B' hiAGNETIC TELEG RA PH. Po avir.ccir. 'mummies:so FOR be PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE NEW ORLEANS IdataKEt Vim Osz.u" Mara 14 Cotton was brisk yesterday, with Was 10,1:00 bales at 1 orae advance. The eater of the put three days BM 21.000 as. Flour bat admitted eegli.wrib ha" "n" dsrd Ohl, at OP. - Riot—Sales at 30 th. Correa t ann. and molasses aro sale. The weather 4 t and the city lealthy. NEW YORE MARKET. 0113 MI mem Nn► Tan, March 16 Cotton is held dimly, owing to the light mocks. We continue our former quotations, although in some t menus 1 of u advance have been ob• tailed. Floor—. We have DO improvement to notice ia the market. Bales of Western mixed at 55,1b9 5,37 per bd. Grab—What Is wanted, but buyers and sell ers are sport in their views. The demand for cam Is much less than It we., and prices are des alinieg. ' Bales afeenthent white at 551056 e, and or yellow at 53036 per Umbel Provisions—The market Is mote tree. Sales at prune pork at $3.934353 per bit. Lard Is ra tes at 7c for keg, and titter barrels. • (bowfin moduli; Bauer and Oheese—Sales of chum at 701243, and of butter at 140.6. at =MI Per Oka' SPRING AIIII.ANCIIIMSWI% aka= 1850 . Inka PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE! "Dm Daily limas al Bonus Pads Boats, and . Red Road Cam TO PMLADELPRIA AND DUNMORE, Via the Great Cantnl RAU Road dad Pence. Canal Tn.—Sixty Hove. Pass—Teo 11ellars tbroas►. REG miles RAW Road. 100 do Cunt. irect.ViVilY.T FOX ressmoins. THE rattritlETOßS have baton additional, Lima of enperior new and comfortable Packets. to connect with the now Central Rail Road. On the opening of navigation, a packet will lesn every morning as sin o'clock, and cocci evening al rune defect; crowing the Pormae Dail Dowd in c 2tr at Jaalugown Min the eplendid Cars of the Rail Road, Wm mike patinprJphia. A Unita asorshw of nugengera only will be murid on thews pachatesago as to Mauro sontrsit. Thie 'Oats for safety. speed, and comfort; Lint equalleo by arm now la ass to the Elude= China. For pusage oraromatics 171, to W. DUTCH, onongahein Hams; WlO D LEECH a. CO., (hotel Basis. N. D.—On the lot May nags the Contrail Rail toed willies open to Hawk:oo; which will stamen the two through enema' ken,.. 'mane Wasters TrasspoeLattim - Ornwpruar, aaki§l2 lBso.. -41tiiiL LEVEOII & CNa LINE, BETWEEN PTITSB E URGIL PHILADELPHIA, BALTINOR h. NEW YORE, By Pensupisaxia Camel sad Baal Bond. 'TIM: Bows add Can this Lbw knee bees pat to j contpkte order. and sea the WWI= of *even) new ones to the Line, ambits so to cam a lame qtrenUty of palace and pods. The en ure stock of the Lim Is owned and cannon • ed by th Ptoprietors. —sent to— HIABEIS A LEECH, No 13 South Third W• end at the Tobacco Warearem: Deal Philwielpkta, Pa.; JOSEPH TAYLOR it SON, No In North Howard at, Balmer) hid OFFICE, No 7 West co, New York; D LEECH 00, Canal Basin, Pean nut 3 Pitubarid. THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL IS OPE , I. PITTSBURGH TIASIPORTITION Malia Bso araM Via P•asisriir- 2 Casale tnanilleads. O'CONNOR, ATNINS t Co., }aai4 Litany street, Pitubunric • Co, *4) &WO Market auto, Philadelphia. .1.01:111111, O'CoNNOts tr. CO., El Nona street, Baltimore E Siam Nem York; ELUOTT MILO, It Dow tatreet, Boatera Emma. Ow, lWaville, Kentack7t nau. a Co.,Colasebta wee; Cuminame Y. Mom Loairellic HAW., Mail I Co., St- Lash ToShsypon qr . it ssoht , and Prodoes,_ gni boot i kande/phis, Bokisoorw . N. reek, r Baden. Our TOMu being now IA dm order, WO are prepanal to forward rood. as eh.a at wry gowned pnen. We intim stl frvightfrai of any charge haring Widen for 0111562u,000, and with Ow hollowing 5110.11 , 0 itOtk of Boats feel oonlideat arriving amuse imitated. to all bll.ll3eta entrusted to oar care. Oai boats era all new, and commanded by captains of .winoco,and oitr eon. boa ts condsonal on Mid let 4 /avant saa 11". Boats. Cap I Boats; Captains Iron City, Hagan Parinaylwala zaurt.a, . Marshall St. Los* d . ad, Sands Col. kloward, Ridley Math Arms, Chatham MaryDebnah Win Add., Ponmad Enterpnaa, Yawn Import, IlVtiada Brown Boston, Altar Gen. Scott, '; Gore GarliMa RileyTalegrapliNo lahields Celia Ilawkias Paint Kill Baybilbrado galivant...l4.mq BaitlSVCClipp•tßally AJOLlii. : ll . ?TT Ghia Bella Hamm Eagle Julia Ann 7 Layton Telegraph NoWavis Mori Quell ' W ibis Dix advan 074 ATKl tuty NS*. to 03., • Libeny n, rittsbauk. ._ Mermaid Wemliram 1 Tim Foe M'Qsadis Aaron erbowell Look new Dem, Mill:Tara will nod it to tli • eel. 0.00 tuff eIIiIIII WHIM TRIESPOMTIONI LINS, EOM 1850•1 Between Pittsburgh aseed Easters Oldies. The Canal being cow opens, we ate ready to metre and forwardProcrotly, predate and Mierchandum east sad west- Treighui airways at lowest rates, charged by rupee- Obis Lees. --theatre will be reeairrod and far. 6odaca ant metal warded cast and army witlanat any charge for 101 craadiag or advancing freight, eutturdsolou or awragu. Balla of lading forwarded, and all directiana faith fully attended to. Adds.. or amply to, WM. BINGHAM, Canal Basin, car. Liberty and Wayne sta. Pittsburgh. BINGHAM & DOCIE, No 103, Mutat at, between 6th & sth., JAS. WILSOLAgt, No 1131, North Howard Bahamans JAB. BIND , nun No 10, Wont marat,ltars York. Al. B. BIIIIIIVISI.D ill C 0... WBOLESALE and &WI Dealers bt Orbesnaa and Dry Goods, and Coneasion 31Ortitanen, Nb. Liberty .1, Pitt. • • b. • otrUl , - mVER SEED-9 bbluntstLrli a gy rasse 13CI EN2MMM!!!! I MARRED ROOMY M PAPER—A consign supply by 'f the m "‘Ull 78 I. ol=triki g rOr d ITARA PITCH-6D bLI J b:szivopi. A CO C H . ! 3 . ED Lociwoo mmo r, Alva co __- OLIVE 011-3 baskets for was by J SCIIOONIKtERI, CO, • SI Wood even pi=ll3.v.D PORIC-,2lalirliztc.ogoldatestle cu m'd, on hand and for Ws by DIAL&Il DICKEY & CO, Front et LARD' IKO bbls Na I, oe band and for pals by LEMAN DICKEY & CO mrll - - - rtHEE:I , -E—s oo bozos en baud and for We by V mos MIMI DICKEY h. CO li ke" 1 1 L. roy i 10 " Shoulder% • • " Bog Roo now landing (row wooer Euphnues; for ode by °WI ISAIAH DICKEY I CO py — lD-517 101 a no r; 2 Les do; moldli kudos fro* IMISEIST Ea. POW.; ter uy mina MACY t CIO_ DRIED - RoaCiltd, Lard, aail,Piattoo fa Ws by 'ara ineolan , a, nos ICOROORAFFIIIO 111201011.01PARDIA OP SCIENCE, LITERATURE, • •RT; 17STERATICALLV anwied by O. HEM with 0 Ire banderol quro mad plates, the mod Ws tincolelma owlets ar Moony. no Tort and edited by SPENCER F. BAIRD, " Professor of Naomi Same' in Dieliaseto ualteet C.orliele. The leenterrephie Emystlemedia beatibilekkd i t , lc puts, each enudarsi to plebes and piva e latter press, issued In s awresiew porttoUo, In which rabseribers ems keep their copies in perbet order on• dl completed, when thry subs Wood. flee pen 1. pablielted evert etenV the wry low .priea of 1111,00, hick will enable all as of inane• don in the port beetnitel sad prudes! COM, es scanty their mews, leo become wineribere to th• we*. Subscriptions taken for the whole Mak only. Prom the Hassan Peat. • • Th Work 110.14 not tw emoted for • soma with am of the trashy or poptlatly eeteetille pellistatozo of tbe UT. From eta New York Trftnate. ' 'Mee alieedivg beauty of Cho platas nee:encode tieta to the attendee of the Inver of ass. float the Ltteeary Wed& • wall executed solid work, of unbundle! value. •• introdoenen of this work into general circulation .among our Deland a n d ether libnuirm midis end pd. 'mite, cannot fell io be productive of edmintaga. ' • From the Wmtdn/Nern (D. 11) Mien entmol 4.4 highly recommead the wort. no cogravirms are ha the Idlion !dye Sr an. No work has cm before been poblisbed in this country no splendidly Illumined, nod the printed matter is of so apralty MTh order it felon the emir for famine. SIX NOS. of Mir invaleable Enoch:ma/la are now publistred and ready for sebseribers. • JAMES D. LOCKWOOD. Bookseller and importer, CI Wend to. mrlt Inner la Aprit...proanh • rmar Wood.) Itsidesturcg *asMae nsitatasukry. ; Trite. subscriber Informs kis Mends sad Os public. that at his trusties estsbiblusant, (c•Patits sf ,resplerlos from two to area hundred workmen, and whets he slags keeps • I. samba a the best latelialgt• stiPsed,l ha Is prepared to auccitte, In the b., sponse, sod with mat despatch, el ordim ur bou, WORK and COTTON and WOOIXN MA cHussAY, of erns dweilanla. For Ow vrorkmaa sklr. artil style of his Alachaneallis woild rake is the -nutostoss sianufseturers In the Western and Stistkint num, as owl as the Meets Sawa who an new sp. spans 0101..f1u ha. recently II•Ma0 arum* Improve , seats, both In the asyla sal Wass of Ms hissupes, hisk wlik be fiii4 at essassabla priees4 sp • gyms to ALTILIMTEN tat64re pridialrEff. COMMERCIAL RECORD. riewsztawnßOAlLll OW canna COMMITTEE FOR M•&CB. roixua 114114• • • I. vox 10110011[• -.030. cab= The mar C.a.a., Copt. Harrison, oalls from N.. Yoh, for Livorpool, on dor WO Marta. no M. 0., Copt. @pricy I Bosom for Liver. pool,. the 2r,d April. The aroma, Capt. Lou, leaves Boston, for Liver pool,. the 17th of Aped. Orme., Panel:hoe Claims Monday teeming, March ISOM. j ♦ fair denim] business was done in the m aaaaa on Salad as. The weather was mild and pleasant, tke river la fair stage for navigation, and considerable so' dairy prevailed as the wharf. PLOUR—llswelpta am mill confined to limited iota, art 3, moderato axles from first bands, at 114,4504,50 bbl, and fro:awn la lots of 80 to to bbls, at 84,620 4,75 fp bbl. It, I Pules—With light Irma. in ambit, vs no• Use ranker !Island Wes, a. $4,2; ► bbl, for good II rands. ORAlN—flues of 200 b. Corn front more, at 440 50c. Etafaro( Oms at 73034 e, and of Barley at 93083 ♦ 1.. No Wes of Wheat or Rye. OHOCEHI} 0 Stamm C0114[1.11 firm at 410410 t. Sal. of 87 bbla N 0 Molasses at 37e, and of 40 to lota, at 370211 e rp gall. BACON—Tie market to well mock. with Wes.ro and city cared, .d a fair booboo. Is doing. et Me for plain name, 51 for .Wes, and 41 for shoulders. 131TriEB—The receipts of Batter have bees mode rate, and the sales of Ms week limited. We quota but dtwerlptions of roll batter in cloths, at 1010130, and kg 86/01, la CRACK:EU—A regal. bad.. Is doing at the fol lowing earned west Water Crackers, per bbl • w ßtm wodo 3,75er do " • ----• --•—• 430 a Pilot Bread, --•••••••--- 3.33 CMekers, per lb 7 Bsdado 7 CHEESE—Tina market has been quiet; and Wes eonlined a mall lots at 8061 for coos W Ft; 61070. for earn crown, .4 7108 e for Goshen. market cantata. firm, with milie a good demand, at the following roar.—No 3 Mackerel, at 147,341. bbl; No is telling at 110,50, and No lat 1114.- 500115 ♦r bbl. Mbar descriptions of Curare firm, at fatly vestal ram—say, for /daimon, 616Pbbf; and is VP dem. Bales of Salvador limning at 110,23, and ima m. Eastern, $0 ♦ bbl; Lake Flab May ho gaoled at 17.300118; Cod fah, 61,50 gr dmian .d Halk, at 13,75. OLABI3,Por the 'ado., articles or window_ glass we notice no change. The loth:ming list of prices may be given. ghost the rating forams for rho varloas was of city and aordry brands by .0 •- .13,75014 110 by 10-5t,858111,60 Other urea In prayenioa • ll by 16—,------114,71 11 by 17..... 44,0 12 by 111 12 by 17 —.---.4,72 If by IS ----‘•3.90 21 by do 7.02 cs of City and Cincinnati edNie per L. City marl in fair request, at 210'220; .d of common dipped at 9e by 10 —•40,45 1.0 by 11 • ---• —1,60 10 by 14 10 by IS 10 by 10 • 4,60 10 by 17 -- - ----4.50 SOAP h. CANDLIM—SaI 11l rosin soap, sfsetnnall Star Candles are of mould MIL., 00 10e, an ♦ b. Porsirn Market.. THE BANK OF ENGLAND, Ac account for the week coding the let .day of Febttt Motet tuned Oovemstant Debt•--- Olber eeeoritiee•-•. GoldColn 6.Ballice , Silver Bullion VerlOW Ross robllc Deposits Including Ba ckman —84.1.4. Banks, noels of National NW, Drrideo4 Aceonntsl• • • •~ R A Bl Other Deposits 9,519,781 Steen day and otter Bill. 1,133,364 zya,s3s Government &nudges (imeba- Mg Deed Weight ennulty).• •L11pe9,388 OthmSeen:idea • : 944.7 In London were steady.' The following axe the pri ens current on the Ind alt.— United Males Flee per Cents, 1353, 931094 United Mau Biz per Cents, 1934 13010504 Do do 1967, 10111•107 Do do 1953, 100101U7 New York State Flee per Cents, 1355 55096 New York " .• 1359 NI, 16097 New York " Sig IEOS, 1030— Now York My Flea per Cents, 135540, 935 M Finntrylvanla Flea per Cents, 101083 Ohio Sin per Fents,lBrd, 97003 Obla, IMO, . MOND Plessaehnsetts Fire per Cents, Boding 8end5,1369, , , 1000105 Illinois Six per Cents, IMO, • atiPts Maryland Five per Cents Sterling Bonds, 990- 113sdssIppl Su per Cents, (Planter's Bank) • 131140, 000- 11Usstnippi 131.. per Cents, (Union Bank) 19040 Alabama Fine per Cents, 1955, 65087 Do Filir Cants, EtterUng Bonds, VIM. Virginia vs per Cants, 1961, Vtrginls Biz per Cents, 185743, Kentucky Six per Cents, 1958, Florida Bts per Cents, • LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARET. Feb..! Baearm•Very fine Near Rasura brings:4a to .17a at thickirk. a (Mr amount of business has been done; ental parcels of nem Weatera are offertng as Ms to 34a. Old ts warned ;Vs to gas las been :mid for onilmag, and 30. to 3ts fora fvorite care. Beef has been In OM demand; sales WO tierces at fall prl ent, and in come instances at a slight advance. Perk: The bovine. done m old has been extensive; the Wes or good. NMas raotu Mgs M to s to a M feo,r fair end 40s to 45. extra be Hams Old are orcriag at 70s to Ma Shouldm: The demand kas keel good; the sales an nearly 40 !Rids, at Ids les fa law, and 11). to 20. for Ana • Lard having been In geed mama. bidders ham been enabled m. obtain an advance, the We. are MO tons at Ms to 33., bd, and gl.l. nor asked la ordinary. LONDON IRON MARKET. 411.-6detele—A large business kas been conch , dal In Land, and prices ere still on the advance. Brit. pia relaxed £l7lla te 17 !Shand Sheet £l9 1041 019 la Ile ton, whilst mny export order. have been templed:rt. In the Pig iron market greater delineate exists, and prices are rankled. deyrewted; there ere tell ers of Scowl at 47 to 49s for wined, and 48 64 indite for Not. lialrand Welsh Bar Inan are orretiel at .63 6d to 1.11 *will only limited wiles have bean made, and stocks are getting Wier. • SBRA BOAT QUILTB-4B boxes by tale by SI orb BRET FOOLE is CLARKS M PILVITIP SODA ASH—I 4 osskc on band cni fel sal* 07 J S DILWOHTII & CO CILMIER BEED-4 sae ‘6i Lyy .1 k . OMaICO IL &co DEANS-10 bbls Ilssa. Wblts, Just sso'd outi tor .LII 1.7 (=re) J-8 DI LWOR TH &CO pOWDE6-1,000 k Riders 815rtimt; 500 do Doer ; ns a. Ky. do; reed WM day and far LOS by Nut) IA DILWORTH & CO S&MTV FIJBC-9 bbls fondle by mrs 18 DILWORTH & CO 2 CASKS HUSPRATT tr. SONS' SODA ASH, 5 Net 'adding Nom steamer J. I Crittenden, wad (drub by W & Al MITCHELTREH, und No 160 Liberty el DARDAINB7Lasms, liasts, and Bermes, sell. " aorta met MURPHY & BURCHFIELD DLEACHED E UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. boo/ 1) before the advance, and sailing at the old prl north eau moor of Fauna and !duke* .to. note MURPHY* BUBcDPIELD illorgan , s Cough Syrup. soleatiotilly recommend It. • Front this Wren Log Tribncn, Feb. pO, MO. MOIGAII'II Cocoa error.—we can conscientiously recommend this =dieing lat coops, as it hos cased a. of • most aggravated ottaek. It Is • very different affair 1(0111 dm ordinary patent modieloec If you hays a cold try it. Prepared and Wick:We and retail, by JOHN D. MOLOCH, Droggist i mid. Wood at. I door below Diamond &ler. OWOHONO TEA—nO hi attests last reed andfor sato • mrd C H GRANT mc"7 - 1 . otrans y saparier oak cooperige, meta aad mrt akomts t ROE Heise Weated, yr/ANTED—A two or three story Bonn, whir V 'doable parlors, within 4 Krum or the mute'. A good tenant can be bad by applying to su . Lt.E, Memo. e " SALE—r o cri Sara Bho • •esx EDWARrIMAZELTON UTTO bales Banks, fa: sale b'r mai Si'7ll. MOLASSES—a) b •tales• • g Imo Kamer ailet ud MershaU, and ter rale by sof JAMES DALZELL C—LOVEHED—iiO eby JAmEsnazeu. gad 1011.0 LASSES—a) Obis N 0, toot recS and for sale by UR au& A CULBERTSON, to Liberty is SUSTARL44 tads prime N 0, Sanire and for mistii A CULBERTSON UiTailainsoll Sa l VIDD k. CO CRUMB el mr4 • ON-3 eases eitrie Am 4 bud reed .11 . for sal* by bare) LIDO it CO paco 11 1 1 Aultut.l.' —Gobi* No 1 Ext.. ^ _ 111 gala by , IS AUK DI . r DO, but Frost ss tie4:o4;:bridid• ass.cl,note and for sal* by m surd MILO DICKEKII3D FATUKILS—U las ... lEn.' — k' . ' ° mg NAIAD DICKEY k. CO LAND —es be% Ne 1; II Id eels n ee; Nut reel and for rale by mre ISAIa Ell DICICRYIe a/ •mg • • for ra MAI* H DICKEY it CO BROOMS —Tel? Parr o ml, extra .; lo ' 4 Clot h Bnl7 o ,4astio Al bj g, mr4 ' earner 411111 and Wood rtr "11 , /INIVON EIAMIH.IIIXI Ito Fa ns Cared, for lale V VT a Wll.LiabliV PORT OF PITTSBURGH. inn—flan Mare 11 lint 0 Imam ka the channel 4 +% .nd I Wog. ARRIVED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver.Mk.MO., This., Biases. Beaver, Gordon, Wellvville. Visage; Galloway Monongahela OW. labwo, Peeb Dltriatieth. Atlantic. Paskuon, Brownsville. Bailin, Jacobs, BrownevillA Camden. Hendrickson. Itelrempor , Lake IGH, Cleat, Beaver. Louie MeLane,Connel, Wheeling. Keystone Sam, Dune, C.lneinumi. Amazonia, Mcßride, New Orleans. Diadem, Coles, New Orleans. . • • Lydia Collins, flanicr,Neshville. Euphrates, Calls:mu. Nashville. Ben Wee, --., Br L og i.. DEPARTED. Caleb Co Murdock, Beaver. Beaver, Gor pe, don, Wellsville. Michigan, Dries, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Monongetiele Canadair, liendrickeon, McKeesport. F'eahlen, Peebles, Mirabelli. Baltic, Jacobs, Brittsmsyllle. Atlantic,. Parkinson. Brownsville. Lake Erie, Clark, Deaver. Ja=n Deleon, Moore Wheeling. Cincinnati, Koontz, Mideast]. !lackeys Mats, Reno, Cincinnati. Messenger No. A Woodward. Cincinnati — lit Mligan. Norton, St Louie. Reveill il e, Goff, Galliapolis. Geneve, WBtlna, Nashville. • BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY NASHVILLE—LoyaI Ram., II a re. WABASH—OhIr, 4 r.. WHEELING—Lode McLane, 9 A. se LOUISVILLE—FOrmoart,4 r. K. NASHVILLE—Fen Pio, 10 r.. K. NEW ORLEANS—Emir, ILO A. sr Lm FavourOar acknowledgements are due the Clerks of the fee etessotas Paris,Cloalortail, Buckeye State, and Mt Vence; for tate Ciactenall, Loaisville, St Leda, end Neer'Orteles papers. IMPORTS BY 1 VEIL Orleans—En hasszasaa-1 melodeon, E Onbble; 50 bbd. war, Leech, Bk./Juin /k co: .a•,sr. 19 ek. rice, 9 bbl. 9 ft - Molasses. 2 laf bbls ow. up, 3 bbl. loaf *agar, W & Id bLitchelltee; 259 bbd. swim, 193 bbl. molasses; 13 do psis sows. 50 Oozes mama, flarbridge, Wilson & Co, B bbls loaf sows, J Palmer & cc; ndo io 1 )11100r15 33 bia .u 6.., W Boole) , & co. • - Deaver & WiALTILO—Pms Calks Cosa —I bbl hap, 14 as kitlay, do oats. 4do drd pumpkins. Stein b. Dizorat9 bp wheat, Smith & Sktelair; pos bacon, Wm Buraley keo Itp,;s bbls butter, Arm. strong k Crater; 4 bbls, tie roll butter, 4 kegs do, W Ilsgaley k om 4 aka Jos Parke/44N. bbl. floor, • Wabash 111Yer —Pm 6DUSIMIAND No. 2-21 kg. masm skins. Carson A McKnight; II hltds gager, Brown & Kirkpatrick; 56 bbl. molasses, 4 kdr do do, 1 bbl pageant, Y donde., J McDevitt it boo 8 bbl. mo lames, D A Osier, 4 do do, J Watt & so; 2 do odic, D A Gner; 4do do, / Wan & eo: 2do mihe, A King; do do, E Hasseltono3 do do, C 0010001 15 hhl. tob, Me. Paden & co; 28 bbls whiskey, Millar & gicketses.l ba whips, FAN elmalders, Hardy, Jones & co; 1 esk bard. ware, Graf, Lindsay 41 eks gram LeMs. 1 555 p. hams, 1605 do shoaldm, 16 eke do, A Laughlin; 110. k. oms, 6. bbl. lard, 5 bag. ginseng,JJ Laagblin: 5 esk. hems,* do abooldas. Bemple, & co; 15 tallow. Forsyth & so; It W. coon skin., bx tura, 11 Al lem& co. St. Lea's —Pri Boa Wm-10 ek. lead pipe, J W Butler & boo; 82 ek. Limon, Church & C.roiliers;3s too. hams, 3 bbdsdn, H Mershon; 61 bill• tilde, B C Hop; 40 et. hams, Clarke & Thaw; 90 Sint bides, W Young & ea; 49 ek. shoulders, Kier & Jones; 119 Mids. 6 ire. bacon, 851 & Liggett; 25 111. for oil, B A Fahnemoek & so; 17 bls deer iltlno. A Damien; 3 casks venleon, Ibe m ds e, Barsky & SuMb; 110 bbls, 10 bm sugar,ll Dbl. syrop, Jag AMitehlson & ea; 10 bbl. mu Sm. 11101, Matthews k Co. 35 J McDevitt & boo; 10 tibds sum, 8 B Bash/m.ld; 432 be. boson, tlelkn & Nicole. BACO ranks ttlb rs alde, In salt, reed on son- N—Or sit/natant, :Ind for sato by m II .lAblEl4 A HUTCHISON & CO - - Cl.0 - 11E17. SEED-01 MID in mere and for sale by seri J D WILLIAMS CtA m N , I 4 MM—!S bag Cu filoaldTl: l W i la tAms SODA ASSI—DICOIeati MG --,- nuerto arrive per etr Deserts Washington, lei rale by W M MITCIIELTREE, 100 Lacs sneer .L..--ao,3topas bbla rime new, on hand end C " for Web) &)LIN W A !CO, mr yLi d be i ryLeyee% New BACON-3M It • ilsA r te s r AiT e , s , leaan for We by • met Liberty street 12= IDESTNETT & BROTHER. QIIKIIIIIVIRIO numbte n wren, have removed AO he 37 Wax,' street. be wren Market and Wood• Pinabarah. a06.1m BY APPLES—'mod be (brig la neer) In store and for bi IWO) JOHN WATT' & CO ITE . A . 7tIIII—LOO ba in AKE 11911—la bbl. and.bi bbl., in mon and far sea by [un] JOHN WATT k. Co NEW BUGA.II,IO bhdo jam ken nal for ule by null , . JOHN Wen' k. CO CLOVER bEED-20 bbls m Hors --. to elose, by . mull JAMES A HUTCIIISON s CO ARIS-4 cask in owns sad for We by mrll. £RUST&ONO SoCROZER lIACON-450 pes Side Bacon, far dale by mit ARMSTRONG k CROZER A 90—1.0 bills prime No I in Bono anA lot We, by mill ARMSTRONG 1 / 4 CROZFR 111/41.11-40 hM. prima N o,law ow`d and for gala la by R A CUNNINGHAM, mrll No d Commercial Row. I,lbarty MOLASSES—tOO bbls N 40 do 8 El; 10 do Odic!. Syrap; seed and for ..to by aril id CUNNINGHAM ... . La rd ; . p rd ree d and for sale by ' 1.60 k null 11 A CUNNINGHAM BULE SHOULDERS AND HAMS—Ori casks nom landing from meamer Eoplirmey for vale by mA 1 ISAIAH DICKEI A CO, Front sr tVIACKEIREG—Nara 1,2, end 3, in bbls a nd by Ma for Me by JOHN WATT k. CO. mri LilieGY ntreet TIMOTHY' SEED-20 Dbl.; earn prune, en band and "for sale by JOHN WAIT k CO, m yLiberty street 0 IL MOLASSES—en tibia Battle tiroond, ream, O s Ma per swami. Companion, aud fin sale bp fait! /AMEN DALT riAl, • WINDOW OLASS—NN ..'d Uses, hick , nap k CO. timid. for tale by OMB JAMES DALZML "DULY HAMS k SHOIIC6Eit.S-90 maim atom 13 hair slab, eery beady eat, sad well pasted to g o t , t goo d no w oogh t ,:troold Omit tO keep here or ship east—to ammo on steamer Eaphrams, for sale by sari ISAIAH DICKEY k C4l, From st • ATEINti [UN-0 bales on band and tar an by LUDILI DICKE lc co Ro Y ut erect "DOUND—A Laity's neer BOOT, on the a which the owner a. have by telling et di the store of the sabsenber, end paying for this adventseteens ROBISON, LTITLE k CO, 194 Libeny st BACON -89 calk. med, to arriva of Reamer E pbratea, for .ale by atra . ISAIAH DICKEY k. CO Front at OUBNINO ALPACCAB, Batablaille anion: • NI LVlaasartassnt at north east cornet Fourth and als. ket stmts. plke BROAD CLOTHS—A WI asooment of Frfneb slid American Broad Cloths, of all prices, at tbs north fast corner of Fourth sod Motet *to nerd MURPHY Ss BURCHFIELD English Teeth Braidne. PERSONS In went of a good Tooth Brash, are Intl. .edam examine then bmshes. The bristlen ass warranted net to came oat, and for service, one at them Warmth • half dozen of thaw In einem! ow blatintamared for, and for sale, _wholesale end reast), 67 Darin R. E. BELLEfUI. d 7 Wawist Manobrii — ALTO-40Cil lb. Inc We lq tu!9 I MOD 11. CO,OO Weed st Et Nk.1.1 SALTPETRE-2M Ihsoeta by KIDD Cth C li e r : l ; l • V ire i' oti2e l , -r Atlbl br 2..1 mr9 SW , e4-111.-200 gall for .. 'c by 1 KIDD Ll 3, SP4II . NH WHITING-90 bbl. f., l' 71; o b t f l,, ~,, e l t e -V-AlrhFigai6' "i i . :END M ,1, 11 C UL'llli-14.17-&-171,114:EUZ:Vig:/,',,. r". ..,..„ 3 , w ., e , gnol PI V.....,.. FL ho OUR-415 bbir esee brands Saparrnai • 70 Fine; far eal. by mrl _ LK WATERMAN 110riti winter strained, (or sm ill y L A 2 °U. - 4! bbl" st 2l I.IIIIOON III A IC I:11 • (t i t REnrA Bon° x („i, ztit'=„;.* drift r a t d COnGIC-117•17.11frigcaltvizrr co_ rltigohlVEr Ts aat4 %MD & CU. Ou Wood .r H°2,''',lB-I°""4l.l.lll:'llfrrrid Aum L SOAP-IWby. Nal. for salnjmu, Stoma Mow lint for lieut. HE subscriber Mien to rent a Steam Saw Mill, It T costyLeto monies order, situate on the Dank o the Allegheny river, within one mile of Tatentem The Eaten° and other lemmas am all in good order and capable of doing • lame honoree. The Coal Is convenient to the Mill, end thins Is comfonablo Dwelling House cinched to the pastime unable audiciently commodious for the use of nu For forthor particulars enquire of the tube:lnbar, on the premises, or to pew Paters. who oau ho found at the Warehouse of John bleFadon *Co, Ca nal Dada Pittsburgh. LEWIS PETERSON. orator IRECIULES—Dtson , s - 6est ass'd, from to 0 Nos, for .16 by noe J SCHOONMAKER • CO MVPELDS—N•or style. American and FierieFWol 1. Tweed., Cotton Warps lea coned and for 6.16 by atticampr dl a Wm= I Woad Wert TE:4M CORDS—RoyaI AlWit7W@&iio 7 : 6 ; . " V nos, Constitution, Cable, Muck Set and Narrow Cords, for sale by nob SRACICI.ETT & WIMP. JVIDD 1k C lIE O—Escra •eavy Apron, Mauro and • • rt. Ind, Dark, and lh Pick andek Chocks, Indigo Eine, best make", received and for sale by BiIACKLEW A WHITE b P black barred Bob Roy Fields Jost reo'd and for sale by sitAtiolcuir & WHITE, lel Wood arca 4.ITTER-5 k t 11. . 63 ',1 4° loraz, CyLRFE. UrrEl=folai ind 4 boxes Pr 444, 11 4419 1."1" f" " FPOLEA CLARKS AGE—A mall lot far sale 7 =1 BRET OGLE i CLARKE G r T e N APPL ES —A . : linf i bblisolma fo . r We b C LAN ALPINES—Ian nal, 4 eases Clan AllR• &WO c m ,lmeraa, • ✓ MTN 111311164 H (Of Spring saJ lAbecs. rty Ka tkilitil44 far We by LEH. .111CHOONMAKE N W R & co, cue / 4 0 's& st LOCAL MATTEIS, 2.117011iD Poi Tilt rn - ruusox DAILY OAZflfl Tim Cava.—The long expected water arrived in the canal basin, on Saturday morning, and be• fore night an immense deet of beats altos arrived. many of which were Immediately loaded, and sent ont again the same evening. The warehouses are all filled to overflowing with goods, waiting to be shipped for the EasL There will be o brisk time at the C.lll next week. Ma. Wel. kleartav, a gentleman of this city, ar rived in town on Satorday, from California. He returned in company with Col. Foster, of the Dx patch, as far as New York. The Colonel, we no. derstand, has not yet left the latter pike*. His numerous friends in this plane are aunt°ns to see him, and hear the account of his El Dorado ad• venture from his own mouth. Since writing the above, we learn that M. F is now in Harrisburg, on his way home. F'r•c Acmomm.—A man employed in ■ coal pit, 116• Z Minersville, way killed last week, by the falling in of a large quantity of date. He leases a wife and threw emaf children to mourn his loss. &MUT AND lIILTIIIOI3IICFF or • POLICZ Orion. —Au affair occurred yesterday, which afforded quite I general topic of convennolon to town. We glee the facts Nu they are stated by both parties concerned, leering our readers to faros their own conclusions. The matter originated in the fallow ing circuit:taw:ice. On Saturday, John Herring, an (dicer in the Independent Police, having • bench Warrant for the arrest of a man whom he understood bad been taken Into custody by the Mayor, proceeded to the office oft* functionary to obtain the pawner by virtue of a warrant from higher authority. The Mayor refused to surrender him, and denied the authority of Herring to act as an officer, &Hedging that he had not given the requisite bonds. Some words ensued, and Herring telt the office wUkonl the Prisoner. Elle affair, so tar, came under our own per.• eel observation. Ou Sunday morning, the Mayor Water, that he wan attacked by Herring—towarda whom be says he eatortained no unfriendly feel. ing—on the street, in a very abusive manner, and that he was compelled at length to have 64m ar. rested, on account of his profane language and disorderly conduct. Herring, on the other hand, asserts that the Mayor stopped him, and com menced the abuse, using extremely violent and indecent language. He finally told the Mayor that be was a fool, and for that, he states, he was arrested. Herring stuaentenced to pay • fine of $5, which by the advice of his lawyer, Mr. Msgraw, he re• fused to do, and was oommitted for ten days. We understand that it is hie intention to procure hie release by • writ of haters, earpw, and to bring an action, immediately, against the Mayor, for mu• demeanor in office. Tea icon MILL of James Wow.' & Co, is env peeled to resume operations this morning, with full supply of men. All the mills which stopped at the commencement of the strike, will now be in full and successful operation again. A►veutaavt—Our stock of amusements Is de creAstvg. The different companies of sitgers haveall left as, and some of the papers aro endeavoring to frighten our resident amateurs frets making any exertions protons publics. We suppose we mast await the arrival of some 6reign attraction. Amourrr.—A young mao, named Coulter, mu caught between two canal boat., at the Mono, on Saturday morolrg, and had his leg broken. Fear Faux - cr.—The flue canal packet lowa, Capi. Ctaig, of Leeches Expresa Una, left this ci ty, on Saturday aught, with a fall number of pas acute:a, for Philadelphia. Mi. is the Emu packet alike season. Terms—Governor Porter's new company has been performing during the pen week, to very good hawses, and appears to give general lathlike. lion to the frequenters of the theatre. To eight the popular tragedian, Mr. A. A. Adams, will appear in his favorite character of Virginias. and or labs by JOHN WAIT & CO Ds's:intone Pascrica —Oar attention was call ed, yesterday,to a very dangerous practice among the boys of Allegheny There has existed, item time Immemorial, a feud between the boys maid. mg in the upper and lower portion. of that city, which is manifeetid in almost daily battles._ They meet oil the Commons and assail each other with sticks and atones. Sentinel, are placed to give timely notice of the appearance of the police, eo that notwithstanding the utmost vigilance of the officer; these little outlaws alway• manage to of feet their escape. Numerous accidents have re salted from theta dangerous encounters, not only to the bclligerents, but likewise to passer. by. A few day. ago, a young lady, Mass Wiley, receiv. ed a blow open the breast, from one of these mi.. elks, which has eo eeverely injured her, that we learn her physician doubts whether she will re. weer. We hope that the parents of these boys will late the hint, and rewrain them trom such proceeding,. No man deserves to be considered • good citizen, who knowingly suffers his..son to participate in inch Islet. outrages. Ponce—There wee, seven oases brought be kite the Mayor, from the tomb., on Saturday morning, and sin cases on Sunday morning. They were disposed of according to law. In Allegheny there were four eases of drunken-' new Red disorderly conduct, bobcat the Mayor, on Saturday morning, and three on Sunday. They were dealt with aa usual. One of these Kowa was very anxious to know the charge against him. He ma told that It was for obstructing the street. Then mod he •that's merlon - re, faith I'll go over the rtwer. I shall do for Mayor myself there." He was committed. MURPHY & BURCHFIELD Peebles 'powiseblp March 150, ISSO FOR 1116TICSJ Or Tut FLO.= Thomas Davi50n.......•• • 200 John M. Davis 09 Samuel M. ..... 121 lEECEM YO Jahn idloCaalla ............ ..I 23 Mammal 11. Ilea. 110apar Nagly. ....... ........ ..... 79 61 Jobu 6wltiabarg• • • tramp Matra 60 liansual ...... 27 Wdlum lloui ha, 21 /Oa 01/1111MILW 0/ POOH. Ilarn Warokrawle 196 riaoruol Crawford Ifss U.ool Woo!slayer es BEENE BENNETT & BROTHER• , QUEENSW ARE MANUFACTURERS, ell rml agleam , linear Pittsburgh.] Pa. Wits, No. 3/ Wafer sr, dawns Market: and Wood, Puto6orgls. fI?WILL constantly keep on band a good assort ment of Wan; of one own manufacture,nnd superiorquahly. Wholesale and country Mot chants are respectfully invited to call ander. amine (or themselves, as we ars determined to . 1 1 ehaapar than II before been offered to.the ptb Ile. a"'d f ' n cad . by r4 il 'o t i t ed ng ° % " riedeereeeCi Pgmpr:eilV. NOTICE. Ih/gRi. JAMES BAILIE would respectfully inform OA t friends and e_an Inman of her late husband, that she continues the WINE and LIQUOR busineas, at the iold wore, IS, Chestnut street, PhiladelPlan— where! ean be found wgreat variety of Wines and Lagoon, of swims gAdes and vintages, consistlngin tan .1 (heal. Poet, Madeira, Claret, Both, be. liht, Monongahela, and Irish Whiitel, P t Croix Cum, and Jamaica @Menai Brown Smut sod Boatels Ale. Abo, • very ..superiorn lot of Champagne, from. various Moyards, put up by special order all of which will be sold at low prices.. M. J. BAILIE. Ed, Chestnut as., Phil. Next door to 0,1111711. Nail lintel .F U r i a i r 4 Coo I YUR_BI FUR subscribers inll_pay os and all kin"; o a lt:l i n7 k Et ' s 4 , g."li t - a, aed ' P6'700 bleCORu " 20 earner Fifth and Wood .to. DI MIOLVTIOA. HB Ownership heretofore existing between Junes T T..) , and John Ben, in the Grocery, Produce and Commission business, was dissolved by mantel eonsermen the UM lest ?dr. John Best having our. cHued the entire hymen of James Tue•Yr the nu, the badness mill be Deeded by him, at their old stand.(tut No.3llWood a. J AMS BUT. TAMES', OLLIK rat scHont. D1660T0611. Ira:gaudl Opabr MOC•131:11h11, • Wilier U. Forward lobo ritcaad Thomas Mothaary /01 JUDOS. 10 W. N. Burchfield unbar! Basler George E. Wallace FOR AUDITOR Thomas Aiken Jahn 1t5t1.... 1 oho R. Nes ly MMMI BATES OP DLSC,OONT. frICORILECTKULIT is a sorts,. . . 1p Mak Ct Nuect, our 4u, ! [ ladles.. / State Bit &Mooches. , 1' r .. - SIVI. : Wi.i.., - " Ingo Bk. of ow.. I Bk.of Va. —• " Bk. of the Valley, " .of Virg1hi0........-- • .fr. M. Bk., Wkeellog I do Morkontorro.—• . W. Book Yo—..-- • do Wolikt:ork- —• • I do Parketabori..—. " It11"Ed1 OF DUMB! Z. 1101•1111 Brokara.NClo Paianaglaraulea. ;.! BantorPittabargt. Exchange Bank Pit . Merck. Man. Bank .Par Oks.orPlalladelphia• v.-NW Uirasd Bank Bank orliennantown -.par l• Cheater. .k:emir-Pit Delaware. Co.• ••Pil ,Idoolgoliteryaii.••par Northumberland••par Coinsabla Bridget:o.- pas Doylettellre Ullak••—par Fawners' 11k. Reading qua Flutters' Bk. Backs Co. par Fanner. In Lintwe't•par Lase acute lik.••• •gal Lane r •-••;•-• pal B. State. k Brownsville Ilk Y pv Washington 8k.•.;.-...1 Beurabarptillk........ Charobersburg. • • •-•• • " neonekinana Co. -. LGIVISta - Middletown Culotte EZ=2l Bk.of ltennesne• •• • • 5 & Illerth't.Bk•-••••• " Failure Bk..— •• • • " 111 s e I . 1=!=1:11 • north Carolina. Bk.of Cape Fe as. • • •• • 1 klerth's NCMUMI• State Bulk 2 Beath Carona. Camden Bk-..... •• • - Bt. of Clrarlemon••• •• 2 Commercial Ilk•-- C Lik. Georremoro—• 9 Bk.ol llameari•••• • • II Mereharao ••••••• 2 Pluden &hilecoes Bk. Bk. of Bunk Caro4na• • rtarytaad. Rallanore Bk••••••• • • •pu Balmer &O RRSerip •10 Combarlandllk. arab,- ........ • • • • • • Far. Bk. of Alaryluld • • I " Armen' & Ricelisaice " Bk. Frederick Frederick Co. Bk. " Flogerstown Bk Mineral Bk•—•—..— raw Bk.o cataloguer • • • • .• Erie Bk.. ..... • • 0 1 Fannon' and pron..' Bank, Wayoubarg• • 1 • Lebanon p r Wyoming ..... •• York Bk.. • • Went Branch Bk. Relief Nona. NI rt. Id Bk. htts.do• Serip—Pausb. Co•ntil _ " Alleemny, YU Ohio. Busts Bk.ana Iltanobsil I blountrlessauli ..... is %aunts .—• . Now Lisbou• Ciaolimati Multi Columbus do- Caclevill-- • Zanesville " ••••-••••••-•••••••••• • " woollter •—••-•-•••••••• Massillon • 1 tsendurk, 70 Norwalk 70 Cleveland---• I - Iti Dl. of St. Clux•-••••••••••- llk. of 'Lira, Ralgen.—:—• Ithehlgrn Inc Co••• • • /I Far. tr. Med.'. Wlasoanlm Turltti I'llar.tairelo.Coldilve• I Comodau. I All golventßank. I Bent of England Notes ----•-114 70 4 0 LIM Geldldk Spootolfalso Napoleon. --•—• • 700 Meal. I 166 1 29 Eagle, old • ••• • 10 60 Eagle, neer •••• • 10 00 Denbleons • Spilosh. 16 00. DO. - Patriot•—• • 1660 Sovereign. 4 83 Gaines. 600 Fraderieked'ors—•ll7ei TIM Tbalers • •• • • 700 Ten Gellders • ••• • 700 Loalsd'ors• ••- •• • • 460 giobarago. Nes York —•— ' PloUndelphia • • • - • DITIall•••-••••••••••••^ , .-- et ",. Weern @nerve...—. Ft nithe Wk Columbus" Chillicothe " Lennster • II amilmn-- Q'nn'illn• • • • F•rmtr• Guam —lO ...I I bane - • ..... • IA aaaaa ky. f3k of Kentaelq• ..... • 1 Louinill• Nathan Rt. 'Cyan' • Now 9vk—Ctn . • - ENllmors •• olir. Intoner Wks.— L. A. MASON d. CO., IC. L ANTHONY d CO., nmatqpin. NM Mt. WHOLAINALLE DiVir GOODBI A. A. MASON & CO., No. 60 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, %V ouLD respectfully call the anention of City and Country Merchants to their extensive STOCK, comprising probably the largest and most varied as soment of Foreign and Demesne Goods ever eutrib• ilea in this market. Possessing the moot ample Neill tie, for the trainee don of their hominess, andsn. 01 the panaers being constantly In the etilEFll markets, thus presenting every advantage ramped by Eastern Houses. They believe that they base clearly estab lished the Mot, that they oder greater inducements to. klereitanta retmrally, t stylm,qunities, and prices, than any eastern market. Their Domenico, baying bee purchased previous In the advance, can be afforded it the low rates of lost New Goode tonna ey weaving. !defeat:ail:tending plantains east, are particular ly solicited to examine their anonment. A. A. MASONS CO. l'ittabergh, MArch Rat, teat 111PLAAUSATOiLY THE AMERICAN REED MA TIC BA LBATS!: A ,NEW remedy lately discovered La the V.:Actable Kingdain—• aro and permanent are Tor all Rheumatic Complaints, such as Inflammatory, Chrenie, Acute and Mercurial Ramadan Gout, Lumbago, Spinal Affection., So. Tide medicine has long been sought for. It boa ban said that Rheum/Una could not be eared; but them is a remedy designed by halm for them:roof every di. ease that the hamin laments atdat to. At lan • re medy has been land that CM, Rheumatism of the went form--one of the moat valuable vegetable pro. dations of the enth—the greatest and mon impatient discovery of the age, and a wonderfal blesnag ID the homey Wally. It earn without sickening or debilita. deg, Lad reneges urength and vigor to the whole sys tem. It ha cured, during the put three menthe, over SOU cases that were convidered incurable. Certificates of the curative properties of this medi• eine can be sten by ceiling on the Agents. None genuine lintels pat up with an engraved label upon the outside wrapper, agad by the proprietor, R TURNER, Rodeo, N.Y. Sold by 11. RAMER. corner Third and Market vt, P it cr u st. Sold also by 0. F. THOMAS' No lee Main at, Cinciamul,o. fe b 7 Ihrtim.9 Sammie& Foreign Exchange, Bank Notes, Gold and Silver, Bought. Sold, and Exchanged, At tholfaohaogo and Rankin( Unapt of HILL & CO, WM. A No. 61 Woon nom, 116 doorobo. Faarth,itsoss ado,) . -. . 1 :7 5 8V 1 4/ 1. UZI - Sterling Bills, aoltablo for remittance to the Old Coortry, for sale to Rawl of It and apwarin Interest allowed on time depodis of par fonds Cr currency. mr7.WhaS TN THE Court of Com Mon Pleas of Allegheny coon ty, of March term, 1.&93, No 201, In the matter of the application of the First Regular Demist Ctrereh. in the Borough of Beath Plugbacgt• for a Charter of Incorporation: And now, to wit : Minh 9, IBA the Chalker of la. morywration hawing been exhibited and presented, the Court direct nonce to be insened in one newspaper wimed in th e County of Arleen:my. for at Mast three eeks, semen forth that application Ems been made to mu Court, by the memhers of the Firstßegalia Dep t.,: Chalon, of the Borough of Booth Pittsburgh for • Charter of Incorporation, and that tha same will be insulted at the next term of the Courtof Common Plea., If on suffielect reason be shown to the contrary. ENJIM irmiNisTrutTonts MOTICIE. IgISF.RS of Administrator , ' mitt , the mat anent. A ed, au the FIRM 10 Of June. Chadwick, late of Pitt intattship, Allegheny county, Pa, deed, hare . been granted by Me Register °timid COMM, m the sobscri ti:terrtod2, / o E t attft l , ‘ " tre i reVrat h it n " ljt 'n e methate payment; and the.. haring claims against it, to'present them tar eellieteleht. avgdiwitwitS D. H. /MAUCH. TaTOTICE—AII perions Io have propeny ate 1.11 charge for repairs don., will pleas* call Ware .tao Ist of Apri1,19.50. if son. I will &soon a umo u• cording to Iwo. JOHN WHITE. Gsausith, sullw3ll3* nth street, Potsbarob. HEW GOODS at r.DIBLANTII, 49 LIBERTY EfTREET, PITTSBURGH. ,JUST RECEIVED,. askew. lea varied assort meet of goods, 'adapted to the present andap proaching season. etch as bleak, brown, and drab mixed Palmerston Ikaver Cloths, • superior article fur butincas, (rook and mer eons: Also, • great variety of Blankets sad Fink" em brecing all the above ransomed colors; superfine Freneh black, browtolive, claret, and all other deal ratite colored Choke; Breach, English and Anterieae plata and fancy Bummer., of entire new patterns and very drainage colon, to:which we with pant.. (note ~, eel du wrathog of nose In waroof a hand. none pair of outer ViklTlNGEt—The assortment of %teatime In eoeaeally handwrote, memorising the new eta and most approved style for fall and winter wear, all of which will be made warder, at short nonce mid o reasonable terms. A few COATS en hand, of entire new ante to which we would Invite the attention of thou who.de se to unite eue, elaganee, comfort and cotorenlmee in their garments. .To inch we would particularly recommend these to - their ceder, since they combine all the tinnily of the over coat, with the comfort and convenience of the seek coat. A general usortment of READY MADE CLOTH ING on bend, made In the present Pall (ashcan, end will be sold wholesale or retell, at the lowest cash deco.. eptl n P. DELANY. VALUABLE LOTI POE II•LEI. THE ander.igned aim fin sale THREE VALUA BLE LoTS, Le the City of Pittsburgh, situated on Liberty StMEL On one of the Lots there Is a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE; the ether two Lo t. Me unimproved. The property Is situated near the mouth of Litany Street, admeent to the Monongahela Inver, and contlitnons to the Ferry Landing. Alto—Fourteen other LOTS, talented It %rest Pitts burgh, above JonestFerry, and adjoining lots of No. Cuddy. Also—A GLASS FACTORS, In the borough of Elizabeth, with all the buildings necessary for the munefsentre of Glees, and Coal enflielent to run the feelOri (Or • number of years: The Coal la about a dine distant from the Factory. Fur terms, (which will be med. ...Jr,/ enquire of Robert Smith, In Elizabeth, or of Daniel Haughe in Pittsburgh. CAROLINE SMI y, TH. —Washington RepnLezillt,po. smtlAiretS lIIIIIINISTRATOWN NOTICE. ErrEES of AtdMinistration de bents non. having La been granted to the orsiersigned, on the Estate of Job Davis, late of Birmingham, deeeamok ail Persons mdebted to said Estate are required to make immedi. . payment, and those booms claims will present don, dolt , authenueated, either to the, sabteriber, or to F. 0. PlanegindOsartortm7. JOHN DAVIS, Adel% ttionternam. ADMISCIATILATOIL'S WIIEREAS, Letters of Administration upon the Fistate of Wm. E. Patterson, late of Elisabeth township, dee'd, diva this day been granted to Mann. derrlgned, residing in said township, all persons hav ing Maims against said Palate as requested to present Wcm without delay, properly authenticated, to the subscriber, for payment, and all person. knowing thernsely. Indebted ID sold Exam will please mak immediate ppylVent. JOHN 'PATTERSON, febtd-w6irS Administrator of u sald Con, Plittannygls Sa Broderlsola , ' Meld Plank /I.ollld Company. T p, x ".B :i7 b a n t hereby o 0 4, o t f 6 ::1 P ilr e a l t .r . a:n u s I I: e , . e o n a n f el i, a : : other Maces an may be neensary to Can/144 Ike Oa. sinew, of said Company, will he held at PHILO HALL, Third .tweet, City Or4ittallawh, on Saturday, the 3001 dip Mardi inn, tureen the hoar, of 10 o'clock, and 91 P.ki,of mid day. cuaranatarto Thomas V. Howe, Robert Palmer, Daniel Kuhns, Henry Woods, Edward D. Gunn, NoT,ARR`2, John Adams, Wen Elehbaum, Wm. hi. Lyon, Thom. Williams, Mainmast, Jena CarOthen, . oho Lytle, Andrew Watson, . aid Dmler, Aker Miller, lames W. BneliannA John .HokinNorge W. Irwin. ' W. O. Hawkins. ' IngdildrwSl9 v.1110T10114 , Allot/asp City - and Emma Tio Plan* Regd. PRE stoekholdere of Allegheny My and PIMP . J. vide Piank Road Compay, am rettnired no pay Pn.wave, on seek Awe Of meek bold by Mao, on the tab days of Jaentary, Fehtnary, Mush awl Mal neat. The erect Is now progressing, and the Instal ue expected b be It t idd s rtenney. Hy order et W Board. TH a:STEWART, de.ii•lrtkprillsl3 WAT GIIIIII6 Y EDWARD AMER, AL 11, PhilUpsbArg, ova wu,theumad.swer,, maim OW Am, MIMP Tim maw, Warn. MISCELLANEOUS. , 11 0211 IlitilfflClL. J. lisauxl ATroIINFY AT LA • niflO STA . TE. .IMMISSIONER " fe:r takin • sitio Deeds, vu Celeo-70 A ;r eka4"."" ...54.bove Emithfiald. Jena NeITADMIX a 00., FORWAHDIPIO I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Dalin Pann .uno. Plttabooh. mlO .•ass 11. DAVIS a CO., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N 0.137 Market, and roll Commerce et., Philadelphia. . Miriamea made, by either of the above, oa consien• Seem of Prod.te to either Homo. Set Jose! WALLOW/au t sox, FORWARDING t COMMISSION MERCHANTS WOULD respectfully solicit the condemn% of Herrisborgh treight, from,Weeteen - 4 they are, oltpared to receive ay menet. Line .and Fectlon'Boate running nighfand day, the freight will net be detained, as they will Mead such boats et ell hour. few Harrisbergit, Feb. m,l&. • IRAVE thle day aseomated with me, the Mote -1 sale Grocery. Commlarion. and Forwarding bora• mu, my two. Bone, R. Nand W. B. Waterman. The beerier. loyirtore will he nondocted ander he mt., of WAT W L. . Waterman k ftorKat the old wand, ERMN.No. 31 Wa. e B n and 811 Prom mem. L. S. Pht.ber • . March let. 1950. LS. Watorman• • R. H. Waterntan• •IV.B. Waterman. L. IL WATERSIMS 41c SONS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Commission - and For- VT warding Merchants; dealer, in all Sadao( Pro duce & Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles; .4 Agents' for aalo of Illeittoond arid Lynehborg Manufactored Tobacco. mei 1111ACKLICTT WRITE. DRY GOODS JOBBERS, NO. 101 WOOD STREET, HAVE to ewe, and Will be rim:mainly receiving during the serson,•lltrue cadd y l selected m uumuu% of Staple and Fumy Dv, G. wide/. Me/ will Be D for gash sir approved credit Western Merchants are invited to examineour stook. • and IIeILVAIN & WILLIAMS, NO. 10 GERMAN' STREET, BALTIMORE. A GENTS for the sale of SODA ABS & BLEACH. INU POWDERS. have now in store, and will toot/eon to receive, lull maple, of th e followinamell kruthre brands. ' , Nowa.," vTenante" and “Jar row," which they offer (or sale at market rates. mreidalw BACON-114 bt d ol o s Cinc , tnanCtr o ed U ku ato ror , ; da., 5 do do do Eltdes; Landing per .reamer Jewess. for sale by lora BROWN I KIRKPATRICK =:=2 MHZ Law Partn lershig b 7 of Magmas& McKnight was j. Mb day dissoved mutual souse. T. finished business of the firm will receive the canard m tendon of both of the undersigned. HENRY 8. MAGR.bW, 'eh. 13,18.5a—mrKim R. MeKNIGHT. 1850. ' 1850. SPRING DRY GOOD!! Waare now resolving our regular supplies of Do rriestie and Fenian DRY GOODS, which we are prepared to sell at the lowest market price. to rash buyers and prompt tameless men. We would ask the. anenuon of City and Wester,. Merchants to our et• Mr, believing we can cler many inducements to purchase from a.. SIidCKLETT eh WHITE, Dry Goods Jobber., 99 Wood _t feb2l OUND—A tom of Money woo found, which, upon F proof of ownership, can be And by npolyins to G BIeffIiFENBERGER, .febtr4 No 87 Front or (liIi;SIMEHEid-5 eases Emmy Canstmeres, just re ‘j calved from manufacturer, on consignment, sod for sale by li LEE, Liberty t tree, feb23 oppovitc Fifth TWREDS,4 cues ['weeds, olive, brown, s , .d gold mined, Just reed on consignment, for L sale by febdtn u LEE, belly .‘ BLANKETS -2 cue* Gray Colitomia; 2 do Drab do; I do Blue, do ' I do superior DPI: far rale by febSYI II LEP Liberry n Great - Great Spring wad Bummer 111laidIolue Dr. S. P. 7burrtssm.r. Stir:van/la. 150 DOZEN a( the p Dr. Townserd'. by sale whole . ale attd matt by R. Allegheny NA 87 Wood *beet, and by D. M. Carry, Allegheny city. nag L,l kb FM ELsrr.:4l. do. for eale low cy RIZ to Lue — vrms-73 In. for de by - 1P (OAS R E PF.LLER9. PILL LIERES=44O papers ship; • 400 do paper, 45 do &slab willow: for sal fsb4s R E L4ELLERd. FORKS -30 dozdos best Cut Steel Hay Fol Sit.; Rd 81 do Manure doz do 3 Tined Forks; • • T 1 OLDEN 13 ITRUTad Übe are reeM, and for sale by fab27 JAMES DALZELL. "011.1E.4. —stem do: bem Aulity Cam eider BocirEr sale by febN L S WATERMAN. MOD NEM GOODS 0 PIECES beautiful styles 44 French Print& 6 3 eaces Mt.. de rood staler, Also—Mourning Goods, Lana.. French Ittlevatt Capes, .d Coth,-Oress tad Ale, seders , Kid Gloves, Flee French . Scotch Ulna ham, of which - have been selected with !testes., and will be fennel at taw prices at A A MASON & C(PS, &bat CO Mark. st A. A. MASON £ 00., NO. IN) Market Meet, We daily receiving negr,and desirable Gorda from the leading suitufaelaties or this country, and of the latest imomutions. The facilities wideh they satiny, in bend non...a web boom in the cul t enable. them to purchase goods at the lowest yeoman, and keep their stock toll and de sirable at ell seasons. They have a bite lifollll2Ord or Heuer Keepine Good., to which they ...licit the early attention of their friend. and the peblie. mr2 THIS beautiful Hyde of HATS I. now received, and voidl be introdneed on Sat. orday, March ad, by AIeCORD &C O. frht3 Cniner sth & Waal .1. A Present for Your Family. • liir ORRIS & ROME JOURNAL—Pub 111 bated Weekly—Ai per ammen. "The beet pape • in the Union."—Evening Star. *Rather get in coal than p without Iho—Bost. Post. New subscribers can be supplied from January In, S5O, if Immediate &optic...Da be made (either per• • natty or by letter) to the °thee at publieation. D LOCKWOOD, Ild Wood st J. D. 4 has also remised— Diackaroodis Magazine, for February; Review. for Unitary; London Quitter!) Review, for January; Westminster do do JAMES DI.OOBWOOD, 13ookseller and Imparter. 13 Wood sr, else alter Ist April IM Fourth a. east of Wood I 80 4 8 18 MANUFACTURED TOBACCO- John Rucker Shg P L Dudley premium lb.; P L Dudley s`s; Jesse Hare Ibm A Sham. s's; John & Lewis Ibin Horace fr. Archer Fs; Robert Marne lbs; The. Metealf Mr Omar Dues lb.; Daniels unrivalled Fs; R King lbs; Ptekvriek IPst Lemanlne Ibr; Wm 13ntlth Ps; Riebard Hamel lb.; 0 W lUrtg Sr; t ' Vra Dl Xll7r l lts ~.! A Jackson Sh; Hen & Ent Pr; Wm Spottswood lbs. The above, Ineludlng some of the most popular Lynchburg ind Richmond branda Tobacco, on eon rignment hem manufacutters, and for sale hy L 8 WATERMAN, febtlha .ll Water end SS Front nut - IffeaktinP• Glev Banevater. Far effectually restating Welled Rid Gloves to their pristine eleanlineu. DIRECTIONS—Dmw the slave lightly over the heed, or on a frame made for the parpoea, then apply the Renovator with a recce at clean Kennel, rubbing gently until the effect 1. produced. For sale by me? R E HELLERS, 57 Waal at VALVABLIA FARE POH. SALE, QITUATE In Moon township, Heaver Coanty, eon -1.7 mining about 150 ACM,. 75 of which are clear edontd the resides well timbered. There is a large Orchard of Apple. Peach, and Cherry Trees. of good entity lu also, a comfortable Dwelling House and Barn, Tbe land ie to good ender, well watered. and bat y rolls. below Pittsburgh; le relies from Phillips• burgh, on the Ohio river; sod only 2 miles from the Rpot, at Rocherter, of the Pennsylvania a landio 01l Road. The title Is indleputable, and the will be sold on reasonable terms. Poucee ton given, if no. censer), on the 111 of April sent. - This tract ot land, from Its convenience to market, and eituation In a part of the country where real es tateis rapidly rb ing in value, makes it &enable for the Investment of esettal. and for gardening and egri• cultural putooses. For farther pp AN, en sta nd Of N. P. O. L. IL IIifTERAIAN, feb23 Attendee at Leer, lith at, Pittsburgh. 011110LUTION. MICE Rand J. J. Gutsarta & Co. eras dissolved on L tee 3d las. The l:sleets will be settled by either of the andenliyaed, at 73 Wood street. J. J. GILLESPIE; A. FINICBINE The cabsoriber will continue the LOOKING GLASS end VARIETY BUSINESS. at TS Wood aural, and mum, by mircuiatlng personal attention, to reader sat• 'shallot, to Ma easterners. EEMEM OHJEAT BARGAIN. A TAVERN STAND FOR SALE, situated in the A Toren ofJeferson, Green co, Pa. The banding" Ire • largo Frame House and aStore Room attached. Stabling to accommodate seventy horses. Abundance of Rater convenient. I will exchange said property fora mall Farm, recited not more than fifteen mile. from Pittsburgh. For further particulars enquire of JAS. P. JACK, Jacks. Run, on the Beaver Road; or CHARLES MEE. OAR, on 1btrt..1.0., febt.webrts2 i t i ltiT i relma C nw ° e u a l lr Of 7ennsylvania to the heirs and executors of lames McCormick, deed, (or the devisees of the real estate of said McCormick, if there be such() Whereas, At an Orphans' Caurt,held at Pitubuigb, In and for cold Canny, on the With day of February, A. D. POO, the petition of alesander Welt, of Moo. township, said county, was presented to the Conn, praying that 'some day certain be designated, at which nonce may be given to the heirs and eseentors of the said lames McCormick, for the devimes of said real estate, If there be such,) to appear In said Court and tuner this bill et petition; and, furthermore, to de% crest the speedo !Performance Of la ...tale) ea nisei, theerding to the true intent and meaning case , cording to the Act al Assembly in each made and provided: Now, therefore, we command you and nob of you, thin, le your proper persos, you be and appear before oar Orphan. , Court, at Pittsbrgh, on the r"r th hnlaY (Eld day) et fdatch next, thee o and Mere to sheer came, if any you or either of you have, why the prayer of the petitioner atiornd not be granted,and Ike mot fall cot Whims the Honorable W. B. McClure, President of our said Coon at Pittsburgh, this Vth day of February, A. D. LB3O. mn3.10414 DANIEL McCUIIDY, Clerk. SPRING VASMOS-115 of AI WILL INTRODUCE, on 13•TINIDierv e4 R Blarch 2d, the New York Win/ Styl ' *Wel, for OW) of Style and S . MOO R E , lbe mr1471m33 No 73 Wood Meet , NAGLXI *MIMIC WORMS, • manuerso Skein zmuramaraNs, No. 1.54 Marry st, bud of MO, Pindennal.• • , mix, garde Vandta,,Tambs Head BUM% &O. lined neap, CCAUII and Pier.. .To always oa hand and scads to order. ri.Dail.A. ado' aelandon of Drsiviep es hiad. . . . asigUndys MISCRUNEO i BEATERS lIIBULINCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL 1:00,000. . Foams Jr.. Seel. IL Almb93, Preal. iu furore against all ki.aa or risks. FIRE AND mutely- A LL Lomas will be liberally stunned and promptly Joh.paid. A home lartidation—Managed it . t o ,o re who are well tavern at the comma:dry, and who determin ed by proemtnes. and laterality to ora l the char acter which they have assumed, ea atenke Me best prometlon to those who desire to be Gm red. Zll-11. Miller, ack, J. W. Butler, N. HoIm DIIICTO es, Jr., Wet. B. Holmes,Geo Bl C. theism, Geo. W. Jaatean, Wm. AL Lyon, Jas. I/ppitteml, Thos. R. Litett, Jame. APAttley, Ake. Nirdell, Thos. Scott. Owes, N 0.39 Water meet, (warehouse of Spent k Co., up sutra) Pittsburgh. • rulaity Ctty Smokehouse. • THE antmerribers, having tam huge Prnrokehonkb ans prepared, a all times, ~. hong an. smoke Pork on nbuonabla term. . . PIER JONES, Poprieton, Caoal Basin, near 7th a 117-V. • frillE subscriber., having been appointed agents for the axle of troll, by several of the very best remo ufacumers, have now on band and will continua to keep a constant supply. Orders left at our watchcase, or with Peter Peter son, will be promptly filled at all TOUT. JOHN hIePADEN h CO, Penn or, fablliAf . Canal Basin. Piusburgb. Ohio 'and Posuuylvoads Rail !load. IrtilE Sioekbolders of tne Ohio and Renerylv.i. Rail Road Company are hereby notified to pay the fourth Instalment of IleeiDollars oneach Mare of amok, on or before the "2020 day of March next, at the of lee et the Company, in Third at, as heretofore. feblB4d WM. LARIbIER, .11,Treso. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPIKING . . tMEXI=M MAO 10N0, V. am.. JO3EIII i QUIGO, ANDFACTURERS spring and 'blister steel, Al plough steel, steel plough army, coach and elle] fie sprmgs, hammered iron axles, and dealers in mall feeble mantra fire engine lamps, and coach trimming. generally, corner of Eon and Front ma, Pittsburgh, P. ACAUTION—About the ONLY okra, A AND GENUINE .WISTAWE BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, the great remedy for CONIi7MPTIONI And the beet medicine known . . . to goon for Asthma of ovarystage, Liver Conaplsluts, Bronchitis, Infaienso, Coughs, Colds, Bleeding of the Longs, Shortness of - Breath, Paco and Weak... in the Side, Breut, L e go other dis the PULMONARY ORGANS. A very important disease over which thivßaisam ei ens a very powerful influence, is that of a DISEASED LIVER.. ..... .. In this complaint It has undoubtedly proved more effmacionsthan any remedy hitherto employed, and in numerous instances when padeuts had endured long and severe suffering from the diseases, without receiv trig the least benefit from casinos remedies, and when Mercury has' been resorted to in vain, the use of this Balsam ILL. Teetered the Liver 41 a healthy wise, and in many instances erected pentium= mares, alter. every well known remedy had failed to produce this desired effect. Besides Its astonishing efficacy in the disease above mentioned, we ales find it a very effectual remedy in Asthma, a COMplel tln winch it been extensively used with decided success, even In eases of years' swilling. With the Increase of Intelligence has grown up • knowledge of the elements of health, sad a re gard for them, and commensurately with thestrides of science pave we acquired the means of arresting ells. ease, imd averting Its ravages. Notwithstanding the 'progress we have mode, statistics show that even now, one .lath of the whole population die asurmily of consumption. - One of the most important discoveties of the age. In ameliorating the cohdmon of Mt, large class of suf fering humanity, Is DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. \Timm'. Balsam of Wild Cherry Is a fine Herbal Mrdicino, composed died,' of Wild Cherry Bark and the genuine Iceland Mess, (de loner Imported express. ly for this parpose,) the rare medicinal virtues of whieh are also combined by a new chemical process, with the extraet of Tar, thus rendering the whole compound the most certain and efficamous remedy ever discovered for CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGE. Still 'further evidences of the remarkable curative properties of this inestimable preparation: Anacchrrics. Brown co, 0, Avg. 21,1041. Mean. Sandford tr. Pelt: Gentlemen, About air weeks ago I received the agree, of Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry, but with some reactance on mynas', for the reason that I had been the agent of so many pills and other nostrums, which were meekest op to be something wonderful, but which tented out in the end to he or no account whatever, except to the man almoner. But I candidly admit that tbla time I have been deceived, fbr the wan:tontines., acres effected by Wistaria Balsam have convinced me that "good can come oat of Nazareth." Tour agent left me one dos , en - bottles, which emelt gone—having bees the meant of euringseveml obstinate Ott. of Consumptlotp‘. and no m istake; lee what I see and know I sat bound to believe. One ease In pence.: A young gentle man in Winchester... Adams county, 0, 10 miles from this place, was eared el Consumption when the doc tors has given him op, or at least could do nothing for him, and it was the intention of his friends to convey him to your city, and Oltenia= cederamen,. of some eminent physician there. Bat, a friend told him of Wistar's Balsam, and that be could obtain it et me. I He Sent for it, and before the wetted bottle eras gone he was some and well, and aOandinkto his every day burinem. As there am several legumes fat the meth ei ne, it would be well to forward an additional supply without delay. Very Lesir t f4 l I ,y i ta AND. The above, Irma L. Newland, Eng., k highly respeet able country merchant, commends Itself forcibly to the candid etiention of all these who have dinthted the great merit of Wistafs Wild Chevy Darien. Remember the mien./ and only genuine Wiatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, wee mtnatteed in the year I. and tins been well testa in all complaints for which It LB recommended. For 17 yeantt tins proved morn efficacious as a remedy for Collets, c-Olds,lafin eras, Brent bills,Asthma, sad. CarrautPtne to Bs in cipient stages, than uy other medicine. LOST VOICE, Ati, RinTOILEDI Now [Monne, Aug. 10,1818. Mr. B. W. Fowl,. Raving seen many certLicatea published in relation to Dr. Welter. Cala= of Wild Cherry, I take this opportunity of offerimr a word In in favor, which you are also en liberty to publish. A few month. since my wife's lames become so much footed with • sadden cold, that she lest her voice,..ad suffered seventy from penis in the breast. lien attn. Um, ceased her friends much alarm. Having heard your Balsam strongly neoremondisd by those-who used it, I purchased a haute from your agent in this place. She took it according to directions, end it pro &teed a wonderful effech fklore neng one bottle she had completely recovered her voice, the pains Imbed ed, and her health was Wen rally re.ntabliahed. loon, truly, HENRI, 0. BIUGHTMAN. To Duman arm Duren rn blummg—Thi• cel ebrated and infallible remedy for the cure of Conning. don, Asthma and Liver Complaint, bits by its own me. tits, been rapidly, sum and safely working its way through the opposition of quacks and counterfeiters, of 1, by us tone value and unrinsie excellence, n has Rained for itselfa most enviable popalarity, and club listed smelt in the confidence 01 an intelligent and en. Ilitened public, from emu end of the eonuoehlm the other. The teetimnoy of thousands who have bunt. , tiered and cured ay this valuable article, will show that it monde unrivalled—at the head of all.other me. diaries foe the core of diseues for which it so recom mended. The genuine Dr. Wistar's Baleen of Wild Cherry Is new far wile by duly appointed Agents, and I all ieep.table dealers In medicines, in all lane odes and all important towns throughout the United elate[. Puce 111 per,Bonle I Rix Bottles fur N. Bold by J. D. PARK, (=teem= to Sandlot &Pant ' ) Fourth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, General Agent for the Routh and West, to wham all mean must be addressed. L. Wileoz, Jr; James A. Ames; J. Eldd Sr. Co; IL A. Pal:memo. & Co, Pittsburgh. L. T. Reuel, Weak that.; W. IL Lambert., Frank li n . ; B. Bowie. Unlo!ttoven; H. Welty,O . re.s . brak, P.l...CettetP°s_.` s'*".l Gilmore, "-ret: 4- 4 14m . 4- 9' 44 1 4, Ev ' ina " t. Co.__%roolr• •111 h• A. Wilma & Fon, WaiAlbargb;_ ArFarland Co, . Callender, 'ldeadville l _ Bailee i ' l l eilre affi r; n iVgge noe r rAtn U .a.lliTet: Cm:We've= Croolree, HUe:" ' Nettoa to Shippers, Iloilo Croors, CAPTAIN SAIiII=4I..WWIAS, haring been aod Inspectot stb tor lbe under signed insurance CertmatdeitiatbiatillYtiliAlassifieni non of Bonn will baattailainhprates or matt= charged aeconlingly. All thipments under open Polo cies subsequent to this date, will be subjected to such rates and regulations as may be adopted under sorb nspeedon. Every information will ho given tithe re spective offices. FINNEY, Jr., Secretary Western limn/see Conmany. P. A. MADEIRA. Akeet Del. hr. S les. Co , Philadelphia WM. P. JONES. Agent Ins. Ca of Nana Amadei. A. W. MAIMS. Seeman , tine! ne inn Co. Pittsburgh, March $l, 18.50:--froli PILOOLAJIATION DV VIRTUE et a precept under the hands of Hon. Wm. B. !Heelers, President of the Court of Com mon Plc., in and for the 'SW Hitachi! District of Pennsylvania, wed Justice of the Coon of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jell Delivery in and for said Manic; and Samuel Jon. and William Kerr, Esqrs., Amoebae Judges of the sane Courts, in and for the County of Allegheny, dated the 11th day of Februery, In the year of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred and Ally, and to MO directed, for heldinan Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, et the Court House, in the City of Mahwah, on th e Fourth idemday in blared nest, at 10 o'clock, A.M. - Nadia notice is hereby glom te all Justices of the Peace, Coroner, and Constable; of the Comte of Al. ' leghmy, that they be then and there, 10 their proper persons, with their roll; records, Inquisitions, exami nations, ma other remembrances, do those thin' p which, to then rempective offices in their behalf, sp• mar to be dons—sod also, those that will prosecate the prisoners that now son, or msy be, in the Jail of said Coeoty of Allegheny, to be thee and Uiere,to pro; moms against than as shall he lust. Given wider my hand, at Pittsburgh, thls Ilthday of February, in the year of oar Lord. ibSkand of the Cominotivrealth the 74th. CARTER CURTIS, febilgebtartiiT Sheriff. B. A. roluseatoek & Co., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, cornet al rum and Wood Mi.% oder for oale,on favorable terms: bbla Whiting; 600 lb* Carb. Ammonia; do do mom; GM do Almalianda; 303 do Dye W00d;660 do Cmdo Tartan. 23 do Lampblack; 600 do Lblrmorice Roan Al do Von. Red; 300 do Irish Mom; er do Camphor; 1/10 do Red Preeipitaie;- 10 do Span. Bravo; 130 do Calomel Amer.; Os do Inflow 001,m; 4do do Eag.; 10 do nrimaume; MO do Bucher Lesvos; n do Cloves; . A 0 do Rhubarb Boon 3 do Cha.Floarcro;lloo do Bantap. do; la cares 001.110003; SIO do Gentian do; 23 do Caltile Soap; GM 'do $Ol Rocheeler -13 do Promiu, Blom 1101 do 130001161 10 do Calc.blagnesm; 530 do Poot'd ithabarbi ' ro 13 do Chmo Gran; 630 do do SIM. Elm; do do ;tallow; NO do do G. Arabic; 6do Ana Vermilion; 100 do do . Llo, Roca; GO reams Band Paper, 100 do d o J o *, • bags Roily Sumac; IMO do do ALCayenne; 23 bales Bottle Corks; SOO do Salpk. Zinc; 730 s Solph. /dorphia; 303 do Bar Tin; 1030 lba Capri Alarm • SOO do ToMarindm • WM do IRChromPotaah;l6o do_ Quick WWI t3)3 do Pink 630 do 01/.110 Peel; WM do Tariny Umber; 75 do Coating.]: WA do. Chian Tartar; ID do. Hyd Poldobi. MI do Tartaric .661,1; 60 do. of 100 do-,Ura Urn; TS do Grauville Loom! 1a 1111*01111, 10811 1 1 an d Dealonia r ita Mg b a:r GT. man Fancy Good. Flostely, Itibbaos, Lanes, Glenn% 'num% one*, &v.o.ooP.l.derk "ni b., e l. " and Mum Wounds, Black and Fancy Hun Cravat; Poodea,Bandanna, and Linea Handkercidefs,a dent eat &adamant of Fans, and ovary maim , of mar. altandise. Gain . LOT, vAßldfi, Per Sale, THE four section Canal Boer las EMILLSII, DOW laying at Sbaspabargh, and In gad order. Ar ply H.A.two r._4,1 otdossite Canal Maio ACONVF.NIENT two worißriek Dwelling Elena, situated on the East Cowmen, Allegheny Pry, within a few minutes , walk of the market beam Mrs Lot Is slaty five feet front, and one hundred and thirty five feet deep. Ind Wu desirable location. Possums. given on the first of April. PAquire .4 JAMES PARK, Lt.& CO, mrILLt Second street TIIR Drvellinullouee.Third, *are &midißeid, novo oecookiii by Rev. Mr. Balmoral. • Alro-yrof on< or more peers, some lolls Lots of Ground' bribe Ninth Ward, on and ow the river, ealtabio for Luorbir lards. Enquire of YOUN Y. DARLINGTON, or of oirs.tf B. DARLINGTON. Fourth Bt. Te Les, WHOM lot or April next, the WAREHOUSE Way JC occupied by Toney & Ben, No 33 Wood et: In. • oiro_Or Imr l JOHN BM. al= LAIII3E Safe, Platform Peale, Ccamter, Truck, ant other article. accessary In t h e Wbolesali:Gpa eery bmitams. Ingalre at 35 Wood at e y Pd • JOLIN,BESIT./ FIE undersigned offers for sale the entire atoek of Groceries of the late firm of TASSEY fr. BEST, with the store flume. end every thing gettable to eontmodrue the transaction."( a heavy heathens, which has been built up by five years close attention, and a large moms obtained, the good will of which will be transferred to the purchaser, and pea...sloe of the warehouse given on the first da of April neat, or sooner If required. The stsek wri t be reduced if re quired, and payments made easy for geeel.DePer. Se Rood an opponent!) of an estiblished busmen le sal• dew offered, and but for other engagements reuniting my attendee, would not be deco up. datinfactory Information can be obtained °lithe gra ndees, No. 33 Wood street: • feat :rim BM. I=l ME House at present oceopled by rsn.a_lt Moos head, corner of Diamond and Diamond May; ale*, tha second house frbm comer:of Diamond In maid alley. For terms, apply to BOYLE nom. feb27.4lm T il e ATn"a l m r ik e a l 3r t4ebster :ee.narVvntb, at pgsetoses led by life. A. ',sok:lrk. Possession is to be.knest ea •- April. Inquire on the premises, sent B LOWRIE., Wylie a, neu Chalks!. FOR. SALE, ALOT OF GROUND, 60 feet front on Dank Lana: running back to Rebeeea ot, SSD fees ■ Cottage House and Carriage . House in good repair. TWO pro perty beasufally initiated on the Bank of the Alle (bony river, and is considered one of the mondealts blo and pleasant Smations to the City of Alleaheny. Forprice and terms apply io • S. SCOOTER, fatal No 110 Second et TeRREE ACRES OF LAND. shame about E. man flaw the City, near the residence of Rev. Rieha.l,l . on the Greensburgh Turnpike, suitable for Conn try Residences. Also—lfhi Acres or Land, situated to Franklin town ship. about le miles from Pittsburgh, near the Frank tin Read. Also—A Lot of Ground, near the now Baaln, in the Besenta Ward, being 100 wet wpm, on wares 4 • two story I rick Dwelling Home. For particulars and isms of ,ale , enquire of DAVI U D. BRUCE. Anomer at Law, feb21.14 Ftf,h at, laa'n Wax' and Smnbfield. 1=23212 WE O'er for sale, on moderate terms: lea That lot of ground on Pennsylvania Ave r y it . e l le:e&Cr o ai r trzLit, he b . ei i n n g: i tylt 132 fees in depth Yd. Thal Lot on Pennsylvania Avenue, jasSbeyond Mr. Watson , * property— being lid feet deep by LI feet 74 inches in width. 3d. A Lot on die Jew behind the Ad Lot above named —being 130 feel feet deep by 23 foot 13 inches Wide, extending from Gillbon to Locust is. • D. W. ft A. $. BELL, Attorneys at Law, Orrice in Fourth st, (eb2l3w above Ponthrield. WOE large three story Brick Warehouse, on want, I below Ferry street, miming from Water to First Street, on reasonable ten.. Pos.nlon giien bum. diamly. Enquire of febl6,l t F. LORENZ— Elomtetalo To Lat. • • rpliAT beautiful situation for a Strivite-Ruidencii 1 on the bank of the Ohio riser, in the borough o Manchester. For terms apply to - tebln EZ2=I TE will sell au a bargain, one of NAYSMITIVI3 DIRECT ACTING STEAM tlAhIntER, with /derrick & Tonne's Improvement attached. It Is In good order, and can Les seen at one works. It is ad mirably adapted to' drawing iron, and shingling blooms. For farther [don:inon apply to febl.4 BINGER, HARTMAN fr..CO. IZZIM THE SECOND AND TIIIRD STORIES of Wese booze Nob Market street next door to Molvany k. Ledlie , s Glass Store. &trori re of feta • JOHNSTON & STOCKTON A Farm for Satei CONTAINING 160 ACRES, about half of vehleb is cleared, situated in Washington noway, Ohio, about floe mile* from the Ohio !titer. roseate:on given isaniednielp. Enquire of RULICAT DALZELL Inb7 Liberty street GC= • 2 THE meseriber mil or rent hl. very desi rable Country Residence, in Ailegueny coned- Issued Co mm otion Lane hou s elleghe Avenue, west or the . The is a largo doable brick budding, in complete order. There 1. a Cor rine Hoaso,Wable, and good water on the gramtdit, Which comprise toy nem, well 'reproved, containing every deuription of Fruit. Also—a spring-honie and 01101. house. Poimesolon given daring the month of Alarch. rebl.tf JOHN GERHART, nrEFEDE TO RENT—Chi second story:No 66 A-J Water a. •Teesesslon given lit ApnL Janie, ISAIAH DICXSV tc CO. Feint si STORE TO ILIENT—D) Dot front by 40 deep— Pro 107 Front et. Possession pa.. Ist AprtL , Ise9 • ISAIAH DICKEY It CO Front at ALA desirable - Rowena., shoaled. the Leer Bent. run Ward, Alleahroy City. Eartaire at this Often, or of Moo. AleAllwayn, on the promises. - host tf =3=l FOR SALE, on eery liberal terma—Flfty Nine Lem orGround, satiated on Penn, Wayne,and Plke en, and. the Duquesne Way, according to • plan to be wen et this orb, where terms and condemns will be made known. land 12:3=3 FWHOM the Ann day of April pert-one large two storied BRICE DWELLING HOUSE, handsome ly shoaled on the Ohio Diver, adjoining the borough of Manchester, with about four acres of land; a number, ofhFof Fruit Tmos; one large brick Baru and Stable, aroi Jana b"1'4. 1t4V. Y 4 I. HUTCHISON & CO. To 14111 • ASHALL CO T TAGE HOUSE, In Minnie:lT:city, on Esplanade street. Rent.losr. Inquire of Anil? TABal:1 A BEST US Wood at. and OF GROUND, suitable for a Brick Yard A , d situated near the city line, In the 'Weir) of Bobo Bridge, mill be rented tor a term of years. Ap ply to ED. GAZZ All, Third amen, - • J • d °Mee over the PootOtiee. MR@ AROOM on the second arty of the Warehouse No. se Wood mesa _ - Ante A THREE STORY BRICE DWELLING HOUSE, en Liberty tenet, between O'Hara and IValnut meets, Fifth Ward, at page:lt ozestpled by the subscriber, Foatteulott aieenon the I a Ana Enquire of lanltYir WM. YOUNG. lIJ Liberty U. • Her tiOlalt, Trim BASE3LENTcomer or the Diamond and Union streets, swell adafted to any public bounces. It has been ocernaled as a Lace, or Eating Establish ment, fora umber of years. ALSO—Several Ofieei and Anittle Rooms, well lighted, with entrance from the Diamond, over the store or the sobettrinces north west corner of the Dia mond and Market street. Apply to ALEXANDER k. DAY. FOR Kit fd r, two pleasantly Cunt.' Beta Dwelling Houlea, with en grounds adjoining, at Oakland. Possession eau be siveu ea the Ent of LAW. jaAS HARDY. JONYS A CO. ' . War Haut. TUE auk tan ef.ike Watchonse :tow 0c1 , P1 ,1 b7 wad, tll4 fronting on Front street. pa 4 • Cli r'rldriT.,4l Water ft / TO Lot.' A GOOD TIMEX STORE BRICK DWELLING, ,All. on Smithfield mmer, four doors from Severn/L . , west side. lomilrei of IL SEM WEIL Jon? 11D Seconds; VOA R1C11,C..41. STORE, wen hurt! up forlTy Goods, on Market sr, between Thud and Fourth. Foment. given on he I. of IMaril next. Also—Several ROOMS and OFFICES. Promearion Elven houtediasoly L E. D. GAR RAM, delB OfFseo over the Pt:WORE...Mord at. ITORELMMT.--Tbe WAREHOUSE st pr. tem aceopied by Masan Haney, Brotto & Co., on Wow otreet, from first of April oar, novIS JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO • FOR SALE—A Brink Noose, (bat one rear libuilt,) Lot, on Robinson street, ABsabeny, near oldßridas. Fries loss Ind arena ears— Inquire of jy2ol • 8 SCROYER,IIO Renaud at FOR SALE—FIro lots eitibly situated to tan (shins morn ofl3lnnins am. The lots aro Out. ted an Denman street, numbered in F Bauman% plan 73,79,80,81 and B2—Lot No 73 fronting ZI rearm Ma ry Ann strecc 70 feet deep; the other foot 20 feet front each., by 80 (net deny. Ternan—Greater pan' ofpnrchase money may rat main Corns. yeami bCIIO secured by monnann 14 11 4 nlarsoninun of • myi 1110 rano 01 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON FENN STREET FOR SALE.—A Lot of Ground situate on Fenn street, between Ilay and /lathery streets, atholning the house and lot now occupied by Richard Inwards, having a front of 26 fee; and In depth LSO feet, well to sold on favorable terms. Tide unexceptionable. En. quire ofloitf O. LOOMIS, Ch st, Wood. oett - A MOW ARRAMORIBIEDIST. W. R. MURPHY .I. M. BURC/IPIELII. T Retail Dry Goals basin.. heretofore eandoel, ed by W. R fdarphy, ar Nonh Ent corner Reana and Market au, Plusbargh, will hereafter be carried only the new drai of MURPHY & BURCHFIELD, Who mspeetfally solicit & emdbuanee of the eau. of the old eairloolas of the establishment, and the pcblls to ausarat. A lams mat awfully mimed sunk of Goode oil always be kept on hand, Ir.ed every