BY MIGNETIC TELEtIitkPH, *LPaRTCD ICLICOUA WILD )0a ME. 'PITTSBURGH. DAILY GAZETTE CONGIASIIIIIONALw Want:turner, March 20. Vale—Alter the meal m dig business, the Senate resumed the oonvidera on of Mr. Clay's recolations Mr... Hale resumed, and concluded his remuks in reply to Mr. Cathode's romance of Litton , with reference io the slavery saltation. He de. - sled that abolitionism bad grown sod become powerful by the aid and esentersance of a great political power at the Mouth. He proceeded, at considerable leoghth, with some toreibie, and. ix esaionally, humorous remark". in reply to Mr. Webster, charging him with ineenalueney . He also examined the pending bill for the recap• tide of fugitive slaves—contending that its provi sions were subversive of good order, and every pfinciple of the Constitution. kr. Hale concluded, and Mr. Chase obteiced further consideration. The subject was ties posts potted until Tuesday. Mel Foote's motion for a select commis., van postponed until Friday.- -Mr. Dayton having the floor. The President's Caliktruia Message was also postponed mad Monday. Mr. Hunter banes the The Ceases Sal was then taken op, corroded and discussed tell 4 o'clock, when the S.euate penned. House—The. House proceeded wait conaidef allot of the frpol4 ' Of the Committee on Printing, to Oat 0000 extra conks of the supers Of the Committee -on! Roads and; Canals, in: them et Whitney's Bill Rom& • Iliffteblesind the report, and repleed Sawlin't remarks yeatenlay, and conceded by nailing the pinions question. Mr. Jones mooed that the resoled - on be laid cis the table, which: - was earrivia 's.A. nays .t. The House thee went . tote Coeusattee or Whole, sod proceeded to the coasidieratlos of the bill to supply the the reewil Lute year. The amentlmeat pending wa tee awn:. priation kw' the clerks in the Devon:nest vs' she Interior. M. Teton aaid that the darts. arm saseteletp and that Cowen shoal ray tem. The ennamittee amen&Nit-501=3e ee'-inret•h.. IRIAL OF DE. 4^IISFM &tuns, kinti3 , The taint ark. Weiner, aw tin wt.ake ark. Fathom, COlSlmanced ycreentar.. rk wry , wan empannellai after mush L . The Attorney Gravel costars the stun apt to two points--First, that Nikons was second, Webster eorrentura the &wt. Three wannaires nirtirted Rckert G. Shaw, Park:mei brother in ow. yew braesea 'the hair Emil belongerl to Futons, alhonah he would not bale yerrognizast the body rite had not known bum to he missing. CINCINNATI MARKET. thacturcen. March 20. Flour C-011lititle8 firm, vnth sales of good at $5, and choice at 115 25 per bbl. Whiskey liu advanced to2olc per gallon. re Provisions - are quint, and no sales or canna• ta quence. - Cottoo—Sales of middling quality at II Ic. klalt—Balealoo o boahels barley malt 105 c per , bushel. l cheese fair at lets. (or good quality. The river has risen LiX incles--the weather is I, fi pleasant. NEW YORE tdARKET NOON ILITala Nis." YORE, Mirth 20 Flour and Gnarl are firar i brit doll of axle. Pro ♦Wnns am doll, with no visible change. Nothing Is doing in Coffee. Whisk4is a shade lower. Nsw Year, March 20. Flour—There hss been a fatr demandjar'Jter eastern ports, and prices are steady. Salts of common State and mixed western at .44 87, and -Griped western and straight bmnds a 81/ per MI. GridreWbest Is without movement, owing to the high rues demanded. White corn is selling Is small rmantities'at 55057 m yellow, at sr r lX7e; and mixed at Slopes bit.- Privhdass—Poris Is dull, and may be quoted somlnely at $9 44049933 Polkas for 3 reksr Oreemies—Coffee is doll,Sagar is Wendy. IV/ Jokey la steady at 213 0 241 eta. per gal ALIZI&IIDER PIL&NKIL'IW, - TTORN£Y AT LAN—Offkce an Fourth sure, Pitnibnrith. mr2l. DAVID C. TIITTLIC. ATT'ORNEY AT LAW, and Commimioncr for Pennsylvania, Bt. Leosts,ldo. All communications promptly answered. oetl3•ly , . :. . JOHN IL ansictx, .. . A TroB.NEY and Counsellor at Law, an 11 d Commie- (LOP. for the .State of Perdwylrani& St. ,IJottisi Mo., (late of Pittsburgh.) • . RClLTCPClE.—Pitisbarigh: Ilan. W. Forward, Hemp. • . urn & hillier. 11SC-endless Jr MeClore, John E. Parke, 7 ' Bitaells ft, Semple. McCord & King. auel4-1, • , T. 11. Baird J. P. Stcrrett. .. , . BAIRD & fri"II.RRIITT, V.. -,..: A TTORNEYB and Counsellors at Law—Fain tit at, •-v, IL between Staithheld and Grant, Pittsburgh, Pa jule —. Wm. C. Friord. - John H. LATI 44 Lamas & PRIESD, • . . TTOIINEIIB AT LAW, Pout!, &taco, ova Grant. hibtf P. Roan, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Oirtee ott Fourth street, bctesesn Settedield and Grant. ratsb , trgh. sptMly PITTSBURGH HEDGE BETWEEN three and foor miles la east of Pittsburgh, near the Farm ersi and Mecham& Turnpike Read, (extension of Ruiner. streeLl and about oue mile from East Liberty. The subscribers respectfully give no. lice to their customers and the public generally, that their Menai. Npreeries, Green 11011 Vs. le., lants, Ae , now comprise betweenM,ooo and 21M,CDO P all of which are in a healthylonition. FRUIT TRl•XS—Cohoiting of Apple, pear, Plant, p. ne g, Cherry, Apricot, Nectarine, Almonds, Drape Inlilarlt TRElM—Virt AilenlbliO, Catalpa, Moun tain Ash, Seger Maple, lincllah linden, American Linden, Lombardy Poplar, Mini of Gina& Peeler, 'Weeping Willow, White limited Ranh, Tulip Tree, Hone Carsten, Pantos.. Impenalo, Weeping Asa, English Ash, English Syetunore, Magnolia, Tripetela, ie., kn. IREVERGREEN TREES AND SHRUBS—Yin Ju niper, Ceder, American Arborvitea, Chinese Artiorsi tea, Bet Tyro Upright Yaw,CommanNts.r. American Holly, Eatopean Holly, White Pine, Norway %Estee, Balsam Fir, Pilfer Fir, Scotch Fir, Hemlock Ppm., Sworn thorn, In, J.. DIRER HOUSE PILANTR—Vis a superb .11.- too of reclulaa, numbering ZS varieties. This dos '. ia welly ilia attention of these who wish to wet• anent then windows. • ROfiEru—Hany of than the fast rate, num Chine. berteg over 72 varieties in classes, vii Bengal, or Ev.dirn%rnl, Rosa Odors., or Tea ticented Chinese a..... iu.b.. Roses, Noisette Roses, H 0.% Par. .. petaal, or Reencintant Roam A pleat number of the. ore ParfeellY hardy. and bloom freely throuout the r mourn ,won. Ale,p—Geraniglel, Oleanders, gh O tanots r ilactin, he, cse. N. 13. All orders mast be accompanied with the cgelt,ef satisfactory references. P 1.." ..thillY peeked =divot accord/mg' to dirce• dons, to any pan .r that United Stases• p e r .... .. 10 .1 tournament their pie... round. would do well Se p ....WI, sts we *lnk vastest of Everipreeee cannot he surpassed west ofthe moan- Wort . 0 %. , io”miag erne aerie of groan, and neat hering from 10 to IM thousand, • great number of ,wheels are of a fine sips for ttansplantlng. Orchard .0 Phmbhery Planting aseceed by tor, arse on reationable terms W. veer all lane. to oar address directed us Wil ma. p. 0,, near Pittabtugh, where they will find int• medians attention Orders left at oar nand, en Market days, in the Dimmed Market, arid find immediate attemon. The p u blic to peens% era leaned to cull and earn ,m oar amok: allenaliee le "rioter* (iron fill any day exce . r d Nab i t:4 ! FREEPORT ACADEMY , mit E ~egeregoed Gorman...arm anaounee to the T pOlie Brat they have procured the minima*/ the hirgolli, a redeemer Princeton College, Principal of est Academy, to be located in Perm port, Armstroog comity. The Principe will um men means in his power to mural's% a mated. for the b y paying a strict attention to the Intellectual . 7.74 wore' training of the youth committed to his care. The Course of mid) Intl be all the Bra n ches m ll mraght In 'Wailer Insaltuelortly ineleding the ()reek Languages, and the Mathemariew armY hen to enter Carp!. ALIO the higher brattelles f: o n Engliet Education, such as Name/ rkitoloPtty, Chemistry, Astronomy, fee, The wpww, am mtlt be arranged under two charges, y sod sip per Session of 11 weeks. The School will centraeneccni the Ist of May, ipso, • RID , F.RMSCES. g•• 41',.tfiVif.r;.D6."1:0'. I P4frol7o in Pd'e"'"' Seminary. • J. Carnahan, D. D., Pm% Princeton • Jo*. McLean, D. V, V.P. • d d Joel Btonentad, Florence, Pa. W. A. Breed, Steubenville, 0. George Gordon, Pratrafort Bonaire, Pa. Larm A. Dshten, Den). Weaver, ..",,sreatiey Irovroteri, Wm. Moorehead * Wm. Mop On, Robert Diem. Jobs Trimble. FREDERIC KALE:R, Preet. C 0113, Seep—teen.terraws Dv:palled& Feteige &chum R in k Notes. GAd a nd Silver. Boned, E.dd. and Exchanged. zndbangs and Ranking Manse of WM. A. HILL CO, vThog gager, deor above Voltith.(eatitol4e,) No. 7 . entssuaou. R io imitable for rendnanee tn the Old cowry; wn& to an= of II Lod oploonic Dunned sllowed on Um deposits find soz7.wzoli COMMERCIAL. RECORD. FITTER/17110M 40A.111D 07 CHAD= .10 ■ncwcrY ammo& COMMITTER FOR MARCH• Movements of the Mears Steamers. The mar Csahas, Capt. Illrflaol3. sails from NOW Tort, for Liverpool, on the Ma Muth. The Nlattaltk, Gaps. Style, leaves Boom toe Liver peel, oo the Sue Apnl. leaves B The Freers, Cart Lott, oston, ler LiveMl pool, ea the 171LOI Aptil. - Orrrcs, Prress.en Guam' Thursday manna'', March 0, ILSRL The member yesterday was clear and pleasant, and quite a fair basin.. mu doing, la the sear of general tales R....thing in tite isartet remains steady and quiet, mitt; no variation is prices (rem .r lam report. FIA/UR—Wo none. the mein of savant small lau yesterday, by the nver withsobseatho wharf, In &Ceram lots of 00 tibia mit/1,311H* per bbl. Moderate sales from story as 15/ 82, sod 11447, actordimp to quality. ' f SIN njaug—We note flanker limited sales from MOO, at ROO P bbl. GROCERIES—Sugar and molasses manifest an in. creased Seasons, wont sales in moderate lots at folly stand rams. say. for d 0-44. Atax, N °Molasses r:pile re. The stocky of Rio coffee continua we , b i oc snut sal. at MOIR: Ir R. Other gebeeries are without change. tt.SCON—Seta' of 5 eats hams in Me; salas of sides and of shoulders at 401}c ip R. BMX PORE—Sale of &COO bbl• hog monad at Is. 4 mt. • -11.1.nalass..1%1arta STOICS Sara—..l.4ltrs Stiat V, States da 'l6" at 1141, SOO Maryland fa, at ioa la akar. U. Utak. gra; .11 lama Ralwrate and Oat* RIM Road at 111; ds Jo. tame.) at ST; Ude do, tome,) at SW Wl3 dodo at - Or. Lona, Karel IL Rreet - ke LNetal, sed the wallet atteettkd (Wedding uncles 'of prolong_ 710 Trbano as Load anteing, 00• 6 •WitnettlT do Wester ett.Wr. Winer is nude ital Land lutddrocouteitil dor a farther redatuton. puce, _- rude Named in very limited deillearintlweaell Wes of dew& 0.1 e`..e.Lre ceoutry at P Oars is sizeltmgvil , OMh bars onva.,4, Trutt Wee shiPpiag order at CSolitt Was- lax. is nelrall.will a k r w or no ban re' Not 9. et SAL Ness. at fount yew., No demo. bto lon el L an, tar-wog, sc.:err of tonal parcelswh ee onsarvr sibm's are believe !Limnos been obtain 'cr. Fee cd.rt art,. dot nutlet remains about do tam vi...virm Wea,Str-L, essant. awl vote favorable for outdoor te-tweed giver •W - ine rreight unchanged. INinucco.netup ovi market continues 4,1 rocaner and Load. Several round lota of auttretetwerd roday.butop to the elope noodled were rommem—Me ar,eis to dull at Wean Pouir—Sdel retained to about 40n. bbl.-1011 coot ' woe c. Mond WO good and Choice on orders fd, are ardor SO extra at 1475. No round lots sell tag. ad :tr.le or no inquiry far uhiputent. mday canard WOW. aud.l,oll owks, en Mmat bwohele, how blkg1111,11( per barbel, wed o le-Armed. No prune told, which we still quote, 5t.30,11,111.' Coo owl Oate—Salo of 1601 sacks white coat, at 40e, saes k-1 mixed, at 37 e, auks returned Nowsold with :de nett. Saler to ear, now 4.1 boat, at 40e. Oats ans ID good demand, an d prises base imoroved Might 4, sales to day at 1,640 lota, frog 41(044c, nets us , tNeted—Repabluan. Locestrass. March O. The telex of cotton trades heS made the market gene muse 800 week to the dm goods and genet.' mud trade but the bad weather of to day has much sewrieted busm.s. The meet continues to recede slowly. Bagging and rope ate tolerably firm with sales of gwet /see. bagging at 131 e, 4 motatOs time with Inter et after 60 days; also sates of 373 pieces In lots sit 130131 e for the former and 614161 c for Me latter. We quote a sale of WO evils rove, by a manu facturer at Cc. Hemp commend. 119394100 ar ton for small lots. Cotton is dull al tOolle al qu t l afilies of A1e..., with a lizll sole ef choice fo lo r t alle. Ctover.ced has declined se SHP bushel In lots, with retail sales at ISISG. Sale. of flaxseed at 11,309191, 73 p !Jawed oil ls doll at SIAS.' gall. Stocks of floor are =edema, unlit sales of gotta brands from suttee in lots at 193,1 0 0 53 . 15 : Mmtl sales 53,2 2 01550 for choice. Sales of Warier Soar t at. 55, and a sale. 110 bbl* from store at 53. Wheat is very scarce. hut wog:tote from 93 to 1004 per boatel, as ir quality. Beall vales 15 cons at 409450, and • We at the wharf &t4O. • Oats wits at 301333 c. GlOCeriel. *rein light request, with sales of Rio cof fee In lots at 14101410: liilbt sales at 150 . 8 . 0 .° of avg. am ample, an* eel. of lb Mid. at 11141/41c; clued Sal/sof 73 bbls plantation molasses .241023 c; end auto of 45 bbl. at 0.50. The provision mask. Is firm, with sales of 730 bhls meta pork at 54,7 3 ; also sales of tOl bbis In small total an plantaticol orders at Sales of rumps at 010. Karoo from wagtail commands - 4K for choke lots of hog roundorith small receipts. Sales of eh casks ba tin loom stores at 31e for shoulders, age for nbbed: and ge for elver sides parked A sale of SW kegs lard at te • Sal. of 193 bbls raw whiskey yesterday and to day at We levee at file. . _ •‘. Piritattaarvis, March WiTtanilfittar,kuring the early part of the week there was but little Omani made for wool. the mien iron of the dealers and mantsfaeutrera being directed to the public sale of IdoAut pounds dontemte wool. af krrd New York'. Wednesday lest, at which a large y of destlera and matunfaeransra were In =en. donne.The paces obtained show bet little dance in the market, and wail) all thei•pnreloses were mode by otaeofeentrers. it the following 'ntritah—rte UlO Ls New York,and tea Ohist koalas. sad rprarter blotai..7393:llcug'Zlolleills.halrblitod 3110 TX 43.1X0 3.4 th asulfalllolreoay._V;htheelh. 3 nds sazony and Merino, .1•; =LOW Saxony and Merino, 25,0 0 0 de do extra fine.4Z, LOW Ds Iffashtnirtort county extra fine, lft; 15,0 M aha and Ohio. 34th to full blood, 113, rte 11. P ec an lf, 131; 30,000 Ds 14th blood Merino, Xi; ispro Ds fall bluad and ' dfi, 15,0b0 Ds washed black fleece. hti and 4,00 h Ds unwashed do at X 7 eta • th termi mo 4 nths emu into rent at t 3 cent. suit. :rk cents , earl. Tare CDsy bale. ' be sale. re amount to Topa) Os domestic ...tat nurated rates. Including Schuh° D. suite:tor rites fine :1 axon) at 50 to GU eta r Itl.7 . Cont. List Dacron, March Id. Corsica—The market continues quite dull for Ws.. rho, and the tunualons show • further decline intact. - s, although same of the principal bolder s still crimi itest constderable fitment. The demand has been al. tau; =TLC : Tr e rs.ttlis forltu .. i. purchasing onl cg sales barn bran 1,7 W bags at it. Domingo, part at flic c lb, zoosowhich are the closing cocoa. The last o afiara still ream. in the importerhibends. At une arg tion..llO bag. St. Domingo at lOat 12 ban dodo at 31t1,33; 21 bags Java, damaged, et Whin Y 17, ear h. F.n—For Large Codfuh them has been a fair demand and we notice sales of 3,000 qtla vsitr, a cargo of Ely Cbalear &AIL and small, which aro dull, at 81,50 01 , 15 v lid, loose. blackerel are dull sr d since our last the wales have been limited at our quoted raw. Exported since our last: Codfish, boxes 50 150 bozo Licomed Oil, there have en sales of 0,400 gals English at 9le • gal, cash, s od 5,000 American English FTilatE. 9 gal, cash, !envied bat a small supply of English and Amencan 111 first bands. In Olive Oil there hove been sales at 300 bskts at SUS, 6 run Lard and other manufactured oils are Dolling in lots wanted at our quote 4 rams. At imetioni.lo obis lard Ic 011, poor quality, at 49 gal, caab.— S hipping Liss. Puss—The stunner West Newton was purchased yestcrday, by Capt. Altar. of Nashville, {forlanVL lltts W. N. was built at Pittiburgh th is season, draws onl yiigline hest light, 500 Is very tut She la to take the Otos at the Suguchanna In the Nashvale and lib P I.o ~~ trade. There wu alto a upon in eisculation that the str.4 par Mohawk had been sold at New Orleans and would go into the trade Lets..v that city sod Lake Prost. deßM—Loattrille Journal. RATES OF •UISCOONT. MATES OrVISCOUNT-COHEILVTEDIII N. noinus t h 03111.. Exehaage Brokers., No. 61 Markel street. Deer itn Pennsylvania. indlotra... , Mink at Yanuurge --Pat Elam We 1/I.lranches•• 1 Eaennuge (lank Pm 1-atenerip• - - ... " Mere& ir.111.. Bane •Pit, Virginia. lik..of Plisladelphia• -pm Exchange Bk. of Vat• • I Girard /tank.......... par Former. Bk.° f Va. -• Bank Of Germantown •par Bk. of the Valley-- 4 Chester Conoty•••par Bk. of Virginis.---- " • DCLIV•Ire CO.• • •P. M.& M. Ilk., Wheeling 49 " Montgomery 153.•• par do Mormantairti.-• 1. " Nonharnberlanil.•par N. W. Bank Va.--, 0 • Columbia Uridge Co.• • par do Wallabarg•-• • Doylestown 8ank..... mu do Parkeraburg— 4 Farms, a' Bk. Reading•par Totals • Fitatert' Bt. !Saris Co. par I.llr. of 7 eanessee. -• • 6 Farmer. 11l LaneaVyyseFar. t 1/errh4s 13k...... " Laureates Co. Cl.-• • • poi Planter.' Bk.•-• -• • • " Ilk.• par UnionDk.•----• " U. eu., loni---.31/ 11111asovarl. ts, o nnevdio lik... ..... paeState Ilk of Pilaw:lnfs..- 1 W•rbington Ilk.• •.-• • .1 North Carolina. Getlysbure Eilik...-- •• - 1 Bt. of Ca pe Chambers:gar •, -- " !duck's Ilk.,Neartarn• V nessmehann• Co. Bk.• . - Etatu Bank 9 9,,,,,,,,,..,,.. --- - loath Carolin•. glippg -... i Camden Ilk•••••• ••• • • II Carlisle " ,81. of Chudealon•-• •.. I Erie Bk.. ---• • • 0 1 ICeonnercial ilk• -- -c- 11 i Farmers' and Droller' , Ilt.olDranKlaWri--• 11 hank, Waynesburg.. 1 Ilk.ot Ilandarg•••• • • 9 Ihnitsbanr•---- " Merchants 8t..---- 'J Honeedsla------- 1 flouts &Means'. Dk• 9 Lebanon pa of Booth Carolina • • 9 p,,,,,ui..--.. .. ..- Maryland. Wyoming ....... -•- 1 Baltimore ilk .1.• .. •.... per York Ilk. • 1 lialtron.&o Rllinstp •IO Wert Branch Bk. 1 Cumberland Ik.ollle . Relief NOWA .. do.• ar.Dk........••• 61&NI3k.Pam• F of Maryland • • " p c .p p __y,,,b. I : county! Farmers' & Mecham. " Allerbeny, 6 i Bk. Frederiali ..... :. a 4a5..-_ FredericaCo.llll.-.-.. a Maormtawn llk • IMmeral Ilk.- -........ 9 1 Patarco Wast nalanDk•-•-•*- Ilk .ofi Venmineter • •• • r• 1111e14191.1e, DLO 141. Clatr.-.-....- Ilk. of Riveralarn-:•.- Mulligan Ina. C0..... 5 Par.& Alech'allk•-•-• • 1 Wlsoonala Tcrrlthr. Mar.&Firela.Coitilar'• 6 Canada,. st.ll sol o entHanko••• •• • 6 illank of EngiandNatea 11 • •-•4•••-114 70 ir tan. •GoldiiiiirlOi•Valua Napqleons —.•—• 380 Direara•-• ••11•15• 9 1/1 Eagle, old • ,• • - 10 60 Eagle, new •1••• . • 1000 1/00bloons.Sparnab.16 1.10 D0.Patr10t.......--• • 1510 Sovereigns 4 el Ouirteas.• ..... •^ ''6 oo FrederickmPorg.....ag7 Fp Ten Traders. .. .. 780 ....... Tan Garldent ••••• • 290 Loalsdlora. •• ••• • 4 w Las saga. • New York - ..- ran 11.1."adelphl •• • ...-- prn IPativorn. ••• - pla • ar. tntr v.. r Wk..- MMIMMEMII! Sons ilk. and Drank...! I !damn Ple”ant••••• •• : I St. aben•lll,----• -. :. HI Clairs•111••--•-••• • ~.. S: •firttll •••-•••••• • • •-* :, New Lialtn!' '..7" ..- 7... it Cincinnati uantia .... 0 Golainboa do.. ...... ~.. Curaleill•---• • - ...• Z.lnereilla -..-----••••• ihltll2ll3 ...•••••-•••••••.: 70 WOONVI -•-••••••'-^".• , i hillltSD itl II •••••••••'........ • .. ' . W . DIM•IdIf ........ . , Okaoka -- ..... ••• • LI Norwalk •.•• ........ • "..• Cleveland. -- 1 itala---- , -- ..... • • ." Dayton- --• ---•-•-• . Western Resar••••-- Franklin &t Colmattla ", -C ctt 7:77, I. [anemia •..----4 0 Hamilton.-- .. • —l 3 Gnmellle• .. , ... - --lin ilter. DI Campo-4n Vtbana . •-•W K aaaaa Bk ur Kentucky I Lo:oyille• •• ••- Norhern Ilk. Kento , ky• " --k—C,tv Itenk TIM subscylbers, haala thr sato or a•lt. by se afartotrta, LlllOll now on Itretc a de f t supply Orders left at oar Intel sou, will be par= t t lg fable-tf PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Ilass..—There yam: 10 het 0 inches ui the charms Wt grasing, and (amt. ARRIVED. Cobba Cope, Menlock, Beaver. Mich/gnu, gins, Beaver. Beaver Gordon „ Wellsville. Viroqua, Gallowoy, Idanotopthela City. Fashion, Peebles, Pllnabeth. Atlantic, Parkiscs, Brownsville. Ilene, Jacob., Brownsville. Camden. Hendrickao. McGee port Lake Erin Clark. Beaver. " Clipper No. A, Duval, Cincinnati. • Jedienon,Leeisoille, Marshall, Goff, Jas Nelsen, Moore. Wheeling. DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, Mrirdoek, Beaver. Beaver Gordon, Wellsville Michigan, Dries, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Menclegebela Citv. Camden, Heedrickson, Milisesport Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth. Balm, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkuison. Brownsville. Lake Erin Clerk, Beaver. MOtlonglaela, Stone. Cineirinati. Genesee, Moore, Leal...llle, Navigator, Dean, Loalsville. Lydia Collins, Henter,Neshville. Pilot No 2, Dave, Hockinspon, Jenne bed. Louis McLane, Cenral, Virbeeling. BOATS LEAVING YIDS DAY NASHVILLE—L.7e D.AAL NASHVILLE—PM Piu,l o x. LOINWILLE—Wo, 11. x. MENPlllS—bblton, 4 P. K. sr. Louts—A....i.. Foa sr. Leate—it will be seenby rektence to our ad. 'remising column, Mat the fate new steamer AlillaDnia, mill leave for St Louis, MU morning, at 10 o'clock. FonLomsenta—The fine light naves* steamer Oblo, will loans for Loninille thlo aflornoon, the captain having changed his mind In reference to &nip net the Wabash. The Ohio lea good maim: boat, .d affords eaCe4orit accommodation.. ----- I.IIIPOILTB BY BRIFEIt. Chastrasati—Pos listuaar-14 bbl. h s, 0. & J. Sr-10.1MM , j 4 ptp tone, Forsyth & akeri 32 btda hams, H Graf & co •, 15 bbls boner, I 13 Canfield ; 40 brs meat, O'Connor & Atkins ; 150 bales notion. Kennedy & Childs; 64 blots whiskey, 3 B Boonton & 14 do' charcoal, same; 28 do hams, Sellers & Nlcolg do 110,20 yea do, Tan& & O'Con.r; b tan eggs, 1 do ham, Wr MO.& bro ; '35 do MI, 4b. wine, 200 presoap, D Clark co; V T he w; hauls, 24 ins do, 175 candles, & Thaw; 107 head of cattle, hl Corinna New Orleans—Poo Do Wtrr Caurros-4 lads , Leoch &Fro; 30 do do, C H Want: 110 bbls molasses, Bondridgeg & en; HI Mao crashed SO gar, t bbla molasses, Dr Thorn. 57 las Germ. clay, Jno Grier ; 60 OX, lime. Jas Dalsell; 1 cheek Inm, Wschonan: 1 coil cable, bbls, 1 anchor.° T Horgan; 150 bbd unisons. 1 bbl sugar, lot sundries. Char., Carothers, I on; 10 tihrl ,R Dalreil & em S bag, 4 rolls. 1 cos, oil cloths. W McClintock; IN Ws molasses, Reis & Berger. Pinsrla—(lll,)—Pra Pesor.u.4-370 tierces hams c c; o b., 1040 pes dried tisnon,2 las tads°, D Leech & 43 oaks sides. ow Clark &Thaw, _3 est. renn hams . Forsyth & ecg 3 brs patterns, H Woodr, 10 csks lead plpr; W Choi 1 bales ski., Wm Bambara Wheeling —P. Loan MeLass.-rd asks bacon. las do, 47 ILK • lard, 168 bg and cols clause... Boll & Liam& 23 his, 5 bbls, l ask glassware, Geo Bre ed; 8 Op nails, Cooper & Lovely ;6 ands tobacco, Browns ille; boat; 27 do do, Win Binghsta; bra ham R B Sellars; 20 bbts flow, 8 MeClark.• al do do, Lis& say; 1 stragon,B Noland; 151 bbls don, 60 do Ma, 1000 onunts, 6do eggs, 111. s potatoes, la burial, owners abnard. 3MITU/1031- 6 balm con., H sr dr, .lones & eo; 70 brs mos& O'Connor, 'Atkins & cog 06 bra sides, Sellers or Ni 30 bbts molasses, McClskan; 25 bbls horns; Clark tt. Thaw 25 tads oto ses, Brown Kirkpatrick; 0 pkrs bag4 . 2l B Brown; 73 etas own ash W kluebeltree; 10 bolo copper &boom. or & co. 1913114E1111 1111111RINCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPIRLI. $lOO,OOO. J. Fnrw. Jry StO . Y. I Id. Mtuaefe. Jr.. Prmet insum against all kinds of risks, RILE AND AIL6I.IIE. ALL Intim will be liberally minuted and promptly Pei& A hems infittninen--mansiged by Dlreeters who am 'well know. in the community, and who are determin ed by promptness and Irberanty to maintain the char acter which they have roomed. as aerie, the ben protection to those who dedre to be Insered. Dusacuoim—R. Jr., Geo. Black. Beller, N. neer vir.! Ihmsen, Get . 1. Limb, JamesmWAnlery, Ly on . PliatigNa. fteritt. Ono" No. 30 Water alma (warehouse of Boum flt GO.. uP smile,lPittsbargla Meolly • J. HARRISON SLINIII.L. ATTORNEY AT LAW, dThlllo STATE CoPOSISSIONLII for taking Dep. 'Woos, Acknowledgments of Deeds, &e °See—Fourth street, aboTo Smittlea. ml4-dissT JOHN HAVADNN • CO.. FORWARDING 'CORMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Ruin, Puts =rel. Htutdigh. mr6 JAM= E. DANIS IL CO., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS. Na. 117 Market, and 54 COMINTOO at, Pkiledeli ht Advances made, by either of tie above, ea eo , r: r menu of Predate to either House. JOHN WALLOW/68 • 1110211, FOMVARDING a COBBUBSION temetwas WOTlLD.mpeetfally volien dm nonalignment of Ilarrisbargb freight, front 'Western Merchants. as they are prepared to Mein 11.117 monde Um and Section Boats tanning night and day, the (mien not be detained, as they uaLoad such beam al all Ma n fabMlall ItaMist. 1321:3371 • t his d a y g ssaeuted with nr, to the . Wholt. lOle Graerry, Commence. and terwardteg ton. ness, my two Ron. R. N. and W. R. %Valetas... Th hastens to tame will be eondoeted nodes tne style 1.. S. Waterman & Roar, at too old stand. No. 3t %V ter Feast street. Is. S. WATER3Id.N. Plashes h. &larch Ist. 11330:_. - --• L. B. Watarman • • IL N.Piraterluan • • W. B. Waterman. L. IL VP/TKILIBAPIi SOIIL WHOLFALE OBUCNHe Coutmiutork and For awarding Idorchanis; dealers in all hula/tor Pro dace t Pittsburgh tdannfactuted A rileies; and Airrnta Richmond sale oßichmond and Lynebbarg alanafacturod Tobacco. tart 611/LOHLEITT i WHITE. DRY GOODS JODRERS, WOOD STREET, HAVE M store, and will be eurtandy reemeing during the uarion; a luxe out lull rehieted u. seriment of Simple and Fancy Dry Good., which they will eel! for cavilor epproved credit. Western Merchants are invited to examine our meek. i • Ma/MAINi WILLI/011f, NO. 10 GERMAN STREET, BALTIMORE, A GENTS (or the sale of SODA ASH I BLF.ACH .141. INC POWDERS, have now in store, and continue nu receive, lull supplie• of the following ...el , known brands. ttllurpratts,.. "Tenants" and "Jar row.” which they offer for We at marke t' rates. rorSoll --•-- .....George I. B. BIIIIMPIIRLD & CO.. 11THOLERALE and Retail Dealer" in Grocer. kV and Dry Good., and Commission Merehent e No. V& Liberty et. Pituberele tort — A PORTIINE FOE £lO or . IDIRITANNIA SPORTING PORTRAIT CLUB, 811 other., George street, plymouth, Englend• The manager[ beg , to acqaaint their [melee outs patrons eat thC next Distribation of Portraits ot Race Roma, will compose those entered for the forthcoming Grand Natmael Derby Rum Uto camber of therm. to be limited to SACO each also.. First class member .LlO, second class ditto 4S. Early application for the O tt appropriated &twee neceseary. A party eabseb ing for more thakone ehars has the chance of gaining an eqael number be Those members who draw the Canon* Porualts will be presented with toe fol lowing sums:— Portrait of Ist class bootees 2d ditto Winner, sr First Horse .1.10,000 S.lO ord " fleeced llonie• •• • 10,000 3,010 Third Hone PACO OA= Divided amongst Starters• •• • 6,000 2,orb " Non-Startere 11,0 N SO& There are 21:111 boomd:a In nth 'class, that being the number of horses entered for the me. The Drawing will be conducted span Me name legitimate principie. as those which obeffeetetteed the late lit, lcdger iind I other proosedings. Fall particulars of the retch will be sent to absent members imsnediately alter the de titian, that cacti may knew his position. Subscribers registered and scrip forwarded on re ceipt of a remittance. Ringo( Fsehange, Make. RCA Notes, he., addressed and made payable to the Managing Direetere. W. /AMES CO. Flee per cent, cononlsalon to be redaced on the prtsentationof bonuses. tarlS-Sne PITTSDURGII STEEL WORKS AND - SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. Mal lONS, cOlm 0. hetet*. JONES i QllllOO, `M A T IF A If‘AUR,RATI3pIOf 'l9g "d 1; LT' e r 'Orel Ilefl r , hammered e ironlleg Tndcaeelere In mai, Nab castings, ire engine lamps, and coach trimmings gen elly,corner of Ross and Front sta. PlttsbargA IMPORTANT SALM• rh Wednesday, the 10th of April, and to be eon• Oleneed for seven d_aya, will be sold at Auction by Cook kg...irib r .3ba Broadway, N. V., the Boots, Draw 0 0 Paintlegs;',Engeminge end Blationml. M the la a Wm. A. Coleman, beley known as a Collector and alerrin Rare Books and Works of A . re b Ttne Cam Mane of.shis sale man be examined at • c I , Book ote of 11,--Seßeevrosth, No. Est Market sr, and bids Jibe t ak en and *eel la auto for the sole. Aro ea Um works 11l 0 Audobon‘s Birds of At..., value at $I,00( ; • copy of Beskspeenr, womb Stan, Bt. qo t to of the Napoleon Parade, valued at 114 000 ; ... .. w,113,00Cr, Theme 11 by Apt be recent -sod, by . fi ‘ r:t dannl shipments,•nest and chote . asso m WWI Pieper, of the latest Fund , SIId o te . In stdd, chamois, oak, Into and htglt o W. P. ItIARBILALL , PM. 85 Wonksueot DIVIOLUT IO26 BB Co-perennial, heretofore existing been S. B. Bedleld and John under the faro of a B,Burtifield it Co., le this day dissolved by mutual .onset. The business of the old Atm will be eettied byl, :. Bustirield, et the aid stand, i ro n T u L e ilh e lya e insbergb. JOHN Much 1, IBS& hierllLL. B. U. BONIFIELD and LIEOROF RICIIA_ continua tho ‘Vholosalo sod Retail Dyl_ Grocery business, at the o i l i dtss a t s tit i mia . .a., Itta W l M of March t. I'sso—l_ rIA 60'2 eaerllon't.if:er,litsrlanding Irom 0""" li" {4 7. d Ij a IiirT I C O ,I I IILTREE , lorl9lteLlbortl st MACREREI-Ibo bbls No 3 Largo, Miss. Inspecq 03 do No 2 do 'do do; In store and for We by midi JAMES A HUTCHISON* CO 6 al , b,... pram • ppoin rd age ' beg band .d wt I e ontl. man. -- Olt,Ibilpkal•••••• ... I. TUE mat.seritinn, name ems largo Pmsnellietons, i ..., prepnted, at al. mea t to-wsen, bong and Pater. mi t e. port rot roman:table tenet. UFA & JONES Proprietor. _at , ' 3.31 Canal Ilium, neat di. thowo, or with NMI fed •l .8 times. :PADEN A.' Cd Peon LOCAL NATTERS, ItZPOITED TOR SOZ PrITEOVECIII DAILY Giairik EICkPX OP a Suva. — A female slave, who or• rived hero on the Schuylkill, Tuesday night, in company with her master, a Mr. Bagolt, of New Orleans, and his family, made her eacape from boat, during the night, at the insVgation, as was aupposed, of some other persons. The fool. ly represent that she was but a slava in name, and was treated ea 'member of the household, more thee a servant. At all events she appears to have preferred independence. °arias:max Torea—We with that out citizens were dispelled to pay more attention to omaineld! tog the strerts with shade trees. There is nothing which conduce. more to the 'civilness of a WWI; but we are sorry toasty that, as a general thing,but little hoe been done to beautify and improve the, appearance of our city in this respect. Now in , the time for attendlog to there things, and we hope, that more than ergot efforts will be mode, thin spring, to add to the number and variety of our! memento! trees. "When ye hoe naethin' else to doe be eye otlekin' in a tree, it'll be grown:: while ye'te sleepid.” Mveatrm.—Dr. Morrie will open Inn Museum thin afternoon for the free admuleinn of elergynien and theii RILTUIRED.—CoI Foster, of the Dispatch, reached home yesterday morning, from California He is In Lino health and spirit', and appear. highly pleased with his trip. He Intends to return with his family so soon is practicable. Mumtaz Boarrarmn, we understand, is farming her classes for instruction in vocal mu.. sic. We would advise all who wish to become proficient in this delightful art nol to miss to ex cellent so opportunity. She will COLIIIIILIOCC On the let of next mouth. A Ptutcaa occurred yantcrday between two own al a tavern, in the Diamond. One of them Was arrested and taken before the Mayor, brwhom . be Irani fined SI and cost, arid discharged. As It tp7 peered that a number of men had been gamblittg in the house, the landlord was eent for cud rigid Sta. He paid the money immediately, and was discharged, THLATILL —Mr. Addams had a fine honne,laat night, for his benefit. His performance of Mac. bath was received with enthusiastic implantc. The other performers acquitted themselves with great credit, and the play went MT "excellent To night the favorite &mean, ?flak Bisogy and her troupe, will appear. Every body will b. there, deplane. A Hoax.—We received a note tram the Rev. A. M. Bryan, yesterday, from which we learn that a marriage notice which appeared in this paper, yesterday, Is untrue, and vrcn a vary silty joke on the part of thoee concerned. Aim:name Poucc..—There was nothing before the Ma yor a yesterday. A n from the 4th Ward appeared before Alderman Barclay, and complained against his landlord for attempting forcibly to eject blot from hit dwelling by taking the window. and doorkotrt. He stated that he bad paid his rent regular y and had not received sufficient notice to enable him to provide in asylum for too family. At the request of the defendant; who was present, Ite ease was postponed till Prday, Gar a further hear ing. °erten 012,171 Les tent appointed to the of. Gee of Jailer, by Sheriff Curtis. Mr. Glenn was formerly High Comeshle, and woe dielingliohed as • eery efficient officer. We have on doubt tint he will MI the mtnetinn to the •publie-mitialiction. Ottawa Fox has returned from his trip to : Louis. We expect that he will increase the nu , ber Glow ponce nem. 1:121=1:12 fI , HE Itle of Ashbel (Oven, NI, I ml, et, A memoir of lady Colmahme. Ily IlennltnnTlD The Endltelt Beloit. A collect :ma 1 5m.... Or the radyt eminent hying Eneneb e t yines. ro.,H to; Expository leMarcouthp Eolole to the Epliestirte. lIJ dry Rola McGhee. A All Brown'. Concordance. embalms rlt.ilet The Mammies of the 111811' Ily McFarland: The commencement.. of Infidenty, by II A !lowland Dad, Bible Illmoratimm. being ortemal ,wins{. • year. on oobjeets from sacred warm, ,Lierherserhy, Antmeldea and:Tbetdoeverpoctshydo. 'lfor the family UTJohn /Imo, PALL . Jacoby .hhallositatt the CMltch madding 4c."01 - 51Br. *Mr, with a htmetray. TIM Child's Book. By Mrs tticommoy, Illsattated The complete. wort. of inn Al Mama D, In 4 role. Et'lited by his .on, I: !demo For sale bT A II ENGLIS{I A CU, molt 19 Wood Street. CotTliefeZATA Moon it Co ,coil.Li the atteoston of their patron. end the pub,. to their OltertaiTe *net of new sp•lng towel.. fun tho 1.101 torhonahle co 0: ••)•. condom su.urning do, hou4eterple4 o• Nee' eoom constant , emised. by the oaf tot , ot otOttwt tr ,11.,r) paetot slop d roamer. 11,Y.E,P"u.a - A RK.}.O BUTTER-4 11; BILK EaT—iiitiotelil'e:Sttoulders, 111 i um tom steamer Lowell. and for tot-e to. note 114.1101'. Al\ d DACON—Its , .a.s• Alal Yell , thy I etly Cuteo no t,coo Ham , , Sloes, and 141.calnem, reel per rtcata • er H ibernia No. 2. , for pate CO. furl) II IRV APPLES.—tit Os Hate,. /te ,l o I:1 li sale by [mrlll IOIIN WATT A.,tty_ P k . ' i c . V '''" " 'n ''' * J r tl l ll ' W ,! .I '.' 7q : kCO t — AKP. ilsitz- 1. i,b , ..ib - d 1,1 1.41., .. am.. ~0 n; .1.1... by twit] . JoHN WATT ACo NEW HUGAR—jd had. Just irtt'it Anil tor ~oir mai JOHN wr..rr we.. O LT c a , SEED—YU tails at stoic mud lur Ai:r. tuA null by J1011:8 A IIIiTCHISCN &Cot HON AAIR-1 cut In story and for ute by mill ARMSTRONG Ir. CRIT/int LARD -1U Ws pouts No store and for mill • AMISTRONG A CHOZT It OUT:AR-4D We prime N 0, Just reed and tor -s ..., I I,J b y H A GUNNINGIIANI, Richard. mot No A ennarnArrist Hots. i ti M 04. , n s tf y .7! , .. p .Z - --::!. e i!i a . b . b , 1: 4 - s , l . Tix 4. .t , et. JO .111 g.,.... mrll. FI A CUNNINCIIC I I L ARD -51 bhls No I, 2 ten do II Wanda; now lar.dirg Irom fresm•r rn phsates; for sale by nal! ISAIAH DICKEV A CO BCON-T1 eairTWlJOldr, 0 wa, rm. 4 on con Woomera, nod for sale by ~ _ wall. , JAAIKa ii IlUlClllalra ACm .._, .-_, CLOVER FEED —9 bbl. pram., for wea by mYI3 WICK h. IleitaNI.K.E , S. SALERATVS- 3 casks for sale by mrl3 1: WICK Zs aIrCANDIXast 1 _ AURER RiiiioPlNG PAPER—A cohniunt supply of die best quality al , thin nopertnr pper. far sale iturtqlsitifilithihtaltEß Cli T ..,, . . AR !a PITCH —5O - bitilhr ;We by mrl3 _J SCIIIXINMAKER & CO goLAI3BFO,--06 bbls N 0; 40 do S II; to sr , for a., by. by . onlil s _ _ Nl"c'TTr'"°''•' ''l°lT . V :! for role -.rAT,-,, mr2 (.do-s , ' •I MPI ITIMOTHY BEET)- 0O b bill extra pre, un on bond And for salt by JOHN WATT Lawny went mr2 S H. Millt&SnES-20 'hi. Ilottle ll round, rere s no per steamer Companton. mud for sale by febly JAnIF',I DA1.7.r.1.1, WINDOW GLASS boo ssn'd Oleo, nlegro non is d, for sale by fabled JASIF.S DALZEI.I. kj rILOVER GEED-5I bbla on stare and for sale by mrg J D WILLI &NIS i lAN LitS,l:—W6ifilliii. Motile!, tot .de I, 1J awl J D WII.I.IAhIrI QTDD-AlSll72:fritlrWiliii"Fai..) to arrive per sti 0 George Washington, for rule by W & Al MITCHELTHIIII, , _ leo !Ahem ats,t ARNISTRIINa S ennzmn yor4 ILOVER HEED-73 bills prime new, on nen. t_j tor .1.41 . JOHN WATT ACC mei Libertyr 11 for we by JOHN wArr 0 tor/ Liberty en _ 130.1CVONG am+. A 1• S Ws ertur out . 6 . l Lo A ralral lot gale P . Homes Wasted. ' WANTED—A two o arca dory llnara double, parlor, wiain 4 ..quare. of the ma A goal tenant can he bed by opplylog in gors 11. 1....E.1.1brrty F OR BALE—t r.a d lk• Solgod,b li b ß o m o . lOorr; tore EDWARD IIgAZELTON i`roolTONl--tl boles Belling, for solo bv robS C II GRANT 11. MOLASSES-3u bilk landolg from Croon Clilcf Justice Mantua!, and for sole by nirs JAMEY DALZELI CV ' S " " J;i t birs DAl.zr MOLASSES -35 bbl. NO. Joid 'Ted and Or male by mrs A CULUERTBON, 143 Liherly Stl:4ll4l'"46"''N O76A'gl7l3t;iglifN" te. Just ree , d end Or le by mrs A CULBERTSON B ER—lg keg. in store and for ante by N " ' -- - -- ?'C UI J '" lRwir, VENIRON RAMS-1500 lbs Extra Cured. for Nile by lnirli 1 D W ILLLAALI_ ,. Ohio 'mad Ponmsylvamin hall Road. EE Slockholders of tan Ohio and Pentotylyanta R" R." Company are hereby notified ot p.r ih , T fourth insoement of Forel Dalian Ma r chch SMUG' of stook, on or before the.Ohh day of nest, at the office of the Company, in Third st, 114 heretofore. SeblE . .. _ btd WM. LARIMER, Jr., Treas.. —_ TRILIIPIKIC EILIECTIODI. 11LIRStockholdess of the Watt:logien and Pittsburgh Turnpike Road eteenpwly, will meet at Harrinus. ot le, on tiecend Monday, (tit of Aprti, 1.0 ilis Purrs-. of electing one Prerident, five Mainagcrai abi Tlenso sir, for the ensuing y ear. strlll-direalt RARMAIL DENNY, Pren Washington Espalier copy it. and charge Vas.'t. FT EA NI It O N I T VITTEIBIIRGII AND LOUISVILLE STEAM IACKET LINE. vNCOURAGED li the liberal patronage extended LT to all regular an well conducted Linea, the own er. of the following fine eweaters have arranged these into a Lice between flittsburalt and Louisville.. One of the boats will posltively !owe PitUbergh every MoSII.T. Weeessoav, end FIPIDAT Eczema, et o'clrick—fell or sot full. Tee Got boat of the Lien will start pa Monday, February &earner T. Moo,. • Z. Teylor.•-• ••• " . Ilamborg J. IDinefolier. Former Benedict. Ferewiesir—. Filbert. For freight or passage apply to f0b11.43A , GEA.:II. hIILTENBF.RGER. Ayt REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET OINVISN&TI, Captain WILMAM J. %Tuve , ' ika g gi --- 0 The'rgif'redeert erne r Isare i Ne bY ih n e , and others, for the Cincinnati and . Pittsburgh Packet trade, and will leave every Wednesday, for Cincimiatt, in place of the New IMptiand, No. It. ,l For freight or passage apply on board, ram .. %PM G 13 MILTENBERGER, Agt PIFIMI3UR6H AND WHEELING PACkT. The splendid fast running steamer t "- ' LOUIS MeLANE, W. S. Croswell, mater, (having undergone a thor ,; s "*:., ough rcpaird will run hereafter as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Wheeling, leaving PUtsbargh every Mondan Wediteedity and Friday mornings, at 9 o'clock. For freight er passage apply on board, or to W. B. WHEELER. Agent. FOR ST. LOUIS. The fine manner PARIS, Smi, master, arill !MVP for above portth 0" dna day, the ,Zoth id 10 Tut frvigUt or pa outage apply on board, or to 1 NEWTON JONFA Act . . REGULAR LOUISVILLE PACKET. The splendid primp Mounter 4vi=ellenerlier, maviter, vivid leave for th Mr a ' hove und iniccurdiute ports o Fr , lay. dm Vitt March, at tt o'clock, P. hl. Ferfreight or purivutte apply on board, or to sur2l 0 II MILTENBERGER.. FOR SAINT LOUIS.. The apleunol last ;drawer '4l Am Azom A. nitaahlrllriZe, Marti.r, 'rill leave for the mi aldiar and all Intermediate porn on thi. day h,^ dint tn.. nt lu o'clork, A. M For trcJels or 11 &YAP, apply on Waal. or to u.“ 21 : IC CEITIGREW Ant. LOUISVILTi i ..... - The fine fast running steamer 01110. ciElStoope meter, mill le eve for the above and all Intermediate lonntons on this derv, tho Slat Sot. at 4 'clock, P.:51, ap For irr,clA or wastage, plly. lon hoard, or to W WHEELER., Anent. FOR MEMPHIS, DIRECT. The comely new and Haunch Hemmer miuroN, • maais i lohn Davi., inmate, will leave for the , hove and a:I Intermediate land thurulay. theinn., at I P. M. N The hltun motorfor frelght to New Orleans, witn gm.liege motor rrolopping of or hatow Cincinnati. For frright, ae.. aping no laard or to tnrlt Gh:rr D MILTENBERGER AO., FOR NAPIRVILLFI The splendid steamer PORT PITT, 1,..7, '.. N Miller. master, moll lease for above staiErgifLand all intermediate ports on tbis day, the DIM inst., *I ID o'clock, A. Id. For freight or pastor, apply on board._ FOR N ASHVILLE I f r '' ttl The splendid Nat IDO.I.DCDI packet IrOVAL HANNA. im .. e.e... Kinney, plate troll leave for the above and all lzterntedsate ports on qua day. at to o'clock, A. AL For Freight or pasrace, apply on heard. QOO LOUISVILLE The fine new arm/ staunch steamer NAVIGATOR., I'm. Dean, master, will leave for the aboie and intermediate ports, on this der. On 20th inst.. at 10 o'r lark, A. M. For Ortgbt or pussae apply on board or to mrAl Ili O NIILTF.POISSIOE; Art_ FOR CINCINNATI. n '" k ati;l;a r liF.t.A. Capt. D. Sbnr, will knee for above , lel inter...4lW pone, Weilloneday Stalk. IU o'clock. A. AL. in place of the Ne oclarel No. 9 rni (retch( or """"41;14Yir;A•igil'ii Pa, Ant DISSOLUTION. WRY. ee-partnorthip heretofore esthting toot - worn rro. lierset, sVro rt:en, and Jastt Negley, under the fans es Ilers•r, Megre a Negley, 1. Itits day diet Wrest by matual renssnt ILa b 1 010 . the srtu wit] be settled 61 Wm Mo. gee and tam. t 4 N^ntelt. st tho wartnoure, No 1.2, corner not:. 0101 Woo: 11.. Al'9ll 1 rKE HERDER, • WM IE,. • dcl4 3AS A NEGLES. BP/Llfite iMI/1 1850. ilMia PENNSYI.VA NIA ROUTE! Two Andy Lanes if Exprn. Paart Beats, and Rat! Bond Mb+.l, Tlt PIIILADELPIIIA AND RALII.IIIOIIF, Om Groat Gentlest Rail Road and Leon'. " " l'alsa—Tea linarsthrOttgO il nal . • Rai: Iletsd. 100 do Cauca. VICLI,IVCIA Tat 1,11.4313.0. PlVlPturmas hove built an addttlonal Line of tupauttor new nodotonfortabWitPacketh, to connect Rttti the new Central it Komi. On the opening of pze Set will leave every morning al six t •k .11,1 etttt•ty ryrtnrg 51 Atm- ...stock: err...illy Hopd a.t ilttrivltt. et Juck,town take miles the t,lettel..lo , ri of the Centthi Itutt Rood, 40.2 A !testis,/ nutott, ni passengers only rid et. the—. pack.", to set insure tame sat-ty. a• not ego ny not ttew to 1100 to th. Ita,olll etuce. For ',tangs or +nit:twat:on moots to ttl - 11711. Moottnethela Irt It, N .On the ltt ?ins next the rentruil Rail Road win p ion ~ to ttisgtlon. whtch .111 shorten the most, hours martn \N.M.& Trllf•p lon Company. /SA. Mia v. Limn( 4 C 0 ,14 LIRE, ,ETWEEN BALTIMORE d . L tiEW YORE, rttnn.sylvantit Caal and Rad Road. Boats atrod Cur, ol Litt. Linr have Iter.“ ;tat In retaptel.r mac, ard tnth the 41111L1 veral r.ra nr• to Itt- erattlott tpt to carry • :mule iLtnlttY (.1 pukt , and goa, T:tr rttlr stcelt at the Lite 1. Ott '1 owl contrail t., tttr l'eopritiorr. —ll —• TO -11 A Rills & 1..1.1X11. NO 13 South Mini It. Fa/ I. the'iololeto Woreboo.e. Dort r nil•folhis. e; JOSF.YII . TAVIAIII & SON. No It{ North llovOrd 11. Ilniumoro. 011,1C11. NoOlc.t von, LI:ECII CO, Canal Moo, Penn al. Potrhoorli I.IAiN9VISANIA CANAL IP OPEN • PITIS BE 11.1A1 TRANSPORTATION LINE. Ataia 1850 - VI. reonsylvant• Cana.. Rail Roads. . • Crel-/?.:,al ATI:IN:a k Co., Canal Raw, Liberty -tree. rgb. O'CoN NUR S. Co., tin S ^3U Mattel meet, I.r.,!adr Ipta. ..• •os.Wrtt. h. C.., to North street, Baltimore I: Ilwea, tie fora; Et..t.torr h 4lema, II Doane street, 11.stor., I• ILI •011,e, lay•rstle, Kraturky; , r ra olumta etteet, Citteinottlt; 11 ‘t, ii,Alll4, 11.11 T & Ca,. L. ..nats Nitirro of iltrrchandius and Protium to and from. 1 lula.eirlphi.o, Ilnittotore, n VeiL, Barron. star route now n, fine order, we are prepared to forward goad.. ethara at rig, tovqrs parer. We eroure lreighipw many charge having Nihon. (or ay, te:aotola, and with thr tallowitiF exwisive ainek of lioats Vet confident of giving entire sat...notion to nil hurter.. entrusted to nor care. Our boats are ail new and conanantled by captains of earierieue, and our entire Imo in conducted on stria saMath kurn( sad r.rne.rones principles Hon,. Captain troll Coy. Mason hlaryhi Marshall i'ineinnalt. and. Roth Anima, Cliniburn Win Atkin, l'enrand Import. al'Quade Moon. Altar tiartirida Utley Crlia Hawkins nrm I,iletka retry Mrrataal lirColgan rhe Poi Mlioade hornet ...rloowell rink Sharp !terry t , liipper. well find it in On rin Csunl Itsni BINGUAM'S TRAM Boats. Capons Pennsylvania B Layton, St. Leek, Cowden Col. !bowed Holley Nary Deborah Sin. Enierpnee, Kris Inn /intim& Blown lien. Sean, 0 we TelegraphNo lohteld• Point hltll BoyhTt.juallo Balun'eClippet fery Ohio Belle Kearney Hunter Ittnele Julia Ann J Layton I Telegraph No2tlrods I North Queen %Valle let, advantage to gtva ug NOR, ATKINS h I . IP, tin Liberty at, rah iSPOETATION LINE, Ittetre're.7Plit tab i n S r i : s llso llgi d Etaaternitios. The ,111,1 bong now ~pen, we are ready to receive forward pruotutly, produce and rnerchandazo east eild wert. Fr o teltis always al lowest rate., rharged by respoo -01.10 lowa. Produce en I werchatithre will be received and far wooled east owl west, wttheut ally charge for for or o d trao ci o ,r weight, commission or storage. Bole of Wino, forwarded, and all directions faith• fully allontled to. Address or apply to, WM. BINGH AM, Cum/ Bashi, roe. Liberty and Wayne at, PittabUtgh. No Ihj, Markel Cl, between Ith & Mh, JAS. WILSON, 44 , No Phl, NO,lll Howard et BaltintOre. JAS. =rift N o 10, Well creel, NCO/ Vert 1)IFINNITIT & DRIYTIIEH, Qtieeedervary Mdnedne j) turns ban removed to Nat Writer street, b e wren Market and Wood,'ittstrdpvbt, eIIEANICffiIIISSI--Mai Lai is .taro and for sale by bs• and ticask i s, B in eA st Nn an i d p f by CAMELDor L CIDICIIED SALTS-9 bbla for .Jra h y °kid_ _ CANFIELD Ty/X.OS— 13A pea reabrantrfor sifn by .11 Tori 3 WICK tro McCANDLES9 I Nn I .I_4 rgs •b blo do do; 'for .ale by cart 3 WICK h McCANDLESS . . , • fr&IILE SALT—n Oz. naperior, i c T,T g oi,,T,, --- i .13 WICK le 111eCiehliOLONS .. SPA:ARS IP —V Reprint Orts • &on do La Napoleon; (40 do Callao.; • moo do Leon de Oral Indeed Puerto Principe; Tay.her with a variety or other ehotte brand Alan—llolf Stranieh lad Common Seger.; on coning. new., aid Will be sold low to clove the invoice. man McOILL.9 & &OE MISELLINEOUS Tutt man 07 • MIX Dona ii dot mu:. , • , sive than a bad, putrid breath, or dart, yellow ed teeth. If persons have these if is their own fault— they dab{ - for two shillings, boywee nit article that win make th eir Mutat pure and st as ths Spiry Air Arabia. It cares diseues of the Gums, spangy or aleerated, and for the Teeth his unequalled, removing the tartar. fastening the teeth In that gams and do. th em ss whim im the sass of as/seem birth. Such. reilder, ate the properties of Jones , . Amber Tooth Paste, most o praising it °arrives, her what one Cl our respectable and setentlSc Dot • ties, BD. FL Yield, of Now Yor.t, says: "I have both used and entailed this bundlel and in • palpable ankle, (Jones , Amber Tooth Paste,l at d ean recommend it as possewine all the qaalities elan . ed (matt" Deader, we can say no more to convinc A, only that upu toy dun once you Ch be well pietas 1. It ia putla beautiful English ina lota, for a cents. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 61 Libr ty WOOL. PittlbUfgh. aturoniAmT Err ALL swot. =mom are 00aorably uaiired al the renaming are the anted totalities of a te of Jorma , s Coral Nair Restore.. If they dou b t oar word, they cannot these highly respectable Chi.. who have tried it— Mr. Geo. Becket, 41 Elm It, New York) Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle av, Brooklyn. Mr. Wm. Tompkins. OS King at, New Yoh.' Mr. Thos. Jackson, Montour,. bland, near Pinsk.. eh 11. & Cullen, late barber steamboat S. America. And more than a hundred others mate, thoh nis must suffice, that It will force th e hair t gre won the head or scurfp it falling off strengthen the rr removing c and dandruff from the roots, mat log light, red or gray heir assume a fine dark look, and keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, soft, clean and beautifol. a very, yarLY? , 2l7 time. Bold by the Agent, M. JACKSON, 89 Mery Pituburgh. Price an, 5/3 coma and one dollar. audtditarT The Brownville Water Cure blabliniment, UNDER THE CARE OF DR. C. DAELZ, CyONTINUES to be open for the reception of Moa k) lids. Many improvements have been added for the comfort and accommodation of patients. This, to• gether with the success during six yea' experience, enabici years` Dr. Buds to give the assurance to the public that his establishment shall still continue to merit the patronage of those who may piano themselves under his care. The daily intercourse between Pittsburgh and Brownsville. with boats, affords croy access from the tooth and West. Six towels, two