The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 18, 1850, Image 2

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_ iPATTsßllften•
012•Asszesssze ere essuestly requested to head is
— lces favors* berm 3 ',au, tad as early fates divu
eraelleeblAdvelesemetats oat ouperied for huiesl•
3 oa snenet,li be clamed until ote'Sed on
Jim.. No. I.lsrssoll street
for the coy. unerdseisew,
led to Mu w.U. receive prompt
gnu sowra
Adveriseedente aadtrabeenpootte to the KonitUtter
• an setrUntted thatch Gasette, Thilattelphla,reeelne
ad forwarded from Ws ogee..
430411441rpi41?iint,'Ittathof hu:veterned from
1M0441034,11/44y biz respects to
.rO4l paper, on Taraday mange'.
Tim BIM= DOLOCELT.—Dt. George Getty.
has again taken charge of this excellent 'Whig
paper. Fl; e n his well ken seal in tbelgblit
and ability and experience be briny to
:. Isis 11 , 044 Iffe may look to see the Denionrit one
or the beat Whig taper !n Western Pennsyln
. The.Edluts of the Journal Is disposed to pay
blaiiial a high compliment, as regards the Wily and
dlignlllad comae which he claims to have pursued
ht reference the Government patronage. It Is
aour d' - dun to and fault with him lorMis,
and we are erectly willing that he should be
duly eredited:lor his magnanimous and disinter
cited political Course. Whether the public how.
emu, will secede to bim,all the purity and dirk.
tereatedema 'Ranh be claims, politically, or other.
. wise., is a matter which we do not deem new.
wary to discuss at present. In his article, in Ss.
turdayls paper, ha reply ID a somewhat severe ear.
ligation - from the Poet, he sees dt to refer to our
• noun., which he condemns as courtly unworthy.
sod at war with his notions of editorial propriety
Well, well, Doctors will disagree; and although
we ctuomily regret that our very respectabl .
and high toned ememp army should Joel upon
Our O.IISIKO as degrading; we shall endeavor to
sustain ourselves under the mortification which
'his erticle is intended to produce. there is one
thing, however:, which the editor of the Journal ,
withal! our crewing and degrading propensities,
wilt newer god us guilty of, vier that of endeavor.
lag to steal away trom that met respectable paper,
any Of Its patronage, by keeping at the head of
..our ealitorlaloolumn a garbled and untrue meta
In refemace to our stooping to ask the patron
sr of the Government, it Le hardly necessary fa
nolo reply. We bellove the political character of
the Gazette—as well as its comae In regent to
Gen. Taylor—was perkctly familiar to the Presi
dent, 'swell as to the principal heads of the Da.
' partments, and we have sotficonit reason to be
lieve that all the patronage, which we have
received from the Government would have
been accorded tons without the slightest effort on
our put to oblate it.ila het we know, that, Fedi
ousto tho visit of one of the proprietors to Wash•
ugton, our paper bad been selected as one of the
-publishing papers of the adurirdstration. Our
coons towards Gen. Taylor was frank and open
from the teiginnlng, he was not, we very candidly
confess, our first tholee for the Presidency,--u
we, like many others, were somewhat to doubt u
to his political views, and were consequently not
disposed to favor his nomination, anti] we were
move clearly satisfied regarding them. The frank
avowal mode, - however, at the Philadelphia Cool
lreatins, by the , delegation from LOlLlailllll. who
were authorised to speak for Geo. Taylor, “that
he was a Whig, and would llttriill Whig doe.
Wlug ineastuesi in case of hie eke
fosse tally satisfied as; and tho Whig coeval:Won
' having duly nominated him, our opposition ended,
and from that time we gave our untiring ants
. towards the promotion of his election. go much
goats charge dale Journal,u to our opposition
to Gen. Taylor's nomination.
• There is an old and very trite adage,..that peo•
ple,who lien in glass homes should be careful
• Dow they throw atones." Nur, tithe editor cribs.
Journal, in his article,passee a lofty encomium up.
on Meows course,at thee:moue or the Chums,
.., « •ad has Mated what the Claseue dd do, we shall
s.6aegoilly candid, sad inform Wm what be
'mete Mem de. The Gazette never sate fit to of.
fait° Gen. Taylor theittunlniting compllutent,cd
'piecing his name M the bud aim ceasing; and
attained, taking It down, and :luring up moth.
at 3e tin stead, merely beam, the fortunes of the
pia Hero, were apparently an the decline.
. 5/39111111:01 Tri Pamir Ormcs-rWe' had the
plessum,yeaterday; to receive the calls of quite a
another of fanners and gardeners, arho were deo
ghats of ptomulag some of the Tarmacs of seeds
seat &oat the Patent °See. We Ness able to
supply a who oadrd, and we have a few left,
although some of the varietieshave run out. They
nitl tall into the bode of sum who thoroughly on•
dentand their bruises", and will give them a air
.. trial:. We are glad to see the spirit of enterprise
and emulation inereaudng among our regular and
, amateur gardener/ and fame; and we augur the
heetreseita therefrom.
!Tile Phesbuigh Gazette!. although it could find
mom for Mr. Webster's prwadavery_speech, aka*.
lately refined to publish that of Mr. Stevan&
ThettilasettO depends on Washington . pattonage,
and kicks at the feelings and wishes of the people
of Allegheny Ceenty.'—Deritatch.
Thelltespateb Is reckless In regard to its stets.
.- • Wale. We dui publish Mr. Stevene epsecb, ee
..- ,, creparted In the Repubho, which was more full
than soy other which drat came out Some days
agenrards, it was published et length In thelami.
lipacer, and we declined to repablitaig, as we
bed already given its substance, and thkre was •
pressure upon OUT columns. We put.
• balled the speeches of Mr- Clay end Mr. Webster,
because our readers were anxious to see what
gime Meal leaden and eminent statesmen bad
So ay On the a/lobo:Wag queetkou in controver
sr. .Tee people of Allegheny County can think
themeelves, , and wish to me, both eidas or the
"question, and when they come to give 'earner.
Mon to ibsirfbellap, we vent= the assartion that
g wW be toned that the opinlonoof a large major
, lty vtll be] in accordance with the Thin and
aphtiona of this paper.
The llonozable 0. IL Rini* President of the
Indianapolis and Bellefontahte Rail Road Contpa ,
ny,aod • Solomon W. Roberts, Esq.,. were to ad.
drew the dame or Philadelphia on Friday
evades last, an the rail toad coanection of that
.eity' with the West.
M. Lemkwooeon, Wood attest, has laid apse
ow table The LOndon Quarterly, for January,
sad Slarkweeds,Peltruery amber, both of . whkh
ere replete with their eyed intercede( matter.
Oxs. Hama Bunn, of Rochester, propries
ter olds mots extensive doming mills in this
eeinny, was found dead is his bed in that city,
ea tie tail or !ditch.
Annan se rtn Plutnnstrath nom Ca.
aus. l -The steamthdp Philadelphia arrived 'at
New York on the morning of the 13th of Much,
harms Made the run from Chapee within the
Ten short spicoOf nine daps.
This is the flnt trip on tho Chases route, of the
Philidelidths, and she has proved herself a vessel
of the fint class.
Br her we leant that the .rail road acres the
Isthmus of Pawn= ins bees surveyed, and the
trees dewed*" thagreatar portion erase way.—
The ground will be at once broken, and the road
raked vitt, pow. de.pua.
The Isthmus is generally heallhy. The river is.
Mn. Kathie took her Oast farewell of the Hos.
* ppbile on Wednesday ilea tag, on which co
easice she read
the drit part of King Henry
Itt, At the conclusion of the entertainment she
.anideati address, which the Trento:4i reports as
• w I shall never—saw have ihe nonor, or the
or appear in g before you again in public.
For your Intlny 1102 1 of kindness, pleawyteceptmy
bun felt thanks . - May prowertty rest upon you!
nobl Atte and City, may hpiness bo rub you In
.yeor e
heroes. r now hid ye n an affectionate fare.
, Ws Ilea that the lady is now cdapsed in p
.sildiogsla Now Ywk
Portman= as TEI Sniamicat
e emus, recently Worn, nukes the relive mirk.
,tkint,7igtforelp , „l,V. Tout 00,541.
AXIMICAZ Bout Bocazrz.—Tbe reoelps of
Os but smultworo 1129.591 97, asul Os Rambla
togs diaramed, 30.6 ea
- 4 :; For thflittildath. IJreIXF
Whore to tks Now Itst‘or /Mood to b•
Ma. Erams—This is a matter at promos of
mach importance to farmers and the travelling
community, generally and, as I tuiderstand, that
this matter is not definitely settled; it is to be hop
ed that of the two kications already viewed, la
the good judgment of-the comagttee they will la
cafe on the Lowrie's flan Comm, as a good mi.
stastmg, sod at the same time in city road eau be
made—whereas on the other location,a geed road
mom be had,erpoehilly daring the fall and wino
ter. The mune the road would take, should it
corns up . the Lowrie's Ron, would be, comieg in
at Wood's Rau, passing close by Mr. E. Coopers,
then Jame! Taylor, through Edward and Moor
Onterfores meadows, and across the ran at Mr.
Crawborde—theoce past Phillip Toners Mill, by
Nolte Chitral, and on down to Sewickirrille, thus
it will be pnweived, that It plumes through a fine
country, allkediog good aecommodations for
ellen, and especially Drovers, and putting ttuough
the heist of the country: bet "tumid the other
comae be thanght of (which we hope will not) the
few will be accommodated who live along the
bank of the Ohio, the distance to the two cities
nothing shortened, but through the tagged state
in which the road naturally would be,in our opin
ion, the distance would be increased in come
queues of the slow rate which travellers would
be compelled to go at. The Lowrie'. Run cosine
would shorten the distance some five or six:miles,
and in onr °piano Is the most elligible rout. Should
this be put to the Township vote, I am satisfied it
Would be carried by a majority of gArrs io 0 , 4
Roping whatever is done wilt be for the good
of alt FARMER.
Carrespoadente el the Pittsburgh Garcue
Wasunarrote, March 13, 1850.
Abolition Pe ll l Calhoun Re.
eating Debate.. Mr. Webster and Mr.
Douglas. on California.
We have had an important day, in the Senate
The rule or main, against the reception of Abo
linen petitions has been virtually abrogated. Gov
Seward brought in a budget no large rut a mat
library, in znanuscnyt, and laid it dawn before
him. From this pile he seated one, briefly an•
noonday its character, and, of coarse; its recep.
don was objected in, and the question thereon was
moved to be laid on the table. But doy. S. called
the yeas and nays, and the question of reception
was not laid on the table, the vote belts . IS to 22,
several southern Senators voting in the negative.
Mr. King, of Alabama, and Mr. Bailer, adder
some excitement, declared that the Fame as
anti the play ended. The last banner agsartst eg
Ration arm now broken, and nothing could pre
seat dine fanatical documents rushing in upon
them by thousands. They ahould no longer op
pose them. This is a sensible restitution. By qui
etly riceinng and referring Abolition petitions
the House has releived itrelf of the agitation which
(or yeas kept it in continued tumult and uproar.
After thin Mr. Footeti resolution for a Compro
mise Commtue came up, and Gen. Cass made a
very eleottve speech upon it. He said he should
go for altonstevery thing the South' asked except
the exclusion of Califnuia, and an amendment or
the Cnattitution. He censureeldr. Calhoun for
the dark and tutpatrintle tenor of his late speech,
with unusual severity, for hint, and he also lee.
tined Gov. Seward with rebel:hence fa having
ailed the northern Democracy the natural allies
of slavery.
Mr. Calhoun replied; attempting throughout, I
thought, to parry the vigorous throat of the Gen.
and by reenoting seine of the tuushor notes of his
late speech, and, particularly, Maiming that if be
did demand an amendment of the Constitution, he
did not require it immediately. But Cass rejoined
by taking up his speech and dissecting it, para.
graph by paragraph, and made good his point,
which sru, that Calhoun now demanded an im
mediate alteration of the Constitution, or disrup
tion of the :Union.
Mr. FOO/0 now likewise mingled in the fray.—
He had eaderstoodldr. Calhoun aaGapl. Cass hod
done—es the whole country bad done. He con
sidered that in making this new isatte, Mr: Cal•
boon had done him and the ether liouthern Sena•
tars, who speed with him in 'soliratude to the
welfare of the South, great injustice, by let con.
cutting with them, es be had envied to do. Mr.
C.hral given no evidence that he wanted any ad
itutmemt, or 'that he even desired the adoption
of bin own extraordinary propostraa far an amend
meat to the Coneranion. The projected Nub
rale COlVeallatt wan only three months off, and
yet hereto was apposing all plans of eamprouuse,
and all action likely to settle the question.
Calhoun, mailing grimly, would admonish his
young friend not tube so impetuous. He would
be in favor cd his committee at the proper time.
(Foote, ems osier—yes, next Christutu perhaps.)
Mr. Haitian, resemble, sold that he always was
happy to consult with all his friends, hot he most
answer the charge of cooperating with the abo
litionists, by saying that Foote wan more familiar
with some of them than he was—meaning Myer.,
Hall, Seward, and others. Forqiimself, when a
Senator avowed welt doctrines as Mr. Seward
had done, he desired no furtherintercourse %nth
him, social or political. He might shake hands
with blm, bat he would never tender his owe.
The debate went on until two o'clock, and was
then adjourned until to morrow. Judge Douglass,
of Mittel', occupied the Teat of tho day io a speech
of great power, In which he announced that he
should vote lot California La the now presents
herself, and upon other questions as he had been
restructedlry his Legislature, dux
In the early part of the day, Mr. Webster has
said trait- he should vote for California, and coo.
altered her present boundaries the but that could
have been adopted. . loom.
FROM esaetsaasa.
Correspeadenes of the Pittsbangh Gamut.
• navalataams, Mandl 13[6, 1810.
lit 6. Seaga b day, Ur. Dania maraud a
struts .p. 40 Ik. •ataaslan Etaacack Weal. At.°
against the as olalatiaa of tha went wards of the city
Into sam athaal distrita.
Chi melba of Mr. mode, the !mete lookup and pained
tM bill, foapYlenobt to as as regalatan; turnpik• and
platy nod eatooks
On motion of Mr. has la Senate then lank ap, and
pont of omaiMhill, mashing JO= notions relating la
per pot alio Biala, Ufa lhaffater of which may he in.
Aided by Oa tiffs I Nl.Umtata gin it. It I. aa fat.
... f t bill canned to set to lathering iodirldesls taro
wait ranroadast plank node in the tasty of Vann.;
Mating mead van lu the 'marty of Washiegta; the
navigation Manage oath; the ranneris an 3 Mechanic,
ample toad gangway; cal orate In 'Lewisburg, Union
manly; end deltdgemosigrest tad in Delman couuty."
Ifthere Is ay Wog a this bill in which your readers
Imp. aerate, 1 hope they win br able to discover it. I
void d have notnel the bill for!hem, if I had append it
cowshed ay thimgot emporium. Bat without we!.. ,
ieanttve, tin. blot of searching through ad au aware
pile of Adler the dead kernel; era march too gnat.
Pr titicamoreri ?ranted in bah Heats le day, praying
for of ectearion ofth. eglat of wiffrqe to all prams in the
commanwealthoommentg the canirlit, voiliticatione,
without regard to Odor. , They,were and wal hid upon
the able. In a fltatearkaa lane , a 40.136 talk 'about
thiandity of marinil as wonder UM' ouctolothd
las hare not lung agObeest Admitted lo the aajoymatt of
the privilep. ehotdd like to know wherein the colored
cities. al Oh. .frik :DWI& Penthylnitia. differ atom the
alaver of Old Virgialia Dth aspect. They Lae a right
to masts with thlitkite trinsta, it is true, kw their daily
kreedia Meta. cepetity &cyan qualified to earn
But this, I tithe KJ. At that. anstituting them freemen.
Whys politica - I equality do they ea)oyl Tnre le walling
plainer. =lmre fhily appenut than the Genet the theory bad
practice of our free Sato of fentuylntile are widely menet
upon the Weinman% abject, Sorasthingenht to be dew
. to equate the political ; prink/coot oar colored eiteens
ornh non erne white, or nee' the principle of equality
ought ta be eatinlygiro Op, and lb. nhibested aphorise
proclaimed e r Mr. Jamison, is the Declaration of
the wen ma are mated free and peal) ,
prosouremd &humbug.
la de Han, Mr. Smith Dom the Canualltee es' Corp
ration, reported the bill "to hanorporaii the Prints» Us
iosofdlleghon Contity,” with a lupine rionatada-
She sippertt &if tilla dill up, as Me order a
the day, end resioos isayertmit amentassats offend by
Whip mare nuiforealy voted dorm Oa the [..l ruler of
the bill, Mr. Surer tooted as .substitute for die le Lusk
the hill reported try bllnKiltiager, from the minority of
llNSCommittem r. Barter badly supported Oils mtutitutc,
mooting ill entire Juntas., fif ..l tut wills the bill Maim
the Room. Flinnada the iliattor elsa tip/tab—hut cm
moo.'--the quad= tad bee. predetermined its caucus,
and Om motion ma imptircd—yeas 7r, oar
Mbsotialbidl,a Ida which hae becajos I y styled the bill of
• abitsmilmOutul—them posed Oiled s milted leading by a etrict
pity void, and min mat M . Cid' Sea* for onesurreass.—
Mod bto to dad with it la thathody, I presume me MC ,
phi I mood '• COBDEN.
The New Toth Tribune states that the great
project of uniting- Lake's Erie 'and Michigan by
means of the Michigan Sotaltua XXIII Said
being pulled kwirerd with. energy. Tie exten
sion from illtledale to Coldwater has been put ans
der comsat, end 220 e teasel bon kw the rani have
bees pnrchued. It is to be delivered at Quebec
In June.
raom Ins ,Ar'itons.
CovremOndenee Of the Pittsburgh Gutter*
! Nor 'Raz; !dumb 14.
A carioca political 'meeting was held last night,
by the old hacks -of Tammany Hall, to • Sinn -
club, to be designated the "Democratic. Union
California Club." Its'primaiy object is to heal the
differences, and mimeo union in the demnerstic
ranks; and is the 'woad, to commence a strong
movement in (um of admitting California at once
into the abitezhood of the United States.
.Recognising the right of the people of California
to govern themselves, and desiring to crown their
exercise of that right, by their admission into the
American confederacy.
The constitution hu been numerously signed
and will have much erect.
The mail ship Georgia sailed for Cslifornia, (via.
Chagres,) with the enormous number of nix ban-
died and fifty passengers,• company never equall.
ed in the history of the steam marine. The Phil a.
delphia also wired from Chagres, last night, in
■ remarkably sheet run, enhancing the opinion
New Yorkers hold about ship. built 'outside the
town." The marl of the Georgia comprised 14,.
501 letters, paying a postage cl 55,800, rating them
all singly. Two fine steamers for the Savannah
trade, are to be launched on the lit of April, the
equals in all respec:a of nay ships of their ton.
nage afloat. .
Aka of land hoe been purchased on Unio,
Square, fa the purpose of building ■ Melodeon
large enough to seat Ave %bookend {.e.•ple, or
twice the capacity of the Tabernacle. The build-
ins is to be 85 feet limit, by 195 deep, to cost with
the lot, 3100,003. It Is to be completed iu Sep
tember, iu time for the use of loony lard, should
Mr. Barnum choose to take it. There is nu find
class music rooms in this city, and VI.. one will
make a tontine for its budder. '
It is stated that the Panama Railroad Company,
have aurveyed the road, clamed ott the trees to a
large extent, and that ground will be broken very
soon. Sales Mae stock have recently Leon tirade
at 81 percent, or twenty per Peat shave the nod
e= River road.
'Double Eaglea" made their appearance ia the
street, yesterday, and sold at five per cent premix
am. They are remarkably handsome, and wo
have now the largest and mealiest gold cola in the
world, the dollar matt the "Doable Eagle." Thu
"effigy of the Eagle" on the coin, is doubled, like
the Eagles of Austria, and unlike them are eels
corned to the Hungarian refugees In oar midst.
We see few gold dollars now in circulation, and
in all probability the Esglea will soon take tight.
More mechanics ate getting uneasy al out wages,
sod the carvers now demand an admin. e la 'twenty
five per cent, but have not struck thus inr. The
carpenters' strike is not general, for there an
many who cannot be gulled by means of a "trades
onion, that cunning contrivance of the last' to
make the industrious support them. In the end
the laborers quietly resume their work at old rates
after wasting their only capitsl—time. Speaking
of "strikes," it is stated that twenty thousand tone
of rail road iron are expected at Quebec. on the
opening of navigatkin, and Intended for Western
rail roads. This iron is worth $l2 Fier ton, 07
5310,000, equal to f. 60,000 days' work at one dol
lar and a half per day. out of which our iron mar
kets have been swindled 'by the present tariff.
't hero is a largely Increased demand for money,
but so groat is the supply that the tame of Interest
are not perceptibly changed. On call, secured by
choice stocks, tour per cent is the rate. On ordi
nary security, fire and six per cent, rind in the
street at seven per cent. The banks are very
free in their 111,-ouritr, and throw out hale paper
of good credit.
Cotton has receded full 1B le since the steamer
came, the market closing irregular. Flour is
heavy, but the !ales are upfin a large acale foe
home use. Grain Is rather easier to buy,especis
ally course arsine. Pork is lower, with sales r
man at SIO 3(610 44; prime, at 19 5163 91.
Lard, firm, at 61661 for brls. Sugars are fins,
but coffee is dull and heavy. The lea We of the
13th was well attended, and upon peon an ad.
trance, on Green a decline. An auction sale of
wool has just been made; 215,000 ll Penney!.
vania, Ohio, and New York fleeces at Be under
the late high range. Iron is quint, with alike ot
English bar at 842 on the dock and from the yard..
Business generally hi very active. C.
Bonn now 51talustarri.—The diouniootata
have overdone the business to lilissiasippi.—
Having poked their Legislative Committee of,
Twenty to the length of declaring the admission of
California as she lea good cerise fur breaking up
the Union, the Whigs were at length aroused to
some idea of the nature of the precipice toward
.which a few leaders were dragging them, and re.
fused to fallow. A large meeting wu convened,
on notice, at Jackson, on the 15th ultimo, Colonel
J. I. White, oflaisqlena, the chair, while
General Patrick Henry..lLMorable Luke Leo—
late Whig candidate for Governor—M.Jor W.
P. Anderson, G. S. Yaeger, and't cumber more
of influential Whigs took proutinent parta..7-
This meeting, with but a siesta diuenting voice,
Rewired, That we do . not concur with our
Senator. and RepresentaUves, in regarding the
propaition to admit California into this Union as
ou attempt to adopt the Wilmot Proviso in another
form; if we so regarded it, ate measure Could re
cce-iv no favorer countenance from us.
Be fi farther'Resalerd. That it la the "well de.
fined opinion" of this meeting, that the people
Mississippi would anotain their Scooters end Rep
reaentatives in aiding to carry out foe policy of
the President in reference to the admission Lif Cal
ifornia into the Unlock, no unfolded in his admin.
ble message to Congress on the subject.
Resoled, That we have an abiding confidence
in the devotion of the people of Misolsoppi to the
Constitution and Union of these Sties; and we
are well ensured that the admivaion of ttaltfornia
is not ouch an emergency as would Cause them
Ito think for a moment of pursuing any course
caleutated to endanger either the one or toe ell.
The Legislature has voted to appropriate $20,-
000 to pep the expenses of the Delegates to the
Nashville Coovootioo, end to appropriate $2OO,
000 more to feture cootigancles, subject to the
controlof the Leplelatuml . This Wt was curled by
a voteof 44 to 40.
- will be seen by the Conginuional pro-
ceedings of yesterday, that the United States Sen.
atom and Representatives elect, from California,
have addressed & long document to Congress, com
municating copies of the State Constitution, their
credentials, tad ■ formal request for admission tu
fo the Union. They express the utonbdiment and
regret with which they have 'Seamed the exis
tence of an organised, respectable, and talented
opposition to me admission of the new State," sad
enter at length into a history of the territory, the
organization of a State, the population, end other
matters pertaining to the subject. The address
le a clear and forcible statement of the grounds
upon which California presents her application for
admission Into this Union. Accenting to its state
meets, California now contain. 107,000 itibabi.
tants, nearly double the amount necessary to Be.
cure her admission into the Union. Of these
70,009 are American emigrants, the remainder
being Californians and foreigners. The address is
manly in WOO and .sentiment, and concludisn u
follows:—Batt. Sun.
This people request admission into the Amert.
can Union el a State. They undersig:id and esti
mate the advantages which will accrete to them
from such a connection, while they trust - they do
not too highly compute those which will he con.
(erred upon their brethren. They do not present
themselves as supphsute, nor do they;, present
themselves with arrogance or presumpuon. They
come as free American citizens—citizen' by trea
ty, by adoption arid by birth—end ash that they
may be permitted to reap the common benefit.,
share the common ills, and promote the common
Welfare, es one of the
WM. "United Stale* of America'
Wathington, D. C., March I, IEOO.
Ma. 'FMCS MOT Lost.—The re:Sowing dm..
patch makes it certain that Purser Price was not
lost on board the Sr. John.
Bmooirroat, near Montgomery; Al., Much %
Mr. Rittenhouse and . mtself were on beard
the steamer St. John when she wes burned.—
We arj both laved without injury. It will meta
me some days detention. Cr— Is eyed.
By • ktterr, dated,New Wean., ee6. 29 1650,
from Mr. Prim to his plainer, Mr. Samuel Ward;
to this esty, ft would appear improbable Air he
had nap considerable &went et \gold dusk in his
The U. S. eteamerlFaatdon arrived at New Orl
ma on the 4111 instant from Tampa Bay, Florida
having on beard a I - party of the Floridian&
am, who are theta ••I#lting Weal.
Werke or 141 L Georg
, treat, Philadelphia, Wel
••• • y night. Lou SW,
The extensive
Rani Sen. 12 ° " ) rd
desegyed bY 01
PtirsOisics putinuni.;-The °facial Ufa*:
changes* the. PastOdlce Dep.:moot, rsithe
weekending that, inform, us of thisittr
joined noir tacos istsittinhod in this State: '
• Big 13(tites„.Cembeeleed,Peek,Pallip Jirown.
postmaster; Beaver Sotiog; Ps., George Hiller;
Stoll, Wayne, Pa., GeMT D. Wt lama ; FFsiiklln
CortemErte, Pa. AI t. Mesabi* Daphne, Al
;remelt, Pa. at kl:Gottnell; Htlezkis„Botlera
Pa, Joa Caker; Redstone, Fayette, Pa., D. J.
Booth; Liberty equate, Poetaster, Pa, Joseph P.
Hence; Old Forge; Lttoente Pa., Ebeeezer.
Drake; Cretan, Lycoming, Pa, Henry D:Her
The list also inimanus that the following names
have - been changed:
Prospect Hilt, Jere:sem county, P.., tame.
changed to ' , Reyna:day:42'
Andrew's Bridge, Lancaster county, Pa., name
el:sashed to "Octoraro.”
Ripe strawberries have Wade their appearance
io the New York market. A calibrator of the fruit
ups the! • hi■ strawberries are like gold dost at
preseatX. He adds:
" I hove had an offer of two dollars* dozen for
them, but do sot wishio disappoint you. You cut
have t h e whole twenty one for $ 2 4 0 . rmn al
most ashamed of this, but could do boots at
New Hampshire Election.
Borran. March 13.-12 M.
In de State or Neve liatopshlre, the Democrats
have elected their Sudo officers tied a mejority
to the Legislature, by ■ larger vote thou at the
lag election. The Free Sod vote Was not mi
Industrial Exhibition. In London.—
speech or the kn•erlttn Albano., •
Oo the .22dil ultimo the inhabitants of the city
of Westminster, held a meeting for the purpose
of considenog me best means of eamaiing in the
promotion of the great exhibtlon of the work. of
' indult) , of all nations in 'IBSI, and to km a vim
mittee to deny out the retolutfati l tithich might be
I adopted. ,The High Bailiff, Mr. Fmncis Smedley,
, took the chair. Among the company on the plat
t term were observed the Eat[ of Carlisle, the
Bishop of Loudon, the Duchess :of Sutherland,
Lord Ashley, the [Lauri' of Onord, the American
Hirano, the French Munster, the +nitrate
Minister, the Belgian Minitter, Lord Baougbim,
Lard W. Lemnos, the Honorable F. Byng, Mr.
Jones Loyd, So \V Farquhar, Lord Favitraham,
AL T. ht. Oilmen, the Margins of Breadelbane.
Mr. Wyk', M. P., hlr. IL • Cobden, M. P., Lord
Ashburton, hlr.,M. Gestalt, M. P., flue.
Brame or Ma. Lawnwros,-The Pniuslan
Ambassador having offered a resolution that tall
foreign catiots would cordially promote the no
delver of England to carry out an node:tatter{ in
which all nationsteve au interest..
Mr. Abbot Lawrence, the Amsuiese Minister,
beconded the resolution. He had observed with
deep interest the eoaltnellaelDeel and program of
this groat proposed international indostraleenvert'
non. He had watched it from Its meeption,and he
begged to say that the mind that conceited ads
great project, as well as the Indivldaahr 'rho had'
nearly consummated the preliminary arrange
ments, demanded MS most profound respect and
admiration. (Cheer..) He appeared there as the
representative of a youtlifol bet great nation.—
(Cheers.) He came there to offer hit thanks to
Prince Albert and the British people for the
magnanimous and glorious opportenitythey gave
to all mankihd to come here upon this ocouion
Upon the part at the people of the:Ladled States
he cum here to stretch out the band of fellowship
to tiro British people. He looked upon this great
proposed cute at ion alluding to soinethhsg mare
than merely td improve ourse.lves ill the fadeout.
al arts. He looked tip to it as a groat world's pined
ea' peace convereioe. (Load -chum) What with
retthlred at this period but international cornmeal.
cation', (Cheers.) Let the people of all salons see
each other face to ace. Let the malting of the
earth meet here In • country ' tenors zed In ant, in
literatare, In science, in almost every. thing that
elevated the condition of man. It VIA becoming
I in this nation that it should make this' proposition
' and it commanded asell to him by the Litt that it
I was lately to become diffused throughout the
world, that it was not width, but broad ea the
world Iteelt. (Cheers) Although young, he belays
ed that they would present the produce of their
ingenuity end labor here ; and, what was more,
he believed that the men of the United States
who should have wrought the undo to be pro
moted would present themselves here also to the
British people 4 (Cheers) lie did
set apprehend
that in the are, or the sciences applied to art'
thelpeople of the United Sadao could- teach the
old elates of Europe much; an they could come
here and learn; though at the sane time he be
lieved that they might present something that - -
would be commended by their noble" ancestors,
and sorb as they would not be ashamed to recog
nise as the Iproduclthe of their chaben on the
other side the water. (Hear, beer.) He looked up.
on this great scheme as introducing into the world
an era smelt us had never before occurred. He
might truly say be was not over sanguine with re-,
heree to the mulls of this exhioninlets,
ere greatly mistaken the world would agree s
that this great meeting, when It should take place.
you'd recognise the dignity of labor, promote
commerce, and become the great Utilisers)f no;
for se a ship sailed from thre or any other coon.
try, laden !Mr products of an and labor, but mu
o .rnisolobtiy tor the eirilleathrX,of mangod
[Hear, hear.) He wag" a Prolinteet of pest* anal
good wril to-man. {lieu, tear 4 It ins, in his
judgment, the true policy of the whole world to
maintain peace, and he repeated, that it oru off}
acuities, Cir the nations of tie earth to under
;tend each other by meeting together to ensure
the pmservation of midi:ulna' *See. [Cbeers.)—
In 0013e113310e be begged to ',threw his dumb Cu
the put of the people of the United States for thia
noble project of international . coisunuoicatios.—
[Loud Cheers I
re •
The'solutioa wu then carried'unaishbandy.
Time is smut,
Paying by ;
Death in earnest,
Drawing nigh.
Sinner wilt thoutriliing bet
Time and death appeal La itise.
Life le earnest,
When 'tin o'er,
Thou return eat
Soon to meet eternity;
Wilt thou never serimurnel
Heaven is earnest
Flom its voices
Down to thee.
o thou mortal, art than gay,
Sporting thro'thinessethly day!
Hell is earnest :
Fiercely roll
Burning-billows •
Near thy soul.
Woe for Thee if thon abide
Unredeemed; ununotified I
God is earnest:
Yueet and.pray
Ere tby season •
Pass away—
Ere be set the jadgmeittbrpne,
Vengeance ready, mercy gone.
Cluist is lamest, •
• Bids thee "come!"
Vaid thy spirit's -
Priceleas sum.
Wilt thou , spent thy Savior's lore,
Pleading with thee from dean?
Thou refuseatl
Thou despiiest
God's dear Son!
Madness! dying Urine; Mai
Lest hie wrath within thee bon
When thy pleasures
All depart, .
What will soothe thy
Fainting heart ;
Friendless, desolate, alone,
Entering a world unknown! ,
0, be ea:neat
Loitering '
Thou wilt perieb:
Be no longer—rife and Bee;
! thy Saviour waits tor thee
Astutcur PASLAr.—rWe almost forget that
there am heathens at our doors—varitable
pagans •as any bit China The Syracun
Journal says that a aeries of Indian Councils
have been held daily at . the Onondaga Ow
tie, for the past fortnight. "On Friday last
was celebrated ,the insportant rite of sacrifi
cing the Whit& Dog I The culomuy vic
tim was immolateda flaming pita, with
all the formality and ircumitance of ancient
teams among the Iroquois, in present* of a
pagan portion of the 'nation, and numentdia
white persona, spectators. On Tuesday law,
this crowning festival of the Indian year, al
ter a cadinunce of nine dap, Was eland
With the writing and wonderful cerrentagy
of the War Dance. These observances aYs
it— ;ealltraul in the midst of a Christian coup
annuity with all the reverence, solemnfty,
and cal of ancient times, with a punctua
-Ity d devotion which shows the regard
thee hive for the institutions of their
fath d with what tenacity l
Z they still
~. . • ancient cnstome'
T Itsorrs ovrwrerwo.—ln Alexander's
• the Jesuits had made themselves all
powerful in some parts of Poland. A doh
land owner and possessor of six thousand '
peasants at Peitz, the Jesuits head quartets,
was so wrought on by the artful assiduities 1
of the society, that he bequeathed his whole
fortune to it at his death, with this stipule- 1
don—that the Jesuits should bring up his on
lylson, and a ft erward give him balsam
portion of the inheritance they Ghoul choose.
When the young man had reached e age I
of twenty, the Jeruitsbestowed on three
hundred peasants. He protested TO ement-
ly against their twarpatice, and a snit
against the society ; but his f a will
seemed clear and explicit, end after having
consumed alibis little fortune, he Wand his'
1 1
claims disowned by every tri in the
empire, including even the gen eral amena
bly of the senate. In this seemmgi hope-
len extremity, he applied to aoe attor
in St.-Petersburg, famous for inex-
Wastage fertility of mind in matte of can
ning and chicanery. A ft er having n eed'
the will and the documents coma d with
the snit, the lawyer said to his ellen "Your
bosineasis dans ;if you will pro • me ten I
thousand rubles, I will tutdertake topro cure
an imperial ukase reinstating you in 0 :DOI!. 1
session of all your father's property ' The
young man readily agreed to the ain, I
and in eight days afterward he was master i
of his patrimony. The decision w led I
tothis singular reenit rested solely on the in- 1
terpretation of the phraze, they shall give
him whatever portion they shall choose,'
which plainly meant, as the lawyer main
tained, that the young man was entitled, ex.'
elusively to each portion as the Jesuits chose;
L. e. to that which they chose and retained to
themselves. The emperor admitted thiscu.
lions explanation ; the son became proprie
tor of 5,700 peasants, and the Jesuits were
obliged to content themselves with the three
hundred they had bestowed on their ward in
the fret instance. Assuredly the moat adroit
cadi in Turkey could not have decided the
case better.—Foreigs Quartelly.
ELT Da. lidcLermis Gaut Ream too TIM LIM
Counnmv.—Tbe proprietors of this celebrated med.'.
eine, are in dilly receipt of the most gratifying testi.
menbils ee to the excellence of this remedy. Dr. Me.
Lane , * Pill, In eases wield, had been given op sue In.
curable by the toned akin.) phialelens, hove been cured
latutedlately, so soon so these .Pills have been admin.
Menai. These certificates have been published, and
lave been so ounterone, that It Innow mi established
fact, that bleLenes Liver Plus are the best medicine
Lose no time, therefore, ye that refer ander that WO
of mongrel, the Liver Complaint, bat:hasten to p
ohms and are these pills.
For suhs - by 1. [IDO k CO, No. CO, corner of Fourth
and Wood n.. Pitt3bUICIL Larl64frarliorS
Another Witma= era the Staa&•
Mt S. M. En—Allow me to expreas to you my
heartfelt thanks for lb. great bandit I have received
from SD tulle= milled PETROLEUM or Rocs Cat., of
which you are the bole proprietor. 1 bad =earl= to
use it about the Ist of January, La a violent musk of
Rheumatism, which was vary palatal; tying about
from place to place, =compacted with swelling,
so as to keep me In Constant torture. 1 used the Pe
troleum externally, a few appheatioas of which ea
moved all pain, and every symptom of the disease
! am now entirely well, and would take this occasion
to reeesomend the Petroleum to all whom= be seer
lag ander Ma agonieiog pains of Unmade= or bin
: dred &roues. !Signed] Ouzo. Wuitax,
near Perry Moose, Pittabargh.
Erflee general adierusement In =ether =lama.
Ask the gnashes of purchasers to their
11flaseh they Wall will compare favorably, both in
011001 sea 0.05;91.1, With that of ooy
ether Deese, either here or in
. the Eaatern Ewen •
- reas.m.ln" •
IillprOV•1111111111• V tioallitr
DILSTEARNS, lane of Booton, ts praparad
inanafaetare and sal Riau. Tara in whale and pans
of aass, spas Sactlon or Annoapholia &Mina Kama
TOOTSACIOICSIOSO wry. mart" when the mesa u
Itzpodod. glimaad neat door m the May
an! newt, Awdin Arca; Puna:mat. ...
itusx ro—J. B. BlL.Paddeo:R. &Batas. late
Dentist. Canner °Mona
and Demur, benweea
Patine. Luzon legoal—Prepared by J. W. Melly
William street, N._ ,Y. and for salo by A. Jaynes, No.
ID Fowl meet. Ths will be Wan d a d delightful arti
le of beaux(' W familleu and pattieslarly for Melt
MEW, improvod amalgam prepara
tion, being a eambinatlea of Cocoa nan iota:went, bt
'Mowing and palatable, highly recommended panic.
alarly for lutalida Prepared by W. Voter, Dorehes.
mob .. Maw and for .ale by A. JAYmES, at the Peale
Yea e. N 0.70 Fat rth Bt. Imelda
rIANAL BOAT FURNTrUBZ-1 have on toad a
kJ large assortment 'Meek Frames, Swingle/tenths,
Blattrat.e.,Com t ona.Qatha,Palovva,ShaaltßliPaaad
every article warned for Canal Beats. WM NOBLE,
• alto Beek of Mubarak
Nlll ,!MARKET STREET, between Third and
Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, PA THOMAS PAI,
MICE would respectfully call Ha attention of his
friends and monomers, to his resent extorter and
general stock of merehan Ame rican be found terairst.
prima every chscrlpoon oand French Wall
Paper and Border Inc Parlors., Halls, Dining Rooms.
ilea Chambers, Catalina Rooms,te 'malting from
cents la a pleas. 80 MU • dive city of prices
and qualities ran hardly fail to sail the circumstances
and tastes of purchaser. who may favor with their
patronage r lhe old established Hand on Market Street I
met d•ll3m
J. D. WILLIAM, it CO.,
warding and COMMiSIiIIII Merchant., Dealer. in
Contary Produce and Pinsbargh Mannfactures, cor
ner of Wood and FM carter., Pittabogin
Pinsborah. March 12.
nu . FMB-SO bap prime Rio and Java;
jCiesineas-40 be. monk!, dipped, and gonna; I
Canna-160bn Cream and English Dairy;
Poans-lin doe Hemp and Manilla;
Cassia-PO Mawr,
thosp-10 id Canaan and half gpanDb;
ilma-16 brigand half brie Mackerel and di almon;
Guar--W be. monad dm;
Haws-1.900 Prime Yardman
lbs 8 Degas F
and Cared
M ;
lea-10 dos Martha= Mask and Copying;
blossaalis-4* bus N Osinanq
D 3 half brio Raper Houle;
Munson-10 dna moved esnisters;
Vsassessist-60 Ms do
Naws-ill* kegs aspired;
Pieces-1 dos lan snorted;
Funnueo-90 bashes haloes;
Yarn--b 0 towns damned;
Pairass-103 lb. Bordeaux;
Roar- 00 tes Rosin and Cast Mph
sonar -40 binds N Orleans and Clarlged;
Tos-410 pinks/es Green and Blank;
Tosesso-110 bag lg,k 1 lb lam
Woes Boaxas-40 donpatent Zink;
For sale by J D WILLIAMS & CO
sulle Corner or Meth and Wood sts.
anduslined agars for sale one
Iwo story Pram kloon—throo mows and kitchen
a rood cellar mac. all—lot 13/ fast thou, 60 feat
des p, tuls suds good to dta panbaser, oa Esplanade
Wee:, Allegiunay City. Pries low. Inquire a No. 33
Wood street. null) JOHN B .
paper of serious sloes always on Swot wawa& to
order. tdsailla, Shoo, and Tea Paper, flumw and Rag
so W l7,lls =d e l . :WV: l ly Post WIIPAIS P Itri f"
ould es Wood mt..
PIO LEAD-1M lb. Soft GAR. Lad for sale by
nutil C It GRANT.
REFINED SUOAHS-190 bele crashed, powdered,
and cleated, for see by
mrIS is for the Pt. Levi. Refinery.
/ILLHWED SYRUP-2I barrels for eale by
k./ rule J A HUTCHISON #.
P •
LesTER YA.IIIB-16 brls Plumes Pit ric
brls Buono Pinter for sale
by (o3r18) F VON BONNIIOI3BI lb CO
CANDls_so —b
ANL garif.l LFF
VON 80NN1101047.-43-Y
i CON-15 casks shoulders, •.prline article. just
BreCei•ed on canal . g o n Eo nn. R at6 E r co
'downs, AND RICE—
A 7 kbds prime N 0 tlagar,
E 4 : l ll l .7 :4 landmgmllß :60ufrot:ist_ezr
sow.* AA.
SODA Kau..
JOHN brava, tor • E9 Ata by
__No 33, Wood Meet
a.u. r .scdmigh 11Fampo"WItheal ii/vmll.
(stb Ward.) Feb. Eldi, Ii d.
S S the lath Ott , l mm i p,
111. eery severe add. The night follow*,l smato
bed earlier than usual, yet noteritastmiding I had • pt
Dee. th e e i e e, bade , my cough wee Iceman t
om ad ...deep, wither etwld Muse in the room nab
. The wee s sleeping with 121.2 Vele SO Sneed an
noyed by my toughing Mai he eat up and want to a
drug more and bought • M
one 4w of +hleh, ade or Year Cough sy r "
m great aatoairhmeat. mopped
ray esegh as if by meet. I weal towerk la the morn
ing, arM ma near quite well. Yoe.,
Joan Dam
I hereby certify that lam well etbealated the
..,i mm wortees, and that the Makatea gMed S 2
"no. •Jeetantoe
Corner CPI lam and quarry Wmeub ' hih Word.
07'Prepered and sold by It BIILLIC4B,67Weod
need,. end wild by Oruggiath Pac•ll7 to the ewe
titles end vieintt aria
0 4)AP-1141 b. Cincinnati m stora,_ BTU _
ithw a erlar
C ANZes—as !as No li
• • - lasigvliat
ALL p ioninfatuated are hereby 'paid t
Lava applied to the Court of Common Pleas of
i b P.11.2'71.1214 tat dalatour LS
an Insolvent debtor, and that said Goan allt aro, led
Igantrday,;the sixth day of April,Dso, at 10 otalick
for the hearing of me and my eWhors at tiosCourt
Roue, in the MK of Pittsburgh. •then and where all
penterts will show cause, [(any they hare, why I shall
not be discharged according to low.
Phim Township.
Dianlatloa of Porgan•rahtp.
MBE Pancorship hsietofore existing ander Me nun
1. of EA•rards, Jones & Co, seas (Unsolved by 126113111
consent, on the La th ine..bY the •filhdessral wir
Jones from the canners.
The business of the late firm WI be oeuleA by the
remaining partners. R. EDWARDS,
THE subscribers will continue the manufactere of
Platform Realer, Lucks of mires. kinds, Latches Re,
coder tho firm of R. EDWARDS A CO, nd tool
Pectfelly solicit • share of the public pauor.age.—
Warehouse, In Irrin's Row, Water sr. below Pony.
A. N. M.
Spring floods and Shishions for 1850
. .
HAS jest opened his Bonn Stock. consieting ores ,
ery description of GOODS nimble for city trade.
The Cloths, Canimeres and %resumes hay. been *eke.
tad with peal earn from the latest importations, and
ampule a part of every Cuss that Is new and hand
some for/SPRING and SUMMER WEAR. Thomson.
mem of Yesdnp Is lima:ally largiYand varied, both in
style and quality. and cannot be excelled. if equalled,
by any other establishment in this city, either In QUA.
161.11111. 01 01.1C1
Also. a
now.Myle of TWFAID CASSIMERE, adopt
ed far Businees Coam and Pants. 11020110( Goods of
seen deseription,mch as Tweeds, CrwltmentUn.
inn Cloths, Drag; IPFAes, Re. The entire stock will fa
'stably compass with any mock of goods opened
herelotare io riniburgh.
Mr. J. C. Warn` well known chill and testa as a
Caner, will prows an ansplelolooolte to all who may
favor thls .establashment with. Ocir mders, Mat they
will have good and fashionable wort as can be
ptoduced by any house in the East. and at mach tow.
On sneer. as have been acknowledged by many who
have triad both. I vermin farther sloto, that I WILLI war
0101 an good Ala fashionable Goods as cut be [mod in
the Eastern market, and at marl lower pokes.
A largo and general assortment of shady made cloth.
log is on hand, mode in the proment Spring Fashions,
nom ruing Dress, Prot:kited Basin.. Coats often ta•
test atyle, made of French, English, and American
Cloths, of all fahhihnablePANTALOONS of
every description of plain and fancy Coalmen:a of the
latest style; Cloths, Patanet and Bummer Goods, Vests
of the best Sitim mdrilts; plain and fancy Marseilles;
Cloths, Cashmere, Si; and other arttelealn the Cloth
ing line. All Liannems made at 40 are warranted
be cut and made in a good workmanlike style, and will
he sold low for cash.
F None " )!r n s% V" rTj oed lf ro pai d . anetit oliak e
la . Wholesale purchasers will find the stock at 49
a moat desirable one to select • cheep and beaatlio I as
sortment front. rmarl44l F. DfliaNY.
No IL Feared Street.
1r 14gmim his /,lttggliam
se., eon:prising in part the following, ea:
Run Sep...loyal Velvet pll. Cantos,.
' " t
st English and American Damsels
Kura Superfine L 946.131,4 v
d Superfine,
Extra doper patantelendlo
Roped:no do do Rom
Tufted Rog.;
thipertne Insuln carrs,
Extra Goa
Common, all wool; "
union "'
44, and 1 Tap Van Cu
44, e and 1 Twrill'd Carp. -
44.1,1 .4 14 plain Cu.
Wt awl Rad Carpau,
8-4 Panted Cotton Cs rpet...
Lyra Wilton
Common do
Chenille Door hints;
84,74, 6-4, 6.4, 4-4 aoo I
Oil Chbs;
6-4, 6-4. 44, and Matting.
both polo= Vil Cloth.
for ado.
COocit ThOuVio.
EMI Erlitted Viir-00711
Primed wooled
Blue and Drab Clahs
Cnamon Planks:
Linea and nrostaid .
, Dansaak Star I.7neoi
Turkey Red Cidrunts;
Churn, Bordering;
Bonlish Oil Cloth Table
Brosrli e'rn tinen eramb clothe
Woolen .
rSaasa Bud r litala;
w thaggeln
Carpet Bindings;
hut and Coco Wits;
Alleant and Skeleton Mat;
13 4 and 4.4 Green Oil Cloth
for Made;
Naekebaek Diaper;
Comb Od Mount;
Detonate for Lining.,
Watered Mortis.
Bar Holten - a Tor WAhades;
Franca trans],
Venetian Winds;
Harittng for Flags;
74 and 1.4 Table Llnet;
Rid Crash;
Scotch Diapers;
Brown Limey Naptiolo
German Oil Cloth Table
Covers; '
Smarr Om Cur= from smo,
the most approved Eng
lish and Amatoan manofamorms from t 2 to 24 feet
Ia width, which will be eat to fit rooms, halls, and
vestibules of any aim or skew.
The undersigned Itasille imported direct from EM
lend, hi. Velvet Pile sad Tapmtu CARPETS. These
Csaype tan dw p atterns,
a o n f d
th latest a npd
r m o o e st m ee lors.
wtit be sold at prices as low.. they can he perchamd
for in any of tha eastern eitim.
Having the largest as A
sort4nt of the richest and
PLY and INORAIN CARPETM erhicalar surpass , .
in qualify and eheminess of prioe.any 6.40M1e
before brought to the. city. Ile also Invite. Steamboat
hire and Coach Manufacturers to his taro and well
selected assonment ofTRIMMINOIL and other article.
necessary in their basilicas.
The eaderstgoed is also agent ler the only Stair Rod
Manufactory to Philadelphia, and is prepared to sell
lower U. can beg...based elsewhere In this city.
bloodroots Country' Itrotamos for 1.1.1
THAT boautiGil brick loose with about cm were al
goand, well supplied wi t fruit tremi and
ay, situate on the Ohio river, lathe lower part of Alla
'belly city, now to the occupancy of Simi bf Wicker
shata,,Eaq. Fcamassion give:3,llm.
For particulars and terms
mrl42wd Fourth above Smithfield sta.
AFARM, on the Ohio Rim., about 50 miles below ,
Wheeling, in Ohio, containing 300 acres, Ilk first
nue deer bottom, ablaut SOO acres under fence, good
dwelling booms. ham, a fine orchard, and other in,.
prevements. This Wm will be sold low, and Is one of
the most desirable on the river. For further panne•
lars esquire of Whi II JOHNSTON, 111 Ynd et.
To LET—The more on Markets; nen doom F.
Will be rented low W IL good WWI 4 end pone.
non given imnlndiately. TOO tonne 11DV 10
oirligdif WALTER BRYANT:I Libeny oz.
Sherlock ow Dltolaa Providence. •
SECOND stuthricait' edition. I vol. Mao 2311..prm
well printed en fine white paper. This hitherto
very warms mid exceedingly valuable Work haVinel
been published by J. L. Read. It is recommended by
gowns' of the clergymen . of Ibis city, of thgemet dm
no-min &italic and In one week nearly 4W copies bane
been eirenlawd in Pittsburgh and enburba,
Orders hr the works. , invited.
15 , 9 7 .1 U . 5ag . diseoato to wholesale parehasen. Ae
. 1
For sale at the Methodist Book Depository.
SUPERIOR MOULD CAllDLES—Protersontetion'.
brand, in entaU bones, 10 Ws each. to afford Web ,
he. as opportunity or ascertaining their. superiority.
For nit at the confer of Rob 111•011 and. Federal streets`
Allegheny, by 1ntr111431•1 FRANCL9 MAIM
Coen -755 bus rood, and for vale by
mrls W A JOHNSTON, 1145th st
OATS—Sabin for Ada by
P.l Eu BEEF ~ th and for.ol or
QUO&K CUROD LIAM 6-3 Ire. pariorjulTireN
0 end for sale by forte] WICK & BaeCIINDLESS
TIMOTHY SEED-4 bbl. Jost reed, and Co. tale Ili
..i6 WICK. & StexeroLess
O SUGAR-200 bbds jut teed, rind tor übt by
IURPENTINE-10 bbls ad hand and far see by
N . 0 MOLASSES—Ha bbl. iu 11016 and fni Web).
DOLL BUTTER-10 bbl, roOd and far oda by
M. torte W BAOALEY &CO
MOLASSE.I-60 Ee ls In oak, far sale by
lan a
SUO m It-Saputior N
;Tr, ty
I)ACON—Homo, aate too thy cored; abooldors, 4000
do do; dotes, 7000 do do, la eon and for We by
-F LOUR-150 bbla 8 P Floor, 60 do extra !ugly do,
Jost rated and tor rale by
LOAPSUOAR-140bbl• saell No. reel and fin sal!,
CRAB CIDER-10 1,611 superior, ht do. for eale by
=NI SORBS! r : • WILSON tco
DDRIEDpEscHES—tu bus • • • ebe, Or gala by
~lft _ -=it.*•njj~7'f?~}fßPTTf.;•ir7~l !J
Ik/rOLARSES-20 bble N O,jatt reed and for We by
01 mdo 8k W NARBAUCIII
71IICE to crcsin sum.ndfor~dab
mrlE et W HABD QOIi
DRIED PEACHES-200 bor. - prim Ohio baleen In
suire and (or sole by [mad] St. VI , p6HHAUGH
WINDOW OLASS,C.CO awfd .I;es, 04 and
for Mehl =l6 Bt W UABBAUU U
LARp-48 bbl., 7 hf do No ',now landing from sow
Pon POI, for We by
BACAM-19 hhde .coned , now knifing ed , from moo
m Fort PM, for We by
F'EIi:ATM:RS—On hand, far sale br
rade ISAIAH bicKEya
WHITE BEANS—For sale by
SODA ASII-13 cull. Koala reOd wia for sale b
Md. No. 144, Liberty meet
C ORN -lm
lIIUTTER-20 ksp Na t Battu la slam; far sale try
BROWN a KIRK raTßlolt.
ARD-5 0 keg. No I Lauf in more, aole . by
SUGAR /10LASSP---2 0 0 V i.N d•N o o 32 B . o h ltr;
IS do Dud a-rooe nd ill do.
fu store, for sale by DROWN & KIRKPATRICK.
B ACON -27 esbky 6idea Jot ralv ti cand V ale by
Yorl6 14 Liberty .0 ect_
P citiEft=lidth . .ut - WraTi;ETWri,i
171 J. &
No. 60 Wood in.
rd BLACK-31., lum*, fot.salniDD
AND PACER—Kg Mink.. Smhh patent. for sale K 1
otrICI J. KIDD ba CO.
VILUE VITRIOL-900 ponds for rsdr by
Di 'ltirlO 1 KIDD &
INDIGO—x+O poun4. ILI BUM .ndWrby
m OLLEISES-230 pl.talloo.loal coop.. gab
30 brls Sugar H 0..., for W. by_
writ - C. Ij. GE.Lm.
"1 - 1-I f EAT R
I.eme and Manage*
First night of trestrreV Ams,
On Monday, much va r tis t f t rud -
!W.A. A. Adams,
411 r. Tnghzi.
Nis. Forum,
soak by Was Albenuma Volts.
• •
To c 00 1 ... shit the
Ret ylor.
. Mrs. Tdektroo Mrs R. Itlichol.l.
To woriot, Mr. Add.. will app...
Apollo Untie Wilmartla atasselts
eed.rsigned hen the epicentre of annoseethlr
the einsena of Pinshargh, and thepublie pena
IOM b. km, at great tremble and crea w . me , '
eeeled in establieblege hi....
city. The col
leetant of <lntratities Ls ageeedingly extensive,;eno
innejole endlem Twisty of the rate and carious
works of tattle, as well as of an
,Thase who Susie men have pronouneed it as we
end only to Ustnenth celebrated .1014W:tent in New
York. Tics peat and, of the Proprietor has been to
bring together sack Mina as ere calculated net only
to gratity the eye, bat else te lemma the taste; and to
• (ford ineueetion to the Minds of the young as well as
old, and to render tt every wey worthy of the attention
of la Intellieem and ming ea
like ours This
ob*et the Preprielot faUy believes he hes attained,
and he relies with Lou th upon the pldronsp of a
itberel public, to mouth thls new entenniee, which ls
seknowledged by all to be a dathiersone very amen
needed in thin city. reruns disposed to sake dona
tions of curiosities to the aleseant, will please give
their history, with names of denerts;which shall have
aconspicuous Paces the Dues=
Tee Alaseum will be open daily, from II Ito!eieek
on mercies, and from to 6 o'clock in the 'after
nowt, and in the evening from 7 tot° o'cleck.
Ade:dose., 25 unto—entldron ended it years of
age, half priee. dem= tickets to be, had at the hie-
JohsD. Davis. Alma tlaikeer.
Rdail ;Sack of Dry Moods.
O MONDAY MonOrg, Moak IBM, at Mu o'clock
the Commercial Mel Room, earner or Wood
and KIM Meets, Mll be cola—ka extaimore auto*
OM al - restorable ample sod Farley Dry Good, ear.
hraciny the mock of a Dry Goods merchant, mho has
doellned that bmook of bosintaa, and mon Da sold to
clue a concern. D DAM, dram
mrld •
• Anstrna Sde if Irmo Bea. •
ON MONDAY allarrwon, March ta,h, at 10clock,
at th e Comoterclai Sales Mx.. onmor or wood
and Finn moots, will be cold witiontreseryt, by order
of Wm . M. Bhion. Eq., wipe , . of IL & J. L. Rail for
cash currency, tJ Iron Sae. of vinous don=
”mplea of which may to .ono et dot &Want
a coal waves, 1 cocaina int. and 6 Mao&
curia • JOHN 1) DAVIS, Asa.
teem, George urea, Plyautath, Engin& • The
niumners beg to acquaint their namerm patrons that
me met Distribution of Portraits of Rams Nomes, wil l
careptite those entered for the forthcoming Oratal
Natioeal Derby Rama the elm shares to be
limited to 6,000 each elm. Fame member Alt
second elate ditto lA. Fatly application fer the
appropriated 'hues l, tmecesery• A party seLectilt.
leg for more then one share hes the chimera 'ethane
an equal etunbar boom. nom memberserho draw
the vane. Portraits will be presented with the fel
lowing sam—
Portrait of in class bonuses Id ditto
Winner, or First Horse g./0,603 AMOCO
booed florae.... 00 4 000 .000
Third lionat . P.M 4,
Divided amonget hasten.... COM 3Acv
Non-Starters 6,000 3,00
There are ma bonuses io each claseohel being the
nurienr of horses mitered for the race. The Drawing
will be mdected upon the same legitimate principles
as dement/eh charecterlsed the late St. Ledger cud
Mel proceeding. Fall petherdars of the malt will
be seat to absent members immediately after the de
claim, that each may know kis main.
Sabscribers regietered and co rip forwarded en ee-
Mot of a remittence. Bill, of Fachenne, Duets, Bank
Nom,. lic„ adders. ed and made payable to the
Meneging Directors. W. lAMBI &CO.
Flee per emit. oamralastenlo be - reOnead
presentation of bemuse
Waging IllobaßlL
li/ADAUE BORNSTEIN raspentfally annoanees to
LIE tie citizens of Pittsburgh. that We Wands open
ing bur 9itrltor Scheel an the In of aped next The
pas/lit iil. divided into classes, adapted to their Me,
their Weal, and =geld attainments._ Memo lessons
eon be easneoneed hantediandy.
ktattante Bornstein can be wen every aflame, be
tween 9 and a o'clock, at the death!' of Mr P Stack,
in bib at between Martel and Wood sts. =rlll-terd
1 - 4.01 , V4.1.1W 4 .1.itr•
• .Pluslargh. trail
itel6lNB—do boxes bleach raising
40 tour boxes do do for We by
lT rola UNN Y HLGS-1.10 Gamy Bags, for C
Wmums by,
lj Market et, have opened an invoio• of &Impala, 0.1-
,fornia blankets, al r hJ. pnses than du farmer
rIFIEES6-100 on WR, Man and tor sale by .
mrl3 8 Wlt
L A L D I - 5 9)bb.N . , kgs ?Ai: , l a n. tn i t for tit,
MW — Pi!blaPl l, .. , toed sad for Isla la
NEW SHUN° 000DS—AL A Meson t Oo Write
the attention of their patrons and the petite, to
Wetr extettelve mock of sew soling petit, complain
the meet fashionable styles of auks, Molds, mum
goisleonnuralug do. housekeeping do, he. New goods
constantly neared, by the antral of almost every
packet ship sad reamer. =l4
- -
F'OI4IIJR-2510 bbl. inipenor 6 doe; 76 do do -• •
family; ID do &ye do, in stone wafer sale by
mete • BTIMET & BILL
cuaN—tpo sks YaDow, itt and . fa/ is
lIERSE-606 bilereatra W Lis Mae, Sad Gmy
sale by mrl4 STUART a SILL
BA . C . O Ie N b 7HOILLAERS-641 u 0t
J erk Igulap
ACON-117 e
fn . silo by
mn tooad anivi aim, Pon
bbls2l: I to artivo o¢ Irmo Potintt. br
•a r ler lS- Idl im Ilijan DICEY A CO.
1, :ix3;1:-..tnunrmtliTrmmo7a41 1 triM
tLIME-124 b 1 W & Catania bI C
(10D FlB/1-14 anon, for eats low by
mrl4 C H GRANT, 41 Winer
p 01.1,11111717.11-10 Wm fresh In claim reed mat
fonds by ma 4 IBoANPI6LB
CIJOAR-14 bk.* loc =A, aqd tor We bi
COR m ll i r ItO?IiLS —6O dol 3 li foL.l=i
DEAVEr. BUCKETS—OM, in store and Car sate
SHELLED CORN-1600 bei reoV, mei tar sale by
1.7 mrl.3 AiteLSTRONG . CIILOZ ER !
1.0U4-434brla extra !Milt Near ay • II bT
C hi. Ili 14 . 100 do cretin, la More and
for IWO by : milt • DALZELL &CO'
01 , 1 ;1 1 4 3WITEIV-7 . tibia roll r&d, mot fir irrabi
Bli b C , ON LIIIC 4 II.ILDERS-7 etimagummi
VIUNG 4ELECTION.—WiII be nooolvod,.b) . 11 tot
CI canal abdomen:3olnm =I colon essormoot of
NW Paper, if the4ation Womb and Eutotn 'tyke,
in gad, as:col/oak, plain and bob colors.
Ilorsa,Oartiota, and Batty,for labs:
A.FAMILY CARRIAGE, modern slads,naarly wee,
oak Mansur_ •
A good second band HUBBY, and—
A good family 1106814 Apr:reedy parka for soli,
orrsrll xehaopsi rot znendrandlna. Address,
Box 11, pos t twee. • •• • •;
-- - .
MUM Csvputacriliip lisselotors alining between S.
LAU. Ilusbeabl awl Atha McGill, under do Arm at
8. FS, linsubsid as Co., is this day dissolved by mall
casuist. Tea business of tee old Ann will bescuisd by
8. al Oushfisl, at
Mittel'. MO.
stand, Nara Liberty anima
• the Wholesale aßd Retail Goods awl
orogen' business, at the old stand, Na. -• Merry
under Ibe Arm of 41.8 gUlalFll4.l) t CO.
March 1, le-30.—(mr12 -
UOAR-49 bbd. soie and en sale by
1t \ 4 woad u
Wr nol, by elven, aloe of now lay!. Noodle
orked Coat% Utile oank GM cornet of Fount
ad Mallet au. •
mil] MURPHY 1 &Mr"
irWAra tIMU . lbo—Hin,b3
:Cboeolatei 100 !us Bakers No y i
te• t?.55r • 50 boxss.#slcors Breau l / 4 1v
.-- —.
an Bra Wit ienetred so
(CT the Manflietmrs.
LD cANULES-70 Wk. No '1 ned, and Cu
eby ran{ IitIiCIALFX &OD.
1,A110011.-70 lals winter duziond red% and lit
dal. nul4 Wld HAGALEY lt
°SIN! SOAP-300 bxs on handload for sale by _
m 11.4 BAGALEY k
_ _ • _._.
ACON-10 cla Llano & tiboalastr, far sale by ;
fl 4
li g'i nfr7l l-'—"° 4 °' col'v7c"irT aVI'N' mess.
10)0TA!ilt—ti eta Youth foreats
URCIIY k BUBCIIFIELO Minima teed sm.,
ivy. Cybi u beak can earner of
Fourth and Martel .t..
tut and 15 bill., la /non end for We by.
MACNIEREL-100 I r lo o : Ll a ge, M d 1111 . b4p!c.
I store and for UAL,
'MEAN CHEESE—ISO nu In sten and faeude by
ALREL&TUS—W bzs arid 6 caasi to mom and fin
10 . eale by and JB.CANPIFAJ)
ScoRCIIED SALES—I bias Dr sale by
on:, .1 CANFIELD
DACON-13ST.. reed WICr sale by
LATID-1: No Leal;
lart3 a"K•itViIIeCANDISSS
rIIABLE b-.Ramltriluiss
s . re k ai PACKET LINE.
ENCOUBAGED br the liberal patronage emended
to all reedit . r arid eondamed Ltnea,the cent
ers of the folkiernig One steamers have arranged th em
ides • Lae betereee Piesbareh and Loalsville.
One of the boats anti mallard, leave Pittsburgh ou
!gym M=DAT, WICP3DIAT. and Farhat Evoto%
at 0 Welt:mit—tall or not thll.
• The . drat boat of the' Linn mill start oa Monday,
Feb:mare With.
Sowed Geineo•---• • • •Caplain T. Mom.
S. Taylor. •-• • • -- Luca.
Hamburg a J. Saturate,.
Wen Nearten.• • • AL Bally.
Fainnoant •• " ahem
• Captain Wawa' LlEntrati.:
This apleadid lent was built by tha
owners of the summer lease Newton,
and ethers,' far the Cincinnati and
Usbargh Packet trade; .and oral
commence making her thyralar trips in the lino, on
PUNDAY, the 17th inst. •
r"fre*""""g relatitlg i ggr l L Alo
Nth pit:TO:
The splendid fart running mama
matter, (having andergone a char
. othsinStpalt) wilt nut hereafter as a
-regular packet between Pittsburgh
and Wheeling, leaving Pitubargh every Monday,
weduesdey and Friday awnings, ail cecina. For
freight et Parthde ' orP I Y e ?vl" . .. 4a h alm, drum
• Th°
Maletoe, Miner
t , will l
L.. eave for the
re lad ell iaterme
Twain!, the leth ports
For Kellett Of palilje, apply OD b
oard. or to
otarlfl J C FEVIIORE%V,
- ,
' • - Ike caurely leer and staunch *Lama
.. . • , • MILTON, • .
Joke B. Davis, natter, will leave for
abot.e and all intermediate hod
lath on Wreneaday, thelleh Inn, at 4 P. M.
r Itibori will recent By freight to New' Olken.,
with privilege of rtbehiy di
plug at or betoe• Mclennan.
For feight, fer.. app. on board or
. roirrotasvniv.
. . Th. Ana paaserigu CS'amer ."
Bhbens4 master, will leave for the
as " !nal all' Intermediate porn
"as Monday, the 18th nen at 4 o'clock, P. M.
For *NAM and • . app on board,
FOR SP. Louts st4D - MISSOURI sivr-s.
.The sPleudid summer -
IL C. Grsyousster, arill 'leave for the
lug all all luterasediste pans ou
Monday, the 19th isst.„ at 10 skluek;ll7. N. - -
For freight et passage apply on boast arta.
• male / T.l ionv.s. ax,_
The tilendid stoma. PORT PITT,
Afilleronatter, will lesve for above
and all istermedia..poria on Monday,
thih 1.4, at 10 o`eloelc, A. hi.
For freight or passe.,itOcidliGEbr=il„, An. •• - -
li k an
. FOR NEW ORLEANS. . • . .
TWA fine steam,
Smith, otosterovill (care for al,
port or Monday, the 1 9 ‘h toot, " "
o'clock .... x.
board, or•lo
Fr " i
% gh '" " mg" 7 1"' t
1m r 0 _ NE WT ON omes Adr
The Harald fan passenger packet
Kinney, master, oral leave for
e above and a intermediate ports
on thls4ar, at IlOotelock, A. M.
For nit& or pelage, apply on baud. I=l4
POLI& . •
.. • .
, Tlte oplendid fast r iarming steamer
stw Oolf,, muter; vrill• leave for above
all , unermodiate ports Santriay,
the HIM DM, az 4 o'clock, P. IL
For lea trr pasomps. apply on board, or to
not -•-• " PEPTIOREW & CO, eats
Emit rieseviLLE. .
The sple.edid causer
Wgkies, Muer, tell) WILT, ler above
use Jamme:gate P.M NI guarder,
the 10th tau A WILMS. Agee:.
The 6.
N he. and sta ATO..R, steamer
LWro. Dean, muter, aril! Maim foriba
boy. and imeratedisto ports, 013 Sat.
orday. Month inac, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
For freight or passage apply an board or ro'
• - The fins coat riming Mame
Mk - • OHIO
toopsoantorowill leave ford. kiore
aad all lotenoodlato landings =Ma
d do 18 th log; at 4 o'clook, r• Al
aml• IM baud, or to
For Oelahl or D ow l . ' W . A. WHEELER, death
place mauler
Car. klatean, leaves baths above
a all Latenewilais pons laa
awe, las ad. Nam lu / 0 W.W.11. a-
Faunal& ev paassita. ophr oa N.M. • eall4-
. Capt. Jones 11. lfaaleti, will Icaie as
TO, 011 Ob. day, the Sth Mae*, at
o'clock. P. -
For freight at pump T r !, ott bond
J or to
The ariletulid fast running aglllor
vaLllsnediet, O El ll llll r, Isl " lllsay . e . .fer the
se and all inienneeialoYeets on
this key, the fah March, at 4 o'clock, P. M.
log freight or passage apply on hoard; or to
Cap 4 e.ope, will have for the above
W . Intermediato . pone; on Ale
day, Ih m nth Mit, at 4 P.M., positively. . ' .
For freJight Of mama aprtly on board. mate
. ; The eplendid steamer . , . -
HAMMED, .. •
4 lillnefelter will leave for above
1I intermediate pone oe this day
at 0 o'clock, P. M, • •
For (Might or pasiage - apply on botrd.
i'Oft Sr. LOUIS.
Thesplendid plowmen mama,
C.l.p W. hortonor in leave for above
andall intermediate landolge on thu
day, 1411. Inst., at 10 o'clock, A. N. - -
For freight or paseagreAf g on board, or
The splendid_ geezer
, Resets aastor,'will leave Ibr the
ye and. all intertnediaut pone on
this day, the lath, at ID A. M.
• For freight or plunge apply on board. tarn
The tine new that draught a
. 11131141 TUCKY, •
Reclean, semen arta leave for the
vs and all latermaideste pen' ea
Ode dny, the lath InaL as 4 deleted, P. x.
grille steam beat Ireareelry will emery articles of
IPatehtugh menatulare t to aneineatt and Louisville,
for cents per 10011 m., Yds-trip. .
lot freattit or pm= oa board.
___ Ag.
tarts NO & CROZIOL
TE life or Aslard Gm*, E Bhp eat, to;
A =molt of Isnly Colqum.-iir4JfiloglistV D.
?to Eogh.b Bolin:. A conceal's", *enure, by the
moat ominous Bells. Sokllth diet ors.l vs', 8 To;
re m the lioutla to Ile Sfi 4 .ttwls
w- HY
E r ' ', ;tots WilleJ
McGhee. A 11:
Pm.% Cotwordaneo,wituware
TW Noontaane of tho BMW. By Bet Mann,
The common mamas OfiaidertlY. E 7 A 11 . WWW
Bally HMIs Illassolions,hoits oroal roulatat for
ayes', on aublesta Soot snored aMt.rnlintraykal,
Geography, *outman and:rtwelogy,apeenefly
elgood foe the Bundy alrolo, BYJaho.Kmo. D
Jaeobtse Notes on the Goer?, aeconhat to. At Mat..
thew, with a karma%
TEA CHIAN Book. By Mn Stkoneney, Moetrated
She townyleto 'mike of Jao Wawa DD , In vols.
Vaal by Ms ww, ED:boom •
For sale by A H ENGLISH i 00,
. . .
rcE co•pamenhip Imetchre ellating be Levert ,78-
e p 8.,,,,y, Ws3 Sitars% szli J. 911 .10.X.5i2df , ,
-ti mo t t er, Maas &Mosley, Is Os, asy dia.
seised by mama tosses!. . .
TM bublesi sr du ins oil: be::::::'m Me.
Z.iad Jame IS lieglsy, at Us, waselsosse, N. SS,
sown Fro:sand Wood sta. JACOB BERGEN,
dell - • • • 'us s NtaLsy.
OWednesday, the 10th or April, aad to ho too
k, nutted for never; days. will be onto ey An e tb n by
Cooler t Reese, No. 304 Broadwoy, N. Ir., tae Hoots,
Deerernes, Palodep, Ennobles and libationary, of
to hoe W. A. Coleman, halos known as a Cattegwr
awl Malaria Rare Books and Work, of Art. - -
The Catalope of this to eon he Clammed atMe
Bookaore of H. B. Bosworth, No. let Market. it, dad
blde .111 be taken and sent to limo for the oak.
Antony the works ars Aadeboolt Birds of America,
ealood at Si,CW, a eoPy of lawkapla re. wens 41*
Ns Sulu of the Napoleon Family. 'Wood or WM;
Tae ins Gladiator, .p The Rmidsida, by Asa.
see, SUMO, ie.,
For parttealan tetais of sale. roll and se* Me
ea:obese. : IL S. BOSWORTH A Cu,
otelfl4l • • BO Market •111.01
Ilatlalic Ca.
dO Ma Bat.
• d
RuhLova - Aavar'rarttatir
MOWN BUTTER-1 bbl. Roll, hut rend by
DULY MEAT—llX),ObuTt — m bulk;
" Itzli t 7 Msmui" l4.7l)l 9 . f itall k CO
I 4102.
ne Bum
!Mos, teed per Etna-
CI !upend* No. V, for 210,5 by - •
• torn' • WALLINGFORD/. CO Water xi-
' eCANDI4I2Oi,
L.R 40 casks Gomm esq;
" Soda A. Stuprans , brand, in Isom
and sal. by ROBERTSON fr. REP PERT. •
602 6 .1 3 . 1 1 arr.
11111419 et Junes blilLinpx... 4 (0.. k. e~wti 1n wk bu
mrl2 ISO Lamm , it
SEcieits—vto; . •
moo do La Napoleon;
darn do Coronas;
WO do Leon do Oro; ,
Ithtnelhserte Ptinsipe;
Tries with • 'mart' of other choice brands.
Alao—Hali Spanish and C. rumen &yrs; on noun
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