The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 23, 1850, Image 2

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P i TTeinusau•
6 s a n
are' ulunry reqacrued to taxa la
Solr tarrhi before sr. ma dar early India Oyu
• • SIP-0: W. Jamix, No. liPrviooo sumo
welrollatl2,oll7 (0? at, city. Attvertuospen
WWI ool3ertiptiotax blinded to him w.O. receive ptatop
Adv a t • and subscp• Ti eutNcoamh
e M z
&asat Unha4Sae diver
Ipl, n Philaaka
foreixdod fnma,thls OffiCe.
The/ICC. Albert J. White, late Senator La Can
, Via .It . c6 Indians, and at present President of
1241 JafayWa and Indianapolis Rail Road COO:1-
MM 1114 al the request of a Lugo number at pars
- ma r addrisithacinzatts of Pittsburgh, this even
at 7 o'clock, cilia roma of tha Board of rude,
• upsh the of subject ofßail Road ananarians iota
the • Wog, andtkeir imp/sena to Pinstaargh.
Boone—Wes call the attention of our citizen. to
the Oda, of si cretin to night, at the Rooms of
the Bauder Trade, where the Bea Mr. White,
will eddiess them open the rail road subject.
The latereet which Plush:ugh hoe, In bringing,
- - :thstagi these now. favorite avenue*, the trade
tend travel orate Gino Wean to her doors, renders
say information in.relation to rail road commtini
onion, deeply Interesting to no. Mr. White In
toltyinkomod upon the subject on which be in
' londii to speak, and we have no doubt
pannucti Laportout 'and useful inforniatloo, and
thepoia' t out the advantages which areliltely to
ennui to the whole West, nom our conteMplat.
ed, rail road improvement. We hope them will
Do a fall attendance to bear hint.
- -The mother and auger of John C. Vaughan, Eaq.,
editor antis Cleveland True Democrat, were on
Gap m Mad steamer, St. John, which wee lately
dostsoyed by nrc, near Montgomery, in Alabama.
Both potished ! God support our deeply stricken
' We shall not now MO, into an argument with
the Dispatch, in relation to moral rights and. Milt.
(Mime. It is a vast subject, requiring more time,
thought, and investigation than an editor ore daily
paper has time to bestow upon it. The - article of
the Dispttch contains some things whish are true.
- and others which are false, and is entirely too flip.
Ipant fax so grave a subjeet.l attributes senti.
meals to us which we did not utter, and - Ales off
Seat the main question at issue, to others wholly
irrelevant. What we averred WIN that a man
who takes an oath to rapport the eqnstitrition, has
'SO tight to make . any mental reservation, or to
disobey ith injunctions, from a regard to conscien
tious scruples. If he cannot, =Moen& with his
Mews, keep ids oath, he ought not to take it. It
Is the bunions of a Senator to legislate ender the
Coisiltution, and In accordance with what he sin.
earedy.belleves to be its provisions. Ho has no
fight to set it aside, or neglect or evade its regal.
&frog in obedience to my opinions of his item
If ha does so, he Is false to his inah„fahrittork his
comUments, and false to the people of theßlitited
States, who ordained the ConstitntiOn. Mlle who
only have the right to amend. it. ll'he lielicves
the Constitution conflicts with the laws of a Whin
power, let him resign his mat, denounce the Con
stituties, and labor for its repeal.'
Br. Buchanan and Ilavary.
Ia the speech of Mr. Seward, the fanning pas.
MP Onnint:—
tt , I thitar it was Jetistaos who said that the at.
lard ally of alavery:io the South was the Deatoc.
mop of the Math."
...Ma Haas It was Mr. Buchanan who said
M. Xing, of Alabama, some days aderwardo
andettook the defenceof his iriend„ Mr.Buchotan,
wag coiled iipcin fdr,li•Ja to give hi's authority for
Its avannon; !Ala Mt. Buchanan had said tha t
thaiatural ally of Slavery in the South was the
Damocracy of the Nora. Mr. Hale maid he had
am the docrtment by him to sustain the etatewent.
Mit be thought he could astiafy the Senator from
Alabama within a few days. Mr. tog denied
that Mr. Buchanan had ever made use of ouch
language, and he would wait for the proof. Mr.
Davis, of bilattissippi; read the following as being
tat Mr. 81/Ch•21•0 did my, and he thought Mr
Bak would &II to produce any thing more
"Let me suppose tooth,, i.nro els mud, wore
dangerous - cherecear. Io the Soothe:re Sheet
villa compose the Treater pollee of the unloll,
• Vides of property exists Whit, ie now &WW-
I/lg the attention of the whole civilized world.
Them States never would have become parties to
the Union, had not their rights in . this property
beau staared by the Federal cbastioation. Foreign
sad dontestie &amid, some from the belief that
Wyatt doing God's service, and others from •
deldre to divide and destroy s glorious republic,
Lava ~aspired to emancipate the Southern slaves.
Oa this question, the people of the South, beyond
tir Waits of their owl States, stead alone and un
supported• by any power on earth, except that of
the Nastiest Democracy."
This extract is from a spec:chi:made In Febritary ,
11110. We think, however, Mr. Davis Is mistaken
la saying that Mr. Buchanan amid nothing more.
Oa previous OCCAI3IOO, we Mink it wu, he used
the following language, et lout it is atuibtued to
Mu, and basal been denied, to our knowledge
All Christendom is leagued against the South
span this question of Slavery. They have no
osier dlllu to sustain their constitutional rights,
43 the Democracy of the North.
. 1 t my own State,lwe iuscribe upon our pulp
banners hostility to abolition. It is them one of
the cardinal principles of the Democratic party
dad many i hard battle have we fought to amain
Par the Pit Ltb!lrgh Casale.
Maim Entronn—You allude, in your paper of
poterdiy, to • want that lariat and acknowledged
by men of our city—We want oflaa tk.
ill mliskal adequate to the demAd of the large and
frictreeefiqr hardness of Fllttsbifrgh.
ifir Is object simply to ask, if the friends of free
beitilig me solicited with ie aforts that have
boon niado to procure the '' eof a suitable
law it th e present session of L egislature. All
pestles here wept to favor passage of emelt a
liw, mi the. best way to %tuff, the object so much
desired, especially by bedicrats, its perfect safety
to torte holders, and an abolishment of the present
system of monopoly. Cannot something more be
data to Weir this unammityof sentiment to bear .
upon our representatives at Harrisburg? W.
We hardly know in what way the Mews ems
corespondent, can be carried out, except by call
ing a meeting of the claim, and getting an ex.
resales ads imblks feeling la regard to It. We
amealleilled that nineteen twentieths of our citi.
sena ass in Amor of establishing ads new system
40 'Tres baaiddir,.. but an edam is acmes'', it,
aroma them to more name meanies commas
It. While 'those plates which base adopted thin
mum. hare ate Murat a supendmadauce of
which is goin g a begging at ...r.redlng
ly low rates of interest, we are angering under a I
intraurdkuiry presume incur money market. I
nue Is no good reason far this, as oar com•
enstedal.manut muring. and egritrultural relations,
an equally all prosperous U they are to theme
states. ' 'But thir banking capital of this Bums Is
ettlrelytoo !baited to !apply the growing demands
Sr Wads, and consequently we are salami ma. I
sidatly Onm the went of it. We should like ex.
ededtasti, b see the system introduced herr btu!
gat aw s can change th e character of our Le..
V. are afraid no; bill of the kind can be
• UMW ammigh.
Lcmum Rau Rau) Dzenzona.—Hasay /han
g - tynitie.4' Las Ta11:414 at Albany, N. Y., last meek,
ailndited 81000 damages, of the Albany and Troy
blitatkisa Turnpike Caspany, for an an-ablaut re
soling La the death of her husband, owing to a
heavy embankment of mownt ice, running
mow the rout The gusto in seta her husband
Wit a weenier, was overeat. At the mote Court
Jaws *Mu obtained. verdict Ofgli,ooo against
tie Mohawk and Hanson flail Read Con:any.
*lihiMs# o lhroultffld in collaegiulnoo of the cont.
shin d two' Mans Gloats, in one of which he was
panistpr. His foot Ina cluilod, and he render.
Mx.ilfabsterbtabout to receive a snlidgold chain
ssiosoarisdement of his aervict" Oaths cadre .
the : The chain la of pure siold; of a
seceding Gar hundred dollars, as it cams
tan Mir mina -Its workpaanittip :steels much
the a latCh J Mr. aka
It w relleraon, at u lZ 4ed
irsaetiece. ohm* be called "Mr.-Webster'
d git
tribe clegr.6 - 4 ?aLallizeassell have au
S t a , M o ,4 .4a Jim a, dt a x, at d, Tomli-,
- :bat beta to b y e " In 4
. • .
ThelPasuinsi;Clariaa . latier.
A c 'ftegl 4ll deal asks =to tepubthsti this rioted
efour Greed Co!. MeCsadlew, sad a* it
takes up but auleepsze, we comply, and, it way
be of some use in the approarldng Twit!' metro.
van. Mr. MeCaodleas may also delire to re
fi"bide memory with • most agreeable remelt..
Prnimanzau, Aug. S, 1644.
anetkasso Pour cordal invitation of the 30th
ultimo, to be present with you at your mass, on the third at - September, ClOO to band doe.
bug my absence in the Northwestern commies of
I assuroyes, that I never wrote an apology for
my inability to amend any public assemblage, in
the whale muse of political caner, with more
reluctance than Ido this. Clarion has not only
been Orin and steadfast lo her adheririce to Demo.
math prtnciplm , bat she has keen inflexible in her
love and soppy% of the Tariff—that public men.
into, which, (aside from the Beak quiation) like
the rod of the Prophet, is destined to swallow up
all other topics ofpoliti.oleontroverey. You have
properly sppreciated the importance of theprotsom
tiseprsnapfr, to the sitcoms of the manufacturing
and agricultural Interests of Pennsylvania, and in
the abandonmentof that principle bylir. Clay in
tboCcunpromise Bill, you have the best guaranty
that, ii elected to the Presidency, he will carry
out the principles or that bill, and afford you a
horizontal duty, to enable you to contend with the
pauper labor of Sweden and Roane. In doing so,
he would give you and the Tint( the same sop.
part that tAtivrpidoes the
death, and imithout.benelt of clergy." Sapper!
'him if you oran-for my own part, shall go tor
Poit and Dixon,, who have at heart thitrue
tared, orPennsylvania.
My engagements, gentlemen, in the Supreme
Court, will prevent me from amending your mass
meeting. With the brightest prompez of Demo.
cretin mom, 20,000 majority,
I pareithe honor to be
Truly your.,
Mears. Adam Mooney, Seth Clover, and oth.
en, committee.
Fe, th•Patsburik Gioett.
In my review of the system of trunk lines
running we,t, I have coma to the two prominent
extensions from Indianapolis, one of them running
south of west to Terre Haute, in ■ direct line to
"St. Lou* the other north west to Lafayette, in a
direction to Chicago. These lines are not corn.
petitors with each other, befog 90 miles apart at
their intersection of the Wabash. The Terre
Haute line has the - advantage of approaching that
great depot of the blisaireippl trade, the point
where travellers and business are both di/griffin.
ted, St. Lortiaile the Lafayette line is supe
rior in its approach to the lathy cities of the north
West, and to those fertile seats of materpUse which
have already achieved so much, and whither em
igration for the next gnawer of a century will sat
with a powerful mirrent. Latayette is very near
ly in the seme parallel of latitude with Pittsburgh
and at the head of steam navigation on the Wa
bash. If at Indianapolis we set one leg of a nom-
Imu and draw. the other along tha,Wabaslevid,
ley, from Terre Haute to Peru, a distaneeLoflso
miles, no point of that am or the circle- will vary
ten tulles In the common distance from Indisnap.
oils. The Lafayette line cuts this are in its emu
ire, and ifoositinned due north west, wank] pus
the Illinois river at La Salle, where esnal and
steamboat navigation unite the Mississippi at Rock
Island, and pawing through the capital of lowa,
most meet the Naomi line at Councilßluffa, the
point where Whitney's line of rail road to the Pa
cific crusses the idincuri. Standing at Pitts.
burgh and looking to the great country behind
Chicago, the subject of year COMICS:Wn with that
country ts presented in a moat intereantig point of
view. Nature has proclaimed- that between that
country and yen the bonds of commerce most for.
aver be Intimate and unbroken. On your left the
waters of the Oldo,prcaxeding to their coaluence
ding current of the fdimiaslpppl and the Illinois, •
411.12Zil Cu. your verse ,• on the right yoreanals
conducting panto the .takel, set your vessel. end
your commerce afloat to almost the same distant
market. Thus these two great lines of invigatiot
diverging from Pings:ugh, and separated from each
other byseverel degrees of lathe& at their great
Ott &imam, aim= meet again as the prairies 700
miles to the west. What a vast outlet for your moan
fannies at the [ermine, of these water busts and
along all the inierreniag shores! Between ex:
am= so waited by albeit of navigable water; ev
ery put nation or comactual advantage theme*
that a nil road line should be draws.
Prom Chicago to Philadel,phia, Ma Lafayette,
Indianapolis, and Pittsburgh, the rail toad die-
Lance is 930 miles. From Chicago to New York,
ma Toledo, Closeland, Dunkirk, and the Erie
road, the &mance la 989 miles. The mercauule
oar., tierefara, Gam Lllie Michigan .d th
Upper Missouipplerould be very ept to me m th
Pittsburgh line its. transit roots either going o
coming—and to simo. even portion or Indian
your line would present the shortest route.
it was not my object, however; to dwell on
general conalderationa familiar to the mese-Lions
of your business men ; but ; inns my inguaintance
with the country to call your ■ueution to the
trunk lines running west, and to acts their pro
Recurring to the tine of the Belleiontaine rood
east of Indtheapcdis, I wal remark that, since my
fina, number, I have teamed from an anthenfie
source that' the than has been procured fee the
first 30 miles out. of Indianapolis, the laying to
commence this simmer, and that lamb arrange
ments have recently been made at thelEast es to
enema the. speedy completion of the whole work
to the State line of Ohio.
The line from indinnapolls to Tenn Ilante (7
miles) re nearly one half graded. " r
Thirty three mDeipt.the 61 between liadianapo
is and Lafayage hgve been graded.
. .
We have now reached the Wabssh in mum.
phetic railroad journey wen; (it iiiot all prophets
ey) but, as it' is unfathionable tostop short of the
.Fatter of Waters;" and as my promised finale Is
running hato nuher too veal a length, I beg leave
to cot this number in two and willgive you, to
morrow, °awl* lit earl of Barter." W.
Correspoodenze of tho Pi=blush Guess;
WuittiurraN:March 19, 19.50.
xzw ono 41 zns xozaw—Hose Dzzzazxzwz—zn
YEW Czzazzaux—MW!Hzazzox-4.1.4 Cl 4 [Saran
Hill. crux Cwznara—Pxocialz Szzrzzzorr o
Corzsovzisz—Aanucxx Com, sr Dz. 11.
Cuss—ins IVoizzx Hoz.. mg, Coz./3mos.
TM Holm haring become GM =A cloyed will. th
wrangle and aspen bindres of the dish whirl haa 4xrard
its wile wilestainatant day &An day for thrce ninths past
!au today tan a Data ofbnaineu, by way of variety. The
kill kwlb. npply of di/mimics io appropliatkas Cor the
orrice et Ilinnwrent year, was taken op hi coanniticie of
Wu Whole. M. Uaniptan anew iffite Sad District, mor
al tha additien of as item of ten or Mahe thonnad dollars
in payment for the eerrie= of clothe necessarily employed,
la the department oft= interior, slam it.. ordennathre ma'
der the law of last seseioa blr. Huipton ropported the
mommlnient with =Land argoment• w Weis shoved the in.
=spewed= amenity :of dm' propmed appenpnation. He
shoved from the =disputed irminiony of lb. demur, of
#l. interior hinesel4 that the eight= too elerles appointed
bybir. Ewing had winked night gad day to keep op thin
our= bnaineyrof the demean:at, end that they
mob He =Mimed that um committee had thrown cm
the animas of the Zerreterifier them clerks, but he wit
rum that the Home would not candies the principle of n
fano; ha pay dar mains thit were acknowledged to km
been iodine...OM, sad to hare belos fJWtaUy rendered.
Alm nagly quoted poetry, and Win ad an ieconsiderable
qoasaity .f lb. mat =Riot' skulls pram
dui* mm.
B. the dabs. Ins chitty in ,leg as developing Om
feeterg, of dm Deuvrerals 'loam. the Depertmunt of the
I bd. 4 .r. /b. 1..., of idWIPLII.4 Whom calitn is of the
! very lighteet, tied who, being hiredle sk intillter, and Is
! good food to yonder es eaybody dm, is ehrtirt pot hienwd
cua up to the snack, and dada. Owl be voted far the
hill eueldiehing the Department an Waage* neontaventla*
tin, met that ht vim now ready to rt... bis vote, Louring
dimmer. that ,t ens of . edegm4 use. Seymi other
dwheW thole ' The Committea rose wiWout
deciding t h e viatica Y. may at down all tbu talk
about abolidttag the Home Department, as one "hade ,
and peered." Otbees, tilm tettiotre crested by irrapad•We
lums. look epee a flt odic cattepart ot the o.ol44htes t
ns th imble and iisisosabla s Let some Ashy subject ' ''.
.odd not remanclh..4l/. laitSppoipt rupymede
hie: twin, and Ind would we all this patriotic op
pmatianto she ban departemut wall.. by law, fade
envy Ulm the tweeting deem
88. lido b. beta paying i. tem.. to Mr. Calhoun
this His dissection Ohm hit speak of the gnat
nullif., yrs. my compbeh mat 'eatinketory, but del
not emoclade.' By the way lime bras melon : tepee.
.in cit... op. CiLIMIO'S flate.h. Oil'. the vrhuk I
semi njoaahurne, to the effect, Om it had htett of Feat
service to the came of Oa Uniumos filbovrin th• sal punt
:puma. statism. of. sidleat; 1.14 sghte ' with yo. ,
Hamma that distinguistma mdo c otter, , pumaktes at
row. Ile shads tepee. to the: suspicion end,
his seintritrinds, whits mkt. 8, like Bent., po r tal to
him es batithgverdikedikortemet ditty.. ma mid or theft.
elotoiol egotism to Y.,: Oat tho pomott .
wttl Wild w Qui
.of lOf Plooo
it:4o4od by iho Fiesidiodi Etc Wobitorontil Air. Bell
cata.ii..aut. rhelltut io bro me t pt - .lap., Then'
*ill how pooltioo tqliditioo I* th. establioliont of goy.
onsoottbto Ilohuitortn, *mei it boot Lotproboblo that
na4P". l, adfeigitltitO Moo peseit ardor .1 adep
. . •
limit sill An attempt will flu ma.
toad. Inmadarr dupua with- Tao, by gisg,g, ou t
'her ellintaa territory north of latitude 34 deg, Imiellt
neceed. A bill willa passed Gotha better enforeentadaf
the ronstiatiemal pavilion for lb. restorgins of (mita*
Alasesoad probably So th. pnibibition of the Wm trod. 1.
ttru distriet, and that:will thi catalog es. Thia is Om
programa of artandenneat whicla 1 hoar is circulating
through the clads of matry of the . viva and oat pariatia
in boa limetea—aud it relents features which' etiontiroi it
to tin judgement of th. whole country.
1 Inn begin relined to thalation ceneenting dm re.
join.. by the authorities of the Bp. / .i4 government in
Cube, of 80. Mr. Banal as canal to et. J.go. I have
hard so raptinatioo of that tit*, whith I comae. gun
drobalr,andwhlell deprive. this eat. of all impala.
The Spada durentinnt were named by eamiafm cent.
wad motives. sant enemy offdr. &walk that awes
abelitimustond draped Oaring up an otourreetion among
th• Waves. This dadition. .Ender Mona. had • law uts.
Morale Oren. Bat Bis ...teed that .it has beta refuted,
wad that Ike ..equator will soon be lamed to Mr. Bewail.
The man wk.= Bantoupesserund kw Wailing a wwilt
hone ceder the pram* that it had as. night bY Col
Frau,. in :Vow Nano. I. mita' much ..112.1.3.l et
Old Benin's apnea, by grand what a calls .Itorsonatis
Realinp," to which be pays many len handed compliments
nth. s'ilettin of Benton,. as the great Scutar boa.
self deamointted his family. Of courseh. grand Jury
throw out the complaint, and o dl y wader tat tiny have
not nesented notgionte who committed th• tor
so. BY andirons., for ittromprbency. 11 sup
posed thattat. Beata. will sub nod mans to slop th. I.e.
turns. carat, thould he aroma too papal. • dom...
; vßom muutzeuraton.
Corzespoodeziee of tae Piushorah Gazette.
Hsitauanon, Much 19, 1650.
In the Senate, to day, on motion of Mr. Muhl
enberg, the Senate resumed the consideration of
the bill to annul the marriage contract between
Lieut. Edward Middleton, U. S. N., and Edwar
dian his wife. .. •
Mr. Crabh stated that the friends of this bill de
sired to My before the Senate a printed argument,
which wee now on its way to Hartlebuteh, and
would reach here donna the eremooll; be there.
fore desired a postponement of the subset for the
Mr. King wired that the further consideration
of the subject be postpooed until to morrow after.
noon, which was subsequently modified so as Co
simply polonaise for the present, which was uhan.
in:lenity agreed to.
Mr. Forsyth then roar to a question of privilege,
and stated that a bill of his, which had passed the
Senate a few days ago, hod been mutilated after
its passage, and before It reached the hands of the
transcribing clerk: A very Important proviso had
been torn from the bill. There had been opposi
tion to thia portion atlas bill; and he had no doubt
MU Wale of those who were opposed to it bad
taken this extraordinary course to defeat it.
Mr. Crabb suggested a Committee of ens
Mr. Packer thought some action ought to be
had in order to vindicate the character of the Sen
ate. The matter complained of was certainly a
very grave offence against the diginity of the &n
-ate, and ought to be inquired into.
Mr. Forsyth said it was his intention Co pro.
pose COOLi lotion to regard to the matter, or the
proper time. He should demnad a restoration of
the bat to its original shape, at lout.
The matter warf then dropped.
On motion of Mr. Davie the Senate reamed
the consideration of the bill read in place by him
yesterday, to repeal the 4 th section of the act in.
corporating the: orth Lebanon Railroad Com.
The ioclion which this bill proposes to repeal is
as tbllows, to wit :—"That said company, or any
other company, authorised by the law. of this
Commonwealth to construct a railroad, may in lieu
thereof, or in connexion therewith, construct la
Plank Road, whenever In the opinion otthc mocks
holders the interests ciao public would be equal
ly aubeerved, and in each ease the Directors
may change the route or cosine and extend
the points Idthe direction so as to adapt it to the
grade or other convenieece and advantage of the
On motion of Mr. Brawley, the further eon.
alderation of tho bill woo poatponed till Thursday
remideder of the day leas ocevpled
with local and private bills, several of labia
wero !mum!
Thin was private bill day In the House also.
Nothing of particular interest to your readers
transpired in this Indy.
There are three important divorce Gum now
pending in the Senate. The panics are all weal.
thy and distinguished, sod their cases consequent.
ly eicite a great deal of interest in the public
mind. It is pretty certain now, that Mr. Forrest
will gat through. The ciao of Lieut. Middleton
is extremely doubtful. And that ofMr. Wether
ell, third party to whom I allude, as ho desires to
be divorced from ■ lady who has borne him fill
teen children, and that only upon the moat frims
bus pretences lmaginable, I. altogether hopeless.
No improper' conduct on the part of this lady is
even alleged by the husband. to addition to this,
it is mid that the pentiouer is already engaged to
be married to a lady of large fortune, in anticipa
tion of the favorable action of the Legislature.
This to carrying the joke a little too far for even
the Leiialature of Penhaylvania. COBDEN.
Cormpartaenca of ato Pitubargia Gazette_
Nsw You, March 19, 1550
The political news of the day is confined to
the speculations of people upon the speech of Se
nator Seward, which, though preceded by Clay,
Calhoun, and Webster, has produced an erect in
no wine interior, and in many respects superior, to
those declarations, die as the country has pro•
trounced them. On all aides, the speech of Mr.
Webster is bailed as • great constitutional argm
meat, in favor of the compromises of the constl-
tution ; but Mr. Sewsrd's argue:maw are those of
•man pleading finr humanity, untrammelled by
alt compromise. Mr. Webster has marked oat
the hoe of duty (or the free States, if they would
comply with the strict latter of the law; bat tioir
eroor Seward ha, only echoed the impulses of the
North, upon the rights of man to claim the ser.
sticu of his fellow. Lovers of expediency may
-pretend much honor rat the boldness of mu Sen..
tor, but it is no me to disguise the fact that he has
touched, with a master hand, the pulse of the free
vote, of the free States without respect to party
lines. •
Oar Board of Sapervison have just made up
he valuation of the "village," which amounts to
two hundred and fifty-aix millions of dollars, upon
which has been assessed a tax of over three mil.
lions of dollars, a cam larger than the disburse
ments of any State government in the Union for'
regular expenses, and almost equal to the taxation
for all purposes in some of the larger States. Oar'
police,alone, costs half a million annually, and for
lamps and gas a refuter of a million.
A new class of merchants have made their ap. ,
pearance this week; those from Ohio and the rest 1
of the wheat vowing States, filling the little space
before left In the hotels. All the houses now " col
onize" that I, send the guests who cannot sleep on
sofas and temporary beds out to private houses to
sleep. The dry goods bonus are all selling enor
moos bills, and the country will close the spring
triple more largely in debt to New York city than
was ever known. I
Money continues abundant In lace of the large
increase of badness, and tow rates of interest
only era paid, except la cue of houses of small
means and smaller reputation. All kinds of specs
lOns thrive now, and though people ellen refer
to the exciting days of 1834, those times are our.
passed in every , point by the every day events of
18.40. All kinds of stocks are up and every body
buying for an advance, or for investment. Penn. I
sylvanfa stocks are eold In moilerate lots, and the
stock now generally held by capitalists, who not
only have an Investment not easily shaken, but
one which pap larger interest, comparatively,
than the national debt.
Niblo in a few weeks opens his elegant theatre,
with the PATIOS opera troupe, the best on this aide
the Athletic. The Astor Plate troupe made a
living, bet nothing more, and are now on • pro.
uncial tour to Boston. The infant prodigies—the
Misses Batemen—are playing Shakaperean puts
to,large houses; and the theatres coining money
Ira the "Serious Family." The plot of thin lest
play is simple enough: merely a repreaentuion of
what a family comes to when its bead forgets
that there Is "a good deal alumni eaten, in men
and women," and tries to Grim the. characters of
its members, as 'we make bricks, fn • mould and
by *ensure only. Barnum the Great, has offered
for pioposals to lease a house he means to build
for the "Swediah Nightingale." He is unguiae of
a large profit on his scheme, and says he r shall
'bring his songstress up the western watem and
let every city of note have a chance to heat her
once at least. • •
. Col. Da Solle, the able editor of the Philadelphia
y Oh:me, who came here to edit • locator, (old
hunker) piper, hu abandoned the field in digest.
Newilfork loadheohnot was so ;such dirtier than
he', anticfsiabsdi and required so tench and so di
versified stultification, thou he was forced to de
camp, and surrender his editorial pee to me of
the old bets..
The ittmf French Mailer, it is said, means to
give Mr. OlaysiMpoznething to do..
The Fre nelt"Ommier"complains much of vati•
000 seizures or vesaeli. from Havre at San Flans
cisco,laden with French merchandise, and says
this is ;se. C . if the circumstances which will ant
occupy the attention of M. Hain Bola le Compte.
One of vessels was held liable to seizure be.
(Mum it otretsined brandiin cases of twelve bot.
ties each, instead of barrels of not lets capacity
than five gallons.
Ashes—Prices firm, sales of pots at SE 374, and
I peons at $5 871. Cotton—The demand Is fair,
with a moderate benness doing. The lodes are
. 500 bales at 1210121 for mid. uplands; Mobile.,
121. Flour—The mukat not active; sale/ 1100
beg at Si 87 104 91 for common auto; raraight to
favorite do at $1 9405 25; mixed Onto and
an■ at 55 1 2 105 18; mixed to barmy !dichigan
55 1205 374 ; pun, Genesee 55 4205 75. Bye
floor sells at 52 7502 81. Grain— , For wheat the
market is firm and dull. Holden of rye refuse to
operate at 57e. Yellow corn at 051057 e; white'
aT 510570, and 'mixed at 53051. Sales of north.,
s ent oat. at 10043 c, and Jersey. at 31037. Pro.
vitiotor—Sales of pork at 510 41010 50 for mess;
and 58,9/09 00 for pnme. Beef steady audio de-'
mand; sales 55 7500 50 for country and city prirue,,
and $9 75010 00 for do mess. Beef hams $19.;
Cot meats at 6081 for hams, and 4c for plairn
shoulder. Lard, 61041. 40,000 lbs good mut.
ton tallow sold at Ole. Whiskey—Holden. nab
211 c for prison, while only 241 e Is offered. C.
By tha Pfuident of the United SIAM of •struts
Whereas a Convention for the extension of
certain stipulations contained in the treaty of
commerce and navigation of 27th August, 1829,
between the United States of America and his
Majesty the Emperor of Austria, was concluded
and leaned In tins city, on the Silt of May, ISIS:
which collimation, being to the English and Ger.
man languages; is word for word,as follows :
Convention/or the rottensum ff certain stnedatroor
untrained in dot treaty if communce out minim
tun e 27th Ascust.lo29, d t,eenr the United
Sumer of Annum and the Alsjuty th. Empr.
ror of Amino.
The United States of America and his Majesty
the Emperor of Austria hissing agreed to extend
to all descriptions of property the exemption from
dues, taxer, or charges, which was secured tette
penoned geode of their respective citractss and, .
subjects by the eleventh article of the treaty of
commerce arnjnavigation which was concluded
between the parties on the 27th of Auguat, 1829,
and also fin the, purpose Of =teasing the power.
granted to their rerpcotive consols by the tenth
article of said treaty of commerce and navigation
have named for this purpose their respective
plenipotentimies, namely, the President of the
United State. et America has mothered full pow
er. on James Buchanan, Secretary of State, of the
United States, and ho Majesty the Emperor of
Austria hit conferred lull powers upon hi. charge
d'affairs to the United States, John George Hos.
selenium; who, Mier having exchanged their said
full newel's, found to due and proper form, have
agreed to and signed the following articles;
ASTICLI 1. The citizens or'sabjects of each of
the contracting parties shall have power to dispose
et their person.] property within the States of the
other, by tratament, donation, or otherwise,, and
their heirt,:legatees, sad dances, being citizens or
subjects of this other contracting pony, shell suc-
ceed to their said personal property, and may take
posseraion thereof, either by themselves or by
others acting for them, and dispose of the same at
their plraruse,paying such duties only &ache inhab
haute of the country where the said property lies
shell be liable to pay in Itke cues.
Aitncta IL Where, on the death of any per.
mu holding real property, of property not personal,
within the territories of one patty, such real prop.
any would, by the laws of the land, descend on
a wizen or subject of the other, were he not dis
qualified by the laws of the collates , where such
real property Is situated, such citizen or subject
shall be allowed a term of two years to sell the
same—which term may be reasonably prclonged,
'according to circumstances—and to withdraw the
proceeds thereof, without molestation, and exempt
from any other charge. than those which may ho
imposed io like cases upon the inhabitants of
the col:tatty from which etch proceeds may be
Amnesia 111. In case of the absence of the
hems, the same care shall be takes, promsionally,
arena real in personal property a. would be a.'
ken in a like case of property belonging to the as
tiies of tho country, until the lawful owner, or
the person who has ■ right to sell the same, am,
cording to article 11, may take measuros top.
ceivis or diapose of Use inberitenras
AILTICLII IV. The high contracting Dania grit
so each other the liberty of having, each la, the
pons of the ruber,consids, vice consubt,oomixer.
Mal agents and vice commercial agents, of their
own appointment, Ishii 'shill enjoy the same priv
ileges and pewees as those of the most favored
tuitions; but it any of should consuls shall cony
on trade, they shall be subjected to the same
laws and Images to which private Individuals of
their ualion aro subjected in the sums place.
The said conards,.vicet consuls, commercial and
vice commercial meats, than have the right, as
sorb, to an its judges and arbitrators la such MI.
terraces as may arise between the masters and
crews of the veraels belonging to the nation whore
intermit. are committed to their :charge, ...than
interference of the local authorities, tulless the
conduct ante crews or of the captain should dies
curb the order or tranquillity of the country; or the
vd consuls, vice annuls, commercial agent.,
vice cammereial agents anoold require their as
oistanee in executing or eupporting their own de.
Makin& Hat this specleis of judgment or arbiva.
thm shall not &pl., the contending parties of the
right they have to resort, an their return to the
judicial authority of their own country.
The wit minds, vice connalo, commercial
agmL, and elm cemenerelal agents see authoris
ed to require the aniottnee of the local twined.
ties for the watch, anent and imprisonment of the
deserters from the ships of woo odd merchant
',meals of their country. For this purpoee they
shill apply In writing to the competent tribunals,
ledges and officers, and shall demand said desert.
proving by the exhibition of trio registers
the vessels. the muster rolls of the crews, or by
any other official documents, that such individe.
sin Cann lerdly part of the crewel and on such
claim being substantiated, the sum:radar shall not
be refused.
Such deserters, when arrested, shall be placed
tu the digress! of the said antstilt, vice consuls,
commercial agents, and vice commercial agents,
and may be condned in the public prisons, at the
request nod cost of those who shall claim them,
in order Co be sent to the vessels to which they
belong, or to others °Me same country. Sot if I
not sent back within three month, Trom the day
of their arrest, they shall ha act at liberty, and
shall not be again arrested foe the same cause. IC
however, the deserter shall be bound to have com
mitted any crime or offence requiring trial, bin
surrender may be delayed until the tribunal be
few which his caw shall be pending shall have
pronounced lu sentence, and such sentence shall
have been carried into effect.
Aznas V. Tho prom! trelty WWI cootfnuo
farce for two year. .
counting from the day of the
exchange ofita tificatlonr; and if twelve months
before the expir on of that period, neither of the
high contranin parties shall have annonnced,
by en official n ifieation to the other, Its inten
tion to arrest it ,operation of said treaty, It shall
remain binding f i. one year beyond that time, and
so on, until the a piration of the twelve months
which will folio , • similar notification, whatever
the time at which it may take place.
Amax VI. This convention is concluded sub.
ject to the ratificagon of the Prerddent ante Ullit•
ed States of Amenca, by sod with the advice and
consent of the Senate therm:4 and of his Majesty
the Emperor of Abatis; and the rattleationa there.
of shall be enchained in Wublinton within the
term of ono year from the date of the signature
thereof. or sooner ii possible.
. ..
In witnen whereof, The rupective plenipoten
tiaries hero Weneddhe above utieles. u rep in
German as in &shah, and have thereto eddied
their seal.
Done in the city of Washington, on the eighth
day of May, one thousand eight hundred and (oily
eight, in the saint, second year of the indepeud•
once of the United States of America, and in the
fourteenth year of the reign °this Majesty the
Emperor of Austria.
' And whereas, the said convention hubeen defy
ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifica
tion. of the same veto exchanged in Oda city on
the 23d of February, one thousand eight bandied
and fifty. by John M. Clayton, Secretary of State
of the United States of America, and JOhlllail
George Hnltemann, Charge d'Affaires of lila Ma
jesty the &rpm? of Austria near the said United
Sums, on the part of their respective Vorern-
~ Now, therefore, beit!movgthatr,ZACHAßY
TAYLOR, President of the United States orAmeti
ca, have catuied the mild convention to ha made
public, to the end that the same, and every Mena
and mbelo thereof; may he observed and toned
With good anti by the United Stater and the citi,
cans thereof.
In witness whereof, I luxe hereunto set my
hand, lad canned the seal of the United States to
be affixed.
Dona at the city of Washington. this Mani)
fifth day of Febrauy, the year of ear
a] Lord one dammed eight hundred and Illy,
and of the independence of the United
Stales the screwy fourth.
By the Preside=
.I. M. CLarrort. Secretary of Slate.
SenstorAltiustoo bits improver' upon Senator
8 3us rs9 project es giving all Swelgo refugees •
router section ofbind each, by imposing that the
gin be extended to ell creuion, who have not
land already, or are not worth 81100. It will pro
b e suggested next, to divide the people's
sows, furniture, hate, boots, end breeches, aline
end share alike, among all mankind. Congress
hen about as roach mond right to portion out oar
wardrobe as to *Usage our. 'Red.—Nosh.
We have la the United States, SS college*, 12
law school*. 98 medical 20 divinity
schools, and mote then 0129 404E0 e i..tcaj
In a message from Governor Rib, of New
Yak, to the Sate Legislature, he remnonunas that
provision be made by law, authorizing the trans.
mission, fine of tolls, over the canals and railroads
of that State, of all articles the growth or produce
of the United States, which ate designed for exhl.
'bition at the proposed . World's Fair" in London
next year.
Foreign papers state that at the funeral of the
Dinah poet, Oehlensehlager; who expired lately
of apopleny,in the eighty first year of his age, el,.
wards of twenty thousand persons were present
Thestreets through which the procession passed
were strewed with sand and green bonghtt—and
the houses hung out black Legs hemmed with
The reduction of tolls on goods palming thmagh
the New York Canals so recently decided on by
the State Canal Board, Is is follows on the mocks
designated:—Oat malted fish and Wile brine, per
1000 pounds per mile, lour mills; on turnips and
ell ..mlent rome, per 1000 pounds per mile, three
mile; on pork, bacon and lard, on sum, molar*.
see, wafer, Iron In bars, nail rods.nails and *mikes,
railroad and boiler iron. and on domestic, dialled
Narita, going toward. tide water. a redaction of
rule mill per.looo pounds per mile
The Cincinnati Commercial oldie 14th watee, that
when the weemer Yorktown,Captain Haldeman,
permed General Z. Taylor's pantrulon, on the filia
-1 yli,,sppl fiVe.f, fray males above Nodes. the entire
place was under water. Gore au overdose in the
MiseissippL Captain Haldeman says he never
saw that point so completely aubmerged,and fens
,ere - entesaioed of the total ruin of numerous plan
(knobs. and of course the bar,kruptcy of wane of
the owners
iOne of the deepest thoughts we ever had.was
*ban we were a child. We fell into ■ well one
bundled and Arty feet below the surface ol the
°atilt, and were wondering how we should get
Why should California yield just double th•
mummy of gold thin year to what n did hue Be
cause it was then found only in psraleular pints
end now it is found in Quarts.
"Look: In this place fllll Caesins' danger &re.'
The Cincinnati papers. say, that M. Cassias has
gone into the business of ehmithtesing hogs in that
city. _ .
Ain tat, Ross en., 0., Feb. IS, 1 0 1?.
Mosses. J. Kidd & Cm—We with to Inform you that
we have gold all of your Worm Specific you left with
us. -We wish you to rend us some more as soon as
namable, as It has given general satisfaction here.
We hoer many calls for It since we are out of the sir•
tlele.:11 ha. xoperceded all other preparations In this
county, and for this reason we wish to keep..• supply
on hand. R. & M. A. PATTEILSON.
The above bi one of the hundreds of similar dm:.
monleations which the proprietor of this medicine
are daily receiving. Where It has been Introduced,
at has heroine the mint popular remedy In use.
For sale by J. KIDD A CO., No. W, Comma! Fourth
and Wood at., Pittsburgh. trig-dlr.wlarS
On Thursday, the Urn lush, by Der. Francis Reno
D. D., Mr. Ahuoi IL.MeQurarars, to Ulu Maar Grc..
both of Pstudargh. • mr43-10.
PLE&SANS ROOMS, Ina pleasant past of theca},
convenient to hvidemss, mumble for a summed la.
do and gentleman, from Apell Ist. Ahm, best - ding for
• raw young gentlemen., Enquiio at this euf...e.
CLEAR SIDES-3000 Am for tale by
rarfy 8 . ! YON BONNIIORST & CO
1A315-1300 lb. for 33;113;
13 F VON 1101113110 •
rol D rU C°—° " 731 Viril l a n 4;ll2lllSTlATO
Q PT& TURPENTINE;--10 bble in prime order, in
reed .0 fan sole by
corner First and Wood
TlTANTED—Beeseraz at market price, by
88 tuna
SUNDRIES -2 M lbs Nutmegs;
bbl. Camphor.
bbl. Winter. Lad Oil;
:0 dos S P Townsend's Sarsaparilla;
oy Sulphate Abouttlirr; for sate by
mr 6 M KIDD A CO, GO Wood at
QIIIIAR—ea atlas N o,jast reed end for sale by
/FIRE SUBSCRIBERS, tho ageTtey for sell.
1 tO the Printing Paper or-• long established and
.seen.. Mill, In this elrinity. r erill be at all tams
well supplied with the deferent eises of Paper, of as
pence quality, which we offer at the lowest regular
Any else or qmilay mill be ladnufactonni to on/
bort mace. A II ENGLISH & CO,
Cloocemota of k English,/
cold I 196 79 Wood etre
.11k4URPHY & BURCHFIELD have lan opened
al Supply DI near and neat dylre Phased Meuse d,
Lune rAlact—Lkrads De LaJnesfar Ladles drams.
Bronorzoto born reed
topply ri g . new stoles
L. Canthrlo Mkt., for Ladle. oloorn nom,
BUTTER k EGGS-:ibbl.ppme R. Batirr.litclrd;;
" ECM met reed per sq
bless4.nprer, .11 for ealo by
1160-10 ccrnonn S F, In ebnre and for onle by
N4 A . I M ER —3 casks No I, ko v lto r Lou o id A n : n Dy
SULK POIIK-1100 for male tro'
DEER B KINS-3 bale just road and far ll by
rival P. CULBERTSON, 115 Liberty al
BATTING -30 bales No I, in nom anal ter sale by
NDLE WlCK—lea Gale. on hand and tn: eats by
A cutaurrsoN
CHOCOLATE --10 boiee No I Norfolk-co , Just reed
end for see by [mrEJJ A CULBERTSON
DEPPRR—II bone. (Omni, in no and foraala by
, California lodls Rubber deeds.
TIJST received the following aratele. , -
IP Y 4 Isthmus Bap, for peeklaig,
:11 Pea Coats, a splendid ankle;
le Cap" or Cloaks; *I Traveling Bap;
le pairs Pant., 94 temp Blwthenst
19 dknlog Bows; Bu Cat110t11.;
40 Haversacks; Air Beds, Pillows, Life Prose
yen, kr., at the India Rubber L'epot. Nod Wood sr
INDIA DOUR—]Y Doll Bung, }au reed
andfor lode ot tt.e lode Rubber Depot. No 3 Wood
[swat.o«t. I ll PHILLIPS
AIR bIALLS— dor aes'd sUre, or II n Goodyear't
saelto.llllAlree'J and for sale at the India Rubber
Depob,luo S Wood et.
kIbEW ARTICLE-2 de* Foot Halls, a beautiful ar
tide, just what Ls wanted for the exercise of th.
s, for sate at the Rubber Depor,No 5 Wood at.
To Let,
ABRICK BUILDING, 23 by 50 feet, three aortae
high, with Engine, is; located In Birmingham,
multelltetely below the Ferry. Enquire of
Bo I NBB GARRlSON,PittsbetiELFooner
BEGS leaks to (Mona his friends and cosiontere that
ha is just receiving hie new spring stock of Goods,
...Wising, no sound, all the newest and most fashion
able styles of Cloths, Qualm eves. fancy Ventage, cot.
ton and linen summer wadi, and every article imitable
for gentlemen's wear (or spring and summer. It being
impossible to describe the beauty, reality, or quantity
of the stock, the proprietor hopes all who are in want
of good, cheap, fssluonable, and well made clothes,
will give him a call, an there le no stock this side of
the Alleghenies, that can compare with it. '
The ready made department is very estetuive,.adap•
ted to all taste..
Hail road contractors, country merchants, and all
who porch., largely, are particularly Invited to ex
amine the mock before purchasing, as particular at
tention is path to the wholesale beldam in this crab.
Every article in that tailoring line outdo ua order
the nom faahionable .nd bag manner, at tha he
notice. twirl
ln Peebles rooonehip, Allegheny County.
within half a m ile of the enlace of East Lthertl,
and five from the city of Pittsburgh. The sized° o i g
pleasant and healthy. Gentlemen wishing to porch.°
a pleasant - eonntry situation, should view the pre.
FerarsAgly Edward
j all6 R lt as tti Liheny or
Thirty Ifrildsag Lam, Seat far Straus Sam Aral,
and oalaablio site far Iron Worthat
Oa T .Wl7 morning, March 26th, •120 o'clu k, will
be sold on the prenusea,near Here. Islud, In the bo
, of Dtmouna—..lo valuables Build mg Lou, of •a.
riot. Uses, basing a front on the Parmaybruda Canal
and Baler Unpile Road.
Also—A eery 'Cub!e seat for Steam Saw Mill,
and a deatrabla Elution for Iron Works.
A plan of which may be men at the Auction Rooms,
and the property shown, bycalling on Mr. Henry
Herr, who meld. on • put of the property. Tones
at gala. 701 IN It DAVIS, Aunt
No. 87, corner Market and Firth—or 49 hlwket,
twee n Third awl Fourth sta.
TILE sabseriber keeps constantly on haul, whole
ide and retell, the following articles, via:
Wash Tabs, Ruud Churns,
Meat Tub., Basel Churn.,
Rath Tobs, • Ralf Bushel.,
Wooden halt, , Peeks and Ralf Peeks,
Wash Boatels, Draw Boma Buckets,
Clothes Pia ., Towel Rollers,
'Wooden Bread Rollers,
Clothe. Elikkeis, hhicket Baskets, ha
No 6 Diamond allay, Flush, ILL
A A. MASON & CO., 00 Muter envoi, are non
opening another lupe invoice of Black Silk
Lace., of all widths, eercerler66 the beat, end most
varied asvorunent ever offered in thia oily. torn
E6vtint zaim—c. ca m. Pre
.12.1 6do o Collate; 9 dodo do coal, o do N . H .
dpoloopon Cape. add 'Collars; ll do Mourning Col.
/en; I do do Cali Alta—A large variety of oil
kind. of French ErAbroiderica and Larne, received
.std new opening at A A MASON &CO,
an2/Market street
_ _ _
NSW 1100841.
NNUALS of the quern of Sy.); I rut, bound ft,
. cloth.
..lesdlor• kliacellerilm I sot, bound In cloth;
Cosmos: • description of the Unkrene, by Ham
boldt; 9 vote, bolecloth;
Grey's Naomi Philosophy; I sot, cloth;
Travels in MinuesoWdo do;
Life and Writings of Dr. Cheletersk3 rots, cloth;
Contb*Physiology of Digestion; l'sal;
dbbotes William the Conqueror; I rot;
The WilininnlOLUn • novel by the anther of Nor.
mazes Bridge, r.
Conc.. Lindsay; or the Provos of. Error, by
the exams of the Curate of Linw.d, de.
Hands, not Hearts a novel by Janet W. Wilkinson;
The History of Pendeartis, Nos I, k 3, and 4.
Received .4 Car sale by
mtggcorner Maxim end MUM Ea
7toOI7IIDIV Paratture Vrarehilusr,
.Adjoiningthe Piashirri mi n t
T li g E to p th7nr P:titq l . "' PrtgA f r atte ' re T ,
are ,mtecdialy finite. to tall. at-my warehpa.,
where will be found a largo attd wo/.1 soletned lama
Of the most approved style of workmanship, both
modern and ancient, and caleulated to please the
Mate of all those who deuce culler elegautor substan
tial Fornitare. flaying dotermined to dispose or my
Present entire Mock, at very reduced priers. Mel
confident that Were who demos any article to my one,
will not (oil of being tolled. A. McCUlkll4.
DARED PEACHES-30 Int jun tee'a end for ale by
1 ea= Ste W 1111RUALIGH
130 Imo LW; reel .ad fur
kar2 . 2l 8 k. W 118118811011
7,,10 S-10 ors In 61019 and (or ude by
SOO . AR—Su heda N 0 Sugar, In .ore and for sale by
MOLASSES-48 Lads NO, just reed and fur mils by
1LL11331:11 8 & W kIgBI3AUGH
LAltlY-900 bbla and tea reed per armor: J Q Ad.
mar, and for wee by
nOPPERAS-20 bbl reed and (or side by
V met! WICK es IdeCANDLE+I3
OLDEN SYRUP-10 bble lending from eleneue
Clipper No 2, for Sala by
TTANNER!'OIL— GO bbl. for sale by
EATIIERB-2000 lb. prime, for marl by
5ALT...1,25 pc, Barrel.
THE subscribers, havlng.heen appointed agent. fo
the sale of Salt, by several of the very best man
ufacturere, have no on baud and will continue t.
keep a conmant supply.
Order. tell at our warehouse, or with Peter Peter
eon, will be promptly filled et all thorn.
Joel received, a large lot ofL. Peterson'. brand.
JOHN liieFADEN & CO, Penn at,
mred Canal Hasin. Pittsburgh.
ALIFORNI iII..ANKETS-100 paha eery heavy
manufactured expressly for the Califer-
Ca trade. Fur sale 67
Wood street
DEANS-60 ba Wbho, for syla by
VIRE KINDLING-160 parks Chet-Yen' (or sale by
HAMS -6 tee Sam sly, for sale by
ASH—A few casks jon rea'd and for .ale by
l lAN.l'L':.c;r2Er B .".ClitastEntzd N UL ' :
Cat Steal Files, or all Axes; and Illacksnilth and Shoe
Rasps, always on hand .11 for sale, either at his 'T..
gin Steel Works," CP/lara SIMI, Fifth Ward, or at the
dWee in the Iron Store of ROLIMANS
SON, No afoot of Wood sheet, Pittsburgh.
We, the undersigned, haring nand, with entire sat.
Miamian, the Cast Steel and Film made . by Samuel
McKeltry. at his Eagle Steel Works, in ibis city, lake
pleasure in recommending them as equal In quality to
any over aced by eau( foreign manufacture.
Pittsburgh, March Id, 16dG.
AlmuMetuter• of Iron and Nails. Pittsburgh. Pa.
Icon Founders and Machinists, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Manufaeturen of Sprop, Axles, Spring Steel and
Rivets, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Engine Builders and Machine &
Card Menufactu•
rem Pataborgh, Pa.
Mass Founder, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Manufactutem of Iron and Nail.. Pittsburgh. Pa.
Licomotive Engine and Ship Builder T , O
P M itmburgh O , Pa.
Marble Manufacturer, Machine and Engine Rudd
- saris - or, Picaburgh, Pa
No 74 Fourth street, nest door to the flank of Pius
bursts mrll4lo
ryN FORGE F. ARNOLD h. CO. have opened an
1.31 f Fgeossion OA errs, N 0.74 Spruill sweet, next door
to the Bank of Pittsburgh, and are prepared lowans.
art, on reasonable terms, any basin.., In their line
that may bo entrusted to them.
/Nebulae, Coin, Hank Notes, de. bought and sold.
Collections made in all the principal cities and
towns to the United States.
Deposites reamed In pay funds and annum).
They respectfully witch a share of the custom of
the hostiles. community mal.tut
The oute 6ieu, Double Eagles teed Gold Dollars
Pittsburgh. mRI
ALEMANDRit I DAY, comer or the Diamond and
Menet meet, an prepared to oder, at the-lan.
rat market price. a chorea emolument or Silks, or th e
beat Ildnewest styles. Best black gift.,
Ons deßkine, or a celebrated mann for Lore r. enamor.
ed not to cat in wearing..- Stoat Monads Tied dilky,
very rich. Inch 111 1 / 4 1 Silks and Bann Ile Creme, IP
ettolce calor.; Chameleon, Giro de Mines; Satin do
Chum., and Tare Swim
!earth...est CORN, of the Diamond
A LARGE *apply of new style De Lainev, Ranges, Lawns, Lioou Lustre., lie.
liosarr Bunn. —A lame .apply of Bono & Le
ostlllbbous, Jest received,
ALEXANDER It DAP, es Market st,
mat Northwest comer or the Dimond
MINE Dwelling How, censer of Pride and Bluff alai
Cent Ward,
.now occupied by moeit. POW..
lion sleet:sal any tone.
This is one of the mon pleasant reaidenee. shoot
tha OH; it is sarsoanded by. One yard and garden;
1. free from the smoky atmosphere of the city below
It, and Is only Ulcers minute. walk Hem the centre of
husineat. JAMES W. BUCHANAN, '
corner Wood and Founh gm-
ASTORKon Wood street, one door from Second,
at meant occupied by George S. Anabuts. &t.
yore on the premises. ' tor2l-6t
SU . G . eI 7 -18 hbdo i l m or m rne'd
" rlrjA firmer,
R0 , !. !... 8U1TEr "
IL-4 bbl. Beth, Jost reed and for
inar2ll 1 B CANFIELD
SODA cub Illegyrages hest quality and
high teshjust !aniline from steamer Jelregeor-.d
for sale by W I Id MITCIIELTREK
itt 16d Libeny street
COPPERA.S-1S bbts to [nod order. !Or ute by
CIER3LAN CLAY au ions for sale by
L'IMED °n — `lo"'izirds4l.7A.,. a, CO
JOIIN DURAND & CO.'S . BRANDY, In ball pines
and quarter cask., a tholes .110111.12 t and IL
cure article, of various 'loupes, two very old, re.
totted from Bordeaux via New Orleans, for sale by
mM!A CULBERTSON, 115 Liberty at
CLARET WINE-100 bare., choice brands: and
also an amortritem 'of Champagne and White
jest reed per steamer Diadem, tad for tale by
ror2l : A CULBERTSON, 14S Liberty at
N PLATB—da box., Tin Plate, retaining from
steamer Da Witt Clinton, and for sale by
XIIE Partnership heretofore existing between Mott
& F.nglish, the Book and Paper Business, mos
solved on the Ilth inst., by mutual conscub Tb.
business "nil be continued at the old nand, No. 79
Wood street, under the 9179 of "A. It English &
by Whom the business of the former pannershlp Brill
be settled. SAMUEL ELLIOTT,
For We,
A LOT OF GROUND aituate in Wilkins township,
near the Picsbargh and Orennittergh turnothe
road, and frontier the BraddoeklaTteld road—con-
Mini. SIX ACRES, more or leer.
for terms, &r., apply to Alexander K. Miller, Fourth
amen or to the subscriber, near the PPM...
B AGS -10 dos Tow;
10 do Cotton; in Ware and for sale by
mro3 J it FLOYD
SOCKS -100 do: (Country) on hand and for We by
ot , o J B. R FLOYD
- -
1130NAb.18-3 caske reed per steamer Ben
West, for sale by
L ARD -5 bbl. sad IS keggdarbyvaValta&
MHL &888.9—Z Lobls ree'd (Anemia b
Allegheny Cenat7, ass
THE Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia to allyersons interested Inthe Ea
( )3, tate of Christian I. and Ant. Minh*
Wendt, ruiners under the age. of four
men years, greeting,
Whereto, At an Orphan' Conn, held
at Pittsburgh, on the nth dayof Much,
lOW, In and for said county, the amnion
of Robert Duncan, guardian, ha, was presented in
the Courl, praying for an order in make sale of a eer
iest, described lot of ground, situate in the city of
Pittsburgh, tic , for the maintenance and edu“tion of
said minors. Now, therefore, we command you, end
each of you, Mu in your proper penmen von bo end
appear benne our Orhanst Court, at Pitteburgh, on
um 70th day of March,lPSO, then gad there ID emir
cause, if any you or neither of you have, why the MAY
er of the petitioner should not be granted, and hereof
fail not.
Witness the Mon. W. H. McClure, President of oar
said Coon at Pineburgh, this Igth dayof Marcia A. D.
• Chambers,Educational Conroe.
T l MM E ZirpL e ytl er
lON.—The Cl4atima:
land, In the preparadon of these works. Tanya,.
offered to the Echoeds of the United States, under
the American revision of D. hf. Recite, N. D, L... n ,
late Superintendent of Public Schools, in the City and
County of New York.
I. Chambers , Treasery of Knowledge;
11. Clerk'. Drawing and Perspective; •
111. Chambers , Elements of Natural Philesephy;
IV. Reid b. Bain% Chemistry and Electricity,.
V. NanditontOtegetable end Animal Phyenlogy,
VI. Chambers , Elements of Zoology, with plater,
VII. Page'. Menu. of Geology,illestrated.
It ha welt known that the original pabliabera Of
work. (the Nerve Chamber., of Edinburgh) ate able
to command the beat talent. in the preparation of their
books, and' that It I. their prattite to deal faithfully
with the public. This eerie. aril/ nor disappoint the
reasonable erpemation. the. exalted. 'They are eta
menthol works, prepared by asthma in every way ea
: pable of doing ashe n to their respective undertstiogy,
' and who have evidently bemoircd ePeo then. Re no
ccuary thacomil labor to adapt them to
We recommend them in Machete and parents with
confidence. The Ant named volume,in the hands of
• masher of the yoanger clones, might finliell la in
es.hmisuble fend of atIMMISIM end restriction. Tcv
other, they would conatitate a rich Wetmore to • am
fly of intelligeut children, and impart • thirst (or
knowledge --/Vennont Chronicle.
pablitited by A. S. Barnes A Co. New York; and
tar sale by A. H. Exemen A co.
mm No 79 Wood a
Lessee and Manner C. S. PORTER.
Drew Circle and Parquene 30 cents
Second and Tbird Tiers 23 "
Gallery ((or colored personal-- —• •25
Door. open at 7; Curtain will the at 7/ o'clock.
RAND, noll-7"Thirdd Mon nigh . t
On Eatarday;born IPS, Wiii ue presol.ted
D'After the Drama—lrish Song, "Boald SW ,
80y, ,, by Mr. Lubey.
To conclude with a Ballet nailed
Mona. Durand.
--•Musa. SaoHooey.
...Mkt Mango.
C&oe.__..~ .
11 7' Dbnad We Ballet. a number of Dances, by
Mlle Mangy, bloat. Durand, and Mona
Er m ow 4 p - i;TOTaalANoit.
BY " 88 - B •lstetl •
Bargains! Barg.haat Haifalost
Sale el Me Furniture If a :Pnirede Emily.
Rev. Mr. Teasdale, being about to remove to
.2 d start city, Proposes to Sellln DIIDLIOD. Dl e
residence on Wylie street, a few deers above lthath
am Street, on ?dander, the 2Mb inst., at y o'clock. Y.
M.,. ell Ms Ilouscheld Furniture, consisting of several
beds and bedding; centre, breakfast, dining and kitch•
i g .
ferry, common and rocking chairs; mahog
any bureaus; ottomans end foot stoolv, mehogeny and
common work stands; wash stands; Monks; mt./ling
desk; {Fedor, ha/I, stairs, and kitchen carpeting; a ge
neral assortment of crockery; and tc b...,..
elle. Also,. Canary Bird, one of the sweetesto lEI os
pro; one saddle and blithe,. nearly new; one beetle
robe. fcc ,
tungt 201 IN D DAVI,f, Aunt
Bocw, Shoes, Falai . Leaf and SILL Hats, Cloth and
Phu& Cap, fe., at disterscra.
On Saturday moratrk, tied inst., at 10 o'clock, at the
C.oromercial Saks Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth
streets, will he sold—
On auks Boots and Shoes;
—S do Patna Leaf Hata;
0 do Silk do;
do Cloth, Plash, dtc,Caps;
Comprising super city made call boot.; eine fine
kip skit hoot. ; seal, grain and thick do; W.f. and
boys' aoper cal( end morocco homers; men's and boys'
toe lined and bound brogans; ladies' morocco, calf,
and goal hoots; do polka book; Jefferson+ and walk.
ers, hoes. do goat, morocco, kid, seared and pegged
slipp be.
On Saturday evening, March 23rd, at 7 o'clock, at
the Commercial Sales Row., earner Of LVood and
Filtli enema, will be wild—
, .
A large collection of valuable theological, hlstori•
cal. pooling], clot ideal and miscellaneous books, am.
hrketrg bile library editioaa ct . standard work..
A 1.., a quantity el choice theological and
lane*. ',coed hand books (amen, library of • &or.
a ratan .bO.l to remove tiom the oily. family and
pocket 11ib1e., blank books, letter and nob wndog pa
per. [eiml JOHN I/ DAVIS, Met
Furniture, Fine Piano Forte,tc.i- at Auction.
On Monday morning, lfith loot., al 10 &cloth ; at the
..,sear. of Georg., Upfald. ND., on Pirepect
near Fulton meet, mill he sold—
I splendid mahogany earn Piano Forte, made by
Blume, • superior instrument, In fine order;
Pine cherry Wardrobe Hamar, mahogany bureau.,
fine cherry book cases, mahogany table, high and for
poet cherry bedstead., hair mattresses, enclosed and
common wash curia, aeon and cushion, mad, choirs
and table, fine astral lampir,britanuia study and chem.
her Imps, venitian blinds, fancy and common - chairs,
ingrain carpet., cherry dining tattler, gueensware,
glassrstrir, taclien weirdo, tartan matting, he.
md.l JOHN D Burt
Or Pittsburgh.
gusssy, ..... ...A. W. IJAREB,SecIc.
dice—No. 41 Water etreet,in the ware h 0.41 of C.
mills COMPANY I. now prepared to insure all
j kinds of risks, on houses, manatee:once, rod.,
rehandise In store, and In transitu vessel., An.
An ample guaranty for the ability and integrity of
the Institution, is &Boreal inthe character of the Di
rectors,_whe are LI elticein of Pittsburgh, well and
favorably.known to the community for theirprudence,
inmlltge nee, and integrity.
Drazionas—C. G. Ramey, Wm. Deploy, Wm. Las
liner, Jr, Walter Bryant, Ilugh D. Ring Edward
ileimelmn. R. Eintey, B. H arbaugh, B. hoe. Al.
tareo.lf [Journal and Post moil
150 hhds prune N 0 Seger;
O/ blAs Loaf Sateen
COO do N Moline&
10 do _Golden Syrup; •
SD tierces Mee; te store and for rale by
otTO toned Church Handle:.
y Allll-74 bbl. No 1 1...e1kr; •
15 ki, do do; reed per Pilot No P., end
CLOVER SEED-13 bbl. 'lost nued and for sale by
--W a r.a for for sale by
TEAS -30 bfdeye Yll Tun;
10 do Powchong Tea;
6 do (Aden do;
10 do thanyorrdordo;
161c166 Ird• Y do;
-0 Olbe dodo
Ig/ 61trs do Gouparrdordcg
11,14 do Imperial do:
In yore and fur lido by, k R FLOM,
met! Bound Church Building;
GOFFEE-000 bag. Rio, oo band and fittr gala by
map 7 & R FLOYD
0:0A R—V3 bbd. fair N 0, sar.-1 and Ibr. WA by
..10 C El GRANT
JUP landed per steamer Pilot No 5; and for sale by
mr4o R FLOYD
SALERATU3-20 MN Adams', in non, and tor sal.
by tair2o] _ J& R FLOYD
1010 m Tg 11-1 , 2 casks ps/ran; In MollaartfiFullyeDby
BUCKETS -25 doz Horror, on bind and for sale
ILIIke-1.0 Lon Deaver, on &and •nd for sale by
tanlo .J R FLOYD
7) ROOMS-20 dos in .to and for sale by
ostad R FLOYD
P OT/011-13 eneks for eats Earn. WICY A McCANDLESS
LE SALT—A superior snide, lu papers; for
sale by (earKli WICK &MCCANDLESS
S 2-144 boy. 134r.1t4
7U 4o 7414
14 40 iSz* for sale y
bbl. Flaxseed, in store and for aale by
torn° It E SELLERS, 57 Wood in
QP. TURPENTINE—i 9 bbls for sale by. • -
casks, prime quallty, for tale by
LARD OlL—la Obis No i, for sale by
BLUE MASS-7014x for We by
Mr. 3)
@ ES
BAY RUM -10 gall., .opener
to 60 It .1.
BURGUNDY PITCH —530 lb. (orate
lAMPLIOR—IbbIs for nib by .
SUPER CARD. SODA-1000 Rs for sale by
mr2 ' R E SELL
F "N° " l '" s °l7°Fy 1111,,14
FRENCH CHALB—IIS lbo (for UMW for sole by
- - -
COZI:q O N r
. YARN -001/ lbs Nos from 610 10, more
of Imr2ol Jdc It FLOYD
C LIMLE W1CK—....1) bales la cote - and for gale by
B A TON-:LSbales No I; .
mmo • YS do No Ron hand and for sale by
OCR POWDER—A kegs (in store and magazine)
for sale u 7 (mr2ol I k R FLOYD
DACON—.7) caaks asa'4, pritsu rec'd par
D Pilot No Y , tar sale by
tang RIMY B6TT/IMB 6.'CO
WOOL tr. YARN—a soak. Wool;
- 97 dos Tow and Ms Tam: for
TEA -10 hf cheats Ono Powehong Tea; for oak by
03119 CH CRAMP, wm, si
B ACON E LARD-5 oaks Sides;
1 do Hog St000d;
- I do liomr,•
bbl. Nol lad;
I d
seo Grease; lo the
=ow Caledonia. for eby rn"
1.11 ISAIAH DICKEY k CO, From at
SM ASH—Sr casts In store and for sale bY
Ccommon In Vara and hr e
lOARS-1000 '
Toßeccu—n bblit Stookinx, for rale by
mrl9 ' HARDY, DINFR & CO
tiriRAN-1. eW reed on mai ne
K an . d r ioTsale by C ARBUTHNOT,
ItiziU No 69 Wood at
GUbI'HUSMENDERB-200 oar Alen's and ll* dem
Hoye, reed and (or rale by
C 1.4 Ji
ToN USIERY—A fine ariromtacat for rtio by
GINUHAMS—A feta ease, Sirestett Domestic,
for tale by . (Fula) C ARBUTHNOT
BACON - 9 13 pieces Konnd, ferule by
BEANd.-19 limes reed and ter sale by
reyl9 WICK fr. efeCANDLF2.9
W.T.P5 ....- ")°"'aa"4;girbVll,DL,Fss
rIII&IOLATE—N b. for sole by
41 " Common: .14 07
mrlo WICK k 1.0.4NOLF:811
Quaea nioLeaSTA AND RIDE
-189 bllr prime N 0 8.11221
3 brie Loaf Ibb an
brls tl H Moluse%
to bbm.b Hiea landlab from reamer lola.
bonia and for .alo by W N NITCHELTAHE, •
tat/ HI Liberty Inset •
CLARIPED SYRUP—St birrels far Web
SODA AM-16 casks Itrtal bran d ier
JOIL I / 4 Bar.
mete No. 25, WI.D4 arm
Handsome Country Real aaaaa far Sala.
THAT beeetifel Met hon., with about one nen of
F oand, well Impelled with Ant trees and ihnibbe.
17. noes on the OW 11,04 in the lower pen of An,
eneny city, new let thencepaney of Ben hg mo re ,.
.tam, &n• Powenion given Aptil
Fee Weenien and wrote emir to
• wiILLIA ft BIMeN,
Fourth ahem, Boalthliold sta.
men, leave removed to No 37 Wear stmekbo•
wen Market and Wood, Phuborik, ws.ue
• 1
EN:* al i f i re4 E ar D anl the well fi n b elfitre t il=t ed
he ewo
ers of the following fine steamers bate a ovanged theta
into a Line between Pittsbo nth and Lonieville.
One of the beats will pothively leave Pittsburgh an
every filonear,.Wrnaisav, and Fatnag. - Entntue,
at 6 o'clock—full or net full.
Tbc first Goat Of the Lime will wart on Meader,
Steamer Geneww-----•
Z. Taylor.—
* Wirt "P IiiWii. P niTENBEEIGER, Aim
. 01110ININAT/r ; .
Caplain Wtsisai J. iits'orts.
, This spleodid boat was built by the
earners of the steamer lease Newton,
sad others, (or the Cincinnati an d
Packet trade, and will
leave each , Wedaesday, for Cincinnati , place of
the New England, N 0.2.
For freight or pellll4o, .pgy 00 . 0 ..... 2 • '
met) old ILTENBEROER, Aar
The a:decal tom rnoznag reamer
LOUIS DireLANE, W.. :I—Carmen,
.1611 ,
muter, fbarinir undargoan "a, char.
°ugh =pal watt Mt bareqier at a
regular poc et betwaca Pscabarei
acd Whiclincyleavlng Pittaburglt emery Monday,
Wednesday and Friday morning., at &clock. For
(main cr pauage apply an boll or. to
1.0) .f 1,1,4
M a
.-Only 13 Mlles Stiag3ag. -
Ws Brownsville and CaJaberrlend to Baltimore and
Philadelphia. '
Fen TO RALTIVOIUt-•••••• • • • -•—•010 00
morning'amenstaine• lit OD
Vit.: boat leaves the wharf, above the
brldoo, daily, at 8 o'clock precisely. Time 10
lialtimots:3lhours; 0001 CO Philadelphla,Ao hour,
The evening boat leases daily, (except auddkY
eningeJ at o'clock. Pusenrcre by leaning on the
evening boat, will cross the mourtaine in stage* next
dey, and they avoid night travel.
• :locate your tickets at the Office, Monongahela
House, or Sr- Chark. Hotel. J. MEiIICIMEN, Arent
.Aar The fine steamer
D 9 Janes, muter, will leave for the
bole and all intermediate ports Ibis
day, at 4 o'clock. PAIL
For tenths or astute. applyan board mr9l
malts Th e spleniid tam ramia6 stek .,4 or
Rees, mulch,.mal Imre far akin
inui all Intenacdlate day,
the Burt, at 4 o'clock, F.
For freight or paacoge, applyan hoard. m 193
' 71E n li a t ft ND,
• Oaliher. muter, will leave lir the
trn and ell awn:Radiate ports en
Tuesday, lbe 20th inst., arid oclock, A.
For freleht . pauage, apply on board. ant)
- . .
The One enseeneer steamer ---=
Ebberta, muter, wiU leave .for The
above and all — Wdennedi Ma pond
oe Menden, the :Mth ins!, at 10 &elect, A.M.
Foe Brigid and pewees Imply onboard, or to
.. .. .
. INta. TM splendid reamer '
Car, master, will leave for the above
and all intermediate porta, On this
Jas, the tKkl ill, L, at 4 o'clock, P. AL , , • •
rtreirhtTn2:l vinare, apply on hoard or u, .
m • • %V ft WHEELER, Art
magi Th e fie..ll..mer
itialtb, masterrtill S inve for ab.o - Ini.
. . .
port on thho day,:;he'f3d telyitat 4
o'clock r. *.
Pnr (might or petakago apply onboard, or to
Inra3 . J NEWTON JONES; bat
The apleratid Out rooninig abutter
Benedict, meter,. will leave for. the
above taut ell intermediate porta a*
Friday, the I.V.d March,at 9 o'clock, P.M. • •
For freight ar pa 9.949 apply on board, or to
, .
Tha apleadld fast decrier . •
Mcßride, Masser, sill leave for Ous;
above and 1l Intermediate ports da-,
this day the Slar sass, at 10 o'clock, A. IL - -
Roareiglit or passage apply on board. al to
• •
. .
The fine fait twining rieem;er
'0 • • OHIO, .
, taapsigetirtei,orilileave for the albeit,
1 - '''' ," ..'.- LI eltirgetraedietelendinas .on thi•
den the Vat lam et CoielOc, P.:hf;
Far freight at aseeVia,Wit fk i i ri r &.4 . ' ili g .,.
The entirely new and vravaeh atiamai
John B. DQVlR.troaxter, vrill leave for
above tog all fluvial:levitate land
ings... numbly, the Mat hut, at 4 l'. M. • -
. The Mateo will reeeiet for freight to NewErileans,
with privilege of tvzhipPing at or balow_CiartiortML
Porftei6ht, Bv•tArrply on board or to
- - . - The illOnteLei FlNirrkli7; .-:- •
mil . %castor, will leave for plrovO
and all ictermedia. port, Do' thra day AD ' • 4
. the2lit Inst.; at 'o clook A. M
o ( re
or3lit or panalgo t apyly oh board. . '
. - ' Tha splendid but ;manager
- .•31- '•-
Kinney, master, will leave ,f"
- 1
a above and all intermediate oorLa
on ia day, WO o'clock, A.lll. • , ..-..
Far !lambi or passage, apply oe board.' IstiM 11,'
. .
The fine new and natinch A.M.
, ' NAVIOA.TOR, - . • i l':
Win Dean, muter, will leave for tFe i
bore end intertnediale ports; on Wu; .
- der, the 2oth inn., at in o'clocki A. N.
For freight or peerage apply-an hoard or to • '
. air2o . -4 . ; B fiIILTENITIMRRAgt
The splendid ateamer , ..,,,,
i ~, • • hIONONOAHEIL,A, - •11
oapt. D. Stone, will leave for itiove - - -
orinteraiedlne ports, ' Wednesday,
•2thla hut, at 10 tie Flock, A. 2d.,-In place of the New
Ragland N 0.2.
For freight or passage apply onboard, or to • ' ,
- 2 --
=OM il MERGE% Agii.,
itivic u i TEE subscriber has Jim niCci 1 old a'
new and beautiful lastrument caned
“hlelodson Planst,lt front the 'has
Much - & Wbits„ Cincinnati. It
the elegance of exterior of a Pinto Forte, and is 03-
sensed of a tone at once sweet and • powerful. Its :
peat advantage, howeve, consists In AA ssoldny of
ns onanciadon, which enables the performer to ere
ems upon lithe most brilliant piano merle. Alb:Tech-
or, it may be called the beat readiest:unmet everis,
vented. Call and examine. ' • •
KLEMM, at Woodwelre,
tole Agent her March & White's mertefacturen " '
P. o:—Alse, several new and very fine Melodeons. ;
mat/ liopmal, Chronicle, and Msneurit tip/ _
ik A. MASON tr. CO, CO Market street, ale eon.. j •
only opening Ibe letest end Roost fasbiansbie
styles of Riney and Staple goods, comprising Bur.'
Ron. Alverines, Do Leine, ke
'Also—Rnobrolderies, Ribbons, Snwls,Lboen
/LaLonde Goads. a..
- _
Papwe eeeeee sei
N'47,.bIARKET !MEET, basemen Third end
• Feerth meets, Pittsburgh, Pa. THOMAS PAL,
hIER would retpeetfully tall the 'eneation of his
Meade and customers, to his rotten; exterteire
general coak-of nierehandiza. It will bo tonedto eoo4-:
peko every d'AariPlien °IASII , O6OIIa and French WaltPalle
'and Roeder / r Parlors, Halls, Dicier Refiee, •
Ikd Chamber, Counting floirots,do,tasOnetrar. /de• •
setae to el a piece. NO gieat diversity of: price.
and gaallue. eau bardlytad to so ft
h the eireetronaneea
and tames of parebasers who , . rosy laser rrith theft.'. 4 •
Psuenege, the old'eatabliabsd awe oehrar stress( stres „
tIIDIOLIZALE eivriiv s tf; 9 8 0CB4.8„ For-
XX "warthog and Common , caw., Dealers
Coumry Produce and Pintharab idamisenues, cos- •
oar of Wood .4 Fin streetc Xits&orgh. - •
COFFM•-• 50 .I.nrirne
Caucus-0 ...mold. dipped, and
Drawn-140 Cream.d English bairn
Coune-a) dos ilesip.aud Nardl/a;
Csaers-40 Maus;
Owns-6 bane; , •
(Luau-40 M Common and 64(4.4..
Prsa-95 brlsand half brio itnacrekandatte...;
Gurs-60 bre asansed' dreg •
lisui-806 Flit. Verde..
WOO 8011. Cared;
ramoo—lnnbs 8 F a. Manilla; _
1.-16 dos nuns.. Mut• aa,
brf • N Orkang.
.14 half brio Baru Hour,
Mort/M.40 do. awned eaoLoom • • •
aircessom--BY lboludlan,
eplh do .
Pescara-3o bombe]. kale'
naltil-60 reams &spread, •
Pacace--HO Ina Bordeaux;
tiosr-40 b. Rods and r • •
Scosx-10 Mob N St!9:
T.-40pacicauca ,
Toucan-1N bsunci, &
-Wasa Boaace;4o
For sale by ..• ;
II I 1 1 : 7 7 1 . 81;l1 *
* 7l Id •
Wn ills: BLoe, PP] paper MI . Tree ra r pon .t!tra . " , and Rag
_ad Post Wrdang Paper, for • -
•731 Er`" .... . 7 . , .4 bY P HSHALL, • -
Wood st.
12116 : .4 for aatc by
and clarified, for sale rA
4 1. 1 1027180Nds CO ,
rents kyr die Pt. Looieß
pIasTER PASEIB-73 - Vrti Pluioa arir
Imge9 bd. Marco Plutir,
- D ----- o&NDLEs
tuns 3 P VON SONNHOIa k. CO-
reeniveu on conAgnouCt, for solo p r
j!ALft Wend itreoL
era r a s E iVelmm ow . • -
blithe edser of Pimbargh that •MY: ads man e" !
lag bar Sim ' Ind ' Schwa m the let of April nett The
mods h l
be divided into elasseajadaptad to their age,.
their Wed, and notaleal attainateata Private /mom
e•n be commenced Immediately,
Mutates Bornstein ma be seen nett Merton, be
;wean 2 and 0 oteleek, at the darellibi of
Mr P illActr
is SA el, Warm Maim mad Wood us. son}swg
Captain T. Moon.
M Loess.
• a J. Ettinefehar.
. W. Ebben.