BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. kilniliii,TJED di TYLMOZIA Paw TOE TbE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE , • • Wassammos, Harchl9.. a .. The bEI reported from the committee cm the. iltarletof Colombia, giving'permissiou to the car pontitth of Georgetown, to construct certain -warl kaineceasary In view of the arty completion of the phempeake and' Ohio Canal, to Cumber. !ad, was taken op, and after some dissuasion, passed. • An let providing for the payment of Interest on thatisferred bounty scrip, was taken up, amended, - asd Inlay petted., The Renate then mimed thar consideration of 4 4 Mr. Clay'. desolations. Mr. Badger ream Ids remarks. He said that the Wilmot Pm • ought to be dropped al together. , Hien: adui ' , for argument's sake, that Coegreas had the natiuttional right to pass guelt an act, ,it was highly reprehensible, and onl. itrely nicker. - It was abed plan to adopt a utle of demanding and exercising the right to do everything we have the powetand right to do. The assertion Of ea. • theme right was always odious, and when adopt. ed, mum inevitably lead to di:apothem. noose—Hr. Fuller,from the Committee on Print. . lag, made a report la favor of printing 5000 eztra copies of the report of the Committee on Reads , ''and Canalr—scuing apart certain pabtle lands for the construction of the Whitney nil toad. Mr. BoWlia Was opposed to the massure.-- The bill counteithecee one of the moat gigantic scheme. of aperaistion ever knoWn in the coca . try, end Wbituey a perfect Roltschild—giving him power never beano conferred carom. Mr. Robinson obtained the door, and said that to morrow he would reply to. Mr. Bowfin, and show that his remarks were unfounded. . . Mr. Bed 'introduced a resobstionthr carrying Into MGM the convention &twain the United Bates and Brazil . The subject vas mode the co da of the day for Thursday neat. - -. Several Execeitive,eammtie.caliorts were, ape peoprietelydiveeed of The Route- diut wont iota Committee of the The Catania Kemp was laid aside,and the Otuntaluee procescied to the consideration of the hill to manly the deficiencies of the sppropriatbans for services for the present fiscal year. • A long debate &Showed, and much opposition a:pew& against the Deparhnent oldie Interior. Without entitle/ to a conchision, the House adjourned. • • Wssnourron, Mare3ll9. . CoaMrmat lone by the Senate yesterday. Wm. C. Hives, Minister to France. • D.O. Squire, Charge d'Affaires to Gaalimala -Steel, Charge d'Affaires to Venezuela. T. M. Foote, of &Maio, Charge to Bogota. White, Post Master at Philadelphia. -- Kennedy, Marshall of New Jersey: Beyond Consuls, - Marshals, District Atiomeis, tad mass other appointments, of lea noteorere also coign= tt SINKING OP THE NEW, ENOL AND, FUIITH ER PARTICULARS No lives were loot, as had been reported. The hall will prebablv beak when itte river Gila A part atlas cargo wffi be saved, in a damaged eon. &non. • Sr. LOUIS, Mardi 19. • Friar thoosiod pip Lead mold to day, at ed eta. Market Arm. NEW YORK MARKET Nor Yam MuO S. baa been relay Mad at the day; lhe,dterarae• able weather has preented transactians teeny Flour—The stormy weather hu kid some es. feet on the muket; we have, hOWCItet, ne clomp to make in peke. Grala—Wheat Is fine, and in good none-- Corn la atm in good demo& with oaks of pal. low at 53;056e; mixed, 53034 ; prime whim, 51.. one. Provisione—Thera ill some inquiry ter Pa/t; Mae Parleis held at ill 43011 50 per tel ;Prima i 9 87ad 06. Lard—Sales of keg al 61; banal, Whiskey—Wes at 9410250 per plloa. M!!!=t=l Briaduntra are uncnanged. Potk is doll, with a declining tandem. Very hub doing in Cho , . curies. Lard is In good reueest. Cotton , is boor antoind prices have advanced it since Than day. Niv Ytiix. March 19 IVIZTAIGI . =FOWL Flour—The market is steady but not active.— Oaks of common Suite and mixed western brands at 64,87@65. Sales of Ohio family brands a 85; 87 per bid. ' Gruln—Wheit is in good demand for milling. "'purposes, but buyers and sellers are apart in their views. The supply of corn is' light; and bolder' are endeavoring to get up the market. Provisions—The market exhibits no change, but if any thing it is dither. Lard - is selling in bblo. at 6thite per bbl. OTOCCACII—The market is unchanged either In prices or dyryand. CATTLE MARKET. The number of Beeves uttered in day amounted *to Moen hundred bead—one thousand bead Minn. gad hand. at prices inning from {SAO to 8 7 . 50 per cwt. CINCINNATI MARKET. Commtrn, Much 19. flour—The motet la firm it $t &QS per bd. Whiskey—Sates MlOl. York-Sales 300 WM Mkt bleu at SS 121 ; good Idemtis firm at $9 50 per 611. Grocerfes—dala of Molasses at 241 25, and of Sugar at 416350 per lb. Cmcnount, Motel 19 Floar—Floar is firm, and In good demand. Sales mrlloo brine 114 9041:$ DO. Whisker—Wm at 191 e. Balk Meat—Sales of 100,000 !be at, fm aides 36 allutaldma 21, and hams al 5e per lb. Boger and Molasses ate dna. . Another 171flutssa U the Stand. CHROMIC RgEDITNTISM. • - Ida. B. 11. Ktme—AlloW me to express to nu my heartfelt Omen for the great heaths I have received from es article called PETROLEUM. or Hocrflu, of width 70n ale the sole proprietor.' Ina OecasiOu melt abeot the ht of JanUany athentativm, which wu Peiftr.4 gy i eg "'""' from place io One ' ii . coomatued Withman rerelllog, m k , n me in eon torture. 1 Med the Pe• trolent externally, • few application of Which ra MAMA at& every ample= of Medicine. I in to. entirely well, an would take thin occasion to Women the Petroleum to all who may be fan :lag coder the agonising pain of attentaanra or kin. viral dim... Olson) • ". Groan Wmaaa, . • =l2 Pen, Boon PittlbOrsh. U . S. amend animmement In anther column. gene LOGAN; WILSON'ef, Co., 3.29 WOOD writezr, ABOVE FIFTH. ISPOIITBig AF BIYII9PIiB , COTLELY,ke. „kat the attendee of yardmen b their rags swooK, wwhim i Wok . will compare favorably, both In wyeat red ehaspaeas, will that of soy omen t b cr. el e tr e hera el la feb2o4k.mflT •• • Pasonnot lacofor soota.-Prepand by J. vv. g ay V will r ItIV William street, N. me N.. '7O Fourth anted.. Th.._ 4./4Wg , •ete of fa f!r0u....1 aad I.rgo‘lorl7 for oink rea m. BMWs Dootra.—An improved Chocolate 'doe, belng • combinalioa of Ceuta rug; *iterating sad palatable, Wetly reemomemied mu m ' , s tariy tor mvaltde. bi W. Baker Derek; id., and for sale by A . ,IAYMIE,IS, p c ,„, • !Nora lie.lo Four th at. . • araprove meats ILla peniedeni. DR. • 0,43. 5Te..0.11N13, lasso( Doan, le prepared ee maaaLemre and eel Tezra In whele aed perm of eom~ .Ip= t9ecuonln ALCMS phtlie SIM 11011 riaree.— Vottreecur Mon te de a rany, whore the helve Is .. i . ped ,d. °Mee and e next doors. the May. Or's °Mee, Fourth dwelt, Menorah. Rana r>.- 4, U. 11 , Faddeo.E..E. Eaton' 1.9 DR. D. HUNT, Dentiel-ComernfEenrch and Eceater, between no . • . *ed./Hein Staging Scheel. . . 31Av„200617,Enits respectfully lIIMOUSICC IIO krsi:o,,, sch::roo ji„bidad.k&l 1.1.1ag Ork • raggil- ll be aorodoo i 1., '' of APO P o o t : Tbe ato c sesjuiepted co tbesr sse, iwinarcototod.roasleelanelonicats. rtillte koson. eta be commenced lomedlosely, .- . - - !dodos.* Dortsetein coo be won every alleroori, be. W 9 owl 0 o'clock, at aka dwellika of Das P Slack, .4s, NI /14 booms Markel sod Wood ow. mullatord COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTINITIROB - 110AltD DJ I Timms arizeuri saw, COMMITTEE POE. MARCH. ". 0 .‘'EA" , •• , •14 P. rossomozirl.l•.so. owns. Movements of the Ocean Itemisers. The sew Csasea, Capt. Harrison, a.t from Ne. Tort, for Liverpool, on the Mb March. The eittosas, Gapt ayrie, I 1134011 tot Liver pool, on the Z.. 2 April. • The Erse' s; Capt. Lou, leaves Hoslaissfor LiryF pool, on the I.7thot - " Review of Ma PITT 6B178"011. BIARNET," rui nna ulna saraoo Vaasa 10. Darin the put week, business generally hat besq usher dull, bat subs Calais ruin 1411 op:Talon: wnna>• anticipate a krelybsaineu. The Thar end- Sinus In splendid amicable order, for all the parpues of trade, wad basineu h that Qum , hat been Vila brisk. • • • . . mend queue:an a the market, we Sad very Wee, If any cheap Gomm/ lasi getter al reelerw—selee having twee Wettest entirely roasted to the reenter home eoatuovilan. ASHES—to the Ashes market, no ehillite Us taken pi e , e in gee ,stene, and wih the exception et !Soda Ash, we have co heavy operations to cede. seen of 20 eks of Soda Ash, cash, pia (ands; for =taller las, 4e Is obtained. Or other Ashes; we oandeas4o glom small opetationi, as folio-oast—pearl Ash, 0O 01e Salo- sie; PotaihSo, and Scotching. 31e f O. 'A further male of 3 ions Sods Ash, heMe nanahemr ed, at 40, time. ALE—We notice no change In the market. Ilse ang ular suolding price of Pittshergh toAnnfaeuired Ale is BACON—The receipt. of. Bacon, daring the pear week have been inattense r sind norwithatanding the large placation &Arend for shipment VIA the soP pTies left in this market ens fall, and prices are modu lus. The miles of Western and City cored meat have been mainly confined to !olio( 5)0 to lAt Its, at the following Ognees. Plahi fife; sidee• Gene: and shouideri at 40911e:IP Ih. Bales of SOW oared canvassed hum, at Ot. Sh. Caantry cored. b. eon in todk, is reported to in, at 4,5 end de, for smold er', sides, and Immo ternipts of batter for somentae,have been very light, and at present, we moue moderate supplies, and rather • dull market. Bad' quality ran batter in bids and his, may be emoted u lde. and for good le prime, Ing/Lle are .belt the ruling Again , BULK urAT—COustdinable qumnithis aka* pork have been received darner the past week, bin as It mosey' ill designed either for ow caring houses bare or for eldposeat eel.; we have heard Of no hater safer, do for hog mend, may be ghee a the ruling price, on time. • k TUBS—The market Is well applied, mad the rolled raw country ensue:nen are,* BeekeM Sip, and for Tube u Ilarddeed, aCemilles • BRCIOUR—The regular range tram stnie Is 010 to too ir dos, according to quality. BLOOM!!—We hear ante sales at blooms-663070 "ton, an the holding rates in mall lora. BRAN—The reeelpts of brut have been very light, and Iho mama is nearly bare—lnge I , bush, could be readily obtained from first hands. BRANS—We matinee oar otermione for Mumble, beans at lie; and of ordinary or mixed at, enditide 11 1 ' btu. COTTON-4h. market is bare of the raw ammo], and we can moon no sales. COTTON SHEETlNGS—Piusburgt manufatuned she:tins are to wire demasd, as ele fee Peon Not and Eie ♦ yard for Nonatook. • comosoe—ror We various Utteleks under this head, them la a regular steady 4enund; at the follovrimr prices: alanillaropn, bytoii,•--• • •—•ls< 10 d0x4..._....."-.160 White Rope, by " " __- 6, ..... 130 " Tarred Pope,by -•-•11.8 " Pankilat Yarn, lina,•----.lon " " do ; svii43,a — io4,oo fraor.. u. go , • • 1 grim vat o ; d. do • bwm., 8711,r ate. Nyanbied Waage fa .old regatalty at 1946 f , COTTON TARNS—The • fallavriag I.a corrected Thual Ili tuba ardelall muter this head: • .. ~ .. N 0.6, ote pa lb 19 N 0.13 .- co per lb -41 14 " . 410 " 16. " "••---01 ; a o a .18 0 ...--.91 . 1, , a a --• SO 0 16 0 "•• —CI a . ...-.-dp . 17 a a--- , ....11 1 a • --do a 18 "•• -.. 1 0 21 "1 9 " --4 42. a . -do "0 27 re= Tali. No. 603, MIK!! 1b••••1 No. EC*, cis poidos 8) No. 6CO, a a • 9 " 900, a a•-• -do a jok a 0 Co 1011), do Coxpes Chola, — . 43 Coadleoriek4.-..- —l9 Corerlet trant,• •• • -- , 43 Bag niant.-- ^ --`•-•a. r.i.. ........ --ICS 8a5dag,N01.3,,3-17,13,11 retsina basica. Is doing at the fol lowing quoted ralees Water Crackers, per bbl • •-•----•-•43,75 flame do 4,50 gnathaji: ==:::::::: 3:23 -- --verse ins. " i s tr -a7am .P er.Th ••• - Wt./SR—The reviler reline rates for Copper are, for este end Ingots,l9l/10cg sheet, 19c; sod old copper at ll3e IP D. CHEESE—The sales of Cheese have bean ermined to lots 010 to SO bxs,at, for coat W R for cream aDINSte, seller Goshen lie p DRIED PRUIT—Of relishes sre nem fair supplies in the matter, oub limited Wes at 113,1211:41,73 be for nopealed, and WO for pealed. Apples are scarce, and in fair dor:rand, at 111,40314 6 P be. DRIED BEEF—Sales have been confined to mall lob, it Su ♦ lb, ill tree• DRDGS, MEDICINES, t DYE STOWS—The sab• joined is a corrected lin of priees,:of soma of the most proadnentritucleer— Liasorico root•••• 9 ball.• • .1611.25 Lac Dye ' 19040 Magnetla Cara. —65030 Madder Umbro• •• .14016 Myrrh, Torkey• ..-21:4056 Oil Vitriol,..---... 40 5 Cutor,searce. 6135 Canaia.•••.3,00 2 13. 50 • Lemon • •••3P003.35. Pcp , aet• • • .3,Ca1ar1,50 Opium, Turkay,s,soo6,W Tartaric Acid 44050 Virloi 131m....—•110111 Casnarood, bbla••-510 6 Fula, " ••••2111. 3 Lowarood, chipped, inb Aloes. In 140 1 7 Atom, " 4410 4 Anieelids, lbs.•-•20121$ AVOW Root," •••-1001t Mindoro', o —.lOOll Borax. relined.— 42025 'Balsam Pero-2,60422,73 do Canaria , .24033 Brimstona. 111••• 61 aueddCamphor, ref, 40943 a I Coehiotod • • • ••1,5001.7.6 emus Tartar 11302 A Copperas 110 Glee 14013 Ga 11.....— •--- 00860 GamAble.--3021g0 Copal---.48040 Traxaciatbefe• 6o " Phallus .... 16014 '• bootie 132 !peen 17502,02 /also, powdered,2oo4 FLOOR—The receipts of done ninth= 'ter/light, and the Markman:intent its anal ephituness, with oc , material <tangelo mien. Etna hand *iteration have been to modemse lots. et 84.3 0 04, 80 P.m none ttod from wapiti; and from stare sales have . boan confined to. dray load lots, it $1,6204,75 for common to fair quality 'superfine brands, and Or for extra brande. Rio Funs—With light scaplin In 1 a muter, we nom salts In lots of 10 to IS bbla, el $ FEATHER-2—We aotleo a qgiot et, with Ihno• cd galas at 334131 e 015. , I FISH—The market eonhaues Imo, wit gotta • good demand, at In following rates t—No 3 blacketal. sexy r bbl; No it la selling at $11,00,• and No 1 at 1112,e0 f bbl. Other droctiptians of fish are dem, at folly quoted rain—Say, for Salmon, bbl, and WM , /Urea Sales of Salvador Ha rt ing at 1111,Z, and nom- I moo Easter., $3 • bbl; Lake Rah may be quoted at 17; Cod gab, 61,13 • din= FRUIT—New crop Raid= aro saute, and an sold 113,20051,72 • box; ttaln of Almondo,. u Rle • 1M of Ground nun, as 11,00 r bem of Enron at be r I; of Alberts, at 7le; of Cream nuts, n lot of Zane Conn% at gin, and of English Walnuts at Sc • I; 00.0000, $7,23 per box, F 40,120120 V' R. GROCERIES—With the exception of Rio Coffee, ailery thing ander this bead remains quiet; at last week's quotations. Rio Gaffed 'Odeon:nag, with sales in limited lots, a.0310111e —a sale of 30 alta, u Ido • I. The reedits of Sugar and Biplanes hare been fair, and the market is well minded. Sales of N 0 Su. Liar, to lois 01 5.10 and is Win, at • range of 41030 on. oats.' N 0 /Solana continues in fair 10. q.Ol, so Valre; and Sopa hoar do, at 37111130 • gall. Slim if Rico at 4041 e In small htklq and of Loaf Sage' at &mune ad to 100. f. 8, for the dlffenat Nos. GRAIN—Of Moat an d Rya Ye makat Is bare, and we can only quote nominally at 13509n0 tor Wham, and d1g16.1 for Rya. Tire reeelfne of Corn and Oats have bee, ter, ands .ales in lots of KO to I be GUM 10111, it 43943 for Corn, and 32033. for Oam. WARR—For the vazions articles .of window glee. we lexica on change. The following Het of prin.., nisi be given ae abeat the folios figanse for the embalm mmeo of elm' and 'eriourry brand.. . . by 03.--...•4i,7 5 0 114 I ID by 14-4100111,511 Other vises la proportion. . ~b 7 tb....—........113,25 U by 111.--..........111,73 ~, by Is ......—.....b..-3,60 11 by 17 4,75 II by 14 --...--..3,73 11 by 16 —..... - ,...—vd 40 by 13 . 4,60 11 bY 1 7 --..--.7--.4,73 LO by IG.__._... 4,50 /9 by 13 —.—.—.5,59 10 bll7 .—....--...440 94 by 31•....•...........7a Fuar Gus—Tba following WO 1. allot of Cho W aldo pleas af many of do toast proadoent ankles of alas dlasavaarailactsaed and sold la Old. laaitet, • Plain Tot:Alan 771, 507 . , * %l' i L i l:V '. Mould do • ' " , Pressed do o .. • • 1,03 a 3,23 to do loyr, 375 Goblets, • o ~ 14011,00: cbs,opagneL - : " 2,75 a 610 W 1134 Glasse% 80a 1240 Lemonad es 04. 75a MO fro:ll ' 4 'l ' ." 60a VA ' Packers, ' ptr , de., . ! La l i t do bean olUared, per pair, 1,03.1 0 , 00 14.64"." 1 ' t ic r . i ". :L501 " : " :1 , ,,....ri b r pair 17M515. 1. 0 12P* Flo we r vases, pes d.. .4,00 a 9.00 do „do eb -, . • Jelly Glasse Wi per P '''' " "WV° -o, pot • , Ysa 7,c0 Pre.ood sweot•tne ' • . do t r ,t 4 ae;Patdos ,raao,oo • ss ' 13 i Jan ' l " " '''' A '''::, 1 . I 7 an d Ke r . .r e c I P : o e l cr ''' :: '‘.. . e 71 , :i. ' : 0 . Li d : [ ' l l ~ 4 1 -41 1 6 0. 1 1 PP W ' * . -Fisted Colognes, . . EGGaI I , OO r•;. Tipoo.n?!_i rood 00m , ,,, , d,,,, , . 1 4 1, 03 01 4 81‘01= 0 "et , . . ' ' The tie • 110#16—We note Malted aloe bi Ike bale, an SO • ar, 601 boa eon. • • IlAY—W•eontbse• ear quotailins Goa . nragon, at steamy too, for good to best tonotly. • Wet NArt•-13 1 / 6 e• the Dooming of the fall wed. • good bonbon hen bean doing In the bon main 01 the forkninag noes or prleer.—Flaitar, 4.603 in, w. cording to Wee; Bolted B Square Bee, 34404 13 + 0 A Iron, o 4403, !loop Iron, 3607 e; Sheet Iron, 460163. Marte-10 to 10d,13,25 kw, Sd 06 id, PAM it. 7 d 114; 3d, a" 4,4 g 1,30; 3,1,13,60 # big. Brim—Cot. 3, 34,4, 4 1 1 oeh,011 , 0elg 3,26 and• bleb, OAK de 03d 7 Inch, 113 keg. LUMBEIL—The following are 1116 nibs races for Camber, hen the yards:—Bard., clear, teint do tarn• mon, ill ♦ M; „Shingles, 1/9,3702P0 ♦ Mp tka o U 2 l , •2013pM LEAD—Lead has advanced; pig is now held la de. ■nd Dar at fade p Luz Pas—Tile present range of prices of Lead Pipe q to 130 foot, according to sae. Sear - , — Balaa at Se by the Amu, and,ffa wttaa aut. WIC= Ilan—Pan lead Is selljna at V. and No 1 at si,eo i kag. LARD—Costinues Emu. and stiles bars been to a far extent, at NM for bbl. and keg. LEATHER—Ibis market saainfebts Its weal fins. • new for all description. New York sale is selling res ider's so IPORe; and Baltimore sole at Illitdde as ID AIABINB INSURANCE—Rates of Insurance . of Sargon of steam and keel boats: Fos Pinsbargh to Wheeling, Ife,.—••—* OF " and dam Ciusiantal, 0..1 OE to Imainille, . u, Louie, Ma; ----• • 12 I " to Boonville, do • •-• ..... 01 to na, Indapenden Illels, ..... MOO Oil • " • " Gale, " • " to Memphis. Ten., —4012 _ to N. Orleans; •• —•—• l Ot From N. Orleans to Pittsbargb,.....—•---1 01 St. LOP* MALT—We nota sales from more at M,12421.01 bushel, for Barley. OlLS—Limed Oil is sold regalarly, at MD% cash. No I Lard oil ts sold at Me, and No 2 at 42050 e ?gall. Belem Of T i mms' Oil at swine • bbl. Bleached watter &paint oil I. sold at 81,401111,00 • gall. Fall do, •a 1111.3301,40 ir gall. Wombed sauna whale ea, AMP Me; made whale. at 680110 p WM. ,Castor all, is selling by Ma bblott IN P gall. POWDFM—Hasant and Depaat :Etats Powder may be named to large rotanatim, 24,75; and by Maple beg, 05,130560 • keg.' Reek Powder at 58,151 m 53,10 for large and small quantitim. SOAP &CANDLES—DaIes of MO and Ilinenntall amanfaMared rosin soap, at 401/0 ¢ar L. Dirt amn• afimuued Star candlea are to ow =p.m, sl 516100; of mould lallow ar toe, and of common dipped at ite • ll' ONO 310 let; Clans lea, and Nat Imp u 111,1M0 f , ab. sEIIDS:—The reesipte of Seeds ere limited, and eery Wale is doing. Weatonts Wee in • small way, at Ea 4,14 for Claim; SS tor Timothy, and 111,40 for Flexeeel• TALLOW—We bear of no Attlee w Key large ea teat; bet say. cautlawk oar quotations, at le (or sheep, sad 767 for beef tallow. Wool;—Yery uute hes been dateg, in the Wool mar ket for some time, bat we may =WPM our quatanone botainally, as fellows: Far Coossonn.— ----Ida ir Ili. L " blood.. —.-- , $ 7O -., d o .---.-------ido . " do -- --.......31)0 do ~.......--...........33. • _ " . I Blo od _ ---- _ ---• —Zs " Pdan " • --- ..--3 2 da WllißlEYrialee of Steadied, at 230 P gal/ Cattle No.:kat. ALIMMIXrt, March IS. It- by t.s—The offerings at the lard on Monday, amounted 1.0 about 1500 head, the greeter ram of which were sold at 520 100, Ilya weight. 11005 m KIEF:P—SIop re eohi to a modems anent, at ISIXI i too. No Sheep were offered. RT OF PITTSBURGH. AM.—Um vlise 11 red° Inckes last avening, awl fallmr. ARRIVED. Cobb Cop, Mankiek, Beaver. Bidden; Brim, Deaver. BerivM, Clordon, Vircoma, Gelman hianociakele (Sq. Fashion, Peebles, M.' Adantie, Parham, lktnimmilla. Baltic, Jambe, Bromureillis. Camden. Hendrick:con. Marocirpon. Lake Ede, Clark. Beamr. Lolls MeLana.Connitl, WkeinniT Dallis= Gram, MacinnaiL Caledonia, CinelanatL DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, likudaek, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon,Wellsvlllo. Mioltigol, Min, Beam. 7 . •= 1.. ?km:deck:on, Mal po i* rT. ''. SZrealm, Elisabeth. 1C6b14 E49ll9goille. PLTIII.IIO/1.11m•ms0 We. Lakzeen Erie, , Clark; , Bence, Citi _Gormley Ciseinnail. Items Nelson, Moore Wheeling. P 19,101.1111, Gray, tit, Low.' Manna, Bachelor. Cincinnati. BOATS LEANING THIS DAY. NASHVILLE—LoyaI Hanna, l 9 A IL WABASH --tea. 4 r. NA B.IViLLE.4OI I . Piu, IO a. la. NEW MILEANS—PaSs, to A. IAWYSIOLLE — NiaIgazor; 10 a. L MEMPHIS—Mom, 4 r. y. WHEELING—LooIs McLane. 9.. a. Tel Cumixama an TIM Bens. Sure—We an pleased to armonnee, thm the contention between then rinl 41:31.11011% has been amicably settled by the °worn of the two Luau; that hereafter, the Buckeye will continue en the regular Sunday packet, and tee Cincirmati take the place of the Uttered New England Not, as a regular Wednesday packet for Cincinnati. We my, we rejoins, that the matter has been sealed in ■ manner estisfactory to both pane., for, from the first, we timeght u a pity, that two as fan nunnery en the Cincinnati sad the Buckeye Bute should roe as sisal pashas In the line. The Cincinnati will nave on her bra trip on Wed. many nest—arel we base no doubt, that seder the command and sapnintandence of nob men an Capt. [ousts, and Copt John Birmingham en best clerk, the packet /MEW Cincinnati win sustain that high po• anion In public fever, n eminently born by the New England No ......... D . Dm McLain:ea Owr RIM= roe sae Urea Cesm-ster.—The proprietors of thie celebrated etedi eine, are in daily receipt of the most gratifying testi modal. as to the exeellenee of this remedy. Dr. Mc- Lane's Pill, in eases which bad been given ep as mashie by Outmost &Wel phyelciaus, have been cane immediately, Co soon as them Pale have bean mbnin istered. These certificates have been published, end Lave been so unnerves, that It be now an established (act, that htelane's Liver Pills we the best medicine ever offered for the care of Hepatic derangement— Lose no time, therefore,ye that eager under that wont of swages, the Lin, COlnpillint. bet:hasten to poi chew and use true For eats by/. KIDD a CO., No: CM, roma of Fourth end Wood to.. Piusberee. reol6-ditartergl iriconszan AID ; ; • •A. WILKINS £ CO., E CORNER OP MARKET & THIRD MLEETS S. B. aushield • •• —• Deem Mallard. S. D. BV1011111111.1) & CO.. 110LRSALE and Retail Dealers la Gram. and Dry Goad., and Comatiaskat Men.% a E. 210 Mart • Pittsbatah. mrt2 A PORTS/SIM FOR 410 or £5. BRITANNIA SPORTING PORTRAIT CLUB, offices, George meet, Plymouth, England. The tunagets beg to acquaint their ninaerCeit Mara. that the net Distribution of Portraits of Rue Hones, will empire those entered for the forthcoming Grand National Derby Itheig the number of shares to be limited to 0 each ethos. First elan lumber sip, second elan ditto AS. Rally implication So the on. appropriated shares is acumen. A party subscrib ing for more than one share he. the chance of gaining rut equal number bonuses. Thou members who dna, the canoes Portraits will be presented with lee fhl etiela.-- Retralt of to class bone. Sd ditto Winner, or Pint Ilona ••• •• • 4i0.00 £lO,OOO Second Huns. •• • 10,000 0400 Thin Hone 00:0 4,000 Divided amongst Marten. •• • 4,030 3,000 Non-Starten 4,000 9,003 There are ISO Warms Ist each doss, that being the amber of bones emend for the rate. The Rasing will be coodoend upon the sun Intidmate prieelpthe es those ankh chatunetiesd the late Cl. Ledger and other proceedings. Fall parbsulass of the malt nal be seat to absent smoothen immediately eller the tie- Cireoo, that eih may know his peettion. • Bebeeziben registered sad scrip forwarded on re eeive of a remittleme. - .Bills of Fu hange, Drafts, Bank Notes, „fr.e., sad:aimed end made payable to the Managing Directors. • W. JAMES W. CO. Five per cent. oomunkrion to be reduced on the ponentation of bonus. mottlarn ------T IEPOSTAIVi SALIM. N Viraneshq. tOth el April so d on y eO- . tinned for wen e . 7 7., erikl be soy! A . e ti W " ratdit7sll.7e - saTto...._ ma, N. 1., Drammas, Paindam Engravinp and 8111110[1101, et the { Dealers W. A. Colean, bear knot. , m • C• 11 ••lot and n Rare Books and Works of An. The Catalogue , . of this sale N o be examined at the Bookstore of M. 5. Boarosh, No. Mt Market 0, and bids mill be takes and sent to time for the sale. Among works are Andobon t s Birds of America, blood at 51,00; a copy of Shakspeare, of LA 13/x /lasts of the Napoleon Family. Imbed at 111011X1 The 1142 Gladiator, 63,axq The roadside, by Aim. see,* Ike., he. For p eaten and terms of sale call and see the eatakerm. 11.5. DOSS/06711 k CO, - mr1.564 80 Market street Paper lisagiags. CINCH° SELEcnom—win bo received, by Ern NOP mod aldprneern, • naw and choice sarnotracnt of Wall Paper, of the preach wad Eastern styles, la gold, elounols L oalt, plain and toga colon. W. P. KAMLIALL,fIrno B.C. maid ftd Wood meet DI.WLUTION. US Ciapartnetship beretefore existing between ft. 11.Baeltgeld and John Me 0111, ander the Area ot S. U, Buse laid I Co., II this day diesolved by meteal mama. 'ho badness or the *UM. eritl be peened by 8. U. lialbleid i OS gel old Owl, N 0.1190 Liberty smot e Plusbergh. TO% 41 7 411711. 124 Muth 1, IMO. • S. R. DC81114111.0 sad OE(18017. RICHARD will sontizae the Wholesalawl WWI Dry Goads sad Proem baldness, at the o ld stand, No. rid Liberty 0, order Ike Ilms 8. 131.1811 FIELD 1. CO. llaieb I, 4950.—11a5n 602. BMA pyllosPlaatalioablelessea, la oak bat. rail ana assailant order, jaw lutdiss from sisacutr James Atllliug ar, au / 111 ler sale by W MITCHLTREE. mtl2 ; laiLporty It M•CHE - REI L : 1 ;b 1 / 1 : ? N il; Lome, Masa. loved io mots and tor solo by dd. do do IWO lAA • MeallON LOCAL' MATTERS. I 1 tictoirrszo strz ntc rrniannaa DAny earns lea Wag at the Board of Trod. llama. i'mmiant to codas, a meeting was held last Met, at the rooms of the Board of Trade, to con . cat menures air the establishment, In this city, of a House of Reno. On motion of Mr. Von Bonnhorst, the meeting was organised by cilling Mr. Time. Bakewell to the Chair. Messrs. !desire and Von lionnhonst were appointed Secretaries. The President briefly stated the object of the meeting. On motion, Jodge Patton read a very ably 'writ ten oddment° the label:oilman of Allegheny coutill, , in relation to the object whioh this meeting hod in view. It contained • number of interesting fete respectiag the Houneofßefage in Philadelphia. At the suggestion aura Chairman, Mr. Bigtiam was milled upon, and read a memorial which be had drawn up to be pre anted to the Stale Legin- Ware, praying that body to appropriate the sum of tE25,000, for the purpom under consideration, to be repaid whenever a sufficient mm shall • have been obtained Gam notweriptions. Mr. J. K. Moorhead moved the adoption of the address Dad memorial, and that the latter beTma mediatey signed by the officers of tho meeting and forwarded to the LeglsLature. ' Rev. Mr. lllack warmly advocated tho adoption of thie motion, end made some interesting state ments in relation to the 'Mont " - condition of the juvenile offer.ders in out County Jul and States Prison, showing the necessity of some more effieb out method for the prevention of crime among oar youth. The reverend gentleman stated that there were convicts in ourreuitentlary.who Were men eleldlen, one in particular, who was only twelve I . Imo erase. It highly important that some more efficient me should he adopted for the reclaiming of these eilnquents. Mr. Mecaskey fo ed. the had been coax& (rev gratified by di reading of the Adders. end Memorial, and was in favor of their adoption.— lie never regretter the limitation of worldly wealth except on culas , otti like thin, when it wan needed for carryi4g Into execution such greet preleita for the kmelioratiori of .the human Mr. Blgham con rased• ,iri the remarks of the preceding speaker. Crime was a thing ofedu eation—how import t then that we should pro vide for the prupert interaction and training of those who had heed thrown under the 'thence i of evil example an pre cept. Jieverend Dr. Br die spoke very eloquently in favor of the pro ojee,t. Ile regretted with his venerable friend, . bier-marry, the want "of oilier and gold," b was happy to contribute of what portion he ed. The question on Mr. bloorhead's litotiell being called for, Mr. Imbue Hanna - offered as a substitute for the motion, s preamble and resolutions, pro viding for the sdoptloo of the address and me morial, and for the apprantment of a committee to procure the ,printing :rid circulation of the same, and to toward the memorial immediately to the Legislature; and she, of a Finance Committee. Also, for the calling of • county meeting upon the subject. -, Mr. Moorhead aeMpted the nictitate, which iirm unanimously adopted. Oa motion. a committee of five was appointed to procure the peados, Ica, consisting of lodge Patton. and Mewl. T. 3. Pigtail% F. Lome, T. 0. Campbell, and John Anderson. On motion, the Finance Committee was appoint ed, ertrudeing of three persons, Mew.. Bakewell, Warhead, and Hanna. A communication was read from Isaac Collies of Philadelphia. A molution mu adopted, that the pracemlings of the meeting be published Mall t h e papers with-. in the county ¬able to the obret. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Nast CSIMICCI.—The Trustees and Congrega tion of &. Paul's Misch have determined to tear down the old edidce and erect a new one an its site. Ls*, subscriptions ate bens roads for this purpose by the membent. Its. hloaals's Now Mown' tarsal crowds of visitors. It is fined up in elrgant style, end &nen ded by gentiemanly and obliging otheen, sand ing an exceedingly pleasant place el resort in the evewnp. We understand that it is the dem ote. Intention to open it suit Thursd.y afternoon, Coe theedmission of all the clergymen, and their families, who may wish to avail theixiselvesel the /mason Cottios.—The annual contest be• tWeen the Philo and Franklin Literary Societies of /Worsen College comes off on the 2Sth lost.— We understand that bath societies are likely to be ably represented in the intellectual conflict. The kil:owing question has been adopted for diwns.- sion, "Are Protective Duties in accordance with the Principles of True Political Economy." We return our thanks to the students (or tho kind in ',nation which they hove scot us to attend. THIATIL—The benefit and law appearance of Mr. Addams is announced . for to night. He will appear in him celebrated chancier, of Macbeth.— Daring hiaahort eagagemeot, Mr. A. has added fresh Intel, to his chaplet of fame His perform. same of Virginias on Monday night wan marked with all the energy of his former years. We sto very much pleased with Ms. Porter's new ebmpaily. Without appearing invidious tow ards any of the other members, we would say that we , °wielder Mr. Taylor an actor of fine • promise. . Madame Slangy and troupe are engaged and will appeal atiertig. Disoutamirm. Arrant.— .. r. J. C. Shad, o high lytiry estimable gentleman, nn violently assaulted Yesterday afternoon, on earner of Wood and Fourth streets, by Mr. He Weber and another gentles= unknowit, and severely beaten with nowhides. Mr. Kleber wan arrested, taken before ibe Mayor, by whom ha Was bound over for Isis appearance at Court, to answer the charge of assault and battery. The other gentles= escaped. A Cow miohles after Mr. &hand had left the Mayor's Office, ha was again attacked by : idr. Weber's brother, with a cowhide, and beaten more severely than before—his face being terribly lacerated. He again returned to the Mayor, and procured the istue of another warrant for the u• rest of the brother. An °Hem woe then mint to escort Mr. S. home, and secure him from farther violence. The only provocation labial' Mr. S. had given lathe perpetration of this outrage, was loving made tome atrie;ures upon the performance of Mr. Henry Klaber, who is *Professor of Music, la a critique upon n concert recently given in this city. The critique wu that publtshed in the WeauPennaylvaniache Staab. Zeuncg, and after. wards in the Evening Tatum. The following is the offensive pavane : Kleber alone has not been so nappy to mate an aggratable Impressi on on his hearers. We are-far acre from intea ional offence. Oar critiqaelittall ant be abased a ultimo on entire. Butte believe it;our duty M mention the general ' impression. ao that nobody ay be lulled Into an itinslod The object of artful ,b. nag mockery, but correction. We genera had to complain of Mr. Zleheawwwwhm p mptumm amain awe, and of a kind of eel admiration. which oven would not become the greatest adlse, and Mr. Kleber to surely tar from lieviag himself an attn. Whatever may be his taloa, in the cult!• avian of musical tuts In this ty, he may latodr that - one of the moat Import t characters of an artist ir—modeity.' These remark. are severe, but oontain nothing but what the akin bad an undeniable right to say in regard to s public perthrmance. A performer, by appearing in public, Invites criticism, and it is not for him to dictate its tone. The conduct of Mr. 11.. tin muting such crlticlem, vas as unwar rentable as It was silly. The trot Insult wee enough, but the served was shameful in the ex.; theme. Mr. i4ther, and Ms brother, by this high handed mange, bare done much to lessen the re. spent which has heretothre been entertained in this community for the runner. Mr. &hand la a very amiable, gentlemanly, and highly intellsetaal man, and Is greatly esteemed by a huge circle of acquaintance in thin city. He vas a Presbyterian ebrgyman in his own country, end dueled at the University of Geneve. We know of no man km downing of the ireatmen which his has received. Po= Itsvour.—There were sin coalmen ea ses before Mayor Barker, yesterday. Three were notrimined for 24 hours, two discharged on pay ment al costs, and one discharged entirely. In Allegheny, the police business is rather dull, Mayor Fleming tined a tavern keeper, from the Fourth Ward, for selling liquor on Sunday, conts ry to ordinance. Several intormations were made of selling liquor to minor., a very common °Tent e In Mat ally. bLi. N 0; 4u do S II; in .tom ANXBTRONG I OROZEII STEAM BOATS PITTIIIIOII.OII AM> LetrIBViLLS mat, STEAM PACKET Llextended N.E. WNC OII itAGED be the liberal petronette Et to all reetdar and well etindaeted Lines, the °am en of the following Lee steamers bare anertgedthete Into 'Line between Plnebersh end One of the boat. will posluvely leave Plnstaallt on every Mammy. Wwersaer, and Fyne Enna% at 6 o'clock—fell or hot fell. The Ent boat of the Line will MI ea UMW. Febinery 45th. • Steamer Genesee.— Z. Taylor.-- • Ilareltorg • Went Newton • Fairmosot • For freight ur passage apply_ to to O . B. MLTENBERGEB. Altt REGULAR NVEDNEiIID6,Y P•OIET —Captala T. Moore. " IC • J Lnou . Klineftater. . M. Bandy. O W. Ebben. • 012101IINALTI. Captain Wll.Ltax J. Korner:. This splendid bow was built bl tha mum of the steamer Isaac Newt., and others, for the Cincinnati and Pitwburgh Packet trade, and will leave every Krakowlay, for Cincinnati, In plate of the New - England, No. a. E nrol ight or paws. apply on boanfol to • Ci AIILTENBEEWER, Adt PITTBDURGII AND WHEELING PACKET. The splendid fast running Meaner MILOUIS IiteLANE, W. S. Consult, muter, (having undergone a thor. °ugh repair.) will mn herea ft er as • • regular packet between Pittsburgh Wednesday Wbeeling; !erring Plftsbumb OVerY Monday, Wednesday , ud Friday mornings, at ti o'clock. For freighter pump apply on Dowd, or to lan; W. D. WIDDDJED,Agent... • POR ST. LOUIS. mat The Ina steamer . PARIS, 11miti, master, will leave for s he port on thla day, the fOth last,at IP Vglretgit i t . Or pasoare apply.= baw, or to torto NEwrox.rorif;s,Ast EFSWILAHLOUIFIVILLE PACKET. The splendid feetßM ER manias steamer FA, alLesediet, master, will leave for the ve and all Intermedlans wows se Wednesday. due With March, at 4 deltrek, P. M. F". ("i4M"""ge ‘PjiIIoIIarTVAIETWER. FOR LOUISVILLE. m at in . • '' The fine new end inanneh steatitet . NAVIGATOR, Wist. Dean, muter, wiU leek* for the hove and intermediate ports, on this der, the Grilitinst., no ID o'clock, A w l rd tt. t For "6 b' Pm* l ii IrriII!TENBERIA Agt terAl .The eplendld *melee r MONONGAHELA. Capt. D. Slone, arill leave for above d intermediate ports, Wednesday, MA' O o'clock, A. M, In place of the New Eneland No. 2. For freight or passage apply on board, or to onell G B MILTENBERGER, Aft _ - FOR SAINT LOUIS. maltlies splendid fast steamer --- - AMAZONI A, Mcßride, Master, will leave for the above and all intermediate ports on to. morrow, the Mg east, at 10 &clock, A. AL For freight or passage appiren beard. or to inerild Jc pgrrieniv • FOR MEM PHIS, DIRFZT. The entirely newandetaneh comer MILTON, John H. Davis, master, will leave for above and all Intermediate land- In re, on Wedoevday, the 90th init., at 4 P. AL The Milton Will receipt for freight to New (blew, with privilege amigo*/ arm below CuleinnaiL For freight, i.e., apply on board or to toile ._GEO F0R . 11813 HMI= m at The aploodid waver FORT ansuir, will leave for above and all batannediaw porn on ikw des, the with inst.; at ID o'clock, A. M. For freight or pasaagoo.- . . oa booed. .__.-1. - piir , - FOR NASHVILLE. The epleadid fast paseemer pawl LOYAL HANNA, Kinney, master, will le ave fu e above and an intermediate perm on tide day, !MO o'clock, A. M. For werght or pawner, apply oa board. earta FOR THE WABASH AUER: • , - The b tart running steamer • • OHIO, jffil i fttoops t orartorowilllcavo . forthr . olu7 . sad all totonueltuo holm rut dr_ day. th e tOth Ism. u 4 o'clock, Fpl, For freight or pursagts, , : v p . pl r vuu d i l to , manta) DIIIIIOLIITION TficEo:l" 7 l s rVall'ls'ertiti=ber .. e z ger' the Cam of nerier, McKee & Miley, Is 10,0 d a y dia. solved by maize! comet. Tbe Maisons of Me Eirm will be milled by Wm Mc- Kee and JAM* 8 Negley, as the lavabos. No; 12, meal Front and Wood eta, JACOB 888b88. WM MeKEE._ doll JAS S NEOLMr. - dpuirket. - s•ciaiii - itarr; — MEMI 1850. 1 PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE! 11. Dail/ Limes cf Bop= roils Boos, omd Bad Rood 0174 . . . TO PRNADELPRIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the Orem Central Rail Road and Penn , . Canal. IMO miles Road. 180 do Canal. ZICLOIIIIIILY TO/ PAZIMINUILL TOE PROPRIETOR!these bent an adltietnal Line of superior new seal comfortable Packets, to eonnom with the otter,Central Wail Read. Oa the opening of navigation, a packet will leave every morning at sit o'clock, and every evening at nme o'clock; messing the renege Rail Road lo dayliatc at Jackstowa take the splend,d Can of the Central Rail Road, SIXI miles to Philapelphis. A /Ceased number of passengers only will he earn° on these packets, so mato more essighet. This tone, far Wan. speed, and comfort, is not micelle° by any now In are to the Eaten Cities.. For passage or Information apply to W. BUTCH, Monongalecle House; Or to D. LEECH s CO., Qua] Rain. N. 11.—On the lot Nay neat the Contrail Rail Road will be open to flentingdon, which will Waren the ime tbrouch enema' hour, merle Waltman Transportation Company. aciaMlBso.Mil IN LEECH dL COM LINE. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE A. NEW YORE, ByPronoloaitio Could and Zvi Rood. TIIE Homo and Can of this Line haul been pat is complete order,,sod with the addition of several nem Ones ‘lO the LI.. enables us to carry • Imo quatoity of probee told goods. The entire stock of the Line Is owned and controll ed by the Proprietor. —AITLY 10— HARRIS & LEECH, No Id South Third at, And at the Tobacco Wareham, Dock st, Philadelphia, Pad JOSEPH TAYLOR k SON, • No 144 Noah Wo ol Baltimore, MCI OFFICE, No a, Neer York D LEECH A CO, Cam% Buis, Penn mrls Piterbanth. THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL IS OPEN. PITTSBURGH TRINSPORTITION LINE Ma MO S I la& Pena., mud& O►sals & Una Used& O'CONNOR, ATKINS L Co, Canal Basin, Meru, meet, Pittsburgh; ATKINS, O'CONNOR k Co., 20& 230 Market meet, Philadelphia. • - • - AMMO, O'Connor! , & Co A 7u North swan, Baltimore; E Ends. Now Yorkt &more & Ihrito,ll Doane sweet, &Won: 88,..„ 0 e cur, Marsala, Keened:7; Cia,Colambia Mee; ClTleiflell3l E. Woes, Louisville; Mama, Limy & Co., St. la Loa Shtnewn Alf Afweddisid!mtii tend Produce U and Prose FA:fade/12,5in,Bstastofv, N. l'ork,f Bootee. Our route being now In Ina Order... aro prepared to forwent good. II above at verry 8 riots. We Wee, oil frelghtfree of any charge k Hug policies for over Intio,ooo, mid with the followl emeneive mock of Homo feel confident of gtving GUI a sadWaction all badness entrusted 10 OUT tare. • T boats are 811 new, and commanded by captain,. of ear rienee and OUT entire line II conducted Co inter sabbittA kaisting and ronperoses principles. Mau. Ceram. I Boa . Captains lon City, Hagan Penesylv a E Layton, klatylsnd, Mazsball St. Louis, Cowden Cincinnati, Sands Col. Howard Ridley Ruth Anna, ChM.= Mazy Deboreb Sims Wm Atkins, Pennsad Enterrue, KILT WO Import, klquado /masa. Blown Buten, Alter Gen. Beau, Gore Garlinda Riley Celia TelegraphNo Itthielde Hawkins Point MU Roykl`Quade oliveßranchGower IlalbateClipper Riley America Perry Ohio Bello Kearney Mermaid td , Colgen Hatter }tingle The Pox SlV.tunde Jelin An. J Layton Aurora flittiowell Telegraph Noflldavls Look Sharp Berry Nook Queen IVlble Shippers will find it to their ativant4a to `rte .hipper Ile • call. O'CONNOR, ATMS& Mk, lUTIO Canal [WW2 LWOW) or, Pittsburgh._ TRANSPORTITIEN LINE, nainiflBso.Millak ......Plttsbusgh oud Easters Cillou The Canal being note open, we rue raady to receive 'aud forward promptly, produce sod mirchandize cut and west. Freights always at lowesPrates, chil l ed by riven. slide hue. Produce and merchandise will be received and for warded not and west, villein any charge for for warding or advanelog freight, commission or along& Hills of hiding forwavdW, and all "motions faith fully attended to. Address or manly to, Clout cor. Liberty ud‘Wayne EtlNOH.d.hf No 18:1, Muter st, between ld JAI. WILDt No 182, North Howardi JAS. 111N01 IMO No to. Welder Removal. B re fo ig n. ha a moved to Pt l cr37Tr . weep Market and Wood, Pittobanth. e j alt:l CULF.E-100 la's L. 5A1.m....,"014ird 0 cukpipicstore laEor e mrtl J CANFIELD intl3- ' - N Te man s fr EG A o ll A L ias tA ....,_ L a LL r e:b rd L o s Co r MO do Coronas; 3000 do Loon de Oro; Mtn Plum Prtneipo; Togethet with a garineg of other choice brands. me e —gisif Sparest; and Common &MS; OFI coludg.• mot, 1.11 Will be sold low to ekes, the &mese. mrld bIaGILLJ3 & ROE MISMANEOUS. HAIMISON mitwucLz., ATTORNEY AT ' LAW,; LANS,: OWO STATE COISROSSKINER frir taking Repo. AcknowbArnseaut of Omits, to. Mee-I , mM met, &boy° Salltbdskt mr4-441•T JOUS ILePADZI FORWARDING k„ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Caul Basle,Pena street, Plttabstitl. ' mro JAREN' DAVIS PRODUCE AND FLOUR . FACTORS. No. 07 Market, and 54 Commerce tt., Philadelphia. Advances made, by ehher of the above, ea ceesige• meets of Produce to either Home. mre JOHN WALLOWS'S i SON, FORWARDING & COMMUNION MERCHANTS 11112.1111:139.. TrroULD respeetlhllf solicit the consignment of Harrisburglt height, from Western Merchants, as they are prepared to receive any amount. Line andßeetiod BWe rmardng night and day, the freight will not be detained, as they will unload such boats at all hours. febitaan Itanisburgh, Feb. 40, MO. T HAVE this day assonated with me, the Whole / we Grocery, Comelierlota, and Forwordiog boi neos,my two Soo. RN. sad W. B. Waterman. The bolo. in More will be conducted order the style of L. S. Watertho to Soo, at the old eiand_No. 31 ter and OS Front SIMI. L. S. WA,TERALAN.Wa. Mahar e • March Ist. 1650. L.S.Waterntan—R. N.Watennan. IL Waterman. WATERMAN & BOER, WHOLESALS GROCERS, Commission and For warding Merchants, dealers in all kin& of Pro duce & Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles; acanuf and Agents for nabs of Richmond and Lynchburg ,MtUrod Tobacco. mrt lIIIACHLETT fr. WHITE. ' DRY GOODS JOBBERS, NO.IOI WOOD STREET, 'STAVE la store, and will be eonstantlr recesring H daring tlat saason, a large and well salectsd aa sartmaal of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which they will zedl for cash or approved credit. KSi;MIS • DIeILVAIN a IAL41,11&1117 NO. 10 GERMAN STREET, BALTIMORE, A GENTS for the sale of SODA ASH A BLEACH IRO POWDERS, have new in slam, end wilt continuo to receive, toll supplies of the following well knewn broods. uhlospratts," "Tenants," and "Jar row,. which they gam for sale at market rates. msS.d3 I vs Ish • s mein:mil a • Rod; 10 do do do re Shredders; der.; do do do Sides; L'"l ""t"'" j'." VI 4 7 " 1 1 11;11PATRICKO aIHE Law Paytoefshi sgrawk hleEnbcht was We day dissolved g y m eal consent. Tbe ast• ished bash, s date firso ertli remise the a Dila at tention of both of the andersfroa. HENRY S. MAGRAW, Feb. 55.11350,.1111111•DII FOUND. ..A EVA o ottta fiend, w tQT - i — tpon proof of aarnaraldh ean be had by nook/inn to G BIULTENBRAGEB, Gsble N 0.87 From or Groat Spats( psi Ilusasaay sea else. Dr. & P. Tbarnsprero Saraoporeffa. 150 DOZEN of the imam Dr. Townsend', Bar• aaparilla, for oda "'bolus% and retail by R. E. Sellers, N. V Woad tuna, and by D. IL Curb Allegheny airy. - Pleasant ter Your Tamely. VfORSIS I WILLIS' HOME JOURNAL—PO .IU. Saha Weekly-49 per annum. "Thu beet papa. an the Union."—Emming Star. "Ember get la coal than go without LL"--BoaL Yon. New sabactibera can be sopyhed from Jannarl Jatt 1830, If Immediate application be made (either per sonally Or by leer ) to the oglea el pabileanon. I) LOCKWOOD, ea Wood at J. D. L. km ciao received— ElackwymPs /dmrszli fo isp i for Febraerm • r l e=terly Review, lot Annecy; Westminster do do; JAMES D LoCIWOOD, Bookselks and Importer, 63 Wood et, mr9 (Alter Ist April 99 Fourth at. east of Wood.) 840 turo IttANDPKOTIARDIVIIiCCD- - John Ranker .4g P L Deady pormlum Ms; I . L Daley IDs; / awe Hans Ibm A Thomas Sig John & Levels lbs; Ranee & Archer b 1; Robert Morris lb.; • TY:w Metcalf SK Oscar Rees lb.; lienlePeonrivalled Ps; R King Mg Pickwick P.; ' Laniard. lb.; Wm Sethi Ps; Mallard Rawer Ibm m W Wing rsi ihasekres IPm A DT yree Mg Wm Miler lbs; Ilan M Coz s`s; WEI. Spottswood lbm The above, Inalsdbp some of the most popsies Lyrieldnug mid Richmond brands Tobsetm, on eon signawat ham manufacturer% and for saheby L S WATEA.N, Ihbf64l D. Water sod e: Front as - - ILeaklnn GLo , Renovator. For ofectoolly resteriog • iled Bid Gloves to their pristine cleanliness. DIRECTIONS—Draer the glove tightly over the hand, or on a frame made for the porpase, then apply the Rimester with a piece of etcan flannel, tub Wog gently mtll the age nt n 3r dre m adueed. For ale by tor 7 07 Wood at lIOTIOIS. lkAraS. JAIIIO . BAILIE would respectfully Inform 01 the friend. and customers of her late husband, Mat oho 01111i132611 atm WINE and LIQUOR basilica, at the old gore, SS, Meat= street, Philadelphia— when, CILA be found, • great variety of IVines and Loam; of ration. grade. and vintages, consisting In PM at Sherry: Poet, Madeira, Garet, Hoot, de. Brandy, Glo, Monongahela, mid Utah \Abide', St Quit Ban, and Jamaka SpiztlA Brown aunit and Ala, a very .saperlotu lot of Chanaptutte, from various vinpards, pat up by special older, all of which settle sold at lerw prices. M. J. 85, Chestnut st., Next door M Comae. Hall Hotel MIURSI FURS! FURS —The subscribers wi ll par r for Coon, Mink, Mask Rah Gray and Red Fox, and all kinds of al:upping MINIS: II hell 74r = prioz im corner Fifth .4 Wood sts _ rottraiLvlftp - nr 'pug Partnership her...fore misting between James A. Tosser and John Best, in the tinmety, Prodsee sod mpoesomsion bosiness, Ins dissolved by momal moment, on the 11th inst. Mr. John Best bowleg put. Maud the entire hottest of James Tissey, in the hem, the Coolness will be settled by him, at their old mad, N 0.33 Wood el. JA3IOI TABSEII, fob= JOHN BatT. 13=13=1 mests:Er STREET, Fins , tt , lo, ilmrrizr LUOR and Dealer in Maness. English, and Ger man Fumy Roods, Hosiery, Ribbons, Lama, Gloves, Ttuvads, Comb., Rulloatt,SasPendets. Rc., also, Ruda and Fancy Teenage, Black and Fancy Silk Cram., Panne, Bandanna, and Utica Handk evaders, a Bent• ral assortment of Fans, and every variety of tier ehandine. Cab= 4,La.• Cough spray.' fpflOgg who um llourso'. Cough Byrap on ean• 1 scieratonsly recommend it. From the Evening Tribure, Feb.?), IFHL rdoloan's Cocoa Braty—We earl comment:duly recommend thin medicine for coagbs, as It bu cased us of a man agkrarated attack. It Is • very /lament atratr nom the ordinary powwow:ll6o'h. Hyatt bare a cold try IL Prepared and sold, arkoleaale and retail. by JOHN IX MORGAN, Druids; mr3 Wood aut door below Diamond Oar. Mr Ills egos or • Irma 1LK. 12 to set mere neat sin than a bad, putrid breath, or dart, yellow dram ed teeth. If persons have these it Is *el: own Malt— nbzies. Sp p 4bat will Aren. It earn divans of the Ginne/ipengy or stunted, and for the Teeth It Is mangled, removieg the tartar. Cumming the teeth in the gums, and clean them es whim as the maw t ribeinmatiiirsl Buhl an th e PteTeTheo leant Amber Tooth c aste, m te, id, withal) raising tt *menu, hut what one of oar most superable and eetentifie Des tine, Mr. E. Field, of New Tort, saym ol have both used and manedis hesatihil and Ler; palpable article, Clones' Amb err Tooth Peseta ar d em recommend It an possessing all the qualities elate - ed for tt.a Reeder, we eon gay no more to cuisine a t only that if yea to this onto Too wine =tiptoes,. 1. It Is pin op to beantlfel English Mi. Pea, for M age Bold hi the Agent, WM. JACKSON. SO Libr t• ty meet, Pinsbnork. ausikdker'T er ALL .001. CrLIZAZ• an MINIM 111 tb“01/0..11111 are the actual qualities of aka bade at Jonza's Coral Bair Rename. If they dealt op word, they cannot these highly respeenble Elden. who have teed In— Mr. Opm. *dna, MEW a, New York: Mrs. Matllda Reeves, Myrtle an, Brooklyn,' Mr. Wm. Tompkins, kg King st, New York.' Mr. Thos. Jackson, hlentoun Island, near Bitten. et H. R. Cullen, lain barter steamboat S. Amain. And more then • hundred others state, thirug• , mast mace, that It mill force am hair to "lOW be heed or face, mop lt falltage strengthen Me It 'la, removing null sad donna from the roma, maim g light, red, or gray hair iMIIII3O a boo dark Ink, an d keeping dri, ,e hards or miry hair mon, oak clean end bendfal, very, very long time. Bold by t _Agent, WM. JACKSON, In Merl 0, Pittsburgh. Price 371, 60 cents, and eno dam auevlikeT ar examen an Hsu Luaus—JDZlLWr. lii tali Omani as loan ClllOO.l a free peraparation, nod • same tame monfies, Wiens, and whitens tha skis giving It On %Ware and beauty of an infant's. &van, ALT itszew ANDSOIII2, AM 1000 not Orai healed, but eared by its use, as at loam mean I Isys). ethos in New York know, who use it tussah cues, and end it unfalling--as raise in mamba rum"or any other 51 , 51 , 12 , die ease, The reader la assured that this is no Alen paged odowanr, as caw trial will prove. I male eau morale attst EC peruses eared of goys ", eon Laos ono Boaz Snow-- ay It, and use d the reader la again gamed I ,out not cruelly Nell it for the above unless I knew;. to ha all 1 atm. nose who are liable to Curios, thracuarp, ea Como Push, will do Nth erne. • Ant ono attlieted with any of the above.,r sits- Ile diseases, aril find this all and even more(. heirs• ble in Its p•opertles)than 1 state. Hat,,thst stores are flooded with WI , Wens, and be a you 0* for JONIS. 3 Italian CI canal' Soap. Be • by WaL JACKSON, 89 Liberty street, Pittsburg. armada ,Y ilf/KW n•RDIN ARM . •T 131 r N OF THE PLANE ANT ikW, Wew IN Wood t. Plat barn 11. attUBEIg AND LAUFMAN, Import°. • arefonlarn P . reign and Dometue UMW dr/Lllld. In rui_tles, aro now prepared to tell as low and on se reasonldeterilli aseanl. parebeeedeleewbere We solicit our friends, and the pnblie curally, to cell nd examine our steek, which c.a. rin part of KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET and PEN iENTVEn, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, Nona 'lei...nen, each at Locks, Ladies, Unites and Sm.'. 0 4. 0 . , with cocci article .unally kept ln n morn We invite thn attend= of Carpenters and h”chanlers generally to on 11.11 , 10Ment of Ta.,liirtaell q,ve even Melseted witherreat ens, and which we aro at numb, led to Fell mo as to nee wandastlon. ap2akar i-it It-sk. tBW 6 ~ y rhu . ~N, Halt m FiM! Madura es surotl, be lay/I.lm Lir LADIES ARE CADTIONED AISAINST SING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. us not Imam how frightfully Injurious It la to the akin! how coarse, how roagh, how sal • law, yellow, and unhealthy the skin ep. peen alarming pnpared chalk: Be aid. It Is hilarious, containing large genitally of Lead! We hen prepared a beautiful iregetalde WIWI; which we call 70MP SPANISH LILY WRITI, Ilia perfectly innoceat, being unrifled 0111 deloani ons anilines; and ttimpests to a shot &natural.. thy alabaster, cloy, living irettite,• at the 11[110110:11 14131 Le. a mane= on the Ain, tasking It soh and mg by tlas Agent, Whl. JACKSON, PP Lib arty at, Pittsburgh. Prwe cents. aaigblk.T - IzZ'y IPrapere7 to leeway Ceti fell/ ale. RE satmenbere OMIT COT elle a member* tholes UM, litmus ie the Second Wel, frame,' en the agrit i egari,74 SO - e l Tner " , xle ' el efJABROMMON. se teepremiak icfmtawinr ZEE= lIISGKLLANEOI IvESTERN INSURANCE COIPANI OF PITTSBURGH. , CAPITAL 1100,000. I. FVOINT wi p Sal* I 2 41 1 .11 3 , Jr, Plosi mmre archon all kinds of Maks, AND bLULINE. LL looms will beFTIIE liberaUr &Misted awl prommip Aaid. h p ome institntiow—ouiriama by Direct= arbo ars wall Inman In the conmanity, and who to determin ed by Paaiallmaana sad bbaraitry to maintain Mis *mar whiek Mar lutva mimed, on afar*. the bat wowed.= to those who &Sill to be Insured. la irasl79O . 79711, - . 7;aeo - . - La - ck;;l7W. Bode; N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. B. Holmes. CL Ihmson, Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, J. Lippincott, 'rho& K. Lima, James N'Auloy, Alex. Minnick, Thos. Scott . Ornam No. 39 Water area, (srarckomer of Spans k Co.. no Main ' ) husband. . 314419, City Isnekekotsos. - Tll6 subseriben, hining toot large Smokehouses. are prepared, at oh thnes, to wash, hang and smoke Pork on :rescuable terms. HIES te JONES; Proprintarai Canal Huth, near :lb al a TITS subseribers,baving been appoinied agents for the sale of Salt, by several of the very best man keep base now on hand and will continue to p a np. • Orden left atconstant mu ws ply rehonso, or with Peter Peter eon, will be promptly filled at all time. JOHN fdePAOHN & CO, Pm: st febt&lf Canal Baal& Pirtsbn4b. • OEM:Asa Peawirrivaat4i 1141.11.16L0ad. MINE Stockholders of Me Ohie and Pennsylvania I Rail Road Company are hereby nrulnetlto pay the roach Instalment of Fivei Dollars on each share of meek, ou or before the 20111. day of March next, at the ranee of the Company, in Third in, cc heretofore. feblEl4sl WM. LABOUR, Jr., Treas._ lITT9DIJR6II AND FACTORY. , STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AXLE 11“11 WV" lon 1. Met JONES lc %Erma, Ii4ANITACTUREIIB of ggprOg and Miner Neel and .41 Le sairigT,tiamnalred !Wes, dealers 'd !cable castings, fire en gine lasaps,ead coach trislusiet gr imily, comer o Ross and Front sts., Pitupt2 ACAUTIIOI —l,f — i&vin the ONLY tiktIOHYTIL AND GENUINE VVISTARKS .BALBAII OF WILD CHERRY, tho pow moody for • • CONSUMPTION! And the best mackeloo known to roan for Asthma of ovary stage, User Complain., Bronchitis, Inditensa, Coughs, Colds, Bleeding of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, PM. and Weakness in the Bide Breast, An., and all other PULMONARY ORGANS. . . . _ A very important disease over which this. Balsam en. ens • very i rie r lf s d E rh i mls that of a In this complaint it has undoubtedly proved mere efficacious than any remedy hitherto employed, and in emotions instances when patients had endured long and severe entering from the Mamma without receiv ing the least beneb from various remedies, and when Mercury lout been resorbed to In vain, the use of ibis Balsam hae maned the Liver ma he althy action,and In many instances Created permanent cures, eller every well known remedy had failed to produce this desired erretc Besides he um nishints efficacy in the disease above mentioned, we al. And it a very effectual remedy in ely use4 "h i s tl e decided iM l' ece wl r k e i ven In c beer al e( ; ; eah standing. , Withthe retereast'ofintelligence ha. Mown up knowledge of the elements of health. mud a re. gard for them, and commensurately with the .tides of science have we acquired the means of arresting dis ease, .4 averting Da ravages. Notmithstanding the progress we he e made, statistics µow that, even now, one siath of the whole population die, =nay or consumpuen. One of Ma on Imports. diet:ovaries of the ege, amelioration the coh&tion of the. large class of enf. lanes humanity, DIL WISTAIVS BALSAM OF WILD CHEERY.: Wistmts Hasa.* of Wild Chem is a Line Herbal Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Cherry Bark and rettstno 'Mara Wm, She latter imported . express; we4l this pet= the run =Alied vrmes of which are elm ei bre new chemital process, with the extract of Tat, thus rendennxthe whole coiapound the most certain .1111 edicamous remedy ever discovered for CONSUMPTION OP THE LUNGS. toil farther evidences of the remarkable emotive properties of this inestimable preparation: BmosszSetigt.l3nrwit co., 0., Am. 21,11349. Mean. Sandford is Park: Gentlemen, About sli weeksago I received the agent, of Whales Balsam of Wild Cherry, but with some reluctance on 'nip.% for the nation thu I had been the agent of m many pills and other animals, which were cracked up to be something 'wonderful, but which turned oat in the god to be of no account whatever, exCePt to the men ammo. Sat I motility admit thatibls tune I have been demised, for the extMerdinary tare. effected by Muses Balsam base convinced ma that "good can come oat of Nazareth." Veer agent left me me doz en bottles, which am all gene—having bees the means of muing mama obstinate cues of Consumptioo-- md no mistake; for 'dm I me and know I am boand to believe. One case in minicabs,: A yeau gentle. man in Winchester, Moms casing, 0. la miles front this Vac was cared of C,msampticahrshen the der- toritliiitrirThlaiip,oriileisrettotld do nothing for hint 4 and it tr. the intenthse of Ids friends to mem him to your city, and place ktre under the care of some eminent physician them. Bat a friend told him of Wistars Balsam, and tlau he could obtain It of um Ile sent for it, and before the second baths was gone he was weed and well, and attending folds everyday biodecta A. there are termini ince.O.Ws for the mW. eine, it would be Wcii fortverd ets addltlemel supply sentient delay. Very respeetadly, yours, LAMB sM'T NEWLAND. The above, from I. Newland, Esq,a. highly respect able country merchant, commends itself forcibly to the candid attendee of all those who have detained the greet merit of Waster's Wild Cherry B4sare, Remember the oriel* and .sly genuine Wistar's o r writ. 4 ch,„rry, woo introduced in the year 184, sad has been moll tested.= .11 ecimplairda for . which Uls roecmiendcd. For 17 years it has moved mom efileacioas aa a remedy for cooghs, ems, Bronchitis, Asthma, and cancel:union In ite elpient slam than aniother medicine. W LOST IC IIiaIWIREIR trar 811317=14 Avg. 10,1808. Mr. R. W. ?owlet Raving seen many certificates poblided l u tZat hi ti . on to Dr.= d t Raise= of M i ll Ito (mar, soldelt yes are 1.0 at libenr4 p 0 word ahllsh- A few mamba since my osife's Imo= beam= so much a -1 famed with a sodden eel ,d 021 she Imo her voice, and suffered severely farm par= in the Olean Her alma don erased her friends mach elan. flaying heard your Balsam strongly recommended by thou. who used it, I purchased a bottle fro tont agent la this place. She toot It acoordin_ g Um's, rod it pr. deceit a 'vendetta! Orem. ROW* using one bottleahe had completely recovered her votes, the pains =bold ed, and her health was sot= fully mestablished. Youris, trult, HENRY G. BRIGHTMAN; To Dumont - re man Dula= filsoient...-Thl- cel ebrated and infallible remedy fortheeare of Consomp tiati, Azar= and Liver COmplolut, has by Iv earn me rits, been rapidly, sue =Unfelt working its wry through the opposition of genets and counterfeiters, tma valuefand mirimie excellence, n has gained far itself*. mosteaviable pantile/icy, and eitab- Untied itself In the confidence of an intelltgent and en lightened pablie, hem one tad of the continentto the other. The to of thousands who have been re lieved and cored ay this valuebte article, will .ben that it tusuids mtivalled—at eche= of all ether we. dwines. for the core of di.enoo kw which it as steam wended, The genol.lie • Dr. tilirlautea Balsa m of Wild np all re.r.cetable dada. la =oscines, in all lam ening and all tropanant towns throughout the United Bum. Men 111 per Bottle I SU Babies far SS Bold by 3. L FARA,' lancceram to Sandford & Parg,l Fourth and Walls. areeta Cincinnati, Ohl% General Agent (or the South and Weal ' tp whom all orders aim be addressed, L; Janes A. Jotter, J. Kidd & Co; B. A. Fohninarralt & Co, Pittsburgh. L T. Rana, Wash ington; W. IL Laniben., Franklin; L B. Bowie, Uniontown; H. Welty, Greensburg* B. set; Bcou tk Gilmore, Bedford; Heed & & K rVar e n, don; Mrs. Orr, Holing...lg, [trident.. & Cr, Lodi nnn: J. K. Wright, Kittanntegf Evans b. Co, Brook villeLA. WUran & Sots, Waynesbungle APFarland & Co, N Callender, Ideation*: Boston & Co, Phie; J. Idagothn i Mercer; James, Kelly & Co, Batt e r, S. Boutk, Deaver; .D. fistantenon, Warren; F. L&C. B. ionea, Canderspore P. Crooke', Jr, Brownsville.. • febadikralrlier PIIDOLA.IgAIgION. BY VIRTUE of • preempt ander the hand. of ant. Wm. H. McCann, President of the Coon of Coal men Pleas, he and (or the sth Jadielal Olathe& of Pommy Irani% and ilittit.o of the Coon of Oyes and Terminer, end General Jail Delivery to and of said Dtstriet, and Samuel Jones and William Ken. Efrime Associate Judges of.the earn* Coerce, to and for the County of Allegheny. dated the 11th day of February, to the year of out Lard ono . theasand eight hundred end Arty, and to me directed, for bolding a Cosner Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery ; at the Conn Ilona, to the City of Pitebtugh,.. an the Fourth Monday in March nest, at 10 o'clock, A. Publli totice Is hereby given to all Jenices of the Peace, Cocoon and Constable., of the County of Al• leeway, that they be then end there, in their proper Penn., with their rolls, records, inquisitions. exam'. Amiens, and other remembnutees, to do those Ming. which, to theft respective °dices ,in their behalf, sp. year to be done—and also, Mom Mat will prooesau3 the prisoner. that now are, or may be, in the Jail of said County of Allegheny, m th en and Cure,th pro. secure against thous a. SW Be lust. Glee. ender toy band, at Pittsbr, this lath dime( POMO, In the /Cm of out Lo rand of the Commonweahh the . C ARTER CURTIS, able-diurnal . ' • Ethane B. A. Wahlaneelln & Oft. NIKHOLL-NALE DRUGHISTB, comer of PIM and Wood streots;ores for sale, on favorable maw 1 bbls Whiting; 500 lb. Curb. Ammonia; 00 do Alusa; KO do Assarreddm 311 do Up Woods; IXKI do Cmde Tartar, 23,d0 Lampblack; 500 'do Liquorice neon' 20 do Von. Red; 300 do Irish Idadsl do CamphoC 150 do Rod Preelpitacm 10 do Span. Drown;, WI de Calomel Amer.; 90 do Yellow Oslo; 95 do do Eng; 10 do Primetans 100 do E 0.11.1 Le.Yela 8 do Cloven; 990 do R h ubarb Itoo 8 do Cham. Pinworm 400 dd Swap. 001 04 oases Bet Qom; 201 do Hendon do; 25 do Castile Soap; 105 do Pal Itockeets; 15 do Prassian Mae; 1 do &Hilts hilitore; 10 do Calc. Magnesia; 504 do Pow`d Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome green; 450 do do 811p.b5en; C. do do 17.110.r,100 do do do GLl.q. AWrabia; rem. Am. Vormillook 100 do Root; ma Rand Paper; 100 do do /slap; 95 bap Sicily Sumac; -190 do do ACCayenne; bales Dottie Corks; 590 do Hoick. Zinc; 75 °a Sidon. blorpkia; 301 - ao Has Tin; 1100 lbs Cape Aloe.; 900 do Tammindm • 120/ do 131XbramP01i0b;133 do Quick Silver; ECG do Pink Root; 370 do Change Pest; HO do Turkey Umber; 75 do Cochumal; MO do Cream Tartar, , 90 do - Hyd Potash; NM do Tartaric Acid;:' MI do Mum • • 100 do UT. Urn; :a do Orunsille LotidA feb93-dkar9uiT DACON-12 kkds Hams; L if • " Sider. . 10 " Bitourderr, 4 " Hog Round; row landing !ft, staamei Hophrates; for We by enrll ISAIAH DIMITY & Co LAHD-2I ado No I; 2 tes do; II mama% tow 100= - Iron otaamez Ea Onus; ID, . 21 . by moll ISAIAU DICKEY A CO giC6N=2:l ents Shoulders, In ma, mN on ea oiro.moot, and for solo by moll JAMES A HUTCHISON a 'CO ru.o.vta SEED-41 bbie prim, for ule by 4-1 mrl3 WICK t JdeCpNDIRSS wpu , • WICK t Sleet qbl3 rrAitytF.D ROOFING PAPER—A constutre c 1. oft e beet lathy of ads Pvek k t c , by Du, I SClluoNkf A P. TAWItOI—W bbls for Dais J SCIICK Is ter sale by 1461.116-451FSIC-T1- ANSIAXER co& I B. OLIVE OIL-3 lasYttr i dg mAKKß br S • Of Wood stmat mitt 11.11111.1.11.11 - mg.? POLY -2=044011= EZ=M=3 HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, St° fill kinr section Canal ttoaiNzar FisoLuicyrioni. Snitrininintni - snd in good oniel , AP• PIT no II A. WEAVER, Wayne st, under Repent., Cans' Blain' AAcoNvENIENT two story Blink Dwelling Hoene, Owned on the nut Common, ille&ny MY. vrintin•• kr intontee walk of Ms market on..Thet- M dzt7 airs foot front, and ORO handrad asublarty aro feat deep. sod la • dedrabla location. • Pompanos= given on tho ant of April. Eoqpilret of JAMES PARK, Ir.:t CO., To Lot. • -___ TrpmE Denning noose, Tbird, alnico &nitheold, LIOW occupied by Rem linkovrell. Also—For one or more years, soma largo Lots of Choond, in the Ninth Ward, OP sad near the river_ suitable for Lurebec Yards. Eoonire of Joni.; DARLINGTON, or of mgyi - B. DARLINGTON.Fontda et. FOAL lot of April next, theZY&REHOUSE lately F otiapied by Tuley & Best, No ZS Wood let • 10. • 'ln of total JOHN MM. • • Ihr sal., - • L A . IO ,13sfe, Plet , rzt .... 7. l l ,, e,rm l ter,Trat:Yat eery besinekr. Inqtdre - at 35 Wood et: JOHN UM. . • - • , • THE v d i ( °`:.f42l2r.tln'Sg, _ with the store firturea and every thing euitable to no. comntodate the tcattaactionof it heavy besineas,Whielt has been bath np by ho e years close attention, end a large custom obtauted, the good Isi4 of which 'alba transferred to the n uaser, and possession of the. warehouse given o the first day of April twit, or, salner if yennaircd. The stack .011 be . colored if qturcd, and payments madeeastr for geod Mee So • ". good annpmtanity of an established busmen Is led% . dam offereand bat for other engagements relishing. ray attention, vrotdd oat be given op. . Satisfactory inforination eon be obtained' oa th e pro- mlxs, N 0.35 Wood stmt. feboo . • • I.HE !fosse at present occupied by King & BUM' 1.4 corner or Diamond end Diamond Alley; also, the second home from corner lor Thamond in said alley. For untes, apply to DOYLE IRVirlbi.. re1027-dlra THAT large and commodious DWELLING HOUSE on Webster weer. near Seventh, at present ones-. pled by Mr. A. Valli:wk. Possesaionia to be greenan the tat April. - Inquire on the premises, or of M. B. LOWRIE,WyIie st, neon Chatham-- ALOT_OF GROUND. 00 feet front on Bank Lana: muting huh to Rebecca at, 2EO fern a Cottage House and Carriage House in good repair. This pro- . oerty is heauttfully situated on the Bank of the Alto `; glumly river, and is eon ai.lered one of the most desire Me and pleasant situations in the City of Allegheny. For Trice and trims apply to . No UOH OTEN. Seeond rt IMRE 'ACRES OF LAND, situate &boat 13{ miteo from the City, near th e residence of Rev. Richard co the•Greensbotsit Turnpike, =liable for . Coon • Lry Residences. . - . . Also-198 Acres of Land, situaterlln Franklin town• ship. abourlo tnUes from Pittsburgh, near the Frank lin Rout • Also—A Lot of Ground, nesr the new Bsitin, In the Seventh Ward. befog 100 Re[ square, on which is • two gory t rick Dwelling House. Par partlettlare and terms of sale, enquire of • ' DAVID D. BRUCE, Anenter at law, feb2l.lsa Fifth st, tern Weed and Smithfield. Lots for Salo. -- TUE offer for sate, on moderate terms: V . lst. That lot of ground'. Pennsylvania Ar eau; neer Congress Inches ttg about 152 feet in depth by about 22 feet 71 m width. IL That Lot on Penosylrentenvenna Jost beyond Ur. Watson's property—being 112 feet deep by 2 2 rem , 7i Inches in ',Milt. - 3d. A Lot on Me Hill, last behind the 21 Lot above named—belne WO feet feet deep by 25 feet IS inches vide, =ending from Gibbon to Locum at. D. W. A. S. BELL. Anonseys et Lima office in Fourth at, feb2l4or • above THE large three 'tory Brick Warehouse. ern Wstar, j. below Fen 7 sunny running trent Water to -First areas, en reasemible Isms. Powession given imme diately. ilatt:Enquire or feb flosedala To Let. TRAT beautiful situation for a Private Residence, en the bank of the Ohio rielsr, to the boreash of blanelestei. For terms apply to tebt2 GEO COCHILVI, 26 Wood at • VSMITEIbr NrDi - BiLtu.,,EAbirdtaldoldiftuvw, with Idanick & Tome's improvement attached. It Is In good order, mad can be our work. It Is ad mutably adapted to dramas iron, and shingling blooms. Far [nether infotroanon apply to febl4l _ SINGER, Hn&TMAY & CO. • _. • For Bests estinELESEGOND AND THIRD STORIES of Wane-- ham No 3 Market meet ; next door to Jiluleapy ern Glue Store. Enquire of kW • JOHNSTON & 8 s o..aLsON A Par's for Sale, CONTAINING 160 ACRES, about half of which le eketre6, Amon) in Wash ington eonory,, , Ohle about five roles from the Ohio River. Pauauteion given iennothotely. Requite of ROBERT DALZELL & V), feb7 Liberty ores) .2 . THE subscriber arid sell or rent Ws very deli-. ruble Country Residence, In A , leg hang eity,sit, and on Ohio ..Lane and • Allegheny AvenuN ; lomat Le Conunon. The haus is a large double trick eugenic in complete 'order. There is a Car riage House, Stable, and good; water ott:the grounds. urinch compd.= two terra, well improved, containing every description of pmit. - pling house end smoke house. Po.scsaten given daring me mouth el: March. tebt-tf. JOHN. GrJ3llaBT. • jantl MAUR ICKECT.a. oils me REIN T:4O fee, tollpitt , i4o deep—. No 107 Front st Possession ifivonitt NI. jaati ISMAII DICKEY k.CO,Pront To Lot, A desirable Residence, situated on the Ryser Reek, /Wu Ward, Allegheny City. EdqUitlS at this &lee, or of Mrs. MeAbram on the fty Nina Lois 1" ) .'4=,`17:174 uorPlenzt,"=Fle,snsi Pike so, and Ike Duquesne Way, aneonling to a plan to baleen at this natty wane tenon and conditions will be made Y an 23 - • Per F aM4 bed b ;l2lCli. d alltiS l lolloU . SE, o h l = 4 shamed on the Ohio River, adjoining tho borouglrof Monettester, with about four acres of b.nd; a number or Fran Tmem one large brick Barn artd Stable, and othnr out bulldlaga Apply ta JalIZ JA/dES A. HUTCHISON h CO. O AnSMALL COTTAGE HOUSE; In Allegteoy:oty. Eglonado Rent /ow.. uire Inq of o . 219_ TASSEW BkST.33 , Wood at. 'A LOT OP GROUND. ignitable fora Brick Yard t t attd situated near the city line, in the vicinity of Bobo Midge, will be rented fora term of years. App ply WE. D. GAZZ eat, Third meet., • Janie • °Dee °ear the Peat Orme. Pot Rout. AROOM on the eeeo ad stary of the Warehouse No. 2 Wood street. • • Ante A THREE STOGY BRICE DWELLING HOLItIE, on Llbartmeet., between Oliva and Warnitstrvers, Fifth Ward„ ax present ozeapied bg a a subscriber, , Pouession green on ibe In April. circ Jaultlif . WNL YOUNG. I Libeny n. rraE BASEUENT corner of the Diaitkond ar.4 Unica streets, well KU. Led to auy public hafinen. It has beta occopleel a. a Coffee, or Ewing E.tabliatv ment, fora number of years. .oMees and Artist's Rooms, lighted,' with entrance from the Diamond, over the more of the subscribers north west corner of the Dia• mood and Market street. Apply 19 . lora AL E X A N DER . k DAY. • FOR lIMAT, two Manually altaaleal:Briek • Ihrellina Houma with the aroanda adjolalegi at' Oakland. Possesoion eau be men 'en the firer April next. lans HARDY, JONES* CO. THE Bank fart of e nW are housee rum oOcupled by. mysetl, atm fronting on Front street. . Antl 0 It GRANT 41 Wats. or AGOOD THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, on Smithfield areal, four doors from Seventh, wrst side.. Inquire of S. SCHOYE.R,. Ise 11015scondsk_ • upoltailrroat;; wall fitted VDfor Dry Eloods, on Market st, between Thud and Faulk. Possession given an the Int of - April next. Also—Several ROOMS and OFFICES. Posseuinn given immedately. E. D. GAZZAM, . das . OMee over the Past Offtee,Ttuni aL oon S=ST.—The WAIMHOUSE at pla• sent occupied by Mews. Halley, Brown k Ce 4 ea Water street, from first of April next. • • nav2o JA3103 A kIUTOHLSON•k. co MtFOR SALE—A Brink Rouse, Das oneyesst Moly and Lot, on Robinson te r ms edheay, near old Bridra Price low andcage-, bonne of DOI 9 SCHOTS% tiO Reseed st MSClRflarE—Flos lots eitidifmmaied in lam 12-m. jr bibbed sown of armind sod. The lots are situa ted on Denman aMeet, numbered la Flhasznan'a plea 73, 79, 90,81 and 82-lot No 75 Ranting 20 (anion Afa r, Ann meet, 70 feed deep; lite mixtOU 9O feet front Guth by 80 feet deep. , Tenn.—Orontes pan of purchase money . 1 , ..) rol win far 41.1 yeah, snoozed by mortgage. Fogre elan, Imre of B SCROY 110 won m • 'VALUABLE HEAL ESTATEON PENNSTIMET. FOS SALE.—A. Lot of Gromd shame on Penn stritet,betlreen thy and Marbory streets, adjoining the home and lot now occupied by litiehaM Sdoranta herrings front of 7i feet, .od to depth 150 fectonll bo nold atifayornbla terms. lido unezeeptionabie. quire of 0.0;1./30311E44A. gear Wood. • oettl-dtt R'MMIN ABALMOMEISMIL • W. R.' MURPHY J. M. DURDIIFIELD. TDB Retail Dry Gaols batiste= heretofore eondaet. ed by W. E . Morphy, at North East corn= Foot* and Mara= sts, Pewburge, wall hereafter be curled on by the neer tirm of MURPHY d: BURCHFIELD, Who respectfully aoltdt n coodnuance of the ealliel the old ensues.. of the awhile:me:l4*a the pane " to general. A largo and earefolly teleeted sleek or " Goo= anll always be kept on nand, =darer) in- - dileOncrit offered In the way of low prices. rt. LL—W. E. hILIRPIIf wiit eeettatta the Whefe. "t o nmeeessotstretamtare, in. the rooms. Up &Sin. — COISIUMCII fm _ M YOUTLII it. ..ri . . SPRANG GOODS. .la.A XANDEA DEA & DAV, 76 Marto et, North West corner of the Diamond, have commenced receiv— ing tacit meek of t.pcmg Drr Goods. Itley have apmtad a choice asamment al Bilks, Linen, Lemma,: unlimber Dress Goods. Also- , Bonnete and Bonnet. Ilibbontr handsome assortment of French Wetted. t , plendid French Claths,Cmtantres, imdßetinVest. Mg& lime Famishing Goods‘a complete esurtment the lowen market pnees. , ALKKiLNDER fr. DAY. Racket tett NN camera( theßilinterni. C 4. 4. easkr nrs'd, an band and for ardp by =l3 Minn DICIMY &Ceti Front it: Ldial--1:1 1 bbli - N - 0, on hand cad for odet by. gni lq • - LeALALI =EBY t. CO CeEP - -s-40 bong pa and .qut Sorwe by T arP _ /BAZ AR . P./54.74.°.1 MIZE =Ca E3M121 FOR SALE, am= /fah No St Atht Bt =CO Poi dont. I=2l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers