..~ ~.: ,; ~~;A? :ISITTPD IN 1786. ESTAB ruattsl WHIT= a vrtirr/ ED BY : :C 0 . , , • E.. mug.. cairn am pupa, TV= =UST, NM DOOl TO Daily as ...... —E7.00 per anna W e 4u tdrance).— ••• • ..4•0 0 " M. a Club., at a reduced rate. • RAI CI OF •DVYIITIBIAO :AGREED Ul-ON BY C PITTSBOTWO PEERS - One fums iry(lo tines of NMI Weil or ksr) win I trertion•—..— ... ;'.110,40 One Stiarse, each addition.: inseton• • • Onin Do. woe week • 1.75 Do. anus sweks• •. Sint Do. one mouth— —••••., 540 140 • twerrnontbs.------•—• Di. done mouths. 9.00 Do. tour months , .... I Ito. six mondis• • Do. twe , se csontits.•• • •• IBM Standing Card lines or kohl Per (per m• 10 , 90 Una Square, changeable &Wesson (per an• numiexel tinsel of the paper • . nd.oo For oath additional square, hymned over one mon ens for eachaddithmal some inserted under the ye ar ar ly rates, half price. Advertisements exceeding a' mean, and not owe Armen ruesiht ba.caarged as Kilts and a bolt .• Publishers not accountable for legal advertisement beyond the nomad charged Gsk their publication. AMmouncing candidates for office, to be charged the aatne as Other aarerisiensellta. • Advertisements not marked on the copy for • @pea led nomber of inwniuns, Will be continued till lode!, and peymentesactoi accent The pnvilcoes of yearly suivertmers will be confined rigidly to their regular bustnees, and all other sdver. liwments not pertaining to their regular tsarinas, is agreed for, to be pad coos. • All advertisements for charitable 'editorials, fire eompaniva ward, township and other public meetings, sod such like, to be charged half price, payable strictly In advance. ' Marriage nail Cele to be charged CO cents. path Maces inserted without charge, unless aecam• pooled by faneral Invitations or obituary notices, and when so aentiespautol lobe paid for. , CARDS. ..ton. I. annum, -ratan .1.1.1..mrrr. & BENNETT, (late Eliclish, Go[lecher t Co.) 'Wholesale Grocers, Conanustion a n d For stottdirin Merchants, Ind dealers in Produce and Piro tared Alsintfaetarea, N 0.37 Wood .t., between dd and streets. rod, EJ. Attorisey arid Counsellor al Lase, ; Cincinnati, Ohio. Ca ions in Southern Ohio, and in Indian., and in Rentueky, promptly nod e.re fully.attendedto. Conninissiplier for tho ideate of Veri irylvania, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments, • Marra ro—lion. Wm. Bell & Son, Cnrds,Cliareb & Cs rothers, Wm. Hays, Esq., Winock & Dams aM EOUGE COCHRAN, Commission and Forwarding 1.. X Merchant, No. 20Woodstrect. Pittsburgh.. my I: BONE LICIAOII/6 :FACTORY. - AMILTON STEWART, mourtfacturcr of Heim Ethlrtiags, Cheeks, te., Rebecca street, thy LeOcuy. n0,r1.:+74. vv LEE, (seciessor to Murphy &Leo.) Wool Deal s er and Comaluloa hicrehant, for the sale of American Woolens, Liberty. opposite Ed at, ~bl 7 ww. unto, Daturnore. a. r. nocramai azilt, Y. e. site :wort, roanweans , ErElALl)& DUCKNOR., Tobacco Commission Mer chants, North Weiss . et, &IP North Wharf! 4, railsnosa-tf c.rosso. 'II&EDI', JONES k Co, (successors to Atwood, Jones it Co.) Commasszon and Forwarding Mer stunts, dealer/0o Pittsbareh Manafactared hoods, Piusburalt Pa. nrielt Wu. 11. Wilibulai WI!. .W/ILLIAMS ' GO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE HECKLES, Term East earner of Wood ond Third meets, Prrromoon. W. P. neasits.LL, .• (*Wasson to swoons. e. TAIPORTER & Dealer In French and American Pa -1 per Hangings and hlootlera Window Shades. Eire round Priuu, ae. Also—Writing, Printing and Wray. pints Paper. No 87 Woodstreet, between Fourth sweet and Diamond alley, west des, Pittsburgh, Pa. febl3 MAUR MCC= UMW 0101/1, JR, 113LIAlf107.1REY at Co., Whol;aal . Grone.r-r...Cain -11 inianion Mamba.% and dealer. in Fraloca, N0..54 Water, and 007 Front Creels. Piltporgh. nord 1NO• A. CAUGHE S, Agent for the Lake Eno and • Michigan Line to Heaver and the Lakes.—Otte a on the corner of Water and Smithfield its Jana otar — Mahlaronh••-- c — Joseph ✓ S. /DILWORTH& , Wholecale Hrsam , ,..sd O Agent. for Hazard Powder Co,, No. Y 7 i4cm.l et., Piastrugh. , • • de.S.Y . 101115 DlllllO5lll. • • 100711 . R. DILWORTH & Co, Whoiestdo (Oruro, Pro se duce and Commirsion Mery bulls. And deems for the Newt Powder Co. of N. Y., No. T. Woodsy Pittsburgh. sole TWIN No. dr/darker st, S .thre D eZ=4 " e :74 ' 4 truth, will have constantly on band trervll.eletted as. e ll of the best and Uesheat Idedternes, which h. will sell an the molt reasonable terms. Physicians tending Wdelly will be promptly rutorded to, and cap. plied with articles they MY coon ac cura te l y gen yg- Physicians Pre.riptions will be act and neatly a, 'penal frren the Mat materials, at .7 boat of to dal or Wahl. - Alan tor We., a large stack of fresh and good Perfa; MGM lot? if MIN .WASP, (meeenor to Ewalt a Gebbart. O Wholesale. °rotor .4 Crouniission Merchant s ,dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh alanttfuttures, ear ner of Liberty and 11. d streetsj L pinsbargh P. jam j'a',lt - ..170.c'Ll.sc?,N'e! St o S n ' TeT r. urer. mud Agents of the h. L.outs Pactuu Sager. Refinery. 'No. 45 water and ?d front streets, Ibttsburgh. j 1.11174 DILLOIL, I.lrltolente and Retail detat, in ?Janie and Idtotkal Instrodnent, School &rocs, aper, Shun; Steel ens, Quills, Printers' CardK, and Stationary senerallyiNo. %Wood kL,lSlttiburgts. ID — Rack Lomat or taken In trade serlls WIC for Ina i xcenz VIM' YOUNG tr. Co.—Dealars In lentherlddrt, te 10liberty st. • W• ft. VC UTCHTON, Waoleash, Groe era, dm Ices In Produce, Iron, Nails, Glass, and barghglanntaetarea generally, M.l Libany a, Pius- Lank. deal ATTOLLNEY AT LAW, • &utter, Ps ILL alto wend to colleetioni WILL all other busl mess entrusted to Lim in Adm. and Armstrong eoardles,Fa. gofer to . J.& R. Floyd, LEbarry st W. W. Wallace, do , Jam. Marshall do Pittsburgh. .dly' Kay & Co, Wood v. iml7 • PETTIGIAZW & CO, STEAII.I3OAT AO ENTS • 07nrooloVo Et. ALLICI k Co, Du= No. 42 Water creel • .VIT. IL ISt lIIITCIIELTRZE, - 117110LESALE GROCKIIS, REX XINYIND 71' TILLE.II9, and win: and LIQUOR MULCH- A NTS. Also-Importers of Soda Ash and Dkaehing po leder, No. Ice Lanett) , at., (opposite Sixth st.,l Pau her, ‘h. eatiLl tcout nem irc.axans wQ X, nt•CANDL . ES.S, to L. fr. 1. D OfO<Clll, Forwardimg and Carnnaia Von Sterehanut, dealers in hen, Nalla,ol.a, Gat. WI: and Pittabargh hisonaf.tarea generally, pry- and Water otreeta, Pittibarah- Vir bqu atone .d,14111 ten ~,n.h4l.ent, 5t0.244 Marty at, near the mart:, idwary Good, comer of Make and (th atsetty . rtua honk,' Pa. N. IL—Watthes and Clocks earefatiy re, iatted. • dee{ Itne.DEA OW,Cannusson and orrijarding Blotch ant, No. PO neon O. between Mani d l ir km stream ... • fad, llirlini 011Yilt r jantenalo and xial - riteireTE T T . Yorairn and Domestic Dry Uoodsounth ems corder el Mattel andFourt. • A a. dog% V. MAXI= TIT CIIDOSOR. JOnlr nlr.9aU, 14.41114211, Q.SIZERS & NICOLB, Proaltho and General Cam 1.1 &Loon Atenthuno, 25.. 17 tabeny Pillthanth , Spera.lJn.eed and Lard Oith. k. YONO:MN HORST. & GZ, So Wheledale Gro• ears Aflardega.and Clanniparlidonlvltergal?ta , Jed. hate tenthvg ra th eir neve ' eboadesold nand) Na earner of Prontst. and Chanaery Lam A. U. 00.• eir,nB,elYwPat add Wrayptng Paper, N. 79 Woo d *tree; La,- Threes Yawl and Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Yin Wad • .211 A & VEST Wholesale Grocers and Corned ".... hl rmbelailr4:.and dealers In Prods.. No. 35 • • - • : . H. 1/ICM9 W 43O L'bEALEIt At Comminien Merehunt for the - meet Atencae Woolen Gooda,Libe , ll• 1, .. ,, , t 114. . • Iv 117 ...... -....------- * MS Sssaist 101t11 S. MSG KAYS. w. II 'WOoIIIVAND LUIZ SSOLLIT. VITAL IL.' CAW( & CO, Wholegala Grocers, .19 TT sal 1 1 0 WoodszrcetPituborgh. .0•21 y TIARRIRON SMELL, Conn ram al Law,—Of tp• lee "a Feank u.otharre Smithfield_ 130•34 • T ivcArivi Fa.% nu. of Warren, Ot6',l4,ArVale d gene p.a Iftarl Asb,inntl %Vat.= 'Prodmee Ch a ce , generally, Water • tom; bet•nsets tdoidteeld Lad Wood, Pitisbnrci_ g BettOONTOJlTaira;NW : — ...b.o — ari: IP.' No. ST Woad strcet. Pitrgta. 1 OLIN D. OROAD; Wholesale !Dadaist. ausd deal- VA IT I* Di. 13 : 0 0.iMay 0110. Vanishes, te., N 0.93 Wood MOM, Ono door Boma of Diamond Ailey, • • aul •-101 ft rummy; epnlet kb and We." • J - 71 1 111RTON & 13 DOCKTONDooaaellent, P.Mmato ! par SdonaMotmcm ? mo.44ldasken at, Pato. Da .1 , led ..1011111 WI& wt . & FLOYD: %naturals ()duet", Ceinnausion Merchants, and Deatcoa in Produce Round Alturtilt Uniltlinge, fronting on Men), Wad and lith lestatider ritt.banthq. • NITS wad % Dumaj, Wholesale 0 1 11, .41.11:11111 uon Amount, and dealer Us Produce and Piusberhh Dianafaetatee. Ilo.2lWaler eh, Pittsburgh. janl6 T B. SWEMZER, Ananias' at Law, sales appetite, Se Charles Waal, M4=04.161141. Wend pierapily to Collections, ia Warasatersor,„... and Oreea modes, . Ps. TO Blaekriaet, Bell Co., Csrappers, T. 31( Pntabintt.. 0_ t . W. HAIDAVGII, Wool Aletehiots; beater. 0. Is Floor .4 rrodatoArearrally, Forwarding ADS COlex.lsdoo . Idloloist.S No. 53 Wateast,Pins. TRE ittITSBFROS !lISCELLANEOUS. W. di J. GLENN, Book Binders. • • tr;‘, above latinng; comet nin Wood prepared to do any work In our line with des h.Ws attend to our work perennially, and eaua luetion will be given in regard to ita neatheee and dr.. eability. Blank Books wiled to any pattern end bound Nob. wantially. Books in numbeta or old books bound care fully or repaired. Names pot on book. In gilt letters. 'Those that bate work in oar line arc invited to ealL Prices low. ruyinktr Scales, Cookie:os Stops. 0 , Lo. ILIFARSIIALL,WALLAcE.S. , Botod Choreh, lit corner Liberty and Wood streets, ma:teach:re and ore: for sale Platform, Floor and Counter Scales, tithe mostimprovollquality; Cooking . Eurres, for wood and coal; Egg Stores of various uses, Parlor and common Greter,llolloor, Wan, la. he. Thiy also mamulacture thet Kitchen Emege,ashieh has given such general a:demotion to those haring it in use, to allot which they would tonteetfUlly invite , the attention of . the clumnled the Vitale seeently. ser.V.ltt WASall.lll PALM.. JWIICA. tux.- wat. 0.11.2 PALMER" TIRANA £ .• (Ruce.sors to Hassey, Lonna it Co.) EXCHANGE . 1114.01sERS, and nt dealers of Deposita l) in Fo " , l an n lC ‘d Notes,.. Uc d ila cr te ll'o CcL urth stre et, nearly opposite the hank of Pinsbargh. Cane. mo tel teemed en deposite--SAM Cheek, for sale, and collections Malit On nearly all the principal points lu the United States. The highest premium paid for Foreign and Amens. Gold • • Advances made on consignasents of Predate, ship pod Fats on liberal terms. The Penasylwatsla Company Fon iIESICAIeI of Lion Ann Gweetta A unernes. 71111 E first Lire Insurance Company in the V. Incorternated March lOoleht-chutes perpc.D. Capital 1.330,000-01 paid in. Haying antleinscd the undersigned to receive appli cations feria:saran., on which policies will be according todheir proposing and rates, which will be mane kn.wn to applreants at his office, N 0.53 Wood rptl OF.W. COCHRAN. MPIiNTS-Ilandsome blate oriole and black and dove colored Prints, for Mourning be fortnd at the Dry tioads House of febtl 00 It MURPIIT TWILLY.D •SCALLLIOT.III4ITT. - 7. I UthßeP.llllYedbTs"r receiv ed farthert ie= at lowed price, at the North . East comer of Fourth and ?intact sus febh 'DECEIVED TillsDAY, at A. A. MASON k. COD. 1., soother large invoite of those desirable French Wrought Caper. Collars, and Cuts. Alro-Mourning I Collars and Cuffs, and 130 pieces rich black Silk Lace. all widths. febtO INEN /11./KPS-3. CareiTtarriTin - M - ..inerr Cambnc Mikis .Also-A small lot of Ladies' Choi. Entli'd do, reed:per express at ESL& A A MASON tr. CO'S iDI EiZill1111TR• • The Frantlin POT /entrance Co. of Phasofolpkis. TIIRF.CTORS.-Ctsules N. Danker, Thom. Hart, Tobias Wog.r, Samuel Grant, J.ob K. Santa, Gee. W Ilmbanls, Mordecai D. Lewia, Adolphe E. Done, David S. Drown, Morris Panerson. Cosebo, N. Dance., President Castries G. 11.cker, Secretary. Continue to make iuntrance, perpetual or limited, eo overt' de.oelptiun Or property in tows or COUlltry, at rules art low es are consistent with security. To Company have reserved a large c ontingent Which with their Capita and Premiums, safely Invest ed. afford ample promotion to the assured. 'Mr wets of the company, on JanaatT 1 1 1, lent ha publiAcd agreeably to an art of Assembly, were RS Wolf, viz tfe=g7te • 81,047,4 W 41 94,111 23 . Temporary Loam 110,001 Stoeka MAW 73 Cash, hc. 33,904 37 111,3,499 Sone their Incorporation, • period of 19e they they have paid nywirds of one million four hundred thous, end dollars, lease' by fire, therebyareriling evidence orde advantages of Insurance, ea well no the ability and disposition to tenet with promptness I.llliebilities. .I. GARDINER OOFFIN, Agent, marl.dly Office N E corner Wood and 3d rut B.Vay Llta wad Wealth Inissirawasas of Philadelphia, re Health In d t rur. it i npany of Pcnnaylvarua, Mare:, 18.79 k .. Ctaric e r perpedu l T:. Capital, SICO,MaI Rarer Law. roan A. Paimeitc raau Cintrany and fall to per rent. lower than the areal rate s of life Insurance, a• the following coni pariaon will thaw: Than a person of th e age of 30 in miring for 8100 for bib. marl pay ih the Girard 10,3 b Peetwylvania, Stan, Penn Alston', RIX; Equitanle, SIPA New Finglmd, Sand; New York Life, CPU; Lila and Health, Philadelphia,lll,ol. llt.r D. Orrick, Charles D. Call, W y.lterme, Robert P. Clarice P. Hayes, AL W. Baldwin, M.N. Reeve, D., Chas. O. B Cempbells Lewis Cooper, Rodman Marker, E. 11-Bader, Edwin R. Cope. Prendent—Samael D. Orrick; Rite Pre s!' door—Robt. P. Ring; Secretary—Francis Blackbarne. Applications wilfbe reeciwil, arid every iniortonnoli given by SAL . FAHNESToCK, Agt, 011Ice,lkimmercial Rooms, comer of ooll7olly Wood lad Third are, Plosbargh IN AND mA ni ISBUILANCZ. rilWi INSURANCE CO. ni North America will 11: in ale permin rit and limiled insurance on prii pert) in this city and viciniy, end r n shipremns by Canal, Rivers, Laker, and by Sc. Thep roperties or this Company are well Rivaled, and Itimish an avail able nand Coelho ample Indemnity of allPereollortiCak desire to bap roleeled by insurance, AMP. JONES, Agent. 44 Water at. HEALTH HISHAANCHe at Plittabarglas • Tim Bprlng , Carden Beath Inzurance OF PIILLAVELPHIA--CaPITAL mow°, TNSURE3 Holes and Females againot the Expemos all Lbw occasioned by Sicknos or Accident, by an =feedlots allowance of from ICJ to SS per week, for one, two, three, or four years. The method of -elfeetutg thin. Insurance, and a,. mur of awarding the oink atlowanee, will be fully gpinined by the Agent Aperson nt can insure irUnstr.tiekness or Accident which will detain Li Lo s os hi. ordinney Lessner', es rol:otve, • . . For o. year, by paying e 4.111, and receive r week For two • n erg, v I • 12111.1 For four u Or, fora period of four yearn, the own of 114,40 paid grotally, will secure Ed per week while lick. Every oceeskaryinforeintion will be ailladed on the object of lovaronne generally, by JAMES DURIVO A CO, Affeinn, Odeon DaJdinyv. _ BELL AND BRASS VOUNDILV. ,fil.A FULTON, Bell and Wass Founder, has rsi. ballt and commenced business at his old stand where he will La pleased to sea hi. old custom nrs and friend.. Church, Stcamboat i and Sells of every nise,front 10 to 10,000 pounds, east from patterns of the most approv ed models, and warranted In be of the best mammals. Mineral Wider Pumpa,Connters, trlre ther with every variety of Brame earwigs, tf required. turned and finished in the neatest manner. A - F. is the sole proprietor of flaturea rioA /daub, so rarity celebrated for the reduction of friction in machinery. The Boxes and Composidon can be had entire at ell More. Ia:MAY IiOAIITIC i ATKINSON, SOCIWZIII WOOD Arm &bums; Drrrsrum, r; 1 4,024 grn riliU 2 l" manufacrare all both; or COI Mt TIN AND [MEET IRON WARE. Alto, Black , smith Work. Storm Bono belt to order. . . Special a:tendon given a steam boat work. Hare on hands a fine emonment of Copper and Orals Kettles, Tin Ware, din.ke. Steamboat Cooooking Rome., Nimble Forge., various sives—• very convenient ar ticles for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road compnrdes. . . Wo oroold respectfully Invite steam boat men and whereto call and we our articles and prices before parehasins— •el ...rho re. iVirr BIZACKLEITT t wniTmc,• • WO. 99 woorl DTREET, HAVE now in store • lorge and general I.llonOitta of DRY GOODS,whIen they Gt. to City and County Merchants to reduced prices; find which tar) , will 1141 a/ of vi illtilltrallert , to oath buyers, or for upornvcd ere Joan 1 1 / 1 .1111211 Shop.. HryWIGIITALAN--Mansfactorer o f all kinds of cm. too and woollen machine, Allegheny city, Pa. The above works being now in fell and sneeesersl motion, I .m prepared to exessto oif err wit! dispctek for ell kinds of machinery May him, tech n willow., picker., spreaders, cards, grinding Machines, railways, drawing.frames, speeders, thromils, Loomis, woolen cards, •r risibOe, for merchant or country work, lacks,A.o, shde and hand lathes and tools in con end. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plumps. en for gearing factories or milla at reasonable charge. Russ so—Kennedy, Childs CO, Mar:knock, hell CO.. Kinr, Pennock C 0.,& Jas..A: Gray. NEW TELEGELLPII OVITICE. TIiR rideens and business men of Pinsharge are respectfully informed- that the More Telegraph U.. aro now le complete operation between this city and Baltimore., iVaslongton, and other Emtern connecting at Watlaington City with the hWrev the only tote Sotch to Richmond, Raleigh, Charletton, depute, Savannah, Mobilo' arid Neer Orteans--and connecting in this city with lines reaming West and NOrth to the principal towns and cities Mute valley of the hltssiairippl, and on the Lakes. These Linea will receive end mod messages Ls cheap as smy ther Liae, and the operators and clerks will be found geo• Seemly arol accommodatieg. ST -Ogee in the lower story of the ST. CII&RLES sOgF.L, Wood *meet. jandSm CO-PAILTNEIUIMP. T C. DREYFOULE, having associated with him A. 11. CLARKE, for th e purpose of tn.:muting the Forwarding and Commission Ist:sinus, will con tinuo that busiaeu al the old stand of , Cope & tiny. (ogle,. and respectfully uks a eentinamen of the former patronage of his fnends and the public ge nes. illy. The bustner• will be conductedander the name and style of Basket:ohs & Chum& J. C. BREYFOOLE, • A. IL CLARKE. Eittsbugls. Jan. d, 01ssolualota et Co. Pari s. sortabtp. TIIC existing between the under • waned, ender the style of V. 11. Eaton A CO." was Ataiolved by mutual convent, Jan. 30a:" F. IL Eaton, having purchased the enure interest of W P. Marshall, who retire., will attend to the inclement of the besmear. of the/me firm, at the old stand, No ad Furth street. t. H. EATON, lebd • W. 1 . , MARSUALL. P. U. :CATON, DraEf t a love rZt o . s l ery,' b r l mg ri Fan b [cy yr Warstsd, Patterns and Can No% Pntsbarch. full supply of Fine Gents , Under Garments. &balm UOUSIg, comam or 'min= AND GUM masa, rretsansint. nTHE subscriber respectfully annomices that he has WO opened hit new and excellent lintel foe the IeGOBIX6I4IIIWS of travelers, boarders, and the public generally. The bowie nod farnimre are entirely, new, and no pales or expense hue been spared to render It one of the most condonable and Pleasant lintels in the city. The sabre riber is determined 1.0 &term and there. , term solielts, a share of pablie Painmalla • . emit -dip Propruttar_._ - • 'Haien% Lead; LT HAD ft SHOT—X O shot; ;or . e y rain • 63 A HUTCHISON _ mitrinTiciaZN is CO faott t:i";11." poubm Apples; for sale II J D.W11.13).50.1 10 Wood i TA k il b -f.bbN N Carobna, for sale by A HUTCHISON k CO GE NEWW}'KB.ligirgrADPNlTelgarti2iNte GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE Young MEN in wholesale and retail stores, and other respectable badness, to act as Book-keepers, Saler men, Porters, ,Rae -keepers, Waiters, Fanners, Coach men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agent., Collectors, Overseen in all branches ofbasiness, &e. We have at ell times a large number of good situations unbend, which pay from MIO to UAW per annum. Theme In went of altaation. of soy kind would do well to give act call, as we have gents In each of the ease Ci ties, which will enable as to place every applicant in a sellable situation at the shortest notice. We have • lane acquaintance to all the above named cities, which we trust will enable us to give court satisfac tion to all who may fawn m with a call. TAYLOR A. TAYMAN, No. 59 Second so; between South and Gay. N. 11—Perwens living In any part of the U. States, and wishing to obtain a sitnatton in Baltimore, or ei ther of the above eines, twill have their wants imme diately attended to by addressing es • line, thost-paidt es by so doing they will curtail both trouble ands's. the'pen which they otherwise would in by venting to city, and seeking_employment for th emselves Address, TA'S LOR TAYMAN, N 0.59 Sneed street. Baltimore. Md of the public to resmnnilly called to the following tortlfiestem 8. Saar—llaving tested a quantity of Gold weighed by your Arerometer I And the result prow. your instrument Comet - -an d reternmend the use of It to those going to Califoinia. as the best method for oh. mining the real val. of Gold. Rasp. yours., J. B. DUNLEVY, Geld Beata. Plnsbargh, March 9,186. Prnatraalt, Nareh 'ORR Ida Emumb—Dear Sin ilavind esataincd the "Lilco. =tarp manuesetared at poor rooms, I do not besdate 'to commend it to the am of those gentlemen who are about rethoeing to California in acarch of Gold. It gireia close approximation to the epeciLa grant ty of amide, and will cerman enable the adventand to of when his placer to ta meldtm _Gold. ITALIU Vote., reset'. W.LlNTneg.•_ INDIA IiLiGGER dLOTHINGILJust received for the California Expedition, a complete experiment 01 Gum Dastio Clothing, at priees ranging from 13,50 It Slip for suit of cam, pants and hat . For sale at the 3 Ledo. Robber Depot, No Wood at. dete2o Jail PHILLIPS . TblE subscriber °gen for sale, th e. STEAM BRICK .WORKS, above Lawrenceville, comprising a Stems lhagine, 9 Boilers, G Mould Maclidoe, capable of tufarnng the Pressed Bricks (out of dry clay, l aken Crum the back,f per day; with three arras of land on Allegheny neer, on which amt I ilnitand sheds, taaeldne and clay sheds, wheelbsrrows, trucks, .hove:., spa ra des, Re., every thing requisite to com mence opetions at an hours noesee. Prim, incloding the patent right to use said machine, FLOn—ins of payment matte easy. Without the land. Wan. For pmticalars, address HENRY AIF.KRYIT, aurl7-.ltf No_NO_Monorigabela Wrought and Cast Iron It Wmg. EE subscriber. be Wive to inform the public that they have obtained from the Ran Clam line and nalde designs for Iron Railing, both the horses arm cemeteries. Persons amble; , to procure faun/- some patterns willyleaso call and examine, and Judge for thereat Ives. Railing will be famished at the short en notice, mud in tha best manner, at the corner at Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. aac29-dxf A. LAMONT & KNOX. BUIUCI & COB Daily Express le now regaltirly livering Con and Seen OYSTERS, which are of fered to dealt and families it the lowest priers. Quality stramat red admit to any brought to thin rum and fur sal by J. C. BIDWELL, A,gt, Water st. Also—At the following deponc—Reis & Berger, car eer Smithfield and Second ats; E. Ileacleton, Diamond; Mercer & Robins., Federal st .Alleeheny. lATE h:ve ramie PUMPS., made on an impri;ia VP plat, so as nor to freeze in the coldest weather. Persons wanting such articles, arc invited to call and see them at SCAIFE & ATkaNSON'S., nI7J lot, between Wend Market ms • NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! TE Constitution and Standard • of the Associate Reformed Church to North Amenew Pro, bound in sheep. . The Other Side, or Notes for the History of the War between Mexico and the United States, written in Mexico and translated from the Spantsh, with notes: By S. C Romney. Sketches of Reforms and Reformers of Greet Dtitain and Ireland: By 11. R. Stanton. The Works of President Edwards, In 4 volt; a re print of the Worcester edition, with addrnous, and a copious general index. The Mourmists of Egypt, or Egypt snits." for the Bible: By F.l. Hawks, 11. D.. L. 1. D. Memory. of David Hale, late editor of Journal os Comnicuco, with selections from Ins Mucellancom Willa gat By Reg. J. P. Thompson. The Puritan and His Daughter: by J.l:- Poulthm. Loa Gringos, or an Inaide View of Mexico and Cal tforntm lip Lieut. Wiro, It, P. Navy. Familiar Letters to Young Alen, on •arious subjects; desiv ' e 4 m a Companion to the Young hlen's Gatde: B chel'octis Ai n7d " Prose Writings of FLA-Dana: tea Nineveh awl It. Remain.: Ily Layard. For sale by ELLIUTP A ENGLISH, 1.12 No TO Wood et A Present for Your Yoga Hy. MORRIS & WILLIS' HOME JOURNAL PTIMMOLED WC/ALT-54 ego Arson. - The bast paper In the Unton.” (Evening Star. "Rather get in coal then go without len (Boston Poo- New Enbacribers can be acpplied from Jan. 1, laso, if inortediale application be made Dither personally or by letter) at the Odic. of Yultlicatiou, G 3 Wood /.16 1. D. I.OOKWOOD. ACREID SC.RNES AND CHARACTLIIS, hp J. T. 10 Deadly, with original Outgo, by Dario], The Poems and Pro. Writings of IL 11. Dana. Phymoinu and Patient, or a Prartieal View of the Aloud Dan., Relation* and Interest , ' of the Medical Profeesion and the Commonny, by W. llookes, It. D. The Paritan and His Datishten by J. IL Paulding, author of the Dulebrasn'a Los Gringos, or an Inside View of hlexiso and Cal ifornia; with Wanderings in Frio, Chili and Fo/rnests; by Lies. W. For .ale by dent ELLltrill &ENGLISH, 79 Wood at M;I;MM= MISELLANEOUS LITERATURE, AT LOCKWOOD'S, 03 WOOD STREET 113ROWNS limrrlenn Angler's Guide; full of Wm. .0 Mations, Innio. Parading's Puritan and Hhr Daughter; 12nto. Dr. Hooker's Physician and Patient; Mr, Alm ED.' Hearts mid Homes; Imo. Neander's We of Christ; tiro. Meander's 01,5017 of Christian Church; 3 eels, fivo. Bev. Dr. spring's Men:mire of Aliso Murray; 8.0. &merman Almanac, teeth evo. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Janie Bookseller & ferprer, 83 Wood et. Blow lo the time to Subscribe. ();FFICE of Seou's Reprints of the. Four Quartet. ILllies arid Inaeltwood; 810 per year. blorris &Willis' Dome /puma, pablizhed In Nov Yorkweekly; 83 per mine.,'Dooming'sm thiy; $3 per year. luvalaable. The Cultivator, monthly; St pe annum. The Agriculturalist, monthly: 5 per Jam Th e DCVICIV, MOO y; 63 per annum. Th Bankers' Magazine, do 83 do JAMES LOCKWOOD, Jong Bookseller lc Da nor, 03 Wood at Pitt IlloohLake 'Works d b'eundlry. rirromen, j ° 1119 4 1= 6 11 1 1. ' &, - :fo e n rnee e le t . °L 4Von c° ,: m ..: , at Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speedo", Drawing Frames, Railway Beads Warpers, Spoolers, Dressing Plums., Looms, Card 0 den, &c. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; nil sizes of Iron. Pullica and Banger. of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools <doll kinds. Castings of every denetiptlen Welched on short notice. Patterns made to order for Mill Ge.trig, Iron Ralllng,.&e. Steam Pipe for heat. ing ?Works, Cart loon Window Saab tiod fancy Cas tings gooreulip. Orders left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer & Co., Liberty Mreet, wed have prompt atten tion. Refer .. o Blackssoek, Dell I Co., J. 14. Moorehead Co., O.K. Warner, John Irwin & Soot., haft/wan; G. C. &J. IL Warner, Steubenville. lanlo PIANOS! J. subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand as. Pialt., With and without Coleman , . celebrated Sousa Attachment. The above instroments are war ranted to be equal to say manufactured In this coca. try, and will be sold lower time goy brought from the East F. OLUIVE,No llg wood st, Rd door above SW Elenp will be taken at par for a few of he above amortise, sustl V. lt • • AIS - 111tiVa:C&L.K FLA Idle rho. UT R. MURPHY contimies to keep on band a fall V 1 . assonment of the Welsh Unsbnekable, Flan nels, and has recently reeeived a supply of the hove qualitica. Also Swenadown Flannels, a imam, Beti de and well adapted (Sr the wear of invalids, and others wanting something warmer than canal. Alm, Persian and Ilanse'Flaunel. for Infants wear ; to gether with a 411 supply ol ,Anteriean manufactured Flannels,of.Verent quathies. AbIi,SIIROUDIN/1 FLANNELS, of all the did not widths, at the North Etat corner of 4th and Math tw. fp-Wholesale Room. ttp stairs, where dealers will always End a good assortment of new my le goods. lend DbPhrKm~LL__t_ ta r COff I:171i a - fa - ir: VIM Is to certify that I have api pointed Livingston, Roggen Sole Agents for the sale of.lenning's ra:LT Pi Di =s 11 1 111e f r g eny. JOllm GIBSON, Agent, for Walter Al Gibson, 341/ Broadway,' 111. Get-10,1MS. We have been sting one of the .Lore articles at the elgee of the Novelty Work. for three months, on tnal, and feel perfectly isausfied that It ton meal invention, and we take pleasure in recommending them as a use fel article to all who love pare water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly executed. atilt LIVINGSTON. ROCCWAI a Co Nova PI*MM. O m , duet eceived, one elegant Rosewood 6k octave ri, lone, from the <cit.- • , bramd factory ot T. Gilbert h. Co., Donlon. This instrataeut Is remarka ble for brilliancy and sareetnesi of tame, and eternally of touch. The above firm in considered onto of tae very brat in . 0011100, and their Pianos, for elegance exterior, beauty, of tone, and duration, are set surpass ed by those of any other make. For sale on ream , . tile term. by H. KLIMEK, ism%ll J. W. Woadorell'a .liiiiii,,,,-Wimillage,o4:4, MOM 1105 !MIX, FTIOI4PAYETTEMANUFACTURINIi COMPANY, 20 eases superior Vusaily Blasilis,'lo b$ 15 4.i MO plus Steusuieitt do el 5 t , l 70; NA do do do 4b7 7 0 160 do rased white Mane do 100 do colored CaltlonAlis O 1 do . LS 60 pieces 6.4 waits Flannel, warrantediall wool; 160 do 4-1 _do do do do 100 do 34 do do do do 160 do 3-4 red do do do 75 do 3-1 yellow do • do do ALSO: Satlnetts, Tweeds, Jeans and Woolen Vern, at east ern manufacturer's poem OrteWarehodse, No 1117 Woods; 4111 door from 1 , 11111. MVO ddi aU4 - s — , for sale by febW J LaWILLIAILS DUCKWILEAT FLOUK—n pare crtele fcn sate by LIP &bin ' D WILLIAMS IJ Athit3ATUßSCWlNTE—arCriaiteinsliia Jj and ferule .by MILI4ER t RICKET6ON, • fela) • •: 1 - 1711 mid M-Libertylit • PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING,. MARCH 25, 1850 MISCELLANEOUS. E==l =l= =EZMaill MEMEM MEDICAL. ACARD TO LADIES AND rtrysicteris.—No recommendation is aorompletely aatiodactory. to the excellenee and complete sutteea of any Moon bon, as the united testimony of Sum mho have ex se "teemed its benefits. During the last fideen ye•n, in all parts of the United States, our most talented and eminent physle.lens, have duly born testimony to the Uon for 's* d egtig omf . They To s ito ß r rrB coul eaa b'ee b n- y steel pressure, which hi nom proved to be attended by had effects, emtslng more difficulty than berate exist ed. Her long standing in Philadelphia, and lame and Incleadng bualtiess both Wholesale and Retail, is • guarantee of the coneeineas of the above.. • To penance her Geod.. Supporter, apply only to WM. THORN, Druggist, 61 hhaket st, Pittsburgh— all Odier• are counterfens. EB4=iiMMIMEI LOVER SEED-11 bbl, feed and for sola.b y_ _febP ES JAM DALZELI PROFESSOR BARRY % TRICOPILER. ODD 'On DIEDICIATEID COMPOIIND. INFALLIBLE for mnewing, invigoiating, and been ' tyfying the Nair, removing Scurf, Dandruff, and en affections of the Scalp, and eating Eruptions on the Akin, Diteascs of the Oland., Muscles sad Intro mans, and relieving Slings, Co% Bruise Sprains, ae Ac. With this preparation, shiers 11 s, ne snob word so fah. The first Jearnals in AZICIfie a, medical men of the highest coherence, prominent citizens dell pr ofersions,..d Ladles who have used it for years in their dressing roomy and nurseries, admit with one =- cord, that, Mr imparting vigor, gloss, laratrience and curl to the hair, eradicating sends= =mina, heal. ing wounds, curing conmsions, sprains, stings, to., and relieving diseases of the skin, the glands, and the muscles it has no 15qUld 2111013 F the multitude of com pose= advertised iu the public prints, or twod in ppsi• Vito practice. In cheapness as well as cSeaey, Bar ry's Trieopherous is =rivalled. The affinity between, the membranes which coned state the fir, and the hair which draws its sustenance from th is triple envelope is very do.. All a...PS of the hair originates m the skin of the head. If the pores fields scalp are clogged, or if. the blood ond other do not circulate freely through the swell vessels which feed the roots with moisture end impart life to the fibres, the remit Is scurf, drunituff, shedding of the hair, grayness, dryness. end handless of the ligaments, and entire baldness as the case mew be.— tthenolate the skin to healthful when with the Trir.p heroes, and the torpid vessels, naeoverthit their =br ill., will =nlhliste the disease. • In ell erections of the skin, and of the substruw of muscles and imegaments, the process and the effect =a the *me. It Is upon the akin, the muscular:ate, end the glands, that the Trieopticraus has =speific =Was. and in all =Deducts and =men of these; organs, it is • sovereign reenedy. Sold, in large bottles, price 23 cents, at the principal Older, l» Broadway, N. Y. V-For esle by Mal , IL E BELLER9, Pittsburg. PROCL &NATION. . . . r - Now re bladde r are sick and afflicted with die .ll4. ease of the and kidney., with rheumatic in backer lunbe, mid matte, old earns, rotting tan, he, that they can be eared by taking the pe troleum! You mtypalk about We beteg a nortrum us much as you please, but this does not make it so, fur we proclaim Le the face clan honest community, that it has' virtues whirl ore not contained in any other remedy. The man who is racked with pain and rut thrum from disease, can fifty mum. get relief from any eras Ills enumerated nteve. Reader! it coets very little to make a trial. This Petroleum is no mix tere--ne compond, put op for the psepoec of iruposing on the eommunity; bet It'. a remedy elaborated by the master hand of mom; and bubbletrap hem the bo om of oar Mother earth bt its original purity, and °c aws to serrating hatrouth..certainy • ready remedy..certainand cheap cure. It has cored Piles after other medicines have failed to render any relief. It has cared Ithuonrenthun of long standing, and of the; wont and most painful character. It has cured Cholera aJorbus by one. or two dome; has cured old eases of Diarrhea, in wbicb o ther remedy has been oleo bead. Asa boat remedy In burns and scalds, It Is.better than any medical cone pound or ointment that we know Of It will cure chit bledna or frosted feet, In a few application.; undoebe ed tesdnamy can be furnished of the Inch centained In the ebove statement by calling on Etartmel M. Kier, Canal Buin, 701 street; or either of the agente. Keyser & McDowell, oolller of 'WOW street and Virgin Alley; R. E. &nets, 57 Wood street, D. A. W liot & D. M. Curry, Allegheny city, ars the agents. jan3l CAUTION SELIVRA A man by the nestle of RUM, CLAPP has engaged with a young man of the name of H. P.Townsendand uses his name to pot op a el•nor1111, which ' they cull Dr. Tosnasengs tlarsaparil denominating it GENUINE, engine', etc. The Townsend Is no doo tor and never was, but was formerly a worker on rail and the like. Yet he assumes *ha title roa d s, c a n a l s{wpm of gaining credit for what he is not. lle Ls set:tang out cards howled " Th eta of Quarks,"th which he says. Ibsen sold the use of my novae for 27 a week'. give S. P. Townsend llsoo Übe von produce one single solitary proof of this.— This is to caution the public not to Da deceived, and parches° none but Na GENUINEORIGINAL OLD Dr. Jacob Tortrusend's Sarsaparilla,-having on it the Old Dr; likeneu. his family coat of Items, and hi. sig. natant acmes the coat antrum - ' JACODTOWNSEND. Priaoipal (Mee, 102 Nassau 91,liew VorkCiLy. OLD DOOTOU JICOB . tOWNIEND, FILIS TOWNSEND 1141MIAP,HIUJ.A. Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 yens of nd has long been• known as the AUTHOR and DISCO. TERRI of the OLTIVINDORIGINAL.TOWIISEND SARSAPARILLA." Being poor, he Ins compelled to lima ita manufacture, by which meansic has been kept out of market, and' the sales circumscribed to these only who had proved Ito worth and known its value. • This Ga.. 131/ UNOQOAtdJO PIESASSITION Is manufactured on the largest scale. and is celled for thrinunhout the length and breadth of Me land. • Unlike young 0. P. Townsend's, it Improves with age, and never changns, bet for the better; because it is prepared on scientific principles by a scientific lean. The highest knowledge of . - themistry, and the latest discoveries of the Art, have all been bronght into re. quishion IS the manufacture of th e Old Dr.laSaimps. The Sarsaparilla root, it Is well known to med. teal men, comings medicinal properties, and some pro per,. which are [nen or aimless; and others, winch, if retained to preparing it for an;produce fermenta don and acid, which IS IthitiOSS to the system. dome of tho properties of Sarsaperfila are ro volatile that they entirely evaporate-and are lent Iu the prepare. two, if they are not preserved by a scientifin process, known only to those experienced in Ito muntfactrae. Moreover these volatile principles, which fly elfin va por, or as an exhalation, ender heat, are the very es. mullet medical properties of the root, which gives to It all its value. 'The " ' OLDRIL JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA Is so prepared; that all she inch prnpcnies of the Su saparilla root are first removed, every thing crumble of becoming snider of fenacotation,is entraercEand rejected; then every particie of medLeal virtue in stem red in • pure and concentrated form; and that Itis rendered incapable of losing any of its valnahle nn healing properties. Prepared In this way, It in mane the most powerful a t in the CORE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASE'S. Ilene die mann why we ben commendation. an every aide In its favor be men, women mul children. We and it datas wonders in the cure of tionrimptioth Di s, and Livei Complaint, and In Blimproomm, pesenda sad Pies, Costivenen, all Catancon Erup tion, PimpI IMP es, URITY P Blotches, andTHE all atlietinasl.llA/01.1. nrimeg from O It powwow aniarmilans efficacy in all complaints fromfrom Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach; from um.. elreMation,doMminstion of blood to the head, obipilation of the heart, cold feet inadmld.liands cold chills and hot dashea over the - body. It has not had Its maid In meg). and eoldiapromates easy expeetoration, and cantle perapirati. relaxing attic tune of the [mg., throat, and every Mier part But La nothing Wits excialience more mmi featly seen and acknowledged than is all kinds and stages of PV4AL.E COMPLAINTS. . It works wonders In eases of loon alb. or while., Failing of the Wousti.Obstrasted,Sonnthown,or Path -6l Mums, trregalanty of the int.truni perm., and the hire and Is effectual in coring all fors. of the Kid ney DIA:01•01. By removing ebsinaction., and regula ting the general maim, it raw tone mid strength to' the whole body, and cures antenna of NERVOUS DISEASLS AND DEBILI7V, and thus prevents or relleve• •WC V•fibly . Otilf dimes., as Spina! Initation, :Mandela, St. Onus bathe, tivrooning, bVileptle Fits, Coalmine.. Ae. is not this, then, ma Mamma. von Pareklicurrar. Neva But camany of th ese thins be said of S. P. Town. wrid's isithrior article This yam; 111•11% liquid to oat to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DIOS, becanwi of the Grand Paoli that the one is incapable of Delenarallon WWI NEVER SPOILS, while the Min cr bulb! lt soars, ferments, and blows the bottles containing it into fragments; the soar, acid livid ex ploding and damaging other goods! hl.t net thia bor. nide comp.m be poise.es to the ayetem? When Pm mid into a eystem already diseased with and! What MOM. Dyspepals but acid! Do we pencil know, that when food sow• in ear stomachs, what oithblefo It producee—fiatulenee, hauling., palpitation of the bean, liver cemplaint, diurines, slyar.ntary, choke and corruption of the Waal? What is Scrofula but m acid hem. m the Irodyl What produces all the limners which bring on Moyneno of the Skin. Scold Head, Sall Rheinn,Ermlficlas,Wkite F'cvnr.fleres, and ell niceratia. internal and cliental? It is notin log under heaven but an arid mbstance, which wars, width. moils all the fluids of the bodyosoie or lets What causes Rlthantattiso but SOU arid Mold, which inaimates itself between the joint. and elwarbere, in. ritatleg and Indamthop the tender and delicete tissue. Obit which it bete no of nervous diseasea, af impu rity of the blood, of deranged eirealadons, alb/ nearly all the ailments which MU. baman nature. Now, is it net horrible to make and tell, and Infinit. ly worse lb use this °SURING, FERMfi. P ENTING, A CID! "COMPOUND' . TOW and yet he would fain ham is uodentood that Old Js. rob Townsend 's Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is an imitatton of his Inferior preparatihrel Heaven forbid that we ntionld deal la on &nick whoth would bear the moat distant retemblauce to S. P Townwed'a article and which shOald bring down upon the Old Dr. from a 6 load so l d , plant and emanations from agent. whit have and pat en...re who have aced S. Townsend'. Fermenting, Compound ! We wish It ...owl, because It ia tie abaolate wattythst S. P. Townsend's article .4 Old Dr. Jacob Town•end's Sarsaparilla WO heaven-evide anew, and infinitely diwanular; that they are ,nuke In every par. ticalar r having not ens single thing in euomm. It Is to arrest frauds upon the unionises., to poor balm itito wounded humanity, to kindle hope In the despairing bosom, to restore health.. bloom and vi. ger Into the crashed and brokm and to hamlet. Inf... Iy—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and Won. to bring his GLAD UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY. within the reach, and to the knoWledge of all who need it, that they may learn and know, by Joyful ex. perienee, Its otaseclantur row. to nub! For sale by J. KIDD h CO. Wholeaele Agent for Western Pennsylvania; J. tiMITIL, Birmingham; Dr. J. SARGEA.NT, Allegheny; Dr. L'CAIiSh.LL, Filth mod. G. W. GARDNER. nth mud. Plusher., apt.) Ll VCR CUMPLAINT.—Another rampart:T[l.d by eatthg the anginal, only um nod gamine Liver Pill. Amos., Brown en, 4 March 21,1547. Er. R. E. Sellers—ln April last nay wife was attack ed with Liver Complaints, e2O had the advice of two I pi/patent., who died vanotts remedies without pro ducing my moil abet. a Diming heard of your wile , brEQ Liver pill% coneleded to give them a fair I purchased one boX of MnDean, at Aberdeen, sod mire them meorill b the die..., by which she was greatly relieve r I p roatred a. woad box, I . 2 l tlt ' eln thin' the boa family medicine I eveth i d, Yours,' te Ram.. Pre.red and sold by R. E. SELLERS.. Wood an ;g ild by Druggist. generally itt the Ms cities Paull • • • • - DAILY amen. RP • =TERM 0111T.111114147, , mho: Minere . ?TINE follovrifiriestiminlal wee given by the eel.. .bated Dr. Wooster Board!. the asologrof the gram' medics' work ended'!The AmericansPractiee of Medicine and Pandly * Phisielaer " • ' • " • "Having beer, marloacquainted with the Ingredients which compose Me/Maw's All•HealLeg OLausep l / 4 and having prescribed and tested it le several casuist my pnvate practice, 1 Moo no MaiMilen in Irwin Or cerufymg that kin a Vegetable Remedy,.eontehausg• no mineral substance whatever, that its mgredientsi combined as they are, and used as directed by the. Proprietor. are not only harmless, bet el Peet valve r being a truly edema° Remedy of greet poorer. midi cheerfully recommend it as a compound which ham done much good, and which to ada pted to the' ure of a grearvamety of cams. • Though have never either recommended or engaged in, the sale of secret media eines, regard for the truly honest, conseientiont, hu mane character of the Proprietor of this Ointment, and the valise of his discovery, oblige me to soy thus much regarding it. W. BEACH, 0.11 0 New York, April tr2E1,1816. Mi4=MMOiZI - • • PlLES.—Thousands are . yearly cored by this Olni. mot It never fails in glow relief. For Tamers, Ulcers,' end all kinds of Bores, It has no equal. If Mothers:and Noma knew its valor la eases of Swollen or .Sore Breast, they ...Id always apply It In loch cases, If end according to directions, it gives relief in a very few beers. Around the box are directions for using McAllister's Ointment or Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Truer, Chilblain. Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Oniony, Bore Throat, Bronchia., Nervous Affecuons, Pales, Disease of the Spine, Bead Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Ear Ache, Burns, Corns, all Diseases of the Skin, Sore Ups, Pimples, Cold ng of the Limbs, Soren, Rbesinatisie. Piles, Feet, Crony, Swelled or Bros ken Breast, Tooth Ache. Agoo in the Face, .k.e. Frenn the Reeding Fagle. There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be fore the public, that has In so short it lime won arch reputation es breAlltatera All-Reeling or World Salve. Almost every person that has made trial of It speaks warmly in It. poke. One to been cured by It of the mot painful rheumatism, another of the piles, third of a troublesome pain in.the ride, a fourth of • sleeking in the limbs, Sr. If it dries not give home diem relief, in every case, It can do no iota), being applied outwardly. A. another evidence of the wonderfin healing pow er posaaseed by this salve, we outdate the following certificate. from a reapeetable ciliate of 11laidencreck orionhip, its thlseininty: fitaldrocreak, Berko eo., Noah 30,1917. Masan. Ritter A. Cot—l desire to inform you that I was entirely eared of a severe pain in the hark, by the cm of McAllister. All-Dealing Salve, which I put• chased from you. leafleted with ii for ahem PA year., and at night was unable to sleep. • Donne that time I tried woolens remedies, which were prescribed tor me by j,hysleiariaand oho persons,ernhoutreceiving any relief, and at lust made trill of dile Ratve, with a re sult favorable beyond expectation. lam now entire , ly free from the pain. end enjoy at night a peaceful end sweet sleep. I have also used tie Salve since for tooth ache and other complaints, with similar happy retails. Your friend, • loon Ilamorasen. //MFR lde.oll.lSTEll, Sale Plroprietor of the above medicine. Principal ON., No 2S NOM Third antet,Phliadel plum PRICE 96 CENTS PER BOX. Amen ts Prinsettokr.—ktimosde Reiter, corner of Liberty and Bt Clair street; and IslYllook, Jr., ear ner of Market street and the Diamond, also comer of Fourth and Brolthfield streets; J. H. Cassel, comer of Walnut and Peon streets, Fifth Ward; and sold at the Bookstore In Southfield street, 34 door from Beeped. In Allegheny City by H.D. Beltrartrang J. Sargent. py J. u. Extkb, Dwinitst,lllrraingbant; D. Kegley, East Liberty; IL Rowland, McKeesport; J. Alexander & San, Monongahela City; N. 11. B 0•11111.11 tr. Co., and J. Rogers, Brownsville; John Barkley, Beaver. Pei John Walker, Jr, Elieabeth. fetilleodly Jmdd'a Nediauted Liquid Catfish, Tundoubtedly the best preparation ever di.. J. covered, for dressing Borns, Braids. Cats,rdkil• blainsdlruisca, or any Lind of fresh womb, also for sore Nipples a remedy .equaled This article is intended for family ass, sod shoeld be bored in the possenion of every family in the land. hierhamen-who are is constant danger of injury to their persons through accident. and the *mope, or carets.. use.of tools, will fitultdis aniele to be inset a. able to them, and efier z fair trial will consider it in dispeniable. It la an excellent aubsfitute for edbealve plaster of all kiting, original any of its iireonveule ewes, and le so medicated as to allay all pall itattiodiately and most perfectly. A very little applied any-bete es the rurfaca of the skin, lonnenately forms • firm, smooth coating very lar to the natural entitle er outer skim which may be freely washed with IMZlrand soap, without any in. .ltis to the w enlne ound. free!) aced and burbly recommended by the most eminent physicians of Now England, and other parts of the team!. .• For side outs by .K 8 SIELLERS, 57 Wood st E —Tlie trade supplied utile ssanufsetures's p7sees. relit Collars , Vormttbigir TT IL/i9 NEVER, Ina single instance, failed to ga -1 pel Worms. were Corn Home, V., July 1.N...1917. hlr. K. E. Seller. You will recollect that when we were in Pittihrirgh, in November laac 7011 prevailed on at to ire to year Yermifuga i xo test its airmen. We did eo - and through the winter we sold what we par. ehaaeil, which gave It &fair mpulation. In May NM wept:relined mote, which wit dispelled of hantedl. ntell. Ve then ordered more, which reached as on the 13th of the present month, •and an yesterday we told the lam of two dozen beide.. We find it so val. stable a medicine, that every person of a family isit. es to have it in their posseston. • Those who here VV rebated it would be perfectly willing to give certificates of Its excellency. (hit of the quantity we hive vended, It has hexer, in • single instance, f died to expel worms Your Mend, Wu. C. Wu. It Co. Prepared and sold by R. R. SELLERS, ita Wood at, and sold by Itruggista generally in the two eine. febdr ,Svery Odd .Fellow Wald Substribe. Volumes Zll.-11111.. 1850. GAZETTE OF THE-UNION AND GOLDEN RULE The Gazette and Rale has now the sawn of the Order to an extent that makes no determined net only to daseree this approbation, but to add largely to oar list of readers, and therefore are prepose the following NEW TSRJgS, which ate morn liberal than have ever been offered by any newspaper or reateaune In the United States. We give in the Gazette and - Raiff every year, EIGHT HUNDRED PAGES OF CHOICE READ. !NG, to • style that can be bound, thus forming • book which each year makes more valuable. The, character of the Gazette and Rail its toe well known to need esplanntion here, and it is enough to remark Nut it CO/1111.14114 from time to time, the. proceedings of the Grand Lodge. of the New York, and also of ether S'etes; &cecinas of tlelebraunne, Instlnalorts of New Lodge., and onea.dunvlly, a Complato Directory of all Me Lodges la the Union. Da Literary Departanont giltd with Original Tales of the highest excellence, by the most eminent writers in our country; Popular Totes; Choice Miscellany; the rarest Gem. of Poetry Odin the English ?mutt Skatehes of Travel; Anew dotes, do e doe.; and occasionally Illustrated with Deanr-tiral Wood- Iturreurlogse Being equal in Its Literary character to any Weekly in the country, and being this•perfect In Its Odd Fet• losethip department, it as worthy of a place on the table °revery brother of the Oreer, and indeed is no dlspensible to all who wish to keep thlly Informed of die work Of our now glorious Orden One cope . , une year, r CO Two copies, one year,•.---•••• ..... e 3OO Seven coop . , one you, each.--•—.• • • 1 50 Twenty copse-- • ••—•--•-- 2000 The, reducing It so that every lodge can get a first onus paper cheaper than the cheapest local paper. Road the Following: Theparticular and esitemal attention of the brother. hood u drifted to the following exude% Ire a letter from that distinguished brother, James L. Ridges,, Em., Grand Cor. and Ree. Secretary of th e R. W. Grand Lodge of the United Wales, I. 0. 0. F. The GOLDEN RULE is to ma a roost welcome and valued alines; and since it has fallen Into your hands, I have witnessed Its gradual and steady Im provement with great pleasure. It 11 now Decor., In Indgment, IrA.2 eon 111•2 21.110D1C11. 111 21111 uatoun and I do toast, that a discerning and intelli gent Brotherhood. will by a liberality worthy of your g se re Atlneseat exertto Sae ions, enable Order a y l largill ea m snore to augment eol its u W e. rolyp your end and brother, JAS. L. R DGFA. Opal:1103U of Members of CO. L. of O. 5 sates. • Relieving that the uneresia of the I. 0.01 0. F. as well u of .06,2; at lajge, will be most effectually promoted by the publication of a paper devoted to the promulgation of its principles, we would earnestly recommend to our brethren the Cason or 2111111101 AND Gateau Rots, as now conducted by Crampon &Clarke, as a valuable medium for the exposition of die designs of Odd-Fellowship, and at worthy the cordial support of the Order. Thomas Wildey, P.O. Eire. John A. Kennedy; P. G. Sus. P O kl fun. L Ridgely, of Idd., R W.O S. P M Rev. F. AI P Wells, of ?due RW 13 Ch. PCI John R John.. of Eh, WG. Mar PII Peter FritaP o ' lll W Stokes, PG WM AI. tan P G Wm A WellA,Grand Representatives of Pa. Wm Curtis, li See ofo L of Penn. Smith Saunter, P G Mai G L of U S. P r. 7 M John W Andersen,P G Solomon Hobe; Grand Representatives of °corps. P G M Henry le Webster, Grand Rep of WI. PG PP Thcobald, Pfi kl .)11 R South, tined Rep. of Mane.. P G el EC Babinson, P 0 Rep of %Wig& F U .111 Frost, ix, Grand He_ p of elan. F G Geo U Drama, P U IR John Fairfax Smith Grand Representatives of Delawate. • - P G Newnan! Road, P Wood, Grand Brp mentadras of Now Jane,. PG Talc ou 1/0., ir, P (1M Jahn 11 Manley, Grand Representatives of N Carolina. P (1 Jose litlaby, P O M - 11 0 Shaw, Grand Repro• acotaUrea of Alabama: ' P U M W W btoons,P.o 31John rrowers, Grand Itapmsentatives of DistMetofOolmobia. I 0 P Stephen [frown, amid Rep of N Hemp. PU II Mutat, Andrews, PU James Strawbridge Grand Haprexotatires of Loulaiazia, PU UNDorope Bap GUI Al isaisalNC L U baba Forbes, PO Wm lt hloffou, Greed Rep mserilsthea at Missouri. p U U Geo W PO Elijah Morton, - PG ' Peseock, Rep. 0 Lodge or Yawn/tee. I' G fled S Garvin, Grand km dtark. P 0 John W Bum, PG BP Zimmerman, Grand Representatives of Marsland. Simeon /3 Pon, Orand blaster o . f.N Y. ' Ybaddansands, D G laster Benjamin J. R resq.; G Se b cretary Of N Y. I John .1 Darla P U James W Hale, PG WW Bibb lee, Grand Representatives of N Y. (leo II Andrews, P U Master of N Y. YWWWWWIO are authorised to remit m • • el torth fisher., and all money marled la piermnee • r the Post • maw r,.and duly forwarded by bba, Uat • r rue. In Mt ease* Where postage: oo pabseri•tion is net paid. it will be deducted from the onto. credited to thine who send it. CRA address MPTON ECL • KR, febt-dSA - wIApPM or No. St Apo , • w York. ---- , Cr ARBUTHNOT , 1[45 J°.'• .anted from the Eastern • um sad l• reectving a large 'anew daemon le Goods, r: aesnemfalry Invites the itheati• • of march ' lets and pedlars. No 84 WobJ fabll MIIIINTENG PAPER—A fall supply all the W- A lomat aisea on hand andmade to or • . BYNOLD* &MO 7 ! ' . I MISCELLANEOUS. Sonora and Antique Furniture. 86111 MS W. WOOD WELL, 1311,Taxon 9n., Pr.-maraca" •'IIIM Respetally . lofo;ms the Z public, that he has cam. pined his epring stoc of FOINNITIME. the largest and most vule k d assortment eta .efaind the sale in this city, comprising several mans& Bossmoon, Man..., and BLACK IVALITIST, ruined, ornamental and plain, ladled° for Pastors. Drawled a nd 1kdb.112.1., all of which will bo .Id the lowest prices. Persons desiring Furniture of arty description, ons• gpeetiltllylovitad to call eadexamine Ilig h e nnaih embrace. every deocription, from the and platoost Co the mod elegant sod costly, of which the following comprises a pare Tete a tote Sofas; Tete a Tete Divarec Conservation Chant Elirobetbion Coons: Doception do hula XIV do Entenaloo do Boat Mo.; What Nots; Toilet Tellies; Louis XIV Commodore; Du Ilke of York's Conch; 5D Sofas with Plo. and air-eleth covers; 60 Divans, de do do; 40 do n Mahoganyl Parlor Chairs; 10 " Rose Wood do do; • It Bilk Watuat de do; 40 " Cans Sent, do; 1 " Mahngany'Rocklog do; 9 " do 'Piano Sttipis; 60 Marble Top Centre Toblet 10 do do Wu!, Standsr DJ Mahogany Bedsteads; 52 do Wardrobes; 18 link Welnut do; 8 Cherry do. • A very large asionntent of Common Chairs and oth er Furniture too tattoos to mention. Agßosom Boats funds/led on the shone.( notice. dors promptly attended tr. P.D.-Cabinet Makers can bdsapplied with all sorts of Mahogany, Walnut, and VCOCCTII, s considerably reduced prices. • febln JVCOILD CO. . 4 Xing) felb F••hIon•Inle ' Corn. of Wood and Fifth Straits. PARTICULAR attention paid to ...Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely open getting their Dams sod Caps from our establishment of the scar moonlit. sod sitialx.nortr, of the csrrier mhos, and at the LOWICR et/C1:14 Canary. Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, ars Oled to call and examine our Stock' as we can s ivenay with confidence that as regards neu.rre and ritica, it will not seer la a comparison with any honardn Philadelphia. febl7 TOAMIRTZELS TORN D. IIVCREARY, Printing Ink Manufacturer tf Nos. 3:31 and kla Stanton street. NEW YORK—De pot No:3 Spruce street—Would call the attenuon o Printers In his Improved Printing Inks of veriou kinds and orders, at gbe foliate:ism prices: Extra fine met Black; far Card and Wood • Cob • - 152 00 end 300 per lb. Fine Book ink • • 0 75 " 1 00 •• Boos ilk 040 " 050 " News Ink 0 018 0 " 0:5 Fine Red Ink- 7Se 100 1 IA " 900 Bine, Yellow, Green and While 75e 1 CO 1 50 Gold rite at SC per lb, end Bronze et 50, 75 etc and SI per oz. A specimen °Mew* ilnk can be r eeen on this paper. For sale by JOHNSTON ae STOCKTON, Pittsbarkh, Pa. C. Morgan & Co. Ginelimail, Ohio. Morton k.Griswould, oetlinlelm .RMW COACH •ACTO&Y, Ma A. WHITE & CO., Weald respectfully mform the pablie that they have erected a "lam on Lar.oek, between Federal erdSendeaky atreeto. They are now maakki(tng and are prepared to receive orders for gem desenptMe of 'eruct's, Coaches, Chariot's, Ito roaehes, Reggie., Photons, fee, ate, which from their long experience in the manufacture of the above work, and the facillues they hive, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with these wanting articles In their line. Paying penman attention to the mlectton of mate. riots, and having none. bat competent workmen, they knee no hesitation in warrsoungt their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. N. D. Repairing done In the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms. Jox.'Ottf ACHINIST AND MANUFACTURER—Lathes, M Tobacco, Uoasi and huge gentles of ail kinds; Dress Castings and Urges Works generally. Cornet of Perry and Pint streets. THE subscriber, baring purchased the Factory o James Pares:en, Jr., locum' at the above stand would respeetrally inform his trends and the public that he is prepared to fill any orders in Ida Lake t on the most reasonable terms and with dispatch, end will Mel grateful fur their patronge TIIOIIAS PARKINSON. Ptitsburgh,lasul, HAVING disposed of my establiehment Ui Mr. Thomas Parkinson, I take the liberty to solicit for him the patronege of to friends and the public, feeling confident that any fimora ennterred will be dilly appreciated and promptly attended to. JA.IIE3 PATPENZON, Jr. Pittsburgh. Jan, I, ISSO.---Gan743m - PIT TIIIIVROB PEIMAIsIi6 INIT/TUTX MBE &mad Belgian of the Inaillation. mder the ease of , 111 r. and Mn. Gomm+, for the present academie year, will COMlLUettell on this day, Monday, February UM, in the wane buildings No. 32 Liberty Street • Artangementa have been made by which Ahoy will maw., to famish 'Bang ladies JmGilitln miuM re 0.7 intim Wen, forebtaming a thorough Engliab, eland eat, and Ornamental education. A fall course of Plan Moisideal and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during the winter, illuatnned by apparent. The dos partment• of Vocal and Inatrumental Music, Modem Languages, Brewing and Painting, will each be ender the ears Ofa competent Profeasor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu pils, the Principah holm to merit a continuation of the -hberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, see eireular or apply to the Principal. feble.dti O. Ok Market street, are daily receiving nets and desirable Goods from Inc leading .msnufamories this country, and or the latest Importations. The facilities which they enjoy, In be ng toonemed 'nth a house in the east, enables them to purchase goods at the lowest situation, and keep their stock full sad de sirable at all taimas. 'They have a fine assortment of House Keeping Goods, to which they solicit the coyly stiention of their friends and the puhfie. met Se/tete , imperial Ocong!t Syrup. Tills roues be • preparation of mach uterst,when so snauy Cl our own cinema willaigly and yahoos] , nvvanity to its curative propeities. aged sad higuly respected citizen, after using it, expressed his opium of this very papaleir cough remedy byxaYing, "it Is swarth its welght in gold." An edam . r( one of our daily papers states in a note--y alway a kaeppt i • my heave, anal would not, on any account, be ontat•ut it" An old entoisry man says—.l om satisfied, atter a trial of three or four yenta. thee it as the best cough Medicinal base seer toed, either in the Old or Ncre Wm Id." If you hare • rough, get a bottle ...I try IX it costs but cents. mot • Bittepeatt one. Pat Pat ent nada 32 , s C m a . .9 . l: , : ct m u i m il ,. . , he v pl a ty arnve, direr, from the New Orirony per thins foals, Lloadmia, Jessica, and Austrat, which wall Le sok!, ou arrival, en the laersi market pricy, by M MI tcIIELTILIM, feleM lid M. A . ,' at _ • ([j - will also resolve lamp supplies Ounng pnng vla radhilelphla and Balms,. ENGRAVING o thefDeath U Scene, t lif REV JOHN WESLEV, rintilisbcd by seripdo , engraved by Wm. Overand 'Geller, of London, from the original palming by tilluatiall Glop wq haaMat bean received, and is now for gale by . . , feb2l Apollo Bailit ß inma FourthHOPKINS• • i-J A . Rt a l-84 ..,E1 b p tzg:, ,,, , , 1 4 .n 1 :d.,,,01, to arravesss 5556 ISA MIT DICXFIV h CO . . p art LUG W 0011-3 Y cal fata:yco. 8W.6-30 emirs puma bacon Moulders, received m compment, and for sale by h WATERMAN, 4 - 1111 217 barrels Molasses, for sale by feb2.s WM DatIALKIi & CO. 1.017 ER brls Obio Clover coed, for sale C feb2s WM BAGALLW it CO B UTTER-;10 -barrelillitillostrithr sole by WM 11/WALK:I' a Co. L- tr )ol. bblsgrelA A4i LITTLEr& rifiDFlßleilust mold wet Torlife by febid WICK k IdeIIANDLESS VELVLT CORGIS—EIi pieces, of venous styles and qualities, left reed by febri SHAW K lAITT it: WHITE Kim Style! Oarpata. TUST received, 'same heudeorne tiew style Volvo tp Pile and Tapestry Carpet., direct ream Ecd , ccd and will be sold as low al the same enalliy eon b perehesedin the Alluttie Citleu hIeCLINTOCI3, CatO33 73 Fourth PitisharEL. WADDINts—In bales gl zed, superior; I 0 do e• • ..on; do w he. • The undoraigned haying • en appointed •gents, by the mannfseturers, intend coping a large savoy of their Wadding emmtantly o. hands, end be pre. pored to fill orders to arty 'extent. Deafen are par. tiealmly Invited to examineiitur qualities and prices of the &bon supply, I,4lEllllmi Mink will compare favorably with those of any otber market. WICK trlA.PitrLbS, fetal Corner of W and Water streets. S UNlnrabs-4 rell;ealrs; l•rnt e. . r 30 eau [Vann I d on m White , Flanisel; W d Dago; , - 10 " Zinn Wkshboardr; for sale by UMW D WILLIAMS DOTASU-15 casks an 6ar9l for 110 VD fob2i ALERATUtI-13 Adialle, far We by libt3 . J & R P..OYD BUTTER—HiIaas prime Sassily, far sale by SAT.)- J fr. It FLOYD CIANSH-SEED—IS bbls misuse; mild ler sale by feb7l J A HUTCHISON h. CO MACKEREL—It/141..1P No t Idea _I A lIIITCHNON A 00 BACON :- 2 sa c h e ts &de Ha.: r.% • l do &boulders', a very superior arliede for alle!ry &bar WALLINGFORO & CO. LZit - 15-4 S kepi No 1, prkrne;' re.e,Xl for sale by 6143 ARMS MON & CROZEK riCtiVERTERP — bbis ow re •ud torrue oy V kW! ARMSTRONG & CROTER nuoc CURB-90011be nsoNk•nd o r Wet by felb2S ARNI B TRON4I kCRUZE,It • 4.3NZATILI--4U do: Patent &vile AiscaUxr, tor . de JAS A 11111VIIISON ke:0" bbl. In inon , sfl for rile by (n 614 ARM RONG CROZER MATCH&S--30 posy Ibr so. by febin JOHN D MOROAN 1 ',„,,,; .. '.. A . 7 '3 ' •-• ICH& ' LT MORGAN 003LS—.Z dos Corn, la stare and for sale or jp febt2 • A CULBERTSON!' Crate bis emus, . - .73 I English rin..4.fos r sale q JD W , 10 Wood st . , _ . MISCELLANEOUS 1850 i" sentara DRIe, 600051 --- - TlMare now tereivlng our reenter ruppllr. of Do. In V, mate and Foteign DRY GOOD:S, whieh we are prepared to .11-at the lowest mulct prices to mob buyer, and prompt business melt. We would ”k the allenuon of City and Wert... Merchants to 0111 - 1/Irek, believing we cart *tree, many inducements to perch.e from us. ftIIACHLETT t W Ifirre ,delobberm, PP Wood at fIASSIMERES--5 eases Fermi C......,,•,1u5t re. enieed from mentifuturero, orrconsignmeM, mfd for sale by LI LEE, Liberty Meet, febli opposite laya, rij‘vviti•lft — iF,e l 7". - tea. r 1. mined, unt:ee'ij on <onus nitle7M, for inle by g feb It LEE, Liberty et Ktr Graß Drab E f , at i ollo . Lit Tri- beautiful style of HATS is now received, and will he introduced on Sat urday, (dent by IdeCORD & CO. fetal Corner sth & Wood at: BENNETT G. arLOTHER, QUEr.fitl d.HE AN II VA CTITRERS, 13!rnaltagbana, (near Pittsburghyl Pa. Offlee, No. 37 'Water et,' tam ,» Market; and nWd, Psii.sdurgh.. iFfWILL constantly keep on hand A goat aswrt ment of Stan; el' cot own manufacture. ..no superiorgnaluy. Wholesale and country Mer chants are respeetfally invited to call and ex asnitui (or themselves. as we are determined to sell cheaper than h 9 ever before !nen offered to b tha pu lic. -, ijavOniers sent by be by the e ash or end reference, will be promptly/wended to. mr6 Notice to Shipper. Steam Boat Owners, and other s. C . APTAIN so.rilur:t. 11. SMITHERS, jutting been eppointed Inspector of Swam Donteitir tha nuier signea Irtsurance Crumpet:llra In Ole oily, n clusrifica tion or Boats will he made, mid tutee of premium charged aecordingly. All shipments under epos subsegueni toihie date, will be subjected to such rates and regulation. as may lie adopted under such inspecuon.. Eveiylntonnation will he given at the te rpectiso offices. J. FINNEY, Jr., Saereurf Western Inartrance Company. P. A. MADEIRA, Aged Del. M. S Iva Co. Philadelphia. WDI P. JONES, Agent In.. Co. of North AMefiCo, A W. MARIO?, Secretary Citizen,' Ins. Co. Pntsburgh. Dwelt be, I:Jl—lmre Glaerge HAVING after:dated artill hira:AVAI.- A. C.ALD. %YELL, and JOHN CALDWrLI.,, Jr_ the ship Chandlery, Dolt Store, and Queeherintre Bounces will be conducted at did. 33 Water etreoh ander the :vie of - - - mrthim MASSEY lc CALDWELL F. Brldei - bstrirlitaehl dlessettaotory. rIMIE. subscriber informs b. friends and the pubtic. J. that et his extensive establishment, leaptete of employing from two to three handrail workmen, end where he 'always keeps a large number of the ba n Machinists crtgratend he is prepared to etecult, in the hest manner, end with great despatch. all orders for MIt.L WORK and COTTON and WOOLEN DIA CHINERY,:of every defetioderi. For the workman ship end style of but Marianne, he-would refer to the numerous manufaciurers in the Western and Spathe, States, as well asthe Middle Stales, who are now up. erasing them. He has recently made groat' improve. meats, both in the style and plans of E l. Machinery, •htch will be furnished at reasonable prices by ap plying to ALFRED JENKS, mrn.nms ! Bodeshore, Pa. Stearn Saw .11111 for Rent. MSS subscriber of ode to rent a Steam Saw Mil, in eemplete running order, gamete on the Bank of the Allegheny icier, within one mile of Tarentum. The Engine and other llztorco are 1111 in goal eider, and capable of doing n large badness. The Coal Is convenient to the Mill, and there is a comfortable Ihecltiag llotac attlithed to the premises, which is sufficieutly commodious for the nee of the For farther partieulaza enquire of the rebeerthe on the premiere, or to Peter Fetereen. Who earth. found at the 'Warehouse - of John AreFaden Co&, Ca oat B.4llPitabtirElL • LEWIS PETERSON. tun:S.lm Emffilsh Tooth Brushes. PERSONS to waned • good Taunt Brush ; are in ted to examine them brushes The. taunter a . . . warranted not to come oat, and for service, one of them Is worth • half dozen of thoto ever:.) use. Manaramared (Cr, atalthrCAie• altotesath and retail, MMAMMt ICIONOUILAPITIC ENCYCLOP2EDIA OP SCIENCE; LITERATURE, sk ART; SVSTEMATICALLY arranged by G. DECK, sank fora hundred querns steel plate., by the molt cra tinguishrd artists odGernnany.• The Too Daimler.' and edited by. SPENCER P. BAIRD, A. M., DI. D., Professnr or Natural &knees in Dickinson College, Cseirle. ihs. The Iconographic Encyclnytalin sad' be published punt, each et:intention 21 plates and hO pages or Meer plots, issued ton convenient tort olio, in which subseribora can keep their coll.. in perfec t un til completed, when they can be hound. Om penis published eye tyrnouth, at the very low price of 81,00, .. bleb will enable all lovers of instruc tion in the most beautifttl arid practical form, howev er county their meant, to become subscribers to the work. B:them-lotions liken for the whole; work only. From the &MUNI POO. . . The work should not be coupled for n moment with try or the trashy or popularly soirntike publications t the day. From the Now York 7.4ibanc. The exceeding treaty of the itaten recommend them to the 'attention of the lore,' of err From the Literary World. A well excetued solid work, of substantial value. Tnc introdnetion of this 'fork into general circulation among our onion) nod other libraries, PultOu nod pri vate, cannot fail to be productive of iintustage . Fruit the Washienton (D. C.) Union. We elmnor too highly recommend the work. The engravings ire itithe highest stlye of an. No !work Ilea ever before 'been published in this country en splendidly illustrated, end the printed matter is o f an equally lash order It is just tie work for families: SIX NOS. of thialuraluabLeKocycloredin are now published end reedy for subsetibeay. JAMIad D. LOCKWOOD. Olt lUDS Or TUX ZISSIDI, VIT Scrofula or Kim% hill, Ithesimansiu, Obininete Cutiv moos nuphorts, Pimples or Pustules 011 the Face,' Blotches, Chronic Sore Eyes, Rio. Werth or Tetter, Stilt! Head, Enlargement and Fran of the Dunes and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, hinthilffe Symptons, Sciatica or Lumbago.—nod disease. soloing from en inindieions am of Mercury, An. Uses or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life; Alen—Chrorde Coeetitatieeni Disorder., In this preparation are strongly concentrated all the Medicinal properties of Renspenll., combined with the moot effectual aids, the most salutary p seduction e, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and it has been so folly tested,. not only by patients them. selves, but dim by physicians, that it has received their unqualified recommendations nod the approba. aon of the public; and has estallished, on Ito own merits, a. reputation (or vstos and Itillearr far supe rior to the various compoundrbeorieg the name of Sarsaparilla. Diseases have been cured, melte, are not furnished in the records of time out; and what it has already done , for th e thousands wire have used It, it is capable of doing for the millions still suffering and struggling with dimme. It purifies, cleanses, and strengthens the fountain springs of life, and Infused now vigor throathout the whole anima and ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. The following farthing, and—es will he sera—pet , lament curt of ea inveterate ewe et Serofala, rem. mends Itself to ail similarly afflicted: Sourarrorra,Cona, Jan. 1, 1(49. Messrs. Sandra Gentlemen, Sympathy for the eke. ed indeces me to inform you of the remarkable can effected by your Sarsaparilla, In the case of my wife. She waa severely afflicted with the Scrofula on differ. ent parts of the body; the glands of the neck were greatly enlargeffemd her limbs much swollen.. Afier =denim over • year, and finding lie relief from the remedies med, the disease mocked one leg, and be -lm, the knee rapper-Med. Her physician advised, It should be brad open, which was done, hat without any 'permanent benefit In this sithation we heard of, and were Induced to use, Sands , Sarsaparilla. The Eel bottle pro:laced a decided and favorable ellfest, reliegt ing her mare Was any prescription she had ever oaken and before she used rag bottles—to the astonishment and delight of her friends—she found her health quite thawed. It it now over a year Mace the snare wan ef.• {rated, and her health moraine good, stowing that the Gomm wee thoroughly err.dleated from the Metem. Our nelsthbont ate ail knowragto these facts, acAthing very highly of Sands' trarraparitbs. Yvan with respect, JULIUS PIKE. Esaut from a letter received from Dlr. Y. W. liar. sis, • gentleman well known in Louisiana co., Va.: "Gentlemen, I have eurad a negro bey of mine with your Sanaportlll4 who Wall .stacked with Serer.* amp f a scrofulous Too., Irat47, ' N. W. HARRIS. ‘Frederick. !MIL Vet, July 17.1840." Sum' SeIIieSAILILLA,--It seem. almost ea +mates. ry direct antenna to an article so well known, end m deservedly popular, ell We preparation, but p teems once Idle wish IA We the extract of-Sareapanlia, are indueed to try vearthlus commuted, Mamas; the name, bat eontairantlitile or none at - the virtue of raw valr able rm.; m we think we cannot emfece ereram benelt ea oar readers than In directing their euenuoa to the adveruseme , t of the Mew, Sands, in mother vihusn. The bottle has recently been enlarged Is held a van., and those who wishare...ryes:el article wiII find concentrated In this all ilia match., varee of the Mot, The experience of uffrasends has proved its efficeey In curing the voruhaeaGeows for which it is mcontatended; and at the piesent time wore than my other; perhaps, Is this mnlteint useful, Iti prepa• flag the system for kraimor. of ecouOzt.— (b one Joan itai,Sept. Prepared and .ale, wholesale - and releal. by A. B. ye 0. SAfiS, Druggist raid eara, len Fulton stret, 'tone of Willlent, New Turk. 3014 elm by Dre, Riau getterugy throughout the tinned Stoma and Can. poeaktper.imixtil,;:xamrhoulm for Si. I TI For sale b Ly DWATI w It 0, and D FENLR UICH, Pittsb,D.A.FAIINEVIurgh. CR Al. by Dr. ffailfflTH, Widows., IdelliehmtkraT lbs Extra COMO, tor gale V by ' VOA/ J D WILLIAMS VOL. NO. mandTATION. . Itarchasata s Tr i aaportauoa Lim*. :•' • . For the Trenepertation of • Kasouarrozs atm lIIODMOr SION. MICITION TO iOntl Loam!. AND eelatstals__ . paVNSYLVANIA . CANAL & RAM RO Witholit re-Shipping. TIMF,-10 Days: Altos' of Prd t always as 41 as soy other responsible Lim.' C IROANUL Ty & Co, Proprietor'''. . • Carat Ranh Penns; Pittsbars&l Aourrs-ROSE MORRILL' & Co, lia&lmote. - - • iIIIARLF-9 RAYNOR, Phlladalphia," .REXRCEIANTHI WAY ~F .CEIGHT LIN* Idsclosivelf f or the accommodation atlas NAY FREIGHT BUSINESS Metareett Patatatrgb,+•lllnlraillte, - Johnsums. 118116 . - Oayatopraltoand ,a/1 Intern:lndiaa nlanns. - Shippers by this Lino cm always depend , =, , ing their goods promptly - formatted mad Ina at,y paint on Oa Canal or - Rail Roai, ifair run ht, frug ',,it ht. , NOUN MILLER, Proprietor, CANANOchnstown, • JOHN MlLLElVlaßidapabsig, A M'ANULT CO YAW'. ROMANCE POBTABLZ BOAT LEM fssa, 1011 SIR tIAMPOIMATION . 01 VIISCIILIIDIU agramdt PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. %WE: PROPRIETORS.of rids old es:Wl:stied ,arkt!, - 1. /MT Portable raat. Line, oft now folly prepared. to receive goods for shipment en opening{ of Canal.,—, Having ranch luereared their facilittes, their room el.:f2 storage Is 'moo:tend templet,. No iranshipment takes place on this Liam the goods !singlet into section rinruible boats, WO rat distorts:lL untAarriiallti their desunationr—Wm avoiding haoCI, ling at the Wee pinata of Johnstown, Hellidaysborgo ' and Columbia. No charge made for receiving or forwarding, or voineing charges. _MI good. forwardedpnnaptry, Sal :4 upon fair terms,. by any etl or Line. Our neighbor lines diger as to their rasponsiblllti. %Pc hear, for the last JO years, been "tee Ralianeer , Line,. ant have never forfeited our title and we thInIC. am have este.' tbo privilega 'Ol NOW minx to the VralONT.sli of " v ies R 411.0321131. JOBN Ale KADEN & CO, Canal Basin, Pittsbargd — .. JAMES TI DAVISk CO, No 27 Market st, Philatielphlas ILELIANCE FIVE DAY LINES • Pm costarksirea or antscustrotes ako I Warn MrSILD AND T, ...011•173 • — PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. GOODS forwarded by this Line are carried in at '• • mail train to Chambersh area, and are immediate; ly loaded in %Yagoda goini night and day throagh Pinsbargh. e ' insures 'a e ' rd of .1"V.V.7,71d."-,4lVA: t ilt , ' promised. • he Wagons will leave' our warehouse daily (Eta. • days excepted.) at. U o'clock, P. M. • chippers are assured that no more goods will be • taken each day thhn can be. punctual'', =Tied - through.; . .. • ••- • - JAWS M peons k. co, /Vlnrket street, railadeltdat, JOON IiPPADEN & CO: • Canal Ruin, rittitnagt. JOHN MerAPF.ti ,k CO., FORWARDS.. 2(.. COMM. mos hnatarrn, Canal Basin, Peep meet, Pit:o6o6 JA!NES. M. DAVIS & CO, Enora rACTONIAND hlnamtams, 227 Market, and 64 Commerce et, Philadelphia. IG - Advanre, movie by elthez of the abovn, on FiooX. Wool, and other met chendiu, consigned to them lie sole. Jan 4 UNION LINK. WINTER MIRANGE3fENT 1850, EE rubwriberc,noor havlng in successful °Ora non nan Express Wagon Ltne between Pitthburgh and Philudelphla ere prepared to receipt for GU O freight doily &tab vr.cY deliverable through in_.sig dogs, Sundays excepted. _HENRY 'GRAFF & CO hthurth Uaain. Pirtabargh. DITrILLE HUMPHREYS & ithildrra'lU7 Market .4 MA. . • WINTILIL ARILS a .15511011 T. easy,. 1850. EXPRESS WAGON LINE • TitHOUGE FIVE DAYS m subscribers, bating . suspended their canal 1t emions tho opening of the SeneK eon, have established an Krpress Lino by Railroad and. Wagon between Philadelphia end Pittsburgh., w Web they are prepared to forward Want pounds day, and receipt for the delivery of the same in 5 dayle--: Tiler beg leave to assure their friends and the peb. IC that their .I.I2BI.I4CMCfaI regarding rates, regularity and despatch, canton fail to give vatisfeenue to &lark* Aver therewith their commands. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, corner Penn and Wayne eta, Pittebarr,h. - THOMAS BERRIDGE', 278 nut. weed, Pbßadelpina. GEE, WO! GEE, WO' WIRMILB. AIIIIAISGERIENT. MilaClBso.fatft. BING lin 7:OSIitg " NVAMN LINE Plitabargh and Philadelphia. A 8 the benne. on tho is about being eland ta. for the e.t.a., we would inform the publle that we hobo atypic brought the Conestoga Wagons into re. and wOl be prepared en forward COW pound. wily, (comment:mg on Atonday, the 20W inst.) A Car 16avingrhdadeiphindnily by We all teals for Chant. Limburg; and the %Vag°os traveling day and night. e. eie Wo dellvety of Goods in five days. Apply to • WM. BINGHAM, Pmabarga, • J. ' BUVOLUM ADOCK., No. led hlarketilreet, aordi Pialadelphla. • WISTEH ARJULAGEDIEN ig 1,1850- ffigN EXPirdi:SS WAGON LINE • TO . laD iSOY PITTSBURGII AND PaiLADELPifiIL. hum Five //nye, (Sundays excepted,) fanttlf4 Dar anti Night. THE public la respnetfolly informed thin this Lino, which has been ra sacneasful operation the two prtvio. 'Maitre, witl agent commence rovinbiglin /dandify, the 2lith of November. A Car will leave Philadelphia nod Chambersbargh • daily each way with the Mail Train, and front Chant beret:saga with relays of bonsai musing day add We. non prepared to torwerd WOO . /be freight daily by_ wgb the above Line. Apply to - - - • 2KLEECIIir. CO, nimbi:ugh, - or to—HARRIS LEECH', No a Souta Third aumt, Philadelphia. . totwoNdif 11.42LLIZJG Orr tT REDUCED PRICESZ A LE-Wil./Eki. a DAV, corner - or the Diamond and ja..3tem:m. smeet, am Inv, ce:lm^ o 3; at redhead Weir stock of Winter Co ve, consisting of. Shawls and Ladies' Dross Goods, to great variety. .1 I so—Blm kets and flannels, podia, Cassimes, Satin- - u, and a lull assortment of heavy Cotton Goods. ." Confident that beater bargantsnnot be bad claw, ^: whets, we Motu the attention ca dian of buyers. --' ALEXANDER..k. DAY, i.. 1•2 • . 73 Market street. 2110.11 X. DY.W. GOODS 60. • PIECES be.tiful styles 1.4 French Ptlu4 3 eaten Nous de good styles; Alec—bleurnuts °ands, laced ., French Watubitt Ceres, cud Cucs, Dress SSes,-31autillen, Alert antlent' Gloves ' Pine 'French and Scotch Ging 7 tams, all of which have been etneeted watt great care, wad 3vtli be fouud az tow prices at A A. MASON & CO , B, febsl 60 .blarket et (;!MitTalld Ehontime LULLS OF EXCHANGE, pey. able in Cineinnau,LaniAville and St. Lout,, per- CIIRK4 Olt the MUM Invertible term. epte N. 110LIU_ES:6 SONS. TABLE DIAPJaRS. Ti? R. MURPHY keeps casually on hand an as; Y • • orlukant of Bleached Lama Table Diaper.' of sideleat wcdchn and qualities. Also—Table Clothe and Napkins, Toweiong Duvets and Towels, end a luu.e.sunatc,t of bolw . fgr:udanx goals. rebid 1 (or gale by 1"8. 6 ()edge & Hro.h brand, RII.V, mArrimws & co FLOUR -it SS!, IDri ffioMl MOULD CANDLES-91 tie fer We by JAbLF,S . DALZELL. 1r 'MINER'S IL S O-25 brie are received and for We febd7 JAMES 15ALZELL t ACKEItiI.I.-14 of obis No 1; SO do Nos; ' . 0303 S to do PIO Ato store, for sole by.- 1 J &MLR DALZELIs .. ' UP. CARD . SODA 44 'kegs far bolo by nab - : J bOHOUNMAKER tCo } S C L u e) u V 6 R BEED-4b.°ltztutaux..co • 'PANNE/OP OIL-10 bb& lot ty 1 are OCIIOOIO/ KM &CO TOWNSEND'S SA RSAPI;R/LIA-24 dos fot sale A. by Lrar3J seffUONAitiElitt. CO rAMES SONS' PATENT SODA u ASH -4:] .4a rri stns per •tcatoer AVIZZOIOit. *ad Sr salc , el.l I.l4ol._”s . e.t . trMiZa rREE, mt 9 Ire Libenv st easki a.a , d; co day reed and for we by -1) mg. _ SVALINGEwiI) tr,7CO.Wworst EIiARS-400MA As, reed par Messenger N 0.4 0 fin;;..le by rn WALLINGFORD k CO ---- ARD ult.—A konresnt sopplfr for rate b y L 19.9 L EAU-4470 pigs Galen', for solo by MATTHEWS & CO, mr) 27 21111'28 Water ot Olell-11 bble Nn I Mnckereb ! •r E4,No - Col" d do. No cnr. lu be bbis 3 _do; IU bbts o,bbed Herring: Oa tale by &‘,9 JUICY, biATTIIEWB & CO FttlE ll u—.so do: 1.3.1 Coal blect tiny Folks, - W dos oo 3tstarre Forks; Ao dos do • 3 Tined Forks; fetr27 L S WA I Kamm. 4 LORNY 01,-4 . 4 1 - . l oorce'o, and. for 0010 0 • lOW . _ • • : DALZL.EL Likb— tiuS brat 116651 CUL Meet t.le by .16P feint 46 .6 8 WATER6L , LN. B rAl f6 .-7 E IS MAz3/t4 fur . -• .• : ' R ILL 1,0X CG — ... 0 i 4 ecr , ..t.Pi ' 4'4- .E IiELLERS. • ALISTEF Uliv E- E a"LEStazi tai
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers