'BOOK= 1111001[11 10.18Tree'd at Ma PREbBYTERIAN 600 Y ROOM, No. 78 Wood area, sad for pie at Rasura Priem ebrentast Hebrew Lezkoa, Townsend% arrangemern of M. Bibb, Meanders History of the Mamba M ciao sad Church, hillust% TrtalLo Cetistian Doe.. an Ws of 100 Ea- Bobimant..Gre 8 k naIIIDIST of Gospel. do ha do do, Bunn. Ms II Ma, Boston adlilogrs Bible GiaZatti, ~, D. Wood'. I.e. u.s. Sgredgaprii.i., olt% hUssiorwry nee- Sawa and many elm? ms works, in adding. to lb oboe., ali at mums nom. aoalla toraßOTE6llrial2, LZONIZNY, AND VICINITY, will be ,on for elarraver In 10 days. Persons who 'nay wish kayo man of dab minify seals pat on the map elm do . a 07 moMini s reakian to the emdertigned, an, M before Ma bet To defray the-armensoja Ike Mira ww ill be minlred to addition to the -an Ile Wars. novl9 11 - E kneCIOWAN TO TUL PUBLIC. BOOT 4 four lean Mcce, I was timeline Orme` - the Boma of Ohio whin. spending a few days in . 1 4 / red a of igar Metall° substance, MA feudal that it had been known for i i= j eep to be cm ase or mil:abut front o textere• md ringalar appearance, I wagged to m it might be made asedid, bat for vim. moon I had not the least Idea. I commenced aP e -.. -Mente by_berning it, boiling It, ell Palm.' /Lag It, and earmanding it with mamas mhstmem and se mono Ina my confidence Madero meat,. alue la st, ilex I gave ap my entire Ma and meam I, the prommtien of e AM,/ have aMtomd eeprm:onothtoer nod ha fr s om m mthaatt Moxe *OWN of Moat me yean I Anelly discovered, that, Cey reducing it to a Me proer md miming lt WWI la med oil no Moat dor COaslatentY of that paint, and applying ale esenpoand with a brush, thati ha cording is a Itrw monlits_would beeeme a petfect atone or elms se that the sabstmee when applied wes untally sada ho a Amid eate, and the large lunomt of silica, alarms, mamma and bleak oxide of iron that ft con tained, rendered it bath weather and lire procA as the Legs, expored, the harder end more permanent it mans ILO become, end as the coating (after It tams to slate) la of half indestructible by Are, otameanantly It proteins the mad covered with It from the air and when there is no alr, Mae Ls no blase or combs:idea tlurrefore the maxi will actually char before tho slate umming will give way. I emdderM the discovery of the greatest Import am* and applied to Government fora patent for my amnioo or disc:nem folly !tapas that I should now be cm:maenad for all my outlay la time end mo ney. TM grmartment, without my hesitation, grant ee to Ma seam Patentt for the sole right to reenefee tans, sell end me my Imporrornent in the mansfactere of a “Weather ad giro Proof Composition or AM- Adel gam^ fa Amman year. "- kaput 14,1642. WM. BLAKE WE, the inhabitants of Shoedhay cad the above statement of Mr. Blake, and beliete no be *abase.. ms C therein cont ai ned; k and w we g w t i o ll farther the ea,isthlae we do run bares that there ever was a parent more honestly end lawlessly earned, or more deservedly granted; as he permed his experiments with the most aulemitable perseverance under the most discouraging cireemstences, so the_publio had not the least confi dence that there could be any thing valuable made frees the subsumes. He therefore had to enerateter for Jean the leer and scoffs of aesrly the whole comma atty. Notwithstanding all this, be wee Indefatigable in the preeminent of Ns expussaitu., and We SSoo not bellows that there Is se, man in a thousead who would Ova persevered adder all the eirennumuteca. Hat he btu at ilia utamphed over ell obstaelea and we lus her. there le new bat one opinion to awarding biro the merit of this valuable discovery. GEO. W. MUNE, Justices of HORACEGI the JONATHA B NILD, Peace. ILVierS C. CHTFILEWI M AFLD, Truth. BENi DONE, ToXthip. WM. MERIT. T, 'p Clerk. ALLEN HOWE, Tressnrer. 'UCTION TO THE . PUBLIC. 1 hanasoertained that there are indlviduL engaged =MS, Mineral, and prepering for ettle, the above to be miud wttlt oil, and used Pre steely as 1 use my patented meths have been to tame poemu and shown them my parent They say they Ms not Intend to 112&111/10 or woman upon mg, rigkZ that they have a tight to dig, grind, and sell the powder, if they can find porelumers; that May are not tend to know what they are to do with it; that it is no i = nft W iount ind; ent until it to mixed withbuy the oil to make the and who mix end use i must Isle the nwpouslblltry.thatthose Most of , %ham say that t, they believe that the patent to good against thus that mix sad en the composed, and .one have said that whit they limited to use they Mull certainly Ninth. use of me, ea they did not hutted to make themselves liable In any way. Now 1 feel myself in duty bound to s this budaud fraud upon the public; sa 1 can eZ n ir by too milder name, where a man sells and calves pay for are article. the me of which be well know. übjeots the purchaser and user to a prone um and fine. Some of those who are engaged in Mit neferknis trails, will tiNnestionably contend to the Valle that my_Wain .11 not stand, and Mu 1 dm. sot proseeme. Now, to take this argument away from .twee, I wean to knee of these who were pmeleiming that my patent was of no ulna, and made the follow ing proposition: that they might eclact • ledge an 0.0 Lawyers who have bad some prudes la patent eases and we would submit the patent to them, and if tImY decided that the went wee good, daat they Mould stop ail farther proceedings In the butanes% bet if they alloal4 decide that it would not, In their opittion,hold, 1 maid agree to let them go on sad sell all they weld, 'utton saying any dung to the rmbhe about them. 'COL proposition they would not accede to. So far as ten tralitfity of my patent is concerned, I do not de• Peed entirely upon my own Judgment, although I have me fullest conUettee in it; hut I have ettberatted It te pmt o la f w th y e e A rs, U who .4e rwnitahlo u of tuhe ep m al o o s n t , m e n d t toot In their °plaice it we.• good, sad would protect the in my discovery. Vied the ankle to a fine power, and pm It op barrels, the which are marked: *ducal 1.1.7 Fias Wmina Pious ArnsussLttLaWL" I therefore rive nodee to all who buy and use the obese mentioned mineral for 'Ms purpose , set forth m Nit went, excep tom, me or m lathe/zed arch. that I shall hold t them to a stric y t necounterdhly, and ahall commence sails at _law Kansa Nose who thus vina. infringe wan ngh Smois, Me my dias Co t , 0., dug. H, BLAKE- OPTWO TONS or the above Fire and Weather Proof Amadei Slaw on hand, and for sale. The above we ran recommend, for we have been wing it for arms 4 Taus, wad know it to be what it la eel forth in every particular. J. 2. H. PHILLIPS Non , AO, nar2/4.3.m Weed et EXCEL,SIOR! F. H. EATON & CO., =T=Il • Trimmings, 'Gloves, ilositry and Lace Goods 11 DePTED to the wants of every classed Mayhems and Censamers. No pains Wore been spared to present the newest and most fashionable style of Goode In their line. Their moth emulate in pastor the follithrithp DRESS TRIIIIALINGS. 6 - r Flye 6 s .i tol Gim Aig ps . . ,i o n f , eseti m oarietr il new styles i ebd i .diorross fTaa. sad Worsted Erabro'd ring fi / Maaiu~aod y Lin Rana Gibbon s , sekite smd colored Mk Lose; extra " wide do' bl do, '‘ for Contra; with a MI assortment of .Dress Bottous; Dresses Pinked, Stamped or Embroidered morder. L 4013 GOODS. Embroidered Lace and Muslin Capes, Chennzenes, Breakfast and Retiring Caps and Hal( Sleeves, French Warted Collars usd ads, in Mem varietpi Lace Veils, Lappets aml Opera Ties; Mourning Cbessasetu, Col lars, Cads and .11alf Sleeves; Lmen Lawn ildsfs, plain embroidered said turrowitelsed do, plain Linen do; real tread Lases and Velem La do do; Bobbin, Lb* Lee Muslin and Cotton Edging& and Inserting.. - BONNET TRIMMINGS. Rich sour sty]. Bonnet Itabbona, French Face Plow. ern, Bonnet Tabs, Velveu, dad. and Fiore.., Silk Endo= and 'Pa/ imams, Bonnet Frames and Tip.. KW GLOVES. Batt mansfae•are, wish most approved fameaings, and ekkeem'colore An erteeai•e assortment always os ►utl MEM • gnu Ulan of Ma= Cotton, Merino and Costaaant, for Lunen and • Tart. Plaids, and •OW agoortatent miter styles Caney and plain amas Chi:d oers m mina Boots a Sock Gents' 0 Ma; Lan, Vlaorda. [name Mori., Ccoutt nd and fine s; Wool Rat GLOVES. • WI assortment Cor men, mewls and children, moon whish am Derby ilibbod, Foloselle and plain B_ ribbed and plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined Bel. Casslmare, d Merino , For-lined Beaver heavy mi dos Boakskin, Military and Lisle Threamid Corson. WOOLEN GOODS, Back as , Ladles' and Children's Mods, Children's Woolen Soaks, Knit Bouts and Boas, Chtldren's Gait ars sad Loon gins, Worsted Coy, Bnusing Woo reds maid Woolen Yarns, California Comforts; also, fine Cadman, Bearls,lor /Ados. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Zephyr and Topoury Worsteds, Canvass Room, Foos and Fiab'6lhh, Bristol aa Boards, P. Dot Flower lligistia/A, Lamp Aims, Tidies, ad Em broidered Work. Also—Ladieslilk and Merino Vests aniDeassiorr,Embroldered Bach andFlarmalsFesub Walked Caps and Waists for/dams; and lilwan'odison 'Mundane. GENTLEMEN'S VIEAR. Ma Skirla,Crivrats and Collar.; Merino, Silk and Corson Braus•V:l2=tio we and Linen I= Olo•ed and klddidl7. COMBS, BRUSIO3I3 AND PERFUMERY. Ba=hpanes. sawed and plain Shell Bank Combs. and do; Bbell Side and Lang Combs; 1.2- ds4 Badaalloq, Bann ad Boo:mood fl Bouther, Steil, Bata/a and Esc. Horn Messing =dine Ivory Combs; with an uttermost= of Nall and - Teata Bmshes. WetbarilPs .oold &Ledal. Perfanterr. VMUErY 000119. pins, Topes, Steel Bags sad Purses, Bartems and Steel.Gosslth Berlin WI.. Bastets, Pane TwisCand Sowings, Sine Softwood Desks and Coat Biralthcs k Galloons, F.., Work Buten, Cleat Cord and Tunis, Penton., Papierues and sties a. Shade Trimmings, Ladles , Stationary, Palplt &Banner Tusets, Preach Cork Soka, Vphrthosmes Flints., Silk & Glarus Umbrellas, Sal Linos, ass'd smash', Paper Matins & Wloil men, - Elastic, Bands & Webbing, Wino Comet and Shoe Lasers. . • h "—Berd tam Oar, at W. =wee. Carpet Warshaw., No. 75 Points at, • Sasebo: supply of Ca, of the latest— .at most ap proved styles. , to whisk are invite attention a ftmsaboat man, and those wising .m famish Hons.. so call and aXamine the lamas assortment in the ear, widen we will sell cheaper than aver beton offend in lb 11,0161r11 market novl3 . W P.PCLINTOCK notiralair Leas Shawls. El/../dUliPliY ass reed • supply of the above , arida, of the best inally; also _plum Mack Long Bawls; black Sombesines,Mossaleg AJ =rani. Cloth, black Coburgs, Paramus.. rot, Moos de Laos and French Malec*, black Crams and Mourning Collars, Mourning Bobo. Rib. bons, Do ck . fall Loons:um of td.rzusi L'Airillecit SILKS, A lane santtnent, Wending a for plena very oak npstior. Doyen an invited to look at them, at Moak East Oen. of Faulk and Market sts. lasale Rooms up stain, when. a - large assert s.µ of Mow Goals kw lately been received. (ea VO DL JAYLIEIS ALTERATIVE-- We ham boss informed by Mrs. Rom of aeon per f tiomMenbete by Del Jaffill'a Altorattirier which grams Ito sapirtiority over army other ntraidy of the MM. Atte'ltm bean Maimed for the last sixteen years MECROSIM or %SMITE SWELUNGIS, attended with ileastionv and enfoliation of various boous,du• mas which tmte many pecultava been diacharged from Ma medal bone of the monism, from both Aer arms, vsnate ash hands and from both /egg and from the left femora. bone , and from Ma right Mae, licsidee peiond algae on ewer parts of her person, !Mich have baled Met skiff Of a aamber of the roost eminent phyliciata of sag any—dorm{ arm of the time her sufferings have bean memtating and deplorable. About three month. alma the who Maned to try Dr./apse% Alterative, VIM! kas had ea umishlesly lava aka t mon her, ge marmute all pain and nrallinp, and enema the aigerao healoddla alWo.ametime bet general Mal th Ms tioaomstem.mattned,ao that Ma row weighs 0 lbs More Man she ail Won afte amameated the UM ow tr .! . ref kitten 1400016,0",.../u.lie FA:4n in, kitt=gall• Egg la ater, tiMlfinaffie ft 4 11700 C, sp J hear , aShf • 025 ~..~ ~ ;; OAN'S COLUMN.' e p ig . me Medicines adyertised by W. &SLOAN SELLERS, R. cold Wood meet. •nd RUIN P. SCOTT Libary Patabulaii. Alßirm ing etry Chami by JOHN ti SMITH. leghty, by HENRY P. SCHWARTZ an D. M. CURRY. The Beet and Cheapest Ham Medicine IN THR IYOIII,H BLOAN'II OINTMENT AND CONDITION POWDER, . How wrianit• grew anima For Puha., Ni/dao,iSala. ph and Tionnighnes, SpOANM OINTMENT Mewls And Israpidly esperseding all other I:noth:tenni and Liadmaota law in ale for the Cure of the following din VMS Fresh wounds, galls of ail kinds, sprains, bruises, cracked heels, ringtione, windhone, wi11410.11, 1.01 evil. callus, sparing, aweeney, bautle, ablest, strains booeness, Bend octet, foundered fee; scratches or grease mange or borsadirremper. Tlse Powder will remove all inflammation area fever Purify the blood, loosen the skin, cleanse the water end strengthen every part of the body; and has proved a sovereign remedy ler the following diseases: Distemper, hide bound, lose of appetite, lowan. strain, yellow water, Inestrunation ot the eyes, fatigue from bard exercise; also, rheumatism. (commonly cal led adircomplaLe4) which prove. so fatal to nianY val uable hones in Ws country. It is also a sale add tier rain remedy for coughs and coldswhich generate no many fatal dmeases. W. B. SLOAN, Grand Depot, 40 Lake at, Chicago, THE PROOF. • Extract from the "Galena North Western Gnsettc. , , By the nee of Sloan's Ointment and Condition Pow. der, I base entirely cored a fistula on my horn end otherwise lennerved his condition more than Zoo ye cent. on the can Mite medicine And a now whleti was so feeble as to be considered worthless by myself and nelghbors,was restored to good health and strength by the Ole of leas than half a package of the powder, • end Is now doing better than anyother cow I here. Stull P0r.,Pday13,1134 , 1 WM. VINCENT. THE StIITERING CHILD. rhereby certify that one of toy children. when no bed, fell into a large fire of live coals, and WAS burned severely front bead to feet. The best of medical aid and attention was given to the child for four or five daps without any relief—each day's sufferings twee.. ed Ulf Ms grows could be heard at a great distance, at which critical period one of my ni ighbors recommen ded and presented to me a box of Slean's Ointment and in less than fifteen minutes after the application 'of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the suffering child, the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily began to recover. My residence is in Het township, Yes million county, and State of Indium THEODORE L. TAYLOR.. Chicago, August 24, 124 d. EXTRAORDINARY CURE April 13, 1049. Four miles north of Chicago ton the road to hitlwaukie.,) Cook county, Illinois. Mr. Bloarn—Dear Sir One of my horses had a large bony tumor on his breast berm, immediately under the collar which lamed biro and rendered hin services el .71. 1 gyVrttrjeti l r601:Mgerlt,",07110 b u'Vfle . least be I then procured Wilder', Celebrated Hone Ointment, and used that until I became (ally sa lly that lc would never relieve the animal. Fi nally I obtained a boo ut your truly valuable Oint ment, and in lea. than en days from the first opplico. Lien the =or entirely disappeared, and the born, woe well. Yount, EDWARD ARMSTRONG. POPULAR OPINION. [(popular opinion is any criterion or tho worth of an article, we taulte the incredulous to read at team a few °Caw way voluntary certificates that appear in out column respecting Ina great variety of remarkabla cures eleietwl by the our of "Sloan•. Celebrated Olin meat and Condition Powdert, The. remedies no longer rennin among those o• doubtful entity, they have passed from the slde of ex. = i n l and now sound higher in reputation anti an noon arienalvely ;wed than all oder anti In of the knod.—htlelt. City Nam. THE HALF HAS NOT HMI TOLD. Fox Etvae, Jane Dear litoan—Sir. Slethe tend by the Lamer a new .apply of you Horn Medietnes. Tbey arc the boil articles of the kind that !byre ever need. serer hav ing been disappointed in their exert, as 1 have beau le the taco( others, even rho moat celebrated 01rtreents. I lolotootv dx f the day. lUs very much tido fea ture to theta, vim that they do all that npromited, and upon a thorough trial one is courralocd to add, than "half has not been t01d... Itaxpeatfally, • OUDLEY. The ordinary ointments . tel liniments nt ts wet knee. are severe d partial in them operation.— tiloansafeintmem is mild yet thorough—it reaches and removes the cause, hence it gives real and permanent relief. For parity, mildness, safety, certainly, and thoreagtmass, Swan's Ointment excel., and Is rapidly enrytereeding all other Ouruaent. and L now in age, WE CANT GET ALONG 'WITHOUT IT. Etexan's Gusset, !IL, Oct. 41, IS3B. Mr. Sloan—Sin I have tested the virtue of yam Qum= Its the cure of rattlesnake bites, tern thrum, bums, and. many mbar hosanna, and in every ewe si has aurpasswd onz expectations. Asa (molly Om, mem, I have never seen its equal, asol for beasts we can't get along without it MILES M. JOHNSON. . Mr. Sloaxi—Dear Nis [ For • comode:able length al Mae I was seriously afftictod with the rheumatic num. WWII, and applied freely the ranons Immure, palm & e., anthem obtaining any relief. After which year as, at at Oda plade latluettehl me to try root thouttent,.d within two wrecks from the rlme 1 com menced sang it, the pain ceased, and I waseefectually cured, and shall recommend all who are similarly .1. elleted,with the distressing complaint, to procure your excellent ointment without delay Reap' T (oars, OSCAR F mow. Pnacculle, Peons co., May 1, 1140. From the lion. H. V. y Brook., agent of the Mama. and Mention Canal Porkm Boat Company. CUICAUO. Jane 4 .14, 101,5 Br. W. B. Sloan—Dear &r. For Oa lost year. I bars had occasion to nor many horse, and halm toed randy of liniment. and ointment. 111 one, but have never found one thing renal Poor ..., moat (or uthorie. on harms. tVtt,tot •the .100 two ( monoßafe applied your uontment vow ...horse., njtoms, and in every Instance. 0 too pro ved a morretith remedy. . . . ILICII PALL GOODS! A FINGER BITTEN ENITRELV OFF.LF.X.ANDER A DAY, corner of the Diamond and T.: miles wadi °railcar/a, Sept- 14, ISIS. A Market awe.. notify chew Siena. and the politic Dr. Strap—Sir: Oct the CM [natant my son bad a En- that they have received them meek of Fall and Win ter bluer entirely off by a horse. We immediately .r GOOD,, direct from We importer., manufacturers plied year celebrated omonent, which relieved him •• . and auenocs at We east. Their mock of new •tyle and pent M alew minarea, and Presented the finger from tarblonable Goods to tarts, and peered. wont aurae. ewelling the Mast particle, and the wound is healom clans to purchasers. la Ladie• Dress Goode and tepidly. pone; S. BROCKWAY. Sliawk, the moat splendid and aadionsole Goods of th. season me now offered, at remarkably low prier. coat:ming to part of the following LAMBS' DRESS GOODS. New try le 13rheritclid Carnelian Silks; and teach Sayin Da Chants and Tare Sarum; C,i.i Campo Gt `Alerhiriel, of the best qualities; Mash glossy Groactiens of the celebrated Faith , manufacture. r Tilo above twain Black Silks are warranted not to cut iu We wear; for dreg.. and mantillas limy area. 1.c.4 imported. Nis Bed Carnelian Sahel/a Cheer, the handsomest Si,ks of it, season. New style Brach% Silt figured French Mena" a now and splendid article for indict , walking dresses. Silk Embroidered French MUM., for crew. and ats, an etwroly new anle.le„ Cashmeres, De Lames. llermos, Alpacpaa and Par a la asaarssaeat SHAWLS AND SCARFS! DOCTORING IN GALENA hit-Sloan—De Su: About three years ago I was severely injUjed io one of toy lees by the foiling of • pile of wood Which occasioned large running ulcers. Nearly every doctor In Galena toed to rote then: but treed in Vain, CLAW from sympathy arid improper trce, meat my other tog became as bad as the one original y wounded. • I despaired of ever being well -again— but in order that I might neglect no means within ray reach, I purchased of your agent in Galena some or you, ointment. and you canjudge of my surprise an I gratitude better than I Can express to, to hod muse eaurelywnll before I had finished using the iv cowl is .1 Theme biota I make known that other. %acted may believe and not delay using en valuable an ointment as year. has proved to be. Revp'y gratenal Galena, 111., Dec. lb, Ibid. ➢ EVAN DAVIS. 14 ONLY on DAYS. Beare the Col Louring order, Pleura. Vauchn tr. Co purchased a large supply of Sinsn's pmeaticas. isetres rei t, Mich. Feb el, lead S. K. Hibbard—Dear Smi onlOf death. lion Powder and Horse Ointment The sale lar ex. tee& my expectation. If you can matinee to send me 4 dozen Ointment, I will pay for thein'the first not. that you are here, ani presume I thall be able to tell • large quantity.in the coarse of the year. It will be anobJect to you, as well an to myself, to keep me eon. stonily sopped. Very respl yours, 5....3. VAUGHN fr. CO. MISSISSIPPI RIVER. _ _ Sr. Lorm, Feb. 22,1341. Dr. Sloan—Sin. About two yeah ago, while railing on the Mismssippi river, In pcssing acre Idarapids, I wm plunged into the water, and by the raft dashing against a rock, crushing my 101 l legand othenvise to. mental,. imurtng me, to much Mist I lost all sensibility When comeloasness smeared found myself in Cl. in 6 tad Louts, =mounded hy my weeps/t e yres/ally. Good nom are'titd ' tfite t'd " one t na w . o ch. 9 1 1 it ' monads only partially homed, leaving large run RR' sores at the knee, which for many mania discus blood and matter of the most effisavive character. hly paw were inexpreasible , at times my suffering ma. great that death would bare recelved a hearty led come. Fortunately hlr. Wilson, (one of my neigh torsi advised um to try your Ointment I otemaod n boa applied It according to direction—the sores soon began to assume a healthy appearance, and in three months I was entirely cured, d enabled to do hard labot. an Tour obedient servant. HIRAM W. THOMAS. We, the andenrigned, neighbor. of 11. W. Thome, wen acquainted with the eau, above stated, and know ing the eireasartoneca, mon cheerfully coedit, eatd Tema,' SISIZOICUL nEv. J . DOUGLAss.. JAMES WILSON, PETER LAMB. E=SEMI 02=31121 W. D. Sloan—Sin One atm , horses was hoof bound and also wounded in the stale, in which he took cold, and became so crippled that he could seemly travel. Hy the free application of your valuable 0111111.111, his hoot were soon softened and the Mille permanently eared. I bane also used the Ointment In the case of Poll-Evil and on - severe galls with «mat winces. On • embed finger that wit very painful o 0 Opera. lea like a charm - Years. Ice, A. VAN Fu4E.N. TESTIMONY PROM LITTLE PAST. Sleaze. Ointment and Condition Powder are ac knowledged by allpsto have used Meth to be :he I ell Kennedy for horses and cattle that /us been discovered. Fresh' wounds, s, bruises, rinlione, poll evil, and Ito short e ver y oat w ar d disordiv o rint ury can he cared by this wonderful remedy. The Powder is designed for low./ straine, distemper, bide bound, Magee from hard exercise, disclosed eyes, rec.—Lake Comny Chronicle. 'RATHER DOURTIACiLyy AVT_I THOUteIIT WOULD TIiY ITi" - - W Cook Co. Fab.l3, Mr. Sloan— Sir have young horse that was taken with the scratches last lan. I paid out about three dollars for medicine to cane him, bat he grew worse. I then bought • box of,our ointment . yaLll *Mee when an Chleago last, iner dosbungly, but I thought I would try it. ha/gear my sorprwe and nay bptima of Its beneneial qua li ties, when I found my anit's legs smooth and well Mater days from We time geonameneedapplyLag it. Your ohedlaim. =OM More than kitten years of unrivalled success In the cure of every variety of external diseases and injuries such as •prams, houses, cats, burns, eutaneouserup. hone, sore Lips, sore breasts t chapped bands, clan. blarns, biles, ulcers, corm, p.05 1 / 1 110, back, sides, or other pallet/Ole system, rattlesnake bites, de, beers ample testimony that ,Moan's Ointment to just the thing for the hour. Certificates without number have been omelved by the Proprietor from disinterested isidivatu. ate, (ivies details of motookable cure. by on One I=l Granville, Dildweekie co. Wis.,Oct.l3, PAO. Mr.lmin—Dear. Sit Recently my horses fir.elaw•T with • log chain attaeliedorlden cut and ethe ew ,,,, wood them medal:AY. w moeb so that I canwdered my team ruined for basilicas. lonumuely a friend iv• commended the ime of your Clutment. -I went to hill. warship and purchased a box. It soon removed :Co Inflammation, audio a few days the wounds healed The great benefit derived from the um of your thos ...ton my horses, induced in. to acquaint you will the fazt, believing ite publicity would benefit you nod Um public. Respectfully veers, . GEORGE. OMSTOCK. IT IS A POSIT/Vs rear, And hat become a eonneon 'saying, that Pion)! Otousens and Condition Powder are rapidly eerier., dine all other remedies for Id thseases of horses nod clinic The Monty of the medicines consists rich mitt• and safety, to wit: they may be tad ever as freely without soy !Wagerer taking cold; cc Loy Oen blow n=frz frothed (Iva use, sad never fad to eta if ea fo woe. atireslTS zena.Amalur al 1.1. of Dry BIHAR TOO On mat Coax LW • A. A. MASON 4 , CO. wILL commenoe en New Year'. Day,. MO, and =Minn tbronati the month or Jun , cuing wtuch time the whoto of their immense astsb n; lincluding all their NV/Menlo RoontaillMillmthrema open for Retail Trade; an their entire Wholesale Stock will be edned at Rana, on this occasion, st , folly on eons= Lass than Instal price. Their Shawl Saloon Contains more than BOP/Shawls, comprising every deseriptian of Long and Square Wasl Shawls, Cashmere, Brochs,Ae. Also, Vixens', Cloaks, Mantillas,. Sacks, &a., at an Immense rodeo- TR I NBIIIIG CLOAK GOODS. Their mock comprises naOre than 1000 piens Thibet Cloths, Merinos, Paratoett., Alpueu, Lyonese, Do era and Pelisse Cloths, will be said from du us 40 per cam Ins than mini price,. Also-300 pteces nth plain and fira SILKS, red.- end LB per cent. LM eases Cashmeres and Da Lain entire new styles. Also—Wbne Goods, Morning do, Embroideries, ac Le; Ribbon.. Gloves and Hosiery, Thattsdna; Lo. oases Flannel., 70 cues new myle Calico.. GO ea us Bleached Muslin, PM hale. Drown do. Yu bales nekines. Also, Cloths, CUARIGJOiI, Jeans, Caesium; Am„ at extremely low prices. Together with an immenseiety of other Goods, making an assomunt one of var tbe most extename In the coamry—all of which have been marked down at meek lower Finns than their einem:ye aunt sale In January lasi , The Goods y bo sold. invite an early call, as many of their choicest ••-• • • • . lU . Tbe Lowest price named at firm Judi A. A. MASON A. CO.. GO 51=1,1 at. aleareray Plants" Blanket. lir It. MURPHY, at North East corner of Fount, end Market streets, has lately received • sup ply,of.the above Impeder make of Blankets,and in mow in want of the ankle to look at them be km buying. He hoe also on hand Home Made Blan ket, a good Leavy snide, which he k selling low. Also—l tome Made FLANNELS, brown, barred and white, of • superior quality. Also—Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to winch he invites Me attention of buyers. ClarA large supply of GDO‘IS recently opened in the Wholesale Room, up skim, makes hi. assortment very full and worthy the attention of dealers. • ovl7 .• SEaktii r irrfariar - ci , A. Alf in.:Fort— una, Pa., Sept d uty Mr. R. E. Sellen—Dear Sin feel it is a duty I owe to the public, as well as to Cid credit of your Liver Pas, to state the good effect• preduccd by their U. In my own ewe. Oaring the month ofJurte,lo-15, I,tank very unwell, my appetite failed. and my strength was esturely prostrated, with severe pun in my aide and shoulders. I was told by medical men thal my disease was • severe attack of deer complaint. I took seta nil box. of Mlisnel Liver Pills, and mem drupe, which I was told we. goal for that disease, but alter all 1 watt gating worse. I finally concluded to place myself .der the care of a physician (or better or worse; but, fortimutely, th i st this time, I was told by Me Rev. Niblock, ofplace, that a friend bad aunt him a box of Sellers , Liver Pills from Pittsburgh, which had benegued kora eery much. I forthwith scat for a box of your Liver Pills, mid by the time I was done using them, I was satisAed that It was Jut medicine that milted my ease. I gent foe motes and took five or six bell., sad fanod myself entirely cured; but In March lam I eangat • MN. cold, which brought back tie dams, and I n a Mori time I was as bad as ever. I main had recourse to you Liver Pills, and took them every other night fox am weeks, and oceaslortally since, and lean now MY, that lean now say, that I feel Linde if any sympaims of the Liver Complaint, and my general twalth In at Aped now as it has hem for the last ID years. My neighbors ask me who was "my doctor. I tall thorn that Sellers , Liver Pills no my doctor, sma . b the blessing of Divine Previa.. the magmata °anus me. I ant confident that when the_publle bocoms aos maimed with Ma yalm fx you Liver Pins, Ms dos mead for them will Meteors. Manyof my neighbors, to whore I have recommended the pills , eau testily to their value, as well as to the facts aboye stated. Respectfully yours, Gomm Wu.= To Ma Ptioue.—The Original, only true sod gam. eine Liver Pills are prepared by R. E. Sellers, and base Ins name stamped in black oral open Roll of each Bor, and his signature on the outside wrapper. L?All others are coanterfeits, or base laindions. spr.l7 R. E SELLERS, Proprietor, 5,7 Waal at _ Jaynes' EXpeotorialsk . Simms, Columbiana c0,,0., Apr.9l, 1941. TiR. D. JAYNEZi Drat 85Z-1 feel boned to you and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op, portuntty ofipeing publicity to the extmomllnary eleek of your Elrpectorant onmyself. LiairiSmen afflicted for several years with a severe coed hectic fever and its miiniumitand diseases, and see only doomed to linger out a Mort but miserable existence,anal the fall of PIA, when, being more severely attacked, and having re.orted to all toy former resombes, and the pre. reripbous otter° of the most respectable physicians in the neighborhood without deriving um benefit, or the cousolatmn of survivikr but a few days or weeks ai farthest—when the 1.. t gleam of hope was shoot to vaned,. 1 had recommended to me your Expectonms— slid blegsed by Mot Being who does W Wing s to the use stubs mean:—aad contrary ID the sixpesitatiofie of nty physicians and friends, I wits in • few daye ranted from my bed, and was enabled by the use of • elide, attend to toy y b e lu a ineta, emoying 12C0 telf health Lbsa I bed for ten n previ ous. Flespectfully yours, k.z., lio W. Emu.. for mle in Pittsburgh, at the Pet. Tea Share, A Fourth street. rearA t:LI T , IFICA : I Ii T y O DR , laving encoded my brother, who died of consumption or Altana ledn, I was tokea sick with the Consumption or Liver Complaint, and was reduced to low wthli the disease, that for four years I was unable to attend no cry lanai...either no home or •broad, being for the molt unit confined to my bed. Ititstedt the above peri od of time, I had expended (or medmal attendance regular Physicians and wedicthes, to the rimeant of anllo, sithoet receiving any benefit thercfmna to July, 1e45, I commenced tektng Dr. Jayne Ned, mum, and have taken them more or law over since, and believe . that it was by persevering in their me, tart I eau now tool) Say W. I beer completely rec.. erred my health. I belicyc•that Jayne'. acn e. ve Pun. and Expectorant are the best (amity medicine, now in I maid* no elprturgfield, Otsego county, N. V., and earTy on a tomes and machine shop no that plwe, ohd em not Interested In any manner to U. sale of the shove medicines, and make this cernficate for the ben- Mit of those adlimml.4ll EATON. flonnglield, N. Y., Sept le IMF " jai Brocha Long and Shame Wawa'ls. of the beat geed tlea Plaid Lung Shawl,, of the newest design., remark ably cheap. Splendid Torkeri Stare's, at greatly redaced prices. Carnelian Brume fig'd .4111 r Shawl., in yeas variety. Crepe shawls, white and colored, in great varlet). CLOTHS, CASSIM EKES AND VESTING& tlr.t Sedan real French Thrilled Clutha, all P.m.; hest Sedan real French Cassimerelk neW ttyht Amer ican Caasimerer toper Satin Veining,. LADIE:S' CLOAKING CLOTHS! French Slid Bele. Black and Olive Cloths, for 1...- J) e Cloaks. OEM 33 A splendid ansonment of Amenoui and imported illmikom, at remarkably lost pries.. DOMEMT/C AND STAPLE 1345011 S! A large and crumple... own;ancru now on band.- 31any or our present stock of tStapla (goods were bought from the ataautactarers previous to the pnwent advance in prices. A principal part of our stock of Wrench and English goods have been purchased at the great AartiOn slate. in Philadelphia and New York, nicltcnables as to offer derided bargain, In almost every dericnotton of good, in onfline of butuness. Country Merchants, Merchant Tailors, and all wholesale and retail buyers, are invited to an early examinunen of oar nook Mad Frit... ALEXANDER& DAY, 73 Market sr, oerN northwest corner of the Diamond. tro - Dll4 iatan ur Dierteuuua lir.CR Y, at north east oornot ourth and Market au, is now receiving his and supply or the s and eon offer induct:a t• to Layers rarely to be met eason, With- the laatOrtMeat LADIES' DRESS GOODS 14 eery full, consisting of French Merinos, Cash rea Coburg.. Lyoncse. Cloths, super Printed French ash. metes, at prices considerably lower than they aid be bought early in the season. Ws stook of LONG SHAWLS • I* large, and eintnnees many of the beautiful .tyleu nowon exhibition at Franklin Instnate, BONNET 4NI) NECK RIBBONS, i Of new and very handsome stiles, Volvei lc. • SACKING FLANNELS, UI V1 , T10112 styles and qualthlea plain and =braid red Blank Stlk /ACC., Needle Worked Collars and Gs, Bonnet Banns and Velvet Flowers,Cap• and Feat :a HANDSOME DRESS SILKS, Of the newest nylra, and et lower prices than uedal; end rich changeable Bilks and Bad., for Atarbdfas, an.; and a large stock of STAPLE AND HOUSEKEEPIN 000D5,3 at lowest pones. And in the gentlemen'. departiricni. will be found (reels FRENCH MACK AND FANCY COL'D CLOTHS, Slack Doeskins, Winter Vesting*, Palley Cassimerss, Uoilsolortv and Drawers, Silt Cravats, Yocket Hand. kerchiefs, tee. eq-Morclismis are invited o visit the Wholesale Rooms, vnoo. osinn A VERY WONDERFUL CUREI—o nol A VEIL'dIFECIFI Mown, Mercer ea, Pa., Sept ft E. Bellew blear Sir, I bought coo bottle of your Verrtulltge at the Iron City Furnace mom at this place, drawl It performed what we consider out here a woe. cure on one of my boys eight year. old; he had been onweltfor genie) can, NV much so that I had giv en up all hopes of his recovery. Ivrea advised by one of soyneigb.ra to try a bottle of yoor Yemdfoge— awl I am happy to intone you of it beam!, the dewed effect of relieving my von. Ile pase , d, in Pie sharr space of dl hoots, 164 worms, soma of them meager. big at much as 11/ mid 14 inebes long. I feel bound in justice to give you the above statement, eons you tusy make any use of my mums that you think propel. Yours, very respectfully, Jokavams S. Lin. I:DI - Prepared and sold by R. EASELLERS,67 Wood street; and told by Druggate generally in the two chic, orl6 Is RAD i ItiCAD twaill.:LLEßril O.:loll SA UL, lit/P—Vroto W. H. Bodeu, E.g., Clerk of the Court of Quarter Session/to( Bearer County: Mr. N. I...Steil/n*l Sir, Some time in the winter my wife was *libeled with a severe and dime:smug cough, aotr beano* of your invaluable Cough gyrep, I par. chmed a bottle from S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater; and after taking a portion of it two or three evening. el eo going to bed, she re Ad Immediate relief as also several friends have been tiered In severe Mimi I ant therefore satisfied th at Its .safe and valuable Me* theine, and would recent ad it to them who may be afflicted with revere coogh6 and cut& htmeb te,1h11i.... ..,...L ... .. .ky. E:2/./Dr.N. 1? - ;;;o1711,Y7iE. SELLERS, 57 AW.7.7iiiic end by - Druggist. gone:ally la the two eider god virinui. gA,L. 1511. a. Ci cup Elie and Drab F4l r 49 oths, Just re e'd and for o Y de by MURPH, WILSON & CO, m•l3 • 49 Wood 9t SC&Iti..ET MUUti DE LUNN—W.B. Mtuphy has lust reed • lot of high colored Moos, do Labe, inches Cherry, Scarlet, ice, at the low plea of kbe. per yard. Also, PlalMPrah, Brown, ,at lak to lel cents per yard; and a huge araortment of nom styles kora.] Mon. de Whoa, Si Tarimos prices, together whit n'elloice aasortment of Went Goods generally, neat. Fancy Prenr.b Mono., Cashmere., Cohorts and Lyonews Cloths, at the N. E. earner of i'tank and blast.... Milani. Rd= vip Mtn. tttMk tiMIQZE111301:1 . HARM? gar i Om Arlit u lt u o i rtf eri .. ta rata any part of England, 1 , & land- M1...1 or upon the most liberal terms, with then asual i pun . cmalny and ° ode 7oln. to he ant. and be tfalilst I:aer- Pora, as we take charge of them the moment they re, port di= tvelves, and ate to their well being, and do. spatula them without any detentlan by the first chips.— . W es e say lie fearl thessly, ar as we defy one of our pasion- g.[to show at they m detained 43 bqu, by as in Liverpool, whilst thousands of ethers • ere detained months antil they could be vent in aome "raft,et a ch:p which too frequently proved their eolfine. We intend to perform oar eonirnts eonorably, cost what It may, and not net as was the ease last season, with ethic. OtliCOMl . ,—who either performed not iliac when it united the ir eopvenience. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any tam from LI to LIMO payable at any of the proriacial yanks in Ire land, 111/land, Scotland and Wale. -• JOSLIIII. ROB? 0180 N, Ettmpe • LEI Ga ml atre4L an one Jan ve In low Wno4 . . -- -- INVER PACKETS. Steamer HIGAN No. a—Caw-Gilson. 'EERI T HE above regular an d well " Gordon. d well known Beaver Pack ets, have commence) twain; their daily trip. to and from lleaverotrid will continue to run between Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the acason, as tallowy— - . ' Michigan No. 2 le.. Pittsburgh daily at 9 o'clock, A. N., and Beaver at 2 o'clock P. M. Lake Eno leaves Beaver daily ad 9 o'clock, A . M, and Piusburgh at 3 o'clock, P. M. These steamers will run In connection 1161.11 11 G Parke Express Packet Line, for Eric; - Taylor & Lerhingwall's Warren Packets; Union Linea( Freight Boats for Cleveland; Clarke &Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Lau Freight Boat. R 0 Parka Castle Packets. • PARKS k Co, Beaver, Agent. JOHN A. CAUGILEY, Agent, Bittshurgh, csoh3l nor Water and ftlthfierd sts m at , 1849. lad= PITTABDEOII AND CLEVELAND LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. THE Proprietor. of this old establishesd and popular daily line, consisting of SIXTEEN taste-lam Canal Boats, weed by themselves and rimming at ...m -aim with the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer neequalled anilines for the transportation of freight and pngers, on the opeidrig of Canal naviganon, to all p oints se on the Penn sylvania mid Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes. E N. FITCH A Co, Cleveland. DIDWELLA BROTHER, Agents, Beaver. mar 2 . Sc. BIDIVELL, Ayent, Water meet. Pittsburgh. 1. A =watt, D. w. C. 111.11112.4 Pittsburgh. BIDWELL .I. BROTHER. Forwarding Intratianis, BEAVER, PA., Atlt'for the Pia... Lured anticlepeland Lane, Zito. gh and Ene Line oil Eris, and for ,tram boat, Bawer ana• Caleb Cop.. Raving parattsacd the large and attbstantial Wharf Beat just bolls for-thi= s . Monongahela Packets, base With the addition of a Watetuasse, the most ample ac commodations for receiving and formarding, and pledge their otinClatallantiot, promptness and despatch to erlighttr.eala SO their Bare, and rely on their friend. far a vii. B. tr. BRo: 44 nand Plumes. ()NEsiecoad hand Piano, a oeuvres, prtee sto. I " " " 5 " 40. " For nit (or curb of Stu atove priers, by del! H kIF.LLOH, el Wood st Ilfteti—Staaa`a Gaunt VlOl.ll. rgetroot,altered and connected horn Ibi,,taat Enk• editlun. to correspond with SNAP., Grip.' School of Violin playing, hT hi. pupil U. C 11111. "If any arguments are required to recommend this work, II may be observed that Spoke himself adhere. strictly to the systeta Wd ('uteri in the above work, pad that ho has by the same mode of Instruction, propaced a treater alma.et of dirtingutsbed pupils than any other um., In Europa. A supply of die .hove just ree'dipnee Sty, and for sale by H MELLO& St Wood st • .446414 W . tt N =NEW end experienced PhTrim. from the eft D E :ireeiLtreree ' ri ' ie l pe 'g 'p o taes " e w anr sH e e , " 7 Ulm ogee.. to Buffalo and other .large clues Imo been Noverblal. Ilia charges are mplenue, este let elate Old eases of Glee; Stricture, gem Alla, Fluor Albin, BLeurualls.,4eveSrpfulla, se any chem.. or urreterate eaxe solteeted. A cure warranted. or ehu gre refunded. Demers, St. Div r atreetpl doors from Lie Dndgo. Teettt Ertratted. Advtue to the poor grans. N. B.—Dr. L. waren. the Otall cute. of any &seam In Pnleborge to caLL weld:dly _ . PETROLEUM. OH H O CK OIL. "Three •re g4nrel (1112 g. lit heaven and earth • Thus are dreamt of in philosophy!. ofp s ti ri on ' re t i'" to k emrly, one. the h. sndueed him jinn% it put op ' in bottle. ' sr. la ' . and dime.ne for the beileht of the public, The PETROLEUM is prohand froth • well is Um county, as • depth of low kindred feet, is • pure an. daltemed article, wahool any coemical change, hut pm as Sows tenet Nature's Great Labnitoryg Tanta contains properties reaching • mailer of Messes, to ao longer • manner of aocestunty. There are many h a f ', FaiTsitse . Tifl ' i!:s7i, r e. " • ' ; ', e7irti; h s ' alie "" 7 " a'sille k ! nog thellactin'of health and vigor to many • Suf• freer. Long before the proyriesor nought of putting 'tap in buil., it kul a reputation Tor the ewe of des ease. The constant and duly increasing calls for it. and several remarkable cares it has performed, le • sore indiration of its Moue papal...fit) and wade spread appiieation in the sane of 1 We do not wish to male a long parade of essub- ems as we are could°. that the medicine can woo work ' Its way into the fa c ay roger and wish to be healed: i n we do not laim for n a anlversal application in every darns, we unbent*. tingty say, that in • number at Chronic Diseases it is Remelted. Among these may be enumerated—all diseues of the mania. Oscars, such as CHRONIC 14ROSCIUTIS, CONSUAIPTION lin 00 .any staged Asthma, and a ll discuss of the air passages, L }DER COMELAIRT, pyspetam, n v artocra:seese. of the Bladder and lildisent, Pains to the Rack or Side. DusilaSCl,Pleantigia, Palsy, }thematic Puns, Goat. Erysipelas, Tenet, Ringworms, Iluma, Scalds, Brasses, o.d Sores, In., At. fn cases of debility ter salting hem ermine, or long and protracted cases of disease, this medicine lull bring relief, h will act as • general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in Snell cores, imparting man and energy to the whole frame, rem, tug obstructions, opening the slaitish functions, which cease disease and a briken constitution, and siring increaved and renewed energy to all the orgasm of idle! The proprietor knows of segue} cares of PILES. that resisted every Other treatment, get well under toe ase of the PETROLEUM for • short wee. The proof can be goan to any person who desires it No. genus. witheut She aiguature of th e pritgrimis Sold by lite prophetes s S. FL VER. Canal Dante, near Seventh at Also by R E. SELLERS, 57 goal sh .4—KEYSER & hI'DOWELL, corner We. M. and Vogul allay: who are noes-dly regularly appointed Agents TVUS 4ZIR C!IURNS PINE A.yD CEDAR WAR.EI4ANUFAI2TORI* No. BJ, corner Slartkml Irifth—or darker, Plreen Thud .4 Fourth six. - T . . . . ... .. .. . N subscriber keep. -constantly on band, whole. sale and mast, lhe following small., vir. Wash Tubs. Shod' Chums Nest Tubs Barrel Chores', Bath Tob., Half Bushels, Wooden Bowls Peeks and halt Pecks, Wash Boards, limas Bound Bockats Clothes Pies, Towel Rollers Woolen L4dles, Bread Rollers Clothes Baskets' ' hfarkci Baskets, to., h.e. SAIIIUEL KROSSEN, owelll No CI {!amend alley, Forshorgh .1. Eltaspratt & Sods. Patent Soda Ash. 3,3 F, Impend than and Soap makers' Soda alai, tapod direct from the above celebrated manatecture ra, SS per cant American tea, aravtort and for &le by novel W I .1" uwor:R—in.o ke" ring; Diluing; YuG D Fli4s, SW " Ky. doi " do do; _lust reccirfug and for •ale by fatal I 9 DILW ORTH & CO Otis to *tore tor .at. by .. .fetal it WTI II JOIINefON - ortbllUS-4 bbls ree'd awl fur siklo by ..124 fatal WM II .1011NntIN VINEGAR -2 Obl.bider, ler see 1 WM 11 JOILM3TON LARD-1.2 Imp tor sale by labal WINI II JOHNSTON arOAK-lb bads prime new, rood and tor ram by 0 OM AJOISTIOJNO a. CRUZES B - 11.TETE1IXS=,rtaTt ea - baiiTe nay s- SU/Mk and Stark Woe Urals, opened and for solo by rebid BEACKLETT fr. WHITE OAL SODA-2 tasks far .ale by a SAVO DMIN DAIORCIAN AUM -40 bbl tibia reined for sace'losy by fella DURBIIIDOL, WILSON a. CO -ik.LUES—frglbsElMO Dry Doe Cape; for by fcbls It E SELLERS COFFEE -75 bags n core and fay sale by DROWN 3 KIRKPATRICK, feels 144 Liberty et M . OLARBUL - ze4 - Tnni - N - 01 ---- Ili a lb test teed, for earn by febls BROWN k KIRKPATRICK CVOAIt-00 bbd. N 0, for sale by febls BROWN Er KIRKPATRICK ur.--. nerve;Yie4h, solving and for Bee oy BROWN t KIRKPATRICK, tobld 114 Irbero FLOUR -10u ba,rez• LAtra; barrela liaperfine,• 113 barrels line. on hand and for sale by rabbi BROWN H lORRPATRICK_ CORN-lUu.acke lfellniiiiiTraale Ly febls I/SHOW:4 & RI RR PATRICK lORN—IR sacks receiving per azr. Nrken. 000 101 Jale by abvs JAMES UALZEL VCllNBOWirr. „ AirS;;aoTi.iared, licabiraand for sale by . fablb JAAIBB !MURIA, BLOOMS -jl3 idiTs - Ray to Co. Tenn. Biontn•, ler 1 0/0 by tabldi JAMES DRLZELI. BUTTER, de-10 bbl. and 3 . ,krar Maori " Llod; 4 sack. Feraltorez fur We by JASILS _ . .IA.IIP - ;us - siticrei br , f JOHN DAIORGAN ijoST: J.% feta °r JOHN tIRE9EN___ UNNY - BACi at read MN 14, by a . ianl4 !TREY FOOLS R CLARE SOSO-230U, Rotirt, In .Inie and for tiio_a_ _ ENGLISH ft DRNNErjr ftbl4 No 37 111.11 • CsoClilg:4l du..Wiwilen, In cote and lot vale by 0 (alai • ENGLISH & BENNETT Willfirt - ti -148 :4 - b - bli - ivietoti for vale by . febl4 ENGLISH & Ilt ariffot sal; 14 — 146414 /MULISH k OF.NIVKIT tlliblil l g - R -- GWVFXS :e lYpililivile - ivegilaiii Elb 19 pal/ Shirred Leggioss; Air Cushions, loud sad square; lS Pea Caw; I gross Not Illup; I do No 9 do; I do No 3 do; lust reed and for isle al do Rubber Repot, No 6 Wood at . rebl9 1a PHILLIPS naNthiia2Ml MEDICAL I'LL Mb FAMILY MEDICINES—"They are skit Aledieines of the day!. GRAttl2l's IWallov, Ohio, May Yn, 1P49. R E. Seller: I think it right for tho benefit of others in Slate tome facts in relation to ye or excellent Fiuni. ly Medicines. I have cued your Verthituge Itrrgewy in coy own ions ily, one via , frequently answering for rge quantities piny I to SOIS worms Sons two cleiletet have also used your Liver rale and lioogli Syrup in my frnily, tod they have In every instance produced the elect desired. .• . As I as sat/aged in merelmadi.ing, I ant able to state that I Hare yet to hear of the firm failure where your nirdic•nea have been used in my seenoo of the country. in conelmion, I may suite Mut they are do medicines et the day, ethl are destined ui have a very extemive pspulanty boars. re.. •.v tally, 1 . .. If. Ptonetk. Prepared and told by FL I itS,PMS' Wood trees, nod sold by Drumktt • • comedy to the two ties and vicinity. meth ifLeAT dUktfliF - LlirEticafrawr;Thfr i o lF otiginal, only true, apd genuine Liver Pill. Suom Cams, Ohio carmty, Va. I March 26M, DRY. Mr. g. E. Seller.: Dear Sir—l Mink it aduty I owe to you and to the public rtneraly ! to state that I bare been atfieted with the Liver Complaint foe a long woe, and so badly that no ahem, formed and broke, which left Sue in • very low note. 'loving heard of your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A IL Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to nte by my physteian, Dr. E. Smith, leonchirted to give theta o fon trisL I purchase!' one box, and found them to le mat what they are recommended, TIIE HEST LI VER PILL EVER USED., and after taking blur boar. I bud the disc.se boo entirely left me, and I am now perfectly well. Respectfully your., D it COLEMAN. • West Liberty, March - 28,1m5. I ecrtity that I axe personally acquainted with %I Colent .• ,and can bear Itliti/nolly to the truth el the M=M=l senaine - Liver pin. are prepared and sold by ft E s LLERSirio 57 Wood street, and by dnagyists in meno clues. TO TIIE ryiluC.—The original, only true Wien. nine Liver Pills are prepared by R Rennet., intdhave hi name stamped In blset vraz upon the ad of each hoS, and his stenatere on the outside wrapper—all others are counterfeits, or base Imitations. apt() RT. SELLERS, Proprietor ids. JAY' NYC'S CAILUILINATIVREiIALIPAZI [PROS] the flee AiA SHINN, n well known and pop alay t.lergrinnn os the ProtestanthlethedistCherch Tee andersigned has mg been alaieted during the past V3alter with • dt.asis onhe stomach, sometimes pro deleln S great pain in the stomach for tenor twelve hour. without:Tannin ,on.,and after having tried •arions remedies with }feet. was furnished with a bottle or Dr D.laynesC manse Balsam: This he toed we• cording to the d reet.cria. lid found invariably that this medicine coined the pain to au re In three or four min utes, and in fifteen or twenty minutes every uneasy sensation wim ennyelY9ulemJ. .The medicine was at terwardsused ',Wheaten:l Indica:ions o! the approach el fddrtwore pe ref... Ted, and the pain war thereby prevent ed. tin continued to toe the medicineevery evening and son...ocs the morning, and in a few week. health was no fair estered, that the seder.' was relic• ed from's. lalgoarann n. of °pore, cive peon. From ex tarience,therefore. ye can ednfidently recommend V D Jayne , . CarMirttlive Buis= , at • salittery medir in . For &mug of thestensaeh and bowels. A SIIINND Allegheny cit..ty:{l For sale In Pittsburgh at , o sl'EhIN 1 . 5T.113 70 Founts street, near We c and else nt thelone Soon of P SCHWARTZ. V- real meet. APeghein CONSUitIPTIVES, BR ON YOUR GUARD. Olt. SWAI"NIF7.3 COMPOUND SYBDP OF WILD CHEERY MN OUST 1...11.11100 Coaseeiptlon, Coughs, Galas Asthma, Oronealtle, Ide et Complaint, Sp - dung Maid, %itemSy of Bread, loc i Sum in the Side end au 01 Lae Seel, Infhienfa, Color., fokod Coo ou, Sore Throat, Norton, Detali• lio:d all Dinfr w oLthe Swum etl ! end speody ears ever ter any of the abaYr as. le 1 II If.. S N . . . . compsmnd gyre., or W 110 lUlterryl ads tor.inine nu lenses . among those of doubtful ataty. It ',lmputed away from , lbe Maurine, duly laucelled goon the tide of caporal:tem, and tow .soda lusher in reparation. lOW l• bLOOMinK morn CZIGII•I4, ly seed than any other preparation Of medicine else produced for atletict et seelering i n nc b ee n...traduced very generally through the United atoms sod Knrepe, and then are few towns of Importance but what contain tome remarkable err denceraf its good elects. For proof of the forecourt( IMCC.IIII., .4 of the mane and efficacy of dila ov,h caw, the proprietor will levet • few of the many then. nand tectimaulale which have been presn-nred tohim by item of the fast reepeetalulany—men who have lucher mewl of moral reaponsaldlity and mane, than w rm. Of, to Mots, becalm° it w,u do another favor, Mild theaktelve• no injustice. bath testimony proves con. elestoely,that fs et:doming excellence is established by Its intrinsic merits, and the tmtlneebonable math/et. ty of public opinion. The Instantanneen• relief WV_ lords, and the soodung lndoence dawned through the whole frame by its um, render, rt a moat tameable remedy for the sainted. M RF.ESIBTIV °Virhen men, toting from conattlentio& iflnnt:aes. volahranly bear tit-aut./0y to the truth of a thing, of parMealar fact, each wenn:truly, tieing &admit' to their worldly tutereatx andp&pows, coerce, conviction of it. Vath, of c t, mme ddr itself in a special manner to witintrsal eredetdic. - -0 1 1lotgail l e Moral Mamma. READ TILE HUME CERTLFICATI. Snag. Axon ca Crag at retatt&ameMoadrawnoir flans attar seas a remedy that ha: Lean tut meeeartul &operate ewe of Cooromption, ail fly Sway no'. Connound tiptop of Wild Omen, It atmuirthen• tart quart, and appeari to bent the ulcers an the lons, &ego g new and twit Mood, power pus...red by hi., other rdietoe. Carrera Co, April 23th,lniv O. SA yule—Dear den I weals oei.. your C. NOLO !Imp of Wild Cheri') has been the mean* in ~..„„„ m y i s l e . y ea oght • severe cold, whieh gratto• ally grew worw, • &needed with • severe cough, au. maned ell the remeMes which I bud reeoome mill Pultmuary tomato% tinul ea.& we ail the itympooto ot p et asumputte. Everi Wang 1110.1 acrniegl to /mimeo eke.. and oricomplawntoexeeeed aofaital ly Wes blends. area as myself, gave up all hopea of my fe,..desey. At tkla time arcs rreammeadrd It, try yoox invaleable mete , I did to with list roost hap *, mulls The first bottle had the edeet to Mow& the :moth, eaoaLrig me to exOetmeate toady, cool by the ime I had used ma Dooley I viva entusly and ne& now Its batty a man ax ever area iti my life, end would be happy to owe any teformatiottevabetang my use, that other merely , . may deny; tie beneEt for which kam so grateful. Fox b., oath of Me above StAterrtent. I ref', you to Peter Hash, Grocer, iibmt Chester, Ph, of whom I pareba.ed the otiedimev. lirstaiMuley year., Jain Moyaka lirointeefia Cur. all a Swayne—Ocar Sil fee l •deld cha :nth,. die yoz—and • daty la the abllicicii kelty, o ej o , my humble temcoony in fagot a yinir Compound'Sv rap of yYU4 Ca.asy acme three years since I wia Molentlf attacked with cold and takammatiOn in Lenge, which leas arcompanied with a distreatiug couglt, limn di the brew and head, a very coosiderso hie discharge of offenowe caucus from the lotus, et:ve rtu:ly open change Or weather, however sligbb dt Erni felt vi n alarm Wool my condidon, bet wits pretty soun connced that I wes to going inn: i.aoscoup len I grew dailv weaker, andet er. name iy able to walk shout, er von. above a whisper, each W. the ezeceslog weAu.s army let.. During this time 113.06:m3.1Ln°. preparations and prescription., b a r c ion ed re nef-cgrowing ell the tune worse.ins; here I w. odrued and persuaded by a dear friend in wiuoto , too , 00 g o mil of your Syrup of Wild Chen I moo that previously I had s i t u thosepreju stganat pan , mei:bete , end ion still against those coining out of the hanas of emperles t but under llmtll/ME TM. elute. to the profminen and practice of medicine, and baying implicit faith in the saying of my I forthwith purchased of Dr. Phew, one nipper scent, • tear tootle., and commenced stir use. lily ilia IM.ne mar at this time of SOr 23 luoirthie standing, Ca. rcalseady it wa• deeply mated. I Mead, howcsog counderablb miter fronethe at of the first four or fre! bottle, But being a public ehtsker, I nequently at tempted to preach With lay increasing strength, wed thereby ruptured those vessels that had already begun to heal; in this way, doubt..., my care was greatly retarded. In consequence of acting thou impredent' I hral to are twordac or fifteen bottles before I vrispe. feebly restored I have no qacatiCal, a wool mad numer °idiot... would have made Me sound. fin the whose IndtborellOri. The Synth allayed the fee, ish habit, took ...way the distressing cough, pat est to the discharge of matter from the lungs, rind of them end the enure system good health. I have defy red offering this aertlkkak , itaal now, (or the herpes. of b.., perk..e satisfied with the permanency ot the cure-, and now .hail feel perfectly well I ofer it with pleasant: flay. J 2,ititian. Detinn county. C. Imaponsi.4 Cauz.,—Read' Read: Ttiere c genuine preparation of Wild eben - y, and that is Ur. blwaviser., the brat ever odered to the public ' which ..as Wen told largely throughout the United Shares al voine paru of Eurepe,• and petitions oallw by We risme of Wild Cherry ( have been put out pitsc dna, under cover of swine deceptive eireurnvouvecs, w order Su give currency to theirvala. By • little obwrvation, persort need =audio the ge t frona ti; false. Erich bottle of the genuine it enveloped Wit n beautiful creel engraving, with the ;Renew of Witham Senn thereon; alto, Ur. Swayrie's signature: and .11 further security, the portrait of Dr. s m o lt * will I.: added hereciter,so to to distinguish vi hi. preparabou ' , m all other. Now, it it Was not lor d e great CaralWe ean known T 4.11,101 Ur. Woyne`k einamono4 syrup of - Wild Cherry, person, would not be owdeavering to giver currency to their wietitious now. awe by armchair the mune Cherry. Remember, alwaye bear In amid the native el Dr. Scruyne ud be not deceived. rtinelpial Whs., corner of Eighth rind Race tweet., t'h i l [i L r 4 vlrl d w ' hbv male and wiall by OGDEN & SNOW. DEN, car !Nand Wood stE A FAIINI•TOCIC Co, cur lot wei Wood, and Nth and Wood au; D10RN,63 111wket ay 13 JONES, liberty JAS. A JONES, cot_lnd and Penn us JOON AU ELL, Allegheb city, and by all respectable dealers in medicine. oetl3 Dr. W. VI Inland , . Premium Plut•r. R. W. P. INLAND, of the htedical College bf Phil adelphia,, now odors tithe puLllc his Indian Veg. <took Premium Fluter, the quints., of which after experience, Vtob'm"lty.t‘ell'lVAreillsettl. Prolapses Uteri& or Fallen Womb, he recon.ends his plutcr, guaranteeing mute and speedy cure In the short s p a ce of from two to dice weeks, tr spotted with care and rest—discarding all the coontleu Inc nnuents and expensive bandages so long In are. Thts he foels i t lu rioting, inasmuch as he has not fatted in oils cue out of three hundred and Sfty-three pa tients. Afro Mr Rheumatism and Weak Beene: or Ducitott. ,„d ,d with pain, ta there ts nothing to excel thin Plaster kdording relief or effecng a ewe. For slits by L Wilcox, cantata( Lhumnd and Market et Brant. & Reiter,. Liberty and Si. glut elf De 1 Sargent a Federal et CAI Diatuncd, Alle gheny city Jacques & Ca, u Denman and ThasiOnd Rtrmtax hum. EXTRACT OF COFFEE.--An mole which is ra. pidly coming tat o use as a wholesolne,,nounshina anJ delis:Das boverate, Limp loom pleresant and pat Hallo than coalman Cade, and tar cheaper, as aphid! P.P. , . 5 ..6 only ten tents, will to as far a, foto pounds of Coate. Mulufacture4 JOHN N. AIILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold at wholesale by B 4 FAIINESTOCK it Co, comer of Not and Wood and liinh and %Vogt streets, PlBBileg CALIFORNIA RUBBER GOODS—J.6M moored, as camp Blankets, at officercoaui, 12 pre PalltS; le , pairs nett lined Mining Bashi; 12 Isthmus Bags; 2. iffitlerjanks, 6 .std 12 gallons each; Ht-isunleens, gallon each; I dos Ructtleat Money Bells; do ml oambric do do. The above goods foe saltisit the Cali. forma OutAtiog Establishmeut Nos Wootttt. mel2/4 J & 11 PHILLIPS ANVlLiron , Anvila r from lir Temper ancerille works, warranted, will be conc.ily on band and supplied to order, by II wrW r: Farr er,ellßa N. an Wood si I, l4MRS—l ip o lp:e:sltil s on n" dLlF 4' n; WU tibia Markey; tor sale hy eord Wk al NI reIik:LTRIR ljlaiikeilThitilAVDP.R -- lar — e - ar — sa Jai - biLivoiii a .13ons , bread, a superior article, for sale by Wee IV 6 bl MIT9IELTREI: 7kirkelkri biesprall's boas Asti, ouTh o tP Bleaching Powder, arrived per skip Oaelibridge, arid now coated on by venal, (or Web, W k Al MITOIIELTRKE N. B.—They will regale*, during No winter, large aupptlci via ri•wOrissas. nor3o BOOK TRADE. SPECIAL NOTICE TO TEACHER& PROFF.:,SOII. CHARLES DAVIE 7 has len pre parrd a new arithmeticwork, a copy o whic will be prenatal to each a n d every Teacher f in th e United rlaten.. without charge, ope/ their aPPllcatioo to A. it. & Co., 70 Wood etreet,yin t b,b, (poet pail I The work te entitled, • . . . . _ GRAMMAR OF ARITHMETIC; Or, An Analysts of Or Language of figures and Sul ence of Numbers. . • • • The towing noticescopied from the :Yew York ?ratan., of la . Lead, loath— " Gate id sa or Aarnmarrtc, er CHAS. Damn, I. L. 11 (lama , 141.3—1 n this work Me laregaage °figures, end cot—traction of numbent are can:fully umlyzed. 'rho ultmabet, composed ot ten figures—the words do. hived mom the alphabet, and the laws by winch the °gores are connected with etch other,,aro clearly explained. "The analysis shows that there are bet toot 'bane dyed, emu etabty mght elementary combinatons in Arithmette, each correoponding to • word of one cow rie. language; and that these comb:nans tire so connected together a* to be all expressed by only nixty,three different words. The system r e nd prooses to commit these words to memory, and there, e the results instead of spelling them, as now praetised. "In another respect the IlystelD proposes all import. ant eimuge, tamely: to "node, mud treat all traction, to en w hich dunce, having helves relation to the utiles., from which they were delved. from scarcely need say that the little work evinces D e lugenteity . and *Wit' tenalyth fores/Mu Pmfeesot Davi& writing on this sonic. are joetly celebrated! 11, e commend 3t to thententionof prlintient teachers. believing that they will find it crowded with tew and Valuable suggestions " Aron the Prtefestarl at West Point. ".11axraut Aca t 3.31 or U.S. Warr Pour:, Jan.l73 "The Grammar of Arithmetic, by Professor Davies, Arithmeticto Impress the mind of the learner with the first principles of mathematical science In their right order nod connection, and the new mica for the reading of figunlis are of great practical value. Signed, W. If. C.l3sttlett Prat oiNat & Eu. Phil. A. E. Church, Prof oildalkonsatiert . D. It. Mahan Prof. at Engineering." La Preu. C 022121 • --. BARNES tr. Co would respectfully annoonCe 10 teachers, and to all interested in tosthemittical in struction, that they will publish, on or before the 1.1 of Augoo, IPSO, the following work:— THE I,OIIIC AND UTILITY OF MATHEMATICS; Or, an Analyses of the Principle. of the Science—of toe tintoreefthe reasoning—and of the best Methods of Imparting Instruction. By Chas. Dirries.l..L.D., Author of .•A Complete System Of MillOO1121111e11” N. 1.1.—A. S. Barnes Se Co., ere the publishers of Conies' Spites. of Mathematics. For ante in Mot city by A. O. ENGLISH dc. Co., No. 79 Wood street febS7 Fostoria Now Ethiopian Melodist. GWINE to Ran all Night; Dolly Doy; G .Dhey Jono,; (to down to de Cothin Nelly was a Lad), he. ALSO: De Kind to the Loved On at Home; now thy be. Wildly; True Love, by T. flood, Our wayaoll. the sea, duets; A new medley song, by D. Covert; Jenny Croy, Rms. try • Alutleg Joys that were erowomg, Wedding Match; Cod loess the hardy marine; Schuylkill Waltz; Conscript's Departure, by W. C. (Dover; Sound. groin Home; Waltzes, imeyermarkiseho Co, LK. Kim of Summer, elmy vanattons by Her. Fluted Stems Polka; Ladies , Soavenir Polk.; Corn Crocker quadrille; Louisville Quadri ; Deem., of Italy; Duette, Trios, ike. A large asionerent of New Music on band, to which tuldsomm are mode weekly. For .ale by retitS 1. If. hIELLOD. Al Wood at. -- NEW BOOKS! THE , WAR WITH hltXlCtt, Iy IL S. Ripley; 2 Moralaerie; e oinprhing AMITISIS of the Lau, et Evidence end of Pelves.,loin by Richard Malawi), D. D. A- Eccer on Ceriel/en Beinicre; by Baptist W. Noel, M Tet Oglivicii, a NweL Fairy Talcs, from all ?fallow; by Aulbony R. Mon milli.; with illustrations by Doyle. Jun recd by JOHNSTON ft STOCKTON, dcty corner Tidal and Market smite New ant 7Llata >{ pl[[ Iloolul ACRE!) OCENES AND CHARACTERS; by J T CI 11,4 , cleyou original designs by Dailey. Perms and Pass Writings, by Richanl 11. Dow; IC mu- • illutulantetl tient* of Sacred Panty, with .i Hinson lion. engraver/ on ateal, by John Snrtnin. Just tecetve4 by JOHNSTON a STOCKTON, de,- corner Third nod hlarke: out. 1;: 1311YeICIAN AND PATIENT, or a Prentice! Vies , of we nnansl dunes, relations and merest. of the !decimal l'lo.esidon and the Conmaanity; by Worth ington Hooter. N. I). Tim War," of Abehael De blontaigne; compri.ng Ids Flrsays. Letters, A.c. By Wm. Hazlett. Nineveh and its RCISI SUM By Austen Jitney Lay ant. EN , U. C. 1... Inonpse• ofBPain; or Pio,es of an lintnnstked Tons in lab. of r. Topper's Proverbial Philosophy, new edition: naiad. resetval by • I JOHNSTON lk STOCKTON, earner Market and Ttard weals 13331:311 0i1iW.1).4 ILLUSTRATED \FORKS—III. 114 mot:e..l lloos.—llooks in nett!) , caned tundsta, isenu,,tml an.l s ,, o..tralMi—Elooss superbly bound in Velvet, -SAS. Morocco, sod Com, marl, in tuattalleu of tb, MIO:e Ages-111bl, .1.1 Prayer Hooks, beau- Wetly armed In Veheiatel Moroero,augnifieently or nutlet...a arta tllultuaattsl. For Pale by deft DookaJAAILD D.LCICKWOOD, ethar'A Impolter Wood at. Christmas tad Now Tear ApproachDodd ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, Jo AI s Ota.st drr re qu. Binolas,y,for lArs T ADES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer, sffi CI Wood street., bag receded a beautiful collection of Dio , trated Books. bound in the most splendid mon by me beat London .4 Ammons bindern—omong Mem ma, br Wan. Pemuo. of .i.n‘cr. • Poeigy crioaruncently Warsaw. nced tti• Wo.re rn Worl • Illonaineuedus gold and Wordsworth'. ,Nominatedy Inuanue.l. The i - racitel, by Owen Jones, aml bound carved wood. of Songs; slltonnated by Jones. F.o w. TS md Ebel, Ktodrsd Ttiouglitai illueolnaied by Inn's ;legal:et of Stodsneare; inunratal Mr. Janueson ,,, ,Cbdractenates of Women; Litman. ind For .tate by JAMEY D LOCKWOOD, dell 03 Wood amyl E=l= I)ELIURN, Ms Fun Voyage, by lien:melte!Wino ootor of - Type," . 0.00," a. , Ili/any) of Kins Affrnf of Erbehund, ky Jacob Abbott Yvon ftne eller nonce. so on ,. the ....torooyee., by W. bleinhold. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, nnell settler Third anti Market streets_ "thus et td. Matt Resagrithike Wanks of the Age." "rti iNt:VEII AND ITS RKSIAINS; with an account s visa to the Chandran Chrtmourbof Kurdis a, nr.tl N'exidis. or Dexil•Worshippers; and an itutuiry moo the Manners and Am of the Ancient As s, Mots. By Ausio, Note b y E With lotroluetary Note by Prot. E. R o bin s on, D. D., I.L. D. illustrated . ..sith 13 plates end map., and 90 Clint , wood can •ols. 00. cloth, sa,a "TX , book hoe a sure mount of graphic, vivid, pic ture.tque mrrative "—Tntrune. " 'lle work of Layard Is the moat prominent costs'r bums to the study of antiquity, that Ear appeared for many yean--Chrith Not one excels in unmet the account of Nineveh Ina tut Ruins, /men by Aix I.3thard."—Washingtou lotelltheneer. "As wo follow the diggers with breathless iiittiett torei muss/thous, nod suddenly And ourselves be• a massive fi gutre carved with minute accuracy, now titling a. gigantic bent from the dust of 3000 yeses, weare ready to cry out with the mumished Arabi, 'Wallah, is wonderful, but ills trait:;"—la. dependent. Per sole by JAAIES D. LOCKWOOD, tumid to Wood at rl , llli WOMILN of toe Old ond New Testament Elite.l by E. D. Sprague, D. D. • I not. Imps Pro., e•egantly hound, 1.. enownely finished engravings, mi. by celebrated American Clergymen POEMS rAMELIA, (Mrs. Wenn, of Ky..) a new and co ouyeil entwine illastrated by anonyms. from °splint desthiw by Wier. 1 vol. square NVo., elegant. ly nand said gilt. Also—A vartety of splendid Amt. aW and GSADinka. Sets ell'a Chid'. First Hook of the History of Rome. sit Mirth. TUC PIECHANICS ASSISTANT, adapted for tho use of Carpenter., ShipwrighlaJWhealwrights, Saw yers, Lumbermen. student., and Artisans generally: being a thorough and pommel Treanor. on Mensura tion Isail the SW* Mile. By D. AL Koper, A: Itolwl. Treatise ou ()reek Prom Compotition. ObeitilortPs Elm:no:dory French Canaan,. By Prof (Scene, of tiros. Universtv. I rut. Motu. Ruediger's perching' Hebrew Urammar, by Conant. limennw . Hebrew Lexicon. Loam.' Trigonometry and Logsralmuld Told& 1 Vol. otheerp.l The rdtplwhinah's (Seek Ononordauec. I rol. than. Anthon, Classical Series. Webster's Itcoonary, revieed ed. I val. on. do do unabridged. 1 voL 410 liamc's Notes and Questions on New Testuna . nt. Whately'• Logic. Aloalietro's Ecclesiastical History_ 7 Vol.. and 7 VOialstwcp., V-Ktiges of Creation. I vol. lama. Plusitngs among the Jenks at Homo. 1 vol. (cloth and paper.) Scenes where the Tempter has Triumphed. t vol. (cloth and pier.) Boymn The p ological Lents.. I Val. eve. (Cloth.) Alder's Prottoutimag Uthle. Hoyer's French Dictionary. Beret'. Ilona& For sale by It HOPKINS, ' 000 . 013 Apollo Building', Fourth at VEW - 11OTTIOTICTP - ittfk7ll wor ,, ot Montaigne, edited by H. Ittt, mopming his Pwstrya, Leiters, and Journey tbrongli Germany and Italy, with notes from nil the Commentators, Lliograpn. ice) and lintiographig,al Pioneea, Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the Motives and Method. of Good SchOol-Keisping, by David l i lago, y A. M.. Painetpal of Me State Normal &hued, !An, N. V. Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing of the IL States anJ Brion Provinces of North Antenna, by floury Wns Herbert JOHNSTON & STOCKTN, comer Third and Market .te The Olden Tlioo. TAblEo Lt.reoWool.b llookoeuer and Importer, LI Pro. 63 Weed rim-et boa fur sale a yew copies rout. t heta, itbe remainder of tie edition,) of Rho valuable wk. d.vutad to the Preserve:tun of Documents, anon Otiter slittbecue Information relating to the easy Co. plorations, settlement and limproventent to the country and the head of the Ohio. By Neville H. tltaig Est, of Pittsburgh, In 7 col. - /Mo. novlll J. 13.1.0C1M PONIILN I.II.IEKTY A History, w.si a view of the Laborty of other Ancient le i By Simnel Elliott, Fey. Illustrated with twve enyrovlnge, exc. le d at Bottle 7 vols., 200., tnuform with Pratt:alio Historical Works. Just published and far wale by JAMES U. LOCKWOOD, Ituolmeller and '° F A l 7‘. t ithl e N 0 00.715. MID). F CONSOLATION. "The math:lg this book hasa. with ■ DISCO higher opinion of its author than we had finut&E from perworte her other wrilings. It display. dm.por lone Of thought, united so 10000 portiwomanly grace at feeling then any other proolocoon of the female mind with witch we are SVlllllallted.".=EVo. Pamir. 'lt • very agreeable and readable book, 'Neaten in Fanny gettable's beat style—boil; Spirited add euter tatntng. We recommend It to oar reader. aS the tilt publicadort of the seasuo.”—Heading Gni conlauw the Journal of a travel through Kum and residenCe in Italy, on one of the pleasantel t , tad most most interesting books of the Ocalon."—Conr. notdrer. A very ohastreterisie hook. {ye have read it fnn) title page to Colophon with unabated interest. A vh rid (gentry of life in Horuo , In all reopens eminently readable.,—Knlckerboekor. Fur sale by 110013 t t Ni a D P 0 1 4 ) e r e KitrigoMot)'el Lltbollfaapllte Blstabllshmeat (IF WIII. SellUttllaLtNN, Third t, e opposite the Paltsbargb.—Plaps, Landscape., lid , ' beads, altowbilla, Labels, arehheeinsal and Machias litam Ll oss, esieesa soe'VEslluig Casa, at. engraved or draw o on Mee, and primed in color., Gold, Uwe. at Ellbelqto the aeon approved style, tad -at the most ma= able price", ootlfoly MEiSiZE;IUMiI NOT.DRAFTS,AoiFiTANCIMOOLD,SILVER AND HANK NOTFe. COLLF.CTIONS.—DraIIs, Dotes and Acceptances payable in any pan dike Union.collected °titan most favorable terms. EXCIIANGE on NGVI York; PhAadelydda and Bal. amcre: also. Cincinnati, Louisville, Sault Louis and Gan' Gerona, constantly for sale. • BALM NOTEg.—Notes on all solvent bartkv in the United States diaroanted**lowest rates. All kinds of Foreign and Amerman Gold and Kiser Coin bought and told. 013ve No. 53 Market street, Dakar 3d and 4th, Pittsburgh. Pa. otr.4 Irmniatma B I Lis "r.d, imam, secdami boug ht on.. at Ws Current Rates orErchanke. Also, Deans payable In any part of the Old Coontries, front El to AIOCe, at the rue at Ild lbd'i 81° V. without deduction or &avant, by JOBBRA ROB - BON, neropean end General Anent, WWI " 4 door meet of 'rood. radial aura Llwoot.auus. FOlraz.9 aara & 131 Altar stA.NREBS A-ND EXCHANGE BROKERS, &A.._ in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exertank , ates of Depodte, Bank Notes and Coin, comet of 3d and Wood street, directly opposite Bt. Chad. Bo- tel. maytkldly Ohillialum, gsatacty, td goad, purchased at the lomat rates, b Bank Maar, y N. 110LEMS it SONS, scpl3 35 Market wrest; /3 ~, LBo, . .k.umirtig- 8 ,6,-.4.-ki. - on New York.. PhiladalphVa , CanaNotly for solo by N. HOLMES & BONN oeyt3 MISCELLANEOUS, De►ines. Cured. From the New York Tribune. AFFIM), whosnword Is most reliable, and who has no possible interest in the matter, ern on. of gratitude, desires us to say, that-bit luu been cured at inveterate deafness, by the usual "Searpa's Compound Acoustic OIL.. Philadelphia medicine, which is not for salnin this city, but which he thinks ought io for the good Of the alllicted. lie has a smer who' has also beet, cured by it. Ile urgently advises all who are suffering from deelness,us try this remedy, with an assurance May unless the ease be extrsorpury, the " g nm i " r inpr"'n ry. n. to at THE N 411 ST O RE tabu 70 Fourths, Pittsburgh Combs: Combat ;)r) GROSS super Polka; 10 Oo do very' fine; MI uss'd Reddlog; " super EuglisL Horn Redding; " " Pocket Combs; 500 " " Wood * 5000 dot ass'4l Fine Ivory; •• Mbell Ride Combo, 10 super largo Buffalo; 20; grow; aurd Side (3 Combr reed and for sale by Es VEiGER,IO3 Market st 18 liollandl Buff lloLlandl fItYI Window Viol; and, tot hich ho would moot reepeetfully call the attention of his customer. nod the public be generith (p-Catpet Ware ROOM., Fourth at. jean A FEW very fina GUITARS: Jam reed ham th• celebrated manufactory of C F. Mazda, and to cafe by innli J H. IdELLOR, at Wood at. THE Complete Works of Jobs Banyan; volt, Soo, In I vol, Illustrated; mealin pB and gilt edges. nlnebellie Biblical and Balboni echocl Geograyhr • case wort; vol, Toe:eels Analvais and Speller. Lib, of Joliet Q. Adams; by Wm. Q. Seward; I vol, 190 o; muslin Poems by 1511 s. /formats; I vol, 14mo; muslin; Olt. SOOIIV. Serov3ll3—SGßOD.foreached PM several occasions, by Robert Soutb, D. D. a new edalon, 4 rule; Inelodume Postliumoma Discourses. Setuo-4 vats. In sheep, extra; leo. For *els by IL HOPKINS, fe1,21 Apollo Hallgtags,Foarth RAOLIZI FOUNDRY WWI WCOOLOO3 O. W. 0. rain. 111 E undersigned, successors to Arthur, Nichol.' R. son, beg leave w inform the eltizerix of Pittabußgh and pubhe genially, that they have rebuilt the EA GLE. FOUNDRY and are now in full operation, and have part of their patterns ready for the market:— Amongst which am Ceoltlng Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves, with a splendid air-tight Coal Stove, which Is now supereeding in other <Hies the common round Store. Also, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well adap ted for small families, with II full assortment of coon •o and mantel Grates We would panieularly in vite the attention of persons building to call et oar warehouse before pnrchwing, and examine a splendid uncle of ensonmellod Grates, Subbed In hoe style— entirely new in this market. Wa.Teboulie, No- ISt Liberty at, oppArslte Wood et _ suAtSsitl _ NICHOLSON & PAYNE. PITTIOURGEI IMPORTATIONS. V. YEAGFIR, Importer VARIETYetufle Dealer iq FANCY AND GOODS: Sign of the Gill Comb, 163 Market st., Pittsburgh, Pa. Western Merchants, Pedlars, 1121 d others vatting Pittsbutgh to purettueGoods, are respect/ally invited to call and examine the !Xt.:MITI" assortment of Log- Itch, American, French and Gennatf Fanny Goods. All Foreign Goods at this establishment are import ed direct by myself, and pouxhasers may rely on get ti og goods from first hands. I have the largest ashen meat of ankles, la the variety line, in the city of lbashargb—all of which wi ll Ito sold for Cook or city arropumeca. The Stoat conarata, in part, of Lace Good., Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbon. Silk Cravats, Shoe and Patent Threada, Sewing Bilk ti Sp. d ! Cotton, Ta y. pee, Suspenders, Ouch., Star, rim. les m Cados Gold and Silver %Vetches, Gold Jewelry, allkstuds of Umber., Combs and Razors. Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk & Came Perms, Spectacles, Steel Pew, Rena Boats, Corp.. i ßags so m sd am ßasketn Trimmi To n ys ' an rancy r Ooodm together arida a large varie ty of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. C. YEAGER is al agent for CM eclebrated Lan caster also agent Combs. ntorl7 great it:gnat U. .ay FOR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! The GREAT AND ONLY RE3LEDY for the onto of dm above diseases, is tho HUNGARIAN /LkLBA3I Of LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, at Latium, England, and introdeced into the United States ander the immedmta superintendence of the talterttoe. The extraordittery success of this snediebse, In ewe of Poi/tomtit}, diseases, Intrinnts the America. Ageot itr.otu idnsfarteeatmeotthe wont possible ea. ses chateau be found in the comtainity—canes that seek relief in vain from any . of the common remedies of the day, and have been given ep by the moat disdnguished physicians as confirmed and incurable. The Hanged. an Balsam has owed, and will eare,the most desperats of cans. It is no quack nostrum, but • standard Eng. limb medicine, of known and established efficacy, Every family in the United States should be supplied with Michaels flungerian Hulse. of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, be. to bo peed as a preventive medicine in all eases 01 colds, candle', spitting of blood, pain th the side and chest, inuation and saneness of the Imgs , brochitis, dillicalty of breating, hectic fever, *hi weals, emsei. alien and general debility, asthma, influenza, whooping sough and croup. Sold in largo bottles, at 11l per bottle, with fall dims. Lions for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a masa of English and Aateri. .an certificates, and other evidence, aboaring the quailed manta of Oda great English Remedy, may ba • blamed of the Agents. gratuitously. - For We by B A FAIINMTOCK & Co., comer o t and Wood and Wood and eth ata. Medloall .. ~....... L„......:..._,.._4__,..„.„,..,..;,,,........... :.,......„...„,.......„....„,,,_,,.......:, . ' .7?-4 .--f-.........----2------:D=. - - : -. --r.;-- - - --- -..." . .i . 15 - .:: - .7iTir.., ..-. : VENZTLti, BLIND& - r ills ' Etna on th t Zm e roTa te" d I nt " " p la and most fashionable Elllttlitratterae and colors. Alec TILE CHEAP BOLL. or BOSPON BLIND, 011 hand or made to order of a/Jaime, and at all price& Country Merchants and when are MVited to nail and examine the above for themselves, as all will be soli wholesale or rem!, and • Chen! dadeotion made to wholesale p arehaaen. avidly A w EHTE VELT . ---- ---- TUE /MASSIF TUB WEST ---- *VENITIAN BLINDIUNUFACTOBY EYE .ide of the bummed, where Venal. ' Blinds of all the different sizes and colon kept on hand or nude to order alto the latest and most approved Easter n hula. LOW, at tne shortest notice and on the mos reamnable terms. Also, the cheap Boston roll or .pill Blind Troop and and Paper Curtains of all the different sires and patterns, on hand and for sale low forcash. Old Veal. man Okada painted over and repaired, or taken in part payment tor new ft 31 WESTERVELT, Preepr. N. It ~.All wax. done with the best marcrial and worimartship, and warranted so pleats the mast faa. Schram. . atratO-dly Allegheny coy, Aag.lo, lbta. SELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP—Taut% Naryclo Lax. rrounan, March 27,1617. Mr. R. I. s < lers—la Pi jut. to you and your them& Cmmble Cough SYmtg , I beg leave to state, for the ben fit of the community, that My wife has been seem! LL ea afflicted 'with a. Met distressing magi , I nor. chased, in January last,. bottle of your Syrup, which cured a cough of two months , attuding. About oe month Mute, the cough returned, end was so .eve rt that she could hardly moire, from weaknew in the breast; sent for one bottle of your Cough Syrup, and o part of One bottle oozed the cough !gave th e other ton journeyman who warseserety •1211 med, who had, to hLs own words, 'tun enough cough candy to cure all the people to Pittsburgh," if the curdy had been as good as represented. 1 ulna, respectfully, Abram LlEthrn- Pm pared and sold by R. E. Sed.b.Ses,oy Wool street, and sold by Druggtsts gmeistly in Ow two ALLEGIIENT VENITIA/11 LILIND, i AN D CABINET IT/tilt:Roo% IJ. A. BROWN would re.cet• redly inform the public, that he keeps on hand ethic stand ou the west aide of the Diamond, A 11e .., :h:.17. IVA ,t,:a11, • 4,r it.... 0v,,, . titian ztbotteie are made to or der. th e beat style, warranted equal to any in the United states. Ha Blinds 0. be removed Witt. oat the aid or • merle driver. thultng purebued th • stock, tools, and wood of the cabinet ea isalishment orßantsay it liVelel land, I am prepalVd to famish their old easterners, as well as the pablii at l areih atih .. eve ,zri tlim it ;t u ita n h hc sr lute. Ag , :i4 l N. b W.... . . J. A- p6O5Vlh. . jUsT recd, aneieganiplam Rosewood n OeL Pian o` from the celebrated ra.nfactory 0 y4,,,,,.. 4 Clark, ht. V., of superior cameo. very moderate odes. For ilia by D. laitiliEli, del9 at .j. W. Weittheetle. ..-- - _... .........._- gAr ILLIAMS' IVORY YKARL TOOTH POWDFR, Y V Ina removing. Tartar, fitenery, C.ker .d 'all eobstL noel destnieuve to th e Teeth.. It U defteloas to the 11.44,c1...5wag the month, healing and strengthen- Ina the gums, and purifying the breath. - - Wood sr . F aslis, wholeado and retail, by' rca - WATCHES I I...CHEAPER THAN EVER!— Just reed, an invoke of fall Jewelled patent le-• wee Watenee,l9 can't* fine eases, erbleh lean bed as low u tkday and dm, five dollar , and warranted W. I" 2.,% u splintfid =omen of JEWELRY. pnsuy vatiau and latest M1C 1 4 11114 al r alay dap I NOM Kultsi sad Rug' monk ;','-'.,'.'"`'.-"-'' 0. W. EIZEIDI.E. Damz it ,. l• REMOVED to s wen qua story brie. la ... a .on Scnithf,V i 5t . 7:4, , no, door useZW bolo. to an anat . . eel, on ea. rsta.don principle, with at * lt: of f the natural' tom—restartne Tte P re!.;n:lotTawirb thid palL' Deonyrd Teeth perotanaVy rayed by pittai..ha;p r i: la toothache, artich Is tch better than n a ! larfr. 4 ,11rugh it t ehesid be done is One bainates,o; • Y GINSENG PANACEA! T 0 THOSE SUFFEREIG WITH' DISEASED LUNGE—The unprecedented success which has Wand the Use of tne GINSENG PANACEA. et el the various for= which trrhatioerct the lugs.. mitnes,• has induced the proprietor gam to nail Don to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The eheagable weather *tietl luarka our. felt gird winter months, is always a fruitful wore. COLDS AND COUGHS. These, It atytected, are bat the precursors of that NU destroyer, The question, then, how &all we nip the destroyer in the bad( haw emu we get dear of rent eonghe end olds? is of vital importance to me public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found la the Ginseng farmer. In proof of thie we have from tone to turn oa abed the ecnifientes of dozen, of our best known cantons, who have experi enced ha curative powers. These, with a Man of tea ar'2perm of the etan.from • • MEDICAL 7 ham LU try -- MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING. Ministers of the Gospel, ice, together with copies" nog lees from the • • • - JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet fort, end malts ha gratis of anyff i gE t t or itc6A6tte coantry. have been sued in this sip_ • • THOUSANDS AND TENSOF THOUSANDS dimeghouthe United States and Canada, And toe ohs Hale any man to point cut a SINGLE INSTANCE which, when taken acoording to directions, and be fore the longs had beet:ms fealty dlsorgentra, It has ever failed to EFFECT A PERFECT CII2E, Why, then, need the Maimed imam? Why resort te -the miserable mamas. gotten op bytes, own Lndivid sale e ier the &wonted name of seam ore oersted phi eldest, and puLed into notoriety by certificates c: par sow eeardlY unknown? - NYbilet a medicine of - LFLFH are at Is to be had,l.lN whose vPARAoL uchers are at FICACY home r —ou neigkg kos,—many of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE, order.that Mil invaluable medicine may be platml within the reach of the poor a: well the rich, we base pat the price at ONLY PMTS . CENTSis • Put one half the-maal onto( cough medteirms. it as for tale by ouragenta in nearly every town and village over the west, who are prepared to give full informa tion reLmive to it. T. SALTk.R, Proprietor. • • Broadway. Cincinnati, Ohio. , ALLIBTEIVS OINTMENT -' CONTAINING N 0 • k 3I:EII.CURY, or other Allti 6 . e 7 80, SC aU ROFULOUS HUMORS, SION MS '74' EASES, POISONOUS : , WOUNDS. to discharge rhea b a se thcm.- : It Is rightly term d L L lIKA.LING; rot c —there is scarcely a din ; rune:Eelmain totranal, • .11.et1 ,, t . wil l . not benefit. : na, awl afar the last sinews years for all agues ef the, chest, 111.01•114 the almost. danger and rammeibillty, and I dem., before 11[4•CLI and man, t rolls ease has it WWI to benellt when the patientwax within thereat& ofmertalmeaes. . • I have had physicians loaned In the profession. I have ministers of the gospel, Judges of the beach, al dereceu, lawyers, gentleman of the ldgiutaLe.mdinoo, sad multitude. o f the poor nee It in every satiety r. wet and there has bean but ens volco—on. unlearn! L9vole. ffßlint —WM-LISTER, YOUR ORITAIIIM GOOD!. RUIMILATIEIII-11 removes almost imur.sdistely the inflammation and swelling when the Pill teas.. Use directions around this boa) • D-ACHE—Thit salvo Las cured persons of the heatiolche of twelve yessa.standing, and who had it mvi sr every week eo that wailing wok plate. EAR. AC HI, TOOTH.ACIIE, and AGUE IN THE FACE, ata ACA D LlED—Vire ha with Uke ve cited eases tha t anteally daaajcvery ildocknown, as well as the ability tif :man :co twenty doctora One man told us he had vent -4. OP his children withou any beneit, when a taw vases Of Ointment cared them. TSTIVI—Theto is milling bettor for the ours of • ffOigli;lM=MEl PlLES—Thousanda 'are yearly enred by this Oint.. went. It saran fads In giving relief for the Piles Mr . /mend the box are directions for using MAI- Boer's Oiwrewfor Scrofula, Liver Compteint, he, Tswer,_ Makin, Scald Head, Sere Byte,@fee', Sole neon:, Bronekites, Nerecrys Affections, ims, sasses/a Spins, Head oaks, unksne,Doshons, Be, auks, Sams, Carus, nit Osseous qf tie St.., Sort Lips,' Pim- - yin, 4-r, of Berm, RAtursetlia, Pitts, cold Pea, Creep , Smelled or Smite" Iltramt, Thula na j t, FFar, to. 4, • COLD FEET—Liver Complaint, purn in the Chest sod Side, (Olin! or of the hair, er t h e other accompa nies MAI Rel. This Ointment is the true remedy.) It is a sure sign o diwue to hare cold feet.' CORNS—Occasional use of the Ointment sell • ways keep corns from growing. 'People need erred be troubled with them tf they nee It frequently. lt'thm''M' good r6fr!• part ofthnh oribs when infla med. In maOc a eca. Iteholdte applied often. • cdtUTION—No Ointment will be genuine unlessthe name of LORIN bIeALLISTER Is written with a pen on every labeL For sale by my Anna- in all the principal cities Ind towns In Um United 8 - -- Y&ZIE3 SIcALLISTER, Sole Propr f.or of the above medicine. ul fZlnsiclpal Office, o Third room, Phil- PRICE Sff C PER BOX. Aarres to Proniessio—Drsun t Reiter, corner of Liberty and St Cloirsts; and L tOyler of Market of sod the Diamond, also corner of 4th rad Smithfield si.r4 I If Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn sts; Sh ward; and sold at Hos bookstore in Smithfield of, 3d door from Second st; in Allegheny city by H P Schwartz and I Sargent, by J G Smith, Druggist, Biro relnghamf D Begley, East Liberty ; H Rowland, Mc. hoeePor% I Alexan d er & Son, Monon,gaberi City; N 1.1 Doorman & Co, nod I T Rorer; BAnsnoville; John SitrkleYs Deaver, Pm are wholesale agents . febersdeedly Ifeeta Cra the Public, In relation to that enthralled family 91Ire, &ALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN - EXTRACTOR. h.7altdONY of a reapeetable Phybeia.—ftrad T the (amebae, addressed to my Agent, AU. F. Mr.' ryereather, Cinetrabatt • Cotenutart, ?ob. 12,1819. Sir: A moue Oranty compels me to give my tribute to Delay's Pam Extractor. Heine opposed to qoack. cry and all nostrums having for their object aulahr motiveo—but realising mock good from tho 'gang of Pain Iltallers'i-1 am Imbued to tender you this comb. cate. I have 11114 It in my family, in my proctice, and with .711iy the happy and - wonderful elects that mhtkl po ssibl be ghie& H. J. I.IIIODIZ, bf.. D. Dr. Brodie tou Is- the senior partner n( Bmdie .k Levi, Druggists. . - in f mmatory Rheumatism. • The following testimonial comes from a source fa] mlliar to many of those traveling on our Western ma. tees. Mr. Glime, the well and favorably known pro. prietor ate Parkersburg Hotel, is 'husbandmina lady whose letter I aroma t Pasammentia, Va J 0.11113, lad 9. To 'hairy Dailey,. Chemist. tec.— ' S Having for merly been long &aimed awn violent mgagunatory Rheumatism, which • appeared ni Gnats. seated as to defy all ordinary appliances to allay the severe pain auendina it, I was mdaced to try your Magical Pain Extractor; and it having effected, almost as if by ma• gic, ar immediate relief, and also, to all appearances on enure and perfect cure, I am induced for the bene fit of others who may be afflicted with pain, eaniled by any kind of irdismniation, to write to you, deelwing that In my , op . inion (aoudad an actual experience your ?ductal pale kanaelor os Moat vide able do- MT rye ot the present age for the 10111.112 t .1e eillaCtiOn (bodily pale. It is an absent immediate and *pet.' fdam m eet cure for Burns and bealds, and all external in. atioa flaying Izmir acquaintances fanned by that:trivia at my'husband , a hotel in this place, I have supposed by your showing Meat these few linez, it tray povoloy be of benefit both to them and yourvelf. Q entertain the hope that Um. Clime will pardon the pablierty I give to her letter. cm well on the • of Intamintly as of its being the sweat mode of bringing it to to notice of her friends.—li. Daum.) Felon Cava. • . - • Extract of a letter, dotal • Biaotorer, K. Nov. W, lola. MT. 11. 4 1 have tried yes Vain Extractor is _ OM of felon, in oiy own fataily,which relieved and cured in a very chart time." in haste, years re spectfully, 'Jas. VOVNO. 0" Duna and Scalds, Sties, Elvin Nipples, Woken Breast, Eruptions, Sores, Cuts, Wetted. , and all In flllllll2l6liorl, yields readily to the *ulster:4l properties of this unrivalled fatally salve. Dtu, in the Name pro portion that you will receive benefit from the genuine, you soil be injured by the 'deleterious effects of the counterfeit salves. CAUTION—De stir crud apply only to the Inventor, 11. Dom"QS DM' • New Tort ,_or to his au. _ - Olt:nixed agents. --- JOHN D MORGAN, Genet's' Debut, Sittsbursh. Henry P. Schwar , i, Aiiegtseay, Agent; hVbeetnig, Va.; /mut W Johnston, blaysville, by.; F. Merryvveather, Cincinnati, 9, General Depot. N. 11.-- Ist the severest honor and f olio it aztroeto rho pun few minutes—lt never all, t lull CURE FOR %YORAM , Anatiewrocivs . vannilvo on. D. .•Noe Otrinalltrof. crearria. I N order to alford all possible severity to the public, Sidonwell as to thereto/7pl y signinSgrand any p o p, Mon from cointeribidngthe proprietors barn mad* hang. in do exterior wrapper or table of their Ver. ffrj• Th e new label, winch is a meet engraving of ;;,, exgaistle design and workitumship, lint been Introduced at IL 0017 groat expense. and LI, from th e brain dart erns' :of the first talent The. de sign is new, and he excretion elaborate. Several Imams and a peened are most prominent, bat the word print a e , d h 4o;l= later, on ,‘ l , . , rm i l and finely ca. g r e t'i n held an to The light thes ' cgg 07' the tenets and every lino, however min Me, tbreogitout the whole adds part of the engraving match as courtly as it we impression bad born ,n tree side on ly, ahnonah it Ontnallg printed o wok erdes or dig papei. Tal e PO013:d In all mama, e oti,etved. A lit ho upon each doren is alas minted in red upon both sides, and should In examined idthy name manner. 11... prenatal/On has note mood the test of many pesos tool, and Is confidently recommended as safe and effectual m-dieine for expelling worms from the elites. 't he unexampled success that has attended intailiallietranon lottery Caen where the patient Walt really allilieled with worms, certainly renders It woe. thy the attettuou of physician.. The proprietor has made It a point to meaner/7th, result' of its nee In sorb ea.,. ge cam s ..thi n hie kriowlve and observulon—and he invariably lbund t to y rWace the mostaalatery edam...root neffiequenz- Iy ads, ...HP all the ordinary preparations %Len t. mended for worms had been previoarly reported so 'ribbon any permanent advantage. 2Ws fact is at, tested by the berufientee and statements of !tenderest • of respectable persona in different parts of the roan. try, sad should lodato families always to keep a amid *Nit preparation in their immersion. It's mild in us opt Mben, wad nay be administered wilt prefect safe, ty m amazon delicate mfanL . 'Thom:4 geglntle I. prepa red Dv - __II A FAIINESTO9i, POtobAryt • 7— nolw o i3A041: • T • ELLERIP COUfill IWRUF.—Frook W. K. faders, Ibbq. Cler mvs artot:Quarter Sessions el Mt. R. P. Bel' a -Si - Perna rime In the Hinter toy wife vtae•alatetel onna !revere and datreaslaa result, and hes:legal' four .ntralttable Conch Byrn., I par chased a bottle trim B. T...Triinhle, of Bridgewater, and after taking a portion of lt,.two or three etc seing to bed, the toned Intinedlata relief; nil nerve. trier:4a have been tele tud in sivere e 1..: am therefore - and abed thin Iris • taloned valuable, Medicine, and would recommend ft to Opole who nap be afaletal with vevere Cough. and Cold.. -4' Mooch - . • fI,IIOOPJ4. Prepared sad sold bye. BELLIIRS, 47 Wood uWlt sad sold by evens poulally, laPltubarsltsod 4 MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers