The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 20, 1850, Image 2
II ... , TRH PIITSBIT trB GAZETT PUBLISHED WHITE*, CO • 10, : . i , z 14 tirs.q.1:izttzttarriz(o:evi.iv•••J 71innerow s ani einiestly ied le hand In llex&vors u before 6 x.; moninlinsdim bedAtiveclawnenta not tanned for. 'pee. tison 'Milian:tabby be charged wall Waved ea a>—c. W. Jame.. No. Harnsot meat •p ev spat der du, alp. intact:W=43n, Wont handed to Ida w.U• reeed•to pomp • --_------ VW • lei • NEXT . I dADIILPIXLIL NORTH Aasitiomr. drerthreareatiaadrabeertptrea s to the North Am•e and Mated States Cratele. Palladelphla, nrealwo forwarded from thla allow PAGE FOR LOCAL IEATrERa TELEGEAPIIIO NEWS. c. t, Nati Taumui,c Auvsaram.—lt I with great min we gooomica,lhat in toollowice with other pootioao Ow Praia In WO citg, we hare awned into. orninge 'wbenshy ore ohall lio casaba to afford., reefers hirger *awn *flew. tban at preloot rowing, and wrap mono astiaficlary. For • twig time past, our ape:Wires ha» been of • mays awl roatialactow eltine• and wo hare bats wilowely labeWhn b. awl: • ••••1•• W. bias twor were gratilleation to mummy, that =wan. mint has beta 'iatsred into, with the Atlantic and Ohio ralapaph Griping, fie the pis**. of enplaning tbo !Wear& Peps, with • math lomer metal of saiatalbaseas assrs id a at prams remind, asd alto tam eamidstarrferts order awirels, Wit But sal West Thisarrupsaat NI p isdeafect ea Bloaday UV. • w Indebted to Messrs. Sawud and Hemp. tan, Members of Congress, lot potthe documents. Our reader. will And the communication or ■ new. correspcmdent, "W.," of Much ituerear, as the sakes% on which be writes la one of grew Importance to this city. lie is also intimately In qmdeted with his subject, and will !Word to our readers correct knowledge in regard to the rail road system of Indiana, with which we shall soon, we trust, be direr.tly connected. • The Iron gilllw—The gamut. We are pleased to be able to state that the eriv sls is put, the Mille are again at work, with a new 104 of hands, and all danger of any difficulty • seems Mho over. All the Mille, we believe, are mane with a aufacient number of hands it, the the regahw day terra, the proprietors not wishing to rue at night at present. When they desire to do so, there will be no &faculty In procuring as adequate .apply of eietliGlll band., as hundreds are 'within; to come on here as soon u they are unwed of situations. The new hands, we are Informed, are much phased with their places and twit prospects.— Tie turnout clam peddlers and boilers tormerly employed, ha been • god-send to them, as it has furnished them with more desirable situations, and generally higher wage* than they have been pre vloally receiving at the Edition Mills. Many of I intend been idle for soul time, and knew the value of intuitions worth three and four iollui • day. It Is auatter, also, of gratification to know, 1 that while the new bands are pleased, the Propel- 1 afore are not less so. We are informed by an old and experienced manulaunrer, that the new pad dlers and boilers are generally superior workmen, and give great satisfaction. It to all a humbug atom their not making as good iron as the old pod. diets. ' That story to a helical of some excited imagination. Such a result would grail& tbn'op. ponenta of the new hands, bat happily it is not true. The new workmen are a body of fine look. ing.iuudy, and Intelligent men, who paeans serf dente good sense to know when a high price can bo . ptid, had when It cannot, and who have too great a respect fir the interests of themselves and families to, permit a 'favorable chance to slip ,t, through thee gagers unimproved. They needed and wasted e employment az the prices refused by the old p dale's, and as the later would not work, they. ere perfectly justdied In accepting the, - Cud= tendered to them. We heartily *releasr them to the city, having no doubt that they will make good citizen, and that many et them or their children will be our future Mill owners, and among one most active and useful citizens, Me. Wearrim's Srace.—ln commenting upon the isle speech of Mr. Wawa, we took mei mon to relearn, that while so mach was aid con. feet : the nowdelirery of fogitpre slaves, as a reasonable abject of grievance, on the - nut of the &mi, a remarkable ailanoe was obsenred to !e -lation to • greater cause of comploint„ en the part of the North, in teepee to the . treatment. in the alawk States, of colored citizens from the tise &atm It seems, however, that them was an °minion In Mr. Webster's speech, u published in the Washington papery, which has been Emptied in the pamphlet edition, in which be refers to this vary canse of complaint on the Put of the North. era States. In looking over the pamphlet copy, received yitutday, we ford the Wowing para graph There is amore tangible and irritating muse of Inevanee et the North. Free blacks are corn inaptly employed in the vessels of the North, gen. entity as cooks or stewards. When the yawl ar rives, of a Southern port, these free colored men are taken on shore, by the police or muolmpal au thority, imprisoned. and kept in primp, till Om vessel is again ready to sail Thts is not only ir. Malin, bet exceedingly tatjamitlable sad °pun sire. • Mr. Host's mission, some time ego, to South Carolina, was a well intended eau to re. move th 4 cause of complaint. The North thinks such kuprlictusents Illegal, and unconstitutional; as the casco occur eonstandy, and frequently, they think ft a great grievance." We lNate glad It. Webster bum reverted tolhis, it 'a maim of du more Importance to hp• man rights than ft has been generally conceived to be, and Ls a mach more flagrant Siolation of the Conmitation, than any thing the South has to nom. plain cf. ••• Tax CZUMUL:—. Coming events cut their shad ows before." The early appesraneerif Machete. nibs the valley of the Mississippi, where It seems to have commenced its ravages with renewed virulence, leads us to *tar that we are again to be visited by this dreadful scourge, and we are them by ahnenished to make doe preparation to meet it. Emit precaution should therefore be taken to change and parity the MI, and to remove every thin whialfie calculated to prodnee it. We hope ourstaborities will take the subject in hands, and adopt such suitary laws as may effectually pm. want the disease from appearing in oar midst. We are of opinion that the chola is produ:ed maim ly by local causes, and that, triton, ii 11 not • disease. that need be fee 4 in places where those causes do not exist. F Kali:mu is thermeat preventive,. and no pains sheald be spared to reader our city, in this reap t, biyand the reach of ;danger. arttesen Ann Lets or Lars.—The Boiler of a tottemoUve running between Albany and Sawa seemly : exploded on the 11U: Enatant, tilling the emenew sad dangerously wounding the fireman. 71. saes, was a complete wreck. PIIIIX Of • thilllWlrusao Cmaaaer 002 Sian" Took (J Game, mammon the death, ea theAth intl., older Hew. Cho.. A. Amway as menet Lawyer of pat. 14 . ante clewed is 16.7.4 to a. 11 of Eq. neeatatiese of the Created euk., Ow, Yak Ltematry. a elutriee that wee tlecletedly clop:wed to hie political pr.:swi ft4od is 1837 was lisheled to Beweharial delegate to the eaweeattea tar eateadiag the eoastheuka af Peowyleade Yee may yw, he Ina Yeeeideat of 'the York Auk. U. was, says the a setts, as steeeptielted oriole+. la We kw yar,aad cajoled ea is/baited amielewee. T Haw. !lam W. r..a. ■ , Speaker of the gym. .114piawaafrep of Lotbiami, died at E.t.a...1.m ia thy kat., re p. 76 of Manch. Al In loot plus rtraully u Balamle, (Ohio) re t rano ofinablo, end tetunonti Itranly out horst. It nu Ow wait art u Ittsokiny. Anottarzatt.—By the report of the Boundary Ccisnalssioners of Ibis Sxato, &lowan and Mop WA, Manus Hook, In Delaware Canty, Pent. *Owings, nod Ike territory aitinuotd, bons. been anacael to tho domain of the Sudo of Dela ware. • Canova& Coto Droonaa.—larborrear Dais rktpreson Coon of Pennsylvania haa Asada as haportsai &elides in relation to the .i• feat pirdefrahlir triunaitia Is the California gold atial 2 P . • As spplanstion was made fa Me cam Ly Mr. J. A.,ls sf Pallaelsblo, Gar as toj unction wry Otos as l'oulok IMoLasstos frogs a swats of ENO soninfro wank of Sold dais. Ti. &mai silasa4Se sad Parka meted bolo placer. ffalb Aralas papaw' of dialog gold Is Colihrois, sad *WS Oa wooed", 11)2141+1*W,, to Ike *bore ocon,lboil bras Woes polosisos of by fooks Palma, Irlliallt Agitsel atlases! to &vats Ms spools. l'As grid As* WM at Ms flitual Magee Mho, sad sookapsasfaso vas played go porno stoiroodnt utiant hvga Ito: plism Macau% decided f Ass SW frAffal af, Softsor tit wawa, to no Irmo/ ispradlft lad aboi,rows U taco/ was a perfavildhilllW' mai hariag laboud ea. wi nig NR koM load Sonar Lon StAltmal by OS wsa sof paftssfulp posit!, ID.Jima*. yrs a Wiwi P S TTatIVROIII - Throughlthe medium of your colicina I 'ask leave to call the public attention to some general views on the subject of Western rail roads, ea , connected with the trade and growth of Pitts , burgh, to the moven of several of those roads, and to the features and character of the country they pm:envie. Putattrugh is situated on the Western alope of the Allegheny Mountains, on her imperishable foundation of coal, at the bead °Bs mighty nevi. ' pawn leadinglo the Gullet ifexico, with bench, es to the Boit!' and West, some or which et:ooy inGinge on the dome of Michigan and the other great Lakes, matt, with Cincinnati forever sops' ply those extensive regions with the most impors tont of all manufactures, the fabrics of iron; in some divisions of nue business, Mel superior, and Os alien soon as the mune skill and capital shall be employed, the equal of Cincinnati. Bat with W these natural advantages, since by the advent of steam, neither area, nor mountains any longer torts hurlers between nations or communities, no city can long maintain her supremacy in trade without the aid of rail roads.—l need not rek,r to the aucceesive rival efforts of Boston and New York, in proillof this--and although it isr true that most of yout t products will And their cheapest outlet over the water, still the maintninance of your trade depends upon the increase of prates! anilines In flinching your cily,—lf Pittsburgh is oat placed on the highway of travel between the Great West and the Mamie Cities, whereby ahe can maintain a mutant acquaintance with the Merchants , end mummers of the West, she will coon feel her isolation IA the loss of business. Bat in a country like more, where, owing to ha extent, the head of the market is necessarily dia -1 tam, and when in consequence of small capitals, merchant. must frequently rynew their stock., LIMO becomes no great an element, that, at certain mamma of the year, rail roads themselves, even at the more expensive rates, will be made the ve hicles of heavy transportation, and at ail season. °ribose lighter and more valuable fabrics which demand to be placed speedily and (really in the market. In the prosecution of so Inviting a system, there is no dou b t °Comedian, and that numerous nil. mad whirmes will prove abortive, or surm o unt bad investments. I propose to apply some ,tests to those toads looking to the West, whereby we can judge of their probable accomplishment and of their value when cimatructed. Generalizing as much as posaible, I will lay down three canons as most likely, on thts subject to Grrni the law of success. Fira—The7 moot be trunk lines. Secondfy—They most traverse. and pone tra to a produetive conntry. 77 urfy—They mcst fieguently cross navlg.. ble wakes' at good market Points. Presuming that your readers we as fully coo. versant as the writer la with the system of tail roadrin Ohba, I shall take up the subject when it reaches Indiana. Bat opt to be ramie:mac, I mill reserve farther remukekyr one or taro foam future. W. For the Fumborgb Gawar. Naos Entroxs—The editor of the Tribune, iu a recent article upon the subject of Madame Bornateia's Concert. indulges In some undeserved, and as we deem, unjust mends, against several of our amateur performer who mimed on that occasion, and appears especially disposed to find Malt with Mt...Sleben What thii gentleman ban done to excite the he of the Tribune, we know not. The opposition of the Mercury mimes from moles that am well knows to the amateur world, but we must confeas that we had expected a more generals &MOM from the gallant Major, towards an old and highly esteemed citizen like Mr. Me ter. Thin gentlemen has been arealdeni of our city for nearly twenty yea" and both In, and otr, of his profession, has maintained a high charieter. Our object, however, in this Commtuneatkin is to 'reply briefly to a certain critique which appears in chi Tribune of Monday, translated from • German newspaper called the West.Peunryirsiga Shahs Zeitureg,and to which the writer appends his sign. tare, desirous, of cam* that the name offlitchaad* should be duly appreciated in the musical circle of Pittsburgh. After extolling, in high terms, the ringing of Madame Benwein, and praising Hen Vogel: end damning poor Giambord, with faint praise, he gam on to say, "Mr. Meier alone has mg leme en happy as to make an agreeable impression en his hearers. We are for here from intentional offence. Oor critique shad not be abuee to a ma li cious satire, Out we believe it our duty to mention the general .nepression, so that no body may be lulled Into an atonic°. The object of criticism is not mockery, out correction. We generally had' to complain of lit,. Kleber's somewhat presumptuous-appearance tailor 'kind of self admiration , which even myna not become the greatest artist. and Mr. Bieber is sorely far from believing himself an mist What ever may be his services in the cultivation of musical taste In this city, he mat know that one of the moat important characters of an mita is— modality." Tne entire objection of Mr. Schad to oar un- Emanate friend, Niche?, seems to amount to this, vir—that he has too good an opinion of histiselL Now as regards Mr. Klebeeir vanity and asasmp. Lion, go one who truly knows tam, will for a ono. meat acknowledge the ',wilfulness of the charge. Mr."Cieber affects nailing. He does not claim to be at the head of the musical prossion of the couetry, but his friends and those who rue equally capable of jirogrog kok upon him as possessing musical talents of a very high order. With what prroentiona Mr. &bud seta himself op as • critique, we are not able to learn, but he certainly ha displayed but a limited knowledge of the Diiine Art, in his remarks upon the performance of Madame Bornstein, and we would recommend him, before be gives advice to oilier', About the beauty of.modesty, to introduce a little more of that great virtue into his own composition, and not to allow "envy, hatred, and malice," to ex. CITCile • lip potent an influence as it exhibited in his article. Mr. Kicker has keg been known here, and is deservedly popular, both as if man ani , a musician, and it is not to be supposed that his numerous friends will per= their foelinga towards him, to be changed, merely because a certain Mr. 1. C. Schad—a kreigner of • few days' sojourn amongst ue—la not disposed to look upon Mr. Faroe.; either aa a very great Derfoemer, or a t very modest man. 0: p. Q. IPROIII ILULRIII,BII/O,OH. Cozen' pondenee of the Pitta/mgt. Gazette. iletazauseur, idarth . l6, 1550. /*the Senate tide morning, Mr. Dania merited • se. mixistraceis Doom citizens of Pitlaborgil, sprint the eon soliitatico of Use 1.4 a wattle of erid city into ow School District Al kthr lb. pmesdaticat orsundry other ptiiiom sad do tootot.... mostly is Ns:4 to local mad pivots ;auto. isotka of Me. Crabb y tb. &we rammed , lb. ecosider! slim of ati blll to maul Ott sanity eastrast bottomed ktoliktoa, of ths O. 8. Nary, sad Edward/as, Ids mik. • Mr. ses..d and aoudad. the intl. ae'ory knock of hi. remark., co atm eed yeaterday, nada,/ at .& tenth friat be petaled pamphlet of testimony the easi, and arguing that the LA had beat guilty of the grow rest improprieties,. repeated tad di.vm sweasions, to the paha parthr at the Morris U. 1114 In fhiladatpkia, and eleswinds. *The patletnan who evene to hare Men woe , heaved lea Mr. Haag blaclalL It is in evldeneo by otte of due setrantrle wahine =ad) in tha hover, U. the bawd era.* wanersaltons Mt.. the lady wet Mr:ftfeCail la the pub. palsy, M111.41J I... Arm &cloak at night— that shah.rd thew eon...donten mon dram one. e.t.a --and that o tweight,parti.lerly she heard math him' in, sad baud tart blikaethe addl., the headman ae bardearat motel, and ask him is an espothilating toe. how M cosh! treat here.. Idr:ldtddeaberg raided with gnat brew tidily, on abed ad. a 1.1. gaestim—erpouieg the MN of 11.• fer 4. with eonsiderable mthethwas. }de aigaathed the friar.* wtdek had bean rad, athe retell - of A be. sm. Pir•ti th• Pert art. family and fr.. of Mr. Middle ton, to rain II • reputation of ma thoaent won., and eat • reparation baoaat e r sad hrr husband. It app rot, he aaiat, that the wham had lied front hegitudog red... efteltation, he laid. that awry ente eae gosh (dr. re in the eta.. of that pail... ha whichought 4 dal= b. km. /a the retimati this ease leatoraldoetet:' ft was a wed kaown .of at/ ea that very a)ghl yd. {hit tutirso.?y rue taken, asd hie wife was bus proem lihrre conaitted WWII with Id r.'fleney bladed, h.,. It to pal 'll beadily ef fhiladephia, mad seta din. lal. war eetiilata ratite sa/st who had Indictee coo law aka makn lejtery. g. trot. so kw le sway manly (Win, he Lad tubr.ita.ey is ergyinc, oat tolat scoot. al with own ud contempt tram the See... . . . ,no qooCiola woo 4 0 hither 410444 M. Co g leW Cribb, sae evealaally paatpeaal twin Teasby mat— The provollog improuiso i., dui the bill maw par ff la the Rosso, a sambas= was adopted, eaillea. uyee tas cu. c.........d.;y t.leima f ticie la mord le Ma poriiivioNbo Posoillooito oval 41 you city, tropawd se bs Woe ay awl eowatted taw a emir, by the bill ~bleb MOW Or Saab sou tea irys ago. Ids. Walker take or Wallahs Web As ooiooomo ß ti oo of as (. ti dal Commiosio. on VII I. h. lim .1 41..lisct eaelasphlaf by the pro. ilaiiit eke Putsitsril da=re Raufoads west asul lards West. I obaerved, a kw mornings ago, some notice In, Your paper of the "Lafayette and In&anagolis ftaacqui t 'llol,, no far- advanced fa eonatroesioa, to to be ready for the superstructure on more than one half of the line. , 81:orrea Cute on eiti Uetee—•Let hies who ofill, palenlate the vela* and, Uolon, Hite cm g ss I pure thentele effort' he VOW IN ill tko void, L. 1. . a resetat, and to the (mote; In its premises, i t . n It uneee, cod Its em; in all It hu done, ea /a doteg, and is destined yet,l mum, to do. u. valet9shi,the heart °revery tree Anterloin." 1 PM or, sod VA. sally paw tit Roan. • , • • The bill the sakrits or lhilsweisit Jokinis Allegheay nervy, urasagivia Wow ap,wa moth* 'ends. IlleCiinteek; vat alter amtadatab had been pi, pork sod ea. to Ile god, Alit Lb. Inencitti whirl akarAd be paid adorn.. Tnki.. 7 of Augh...7 elePlad• On mei= of Mr. hgeelintook du. Room adjourned. • This voneollsientlerav orkketly breaded to Lam . the bir owl will woriveatiosably have that strew, vs amass Doetir IlleCliabosk, [who introdesel the original lull, nor any ashes member of the ideplioa woold have It its present dupe. COBDEN. 1 , 110111 NEW YOBS. Correspondence Of the Pruett:ugh Gauen& Naw You, Muth 16, 1850. All is bottle among the merchants and &award ers, who were never so much hurried me it pre sent, to ship the large purchases of goods fin the great South Wan, and the Southern trade. Every merchant has abundance of cowomerv, well load ed with each, or good credit at command, and a better satirfied communing:, does not exist, then' this of New York. Sprin g weather is upon us, and vegetation has already mede a good deal of Nygren, and it tit notlifilcuit td Sod leaves of three quarters of art inch long' upon truly alimb bery. The second Hollins of California emigrants took Owe yesterday, and seven hundred men have I gone to noell the number of seekers afar gold, making nearly fourteen hundred for the week. The al:dement, of provisions far California were never larger than at prevent, -and, tote the trade altogether, the California market is now the beat one open to the enterprises Of commerce. That portico of New York, defined as ...Socie ty," is etow in the middle of =other qf in, entice, borrowed from the fashion of Londe, having "Maness rfaunissr." The futuonabies, clot a runt at night. drag themselves from bed, sad assemble at &morning hop, which clawa to season to allow the male pan of the compagy to =onkel their toilette, and appear on 'change, and dabble io the pork, and other vulgar neoeuarieaiof lift ,by which they exist. Oar fashionables, with .11.126102400 obliquity of vision, are ever wearing some old taobleo repudiated abroad. It tea fact worth ree membenng, that the moat ettrectiee Salon in Paris, this day, is that of an American lady, who iatenilets all music, dancing, and every thing ex cept conversation. Nora the diplomats of Europe have made their head quarters, and interned of exercising their heels, meetings take piece, at which to gathered all that can interest the teat. dents of the moat brilliant capital of Europe. In stocks there continues to be agood degree of activity, and the old futdoned oars, such as Monis Canal, United Btu= Bank, and Vicky ' burgh, are looking op. The Morris Canal, thanks to the cm!, and non trade of Pennsylvania, Is des. tined soon to advance very much, and some fine monringerill see the Mock to the pockets of cud ! talisth, and with par. A large loan has lately been I negotiated, on account of the canal, and tboae en gaged upo=n are not calculated to let It fail. CoL ' Rob, neon, of Allegheny City, is hero od business eounected with the Pennsylvenia and Ohio Rai -1 road. The undoubted asenzities he offers, united to his tact io such matters, will enable him to raise the means, and succesafelly prosecute the VW work Pthtsburgh has in hand. The moat prominent "bear," on Thursday, of. fared to sell 1100,000, of a favorite rail road seta. city, at the ethers option, In one year, et about two per cent. under the market. Ilia oiler vac Accepted, but the "bear" refused to pet up ten per trent. as • forfeit, a =edition be demanded of the purchaser. The Board of Brokers intenered, and the bear 08 Worlied. aid, =Lug he delivers ' his bonds at once, will never see hie 310,140 The achooner Amami was purchased on Friday, by Mr. Borrows, on the part of Mr. H. Grinnell, kir the expedition le search of Sir John Frazikihs. She lies at the Tobacco Inspection, East Slyer, where she fe being strengthened and put in pro. per condition (brunch an expedition. She will be ready by the Seat of May. One or two more will accompany the Anisret, to be commanded by Lieutenants do Flaxen and Griffin. Mr. Orinuell hauls the subscription with $30,000. There is some expectation among the friends of the cope. dition that Lady Franklin will •iait this country before the expedition is started. The vessel, porshased, sod her venom wilt* . rigged as hermaphrodite brigs, and be *lnky 21.11.6114 Otb will be . ealled the " Moaner,: the other the "Relieve? The lostroctlona of the company will be, to search the aborts of ton's Inlet and Cape Walker, in the hopes of ob. tainlag some traces of Sir John Franklin, to such as coppercannineraeoluaining notes ot his voyage, and the like, which be was directed to occasion, ally dowry overboard. Oaa of tho finest of the Havre packem,the Ar go," of Wit. Whillock's line, went ashore on the lttb, on Lang Islmtd. She was one of the first two hula Packet. built, tad was valued at 160,- 000. She had on Board a cargo worth $300,000, which eau hardly be eared, in the arm was mak ing • cla.,n sweep over her. No lives ware lost. In markets, no material; change. Raiders of 11011611 1111, not willing to meet the market at the late decline, bat the buyers are not mains to close, but dent an advance of lc on amount of the cow* from the South. Breeden& are not aw tire, sad holders ready to close their mocks pilot to the reoept of new 'applies. Barrelled prom. skins are in active demand, and some large lots have changed hoods an speculation. Mess Pork, $lO 37 0 1015; Prime, &SW 0 9; lard is delv er; Bolter in active request at IS e) 220 for Sate and 7 B 124,f0r Ohio; Chose ea 050. C. BLecomoOD'e Newman bee piorionnced the following poem to be .• the beat lyric cf the eeefo. ry," this Ls certainly • high ;as wall ma deserved compliment. Our readers wdl with pleasure lean that it is the production of one of our gallant eienleyman, C•plife George W. Cutter, of Cov ington, Kentucky, who, they will also &micas re. rata, as haying delivered, durint the recent Taylor campaign, several eloquent and stirring apeectim in this city. THE SONO OP STEARI. When I saw an army upon the land, A navy upon the seas, Creeping along, a mail like band, Or waiting the wayward breeze ; When I saw the peasant faintly reel, At the toll whickhe faintly bolo, As be turned at the tardy wheel, • Or logged at the weary oar; When I immured the printing oomsar's speed The flight of the canter dove, As they bore a low a King decreed, Or the linos of impatient love ; I could but think how tne world would Awl As acre were oubutripped afar, When I should be bound to the nedifhg keel, Or chained to the dying car! Ha! ha! ha! They round me at last; And they Invited me llnth at length; god I rushed to my throne with a thunder bin And laughed In my iron etrength ! Oh ! then you NM a wondrous champ Oa the earth and octant wide; Where now my fiery armies range; Nor welt Am wind and tide. • Harrah! hurrah! the waters o'er' The mountains steep decline; Time—space have yielded to lay power— The world--tbe world is mine! The plant stream of the queenly west, And the orient floods divine. The ocean pales whent'er I.weep, To hear my strength rejoice, And monsters of the briny deep Cower trembling at my voice, I early the wealth and the lord or earth The thoughts or the godlike mind, The wind lags liter nu going forth, The-lightning Is lef behind. In the darbeine depths of the fathomless mine, My Crew cloth play, Where the 'rocks ne'er row the am decline, Dr the dawn of the glorious day I bring earin'a glineringjearela up, Prom the.hiddan Gave l Wier", And I make the frontal:Pe granite cop With a chiral gmb o'crflow, I blow the bellows, I Gorge the 'weed, In all the shops or trade; I hammer the yre, and tom the wheel, Where my arms or ancient am made; I manage the farnaetrole null, the mint, I curb I spin, I weave, And all the doings pot in print Pn every Bate:day eve. I've no mirth to weary, nor breast toPeely, No bouts to be l' lald on theAmy,* And moo I Wend you may f' go . and play.— While I manage the world myself. Bat harness me down with your Um bands, Be sure of your curb and rein, • Fp/ I scorn the strength of your puny hoods As the tempest morns the Mann. Ala *Adalfidi Tion/1 Amencan. Th..6l.'.l4C "ilfild - Relate. leitertuthr Man anCOMICCIECe6I 1:121.10 for some time put, a meeting was held Mat evening, in SWIM Street .Hall, for the propose of listening to iddmewas Sons Hon. Oliver H. Smith, of India ans. sod Solomon W. Roberta, Esq., Chief Engi. neer of the Pittsburg and Ohip Hamad. Owing to the inckmeney of the weather, and the elec. Son in progress throughout the county, the atten dance was not as fall on it would otherwise hove been, bat we were glad to seri, amongthe consid erable number present, oar moat eminent Mumma and capludista. , - Across the upper end of the hall, maps were diaplayed,--11.1 of them marked so 11. to show, prominently, the lines of improvement In Penn sylvania, Ohio, Indiana,' Winoir, and Missonri. At the appointed time,Solomon W. Roberts, Esq., arose and delivered an address, which we regret we cannot give even a proper outline of. He uid that ha would occupy the attention of the meeting but Sr a short time, and would then give way to the Hon. Oliver H. Smith, oflndieu, who would describe the Great Central Reread from Philadelphia to St. Louis, taking Indtanopo. Its as his point of view, which would place the subject in a new light before the citlzests of Phil. • - •dephirs. He would confine his remarks principally mac Mustratratkm Mune Maur the present condition and prospects of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad; of whirl, he is the Chief Engineer, and the importance of potting under contract, . soon as polsible. thee whole of the Western Division of the Penntylvanta Railroad. On this last point, he was sorry to say, there was • great want of correct information among our Chinn. He scatted it to be dienctly understood that he stood there the advocate of • continuous railroad chain. Let others preach, if they will, the value of broken Ihiks; be had nothing of the kind to say, He was a wettable, in the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, and when called on within • lew days, he had doubled his subscription. Be did this because he wanted the whale Welaarll Divi sion put under contract forthwith. He stood there "so independent Stockholder, intending to speak plelnly what he_belleved to be the (nuts Nobody but himself should be held ta apooasble fur what he said. When the idea of mopping the Penneylvanis Rail Road, for a time, it Tyrone Porgea was held out, he had protreted against en and when the idea of stopping it at the Loyelhanna mu bold eat, ho had procniled epilog It. Yon mom not only say that you are going on to Pittsburgh, but you most do it. You moat not rest wafted with giving pledges to Allegheny County, in return for her million of dollar., but you moat beep them. lie was a Philadelphian, body and seal, and bad not a dollar permanently invested In the Watt. He was Jealous of the far fame of Philadelphia, and he would say, that any person who averred that it was better for the Pennsylvania Rail Road Com paq to repudiate a contract than to borrow any money, owed a discreditable sentiment. You mom finish this work, It will never fulfil your ex pectations until it is totalled. While' yon site waiting, your rivals are working. The New York and &MAU Road will be done next spring; as also will be the Cleveland, Comm. boa, and Cincinnati Rail Road. Fast steam boats will ply from Cleveland to Dontisk. Theroull be • first clue steam route all the way from pitis monad to New Yen; without a mile of slow toe. el by hone power, packed in a state coach, like herrings in a barrel, or sleeping on a shell in a coat packet, u it stretched on • fence rad, Ind covered with a piece of tape. He would my a gain: the Northern mote will be a tint clap steam root throughout, while oar. will be a broken am, patched. up with the miserable expedient of One power, which fa behind the age. •We must finish the whole of the Western Di. vision, and that promptly, an that we may obtain a continuous steam communication with the Wert. *Ger Mb year the glory of the Baltimore route ell] hove departed, bat the northern mate will be our real rival as king es we live. Enter. prising as Baltimore is, abe is but a Utile cig; but on the north we moat contend with the united power of both Net York aud Boston. There as no use of attempting to dicroln the troth, for the western merchant. undawaid these qotations, and the whole west to watching u with eagle gm The Wellerli Division of the Pennsylvania Rail Road from Johnstown to Pittsburgh, ta fau. I enty eight miles out. The canal digitate be. 'won the same paints I. one hundred and four mites. The canal In um thud longer than the end road, and great mist, of distance by rail road Is ead by th coning across is country with heavy wor tme k. About half"( the Weikel division is now ender contract, and of the remaining half, not be-• gun, which is the central portion, shoot twenty three Ulu an heavy work, deep cam, heavy and tunnelling, width will require two years to complete ft. Nov, this work is not began, and 0 in awaiting tne PnMnses of the present obanip. non, which dregs its Mow length along. This was the past of the cane. This w the bet Than every Philedelphlanagglipshatuai-IScr positive of. the - question had msteriallychangsd within a few weeks. New and powerful elementa had come into the couthinattee. The• Baltimore and Ohm Rail Road Company had bought the iron for It, whole line from Cumberland to the Ohio neer, and bad !lough: st with the 6vnds rf thir Com pany. The Now York and Dill mid ;I y orn " e l ltaPa u l t le a to 's p v tuat7rk, • di stanc e hol road node!of IX, miler. I to be completed next spring, and to byouffer trs I he lamb if th. Canyeary. Tau work is already begun. Tee Lake Shoreline is chartered, the let ters patent at, homed, and, however we may re gret it, we cannot prevent it. These facts, be pee. stoned, 13001/0 would attempt to dug. Wis an in the audio of an amicable battle for the trade of the Weer. Locomotive engines are our heavy artillery, and the lines of our rail roads are nor hoes ot operation. With six millions Int. sorted to one stock, and with a ening necessity far another million, to blab and befog Inm use our continuous rail mad to Pittsburgh, we refuse to harrow a dollar, even when mere u Picnits. He fared tnat the important of the stake for whirls we are playing was not auffielestly appro. elated; Mr, to Ma matter, Tu nu weuy , aedper. or, orselprefis; and At Awed that we wore for wyr Ms gable" opportunity. Whoa the road wit done to Pittsburgh he was ambient it would pay, and pay well. While New York on the North, and Baltimore ea the South of es, have thousands el men at work west al the Allegheny maintains, we are done ooMpollitwill ' hula ?countywide had been called a blind and he feared If she did not mouee herself spud ily, she woad 6a awateard next year by a cry, hke that which was beard by the stool man of old; s Samson, the Philistine. are Inn thee!' As a civil engineer of more that' twenty years' meadow, and one who had corer bon lame , cal scenes of the Peauylvania Rail Road Come ' palsy, he took pleasure in saying that the mad Wall mom admirably located, mod exceedingly well con. I minted so GI/ aa the work lead progressed. It wit worthy to be the first bilk of the great coailecotal rail and from the city of Philvielpkiato the Mons of the Pandit. Mr. Roberta then went on to describe the Ohio end Penntylnuila Rail Road, of which he is the chief engineer. The road begins at Pittainulth, and runs out fie one hundred and eighty miles in to the heart of Ohio, intersecting the Ohio Canal and the nil roads kenning from the Ohio River to Lake Erie. All of the subscription. to the stock which have been obalned, have been rated in theater, and they now moat to about eleven hundred thousand dollars. Fitlymiles of th e road are ander contract and the Directors hope to be able to put fill y miles more coder contract next moat. •ATtits Is the nil road ol Pithbutb; and wilco it, and one Central Road are completed, Philadelphia will have an ed vantage in distance of abut two honored utiles over Web York for the trade of Central Oldo. • Mr. Roberts thee introduced la the meeting the Hon. o.iver H. Smith, who expreseed toe great gratifircaioo he felt in addressing the citizens of Philadelphia, oa a subject dommea to them and those be represented. Alter glancing rapidly at the progress la the means of lactunntion, and re &wring to Whltney'a plan of a railway to the P.. mac, to terms of opposition to it; be toned to the maps, and commenced en able end luntineas cx position of the importune of the great central route which is to 0011110 CI this oftgleith St. Louis, by a continuous steam rents. The situation, character and ibportante of rail roads in the weal, was too little undentood at thei east. Commencing at St. Louis and going east. ward, he demonstrated that passenger, could, by the great central route, reatil l blhdelphia in forty eight hones while pusergers bribe river would wareely Wash Hyattsville in lb* same space of time. We cannot do anything like juattce to his explanation antis, and other so, eas biked with it, on account ;gibe crowded Wag of our column., bat he produced a mass of. valuable testimon an y, whon. ieh came with conviiming effect upon his lists The route from 84 Louis strelebes to Vnedalle; Mamas to Terre Haute, 170 magic thence to la dilittsPolise the mare of Indlans;72 mile', Waco Bellfontaine, on the Indium boort: l 3mila; Hume -no Gallen, la northern Ohle;121) miles; where it O meets the warden tentinus of the Pittsburgh and M° Rol Road, connecting at tPittaburgh, with oar mural mad to this tab • His chief dear, appeared OS be to show the magnitude of the int erearwhiclebinifit Mold thin great line. It rues midway age rivers and the lakes, and drawa to it the great wealth of Mel c oOlWY„Sirolith Which it pares; Ito e - of Naclelphia notate.' permit the trade Gabe lettilor,irest aPittsetnis, to make the riven, until it deft's° at ptimburgh. b ir et fl 'ailtli d nhe is ' inl 'olgortn Y" " itity .B4l"a offered by " the ' Cel ia :l7d route, ft would gmher to it, and find its natural COOS la Pbasiletphia. to ley than seven refi neds anotater at Indlsiapaoli* draining a vast !country, the riclineaa o 1 which he net forth by eta. Ude% we would s ly g la- give place to if me had speed. Indiana, as Slats, maids In the fourth rank, and will soon belts the Feu the question of Clneinnall as the etcetera ter.was quiet gnat fine, which, many advocate, heehawed that then tore adVabiage favor of the roan .Rem- St. Louis to Lidianandis, which overbalanced it three bld, boa a dl. red - route to the Lutes; and 40to the lakes, tea. vel saturally tends to New York, at the expense of Philadelphia. Ile went intone Pluatrelion of the riches of the Wets, especially with' rdord to its commerce; • and we shall have ocession to eta, on another occuicm, the valuable statistic" he offered. In conaloalon, he urged, lo most Audible manse; the necessity st immediate teem 00 lbw :~. - , great maucr our city ban hand, and lie hMred /1” io .ace lee day, and that not far distant. whet he could travel over a ettitinuous steam mute from the Misalssipp', at St. Louis, to Phila. detain. His remarks were received with frequent and euthuaistio applause, which Hey amply merited; and when he bad concluded, the meeting broke Op. -- The Bat on Atlas copies the speech of Mr. Webster ngth, and says: ..We would not disagree with the mews which one ao distinguished entertains—ace for %rival we base the man prebend respect and veneration— If Tie could help it. In the present instance we cahnot agree with Mr. Webster. dis sentiments are tun our sentiments. They are not, we sea. IWO to say, the sentiments of the Whigs of New England. We are satisfied that the only true basis for a fair adjoin:mut of our present difflealties, is rte plan proposed by ben. Taylor. His plait Ii simple and effective. The people crib° North *ill sustain it, and in sustaining it, will sustain him." The Borten Journal also says see nureh to adimre in the speed,. It is the, effort of • statesman, for whose views toe have ewer entertained a profound respect, and with whom we have seldom differed upon imports antlpoimsof pablic policy. But while fully ap. Preciatins the able and Malmo manner In which Mr. Webster has presented his opinions In the preeent legume°, we are not prepared to concur with him ie all his conclusions, neither can we, with a ones Mentions regard .fir the principles which we helve professed, sustain that course of action which be has declared himself ready 'to adopt." "As berraceruiceEvk - kr,Strownria Yu Mum.- szas ea Tsacts.—n the day alter Biabop . velem delivered the fi gennon at thecousecration Mau of Bishop UpGrid, as he was just leaving Indianapti- Ile, a lad came to him in the cars, and hooded the following letter. The name of the writer is not known. Let all be encouraged In - the distribu tion of good torte, containing:ouch pungent truth In a short compass—Wu/am .4407414 m. . I "inintanorozka, Dec. 16,1819. ..12n. mid /hcw Sir—Twenty years ago, whe It thoughtless young man, perusing eagerly. a t earthly good, • Mend handed me three sma trams of the American Tract Society'. public* lions. Among them was No. 202, entitled los: patience of oonelderation.'—Ll have ever known any thing of the upward:labia riche:fend precincts nese of Christ, of which you spoke this . morning, or have now a well grounded hope in hi. merry, candor and truth compel me to attribute ray firs: awakening from the Sleep of spirituel death to that little tract, a. the Instrument. "At the Moo I knew not who wrote it, though acme years thereafter the tract was ronoUbligthed, with your name aa the author. Never till to day had! the happiness to see the 'face, or hear the voice of the.reepacted and beloved author--yet in' . all my wanderings, and amid the crowd of world. ip cares and =Vence which have been euffered too much to engross: my thoughts, I have net ceased to exercise gratitude to God that it was ev er put into your heart to write and pUblinb thou little tract. 'ln the morning Bow thy geed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand—lor thou knowist not whether shall prosper either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.' "With the highest Christian regard, vA *denim AT TIM PALAICII 1101 - hi "Bishop klenvaine." A 0171 . TO/34110P Il•aina—A committee of the parishioners of Christ Church, Bt. Luna, have mitten ■hinter to Bishop Hawks, encimeing VOW, to aid in procuring a suitable residence" tor Lim, and so a token of their admiration and esteem tif his conduct during the last visitation of the cho lera at Si. Loots Mosey Man ht. own astadiener.* Gardenung Operation:March is a buy month with the gardener, requiring energy cad judgment, with *determination to accom pitch whatever be undertakes. No farmer should be without an abundutt supply of vegetables throughout the year; it is • daily cornrow, a promo* of health, and with many a luxury, that from a dilatory din position he rarely enjoys. The first crop In the ground should be peas, beets, radishes, potatoes, carrot., cabbage and on ion seta. Manton well, sod Gig or plough dee Sow extra early and marrowfst peas in come, korner two ket and the! three feet apart, s od three inches deep. Beets in rotes eighteen Inches apart, and the seeds about two Inchon apart and one Inch deep. Scatter a fewieeds of early scar let radieh ever the ground before it is raked; they will be op In a few days, and fit to pull before ethers have made conch program; pall the rad ishes as soon CB ready, bee the ground well, sad thin' out the beets Dent otteith s io four inches a. pact. Sow %patch of yellow or white summer red. oh SOw early butter sod Indien lettuce; the Mot will to ready in May, the ether Winne. Sow cedery in rich, light, warm soil; make the earth fine, and water finely; It I. • profitable market crop. Sow colon weds very thick in hanow drills, to grow sets for next itensoo. The early born and 21.1 wing. ham estrus ant the best flavored ,• sunk, former in dells eighteen haws apart, end tto latter Inane, ' ty to twenty Lour inches. They do not bkei richly .4 moored wile. Sow tornaloat to a pot or box for 114 early strop( at to Wnkgew. ,l ea window, winnin wilis ppesr quickly , and be ready to plant out about the end tif4prt/ or towards the 'Wad's of May. 4 yaw early turnips are ad. Usable; If you deed sow early, Y . " 4 1 ", h. , e a crop oil the fill sowing. Cabbage are has. pen/table he 1 think," bow early York,ox Wart, and drumhead, p lant s second and larger and ng of the Intercoa out in June, for fall and win. ter use, lite remember red Dutch cabbage for pick ling ; they are' beautiful guntrnre kith° Woks and to many Very palatable. lyzaw Ilscnotred Posner'', for Cahfornia.— A Aanal Some.—Tbe men for Crdigsraia by toe reamers 01 unprecedented. In addition to the 650 who sailed m the Georgia, 04 Wednesday, from New York, the 'Commercial uys that the stearuhipe Empire Cry and Cherokee, which lease Mu port to day o.le Chasms, will take out full eight .hundred mote 'pwrrengars. They had slant as equal cumber on their docks.. Thus some 1500 will have gone forth from New Yink alone this week. Mt. Wsarran In &aro project la on foot Gar • tot:costa of cale's. In Fsncoa Hall to rem pond to trot so c [monis expressed in the late speech of Mr. Webster. At • meeticg of the colored popnlatioo, as Tues. Say night, one of the orate, claimed that the Sen ator of latawachusetts was proved, by his mantra. goat, Black Dan." to belong to their cob'. ; and the hallowing ticket f4r18.52 was propowd:— Painalnir --.W. H. Seward, free white man of N. Y. Visa " —P. Donlan, free black man o , 061.1. • Mr. Calhoun was charged with treason. Mr. Seward we. warmly eulogised; and Meats. Clay and Webster wrre grievously censured. Kr. Forrest, oe die is about to commence en BC. lion against the Datly;News for an editorial article, In which is assorted hi. tyranny is tbo Cattle of all toe present notable, ate. The New York Tribute, speaking of Gov.l3ew• ard, say. speech wee whit n should ba.— It uttered the 1/01011 of the great State of N.. York and of Freedom." • A building lot, bordering on the barber or Sin Francisco, commands 1115,000, while a good tot for a residence within bait a mile, meg be had for 000. Gold W the amount of 3 2 ,250,000 liras ship ped from Ban Fnutchteuderiog the month of Do. camber. Oo the 12th and 13 h of January, there were thirty one 'audit anivedat Sao Francisco. The 000-10,00 populationo of whdm live iof San Francisro n tents, is about 40,- • Tbe great speeolt of Mr. Webster appears to have produced a boner vote of reeling at Wash loran than has heretofdre prevailed, and the con. viction is now general, That the *tawdry question will he compromised in a short time, Merlin's have been held at Paisma, by both natives snd America* citizens, to devise means to put • stop to the collisions which are COUtia ally occurring between ilia two urea on the Lea. mu& There are three companions with whose a man should always keep 012 good terms—his wire, his stomach, and Ma conscience. Jenny Lind rderning Gowns are advertised far We In New Tork. A Lagoa C. 11,63 boa Pirrsausen.—The Louis Republican, of the 20th Itir, soya :—The steamer John Q. Adam. reached this city, Satur day morning, from the Upper ktiasisaippi, with a full cargo orpork and Lard for Pittsburgh. She had on beard 16,701 pieces bulk pork,ol3 tierce. and barrels Lard, 15 cash haute, or 233 10/ la aIL 0 . /lev. T. C. Teastlale will deliver Lie part ',lite benediction to the Grout Street Sepik, Church, e. Sunday nett, et 7 o'clock Y. AI. oe Monday following be will take his depenere for elpringueld, 111.. where he hey been called by the unanimous consent of the Chinch. May. he ever be escfel is the preyer of many. 111 ARRI CD, On Thureday, the 11th of March, hy , Rer. A. M Ituen, Mr. D.. Pairrour, or Elizabeth, to Ms Jane UMW. a this Airy. With q.. shore {wire, was received a pion:4l./3p. ply or cake to which the Printery did ornate Anita— They return their eineere Irish that the happy couple say eaJoy Oa prlUptlilieS and good fortune which skis kind remembrance amuses them they deserve. J. D. Wil 'lsms --John Had. J. D. IWILLIAMS D. CO.. WWI, SALE?. Itgrell, PAhlll.lf GROCERS, TT Forwarding and C• 011.11,104 MOrebantl elld dealers in thnn,try Predate and ihttsbornh lisnorse• tares, n ot of Wood sad Flfth streets, d'ldbdryrh. rle_ - ' Wow Sal% A LOT OF GROUND situate lo it:Diana tomtalap, awl the rittsbutalt nod- Orcansbargh 'amoeba road, and homing on the Braddook's Ptel(road—coo tuning 111 X ACRES, mon or loss. Tor tonna, a e., apply Lo Alexandrr K. 111111or,Fourth MS. , : or to the saboulbor. attar the promises. ottaOht AUF.AlthhillUtillACO, Jr. BAGS—to= It hltr;.; ~lYtp and for rtgyo QOOOll-110 dca iCanntry) on Uzi and tar salsby {3 nu2o • J &A FLOYD sztoovitmaar. eo=n zamtipnoxigh _ INS uft Of PCitANEtsburg COMPANY, -• h - C. G. IitISSRY, raish.•••••-••A. Nl.Alt,Sac.r. Office—No. It Water street, in the warehouse of C. H. GRANT. _ ms COMPANY la now prepared to inure au T kthd. o f nu., on boosts, manafse:ortes, goods, merchandise In more, and in trill.irtl 'cue* to. An ample guaranty for the ability and integrity of the institsmon, m afforded in the character of the Ih. rectors, who an all citizens of Vittsburalt, well rad favorably known 10 the commanity for their prudence, IntellMenee, and into/GIG , Drausems-0 0. Hussey, Wm. Hawley, Wm. Lor , Inter, Jr Walter Bryant, lines D. Eine, Edward Lioaselton s Z. Mosey, B. flartaugh, 8. M. Kier. • ntrfestf [Journal and Post copy j niaILODZON PIANO. imtTHE subscriber has Jest received • new and beautiful instrument called "Melodeon Piano," frees the factory of March & White, Cincinnati. It by the elegance of exterior of a Piano Forte, pad Is pos. ceased of a tone at once sweet and powerful. Its great advantage, boarever v eonslina In the rapidity of as eppociaaoll, witch enables the performer to eon. eine upon it the most brilliant pianomnsie Altogeth er, It may be called the best reed histrament ever in vented. Call and examine. HtiNfili ILLESER, at WoodsveU'r, r Pole agent km March & Whites naanufsetare. P. 13,—Also, several new and very Bee Melodeons. nine (Journal, Chronicle, mid Alarm.). copy I E A MASON EC4 att market atreet, •ro co. A mantly opening the latest and most fastoonabl styles of Fancy and Staple Goods, eLmpriaing Der - " No fik Pos A ti l Tgl i c ' gts%td i tAttfliarls,. Linen Good Domestic Good., ao• mow Chetahs/sr /idftchtlomal Course. HE SCIENTIFIC SECTION.—The Mewl. Chain. J. hers bare employed the first Professors in Scot. lend, In the prepuffon of these works. They are to now offered the Pe pcal* of the United times, under the Nilotic. revlsio of Rid. Reese, 51.1), L.1..1), late /Superintend::: Public Schools, in the City and County of New York. I. Chambers' ury of liCeowledge; II Clare. Drawingland lrerspeouse; 111. Chambers' Rinses. of Neural Philosophy; IV. Reid & Gteln's Chr b Mary and Electricity; V. Hamilton'. Veget le and Animal Physiology; VI. Chamber.' EN. ta of Zoology, with plates; VII. Pantile Elements oGeology, illostrelcd. It is well known that be original publishers of these works (the Id Cha bers, of Edinburgh) tire able ' to command the best W on in th epreparation °flit. books, and that it le sir practice to deal feithfully with the public. This ties will not disappoint the reasonable expecimione thus excited. They are ele mentary mot. prepare by author. in every way ca pable of doinglurtice tot eir respell. undettekinge. and who hive evidently lowed upon them the ne eeeeery time AM labor adapt them it. their putp.o. We recommend them i te acher, end name , . with confidence. The first o tried volume, in the hands of • club of tie younger lasses, might famish an ms exhle fond of am meat and untruth.. To se i th .Tin th .. l, ':eg;' , 4 6, o,` ° .`d' i gt,,T."°." l ll n o t rt e . knoarledge4Vaxmont Chronicle. Poblisketf by A. S. Hardee & Co , New Work; and for sale by .A. H. ENCIL/SH CO. _m_rlH I_ .___ J,12L_:..:11 Woml St MONONOMIXI.4 800 TX. Nat Okily Ira Staging. Via Eloomerfile and Conterland to Bahlmora and Philad Foto 111 00 bl. no Pnlaotiohoniai-- T1 14 00 m l y ka boat kwharf kayos the whf, *boy. the bOd6o, 'ki 8 o'ck preelool y. T/ZIO Baltimore, X hoar.; lime to P loc hlladelphla, 40 hoar. to The evenitig boat leaves dallyin.(e.acept 8 to i retday ay rale= gr..„17. thyr.-11.vt—oa0fEce, hionongabea Rouse, or St. Char!. Moll nt .r 10.17 8188111SIEN. Atm SUGAR, IidOLASSFS, k NICE— iao bbd. prone N 0 Stigar; bbl. Loaf Sago; (80 do N 0 hlolamek 1 10 do Golden Byranl 00 heroes Wee; In store and (or Bala by I Jk R PLOY% T EAS-30rd chests if 11 Tei4 10 do Powehong Ten; 10 do LI do Madan do; G unpowder4lo; lb 19.1bs bun I' U" doi 6 albs do do do; 10 Gibs do Onnpowder or b In lOW. do Imperial orb In wore and fur sale by .1 /k R FLOYD, m Roond Chow]) Buildings COPFIIE-20,3 bap,flio,on . an d rsaeby WV., 7 It It FLOYD S OOAZ-66 bad. fair N 0, reekl and for ado by uirYD ___ . C H IRiiihrp_ . ,1.L.11 MUM, BIIOULDEIR 20 ruin I landed per steamer Pilot No t and for wile by mufti J Ji Et FLOYD SALEECATUs—so b 6), Adams , In 1,7 [..03 ] .7::7,124g° - - • LIT6BH—LII casks prinre, , ln store and for sale by It FLOYD 1011LICEETS-0 dos Deaver, on hand and for sal* 111 tnr2o J &R FLOYD Tuns -10 kr: Beaver, an hand =I fat aaleby mlta J k R FLOYD IDIROMIS-3) dna m andra and Cora,le by mr_DJ IL FLOYD 1)07A811—ZI auks for we mreu WICK & AIeCANDLP3.4. . soperlol attl .1. by Nr . 4 WICK NDOW GLASS -141 boxes Bslos %V do Ut; ' fo H do OSAND oair' wicg & hloC LES 9 c k u..--un bed. Po.•w„~ WTI; SP,i,Tri,;IIPLAIIINE-18 bbl. (or rade 1. 3 ; Wt":"1 SELLERS D ur n 811-3 auks, prima quality. tar mar by sat u 0 SELLE ARO OIL-10 bills No i.for We by 4 snl2u R EBEI.LERS 'AVE MASS---701bolor labs by 13 tort° .. _._ ._. 2 .._ y EL 3F 4•PL' 8 lift liftUM-10 — galts, 'upon°, quality, for tole by tortO It a SELLERS BURDRMINDIr Prrcfi—sso it. ferrate by' % R E SELLERS -- -- --- OAMPHOR-4 bbls for tale by A./ ar2o R E SELLERS \I I IIPER. CARE. SODA-100016s for sale by sarZa E 3E ER: _ VINE SPONOE-1 ewe yell sopedor ope nly, lel sale by nAf R E SELLE:Re IDRIZeCH CIIALE-173 Oar tailors) km sale by r REEELLERB 101 TON YARN-600 ILA Na from 3to iO, in won lJ and for Ws by imr2Ul J h 11/ FLOYD CANDLE. WICK bales on store and for rale by txl ,23 J k R FLOYD. ._ . _______ BATIINII-25 bales No I; . .46 do Noon band aad for Wa by ..s. 1 & R FLOYD X 3llll /1 POWDER—WI keits (In store .I.llmktatlue) (Fr/9 J d 11 FLOYD AL EXASIDIinWATIION. A TXIII.NET AT LAW-0111ce, on Nun!, sum mrlll McaELVV, krANUFACTURER OF cnsT STEEL, and Na I LEL and No. 3 American Mime: Steel. Ako—Sem Cam Steel File, oral! sixes; and Blackman •nd Shoe Raripa, Manyon hand and tor aale, eiiner at Ida "Ea. gla Steal Works," ila,. rem, Fidn Ward, or lathe orrice 10 the Iron Store of EULLINANS OA.REI,. SON, fool of Wood Wee, Final:nue,. mrlB.dlin 'Ran Read Work. T lil Charlie's Coal Company will reeel•e prop*. .als the to Tbutaday, March M. for grading and building Me auporatractuto of four miles of Moir Rail Road up Chariton Croat; also,. for building two Bridge* over Chardon Crook. Plana and *mike.. Maw may be nee al their Dike In Perin etreet Lonrho R. W. REMINGT6M. unit , 4.1 Manager. TO TRAVELERS. p......31....4 Hall Ete.da and Canal. Two Daily Liaes y Expreu Packet Boats, (xclusivel *tor Paasangeral • FOR P HI LADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, THE age PCKTS Of this Lino will l eav eas follows, viz: Loa... T. Lacch,master• •Toesday morning; Donkey° Stato.lL Traby, u Tuemlay night; Keystone litate•Thompsn, . Wednesday atom j 0,...... „.....,. A , o n a c ‘. Wednarday night; Kentucky...... J. L. Rhos, " Tharsday morning; lediars.• • •••••P. Begley, . Thmaday nigts4. Oaks L. Creighton, " Friday morning. A Packet aril] lease ovary !doming and Eteulng 0 rdlighout the mason. Prts—Ten Dollars through. ' " Tritu—Sizty Flom. For passage apply to _ W t DUMB ? or D LEECII 6:Sanaa-ellaUalLsier'' L ARD -71 tibia No 1 Lea!' kgo do do; ' reo'il per Pilot No 2, arid for gals by rung ROES, MATTHEWS & CH B A PilorNo 2, —a Tr it s . al b;d' Prima 9°l-11,.....741P. ' RUE? MArnicws& co WOOL & YAWN-7 sack. Wool; 51 dos Trier and Mr Yarn; for salo by Initial RILEY, IKATMEWS A. CO L riwA—lo bf cheau floe Dowebong Ten; for sale by larll7 C II OR ANT, 111 Water st . ... BACON dt. LARD-5 task. Sider; 07 I do Hog Round; I do Damn . ' In Nita No I Lard; - 0 do Grease; to arrive on the 'reamer Caledonia, for isle by mil ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Prom at S ODA AND—:p casks W atom and far Wei by tarn HARDY. JONY.B & CO CIOAR9--116Do0 Commoo to note `ol m{ID HARDY IDNz]a °.J 41011*C i'a HA M-1i bbl. Smoking, for way m RDY, ,TONES A CO E r TSFEATitriati=reliTierChl in, 1 C ARBUTHNOT, L 1 and for sate by tettlY No B 9 Wood st fl URI7tuAFFAIDERA—A7toIii lif Hoye reed and forsale by ..b. ' __=l CROTON licsmsy—A ki Awe C ARBUTHNOT (1151011AN9—A few cameo Soneh—eu 15 - few Well 8tf,(1,7 - ' 0 " - " - VdrItZ th tss 'IjEANS:II3 seeks siTePL wrO WICK & AIeCANDLESS B R:Ars-. dos %self& (rule brr CiLlLeitZ-21 b:a for uM by T ,C IC ItIcCANDI 9 SL I TTLICSNaTII.9-93 doa V V ICRVITZUOLVSTsby V - 1611 11/ITl*-3 . West, for we by Wht BAG A LEY I CO --- G LOVED SEED—Li ,41.. rowd and fo 1 %,./ RAGALIWLW JR, mil j - L - A RD-5 bbls andtotetstonon.ndformebl BAGALEY & CO_ Mforni , 3 , b 7 OLASSffi—, 8 0 4 bbta 7 JA:I 3 7 OaLEy aim 130 utheirione gra gt* therCourt ral Quarter Session, of the Pears, in cacti.. tlir County of efErgierry. TVIIE P r e . tVo Jr . .= countyPAlm rs . g the township u...nth. thu d, you petitioner has provid o.o et with .airlilll. for the seeemosodation of travelers did others, at his dwelling house, in the township aforeuid and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a Public House of Illotertain meet. And you petitioner, as in duty bound. writ We. the sabwribers, eitirew of aforesaid Annuli* do certify, that the above petitioner as of good repute for honesty and temperance, and to well provided with Imam room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of swagger. and travelers, and that said tavern to necessary. A. Pillar J Wm. Haslet,. K. Tobin. P Weaver, McMillen,John V. C. Bell, IL Bitters, J. Crawford, J. A. Bell, Wm. Hamilton, Jacob Smith, Benjamin liar hewn. eariVellet S A N I. BOAT PUBNITII I Sums on hand ll large assortment of Busk Frame., Swing* ?datums.. Camfortr, Qadts, Pillow; Sheets. SZ r a ti n every melts wanted for Canal Boats. WM NOBLE, nutS424— Opposite Bank of Pittsburgh. Wall Paper Warehouse, Iic"7 ,!PARKET STREET. between Third end `Fourth streets, Pittaburgh, Pa. THOIRAS PAU. hIER . would rupectfallp call the attendee of his. Meade. and centurion, to his present intuitive arid gencralatock of merchandise. 11.111 he feud to eons f4!;.:,`l7l tt=7.ct,'.`,"7ll.,sad FTLoWittl. Ned Chambere, Counting Roterts i , j dn, ranging tram IP' cone. to Sc a piece. So treat • diversity - of prices and eon hardly fall to .alt the eirctimatences and testes tie pitrehuers who may favor with their Perm nue, the old ntablithed used on Market eines' narlin.d3m D. WILLIAJtiI & CO., HOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, For. V warding end Commission Merchants, Dealer* in Coninry Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture*, eor /ser of Wood End Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, March CIOFFEE-50 bags prime Rio and Java; kjemtutas-40 big mould, dip and ped, and sperm; Cwt.—bl, Cream English Dottl; Leans - 20-90 1 0s Hemp end Ahmills; Camis-60 Malty barrel; Cease—bo M COl.lOlll and half Spanish; Fie-25 brlsand half be Mackerel and Salmon; 0n...-5o his assorted sizes; Hass-19:10 Prime Venison;_ 1000 Sam Cased; lennoo-100 ibe S F and Manilla; imt-10 dos Garrisons Moak and Copying; Minas sns-43 bets N Orleans; 15 half brie Sugar How; Mermao-20 dos assorted canisters; AL...most-6o lb. Italian; Vassiscum-60 Ha do N•ums-206 kegs assorted; • Ptesum-4 dozier. mooned; Premiss-20 bashels halves; P.11,..1-50 reams mooned; Purim—BM Ms Bordeaux; Sons-5p bss Rosin and Cast Steel; Soosa-10 bhda N Orleans and Chanted; Ta*-60 ages Green and Bleat; Tolucco— pack So be. 12, 5, & I lb Ip; w.. 0 Holum—SO dos proent 2let,• For sole by D WILLI AMS ourie Corner of Fidh and W FOR SALE—The undersigned *Sam for mile one goodry Frame Iloase—tbree room. end kitchen with cellar tinder all—lot PO feet front. 60 km deep, located on Esplanade street, Allegheny City. Title made good to the purchaser. Pries low. inquire at N 0.33 Wood street. JOHN BEST. =GS Ptiyr RINTING AND Wp Pr! . y.anana ahea .1w., . on band a — r i Zio Tea Paper; Strawy and Rog aP and Post Writing Paper a, and re t ail or P MARSHALL, r rortB Pd Wood at. plO . Iglll-4000 ibx Soft Galena L e m solo by REFINED SUGARS—VAS brio rt powdo and clarified. for We by J A HUTCHISON & CO., Agent. for the St. Louisßefinery. I ILAHIFED SYRUP-2I betnels ktr nippy V 0.18 J A HUTCHISON k. CO. brls ?luau ParlK 3 trrrs floteto Mao_ ,ter for .ale - retrtEB 8 VON BONNIIOB.Br &CO VrOtTLD CANDLIN-30 hi, Cincinnati, for aale by 1.11 atrlS S F VON BONNHORST a. CO B ecoN-15 cute ithooldors, • prima mid. Jan "Mvaa an " - VEcaretAitri, • No% Wood Street SODAS., MOLASSES, AND WEE— MS hlids prime N 0 Seger; 3 brie loaf Su gar, • ' it brie tit Molasams Is Sena Alec hotline from nekmer Ame, mole mid for We by .W t M lIITCHELTIZES, mr1:8 100 Liberty street • S ODA ARII-16 casks Kane. bead, for solo by i JOHN BEST. No 3; Wood meat Itellevae CannLSß7ray.eWbana aa mßawathe Przevarson. (Silk Ward,) Feb. Sib, MO. • R E snLER.B-00 the loth Vit.) megiit e very severe veld. The night (*limber I went to earlier than vsozl,7etmtwtt ► zmodln6l had slept none the night before, my conga woo so thyme Um I could not slesp, neither . could thine /new mom woe me. The portion sleeping with me was so moth an noyed by mreeofhinf that he got op and went Co a drug store and bought • bottle of yen Cough Symp. ed width to my greet astaniaboamth siofthed my kg, undue as , nym . efie. irme_to anuttlathe sm. ei"' ll Y',4 rata • I hereby certify that I am well mitlealthati Oracle with the above etthematances, and that the A.Przoos otahment riven Is Comer 011ara and geezer atreets, ' Sth Ward. 11:1•Prepered and sold by E` SELLERS, 67 Wood street, and mid by Demists formally in the two cities and vioioity. min Q OA ti—So leis Cineundati in gum. mrth STUART & SILL - - • etANDLIZI—ips 14 STUART & SILL ce. ALL P 61,0. ink ft/14'dhometown areN o h t e i reby ratified Iltat I have onplird to the Court of COOll3OO Mena of Allegheny Owen, Penninela, Or my dna= inelveet debtor, sad that said Court ha • ap Nato edayOhe sixth day of april,lrao, at 10 o'clock • • for the nearing of MO sod my cre ditor. al the Cowl Rouse, in the city of Plusbnrall. when and where all persons will show cause. liars the) have, whit stall not be discharged ageoldlAg to law. JOHN REED. Pint TomokohiP. _ ..... Dissolution of Partnership. THE. Partnership heretofore mining under the Am of Edward., Jones le Co, eras dissolver/ by sums/ consent, m the tdth ht• 4 by Ms withdraws/ of ARP Jones from the roarer,. Tee business of the late firm will be ended by the remaining partners. R. EDWARDS, • W. P. JONES, N. MATTHEWS, A. P. OSGOOD. THE sabsenbers wif contrope the macolketare of Plotfono clones, Locks of rumor kinds, Latches &o, =ler the fins or R. EDWARDS & CO, and they rec. vr e . d . otty Vielt a . abate of the public montage.— , in Into , . Row, Water at, below Perry. R. EDWARD& N. MATTHEW& A. P. OSGOOD. ET WAREHOHSE, No 76, Foment ..... t. ur P.PCLINTOCE is noweotsmantly recelying Au • Spring Stoet of CARPET OIL. CLOTHS, Triensuinp, Ate., comprisiag in part the following, vim a Extra Soper Royal Velvet Pd. Corpeti, S Ta Engliad and American B e r nes . ES tril Superfine barrio' .1411 Y ^ Superfine • Superdna ingrain carp,„ Pauto;a 6 = ll • .rra hay Fine Common, all 1..4 a rpe ,grta * - action 1-4 I pk a 1 .1 1 ; , / and 1 Tap Ven Car. - 1-1,1 . an . d1 Twill'd Carp. 8-4 hulled cal taal.arpap, Quitman Emit Wilton Coauuno do Door Tufted Sheer , Skid Adelaid 84, 7-4, 0. 4, I.S 6.4, 4-1 .1 U Oil Cloths; AU°, 1 1 -1,5•4, 4.4, end 111Iatthpr Ratraprlnted plane etivere " inch Daum Oil Clot h . " (able for .min. Embossed Piano , o Cos e'eamdbo • isdpinpi le Blue and b Cloths; by,,i„,... 4 smiid re Crimson Plush: Linen and wmastil o Coach Ott Cloths; Damask Star 1..; Dames. for Linings; Watered Atomics. I.'"k " gm a'd eta na r , 4U ' M .1.01 Oath Oill a ' ' Cloili Table Buff Holland for WShades; Coverg Lt: T., Len . t 7 . Irv. Lusen erntab cloths Venetian rili?_hn Erri l e t glalt Rods; ' • " BPLlthig for Flagg, Stair Drag.; . 7-4 and 11.4 Table Linen; Carpet Dindingg Retain Crash; . Jaw and Coco Malin . Scotch Diapers; itlitant and Skeleton/dug Durum Lin. Plapkiag li 4 and 4.4 Green Oil Cloth Denman Oil Cleat Table Or Nair Covert' . Huckeback Diaper;. Sas. Ott. - Coma hum the most eppeened F... hob and A merican manntuutters team LP to 111 feet in width, which will be eon to At roesmy halls, and vestibules of .y the or abet" The undersigned having Imparted direct from Reg. land, his Velvet Pilo asidTapestry CAR rins. These Carpets, wbneh are, e( the latest and moat elegut stgles end patterns, aud of the most gorgeous eels.. will be sold at prices aslow u they can ho parchssed fns in any of the eutern cities. • •• . moati'll:ll2:h irrlrUrS ;ff. Itlglll 4 llL i qTR ' ILII IPLY and INGRAIN CARPRIII *lnch far rerPe...;e: :1 1 1 broughtt% 'elty'.(PlrlicM:int*lie7l:nosol Alen and Conch Idsnalacturers to Ids lama nafl ' we- i selected arsorun enlofTßlMlLL/NOB, andotherartleles i urine/nary in their business. • i The 11 34 3 / 3 43/.1i 3 elan agent C 3/ the only Rod llannafselory no Philadelphia, and la prefer" , I° cell lower than can be parchased elsewhere a oda city. I mall Wit. hfCr.orroct b koplsopne - eintazetry Residence for Bale. ritlt eT bethaiiral brick booty, will about one acre of .1. gulled, swell supplied with - fruit trees gad swobbc. ry , Manta aa the Ohm river, In ho to pan orMes Cerny ehy, now in the occupancy or Sam! hl Winker- Chant. q. Suer...ion given April Ist Fut pulleulst. and tenon antri. . LLIAMS & SHINN, wrlg•lhod Fourth above Sashbfield We. TO JaCr7-the gala on Markel at, neat Can. ATI, aria be rented low to a good tenant, end pew. roun given inonedisiely. For Waal Mar a/ rps.a tf WALTLIR BRYANT. 4.°4144tar.t. • sheeddek an wields Pieldenee. Amerterin ediiitia. IOM prig Ql . well Ptilitii4 on 11ne erkire paper. ThM kltberto eery soare• and exceedingly voluble Mitt Ma jest been pebluhed by .1.1.. Bead. ft Is eimemtnended by several of lb. clergymen of this sty, of do. been end in one week neatly 400 eoPita tam been d Ilinsborgb and sablubs. Orders for the work me invited. • Usual dimmed to . 7;411010a parekawip . R .. tire, For sate at We Methodist Beek De_poialtory. R. HOPYIN% Agent, GZE= A the Oltlo Abssios b. ian . A Wbabuq,m Ohio, eoeuunloglellisarea, 100 first nog firer gollala,'Sgain 160 late! ender telne aimd dolling bog., ban,. a boa orehani r and shin is. plagamenta lino will be sold low, sad ta pp. of Plugt desirable on atio river. For faith!* tune*. but enquire of Wit U JOHNIMNaLIItod ID bblizty wd 1", THEATRE! Lenee and Manage(......... •C. Man or atonzaitaa: —" Drew; ;leek and raneaetul .... • ..... do Second and Tilled Tatra ........... .es a Gallery liar colored porlona).-:•,— Doors open at 7; Curtain :dill we at 7/ eoblose. Macbeth.-- Mseduff•••.. Banda.. Lady Dlaebeth•••• • • 0:7 - $ 6 lo—"Tyrolese Fortune Ti,"aa Min Al.lll rare Vol?, T ..a.l Tr dr.° :Ileac DIANO ebtVel'fot By Davils.Auctloneer 160 don. Fill, &iris, at Auction. On Friday .manning, ' , ld last, at to o'clock, at It. Commercial Sales Rooms, corner. of Wend and Fahstreets, streets, will be sold, by catalog/og, on 90days credit on oumi 160 dozen ove Fine &fru, embrr 11110 far approval coiletred paper— toe e sorunent o ff ered to dealers for somoacing j/me, e boizest as. com et sop, York mg Alinlia Skins. extra hoe* boians, collars, ac; bYllad and narrow pialts„ 800 muslin Wm, two plaits, yoke neck and Freasch sleeve; (kk list long cloth oltirts,L R a C; open work; line istoslia , stuns. L R& C, fashionable brawl plaits,; do do do L. B is C. needle worked do do, do do do L B It C, 0 row Freud. embroidered bean:any, la R a C shim: it? red stitched; muslin slats witk linen boo.. nod collars. ¢lOl6 . JOR,V 11 DAVIS, Spring Goods and ./Tashlosts. for 111350. . P. DELANY, TAILOLL • • NO. Alk s LIBERTY STIIEk.I7 11A e S tPLe " Ifirio d s l' o l ; 6 d =ts.l,'let:c.".lf Toe Cassimeres and Veolings have beeti ake. and Via prat ease front Clic Islam importations...a eocaPritio a pan of every Wei that Is new sod hrest-.1 ame arSTISNO and hUhrkIEE.WEA Thessiezt. meet of Vesting. is uousually large and ean,d, bath . Kyle and eos, and cannot be eseelludr by any other em, ilia esk, entrain num..' ar.kealaar s MSS • •-„- ••• • - • boo. a now style of T WEED,CifbIidERE, adot ed. for Busiorot Coats and rpm— Stputuer , Gouda p or, iverydrieriptlon, mach uorwtid., Caeltatemils, Ital an Cunha, Deep P.Mes, Se. ftw.entige stork will votably compare with aoy - _ateek of manta opened be renstore in rt nob utak. Mr. J. C. Warn. well known shill and tsate 'as's Cotter, will prove sn ample Inmates to all.lehe say. ; favor establishmeot sub their orders, that they - will have as good and fasltlanable work a* eau the produced by any boom In the East. and at moth Lose as pnees, as hare bean acknowledged by loony who have hied both. I would farther mole, Malt will 'OM' • Molt as good nod fphionable Goods as can be snood is the Eastern made; nod at mach lower prices:: '• ' READY hat*: CLOTHING . A large and gement &stammer of reatlYinold sloth. log lo on hood, triode In the prnsenrspriag Feahmov , • comprising Dress, Rock and Easiness of the la.. teal style, made of nowt., English, and American Cloth" of all fashionable coats PANTALOONS kf every description of plain anti fancy Cassimesta of tho latest style:Limbs; Pattlart and Suanuer Goode ' Veva. of the beat Satins and trUka; One! l Oduhi , r.; - Cloths, Cashmere., de; as other melts to the Cloth,T; hag hoe. All Garments nude at MI ma warrantor tar be eta and made in a good workonudike style, sad wilt be mid low for cash. Nona the n ary ous:emloet.and wasntn.gla mane o rde r d. (Q. Wholesale pa:chalets will findthe stork at 49 a mart dmirabla one to Wow a cheap and bealtlful as wiruneilt from. Imarlauf) P. um, ANY.' Q UPEtil ultrunAllDLlF.-Pottersordlfortls I brwl, moll bozos,l2 lbs *WI. to •II:mf Imo opporuoity of ase.flamiug their superiority.. For silo at the comer of Robinson and Federal slsoou• id 1.10.7. by Irarlea:h•l FlLoPield near. I' ri()A100 rebi3, tor bale by V_ !nr/5 W A JOUNSTObirliUbh .1% O AItYMO bbsku sblo by -216MBOE8Y-4"-14" Vt. 11.7-148155 Q CU RKlliii ° loi 7 jrisTaa rj and for sole br Null] WICK & AteCANDLIS.I' "ifoIOTIIY ISEXI)--11 Mils Jan reed, and for sale by =HO Idet:ANDLEIVS NLIZIgAtt—SUL , P bbd fted,..d tor tile by- . W IbAllfA BY d: , CO ` 7 itterlNEZira — ,bi, on Tivo tigainto.LASUlS-•-ltle bbls . tlsmro and for any 1 _ " LL BUTTES-10 bbid reed and f sake Sr/ A mad W. BAGLEY &OD. al-- by ES bbl . oak; Sn • ;; - Airr , UGAR-saporiorN °Saga,' for we 1:11 7-7 ' mtlis - 8 A42,- . 11 :::=‘ ,- t.r.,17 4 p.arV t IA L "F° ; rarle 4r. li/COcal pLCII.II I-1 .51/ da extra kmay. .16,7 ree'd and ler male by • - -- • • errle . atatatuDat; wiLgoiti C L2 : " Eir b ira=tv ki. :il n ii nt } i .,M,pezr.h., is* L.' , • nada • BURBRIDOS, WiLt3attlAt ' Utme—so Hater, la atereasbY...... . awl( W /JAILLIAUOII - • airZlLA993 ,lalaree'd - iini7or .10eDy t W frARLIM.rpli IaICE-16 IL _mule 9 2 W lIAIL9Avths list!ggfp . 4 . Yor male by (mrlej 86 Vle ILUILULUGH • • -• iffrioW GLAss—coobahriuia for raillii =IC If &VI kratREULUOIi et RD-4.9b blii , nria - Nol,sto;libliii Irina smut Fon.Pla, for sale by . torte - ISAIAH DICKEY & CO . ,A) no landing flow nu ' Pon Pat, for We ' pule 113diaktptco.y_....-, "01:641EINS—F," bY IEDIREif & Oc. SODA Af ikA i xt reed am. 113 BROWN & IEIRKPATRICK. No. 111 liben7 atm& CORNIOO tsar, erime Cora in otore, for ow& mute mows & SUIRPAVRICar BUTTER -40 BUOWN,I. f aoslon r trarNl BROWN KiIitKPATRICIL I.3VGA M A MOLASSES-60 ibliFIS 0 Sow; , e • • .43 Ws bt 0 Molasubr; fa cor tle yrband H de. a, by We by SMORPS. KIRKPATRICK, E ACON-7377QW E l idliii - df r sat A. CULBERTSON., MlSLibenutress. rroz.7o 7 iibe by • ' !brig J. KIDD & CM., • No.00_1y00A:4. BIPSLACY-00 barrels, for ate by . „ Q AND PAitit=igigarirdn”--i,!,. may. 6,, ado Jr.Lptic a co. ttl — r-IC:V1711, -0 wicsb . . •• I K.fUl) IDJUG.-mo : LIT I I IaOLASSO-sOO ors pituustm. ,'‘u..rurru);,.. mu. • XI Lula Sugar House. for rate , • attuatt..)4 jl.43.MVoiniet ___NxiSiderriiEw a co. „ , CRGRANT firCLOillimayikEtia--A Mainia V Marta at, hare °ported an &mole. of superior Cal- • tConga blaataxs, al mach boa gums thao tba Maw HEESE;-1-tats sotseis 1.33 W ILARRACON . 7 & 11 D -- - - artotill.SO p kt‘. !TOT ” 8 & W .111118118011 fIiALLOW-9 bWrsr.oe7 r eNriZre aNV nasibtvepi ,t 3 - VLOUR-200 bblo siipen . oz rateTr, - 3 - deTibreilfa .1.• tomb); 10 do Rye do, In store and tor see IT • ' rort4 - STUART AT-SlL,l t _ eiriVN-to eka ilo,r, la rum and fornale&.... , _ ' !`IIILI ob Sort bl l4 ud n 'sitZ'gr`tVer. 13111; °,;;Ams:7l.l7,Lit.3;t&l'leer Becoli--or for We by • forld WWI DICaLI &Co, LARD -48 bbl.No i p arrive on oftir — fo; eft —zw r , - • oo by rata 4sAisuoica-ov at co eke la oriel _sale by mug I_qI, I dAL_ B I.CRRY,t CO- 11:31iiihrX-3 bras star Port - tat, 707 am • by rorill • • lONLIAII INCittrlf CO - entEre W /1. sWe _yb - -WICK lc IfIeCAIWII r COD m F33ll_ladnm for 0 .11Thi u r rk t14 flOgr , BROOMS .410 4.117 Z g lI E : v 1 31 stby, 1 ttaro MrE%T2l*. "/aj?D VOLDI. . R • t coziu, 4 LUa n -su btus tsi Wlt i>7. •l Am - all. IZILiEtiZA"a • 15 -01, qiurTE , ..1 . 1- 1144 ITD reed: azber4-78.1.; 3 CI 11 P 17 117/4 " t" CO rl9. A ~nOrRO lOkC nozep,_ aile CO;%NA - 01 ."- _____ t iva... e . au !.,_ o lt of pow mit. iv,...ih r as sh eo nh ran ao:.sez of Fourth sad: ?duke% ots. •-. • . . ~,13 • . MURP4ti it. B i p_tC r r..F . :.Y.: o _.: .. i• ef&toeoditr.loo h!).Alla‘renit:Pt;l4 341%V:: • el's Cep Ai) boxes:lle l titraOs. J amerre lved aad •• - , far W • IV•v4.llAtialaVi tr-0O 3 • - y Mauit Aip:.Lfooltlauctf.,..tarela, 1 OirLIN ILiNDI:IOt .7tl tql. No ' iired. all for ' L 8.4 , by earli • 117:#1 I.laUa 14...YACp. g, itt:111,1--7.0114-'ud, v 3 rifitzri i. .'";..1, r ,Ir ' 1 Illg ''''4l-Fiw ""%'tait-A;i%-',.%9,0- gAzilis,Lii -i-k-ilii,,,,t—,..‘tr Doer i vr,i7;.",.:, i1ikci0hi5ziii71.......7",:.:i14,---7 'PII. tont WICK a. at.A NrlW3-I,a Yrtal . 11-:6a-;-.ll; iF ?(7Z:i‘ 7 1:1 - ; 7 A 1 --- ;;;• Utii.r lif - a. - litTleiri ,i icT..C.rit. ce llo. nle F. 04 Zoilloinatt!ta , %ar,,, at north e.i,t COMO' of EtraN.}-4 - tSt -- , i i JJ PIM aiiitaraono s-c¢uz~s y AMUSEMENTS, 4,011 of Mr. ADDAMS.tifrbis la n apm, wane.l.y, Marekit, will beprise:4:4. Mr A. A. A data._ ....... n • .Mr. J b • •,411ra. ;a Tay lords. To ElNlLinde with THE TWO OREGORIER. AUCTIO.N SALES. H Joimssoni =WI