef, in every sue, it can do no injury, being applied outwardly. As another evidence of the wander All 11 , 4.4 pow. er posaened by this wive, we caliphs the fallowing certifieM.O. from • tespectable eithen of !amidens reek township,ln this county: • Maidencreek, Berke es., March 9p, 1917. Bluer is Cot—l desire to inform you that I was cuthely euntd Of severe pain in the back, bythe use of IdeAllismes All.llerding Salve, which I P.• chased from you. I mffered with It far about 20 year, and =was unabfe to sleep. Daring that tome I vied 7 remedies, which were pleseribed (strop ' by ploaltieueandonserpereonmwnhontreceivings n y whet, and at last made trial of this Sere, with • re soh favorable beyondexpeotation. lem now entire ly freeltom the pain, and eobey at night a peaceful • and sweat Corp. I here also used the Salvo some for trunfi'llolte and other complaints, with =telloe hoPPY trrella. Tout (need, Jost Mixt:resew 1.1 Sole Proprie/AEfRh l a e bvemd E i T c ß in , e. „ra irtelpalyffico, No ta MM. Third strect,Philadst- PRIOR p CENTS PER BOX. Aemers to Pirrsecass.—Bryantßeiter, carom of Isbcrty and St. Clair streets; and L. \Whoa. Jr., cor ner of Market street and the Diamond, also COWS of Fourth and Smithfield streets; J. H. Cosset, comer of Wainm aed Penn streets, Mb Ward; arid sold at the Bookstore to Smithfield stereo. 34 doorframe Second. In ALleglacny.Chy ny H. P. Schwartz and J.Sargeat. Dy G. South, Druggist, Iftrohngberm D. Negley, East LiLertm Rowland, McKeesport; 5. Alesnader is Iron, Monongsbele City; N. B. Bowman :A Co, and, LT. Burma, ltrownswllm John Barkley, Beaver, Pa; John Walker. Jr, Elmeheth. febticodlY Judd , . illaillestad Liquid Catleta. PHIS re d. oubedly the best preparation ever eau. 1, cov Mr dress:us Burn., Scalds, Cats, CM!. Flalaa f Bruises, or any tied of fresh wounds, also for gore Nipples a remedy ureqsalvd. This smell is intended for family use, and sheath be f pond Ic the pothemion of every lowly in the land, Ditchante. who are in constant danger of Injury to their penned through accident and the improper or tele7elll OM of Mots, lath find this awhile robe imaim able to • them: and after a fair trial will consider it In. dispensable.. It in anagt llrut substitute for adhesive plaster of all bind., mi ot any of its inconveniences, and is so medicated he to allay all pain immedtately and Most perfectly. - A very litfia applied my whets on the memo of the Min, inamedmaig toe= • ikr , O, coad.g, very wormier to the natural cuticle or outer skim whten May be freely washed with water andwoap, without ally int jtif, to the wound. Ibn ammo to freely Ailed anti highly reeemmendvd. by the most eminent physician. of New England, and other paths of the country. For sate 037; V by B V. SELLERS, S 7 Wood at , N. B The trade supplied attbe manufacturer's fetid s.U.*' Varml[utF TT ILLS NVER, td a weighs Limuttioc, failed to ex pel Wenn& . Cvig. Conn acts& Va., July 911.197. Mr. S It Sellers: Toe roll recollect that when we were in Plitsbargh, in November tart, you prevailed on es to try to year Vernufage, totem lt•yirtves. nVe did ea, and thrynch the angel told what see ono. ar chm:, whichgaye. It a fair nonunion. In May lag we purchatednion, which ma. throated of Introedi• ately. We th4ttiordexd more, which reached us on the 12th of thelontent month, and an yesterday we told the lag orniso &tun hound We hod it so val. noble • F 441.106, Met every, person of • fancily with .to Late itio belt ponergon. • There - .UM axe pnrchated it would be perierUy wiling NMI. ertifieate• of Its excelleney. at a girtnnte have. amulet tt Interment, te In Innen instune, failed to expel worms. Tog hien& Wm C. LI =cm & Prepated and geld S ea SELLER:3,dr Wood n, and veld by Drag e." erally in the two CRUM felon 1N.CA1 , 44,1 , 1“ 11114 - - - JC. CIP.EtiFOGLE, burin; autoetated with him . 11. CLRKE, far the purpo du ct s,, imatin the Fer.ardlng arid Cotnnuarton In will m ount that hurittess at the old wand or `Cops k. they and reaped:tally aaka a coutinstanm of rho harmer patronage of It,. (nand. and the public gamer. ally. The baonesa will be conducted under the tame and style of BIC, tooth; 8 Chaara. S.C. DREYFOOLF,' A. It. CLARKE. Pittshorgh. Jan.;. IaILL--aanil Lllasolotion of Ce.Pottoterattlps • Tit Co- " m: Cevrannstatop exiatang H. between Cho andel. signed.ander the style of F. talell was &volved by nnonal consent, Jan. 20a. Y. H. Ewen, having purchased the entire Interest a w P. btarshall, who redrew, will attend to the actdentebt Of we toodnoss of Om late firm, at the old stand, No 02 Fearth attest- F. 11. EATUN 1E4.2 W. P. bIARSIIALL. F. 11. sr.ATON, PF.A.I.UfI In Glos. and Gomm, Trhuminga,Vanny Goods, n, bloturs, Lone. and Embreaderl•s, df,ephy rsmd, lantern. and Osumus. No CI Fourth street. A• full supply' of Fine Stotts and Gents , Under Garments • fel/44 In -- -- L - KAAILYIN ' 110111110, • comma ov Focarn LIM must mum., rummteeem• jokTIIE subscriber respeethilly announces that he has now opened his new and excellent lintel for the accommodation of travelers, boarders, end the puhlie generally. The house and foruttorn sre entirety new, and 110 pains. epee.' have been simred to render It one of the most 000111=6111 and pleasant Ilatels in the city. The subscriber Is determined to deserve, and there fore solicits, a sham of public patronage. octl4-tlly JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor: ' LlETXiilitilan - iCse VOMIT/AY. 6 A FULTON, Bell and Braes Founder, him rei built and cornmeneed bosiness at hi. old stood where be will be pleased salon his M 40115106. ors ond friends. Church,Sicamboat,and Bells of every slue, (Mule e ' . ' d I m o re ) ! o p ; * s u n ' : s ' eastr a o f t r e'dmt pattern.liel t o ef gema meat en ? i I r r .. 7 Miners! vector Primps, Counters, Railing, en., loge- Am wial every comely of Brea. Castings, If required, turned and finished In the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole proprietor of Manes Atm-As-M -elon 141.51, so ma lastly celebrated for the redaction of friction in chinery. The Boxes and Composition ',ad of him at all times. 1 . 1 V:1? . !Alan IIiiSSOIL • . . FICAIVE. & ATISINSON P.O wrr., Woon aim Nazism., L rmarmnaal G..eNTINUE to manufacture kieds a COPPER, TIN AND StiEET IRON WARE. Also, Mat*. smith Work. Steam Llama built to order. Special attemion given to steam boat wort. Have on bands pane sasortmentof Copper and Elms Kettles, Tin Ware, de. Ac. Steamboat Cocking Stove., Portable Forges, aerials. aims—a uery-conrenicet ar ticle for steamboats, Catifernia cangrasim, or rail mai " g ' or m onld respectfully Invite swam boat men and others to call and see our articlas and prices beam pure:hosing el suaill ere ivil7 BUACKL.ETT & NO. PP WOOD sTnEEr, HAVE now in store a largo and general assortment or DRY GOODS, which they otror to Coy and County Merchant. at reduced prices: and which they will sell as gi at Inducements to cash bairns. or for approved etc 1.119 Parma glacilninie 'Maps WlGllTAlAN—Mansfactarer .11kInds of cols Ja,,, ton end woollen machinery, Allogheny elth I 'rho obuve works being now In foil and sleeeilett op, .92 prepared to ongoing eaters with dispatch for all kind* of machinery in KY IWO, Mel pickers, rpreadyn, eardit,grinding marlines, ailways, drawing Cramer, opeeders, biome, wOOlen studs, double er Magic, go. Were:wit country Mark, niekt,&e4 slide and hand lather and tool. in goo mal. All kinds of Mingling 'andel° order, or plans gm. en for gearing factories or mine at rearonabla dune. Rosso no—Kenstedg, & Co., Blackstock; Doll & Co.. King, Pennock & CO r lea. A. OrnTr laaillNiffirtlifter-i—liandaome blast A, qhne 01 and black and dowesolored Prints, for blooming be frond at 001 Dry Moods House of • • retail W R MURPHY gi Lierki INV . 'NY ie P d It Y ta l cw . jiedtjt i trlo i re u t gi P r; lowa a price, at the North ; Pant corner of iFtrortri ECr3VD,I3TiIiP VAV, at A. A. alastiN A. - etcg I{another largo Invoice of those desirable French Wrought Caper, Gahm, and Inatra..Alto—Nournlng Canna. and Cada, and 1:X/ pieces rick. black slik Laver all width...... - - . - • - -,-- - - • -- -• • . - - VIN ItuK4S-0. 0 dot Lathes , MI Gent's Linea LA Cerebric fllka. lot of /Adieu Choice lEmbl do, reed pet express at fetes! A L MASON JeCO'S O. — AILMOT/ISMIT HAS )eat returned from.the Eastern Cillea, era reeetving a large variety of seasonable Goods, t which he respectfully Invitee the attendee of Parch ants and pedlar.No 04 Wood st. labia PRINTING PAPER—A fall *apply or all tla al& Intent aims, on hand and made Is order.- .. 611120 aeirrioLDJ Eurim C l wz ,t/VER SEED-60 b. OLASSEN-30 bbla N 0, jail reed and for sale tnr3 d CVLBERTSON, fU Laberly .1 0 rn IIGAN: 43 Wt. Penn! N 0, in A ore v ind for N *ale cy vnDRWON `n LIDLeTI33-8 casks Ssr sale try rarl 3 WIOICk McCANDLESS, 5 - H. /101.•ASSL.S.-00 Phil lalldiag from steams 0. Chief Sii•lie• Narshall, and az sale by Ana JAWS Detar.m. 16 . • • sies • suing, or sale by WORANT sard Tii!iNSPORTATIONs. GEE, WOIkGEE. WIATIVIL A1LF43011.41111112'. T AW. I t " figgg. .atinr coins' nrko'' tar . councii BING 11 , A , lll , 8 '.•EXPE ES:3 - VrAGiiN LINE • Pittsburgh wad Philagelphla. Athe Wiliness on the Canal is about being closed for the serums, gm would Wenn the publin that be tiara again brought the Conestoga.Wayses Lmd edpan, utti will be prapased 10 forward 6000 posods leommenettey art BUndays tie gedt legal *CO, leaving Philadelphia daily by the mall train far Chem. bersbarg, and the Wagons traveling day and night, L 124 delivery of Goods In five days. - Apply to WM. BlNONAMLE'dmbargh, lIINGIIAhI & Doc& No.llo Market street, eavgo I'. iladelphia. WINTER AIIRAMOVIIENT EXPRESS TWAGOiVLINB. • PITTSBUR.OII AND PHILADELPHIA. Tin= Pave Days, (Sundays excepted,) 'miming Day and Night. 11111 E public la respectfully inlertmed diet tids Line, J. which has been in succustal operation the rwo previous 'rioters, will again coproprope running on Handily, the 06th of Nuclear,. A Cu will leave Philadelphia and Chamberisborgh daily each sway with the nail Tren t and from Chain. bersburgh withulays of horses runrung day and MOIL We are prepared to forward 60001 be :night deny by the above Liao. Apply to D. LEECH a CO, Pittshorgh, of to—HARM & LEECII, • No 17 Sonia Third meet, fltilq4;4phla ° ?rttf mita II 4C DZLIANCID ITIVIA DAY . LTInD, . CaITitASCS 01 1113:1CRAXLII“ A. 119 1.4.4' 4.4. cquarn, arms= PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH, baled L. Wi/5 0 .4 Pl 4 Wets and 41., thmgh iitsbarh. Tba banes saw • iosares the preempt dellnry of roods within a tune promised. the Wagons will leave oar warehouse daily, (Bea. days excepted.) at a o'ciewk, P. N. Shippers are awn. that 1,10 mere. geode will be taken each day than e. be ,pusebtalla carried JAMES M DAVIS k. CO, Fa7l7 Nuke greet, Pntladt JOHN SDFADEN S. CO, Canal Basin, Pjuaburgas JOIIN MeFADEN 6 CO., Flor4anola I Colon. an blzactusts, Cana Hula, Porn sucet, Pusburglp..- AIWA M. DAVIS A. CO.. ROWS Facrou Aso COM - M:MON hlsscturrre. s 7 Market, and 54 Commer ce as lErAdvanen made by aneith e e , rofMe ebor oone me Wool, and other merchdis noifened sr 115.10. J.l rXiON LINE. WINTER ARRANGEMENTi . . 1850. rpm =l:lscribas,novr having w nueeenntal open .). lion. Express Wagon Lino between rutsoarsh nod Philadelphia are prepared to receipt for MOO Ibt freight daily. Cant, wan dilliPerablo *Omagh in six dam B.day• excepted. HENRY GRAFT & CO; Canaliksin, Pinsloogh. DITTLLLE HUPIOIIREYI3 tt CO, inaldta 107 &take nu MC& nagalllBso.MMl Msrohaistst Transportation LID.. 'For the Transportetlon of mourns a= nooses now reroawasn TO mn.- Vie PENNIAIVAAA eNT.r.°&II.A.IL ROAD, Wuhoat roodupping. TIME-10 Days. Rates of Prelalst always as low as any other responsible Line. C A MeANULTY &Co, Proprietors, Carat Haab, P6lslst, Pittsbargh Aatars—ROSE MORRILL a Co, Halaroor, citARLL RAYNOR, rhiladapal. iIIEILCIIANTS . WAY .11.111IGILT LINE, kaeteetvely for the a, eascreedation of um WAY PBEIOHT BUSINESS • Between Pitubsrgh,-Blairssills, Johnstown. HOW. daysbargh. and an intermoditc- Shippers by this Line can shwas" depend fair haw. ing wets goods trompdy forw a rded anddaltscd fo at , ti m nT r zi . nt on the 'anal or Rail lead, at alr JOHN MILLER. Proprietor. Assns.—RH CnlgnNtiolutcown JOHN MlLLLR,Holliday ' sburg iota .0 • WANULTY CO Prong OSMAN= POBTABLB BOAT LINE, EI.:;11850,1111111. lOS rot iIIanSPOUTATION 07 USSnlartorld PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. THE PEOPIHRTORS of this old established and mar Portable Boat Line, are now fell)* PrePared fueelYP Dmile thr 4.ipavtt Int oraii4g of Haying straelevaereased their facilities, their wean far storage to ample and complete. No tram bminaut tales place genes Limn the treads being pat Into section portable boats, are not disturbed until arrival at their destinanors—ibus avoiding hand. ling at tha three points of Johnstown. Hollidaysburg, and Columbia- No cbapre Made for receiving or forsrArding, or ad• cawing charges. All muse* forwarded promptly 3 span as fair terms as by say ciao? Line Our =MM." Bees dijar ass, theit rose mslbillT. We ham foe Om but di years, been “Tbe Balloons Lion " an I bare never forfeited our tide; and we trash we tines carved the privilege at tow changing oat name to the Minimum of l'Prta Illsoontomon Luc^ JOHN MelliiiDeN CO, Canal MILL Pinsbeidit• JAME/JAI DAVIB 3 CO, ant NO Dr/ dderlfet at. Philitdelpista. WEST= MULL •41ralitXT. : 7 1ZF' ?"— 1850, -nlitlet EXPRESS WAGON LINE ;.-T4tROUGIL IN - r . PTV - F. imsal rr I l e R snbscritin! , a . tri ef in smfl ne e d 4:Le , ey , t i :l ,l e g t limy den . geeeta n tlisked LYp e r r ess lArve by Railroad sad Wagon between pkovphis , b t z which they are MP= de,7„,,,-,d,4-41,,.....dou'arafrithengtil the pa in 6 ?: lie that arrangements reirmdlag mum, regularity arid despatch, eatmat fall to rep sallsfacurm to all who: favor them with their cameITAAFPE Ir, O'CONNOR, corner Penn ar , t i i i =7,e n tthitAa2 dot SPRMarket aunt, rpm . lelphk • -- BENNETT & BROTHERi— %WV:NSW/ME MAIMPACTURERA - • • Di nails gbam,lasgar . PltUbeQhd Pa.' qice, No. 37 Mae • st, &gums Males, aid Woad, Pittsburgh,. WILL e eminently keep en hand is good wort. meal of Ware; of oar own manufacture.andi re han io a rq e ua r h e ly pe . c W tu h ll o y les n al i e t ed a to outaMer ex- wales for themselves, as we tre determined to sell cheaper (hulks., ewer before bean offereduktke pub Notate to ablppars, ot!tea erm Iloat Owners, and hs. . . . • CAPTAIN SAMUEL. H. BMITIIEBS, having been sPßAmtell Impector of Steam Boats for the ewer signea Insurance Ccropsoles in this city, a classifica tion of Beata will be 11211i(1 and or premiere charged semndingly. Alt shipments ander open Poll cies subsequent to , this date, will basubleeted to such rem. and =gelation+ as maybe adopted under nth inspection. Every tnfolmation will be given at the to 'Norse offices. 3 FINNEY, Jrran ~ Secretary Western Insuce Company. P. A. MADEIRA, Agent Del. M. B Ins. Co :Philadelphia WM. P. JONES, Agent Ins. Co. of North America. 6. W. MARKS, Secretary Citizens , Ina. Co. Pittsburgh, Blotch Id, 1/30.—Inarl TO PRINT XIIS TODD D. WettBARY, Printing Ink Maonfeettrree tP t• =I and.lXlStantoetreet,NEW pot N 0.3 Spruce streot—Woold call the attenuen of b rinters to his Improved lobs inds and orders , at the folloorinaPrintin pgrice.: of 'Alton@ Estra fine J e t Black, for Card and Wood eat • 112 CO and 3RI per lb. Fine Book Ink - 073 00 a Boos rt. . . • 045 " 050 New* Ink - 019 090 025 Rae Bed Iot -73 a 100 160 " R Olt s , Blue, Yellow, Creep and Whoe 730 1 00 I. 50 Gold atta alai pm lb, ,and 415011211 at 50,73 eta and Si per of of tOr P gl i a by 74 w .lJall e .Tbil. ne, r - mgeg oP". kittabasgb, ra. C. Morgan k Co. Cane Inns% Ohio. 000,300 & Gehmaltld, Lontrolllo, Ky. oedhdOos COACH 9ACTORTI • /1113.1111117. Itg A. NVIIITE du CO., would !I:spectrally Inform al. the publie that they have erected is dirtp on Iwcuck,betweenFedend md Sandusky mw lhey we now making end too prepared to receive on far every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Hs. roaches Buggies, Plumenei ke., which from their long expenence in the manufacture of the above wort,. and thoTacilidea they have,they feel conidentthey uu enabbni m dow,th-on.thouro weisOnable terms with thew wartime ardel. in line. - Paying particular attendee to the selection of mite• vials, and having none bat competent workinsa, they have rte healtauen to warronting their work. We therefore est the ansintion of ilia Wale to this Knauer. ll..Repalring dorm in the best moaner, and on the most reasonable terms imnktf vbesass Parkinse?. - , . . . h)r AClillitßr AND hiANIJFACTUFIEit—Lathes, lati. Tobosoo, Kotula and largo derma of All Linda Brass Castinplaod Dross _Work. gincrally. Corms of' Ferry and }le t streets. " • .• - _ . • • -.--- . THE nstMerlber, having paths:tad tho Vacuity of James Pancruct, Jr, located at the abOne stand, wa t {ld respectrall inform IA Mirada and the pablia that he is prepare to fill anyOreen m Ids line, on the ohm reasonable - terms and mit Is dispatch, sad mill fed graterd fOf their patrooste.• , •., . • _ TLIOta4B P.alintaPidi. Pittabargh,Jas.l, IBM. • I JAVES DALE ELL 'HAVING &Cottle& - ofy - , establishment to. Me Thomas Pimaloom, I mho the libeny m whets for him me patronage of tly fetid. sad the pabli ,e realm! weld Mat say_ lames motterredl will be duly appreciated nail promptly attended to. ' JAMES PAIREILT" Sr. PIIWEEThs-4 eases tweeds, dirt, • towN so go JL Zlgir isms trochl . •• MISCELLANEOUS. Alodarn and Antique VTlnitaft MIRO. 1611 WOODWIAIrIar 83, Tin. Sr., Prersecrion. • .7. W. W. Reonecttolly inform the pally that be has cote• pitied his spring stock at FURNITURE, the largmt and most varied assortment ever offered -.le te this city, ...W.f.?' ...on. , lens or ROIX.IOO, M....T. end Bean estved, ornamental am" plain, minable for Potions Drawing and Bed Rooms, whiok . 14 . 1 the lowest price.. Penes, desiring reviitcre of any description, era emeoll invited to toll and examine his stoat, which brace, every deacriotion, from the ahem:mit and plainest to the moat elegant sad costly, at which, the following comprises a part Tete alete Boras; Tete a Tete Divans; Conversanae Chairs; Eliza/table Camel do Louis XPI do Eatetnitte do Beet Mote; • What Now Tablew Louie ,ELY'Commadoret peke Yofki °mob; an Sites with Plush and rovers; W Divans, do do do; 40 dosfilahogany Pallor Chairs; 10. ". Rosewood do do; 11 " 131 , 0 Walnat do do, 40 " Cane Peat do; ' I . 4 " Mahogany Rocking da; ' - 4 “ do Pluto moots;'Mt I:0 do Marb dole Top"Ce Wash Sta nds ' Tables; , . ' 'M Mahogany Bedsteads; 11 do NS - machos: 111.Blit Walnut. • ildit/...11. 11 .O,C . . 13 . Cherry do. , • A very largo staanmerd Of donamon Mali. and Mb ar Partutose too salons to mention. . Ur , Steam Boats fitenished on the shortest nodes. Alf orders prnmptly attended to. ' P.. £l.--Calonet Makers eta be soppiled.with all stets of Mahogany, Walnut, and Veneers, at eensidersOly redoeed prieea. ' . - • - • 111,.E_ ---_ - -- - iiiWociuo. ,. (Bneeemore to 11PCord.A. King) I I Pa•hlon•bl• Jlatta%, Corner of Wood and Pt ParIICOLAR 'attention paid to our Retail Tr e. .o<attemen mit rely . upon Rotting their flea tad Caps from air establishment of the MT 1111•MIL000 IM MMIS.MDT, of the Lams orrtas, and at MolinaMl Maces. Country Ifferthenta, verehashkg by wholesale, raneetally invited to called examine ant Stock is are man say with confidence that of TTIMTS QC and rum it will not matt ins con Manson 'rub y berme in Philadelphia. G.l) '.PITTISBUILGII i'ZIELLIaIio,IBSTITO Z TAP. Second Seed. of this Leslie:tiled. ands • ewe Of Ur. and glra..Ocestoan, for the pre tat academic year, mill commence on this de", Monday, February 10tb, in the samc , janthlh.tp, lio. IW. Lib ty, atAc 1 ,..3 Arrattamments fume been made by Which they it 'beable to famish - y.og Iodic!! facilities equal to uy in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, C: cs eel, and Ornamental education. A full course Of h. isephlcal. and 'Chemical /Amnia . will be dethi daring the winter • Illustrated by appomma The e. E anasent: of Vomit! and listis.truntentaUlaste,brod rn 1 the care ell compete drPro= g ,.. l/y close ' atm '' n ea to the morel end Intellectual improvvnent of their re pile, de Principala hope to meta a condonation of Ito liberal panonage they have hitherto enjoyed. 03 tarots, aee cintMar rar apply to Ike Principals. febte.dir 1 • • ao•A. MASON & CO., • O. 60 Martel oriel, am daily 'Tearing new and N deairebte Goofs from tae leading inutfutories of this country, and. or tan icon lia.oriationa 'the (aniline. which they enjoy, in berg connected with I horse in the east, enabler them to parchau goons at tho lowen en lation, and neap their *welt fail ud .t etaat all toucan. Tuer haul s-tee assimmeat of lime Itee/ir Goods. to which they on li cin eariy lunation of their friends and the public. ' gialliaaat Impartial Cough Syrup• trots mam boa preparation armlet merit,vibe J. many at our Olen Citteen• sedlltgly.and Ily eanny to at. carotin, propenies. An aged nad highly reipeeted causen, attar nein 14 expreutd his opinion of rerypopala w eraah remedy , by ittri _"at amnia VI areizal In acad. , ' An editor el' rail al oar daily papa. staterin note-4 alviaya keep ic la my hire, and would not, an tiny taeGaant, ha antitiat ,t ^ At, old Gauatry saya—ol am saddled, Oar a trial of Ohm or fear yea., that it is the teat eot.h medicine have e'er triad, either in aka Old no New Welitt . If yea have a cough, get a bottle and try+ It cm. bat 13 Cent. • - Illtasprans de norms , Pasant. et • • dela. i 3:)}4 Cn0"..3 will thorny Latetre., dime% here the ooN inanafacierers, mw.a No Orlesine. Poo. r. Math Medici's, Jessica, and Attattint,minch w ill he sag, on attient, at the Imre.% market price,_by •. .-• • - NV to el MIECIIF:LTEUEE, . - Oben • 100 Liberty g iv Xpa y will also receive largo sena. d arbmg a .prang via radttilellptua and Balutoono, . - . -__ Esertialt TWA& . Beoallhotet - DEILSON/3 te went of award To a,sa Idntah, stein • I led to exandee these - brethea The brad. r e . warranted yet us coma oat, and for serekei °ear ....i.w.tbl half desen of th ose In laurel a Mennfaentred for, and for sale, wholemtb and re -- by totttl] . • V. ht BELLIIRS:S7 Woad el, SELLING tIFJP AT altiDC - GehLk PJA.ltinyl 4 I.X.:I4NDEIe & Dna, center of the ttalmond d I 11 Market meet, are now nines off, at It:dance. shock or Meter Goals, conalstiegjo . f . I =l2l Ladies' Dress Goode; in e at consisting T. disa—Blankets led FlatneLsCloths,CaLi t tnes. el • one, and a fall asaartment enteney Zenon Goofs. Camedent that better barna/ma cannot be had eist• whore, we invite the anention ALV of XAboy ► eft • ,NDESI/c DAV, I. .2 oe Market tomes.. . ao*a caw-coons 60 f : ... i ,7•" It eesnel styles 4.4 F . r:age Peizen needs. faeces, French Wtonitt Caes, Collars and Cufa, Oren Manalllaa, Veg. antlers' Kai Glove., elne French and Semen Glee. hamn, nit et ft kW], h•lrebte.ll keened Anthgreenetere, and willbe toned he kr* Plea et A A AIANDN CXPA, (el.• en Market ot TM".X/ D/MOOM. , . . te r &IIUQPHY keeps saupayealmuta.. Ty . sontri.ia of Weinbed:Listen 1 Diapent of differat.wahlie , entl‘geollnee. , Cior and Napkins, Toweling Diaper. *ad Towels, an a fall assortment of bonze tumighing goods. Towels,( • SIGHT and aborigine BILLSOPEXCILARGE,pay abIe In Cincinnati, Louisville end St. Louis,. sier chased en thoonosi favontblo terms.. • • s pas N. 1101.X/iZA. SON =MSG not ON DEMI nun sr Sal Nam. - won ex alt erstoli,etr. I Yorefs or Slued Evil, Rheuteetlnk Obstinate CO. neon Emden, Panpipe or Panties point raeo, Blotches, niles, Chronic Bore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tener, Seeld 'Head, Enlargement and - PON of the Donn and Joints, Stubborn and Br Otillie Symptom, Stiottos or Lumbago—and dinettes • ng front hiludielon use or Hammy, API. Ines or Dropsy, Papas= Or 101pradenCe to Life; Also—Chronic Constitutional Disorders, he. In this preparation are strongly coneentrenni an the the mo s t properties of Sarcapanns, combined ions, the most effectual eids,ihe mint seln seductions, the b e en mtnt limoles of an inmetable • atad it has eso folly tested, not only by patterns t ein. selves, but also by phyuelans, That it has re their onqualthed recommendations end the amoeba+. don of the. public, aad has established, as its own merits, a TopiltittiOrt for TAWS and 1:11.LOT flo sube. nor to the vanon cernlmunde kearthil the oetiaief Sernmailla. Diseases ham been ewe such es an not famished in the !month of 110111 parr: and what it hes already does for the domande who have nisei; it is capable of doing for the minium end sad ernagaktd MMUS' with ann.. It patient - Ca strengthen the fontain 4cinlio of end Kaki new "Igor throenhout the whole ann.] e. • ANOTHER CUBE OP KIWI ULA. • 1. The folderol striking...4—as will be wen—pir• manta can of an Inveterate' ease-of Borensla, tem. mends itself to an sthillarly stinorlds • Sorearms, thom.,T an.lthe ,l M 9l% in. • Mean. Sack Gentlemen, BMW/7 Or eel Innen tee to infamies of thit remarkable cum ensepardla, it the cue of rtq wife, ier c ,,st b l.e V reVafilieted with the Seroliala on dicer: sot perm din, body; the glands of the meek were wooly enletged, and her limbo muck swollen. • Aftor remota over a 7 Gat, and men uo relief Ikon the remedies used, &Media:wee enacted one le& sad Ires low the knee amputated.. Her phyaietan advised it *meld be laid open, widek ern dna. but torkhouteity pentancen bauelt. In this Amnion we brood of. Ind were indneed man. Ends , Sarnparille. the Ent bottle madame • deolded and favorable. effoin. schen log her moth than Nay ptenripnell the had emer tang . and beforoehe used six tonkno—M the. asthalehmoff I and delight of hor flioado.otoo faxed heaksalstrquita rumored. It is sow everts yen Incense cure woe Of. feeted; and her health teMOr=throornif the - diumee was thentr i bil. et nom thaqicke. nighties. me Intorrlos to llama frotr, LUDY 'very kigisly of Bands' 15 unpaid& •' • • ,•• •.. Poen with mapper,• • . Awn ju t ' Haunt from • Inner receives - I from Mr. N. W. Its, a gentleman well knows In Loalettaa Goottomort, 1 hays cured a mope bey *film with Toni tweepaulle; Who was aussAnd'adtl Eerufics, nod of a sototelon faddy. • cc.r• . ..• "Tours, nasty, N. W.HABIDS. °lledericke Hells Vi, lily 17, filaidar Decurcaulaossit spina almctannolowers. ry to dircet attention us an ankle to wed knock no us deservedly main, aatidsprepanetiorr,bat.ats often who wish to an the tettmosta( Bersopardles indaced to try worthkin eon:dowsed' beanng the smote, hutoordaining little or wee of the vita Of elf eats. able root; and we think-ere cannon enter a gnat.to twee& on Mir foldesof rs than in directing their auesmon to the ad OwNeessa. bent to Uonkiol . Sebum eetheenne. The bottle has . weedy enlarv.d to held a quart, and those Who wish a really god wBl IM eneenanted to lineal] the menthol estrus - of the snob Ike experience of thousands km mooed its !Sae, In cluing carious diSELOGII forerialtit Ls recosonersed; sadaimm foment time mot, that . any other, perhaps, is this Pinola" nest, in remi sing the rsstem for a change of .cameo. —lll matEiept. PH& - remised 1114 soli, P wholesale and retell. try A. D. a D. HANDE,....Dnorgist and Census, In Palma stover, wa wsllLan, New Tons, rr _ ri ...b,..DlAV wine generally thcoughod the uo me thta • en oar houses eta bonne for CM. • • rd_e n ,; - ,:, WILCOX. r., D. A. FAIINESTOCE .7 — e d - glieerAßD EMMERICH. Pinsbusgic magi Ilthdrarator. idellsdetniaesT blr . XVII. NO.' 198 MISCELLANEOUS. °Mambas st Edematioutat 001Selg. THE SCIFNTI PIC SECTION.—The Uefan. Chan bees have employee the teat Prole/Ora In Scot land, LA the preperadoe of Abase works. They sto now armed to the echools of th• Unimo tater,' ease the Artarrir an tevieiou of D. N. geeis,lll.l3,l:. late Supeeinom dant of PabUe Pcbools, Is. the City gad Coanty of New York. - I. clisontiere TIT.VIri of Reowledge; • - • 11. Clas , * Drawirg end Perepeethet " 111. Chambers , Elements of Name! Pbilewiphfi V. Pent & Rein's Chemittry and E(eettiegyi V. Hamilum's•Vegetable nod dermal Phyllehrgyi VI. Chambers' Elements of Zoology, with pima.; VII. VII. Paso's Eismet.ts or o...nab leamalted.. It Is well known That the °dottrel petoll.heri giber works the Maras Chamber., or Pelobstgb) ant able to command the best talents in the preparation orange nooks, and t Th is their practice to deal Gsithilitly with the peb lie. series will - not dmapputitt the reasonable expectations rhos etched They are ado. aleatory works, prepared by nether* in ovary was**. popable.er iltungivtigolothetrmaPeddeohM 4 Mli to fi s s and' Who his% evidently bestowed' apon,thros the .emery -thief dad IslNleto adeprdieni lb Milt tarpons. We recomound them to Loathers and parent...llM confidence. The fort named voleme,ln the hands Or • teacher of the younger thaws, might runtish as to• rzbeestlbie ford of amine:mat-and low:Medan: Toe gather. they would methane a rich treasuroto SA. Hy of intelhgeot children, .and impart a, *AM jar twourledge —erroont Chronicle. Published by A. S. harem tr. Co, New Vert ead meg) for sale by A. H. ENGLISH e . lto IP mat Sollars' Cough tlyru s ts•HWilhotat t Rival. Pcterauson tkn Ware) Fab td h,1890. M. R ve S ty . se S T S ere, 4 4l ß . - The ntgii:ao . w it 4 remelts: bed earlier than usual, ym noterni standing I bad WV' , tole the 11111111 rnte. my 5000 was SO levies that I mould not sleep, neither meld those lathe OM= pith me. The person sleeping with me won KJ wed ea• dyed by my roughing Mat he got up and weed to a dreg store and to a bottle of year Coegh gimp, roadies of which, to my great astoulstecena Moped my cough as by mame. Went to work talk/ Mom. tog, nod mu stew mum well. Yount, H a - Joan-DU% I hereby Certify that I ant II acqualmed with, tle above dreams/acmes, sod that - the abutment. given Is tree. - A !sumo!, Comer O'Hara cad Qaarry atteeta, 51h Wait 11:i"Ehspend and sold by . R SELLERS, i7Weed street, and acid by Monists 30.1114 to Lb. MU vibe. and vicinity. , arta ALEXANDER & DAY, earner olthe.Dlamondiarl Morsel street, are prepared to offer s at tn.. low est market pricer, a choice IMORZIttIt of Ellke, of tha bent qualities and poems' stylee. Drat' black glassy Gro de Ithtee of • celebrated nranaf Un te aetarer, warner d rat to cut wearing, Weed d. ard &Mar very rich. Rich AO :Mika cod Patin Ce Coarle., to choke colors; Charoelson,...Gra do Rtdoesi' Soda di Chums, and Tore'tranne. ALEXANDER & DAY, 85 Maria - W . mrdt Northwest torn.. If ¶OO CE==b • - - - - . WE Pan hetet:qv re eXtatteg between glltell to_rAgliab, in ibe. Blot and Paper lbseittrie, nese. tap:deed ea the llth toot, ey metal cement alle bayinesa will be coadrAted at the old htarel, No It Woad meet, under the Sue of "A. It. Enttfht by whom the hatiness o 1 too fanner parttershlp.orill be reeled. SAMUM• ELLIOT; TOIL . • AH. IiNGLIPIL • ICIONOGRA PlllO EDO VOLOMEDIM OF SCIENCE, LITT:RATLIKE, ART: SVATENIATICALIX arranged by C. HF.CR. arith A hundred guano steel gimes, by Me moat ma- Unmesh ve ed artists of ferment'. The 'Vert mortal.d and edited by • APENCUI. P. BAIRD, A. M.. AL D. Professor of Natural Sciences in Dellaaem Calks.; Carlisle, P. ....,... The leonographie tanyelarat lin will be Airline/oak in OS parts, each eorrunning plate, and SU pages of Icier ere., Jutted in a ecnirenient port olio, in Which •ohseribera can keep their CONC. in perfect order aim eorepleted, arlien they can be boned. One pan In peon:hot every avails, et Maven , lows price of 5100, knelt will enabio an Ion : roof inatkaa , don in the Most beatolfal and practical form, hikerirtr : et scanty their means, ori hoopla.- sabrtnbera • to lime ork. . . .dahseripdans token for the whole work only.' From the Beebe Post.. - _, The work shoold nOt he eoneled for a moment Silk any of Ihe trashy or popularly .elaOti a yubtlintled 01 the day., , ...- Prom the New Tort Tribune. ' • , 'The decoding, beauty or the platen redurwaltdi Otero to the at:canon et the load of ar- From the Lf•crary World. A wall ormolu: solid wort. of substantler 0.100. Tome introdue nee of dd. work Into ductal els . ..lead actong oar sehool and other honed, goblin and pr!.. dus, Cannel fall to no medusa of.arinanags. • . • 111 C.) Uslion:. We Immo Imo high, meows...al the work. 'no breheat sere of ass.. No walk bee ever borer. •been pablisbeo. la this eau:try, ea apleg y ldl , 4l l l:nrat or ed it ag , : s e t e pro; r te ,,, d i fa t vlr h u taa ' % ' ls,,NerS. of this Invalaanta ydwyelorwlia are now priblatted mut read/ ro j r , ar i tug . .a . a cKwox, Erokaclier and Importer. Wood sr, arm . (polar la% ispol—Foanh ht near Waren Georg. 8. Illassey, • HAVING .aeseebsted er ph aim WM. A. eALI36. WELL. sad JOHN CALDWELL.II, C5O Ship Cb..d,..7, Met Wove, awr quanamnolv Beebe" will be =deem! -a.s N 0.33 Wet= weal, ander do mrio-[m ''MlfAM 9 l 'Yk (141,1ivere7314. — Dada. • lava . 1 asinine 7. anialaotais orB6 sonar-Cu adonis his invade aad dis paladin 0 , 11 , at lus ostenslva.egabliaidend. P.alribia of employing nom no.. to Kinn hundred watkoliaa, in 6 dram be annaYa keen,', tans number *fibs OA whcblnlzta eagaseda he Is prepared so exotatn, In On be.. manner, end with meat dospatab.all order. In WORK aid PIITUN nod .WO /lAN e•errdeeilipVida. -- Pbrildi arathaidia ,, ship and style or hia Machines, he vonald refer tbdo mamma muudifsciarars la th e Western oad doinions States, as nod as the NE14.310 Stun, who no now !K -andla* then. lie has neends Ossa• 'Snag 1 .1. 0 ‘. meats, both In lb. one .4 plans of his .tdaalinam -bleb will los fa - niched at Orion,''. pilots alYiaft.ll.LEß6l) JENK . Bride.anr Stamm Mawr *LI/ rims .21seribet °flora to rent a Steam dm NM, In complete romans .rem. ittnala.on we. Beat of the Allegheny nyer, within one mile of Tamoina. The [!nine and other geodes are all in good order. and unable of doing a large badness. The Cod is convenient Cu the Mill, and thereto it comfortable Dwelling Howes anachedtothe promisor. - ' , Malin Inallniennl Mttemonioas for tbelneS,mf,Phs Ira Par further particulars enquire of the nalmendor.... on OW pmalat., a: to Peter .Petera , rA who ca bea found at the Womb:nee of John Ale Peden ACo , cud Bade Pittabargb.. . LEWIS PATIfAUSX,'.2., re,IALt .1150. 11151):,` SPRING/ Day GOODS: 0 are Roar TOttiNl:q oor teAalar NoppUte et Do. y mastic a:tit comma DRF GoODs, aralskams prepuniAo .1/ at the lowest market poets tab , ash buyers sae prompt haziness Men We would ask the 11S011011ot Gay and Waste= Merchants to our ter ck, bcßenng we can arm nu, tneueatteres to purchase from 0. SHACKLETT to WHIM, rebel eIPiLING rAIIIIIIO7I. .-- . -,, ftATMS beautiful Ity:o of HLTO Cs win, 2 _ received, and uhll be Introduced on 1 , 01-. utday,March t, by MeCORD & CO,, _ re Iftla & Wood a. . ---,-,--- CA99IMERES-5 outs Fa!lvy Canninerea,past TIP. cetred Iwo onnaftetarers, on c.tignmorn. and '..r Wel by ' • Et LEE, Liberty moil, feb 23 _ oppouto FL* • - . *Grni c ouci. •g. ; . ~ DIANKETS-2 oas o DropCoLiu.... d drab . Cr, 1 Co ate ! -, tics . . 1 do geperkor Ile& far Palo ily kW II LEE, Llbenr il B L IA MAITS7" n'l° bYg_g_SELLZILS. kiLLBOX--4104copitpdeoft lir,- • 43 do Ill r est willowrfnias felaS - • ft SELLER& IPALISTEWSOINIAIENT- L eo eel for .le few 14 feb23 .lt Y. " EULLLENS • GARS-11 C'lmA. 003 COTLIZIOn. in Were aDe in faie • ounr, jONE• &CO ri:ACGO•blo3sssa Inr, tutsale by aistii • ' BA RDY, JONES( Ss co pr ENtOrIOTW - iN—/ ease 'sea tltitslbsess • EL and fat We by • OAB BUTHNUt, strit, delis Weed st •-••••••*,,••••• .ND 115— G 00 du II Hoye. ree'd =A for Bala bv C autrrecurr • WI. • W wirrwmtfi SUGAR. MOLASSES, AND R.O ar 1111 lads prim 0 Sugar; ' - 3 arts Loaf Sugar; • _ • brls 9 II Moown, ----• • 19 tierces Rine, knotart Don AliV - and for mks by W MISCHnLyIO, role • • , IGO Liberty !greet " 840 rcaltelitlFAcru f01ii13,5 .loba Rucker Fa; PL Dudley Dreads* lba P L Dudley Sr , Say a Ilan Ng • • to , beams Vs; • /oho* Lewis Ibt • Ilameo & Amber Sr, :ROW/ Koala llni .1 1 Thos Retard( I'm Ma Dam Ds;, • Danieftuttrivaliod Pr, • R u Ring lbc Pretwirk Sr; • LAIMIllni. lb; Wm Smith AM 'Lenard Harm VA; OW ging Sr; • • • IA D Imes mal A JaboonFy : Wm MINT Ito; Ilart & Cox ffs;" " 'Wm Spottswood DV The togloding same of dm mum mob& Lynchburg and Riabaseatl tunes Tobaron, re.?,0 99 ' ligament usai suialitaciunsn, and for ru'r' . . . . . TV; PLATE- 1 0 bow T.' Yisio Szoww, J. Damn De Wal (=gent Id i"e • ADES tD MI clarified, tar 1 4 % i rcarsolv /ay.,. fa} th• Pt lot& . . . _ r"T", 3 bet Smeeofar s S T.VLLY WPM nniviM r M°ll6-.mH Cknef uni. torS4o4 b 7 3 "q1)1.7-44x6SNHON•T t.-03 Eti/CDS-leaoka *l . l ,llzolti tio IS Wood keens. D AY .sums,lo PE% airgi&W ) At old littnt , NDT ?IC I-130 tbs for RR tryi mrlP R PELLVRIB usIPIIO —4 tn .uo by • E SELLERS _ . S D ns c.muc. V. fiia%iWi FUttrw`E•l=l . "•M h ! Elericu wias b 3 ' • • riCrITON YAK 01 )0.111 ime %JAM finale by tart •jaitravo mrA—to them Mr PatchettTesi-for by ---- ml9 a as Wows : 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers