BY AUTHORITY. MIMIC *CVO Pouted u tke Fun .robes TAirtiNfrat Centres (Punic—No I.] A ILCAOLUTION for biadiay ty pablie doraaadte, firoalred by the &sate em H.... of itapreesalatives of the Uaitad Awes of Aarrica Germ mum bled, That W dedoiaeirts, lb. rioting .r additionl copies af vitki b... bus, duriad the primal setedra, or' -.y d or ibe tber veesioa of au b. .dared by ease Homo oft.loscrets, wed lila sae of which shall b . We then time hoodard printed pore auk additional copses shall b. Woad under eke dinettes dale /teed Committee, oa Priming: Provided, Th. mot *Modal, shall boa record the eisa, orient!. sad a h.l! =la imams for dm whole amber ord. rnl Approved, February 19, (Palma—No. ♦ R F-301.UTION aothorhiag l 6• parck sae of tb• W.. , *trio ranwell Addnao of George WaskJasto. Ile iterated by the Sera. end House of Bramestettres fah. 'Jolted Nudes of aturim is Cowes. assembled, 7 kei the hint Committee oo Wray f..oLLoeittd M parch.. b. commeeript oral. Fennell Address Mate peo ple of the Uoited stare of George Wealxincloo, ai l . per cram of item be effected 0.4 L osdira tem., M the rad - Ma of we committee Appro.& F 4 bratty 12, Itso Ir k rOil WAIIIIIIMOTOS. Car/esp. ste of the Plusbargh Gazette W.tuuseran, March 9, 1850 ♦ Brier Latrodnettois. The Prospect for Invading , Cuba—Postage Ilerorsn—Asse trim= Minion—Th•Cestene-Presidestre Levee. It is sot ties that I attempt the huniarone La m 1 torret• pondeare, bat at tile scud. I shall endeavor lobe witty, for 1 loth. tab. .but; end bruit), .yoar seeders kaow, a , the wail of tit. Forgive the triton. of the eyeshot... Clowns time ensued in proceedings of partici:las m• mane to day. It tie Rothe we base private bills; In the &mete the Wiwomia ramie la Walter,is making *much upon slum, the exile cfethich be appear. to base, the* mom, • lied, lathe of Ash. tensed in or. Meta desist the session of 1e49, Lose a tabid abolitineist, to a frigid and ethillathiaf Foote. What was the forfeit of hi. smut. to day, I did 13at kiss, and as he ems speaking to empty beivbes then us not thy the to ioquire of. We hart a meat here,said to emthatifsom one of the for. gigs lepton., that the French President, Louis Napiieta. hat became imbecile and Idietic.—thaarrthged to imago end surrender all 110 power asid ant hroityj is the head. of committee of Royalists, to set ea Ileprometatiam"nad re - ram for the young Coat de Paris, heir appestat to Me time; 10tre'tCe 16.1 neoltdion. Tits story is a gitated wills al enabling at eircsouthetiality ea to de toil, yet dim is frothily ace a word of troth na 1.• It 1000 raportedthee the pith he the Judd. at Caba Lat../ out ma mid arm., with prof isithe and all isms! accompthimula, to Chasm, end from theme to eta.. • dearest apt. the wathare and western moat of Cuba, by stmethip. There.. great deal of diner tithe punifel mad teem' Maims throes Epain ad thiscouatry, under W uew direct= of this affair I Itould thy considerable face be canted th ths (Whams of Pathan, from ths Vatted stems, destthed forth..upedition, it is perfectly urine that the goterainent of New Omuta mead not interpthe thy areal., 'obstacle lathy of their desires. Tb. subyret of a redaction of postage le urged era Coo grew with greet iniluitty sad arra, by them barons elutes as that Isamu. I thda Maud that the mit seats fames of lower postage, are csalident that the Stasiding' Cussittrea of both Houses ea that thus of Maim., are pthpared to report billet. the reduction of pottage to • sum• form rem of two mats for luau, with the roaditiou that all lett.. oat prepaid, shall be eluvial du atom Witham atmulith I bare been able to give tht athlete, I <mailer the ',wet of these totes •Itogrther thadroute to suppost the limier. in the United State% sad I hate rums been able to permit! thy eatisfeetary smote far rock a distinction as the eboth lietweat prepaid mid other lettere Isis lemur expedient that Outranithl Jatdtialtrtalse to make the writter of • 'euer pay its footage rather duo the nevi ttt t orm illust or ex maim tote. every me set of en unpaid letter three mote for takmg such letter out of the fist cam? For such ia the effect of the distineticw. I thee ea idea that say web bill am paw this or nay other Gonna. Mislabel' meal& far twenty year.. . lime is tailsidarable satiety concerniag the of Conn. °tube bill utiorroug the taking of the wrath metro I ant interned that eves wen the bill now a law, the. menthe would be required for the completieu of all the adispieueble peeper:Mims for Wang the actual ana maretioa; and that it is expected that at lust four lamas will be found semory for prturtag the inhumation sought for is the add. sal Weis prepered by, the mom board, ad for miler the thessearry Mom to the Secretary of the Interior's after Now there is ao probalility *Wares that the bill will be passed befire mid sanitur, and there is 00 easerance Want will the. It is easexised that a die politica exists in cystitis quarters, to mist the passage of the bill absuratthr, but I enammtniak that it p reemle buy stunt, Th. shawls has !Waists/ taans sum my, that • amiaasiaa b*a Wadheadas kat mad* so m. &oats W:a sughsasor .W. Webb, aa thaw' at Vellum I shasider pm bathe. 1 attassled Bur Ism of du Presillast this evening It tau my .all sustaded as& sery plasa. M. Bliss sal Ittra. Wool, the Presidest's slanghtsre, .id.d their Bator is do. iss the social host... FROM HARRISBORGH. Carhapoedena or 12us Plrabwelb Glazen. Hammonton. March 8, Igo. Ie ntelkeetejmietioaeyi atm thelneentWinn ofpa Mice.; Mr. Mini.. hem the Campine. ea Corpars. Jana, ppeegaed Nt impytemem w w xl .IPilduit tomtits and plat* mad companies, withast amend :n=li also dm OW 4.,r tits Fltention of Hancock wee:, te Ms city et Platchugh. 01111113 AL .Z1.1. : 1:111012. M. Forsyth arena the following resolution, to wit: &whack That so Committals on Banks beim/wonted to inquire whistrisr any of the Banks In his Common wreala have violated their chatters, by purling in eir• oulagon an wroant of note. more than arable the account of tang capital., actually paid in, and r2poti the fact. to the Senate. Mr. Forint said that be had mimes.' that many of the Blaktill this Commoner.lth had violated thou charters in tile respites. The Homelsle Hank.eepeei. ally, he had been informed. had notes in circulation to mote than At times the amount of her capital. This he conaideted a mast:roes abuse, and he hoped the Senate woad pass this reeolision, and let the inquiry bemade. The revelaton ens agreed to. On =dole M. Mat, tha Sonata proceeded to Via coadderallaatf the liousa bill, ;elating lathe tat Spon collateral ialsaitanco, which was read • second and third lime, sag passed. The at ject d Iltis bill is Uo realb Sic amazes of col lateral inhatlirr, Wheels that am situated 11l caber Slates. la the lima Hr. Canynthans, from the Committee or Way, tad Now, on leave, maned a publie bill, a sappletnot m tba s 1 puled tut UM day of April. IMO, ataifld no act to reds. the nubile debt. Me. trim is place, on leave, read a bill to repeal the charterof the Honesdale Bank, because of an al• leged siolion of Its charter. The Appaleantaat Bill occupied the remalaJer of . the day. In t►e &we, to day, Ur. Danaa presented amines *trance ha citizens of Pattbeirgh, *gaited the Sea are antendanta to the 1111 ta limit the debt of the eft,' at I'lll4am. . . Er. Dar* also read in his place, a biltrelatire• to taxation lone oily of Allegheny, egad to aothollze loan to "dun the coy scrip. • ' On mender EIS. Dante, the Senate than took op,. and emceed," bill to change the name of the Bitterne h.m Oemorof Allegheny Coenty. In the Ht., hir. Porter, Chain*an of the Jedielary Committee,. whom bad been seaweed a bUS. read in place bytiStaiii, to tepee! i►e sot of 1817, relative to fogitivemees, reported the Old as committed.. He also dads melmly at great length, embracing the whom 'oblate( fagitive slaves and slavery, so fu.. Senasylvard le concerned, and the Lew open dumb ieet of delmeag them op, which was ordered to be prtZted. Tbis bill wt @gals, taken up, and occupied lbe time hill Ma boar ' adjournment. The principal sub Met. &boat which sandman , were propeaed,wmthe place at totturit ranithadges Mall meet. When that pion of the bill which has reference. the flepreesnirves came op. Mr. fdeClintock moved to Menu, th lumber of members for Allegheny frau Lee to 41whiell aria negatived. Mr. Allison awed to reduce tha number for Berks, from rase to Ma on which be made a speech of great torte, bat it arm o go; Me amendment wm lost ilolcmgad to Increase the number for Backe from me to the which was moved It unbar aWa•an were propoand by UCIMI. Alli aon aaa CYarq►y were all oagaaved 161 M BMW TORN. Come"lace of the Pittebareh Mnsette , Niter Voil e March 7, MM. Politicianstoile moment, have impulse the Ma veal anew.' mdleooee the hitimMlneel letter of the new Bettietteinbeer, in winch be tell, the people 01 the United /Met what .11er Meet (Intel., Majesty's Giteeetet ey approves and aisanprovee in oar tariff rpm& iron: Leiter banner piecesf diplomacy than thie e d e t e il Ma.Malwer, will at room be thcordsd; artehe wi soon he might that we can enema our oorniiihn. Moe. 6e FAglish government seek to keep oar era at 110 resent rata, In order to keep her own tabeeth rem. euvinat For Irma It. It is to keep h e r ma Writhe In portal it the T i s t em price iron,- of in,— than edeesnb reward the Ugh me te ,. ...plata/ Ike Lot It be b ee ,. ~, end that the Votes pries, competent to en rich Fnkattd, o e price lheebrcea ottentaatfastiten io leavelte held or red. , . le pries of labor. Why rs do the Int worke of the •ite, of .0,1 of Weetra Penaellvanie, forget .at all iron work. sc. ceetibl to the thedYemnPetiththef England,ess stop. pedi ed that the Interposition t the t ee e,by the large root for 0 . 1 11/` enables the iron t o to employ the Warms at ll Reeieee the lion eats that Iwo the shone of the ht.mga► ela, to Newlin re, bring with Maio the noel y the p amt ebal v *aid be the cowl,! As lee ee tits wo dy yp all troll Weald drive them tee the yet he trieltstsr• who now gall the label, ialethat the redeeed trues of We pedlars ttdS4l. we profits of the iron marten, P ro,ce their aver; and let It be shown that their deelaraete tee rop,iccd tea the British Lea. Wat le landt here, (irate the home niade . iron oat of mutat, and Tee , de mottle. to Mddire Ito plied of labor or mop 'Ohm . 11 ""* . f b." . '" , u'" 4 "" t ' u. '"" ' "" i COMMERCIAL RECORD. and no Goa complains that he has either a deficiency Al . euteWera, or the hincontmeo ate fbl." . in P" . — PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE - menu. 7U southern trade is trinsually lard. ..dab stem laarttares iniCtlsSolt. ,advance ID. cello has enabled the south utclear her. • cm.. COMMITTEE , .. s ... w,O , P . 0 ,,, 11 . 0 51 A 11....c .... u.... „ sal( of Or old indelitednesa, and to snake loge bill.. COtracta for now warehouns apon the ail. of pri- Irste residences, were never in minter/MN nor were rents over eo high. Landlords make their own terns., and tenants are glad to submit. Amog the new public building. Is a church for the aso of dte "old John Street Church," Is, first Means din Church established in New York, and one more widely Imam thatiany church of He denomination In I the country. The Harpers are the leading riddle In the new enterprise, and will Mon creel, on the mime,. of Fourteenth street and Irving Plea e, one of the hoot church. that ace architect. ran planer our halides, rear. While the wealthy Methodists thee provide themselves. with • magnificent temple, the old church ' will bo kept open for the public, and 'not be swept off by thel or trade. A newc to >s hig paper la he started at Albany, to vi vat the E ug Jorol, and help on the whir s who Oink they ar not promoted fast enough. There has m made often to unseat Thariow Weed, the coutoftsbed editor the lfimpire Sta.e ever tnew,and who (throwing Horace Cre el y acids) km sea mere about the State than all the other editors from Sag Harbor to Niagara Pall, Os markets nal mach change. Cotton closes heavy in olielpation of the steamer now due. Flour H rub or firmer, cipecially the medium grmlea. Straight State sails at SA pare Genesee 115,518150110. Corn is ranher heavy, and an abundant stout. In brsteled meats no change, except that Port Is doll. Sales have been made of Scotch Pig Iron at ill cash, and AO tons of English Oars at 8110/00,75 per ton Salo of Clover Seed at 0547 e, and a good demand. Otocerties are dull, in consequence of a three days. storm; which prevents good• from being moved. The first large axle of Teas, OH soon, was made yule,- day, and emoted a large company. The goals real. Iced full prior., and the whole lot was closed at private bargain; them has been a large busies., and holder. deo very ham, with an Inclination on the polo( buy ers to concede an Osseo Telegraphed for the eittabiggii hasetta CONGRESSIONAL Wautourrom, March II Home. —The Holm, after some unimportant 1 mines', went tato Committee of the Whole on the President's California Mesuge. Mr. Stantoo, of KentuckY i hevillg the door, contended that the Wilmot Proviso is in direct opposition to the Con.ritetioe—thol ellizena tiave a right to take their slaves to new territories. He would vote for the admission of California, with suitable bounduica,provided a provision be made for the balance eras States to be admitted. Mr. Fowler was in favor of admatian Catitd. nia with her present Cowin:elan. la the Senate, Mr.Bradbary gave notice that he would, on Friday next, move to take up the reso lution in relation to removals from office by the present Adminbuntion. The Senate then toot up the Foundent's Cali. Grrola Menage. Mr. Sewud having the tow, ably reviewed the whole question of the admission of California. and gave his remoras at length why she aught to be admitted. California wu already a Stale, nod could never again be les. than a Sudo. That tiothing prevents her admission than the want or agreement among ourselves. It was insisted that the admission of California should he attended by the cowl comma of the alavety question. Ile wu opposed to uy seen compromise. Legislative compromises were all radically wrong. la conclusion, he said be would vole Gm Lim ad mission of California, directly, without conditions, qoalitioatione, or oomprotaises. Alter mime conversation, the farther consider. &Soo of the subject woe pardoned until Monday. New Yoai. March II The Cherokee arrived from Chegree this even ing,with 1000,000 in gold. No naive of impor teem. The Empire, from Chagrea,arrived here on Sat• tarday afternoon, wtth half mdlion in gold, and 100 paraengers. Col. Fremont, lady and daughter, arnred, and have taken lodging, at the Irving Florae. Nro You, Mora 11. Per Steamer Ogestada—Liverpool !Markets American Pit:minions nave improved. Sales per Water* Bacon at 320345. Fine new Eu. two at WWI; old is wanted. Pork is in demand at 31037 a—tow at 52353 e. Lard is in request at advanced rates. Salmi of 220 ton. at 33. 6d-31s is now a liked: NEW YORK MARKET. Nay Yor, Much II Fioar—Thers tan been nothing done yet toted' cue the effeeret the steamer's news. -o:ea—Wheat is in demand for mining. Corn—The foreign nears bu bad, as ye 1. no clad on the market—there is a fiir .141041 inquiry. Provisioss—Lard—There is ■ good demand, and pikes have a tendency to advance. Groceries—The market Is very quiet and pri , Co. are steady. Hemp—Sales of dew rotted at $145 per toe. Caron—The market is unsettled, and accurate quotationt cannot he given. Whiskey—Thu market is firm. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. Nsw Oar Baas, Much 9. Sega/ is iu good demand, and weedy. Saks of fats at 311274 e. Malmsey—Salo, et 20021 e per soil. flow—Salea of Ohio at 5525. Com—Seams at 55a57. Whiskey—Sales at 20632210. Pork—Sales mess at S 9 15a110 per Nog round at $l. Ltril is heavy, with atlas in keg at So. Cdfois is unsettled, arab sales of Rout 191 c. BY TlLlGlifit aT 113011. • GREAT FIRE IN BUFFALO. ' Bann, March 10, Sunday morning, 9 o'clock. Z • oir city has been visited by the most destntn lieu dm which has owned in it for year.. At b.! r put two o'clock, this morning, the basement of Stewart's refectiny, above the American Ho. tel, we. discovered to be on fits, and shortly after the alarm was given, the whole building was in 0 ones. '.No danger to the ailoining building. was apprehended eon! 3 o'clock, when the wind in creased tea violent gale, and the flames corome, nicated to the roof of the American Hotel. In • short time the whole of this apkadid building was one sheet of fire, and it became apparent the en. tiro block most be destroyed. The buildiop on the opposite side of Main Street were next &leo.. Iced to be on fire, the wind having Carried the flame. acne the street. Twelve or fourteen grooderCbuildings on Clin ton stret, between Maine and Washington, were qakely destroyed; and great fears were entertain ed that Stephansa's extensive livery aratiles would also be deatroyed. They were several time• on fire, but °sly partially bunted, while - the firemen were employed in arresting the prover. of the darnel. In this direction the Lafayette Street Church caught do Gliun dying emben front the Amer ican Hotel. ; The Church ton on the opposite side of the . Park, and a great distance Gym the Hotel. The Are at tine moment presented an oppou• once of awful grandeur; Wee alders of a west square belngloveloped in one grand eh set of dame, the Church, the handsome dwellire,i of George Siepheeion, on the corner of Lafayette end Wash ington streets, the Livery Stable' of G. Metz., and othOr building's In that direction Were bud is ashen. The Court Hottee, on the haunt, side of the Squats trues Ire several times, but wee Gan tough:ll-saved from destruction. From the Amenosn Hotel. the Samoa rpread down Main street, destroying the airlendid bold ing el Bloomer Hall, the Canada Stara and all the dorm. to No. 298. Several In ruses on Pearl street were also partially deritroyol. The private loss at this early ho or end amid the confinion that prevails. we see Of course unable to estimate. It cannot hoiweror be leas than Itt00; 000. Too much praise cannot be. {locum the ef deient fire department of our city.. Notwithutaod• log the mut) , iocoutronleactia to which they were subjected, owing to scarcity of/water and Intense cold, their •eaentoao were wiremittleg told tot in their power we. done to check the tenible pro• gem of the Plaice. The are to still burning, but all belled :will not again obtain they ascendant'''. Trshtns. ADMINISTRATOR./ A OTICIA. ETTP-ittt W ildwasdattation, with the will snocX• I ed. an the rotate of Jame. Chad, tieh, lalo of Pitt tawnthip, Allealtany county. Pa, dee'il, hare been granted - by the Register of "id county . , to the awbeerit rebtede.:anarldnEahteattiitya r o aTre ' t "' n ' e h ti I t i ernf re ' i n t a - mediate paatnant; and thew haying • damns odadnat ll i W prewtd them tweet:Wane. VW A I:Irtl MANNER% OIL-16 Oriss' rsa mad: and for we W .1 N - • - Jail es Dmay.L.L. Arrivals and Departurrs of Mails. We. via Philadlphia,cloaca it la Wesiern Cincin nau and ~ l.nui.vdle, due e P. 0. Northo. w. Montt Werternoria Clevelond, due 10.. NI ,closer 9 ...11 Ma and Western New York, doe 9 r. c closes tl A.. Yntauning, iue 70. sr, closes r Wpm. AII.I.IOIMCM or rua Corm SeardsMats —During the winter mouths the sfeaniers composing the Canard Line will sail from New York, 110.1011 and LluarP l4 o l , as follow.: Cambria, from 1./werprail, for lio4ton, Dee. lb, 1849 Canaria, for New York, " " " for Dation, Jon. 111,111,1. let New York, 0 "hi, lot, liortoh, Feb. 9, " for New York, " for Boston. (larch u, U " " for New York, " 23, o for Iliatoo, April Cy Canada, from New York, for torerpool, Dec. 1%1942. Europa, from Boerne, for " In, Illbernta, f`m New York, for " " 90 , Cambna, f'm Boston, for " Jen. 9, ISIIO. Canada, from New York, fur " " from Horton, fur " Feb. r, from New York fur " from Boston, • for " March 9, from New York, for " " from Horton, for " April a, " from New York, for " 17. •• from Dorton, lor •• 1. May (Wawa P 121221,011 GA22221. Pittaburgh. March 12, 1530. The weather yesterday waa very PfamPt for nut door trausacuno.. and in a general ar•y • fair amount 01 bwinese ww doing. FLOUR—In the Flour market nothing new bee trans. pined. Salmi have been confined to nOttili Into, at 134,45 04,50 Sam first hands, cud 54,l p bbl, ac cording to quality of brands. GRAIN- Of Corn and Oat. receipts have be-fn fair Supplies are full, month roles of Cure at 454, and Ont. of 31034 e V bar. Of other Grains errtvals me light, and we run report no mle• to any extent. 4ißfs3l:l4l--We have a sale of tau htids 74 0 Su. gar On plicate WOO. :Idea of smaller lots by hint, •t 414/5c V lb. We quote NO Alolasses at :17149MM, and 73 11, scarce at 40e p gull. Of Rio Coffee mapping can none Itgbt, with sale. In limited tom, at 1.12/17r P Other articles under this bead, are without elisingu BACON—We nonce no change in the price. of Bit con—the norm's from the lower markets tome been heart, end supphie to till. market Info full. Sale.. pinto beim, at 61, sides at 5051, and shoulders at 413 , 413 , p M. Sugar mud cansasfed ham., [109; LARD—Sales of 119 lAN, at Cu. and l'eo Item, at dec, terms equal to cash. This to an Improvement SODA ASll—Sales of 60 torts'Alurpmit best glare makers' Soda Ash, high.teet, to noise at Lid 121 Sales of smaller lot. at 4e - Ikst quality limp makers sold at same figure.. Salm of le casks, at 3/u, cml par foot.. bstrurour, Ma"' 9 Canis-The offer - mem at the scales on Mondoy r..oa 13, WI heed or Deere, of orbiett CIO were seild 10 rit butchers, WO to porkers. 'X were len over' unso4l, of were dneenlo Plrla.Vphla Pace. 11.4 cd from $156 on th e boor, equal in SSW° VntB neL, ••e. • mg 83 57i gross. Hogs—We name from 853510 621 RATES OF DISCOUNT. ILA TLS i•e Duo , LUNE-CULLIEL7II:II Br k. 411.6..1111.13 6 50. U. Eltcha • ge 1.164 ere, No. la fdatket turret, near ate 5 r•••••ylVanias illal•lin. Lout o: ripaloirgh --Par riots/Pk a. Uranchce-• / Erchosige Liatik Pairletknr - •••• •• ..' Match. 6 Man. Bank •Par Virginia. kllnign Lloladclphia• • --Per Exch6ge Bk. of V.-. I Liras.. Bard, Par Fanners Lk of V..-•'• Bank of Genital mown • •pas Ilk. o. the Valle), " Chester County • • •Par Bk. of V irginia.• -•-- " " Dclagrua Co.- • •par 51.0 M. Ilk., Wheeling 4 " MontoomoVy ...• 'Per do Morgan tuo , r.• •- - I " Northumberland. •par N. W. !lank La- i Colmilna Undge Co.• • pall do W eitellarg•- • • Uoyleitoorn Bank. -•par du l'arkerebarg-- •• Fantiel s` Lk. Leading • pa. l TOMI0IM10•. Faniera`Bk. 13acke Co. pa. ,[11.• of Tennessee. • • • • 3 Farmers BI Lancasl•parlFar.6 Mcrehle Bit- " Lonc6ter Co. Bk.• • • •pacirlauftere' Bk..- ... ... Leincuter Bk.--•-•- ar p,llnion Bk.. -- -• U. Limes Book-- , m • 111asearl. Lhowneville Ilk.• • ..... pariState Lk o 1 !need I W e .ho•0 00 gh....-...4, North Carolhaa. Gettiebarghl3o.--.• • I ,111- of Lope l'am h Llhamberaborg• • -•- • • "jblerclt'e !)k. , Neverorn g 6.16ch66 Co. Ilk, - Idtate Hook Lewistown -.-- loath Carolina. sliddletnern -• • I Camden ....11k...... 1 C6lisle •• Bk. of ilkeLeston• • • • • a Ene Bk.• --• • • 0 1 •Cornuiere el IL •--- larincre' and /P . o.e.' ilk. of Georketown.----• 4 Bank, Wayneaburg• . I [15.00 llonitairg•-• - a Ilarnsloay •••-•-•-• " ....hen is Bt.-.-_ ~ Igo ,k ----....... • i Flauter• a. 31e6a1 Pt Lobular. par,l/...1 South Caraltn• • • o I Youseille.-. - ..- " , Maryland. wy 04 . 4 , 4 , 4 .. ..... ..... •Llalt.niore Uke.• •• •• • p.• I York Bk.• • • .... .. . .... 4 ,Ilalt.'e 8.0 Ft R Ocrip •I u 5 44 ,,,,,,s g 4 ....... 4 •Co.berland It 01 A s•a• Relief NW. ....-. II I ,hy,,, ma al Gk. y..., do. a War. Bk. of Maryland •• • Berip-Pillob. 11 County! !Fanners' re Me e ha n .. ", " Allechenr, mi Ilk. Frederick Ohio. Irredenek Ca 114.--• o dun Ilk. and 13.6akele 11 illegaeLoven Bk. - Mount Ple.ani ..... -•• " ...ref Ilk. -----• I 1 Steabenville--••• • • • 0 Pat.. 4 /co Lk -- • .... I s, Lsor k rule...-• • a WeahnigionUk----- " ganef. •-• ...... • • ..-- . BLOM alitrall• ter •• • • .. Neer LAW.. - - - • " rii.higoo , Canchatatt Banks I' IQ. of St. Clues.-. -- Columbas do• ii ,Ilk. of Lire, Ileicen•-- e , mi .,,,........ . ...... I Michigan Ins. '20.• . a 4,,,,, c4 ri5 e ..-..- - " IFar. a. MeelOs Ilk a psos--- -•- s o --• . " Wiseenata Tarrtt , y. Wooer. •- • --- IP Mar aVirelo.t4, 41 , 1 er'• 4 Mawillon -----•-• I I Gonadal*. e.enduek I ••er Ail ...lren.Bauke. •• • 11 Leong. •-• ••.•• •- • %Idlest of klnglaudgettra gi 4 , 4 41.--....-. I (Gold 414 Specie Vol 1 r. „,......-.... .... . a iNapolcoue Teo Layton- -• ••••••• ---. a iftman. 4 MO 0 :PI WeLon Rasarre. --• " ! Eagle. old ••••-- ' Id MI Franklin irk eolautbog " !Eagle. oe. - • • Id Po gh54,6,64. -.....- " Postiloons,Spanials If DO LOS Ell•-• • - • - -.. IP. , Patnot•---• II 40 Saiot•• •- • ...... •• - . . .. , Cver•gall - • ...... 4 8-3 . • •••--------IC 4f 0.: , , ,,, • • ..... .... 000 Hamilton -.•• • - -• -I 3 IFfedetiet•d'ors-•16 •CO g 5 ,0 0 0 4. ....... .. .• .50 gen Thalers • •• .• 716 p. n .s,. lg•k e,...„,, -so , en goilder• •• • • 3/o Orbaoa --•.--- IC !Logi/Wore. •• • • ... 404 Ilifosatuaky* . I ' it Bk 6 Sentaekr• ..... - I itle. York •-•.•-- IP". II I.of tewierille• •-• • • " Philadelphia •• • - 4 pro. Nofnern Rk. Kentulr• " 'Elaltimole •-• •• - I P , . Maw Ireerk--Citr Banks, par. Unarm' Wing -• PfLOOLABIATION DP VIRTUE of a precept under the hands of Hon DWIO Lt. MeClare, Present of We Court of Cow man Pleas. to and Mr the id kb JaMetal of • p emmlvania, and /estate of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery ru and for .sod District, and Rommel James and William herr, Wore , Aa.CIMP Judges of the same Courts, In and for the County of Allegheny, dated the 11th day of Fehm• • in We year of one Lord one thousand eight trtrtnlre ' d and Day. me to me abreemd, fordag • Court of Oyer sad Tenalmr, and General J ula Delivery, at the Court !louse. in We City of Pittsburgh, on the Fourth Monday i/1 March nett, at to o'clock, A. hL Paha. mid.. is hereby given to CI /mites of the Peace, Cotoner, sod Constable., of We County of Al leghauy, that they be then and there, in Weir proper p elr., With then rolls, records, Inquisitions, exami• uaitorm, and other remembreaces, ! Weir those things whioh, to their vespective offers i e Imhoff, .p pear to be done—and also, those that will proteeute the perm.n that now are, or ally be, to the Jul of said Gately of Allegheny, to ho then and tbete, to pro• scents among them a shall be War Given under my hand, at Pittsburgh, this 11th day of Felawary, In We year of our Lord. IMO, aod of We Commonwealth Ose 741 h. CARTER CURTIS, febtaarkwlair Shentf. 6allaaar letsparall Cough II 'rap. THIS mom be a prepat•don of much merit, wban so may of our own citizens willingly and valuta.. try earthy to Its curative propertim. An aged nod Nighty mspected citizen, after wring it, expressed hie 'lrtur,":oVll,7 :Zirbrtll:ir,Fh-.ZT ear daily papers strum in • note--ttl always keep et in say boas, and would mit, on any account, be erased it " An old country non says—"l ant nitrified, after a trial of three or four years, that 111. the best rough medicine I bane ever tried, either in the Old ar Neer World." If you have a cough, get a MIME and try it costs_hut 20 cent, mid A NEW ARILANONMENTs W. R. MURPHY J. M. BURCHFIELD. ffIHE Retail Dry Gads bane. heretofore conduct " ed by W. R Murphy, Nonh East corner Fourth and MarketPittsrgh, will hereafter he rallied on by the new fiat of bu MURPHY Sr. BURCHFIELD, Who mspeetfully solicit a conrinnance of the call. of the old eustomem of the estahltainent, and the public m general. A large and carefully selected clock of Goods w I 1 always he kept on band, and every in ducement offered In the way of low prices. R. MURPHY will &tango the Who! , ca t s wariness, a heretofore, in the room. Up Stair., entrance from Foarth et r l illtAlf SPRING GOODS. A LEXANDER & DAY, 75 Market st, North We, corner of the Diamond, hare commenced re. •n'. tog their stools of Spring Dry Goods- - They Imo opened a choice assorunent of Silks7-14nen, owe., and o th er Dress Go Alan—Donne. —Donns tool Ilonn.t /gibbons, a handsome assortment of French WorkeJ Collor., kn. Splendid Fmnch Cloths,Cassune 'es, and Satin Veit. Ines. House Furnishing Oeotalit—a complete assortment yi the lowest market prima ALEXANDSH k DAY. Market rata N W corner of the Dmilmod No. so Market street, dally retelvink new and desmable bloods from the leading manulamowes of this country, and of it°, latest luumthatuthe The facilines which they enjoy, °unneeded yeah • house in the east. enables them to eureka.° goods at the lowest •aleation, and keep their stock lull and de. enable at all seasons. They km. • hoe assortment of Home Keepine (loads, to which they sullen the ClLtly attention of their friends add the public. met Math's Cast Stoat Hones and Straps. VARI.I7B Cast Steel Ilona. and strops for Moors and Sorgical Inattontents; an aructe superior to soy thing of the kind offered fo.the polite, both for m ooring and giving a fine and parcel edge, a. well ea for Int darability. The above can be had, and person. supplied in any reaaotusbla quantity,at the Methodist Book Pepository, Fourth balsam. Wood and Market. mr4.6S H. HOPKINS._ patio• to Shipper. pties= Boat °woo,ll - • . nAPTAIN SAMUEL tiIdITIIERS, boting been 1,./ appointed Inspector of Steam Boats for the 1m0... signed Insurance Comp.loi in this city, • elliewhca- Son of Boos will be All and rates of premium charged seconllingly. All shipments ander open Pols. os.....ennent to this date, will be subjected to sewn rates and replant,. sa may be adoputd under such ...pee.. Every information will be given at Met o . soon's:. oases. J. FINNEY, Jr.,Secresml Western Insurance Company. P. A. MADEIRA, Age. Del. M. Cl. Ins. Co, PhMtdelphta. WM. P. JONES, Agent Ins. Co. of North Amalie.. MilaißEM flobanb. Marsh *I, litak-Oui PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Rtra .—Therewere 9 feet 0 niches in the channel I evening, and falling. ARRIVED. Caleb Cope Murdock; Beaver. Michigan, Brines Renynr. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Viroqua, Galloay, Monongahela City. Fashion, Peebl w es, Ilizabella. Atlantic, Haarlem, Broarneville. Deltic, Jacobs. Brownsville. Csnrdrn. Hendrickson. MeKeeaport Lake Erie, Clark, Reaves. !me* Nelson, Moore Wheeling. Kentucky, Maclean, lAuherdle. New linitland No S,Dcan, Cirielllllllll . Pow ' Wabash. tb rn usen, Gurley , Cincinnati. DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, Iklurdoek, Beaver. Beaver, Donlon. WeMollie. rilietogan, Dries, Beaver. ' Viroqua, Calloway, Mononoollela Cho Cowden, Hendrickson, IlloKeesporio Fashion, Feebler, Elizabeth. Milne, Jacobs, Brownsville. Altoona, Parkinwin, Brownsville. Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Louis McLane,Connel. Wheeling. Keystone Mate, Stone, Cillelllll6l.l. Lady Byron, Smith, rinGll.lll. Cashier, -,Cincinnati. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. NASHVILLE—LoyaI Hanna, 10 A. Y. ST 1.01/IS Is ILLINOIS RlVER—Martha No S eT 1.01:IS—J. J. Crittenden, 10 A. Y. LOUISVILLE—Z. Total . , 4 r. Y. =1:13 Lontor Ole —Prm 11•1111Wld...-10 LW., sugar, J k R Flo, d 1.111. inasna.s7 Idols aboaltlers,Oralt k ro; LT glass, J Cartwright; 03 hhd. bacou.lJ Markham; I CM 10, hardy, Joao. at no 5 bus tads, O'Connor ft co; oY et s shoulders, ()rad A co; 30 bbl. runless., F. Haas.). Inn; 113 do du. 11 II Octant; Da do do, II Ring;lo.3 do do, J 'Alm; 1/0 do do, D A Cirter;VS do do, .1 Idillevin. Pas Z. T.xto.—DS Lg. rearhers,:nl hhd. °Amer.°, r, Leech & co; ID hod. lob, tij too samples, J A ?domain; i.xs books, II I:rafr k co; Y cc, I 1.1.0 seed, Canon A. Mc knight; WI hhd. sugar, Wick h. hlcCandleo. K.71.4.1ti—t bg. wool. Clark A Thaw; 11 Lls cotton. Roder & bra; 4 du do, 51 hinly bacou, IJ. of er co; a hltds,S OW. sugar, 1 13 I . anothell;htals, 3.11. ore NO al.; 3 k Wool. odu feathers, /I licant; 313 eta corn. W Melton., :I 01.1$ egos, 1 do onions, I dot br. ono., 13 baskets, J II 11.r00,,R75510 corr. llrown Eirkpatnrt, 21 1.1.11 thou , dot. ti, do eides,(UVltgolrd. :At bl.d. loos. Wat lloroharn; ,45 ...toned hatut,ltilsr Told. b. O'Connor. Cluelux.&4l—Pall 111010,1A—It9 eke haw, /21 do .W. 03 do ahoulder., Walt/n*6lyd & co / Y 7 et. hams, thkg.ll a Ale. Konatt; 10.7 hhd.idsotitders Kier & Jones 74 Lie Keay, 4 do candle., 50 te. harts, l'ilePaden It eo /10 tee 1/./ma, 95 bbl. do, Clark & Tfisw; Y bx. planer,' Woodareli; 14 We hrtstlex, Iler lotugh; b.• hard ware. lietty; 14. clews, Hardy, Jona. & no, 4 en/ pt.., Oster & Forsyth Liverpool, 1111.—Pgli Cruz.P7 3 l- 03 7 P. b 39 P&L ....Ad., L. hemp, W LI tioimes.t. DLLs .13p. maw. l.rech & cw Lafaire la.—Pta Lo‘valk. —72 M p. haws% D A Jonm, 1.6 rte bacon, D Leech & ea, 721 pe• 1, rums. A Laugolin; 4141 do do. Ar et • bacon, J Laaghlia: aka man, 2 ohm potatoes, I kg MN, A Baird; I cab fiat seed, 1 Or du,'D A /we. New Orleans —Pea Joe Mumma.-4 /MD pate tee,' 41.11 says,, k dr. smap, I do molasses. Stoat A Sill; lc aka wine. 01111,, & Ftseleison;ll taw tlessan clay, inn Grier, al elm soda ash. A King; eel roil. mak ling, McClintock; labia hemp, J sebooszoottcr n ca; t , rk• while wine. 4 do claw, 1 Phi brand{, UVltifT; Il alp soda ash, Drown A Kirkpattick; WI bbls inolwwn, & Miiclaeltree, ND Ws molasses, Baibridge, & mi. Res.lard, That • Committee be • appointed to show to rho outdo., through the paWap•pate, how much money the Puddler* sou Haiku made du• ring the last yew. - A communteatbsu IVIN made by Mr. Thorn burgh, of the Post, telstive to a meeting held by thekperatom of Portsmouth, Ohio, at which 52!0 were subscribed for the aid of the Pittsburg open EXCHANGE AND ummaciato 'tousle I caves, now nu strike. FORWARDINU d CUMNIISSION NIERCIIANT`3. Ca.' Damn, Venn street, Pataburgb ru,t3 JAMS DAVIS Ar. PRODUCE AND FLOCK : FACTORS, No let 7 Market, &ad 51 Commerce et, MeeJell hilt Advatmeltetatte, by either ol tbe above, eu COU•irrll meet. ef Produce to caber Doom,. lard A. WILKINS & CO., 5. E. CORNER OF MARKET A THIRD STREETS Pittsburgh. mm J. UAILRIIION ■CWiLL. ATTORNEY AT LA‘r, n IMO STATE COMMISSIONER for taking Dep.:. 1-7 111110/... Acknowledgments of Ikeds, P. Offir,--Fourth creel, abuse tmitbfteld. nul,dlcwr JOLIN WALLOVVMH £ FORWARDINA COMMISSION MERCHANTS 11.11311V109, W OULD re.peerfully when the eonslapinent o liarrterkurgh irelght. item llieethrsr Allerelt•nra no they are prepared to receive any amount. Ln. and Yeetsen Item• turitor.a aralrt and day. the ' , ell. will our be detained. aa thry will unload well Lome a all hours fele.d,:ka flarrobargh, Feb 911,18.30. 4 R. W aterman • • H. N. Watorm.• • W. IL Walczak.. L.I. WATICIMAIIII dr. HONII, " a• U a L 2tic a ht r ° cMr, E ; rale e' rx " Itr It * ta n di " ;r1: dace Pittoinargh hianamcbirml A rhrlei; anJ for sale of Richmond and Lytichbarg Tobscem mrl mari LARD -20 bbl. prima No 1 t itia legs da 40 4N 104 4 . 14 by air% L d WA'rERNIAN & SONS ire R—IT bbl, N C, C r mac by I mr L & WATNUMAN h. SONS 011rld bb.• I.arcl Oil, (Burkhardt 1 Co,) 10 Linseed: 13 . Tanners . ; for wile by tat/ RIMY. 'MATTHEWS* CO DAWN-40W lb. llaals,lirdta, and Shinßilen LIP for sale by 'art ARD-03 144 Nn I Leaf; 1.4 411-gs do do; (or sale br toe RIMY, IiIATtIIEWS & CO it, AL *Mug's.; fur to, by 17 NIII.LFIR A HICHRTSON, mrl 171 end rl 1:borly .4 A 1.17A1- Vu bbl. Pair ay A tel 2 11111.1. ER A ItICKED.4.ON C RU:4IE S D UU ft—lO 1./rlene; 11 & for ..l. by mrIMILLEN & RICKI-71`3"N • D LILK SHOULDERS-40GO pieces ovr landtny and for sale by root HARDY JONIEll& CO Water st MOl/1 -ft CANDLES—AR bas now landa, an:l tor oak . oy Ortril 11 Pk R 01.% JONES es CI CLAki EIED SUGAR— lo bbfs (Or osie by - larr C II ORA NT 13A0314-1 rata.. Slq V do Ham, V do bleouldcrd today ',obi, for sole b bort WALLINUFORD & MOLASSES -11. bbl. NO, /ce'd and fa: by mr2 C H GRANT DMZ PORK-16,040 Re Rol Round, bereivttur anJ LI for ..le by ROBERT DALZELL, Tura Labcoy st it. /oho 7'. alardiPs rupenor Nag jl Pared Hasps, landuir and for sale by BROWN A KIRKPATRICK, sort 144 Llbt/If NI B ACON—Io td , id o s Clner o tiatl CoLe4 I , l b aco a l m; 5 do do • do Smite; Landtne . per nelarier Jew... for sale fore BROWN & KIRKPATRICK O.HUAN-5d bbdo N 0, In atom and for saieby mrd - BROWN fr. KIRKPATRICK MULASSP3— SU bbl. N 0, 30 0 Battle Ground Sugar Haute Lasultnr and fur sale by nord .. HRO%VN ft KIRKPATRICK • • .4 - 4..)." by 0 AIN "MOWN & KIRKPATRICK " No K g u m 6 , l 2' it —4l' 6b" N 'n.." :l * k a ZY TT DUER-10 btola pruuer ROU .I;e`r and lor by L/miti Rk W HARRAIMIII BULK PERK-100uu MITE BEA t tn- i, A few bltillsike%rcitianudAlgisiikii Dl.aololloit rpm: Law Partnership or Magraw A McKnight wag this day dissolved by mutual consent. tbe u finished business of the firm will regorge the united at n . tendon or both of the undersigned. HENRY S. MAGRAW, Feb. 1850—m12.1m FL McKNIGHT. . MOLASSES-7 1 g l i dtles Plantati on 00 u Sava Houses 30 Of bbla •• " 10 do Malden Syrup; d Md. do do; Jour reed and for sal.. by (WM RIIIW, MATTHEWS k CO 1117 hiola nor rrop, Prat reed .d for sale 0 by RIIEV, trIATTIIEtVS A Cr', feb23 P 7 sod 29 ,Wolor at INUOW OCASS-473 blo need. for sat. Ir . YY febre SODA ASII-3I cask ' : =at, g i l li' r W ,n B n:::: ' ,• 1! •• Prime Seorehil:gs; In ;me and for .ale by foblY • RMEY, MATTHEWS te CO 1860. I V5O. SPRING DRY GOOD!! Virri are now reeelrinK .r regular supplies of me.. and Fotet6n DRY GOODA, sirldeh me prepared to PGII ot the lowest market prices to ...oh boyars end prompt lessiness men. We woad a•k the IMETIOOO of Cary' and %VP/tarn Merehrim• mour wek. believing we min strer many induct um, s purcMise from Mn. tqfACKI.F.Tr Nv 101'21 Pry 4inode JohtMn, tH Wand vt LvitUNl) -A rum of Monetuon• found, whirb.upo.t r proof of orvitereldri, ran be bad by eerily till to ti 0 MILTENIIIIIOER, febti No n 7 Front st lASMAIERES-5 rates Fancy CAtarmarcu, loot c yea (row nisaufarturere, oo roasigruueni, a4d for ea., by (I LEE, Liberty street. oppovite FaltA m %VEKI).I---4 cetera INreads, oh. brown, ..d gold :nixed, Just recd on egomaniacal, for vale by b2A FILE! , I 'benr .t ( - ILAN ALPINES—Jaat reed, 4 canes lan Alpine Casaimerea, WAY article, for eptlng sole. fiblS II LEE, 141.011 . 0 B LANKETS -1 eaves Gray Coliforuis; 2 do Drab do; I do' Ulu., do; I do superior lied; for rale by p.by2 11 LEE:, IdberrY FEATIIERS—Y mak. in Fiore end fur main by fele& AItbitYTIIONG t CROZER VisSlUß—Zal various branch!, in Rinse end for I: gala by (e( AftalarrtiONO a - AM/N-10,000 lb. to day teed and h. rale 100 .0 falai — ARMSTRONG & CROZER LINE W bbl. Lditusallie. fresh. for able febag ARMSTRONG& CROZER - . . Groat Spring and(*alarm Dr. S. P. Tussaserarrs E. &ram No. 67 Wood sheer, arid by D. M. Curry, 150 .Tot r it, ..d recut city. SALEHATUS-7 mace FeleranlA 14 do do palberlYed; YO do do For sale by ea%Tr e IC Wo o e d CAN end DLF-4 Web.: mB, a rn febin BUTTER -3 Oblo resry Mall, Jut rec'd, for .ala o tobtS . WICK& A.LoCANDLYBB LOCAL MATTER& LOMMTID 701 THI immatmes Dgur acurru The Baltimore Oho and American Musical Grid• it, is the title of a now monthly publicitide; der voted chiefly to_musie, the arta.and moacatiotelk• gencegenerally. Eseb,numbeccontalne us pagenaf dewily printed music, arranged for the puma for te, guitar, dote, and violin. Mr. Peters was for merly a Wotan man, and is favorably known throughout the country as • excellent musician and fine composer. We have no doubt that a work conducted under his auspices will be an no oersion to our national musics! literature. Mr. W. C. Scott, the travelling agent is now IA our city soliciting subsciptiona Tug WM, had •very full !intim last They perform to night at Quincy Hall, Alle gheny. Gramm Comsat.—The concert of Madame Bareeteiatituth comes olito night at Wilkins Hall. Several thatinguilMed praferisicm mid amateurs are engaged tu amiat. We anticipate a rare twat. Tux Cartst...—The repairing of the breach in the canal, bust Titanium, has taken longer than wan at Grit anticipated. We were informed yes terday that it is nearly finished, and that the watt will probably come through talkie city thin even tag. Unlens Satan further delay occurs, the Gr. pocket is expected to arrive to (110110 W TNI lam. Mtur.—The mills of Messrs. Hadey. Brown At Co., and Semple, Bisset• & Co., ur bleb were stopped by the freshet in the Allegheny fly er, have resumed operatimm. The mill of Mess Wood, Edwards& McKnight, went Into OrWrlViv yesterday n3ornuig. Cuddy, Jones & Co. expect to wart this maxillas, and Mozart. Span; Co., at Pule Creek, will probably start Ie all with a full complement of turn. The ...them Glad; Lindsey & Cu., and Shoenberger B sir, continue is succe!sful opervion. The lon Masters appear to tw to Goo splints ; one of shwa wormed us, yesterday, - tbat they have had butter wath done than fora (JOE time to the woke. PUDOLTIVI MIMMO —The Paddler. and litai era held another meeting - at Dotly'a laver° ye • tl•rday afternoon. The otrioap of the Egio I mu. snip took !heti imam Nu business of material interest was panes+ ed. I!!!!:1 aet:Myer* were larded to pornrcts io tae wand aloe!, *Ley had taken, sed;•• for practicable, I. form araomations among themaelree indrpeu• dearly on the employer*. • The following n.OlllllOll was adopted unau IT. The meeting adjourned, till Wedorsdny after. noon. RAN Orr.—The boraca attached tojine a ttm. Itirmlunhaw ornniburea wok fright on‘undaY at a party of boys, who were .playing at the end of the 1/donocgsbela Bridge, and ran off One ut wheel horses fell beton they crooned the bridge. and stopped the rear. The petwengers fortunate ly escaped without any scram. injury. Whig State Central Coo • CTThe men:there et the NV hig State Central Com• stance are requetted.ur eseenettle Ilattieborg, on the 1321. of !Wel, inet. retectiliattanJance i. earneetty rettee.d. ht. hlch/101AF.L, ltheltumn. G. II Ilerr,See'r. SPRING PAIIIIION. iitTHEIS beaut Dal style' of HATS to now . rreemed, and will be introduced on Sat- a sada), Mardi Yd , by tdrCORD & CO, letell Corner WA & Waal 111r1101.b*ALE 1011111018711, corner of First • of TV Wood strtelipoder (of *CO, on favorable ter. to 140(1.1. Wtettiric, 313) (3r Crab. A0113301..6.' 00 du Alum SOO do A resforbdc 300 do Dye Woods; CID 0a Crudo Trieur . 07 do Laorobloek; 600 do Liquorice Root do Yee. Red; WO do Irish Moro; 0 do Camphor; 150 do Red heelpital IA do floaa.l3olo, 100 do simnel Amer.; 14 do Yellow (?chre; 13 do do Eax.; 10 do Brimstone; CCU do Bucher Lentos B — do - oloveruTh 110 Jo Rhubarb Root; 3 do Chaim /Mentes; 1011 do Sersap. do; 11 ease* Ref Bore: 000 do Gentian do; 45 do Cantle 4rosp; *0 do Sal Rocheeler LI 41, noimian VW d Iteldlliz ; 111. elo-Cole.3launews.; 500 do Pored Ellmbier 13..d0 -Chrome (ireeri; 670 do do ; 3do do Yailorr; 100 do do IL Areb sdo Ant Verotibiii6 110 do do Llq. R. ; UI reams 1300 /Apar, 110, 00 do J 0 04; Lope ttic.lp bernue; to do do AfeaVcrinc , u 5 baler Battle eorks; V. Jo Su/011 Zone. 7500 S.dpb. Pilarphra; 300 Jo 11. r 110: 100 lb. Cope Aluer 110 do Taruannas; 000) dos Ilerhrom /ouch; 150 do 4.. k 881 01 000 do Polk Root; WO 1, 0. wigs real, 1500 do Torte) Umber; 76 do Cochineal; 1000 do Crean 'radar, Zi de Ilyd Potarb; 501) 0a Tanuric And; 60 do Alto; 110 do Eva.Urrr; 13 do litativillo Latium fehirbill.wdruT . . . . DrOble-311.1 dos tlnlb Womb., r..r salt. by b roril JIIIIN W &IT k Cl).l.iberty twk R-66 khdr prooe N 0, on hand andtora.l by ollY ble(111.1.S flEl—) itI7I.:INGFORD a. Cu love removed o Water o between Wood and hlsrlet 1.).Ola)N HAMIS—YO WM. on hand nod cur nolo by toti I DICIMV k CO Flown, BArni, DICKEY & CO, Front es Ct (Or TilF . Aßtfitllef: , en doe bort n f or eel.t . by • i-office."—... plamrliEAD-a7O o,;;Tvv;.rmz7c. none mew boons 60 PIECES beinolful etylee 4 4 Franeh Prints 3 eiviev Moto de %alto, good f•lrr, Also—Mnerning Lowrie, Freneit W•onght Cane., CAII•ra and Con, Dreaelaillis, Mauldin.. Alex. ardeva` Kid Glovem, Finn Fr4peb and Seateh (Pup hams, ham, all of whieb have been aeleekid with g teat ears, and will be Awed et low one. et A A MASON A CO'S, ffetal• 6D Market et DUCK IlAPda a SHOULDERS-80,00at ve,7 Widmann eel, pooled new &seen iihdt, (or shipping east, to strive and lot rale tiv tort I DICKEY & en, &tont et P LANTERARN —I: b lr= Pen.; On band and for as.. ba B F VON BONNHOIRST h. CO, &VS na Frnnt V§fenEnteßO UG HTCOLLAIt CS X), as low as tri at 2a ll IV A A rarAl3ols Martrt re i L ARD -It t. Leaf Lard; 5 " arcane Lard; reed and for rain (el PA CII ORAN'''. W. on haniriiirar .ale by fetas IHAIAII DICKEY dr. CO 13 A fr it . ill% gri , V;. F. f i a; by ikLIAT EWAA fel9s R R RRI.T.RRS itflB - 4=l Nblts R E SELLERS PILL BOX ES—M men eblp; HAI do paper . , 4.3 do Er glish willow; form!. HMS R E SELI/ERS. FORLY I 6 - odoe I. Can Steel Hey Fork's; 0 doe do Meet.. Foelle; %Idol ,do ll 'Peed Fork.: for ea/e by febrl L S WATERMAN. fIRADLIKI-45dot Grain Crsdlesie - sidrn ler sale; by kJ OW h S WATERMAN. S HOVELS-11 d d eLpolm d tedsteeZointAn a a n le w i d rr e t lidos grain mom for role by rem . I. s ws_TstipAN n OLDEN EITTINP-3 brie are recht. and Ansa& by IT fetal JAM'S DALRELL. LI oCei—iktO Too beet quality Cot Steel - Does. cot nl. sale by feta? I. 8 IVATERII AN. 840 'IRS MANUFACTURED TOBACCo— P L Dui be Rucker We; P L Dudley premium ibe; llitik k's; Jam Ilare ibm A 'I hennas Ir e; John & Leiria lb.; Home rcher S., Robert Morrie lba; The. Me t c a lf Cs; (hear Dues Mr; ' Daldella unrivalled Vs; R Ring lb , Ibrltunrk es; Lamartlee ' llir; Wm Smith 5.: Richer: ilistv, Ilisl G IV Rine X.; A D loer IN; A laeloo• 'Zia: . . Wm Milli& thy; lots a Cos Va; Win Me t e poo Ihy. The above, inetudlnt some of net popular limielitinre end Richmond brands Tobacco, uu con *tomcat 11•131ntanufacIurers, and fur Pale by A L VI NVATbIRMAN, 31 Water and et FfOill Mil DEW 000 DIS at P. DIELANIPS. DI LIBERTY STREET, FITTSIIIIRUII. T O O T ooßFay ED, au extensive ca varied assort t, lOWA of omits, adapted to the present instep proarbio season. such as black, brown, and drab mined Poilinceston Dearer Cloths, a superior article for businese, frock and over cat. Also, e great variety of Blank.. and Fittings, ell. bfating all the above mentioned color.; insperfine French blactetrows, olive, claret, cd all other desi rable colored CluMs; Erects. &shah and American plain and fancy C0.541110f 011 , Of enure new patterns and very desirable color., to which we what panic tarty to call the attention °Mose in want oft band room pelt of pants. VFSTINGS—The chortment of Feminist it nnucally bandrome, com prising the new et mom 'proved style for fall and winter weer, all of which will be made to order, at abort notic and ...onside terms. A fr." enters en hand, of endrenew aryls, , which we would invite the attention of that who de sire to cite nese, elegance, comfort sod Convenience in their garment.. To sorb wanki particularly recommend three to their notice, Cleo they ...Clue' all the busty he over coat, wits the comfort and convenience M sect coat. A aceral asaortment of READY MADE iCTAITH IND on timid, umde In the preens Fall (ands.,, and. wiD ho bid wholesale or retail, at the lowest cash Can. .f. 15 P. III: fir .A — t 11.T.LISIID fitil IT I,,D M ood, PnisbarUND WILKINS, No. 184 Liberty et, bead Led ra Wigh. Monuments, 8084 Vanite,Tombe, Head Stoninhite. !Mantel Pieces, Canna and Pier Topo al way. oo hand J made to order. N. 13.—s choice eehredlon of an Dllll/011 on 800 L afillmlyfr VIT. AM BO STB AND Lt 117119VILLIC STEAM PACKET LINE. ECOURAGED by We libenipwronago catgut/us! to all teenier and wall eondueuid Lines, the own ers of the following fine steamer% Lave arranged Mew Lim a Line between Pitistmattb and Leaks 'One of the Lenin will posilicely Wane FM*Larlth gng , mcnens, IVresissensiowil FBILIAT o'elocki—fisil or ma tats. The first boat of the Lio.a w,lt .twt on Monday, February trub. Steamer Genesee• Captain T. Plane. " Z. Tayloi , •••• • • • ".DI. Luang. " Hamburg "1 KU . ..feller. Wext Newlon.• • • " PL. Daley. FairnioNnt , — • • " Ebbe.. Foe e el i g i l b m t " P 7IVAI7If.VILTENBEIttaIti. An. SUNDAY PACKET CINCINNA76 C,pi.ja WILLIAM 3. Roulet. 'This splendid boat was built by gm owners of tha warner Isaw-Newion, and others, Mr the Cincinnati and Pittsburgh Packet trade, and wit commence making bet rerdlar Hips in the line, on SVNHAY, the 17th inst. F" freight or reeregte ll e l11 1 11731tl i gl1i1 { 1 1 ; t i t R , All teb9 A9Ni t The splendid f Il art mimingmrn saei LOUTS bIeLANE, W. H. Conwell, r p ,it in undergone a Mar' o e u t p i rreai i r it ,l e selll run liemailor 4.• a regular packet between Pittsburgh J Wheelies," leccing Pittsbatlß oecrpMania?, aril Ftiday mornings, at a o'clock. For freight ere owing., apply on board, or to tool W.l). WHEELER, Agent. FOR VtLI 4 m at . nod line net Uhl dtaught ttleanties KENTUCKY, Maclean, master, sent leave far the above and ell interment.. puns an ‘VedtseedaN. the MI. taut, at 4 •t'elueitt ID' The meant Kenlacky ramy of Ptit...urgh umna,tuFr. Conrlnn. sal Loutivine, (or c rune per 11.16 e., nfia ti ep. For tr itbi or petee.e .t ply on I•oard mrl.3 AItAL,TICONG & t'ItOZF:II, Agt? FOR PONIFHOV. EANAWIIA, AND The oplendsti fn. tuthung ttenmet Nli God, matter, veL:l leave for above .ial totursueJtate potiv to 1110110, the to+t •L14..e1,rk, Mu; Ireigh; ta GEUItte=tIMCIZ TLT ep!cnifTl •IrRIA2( J. J CHITTFISDF-Ti. Capt. %T. Sterlin4 ...111 1e.... fot ThTTe. , am) Ittl IntetsTediAlf, lauthull on Mau- Oa., I Ilk so.. .ut 10 u'elozir, A AI Fur freight or pra;.rB;..l"Pl ‘ Y ‘ 7 ll k %‘llllq,t ' ll, Ain FOR The splendal kealner MT. VERNON'. Koontzcoa•ler, WOE is for he above and fill oarromflite pat o. on Tuvoiay, Iho 10Th, opal) A. M. For treight or panisKe apply oo board. Inel; FUR 'ST. LOUIS AND illt..1:1:01S Ilie aphendid atenrart 111 ARM A NO 1, (Carl Lonervin, will /Cafe for n• rya A interminlinte nom oil rots tiny, Iltli in., at I o'eltivt. r V. For frelchl or pommy< •pply or-board. I'b rplrildid,ieg!tipr 411... • Wilk°, M 1.., will 1/.1,0 fur • to, mititneditl” root. all Friday, EM=CI2 A . CR tIAINT - LCILTIS. - - - 'the splendid packet ...ante, ISAAC :SIEWTONI, Capt. Hatehiaon,leaves for the strove spa an Intermediate lire{. AA 4.4 tloi, the Oth Man. still &clock, A. M. Va. Irright or passaao. apply on hoard. marl) i•Ult iIINCINNATI AND LOLIISVIIJ.F.. 11.• hno fast rannlns .:canter 0111:14, .• iquf Master. 1.1111..444 forum atame •ts• " • •ad all hacrtacdtato handing• on due clay. the rata hut.. at 4 o'clock, I'. M Par (Pried or pumte apply' on hoard, or to marl: W. U. WHVELEII, Agent. ---- FOR NAvIiVILI.E. 'rho apienilid r.ts parkel LOYAL HANNA . , e.nov, master, will leave rot he abv•e and all Intermediate ports ou this dav, la o•nbeh, A. ti .===ilMl - . - ~. • Tim iipleniiiil veiling, CINDKRELI.A. Capt. how. M. lissleo. will leiren . MAO' , ., on th'. ' , M . , the 9111 Mural, w I &d.,ck. i'. M. For Itciett or paalago Apply on board, or to otot A J NEwieji JONLY.,-Ap IAVUISVILLIFt PACKET. — ro ffi w eplendut heel runtung ineame: FARMER, Benedict, master. will leave for the l,uve and all intermediate port. ct, t l / 4 i. day. the 611 i Alva, v 4 o'clock, P. AL . Far I tg 41 p.xtre oply tat Want.. vs m.ll U MILTENUCKGF.R " 7'4:1 1 ' ' .4 :1 1 1. papa Pone. will have fartbe Above and all intermediate ports . on this day, the Mk ins, at 4 P. h 4., positvely. For &cleans passage apply oil board. m.ts — 7 - FOll CINCINNATI AMU LOVISVII.LtI. Tht sp:endld en:an/at Capt. Kloirftitcr, :cave tor •.1/11T and all Intermediate posts osi tits day at 6 o'clock, P. M. Per freight or pasitent apply on,liossd, snarl Meal MISCULINEOIIs I /IA VF: tat. day assertated with :n the whole Sale GtOCety. Commission, and Forwarding bust my two Boos, It. N. and W. B. %You teas, The hranoess to tutute will be conducted under the style of A 50.,. Ina old stand, In 3t IV.. ter and 62 Front street. L. H. WATIMMAN. rotshorett. al trek Ist, les°. WA1i144. - 07 F URS! FURS! FURS :— The subset:it:ors will pa, no Coon, Mink, ni5.041.4 " , .3' and Bed Fox, and ail kind, et t topples Fars, tbe lagtim eastern Mt:CORD Pc Co, febm corner Fifth and Wood sta. • DINBOLITTIOBC lIPHF. Penner:Mitt heretofore eautino be tweertJa mes Taswy and John Wet, to the Grocery, Nods, and Cononlotoo ~1 1•111.A.was distorted by mutual consent, on thellth inst. Mr. lobn Bost Itavimf put• chased Um entire i r t of James Tassey, in th rrrrr e fine, th e busioess bo settled by hint, at themr old eland, N 0.33 Wood et. TASSET, feb4JJOIIN oritiricrAlut ckenfreAT.7- =:M111= PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE: - T Daily Lion. of Exp.. Paola Loafs, and Rua Road Cat' TO I'IIII,ADEI.I . IIIA ANC BALTIIIORE, Via the Great Central Rail Road and Paulen Canal. Ilma—ttlaty Ilours. Pam: —Ten Dollars through. 230 tulles Rail Road. 160 do Canal. EXCLUCIVOLY FOR exssciacas. Mr: ktIOPRIETORei have Lathan additional Line of superior new and comfortable Packet% to connect with the new Central Rail Road. On Mc opening of navigation, a packet will leave every morning at six o'clock, and every evening at time o'clock; eros•tua the Portage Rail Road in daylight; at Jackomant take the splendid Cars of the Central Rail Road UOU antes to Phtlapelphla A Bonita younger of passengers only will he carrid on thew as to insure erowfart. This 10410, for safety, speed, and comfort, is not equalled by any novr in are to the Lantern Cities. Fur passage or information apply to W. BUTCH, Monongahela House; Or to D LEECH& co., Canal Basin. N. R= Ontheist May next the Fentrall Rail Road will be open to Hanna/don, which will shorten the time through several homa. marl alit= 1850.M111 Merchants , Traaaportallhin Line. For filo Transportation or b1.110L0.31A1211 ono- VOODOO. also* errtmouou TO Mlle ananrpla step thA.TIKOIL VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL & RAIL ROAD, Witboat rinsampin TIME—IO Days. Bates of Frei g ht always as low as any other respntisiblo Line. C A ARAN-DAT A Co., Proprietor.. Carol Baain, Penn st, Pittsburgh • Aamers—ROSE MORRILL Ot. Co, Baltimore. CHARLES Kevrion, phnadophia. • RIERCIIANTS , WAY , ItEIOIIIT LINE, Exclusively for the accommodation of the WAY FRIZIOBT BUSINESS Between Plusbntrh, Blairsville, Johnstown. IfoLli• 61141611mb, and all interwedics Shipper. by ads Line eau •Iways depend upon h..- Ing then good.promptly forwarded arid delivered et way wont on the Canal or Itail'Boad, at fair rate. for JOHN MILLER, Proprietor. Ancries—R II CAP:AN, /dolmen JOHN MlLLER,Holltdejsborg, mre C A WANULTVA t`O. Pieleo: tw..s.iAlai. - i - wbuTAncientEerlasin; EMaISSO.MMI [OP TIM icutsroriaitum CT IMICII•TIOIBIL arruntr. PITT:Ott/HMI AND PHILADELPHIA. Milli PIItIPRINIORS of this old established and I war Port Wile lloat Line, are now folly prepared to Mectve food, for shipment on opening of Canal 11aVinglialell inet , weel OW facilities, their room for stoti•go m amp e and e• inplete. Na MiknoLiplll.l takes place on iii. lane; the toed. being pat into seGILDA portable boom, we not disturbed wet antral •t their desaination.—thns hane• hug ut the three points of Joke..., Ho ll idaysburg, still Columbia. No charge made for arriving or forwarding, or nd• yawing Charge. All goods forwarded promptly, and upon its fair terms.. by any or. or Line tsar neighbor lines glider es to their responsibility. We have, foe the but to years. been "The Reliance Line," an I have never forfeited our tide, and we think we have earned the privilege of sow changLog our name to the 111:100,10 of "'Om il6rultilli. lees," JOHN !de PADEN k CO, Claud Darin Pituthwah. JAhIES id DA 418 owe N. 227 Markel ie. Philadelphia. WATER OUR ICSTABLIBIINENT, BY EDWARD ACKER, hIL D., Phillipsburg, app. she the town of Meyer, on the Ohms river, Bea Ter CO.ti. to sulituslrS LADD AND DILL DOR SALL. !FIDE subscriber oder, at private ode, Ballt L ACRES (IF LAND, . boot thirty hoe of which is cleared sod twenty live good bottom meadow, and oil i width s erected a nearing Mill, which eito be nin eiDer by steam or water power. These in on the imid Pam Two DWELLING 110Ineit, the necessary pet biLises, and so ORCHARD Or helm; ProitTrees. The mill gearing is made of task Imo, with three fun or slaws. The .Love premises are slowed in a good fanning motormen% in Hopewell township, Bearer noontyi three nalrit from Economy, night miles from Beaver; on the math ride of the Ohio rarer, within three miles of said ,river: and twenty mile. foam Pittsburgh. :11110 Inclapatable. • , For further information and conditions aside, en Imre of the tobaoriber, on the premises, or of E aelton, Grocer, in the Downotol, Pinsbaralt. • zunlitUWlAMp ". " WALTER 101INITON. MISCELLANEO I lIMNIN IMMUNE coxrun PITTSBURG .I. WPM MAUI J. Finny t Jr., Seel: I R. BIWA.Jr, Pseet. 1,1, UI insure against II kinds or rids, FIRE ANDMARINE. A LL loyala leg( be liberally aditsted and . promptly A home instrunlon—managed by Directors who are wall born i nmUoa—manily, the comment ty, and *l, tie detonate ed by promptness and Itbersillty to maintain the ohm+ actor which tbey harm assumed oferiay the best protection to thews who tieslra - to be Inwood. . . • . •• • • • • . . thoscrosam—lt. Millar, Jr., Geo. - Black, I.W. klath.s, N. Holmes, Jr, Wm. B. Bohm,. C. Mauna Gra W. Jackman, Wm. M. Lyon, Jas. 14ppinoON, 9L0.. i. LIMA, Jam as DPAaloy, Aka. Nimtek.Thom. Sem Orme, No. Water erect, (orarchanse of Balmy, Co_ •mh.,l Pittsburgh. .m4•dly C===to THE tobreribere, baring rano largo Smskabousen, ars preparetl, at. all iner, 10 1.110301, bong 0101 Intake Pork on renionable term, Jan% ~ I CIER JONES; PrOPOrno re, Canal Barb, near 74 et SALT. rpm; subaeribera, having been appointed agent. for Ilia Sal. 0( Sabi by Several of the very he'd M.- u(seturrns. !mire now on hand and will Continue to keep a condo t .apply. ()uteri left a our warettnuee, en with Petet Peter sun, will be promptly filled at all them JOHN hIeFiLOKIN it en, P e p e feble,f elated tine:a pt,tet,.„h OhioPnnsylvania 'tall fle& /NIB ainsekholder e s of We Ohio sod renosylv a ania Rail Road Company ate hardly notified toper the fourth instalment of Fire Dollars on each ahem 01 melt, on or before the 20th day of March nett, ache aim: of the Company, in Thltd .t, as heretofore. 1eb184.1 NM. LARIAI F.R. Jr.. Tree.. nodern and Antique Furniture. JAMES W. WOODWkLI., 83, Twin ft., Prreuvzon. .1. W. W. Resrectfslly informs the pubb e that he ha. ente• Mete.; his spring mock et • FURNITURE, the latge.tand most mmied ...afloat ewer offered for ssle in this Oily, consprt.iog mveral setts of 11011IWOOD, Elsoormn2, teed pus. IV•buur, emyed, ornamental and ain, suimlrte le hallll brewing I• 1111 KO4lOll, oi l of whirl. willsold st Me lowest prier... Persons desiring Furniture of any demription rpeetfully melted to call and examine ht.sioelr, ;AMA embrace. every description, front the chrome.' and plot/test to the Mod elegant and costly, of which the following eemprires pars • Fetes Tete Sot.; Tete a Tete Divine; Consentstum Clths; Elizahelbinn (Nair.; Reematon do 1.001, Yile du 1 . :W.1W do Holes thimso; What Nom. Toilet Titbit's; • Lotus lilltonamadoter Doke of l'ark's Couch; 00 Sofas with Plush and Hairreloth covets; . ihven do do . do; : 40 dos Atabogany Parlor emirs; •• Rosnitood do do; /It '• Elk 'Walnut do au ° Cane Scat 4 htau g.ay keening do; Co Piano Stools; 60 blatbla T op Centre Tables; •; is do do Wash Stand,. 20 hlshogany DeJsteed.; le. do Warobrollvt; 18 On Walnut ,in, di/hefty do. 'twists. assortment of ConustOn Chain leg oath. e; remittent 100 indices to raenuot, 11.7'4team aostl fsrai.hsd as Ms shoran nodes. All orders promptly intestiml to. P. S.—unmet 100005. 01121 be supplied with all sorts of Mahogany, Walnut, and Veneers, at considernbly re'lneed prier. febl6 CAUTION—About the ONLY OKHON4t. A AND tiENDINE WI FAITS llALtittel OF Iho tontrtiy tot V4l IV PTIOSI I - And Me best medicine known • • • to soon fur Asthma of every etage, La yer Complaints, Brueehitie, Influent, Coughs, Caws, Weeding of the Lena., Shottneee of %Lamle, rates and %Wattles. tr. Au &de, Leant, 4g., &Ad all atber OWL.. Of the Id4I.INAItY ORGANS. . . A very important disease over which LW' Bohan ea. CM It very novella' Inflgenmi, I. that of • DISEAUD In this bee undoubtedly proved more afbascigiollun wiy remedy hitherto employed, and in nimierow instances when patients bad endured long and severe suffering from the dideuce, without meets. in; the 'feast benefit (root various rends.. ea, Mitt when Mercury has been resorted to la vela, thawed of thin R•it..// hn restored thelisar to a healthy acilomatal in trimly lawarea crecied permanent cures, after al/aft - Well known remedy had failed to produce OW desired acct. Waldo" its astonishing efficacy is the Mamma above .......d, we also flap very **stoat mois tl y in asthma,* coutplr.t ic arloch It has been cmonstvely uscd with decided enceoss, even In sties or roan' standing. With the increase o f Intel/igen. has grow. up • knowledge of the elements of health aid a re gard for Mem, and commensurately with strides of science kayo we acquired the means or arresting dl,. ease, and averting Its ravages. Nosivithstasiding the progress ore hive made, statistics show that even now, one einh of the ' , shell reputation die annually or consumptin, One of the most tmpyastans discoveries ad, age, hr ancrliarating the cohdnion of this large elms ot *of fense hustmity, 1. DR. WISTAICS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY.: Wiriaeallabam of Wild cam lea fee Herbal Medicine, coin po chi,ay a Wild Cherry Mark and the genuine Item . w, (We lanes imported Germ, ly tbls trat the rare medicinal virtue,. of wid ! the tac t e o f t Ta, b th a n o r .• n d c e h r e imngi ca h l p r w im h e o . le compound the meat certain and efficacious malady ever discovered for CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS. Still further evidence of the remarkable Manatee properties of thatineabbnoble preparation: Ituaraamout. Drown co., IL, Aug. 41. 1110. Rlcson i tandford it Park: Gentlemen,. About six weeks eye breeched the agency of Wiolair.• Balsam ff Wild eery, but with mote reluctance on my put. r the /talon that I bad been the agent of to many pill. and other nostrum., which were eructed up to b. so:nal:nth wondetful, Let which hinted out in the rod to Ite'or nth •occunt whatever, except to the man. Buttner, Ilia 1 candidly admit that thth time I have been deceived, for the cantordinary co re. tree ted by Moues Bataan have ea/Winced me that "good can come cut of Nazareth. , Your agent left this one doz en bottler, which ate all roue—having been the [walla of cueing several emanate case. of Consumption— and no =stake; for what I .e and know I am bound to belie.. One rare in paracetlat: A young gentle man in kathebester. Adams county,O., 10 miles flow this place. wag cured at Consumption when th e doc tor. ha. atven loth es, or allow could do nothing for hurt, and n wu. the Intention of hi. farads to massy kith to your city, and plena hintaudeethe care of aoree eminent pbyaicrat there. Dia a friend-told him of 114.11.1 . tl n.lanna, and that-he could obtaie 11..0f no. tie Sent foe tt, and before thei-eceorthbottle was gone he wn. sound and wren, and athandingtokia everyday Ethane.. As there are several imputes for the malt. eine, it would be well to forward an adrationol amply without LAMBE Very thapeetthißT NEIY, you W jam 1 he above, from V Nawland,Eeo.. a highly reopen. abbe country merchant, commends itself forcibly to the candid attention of all those who have doubted die great them of Wiatarta,Wild Cherry Balsam. ' Remember the original and, aply genuine Wiener's Balszon of Wild Cherry. , isme Infewheod in the year 1933, and, has been well tcated Ire all eontplatnts for which it it recommended. -Fe( Ifyeara it has proved more etheselom as • rennerly"threhnighe, Colds,lndo cola, Brouchitis, Astbina, and Consumption in Its in- Minna ming, than any other medicine. ' ' IKUIT VOICE, In:nous:pc Now ienroan, Aug. 10,1949. Mr. 9. W. Fowle: Staving seen many cenHeates published in rename to Dr Wistath Balsam of Wild Cherry, 1 take this opportunity of offering a word in Its favor, which you are oleo at liberty to publish. A row months since my wile's lunge became so touch af fected with a sodden cold, that she lost her voice, and suffered severely room paths in the breast. Her anew nen caused her friends much alarm. Basing heard your Salaam sunnaly recommended by them who used it, 1 machined a Mlle from your agent to this place, She took it according to direedous, and hp , . dared a wonderful effect. Before using one boule she handpy measured her volley, the pains subsid ed, her heal th woo aeon fully ro-established.' Tours, truly, • HENRY G. BRIGHTMAN. To Dammam LSD Bandon is trizetrnew—Tiri eel cheated and infallible remedy for um can of Consamp. non, Asthma and laver Complaint, has by its own ea rite, been rapidly, aura and safely vretklng its way through the opposition of quacks and eoneserfeitam, wall, Dy as tree value mid Untinde einellenee, tt hen gained for itself Minn enviable popularity, and gush. tithed omit le the confidence of ma intellween soden. lightened public, from ono end of the continent to the other. TM. testimony pf thousands whohasa !secure. Sieved and cored by nos saleable article, will , show then It stands unrivalled—at the head of all other me dicines. for the rote of discuses for which it le rennet.- mended. The genuine Dr. Wistar'e Bahama of Wild Chem is now for sale by duly appointed Agents, and all respectable dealers In medicines, in aU lance elites and all impatient towns throughout the United Mates. Pares 01 per Bottle i 134. Bottles fat $5. Sold by J. D. PARR, (successor tollandford& PUT ' ) Fourth and Walnut streets, Cineltund, Ohio,' Garland Agent for the Booth and West, to whom all order. must he addressed., L Wilcox, Jr, James A. JoneG J. Ridd & Co; B. A. Fetinectock &Co, Rinehart& L. t Rorwol4 Wish invoq W. R. Lemberton, Franklin; L. R. Bow* Uniontown; 11. Welty, Grernshergla a.liocuits,Lainaer see Scott & Gilmore, Bedford; Reed & 800, limning. don; hiro liollidayebart; Hlldelano I & Co, Judi e.; J. K. (Wright, Kittentung; Roane Co. Brook. rib A. Wilton A 800, Waynceburatt; WlFeriand & Co, N. Callender, Reedville - Barton A Co, Erica I. hlegrolftn, Mercer. James, Kel lett Co, Baden Rama, Deaver; J. B. Sommentia, Warren; F. L. & C. 9.Jonee, Conderspart; P. Croaker, Jot Ilirow.rrillei le I.l.akerl errrsauacFr rEEL WORKS RY AND frauNe AND AZLE FACTO. IWO ;once, MO P. Vila. JONES coma. ir ANC! AMU REES of spring and blister steel ay plough steel, Mel &age .iop, tonal and elI Ile sonny, hammered Iron ulna. and denim In Igghla enenngs, fire engine Imps, and coach t IN raV orally, corner of Rou and Front suo, ?hub fe IN vLAIIIIILTOST THE reeIEEICAN BALSAM!! A NEW remedy lately discovered Ise the Violable '1 of Odom—u are est ers"""" acre . C9'' inaammatory, chronic, Acute and Merit/dial Hbesuunbun; Gout, ,Lambago, • Spinal A/Redoes, &a.' This medicine has long been sommt for. it Lis leen ,aid that Rheumatism meld not be cured; but there is a remedy designed by nature for Mecum Watery dis. cape that the human system ls subject to. At last it re. lardy hat been found that earn Itheamatism of the dworst form—oue of the most saleable vegetable .Ore. ctiens of the earth—the greatest tustl mom Important diseovery of the age, and a wonderful blessing to the bum. family.. It cares without slekenieg or debiting bug, and renews strength and vigor le *twinge sys tem. It has eared, danny the peat three months, over SW cues tten were considered ineurublot CerUficates of the earative properties of this medi.. ehne elm ta seen by calling on the *genie. Nl4O palette oaku pat up with an eogmved label upan the outside wrapper, signed by the proprietor, It. TURN HU, Butraloile. Y. • Sold by • H. SIIITSEIL center Thiniand Market .t. Tinervmk. Bold also by G. F. THOMAS, Main sit, Cittelatmdt U. 1eb7.11/twrattS No lm M 9 L i l i tte PiF el tgri ß t i l a rtlietTol 'id ergr ' rat li je l etri , that phi. on the VINE r an...LIQUOR bed.. at the *ld Gore. CiL0•11110 ihdelphia— wham e an Le found, a Areas variety of 'Wines and Liquors, of veriest. grades aed.vlgnagas, consitahig I/ part or Chair.. Port, Maleira, Clam, Hoek, a e. Brandy, Gin, hlonangatiela, ,and Irish in 4t. Croix WHO, - and Jamaica Spints;,ltreent Sten. end Scotch Ale. Also, • e, P ala ( UM TOAD. vinyards, pat a or Order GI 4g reltieh wNI be sold Glow prises. M. J. BAILIE. , sli, amain st y Nszt doer wparp, uau pod . . . HOUSE& LOTS. gARM&--k• frilk; Dwelling Hoare.] 4r,,,Aided i mow oreavied by ftev..lilr. ftereerrii. Alm—For one or more 'eon, seine Lotv of O,nonJ. Wan), on mei neer the river, reitibe Inc Lumber reqiite o 1 JOiLY 11. DARLINGTON, or of . mrief R. DARLINGTON, Pauli it. . • . . 'PROM lit of Anti! steut,the WAIifEHOPEfE lately Groupie/ Tu r DM, No Wood ut. lPf lot (well JOIITO aysT. LMonter. Track. God eel ;: . :: i .Tr . u .. 1. .:.o.c-o•mo IV 7 la th e holotalo;tho• ono at3a Wood IL . • Pot JOHN BM POll, BALI. fr£' undersigned corer. hie tale the entire nook of thocerlea at lb< tate firm or TAIUSEY m 13E4r, with Ciento/is fixture. and ever) thine suitable to ire 'enottutidato the thattatietien of • heavy badness, which hap been built agrby five Tenn eloeo attention. and • large rattan obtained.. the good will or which will be ',Mg/erred to the and poaativeLon of the warehoure given ow, the find ray or April next, er coon, if required. The ruck will he raineed guard, nod payments made envy for grad pep., so acrd sn pppottunity of an eat/throttled tintioes• la rel. dam offered, and but far other engagement. refolds g thy auiention, would oot he given op. _ _ Satiernetery infareiteion eau Ite_obloined nrtthogre. Nu, d+' Wood area. • -- TO LOT. lIE floose at piraaot & Moo, head. corner ad Diamond sod DtanioAlalley:!dao, the iweonti Immo from one of Diamord An aoid idiey. For terms, apply to • Dlak: IRININ. GoirAiDo tilliAT levee and con.orodiour DWELLING HOUPE on 'Nebular Meet. t ear tit V olsth, at pft.ellt la. Ur 51,A. Vankrek. Part•eruirat to lur gr.. On Om In April. Inquire on the preroloes, or al N.O LOWRIE. Wrain near CAuttann. POlt SALE, A I.OT OF GROVNB. &t ieet Gant on B. Lan.: 1 - I..rannitsa back to It, cog m , 250 teat: • Cottage /NUM an , leatansge Ile a.e it, gar.! repair. MI Pt. ortty io hlaanutallv utita , ,.,l on the Bank tithe Ali t Oen) rivet, and i. cut,. et.,l one of the wool 41.4141.11 00 And loklasdttka *l3l/010/IS the Allatthany. Fel . 5110 C .0.1 nt. opply to S. BMW FA evn tut s.ra..i FOIL VA I.ti, tilltEk: ACRE, OF 1-011, sitititte l• O. . e•r 11:e of Rev baiter/ the Tu. pike, Luiteitile fur rt.llll q ty licasdessee, • • Alwt•--111S AOtet of Loud, tiwate•itnFtmolltitunoin• .bsp about Id toilet Stow Patttttta, Loaf the Rost. Lnt of Droned, oily the new Malin, itt the &youth •Wooll. twiig ll* tent oquato, Wltieh Is a two 'tory. t'ijok. Vwtlio; Route. Vo r jotrOstthtoi and MIMS 0( salo, - (446(eAtr-', DAVIIO '11111110,1 , ,, Afton., at Law, fetal • t,aoo god anowo.lo, • IZ= WE nil . " An. lilags.on in whine te tering ta4 Tbat lot. of gyonuil on renianylynnis 'A• • emote, *eat linagien2 Ai, being iiboni tsy feu. 'dot* by Onion rent 71 Liebe. in *J. Thal Lot of reinisybowiia iiVellllo,l4BllAyo.l WetYnie.2 propitty being Ili (net deny by .4 fact _2l Inchon iii *lath. • . , . . 04. A 1 , ..11.11.111111, jirt behind rho SI I above anool—berui Ibo Hot fait 41. y by ab Ice, l'i Hubei Jo, extending How litWrkinloLueast st. _ • • . It. 1V ,ir. A. S. HELL, Anorneyi at law, eerie to Fourth oh r<l;ei 3vr . above Surithbeld. lags -three Story eticy Watehante,oa Watts,. 1. below Perry ellbet t twain& from Water to Pine seren e es trosobebla Wow. Puewnion glean Immo lENoite of 1'446 II r=M r===l 9 , 11 A T bertutful ittlastiolt for. a'Privato itealdence, • 11_ ott the tthalc or the CAW tire:, tn the 'botottstt .llnnehesters For terms apply to' ' • (. •4CUP IIO •ANs 2 1.7.V9P 4 . .r. Lay _ N ALLEGIIP-11. - , within a %vale of the market number of tbroo mory Hoek Dwistbrigt, whit bock b•ildingo. There We el. b. 1 . 0001. in meet Wheat' mi. Mie yard. ure paved, with birdrinti in the mem arum very . FOR tit.ALP—Three Pump.. irt good order; Woutil armorer for went from M. to 70 feet deep.' Enquire of RAY, frandutty near Baptist Church L - = WE led' am et a tiergain. one of IVAVSMITIPS DIRECT ACTING STEAM DAMMED, wit& Merrick & Tonne's improvement snacked. It _ls in g ood ord., and ean be seen qt oar erokaa It Is d• irabiy adapted to /manic_ Den, and 'kindling blooms For fortheriottannatton appty to ' • febt4 SING F.F. Haft - MAN & t.. Par Mont. • fr i. : , C l SECOND AND TfIIII.D•STORIt. of Wwts• hour. No 5 Market street. next door to Dfolvorty k Glue Store. Faoiro of _ feL4 JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON A•Voreet for Melee .• lONTAINING 160 ACRES, about half of which le riveted, *ousted in Washington' emanty, Ohio, shoot five miles from the Ohio Moen Tozomoion given linmeamiely. Erquize of ROLIERT DALZELL fr. CO, fob? Liberty invent IT3=l2E= moricriber cod mill or root Ids berg dtsl.' table Country ge Atlanta, la Alletosay 014,01- aantd oil Skim I.lwo and Alleg any Aasaas, woo ut the Coalman. 'Mc hbase is a largo dinbls brick bibblino, Ia complete abler. 'nose is a Car riage lloutsoitalk, and `mod orator en do- goosnts, which eotaprlso taro nom. veltimprovad, containing aye ry doss npboo of Fruit. Also—a spring law sob smote sou.. Paotessios then doting tae month of March. trbl tf JOHN OKHHART. OrvtZT , `, T M ILI T T—° ' — ""°nIN" 1.. 7 A'Z'AVVo2Attftp—. S TORE TO lIICIST-2t, root toad by 40 deap— NolVlFrontec Posoesoion porn In Apnl. bloW ISAIAS!! DICKEY I: CO, Front ot To Let, desirable Res/denee, stored on the direr Bank. Fiflt Ward, St kin Oct, or of Mo eieftlarayn;ode do Lettett 16.111diog Leta: 4 , LI OR BILE, on very liberal terme—Fifty Nine Let. of (Dune, situated on Penn, Way ne,and Ptke sty .d the Duquette Way, aeoutitnC to • PI•41. pe teen .1 ud, Mau, where terms and eoudgions wittbo made known, • Per Rant. . 1.72011:thn am day of April nem-000 large 'two .toned BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, hattdrauta- Iv 'situated on be trblo ill•an, adjouttog the borough of dfattettemet, with about font ohms of mud; • number of Fruit Tree.; woe large blink Barn and. Amble,_ and other out buildings Apply to • ' 1..15 JAM EO A. HVTGRIgnaI rt. era, • AVALL CUTI:AGE /AO . U t t r in . A ; ... iptty. TA..ES et, 4.4 V LOT OF GDOUND. saiubl6 tort Drier , Yard t t ted mutated war the city he*, in the vidom of Sob.% Bridge, sill be rented tor • term of yea,* Ap- Ph m 6 D (LiZZAKTitied meet., lwla OfF.e °ter the PostOlltea. • CELE=2I • - A ROOM on the thenon 01 - the Viarehonee AVnal ettest. a:mts A THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING. HOUSE, oallberry rireeLbriarceu O'Hara and Waluatrireari, Faith Ward, at peacoat a...spied by the subscriber, Posseriieu Sirouua the lit April. Emu Ore • /VIP!! a WM. VOUNG, 113 Übe • at. • Woe tloal k • . . rpIIIZ.I7 I s EN . Z u =ll a LV:nd It U m bean .cuoial at .Co..,ffi cm gang &Inst. meat, far • Inunbax ya sta. • ALSO—Several °rises del M.I. Rooms, lighted, with eutratwe froe the lkomootli.oser the store a/ the .ah.•rlher. north west comer of thoiXa• mend soul Market Norm. Apply to 4.12 AL2EXANDEILi DAY. ti o/c llier Wplats — ohily Dine V Derrilins Harms, with the groulds &DeWitt,. au Usichnol./Possension can be mot oe Ile Arst of April tit= - ilths HARDY. JONE 3 ar. CO. Voir Silt. . . MBE Beek I . art of the Ware... now oelopied by myftlf, ono frontin on Front sae. . C OBANAAIi WegeLet AGOOD THREE STORY BRICE DWELLING, on Sinhided street, four dears from Seventh, went sids. inquire of S. SCHOYER, Jae lNSisoond s; VOIN STOKE, won Surd for Dry . L 7 Goods, on Market st., between Third tad north. Possession siren on the 111 of April nett , -; • A Iscr-Sestral ROOMS and OFTICEiI.' . • POsSesslon siren isossednuely E. D. OIZZAM, dolt - Offies Over die PostOMee. Third in. • FOIL 111.VIRT.—The — WAREHOUSE at ps• sent osespied by Messrs:Malley, Drown 3 En., on Water stria; from first of April toot , : nark JAMES A HUTCHISON CO Arlt FOR BALE--A Brink' Ham, OW One you butt,) sod Lm, on Robinson worn, Allogheny, 'rses old Bridge. Price two and terms. easy...— mpure of j w SCOOVRa, ins ''ENOR BALE—Vivo haser eagiuly C town of Blsothlghano. - The lot.' are. - The on Denman street, numbered In FBnowasn's plus 71, 79,60, of and tak—Lat No IS fronting e 0 (onto. 000. ry Ann ..teret.7o feet deep; rho other foes LW feet feat cult, by in feet deep. • - Tomea-411,2111er part of porches, tionq foal =sin for 02 Y mirrr* of • a Mi0...1..• . -111) meowed el V A tu w eo Poo. glakt " 1 1 4 'i !f, tl=l,t" dtPeen 'Brom between tiy und•ltorhory state/to adtoining the noose Led lot o n w occupied by Bla FAeresdet kering • front of a foot, slut In ilepth He r d (heti wll/ lut sold Oa flnitaletlMSlll. .Tit/esnoueotionablr c , Fitt dolts of 0. LOOMIS, ith st, now Wood. FREEPORT ACADEMY , undenigned Committee would anniaitee to AS bee. hi:RYE .A. poblie thaRSON t they ha g re radiat eof prphated i tmosthee lnn nt the a. Prinethalpf an . icasetay, to be located to Shea -pen. Armstrang county. Tile Principal will ow east, mienm in hi. power to r eetablielt a retratetion for the &hoot, by patina a strict attention to this Intellecteal and moral training of the youth committed tattle care. The Gearsa of rawly will tar all Om Branches sta sh) teeotta le Mollie, incitation., including the Greet and Leon Latige_gges, and the hlathelnaues. serial so buy be neceasary to eater Collet, Ai.. the hi 46.,. Wheals. ..ran kagliait Eattcation. such as Natural Philosophy, littonalatry, Astoonc.syak.. 'run abaye otadtes arid be arranged ander two else:v.4Bs and Alb per Peeeian of Et seats. School arill commence on the Ist of May, 19$0. REFERKISCM • • Her. hlectisiler, D. D., j Mimic! blaller. D. D. $ neologies. Seminar?. " J. Citnehon, D. D. Pre., Prlnectari Colmar. Jno. Mote., D. D, V. P. , " Jorl'hymerond, Florence, Pa. ' w. A. Brea!, Steubenville, O. • " Georg" Gordon, Frankfort SpriliPs. C.114.11.—A. W. Lane A. Ralston, fklij Weaver, Weeley Doorman, Wm. Mooreliend,Wm. NM pby, Robert Hurls. Jahn Trimble. • • FREDERIC KALER,rbeel, C. G. fhormmx, Sen,y.-1d,211••••31,•1£1 thA 0311%3 STILA TOWS 1101V11.401, / likatbdtt, Letters of Adatioittrxtiost I.pdd did V V eillate.. ill W6l. It Vederrowlats bf.latddbalt tedvntlud.dttoi, hsva ttla day Itced grativdl to toe an derligubt, rquddtg to 4.'4 Wtvnstup, bit &bolt, 6.- e d ddv Vbvbfd , dttealto proardl kb.= vidtddthtvdtv,e,ProNttlY antkattdiested, to tbd tvb.ddtv , . for PdTdvddt vdd W bandits kaottrivß tk,..,lvattilpOsaid HAM*, brill lobate dual • Ismalistapa ./011,1 rxregagoN. adrava _ AttatinieratOr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers