THF 'I7TSBII PUBLISHED /31 WHITE & CO pappaBUn_Gu ......WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 13,16 Y) !Erg=NEXT' PAGE' FOR M iVV, LOI. lILAIrI;R 4 ELEGRAPHIC. In bringing to a clue Mr. %Venter's . speech, there is one thing on which we wish to say b word or two, and want of span will not let us do more to day. It is this. Them seems to be a disposi tion on the part. of some Northern room. ben of Congress to concede . ", great deal to the &nth in regard to patching and returning nanny slaves, and Mr. 'Webster adds his influence' to the ca noe. We weeder the reflection dorAnot recur to these gentlemen, that it is not in the power of Con- Arent* pan a law to compel a great community to violate their oonmiences. They may make as zany laws as they please on the subject, and the moral sense of the people of the free States will render them inoperative. The law. of Gad and the dictates of umanity compel no to sympathise with the d pantinjr, hungry fugitive from oppression; an no act of Congress can convert a community, wb ch abhors eleven, into a society of dm catches . Hut if the- uth loaieis upon stronger enact• meets. let our Northern members propose, as a fair compromise, that the rights of all the citizens of the free Stales shall be guarantied in the South At present, n colored citizen of a free Stabs cau not visit the South witnout endangering both life and liberty. He may be a native born citizen c Manachusetta, or New York, enjoying every Sight of eltnenshlP possessed by the highest dignitaries of these States—he may be an educated, intelli- =t=== enters Maryland or Virginia, be Is liable to ire prisonment, and to be wld into perpetual idavery iathere soy justice, any fitinteas is inch treatment! While the South complains of a violation el the totuaitutlonal compact, In regard to delivering op fugitives from labor, +as not the North greater rsuon to complain or a gross breach of the math tntion by the South, In its treatment of freemen and citizens of the North "Let bun that is Without sin cast the first stone." While tame of oar Northern representatives have been.very-free to acknowledge the justice of-the Southern com plaint In relation to runaway tdavee, it is strange that they have never thought of retorting upon their Southern friends their own derelictions (rota wonacitutional propriety. Mr. Calhoun not only killed himself, hut dia. union also, by his late epeech. It pot both the traitor and the treason flat on their barks. When Southern men found, from their great leader, what • poor foundation their contemplated disunion project had to stand upon, and that it woe acme. say to attack the _Constitution, and affirmihat it needed amendment, in order to find an excuse t fathering treason, they TO — desett the sink. log cause. Even Foote had sense enough to see that there was en hope, and he clawed off quite handsomely in time. Poor Calhoun! he is at leach reaping the reward of a mad ambition, which could not stop chart of ruin, either to the country or himself. Mr. Stanly, el North Carolina, has baldly betird ed the Southern disunionista, and has *tripped from them their "refuge of Net." When adminus tering • rebuke to Mr. Hilliard, of Alabama, who in a Methodist Preacher, on 'Thursday, the fallow.. lug recce occurred : Mr. Hliliard—ln my judgment, the passage of the Wilmot Proviso will drive the people of tho South to resistance. Mr. Stanly—Hew ? Mr. Hilliard—Revolutionary resistance. Do yon think we will hold to this ? Mr. Stanly—it is mild that North Carolina would • not go into that crowd. We stand solitary and alone against Southern gentlemen: Mr. Hilliard—How stand if Mr. Suutly—lf we fight with preachers, we will .No unmated. [Lsugater. I Mr. Hilliard—Will the southern people _rest the WilMat ProVisCO • Mr. Stanly—l &in% believe it will be pass- ed. Mr. Hilliard--Suppose it shall be pcseed I Mr. Stanly—lf reseed, I believe the people of North Combos will etand by the Union. Wilmot proviso or no Wilmot rcovino. . Mere was spplamm by members on the floor as wall an persona in the crowded gallenea, which We, speedily sapprassed4 Tim Rev. Penns CLAY, the on 19 aurviving brother of ihe Hon. Henry Clay, died reeemdly to Arkansas, in the Met year of his age. M. Ban Lsea arts, French !Sinister to the V, States, claw !Sine-neer in the steam. , Canada Also Haney Wikoff, 6:toga of despatches t• Washington. -rieet—Tordr C. Fr...torr, newly appointed S for from California, and lady, arrived at N. Yar' In the steamer Georg., from Chaste, The G. g:a brought =CI pas/wager" from Cbagree, bee id 53 left at Havanna, and about 030,000 la go!. dust on height. The pugengers bed about 0350, 000 more. Comm To Tasouato.—G. V. Brown, Er Enentrirescial Editor of the Buffalo Commercial A Tardier, bat been appointed Consul to Trmme Ia plaoe of T. H. Hyatt. Forth Pettgburghi Gazma. Mi. Eotwoo--I shall be obliged toddle milking • rept, Pbelasdros, hr• few dap. ilthlogb I Ism not abloto give his elaborate effort m attentiec caambytioa, rt lb. tent carelcsa sendcr can perecin, that in ttil botarliidn, many of tem aisertionn "and pinitkinnt tinidnian saguardsdly adraand in hia Cantrr cornminalcation, hart. Men distant:ed. Of this, howcter, I will speak more a! With haval;er. Argrce. PILO= ILMEW.I9III/11.0. Cfarnsponvienne anal.. Pittsburgh °Mean. liazat ronsee, Blerrh 9th, There won fewer Et costars in their places tha inornia4l , than I hue own daiing ths yea! - betatmes have takan sdrantsgo of •so what .army preeeciMigaso lb. ! gnaw, win up a temporary diverviou 19 their fa. • the absence of roy important burin en in the lien_ ate, Levied their homes and familia.; and went time who reembned, nested but little dieprieed to work dos morning It me remarked by roe or the Proems, dist • great deal of mak bad beat dam during the past week; and he tboocht weekl3mase the Senate the to early aAjournmrot today, espariany as many Broder. were absent Gam thew nue, and the groats had ardy • few days ago taken a ...drake" Ile met at nine o'clock in the meow& aimed of ten, as n— itre. A good deal al business, boomer, was got throin,b within the course of the day. Several local and primt hilis wore yawed; but Al WWI of them tr• of Warta to Maim of the State, I do tot thank it worth while he torn Modem. The 8..... adjourned at Id &clock, on mum of, end alter • few felicitous remake to cm All. Madam, willmas maim the precious que.nou upon, ae they did, sin. rawly <mush mihe Ileum, rod m me that humor that I law nom the"n.e..d, grate, and {Meta seigniors," fur • temthis. Lathe Hones, the Appetionment Eqi was amso the bone or coonsitioo, end members mound thernsenes. rod the out. • ' ides. witb a son of bull tailing, Lear-gardro militaries., le the &maim of secondments never intended to be mode, end dad of which, .0 the the language of • great may in morellos ray important wthirreoce that happeoro to • Millgreathe mm, amre eel-randy not fa to br glade. The Whip we somewhat .tenable for this course, hammer, es the irocklms Locreforo majority hew damn them from the beginning, no courtesey whatever, and have exhibited a pia determination to Imo the bill with all /Ls coormitms and im paled:was as in load. without &teeing to argument sir . ...postulation. It ie probable don the lionse seal De lingo;; ' apes Lhisbill ell neat week. It will pass that body wide .. coy material amendment. But that, 100 fully mtisbe.L will be the Uri of it. On the lthle of the Moan it will be • wended to deep &row, The Smote well pans b.ll its em,whidt I hem as doubt will metal. rioneverrethe • the Irmeutirs, and the House will be cthopelled to take do The Tarred direro, the I. still occupying the samiti. . .er the Jodlieisri Committee in the Innate; bra If is teeth meal the Comma. will imam dap make a favorable peri. /dr. Ferree is dal hen ,rod nadvebt '- - Mies of the Legislator o. his cm. ' szto.S NEW Voax Correspondence . of tho Pittsburgh 6sse The !peach of Mr. Webster huskilyen the qu etna ea e ll the alum caused by tho fanaticiam c bibbed by the ultraista in Coggrets; and peep think oo mom of the dissolution of the Mao. than of any otheeequally probable event. such tho:dozoonotrilipo of the problem relative to lh explosion of QiNtre, or the hissing of. snakes, ones important; uestion here. For along time nothing boatmen - wanted to . ' give the . money mar. ket perfect buoyancy, exeeiii the settlement of the shoreryquestion. This is now. dtspnse.l of,. led the Malt is a spirit of speculation in storks, grtva. 1,12= kretndemand, and though n_fev zest:Lions may oecruf, the inevitable [cadency must be upward, Tno - ndlux of gold, the remarkably prompt pay. -Mentor all Mishima paper, unite to make money asap beyond precedent . It is !efficient to ray that hands are so plenty, that the legal rate con not be had, except upon doubtful paper, while Dm chum goes at five per cent. The expedition in reareh cf 2ir John Franklin ; AZ,ETTE.I _ 4ll° ' P° in May, and will consist of two ~cho osers Sentebie for the naxigatiOn of the Arctic Seas, of 70 bit9o tone burden. The corn• amid of 'the expedition has been tefdered' to Limn. De Raven, Who win attached to the ex ploring expedition, Who has accepted the mat. Passed Midshipmen Griffin, aril! be second in Com. maid A party halt gone East to select the yes. sell foe this expedition. The semis are to be "fishing smacks," of ° fans," in shape, for all the world, like le body of a duck, and as hard to drown. The innieks will be made staunch, and if Sir John Frenkliri is to be found, these boats will do it. Obstacles before which the united Levies of the world woull pause, have in days gone been surmounted by the hardy fishermen of New Eng. land, who in the edam of humanity will now ex ceed their efforts Made Megan alone. The influx of Californians by the Georgia, whch arrived last night, has given rather more reliable information than tge usual correepondence. The rasa of the returned have brought no gold through. The aggregate remittance reaches full a million. Moat of them have men ea much ne they wtah of California, and eipress in definite terms, their opinion that, as in New York, one wants a Mee capital to work with. The Northerner find Goliah are now fining out far California, end. will soon be MI, The whole fleet of eta steamers plying between New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, with southern ports, have been bought off for the trade on the western coast. California, which two years ego was only visited by 'hide droghers,” has now nineteen steamers, while the Atlantic want has not one. Stealnere nave commenced their trips to Albany, and the Bret Clasa boats put upon all the eastern lose—an accomplishment usuel about the first of May. The mason in all things is thus much in idsance. • - A "carnival" 13 to be held on the "preservation of the Union," end an "effigy of disunion" Is to be earned before the City Hal!, next week. A troop of carpenters are now constructing the effigy in. tended to represent the embodyment of disunion North and South. it is a locoloco scheme, and tee micasa of the effigy will, no doubt, teem with Mender end misrepresentation enough to satisfy the demagogues of the party. C. Mr. 'Webster , . Speech Concluded, Mr. Webster—l have nothing, sir, to add to nor to take back from those sentiments. That, the Senate will perceive, mu in 1637. The purpose of immediately annexing Texas at that time was abandoned and postponed; and it was not revived with any vigor for some years. In the mean time, it had to happened that I had become a mem ber of the Executive Administration, and was for a short period in the Department of State. The annexation of Texas had become a subject of conversation—not confidential—with the Presi• dent. and heads of Dtpartments, as well as with other public men: No serious attempt was then made to bring it about. I left the. Department of State io May, ISO, and shortly after I learned, though no way connected with official informas -tion, that a design had been taken up of bringing in Texas, with her slava territory -and population, auto the United States. I was here in N 1 ashing. ton at the time, and the persona are now here who will remember that we had an arranged meet ing for noose:tuition upon it. I went home to Massachusetts and proclaimed the existence of that purpose, but I could getno audience, and but little attention. Some did not believe it, and some were engaged in their own e ursoits. They had gone to their farms, or to their merchandise, and it was impossible to arouse any sentiment in New England or in Massachusetts that should combine the two meat political parties against this annexation; and, indeed, there was no hope of bringinethe Northern Democracy into that view, for the leaning was all the other way. But, or, even with Wags, and leading Whigs, I dm a. shamed to say, there was a great indifference to. wards the admission of Texas with slave territory into this Union 1 went on. I was then out of Congress. The anneXatiOn reeolutions passed the Ist of Mauch, 1645. Texas coMphed with them; the Legalature of Texan complied with the conditions and necepted the guaranties; for tho phraseology of the language of the resolution ie, that Texas is to come in "upon the conditions and wider the guaranties herein prescribed." 1 hap pened to be returned to the Senate in March, 1545, and was here m December, 1615, isrben the tamp:once by Texas of the conditions proposed by Congress were laid before us by the President, and an act for the consummation of the connexion was laid before the two houses. - The con nexion was not completed. A final- law doing the deed of amiezahon ultimately. had not hers passed; sod when it was upon its final passage here, I expressed my opposition to it and record• ed my vote in the n, -- atlve; and there that vote elands, with the observations that I made open that OCentori. happened that between 1637 and this time, on various octagons and opportu nities, I had expressed my curate oppositioo to the admission of slave States, or the acquisition of anw slave Territories, to be added to the United States. I know, air, no change In my own sen timents or my own purposes ia that respect. I will now again ask my friend from Rhode Island to read another extract from a speech of mine, made at a Whig Convention in Springfield, Massachusetts, in the mouth of September, 1%7. Mr. Greene hero read the fallowing extract: "We bear much just now of a ransom for the dangers and evils of slavery and cave tioncoa tion. which they call the i infroot Promo.' That certainly Is a just sentiment, but it is not n sent', Meet to found any new party open. It is not a sentiment on which Massachusetts Whigs differ. There is not a man in this Hall who holds to more firmly, them I do, nor one who adnerea to It more inau another. "I feel some little interest in this matter, air.— Did uot I commit myself in 1633 to the whole doctrine, holy, entirely And I Oust be permit. ted to say that, I cannot quite content that more recent ihmoVerers should claim tea merit and Oa* not a patent. ~1 deny the priority of their invention. Al low me to say, all, it is not their thunder. it We are to use Me drat and Iset and every oc casion which offers to append the exteason of slave power. - But I spent of it hare, an in Congress, ea a po litical queglon, a question for statesmen to Oct upon. We must So regard it. I certainly do not mean to any twit it is less Important in a morel point of view, that it is not more important in many other points of view; but, as a legislator, or in any official capacity, I must look at it, con• eider it, and decide it as a matter of political rte. Ilia. ° Mr. Wehilne—On Other OVIIMOne, in debates Wit'y - pfjudicier demstons. Bat, a; it now eland., hare, Phaeo expressed my determination t vow the ounces seaing that these fogitiven ere de. for no acqnientiou, or eeulon or aerie:Mien, North livered np rt, 7' - p err 01 Congress and or South, East or West. My opinion has been the stational phi, n. amy inead at the bead that we have territory nonage, and that we should ar the .1111.777161 1- Committee hen a bill on the sub. blow the Spartan maxint, "Improve, ador. what jeer etror be a m the Settle, with some °meet, yea have, seek no further." I think that it wan in meals to it, which propose to support, with all cone observations that I made hero on the three provisions, to the tallest extent. And / desire million loan bill Mat "I avowed that sentiment— to call the attention of all sobey-minded men, of shott, Fir, the sentiment has been avowed quite y* men in the North, of all men who ar .44 °' " many places.,. 8- " helere ," r°sol are an: carried away by soy fanatical idea, or by assembles, nn many of t h e hum ble aenttreenta o f toy false idea w h a t e ver to their constitutional oh mine ought to be avowed. barrio.. I put it to ell the sober and sound minds Bat now, that, wider certain conditions, Tams et the North es a question of morals, and q„as. is In with all her territories, as as lave State, ties of miascionce. What right have they, in their with a solemn pledge that if she is divided info totwiett „ e .,. ;eeity, or any other, to endee,or , to Stotts, those States may come in as clove get round th i s enest i ttntoe; to mo t,„ rmysy the f ree Stags south of al deg. 30 gain , how are we to exercise of the rights seemed by the constitution deal with it! I know no way of honorable legit.- I to the perywee whose m e y ee escape from them/ lahles hu h 'srh" the prel7hrtr come s for the Note pt all; none at all Neither in the forum " uaetatetd, to awry Into effect tort we. "' , " h p' of eom.crion nor before the face oftho conwitte. ulate to Jo, Ido not euurely twee with toy hen - tit , n we they r0y ..1,,,t ; i o my opinion . of ho „„ th (noble friend from Tennessee, Mr. Bell, that, ois a matter for their enwutieremn. They pro'. I moo as the time came. when abe is entitled to ably, in the turmoil of the time. have Oct stopped I another Representative, we should create a n ew i conetilre of this, they have ftilowedwhatmems State. The rule in regard to it I take to:his to he t he correct of thought nod of motives for that, when we basic created new Sta tes nuto f the °cement, and they neglect to investigate folly TelyitOrlef, we have generally gone upon the hies the real question, and to consoler their cantinas that when there is population enough to toret a tonal obligation.; a. lam cure, if they did coo. State, sixty thousand or some such thiog,wo would ttekr; th eir f t„,, them ww wi th create a State; hut it may • be; thought quite a dn. I „ pas , , sir, tear here is a ground of cam ferept thing whoa a Stale isdivided, nod two plaint against the North well founded; which ought more Slates made out of h. It does not fallow, in , to be removed, whien it Is now in the power of such a case, that the reld ofeelaurtiootuerdstth°u l u the different department" of this Goveremeat to Le melted. That, however, is' a matter for the remove ; which or, for the enactment of proper conaideratioa of Congress when the proper time !awe authorizing the judicature of this Govern• one not he her °. I may have no Meet, In the cermet Sister, to do all that is ne vem to give on the °Coulee, but I wish it to be emasry far the recapture of teenier, slaves, and thetinctly oedema:od to day, thit, accordum to foe th e restoration of them to those who claim my view of the matter, this Gonmmeet is re!' them. Wherever I go, end whenever I epoch on Coady pledged by law to create new sate, cat of the nobject—and when I speak here I desire, to 1 Texas, with her consent, when her population speak to the whole North-•I say that the Southt «holt justify such a proceeding, - and so far as such hoe been injured h r this respect, and has right to Slates are Wined out of Team territory lying complain; and the North mu Peen too carolersof 'Booth of 35 der. 30 min., to let them come ip es ward f think ihniiumatitution peremptorily and stave States. Teat is the meaning of the fesetu-haticdly enjoin. upon non winch our friends, the Northern Democracy, or ompatht has horn made online certain indi• ' have left cm to fulfil; and 1, for one mean to fulfil viduals that emar.ato (tom Legislatures at the it, bemuse I wtll not violate the faith of the One. Ninth, and ard, sera here to nr, Out Only on the eminent. 11.1hject ntslavery m this D,strtct, but sometimes Now, as to California and New Mexico, I hold recommending Congrme to consider the moans of slavery to-tio excluded from these territories by a ; abolishing shivery in the States. I should be law even anperior to that which admits and Banc- sorry In be culled upor. to present any resolutions nom it io Texas I mean the law" of nature—a : here which could ant he reicrnible to any commit. t pitylicalgeognphy—the law of the formation of iter or nay power in Congress, and, therefore I theme!, The law soulna forever, with a strength should be unwilling to receive from the Legislature tisyond all terms of humor enactment that ala- of Maw. any instructions to present resolutions very cannot exist in Califo rn ia or New ' ldexico. expreseive ofawf opinion whatever an the nob.; Understand me, sir; I mean slavery uwa regard feet °leaver' for two rearms; first, Idu not ma n ; slaves In the, gross, of the colored•race, tram. eider that the iegialature of Maamehumits ha. ferablo by elate and delivery , like other property.— any thing to dP With ul and "e l, Ido out 000sid. 1 shall not discuss that point. .1 lemon it to the t er that 'l, an bet representatiie Mie r have say learned gentlemen who have undertaken to dies thing to do with it. Sell ban become to nmy note cars ; bet I auppoldthtre is no clans of that de. ion, quite too common; and, ll the Legislatures of antiphon in Calderon new.. I understand that the States do out hke it, they kayo a great dent prone, 'a sort of :penal tervitade, exists there, or more power to put II down, than 1 knave to uphold ranter a rare of voluntary sale of a man and hi, it. If am become, in my opinion, quite too cow offspring for debt, as it is arranged and exists in moo a practice for the State Legislatures to pre. mmo earls of Ganforaia nail New Mexico. Hat cent re,olntious here on cli subjects, And to ins what I mean to say is, that Airman slavery, as we intact oakum on allaubjects. There is uu pulgto sni it among at, fa me utterly impossible to find it. man that requires tortrocuon more than I do, Of self, or to Ito found in Mexico, as any other animal who requites information more easel do, or 10010' insposaibility. Calibrate and New Mexico are heartily; but Ido not idto to have it came In quite Asiatic is their formation and Monett'. They are too im p erative a shape. I mob insliee,with pleas comtimed of vain ridges of mountains of error- um, ct soma remarks upon this sobject made the moan height, . with SOMellelei broken ridges ci other day In the Senate 'of ldanachusetts, by a deep Valley, 'The sides of mere mountains are young mm of talent and charge's:, ftout whom :tenon, entirely barren, their tops capped by per- the beet hopes may be entertained. t I mean My. enaSl snow.: Them insy be in Caltforala, now Ibilined. flo told inn ~ienato of Idusachaseas • • and no doubt the ro that by would vote for no instructions, prhamai, made free by Its cementation, me, somotnets of valuable , Mad. Bat it is natal to be forwarded to orstubers of Congress, net Ro a r In New Men-co. Pray, tithe is the evidence any resalatteas to be olfered,eXpreyeiva soh eh any gentleman baaobtained no the cubical, male of MamonbuFet aas to ono ihi t • memb er . final Warman= sought by himself or comment - of - Congress ought to do. lie raid that ho saw no I egad by others. I have inquired and read all I propriety in one net of pahlic servant. giving could in order to obtain information on this tab- anthem and reading ir Mares to another set of feel. What Is there In New filexleothat could by of pablia itenwais. To their own muter all of any possibility induce any body to go them With them mast stead or fall, and their COIISUIIIenta. Nrw Yovc, Marcb 9. dart I There are some narrow sines of till hie land on the borders sal the rivers; bat the Tiring' themselves dry up befit. midsummer, is.ixono- - All that the people can do is to rat... some little az fides, some little wheat for their tortillas, end all that by irrigation. And who expecte to pee a hues dred black men cultivating tobacco, corn, cotton. 'rice, or any thing else, on lands in New Mexico made fertile only by irrigation? .1 look anon ir, I therefore, es a bled tact, to use an .prersion current to the day, that both Calllornia and New Mexico ere destined to be free,so tar on they are !muted at all. which I believe especially in regard to New Mexico,woll be very little fora great length l, of time; free by the arrangement of things by the I Power aboveus. I have therefore to say, In Olio respect oleo, that this country Is fixed for freedom, to as many persons as eball ever live there, by as irrepealable and more improbable a law than the law that attaches to the right of holding slaves in Texas; end I will say I further, that if a resolution or a [nig were now be lore nn to provide a Territorial Government for I . New Mexico, I would not vote,to pot any. prohis bitten into it whatever. The Use of such a pro- 1 hibition weeld be Idle,. it respects any effect it would have open the Territory; and I would not tate pat. to &fano an oniiiiiinee of Nature, nor to reenact the will of God. And I would put to no Wilmot proviso for the purpose of a taunt or a reproach. I would pot into it no evidence of the votes of superior power, ts`T , pthiund the pride, even whether a just pride, a rational pride, or in was impel pride, to trotted the pride of the gentlemen who people d the Southern Stales. I hove no such object, no such purpose. 'They would think it a t a u nt , , an Indignity ; they would think it an act taking away from them what they regatd a proper tonality °fairness; and whether they ex pect to realize any benefit froh. it or not, they would think it a theoretic wrong ; that something more or less derogatory to their character and their rights had taken place. I propose to inflict to such wound upon any body, iiii,on, a - es sentially important to tau country, and efficient to the preservation of liberty end treed.] w to be ef fected.: Therefore, I retest, air, and I reperwit be cause I wish it to be tinders:rood. thin 1 en not pro pose to address the Senate when on it: s subject. I desire to pour out all toy heart at on pie. o c tuen• oar as possible, and I say, egain,.m a i. pmpoo aitiou were now here for n Government for New Mexico, nod it was moved to insert a precis. ion for a prohibition of slavery, 'I would not vote for it. Now, Mr. President, I hove established, no far, ea I proposed to go tote any tine of observation to estebbeh, the proposition with which I act out, and dean which I propose to gond or fall; and that the whole memory of the Stain. in the Uni ted States, or in the newly acquired .terntory of the United State., has a fixed and cruel character now fixed and settled by law, which cannot be re pealed in the case of Texas without a violation of public faith, sod cannot Ito repealed by any hi. man power m regard to California or New Met. ice; that, under ono or other of these law s ,ego cry leg of military in the Staten or in the Tern. tories has now received a fixed and decided chsrecter. Sir, If we were now making a Government for New Mexico, and any body should. propose a Wilmot proviso, I should trout it exactly as Mr. Polk treated that prevision far excluding slavery from Oregon. Mr. Polk was known to be in opin ion decidely averse to the Wilmot provieto ; but be felt the necessity of establshing a Goverament for the Territory of Oregon, and, though the pro viso wart there, he knew it would be en tirely nugatory; and, since it must be entirely nos eatery; mace it took away no right, no detonable, no estimable, no weighable or tangible right of the South, he sold he would sign the bill for the sake of eaecticg a law to form a Government in that territory, and let that entirely use and In that ri , ronegioo entirely senseless, proriso remain. For myself, I will say that we hear much 'of the .nexetion efCartede; end it there be any mph, any of the Northern Democracy, or any one of the Free Soil party, who aupposes it necervary to In. iO4 a Wilmot proviso in n Territorial Govemm.t - for New Mexico, that man will of courae be of opinion that ii is necessary to protect the everlast iog *noire of Canada from the foot of slavery by the some overpowering wing el an ant of Con gress, Sir, wherever there is a particular good to be done; wherever. there is iii, bet *flood to be maid hack from becoming slave territory. I am ready to assert the pnneiple of the exclaim, of shivery. lem pledged to it frem the year 1637; I have been pledged to it again , and again, and I will perform those pledges; GM I will not do a 1 Miles unnecessary, that wound. the inshore of others, or that dons disgrace to my own under. standing. Mr. President,in the excited times in which we live there Is bound to exist a state of =mutation I nod recrirometion between the North and South. Terre are hats of ens trances produced by each; .d tared grievances, real or supposed, alienate ine needs of one portion of the country from the i I other, exasperate the feelings, eubdue the sense ' ' of freternol connexion, and . patriotie love, and mutual regard. I .bail bestosAfe little attention, 1 nir, up. Mese various grievances produced on the one side and on the other. I begin with the I complaints cf the South. I will not unswer, fur-' then than I have, the general statements of the honorable Senator from South Carolina, that the North has grown upon the South in eOnleqUenee of the ansue•r of sdminigeoirg this Government, ' in the collection of its revenues, end so forth— They are disputed topics, and I have ea Melt.. don to enter into them. But I will state these womplaiets, especially one complaint of the South, which has, in my opinion, just foundation; and that is, that there has been found at the North, Among tedividnals and among the legislators at the North, a Mainefination to perform folly their constitutional duties in regard to the return of perrona bound to service who have ceased into the free 9 , alea In that respect. it fa my judgment that the Scuth is right aorl the North is wrong. Every member of every Northern Legislature to bound by oath to 'support the .nstitatton of the Untied States; .d this article of the constitution, which soya to these Stems they shall 'deliver no A:gni:ie. from service, is as boding in honor sad anneciente as any other article. , No Man fulfils his duty in any Legisnitaro- who. setehanself to end exc.., evasions, escapes from this .ustitu oonal dell , . I have always thought that the eoe stitution addressed itsolt to the Legisfetures of the States themselves., or to :he States themselves. It says that those penile., escaping to other Slides ,hall be delivered up, and I confess 1 have always been of the opinicc that it we, an Mil:unction upon the States themselves. When It is said that a person escaping Ono another State, and becoming, theretore, arable the jurisdiction of that State, shall be delivered op, it,aerina to me the Import of the passage id, that the State itself, in °henceco to the constitution, shall can. aim CO to delivers ed up. That iti my judgment. I have always en. 'tenanted it, and I entertain U now. Bat when the go bj a m, coma roars ego, was before the Supreme Goon of the United Stetson, the majority of the prance held Mot the power to canto Mantra from service to be delivered up was a power to be ex ercised under the authority of this Government. -I do not know, no the whole. that it may not have beau a fortunate deesion. My halm is to respect the result ofjudical deliberations, and the totem, ~ _ I wish Mese sentiments mend Mame manseosi• man, a gyeatileal move common. I have Mena entered into the question, and newer shalt; about the binding brat of instrectione. I will. bower• cr. simply say this: II there be. any matter Matee. eet pending in this body, while I am a member of It, in which Massachusetts has an interest of her own not edema to the general interasi of the. . _ ont:dry, I !La peruse herginstructioss with ghtd• sus of been, and with all the ellicieneywhich I cut bring here. &girth* gamiest be one which sneers the intemsts clan other Bathes. I Wall no more regard the wishes or batman= than I would regard the wishes or a man who might RP* point me an arbitrator or tense to decide some question of important private right. If ever there was n Goverment open earth, it In this Gonda. mew; lever there was a body upon earth, it to thin body, which libeled amide? itself an cam* posed by agreement of all, appointed by some, but organised by the general commuter all, rifling here under the solemn obligating °Comb and coo science to do that which they think is beat for the good of the whole. Then, sir, there are Mae abolition societies, of whic.h I tun unwilling to speak, but to regard to which I have very clear notions and opinions. I do not think them nerd. I think their operation, for the lint twenty years have produced nothing good or valuable. At the same time, 1 know thousands of them are honest and good men ; remit, wall meaning men. They have excited feelings, they think they meat do something Inc the cause of liberty, and in Mete sphere of action they do not nee what else they can do, than to contribute wan abolition pram, Gran *balloon. Mail', or to pay so abolition indent. I do not moan to impale gross motives even vain, leaders of these welch., bat I am not blind to the eon. sequences. I Gannet but see whatmlachiele their interference with the South has pcoducted: And it ft not plain to every mull Let any gentleman who doubts of that recur to the debates in the Virginia House ofDelegates In 1801, and he Mill ace with whet freedom a monition made by Mr. Randolph he the gradual aniline of slavery was dimmed In that body. Every me spoke of slavery as he thought; very ignominious and die peragiag names and epithets were applied to it. the debates to the Hosea of Delegates on that . oecae . on, I believe, were all published. They were read by every colored man who could read, and if there were any who could not read; those debstea were read to them by white men. At thalami!, Virginia was not unwilling nor afraid to Macon this question, and to let that part of her populatton know as mock of it so they mold learn. That was in 1832. As lies been said by the honorable member from Carolina, this. abets linen societies commenced their come of action in 1635. It is uid—l do not know how true it may be—that they sent theendiary pabiktations kb to the slave Sums at any event, they attempted to arouse, and did arouse, a way strong (cello(' in other words, they created great agitation In the Natal against Southern dame,. Wall, what was the reedit The bonds of the slave* were bound' ' more firmly than before; their rivets were mote strongly fast... Publia opinion,which In Tiro ginla had begun to be exhibited aded eaVirr, 1 and was opening oat for the dlsessalou of the i question, drew back and shot itself op In Its aus I de. I wish to know whether any body in Yid— 'gra can now talk. a. Mr. Randolph, Gov. Me. Cowell, and others talked there, openly, and sent their remark. to the mega In 1632. Weag know the Get, and we oil kaow the cattaeoutd seedy .thing that this agitating people have done has been, not to online bat to resuala, not to set free, but to bind faller the dam population of the 'South. Thai to coy judgment. SW, eel have said, I know many of them in my own neighborhood, very honest good people, misled, as I think, by armee enthustasm; but they wish to do soma thing. and they ue called on to eantrthale, and they do contribute; and it Is my trm opinion this day, that within the hue twenty yew as much }„. money has b. collected and paid to the Molt. don encietica a Wien roues, and abolition lace Dr as won d purchase the freedom of every olive moo, wo an, and child in the State of Mary land, and send on all to Liberia . I have no doubt of it t I have yet to learn that the be- I nevalence of abolitton societies ken et any car time taken that torn. iLeaghter.) . Again, ai r, t violence of the pro,, la axe , plathed of. e prase violent! Why , sir, the 1 plea. is 'Men every where. Them are out. rageoo. rep in the North maims the &Mk and there are preaches la not much better testa in the South seems:the North. Slat. extenalst. of both pasta of this country are vie4n4 they mit take load .0 I ztal eat talk for alum.. sad for reason. They think that be who Wks loudest mums the . Arid this We must Impact, when the pre. is , as it as ban and I Oust always IL will he—for, ` all its heelitionenese, and a lta evil, the entir e and absolute busk m of th aPfela is mended to preservation °Trautman! on the basis of a f commit:glen. Wherever it es t taw, there will be dudish paragraphs and violist paragraphs in a mew, as them are, I am sorry to sac, foolish es and violent speeches in both limes of' Corium. la show. sir, I must soy that, in my 'opinion, the yen:iambi: tongue of the country has hem= greatly vitiated, depraved, and corrupted by the style of oar congressional debates. t Lotuthter.l And if it were powable br our debates to Cougrees to vitiate the prineyks of the people ea much la they have depraved their taste, I should cry out, "God save the Repubile' Weil, io anti. I see ao.4l4.lipayverean. no grievance produced by t h e (Salk, wrath the re• dress of the Government, GUI. mingle one to which I have raker.; Rea that is, the want Of • proper regard to the Lemactlon of the conwitation for the dell very of fogitive Waves- There are mho complainta of the North against the Sankt I need not go arse them particular ly. The drat endgames! la, that,the Werth edop• tad the eradiation recognisiag slavery in the States, and reccombring the right to a emits se. lent of norm:dation of the slaves to Congress under a state of sentiment and expectation which do not now exist; and that, by events, by chum ounces, by the menthes et the South to acquire turnery sod extend then, slave, mutation, the North Inds itself, to regard to the lamaee of the Swith and the North, of the bee ataball aid Ike alive Staten, where U never ollik expect to dad itself when they entered the wSpotot oft. ettastketion. They complain, th erefore, that, haste. of slavery being regarded ea sa evil, as Was they, an emi which all hoped vapid be ruksuished gradually, it is now regarded by the South user mitantkin to be cherished and preurved end extended; an institution which the South Ites =leaded to the utmost of her power by the *Nutrition of new temtory. Well, then, pawing km that, avert body at the North reads and every body toed! whatioever the newspapers ratain • and the newspaper, Wale Or them, apectally Lee prow• pre to whehl have alluded, are wend. to spread about among the people every, reprouhfal senti ment utter. by my Sent.. man belting at all event the North; every thing that to esteniatoi to exasperate, to alienate; - and there are many ouch things, as every body will admit. from the Soother wine pottionoritwhichazeipmed rated amen the reading people; and they de engem ate, sod Mishate, and outdoes a mow mischlevolv erect upon the public cold it the Notch. bila 1 would not notice thine. of this saraappeulng hi obscure quarters . but otosthielhaa occurred in lbw debate vadat steak as very forcibly. An honorable member from Louisiana addressed as the odiA; CF,s , op this abject. (upper there is not • mere arable end w.thy gentleman In this chamber —li gem who would be more .10w to give offends to say body, and he did not mean in his rem eke to give Okra Set what did be say! 'gam sir, he took pans to tan a oontrat between the "leveler llama and the Meting people of the North, giving the pres forenee in all plants of eandhlon, and comfort and Impel new, to the slang of the Swath. The SM. for aoalnless did opt soppohe that he give any 04 fence, or did any injustice. He wu mently es. pressing his opinion. -But does he know how re. maths of this sod will be timelyed by the laborite people of the North! - They are the North. They are the people who...ldeate Melt own tam with their own hands; freeholders, admitted mea.— Let me say is that dm sixths of the whole prep arty of the North is in Old hands or Ishown at the North; they' cultivate their farms they admit* their children, they mita th e means .r indpen. donee ; if they are not fee/Adder.: they earn wa• get thew wages accumultee, ate owned Into cap. it.l, Into new Ireeholdl/10 new capitaUsts are . created. nun Is the eue n 4= e whal can th ese people-think when as and worthy a gentleman as the member from Loubdexis under takes to prove that the absolute lumenee end the abjen slayer, of thy Swath is Mote In' etankamity with the high purpose" of hipaonsi, nel, ha. man beings, than the edema., the indepethleat free {abusers of the North, Now, atr, so far so any of thee, lrk.vaacel have thew lounditioa In matters et law. they pan be re. domed; so far as they have their foundation In matters of opinion In sentiment, is menial aloe sod snd re-erimieadon, ell that we ea* do is to endeavor to allay and cultivate • battle Gullni nnd mere frelornal itentiments between the Booth sad the North. Mr. -President, I ahoold mat* preen to have heard from every membtir on this Pordediratins of opinion that this Maim should never bos dis solved, than the declaration of opinion that la any Clio, under the pressure of My plrelthastances ouch a dissolution was prattle. Ilow with path, ... and anguish, and &Grow the word • especially when it Gills from the Ups o=rhti are eminently patriotic, Ned known tp the country, and known all over the worl4, pr tjtak pOldeal servloce. Saccade:al Permeate women! Sir, your ayes and mine am war destined la see that miracle: The dlsmanthaneent of thiseasteonntry ' without convulsion! The tratlesup dike than. talus of the greatdeacit railing the rakes! -Who is so dudish—l every Mira pardon —aa to expect to see any en thing, Sir,blowbo .lee these States, now revolving la harmony fecund • conatnOla centre, eon expect to see them quit their places aid !I le ethoitt convulsion, tpay look at the next ho tothe Idearatily bodies rush fit m their sp.., and jostle 'lmalbsrearl Other in the realms ol spaix withedd pfoducine a crash la the unlearn. Them can be idineb talcs sail peace abb secesake. Namable icoesion a an utter Imposiblllty. Watt great Constimtion under which we live here—emerind Sul whole atotolfY ....h, It lobe thawed and melted away by ylesseets 'se the snows ea the ementain melt on the In. ahenco and vernal an, "disappear al nob. served, din alfl No, ski No, errs' 1 will not state whet might produce the diumtkoli of the Sturm but, sir, I see It at plainly u I bee the sun ,wheaten- 1 4 see that diunpihn tut produce eeeh a war as I will net describe la its twofold co tom nem 11. I Pesoeable etteeuloeSisearableseeeselonl The concurrent agreement of all tba members of this Al. mopt repebtle theeporate! A volatile sop. oration'. wittl elinthey on one aide and on to er. Why, what would be the remit, Where Is the line to be &awe , What Mates ars loseeedet What is to remain AmEncent What ant flo bet Whore is there Is the flag of the' repot& to re main? Where is thews& still to merge Ore . • , ..., sh r i n k • ... . . ~ Abe to coerce and emd fall to the g ro und I Why: sir,.oar aneesters—our tubas: and otir athedlatheb: thomi of thins _ that are Yel,ilvieg amenpt •us with p ro leaged eel, world ?Shaker and reproach or, and oar children sod our Brand. Children • would pleat MoriteraPen 14 9 ii 1 0 .1 94 this moseration should dialicolor ,these cation of the powetfol thir j orret and the biunixal of the Union which is day felt imam US with so much joy and - - What IA 901999=99. of thefuniy! is to broom, of tie navy" WWI.* to become af the pablic land.! How is each Of thethirty SMmt to defend itself" L know ahhoogh the idea his cot been stated distinctly. There is to be a Southern Conferam, mama, 1 ' do'not mean when 4 anode to this matemeet, that au Me sedotudy i contemplate such a sate of things. Ido not mean to say that it ia time, but I have heard it auguited elsewhere that the idea hat originated from I design to repents. lam Kay, dr, that it bee ever been thought of, tithed ed, or dreamed oc in the wildest flights of Inman Imagination. , Rat the Idea must be of a separation Including the slave States upon one side, and the Gee States oa the other. Sir, there is not—l they expreas myreir too droagly per. hops—bat some things, some moral things, am ai med as impossible as other natural or physical Won and I bold the idea ore separation of these States, these that entree to form sue government and those that are slavebelding to form another, as a *rid imp:mobility, - We could not separate the frededby eny inch linb,•if we• were to draw U. WW co uld not sit demi here to day and draw a lin ofeeparation that would satisfy any five men is be country. There' are natural canoes that keep and tittles together—odd and do. m " relations which we coal not break, If we Id, aid. which Ure should not, if we could. Sir, body can look over the fate' of this coon try the present stemtmt—nobody ein see where its pluton is the. moat dense and Mowing, • t being ready to admit, and 'compelled to admit, that ate long America will be In the valley of the blisinampL Well now, an, I lei to Inquire what the wildest enthusiast hu to siy on the possibility of cutting off that river and leaving free Sestesit lie source and.hibranehes, and slave States down near its mouth! Pray, sl4 posy, sir, let me say to the people MIMI country that these thhip are worthy albeit pondering aid ofthelrconsideration. Here, sir, are gee nollnii of freemen la the Gee State* north of the river Ohio: unsay body appose that this population tad be severed bye line that di vides them from the tendony of a foreign std en alien Government, down some when. the Lord knew* where, upon the lower banks of the Mil simippll What would become of Missouri" Will she Jobs the arrondissement of the slave States , Shell the man from the Yellow Stone and the Mad River be etennemed In the new Republic with the man who lives on the southern extremity of the Cape of Florida' an, I am ashuned to perms this line of murk. Idislike it—l have an otter her it. I world rather hewer slam blasts disgust tilde.% war, wallows and famine, than, to bear gentlemen ea of wooden. To break up! to breakup the. great Government—to dismember this grmitto astonish Europe with an Set of kitty such as Setups brute centuries has never beheld la soy Government! No, sir, no, soil There will be no salmon . Ge ntlemen are not serious when they talk of *escudo*: - ' Sir, I hear there is to be a Convention held at Null-villa I am bound to believe that if worthy gentlemen meet at 21ashville, in Convention, their object will be to adopt counsels concillatory—lo advise the South to forbearance and moderation, and to advise the North to fit:beano:tee and mod e:mita ; and to incubate principles of Vidal! love and affection, and attachment to the consti tution of the country es it now is. I believe, if the Convention meet et all, it will be for this pur pose fn certainly, If they meat Or any purpose is' , to the Union, they have been singularly inappromiate in their selection of a place. I re member, dr, that when the treaty was concluded between France and England, at the peace of andens,...a stern old EandWunen, end an orator, who dialfbodthe terms Mae peace ae apoutinibus to England, said, in the House of Commons, that if Eng William could know the bums dine treaty he would Mtn m. kis cern: Let me commend the saying, in all Its emphasis and in all its force, to any body who shell meet at Nashville br the porpoise of commence measures for the overthrow of the Union of this manta over the tones of An drew Jackson. Sir, I wish to malts two retnarks, sad has. tan to a concludes. I wish to say, in regard to Tessa, that if to should be hereafter at any time the pleasure of the Government of Taus to cede to the United States a portion, humor or smaller, of her terribly which lies adjacent to New Mexi. l eo end oath of the 31- dm. Murat latitude, or • fair equivalent money or Le the payment of her debt, i think It e n Maws well worthy the consider ation of Conuesaand I shall be happy to concur in It myself, if I Weld he In the penile councils of the country et the time. I hore one other rernark to make : In my ob servations upon slavery U It has existed is the country, and as it sow nista, I have expressed no opinion of the mode of its extingunhment or ame. lioration. I win say,boweteri dough I have tooth- l ing to ropes on drat subject, become I do not I deem myself so ccer:Metes as other gentlemen to consider it, this If any gentleman from the South shall propose ai whims of eiginisetion, to he car ried on by thisfrovernment upon a large wale, for the trausportatim of free colored people to any colony or plate la the world, / should be quite disposed to Incur almost any degree of expense to womplish that objets. Nay, dr, following an example set hemmers than terentryean ego bye peat man, then a Senator from New York, -I would Mani to Vinginia—thumgh her for the ben. elit of the•witedelatil the money received from the leads and lenient" ceded by her to this ("overtimes; for any such mimosa as to relieve, in whole mitipiN at In any way to dlnalmah or deal hemall with the free colored population of the Soothers States. Rave eatd that I loner ed Virginia tor her canton of this tembory. There have been 'Welted' Into the treasury of the Uni. tad Stens eighty millions of dollars, the' proceeds of the sales of the public land. ceded by Virgin. 'M. If the radii*e should be sold at the sante rale, the whole wept* will exceed two Mon dreit millions of•• dollen. If Virginia and the South we it to adopt any proposition to relieve themeelves frcc . o dtp people of polar among them, they may have my fivp cement thin the Govern. meet shall pay them my sum of Inane, out of its proceeds' which may be 'adequate to the Mow 4nd now, Mr, President, I draw these observa tions to esker. I have spoken freely,sed I meant to do so. I have sought to maks no display; I hire sought to enliven the ormasion by no animal. ed discusaion• I have sought only to speak my mamma fo lly and at lame, being desirous once and for all, to let the &ude know, mid to let the counnylithow, the opinions and sentiments which 1 mullein on all these subjects. -Thew opinions are not likely to be soddenly changed. If them he any fauns service that Lean render to the country, consistently with these sentiments and opinion', I shall chonfolly render b. If there be not, I 'hall tab' glad to have en opportunity to disburden my conscience from the bottom of my beer, and to mite known every political senti ment that llsoreinemisti, And now, hh.Preeident, instead of speaking of the possibtlay or utility of secession, lensed of dwelling in theme cavern. of dukosa, instead et groping 'rick those ideas so &LI of all that is &bid ant hinfrds, let uscome ant Into dm light achy; let us cherish three hopes which belong to us; bp U 9 devae=litto thaw veal objects that am St for our nabs sod obr ambit; let ye Wu our eonerpOuts to the magnhade and s the import. sore of the dal es that devolve avian us; let our oomprebensten po qa b os tho Munn firr wkidh we eckotti,Uon lood ses high sans certain duller; lea us not be pigmies in a case that mills for meo. Never did there devolve on any genet.- 'atlas amen higher nude does now devolve upon es for the preserratioe of this constitution, and the harmony and pesos Mall whir endemism:id to live under 11. It is aged popular ConstitationelHoy ennoset, guarded by legudation, by law, by judi cature, sad • d.fanded by the while affection" of Mo r ph. ._ ostpumaroldealthrone mesa thew Stites to. re rc no iron chain of despotic power encircles them; they lied sad dud open, a Government popular In its Gum, representative in im ohmic. ter, founded upon principle; or equality, end cal. whited, we hope, to lad forever. In all its Mr I uny jt kw been benaparm; it line trodden down no mane liberty; Was crushed Deflate. It kw been, I in all its influences, benevolent, beeegent, pro. mating the liellerel . Vegas'', the ecabel ' ebri, and the (emelt renown, and, at last, It has re-1 eel*Pd 0T 4i 1444* s.rtorritory. Liege before, LL has now. by mama swats, Woo= rutty larger. This reptddlo now extends, with a vast breadth, amen the whole continent. The two meat seas' ' of the world wash the one and the other shore. We may table the bemuifal description of the' . ornamental sawn', of the buckler of doh Mee— "Now the brad shield complete the artist crowned, With his lot hand, and pewee the ocean zonal ; in living "User seethed the wares to mu / And hat the huskier , * vergi, and Iddhurd the whale!' (In some subeament remarks, In reply to tome soh:truss of Mr. Calhoun'., hir: Webster made the /0 1 1 , 3Winf aufnindeEtgld : Now, sir, Irken 11us Peet question of the ad mission of Calffornia shall be bib' rtg, s enate . I p o p e ent not befoul aria other gentleman •= I.l'ttrtlrkyystee n thi. lb ate shall hive g mots the boundades of Clairmont, upon the constitution of California, and span the expediency, under all the ciretunstanoes, of admitting her with that con. anlothrto. • Tun feed by Express, a lot of now style Needle Ity Walked Ca ll us,who =them amass of Fauna and Mattel". MURPHY & BURCHFIELD INUILPHY & DURCIIMID hovel= nom 'ow,. HI s M &Moo Cods, at omit! &tot comer of Foos& tad t • tad - isparnw l VNM §PILING ON.--Will be smelled, by lbw mate shipments, a new and Miele. assortment or alt raper, of the latest ?remit and Eastern styles, hs gold, chur l. .. ak;pjrlia find lush co l or .. Bugs HALL, itate a. C. Itill,) ton 118 Wend street zmw ot.OTIEIITCMUg. T I:g io nvirr a co a & a rra, 04 , 9 „,y, v 11=4 sod TAILORS' 7111 / 1 11 M013, at No.ll Wood otroot, on the sedk er Match- Thay Lute:idea- Log .• da oar war NS 4•511. garl34t Mum Oarrtg.. saa.nisals. for Isle. 4 PA AMY CUM roS4 • ILIFE>• wobro with Illorso • good wood hood BUQQY, mod-. A good fu4ily ktO v IR. tperaatly patio fa, or ll Do via. for owohosadlra. Address, Box Y, Peat Olgeo. roxillOt BEANS -113 bit aa d Illa gnito ist VAN N = to t s z ali a by BA . • Assasszaw.essivro-Andonossair t . && TV's Eolltish DisV ,extarto.—Hen ry Clay. "Best spoelaseto of the' p amain thlo cossasy."--Llbror ofCattaress I And it ao insolostble cads trunon."—Washiocton tana"s" iW oVessoymphleal time Sou. sal worth the cost of the whole work."—echool Com ' a-leveed tmtoyltarst. by ( h. C. Ernes Springfield, Mass , sad fosses , by Booksellers rally. _ A-WI/LT.9H &CC,Pitora,,_ MAMa7l34loblit M r . b ar q In store,aad Gar sale by , ; WIWI BUTCHISO?I cora (IMAM CHEESE—MO an In OM and for sale by %..1 Mad •" - /11 CAZIPIEILD ALENATUB-60 Lad 6 easky_ . /12 itare and ro Dabs by imsL7l B cANFLBLD CORCEED SALTS-0 bbl, for wale by oart3 e CANFIELD BACON -117 'd sal for rale by per reed . =LI WICK it bIeCANDLESS L 3 AIID-40 kers No I WA; , b bbl do do; I ca WCK & fiteCANDLO3 mrl BALI-86n VAlP&'ll,tara,tss rILOVER assn-9 bble Immo, for sale by k.l WICK 4LEFInriS-8 ‘ thgt e rMe“NDLESS aulB FAIRED ROOFING PAPER—A constant supply .L of the betioarlay of We espalier pew, for sate by [mrlY) 80110DNAIAKER k CO AR h PITCH-450 bbls foe sale by J SCHOONMAKER h. CO mrl3 CHIPPED LOOWOOD-130 bbls'sale by • J SCHOONBIAXER & CO OLIVE OIL-2 baskets for sale by • . J SCHOONMAZIKRod str CE, 24 Woeet ~ Mrer ~~ 1~~ ~~~~~iursrrnirr * rrrnnl~J wr • ACON-41e1 a • d f• sarl3 ISAMU DICKEY &CO Frost st LARD -19 Deb No 1, on hand and for sea by rarl3 ISAIAH DICKEY t CO on 'gar& CO RYE PLOOR—A fm bbla Jut roo`d and for ..1 by m,13 LIBEY FOGLE 6 CL.A.RKE B ESE BUITEE-4 bbl. Jut ree'd,bß7 ALYI3 URESFOGLE h. CLARKE 'DEFINED SUGARS it S. H. *CLASSES, from AL G. Flalor Louie Refir 6 bbl, Powdered Sager; IS do Crashed dc, SS do LAM* do; • 92 do Clarified do; 6 do Golden Byrop; • . • . 20 do SII Mollusc%jut real sad for Sr EDWARD LISAZEL rorl34t A FAIN will b* bold ths Common WNewsy ja. City, os the Law Tuesday of A.pco serz*tho wthloltion and Ws of all Wads of Block.. ors lusA Stock Braden Asuorally, to sod no wins ars raspeottally Joshed to Own Bloch to .'"u sarDair. Awl those who way .instt to Improve their breeds of Walt, wlll thaw km so oppononsy, -of slaking poschwas to soft them. No onetwaser .ter be amptoyed.. the Beard otPd rs the AllosAtp opE .4:Actisaltassi Soeierr "Ps . art SINIVELY, [Mors In this tad istthighoting conaties plena copy.] Wats= Tramportatlina Company. 1850.M4 D. LOUXLM & OOPS LIME, • • BETWEEN PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE A NEW YORE. • ' By Bastryfeania Carrot mad - IWO:ad. rill*: Boats end Cans of We Use have been pat in J. complete onles, and watt the addition of sever al new owe to the LJaa enables as to carry s. luge quantity of produce end seeds. The cadre stock of the Lbws is owned and contrail. ed by the Proprietors. HARRIS A LEECH, No 13 South Third 4. And al the Tobacco Warehouse, Dock 4, PhLtadelphia, Pa.; JOSEPH TAYLOR tR SON, No 144 Noon nomad et, Baltimore; Md.; OFFICE. No 7 West st, New itort; D LERCIfic Canal Rarity Penn st, 10013 Pittsburgh. _._ HEDGE FAR M. . _VUGBERY, BETWEEN three ma four milestA east el Pittsburgh, near the Farm ers' and Nettrs. rit Turnpike Read, lextension of the Fourth street,) end about one mile from Fast Liberty. The subscribers-respectfully give' no tice to their cootenen and the pablie generally, that their extensive Parson:a, Omen Houses, tr., ax., now comprise between 1611000 and 400,000 Plants, . all of which are in a healthy condition. ' • FREY! . TREES—Maiming of Apple, Pear, Plu m , Peach, Cherry, Apricot, Neetarine, almonds, Gripe, Vlase .oil To Via Affenthes, Camila, Moon. min Ash, Rama Maple, Flattish Linden, American 'Linden, Lomberdy Poplar, Balm of Gillied, Pont., Weeping Willow, Ware Barked ltireb,Talip Tree, Home Paestum, Paulownis imperiaLa, Weeping Ash, lharlisk Aelt.irstaiish Sycamore, Magnolia, Triporcla, Et/611011E6N TREE* AND SHRUBSVtit J. raper, Cider, Ameriean, Chinese Arborri.• taa, Bax..- ilmigittYear,Commo.n Yew. American. Holly. F.cee liollS, Whim Pim-. fiersseS PPmer, Flamm Fir, lilver Fir, Simi. 'Fir; lionlitet Sp-see, • Scotch Broom, bat. Ike. GREEN HOWIE PLANTS—Yis: a superb roller. don of Focksiss. umbering 33 varieties. Tbis doer. mis worthy rho aviesdbm of doile..k. Ida t. otvt- • moat their windows. ROSES—Many of than the limo rete4;notobering over lit vares so elames,..rim Brobrale , or Chinese Eve rblooming, Rosa Odamla; or Tea Scented Chinese Noses,...BOUtren Roses, Noisette Romm, Hybrid Per. petrel, or Remontant Roma • re ly gner of these me perfectly hardy. sad bloom free thmochoot the 1 meter M.. Also- -Ormuslusea, Olandme,, Or. enee, Camas, An, &a N. B. All orders west be accompanied with the cash, or eatiafactory references. . Plants earefally picked and sent accorMag to direo does, to any part of the United Sturm • Persons waking mamma:ern their pleasant grounds would do well to giro eo, call, es we think our stock of Evergreens eammot be surpassed wort of the moon tan., now covering WO. sem of ground, aid num bering from 30 to 100 thousand, a greet lumber of which UV Of a bee al. for tramplamlog. 1 , Orchard and Bluabbery Planting merited hi con: tract an niasonable tams. . . We wish all letters to oar address directed to Nil. tins mediate ettendats . " , , Orders left &sour stand, on Market days, In the Dimmed Marlon, yid god immediate attamicla The public In primal are Invited to call and Arm-. Lee nor stook; attenudon so visions gig enrolee) , day Oi..ftabbatk. atria-dials* WM. a JA.9.NERDOCIL. Tl, tie Hansratta tAa Judge. V tha Couria' Gaup ral Quarter &anew of eha Pere, in and fur . M. 0.0 ittloitner " THR petition of lime MoD. Caosult, of the *locoed Ward. Pitisintigh, In the aunty afontsald,hroably shaweth, that soar petitioner hash provided himself with materials for the aceentatedadon of travelers sad others, at his dwelling Imam in' the Wald Ueaeaid, and per that you. keep tumors will ba plassed At, grunt m a licen to a Muse of Ekurtaia• em se . And year pelitionar, Public as in dutybaud, will fuse. , We, the mbearibers, animus of th e aforesaid ward,. 4. wee, Mai th e above peat/anew ta of goo d pub b t tamest,' and temperance, and Is well provided with hansa roma and conecidenaes 63r the *cumat dadan and !Wiring of inisnien and travelers, and that Said tavern is DeCesltty.. W. B. IlloCatesakJohn Anderson, Gorda P. Bank, W. Abbermen, B. Weaver, O. P. Wilthis, .Wm. W ,u Jr, IL R. Winer, James Smug, A. AL Wall- Ludruta, Tam White, P. EL Janes. , . =MAI Owirge,Rietiard. 1101171141 , 11CL1N W00..' Womasoix and &toil Deskics Gree enes and Dr). OW% ea Guaxalulos Alsrehanes, Na MIAs Pittabargh. , ' Ind?. 1111111.013TAIlle •' (IN Wednosdob . the 10M of Apill; ' cad to Ihr eon. kg noted for atm daye, will be sold at Atedon by Roam, No.= Broadway, N.Y. the Books, Drawings. Palmtop, Endrarimp mad Btallonary, of the Intel*. A. Coleman, being known as a Collector end Dealer la Rare Books and Works of .Art. • ' The Catalogue of this sale man be egentinedtat the Bookworm of H. B. Ikaweetb, No, CO Nuke,. oy and bids will be taken and sent In times for the ftio. • Amnia Um works am Andobonht Birds of Jimmies, valued at BIM o MY of Bkekopeam, wortYll2s; Biz Beats o f Napoleon Family, valued at MVOS; The Dying Oladistor,.ll3,oooi The itovisld, pyAglls , soe, S IAM, ka. For musicales.; and terms of tratm, sallied saw the. pos w omerm &CO., • caWaa .9 ' "' • • NO Mar k et street ton al and Smog Tsiteme ,1 0 1 81 0 /aPD4ONt7 • r i L ea- =ridetus order ianwmm I t= l ei ' 0,0, 14.1,501 d Co., D this day dissolvsd by manna some, Vie bitabiess or thscol Id will be Settled by 0, a awasio, De stet nand, Xo. Liberty fusel; • 8 B.BUSISFIELD, March 1, UDC • JOHN MeOILL. B. D. BURIFIBLD and - OHORGE RICHARD will continue the Wholesale sad Bedsit Dry &sods zed Droned business, ed the old nand, no Liberty st, soda the Ann of fla plief/F . JELD'a cloo Marsh 1 1881.—Im0lt DIMIOLVTIO2II Olf MIRE CO.parneetship heretofore organ' ender tLe j end style ol.uiCtumpten ta the men. entente of Adamantine EltaiOandles!and' Soap wax diuolrsdw I eenh by the rf= b := e tt l ial u i! "l . The business of menafactarfarAdamantine.gamdet med Soap, will be condoned t v ithe tibseniiere. un- ; er dot the name and i:le of y R BEARD k. C. e SR VARA M. O. On withdrawing frau the lata lryb tae .bscnbe, wield .eradially neetuntoend the new firm to the con. afderallon at the mercantile community. - JOISN C. CROMPTON. . . ---..- SITUATION In the Whokoala Outerrey Cow. A minion badness, as Haksman oraislattni Uwk Keeper, by a yowl( man who bas at ertenalve bpi. nen atqusial.l., •••milas seven{ y e,:n.. 4 p. n . ew as e In the maretle badness . ..I u boa t e att 'Mamas Owe. Atldwow-1. V. W.,eate , 0 ette al lee, - • • ' . DULY HEAT-101,00 0 Its Shoulders , la bollriland• / 1 3 tog from stessaaosa for oak by mr HARDY, JONES t CO. WcOam%4l ."" A4 g 7 e b hqF rler Ct v mo D Bides, Vie% per cooso "Hb'rniq Ng 2T rl4etgOOßD CrWaxer st rt ERMAN CL&Y & BODY& &Ss— U . 40 <asks &nom aay; 23 Beta 4lso,__Myprana , brand, and for ser. by ROHEILTWN & 'uatkOrod4l 602 BBLEI itrlron Planottos htotm, look I.. rala and climilco. Tier, on landing Av. Co m.. Jams& hilli.g. (or was by IS; 31 ICIVLIELTIME,' • vorlit 160 Liberty sEO6ll9—.6:lkV A X do Leon do Oro; tOPe O Pgma rOd.diPti . • Toreher wi th • miely of other Opted brdadd, Also—lialt Boania4 cateduiston.Bcprldordeotodp,. menu dad will be mid low tircloirdloisvolos. - . • ' lefernibi di t 10E RKOLASSES-611blds N 40 do d lit to store ind al. for sale by MOS ARMSTRONG & CHOLER St/GAIL-11 had. la sum and far sal. by nall 611UI1'RONG A CHOZES AMUSEMENTS. - T H f.A-XIVE! L. and ..... ••• .C. S. rORTFAL mate their Caret appearance on any nage. NVednesdny Eveuino. March 134, will kopreacalei a piny to Eve stem called 4 Jbn ton- Stranger Frane....".„4.r.. Mr. la; Jobroton. Sol on 01311. ... , ...... .... . Mr. Porter. 3 3 M rs. Hatt.. ILlsnchoic Hightaod Ring; by the Two Lae. Jena, Lind's song of .Forewell, I - go," by Miss Al berme Volta. To conelude with a laurhaide Caren 0.110 THE, DEAD SLIOT. Mr; P.'Sraith. .• ....... . Mrs. TII/t ALLEI2I4—AAIANS ENI W . • 1. 41:jk LLL sive a CONCERT In WILED: LIAM. llaiwerSaloon,)on Wedaesday Evenms *arch 13th,1850. , Tee programme will contain a choice infliction of Songs, Deets, Tries, gamma', tr.c., mei as have rnet with this traversal approbation of the mute lov ing politic through.= the Shined States and Canada. Ticketa El cents, to Ka obtamed at the Yrincipal 110 lola the Ltook and Mann atoms, md at aus Dem chose n pith *aots. half price Doers open at GI olcloc S y Concert to commence at 1.1 o'clock 11774100.p0ae N. B Allegt moths will sive a Comm at golicey 11511, Allegheny City, ozillitusday Eveiang lasetflattih, ^ . mill id NDIGO-2Careibelli briolni. for PZIE by I J SCHOONNA.KER.R. C 0,21 Wood st LARD OIL-11 bbl. belt winteranarted.lbr 00e by mrl2 • • • - J bICHOON2dI.IO3B &CO . ip D BOII6X-6 r , eb br torlt . I SCEICION6LLKS6 a. CO NEW 13/sCOti-:45,40 0 'lb. lbw Assad:Nit ree'd wid fee Welty ' ' JOHNNNATT& zoril' .Übe street COD IL-10 dials in elan,and raiiale by =di. - ..JOHN WAIT re CO DRY APPLE—:dnnlbtigkt new) In tune and nu sale by loart1). - /ORIN wart' tem. _ - • E. 4 %, cim3=too bu Iri itain '' ' joitgliVkitt& co T AICE FISH—Ia bbla mad hi Ibis; WATT and fon I , ask by , v' (coril)..ft • JOIN It CO New SUGAIt-7D reed and for sCO J. , 1 mit JOHN WATT &CO MOACON.-21 easts bhoitiders, to WI, reed uo on arnmant, an ifor sale by MT/ ; 1 JA=ES A HUTCHISON &CO CL AVER ftEED—sb bbls in cora and for oaks low, to etas*, try— • • null or , JAMES A.HUTCIIIfiCiI &CO WIMAS—t nook in more and for solo by L 1 ARMSTRONG tr.OROZER B A„,c'e -. 15° sid'aVirigZokb&to en bbls prtm.e.Attalikned.crulArostep t LIAR, • 0 Itbdo prime NO, jll.O reed uud for sale by • R cuminvoßADl, mill No C Cararnerelni Row, Llbertv 0 b , 7171 for Oit t:LILLi LU co lio mlt B ) 7"' "" rt A dUI'4NriGILAM • BACON, ac—lo/Hid las Baton; kas Lard; Teed and for •tie by • orri I A CUNNINGHAM BULK SHOD LDEFIg AND 11A 01S-90 corks 1:10.1 landing from cremer Eupbrmer, for lode by . mat ISA , lil/1 DlcK . U .. if . 9,l.lorrlst 11AU0S-t1i17 , 0 - . i 5,d,. 1 , .. - 10 * Shoulder.; - ' 4 . 4 Hog Ilooodr cow loading from 'stomata . Enphrare44 for sale by oral • ISAlAll_Dfclia_ls.,al_, KL Zoi _ _ll Cam* now loodwg from stoma, Li Amt.: for sole by • mat MWMZEiI English Tonth Brush*. fSIMONS in went of a good Tooth Emit am inyi. fed to examine th ese Moshe,' The bristles are warranted not to come oat, and for tonics, rne of them is worth a half dorm of those in general' ase. Manufactured for, and for sale, wholesale and retail, by ithrllj E. E. SELLEES, 67 Wraid at Hoed Composi ' y.' • Ne capitalatock of said COT Tll pg ' arrybc ,:mltereby to bars aotified that an election for one President, sahlanagers. undone Treasurer,and such other offers as may be accessary to conduct, the hn. einem of said Comtism', mill he Mid at PHI.I 0 HAW:, Third - clues, City of Pittaburch, on Staten/m.ohr Malt day of klarchlast...kormacenlats hours of to o'clock, A K., and 9 P. ht-, of said day. . . • ''itMM -. lli!Trfostn: AtObrd Pihntr, Danielliuhns, ' • Elem 7 Wends, -Tamen HORT, Edward U. Itcbart Ent/h, John Adams, • Wm EMhbnum, ' Wm. sr: Lyqn," 'Thomas WlTtimm, Wm. l id: Simnvon, Juin Corneal's; "John Lytle; Andrew WA Mon, ' . David Beeler., ' hums W.33antanin;' . Jeturiarthars. Gearvi.W. Irvla. . V. G Ilanrkins. mt 94& . -4- Tb .•• .• . gee ctl e Cod It of C 7 rid . Ihg ..Qtriettr!td2 gf the 4 , .. 4 .; ill odd {or the O 'PE tion=ditsogrt.of gilzabethbotrougli: la the county eforrsaid, butoblyishoweth..thal your petitioner hash provided himaelfoirith mate - 411a for the aeowrimodarion or travelers Awl others; at his dwelling house in rho borough alentsaid, and praye don your honors will. berd•ased to grant Kw a lice.< to seep a Public Howe of. bintettautmenf. And your petitioner, 5.1 n tlatV bound, tvilfloor. We, the xabseribers, citiesas of the borough afore said, do certify that the above petitteme is of good re pute for honesty and lemperacee. and inwell provided with house room and conveniences for the aeconimo dstlon and lodging of mrangera and travellers, and that said tavern is necessary. • • • Samuel IdeCanis,John Walker, Sr. Edward Benlsmin Wilson. John Grelmm, James.% Fain, Hen ry McGinley. Oriel B Darla, S. Frew. G. Canal-c -hain. McGinley. T. ?deeds', • ' Imrlßeflavel , F• 41a the .44itatabktka Ja4,gar ciate.Coffer Gr Wa nd Quarto. &miens of the • Peace, in and for ths - Counqi of AilegArny. THE Petition of Wi Suwon, of the Peeved Ward, Pi city of Pittsburgh , in Me county albreraid, bom shuvettt, that yourpetitioner hu provided himself with materials for the aecontnicidation of travelersand others, at his dwelling house, lathe Word aforesaid and pray. that jour Ilonorswill be pleued to grant him a • beet. to • beep a - Public flour of Entertain. meat. And •yonr petitioner, ea in linty • boll4d, will -W e, the subscribers, mtiuna 'of the aforesaid Ward, do certify, th at the above petitioner is of - good, repute 1 n for honesty and temperance, tad is well provided with holm mom and conveniences forthe.accommodation andlodginvor Mangers and travelers, and that said 11 Weaver, Murdoch, 0, o:itels, ; 11. J. H. Rob lawn, 0. 8. Scream,— A..,SL , L :ad e n, Anderson, Samuel Hors eider, John Basra. lidattoun, , R. A. Pattersou.' • • _ mrit 7i•. EPRO. 1117 - 'l.s mtg. • —4OOO 11,, for *ale by •• • KIDD a 1,60 WOod REINED SALTPETR.E-54V. _ 60DLIVER.011,-,A fresh lot of Rotlttort, Clark Co, , s genituke, for zee ty SP 7 L . EW C% — Eeggel et.,by k co - SPIN 9 IBII bble for v i ntb i r D '2,03 (OPAL Vi!.IINISII—= gel rot .1 1 1.,T ruk ,43 A L COhrifiNiENT, tweittiotrilrickPwelling House, situated,. die East . Common, Allegheny City, within • few mlnutee walk of the market house. The Lot is alit) Are feet front, nd onthandzed andditly Ire feet deep• and la &desirable location. Potcelman, give... the fast or April. EnnulteOf ' YAR6, I,' ai Ctl; • ' Second street"' TAMES MU PRATT SONS 7 PATENT SODA ASH.—P 4 entato awl.e per steamer Artiawnla, and foe sale at the lowest market toles; by- W & M MITCHEL:IEEE, tert Lib•irre at - E=MI 'tairerjrid•lC .101r4i VINO . .111otlated it him WELL, and JOHN CALDWELL, 3e., tho Ship Choodlery, Mato Stan, .ond. QueenrootTo.ilowinoo, will he - eondueteO• at No. OS Water torte', usder the • MARSHY lc CALDWRLI.%. CON—N cooks atted, to day iced sad r twk by. 91410 -.IVALLINGIFY)tiD.t. CO, Waterst QE(4013-1t0,111)? gy., ie . :od per. Meisenxer No. 1, L 7 tok gale uni - WALLINGFORi),I. CO co:9 ARD 011,—A constant so pply for est L e_ _y WALLINGFORD:SC° KAD-I.l47l.iplitcaaltats,tint nMe by /MeV, & co , F1,811:=121,1,N No I ]looko o No 3 Ad Ur I,blo 3 do,• /OM& Gib'ard florrinr rot polo by ro:V RIMY. MATTHEWS& rO tr — OVIAITCI-I—ec tree 6 min, Gedge torceil, for vile by -' -1. , RHint.,,MATT/IldWn* 911,AOKL JETT :Of f WU ITN:. DRY , OOOIIS JO:111E14 NU 191 AVOOD * STREET„ win ha constently„teeeirick, II r bitrifihei retiree. a }ante and well selected as s einem ll , tenle end Fence Die 6 6 .d.4 wlueb alley wilt yell aril appranad credit •i i Werieni !deretiante are rrrentt - to • esaincle tried SIDILVD.V2 6 1W11.14.16.121, • ICOERMAN STREET, BALTIMORE, A SO ca.u4 . To roe the ode if DA &SD ULEACH; Ay roWDESS , hays . soor nom & , and wall eathDthe io.i ethee.thil sepplthi of the Collowthtgerell know ~ sthl w 1 . . h the thDr tor Ode at market tottaat , ' . • 'Volt ; , ?DUE foarlecuon Cowl ltaat.l , ltWEbaraiti, moor. L 1. 71 Ap o ILA. EAN W.4,Plyt ° 0 .34133uitt: bpi. past 004.'41 dforq 11.11 • r 7... '.* _B•LIAT.r., -- ~( -- LLLC~W. YO • /41,1te'plrAPLY.'.1 - - -e.oftuzusTiuMlWA- 1 1071cic • , othndx - tnE,ktio ofJayt , Tclpabdieltddle of Pitt iowthdthwAlledheop county, , 7 - dee% tk.o,Ve-bdrh ,..,Ed.4.d. twister of odld conoty;do the Oubseri , ' - Idt;restMerlo ths eity of-Pholhvgb. AllVt•oodio• dem o ...orthltE;_4l,- berdrk:notlnd'm mate no• •iiedi.te to, n; nod Move Larthrehmol again. it, to present them for settlement. mr9,dnetvaSlS MANNER'S OIL-25 Fria an: reneiveA and or oats NM JAMES DALZELL. AUCTION SALES By J,h*-D. D.'U. BaSUlSltar L•p Broth of Dry Gooir ~O,ayhateday soonsletrilshicus,su le &flock. at the Commercial Sales Ro=a, corner of Wood and lgpk be „ea,. 'without reserve, ler aecoans of whom it.twooncen3;fog eala mammary— A large and general easement of seammahle staple Atoll - gine, Dry gLards r uidekmay be examined pray. ens to sam. At !o'clock, _Groceries, Glasserans, •garniume, Le. Young Ilysentand Imperial Itin, rural% Tobanen, Leask brass:l3%lcm* codllatn showels,eandee, mutate es, whet save% writing and wnppipg r p7 . 9 l ;;;Vrlnkiln and ogg elms, grates, amrsti wigdon bllndsonsnlal akmke, Le. Also, at sive aasoracians of household and kitchen fareltare, from a family declining haws keeping. At 7 o'clock, Variety goiodi,'fashlonable ready made clothing, fine table and socket outlay, gold and serer mambas, magical trainmen% ahok gms. _. nsanniarodia, 4. JOHN D D Awl NIAMIERELIVg:oIIo o • de . tdo Inmate:for ado by mr9 JAMES DALZELL A LCOIIOL-1 . 0 j ter sc inale co bl ouom co No SA a W ood u SU m P is C4REL. SODA-3 heraf t g o t r i l igi nut CO rt. fEED-3 ANNE2S' 01L-10 bble for Welly me 3 J SCHOOMLAXIIIL & CS 7110i.ilii3EN,Oli'fiAltiSAPASILLA-24 din for side .1: by WSJ J SCHOONISSAICCR 6 CO elftlaCtBLES—Dlton'. hes% Bh!et LW Crucibles, i„../ &PM, frame to 50 Nohkomle ta u= a co mrs 4El)B—Nor styku Marian and FreqctilVio: . TaieedsiVorloo W t ya c tal• avld l rfasal . • 101 wood .tract ATELVET coßDs—Royat Albert, Waldeont.Ge. •V' no; Consthstms Cable, litlek Bet and Naaw Colds, (ovule by • • -:suiaitzrr &wu C I7:1 - 4 It faun .re st F argVoltrot n e; belt morel, received awl for oaleAtt__ • . oirS - SHACU.= & WHITE 'FLUE PLAID WOOLENB-44 dirk, blue, and .UIH black bland Rob Roy Plaida,bon reed and for aale by 511.A061. WHITE, mtBlol Wood Most UTITA-25 kegs tot sale bi -UP tedi BREYFOGLE a CLASIILF. liLlLL — BUTTEitithble mitt 4 bozai Fresh, so Winn( and tat sale SY .1 , 13 • ' BRETFOOLE CLARICE RA . O 2 e l—e. small bat fa i l a z aliV i l mr. 4 cum GREF•Ii APPLFS—A tow bhls scrod, far Wady mrS, BiIINItOOLE lb CLAREE Sgt.!, M BOAT - Q13M141-111bans uls by mrB BILEYFOOLE &MAMIE m I.7_l3Pid/ATEP SODA Ass—ut casks on hand and 13 3 f by i'(aßbl SEEM .-a. JSDILWORTHtco Bumtga -2 "`"'"' "(PBVitTv'MAY& LARD—:3O keisjust laaddi and far sale iri• mrB; B DILWORTH &CO BTIEANI3-10 Lt Small Nildse, jot Teel ba for *Oa by twin 81111,WORTIV& CO p p.., r , k ri ll :4% I AL 315 do xr. do; ree'dthisday and :ot] J s ramorra & co A Ffin_ FUIE-8 Ws for sale IT mud JI3 DIL VORTII & CO Offinl BT,,NE -7 Betirtr, r 3 v gars. he 'wen b r fa r ncet Wo od. Priablugh. at" 'atte-im' 52 CASKS SIDSPRATT & SONS , SODA ASH. Dna WM* foam steamer J. I. thirtaulies,— and for E by -. • .._ W BUTCHELTHEE, No 160 Libany :11(g6itiAINS-lawns,l3lngtruil, end name% la. .1, 1 , 6 for Pit of Iffory good Inuthy, at north net comer Fonnkand Market sta. • sun • 11011PHY t BUIiCHFIFIXT. BLP, ca 2 tduN."ll, ?M.'S= M. l , notth sort corner of Fourth oughlarket eta '.utrO OMAN:IY k BURCHFIELD Cough Syrup.. U se ° l S e ß sui .. h it . Tel; Morgan'. C“11 . BT 7 S t e" '- Fount *et ruling 'Tribute, Feb.10 3 .1E30. Tionadd , a Cocci Bnn.—Wo • can oonscbentiosody rteammend this medicine for wants, salt has eared a. or a nem turavated snack. Is la riven &tercel ante mat the ordlotily pate= If Too ha.. a mold or/it. • • Prcperpdcad =4l=4 br ...JOHN D. mortaxg, rWood 1.1 door below Mot Wine- 1 - 16 . 1 . 4; CHONG TEA—ADC aka , Jaat and far a_by_ p 04. NT ns sad tora7"9"i" . . oak c"PW ' " n si ffieW.LSA ROE TlOnni ranted. t " ANTED A two or thin inn: limn with A YT 5... m i i ,... p:40a, within hr 4 . of tin :minket. Lawny • FOR SALE-50 gawks &Maid aboaldem , az do dd, _ 1010 EDWARD IIEAREMON )N—el bales Blain/. lin sale n C 0 H. MOLASSES-0U bbla lust ldg Gam steamer S Odd Justial Marais/I, bud for .0a by JAMIQS trALZELL rILOVER SE ki cunt M . ta,Assw—a mrs ibblallik i i&re r e it le. for *a Lbarq at SILIIC-41) bhdtprin34l N O, hilt r isid ULHe for sale y 110111 r UN 10E—IluirenicTA foi - ailiy • A CULBERTSON. 13 LEI 12 kegs In store and for sate by A CULl3l,ltTfoDet Ctlaif REEN-6 evrea for sabr z Di m co ,prargi BLUE-3 caws fr sala j bz ip kb° rawr --3 I=l7- Ctrif. , .WILIT6-I•!ase for We i bl in .' 3 l . a co IgatALKILEL . -4,0 Obis No Extra. au Wind bat for Ite: Nab by 'ISAIAII DICKEY a CO, 4=4; BACONI - 2i rum and for sal eoy —2 tort MAIMS DICKEY & CO, finale 1 1 W llB- 1-11 1 CO F AR al l?lnbi 'l* "PlM 4 gn'" 1° r 4 r 8E . 1.46-0 bbl Bitiitms—Waror.:Loo; • 10 cloth B7ull l l, foi naltkr , some: Firth and Wo .110 Iipr T TISON , • IlArg i - 1 1500 tea Esirt , ii r arA t y l ik. t=W) Ellr — rialb Th bbls is atom ss 'ltsy Ws by 3 ' - • . I ;13 Wit i Y. , .. 1 ClArit AT. 25 bss Ms Kollin, ae - Fals — Li sul • J D WILLIAM S ODA. estl l• mrl 742 cluksieti , w smell per 1W ~"- T " II'4, 4IIMIMMLiMM . ' HOU • • meea 1112ECTE1 • • 74 b • prime um.. • • • 2 . 1 Li for we 1.7 • • " WATt IC CO, N v,: a igh—a+Co O l, l vgaand mrs street .1 trACKEREL—NM 1,4, kad3, In MU mot hr bY JOHN WAIT k CO, Dart ' Ltbenir . atrn,,t Ifrite lY br " Ogrtglr "'“7 - ma • - • • Man t o , H. MOLASSES -4e bb - > r,7,4 m a, o,• igt Pe ! "'"ln q! .4"l" Vratt r- DVILL 'WINDOW ciLtsB-501/ 14.1 litien - 1142, - Brita- W!kbprl '" . "11 . 14 3n16.{ ISALZELL ' t ' ' T 'llf•'&11•130, Glinli tymovater.' t ... f 6,.„,,z rg iewitiisotbia,m4 Gloa t ' to in d atmaNs—rh.rtho ak , r, .tiehtly OTC, th• I il bawl, br at a frima rasa for the impose, them ;bay the Berm:maw with a PM. t. .I.a, n . i. , u 6b,„ g,.dy antil thebesol a* • roduee4 For sale 1 by ..7 A E BF-1 w.P.13, - 67 Wand sr i irrir 11.0131 - ITRIITF.IB-400 casks stoat. ~ i mir,...b, ve r y nosily ear: bad wellpacked In -- . .511, J. [cod mow mks, walla mato Imp here or' .- I Iblp rbiii — ro ....... 1.04 .1 8 .AM- IL Car sae 00 . ~ ..,„ 'salmi =ow( a. 06, liftman ... . .c , . . SAT rINE: CUITIX3-4 bal. on hand and lon min. D ISAIAH SICKF.Y.d. r zwtern , *4.haare %Vanua, A ND the , highcat pd. , paid fin ith. sum, mg, Ez n, cbange an 4 Banking Siouit.'pf Mei .4 W/LHINS &CO - - 1 - 10Uejt— o t Lady , * mot Hoar, Ck M S of the sabser4l i t er 4 .m h L TI ZIV. /1 2 " 6° Z_ _ ' • - 2 - 021802, LVITL}: 2 CO, In Matte et_ eaNni--IS oak. au guile 10115 !whom% for sae by mai MAUR DICKEY 0. CO, From to VITURNINGALUCCAS, Bombaaina ini=b; • fall .1 M O naa./ M l / 3 /j/41 a/ north emit 601INCI Fouth and Map.' atintPm• a DR°A O 'CLOTHS—A ausruaexa of "mei. D and Amsfierai Baud Clattaa.of all pie., .t Um aorta east tames of P►mrth and Mather at% utrs , MURPHY Ale BURCHFIELD CIROMB YELLOW-Icm. rot Ws by tub . . 2 XIDDt CU, Ur Woethie. V 6.. • Ina. DOTASH-1 tonsigurr LLAWN febT7 MCHY.B-Y0 LARD—Xtkcla No I, for side by ' • tetdS WICK ic ifcCANDLIN O, ' N C bbl. Tar; T ."-• 94few inde by • , fekeN • WI CK hfiCANDLEPS •- . . 13 OGG SU rrec—ab, Is reeerrea •tory, Di - -IL fat. IV • • L 8 WATIKRSLIII%. FEL' T . I 4 4 ' B " -2° "`k"gm2l,lTaTcSVA74. Pkily , 6/ br - stIAI4-40a'!" ' MeGILTs • • fIeWEER—e O M4P penes Rea No arrive' laode 14 , ' L S WATERMAN I WEE, ' W• 111 sed-0 , need el iN LOUR-116 Ably abates, bnndr StaperAy4' Fine: for bale by nut L S WATERMAN IA SONS wS f ~ ~;: ~4". J 8 DILWO&TH & CO U=:)3M=l t==gl as ATRO43OSCEdOESR.: sall.Bausr, pa ewe at BIeGILL9k RCMP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers