ESE a J pLLANEOUS. ROOKS! • :24 ri11...7131,TR1AN FOGIC ROOM, Woo/. suet 1,1.4111 for race atEaskinennem Benet:dos' Hebrew Lexicon, Townsesuri Arrangement of the Bible, Neauders tindery et the Christian Felt , Hon and Church, Milton's Treatise on CeliftiAll Doe mine, Life of Jeremiah Bran.. Len, ItolAmon's Greek Harmony of the Gospels, do Fannon do do, Sndltht Bi ble, II vol.; Bonn edition; Parish% Bible Bouncer, Mahe Ws Chum cod li, Prospect*, Dr. Weed's Lan tern. ph Etwedlmbergi.nisot, Holt , . Missionary Anec dote% and many elm Interesting works, in addition to the above, all at nearnax rostra, ' nov22 riltLii WAIF OF rrnignitrantc - xmL .1 LEGION'S', AND VICINITY, will be ready for the engraver in 10 tsp.. egnorto who may with to have mews of their country seats pen on the map earl do .sly makieg sop/leaden to the tmdersigned, any time before the nth loot. To defray the expense of the view. --..-.- ill be required, in addition to p_rice of the mos. novln R E McGOWAN TO , TRIC PUBLIC. ABOUT four years since, I was traveling thiOu,sh the State of Ohio; while spending a few days in Shama. I discovered a gneiss Needle substance. and aubeoguently learned diet it bad been known for yeah, and eeppoved to be of no ate or value, het from tts uniformity of Mature and elevator 'uncomic°, I was led to believe It might be made enrol, bat for what purpose I bad not the lent idea. I commenced expentunto by burninscil,boillog It, and salver fat WY h. and cuts it s With VlllOllll mattatsseeq and so wrong was my confidence thanker° was value in It, that I gave up my entire time and means la the prosecution of those experiments; cod lrom than time o this, I have attended to noodle , business; m the ex- Strati. of about two years.l finally discovered, that, is! reducing it to n One powder and mixing It with lin seed oil to about the conalmeney of think paint, and applying this compound with a brash, tballbis coating In a few months would become a prefect stone or slain so that the substance when applied was actually alma in a liquid ame,and the large amount of silica, alumna, suavest. and black oxide of iron that it un tamed, rendered it bout weather and fire proof, a the longer exposed, the harder and more permanent,it •tesas to become, •ndlae the coating (after it tarns to elate) I. of Itself indestructible by fire, citottecaently it prineets the wood-covered with it team the air, and wrote there is no air, there la co blare or combustion; thcrelore the wood wall actnatty char,lmfore the slate covering will glee way. I considered the discovery of the greatest import ance, and applied to Government for a patent for my or diuovery, fondly hoping that I should now be remunerated (teal! my outiaylo time and mos lacy. 'rho government, without any hesitation, grant ee M Lettere Pale= Mr the sole tight to manatees tate, scll and uea my improvement in the manufacture of a' “Weather and Fire Proof Composition or Ani fiendFilate.” far founesst years Logan 14, It/Y_ BlstiEr. WE, the inhabitants of Shawn, hay end the above ...tame of Ala Wake, and believe no be nab... sy correct, as we are knowing to caret of the state.; mains therein contained; and tee will farther state, that' We do not believe that there ever eras a patent more hotestly and laboriously earned, or more deservedly nod; an be panned his experiments with the most cisamantile perseverance under the moat diseoarligina etTelannianeel, as the public had not the least cont d. , ate that there could he any Hang ealoahb made ft. t the substance. lie therefore ban to encommefor yc it the jeers and ecotre of nearly the whole umminrt no. Notwithstanding all this, he was indefatigable lu sae promeadon of has experimante, and we do not be aeve thee there la one man in a tamarind who would ha..e persevered under all the circumstances Bathe an, at last triumphed over all obetactee and we M on brie there is now bat one opinion inawerding b the merit of this "nimble dimoverlf. 01b0. %V. CRANE, Justices of HORACE GIBIL 'the JONATHAN EVERIIARD, Peace. LEWIS C.-CHATFIELD, Trusties •R. W. MILL, of .10NR, Township. WALSVP.RLIT, To iprelerk. ALLEN 110 WE, Treasurer. ;CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. have asotttaluad that there are Individualsengaged In digging, grinding, and preparing for sale, the above. meialose4 Mineral, to be miand with oil, and used pro curly as I use nay patented article. I have been to thow . persons and shown them my patent. They say thr y do out Intend to infraige or trespass upon my nights; that they have aright to dig, grind, and .11 the pder, ff they can find pure/inserts; that they are not Loa ow m! to know what they are us do with that It is no Infringement until it is mixed with the oil to- make the compomi; and that those who buy, mix and um It, resat take the responsibility. Mort of them say that thyy believe that the patent is gemd against those that turt and use the compound, and some have said that what they wanted to use they should certainly porch ., of me, y me they way. did not Intend to make themwivm M irth in an Nowt feel myself in duty bound to expose this barefaced (rani upoo the public; an I cm can it by no milder name, where a man sells and re ceives pa for an article, the use of which he well knows subjecto the purehawr and user to a ;women tin.. and fine. Some of those who are engaged in this neirtious traffic, will unquestionably demand to the Pulite that my patent will not stand, and that I dare not et 4 pro 1 w ent to to some Now, of these to take tins wereorent away from . proclaiming that my patent was of nomaine, and made the follow ing preposition: that they might select et judge and two lawyers who have bad soma pmenee iv patent eases, and we would submit the patent to them, and if they de , ldod that the patent was good, that they should atop all farther proceedings in badness, but if they h. old decide that It would not, In their opinion, hold, I woukt agree to let them go on and sell all they could. without saying an; thing to the pubbe about them. Tam proposition they would not accede to. So far as tin validity of my patent is concerned. I do not de• peed entirely mon my own Judgment, although I have ma fullest confidence in it; but I hams submitted it to mat, of the Mims, and several of the moat eminent patmt lawyers. who have, without eacepdon, decided that In thew opinion it was good, and would prometsne to my discovery. I grind the article to • fine power,. and pot it up In barrel', the which ate Masked: .11.taxa's roma . Flax Aso Wessman Pamir Anrinmaa Slant" therefore rye notice to all woo buy and use the above mentioned mineral for the purpose sex forth In ray patent, except from me or :of amboriled 'genus that I shall hold them m a sines accountability, and Shall commence snits at law agninat Mow who thos liwinge upon my riebb NTH. BLAKE reams, Medina Co 0., Aug.l4, i — rTIVO TONS of the above Finn and Weather PrimfArtificial Elate an hands and for sale. The Micro we can recommend, for we have been using h for some 4 years, and know it to be whal it is set forth in every particular. J. a. H. PHILLIPS, Aith mr21.2L3332 No .5 Waxl st EXCELSIOR! F. H. EATON & CO., Trimmings, Gloves, Hosiery and Lace Goods DAPThali to the want. of every clanof Merchants Ll and Consumers. No pain. have bee. spared to present ithe newest and most fashionable style of Geode in tonic lain. Their stock consists to pariof the foPovringt DRESS TRIMMING& • Fringes and mos, of every variety; new styles Seared Rahway. kigerine and Imperial Braids; wide and narrow and Worsted Embroidering Braids; fuNred and em Velvet Ribbons; plain dodo; Corded Linn.. and plain Patio Ribbons, for trimming; black, Notate and colored Bilk Laces; ends wide do do, for Sodnees; with a fall •••0[1.0.11 of Dress Ramos; Dresses Pinked, Stamped or Embroidered to order. LACE GOODS. Embroidered Lace and Muslin Caries, Cheraiscuro, Itreakrut and Retiring Caps and KW Sleeves, French Wsrked Winn =dean, in great varietr,Loce Veils, Lappets mulOpera Tics; bloarnittg Chimes:ems, Cads and Bair bleavu; Linen Limn ILO(, plisn embroidered and hemstitched do, plain Linen do; mid thread Laces and Edging Ins do dot Bobbin, L 141; LA. 111.411 .d Collell BONNET TEIkkINOS. Rich norr softie Roemer Ribbons, Freoch Face Flow cr., Bonnet Tata, Velvets, Satins and Florence', Silk Llama' and Tykrons, Ronnet.Prainen nod Tip'. KW GLOVES. Best mansfattare, with most approved fastenings, and choicest colors. An extensive assortment aiways oo !Land. IJOSIERY. A giant variety of Silk, Wool, Cotton, Merino and Cashmere, for Ladles and Blies.; Tartan Plards..and a gull assortment other rryles Taney. end plamChild re Ws Bore; nemert sutra Infant a Boots and Soaks; Grum' Grampian, Vszonat, Merino, Cotton .od fine Wool mar Item. • - -•-- - - - - - A fall assortment (or men, women and children, among viticii am Derby Ribbed, FoLasalle and plain bilk; ribbed and plain Csstimere.; Chamoislimed Der. her Cieslmre. Merino, Fur4inciilkaver, heavy sod Abe Ihickskin, Military and Lisle Thread and Cotton. WOOLEN GOODS, Such as Lashes' and Children's Hoods, Children'i %Voolen Saab., Knit Scarfs and Boas, Children's Oat,. ers and Long Mins, %Verged Cods, knitting Worsteds sod Woolen Yams, California Comforts; also, fine Cmtuncre Scarfs, for Ladica. LADI&P DEPARTMENT. Zephyr and Tapestry Worsteds, Canvass Patto n., Floss and Silk, Brim! and Pend Bough, Ps per Flower hlsiorials, Lamp him% Tidies and Em broidered Work. Also—Ladies' Bilk and. Merino Vesta %rid Drawers; Embroidered Backs andFlatinels, French Worked Caps and Waists for infants; sculthsan's.slown Trimmings. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Ftna Mins, Cravats and Collars; Merino, Kik and Cram, Wrappers and DmaretE Savenders, litioalder limes and Craning Warns; silk and Linea Ildkts; Glow and Hosiery. COMBS, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY. French panesaa ear red and plain Shell Back Combs; Beaks and la. do; Shell Side and Long Combs; du; Buffalo Sa ti n and Rosewood Hair Brstshes; She ll , Rotolo and En g. Horn Dressing and hne Ivory Cora% Wwith an IltilalltiEtt of Nail and Teeth Brushes. Wetkerilf's "Gold Perfamery. VARIETY GOODS. ---- - - • I Needles, Pins, Tapes, Steel Bags . and Parses, Banana and Steel Goods, Berlin Wise Burets, Parse Twist and Sewing., Finn Rosewood Desk. and Coat Bindings k Galloons. Fancy Work &ult.., Cloak Cord and Tassels, Perkins, Paramus. and Blind a Shade Trismulngal Ladles' Stationary, it Pulpit Hamer :Tassels, French Cork Sole. Upholsters-es Ensures, Silk t Ging.= Uuthrellas, lislf Liam, ass'd 'natio, Papas Hakim& Hollands }Malian Clil Cloths, Elastic Mods& Webbing' fig'd China Binding, Corset and Shoe Lamm rIARPETS: CARPh7TSS—Heed du. day, at Si' Iry . kir Clintock's Carpet Warehouse, Nis 73 Pouch st, • further supply of Carpet., of the lams* mid ma ap. proved styles, to winch we thane tha Miamian of Steamboat Men, and those wishing to (mash amm. US call La examine the largmt as In the city, which we will sell cheaper than ever beam offered in the •rearll market. noWXI W 31,CLINTOCK_ Sisaraleg Loaf Shawls. R. MURPHY sus meld a supply of the above article, of the but quality: alas, plain p t Lug Shawls; black &mbarlnes, Mourning Al. putt., Persian Cloth, black Coburg*, Partuuu, Cashmlres, Moos de Lain. and French Memos, black Cravats nod Mrtemingpollars, Mourning Bonnet Rib. bons, neck de, and a ; full auonment of Mourning Goode generally. Also: PLAIN BLACK SILKS, A large assonment, includlng . a few joleces very wide Northpenr. Boyers au lulled to look at thew, at Rantcorner of Fourth and Algrket we. Wholesale Rooms op suns, where a large usen• mutt of New Goods has lately been reccivalL [n• 20 We have been Informed by Me,. Lose of a ears pip f armed onher by . Dre Jaystere.tataratlveserbleh proves Its superiority over every other remedy of the kind. She has been maimed for We last sixteen years with NEZILOSES or WLUTE SWLI.I.INGS, attended with alterations and enfoliattori of various bones. da. nog vrttlehume marry pierce have beendlasharged Irma the 11 . 0011/ bOOC 01 the 011tIll0I0, from both her arms, wrists and hands ,and from both leg., and front the left femora: bone. and from Welled hum", besldespalnfel uleers on outer parts of her person, 'Wok katre battled the skill of a somber of the most eminent Arida.a of oar cgs—dame most of the time her sere:Ass have been eXeraiatme std deplorable. About three month. since It, 1•13 Induced to try Dr. Jayne's Alterative, yenta is had an wealthiest) , happy egret upon her, by removusg all pain and awellingsoted o.l=oll tha dew, w heat,lftile at the samara= her general health b...becalm:completely reMared,so that she now vele,. Who month. she slid before oho commenced Wens* of t hi s trolyrrituablt prepprroz:.—pc. For farther informauortorpouv of Mrs. Rao., No. 1.5r3' Filbert or, Ftal.alaFkur• For Ws Picabargb, the PEEIN TEA MBA grnbst. mar Wood. SLOAN'S COLUMN are At, theMadicinea advertised by.W. B. SLOAN sad by R. E. ag.L.LERs, Wood street, &nil JOHN P. scarp rilt.b.o. • liarwaoam. by JOHN G. SMITH. A _ D. Az t t a pi, by 1N. , . r. KY P. SCHA7 RTz an The Rest sued Cheapest florae Blidloll l l. IN TRH WORLD. SLOANTI OINTMENT AND CONDITION POWDER, Nave sensed a greets imam. For Purity, ma...4w. ty owl Tlearentgliness, SLOAN'S 011sTlil ENT Rood. And is now supersoding c ur e Ointments and Liniments now in am for theattic follovring dia cases: Fresh wounds, galls of all kinds, geeing, braises cranked peels, windhorte, witidgalLs, pol evil, villas, spew., oreerwri ftwohi, sitfast, main* lomenew, sand crack, loindered feet, scratches or FLO.FO mange - or horse distemper. The Powder will remove all inflammation ani fever purity th e blood, loosen the akin, cleanse the water dstrengthen every part ado, body and him proved Distemper, remedy for the following diseases: • Distemper, hide booed, loss ofappetite, !nowt, mein, yellow water, inflammation of the eyes, fatigue from heed CitlCblej also, fitElll9lltll6l, (commonly enl. led Oldeomplaint,) which proves so fatal to many val. table horses in this country. It is also a safe and ear rain remedy for caught and colds which generate so many fate/ diseases. W. 11. SWAN, Grand Depot, CO Lake at, Chicago,Dlipoin. THE PROOF. Extract from the 'Valenti North Western Queue!, By the nae of Slotnls Ointment and Condition Pow der, I have entirely eared a fittalt 'on my horse and otherwise tatereved hie condition more than 500 ps, cent_ on the cost of the mud:eine And n COW whin was so feeble.. to conaidered vrotthlesi by and neighboramaerestored to good health and strength by the use of le. than half a package of the printer, and is now doing ben. than any other cow I have. Small Pon, May 13,1849. WM. VINCENT. . _ I hereby certify that one of my children, when es Iced, fed into a large fite of live coals, and sear burned severely from bead to feet. The best of medical aid and attention was kiven to the child for four or bye days without any relief—each daps wifferieraincreriA ed till his groans could be heard at • great distance, in which critical period one of my neighbors recommen ded . and presented to me a boo of Sloares Ointment. mo In less than fifteen minutes after the application of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the suffering child, the pain ceased entirety, Imd be speedily began to recover. bly residence is In Itch township, Ver million county, and Mateo( Indium. TRLX./DORE L. TAYLOR- Cbieago, August $1,1948. Ik!fiAt April 13,1945. Four miles north of Chicago (on the .ad to hhlsraukie,) Cook county, Ilbunly. Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin One of nay horses had a large y tumor on his breast boar, immediately under the . U. winch lamed him and rendered his services of ry value. I flothfally applied wrest bottles Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Done Liniment, without the rat benefit. I Men procured Wilder's Celebrated one Ointment, and used that .until I became fully tidied that it would never relieve the animal. Fr. Sly I obtained • boo ot your Daly valuable Outt• ent, and in lees ty.lhdays from the first implicit .n Me tumor entirely disappeared, and the horse woo ell: Your., EDWARD ARIL/THONG. _ _ _ po opinion Iv any criterion of the worth of an If Ve Invite the incredulou. to read at least IL few the many voluntary eradicate. that appear in ham. :everting the great canny of remarkable res effected by the ow el - Hloon't Celebrated Ulm eat and Coinhuon Yowdeit " These remedies no longer remain among theta co doubtful utility, they these passed from the tole of Ika. :Us of dm kind.—Mieh. City News. • THE HALF HAS NOT BEEN TOLD. Fog Rude, lone It, 194[L Nat. Sloan—Hirt Please and by the bearer a new eupply of yoar Homo Medicines. They ve the best lintel.. of the kind that I have ever tried, never hav ing been disappointed in their effect, a. I have bun in the use of others, even the most celebrated Ointments. Liniments, A.., of the day. I like very muel t - this fea: lure in them, vim that they do all that is prontimd, and upon a thorough trial one to contemned to add. that "half has not been told." fiespeetflally, to. DUDLEY. TEIS DIFFEREN9F. ••• • The ordinary ointments — and linimEdli It is wall known are severe and partial in their operation.— Sloart's Ointment is mild yet thorough—it reaches and removes the cane, hence it gives real and permanent relief. For parity, mildness, safety, certainty, and thoroughness, 81.0A14 Ointment excels,and is rapidly 'woe:ceding all other Ointments and Liniments now u.. WE CANT GET ALONG WITHOUT IT. Enaz's Gaon, Oct Sli,thiP. Mn. Sloan—Sin I have tested thanrtue of yew Ointment in the cure of rattlesnake bites, sore throat. min, and many other injuries, and in every case It has surpassed our exp ect ations. As family Outt .nt, I have never ens equal, and for beasts In can't get along with - out It. Yours, dm, MLLES hi. JOHNSON. EXCELLENT OIMITENT. 61,1:Slam—Dear Sin For *considerable length of ime I was seriously Libeled with the rheumatic cow 'taint, and applied freely the ',miens liniments, paint tillen,i.,.,withoutobtslning any relief. After which your age ot al this place influenced me to try your Ointment, end within two weeks from the time I com. winced using it, the pain reused, arid I wee effec molly eared, and shall recommend all who are similarly fib dieted with the distressing complaint, to procure your excellent ointment without delay. primt,i sp uc 'y , y r on w rs,.. m, , I, O is.u. SCAR F. MOTT. [DV From the Hon. il. V.B. Brooks, Agent of the ilitnots and l'illeldigan Caul Packet Boat Company. Cmuao, /me 28, IPLd Dr. W. B. Stean—Dear Sin For the last an years I Bove had oeclaion to one many hones, and have used the great Variety of liniments and ointments in nee, but harenever found any thing equal to your oint ment for Wanes on horses. Within the last too months I have applied your oitammt to some 80 horses, for various injuries, and In every instance it hes pro ved • sovereign remedy. nzh==mx&MU=3244, . . Tem miles &oath of Chicago, Sept.l4, 1649.. Or. Sloan—Sirs On the eta instant ony .on nad An cor bitter muireiy. off by a borne. We Immediately V. plied your celebrated tantinent, which relieved hurt of pun in a few minates, sad prevented the finger from swelling the least particle, and the wound is healing rapidly. Resp'y Ponta S. BROCKWAY. hlr.Slom—Dcar. Pu About three years ago I was mvemly Injured in one of my legs by the fallow of a pile of wood which occasioned large running ulcers. Nearly every doctor in GO./ tried to Ctre them; but wind in vain, until hoof sympathy and improper tree. meat my other leg became as bad as the one original. or wounded. I despaired of ever being well again— but in order that I might neglect no means within ray mob, I prarchased of your agent in Galena some or yam ointment, and you cm judge of my to au I entirely better than I can express it, to find away II entirely wren before I had Imbibed using the second be a These fans I make known that others alliipted may believe and not delay uang so trainable Lit mounent se yours hits proved to be. lilesp . y your grateful fed, Galena, Dee. 10, EVAN DAVIS. ONLY %I DAYS. Before the followingorder, !deists. Vaughn & Co purchued a large supply of Sloan's preparations. Joconor, AIM& Feb. S. K. Hibbard—De. Six I am out of Slosn's Coodi. tion Powder and Bone Ointment. The We far ex• credo my expectation. If you can manage to send me 4 dozen Ointment, I will pay for them the first dim that you are bore, and presume I shall be able to sell • Mtge quantity in the coarse of the yeah It arid be as object to you, as well as to myself, to keep me eon- staidly supplied, Very resp'y yours, 8.8. VAUGRN Cc CO. . - . 81). 1 U. Dr. Slone—Sus About two years ••g o, while ratmg on the bliesis.ippi river, in passink ever the rapids, I was plunged Into the water, and by the raft dashing Asmiait a reek, crushing my left.leg. and otherw,.e at. Quin aidartng me, so much that I lost all sensibility_ When conscieumem returned I found myself to Lents; sarroanded by my iireepins family. Good our ins and medical aid, enabled me in about two months to hobble around with the assistancof &match. The walnuts only partially hewed, leaving large ranting sores at die knee, which for many months discharged blood and matter of the most ofensive character. ttly pains were inexpressible, al tams my mgre ring was an great that death would have received • hearty reel come. FORIIIII.II , Mr. Wilson, One of my neighbor.) advited me to try your Oiament. I obtained a boo applied it according to direction—the sores loon began 'to &mune • healthy appearance, and in three months I was entirely cared, and enabled to do hard labor. Your obe dient mutat W. THOMAS. we, the andersigned, neighbors of IL W. Montag, ere nequattned anti the ease above stated, and know- W ing the areanotanees, most cheerfully fenfillil said Thomas' &name nt. DOUGLASS, JAMES WILSON, ?LITER LAMB. GOOD NEWS.,JaA Bth,lBo. W. 11. Slain—Sin One of nay hors. wa• hoof bound nnd also wounded In the aide, in whlelkhe took cold, nnd became re crippled Um he eould acarcely travel. By the free application of your val.bla ointment, his hags were soon softened and the stifle permanently cored. 1 have also used the Ointment In the ease of .d on severe rails with equal racer... On a :embed Sag er that was very painful, it opera ted like a charm Yount, Ac, A. VAN ORDEN. TESTIMONY FROM LITTLE FORT. Bloan's Ointment and Condition Powder are ac knowledged by all who have axed them to be the len remedy for horses and rattle that btu been discovered. Fresh wounds, galls, species, bruins, ringhone, poll writ, sad in short every onward disorderar injury can be cured by this wanderlW remedy. The Powder to designed kir inward strains distemper, hide bound, fatigue Rana bard exercise, diseased eyes, 3e.-Lake Connty Chronicle. 'RATHER DOU W TINGLY, BUT I. THOUGHT OULDTRY IT." • • • Wicurrirx, Cook Flo. Feb. 13,1849 Mr. Sloan—Sit I have a fine young horse that yeas taken with the last fall.. I paid out. about three dollars for medicine 10 curehim, but be grew worn. 1 then bought a box of your ointment it your office • when in Chicago lasi, rather doubtingly, butt thought I would try it. Judge of my surprise and my v 01 . ,. of Its beneficial qualities, when I found m horse's leg. smooth and well Inn our day. from th time kcommenced applying It. Your obedient, F.:F. COLBY. Alma than fifteen pears of unrivalled success In the care of every variety of external disease. and injuries has sprung, brumes, ems, bums, cutaneous crepe dons, sore lips, mire breasts, chapped• hands, chill. blame, bite., alters, cams, puns in the back, sides, or other ß parts of Illevstem, rattlesnake bites, An., bears ample testimony that Stosn's Ointment is Just the thing for the-boar. Certificates without number have been ereceived by the •Proprimar from disinterested hid:elat s, giving details of remarkable cares by its use. A WISCONSIN WITNESS. • Granville, liGlwankle co. Wir., 0c1.13,1641, 91a.,,—Dear Sir. Recently my horses see away withis log chain attached, which eat and otherwise Mftmed them. seriously. so much no that I considered my Intim rained for business. Pommels, a (finial re commended the use of your Gunmen.. I went to hill. wantle and purchased a boX. It soon removed the Indartiination, and in a few days the vnnulds healed The 'gnat benefit derived from the meof poor Otnb Mani, on my horses, Indocad Me to acquaint you with the feett,, bgi.vingpUbliCitY would benefit you and the pubiie. Respectfully vows, GEORGE COMM:IOE. • • IT 18 A POSIITtrE FACT, AiM has Damao t common saying, t h at 8 k .,. Ointmean and Condition Powder are rapidly gunman ding all miter remedies for all diseases of horses and mum; The beastly of the medicines in rhea Fruity and safely, to mit they may be eyed ery, reedy without any danger of taking cold, or any orb. iltiarT resold.' from their frequent use, and minor tab CV* l!! •Also an Mowed. 014mlyS itll6.‘ ITO US A. A. MASON 4 CO., wiu..ornmenee on New Tenr's Day, 1131gl, and continue through the month of January, curing winch time the whole of their immense establishment, (including all their Wholesale R00m,,) will be thrown open for Retail Trade; and Mew mire Wholesale Sunk will he offered at Retail, on This ocemion, at fully one roman o than osual prices. Their Shawl Saloon contents more than3ooo Shawls, comprising every deseriptien of Long and Square Wool Shawls. Cashmere, Elroche,&a. Also, Wrenn, Cloaks, Muntillas, Sacks, the., at au iloll2lCltie rodue lion from usual prices. DREhLS AND CLOAK GOODS. . ..... . . Their stock comprises more than 1000 pieces Mbar Cloths, Merinos, Parantettaa, Alp aceas, Lyonew, Op era and Pelisse Cloths, will be sold from 20 to 40 per ct Ins than assalprices. Also—taro pieces rich plain and Sg'd 81.4118, roda cad 30 per nem. t.V cases Cashmeres and De lain; entire new styles. Also—White Goods. !dooming, do., Embroideries, Laces, Ribbons, Gloves end Hosiery, Trimmings, &e. 20 cases Flannel; 70 eases new style Calicoes, Wett er. Bleached Ainslie., 100 bales Drown do., 72 bales Ticking..A extremellso, Cloths, CossLoreres, Jeans, eminent, kn., at y low priers: 'Tosether with an immense variety of other Good., making an assortment one of the most esteem,. to the country—all of which have been marked down at much lower prices than their extensive anneal ante to Janu Theay lam ry invite an early call, as many of their choicest Goods will I. sold. (17 - The lowest price named at first . Jowl A. A. MASON A CO, GO Market .ts "Norway P/almon Blanket o. IT . R. MURPHY, at North ("am corner °CrowW. , and Market streets, has lately received it sup ply of the above superior make of Blankets, nod in thoos u want of the article to look ut them be fore buying. tie has also on hand Horne Mode Elan. acts, • goad heavy article, which he selling low. Also—Homo Made FLANNELS, brown., bur red and white, of a superior quality. Also—Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to winch he tomes the attention of buyers. (CrA large sum% of Goods recently or.ned IFI the Vt'bolevale Rooms, up autos, untie , hi. usiortraent very full nud worthy the all.L10111:1 dealers. norl7 • ELLERS PILLS Ic — A, Mu!, ..n Hritact, I'a. Sept xh. Mi. R. F.. Sellen—User Fa: I feel it to u tints I owe to the public, as well as to the errdlt •it your La. Pills, to state the good edecw orodcced by reel, not tap own case. During the month of June, I took very unwell, my appetite failed. and my strength was entirely presumed, with oevero pato to toy sole and shoulder.. I was told by medical Mil that my disease was o rover, week of veer compla in. 1 took scut. ,al bows of M'ale's Liver pill., and some syrups, which I war told woe good for that duces°. but ester all I was getting worse. I finally tOllCP)deti to Mare myself under the care of a phyricinn for bon er or worse; bid, fortunately, just at du. bum, t was told by the Rev. I. Pitbloek, of this place, that a friend hod scot bite a box of Pellets' Liver Pill. from Pittsbergh, which had benefitted him very moth. I forthwith sent fora box of your laver Pills, mid by the time I MLA done using them, I was satisfied that it was lost the medicine that suited my ease. I sent for more, and took five or six boxes, and Mendmyself almost entirely cared; but in March last I caught • 'entre cold, which brought back the dweme, and in a short note I wee is bad so ever. I twain had recourse to hour User Pill., end took them every other nlatt for six weeks, and oecasionally since, and I can nowility, that I ran now say, that I. Mel little 11any symptimis of the Ida., Complaint, sod my general 4..44 I. or pond now as It has been tor the last 11l years. My neighbors ask toe who was my dace), 1 tali them Mat Sellers' I.lwr Pills was my doetor,..and by the blessing of Ihvine Providence the means. caring rt.. I ate confident Mat when the public besot. au quatoted with the value of your Laver Palls . the de mand for them 1•Iii tneread, Malty of my telghbars, to whom I have recommended the pills, can leanly to their value, as well as to dm Meta shove stated. Respectfully You" (Mown Ahura To rue Preun—The Original, only tone glut germ eine Liver Pills are prepared by R. 17...Selleni,•nil have ins name atainped in black urn: open the lid each lion, and his signature on the outside u tapper, tcrAtt Gibers are counterfeits, or base imitations. spe.l7 It. E. SELLERS, Proprietor, 57 Wood at Saxe, Columbium 00.,0., Apr.2l, 1011. D E. Lk JAYNES: Dana feel hound to you and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op. portunity of givingpublicity to the extmordinary arena of your Expectorant on myself. Having been named for several years with a severe cough, hectic fever and in concomitant diseases, and merited only doomed to linger outs abort but miserable existence, mail the fall of 183 g, when, being more severely attacked, and havelp =toned to all my former remedies, and the pre. scrip.ns of two of the moat respectable phyaiderir in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the consolation of aurvivinr but • few days or week* a 4 futhest—when the la.l please of hope was about to vantsh, I had recommended to me your Expectorant, and blessed by that Being who does all thaws in the one of the means—aad contract to the •xpeetations of tay physicians and friends, I was in • few days raised from my bed, and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to attend to my business, enjoying mare better health than I bed for teo yeses previous. Respeetfelly yours, rte., ho. W. FAvrtt. For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth street man, N!R. RLIJ A II EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR JAN:JR.—Tins certifies, that immediately after boning attended my brother, who died of consumption to March, OSLO, I was taken nick with the Consumption or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the Comtism that for four years I was unable to attend to coy L11.111C11.1, either at borne. or •broad, being for the must time confined to my bed. Diming the above peri od of time, I had expended for medical attendance o re.miar Pnymcians and mediednes, to the amonnt of 8.34X4 without receiving any benefit therefrom. In Jo y, In-43, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Neill. evicts, and have taken them more or less ever•siace, and believe that it woo by persevering in their mac, that I can now truly say that I have completely rem.. erred my health- I behave that Jayne's Sanative Fula and Expectorant are the best fatally medicines now in I resale in Springfield, Otsego .county, N. T., and am. on a furnace and machine shop to that place, ai,l ant pol interested In any manner in the sale of the alibi@ medicines, and make this certificate for the ben t!, Dram., sittlieted. ELIJAH EATON. EM!IMME!MI • - A LF.ZANDER A DAY, corner of We Dimond and Market street., notify their friends and the pub!e t . tegi have r. f:jeLle m il stock We ,m A u lr m 't , t ter • auctions at the east. Their stock of new style and fashionable Goods islargetwd presents strong aurae- Innis .pureliasers. In Ladies Dress Goods and Shawls. We most spleudid end fashionable Goods of Lis.. season are roe offered, at ressierkably for prices coasisting Invart of the following LADIES' DRESS GOODS. t aid New style Broeha Li' Carnelian lank. and Black on Du Cheri e+ land ußains; cord Canuelitm Groderhines, of the best qualities; Mack glossy Groderiena of the celebrated Eagle manufacture. . •. • • • above named Blank Silts are warranted not I eat to the wear, for dresses and mantillas May areal hc.t imported. Nest 415'd Came Han Satin Du Chene, the h.:mime:sea Mits.( the season. New stile Omaha Bilk figured 'French Menne', a Wand splendid Melt fat ladles , walking dresses. ak F:mbroulered French lke Lames, for Omura and sari., an entirely new article. Cashmeres, De Lames, Merinos, Alpaeeas and Far manna, a large userunent. SIIAWLS AND SCARFS! • Plaid Long Shawls, of the newest designs, rernack ably cheap. Pplendld Terken Shawls, at greatly Seduced prices Caine lion Proem ftrd Silk Shawls, to gram vanety Crape Shawls, white and colored, in great inanely CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS. tlsst tied. real French Twilled Cloths, all pnce Lest Sedan real French Cush:acres; new style Awe Wan Cassneres;super Satin Tetuan. LADLES' CLOAKING. CLOTHS! French ,mdlglan Sleek and Moo Clothe, fort dice' Clonka. - . CIECESM A .plendid marortment of American and Intyronsd Blankets, at remarkably low prices. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A large and complete awortment now on hand.— hinny of our present clock of Staple Goode were bought toxin the . manufacturers previous to the prevent advance in price.. A priiicipai pan of oar %lock of French and Fit lash goods have been purchased at the great Auction Palen in Philadelphia and New Yong, which enables voi to offer decided bargalnv In almost every description of goods in our line of busmen . Country Merchants, Merchant Tailors, and all wholevolo and retail buyers, are invited to an early es:imitation of our .met and primes ALEXANDER I DA V, on Market ar, north wear corner of the lhamond: ext,d TO lIVVICIAM 01, Dtilf 1.401.111111 WIL AIIIRPHY, at north east corner of Fourth . and Market Its, is now receiving bm second supply tor the seaso and eau offer inducements to buyers rarely to be met n, with. IL. ..prurient of LADIES' DRESS GOODS Is very full, consisting of French Merinos, Cashmeres, Coburg., Lyoucae Cloths, super Primed French Cash. mere., or prices considerably lower then they could be bought early in the season. His stock of LONG SHAWLS is largo, and embracer many of the beautiful my! nowon exhibition at Franklin Immune, Philad'a. BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS, • _ _ Of new and very handsome stylev, Velvet Ti.. nunga*.e. SACKING FLANNELS, . _ ... Of various styles and qualities, plain and embroidered Blank Silk Laces, Needle Worked Collar. and Cuffs, Bonnet Satins and VelvmPlowers, Cas and Feathers. HANDSOME DIiP.LN S ILKS, Of the nearest styles, and at lower prices than usual; and rich changeable Silks and Satins, for blarnitaL int and aln stotk of STAPLE AND AND HOUSEFLEEPIN GOODS, at lowest prices. And In the gentlemen's department will be found fresh .FRENCH BLACK AND FANCY COLT CLOTHS, Bleck Doeskins Winter Vesting., Fancy Cessimores, Undershirts and Drawers, Silt Cravats, Pocket Hand kerchiefs, In. fl-Merchants are 031000 0 visit the Wholesale Roo s, up emirs. aceal - A VERY WONDERFUL CUHEl—el EL Le tool VERMIFUGEI Most, Mercer ea., P., Sept. Mt, 14,41. gli ., R B. Sellars: Dear Sir, 1 bou t one bottle of your Vennifuge at th e Iron City Fer o . sum, at this plane, and it has performed what we ten der out here a won • derful cur. on one of my boys eight years old; he had been well for some years, so ma h isajthaseed o n e up oil hope. of his recovery. 1. as adviy one of my neighbors to try a bottle or your Venniftee— and 4 s . happy to inform you o f It the desired effect of relieving my son. He passtd, in the shin space of SI bouts, 164 worms, some of them measur ing as much as Pl and 14 inches long. 1 feel bound an justice to give you the above ...num,. as youmay make any use of my name that you think proper. Tears, very respectfully, }oast rase P. Lrme. MrPrepared and sold by R. E. Iit SELLERS67 Wood outset; and sold by Drugguth generally thsf two novli Y,ADt 11.101.13I—SELLERS' OSUMI SY• R RUP—From W. K. Roden, Esq., Clerk of /ha Court of Quarter Sessions of Beaver County: Mr. K. Y.-Fellers: Sir, Sdure time In the winter toy wife was afilleted with a severe and distressing cough, and hearing of your Invaluable Cough Syrup,. I par eltued a bottle from S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater, and after taking a portion of It two Or three evenings no going to bed, she found immediate relief, a, also several friends have - been relieved In severe cases. I aro therefore satisfied that ills agate amtvaluable me dreine, and would recommend It to those who may be sawed with severe coughs and colds. March MS, Itla W. K. BODEN. S,lsritold by it. E. SELLERS,b7 Wood street sod Drugoistagencrally Let the two Cities rod Yilisilly. deg - • • • LiglA CLOTO.9-3 eases Hine md Drab 1' Cloths,Just rec'd and for gala by MURPHY, WILSON & CO, myl3 49 Wood sue. hIOUS. I,AINS—W. A Murphy has 1.3 Just reed a lot of high colored Mous de loins, such ea Che rry, Scarlet, Ac., at the lo* price of Vie. Per yard. A 1.,, Plain Drab, Drown, gte ,at ISS In mai ant/ per yard, and a he large at osoruneut of neat styles figured Mous. de Laths, various prices, togetr with a choice assotunent of Dress Goode generally, Dreh es Panty Silks, French Merinos, Cashmeres, Cobtrge and Lyonesc Cloths, at the N. E. corner of Poortb and Market eta Wholesale Doom up Seim 110•12 I'ItANSPORTA.TION LINES -- Etesr.Feli it co , . flu Remittance ILMIRDE.N Z tiO. eonunue to bring persons from any pen of England, P.:inland or Waley upon the Edam liberal term, with then usual punctuality and anention to the wont, and.col2l. ion of ernmigrants Wedo not allow ourpasscogdm to be robbed by the mortedling scamps that infest the tea. ports, a. we take charge of them the moment they re port themselves, and ace to thew well being, and de pab them without any detcntiun by the first ships n. eay this legitimists . , as war:Left , one of our passen gers to show that they were detained 41t hnu-s by an in Ltverpool, whilst thousand. of others • tee detained months, until they could be sent in aortic at a eh ^ p rate, which too frequently preset their coffin.. I,Ve intend to perform our contract, nonorably, runt what it may, and not act as was the case hut season, with ether officera—who either perforated not all, or when it gutted their convenience. Drafts drawn at Pituburgh for any sum from SI to 41000, payable at any of the provincial Banks in Ira land, Slngland, Scotland and Wale.. J 0911114 RODISSON, Eatmpean mAlGanstal Agent, (ski Fifth aITVAL one door halos, Wood; 11/CAVMR PACLLE.T.S. Elem. MICHIGAN No. -Capt. Gilson. LAKE ERIE, Gonlon • • ITIE above regular and well known Beaver Par k. T eta, have commenced making them daily trips to anA from Beaver, and will coututue to run between Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the mmon, a. follsowm— Michigan N 0.3 lemma Plltsburgh dolly at 9 o'clock A. M., and Beaver at 2 o'clock, P. M. Lake C t /o leaves Bomar daily atA o'clock, A.lll, and Piitelmvi at 3 o'clock, I' . M. Then sitamers will run in connection with G Parke' Exprem racked Line Mr Erie; Taylor A. Lefkingsrall's Warren PaCkom; Unton Line of Freight Bums for Cleveland: Clarke A CO'a Pittsburgh god Cleveland Lum Foam G Parks *IT New Castle Packets. CLAIthE, PARKS ,t C., Deaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUtiIIEV, Agent, l'ittsborit It, molt3l car Waterand Sinlthfleto jigggi 1849. & la ma PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND BEI . _ 111 F, Proprietors of this old established .d popular 1 daily line. einslsttogof SIXTEEN first class Canal Boots, evened by themselves and running to eonnec -1011 arab the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to oder unequalled facilities for the transportation of 'relight and passengen on die opening of Canal 1111vigation, to silpoitmontneYenn sylvtull nod Ohio and N. York canal.. and the Lodes. E ft. FIT CH & Co. Cleveland ItllrtVF-I.Lk BROTHER, Agent., Beaver. J. C. BIDWELL, Agent, roar: Water street. Pittsburgh. . C. 1111,19[11.... D. W. C. etinv.i, {innburßL. Beaver. BIDWELL Ilk BROTHER. Forwarding iderrhunta, REA% P.ll. PA , Attarsfar the Pirrsbareh drinttiad Line, Pittr hrgh and Eno Line via Frye, and for neon% laws Beurerum,•Ca:66 Uoa. Having marchused the large ao.l anbstantlal Wharf Boat just built for the klottongabeln Packets. hoar wail the addition of a Wurrhowte. tlar MO.nt ample ac commodations for reemeine am: lormardine, had pledge then utmost to consignments to their rura. and Erly on their too•nds tar a trial r'- dlt It dt fills Second Hand Plat:Loa. NE second hand Piano. 6 a.a.wee. pore ISO. O I " " s'' For sale for molt at the above priers. by JOHN II MELLOR. el %Food st I VIOLIN PLA I KlLS—Stopta's 01000 VIOLV. I &Ilan., altered and renitectrd Irma the last ljnir • 11141 edulon. to correspond with Spolir• Orwitaal School of Violin playing, hr his pupa U. C. 11111. ••If any m a y ere Featured to recommend this work, It oasy Le observed that Spahr htnaself adheres strictly to the system told ..own in the above work, and that hr has by the same mode of instruction• produced a greater nandwr of disangoodied pupils than any other aster in Europe " m : A supply of the above MW reed, Iprire $7,1 and for sale by J 11 MELLOR. VI Wood o ; - rii • 1,11% . .2.1 . 1r fr 071 13 ... e. : 0 k s ! .1! *i - z3toto-4olc-1.2e1ik!4-.. - " A N EMINE caporieneed Physician from Ms East, of pearstanding, offers m treat all coca of a Delicate Nature with promptuesi and secrecy. His success In Buffalo and other large ernes hay been proverbial. Ills charges aro moderate, and his cams pertnanent. Old cams °IRMO, *lnc.. , v est , Aida, Fluor Albu.. Rheumatism. Ague,s) - plulls, or an, chronic or inveterate eases solfeacil. A cure warranted, or charge refunded. . . . . . • • . °mom, St. Char street, 2 doom from dim Bridge. Teeth Extrnetod. Advice to the mar raw.. I.l.—Dr. A. io•oScim the worst mums ofAny threare n ritml.urgh to call. aol.lMIr PETROLIttiaI, Olt ROCK Olt. M====l . Than eV dreampt of in philosophy." THE VIRTUES of this remarkable Ttllle , r, and the constaat application tern, to the ploy/nom, ha. induced has to halo it put up in bottle. with la bel. and directions for the benefit of the public. The PETROLEUM is {immured from a well in this count), at a depth of four hundred feet, is a pore ens duliermed article, without any chemical change, but /art as alas i. frotr. Nature, Great Latin:dory!! That. contains praperue. reaentng a number of discascsos no homer a mutter of uncertainly. There are mans things in the arcane/ of nature, w loch, if h nown. might/ be of yen useful... in alleviating maniac, and re, storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a oaf fever. Long before the proprietor thought of putuog it up in bottles, It had a reputaton (or the cure of dis ease. The constant and duly Increasing calls for it. and several remarkable coca it hat performed,. • sere ir.dicanon of it. future populanty and wide spreadappbcation an the one of dime.. We do not wish to make a long parade of certifi cates, . we are co.csous that the medietim coo soon work OA way inn, the Maur of those who onfer and wish to be healed. Whilst we do not claim for it • omersal opphe.. In every Moue, we unkesita. tingly Cu;, that in • number of Chronic Dilitiliti, it 10 attravalled Among Moe may be enumerated —all due...a of the mucous homes, .0011 as CHEONIC 'BRONCHITIS, CONSUM rrioN (in lt. early sm.,/ 'Asthma, and all diseases of the air passim/I,U VER. COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diarhcea. Drowse. of the Bladder and Kidneys, Puns to the Back or Side, Nervous DI a, Neuralgia, Palsy. Rheumatic Pains, Go., Eryaipel., Totter,kLingworros, Bomb Senl.le, 1 Bruises, 0 , 11 tiara, de., to In C 11411.1 of debility b saloon from expoaure, or bang and protracted ease. f disease, this medleine will bring relict It wit/ •ct a a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in ouch c.a. imparting lone and energy to the whole frame, rerooey inn obstrocuo., opening Me Onagmh functions, whici /mese disease and a Me conettionon, and mail inemased end renewed energy to all the urn.. Lim: The propriator knows of /macre/ cure. PILF—i. that roosted every usher tresonsein, get well under Me ascot the PETROLEUM his a short time. The proof earl be given to any pormn Who desne. se None genuine without the sintonsie of Vac proprietor. Sold bydhe prop tor, S. M. BIER, Canal Basin. near Seventh st Also by It ly SELLERS, 57 Wowd a; and—KEVSER it hi'DtMV ELL, corner Wood st. and /fugal alley; who ore his v2 - 11y trxelerly appainird Anent. PINE AND CEDAR WARE MANUFACTORY No. 87, corner PI . ood Faftb—or •9 AleekrA, . - tyrren Third hnd Fouti.b 1 111 . 11b• d e m ribZ i, k th e:pai r o artsuntlyon ,.. bsin v d, whole Wash Tubs, i'o"rrf Harrel eh r, , Half Ilgtatels, Wooden Bowls, Pecks and Half Peeks, Wash Upends, • times Bound Baratta, Chelan Nea, 'rowel nollera, Wooden Ladles, Bread Konen, - . Clothes Ltukets, Market Usakets, he., &v. BA-NIL:EL KROESEN, novl4 No G 3 II mood Fittxhurgh J. Illia•pratt L Howe Patent Sods Ash. SaF, .torKS lilts. sod Soap motene Soda Arh, = Lot) polled direct from thr above relbraw.l manufoctorers,t9per rem Mnettetnt tt, orrlviag and for told by nor o: V. h bluurrcilLl.Tllll: p OWDER-7 ST. Isi l i t , V le; " Ky. do; do do: just reeetvlne, and for Kale by let/311 J y DILWORTH h. ett Pkw b cum mud ler sale by fel/11 WMAIJoHNSTON 11 - , but. reed and fur '`4:Uy ja` (.1,21 H 2 . 1,140 i V fed! WNII.I JOHN9TON LAND-1•J on. (on We 11. WOO II JOHNSTON S 1.1,14 b",y I'm" .Zgl s 7l7Ja ' s ' NZ .d .S. k 4;:tr;t t l Li .„. ; best Leavy Aufillc and P :Stark Lilac Drills, opened nod for snle by feb2:l IMIACKLETT CIAL 1. 4 011 A-2 conks for sole,by -a febl9 /11111 , 1 0 MORGAN ALTIIO-60 bt7li trolibie refined, for gale lowby . febl4 HURBRIDGE, IVII,..SriN a. et! A LAW3-425 lb. prime 1/ry hope, 110 do Ckieoinne; for lisle by feta It I.: 3F-1.1.1:115 C °"CE--" 171476 44 , 1 ' ;I ' Krii I KVAVItI, • 4L15 _ 144 I.ibany et MuLABBE.B..-Z-4 , Ltd. N 0; 40 " 8 11; just ree'll, for vile by re 1,14 BROWN & KIRKPATRICK S — Ur r N 0, fur sale by 14141 BROWN & KIRKPATRICK 144 lab, v I ,•LOUR-o4uu °arms I:xlrai a:lnt...elm Superfine; =Mi=tltWZ=l febls 1.1410W.N k C(JRN—IIiI 'melts Yellow; fur yak by febl3 i DROWN lc KIRKPATRICK CU N e —YG "cklet,cl'Sci'"" per kei on. VVINDOW ILII.ASS-51,0 DIA n. d in 'turn and for *.le by lanlo YAMPA DALZEI.I. Bimoms__. lons Kelly k Co. Tenn. wuoin-, ior ...le by (chin JAME 3 DALZKI.L. B n uI.TER• bble end .T.krg, Rattan Lnrtl; 4 racks Seethe.; for pole by febls JAMES DALZEI.I. LA for pole by ! ... F 2 W . !" D kIIIIIG AN let i rlO PlNK—.4°"""" ' (a jr111; t 1) NIORGAN GN B11,(14.—.2100 recd and fur sub, by A. 1 7 • MIRY FOG I:11 & CLARKE SOAP—'L'a lie Rain, In more and for sale by KNOI.IBII & febl4 No 22 Wood SCICKS-1 r W 2 dooolen, in sore and fOl pule by febl4 ENG IASI! & BENNSIT bble in stole and for I. w febl4 EN51.1.211. IIENN1:11' 111.14 . 2 6 —1 bale in store and forstilr by febl4 11120L11111 k BENNETT RW4EII 6136152-12 parr Long LeggniK.; 12 pair Shirred Leggings; I/ Air Cosilions, round and squat, IV Pea Coate; 1 gm.. No 1 Ring.; I do No 2 doi 1 do No 2no; last reed knJ for sale ut W, r Depot, No 5 Wood 110.. HMO J k H PHILLIPS U%IHOL--3 bbL. retie cud by Afate JOHN D MORGAN MEDICAL S F.LLUIth FAMILY MEDICINES— = They are W Medicines of the day." Glanas'n theorem Ohio. filmy P 5,1140. R. E. Sellers: I think it right forMc benefit of others amts once facts in relation to year excellent ',foul ly .l es. I tome sale our Vermiform lorgety on my own fam ily, one via 1111e•Lly answeying for expelling , rge flonntincsiosYt run) worms from two eltadret I lomit oleo used your Liver Pill. and Cough Syrup tn my faintly. slid they have in every lemon. produced .the eds. ensued. As I an +nage,/ inmerchnsultang. I run able to slab that I nave yet to hear of the first (allure where your no:dreams have been used in my seciton of the country. conclusion, I may note that lacy •re medicines et the day, and are devalued have • very extern.. popularity Yours, ref acima)), . 11. Emma. Prepared and sold by R I ES,No 57 Wood street, and sold by Druggi. • f eiterally at the two ei tie* and vtcliaty. mO3I g h ficIAT CURE OF LIVER COMPLAINT, by he I_ original, only true, and getout., Lover Poll. Santo 6iiite, Ohio county, VA March 26tb,1119. I Mr. R. E.Sellerst Dear Sir—l mink it a duly I owe to youvind to the public genera ly, to state that I have been i*Xtefl with the LM er Complaint far a long ti me, deo badly that an abcess formed and broke, which led me in very low atom. (loving heard of your celebrated 'dyer Pill. being for sale by A 11 Sharp, at West Liberty, and recommended to me by nip plmilicaut Dr. K. Suoth, I concluded to give them n far trial. I pureboYed one boa, and found them to e just what they areomniended, TIIE REST LI VER EVER US ED; sad after taking four boxes hod ibe ye bas entirely left me, and I mu nose perfectly well. Respectfully yourY I D I COLEMAN. West Liberty, March I cenity that I am personally imquainted yeah sly nlan can boor testimony to the truth of the el , o •cruficate. A IL Toe r ...Outten Liver PEN am prepared and wild by ft E i LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists 11011, WV CUM TO rilE PUBLIC.—The origami, only true and gen ic Liver MIN ere prepared by E Sellers, and have mono stamped 111 black , vax upon the lid of each lox, and lay menuture an the curable wrapper—all natcro arc COUllieT(Eill, or btue imtation, opld It 16 SELLERS., l'roprietor sill.JAY1111•)‘ (d.AIMIIIIIATIVM BALSAM Ip RUM tee Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pop ulaivllerfivmon ci the ProtestnntAlethodat Chary lie undersigned rummy been afflicted duringthe post will • disease cb the stemoch, mmeticues ro luGn in the otemach fog tenor twelve. ho p urs WIt11011:aace. onoted alter having tried •ormue reniedtera with react was furnished with a bottle nt Dr Pirayne'se mat., Poisons: This he used ac cording to the dip-eta:OS.Bft! found Invariably that Mir medicine caused th e pun in •Ivve in three or four min. atm and in Green or twenty et minuteeevery uneasy adoration mu. enorely quieted . The mmlicine was af. pterwarilran.eil whenever 1111111,:10113 n1 the trm:each of poll:mete pert•civea, and the MI , wan thereby pre em. ed. Ilecominued to iise the medicine ever,' evrttnig raid I.llleitine , ..•tie morning, and Ot • rob weeks health TVaN .11 (arr,.tored, the caterer ere, 101,00 ed (rani rat lame amount of ortpte•aive pain. V4Otai c pertence,therelSte. e ran confidently recnrimim Ii J•yne•Cartninranve 1 , • 111C,1131y ovedicat Mr disasses of Menton.. h and bnwela A SION ND Alteghens eay•Mll IN I ,1 erl , l 1.1.03 . . Ito Drug' =1:1 %Fourth stieet, near W µ'Ol 1V of I . SI:11W AI It Pl Y.l VALUABILIe. OVM.ItYi CONS V .111 . T VES, BE OA YOUR O VA RD. Int. SWAY NE'S COMPOUND SYRUP (W \VILD CIIHRRY an) 411.11.7 MaMari •011 Cousumptom, Coo? Its, Coldg,'Achtini, Rennet... ' at Wimpland, *dung illoint,'lntle nay of Urea Ili , togs hint in t lnfluenza, Croup, la,lo 1.1e1•1, PalpitatJan the Dean, 'Woken Con. s,iatiott, Sore ThrookNervous Debd, , tr, and all Diseases Of the Throat, Breast and Lungs; themost c'. factual and sperilY ever Itnown tor any o: tho above DR.• A N Cosaposawd gl ',rasp r. Wild Chistrryl 'nixmedicine no mutt among thice". , Joul.CC *tatty. It Lae pasaed away from the thous... , Is da,w launched upon the tide' r experiment, and highs r in reputation. end or J.ecoenag alma ca 1...., ly used than any other preparation et medicine e•cr produced for the rebel very man. It has been introduced very generally ) through the Dolled Slams and Europe, and Were are ew Warns of importance but what contain snme remarkable t o of its good elleem. For proof of the tWeginits rtatementa mod of the value and efficacy of the medi ine dm proprietor will insert a few of We morayMou rn:id testimonials which have been presented to him by men of the Gift rearreetability —men who have higher sir to 4.f mom: renprinsilitlity and justice, Ono to tier. iffy to firms, lieeause it will do another a favor, and themselves no injustice. Such monotony proves eon elloovety . that it* wrprioing exeellmice C established icy its intonate merits, and the unquntinitable author,. ty of piddle opinion. The instantaneous rebel it d iorite, and the soothing influence didwird through the whole frame by its use, tenders it a moat agreeable '."‘"Y (or the en ifItiTEIVIDER! .ii-Vs'hentiming from corowlennons im pulse, Voluntarily hearmen, testimony to the truth of a along, or particular Met. pooh testnnony, being contmrY to that , rte. couvartson of i w t "' Ttti, .itnirtre:t7nin'e'dnirs'lntertni Trete al manner to universal ertitence.”--Wllogan, Moral lasinia. RE-1D THE 111 ME CERTIFICATES. :with Cliac Frwroack• Cossmernwr— I'licre never war a remedy that hap been as successful desperate eases of eon..apt., Al Dr. Swayne's Comnound Syrup of troll It strengthens the tyrtara, wadappeals to heal the ulcers on the lungs ies. I new and rich Mood, power possessed by Ito other rloine. Cliacrea Co, April !Wl.'" sync—Deer I.ti. I eerily tailmve your Com powird Sirup of Chewy ha. Imen the means or saving my lite. I caught a severe cold, which gradu ally grew Ivor, attended *thn a severe cough, that resisted all the remedies which I had recourse to, sun increasin until my ease eXhillited all the symptoms of Pulmonary g Coutuntption. Every Ming I tried seemed it. have no effect, and my complaint increased Ito rapid ly that lite:rids as well Sr myself. gave up all hope• of oty recovery. At this time I was recommended to try you, i n valuable medicine. I did so with the most hop •Jy results The first bottle had We elect to loosen the. :ough, remoter me to expectorate freely, and We ante I had used MX bottles,' was entirely by iterr none nis hearty a Mon as I ever was in my Ida end w o uld be hyppy to Me any InfOrlikationcesiaieting my e Wet other enterers may derive the benefit for which I moo so Tut . g For the troth of Ws above statement. I refer to Peter Ranh, Griner, Watt Chest°, Pa.. of whom I parehiwed We medicine. RespoWally yours, Jaital MOZO/i. Warder/0' / Curs of a Aluaodurs lifinastro Dr ,-.lyOe—'Nor its: I feel • debt of gratitude doe to the alklielet4 generally, to oder my humble tesumany in fahJhr of your Computed Sy woof Wild Cherry. Same three year* lane! I was • nloutly attacked vrith ` bald and mllanunation of the Longs, which war accompanied with a chit/re...a noagb, pain in the breast and head, a serf concdera• inn discharge of ofiensore maces from the tongs, cape r:all y upon ehange - nt welcher, however a:igal AI hist I tell ro Marro about my emolition, but mar Filly ioor. convinced that I was reptdly going intoconsunto , how I greys dads weaker, and at length mar rea.rce. lit able to walk about, ...Peak above a whisper, w e l t no the exceeding weakneo• of Oty long. Palin thee a,.n. 1,4,1 Mai •uttottosreparaumm mid prescriptions, rr .,,f_yy i Yariag all the time wow , . Just hire I aril. rd and; peraitailed by a dear friend in L., auto trial of your Sling; of Wild Cher. I moot oe,t.ra that premensly I had been preps- Wead .smash patent medicine , and I atiiatW agataal thosr Coaling out of the hands of ern, tic, but under condom ) our civis to Me profession and praettee of lord/rine, and h: an c e impbrit With in ine saying of my Inends, I fordwrith purchased of Dr Shaw, one of your en., a few bottle*, and romincaredlt•aae. My dip. ane 0,1 at Coo nine o(tL or months' standing, eon ssentiently it •••• dripfy foaled I found, however. reninleradite relief frour, the we of the Grit fear or tore betties. Itut teeing a public speaker, I frequently at- tempted to preach with my ineremg stren,gth, and meaty ruptured those veseels that hod already begat, tn heal; in this stray, doubtless, ray cure wan greatly temnted. In r.airqueltre of acting thus imprudent' I Lod to use rwitive or fifteen bottles before I was pe. "a ny retto rr d I huvente gLo urntion, • Muth mild! al ofixalti.f would have Ina, me wood. ba tbn above indi•oratiun. The Syrup allotted the toir• uL habit, took -way the distressing rough, pot est t o We &whew , * Of matter front the lune., and coo them and the eit.tre system good health I have , lefe , rod being Wm ee mimeo - aunt now, for the porno,. at being lattatii , l with the permanent.) nt the cure. and now that I feel perfectly well I oder it idt Vleasure Rev J luAnax Dublin roomy. N. isqameint Goottori—Read' Rnad , is hut or est/lusts Th•rc preparation of Wild Cherry, and that ts Dr. Itivv•roes, the host over °dried to the which one" sold largely throughg„, the Ullartl Stun , sort come p•rth of Eutopei and all pre parations cants by the moue of Wild Cherry have Lean put out 'rime ender rover of eon.e deeeptive eirelletelftelte., order/og ,, earreney maws, 1 ,1,, o bseyvanon, no person nerd mistake the genuine from ti t Each bottle of the genuine to enveloped root a beautiful steel engraving, with the likenem of Warrant Penn thereon, elm, Dr. Swayer, signature: 1.4e1 .4 further SeelleitYl mtnut of Swayisc oral 1: added hereafter,. 18.0 not tile peeper/too...Mtn all others. Now, it it Was not tor the great curative properties and known moues of Dr. s era y rre ,Gomoound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons would not be andeavornig to give currency to their Che r ry 1106.11110 try stealing the name of Wild Cherry. Remember, storeys hoar nt term! the name of Dr. el oil be Oct decoyed. Pommel While, corner of Eighth and RAC, stench., Philarlelnhsa. For ram wheimale and reunt by Off DRN &SNOW DE.N. cop GI eat Wood Ott; LI A RAllNpogpooK Co, cot lot ruts Wood, and Gth and Wood stsi TIIIJILN,S3 Market et; S JONES, Ind Liberty sti dAS A JttNFN, cot ',land and Penn sic, JOHN All rell- ELL, ',Dealt., city, and by ail respectable dealers in hrdlcinel_ 0.13 Dr.*. P. laland'a Premium Plaster. DIE. W. I'. INLAND, of ter Medical College tif Phil. aslelphia, now odors to Ow public his Indian Yea mile Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, after long sad tried experience, has been musferturily es. tebliched. To all women who Joey be afflicted with Proton.. Uteri, or Fallen Womb, he recommends his guaranteeing a cure and 'needy are in the short entice of from iron to thee weeks, if epplied with core and rest—dimarthng all the monde. instruments and expensive bandages co long in me. l'his he feel. conseicutloo in stanng, itimmuch as he has not ruled in one cast out of three hundred and fitly-three pa tictits. Also.for Rheomauern Wc•k Breast or Doak, al -1 tended with nein, there ic nothing to excel fly lter in affording relief or effecting a mire. Fur lUele b 1, Wilcox, corner of Dimond at :dorket at Braun tc Reiter, Liberty and St. Clete rug Ur J Sargent " federal sr and Donne., Alle gheny city Jacques Co, Denman and Diamond filminott g ham. EXTRACT COFFI:E—An urtnele winch is ra pill y COilling,tlllo whnle•onac,lloUrisiliag and &Octal. lo.vern,e, to' mg rnom arka , an l and pal . maid. than common Coffee., and far chrdper, Its .nuall raper cosung only ten rem., Wll oar us four pounds of Codas. Manufactured 1. i 7 JOIIN S 1 , 111.1,E12, Pittaborah, re. Sold ni orholernle 1.7 ll A FASINKTTUCK ts Co, learner of First and Wood nod Sinli and. Wood areas, Cl'Otal.orgh nir2l f IALIFOILNIA ItUIIIIER. 61/1./D.S.—Juot reectreal, S 3 Camp Dlankotoi ml °diner coat.; 12 pro Pan.; IS Writ nett hued Alining lloo:o; lathmuo Lingo; 11 water Tnoks, 11 and 12 gnltuni ennui NI coulee], ra no. each; Itucksk.o Money Belot; 1 do oiled enuthne do do. Tic above good. Inc mile at the Cali forol. o.fflung Esteblitthmeatt No 5 Wool ot. ruclal J to II I.IIII.LIPS AN r, us--Wroutht Iron Anvils, (rem the Temper /S.. uovAle worts, warranted; will lw emmtwilly ou nail nr sod supplied to order, by .• 61,16 A Wood ,ter.jd, Dopuy, Se; 6 CA, N Bum; 400 bbla Wbokr, (o,gal. by nnvil IV A. NI ju. An.Prou 1) So.' brand, a soperiOr arocle, for ottle by novo W M NITCIIFLTRFF --' • • non A.. and 10 e... 75 k iir:: - .. t i' .,; ' ,.:li,;. " Z;:artiara on, shlp Osenbridgc, and now conung on by canal, lor male ley Wni MITCHELTRI.:I-: N. N.—They will receive, during Mci. winter, large auppna. au New Orleans. nov3o BOOK TRADE. SPECIAL NOTICE TO TEACHERS. DROFEet4OIt CHARLES DAVIES has just pre paved new arithmetical t.tittork,a copy of wh,ch will pre,ented to each end every Teacher to the Unwed etutcs, without charge, upon their application to A. litrigtah Co, 79 Wood ,treat, Patuburgh, tpost paid t The work a entitled, °RAM:MAR OF ARITHMETIC; Or, A:. Anulysir at the Language of figures and Sci ence of Number,. • The following notice. Is copied from the New York Trlbuno of Jul. 22(1,1.50: -Cta •a ea A.arruxertc, CT CHAS. DAVITS., L. L. D. (ten.. pp. 1.14.)—1n this work the langaage of figures, and cookruction of numbers. are easefully analyzed. The alphabet. "imposed Of ten figures—the words de need !rote the alphabet. and the laws by which the figures are connected with each other,Larc clearly explelned. "The analysis shows that there are but four hun dred and eighty eight elementary combinations in Arithmetic, each corresponding to sword of ourcom mon language; and that these combthatinns are so connected together as in be all expreued by only slaty three eid'erent words. The system proposes to commit these words to memory, and then read the recalls instead of spelling them, as now practised. "In another respect the system proposes an import ant chauge, namely: to cc aside, and treat all fractions 11l entire dung*, having a given relation to the mittens, frem which they were derived. "We scarcely need may that the little work educes the ingenuity and aktlful asnlYttiet for whieb Professor writing on this *unte-et are justly celebrated. We commend st io the attention of practical teachers. believing that they will find it crowded with new and valunble saggestions" From the Professors as West Point. ACADEMY 0/ U. !..1 Wrom, Jan.l7. The Grammar of Arithmetic, by Profewor Davies, prevents the aubJect in • new light. It so entdyres Arithmetic a. to Impreat the mind of the korner with the brat principler of mathematical ECICSICC to tom, nyht order and connection, sad the new rotea for the reading of helmet are of great procucal value. bigned, W. ii. C Bartlett, Prof. of Not & En. Phil. A. E. Church. Prof of Mathematics. . D. li. Mahan Prof. at Engineering." In Prnts. A.S. BARNES & Co. wouidrespectfully announce to teachers, and to all interested In mathematical fir eeed., that they will publish, on or befote theist at Augusi, teat, the following work:- 111 E LoGic AND UTILITY OF MATIIENIATICSi Or, on Alialyst, of the Principle. of the Science—of itie Nature of the ft...lna—and niche beat Method. of Imparting Instracton. By Chu. Davies, LL.D., Author of rrA Complete System 01 Mathematic. " N. 1.1.—A. S Barnes to are the publiaben of Davies . System or Mattiemattes. For male to this city by A. 11. ENGLISH to Co, No. CV Wald street felur: Footer's New littatoptaza lislodtos f w I.: to Huu all MO., Lolly Day; Do.ry Jones; Go down to ale Cotton Field; Vally was a Lath, tee. ALS(St Ile land to the Loved On. at Home: How thy beat lightly; True Love, by T. Hood; Our sway sr lOSI the 1,16, due ts; _ A new medley .o g, by II Covert; Jenny Gray, music by Muller, Joy rho, were crowning, Wedding March; bleas the hardy traitrlne; elehuylktil Waite; Coliseryt's Departure, by NV C. Otover; Sounds from Home: Wottzes, Steyermarkische Co, 1.11 Rose of bummer, natty exclaim. by Hem noted States Polka; Ladies , Souvenir Polka; Curti Crocker Quadrille; Louisville Quadrille; lk•uttee oi Ithetw, A law astortmcnt of New Music on band. to which uddttion. are made week ly. For salts b y fa Lela J.H. MkILLUIL, lel Wood at. NNW 000K8I , r UR l•:AR WITH MEXICO, by IL S. Ripley; 2 1 vol.. Elemmits of Ilbsiorie; comprising ma Analysis or the 1.0 w.. of blond. I.:videnco •and at Persuasion; by Richard What,.ly, D. D. • Essay on Chrisuan Baptism; by Baptist W. Noel, M The Ogtbites, a Novel. • Fairy from all Nationg by 'Anthony R. Ilion What with 21 slltiatattioo. by Laiyle. ALAI ree'4lty JI.IIIAISTIMI &STOCKTON, dent zoom? 'rated and Market streets_ New and Iftairant Olft flookal (0 . ACHED ete.ENTEItI ANU CHARACTBIII3; by J T Headley, bruit eleven origibal designs by Harley. Foam. and Props V. ',taiga, by Richard IL. Dana ; aili • Illaunissied acme of Sacred Poety, vial six slinatra bon+ engraved on 04.1, by John Sartain. Just received by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, aril corner Third and Maher No. DIIVNICIAN AND PATIENT; or a Practical View .1 of me annual duties, minnow. and interests of the, Medical Pleuesoion and We Community; by Worth legion ;bloat, D. F r SS crib. of Michael De Montaigne; comprlaing hi. 4~uyt Leiter, &e. By Wm. Dalian. Nineveh and its Remains. Dy Austen Henry Lay- litop.e. of Sonia; or Notes of an Unfinished To. in HA:. ay S. T. Wallis. • Toppers Proverbiat Philoeopby, new edition; ilia trawl. •t received by /WINSTON k STOCKTON, now/1 corner Marker and Third Wee. I IZ 1.I.)I T OCKWOOD'I3 lI,LUSTILATED inms:ed lloolgs—llooli• in richly carved bindttag illominsted and aoctrated—lfaais superbly bound in Velvq. !inc. Morocco, nod Corn, crouton, In Mutation of the htiddte Ages—Bibles and Prayer Books, beau mull{ bound in Velvet and:Morocco, magnificently or nacutrard and Illuminated. For sale by JAIN FS D. LOCK WOOD, Doak setter k Importer Wood st. Chrlatinaa and New Year Approaching! ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, In illagnifireur Antique/finding, for a, Holidays. JARIL. D. LOCKWDOD, Bookseller and Importer, 6J Wood aireci, ba vcd a beautiful collection or Illa,rated Books, bound t t tr. the most rplendid man ner bz the best London and American binders—amens them may be rou n d:- Pear. of Amer, , Poetry; magnificently illumine bated La y• o• Luc Woo.. rn World; illuminated in gold and coin's. Worl•worth's Greteri nobly liluorated. The; /11.11111.1 i by Duren Jones, and Wand carved wood. 'antra Sonya, illuminated by lanes. I'. ewers and then Kindred Thoughtg; dluminand by Jo ;- a. llrtnine. of Shaltspeark; illustrated. Moe 14111C1011, Charactentuea of Women; illustra ted. 1 . ,,e sale by J ANI Fri D LOCKWOOD, Jet/ 63 Waal street EISXI2M 1 - .Dlrult Vu, Voyage. by I lenntrollville author of -Tyne. , "Otrioo," /cc. II t.tory of K tog Alfred of England, , y Jacob Abbott woo fin. engrarlog... we Snrooros, by Wm. &tombola. JIItINSTUN & 14TOCKTON, nou - 21 corner Thad and Market street. "Ono of Ms Most IDlnerriable IVor4s ofthe Arne." ‘TiNI:VEiI AND ITS 11F:NIAINisti with an arrourit Llof e v.ll to dn. Cinindiran Cliritisians of Kurdis tan, and tin 1 extdir, or Devrl•Worellippers, and an !wpm v low air ?donors% and Arts or Um Ancient As. mynas,. Dv Aiirtra Hry en Layord, Erg., With Introductory Nisir 4 Prot E. Robinenn, D. D, I.L.D Illastratrid with Id plates and map., and it wood mass it eats ',to stint, Sl_tO. . . . “Ttir tank has a ram iiiiviarai of graptdr, vivid, pi ture•cua variative "—Trdivite. -The Work of Layard ts the moo prounnent contri bution to the study of antlqudy, that IN...appeared for man bi y yeurs."—Chnet. Inq - nt nee excel. itt interest the account of Nineveh and its flume, gtveu by Mr. Layard."—Wiuditnetou lotellutencer. "As we follow the digger@ with breathless interest in their excavation., and suddenly find noes e ie e s be lore a inueive byure versed with minute accuracy, nosy Wont its mimic. bead from the dust of :W W year., e KIP ready Co cry o math the astonished Arab., 'Wallah, at orNeonderful, ut bat It le true!`"—ln. der: r i r td . e . Lt JAMES U. I.OOKWOLID, ~,,e t e CI Wood at Blew Books. IWoME E Sprague, of the OW D. NNewTesbame_nt. 1. Edited by Sproe, D. D. I vol. Imp. over., eleestoly b.., IS garbed engraiong., atilt dactipbo o . by relehrual Muerte. Clergyroen. 1'01:51.8 BY AMELIA, (Mr.. %TUN', of Ky..) a new nod enlarged ed,oon , tilouraied by engravings from comma de.ign. by Wier. I vol square tom., elegem 1r bawd and gig. Alto—A nanny or splendid Anna ot. cod Gtb Hooks. Sewell'. Child . . Fan Rook of the Memo. of Rome. I vol. Ito.. THE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adopted for the u.e of Carnage, Shipvgight., Wheelwrights, Saw ... Lumbermen. Students, and Artisans recently: bane a thorough awl pisetical Traitor on Menthol- nal nod the Sliding Rule. Hy D. M. Kuper, A ht. Premier on tire. Prom Coninosition Oliendotd, Elementary French (Ingmar. Hy Prof iHrene, of Drown Urdu rum. I vol. Mao. fritediger, lie.ennf Hebrew Grammar, by Conant. 110111CM. Loom." Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tables. I vol tHwep ) The EnglishocanY Greek Concordance. I vol. (mum \ • Anthony.l,l s iswileal Henry.i thenotary, revised ed. I vol aro. do 'do/ unabridged I not hoer. Rune. Notes and questions on New Testament. Whualy`. Logic. Mathew'. Ecelesiautrol Mimi.. 3 vole. and 2 vol.. lohrept Vesogett of Croatian L yd. Moo. Morning. snots, the /MM. tit Rome. I vat (cloth a. paper.) ..ea where the Tempter be, Triumphed. I vol. (cloth and poper.l llogoe's Theological Lecture.. I Vol. Pm. (cloth.) Alder's Proiloweing Mb", lloyer's French Dictionary. Smart'. Horace. For sale by R HOPKINS, novEl Apollo Building., Fourth st NEW BOOKS JUST REMbI YELL—The went. hlontaigne, edited by 11. 11.1 M, aunprisiog lea Essnya. Letters, and •Joumey through Germany and Italy, with notes from .lithe Commentator., lkogrepb mal and Mbliographital Notice.,•&e. Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the Motives and Method. of Hood School-Keeping, by Dovid (Tetra, A. hl., Tatocipal of the State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. Prank Forester's Fish and netting of the U. State. aid Duo. Provinces of North America, by Henry Wm. Herbert. JOHNSTON &STOCKTON, stove corner Tinted and Markel tie Th• Olden Thu*. t/ AME 3 D. LOCKWOOD, HookeeLler and Importer, No. 63 %%Mod street, ha. far sale. fear conies coin. piety, (the remmnder of the edition,) of due valuable work. Waned to the Pre.rvation of Documents, and other authentic tinormwon reloung to the early ek ploruom,., settlement and improvement of the country the head of the Ohio. lly NeVli/O D. Craig, E.q., of Pittsburgh, to J vole Boa wale J. D. LOCK(;OOD 1_))051 AN CIDER rv: A 'hoary, 01,01 o view of the 111., Ltberty or other Ancient Nelsons. Ily Samuel Lo th ., Ilhotrated with twelve engruongs, exe cuted nt Rome. volt . , tivo., undone with Treetop'. Ihstorical Works. Jett published and for sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Buokstlier and novltt Importer, (01 Wood et LIANNY KEMDLE IN ITALY; aothorieededition, r 12mo. 75 els. SIRS. FANNY KEMBLEYS YEAR UF CONSOLATION. ' "The rending of this book has impressed ne with • mach higher oresuan of . author than we had formed from peroung her other wslings. II displays a deeper tone of thought, united to more pure womanly gmee on feeltug thou any other production of the female mind with which we ore acquathted.Y.—Eve. Mirror. '•11 1. a very egrecable and madable book, written In Fanny KembleY beat style—bold, eptrited and enter ' mining. We reCommend it to oar readers as the bait I publication of the mason."—Readlog Oak. -It contains the Journal of a travel through Europe, rind residence to Italy; and to one of the vim...test EJ most interesting book. of the seamn.”—tbior. hod nquirer. "A very characteristic book. We hove read it from We page to Colophon with Unabated interem A u vid (tonere of life in Rome. In all respects eminent') reehle;Y—Kurekerbotker. For tale by JAMES I) LOCKWOOD, oovls Bookeeller & Importer, Cel Wood le_ Llttioirraphle lieatabllshmemt f J st F WM. C I UiIUCIIMANN,TbinI it, opposit the Po-Oltice, Pittaburgb.—Alupc, Lemdseapes, Pill. ArchiLectural nod Macho. Drawings, Bum.. and Viciung Card, tcc., , nenv" or drain on stone, and printed lu colors, Meld, lironm or Ulna, in the most upprimed style, and u the most cc-mutably pricer. “ EXCHANGE BROKERg _ 111. 11 BB i BOBS, Baulk•r•, xchaag• B „ SSD 1/111LISIS NOTES, DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES, GOL %SILVER AND BANE NOTES. COLLECTIONS.— Notes and Acceptances parable in anypart 0( the UnionjnolleGed on the most favorable terms. EXCHANGE on New York,. Philadelphia and theme; al., Cincinnati, Lwaisollle, Same Lewis mad New Orleins, constantly for male. BANK NOTES.—Notes on all Wrens , banks in the United States discounted at the lowest rates. All kinds of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coin bought and sold. Office No. ZS Market Greet, betIVISLIC sod 4th, Pittsburgh, Pa cicc• • • • YORIGION MXIMANGIM. DILLS 01:1 a/gtll.lld, Ireland, and &Gerold bought our amount at the Current Batas of Facharre. A l l J pay We to any port of the Old Cortnautroll from £1 to 110:30 ' , at the .rato or Si to the R O B -Si without deduction or &scout, by JOSIIVA O SON, European and General Agent, aloe Sth at one door west of woaL oellett itamlawrg4 Lamm , zoaug MIEN= & RESIN, ANKER/3 AND EXCHANGE SACHEM dealers ß in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Ezolumge. Cm , tincams of na nd Banic Notes ILIA Mb, earner of 3.1 and Wood street; directly opposite St. Clarke Ho tel. ottayitHlY 1Y Ohio, Ladiaaa, lautacky, au hiusoart, Sk Noteg paretmici at tho lowest rata, by N. HOMES 3 SONS, wan 15 Market attest Brii.xs or ExclavolisiiEitfiTai. New York, Philadelphia= Coneantly for Ws by N. 14012M3 t0t t SONS. arpitl .Z Market St MISCELLANEOUS 11Ulnas. Oared. From the New York Tribune. AFRIEND, whose word Is moat rolinble, and who . hos no possible interest lathe matter, but one of desires us to ray, that he has been cured of invemrsir deafness. by the need( 'lttearpa's Compound AceurndlriLl' a Philadelphia medicine, which is not for sale in this city, but which he thinks ought to be. lot the geed of the afflicted. Ile has a sister who has also been rumd by it. He urgently advisee all w h o Ate lad - crime Item dcafnms, to try this remedy, with an unlest the case be extmordomy, the will prove abundantly successful. For Rale at THE PEKIN TEA STORE, fa 7U Fourth at, Pthsburgh ==9 0 to no do very fine; I : eurr 10011 dor need FUILI Ivory; •• illnilt Se Comb% 10 sup id super anu groin aeed Side Combs;reed and for sale by elks 0 YEAUER, 10a Markel at awr liollandl Buff nollamdt 'WEE flCß—That W. McClintock has Ibis day ived several cares of the finest and best Huff Windowrece Iloliand, to winch be would most respectfully call the attention of his customs. and We public In general. lErCerpet Ware F100m5,75 Fourth at jan3l A II FEeWvey m t u faot A f ß, j F u A amd f a m tbo old , by bona J. IL MELLOR, 131 Wood LL_, ==l=l mu: Complete Works of John Buoy.; 9 vol., 600, in I vol, illustrated; muslin gut and gilt edges. hllichrlPS. Biblical and Sabbath School Geography; a new work; I vol, Mao. Town's Analysis nod Speller. • Life or John Q. Adams; by Wm. IL Seward; 1 vol. Plow; muslin Poems by NA, Ileums; I vol, I2mo; muslin; gilt. South's Sermons... Sermons pre.ched upon several occasions, by Hobert Booth D. o.;a new edition, 4 vol.; including Posthumous Oiscourseu Saone-4 vols. in 2; sheep, ems; Bro. For sale by R. HOPKINS, leb2l Apollo Buildings, Fourth 0. IGAOLIE VOONARY thus menu., a. w. a. ruin. fikISE undersigned, successors to Ushers k so, beg leave to inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and public generally, the:they have rebuilt the EA tiLi. FOUNDRY and are now in full operation, and have part of their pa... ready far the market Amongst which are Cooking Stoves, Cool and Wood Roves, with e splendid air-tight Coal Stove, which is now ,supereeding in other eines the common round Stove. Alm, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well adap ted for small families, with a full usortruent of co. montd mantel Grate. We would panieularly in vite c attention of ge building to call at our ware use before pur m. chasing, and examine a splendid article ore...lied Grates, finished in fine style— entitely new in this market. Warehouse, No. lel Liberty st, oniosite Wood st angt.Sidu NICHOLSON it PAYNE. PITTSDUROII IBIPORTATIONS. 11 YEAGEFL Importer and Wholesale Dealer in kJ. FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS! Sign of the Gilt Comb, PM Market st., Pittsburgh, Pe. Western Merchants , Pedlars, and others visiting Pittsburgh 10 Nimbus. Goods, are respectfully invited to cell and examine the extenstve assortment of Eng lish, American. French and Germ. Fancy Goods. All Foreiirti Goods at this establishment era import ed dirort by myself, and purchasers may rely on gale dug goods from first hands. I have thej_argestassons mein of articles, in the variety line, to the city et Pidsburgh—all of which will be sold low for cash or city .ceptances. The Stock consists, in part, of Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons. Silk Cravats, Shoo and Patent Threads, Sewing Silk, Spool Colton Tapes, Suspenders, Buttons, Pins, them Liles and Cudery. Gold and Silver Watehes, Gold Jewelry, all lundsol Brushes, Combs and Razors. Percussion i.e., Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk Cottou Parses., spectacles, Steel Pans, Music Boxes, Carpet Bags and Baskets. Bindings, Findings and Trimmings.. Toys and Fancy Goods; together with a large varie ty of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. C. - vtteumc is also agent far the celebrated Lan. caster Combs. nowl7 Oft Cough, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! The F GREXr AND UNIX REMEILY for the core of ths above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM Of LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of London, England, and introduced into the United /Rums under the immediate superintendence of the inventor. The extimardmary sneers& of this medicine, to th• elm of Pulmonary diseases, wart.. the Mune= Agent in soliciting for trealinent the want pewitble en. see that can be found in the community—ewes that seek relief in vain (tom any of the common remedies of lb day, and knee been given up by the most diatinEnished phy•irians as confirmed and incurable. The ilunguri an Bottum has cured, and will cure, the most demienna of ewer. It Is no quack mum., but • stand.l Enp ash medicine, of known And established effiency. Every family in the United Stoma should be supplied with Durban's Hui/cation Balsam of Life, not only to countemet the commend , . tendencies of the Clilitalit, hi in be need w • preventive medicine in all ea... rat colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain la the lade and chest, Irritation and soreness of the lungs, brocbitis, difficulty of Weedily!, hectic fever, night sweats, einaci. anon and general debility, aliilMnalltienelusi whnsrlnt cough .d croup. • Gold in largo bouleeiat SI per bottle, with fall dime dons for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a mass of Englith and Ameri can ceitificates, and other evidence, showing the 1111. equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may be obtained of the Agents. gratuitously. For vale by It A FAIINaSTOCE & Co., corner et and Wood and Wood and 6th am: 'iNBETIAN BLINDS. dre•unt and heat variety ever ofered In this say before—made on the moat apposed Eastern plans— and men fashionable Eastern patterns and colon. Also THE eilt:Aj. ROLL, or Bosropt BLIND, on hand or mida to order of all else., and at all prices. Country Merchants and others are invited to canon/ examine the above for themselvea, as all will be sold wholesale or rand, and a liberal dsdenlon mad* is wholesale purrhasere. avid', • WIWTERVELT . THE STAB. OP THE WEST 4* VENITLLN BLIND MANUFACTORY East side of the Diamond. wbeie Vennian • ISlinds oral] the different sires end colon, are kept on hand or made to order alto the latest and most .4:Trotted Eastern toshs ions, at the shortest notice and on the tool reasonable terms. . . _ Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpn rency and Paper Curtains o(II the &relent sixes and patterns, ma hand and for sale low (breath. Old Yelli n. Blinds painted over and repaired,. taken in pert payment for new. M WMTERVELT, Pro'pr. N. 11 —Ali _wens done with the best material .d workmanship, and warranted to please the most hu t d.. anglthlly Allegheny city, Ang.10,1648. ELLERS , IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP—Trues 0 Holm. Lulls! _ . Perriertea, March 27,1547. Mr. R. V- Sellera—in justice to you and your incite, parable Cough Syrup,l beg leave to mate, for the ben efit of the community, that lily wife has beau veral timai allbeicil with a most dauesaing cough. 1 pm chased, in January lut, a bottle of your Syrup, which cured a cough of luau months' standtag. About one mouth since, the cough returned, and was so severe that she could hardly Manes from weakness in the breast; 1 sent fur one bottle of yeur Cough Syrup, and part or one bottle cured the cough leave the other to a journeyman who was severely aftlomed, who had, to um his own words, "eaten enough cough candy to cure .11 tbe people ut Pittsburgh," if the candy had been as good as represented. •- • . Yount, resp ect f ully , AL... R. Kenn. Prepared and sold by FL E. SELLER.S.S7 Wood street, and gold by Draggias generally to Ilia two alum del. ALLEGIDEIBY TENITIA24 BLIND, AND CABINET %VAL:EEL/Ohl. J. A. BROWN would respecb _ ............. ,..i , vr i"." : 2" r i si nO d. r:7`l ot4b. "` D LT l, b'' . ‘l o l n ' i, '" :illl : gh.y city, a complete assort. meet dt Veninan Winds; ablo Ve- Moan Shelters ars made to or der in the best style, warnamed mood to any in the United States. lira Blinds eon be removed with. out the aid of a screw driver. Having purchased I h e stork, toots, and wood of thy cabinet es. to'. lishmant of Rummy& Dn.:lel ' land, I sin prepared to furnish their old customers, as well ~, the public at lop, with e:I__IT thiligi7th A_ ei; to line w . h. Agency, No a Woods treet, BOUM?. such% ._ TUST reed, an elegant plslo Rase-wood g tmt Piano' U from the celebrated temutfactory of Nunes A, =ark, N. y., of superior tube, and very . mO price: Fete %Ile to] LEMM,. at J. NV. Woodsy II _ dela ° WILLIAMS' IVORY PEARL TOOTH POWDPR, in , „„, s siary Tamer, Benwy, Canker, and ill suhamnses destructive to the Teeth. It is de110..., ID the 1e.., etc ma ,I isle the 12100111, healing and strengthen. tee the gum*, and pacifying a. hITIIth. Foe role, whole ate and Istail, by :.----... dcsi ft E SELLERS.= Wood' st iTS•JO HER 7 t...C7IE&PE6 THAN EVEIO— hot reed, an snvolee or 11111 Jewelled pa l cd t i e . wer tValehrn, In eery. fine cue*, 'ninth I can Fen l• thirw end th in! five dollen, *WI werraaud no tee ,hl O —A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, corn. .pri•lng the VIRSiOnll and laront mks, and best pausal. W. W. WILSON, Wildman, cod Jamsda dalll soma auxin lag Four* mato, MEDICAL. O. W. DIDDLIN Dentist... E MOVID to a new three story brier On Smithfield street, time doer, below Sixth street. Teeth inserted from one to an entire sat, on the faction principle, with a beaa. teal representation or the stemma gun—restormy the oricinal shape of the face. N. B.—Teeth extracted with little no no pm.. Decayed Teeth permanently saved by pletex.nym..; vertiong the tooth ache, orlich is much better than co ring though It should be done In five minotn, or even Instantly, _ _ _ a illy SALTZEVIA • GINSENG PANACEA! O THOSE SUFFERE4O NATPII DISEASED J. LUNGS.—The unprecedented rueeeu which Ins treaded the use of the GINSENG PANACEA n all the auicinSforirn which irritation ot en lens* u. woes, toss induced the proprietor mail,. cell aux. Lion to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The changable weather which marks our fall eat winter months, Is CO alway AND C OC CU S ( CUarSmat sne* of LDS C. - Those, If neglected, an bat the precancel of Mel fell destroyer, COSUMPTION. The quemlon, then, how elan wo nip the destroyer In Me bud! how shal l we get clear of our o ,, righe and olds! ie of vital importance to use penile. • e THE GREAT AND iiNLY REMaDY will be found in the Ginseng Partac.m. In proof of tkie we have from ume to tame pabnwhed the cantata:as of dozens - of our beat known cArtens, who have experi enced its curative powers. These, with a mass of tee lmetom allpruLter,—fo4 l a msi lt i ni sT ; ANDlNG. Ministers of the Gospel, km, together with reprove nog ices from the JOURNALS OF THE. DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet form, and mar ha kad gratin of enyd u r i blents Z n o I. un :V4 emutul• have been used in this city. • THOUSANDS AND 'PENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Caned., and ore-elta lunge any inn to point oat a SINGLE INSTANCE n which, wbon taken accotdieg to directions, ant be , fort the lungs had berme fatally disorganised, It bee ever faded to EFFECT A rERrEar CURB Why, then, need the afflicted hesitate! Why resort to Ike ,uirrabie upstream, gotten up by Inv, • own ilidivig er ler the assumed nun* of Seine ea 'healed phy sician, and yelled into notoriety by certiftestee c: pert eons equally unkuown! - Whilst a medicine el UNPARALLELED EFFICACY is to be hut, whose soothers are at home,--eat tulgkl kora—many of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE • • •.• , - In order that this invaluahlo medicine may Within the reach of the poor as well the nob, wa' hays put the prier at ONLY WITTY OMITS, lion one half the tune cost of cough medicine. It is for aalo acsr agents in nearly every , town and village Over the , who are prepnrcd to an fall informa tion relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. 'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT . . CONTAINING N 0 .-Sf'i•;.;.: '._ -. ' .. :_!...h • IGERCUR V. or other Alin e ate — a i ll h Akl e irlgi r At WiIiTITZIF a i tl3 4 - 7 • 4 ' p ' l' - •. tlig Vs rmoirlhonrugs. 1. .___... their patrienntlers, and '',l• l li _ ' - ',..r. : , then bents them. . - .'. It itt rithily termed - - ~.. , • - .... .. A L 1.. 114ALING, for . .. , Vie. there is scarcely a di.. L. .t. . ease external orintentat, ' '' • ' . that ti will not benefit. I have used it for We last &Lateen years for all disuses of the chest, involving the elatost danger and reeponsibility, and I declare before heaven and man, that not in one case has it failed to benefit when the patio:ltems within the reach of mortal means. I hale had phyeicians turned to the profession. I have rainisters of the gospel, lodges of the bench al dermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and multitudes of the poor use it In every variety Cl wy, and there hat Leen batman voice—one universal no e ise eaying—"M`LLLISTER, YOUR OINTMENP IS GOODS , RIIEUMATISM—It removes almost insudiataly the inflanunation and swelling, when the pain ensue. (X • the directiou aroma the bon.) 13-16C111.—The naive has cared persons of the herolreche of twelve years mending, and who had it r, 7 7 Virla k e • rd, "" an? ' At.fkr aft Seined with like aeon,... S(IALD BEAD—We have eared cases that actually , deleglavery thing known, u well as the ability of WOO twuty doctors. , One man told us had sp ew u on kis childrenulthou any benefit, when a few uses of Ointment eared them. TRTTER—There Is nothing bourn for the care of Tenor. inraN3-11 h oniof the beat thine In the world for Immix PlLES—Thousands are yearly cured by Mid Min im. It :alma falls In givtng relief for the Piles E 7 Around the box are directions for usiug final Oinmunsfor Smoinle,Liew CovePitatte, EsTalss tas, r.un, Ckilbtain, Scold Moue, Soo Efts, Quincy, Sots Throat, Bronolims, NOVIna Affections, Pains, Di,. of Spits, Bra arks, asthma, Dcarnets. Ear eels, Burnt, Cants, aD Di. 1•1110 Vail Skin, Sera Lips, Pises ph e Fe., SeesUissg of the Limbs, Bore, Rhoweititicor, Prix, rout Fees, Creep, Swasd or Brokers Mutt, Tooth coke, dr.. in dw Foes, te. to. COLD FEET—Liver Comphdet, pain In the Chest and tilde, falling off of the hair, or the other accompa. Leasure cold feet (This Ointment s the true remedy.) It Leasure sign of disease to have cold feet. CORNS—Occasional use of the Ointment-will al ways keep corn , from growing. People need never be troubled with them [(they i.e it ocf. This Ointment is goad for any part of the body or limbs when Inflamed. In Some eases it should be applied often. CAUTION—No Ointment will he genuine unless the name of JAhIES MeALLISTER is written emit a pen on For solo b every lab y el. my Agents In all the principal Cities and levee In the United gtatesz JAMES AItALLISTER.. Sole Proprietor of the shove medicine, MI" Principal Ogee, No INl , lortli Third eon% Phil adelphia. • PRICERS CENITS PER BOX. AnVas vn Prrrsseuse—Braun a Reiter, corner of Liberty and St Clair stu and L Wilcox, Jr, corner of Market st and the Diamond, also corner of 4th and Smithfield sts, J,Il Cassel, comer of Walnut ant Penn Sth ward; and sold at the bookstore in Smithfield ft, old door from Second st; in Allegheny city fiy_H P Schwartz and I Sargeng_by J U Smith, Draggst, mingtim; D Negley, East Liberty ; ; H Rowland, Me: Keespert; J Alexander & Son, Monongahela City; N U Bowman & Co, and J T Logers, Brownsville; John Uarkley, Beaver, Pa; are wholesale agents. rebfilsleodly Facts for the Public. In relation to that unrivalled family Salve, GILLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. ruIISTIMONY of • reepeetable l'lty•ittian.—Read the following, addtessed to my Agent. Mr. F. Met ryweather, Cinetanati Cusculnan, A 6.12,1849. Sir. A acme of duty eompeli me to give my tribute to Dailey' Yam Extractor. Being opposed LO quack ery and oil nostrums having for their object stnister motive•—Lot reolising moeh.good from the "linig of Pain Killers"—l ace Induced to tender yon this rerUfe cote. I have toed It in my Dually, in my practise, and wiinall the happy - and wonderful elects that could possibly be imagined. H. J. Boom, LL D. Dr—Brodie is the senior partner of Brodie &Loot, Droggisui. Ir,ll.noustary RAeumatisys. • The following testinworol tomes from a source fa} miller to many of these traoeling on our Weetent twis ters. Mr. GOMM, the well and favorably known pro. prietor of the rkersbarg Hotel, is husband to the lady whose letter ,annex Va Apr(113,1840. To Henry bailey . chemist. tre.— sir . Having for merly be en, ong a li ned with violent Inflamontiory Itheumti two firmly easel as to defy all ordinary applimces to allay the severe pea mending It, I was tnduced to try your Heated Pain Extractor, sod it having elected, alms's% as if ma gic, ar immediate relict, and also, to all appearances enure aria perfect care lam induced for the bene fit embers who may be afflicted with pain, ceased by any kind of inflamman founded rite to you, declaring that In my °pillion, on actual experience your Hastiest' Pain Extractor is the most valuable dis covery of the present age for the immediate extraction oC bodily pain. It is an almoss item dente and a per fect care for Boma and braids, and all external in damnation. slaying many acquaintances formed by Mei: yids at my husband'. hotel in this place, 1 have supposed by your showing them these few Imes, it may possibly be of benefit both to theta and yourself. Flaggitmw Gus. •II mut-nate the hope that M. Gnu e will pi/death/ publicity I give to her letter, as well on die scare of humanity a/ of its being the surest mode of bonging it to the notice of her friends.—ll. Douai.) Fr/em Caned. Fatract of a letter, doted 11.1einer, Ky. Nov. IP, Mr. /I. Ballet': "I have tried your Pain Eitraelor in cave of felon, in my own family, which it relieved and curedlli a very abort time." la hate, mug re epectfully, J. Hams and Scalds, Mles, Sore Nipple, Broken Breast, .IKruptions, Soren, Cute, Wound, and all in— flammattou, yields readily to the wooderml properties of this unrivalled family salve. Bat, in the Anne pro portion that you will receive benefit ;Imo t h e genuine, you will be Injured by the deleterimie dr the counterfeit waives. CAUTION—Be gar tend 001 gto the his It. DALLIT, 415 Bra/ ant Koat or to tan an , theriocil agents. JOHN I) glolitiA,K, General Depot, Pittsburgh, henry P. seoweriv,Allegheny, Agent; J. Baker, Wheeling, Va.; James W .lolingum, Alnyomlle, Ky.; F. Merryweattiet, Cincinnati, 0, Generid Depot. N. she severest Borne and Scalds egiractg the pain in 11 few minateszilinez fails ;nu cues Fob WORMS D. A. FAIINICITOCK , S VERAIIIPOGIC. Comsat or ...tutor. wia trim. LN order to adeel all possible accanty to the public , m well as to thermelvetagrunst fraud atti: 011 from counterfeiter., e proprietors have med. o ge in the exterior wramper exhibit. of their Vet ' ban The new label, which a steel engraving of 191fOg • c the moat cup.. desiva and workmanship, has been introduced at a very great expense. and is from the brain of an anima the first talent The design is new, and the esccution elaborate. Several figures and a portrait aro most prominent, tot the word "Vann pnotral In wade letters Oct red and finely en- Vv1.72 bUr.":67,Vg g tet the tree.. , gisdbtg of the lone. and every !Inc, however minute, throaghoot the whole Milo. putt of the regnant; Matra as exactly vl it the impreaston had been made upon me use on ly, elthoutb it ...artily pruned on bath sides of t h e per. Tuts Alton 4 in all eilSe, be ob.crved. A la upon mach doze n is also printed In red open both sldelt, and should oe examined In the same spanner. • Th. preparation Ma new stood the test of many year. trial, and in confidently recommended as ame and effectual ape (or expelling worms from the ammo: Ihe uneXampled niece., that has attended adtrunntrabou in every ease where the anent wnt really allimted welt wens., certainly renders it wor thy the attention at oliyincima The proprietor bm made it • point to ascertain tb• retell of to 6.60 In such dusts an cam r within hit knowledge and ohwrvanort—and he layartebly Mend it to jproduce the m ndsalutary edema—riot anframent ly ante nearly alit to ordinary pri-omutio no recom mended for worm. had been provtomly resorted to without my permanent advantage. Phis (net is itt. tested by the certtheates and statements of hundred. Of respectable 4 pEre l ,.. in differentparts or the a cer . . l :IL m e i p d mpe 'l ratiera '' i : . 11 - t a r po h ati es 'd t w ent Y' l ‘ tls k rri e ed Barr' eperatien, and mat he itd.nistered with perfect Barra ty to the most delic , e Infant. The only genera ,0 prepared by _ spr.f7 it A FASINFSTOCA, Pittsbergh 'Candi Read! QELLIMS , trTRUI . . , Froni W. K. Ilodet.i . E L r riOUTI of Quarter :,010000/1 0 , Mr. It- E. etera . -Si Some born in the winter frf wife was 4,4. a ...were and diatecesing emtlib• I and hearing 41 rem wrelostilin Cough Syreiaii p.• chased a bottle 1r... S. T. Trimble, of Ilridgewaich nitid after taking • in.rtion of it two orthrec everting.. on going to bed, found immediate relief, as alrt severe friends bar. been mitered in .mere ear.. I am therefore sett.. 4 that it is a gate and velnetila medicine, end won o reehimnend it to Moot Wbo be itinletCo 001L1 ..•t re Coughs end Molds. Match Mi,14414 W IC. 1301/1.14. . . . Prepared and soI4 by R. E. SELLEBB, 47 Wood 4 and *old by drogyists generally,PittidOrigh and 4 vow