PITTBBU4,III GAZETTE, IiCtiI f LSHED BY, VVI-fiTB fe CO .PlICT6BOHOB• TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 20.1830 . - - Agatha, .of the Allott.hlasoisle and Whig 1. Comity Costuolttoo of Corroopoadosee. Tho Delegates to the fun County Convention, of the Am.l4/Lasome and Whig party, all of whom are mem ben of the Committee of Cointrpondence, arep regent ' "ad to•meet ar the New Court Soma on Wednesday, •-• the Ittle of April oe for the transaction of but.. HILANDS, Chairman - 8aLT114312 CAlL—SlibliCtiptioll•MA gliv•rti•e maul for, this p received .4 forwarded free of alma from Ws o . ErAEE NEXT ?AGM FUN LOCAL MATTERS TELEGRAriIic NEW, .e. Donnlltrer en awe intaram—Most famous attacks have lately been made to both Houses of entlgroes upon the Home Department. and the stde and. excellent officer who preside* over it.— :We cannot prevent the impression that the ori. - gin of these assaulis may be tracedas the fact that we have a Whig adminkaration, and that Mr. Elmo is • ftnnli and devotedly attached to the • Whig party and Whig principles. There is car= Saltily just as great a necessity for the prmervation this Department as them was for its creation. Nothing In its working he. shown it to be either ' uncalled for or"anneceaaary, hot Its great utility and importance has been clearly developed. In fact it is the most important department to the people at large, in the Government. and our far mers and ameba/sic' have a special Were* In its preservation. If it should be repealed now, by a Lotlo&mo majority, the country will view it as a mere act of party malignity and meanness, dis • graceful alike to the country and to Compass. We observe that our member, Mr Morena, made a very eenalle and appropriate speech in defense of the Department aid the Secretary, in the House, on ‘ the 19th inst. His argument is de. fence of Mr. h.wingbs course, in employing the Lie f:smeary clerical asalwarice, and the duly of Can. grew to pay them, is unanswerable, and the al• tempt of Mr. Bayly to reply was a complete failure. Congress ha. already wasted were moneyin this attempt to embarrass the Secretary of the Home Department than would have paid the clerks their lawful earnings ten timmover. The Clerks ought to be paid, and that at once, and then if the oppo sition members choose to spend their time and waste the money of the people in discussing the value of a department of their own creating, they can indulge their humor without starving the poor clerks, who have tolled for a whole year with. out pay. Lrrrza ROM Ilartsmitrzo--Govirs.voa's Mn. aset.—Our kiarrisherg !soar, of to day, is more than usually Interestiog. Legislation, important to the State, is progressing through its various stages, and soma local matters, of interest to us, are noticed. The Message of Governor .1021101 TON, on the slavery question, referred to by " Cobden," is • must eloquent and impressive document, and wilt ba read with pleasure and pride by every true hearted Pennsylvanian. The pressure upon our - columns prevents Its appearance to day, but we shall try and give It to morrow: Pincus' Toweamr.—Ortr neighbor of the Pal:, thankful ter small favors, lately, in his paper, claimed the election of • 'gentleman of his politi• cal school, is Peebles Township, a a "decided, victory" for the Democrats. The bout of the Pau has quite astonished the Citizens of that strong Whig district, and a correspondent has taken it in hand to dim the !ware of the laurel, for Its friends, 'Clitimed by that paper. As oar space exceed, fatly limited, our correspondent will excuse us for wgicholding his ,article, and instead thereof, stile the simple facts in the ease, which are theism There were Lira candidata in the field, one - Whig, and two Democrats, from which to select irro persons. The Whig wee chosen, and one of the Democrats ofeourse, the Whig having some eighty votes over his highest competitor ! This to the Pares "decided victory I" Tire following remarks - Of our correspondent are worthy of the camideration of the Parr editor. "It hr due to the electors of Peebles Township. to say, that political • lines were not drawn with that precision that the editor of the Post would seem to intimate, that the trathembi of party did not, bras them in the seleetion of their candidates; but' If such a course is panned, as has been, by the Post, and instruments of tech like calibre, such must inevitably be the result.. We claim not, however, such exclusiveness. We are ready, and willing, to assist in the election of pencils of either party, nor deem that our opponents owe it to our magnanimity, but at the same time we do not wish that the acclaim of victory shall be pre longed at our expense. The article in question would not hays elicited a refutation, did It sot some krona the accredited organ of a large pardon of community. To those acquainted with the eirctuastauces, tt bears the morello of its own condemnatioo.. A meeting of me stock holden of the Perutayi. mum Rail Road Company, was held on Tuesday,' the 20th of March, at Philadelphia. The object of the meeting was, to consider the resaln tioas offered at a previous meeting, relative to In. asinding the resolution passed November 14th, . 1849, by which the company mapended all waist on the road tto Sundays. The attendance, sari ' 11m . "North American, sem very large, and the iu terect tosniksted was of the mow lively .chaisc ter.. After a warm debate; she reacdutlon of NO. • amber lath was auspended, until a further action , . of the stock holden could be had in reference to .1., in order to obtain • decision of the gentian.— , The Directors were requested to afford an °ppm :. .. - ittislty to each stock holder to vote by ballot .for" • or "against." daily lines of travel over the road. The polls to be kept bpen (daring the offlee hoots) • for a period of thirty day. ..- • Rental, That each stock bolder who shill at • this time of hie voting have paid the fall instals meets which may be due him an stacks aubecribed, andevery person who shall have sobscribedor who . may subscribe ort the near sobacriptiou, and shall hare voluntarily. paid one or more instalments thereon, is entitled to one vote tor each and every share or stock held and represented by him. The votes of each day shall be counted, and the • number far, and against, registered in a suitable book for that purpose. At the closing of the polls, the magmatic, num. berof voters and shares represented .Gar' and ,"against: shall he counted, and the result one swanned. Neselosd, That the Bard Cl Directors, should conform 'their action on the subject, to the wishes • them ascertsinad of the stock holders who may rer = a r t eZ T lt i elc ° l f ltrid "t ual e , L ater fair and honorable exertows to promote the Immo of the coarse which he believed CO be the right s !' ILO Wee ' moonlit& for the decision thee he a for say cale. f erects whirl he can sled approve of nor tow , . atoLiatheeeauottnity In teeth. oe Lrea . • ..fleerferd, That the' pleat' at the Pep/y . Hoed ar th earliest pool*, day, Is of theltletete hip; the interest of the orty, !Lod That we please to two vlgorout ex cation, pahroptly to :abet neeeestay .soeserlp . . . The eoosay of Alleelapty thrtwo her Commie. ••, ' , .ehroars; has la -8,415 t, of coarse, to cote at &LILLIS tor the arocatoteritookkeld,by her, and we Wok li; to faditittainnn—irdne • • to dud divine mum:4 attach directs to ..tgenane• . • lier:thu day keep . as Ina s I , to cease fronted labor, demands of os, *a • duty ikiith we olio to religion, to oar God, ouid to so. Mety; that we elietdd endeavor, by assay mesa . in oar power,, to meanly nab alit iiet initine• .tbs. We sinesrely trust that the remission of No. reitber 14, suspending travel and transyee' laden oyer the linu on Sundays, will be susudned by the vote of the stock bo/ders. - A loge andlespeotable meeting vrai held at the Merchants' Exchange Boma eaEaturday even.' fug, for the purpose of Waning to the Hon. Al. bert S. Whits of ladiw, who hid kindly convert , t'ed . address the citizen. of Pittabtesb, Was awe to oar 'maimed eonneetioniarllb the "West' and North West." Thomas BakesteB Etc:presided. Mr. White commenced Ws eddiess by a brief albs 'aloe to the difierent rail rends already completed In . the United Ctatea, as well as those now In progress of comensetion. He adverted to the rivalry auctsmaively tabled between Boron and New Yak, for the. western trade tlmstith these channels. to Abe vast . imam arising from this seam la Os nine and Atm * of .4 and persons! Mate m thoor cithori etAcially in Benton, and to the toot that Item. rolonarafakuro bad, coorr!neted-mote nil goads — cosi airdin extent, than mould be Lin tneosrohnitt of road Low the blissonri the kaeide. —.Bespoke of the positionof Pittsburgh,. lecddyi fella the Nee of the Allegitaile over . , i. fr iguitand &Ina Iriag between the Ohloand the Lakes, and challenging their trade even Wined il,.banhe of the Alletentl, and to the te.4411:14 etegt=i Ludiena. =as alreiaoe d Ureesteer; be 6i:bonnet .h.. the c ouuT would be pla, :sad few u pudu*.es the rail rads rauffer Barth et how Ohio river, and penetration with thole cultural reenacting refund to. Already ,SOUlti oftheseatoebwece paying huge dividends, and he cited as an instance the Madiecn di Indianapolis Eaditoad Company, which dating the lam your, yielded a profit of some fifteen Per cent on the true amount °respite], under very peculiar diad em:tinges. Ho also stated the earnings of the Lit tle blima dr Michigan Central Acad. He vas swinged that most of these roads, mould pay an. wally* profit of twenty per COW. to the stock holden. Ho called the attention of the audience to the respective efforts of Minn:inn and lowa to =nem Mai: Eastern and Wetsern borders, the one by a road from St.lLoitis to Indianapolis, the other from Davenport to Council Blatli. Mr. W. took a somewhat detailed view of the two important projections from Indianapolis, viz: the St. Louts line through Terra Haute, and the Chicago and Galena line through Layfurette.— Hs 'poke of the cheap counuction West, dfc. dr.e. We regret, for want of space, that we caner. , give a more full report of this gentleman, inter. eating remaika.. They were listened to with great attention, and will, we trust, have a tendency to arouse our citizens to the importance of lending their asnotance, by every possible means, to the promotion, and rapid completion of, the great chain of rail roods In the west, which are calculated to produce so vital an improvement in our future proipenty. After Mr. White had concluded, A. W. Loomis, Erg , made a brief And pertinent ad dle* and expressed, In eloquent terms, the great gratification which all mown 'hod experience& from the able address just liatened to. Mr. White was one of the moat distinguished son's of Indiana, and had represented her ably, and faithfully, m the Senate of the United. States, and any thing which he might any was entitled to the highest confidence. The importance of our projected rail made, through the Great Weal, and North Went, could not be over estimated, and he trusted that our moan. would afford every facility in their pourer towards the speedy realisation of the pros. Iroco held out to us, by the completion of this isreat connecting chain with those fertile region. 'which lie between as and the Father of Water.. e farther remuked, and he said that he did so isatizely without the knowledge or opprobrium) of air. White, that he had understood that one of roe Objects of that gentleman, who was President Of the Lafayette and Indianapolis Rail Road Comp.. ay, in his present visit to Piurourgh, was to make an arrangement for the purchue of a aufficieu t quantity of rail road iron to lay their track some thirty five miles. The securities offered by the Company were moat ample, and be believed the stbekwould be one of the most profitable in the country. He trusted sincerely that tome of our large iron establishments mould be disposed to negotiate with the company, for the amount of iron needed. On motion of Neville B. Craig, Esq., the thanks of the meeting were tendered to Mr. White, for the interesting and valuable information which he had given in reference to rail road subjects, and thereupon the meeting adjourned. W IDILY Asouncot.—By a reference to our business columns, oar readers will find an advertisement regarding this valuable paper. The character of the "Daily American" is so widely earablithed as to render soy praise which we could bestow entirely superfluous. It is, is every reupect, one of the ablest sad most reliable papers in the country. The country paper, which is a very huge sheet, is carefully compiled from the Deily, and is filled with matter calculated to in terest the man of business, as well as of leisure, and afford valuable' imam:lion to every age and . we. We, with pleasure, recommend it to the patronage of those-who desire to she a paper panted In an Atlantic. city. A copy of both the Daily and Country American may be seen at our oSee. We feel pleasure in referring oar readers to the advertisement of Mr. Wardrop in another column, whose nursery mill be found a convenient and ex cellent resort for tha porpoise of supplying gardens with saleable and rare trees, ahrabbeiry, Axe , en„ plants doe. The Coon of Quarter Sessions commenced its sittings yesterday, The saldtess ofladgeltleClore to the Grand Jury, was very severe epee the grog Wien; and we may look fir a very rigid inquiry into the cIgIII9 of those asking for licens e . The late riots ' are also commented on, in a meaner which shows that no leniency will be extended to thud= of offendem, by the Coen. No busi. =seat any lmixtriernee, except the iirianisation, was transacted. TEI Eorrzsmars.—Thia favored band of sing ers, who :randy delighted mu city with their celebrated glees and negro ballads, have returned 'from a profitable visit through the vest, and will give a kw more entertainments la our city, erom. meaning to night.. Beitabet.• Hunt., Now Yom—This splendid am., Estheralels boom "LI wonwi's Hotel,” has pawed into ttuS 'Mails of Mr. A. S. Bums, nephew of the Ms fa. mows 'xpiator DIM 'Natal of that to.. I. Baltimore —• This gentles= is estantirely known to the Wes; os forme proprietor of the Wedded HOUR'S, Ckselsoul, and of Bar num Baal Cumberland. filthy of oar Minna will Om neoldeet his as th• amiable and attentive host at :Bedford Brion is tO4& The Hotel one whiila he now preeidet is Lilly wool to of in New York. It Walled 14 . the camera( Broadway •M Hoiden I me, is the mry of 1MM:on& Maine. Our New York entrapment, who meld ettly wan ail," inlnteh matters, mend, Tote of (hot u 'being mot admirably kept, nod foralthed tb rough not is • ittyle not sitrynomd by my Maar establishment to the .1' NBw Cantos. Cemerwiel..—?ha evognizelion °rtie lemma rethedwel,ElL PUN he our city, have by ukawbous roia, resotnta te, take down the preheat baelikty,"eald fo r bad abother much moss splesefid, he ere stead. NA. thew web dollen eras rained by the eengreption et oteting Mkt es Suoday tut. Ekren of the walawriptiona were very tergeowsieng tle ...we we °Degree, Mr.. Fa twrzen, Ikea.; John s.Cosyraet, James Blakey, Lae Tear, Dr WNW, J. N. Drrirt 4. Brother, ter each 4500, .4 wyeral others kielfl:o,ll26o, down to =llk, make This errisiely opeeks well fur the liberality of/hs Calho'ses pay matt'.. The School Directors of the City of Pittsburgh are hereby requested Co meet at the rooms of the Young Lieu's Library, on Tuesday, 25Th instant, of 71 o'clock, P. .61.—Founh street, between Mar- - kat and _Wood. By order of Board of President. L. 'IL LIVINGSTON, Chairman. VI, J. Mum, Secretary. Faun WASHINGTON Cotmalioxidenee of as Pillablugh Caine. Wtentirm, Minh 21. I. •Wan of Mr.. Squiers.—Troman '4.:eillthisiderene of the Admlettsteatton Koine Deportment not yet annum. tlu.Ostronsffelttleultleo of • coma ' PeemAse.• ge t c rejoice tha t Minister to M ee r..Lqu i fers Ar. , esi o . ur , s w b u le and toe:. at the lut executive session of the Senate, In face of ibe. An that a kin:0101e opposition to him hes existed India body, and elaewhere,reasona which gr a I endeavored. to explain. The unity =ac hy Mr. • Squint, with the State of Nicara qt, is reported to hare been already laid before Senate. ' It relates chiefly to the right clean er ming a canal between the Pacific and Atlan tic,: through the river St. John and Lakes Loin an \Nicaragua. It ls understood that the treaty A accompanied by a great mass of correspondence illustrating the progress of affairs, as connected witkthe outrageous encroachment a Great 13titi- Co in that quarter. Never did an insolent and premien) nous emmluary of that - unarupulous power meet with a more resolute and skilful ad ',angry than the bullying swaggerer, Chatfield, kmad 14 Mr..lliniers. .Senator Truman Smith, to day, made a triton. phant reply in Madbary, of AIWA!, on tbo rens- Intim aids - latter, calling for the reasons for all renaninda dodiodies which base been made Once the present adianistratlon came In. While Mr. !Smirk was caning and alaahing the writhing de. mammy, firg In the flank end then on the withers, Mr. Foote, who has reappeared. rose to say thin 13 Ma opposite party were now in the majority 3 and the democracy were prostrate, he thought it korrekt to exhibit for them a compassionate for To which Mr. Smith replied, that he could not under the democracy prostrate wln'e Feces was an his feet three fourths of the lime:— This reidly told upon the little man like a shot be tween wind and water, and he subaided es quic ly and promptly as the circumstance. admitted of.— The alluslob was not ion upon anyone whO heard 11,-and of coarse the laugh was general asking the busy little gentleman. Mr. Smith did not con. elude. • Tbeni hiusheen acme thing 14 real btanEu fo 116014 mm to day. Bayly enema at length dispor ed to erpedlte public Iminean, and own Ida ma tion lobate on the deficiency appropriation bill via stopped in Committee of the Mole, 01 two !rev al liberty, however, as chair. man 01 the Way• and Mew, to ant lt wlkon . hour's speech after that time. Bayly livery wordy and windfo. In fact, what the Freuch call Ms...line CllKOzarr. He therefore required a lull hour to de. fiver himself,. although he had coosnrcied one at the beginning ofthe disease's' on the bill. There were several passages of great interest in the debate. Among others was the declaration of hi!. John L. Taylor, of Ohio; au he had as certained, upon enquiry, since . yesterday, teat there were day more Democrats than Whigs in office in Washington at this day, notwithstanding all the alleged proscription of the adminstration.— Yesterday Mr. Smith had stated that his belief wan that tho Demonats held a majority of the offices, and that being then denied, he had been led to make the enquiry which bad resulted as above stated. , The very first vote after coming out of commit tee showed Mr. Bayly to have been again floored. Mt. Hampton's motion to insert $12,00 0 as pay fur the eight or ten clerks and messenger. whom it had been necessary to employ since the month of March last, in the office of the Department of the Interior, though it had been the turning pain of the whole debate, and the theme of Democratic oratory for several day., was adopted--ayes SS, . nays 74—or 79, for I could not get the preci s vote. It i• true this le a somewhat meagre vote Ini corn. a. mitten where the ye and mays cannot be Idled the result, and may be different in th e °use, where they can, but it is not probable. We ham.s great deal about compromise. about the crisis being past, and matters of 'list sort, but as a cool spectator of what is occurring herr, I must say that I do not perceive any more decisive symptoms of an adjustment than were apparent a month or two ago. It is cony to cry We North must yield for the mike of the Unita , that the South is resolute and will bane whet she e•llsjus• dee; but this is all very vague and unsatisfactory. What will the North yield 1 The Previte, very probably. But, will that appease the South a by no means, Mr if we cao believe the leading Demo. crate of the South, they regard the admission of California as a free Slide, is bad as the Proviso. & majority of Northern men are willing te give the Smith the security at suitable legislation in respect to fugitive slaves. But the South demands Maeon's bill for the virtual creation of 20,000 ad. 1 ditional federal judge., and for the legalisation 01 kidnapping on a scale that would put every free colored citizen al the North at the merry of every vagabond on either side of the dividing fine, who chose to make a tattiness of slave hosting. This the free States will never grant. Governor Se ward's amendment., no much scoffed at, tor se curios to persons arrested as sieves, the right of habeas carpis and of trial by jury, must he adopt. el, or, at least, the Northern man who abandons toe principle in his vole, had better tie a mill stone about his neck at once. But, not to tire your read ers, I will postpone to a subsequent iel:et a aketek of what probably will be done. Wasucurron. Much 22, IMO. Deficit's.,lesin Appropelation•-01esoln lien by Seas and !Gaye—Florida Ind ant.-.ltepenelve Subjects. The Henan has done a very fair busmen to day , and its debates and proaredinga have not only lama interestmg but of a character to advertise the public service. I have taken the trouble to eon toy eye:over the bill, for lite supply of derniencies in the appropriations for the current year. Its amount is quite startling. I have before noticed the eetl• mates of the Secretary of the Treasury, of the amounts hearsayy to meet these deficieucles. The aggregate of these estimates, eras $1,698,000, which, however, included the amount required for the collection of the revenue, which has 341.1 bean provided far, in a separate bill. There re mained, therefore, to be provided for in the bill now - before the House, lets than four hundred thousand dollars. But the bill as it came from the - heads of the Committee on Ways and Means, with is Oemocnulamsjority, is made up of a . vast variety of items, which, together, form an aggre gate of 84470,000. - Here are rome of the Items, For the removal of the Florida Indians 8100,000 Additional Perutioni - to Soldiers of the Mexican ............ Continuing the construction of the Cu* tom Home at Neer 0r1ean5...... .. Mexican Boundary 5urvey.......... Additional proviedona for the Navy..:. Mint at ...... Miscellaneous Items Under a rule orifte Rouse, after the general de bate has been tersilnated on the bill, ■ chance Is g avers (Jr exp!aoation upon matters cr detail, by offering real or only pmcfs.vss amendments; with the privilege to biro who offers it, of speaking five minutes on each one. In this way a most inters esting discussion has been going on all day, with • mow beneficial result. 1 dated yesterday, that Mt. Hemploa procured the insertion of hie amendment, providing for the Clerks of rho Department of the Interior, mere amount of $12,000. To day, with all his horror of encouraging aregalar expenditure, Mr. Duly, - found himself comulled to move the for .a• dition of $13,500, L malt. Sor:the Ministers to Austria and rruseie, yet to be 'appointed. Oppo. aitioo was made to it on the Democrano aide, be. cause they raid they did nist want any body seat to succeed liannegen and Webb, but Itsyly and Sonthern coadjutors let them know that that was notthe progress that they wanted. They plainly and that they would have nothing to do with the dammery of suspending diplomatic relations with Austria, 02 any account whatever, fur, said they, ale takes our rowan and whams, and we must keep so good terms with her, let her do what she will. Hare you have the secret of the warm Southern Dmeoeratic opposition to the resolution .ofGeoeral Cans against Austria. Thin may he regarded no the drat public appearance of Cotton and Tobacco no liiplomatists, but, to truth, they settled the o.egoo question, and lest us ••fity forst . May," though they operated in a more private manner on that memorable occasion. Tobaccodout prevailed, and carried the out fit. Carter, of Ohio, moved to expunge half of the stoopoo, for the removal of the Seminole Indians, and sustained his motion with one of the most slash:rig five minute speeches ever heard in the House. There were, he sold, leas thou two hun dred Indians in Florida. Some of these, it ap peared, bad got into a drunken quarrel with some 'Floridian., and one at two of the latter had been killed. That Slate, which by on villain was going to dissolve tie Union, had made an appeel to the General Government, it-bad been answered at an expense of at least 3100,000, and the foe had beau it:thanes!. Now it wu proposed to appropriate 81,000 a head, to get these formidable Indians mit_ of the country. He could not quite stand that, bat be would allow 31,000. as Florida mu au extensive country, though anywhere else It could be done fin $3O a man. Gabon, of Florida, replied with warmth, and 'estimated the number of Indians at 1,500—.114 said thcre Was great danger of an Indian War. ➢at Phelps, of Idissoun, proved from ofmial doe. umentt, that the fighting most could not mock ex ceed olio:hundred of the whole tribe, or remnant now In Florida, contained not more than three hundred men, women, and children.—Carier's amendment prevailed. The different amendments, notsitibstnndiog this reduction, 'lowly swelled the bill to its origi nal extent, and it was reported to the Hour, in a share calling for nearly 11,500,000. To mei lOW, the final vote is to be taken, and it remains to be seen whether the champions of disunloa will oppose the bill with thee peculiar taming, attempt its defeat, as a ViOigliollat their published form of relluingall supplies beam the settlement of the Slavery quation, and diuolve the Union by Yeas and Nays. I think they will not. Mr. Calhoun is certainly sinking. An 'organic mucon,. as the physicians term it, has' °neared, which is said to reader ■ fatal terminatioa of hts &seise inevitable. His career is no doubt ended. He may live a mouth or more, I understand his attending physician to say, but that Is ttet probe. Me. He is in Lis seventy fiat year. Mrii. Cabo= la not is Washinsto a. From the declaration of 13ayly to day in resort to the MILO, it n certain that' thithiediaue Will soon be made to till the Pr 01440 and Atastrzia Miattiorie. harm 17/2021111Altalia=GIL aorreopoodues dike Pllibargb Gaud.. Mar . ch 22,1650 la the Semite, yesterday, ths 610 abated ..sa:ftet to t. pal the 4:1 testi= of dm act 4 iaceaparste the North Lshroon railroad soaspany," rum op is order. Ths iambics reearrlog mew foal punt. of the la, it 1 , 1118 &tided in the sAlmative. So lir bill pseud, sad ass motto tho Hose torcoocarreseo. • On motioaof Mr. Nos, as Sexists lb., proereied to the asmidgabblea of Waloll staled Km Kr top:grids for Or shatthas ofAtteasy Geasisi sad irtstersis, it is/rosy., which ease apm sissad readier, sod stl sr Ike atiop hus ef l sertrat itadadassatiOns 'ma stand sad third tins sad The pro/Woos of this bill are in inhataitee al to fa. That at the general election in October nest, the qtraliArd sown of the Commonwealth shall *WI a perms, teamed in the law, .ho ban been at lemt tan pears a premising la oricr in the State, and admitted to practice in the Suprema Court, to *etas Attorney Omen' f,r a period oiling pan from t h e den Moodily of December ant, who shall dmebarge all the duns now performed by the Attor ney General. Thal if. lama. should Lapp. in eaid office, the Gomm. roall have power to Gll theromnicy a.tll roe met general election. 3td. That the qualified eleatore of the shy .4 minty of Philadelphia, and of so. and every county in the Bute, atoll at She tame trone3nd every throe years therefore, aleet one person learned in lit. law, who has been two years W aal ted to the b., gild who shall have tended la the county kw which he {selected for at least .e year met proceed bog hie election, who anti be called the District Attorney' of mid county,and peg.= all the Mai. now doeburged by Prosecuting Attornies. 4th. Tina 11. y llamas Attorney, so elected, shall de • mane .y greater fee than that allowed in the tee h.ll, for any przvicesAhe shell _perform to relation to .7 ease, . .hall gee .y fee, ward ur proems, for the c.a... tion of any case in relatiWi to. twilit pr 0..., he shall be liable b m indwiment therefor, acid au conviction shall be deetnedgealty of. rotedrateenor en agree, and be ptosohed by a' fine within the diecrolion of the court, as well ea removal from raid MSc.. On mei= of Mr. Dame, the Berate toot up .d pawed :the hill to ...pones . Awwishoo for roe eatebliehment of a House of Refuge for 1V eelern Petrosyle... In the Hoax, on motion of lir. WIWI., the bill from Um Beasts eapplemeatery I.e. act to tau-torpor. OS bloom.. bola Bank at Brownsville, was t.bea op .rod pawed finally. On motion of Mr. \ Volker, the moll:dim, entitled •'Re sulu'ian Matte. to the prottorgis of Agneulture,” wu tak up and teed a. 611ows. Want. The varie ioterrets or Trough., and of the