The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 25, 1850, Image 2

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PiTybev# oll
I)7Anverits ' ias are eithestly requested mused In
Su:leaven; before 3 r. lc, and as early in the day as
cartg b ljal t=rlTforchVg rn
eiro a rttl oVe:SOTI:
me. Paula =au No= ;Antaalta.a.,—.A•venom
semi and sabscriptions • the North Amen en and
United Stales Galena, P. nOelplan;received and far
Wanted &Mans affma,'
ama,llar o mast
totbal eLty. Advc m
tato will meet prompt
• erCtsnannat,C..
:Gnetnnati, Is oni V
-end subeciptiona handed
am:taloa • •
C 111037117. IL 1 : G•arrp.— mews
wad anbsc nations, for M
th a paper, will be race ved and
forwarded from Ulla palm
ErrPerssaruslii Coeirsaerar.Liss.—Subseriptions
for this valuable paper, win be received and rararard•
ed from this office.
Xeetintg of the Anita:roseate and Whig
County Committee of Correspondence.
The Delegates to the last County Convention, of the
Awl-Hume and Whig party, all of SiilDo are mem.
ben of the Committee of Correipondenee, are request•
ed to meet at the New Court House, on 'Wednesday,
the 10th of April next, for th - eHansanion of business.
lIII.ANDS, Chairman.
[Jamul and American eopy;]
PACODC RAIL ROAD COaeaartou AT Putgansicritm.
—We understand that a public meeting 'mill beheld to
mottoes evening, et the hang° Rooms,
for the purpose of appointing Delegates'. the Conveo•
tionio be hold in Philadelphia: on the first of Aplif.
Fosslon Nrws.—Tbo uows by tho ccomor N
*gm will be found under tetagraphic head.
"The British 471avellT."
Theasriff Act of lead, the production of the
adminkstnition of 'Polk and "Dalbui,” who were
endorsed as good tariff: men, by oar friend Colonel
McCandless, is well named the .BrUish
ss the following facts, act forth by the Phaadelphsa
Zadgrr, good authority in such muter', will
show :
"Thu present tariff lasi the result of an trader.
standing with England, hod through the negotia
tions of.GerffDo Green and our Bill:date rat that
Court, Louis hi'Lmic, thnt if, Ecgland modified
her duties, on cotton, wool and wheat, flour, grain,
and pp:oilstone generally, the Uoitod :Rake was
toter-mm=4s, by reducing our tariff on the sta•
plea of Bleat Britain, and hell= the modified tar. tit
iff of 16.°
So, "Polk and Dalian' consulted the govern.
meat of England, instead of the "interests of
Pennsylvania," and the Tariff of '46 Is the "result
of an understanding" with "Queen Vie," instead
of an arrangement with our iron men and farm
ers for the promotion of home interests. Truly it
la well named the "British Tatifir , No wonder
Mr. Balsam remonstrated with Mr. -Clayton'
against a change, as it would be a breach of the
"understanding" entered into with England by
the late adminutration. We have heard about
being "sold to the Dutch," but that Pennsylvania
was truly "sold. to the }knish" by "Polk and Dal
las," mamba evident to even the warmest friends
athetate administration. •
lixturrO'Rauxv, Eau b indefatigable gen•
tleman, whose name sod limo are intimately, and
honorably associated with thti Telegraphic enter•
prise in the United States, arrived in our city, on
Thursday evening, and left on Saturday morning,
Or the West.
We understand that Mr. O'Reilly hes already
extended the lightning cord" as far East as Porto
itmd,blaine; and has made ample arrangements
for its Immediate completica to Halithx4 N. 8., to
be merited under the systcm of Telegraphing as
patented by Mr. Bain, end so highly euloglyed by
the Eastern press. He now returns to the 'far
west," to pot under immediate contract, another
line, extending from St. Louis to the Missouri
frontier, with a view to its farther extrusion•
across the Ducky Mountains to the Pacific. Al
ready he has contracted for the er echos of a line
between San Francis," and Sacramento City, in
California, the wire for which will cross the lath.
mns in the mouth of May.
Mr. O'Reilly'. enterprizs is truly wonderful ,
and deserving of success. Through his energetic
agency, this useful and mysterious system of com
munication has penetrated nod linked together,
a, well as brought into close communion, the most
extreme welione of our country.
Ourcorreapondent, '. brings his deeply in
teresting communications 0 a &nap to day. No
one can read his concluding number, Wllilol2t be.
log forcibly impressed with the immensity of the
region so shortly to be traversed by Railroads, and
brought into intimate commercialland aorial later
course. A ' country net only Mist, and almost it.
limitable in ha extent, but also more krtile than
any other of the same extent on •the face of the
globe, and folly capable of rustaining an hundred
millions of inhabitants. With this vast, magnifi.
cent, and fertile region., our Ohio and Penrisylvas
ma Railroad will form the great trunk lira of con.
newton, and will, beyond all question, do a busi.
news the extentand prat of which nose can duly
We thank our correspondent, "W,"
pleasure,ee well es information, which his a
in reference to this Interesting subject, have afford•
ad, and beg to indulge the hope that .al l
his conclusiOns may be folly end speedily realized'
We mamma co impropriety in etyma that they
are from the pen of the distinguished gentleman
who addressed our citizen! on Flatiarday night op.
on the eubject of Western Railroeds, sod who ac.
knowledged the authorship of them in the course
of hie addrem.
..bays Brims lu:64m:slum, being original
readings for a year, on subjects from Sacred
Mabry, Biography, Geography, Antiquities, and
Theology; deals - ned for the family circle. By .
John Bina, D. D, F. T. A. New York: Robert
Carter do Bros. "
This is a nsefal manual (or daily reading, fot
those who' have bat small Iclimries .d leaned
time --affording much food for contemplation, end
suggestive of fresh thoughts end comparisons.
..Cssamott, or the Bible aud Neology an:meat:
together with the moral designot the Moalie hisa
tory. By lama% Murphy, D. D. :N. Y. Robert
Carter & Brim "
This is a book of more than ordinary interest
and utility, nod will ho mid with avidity by the
religious community generally.
The above works have jort been received, and
are for sale by A. H. English & Co. Wood
hizaaza D. N. Wm.= Sr. Co. •
Getsloam—Thank you, for the ro.pabliention of
the "Clarion ',Ater." A wise man changes ha
Opinion', when dictated by experience, -and the
tsuth—a fool never.
. .
Yours, Moat cordially and respedifallY,
Saturday morning, !parch 23,.1530.
We give place, nth Otasure, to the brief note
of Colonel McCandless. in refetenee to his cries
baled Clarion letter. We are beadily glad to hear
that the Colonel has changed his views, pitapat.,
lag, of coarse, that be weans thereby that be was
WWII deceived as to 'Polk, and Dallas," and
is now disposed to do Justice to Henry Clay.
Aziourammurs Constniazu.—A despatch from
Whittington says that the Senate yesterday con
firmed unanimously, the following important ap
William C. Rives, of Virginia, Envoy
atdinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to France.
George P. Mara, of Vermont, Resident Mil:da
ta at Constantinople.
• Et 0. Squier, of Kentucky, Charge d'Affaires to
Steel, Charge d'Affaires to Venezuela.
T. M. Patna of Near York, Ovine d'Affaires
to New Grenada.
William I. P. White, Post Maiter at Philadela
----Sanford, of Connecticut, Secretary of Le.
'ration no France.
—.--Sprlnedy,Urtited States Marshall of New
To live and struggle on for wealth or fame ;
To strive, to gain on earth an !wooed ncoe ;
To be deceived, and then perhaps deceive;
To be. the canoe of grieG and then to grieve.
Tolore sad raise the tdolia the heart,
Whirl:for a while, loth heppieess impart
Till change or death, woe blighung breath
mama near
And matches tram as a/1 that made lin. dear.
Then wbekthe hart. Liss. ix!d saa cutlets.,
And all tinght visions of the future town,
To nun at last to Caner worlds than this,
nate, only diem to And an Wing bl as
For ta•Paubstrza , °Pau.
Rau Bead. cliresta;id North West.
(No. S.)
Th. ..rdwa of to grant the right of way
to St. Louis, unless through Alton, may defeat the
extension of the Terre Haute line west of thelif7l.
bath river, in which event you will have to resort,
(or the present, to a substituted fine through LA%
layette, where you fall into the "Northern. Cross
Rail Road" of Illinois, which was a put of her
State system, but is now transferred to a prise.
company. On .55 milee of this road (Springfield
to Naples, on the Illinois river) the cars are now
running,and, between Springfield and Lafayette,
the State has heretofore expended, $300,000, the
benefit of which, enuring to the company, will
'render the residue of the construction, from Lain•
parts to Springfield, a light work. The country
traversed for flO miles, by this line, is the noble
'valley of the Sangamon, relieving the prairie by a
belt of the best timber in Illinois. By the terms
of the contract by which the State of Illinois ear.
rendered this work to the company, the latter is
bound to continue its coast:action from Spurts
field towards Lafayette, the present sermon.
Branching at Springfield, the Alton road conducts
you in the direct rooms to St. Lenin. The Alton
and Springfield stock has lately been taken by
Eastern capitalists—the company organised bythe
election of three Eastern and titre Western Direr•
tors, the President residing in Boston. It in un
deratood that it will be Eirthwith placed under
There is nnother teasers, besides the open right
of way, and the present progress of the mad, why
St. Louie will probably connect with Lafayette
intoner than any other point on the Wabash river.
It is, became she can one this stem to the Wabash,
while it conducts her thus Gtr On a very circuitous
course into the central lines of Ohio and Penney!.
Traria; also, as an outlet, for that distance, into
the Boston lines at the South East angle of Lake
Michigan, and by a route thirty miles shorter than
if she proceeded up the valley of the 'lllinois and
through Chicago. St. , Louis would be stimulated,
also, to the adoption of the Wabash instead of the
Illinois deer rota to the Boston lines,by the eircum*
stance of its opening to her a new trade in the
interior of Illinois.
Thus, them is Obis prospect that Pittsburgh,
n 1 the direct right of may is granted, (which now
seems.a distant event,) can reach St. Louis thro
better country, by the Lnlayette and Springfield'
• etc, in lees than two boom' additional railroad
I have now adverted to the prominent linen from
Pittsburgh to Lake Michigan and the Mississippi
river, in actual course of construction. Before I
close, I will bring under the same glanee.two or
three of the more distant extensions now concern.
p/ated, and most likely, ere long, to be realized.
The St. Louis and Pacific Roil Road, from the
Rimier city to Independence, has been incorporas
tcd, and Individual stock subscribed in St. Louis
to the amount of half a mtlliop. The corporation
of that city will probably add another hsß:mils
The road from Hannibal (on the Mississippi,
near Quincy) to St. Joseph, on the Missouri, is a
work which is enlisting the zeal of Northern Mis-
.ori. By tho laws of primogeniture, ll may for
me years have to yield to the claims of tho route
A road from Davenport and Hock Island„through
lowa City, the Capital of that State, to Conntil
Meth, has now concentrated on it the united ex
ertions of the people of lowa. A popular convert-
Lira in that State has been called on the subject,
and formal application will be made to Cordless
for a grant of lands to aid in its construction. Si
mlar grants having been made to moat of the new,
States, (from which noble monuments have been
erected, in the shape of canals, Sse,/ it is not an
likely the application will be successful. The COll
Mutation of the line south outward from Davea•
port to the Illinois river, at Ls Salle, (or Pena,
which is the same point,) has been undertaken by
individual rabscrlptiob, and, being through a well
muted and extremely fertile portion of Illinois,
prodzilies early accomplishment This will leave
oue hundred and thirty five miles over the plate
to connect at Lafayette with your north went=
. .
The Chicago and Galena road is In the "fall tide
of successful experiment," and the cars - IMO now
running from Chicago to Elgin-42 miles. The
average length completed and run en that road
lest atmmer, was 20 miles, and 'frr this abort dis
tance, the work yielded • net revenue of $25,000.
A ten per cent. dividend (in stock) hes lately been
declared, and carried to thelCl2ol2lli of the Sinking
I have thus introduced you to somewhat remote re-
OW, bat not an inch beyond where your commerce
willitetively go and to now going. Let it be re.
membered, however, that our journey has been
through the agricultural heart of America. Not
an inhospitable journey, for entertainment has
been provided for us by near five millions of our
countrymen. We have paned the valleys of the
Scioto, of the Miami, of the White Water, and
Whius rivei, of the Wabash, and of the Illinois,—
' I have found repine in the centre of the Missis
sippi Basin. Of the vast productioos of those val
leys, our registration has been so imperfect that the
world has no knowledge of our wealth. Have
yea not heard, Illeen years ago, when, New Or
leans was our only market, oodles boats. our only
b Alooll, of "tin Wabash glut," the expectancy of
which, at New.Oeircems, greatly influenced to your
detriment the prices of all the agricAltural prodacts
in belle riviere 4" Through oar sluggish wri
ter., and over. our heart rending cor-du ern, you
have at length found lIJ out. The ago of iron will
for ever establish and quicken the intimacy be.
UThail our agricultural millions end the people of
Ns hors City.
• I relieve you from the further tediousness of my
communications, by adding a statement of the
earnings for the year 1819, of three western roads.
now in successful operation.
The Michigan Central road, Detroit to Near Bof
fain, ou'Lake Michigan 220 Ma., 1600.996 60
Liule Miami road, 84 " $221,399 82
Madison - and Ind. rola se 5243,189 89
And each road suffered greatly under the florae
Ivorable influences analog from cholera, sad the
failure of the wheat crop. W.
For Mt Pittsburgh Otrzeue.
Pittsburgh and Braddook's Pied
Plank Soul.
Edstor—l learn from the newspaper that
of the stun of about $40,000, required for the con
'Metier, of tho above road,-to its terminus en the
Greensburgh and Pittsburgh - Turnpike, at Tonle
Creek; a very considerable_p onion mill remains
to be subscribed. I confess lem somewhat sur
prised at this, considering the mobablerevenne of
the road, and , the general sharp sightedness of
capitalists in regard to the profitable investment of
money. I can oaly account fee it, by imp:sing
that they have either failed to turn their attention
to the subject, or are entirely. uninformed in re
gard to the probable receipts and basineu of the
Road, I Propose therefore, with your leave, to
say a word on that subject.
It is, I believe, an established fact, that no ins
vestments of money in this country have proved,
generally, to be more profitable than those ex
pended on PIMA Roads, even under circumstan
ces the most unfavorable. It is moreover, per.
hap•, equally true that, taking all the circumstan
ces together—the Increasing population of Pitts
burgh—the fact that it is not accessible by sop
even tolerably good road; that the route by Brad
dock'a Field presents almost an onvaried level
along the book of a beautiful river, and that it
moreover intersects the great Eastern Turnpike,
by a Rend very considerably shorter than that
Toropike itself—there is no k.iition in the United
States over which a road of this description would
Far the Gaeta,
°moue in probable productiveness.
We are not, however, witholit the means of ca
timsting,avith at least a tolerable degree erre."'
cry, the probable tolls which will be derived from
this rind, when finiahea. Every body admits that
its bushier. must be at least equal to - that of the
Turnpike between Turtle Creek .and Pittsburgh,
lweatite the revenue derived from the lead trade
on the latter will certainly be more than compen
sated by the probable growth of the population, '
cad the vat; amount of pleasure travel which
will be invited and eagroamd. by the latter. Aod
yet it lea [sot thatrh• barinass4 tAefirst trap gate,
on the Tempts Road v hie rie miles oaly of
this city, pays foto the Treasury of that Company
'between $l2 and $13,000 per annum, about thin.
ay. per cent an the whole estimmal mammon cost
of the contemplated wed This wawa= may
perhaps look a little Incredible to the sceptics, In
regard to the profits dell radio, imProvemeata of
this description. If they will take the troublo„how
ever, to eartininis the Compatty'a edictal statement
dir the lest year,'Wt nub4b.ll t 4 the uewspi<pen,
they Will bed that the amount Was within •• roc.
than of the former ram, even under the disadven-
Lege °lira ring their fine pie thrown foinibly open
daring P•plit_m _he sertioni t to
cormeque.d:, immillale *unit tion•ftgium
Street 1
If it should, hawser= be - asklid* the - dellier,
why it la thatandei iliisibrie of lietathiaaille of
tbar Company's etaclf ,e9rllluills Ibe, ligtlYMAla
that the cost of that road W. originally ono:,
mous, juod that While nearltitatvhobit reef:anis lie
derived from the first twelve re fifteen miles,
they are ahriost 'the ea
pair of • very king and =pensive line. The
writer of Ohio 'Mittel= been informed, if hie re
collection does not mislead him, that a elm cot
less than Sl9oo pen mile—or about enough to con
struct a single Plank Trask, has been consumed
line ignite yenr,ln•hat Way, open several' miles of
that road.
These suggestions are made for the betefit of
those who have money, which they would desire
to invest profitably,and not for the use of the owner
of property along the mute Some of the former
have had the sagacity to foresee the probable value
of the stock, and have,l am informed, mapped for.
ward and subscribed liberally, without any other
interest in the road, The latter, however, al.
thoush aware of the immense addition which it
will make to the value of their property, have
generally taken no intermit to the projert, and
have studiously kept out of the way, In the hope,
doubtleas, that the road will be made by other..
This was amply illustrated, a few days ago, on the
opening of the books, at Turtle Creek, when the
enormous amount of ono single awn won sub
rented by the whole country at that end of the
road. It is not expected, th untore, that they will
be dperaied upon by any argument which could
be offered. If they have out interest enough al
ready, they are not to be tempted In this way. I
hope, however, that those who have money, and
are not afraid to put it out at a high rate of inter
est, and for a publie object, which is. likely to
have so beneficial an effect upon our market, will
give it their attention, even though they should be
enriching oar country friends, and buckling good
fortune on their backs, in spite of themselves.
Correspaudente at the Pittsburgh Gazette
Wasirearroa, tdareh 20, 18.50
Presuming that the telegraph would convey to
you the results of the important executive seuion
on Monday efterobon last, I have omitted hitherto
to refer tattle confirmatiorta which then took place.
'lt pow occurs to me, in connection with the Brad
bury resolution, calling for the reasons farthest ,
removals fromoffice,which have taken plieeltuder
this administration. That resolution is vet down
for Friday next, if I recollect, and ■ very suitable
one, too, it is, fur debate upon inch a propaltion.
Thcliiiiiciple of that resolution it, that the Senate
will toletate no removals but for good and sea,.
tient cause, specifically assigned lit each case.—
No w I perceive that among the cominnations, on
Monday, were several of persons nominated to
supply vacancies caused by dismissals: This cer
looki es . thoogh tee Democracy were disc
posed to act without the least reference withal
movement of Mr.l3radbury. The confirmation of
Mr. Squiers, Charge to Central America, puts to
rest a great many speculations, and It is, no doubt,
a severe grievanee to certain adherents of the ad.
ministration, of the sn Indio terissmt order, than
even to the friends of the former incumbents,
who bee taken his own horrible fate with less res.
505111030 than he ought to have, assumed if the
virtue were foreign tq his character.
There are two singululy incompatible reports
concerning Mr. Calhoun. Tne first s, that Mr
C. has been lying at the point of death for several
days past, from a more violent attack of the di.
ease under which be has bees so long suffering.
The other Is, that he is every day engaged in pre
paring another speech or Adams, In answer to the
oluections to Its last. 01 course this is not the
employment of a dying roan, and it may be pre
sumed that the reports relative so hisextremely low
state, are mainly incorrect
Since Ibefore referred to the object, I learn that
Governir Peuelugton's friends have consented to
waive his ciaims to the chergeship at Truth; In
Sardinia, and that Mr. Kinney, of the game State.
and editor of the Newark Daily Giseite, Ot mess
excellent paper, by the way) will bit:nominated.
He will dontsrless accept.
Hon. R. W. Thompson, et Wilma, reported
to have been nominated charge to Austria, has
Both Houses have been attempting a little be.
einem The Senate has made good progress on
the census bill, but the House hes kept on in
mune, hammering; away at the Home Depart
moor, through a petty item in the deficiency ep
propriation bill. This' bill provides something
line half a million for deticeucies in the service of
the current year. Bayly called it up, and Swath•
era men appear to be amicably discussing it, in the
best spirit. D., they mean to let it pass! So it
would seem, and universally believed.' Where
then is the revolution to begin, the direllilion of the
Union by calling the yeas and nays! Pethips that
interesting event V wricken out of the bill of per
foratances,jnat as the grand mass's, three weeks
ago, over Doty's resolutions, who tutor. , These
rppdated postponements On account orate month
er, for other cause, equally frivolous, lead me to
doubt the “pluck" of the chivalry. Dissolntion is
a serious matter, and should not be willed with in
this manner.
. _
The Committee on Elections is reported LO
equally divided on the expediency of admitting
Mr, Smith, the Delegate from New Mexiim,to a
seat on the floor. They stand Cruces bur, and eon
ithubting. I rear the committee will decide against
him. He is ■ very intelligent gentleman, and has
Mid before the committee a great deal of inform,
firm relative to New Mexico, a put of width I
will endeavor to =mum:death to you beret-der.—
, .
The gist of Mr. Smith's statsmeatit is, that the
territory already hoe ampler is: s it - dilation be a state,
that the inhabitants are unanimously opPosed to
slavery, and that it cannot exist there; that the
people are suffering for the vent of an efficient
Governisient, and are much divided in opinion,
so to whet form of organization, State or Territo•
tie], they shall adopt. damns.
PH AN 11A1141111BURCI.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Omens.
litctinego, Much 20, IMO.
In the Senate, to day, Mr. Melte presented •
petition preying for the Cia3olllol2 at Hancock
Mr. Darele also presented a petition from tint ,
zees of Pittsburgh, praying for the repeal of the
$3OO exemption law.
The bill entitled ..a further supplement to an
act regulating turnplke end plank road companies.
paned the 26th day eliannary,lBo." I have
already semi you a crops of Oda
bill cotitled "an act relative to the anew
wont of tannin ilia city of Allegheny. and to Im
pala a loan for the parpogo at redeeming out
standing scrip."
The provislorue of tide bill are as follow,: '-
Surma I. B. it mu:arm by the Sows andlToone
ci BrPrommarmen el the Ctrassonwealth of Penn.
riermano, es Grunt! Aurtegy ,e, and it he*
ettaxed by the allthanty of the same. that the so
lect and common councils of the city of Allegheny
shall be, toed they are h e reby authorized, to levy
and risers open all goods, wires, and merciran.
dirm, and upon all articles of trade and commerce
sold in the wad city, including . salon at. auction,
or otherwise an annoartax not exceeding five
mills on the dollar, for the are ol sued city, to be
levied and collected from the vender@ of sold ar
ticles, in theism° manner. another' city taxman
now leviedicid collected. Prowukel, howtorr,
that the aggregate amount,to bele:Wed on thenalen
of any individual or turn shall not exceed one hex
dyed dollars.
Sac. 2 That the select and common oonnnibt,of
the city of Allegheny, shalt fW, and they are here
by authorised to levy and amens on the possessions
and property friend of the city of Allegheny made
taxable, a stater tax not to exceed Ave mills on.
the dollar, onthe valuation established by the city
&seesaw:, and it shall be the daty of the select and
co mmon councils, in ordering the ass essment of
said water tax, to discriminate to favor of the pan.
scesions'inid property not ibcoellited by the ex.
tension of the meter pipes throughout the city of
Tlint for thepurpose of redeeming the
ottutandicg marmot small notes or city scrip,
that the committee of finance of the city ofAlle
!litany, If it be necermary,ore hereby authorized
to negotiate a loan ar Mena. AM exceeding luch
amount one-' hundred tharmand dollars, on s
terms as they deem moat advantageous for the
city,• aneirt case It may be authorized to dispose
of the city, bonds on the best terms which the gold
lean Can be obtained, and no loan which may
be made by any person to said city, shall be
deemed or taken to bettsurtops for, or by reason
of said ell giving its bondi or Other evidences of
debt fora greater sum that' the snm actually re.
armed, but Inch loans shall he deemed and taken
to be lawful and . rihd.
Sim. 4. Teat it nabs: Inarful for lie said
councils, either dined, or Indirectly, or by bonds,
celtifieste , oilmen, or of indebtednew, or by vir
tue of aa p o ogpuct, or by any atter means of
where.,‘: to Menne t indebtnenief the
sold c i t y, I n
debt, he be tilk. o together, exceed Ave hundred
(bused a c uity eitellielVe d the eueseziption of
StroWtYlted thousand dollars to Rue PeasTISIII-.
ilk* sill..Vide Railroad con:o4);.list" when ony.
riling portion s of the present debt of the city ?
. ...Whielithe bonds, certificates; of other siiden.
cob* teen issued, shalt fall doe, lttbodimo
kilo/the/aid emu:tells to negotiate; sod: gamsi
renewal of the same or to effect new 1016.; pimp
*lota the proeeeds °ranch new loans shall he
strictly appropriated to the extinguishment of seek
portions of debt falling due, and to no other pur;
pare whatsoever.
The Middleton div'orce cue thee came up, wad '
oceepied the remainde'i of the day. The discui
*Lon upon this question vas continued at greet
length, by Misses Drum, Walker and Crebb, after
which the question was take°, and mulled—tea. ;
7, naye2s. So the bill was lost.
Much iotemat was eXched during the argument
of this case, end various and conflicting. opinioos
are expressed so to the truth of the alleged edal•
tery of the wife. The question of joriadidion en•
tared largely into the discussion; so that it is bard
to daywhetber the judgment of the Senate Was
pronounced upon the merit* of the case or not.
It I. said that the husband only awaisi the divorce
.o challenge McCall to mown' combat, 'under the
laws of duello. Both are Southern bloods, and
understood to sekaoarledge the obligation of chiv
alry. What rendets the ease still more eggravat
a isthat they are slightly related, being cousins in
the, seond or third degree.
In the House, the bill regulating the measure•
meal of coal at Pittabargh, and providing that in
case of dispute between the buyer ace seller, that
the measure shall be determined by weight, was
taken up on motion of one of your attentive and
excellent delegates, mid read a second and third
time and passed.
The bill to authorise John Herron, Guardian of
Ann W. Cherleion, to sell and convoy certain
real estate was passed through third and final
reading. .
Noddog elite ofintereld,l bel.eve, wan done in
Ibis body. GOBLIF.N.
Ds. Waserxids Tit:AL.—The tnal of Profewsor
Webster, now going on at Boston, will be one of
the most exciting ones. ever held in our country.
We shill endeavor to make such extracts stretch
day's proceedings, as are likely to interest , our
Trial of Prof John W. Webster, on
the charge of the Murder of Dr. Geo.
Parkman, at the Medical College, Do.
ton, Nor. 23, 1840.
- -
(Made up from the reports in the Boston Inure.
al, Transcript and Traveller )
Present--Chief leen., Shaw; Anacleto Judi/.
es, Wade, Dowry and Metcalf.
Counsel (or Government—Attorney General, J.
H. Clifford, and George (Bemis, Eeq.
For the deknee—Hon. Pliny Merrick, and E.
D. Solder, Beg.
The trial of Proleoor J. W. Weimer, charged
with the murder of Dr. George Perlman, was
commenced at Boston, yesterday. At an early
hour of the morning, notwithstanding the [11.01:11%
(enable slue of the eirects, consequent upon a se•
veto storm °foie sad snow during the previous
day and night, the square around the Court Home
was thronged with people, about 300 of whom
held tickets of admission to the trial, while the rest
were drawn thither by a morbid cariosity which ,
fed upon the chance of catching • glimpse of the
prisoner uhe should lee into the building, or of I
gleaning some—i s gossip from the crowd
united them, concertino the momentous men.
Within doors, Sheriff veletti had mad* the
most perfect arrangements r the accnrement of
order, and the quiet pusage to the court room
(which is on the second door of the South wing of
the bralding,) of all thou: who were privileged to
enter. Barricade. amnion timbers were erected
across the broad entry 'rayon the lower floor, to
protect the sumo from the East and West doors
by the toner stair we ' and stem to cutoff any pets.
sine toward the same from the gallery entrance at
the South door. At the narrow pass of these
drum:um& pollee of were Motioned, not only
to faeilitata the ingress of ticket holders, and keep
at bay the unformed multitude, but to promptly
suppress any possible ehulitien of that revolution
ary stunt which would “down with the ham.
sl .
la the Court room, the jury box was on the right
of the beech, at the wen side, with the sheriff's'
desk next south, and between that sod the south
wall were seated the reportorial corps of the daily
pram of Boston and New York. The band the
area ground it was occupied by the jurors and
witnesses summoned, who are eery nornenthai
butbis portion of the door will be taloned hom
elier almost gentlemen of the legal
and otter pretentious., and to the member. of the
families most particularly interested in the trial.
At nine o'clock the accused was conducted to
the Court room, and was placed is the Mona seta
Pi prisoner*. He appeared to be perfectly self
possessed, and as he gaged at the crowd, bowed
to his friends.
There was • gement movement in Court vbeti
he appeared; all stretched forward to sun his
looks; tor inatuoctively all men are physiognomist'.
Dr. Webster m a middle tined roau—or perhaps a
Rae under the middle size. He woe dressed
plainly but neatly, and appeared perfectly mar
-1 keled and at ease. There is nothing sinister labia
lace, nothing even strikingly peculiar, save the
smerman= the tips which is entural to
these u e*
who have to fame danger. He looked mote
1 of the scholar than the crimitol; and if the fore.
bead and eyes, bath tntellectori. be Indices of Ma
mind, you would consider that his thoughts have
dwelt more among books than projects of came.
His hands were clasped together; ale frame rigid
and motionless. Hu gaze remained intently fixed
on the bench, and he never once looked around
At flee minutes put ten the lodges entered and
the proceedings were linmediately commenced by
the reading by We clerk of the list of jurors drawn
for the trial, sitifin number.
The district attorney then arose and mad that
sz the January term of the grand jury the prison.
or, John W. Webster, was indicted for the more
der of George Parkman, and, at the last session
of this court, wits arraigned and pleaded not guil
, ty. e moved that he be put to the bar for trial.
Thu Court ordered the clerk to commence the
empanelluth of the jury.
At 101 o'clock the drafting was competed, and
the following gentlemen doll sworn and nun.
ailed as the jury :—Tbos. Barrett, printer; John
Borrowscale, slater • Robert J. Byrom, locksmith;
James Crosby, clerk; John E. Davenport, painter;
Albert Day, dry goods dealer; Jose pn Rothe, tom'
chant • Daniel 'T. Fuller, of North Chelsea; Ben
jamin ' H. Green, book seller; Arnold Hayward,
carpenter; F. A. Henderson, furnisher ; Stephen
A. Stackpole, clerk. The Court appointed Hobert
J. Bram, foreman of the jury.
[The indiMment was then read. It contains
kur manta that P1'0(33101 Webster murdered
Dr. Putman by stabbing him to -the left bread
with a knife; bye blow with a hammer upon the
head; by striking and kicking him with his
hands and feet; or by some other means did de
prive him .of life.) •
"Shall we take a 'hot at the Museum 1" raid s
young Cit., who was showing the wonders ei the
metropelb to his country cousin.
'0 dear, not" mild the alarmed midden, •1
could not allow such a thing In so publio a trot.
On Salttrday evening, 234 last, Mrs. Elf 110 t Jacobs,
In the listh year or her age.
Her friends and acquaintances are respeetrally :in
vited to auend the face ral Iron het' late re ridencegio
4. Caldwell at, on Monday isiontio' g. anti o'clock ;
Caraplipseateury quadrille Party:
Mat Huurenof the Complizach.aly Quadrille
Party, to be gleou to llossarres, al Mlles
Ball, on Thursday, data of April, by his preseattind
former pupil. and others, respectfully Inform the Seb•
se ribere that the 'Tickets win be teeny for delivery on
Monday and Tuesday evenlege,the4.sll , and %lb lasts.
at k o'clock, anti' 10 o'clock, at the aboie named
place._ 0ir24,3t
91LK names octave.
AA. MASON CO. BM LOW opmdna • Inzge as.
• enuoent al lel, plain, mad Chameleon Dem
aeaskielung Pool do tiale, Geo do Plante., Gl flair, a,
Gro do /ariones,cleo de Bour, ttl, ko. Clank Gra de
Rhlnes, of all widths; black, plain, and plald'AstankeN
plain, plaid, and griped Rash Pains, tea, Os. Also,
Mae a .Tork banns, Bleak and Chameleon Nick Shawls
and Vissitas, &a •
and AMS ' ICS-4 m.o. 4111.-
1.4 nor French PM Cis:Ones and Jac
reo anpts . .
ADD, ear. air DIV .
mr2.5 ?Sutra beta Third sad Fourth at.
MN AT the Scrip tented the M. R. too. Co.,
- ottecablo to their dividend doctored in Nov. lilt,
hoe been mewed at &Imagine of the Company. in WA
city, and le noW ready to ho dolivend to the hunters
entitled thereto.. ,r. P. A. MADEIRA, Agt.
0tt23.3t . •
PltUtittrllsTOrdliblo Moat Liao,
- .101 TOO rassurotrierpo or inseam
TO anD Woos /
Toes. BonsaMen, t • S Tierra & O'Cormin,
Philadelphia. •i Pittsburgh..
T Iltia
P Pig Veth eir
Wanda, receiving .4 forwarding - Mumitaddite Bed
Produce at low rates, and with 'the promptness, nu.
tainty, and salty, peenhar to theXto and mode
of traupertation, where iniermed =shipment!.
eroded, with the consequent d • d probability
of damage.
Merchandise and Produce thinned east or west,.d
111111 of Lading forwarded free of eharge for commis
sion, ads.etng, or mower& Haring to interest di.
reedh or indirectly In sumnitosts, that of the owners
is solely denten. when ehlyping th eir teach. .
einsunaulearl.s to rho allowing . agents prompt
ly attended tn:
• •• •
No 276 Blarheistrn
Come Penn and Wayne screw, Piuxbutgli.
John hieCollogh & Co, LO
es North it, Mitt; P. IL Batii'e
& Co. la Doane at, Boston, &si T. Tapteon & Co,
66 smli .; New Tort; James Wheelwright, aneln.
rawripaNu Arab, Blact,
.wd Oa consivanaat and tar sale at anum
faattagra' b 7 II LFE,
mad VilLiberti altel
FNEW- 0 pc. Bruhn, reb , a tbis dar ab 4 Ibr
X Ws by DurSH H LSE
Li umulD'istivirs-or el Nat'l Gold and
• Wood oybet'n Casa Diamond •114
V I°1"" w lesiCe bY ldf"Mlii ' 47PM7e '
W P 1110911 ALL, 95 Wood
ISaccessor to C
WALL PAPER—Jost reed, so& beautiful pat
tern, with approprmie border, of Ayies entire
ly new io this market. N P MARSHALL,
mr2s . .&5 Wood A
SUNDRIES—:A hhd• prune N 0 Sugar;
100 Gbh. do Molasses;
100 bags Rio wid Lamm Coffee;
00 pkgs susd Teas;
300 dor Corn Brooms;
130 hu Dry Peaches;
50 bo Dry Apples;
50 Sideslßod Leather;
10 bbls No 1 Mackerel;
ler do No U do; •
30ido No 3 do;
IU do No 1 Lake Trout;
30 do Tar;
503 bis,Windoir Mass;
10 casks superior Goshen Cheese;
111 store and (or sale by JOILN WATTS CO,
Liberty street
di rSWF. direct from 01111llallr
CIASSIMERES-4 eases, a new article, nod teeld
and (or sale be II LEE,
wren No 179 !Abort) st
by 11 LEE,
No I= Liberty At
SAN- 10 10 pieces for lola loot
Feathers; Itpas;
Lard in Ws and kegs; C
I tor sale by
riIANNERS' 01.14-9 bbl. for rate by
inr.n c II GRANT. 91 Water et
QTONF. FIFES-19D bee Pipe Head., au band and
1 , for eale Ines by C GRANT
A XF6-3u boxes liont'r; l=A'; Lippencou
ACoN; far mac low by
SALERATU9-10 bbts and bl bblf, for sale by
mr.n C H GRANT
STA R -4
b bbd.
N SF' gf,rlVdNVligtrl'ZyCO
ItT2l - 5 3 r k 737 1 f1Z1 BONNHORST &CO
SASH— 010 lights ess'd, tor isle by
— BR m O r O a SIS-100 dos
s ir el ov st ri uo
e lry
"DOLL MITER-8 bbl. for sale by
O . ES-b ra doz
P*N R' .IIO "' N I. NI T IORST fr, CO
ybbl.pore Cider, for ulo by
. Water .dreet
BACON --31 earks HMI; •
10 do Side.
4 'do Sbordders;
4 do &trotted. In stole;
20 do do to arrive; for •ale by
& CII. Front it
- -
T AIID-200 bbla No moos;
11 • 70 do do to IS
and for st le by
'OUND NUTS—ROO ba to arrive, (or ictle
CI7TTON-4 bales to arrive. for We by
FEATILERS-21X0 We to althea end for ode by
mold 'SAW! DICIO:V & Co_
11110BCCO-40 boo.. Po deter po „ &Ob
i. mood, twill be mid loot to clots eonsleenood. by
M I LIO EM3Er—For 1 t52.31.11 DICKEY tr. CO
AA - INF:2AL Fire and Water Proof Paint.'or tale by
CIO:ESE—OA bore. in tiara and for sale by
salsa InAlAll DICKEY in CO
PLEASANT ROOMS, in a pleasant putt Matto city
convenient to business, suitable far a married la•
dr and gentleman. from April let. Also, boarding fa
• foot yoong gentlemen. • Enquire at this <Ace
turbittr _ .
BACON—flame end Shoulders-7We lb. fm rate by
mritl S F VON BONN tunorr t CO
CLEAU SIDES-3 , 20711bs for ..le by
'VENISON lIAMS—IrOO lbe for wale
rilltalACCU-40 peen, mainne brand*, Mr sale by
mie3 S F VON LlONNitonsr /e. CO
PT.?, TURPENTINFe—fII Ws in prime order, lasi
b reed end for We by
carper Firm rod Woo so_
WANTF.D—lteeswaxßat:Falkilext pesriemce,
a co
0 ----'- iiik:fs—`ssl Ib. Nut , ..5.4
5 bills
bbl. 1.5 t.
. •
• •
'X dos S P Towurtaira Says apturul
So oz Sulphate riterybl, fur sale by
ser33. ' J Kll.lO fr. CO, tie Wcual
013113t—d2 hlda N Oif um reed and foesale by
qqi SUBSCRIBE/Id, having tit.. Agency for sell.
leg the Printing Paper of a lung established and
encaaive Mill, in shit vicinity. will be at tll t mrs
well Nopplied with the different ours of Paper. of •u
perior qtullty, which wit oder at the lowest regular
Auy use or quality will he msnufactured to order at
dims noueo. A
oft 19seecasats of Ig o t k Fdryllsha
• mat Word street
llk UttrllV BURCHODILD have just opened
In supply at new and neat etylee Pruned floc, d
Laos. Also—liataza Da Lame. fda Lattice &deem
ou nNiNG
Bri elitiLD hove reed a googly of new stoles
L. Cambria Mirk, for Ladies in mourning. mritg
Myssemter, and for szly. by
• mnal \V 6[ BAGAIX,Y kCO
INDIGO—ID cora*. S F, in store col for rola 1,1
loft] WM I.IAGALF.V & CO
gADTIER-5 casks Nol, in more and for .de by
IVA mal I IXr
BULK PORK-1,100 Ib. ruled, for ule by
men Wlll lIAG ALFA' 3; CO
ShINS-31.41mpun toed 5114 for anle by
mr23 A CULBERTSON, 145 Librny
ATTING—T) beta No I, la store and for vale by
C ANDLE WICK—IO bales oobaad and for rale by
Norfolkr co., u reed
and for .ale by (mS.BI . A CULBERTSON
n EPPEA-21 box. Ground, in gore .d for role by
California India Rubber (loads.
JdT received the following' nnicles
-21 Isttimui Rags, for peeking;
al Pea Coats, • splendid snick;
• 12 Capes or Cleat.; ill Traveling Bap;
In pairs Pants; 21 Cams Blanket•
19 •'• Mining Banc -00 Canteen.,
IU Larerssekr, Air Reds, Pillows, Life , Preset
wash, e, al the Ina; Rubber Repot, No 5 Wood
NDIA HUBID3D. DOLLA,72 Doll Basis, loot reed
end for 0010 u tke India Robt/or lkirld No 3 Wood
moot. 100r231 J & II
APALLS—Zi do: wed aim, or it tiaodyeaes
make, j ree'd sad for sale at the India Rubber
potot, No 5 Wood st.
ATEW AIaTICLE—a doe Foot Balls, • beasitsful •r•
ticle;inst what Is gamed for the exercise of the
limb s, r.l3 J tor nate at the Robber Depot,k PHILLIPS
No 5 Wo4d
m II
To 1 ....1!' y GO kes three stories
Immedislely below tto o rza s i2 A er mo t t aisox
Pittsburgh Foundry
BRGS leave to littoral Ms (deadened eueumors that
he le Jest receiving his new spring cinch ofOoods,
comprising, as usual, all the newest and most Lashio.
able styles of Cleat, Centilitres, fancy Vesungs, cob
ton and linen summer gaffs, and every article suitable
yoriegriemenle wear for 'patty and simmer. It being
impeoible m desehbe the beauty, quality, or smuttily
of stock, the proprietor hopes all who are on Want
of good, cheap, fashionable, and well made clothes,
will give hint a call, as there Is no stook this aide of
the Alkgheelee tint earl compare with it.
The ready made department is veryeztensive, adap
ted to nil testes.
Rail road contraelors, reentry Merchants, and all
who porches, largely, are, particularly Invited to ex
amine the sleek before purchasing, as particular at
tention in paid to the wholesale Mattress in thin coati.
Every article la tha tailoring line made io order In
tbansoss fashionable and bolt raaanyr, al the shortest
=Sao. • naTT
• • 1 1 019 - 4 - 4.iibTitilliffT -7 7
Na: ST, corner Market and Fifth—or 49 Masker,
Wren Third and Fourth ma.
THE subscriber keeps constantly . oo hand, whole
sale cud rmi,4l, the followlnd erodes, via:
Wsmh Tubb Slot( Chums,
Meat Tubs, " Barrel Churns,
Bath 'robe, • Half Bashels,
Wooden Bowls, Peeks and Ralf Peeks,
Wash Boards, Brass Bound Dockets,
Clothes Pict, Towel Boilers,
• Woodenk,udleS. Heed Holler;
Clnthes Baskets, Marketl.l.kets, Ae., Av.
No 63 Diamond alley, Pittsburgh
A A. MASON it Co., GA Market street are now
opening another large invoice of tilack Silk
Lan of all widths, comprising the best and most
varied es,
assortment over offered MN city. mat
61UNa1Tt6i<II canon. fi r eiTeh - WitiTt.
sdodo do Collat.; If do do do Caffs, do hidalio
Applicadoe Capes and Collars; it do Mourning Col
lo.; I do do Cu& Also—A large variety of all
kinds of French Embroideries end Lorre, received
and now opennig A A MASON ;k CO, -
• Market street
• • -
ANNUALS of the Qacau of Yol, bound In
Headley' , aliseollealea, I Vol, bound In Cloth;
Como , : a descriptive of the Universe, by Hom
boulc 'Gll46O=l in cloth;
Gray's Natural „Philosophy; I vol, cloth;
'Gravels in lUlltheaoto; • do do;
Life and Writings ol Dr. Mali:Dom 1 cols, sloth;
Comb's Phyaiology of Diet:Web; rah
Abbott's V, Pliant the Conqueror; vol;
The Wifm.ingona: novel. by the author of Nor.
m ‘e„. ll , d n d d d g :lneilsay, or the Progress of Error, by
the sallied of the COMO of Linwood, Ar.
!lauds, notHeiutsi.a novelby Janet W. Wilkinson;
yhßeceguiry. of Pondenrils, Nos i, 3, and 4.
11°. : 31 16 8113 :' frant A e ßT°C t and.Tll9)rdNite
I. OF GlLQUN lF" Dil li tna al ta .' m WilWoa townabip,
Isl.llBrgLaLtill tireen•bargb tampsko
r j l and hoofing on the Araddoek.. Field road—eon
cabfily BLX ACILES, mote or le.a. •
For army ie., apply Lo Alexander K. bliller,Foarth
street; or to tae .nb.ofiber,
_near the premises.
tfisiPiitsfiateila ow' rerret.
-TRes. imrsolui who desire to ears Gorr teem,
Lae to thirty per em4tijn pareltamag Furninue ,
arts rerpectially'invited to call at tap warehouse.
where will be u.nd a lane and 'sell 'selected meek
of the most apprismed style-of workmanship, both
modern and lament, and calculated to please the
mme of all those-who deadreeStbettlehnart Drachma..
dal Furniture. tinning determined to dispose of my
present enure mock, at very reduced prices. I lee'
confident that those who desire any article m my line,
emit not fail of being suited.
• euMbildf
'DARED PEACHES-3o bu Jost teen and rat ante by
strrat $
160 ha ASS-200 basBx , o;
s Wxl2; rco'd and for
ICE-10 von in Mora an•
I 1 • mat
SUGAR—PO kbdo N 0 Sagar i !lv i re tt a o nligtal G a it y
IOLASSES bbla N °jot recd and (erode by
tura S a W lIARUAUOU
LARD—MA bbls and tes reerd per steamer QAd
.L.t ems, and for sale by
ebb reed snit (o tale F p
mr22. WIC1! & IiIeCAnLEFS
No 2, tor bble iandthg from .ream
Clipper sale by
rerl , JAMK9 DAta ELT,
ANNERS , 011,-150bbfb for sale by
HATHERS—eOO O lb. prime, for StiG by
5a1a..1111,1115 par Barrel.
ofseturers. have now on band and will continue to
keep • constant supply.
Virden; left
uat our wahouse, or with Peter Peter
son, will he promptly fi ll ed .1. 1 1 times.
Jst received, • large lot of I. Peterson's brand.
JOHN hIeFADEN & CO, Penn Si,
- Canal Basin. yiusburgh.
CIALIFORNIA ELANKET2-1 00 pairs very heavy
IL/ Blankets, menufnetared expressly fur We Collier
Lae mule. For sale by
o r)2.4w 127 Wood wets
ICINDLING-1609acks Cbeeveo',
llmat tea Family, for sale by
mat J LIAAIP k. CO
SOS/. A9l!—A ley! esskletinrgctzteArril,rob
• •
111_ and No.? American Ithiner Steel. Also—Sell
Cast Steal File% Mall miser and Blacksmith end Shoe
gasp., alum, on hand an d sole, either at his "Ea.
ale Steel Works," °Warn Greet, Perth Ward, or the
office iti the Iron Store of BOLLMANS Pc GARRI
SON, No 4, foot of Wood street s Pittsburgh.
car:: illm
We . , the undersigned, having used, with entire eat
Idgetton, the Cart Picot and Files made by Semite hlrKelvy,
bleKelvr, at blip nide Steel Works, in lbw ei ty, tat
plearure in recninmending them 11.2 equal In quality
ever need by us, of foreign metier/maim.
Illittsiburgh, klatch la, IBM.
• • G tr. .1 JI SHOF.NDERGER & CO,
klanufactuters of lean and Nails. Pittsburgh. Ea.
lion Founders and Naialdnists, Pittidadah,
Maiwaseturcra of Spdogs, Asknr, Spring Steel and
r Rion.. % P t
SI r a e A t rn r ai
Engine flailders and Machine Card Mmufacti,
Mrs, Pittsburgh. Pa.
flea., Foamier, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Nanufactaters of Iron end Nets, Pittsburgh. Pa.
61.013101iVe Engine andaltip HaIW
lder. Pittsburgh, N,
.. %V ,
Marble Manufacturer, Machine and Engims Hutt&
mritz ' er, Pittsburgh. Pa
EXCHAROZ, skim BoTss, &o.
No. 74 Fourth street, exAs door, to Rs Bonk of Ma
FORGE N ARNOLD -la CO. have opened an
Flensaair Osstes, rio.N. You'll creek next door
to the Bunt or Pittsburgh, and are prepared to troll•-
ael, on reasonable tens+, any basidesa In their line
that way be entrusted to them.
Exchange, nk Notes, An., bought md sold.
Collections m ad e In all the principal elites uid
towns in the United /Nalco
Depilates received in par (and. and euneney.
They respeetfully whoa a share of the c.ststit Cl
the blondes comxinetry torilrita
Thu nn, Coini, Gaulle Eagler and Gold Dollar
EXOIIAE . GE esti BAKING 11017810
. mr2l
ALEXANDER &DAY, Imrnet of the Dianiondsed
Martel street, sir prepared to offer; at the low.
rat market prices, a alit es assortment of Silks, of the
best qualm. and uesrest styles.. Bert block glossy
Gro Rhino, of a celebrated manufacturer. acre..
ed not to eat in vemtrinc. Black Brims& find
very rich. Rich kg'd bilks and Satin lie Caen., in
choice enlneS Chameleon, Ciro de nines: Satin de
Cheney, and Tete Satins.
ALFX ANDER & DAV, 85 Market a:,
roe& filonbwest corner of a t , Diamond
A LARGE supply of new style Da Lidos", Russo
Law it., Linen taIITS,
Brooms. Rnasoria—A Imo supply of Bonnet. A Do ,
net Ribbon., isiG sossi , od. —
sits2l Riodbloest corner of the M 1111301141
TI Dwelling House, earner of Pride and Bluff ids,
IDebth Ward, now occupied by P •
sloe riven at any time.
one of the most pleasant residences about
thealts; it m statroonded yard and gatdeut
if free from the smoky atmosphere of the coy below
sod Is only fi ft een minute. walk from the centm of
business.. JAMES W. BECIJANAN.
men Vf Cartier Weed and Fourth us
STORE an Wood meet, ono door itom.Seeond
at prostent oeenpied by (Rorye S. Anthotr.. En
qa•re on the ;menthe... m•• -St
laids t i . o:r ., lre.l par stla t TuZyrr.r.gor
ROLL. CUTTER—A bole Drab, jun reed .nd for
.0e by. I rnrIII J B CANFIELD
CODA ti.lll-7 caste bletpratits best quality
0 high test, in st luntink , frem steamer 'damn.
far tale by \ aII bIITCHELTHEE.
' trir2l leu Liberty We
',UPPER/LS-15 bbls in rood ord.. for Jain by
GERMAN CLAY-30 lon• for vale by
LINSEED OIL-10 bile fnr vale by
men J 901100N3LAKER A. CO -
JTO/IN DURAND Zr. CO.'S BRANDY, in half pipes
and quarter casks, a choice usanatent and a
pore article, of various vintages, part very 0111, re
eel ved fa= Borde A
aux vsa Neva Orteano, fur sale
et by
awn CULBERTSON, 145 LiertY
CLARET WINE—COO boom., choice brands: aml
also au .0011111 e. of Champagne and While
ioet reed per steamer Diadem and for sale by
mrYl A CULBERTSON:I4S Liberty st
1111 N PLATE- 6 V box. Tin Plate, teeelvlng . from
steamer De Witt Clinton, Sod for sale by
Parmemhip beretolorenzlettng between Elliott
& EngUM, in the Book and Ygsper llaelnee. ,o.
Trolved on the llth by mutual consent. The
business will be continued at the old stand, N 0.79
street, under the firm of If. English it Co,"
to former partnership will
BAGS—tO dos Tow;
10 do Cotton, In Caro end , T o k i kal i gL yn
OCKEt-700 dos (Country) on bard and In, sate by
mr2a & R FLOYD
VE51.46,7-IJABI sale S-3 casks read per steamer Lee West, for by
I ARD—fr bbl. and 13 kegs in gore and for rale by
A/0 = 4 1 0E5-23 Lble 511, , t r akr,i i e / e a te x Trl&b , y
oopoes, eel
THE Commonwealth of Penallylva
.. 0. oia, 10 all prisons interested in the Ett
er i c Late f ChMusn I.' sad duo. Almira
r teen tears, gteeang "
ni h ti . i i pt i nett Con, held
lobd, in ut r it Kir said Souniy . , Y olpcti o ja h il
of Robert 'Milano, guatillan,ii mot presented to
the Court, praying t orso order to =ketosis of net
-lain deunnta lot r grPund, situate in the city of
Pittsburgh, ha, for the malatenanco and education of
mdd miners. Now, titerefote, We command you, and
out, of you, that in your propolipboantayea he and
appear before our orphane coon, gat Pi
ere on
the nuth day of hbarrillilso. then had there to show
any you or enter of you hare, why She pray.
,of the petitioner should not bo faulted, and hereof
Witness the Hon. IV. u. - McClure, Prerldeat of our
at Piusburgh.lbil Idth day of blared, 0.1).
- - tfaissalsor Educational Course.
I bees have employed the lint Frofenerr. IZent
land, In the preparation .of thew
. n.i9rgt•feyb, em
. 0 ,, ' ,f e ted to the illeklin i qf the Van.: States, under
We American rbvisWn o Ali ticeue,-74. IL;L.L
late Superiniondant of Fiblic Scheele, to the City and
Comity of New York.
I. Chambers' . rreantry of Enowledgei •
IL Clark Drawing nod Perrpective:
Chambers' Elements of Notarial Philosophy;
IV• geld & tide's Chemistry and Electricity.
V. liannlion , s Vegetable and Animal Physioloky;
VI. Chambers` Elements of Z oo logy; p aka;
'VII. Page's Elements of Cieotogy; gipotra4d.
It is well knowo that thl'ongin al publishers of these
'the Mel Sta Celteette, EtillibinghtFe auto
to command the best talents in the preparation of their
books, and that It ts their practice to deal faithfully
with the 'white. Thil !testes will not disappoint the,
reasonable expecomons Ulm excited.. •Ilrey are eh' ,
mcntary ...rha, prepared hy author/ to every any en
noble of doing Justice to their respective undertakings,
and adz have evidently benowed upon.them the ne.
ecnory limo and labor lu adapt them le their papaw,.
W .5 recommend them to - tench., end Puente with
confidence. The first named volumo,in the hands of
a teocher of the younger clutters might furnish an fn.
ethututible food of ammetnentfuld munsenon. To.
',ether, they would constitute a etch tteasete to a haste
py of intelligent children,- and impart a thirst for
knowledge --(Vermont Chronicle.
rublmbed by A. S. Barnes & Co., Nis Toth; and
for gab , by tiNGLisii & Co..
mal Non , Weed 51._
160 Mid. pone N 0 &Igor;
t%) bbl. Loaf &ion
00 'do N O Pitolesses;
10 do Golden Smtol
753 usree. Rano; in .to a
i Ti ii t o j c . ,
Round Church Bui/dini•
umee and Waasser.
is Circle and Parquette SO cents.
end and Third Mere ' - tl
lacy (for colored persona(---...23
open at 7; Conan:Lail' rise it 7! *'dock .
fErlioneftt of Arlie EILANGY. 0.04 her lam appear
To be followe
IL d witted Ballefealled
Alberto. —*.,_....N00n. Dam&
Doses Isabella —Wile Blowy.
d Cot gab, by
IrrSong—.Ty/orisse Furore Teller," Miss Asa.
rinx Vous.
To coaeltide with it Ballet called
Coles ..... • ••• —.Mona`Barana.
Pepertleot:r SzoSway
LbettC Bhogy.
117" Daring the avemag, a great number of Deuces,
r Mangy, atone. Darand, and Mom SzallmaT.
[Cr Mr. A. A. ADDAMS tr re.engage‘i fors night . ..
Mr. C. WEBB iff crime&
Coosa goon.) •
• •
The" .Original _said Justly calibratid
• Washington 3tutsegoana t
A UTHOII9 OP 711E117.0%N MUSIC! And who
have been pronounced; by ell who Cave hood the LIFHT COMPANY IN THE U.
STATE.t. kw ad unptecitslentedsuccessful
Eksulhnm Tou r. n
Milli anounce that they will • BIONOAGAIIStot ROUTS - C.
gore a few o f them
Chaste and Inlailtab to Enteirtalnonents;' l.
B iEk
tt the above HAIL commencing on TUEISDAY EVEN- •
!NG, Mated YO.
AUhII3FI N, tl5 CTS.
,V ••21 • • litaglng.
For puntentanace bills of the day.
Via ilnoWnsvilliand CainberleMd to Baltimore and
FART TO Malmo.. ...... —.ate oo
I • • no.. . Pon.suaLruias---- ... Id MI
PHD Mlng boat leaves, He whilst, above the
1 • briars:, Milli, at . e ,o'clock ; precisely. Time to
Baltimore, TY hosum time 1.0 Philadelphia, 40 boon.
The evening boat leaver daily, (except SundaY
eninfld at G o'clock. Falactisci•A Ly leaning on the
evoting boat, will cross the Minna OLIO!, stager 00x1
day, Ind thus avoid night navel. •
Hecate yottr tickew at Ho Office, blenongaheda
Howie, or $L Charles llotel.
oetll-ty tdatIIIMEN, Agent
By Ipha D. Davis. An litiollllol'
Ilnderatruer's Sd. 9 Hardware. v. •
Oa Wednerlay7th Lost, al IC o'clock, at
street*, willm a rt be sold, for &repent may
Colltern—ll origami) of Hardware, Be, Printed tTWII.
ter on <coal, et:wising of Straight, Round, and Tower
irolts; cupboard, bon d dll looks, ass'dt-padlocks;
haa aa and [thou , rail screws . brass cupboard
tome:iron tea and table spoons clover locks; tor mom
hook*, to. Alto, !Wises and Forks, Razors, Pocket
Cutlery, /re
Inr23 JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt.
Eight Building Lots in Allegheny City, at Atte
On Wednesday afternoon, al Oo'cloek, will be solst,
n the promiseght very desirable ots,
il on Canal and Credos streets, having each a ri
:9 feet, and extending back to an alley 4 feet wide;
lden of watch wilt be exkubited at the time of u/e,
nd the term, trrldc known.
melt . . JOHN D DAVI:Sr/met
Bargains! Bargains! Bargain.%
Sale rf the Furniture of a Primu Family
THE Ile • - kir. Tiesda/e, being about to remove to
distant city, proposes to sell, at auction, at his
residence on Wylie stn.., a few doors above Chlltt ,
tun street, on Monday ,the 25th 10.0., et 0 o'clock, P.
M., all his !tombola Ferattere,.eonsittinfr 01 cancel
beds and bedding; centre, breaktam,ulining. and lamb
en tables; fancy, common and rocking ehamsonahogr
any heroine; ottomans and foot steely, mahopny and .
The splendid }steamer FORT PITT ,
common work steeds; wash minds; 0 clocks; smiting " ler meat*, will keive lot 01000
dews; parlor, hall, stain, end kitehen carpeting; agm . - • 1" '
andillintereckdbue ports on Mt. day,
ownl assortment of crockery ; and all the kitchen met, Me 25th inst. 1110 &stock, I, M.
Ws. Also, a Canary Bad, one of the modest et Wag-
For freight or passage, apply on board.
ers; one saddle and bridle, nearly new; ore beffalo .
robe. ae , Sce: •
Thirty linadAng Late, Seat far Steam Sate MI,
and en:dal:44;U, far Lon Grath, at MICtiCIS.
On Tuesday morning, March 26th, at 10 o'clock, will
be sold on the pra miser, near Rues island, in the bas..
tough of Duqueanc—SU valuable Building Low, of :ca
rton. saw, baying a front on the Perinsylvintla Canal
and Bailer Tiarnpake Road.
Also—A very valuable seat far Steam Saw Mill,
and a dealrable situation for Inn Works.
A plan of which may be seen at the Auctieta Roods,
the property stew°, by. calling on rile. Henry
Herr, who resides on a part bif.,tbe property. Telma
at side. boat] .. .10,11 N D DAVIS, Irnet
Furniture, Fiascriono ForttAY., at Auction. • /
On Monday morning, Marina, at 10 o'clock, at the
residence of George Unfold. U. D., on • prospect 11111,
near Pollan street, will be sold
eplendid mahogany ease Piano Forte, made by.
Blame, a superior instrarnent, in' &mender;
_Pine cherry Wardrobe Bureau, mahogany hareaus,
fine cherry back cams, mahogany table, high and low
poet cherry bedweads• hair suantrasses, enclosed seal
eosamon wash stands, mite and cushion, 'mud? chairs
and table, fine astral tamps, britannia study and ehsue
her lamps, veniiisa blinds, fanny and common chairs,
ingrain carpcm cherry diming tables, ineremware,
glassware, gamiest atm:mils, cant= matting ter •
:Jura • • • •• • • JOHN D DAVIS. Asiat.•
Of tiva
Olttargla.. • -
. O. HUSSEY,--A. W. MARES,Sikoi.
ce—No. - 41 Water street, in the-vennliOWO of C.
THU& COMPANY I. now prepared to inure all
kind, of, on bower, watrfactonoa. good.,
merehandile is wore, add In tramito /W.
An ample gnwanty for the ability and Integrity ol
the toultouoth la afforded In the character of-the Di
rectors, who aro all caireos of Pittitburgb, well and
favorably known to the eornaoaniry for Iboirprodenco,
intelligence and intrAIRS ,
Wm. Dagaley,Wm: Ler
twer, Jr, Wolter BrYwn, Bosh D. Slog, Edward
ilesoclton. Z. Kinsey, 8, liarbangh, 8. M. Kier.
atoll-If [Journal and Pont cOttY4
L ARD -74 bbl. No ILenf;
15 kgs do do; ree'd per Pilot Nod, and
for gala by
t ug ree'd snd (or tile by
reed OLL MITTER—IO bbla rind for .431 el
TEAS -30K chem. Yit Tea: .
10 do Powebong Ten
0 do Chu'. do;
10 do Gunpowder do;
11lb, do do do;
' 10 albs do 06opoorder do; •
12 12lbs do lmpotal 110;
lo sum and for oalorty & R FLOYD,
mr.:o Round Church Ilodldino
"lOFFM-1 , 00 bsii Rio, ea hand end for sale bY
mai J tr. R FLOYD
S ITAII-01 . 1thaa frdr N 0, reed andeffiaNAT
1111 lauded per steamer ritat No 0; sea for - sale bv
ALERATUi—ni) bre nls Adams', in sto and for sal.
oby ken) . it FLOYD
DOTASII-12 caska prints, In store and for sale by
Jh menu
BUCKY:TS-15 des.lleneer, on hand and for sake
To m ßro lox Beaver, on Lewd md j kivltl t e l l3,
s—D, dor In store aid for rr1e.1 . 1 . 7
_ -
TIOTA:4II—= casks for sale by
ITIABLE bALT—A euperichr wink, La papa'. f•
sale by Imr4l WLct MeCANDLE:SS
WINDOW MA9.4-ILI bodys
O IL -3c)
11.'"e tel ' .: 14 4 1 et/3"117.ate by
mr- 1,7
O rt
TgRPENTINE—IS bbli for silim max
POT mv Agii—s .ake,pylme , qa,nutyqmE.abt,Eß,
LARD bble No 1, for
me2o . SELIXI/S
pAir • 1101 U-11/ sapanor qat t lig ir tsa s by
BURS (INDY' P1TC11.1.57 lbs foiralely
lell r glOß-4 bbl ror leo by s sELLEIis
UPER GARB. SODA—NOB Llia r trtiki s a t b i t .t . 7. - as
VINE SPONGE—I vuo, very superior skositiy. for
P Bate b./ _ __karNJ
CII4LIC-174 (111 irillars) for sale by
mrsi • It E SELLERS
fIOTTON . ANN-500 lbs Nos fosso Sep Skin store
.d Mt *Co by ; IsurtlN 1.1 R Fr.OVD
CA u NgE bales in
BATTING-25441es No I; •
23 do. No 2; onla d 122,4
WAT.ri°.‘b7" r &
BACON -33 , auks lilted, prime quality , reed por
I'M No 2, far isle by • -
WOOL YARN--3 met. woo) r
. 17 dos Clan
' Yarn; I
adleby_ truOol
zdr.O4 fia Poceshonerec for Ba ia
,I. do Ilasomi ' '
- bbl. Ha a 444 •
sf,o, *ease;ta anima on the
14211131 I' Cal,
rg rI9
~ o}ti " asit
1 .
,91Sjet.1--ei MA. St..
EKENTLii,I":-Jkb3.3b-t cow Teo'd s.csangsment
a.. .list zabl ; ..0 AHBUTIINOT
mos ' No SSlVood.c . ,
154 - iiSIDWis - ame vlas:Meter atut doz
1,. yes , S awl for tee by,. 1,9
• • C
UnTONIII/21t,lik—A Luc 0p01117.111. fors.% by
CONGRAMS:-61<vr, cams &pt.% lata"Wsesa
ki for mia_ll._ (4. 1 .5 ARBUTHNOT
~,k c osi‘..4l4piects Boand.lot sal
birmtl9 , • .11_,,..VW 4
T .g 11 reed tat
writ WICK
C " .. 45 g r" : 17'-'4 ' 4" trzZien.min LEttis
,I 9
SODA AfID—LO cuts Um tea brad
jN tohoolo
mrld No. 23, Wood shoot;
' 7
b 'TV. A 4 - P:100 - 1C E T L I N E.
.ID363l:llA4ED . by.the liberal patronage extended .
,Es Irian resulay and well condoned Lines, the owei• •
ers of the following fine steamers have arranged theca ,
late a Line-bekw=n Entebereh ma Louisville. 117
Oneof the boat. willpoll Lively leave rima,,,,b 0. ..
every 63,,,,,,0r, Watonisom, and Farrar Emma, , I
at 0 0%4m —fall or trot Nil.
The first boat of the Line will start on Monday, •••,
February REA
Steamer 01,11:11[0.11•••••-••••••.Cept.jn T. m oo ,
Z. Taylor- ••• • •-• • " M. Limas.
• " Hamburg . J. Klinefeller.
Farmer '• Benedict.
" Fairmount •—• " VV. Ebben.
For freight or passage apply to , .
fobli.4n 0100. B. M/LTI.NBEELGY.fL AV-
- -t---' , Captain'Wasdam I. Knorr?. i
Thieinlendid boat wail built by me
Owners o[, the steamer Isaac Newell,
and others, fur the Cincinnati sa d
inshure. Parfet trade, and will -` •
leave every IhNetnesday, for Cincinnati, In place - of L
the New y.nalttad,Ga.n.., ;
_ TO Gusht on panne anti, on 1... Mt °"° I
_ ;
14 do 40;_for sale by
• and for .ale by
lt.R FI.OYD.
:Y'4 CO, Fron:
or Joßill. C 0..;
n'Avor :or= co
TUS-14 dor. lrat6Alll. ' • •
• liFFFsßDEau Tm er ipt % .. l.ll i F7l.. fu lr . r n P ni te g gST. e.. ..,
LOUIS tdeLANF., W. S. Gomel.
• r
. e m u repair,) i h r VI I " ru .1 4 :Tr e n ift e:r b ' as a
• • regulik r packet between- t .
and Wheelltil; ko•int PitabuTe! _. ‘ 7,rf m r
t~etliesday and Friday ntomtorte, at I
apply board, or no
frightfright of F . ..0 1 r! Ay. D . WitFELF.R.Arait.
TM fine pp niter steamer
Ebberts, master, will leave for the
above and all intermediate pone
on Musday. the tMth lest, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
For freight and passage apply on board, Or to _
mr.o - , . -G II MILTI2I lIERGIER. __
, ..,.,
magi The Blle.SlG6ll2lt , 12
D 9 Jones, mister, will leave for dip
.bore end all huemediate ports Ole
day. at 4 o'clock. P. N. " ' .
Fe/ rrtl22Ell Or plumage, apply on board. cards
. ,
- • • The Irne Cut running steamer ~,
Loess, master, will leave for no a bova
gad aillearrmethate landings on Tura -
41 , , he dish inst. at 4 o'clook, P. hl. i
- Fri height oipassat•,•ap .13 , on board, or to 1,
Tho opletrdid fart - mooing 1.1.)31.,
Bee., router, will leave for above I
ad all rote;rootliato ports this day, jtt
the 234 lon, akk o'clock, P. N. ,
For freight of aprlT on board. "
__ -. 2; ma ,
mane, api..,
This splendid steamer !
. Gallagher, master, will leave for the I
ore • and all intennedi an giorta on
Twain), :be NM, Inst., at lit o'e/oek, A. M.
Fortnight or paasaire, apply on board.
-- --- - mal
. ~ a 1,, .• . . ; ZANESVILLE.
de ' Ir ,
.. Tim splendid steamer
muter, sri4 !cave for Me sisom.
mai all• usermedtata porus, mrs mt.
das s ibe e 33 tam, as 4 o'el aek,.P. M. . .
F.E ft.lea.o , P•Alaltet APPY_Aa board. sc IA t ,
'"'tb for abay.
pon , an tbis ' aay, the lid but, at 4
.9V436,2,-.,,tn, 1111 onlaard, or to
`%;1"3" .. " --- "TNEWTON JONES Art
, J
The rplendid-fast romalng steamer
'l3enegiel, muter, will leave for the
hone nod all intermediate ports on
Friday. the ad ifereb t ot 4 otolocic. I'. M.
FOT freisbt as peerage apply orf board. or to
lora - G
. . The splendid lastetelcser
Mcßride, Master min leave rot IS
0,1 utgi all. Brier re edisue ports o.
this dse the 11.1 utst, at 10 o'clock, A. N. 'n
Fos treight or passage apply on beard. or to.
. - The saurely ne*and elatineh steamer
.11111.70 N,
John IL Davie, =Ger, will leave for
e above 'end an. intermediate land.
inV,on ' Tinundnh Me .4 lit Inst., - at 4 P. M.
e bblionvvill reeoletTor - freight to New Orleans,
with privilege of resltipPlorat . rir talon CiDellinti.
F ur or freight, an.. apply on board or to
. 0 . • Tee splendid in purenser packet
lOnney. , master, will leave for
e above and all intermediate ports
on this dav, ALIO o'clock,A. et.
For newel or pasaaga, apply oi-board. mr/o
The fine new and annals stnanw
• .4%.14:.t at to al,:anse
rmadie ter, will lean lorl6e
te ports, on Ibis
der, the Shit mat , et ID o'clok, A.
Fo m r &sight of pasaage epply eAkonr:, on to -
11 4 2____ viin _ c u a l e f=t3F.ROER, Act
The splendid
Capt:D. Slone, w i ll leave forat To
d tnlennedlaw pone, Wedesd e a,
Etrorr &fleck, /I. AI., place of the Neer
For o Iyontioani, or
miAli tbera, THE - subaerilter hay lan received a
newsod beautiful inurement celled
"/delodeon Plana," from the factory of
.111 . 1111MoTek White, Cinetuneti. It has
the eleeeure of - exterior of - a Nevi Forte, and it Pol
ar-end of a torte at onto, sweet and powerful. ttlit
'penveldrantege; hounvecr, ettlitilita to the rapidity of
14 cmunintdon, which enabietthe performer to toe
tate upon it the most brill4ol pumomuvie. Altogeth
er, it may he called the heat reed Isarranment ever in
vented. Cell tad examine.
- • .
HENRI' KLEEIFII,Ati Woodarell*
Pole Agent far Murat & White. menu fitttdre.
P. B.—Ateo, eeveral hew and yerr fine :deledeone
mreo' . (Journal Chronicle and Merwrf ropi
A A . . MASON th CO, ad Musket arm, aro eon
•.t4.oTVl.'.°r4,„Stal.t."`o,,dr."-4 "It
otoropmod Bant
am, Sae, Alverine4 De Lalna,44; at.
Also—kmbeanterimo,litibbans,Shaerl•Linco Goode,
rkt.lcop_74th ,
- aorta,
Wall /..par Warettous.,
O. dt7, MAIM= STREET, between Third and
Fm l Agcreas, Pittaburg6,l9: THOMASL
• Nlt. mooed 'eventfully' call tba, attention of hit
fOtooda and eamonms, to Movement aztenaive. and
Sooners! Moak of onerebaadiem UAII Go found to nom
arise ovary dueription of Atoterfeatt and French Wait
P per amt Border tor. Farlort•B•lb, Biotin a Roarna;.
Bed Chambers,Coandad Romot o fko.,ranf.ting from 15{
cents m 47 • poem , 'Bo Mat a OlvanttY toem es
Ant la omit tho eircomm-, n "..
atuttaatea of pemokaam who' -may favor voril'A tbdr
patron os i tho old establialmat stand on hlmho,u,,,
W w . 11° T 3114 , 44 „. 1 " E n d AN D'ar:ru" A ll lL e - 20 .e ban 'aC'e e, E D R e Dento n
and Pitutbut4 Manufacture., csv
oar of Wand and
stmtt., Mubarak.
piu.karalli&larob 14, 161i4.
orEEi "halal. .
k..Calarao.- 40 gonald(dlPDaA and sacral;
Comat- 9 1
11. as Cread-Enalisk Dann,
ckana.,4o Aattai
C1aa , 01744 Catadnan and kaliSparti.k
gna ..-esl , risabd. hal( bets bilankerel and s , lltaan;
artowei 'aim; •
Prise Llrealwar
?bre FCVl.l;'aelftirn:
rm . ...ad0.. I❑Umaut= Slack and o , ggin6/
- 7111.ctraii•-7% bd. N
lb It Sugar Maw;
licruzi. do* 111 fined atinjuter.;
- vmucccu—oitb. do •
r4u&—roo kiipAsioned ;
dna larn awernad;
• Puenaa-3U bushels halves; -
.Patza—SS maw muerte*,
- Pwiter—latt lbs Hordeata_ .;
Ho42 , 6[lbss itoalo - vl4 qua,
Svasa ,- -10 blvd. N Orltana and CUAU di
TTA . ^. ll Pankalgaa pkaaa and Black;
,Tattacco-41bra IS. S, &1 lb Imp; -
• Waan MaLlnui.4lldnapateat Zink;
For Mk by 13-WILLIAMS &CO
• 4.01- ' • • :Coructlat Fifth and Wood st.
khailia, She, 1.3.4Tc* raper; Straw and -11.0
"P l 4 - 01 PaPaa i.
and .1100 .Writing Paper. Or
tale, who cub!, all mull ay W MA R
DIII • I ,— ituco tea son aLe „ na:v ii tn. ula I!
, SUGARS-49 bda unshed, roamed:
..110 and thidied, for aali
=IS . • . Agents Car theMLoais
110111. ASTER PARIS—Ib brlsViisbu Par* ,
; - .lbrbe Ratko rawer, Or
by . riartßj SI. VON LIONN11011St&CO
MOULD CANDLER-;A bin Cincinnati. lora& b.,
rule , 8.1 , VON BONNHOT & CO
Bdpit • .haalders,* prise article. Put
d jw ,i wargie ct ri AN,
srwood give
• • Ittalgtilleliettl.
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