!!M=ZSI liISCELLANEOUS , nooxat 11001[ 111 - • E'Vel'ree'd Moe PRI:JBTTERIAN fi001: BOON, V No: PolVood trltl:ti fur at Eastempneem Jemmies , Ifebrew Lezoorb TOWitel,lltrsAtternetisieut of the Bible, Neund.r.. Disiory of tile Gitristlait Beli.. au and Pharch, Whole. use On Celstian DOC `etrine, Lite of Jeremiah 'Everts. Eanßoliluson's Greek , Harmony . of.the Gospelt,,det. I , Otelts , h do do, itemrs nns c l , i • 1 1 ! , 1 , blz v Gaie . ter e , irol4 ' lllissionary Auer - - dotenr, as .urea oo d man o.her interesting arorka, in addition t to dm above. lat es.taa rmtT.. nov2l 15 - roa 'rip nor initraTtin7A , AND VICINITY, -.at be ready for en:Waver r 10 days. Parra. who may woh to have news o their comnry seals pot on the mapcan do se by lipplletnionla Me undersigned, env titan before 7,111 , 1n5t. 'yo defray the expense of -.- ill be rembired fn addition toppto rice afthe ors. noylo E AIM:IOWAN, - • TO TEM PUBLIC. A BOUT four years sine, 1 was traveling through the Buse of Ohio; while spending' !life's' days in • harm, I discovered a fingolni iticlabe and subacquectly learned ,betn bed been k no f ll . tO m e pm nod supposed to be ofoouse s ne .a r t a r % m n but for am t rieollerrembifienlsotd l'lengwmarte useful, whvllnz le I bed not th e n least Wee. I commenced M expert erns by barnlng It, boiling it, and pulver y tang h, • compounding it "th various substances; Jmd loom was my confidence thatttere was value is tt, that I gave up my entire time 'name.. in the proimeatlo of Mo.e experiments,. and from that time o this, I needed to no other besineo; at Pirttildt of ab o ut two years, I finely disco ng vered, that, fie powder ti mixi it wi seed oil t a b o u t the cOnsistenC an y of thick paint,th alin nd appOlug W + compound with a brush. thattho coating in a few oaths would become 11 perfect mane Of slaw - so th Me substance when applied was actually al - ate ' in a b mi d stale, and the large .10.11 of silica, elload,amota,M enema and black oxide of iron that it eon ee read led it both weather nod Gee proof ; as the , longer , the border and mare permanent it seems to Wee, and 1. The coating (MU.' it MTros in elle)le of i self Indentructibla by fire, consequently it protects th wood cots red with it from the air, and where there is no ale, Were Is no blaze or combustion; therefore the wood will amend) . char, before the claw canning will give way. I considered the discovery of the greatest impart ance,•and applied to Government for a patent for my onesselon or discovery, fondly hoping that I could caw be retri.ersted for all my outlay Incme and mo ney.' The government , wi th out any bertion, K Cllo raut me Letters Pstent for the vole right tO tare, sell sell end use my improvement in the ot.efaeurre of a "Weather and Foe !'root Composition or Arti ficial Slate." Or fourteen years. Annul 14,11411 WE, the inhabitants of Platen, hey and the above statement of 'Bake, and believe ao be substam tinily convey nv we are knowing to mon of the saute rne= therein contained; and we willfarther state, that we do, not believe that there ever ...14 1 a more room honestly and tube:mealy moped, or more duervedlr granted; as he pursued big em,ertments With the most indomitable perseverance under the eumt discouraging circumstances, c, the pantie had not the lout conk .cleat make denee that there eoal4 be any thlg from the subetance. Ith therefore It to encounter for Teem the keens and scoffs of nearly the whole commu nity. Notwithstanding all this, he was indefatigable in the prosecution of hi. experiments, and we do not relieve that there is one man in •thousand who would have permeeerot under the eacummanees. Bra he his at WI triumphed over all obstacles, and we be hove there is now but one opinion in awarding hen the Merit of this valuable dlerovery. 6P.0. W. CRANE; Semmes of HORACE CIBB, the JONATHAN EVERHARD, Peace. LEWIS C. CHATFIELD, Tomees It: W. MILL, of BENJAMIN SONE, Township. WM% EVERETT, Towns 1p Clerk. ALE HOWE, Trew..hrer. • CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. I have modialued that Were are individuate enreged In diggi meanie, and preparing for sate, We above mentioned ng, Mineral, tiv b ooame with nil, and end pte. cutely. I ale my pdcd article. I have deo to those . persons and shOvrll them Puy patent They sai they do net intend to. I n or trespess hp= MY sights; that they have aright to dim grind, and Fell the ;smeller, if they can find pureitmers; that they are not Lound to know what they are to do with in that It it no infringement mill a le mixed with Me oil to main 'he .a1i.R.1.A14.„ 044 thal Mom b oy, mix and we it. salsa take me rdpoosibilny. blett Of theta my that they Leine° that the tweet is Food against those. that likti and use the compound, and acme have said ohm what they wonted to use they Moab% certainly purch ase. of see, oh they did not intend to make themselves liable in any way. Now I feel myFelf in duty Lomat° expose this bantered food Slyest She public; h. 1 eh. ran it by no lder mune, where a man nen. hew ed niece pay f oe sit article. the um of which he w Xsumve subjeets pinhead . end user set prosecu tion and fine. Some of those who engegetl this do:arida mane, ertll ummedionably contend to the oublie, Mat my patent will 001 Maud, and Mat l dare oat prosecute. Now, to MSc this argument away from nem, I want to some of those who were prods...ins that nrypatent erase( no mine, and made the follow ing pnspoeltiont that they might select a judge end two I evryera who have had snag practice in patent case, and we wcald submit . the patent to them, mil If they deelded that the patent was good that they Meek' stop all farther predestines in the !animist; bid if they should decide Mat It would not, ilk their 0tiv..:40. hole, t would agree to let them go unload sell aline) , Imola. avidaent mytug any Muni - to die public ithshill.there. This proposition they would het accede to. So fur too she validity of my patent is concerned. I eta not de prod entirely upon my own judgment, although 1 ben site fattest confidence se it; but I have submitted to slimy of the judges. and pevent of We lutist emin it ent Owed lawyer., who have, without eseepuert, decided Mat in leen-I:Onion it lA, read, end would protect me . m my discovery. •• 1 Karol the cuticle to toe line power, and put a pP iv b..* the which arc muted: .illeardsht Yeomit Flab I WILLSISSAI ACIIIOCIALSLAVO therefore give notion to tat who hay a nd mule tio• above mentioned mineral Co, am gonadic Rot Cora. In my patent, except from the or ml' tachormed agent, that 1 shall bold them man at countetbility, and shall commence calm at tow against atom who au mintage upon my rigid_ Will BIAS& Scums, Medi. Co., b/.., Abe. 14, LYN. [b . ...7 .- TWO TONS of Me above Fire and Weather Proof Arti4cial Slate tin hands and for mite. Thu above we con recommend, for we hove been using for sarke vests, and know It to be what it is set fort m every parabola,. J. AIL PHILLIPS, W AO No S ood et EXCELSIOR! F. H. EATON & CO., No. 6% garatti. Street, Pltubsargb, Have now in Store their full wsonment at. Gloves, Ilosiery and Lace Goods ARAFTED to the warm of every churn( Merchants and Consamem. ;No pains have been (par. to present the lICI , FI 81tii morn fashionable rifle of Goods in their line. Shin mock condole In panel th following: DRESS TRIIII3IIIVGS. Fringes and Camps, or every 'emery; new repine friar. Galloons,• andllmperial Uralils; wide and =TOW Silk. • hid Wormed Embroidering Braid., =arid ern Velvet Ribbons; plain do; Carlini arid plain Satin Ribbons, for trimming; black, • white and colored Filt Laces; extra wide do do, bre lloalverlA with a full assortment of Dress Butimas; thellgrAi Plated, Stamped or L.Mbroutcred to order. • • LAUB GOODS. , - Embroidered Lace and Maxim Capes, Cliereautirs. Itreakfut and Retiring Caps andllalf Sleeves, French Worked Collars and Cs ds, ln rest variety; Leas Veils, Lappets and Orrariest Maarreng Cimmlmites, Co lorer Cads . Half Sleeves; Linen Lawn HAM , . plain embroidered .d ben - mucked do, plain Linen do; rest thread Lames and Flrlitings; Ito. do do, Bobbin, {.nee Mhslin and Cotten Edgings and lamming:. DONNED TREVIVINGS. Rich new style Rennet Ittithana, French Face Flow ers, Bonnet Tabs, Velvets, hartnir and Floret:Lees, Sill. Illusions and Tarletons, Bonnet Framer and' ips. KID GLOVES. 'test Mannisclure, with most approved fastenings, and clvaieest colors. An enc.:ire assortment always on hand. HOSIERY. • • A post variety of Silk, Wool, Cann& Merino and Cashew's, for Ladies slid MisseN Tartan Plaid., a./ a full winnunent other attics fanny and plain Child. ren's Hose; neaten style. Infants , Soot. and S., Gents , Grampian, Vlgonta, Merino, Cation fldc ' Wool Half Hose. GLOVES. • ' 'e 'tall anortment for men, women and children, • among which are Derby Ribbed, Fnioselle and plain Silk,_• ribbed and plain 4,thwhinere; Chamois Lined Her !thsg COthlniere •Morino, Far-lined Deaver, heavy lin , l 'Mae BOCkSkia: Military and Lirle Thread and Conon. IVOOLEiIY GOODS, , 4 48alth a. Lanka' and Callan:xis flood., at claitifron't Woolen Sask., Knit Senn; and Roan, Children'. o, • • er and Long MIAs, %thirsted Cods Raining Wornels and Woolen Tarn., Citithirroi-Conforis also, bne cagmero Snarls, tot 1 , ....- i , . . . LADIE... DEPARTMENT. ,- • . Zephyr andTayenry, Warned., Gansu Patten., Mau and blosb4 Silk, - Dnnol and Peril Dowd., Fa par. Flower Malarial., Lamp 'Math, Tidies, and b.- bioldered Work. Also—Lnthi. , Silk and /amino Venn andldthwens Embroidered Saeki andklannel,Fretieli Wotked Capon& Wain. far &dant.; andtheardisdawn Ttnalthrigs• __. ! , GENTLEMEN'S WEAR.. F1.614,Ve5, Crawls and Cogan; ,Merino, Silk Sod Coma Wrapper. and Drawers ; SLlSperldtrl,l3llollki,r .11racca and Dressing Sows.; Silk and Linen flans .. Gkinwand Hosiery. '-.. , . COWS, IMUSEES AND PERFUMERY. . • Prentle patens espedathl plain Snell IthekCoislig Sarno and Ira. de; Shell Side andigng Comb.; lid. do; eno, Setin and Rosewood Hair limber. Snell, -----NdNerteivitageltoen Drening and line Ivory Coalbsi with an assortment of 'Nail and Teeth Brushes Wetherill4.fsald Medal" Perfumery. _.: •-•-- " VARIETY GOODS. . ~ Nggmes, Pins, Tape., ' vete istge and Parses, • Damns and Steel Good., Berlin Wire Hasects, Parse Twin and Sewing" Fine Row.raod De.k. sod ~ „. Coat Bindings & Gallathis Vinyl Work Bathes Cloak Cord and Tune., Portfolio., Paris,,,,, amt.. , *Meals Shade Trimming) Ladoes• Sthlionary, 77Fili Pi. - IZDonner 'Donets, Franck Cork Soles, ' ... .. Upholatersrla Fringes, r . Ging , . Umbrellas, , . Bag Liston au'd wultho, Paper Manias& Holland., ",.. Moginth Pil Clo th s, filastie Rands & Webbing, , . rib Ckinlz blineling.• Comet and Shoe Lows, ~. -_-..-1,--,- W s' au7 )tale.=;l 7 iot f.thersepply of Carp! uf ILa lawn mut tana. atp• str,---ptartutaaliels to watch we mute the outman of syembouluusa, eral tame "visaing - to./atulab Ul cal and' exlde thelargreet 61.0f121.111 i 9 it whieh we wil .ell eh/lapel than nor boner it. 'the weaten anarka. ear= NITLINTOCK idouirsiltag Long • ago T a. it. MURPHY say recta a *apply of the above ardcle, of its best quality; also, Ow. ,hock ;Loud B L laLteola, black Autin c rsta, fdattnota Al . =reP:,"Alotta‘Z.lel'i!lnb: and Fre!=ertr . O.n tt ' leei , Crams slid Alouthate Collage, Mourning Bonnet lob• bon., nee* do, au full •....1134011 of Hourlong Hood. graeralli a Alan P IN j.SLACIS. SILLS, ...A ours tateruttent, mewling a few pieces very avid! . - and a:martin. Boyers are larded w look at th em, at Strait E.( eon,. of FaarthAkik4 WhOinate Hatton ap zoom lettere a Imam ...on. Oust of Haag Goode Lea lately been reeetved. Inv 20 DR. '" ' -• JAYHEIS ALTERATIVB- We have been In by Mtg. Bow of • c.a., pa formedoubei by Dot J•yssete Misr/woe, whets yacres re nf,'"?."l4i o : ed 1-o`f irk lc" Le. 7.1%. *Z. °,`,lt4 . 6* REGIMES or WHITE BWELLanitite, attended .111011 ulceration: sad catenation of atriums bones, tin ,,floglithichtltheenany ptheeshave beta dischuged froth metal bone et me cranium, from both her area; ...,wgisti pad heeds •a t o from both legs, and from the tea flunton:: berm. sad from the rigtt tate, b•ablen pentad ----rams. outer parte of ber yen., oboe, have bolded IU skillet a aomber of ate tooatamlueot plquiciana of oag eaty—dtatag WOW or the time her maenads larla 141. exerm sung sad deplorable. About three moat. - sines she warted...l Wary 1/...lsyne's yatenatte, snack lout had elteemeisbingly teyyletreer upon he. leria"="wibiraire sande nft Br il =p-utha d "" Irta . tl th it •• :ham became eampletely moored, so that see now weighs • ~ 110 lbs more then to did Patina the centunesteed thetas of eird,' tralublsymnamO,4Bst,E,l.P.W. anther informstma, inverted ItreAsse,Na: WO: PldlidelPkta. for aLla in MAI*, et the PR= m Divas, i pain. ass:WM. 114 SLOAN'S COLUMN. ET AL the Medicines advertised by W. 13. SLOPM ere odd by IL lIILLSB.Si Wood -cod, and JOHN P. SCOTT Labeny it, Pittsburgh. Birmingham. by JOHN B. SMiTil. .D..lisieMil.ll.ty, by HENRY P: SCHWARTZ an The Best. and Cheapazt Ilene evadtoine IN TIN, WORLD. SLOAN'S OINTBFENT DEI AND CO. DITION POWI, Hay., sarnede; real name. For Purity. b/i/Jness, Safe ,and Thetanglsos, SLOAN'S (ANTAL ENT Eager And Ls rapidly superseding all oilier Ointments and Isiiiinseeu. DOW in use for the cure of ILA-fallowing du • • • Fresh wounds,. galls oral! kinds, sprains, broke, cracked heels, ringbone, orindbone, windgalls, poi evil, callus, spaying, sweeney, bonen, seam, struing lameams, sand crack, !pondered feet, straullen or grease mange orhorse dtsteroper. 'the Powder will remove all kaftan:motion arl( fever purify the blood, loosen the skin,-elenese the water and strengthen every part of the body; and hem prov e d a sovereign remedy for the followlng diseases: Distemper, hide bound, loss of ppetite. Inwan. strain, yellow water,ingammation of the cycg, !augur from bard esereisei also, rhoumatima,(commonly .1. led Mitt complaint.) which peaces sofidal to malty vat. uahle horses in tide country. It is also A safe and cer tom remedy for coughs and colds which generate se many fatal disease, W.ll. SLOAN, Untnd Depot, 40 Lake to, Cbtcsgo, Dimes. 1MM:1221 Extrunt from the "Gsterm North Weitern Gszel!e ", By the see of Sloatt's Ointment and Condition Pow der, I have entirely cured a fistula on my' horse and otherwise hoorayed hit condition more than dtn or cent on the cost of the toodneine And o cow woo so feeble os to be considered worthies , by-titYwl , sod neighbors,was restored to good health nod strewth by the use of less them half a p.kose of the powder and 'ii now doing. Irene, than any otter cow I have. Small Pox, May lii, lat.?. IVM. VINCENT. THE: SUFFERING CHILD. botchy certify that one of my ehilthen, when led, fell into a large Ere of live coals,and was Intro severely from head to feet. The best of medical a sad altentiou was given to the child for four or E. days without any relief—each day 3 ssutlenngs worm et' till his gro ans could be heard at great &stance. which enneal period eve of my inighlicits recount. dmd and preserved to me a box of Slootes Giant. and in less thou Sheen minutes oiler the anyhow , of the ointment to the aggravated toms of the safari child, the pain ceased entirely. and he speedily bet ID meaner. My rmidence to in Unit township, V , million county, and State of Indiann. THEODORE 1.. TAYLGIt WM. BLAKE. etncmo, Augpst 0)4,1E48. - . .1. EXTRAORDINARY CURE. .rlel.unii,FrgorriL,ilerosurtontrytlf.elesso lon dir hlr.9losn—Deur Sin One of toy horses had a hirer Irony unfoor on his breastbone, inutedintely under tn. mud rendered his seer i t en. ni To;lo ' ns ' Kerve Ejnet iste7n, v' vrTtin;u o t il trir t least - benefit. then proestred Wilder's l ame Horse Ointment, mid urea dint until I became fain satisfied that it would never relieve the animal Fl nally r l obtained a box oh your truly valuoe me Omi in, and in lets than 60 days front the font ld uppllctu non the uunor courtly disappeured, and the boon sr, well.. Yours, ETOYARD ARDS CHONG. COPULA!: OPINION. If popuhir opinion a iterion of the worth ar article, we Invite the incrodulom to read at least a fee of thentany voluntary ecrtlflome a that appear in eat eels.= rcepeeling the great renew of rentarkhlthe twee erected by the uso of "Sloan'. Colebramil Oita merit and Condition Powders." llama remedies no Ltager remain muting More o doubtfal utility, they hmo panted froth the tit! , of ex. porn:mut, and now stand higher reputation and art becoming to extensively used than all other mu elts of the kind.—lllieb. City News. • THE EALE• HAS NOT BEEN TOLD. Fox Enna, J uue I, IS& Deux Sloan—Hin Metre wend bythe loam. new .uPPY of your Hone Medicines. They are the bee articles Of the kind that I hays ever used, never ha. inx berm dritippoMand ut their effect, as I have been Le the use of Whe ,oven the tenet erlehrttet Hutment/ Linincents,'Ltsn ftho dry. I hre very hantr , U. 5 lea tare in them, vim. that they do ell :ha. Ls proinl , ed, um •P•,• • *••••• oar Is contrmned mud. .bnif has tat been trild.” Respectfully, 10 DU Itt.E`i THE DIFFERENCE. The ordinary ointments end ti ' menu it to 1.1 known are name and partial in their ittperal.lo.l tiloseitt Ointment L. mild yet thorough—it reacher and removes the range, hence It give. real end tierinatitetti reliefl For parity, online., safety, certainty,. thriroaghnasa, SWAN'S Ointment excel., and i. eurpereedlng all other Ointment. and Lanio, am. WE CAN'T GET ALONG NVI I .T IT. Bas's Gnus.; T.,.kt. Mr. Slim—Sir: I have tested the Virtue of you lDinunent iilithe cart of nittlelinake hill, sere titres barna, and many other ittliarre, and in every ease Irma sarparived oar expernaions. At a frunily Oint mern, I have never seen Its equal, and fur ',east. re Can't get along without it. Wars Jer MILES M. JOHNSON. FACI:LLENT OINTNIEST. Mr. Sloan—Deal Sir Vor a considerable lenpth a: Mae I. was seriously velhcied wan the rheumatic eon plaint, and applied lively the various Roane., mi ni killers, ne o aittaloaot any relief. After whirl, .yoli aka .at tisto plane !solvency! me to 11 yost Ointment. and within two Weeks fro.. tim Woe emu. Bred, using a. the paid OCR Anti oared, and shall recommend ma who are eimitarty ot dieted with the dietreasing eomplalta, to procure vont exeMlent ointment withal salty O Resp'y Inure, SC A R r. surrr. • Princeville, Peoria co., May I,lhlh. 17 - From the lion I: V. tr. Pac ßrno], PoAfnt oot ol II:e Illinois sod ilsnid ket Clompsuy. 21, Or. W. 73. Sloop—hear Sir: For the [list :013 ,. .ii• I have had occasion to We Wally horse, and ham need the g - mat variety of liniment. and ointments 0 OF*. bat have never found any thing equal to your onn mem for injuries on Larsee Vi - t :m Olin the 1t to 020111113 Y have applied to unme tO Lames: for varionir ininner, and In every ielliWre tt has pro. ved a sovereign remedy. A FTSGEIL DITrEN ENT/RFl.l* oFF. Toro la. south of Chicuto, SolO 14, 1419 Dr. Sloan-Sir. Do. the 611. instant my son had • lin ger later entirely alloy shorn., Wounosod+aw)o ul6- plied your eelelrateslointraral, or bich relieved Inns e pain in a four solace., non P.oonror, ili a "nor r '"' sR elling the lout particle, arid the ound is hrolmn Resp , y yours, - S. wBKOCEI7,4I. DOCTORING EN GALENA `l —Dear girt About throe years aco I mar severely Mimed in one of my lees by Mc fatting u pile of mood 'Mich oerrasioned large reigning elrets Nearly every doctor in Galena tried ° m cure Mem. but tried in gain, until from sympathy ano improper tree . - mcnt my other leg tbecarne as bad as the one original ly weenie& I despaired of ever being well again bat in Order that I Wahl negleel no means witton my reach, I pordissed of your agent ins aiena some your Mammal. and yea canjodee of y Ftlll.ll, gratitude better than I can express t 4 to bad 07-I entirely wellbefore I had hoithed urine the teronti bt• 'Gime facts I Male known that others anthemt riu; believe and not delay 11506 g so Tatman. an min inrre Am yours hm proved to be. Resp'y your fr.o, Galena, RI, Dee. 11. lee. EVAN DAVI:O ONLY 20 DAYS. • Before the &Mowing order, Itheasra 'Vaughn k C. purausd a large supply of Slosso's preparenons. Jam-stet. Mich. Feb. 21,1-4. S. E. Ilibbard--Lk•ar Elr, I aust out of Slosth's lion neetler and Morse Oinuacal_ The sale fur eg. eeda :PO Cation If you e.thrthc th e to ce 4 dram Ointment, I will pay for theta e ht.t tna, that you are Fere, and pratlnuc I sta.! be. pile t.• a Isage quantity iu the coarse of the year. It al' .• an object to yea, as seen as SO kCCI , RIC roc .candy supplied. 11.7 . 0007'y yours, VALIGILN It CO. MISSISSIPPI RIVER. ST. 1.4.1., Feb. •.':.1315. Dr, Sloan—Sin Ahont two years ego, while rmeug on the Mitatesippi river, in paming ever the tape:, mu plunged into the water, and ny the raft oa-iihrg agamet a rock, cranking my left leg and °thereof! ar. noway injuring me, no emelt that ion all ionattality %Viten cowrie...Ai returned I found tnyeilf in St. Lon* cormanded try toy weeping twiny. nun,. log and medical aid, enabled me m about two month. to bobble around with the 11.0.....11C0 of • contra. 'Foe woundawly partially !teased, Icavrag large rglik[nne gore. at Ike knee, which for many Months thecharcc.l Mond ancl mauer o( the moot odenatire eburucter. p.n. Wen inerpresethie. at heats my angering v..• ma great that-death woad hove reeerved a hearty tee; Poise. Fortunateiy Mr. Wimon, (one of my . imigh hoe, advised due why your thallEthill. otstnuihil II 1.01 applied aecoming to direction — the sore. win, t.egic 10 ISSUOLC healthy appratunec and lit tilt. go00:10 r was entirely cared, and enabled to do hard labor. balm obedient ac IIINA 11 W. THOMAS. We, the undenignestl, 'neighbor. of 11. W Tames., acre aemmlnted.with the can above mated, amt k ty• ing the circumstance., molt chemtelly confirm pod Thom.' statement. M.A. J. INJUCiIi JithlErt WILSON, 1 . 1,71:11. LAMB. GOOD N BCC'S. Cascade, Jan. ilk. I , 1) W. B. Sloan—Sir. One of say horses was hind ion"( and also wounded in the nude, in avineli he Inok and.beecrat v 0 crippled Hint he could ienrreiv 'By tin free pplieslion of your 'alumina o,mmcr b iii borrs. were won &dinned and . the slide pennon dl , l I eared.. I have alai [raid the Ointment in the c.a..; Polvil and nit tavern rill. with nine , ineces• On a wailed finger Unit 1 ,, a, very painial, niwt u . ted like iiehaon. &c , A. VAN OBIWZI. TE3TIMONV FROM LITTLE FORT. glean'. Ointmentmat Condition Inisvder sie• inovrledgeil by, all mho have used Ulm to be she 1 e.l remedy for horsel and rattle that has bent; d1,C0VC71 . 41. Fresh wounds, galls, sperms, bruises, rteglonn, pall evil, and in short every dolmas! dlsordsr of ituory non he eared hi this wonderful remedy. The Pannier it designed Orr inerard strains, diernlPeri h,do lemmii fatigue from bard exercise, diseamd eye., he—Cite County Chronicle. • DOCIITINCII.Y. RUT I THOUGHT WOULD TUX IT." • s ' 'AVlcnflera', Cook Co. Fcb.11.1.11 ' Mi. fltomt—fir. I have n hue young hnrso 0,41 was takeriwitlYthe scratchy's •last full. r mid out about three dullars for medicine to cure him, hut Io gross worse- I then b&mfht a hoz of yoor ointment a nt you, °See When In ch,,kgo lust, ra th er douldtmsly, ha: I motteln I wonld try It.. Juclee of ruy sur,riro oti opium, of bencOnlal qualitlep, wise., I (mind sof horso's ler smooth and well In ton r days from In , 12.,-,/ I I commxnced aplllying it. Your uhoillent, 11 Y. COLIIy. More th rr fifteen year. of uurivalls4l success an the cum of every variety of caternnl M•erues end ratan , • tech u prattle, brwses. eats, burns, cutaneous erbyy. dons, rare livs, tore breasts, ehatoomi band, clllll. Mains, bales, alters, earns, pain. In Me bar!, soles, hr other parts of Me syerem,s4talesubLe bite.. li.' n rnple testimony Multilane's llintment tajust We ,hate (noire bout. Centbeates Without number Cove ”r•r reetrued by tire Proerretot from 6.mm reitetkind als, giving debuts of remarkable cures Ly /muse . Gne fllc Vilmtukic co. Wit., tn.!. Vt. tula. Ate.knonte—Der Str: Beectaly my Lem, ,tnn neeui With a log chain attached, Which cut and othen.. Waned them seriaarly, math an that I entrodeenl my team ruined for ham... ronnnvinly a flirnd le. commended the uno of yaw Clummnt.. I 01011110 Mll. wanhU 1.01:1 parelamed a Ivor It soon remo.d blibmamation, and In a fear amyl. the. wound. d The great benefit &tired from the a x of your Ost.t. abanb CD air haw., induced me to acquaint you nith We fan, believing Its publictly ardiad benefityou and the PutPlie, town mutimeit. *IS A POSITIVE FACT, And bambino= a common saying, that Minn , . °bsoms and Condition Powder ore family superte , dnog Washer remedies Saran diseasos of horses omi. crow The boson of the MCditille, Conti. In litefil safqty, tomric,they snaLba aied OVOTX hotly withoot airy danger iftaking cold, or any other 1.4.7fr0m their (=sent use, and weer (a 7 OZZO7lateagas aro fositowiL i1141,11a MIbCELLANEOUS. Scold-A:Lonna Salo of Dry Goods, ♦T T. CU men aro. or A. A. MASON 4 CO ., NVlLL'commence on New Year . . Day, ISA, tmd VT continue %Sievert the mouth of January, mating which time the whole of their immense establishment, (Including anthem Wholesale floonsa ii i will be thrown op, for Retail Trade . ' and dims entice Witotraale since w il l Le °defied at Retail, on 11:11:1 fully ono cocoon emsa than usual prices. • Snawi Saloon con:rung mote than MVO Sbanals, cemlrrinlng every derengtion of Long ..1 Square Wool Snnwl, Caslnerc,ltractle.,A.c. Aloo, Vuotuo, Cloak, Manullns, Sant., to., at an immense rcduc non from u•onl prtce, DllFz;l. , AND CLOAK GOODS. Their .cock r;inprisc. more that;DXXlpleees Thibet Cloths. blermos, Pommel., Alp,riceaa, Lynam., Up nod l'ell•ce Cloths, wtll be sold from 11t toll , per coot. less than areal prices. Aleo—rat xgeges tint p.m and fight SILKS, reds tee'. l!it per rent. St case.: Ca-limerea and De Lnina, enure new etYlx , Alses-.-White Good, Mounting do., ElSltaoldence, Lace, Ribbon., Gloves and llostem Tinto:long, rte. !At case. Flannels, Cu caw, new style Calicoes, thl t e theacted Marlin.. MO bales Brown do. haler Ticking , Al.. Clothe, Cass...ores, Jeans, Castauctts, Sea, at extremely low pewee. Together wed! an inane.. variety or other Goods, lousing an tweortment one of ate most extettswe the country—all or which have het n markt,' dOWEI at much lower pnees than their eXteinsve annual sole oi J xdu he ary Ty Inane an early call, as many of their eboiCett Good, INAI be roll La - The lowest price named at first. pint! A. A. MASON re 011.. Iltnritet • telNoratray PIAIEIS" Blassliet•. ;r . It, VUlllrlli', at North ta''..7l,orerneettrvurfkl}ta.'eutir;-' pip or the above superior make of Ithenkets, and ta rn,. those ni wain of the ratan,: to look at them be fore haying. lie has elf. On 11.4m1 I lome Made Ulan tete, a good heavy article, arnica he i• selling low. Also—Dome blade FLANNEL.,, tirown, barred and a superior quality Al.—Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to which he tavites the attention of buyers. iErA Incite eupply of frond. recent'," °tweed fa the Homo, up Cotta, toake• inc. ii.tortment very full and wottrty the attennon of driders. ovl7 SELLI:II.` , I.IV - 231 Y ILI.v V. -, 1.,11• - fir. it. F. SelleroDeod Dirt I Deal it 1• a duty I ewe ILO the puMic, na well ns to the eiedit 01 tour Lint! 'tngood clomp r y by their use in toy own During the mouth ot Juno. I-15,1 took very un cw well. ray appetite lewed. nod my strength wk. shoirrly praytratod, with nevere paw In My aide and ulders.de I was told by medicalown that my intense ,everr attack of over coinplaint. I took enve• rat hozes of .tit lane's Litre Pins, and won. 'Yrttaa which I moo told erns good for shot &soave, hat ones all I .vu, etting worse. I Gortly concluded t id•ee myself eater thr care Of is inyslcitin lb.' better id orse; hub, lorionatcly, Just at 1.0. limo, I Was 101 d by the Nev. I. Niblick, of din place, that a Wend hod scot him a low of Sellers . Liver Pills from Pstbitiorgh, which hod hensfitted hum very touch. 1 forthwith scut Mr a trot of your Liver Pills, and by We time I done using them, I was :unitised that it ores past the medicine that suited my rose. I sent for mote, and took her or 050 bole., and tumid myself almost courrly cured; but in March last I caught n evere eold. which twought bank the &scene, and in • rhea woe I wos bod o• over. I naain tad 16/siartiete your love as : Pits., sod lone Wont eicry dtb.r plea for *LK 500000, .Id occasionally Wanes anll.M.owl.o. tlt.tt I con now any, that I Wel little iiiwy eyingWials of the Liver Complaint, and - my general health Ia as good now a, it hw been for the lost It year.. aly neighbore so* me who wan my doctor. I tell them tha!tsctlers' Liver Dills was my dotter, and Ly the meeting of Divine Provide:ire the means of curing me. lam confident that when the Rublic become ao. nu:dosed with the value of your Litter Pik, the ‘lO- 11.111' for Meru will ataxy of soytuntghboin i to whom I have recommended the pill, ec early to w the rata,', as well as to the facts above st CiAL Respectfully yours, Growe .lu.kaa. To r. Pus .—Tbe Ortginal, only Iron and reno tunc Liver Pills aro prepa red by B. P.. ttnikra snit hays ills name stamped In blank or. 111p1,1 the raeu 14,1, and Ms soenatnrc ma Mr outaldn wrapper. 1;:rAll others eue.cmintertraa, or Luu inumuona sni:l7 SELLERS. Prornetur. Wen,l et Jarmo. , VapaCtoomat. lioLuou, Columbium 0u.,0., Apr. SI, 141. 'VIII. JA 1 NES: Dealt relim-1 feel bound to yet 11 and the adhered pablie, to avail my.l( ofklo•olw porn:troy of giving putal.ily to the extraordinaryeffect. of your lapertorant L sniself. Ilaving been attlieted for reyeral year. with l a severe sough, iheetrr fever ar rreotartr dtreaaes, and seemed trial y doomed toLuger MU short hut r-Iserablo exastenee , sudri the fall ot Itirr, wirer). loon. snore severely aracked. and ha.ne res.:red to all or; former remedies, and the pro. ay:vireos of two or Orn most respect, tde plr7sdeoria• r 0 the loornyoroood sr:about graving ally bettors dr Or* runroiroco of eursikinr sat a few day. or weeks IQ farthest--wiren the Is.: gleam of hope was axeit ',ann, I bort recommended to me your Expectorant— nod toro.r.e.l by that Itiong what does all dung. in the to , of the orearrs—extl contrary to the arpeetations n 1 r.., nod friends, I was Ina few foro ed am! enabled e use ofd!a. y N s raved ertenr: tyn h toy . busu w enoyrg yth e better tac,th than I had Itri . ten yea. posy/nos. Itrrypeedully yours, ar• • Jou Elerrta- Vor 'ice. or Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, It nano street. =rt./ AA it. 1-1.4,T0N cr:wrincATE r, • lIR It( !A CNE.—Tets reenter. that tounedutely alter Laving ati,nded my brother, who * dted of COnsemoption NI-irch, 1 , 11 , , I and aken sick with MO ConstrOtruntt or Liv,,reomplaint, an wo. reduced so low vv. ho Ji.el• , ..tltt for four years I nos unable to attend in, either at home or abroad, being for the most num enoutied to ray bed. During Me above pen. gel ol Wev, I had egnended for ine,bral aelendaoce o re l'hymetsor sod rurthrines, to the amoont or witl,ord receiving ally benefit litreelrote. lii .4,1,, 1.44 I hotomenced to taking Dr. /a Medi ere., have taken them me or less ever rine, a,,.1 ,elieve that it war by per,overtng to tbeir'are, 0,411 I'm,. no rot' hove completely teen-. 4,..1;h. I :M.A. rills i•ectorsht are tlr beet (amity modicuma rum to I reside i pringteld, threat. coenty, N Y., std ern , on a (or ~,re and machine shop in that place, id ar , 3 I, tote re,ted in any rummer in the ante oi the r I nar.Peinee, and mate this relltteate Inc the bra. rtit of the- , a1...r ted. ELLIALI EITON. N 'l'., Sept It lsiti to ICII FALL Goons' lAL Y EXANDER & DA, earner of the Diamond and Merkel Wra y notify their (emends and gle,pehlte they have received their stock of Fall and IVot. I itetiLe3, direct from the eupOere, Inanufeeturen. end 0,1.00. et ter ee.t. rt Their *toot of new •rtil,. and P....ism/LI, bond. 15 large, and presents strong null/r -um, to notch:awes. In Ladies Drees limels and awls, we most splendid and taShientanle Good. of the srafon are ~ow ollerel, et Tema ably low price , etee.seUng in part Of the following LADIES' DRESS GOODS. , Ne-se iiroch (4,.'d esznellan 9J te: tn., Ad: Lbs:s saan Do Chao , . and Tare fialtd.i Gredcrisitd, 01 the best Qa•ldeee; elosey Graddnetts at the celebrated Eagle a tl.l.l.art. aboym named [Mack Slats are warranted ant to at :n Um we tor dreasca and mantillas they mantle .e W healat & Nr.l Cornell. :nun Du Chene, the hatulvomest g:lk. of the rev-Dll. New style Ittoeho F.ltr figured French Menu., .te s o d epleadtd article for lathes , welting dees.es. :Ilk 1-Pubrohteled French Do Leine., foe urextes odd seen.. on entirely new article . Catio,tes, De Leine., Dertnos, Alpeeces and Per mettos, a Inter swortment SHAWLS , AND SCARFS! Croeha Long end Square :A1.., of the Lest quell. Prs Plaid Long Shawls. of the newest designs, setnart• ably cheep. ~.id Teeter, Shawls. el tTently reddeN! Ctriellon Drowns he'd SPY tWeveltsttlgeout vinery. cr.. , Chow:a, whtte and colored, in great yet wty. MOTHS, CASSIMEILES ANU VESTINGS' reel Prench Twilled Cloths, ell pricer t,est ' , dun teal French Caweimeres; new style ewes. trim that.nnere.r. auper Petal Vesting.. leADtEg3' elianKING CL OTHS' Prey n it tteltion Black and Ohre Cloth., for Le. d,es' BLANKETS! A iiplen 1 , 1 arrorusient of American tad mnorled Macke,. ti remarkably low peters DiifrlESl'lL: AND STAPLE GOODS! A larls and curuplete arsortment nova ou Land.— MMiley si our rho manufacturers stock of Staple lioods were ary fro.. We manufacturers previous to the present Mean, to prides A proicipal part of out stock of Preach mil Esigt.ali pawl have hem pchared nt the great A ',lion bid, in Philadelphia and r Now York, also m to offer decided bargain. PI almost every de witidion of goods in oar hoc of bounces. Coro lc, Niel...sins, Merchant Tailors, and all arlio"wirle mil retail line., are invited to an enrly esuniiiiStrrh. 01 Oat cock and pricer. ALILIANDER. 6 DAY,:{Market lit, 0cr2.1 .01; stew corner of the theinond. TO or Dltlf ilaulMor WIL bililtrlll . ,t north rant corner of Priori!. and. Market 0., now 'eddying Ida second supply for the warm, nod cm offer Inducements to buyers rarely to he met with. Ills arrortment or LADIES' DRESS GOODS I very full ennsistint of Vernet Mdirtto.,Carhnierea, cntereca,l.yonewe Cloth, super Printorl ' , ranch Cash mere, et prices considerably . lower'Lhan they multi bt hot:slit early tit the wason. Ilia stook of LONG SHAWLS I. und embrace... Malty of the beat/Will styles . 111i11.011 Vranklm 1.1.1 r, Plrllnd.n. BONNET AND NECK RHIRONS, of o w,l - very handscano styles, VC/rUt Tf SACKING FLANNELS, UI 01111000 ewers and qualseer, plant sadewbronlernel Inset Lkrup. Needle I,Vorted Collars and Cads, Satens and Velvet Flowers, Car and 0 suttee en. !LAND:it/ME DRESS SILKS, elf hr newese styles, nod at lower prices Wan usual; noel nen chntiegenbla Silks and Staltne, lot Alarellas, kw, and a loran tdoele of sTAPLK AND 11011SEKEEOIN (MODS, at lowest pews.* And of Ow gentlewen , department will he found fresh FItENCII MACK AND FANCY C0:.,`11 .I.OIIIS, 111.esde Vestsirle, Fun• y 04 , 0111 0 W, 011liel, kids 1104 Druwers, Silk Wiesen, Poelto Hand ' ilareldnis, to,r,slerol up stairs. l w.es are invdeed o visit dot Wholesale Booms, . A :EterWiisiikuriii. lTu s• , 1110 , DFUGE: MOOOP.II, Wren: eo, In., Sept. VF, I 11 I'. Selle,” , Dear :Ur, I bought one Lends of ',Dia Verendage nt Iron (lily Pura:au. store, at OW pinee, nd le e.t . a perforewd what we consider out herd. won. e de rful eury on on of my Loy. eettlet Yeses old; lesel hsed unwell for some y eats, Vll mach to that l lead etty sn I,opes of Ills wrovery. 1 was *deter/11,y nue uf nviv,llluav to try n Di your Vrrinnutt nod I unt Onpry to iplorto you of II leavintt thr dews , ' elle , of relieving my sow tin passed, en tw shart ' , pure of Cr boats. 161 worms, wetter of them rewa•ur ns orb at 12 and 11 on,bes low I feel bound in lustre to eiveloulhe, above ante-wens,. as Intl may woke any use of my name that you think proper. Velars, very respertfullY, RINATIWI ID -Prepared and told 1, R. F. SKLIAIIS,S 7 Wood struct, and sold l,y ()swims generally In 13 the 1 -- eier, nny tiralirALll-etilll.legitn, COUGH - jtHbilVtom IV. Haden, Km., t:lett a( the Court et Quarter licwiona Ileaver County: Mr. R. I. Seller. Some tour in am winter my wife wan Illiefe4 with a sevens and dimwit/no ..00gh, tool heavier of your !oval:labia Cuitati pup choreal a bottle from s. T. Tritahla, of ridgewMml and utter taking a portion of it two or three evening. on gems to bed, the found Iruntedloto also memo! blend. have born it means. mows. I nm tiorell.ll swished that ji lts i safe mtdcralualtle d and would recommend to those Who may to afflicted With revere conghs and colds. March urh ' W. X. DO DIN. tr — rsoid by K. E. SF.LLERS, G 7 Wood street, and by braK•istm generelly le the two chimp and Melnitl• deb pi-71;r ea. Niue adbraft r Cloths, Aim rn'd and for ale by MURPHY, WILSON & CI) nnvl3 lIS Wcal • • seek m Cherry. Scarlet, M the low price of Yhg• per yard. Mao, Pixie Drab, Brown, he 18 1 1 cents per yard; and a large assortment of mat style. figured Nods. de lain. , at •IsAOl.lll prices, together mutt a choice meoruneat of Dram Goods geeeraCYs earkaas Fancy .M.lks French Menlo.., Cashmeres, Cobargs tuaLyOnese ' Cloths, at the N. E. earner or Fourth and Market us. Wheless's Houma up stairs. au•l2 TRANSPORTATtON LINES MEE= PLILSCISKIIIE /Mu iteselittance Offloos AKITANKBEN g Co. conunde to bring pewee , . from say pan of Et - elands Featinnd or Wales, open the most liberal terms, Iva then usual punctuality and attention to the want. and coin. fort of emmigrauts %tic do not allow ouryussougers be robbed by the ' , needling stumps non menu ti,. Ara. pore, a. Qe take eharr,v this thelmomrnt they or. pan them:clew, anti see la their, well brine, tutd.de ,uutcb them without any demotion the fled We say this feuricssly, no we defy one or oar pi— We nay to show that they were detained de boa -a by us to Ldverpool, whilst thousands of others • em detained months, until they could be rent In r.OlOO •.d strn. at a chp, p rya, which too frequently proem she, cosine. WI, intend to perform our cootracto oottorably, cost what It way, not net us was the tow lust season, with ether ee ry olfir,—who cuter performed not all, Or when IL _oiled Wnr en.entetee. uraU &awn at I'4v:hotel) for any tam from /t to noon. payableat any nn he pror,lotal Honks In Ira. laud, E.ngland, Scotland and NVoloo. ttellll,lhollN, Flu - opcon az d b/eat al Arent, fob! 0., meat...tn. otnetr below 1.0nr,1: BEAVER PACICETY. 'Steamer MICII ICA N No. II—Capt.GIIPOTI. LAKE It.ttlE, l• Gordon. a nyt.boae , n ,t-alor and well known Beaver Ese/f -j. err, have enuttneoecd mak., their Jaily trip. an autl from Beaver, awl will continue to run Lt.:47lfir. rinatturalt and Deaver regularly dustily, the pennon, as follows: • • . Michlg. No. 2 Ge l led Pittabureh daily at U o'clock, A. N.,and 'leaver et 2 k, 1'.51. Lake Fria Inman.. Beaver daily dor o'elue o'cloc k, mid l'itruburgh at 3 o'clock, P. N. The.: etenicers xm main comeettort with R G Parke' Expreev Packet Irine, for Erie; Taylor & Was ma Puckett: Union Line or Frniklit Runts for Cleveland:, Clarke k Co'a l'itisburglnund Cleveland Lula neigh , Boars. G Perks daily New Ceutie l'ackeG. cLsitx.E. PARCd A Co, Beaver, Agnate. JOAN A. CA CGIIEV, Agent, PiaoLur y, rach:ll car Water cud Sruitifield au - aia 1849. B E am rinsuur,up AND CLEVELAND E2l ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. 1/ Propraitors of has old established and popular 1 daily linn c-omosaing of SIXTEF-N firer clu.. eunal Bents, t. voted by them-elves and runiung in enitnet uon mat the steam bunts DEAVER AND BALED COPE, are Ambled to offer unequalled fnellatica for the transportation of tretsta and pared/Ter% on the openutr or Cu,:III ma oh manta nu the Penn. a/11 , 1ms'. and Olttd 44 N. Vats ennala and the lAA!, E. N. EL & Co,Etevelatal. BIDWELL .t BROTHER, Agent, Hoover. I.C. BIDWELL, Ageut, mar/ Water street,,Pill,h.rgh. rtltAlßlturztt. 'ltraveg DWELL & BROTHER. _ Forwardiag Ic:chants, ttitA VER. VA . P.1.51e .I...tCh.relanl Ladd,Pdtt . harg•A and Eri. , Ll1;e1 1,1 rate, and for :Min; /wad Bearer and . Cato: , Cogd. Ituving purebargd lure., and tutltuulual iVlsta Vont just built for the Ittononeithela with do eddliton dl. Wureboure, We must nurpla commodntiont for rprctullu; 1:dl forwedding„ use pledge their unnott 011 , 000 e, p r Mop: Dr. and Aeirtt , to COneigtlitteuta to lt.ctr cost, 3DA rely Oct rt for trial. trwtl.dl7 11 g tlnti. 11Udtt;gri Bread os. O NE woond bradgland, It untatrr. poet EttO. I " " Sf " rot tale for al the above prices, by deli JSIIIN II 111171.1.111(..1 Wend at 9 , 0 %fluid N Doman 1. &moot- a...red and connected from me last Vt Ilski edition, to etrrerrpond with lipohra elrigott School of Vititot ,10)1110,br$ peril U. C. 11111 any oration . .. rrt. requiem! to recommend won It ethyl , ol.sreved that "loot hintaelf adhere. struts: to the yn.ai 1.1 • ta the ins ',aimed d he bat by the tsioe mod.. nistruCtloll. Meter numher konnuatiehed penile than any odd master A retorts ' ''" aale be 7ti R:11, V 142% 1 . 1 1 4 I;q:ii A N utdoipepenoed Days:cyan tha 1).Jt.1. of tin yet.; staruling. °Sera to treat all er,../ of a Dentate Naive with proinntners and secretay Illetnceasa in Nude: o and other Mtge elh••• 1.4 Lev n proverbial. charges am ined,eist. mire. perianneoh Mid ea., of Wert_ I NI., Fluor Athos, Rhenniatiarn. Arum Syphill . lorrr , or inveterate tetra aolhiltrut A mac warr anted, at <hairs reimieral. irsicsa. ilk Clair street, from We Teeth Nntracted Adair, to dm gytl. N 11 —Dr. A. bite. the taorrt ette.oi ad - .c..• att. in ritt.bargh raft. toll PICTROLYUDI. OIL IIIaCIE 'erne,thing. oi heaven and Saila 'lhno are dreempl of trl lattlor•orhy.. Trill aiIaTUFS at no* retnartahle relmidy. eod the end tans applicat.on tor It, to the pr Funor hr induced html.. hare it put op in bottles r belt add dire... Mil lot ouicatt at Me pa , ,•• 'lts' epTicoht:u proeuamt fmin a II in tit. county, at a aqui, of four bemired feet is spore una• de m gird anode, any elierniest chalm• Joao at dew. green Natures Greet 1 rStrfttlflt )11 rh.“ t. trOtrttritlrt propettira Iturrttr-t of no tourer a o.art, of uric. nein, ei4 tor.tY thtne. in the aecanit o art, wideh. it komim.inigat be Cl Vlldt naefrainets ; tut nlating term:ilia sod tr awling the bloom of beulth and vicar to many a std. fever. Long vertu; propnetor thought outline it Of , in bottle., It (lad a rePotetlen for the e 1. .) ear C•re. The constant and duty oltreating Ila for And I remarkable can, it ha , peskiinout, la sure ludicanon of ita Daum popularity dist wide spresd application in the ...um of disease. [ I We do cot avian to make a long parade Id een.L. rah, sve are conteions that the rnedicinej, slit root. work to way into the favor of them: 0,0 utter min wish to be healed. t o Coe. we do not for o universal applieanon in eatery disease, wei hutheana• tingly' ny, that to nutuber of Chronic DiW c i „ .ll, trt anntrotlyd. Among then any ted "al' disester of the marmot tissues, such MIONIC a7ONSUMrTION early .taue.l AI/thins, mid all chaeases of the AM p 111.1.1,1,1.1 DTBDEPHA, Diorite, the Bladder and Kidnera. Patna in the Back or Side, Nervous Diseues, ticonalgla, Pansy, It heumitte Patna, 6001, Lryalpelaa, Tenet, Itingerorma Staldit, Old Sores, am, tee en.es d baltly re• oohing lotto exposure, or tong and protrattc cases a: diseue, Mit Medicine will tiring relief It will net a. a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In stick canes, imparting tone and energy to the whole 'rape, MUM, ing omonrcuons, openln• the sloggirh futiethins, which cause ditaitse and a brolea conalittmon, giving increased and renceied energy to all, Me mai. of Life: The proprietor know. Of several mitts o , PILES, that resisted every other trenitnentget welt ander the doe of the PIITRt/LEUhI for hurt tune. Toe prow can he given to nny pcnon who 'estres It None genuine without the signature of :he proprietor. hold by the proprietor, S K1k.8., Canal Bruin. near Seleroli ti Al., by lb k. 1.1. St..llS. 57 nod a,, and—lit:VS/11l a Srlitiat' corner Wood at. and Virgin alley; toll iirc In. cos n.dly regularly appoonjod Tolls any cutatss. PINE AND CEDAR WAILE ALINUFACTORF. No. RI, ourn , r Market aud Ftftll—or 49 Apar ltut, lumen 'Curd laud Fourth eta. . Ti1;:u...b..cr„,..1.t,,,..:,,,7.,.:,n,,,,,,,,ur,r0x5.hajr„1.„ whole- Wakh Tubs, StollChows, bleat Tuba, Hanoi Cbunan. Rath Tubu, ' Ralf Butio , u, Wooden Dowle, Ports cool Dail Perkx, Cl." 14,unn, Rm.. Bound Intets, Clow.. No., Tta - cl Roller - 14 %Footle,' 1..nd1e,, Ilrmla Itollern Clothes blanket., hlorket Ilu.irbl. tor. , tr. 14A,%211KL, fiIItIVSEN, novl4 No RI Irialohthl alley, Ponlyurrli J. kinspratt Son.! Patent Sad• Asti. 325 suazulactorrre, c6nl a melio mtic.trun v ibr nnd for stale by I,o‘li & 311'Ft:11EL:tit 1:1.: POWDER -450 kegs llhow ad; •• Dect Iydo; Vdd - do do; Joel reertil, end for _sale by ., 1.21 YWl'A'yea m n--54 la sae dud lot sa:d b) total WM II J.IIIA.I'ON o ,l:j;T° '''' `l-,71'.eid,1.i '''' rZtt . t iat- '' ' ' 1Y 1I It JOI!N4TON 1:; "1)-1'by febll iilTGA.lt.--,-17b1t1.--- • Iced n.. iul .sic by .. - 1 101.11 "imAlgrs: al rliONti a ca.7.l:tt Dow DRILIIA-5 halest ltet i li ,n ea f v . y ., tl b utl y tetra BBACL Alt ntr.l MPI Sink Blue Drilla, opened a .lA...rkwurri, . , 70 °PA-4 C"" 7 ' 6N 0 MORI:AN dunbir fat 1/1.11. for %art ban hy A '''go" P2,, c ,;17c! far .:k by R RE1.1.1:10 901 , 14%*: sum aind MIOWN & t.y tall Tr M i ol.nriefFS.-- ,i . 0 bl,l . N s 1 ( 1 1 , , . 0 - s ..,:e,,, for ..„, ~, fold . 5 11111/WN A. KIHKI`ATIIICII - 1, ill/Alt-11U blobs NO, fur sale by . Il I.lilo lINCAVN & 1:1111/IPATIlICI , itllll.l-ft..beirer ol.'r ti.l.nc bc 111101 N & KIIIKPATICO I I. , lelils F LUU"-‘ '''" . o 'l' lll7f:l7/ Ilctel. lir. oil e; ON barrel f bond and for ..b. by • fals I. ilo%v Ni & k.1111:i . ...1 . P1...1: el_ .. 1111N-Ibli sac k. Yellowi for ...1,, by febl6 k BROWN A %IRV' ATP Ulf .... f IORN-% ourka try, 1010 per ior . N 0..., ...I . Ilt, kJ *ale by 1.1.15 Jollllll3 DAL2III.. VATII4IIOW 01.ASS--1.1.0 tile a5..11,101,f; a.l lot tole by friar, 1A111.1..1 DALZIII.I. Btmolll-1150i. Keiiii.l..:;T.fi‘. ii.;;;;i;., ;,i, .ale by 1eb1.5 JAhilli DA1.7.1,1.L . 13 . 1111TE11,&e-11/ . 016 tn . d s .T . ,kriciPuneri 4 Nadia Feather.; or rule by 1eb1.5 .IANIIIN 111. /.I: .1, _ . 11 . - ' l ,r y ;.- . 115 20" tom ''''' PrillN D riltlftll AN Iti- PINK - -111A1 f roar li t5.r..., ' - P - tor , °J.,..4,,,...;,„ CIUNNY 11Ab711.-21411/ Iva rood allllor.. l c 00 - - l_,T jeLltib Ilalit FOCiLkI . A CLAM RE .. .„. _, .. S OA r—ZOL.I. ILD'ais, In stare mid for sole by KlNltil.lgtl A lIENNIKI - I', febl4 No in Wood .I SOl . ll±K- -- 1:1 dot Wolen, to aturr rind fler'sqtl.• oy febll 1.114(11.1.±1 . 1 A lIRANNKFT W1111 . t. - "ItifENS . -inbli - iu afiiiC:autl for rate by _ &bl 4 /.1N.1..11 . 3 . 4 & IS IL IN N I.lrr PS-I bd., Instoreor 4 Air .elo - iii febl4 1.1N(11.1511 A /111NNFIT lellidEli 0001?....-1/ p.m Long Lcinginirr, .19 pd. Sta..' ' , Mr; , • •13, , raff ./ 9 mr Oashiono, round and mum, 1* Pea Coot.; • I non No I Rinds; do Nog do; Rea. , i k ; * ; N°6 Wo' Jait PHILLIPS aw l do No d do; Serfec'elon9for mole at the A.-C4c.b°lllB°L-5 " JVHll **l. o b ili 0 RO AN M.Ti)ICA L Cv 11.1 KM-% FAMILY MEDICINE:•f—'IIrey are tL A. of the day." ( MOO. May :sh, 1F49. K eleller•: I think It right for rho berroLt of others to .1110 tome (ar, 11l relation to your exec lent Alodiornes. I have tr,orl your Vermifoge lorgroy in toy own Iwo -11) , one vol. frequently anweenno for expollioq, rge quo unties tsar Ito 11101 NUM. from two childrer. I have also r.re'd yo pr Liver flits and Lough Sy top rn my family, and they haVe itt every Instance produced the wirer tired. ' As I ton togaged in merchandking, I am able to stow that I •ravr yet to hear rf the hod failiwe where your mediours have been uwd to my 0 , 110 „ 01 the you Irt conch:won. are otwo 1b..: levy aro'Ny med4cinr , a GI Juy, laud doWirre.! .• have a very CIICTISIOI popularity re • • al' - , k • . Prepared and sold by It • lly trlS.Notii Wood wee, turd !el.! by Dorgp. • nel ain the two cud vtcinity. m-931 „. _ ~....... .... . t 1 11/..1.1* CPI*: Or' I,lOElt OUSIPLAiNT, by he (~T orinirml, only , true,nol genuine Liver rdi. -no. La.r.nt, Ohio county, ho, - March 2fith, ISM i * no-. R. Id. Sellers: Dear sir-1 think it a duty 1 owe to you nod to the pliblie rnera ly, to state thut 1 hove i been enacted with the Lin r Complaint for a Idttg nine. mat no badly that an beer, formed and late, andeh Ica me in it very lo St.itc. Owing Irma ot your ceeltrutcd Liver Pit n being cot- flout. by . R Sharp, 11l 'OOll Liberty, - no recommended to me by my phymet. Dr. IL Synth, 1 concluded to gam tiimi n fn. trial. i;aurchased mm boa, end found them to ...,unt what they are recommended, THE HEST LI VER P it t . EVER USED, and odor taking four bake. I mid the dinvase 100 colanly len um, and 1 am tam pet rreay Well. Ro,peetrully 'man, .1.1 lIPOLESIA.N. We.t Liharty,tlarch din,lnin. I en - any that I non ment allyp acquainted 'vial Mr .'o r •• ,end con bear onny to the truth of the nor se ..ertifieute. A It SHARI' Tut: 'ermine Liver PRIs err prepared and sold be It Id tI.I,ERS, No 117 Wood street, and by druggitte in tee ..Moen TO Pllld PLIBLIC.—The original, only true and g.- lane Liver rah nro prepared by Rl:Sullen, and hove hisuntui stumped in black wt. up. tic ltd of etch ritt. and bin ...are on the outaile..wrupper—all nilies. tee ...demi, or Mine inatutoona. iiiint It I'. SELLERS. Projitietor IstoJAlilllltPti. IRAILIILNATIVE. ISALSAIR 1 ~, liuM the Rev A nA SHINN, it well known end poo V Man trteignmanot thr ProientumnicWodia L cool . rue imilertigileti ii as lilt lir enaßitmcd during th Par owlet with a dornm , a: met amed, scene Mum. pry ine,” mommy iin in OW sibintoLlifor Len OF t ,,,, ! ,, e withou,nlcim, , on,nd aver having Used I , raven reirdi, wait etlect war turnbilteal V 4 laa a oelan in Dr It.layne , ne sunny, itnottur.. That hellß d ac cording to tlie dire, nr. and found Inv oriati , v th :Pm , pediemeeneneothe'ari tom at , n, In three or Igo ran men, and ttt fifteen or ltrrnly ,nUtrAeyerr u.enior netomme, wiati.tirely quiet/W. 'due medielne Wu:: .1- letwaist , tiAtd whenever itabrations a I the appronch of an's, I e.peree.ved, and the pa .n oat thereby prose... p nt ed. Ile coinued 10 use the medicine every evening sad setoeuruen It. 'be morning, and in n few nor. health Wio ...0 (Cit,stOred, ihat the sutlerer wal flla. ad from n Dirge n-rner !no( oppronave man. rte., ra , parienre,thereloro. r rex. maifidentiv t,,,,,,,,,,, , ~ D isyttein 01/11111.V• 0 01111,, ao a annual ae,r i . r• for dutiones attar...J.:men and Inivrelo. Ae; i i! . .;:l. %Penh.... n0t. , ... ~ ... For nolo to PatalimaL n. i ill. 'ell Ai Ic I. ,ti..; 70 Vourni sire,. ”1 , 3( ~• • anit 0:i.... - o. I .clang Store. fll P Sett W alt!... 1. , • ..i ~,,• A.1 , 7 . !_ . -, _ . _. . • it AL.OAIa.II6 Dir(A)VICII.I I CONSUMPTIVES, EN Oh WIFE GUARD. DK. P,WAVNE . I4 cumrstuto SYItOP OF WILD CIIERILY. nut a.kii"u Coe amp AALtevt, L, a: '•:-ertisur.t, MC. Ilar , l 4.t. runt in lLe yule ra,tl r Ifm•ri.; thrine ears; Creep, Ureter •thtn ePtu true, :tore Throe; !iet root LteLni• Lt. ana all Dieceere or the 1111. e. Preset end Lan pc the most e 4- fuelled 11.1. L cl.ce.lt tru. the a nTr D k.. !.4 11 1. - V t . • ...d b7r. Of WWI t; bar [7: yam:Wawa= , -L :: 1.. futao,l mati4 LW.< ot atilt, I: Lary aii.eird away hour thole la,,Zt.ed t t ,t.l ill esperi.urot, and At L et I n reputatiou. I y tia,d may any liiniaratiiia e y. t ta • t pi:Waited tut r mita+ !that bee:. very ger.eraly t'ir Ilititeei Statue ar, ee,anJ th ere .11 . 0 10 4 4 4 .44• 4 Klamath, eonuatu iiume 111."4.4•44 444. den., roeil r. e'or prof ot etatarnent.i.cal 'aloe and rifies.ry at tli • ele , ii pioptictot +CA . . air,: frw Pi the r wand trpttiminlalit vigil . 11 hirer toren pmer.iity.l men of the re.lit—Len—tatin WOO have ;..fr hr• inter. of mom. teayou“tuuty Justices:. iiry lart, bceaul IL ',LI du anotliut favor • ttiaolve. iio mita., tr. Leiituxuay o eiusively.that Ito sat ri‘3444,4 tag.... rri lir 11l 114.1r4T44/4 IC4tri c.ail tii.qurattoostor .i.ithor•• rye! rub:4e opinrity. Tar Lb.,1411a1.44c0n. iota, xil.l lee auethite tkitout tlyi ret.uiu tram. - lry it stae• re:tatty it reMen...i . remedy ter me aitanoil FAIN •\\T - n men. ,aetoir, 11,4110 C04144e4.444111 4 4 4114p111 ,.. . •r,ly4ltallly t4474•1144..4., , 40 "4e truth P. a thin, p a ,,aiiLe-tart. 'act a•. weir ntrr f4:4144444444 m an y 41, tiuth. i riitur r• lrred nrad . ittieis On apecial ,t 144 .-441 . 1144,14 . 4 4 Moral Maine., CIT.TIrIcn. S . M.:. Am,ntutCuac rr..t.ili.at iiever era, a of bee. of 04,4:1414)4.14411., Ws DI e1 . ..Ye ,. Comeaaad Syru, \ earn?, It rtminellier... tie .Etch, ur.,l apyynivi to Aral .T uler r% an air Ivie ...mayo iit,v raid itch tilacid, palter I.y atai ell Sal A Pr.l Itr of S, le. ,etteee C. 121• pound er,rop %I:l4ll3trrr. I•efl. Me1., 4 M. Mt my 1 cuogist gers.r. roid.veloelt way ',tow worse", attended v-oh •evere eoueus ,uut sso.rst all the itmethe. vr.tovit I liud te,on tsse •its s2se-eu-sise outassny reue exhilotra .11 the •,mpus.u. us Yo...sts.srey 11. tip Ever) , tlong_ I t0..el .4 es ssu Isus fleet, uiut tor eomOho.lt eseu , d utuuol sy thol e /need, us se:C. ,luve ai: Loisr.s o• my trcoveiy. Al thle time was. reenottoleuled tr, four evulunlsle medicine: I dlst ea with the nas.l hap ly cc-evils. rite 5.1 hw.l the effret to tauter. :he sou,h, eueelnc toult oZPeeturu. sane I 1 ueed vi ho tttees,l %VIM (M 1 1 ,4 t. CA, asol .10tY hearty a. men L. e•er ruy I , to Would he happy In glue any utformaticit ...spec Ins toy . that o th er Idurrets may &tore the he at fe• *loch lAM gantztul. For the trOth of It *love. .tasem-ot, I refer you to l'eter hark, Groee Wee; U:seu.r, PE., of vsehotri I purvt....teed the medico . IleopeNfuilY Jautia Worm. WO Curs of • ollahooloot Mil:W. v. 111, a wayne---P,er Sic I fret x debt of endinfil• due ...you--and a doll to the tadlieted generally, 10 oder my humble teen/tamp ii favor of your Compound Sy cep of Wlld Cherry. Some thtec yearn Cute I vest coledtly at:acted with cold aml intiamotatmu — Of tht Lai s u•, which efilis • neenntpattted with a dtslo - a - ung rouh, patu m the breast nod head, cozy diteharge of olfounive mucus from too lunge, tape r upon change, et went:ter, however slight. Al fast I felt so alarm but we, pretty soon entrvlDU. tnat I Woe ll‘fildly going tut° ctotsamp non. I crew doily ;weaker, and at length was scarce . 7 able to walk about. or speak above n treltbriet. suet, the exceeding :etes of my loads. Itut I had tried various propurtletot and petit id , uons, bet found tin reacf--grocr;og the timeNVO(.o. Juts here I "rapd .od persuaded by a deity flier," to Wilmingtda to .nuke trod of your Sirup of %VOA Chet fY- I mutt emteas that promooely had been prelo ors?. against patent mettle:nice, wt, I am toil against Were coming .t of the tot,. of empires, but under-rx d ,g your to the profesklett and practice of dit lite. and having impliett faith in toe saying of my Codas, I forilattrgh purchatod of Ito. Shaw, oncef your at efita :etc Loalts, mid commenced y dis et Si Cis , . time ot dltor month.' standing, eon utty it was deeply seated. I found, ho ever, considerable relief from the tote of the first 1 -fir or five toftles. to That yang bald. , Teske., p,euell With my tour...nal; ...O. and illpltire.l those vested& Cott hod already • brutin fo heal; to treby In dos way, 400051205, Icy core ' , ea. - lg. - tally ~..ardod„ ,watt of meting impridenb I bail to use Income edi c tfeen bottles before !Wail,. 1 [betty custom' I hove no gueetion, nook ”as.:l ierates . of boot • would have made me wand,. lar abovetudiserruen. Tot Syrup allot oil the tev, stlthulat, rook ..wny the de toc>euy cough, pla ' a to the discharge of mentor mom me lungs, dlid guy them and the ea-tre system good I have defe. idd oirceing thin candle.... Until Itow.. for the purpoit.. of being n0r... , satodled with We perumucuey tfitt. ...et, sod now ,fiat feel perfocily writ oder a WPM plimhare. ROY 1. r. Joclun. Unblin county, N. G irsponwts Carauxn—Zi.d.' Xnul Vitro /A halm e genuine plepurotton %Vila Cherry, caJ that in Dr. liWaTfaia, the host ever offered to the whioti :.s_r been sold larielY throughout the Culled State, root some ports of Europe; of d all pre „,trotions cutlet by the name tVild 171, rry have been put out 'duce this, under cover of :dime deceptive rltClaafttta., .11 order soaker eurtaney to titter Dy [tale oboe/molten, no pewou newt misbtlosu the genuine Worn tithe. Each bottle al the soutane is wrapped Kit a beautiful tweet engraving, with thy genes. onviumn Penn thaTeala Y/MO, tiwayne , s, r ;nature: tad • further u• 1 t the portrott of Do. r. era ii yne urntint will Lt: row el nil d lother.. iereulter, ao as to distingui Ins re Note, II It was 1101 /Of the Cora p l curative properues and known virtues nt Dr. c am ossand Syrup .01 eurrenCherry, would not he woleavortug to give ry in their -Letaloas not•eamr” by INalal Ea. nunte of lid Cherry. Itenwantler, ultvut s toots in mold the fount of Dr. Stray. ml be not deeeiveit. Vrincipol ()gave, corner of Eighth and Itter etcreto, . • Phdadelphi. l'or mule who tvtle and trim' by IA il/EN DEN, cur .241u..1 Wood nw II A 1 , .A Co, MJF Idt a. Wood, and 'nth and Wtd0.1...; . .1 itoRN, rii+4l.o la; 3,1NE9, Ind I.lLerry .1; JA, A JUNES, col and Venn ...td; JOHN FILL, AlleßLew cuy, and LF all reppertu6le. den,re inedictne. bet 1 : Or. W. P. IlerlAncP• Preualum PtAster. K. W. I'. INLAND, of the ADJ....D.11 , 4r h(l'i4Jl. ailelploa, now 0i1er... , tha public tat r1111(111 tcg adc Premium PlaAer, the imalitte.s nl a loch, aster ,I‘t. And trim ccperient c. bren suitsinelority I.llllsed 'Po ull women who may Lc xiltlcted wiW relurug Uteria or Fatten Wolof, recontruendx his lamer, porantaekng a Imre nod caw in the tort r.syuce of from two In Uwe week., if applied with are aml trot—dt,icardlinT all the roon ier. instrument , ' nd buildup...lo long in tom. 'Para he feels miteirottoug in suttlig, ant 111. CIAO out of three hati.l,ll and tili)-iltre.7 11e Al. far Rhatanatutn sag Wes: Itrra, cr 3:11,, aL. teogrtl with patu,,tlmret - o‘gintn, ext , l 11 sdbr.lntp, •./it • ustli 4 d° ttr rant, to Ittsmotol nog Murketst Munn & (totter,. (alongraid :4. Insur Or) Sargent ° It.grrul st sod Iltanttnni, Age fully tqf Jsorptcs DOM.. song Ihstr,atal Itinunit teJ • - • - - 1 -,NTRACT Or corrEE—Ml ra• Lej pidly 1,1111113 K K• u C..1. , 011.1", noartillwg and delicia.Leverage, beteg wore plea.. a,ol pal atable 01ml:01111.n Cuifeci,Liiiii fur cheaper, ne • , atall paper c o.tow only rant, will go at t.r •- lour 1501111. l• o fOoilco. Alanulnetared I.y JOIIN K. Alll.l.Etti Pittsburgh, Pa- Fold whole...h. 14 A FiAINKSTOCK A Co. rOlOrr nu. and Wood null Sixth lott Wood mrecu, Pittabay,h_ /1.%L11 IA 111 , HUCK ta /../11S—.1 Lod r ' • 7a. rd, afr Camp Monte.; idEenr coats; 12 ptl , Yord.; 1. potty nettlied Tltnuig (tont, 12.1rthluda Iler;-, water Tanks, .d 12,gu110z36 tneh; VJ culdecot, ede.l2 1 dor. Ilutdals.3l Money Ilelot; 4 do mica etualme do do. no n 133110 Knodo for wale thc f 0,„,,, mating rd1d011.1122214 NO 3 Wood irt. .1 fr. II PULLLICS _ ---- g ;In AIIVIIIL, non' m IL 're per- Arlf _ . ilie W lllllL. U Vlfurritl.lelli Will be e ' OnstannY on hand and ...palled to order, by mral. • lilts , 1:0011R A N. Ye W. , ft IiIItUOKS-47 b! pes Win'll...D . lana...La i lanly--Otard, Dmpay, &a, 2 pi 5 e. kg N li Row; 4On bac IVIIIIkeTI - far sale by Dace NV & At MI PCIIELTIIRII. V I,IILEACILI Ci PI.V.M/k21. - 4 4 . c.c...., ~,,,,,,,,,„ii 1.,) Dons' br d, a superior article, far gale by .. vs NV tc 11l MITCH P.1.111F.1: iF, OW:WS orprou's boo. .A.o, . u. , 1 ,, c .„ i t., Aleaelang Powder, arrived per algp Cgraanidge, told Row <pawl on by canal, far ado by . W & rd I IUTet[CLTRO 3 pl, m • —Tbey .mi receivy., during the winter, largo aopyllos via New Orlaaas. nov3u BOOK TRADE• SPECIAL NOTICE TO TEACHERS. lINOFE7SOR CHARLES D&VIE.3 IJAa Lust pre pared a pared a new arithmencal work, a copy virvehteli will he I.t escntad to each and every Teacher to the Caned ettai,...wOhnat charge, upon thee application to A. 11. Faielieh & Co, 79 %Cowl - street, Pittahargh, loos: poll) i - The wort is entitled, ' GRALINIAIt OF ; Or, .lit Anal) rts of the Language of &aorta and Set. core of Nettle-ix 'llc folinwmg notice w coined from the New York Tritiane or lan. "GaaXaxltor MeTztrxerc, AT COI. Davr&s, Is L. D. I p, lilt—ln lbw work the lannianer of I curer, end eel wrainten of ncinhens, arc carefully anu ly and. The ulptinbet, compesed of ten figurer—the word. .le. rietvl trona Me alphabet, and the laws by whieli the Inter, arc connected with each other,,arc eleurly explained. he untoysis shows that there are but four hun dred and meaty right elementary' conininations ut Arithmetic, coca correopondine In a word of our com et Langone; and that thesecanitonrihona are so connected to:ether no In be all expressed hr only silty three dine: itt words. The system proposes to cnnunit there words to gory, and then read the resalts instead of spelling Went, n* now practised. 'ln another reapeet the system propose. tin imoort. not change,namely: to cc ostder and treat all fractions iw entire things having given relation to the unitwiz, from which they were derived. "I•L'e scarcely need say that the little work evinces the ingeouity mud Waal analyaLs, for which Professor Dareis' Triomf on the, stinicet arc justly celebrated ermined it to the attention of practical leacher, brllerVirg that they will find It crowded with new and ',show& .suggestions " From the Professors at Mut Taint "sla.rsanr Ac..D.IT Or U. EL Won Potay. 'The Gramma of Arithmetic, by Free. or Days, present. the setucet in a new light. It ao aanlyg ie es ritionetie a o Impress the mind of die learner with We first priumptes of mathematical temper. In taeir right order and connection, and We new tiOr. lot the reading of beer, ore of great pr Beal value. N. IL C. Patten, Prof. of Nat 0 Phil. A. E. Church, Prof of Sluthematiru. D. 11. Mohan Prof. at Engineering " In Pre. A.S. DARN tin & Co would renpertfully announce to teacher., mid to ail innTc•led Inallacenallcnl On. steet., Mai they 00111 publish, not or before the Is Of A rtzust,Wn, the fallowing work:— Tilt. Lotillc AND uTiLar OF ItIA'IIICAIKTICS Or, an Anal y•Lis of the Principles of the •theictice—o the Nature of the reaAonin—end oldie hest hle.thed of Imparting Instrootton. Dy Cans. Davies. I.L LL Author of -A Complete System ot Alatheatatice." N. IL—A. :3. Darnel & en., ern It:., pa:ALM:era o Davies . Pystem of Mahetaaars. For sale in thin city Pty A. If. ENGLISH & Co., N• ' 79 Wood evert ft LT/ Foster'. Raw Lahloplati ftt•lodlcs V. INK to Run all N/gnit Dully Day; U ; Doxy Jon, tjo down to do Cotton neltli Kelly wan a Lady, &e. Ire the Loved Done at Dome; Inw ay boat l.ght , y; True hype, by T. Hood, I tor way arr ~ the .ea. due.; A new medley abbe, by It (Invert; Jenny Gray, blame by Monet, /nye that were crowning, Werbling 51arelt; lied Mesa we hardy marine; Pebtlylittll NV•IM veripi'. Departure, by W. V. &over, on La.born Home.; lticutzen, retryeanaekt.he La. Roar of Daotb,u cagy variciona by Her I eked State. Polka: }.;dine' Souvenir Polka, • faro Cracker quadnae; Loniavtlie ltua4 talk, , ksosea attn) Horne, Trion, an. A Nev.. apartment of New haute on bond. to which addilioo, air laude weekly. Pore by J. H. NIELLOLL, an al hood J. =331 THE , WAR SVITII "..51/aICO 3 I,y R. S. Rwle sr; n Elcnecn o' fthetoric; comprisinz an Ana lye), or tltc et Evidence and or Evrenasion. Ilcchardlcly, D. 0. Rceny or, Clirtzunn 11Aptinn; 11' Baptist W. Noel, .51 A. fly 0,1: vlcs, n Nord. l'niry hlr., from all NAIiDII3; by Atuhony R. non tol.: With IllonraTlnnn by Dore. J enl r,,..11.y JOlttir.f•PN t. STOCKTON, dolt , romer l'anrd and rdn‘kci mr,rls 01(6 Bookat C . ! NY'S AND 4711ARACTFiRS . , ti S. T 1l llr..Jlr v, anginal dr..,Ann I,V I vaelny. eLt. : r:urqs, by Rlchanl 11. 1)..a, I iturt,no..d (..rtn• Snrma siith ;I:u.ra Lon• ,-,, , raioctl !Y.). by Joint Skriain it,,. r,,,ye.1 by .1011N.,TCIN to STOCKTON, comer Third 'old 51. ar t, sta. )iIY r.'1 , 31 AN AM) I'ATIF.NT; or n Pr.lurni utut u4l doom, rrlatiouu and uneven,. th and the Coninutruty; toF Worth 11...cr..q. I). . . . . 4e t\or., el SlThnel Ue Nlontatto,oooga aaq „„,toor.. S.n. Ity llor.:ea. „N„nev, tool It. llevuru.. Ely Austou Hoary L.y wr.l. ,„, II C. L. , 0 0 0 ,o• of ,paho Not, of nu linhholhed Tool to 1,47 Topper, I'IOVTfi/IC 1.1“looto,„14, new odaton; Jo.t reversed Ily JOJINSTUN k sTocg - rom, uorl.l corner Market ood Thad !IMO._ 1 0 , WOILIN L. 14 f ..% 6,4 ), .1 -Hoot in tidily enriad I.Jing, 0110.:ran7.1-11no:s wancitily bound in Vet ' ret. Sin., GUM, 04/14.11, in. tout ..ion .. • Lt.e a:td Vrlter lea 111 vrl xattMeE oc co, wt....A wad ./t.a...21. , r,d. For znic 11:111:ti U. LUCKWOODi W0nt...1%.er 3. Importer, Wunal fo3- Chrletmaa and Sets Year Appro..Wag/ ELEGANT AND SV, BSTA NriaL, BOOKS, 111a,v1i214,1 ityher llin,i.ngjar the Hadar. j AUK` , I.OCLOV Itookrell.Lt Land Imp Later. . reeLL.Lrce • Ist L•LaLful tollectLon luu It oLLLLLL ”. the. n4LLrt uplesaditi L.L-r Ltt., "woo. eau AMC TICH ILts•llsl4—uweirg IL :n un• n,LLILL 1.1551-of Amer. I=l=o t , ‘ • ,In.,,rn tVurld; dOnr.mated Wgo .d and V.'‘,4,.worzb't netkly Idustnocd. r cueber; ilium:Eu.lrd Ly Owen Juno, and unJ :earved anal. con ,g of e.ungo; dlunumated Ly Jones. 'o were and tbett lim4red Tt.ought , iituninated by 1•1,011/C4 of Shalc.penrc; ilinstmted• Mr, .101000011'41.11/.1110101/SUr• 01 WOllllOlO /1/0/11/11 100. For Judo by - LOCKWOUD, _ dui ll3 Woad ttreAl Now Book. R IiDBUQA:Irri Voyage, by Ilerga-dr , lellville author of '.l'ypee." ..Chno," he. I lodorg of King Alfred of England, My Jacob Abbott: srdst lon engravingg. tnEolus the SOTCCir by Wrzt. Meinhold. JtIIiNSTON now!' renter Traci sod Market " GO. of du M Recurriable Worka oldie Age." ‘TIN EVKII AtilD IT: , REMAIN:3; with an ...v.° , 111 of w vied to the Chandwan Chriwaiii. of Statha m, end the Yelidly. or ISeatl•Worshippervi and on uity tote the 31n:inert. and Arts of the Aucwot Aa -11/ Austct Fleury Layer.% Evq., D. C. L. With Itairdoctory Note by Not. C. Itotnnson, D. D., L.L. U. Illartrated with Id plates and soaps, and DO sews.) cut, 11 vets. Soo. cloth, 81,50. - Elie book ha. a rue amount of graphic, vivid, pie ta., voile narrative "—Tribune -The work of kayoed is the most posoluent contri bution to the study of antiquity, that has appeared for won? , - "int one excels in interest the account of Nineveh and tie nllllll3, given by Mr. Layard.”—Wasiongten In•rlngeurer. "A , we renew the diggers. ends breathless, interest in !new excavations, sod auddenly find ourselves be• sure a townive LrUte carved sada num,te accuracy, w 111004 t d gigantic , head from the Jost of 1040) years, us are ready to cry Oct with the astonished Arabs. `Walsh, it Is wandorfol,but It I. trite "-sin. dePeedrilt. For •o:rt by JAMES 1.1. LOCKW N CtOD, ES rood et novid Now — books. r ILE WOMNN of the Old and New Testament. p Edited by LC B Sprague, D 11. 1 vol. loop. C.o. v2cantly bound; PC eiguintely finished onanivings with de•tenptiolis by celebrated Amens.. Clergy. , 11V Ail AVeltory, of KY..) ot se rttlrugrd edstloPl: illatruted engravaug• fro • colonel deogns by NN9es. vol. equate ovv., elegant ly Wend and gilt. .Ur variety of splendid Anna oil and SAO dents. Sowell's CNN's First Book of 1)10 Ilistory of Rom I vol. louo. THE 71ECIIANICS ASSISTANT, adopted forth. tor of Carpenters , Shlpwatichts, Wheelsvegble, Sot• being Lumbermen, Studeno, and Arinaius vegetal) . being thßtough rod proetica/ Treatl. ou !LLemiutis bon and the Shame, Sole. fly D. hi. Kuper, A. 71. those , Trctil. 4 o Int Greek Prose Cumpoasuoit. tooltuiloors Elciaintano Freud, tireoutier. By Pro (Osseo, of Brown Usiveraii). 1 vol. litho. looetligers Ileseitiths • Barrow (hammer, toyConsut Hebrew lecomia"Prigunottlary ad Logarithmic Oiletb. Toe liaglislintan's (troth Contordetiee. 1 vol thaw 'tn.) Ant Lon's Clawdeal llimioitary, reersid vd. I rel. No It, do unabridged. I vol. Our. Il.roc's Notes and Que.uonshm New Testator., Wantely'e Logi, aloshernit. F.....esuistmal History. 3 tots ..o4 2 vols. 15he.9.1 Vehttges of ftrontion. I vol. Mao. Mornioge among the Jerart• el (tome. t voL (cloth sod prr/ wherr: Wei Tempter hoe Triumphed. 1 vol. Worn and Mee) - ) Moto. , 'l2hwilogretil Lectures. I val.Yro. Wont./ Aldo , Protioanotad Uoyer4l From. Ihdlianary. man's honer. - For role by rto yl3 Apollo Iluilthons, Fourth It ..11.1STlitified VELE— Om mode u Montolipe, edded by Harlin, comprrairth hn.,l) a, LOOT, and lour., through Germany nod Ilse, with new. froti) all toe eeMIOI.IISItOr, thogniph te-ti nod iiiiitiogruptue tit Nonce,, he. Theory bud Prrortice of 'Teaching. or. the hlrnives d Method+ • of (rood Se hool•Ke.priie, by Ihmi.l Vial°, A N., Paincipal at the Nate Normal Aibirty, N V. Frank Forster' Fish and Fothlng of the U. Straw. and link,:;,Proviares of North Morrie.. by Henry I I'm I lerbert. JULINSTONA. nithseliTUN, voch tomer Thtrd nod Markel sts • 'rho 01rIert Time. JAMEst WOr it, Midi,. der and liondrier, No. 6.1 ,tre,t, (Me 4 IrW C/11 , 1,1 COM itherelu .ndcr of the elinond tilt d, vo wa u, 0,0 g,•111,1041/ wi thicionetio, 1.11/i other cutbentac rolono.tooi. rt•lnt la rally as plorations, renter...4ld ownt of me countro hrou,.4 threhenti the. Oldd. Icy A, 1.. if of l'idrourgh. o cola bro. J. D 01`1ZDIDD OMAN Mat 2Y: A Ilietury, stmt. 1. vicar of the 1 - ) Idnerty or other foe:out Nation.. Up Armrest Ethan, lesq. Ulu art.te4 with twelve t ogravingi. vulva nt ,ma VOil, 000, 4/41/41(111 ..“1, ers:tolls Iltstoneul Work, Just publi.licit and Cdt sale by JAMES U. LOiIIiWUMD., llwolmeller and novlll importer. ha Wood et , I - 1,11011( KINDLE IN 1141.. Y, sun - Armed rilinnui Iton rte. • hIfIrI:FA. NY KEMELE'S I E.lll OF CONSOLATION. 'o rending of Ode book Ints irapromed us with • meet) Idgber onlnioe of it. •othor dean we bad rtnned from perusing hor nth. venungf. Ir display. deeper' e of nought, antlaA w none pure womanly prier of Incline than troy other production of the female Mind "milt which we are aequallited.”—Ere. Mirror. -It mu very nameable and readable booth, written In Funny liemble t t toot wtyle—hold, spirited told mica .¢e recommoudit to our readers as the t/cfn n pulgt aon ni utufg.f.'!—ltuaglng ill contains the Journal of a travel through Eur and rosidmeo io My: and is one of the plemrunest bud mast tutereetin, Loots of the tut....--Cnur. and Enguifut. ,„.. ''A very abarmterisrle book. We have Matt from titre page to Colophon with umbated Interest. A Vi vid prem. of ble in Rome. In all weepects eatinently remaltießnickerbooker. For role hyJAMES D LOCKWOOD, north , Bookseller es Importer, MI Wood it__ 'Atticgraphic liestabliahmerac OBelltlellldANN, Third at. oprimlta the oit , oolce, Pittsbargh.—blaps, IrtniliesPes, Bill besdS Shawhills, Labels,rt.rehlteelaral and :0.14.1 DriMnlps, Business and Visaing Gaols, /Nl= or draw On shine, and p ri nted w ao rt as, Gold or Black, In the at approved style, and ert a most reasonable prices. Octiddy EXCHANGE BILOKF,R;?.. ' N. DOLS:rat & shire, 13 aaaaa t idkc'etk•lsti Br•b•rk.i .aND Drum IN NOTS.,DISAITS,ACCEPTAN CM,,GOLD,SILVIIR AND BANS NtYt ct: CLLIWTIONS.I Notes and Aceeptuteas payable hi any pan of the Union: eallecte d oaths most tameable tetra , EXCIIANGE on Nets York, Phtladelphis and and New' O lean, , Cincinnati, Logisnlle, 'Sault Louis and NeN7 Orleans, constantly for aalet.• ltsitii.NOTM.—Nolles on all solvent banks I k i nd s tinned Centes discounted at the lowest rates. All knd of d Foreign and Anacrican,GOld and Silver Cain hOesht an sold. thbee N0..15 Market street, between 31 and th, Pittsbeseell, Pa. • NMI— VOILZION YZO IIA • 1. )ILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bOnglit JD coy .111100131 at the Cane= Rates- of F_rchartgo. Alro,Dratts payable to any part or the Old Conntrtes, from Li to 11000, at the rate rd P 5 to the S Sterlusg, without deduction or duo tan, by .TOSFIRA ROBIN. SON, r. ropenn and Gene ral Agent, Whoa dth st ona door armor wood. If 4 an & 'SPANKERS AND EXCLIA.NGP: psalms, dniers AID in Foreign and lkoneatie Rills of E.2olMig{. Car. tificame of Ikposite, Liana Notenand Cant wt.." °J ad and Wood streets, directly oppoaite St. Charles tef RY WE 011 .1, 4.1 0 .ar, tiN — DS • 12al'aL 5cakto eig ' z... 0, . b Do.oNow; "r"" U the luml. ', DP. NfiI.,XES & SONS, tepll ._' O MILTkIS rittp . t, BILLS 01/ Ir.XOll - A3loll4lliiChneks on New York, Philailagphit h r i L L , Mmetantly for ula by' - ' N. 1101.51 4 t SONS. soon 231Narketit. hUSCEALANEOUa DCnine. Cured. From the New York Tribune. Fit ir.ND, whose word in most reliable and who Alto. no namable interest in the matter, eat ono of kenaltklordesitnsattLe uy,Altatitaktu been oared of owe terate deafness, by the ow of “Fearpa , sComPoand Acoustic Olt , ' a PhitadelPhia medielne, Voce.. is not for axle in this city, hat which be thinks ought to be, or the good of the alificted. lie has a stater who has tow Men etiwd He mTently advises sit who ale sabring from dulness, to to this remedy, watt an sworanim that, unless the ease be extraordinary, the experiment will prove abundantly successful. For tote 6/ !THE PEKIN TEA STOILE, Wier Fonith at, FillxbuLkit Combs: Combat 20 ~, l itcr,p,. :47 1.,,, : i i k.; , 0 do do very fine; 1 :1 4 "1 : " POI: 11 FC HR'dd'ng' au ~ 4, %mai umbra' Woo dos sked nee Ivory; _. toSbell tbdo Combs; to .' super largo Buffalo.; , 200 gross area Side Cenebs; ree'd and Rid sole by febs . 0 Y_EAGER...IO. • Buff Uulletadl Mar Efollandll ' . TAKE NUTICE—That W. McClintock has this day 1 rect./vett several eves of the Enest end best But Window Hlland tostrhih he rovald mold respectfully cell the trueo , e ntion of hie mermen and th e public grneraL 107Careet Wore Rowel :y.5 Fourth eh jen3l A Ir',%.%:craie7otanufaGeTrTyaorm.V.m..ll7,Vna. 1 :17 ?o . war - • 11. 1111 , .LLOIL 81 Wood at. Boot• Jeult THV Complete Works of John Banyan; 2 irsilndvo, m L vet, ilinotsatedi , muslin aili and gilt edges. • Shichell's liiblical'and Sabbath School Geogrophyi neer orork; I vol, 12m.a. Tooruls Analysis and Speller. Lin of John Q. Admus; by Win. 11. Seward; I nol s • 12mo; muslin Porno by biro. !lemons; 1 col, I s m: muslin; gilt. Saudi's Sminons—Sermons preached upon several ovens:nes, by Robert South, U. D.; • nets cdinon, 4 yob.. incladtog Posthumous Biscoursen some--1 vote In 2; oheePi For side by . R. BORKINS, Ajollo JAAGISI /VOIJNEIPLY. , tong Seen 1.10 Q. W. row. Undersigned, enlee r ellatire to Arthur, & Nichol.' J. sail, beg Lessem infant the citizens of Pittsburgh and pubic generally, that they haverebuilt the EA. GI.E FOUND are now in full operation, rost bare pan of RY the mid ir patterns ready for the motet:— ouget vehtch are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood. Stoves, with a tpleudid air-tight Coal Stove, which is now cupereeding in other rides the common round Store. Alm, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well lisp. ted for small Camille% with a full assortment of emu- . m and mantel Grates We would particularly in rtethe the attention of persons building to call at hut run nse before parebasirt,e and examine a splendid ,melte of ensonnelled Creme, , forished Use style entirely =vein Hut market. Warehouse, No. let liberty at opposite Wood et - our-Wahl NICHOLSON PAYNE: • PITITBURGII IMPORTATIONS. riYEAGER. Importer and Wholesale. Dealer IJ. FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS! Sign of We Gilt Comb, ISt pluket eh, Pittsburgh, e. .Wes terargh n Aloreitanm,..yedlam, and °Mon attains to pumas. liOods, aro . and Invited to call and ...mine We extensive musorosiMit of Iftig halt, Aistericaus Pettnett and Germ. limey All Foleign Goads it Chit establishment are import ed &rent by myself, sodparehasort may rely ea get. dug gouda front brut !,unit. I have the ntsorts MCEit of articles, in the 'variety line, In the city at intwburgt—all of which will be told /ow Arr cash or city acceptance , The Stout coasiew,in part, of Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons. Stilt Cravats, Shoo and Parent Thiesds, Sewing SID, Spool C 0..., TaPes, Suspenders, Damns, Pins, Nee• dies and Cadary, Cold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all klaslz of lhatabes, Combs and Rosins. Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk & Cotton Purina, Spectacles, Steel Pens, Maio Dozen, Carpet Cage and Ballgett. Btndings, Finding , and Trimmings. Toys and Fancy Goods; tricallier.ivish a large varie ty GOODS. C. V"F.11184 DRY agent for the celebrated LIM- Corrilas. . naiad Groat 1612111.11 lIAZia•Cly. 17OR Coaghs,Colds, Asthma and Consampuord Tin r GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the care ordt st,ove diseawil, in the. NGARIAN OLLSAfiI Of LIFE, disisovered by thecelebeated Dr. Bachsn, oi London, England, and introduced into the United Swei ander inc immediate soperiumnilenea Mike inventor. The extraordinary, success of thin medicine, in di. core of Funnonary diseases, warrants the America? Agent in soliciting for treatment the warm. possible on see that can be found tattle continanity—eases that seek relief in vain from any if the common remedies of the day. and have been glottis ap by themes,. diatingaisher phy.tetaits as confirmed and Incurable. The Hungari an Balsam bits cured, and. will cote,the mast doom:mut caaes. It ts no tfaiu-k nostrum, but a standard Ens that medicine, of known and established efficacy. Every family intim Balsam should be napplio: With Buchan , . iluagnrian of Life, not only to cunteract the consumptive tendeacks of the climate, bu o . to Le used an a preventive raesacinc in all cases id cola., coughs, opining of blood, pain in the :.:de am: died irritation rind soreness of the lamp, braehins. ditheuity of breating , hectic fever, night mem?, errinci stion anal general debility.astimmt, tallness, whoops< cough aW croup. Sold in large bottles, at II per honk', with fall dints tio as for the restoration of healh Pamphlem, containing a miss'of English and Amen eon certificates, and other evidence, showing die ow equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may bit olnoned of the Agents. pnthitoaely. , For sale by B A .F.SMIESTOCK & Co., comer 0 at and Wood and Wood and 01k Os. iund.k.wS TlXiat--iitade on rho rnost aiiiroTred Eastern plans— and roost feabionablo Eastetapanerno mad colors. Ain TIIE CIIEAP ROLL, or BOSTON BLIND, ,on band or tnede to order of ',Heise., and all pee.- Comury 6reh.t. and others are Invited to sail./ exoonne the ebove for ihemeelves . , as all will be cold erboleiralo or retail, and a liberal dadeaton made wbulteelopurebesers. avidly A WESTERVELT .7 TUE STAR Or TEE WEST VENIT/AN BLIND MaLNUF.OOTORY ',here Vetution trent aims and colors are kept ott Land or made to Order alto the latest and soon approved Kasten. halt• ionihm tho aliortost notice nod on the won reasonable terms. Aloe, the cheap Boston roller. aphl Blind Tranrpa rutty and Paper Camino aid! the dittoleat Laod cod patterns, on band and for {WO low fOr'eosh. Old Veni panßlinds-podded over and repaired, or token in part pa meat far now AM WESTLAVEIiT, Dnepr, N. 0 —hill wan. dour slit; the best material and w.rteottnestip, ondonmordad ro please the, snort far , atAany*, attglO.ty Allegheny ear, ' ' ' IMPERIAL, Cr.ll.:6ll.llllllP—Tart's rS N 01111.14 Lter Pr! • / Pthahninton, hfarth 27,1,17. • Alr. R.F tielteri-40 lattice to you and,your thesuro parable Cough Syrup,'l beg leave to SUM`, fey the Lflb, bfit of the ututtubbA‘T. that say wife hat beets several allltend with 110001 than - casing cough. ; I swot chased/In I/outcry lent, a bottle of roar 111yranOtrItich noted neouga of two months'standing. • About one nth shire, the cough returned, and was so severe that the could:heftily move, froth nreeknt - tele the brewoi I gent for Oftb bottle of year Cough Syrup, an] a tout or owl beide eared the cough I gave the o th er to n Journeyman who warlseverety afflicted, 'obelus/1, to tale Wu 0W11,110114, ..eaten enough cough camt y tUf C tLe profit to ran/burgh," if the candy end been as suod.logreorerented. / • • I• • sr, t Leyte-trolly, / lith - ea IL R.VI4 Prepereil and said by IL Sr et:LLERS,SI owed street, and 'mid/ by- Organists geacrelly - in. the two - deli . .... . ALLICOULDir VkarglTlAol MAUD, AIND CABINET AVA ...V.RoONI." ......' I.: 1a'H.Rt.,,,,,:N ~.timitin. keeps on bind at e u s stead ' elt h u e ' ;vat ade of the Diamond, /Me- gheby can a , °awoken, assert. melt of V[lllll. Woods; also Vs 'olden Straitens are trade to or dal* the besi style, !rambled . etrel to any intim United State; 1115 , 131inds ate be removed era. out the , aid of ; screw - driver: the purebued th e. meek,' tools, and wood of theeablacte., ta:lialuesedo(Ramsay re ht•Clel . , tend, I am' prepared to tarnish . their old climates ' u well u , ~ * .,,,,,,,,,,th ererY thing la llicir Wm. .. :. the Po h"„, b w ~, ,,,,t street, Pittsburgh.. A. oc ",l' o • • • '• • . '.1.4%.. riunirr v Jt.7oTree'd, aa elesitnipleln'lles 0 eel. Piano' , Irons the eelebrated manufactory. Of Planes' & Clark, N. V, of itilxnot torte,andvetimoderntAprk & For tale by deli, .. mi. W,Woadere - - IVORY riudwroara POIVIIErt, Y for rewaxing 'fano, ' , cu m , Canker, and ail sheat:. nees destrnedie tb the Teeth: ' is delteione to ewe, etheasthe the theme* beating . and Ore [tattle*. We the gams, and•inuiront tba breata l'er ode, whedeale and retail. by dell/ ' btRBBLLFJtB,b7 Wald et IXTATOWS3IIII..;CfIEAPIM THAN EVER:— Ylf lust rm.% an /Minim of rall Jewelled rawer le ver Watch.; IS emus E.llll cases, which I can mil s taw as thirty and Alm lee dellen, ud wanamed a it splendid ruseitmeht. et JEWELRY, cis" wAy der Mambas and latest styles, &MN:a/haat. W. W. WILSON, Watchmaker sad Jewelq_ don cam gasket. sad Ihnuill a. IN. RIDDLE, P ItYMOVE'D to yew three "n"1" L Socuttfteld stret, ow r Th "'‘ Lath sm.et. Tooth msetted Iron to an motto set, on the peonies pr.aciple, with a !e o n? tlfat representation of the, moral ono:Lout shape of the fare ay Oil 13 —Teeth extracted welt Date or nem, Decayed T ee th permanedtly .a wed eveln,cl,c, venung the tooth she, which I. onset. e.ner Man Co ' ring it, Mooch It 0..1,1 be tine I, So , mineros, or even trstamly. Vottly SALTER'S OINSENG PANACEA! 1,0 TIIOOC SUFFERING WITH DIST-stsED LIMOS —The unprecedented sateen wtdeh'has ttended the use of me GINSMO PANACEA n a the various forma which Dragoon of the Mugs somes, - has Induced the proprietor *gala to call lion to Wis - WONDSHFIII. PRFIIAILATION. The ehangabas weathe r welch marks eur nod and winter months, as Llano. a:frontal source of COLDS AND COUGHS. Thew. If neglected, ass but the pfermrsorief that fell destroyer, COSIMPTION. The quesseart, then,-how - shati we m o or steamier to the bad! how abut , / we get clear coughs and olds!;, or,iat importance to the public. THE GaUT AND oNLY SENIEDY will he Mond In the Comore ?nonce. In proof of alt we have from Woe to woe 1.1, shed the ceramists . s of dozens of our best known c.tizens, who have expert. anted its curative powers: These, with a miss of tea oniony hem ell nuts of the conerry,—from , AIk,DICAL IdEN TiLE ElghT bTANDINO. Ministers of the Goepel, &0., mgethar vrith copious nol toes from the JOURNALS OP THE DAY. we have =lmbed to pamphlet form, Mal he had gratis of arty l eit . g= have bereaved m this ern. THOUSANDS AND 'r&ns, or THOUSANDS throughout the United Slams and Cantle, and va the " Int onea L"any man Werr&ausarinvaien n which, when taken according to &racoons, and be fore the longs had hears fatally disorgamsod, it hu aver faired to DMZ'S A rEnrArr 00/IE need the atilicte7tl hilila:o Why rammt to 'able Postrtans, gotten cp t.y un4 • owl' dlald: :mite assumed name of setae mohretad phy td paged.into notoriety by cerpllcams m psh rily na'rnownl Whilst a raelmine UNPAILILLIII.i I:I4IC.A.CY Is 61,e had, whose vouchers are at home,--rnm toor,—marry of whore it has' SNATCIIIID FROM .Tlif: °BAIT, In order that this invaluable, aredicil Lc son be placed wiMin the reach of the poor as wet the rich, we hart pat the ;nice ON at • LY FIFTY .16,15115T8r just one half the usual cost of coogb medicine.. it it Mr sale by our agents in nearly every town and •Illaga orerthe welt, who are prepared to rive full inform.. don relation to IL SALTOA, Proprietor, Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. M'ALLISTER , S OINTMENT _, CON PAINING ,N 0 . ~. .:te , ' ,.. t r Y .t''. - - tiEIICURY,or othet Mtn .-- I , ~•-• ' end. It bee _pewee! to • .r.m.; t• .... r cense . all , AJLTIGRNAL 1-J:= M:\.- , ' . , :•ritteit.V i nfiV A ITX ~.., ...... •,-,,,a, r ,.F. A 31:1 , 3, ' POISONtriIS t.... ~. , 2._;-:.• w our: Ds qtr thschurr,e , C %- -- ,..,..t1, lltti , t: put ri drrinnerA, and "}: i' 11l 4,313 teitl. "-- ....,^. ' It PI rightly termed ..e AL L - !DIALING, tor . '- : t ,''Z' ' ... , : , • .....;i: AtICIII,I3 scarcely ri di, 1 1 ,t? . c...74, , ,,,.„.., :,. : . . ;;., .. 7 ,., f.r, „,„,, 7r .ur r. 11.. 7 ....1ze': - ... - i.r.f . „I :Cr: us«i. it e r o o n e ilio ' ra . t ' t sixteen years rot all diseases( the ehost, iavolviug the sanest danger rind responsibility, taut I declare before heaven and in, Lae not In one ease has et haled to hence t when the patientwas within the reach armorial meant- . • . I have hid physieiras imprint in the profession. I have 131111/81.3 of the sospsl, )outlet of the bench, el denten, lime:ram, genuemen of the highest tradition, and mMtnodas of the poor use. it irOt•CrY variety o f way, and there hue been but 0110 voiee—ont universal ' volt. elingr-IraI'ALLISTSR, YOUR OINTAMINT 1111EUbLe.T1SMt removes almost immediately the taannamion and swelling, wt,en the Jain Coast... (It. Oa. direr taus around ma hex.) D.ACHS—The rave has euredpersona of the Iread.ische of twelve .y care etatnnug, and who Nadu Agr t- " , CRlSTC47£l,'Xertl'ifEll7 1:EV.414f, to Wpm] with like success. SCALD lIMAII—We have cited ea.. thmactitelly daleA every thingArrown , as well art the ability of M. won .o twenty donnas. (lee men told As he hod spent tr. : . rod WI eitildren withon any honest, 'alter. afar, write of OiCIIMAIM eared- them. TTETTER—There so nothing better far tbn ceps of Tatter. BUILMS—It Ia one abbe bon things in the rerti for PLLIM--Thotwands are yearly eared hi thin 'M IA eta. it NKr= (alit In to relierfor the Pile. • - irr AionrAlDe boX are dtreetione for using. mut tuur . t o e , Gm/We, Stow Co ErgviPe -141, n'esta, Chilbusin., Geoid Used, San Edo , Quincy, ISort Th ro es, Bronchium, Netord Affections, Pin Do. • arse of tie Sputa, Head ach e ,t sakes., Der/ asse: ad., Bents, Caere,, all Dimmer ear Fidel SM , L 4 P' , -r.i..* plot, ke., illtail of ells Limbs, bores, lidett , 1 ,,,,,, Pits, ead Feet, Cr Coup, Samna or Drslan `Graaf, Tood, sett, Jiang in Ow thee, de. ke. - - , - r COLD FEFT—Liver Complaint, pniu in the ben and code s - el Itim/ Mier the. hete t or the other Inept:Tn. inis cold . This Ointment it the trite - remedy.) It t is a sure sign o disease to have told feet, i .. CoRNS-0, cearsional UM of the thatmeat. 11 al ways keep corns' from growing. People. need • ever be troubled with them if they ore It frequently. - -Oa This Ointment Is good for any porter-the body or limbs when IA gamed.. lo some cases .iLsheedd be spilled carom ,ACTION—No OW - newt will ry e ' unresethe name of JAMPA 31eALLISTER situn with' pen on every label. ...... town r s ln a tteh e b yO ri yam wmsn. ail uu principal cities and jAme , iIIoaLLISTER, Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. .17 Prmeipel Other, NO tsNorth Third street, Ph al. PRICE 'M CENTS 1/ER soi A.MS et Pelmet - eau—Braun dr Reiter' "cerner of Liberty and St Clair um; and L nntleot; Jr, corner of Merkel st and the Dunnoud, aim 001130, of 4th sad ricumneld anti .1 II t he , comer of %Value(' aud Penn. stn, 3th ward; and - sold at the bookstore In Smithbeter et, list doer from Second er, kt Allegheny city by Ii 'p 5 0 k,,,,, ‘A . sod J Seagerin,hyr 0 riunth, Inaggist,Edr. miughanti D Negley, East Lamm; 11 Rowland. me. Reevort; .7 Alexander A Scot, Monongahela eery; N II Bowman re Co and J T Rogers, - Drionnarlib.; jet. Barkley, Deaver , etc wholdale seen . • ~, . . Evicts for the Pit •. r in relation to that nonnalladfnanly Salve; ALLEY'S AdBICAL PAIN 1 ri+.TrintoNy of a. rtaneetiolo the following; adificated to lay ageint,Mr.£. Mei ryininiri.bar, Ottelll.ti • • Cmcnitnax, ?eh. 12, 1.410. Sim A senate of duty compels me u give amyl:abate to Dailey' "Plan Batman. Being imposed to quack cry mid all hostrutas hating for mar object SOW. motlves—but realising muelt good Iran the itting of Pain Killers".--1 am induced to teldel you-this Certifi cate. I have treed it= my fasallyouatyptagtk,o,pd with all the happy and wonderal effects that road posailay be imagined. li J. ltunuts, Dr. Brodie is the senior partneri Of Brodia& Les' Drugahan. • l o njifortanAlery ruk.ooorale.o. ..,- • Tor following testiscosule comes from a SCOISCC f.a7 miller to many ef those tntactingat our 'Bretton Ish tar.. Ale. Dilate, the well netil tworably kiloton pro prietur of the Parkersburg hashand t the lady whose letter I annex: e Passemstrr.n,Va , April 13;1E49. • To ettemat, , been loug nillieted with 'whin inflatamstory • llha fur ustadista, 'which appeared so Lister coated or to defy all onlmary appliances . to rale) the sevent pem. &Beading it, I was enduead to try pur Magical porn ExtractomieAll la/laving efieeted,,aßont as If by Rs immediate relief, and, also, quit rippearanreo an entire ant: perfect CM* I ors Ind eedior the bene fit of others who may ba ail:timed wit panyeaused . by anyikind of intiaramauen, writo you,deciaring that" my - opibiun, founded en stoat experience you} M 04.111 Pain tatraelOy is the suit dis covery or the present age ter the IRMO.. eitrnotoatt f boilily pain. It in an drama imaJnete and it pia - eetteare for Burns and hcaids, an all eaterual filliranatien. slaving many acquaintances form/ by their Shoos my iisstiators hotel to this place„ have auppuard., by your showin:thern thme hew Ice, It lohypOs.ittii 1.3 of benelSt bo thto them and yours=. _ FAatanirt /.vas . . _ (I entertain the grim that Mrs. Pi)o urriloartion the publietty I give to her latter. ns we on int score ris - Mrittanity ...nts belirg the sorest ride &bringing m to the notice of herlrienda-11. Dram( Feks Cued... Extract of a lencr,...lated M . Matra , X , N ov. - J, ltint Mr. Dailey '-I have trier:ries. Illtrottrir in a case of felon, many own tantilywhichat and cured in a very short time."t haste,yours ro speetfully, Ist. Vorria. Sl:r - Dums tir.d Sothis, Pilerl, Niaolts, I:trot : ea Broom, ll:motions, Sores. Cut, laittian, mid/ all in gammon., yields readily to tho rolcriutoroparlies of this unrivalled family rater. ra in the name pro. portion abet you tool receive lone iron rim roman; you orill be Injured by the dcleteour eaters of the contrierfett salves. CAUTION—Pe sac t end apply tip to the risentor, H. mu-ET. 415 the - pientork,' cr to his 4.. • thorned mews. - . .10S-1) Mnitfin.N, . „Gencrultroin,, PittsburgY_ Henry P. Schriartt, nlicellett Atraith 11::110, , Wheallat, Va.; Jones \F' bait; illnysville, F. hlerry weather, Pion:mon, O.:truer& Dnpos. N. IS —la the mann'nt rianis al.licalits 'ditear IS Sh.nurni—it lir tr 611 CURE FOR.WQMS. : O. FALIMAIEITOCKVEiciiIikkivag, cartuce. dv I order in afford all possiblejentry to t h e p o w, at melt as to tharmalresiammtfmall am: impm ...ion Irma chouterleiting, the pprteturs.hava merit change m th e exterior wrapplor lal.le . 0( their Ter mithea: The new Label, as hiekrt neer emytavim; of the mart nxqUirita Main lath Ptktemilskupi ban here introduced at nue:q.v.= carom, and it from I t . tomm of on twist °film Ent tato. The deshr o l ne ta, tad Itta 'eXecettion elattorataiammui :figures and a. cor{rall ate. 1.11 l prammtuthsta tic -- word' Vass:- et:at," printed itt while lelleruak red Mut finely en tinveti grattad,..htraki, examined.— When held ap to tho hirltt thatettm, shading at :ha letters and every lirm;hocceue. mime: thtanthant et a whole arthls part al the e ngramta match attaxactlp •att it Wu Ituttrtlahai hod l oea mind up on one *hie rn• ' O , although ro ' t o op e o , • .... . ly, altbeirdit it is setually pro of cr,-,th 'sue, of the. aptr. This theuht In aft et,l, t atm.:red.' A 'A bet span evelidnaci, Is arm {lnt-nein sal apda 'gala sides; antl.should Ye catmint:did ti came mules. • That preparation Las nee: , sundila test tiff soon'r Tema trial, and' to ednfidentlf V senotaded ai n an no nd affeataal wedeln° forArMlllematent from that eystent. lite .anexamplet.kancessu tat istmauended: i„ 0d0,,i,,,, 00 loooo,yeatie whet Umpteen, was really fidgeted with wordakenalnrl renders it war thy theettennee nite. • - . • no p s o p dm, 1.. de it. amino arcertaln the result:of Ala' use in. oh re , er as tree ' within WS knopl a and obse. tion , -and heirosuiebly road It 111 ace the atoittelemrs elle...nor animism , ' ly ter nearly ,all Ps ...di...7 PrePrations room moodo,l f 0r ,„„,0 had been previetly resorted 0 widgla , 'an) , Pe fl . " , ' los , llsse. 'his tact is sr , tents o o i t. ~,,,,Ifieetes and smemeirt or handreds. i t o f „„ i „ o • o " to o, WOW I c e dlliatedt pan-of thee try ~.d 4, 0 .1 °date alLatel,llll . a . iyaallW" ‘.— , of the prep oa to then' POWasalolL tla whim its. ~,,,,,,,„ o may be admanneered wit purl:dud. , „ , the ,',,,a delicate Want., . - . The nails...inn la Wes red by ._ ,„.,„,. _, • B A FAllNESTMr 4 proonvie-• 7 . • ' ..--- It•imil neadC - T ---.. 1 srxtaS., COUriti SYRUP.-Prom V. Elhalesf k , ..,,, Clan . ~vt. , :earriif Citittre,SeardSOi. * Beale.' al, P. SePi a -PI Some time In lit aelezer__, l . 7 i ~i es ailltetal auto a revere azaddliaiegar....... - , ~. eualg of pear .mairmale Cann SraPs.„.. pm •- d d a Wale loaal V. T. Trimble, of lliddr...."' - after taidng *pardon of It two 'Or thra evaded' E.t.a ‘a bed she keret immediate waed m al . sera: friends Plea Leon relieved in erste cues. I etherefore satisfied that it fa a sae ant valuable licits,..sod 'Prat:a I.oollacaa it to thaw/re. may . letterd with seven:Omaha and adds. ' alareh WI, Ida& ._ CV. SLI3ODEC 'Prepared and sold'hY IC P. SELLERS, 67 Wood II • d sold by draggiata generally, In Pittshargharul it 1 eglk l iy. _ ;!. 1.1 V: •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers