The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 26, 1850, Image 4

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    UII3! , 'FURS: PU RE ! —The wrosorWeramlli my
Rfor Own,- Idlnk, be.a. ital, Groy ond Hod .Itoi,
sod all id* of shipping Fors. eke bighead. eiltenk
febno NeCORD ik.130 ,
corner Mb and Wood stc
• ' ' nissocoviozr.
rivE Pe.deership heretofore existing betweeo James
j. Tlaley audJolui Best, in the Grocery, prod.,
and Oenunisslon business, was dissolved by msta.:t
consent, ois the 141 b inst. hts. John Best Isola; par;
chased the claire. ignore's oflaeses Tassay m the
Arm, the Dulness will be settled by_him, at 1 1,6,,,, , ,d.
stand , sis, =Wood at. . . JAMES TS,SdEIi ', • •
feta ' • • JORN BUM • •
--- r
gat.* Coo;la 5 yrsrp. • ---'-
111110 SE he au Morkan'a Cough Syrup can con.
.I. seta Maly recommend it.
the Efening Tribstre, Feb.*lEsll.
Maio 'a Coosa Bram—We elm conscientiously
Reg= d thle medicine for coughs, as it togs cured
as of a mosSawasated attack. It Is • very different
stair Iron the ordhury patent medicines. UT. Eno'.
a cold try it.
Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail, by
JOHN D. MOBCAP:, Draggiti.
mei Wood .1.1 door below Diamond 2.1k7.
------151iir' 16371-0117111liiiiii: ..
THE nibscribers, basing rJur large Sin/Achim.,
aro prepared, at silt Mom to wash, bang and
smoke Pork on reasonable ten..
BIER & JONES, Propri Detors,
lan2t Canal Basin, near li
-- -
— paper—=---.
.PRING SCLECfIOIB.—WeI be received, .by , first
13 canal ehiptnents, a nen and choice assortment of
Wail Paper, of the latest French and Eastern ptgles,
in gold, chamois, oak, plain and high colors.
W. P.- MARSHALL, (late S. C. (1111,1
mr1385 Wood street
—. . . .
Co-parintil3 heretofore existig between S.
1 D. Bashfield and en obn MeGIII, under the awn of
9. 11, Dashfield a Co., is tbis day dissolved by matnol :
COMM. The business of the old firm will be sewed by
S. H. Boaltheld, at the old stands 0.220 Llbeny cunt,
Newburgh. D. BUSIIFIELD,
?starch 1,1850. JOHN hIeGILL.
continue the Wholesale tted Retail Dry Goods and
Grocery business, at the old stand, No. fton Liberty at,
ander the gnu of S. IL BU J la CO.
March 1,1950.--[mrl2 _
aleaktn,s-Oloy• Itenovater.
For electrully tutoring Boiled Kid Glee. to their,
pristine eleanbous.
TIRECTIONS—ttraw the glove tightly over the
bend, or on a frame made for the mayomoben
apply the Renovator with R meee of clout flannel,
rubbing gently until Me effect or produced, For sale
by nar yE SELLERS, 67 Wood at
Great. Spa.lsm and Sumakraor Ileaases.
Dr. S. P. Totrasends Sampan
150 D2,z9`..
E. 5055.5,
N 0.157 Wand street, and by D. AL Curry,
en 7 Pity.
11,TEW SPRING GOODS—A A Ala a ' to
.13 the auentlon of their patrons and the pubic, to
their extensive
of new spring grails comprising
the 19032 fashionable styles of stiks shlwels, press
good. m“rniert do,; , do, Ac. New goods
coon:m.3r received, by the arrival of almost ever/
pl<22Lip and steamer. __mid_
Skiffl4l , ll.ara — G - o - di - D - G
A.LEXANDERMS. 75 Market at, North. West
comer of the Diamond, bane commenced mew
ing th eir stock of Spring Dry Geode. They have
opened • choice assortment of Silks, Linen, lArtres,
and other Drees Goods. Also—Bonnets and Bonnet
Ribbons, a handsome assortment of French Worked
Collars, aa.
. Splendid French Cloths,Cassiaterek and Sethi Vest.
Meuse Burnishing Dewar. complete essortmeht ht
the lowest muketpp_tes.
ALEXANDER & DAN. Merkel et,
m N W corner of the Diatuoul
A Present for Your *amity. •
aI Witted 'Weekly—U pet annum.
"The beet poker m the licion.--Eeetting Star
"Rather get to cool than go without lt.”—llest Poet
Nero anbseribers cOo be rophed from JannarY
15.50, if immediate application be made (either per
sonally or by letter) to the airier of p OOD, 63 Wood at
J.ILL. has also Blackwood' Magazine, for Febrithry;
Edinburgh Review. for January;
London gnarterly ilev`, for Jemmy;
Westminster do do .
Bookseller and Importer, di Wood 00,
ml 3 (After let April 92 FOUT/11 as. east of Wood.,
— yi
Tlife of Ashbel Orem, E D Id; 1 vol, 8 1);
A memoir of lady Colmthoon. By by D 11;
The Engtoth Palen. A mliection. of sermon% by the
most eminent IMlng Durl dimes, col, 8 To;
Extmrsione lecture on the Epistle the Ephemera. By
Hey Robt I McGhee. A M;
Brown's Comordame. mthathre gilt. Mc;
The Maintains of thollible. By McFarland; -
The common mamma of Infidelity, Ey 11A Rowland.,
Daily Bible Illustrauons„ being original waling... for
year, =subjects from sacred History. Biogra
phy, I
Geography, Arnmeitiee and,Theology,ospecielly de.
signedfor thecircle, (wonky By John Mao, D. •
Jacobus , Notes on the Gospel, according to St Mu- I
thew, with a 00000007.
The Mid's Book. BY Mrs SMouthey, ilia Meted.
The complete works of ino Miasma Ei 11, to 4 vols.
Edited by his ma, E Mason.
For sale by A ENG LISII CO,
Wood Street.
11111-1171rlArKTVIBlIntalli, ALL
LEGUENY, AND VICINITY, will be wady for
the ertgrarer in 19 days. Petrone who may Wish to
have mere of their commy mete put oaths, map can
do e o by mating application to the underaign,M, soy
tim before the UM lost. To defray the expeeso of
the Morn be required in addiuon
to the Of the mas. novl9 It E
A sour four ran since, I was traveling 10200410
131. the State of Ohio; while spending a few days at
Shame, 1 &wormed a simular Dietetic substance.
end subsequently homed that It had been known for
• yenta. and supposed to be of no an or value, btu from
to uniformity of tertare and singular appearane , . 1
was led to' believe it might be made astral, but for
what purpose I had not the lemt Idea I commenced
my expel:omM , by bathing it, boiling it, and pelves.
lung it, and compounding it.with venom substance;
and so oa t was my confidence thattheret was value
in 0, that I gave up my entire time end means in the
premonition of those experiment; mid OM that Moo
o I have Mmded to no other bmineam at the ea
oiretioa of almist thro yeas. finally diseov.rd It • Mall
by reducing lo a fthe powder an d ertwf‘g
h 111
wed oil to Moat the tonsils...el ef Omit penal, ond
applying this emnp,,,,,4;..ezi a brash, that this mounts
Mg , mono., become a perfect stone or
.MG so th eism ittbStgUlCE
ate, and the la When
m: applied
amount was
o sf
Eau in allotid m
atattuna, magneme and Meek oxide of iron that 1000 st..
fabled, rendered it both wea th er and fire ma; m the
longer exposed, tie - harder and more permanent It
seems to become s and as th e matlng faller it turns to
Amt) it of itself midestructible by fire, consequently it
• protects tin wood covered with it from the air, end
where thorn is no *Molest Laco blaze or combustion:.
*mane the wood mil Woody cher, before the slate
morning will give way.
I considered the discovery of the greaten import::
met, and applied GOVellarlent for a ;Mem for my
intww4on or dtscormy, fondly hoping tam I mould
now be remunerated for all my outlay Mame and am
my. The goversouent, without any Smiled., grant
ed to Me Lettere Patent thr the phiht to
sure, MS and WWI lIIT improvemhe ta1L1116141..
of a °Weather and Fire Proof Campos/Me or Ant
ada 111ate.o Dr fourteen ye WM. IitiAKIP
WE, the inhabitants of
and Shama believe , bey
sod cad the
su abbstan
statement of Mr. Wake.,
tially Comet, as we are wing know to mist of the statthat
menu therein =imbed; and vwll farther state,
we do not believe IMO mere ever wan pistol more
balite:ay and laboriously earned, or more
with the mem deservedly
granted; as he mama ids eXperintente
endoutitable perseverance under the most discouVi
i eitrateaLlitees, ea the public had Mt the lessiS -
dance that there could be any Wag valuable made '
from the vutiMane. Be therefore bad to encounter for'
years the leen and coeds of nearly Um whole comma
uhr. MOtwithetanding all OM, be wee indefatigable
its the
e provecuio of dm experiments, and. we do not
believ that there Is one man ln •thourand who would,
have perrevered under alt We cirecomtnacem But be
has et last triumphed over all obstseles, sod we be-
Rime there is noW but one opinion ia &Wanting hire
the merit of this valuable discovery. •
GEO. W.CRANF., /maces of
• LEWIS C. CAT 'AI, Totstem
L I! EM W .I . A M aI ' Towevhip.
EVE' owaship Clerk.
;N Assiut
C. C A/T/0A
II WE, Trr
and P aPaII°
I to bo ed
patetne tout'
shown mi
t, int ge of
re a rig tto lin
End pa Wont
st Owl
til a Ia-
that at nth
=ninths . Nt
e paten in go
'Nand and
ase 1
nd not nend
New I I ta)
d fra
Lave uccrtaimdt re individualsen,geged
in digging, d
grinding, a
Menuone hlineral, lag forsale, the aloee
. with on, .na toed Pre
catty ea I ese my pate tele. I hove been to
thou persona and othot my patent. Thei.say
they In net Intend to or trespass upon my
tights, that they have a dig, grinthand sell the
findserr, that they ere not
Mi"t•eirktr%Vnt't the do ' with in that It is
no infringement util it h I with the oil. to mete
the coomotual; and that tl rho boy, the e
sod use it,
must take the respooslbil. dOilt of theta say that
they bellue that the pate toed Kee" Ow that
gals and nee the totOpound some tune and dint
what they wanted to me touldeenainly push.
sab le f mate they did not i Ito make themselves
liab la any way. Now II uyself to dury baud to
ampere thth berefaced (moll ~.on the public . as I ere
aril It by no MUder !Incl. • man se'lls and re
an. pay for h e ap
area T hem e
use ef whichhe
knows sub Wets ucka... and user to IL proem...
tiro and fins. 'Seem of theme who are engaged in this
hereticna wank, will unquestionably mineral to the
gothlic that my paten will not stunt and non I dare
sot prosecute. Now, minim this argument emeiffean
stem, I went to some of those who were proclaiming
that my pawn was of co valet, and rude an d low ing prone.
In d
that theytuightselcet a ledge two
thwyers who have had mine practice lo patent
i f
and we would sehrint the pals. to Meat, and if they
deeded that the pewit was good, thotthey shoule atop
all farther proceedings to the harlotry, hot if-they
almiald decide that it would not, in tei olni,hd,
I would agree to let them go on end t el lall th ey could.
without among any thole to Us palm about them.
This proposition th ey reale not accede to So for az
she ...IWO of my pamut is contented, Ido h a ve
peed entirely opon soy own judgment, although I
the fatirst confidence in in hot I bare sal:mimed it to
many of thejudgei, and several of the tudst eminent
patent lawyers, who have, widow exceptien, decided
that In their
Swett good, end would protect me
to tel dmererery.
I aria the article to a fate power, and ;tit it so in
barrels, the which nth "Ilts
marked: te's mar Erne
aim Wroarrea Puce Ateratcus 9azx
I therefore give nonce to all who buy end are the
above mentioned mineral for the yuppie set forth i
soy.patent, except from me or toy autharised.sgenA
that shall hold them to • sinet eccoutehllity,
thee and
eta ce commen emits at law against those who
Infrtere upon my right- WY/. BLAKE.
linasee, Mediu Co , 0., Amr.lllY-19.
lI7TWO TONI 3 of the above the rod IVeather
Proof Artificial c orn on lands and for shle. 'Yhe
above Valenti recommend, for we have Unit tering it
fernery TeittS,, lull know it to wfi at rt It act forth.
In every minimiser. J. tr. SWUM... Agt,
tio 3. y.l
Dff. JAYtiEll ALTEttATIVE. '
W have been informed by Mrs. hose of is are pat
( arme e d
onher hypes Jaya.'s Attain... tire, which
proves Its superiority over every other remedy of the
bind. She has been •Ected for the last sixteen yesre
s ' with FECILOSES or.WIIITE SIyIa.LINGS, at tended
with.eleerations and enfolohon of varioustiones,dn• .
nog whiehumemany piceesbase been diwkarged from
• the•irantal bone of the cranium, from both her arms,
wrote end hands .ar.d from both !emend from e left
femora: bona-and from the right knee, betddei info!
; steers on outer pens of hot perroh, which hoer bullied
W 5 skillet a ItfillgrCt of the goorreniir.cetphysi sat of
ear eity—daring mast of the time her safeties have
'• . • ...r..'i.„,,gougcniating and deplorable: About three the
, • CM*thC WIN induced to tryDr.Jayne's Mte lb,.
•..Vmeb has had on astonishing!) , haPPY effedll n he
• by all Nun and swelling.; mid eau. g the
ulcers to heal, while at Meow= time bcrgebetarlth
•. Mr becorse completely_restored,so that eke now igt,,,
85 the marathon she &a before oho COMBICIIE en) dr ase
et thistly valuable pre pittion..7A!!at. Eve, Po.t. .
, • ..': • For father informationour,instiortdrs.Thosalito. IS
Filbeilftl,Plilladelpkia.. , 1 , ..
Per salvia Pittelorgh, at the Mari vri "sit,
- - .: , 1 rithil. BOY Worst. ),
3.81.0 AN
I-4A N by 117 AL the Ifed4m.7l
ue 'I4aLLERP, Wa°4 16d JOIN P SCA?"
ii-tßarmmihM.l6.h iItNHEN,GIRSrp.kkeRWARTZ
The Deet,agd Cheapest Hone feledletno
• -
mrnad a r.t eam.. Fs+i
Punlk ncli t , fildrutugald;
' ty, and Thirtnecknos. SLOAN'S 01
And is rapidly persidiMr all Wier Ointments and
Ural:mats FAR m axe Mr the cure alba following dig
taws: • .
Fresh wounds, galls of all kinds, sprains, bruisers
cracked heels, ringhood,' wirtdbeme, windgalls, poi
soil, callus, mamba, ewes.), fistula. isitfut, USW] e
lameness, sand murk, foundered feet, scratches or
greaso mango or hone
The Powder will remove all inflansontion and fever
purify the blned,:hiosen the skin,•eleanse th e water
oral strengthen ovary part of the todr and it... Provost
• sovereign remedy fOr the following dileaSeet:
DiSteMr<r, • wa te ro, loss of oppetite. Mural,
strain, yellow inflasithstlon of the eye., fstigne
from hard exereith. also rheumatism. (commonly cal.
led stiff complulat,jwidc ' h proves so fetal to many vat.
uable hones in this country. It is also • safe and cer
min vemody for ecithgts'aidir Veld& generate so
many fatal W
inseam . • . W. B. SLAN,
Grand D e pot, 40 Lake et, Chicago O i
Extract from the "Galena North Western Gatette.',
By the use af Sleazes Ointment wad Condition Pow.
der, I hay° entirely cured a fistula: on my horse and
otherwise improved his condition more than fad Pe
cent. on the cost of the medicine- And a cow 'duce
was so feeble as to be conaidered worthleas be Lapsed
and neighbors,wu restored to good health and strength
by the use orient than half n panknac of the powder,
.d is now doing bettor than any mho?
V cow
Smell Pox, May 1P,1E43. Wll. INCENT.
(hereby certify that ono of my children, 'Menne
ked, fall into a large fire other coals, and was burned
severely from head to feet • The twin of medical atd
gad Mention was given to the child for four or SOO
days without any relief--each day's sufferings memos.
Miff' hisgroans could be heard ...greet distance, at
which crates.' period MO ofroy neighbors recommen
ded and presented to me a box of Sloan'a Ointment.
and In leek than Aiken minutes after, the application
of the ointment to the aggravated sorei ortheautfering
thud, the pain reseed entirely, and he speedily began
I to recover. My residence hi La Dell township, Ver.
million - canary, and State of Indiati.
.' Chicago, Angast 51, 1549.
r. Sloan—Diaz Silt Gourd say horses had alums
tumor on his breut bons, immediately under the
esLLu which lamed him and rendered his services of
very little vales. I faithfully applied several bottles
f Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Roue Liniment, without the
least benefit. I then procured Milder's Celebrated
Horse Ointment. and used that until I became hilly
satlaGed tint it would never rel i eve 02 anima. Fi
nally 1 obtained a hoz ot•yind' only valuable 011A
menteld in lee. thin GO days fro Alm" beet applica
tion e moor entirely disappeared, and th e e horse was
If popular opinion is any criterion of the worth of an
trade, ere Inaba the inoredalons to wad at Mast a few
oftbe man? VC/11=MT terrific.. that appear in our
columns respecting the rest variety at remarkable
cares elected by the one of Celebrated Oint
ment and Condition Powders ,
These remedies no longer remain among thou of
doubtful utility, they have passed from the tide of ex
perimenti and now stand higher to reputation and an
becomung awry extensively tired Man all other artb
.tiss of iha klint—lidieti. City Nays. • . • •
Fox. Brun, June IS, 1642.
De. Sloan—Sit Please eend by the healer a new
Supply of losr,lioree Medieir.ea. They atm the best
article. of the Sind that 1 bars ever used, never hav
ing been diesppointed in their Mot, as I have been In
the aloof craws, even thorned' celebrated Ointraents,
I.aninuenta,tes.,Of the day; .Ilikevery =h Ws fea•
barepon In
a , Tut theta they a
delt that tsprunai.e.l, and
u thorough trial tam is *untrained to add. LW
'qualm ßeepeetfe lly,s not been odd."
The ordinary ointments and liniments it 1 well
krioam are severe end partial in their operation._
:Meares Ointment is mild yettneroagli—rt teaches and
removes the cam e% hence it gives real and permanent
relief. For parity, mildnus, safety certainty, mtd
thoroughaass, Swan's Ob.. MGM/W/41 1 f r•pittly
altrperteding all other Carlene= arid ^imam. now
Ohne', Ohovs,lll., °c.c.s:l, LS4B.
Mr. Sla.—.Sin I have moral the viruss of you
Oulu:Leta is the ears of mules:take bites, sore throe
burns s estd stany other ttsuvits,•e.nd in every east
has =mused our <spectates'. As a reality (lin
tarot, I have never seta its equal, an for be
easel get eloag without it.
Your*, Sr., htILE3 ZL. JOHNSON.
Mr.SioaeL-Dear Sin For • considerable length. Of x /1 - D. ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR
el woo aerionol, alanned with the rhea'*.,,.. eon.' I.lti JAYNE-This certifies, that immediately after
plaint, and applied freely . the Carbine liniments, paint having attended my brother, who died of consumption
killers, ar-., without obtaining any relict After Which in Much, 194 I was taken sick with the Couumption
Ointment, 011 t of Rad Pius Infiaenced me to Er, Imo , or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the
and within two week* fr om the time I cot. disease, that for four years I was enable to attend us
teemed sing it, the pa. ... , -4, ....1 Iw. fte , .. 11 , iny business, either at home or abroad, being for the
cared, and shall recommend all who are similarly no . mein time roamed to my bed. Daring the above pen.
limed with the diaresaing compLaint, to protean year . n o of tinie„ I hail upended for medical utendance a
excellent ointment without delay . 1 1- I I regular Physicians and medicines, to the amount of
Reg?, years, ' •.• 09CAII F. MOTT. X.Pu, without receiving a., benefit therefrom. In
Princeville, Peon. co, May 1, IEM-• I Joi. yo ladd, I commenced taking Dv. Jayne'. Medi
-•-ci e r ica, aad have taken them more or less over since,
D From the Hon. R. Y. S. theatre. Agent of the t awl befit,. that It
woo by persevering in their use,
Illinois and Michigan Canal Packet Rut Cennthey. t, that I cart now unly say that I hare cumistely
Emu., Jane 21,19.431 • vex
ed my health. I believe that rayu's Rotative Pith
1 Dr. 'MR. Sloan-Dem bin For the last 30 years I and Espouses. are th e ben manly ernalmines cow in
have had oecasion to me many horses. ugliest , used aro.
the Veal Moiety of liniment. mod et ‘ tnooceis in nth, 1 reside in Springfield, Otsego canary, N. V., and
but' have 11.Tel/wand sny thing eq. , to your Oint- . carry on a haroata and machine shop in that place,
moot for ialarlog on harm , Ifftlidet the lam two and me dicines , Interested In any mazner In the Ode of the
mondial hays itjgdiedpetheliament Weenie 80 horses, . mes and males this ceetificate tor the ben
for 'Minna rtega sand hi every Inttallet II hal pro.. ' efit of those &Mimed. MUM' EATON.
wed a saverewaranady. - , Springfield, N. v., Peps tea 1E49. fall
• • i-e- . • . 1
I - 11.i . 1 - 11 11 - 1? Aj. L 1510 . 0D1t ..
Tyro miles *oath of Chicago, Rept 14.1h 1 d.
Dr. Slesso—Sin On the th.trinetantroy son had • Un
ger bluer mainly of by • harm. We insotedieteth opt
plied your celebrated ointment, which relieved hue c I
isin • few minutes, and prevented the finger from
swelling the tenni parstele, end the wound is healing
tepidly. Steeply yours, S. BROCKWAY.
Mr.Stean—Dent Sin' About three ' years ago I was •
severe injured in onoof my - legs by the falling of a I
pile of wood which oreuneemt Mtge nnning ulcers.
Nearly! cry doctor in Gadenavried tuenre them; but
Died in man, until from sympldlay and imprope r . tree,
meat my other leg became as bad as the one on,ginal.
ly wounded. I despaired of ever being well ageha
but In order that I might neglect no means within my
reach. - I purchased of your agent in Galena some 4i
your ointment. and you eanladge of my surprtse an I
gratitude 'better than 2 eon .arpress it. to find myself
entirely welibefore Iliad finished using the second Is
These furs I make known that others afflicted mutt
believe and not delay using's° valuable an ointment
is yours has proved to be. Respg your grateful fed,
Galena, 111., Dee. 19,1049. • EVAN DAVIS.
Before the following order, )man. Vaught, g. Co.
purchased a lame supply of Siou , s preparations.
7u - ms, Mich. Feb. 21; 1,10.
A. K. Olbbard—Dear Sin I ammo. of Sou , . Condi.
Oh Powder and .llorse
'The wide tar..
reeds my expectation. ((you eon ma:mum mid me
4 dozen Ottamerd, I will pay for them the first dmi
IMO you are Lem, and prestune I their be able to sell
a largaquandty in the course of the Tear ., It will be
tal obect to you, an well u to myself, to keep me eon.
steady supplied. Very teary yours,
S. 8. VAVOILS is Ott.
MISSISSIPPI 81TER..:. .. • •••
Sr. LOCO, Feb.
Dr. Sloan—Sin About two years ago, while ratting
on the Milasaippi river, In passing ever the rapids, I
holm plunged into the water, end by the-raft dashing
against a rock; crashing my left leg and otherwise PC.
nonsly ittatnng CNN so mach that I Jost all sensibility.
t,Then cannier:mem returned I found myself in St.
lora, mthrounded by my weeping family.'. Good onto.
rag and medical aid, enabled morn abed. two months
.to hobble around with the asdotanee of a crutch. The
woods only partially hewed. leaving large tanning
theca at the knee, which for many months diminished
blood and matter ofthe most offensive character. My
puns were pres . :l o h . l a c i
b iti n stm e
,eicic:rn4secrineo goat thrt death g ho n e
'come. Earthman!) . Mr. Wilson, (one °Coq neiglifio w rs ' l
, advisid'ree to try poor Ointment. I obtained a boo
I applied it according to direction—she hones soon l•ega^
...lime a healthy appearance, and in three; months
I was ealtelfented,,and enabled to do third labor.
VOLLI obedient nervani,
We, the undersigned, neighbors of U. W. Thumar,
mere stquaitatal wall the ease dm restoted,and know
ing the elretunmauees, most cheerfully Muff= said
Thomas' statrment. , JOMP'4 Wlie IMUGLASS,
Cumsco, Jan. Pth,Dl4l
W. a l so
One of my harms washout bound
end also wounded in the Mille, In whieh lie took mid,
and 'became eit crippled Mot he could mareely navel.
My the free applicimon of your valuable laiJaMelll,
hoofs "rummest softened and the Mille permanently
cured. I have Mee time the Ointment In die cam of
Poll-Evil and on seem rails with equal ralr<trtz.
On • ger that Wm very painful, opera
ted like • c harm Noon, A. VAN stRDF.N.
Sloan'. Ointment and Condition Powder are ac
knowledged by all who have used them to be be l eft
rensedy.fof tawses and cattle that has been discovered.
Farah wounds, gallsrapavina, LtWees,. ringlione, pall
evil. and in abort every outward disorder or int dry mot
be mired by this wonderful remedy. The Powder Is
dungned far Moran d strains, dbormper, hide bound,
fatigue from Mad exercise, diseased eyes, tic.—Lakc
WtortdMrc„ Cook Co. Feb. 13,18.11.
Mr. Sloan—Sip I have a line young horse that was
taken mob the 'scratches last MIL I paid out about
three doilara for medicine to cum him, but he grew
worse. I then baagitt a hoe of your ONILLeItIII Idyour
Wm when i. Imt. lather doubtingly, bin
thought k would try it. Judge a( my surptiso mid my
piano or. its Imneficial quainter, when I found my
borsets legs smooth and well in loot days from the lima
I Vomme aced &retying IL Tours:4.lkm.
• • . FAerai FORTJiF. PEOYLF. ,
More titan fdteen.yeara of =rivalled !emcees in the
cure eleven,' variety at external disarms and
stela us sprains, brutses, ruts, born., entarteous eruie
limo, sett Ilps,,sere bresib - tlintitied hands, chill-
Wain), Wes, niners , vems, pates in the back, lodes, et
edit, pans of the worm,rant...make tiros, de., been
ample le , uatutly that ditit's thnitnrie erlunt INN:
for the jo u
r.a Ceruneutes without number have Leen
tecetverl; by the Proprietor from disinterested indrend
gering details or rennekable cures by its eve.
Qranvilleyht Hermit te ea. WM., Oct 13, ISIS.
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin. Recently my harms ran away
with awn attached, which eat and otherwise
hawed theta /crime:4y, so winch eei that I conedered
my team ranted for liminess. Fortatmelya friend re.
commended the.use dyne' Cititmena 1 went to Mil•
weak and irereband b. hoe. It loon removed the
'oleiledaye the wounds healed
The greopenefddenvel from the ace of your Skov
me , on my kpreee, induced Me to =quaint yeti with
the (sett belienriag its publicity woald be ma you and
the -11msoe trally Toon,
' (NoT/Rldr, CollBTOt7i.
Milan become a common wring, Wit swan,
Ointment and COP/tidal Po orde r am mptdly .open.
ding alit:dm• romediesforall diseilittga tome , . and
man. Tba tout, of the ozedielaccoonaisioJa Melt
may *ailment}, to wit the? AO bloosed,orri
bwronficotsrip 401profilti00 eold, - or any mt.
ariVrisecgoashm ars . =, 1116w1
Sestatiiiknattal Sala Of Dry- Good.,
so Tu.% MIL 171 ca Roll IV
A., A. MASON t CO.,
'WILL commence on New Years Day, 1800, and
VT continue through the month of January, dorm`
ffiffhlCh WIC the whole of their immense establishment,
Onclinling all their Wholesale bo
open for Retail Trade; and their retire Wholesale
Stock will be offered at Rend, on this occasion, at
fully wiz Alone Lass than usual prices.
Their Shawl Saloon contains more th.3l:olBhawls,
'comprising every description of Longand Sq..
Wool Shawls, Cuhmere, Broclie, he. Also, Ifueues,
.Cloake,..Mantillas t Sacks, te-r ta an Immense rodeo
tinn font usual PM..
Their stock comprises morn that DSO pieces Thebot
Cloths, Merino., Paramettas,-Alpaccas, Lyoeete.
era and Peline Cloths,
.will be said from SI to 40 per
coot. lets than usual prices.
Also-100 pieces rich plain and fig'd EiILKS, redu
ced MI per emit.
entire new sgle+.
tO cases Catheter. end D otal las,
Alan—While Gaols, Sea do., Embroideries,
Laces, Ribbons, Gloves andßestor Trimmings, az.
20 cant Flannels, 70 cases new style Calicoes, 60 ca
ses 131e.hed Muslim,loo bales Broom do, bales
Ticking+. Also, Cloths, Caeli=CieS, loans, Canine.,
tec, at extremely low pil..
• Together with an cemen. variety of other Garda,
unking an assortment one of the most extensive in
ryal et which have been marked dawn at
to uchm lower prices than Mir extensive annual sale In
J 10111•17 Goa.
They mite an early call, as many of their choices
, Goods will be sold.
[l7The lowest price named m first.
Jane A. A. MASON in CO.. 00 Markin st.
Norway .
WMURPII, at East corner of Fourth
and Market street., has lately received a sup
ply of the 1
the above superior make of Blankets, and in
ane. those in want of the article to look at these be
fore buying. lie has also on hand Home blade Blan
ket,, • scald beery article, which he is aelling
Also—Home Made FLANNELS, brown, barred and
white, of a superior quality.
Also--Twil le d Scarlet FLANNELS, to which he
invites the attention of buyers.
w OGYA law- supply of Goods recently opened in the
ROOll2ll, up stems, makes his assortment
very toil and worthy the attendee of dealers.
• •
Drttax, I' a., Sept .„..1640.
hlr. It. P. believe—Dent Sir. I feel it is a duty I owe
to the public, u well es to the credit of your Liver
Pills, to state the good effects produced by them en in
try own clue. During the month °tiiae, leis, I took
very unwell, my appetite felted, and my strength was
entirely prostrated, with severe pain to my side and
shoulder,. I weir told by medical men thatmy disease
was o severe rank of liver ettemialin. I took seve
ral boxes of 111'Lane's Liver Pills, and roma syrup.,
which I was told was good for that disease, but alter
ell I was gelling worse. I finally et:tooled.' to Place
myself under the care of a phyalcian for bettor r
worse; bet, fortenately, just at this time, I was to ld
by the Rev. 1. Niblock, of this Moro, that a friend had
taunt him a box of Scalers. Liver Pills from Pluthargh,
Nehieh had benefitted him very much. I forthwith
sent for alter of your Liver Pals, and by the time I
Note done using there, I was satisfied that it was jest
the medicine that united my ruse. I sent for more,
and took five or air boxes, and Maud myself almost
entirely clued; but in/klatch loot I cught a severe
cold, which brought back the disease, and in • short
time t was.. had ....... had tweverse to
your Liver Pills, end took them every other night for
sir weeks, and occasionally silica, and I east new Mt
that I ran now say, that I Mel little If any symplins
of the Liver Complaint, and my general health is es
good now us It has been for the jut 10 years.
My neighbors mit me who was my doctor. I tall
them that Sellers' Liver Pills was my doctor, and by
the blessolg of Divine Providence the incensed caring
me.l am confident that when the public become so.
qualmed with the value of your Liver Pills, the de
mend for them wll Mop of my neighbors,
to whom I have r ecomm en ded the pills, OAP testify to
their value, as well es to the from above stated.
RerocelfallY yours, Grogan Alarm,
To en Penic.—The Original, only inn, and gene.
nine Liver Pita an prepared by R. E. Sellers, and
line his name stamped in black wax upon the lid of
each /lox, and in signarare on the outside wrapper.
gErAll miters are counterfeits, or base iiipitelion
Spc27 IL E SELLERS, Proprietor, 67 Wood at
TIR711•0 Mip•OtOrlillata
BAUM, Columbiana em, U., Apr. VI, 184 L
DA. D. JAYNES: Dean 8n:—I feel booed to you
and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this ops
oortanity of giving publicity to the extraordlom7 er ra ta
(your F.xpeetorant on myself. !laving been afflicted
for several yearswan a severe covet, beetle fever
and to concomitant Mimeses, and seemed only doomed
to linger ma a shun bat miserable existence, anal Ma
fall of 169, when,
being more severely attacked, an h d
having resorted to all my former rentrates, and the pre.
entions of two °Me most respectable phyalciam in
the neighborhood without derramgany benefit, or the
consolation of survivine tut a few days or weeks sj
rankest—ashen the le.t gleam of hope was about to
smash, I had recommended to me your Expectorant—
nod blessed by that Acing who dims all things in Ms
use of the means—and contrary to the expectations of
ty pimmicains and frienda,l was in a few days nixed
Trent my bed was was enabled by the tae of a bottle, to
a uend LO my nnainesa, enjoying "MCC better beet/tame
I bad for ten years previous.
Ampeettully yours, Emu-
For sale In Pittsbangh, at the Pekin Tea Btore,lll
Fourth street. marl 9
_ -
ALEMANDER & DAY, comer of the Diamond and
Market street, noury their (mends and the public
Mkt they have received their meek of Fall and Win
ter GOODS, duces from the importer. LOAmtfaetarera
and •110101111 at the Cut Their stock of new style and
fashionable Coed. is large, and present. strong as/ac
tions to purchaser. fn Ladle. Dress Goods and
awl the mon splendid and fashionable Good. of
to seinen are now offered, at remarkably low prices
evensong se pun of the fallowing
New style Ilroriba Gred Camelion Silks;
Cold and Slack Satin Do Chines and Tare Satins;
Cti e Carneltan Groderhittes. of the best quallue.
Mack felony Groderierm of the celebrated Eagle
The shore nmoed Slack Silks are warranted not to
cot In the wear, for dream. and mantillas they seethe
best imported.
Neat field Carnelian Salle Du Cheer, the handsomest
Silks of me semen.
New style lie ha Silk figured French Menne., a
new and splendid article for ladies , walking dresses.
SilkF French De Leine., for messes and
meks, enurely new article.
Cashmere., Do Leine. Merino. /Jpmeas and Par
l'A nL
131 . 0aZ Long and Square Shawls of the best quell
Plaid Loos Shawls, of ilia newest designs, remark•
ably cheap.
Splendid Tatted Shawls, at greedy reduced price.
eructation firming filed Silk Shawls, to great variety.
Crape Shawls, white and colored, to great variety.
Um Sedan real Preach Twilled Cloths, all prices;
Lost Sedan real French Cassiaicrea; new Bilk Amer.
lean Carshaeres; roper Satin Vesting,. _
French and lielglan Black mut Olive Cloths, for La.
dice' Coon.
A splendid anornuent of Ataxic. and imported
Blankets at remarkably low prices.
A large and complete assortment now ea hand—
:Many of our present stork of Staple Ghana were
height from the nvolufactarer. previous to the present
advance in prices. A principal part of one stook of
French and English goads have been purchased
great Auction Sales In Philadelphia and New Yo r k
which enables a to offer decided bawdin in almost
every description of goods In ow line of business.
Country Merchant., Merchant Tahoe.,l and all
.wholesale and roll buyers, are invited to an early
couninatioti of our stock and prices.
ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 Market at,
oecHl nooh west corner of the Diamond.
Or OKI( Giuulloi
wdfi Market lllßPHY, north cast corner of Fourth
.arket au% at
is now receiving kit seeand
supply for the season, and can offer Inducements to
buyers rarely to lea met with. His astionment of
I. very full, consisting of French Merino. Cashmeres.
Coburg., Lyonew Cloth., super Printed French Coal
metes, at priers considerably lower than they could
be bought early int. season. Ws Oak of
I. [Jule, and embraces many of the beantLful sales
now on exhibition at Franklin Insulate, FhtladM.
Of new and very handsome Myles, Velvet Trims
ming% &c.
Of Tartans etyles and qualities, plan and embroidered
Block Silk Laces., Needle Worked Collars and Cuffs,
Bonnet Satins and Velvet Flowers,Cap. and Feathers.
Of the newest styles, and at lower prices than anal;
J rich changeable Silks and Satins, for klartilla.,
and • large stock of
at !weld prices. And In the gentlemen' EXEEP .
dep GO ar DS tment
wall be found fresh
Bleck Doeskins '
Winter Venting., Fancy Quitman%
Undershirts and Drawers, Silk Cravats, Pocket Ilan&
fa-Merchants are to o visit the Wholenle
Roams. up a.m. Oc t
Maws., Mercer co, Fa., Sept. 55 r 1811.
K &Seller. Dear Sir, I bought one bottle of yOlll
Vermifuge at the Iron City Furnace Wire, atthisplace,
andthan performed what we consider out herea won
derful ewe on one of my boys eight years old; he had
been unwell for some yeas, so much so dial had giv
up all hopes of hi. recovery. I was advised by ooe
ofmy ne.gboors to try a bottle of your Vermin:v—
an.' I am happy to inform yen of It baring the desired
effector relieving my one, Ile plumed, in the short
aptice.r 111 hour% 164 worm., porno of there meager
mg as cinch .12 and 14 Inches Meg. I feel bawd to
Justice to gore Leo the above statement,. as yea may
make any use of my mum that you think proper.
Tours, very respectfully,
HsrPrepared and sold byll.. &SELLERS'S? Wood
street; and old by Deriggiats generally in Om two
elfin- toml6
Itkftt/ I Ft!. t irlan L a Y•a kli., L l'Ve G re of t .
Court of Quarter St-840ns of Beaver County:
Mr. S. Seiletst Sir, Some time in the winter my
wife was afflicted with • severe and distressing cough,
and bearing of yenir [nee - amble Congh Syrup, I par
<hued a Louie from S. T. Trimble; of dridgewster,
and after taking • portion of It two or three evenings
on golno. to bed, the found Immediate relief - no eon
several (needs hove been relieved in severe eases. 1
am therefore satisfied that ills *see and valuable me
dicine; lad would reeommendlt to those who may be
Hoisted With nevem coughs and colds.
Marc h w. SODEN.
ircSold by R. &SELLERS, 67 Wood street, and
by - Srugsist generally g 14 the two cities and !Minn,.
uthvr et,01119-3 cues Blab and Drab
r CLoths, jam mt.:land forside by
mvo WILSON tvat
SoARLET Mattel. DE LAINEI—W. R. Marphy blur
Joss feel a lot of hlsi colored Mons. de Lain.,
such as cherry, amulet, te.,'Wt the low price of ESf.
per yard: Also, Vale Nub, BrovroOke 1M to MI
La. geowollY.
such u FILIIOI tiiUts,...Freneb Marlow!, Cwhowsce,
Col.upts end Lpnwhe plats, at the • •
• Mott Foorlk
WiigligiWitoome ny Pain
litat . frEN a co.
Paawnigar eau Hasaittaata Otthat.
AHANILDEN ft CO. coronae to bring Persons
in. any part of knwhand, Ireland. Scotland or
Wale., upon the most liberal mints, with Melt
usual ptmetuality and attention to the wants and ems
fort °lmmigrants We do not allow our passengers to
be robbed by the mmedling wimps that infest the sea
ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, and see to their well being, and de
spatch them without any detention by the Bret ships.—
We any this fearlessly, as we defy one of our passen
gers to show Mat they were detained 4.• Flues by us in
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others • ens detnined
Mann., until they could be bent in some 1/4 'raft, at •
eh: p rate, which too frequently proved their eoßsts.
We intend to perform our contracts sonenbly, teat
what it may, and not net as was the cue last
with ether oLkeers,—who either performed not all, or
when it salted their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any aunt from L to
goon payable at any of the provikesal Banks in hos
land, sldagland, Scotland and Wales.
Eumpean Genes.' Agent,
fold Mdth streak one door haloes Wood:
13*A.ViCift PACKETS.
Steamer lOCIIIGAN No. 2—Capt. Gilson.
u LAKE ERIE, " Gordoo.
TFIE above regular and well known Beaver Pack.
ets, have commenced making their daily trips to
end from Deaver, and will continue 10 Tllll between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly daring We season, as
Michigan N. 2 leaves Pittsburgh daily .. 9 o'clock,
Michigan Denver at 2 o'clock, P. R. Lake Erie
lease. Beaver daily ate o'clock, A. bli,and Pittsburgh
at 3 o'clock, P. 81.
These steamers will P run in connection with
R G Parks' Express acket Line, for Erise,
Taylor b. Lofftingwell's Warren Packets;
Union Line of Preight Boats for Cloycland•
Clarke ICo's Pittsbnigh and ClevolandLiite Praight
It 13 Parks daily New Cantle Packets.
CLARKE, PAIUCS Co, Beaver, Ageing.
JOHN A. CAUCIIEV, Agent, Pittsburgh,
mehH cur Water and
1849. man
THE Proprietors 'of this old established and popular
daily lute, emulating of SIXTEEN first class Canal
Boats, ...weed by themselves and running m nonnee-
Uon with the steam boats BEAVER AND HALED
COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for
the %despoliation of freight and passengers, on the
opening of Corral navigation, to all point. on the Penn
si damn and Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes.
E. N. PITCH A Co, Cleveland.
gents, Beaver.
ant J. C. BIDWELL, Agent,
Water street Pittsburgh.
1.0. sww.l., n. w oe c. arnwAbts
Pittsburgh. aver.
Forwarding Alrrenantl,
Agents for No Plurlntrglsa d Omelet. brut, Pitts
burgh onotErts Line red Erie, and for rheum
boats Brewer arni.Caltb Cnr.
Having purchawd the large .4 aubst.tial Wharf
Boat just built for the klunougabela Packets, hove
with addluon of a Warehouse, We most ample an
contmodations for retiring cud forwarding, and
pledge their utmost attention, promptness and despatch
to .risignments to their rare, and rely on their friends
i for a tool. murk-dry
***** d Baud Planes.
sef , and herd octa , ves, pU . ce 8.66.
1 " s " 51 s
1 s ' 1 6 s "AL
For sale for cash at the above priers, by
del6 JOIIN 11 61ELLOIL I t Wool st
iC, VIOLIN PLAteSllB.eringii titian-Pll.min
Sotomb, altered and connected from the last Eng
lish edition, to cortespond with "Spoke's Origmal
School of Violin playing, by hss pupil U. C. 11111. "If
any arguments are inquired to recommend this work,
It may be olesnrved that Spoke himself adheres strictly
to Me system laid i'otsli In the above work, and that
he has by the same mode of mstrucOori. produced
greater amber of dssunguistied pupils than any other
master in Campo."
A supply of the above lust reed, (price 87d and foe
sale by de 17 Jll MELLOR. 81 Woad st
..-1)11 ,
; :. 'l'Ylpi(ti4i - igljX-.
f4,..41,,„_ ",,,i--,47)
4 i'.. 0 7.z:-'
A N EMINENT and uposienced rhysictan from the
East, of V:t years standing, often to treat encases
of a Delicate Nature with promptness and secrecy.
His success in Buffalo and other large clue. has
been proverbial. 111 charges are moderate, snit his
cares permanent. Old cases of Glee; Stricture, saro
ngs, Fluor Albus, Rheumatism, Ague,Syphilis, or any
chrome or inveterate cases soliuted.
A care warranted, or chalice refunded.
Ograno,St Clair street, doom from the Bridge.
Teeth Extracted Advsco to the poor gratis.
N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the worst cues rtf mly disease
In Hast:tub to call. altd4tdls
rivraoLgoat; . catiziocK OIL.
“Were are more things In heaven and earth
nazi ore dmampt of In philosophy.*
TvitrruEs of ans remarkable remedy.
the C045/1111 application for it, to the prophet
has tnduccd him to have it out op in bottle* with 1.
bets and directions (or the benefit of the public.
The PETROLEUM is procured from a well to Mot
county, at a depth of four hundred feet, is • pure ens
delmraied article, without any chemical change, het
Ina as flows from Natures Great Labratoryll Theta
contains properties reaching s limber of iliscatu-s,•is
no longer s matter of uncertainty. There an many
things to the area.. of natare r witlch, if known, myths
be of vast usefolocss m alleviatiug suffenng, and re
storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a suf
ferer. Long before the proprietor thought of putung
it up in battles, it had a tarlatan. for the cure of
Cole. The constant and daily inereasmg calls for it,
and several remarkable cures it has performed, Is a
sere nadication of its future ;popularity and wido
spread application In the sure of &seam
We do not scull to ntalca !trade of certift-
ws ore are earuei;:siiitil esn
im way into the favor of those who sutler sad
ish to be healed. Whilst we do not claim for it a
mversal application in even disease, we enhont
mien say, that in • number of Chronic Dtseues to
anrivalled. Among those may be enumerated—all
disuses of th e meeous causes, such a• CHRONIC
Asthma, and all diseases of the sir moues, LIV ell
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Waimea, Assess. of
the Bladder and Kidney., Puns in the !leek or Side,
Nervous Diseases, ?females, Paisy,Rheasuatic Pains,
Goat, Equipe-lu, Tense, Ringworm., Burns, Scalds,
Brumes, thd Sores, be., •ke. nmu of debility re
sulting from exposure, or long and protracted rases of
disease, this medicine will hong relief. It will act at
general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in such eases,
imparting tone and energy to the whole frame, ramov.
leg obstructions, opening the sluggish fune nous, which
cause disease and a broken constitution, and giving
Increased and renewed energy to all t h e organs of
tufa! The propnator knows of several cures of
PILES, that resisted every other treatment, get well
ander toe use of the PETROLEUM (or a short time.
The proof .can be given to any person who desires it.
None genuine without the signature of the proprietor.
Sold hy,tha prop Keith,
S. M. KIER, Canal Basin, near Seventh so.
Also by R E. SELLERS, 57 Wood at;
comer Wood at. and Virgin elley; who are hit
none-dly telethon appointed Agents
F. H. EATON & CO.,
No. 65 Fourth barest, Plitsburgb,
Ilave now in Store Weir full amortment of
Telmalags, Gloves, linlery and Lace Goods
A DAPTED to the went. of every clamor Nathan.
and Consumers. No pains have been oared , .
present Me newest, and most fathionable style of
Goods in Man line. Their stock canal.o in pan of the
-•-- - -
Fringes and Gimps at every variety; new styles
figured Galloons; Abgerint , and Imperial Braids . 'wide
and narrow Silk and Worsted Embroidering l e l ,o nt r id „
flz , e . d . a . nd d e p a t Ve
lain ;iv.IR bo
Ribbon.. alund
white and notated Silk Laces; colon wide do do, In
doances; with a 101 l assortment of Dres• Buttons
Drosses Limited, Stamped or Embroidered to order.
Embroidered Lace and Mogan ClWell, Ch.:Mums,
Breakfast and Retiring Caps and Ilan Sleeves, French
Worked Callan and Cods, in great variety:Lace Veils,
Lappets and Opera Ties; Blooming Chemisettes, Col
lars, Coo and Half Sleeves; Liman Lawn ildlns,
plain embroidered and hemstitched do, plain Linen do;
• nsal thread Laces and EAgings; lat. do do; Bobbin,
Lure, Lace Masan and Cotton Edgings and 'meetings.
Rich new min Bonnetßibbons, French Face Flow
s, Bonnet Taba, Vlvets, Satins and Ilorences,
Itulons and Tarlc o n., Bonnet Frames and Tip.
Best manufacture, with most approved fastenings,
d choicest colors. An extensive assortment always
A great variety' of Silk, Wool, Cotton, Merino and
Cashmere, for Ladies and Miner; Tartan Plaids, and
• full assortments:alter styles fancy and plain Child
ren's Hose; newest mien Infants. Boots and Rocks;
Bente GranlpiAll, thgottin, Marino, Cotton and Mc
Wool Ihtlf Hose.
A fall assail:neat (or men, women and children,
among which are Derby Ribbed, Foloselle and plain
BID; ribbsd and plain Cashmere; Chnmol. Lined Bar.
tin; Cmsimere, Merino, Fur-lined Deaver, heavy and
Lae Buckskin, Militaty and Lisle Thread ;sad Cotton.
Such a. Ladles' and Chlldren's Hood., Children'.
Woolen Knit Bead. and Batt, Children'. Gait
ers and Long Mitt., Worked Cads, Knitting Worsteds
and Woolen Yarns, California Cantons; also, One
Cashmere Scans, for Ladies.
Zephyr and Tapestry Wonted., Canvass Putter.,
Ron and Emh'ir ellk, Bristol and Pend Boards, Pa.
pee Flower Materials, Lamp Mars, Tulin, mid Ern.
Moldered Work. Also—Ladle. Silk and Merino VC.
and Drawer.; Embroidered Sacks and Simnel., French
Worked Caps and Waists for Infants; and Swan's.sloss it
Pule Shins, Cravats and Collar.; Merino, Silk and
Cotton Wrappers and Dranen; &spenders, Shoulder Dressing Dewar, Silk and Linen Illdkfs;
Cloves and flung.
R. F lgrotil l jm. ru 'd7 1:1 tg,',, B ojo k m e t=.
de; Buffalo, Soda arid flosewoml Hole Brushes: Shen,
Buffalo and Eng. Horn Dressing and Mc Ivory Combs;
With an aesonment of Nall and Teeth •
Wetherill's "Bald Modal" Perfumen•
Noodles, Pins, Tapes, Steel Bags and Parsee,
Rations and Steel Goods, Berlin Wire Bus ets,
Parse Twist and Serine, Floe Rosewood Desks and
Coat Bindings &Galloons, .Fancy Work Baskets
Cloak Cord and Tassels, Portfolios, PaPie".... 4
Blind tr.Skade Tit:amine, Ladles' Statiomry,
Palet i Barmer Tamely French Cork Soles,
Upholsterer's Fringes, Silk & Ging'm Umbrellas,
Buff Linen, width., • Papas Ditt! b. Rolland.,
English Oil Cloths, slash.
Fts'd Chintz Binding, Corset and Shoe Inems.
11008/175008 11
s - USTree l / 4 1 lithe Pab.2IIVTEJOBAN BOOK ROOM,
I N 0.70 Wood street, sad for silo at Eastern paces:
llebn.Lealeett, Toornsend's assessment
of the Bible, Nesoderslll.lory of the Christian Hell
igAttsordeCne=ceve Treatise es Cadet's/Doe-
Evan., Esq., Robinson , . reel,
ilermosty of the Gospels, do Easl,th do do, Been's Bi
ble, I vole, Boston edition; Pansies Bible Ossetties,
bledborsth , eons and hs Prospetts, Dr. Wood's
tares oa Brodesboyissiso sieve Missionary Anec
dotes; sad all oloillitirestios septic la ad dlotto
to the above, all sauna rums. mkt. 1
S Mediernes of the day."
Cataneres Deemer', Ohlo, May P:., 1849.
state Sellers i I think it right for tho benefit of others
to some fonts irk relation to pout excellent Fami
ly Medicines.
I have aged your Vermitage largely in my own fain.
Hy. one via , frequently answering for espellingi rge
quantities May Ito Soul morels from two childora I
have also
your Liver Pills and • Cough Syrup an
my family, and they have in every instance produced
the effect desired.
As I nm unpaged in merchandising, I am able to
stain m ad 1 nave yet to hear ef the firstfailure where
your iernes have been used in oil seeron of the
country. Ift concluston, I may state th they are M.
medicines or the day, and are destined , nhave a very
extensive pspulartty Yours. ref ...dully,
it B 1 11. VIMI.M.L.
Prepared and sold by Ii I i littS,No 57 Wood
greet, and sold by Drums . g enmity to the two ci
ties mid vicinity. MYR
93' original, only true, and genuine Liver ,
Snort Cis., Ohio crnny, Vst.E
March 9nth, 1849.
Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I care
to you and to the public proem ly, to mato that I have
been althated with th e Liver Complaint for a long
which so badly
very that sin abcess formed
Havin heard O
and broke,
ft me low stab, g f
your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A It
Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by
my phyrocian Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to th e mn
• fair trial. I purchased one box, and
what they are reumenended, TUE REST LI.
VEIL PILL EVER USED, and after urking four boxes
I find the disease bas entirely left 'me, and I am now '
ik"cthal"*Tilli COLEMAN.
Went Liberty, bli.ebAlail,i I
I certify that I am personally acquainted with Ur
Calera rr ,and ages bear testimony to the troth of the
above ..cnificate. A R SHARPI
The genuine Liver Pills are prepared and sold by
R E ir .- I.LERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
in trig wo does.
TO TIIE PUDLIC,The original, only truemid gen.
eine Liver l'ills are prepared by RESellers,ind have
hie name stamped in black nal upon the lid of eath
box, and his a t on the eauldis wrapper—•6 ll
others aro comiterfelte, or base bp:Matron.. , 1 .
solo R E SELLERS i' Li ' v •
liff.. JARMO% osir.oiliCkravw. BALSAIS
0 ROM the Rev ArIA Sll.lNN,,nerelllmown and pap
17 alai. CleroutanottherroteatantMethalinChritch
Toe undersigned haring been &filleted during theput
winmr with • dtsease orate stomath, era...tones re
alm...a melte./ in in the stomachfor tenor Melee houn
entnetnit Inters/ ekan, and after tiavinttried various
remediel with . effect was fun 'she with • bottle
ot Dr DialneiC lIIMMe Balsam: Thisbe arid ac
cording to the direct ens, and found Invariably thatthie
medicine causedthe path to abate in d i ger og (poem',
ales, and in fifteen ormeenty mtnstrosevery enamel
sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine was IF
terwardeireed wheneverindicallonsel ththerebye app
pr ro
ev ach
paluwere perces ed, and the pain Isms
ed. Ile tenant:m.llo nee the medicine every evening
unit semen:nes u,the morning, and in a w gr.'.
health was , . far r Wand, that the =dere? Mita relies
ed from a large amen ntof oppressive • pain. Front er
pericuce, therefore.. le nut confidently recommend I/
LI Jayne,/ Carminative Palmer, as s B•lvisry mmHg in
for di ...... o (the etornsch
Lewes. A :MUNN')
For rude in Pitteburgh at . • IVI ' d i rVIIII IATA
79 Fourth street, near Wo t. and also •I'llmllthlf
Store of If P SCIIWaRTF,y• cm] drg , Alleittate,
Till fiIIILT amrur Toe
Cououniption, Coughs, Colds, f oalM, Us.
er Gututplinot, Spet4ltdie ..rptarc.,sitti
"tt 'l.l."rnt.tfluen'ar, Crou d
Coo. *
gentian, Sore Throe s Dobai
ty, and Diseases of the Throat,
Dream and Lunge: th e most al
feetnl .6 speedy cure
seer known tar say of
the above dim.-
.. is
DR• A yr,
Coworramd Syrop of Wild Ob• ere
This medicine m no 101110 T among those of doubtful
ratty. It bee Passed away Dom the thous. now stand. diet,s
launched upon the tide or experiment, and
higher m repatation and is becoming more ellesi.Va
ty wed dim any other preparation of medicine ever
produced for tke rebel of ituderum man.
Veiled been introduced very
threesly thr,the
States and Ebonrpe, and e t c few to w ns of
Importance but what contain mime remarkable eel.
dance of is sood effects. For proof of the foregoing
statements, and of the v l
.. and r
• eeler the of this
Lll=Z:Fall.'.` bats wt
Leo of
f dm fire respeetability--aten who have higher
view. o more: respousibituy .6 Jounce, than to ger.
ten facts, bc.c4.....aei,..t mi t t! eb another ., a favor, d
eurpriengeseellence PeTtvitra
by Its tutiinsic merits, and the ummestionahle authori
ty of public opinion. The insure.. n tenet it af
fords, arid the soothing influence &dosed through the
vole. ft-Me by its ase, Fenders it • most agreeable
remedy for the addicted.
~ {lien men, gluing fro. eonselentiona
voluntarily bear testimony to the troth of a thing, or
woveor fact, ouch testimony, being contrary to their
worldly Intercom and purposeo, COGICes carmen , . of
Its truth, and comm.. itself to a special manner
errivcrsal credenec.”O'llogaree Mend folios
Co. ow Ectsross.. Corartornme—
There never was a remedy then has been es .
Dwart racemes]
In desperate eases of Consumption it• Dre's
Cocooned Syrup of tired Cherry, =engem. the
sysnn, and appear* In brat po wer e on the lungs,
me. g new and rich blood; posoessed by lo
onier ainilne.
d _
C.rreaCb., April :huh, feed.
Dr. Se ayne—Dear Fin I verily bebeve yoar Goes
pound Sleep of Wild Cherry has been the Mrs= o
saving my lie. I caught a severe cold, which Freda.
"I grow
worm, attended
V th lt ;h7trre 'e corrae ug t h e:, th ellt
resamd all the reniethes w
xhibited all the ammo.. of
increasing until my ease e
POlMooltry Consampuoa Every thing Ito mrn
ed eed
to have no effect, and my complaint Ineased so rapid
ly mu Merida as well m myself, gave op all hopes of
my recovery. At this time I was recommended to try
your inveluable medicine: I did 110 VIM the most hap
py maul.. The firm bottle had the eff.t to loosen Um
and by ihe,
IV 'sf; Fr: et m well and
now as heaary 2.9 LB CIVI was 10 my wo, and
would be happy to give any inforsmitioneespeedeg
cam,thet other enterers I.y dense the Mestat for
which I im gratetal. Far Me troth of the above
stateMenl, am I
refer you to Peter Dub, Grew, West
Chester, Pa., of whom I parches. the medium.
ReapeMfally yours, faun M 0...
Wondxful Curs of • Iffehodisl
Dr. !laminaDear Sir: I feel a debt of grati e
te yea—and a duty to the Mllicted generally, hoof r
my kossable lestioariay in favor YOU C 019,10,001 Sy.
tap of Wild Cherry. Soma three years since I was
violently snacked with .Id and infbmamation of the
h a a n eT, t w ain ' in h LI; -7.117.111,V.4 a"eo
ble alscuarge of offensive maces from the 1.11, cape:
Madly upon change et weather, however Mehl- At
first I felt no term about my condition, hut was pretty
mon convinced I t was rapidly Wangled. eeeeerefr -
MM. grew delta weaker, and at length awl
a ble t o wa tt about, or meek above a whimer
w mto
as dm ...Mg weaker. of my vies. Da44
lisle had tried MMOISS preparations and prose apneas,
h ot frond o o trocf—growlng all the time worse. Jam
here was adm.c.l and pera.. by a en In
Wihaington to make trial of year Syr. of W ild Cher
ry. I mast comess thWreTemlnuttl 6.2 preja
rest c=tgronftthe hitinis ' at emperlea am shatigt!
standing your el.. to the profession gap ing dn of
m .dioino, nod haring implicit MIMI 10 t he of my
friend., I forthwith purchased of Dr.f3haw, one of yoar
meets, a few Wale., and commeneedits am. My ais„.
cue was at Om time of stt or 23 menthe standing, eon,
sequently arm deeply seated. I Mend, however,
..rable rel.! from the *se of the first four or five
bottles lint being a pablie !peace, I. frequently at.
trerPXyd irrelbthrseu'vellers raTri2:l=hlml7,rd'
to hear, Its9l. way, doubtless, sty CUM was am.,
retarded. la miesequente of acting Was imptsalentr
I had to me waive or fifteen bottles before I was pe,
feed restored I hove no question, a mach email
number of.hottim would have made rao Mood,
the above Induct... The SYmtp allayed the lee
t A boit, took,..ray the dime.. rough, put sot • •
to the dimhares of matter frost the Map, and gay
them and the els:mere= good health. 1 have deret
red offering this ceruficate until now, far the pupas:
hurt ing p.c.. , musfied with the persumeney ot
mi, and now dell feel perfectly well I offer it Iva
Dahlia meaty, N. CL Hay. J. P. Jo.aa.
baymeavot Cants.—Erodf RoacD
There is butt. , e genet...ammo of Wild Chem,
and that Is Dr. Swan" the first ever offered to the
I t t
; h a
:1 " a oTi ptd..l7T.7.pl7attpdg
parade. earl. by the mune of Wild sherry halve
been pat out shwa 0011,1•000 T cover of some deceptive
o h ooron tortoos, ,u order tog,. currency to their mica
Dy a hole obasevanon, no perms need. mistake the
genuine Dom tif false. Each bottle of the gamma is
enveloped wit . a beeutiful mewl engraving, wit r the
liken.. of Witham Penn 1001•0011; also, Dr. Swap,.
signature: arid • further we nn', the Par. of Dr.
Sweine will kr added hereatter,so as to distinguish
Ms prep....tom all others. Now, 11 it was not ler
the great candle e properties and known vinacaof,Dr.
Somme , . Command Syrup of Wild Cherry, ' pampa
would mit be sonleavon. re flier eerreeer le their
“Iletitiem rm. amen by stealing the mune of Wild
Cherry. Remember, always hear in mind the name
of Dr. Sway. ad be not deceived.
Principal - 00 sec, corner of Eighth and Rase steeets,
For sale whistsale and retell by OGDEN & SNOW
DEN, cm 24 .4 Wood stm D A FAIINESTOCK
Co, ear Ist a. Wood, and dth .4 Wood eta; Wfil
ruoaN, 13 Morket at; JONIFM, Liberty sti JAB
A JONIM, 11. d and Penn me; JOHN MUCH
ELL, Alleghea: city, and by all respectable dealers
Dr. W. P. Inland , * Pie salsas Plster.
DR.W.P.INLAND,of the Medical Colleg /a e bf
now open to ths public his Indian Veg.
able Premium Plaster, We qualities of . which, after
loatlitsret" 'V* ob`;i:,'=l2w%
Prolapse. Uteri,. or Fallen Womb, he recommends Ma
plaster, guaranteeing a aver and speedy core In the
short apace of from two to thee week., a applied with
m n ins
care and rest—discarding all the ova
and expensive bwilages so long in use. he feels
eonwientioes in stating, inumuch as be has not failed
In eon ease oat of three hundred add fifty-three pa
tients. •
Al gid,k
ralforTing reli e d°, effecting a :ore. For wite l loy .""
L Wilcox. corner of Diamond and Market swl
Wane Jr Reber," Liberty and St Clair me
Dr J Sargent Federal st and Diu:lora. Alle
gheny city
Jlelpit• & CO. uDenman and Diamond 0.33114-
, ham.
T-prrstAcr OF COFFIaI—An article which Is ea•
pithy coming ow use as a wholesome, nourishing
and delimit. µoverage, being moos pleasant and pal.
amble than common Cogee,and.far cheaper, as a small
paper mason only ten cent., will go as far as feu,
wands of Coate. Manufactured by
• JOHN S. MILLF.H, Fitoblorrh. Pa.
Sold a t wholesale by LI A FAIINESTOCK Co,
corner of First and Wood and Sloth and Wood; ets,
US Camp illanketsi IN officer . any Id ort ra.eo;
IS putirrlA.l.Llia.V.Tdttg = .. l o 2nwe Raga; 3
wat e r
etch; I dot Raeksto Dioney Belo:Tr:0 ' W
aalbne do do. The above good. for .ale at We cali.
Nola Oatfiting FAlOdbadoent. No 3 Wood Bt.
loch% J & H PHILLIPS
-- . . _--•
7—pliffir....Wronght Iron Anvils, from the T a mpe r .
A aseesille works, drarenoted; will be constantly
on band and %applied to order, by
was 1:0011R AN. 9a 47and dt
y pipes lll.llland Gin;
6 edits N Itonn
400 bbls Whiskey; for sal. by
I) Sane brand, a driparlypis,cor dale by
nava 7s
itAitrdiarants elfdl A.ll, ItCisTs
„,,,,, c „ 1 . 0 p od ,,r, arrived per flap Ombra:lasi
and now eorrang ou ad by pinta, for isle by
N. 13,-.l7lday will rnesdva, daring ibp,E,go, wire.
aappiladdis Now OrleansWNW
171ROFEeS011 CHARLES DAVIES has last ire:
pared a new arithmetical work, a copy pt which
will be presented le each and every Teacher in the '
Coiled bOu
dtateawat carms i opon Met appilestion
to A. 11. Eagllsh & Co, h IS Wont street e ,
(postpaid) paid ) Tilt vrork is entitledL:
Or, An Analysis of the of
of figures and Sci
ence of Number*.
The following notice is copied from the New York
Tribune of Jan. Ltd, IsSX
06noorszos Aancento, ti Cm Dawn, L. 1.. D.
(lime., pp. this work the language of figures,
and construction of number. are carefully analysed.
The alphabet, composed ot ten figurse—the words dee
rived from the alphabet, and the latest.) , which the
figures tie connected with oath other,tere clearly
l plained,
eThe analysts nese that there are but four hue
drrd'.and eighty eight elementary combination* In
Arithmette, each corresponding to a word of our cola
-mon langwrge; and thin these combinations areso.
connected together u to be all expressed hy only
sixty three different words. The Slat. proposes to
commit these words to memory, and then read the
results instead of spelling them, name ptactised.
- kin another respect the system proms. , tit impon•
watchman, namely: to censider and treenail fractions
as entire - things, having aspen relation to the unit.;
from which they were derived. • " •
•We scarcely - need sly that the little work evinces
the ingenuity and skllfal analysis, for widen Pretence
Davies' writing on this 66Ditilt aro JartlY eelebtated.
We commend tt to the attention of pracheal leacher*.
believing that they will find It crowded with new and
saleable augssatiesta."
From the Pnid&rors at Wise Point -
.11.turvam Acumen. or D.S. War Penn,
‘The Grammar of Arithmetic, by Professor Dili.,
Fenns the cabinet in • new light, -In so wselyna
Arithmetic ar to moms lilt Mitt of
the first principles saf mathematical science In tueir
right order and connection, and the new Min for the
reading of figures of nat practical value.
Signed, W. H. C. are
Barilett, Prof. of Nat. & Ex. Phil.
A. E. Church, Prof of Mathematics.
D. 11. :dab. Prof. at Engineering..
in Pmts.
A. S. BARNES & Co. would respectfully announce
'to teachers, and to all interested in mathematical In
struction, tint they will publish, on or before the let
of Augu DC% the following work:—
THE I.ot7 st,
Or. an Analyses of the Principles of the Science--a
the Nature of the reasoning—and °him best Method
of Imparting Instruction. By Chu. Davies. LLD
Author of "A Complete System of Mathematles.”
N. B.—A. S. Barnes & Co., are the publishers a
Davies' System of Matbematiea
For sale in this city by A. IL MULISH &27
Co., No
.• • •.• . • feb
hloplan lEtalodlia•
to; Dolly Day; n
to do Cotto Field;
Doiey Jon
roe hove, by T. noon;
y B. Covert;
by w. C. Onwert
atm., Ntelerenarkwebe Co;
easy varnatons by Item.
nitre/bore:llr Polka;
e; Lontenlle Qwn/rlllei
. Lt., Trim, /re.
New Marie on hand. to which
N. MI LLUH , Bl l Ylood n.
Itto Fond mth
Row tby boa
Our Way ege
A new mod •
Jenny Cray,
Joys that we
tend bl nes th
I RA Rm. 0
United Mat •
Cun Crook •
Mimics of
A hut° to •
W bot, oe • o
EXICo, g+- s. R , 9l=r; 2
c e : m ee i nd o f ." Ftrs 'A t,AN 'nl A V :a: . . t.03r1
Ur Las ol
Hohord Who
Lanny on C.
ptlacq by Baptist W. Neat, bt
The Ogilvie', a NOweL
Fury Tales, from all Nalioroa by AndTay.B,Mma
tax; onth et illustrations by lluyfe.
.thrt Teed by .101018roN a. STOCKTON.
del9 comer Toird mod Market streets
N :An& Mlsgam. Gift Hookas •
0 Headley, vetth eleven orlylnal designs by Parley.
Poem and Pease ‘Vriunge, by Matzen 11. Dana;
enrodin •
laminated Gems (Sr!williviz Waldo ,
Irons engraved on areal b si=red y
John Samara
/art reeetved by JOHNSTON STOCKTON,
den comer Tblrd Ind 'Maker Inv:
1311VSICJAN AND PATIENT; or • Prsetieal View
of 'the 0..1 duties, relations and interim of the
Medical Newsman and the Commoniiy; by Worth
ington Booker, AL a ,
roe Worts of Michael Montaigne; comprising
his F•wys. Letiersitte. By Wm: fission.
Nineveh and its Remains. By Aitsicii Henry !say
ard, Esq. D. C. L.
Cilimpses of Spaln; or Notes of . Unfinished Tour
10 1e47. By BT. W. 1..
.T.Liaperi'vs.P„rocrztali.bPyhilosophy, new edition; illus.
nor= comes Market Sad Third enacts
1649.301 '
rammed Books—Books in nobly corysd bandisty,
ilismiumed and ilittsusted,Booss superbly bound in
Velvet, Silk, Morocco, and Com, osidon, in naitstion
of the Middle Ages—Metes 11.031 PIIIIOI . W OO .1 b
Wally bound Velvetand Atorocco, magnificently or
mumeute4 and Illuminated. For sale by
dem) Bookseller A. Importer, .Wood st.
. .
Ciertelease dOld Now Year ApproachMgt
Xagn flmu Astir. Bindi.g, for du liolidays.
JAM D:LI:ICKWOOD, BooltzeDer sad importer,
S 3 Weed neeet,•bee reamed a beestifel eelleetion
of lalenneed Beek., bound In the mote splendid Insu
lter by footrest London sad AUrri.l2oinglarsong
Mem may be Moan
Veen. of Amen • Poetry; [magnificently alumina-
• •
Wordssionft's Greece; richly Idnetrated.
The r•eseberr ithentinsted by Wren Jones, and
hound • amend wood.
Foe Soog of Songs; illandnated by Jones
Flowers and their Kindred Thimble, ilium/natal by
obroines of Stokfpeare; flit:metaled.
31r. .1.1.3011'. CbArrerintell of Women; MUM
ltd. Par solo by • JAAIES D LOCKWOOD,
defd G 3 Wood street
n613/111:1RN: Fun Hermon Malvin
dal. , of `Trow. h
History of Xing Alfred of Erilend,liy decoy ?Jibed
with fine engrovingei
hidonia dm &decreer,
Jon hT WmAdeittlmai •
as:m:4 mcicroci,:
men comer Third and Market Weer.
"Om ar w Nog Renarialla Tref iJ VW lien
11 of a visit to the Chandran t 9 ant or larfllib -,
1.113, and the Yezlilis, or Dee.ii.Wbrahipperrq -and en
Inentiry into the Mennen and Arta of the Anment As.
try mans. By Ansten Ilenry Layer.), Eeq. D. C. L.
LID.od Note by Post. E:Robinsrm, D.
Illustrated with 13 phitea and maps, and PO
woad outs. s vela-nap cloth, EAL
"The book has a rate amount of graphic', ;laid, plc:
turesque nurnative.—Trthrme.
"The work of Lavin' is the snow prominent rotund-
button to the study of antiquity, dud has appeared for
many feani."—Christ. lug.
"Not one excels In interest the account of Nineveh
and its Rain., ecru by Mr. Laya.rd.”—Mhubitwurri
latelligenear. •
"As we follow the diggers with breathless Intuit
in thee excavations:and suddenly lied ourselves hec.
lore a massive fir.. caved wan minute . . accuracy,
now lifting. its ;mantic head from the dust .of 3000
jean, we are ready to rep out with the astOolabed
Arabi; It is wooderfel, but it la true
1 6 , ttte L b ..
Lido Y
iw • ek.
Tr •
ite. Wo= um old of oia - and New Tevaaatent.
Edited by N. B.Sftrodor, D. 14
rbipTdni Atf`ett, °Aria"'
POMS LWAdltildft, (Alm. Welby, Ky.,llle:
arid cataract:ll:lloMM Illustrated btengeavms• from
oritrot de by,Vi. I vol. equate Oro, elegant
ly ;old a gilt Alio—A variety of splendid Alma.
ale and Gift Books.
[Myren .. .Mara [UM Book of the illoory of ao.e.
THE MEDUAEIC ^ 3 ASSISTANT, adopted for the
um of Carpenters, Shipwrights; Wheelwrights, Saw
rem, Lumbersien, Students, and Artisans generalise
being a Mannish and protocol Moose on !demurs
lion and the Blain Bole. By D. M. Kaper,
Boise. Treatise on Creek ErosaCampoolltom
°headwall. Warne:oars French tirsuomar. Up Prof.
Greene, of Brown thartPill. I rel. lecno.
Boediger's Gesenide Hebrew Gmmimer, try Conant.
GKrUlte Habrel• 1.11:0(t. •
Loomis' Trigonometry end Logarithmic Tablm.
The thlgitslunon's Greet Conedrdance. I vol. (aim-
wnthan'• Cloasieal Seam.,
Webney's Dietioneq, Teems' ed. vol. bee.
do ' do " "unabridged. 1 vol. ato.
liarna's Nowa and ljneedarto on New l'estamenL
Whately`e Logic.
filoalwten's Eceleslaatieal History. q vole. and
.Ic (sheep.).
Vestig. of Creation. I vol. f Nara
Verniers among the Jesslts at Rome.
and plipar.)
Soca. whoa thaTanotent Lan Tramphod. I col
(cloth and paper.) lire .. a. 1 col. Sy& (cloth.)
Boyer'a French Donary.
Sticart's Hance For ado by R HOPKINS,
novl3 Apollo Puddings, Fourth st
XT - KAV TifartillfsfiteSVED wam.
Di maniple, edited by 11. 11
th,0 .100, comprising big
rty " ,:Sitt i frojei from itl?l7e
law ' and Iholbegraphical otices:le, - -
Theory and Moine of Teaching; or, Ala Magee
and Idathcala of -Good Sehool-Keeplng, by David
Plage, A. 31.,Plithicipal of Um State Normal School.
Albany, N.Y.
Frank Forecter's FOE, and Pohang of the IL State*
and timing Province. of North Autenea, by Henry\Pm.
comer Third owl lltalKal all
The Olden Thai.
JTAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookselier and lemony
No. el Wood street, has far sada a tow copies con
plete, oho remainder of the odition,) of this sottish'
work, devoted to the Presentation of Document., and
other authentic Information roloong to Dec catty ox.
'flotations, settlement and improvement of the country
around the head of the Ohio. Ity Neville It.. emir,
Esq., of Flitsburch, In U vol. tWo.
4-6.1.1,-frofv.oterV'A A
n rllier ; T atra ' : Imo "
ott,F.sq. Illustrated with twelve en/tramp, exe.
sated at Rome- 2 yola, 800 ., uniform with promotes
Historical Works. • _
Just poblished and for Sole by
J,101.1)11 D. lA)CICWOOD,.Bookseller and
novlo .
._,Llmpotter.63 Wood st
TkANN Y I TALY; milk . Trailed DIMS.
temo. 71 eta MRS. FANNY EMILE'S YEAR
• "The reading of this book has impressed us with it
mach lacherpinion of fu author Man wo fumed
from pent= hor other writings. It displays a deeper
tone of thou ght. tmitcdla MOM pure womanly Ktpett of
feeling than may other production of the klitulle•tninkl
with.h..lollo am aegi.ibtted..—},lo.lllll . lor.
' “It is a verVaerceablo and readable bask, written In
Fanny &albite. ben mks—bold, spirited and enter
utioing. WolrocoMmoull Itto ourreaders as the best
publication or the scason.”--ReadMs Uar.
"/ t contains Lilo Joamsl of k travel - through Europe,
and residence in Italy; and Is ono of too pleasar—
and,most interesting Looks of .the season."—Cour.
"A very eliaractoristiiboOk. We halm read it from
title pone to Colophon with • unabated Interest. Art.
vid pounce( life mltome. In MI respects eminent')
For sale by JAMES I) Lock - WOOD,
0 001 5 {:'Dook.egert Impottor, Wm.'
,Mtboiniptite Ihstablishisugt"
Post-Oftied, Pituborgt.—Maps, Lend.rdt.d.“.. , ""
. boolNadWbias,i.kbels, Architectural andlladand
iraingi, Bualheu and Viattinff Chas; h.,?1,1"Et 5 ',.„. 4
o vr r dravn Mood, and ;dialed Lu cob"
ca Mia4k 4 A BI ,PfrYo ttl k i I .‘ lad° a"
El•sekorlia.Nrat• A. 01111.11; T4.le•k•rta
•1113 DILLLTIM 101
• . AND BANK'N rt
COLLWrIONS.Draft.h. Notes and Acceptances
payable In any parte( the Union, eollected on the meal
fnvorable terms.
EXCHANGE on Near Voris - , Philadelphia and Dal.
dn..; al., Cincinnati, Lottiestile, Salm Lords .d
New Orleans, constantly tor t}la.
DANE NOTE.S.—Notes on all solvent banks in the
United States diseountzd atthe lowest rates. Ali kinds
o f
roll. ign and Amene. Gold and SaVef Coto bought
Office No. 55 Market streei, between. 3d and 4th,
Pittsburgh, P. I ocrYS
--- 10 0 1-I.i.YET/Ikeir. .. •
111 2 LL8 on Enalartd,lreland and Scotland bought
any aroma at the Current Vales or Exehsrure.
A , Mans parable In cup pan or fee Old Ceannns,
from. St w .tiOta), at then ; ,4 0: to the .f. Stet4itg,
without deduction or drsco by JOSHUA ROBIN.
SON, Europe. and General taloa ith st am
dour west of wood. . r oettikt '
4.15.11114XX1La..., DIVA=
IDS s;
LI in Foreign and Domestic Dills of Diehande, Car .
tifteates or) poshe, Bank Notes sad Cob, cower of
tti raid Wood streets, Erectly opposite Bt. Charles 1.11.
a itt h f :M — lf I 3 D
*laat.A Nuttany.
Bank NOW
makaaed at the 'mama WT .
sepl3 35 Market creel.
TIXWMakIi4O-.10 i lig . au
ID New 1 ork i,
Bal llo=k SONS.
Constantly fur Bee It/ N. Idiom
val 3
• Desinsaa Cared.
EOM the New York Tribune. .
AFRIEND, whose weird Is most rellableornd whit
ha. no pessiees interest In the master, but one
gralltude,destreastata.y, that be has been eared
Vete rate deafnera, by the Mee 01"Searpa I sCompoond
AeOusee Oil." a Philadelphia medicine,. which la not
far .ale in this city, but which he ilia. ought to be,
far the good of the afflicted.. Ile bait a sister who, has
•lso been cored by it. lle urgently advises all who'
are ellfferiog from deafness, to try tide remedy, with
assuraoce mat. ankle the we be eillwenfinery, tee
proveTaili ss f aI.
ar„ .
fed IV Fourth ± 4 Pittsburgh
Combs! Combat ..
20 CROSS super Polka; 10 do do very fine;
5U .• awed Redding;
It " super English lions Reddlog;
4v •• Pocket Combs; •
1,0 0 Word
1000 dos ailed Fine ivory;
30 Shell Side Combs;
taper large Radble;
MIU groes aged Side Comb% reed and for sale by
leL.5 0 Y.R#GEI
Doff Holland{ Bair Holland:
MICE NoTlOE—Ttnu W. McClintock has this day
received several caeca of the finest and best Buff
lentos Holland, to ottch be would most respectfully
II the of hls costal:ten and publte
Carpet Ware Booms, 75 Fourth et lee 3/
y thaittas A s.
FEW ver fine GUITARS, Just rec`d from tb.
elebrated C. manufactory of F. Martin, and to
mac by lanS .I. 11. bIELLOR.SI Wood 10.
Hooks Just Resolved.
THE Complete Works or John Bunyan Soo,
in I wl, innarated; mastic, gilt mid anted ges. -
int/Len% Bibbesi and Sabbath School Geography;
a new work; I va1,42m0.
TO1•117 Analysis and Speller.
Life of lobs Q.,Adsrus; by Wm. il. Seward; I rot,
lthno; muslin
Poems by Mr. llemens;l vol, Mein yowl* gilt.
South's Sermons—Sermons preached upon several
occasions, l•V. Salon South, P.O.; a new edition,4
Sots; Including.Posthuntous Discourse.
Same--I vols. In.?, sheep, egos; Svo.
for solo by It. HOPKINS,
•WA • • Apollo Ilmildlogs,Fourth st. -
ZetiLN: 1ii01714
1011111t1C1101.6011 0. W. 0. MN.
Tundersigned, necessers to Arthur. &Nichol.
.1. son, beg leave to Informihe citizens of Pittsburgh
and patine generally, that they have rebuts -the
Gbh FOUNDRY and are turas in fall operalloa,s'end
have part of their pattern , ready. for thearten—
Amongst which an Cooking Ikons, Coal and Wood
Roves, with asplendld alr-tfeht Coal Stove, which is
now. mtperhednig 1n cubes ethos the common round
Stove. Alev, a cheap eve Cooking Stove, well adap
led for small fames, with t fall assortment of com
mon and mantel Grates We would partletalally in.
vim the attention of persons building to. call at gar
warehouse before purchnsmg, and examine &splendid
article of enammelled Grates, finished la fine style—
entirely new ialaisirrrkilt. dm Wood of
"I ` g, " 77 '
C YEAGER, importer nod Wholesale Dealer. in
Sin of the Gilt Comb, Market st., Pittsburgh, P.
Western liereharns, Pedlars, and others visiting
Pittsburgh to purchase Grads, are respectfally invited
to call and examine the extenuve assortment of Eng
lish, nate clean, French and German Fancy Goods.
All Foreign Goods at this establishment are Import
ed direct by myself, and,parchasers may rely on get
ting goods from first bands.l have the Larger 4 assort
ment of articles, in the variety line, in the city of
l'qtr.sbargli—all of which will be sold low. for cash or
cityacceptance. The Stock °eosins, la put, of
Lace Goods, Hosiery, Ribboaa
Silk Craver', Shoe and Patent Threads, Sewing Bak,
Spool Cotton, Tapes, Saspenders, Berton% Pins, Nes.
dies and Cutlery.
Gold and Silver Watch es, Gold Jewelry,all bullied
Brushes, Combs and Razors.
Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Cloaks, Silk fr.
Cotton Purses, Spectacles, Sutel Pens, Music Boxes,
Carpet Bags and Bukets. .
Bindings, kindless sad Trinmdzigs.
Tore end Goods; together with a largli.varlo
,ty of Fancy and Staple DILI GOODS. . -
C. YEALW.It Is also age= for the ealcbfit - te dLan.:
caster Combs. novir
Great Kikiatsh ftemeay
F OR Coughs, Colds, A ahem and Consulupdrint liter
GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the eure otitis
'above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr: Booboo, of
London, England, and Introduced into the United Stator
'ander the beariedmde superintendence el Me inslemor.
The extraordinaty success of this mniitirte, la ths
mare of Toleseltory diseases, warrants the American
:Agony lit soliciung for vestment the went possible cw
aes Maxim be found lathe communityr—easts that seek
relief ihiraktfrotailay.of the commit rammlies thil
day, and , hive' been even bf tmenrori
PhYsielainles confirmed arid aricaraltles.:The aranguri.
an BabadOrsis eured,and will careolis most
or cases. , It no munch nostrum, but a stand=
fish medielne, of Ittursrn Mid established elf:teary.
• Every family In the United States shot*. • be • supp li ed
with Buchon:l McMullan Balsam of Llfoinatonly to
emmiteram the consumptive tendencies of Meoeliatere,l
be. lo be used as a proventivaimedic
in ia s oo n alFerr ei
colds, toughs, smiling of blood, wan the nd
then, trritstlon and mown of the brOChiall,
dirlically of brealing,yectle fever, night sweats, mead.
anon and general debility, asthma, induensa, whooping
Comb cud croup.
Sold m large bottler, u 111 per bottle, with fall dime•
dons for the restoratten of health. '
Pamphlets, containing • mass of English and Awed.
can mrtificates, and other evidence, shoiriuts the m•
eqoalled. merits of ibis great Ihtglishßstriedy, amy's
*homed of the Agents, gratuitously.
- For issie by It A FAIiNM , TOCIE & . tomer o
at and Road and Wood Gadget sts. C 0. ,• JatitLkorS
beDre—made ea dm roost approved Eastaraplans—
and most fashionable E•SICIO patterns andeolan..also
or males° order of all sises, and at all prices.
Cohntry blerchanta and others are snsited to call and
...tine she above for shemselvas,aa all will be gold
*Wealth" or retall,and • liberal dodietion nada tit
wholesale purchasers. • •
. - middy A NV CATERYEL7
Eat aide of the Diamond, erten.* Vented
Utioda Mall the different aims and colon
are kept on hand or mule to order afte
the latest end MOO approved Eastern Ihah•
ous, a the altortest notice and on the mos
reasonable term.
Also, the cheap Boston toll or split Blind Wawa.
reay , and Paper Cenaine 01611 the different alas and
pattemy on hand snafu ale lova for cash. Old Vex.
wan Blinds panted ova and‘repaired, or taken in put
payment for new. R Pro'pt, •
N. B —All swot done Wilk de bat material and
arorkalawhip, an d warranted to Plata the =at fa.
Mons.. • • eagle-41y
• Allegheny city, Aug. 10, la4o.
17 'Norma La. 12.!
Prercrosact, March 47,1817.
Sellers—tojestice to yea and your broom.
parable :Jamb Syrup, I beg leave to mate, for the tien
chi of the community, that my wife hit been several
times aPticted with • most distressing cough. I Pur•
chased, in Junesy last, - .a bottle of your Syrup, which
cured a conga of two months , standiag.,Aboakino
month since, the cough retuned, and was so severe
that she could hardly move, from weakness' in the
bre its 4 I rent for one bottle ef_your CoughByrap, cod
a part of one bottle cured the cough I gave the other
to aJourneyrtion who use severely Drained, who bed:
to use his own words, , vaten enough corigh candy to
ente - all the people - In Pittsburgh: , if the oudy eel
been as good es reoresented.
Yours, respectfully, Atnan B:Mrcrrt.
Prepared and mild by It. E. SELLERS, Wood
'limes, and sold by Druggists generally in the
cities &P
£antu o
J. 'A. 111WWN wtmld respect.
fully inform the public, that he
keeps on hand at his stand 00 the
st aide al the Dtamond, Ailed
sheer city, a complete MOII.
Venn. of Vni. Minds; also Ve.'
Md. Shutters are made to oP•
der in the best , style, warranted
to any in the United teeter.
Iho illiuds can be removed sank.
out the: aid of a screw Miser.
t tro i m=s „ e i d the t
e h . e bi atdek,
Ithructdolltamsay aMt
land, lota prepared to famialt
their Ind custom.* as well as
thespublie at !arm with
__ . ll ,
Agency, No a Wood s .ne
• J. A. BROWN.
GtoF reed, an elegant plain Rosewood a .Cri - „ n o .
Cfrom the celebrated mannfactory •of &
a „ k , y., of supernor tnne,ourtiTe7M KL oolenua priceg.
For sale by
d delll at J.N
W I k . LI , An.hl.:l7llfrr.E.AB,.
sc L unaekn T y oo:rli d )Ft i
subtritnees deetruetive to Ilia Teeth. It is dolteiou• to
the o e .dog the month, haling andstrengthea r
in:the u:stus, and purifying the breath.
4wholesale. and retail by . .
de - 2" o ' a E sriveas, ra . - *ow .t
f/au meat, an invoke of fall jewelled patent It ,
er Watehri, 18 e mut line ease., witch lean sell as
low as Way and tidny ite dollar , attd mutinied in
teep good utne. •
Also--A splendid tuonment of .lEvr6[tirr, tam- .
pl y he tisitras and luau ityla, and beat pattern.
WILSON ; Watelliaktez sad
, ... • Arlie INN llLDDLY,Demlinaoa t ,
IipdIVEDIn anew thrry .torrbriet
. on Bth
ere ireafY below
' Sixth stn.. Teeth illserto from one
ro an cameo; on the ratti. printiple, •..-beets.
'tiled representation of the natural- inint---regAlk,
,"*VVll,Thl=tl: ,, hl , ' iii:',l . <,;, i. ob - itib:':'.- 'il
Decayed Teeth ech o; eared by plawnpairtia.:
Inman the tboth ache: ertielt is mach War than es. ,
ring tt, though it etualld ho done in bee mutates, or
. oven instantly..
__' L . , • _ L sipaly
LUGS.—The chrocettentod Fume which lae"
mended the are of the
a all the 'DAMS fonnewtach IrriuHoa bt MI =MUM t
nines, boo Induced the pleprister .gain to ail aloe.-
Con to this
The changsble crasher which marks our Lill and
winter mouths, Ie CO aLDSAND C lways a Inning
OUGHS.• sooree of .
These, If neclutcd, are bat the procarstas of Mel tell
I rbe qualm then, how .hall we alp the elescroyir IS
the bud? how shall we get elm of our Wells elad—
olds2 is of vital baportanee to toe pectic. ..
will be found to the
PAZISCei. proaf
me have from tUDIS to time rob:Wm! the cortifreatte of
dozens of au hod known edam., who hare
e I
•eaced Its curative powers These, with ama tte•
duchy Dun all ush of the cout-frun •
Ministers of the Gospel, LA, together with coplou Fsj
loc. fresh the
ws have =bodied to pamphlet form, itint SAY ...An
antis of any of oar aunts tlsouteat the ocean:F.- ,
have been owlfa thin • „• ,
throughout the Untied States end Cando, and we ahle
lenge my =OM pot act a • . • •
forceblet, whets taken according to dirsedeas,
llthlcus had bosoms Welly dlsurgatuti,his
felled io
Whi t then, need the Meted Maltase? ' SY urreakt.tis
the onowlable manias, fettellap by rink !gwrithaliflb
WS • leY p u ledd name of some co elneNci,ithyss.
dd.., an dPrior:ma:ivy by eartif.e.stao c kw;
son...equally unknown? Whilst a medicine of
lits be bad, whose rouehera are at homey—eft aelgil
bet.,—many of whom it has • •
In order that this invaluable medicine may be Vasa ,
within the mash of the poor sr: well the rich, ere hero"
pat the price at
lost one ball the anti cost of cough myth alhaL if la
for rah, by oar agents in neatly...yety . town andrillage
over the west, who aro prapared" to-Fre fall Informs•
don telslise to it. T. SALTER; Br:Sprier:or, 4 !
Broadway. llinhinuall, Ohio, :
.- WIERCURY,or other ?dm
r. . :.. .„,i. • 7 . /.,,,.., • era1 , .. , 711. 1 htodag A iLs
,/,'„ .:', ' sOrtrii, SCROFULOUS
''' ":17-. - HUMORS, SKIN IBS
-4 .• • ~,, EASES,
~. „..-1 . -- , WOUND. 4 to deseharge , -
- ,c ‘ ' --- .- 5 emir putrid 'matters, and
- , ^ then heals them. • •
- .. It'. is rightly termed;
2: ., 11 . s,A 1 L -,IIIZALIND, for;
. there is scarcely a dia
. ~.,,,, .. •-• ease external or - internal,
•. - that it will not benefit. 1
I have toted Bros the Jest
eine= years for all dims= of, the them, involving
the mama dangerand rasportaibility, and I acetate
before heaven and man, that actin one ease has it
felled to benefit when the patientwes within the reach
of mortal weans.
I have bad armlets= lour= In of
prothisloni, I
lave ministers of the 5== 1 , , /fr" of Ow 'Mk nt " I -
rifl ' ini= Ts . "'"
poor nat, It InTfgl i ':erietr"t.
way, and there has bean but one volee-one universal
.13 GOODiv . ,
RIIEUMATIPM-It removes almost rain
the ingstramation and nettling when the rain =um
(R , Pio directions around thl boa)
• ISAGUre-tha salve has cured persons 6f Shit
Iteadiathe of twelve yews stmegnSt ra .b. bed it
telifir=rratilE,`"LrAtiff.'u'i VITFACE;
tit:a="re f:. ' seased Ithise===euud
a ,
della/ every th ing known, es well as the ability of ,
men jo twenty Soarer. One man told et be MA traene
4,13 on; his chum= wletent any benefit, when xfor s
:.. 1.1E1T,-""Tre're is tto th tl4 better for the ewe of
Totter. ' ' • '''
BURNIit--It Is au oft= best thin= in tha wield:foe
PILES-Thousands ate yearly cured by tbiti 64. -
meat. It Ana Odle in giving relief for Me net ' '
X Atonwithe box ere directions Mr using . rrAt.
lisscr's Chanson for Screuk,Litt ,, , LaMS, Erript
ts.s, Tenn, Ckfibletio, Seed Hind, Iles Ens, Wag, -
801 6 ?tame, Bross/tuns, MMUS Apetions, Petah D.. i
sun of du Spina /lend mks, estkors,Delfrant,E= wit,
BlirM, Corns,
Dthesses Vas Shia, Son Like; Pio
pia, ft, Smiling of Mr /Inds, /ken RJusonstims,
Piles, geld For, Cr_osiy, Swindler Broker: Brame, Mon/ ,
'Coaugl-t-'il:trtti...i.; ,;.thcr.qh:a4.,
and Side, fall off of the ltsdr, or th e athersettoopa.
nice cold feet. ais Ointment is th e true wittiellyJ Pf
is a sue alga e diocese to have coldfeet- „.
CORNS-Oceationd use of the Ointment' We
trays keep earns from growing. - People need never
be troubled with them if they use it frequent*
W.- This Ointment is good for any put Of the body
orlimbs when inlaared. , In some easep•ir 'Wild AO
applied odes.
,ItuTioN-No Ointment will be genuine Milos the
name ofJAIIES Ided.LLISTER is wrlttenwith4
on ery ev label.
For sale Wray Jitents in all the prinelpaleities , and
towns In the Unued States. " • - . ,
Seth Proprietor of the above medieinet
pir Ptinepa Office, No .a North Thlnl awe, Phil-
PRICE*S-C&FS PER.DOX. :..".- , ..J.
Aosorrs = Prrresesan-Uniun fe Reher,„eorner, of
Liberty and St Clair ate, and I, Wilcox, Jr, Horner. pi
Smithfield and the Diamond, also donor of lth nod'
Mei J II Cassel, comer of Welnithatl Penn
ets,Sh ward; and sold at the bookawro in Smithfield - -
st, 3tl door from Second et; in Allegheny city ' by II P
Schwan and J Sargent; by J 0 Soddy Druggist, Lin,
utinglumen D Negley, East Libern: It Rentrand, Wie
gman...4 I Alexander it Son, Monongahela CfitYl iN
B Dormant Jr. Co, and J T Rogers, llmtonsville, John
Barkley Beaver, Pa; are wholevatil, agents: ..,
Facto tot stliat ratilit4
In relation mthetuurivalled fatMlY •
rilEsristotcr-drA•respectahle PhYsicim.—Reed
1 the following, addressed to my Agcnyhlr.l7 Met.
- I
to Cireciaxim
- • Sir: A sense duty compels ma to givemy 'Ahem
to Dallere Porn Er.tractor. Being - emoted MEV,
ery.and,all nostrums having for theiv.ohject r
motives—tint rennet r much good from th e v • cot
Pain Kdlersv—l
todueed to Moder yea thiveetuf,
cam I have used it in my family - , in my practice, mid
with all the happy and wondered enema then orchid .
* S;tld l ie l. . h = l soriloi partner "- i t;f l =.l ti eivly •
7`; •:••• - ,ItuTainonatory Rhentnatirci:
The following tutimonial comes from a seams la]
miller to many old:matt traveling oupar Wettem ren
ters. Mr. Glime, the well and tnvorably knows pro.
prietor of the rarkeherg Hetet, husband to the
led! whose letter I an rs nex : • ,
To !leery Dailey, Chemist. se.—Sin Havutrier- .
away been loux furled enth..violent • isdbitry
Rheumatism, tabich appeared so firmly meted as ter
defy all ordinary appances to ellay the eavtrie•pain
encoding it, I was :e li duced to try your Magical rain
Extractor, and it having edeoted, 'almost tf
gie, ar.thimediate also, to all appearattcCe•
an entire ana perfect cure, I am Induced teethe bene
fit of others who may beat flieted with pdin, - caused
any kind of inflammation, to write .to you:, deetatihe
diet In my opthionf foondeet Oa uthal Mporietien
your filament rain Extractor m the mos; vel Oa
no;tvraoyfpthe pr
olo•_ er l iltte .i fOrt:1 , 0110111:11= 1.0 :4 0 . .ctio:
feet co re for Boron and beside, end 'ell eaternariv
slaving Many' acquaintances formed l.y their visits
at my husband's hotel in this piece, I hoe sunhat:el
by your showing them tithe." few Imes, it
be of bench both to them and Tommie' •ralli
ai UMW.
II entertain the hope that Mrs. Chnie.Vill
paAon the
publicny I give to her letter. ea well 04 the, :dare of ;
humanity.s of its being the smelt made of bringing It
to the notice of tier . -
• Mots -
Extreet of stetter, dated •
Lessuerr, KY .V. L 79,184 9.
Mr. 11. Dailey: "I have tried poor:ltd. Estrumer
. a e d ase of fe w lo o n, ,, lo n mz o o r w t e
spectrally; Jas hi . VV cote.
Icr Dorm and Scalds, Nes:Sony :Ilbokell ,
Breast, rauptions, Sores. Coo!::WPand . .: mod 'MI in
flammation. yields' readily to tke win:aerial properties
,of unrivalled family melee. Dot, in name pro.
portion that you will receive bane& front the genuine,
you will he udured by. the deleterioan e dee la c c the,
counterfeit anises. ' .
CAUTIONEte stir tend apply only en '
or - , theto
H. Dartar, 4th Bre' ' Mew Toth, le.e.
th° eOU. 00001 . 111 Depot, Pittsburgh.
lie„, P .,
Wheeling, lg., Jet.llW JOhlts:ON. etetsville, 144
F. hierrywether, imeinimil, U., betters pcp!
Y 4. ll—ln the severest Bates and Banta eltriete
t painie a few unnutca-vit never Crab , . - 101 l :
Cllltra TOR WOHMS.' , • Z. •
U. A. ii.attawyrocws .irEarairvoz . .
coacha el =CMS, NOWT= 4 i
IN order to afford all posaiblorceruy to the pibbe,
ys ~,at sato thermerres,aganist framl and Imp.
dtion h i m counterfeiting, the proprietor have made
, L ,,h ate ttam the Warier wrapper or table of their Ver.
wryge. The new label, which le a steel ens roving of -
the mini exquisite design and workmanship bee beet
i,,,,„,„fteed at a Very grant expel:um!, Mid. id troll the
brain of en artist oftho talent, .The design tepee,
and the excention elaborate. " Ireland n ! mei*" mut a_
penrait are mt prominent,. hidlhe Word "Vann
eeman printed en wade letters on.a red and daely.en
raved ,r ide, , - Mould be partioalarly oxammed.-
When he to the light the fedora, ebnlling a( the
letters and every line, however minute, tertonthent the
whole of lade part of the riaganving snatch ate etactly
es if the 11141.31.011 had been made upon one lade OIL.
nhtONCh eetually printed on buff sides•of Wa
river, Tail should in all eases be observe& `:ale.
bd soon each dome is alto printed la rell 'meth both.
eld_ee, and abonld be examinetlin the sante manner. •
pteparation kos now stood the teat:sof/marl
rears turd, and Le confidently recommendedee info
and effectual medicine for expelling worms Mita the
system. The • unexampled success that httradtended
Its almbaistrealott in :very ease where the MoMeht wad.
rhy i 7altt e a r d Otrfri e .. - . udw,
Orepictor has Lad i t' a point to eameriam die
result of - ten use met emea me came within hit
knowledge add observation-and ho Invariably foam ,
It to produce the moetealutaryeftects- and
ly anerbeady all the ordinery preparadonalrecor
.minded for worms hmi been previomly emend te •
without any permanent advantage. Tall fore it Ole
'tamed by the caramel. and matentente of handrele
of respectable paeans a different pans of Me MT!:
Mend shosid Induce familtes always to goiapa...rt
ortha preprration in their possemien. • LtaillaA A ;.
operands, and may be adnutustered with par* , Ol t,
tylo the timer delicate infant.
TM stay mime. to prepared by •
• 13 A
Outhaii Itirttur—ni=oW• 44
S Seq.; c o t Autt of quarter
Beaver Cow
31r: IL a dare • Some time in ti ,,,, ! . 1VA
wife was afflicted nun a severe and di _
and bearing of year savaluable trough !P a r'
chased a bottle if. 0.6 a. T. Trimble, of Btllga
and after tail • portion of it tee.ortirce
on going to be , she found immediate relidesese
several Mends have been rellevedin entre eamek . 4
am therefore minified that it is li•iale sad illamt.
medicine, and would rem:mune:air thrisaylle may
be afflicted with severe Coughs end Celtic i 4 i - ' f i no.
.11leseb 133,1613.
P M " and sold by It EBEEMB, 17 Wood I
a" "dab/graffiti= generally, is ritsibunk LA fit