The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 18, 1850, Image 4

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tr No. 79 Wood meet, end Mr die mEamem prcer.
Bereologlebrear Leximu, Turaddin arrsumment
at de Bible, Nearider's Blom of de Olnimian Neils
Mon and Chard, Jibitooll Treatise on Gerimian Doe
t=.,l,il.a of Jeradiah Britilnalm4 Greek
y do, Goya.. do Effihi do do, Beings W
him Il trod, Boston minim Pansit's Bible Gazectear,
!daimon, Glue and les Prospects, Dr. Wood's Lee.
,aua g wa g i adorgisoism, Bolt% blasionary Awe
doter, ud many eiber intarestine mods, in Maiden
to the alum, WV= IMCCUL. maid
rargraralli r— Plri n niiirrn:M=L lMei
yggalWaY, AND be ready for
µmeet in in days. mons ado day midi to
nave Und of their cord seata gm on the map eu
Ikeno by making anGe • nlO the undersigned, itaY,
dna before the gltir To To &GU tbe "
de abeam ass --. ~••• be revoked be said.
'4l the Oft or de um. turd E 2 , IMAN
• s • et
gyred deg
ed tha
led be of
t and
ms it might
.4 • the I
b y b ...
,IsP ere
tend TO ,
tend •.1
BOUT feu Yen. lams traveling Womb
be 13tate of El while epeading It few day. te
I discovered Mamba Moen° sabstancie.
atr 4 sabacemantly ed that It had been known for
T and supposed be of no use or vase, bet from
Ile ~f eg g ~,egil,,,. e pyearallee. I
. *es WY to 110110 it might be made useful, but for ,
whasparpoos I bed the least idea. I etsmiestecti,
eipenmcnuby b it, beam 11, ad Oen , '
Mg it,and comMtun • it with venous subetaimer,
se Mang Ins My cardidenceihatthere was value
pro,WI I gave op y agire time enans bathe.
ptcoratioa of bets sperlmerds, and f m thet tame
o this, Ire attend go norterdeb=e,ltdtlia,
ty . ed ' ueing It io t a fing=er and I miting it with lin t :
aced MI to Ow be.eorsisteney of thick ptint, and
epplylug We compound with • brush, Mat this costbg
In a few months would became a perfect Mono. or .
slate; so that the saint.. when applied %mutually
slaw In a Squid stsm, and the large manure of Silky
alumina, magnesia and bleat oxide of Ironthatit con
, lased, rendered it both weather and Sro proe6 as be
L Were mend, the Danl. and snare permanent it
- amen is become, and as the coating (after it tarns us
slate) Is of Itself indestructible by tire, coaisequebtly it
probers the velure covered with it from the stroked
wiser: ahem /a anal; there Is no blase or o=ooMb:it
therefore the wood will stettuaty.ches, before the slate
cerVzgivl 17
of the
5.. . e impu i i i L1 .,01 ..;
um, and , applied to GOVerninent fin a pewit for my
Prowl= or discovery,' fondly booing that 1 stesuld
nowbe emannerated for ell my outlay in tnite twine- '
eel._ The governmeta, without day !seiludkin, Vent'
at to me Letters Patent (or the sole nett to manufac-
Um, sell and am my Improvement in be reansfeemen
of s s‘Veather and Fire Proof Composition or Aril
let.) Slate." far • faasteen,yem.
'Anita 10849. . . '. WIS. BLAKE.
...m.....• ,
WS ( be inhabitants of Sharoa,hav ead the above
audemant of Ur. Slake, and bees nobe subarea.
billy eonect ; es we ant:rowing to mat of the stew
menu therela contained; andwe will farther etsto,thet
web oat beiblie that there ever Ir. • rebel Mare
boitestly end laborimmly earned, et mom deservedly
emitted; u he waited his experiments with the most
indomitable perseverance under the MOM diseopreepej
eirealbetibue es, as the public luid t ats least
dance that ahem could be any thing rideable mac
from, the lie thereto:eked 10 eneoueser tor
Tun the jeer a and scoffs of meetly the whore eomons
nlty. Notwithstanding • all this, lbw.. Indefatigable
the prosecution of his experiments, and sea do not
h ave bather. Is ow man ut %thousad who would,
have perseverted under oil Ms circumstances. But ha
bits at laat triemphed over all obstacles, sod we he
lices them is now bat one o n
la awarding kite
the merit of Ode eatable disocaory.
GM W. CRANE, Justices of
_. . the
,CIL of
ATFIELD, Trustees
REMO , hint lONE, Township.
Whl. EVESEPT, p Clink.
ALLEN ROWE, Tresmuer.
I have ascertained that there am badividuals engaged
ainitill) ending, atul preening for sale, the above
=enured Minn], to be mired with olkand usedpto
only as I use my patented ankle. I have been to
those wows and shown them my patent. They say
they do not intend to adreige or trapeze upon m
rightm th at they have a right to dig, grind, and sell
powder, if they can lied perehaseng that they are not
bound to knew what they are to do with in make
no infringensent until it is egged with the oil to
the compoend4 add that those who buy, mth seawall,
mon take the resprosibilny. Host Of thou say that
they believe that the patent is good arreinsithose dud
mix end use the composed, end some have esid that
Iva/they wanted to 6•0 they shone certainly Walth
am of me, as they did not tweed to mate themselv es
liable in any way. Now I feelluyself in di:whetted m
tr,Eeirbtie.hlreurce,ed fraud ugi m it the .
delta Pei for I...Wel:doe gee. of which he well
knows irnioJeCta the purehner ananser to a prosecu
tion and fine. Some of those who are erttegedld Ude
=Wien will unmentionably wound to the
Public that my
_patent w il l not mud, and th at I dare
not prom:claw Nove,ut take Ude argon= away from
stern, •1 went to some of these who were Preelndtddd
that my patent was of Ito vane, and made the follow
ing propostthom that they mind select initiate sod two
!news who have had some prattles In patent eases,
and we would remit the patent to diem, sod if they
decided that the patent was good, that they should Cep
all farther proceedings in ssi but if they
should deeW that it would not, In their opinion. bold,
I would agree to let them go on =deal all they cone,
without saying any thug to the Tebbe shoat them.
This przpodtioa they would nee accede to. So far as
tko validity of my patent concerned , Ido not de.
• peed entirety neon soy owajudracea, 21160101 I have
the fullest confidence in 14 bot I have submitted to
othY of the judg.. sod several of the most eminent
patent booms, who have, without emceed... &mid./
• don In then opinion It ern good, audio:old prOtetlair.
In my disererery.
I grind the article to a fine power, and pot it up In
Danis, the which are marked: 0 /twist Pam= FMI
aim Weereum Pecos Awn/sta.
.1 therefore give notice to all who buy ed. dee thin
2.141.2 meal mineral for the porpoise set font
. my patent, except from me or toy au th erved agents,
that I doll hold them to • strict thountabilitli
shall commence suits et law agthot name who thus
tefrume upon my right WM SLANE
Seems, Medina Co., 0., Aug. 11, ISO.
ECY - TWO TONS of the above Vire r
Proof Attilcial Slate on Made and fonote. The e
we can rethointend, for we lilies been toting it
bestow 4
ebony num it PH tat iLlAsat
too h
. J. fr. 11. Pllll.l.lPS,._hgt,
No d Wood et
Mo. 601 Fourth Sires, Plitsbarghs
Ban now la Store their foil assortment of
tillllllll9, Gloves, Hoderyind Lace Goadi
A DAPTED to thawanta of every etas. of Merchants
Aend Oonsareers.. , No pains have been spared to
Present the newest and most fashionable style of
Good. In their line. Their stook consists 1.11 parte( the
fixTrxza4 altd Dill i es, of em soden styles
and narrow gic an g ir N ' ffonued ' E r at 'e rroiden . nglirsid
Deed and cut Velvet Ribbon plain do dc, Corded
soma and plain Sabo Ribbons, for trimming; black,
white sad ,
oolor Stlk Laces extra wide do do, • for
Ploan with • fell amontruant of Dress BUZIOAZ;
Drums linked, Stamped or Embroidered to order.
Ettabroldered Lane .04 Muslin Cape*, Cbectinettes,
Breakfast and Retiring Caps arid lUD Sleeves, French
AVorted Dollar. sod Colkin peas ?ratan Lane Veils,
Lane& and Open Tier, blooming Chemisette=
tars, Calri and Ralf Sleeves; Lsnan Lawn
plain embroidered and hemstitched do, plain Linen do;
real Woad Loom and Edgings, ha. do do; Dobbin,
Lisle, late Muslin and Cotton Edgings and lemmings.
Rich now style Sonnet Ribbons; French Face Flaw.
rs, Bonnet Tab% Velvets, Satins and Fiterendlil, Silk
Illusions and Tarlatans, Bonnet Frames and Tips.
818 awn&
Reg samaficture, with most approved bilZithlgl4,
and choicest colors. Anenenaivaarsortmant always
on hand.
A great variety of Silk, %Tool, Cotton, Merina and ,
Cashmere, for Lathes and hlisms; Tartan Plidds, asd
aMI assortment other styles fancy and plans
real Sim; newest 'styles infants' Boots and Socks
Gents' Grampian, Vigrada, Merino, Conon and fine
Wool Ralf Bose.
A Mil assortment for men, woman and caldron, •
among which me Derby Ribbed,Foloselle and plain
Silki_ abed and plain Cashews Chamois Llete d Bap
Its Cassimern, Merino, For-Bind Beaver, heavy and
fine Bookakin, hillhary and Lido Ittread and Comm:
• Bach 44 Ladles' and Children's Hoods Children's
Woolen Sacks, Knit leassfiand Boas, Children's Gan
' en and Long knits, Worsted Cogs, Rrnsiog Wolkusi•
and Woolen Yarns, California COW:dant; also, Eno
Cashmere Scarfs for Ladies.
Zephyr and Tapestry Worsteds, Canvass Patients,
Floss and &rib* Silk, Bristol lad Perrd Boards, ?A
DCs Flows Materials, Llsmp Alats, Tales, mid Got.
koldered Work. Also—Ladies'Sdk and Memo Vems
and Ihamstr, Eknbroidentd Sacks andFlannels,Frmels
Worked Cop awl Waists for InfulsandflormOwilown
Fine Rads, Cravats and. Galaxy, Merino, Silk -and
Cows Wrapp srs and DraworG_Sasnenders, Shoulder..
Bassos end Waning Gownr, Mils anal Linen lltdicf4
Gloves and limaiory..
Preesch moienot carved and plain Shell Back Com*
BoZalo and los ds; Stud Side and Long Combs los.
dm Balfalo, Sada and lbeowed Flair Wallow Unlit
BaSaba and Eng. lbw Doming and floe lvery Combs;
Mtn as asserlasent of Nail and Teeth Brushes -
Weshordro "Gold Medal , ' Pella:wry.
riamm_tan i
Healgi Pim, TWA Bl ed bogs am ram.: ..
13.11/010 NA &eel Goods, &nu a wth, s.g.y, . • •
rum Twin . 41 f&.&&. , Fit. Roo:wood Desks and
OM Wong. & Galloo n, Fancy Work twists
Cloak Cord nod 'Tassels, Ponfolum, Volettres l ad'
BIWA & ElkidkTtinnalup, Ladles , 8,,,,,,,,i,.
rep& & & slum Tama., Frew& Cork Boles,
ilptuAgerees Fringes, thlt a owls Umbrell&s,
Bad Limo, mkt &Asia, Paps,
,decdOil Cloths, &snit-Band. & Webblng;
P a, 13 ang, Cosset and 152,011 LUC,.
-.. _ . - -.-• -
-Idee , d one canto W
J . Gli.axwe carpet Warehoaa, N 0.73 Foanh . o,
imp a, a carpets, of the West and most ap.
proved et - pleet to which ore • invite th e attendee of
flieathat men, ad those within to famish Hawes
to all sad examine the largest assortment le the chi:
Nelda we will Dell cheaper than ever hciont 0010 3 tr
the orestom market. naval W erFusrocic
IMousulAS Long
Tlir R. hammy LW rex d - • supply', of the alms,
erlun'tiAg,tr i t tirk II .1= IS 1 • U t k
c ti.
rue, Pardus Cloth,. black Coburn., k'aratettae.
do as and Plana Merlon., black
Coteau w aren:this Collars, Meareind Barnet AA..
llidAsiLneek do, and a full sawn:nem of !durum
Geode V'm .0:
A tarp assortment, including a few pieces very wlde
and Sours ore larded to loolt at them, at
North haa earner of Furth and Market via.
Wholesale Rooms
rib muss, where a lug/ Usort ,
Mud fi tood bat lady bees reeeiv.W. UM
Ws haw bun informed by Mrs. Rue of team pu
t °Mod on her by Des Jarmo , * Altermtlweimblek
p Mlle its sapesitoiry aver every other remedy of the
Mod. SW ha. been aillteted foe the last Mimes you+
molt steatitic= and eafoliation of 'antra , benee,da.
. mornwhiehtuttomsay pieces have been panned frm
VgtApainTil ketch rtfaTti'lml;e7 b/yohenrin
farnOta.. bone. a n d from thought ' kneeTtitaides pato&
a h,oes acme pans of tee person, which have bodied
the skill of a umber or the meet eminent physicist:ea
• Ass eau—doug mast of the thee her learrainy s have
been ezenmuny and deplorable: Abut dtree Mouthy
*Moe she erse reduced to kW Di..lautdo Alterative,
' edge! las hid an austahinglyhappy elect moo b ar .
telniernag all pmn - sod. evralpios, mut owned lho
legize hekualreth aides Wu lone het geousl health
-bee becoMaeompletelyrestoted,so that Itho mu , wet&
bee. than she did WON Ndimmeed the no
of ttnl iniddinterdtpt=l.-491,1•Pe.PC.1.,
yira;l4=tln. ira " / 14 f.!M °.
pay Wain Waineigh, silks mart TEA Blow,
firAlk WHY*
UT AL the Medicines advertised by W. B. ELMO
L1015,V16.1 arse; and JOHN P. scoff
d ri a trar
DaothtW oi
ar, by RIMY sanwearrx
.. -
The Batt Cad Cheapest llorsa Pi galas , .
Bt tourrozwr AND comprr
Er.astrudo gnat *awe Fe, Plafty,dgittam, fktfh
,ty sag lauttogiwt SWOPS O¢=ENT Emee-
Aad le
lU:duca rs ts esw le ass pldl superseder all other Maw= sold
rot we.. of the followias au
uses: . .
ruilt woods, gills otell klub, sprahts, hrale.
Cracked heels, nnlibmx 4 .i.abouN nlndttll fto
aril, atlas, garb., dr.m.T, buds. aitfau, swami
creek, Ibmaerat feet, *couches or
ig'gra*p=revi heno
lltrearitr*e alifisetaradna eat fever
paw thablood.
Isamu the skin, elms*. the sewer
sod =Aga= cam part of the body; tunas proved
a uwerelvc remedy for the following Et mew
Distemper, hide bound, lose of appetite, Inward
swath, yea**, wain, Irdlumastion of the eyes, fatigue
from bud exercise; Wu, therawasto, (eorecrafdr
led stiff otactpWW which pores so fault° oway raw
cmin able itones country. Weal*, hagfe and eel .
mxt. l 7 t.oghs sad cold* which generate so
many fatal &wawa W. 11. iILOAN, •
(fraud Depot, 41 l.ekeq Chiesgo, Minas.
EXtreet Born the "Galena Nonh Western Claimne.',
By thosse of Bloan's Ointment and Condition PO..
der, I have entirely euied a !Willa on my bone and
otherwise Improved his condition more than SOO pa
tent. on the con of** medicine And a. cow which
wite so feeble as to be considered sronlilaw by reyaelf
and neighbon,was restored to good health and streeFth
by the use of lees than half a.package of the powder,
and la cow doing bettor than arry other cow I ism
Small Pox, May 13,181 d. WM. VINCENT.
hen na
Thereby eerily Mat one of my children. w
had, fell into a large bee of Live cm/. and am burned
severely Stan head, to feet. The best of medical aid
and attention was given to the child for fool or fire
de,* without nay 'nue —•--hdars erings MCI..
<4 alibis groans card be heard at a great distance, at
which entice] period ono of my neighbors recommen
ded and presented to me a box of biomes Ointment.
and In leas than fifteen minute. after the applierdion
of the ointment to the oggrevated scree orthesedertag
cord, the pain ceased
cite and he i 517 , 4 2 . 1 4 4 hed er
to recover. My reaidence is in Helt to Per.
million coo &moor intliona.
Chicago, Axton 24,1E49._
April 13, INS. Filer mites ow* of Chicago (on the
road to fikiwankle,) Cook county, IllinoLs.
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir. Oro of my hermit had • lane
bony tumor on his breast bone, immediately under the
collar, which lamed him and rendered hls services of
very little 'value. 1(81Mb:illy applied seseral bottles
of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Bona Dolmen; without the
least Iseult. I procured Wilder's Celebrated
Ilona' Ointment, and that entil I be.... thlly
sanded that it would never relieve the annul
'wally I obtaintd a . box of your truly mailable Oint
utent,and ba less then 60 days from the first seethes,
tion the tumor entirely disa)peared, sad the bone was
vhill. Ymrrs, ) WARD ARMSTRONG.
If Mem opinion i. any criterion of the moral otnn
*Mien; we Invite the inerodalone to read at Mama few
of the Emmy Yoloantry ceramic. that appiar in oar
eolnauts respoining the great "minty of remarkable
mum elected by the me 01 “Sloan's Celebrated Okm
meat and Condition Powder.*
Them remedies no WWl' remain among "nom Cl
Mild:4:1:0/1101v, they have mmd from the tide of av
omixoent.and now stand b 1 hor in reputation and are
bmomlng more extanalvely steed than all o th er aril
elm (litho kind.—hiloh. City New.
Fox Rim, Jana 12,
Dear Slosa--INA , Please send by the baser a, atm
supply of yoar HMG 311,1143.1. Tbol are the beat
articles of the kind Mu I have over ruled, SLIM
Ins been dimppoinsed In duds afoot, as I km beat In
the weer °than, even the most oelebrate4 Ointments,
Liniments, Ste, of the day. I like my Mll.l this fee'
ma In than, vim Mat they do all that is prinaleed, mut
upon a thoroush ril l . one Is isontsanud to add. that
"half has not Limn
The ordinary ammo= sad Udine-u it is vast/
known us severe and partial is their opsratiou.—
Meares (Drams= Is mild yet thorough—it reaches and
moves the came, Lame it gives real sad permasers
relief.' For purity, mildrussm safety, cataktry, and
than:it:shwas, !Roast Ointment excels, and is MIDI
sraperceding all other OLutmests mid Liniments Eons
fa ase.
Henn Owns, Orr. 341818.
Illoan—Sla I have mood dm virtue or year
Moms= Wee ure of rettlesaste bites, MOW throat,
bunts, and many other Wailes, sad In every case it
has surpassed our expectalosa As • family OM.
;I have saver sees Its equal, and tor beams vs
visit imt along without Ix
Toms, km, • MLLES M. JOHNSON.
Mr.Sloan—Dear flin Foe a considerable length of
hoe I seas seriously afflicted or,* the Theatasil eon
p lain; and applied 8.4 the various liniments, paint
killers, Sr a., umlaut obtaining any relief. After... Mel
your raga et at this place hilluanced me to try your
Ointment, and 'WWII,' 1 MO meets front the time 1 cot.
meneed using it, the pain ceamd, and I was effectually
dely. are
p d'"" r fa;
excellent 01ent vrithent a
Prine i tge, p g 3 ta co., May 1, ISt9.
VT From the Rea IL V. S. Brooks, Agent of dui
Illinois and Michigan Canal Packet Bout Company.
Croassio, Jar. 21, IRA
Dr. W.H. Sloan—Deir Sim phone . last AO years I
base had mesa= to UM tinny and have used
the great moiety of liniments and ointments in use,
but. have =vet . . found any thing veal to your Mint
meet for inhales on hones. Within Os lost two
mondts I have applied your ointment to some ED home,
for micas, Wanes, and in every instance it bas pro.
ved • esrvezeipt remedy. •
Tsio relies soatit'of Chicago, Sept. H, ISIR
Dr. Blean--Sirt On the Etth instant say .son . had a fin
ger binerentirely off by shone. Y.'e immediatel ham y op
plied your eekbrased andinern, winch relieved el
pain in a few minim., and prevented the
Auger frem
welling the toast partice, l and the e
tepidly. final years,
Mr.Slemo—Deer Sin About three years ago I W.
oenotell Mimed in one of my leg, by the falling of a
pile of mood which occasioned large uniting Curs.
Nearly every dotter Gelen• cried to care them; but
Wed in nun, tern .empathy end (=Mime t , m ,
men t my other leg became as bad es the oro
ly tocanded. I &wired of aver being era tigale—
bet in order diss I might neglect no means within my
reach, I purchased of your agent in Galena ume
year oinnsent. and yea ean ledge of my statue en I
pentode bean than I can express it, to find =pee II
entirely veil before I had finisbeduing the recoil br
?tom facto intake triune that others affileted may
believe and not delay Bung so valuble an ointment
into has proved to be. R.?, yarr gruefel fed,
na, 111., Dee. 19,140. EVAN DAVIS.
Before the following miler, sg & o.
pnrekued a large supply of Bloan's s par prmsons.
Jonsson, Niels. Feb. 14, IRO.
S. K. IlibbUrd—Deal Sim I am oat of Sloan's Cond..
Hon Powder and Horse Ointment. The sale tot ex.
reeda my expeetation. If you en menage to send ma
ta t oen Ointment; I will pay fo e OWED the fist tints
tha you are Nem, end presume I shall be able to sell
a large quantity in the course of the year. It will be
en oblect to you, ea well. to myself, to keep me axl e
sappUed. Very raspy ,
0.5.0. VAUGHN it CO.
Br. Loma, Feb. 2413.19.
Dr. Sloan.-But Abaci two years mre, while ratting
on thic.iippi fists ll:er, i.,..,"„ rge . Z nit=l,
was swiss a roek, crashlsk my lea lek s mal l oerwise se.
rmaall 1.1.1:11,g me, so mash e d a - I W l sensibility.
.When consekramem retund I Mould myself in 81.
Louis, aarmandedby say weeping Madly. Good nam
ing and maiteal aid, enabled me in about two months
aelsobble mould with teas stanee of &crutch. The
wounds only partitillY / 0 . 1 . S I. g °
aorta al the knee, which Mr many months dlse
blood and muter Kam meat offensive diameter. y
pttms were:rjaprem=baltlau%lud sacrum woo
co peat
come. F' b ortnamely Kr. WWl:lone or m n y b isol " aqrs - )
applied mum toy year Ointment. I obtained a boo
Applied 11 aceordmg direction—lie mres soon begm
to assume a healthy appearance, and in three months
1 woo entire 4 eltre.and enabled to do hard labor.
Your oWimt servant,
We, the andersigned, neighbors of 11. W. Thomas,
were acquainted ',Stith° eue above stated, and too-
Lib the eiteemstenees, most cheerfolly co
DOUGASS, nfirm said
Thome satsuma. REV. J
000 D NEWS. •
Cmeasio, Jaa 8 dr,11318.
U. Sloan-- Y in One of my homes wan boo! bond
and oleo wounded Lu the stifle, in which he took cold,
be so crippled that he iambi scarcely travel.
the free lippllennon of your Tellable Woen; his
hoofs were soon softened and the stille permanently
eared. .I have elso mad the Otnnent in the ease of
roll-Evil and on severe galls /with egad sueeens.
On • umbra Azar that was very painful,it opera.
mai like ehartn. Yours, , 8. - YAN ORDEN.
Illsan's Ointment and Condition Powder are ae
knowledged by ell *triton used them to be the Lest
remedy for horses and eaule that has been disesvered.
Fresh /rounds, pile, spades, bruises, tingbows, poll
evil, arid In short every outward disorder or Injury can
be elueel by this wonderful • remedy. The PCiWICT
delegned for inward ersinsollamoper, hide bonne,
fatigue from hard carmine , difeaSed eyes, tse.—Lake
Connty Chronicle.
Cook Co. Feb. t&1819
Mr. Blom—Birt W l
man with the amanita but fall. I paid oat about
%brae dollars for media. to cure him, but he great
WPM. 1 then bon gin a box of your ointment at
bat I
°Gee when in Chicago Iton, altar danbiagiYl
thosgbt I scald try it. Jags of 031 =mama and my
*pints. of Its beneficial fatalities, viten found my
bones itg• smooth ad well in font days from tha time
Ifiononateal applying It. Yourobediont, _
pen than fifteen years of unrivalled access In the
ease of every oaticty of omelettel disease. and lularles
such as sprains, braises, Cots, barns, cutaneous crapp.•
tions, sore lips, sons breasts, chapped Imods,
Wehu ; biles, alters, min, pales Mike back, sides, or
other parts of the system, rattlesneke bite., de., bean
ample testunony Oat Sloan's Moment Is put the unot
for We hoer. Certificates wills= number have beau
eeeelv by detail. of re
the Pro remar fr k ptor
able cures by l om disinterestets use. d ladtvklus
h, giving
- Grenville, Milerankla eo. win , Ort. MIAS.
r. ot o ...Deor .liecently my bones mammy
om o o leQ Main attached, stitch eta and otherwrim
inJoridtbens mrionely, so °metro* that 1 mosidend
toy team marred for bottoms. Formnately • friend re.
commended Me me of your Ctriucenl totem to Mil
astleintd.purebomd n bon. It won removed the
Inflammation Ltd in_ • foto days the wounds haled
TM Mot be nefit derived from the me of your Ourt.
Mot, mmy bones, Indueetl me to ommtnlnt you with
i h o ro4t. bettering Its .pnbllony 'mold knelt yon and
tpe, ynbie.. KarethOlT
And tias bacons a saying, dm yn c ,.,,4
°imam and Confided PowdeCOnsatan r
era nosey um,
as an other remedies for an tsalsell of horns and
tam Ile may of she medicines coasts in than
Ftratal safety, so wit: they may be aged aver se
rapidly:Mt any dopy of Wing cola, sr asy s e
arr rumWAttn:OLatair ftwisaSse, and erne fan
P fire #IION9Mm l ira
Bosel./Lnatual sale or Wiry eiumai,
T MU trdl 1119:11 MIT 07
A. A. MASON 4 CO., -
LL Mmtomem m New Ifeer's Dry, mei, and
erratum dump tia month of Jannary, 1111.4 Ag
WhlCh dm the whole of their immense establishment,
(including ditheir Wholesale Comma will be throe u
open for Read Trsdin and their crake Whaled*
Book will bo oftered at Retail, on this Oteliioll, at
frilly oat roe= Lm Manama! Primes.
Their Shun Baleen matiton morethati2ooo Shawls,
avony dOelliptiSll of Lang and Square
Wool Shawls, Cashmere, Itroclus, &a. Also, Vlsctlett,
Cloaks, Plantillas„Backs, to,' at an lame= redno
tion from usaal paces.
Melt Cock comprises more than IWO pineasThlbet
Cloths, Merinos, PlLMlllettl, £1750000, Llama Op.
era and Palle Ckittl/4 will be sold Am SD to 40 par
cent. Lou than anal prices.
cedAlso , Ao3 pieces rich plain and fed SILKS, redu
-30 paean.
20 eaters Mamma and De Lau, catise 55.07 1 .-
Alto—Whim Goode, Mounting* do., Erahroldmim,
Laces, Ribbons, Gloves end Hosie, Trhaming ea.
00 eases Flamel.,lo cues no .07 10 00 cri
ses Blambed 100 bales Brwn do, 70 balm ,
Tiekinem. Also, CkWis, Cesdereres, Jeans, Casloads,
ea, at extremely low primes.
Together with an Immense variety of other Geode,
makMif AUmoment one of the ound mutest. in
the country—all of wkdolt have 11.41. marked dawn at
much lower prices than their extensive annual sale to
They invite an early call, as many of their choicest
Goods will be eel&
lErThe lowest price maned stank
land A. A. MASON£ C 0,40 Merkel at.
...Norway Plains. llMuskets.
WWMDB.PLIY, at North East comer of Fount;
and Market streets, bah lately received eon.
ply oflba above moonlit make of Blankets, soul in.
vacs those in want of the article to look at them be
fore buying. He ha. also on hand Ileum Made Mu-
Item, a good heavy uncle, which het. selling law.
Also-Home Made FLANNELS, brown, barred and
white, of a euperier quality.
Also-'to Scarlet FLANNELS, to which be
invitee the attention of buyers.
ytU.- A lane supply of Goods recently opened in the
eheleattle Rooms up nein, makes M. tasiiiitMeet
very full end rural) the auention of dealers . .
SMVIS - atTETCPILLS i7/eat tnal - rt i -
Dorm, Pa., Sept ah,letit.
Mr. R:E.Scllers-Dem Sat I feel it is a duty I usrs
to the peak, as well as to the credit of your Laves
Pills, to state the good edema
of by their ow in
toy writ cue. Daring the
oiled, Jew, told, I teak
TM unwell, my appetite failed, and my omen CMS
namely' prosuated, with wren pans to my aide and
shonldera .1 sets 1014 by medical men that art dim..
was a nacre sunk of aver complaint I took seve
ral boxes of 11PLanes Laver Pills, and wove Wraps,
which I was told
gopl for that disease, bat altar
all 1 WSJ getting worse. I deallaoPinemyself ender the ease of a physielan for better of
bybut, fonuately, Just at this tine, I emu told
by the Rev. L Niblock, of this place, Mal a friend had
sent bins a box of Sacra , Liver Pills from Pittsburgh,
which had beneatted him sera much. I forilmics
sent fora bor of your Laver Pals, end by the than I
was done using theca, I was winged that It was Mat
the medicine that anted my ease. I sent for mom
and took Am or six boxes, and fund myself almost
enDirely cued; bet MM.. taut essOt a mum
cold„which breugla back the disease, and law snort
time I ems as nu u ever. I apla kad rename tit
your Liver Pills, and took them every other night for
six wain, and weasionally nue, and I vas now say,
that I can now say, Mat I ftwalinie adi symploilmo
of the Liver emulated, and tory general hulth is as
good now u it has been for On lut ID years.
My neighbors ask me who inn my donor: I tell
them that &Dore Liver Mt was my doctor, and by
the bleating of Divine Providence the means of eating
um. I ant conlident that when
Liver bosun ae.
qualtued with the cake of year ills, the de
mand fbr awn will Moreau Muy of my neighbor.,
to whom I have recommended the pills, can testily to
their value, as well as to the lute above stand.
Retpectfally yours, Ganes Musa
To no Pmts.—The Original, only me asul gams.
Moo Liver Pills are prepared by ILE. Seams, end
his name stamped to black war. upon the Rd ad
each Sox, and his Nauman on the outside wrapper.
II7AS others are coanterfens, or base imitations.
spar IL E. SELLERS, Proprietor, S 7 Wood at
Jaya••• rapwßiorant. ,
Sams, Colombians t0.,0., Apr. 44, 1541..
1). JAYNES: DotS Stm—l feel Wend to peg
D add the Maimed public, to avail smolt atlas opr
port muty of giving pattlielty to the extromihnary erects
of year Expectorant on myselL =been afflicted
for several yeses with • some con hec tic fever
and Its °enemas= diseases, sad ed
to linger oat a short bet miserable existence, until the
fall of IS N, when, being mom severely attacked, =I
having resorted to all my former reseed.% and the pre.
of two of the mom respemalde physicians
the neighborhood without deriving any based; or the
consolation of sentries list a few dayo or weeks al
farthest—when the le .t gleam or hope ....NMI@
' , mash, I had recommended to cat Tom Expecteram—
end bleared by ebb Being who does ail things It the
ow o(lhe means—sad comm . , to the, expectations of
my physicians and friends,' was in few days relent
horn my bed, and was enabled by the use of shouleoo
astral to my basin.% eulogies since belies health dm
I had for ten
ctfaly previous.
I F t 7
rraiteg U ii, th . e Pat W.
Fourth get marlS
- -
... . .
AU JAYNE—This cerulea, that immediately after
having Wended my brother, woke died of consamptios
in Harald; eras 1 taken Mck with the Consumption
{JeerLint, and was reduced so low with the '
disease, that or to= years 1 was enable to attend re
hay barinees, either at imam or abroad,being for the
most berg confined to my bed. Daring the above peri
od ofiltat, I had expended for medical attendance o
resale: Phyaiciana and seedier:tea to the artesont of
WI, Intl:ma receiving any benefit therefrom. In
July, lAA, 1 commenced taking Dr. Jayne , * Madl•
eknr,... and have taken them more or leas ever .since.,
add beiteve that it Irma by persrvenng in their aro,
crel man
tVie ' re 4 hia have
a Toe ' r=i l v e I ' Ite
and Expeetorant are Ike beat family medicines maw in
11. e.
I reside In Sprawled, Outgo cennty, N. Y., and
carryon a furnace and machine atop an that place
and ant not Interested In any manner fn ea sale of the
above exelainc., and mate this certificate tar the ben
efit of thou adlicad. ELUAH EATON.
Sprawleld, N. Y., Sept DI MEL lad
--IC feu PALL
A DAY, comes of the Diamond and
21.'llarkest meet, notify ther bands and the public
that they have received their week of Fall
tee GOODS, direct front the importers,
and enetton. at the cut. Theiruock of new styleand
festOnable Good. Winces, and presents
Goode none to purchasers. In Ladies Drue and
Rates tle most splendid aod fuloonaole Good. of
the on arc oat offered, at rentask ably low prices
welisting part of the following
New style Mocha fird Caseation
S Cord Lad Black Sono Dn Clones ate d nbac Bonn%
GIN Emmett. Graledunes, of the !teat trttalities•
Mark glotCY Gtodeterts of the celebrated Eaila
The above named Risen Silk. we warranted not to
cut In the wear, for dresses and =snail. they are the
best Imparted.
Neat ned Camellias Satan Da Chatte,the handsomest
Silk. of the mason.
New style Desch; Silkfigared Onuteh Merinos, •
pal, and splendid article far ladies , walking
xin dresses.
Fwthroidered French De Lathes, for drama end
sacks, an entirely new amide.
Cashmeres, De Lathes, Merinos, Alpaceas and Par
mama a large U.5011.61=1.
Brach* Loog mat pgure Shawls. of the best quell-
Plaid Long Shawls, of lb. marvel design, remark
slay cheap.
Splendid Terketi Shawls, al greatly redneed prices.
Castlelion Brads It'd Bilk lhawls t real valley.
/Z3 4* :ilib ' vEdulg i
Ileat Sedan real Etna& Tallied Clothe, nitric.;
beat Sedan real French Caaahnerer, new style town
'WOBVEINVO"deIor` !iv
French and Belgian Slack and Oliva Clear, for La
dies, Cloaks.
A splendid .0100 Dos of American and imported
Bankets, at remarkably low prices.
A large and complete assortment now on band,-
Many of oar present stock of Sm,phi Goods ware
befoght front the saannfactsren pram. to the present
advance in prices. A principal part of our stock of
French and Enghth goods have been purchased at the
great Auction Salm in naladolphts and New York,
which enables se to offer decided bargains In alms
Ovary description of goods la oar line of business.
Country Merchant., /ders.h.t Tailors, and all
wholesale and MAU ,. boyars, aro invited to en early
stock ants looexsatioatioz= k t Market s 4
• wasmoth west earner of the Diamond.
SIIT K MURPHY, at earth Out comer of Fourth
and Market an, lo now receiving Ida mooed
mpyly for the reason, and can agar inditeentsats to
buyers rarely to le met with. Ills amoral:mu of
I. vary fell, consisting of Preach blenno Cashmeres,
Ootougo; Wanes!: Cloths, sopa ?Hosed Penes Cash
meres, at
early t o
lower than they could
be bought early In the sexton. Hie moek of
1p large, and embracm many of the beutidd styles
now on exhibidon at Franklin Inetttate,
Sig new and very hardsouth mile., lve Trial
Of various styles and qualities, n and embroidered
Mack Bilk LaceA Needle Worked Collars and Ear%
Bonnet . flaHtinsAADeLegg Fl D nrisa CgtmmaFeathera
Of the newest styles, and at lower prleei than semi;
and rtechangeable Bilks and Sad., for blarttillas,
kn.; no d-
a large mock of
at lowest. prices. And In the gentlemen's department
Will be found fresh
aanmere CLOTHS,
Black Doeskins, CII BLACK A
Winter iresungs, Farley Cs,
Undershirts sad Drawers, Silk Cramm, - Poclost Ilan&
kerchiefs, rte.
OG-Idercbants are invited e visit the Wholesale
gooses" op emirs. .120
hissen, Mercer CO., Pa., &el 48, 1819.
• It E. Sellers Done Ole I bought 011111 book! of your
yermithge at the Iron City Fares. sutra, at tide ewe,
and it has performed what w 0 consider oat here a woo
&del cure. on one of my boyo mus eig
ch e ht yearn old; he k.d
been unwell for wee ears, e o that I bed &
Mt up GI hopes of his recovery. I wts advised by one
onforl:metro7"trafamt;aoW6of ttlrvlngYfr.:=o
greet of relieving my sons lie pawed, in the .bort
apace of 94 hews, 104 worms, some of them measur
ing as mach as If and 14 }ache, their. I feel Wand /12
111.00.0 tastes! you the abovMattement, fro so you may
mike any use of my rims you Mirth proper.
Ulna, veil resPoetctdirs
• • ' •• murmur EL Linz
BrirProared and mid by lib ILISELLIGIS, 07 Wood
stree4 .6ta Dcligl. 2 gebefellY lo Dte two
--------- b ----------f
°SAW AMA 1-sel atUrili a -
ALlr ill/P—Prora .W. K. Bodes, Eq., Cies k of the
Oxus of gagster Back
of Bearer Counts ,
hit, lit. Is. Wellerm Illr, Some time la the winter my
wife was Meted wlsist NOM= SSltt dietronsing ease.,
and heating of your invaluable Cough Syrup, I W
elland • bottle from YIIT. Itimblo. of Bnayswatar,
and t4el galling a portion of It two or titres evenings I
on going to tont, she foand Immediate Midi as also
aerial (steads bare been relieved In KUM eases. i
am therefore satisfied that ids b•
Rule and valuable me.
sheltie, andwronld recommend it to thous who any
Maimed with memo eonghs and colds.,
Marsh V. IISS3. W. IL IfOIIEN.
ox_scad by a. a two 57 Wood MOM, oat
VT wrogaists generally lathe eines and vicinity.
' Lad th" CLAYPHS-3 oases os
ebrtho,lnst reo'd sad for sato by _
W." , a
hlOllB. DE I,AINE—W. rdatl"l b"
/.7 iezt reoNi a lot of high
. ealored Was. do Lens,
seat az Cheery, Beane, / at the low pries of Sc :
Per 7.N. Also, Plain Drab, Brown, AA., at 111 to lbl
Cent. per yard, and • large atermaaant of nos, 1111fle/
Agared Nona. de Loins, at various {die", "PI" ,
with ,
assort= t of Dress Good. gelarfoltl,
mach at Fine y.sdaz, ;reach Medea*, Cethenrie,
Cobare and Lrosuroo Cloths, at the
Pi. E. corner of roarlh and Mem sta.
Wlialsmile Rocn vault., van
Paseo went RemaittaarM Mae.
AllemllDEN t CO. 1:61.1.0 to bring persona
any put of England, Irslusi. Brotlarui or
Wales, open the rust libual terms, with their
Masi panctualtry end - a:tendon to the nano and com
fort of et:migrants We do sot am mu passengers to
be robbed by the swittelng ec fOttret that infest the
eons, es ye take charge of them the moment they re
port thanaelvea and see to Aelr well being, and de.
much them withmt sAy dm by the first ship.—
. IrVe gay this fearleasly, sane defy UV a
40.14•1 they ware detained 48 I..ers by as to
Liverpool, whilsttt . toande t 4 others • RIO &tuned
trunlitsounil they 4 berm in mow s,d nraft, at a
Oh e p rate, which too trendy proved ineir corms.
We Intend to perforce our contraets tionerably, cod
What it. may and net act on was the rue last mama
will ether oelters,—wito either, perforated. not
.ben it salted their anivenience. .
Draft drawn at Pittsbugh for any laiiikom gl to
gm°, payable at an of the proviseul 'franks in Iry
tVgbind, Scotlan y d
.109111.1/. someisoN,
Muopeall at a Oannal Agent,
Fifth W.I. ana door balms Wood:
urgsvica PACILMTB.
Stamm MICHIGAN No..9.—.Crt. °Own.
LAKE ERIE Corder,.
HE above regular and'well known Beaver Pack
. eta have commenced making their daily trips to
tad from Beaver, and Will catenate to ran between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly awing the season, se
Michigan No. 3 leavei Pittabittgla doily at 9 o'clock,
overeaer at Sto , elock, P. M. Lake Erie
He daily at 8 o'clock, AA . M. , end Pitubstgh
M 3 o'clock, P. M.
These steamers will ran le connection with
R Payte Booms Packet Line,for Eris;
Taylor & Leitingwell's Wooten Packet.% •
' Uoon Line ofPreight Boats for Cleveland;
Clarke &Co's Pittaburgh and ClerelandLine Freight
I IL 0 Puke daily Nov. Castle Packet..
CLARU., PARKS & Co, Bou ve t Agana.
JOHN A. CAUGlIEY,'Agentt rinshargh,
steh3l oar Water and Badthlield
1849 • OMNI
%DIE ?reprinter, oititiaold eatabliatted and popular
WY ling conalaung off3LITELN &rat class Canal
Beau, owned by themaetwo and running in c. 0..,
ono with the steam boats . BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE, an enabled to offer unequalled facilities for
the transportation of freight and pasnengers, on the
opening of Canal nasigatton, to all points on the Penn.
aylvanta and Onto and N. York canals and the Lakes.
FITCH A. Co Cleveland.
BIDWELL.% uEciritEß,
A I. C. urvict"'
Agent, B •
Water street. rtuanuegh.
Pittsburgh. Beaver .
Forwarding Morelia%
Agent. for ths.Nnstang4 andUnnisind Lrns,l'ind
bdrigh and Eno Liss Iris Erne, and for sum
boats Bann' ana.Caltd Cops.
parahued the lenge and tubas/Iliad Wharf
Bost Ina built for the Monongahela Packets, have
*Wilke Mahlon of Wareham, the Met ample aa
; tommodations ,for receiving and forwarding, and
pledge them otenostattennott,promptnets and despatch
to conalgroneute to their care, and relg on their (kande
fora trial. mar/4v B. D
lacoad Head Flanges
01Eu:owl ittpd Piano,
i ll oettrat Piro s t
i „ ~ fit ° ° 40
For sate for emit
. t i st o t i li; aibio=kbsyt
iv... 1 .
rVIOLIN Pi..A.11111.% --Scone's 0.110 V 101.(
flevotn, altered and connected from the last Eng.
edition, to conwsp and wok Spottes (Memel
School of Violin playing, by his papll U. C. 11111. 'lf
any arguments are regur. to recommend this work,
tt may lu °boomed that Spahr himself adheres strictly
tosel',:.TyT,' laid
. 0°7.1" tboi'ir.l,tdow.°l4.74.2t
greater umber of dmungairdsed pupils than any other
ouster lstEntopt. o .
uteTyPP'T"..:i7 b.".
it ':1;:t11117010744:Vm"r
D~RA 7c
c:r 10,14
A DI MN/NT aniagparieneed Ply.lento from We
- 3. Posh of 110 years smoked, Wren lo treat allege.
of a Delicate Nene with promptness and secrecy.
Hlssaccess In Buffalo and other. large skies has
been prove:MAL 1115 charges are Moderate, end
leans permanent. Old cases of Glatt, Stricture, Sens
, Ma, Plant Allies, Ithetun - ati=t,Sypbilia or any
clued. or litmterath eases
A eon wenanted. or charge Wended. .
Omen, Bt. Clair siteet,l doors from the Bridge.
Teeth Estmethil. Advice to the poor gruis.
N. 11—Dr. A. solicits the went cases of any disease to call. nottilly
.There am more things in hermit and earth
Ilion an drew:opt of in philmophy.e
THE VIRTUES of dos remarkable meted!, and
the constant applicatim tor it, to the propneum,
has Indarod him to have it put op to honks with
bell and directions for the beeefit of the pub..
The PETROLEUhI to procured fromA well m tires
county, at • depth of .oar hawked feet, 11 a pen one
daltorototorticte, withriat iny ekemiesl tarmac, but
last as dorm from Nerds Orem Lahnitoryß Talon
tams PmPertiee reaching asmber of elseues,,is
no baser a mow of Itheerounty. There are many
things to Um arcane of were, which, if known. might
be of vat alienable. to allestanng milianag, and re
storing the bloom of health and atter to may • suf.
"Tn.= before tie fth.rlgmb'eleir*l
" til. The g l . 4 rantant artu ' usoy inere " ourdi :Os for It,
sod mverel remarkable cures has performed, is a
sore indication of its dimes pap a .4 wide
spread application in the are of disease.
We do not wish to make a long parade of moth
emes, as we are t h e that the medicin sol
e, woo
wor k,
its way two the favor of
d onth who sol and
wish to be healed- Whilst we uot claim for it •
universal application In every Monate we unbmita.
tingly say, that in • number of Chronic ' Diseases it Is
annvalled. Among these may be enumerated—all
, dim.. of the mucosa assn., sack as CHRONIC
Asthma, and all discs , . of thepair wages, LIVER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diarhsen. Dimas. of
the Bladder and Kidneys. Pains in the Bach or Side,
Nervous Diseases, Nasal ItilisAltheumatie Pains,
Boat, Erfatimins. Tents, s, Bunn, &aids,
Bruises, Old Sores, to, kn. eases of debility re
suiting from esposscre, or Long and protrocted r eswee of
&mem, this medicate , will bring relief. It will act as
' • general TONIC mid ALTERATIVE In such esoes,
imparting tone and energy to the whole frame, remov
ing obstmetions, opening the sisal..unmoral which
cause disco. and a beaten cooMituilon, and giving
iticreased andproprietor renewed energy to all the organs at
Lttel The knows of mu cur of
PiLES, RIM sled semi ral well other trestmeitt, get well
under the ase of the PETROLEUM for a then time.
The p ro of cart be oven to Lay pawn wbo desires
Noon gcoaine vett.ut the signature of the proprietor.
-.old byti.thlPlPAM.,,,d SELL , le. Seventh st.
Also by IL E. SELLERS, 57 Wood se
earner Wood ithand Vita alley; who an his
silty nrls' appointed Agents
No. RI, corner Market and Flfth—or 49 Alaska,
tsreen Third and Foarth sta.
TILE sabseribef,keeps constantly on hand, *hole
We and retail, Use Mowing ankles, am
Wash Tabs, Ring Chums, •
Tabs, IlarrelCharns,
Rath Tabs, Half Ballots,
Wooden Floarls, Peeks and half reeks,
Wash Boards, Brass Bound Racket%
Clothe. Pies, Towel Rollers,
Wooden Ladles, Bread Rollers,
Clothes Baskets, Market Baskets, Ae., A
no•I4 No 0 Linwood alley, Pittsbergh
J. !Karate Iletan , 'Patent Ills!cla Ash.
325 Im AS ported 6 tli re
reen d rone ma
abcTe celetrati
essnnfse utters, 89 per cent Am:lieu test, arrivbsg_bbd
tor ssae by notr6 W& Di MITCHELTHIX
POWDEIde-493 .0 kesoßbo ow tis su l i ai
" do 1, ton Teeciving and
" J B DI I MATH & Ct)
b "WM
pr . isle by
inuNsire ,
" f"
"le . " WM II JouNsrom
Fukublr — w PAahta
bee Z4Nrimhba
Burk OhmDrWh ...A 6 ... 1 .
AL SODA — Q e..b far $.181 . 3 1 6 5 D
mow ,
otr . '
A f i e& , bb
ikLO prima Dry cop.; •
do !marine;
for sale by
Con: Er.—mas. But
_ 08,16 WN IN en
L „ . , 0; Llmu
b gi
fable. 40 0 8 It; last 044'408 4010
CIA" ~ *, (or oby • •
It IC&--23 Dare.. and forii fe y
FLOUR -1W oarrela .Latro4
VD lames Raperfoon
OS b. Ike. on band and for oak by
CORN .SoR-Ctirlog per no. COL., juld for
•Ie by kW , WIRD DALZEL . ..
WINDOW iII.A.IID—DA DIO aris*lr e i - iri.o and Wr
We by_ fag JAMES DALZEI.L.
BitlC2g—U6l:6lr.". Co.AloAr
ippyTTRII, to—lD . bl?.• tr A nteras Battery
4 auks Fealberr for sale by
AMP salk for oala • by
RO:da;PINK.73.IO &goner, feL .
R-300 J est reed and Cor gala by
sonC-25CTraiRminiv o tintielfg r a il & i b r i. r,
RAH . Ne 37 Weed at
. . . .
6.octs-42 ... w,..., a va l nfAva,
1,.7 rabid
WHIT .1111-rEbli — iii - ifoili - did - fareaby
11. 1 .---.,l_—"l"°""afffiglirßENrith7
n -- upt t i. 0.0.2*"....g Leggimi
ini, il pair 131diTed eru
9 Aix Cosblookroand dud Kw.;
19 Pea Coma; .. ,
1 con No 1 Ring .
1 do No 51 doi
1 do .No 3 . d . oi Jul reo'd tool for ial
Rubber 'NW, No 5 wo od al , „,.., ~p,
J a B Pe
......‘,... w...
roartp • 0z04r4
, t--- -- ---=- ------_
IPl""'"GrsterAtTrlmon, Ohio, May r* 18 M.
IL E. Belem t I think it right ftwthebenefit embers
to state muse facts In relation to you excellent Fate).
ly Mammas.
I have laud your Vermlfuge lupin .nry own fear
'.tYiirgle'slea. ry'iq:c= wo''ruts'"Wrtor'Vu'llta'gl
have also treed your Ltver Pills arid Cough Syrup in
any family, and they hays m every instance produced
the elect leum&
I As I ant summed In merehaudising, t am able to
mune that I agave yet to hear
of the first
on e where
your mediums have been used section of the
gconntry. lit conclusion, I may stat ethat they are tas
ines al the day, sad ate damned to have a very
remain e pspulanry YOUII, relaCC dal!
?tapered and sold by R. i i 1 RS,No 67 Weal
lame, and sold by Druggu . acutely in them ci•
ties and vicinity'.
, eilse..A.T-CUILE—CIP-I,ls:l3.t6firfranenr by he
Ur engine, only true, and genuine Liner PRI.
Suess earn, Ohio coney, Vn /
' March fleith,lßOl. $
Mr. R. &Selene Dean Sir-1 think It • daty I owe
to you and to the publis renews ly, to stale thet I have
been afficted Wilk the Liver Complaint fora long
tarns, and so badly that an &bees* formed and broke,
po„,d, migate in • very lor state , lianag heard of
your celebrated laver eing for Nate R I
Sharp, in West Liberty, P il oand recemmended beeoby
my payuciary Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to Mee them I
a fair trial. t purchased a= boo, end found them to
lust what tho are reeommended ,
ER PILL EWA. USED; aid Idler menu four boom I
I snd the ilium has entirely left me, end I ant now I I
perfectly well. Itespectfidly your.
West Liberty, 'larch 116,154).
I manly that I am personally &counted wuk, tie
taboos ,and can bear testimony to 'the t utrh of the
linnno :eruficann A R SHARP
The teatime Liver Pals are prepared and sold by
Rl3 5 LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
Dune wo clues
OTH& PUULIC.—The °dune, only true widget:t
ame Liver Pills are prepared by R E Sellers, and hate
Mtname stamped in bluk wax upon the lid of each
oms! Ws signatere On the outside Wrapper—el
inhere are counterfclu, or hue imitations.
R E 13ELLERS,Mirielor
'OZ.;".-kirxial—a—mwera,m,ilric RlALS—T—ifill
F 1311 ti : i s e , Rev
.A.5..:, a VI I =
i ne: p .. 2
The undersigned having been affiteteddrinng the past
Wm. with s disease 010.• stomach, sometime. pro.
due.n greenest in the elomulifor tenor twelve hoots
•inniOnt Mint MO • on, and after having tried various
I remedies 'with, effeet. was furnished with a bottle
el Dr DJayrienC, mauve Ithisam. Thisbe ased ae•
corolla to the direet,ons, &Rd fond invariably that ?u
medicine caused the fi ftee n
to abs. muitesevee in three ory r fete min.
Ines, and In fifteen °Mammy uneasy
sensatson wumUndy quieted. The medicine was afi
teramrdensen whenever Indiodos wa di this appro
pmvent. mash of
patewere pereened,andthe path thereby
ed. Ile costumed to ue the medicine every evening
and sometimes in the morning, and an a few weeks
I health you so far r emend, that the tamer wan
From re
ad from a large amount of oppressmo pals,
peneuee,themfoth. n e can confidently 0
D Jayne , . Carrainstiv• Datum, as • mluer ~ d ..n
for diseases of thestomach and bowels A SIIIN ND
. etty,ndi
For sal. in Pittsburgh at a rPk.KIN IIA S VCR
73 Fourth street, near Wo t. and alm tri thellein
Store of HI P tiCHWtRTI. Ye oral stree t. teey
MI MILT tinlD7loll
Oossamption, Caught Colds, Asthma,Bronchitis, Li
"lirlttiVerfrje Blltan re Thlk ast,i' l lrilta r Ira? '
tile lleoel. Influenza, Croup, Broke n Con
sditilio u„Sore Ttanat, Nervous Debili
ty, awl all Dieemes of the Tided,
Smuts:l4 Lung& dm most cf.
ewer known tor any of
the abate discos-
DR. 13 \ ' 'Z ' rliN
thestperente Syrup of Wild Cherry!
This medicine is no longer among those of doobtfu.
angry. It hat puted away from the thousands daily
lunched upon the of ol eumirtment, ad now mods
higher to ieLecoming more extensive
ly mtod then any other preparation d malleine ever
prodseed for the rebel of lieflerintratan .
It Ithe been tatroducal eery generally Straub , the
Voltml Seabee and Ear-pc,mo Mere tug few two of
importence but what contort mime remarkable
of its goal effects. For proof of the foregoing
smartie nte,and of the value and efficacy of this medi
cine, the proprietor will hum • few of th• many these- ,
sand testimonials which have been presented to iambi
men of the first respectablliry—men who have higher
rows of moral reeponslbklity and Wake, than to ear
tlfy n fees, became it will do another • favor, and
theepelges no Waelllea Seen tesaleany proves Bon
ha surprising excellence is established
by ltslntrinsic merits, and the unqueetionable authori
ty of public opinion. The instantaneous relief it af
fords, nod the wain; Ininence dilated through the
Whole frame by its ate, render. it • most agreeable
niarA7 for the efillieted.
•When men, acting from conscientions impalas.
volantarity bear leabenOny 10 the truth of a dug, or
parucalar fact, such tessiineriy, beteg ettucreay M theta
worldly otter.. sod Femmes, coerces eouvtetton of
no mob, end euertmeteh tuelf in • special manner to
universal enalence."—ollogms Moral Mamma
lifififinTlFT. Malt CERTIFICATES.
PiTra, Aabgeas Ceti •• Pelattetter Cometterrere.—
There never was a remedy that has been NS eurcraftd
in desperate race of Comureption, se Dr. Ahrarnee
Ceeteeter4 syrnp of Wild Cherry, It strengthen the
erserh, and aypeent to heal the uleers •n the kings,
regent g n eon and rich blood, power poesested
other Mitring,
Curren Co, April ZIA DD.
Dr. 8a sylus--Dear Bic: I verily Letteve your Coe
paned Sirup of Wild Cherry Km hem the means m l
salin• my life. I caught a metre cold, which Armin
ally yew worm, attended end. a severe cough, that
resisted all the tessestlet which I had remaree to : will
Increasing entll i5t)'....... k . 1b " " d i TY.'"::,l
relmonary Comampuon. Leery t hin , t ce
to have no effect, sad my censplslnt reseed so ra -
17 Mal f•erAs es well as myself, rave up all hos of
my swovery. At this time I was recommended 10 try
your invaluable medicirte: I Ltd so with the most hap
py resslto The final :Mlle b
ra e elect to loose nthe
r u tf N. 1110% ::!'; bodiAer 0184 w:1 " 1, Ytd =
001 r all hearty • WM as 1 ever was to my UN, and
mo o u
happy till KITIB fOTI/pet LOT
tale, 11101001er seller.* may ranee the benellt for
wloeh I sca so gratefal. For the truth of ths to
stamment, 1 refs, yea to Dome Bash, Groom. %Veer
Chester, PLof whom I purchased the coreitems.
8"P".417 Toms. Jura Ideasset
.. --. .
Wowleaf Cure of • Aliteliaise Xining",
Dr. S•upoo—Dear Sl'ielf[l.•,iiebetnt t a rraa m d• /ad
:11P:mbled= to favor of yfitir Cosjienind'SV
rap of Wild Cherry. 5,.... three years time I was
violently attacked with cold and.nflammation of the
Langsj winch was seceenpuiewith S doaressing
eough, pun Ut the hniest and bead, a very considera
ble discharge of offerialv.nTom from te , r t . , cope.
'all 73 . 070 Iggiestut m ' y coOdition, bat wi l t p L isty t
won convineed Mat I woo rapidly ping into consume.
Pon I grew Mine weaker, and at length sru unree
to sulk about, or speak above awhisper, whisper, ruch
was Me ese•sil•ng Ireakneo of nay langs. IMile, W.
Mae land used nations preparations and presc npoons,
here and no resief—powiag all the time worm. /oat
here I was advi-cd and persoaded by a dear friend in
Wilmington to make trap alone Syrup of Wild Cher
ry. I mast eon.. WM previously I bail been preju
diced •galsuit puma Medicines, and I WV Mill against
thou coming out of the buds of emportcs, bet nenkj.
standing you claims to the profuaion and practice of
medicine, and !using implicit faith in the saying of ,„,
friend., I forthwith purchued of Dr. Shun, one of you
agent, • few bunks, and commenced its use. My du
wu at thss UMW 012001 25 mos , Itstanding, COO
.equently it Wee deeply seated. mold, tmerever,
undderahle relief from the use of tke list fon, or five
bottles But bking a public speaker, I fremiently at
. u th ; ' I ' le ' r t ' ll '"h ose vtifsleelTtlnit 2 :1 " :4 1'. , urn!
t o e i.m b ; i th ii P thie way, doubtless, my urn ens greatly
retarded. In coaseq•ence of acting thus imprudent ,
I had to use twelve or fifteen bottlesbefore
math email I sraspe..•
feel!y restored I have no question, •
umber of.bottlue would have inade Me sound, hit
the above indmetetion. Tha Symp allayed the fey,
habit, took away the disteessing cough, put au •,.
to the ductosepa of matter from the kings, and gay
them and the maim system good health. I have defei
red °Swing this sys tem until now, for the pup..
o n
f:eboin'aLils'irl aTNee'l4pew'rk' to
' e ' er j 'th g lth Y °I to
all ., I.
if. io, It
Dublin calUaY. N.
lopon.o Colman—R.o Ilea'
There buts. e genuine preparation of Wild Cherry
tliat is Dr. Massifs.% the first ever offered to the
titned mu been raid
etaua tad wore Pane
l er t r y o tbro=t p th e
paranoia canes , by the name of Wilr Euro pe,
been pat oat Muse this, under rover of some deceptive
elm...tutees, otder torte Clirrelley GO their sales.
y • aide obsiessuon, no person need mistake the
:ermine from de falea Each botde of the gramme fa
enveloped wit •besutiful steel engraving, with the
likeness of Wilnam Penn thereon, also, Dr. Stirayne , s
signature: and further security, the portrait o f D r .
Somme arill1.1: added attar,so ss dimingnish
his all ether.. Now, if it was not tor
the great curative propernee and known virtue. of Dr.
Blear:Ms Coromound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons
would not be endeavoring to give earresscy in their
.ftotitirms =wants. by stealing the name of Wild
Cherry. Remember, Warne bear in mind the [llll3lO
of Dr. Bwayne ..nd bones deceived.
Principal Oboe, coma of El6hth and Bore steams,
For sale vslusiessle and retell by OGDEN ik SNOW
DEN;cor led watt Wood ats; A PAIINESTOCK &
Co, °or let sni. Wood, and 6th end Wood sun Whl
TUORN, 33 Itimket mi 70ND3,18) Liberty sti J&S
A JONIE, cen timid and Penn lam JOHN hll D•
EU , Pketddil City, and by all respectable dealers In
medicine. acted
Dr. W. P. limbamd'alPriallium Plaster.
W: I'. INLAND, ache /Medical Oollego bf
nownfiersto the public his Indian Veg
etable Prenthun PillatZi, the qualities of which, eller
tlong and tried CipaileliCE, has been satiefactorily es
.br.a.d. To ell WaIrICCII/b0 may be afflicted with
Prolapsua Uteri.
al Womb, he recommends hi.
plaster, guaranteeing mire end weedy core In the
short gnome of Rum two to,
weekaof •applied with
elf. , end rest—discandages lon
rding all the counßessiltslraMet.
tad earndie ba to gin um Tina he feel*
tonseleupetiousin Stating, biesmuch an be has net failed
In one ease out of Lbeeo hundred and flAy-three pa
Al'. lot Rheamaurre and Weal Dream or Dock, at
tended with pain, there nothing to excel ibis flamer
in affording tendon effecting a awe. For sale by
L Wilcox, earner of Diamond end Market at
Drum k Reiter, a Liberty And Rt. Clair ate
Dr Iffertont • a and Diamond. Alla-
J i g.% t
Denman and Mammal Ihrmlug
EXTRACT OF COFFEE—An article which is
pidly miming Into use as a wholesome, nourishing
and delicious bevemv, being morn plessant and pal
amble than common Coffecond far cheaper, Ls a smsdi
Powof oily ten cenu, will go an far as four
pounds of Gonne. ManailLeuiredA
JOHN S. MIL Pittsbnorh, Pa.
Sold at wholesale by 13 A FAH FSTOCK K Co,
comer of First and Wood and Sixth and Woodsmen.,
PillsbUrglL KVA
ruLLIFIBILNIA RUBBER 0001 M—Hist received,
U 39 Crump Blanketr; °Seer eon.; 12 pro Parini
18 pans nen lined Mtoing , Bows; 1211;th:oar Hags; J
Tgokg, 6 and 11 igalloma each; 18 cameos,
o ugg goat; 1 dos Reek ain Hooey Belts; Ido oiled
earnbrto do do. The above good.
sale at Ina Cali-
Condo Oaddog rotahllaturiens: No 5 Wood at
mobil J 11 PHILLIPS
Thyg—Wrought Iron MIMI., from the Temper.
A han to Imo O. MIL works,mormanni; will be cos:moody
or, d end eappbed Dram, by
• • ORO CoCIIR aN• 9. Wood az
. 7 "
1401 1 5 -17 Pil?H"ollood free
• • Oa;
. . _
5 mt. N E Rum;
Ebb Whiskey; for *ale by
BLEAMII.I.* -- ,FCS. J. Musprait it
apeTiortruele, for adz bY
nava W s M MITOHELTR.,
dra w OLDIS
NAL—They INUI Mein, darill the Winter, lugs
wpplisivia NWPOTWWSI awril
TIeDOFP,SOR CHARLES Damn' h as jars
pmed a new arithmetical work, a copy or .teh
will be presented te each and army Teacher in the
United buries, anthem charge, upon their application
to A. li. Engliah Co-, 711 Wood street, Pittsburgh,
(post pattLi The wort is entitled,
Or, An Analysis of the Lemmings of fi gures and Sci
ence of Numbera.
The following notice a copied from the New York
Tribune of Jan. 12d,lak—
uGronui or Airmilaremim Qua Dania, L. L. D.
(limo., pp. 144.}.-in this work the language of beer.,
and mown:m.lm or numbers, are carefully analyzed.
The alphabet...potted of me agerew-Ousarord. de
rived from the alphabet, and the law by which the
figures are connected with cart other,sare clearly
The analyals show that there are but four hun
dred and eighty eight elementary combinations in
Arithmetic, each convene/a' to a word of our com
mon loortoget and that Wan cosennations ace so
connected together so to be ell expressed by only
sixty three &Corea& words. The system preemies to ,
commit these wordi . to mentory, and Men read the
results Instead of spelling them, so 1101. practised.
oln another respect the system progosee an
... to cclu and treat all Weems I
m enthem dung*, hanng a &ea id=
relation lo the adieu;
from which they were derived.
oWe mareely need say that the little work minces
the ingenuity and skilfal analysis,forwhima
'Davies` Wlitilleoe this subject are justly celebrated. I
We commend it to the attention of practical teachers.
believing that they will find it crowded with new and
valuable saggestione n .
Rom the Prgassars at Ware Point.
"Mumma ACAD.:KT or U. S. WATT POINT, Jan. it
"The Grammar of Arithmetic, by Professor Davies,
presents the subject In • new halit. It so •nalytes
Arithmetic so to Impress the mind of the learner with
the first principles of mathematical mienee In torte
right order and connection, and the new mice for the
feedbag of notes are of great practical value. I
Burned, W. 11. C. Bartlett, Prof. of Nu. & Ex. Phil.
A. ti Church, Prof of Mathematics.
D. IL Mahan Prof. or &slimming."
In Pros.
• A.S. BARNES &Co. would reapectfalty mince:nee
te webers, and to all Interested in mathematical in- I
stmetion, that they w i ll publish, on or before the tat
;.r.ta-aliszo,ANT) f"1/TitArweVNIATIIERIAT1C8;
Or, an Analyser of the Principles of the fkienee--of
the Natarsofthe reaso n. best 1 4 1. 1 ."
of Imparting Instmetion.
System Chas . Dories. L.D.,
Author of °A Complete of Mathemtdics"'
N. D.—A. S. Barnes & Co., are the pablishers Of
Davies' System of MathentMtc s.
For sale in this city by A. 11. ENOLISH tc Co., No.
TO Wood street
ilittiloplan Dialodic.
CIWINE to Hon all Night; Dolly My;
Daley Jones; Go dowo to de Colton Field; .
Nally was a Lad), ao•
lie rind to the Loved Ostes at Home;
How thy boat lightly; True Love, by T. Hood;
Our way across the sea, dumb
A new medley some, by D. Covert;
Jeooy Gray, mode by Mailer,
Joys that were croarstinA, Wadi/ &larch,.
llod bless the knurly m no;_ &hay kill
Comm ript's Doparbire,by W. C. Glover;
Sounds from Home; Waltras, isterentiarktsche Co;
Last Rose of Summer, rosy variations try Hera
UnitediStaterrolka; Ladies' Souvenir Polka;
Corn Crackeeload rale; Louisville Qaadrille;
Denudes of Italy; Dooms, Trios, he.
A largo assortment of New Mimic on bind. to which
additions aro made weekly. For sale by
febbb J. H. ItTELLOH,I9I Wood sl.
Llennuat of Rheiario; ennaprising '' Anniyvy ,
die Laws el Moral Evidence and of Pommel= by
Richard Whaley,
Emmy on Claw.
• Um; by BaptiAt W. N0e1,.%1
The Ogilvie', a NoveL
Fairy Tales, from all Natit.; by Allatany R. Men
talbm with di illastratines by Doyle.
Just rec../ by JOHNS ON & STOCKTON,
dein corner Turd mid Market streets_
flew sad O tto Hosl~at
Headier, veldt eleven original detiglis by Darla).
Poems and Prose Wriungo, by Rickard 11. Lamm d
•Is., monin
Illundusted Gems a there 4 Peaty, wih' six Musts&
on, engraved on steal, by John Sartain.
Jun notched by JOHNSTON a STOCKTON,
drIN earner Thud and Market na.
- Ppin - sicirot AND PATIENT; or a Practical View
f the mates; duties, relanons and Interests cram
Pseession and the Contranolty; by Worth
grwett'sr.oirgiehael De MontalAnc; COMMISing
WNFoacc=f="alr. 737.Aastsrileury
h"..0.. D. C.L.
Clamp*. of Spain; or Notes of .o Unfinished Toot
ill LOH. By S. T. Wallis.
TepOir's Proverbial Philosophy, new edition; inn.
Hated. lost restore d O by
noo2l corner Market and Thud BUIS.
nmed Books—Deo. to richly carved bind,
illumi s nated and illastraud—Boors superbly tmainl la
Vries; Salt, Morocco, and Coot, osltion, in solution
of the Middle Ages— and Prayer Books, belan
tifally bound in Velvet and Mor occeonsmuficently of.
mounted and klammated. Fors. , by •
do tIY tkoksslbrripriporter. Wood as.
Christmas mid New Year Approachlagl
In AlnonsOternt Amigo* Bindbig,for do Holiday.
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Hoolt.lier nod Impostor,
Si Wood street, has secured &beautiful collection
of Unusual Rooks, boned in DIS most splendid moo
nlit by the butts:o4. a. Amens. bindane—among
Stem may be (oat.
Pearls of Assn
rom; sixrdlieeritly
Wordeworth'e Onweei dehly lilastrawd.
ache; dlemmated Owen donee, wad
bound carved wood.
in.d by
t n, tr en
oinos or Shakspearel illystrsted. . .
Mr+. Jeeneeon'e Charzeterbasee of Women . Wastes
. 63 %Coal guest
Naar Beek.
REDSURNI Ills Fast Voyage.,by Herman
u Mar of - Toter." "0..3," a- 0 .
Money of King Alfred of England, by Jamb Abbott
with fine engrainngs.
JO Soreere i by Wm. Ideinhabl.
more! turner Trued and Market aunt,
`Om al as Nast Remarkable Warts ofMs Age?
NINKTfiII AND ITS REMAINS; wok an annonnt
of a visit in the Ch: ndwan Christiana Of Kurdis
tan, and the Yeaillis, or Devl-Wordippepr, and an
Int:lair, into the Mennen and Arts of the Ancient A.-
eriana. Ity Amten Jitney Layard,.Esq., D. C. 4
'With 4ntrocincLory Note by Prof. E. Robtoson, D. 1:1-.
LL. ' Illartrated wit hl3 plates and maga, and ISO
wood cues vats. Bela cinch, 114,50.
'The book boon end" amount of graphic, vivid, pie-
Damage. mutative "—Tribune.
vThe work of Lays"d to the most prominent canal-
butler, to the mudynf whitely, that tau Rope/iced Or
mattryearav—Christ. log.
"Not one egeels in Interest the account of Nineveh
and its Rains, gm. by his. Layani"—Winddrigtain
“As we follow the diggers with breathless interest
tore • 7
and auddenly tied onorclver Ga
lore • manlve figura carved with minute ceurazy,
now lifting Its gigantic bead from the st of 91a)
years, we are ready ta cry out with the °Matted
Arabs, 'Wa ll ah, his wonderful, but it Is lever"—lu
delotpe drat
now le
' New Stooks.
rinm WOMEN of the Old and New TCstament.
J.. Edited by F.: B. Sprague, D. D. 1 ol.Dop.hvo.,
.I°lrt.ldY bound( 18 exquinitely flatbed engraving.;
with ilesenptiona by celebrated'American Clergyman.
POEMS BY AMELIA, (Mr.. Wolby, of gy,) • 00. ,
and enlarged edulonvillastrated :by engravings room
original tieing. by %Vier. vol. square Elva, elegant
ly boom) and gilt. Alai—A variety of .plendid annu
als utd Gift flanks.
SewelPs Child's First Book the ilislory of ROM.
I voL
VIE MECHANICS ASSI.fiTANT, adapned for the
use of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Whcalwrights, Saw
yer., Lumbermen, Students and Annalso naturally:
being • thorough and practical Treatise en-Mensura
tion and the Sliding Bala. By D. M. Kap. A. IC
Boise , . Treatise on Greek Prose Composition.
011endoilPs Elementary French Grammar. BY Frpf.
Greene, of Brown tluiveraits. 1 voL tem.
iloedigerU Oesentus , Hebrew Grammar, by Conant.
Gremlins , Hebrew Lexicon.
Loom. , Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tables. 1
vol. (.beep.
The Englishman'. Greek Concordance. 1 vol. (mus-
Andion's Clasaical
Webster's Dietionary, revised a. 1 vol. aro
do unabridged. I vol. 410.
Bane's Notes and QUeltloo/1 on New 'restore.
Whitm Logic.
blothein ir th e Ecclesiastical (Lawry. 3 vole. and
vole. (sheep.)
Yeeuges of Creation. 1 .00. 18m0.
Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. 1 voL (cloth
and paper.)
Scenes where the Tampon has Triumphed. 1 rel.
(cloth arid paper.)
Domicil* Theological Lectures: 1 vol. ben (cloth.)
Alder's Prermunels&Bible.
Boyer's French Dicuortaty.
Eituatth Horace. For role by IIOPIONSI, •
novl3 ' Apollo Itulidings, Fourthel
farilWeilliblitTißl e ltriellieVED.—The work.
Montaigne, edited by H. klailitt, entayriting
} ,u. r ., u tt er, and Journal' through Germany and
Indy, with news from all the ChounnotatorM Biograph
ical and Ibbliographicel Notices, /th,
Theory and Pmetice of Teanising; or, the Motives
and Methods . Mod School•Kesping, by David
Plage, ft. N A Paincipal of the 11LI/a Normal Bekurol,
Atbany, N. Y.
Frank FOrester's Fish Nown of the U. States
and British Provinces oAtnertea, - by Henry
noril corner Third and Market sib
The Olden Time: •
JAMES D. LOCRWOOD, Bookseller and Importer,
No. El Wood street, this for sedate raw copies com
plete, tthe mmainder of the olinon,l of the valuable
work, devoted tame Preserranon of. theaments, and
oilier authentic orention relating to Um catty el.
plarationu, eettlement surd improvement ol the country
around the head of the (((co.. Ity Neville B. Craig,
Bali , of Pittsburgh, in vols. two.
nor 10 • J. D. LOCI:WOOD.
VoOSIANTAIEWCY: A History, with u View of the
R. Liberty of other Althient Nations. By Samuel
Illastiated with melee engrar tom, exe
cuted at Rome ti vela, Svc., uniform with Presoodie
- Jut published and for thin by
JAMLB D. WM/WOOD, Bookseller and
novto • Imrter, 63 Wood M
' , The reading of the book has impressed as with
meat higher opinion of .111 when than we had famed ,
tram penning her ether wrrnaga
tone or thougat, Muted Romero pure womudy gracoof
feeling than any other prOdnellon of the timalernied
with which we are acqualated.n—Evo. Mirror.
0 11 is every agreeable and readable book, written la
Fanny Ifiemble l s best Myle—bold, spirited and mther
mining. We
it to our readers as tbo best
putdiestion of the senson.”--Reading Gut.
.1 , c mamas the Journal of • %revel through Flitope,
and residence in Italy! and Is one, of the ptomaines*
mid most Li:detaining bonito of the season."--CouL and
"A 'err ehmeteristie book. We Imre refa It from
tide page to Colophon with unabated intefesL A vi
vid picture of Ilfe in Rome. In all respects eminently
• For sale by • D LOCKWOOD ,
north • Bookseller & Importer, El Wood
Isltboamphiss Establistisnosst
O P WM. mad st, opposite the
Post-Mee, Pittsbuigin—it taps, Lanese nun -
Laels,Arelilteenual Macidne
Draseinp, Business and visnnag Cares.l...A.V=
or &win on suenanii sunned in noloes,u.%,
of Blask i la the Raipproveei sna i
at ain
moos* opium eatUsl I
.;unarms 1101114 , _
e, s•-ohming• Br•liskt•s
COLLECTIONS.—DrufIk, Not and Aeceplanees
payable In any part of the Gnion,kolleeted on the most
fa taema•
EXCHANGE on New York, PhtladelPlue. and Bab
leans, Udlredle, Saint Louis wad
New Orleans, elnlalantil
RANK NOTM—Notes on a fora
ll solvent biota In the
United States dicconnted nitheloareA rates. All kinds
of Foreign mad !Lamm. Gold and SllverCeln bought
and sold
Office No. Si' Market street, between 3d and 41th,
Pittaborgh, Pa. ottaffi
1 1 , on Rutland, Lres and F"-I4 bought
- 2 -F In, moonlit at the Current Rates of Fachanse.
Also, Drafts payable in stay part of the Old Countnea,
from £t to ifeCO, the rate or SS to the A Sterli47,
')boat deduction or &smut:, by JOSIIVA ROBIN.
!SON, European and Genet's/ Age.; W i *n.
door west of wood. ' octiEht •
Au= mantA ii
r- ,43 ANDcrT!
3d- ond Wood oureusolireetly opt) Chul4lllo'y
-1-gricTiVeirlACei - sTu - vibs—
VT Ohio,
Bank Note.;
parehasid at the lowest raw., SONS
nepl3 Markel
BILLS OF Fa01141.1107e-q4Liiiiits on
New I"r¢
l'hlladalphla and
Constantly fat Ws by 110b2W SONSsoN
sapid ! 35 arkin
Frdia tho NetV York Tribune. •
FRIEND, whose word is meat reliable, ad
l who
A ret who
no rewaible interest in the matter, but am of
gratitude, desires us to say, that be bun been cured of
• lllltterAte deafness, , by the use of "St•rpa'sCampound
Acoustic OIL" a. Ph i
Philadelphia medicine, which s mot
focsale in this city, bat whith be ibiuks ought to
for the good of the afflicted. Ile boo sister who has
;also Ileva
. robed by Ile urgently-advisee all who
”e mallering Rom desfuess, try,this remedy,with en
the, unless the ease he extraordutary, the
experiment will prove abundantly sueeessral.
70 Fourth st, Pittsburgh
enr fine;
20 GRO.S.37ri ueduP...Pnorn Redding; •
" " r r gogt•Comb.; •
„ IVo„d • ”:
boo '4 ~Fb„, Ivari; •
7dolos • Comer
21:0 3 : 5 1° gr:OsFailsi,d7l:7lllo" Y ule by
Bair Itollaadl Bali llollaadl
I. e c .evens n
rues "" o -- f th c e C en t ' k
and'yr Ibis
" - and, to hhe would most tespeettully
ion of pis s eastomers and the public In
117 - Camet Ware 8 00 ma. 75 Fourth IL
A FEW vorr rate 61.11 TAUS, lust reed! from the
Aeelebrcort mann rootorT of C. F. find for
sale by janB J. 11. MELLOR.; 81 Wood r 1
Books Just Resolved.
TientE Complete Works of :Tan 'luny.; vols, era,
1 vol, illostwited; merlin gilt and gilt edges.
hinehell'sßbheel and Sabbath School Geography
• new work; I vol, Shoo.
Town's analreis and Speller.
Lile of John Q:Adamm bY Seward; 1 vol
ego; muslin
Poems by M. ilemans; t ora. Iftuo; =mho; gat.
South's Sermons—Sermons preached span several
occusinns, by Robert South. - Is.; new edition, 4
vol.; inclednig Posthumouu Discourses.
Sume—l rola in M sheep, extra: imo.
For sale by R. 110PEINS,
Silofeb2l ilo Buildings.Founk aL
1000=101.60:1 S. W.O. I,TAIL.
THE undersigned, oncecosors to Arthnis & Nichol-
son, beg leave to inform the eltigens of Pittsbargh
and public genendly, that they have rebuilt - the
(ILE FOIINDRY and aie rent in foil oparatien, and
have pan of their patterns ready for the market ,
Amongst which ire Cookieg-Stoves, Cotil sad Wood
Stoves, with a splendid airmght Coal Stove. which is
now supra-ceding other cities the common Maud
Stove. Able, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, welladap
ted for mall &mill., Walt full asserunent of com
mon and mantel Grow. We would ponicularly in
vite the attention of potions bedding to call at QA. ,
I . o . lnrehOn% e before purchaing, and examine a splendid
atomic of easseruclled Grates, finished la fine style—
exitirely new ia
Warehouse, No. Ibl Lt i r e rr i t s orriZe p y: l l Ssrl st
CYF.AGF.R. Importer nod Wholesale Dealer in
Siga of the Gilt Comb, ran Market at., Pitisburgh, Fa.
Weittern Iratirehinta, Pedlars, and waves vision.
Pinsrairgh to minium:Goods, are tespectfally Moiled
to call and examine the extensive assortment of Rag
fish, Amerieso, French and German Fancy Goods. -
All Foreign GoOde at this eitublioliatem are import
ed direct by myself, and jpariteracre may rpty on get.
ling goods from first hamra. I have the largest.sort
bent of Israel., IA the variety in the eity_of
Pltraburgh—ell of which will be mid lowput, caa
f- k a!
e tilLCZ ooth ataa , ceif i;d . c ni ,l e , S 6 t..?,,,C Or K t l ttl i
Silk Cravat*, Shoo and Palest Threads, SolenoiSilk,
Spool Cation, Tapes, Suspenders, Miaow, Pilis,Nee
dies and Cutlery.
Geld lard Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all Maloof
Combs and Razors.
Pereassion Caps, ReVolvere, Piotelo, Clocks, Silk &
Cotton Poems, tipectaeles, Steel Yeas, Mule Doses,
Cerpet Baia and Baskets.
modifies, Findings and Tsbautiagi. -
To. and Fancy Geod.; together with a large varte
er and 51.110 DRY
C. Yli.ktiEß is also agent ice ihe celebrated Lare
easter 0..1.. amrl7 .
Grant. Wailing. liestrecti.
FOR Coughs, Colds, MIMI= and Consumption! The
GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the care of tha
above diseaw is the UUN DAI al OF
LIFE, di:cover n,
ed by the celGebratedAßLAN
Dr. thttehort, of
London, England, and Introduced into the United /tale[
ander the immediate enperintentlenee of the inventor.
The emmordinary .eness of this medicine, in th.
mare of Pulmonary Camber, T 1111661.11 the American
Agent in soliciting for treatment the went poneible ea.
see that can be found in the eommunityeases that seek
relief in vain from any, el the common remedies of the
dry, and have been given up by the aunt distingaished,
physicians so cofirmed and incurable. ' The ungari
an Raba. ha. e n ured,and will cure, the moo H crate
of cases. It bno quack nostrarn, beta stand. Eng.
Rah medicine., of known and established efficacy.
Every family in the United Staten should be auppiled
with Bueliants liongarian Balsam of Life, not only to
eonnteramthe consamptive tendencies of the, climate,
cod s be tired as a preventive medicine all caner
col, coar,Ls, spitung of blood, pain In the side and.
cheat, organ. sod roreness of the lubreTcrillis,'
dilhealty of breating, hectic fever, night y ts, camel.
alien snd genetaidebiliry, mama, tuitions, whoopins
Comet and croup.
Bold in large bellies, al II per bottle, with fall ding.
than for the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, containing a mats of English and'Amen .
can cenifteates and other evidence, showing the nn.
equalled menu of this greai &latish Remedy, may
obtained of the Agents, anunnously.
Foe sale by II A VAIINE3TOCK & CO4 OMR 0
st and Weal std Woad andlith sm. }media-3
before—ab ash on the MOS t appnrnd giotsuplan..
and most fashloaah Ramo, paueras and colors. Alta
TIIE CHEAT ROLL, or nosron BLIND, on hand
or made to order of all stres, and at all price..
Mowry Merchants and others arc tavited to call and
examine the above for thernsels.,as all will be told
wholesale or retail, and a liberal dedactlon oath is
wholesale porthvers.
- .
Eon side of the Diamond, where Venni.
Blinds Grail the different aloes , and colon
ore kept on haad.or made to order side
the latest andatanapproved Eastern Pooh.
iens,at the stoma notice and on the moo
reasonable terms.
Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Trana
piney and Paper Curtains Mall the different Rill. and
pattern., on hand .and for sale low for cot, Old Vent.
non Blind. painted over and repoirrO, or tel
In pail
payment for new R M WESTERVELT, Pro'pr.
N. 13 —All wen. done with the best material - and
erortmairhip, and warranted to please the most far,
I drone. analtbilly
Alle-gbeni. city, An 6.10,1816.
Nom. t!
Fore ease, March 27,1947.
Mr. B. E. Sellers-1n justice to you and your tricorn
pueblo Cough Syrup, I beg leave w state,for the ben
efit of the community, that my wife has been scootl
times afflicted mite n moot thoressiog cough. pur
chased, to J..ty tot, n bottle of your Syrup, which
cured a cougu of two months' standing. About ono
month since, the cough returned, and w so revere
that she could. hardly move, from. wea ke ns in the
hye t opcoot for to bottle of your Cough Syrup, and
pot of one. bottle cared the cough Igoe the Other
to o pimply man who was severely afflicted, who had,
to use his own words, “roco enough cough Cita (.10
cure all the people to Prittsbargli,9 If the candy Mid
bone em good Its represented.
Yours, move:Mls', ALFRED 11.1:22vu-
Prepurcd and sold try IL E. SELLERS, 57 Wood
street, and sold by Druggists gehoully tit the tiro
cities 019
11. A. BROWN would rtipeet.
folly inform, the public, that he
keeps on hand at his stand oil the
west aide of the Dontond,•Alle.
gheay city, a complete assort
ment of Venal. Blinds; also Vet
masa Lthattem are made toot
der in the bent Ityle; warranted
equal to any lathe lotted States.
Ills Shads can be removed with
oat the aid of a screw driver.
Raring parohased th a dolt,
tools, and wood of tle =bloater
tad-Ilshment of Rantsay & latetlet.
land, I am. prepnied to fattish
_ ,heir old easterners, as well' ai
~,pt- , m ..
i „,.,,,ith every thing in their tale. • I
Agency; No h'Wood street, Pittsburgh; -.-. • t '
rochlAt— .• J. A- BROWN.
---.... - .
-TL recta, "pl , a t. Piano'
t) from the eelebra nmodattor r7:lgirl
Cloth, N. IL, ofmperiof rune, and very modcrate prim,
For sale by IL KLEISEtt,
dela .
.. • ni./..1Y. ItlfAlAwells. 1
, - VVILLI ANS' iyopY PEARL Twin PoWniii,
V V for removing fumy . , Setirm'Catallf, and au
substances deatractive to the Teeth. It ia debated& to
the taste, e Matithis the mouth, healing sad Mrs ortille n
log the pnrui, and parifying the hmata.,
i t •
. L
Fro nate, wholesale , and retail, by
de2ll RBSELLMS. 57 Masi tt
A.Tonicsi t—curApiat. THAN . E --
Wjpg, reed,. jewelled peters ie.
VSS NV etches, la e areu, Lae esies,.,,oldeh le en seta,
low LS shiny sad thieti lye dollare,sed wetter& d
k .Sfs—L u soloOlLid aessertmoot of JEWELRY, cols.
.Fetedl4l nein, end4uw= oa t = mi.
4 mime IladroandPoulande,
G. W. ICRODLIty Dientlan..
ItEMOVFIIue a newtbifee nary Mica
'"se • ne
to. entire set. on the notice ple i pley
flat representation of. the nataml paw, ones Ms
°fittest shape Bette Moro • • •
A:lA—Teeth taltacted with bole or en pale.
Decayed Teeth
ottog petrouneatily toned by Pillgr,ryit, pry,
theo¢ 6 r ,
mi t e, whicnis much boner nom ca
ring tu though Mooldlos done five minutes, o r
even instatolx„ • eeNtlY
LUNGS.—The unpreoodanted, samosa winch. has
needed the use
INS of um
n all Mentions forms ortdolt foliation of Mabel/la,
Booms, has Ludas& the proprinet Muirt le roll Men •
his • • • • . .
The elouwable towhee r which mark s ow fall mc
vow. months, le asters a ft - 0M! wane of
Them, neglected,. me but no precorson of Au fell
The quitnlen, thee, how shall we nip the destroyer ut
ILO bud! how shall wet pet Clear af wads Led .
olds! is of
G I impoitaa RE stto,:trtielakplic.xoy
lOU be round In th e OM= PeOneen. Md ef 04.
we ham from tune to ume p aini shed ihe eentheame at
dose. Of our best mown ennui, who hate Med.
• aced its carotin, powers. These, with a taw of to
11 ti airclaib fg tiniulscieferirmticii
Wainett of the Gtepel, doe together olth allele Get
ices from the
we Mom embodied In piMPniet (OM ;MIMI be dud.
trans of any i geMeith m o im - 1 44h as othenosotty.-
- We been oved Min .
thremittout the United Stated and Canada, and ,we ebrj . t:
lento eny Min tint a• • • •
a which, when taken acconling to Creation, sad Ie:
fore the laws had boonlos finally disMlMMeed. D tas
met failed to
Why, Men, need the Whined hmilidel Why men to
the mi.vrable nostrums, vino op by anin *am Initial&
eels o - ler there:earned mimeo( meta eaUtwatod oho:
dean mad pittedlota nOtennY
While by mundane. es par,
labbibtdr'ldbadatonohan an a[ hanter•O ACY irf =nom
spear-man/ of whom it hY
In older thot the fereloable medicine may oo plead
within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we lan
put the price el , • • • inurzy ogis;rs t .
to one half the man] cost od' cough mended. it Is
n sale by one agents in acaviy every town and village
roe the West, Wno prepared to. five fall infOrl9l
- to IL T. SALTER, StuPGelert
-• • „ .13roodenty, Cincirmall,Ghto.
. .
~,,,,,,,,....,,CONTAININO N 0
% ..,2. —' ‘'''-... rnEtia—CVlTtTer pa Ve N r t k i:
r . ...'.,. ' . , is - : ' tenth ell F.XTERNAL
\ .4 .-'': ; 7: IU SORES.Ot rt, C Van & S .
• • ia . ; EA HES, POISONOUS
• WOUNDS to discharge
k ~ .... their paniemutere, and
a -
7 . I . - • titer Utile them.
_ .
.__. 3 ' It is rightly termed
..... cfAL L - lII.A.LING, for
''' ", . there Ise areely a dia
., . ......0 . ..,.' . ' ease external or internal,
• , • • • that it will not benefit.
" ' • - - I have used it for the last
sixteen yes= ler rill deo:M.4 the cheat, involvlog /
the utmost danger endresportribility, and I declare
before l heaven and`n as,: the) !loth' one ease ban •it
filled to benefit When lie patient rig ~ /4 9e reit*h
of mart° meats. , 7
I have bed pirystelanalemidedlrl the profeuion.
have minions of gospel, poises ot the Lamb,
has enadmors,
demo, lawyers, smarm= of the hig
mil maitltudes or the poor ne It in every lute) of
way, and the has bean bat one valet w aniv—o
voice saying—ohPALL/NrNat YOUR SMILE"
RHEUMATISM—It maurees almost Mum:amid,
, the Inflammation and mindLior, when the pain cuss.
, (It ... the directions around the boo.) . •
I:SAONE—The sem has cared persons or the
besdklehe oft welve years standing, and who Lady
I I sa ttiv i rk ac. r ir tha . t . TV E IN C IE FA A:
ust galmd with lit* nevus
I SCOLW EIKAD—We have cared cans that unsay
dais/ very Ming imperil, ea well as the ability of Of
men fa twenty doctor, Oae roan told
he had spent
set ts on his children a/i tail, eneht, when a few
ae of Ctintment eare •
TETTER—There Is nothing berleFfor the etre of .
I TURNs-ID le cue tho tier eds. to the *odd for
U uns. .lelfhl are yearly ettrothj thiabli
PRZ3--Tho t
pien:-11: mouth Mils In giving teller the thet,Pilek
Annual the box ace direction. for - mft SPA
fftto'i OlorateaferSooftdo, Liar Ceroplefac &pipe.
ter, Tour, °FROMM, Somfiffendi Soo Ara, [Parrot,
Sou Throat, 33roweldiss, !lemma Afferiom, ?tiro. Dia
er,se of the spues, Hasa ada, anions, Brahma, Ear ash,
Bums Curia, tal Odium of the Skin, &IV LIM Zi1.1.•
F:41,. Swelling of rho
Limb., Sem, Rimottudion,
Pilo,ii odd Pm, Croup, &ratio! or Braise Brims, Tema
othr,.4. cis Pam, k. itc. in the Cheat
. ,
COLIJ FELT—Liver Complaint, pail]
and Side, falling off striae bath, or the other neeempi,
mu cold feet. (This Ointment la the Wu remedy.) It
Ll a slar sign Of disease
to have cold feet..
CORNS—Occasional ose of the Ointment, will al-
ways keep COMB from Krowtag. People need never
be troubled with them if they use it frequently.
(Q. This Oiatmenf is good for any peetof Me body
or limbs when ingenned. In name mums it should be
applied often. - ' -- . • -
CAUTION—No Centmenswill be renew anlesithe
name of /AMPS MoALLISTER is written with a pen
on every labeL -
For sale by my A et=n all the principal eitlea end
owns m the llmted
- ' ' Sole Proprietor of the above medleine.•
DP - Pnneipal °thee, No IS North Third street, PhD
sdelphl. • .
• , Prnewz cores PER BOX
/towns on Prrnartmart-.4lrann & REM', corner of
St Clair sts and L Wilcox, Jr, comer of
Market it end the IN.:nand, also eorncr of Ith aid
Smithfield its; I II Camel, comer of Walnut and Peon
ins, Oh ward;
end at the booksbno In Smithfield
et, ad door Irian Seeond ett in Allegheny city-by Jig,.
Selomuu and / Sargenr, by 3 6 Smith, Nragglii,Blr.
- minghang D Nester, East Liberty; -II Sow ble
geerpon; 3 Alexander & Son, Monougahela'Cltr N
B Bonnotm & Co, and . T pagers, Brownwrill etJohn
Sealer. Beaver, Psi tab wholesale agents.
fetP:detelly . • -
Facts for tha Palette. . •
la relative to that unrivalled family Salve, •
ktsTIMONY of a reepeetable Physicien—Read
Tthd/bUtivnltg, addressed to my Agent, 34.31411er
ryareather, Cincumaii t
, Committal, peb. 11, IMP.
A:senati 'of datykologiels,mia to gleamy taunt
."tiyuf.lirt reaLising"mu'l'gf& (Tona l the ""King o o f
Pala Klllersu—l ern induced to tender yen this eenill
este. ' I have used it an
d y fatully t in preetlea, and
with ell.the happy an wonderfal efectsthat could
ponibly be Imagined. ' R. J. Beams, Kt D.
Do. Itnidie Is the senior partner of Brodie it Lai,
DreurgOta • Tihtumalisai • .
. „ ,
The'following testimonial come trim a sauce fa)
mdiarto many of those traveling on out Western wa
ters. Mr. Wham, the well and favorably Imam pro.
primer -of the kersbarg Hotel, is husband to We
lady Whose letter 3 annex
I • , r .rancemestran,Va April 13, lag.
To Henry Dailey. Chemist. c .—Sim Having for.
yearly been long melded wuh. violent inflammatory
Rheamation .ilablen appeared so firmly seabed es to
defy all ordi n ary appliances to allay the severe pain
-encoding it, I was Indorsed to try your (logical Pain
Belmont; matt havuutiggefleeted, almost asif hyena.
gie, ex ilpinediato reliefsNadal., to all appearances
an entire mm perfect erne, I am induced for the berm. ,
.fit of others who may be Mticted with pain,cinsedby
nuy.kind of Inflammation, to write to yea, ,deolarieg
that in my opinion, founded on actual experience
year Magieal Pain livreetoe is the most valuable dis
covery oi the present age Medea immediate extraction
of bodily pain. It is an almost immediate and a per
fect cure for BUMS eta bealite, and all esternalip
. staving many semultumaces forotmi iltab vista
at haWapi's bowl Oils place, I have sappord
by your showing thesetherie few twee, at may posubly
Trfbenetithothto them mid yourself.
• I.l.llfildrevS Great
n114E13 . 1 11 the kept that Mra.Glime will pardon the
publicity lean to her letter, as well on the won, o I
humanity as of lon being the meet mode of bringing at.
to the notice of her file:lda-11. Dar.l-m.)
Fdei Crud.
Extritei of a letter, dated .
Ihnsumr, Ky. Noe. '4,1519.
Ur. D. Dailey:" of have tried your Pala Retractor in
a cueotfelou, in my own Jaunty, which O. relieved
arul .r e . ti v 'r l dd ir, in • eery ahem um." , la i lt n nk .
117 Barns and Stelae, Wee, Sore Nipples, Broken
e , Woanda, and all in.
name ',eddy to the wonderful propernea
of this unrivalled family *Gee. But, in the same pro
trartion that you will meeive benefit front We genuine,
ou llbe injured by . the &merlon* elects of the
counterfeit salves.
CAUTIOPI—Be stir send apply only to We lavamar,
11. Dal..T, 415 Bro. ,New 'York, or to hia au-
Marisa egent, ' JOHN I) MORGAN,
GeneraiDe, Pittsburgh.
nervy P. Schwan, Allegheny, au y .
Wheettng,Va.; JILIUG4 W Jonnaton,
F. Alerryweather, thneinnati, 0., General Depot.
N.ln the severest Burns and Seattle it extreeta
the Pain in's few athletes—ft never falls jets
A. • mrarisra or armattal.Wlatrars
VT order Watford all possible ,seearity to the public,
ai rata MereselVes;against /rend and leap.
sition ham coamerreidag, the, proprietors bade reads •
a change in the exterior_wrapper triable of their Vet,.
mirage. , The new label, WhicAle a steal ensravingar
th e eyed dryaisite dealitnand wetkrannship, has been
introduced-Let very gruit eggencii , and la from the
brain or. Inlet ere . first udeuL The design Is - new,
and the execution eleberate." Several figures Mad. a
portrait are most prominent, : bat the word ..Vaisit
reol,” puttied whho letters on a red and finely en
snared ground, .elorda be , partirrilarly clammed—
When held op to' th e light Me letters, shading 'of the
letters and every line, however ininute,threugheattlte
whole of this pan of the engraving match as exaerly
d the impression had been maile open one ride on
ly, annul:ldb it Is Uetaaily printed on bath sides rif the
aper: This cases be observed.'."Ala
he I upon each doves Is atm printed la rwrapon'hoth
sides s and ebould kr examined in the same manner.
This pretenders has .now stood the test or Many
years trtal,and is confidently recommendedas a,saM
and 'effectual triedekte for expelling worms trod,.
system. The unexampled success that has Mtended
its administration-in every case where the pandit was
really.altheled With worms, certainly
_ren4era it wet ,
thy the inention of physician.. ."
The proprietor made it a point to aseertidn'tha
remit of. Its one in such eases as same within hit
'knowledge and ditiiervatioli--and he levariebly fbasd
it Mprecetbereastsalutary elects—not iterrapreta•
ly after nearly all the ordiaarVpreparationa mem.
mended ; far aroma, had Igen previously.~ maenad le
without mil permanent advantage. This facile at
tested by the certiticates and statements of handmild
arrortmeleble ilser , a. • as ; in different parts of the sow
try, and rhonld ind•mes: families atwaya to keep
. of the preparation id Itzir posaeasien. ttla mlldfa m.
operation, and may be administered with pernr.M.!.
ty to the most delicate turanL . . •_'. •
Thee* gamin , is prepared by
stag, . PAIINESTOCK, PrrtshuP--
lECLLERS , SYRUP.—Prom.W. K. Beach
lTaq:,'Cler 'a•.!"r '''›Urft fititartgr - Sessig ial , at
IleaverCians • , • • •
11.. K tdeßs s -if Borne time in the Wieser PI
wife wait aftlicted ei
A tz.,aitrere and dimming WIN
and hearing at yehr vitstable Cough Sleet, e m,
chased a borne fri.u. T. Trimble, of Bridde`....2
widener satin t partim el it two or atnat aventap.,
on going to' b foetid immediate •relie4o?l
wrens'. Blends are been relieved to &wetness :l:
am therefore - Miami that It ir a ask and wadable
medicine, and 'maid recommend it 10 Mote whoa oa7
btarthered with acverettonghs and e.idi•
March 241843 K. BO •
'Prepared and Sold by, E. BELLER% al Weal
gesenlly, ta Miran* sAAP.