The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 18, 1850, Image 1

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    ,' l r
'rEnSr." - '7 iIaSKE:I); ;IN 1786.
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IMMITTZ 1111 n Mk
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Tina mix?. mT zoos To
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Tn,Wen ,
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• -.-. -:-.67,00 per nue
Chstok, In a reduced rat.
(lAlines erNOniareUoriess)
eh additionatinsertioa , ••
week TS
me weeks.— 4.041
o manths•—•— • —•---
mouths ..... -•••••••••-•••1014
UT T 1
One Ago;
Ono Slaw
Do. twelve months. •• ••—•••• • • WO
Standing Card (11 Ilan or kW per ararses• MOD ,
OrTeiVaire — , arireisn urer an
nom) exalt:wire of the paper.— MDO
For each additional gam, keened over Orteloo4 l / 1 ,
aria for eseh addltiarial square Welted under the Tear
ly tarea,h Of price.
fitii;;lii,;;;;"4 L'on":37,11 . 11 ° 411"
Publisher* not secountablo for Leta ..imil•emeta.
beyond he amount charged for theirpahliostion.
.Annoonclng candidate. for aka, to be charged the
lame as other adreruseuteuta "
Advertisemnt. not marked on the copy for a sper'
Ihed number of
ordl be continued sill (odd
ndpaymeut exactil accord: • - ' '
. i. , ..
l be con: I
ril : Xy P t=rarr t= and all nlxo oiler .a, r.
tlawnenta not pertaining to their molar business,
apard for, to be paid extra. - -. .. f
All advaniscarente for charitable
companies. ward. towarldp and other public mactinte,
~,a ~,,d, like, to be owned haltprica, payable etrictly
In advance. • . I
?damage notices WI be eintraed SO cent.. .
WWI notices meowed edition' charge, ludeia accOna
paniad by funeral iavialbuts or oblueary caleca,..kol
when so meeoso pulled to be paid for. w : I-
Rm. 6 10111L1Ory ran r. SZNMSZT.
71NuL1811 11F.SilWrr, ( I .b , E. 1 4 14, 41 . 11 . i. •
4.• Co.) Wholesale Orpeers, Coma/moo awl kb
..that, Mere tiards,and dealers In Produce and P 1
Surso .llanaiactares, N0.,17 Wood si, Intareco :hi au •
FULVU. -.. oat
1:,1 J. 111241tY, Attorney and Commelroi it •
.I.'t• Cincinnati, Ohio. Co ll Soritbernatio,
lila to illal3lll, and In Kentucky, promptly amt care{
fully attended to. Commisaioner for the Stara of FEII.
syle anis, for taking Depoaitions, acknowledgment.,
Me. kr.
Rana ra--Ilon. Was. Bell t Sou, Cartli, Mittel
GEORGE COCIIRAN,CommissiOa end Fonrardieg
Merehunt No. :V cod street ?lambus • ; en7l7.
I DI V B V=ONgEWART.m.ufj OaIi.
""k.6 fiebssca sue ° 11""
noirLnicrY o
la LEE, (successor to Murphy &Les,) Wool Deal
.11011, or sad Commitslos Merchant,' far the sale o
Amrtl6. Woolens, Liberty, opposite Sth st. febl7
RM. amain, lialamore. ' •
. L. i. •t1et1.014119 VA. main,
D. C. WC133.11011, WWI A. Waltaxa, $
HI:ALI) a til l elMOtt; Tobacco Communion Mar
chants, 41 rionh Water at, If Non), Whanrct,
Ere ltuw, /ONO" tr. Co., (zocOlis;r7tWillloood,
JUL Janis
) r. Co.) Co o:mailman and Forwaran=
etianu, dcaers.ul Ettiburik /Sannfactartt
Puuburgb, Pa. • '
Waa. .....
North East corner of Wood •ria Tlihditmeti •
t =
srCCIOIII snaran mu.,)
IMPORTER Dada is Freneh and Maeda. Pa
-1 per Hangings and Emden: . W indow , Ban de Fire
nomad Penns, 4.e. dlan—Wrinna, Riming sod Wrap.
ping. Paper, N0:37 WOW arias, boieen FlMlkarcet
sod Diamond anar, wain aldn Pittsbareb,Pi. ,
• --
febl3 • •
Mal. DIMLY, • 11011117 Ia, TSAIAII DICKEY ..111 Co, Wholesale Gloom. Com-
J • mission Ateretuals, sad dialersin Produce, N 05.36
Wousr. and 107 FrottUttltfts.Pina• sold)
A. CAUGLILY, AgeaL rer Altair levErle and
a/ Miehtput Line to Leaver aat the Lakeu—Orar e
out the censer of Water and tisolthfiehi ata. Jane
John S.
T S. DILWORTH CO., * Maolcs j il " Dd er vui
1 , 1 , 7 .b J:LX 1 5 , 1! ( or Hazard Powder Co.; NO. 117mWili
. . .
'off deco and Commission Merchants; and Agents
- for the Ilosard Powder. Co. of. N. Y., No. W Wood st,
PluobluFh. •
TOILS hL TOWtiMilb Lane.' end Apothecary
0/ N. 45 Starlet ale three dome above Therm. Pito4
harsh, will have eons athly on hand • well ideated mg
sorunent beet and reheat litedleincerbleh he
will sell en the moat erased/Ole Wass: Ykyaiciana
seeding • orders, will be promptly ateruledlo, and nth•
plied with articks they autth i nly upon as rehab.
Da. Physicians Proacri will be aentrately and
a t tul4rjmur, tinateria/a at any hoar of
. Also tor a, ale* alai of tenth and seed Peed
TORN WAD?, I andeeuor to Ewalt &
• Wholesale Oreeet and Commission Mercantil.
dealer in Produce and Pinatnarnb Manufactures, COT.
tier of Liberty and Halal ntreeta, Pittsburgh?. iaM
AMIN A. Hirrcalsort k Co. fSaecasror. to
Hutchison k. 0% 7 'Commiasion Merch..,
and Arcata of the Elt. Loess Sum. Sager Ramer".
Ho. 43 water and kJ front cute., Pittsburgh. - •
• lull
JOIN H. MELLOR, Wholesale said laccall dealer
in Mania .dAlnalcal I.tramenta, School Boos;
Payer, Slates, Steel Pc., Quills, Printers' Carda, and
Stettoenty gentrally,No. 111 Wood st,lpitutburgh.
Cr Rags bought or taken in trade. - • scpl3
L YOUNG & Co— Wan Le lecher &Idol; 1.4.
V V 143 Llbeny a. - ,44154 y
WCIUTCIIEON, Wholteate Grocers, dna.
. lent in Product, Iron, Nalla r qlasa, and Pius.
urgh hinnufacturea generally, IlSrlaberty tr, Pau.
VITYLL also . itierid oolloctlonn and nll other b art
yy entrusted whim to Bader and Armstrong
contains, Pa. • gofer w •
J. tr. R. Floyd, Merry st.l
W. W. Walken,
James Mnnhall - • do . Pfusborgiti
dly ixaya Co.; Wood sr. 1 ine
piconrzoilicw a. co,
Chous uon M. Aims& Co,
cm= ' N. 42 Water west
s.a. arrous,vrazas,': .7- '
W il .BL l V ALE . G dWrraroi c qti l ant fi lle i glit
ANTS. A Iso—lanyorters of Sada dab wed Elleaelsing
roarder, No. IGO Liberty (opposite Sixth et., )
brgh. eet.23
me D. ree. ' nem Weadraso
W• L.
ICK k. tIVANDLM , S, (raseassors L. It J. D.
W w
ek,) Whole Owen, Fonmadiac : ead
Commisetan liderelmats, &Wen la Iron,Nalls;Ulais,
LOU. Yaruo, or 4 Pitubargh Ahattfaztorei !merely,
emu, of Wood and. Witterareets. Pittsbnlih.
WW. WALLACE, Mill mono and MU Fairest
log establiabenen; N 0.1114 Liberty at., near ilta
TWrWii..B — N,,Watehes, Jewelry, Silver Sifiire — ,
Ty and Military Goodis corner of Market and 421
streets, Fitton. mai,- ra."Nrit--Wittelloa and Clocpa
carefully repaired... • • • dee( •
.311VEdT - I.IOWEN--Comrinsulon and Forwrardiro
rrrr Merchant, N 0.90 Front al. between Wood and
arkei stream. • Cabal
'Ur it7Sl - IrllThiY, Intact&le anII Retail dealer ta
y . Foreign and Domestic Thy Goodsounth east,
tract at Market and Foglia sta. anal
' SC rrnmsrusa. soma sitcu
t na, Msareerm.
NICOL.% Produce and General Cona
n No.eheats, N 0.17 Wherry ss.,Yinsburgh.
ditera Linseed and Lard Oita
1 - 77.VtfiN - WNNIIONST Co., Wholesale Gra
. tem, Forwardnig_ and n idereltants,
• Ileskrs In Pittsburgh blannfaetores and Western Pro.
Mice, ho removed to their runs marebause,told stand)
• No. comer or Front st. and Chancery lanai
IiEOLOGICAL,; Clautetal, - add llaallaY Setaxg
T Liaaliellen, sad &mica la all kinds al %Iltillaii,
.3 '1 11wia,,,, mat png Paper, N. 30 Mad Arcot, bp.
• tirtea Vomit aad 'Wra
M pi ama allay, Pillabas . ll&l l'a• 1
~,s . . . _ •
frallellt,' & BEST,aolotala Grocers aad tbatad ! .
a o.
t • vial Wathasta,sad. dealers in Pvalir....• •• No. 33
wool. DE&L ' EA & Coatugulan liierChaitt (0;116
.14 of AtunestrWooleoGoodJ,l.tbertycseel ,
WZ. ItaeaLlT WWI 14 C0.45Z.
W. I WOODWILID Aim 1tA0.41.117.
'ust iLIueLEY & CO, Whateroala' Grocers II?
iv and =Wood meet Prombargb. ' , aorig
; Ip_tt_g_l;O . N SEWELL; Cogusellor LaYr, ol. 7
„1 - .
.c.ou r nltitt.,abovelsmahfinld. a0c5•17
, 11 ;, CI:NF d IrLD, (late orWarten t. OWD d J ratlia . ;
i i° l‘l " eate:4lll.e:4l them Ihr , w Par and
Pearl A n , and Western Produce Iteneratll. Vala.
wet, between tbni th fisid WU! Wood, Pittsburp,..
J 1 " 1 " ,
re rill 111. " 9 1.
•t. Weed lace; one dbor Sank Dium=4 Ileyast
. .
All - 0111Cp. DAY tB, AftoolUtl, cot= 6th and Wake
KOHNnTON k. STOCKTON, .Doolnuellern, Poniard
10' mid l'apet Allnahtu
nrets,Nn.d4 diaticct st.; Pito-
•.• • •
kj!.. FLOYA.Whofes i enVeneers, Comm:elm
&=lll7* Z i tt , z Tr ' i> l Ll:e.n I. l{ l, = ' and 6th
itzteis, Piusbnixn, mY9
.1. 41,1 g8 DALZELL, Whotaude Orocer,Cemminion
/Mitcham, Mod .dealer in Produce and Pinabungh
Idsrsfaciare.. , N 0.21 Water In, Paul:ink.
0. Jl SWEITZI2, /mm, iu Law, name 31 itt.,
pPindt. Et—Charles Hotel, l'lnnbwlen. will .1.,
iadl;pmmpuy Callennons, Wa s hi ng ton. Papaw
Grow Pt
illieknoet;Rell &Co, TO
Church C a. roll." rtttiburO6
11. T. Morgan, •
d. W. lIARBAUGII, Wool Mercianta.
6.70 in Float and Produce generally: Forwarding
Corniaimion tiorauts, NO. 63 Water 04 Pins.
W . a . 3. azagikki, Beek Illiadarg. .
TUE are stul the above bosh:was, tartan
TV of Weed Ye a gram, Pittsburgh, article
we are premed wdo any work ia mu. line 'nth dos•
Nee attead to oar work panonslly,kad %Was-
LeUna In7Ll be glum In regard to lm manna and do.
. Hooks rated to say pallern and booed' sab Book, am en ln at old books !wand care.
fally or repaired... pat au books la Olt loners..
Moss that have work in dal Une are bailed to eall.
Prices low,
8e saar Oaastat ItO lL 611Rtilft. £C.
IikI'ARSHALLi WALLACE a CO, Round Church,
0.1. tenter Liberty
_and Wood strews, reanufaeture
and oder for We ri.V...'Fitroniumd Counter Scales,
oldie mat lonnovedquality; Co*ingStavotta t forovetW
and coal; £g Sieves of 'ration' area, Parlor and
eominon Orates, flolleirWare, C. &C. They tato
atanutlentre the Mtehen Range,
initisfaction to thaw ewinhi e ht
to IW g O i , ven such
wh n r r they would reepeetfhllyinvite i the attentn lf
the citizens and the imblie generally. oentl,ltr
1c4.112114,1 PALM). 7anißra.lWay.. W. L UISI
Re s 'i6as,`"'Ele i ,l,,R a uTlit i grErs,t. c il..,..
in Forels antl Domestic F.xchange_, Certificates
naknoshe, Hank Notes, and Specie—Foxe* street,
nearly oppositothe Bank of Pituburgh. Current two
ney teemed on deposite--.sight Cheeks for sale, .11
eollectiona made on nearly all the principal poirtut In
the United Malan
iiengum pal} for Foreign and Lawrie=
Advances mute oe earaignments of Prance, dlp•
Rao on !it,terms. • • .4.4
Tha-Paaaglvasfs Company
Foe Irtnestsca be Layst sae CILCISIBO Mumma,.
rki: fi rst Life Influence Company in th e U. States.
Mcmporated Much te . ,lBLl—chaa ter . perpetual.
•-• paid tn.
Minty unharmed the tandersigned to memo appli
cations for insarance, pa which will
according to their proposals and rates, which mill be
oxide known biappheanu at his Mace No. tst Wood
Buret. sptl .GEO. ' COCHRAN.
TiOURNINO PAlNTS—Handsome blaeak. estate
/NJ. and black and dove colored Prints, for blooming
be (mad at the Dry Goods Hone. of
• • R. MURPHY du received • further .upply
of Turkel Red Twilled Oil Mau, for eurtats,
at 14.4 price, at the North But corner of Fourth
uld Market sta. frb2t
ItECEITE? tal d fliflOrrt:CMl anothe ,
C/Irougat Ca ' per, Co rde flors,'' of thow
and C Alm si 2 rilea ' rtri c rar
Collars and Col* and 160 pied rich black KM
Le.w, all widths. kb%
FILIKFI3-300 dos Geni's Linen
Lc Cambric Hdes alto—a moral. lot of Ladies•
Choke anted do, reed per express o/
2%. Frani:HA Rio' &meanie Co. of PAiLuk . iptia.
DlRECTOB3.—Charies N. Rancher, Thomas Hen,
• Tobias Wagner ' Samuel Gram, Jacob IL Bruch,
Oen W.ltinbards Mordoesi D. Lewis, Adolphe E.
Berm, David 8. Blown, Morris Patterson. •
Casella N. Bantu, President
Charles 0. Baker, Secretary.
Com:ince to make insurance, perpetual or limited,
tia every description of property in manor eountry,
at muss as low as we consistent with security.
w h C . * : rtlst the * C7411
a ud d tk l el g a n s, e sVr frin Fi ve n a d t:
ml. adorn ample protection to the assured.
The assets of the company, on JettsterY Ist,lBlo, as
puhlished agreeably to an set of Assembly, were ai
e rat , $1,047,439 41
Temperer, Loans 90,1te1 85
Storks • 51,523 25
Cash, to. 3C,94,4 57
•I 3 ,lm
&nee their IncorporaUon, • period of le years, they
have paid opened, Of sae million (our hundred thous
and dollars, loses. by tire, thereby affording evidence'
elute advantages Insurance, as well as the ability
and dlapoadon to meet with promptness aU
-•- -- • J. GARDINER COFFIN, 4edt,
- timidly • °Sec N E corner Wood and 3d et.
sad fie . slab lissmeasase.
rpm Mutual Life and Bosnia Insurance Company
.1 .
of Phtl tuasepontedelatsaao
p., =g . r i A a. tt r g . : .
Capits.l,llloll,ooo. Kam lOWA IMAM /117 P 1131414
9.41.14 Contuse and DM 110 per tern- lover Om the
asul rates of elfe Imuranoe, as the following nom
parbant will slum: Thus, a ;Penton the age 0, no in
suing for 11100 Mr Ida moot pay in the (lima Kt 3,—
Ponn7 i ieneht, lll . 3 4 Fenn Mutual. alas; Eqokul..
114,04; ay England, 1h1,36; New ark e, an,3fl; Al-
Won, s4,4%.Lire and Health, Phil ad elp h ia,ldol.
Duseroas.—fiamuel D. Orrick, Merles D. Hall, W.
P. Boone,. Hobert' P. King, Charles P. Hoye., M. W.
Baldwin. N.M. libseve, Id. D, Ches. Campbell,
Lewis Coor, Rodman Darker, E. 11. Bader, Edwin
IL Cope. Premdeut—Darauel D. Orrick; Vice Presl
dent—Robt. Kim Seeretury—Pranels Ellsekberne.
Applications will be reeeised, and every Information
given by SAID. PAIINaMOCK, Agt,
(Mee, Commercial Rooms, corner of
oeffl.dly Wood and Third sts, Pittsburgh
MBE INSUILiNCE. CO. el Nona America will
maka Immune= and Welted lismaneeau pro
perty ia this mty and vicinity, and on shipments by
Canal, Meets, Lakes, and by Sea The properties a r
ate well ienreated, and Ilernah an avail-
Slls=the ample Indannalry elf all persons who
dealm to be protected by laskranea
atylil • WY. P. JON - Agent, 44 Water et.
.111111ALTH lASIJELANCIZi Plitabllltba
?ha Spring Carden Health linurance Co,
INSURES Males andand Females what the Ewa.
and Loss treeasloned by Bickner; or A“ldent, by
an' Immediate allowance of Imo. 13 to 113 per week,
for eon, two, three,. font yews.
The method Of "effecting this Insurance. and the
manner of awarding the sick allowance, will be folly
explained by the Agent.
A person ran t irmare korner Biekoess or Azeident
which aril' derma him from his ordinary barroom, as
followe, vim
Vor oem year, by paying 14,20,and receive 83 i meek.
For tyro
For four " 1045, " " 6
Or, for a Period of four yearn, the sum of 514,40 paid
oul fndly, will secure ad per week while Melt.
'Every necessary information will be afforded on the
salient of Insurance %Trolly, by
da7.o. JAhl DUILNO A co, Agents,
Odeon Buildings.
. - A FULTON, Bell and Amu Founder, his raj
bent and commenced business at hie old mond
where be will be pleased to ace Ws old comm.
era and friends.
Cluirch,Bleamboa, and Belle of every else, front to
10,000 pounds, cam Bun panems of the most approv
ed wale* and warranted to be of the beat remedial/I.
Mineral Water Panips,Countera Railing, &noose
ther with every variety of Btu& Castings, d required,
turned and Amelia in the nemeat manner.
B. F. is the sole proprietor of Ranarti Airmiernu
met 2darax, so jean, celebrated for the redaction of
friction In machinery. The Boxes and Composition
can be bad Of him al all ilmev.
solroz anquiionr,
rat any =gm. Woo., arm Nan" Panama,
r,..rNTINUE to
l ON all kinds of COPPER,
Stem Dolt. Iptilt to order.
ritpental tteatio/1 gbren to mane boat wort.
Have on bands a bnoasaortatent of Copper and Illars
(fettles Tin Ware,ka.le. liteaaaboat oktIls• Stoves,
rmuble Vargas, various elsea— a very eontenlent u
ncle foe marabous, California emigram, or rail road
too antes.
W. would revouralTy thrna masa boat teen and
others to tail and, are oar astral. and prices before
patellae - Loa el widens. IT:17
ausimaavvr i WHIT9II,
HAVE now in more a large and general mermen
or DRY GOODS, which they 'orer to Coy and
Comity Morehaitti at redoecii prices: and winch they
will .11 an gr .111.adaccatenta to cash bayers. tir or
•Paroveg eta • . / tag
Pomo kt Kehl 0000000
'Er WlCHTMAN—Dlan.!umnrofallbled.oleot
lla tro and weellen' machinery, Allegheny sity, P.
The above works being now to gall atnisneonftl op
.ermion, I am prepared to agnate cods. dispateh
for all kinds of machinery in icyhro, neh as willow.,
picke:, spreaders, sards,pinnag maatines, rail ways,
drawmg frames, openers, Weans, looms, woolen
cards,nouble orNusk; for merchant or nanny work,
tnles,iuks,dr4olide and hind ladies atul
eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans giv
en for gearing Intones or mills at reasonhle charge.
Mon To—Kennedy, Childs &Co., Blackstook,
I Co., King, Pennock At Co., Jan A. Cray. '
/ME citizens MU of Pittsburgh are
It:spectrally' informed that the Mame Teleguen
Lanes ens now la cootplata operation between this ens
and lialnatereVashington,and mho Eastern Clues,
e the " = " Z.V.E=l, wi ßll h i ' 117,1gg i ,
Acosta, Ilaribuialt, Mobile and New rletns—an.
COIIIILTUI2f la this city with bnes running West and
North to the p i, aal towns and eines bate valley of
the Mississipp and on the Lat.. These Lines will
uneven and bend menages as cheap u say ether
Line, and the operators and clerks will be feud gee
ttentanly and seenossodating.
•..prOrao In the /own stoiy of the CHARLES
II01•EI Wood moot. _ lane-2m
• T C. BREYFOOLV, having associated with him
. A. 11..CLAIILKE. for tbe pmpose of =meeting;
the Ferwmdmg and .COISUSLLZ.M endues., will wa
hine that hodeess at the o/d eland of "Cope & Bre y.
(ogle," Atod rem:oh:llk Aida • eanthmanee of the
fenherpammtme of hut Meads and the ;white genet
ally. The beamearerill be conducted coder the mum
td style of i 11117,001116 Cute&
Pitubl, ASO, ies24-•p..
Masi) atlas of Ca•Ps.u..rsaigh
TAE Co-Partnership ezieung between she and r;
.4.14. ander the style of F. H. Eason k Co.. '
wne gibbered by mama Callla Jim F. H.
Emu Paving parelamed the entire tt
Interest Wed W
Marshall, who Tenn; will 'Amid to she settlement of
the bnabsess of the late flan, at the old wand, No W
Font* street.' •• . ^ ' F. H. EATON,
febn . W. P. kLABSttALL.
a. 11. ACATON,
_Da la Mayes and lioniery,Tritamlngs yaaey
rL i erP ram i i =TY rrlXl= t 4l4
Pittabarg. tall aapply of Vale Sturm and Gems'
Under Garments fea4.lBa
cannot 'Tote= Ann aura mum. rrrreserese.
AtTIM sabscriber .respecttally annonnees that
ha has esmopened his au. and ea... Heat I Wel
. for the accommodmion of travelers, boaniers,
and the public - generally. The house and fortuture
-are entirety neer, and no pains or expense have been
spared 16 render it one ef the most comfortable nod
pleasant Mule in the city.
The anbserlber Is determined to deserve, and there
fore solicits, a share of paths patronage.
2S4Y_ JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor._
L EAp.BIIOT-701) pigs Galena Lead;
01 kegs ass'd Shot; tot sale by
feb= ' 1 A HUTCHISON tCO
• eylt`SYS tescarohne, in store ancTfer
D RIED 1151111 T—so bawls. Poulto
51. do Apples . for 0010 by
" 93 - Li wiLcuads,ito Wood it
Ivo bble Can:4ll. s T W i lg ithawm co
—Z' ^~ c +r--~{.~ fY x? ;+^ t - .~.;~- I~' 4 .a _ ~
~ .... a.. . .0....4'p
Young MEN In wholesale and retail mores, and other
respectable business, to act as Book-keepers, Sales
men, Sorters, Bar.keepers,'Weiters, Farmers, emeti
c:ea, Car Agents. Boot and Map Agents, Collector',
Overseers in all Menthes of btainess, lee. We have
at al) times Clara" number of good citations on /mod,
which pay from 300 to 02,000 per annum. Thom in
want of situationa etas,' kind would Jo well in give
us a eall, as we have agents to each of the &woe 'ci
ties, which will enable us to place every applicant la
a suitable situation at the soonest notice. We hero a
large acquaintance in all the above Punted siting;
Pang; on trust will amble as to give entire satisfac
tion to all who may favor ns with • call.
' TAYLOR k TAYMAN, No. SO Second at,
between South and Gay.
N.D.—persons living in any part of the .0 Stain,
and washing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or el.
ther of the above cities, will have their-wants Immo
diately attended to by addressing m a line. (post.paid)
as by so doing they will curtall - both 'lron/. and ex.
non ' which they othonrin would incur by coming
to the city, and nokinic r employment foe thermion
Addreas, AYLOR k TAY3LAN,
N 0.59 Second street.
Baltimore. Ma
. . .
LIE attention of the public is respect:ally Ca ll ed to
following cenlenatem
g. Enna—Hanby tested a quantity of Gold
weighed by you? Arearneter, dud the malt proves ,
Sour instrument cornet; end recommend the use of t
to thaw going to Gallfamia, as the best method for ob.
Lah:deg the real voles of Gold.' gasp. your.,
J. B. DUNLEW, Gold Beater.
Pittsburgh, Much 9,180.
Prrrarcian March 7,1f43.
Ma. Eaatles—Dearßin Having ex amined the "Are.
otetc7," manufactured it your roam*, I do not !mutate
to eonniend It to the use of those gentlemen who am
about removing to California In search of Gold.
It gives a close approximation to the specific great
tint metals, and vrtileenandy enable the advent...,
to ascertain when his placer is yieldmg Gold.
mart 2 Yours, rasp'', J. R. 3PCLINTOCK.
INDIA RUBBER CLOTHING—Just received firth,
California Expedition, a complete assortment o
Gam Elastic Clotting, at prices ranging from Ild,al to
1111,G1 for suit of coat, pawn and hat. For sale at tho
India Robber Depo; No 3 Woad
dec2o J & H riiiturs
Steams Bet
_ —.—...—. •
FIE Lt;reriber offers for sale, the STEAM BRICK
WORMS above Lawrenceville, emnpristng a
Steam Engine, R Boilers, G Mould Mach ine, capable of
menet...tuned 20,000 Pressed Bricks (oat alley clay,
as taken from the hank,) per day; with three Fees at
land an the Allegheny neer, on which are 4 kilts and
sheds, =attune and clay sheds, wheelbsrrows, trucks,
shovels, spades, te., arm thing requisite In ruin-
Menet operation* at an hour. notice. Wire, including
the patent right b sum said machine, 6 - 7,Duo—em. at
payment mane easy. Without the land, fiS i ellO. For
particulars, address HENRY ERA ITT,
astr77.lll No 110 Monongahela Mame.
Wrought tad Coat 'email.&Hug.
thbscribers be leave to inform the nubile that
I they have obtained hem the East all the late and
fashionable designs for Iron Railithy, both far biases
and cemeteries Peron. wishing to procure imnd
some patterns will please call and examine, and Judge
for themselves. Railing will be famished to the short
est notice ' and In the best manner, , the coyote or
Craig andßebesca streets, Allegheny city.
utatt-dtf A. LAhIONT KNOX.
avatars' Cly
DUREF. &CD'S Daily Exuma. te now regularly de.
1, t C. dad Skell OYSTER:4, which ate of
fendto c Went and families at the lowest prices.
Quality sm. wanted equal to any brought to this mar
ket, and 10. talc by
.1. C. BIDWELL, Apt, Water w.
Alta—At the following depoisi—R cis &Weser, cor
ner Suankfield and Seeded at.; E Ileszleton, Diamond;
Mercer & Robinson. Federal St -Allegheny. oetls
Llif h. have some made on an improved
V V plan,. as not to freeze in the coldest swathes.
Persons wanting such articles, aye tooted to call and
we them at SC AIFE & ATEINSON'II,
rav4s lat. luneween Wood Market am
HE Coustltallon and Standard of the Associate
j Reformed Church in North !Menem Oro, bound
Ls 'beep.
?be Other Side '
or Notes for the Emory of the War
betweert Mexico and the United States, written in
Mexico, and translated from the Spaatrb, with miter.
BY A. C. Ramsey.
Sketches of Reforms and Reformers of Great Britain
and Ireland: By 11. B. Stanton.
The Work* of President FAvrards, In 4 voisi • .
print of the Worcester edslon, mob additions, and
Copious general index.
The Itra.talfle of Egypt,. or Egypt . Witness for tit •
Bible, By V. L. Hawks, D.D., L L. D.
Memoirs of David Hale, late editor of Journil o
with seleeutins from Ms Mucci:auto
Writings: By Rev.!. P. Thompson.
The Puritan and Ws Daughter: by J. K. Pauldtng.
Los Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and. Cal
ifornia: By Lieut. Wive, U.S. Navy.
Familiar Letters to Young Men t on various subject.
designed as s Companion to the Young Man's Gaols
By Wm. A. Alcoa.
The Poems and Prose Writings et R. A. Dona:: v.
Nineveh and its Remains: By Layard.
For sale by ELLIOTT it ENGLISH,
Ont.: No Vs Wood st
♦ Pretoont for Voter troarthly.
Presentee Wregar—El era Moog.
"The beet paper to the Union." [Erenlog Star
"Rather get be coal than go erithogt Iv" (Roston Po
New robsetiben can be .applied from Jan. I, 1e.50
if tonnaliate application be madc.leilher personally or
- by loner) al the Office of Publication, 63 WOO 4 at.
J. 1016 J. U. I.OCICWOOII.
Deadly, with originaldesigns by Darby.
The Poems and Prose Writings of R. It. Dann
Phynetan and Patina, or a Practical Vtess et the
Moral Dunes, Relatifs. and Daemon of the Metheal
Proleasion end the Community; by %%Hooker, M. D.
The Puritan and His DasOm by J. K. Paulding,
author or the Dutchmen's Firrsld e.
Los Gringos. ar an Inside Visa' of Mexico rind Cs
Hanna; will %Wanderings in Pero, CWI, Get Poi yossi
by ideal Wise. For sale ay
deal ELLIOTT le ENI:Iir, TV Wood at
BROWN'S kuirrisan A Ilf ir Ca liaidei full of thus
trance., Lain,
Paulding's Puritan and Ilia Diusalues; Mho.
Dr. Hookers Physician tuid Panne;
M. Estis , Deans and Hamm Pao.
Neander's Life of Christ; bye.
Helmets'', Mabry of Christian Chaxli; 3.0 h, Biro
key. Dr. Spring's Memoirs of Miss Murray; ere.
Airicissan Ahl1.1141,1850; 500.
JAMEY D. Loci*oon,
ianto Bookseller k Imparter, 03 Wood 1,
Now I. lb. thoo to soboorlbo.
OFFICE of floou's Repnnts of the Soar 14mtne
lies and Blaeksrmsd, 11l per year.
Morris & Willis' Home Journal, pablisked in N.
Wilt weekly; Si per annum.
Downing's llonsualturalist, monthly; 113 per y:r
The Cultivator, monthly, II per .nam.
The Agriculturalist, monthly, 51 per year.
The Densoeratie Review, monthly, $1 per annum.
The Hanker,' Magazine, do 63 do
Iota: Booksellirk. Importer, SI Woad in
PM Machias Works And Valilllll4l7,
rnmszymiti, TA.
TOM vnuo HT & Co, are prepamd to build Cotton
El and Woolen Machinery of czars description, mch .
a. Carding Machines, Spinning Pramea, Speeder.,
Drawing Fru:ma, Rnilway /leads, Warpera,Spoolers,
Dreming Prunes, Looms, Card Gondar., ka. Wo,scht
Iron Shafting named; all sizes of Cast Iron, Pulling and
Hangars of the latest pattems, slide and hand Lathe.,
and mods email kinds. Castinga of mery description
forniabcd on short notice. Patioms made to older for
Mill Demme, leen Italtint, B.c Steam Pipe lon heat
ing FactorteACutjrr Window Sash
Ne w and ( h oney . Co o.
th F4Ll.7, ° &,„ T i,ib.`,4".. t , n will have prbrompi'alenj:
Refer to 011ekatoek, Bell & Co, J. K. Moorehead &
Co, G. E. Warnei, Jahn Irwin & Sone PitSbursh G.
C. k J. it. Warner, Steubenvi ll e ianl9
THE subotriber of for sale Kluge and splandtd
assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac
non Planetoidal and willoat Coleman's celebrated
!golf= Anaelsment. The above Instrument. are war
ranted to Deegan:to any manufactured-1n this coun•
try, and will lvo sold lower than any brought (eon. the
East. F. BLUME, No 112 wood st
door aboac .th
N. B.—City Scrip wlEbe taken at pat fora few of
he above sasnnmect my 2 P. O
— 7. - /PO - 211k1NE1,111..6 ELANIVELiI.
ULT a B HERVEYeontlunco kccp on band a full
assortment of the Welsh Thuhrintalle Flan
tads, and has recently received a supply of the Goer
sthalitles. Also Swansdown Flannel., a scared ant
ele and well adapted for the wear of invalids, and
Inters wanting something warmer than daoal. Sig*,
Persian ,and Gauze Flannels for infants wear i
gather with a fall supply of American matrufnetured
flannels, of different qualities. Also, 811RUUDINE
FLANNELS, of all th e different widths, at the North
East corner of 4th and Matelots.
. . .
OTWholetale Rooms op main, where dealer. will
always and a good 1181011Illellt Of neat my le goofs.
Dlapti:iiiiiii THI
is to certify. ci - Ilittirthat I RElhave Witi
M ii:
VOVlM i t:;: i flc g g ' ll l at i nV:i e g ? ;
Patent Diatorabgm Fillet, for the oil
Begot Pittsiorgh and Allegheny.
for Walter MGi1m00,349 Broadway
We have teen twilit( out of the above titmice ni 15.
°Hee of the Novelty Work. for three months, Ott.trial,
and feel perfectly satisfied that It la • uneful nreotior,
and we take obsolete to recommending them as a use
fel article to all who love pare water. Orders will be
thankfolly received and promptly executed.
. . .
miJon recemed,one elegant Rosewood
61,0011Ve Plano Forte, from the roles
brined atm or T. Gilbert & Co ,
Boston. TON itignonent Is roako
ble for brilliancy and oweeutess of tone, and slate itY
of torch. The above (no is contidcal one of die
airy pa to n 0..., and their Piallol, for elegance o
uterior, bemny of tone, end duration, am net apses
ed by those of any other make. bar sole
ble loons m 11
0n24 J. W. W.111•1•11'1.
Vie),, V, 1 a ls - ts 4 rict ii.-7- .. .
ID cue. =parlor Fondly Blankets, 10 by FA ors;
Illm pole Stem:tau do sby7 n;
MO do do de . 4 by, 711;
150 do red ond white Rona do
Ilal do colored Caltfornio do
&Lath .
50 pieces 64 white Flannel, worrantedia wool;
lOU do 4-4 do do do do
Otto do 3-4 do do do do
11.41 do 3-1 red do do do
73 do 3-1 yellow do . do do
godsons, Tweeds, Jeans and Woolen YEA at ma"
ern nannufactorees_psices.
aly-Walionee, No Id 7 Wood st, Rh door froniFillh.
NEATULS-3 doe Rain, n .C.' -- de by
Ttelnri .1 - D WILLI AMR_
DUCKWIIEAT FWUR — A pore uncle fue.itle by
1? fetal_ J D WI4,IAMS
AU' E DATUDNEMIN E—l 0 qi caitv/..‘ ~.1
and Air exle by MILLER& RICICETSONt
• DIM 173 and 174 LENIN? it
reeommendation Is so completely , satisfactory ' s ,
e excellenes and eMapleta sdeeets of any then.
Uon, as the oillteet tatimooy of thaw who hare exPe •
nenced listener.. Duting the lam fifteen peeve. to
OH Dens of-the tinned Sums, oth most talented and
entinatelphysithent, basis daily born teatimep to the
so perlenty, ease, end comfort of .Mrs. HUGH haven
done for Ladies , naming. They do not coulorthe by
'steel pressure., which te mow pnmed to be enended by
had e Creels, calming ozone difficulty than Wore ethin
'ed. tier long standing in Philedelphla, and large and
'theressing heathen bent Whettoele and Retail, Is
igueranteo of the nerreemeu of the althea:, 2
To promo bar - Genuine dapporter, et,Pleonly, u War THORN, Druirr4t, Merhot at, .thtetharge—
ell others are counterfeit..
JehlEB BATTS, Wholesale Agent, flailed:We.
CLOVER SEED-11W. ree'd and `Sol bi
INFALLIBLE for renewing, Invigorating and henn
a vastest the Hair, removing Scarf, Dandled*, and all
arced°ns of that Scalp, and curing Erepilon. on the
Skin, Ditease• of the Glands, Mathias and letup,
meats, and relieving Snags, Outs, 8i01.., Sprains,
kn ke. With this preparation “ them la re, much
Mont u fad.. The first journals in Antterleai medical
man of the highest eudnerien, prominent elthens °fall
Pr athlete., and ladies who have used It for yarn in
their dressing Mina and nurseries, admit with au ao•
cold, that, roe Imparting Vi and m inutianee and
curl hi the eir, eradicating , &Band; itedl .
Ing tunas, cuing contuie, spubts, sthnrs,
and relieving diseases of the altin, the glamis; anti the
nu:Klee It hu no equal unotar the multitude ofcom
pounds advertised la the pubbe prints, or toed In_arl
yam prutice. In cheapness as well as efficacy, Ber- ,
rra Tricopherous u mrivalled. •
The athnitybetwftn: the membrane. skink emul
ate'. the skin, and the hale which draw. It
from thi s triple envelope i. very elem. All diseases
of the ;hair origt.t. the skin of the hand. If the
pores of the scalp are clogged, or if the blood and
other gelds do not circulate freely through - the moll
vessels shirk feed the mots with moisture and impart
life to the fibres, the result is seurfdandntS, ettedelag
of the hair, payee., dryneas, and harsenesa 14 the
ligaments, end entire baldness u the rile any be.—
Stimulate the .kin to bealthlni artist with
theirTt icor.
heroes, and the torpid vessels, recovering activ
ity, will annihilate the diseaoc.
. . . .
In all affecoorm of the skin, and of the substrata ef
Muscles tad integuments, the process and the effect
are the same.
It la ppon the skin, the museala<fibre, uid the
glands, that, the Trienpberous has its swarm action,
nd in nil affections and injuries of these, organs, h is
aserereipi remedy.
Hold, ni large bathe, price a 3 cents, at the principal
Often, 137 Broadway, N. V. '
117• For sale by IL F. SELLERS,
mr.2i Pittsburg
• . .
17NOW el men who are stet and afflicted with die-
Ala ease of the bladder and kidneys, with rittametic
pima in back or limbs, stlffljoints, old eons, rending
Meer,. the, that they cm be ettredby taking the Pb.
tnaleam! Too written shoat Its being • amenum as
much as you Meese, bat this does not make it se, (or
we proclaim in the face Man honest community, that
it hat vinues which •re not contained to my ether
remedy. The men ois meted with pain and min
corn from disease, ta n ny any cents, get. relief ifleto
any of the lila eommerated above. Reader! it coats
eery little to make a Wel. This Petroleum is no mix
turc—oe co:cooed, pato, for the pumped of imposing
the c bat nla a remedy elaborated by
the neater hand of nature, and bubbles up from the bo
som of on, mother earth in its original purity, and of.
fen to eurenng Manna y a ready remedy, a certain
mil cheap cure.
It has cured Piles alter other medlciae• here failed
to render any relief. It ban cored Rhemietisan of long
mending, and of the worn and moat painful character.
It has cured Choler. Morton by one or we doses; It
has cored old cases of Diarrhea. in which even other
remedy bee been °foe avail.' As a land remedy In
bums and nalds, beiter Men my medical com
pound or olnunent that we know of. It will cure c h it .
bleine or frosted feet. In a few applieationa undoubt
ed testimony can be (Gnashed of the troth contained
in the above statement by calling on Samuel M. Met;
Cana! Basin, Inh Street; or either of tbe agents.
Retreat t McDowell, center of Wood Street and
RotTirana Alley: R. E. Sellers, 57 Wood street, FA A-El
&D. Curry, Allegheny city, anthe agent,
A man by the name of DUE CLAPP has engaged
with a yonng man of the name of S. P. Townsend, and
hts name to pot op a tiFfllitmatilla, which they
cell Dr. Townsend's SmaparilLa, denominanng It
GP:MINK Dogtrot', etc. Thu Townsend is no doe:
tar and never was, bat was ftornerly a worker on rail
road...mina* and the like. het he earames the title
of Dr, for the purpose of gaining credit for what ho W
not. ale it vending oat rds headed ''Tnekt. of
akumka," la virlde It 5e sam. I Lowe sold the eve of toy
name for Sr week. I will give S. P. Townsend flue
if he will produce one .mole solitary proof of this,—
Thin Isto routine, the public not to be deceived, and
purehme none btu the GINUINII ORIOINAL OLD
Dr-Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, boner on It the
Old Dr.'s lacuna, his fatuity coat of emu, and his alp
muter moron the emu of arm.
Prlselpal Odle., 102 Num.
Tus amongst, DISCOVERER
' 01 TEI =RUB
Old Dr. Townend is now about 70 nn of age. and
bas long been known its the AUTHOR and
SARSAPARILLA." Being reser, he was compelled
to bent to marmfaeture, by which mean. it has beim
kept out of market, and the ales cirenotscribed
thou. eely who had proved as worth and know* it.
value. This Blume IThatteraLlittp......... is
mulmfactured on the largest wale. and ka called St
throughout the length and breadth of the land.
Dente young 8.. P. Townsend's, It lutpenves with
age, and never changek but for the better; becune it
te peppered on wienufte principles by a setentthe man.
The highest knowledge of . - hernlatry, and the latest
diseeveries of the An, hare ail been brought into re.
quill:Won in the manufacture ot the Old blarma.
cilia. The Sarsaparilla root, its well known med
ical men, contains Medicinal propeniel, and some pro
pertiee which ant then or useless; and others, which,
if retained in preparingit for ate, produce ferm.ta
tkin and acid, which is injuriorts to the system_ Some
theypfDpeTtle. of Sarsaparilla arc so volatile that
they entirely evaporate and are lost In the pietism.
bon, if they ere not preserved by a.lentlflo proecas,
known only to then, experienced in It. manufacture.
Moreover these rebuilt pnneiplea,whieb Ay Grin ea.
pert, or ai an elhalinon, ander Aral. um the give * es
mmialmerhealproPentee of the root, which to
it all its value. The
is an prepared; Mar all the inert raper** of the Sar-
Me n e l l ' l r iVaitle i f i ' P•OtZnize moy in e linfn ' Ts nl l 4 ' l=ll ' l
remeteM then mem:panicle °flange-al rim e Is seem
red in n pore sod Concentrated form; and them It ts
rendered Incapable of losingany of its valuable ars ,
healing properties. PrepareA In this way, It is mane
the most pervertal IlirCla In the
Bence the reason why we hear commendation on
every side In its favotbY men, MMen and children.
We End it doing woridera In the earn of Consumption,
Dyspepsia, and Liver.,Complaltn, and in Rheumatism,
scrofula and Piles, Ceetlveuess, all Cutaneous }Yap.
Lions, Pimples, Blotches, and all steeds. arising from
Itrasesses a atessteilons eatery in all complaints
arising from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach;
from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the
heed, palpitation at the bran, cold feet and cold,hands
cold chins and hot dashes over the body. It be. not
had its equal In coughs and colda; and promotes easy
expectoration, and gentle paraptrution ; relaxing epic.
tare alike lungs, throat, and every other part.
But in nothing is its excellence more manifestly seen
and acknowledga than in all kinds and stages of
h shirks wonders in eases of fluor tabu ar whites,
Failing of the Wand,Ohernseted, Sappreased,or Polo•
fel blesses, Irregularity alba onenstroal penoda and
the lite; and le effectual in ruing all forma af the Kid
ney D,mo.e.• Ity mama; obs.etione, and regula
ting the general ystem, It gives tone aM strength to
the whole bodY, and cures all forma al
. .
and thus prevents or relieve. di grew variety of other
diseases, as flpinaLlnitatios, Nearalgia, St. VIM
Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Pith, Convulsions, he. Is
rat th is, then, vie Mumma TOO Pas-Exiirmerts Niro,
Out can any of these Maga be sold of S. P. Town.
und's interior ardcle! This young man's liquid IC not
Luau.e of the Oraod Fad, that the one to incapable
of Detenorauon and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth
er DoyNd it soars,. ferment*, arm blows the bottles
tatnWg i 1 Into (ragmen.; the sour, acid liquid mt.
;derma and damaging Mbar goods! !dement this hor
rible compoand be poisonous to the sratem? What!
pat acid Irmo •0 system aady diseased with - add!
What causes Dyspepsia but acid? Do we unroll know,
that when feed sous In one stomachs, what mischiefs
is producest—Aatulenee, heartburn, palpitation of the
h n „, li ne r ...plaint, diarrhoea, dysentery, eholic and
hacorruption of the blood? What ts Scrofula b ut an acid
mar in the bray? What produees all the humors
Shich ding on EUptions of the Shia, Scald Head,
alt Riemo,Erysipeles,Whita Swellings, Fever _sores,
and all ulcerations Martial and external? It is dab-
Irt,g ondor heaven bat an said substance, which soda,
and thus spoils all the Addeo( the body more or less.
What caul. Rheumatism hot a soar l id Auld, which
blithest. itself between the Joints and elsewhere, ir
ritating' and lamming the tender and delicate thous
ours which it acre So of nervous dues., of loadi
ng of the blood, of deranged eircialmions, and nearly
all the ailment. which allies ham= were: -
Now, le it not homible to make and sell, and Infinite.
ly worse to use this
And yet he would fain have It understood that Old Ja•
cob Townsend , . Geoathe Orimnal Sarsaparilla, is an
imitation of his inferior preparation!!
Heaven COfll that we should deal loan article
which would
the moat distant resetabluce to it
Y 'Townsend , . article! and 'Odra othriald bong dour
duo the Old D. Oath a mountain load ofd
, aint
and criminal°. from ageins who have ' sold nod put.
chasers who have aged P. Townsends Fermenting
ge wthh it underatood, because it is the absolute
truth, dal S. P. Tuvriosearra article and Old Dr. Jacob
Towdend.• Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart; and
infinitely dammilar; that they aro unlike in every par
ticular, having not one single thing in common.
It is to arrest :read. apon the entottonete, to poor
halos into wounded hetemoil kindle hope la the
despairing bosom, restorehealt h and bloom and ti
t/. into the cto
rushed and brok en and to banish Infiniti
and FOUND the oppottoOlty • and meant to bring hi.
within the reach, and ortke knowledge of all who
need it, that they may learnytod know, by Joy(al en•
perienec, its Tatasentotono nor. N nees.! -
For sale by J. KIDD d CO. Wholesale Agent for
Western Pennsylvanos,• J. /SMITH, Ilirintaghrm; Dr.
J. SARBEANT, Allegheny; DIJ J. •CASSELL, Firm
ward.O. W. GARDNER, blio ward. Pittsburgh !mkt .
EWES. COAIPLAINT.ZAnother cure performed by
using the original, only me and gentle:le liver
Antenna, Brown ea., 0., March 91, 1817.
Idr. K K nellars—la April hammy wife woo snack
ed with Liver Coamlaints and had tha advice of too
alumni., who tried venous remedies without pro.
any good egret. Having beard of hoar tele-
Liver Ms, I .nneluded to give them a fair
I munased ore box of bit ennt,of Aberdeen,
and gave them neording w the dine norm, by which
mho was greatly relieved. I procured a weondlan,
whin entirely cured her, and she mw eitkl•
lentWll,. I boon owe d myself, and pronoune
them the Imminently medicine. I ever tried.
Vont any !dawn Bunt
sa l l:17so by Drag . tt h e y gaite E nilly In the two chic.
_. ..„. •,,,,,,, ..,.. •.
~..„...,..„,..*:...., r...t: '.
...., . .
~.. ''''''' * :•..
:....,__„._.,...„..._...,"•.„._, ..,___.....,. , .,..„r..„„...,„,. 7 ... 7 - .
~...........,..,,,:....., ..
...._:... __..„.....„....„.4..........„.
.... •_
Lve, 4 '. •
. _ .
~ .
. •
_ .
t , .
~: ..: ,- ....i: .•. ' • : ..
j r H: t
Containing wo Mercury, nor other 21f insiti
TMB Ibllowing testimonial wee given by the dela
brined Dr. Wooster /knelt. the author."( Merton
medical work entitled "The Americus Prestice of
Medici se and Family PbTeleiros."
'Having been made atquainfed with the incredtenta
which.'compose McAllister's All.lluditag Ointment,
and baring prescribed and meted It Inerrant' eases in
my prism pnetlee, l have no hesitation to 1404 or
certifying that it le is Vegetable Remedy, common
no manual mabstattee whatever, that Its Ingredients,
combined as they are, and used as directed by the
Piopnator, are not only harmless, but of groat voice,
being a truly *Ocotillo Remedy of great power: and!
elicerfolly recommend it as a compound which has
done mush good, and which In adopted to the core of
• greelvatiety of eases. Though I have never either
.recomsdended or engaged in the gale of secret medi
cines, regard for the trail , honest, conscientious, hu
mane Character of the Preprieuir of this Ointment,
and th e of ids dieeevery, oblige me to say than
' l7l 4 srlo a rtionl
184 4,..-ProDEAD I, D. an
BtatiSe—ft Is one of the belt thing. in the world
for Barna • . •
PIL .W.—Thousanda are yearly cured by this Oins
menL tt never fails !rallying relief.
Fo a r Timsen, Clears, and all kind. of Sores, It bu
If aletkoreland Nurses knew Ile value in cues of
Swollen or Sore Breast, they would elwaye Imply IL
In such onus, If used ecearding to directions, Univee
relief in • eery rdwtous.
Alouid.the box ate &Italians forisinghicAllisterls
Ointmant for Sessfale. User Complaint. Erysipelas,
Tener. Clulblain, Scald Heed, Sam Eyes, Qelney,
Sore Throat, Broulutes, Nereus Affections, Pains,
Diseases:4' the Spina, Head Ache, Astbme, Deafness,
Ear Ache, Bums, Come, all Discuses of the Skin. :Fore
Ups, Pimples, S. Swelling oil' the Limbs, Sore.,
Mieuteallem, Piles,Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro
ken Breast, Tooth Ache. Ape in the nee, de.
From the Reading Farb,
There was acne,, PerhMell. a Medicine brought be.
(ore the public, that has in so then • time won web o
reputation as McAllister's- All-Reeling or World
Salve. Almost every person that has made trial of It
speaks warmly in Its mire. One has been cored by
It of the most palatal rheumatism, another of the ellen,
• third of a troublesome pain in the side, a fourth of •
dwelling in the limbs, Az. If it does not give dame.
ine relief, in every rase, It can do no livery, belay
As another evidence of the Wonderful healing pow
er bosomed by this solve, we abbioin the following
certificate, from a respectable citizen of Maidens. reek
township, in this county:
blaldenereek, Betare., Minh 33, 1817.
Messrs. Ritter k Cor—l de ire to Inform you that 1
we. entirely eared of a sec pale Is the back, by the
ate at McAllister's Al4LLealiug Salve, which I pun
chased from yea. I ralfered with it for about 21 , leery
and at night was unable to sheep. During that tone
tried various remedies, which were preseribed_Aor me
by physicians and other penostamthout rerelvffig an y
niter, and at last maids trial of this Rare, with • re
sult favorable beyond ezpeetthou lam now entire.
ly frew from the pain. abd enjoy at night • Rearefd
and sweet sleep. I have,aleo used the Salve since for
tooth ache and other complaints, withneellar happy
results. , Your friend, Joh, Hotureascu.
Sole Proprietor or toe above medicine.
Principal Otbre, No North Third street,Phtladel
. . . .
&arms m Prremmante—Brann & Reiter, corner of
Libcny end St. Clair streets; and 1.. Wikon, Jr., cor
ner of Motet street and the Diamond, also comer of
Fourth ang Smithfield streets; J. 11. Camel, comer of
Walnut add Pena streets, Filth Ward; and sold at the
Bookstore In Bienthfield anvet, MI door from ISsennd.
In Allegheny City by H. P. Sehmanzand J. Sargent.
By J. O. Smith. Druggist, Birminghann D. Negley,
East Liberty; 11. Raw Imtd, McKeesport; J. Alexander
& Son. Hence .help City; N. B. & Co., and
J. T. Rogers, linmensville; John Barkley, Beaver, Ps;
Joan Walker. Jr. Elisabeth febt leodly
Judd , . Medicated I.lquid Cuticle.
rums tit endoebtedly the best crepe:anon ever Joy
I covered. 'o drew.: Barns, &aids, Cuts, Chit
blaine;Brulees, or any kind of fresh wounds, al .o lot
sore Nipples • remedy unequaled.
This wield is Intended for family ore, nid should be
food la the contention of every family in the 1.4.
derdernas "he are le caesura danger of iNery
their pones through eeridect. and the ...per or
caress. tree of tool., will And artiele. be Menlo
eblitio them, and after a fan trial will conciliar it 10.
h Lr d...aperient rubsante for adhesive plaster of
all Walls, without any Of ho inconveniences, mid is se
medicated as to allay aLI pain immediately .d, most
A very Ws applied any whereon the surface of*,
•Itin.immethately terms a firm, smooth coating. very
Monier to the natant Outialo or Miter/Jaw "'Welt may
be freely washed with Mater and soap, mliliont any in
jury to the wound.
- the ankle Is freely used and highly recommended
by the ume eminent physician. of New England, and
other panto( the country.
For sale cur by R E SELLERS, lie Wood ri
07. N. 11-11 e trade tupplied m the menufactarers
plena mbl
1 DAS:NEVER, in • single instance, failed to ex
pet Worms.
Caw, Corr litacsr, Ve"
Mn. M. E. Sellers: You will recollect that when we
were in Pittabeirgti, in November Inez, pod prevailed
oa itatOIDT m yinir Verstifege, to test its IDIOM. We
did ..,'send through the winter we sold whet we pur
chased, weigh gate it • fair repelation. In May last
me mare, which was dirpomd of isomedi
story. W ordered more, which reached on
th• tab preeent Month, end on yeeterdey
end the Imre rem demo bottler. , We bed It se vale
liable • medicine, that every, person of a family wish
to bare It in Omit posseauen.
These who have parchased it would be perieetly
willing to rite cenlficates of Ile excellency. Dot ef
its quantity We dare vended, it hos never, in • tingle
tuttanee. Oiled to expel weans.
Your (peed, Wit. C. /au. is Co.
Prepared and sold by E. E. SELLERS, 07 Wood et,
soil sold by Druggists geaerally in the Iwo rules.
Every Odd Fellow 'hold Sabi:vibe.
velum. 1150.
The Gazette and Rafe has now tba dipped of the
Order to an extent that makes os datenoined not only
to daterre Oda apprehend; bath) add twenty to oar
list °treader; and theredra we wee the following
which an more liberal than bale ever been *Rene
by any newspaper or mamma In the United Stales.
We elm in the Omens and Rule, ry ear,
ISO, Ina etyle t h at can be honed, than formlig
book which each year make. more seeable. The
character of the Omens and Rain is too swell known
to need explanation here, and It In enough to remark
that It anomie., from time to limo, the proceed ivy. of
the Greed Lodges oldie New York, and al.o of ether
Hama mecum. of Celebramm, Imitations of New
Lodge and occeemeally ' a Complete Directory of all
the Lod g e. s
the Union. Its
is filled with Original Tees oldie highest exeellence,
by the most eminent writers In our county; Pope In
Tager, Choice Miscellany Me rarest teems of Poetry
from the F.ngliet Poet.; Sketch. of Travel; Anec
dotes, Re., An. and ommionsilly illestmtal with
Beautiful Wood Engraving.
Being equal in it. Literary character to any Weekly
In the cometty, and Ming the. perfect In Its Odd Fel
lowship department, It e. worthy of a place on the
table of every brother of the Ore cc, and indeed is on
dtspensible to all who with to keep fully Informed of
the work of oar now glorious Order
One copy, one year,
Seenpie, am year,— St 00
cope., one year, each•—• • • 1 50
• Twentreoples.,—•.--. 20 00
The. redeclng It an that every lodge ran get a heal
elm. paper cheaper than the cheapeit loan! paper.
Mutt the SeWowing:
The particularand especial attention of the brother
hood le &aired to the following attract from • latter
from that distlagulahek brother, James 4 Ridgely,
Egg., Grand Car. and Re.. Secretary of the IL W.
Grand Lodge of the United Make, I. 0. 0. F.
"The GOLDEN RULE la to to. a moat welcome
and veined 'filter, and atom it ku fallen Into your
hands, I hare witneseed lu gnulual and steady tot.
proventent with great pleasure. It stow become, In
my FWD:neat, ar no us ner rmatootes• to rte
(mom and I do tram, that a discerning and intelli
gent Drotheetsiod will, by • liberality worthy of your
great eganiona,enable you null more to augment Its
antelope Idtbe Order at large. With great roveat
your friend and brother, JAB. L. RIDGFIX."
Ophsloas of Itembers of O. L. •i - o. Baaten.
Believing that the Interests of this.l. 0. of O. F. tu
well as of society at large, will be most effectually
promoted by the publication of a paper devoted to the
promulgation of its principles, we would earnestly ,
recommend to our brethren the Osuron or nth Venom
mut Gott= Kew, as now Crampton
k. Clarke, as • vehtable medium for the exposidap of
the designs cf.Odd-Pellowship, and as worthy the,
cordial upstart of the Order.
Tbomu Wildey, P.O. Sire. , ,
John A. Kennedy, P. 0. Sire.
G 31 James 1. Midget), of Mt, R W G S.
P 0M Rev. EM P Wells, of blase ,R WO Ch.
Jaheiß Johmoryof Go, R W 0. hlsr.
PG Peter Frits, P J %' Stotts, PO W MAI.
P G Wm A Walls, Grand Representatives of Ps.
Wm Cards, 0 Sec or O L of Penn.
!With Ititintler, P O Mar G L of U O.
P a 11 John W Andersen, P 0 Solomon Cohen,
Grand Retresentatives of Georgia.
P 7,1 Icing L Webster, Grand Rep of RI.
PO P P Thcobald, POM W R Rauh, Grand Rep.
of Maine.
P MRC Robinson, P 0 Rep of
PC .111 Prat, Jr. Grand Rep °finnan
P Coo LI Dickson, PC ta John Fairfax Smith,
tirnnd 11e.pesentatives of &Ingram.
P G M Rllllloei 'Read, P Wood, Grand &p
-ranced...dal:an( Now temp.
P'G Talcon Darr, jr., P M John 11 alautey,Gnand
Represernadves of hi Carolina.
P ei John fillsby, POM RD Eihavr,,lltand Repre
sentatives of Alabama.
Pt) AI W IV Moore, PO M John T Towers, Grand
Reprenentathres of Diarist of Culambia.
I O P Stephan Rm., Onseut Rep or N Ramp
P O II Norton Andrews, P O Junes Strawbridge
Grand Representatives or Umtata..
PORN Barrows, Rep 0 t. ofhlinfulpol:
P a Isaiah Porno., P u Wm A Mean, Grand Rep
msentathom of Mi. o,nt .
. . . ..
._ P ti hf (leo W Wilma, P 0 Elijah Horton, P 0
I Peace.k, Reps 0 Lodge of Tennessee.
... P 0 Fred 8 Garrity Grand Rep °raft.
P 0 John W Hunt, PG 8 P Zimmennin, °rand
Representative. of Blarylaud., f
Zane 011 8 Post, Grand Hamer of N Y.
Thaddeus David., II 0 Master ON Y.
Reniamln J Pent:, G tiecretary of N Y.
P G John J Davis, P 0 James W Hale, PO WW
Dibbler, Grand Representatives* NY. . .
Geo II Andrews, P 0 Master of Y.
Postmasters are achosised to tell money to pub.
fishers, and all money mailed In neon of the Pow.
master, and deity fomented by is moor risk.
In all saws wham, posisee on enbseription•is not
paid. it will be dedatted from the amount credited to
thou who mod b. Addrews
febllSkertAplaTi No. Ile Ann 0., New York.
O. AEL1102.13301/
13148 jut Interned has the Eastern eiU., end Is
.11.1reatinnsi a hure variety of seasonable Goods, to
which he respectful, Invites tile attention of owe!,
elm sod pedlar, No tH Wood at. • feblt •
PRINTING PAPER—A fall xapply of all the di! ,
Alma dna, as had and made to order.
Soden and Antique Furniture.
MI, Timm ST., Prrtsotraolt.
J. W. W. Z .
Respecthally Inform. the
public that be has tom.
pleted Ms opring stock of
FURNITURE. the Ingest ond roost varied .sonment
seer offered for sale in this city, eomallslng several
oettrof PoeiWooe, 1141t0a.tai, and Disco iVatAvr,
emend, omomeatal nod plain. suitable for Parlont.
Dtawing and Bed Rooms, all of which will be sold at
i*Pelorsowens: prices.
a n d e i
Mildly invited to call n A
by.. every desetiPBoo,
MINIM to the moat ekgnot at
pllowingcomri 4 sos a part:
Totes fete Dui Tote • Tete Dwronw
Convents.. Cimino Eli:24mM. Chain;
Reception do ionic XIV do
Eltenolori da Dorm Moue;
What Hots; Toilet Table%
Loot. XIV CAmmodore; Duke of York's Conrb;
00 Sofas with Plash and How-cloth rovers,
50 Divan., do do do;
lode. Mahogany Parlor Choir.;
In - Res.e..ed do do:
II " Mr Walnut do do;
en 0 Cane Seat do;
4 " Mahog.y Roekeng do;
2 tt do Flom eiliXilej
60 Marble Top Centro Tablas:
tAlt do do 117.11SW:do;
20 Mahogany Bedsteads;
Pt do Wardrobes;
IS Silk Walnut do;
8 Cherry do.
A very large assortment of Common Conies and Oth
er Patiolate too tedious to mention.
Ai l i T Fi r. leava , B m o p a u t y .
a f t uLn n iLh;il . un the .honest your,
P. S .—tualt . met bloke,. eon Im supplied orith all sotto
ol Mahogany, Walnut, sod Veneers, a: considerabty
reduced pewee febts
- _
4 (Successors to M'Cord A limgl
lo 4/1L
Pa•iosable H a • ,
Owner of Wood and NI, Stmts.
10ARTICULAR attention paid to nor Herat Trade..
X, Gentlemen con rely upon kering their Hal.; and
Caps from our establishment ord. oast isa.tuote and
V/Vallea.lialir, of the inn. 5T11.105, sod at the town,
Country Merch.ts, purchasing by wholesale, an
respcctfully it to call and commute our Stock; me
we ran say with confidence that as regards graterr
land raw. a will not ender in • comport.son with any
house in Philadelphia. fcbt:
Toil,: It 11CCREA RV, frilling Ink Monnfacturer.
41 Nos. =I and SUStanton street, NEW YORK—De
pot No. 3 Spruce strret—Wetild call the anent.. of
Printer , to Lis improved Printing Inks of rano.
ktuds and orient, at the following prices:
Extnt fine Jet Slack, for Card and Wood
Cots • - • SI 00 and 3CO per lb.
F t klnk- - g 7 g ''
lat - 4 ' Vit :
Ink - • 0 14 b :9- 0 50
Floe Red Ink -7:. I onl so . ii W it
Pine, Yellow, Green end White It I 00 I 50
Gold size at Rd per lb, in. Bronze at 00,75 eta .d
Id per os.
A specimen of New. Ink eon he seen on lbw paper .
Pittsburgh, Pa.
of any dewription, ore
sidainc hi. .tocir, which
from the chcormat and
.d neatly, of winch the
C. Morgan Jr Cn. Cincionnti. Ohio
Morton a tirlagrould, Lno.vtlie, Ky
Air A. WHITE is CO., would respectfully inform
.lyj e
the public that they have erected shop on
Leecwk, between Federal aviltlandusky streets. They
are now making and are prepared to receive orders (or
every . ..m.lton of vehicles. Coacher, Cheri.. Its
couches, thiggies. Fhamnt, tee., he., which from their
long experiencein the oranufnem re of the above work,
and the facilities they have, they kel contelent they ate
enabled to do work on the amyl re.onalile terms with
these wanting articles to their bee.
Paying particular attention to the wlecunn of mate
rials, and having none but competent workmen '
have no hesitation In warranting their work. We
W erefore ask the aucnoon of the. public to Um matter.
N. II Repairing done lathe boat manner, and on the
most reasonable term.
IVA Tobacco, ilnostit and large Screws of all hind,
Brass Castings and Wass Wok generally. Corner
of Ferry wed First ..cots.
THE aahuoriber, haviny purchased the Factory of
lames Pauerzoo, Jr., Oxmand at the above. stand,
. .
would respectfully thfernt Ins friends and the puhlie
that he Is prepared to fen any °errs to his line, on the
towst reasonable term, and wail dispatch, and will
feel grateful (Cr their patronage
. . .
Pittsburgh ,J.. 1. ItZO.
HAVING darproted or toy etrtahlithment t Mr.
now. P4rkin.on, I take the lawny it, colic.
for hint thepatronage of friend, and Mu pubbc,
renting confident that any Cavort vonthrret/ be
duly aid d promptly at mind la.
POWS 1 ATri:RzoN, Jr
Pitaattarylh 1a0.1.1Y.5n.--43att741:1t0
?VHS Second Sesiion of ibis Institution, under Be
core of Mr. and Mrs. Uwinuus, for the present
academie par, will commence on this day, Blonday,
February the same Madding'., No. dd Liberty
Arrangements have been made by which Meg will
b th
ais ble to f aruisb goring Indies faellitle. equal to tn
l y
in West, for obtaining a thorough Eng belt, Clam
e ,and Ornamented education. A full come of Phi.
• ;Mind and Chemical Lectures will he delivered
during the winter, !nonrated by apparatus. The do
parunent. of Vocal and In.truntental Music Modern
I.anguages, Drawing and Painting, will earlibe under
the area!ca couiPment Prufemor. By close attention
- to the moral and intellectual impmveinent of their pm
On the Principal. hop., m inc: ti 6 continuation of the
liberal patronage they Lave Labelle cluoyed. Poe
term., sec circular or apply to the Pritimpals.
mar.. /lON MI COMMO ars. Or TUN Wool)
ea stooks or TIM lITSMOI. vt=
Scrofula or Song's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Ceti
neour Eruptions, Pimples or Portliest on the Flice,
Blotches, Giles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Rlig Worm
or Teller, Scald Head, Enlargement and rain of
the Honer and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers,. Syphiltte
Syreptans. Sciatic. or Lumbago an d thro•ser
aminx from an iniuslielous aso of Mercury, AM.
mes or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence to Lila;
Alto—Chronic Conmitutional Disorders, Re. -
Ole preparation are strongly concentrated alLthe
M dteinal properties of Sorsapanlla, combined vial
the moat effectual ear, the mart salutary production.,
the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and
it has been so fully tested,. not only bypatients them
selves, bat also by physicians , that it bos received
their asignalthed reeommendations and the approba
tion of the public; end has ertabLirhed, on tts Mon
Med., a reputation for vow. end sumacs for tape.
Moe to th e amber compounds' bearing tde name of
Sr .-- Disco s have been cured, re-'
ansparillia Diseases have hen cured, each
fandshed In the records of time Nutt end what it
him already done for the thousands who have need it.
It is eatiable of doing for the millions still suffering and
snugging with disease. It perifirs, Cleanses, and
strengthens the Contain springs of life, nod bifuses
new vigor Ori:shoot the whole animal frame.
_ . .
The following striking. and—as will ho imea—par
manent core of an inveterate ease of Scrofula, cool:
mends Itself to all similarly afflicted:
Sorrurour, Corm., Jut. 1, 1843.
Mean. Sands: Gentlemen, Sympathy for the afflict
ed Judaea me to Inform you of tho remarkable rare
effected by your Sarsaparilla, in the ease of my wife.
She mu severely afflicted with the Scrofula on dilren
eat Punt of the body; the glands of the neck were
greatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen. After
stifferig over a year, and Gliding no relief from the
remedial used, the disease attacked one leg, and be
low the knee suppurated. Iler physlein advised it
should be laid open, which was done, but without any
permanent bonefit In this !UMWoa we bona of. and
were Induced at use, Sands' Sanaparillti. The firs
bottle produced a decided and favorable elfflot.'reitevi
lag almost: than any prescription she hod CV!, take n
and befflre she used FIX bottles—to the astonishment
. .
and delight of her friends—she found her health quits
restored. It is now over a year since Me cure was ef.
(acted, and her health remains good, showing that the
disc.= was thoreachly =sheeted it= the system.
Our nmghbers aro ell knowing to these facts, and think
very highly of Bands' Sarsaparilla.
Yours gat,respect, JULIUS HIRE
Extract from • letter received from Alb N. W. Har
ris, a gentleman well known In Louisiana ve t V.
' , Gentlemen, I have cored a negro boy of mum with
your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked wilt Scrofula,
and of ascroful ous .Yettrs, Holy, N. W. HARRIS.
“Ftederick• Hall, Va., July 17, 1849. 0
seems almost unenecessa.
ry to direct attention to an article so well known, and
al deservedly popular, eathis preparation, butpstients
often who wash Inaba thea
extract of Sursapanlbe, AIL
induced to try worthless Compounds bearing the name,
but containing little or acne of the virtue oi Hos rale
' able rent; and we thin lose canna confer a Cre•ice
benefit 011 our readers than in directing their attention
to the advertise:bark of the hlc.sra. Sands, In another
column. The bottle has recently been enlarged to
held • quart, and those who wish &really good ankle
will find concentrated in ddfa all the medicinal vaNe
. , .
of Ma toot, Tho eaperienee of thousands has proved
its efficacy in curing the rarities diseswe for which it
recommended; and at the present time more than
any other, perhaps, M this medmina usefill, in prepa
ring the system for a change of wason.—Ulome Sow-
Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail. by A. B. &
D. SANDS, Druggist and elleoust, tigl Fulton street,
cones,( 'William, New York. Sold also by Dreg.
gisu generally throughout thr United Slams and Coos
oda. Price gl per bottle; eii bottle. for SS.
k CO., and EDWARD FENDERICII, Pittsburgh. Al.
o. he Dr. P KNUTH. Strillsrwater. larlsi.urodAver
- --
tenet.' Imperlai Clough Symp.:
171113 musi be a preparation of touch mint, when to
many of our own Cill./11 willingly and voluntar
ily canny to it. curative properties, An aged and
highly respected citizen, after using it, expreesed hi.
opinion o( this very popular cough remedy by saying,
"it isworth its weicht in gold,. - Au editor of one of
oar daily papers states in a uote—.lalarays keep lt In
my hoese, andwould net, on exy account, be without
Ito An old country roan isays—ei am centred, otter
a oial et three or fear ye. s, that Nike beat cough
medicine I have ever tried, either In the Old or New
World." If yoa have a cough, get a bottle and try hi
it coot. but IN cents. etre
febZ • -
DACON-30 casksprime baron shoulder!. reTssrs •
1) on corn:uncut, and for sale by
31 Water._and
I.:errata •Molasses, for
sale by fete. WM BACIALEY
GLOVEKSFEri-1& bilabislCla r
eTheee, 7 F , Tile
feb23 ' WM I/ARMLET !VC°
7)UTTER-10 batTeill Rail Bauer far sale by
Vali4:111) OIL-5 bbl. lust ree'll an d for salcrlTY
fole - • RORISON, LITTLE Aco
antifor sale kivr
ITELTITYCCiROS - -kiileses.oriazious stylerrad
1' qualities, Iwo reed by . •I .
ANmw Style Carpop...
TU.9" received, some handsome new style Vase
SP Pile and Tapestry Carpets, d, nit from . England
and will be sold es low as Wo,susue quality eau be
purchased In We Atlantic Caren
fetal :5 Fourth et. Eiltsbergh
WAIDDIN4-11,1 bales
com gisust, soperiori - .
13 do mon;
do while.
The undersigned having been, appointed age to. by
the manufacturers, intend keeping a large supply of
'their Wadding constantly on handa;ind will be pre•
pared to Gil orders to any extent. Dealers are par
ticularly invited to examine-the qoalnies and prices
of the lances supply, which we think will tornpare
favotably with those of any other market. I • ,
fehRS Comer of Wood and Water:streftaL
0 CNI - PRRE 6=l ----- vaaiiiiiii,o - lox Tim Yam;
• , 150 daz %Vodka Sock%
30 cols do Tans;
1 peeelVbita Flattnel;
33 dos B• 01 0 ,.
fah. D
.10 ~ Zinc XV%ohbo l ud ivmumis s• 'for Jude 132
PO carks on bond and for sale b•
felar Ik RFLritiD
Q ALEILATILZ esolk. Adams', tof sale by tt
1:1 kb:o ' J &RF.OVD
1111:117E11-10 bre prime Family, for Fele by
A) febT3 Jte IIPLOYD
CL r O ct :tEIiSEED-40 bids inetore and f by
doill Loge N
No 3,
od, Mous. lu]sp ,tooe
20 . di , : •
Y do Sides:
I do baouldvm, a very euparlor article,
. feb2s
r ARD-25 keg. No 1, ymme; reed mad far said bi
ncovtansau-9 IbTpt fan reedand for mile by
c,hATII.I-11) d
fie 22
' t
H tiRRINu~o bbl. tors and for aale by a.i z
rVI" b 306 N D MCIRGIN
IRE 1 . 4 k —2 •LIS laj c l7Ab i ;
iv .
rn N
ROOMS--;3 dux Co.
ro nn• for rale uy
" English Dairy; few sale by
:)S,) CASKS will shortly arrive, direct temp ihe
Umanuacturer., via New ()deans, per Uhips
&oda, Boadici, Jessica, and Austria, whirl, wdl
soil, on artival s at the lowest market price, be
tV & hl All ICIIELTRK4
feb4 IGO Lawn,
1:p - Thep will oleo itteilit large supplies during the
pilau via Padhilelphia and Baluraore.
Prop•rt7 It• All•ghsa•y City tar ✓ •.
THE subscriber. otter Cal , sale a rmittber e
Lots, sites.) In the Second Ward,. fromixt • nt •
Common groand, on eery terms. linguae of
' W. MI. ROBINSON, Atty at Lew, St C
• or ofJABROLIINSON. on they:v=ls a t
11 , 1
Scene of }Lev JOHN • •WFISLIW, foibliabod by
rubreriptton, engraved by Wm. Overand Helier, of
London, Dom the original painting by Marshal: (pea
ion, Etas jon been received, and is nom:Ordain b t t •
fe 6'21 Anollo Boßdineb, north
L ARD -81y , - " •• mandv No
Ns, 11 staid. No 1,10 smve err
steamer Euphrates, fo r sale
ICY 'ltre men ors me Kerma is not Mete repel
sive than a bad, putrid breath, or dark, yellow Ta
ed teeth. If persons have these it Is their event It—
they. tall, for two shillings, talk Lerida that evil!
'mate their breath pore and sweet or tar Spiel •
It cord diteare• of the Gams, spunky or uleerided,
sad for the Teeth it is unequalled, removiag the tgts r.
fastening the teeth in the gams, and deem the.i ar
white as the VIM VI/sperms Ronk..
Sorb , Ptallerties of Jones's A •• bet
Tooth Pune, arid, without praising it ourselven, .ev
what one of our ravel respectable and rekindle
lig., Mr. t Field, of Nov. Tack, says,
1 bare both used and andlised this ben:dire in • in
Culpable ankle, (Jones.' Mabel Tooth - Paned • d
ta recoil:Mime it ea posnalitir !lilac qualities i , •
W for it.a' Header, we ennalj , no teens 10 - eonvi • ea,
only that if poetry tins once yok will he well pie j.
It is pot up in bountiful Eetalialt China Pets, f r
MM. Sold by the Agern,I4II,7ACICSON, • ,
ty street. Putsbersh. ausillviUk
the ir Clowiag are ' me emitted k::,1r,, , ; - 0735. bet '
Joan'. Coral Hair Ileateradrre. It; Cray deign
e t theyried It,—
canned these highly respectable old •
slr. Geo. Uses et, 41 Elm et, Nem York.'
slrt. Matilda Reeves., Myrtle ow, Brooklyn.
Mr. Wm. Tompkins. 02 King at, Srw York.'
Mr. Then Jackson, Montour. Island, near Pitub
E Cotten, late barber steamboat S. Amerie
And morn 11111/3 a handled ahem mate,. though
lam I aallce, Mat It will farce the hair to gmvs •
bead or Mee, stop it falling off, strengthen the
mmlig sent and dandruff from. the .001.11, 611
light, re d, or gray hair ammo. a fine dark look,
keeping dry, harsh at miry heir mein; soft; Mem
beautiful. a very, very long times
Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, FP Übe
Pittsbeit.. Priem 371, 50 cents, and one disllar.
its Chemical Soap atom 'a free petspiration, • •
Om seem tone mottles, galena,' and sehiteat Ma •la
giving it the testate and beauty of an infant's.
Seven; SALT Ratner SIM Sous, are soon not • •
healed, but eared by its nee,. meatseven klttl•
is New York know, who use it in mob r ec,
and find it unfailing -u also in. • •
hams, Ltborcuite, Putechn, or all other ak•ottlis
ease. The reader IR 111131IIrd Itll/1 II 111:1 o :des.
paled nostram, as one trial will prove. I baled den.
citrate strait tdr persona eared of •
Seas MAT, Sole Laos AND Sou Sulam— a It.
and use tt. se d the reader Is again Id
not sell It for the above unless! knew'. to, b•
all 1 etll2Those who are Sabre to
CrIATAD, CLIIC.IS 02 CRAY= Ftsom, 211'
Care. Any one aMietedwith any of oho above, sr •
liar diseases, will find this all and even more (a I n.,
ble in its praperties)M. I stile..
But, reader, the stores are flooded with lathed a,
and bo ROTC lon at for JONFS'SJoshua Ct em
Soap. Sold by W ZiL, JACKSON, ES Liberty et:
anettd{ wT
I W ILI. ASI SSW Alan OT 111 .
So. 76/ Wood. S., Plat burg dii '
t t rUBER AND LAWMAN, Impern and - cvalt cc
at Foreign and Domestic. 1:r owAnicgi,
. it. varieties, are now prepared to sell CS low 4,1
on as reasonable ternit ucan be poraticJelsewh m
We •OliCll , On Merry and thopublie crueral to
coil and examine our stock,'whicivuon,uanipa of
inch no Lock', Lacunas, Singel. and Screw, loge et'
with everyardele usually kept in liardwn a. .S tu a
We CITISC the AUCIWOR of CRITC,SCef. and 1171.0 b CS
generally to cur assortrilent of Tools, winch c • ve o*n
selected with great ewe, and *Web we are 1.-termlu•
ed to sell to as to me satisfaction. • ap4alw
They nre not aware how inghtfally,thintiona it I
to the akin! how coarse, how roagg, how eel :
low, yellow, and anhealthy.the skin
pot . 4 ..EoKP.T.PatuAloba.lkb. Ike
I. lades it injunous, contathieg n
• large quantitt orLtia - r
We have prared Imiandllo .vegetable artsi.l
which 'recall JONES' SPA:VISE, LILY WHITh.
It to perfectly innocent, beingsarified of eU dele I
otos goalie.; and it isapartaTh the elth inatnral,:, F.
thy Cat/tinter, dear, living whit/R..212w mum II •
actrtlae a cosmetic. on the gain, staking It son ad
moo Sold by the Agent, 15/51. JACKSON, El b
O ES at, Pittsburgh. Prfee 25 nettle: angT:Agew
aIIinDICAL A.ND fiktrAfilCials OFF/ CE
NO. 614.1:11.8110i0 ALLEY a
„ is k ' few doors below Wood street,
...„.-Z.;l_ • made market, '
1 DR......111191fis having been
._ .
- • mlT•dansled. to th e mediae!
• rfesaion, and been for some tile<
A . • ''' lyenetillthedoe; now eonfit;es
?.. , ' • ' his attentigas to Lhed treatment jot
, t . t....% , „,„e . (hose pnvete and delicate rob
. 6.,',
.• ; r"
. plaint• for Which his oppormni a
• .., - • • • and experfenee peculiarly total ty
. him. tlyeatsasalduottaly des., d
to study & treatment of Mose epmplalets,(dunag wh 1.
thne he has had more prse dee altd has cared more
tents than can ever fall tothe Vdt lir any prime p
admits) amply . outlines him to• otfer Watiltloo, Slf
speedy, perminient, mid eansfactory eons to a/1 aMiemd
with delicate diseues, and all doses., arising thane.
Dr. Drown would Worm those *Meted .settli private' . ,
diseases which hasp, becomecom
absent° .I.y. time or." ,
graveled by the us of any of the emotion near - mesa
the d.y, that theft complaints on be radically and thgr:
cedblY tared; Imbinif &Wats - cereal attention Ili
the treatment of such eases, and sacceaded in hundreds
of Instances in curing persont of inflammation of the
twelve! the bladder,anditledred diseases which nflO
result from those nuts wine ethos have consigned
them to hopeless despair. 11e particularly invites sec%
tier. been long and unsteemfully heated by °theirs
to eensnli him, when every als . faction willArrn 3
i t tlWels alu ' ter, pouted wt by ll' fltur 4 expunged,
study, and in reallgatton,whishll la imposilble for thoe
o ensuged in general' praello•ef - motheina to give
ne Mass °Callum.
erilemia or Reptun.—Dr. Drown Mao Jamul par
sons Misted with I lentha to eel; as he him paid perus
als.. mention to Rea disease. •
CANCERS also cured. • • -
Skin diSeeses; Co. if %Palsy, sta., speedily sat opl o
Charges very low.
N. Peflests Id either vier living at • distance,
coom .d/tEssti In writing, giving alt tT.l , '
toots,Oblill,l aireeliling fo net, by
liddittrililt T. DROWN, M. D., P.M and
In n fee:
fa. as Diamond 61117,• w "" 17
Runiontx.—llr.Brown's newly discovered reme
dy for libcomulista is a speedy and etertain remedy ter
thatpairdal trouble. It never all.
Office and Privet. 13611.VAing Room., 63 Ms'
lidOnd alley, Pituburatt, Pa. Thu Doeutr is always at
home. •
try-No rent no nal. A. tan..
INFORM weir Mends 31,1 :baniablid tb. ibis,' 6soF
no w . r ...,
k1 .1 , 11.11 ; 5ei ... r b lat.: ttahliOn
" nt in P ` un .Tc e tier ' lmiire ou ' sns ow tYII'..VO 'r J -''.
raVa7,lo rir ones. ••-•. • millkoi • iii 7
VOL. XVIL NO.' •189.
Tir 4 aspetoiAen4, l l 3, ••
Voi the,monati.
atto roomca snow ernarnon
PlA"Alnarim. Asp '
Wanton o.
, -
opin . •
TIME DM's. Rale% . of alwoyi no low
..y other responande Lim
C A MeANULTY & Co-, Proarie..,
sin amt.& coohadama
Ezeloiiroly the accommodation of the
BelpteCi7iUsburxh, Blalnrillq Johnatowet
daysborgh. and - all inters:Led., rdaees.
, :ShippersLiao out always doom:lop. haa.
ing thO o ll goods . promptly forwarded and talloortol ai
any oeihe •
Conal or Ball Road, at fair rates for
Atertio—R II CANANdolanstdWO,
' 301 IN MILLER, liolladwysbart,
ot. • _ . _C A BPANCLTP &CO Pitta}.
rot TIC luitmitorraviO3 or' atzactuttnn gamma
TIIE'PROPIIII.7OEA of this old established and
mrr Penal& Boat Line. ern now rally prepared—
to receive ;Dixie for Moment etc opening of Canal.—
flaring moot &termed tbeirfactikica,thalr tom Po r
storage to ample and Complete.
No tralribipineur take. place on du Lim the goods
being put ono section parable boars, are not &stashed
until arrival at their destinatuin,thus ”oidingltand•
lingat the three points of Johnstown , liollblaysluuß,
and Colubia.
No charge made roe rcesivi hg or forwarding, or ad.
reams el?•Sgelli. .4.11 goods forwarded promptly, and
upon as fair terms as by any other Line.
Our neibor bees ditrer as to their responsibility.
We have, fo e Use last 16 years, boen 'lle Enhance
Line," an I have never forfeited our tide; and we think
we have earned the privilege of sow changing oar
name to the rigoatrati of uTna limooteme Lint"
• , Canal Dasim'Pittsborgh.
' _ No .127 Placket at. Philadelphia.
vol ana teIiVITAITCX or wramtaxotmt ISO iii . raina
want warn Ain gutrwurrrournms.,
G OODS forwarded by thin Line a eanied theare mail train to ChambersbuFgh, and are Immediate•
ly loaded. in Wagons going.meht and day Womb to
The horses are m aborted every 15 milei which
imams the prompt delivery di goods mithixt a brim
The W 2 g... will leave - oul . warehonse Mom
dayveyeepted.) at &Meek, . M. -
- Ohipper. are assured Mat no more geode will be
taker. each day than can ;postentallY canted
2.1 Market atreet;Pailidelohm..
Canal Ilasin, Fittaboegh.
. - .
JOHN MeFADEN tr. CO., FonwAsarsal & Como
walraclum, Canal Bagn. rem !yea, L'lttsborgh.
JAMESM. DAVII3 .14.. CO, FLOLIt Fr...crow, Asp Coco-
XISFION ME1C14.4,5, 227 Marko, and 24 Commerce rt.,
Phile4elphie.. .
irrf.Adconcesirinde by either °ldle abovo,onFlour,
Wool, and other. nierchendise, consigned sorbs= for
• land
_ .
• UNION - •
ItgEo.- •
TILE subscribers, now haling m riseceashilopera
tine an Express Wagon" Lino between elttonargh
and - Philadelphia are prepared to receipt (or 1(000,1ba
freight daily. Each , was. deliverable: through in „du
days, Sundays excepted.
Canal Bag. Pistabotsh.
• • Itralarkor
Olaf* 79 PEllai Stag . ll/14.
Pa' Brownsville rid Cumberland to Beide:me Pad
rll b E rid "in s :tf r, l,: , at ß leiiyee the' wharf' ithayie the
tillie ° ta d r l li k ila P d r elTihra lr ill; beam to
The evenivt,,boat leavee daily, (except So day ay.
eniliplia at .1 ceicw.k. Pawnor's by. leaning an thi7
LTZPgii:l7:l:74VtirnsTtri 4 '' -g7 next
eectire Boar Pct.. at dux Otriee,. Mewls - abet
liaise, or St. Mattis Hotel.
. • .J. AtffiX lEyO , Airent
. • • NVIIIT*II 6.11.11A - .64.E2111131T.
• MI.
SE sabscrlbers, hayin g . easpeaded their cabal op-'
trattoria until the opening of the Spring Naviga
tion.have established an Expless Line by Farad and
Wagon between Philadelphia and. Pntaltargh,
wLich they are prepared to forward MOO pontida eaek
day, end receipt for the delivery of thasame la 6 days.
They bee /rave to assure their friends and the pet.
lie Mat their arrangements regarding noes, remtlarity
and despatch, cannot fail waive satisfaction to all who
favor themsnth their commands.
comer Penn and Warm staitVh.
de? 218 Market street,
Mtßat .
Pittiburgh and Philadelq.
•ik'S the tnraness on the eanal . is ewer Owed
('lfor the semen, ore mould =form the p he duo
mr have again brought the Conestoga %Vegans Into re
gAvition, and will be prepared to forward GOOOpounda
daily, (emameneing on Monday, the :Mb inst.) A Car
leavitePhtladelphia dolly by ea mW train for Chasm.
homburg:and the , Wagons traveling day and nigh;
Games the delivery of Goods in five days. Apply to
AVM. BINGHAM, Putsburra'
BINGILiM &DOCK, Na. 163 Market some; norm.) • Philadelphia;
Mita, aB5O. Rift
Thf. rm. Days, (Sundays eieepted,) rennin` Day
and Nicht
TlLE lit prlets cm rest:7 La c l . lyl . trm ow_ ed ,h 4
o Wn two
previous winters, Mill WOO COOIMOOTO tel:ming au
adndn, the DM of November. • •
A Car will leave Philadelphia and Charebersburgh
daily each spay
the Mall Train, and from Chasm
bershurgh relays or horses =mug day undlitght.
We are pc!paced terseapl IDOU treight clatly by
the shove Lint. App to
.O.LEECH COO 'Pittsburgh,
oi to—HARRIS tr. LEECH,
No 13 Sootn Third weed, Philadelphia
- A'
Market street DAY,
se r l *f err at Arad '
prices, their met a Winter G l o b Ods, e ' Oeslsttelta(
dhawss and Ladles' Dress Goods, in zoo.. variety.
Also—Diankets and Flannels, Clotim,Cassimes, Sarin
ens, and. fall assortment of heavy Cadon Goods.
Ocaldent that better hareems cannot be•tad elms
we invite the attention of buyers. • .
jant2 • 75 Kafka meet.
42 Iliter and abonume BILLa
1.) able in Cincinnati, Lantanale and St. LAI.% par
enand on the moat favorable term. ' •
...) . 4
•R. MURPHY keepsloFts Lon Von band an
ado 'ent widths and a tat i trroll
and r lg apkins, Toweling Diopens and 'Towels, and a
amortroont of house fornisking gen:ods. frbll
TDACCO—tD kegi 6 tr*, Oedge k. 11t500 brand,
for sale by • - - - -
ma 11.11Eir s MATEIIEIVIR 2 CO
FLOUR—ltlikblilso reA4 saa ter W. by . •, •
lati JAM lt. DALZELL
M0 . 11 , 1 4 D CANDLE*-30 brs for sale by
ref i kEß'S OIL -13 brie are i nead ji. and for saki
ACKEBEIOVibIs No I; . do No 14
YID do No o store, Air solo br
• UP. CAREL 801M-srr for role by
s - "!;;:zwzgr,,
MANNERS , 011.-10 f r ule
sura J BeiIisoNMAIMIZ&VO
TWNSINDI 6 PARS/MAXIMA —66 Om bur oohs
by Itodij i SEM NUN NIAItERA. co
6) ABll tn to arpyr KI imam, Amazonia,
and for mle MI the Lamm tomb, Pi., by
6.9 1W Idbetty oi
afta;rse 11. llssiny,
"n"AVINfI snot - moor vrolt Iwo WEL A. CALI).
.1% WELL, za4 JOHN CALDW ELL, Jr., dor 1561 p
CoooDory, Boat Slam end Ljoeeturouro Itesties,
will be eondocted orNo. 35 N Valor moor, ender fis
ory le of
DA C: NI —25 east • ste'd, bide, reed ..e fee side by
mrS %VALLI tete l'Ort 0t3.1.14ter
EGAIL4-400A0 Av ., ree'd per Alesserige
la for sale by
L A m i ll: OIL—A
pigs Gslens, for sale by '
11.11EY, MATTSIB3I7B &op,
V and `29 Waseto
Fis li—lS bbls.Nol/dacterel;
2fd do Nog do;
tO hibt..3 , doi - •••• t. a •
1,0 Pta 60;rbed Iletiat i llat sole b -
mio • • •'• • imsy; Trams -tea'