The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 19, 1850, Image 2

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PAILDMEL , tiV WHME o!k-00
pa T•rl.-s olio 8-
iii T. .(•• • b are e
lb 5 e s... ru a L'11111: &re l
rectial•L. dligritlts not Inane?! (or • sped.
bed Watt turart•bly be, enured will ofteres on
157..3grAN c l i ai 11 , •Tnsor. sting! .
h p :: Tacit k•uk•r!il. receive,. prom;rl
entseriseptautdraboerryttatisto the North All,T
IlaltedZines Gatette. Philadelphia, waived
4.& • 6om t hi nd/eA.
p. Ps DiP,Ti'iRS
'•• Tht.,Oirit of industelid wielion is rife brain
sty, st llhe present " Severe! allemPl" win
„instills:o6e made, by event classes of meal
• eludes to establlah their or business on the
, • allexistivi principle. e wined cautienall pen',
sou, however, to exam' their arena ruefully
`;'•.. before they consult them tees to task attended
• • with later, anxiety and en every hand.
Auer-Wien, to a certain =era, Is feasible, as we I,
know by experience--su h u the extensive joint
rissenfacturielf eon , e• of New England. I ,
Hume extensive associ en has yet proved
• Cessful, suifess protected by en act of Incorporation,
-with ahleatulistrawd men at fa head, or otherwire I
held together by the cohesive power of an intense
• adiginuiroentintent. Ordinarily aauciations, or
LeUeosive partnership, have proved failures.—
"Plume Liana a diversity of views among men,
inicaled with no littleobatinacy Le the advocacy of
their peculiar notions, that associations generally
all, even intheir incipient sages &edit they, pen& I
.venture, pass the forming process, and go into op.
eration, the trial of a few months fineelves the I I
bend utnen, and scatters the ineculters again
among the mass of community, with the kiss of I
property, and generally burdened with I
, .
We do not make these observations from any
. oppor4tiod to eseoelmlve, industry, if it Is possible,
but, ass timely warning to those who are Wean
. •
et] to embark their tonunes on each a diagonal/
sea. Ten to one their scheme will fail, sad in
all cogs ed in it to ruin • The "great prob.
Ismer associative (nanny," as iii friends call it,
Is not workedout, and we doubt whether tt ever
will be,while man is the naturally depraved being
be now is. Civilicuion has done much to ante-
Iterate the condition of our race, and to increase
the happineu, social comforts; and moralay of
• mankind—still great, acknowledged, evils exln,
... Sod we fear will continue to exist until the weir
tion of new heavens and the now earth. If
they can be removed we shall rejoice, but we
' have_no faith in any of the nostrums of the day
which are so speciously preached by some enrcs
ken, but doubtleet well meaning people.
• The only asawation for pecuniary purposes
which can be made profitable and metal, in this
country is, in our opinion, an incorporated joint
stock company, with its President and board of
Managers, and an adequate capital, and •condnca_
- ea on the same principles as a private concern—
the stockholders to be dealt with as others, being
paid what they earn, and discharged when their
services are no kepi needed, or cease to be use
ful. Thirty, fifty, one hundred, or two hundred
men could tate stock in such a concern, and tabor
in it, also, were:their services needed, but beyond
• this we do not believe asaceiation to practicable;
,usleas some other than a pecuniary band *fudge is
prided. This,is is treA is an saaxdation ofcapital
more than of skill and labor, and such it should be,
teemed,. emote the members of the association
- might possesi 'Cala themselves the requisite
autumn of later is well as capitaL
-Phi.Ma Hall Rah* Coninisitlemi at Phil
It sieetanto have, ramped-the . intention of OW
smelly wide awake people, that the Pacific Rail
; Bead GUtintrtpon t tuldch realest falls: Br. Louis,
adjourned Ito meat again at Philadelphia, on the
"tet of next. /La yet, there enema to be, as
lies Philadelphia Belleau vats , remarks, no atria
Sinen of preparation for the sueeting,and we are
therefore almost Induced to sunrise, that the sob
. ject me been forgotten. We trust that our fears
pill cot prove true, and that the Convention will
take place at the time mentioned. it is a matter
[nimble' every portion of our country Is interested,
in a greaser cr less degree, and are of the West
' are particularly so. We are therefore induced to
cell the euemiou of the western press to the pea
cessity of arousing the public to Immediate action.
In aPpedetiag dclegetes to represent their inteteauf
as the coming Phdadelples Convention. 'We have
no doubt Chet the citiscue ,of Philadelphia will
nuke every arntegement accessary to promote
the object of the Convention, which to her is, so .
the Balletic truly sip, en enterprise of great in
terest, so, from her pesitsm, she bids fair to be the
eastern trirmlaws of the great rail road to connect
tiai two Oceses; rtail of all projects ever presented
reter, &ion° deserves en especial share of her
The speech or ar. Sawsaa, nrileir Took, on
.the slavery question, receives tho conimands..
Poe of the cadre Wltlig . prees, Nonh of Mason's
wed Dixon's line, while in the South it Is more or
leas severely criticised end condemned. It speaks,
-to a great degree, Northern Whig sentiment, al.
• „.rhoneh Mere may be a disposition to yield some.
want for the rake of peace and union. We should
he glad to publish at entire, bet so our space is
fled, end out readers• have already beard much
otiP,aoth sides - of the quation, we.mast devour.
selves (h pleasure. We will, however, giverine
extract. In .answering.,, the arguments of the
that the -alsiery 'quionlotrafords adequate
• ground for revolution, PAr.Seward gays
• have thus endeavored. to ahow that there is
. not now, and le not:likely . to enear any adequate.
cane for revelation in regard to slavery. Bet
j •you reply that nevertheless you must hive gnu-.
naten. - And the dot etc le for the surrender of
ifogltives from labor. That guarantee . you cannot
- . have, as I have already shown, because you cone.
not roll back the tide of sealed prognms. Yon must
• be tornent with what you have. •If Oa wage war
' against us, vie eon, t most only cempier OS, sod
then, all you can get will be a treaty, and thatyoti
have already. But you insist nn a guarentee
• et - ainst the abolition or elavery in the %snick of
Coh:inbia or war. Well,: when you shill have Mr
j ,elgree war egaininur,.what shall hinder um . from
.immediately Jenne:Mg that slavery shall came
.within the. iitionaleopltari .
You say thot you will not milimit to-ibis tacit'. I
Con of slaves from the new terikories. What will
gain by remittance. Liberty' follows the sword,
.4000 bet swell/one of peace and beneficence.
Con Ton propagate Covert then by the word?
Yon insist that you cannot submit to the free
... 'dm:aerial which slavery is discussed in the free
Statea wer,—a war- for slavery, .turpat or
even moderate that discussion' , No, sir, that die
,. arossien viillnot eerie. War would only indium
it to a greeter height. It is a porter the eternal
000 diet between' truth end error, between mind
and physical force, the coofilez of man against the
obstacles which
. oppore his way to • an-ultimate
awl glorions dminny. It will go on until you shall
terminate It in the only way to which any . Sate or
Nation bu ever terminated IL by yiildiOg to
yielifias io your own data, sod in your 0•12 maw
nor Indeed, but neverthrters yiektiem, to the pro.
grate of entanelpetion. "
Qas: We publithed several articles from the
: Baltimore papeilyeceraly, relative to a COW kind
• of gas, that hod been discovered is diateity. We
now bear of another kind about to be intiodeeed
it New York, both of which, ran said to be equal
to that . . generated • from coal, • and very much
The adito• of the Journal of Corawsrei hu
?kips in use. and has entire confidetvat in A—
. Unmixed with any combustible gas, it presents to
give solid body of dame, free from Jets, and
42owned with a smooth, even crept . /4 can be
supplied to cowman x 1.40 .10 cents the 1.000 cubic
feetor,to other worde,thei eansenter who now pays
eite dollars, may be'fiiipplied by the new proems
with an equal quantity of the best quality for one
- ,,,d,01tar. Al the rate of forty cents, the iheuseed
tobie feet, the rod of gat consumed by 'a isingle.
tared Of sufficient alsa to illurnimito ac 0111:130Xy
PURA'. riming a Period of four hoors, would be on
-Iyhalf a Cent ; 6f lone butlers for likes period.
which Is fully equal to *the average viiptilly con.
wrUnption In lbmilieo, two casts—. -or seven dollai s
• andtklrty emits a 31*.
- ";Nwsa oit'ollornia and &Cr Ploari-.-"Ilao to ga
tyres, ,44 wyksl to di ofartoordo..
lam rewired, direct from the enterprising
pnbitsbeni, News. II; Long dc Blighter, J. York,
copy crthis.veil amusing and icteresticyr work.
It is written by a person who has reeendy return
cd from thst El Darailo, and who nen= warieitii
&wilier with the canary: It is bandit:ue!, ilites,
traced, abounds with amusing incidents, froze
the COFdanC9o 2 Cr4 of 4 4 , -- yoyage 'outs sta. the
) reuun.of thus inthertri iiene 'York.
E. Z. C. Judean, alias .Nedlttallial d the Ator
puce rioter, %rho eau pent .to the petism,
the Blerkwetre Wand, has been pardone d
tfoveroor of New Toth.
Th• m o ss OA, which - debts Voie'il**lll aural
polities, exoept when it suiti its MinveniericeS el
interest, to be otherwise, is cut 41 a bug article
epee the subject of oar appir - ..4uiCeeffen *** "
*1 nomination: and unwrap= tha.Whigt-whaill.
it sayt—iibavo the complete rob to this district,
and that • man might as well whistle jigs this
a mile
elnite,a 2 to try and prevent their , eitallulste from
being elected"—te exercise Wien-e citecussed
prudence In their "decline, and very kindipings
Pats the name of a distinguished Whig, Make
Avery, Esq., fix their consideration. The:Whig
party double's will duly and. patefally appreci
ate the views and suggestioes or the Despatch,
and glee to them all the weight which they BO my,
With regard to Mr. Avery, however, we with
pleasure endOiso 4111 that the Despaich sap Is his I .
favor, and can farther add that. no nape could
Lave been possibly offered that would prove more
'expiable totbe Whig partyof Allegheny County,
than this geralkian.
Mr. Aver?. name 1113 long since been prop.*
ed, and Ire, strongly urged to accept the nontina.
tin; and We speak from authority. when we des
dare, that he has positively declined to become a
At a proper time the Whigs will.make their se
lection, and we aunty' the Despatch that a Mtn
didato every way worthy of theoapport and
confidence of the Whig party will be presented..
We were shown, yesterday morning, a lump of
pore virgin California Gold; weighing seventeen
ounces, valued at three hundred dollars Ti was
brought Goa the mines by our young townsman,
Mr. Wm. *my, who hu recently returned from
that country.
SPLCULATION to Rut. Error: or New. You,
—There seems to be an extraordinary speculatim
Guar springing up in New York, and which tai
have no doubt will extend, before long, all over .
Jte country. The N. Y. Exprees says," that eighl
hundred low, belonging to the estate of the late
the.. H. Smith, were offered at the exchange, in
that city, and that the scene presented was' rarely
if aver equalled in the wild /mutilations of ISM.
The crowd of bidders was ea great that it was
difficult to get near enough to the auctioneer to
make a bid. In addition so the: above, says the
&pram, the Corporation will throw iota the Man
hot, in a few days, 'bent six handied low, all in
the upper put of the city. These sales -always
attract great attention, as the title is beyond al
'question, and the terms generally most favorable•
prices realized at the last pale the Corporation talc
most two yenta ago, we think) wire deemed to be
extravagant, yet the tots then told are now giving
purchisers one hundred, and, In some instant ,
tea, two buniired per cent profit.
"Nothing tends so much to snake and thermion
an excitement, in real estate, as these large Oleo
particularly when they are known to be dertisifil..
The disposition to Invest in thiiirspecies of proper.
ty, and pi/Ora:duly in unproductive.. rest estate,
has increased to a moat extrowdinstle ll4 uf with.
in the few months past. Many who bought awhile
ago hour resold at a profit, which us induced
>therm to follow their example. .
one gold boos California is thnshaving a dick
ded effect on all kinds of property. Stocks have
runup, some of thaw, tan per cent. Real estate
t m t,peo. the last to be affected, but it was moral.
ly sztie. ID hate its tarn. It is amusing ts see tie
lithographic maps of. lots wade and exhibited at
the litschange. Thousands of our citizens. are
engaged in no other business than that of buying
and selling real estate.
Bents are advancing all over the city, and par.
!fantails , la the upper wards. By the Ann of May
it will be • diffirdalt nutter to get a honse or a
Wore at any thing like a reasonable rent. 80, at
' east, prezent:appearssiees fudicste...
, Nanny ia exceedingly abundant, according to
all accounts, at the Bast; in Phlladelphio it ern
be obtained readily, Out of doors, at 7 pei cent.—
We with that Eutern canitalnsts would send. a
Bala of their sparefittas this Way, lite:reit entail
dad safe and profitable lovcsuocue. •• —*
• . Forge Pitfal:ash Ge-nl.u.
Powers stud Polito of Ake liliscrtir lin nu
1.14.11 , Suppression of illoin. -
Moms. Enrhaza—ltt ill discusaiims it is'of the
aunoet importance not to depart from the Wats
first stoic& If thin is done, and nem issues are
permitted te be made, tiny cmitroverecy may be
come interminable. in outer to guard, au much
tut portable mail:tat this, I mill suds briedy the po
sition taken by Philandros in his Hen articles,
. .
sanito which I replied.
lie stated, and laid it dose as settled law, that
the Sheriff could never roll to his maistan'ee the
aid of a "posse cawitatas,. until he was himself
first resisted lathe execution of vomit. That
when thus resisted and in rektor a riot only when
it vas actually existing, he could ranee thei'posse"
or power qff ths erionry:consiiiiitig only of "smarms
of ricks:at," after and not before this uaarausd row
er was overpowered, that then the ..bayonrs"
might be resorted to, or in other words (far he
uses the two pinues indiscriminately) Mgt a mi.
nary force might be employed. Thin why the
doctrine advanced, and it was laid down anthorr
oncularly,and positively. Ido not hes
date to Pritiounce it a moat novel and "extraorir
/nary" kgal opinion ; sad ft is not eingular char
a lawyer of the leamlng acid ability of:Philandros
should write tedgthly articles in enter to explain
It away.
I thielc !proved, by baccintesbles suthozity—
in the passago quoted front Bacon'. Abridgment;
that the - authority of the Sheriff to raise the "prose
extends beyond the mere incaution of poicess,
and that in his character of conservator ei the
Peace. he can exercise the same power, for the
pFrporn , of quelling note,. eppreheadlng denote,
goobers, dee. -I chewed that d would be absurd,
and unjustifiable, in the Sheriff weep:24 either' .
hiiiiself,at hla Mese wholly:ouidinest,te. the mercy
of Bolero, toddies, awl robber, .I kited al:Ami
ties m progethai efilzrza might amt Ikea:tacker,
and band themselves together, for the purpose of
qtiellir.g 'riot*, without warrant or commission.
The case eite`d in Wm. Blackstone's iteports,goes
(tither, for it declares citizens who, thos proceed
for the purpose of keeping the peace; are not sc.
countable for small irroraiarities in the .execution
of snail. design. Philandres attempts to evade
the force of this dikisioa by quoting a docuiee of
an elementary writer, to the effect-dist, it is only 1
in tech note as sumet of rebellions. But this is 1
mere assertion, .unsustained by.:authority, and
1 Chitty (a, much more accurate writer than Rut. 1
Fell in his Criminal law, refers to this auk as et.-
uhlishing the law upon this point. !have seen
nothing either fa the argument. of Philandres, or
in the-authorities which be has eited,which in the
slightest degree weakens the sung* of this poi.
'Wait, or learns the weight:4,f these authorities.
Ph:ludo:is himself admits their farce, toi be now
grute,that in certain cases the "posse" may be ,
am, represented no saying that t he : Shedd' has
the rower to call is to his asekkhee, ' berate any
erect act is committed, 1 nalaantfors. I deny,
most unequivocally; thexr ever sidmiced any
such opinion. I deny further. Melba barmy com
mand over military fogies, either before e - or after
an overt act is committed. It Is Philandiost who
has told that after the "posse" the I:tholepin , 4,
the meaty is overpowered, the Sheriff bat author.
by to call upon the military power of the county.
I denied before that he hod any authority to do
title, and I stated *spread, that those who coke
to the usistance of Sheriff Cards, Game thereto
the character of citizens. That they were equal.
'ly bound by, and equally amenable to, the law
of the land, as other eitixces. I contend that neith
er in England aor is this State, can any authority
produced,be confessing such power upon the
Shedd, except the act of Assembly with regard
to tha Coy of Philadelphia. To any that the Sher,
iG st -common law can call to his, assistance reffl•
meets and brigades, which according to rue mill.'
system extend alma into different wander,
beyond his bailiwick, Is an absurdity. If Philans
des can produce any authority to prove that be
has such power, "afro' the pow is overpowered,.
be onghtM predate it.
In England the Sherill'imne such lambent,
f or tg o sufgefent wawa, that his powers and
duties were settled long bWorenny papaw. m il.
Italy force was established there. lie has the
whide civil power of the county la We hands. Ile
kas. this power whether It be armed or ram.
ed.. Farther than this he boa noanthordpwhat.
The question at hurtle, then, ie we whether lie
Shcrilfeen call to hit assistance • ettlitary
before lay overt act is cornmsned. I hive con
itantly dented, The gel:ilia:L .his the
Sheriffthe tight to use ineesores trr the proven.
'ion of dhrtortalcea of the Peace, before any arch
distrukences take place,whee be has good pounds
for summing Of believing (411 lam not disposed
o Puloble —don words) that • mo* of the
pixies 'NM ek
pima+. 1
limy from the •enn laws of We aim, Fib haii
thisright. fie is the emeaillor otthe to .
whom is outraged. the deGmee of the lens, the
iiiity; mid the pieiwrty'ortiiiolianii
him the Tight of main
sir*, is to deny bhp the poser In shwas 'every
'dare °rearming rhea Ind mots,efecteeefalty main
Wales the puma If he has not this power,it ratans
nowhere, end it leaves the law abiding citizen no
protection 'phut the attack:sot despernta,
and. lawless rm. ,In the erstotsa of thin pewee,
which the law confers upon him for prswerios, he
kuts no authority to Infringe upanghe rights of any
mac. Na can only stand on the definitive.—
When the public peace is broken, when a riot is
*in progress,to is still bound to exert just so much
force as is novenaey to preserve the peace, and
quell the riot, and no more. Vatter ha or his
' , posse" exert more force, or use more violent
means, than are absolutely necessary, they are rro '
'swage. In this wry, the rights of all are au
cured. The peaceful citizen has bin rights and
.safety secured to him, u well as the violators of
the law.
When Philwdros muerte that the armed "pone"
of the Sheriff were nothing more than reefers"—
I think he could scarcely have read the mine of
2 Edwd. 3, (where, if any place, be finds author.
fly for such an extraordinary aarertictnaiu which it
la enacted ' , that no man great or small of whales•
er condition he be, !wept the king's servauta is hi.
presence, and his mirdaterel m eremitic% of the
king's precept', er rJ the officer and rush or ktx
Aar omayeny 'uniting- them, and also upon a cry
made for arms to keep the peace, and ths same is
mien places where such acts shall burn, be so
hardy as to come before the king's plane or oils.
er Mahe king's ministers, doing their. vireo, with
force, and arms," dec. Here it Is seen that the
Atlas's ministers, In the execution ofproiena, sad
of their offer, and nether lain their umpony an
rieing.thenes," are expressly excepted. Ts addi.
Hon, It Is decided is 1.1 Modern 111. tbst, "no
wearing of alms is within the meaning of this
statute, oaten it be accompanied with such acts
as ace apt to terrify the people." "Aud the ease
in Popham, 121-122, which I cited beton., de
cides the very point, "that no pantie Is within
the intention of the statute, who arms himself to •
supprets rioters, rebels," /ita. These authorities:
are sufficiently decisive to justify the Sherif in
using all necessary armed Gime, in the execution
of the king's precepts, er of their if am
Philiodros says, that It is the duty of the Sher-
a to make information and obtain a warrant and
emit the parties charged.. I admit that it Is vary
wen toßo this, whenit eau be done. 1 But there
are Lut few cases of riot occur, where the infor
mation is sufftciently positive, or the rioters well
enough, known, to justify proceeding to suck •
length. • This was the case, In the instance out of
which this discussion has arisen. Although recent
events have demonstrated that there was par•
poem to commit • riot;yet, befine the law nest vi
olated, no information auflicieutlyseccurate to Ins'
tify an arrest. could have been made. Nothing re.
ruined but to take such preventive measures as
would secure the preservation of the peace. To
these measures being taken, I think we may
fairly atuibute our escape from a seems of blood-
shed and disorder. No man was molested In Ike
enjoyment of his rights and privileges, as a free
citizen of a free country. The puddler. and boll.
en held their meetings without beiegdiaturbed or
terrified. They knew well that the armed fame
was not prepared to interfere with them in any
manner, so long as they respected the lawn Linder
which they Liam Philaadros would have cm be.
Have that a display of knots, foe the protection of 1
life and property, has a tendency to induce men I
to the eommiscion °lrian He is not Lome out by I
the facts Those mills which were well protect.'
ed, were not - snacked by the rioters, in the late
disturbances, whilst thous which were linprotects
cd were. Hillevi private rights and private prop-
I rely wi l fully protected by our laws,. them Ls an
• Cid - a fieedoni. Eeaey citizen hai from the
taw thai protection which 11 tiecessiu to secure
, him in the poassion of his tights and property,
against the violence of had and evil disposed men,
mad, at the same time, ho gamed brow" waist ,
more. Weak, misguided, mid ignorant men may
command oar umpatiry; but whatever would
wantonly assail the great rights of personal vecrui
ty and property, must leant that they cannot dole
with impunity—that the law I. &shield to protect
every man is the enjoyment of theme rights, and
that it it is violated, it will be suunty rinell
ceded. ' JUSTICE;
Correspondence's( the Pittsburgh Ossetia
Wartnisorna, Mardi 15, 1550.
A Feud sad a Bvaeas-42estillt4 to Mr.
'Foote , -.Plans of the D
lforniii...Ptv. Beware and the Republic.
. The feud between the Volpe patty at the Sloth
and the faction of diannionists, who are partizan*
of Calhoun, which it has been nalvethally believed
would be found to exist wheneter the purposes of
the latter became atilllebuilly dveloped to In&
cam their true ehiniethrOlas : length bitten
cud in active hostillthe. . r:
L. 4 .cliftlittg , Smatafsßotliod,; of Minima
Foote, of Misaimind, met "boil dusk,•near
the Intelligence? office,, when • cielkquy of a de..
&deals , warm and unpleititot Character immesh
diatcly wapiti between them. a is represented
that Mr:Borland reproached Mr. Foote 'for desert
ing the cause of the Souls at the piesent danger.
ons crisis, by opposing burial( to Mt. Catboat),
and his plans. - To this Mr.', Foote replied, that
Borland was emete tender to Mr. Calhoun, and
not entitled to teeters , hitti upon . his course. Bor:
land referred, and Foote iriiweied trim with great
er acerbity: Hereupon Mr. Berland applied his
right hand, on which he wore a heavy ring, to
, the nasal protuberance of the honorable Senator
from Missisaippi. The ring produced a serious
cut, froni which the blood dossed profusely. Afte r
a shoot interchange of these compliments, Mr.
Foote was taken into the office of the lotelligen•
eel,, whore his wounds were washed, and the
ninths of strife obliterated, as for as they could be.
I It is understood, this morning, that nothing fur.
ther will grog out of this of ale, bath parties sin.
eerely regretting it. Oectirrellee, u the result of
1 ~1 booty and pusionate words. I should not have
noticed it, but that I em satiated it has some
notion with the anomalous state of parties and
political feeling at the South. The fanatical sect
af the propagandism of slavery, under the control
of Mr. Calhoun, are unquestionably plotting fir
the formation of a southern confedenicy, and one
of their schema for effecting this great object of
their desirer, is the Nashville Conventicm. The
crisis is imminent with them. They naturally
wish to crush LP opposition to this ?reject,. and
they kok upon Mr. Foote with special avendon
since the very decided eland be has taken maim
Calhoun'. late demonstration against the Integiity
of the republic. One of the results of this feellrie,
no doubt, its the altercation which produced the
rencontre, between the two Senators, alvve de
scribed. Mr. Bartenders. in the Senate, to-day
attending to business as usual, but Mr. Foote was
ant present.
In reference to the pending cot:drove/ay between
the free and slave States, affairs are more com
plicated than ever. Foote's resolution tot rids.
log a compromise committee, • will not prevail.
That I consider settled. There is no prospect of
the close of the debate in the Senate for • month;
but in this body there is a decided mmority for
I keeping the question, in reference to Calico:AM,
separate from all others. •
In rho Hones, however, things have Ulan •
new and unfavorable torn. There is a large' =-
I juty; two thirds at least, far admitting. California,
bat a project km been conceived and motored for
connecting that 'object with the incompatible
question of territorial governments for the district.
East of the taw States, and it is the Intention of
Mr. McClernan to bring in • bill, embracing both I
these objects, for which I team, one hundred and
eighteen members ars engaged to Vote. It is not
propoied to put any proviso in the plan fir the
tenitorisl government,. None, Or many masons,
which I have not the time and space to' adduce.
I think theintroduction a any proporition whalx.
ever, in regard to the territories, in connection
with California, unwise and unformnat..
Mr. Sewsrd'a spew-him made no , little sem.
tion. It Certainly was moat objectionable fa this,
that the diatingublied Senator set up, a Orill or a
' sentiment, derived from what he called the moral
law, er the will of the creator, superior ki the con
' riatition, and which would jarlify a citizen ear si
statesman in disregarding the constitution. For
lone I can aubacribe to no inch doctrine irk:thee
proceeding Boni Whig or Democrat. • ' The Sep
public, this Morning, au an elaborate.' ankle &Z.
eepting to the doctrine propounded by Mr. Se
ward. However desirable natty of faith in any
party may be, I do not recognize the expediency
t) fassiirai try apitiirt* go linparuun and dia l
11112espbetiitite lilifl4itaty, as biz. Saliirdd
Bat* ;wet din, bat tat to somata.
, !MON nAssiinyaqa.
et tb. pitabludi Gazed.'
/laumPions Mar0,4 5 1/8 0 .
Noihiug woo done in the Senate yesterday, =ls
thy or mono; in the CllZlgle.
the FP:l3se, the bin to incense the slimy Cf
the esseciate judges of Allegheny county, mate
up in Committee orthe trkole(blr. Foliress is my
Mr. Hop moved that the additional salary be
paid by Allegheny county. Me stated that be saw
no mann why those judges should bare higher
salaries that is paid in !deicer county..
Mr. ltdcaintock replied, and sustained the bill
with great ability. An increase of salary was call
ed for by the increase and amount ofbusiness done
by the associate judges of Allegheny, sad by the
ability and talent exercised on the bench by the
1 . present associates. He supported his views I y
statement of facts, ind by the teadhts emcee.
The debate vu continued by Measzi.
William", Flap, Cm:lngham. bl'Calment,Coroya
Bmyear, and Laird
The bill puma! Committee, when the Reese ad
The House bad a special session in the afternoon
for the putpoie of taking the um onaba peopmed
amendment to the Coutitotion, to cue the apeak
leg should be.coacladed..
Mr. Sniper took the door, and made one of the
moot eloquent and classical speeches we have
heard upon this question, either at this session, or
in the Enfant Convention of 1837.
When Mr. Smyser b.a concluded, Mr. WA
briefly expressed but violin on the same aide.
He was followed by Mr. Porter in opposition to
the amendment. Mr. P. spoke with his usual
ability and coniideacs la his opinions. He miter-
sted the remarks be made on a lamer occasion,
thitthe taking of, patronage from the appotatlig
posic4., would min the democratic party—imbue.
tag that the cohesive omeee of plunder alone kept
them tog ethe v: Indeed, be distinctly sald,.thet they
would roe the day when they greed to the pu
ma of ibis amendment, and that they would be
' made to clothe themselves in sackcloth end ashes
diagram, as they Owl to Inn the changes made In
When Mr. Porter conaluded,ibe rots was to
The question pending, was an amendment pro•
posed by Mr. Porter. This mu negatived, without
&division or count.
The questisa then acme in the 'Anal adoption
of the amendment, end tt wassgreed to—yeas9l,
nays 3.
Therms" in the nepuve were Mom of Messm.
Comyn, David Evans, and Porter.
Mr. Smyser Immediately offered 'resolution Inc
sweeties the Judiciary Committee to report a bill,
p wly as practicable, making provision Co. the
mode and manner of submitting the question 4,3
the people, at the fall:election, which was agreed
to. •
Thin disposes of this great:questionoo far as the
Legislature is concemed.. It is now lilt tothe eon
;ideation and declaion of that great bady—the
people—tom whom all power does sod ought to
emanate. They will have until October next to
make their.dheisioa.
In the Senate, to day, the bill In Menge to the
ausehment of atheism spate came up, on the me
! ties of Mr. Cnbb, and eller canaldemble discus
! don, the quenion wu taken upon the. But pis
sageof the bill, when the vete Wail Lend to nud—
ges/ 15, nays IS. So the bill was lon.
On minion of Mr. Cribb, the &IWO then re.
tamed the consideration of the hill to angel the
=Milne cantinas betweenEdo n tri Middleton and
Edwardian, his wife. , .
Mr. Crab protmeded"..idiseas the Senate on
Me milieu, reading aid commenting upon she
elide:kph at considemble length.
Before he had seaehtded, the hour of 12 o'clock
having arrived, the Senate proceeded in • body to
the Hall of the HOMO of Repntsetuatives to listen
ls.thecestlittofthsgrol, *bates K.4.210,Ad...
"dram nainediately agar • which'
In the Home, Mr. Meek, Mamie ofdratteem.
mince or Viso and Intenorallty;to 'eolithe bill
for the relief ot the Seventh day Baptistewas re
amed, made a repose et length, ea the object of
the ebeerrsaee of the Sabbath. end egainst the
passage el the Senate bill.
The those then proceeded to the emsoldMallan
of puha bills, of which these west mealeader
The fom, an sot regulating the =rib* of par
engem on .tto Philadelphia tad Columbia rail
road, nu taken op and passed. This tell allows
the State to carry - Ike mritely kergA: ,
The hoer of twelve o'clock having attired, the
Speakeread members; of the Seam were laird
doted by Messrs. fathoms and Beet, a Cominittee
oa the part of the House; and in s fen ,
the Goveraar sad Heade of Depanmetilliwase in•!
trodnced by the Rani Pactuailtee.
The "Farewell Addrese wee then read by the
Clerks In en elmineet and appeardati manner,
from ■ "hubs book" in which it was Mind bound
with other works.
Alter the Senate had retired, the Ecrase ads
Pnned. _
More Pull Dots .f the jar. hiMet tM
/reamer erns,. Et. Jobs. .
Itaxottorts.lduch 12—P. M.
Ths Ittontrowayfalsbamar Retreat melted by
Is gigot's Southern mid conteistre fall etOotiat of
the horning of the steamer OttaaSt. /OIL a brief
soontint of which you received ea datanfey last.
The bow was beret about four mike below Mont.
It is auppowdthst there were aim; °eh hundred
end twenty pawnore on board at the UAW of the
disaster, marry of whom, in the ectersenstion of
the toomerrt, nutted headlong into the firer. and
were drowned- , othenui who chute to the burning
bow, perished in the Ammo: were combed by
she ailing guards.
Tha wow ins isdeed heart readied.. A num.
her of holies threw themsehree low 1b rlyer-etk
ers were beret to death. ' r
Lawn these 'drowned 'wen. Rag, 'who
jumped into the river with her der,' jib‘e ,
arms. The clerk of the twat, Mr. middy. came
very near habit kis . life is Its noble ell* 201111411
her arid her child.
The only antes sested from the 'Wei the
trunk of Col. Preston.
Them were among the passattgete number
who !ladies! returned boa CisiZenge; Tn., lost
Col. Price, U. S. Agetwootdi retitnarom Cal.
iforrila, lost all his 'beggsge, tegithef trite We,.
moo belonging to the Government: *He lorWittato.
ly esnaped with ' • •r
Mr. Maul, the clerk of the Palmer,'aid rwi
tuned Ca li fornian. were rev, westef
Mr P. H. Broake, cd- Mobile, who Wes wired
At. Noatact foci SlO poo, and 11,. Sobiofdl a
lane gam, la addition to the ,heary ioso orh!fr.
Puce. A portion of the sum in the chitty of
Price, congaed of Calibrtda gold; and was looked
ep lea safe. Thereto a strong probability that It
wN be recovered..
The redirect of paseengwe was ket. • the' oink
of the brut furnishes the Wowing ritsi 4 Ufa, as so.
Galahad. ofthette who perished:
Mn. Hall and.daughter. comma to:belong to
Augneta,Gewgia; Kra. Vaughan lataVaustwoi
bin McCain, hire. Haley, Mis. liftighti and one
or two whet tidies. Mr. IdeOsin,of South Clara.
Una; J. 11. Carson, and 400,0111 db. coantliiodge
Lindsay, of Mobilo; Thos. Stephens, Printer. of
, Oman • and four other pawangers.!aantet on.
In addithre, Hub Hughes, tie cond' tisk . ; Peter
13toward; Euter, Chambermaid, Os second 000 k,
and eight nevem, were lag; •
' The remaisder of the crew were allured.
Another accetutt says ally Ursa were leer. Many
of the paaseneere are ati4 '
Upwards of $6014000 In money was lost.
liana, or ih• 11, S. X. 111"4Rer ii•ergia•
• .
wtettt anti Poessmstort.:
Rix hundred passengers leave the , dry to day.
In the thoilla, for OnWands. °anal events
ever cast their shadoweliesfors them, &a tbaehno
uncouth tones, dressed in. the most unlmsebtable
garments have. been displayed in the streets of
New Ye*. Vona* beeety. dusty as'N they had
been to all the plasm, beards long is Utdy lend
been in the minibus, and h atilt MO hnd peen
lut shaven by a Pinto rrr Marioopa, met one at
every touring between Wail street and" the oilice
of the &nal areption CompanY.
?nuclei', tweet tags and sea chests harmed to
have a puska' to move and susagerlet band
boxes and parasols hada tendency towards the
North Elver. What India In the days of Warren
mistimes was to Great Malts, California Is 44
to be to ea. As the Eighth called the returned
Rut Whom, Nabob, and buena that gold and
cum bad made them yellow and billow, we shalt
have loom a acme Ger those DOlll our El Dorado,
and - faney that the pens= we know not long
since In the guests of New lath, Mt Nikon
and common place, !invade; out of the quanta(
Cabbnia. Dew payeulogkal aim:made._
Every elan of society was represented. UM.
Medicine, and 'lnUnityi bent their fate children.
went handed laborers were at an early hour ape
en the *WI; ad men apparently almost in the
death throe, overcome by cupidity, Wan prepared
lbr• Torii= ttog o onuld Mar be expected
_-- of Amoy sad Nap stand,
. .
=lnd Ow bows, aim! sock a medley of b *Mee
saa us covered the deal. age-e
-st= lbe Aegean Stables appeared an easy leek'
, ps e ris! with the otelrigo ofthis - !httliipmeal,
The population of CalifeMia mast be Inermaing
'belted an tneuere,embereare remember that one
port, in one asp, is able to send Garth air. hundred
colonists Vetijy the myth of Stinitaa 'pinging
armed and matured from the brain or love, is he.
fag realised, and • dragoe's.becei offightins men
is rising behind as en the Parific—Nrce Fork Es-
A distressing accident, as we learn, °marred
at Pt. Pleasant, Va., In Saturday Wt. Two gen
tlemen, one • eon, the other a son In law of Gen.
Seale, (the Representative In Congress from the
lath distrier, we believe) and a young lady, had
been taking an ezeurticto in a skit and were reft
turning, and when sear Pt. Pleasant the skid' was
eamdged by the wells of &steam beat.
Gen. BUIE'S son was drowned, =delta a faith
ful negro servant who plunged into the river to
none the drowning persons: The other ovule.
m u sag the young lady were saved. &alWet of
Mr. Belle's, who was on the shore, was only re.
sizabsed bum plunging in by being forcibly held
by some bystanders.—Whashrig GaziMarrA
Oalmtimana (to tie..
The followiug are the unmet of the meatier,
as net teeth in the bill subdividing the State into
counties, • ' d establishing the Beds of justice there
att—Ban ego, Los Angelo*, Santa Barbara. Son
Louis ' Monterey, Bram:Mate, San Ent.
ymoo,San etate,MonntDiabole;Maria, Sonoma,
Sothas. Yo , gleadocinio, Saeramemo, Column,
Saner, , Yuba, Maui, Shwa, Trinity, Cal.
smear, Tiolumne, Mariposa—twenty fire in
The malaria or aka °Mara at ita present Senate
have been Axed—
I F liare,fictraary $29 per dap.
W B Olds, Aalstarit Secretary 22
Mr Dexter, Engrossing Clerk, 22
Mr LuckiU, Enrolling Oak.. 22
At - a. Sere at An - 22 tt
Austen. at Annii.• •.• • _
ble.Dursell,Door Keeper.... 20 •
There of the °Dews of the Howe hare been
turd at abOut the same rates.
This New Weans Crescent says that several o,
the pabllejcnarnahiof Texas denoneee in no men
sired terms, the resolutions palmed by the Legis
lature, recommending, the people to hold elections
far delegates to the Niuhville Convention. The
Chtlyhmon burns; says : • ,
When the people svani to send delrgaMs to
Nashville, o any other place, they will find means
of doing so probably without 'diverting the atten
tion of the Lreslature from, its .leittimate
• Cmauvron, Much 8.
D. Hammond has beep convictgqdd at Caiumbii
on the cbuge tanniestati bu fithBr.
Laboring men get SIMI pez month and lodging
at Ban Francisco.
The quantity or C4ndles exported from Cinch".
uil during the nix moths ending on the let iust.
was 38,365 bones. During the same period ibu
volts of Soap amounted to 18,357 boxes—beinu eq
increase over the exports of both three artielea, Mu
ms the oonespoodlngsis months or 1849, of fifty
pee cent.
Among the advertisem Mats in the English papers
me announcement. at portals hat backs, which are
carried and administered many place within ten
miles of London
A Dew paper, called the •. Bad! Frog,' lately
ojamped into" the New Orleans Cratant office,
and received the following welcome:
...Tait Buu. Facts.*-11ader tbistitle. we advice
the appearance of a sprightly Me seventy by nme,
published semi monthly at Marshall, Moms, by
C. A. Morgan, and O. W. Lagow. Its motto,
Look before you leap;'' it vivaciously Wool
ewes editorially. It snit do. enemata to you,
801 l Frog! there's room for you—Jump to among
Qj Fro Melissa's Om: ex ant sea ma Loma
Courtatier. , -The proprieties of Otis celebrated ore&
tins, are In a.* accetpt of the =St gratifylog
moist& so to Oa Lucile:ace of atas reastali ; Dr. Mc-
Larties Pitt, lo cues tilleh had beta glee& up at In
crumble iiS t6a otoatatlital phyticiens, have been ennui
totoserhatels, so soon ea these Pills have bona admin.
usiereit. item certlfiesies have bens
. trubltaterl, soil
have been so etianenms, that las neer as estabLWred
nun, that hlelartee Liver Pills ars the best medicine
NM offered for the Care of Meade deraneatent
tietettlare:forei ye that infer ender that worst
of roar`., the Liver Complaint. teat ;hasten to per
amt sae Thaw pill& , •
' For sale by .I.IaDD do CO., No. 0, corner of Fourth
and wood v. Pittsbeittr.
-LOCIAN — , - -WILE 014 l< Co. •
Is. vctowirrststhartitivr.
• - htientien of perrahneere tit their
Which they Wok. will map.: thverably,.boni in
extern and oo:eyeless, with pail of nuy
Old house. either hero or lu
thOEnswin Caw,
On the 11th of Much, by Ray. A. M. Bryan, Copt.
9.0. eltOlll3 l / 2 At BOW.. Pa-, to Mias JAN. A. All. All,
Of Charlestown, Vo.
At bit Isla residence, Philadelphia, on the Ilth met.,
o the iOtb Setar df hir age, ffarsamar Bear, long and
stenairely known as a !dear respectable atereLant
• f that thy.
Err Rev. T. C. Teesdale will deliver his pan•
lug benediction to' the Grant Street Itapiirt Church. an
Sanday next, at 7.e'elent P. Id.
On 'Monday fallowing he will lake bin departure for
Springfield, 111., 'when hit hod beim called by the
ertlelol.lll COMM:a of the Church. /day be ever be
rueful Is the peeler Of many.
I. flows of Bahia* for JansonU. Of
filadora...Thei citizens of Pittiborgh and oteloity,
Moodily to the adablialunent of each au institution,
ate te:paot6llly Invited to attend a meeting, to be held
at *alto:tom of the &aid of Trade sod Merchants ,
Sae-hoop, oo Treeday evei4g:lDdk init., at 7 delock.
A TTOSINEY AT LAW-06., on Fourth meet,
Jo& above W.A. AIGUFACfUYEV. OF CAST' STEEL, and No.l
al and Na* Alitafiettl Blister Steel. , Also—Sest
Can Weal Files, of all sines; and Blacksmith and *hoe
Hasps, also, s on land and for sole, either at Si Ls "Ea
ale kneel Warts,. *Vilma street, Filth Ward, or at the
oSea Is Os Iron -
BON, soot of Wood street, Fituboryds
TUE Chartists Coal Company will receive 'erupt,-
Jul. up !to Tbaraday, Mama IN graditur and
baUkag ibe wearattletera of four bailee of
Mamma Creek; also, for baNimc two
UtWitea over. Chartims Crack. Plans asulspeelbra
boas may Im us. at their ewe is, Pens imam: Mt.
bute m ith o . ., 4 - Z. W . ItEbUtiIITON,
. Mamma.
PendiaPravda )1141:' Ind Cann/.
Two Billy- Lines Expres Pack ete Boats,
• • (Ezetusitelylor Paatedigers,)
alkid=lOf this Lino will loan as follows,
LaaWarts T.lolowohoustar..Tocadayssonling;
Batboy. Btswils•lLTwoby, " Tocoday cupow
Rorysiosiothowealwompsou, " Woddoodwld nowelD
.19.••••• " .Wodossday nisbt,
Renuseky • ••..../.1.0. .Tbwoodsy toonuog;
Lididd.*••• ..... lbsobodi , Tholutisyhipow
Otdd Cowitbowwww Yl.6lollllmr. •
A Packet will Isar, *way. Motalos and Evening
! iwng L im ,
Faigaravrapply . iI;r4UTCII,
Monoogotsio, noose,
mull ow D /JOCK A Co., Cosal-Dosin
ADD-74 bbls No ICost, -
jd Id &p 'do dOw woe'd pO r Pilot No I,Latd
for sills by
8130N...79 out* omed,•ywinio 9aallty, II:0door
plot No 1, pr ale by
. .
_ _• .
w ooL it 1 Wool ;f - ARNII,t4,,,, i d buy yarn; for
eirls by_ jifftlb 1 iIIIEy i jkIATTHITLILik po
TEa:•10 hi &Maim Po:felony Tr.; for solo
wig ' ' •0 H 011 ANT , 41 Weer rt
BACON h 1.41111.4 jets
6 do Omuta to arrive) on di
tomer Caledonia, (braid° by
ouln ItIAIAB DICHEY b. CO, From at
CODA ASH-417 auks in %tore and for Wa by
mtls itAROY, JONES & co
In noreAnd lir abs
lalattf HARDY, JONES t
4110111ACCU—al bias for ule by
j lade Y, JONES it. CO
KENTUOgY JEAN —I caseir,ol tonsleme
aod (aline by C AUOUTUNUT,
. Nang No 119 Wood
GBUISPENDIBUS -400 do, 11.1mPi an 100 dos
IJI lions% mkt and fat sale by
' ' ' • 0 ARBUTHNOT
..nOTYM IiOSJILRY-11 Ina oisortment for sale by
‘'" t ig • •
G INOH~NBfe; • t.e. &Knob aruCloloestiT,
_:"L ei l,,t 4 ! WICK & MotatiDLESS
lacks me
1101113-010 dos aced dn., by sale by
ROODLA.T.K4I by* for sal., by
S cl .7": sN " TRs- 'ltalTsb;
RIVICITM7IIIbid! I .,ed a 5 1 ,61 mtlaty
A116.4 . 11!bis aital4 keg. Imitate and foir.le El
'IXOLAS9ES-93bbla lostliked and bissie by
ltl mrlt) BAGLALEY k CO
A )EI h O y D 3O leet w i r terat n : at the Yon n eeto t a!
eV Steck Water, eight relies above Maces.
pen. anduevectittlaa ehaWestNemo; handed on
the depot where Adamsburh, G tora h,reen Jack son.
vine, Harrison .Cirl,tegelbar. tea eedial
th e people. moue In to take boats or passage to
the city of Pittsburgh.
For further Information require Of lotus freer, la
the minor of Second and P.mhhlleld, or at the reel.
dente of the subacriber. A. GUT WE,
• airt9.w3te Sewickley to, Westmoreland en.
11 BE Stockholders of thmpri illashmgtoo and PHanlon .ittsbugh
1 Turanian Road Co, still reset at
,Sn &vend Monday, Ell of April, Cor the ramose
of eleonag ohe President, fivo Managers, and Treasu
rer, tor the ensuing year.
terrintilltarX LIABIBUR DENNY, PiGel.
Washing via Reporter eon' 7a. andehnrg, Ran
IVo, the subscribers, Chile. of aforrimid township,
do certify, th at the above petitioner is of Food' repute
for honesty and tempenance, and is well provided with
hone room and conveniences for the areammodmion
tavern Is a bucce ss lging et s
ary trangers arui wave len, and that said
A. Pillar, Wm. Hasten. ht. Tobin, p 'Wesel, A. 4
John.Y. C. Bell, A. Bison, J. Crawford. J.
A. Bell, Wm. Hamilton, Jacob Smith, BenPunin Mar.
boson. rer19.,13t.
have ANAL BOAT FURNITURE—I eon hmd •
(,1 I. Moran orßank REV.',
th Bwimingbardo,
hlnitranaaLltemrtiL Qualts, Pi ll ows, Silently Bhp, and
every Knock wmtedloremalßoats. WM NOBLE,
mtleAttn Op • site Bank or Pinsharth.
Nl3. 41,'.hthREFT STREET, between Third and
Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Fa. THOMAS pm- •
bIIGH would respectfully all the anendon of his
friends and customers, to his present extensive and I
general stock of nterehandire. It will be found to corn- .
privet every dwoription of danertcut and French Wall'
Pape r and Border , Of nutlet's, Halls Dining Room..
Bed Chambers, Counting Itoorns,an;rantring from 121
craft to SO a peep. So great • diversity of prices
and quaintea can hardly fail to suit the elm...tames
and tastes of purchasers who may favor with time
patronage, the old establlehed Mad on Market street!'
V we ntlng and Catturdoion Ale rants, Deslors tn
Country Produce and Pittsburgh Manuracturcs, cor
ner or Wood and Firth streets, Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh. March 12.1,330.
OFFEE-60 bap prime Rio and Java;
CCsnutu-do bits mould, dipped, and a . m
Goan -11Y) bra Cream and Huila ,
Cuer-211 doz Hemp and
Cavis-158 Maus;
Crsivo-i barrel;
Cturu-50 M Common and balfSpanlib;
Fau-di bri sand bait bria Mackerel and Salmon,
Huar•-•60 bra usorted riser;
Thou-1300 Prime Venison;
11. Sugar Cared;
Inn:Go-100 lbs 8 F aid Manilla:
lot -16 dos Harr - irons BMA and
Motarazs-3h bola N Orleans;
'Hi half Dila Sugar Hon
unasz-20 do:mooned emitter
Starcasoirt-50 Ms Dalian;
Vussetut-00 lb* do
Naits-SDO kap Wrted;
Plaraso-Idasiara rimmed;
Fizezza-31) builds kaluF
Par ca•••• 30 roams mulled;
toap- Partrizr-tOO lb. Zionieau;
fro bre Hum and Cut Steel;
Suas-tO bbdis N Orleans and Cial
Tos•-•fitl packages Omen and Blael
Tourrier--20 bra 5, lib temp;
WA= Boaus-60 du patent Zink;
For side by .l 1) WILLI,
mold . Comer of FM`
1 . 8 bbl.
and for sale by
ctrale the Jlrclivs qf the Court qf Gene-1
Sessions of dus Paws, in awl for thr
don of Joeirtt Parma, of the township
t Deer, to the coanty aforesaid. humbly
lat your petitioner boo Forked hermit
Cs for the accommodation of travelers and
I s dwelling house, in the township aforesaid
hat your will be pleased to grant
sey otnor
nDearihlmia 0
duty bEutdrmnil
Wall Favor Waaattonsa,
and Wood ns.
j'S s OK SALV-Tdo undersigned offers for rata am
two story Frame House—three rooms and kitchen
th a good tell. under Ml—lot 20 feet from, nu feet
deep, Itend - on ‘ffsplasadet area, Allegheny City.
Mao tanda pod to the pareksser. Price raw.
Inmate at No 15 Walla late. •• JOHN HEST.
p.per 01l vs rio. rhos alw. hood or made to
order. Manilla, Stole, and Te ar, Straw and Rag
Wrepping Paver, Cep I.dd PVrilleg Paper. for
gale, wholesale and, fetid' by, W P MA125111..41, •
mild • • 83 Wood sr.
PiGI.P.ADV.ibsSoR Galen. Lead, fbr We by
.r. 19 C if GRANT.
RE . Fl a tip=t , R . SLl:; brio °nutted, powdered
mrtB Ascot. for the Pt.l.onii Refinery.
Cuninu , SYRUP-41 barrelm for No
rorl9 . A "HUTCHISON &
PLASTER PAIU6-45 tal• P ut'l Pnrir,
WU Ameoe Pluttr, for sala
pridB.l _ _ _ ..
WILD CANDLEF—Sa bss Cineissrns ti, lor spin by .
101.1CON-13 coal., shoulders. a prim lost
JUlCTennived on ennsitr , ,,V7,fgrjtai t
" '
•---- • - - .
. : 103 bbd. prime N 0 Elsgsr; -.. ..' .
3 brls Loaf 'animal
V lirls 8 H 101suss;
It tierces Rice, landing from uessner A lue
sosi• .d for side by W JOS WITCHELTREE,
8818 160 Liberty street.
S ODA 111111-1 G basks Kottsl brand for talc by
. No 33, Wocb3 stmt.
yellarot Cough Syrup... Without • ilivoln
Panama,. oak Ward,) Feb. soa, ma.
ith R E tilitAttilL9.--Onehe Seth alt., I caught a
ILLeeryoevere cold. The night lollowisol went to
bed earlier than usual, yet notenthamadlngl bad slept I
nand the night before, my cough was so woure that I
could eat sleep. neither tumid those lm the room with
me. 'the personslee hin ping with mot
ad so
su mac to ach an.
cored by my cougg that he got o p a
am store and bought a bottle of your Cough SYroPs
one date of which, to my great astonishment. mopped
osy earth as If by magic. t woo to week in the mono
lag, anti ma now quite well. lowa, dee .
hots Duo
' I hereby certify that lam well acquainted with the
above eircametanoes, and that the statement given is
t etlesamort,
Corner O'Hara and Quarry streets, Rh Ward.
frrPrope red and wild by R E SELLERS, 67 Wald
Street, mud solst by Druggists generally Is the two
cities amt wieinity.
SOAP—:O bis Cinsinusti In store.
-- • •
11.8.NDLIB-25 On N. I ilipOd is awn,•
mild ' STEr.iRT & SILL
In str Notice.
A Lb persons interested are hereby notified tin!
AL have applied 'admen: in of - COMM= Pleas of
Altecheny County. Pennsylvania, for my Methane as
insolvent debtor, and that said Coast Ins appoin.d
enemeevole sixth day of April. leen at Ile o'eloeli • st,
for 'i.e beating of ma and me creditors at tbe Court
Home, In the city of Pittsburgh. when.and when all
parson. will above enure. if any they have, why I 40 _
not ha discharged .em ding to law.
JOHN.. '
na13.13t Pluto Township.
--- 13lualutlats of Partnership. '
MAE Partnetehlp heretofore enetht ,th e
iva statee ti th m e ., firtn .l
of' Edwatde, /clue le co, L nu . so F
foment, on the 18th int:by the withdraw of
_ ..•
Joooo fine nil be ended by the
The buten.' ele e •••' Eowiknwt,
"m'ining P"Th. • • W; P. JONES
• N. ItarrtuEits, •
THEI mhberlbeye elill canines the eneufactiste of
Piaui. nit Beale*, Leeks of vane to hind*, Latahei &e.
ender the fine of K. ED YARDS 0. CO,Atfid they rel.
oetfgliel of thext isec .ra gL .v. r . r e.
K. EOPirAlt.
,th Street. , :
area UMW) . receiving hie
In port the following, vle:
Velvet Pile Carpet', • o
P peas " r
an Orow try
301113 plj .
. N. 10• Foa
Tainctlntlg., B e=p k gn
• Lucia linpet Royal
Engli.b and Amerfc
Enra tlupc EP.
Supectl • '
Igf t se m st n st o lograin Cat;peU4
Came ea, 41a/094
, cotton
14, f attd I Tap Vert Car.
44,1 and f Tarillsd CseP.
44. 4, l and 24 plain Car.
List and flag Carpets,
S 4 Palm tlCotusit Carpets.
lituperfine do do Rags;
Toned BIM
&Ira Wilton " '
Coldzoon do
Chenille Door Mints;
54.74.10 d.;
.011 C , .1
64,54.4140155 miatuT
113 qVapt Mat
lone n
Extraßrinteda i n e o alter.
1 1 [Unbowed Piano
Printed wool. "
I Enztataied Stand "
14antiansl wsinald
11.1441 c &Ili I Olen;
Turkey Red Chtntzes;
Chiron Ikirdenino
Pn OLI Cloth Table
Brown Uneti erawb cloth.
Brass Stair Rods;
Stair DruEgetct
Carpet Bindlnis;
Jots and Coen Mats;
5 4 and 44 Orden Oil Cloth
for Blinds;
Comm, Teueetnem
Blue and Dmb Clothe;
Conch Oil Clo.;
Bivalents for Leengri
Weteired blerrius.
Ina Holland fo Wallace;
Wench nen*
• Venetian Blind.;
PTa th aNT r atillneo;
R.s4a Clash;
Scotch Diapem
liroion hi a.,
Oil Clot h Table
BUT= Om Gums front the most appmred Eng.
114 and diumicim manufactutept Irons Is to *I feet
I. whim, will he cut to fit rooms, halls, mid
.tesubeled of any size or shape.
The undersigned baying Imported direct from Eng
land, his Velvet Pile and Tapestry CARPEIII. These
Carpels; which are of the latest and most elegant
Gyms and patterns, and attic most surgeons colon.
will be veld at pried. as low as Mei can be purchased
fur In any of *Beams:no cities.
•' •
Hering the largest assortment or the richest arid
PLY and INGRAIN CARPBTS which far surpasses
i n qu odity and cheapness of puce, any assortment en;
before brought testa city. He also insitesSteamboat
Men and Coach Manufacturers Wmayor and wet
selected assonmentotTßlMlßlNG ric!.
necessary in
business. • • ••
• The undersigned la also agent for the only Stair Rod
blanufaciory Philadelphia, and Is prepared to sell
lower than can be purchased elsewhere Id this city.
• _ _
17Cndsome illoccsntry . Maslidesuala fer tale.
THAT d b“* T 7p d A k ed h trlT ' a r= "l ssl7:l: `, t7
raooca ortha . Ohlt.rlTer, to lite lowa port *rAlle•
iii' l ; t my city, now In the ocCopabey of 10.oz1M IVicksr
a,cm, Be.. Paseesciaa . rArrii .
WILIT111;4: iq
Foots iiv;ret theithfieligi
1 kitgr.Zreo more, on Ithatiet la, next door to &A
will Ix noted low to • roll tenant, and pots*a
ma even immediately, For toms apply , to
otrLikltf .WALTM BaYANroznibeny
T.Letree and Manager - C. 13. TOUTER:
Press Circle and Paquette cants
Second and Third Tiers nO ca "
Gallery (fo colored persorul-----• 23
Doors open at 7; Co f 1.3 will riso at 7/ o'clock
ID - Lau night of the engaranuni of
On Tondo, lark ro w b. presented
-• • •-• .... A. M..A.
............ Mr Taylor.
--".Mn. H. Miami.
V.Daxec, by Men Frail.
TO conclude with the
De. TAW,
,Mta Flan ,
ETWeducaday—Henefit of Mr. Addams.
Apollo ,Mallls reethilit Straits
rITHE, undersigned has the eleantre of announethgut
the citizens of Pittsburgh, and therntblic in gene
tthat he has, at greet menage and asperse., sun
eeided In establishing a Slaw= in this city. The col
lection of coneetUes la exceedinglY entettl•el
bracing en endless variety of the rare and-curious
works of nature, as well as of art
Those who have seta It. have prononneed it as sec
ond only to Bernenfl catenated establishment in New
York. The glee study of the Proprietor has been to
bring together anch things as are calentated not Only
to gratify the eye, but also to improve the taste, and to
I agora instruction to the tends of the yosoy as well . 0
old, sod to render It every way worthy of the auchnon
of an intelligent and moral conunanuy like ours This
object the Proptieun folly believes ha has attained,
end he relies with confide., upon the patronage of a
ltherel pablic t ta sustain this new enterprise, which is
i acknowledged by all to be a deshicrailm very mash
, needed in this cuy. Venom disposed to make dens
' bees of curiosities to the bleseum, will please tive
their history, with names of donors, which that hare
eon • thanes Ness in the Museum.
The escape lain be open daily, from 9to o'clock
in the epornner, and from 4 %rib o'clock in the arta,
noon, Rad in the cerium; from 7 toll/ o'clock.
Adnaluence, *5 cepa—children order It years o
hail' • tic.. Season tickets to be • • at the
MINI m u e INILI " I ' MST hlOßßlS.Proprietor.
By JoLail. Duels. Auctioineer.
160 doe. Fins Skirts, at Auction.
On Ride." morning, Pad inst., at to o'clock, at the
Commercial Salon
earner of Wood and Fifth
creme,Ll be ,old, by enrolee., 0000 days cridir
on mom over IMO for OM's.* obdomea IMPer
-100 demo Fine Milne, embracing Um cheriesal 0.
*cement offered to dealer, for tome Omar eacoprielog
moor York b roa do Barbi, aura linen bowilner
collars, In; and narrow plaits, fi ne muslin
shins, run plans, yoke pent and French Enterer Eng.
lish loon 01010 Ithlos, LAIN C, open work; fine maul=
Bin C. 11 C, fashionable broad pinion do do do/.
B C, noedie worked do do, do do do Lad & C.O row
' Fre ock embroidered bosoms; 1,13 C RP and
numbed; muslin abUts with linen taisoins ruid collars.
0:10 JOUN JAW& /me,
Spring Goods Ansa Fashions for IPSO.
AS jut opened his Stale, consisung ores
cry dean lotion of G Sp OODS suitable!oe city tract,
The Cloths; Casilmeres anti Twinge hue been seder.
ted with great ease from the latest Importations, and
ompriw • part or every thinethat le new =I hand
some for SPRING and SUMMER %MAIL The assort
curd of Vesting. la manually huge and !sled, both in
style and quality, and cannot be excelled, if equalled,
by any other utsblisincent In this My. either In Qom.
tot, qoantriv, ea nice
Also, a new st Coatsyle of TWEZD CAMBERS, adapt
d for Busess and Pmts. el=la GOOd• of
every d•serl in ptloo, such as Tweeds, Cul:mutts, It I.
im Clothe, ,hap d'Etes, he. The mare Meek will fa
vorably compare with my mock of goods opened
heretofore in ilittsbargh.
Ale S. C. Warm' well known skill and taste as a
Cutter, will prove an ample grimmest to all who met
layer this establishment with their orders, that they
ill have u geed and fsatille work as c an be
produced by my house in the East. and at math sow
. prices, as have been aekisswledged by many who
have tried both. I would farther state, thatl will fur
nish so good and fashionable Goods es <MI be fond to
the Eastern market, and at mach lower prices.
A large and general IMMUISOIII of reedy made cloth.
log Is on bend, mode the present Spring Pashkom„
comprisingDrees,Prock mil Sadness Coats of the la
test style, made of French, English, and Amedem
Cloths, of all fultionable colors. PANTALOONS of
every desenptien et plain and fatter CuilMeus of the
latest style; Clothe, !militia and Steamer Goody,. Vests
of the best Satins and ellks;plath and Caney Manatee;
• Clothe, Cashmere, Ise; and other arnelasin the Cloth
ing line. All Claninents made SO 49 are warranted to
be cut and made Ina good workmanlike Mlle, andwllk
be bold low for cash.
Jr• Non wage. grit i
All rr or Tota made l: eith
• .
tyr Wholesale pereliasen will findthe seek el 49
,a most desirable one te select a cheap andbmatifal
sortment from. imarliatft P.'DSLANY.
A'FARM. Oa the Ohba River. about /XI cones below
Wheeling, in Ohle; containing MO acres; lea brit
rule river beim; about WO sere. ander (core, good
dwelling house. Muni a fine orchard, and ether bit
pronmeent... This farm mill be sold low, and hi oce or
the moat cthrirable on the river. Tor farther parka
lan enquire of WW .1011ENSTON,114 god :
""' Sherlock ea Illotue ProvldeleoO:
ECOINID American edition. I trot - %no ZS PP:
o. en Sc. white Farr.. Thie hithalA
very scarce and exceedingly valuable vrellg.bai gut
been published by 7.1.. Ilead. It I. reemmended by
'mist of the elergymen of Ibis - eilY; of &Intent de.
russaiastiong and in coo meek warty MCI Gerdes hers
bean circulated in Pittsburgh and suburbs.' •
Orders for the mirk are invited • '
lU , su g dirmat terrholicaleperrlesese SOO
For site at the Methodist Bea Delmsinn7 , •
L norms, WUL -
brand, in mull boxes, 12 lb. each. to earl find
lies m opportunity of ascertaining their superiority.
Far tile utile corner or Renton= anal Federal ennete.
AlluS her*, bY burni-431•1 FRANCIS NAST.. •
C0112 , 1 i - t3
Tr.ed,: , v bo A tule by
NrroN. math
ATS—WO bus for übs by
ESS ISEEF—In store . , and for We by
111, ml 6 W 115011.NSTON
Wl6.—X tree =patter ` I tee
end Weak, by botllij WICK k ateCANDESS
St:E.D . -41 Dbl. jest ree% and for sale by
. N V r yeAli-ae ads rns j o i d , W: bjti
Dots onhood and (or rile b
L y:
0 ?di r , 4 -IC4O DNA, ist awe aid br b
neataxv & co
OLI7BUITESt- , 10 bbla ree'd lad far iak by
rI.O - NV 19A.12,11MY &CO
OLABSEB-80 bbls in oak, fm u 4 b 7
S I T26 -8."6” N " Iltik. BILL
lad.WN—lioms,ana • ea) , care*, tba.gden, 4
JD do do; aides, 7cco do do, in biota alatfor :ale by
mil 6 • SELLERS,* ,raoots
hmup do,
Ffiustlfjc.dt,bll:,,S. } 2t s u.'" ,. e . xY"
OAF SUOAR—ICObbIa aulNosreedand for side .
ja by torte. BUEBRIDGE, WILSON 0. P 3
C RAC CIII£II=-10 bbls ikaperlor; 3 Id do, Ciisaie try
-HIED niecnießbaaarZtrmarilecbj.
N o VrAV Holtedb
4413 N 0, inViAimil fa tvailo
WINDOW OLAS3-600 bx. asa'd dlza4 'tied and
88 sala y• b mBl5 8L W 118884808 .
-LARD -4.9 bbl,, 7EddoNo I, psw fronistior
Fort Pill, tar ple
IIDACUN-14 Willi unwind, now twilling fivin wan
D von Pin, for by ll
aatie ISAIA
kl".111" - "'MVIrttiNcimy & co
Wurn: of .Ns—For alb by "
m 0,6 131,1k11 DICKEY*. CO
SOAR " 11—"
k illt VI d
tatralt YE
mrt6 - No. 144,LA. •Zest
mrIdCORS 1-100 lacks, Prime Cam is szeg4? We by
orrEs-4p 'jets N. timer in rtore,E3r nie by
AND —4. keg. N.l 1,..1 t. "tom kn. saleßy
K .I4 mrl6
S UOAR Jr. 1110LASSES,30 Was N Sam; •
• ado
Solbris N 0 M roan olassesq
um, ird ll dci.
BACON -37 east. Sides josat i te n et sndflssle by
1.16 •
3 . 1 1 ' 4 1 , 1 ,LitCV.--au
f".1 3. 1 11DO 1t Co.
S A ZIN'A PER —3oo rearm, Strdtb itt.Warksacleo.bY
lbo.upanor, Of ObT
BLUR vrnuoi—ow points for by
mriG J
1 ,31,0 poands in store ansirmratz
k A OLASSES—ZU brA plamitioA(..k <A , T. O A^/;
LTA br:s Sag.
1,04 C. II GRANT.
boxes bunch rsimins; -
4U tmlf boxes do do for sale by': •
Bap, for gado by •
ItT out- C GRANT
e N Fle l Etlslts
A A el -I sar
Afortkia.bls ll Vets, at mach less Dotes thus the leistet
CIIEM4E-lUO bbs W S, to now and tor sale by
A RD-2u bb!s. W kgs No I roe% aid for WO by
NY HA31.13.10U011:
, ALLOW-70 bbla primes fre4l sad for ale by
meld& W
6-v0 OD!.pedor lag 76' do do ours
f.m lin 10 ct. nyrdo, m stare sad far gals bt
turl4 ' SWIM I SILL
(G mill
aalielow, (anima and tor Ws by
IHEMM.4°*bule"nm IM WgVllralfra:
.ale by =l4 ;
1140 reed . mad for,
I. saleby . mrl4 • R.A=Y, JONEB4. CO .'.
isorted to miry oil . ..air/Pon Pia,
D 'for sale by wit ISAIAH DICKEY &Co
LARD-0 Dbl. No 1 to wire on star Fon Pin, for
Ws by oirl4 • MIAS DM=Yt OD
'.' _:- ~
'MA O,IC E.T.f.L I N E.
pdelallt. l by di Upend patronage extended
es a ll regular and' rithi
well coeted Line', the elm
re Of Thelbllosring tinelneattiershave arranged there
.into a Line between Pittsburgh and Looi.Nle. --
One of the bow will positively leave Pinsbersh on
every Mosinay..Waanscesg. and
at 6 o'clock—fell or not fall. . • •
The best boat of the Line, will start on Monday,
Febranryt.tth. • •
Steamer Genesee-----.l—Ceplain T. Moore.
Z. • Lae.
" ilaadarg J. Klinefelter.
West Newton-- " Dallas..
Pairmoant ' W. Esb,,y,.
Flea= or
I,k6IBEMER. Arts
J. 1.4 4 •••••4 •••' GINE/INN &WI: ,
• Captalif Wru.tor S. Komar.
• • - • • 't 'lbis splendid boa mtiebailt 4y At
airmen of At steamer lease
re Neon.,
mat inhe, l
- theSeeintati and
tlidnersk ?Mac trade, and wit
eminence making ker. regular trips . in the Puns uts
SUNDAY, the t7th Mon •
• en board; to
'For freigbt or peaky! apply
let. • • • 11•NILTENSERGER, Ay
7prrrsuu Etc inifiliViitELlSCif ViekET.
Tee nolendid feat running steamer
LOUIS MeLANE, W., S. Cormell,
• • master, Abasing undertones Mor.
ough repoir,) will run herelder as s
regular, packet between Pittsburgh
and SVpiurl Fig; teasin g Pittsburgh' °yeti . Monday,
We/Moder and Friday mornings, Atli o'clock. For
flutghter kauSuge apply on Ward: or • ,
I 0.4 • ,W4,I9IIF.ELER,W,III.
lear above
port . anthill ds7 ,tbo IPir. Wit, at 10
•lock s. r.
For Craig:Mat passage apply en board, or. 40 •
ongli J NEIV10;1 JONES, /tie_
The splelCarEttitl.rung summer
Benedict, Jaeger, 1011 learn for the
e and, all intermediate tarts ea
Wedaeaday, the Seth Mirth; at adelock; P. M.
For freight of passage ap o rr i pairt&Va GEß.
: _ cull
.-. • .
• • The Ilna -neer and stanneh steamer
• • NATIO/TOR, - • •
Wm, Bearoaaster, will Immo ror the
stand intermediate pont, on this
mdal , the 11th inst., at 10 o'clock, A. bl.
For freight or pu G
B al ssy* applr'Ao board Or tO
mr/0 a.TE—NIIERGER r Agt
- ' • " FOR CINCINNATI.".. --
" ~,,... ' The splendid eceanier " • . i
Capt.. A Stone, 'will leave foe above
d intermediate puns, Wednesday,
PM inst, at le o'clock, A. INI., in place of the N e w
I:ltgiussi No. 9.. . .
For freight ar renege apply onboard, or to t 1
ostl9 G B RIILTEt:IHERGI.R,nddL.
,' , • The splendnvgzrAii-Mcßrde,•Mases,ba
leave for the
e and I.ll , lot...edits. ports on
Tuesday, the 19th tost, al 4.o'cloek,.P. M.
For freight Of, pussgeapply On board. or to
emit! • J C_ETTIOREW, Aut.
T'Von. htsattnis,vielt-t.', • . .
. - . The ent!tely new and mannetimiammt
' John &Davis, master, 1411 leave for
above and ail Intermediate land
ism on Wednesday, the Zak inst., 0141'. M..: *.
..e Milton will Magi for freight to Now Orleetiv,
with privilege of=chipping cd or below Cincinnati.
..For freight, rte.:apply cat beard et. to"
nirlB . , ,OW B 1111LTELMBEROBB, Agent
FOR ST. LOBES AND anssouaugivg*.
,•:: - The splendid steamer .-' • `
a. C. Grormater, will leave.for the
cc s od all intermediate rate on
Monday,.. the 10th law, at 1.0 o'clock, A. M. 1
, Fog freighter passage apply On board, or In
J N JONI:15.1.o
..- • ,Mt splendid aleminer.VOßT PITT, ,
, . . . Miller, notator, mill. bunts for stove
Ito alllstetniedlue poth ott3L3nilay,
et lath . frist,lat 10 'o'clock, A. I.
For Creed or pumps, apply on board. or to
, , .
•'' ' Z. ' ''voltllistiviti.E.
. • • . - - lica splendid rase plirarnret packet
'-, - ,' -• LOTH, HANNA,' I
1. - lliine7, muter,wlll lsto foe
i abblro ..La oil
on this' dor, allo &clock, N. !IL ''. • :
For torlght.orrastate; apply , on - board.' =I 4-
. . • The splendid fast riming stasster
•13off, masterwifl leavo. for k above
snionnintlato parts Saiardsy,
the Ifith last, az4. o'clock, P. AL •
rot frelphtotpaaaar. apgy on Donna, la
, • • ,I . CO Ars
--Forernr.viamstußrvEß:' •
The, am fast-m.lm sleaatei'
46 1 1 1
l El ad p llla a are;mllle/ m eAzThi share
-• .-- dart au. Ilab Insc,,Atili4.4pek, 11
Toy yrelgatauppsaage, apply am loaid, yr tb •
swl9. - ~.17,13..{}NGT.14:11,1qiest:
...-oE r sicativiEd. - 8, 7 , • •
' • .11le splendid steamer.
lanerowill lam fbenbslvs
' r li T r r fii t;lolllVM l sn ,'
_ _ .
'Vitae Waster: will letiee for the
tfth e ek3oT d .lti. g ! '"'"'""X°
Yor 4 pang on
.t Pu"to VP'S' on board.- Pal
—._ .. . FOR LO,UIB4ItLE: .: . .:
tor. T7:10117 . two , Beh i feanbt steamer
YEN ?,wleew, memi,,...0 k. 4. for—thn
vo-and all ittermehliaot pare ou
Ode day, the 16th lost, at .1 n'clock,'P. 51. ,
(I:7The sumo boat lionwelry will eany attielw of.'''
Putehorgh toseraliwtnie., to Cineittnatl tad t.ottuo, k....„...)rth
for ticker pet 10 lho.. this clip. '
-F ILIS I f! ‘t . :9I =IVIN o Ok CHWZl3:lleigt•
TM Fort 'Pim for
- F .lain IS . AIkIi . DILICELt. CO
DEAN-3 a t.
S ee1..00.0.1 IFortFu ad
(o. o
B: 6}.., 10114- laslAfi DICKEYCO
0 1 1,,Tt'bri7- I V4reliltte.NT;'
rIOD Fl9ll7l4drstas, for sale Ism by
• ) . ,C H GRANT, 4lWiera
RDLL OolTBg—to bx troth in cloths, reed *
for sabstry sort 4 cANETELI)
SIIGAIt—t4 tadti lasljepl, rbi mlei
.COVITLOO)I..IS—!SEI daVAn.AadEtzglri
B%tn l L—BA'cK7l,RsVP,'.'vi:ft%e
QUZLIED 11111600 bet nAl,and forum by
P m 43 Ana400:10.#.4.4E.
Ilt,C , ooflYYZtni family trfbuTyge sale by
C4tieKitLoo tat W'R;llkaio irenril in it and
for talnly mrl4 - S..CO
R%",it'''"'''°"7llk7l'..°,;:C by
14440NISHOULUERS -7 elm szt;ro, 'and 'for eaie
:J." by • ,1•44, • • .-B,DAYZILLI. CO -
Pailr. 1 3anabriCa•f.
PRING sua=nirc—xviti ba.treeiva443 , fir.
eaual ahimeat, a 21)111' imire4olas aT , Olm , a'°‘
w.O Paper, a the' laseal Franck and P.sitef a 40 10, ,
111104, chamois. oak, plain /ugh ealer!..
W. P. 512LA5A5.1.4 tiara S. iEII,I
' 83:Wocaratrert
.Tl.He'..a.rzYs.ttfr 7: =ifs: t ' S
D. Ut.beteld & is oh, do u 'ansoaval broooo
eanset. ,Ttus busings! of OA obi fit US !ps RIM cd by
S. U. Histsball, at the
tittl illtnd;NO.PlOLlttelt.t street,
Pittsburgh. ; . H. BCAIIPI4I.D,
Mush IL. 1851 JOHN 31UOILL.
continue the NYttolosals. tea Reteil Dal Geode and
Grocet7 butanes., elllea edetentl.l .l=ti. tAbetty at,
undel. the Pm ai , t..CO. •
'March " - •
QUGAR-4/ kttartastoti stmt rim' vale DT'.
1:7 mrlf• ,-, ARMSTRONG tCROZEit
1011111—.1 eases beet XI. for
I ,n - -
as SCHOON MaKER t CO, 11V oat et
• x • c k,
TUStreeNl,. hy ExPtel lot Of .nerst. tyle illeedlc
Woml Conan at tbe tank.stetanu af.l'ouret
• . . •• MURE/IlrliliallitCllllELD
—.11..0%bx• Norfolir Co.
Chaco &oe; 100 hie uenftria.l do; 00.4% Oak
-re, Cocoa; Su boxtsßehereatema„),ol,,,,i,d and
for rasa by IVIIIIAILI•LEY &CO,
mrl4 „A for the Mormferlor.ira.
h , • • -ter:. and for
'blob mrl4 EIAGALIS Cod,
L°ll)l,),l,L — '—' 3 1 . 1 4 ''';hatilll`;'lMAl•fc'.-'
MIN SOAP—X{ his dolma; and foiTtsle by
mi ' • WK tI.SOALEY: CO.
RAC. N-10 aka Ham& Shoulders, foe .ele by
D 1100515-140 tomtraims fnt , s.dir y j.), mat.. ~WIC& t.MegANDLESS.
OTASIF-8 elteraillS/1 tbi tale by •
11 IMPHY k BUILC/IFILLD tumajust reel game
111. new style Ribbon Clam, al north cost cvmer of
rowth and porker sys: • ' ntri
13 Wi '37'15b4 " a 14111fktrmITtio*V;:ity
AcK I+l, l,lO 1.1.4 No 3 Lax, Inspect
20 d o 2
.:121 id
"I' 7 l 7.eies tiurctusori aCO
(11BAUCH}1313E—M0 . lan in mom end fornala by
ll ovll3 - 3 B CANFIE.I.D
ALBBATUB—iiAba•arni 6 in nore . and for
S C LI C I lajk .
b jaNilP. ' LV
8A.c.11 4-135 D
. AR4-10 kegi No I Leaf;
j.i -14 bbl _ do do; tot sakt__by
• . WICK iteldeklAND4W
FINABLE ISALT—es bce naperior, for We by
zurl3 . WICK & Mae ANDL
SEOAR.IS-700011egabd (heti
~ MO' do , Idapedeott
itate do ' Cototas;
. 3000 ' do Letefl de OM; •
. I reggthif ln+Wqr .011tet ebu/Co. brandt.
Alsom4litif Apaalda alulevasuoti eoa
meat, atd wilt be sold lo to close the
=l2 trent 1.1. e ahr.
M ° OT was b bbli 0; 40 ba 5Hi 0 . 1
mill 7 AU:I/MONO & CEO=