The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 21, 1850, Image 2
VIP PirrSlM(lll GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO. PaTT.IiIIOROIC TROMIDAY MORNING, MARCH 21,1630 un ¢ec h i r j eTITOIV befOrt It, an u d Y is early !Alcatel ' s practicabl. Arbrenfeements eat mama far o pea tad titan will invariably be eh:smarted' °reared an 0111 411:11.1:—C. W. James. No. Nantoot. mast 31 =r ti rj , od:r d il d fo s i o • th h t . e . ii .ii; ; rap , n , !aemeso i intaLlosi. PIULADJIMPHIA NORTH Ali ittICAD. Adverhisinnents and sabstrzynans to the North JLee• i • an tad United Stales Gass ith. Philadelphia, tresind 114 fanrarded from this ogee. 13:7 - BEE NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL merrEsti TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, raw l ,xstleat sad Exports to Calaterals. Prom the preparations rapidly and quietly cata log in the Western Stases, we infer that the over lied emigration to California, this year, will Le z•Mly, gnat fully equal to that lilted season. In •. this regioh, and in various parts of eastern Ohio, - large companies are preparing fro the trip, and some have already started. No dieconragements appear to daunt our enterprising young men, who *rem demnoiried to brave all hardships for the sake of the excitements of the adventure, and the ,prospects of the golden harvest still to be reaped. Is Illinois and lowa, vast numbers are preparing for the overland trip. As much experience has nhw been siquirci, and better preparations made, and as the elms of emigrants this season are more robust and more inured to hardships than those of last season, we do not apprehend they will meet wait much difficulty. Our towns and &Ales poured out theft population last year, for the journey semis! the Plains, and the preparation. were' :generally hasty, and ire many cases very 'neon* siderate, and great losses and hardships were ocritaloned thereby.' This year the country is supplying its share of : the population for the new sovreignty of the Pacific, and they have taken stafitlent time to make their preparations, and from their subatanhal arid appropriate character, there is remora to expect a prosperous and plea sant journey. An Immense number of emigrant., also. are ' weekly leaving our seaports for San Francisco. The Chagos and Panama line of steamer* are 'always crowded to excess, while the sea Is whitened with the wails of vessels of all sizes, making their. way around Cape Hors. Fitly six vessels,of all chimer, cleared from the Atlantic ports for California, from February 19th to March 10th; of which 15 Were ships, 15 were barques, • 16 were brigs, 9 were schooners, and 2 were steam ahips. Of theSo clearances, 24 were at _ Burton-8 ships, 5 barques, 7 brigs, and 4 schoon er. 15 at New York-2 steam ships, 6 barque+, 6 brigs, and 1 schooner; 4at Baltimore-1 grip, 1 barque, 1 brig, and 1 erthooner; and 5 at New Orleans-2 ships, 1 barque, end 2 aeneeaern The number of peesengers in the above td ves sels is estimated at 1,500. There are now up at Boston, for the gidd regions, 9 ships, 12 large., 9 brigs, and 5 schooners-35 in all. Although the amount of gold already received Gam California exceeds raviresufluma of dollars, yet it falls abort of the aggregate of exports from Net York alone, to that country, which amount to some Nina astitunu of dollars' In lid the trade which has so suddenly sprang up with our youngest sister, which sits as • queen on the Pa. erfic, is truly enormous, and shows the greatconor marcial advantages which are afforded by our new Pacific aaptisitiona The New York Herald publishes a hat of Reticles exported from that port to Calibrate daring the year 1649, and the arm two months of the present year. It states that the amount of merchandize sent from New York alone wl probably realise in that 'region not less than 515,000,1930. Lik the list published by the Herald, the parte of Louses are numbered by thousands. In bufidine materials there are some large items. Over btu millions'of feet of lumber are classed in one of these; and over a million shingles in another Item. Besides these, two hundred thousand "pieces • and fifty thousand "paekages• of the Gamer, and a thousand "bundles" of the latter are noted.— Timber, dressed boards, laths, pieta. brick,ried all other descriptions of building materials are found In large items. Six hotels, ten complete stores, ni ne tenpin alleys, three hundred and steruuTY • two frame houses, filly nine iron homes, Seven portable houses, twenty nine galvanized iron hen. Res, one huge galeanized iron shop, and an incited. Ible windier of parts of houses, both or wood and of aria, have been sent finward. The exports of brandy and otherliquore, and also of bread, have Gree r large. Oa comparing the list. of exporte fora 1919 With Eat for the two. months past, we find that the increase has beeban the average, very considerable, and that the wants of the Califor - bans are calling out marries which were little thoughtof in the first excitement of this great corm inercial agitation. "In Oct,. sap the Herald, "judging from the whole point di OW furnished Ly this list of exports, we have remon'to believe that the Californians are determined to sustain all the habits, tames,. feeling*, enterprise, and all the voneoinitanta of civilisation, in their love for Pork, Lerma . ConnectiEuthrooms, and esreaparilla." • Boston, too, continues to send large quantities of almost every description of merchandise to the land of gold, while her exports of lumber and braiding material to the same destination rival those of New York in variety and number. From . the 25th alt. to the 10th inetant, inclusive, 'the quantity of lumber sent out, according to the Journal, was 2,429.500 feet; of shingle., 1,591,790 ; ct clapboards. 54,950 feet, and 599 packages ; of timber, 165,000 feel; cf laths. 100,800, besides 600 bundles; and of brick, 340;100. Beside. teese, we notice a large quantity of parte of house frames, and of doors, windows, window framer, de. r,d+O. Two large booms, complete, are also attioeg the it emu The Dispatch devotes nearly a column, yester. day, to a remark of our Washington correspon• dont in relation to a sentiment in Mr. Seward's speech. The eloquent New York Senator use. the following language, In speaking of our newly acquired territories 'lt Is true, indeed, that the national domain is cars.; true„.that it was acquired by the prewar. and wealth of the whole nation; but we bold, ne veltheless, po arbitrary power over it. We hold no arbitrary - authority over any thing, whether acquired lawfully, or by esorpation. Par moot.. *titian regulow car rtncarbkip. Fhr miodigu- TioS bogri the doousiv to union, to juutus, to tfo. Ante, to totiforo end litirrry. Bat there is a higher .law than the constitution, which regulates our au thority ovee.tbe domain, and devotes it to the _sums noble purposes. The terittory is a pari— an pan—of the common heritage of mankind, bestowed upon them by the Creator of the immerse. We are his 'towards, and must an diseharge oar tenet as to *nitre, in the highest attainable degree, their happiness." Our correspondent reverts to a sentiment sup. posed to be couched in the above quoted remarks of Mr. Seward r mi follows "Mr. Seward'. speech has made no little sen• saint. It certainly was moat objectionable In this, that the d istinguithed Saunter set up a will or a sentiment, derived from what he called the moral law, or the will of the creator, superior to the CAnfinUOoo, and which would justify a citizen or a statesman in disregarding the coustitution. For one .I ems subecribe to no such doctrine, whether 'proceeding from Whig or Democrat" it Mr. Seward meant to eonvey the sentiment imparted to him by "Janine," then his censure is appropriate, but we think be has inadvertently mistaken the Seamed meaning. We do not env dental:id Mr. Seerud to miy that this "higher law thrui the . canatitution," would 'justify a citizen in disregarding the . eonWitution," but that it devoted the public domain to the "seine noble purpoitee,', whirl the constitution did, "to justice, to dekinct, to welfare, and to liberty." This Is all we lathy 0221 Mr. Pieward'a remarks, and we think the biframthe is a natural sad reasonable interprets. Lion of his lankturge. The Dispatch, however, understands Mr. Be. ward jest as ' , Junius" does, and proceeds to de- End ■ sentiment which neither that Senator, nor ssy well balanced mind, can for one moment ap prove. It is Uwe that Meta in a law higher than the constitution, on which that and all other human enactments should ha fronded; but we deny the tight of Kay parson to set op his mere crier of what fiigtior iawardaina, as superior to the ecinatituted laws of he country. He ha. a right to express his 'private opinion, ot the cauwitution and kiwi, and to labor for 'their -. amendment, but if he undertakes to violate their provirfons, he hi and civilly guilty. Fora man to take an oath to support the constitution, and then to • actin his conwience as an excuse far violating hi/Tag', is to he guilty of wi'ekedaen as well an . . tdr. Berea *peed is a brave and noble de• ft es o rburno rights, and orusond end civil dn. gen, under the conatltutlon, not in viohnion of it, . . .°4441 ig tmal.!Jainitar." who is alum* always ent ree' 41 Ins statements, has before this diswo•red Eli hoixiske, ind istreeted at. WO know all he not • whit behind M. Seward In his devotion 4°F4•643 •4 and-that has .is willing to so as fa as the fartbew, within the consutunon, to prevent the extension of slave ry. _To the Diasuch we leave the dip salon of Us own peculiar, erode, dangerous, and most &Lard theory, which Is not worth the Wahl., of further dizeussion. 008. BOOK TAT:ILL. A moshro Hictorranas We time of Lothar, co Ow fall ol apoleon, for We ow or Colleges , wad broody, by the Jobs Lard, d kis s La.-wirer This is • wry sal/ wriuso gratis, sad admirably odapted soda yarrow Lir .Lick it 4to wooled. The Brood 4.- thor is a writer of acknowl•dgesleslebrilys sad hi. lectors. Erialasi, es well ss to *so:salsa couotryoo History, •11311 whir tapirs, have giwo Wm high celebrity. • The work be fore to 4 riikulated to afford both idstructios sad pleasure to ell clasew, sod sithorgh maw particilarly Winded; for tbe young,will Lind • sot =wool of hiformatims sod grtilbestsol all age. 11l • tumidly iszetily Ora. M enthols of air coUrves ad whoa., odd ..;with ..0 thsir sac:diem to Messrs. Thomas Co ' wierlisraile, *-Co., olThilodelpida, ow the Publishers. Mr. Mellor, oo Wood swat, has the work for Wes' lior:Le h r;rszoo. Editors sr Pittsburgh Gaastie. .0.171.330311.—A1l I came op the Ohio, MN Or low lope. of Momb lab, fell into my handy in which I find • ram num icedm from my friend mad ..ighbor, Neje, Thou. Hriihelby, of Fayette Co., Ky., reepecting the shipping of 1.4 La le • very great mistake line be. made, ed., by friend Shelby, or the Fla., which is eakulated to do the drovers great bane In market, and the farmer at home to g00d,,1 befog mums!md in.that lime, thought it my duty, to make • mrteetion. O. mterpessing Widnes utkle, made mi blows. “Probably twenty thaw. t lemd of milk will be ship rd this pme,ke =dere markets, from Nereids, Ey " Mere th. dame dews the smoke in all:dial will be driven from Nmendry be metro misktb. Bat twelve hundred had kiss hem shined op to the present dug, sad I think . . Imre dtippei the!. bt Odd will be this sew= from eueNtsta, on the Brilliant. 17th hid. Not awe than [ran elan einai lhaasend,in Lq will go from Imtucky to mann nub. this esmon. Whits making dm slime sorrectioo, I will drop • hiatus same of the enterprising mu in the host tine, shout Pints burgh. Pim eletlers par Wadi being the present price for &kipping, I debit it dasbtfel if five hundred fired will ems chipped gain at the , price. 1 henemaersed with sem eml who bade been shipping Out mein, and ell ley they will near gay that prim q.t. fit limit two thirds of on cook shipped envy year, at a for limn price, my .hem W., perMd, whkh wauld pay twin as well m coy flight yes up the Ohio; &Supped and usultimwd twice as quick as any fre'giat Ihq could reiddy h.dle. The Be 01. t on bar 1.0 dip, dzipped one hmtired and men for moia fine table es my Me will o or.. the mountains Mit mum, its me hear .13 fifteen minutem pot them Odin lets brae, making the trip in about filly hours. From Weer to tour times the number aced. would hare be. ehippeddk mm to, had de pee. been reasonable I am interested in driving over s theme. bead of settle from Centicky, this mown We west So Cineinnati,, by use snake mingeternts with dm Pittsburgh boats, ts ship from mien to eight hand.ed bed, but the prim being Imo baibtbe malt ins, we shined three hundred hal, end nn isthme hundred mon Mao we would do emits, as ws ens Mile dins es fir ma der ' toed te Pittsburgh, for them bemired dollm. km mosey, than the shipping eget Poe will pkue nubs the alum commies, as I do not dr. ire eastern buyers to think our whole wed ie isf ruck 1.. we unity ham notes many as last mum In great buts, very rtvrelladly year, de. For eke PatebeirgleGeeesete Railroads Wool and North Wort. No. 2. It is after crossing the voila"a of the Miami and White Water Rivera, that the rail roads in their areatern program Janke the great plain, which stretching brew...central Indiana to the northern lakerind to the Mississippi, now fumisto• a track to coat in the construction of the mad bed about one third of the average coat in Ohio, and not one tenth of the cost in Pennsylvania and the eastern suites Avoiding the hilly reigiou near the Ohia River, the level peninsula canneming this hilly reglad With this Lakes is at laden:opens bat little monikhan one hundred miles wide. Indianapolis will there-fete become the convoying centre in the rpm= of all the lines east, coming from the mills die Atlantic!, cities and passing through Pittsburgh or Cincinnati. Looking from Indianapolis to- wards the setting sun, the north west is by fu the most inviting micas. If we draw a line west alatig the parallel cf bodhumpolis, through the Buttes of Indiana, Illinois. and Minoan, the country lone of that line bean on tramparimin in poductivenery or enterprise with the country north 01 it, nor is it peopling or improving half so bat. Roll reads, too, to the north west can be graded at one half the expense of those to the loath west, immediately beyond Indianapolis, and so on to the Mississippi River. I will not deny the importance of a commercial connexion between Pithdrtineis and the other cities of the Ohio, and AL Louis, nor that the beat way to reach St. Loofa withal rail road is through the centre of populattoo, end by the capital of Indian,. So, on the other heed, the best way for Pitteboegh to reach Chicago and the Upper Mississippi is by the same common line to Indianapolis. Proceed log thence north west, she may carry her mann facmires past the valley of the upper Wabash and the Illinois, and past the shores of Lake Michigan to the Upper litiodempi and to lowa. Her steam heehaw ascend the Wabash to Lafayete, the Illi nois Rim to Pero, the Mississippi and Missouri to their heads, and penetrate the populous parts of lowa through her many navigable riven. What she needs is to maintain between herself and those popalaus and growing regime, already mooting their cities of over 20,000 inhabitants, • rapid in. terrourse. The mercantile travel from that "north ern hive" going east has many inducemenui to toot both Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, in prefereace to taking the Lake route. I.venture to assert that lithe lion of rail road now so nearly finished aft the Lakes from New York to Chicago was co, - plete, and the other passing through the capital ol Indiana, and by the city of Pittsburgh to Phila. dolphin, was Um complete, the bluer would num ber the greatest annual amount of travel,andTroin I rooting lea in competition With the watery • not billowing their coarse, would do the area amount of transportation. Chicago hurt afro g , desire to connect herself more directly with e ' Ohio River. Destined to attain a loge popul ar' a sad to become the mart of a great commerce, he will—online St. Louis--cilwefe be the ally, to er the rival of Pittsburgh. Chicago Is an hand d tulles or mare from the eastern hoiden of Fl great,. Illinois coal field," and coo never been e a mannactering city. Through your Rea er Canal and the Laker—if not by the Illinois Rider and Canal—you may send her your menufacturer. But Chicago, triltwaukle, Galena, and the cities of the north west, WO diatigeff to Pittsburgh, - Red will remain so while Cleveland and Buffalo farm I their only line of travel to the sea board. (fleabag du glutted at the Importance of your great north western connexions, I will, In another aumber, adArt to some of the roads west of Ohio, calculated to establish that connexion. W. VIIA/21 WABILISGTON ,correopondenn of the Pittabar669asorte: WA.samerott. March 16. ,Mor• Personal Confflsts.-My Reflection* Thereon.-1 noose Dlvlded.'4e..The Census. I believe I gave you " some account," as the biographers of humble character. say, of the pas. sage at arms between Senator. Force. and Borland, wherein the latter , irustained nnitiwtiat serione personal damage. It is DOW my melancholy duty to apprise goer readers that another rencontre has taken place, la which au honorable repreeen. Wive of the sunny South t:ma borne • conspicuous pan, and In which one of the combatants wan In duced;by a moat forcible argument, to measure his . length upon the bosom of bis maternal earth. This but affair is kept remarkably shady, and the only Este if moment which bait transpired is, that some hate last night the Ilan. F. W. Bowdoo, of Alibi. mu, a hue. iodate, eloquent specimen of the carekaa, open hearted, and open banded !Moth ers politician, became engaged with another southern man, la an excited altercation, upon mattini and things In general, which they were unable to bring to a satisfactory conclusion with. out &resort to the whose reit:sou of doubled fists and herd knocks. They Infilndolged in this ex citing exercise bat a few momenta when one of the gentlemen was picked tip,ll not • bleeding at evety pore," yet reasonably wen pommelled, and altogether Indisposed to renew thee/rumen In regard to the battle affair between Foote and Banged, It appears that Mr. Foote austained some considerable damage, end that he le eiperied to be Confined to his loom, from this rune, and • penis! relapse Into the disorder under which he had beep preakiusly suffering. .Mr. Borland, the day eller the Einar, sent . his blend, Col. Walton freely Governor of Florida, to convey to Me Voeieigo - istionoteera of profound regret for what hid occurred, referring the tact, to Mr. Foote's gaol judgment, and hoping to find thereto an excuse for the mans traps which had global). pity imeri . rearal to mar ma hammy of them War. ammo. Gm!, Facto & dared limas was .41.06 a, and sapnutwd a Maim that Ekrtlaad wgld Mae and sea It is not neneosasy for ma to aunroyourreadera that I take no pleasure in dwelling upon these in• cadent, bat they present one. of the unantiahts phases of IA in Waattington, which 4 is necz,... ry, sometimes, to preient to their attention. I am somewhat of an old Mosey, and hale never known a seasmewhen this spirit of bell4miney did not more or less prevail. The ttse of name's weapons, the time honored sat, has alwaje been the safety valve, by which we let off the surplus of Congressional steam', which would otherwise produce explosions, and other disastrous results. 13 at I am pained to observe that nearly all these scrimmages take place between the 0 children of the um," that is to say, the people now South of the Potomac. There seems a natural fitness of things In northern and southern wee having an oemuloual set to, by way of keeping up a splay feeling of antagonism between them, but when brethren of the some household fall ont, , there Is really something wrong about it. Besideilf these southern salamanders—for they seem to live fla fire—kill each other off at such a• ratih when" shall we find toes worthy of our steel, when that great day of trial comes,speken 0/by the valorous Cllingman, and that fire eater, Jeff. Doyle, when not a quorum shall be left on the floor to do by- Bitten The reflection is a serious one. The Senate consumed a long serialise, pester- day:in debating the Census Sill. The bubject was finally adjourned until Tuesday next I have no doubt the retail of the Senate'. action' will ba en. tirely In favor of the proceedings or your able fellow citizen, the Secretary of the Census Board, Mr. Kennedy. I have before noticed that ender the authority of the Board, which consists of the Secretary of State, and two other members of the Cabinet, Mr. Kennedy has prepated all the blanks required for the enumeration of inhabitants, and the collection of the great variety of information contemplated by the act creating the Board, and • large proportion of these blanks have been print ed. The CansniCommittee of the Senate have appeared anzions to substitute forms of their own for those of the Board, bat there is no probability of their macegdieg• There is no doubt now that the bill will be paned In time for the enutrietatbut to be taken thin year, which has heretofore been • point of Immo aolicitude. /mug. Wanner:no, March IS, ISSO. The Captain General of Cuba has refused to recognize Rev. Mr. Sewall, as Consul at Santia go, in that Wand. Mr. Sewall is an esteemed pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and ern appointed to the Consulate of St. ]ago about a year since. Holton happened that the refusal Of the Governor of Cuba to issue to Mr. Sewall, the coatomary creguator, or renogniticin of his consular functions, has just become It nown'to Mrs government that does not •ppear It is miaow-tie red by some that the course of the Governor Goo cretin this malter,has been taken with reference to the fact that Mr. Sewall is • clergyman of Methodist stet, and objectionable to the °enro -1 moat of Spain, and the people of Coba, as oppo sed in individual opinion to the prevailing Cans of religious faith on the island, and in the mother country. But this:explanation is extremely ien• probable. I presume it will turn out that the au thorities of Cuba merely declined to seed Mr. Sewall hi. ezequator, for eaveralmouthe of his arrival, from the usual dilatations which charac terise their official proceeding's; .Bot that a dirt- Canneloni to grant it, has been communicated to the C.onsuirihoce the 4th of Santuuy,l l 3so, when the dismissal of Don Carlos de Espana, from the consulship at New Orleans took place, by order of President Taylor. The diaminal of, or rather the formal retinal to receive Mr. Sewall, es an act ofeetalieloo foram proceeding. EIMEM If this °plaice be correct, It may be assumed in addition that there ha been some correspondence on the subject between Mt. Clayton and the Cannt De La Berea, the Spanish Minister neat this Government Mr. Claaytoti of coarse could not deny the strict conventiolasi right of Her Most Christian Majesty to decline to native any diplomatic agent of any grade, sent from this Gov ernment to her's, but he could pole out with great effect, and cm:doubt ha done so, that, under pres ent circumatanoes, the act complained of would have • tendency to excite outriendly Evans among the people of the Gaited States toward the Government of Spent. 4nd he might Mut that this Government by the rigid mieuteaance of Ito neutrality, had averted from Cuba, • storm which have been too powerful to be withstood by the pa rent country. The pevirrest ?rill!' mai: will be watched with totems. I believe I men , trowel bro., ccaled by the int ba ho further he met—Foote hi without aver hit wigged, hiacealf with the eloquel a aandingjesi e a biting sarcasm nested that he shot shot through hot' led to 'Arkansas bon for excessive pmdratiop to personal affairs. Finding • change of front amongst', he carried the first quarrel in *bleb he became involved, to the last resort of ponennal contention, Indicted a very • serious wound% upon hie advenuari, and cured him, or averted a fatal result by per forming the duties of surgeon. So neither will reqaired to shoot,'or be shot at for the mere purpose of showing he is not afraid. There is very little improvement in the general state of things hero. The lent.' sky is complete ly °vermeil. Foote's scheme for a wet al mani. bus commiuse to take charge of orrery thing reista icg to the contest of slavery, will hardly be adopt ed, nor If so, will it lead to ace thing.—Even the Southern men, heretofore mast ardently in favor of it, wow to have ceased to expect anything ben eficial oe decisive from its deliberations. The epeeeb or Senator Seward, of a tenororso eisaly rho opposite al*. Webster's,hu so:doors' a good deal or exeltelnerot &moms the Soothers oleo, and the worst disposed among them; aro said to be distributing it to large numbers, al lbe South, ar pr•pl of the unfirecidly teelings of the North. Justus. Joury Lulu's Vistr.—lt is determined that the Swedish Nightingale shall really visit this coml. try, and some cariosity is evinced respecting tha detail. of bee engagement, and bow she intends to come before the American audience. A state. meat published in the Herald, which comes doubtless froni Barnum himself, says "She will employ the time alloted to the 11:0 concert., in about 20 Miles of the Union, whi h gives to New York 12, Boston 8, Philadelphia 8, Baltimore 4, Waahlogton 2, and .o on to Marie* ton; and, as one Of Madile Llnd's great indueet mews to visit America is to see the Palls of NI agars, the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, and Wt. or interesting features of ow country, mincer,. will very probably be given at Albany, Roches.. lee, Syracuse, Bnifakt, North, and Cincinnati and Louisville, West, and so on to New Orleans." The price of tickets the writer of the article is not able to state, reserving that probably for eon. sideration, Wit we are told In the statement that "ln London the price of tickets ranged from dee to gly dollars; in the provinces of England, from three to liflcee• ' on the continent the alma; ; but have very often been sold at •1101100 for enor mous some; and we have now before wan ac. count of two concerts given by her to th e town of Norwich, in Englanda place of about eleven thousand inhabitants, where 4,143 tickets were Cold, which realized £t,tlso its., or about;s9,v 300, in a mere vklage,whlch cone:arta were to en. eble her to establish a fund for the Firebug:to( fuel the the poor of that place la winter." The public may puma from this how much Jen ny's songs are to cast. We DM by the Baton Transcript that • movement has been made to. ward• the erection of a great musical hall In that city,and one of the reasonstassigned for the move. meat I. that, besides the general demand for large Musical halls, Jenny Liao entertainments would require ouch an edifice to contain all who wig to tea her. How Rot. Roace Incizass TIM Vaunt air Lo..' —During the late distrossions in our city, sad through our city mem, the tremendous Ingletenoe of roil road. on the value of land.was alluded to, and happily and forcibly proved by refettnce Is report' of nail roads and °Engineer?' wherever they had been construeted. Far the benefit of those' who stAl foci somewhat 'onepticad upon this isorr roman matter, we mention that a lent tree • highly intelligent minimise of Louisville address. ed to the Hail Hoed Committee of Bowling time, gate; that laud. twenty mdes cut of Lewisville en the Lei:dawdle and Frankfort Rail Road, that would not command Ave dollars per acre before the road woo ronzustenced, ate now selling. An twenty dollars per bore and upwanis. This Got presents ruling inducements to our farmers to en. UV in the enterprhe of constructlug a road from our city to Lexinenon.'—Aroynriiir Eagle . _ -- ... . . 'The Ch arl eston 41.1tteurf and Courier botha :117 - D. hicL.M.lll.l *Odin tram mune the bde Speech a seeeter• ' ca. , -.. ,-71 :1 , imPrienms a ... Webster. The ?Jemmy uric i ciao, air la daily se ee i ve o f t g, i modals as us Use es.llen. of "We cordia ll y respond to that t.timony of ap• . b one , p i% vo eee .. bkh ha Provekr and ;de =CU.= to eery. that. whether or I curable by the mostailitaiaby not TO merit the characters of oltraism so liberally 1 ,___._,..,_.. __ b b. Lb allowed to era, we have never had soy of that cd• , =•••:!,r .. .esa i &siert which could prompt Us to view such a di. ! ...... cellar. te ha caution of a great public question ,as Mr. Web-1 bars be. so nunieroas, that I, stet ha hire presented to the country with any , het. McLane.. Liver Pi t other feeling than admiration and delight. - \ , ever Offered for t h e rove of , "Not that we wholly agree with him, not that : Low no time, therefore,ye dor there are not many palate of disagreement, but l of scourges, the Liver Comp nowhere has he urged his opinions offenslvelyi I e h oe , sod oae t h e ,. v o lle. and when he reaches the true grounds of the ,I g o , roe by J. KIDD &co preterit eentrovecl. be mark. his way no clearly, 4 vo w w o w ev , po veho „, and brads no loyally on the plain welt of the Consthution and pledge. of the Government, Mai -I the difficulty la not to agree but to disagree with- I him. With inch • 'Orli as Mr. Webster has shown, it no longer IutSIVI impossible to bring Min t sectional contest to • close; and we feel now,Mr ! the first time since Congress met, a hope tat It ' may be so adjusted." General James Hamilton, of North Carollna,hu addressed a letter to the Charlest.n Courier, and declines, la consequence of his private •Gilre prevegting-to attend the Nuhillie Convention, a. a delegate from that State. We append the ens. eluding portion of his truer, In which it will he seen he pays a very high compliment to Mr. Web. tiger's speech. "I hope I easy be persniUed to add, from the in. dicationv of putgo aentunent at thin place, we have every mown to ' , hope that a pacification wilt aeon be established between the two great motion of this Confederacy, on terms of safety and honor to the South, and which the North will not be cal led upon to engender a single right or interest which she can fairly claim, or even a prieciple Io which the most fastidious sense of pride could at tach the smallest value. Any other aqui:neat than this would be but a hollow and treacherous truce—the fruit ful source of renewed agitation, baggily, and dW tract. Not is there less ream to . hope that the great blow Mr. Webster has bed the moral courage to strike, is but the commencement of a reaction In pnblio opinion at the North, decislve in its Mgr. for engin - ite manila. It sigh a consummation should Maas the exertions of this diattgaished 'detesting, the Onion will be indeed saved in the only lay In which it can he saved—by a spirit of peace, harmony. and Mutual justice. 1 remain, with the hiahet respect, your obedient eetrent. J. HAMILTON. From the Pennsylvania Impairer. lIIPOfT•NT LEGAL DECISION Cato of Parker's Patent Regattas Water Wheel. In the Circuit Court of tho United States, fat awl . the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Equity, ! between Oliver H. P. Parker, assignee of Zebu lan Parker, complainant, and Joseph Brant, and dims other persons, defendants: March 13th. 1820, by tease of Court, the original bill , 0 each of the above eases is emended by the insertion of the matter following : Your orator aver. that the said improvements, either separately or in combination, had not been patented or described in any printed publicatioe, or in anywise Wove or used at the dale of the discovery hereinafter mentoned, or of the letters • patent aforesaid and avers that tbe said Zebulon and Auntie Parker, in the year 1827, by observing, in a horizontal ruction wheel with • fixed dame, the operation of a tallen board, which Goosed a simple stationary guide, bad discovered—and, by removing and replacing such guide, had tested-- the utility of applying, as a motive power, the pressure, or untraugel roue, of water made to revolve within such a wheel, and pus lobo, and act upon, it. circumferential buckets, with .rte-cular motion coinciding with that of their resole. 11011 j and that in the following year, before whiny out their patent, they had experimentally exem plified this improved application of hydraulic pow er, in both baceital and earliest reacnon wheels, by Vl/101111 adaptations of died guide. so formed and adjusted as to produce, maintain and:regulate ! the proper vertical or circular current; and give • io them the required direction within the buckets; and that In we vortical wheels, the appendages and fixtures were ao stringed and adapted, that • several perticulars, a single piece of wischinsry waved for two wheel.; all which in the said eye eification appears. That the mechanical princi ple of their said discovery war cleaned and appli ed, and the Interpretation cif the cullestiod of the said patent determined, Ina late case of Par ker em Hearne! on the law aide of the Circuit Coon of Cleated Bunn for the Eastern Dunes of Perawslutan The opinion of the court with the docket ea tries, in the said case, :of which opinion aed en. tries a copy is hereeilth exhibited as part of your orator's bill of complaint, show, and your orator even, that In the laves:apace which took ploce therein, and opinion and verdict of the jury, and judgment of the count thereon, rim tide at taw of the said pumices, their representatives and am • signs, ander your neater as wet ensign, has been I and is ebtabiraited to the excluaive privilege str• cured by the said letters patent And your orator avers Um the said suit as Instr. rued, maintained end prosecuted In good kith and without contriver or connivance or secret us demanding of any sort, and was in all reaucts adversary and untested proceeding. in which the, best legal, and scientific, and practical skill and knoweledge were opposed to his itesart lon and vin. • elution eiressid Mae said herd • Is the absence of the eventuate contained is the foirtgranc usendotecto the .following minute bad been nude In awl of the above cases, loathe Uth lot.t. appear* krthrtOottlt that thalell orate eomplut does sot set Guth that be has ' had uch, pouesalen of the . inewation diwoveved and Maimed by pimps to upon his appllewien tar the Interiomituy Innineties. The motion far autiaunetion Is refitted. In unciumning the above order, the following remarks were made by his Hum, Mr. Justice Older o— "I take this occulon to say, that the Court hat endure; of the milidiu of the complainant's pa tent That question has Wee fatly settled hew, by a trial at law. of extraordinary duration, !and absence. or research. The report Mae caw of Parker vs Brame, by my brother Kane, who pre ened at the trial, end informatlen derived rum the affidavits cud printed works, which hare been reed on both aides, during the present buries, in well as the acquaintance with the subject which I derived while engaged in the trial of another case growing out of this patent, Intees co doubt on my mind, that tt• Complainant's patent le not only valid, brit of the greatest importune to the' country. I may add, on the rout of both of nit that we approached the question without any previous leaning In favor of the right. asserted by Mr. Pm. her es an inventor ' and that it was only. upon 'a MOM than usually close scrutiny of the het., that we came to the conclusion which we now ex. preen. Indeed, it is a subject of regret that the public has been so tardyyto acknowledging the merit. of the Hewn. Parker as Inventors. Their Improve. moot, es described In the patent hero& no, is not less ingenious and profound thee useful. to Prance, M. Fouwemon received the highest hem'. one, and used literal rewards, Got Introdochtg lac to use this very Improvement, Mier It. had: bead Invented In this country by the Kunz. Parker; And it was notional the circulation of Fourneya roe's paper, on Turbines in this cottony, that the Public, attention wu fairly called to the valuable improvement of the Meru. Puke:. Of the infringement by the defendants, the Gault hat no doubt. The wheels which they use and direct and positive violations of the complainants right, as appear by the affidavits on behalf of thee defendants, and the models which they theriselreel have submitted to the Court- In petal of fiae4 the complainant has establiabed his right! to the lojenettan which be prays. But Ido not wan to established the precedent in this Court, that • pare , ty who relies upon the verdict of e Jary Cod Wei judge:mot of • Curt allow, for the establidonent of his title, al the foundation of hi. Malin to he, quieted in the posimadou and enjoyment o{lt, and for protecting hilt against infringements byothers, shall omit, u the complainant bar here Omitted to aver In his bill, that such proceeding" at law have taken place. Without sub averment, the ! ground of the Court's action may be mistruler; stood, tad the defendant may not. be properly ape, prised, beforehand, of the cue which he' has mdl, meet. In these nose', we ore the mop reedy to;1 lay hold of the embision, new feel a reluctance to stop two hundred mills from grinding. blight:of grain or yawing al beard, without •givingitlie do. randents& chance of making a wallement pr cow promise. Oo the other bend, it le by ad means our intention to compel this umplalnini, are. - Keefe his patent ahead, UtabliaUd la law, n!' galore a combinailott of two hundred Wealthy mill owners, Intl& district, who ere, as these do-. defendants allege, suing truiclities, of which the model above described, Is the repersentation.— By an smendeneat orthfibill,thicomphrienint may overcome his present technical difficulty. No ground has Wee shawnfor:ffie - Imsintation, that an attempt has been made by silo atraphan ant *.to levy black es It is celled. ; /and, his courts towards these dorendian, as ,well es! Wan persons, appears to have hue oneof great liberality and fortennutee; end I advise those de.• rendauts to wade with him.' If they do not, dame gee may be found seeing them, to tho ettent, of their paean' fdant the nee ofthls patented Improve, meal; at aB events, emonnUng tattle whole moan ' or their mills, slues the time of Ming. three hair. This might be no more than equitable. ' 1 On default of setiloment by defendints, the Mart will order the lojtutetions to issue, on tbef first Monday of .April next; the oomplarbut, In, the meantime, so amending his bill, as to *liege the establis hments hero at law, of :his dila to en riclusive right la this improvement, and Bing the • iffidavil of the surviving patentee, which hem 'been read to es in the coarse of the hearillr- " : !In ell this, I am• eatherised to say, that m/ biotite , Kane rally mowers with me. IBA latter that the %tie mad beam ids. Tann, sell both are Oghtlig lag limn times and has been Is amusing duet S. S. Preatiss, is ath West. By. !MU n disci:m ark, while he was Borland vulva with a rapotai Thins thousand Landlords mins Milani), 9,900 own Snaltlall o . o . o93 cant Ireland, Inlaying more than 29,000,000 Inhabitants ol those countries wltt,t out a 4x4 of eteatioa. M. Mal, haa prliabed at Paris the 19th ve . tape orate hiatat7 of tbs ooneulato and F.mptre— iMee mete valet tonoma. Ste pima Olney, the brother of the traitor, Ar thur Gorgey, has been formed to atter limAttaUiaa army as a private soldier. • ion vox naVArra tad. eclebtsta medi- most gratifying tau- this remedy. Dr. Me. been given op as in tent, bare been eased ills have been admin. been pablisited, and is now an established are the beet medicine lepatic dersngement— , t surer under that worst aim. but ;hasten to pur- No. 6D, comer ofyounh Ear1643;*1•03 MME ISECIIMEM Ma. S. ht Kum—Allow me to express to you my heartfelt thank. for the great benefit I have received from an article called PETROLEUM. or Roca (to, of which you are the sole proykrictor. I had Occasion to use It about the let of Jan. in in • violent stack of Rheumatism, which was • y peinfol, (plop about from place to place, accompa ted with much swelling, so as to keep me In constant ~ yy rtere. I used the Pe. If GIG= externally, a few ap !mations of which re moved all pain, and every • teetotal of the disease. I em now entirely well, and would take this occution to recommend the Petroleum to all whomay be suffer ing under the agonizing pains of RIMIIIIIIOI.II or kin• deed diseues. [Signed) Gum, %Virus, near Panty Rouse, Pittsburgh. 117• See general advinnement to another column. feblff Ptsnur Lsron Nvosis—Prepared by J. W. Kelly Nlllism street, N. Y., Lod for soh, by A. Jaynes, No. 711Peouth street. This will be found a delightful arti cle of beverage la families, nod partleoluly for sick rooms. • • ••• Bohn'. Boni.—An Improved Chocolote . preporso hon. being le eembinotloh of Cocoa nut; Innocent, to. ylgonnting and palatable, highly recommended panic. ulorly for lorandh. Prepared by W. linker, Dore... ter. Mass, and for tale by A. /dial:St tat Ihtt Palo Too Store. N 0.70 Fourth it. Inaprovementa to Dentlslay. DR. 0.0. STEARNS, late of Boston, Is prepared to manufacture and met Mona Tams in whole and pans erects, upon Section or Atmospheric Suction Plates.— Toareuella 0 'Mt mama, where the nerve Is exposed. (Ake and residence nest door to the May or,. office, Fourth euxut, Pittsburgh. Ratan so—J. 11. hiWadden. F. H. Eaten. lain DR. D. • Dentist. Co recap( Pal and Dreamt, beer eau at., LOGAN, WILSON & Co is• WOOD STRFIIT, ADOVC MTH, IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY Ask the Mutantoe of purchasers to their PELUSO •PHINO •TOCK Which May Dank will compare favorably, be extent and cheapness, with that of any ' other house, either here or in ' the EsunaMs Clues. • feb264LbsOlT T. C. Tslstactalo wiU deltver his tog latnediefion to the Grant titirtt Batumi Chore • Suistay next, It 7 o'clock P. M. On Monday following ho will take hit departs, Springfield, 111., where he has been called by •onniwoos consent of the Church. May he eve ateful it the prayer of many. On Tuesday wen last, MI. U, youegeo ChM; of George sod EGe.Leth oVeyman, egad ten yeas six mouths. The (fiends of *a fatatlr.arc requested to att. her funeral, front the residence of her father, No. SmitbSeld Street, this aftatnooo, at Y o'clock. GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO DEALERS IN EXCILIL 31011. COIN, DARR DOTZS, to., N0.:4 Fourth airced, nett door to the Bank of Sots- A CARD GEORGE E ARNOLD CO. here opened an Este... Orme. Nti.74 rOakel street, neat door to the Bank of Pittsburgh, and •ra prepared to trans to on mesonable tens any Gaeta.. In their hoe that any be entmsted them. Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, he., bought and sold. Collection@ made in all the principal Mlles and mans in the United &Mee. Desolates received in par Mode and martini. They retpectfully molten a share of the cesium or the bitstnees tortnesniurr. mrll-lm AMERICAN GOLD 7%a ono Coins, Damao Eagles and Gold Dollars EXCHANGE AND BANNING HOUSE A. WILKINS & CO., S E CORNER OF MARKET & THIRD STREETS Milbank. VIISSUSILKIL. A LT:SANDER & DAY, career Of the Diamond and /1. Market street, are prepared to offer, at the law s market prices, • choice somnolent or Silks, of the -lest qoalitios and acmes styles. Best black glossy G ro de Rhino, of a cokbratel rosindartarer. warrant. ad not to eat in wearing. Blast Brocade Ag'd eery deb. Rich Nil Silks and Satin De Chimes, in choice solace; Chameleon, Oro do Rhine.; Satin do • Cheney, and Tare Satins. ALEXANDER & DA V, 8.5 Market .l. well Notthere,st teener of the Diamond FANCY PREIS GOODS. ktlito , 2 l.l lllloll . t . ret 67 , ltileDe Lainesalareges, Boa!e litluoms—A lance supply of Bonnet. Bon net Ribbons. fait mfieitmd. ALEXANDER*. DA V, NI Market t mai Northwest artier of the Drum nd Per Beat, • HEiDwelling Ham, corner of Pride and 111 T Eighth . Wad, now occupied by P stet. Man pan at any time. Tins Is nee of the most pleasant residences about the CH; it ia surrounded by • fine yard and arderti I. free from that oky annoephere of the ens , below it, and Is only fifteen roma, wait from the centre of business. JAMES W. BUCHANAN, mitt If corner Wood and Founb ea A STORE on Wood street, ono door from Second et pre•eut nommied by George f!.. Anshem mere op the promi•ea mr2l-et QUGA R-10 WAG bursted par Gamer Forner. for 0 sale by Ircintl) J C ANFIRLD DOLL WITTER—a bbl. Ina reed and for D. dale by [Arai .1 LI CANFIELD SODA AOII-73 wt.biddyllWe beatcleanly, and Man Oat,blolandlna from weenier Jefferwn, and for bale by W & M bIITCIIF.LTHEE, LibertY COPPEELAS-134411 in rood order. for sale by anal .1 13C1100NMAILER & CO G ERMAN CLAY-3u tons fin sale by 1 801100N.MAKER CO INSEF.D OlL—le bele for sale by rer2l l ectinoNSIAKER it CO TORN DURAND k. CO.'S BRANDY, in half piper and quarter casks, ma r boiee ardonment d pure attleta, of varicose aors, part very a r delved from Bonienaz as New Orleans, for s olo by metl A.CULBERTSON,I4S Libeny at OLARET WINE-100 boxes, ehoiee brand.: uid 4„/ :Ono an onorninent of Champagne and Whim Wine., lam reed per Roamer Diadem, and for Rata by mrgY A CULBERTSON, lin Litony si MIN PLATE -40 beim Tin Plato, receiving trom 1 steamer De Watt Clinton, and for sale by re ISt JADES DALTELL County, am THE Commonwealth of Penanylva. nig, to all persona Intereated to the Et ( Wen2l, C arto . r. undersge Ann ol l roL7 r lean, greeting: Whereas, At an urphane Conn, held • . at Pittsburgh, on the 16th day of Mareh, . tem,' in and foe sold county, the pennon of Robe., Dorman, guardian,. de, wee presented to the COOTS, praying for an order to make sale of • cer tain desenbed tot of ground, situate In the cip• of Pittaborgh, ike., fee the maintenance and eduest nof said minor.. Now, therefore, we command you snit each of you, that to your proper persens you be and appear before oar Orphans' Court, at Pittsburgh, on the Untit day of fdarch, woo, then and Mere to *hew cease, if any loner either of yen Lave, why the pray er of.the petitioner Humid not be granted, and hereof tilt not. Witness the lieu. W. B. !duellists, President of our 'said Court et Pittsburgh, this 18th day of Mateo, A. D. JUNI. DANIEL Ate CURDY, Gere. thrtil A- D. Clarke. j-41D 113.11 Yr*I T I' D.O .. . OLI4 /a CLAIMS, WiORWARDING AND in ANTS, and Darden ta IVindow Ulnas, Welt d, to. No larSeeond at WM. H. 4olizirsToat, RWARDINCI commissiori MERCHANT, No 1111 Second at, rithhoMb. mr2l • AItIIIITRONG di CROZIMII, •, ' .; poiOdISSION•IIIERCHAND6 .a . tk.te. in pro. •,,, o ,No at Market street, rittabarik. . • troll - . DIDOLIITION LllB Partnership heretofore existing between FJltett geulish, in the Boot and Paper Business, wo ed on the llth ten., by annuli consent y basin.. .11 be continued at the old stand, No. 79 Wood street, under the firm of .A. 11. Enallyb a C 0.," by whore the butintesa of the former partnership will be settled. SAMUEL, 111_,LIUTT Intfil A. 11. ENLILISII. J. D. William —John Hari J. D. WILLIAMS & CO.. Parwudln in f s2gisit hi n I li l le Y rc a h ß k °CE tnts, B d . dealer. In Gentrify Produce and Pittsburgh Monotone tont, corner of Wpod and Filth streets, Pltuburuh. m ==l A LOT OF OROUND oltriato in Wilkins township, „1101. near the Pittsburgh and Creel:iot:lrak turnpike road, and fronting on the Droddoeleo Field road—eon. tattling SIX ACRD ." , , more or les.. Ear tattoo, La., apply to Alexander R. Miller, Fourth wean' or to se lbe onbrlber, Oral. the practises. an AURMIANIIORDACII,Jr. BAGS—Y 0 dos 10 do cram in one and for We by mrVI I & R FLOYD s ocks...(no don (Country) on hand and for ..In by mrN .1 & R FUMY In ueruy,—.•• • Andrew Fleming..... R . K. Flaming unnizy, impaggia ti Co., OIdhIISECON MERCLI/114Td—For the .ale of Do. toecie.Woolon, and Cotton Goode; ale., dealer. to al kinds of Tam' Ttistounge, No It 7 Wood 4th ;door hata rdth,rivabarge. Reforeace—lleastd,Wol, A.lllll A Co, Hankers. - • Ilicarge WAlauth James D7V•rneir. osoftwo w. Burro O co., TBDEVVERB,MAIATTEitS AND 110 P DEA4EII4, PM mast, Pinsbargh. DeuJamia Palma. -- William Bata well. PATTON i nAKKWELL, AWORN EYB AT LAW—Offma Tilituaaa Eta, Grams st, near the Coln Howe. 4t4 ICNCoURAGS HOMY, lIIITITIITIONS. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COPANY, Of . C. O. HUSSEY, •• IdAllEft,ther. CYffiro—No. 41 Weer street, in the warehouse of C 'I'HIB COMPANY Is note prepared to inture all a kinds of tasks, on houses, meistsf•clncesi genets, merthandi. in store, and In marine •••11CiZ. &C. An mete guaranty for am ability and integrity of the A l elfurded in die character i of din Di rectors, who are all cited of Piusbergh, welt and favorably known to the oorttronaity for their credence, intelliaence, end interity. Dtagivou—s:. G. I ttsmy, Wm. Begaloy, Wm. Lar idler, Jr , \Yeler Bryant, Hugh D. Sing, Edward Ileagehon, Z. Kinsey, S. Ilarbaugh, 5.M. Kier. 1 nir /0-If [Journal and Post copy I 111.14,LODRON PIANO. ' THE subscriber has Jon received • neve and beautiful inurement called "'Melodeon Piano; from the factory of March & White, Cincinnati. It has the elegance of exterior of a Piano Forte, and le pos sessed of a tone et once sweet and powerful. Its great advantage, however, consists to too rapidity Of its enunciation, which enables the performer to exe cute upon it the most brilliant piano music. Altogeth or, It may be called the best reed attainment ever in vented. Call and examine. RLEBEE, at Woodwell's, Sole Agent for March & White's manufacture. P. o.—Also, so eral now Mad very fine Melodeon,. torso [Journal, Cbronlcie. and illarcurY eoPY - SEW SPRING GOODS ' A A. MASON & 60 Almket siren, are coo n, moody °online the Intent and mon Inbionoble styles of Fancy and Staple Goods, comprising Sam. sea, :tilts, Alverines, Do Laing, /se., de. Also—l•mbroideries,lrdbbons,Stmerls,Linen (taxis, .Dontestie Goods, &e. mr2o Chambers' Eduentloawl Coarse.. THE SCIENTIFIC SECTION.—The hlcesrs. Chant bers have employed the Ant Preemie In Scot land, in the preparation of thew works. They are now offered to the Schools of the Ultimo Maw., under the American revision of D. M. Beene, hi. D., LL.D., late Superintendent of Public School., to the City and County of New York. 1. Chembert. Treasury of Knowledge; IL Clark's Drawing and Perspeenve; 111. Chambers' Elements of Natural Phineoply; IV. Acid tr. Bain's Chemistry and Electricity; V. Hamilton'. Vegetab , l . l , and Animal Physiology; VI. Chambers' demon o f Zoology, with plates; VII. Page', Elements of eology, illustrated. It is well known that the otiginalpublithets of theft works (the Id Chamber., of Edinburgh) are able to commend the best talents in the preparation of their book., Mad - tbet it Is their practice to deal hidden, with the peddle:" Thin series will oat disappoint the reasonable expectations thou excited. They ate ele mentary work., prepared by authors in catty way ca pable of doing jaw., to Meer respective undertaking IN nod whwhave evidendy bestowed open them the ne- WsearY time and labor to adapt them to their putpose.' e reetmmend them to leathers and parenta win conGdence. The first named volume, in the hands of teacher of the yoonger classes, might furnish an ut exhausublo food of amusement and Ivtrection. To. settler, toey 'would COP.Slitl. • rich in-... to hen. dy of Intelligent children and =put a thirst foe knowledge,B Vermont Published by A. 8. Barnes & Co., New Van; and Tor wde by A. H. ENGLISH ik. CO. turfy No 72 Wood et MOSOBIGA IiCLA HALITE. sat OA/7 73 11 Ml l e s litaglag. Vie Brownsville and CuCu r land to Baltimore and Phil elphla. P.m TO Damao •—• ---•810 00 DO PIIILDO Mil, • 12 00 1111118 inoralog boat leaves the wharf, alma* the I bridge, daily, at a o'clock precisely. Thoo to Baltimore, 32 hoax& time to Philadelphia, 40 beers. The evenisig boat leaven( daily, (except Sunday ea uings,) at 6 o'clisck. Passengers by leaning au the evening boat, Will cross the morietales in steps next day, and thus avoid night travel. Pectin , your ticket* c the Clehee, Monongahela 801110,06 31. Cholas lio al. — rollo,ly J. MERKIDIEB, Anent 0 BOAR. M01..688118, & RICE-- - i) 150 laid. po',me N Sugar, all Ibis Loaf So n • (oo do N 0 Mo oes; IU do Goldeu S DUN •dr tierces Rue; m store and for sale bT J t R FLOV Q mein Round Church Haildiots TE/00-3u 10 cheers V II Tea; ID do Yorrchong Tea; 5 do Cbul. do; IU do Gunpowder do; 11112115 s boo Y ll do; 61he do do do; 10 610. do thropowderdoi It Mb. do Imperial do; In store and for .ale by d& It FLOYD. land Round Church Bolldiode lOFFEE-200 Lop Rio, on band nod for node by onytni la R eLoyD SC AK-I.oshhda fair N 0, rec...l sod for sale by mr.o CIIGRANT LLK HAMS, SHOULDERS & SIDFS—D) corti Lb landed per steamer Pilot ^roy; and for lode FLOby torYo,_ J k R YD ALERiaTUK—ba bbl. Adams', in owns and for sale 0 by linrlol J k K FLOYD 1102 4 11i-12 cask. pnme, Mate ., I R r nd tiar i V o by B U m CICKII4-25 dot Beater, on Ilant j t r i d t ler We T mOnUEI j 10 ea: Bever{ on band soul tag ri i ti dD B ROOS.Itt--29 don in core and for sale by I & It FLOYD b K 7 ,k MeCANDLD3B YUTAKii—~ ~ mrxo fa , r A Li... , Viscia p•pera. A. weANDLEss w s---q t iNDuw GLAs box. 7i 9 14 do OW& for saleby WICK & IdoCANDLIKKA 0 1 0 1 1 ,0 0 bbls 1 , 1,20011 e : n , rn i tAnd fo s r , sr . Z. . t sale by lO r mllo " R E SELLERS 130TA911-5 casks, prime quality, for sale by rarlo R E SELLERS L A . RD OIL-10 Obis No L (or by sia.txas )LI(E MASS-70 Da for ord. by mrlt.l R ESELLEVEI Bi;;SRUM-10 igatlit, s'Opertor qttaliWz&by 3V n ir;llNDli PITCH-550 lba for: ( l;b: LEßs ,AbIYIIOR-4 bblo for able by ll Ear= R E SELLERS SUI•F:R CARE. SODA-1000 lb. for setle by oir7L R E SELLERS L , INI: Elk/NEE—I ease, very superior quality, (o sale by im rag( E SEUL i EILS F CHALK -173 lba (lot florrori VAftN-440 lb. Nam ft .nd for able by Camr:ol CANDLE WICK—W bales in 1.20 B AITING -25 bees Jo No 2; on hdod dad for solo by tol2o J a Q;FWY➢ Ir ro cA,,,P,T,v,Pß — ' [ Z;t; (1 ° '''".7r4;.7l7fL'e ) ALICIANDER 11, WATSON. TTORNEY AT LAW—OrEee, an Fourth street, esove Wood. mole SAIII.TYL EIcKYLVT, Ik.I'ANUFACPUHEH OF CAST ST EL, and No. lin and No. Y Americus liuner Steel. Also—Ho Coat Nivel Taloa, Mall slew; and Blacksmith and Sh • • hasps, aleray• on hand and for mle,elltler at his "Ea gle Nicol Works," O'il MA street, Bath Ward, or ai th. inbee in the Iron Store of BOLLSIANS A GARAI SON, loot of Wood street, Pittsburgh nulthdlin I=E=l3:2 THE Chartiera Coal Company will receive propo sal. up to Thursday, Mandl WI, fur grading and building the aupentrueturc of four mile. of their Rad Road up Charuen Creek; also, for building two Bridges over Chattier. Creek. Plan. arid .pectfica wan may be sego at Weir office in Penn wen Pitt.- burgh. Y. W. KEIMINGTUN, !nth/ W Manager. TO TRAVELERS. Pennsylvania Hall Roads and Canal Two Daily noes bares' Packet Boats, M.Novel, for Posen6era3 FOR PHILADELPHIA AND HALTIMORE, THE PACKETS Of Ni. Last will Jena RB follows, Loinettusa T. Leech, muter • •Triesday morning; Cockeye etute•ll.Trnhy, " Tareday night; Keyetono Buie-Thompson, " IVeduesday socegi lowa. • • • •—•-• A. Craig, Wednesday night, Kentucky I. L. " . Thursday MOT akr, Indium ..... ••• P. Becky, . Thersday bight Quo. •• ••••• • L. Creighton," Friday atoning. A Packet will kayo every ?doming and•F•toutog throughten the tenter Feu—Teo Dollars through. Tau—Eget) ttooro. For parsnip apply to . _ .. W BUTCII, hforaugabela Rosa, prp at D LEECH & Ca. Mall Basin; j. . LAII/D-:libbs'No 1 Lea 4 ' ~• . 15 NO .do do• ' reell. per PllotNo t, nd ' 1 .lotul• by • . . . . mall .r, lIIIEVOICATTHOWIf &AD I r r e , p o re, - 1: , ..1 . ..,.., Pth. quality, ree'd per tong y EY dd firril CNA &CC WOOL & YARN—a wake Wool; • 27 doe Tote ”d Plan Yarn; for male by • (metal KIIEY,aiNITHEWS kCO fEA-10 ebeeni fine,rovrehonn Tea for male Ly I ;oda C _H GRANT, 4I Wafer B ACON it LAFID-5 coke Sidon; t do Dog Monad; • I do Dawn •, • , In Wile Not Lard; • • .• . a do Geom.: 10 enive en the income, Caledonia, for male by mtla ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Prom at SODA aSI I —iv casks In itrefrinln . ; iß g ,oiis b & EL . CiGlB-116,UCK1 Conimol i Al t v i re Aftlilauc‘tti:o)b.y - - - fiTOLITCCII-8 b I Smoking, for We by I tornHARDY JONIS &CO t - RNTLlVRinitTbial calm teed an foosigment 114. and for We by C ARBUTHNOT, men/ No BY Wood sr G U llty77e P eTaUlr aale b"). C ARBUTHNOT n(YITON 110SIKItY—A fine ZieAitent for see by kJ Mill C AVIUTIINOT INGHANS—A few cuss Seotekli n knd Demesne, Ur fo r sale by jibrigl C A CTIMYT 12.AMN-913 piece. 1101114? .I , klo ToRANS-113 Imam tech/ an or are •y mrl9 • 'WICK MeqANDIARSB 'path MS-20d dra. au'd slus,fot wile by - - zdrl9 WICK k McCANDLESS JLATk 9t bsz for tab : . • earl 9 ISIOCANDLES SCITHE . BNEATIA- - 95a0z, 41 Comaam.fiff ale by' nitl9 AtEiglkiht HAPirg:r ree'd per Ben V Wen, for Me by nide M=OZI CLOVER BEED—It bbl, justreed=l for We by BAGAILEY &CO OIL bbls reed said for saleby mll9 WM HAOALLY CO. -- LARD --5 Ws and IS kege'fie acme .d for We 11 1 =rig eNabil;iiia;MEm4 To the Monorail the Judges if tM COWS Af Gene ral Quarter Searioas of the Pe rein eauffor the County of Allegiertty. THE Petition of Joszra Perninn, of the township of E.s, Derr,-to the county aforesaid, humbly THE that your petitioner has parrided himself with materials for the accommodation of travelers and milers, at his dwellinchouse, to the township aforesaid and pm,. that year Mona. will be pleased to grant lam a license to keep • Public 800, of Entertain ment. And your peutioner, as In duty boned, will We, the enbseribers,einiew of aforesaid township, do certify, that the above petitioner ts of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with booze room and conveniences for the wairMatialetioll and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that said !seem is accessary. A. Pillar Wm. Hulett, Tobin, P. Weaver, McMillen John V. C. Bell, A. Bigots, J. Crawford, J. A. Bell, Wm. Hamilton, Jacob Smith, Benjamin Hu heron. ' mr19.4120 ANAL BOAT FURNITURE—I have on hand V; large assontnent of /3ank Prams, Swinging berik Mattraeser,Comfona.glulla,filia•Mßile.% 8i1t." 4 every ankle "naiad ter Canal Beata. WM NOBLE, sarlß.l3t . ••• • to Bank of Mora h. Wall Paper Warehemae, 47,91.ARELT STREET. between Third . and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. THOMAS PAL MER 'scald respectful!). call the attention of his friends' and customer; to his potent extensive and general mock of merchandise. ItsrHl be Mond to cott• prise every ducriptlon of American and French Wail Paper and Boyd ri for Parlors. Balla - Dining Hoorn.; Bed Chambers, Counting Roome,tc, ratline front 12 cents to If a piece. So great a diversuy of prices and qualms e. hardly fail to salt the cireamatanees and testee of purchaser. who may favor with their patronage, the old established stand on Martel areal utrld.d3m S. D. WILLIAMS & CO., 177110LESALE AND lISTAIL GR Yt warding end Gammledon Marchtue l t= F nrn Country Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, nor. ner of Wood and Filth streets, Pittsburgh. Plusbargh, Merril 12,1360. CIOFFEE-60 begs prime Rio and Jul: %Jammu-40 bin meal& dlPFul. end Wel , P; Curres—Ralbis Cream and English Dairy; Cous-20 doallemp and Marna! Carta—do Maus; Caoves—k barn!; Cusass-20 Al Common and belt Spanish; Fm-25brIsand bad brls Mackerel end Salmon Onus—.6o bin assorted deck. Haas-1000 Prime VClll2Olli 1000 Sugar Cued,. lemon-100 lb. B F and 61.111 a: 1210-16 dos tlerrisons Black ind Copylnm alonissus-21brie N Orleans; half brit Sugar ' House; Merman-40 dos armedcaramels; Mseessom-60 lb. Dalian. • Vsnsuctu.,6o Dedo Note—SAl kegs amused; Pleues-6 dos lan awned; Pescara-3u baskel• kaiser, • Paru-60 reams assoned; Passes-1W lbs Bordeanm Sosr-60 boo Ruin end Cut Steel; Scats-10 MM. N Orleans and Clarlled; Tu-430 packages GM. end Black; Taunt:a-20 box 12,6, Ilb lump; Wu, Bosens-60 dos piatent Zink; For sale by I D k CO meld COMM' of Fifth and Wood eta WE SALE —The noders/goed shiers for wenow F two story Prattle flow—throe rooms and kitchen with • good cellar ender all—lot 20 feet front, 60 feet deep, located on Esplanade street. Allegheny City. TU. made good to the purchaser. Price low. login= at No. 32 Wood street JOHN BEST. roan HINTING AND WRAPPING PAPER—Printing £ paper of vorioasSima always on hand or made to order. Manilla, Shoe, and Tea Paper, Straw and Rag Wrapping Paper, Cap and Pent Writing Paper, for .ale, wholesale and retail Dy W P MARSHALL, meld El Wood at. DA. %Such/sale parchment will find the stock at 4fil a roost dellmbh, one; select a cheap end beautiful es sortment from. arle.tfl P. UMANy. SUPERIOR MOULD CANDLES—Patterson& Soo'. brand, in mall Dozes, W. lbw each, to afford Tani: lies an opportunity of asecnaming their superiority. For sale al lba corner or Robinson-nod Federal streets' Allegheny, by [rarle-dhl FRANCIS HART. 00111/1-300 bur reed, and tor sale by CLARIFED SYRUP—eI barrels far sale by mrlD N A JOHNSTON. 112 5111 at l J A HUTCHISON &CO. mrlB 111:; 7 - em Dm for sal., by DIG LEAD-0000 Ibedikkß Galen. Lead, Go sale by :1 - meld - C H GRANT. REFINED BUOARB—LN brts entehed, powdered, 1L and clarified, for eale by J A HUTCHISON & CO., otrlS Agents for the Pt. Louis Refinery. pLASTRR PARIS-13 brio Pladeu Padln 3 bd. Stn.* Plat er for wile 8 F VON BONNHOREIT 6 CO UM= M."J;Pe cAßDW•V`,ol4l,BZl=`r,g'' BACON -15 casks shoulders, • prime ankle. jest received on consignment, for sale by GEORGE COCHRAN, No 21 Wood strict SUGAR, MOLASSES, AND RICE -162 bbd. prime N 0 Sol Per, 3 brie Loaf Pagan ' 6 brie S II Holum; 12 times Elea, landing from mum. Area mi, and far sale by WA. I& 111ITCHELTilEhl, mrlB IN) Libeny mow. SODA ARIL-16 cubs Knota'• b l a o tt i o i l eele by mrlp No 33, Wood etreeL Ron...' Cough Ilyrmp-"Withous • Rival" Prrnetramt. (Mb Ward.) Fab. tstlt, OWL ihr R R F. VIVLLERIS—Ca the loth uh, I caught a verfeavere cold. The night followiag I went to bed earlier thaa usual, yet noMmtbstandlng I had slept none the night before, my comb was so severe that I mold not deep, nehher mold those In the room moth me. The puma sleeping with ma ems me much an noyed by my meshing hat he got up and went to a drug stare and bought • bottle of your Cough Syre env doss of which, to my great aitonisholant. stopped my comfit an if by magic. I went to work In the morn ing, and tun now quite well. Yaws, to, Jona Dees. I hereby certify that I set well acquainted With the above cithamstances, and that the mammal given Is OWL •Jmottax, Corner Mists and Q.. , 7 steceis,ltdi Ward- C7Tceseted and sold b 7 E E SELLERS, d 7 Wood sweet, end sold by Dreams ittnently in the rem ities and vicinity. • Etllft SOAP -1111 &re Quainiall 01111MI,•••' . • . mrld' - - STUART EARL' C It 6NNNLFB--CS hr. No 1 diPP.dp t r't r r• & SILL ALL Pismotta Interested am hereby notified. flair hare applied to the Coat of Common Plato of ntleittanY Oman Panmylvania, for my thaelaarge as an tuatara debtor, and that said Conn ha.appointed datardayabe Walt day of Arai, MO, at 10 o'clock • 11, for the beating of me and me craditme at the Coon Iloou, in the any of Plaburah. when and where all person. will chow cause, Warr they have, why! gull not be analogy! stead* to law. JOHN REED. Plan Townaldp. Dissolution Of Portnateship, HE Part:train heretofore entitle, ender the £e of Edwards, Jones On wee dissolved by mental roment, on the idth bun by the withdrawal of WP, nom from the eoneere. The hezinthe of the late boa will be sealed by the retobibibb pow.. R EDWARIV, W. P. JONES, N. MATTHEWS, THE sabsedben wilt continuo the manufacture of Platform Scales, Lock. of various kinds, Latelea to, ander Me firm,ef H. RDWARDS & CO, and they raa peatfally math • Mara of the public panorama— Warehouse, In Irvin'. Row, Water M. below Ferry. N. R. EDWARDS. MATTHEW!, CARPET No 76, Nei W. NE LINTOCIC is t ,ting Stack of • " " • English end Arnerie • Kura Superfine Im • Superfine • Superfine e, Ingrain Ca i ro, Faun fin Fine r , Consonon, all wool, n an d ;” 4-4, f and Tap YenlCat. 4-4, f andf Twillld Carp. 4.4, I, I and f 4 plahf Car. List and Rag Casyels, 84 Prultod Cotton la. oii m' 6-4,74, 64, 64, an! i .um; 44,2-4,44, and f blatant; Inch paw* C „Ciotks for waft. Qum Dine and Drab CI ; Comma Plualn Coast, 011Clinho,. Damasks for Um 4; Wired-Martins. . aim°, I Buff flollond for WBhadea; Tratapannt French Damp. Venetian filimbk. Bantl4for El 74 and 0.4 Table Lbws; Rusin Cruh; Scotch Diapers: Brown Linen Naplriwg (lemon Oil Cloth TWO glint OILS aVa , Un - Ei e . t r 'SPre a lityan4 Amine.. miattotioroottroa to 94 Rat orbioh mill no out to 49999149,kattn, and n •of any sin or olsapia rhowninrAtnon /win": impend direct (rota Sok land, bia Velvet Pita and Tapoldry CAUPILT9,..7toon Antroln, widen aro. of Wed and moot *bloat ntytel and palomino, and of Um mm. patella SOWS, MITI be *Old at prices as lowa' they can be paseliaand far in any of iba roam obis. Having the Invent arooraesza of Ito Selma sad met faahlonable BRUSSELS. IMPERIAL TH HKH PLY and INGRAIN CARPETS wIo far nape.. i4;inality and eheapnese of Ow, any assortment ever _Ns city. /e We invites Steamboat Men !gn i :rigger Blanzracurens__to We tarp and well neketed user:meet nITRUCRINGS, and other anlederi neeevary is Melt bnelease. The andereirned re also AVM for Ow may Sank Rod Manuthe:ofy PMfadelphis, end is prepared to on Were, than eati be, purchased **whew In this eft), null • , WM. AUCLINTOCK. alesalsome cosatzs asSidemen for Rale. rip FIAT besutiral Wet Maw, with about one sere of 1. sound, well .applied with *sit tries and shrubbe ry, situate oath. Ohio dm, to the tearer pan of Alla- Stirs! airy . , now to the escapaney st( Sami hi Wick..- .ham. B.q. Possessidn siont it yril Ist. For partieullas and terms y to WI AUS a SHINN. iorld.herd . . Fourth alma Potahlteld SlCielook on Devine Pessidesene. S ECOND American edition. 1 vol. limo. ae pp; well Minted on fine whim poor. The hitheno very starve and exceedingly 'enable work has jut born published by J. L. Bond. It le reminutewied by , several of the clergymen of this elf, of different de. maenad... and Jr one week nearly lne copy, have been eliculiited in Piusbaseit end aa n,a rbn. •• Orders for the week are invited. discount to wholesale plushest!. yd.. taTpri 61. par sale at the Methodist Bank Deettaitory. R. HOPKINS, Agent 'll and 11XIdo similar Se *wag. XS - ADAMS BORNSTEIN respeatially =nonce* to Ili the citizen. of Pitiabalski Malabo Wanda open ing her Siogirat School On the Ist orApril cert. TI • pupil...ill be divided ituoa4.wjadapted talkie OM Mien; and musical avolumealia. Private Imamage, min be commeneed isamedialely. . kleifame Dommein mite Man *My aftestion, twitch V mid CI &cheek, at the derellilig of Mr P Steel, in DM el. between Market and Wood ma. larlßmwd OLIVE 011.-3 Imam. for We by J WHOM:MAIER lx mxl2 • II Wood/Mat AMUSEMENT TH EATRE! Lessee and Manager C. S. MC= OF •DIIII1103: nrcu Circle mid Perquisite Socood and Third Tiers . • ...... • •••• thilior7 (for colored ocesoorli•-•-... Door. Open at 7; Cattail:l "nil ciao al; QT First Ilightof Mlle !MANGY RAND, and Mons. SZOLLOSY. On m.n.h , 21, will be taut, tad THE TIGER. • To be followed with a BalkCooliea LA ITIVANDIERE. .... Ilant: • Robenual. • - Nate CPA number of Dances by Bros Dion, Durand, and Moo. Budloay. • To caudal: with MR AND MRS PETER AUCTION SALES. By Joha.D. Davis. Anettoneir /60 doz. Fins Skims, at di tectios: On Friday morning, dthi inst., at ID o'clock, at %Le Commercial Bales Room, corner or Wood and- ifth streets, will bowl& by catalogue, on DO dare a tilt on turn over SRO for approved en d orsed paper 160 dozen Fine titans, embracing the chines as sortment offend to dealers for come num. comp 'ug super , York NW Muslin BhitS, extra Linen b roe, collard, Be; broad and narrow. plaits, fide m Im shine, run plaim, yoke neck and French macre; s hah long cloth shins, L. R& C, open work; Loo ma 1111 shuts, L It& C, fultionahle broad plait.: do do 41 L BBC. needle worked do do, do do do 1. 0 & C,5 tow French embroidered bowmen L 13 & C shirts; R I' Mtd stitched; media chins with linen bosoms and eollirs. mrth . JCILN R DAVIS. atm .•• OprLog Goods mid Fashions to - 019 - O. P. DELATIY, TAILGEL NO. 49, LIBERTY STREET, P.IthBURO I HAS jut opened his Spring Stock. consisting o es ery deseriptinn ol ROODS saitsble for enyt e. The Cl ss cloths, Cannetcsond Vesting. have been and with great care floor tholatest importmlons, and comprise a pan of every dung that 4. new and hand soma La SPRING and SUMNER WEAR. The moron. swot of YestiNgs is unusuolty luxe and sorted, both in style and quality, and cannot be excelled, if eunalled, by any caber Clitablfilbaleill is this city, either in me, eteratertw, on n u ll. •lso. • new style of TWEED CASSIMERE, adapt. eil (Or Bafibiers Coats and Puns. yammer Good. of every dmeriptiommch as Tweeds, Casharereus, 11.1 ran Cloths, Drop Olney, he. The atone Coca wilt fa waahly compare with • any stock of rood. °paired heretomrcin mturburgh. Mr. J. C. Warm' well known and taste as n Catter,wlll prow. an ample gtorramce to all who mop favor Mi. establultmeot wart Mem undo's, that they sla good and fashionable work. no eau Ira produced by any house In the East. and at mach LOW , ' sal prices, uLave been acknowledged by many who have tried both. I would further ware, that I will fur nish as good and iambi - anal/la Goods as can LO Mond In tan tooter,, market, and al much lower prices. • READY MADE CLOTHING A large and general amorunent of ready made cloth log Lon hand, made fu the present Opting Paahlomi; complisaug Dress, Frock and Roane. Coats of U. la"- m a t amic, nude of Pracch, Engliab, and American Cloths, of .0 hwhiansble colors. PANTALOONS rf every dollar:mien or plain and fancy Cowmen.. of the latest arm Cloth., batauct and Summer tioods, Vests of the beat:Sauna and rilka;plain arid fancy Marseilles; Clotho, Culinterc a itc; and other arOclsaln the (Noth ing-hue. All Garments mule at 49 we vorninted b. cot and made in a hood workmanlike atyla, and will bar poll low rat cash. Cu p" None e ILI! We vo . r m o . v .. W . oeveecn employed• and w order as above, warramed. 11 mrICI 1104 CH CUIrKil — HlOl6-3 T.res and by loam WICK a mccarim.E4s irltdOnlY dEED-11 Nits rec'd, and far •c • mrl6 WICK tr. 111cUANDLES N oll i ly4ll-WOhltdsjast Fe UA li E l ia 1141 di -- b - j • I R PENT/ bbls au hand ard los sale s j. estls W lIAGALEV CO ruu tooLASOLZ—OW Obits Iv Moro nod for soloby Irtrla W BAIIALEY It CO I OL m igUTTSU-40 bbl. rec; i l , lr i sid u for MOLASS-50 bbls oak, tor sale CY • E. mad STUART 50.1. SLICIAZ r —Soperior N 0 Sugar iij. by . a DACON—LIons, =Xi Ms oily mood; shotldas,Alol.4l' j) do do; sides, 700 u do do, in store and for Wetly. amid SELLERS - 5, NICOLS MILO Li R-00 bids 5 1 Floor. ru do extra family .j: inn recd and ior sale by isole BURBIODGE, WILSON & CU OAF SUE/Aft—LbOWU - iiCfNes reed for Wn .54..b_y mOl6 UURBRIDTVILS9.I . S.OO_ CE141 , 1 ,0 1D5R-1; suresior,s for UltUli DOE, 1% ILSON b. CO • nifIEDYEACii .... 10 • • • • b MlSArby , . 1../ ulna ItURBFUDOK WILSON& Co Salt ac - -15 tat s 0 - Eraiii,liTatore .3 elr'TitVioi.., mad 5 .Y. IV fin ItUAUUN , MOLASSES-e:0 bbla N 0, Iwo ree , d and tax sadi.bjr , nal° St 1Y NARBATION • • • • ItICV cm in morn and In! yr • • - • —• tat ea ' t= " arloi o l r*LAlttlATY6 sore ey LASS— lrmr " V;. " 4 , =VI Z% 1" EtD—la Mils, 7 !tido No 1. now boding Om •nftt Pall for by 19 onte Allai DICKEY ob. ISAI DICK) teCi) DATHERB-I.ln babe, far sale by mt. ISA - LAU DIODE , / la CL lA/ HITE 1162.1:45—F0r sale by mrl.s ISAIAH, DICKEY fr.CO ... SODA 4.Sli-15 emits Soda Ash Tee'd iind for Web)! BROWN & ICIREPATRICE, radii -- No. 144, Liberty aireeL CCORN-100 sacks Prime Com in store, for sale b tarn • DROWN te• RIRRPATRIC)..: BUTTER -2Q kegs No 1 Batter in in Car sale LE' mrla BROWN& i in no., for LAMI.I6 keg. no Lard DROWN & KIIIRPATRWR.; S UGAR L MOLASSES-50 bbd. N 0 Sagas NI bd. N 0 15oloreer, 15 do Basle grOUrlli S H do. is store, for sale by BROWN & KIRXPATRICIL, BACON—I 7 casks Hideajosfreeeieedund for side A. CULBERTSON.. -- 145 Liberty-sir-ea,— IlikaitEt-1301) lb. tupenor, roils by J. iipp_e, m,16 for enrol:3. " Wma SAlbrlik-5°"...44,5,..„ "I' AREMOHB6, myth lerips& w u mt lri:ri9oL—vau poania fur topi .•CARPETgartrwit., it in Pan following, viz: . ;/ .. ig u, la Carrs, van Brizzzatz " .rthavi E I . . . N DIED- 306 pound. irt store sod for sale-by.. =l6'. J. KIDD h. C.;1., AV/LAMES-010 brio - laatatian,bsok cooperage); • 1 , 1. • • 3C brie ..user Home, for sale by tads GRANT. t" Extra super palimehendle Kura; Rupptoo do Itma; oed BGp; Fine • Common on Wilton Common do Chenille! DoorMau; Tithed • n G I NNY 8&08-1l0 (Jenny Bags, Tit bylmrl3 GRANT.. C A lS L la i rket as, l ltay ß e L ope AN n i e C d Qr A ele• A :1.171:11C P :1! ' rural. blanket., as much It.. prier. Wan tbs, fanner O HE m ME-100 , baa W s4b;e ‘ ar salsi r tr — a y a IFilt=2o bbts, ab&g. Priol lek and tor sak‘ bY , • 1.4 win & W &RISAVGIII 91ALLovir—wbble prlaii7r;e d . nd Tor by ensl.3_.s&W lkallUAllail • taw, Extra stinted plane covets " table . . FLotat—asu MAI; superlor Ifins; 111 doioeirrt" hardly; to do Ryo do, m stora sad for sale by • mrl4 rITI/ARr Dr SILL OURN—IOI/ As u star ie. strl for r . • • STUARTS. SILL c • —UM bss•C rerro — IMTVITIII -4 i;Cr.r DIIII4 V sale . 14 T a I_lll 114,„ BA . MitN b iH o l: l :l) 4 ElM—D i rif t it y l:ra t , 11 0 -47 cis assorle7lTO — UTlr 3 l4;Sr.K,K far sslo by mai 111.111 All DICKEY/seat " Table Printed woolen Embossed Mend Eaten end wound " Damask Bur Linen . Turkey Bed Chimer:A Metre Borderinin E o liah Clodit Table BroerL Woolenies ernab cloths Brass Stair Body; flair Drom Carder BI • Jona and Coto le; rfllieent andßkeletooliarg 64 and 64 Breen Oil Cloth for Merlin eckebeek Dispel; • • LA.R.P7 4 —,b".l:' - %111117Z:4%1.11 ) " h'"MerglVirokr4 DEAN e S—.. b bbla ar - Rra ittnar.leontirLowTh — • JJ by torti 10/JAM DICIIMICA Co, : hiffiNE:LIM IiOD FISH-44 hnrity _ - NV at 4 _C llRANyiltlyerbt _ IBUTLER-10 pn trabid Oaths. me'd snd rwe by 14 CANFIELD- j -8 1 170 - 4;k:4l.bWibil ree simian {alibis by - 7 On 14 J %u intuoms-toWriinsu re b.kiiibri7- li corl4 PICKY bdOLE 4 11312bRK,.. ip by lath' BREVF9q . LFb C!.)110C. CECLED CORN-ism bolbed. birlfor 0 ma] ARICSTRANI, ! Ib Cotc7.l nN Cl.. . _ rtu4-6(*" spin mr , I for rade by surl4 ' DMAE(.I.Ir V e 0 ROLL fIUTTf R-71211* KM te;'d,lnd'rec mat RDA LZTJ.L CU, .1 t4ULLE llACObrill..9-7 eta u. now • a - for vale • :41111t4 uT t 1.4 1-111)le of • N • " 1 L o nr _.„..... 114 0.....1L01T1MA1KER ettif Woolf a, f • Collars. JUST reed, by Eromrs; • lot of neio ;iybi T, Worked C 011.% ut tbeitionk mt.:omen. of Poo nit ., and AL•tket eke. • .. . Inn] . muslrilykpvrynyltmar.:l , ~ O di ' u ,,lii, 1 ? i it' k X r -- 7 - MV:..T. i'rl i at . I -; ..orCCICOIIi 50 bozealkl: km Broom. jam noti:rd anid •.',... for sale by 'WM BAG ALM' &CO, . ; ~. o_,l4l.___ _ 50c9q0.114. 1. P9!! . 1 ..t.ft _..7.... t, MOULD CANDLIN-70 brio No t int`a, and for' ! W. PO!, by mrll4 • 1051440.11.4.12, LAND OIL-70 brie loinlor atriiitait rer;‘l, C O ~..r, 1.4 tea by, • mrl4 .AVTiI 114p&I,EY &C 0....-. Rl3oBThr BOAP-300 L.i . r .- 4Tn - ii - nr, au/ ori."Trio bY - : : rani . WM traria I.S'Y A 1,0.- ‘, 111'• ks nil.. &rhouhoTh,,s. ;to air . .? , ; 14-44c WM BAIiALEV & CO, -"; ' - It ii°° mrPl S-I"d** Co' ;'11;1? Pr! Z.:,', 1 1,,'*,,,i.,: - , •,.. P °T . ° ,4 ll:7B— ` lT - T fiZIZT 'bier,/ ,11)110‘."'''..t:'''' latWeliriCtCLlC. ; ri , iii.Dl.Tiiijii,liiocßTe . • '," Lvi. new Oily lobtoot Cuff. ai north onst.torner of ' +.ll ' Fourth and Markel rd. BEANO 95 Oa a01CTn7.4., t 0 .10rem,., '4. ••10 ra uy rl3 A ILMSTRONG & CROZ ER • PPED LOOWOOD- als Or We by EDI 3 • J SCHOONALIKER it CO •Mont Durand Mena Stollen • .1114 11.1, --In care, .d tor mate by W ii'JuNNSTON • 'boxes booed ratans; - 4o half bodes do do for gale by ' HUEY, TIATTHEIVB & CO.