UII3! , 'FURS: PU RE ! —The wrosorWeramlli my Rfor Own,- Idlnk, be.a. ital, Groy ond Hod .Itoi, sod all id* of shipping Fors. eke bighead. eiltenk pticu. febno NeCORD ik.130 , corner Mb and Wood stc • ' ' nissocoviozr. rivE Pe.deership heretofore existing betweeo James j. Tlaley audJolui Best, in the Grocery, prod., and Oenunisslon business, was dissolved by msta.:t consent, ois the 141 b inst. hts. John Best Isola; par; chased the claire. ignore's oflaeses Tassay m the Arm, the Dulness will be settled by_him, at 1 1,6,,,, , ,d. stand , sis, =Wood at. . . JAMES TS,SdEIi ', • • feta ' • • JORN BUM • • --- r gat.* Coo;la 5 yrsrp. • ---'- 111110 SE he au Morkan'a Cough Syrup can con. .I. seta Maly recommend it. the Efening Tribstre, Feb.*lEsll. Maio 'a Coosa Bram—We elm conscientiously Reg= d thle medicine for coughs, as it togs cured as of a mosSawasated attack. It Is • very different stair Iron the ordhury patent medicines. UT. Eno'. a cold try it. Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail, by JOHN D. MOBCAP:, Draggiti. mei Wood .1.1 door below Diamond 2.1k7. ------151iir' 16371-0117111liiiiii: .. THE nibscribers, basing rJur large Sin/Achim., aro prepared, at silt Mom to wash, bang and smoke Pork on reasonable ten.. BIER & JONES, Propri Detors, at lan2t Canal Basin, near li -- - — paper—=---. Haskilligs. .PRING SCLECfIOIB.—WeI be received, .by , first 13 canal ehiptnents, a nen and choice assortment of Wail Paper, of the latest French and Eastern ptgles, in gold, chamois, oak, plain and high colors. W. P.- MARSHALL, (late S. C. (1111,1 mr1385 Wood street —. . . . DIB Co-parintil3 heretofore existig between S. 1 D. Bashfield and en obn MeGIII, under the awn of 9. 11, Dashfield a Co., is tbis day dissolved by matnol : COMM. The business of the old firm will be sewed by S. H. Boaltheld, at the old stands 0.220 Llbeny cunt, Newburgh. D. BUSIIFIELD, ?starch 1,1850. JOHN hIeGILL. • S. D. BUSIIFIELD and GEORGE RICHARD will continue the Wholesale tted Retail Dry Goods and Grocery business, at the old stand, No. fton Liberty at, ander the gnu of S. IL BU J la CO. March 1,1950.--[mrl2 _ aleaktn,s-Oloy• Itenovater. For electrully tutoring Boiled Kid Glee. to their, pristine eleanbous. TIRECTIONS—ttraw the glove tightly over the bend, or on a frame made for the mayomoben apply the Renovator with R meee of clout flannel, rubbing gently until Me effect or produced, For sale by nar yE SELLERS, 67 Wood at Great. Spa.lsm and Sumakraor Ileaases. Dr. S. P. Totrasends Sampan 150 D2,z9`.. E. 5055.5, N 0.157 Wand street, and by D. AL Curry, en 7 Pity. 11,TEW SPRING GOODS—A A Ala a ' to .13 the auentlon of their patrons and the pubic, to their extensive et of new spring grails comprising the 19032 fashionable styles of stiks shlwels, press good. m“rniert do,; , do, Ac. New goods coon:m.3r received, by the arrival of almost ever/ pl<22Lip and steamer. __mid_ Skiffl4l , ll.ara — G - o - di - D - G A.LEXANDERMS. 75 Market at, North. West comer of the Diamond, bane commenced mew ing th eir stock of Spring Dry Geode. They have opened • choice assortment of Silks, Linen, lArtres, and other Drees Goods. Also—Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, a handsome assortment of French Worked Collars, aa. . Splendid French Cloths,Cassiaterek and Sethi Vest. Meuse Burnishing Dewar. complete essortmeht ht the lowest muketpp_tes. ALEXANDER & DAN. Merkel et, m N W corner of the Diatuoul A Present for Your *amity. • 71 OR tc WILLIS' HOME JOOMNAL.—PoIt aI Witted 'Weekly—U pet annum. "The beet poker m the licion.--Eeetting Star "Rather get to cool than go without lt.”—llest Poet M Nero anbseribers cOo be rophed from JannarY 15.50, if immediate application be made (either per sonally or by letter) to the airier of p OOD, 63 Wood at J.ILL. has also Blackwood' Magazine, for Febrithry; Edinburgh Review. for January; London gnarterly ilev`...nr, for Jemmy; Westminster do do . JAMES D LACE WOOD, Bookseller and Importer, di Wood 00, ml 3 (After let April 92 FOUT/11 as. east of Wood., — yi Tlife of Ashbel Orem, E D Id; 1 vol, 8 1); A memoir of lady Colmthoon. By by D 11; The Engtoth Palen. A mliection. of sermon% by the most eminent IMlng Durl dimes, col, 8 To; Extmrsione lecture on the Epistle the Ephemera. By Hey Robt I McGhee. A M; Brown's Comordame. mthathre gilt. Mc; The Maintains of thollible. By McFarland; - The common mamma of Infidelity, Ey 11A Rowland., Daily Bible Illustrauons„ being original waling... for year, =subjects from sacred History. Biogra phy, I Geography, Arnmeitiee and,Theology,ospecielly de. signedfor thecircle, (wonky By John Mao, D. • Jacobus , Notes on the Gospel, according to St Mu- I thew, with a 00000007. The Mid's Book. BY Mrs SMouthey, ilia Meted. The complete works of ino Miasma Ei 11, to 4 vols. Edited by his ma, E Mason. For sale by A ENG LISII CO, Wood Street. 11114 11111-1171rlArKTVIBlIntalli, ALL LEGUENY, AND VICINITY, will be wady for the ertgrarer in 19 days. Petrone who may Wish to have mere of their commy mete put oaths, map can do e o by mating application to the underaign,M, soy tim before the UM lost. To defray the expeeso of the Morn be required in addiuon to the Of the mas. novl9 It E TO- MepOWAN A sour four ran since, I was traveling 10200410 131. the State of Ohio; while spending a few days at Shame, 1 &wormed a simular Dietetic substance. end subsequently homed that It had been known for • yenta. and supposed to be of no an or value, btu from to uniformity of tertare and singular appearane , . 1 was led to' believe it might be made astral, but for what purpose I had not the lemt Idea I commenced my expel:omM , by bathing it, boiling it, and pelves. lung it, and compounding it.with venom substance; and so oa t was my confidence thattheret was value in 0, that I gave up my entire time end means in the premonition of those experiment; mid OM that Moo o I have Mmded to no other bmineam at the ea oiretioa of almist thro yeas. finally diseov.rd It • Mall by reducing lo a fthe powder an d ertwf‘g h 111 wed oil to Moat the tonsils...el ef Omit penal, ond applying this emnp,,,,,4;..ezi a brash, that this mounts Mg , mono., become a perfect stone or .MG so th eism ittbStgUlCE ate, and the la When m: applied amount was o sf Wien,melly Eau in allotid m atattuna, magneme and Meek oxide of iron that 1000 st.. fabled, rendered it both wea th er and fire ma; m the longer exposed, tie - harder and more permanent It seems to become s and as th e matlng faller it turns to • Amt) it of itself midestructible by fire, consequently it • protects tin wood covered with it from the air, end where thorn is no *Molest Laco blaze or combustion:. *mane the wood mil Woody cher, before the slate morning will give way. I considered the discovery of the greaten import:: met, and applied GOVellarlent for a ;Mem for my intww4on or dtscormy, fondly hoping tam I mould now be remunerated for all my outlay Mame and am my. The goversouent, without any Smiled., grant ed to Me Lettere Patent thr the phiht to sure, MS and WWI lIIT improvemhe ta1L1116141.. of a °Weather and Fire Proof Campos/Me or Ant ada 111ate.o Dr fourteen ye WM. IitiAKIP . WE, the inhabitants of and Shama believe , bey sod cad the su abbstan ove statement of Mr. Wake., tially Comet, as we are wing know to mist of the statthat e.' menu therein =imbed; and vwll farther state, we do not believe IMO mere ever wan pistol more balite:ay and laboriously earned, or more with the mem deservedly granted; as he mama ids eXperintente endoutitable perseverance under the most discouVi i eitrateaLlitees, ea the public had Mt the lessiS - dance that there could be any Wag valuable made ' from the vutiMane. Be therefore bad to encounter for' years the leen and coeds of nearly Um whole comma uhr. MOtwithetanding all OM, be wee indefatigable its the e provecuio of dm experiments, and. we do not believ that there Is one man ln •thourand who would, have perrevered under alt We cirecomtnacem But be has et last triumphed over all obstseles, sod we be- Rime there is noW but one opinion ia &Wanting hire the merit of this valuable discovery. • GEO. W.CRANF., /maces of HORACEGIBB, • We JONATHAN IIfER ' . RO, Peace. • LEWIS C. CAT 'AI, Totstem L I! EM W .I . A M aI ' Towevhip. L. EVE' owaship Clerk. ALLEN' ..W. ;N Assiut C. C A/T/0A II ON F, VF ETT, Tel II WE, Trr TO HE] L and P aPaII° I to bo ed patetne tout' shown mi t, int ge of re a rig tto lin End pa Wont st Owl til a Ia- that at nth =ninths . Nt e paten in go 'Nand and ase 1 nd not nend New I I ta) d fra CAUTION PUBLIC. Lave uccrtaimdt re individualsen,geged in digging, d grinding, a Menuone hlineral, lag forsale, the aloee . with on, .na toed Pre catty ea I ese my pate tele. I hove been to thou persona and othot my patent. Thei.say they In net Intend to or trespass upon my tights, that they have a dig, grinthand sell the findserr, that they ere not Mi"t•eirktr%Vnt't the do ' with in that It is no infringement util it h I with the oil. to mete the coomotual; and that tl rho boy, the e sod use it, must take the respooslbil. dOilt of theta say that they bellue that the pate toed Kee" Ow that gals and nee the totOpound some tune and dint what they wanted to me touldeenainly push. sab le f mate they did not i Ito make themselves liab la any way. Now II uyself to dury baud to ampere thth berefaced (moll ~.on the public . as I ere aril It by no MUder !Incl. • man se'lls and re an. pay for h e ap area T hem e use ef whichhe alt knows sub Wets ucka... and user to IL proem... tiro and fins. 'Seem of theme who are engaged in this hereticna wank, will unquestionably mineral to the gothlic that my paten will not stunt and non I dare sot prosecute. Now, minim this argument emeiffean stem, I went to some of those who were proclaiming that my pawn was of co valet, and rude an d low ing prone. In d that theytuightselcet a ledge two thwyers who have had mine practice lo patent i f and we would sehrint the pals. to Meat, and if they deeded that the pewit was good, thotthey shoule atop all farther proceedings to the harlotry, hot if-they almiald decide that it would not, in tei olni,hd, I would agree to let them go on end t el lall th ey could. without among any thole to Us palm about them. This proposition th ey reale not accede to So for az she ...IWO of my pamut is contented, Ido h a ve peed entirely opon soy own judgment, although I the fatirst confidence in in hot I bare sal:mimed it to many of thejudgei, and several of the tudst eminent patent lawyers, who have, widow exceptien, decided that In their op Swett good, end would protect me to tel dmererery. I aria the article to a fate power, and ;tit it so in barrels, the which nth "Ilts marked: te's mar Erne aim Wroarrea Puce Ateratcus 9azx I therefore give nonce to all who buy end are the I above mentioned mineral for the yuppie set forth i soy.patent, except from me or toy autharised.sgenA that shall hold them to • sinet eccoutehllity, thee and eta ce commen emits at law against those who Infrtere upon my right- WY/. BLAKE. linasee, Mediu Co , 0., Amr.lllY-19. lI7TWO TONI 3 of the above the rod IVeather Proof Artificial c orn on lands and for shle. 'Yhe above Valenti recommend, for we have Unit tering it fernery TeittS,, lull know it to wfi at rt It act forth. In every minimiser. J. tr. SWUM... Agt, tio 3. y.l Dff. JAYtiEll ALTEttATIVE. ' • W have been informed by Mrs. hose of is are pat ( arme e d onher hypes Jaya.'s Attain... tire, which proves Its superiority over every other remedy of the bind. She has been •Ected for the last sixteen yesre s ' with FECILOSES or.WIIITE SIyIa.LINGS, at tended with.eleerations and enfolohon of varioustiones,dn• . nog whiehumemany piceesbase been diwkarged from ~., • the•irantal bone of the cranium, from both her arms, wrote end hands .ar.d from both !emend from e left femora: bona-and from the right knee, betddei info! ; steers on outer pens of hot perroh, which hoer bullied W 5 skillet a ItfillgrCt of the goorreniir.cetphysi sat of ear eity—daring mast of the time her safeties have '• . • ...r..'i.„,,gougcniating and deplorable: About three the , • CM*thC WIN induced to tryDr.Jayne's Mte lb,. •..Vmeb has had on astonishing!) , haPPY effedll n he • by riroov.eg all Nun and swelling.; mid eau. g the ulcers to heal, while at Meow= time bcrgebetarlth •. Mr becorse completely_restored,so that eke now igt,,, 85 the marathon she &a before oho COMBICIIE en) dr ase et thistly valuable pre pittion..7A!!at. Eve, Po.t. . , • ..': • For father informationour,instiortdrs.Thosalito. IS Filbeilftl,Plilladelpkia.. , 1 , .. Per salvia Pittelorgh, at the Mari vri "sit, - - .: , 1 rithil. BOY Worst. ), bOLUM 3.81.0 AN I-4A N by 117 AL the Ifed4m.7l ue 'I4aLLERP, Wa°4 16d JOIN P SCA?" ii-tßarmmihM.l6.h iItNHEN,GIRSrp.kkeRWARTZ an DAL AIIeCORRY gheny .try The Deet,agd Cheapest Hone feledletno IN THE WORLD • - .13LOAWS OINTINENT•AND CONDITION , POWDDILt mrnad a r.t eam.. Fs+i Punlk ncli t , fildrutugald; ' ty, and Thirtnecknos. SLOAN'S 01 And is rapidly persidiMr all Wier Ointments and Ural:mats FAR m axe Mr the cure alba following dig taws: • . • Fresh wounds, galls of all kinds, sprains, bruisers cracked heels, ringhood,' wirtdbeme, windgalls, poi soil, callus, mamba, ewes.), fistula. isitfut, USW] e lameness, sand murk, foundered feet, scratches or greaso mango or hone The Powder will remove all inflansontion and fever purify the blned,:hiosen the skin,•eleanse th e water oral strengthen ovary part of the todr and it... Provost • sovereign remedy fOr the following dileaSeet: DiSteMr