• - PUBLISIIED 6V V4HITE & CO xf. cratrr, I ' (•. 11.62T.:1i lIGI .DL1F621„11113.D MIST rooII TO r^"••-- .. . per annum. CVO Weekly, biedesoc)-- ••• • . 2 , 00 " i Club's, et reduced rate. ICA'S CB OF 4111171CRTISINO AGREED 01 - (IN V TI & PITTSBURGH PBXS& _ I ne 01.. to• .e, DOllll. of Nonpareil.. least one ttenion•-- • ..... • •40,50 le Sqllf re, each additional rnstruou• • OS De. one week 1,75 Do. two weeki.—• • —••-• nat troyu O . three wmks• -- •• • • ..... Do. one month • -- • •—•- bps Do. two months ---• •• •, , 00 . three 12101114[1.••-• ••••• ...... 0 . 00 I.m. tour mouths ......... --• • lO ( rn Do. six mordhs• •••• •^ I . 2 !°° Do. twelve months. •• • •—• • • Standing Card (6 lives or Iv:slier anltall , ChreSquve.ehangeable sr pleasure. (per, an. 10 num) exclesive of the paper 45 00 Foe each additional stleare, °v.. "' month ' ana furrow additional snaare imermd under dm year ly rates, half price. _ _ . ! Advertimatents exceeding a. Ind pot over Aftccutimett, to Ito charged le ampere add a bolt roblithers not accountable Mr toga( advertisements beyond the amount chimed tot Mete pubtication. • • Aannuoclng candidates for tame,. to be charg,d the alone es ether advertmements. Advertimnients trot marked en the copy far a 'rami fied ...bey of (internam, stall be eanuouctl till forbid, and paymeutexacted Record, The pnvilegea g od yearly adyertiaera will Ire coo fined rigidly to them regar husmcm, and all nth Savor. liserticato not permitting to' their regal. lminas, as agreed Mr, to be paid ram. All adreatimmenta for charitable Inatitetions, Fre eempanica, ward, lownship and other public meenans, such like, to be charged half price, payable's:teeny Advence. arttace radices to be charged 50cent. Death makes inserted without charge, maims atm m • panted by funeral Invitation. or obituary notices, cud wben so tee corn pained lo be paid for. . CARDS. - Wm. • LNCLIAL. 1A..3 I. •CMIT.' 17:S4LISli k IJESiNETT, (late English, ttailanhee ;t q Verettoultd, 418r,33 53toufnetures, No. 37; Wood et, between ..t! ard • LA A. HENRY, AtlOf My and Conneeltoe at I ~w, X./a l,iaeianati, Ohio. Calleetions in Southern Ulan, ant] i:i Lut mm and in RentoekT, promptly tool earn , lull) attended to. Commissioner tor the State of Penn. eyl vania, foe Wang Deposition., acknowledgments, Sc Rei se. ro—Hon.BeU a. Son Carta: Church & 1.,•!g.ti,!,15. ty. Hays, ye, t thalls. enes t EtAtOR COCHRAN, Commission and Voro - arning Aloteltwot, r 0 Waal street. rittsbueet , 1,1)17 11011. E. LEACA L'ACTOILY:. HA-1111.31)14 STEWART matufatiarer of heavy Sitirlialp,Checka,"A.,, Rebecca street. cay a Miegbeny. narls-SW• 1.1X.(-h,eer.or to Murphy iromi Deal er and Cownisslo...hterrhant, for the ,h;e of Americ¢n Woolen, Liberty, °motile Gth et. fzill7 ciai. usaru, lintwnore. . A. I. 1...91, frpli.d.„ D.C. ISVA,XJSIOII, iOll, H)1•1 1 . 1, kIiNCKNOR., Tobacco Color:hie:on Met- Otionts,4S North \Victor iy & 1$ North Wborons. cor.lo wr. r..n ARM*, 10. )co immense. , to Amens!, -A./. Jones & Co.) Connanutonatul Forward.; bler. chance, dealers.. Pinebenah Manataauerel Goals, Pinobareh, Pa. • rnehn7 • •••-• 4_ D. MeY.S. • 11.'INILLIANIS 'CO . , • BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Nona &Weomer 43.1,W00d Tbird surer.. gal • , Prinsexam • V. P. naustiALL, larccattoa TO tallirit. 6. 11.1,11 I3IPORTEH. & Ikaler in French and American Pa per Hangings and Borderi. Window Shades. fire rrnara Pram. tro. Alen—Wring, Prialina arid Wtat.- dff P•per, No. ST Wood etreet.oetween Vela th Creel A Dininond LL , west side, Porriburgh, ' • teald • • 1 , 11.111 l 0154 . rciFICILT7.12. f'.2AlAll 'DICKEY & Wtote II azle Grecees, Corns mission Iffereh.ds. and dealers in Product, N 05.511 Wet,. Una PC Front wefts. Pittsburgh. noun lOU. rt. CACOHEY, Agent for the Lake Erto and id ?Rettig. Line to Deaver and the Laker.—Otte on the comer of .Water and Southfield. Me., laud Joon S. Dilworth.— •.-- --Joroph InlatonE A. DILWORTH &•C(1.., Wholesale Gr.,. and J-Agenu for Hazard Powder Co, ho. LI %V 00:3 rt., Pittaboraht dsd Yr onU i1T17.011111. 30.1 . 11 Bu.weWoc JB. DILWORTH Co. & Wholesale Croce., Pio. • dote and Commiwion Blerchalds, and ASenta for lobo 'hoard Powder Co. of N. No. Pllltbarwh. • sznil TURN ht. TOWNEEVD, Druggist and Apollmenry do Re. 4s kW* ea st. dim doors above Third st. Paul . oink wilt have constantly on hard amen selected ag easement of the best freshest heduines.whichts will sell on the 'most remissible Emma Physicim seeding orders, will be promptly sterdsdto; and sup. lolled with articles they may rein:Don as genuine: mr• Physicians Prescriptions will be accurately arid p,-.p.ed tu best saa.v.dals, al try haus of Pe day or niol - for sale, a large stock of fresh and 'raid eft. sooty. _ Isl 3 JWATT: (successor' to Iltralt . Gebt:art at Wholesale Humor and Commission Merchant, dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh Manufantarna nor net of Liberti_and Hand entente, l'insitusgh tot 6 1 AMES A. HUTCHISON, n Co.—tincrin.or. In Lewin Hutchison & Commivion Nam.. of the Bt. Loa's Steam Anger 'RnA.nrr N. Owe.= and St 2 front streate.,Pinstterni,, tent 1011 N li. lIELLOS., Wholesale and fleiail 11 , 1LiCI ti in Music and Must.' &Idol Moss. Paper, Slates, Steel Pe., Quills, Prime. , Cards, and Stationary generally,No. ei Wood at..lPlusbn rub. Mr. boacht or taken in trade. __.eats Wt'. elllfno, rno. t d amen: Al YOUNG t Co.—Dealers in lenther bides,•S- ae .143 Liberty at • : ,snlr Ira. seerrcuson. •• • • _••• • non. ate - ren 5... WMVUTORDMIN, Wholesale Gr o cers, deo. lers is Produce, Iron, Sails. Glass, ssud Pins burgh Kanufacuttes generally,. lat Liberty . de et, c.: Pima. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, • il.j, also amend to collections and all Other boa. Inuns intrassed to him to 11,51er and A matron, <awoke, Pa Reler to I.& H. Flogd, Liberty et W. tY. Wallace, do 3lomos.Manhall . do Pittsburgh. dly - Kay ir. Co., Wood et. jan7 PICTTIGUICAIT *.C0.,: STEAM BOAT AGENTS • WV= ABOTZ M. MIMI A Co, eattl, N 0.42 Wow street. KITOILIC.LTILENG, IX7llol,ShialsE GROCERS, TISCCIPYING TILLEM. and AWINE and LIQhfCIitfiIK6CH .II.NTS Also—lasconers of Soda Ash and Mesa-bins No. leo Labom, el, (opposite birth • ,herzl • • DAC& s ( rsliDt.css ICK & hIICANDLIZS, Ocoee...sac. L & J. D Wiek,) Wholesale Grocers, Forsratiliug 0 Csanstaissiou gerebanla, dealers. In Ito% riails;ul k.ssmsn Yam.; cad ritr4burgb hlanriOttOs'rencittily.' establislnet.nl,TO.WrlADen'detyhist Ene'a"rle. tans!. • 1ArMV7011.6054, Wateheiderreiry, SO', • cone of 'Market nod d sneets, Pittsburgh, Pc. N. ff.—Watches and d Clocks earedally repel.., • • • ; ~e 4 rsi — r"r;otYß.-Coacmxsstoa e :L n Yv v =din .. 4 I e I. "I"' W -1 1 757 uRP 1 "aawitic Dry Goods, north east • F"" i g n " d Fount... Irner of Marten and 0c0.71.5i 1.1t11111..11. & 1414101./B, Prod..e and (uncial Corn. 1.7 mast. MerellarO,NO. 17 Liberty a., rittaburgl4 bin•ced ikud Lull Oita._ Gr." pp blerebarda, d 'Wow rn Pr, 12,41ett Nju'rerls,,tad"dfddcweleyde...c4nid dace. Lave rerrialrE t o ,tnmn, seaW N0..15, corner of enSat and ud 0.007 A. Its ENGLISH .IllEOLONICAli; Classical, and Sunday Pelical oot.liar, and dealers In- ail Wool W ndustnd Wrapping Paper, No. 79vilest, as. MIICW II POUT* .d Di.olo6d Pilisb.lll(s, leat3 & 1.1eR,.T; Wbolento 6 . 1103 liintbEnt.,llll,l' dtaler• IU I Owl R WOOL. DEAL= Commovion Merchant for IL, I a Asnawan Woolen qo,l.,J,ltraty aUct.t:, "'Au. . AMIN 5......an - irra w. woonwassi .1.111 tucatt.t. vv-5.„ , .1v, , ,a d y. Who,lcule Gra; IS e~IIhARISON SEWELL, Counsel., Loa'. - O . (Lee wa Founh o,loXlTOthalialfiCid. - novkly CANF/FA.D. (Intact Warren; Odda.).Comnae ..glen and Forwarding . Idtrehaat. And . 0,01 ' 9.16 deal in Weaterre Ramie Cheesy, MUM, rot and Vearl'Aetn and WelttTil P,edeoe generally, Water ...en,berareen Paiddleld and Wood, Pirnharßh. o,!' Waoluale Praannn., 101 4 No. Ili Woad meet. Pluabareb. - I (4D:MOILGAN, Wholesale Droalti.ual et in rye Matt, Paints, Oils; sfamioho., ao, 03 Mond *treat; ono loos Booth of Disaona A torah. TOlll'eD. AVM •tmet, l'itteruntb. ' • - • iMIKSTON t 151tICK7ODU ltonkwlleta ell .4 Piper Munilactorers; N 0.44 Mkt j.. 13 • FLOID. ri a IL FLOYD, Wholesale Omer", Cleonlir linn or • Merchants, and Deer, tu Produce. Round or fronting on Liberty, Wood and 6111 z•reors.Fittabulatt,Pa. .ne 1 : 7 •1 4 4th 1 1, -ti t Z so F d j; l2:4 ' ;! '- i r r . W 2.7:-. cuu.,:rture. No. :t Water ab,ifitt•btti_sl-__tauld —irk.WEITZER, Attorney at Law, °dice tui st, • or.tost_ nom', ihrtsbun mar ad promirry to Collectioru, WaAtogtoth, will also rt,rayetts sand Limo coaster, Fe- METED TO Co., Illacestock,arote a .O.ouch 1 Carothers, }Plttsbardb, ce — LIARDMIGH, ifforoi Dc.. n 1 !cc , 6 ry In Ft P :. end Produce icaderally! 111A11 3 . 1 0 . ~s c4.3:1.1.912 Ziorciseure, No. 63 66 MISCELLANEOUS & OLE val, Book Binder. Trjki on stall engage, T h a d the above business, earner 11 of %Vogel ono Thad streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared Pada any work to our line with des pagehg we attend to our work partanally, an d nogg, /action will be Feet in morale its neatness and do rabtLity. Wank Cools ruled, to any pattern and booed sub stantially. /looks in nother,°toldbook.boundcure full - repalred. Noma, pot On books in . gilt letters. Those that have work in oar lino aro irrigated to roll. Prices low. my ghtf Scales, Cooking Stoves, , /to. WAL C 3., Round 2j., comer liberty anLACE:2c d-Wood v ets, mauf Church asture , and oder for vele Platform, Floor' and Counter Sealer, afthe most improved quality; Cooking 'owes, for wood and coal; Egg Pioret of various styes, Parlor and common .Gratu, Hollow Ware, lie. ice. They also a . ..quint:tare the Tittehin Rune, which has g wen such general satiefactioti to those having it in use, to all at which they would respectfully inyne the attenotot of We citizens and We public eetwrally. Waith.,9oll,l.l.ltY lOW., 'Loris. Y. I. lIAIT PAI;DIER, OANIVIA. 41. CO.. lFneeessolu to Homey, Hanna & Cct / DANKER.. 3, F.XCHANDE CRONCRS, and dealers iu Foreign and Domestic F t iclutnge t of Deposite, flank Bale. and Ppecto— t street, nearly opposite the Rank of Fund/arch. Current mn en, received on depurate—Sight Checks for ante, and collections tondo on nearly all the pushup.' pours in the United Matra The Inghest premium paid for Foreign and Amer , . Gold Advance. made 031 can't:ol.nm of Produce, •top ped F.m.1,!111 liberal terms. _ •P'd Th. Pensasylvanh! Company, • FOR iNsROCYC't Lives •Yll GRANTER° A NNLITIR , Trill: ant Life Inviaronce Company in the 12. Sith..s. Incorpnroted (latch In. Inth—choi lel perticint I. Solna! 3:V4090—n11 paid in.' !Diving .11W:wined the undersigned to receive appli cation:, for iithrirunce, on which policies will be isonni, according to the, proposals and rates, which will be math , known to applicanta at los oilier, No ...It Wend althet matt 68.0. COCHRAN. be founil rat the Dry Goods House of (01,11 R MURPHY il•w LCr. ED . SCA.II.IACT Oilywrz. IA 7R. MURPHY han creamed a further .apply V of 'Forked ReilTwilled Oil Chintz, for cartoons, at lowc.t price, at the North .East corner of Fourth and Market sm. • febth •La terA YET/ TlllB OTT, atA. A. A. &CO'S R. another large invoice of those desirable French Ntirmight Cape.. COURTS, end Cuffs. Also—Mourning Callum and ettak, and 130 piecra rich blank B.la !. 7 1a 1 - d - Ladir r a'ad - Crent's Linen L.iCambric o Hillsa. o &mall n lot of Ladies' Choice t uth'd do, teen per express rat • AA MASON A CO'S • INDEMNITY. The Frevillin Fare bath rante Co. of Philadelphia. lIREGTORS.—CharIes N.llaneker Thom. Hurt, L./ Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Deo. W Farhat - di, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolpho t. Done, David S. Brown, Cal Morri s PERUCTOOR. Cal.?, NN LNCTIOS, Charles. G. Danker, Secretory. Continue to make insorthec, perpetual or limited, OR every deroription of pioperty in tow-nor country, at cairn rte towns are most-tent with •iecurity. To Door - any have reserved a Isaac COD CAt Fund, vthich with their Capiti.l and Prenaurna, stalely invent el. about ionic ptoioction to the assured. Flit Itlena of the company, oe .I.thary let, IS4V, as kiatilianed agreeably to an ant of Amenably, were as widow., !dam:ages ..... • • • Real El•tatc Temporara Lon. •Cauh, p sllrdo.-191 71 Since the:r iLretporanon, a eriod 19 ',III , Laity have paid upwn rd./ ofone lottneit four of hundred Mott, nd dollars, lostee by Art, thereby affording evidence a' the edrantoges of inauraziee, as well as the abAlty id disposition to J. UARDIN ER COFFIN, meet with proutpluees all liebit Anenit,ues. (W U,. N h corner Wont and 3,1 rrn /==7Mlla==3 em Mete.' late 311f1 Health Insurance Company T of"Philadelphle, Incorporated by the Leet.letero of Pennsylvemit, Mort h, 1,43. Cbarter perpeta.. Capital. gi.,CAAL Ra u 1.014r-11slian an. Pestatsne VAN.. COXTANI, end 00 per cent. lower Man the usual revs of Lao linaroooe, as the foilowutgcoin perisein will show: Thou a person of then,. of 3tl in swing tor Sloe for 111 e. most toy lo the Gimrd Pennsylvania. St tle., Print Mutual, 11,310Equit.tle, ION; New England, 50,3,G, New York Life, 58,08; 82,15,' Life and !leant, Philadelphia, 81,01. Daemons —etatrrne! O. °rack, Chides D. Hall. W. F. Berme, ILoticrt l' Amu Charles P. Hayes, M. W. Raldwm, M. M. Rouse, M. IL, Chau O. It Cainpbell, Lewis Cooper, L Rodman Baker, o.ll.llnner, Edwin R Cope. I'ms.doist--0-annici D. Orrick; VkCC Presi dent—Rol., P Elul; Seermary—Franms Illsokburne. Applications will be received. me every intormanon gilt. by SAAIL. FAIINIASToCK, 8 4; Office, C.IPMCMILI Rooms. renter of •D letolly Wood and Thud sts, Pitt. burgh .6117. E. AND MARIAL INSURANCE. VILE INSURANCE CO. or North /Mtnon will make permanent and luttiwit lusurae , e an pro petty in this mg and .vicinity. end c • 0 ablPmenm by Canahltivers,Lnkes, and by Sea. The prOlkerllta OS this Coommny are well invested, and fornetti ut avail able fund - for the ample Indemnity of all pewees who retire Li be protected by insurance. myl's %VAL P. JONES, !teem., 44 Weter n. ItiT . F.4 Me 1 s gst,bl+ErTO ;itrn Tl7O The Spring Gardefulicalitt Insuiance Cu., OF PHILAJUELPHIA—CAPITAL SIO O POO, INSURES Slalee and Females agaic.t the Expense and Lose °teas:hued by Stance dr Aectdent. by an immediate allowance of from 13 to e, per week, for one, two, three, or four yenta.. The met awardingn this Ineurenee, and the menner ofhe sack allowance, wtll he tally explained by hbe Agent. • A person can insarcan ;mat Sickness hr Acei3cnt which will deLluo km how his urdmary ba,ness, itgioll/3.,fir. For ono year. hy pat) trot receive .13 P week. For two - • h For three " For four •• " n We etark of 514,40' loud Or, fora period of foar . _ w 'molly, will wrore (Or arca whde .1(t Every nreewary Inionnatinn will be adorond on air witnect of Invoranco RTnerwHY. by JAME:3 DURNO k CO. fifu Aar... Odeon ldingv —__.. .. . . BELL AND SILAS'S FOUNDINI• jibal.: FULTON,iteII sad Brass Foandriliao ms th and commenced business alias old ward where he will he pletwed to one hi- old custom ers and friends. Chorets,Sterdribonband 11,ii! of esery size. from io tolooo - pounds, C 1.% from p.itterno of the most approv ed model• and worranted to Ise of Me ben rosterials. Mineral ' Water Primp, Grasse, Railing. Ae , toge. ther with ever,. vinery of Brass Csuaines, d retltdiedi turned and Li:oiliest in the neatest mann,. A. F. is the ml proprietor or DAsare. A uction 1103 M.D., on jostl)' celebmited for De reduction dl friction In machinery. The Boxes and compoinioh - sr , be had of him et all times. riff - :l st_ . _Lastes imammod, ono. m scams. !WAIVE ATKI - 1611i, . p - to pry, WOOO AILING - , Prorotravni, • i n ,INTINUE manunmture all kind. 'pi i'OPPLII, 'tit. , TIN ANL/SID:NT MON WANE:. Also, Mack anutAWork. steurn Bost. built to order. Spricinl annum> , Five. 10C.4.112 boat work. Novo on bond. atom amortment of Copper and L;114.4 Fortino, Tin Ware, A.n.to. Panaraboat Cooking *owls, Portable Forges, various airco-t• very convenient tot vein for nuataboots, Catifontio emigrants, or ran road oomponcs. We woold respectfally Invite %team boat men and others is call and see our article* and prices befam porehimitto el ocultere. iv:l7 - - S Fi AD KLETT WHITE, NO. DO WOOD STREET, lIHSAVP, Gavin store a large and general tazortreent .1 - 1 or Din , ' (Atolls, which they offer to City and Cull' Merchant. , xt reduced pewand which they a in n vt'inilueeineice e.nh Wert, or tor atitiruvvid ere • Years Alaiehine Shop. WINUTAIAN-,aitansfacturey ofall kinds of cos Jae ton and woollen maceinery, Alle gheny city, Pa. The above works being nogg in gall lag auCce•mtal op r Unprepared to Cie:tate Ofilta with din sock (or all kinds of machinery in a. 7 ties. reel at willows, pecker., spreaders, earda,griti , i.S?.".iip ,• i .fatiwn Y . . idrioicing Crones, epeedcre, thisidels, loamy woo ec.rds, double or single, for merchant or reentry work, inules,Piekr,fiv.; elide arid hand lather and verihrinigers eral. All kinds ofAlinfiiita mode to onion, or plans giv en for gearing factories or mills at re table charge. Perot ou-Sencedy, Co., Biarkouck, Bell .0 Co. Bina. Peacock A Co., Jae. A. Grey. -- NEW TIGI.EILIMAPH 01 , 010.17.; fl 4111; einecni cad naorie.• men of Pinahunra are re.p.moly informed that the Min,se Teirerapa Laow art ogler to Complete operation between this city and lilattitnorC. SVariLiionu, and other Eastern Cote., euancoing at Washington Ciiy with the Hone lane, the only one Scie:l“ii 11.1chniond, %aloe., Charleston, Aerasta, a...venue h, Mottle and New Orleans-and CollneCtinff in this city watt once rvunWg N es t and North mrGn pntiripal moor and on, lathe coley of theand the !Ake, These I ii.e• receive and /wad Megiagee •11 cheap ue ye, ether Linc, end the operatint and clerks will tic loilhd yen- Gcmudy anent accommodating. al-garteg , in gge Intact story an the ST. CII ARLES HO ISL., Wood street' ted-Vin __-_------- CO.PAILT67GIIBi[IP JC. lIREYRN;LE, hawing atcor.ated with bin A. V.forfho patpote of trantocd^lt the..Forwardlng and Cumin' nu Wail:test, will ton antic that hatiness at the old 100011 0( . Copr. ft Bre y foate,o and rettorctfully a continuance Of, thr y a ,ntec patrons gn of 1011 fornda and 0= pol.de ttcohr• ally. 'l'hc rimer will Le conducted under dm name and Rite oritterront.c k CLAM I.C. InICYFOC;LE, Pittsbnrgh. Jan. 7, --017iiiataslon of Co.Partoer•blp. rium Cfs.i,irt.netelop exis o o , o!_beffyreen the un!ler; lug purebared ale °Mire interest W P. Maestro% side° retires, milt anon 4 to tbr see.lero,l of Ibe bueine. of aa lulc tirtn, ot the Old stafel, No 02 FoOrtb strecl F II AIIIN, I ei. „, • • • V. if. 11.U.01111AL1... 'Vs aletTONe TAVALItfI la Gfroresmd Hosiery, F4n, LP Goods, Rinbons,-Laces and Embroideries, Zephyr Worsted, Patterns and Cann's, No 02 Famth street. riuoburrh, /1. full supply of Fine bouts dond (lent. ' Under GILfI2/0111r fro4.lro iiiiin pssaltlA-14frIBIN 110VSOI, coat= Or TOVITij. /WO OVOIT I,llllCrn4 fI C. TILE sitbscrilier cesixonally aniwonsics that he ha. 0010 opened his hew and excellent Hotel for the acconunodittion of Itayelets, beanies., and the public and The house and filnditlFE arc entirely nese, and 00 valuer expense been sparad to render it one of the 010.1 comfortable and pleasant Ilotols in the arr. The subscnber Ls determined to deserre, awl the te fore solicits, share of pabliopatrOnage. oettil-dtv JA.oo,llll.o_lll.iprietori_ LISA D A SHOT-700 Vigall...altrseto. y jo„, by (ch= .61 1 HUTCHISON fr-CO A ro and 'for IMO ''.""ilri"h ' re HUTCHISON & co D AZED FRL [T—LO suo do Appl prime es; for role D . I (Oat I D Wcwd frA y t b ilS N CsroliOryli:finilyWaysom a co . . . . .•. • - ••• , • , . .; • _ w . VOL. XVIL -184. • MISCELLANEOUS. _ BALTIMOREDAILY NRW • IrIItwt E ,FrRNgLVAP GENERAL AGENCY ANDCOMMISSION OFFICE Young MEN to wholesale and retail stores, and whet napectable business, toi h tet as Book-keepers, Sake men, Porters, llankeePe Waiters. F. 11111.4. Coach. en, Cu Agent., Book d Map Agents, Collectors, Overseers in all branches of bestows, /cc. We hair/ at all owes a large nember of good •ilo.4llolns on bend, which pap from 300 to IMMO per 111111IM. Those in want of latuations of any kind would do well to give us a call, as we have agent. in each of the asiove ci• ties, which will enable vs to place every uppliennt in suitable auction at the ebortest notice. We have • lin 11 the cnamed cities. sTe e h " welru 'in st t- wg tion to all who may (ache no with a call. TAYLOR & TATMAN, hle.nd Second u, between South and Gay. N. 11.—Persons living in any pan of the O. States, and wishing le obtain a situation in Baltimore, ore. ther of the above cities, will hove their wan,. igume diatN y attended to by adds...sun us it Bus. ipinnptud, as by so doing they will curtail both &treble and el. penso, which they otherwise would incur by owning to the city, and seeking employment for tin:twelve. Address, TAN LAM A TAYNIAN, • N 0.49 Second Morel. AILICORIICTriIIi. Tattention Mthe public is respectruity caned to I. the rollowing certificate. Ma. 8. klarum—Liaring tested• fi9.99t9 fold weighed by your dreo elet I End meresult proves your instrument cnrreen and recommend the cse of it its those going to California, as the best method fur ob taming the teal value or Gold. Reel , Tours , It. DUNLEVY, Gold Bratsr, Pittsburgh, March 9,1819. Pn - wzraoti, DAP N. Caguas—Dew Sin Having examined the ..Area nionutaeturod at your rooms, 1 do not itemiste to eoromond ,t to the we of theta gentlemen 'rho are about remotion to California in search of tiold. It cares n close approximation to the specific pawl ty of menus, end will certainly enable we ad , to ascertain wLen his placer Is Yieldnig Gobi moril Yours, resp , y. R. ISDCI.INI INDIA • kIi -111,ER recces,' for the California Expel/loon, a Complete 01 OM El. witie Clothing, at priees ranging from .447/ Ao for %via of rout, penis and het For oat at the Indio Rubber Depot, No Wood W. J k II ' ' •-• • Steam Bne.ll'falin.sil l oiFtriale• HE subscribekoars for sate, the STEAM inucp: T WORICS, above Lawrenceville, coition-mg Steam Enguite,2Boilers, 6 blould Machine, capable of Mnufacturtng Sibllao Pressed Bricks (out of di y cisy, token (Mtn the hank,) per day; with three seers of land on the Allegheny river, on. which arc 4 ...iv and abed+, machine and clay abed., wheelbarrows, midis, shovels, spades, Ate., a nvery thing tennis. corn mente ope.ratinns at hours nonce. Pries. insluding the paint right to use said manioc, kl'isai—Osno of payment made easy. Without die land. 6aan. For parlimilni. address • lIENRY MERRPrT, augiß.altr No Ha Monongahela If.mne._ TWrought and cut iron Riling,. RE subacribera beg leave to inform the pub. "nut 1. they have obtained from the East all the lute and Whionat:o designs for Iron Railing, both for houses • and cemeteries. Person wishing to procure hand : some patterns trill plerike mill and examine. and Judge for themselves. Ratting will be furnished at short est notice, nd in the best manner, nt the earner et eralg and lichens ninth, Allegheny city. swell-La A. LAMONT KNOX. Oysterst BLIRKN A CO`9 Daily Lly . pms. t. now regularly dr fleeting Ca and briell OYSTERS, which are it lord to 'eater. n end families tthe Liwest pricel y,alltu. arm: el equal to any brought to tail Inc t, .r sale by J. C. BIDWELL, Age, Water .1. •Iso-....t the following depots:- Rel.& Singer, cin twr . Sinithdeld and 'Second Os; F. llenaletan,UMU2olld; Mercerjr. Rebmann, Eedentlst „Alle2heny. want .. WE ti0:176 - 11 - 0 . 224C - PUSiR . C. itlidC WC CU auttrovell plan, so as not to freese in the colitc.t teradter. Persons wttutinti sucti srueles, ars incited to csil and ree them at *34.LIFF. & ATRiNi4.l3t, la. between Wend Matte , s ts — NRAN BOOKS! NEW ROOKS! ritMIE Constitutiou anti Snindald tit the Alug,utlC Refesused Church in Noon Ai:Orig. ego, toand " VX&Fter Side, or Notes for the 11, story of the War Mt Mexico and the Coned Stan..., Wlj..:ll in Meal., and tntestated flora the Spanten, with notes, icy A. C. Ramsey. titcteGra of ltssfeenis and Reforniersof Greet Britain and Ireland: By H. B. Stanton. The Worts of YrMiillent Edward., la 1 coltt • re , prod or the 'Worcester edinott, wt. addition., .rd copious general India. The Mountains of Egypt, aj EITPI • tVilt eta fur the Uinta: By F. L. llawits. D. D.. L. L D. Idesaotr. of David Hate, late allOr of Journal or Ciartntelce, with lielocl,o. boot Mtscenattuius W-lungs: By Rev. J. l'. Thompson. The Puritan and His Daughter . by I.IC. P•altloni. Lori Gouges, or an Inside View of filegleo and Cal , tfornlat By Went- Woe, U.S. N.e.. Familiar Letters LO Young Men, on venous •sLieettit designed as a Companion to the Dung Mena (wink: By Wm. A. Meow The Poems and Prose Wnting' of R.A. Dane: a s. Piinenelt and su Ilensitts: By Layard. For sale Ly ELLAuTY A ENGLISH, ionic No 19'117e0.1 .1 _ A — Fts•••itit far Year Vanatly. MORRIS A WILLIS' HOME JOURNAL Praoagaa rail .411CCNI. $1,1:47,4 2 41 • 1.1 -4 24 51 L>l,l /1 SIR 1 :5 91,-1.11 r rt paper In the Ireton." ti.:Tenlng Star. get In coftl !tun go nrithontir" [1.40.nn New tithyeriber• can be supplied from Jan. I, 1,50, if =Mediate application be made (either perionally or by ielteri at the °Ake of Publ.:canon, 61 W oo ds e t somaj. Locguo.D._ 1211—eh-7-BOOKS JOWL AZTIV•aI. SACHED SCENES AND CIIARACIT.R.II, by J. T. Deadly, Intl, brigusal designs by Dailey The raelhe and Prose. Writings of R. 11. Dana . Phellel. and Pat . /het, en • reiChela Veer. ut the Moral Dunes, legations and Interests of be Mediesi PIGtee•IDO and sbe. CornennilYi by M• • • IM"o•rI• hi. It The Perim, and Ile Itemiser. by .1. K. ruuntstig, author ol the Dareisman's Et:cable. Los lirsngos. or an Inside Vise of Mexico end Ce. Storni*: Seth Wanderings In Peru, Chill and POI y ue-ua: uy 1. ! 1 T - sioF74l.le.'N';`;:m,‘ll. w... 2 MLSELLANEOUS LITERATURE. AT ILOODWOOWS. 0:1 WOOD STRSCHT• J3 ROWN'r , 2, , g•crtc. Aukler's Guide; :all of floe Pauldlue't Itunms and 11.1 Dnothlerl'Mu& Dr llootses Vl;ysmiau az.ll Faben, 12mn. Mn. Falls' /Matta and names; eso. t !Outdo% Life of Omsk too. ' bleandsra Warm of Christian Mama. only nvo. Ilea. Dr.:Spring's Stsmolrs of Sliss Murray; Pvo. aPlenf. /11013P.,15.UP, too. .IAkIDS D. LOCKWOOD, Aran 11011koeller a Importer, 51 Wood at. Sow ta the tam• to 55ab•cribe. FFICE of Seott's Durum of Me Four quarter \ J floe and Blackwood; Slu per year. Morns & Monte Journal, publiotted m New Fork weekly; 52 per annum. DoVIMIPO llorucalturalist, carnally; $1 per year. The Cul 0. trratnr.raunthlY: SI per annum The ArOlealtaraltst, monthly; 51 Per Tear Tile Ocrunerane Knalew, mOilthly; Si per nant. TLho "'""". LItKVA Co olt. 1.2 Kneksellar C tuuturrMr. s2 Wood at • Pitt Unctstrais Worts and k'aiondry. rrmscann, re. WEILIGIIT k Co., are prepared to build Calton IS and Woolen Machinery of every . desernitionimeb as Carding Alacitinca, Spinning F tame., .athreders, Larlaristh Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers,spooiers, ETeitaing Frames, Looms, Card 6nnders, dm. V.'straght Iron Shafting tamed; all deco of Cost Iron, Poll...and Hangers of the latest realer., thde and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every deseninlon famished on short . notice. Patterns made to order for ?dill Gearing, Iron Bailing' to. Swami Pipe for beat. Ins Faetothes, Cast Item Window Sash and fancy Care tinge generally. Orders OR at the Warrlionse of J. Palmer t CO, Liberty saner, will have prompt Mien- 1.10(1. IWO 10 Marken:Mk, Bell & CO., J. It. Moorehead & Co., U. E. Warner, John Irene &-Sons. Pittsburgh ,• G. C. J. 11. Warw.. Steetteuvillo ianl9_ P1A1g9.4914 T i lt sUbseritier offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of rosewood and inahottany grand Ae- Loa Primes, with and without Coleman's celebrated Mohan Attachment. The above in arc war mmted to be equal to any nalaufaCtured In Min coon try,•ntl Will he sold lower that - any brought (rota the 00.4, F 11L4/9114, No doll 2 wood .1, 2.1 t, .o,ove 510 N. 11.—City Scrip will Le oaten at par fat • les , of Le above asmrtmeo, mrl F it - 155 . .sttif N . ... tit.t. - r LiS.l - r:1... , UIT IL 14UltrItY continues to keep on Land a hill V V • ,latent of the Welsh Unshrtatatils Flan nels, and has 'creed) , received • supply on th e infer arses. gam Swanodown Flannel., a scarce ass ere and well adapted for the wear of Invalots and other. oranung mmething warmer limn sou It. .Al.O, hen alla ((save Elannel• lot Infants wear t to. tithe with a full ropply of Arne3le. manufactured Flannels, of different qualities. , Also, SIIII.IIOIONO FLANNELS, of all the different widths, at Me NOIIO gait corner of 4th and Alatket .m. iL:r W bale. ale Soon. up 000001, where dente, , will always Mot a goad assoroucut of new style stool , haul ,. Diaphragm Pinter , far ilyartaw M s Wet., TICS is to certify ut I haora sot 4. panted f.mingston, Corm t, rt. C.,. Sole Age-taa for the elan of Jewang's ' l'atetkt Dmprolii(al Fillrl, l' In tee cti "''''"V,lVlS'lalT , :tV , ;`,l l ;7;."o,. for Walton U Gibson, 349 llricoOnay. NY. ort. 1.0,1248. We have teen uelng Orln of the bate aronles st Ma °Mee of the Novelty Works for three wont., nu tris I, and feel perfectly Nat:shed that et is a 0.011 Iner.,aine, Rya we take pleasure in rocounnending them m n arc fat article ID all who love pure water. Ordet• volt la thankfully received and promptly executed.. a LI V W ''' — 3. I " . 1 - - -11 M "' T. , _72_, (f. o_ lIMECSI Now planes. ISM,Just received, one sileg ant SI oscre.l 61 °mare hone Forte, from the cele brated factory, al T. Gilbert k Go , Uoston. 'Phis instrument v. rents:kn. Me for brilliancy and sweetness of lone, and elution, of ninon. 'Min above Lon is considered r ono of we very trig In Amon, srol Piety , elegance o exterior, beinny of tour, rind iSufafion,nre set sorra" ad by am. of any other piste. (kir rule on rcaions Me lends by it E LEDER, _ iattu4 • al J. W. Wotoirrirr. • Ilersoy, PlentiON K. 00; Ukru You SALM, • PROM PAYETTE 51ANUFACTU RING COMPANY, Weliscv superior Farntly Ulankets, it by Id qr.; MN parr Steamboat do sby 7 it; :MO do do do 4by 7 ft; 150 do red and white lloNo do 100 do colored Califoroia do ALSO: 50 pieces 64 white Flutuel, warrantrilpdt wool; 1,, ,,„. de 44 do do do do 7a. do ill do du d do do o do 1)0.. do red 7. a. 34 Yrdocr d o do 4. - ALSO: Satinetts, Tweeds, Jeans and W./1401ton, at east ern Mans factoser's @iAces. gq-Woreboule, No Id 7 Wood st, dab door from Fifth. TOMaTUE.II-4 dor Llottlemai — V ktea P 141.1 AMS f r i c e ig HEAT FLOUR-6 parbig* l 6 . l . l, o Herr kn'TECURE WINK-10 q r casisinst ria - rd Ind for sale by N MILLER ILICKIMON, febT3 in and I.4berty it MEDICAL. CARD TO LADIES AND PHYSICIANS —No reeamm.d &firm is se completely settisfaclorY. rA tAe excellence and complete Penne" of sit itt'reff tion, Ss the netted testimony of those who hoof ,:pr raeneed ILI benefits. During the last fifteen Ton, in all pasts of the Celled States, onr most talcaled and eminent . phyrielans. have daily born trate-sumo/La tile • supenortry, ease, and comfort of Mrs. BETTS invert. tlorm for Ladies` suffering They do not COMO,. try stool pressure, ~high is new proved to he attended by bud effects, causing more difficulty than before exist ed. Her long standleg in Philadelphia, nud large and increasing business both Wholesale sod Retail, Is a guarantee of the correctness of the .0000. To procure her Genuine Supporter, uprly.only %VAL THORN, Preset.. h Market '"A",b— all tubers me counterfeit , JAMES DETN, Wholesale Agent, Plolslelphin. Celle-Mend etria,;F:tt SEED—IIIMIs-tecrillhaAV4orizzlie.77:l.l. PROFESSOR n4nuir.s TRICOPRER . OUB OR MEDICATED COMPOUND. INFALLIBLE for renewing, invigorating, and bean tyfying the Hair, removing Scurf. DundrutLand all affeetio. of the Scalp, and curing Skeptic,us on the Skin, Oscines of the Wanda, Muscles mad Wean men"' modrrtievingßUtrgs. Cut., Bruins, Sprains. + l / 4 <• • he. With tlit• preparation, ethere is no *orb not as fail.. Tn.. first Jou mall In America, me men of the highest eminence, prominent ...serail I Or ofesstons, and ladles who have used it for prate to their dressing rooms and nurseries, admit with..... 7 conl, that, for iniparttug vigor, gloss, lusurmacc stun curl to the hair, eradicating scarf and dandruff, heal leg wounds, enruig contusions, vprains, stings. nod relievtlig di... of the eltin.•the clench., and ten j mules it has no rimal among the multitude of rem pounds ndvernwil in the nubile prints, or osrd nit valepractice. In cheapness as well as cificncy, Tneopherous is unrivalled. The affinity between; the membranes which misti me. the skirt, and the hair which drawl its...once frtua this triple envelope le vary clue. All dt 1 . 0,. of the holy origniates in the okra of the tired. if the ;l ' u f T e 7: 1 4 el s e; t n "t r th i r f n ‘ 4ll Th " e 'i rg e vesselswhich feed the ro o ts with mnisturo and hornet lite to the (Mr., the result in scurf, dandruff, alieddino of the hat, grayness, suytiess,and hntsentSo of ten ligament, and entree hallitLers nsAha cast may Stimulate the sktn to healthier :tenon with the 'rri,nr herons, end the torpid vessels, recovering their Retiv fly. writ annihilate Me dawn.. In all, edema°. of th e, ktn, and of the sub... of muscles and integumen the Foe.. ..d th. are the same. It Is upon the Ain, the misettlar:fibre and the in st allgland tlidt tire Trleur herons has its apecific action, .tt ateetions end innuies at these, organs, It is a sever.. remedy.Soldon largo bottles, nriee 25 cert., at the principal Office, 137 Broadway, N. Y. 11:rFor salc kg R. re SELLERS, 1.11511 Pill•burr. - - - PROCLAMATION. IT NOW all men who arcalet and afflicted with east of the bladder and kidneys, %nth thenrastoe pains in bark or itnitis, stitijoints , oLd enter runtime ulcer., tic, that they can be cured by tannin she r— =lmam! You inity,talk about Its being n nostrum as timed La you please, but this dons not make it on, air we proclaim in the rue or an honest community, Met It has Ott... which ire not contained in any inner remedy. The man who reeked with peso end nat tering front theca... eau ter fifty cense, get reltr.flrunt any of Ms Ilk ennumerated above- Reeder! it b u tt very Mlle to make a Mal. Thin Petinlentu le nn tilio t ure—noo compond, put ins for the purpose of inipesina en the eorneaunny; but it le • remedy claim:mated bit the master band of notate, and bubble-sup free! inn soca nt our mother earth in original purity, and fer• to suffering baranisi y a ready remedy, a tersest! and etenp cure. Ithes cured riles after other medicines lame failed to render any reher. It has cured Itheuntentra ial Long standing, and girth< win, and mast patent: Charm , ' r. It has mired Cholera Morhus by nun or Dori dose+, It ha+ noted old eases of Diarrhea, In which terry omer remedy ha+ been of no A• • keel remedy in burns end .f It to better than env medical com pound er ointment that win know of. artil cure chil blains 05 no•ttd met, in n few applicantins, aniloutit• cd .suniany con be iumohed of the trath Contained Its Ma above s.temen t by t on Samuel )1. Kim, Cana! Damn, Yth street; caner of the aerate? Keyser a McDeseell, comer of Worm ett •ct •nd Vann Alley; Et K. Sellers, Wood street, U. A- Et hot a. D M. Carry. Allegheny city. an the M 17.. ional - _ CAUTION CITILA A man by the name of ItUEL CLAY I' hu engoyed with a (mote man aril.. :lame of S. r.Tostawia, 111,4 It. name to pm op a Sarsaparilla, which they call Dr. Townsend'. St:sonatina. denontinattne It fit:WIN& Ovrginal, etc. This Townsend l• tat 110, tat and never was, was innerly a wester nn rAle roads, and the like. Vet he assents the tile of Or for Oic purpose of raining crodit fur whet be i• not. .ending out card. heeded "Twits of kfuneks.” in *Melt he caps. I have bold the use of icy name for Ai • week. 1 well give :1 P. Townsend ELM! if he will produce one angle milimry proof -of this Th. is to caution t h e public not m 1 deceivetL and purchase floor but the GENUIfin 011.111117A1 , OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend'. ltarsaparVla st , basing on Ii the tAd Dr's likeness, his 11.114 Co alarms. sad his ass nature across the coat at arms, . JACOB TOW SSF:ND Priampal Office, MI Neersau ot, New York Lk,r. t . DOCTOR JACOB • ,, , ; -.7 . 1 74,,, ~.1 TOWNSEND, k TILE ORIGINAL ••• MCO MEIER . OP VII TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA.. Old Dr. Tow.end is nod es about Co :cars o f no, and ' has long been known t+ t alriliett DSCO- VER 11 tithe GE.NVINEORIGINAL'TLAVNSEND SARbAPARILI.A." Wing poor he was compelled to !taut Pa tranuatemre, by which means It hat been kept out of market, and tho sales eircut.or.hed to mose only who had proved ute .grorth and known it. value. Ti c a G.. sea Ll:rug...ban Paacanariog t 2 manufactured en the largest wait.. and a called for throughoot the length and breadth of the hod. holt. poste A. P. Townaead a C. nr,rove• a:U.. age, and nes. choker, but for the laucr, lu-cana tt te preparcl on ....nate princip;er hya suatibie man The highest knowledge of Immistry, and the le•r , discover.. of the Art, hav• all been beenato tem O. gumuon in the mannfame re of the old Ds 's Farruha. 'ilia The Sustapanila root, nls well Ittiossii to med. teal men, comm. utedtebual properries. and some I,:en pertice which ere Inert or nsaless arid others. which, If retained In preparing it for ten , product) (remota. urn &oaten!, which Is PPorion• to the sysicab home tithe omperues of Sarsaparilla aro to eolmile lAm they enurel ) evaporate anal are heat to the reptra. Inon. if they are not prerergeil by ...abe prong.•, i moven only to thew erperleneed in its muncfne,re. Morgan. these volatile principles which flv elfin va por. or as an catilauen, ander hest, are the eery Te acartsl medical propels:es of tee nen, which glees to ti all its salsa. Plan GICSINIE X - ' • DID DR. JACOBTIIIVN:sENID rt p ARSAPARILLA prepared: that all thn inert pmpertirs of the Sae. sepiolite root are first removed,reply thing capable of b e ...ming acid or of fernummtion, ts exrracted and ',feted; then every particle of Dlrthral v.rme sero• red in a pure and conee.ntrsted form, 4.1 , 1 V... it le rendered incapable of losing nay of it, valeable the properties. Prepare., in Mth way, i; 10 mods the moot powerfal agent m the CURE (SF INNUNIERMIL.r. DISFASF.S. Hence the reason sell! we bone emerneoditioms o r. every side in its favor by men, women and We find it doingwonder. , in dm rove of Consamponn, flrmeo.oa. and Lavas Comp:aint y .aort in Rheumatism, s r , o f.i a no d Gnantvene., ,sll Colonros. I*.n. -IMI'URITV,UF THE ULOOII It poscegsns • marvellous efficacy in 0.11 enmpleing an.ing from Indigestion, from Acidity of Me ainmaell; from unequal cite•lation, determination of Mood to the hood, poly:m.l of the beset, cold feat and cob/ hand , . told clone and hot dashes neer the body It has not had its equal in eon.. and colds; and i'reinutes envy expectoi.on, and gentle porspiraUoo, rrlaloig 4lrtc -1u r.r. of the Iting•, Circa, and ever/ °Mc , pan lint in nothom lona excellence mond marutestlY note and acknowledged than all lauds and stag. of FEALALE COMPLAINTS. It work. wonders In cares of fluor allow or whites,' Flitting of the Wooth, Obstructed, Suppressed,or Pam. , fat Meuse, Irregularly of the crienstrual periods, and die like; and la effectual in oaring all forme of the KW, ney Dwns.. Dy removing obstructions. and regula ting the geneel system, It seen totro anti strength' to we whore body, and tests enforces of NERVOUS DISF.A.SES AND DERII.ITIL and thas prevents or relieve. • grew variety at otter diseases, as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgot, art. Vous /More, Swooning, Epileptic bits Constubsons, AL Is rot 11111, then, Teti AlatiallOt lOC Pat-Iddanstritbr Seoul 8.,. any of 1..1 things Lo said of S. 0. Town send,interior to - ticlel Tbis youtig lipoid 14 not to be ClIMI•A RED Oil TII OLD DM'S. oreause et the Grand Part, that the ajar of Deterseranou nod NEVER 81'1,01L.9. tee mi.. DoE.; it soars, ferments, and blown the I males 011 ,141tortit it into(rligloento, ;be *our, acid rI• plo.hog and dionagtuu o th er goods: Alegi run 11111 bor- Fable coMpOlind be p,,o,ocuos to the 4W4tro.! Whol' tit :mid into • eyateui allearly disee,ed acid' *vb. 0 40404 ilysiospro4l/6t arid? Do a r not all glow, War when food sour/11110ot sionduebta what tlite - bie , producest—Butultince. heartburn, palpitial. of the boort, liver coltylltlitt, diarrtoro,,lyuotos),eliehr and corm - roan of the bloat! Went ts Scrofula Mit on acid lament in the hotly? What plotliare, all the buinuts hich Ming on Eruptions of rho Slim Scald I load, Salt lthenafiElyslpelas,WhiteSWellinga Fever-Nona, mid ulecranan• tuterinit am! extern:lll it it onto mg under Leuven but an and substance, winch soon, mid thus spoils ell the Mild* of me bedg, mone ot icta. What (manes Rhentnnosm but a !Mil ael) duo!, whieb muting itself between the joints and rb..•when ir• mating end Inflaming Inc tender and iiriti . orni yrnielt It Iletf , Sp of nett - cgs Mcce•ec of onion In alfAbe dy of M annume blone white ullliet huma g n nature. danged a:aeis...le god 0 , 100 Now,fis 11 not horrible to tonic anal Belt. and liamite• ly worse to use this istahRINIU, PER wENTINIL ACID ttCONIVOUND' OF S. 0.10%% NSEND . and yet he would lath bevy t0t,1, , 0 , w0l Ibut Oi I Ja. cob 'fourogend's ticonine ~.t.upni tit i, ~n i tetion or hat Inferior orrpal:ilion, 1141/on turbot last a1t..0 In t nlr Whack Wuolil Lent foe, dictum al l fis h m oToworeiol's entails! Awl "Alen • Lac be, ...oar. p. Me lid Dr. such et 1,14.115t:0n Mint of dmi t ncon. and cranium.. from agents who oats .01.1, a o.; pat obese° , who have toed S. P. Townsend , . Veruirming Co We mpound! 'well t undcrittoed, because it tsll,o nbsoluie trot*, that S. P. Townsend's erotic end 1114 Dr. Jacob Towascud s Sur•npurilla ate Imeveinwide apart, 0.4 intely dignuttlart Mut they nre uistike ut every par. uvular, having not 011 C Millgle ming in comm.. • It 14 to arrest Maude upon the uniortutlO. to pour balm into wounded Marini:lly, In kmdlc hope In the despiuring bomm, to restore health mit/I,looln cod vk (Or Into the crushed and Mob!en told to benlift ty—thlnf old DR. TOWfiIIiEND has SOLGIIT and FOUND the upporluinty tiod ined.v to immk Lis Duey UNIVERSAL. Cl/NCE:s / 114 1' ED 11E11E1W. will/1101m reach, and to the knowledge ut all wt., need 11, that they may Icor/taint know, by joyful 01' persengc,ltselease.DME rowes ro ! For sale by J. KIDD & CO., WOolcmle Agent for Western Pennsylvmia; I. SMITH, Mmilliglotat; Dr. J.SARGEANT,AIIegheny; Dr. .I. CASS.ELL, ritill ward. W. GAIIDN ER, nib wand, Pitisinirsli ants Li it- di .1.1 - PE iii ly 7- 7 Anotlit , core periormed using the anginal, on true and genuine Llyer Aratitaxg, Brawn co., It, March 20,1417. Mr. RE belieri-In April Imt my wife WWI ktlaCk• cd with lover Coley/sum, and had the ud•ice of two physalans, "heated venous 'Candle, without pro ducing lop good effect liming beard of your cc!, bruird Liver Pills, I concluded in give them a fair trial. I purchased one boxhem, of Aberdeen, and gave them according to th e daemons, by winch she was Brusly relieved. I pured a second box, which entirely cured herfand roc the no wnjoy. aXedl leut heal th . I have used them Mrselt, an d pronounce them the beta family medicine I ever tried. kn E. Mesas ntIVILT. a a it d .o oof by Draggy' 6 illy i L n L.= o at; 15416 ORNING. MARCH 1 MEDICAL Ccroccintug no Masan, VOf OulOf Mineral. THE following testimonial wars given by tte ecle prated Dr. %Vannes Beach. the author 01the grear medical work entitled "The American Practlec of Medicine and Focally Prysician." 'Having been made acquainted with the ingredients whirh compose gleAlioner . e Annealing Ointment. and Lavine presented and tested it in several mums in my practise. I have no hesitation to saylag or cennying that it's a Vegetable Remedy, containing no mineral substance. whatever; that its ingwthents, combined as they are, sled toed as directed by We Peoprietor, aro not only harmless, tat of grinit value, being a truly rimenufic Remedy of greal.power anal Cheerfully recommend It at a enropourtil which has done much good, and. which n adapted to the core of a r great •arimy of CA.S. Tilo4ol- I have never either eeninmended or engaged in the sale of secret meth , elan,recard for the truly Loam, conscientious, km ' Mane character of the Prithretor of lilt 01111(11e111, and the valise of Ins discovery, Oblige me to say thus much tegading it, W. BEACH, D. D." New:York, April TM, 18.11, • • BORNS.—B is out of the best things in the world for Bum. PILES.- suds are cured by this Oint ment. It never rails in ist met relief. For Testers, VICO, and all kinds of gores, It has 00 Indoillorti isnd As value to eases of mel t or Sore Breast, they woyld always imply it. In eneli eases, If umdnee/mime; in direetams, n glom hef .^ - few hour, relief in n very few hou. Around the box . nee direction" for using Me Allister's Ointment for derofitlA 1.3.010:mm1,15n, Fkyfithelas, Teller. Chilblain, SeAld Heed, Soto Eyesi gamey, Sate Throat, Uronclinew, Seesaws Affections, Pain., intense of the Spine, !fend Ache, Asthma, Oranuith, Fir Ache, Marne, Corns, ill Disenres of the Skin, Pore Lips, Pimple', AA, Swelling p( the Limb., Sore., iti.lll3lAliff, , To Piles C ,Cold Peet. rou Swelled or Itru ten Brew Ache, Ague in nth p, Face, Lc. From the Reading Estee. There was uteri, perbent, it Medicine brownt be. foie the public, that has in reshot( a limo won seal a reputation as McAllister All.llealine •Cr World Salve. Almost every person that has made, trio' of it speaks warmly in its prone. thin hat been cured by it ni the most Nonfat rheuminiten. another of the piles, third of a troublesome pain in the side, a fourili of n avecilint in the limb., ite. If it does not give Imo e• Mani relict, in every caw, tt can do no injury, being appli is ed outwardly. rk evidence nf the wonderful healing pow. Cr posressed by this solve, we tubloln the follosetng certificate. from n respectable citizen of tileddentreek township, in tins county: Maidentruk, Berke co, Mazgli 10, ISt?. ?deafn. Ritter ft r 1 desire to inform you that j Was entirely cared of a sesere *nit the bath, by the use of SleAllister's Sabre, which I pur chased from you. I suffered with it for cloak Ott years, and at night woo enahlo to sleep. During that tome tried varlets remedies, which were Presenbed tor me andotherPersoos , wnhout receiving any relief, and at lest mode trial of this game, with a re. suit fasumbit Instrunidszocclanon. lam now entire ly free from the pairi,,bad enjoy at night peecefill atia'sweet stop. I lain also used the Salve since for tooth ache end other complaints, with similar happy results. Soot friend, Joaa Ifolanauscu JAM Rh , Slc ALLISTER, .. • Solo Pot:praetor of tee above soadoioe. Ibbeeipal Olio, No 2b Norte Tead meet, Ma 1.46 PRICE. 25 ce.N•N PER WIC. Ainmrs Ig Przrdannint.—ltratin Reltrel corner of Linorty and St. Clair Areetr, and L Wilent. Jr.. sor rier of Market airect And tee Diamond. alsO eotiver.of Fourth Lind ran...acid *tree.; J. it. Cupid, comer of Walnut and Cohn erects, I,lth Worth end sold al the Ittiokainio nt Sivithfield meet, ed drartrom Second. In Allegheny City by 11. P. Schwartaand J. Sargent. Ily .1. Cl. Smith, Dragon, Rirminghang D Negley, Fa. Lil•enT; IL Moorland, Ate Exertion: J. Alexander a son, Monongahela City; N. D. Boorman & Ca., and J. T. Mrgera, John Barkley, Deaver, Pa; John N.:ether. Jr . hJlrabeth. fehllrrtdlT Jadd's klaglioated Ltoitaid Cuticle. rylins u ndoubtedly toe be. pltpll.llloo/1 over dis corded, lot drew., Porno, Scalds. Ca., ChinLW linnoca, or any kind of fresh wound., also for rea.Nipple .1 1 dniedy unequaled This *aisle I. intended for family use, and should be (ovoid in the porrosewa uf every family In the land. Medially., wan gin La C0 , 111.1a danger of injury to doca ferrorm davughacelle and doe Improper or modem hoc of tools, will find 44' article to be lows.. to them, end after a (sir trial will coward It in el ospensalotu It or a:ardent aubototute for ruder.e plaster of ad tu., wod.out any of as inconvenience., ard medocute A• to allay pain Immediately au4 most perfectly. Avery ratio applied nue wino; on the rutface of the allaafiatelY mom. o amt, smooth coatina. rely sem.lar in the nmural coucle or °Mershon; winch may tee freely ,wastorol with - water and soap, without any N. juoy no the wound. 'I be artic'e is freely used sod highly recommended 1,7 tee moat emtnrnt robTeociatis or New England, and other pans of the emontry. For s v islc i frot,A . dy „. " toELLERS, 57 Woot tt e, p!_f2:l ppiled at the tumor. retell ,• Sonora' Versalfog. • ,'EYER, In • sie.gle Lostance, faded to ex .pe Worms. Can/. Congo Hurls, V.., July 22, ISO. Mr. It E Sellers: ton 'nil recollect that Isbell we mere in Pittsburgh, In November fart , you prevailed on to try m7••r Vernoiruce. totem it, 'mass, We - did so andshrocab the .utter we sold what Ise pur chased, which glen a a fair repo con. Id May Imt urchased more, which wao Aapowil of is rely. We then ordered more, which r.ched us on the llh of the present month. and on yesurolsy we *old th• lased two dozen bottles. We filed it so val. stale a med.., thoot every, person of a (amity wish• es to area it In then possassoo. Those who lax. p0rch...41 it would be perfectly wahng to rive cer.ficates of Its excellency. Oat of the quantity we bans vended. it has never, In single inotance. filed to expel worms Your (need, WY. C. NW.. a CO. Prepded rod .14 by IL Y. SELLERS, 07 Weionl at, and .old by Druggists generally tot the two macs . feta: IA QUART roe rna alltlieVar.aan TECKLaIntal Mao oF ata.Deralkll •aiStao coma sal PUS= RATA ee TO) al.ooll 011 noel. OF IMILITMat,Iet. Scroll:On or King's Evil, Rheumatlem, Obstinate Cat_ aeon. Erepttons, Pun*. or Futile. on the Fans, Blotches, Ddes, Chronic Sore Eyes, RV War. —or Tope,, Scald Head, Enlargement. Pain of the (Yves and Joints, Stubborn' Ulcers, S yphlltie Symptoms, Selatiest or Lambege,—and diseases ariong from . . irdadicionv use of !demur,' &M -otes or Monty, lispontre or Intprodellea to I.ifei Also—Chrome Constitutional Disorders, &e. In thin' prep./lan are strongly concentrated •11 the alodteinul propertioa of Sarsaparilla, combined with the most effectual aids, the molt saletaryprodoctions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and it be. been no fully Meted, not only by Patio.. Me. , noires, but abut.hy physicians, that It has recriied their don aided recommendations and Um approba tion of the nubile; tad hog established, on its own moil., a reparation for vows and STFICACT far mine nor to the Tatiana compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla Diseases have balm cured, such as are not furnisbed in the reeenl4 of time post; end what It his' already done tor the thousands win have ci.d it, It ts capable of doing for the millions still %offering and atrangling with disease. It pumice, eleantea, and strengthens the fountain strings of lift' end haus. ew Vlanr Minitel:oat the whole anintgl frame. ANOTIIIII CURE OF SCROFULA. The Ml:roving striking, and—vs [sill be secn—Per marmot cure of an Inveterate rage of Scrofula, mist. mond itself to all similarly alilinted: thowntroar, Conn, Jan. I, litt9. Mcrae" Sandi: Gentlemen, Sympathy for the nffltot ed induces me to inform yen of the remarkable lure effected by your Snranpatilto, In the ease to any wife. Min was Tevrrely afflicted with the lintels on . w er e eat pana of the body; the glands of the nook were grrotly enlarged, 11114 her llmba no swollen. t he sadir.ng ant, a your, and Coding no folio( Rom the remedies tired, the Macey, of one teal ^all I ate the krae reppor•led, Iles phreirtan .ou should he laid oven, which was mum, bat without any permanent benatit In Wm situation wo helot of. and were Indent:a In par, Satolo , Sara. pprilts 'The Co torte n produed a decided and favorable Mb,. n hey , Ins he More , men ally rrriplion •Ite lied co, r token; and Wore col pti tottlee—to totont 'anent and delight sat her foctol.---goe round her Itail.l.l none restored. It is new over a !AV 0.0{) 4. , ;• foaled, and her ronainy,:omo. t0d0•,, , ...a: the titKuse utiss thoroughly ellaal , al , o 10ern o+;h tient (tnr neigh ore all lgootrin• tr on 1 ti.lll/ "" I I, F.. Yours well mined , ' Extinct Inim a Igoe, received Coot Mr 17.11er. !wedeln. well c ore Lonolnots n Yu.: • Getttlentra I hare mired a coert. boy 0: mote mob your Sdrsuptolte,who we. moo:Led at. 1-.1, told, end of t ['MMus fluntly. lyi. W. tl.lf "Verdefickv to, duly I". Snore' SA4'rl:Alilt.l.4.-1, so to; dlodot u,l t roestm ry it dirtmt nue Moot In en on, la ao well know, mid an deservedly popular , to Mi. precrintion, hnryuwnu once ho toods to u, 'the extrrot mil Oarel panlla, ore induct d to try wurthle,ss cumpouctie bet rute the mune, but coot :amm lotto or unite of the virtue Of lit able r en,; 01 ,a we think we cannot corder a-oreley benefit on our reader. than in directing thew even on to the tof the Messrs. Sand', IA ea oolumn. 'The bottle hes recent:, really • cniar ' uo held quart, and Ohs, 'rho 'wish a good wee' Weld And eoncgoluited in'thia all the medicinal value or foot, du clgetionce of ilsorimuithi haa proved. its dillintey In during the various diseases rot which it Is recommended; n o ai the plesmo thlte more 0141 nny pealtepo, is dila Intaialra ii00(01, mino ring 4,0 sralmn Int a Cat anon 91 or. Tour net,Sopt. la d 10. Prdpam and .old, wholesale and retail. by A. D. & D. SANDS, Umtata and Chemist, lOU Fulton street, Milner William, New York. Sold also by Drug gists generally throughout the United States and Can ada. Price SI per bottle; oil bottles for Sd. For sale by I. WILCOX, Jr., U. A. SAIINES.TOCk it o, bi CO, DT. an S. EDWARD ERN DERICII, nittabargh. Al- . 8.111, U 4lTridawater. idel2rvieudivif MILE DIAPERS. R. MURPHY keeps consiandied bend au as I.sOrtraeld of Bleached I;inen Table Diapers , of . nt widthc and qualities. Aloo—Table Cloths andTiapkins, Toweling Ifiaper. and Towels, and s --ones of house forni.hing good.. febll Etl== O. AD,UOTIINCIT AS ;nal ditursad FA"nat,"d:d ie ~, """4"Skr variety of march !ESC h revert fio y In grd?: m sL e ebu to RINTLNs PAPF.R—A fallCsapp y of °ll We dv pof rent sums, on band and made to order. febtU RZYNOLD 3 & \ MISCELLANEOUS . , I:PCOHXI i CO.. (Succenors to M'Cord k Rini() lla•htestable Iliatt•Co. \ Cm= of Ti r mi and Fifth Sivas. 17)ARTICITLAR attention paid to oar Retail Trade. G,,,,uumen can rely upon grating their Hats and Caps from establishment of the 1112M-YlArrill.. and If the LLTIVI,TIII.6,utd at the taws= /I=ld. Country Merchants, eaming by wholesale, an respectfully Inened s to cull and examine our Stock; as we can say with configence that is tr.iganis qualm and rota, it will not Safer in a. comparison with any house in Philadelphia. \ fable TO EIitIIRTERS. JOHN D. MICHEARY, Printing Ink Manafacturer, N0e.331 and 3338tantonstreet,NEW TORK—Dc pot No. 3 Spruce auweu—D7ould call the attention of Printers to his Improved Printing Inks of various kinds and order., at the following prier. Hewn fine Jet Blank, for Card and Wood 3 r 0 per lb. Cu, - • - On an Fine Conk Ink • 0 " 00 Bono rk • - 040 " 0 fdt New. Ink • 0180 20 023 " Fine Red Ink -75 e 100 60 4, 2 Blue, Yellow, Oreez and Whale VIC 1.00 I MI Gold awe at e 1 per lb, and Bronze at :10, 73 et. at SI per oz. • rpeciraen of - News Int can be seen on We paper. For talc by /WINSTON & BTOMITOI I I' rittaburgbiia. 17. Morgan k. Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Moron A Gu.wood. oot3lor.ot NEW OCIACII VAC' liA• A. WHITE tr. CO, would respectfully inform I.lg, Stec that they have E rected stoß on k, be eu Federal ard Sandusky slice. They are now to d are preparedro receive riders for every dereripf of vehicles, Coacher, Chariot's, W. Touches, Doggie., Phwtons, tic, Az., which from their long experience in the manufacture of the above work, and 140 facilities they have,ihey feel ennfoleat they are enabled to do work an we most reasonable terms with these wanting articles In their line. Paying particular attention to the selcetton of mate rials, and having none but competent workmen, they have no hesitation In warranting their work. We therefore LA the attention of the public to this matter. N. 11. Ilepniring done Lathe best manner, and on the most reasonable terms. . Podhtf Tlioanaa Parldsuort VIAZIINIST H AND M d A I IstIIFLCTU:Eft- 1 1. i like d s . , Brass Cars; an c r El ‘ ra n' ss Works gener ' lly! Comer of Ferry and 'lna blf CLIC THE oubseriber, baying parehated Jhe FaelOry 0 Lone; Pattprron, Jr, located at the shove stand fe•Peolialig !ricnO cnd 9 .0 P"tk that be is prepared to Ell any or , ela in Lis hue, an tLe 0304 reasonable term, and with dlrpatell, and will feel grnieful for their pat ronag e THOSIii£4 PAILEINSON. P imbues , 16.50. di b red of my astakilishment M. Thomas Pmkiimost,tilfo tbs liberty to solicit (or him the patronage a my Wends slid the Wile, sonilacm that any favors coaforred will he Maly qmosaiisisia anal promptlyattended to. JAN ES litrrEiß.ZON. It Pithiburghi lan. 1. le:a—Data-43m _. iNilll7o4lPllai ALE INSTITUT/C. !Asian M thin Inatitnlion,;lnderths azwaz I re of ale. and NBA Doonoma, for the academie year, will commence on Ibis day. MondoYl February Inn, in din same budding., No. Al Literty street. Arrangements have beep TAU they .43 be able to funnab young Inflie• faculties egad to n onyt In the West, for obtaining a thorough Engin., Claret cal, and Ornamental cancan., A WI coarse of Ph,. isembical and Chemical I.e.sres will be delivered dawn the winter, illuttrated by apparante. The des postmen. of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern Languages, Drawing and Pawling, will each be under the care ora competent Profeseor. By close anenuon to die moral and intones ix al improvement Mat, pc. hide, We Principals imp.; to merit fteneurmation of lha Itberat patronage they hare hitherto enjoyed Far Omni, fee circular or apply to the Prineipals. teblwdst WTM I E BEANS-YO title White 'kali. in note, and fix u e by S WATERMAN BIiCKF:II4 Ai - ITTUII . 3-1/ 4 a d : . ; 6 ; fah QS ' L S WATEILMAN. daz F:z , ytik des r t :lb 25 S IV ATEFIX b y AB 0-0 brls cad kegs for sale by feat,' JASIVS DALZELL. reeeied ynd .ale by feb2s 'JAMES DALZELL -Illim Day. . . . . . 2 PIECES super alive French Cote; 1a do Blaze do; 3 d, do Panes Cassimerviti a do Forty Slik Vemiods, erdirely rew styles; ell of irbiclii I wilt maio w order In Me lama style. at bra pmts. Wet. DIGBY,IOO Liberty st. 'Die Spline F 114.1.1. 11lot received. re&M ES U BALSAM COPllific—ibrl iriTior sale bu r. , Id S febrii ' , ......-:`s7•Wood st. CIiNAILF-i PLAtiIING.:. - Liidouirbji i ii WAD Rehllirl.L Vl* COAY—tes bares duebionti 3601. lirritltU bi .._. CI OW WALLINGFORD A. OC). SsiEFltril4-4Nrab - ii - Sel l / 1 C ellelllaS 01 best and common finalities, for mile. at manafultirer's prizes. by L fi WATERMAN. feb27 No. 31 Water and Si Framer. ._ ._ _—_ — [)RODCE—IfIieEs Ler; *AI bzs Cite; Bacon. Beeswax sod Tonmby Seed, on conk mien! and for sale by MILLER &RICKETSON, Ober freuld 171 Libeity st 751G1 iiersitiiti f wale i 116 fetal MILLER & RICELFdON S GUA FL & bIOI..A.SS IM— IIIai bb lo Olds N oWpsr — , --- rialattori No !us's: o sale by ldM JAMES A RILITCIIISDN & CO rENISON —ISO prune Cored flumes I.lole. by V kI A J D WILLIA M IVo l in Po r U s r afe K b a rl b lig r itii i lY l ;eqj fern ion Second st LLA RD —0 1.4.15N0 1, for o•lo bT feb.4 BREVFOfII, I . 4 CLARIig OILICIET•3I4 . aoI tierreiTin binre I) 1 / 1 1;1 lIREVFOGI.F. it CLARKE now+ sicoosts—iso a.: fur sble by final UREYFOOLBf CLAIIKE. VIBE BRICC 2 CLAY— eau .appl y allorde We for Fire Brick and Clay, at et amts.! IntF.YFOGI.E tr. MARKT: . .. . . . . . J' Eirirdi.:firoN 3 ASII-40 bdla ai7. 3 rfor iiii bi kbl3 BREYFOULES4SLARKV. MOLASSk:S—afirils Planinuon: , -- 40 ... St James fl It Jan reed and for sale by HILLER & RICKETSON. &MU 174 and 174:Liberty at OTfON YAIW—IOUU lb. ea band and far %ale by fr 423 J&NFLOID w RAremo PAPER-5 7 3 3 " 1:1Yg nn .d and for aale by feb73 J & R FLOYD %TOL AtLIF3—C97 oble new crop Nei 1.11 ter'd per Martha Wastungton, for Ly fa tcil 11 FLOYD C L OTII S—Tho be routroi to dt'et°' to c't tto 3 y le requited a ieCLINVOCK'S, retort US Fourth at NAUFPIELD'S WEL , TPIIAIJA 11A514— , 0 , dimes 1J of toll eelebnatrd brand, jam roc l / 4 1 snit for sale by fetM SELLERS h. NICOLA • . DTIRIED APPLES—huhu In atom and Mt sale by fetal J h R RIED PF.ACHES-4.1 to to mere and for sate by D tabtl I A R FL‘WD QUAD HERRINGS—For vale by fatal H DALLELL & Liberty at yRGE 1:111E1ISE—ZI big vaperiar, ba hand and for ssla by - R D 411.2 1 ,1.1. tc CO; fat! Utterly %trust DRIED YEAUUDI—Id hbls .dare and for sa!a by febU lIEEYFOGLE CLAD • GbNNV ilAliti-50 in worn and for sale by retinaIIIICYFOOLE A', CLARKS rBACCO-40 bbd .Ay. Lear ino rniVA. in , oilo EY A CULBERTSON, fele! _ l4slAbeny moo REAlV—Auini - ic au Doe Nonni* and Ainain, al n'nyii on Lund mil for sale by fib:: /AS A lOJTCHISON A CO L I &NCI' CAL.SI eared dear t Brown and Green faired, and other rearterica. lan reed by felal 81 I ACE ugi.r & WHIrY, ot. Wood at • SLATE I.IANS-14am 44 emlored jua rce'd by 311/aCKLETT h. WJIITE, 1421_ Woad on SUUnE-32 Ws New (Means; 30 bbls Noe 4 and 7 Loaf; 40 - Lovering" embed; 11 " do ICI Pulverized; In wore and for sale by MILLER .4. RICKETSON I — /.4 4 1 , 1511..-0 Gbh, Ng Is inn 't a_IAINIAE7-?I just reed uW lor febll .1.1.51 K S Def.:ZELL (5 Co 1; IL-14 btl• received per mauler loouts ht . Latte r and for 1.1.1 e by feb".s ' JANIKS , Is4I.7ELL. TriBEKD Ant retAl was for ea. uy llt 0 lIISON, 1./ rr LE & CU, rebel ISM Liberty or babes - Idsi teed r d for sole by A CI:LBEHT , ON. G2l Ito Liberty a I Nfel):1 SENNA—) bat, mt. sat i c o o7 N MORGAN '"'"'d ' i"" lVA LINICIRGAZy SPGNGC~Y~uIe. bra JOIIN D•h111111•AN feb2l • - /OURS/M0 Al,l'hettan—lntinuallou rien.oen Mv , vrea., for Mourning, to Ise Wend ot the Dry oods Dann a wanß hi RFI [WI earner Fount, Untie, pt. - LiriBEED idea WHIT, MATTHEWS & CO SOUL' -dull bt. No l c"i TO - 'ari fat enle by ' PTITR n it d p n g l p Olt pp 'h r, ,forM7ife - Fr fah It HEY7MAITME . W /4 &CO I to re , for sale by Iffa . :l7 ---Towl- c"' e n d bil ' kciFini .CO L - A r yo gi -4... , Idda .410 kegs7lxt 'tore irMfo r iQe by 1 S DILWORTH & CO UT reit--ziniii - idtor safe - Si :- )1041 .1 3 DILWORTH &CO t rNIPER - 1N - - Thola tor lode by • , GUI JOHN D MORGAN 'D ROOMS-20 dos Corn, la Mote and for gala by D. tobsd ARMSTRONG & CROZF.R . EVI RY NUr6-4, IMTRIVOT I CrOVR " Q *wen CURED LUGG , EMIUNDa-rHOI pFA, pt.{ 0 from mato. Wight Ma =rn s ig i ti ous. . fablS INSEED 011,-7 btlaledu on hand tad for sala feb23 J COD d C(l, a 4a Weed st. riYEVOCIIFI=Tid [WS in mord, an 'far oak by 1.1 fat. IS • J KIDD a CO. TARTAR ANTII4ONII% , -23 for . tlab7 ,ll;,a Inat raerlvetand TiOWDES:/.1141/011 by tobli • • 411)P QO. MISCE ANEOUS . Ex.TRAcT loowooa-41.nse. for labs by feb23 3 1s11)2RDI, ..13ACON-30 Calks plain-bacon nhouidetsl tee Ted on component, And for Lll4 ts; ATEQA N. feb 23 . 31 Waters, and Cl . r5nt .. 5 . 1 ... , SUGAR and MOLAISSER-48 bbiliWOßT.Cill 217 tonsrels ATo se.. for We by feb2S . ... WM BAGALE k CO. - CLOVER SEED brbrOldo r oloies , Rs , " (WAS . WM BAGALE &CO. UTTER-10AATreli 101 l Otani foil.). Vi ----- B ftb23 111% 11/MALEY & CO. _— L INSEED 011,4 tobtaatraaL4 bjp, C*BBlrrbi''''-T'TP4CIPTIkrAC 17fi/LFS., 'VELVET ityles and V =ldes, jag Teed b 7 ( R azia.wri; Has New Style Oart.ete. JUST received, Some handsome new style Velvet Pile and Tapestry Carpets, direct from England, andwilt be mid as low ea the were quality eon be parchased In the Atlmtie CitacX. • W MCOLINtOCIL MZMIt= WLDDINts—la bales glazed, superior; i i 1 do commot; ll do white.. The undeniened having been-appointed 1g.., by the manofseturen, inteo keapinxa larqupply of their Wadding censtantly ea hands, cod Ibe pre pared to fill orden: to any extent. Deale are pa, tiettlarly Waited to examine the qualities' and pnees of the altove,soptily, 'which. art'dank aria compare favorably aritll those of any other market. • W ICK kIhic.CANDLEFF. fent!. Comer of %Vood and Waterintros. SLlNtillaid—t each Pin; 00 doiToal , Faro; $0 doe Woolen Socks; ! 30 cats do Yarn:, I I piece White Flannel; 4 20 dog legs; 10 " Zinc Washboards; eel" by telal 7 D W 1 I.lltallt OTASEI-1.5 casks. hi safe". side 1 feb2l .J t ArLoYD SALERATu —%ci4 Adami, foi +ale tab=_ a. 11 UTTER-10 his FL:mei Fatally, for sale f f Oen - J& R R SEED--0o LLIr i R 637 - Jriggitasr Ly CO MACKEREL.--I:y,s Large ta. jL'pda OD{ febM J A 111ACHIeliN k co B ACON— : e r p i l i llst ., , , i 1 • 1 do Phos.Wersos very superior nnjels, to We by fell:s WALLINiIFORD & CO. _ LA61)—..1.5 kegs No.l, pr , slerk ----1 4141. 110 14 rel2s . ARMSTRONG in 4'1107.E11 1-6viarma -- 51,77iiiai - .a_ji .n - iWbT . J feta:, ABIISTRONG;&. WU / 1 2 ,E1_ BuAru" — ""'"WAVI.:Z/11r01.1 11.1.4 for sale S N l,: "}i f; 4 l,4 !'" 1. TA T ;EAU.). A CO _ ••wrp..T.,ivf.Tn ...and for ...Igbi—: febl , t ARMSTRONG dc ROZI.R . Nil t r g " '''' ''''' "i' JUAN 'ii ith - nG for rcE TeirrAt —a bbl. tas4o4 tr.ig , IcI6GAN B ROOMS -2A dos Cam, rin s , tsTog s a l ts le 1. bes Cseeta: • • 3 English Dairy; for salebi fete's'l D WILLIAMS, 110Fonel at Blasprattilits us ., Pal.szabm tk. ' tiljel 328 C m t n 951 , 7:1 , 1 e 1 ... tliv v r i lly erslye, dire4i,ftens the fals, Belelicla, Jessica, siel ll Ly 'r er?el '' Xilr e s ' Y - itn: sot!, on mutiny!, es the lowest market prier{{ by & N AIIiCkIKLTREP, 11:143 IGO_Lierly vi ErThey will 'alio tereive large supplied awing Ito gams via Pialhila'phis avd lialtaare. , Property ta .11•10apay cit y 7 ? els: TUE .decttbr;ik eitat tot We a nundi o . chose• I. Lou, titanic *the Second Ward, tro uo , on tio Common ground, on easy terms. Inquire at : lit." 0111. ROBINSON, Att7 at Loa, it f , alt io or of /ASItOIIINEION.on theormet. . nfft BPLYINDIU HNOHAYING.of the t m lied Scene of HUY JOHN WESLEV,•pdbilshed by eutuatiptioe, engraved by Wm. tlyOuvii (Seller, of London, from the eriyinal pudding by 31.14.haU Cher too, has just been received, oldie entrint kale by , • ' HOPLINS, feb2l • • AteelloßaUdiees. oorih • 1 aLEID—S4 bblv, tea, llamas rto I, amvc on La steamer Eaphraway far " 14 nut Er to st,t VA Olt • vita gorilla IS not seve than et bid, pntrid breath,. or Oat; yellow doom ed teeth. Upersond hive these it is their Own bolt-- they eon, for two shillitigs, buy an mat% that soil! mete thew breath pato and sweet is Ms Dries 44 • • It nays di temes of unguide d,, spongy . or, eleermod, and Rio the Teeth It le remov ing the Mow. fastening the teeth In the; guess, and clews them as white as the new si As/mess girth Such, reader are the properties ionm's Aztec Tooth Piste, and, without pausing .tt ourselves, her r;" what one ofmost respectable nail aelentine Dm s , dots, hit E. Fi eld, of New . Korb, mg. t "I have both used and.. *"." -el this beintlfol and lo Palpable - ankle, Bone.` Amber Too th Pgme,) d eay recommend it as possessing alltba oneditieasini • - idiot it." Reader, are can say no more 14 carmine!, * liiii dal u i t r a T inle thn antiftrAtilwh 's W ' i"b 7 k . et: or; emus 9 Sold P by the Ascot, JACKSOI 89 ado• r ' s ty itreet:Tittsborsh. • ; • an &&.A. gpr Am, goat. erne= ans. honorarily nu t el the°or g l follawme Rat salad qualities Mai. ouhbottle et Jouras a m ßaiz Restorauve. If the dt gat word, they Fenner these highly ITSpeeli cite. who in/Mennen re— .• • / Mr. Oar ket,ll Eh= at, New York. 1 Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle av, klsoeklyn. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, 92 LA' gs. Mr. The , Isehau.n, Mantaars Island, Pit:ahoy gb 11. Ceiten, Ism barker straihost aim And more than kandred others este, thoogli t his nano sa2ee, that it will force tleltair to gnaws en dm . seed er fare, stop It falling M. : strengthen thn re as, removing scarf and dandruff from the rotas, nal ing light, red, or gray hair usrmue • fine dark look, and t roll ng dry, harsh or wiry hair waist, lilt deal and biful. • very, very long thine. . lull by the Agent, W.M. JACIX3ON., MO. Libetty ritishursh• Prate , V I,sba!r , and one 4,0 U kaanums •In St= Din••I3.—LANES' I.a in eientleal Soap cause. a tree perspiration, snd • .he same moo mohdes, .soltens and whitens the skit giving it th e texture and beaatint of itltpt4. Scoter, SALT Elliott MID Soap, are scion no' only, heated, but cured by its use, as at least seven I hysi. chum in New York know, 'who use it in such eases, arid find It unfalling--as also in • PLurtsa, lisorcom, Faacuas, or .7 , other sh. n dis. ease. The reader is tasted that this b co •clesa palled nostrant, as one Slut will prove. d could eta. curate nicest fat persona cured of ; Son Hash, Sou LauAND Sell art lt, and on it, and the reader is swain assured I ,avid not cruelly sell it foe the above unless (knew I; Co be all I mate. Those who are 'tablet" :• Cwo, CILMIZO., 01 Cheat Elsa, will End this Auy one afeletederith any of the above, se aim- • liar diseases, will Eau/ this all and even mere (a It. in Its proportea)than I state. Bat, reader, the stores ere' boosted with Ludt snow,' and be sans yens auk for JONM3 Italie/n.O naiad_ Soap. Sold by W ILL JACKSON,. a/ Ltherty street, Pittabanrk a NM. •rT t If JR - W. /1 a 13. DINAta in - 5 .1. 11. sa ' SIGN .OF THE PLANE ANY' 5 W. 110. S 5 Weed attests Pit t milli. DrUSER AND L.AUFhLAN; Intper.c • and &talon UR, in Foreign and Ilomcane MAR U ARIA, in all us varieties, aro now prepared mall low ant on as remonable terms mean be purchr.sAtelsewnwa We solicit oar friends, and thn nAlie tfasrAllYslO call and cassaba oar stock , whic hcow s in Dart of KNIVES and FORI CI , POCKET and Pg . . ICNr.r.t. SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, llama 'lslumunsa, sorb as Locks, Latches; Iliagerand &team. toned= with escry srucle usually kept in Rardinvo Stoma We invite Um attention of emanate,' and It: nannies generally to oar assortment of Tools, ortupt c . .re aeon selected with - treat care, and which we ars nAcrinitt cdto sell an mt to Etre satisfaction. Janina% aFT IX LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST U. SING COMMON PREPARED CIIALIL ley are not aware how frightfully bildtioss II le to the shut howcoarse, how rough, bow eal. low, yellow, and unhealthy theallM ap pears anerusing prepared chalk! , De sides it ()Mallen., containing • • . large enmity/ a Lead! We have prepared a beautiful vegeMnle arucl duel we call JONhV SPANISH LILYIWRITP. It is perfectly itmocent, being purified a all Wert.. •as qualities; and it Unpins to the .1m a mural, Lesk by, alabaster, clear, living whim; ate stoic tons nag as a cosmetic Online it sati und .site. Sold by the Menu WhL JACk N, 69 Lb my et, Pittsburgh. Pray 11.5 team. -, x7nIL JSKttICAL AND sunazora.orricic, • NO. es, DIAMOND ALLEY, • mra few dews below Witcd street, se• wools market. ~ • DR. NltOWA,4 , ..ring neem — 1- rears . rlyedecated Willie medical • me mien, and been f snore time 4 . In general practice, .A.Or tongues his attention to the sreatment or thane private . motdelicate plume for which his opportunities • and experience peculiarly quality 14 3 ears oreideensly denoted to atmay L treatment-Si those complaints,Siunng v. hien time he has had More practice and has eared more pa tents than ainlialtar fall to this lot of any private. peso. Witmer) amply qualifies him to oder, mornieces at epeedy,pennanent, and satisfactory cure to mil ul'tetad with denetta disuses, and all dismtsss arising then teem. • • '• Mr. Drown would inform those antlered , pnviie illapases which have become chronic bil ttme.or cep. limo theby the as of any of the commeh =optima of the day, that their maropbunts esn'beradi dilly:and Mar. onghly cured; he having given his careful 'aucntlos to the treatment of such eases, andsuoceedLe of lostimees In curing parsons of iallaw.iiimioo of the neck of the bladder, and kindred discasea which often result from thoseetista where others have consigned them to hoptlees despair. lie particularly invites inch as have been long and urunicemisluily treated by others to consult him, when everfirdisfactlea,Sellirbe Mires • Wein, and their ne e , Ma careful :t.rougli and inteiligeet Roomers Pointed out by a long experience, emdy,and investigation,whichit is Impostible for them engaged in general practlea of modicum to glee to one close of disease, , ' - •1 • • lienila or Ruptitts.,-Dr. Drown Mee limns a pan alas elnicled With iksnia to call, as he his paid mune. ear cocoon the disease. . • CANCERS also eared._ I Skin diecaecru elm . II a, Mired Merges very - • • " ' N. - 8.--Patlenta of either Da gins 1.4 distance, by Staling their disease to artitlngooviogiall the TAP' teas, teas, ems obtain medicines with dirceti • for nee, by tddresaing T. DROWN, 51.. D., post pe, al., and endmi• {tag a fete It Diamond alley, oppo du; the Martel Rltgoritnoc—Dr.llrovrres newly diAirrend reme dy fox Itheumuism la a zpeedy and certain remedy tor DuMPainfal trouble. It never fax. ONce and Rivera Coneulting Rootite, - Nu ea DL mend alley, PlUaburgh, Pa. Tee Demons ahegys at home. irrno aura go tat, O •IL fate. _ . ozo.ur. Lu /TL & CO. • • MORN o.elz friuds Ignd tUuttilla tb. eke, tae. no Longer any conneci , c nub. wit cuahlis! useAlln Pun utut,kno.. u► r alsbtirs• runuoti &sir ulir• butuu . the POINT VAIMUY% fir am; moms n TRANSPORTATION - 11.1rISABOW. WYE DAY LINE, lall TIM CalrintraNcr PACl•atal • atm wrstwarn cskratoThutnifizn • PHILADELPHIA AND , PITISBUIMIL CIOODS forwarded by this Lbw are envied In the wtall vain to Citamberstottgaond are isamedeue. 14 loaded . in Wagons going night and day through to = b raes are rationed every 15 wiles, winch insures the prompt delivery Of goods within du tltne promi.d. • . • • • The Viragons will leave oorWarchinve (Etna. days excepted.) at o'clock. P. M. • Skipper. are assured that no more good.len he taken each day than can he ipunehaally. carried diP.Sh• - • • • JAMES hi DAVIS &A ... • PV d . t i a oc.o r ti ket N.l re itui.f. lad rittbco,ust, JOHN IdePADEV t CO., Runacm & Chuxi.• eats bfracueres, Canal Ceiba Penh etreet,Pillebliqh• 41.11/S4 M. DAVIS h. CO, nova &CV:MIA.= Corr =won aliceausee, 22t Ma rket. end Philadelphia. _ D'advaaeles made by either of tbe 'berm= now, Wool, and other merchandise, consigned. to diem far talc . leiot WINTER ARRANGEMENT:, . _ 1850. -• • T k lEsalocribers,m 2 w having la aseeemhil ppm- IJOR an Entrees aeon Lino between rimbar and Phllade , phla are prepared In receipt for I • freight daily. Each nay deliverable &tough In slx da}n, Sunday. excepted. lIENTLY'ORKPP CO, eanal.Bruan.Plrtabargh. DUTILLE HUMPHREYS & CO., Janatd.to 10711.arket tt. Plura. EIONONGA.EILETAL 11.011T.W. only 13 Elllil - atialem(. Via norms. , and Cumberland to Italtimom and ' Philadelphia. THE morning beat leans tho wharf, above tha Midge, daily, at 8 o'clock yreciaely,_ Time to Baltimore,3Bhonrs; time to rbiladerOlda. 1.1.• Tha evening boat loaves daily, (eater Ounday eat arum.) atlWelook. Plumply, by eaulas 0 the evenlng boat, will arose the Inortalaa la stages neat BoC mire sour tlakau of t. 17: Cidlee, Monona.' House, or St. Chula Hotel. • •' • . 1. Blg9rlllßN. Ural WINTZU AnalL atoKAMM . _ 10mri MUIR EXPR_U.9 'WAGON ...0E TitILOUGH IN • FIVE DAYS! •, • tME anbsctlbers, having impended thou canal op orations until the opening of the Bonn( Macias con, have wlablishea m Express Una bj Railroad and Wagon btoween Plawleinhia aad klltabanch, which they ara prepore4 to forward . GCoo . poo i r.da :; l b re c I 1 ea ' v r e " to *e ac a L i r ffir o lirc e oda "' an e d ' t ' t% d p o ilt tic Wm the r . cannot rates, regularity and despatch, cannot hut wawa wciafactlon w all who Cir.? , Wow witik their eaconanda.::l7. , ./ • . • • T n A d A WFFayne PP O P N i N h O a R, corner PahaaTHOMAS DER3I3Oc u h do? [ll7Oldastat draw, Ploladalpkia. GEL WO! GEE. WO , WINTICIL AILELAMOYSZLNIIIT. M/431a 1850. . £01413 comarroon. B INGH A M'S EXPRESS WAGQN LINE Pittsburgh and Philadelphia- AS th e hum.. on tho canal la abort beingS closest far the sees., we would inform Mt:ll6lin that to ire; we haat evil broaeht th e Conestoga We ons into g and will be prepared to forward, CO pumas (commencing on Monday, 0:e :'9th inst.) A leaving Philadelphia tinily. by the mail train for Chi: homburg, and the Wagons traveling day and nigh. easel. the delivery or Goods in Soo 'days. ' Apply to 'WE. BlNGllAM,Putsburgti, BLNGIiAhI a BOCK No. I.374arket street, norm Philadelphia. w 1 r /11111ANOZMENT Mafia,llBs6. : EXPRESS ifrAdolV LINE, vo•axt rasa PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPTA. Ttstc FITC ]:143 (tll . l . ls4t:CFpied,y ra.lllling Day 'THE 'ohne le respeofelly Irdorsoodlitat - this Lae, which has been an saceessful operation the two previaus winters, will agsdn commence running on fdendayNte allth of November.' A C-ar will leave Philadelphia and Chaeabereburgh daily cab we with the Mail . Thith and' from Chem be rsLorgh with relays of horses roman day andel/ILL We we prepared to forward nice Ito irelaht daily by the abort Line. Apply to - , ..A LEECH it. I.lo,Pittsbargb, 00 to—HARRIS ALk7...C11, No 13 South Third aloe; Mimi/Al/hi. neellOeftf, . Brea Odd Fellow timid Enburibe. Yob:masa XU.—xuz.,lllso. GAZETTE OF THE UNION AND GOLDEN RULE The Garotte and Role has now the; ',ippon of the Order to an extent that making us &tangoed not only to deserve this approbation, but to mid largely lo oar list of leaden, and the W refore ens meow the following NN 3o which are more - liberal than have au, been armed by my newspaper or mum= in the United Stows We ere .tri the Gazette and Role,- ovary_ yell ! EIGHT HUNDRED PAGES OP CHOICE laws ING, inn style that can be bound, thee formats_ a • book which each year makes more voluble. cbaouoter of the Garotte and Rao is no well known to need explanation here, and it icesugh to remark that It contalea, from time to time, the proceedLngs of the Grand Lodges of the New York, and alas of odor Rates; accounts of Celebrauons, lestlmthins of New Lodges, sod oecasionally, a Complete Directory of all. the Lodges in the Union Its Literary Depalegileete. is filled with Original Tales of the highest excellence, by the most =nent writtre In our county; Popular Tales; Choice Miscellany; the must Gems of Poetry from the English Poets; 'Sketches of Travel; Anew-. dote he., &es.; and °aerial:ally lllastrated with Desmiltul Wood • Magravlngs. Rang cqualin Its Literary character to any Weekly in the country, axed heng Mu porker in its Odd-Fel,. lowship depaunee; it ts wotthy of a place' on Uri table of enrery brother of the Omer, and Indeed is in. dispensible to all who wash to keep hilly lammed of the work of oar now glo.ions Order: SO Two copies, one year,— —• 3 Seven eoper, one year, each---,—• • • 1a TwentY RI OD Thu reducing it so that every lodge eon get a first class paper cheaper then the cheapest loceat-paper• Read lb. Pollowhig: The partleoluand especial anution of the blether hood is desired to the following arrant' tram a letter from that distinguished brother, James L. Ridgrely, Esq., Greed On. and Roe. Secretary of the IL W. Orond Lodge of the .United Stateul. 0.0. F. "The GOLDEN RULE Is to ma a moot welcome and valued visiten and slue it has fallen into you hands, I have witneued its {Waal and andy on , prevenient with great pleasure. It Is now become, in my lodgment, lf Col tun soar 1131a1=41. m la. emu; and I do mu, that a dimming and intelh. gout Brotherhood will, by a liberal:7 worthy of your gat exertions, enable yea snit nom so augment Ito sefalneso to the Order at large. With great respect your friend ad brother, JAS. L. RLDGELY." Oplnloss of .1111.3abses of G. L. of U. Oulu. Believing that the Interests of the L 0. of O. F. as well at of society at lame, will to most effectually promoted by the publication of a raper devoted to the promulgation of its principles, we would umestly recommend no our brethren the Gomorra arum Untita am Gomm Rom, in now conducted by Crampon & Clarke, as a valuable:medium for the exposition of the designs ef Odd•Fellowthip, and as worthy the cordial roman of the Order. . ‘... Thames Wildey, P.O. Bin.. John A. Kennedy, - P. 0.131 M. P G M James L Ridgely of Md., R W GS. P ht Rer,E hl P Welts, of Mass, RW G PG John It Jolunon,ef Ga-, LW G. Mar. PG Peter FeiIou,,POMJW Make., PG WM AL Its PG Win A Wells,Grand Repreomatadves of Pt Was Cunha 0 See et G L oflceon. Smith Shinto+, P 0 Mar Lof U S.' P 0 Id Jahn Anderson, PU Solomon Dawn, Grand Itepreeentatives of Gums.' P sure, / L Webster, Urend Rep of RI. PO FP Theabald, PG Id W IC South a Grand Rep. of Maine: . P J EOnset., C &Alison, P 0 Rena( Virginia P r. Omni &ponder. Geo D Dickson, G P M John Paden Smith, Grand Represents/Wee or Delaware. P G M Punnet Read, FIG Wood, Grand resentatives ofNew Jersey • 'PG Want P G/MJelitilltnenal,Gro.d Ropniteraer,esof,f Cenollem. JotorPilsby, PG% RO Shaw, Grerol — RePrr . rentals. orAlebeme. POMW W Moore, P G ALJohnT Timms, Grand RqrasentaUves of Distrietoreohlabia. G P Stephen Drown, Greed Rep orli P.G II Ronan Andrews, PG James Sue ahAdg e Gmod Ihnoresetnatirm of Louisiana. PG DN Barrows, Rep GI. of Alisaioipoi.: • P G Isaiah Robes, P G Win A Aforetr, Grand Rep• resentatives or lesaouri. PU M Geo W Woson, P G DUsk Mohoo, PG J Pennock, Reps G Leda. of Tennewas. yY G Fred Ft Vargo. Grand Pep of Ark. G John W Boni, P G . 13 P Zimmerman, Grand 14 t rilies sirMland. moo S Post, Grand Master N ess Deride, D G Master of N Y. .I.4tiontin J Prato G Seermargof N Y. John J Dam, P G Sumes Ude Ditiblee, Grand Reptanintatires of W N Y., p W Geo 11 Andrews, P G Master of N Y. wutterized to remit money tor.' ushers, end all=ay ensiled in mama of the • master, and del, forwarded by kun, is moor Ask. to ease] where postage on subscription is not peLL, It will he deducted from the mount credited to those who send It. Addten • ctudarroN wataincg, febt-dSkartAplST) Na 44 Ana se, New yeah. • ASLLING OPP AT azDcrosp Pl3lOllllll ALEXANDER & DAY, ocimir of the Diamond s:4 Market street, are sow eelllng btr, redgeee prtees their stook of Winter (loads; eieuvistin Skims Arid ladive , Dee. Goads, tovent vAidertP - 7 Alon,,lllonteis And Elanoila,Ckitld,Cassittico,thdinv ens, and A fall evsolusent a haul ~Coum Confider% that tweet bergauu imam be 44 whemwei invite Ow attention eAl,,:Xt:lnE,A)iegi • 7511Isatog snot. Cfultirnm anon woe li/14.450Y Waiiik.Nok,rir U ink in CrumismaU. Laalnille nil St. Loan, m ewed osOke mu ra7stcable urrea. , ias• rialowiecr son%
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers